APRIL 1969 Aaorts lopmeat end Technology Prepared by i Division of Resctor Deva P sl by the i FREFACK The widespread and mccntrat“’ efforts being devoted on a national and international basis to do%dop a breedsr reactor clearly evidences man's intense desire to free himself from limited and costly energy sources. The introduction of the dreeder resctor into the utility market will provide virtually unlimited energy which can bde used to elevate the standard of livin:? and, with proper attention, improve man's enviromment, The basic importance of major sustained commitments of managerial and financial resources by covornp;ont_. private irdustry and the utilities to the overall success o!’th.;brtodor program cannot be over-emphasized. Experience in the devclopuontémd application of civilian nuclear power reactors has estadblished that such commitments are essential to bring into being the technologies, t%'uunch and development facilities, trained personnel, components, systems, and production facilittes necessary to assure the ouccoéntul introduction of the bdreeder into the commercial market. In vlfi of the sudstantial invastment of the nation's resources that the é#volopntnt of the Dreeder entails, it seems highly appropriste that in uhiu the decision to proceed with this program, estimated costs b. unaaured asgainst the denefits expected to derive from the investment., In recognition of the desirability of detter dafining the commitments and benefits implicit {n the bdreeder development program, the 1. S. nt and Technology Atomlc Enargy Coemisation, Dlviaion of Reactor Developme ftt undertook the task o_t conducting the otudy described in this “Cost- Benefit Analysis o! th'u. 8. liutht ludtor Progran.” The optinmi- zation of the U. s. Qlectuc oum Qcm over a 30-year period sexves as abuu tormmsdy A Mmrptogr-in:sodol of the United States olcctrtcal cmm ecomuy developed by Pacific Morth- west lLadorvatory, ad principal menders of other sectors of the nuclesr community was used in the a;my-u. 1t 18 important to note that the model utilized in this iqainin is in an early stage of development and {s deing continually tnrmd to better simulate the c!nuctoflotiu of the nation's power oconoieny. | The benefits considered in ftho calculations are those that are clearly quantifiadle and take the %om of low-cost electrical energy, reductions in uranium ore roqultmnu: and in uparnt.tn work demand, {ncrease in plutonium production, and ufn of uranium tailings. Also, the report makes veference to other benefits of msjor importance which are not quantifiadle, at least not at the present time. Such benefits include those associated with rodm;um of air pollution and with new uses for | low cost electricity and M}t such as large scale desalting of sea water. Weighed against the quantifiadle denefits are the costas expected to de incurred by the Covermment in the d.viloput of the dreeder. This spproach appears uumhlo_ in view of the fact that the coatinuing progran of systems mlyal;. vhich provides input for studies of this nature, has as {ts major objecttn the deternination of the GCovernmeat's future role in advanced ru:ctor development. 1 tw The funds and other resources which the Govermment, the large industrisl couplex, and the utilities fino alndy.‘mtttd to the breeder pm and to companion nm-brudor progrens coupled to the urenium-plutonium cycle, have mt_;__.,"*“ Wdimuy, nor have future expenditures by the utilities ul mnfumficubm!umd fato the study. Use charges for plutonium used in the MAD program amounting to sbout $A0 million discounted to 1970 were not;ineluded. These represent sbout 1% of the R&D discounted mndltuno"ud would not effect numerical vesults to - any noticeable degres. mihmn. 0o weight has deen given to the quite evident priority and si3adle commitnents which have also been made to breeder programs by the other countries with strong progreme for the exploitation of miur pover, Cost-benefit analysis ohoulil be considered as only one of the many elements of input pertinent to dcéutcn-unu. Exsmination of results of cost-denefits analyses conducted {n the past, when compared to actusl program progress and unuoi, lndont‘utu well those limitations inhereat in any such analyses and the continuiag need to insure compatidility of assumptions {n the mlyou%vttb tfio assumptions {n the program plan. The degree of .ophutuauofi of the wodel devel oped, the validity of the assumptions wade, the quality of the anslysis involved, and the | sature of the analysis tmim. and the nature of the sudject studied all will affect the use of such an anslysis in decision making. Particular care must be taken to avoid the tendency to regard cost-benefit analysis as an end unto itself; it will de a useful tool only {f it {s properly applied vith full realfization of the {nherent limitations of such studies. assuzptions m: h"'dmlopd u m fmto o! mnsblo faformation and indicated -tvends in the mlur mm program. As & logical cousequence, therefore, the actual _mltg - tn the future will de predicated on which values of the paremeters bom valid. Ve believe that the acticas to de taken over the mext fev years will significently affect the outcome. | Such sctions include the dogm of KD support givea to the dreeder pro- gram by doth the Govermment tnd hdultty. a9 it will affect the date of introduction of the dreeder} pm;u promulgated in fossil fuel costs; and changes affecting capital cu;n snd fuel cjch costs, including uranium c«ti. A parsmeter Over vhich there s little control at the present, electrical energy demand, vilil also have an oftut on the future outcoms. 0f particular importance s tho degree to vhich sssociated programs are given high priority md are fimlM vith the resources previously identi- fied as essential to thetr success. 1n this vegard, the recently pudlish- ed detailed LMFAR progran pla:n provided a losléal base for projecting costs and schedules for the LMFBR portion of the anslysis. 1t should be recognized that the rapidly expanding electric power industry may encounter problems, awllicablc to nuclear and/or fossil-fired power Plant, the resolutica of which could concetvably affect the valtdity of large mtm ot rmu-nm pover mm 1® is mmrun i&at cm npott plao pfluty q&uu on mluvlt: of benefits to changes ta nrmton. and {t 1s this sensitivity vhich should be of primery Qntctglt;to the resder. Of particulsr sote s the significant reduction {n denefits that will develop £f (1) the nuclear industry is not capable of n;ctiu present and projected nuclear power commitments, (2) the mmuu date for the dreeder veactor is delayed significantly due to tum_:mh a8 8 veduction in research and development support or failure of the research and development program to meet program- matic goals, (3) discount rates higher than 8 to 92 are applied, aad_lor such larger than “t(utoé Mtitlu of low cost uranium decome availadle. 1t {s of paramount l-sorunezo that timely results be achieved with respect to etrengthening the execution of the civilian nuclear power prograzs {n this country, including those capadilities sssocisted with the breeder developaent. The results of this study assume success in these necessary strengthening actions; delays will jeopardize the success of these programs and could seriously affect their cost sad sudstantiaslly affect bdenefits. Accordingly, it is necessary that we proceed with the strongest possidle engineering and quality assurence programs. % Aw. kare - Milton Shaw, Director - Division of Reactor Development = ‘and Technology : viit i 2ABLE oF covrwTs S - - oooud-otojoo@q.oootoooouodo 11 Pmm ' 2.0 smmnoroosr-nmm'rmmszs....................... 9 3.0 nxscmsxal OPCNT-BWI‘!' MSI&uu..uuuuu.u 14 4.0 OTHER mmmnws................................... 33 3.0 mmmmsmmmm BENEFIT msmoooooc_ooo?oiq’;t_jooocoooooooooo-ooocoooooouuo 83 APPENDICES “A" - SELECTED STATEMENTS AND REVIEWS IN SUPPORT oF THR an mooooooooooooocoooooo--.oo 76 "B" - STATEMENTS RECARDING CORPORATE COMMITMENTS OF MAJOR REACTOR MANUFACTURERS TO LMFBR «ccceoee 86 "C" - UTILITY INVOLVEMENT IN THE LMFBR PROGRAM (NOVMER ‘968)20000'00oooooooooooooooo.oooo.os..o- 90 “D* - INTERNATIONAL PAST BREEDER PROGRAMS AMD mmnms.guu....uuu........u.......... 93. ix —— ez, TABLE 1 - COST-BENEFIT Amxm GROUPS OF CASES CONSIDERED...ceseces 13 ZTABLE 2 - COST-BENEFIT AMALYSIS = SMUARY OF ESTIMATED AEC RESEARCH " AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS = CUMULATIVE-FISCAL YEAR (FY) 1970- zmo ’ Bmlmu...u....u..uu.uu...........e....... 18 TABLE 3 m-nwn' Aumsu cosrs. BENEFITS, AND BENEFIT/COST IMIO roR an PROGRAM (DISCOUNTED T0 1970 @ 7R)ccccccces 20 TABLE & - mnmn AWSIS . SMMARY OF RESULTS (1970-2020)c 0. 21 TABLE 3 - cos'r BENEFIT AMALYSIS - COSTS, BENEFITS, AND BENEFIT/COST RATIO FOR BREEDER mocun (mmm 'm 1970 @ 5R)eeccecsss A2 TABLE § - COST-BENEFIT wasxs COSTS, BENEFITS, AND BENEFIT/COST RATIO FOR BREEDER PROGRAM (DISCOUNTED TO 1970 @ 7X)ecceccces 43 TABLR 7 - COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - COSTS, BENEFITS, AND BENEF1Y/COST RATIO FOR BREEDER PROGRAM (DISCOUNTED TO 1970 @ 10%).ceec..c. A4 TABLE 8 - COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - COSTS, BENEFITS, AND BENEFIT/COST RATIO FOR BREEDER PROGRAM (DISCOUNTED T0 1970 @ 12.5%).ccc.. 43 TABLR 9 « COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - GENERATING CAPACITY JUILT (NUMBER 0' 1000 m m) - CASES 1.1 m 1.3 00008 00SOSGERTIRESS 49 TABLE 10- COST-BENEYIT ANALYSIS - GENERATING CAPACITY BUILT (MURMBER or 1000 m ’m) - CAS! 1.“ COQCGEINBBRGNNGEGINSNTCRBEDGIOERTS 69 TABLE 11. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - TYPICAL REACTOR CHARACTERISTICS ”sm In msx_s................................!.l.‘l..l 67 TABLE 12. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - REPRESENTATIVE FULL FABRICATION m mmmm m'......................0.......Ql.l.l. 68 TABLE 13- COST-BENEZIT ANALYSIS - U303 RESOURCE VS. AVERAGE . 03 mmmuAmmw mmlm.............‘. 70 TABLE 14~ COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - U.S. AEC URANI(R RESCURCES Mls m mu 13)...........................IC..I........ 71 TABLE 15- COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - ESTIMATES OF ELECTRICAL ENERGCY Dm............'.............O................II......... 72 mu D"‘l - nR mm - m.....-...u...................... 97 TABLE D-2 - COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - LIQUID METAL coown FAST RMCTOR mmm.........-....... ooooooooooo ses s s sensn 98 ncm 3 oosr-nmr muxsts MISOOWTD BREEDER BENEFITS VS. LMFBR INTRODUCTION DATE FOR DIFFERENT m m (197“2&0)..lC..O.‘....l.....‘........l. 33 FIGURE § - CNT-BWI‘! ANALYSIS Dlsm (71) BREEDER BENEFITS VS, IMFBR INTRODUCTION DATE FOR DIFFERENT m Dms (197&2020)Q‘C...C.Q..............‘...l‘. “ PIGURE 3 - COST-BENEFIT ARALYSIS « SENSITIVITY OF DISCOUNTED GROSS BENEFITS TO A CHANGE IN LMYBR ENERGY COSTSeecccecs 33 PIGURE 6 - COST-BENEPIT ANALYSIS - PRESENT WORTH OF $100 SPENT TEN AND FIFTY YEARS 1IN THE FUTURE VERSUS m Dlscom Mn....................l..ll......l.l...l. ‘l PIGURE 7 - COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - ELASTICITY IN THE DEMAND FOR mmclnioooo00oooo.otooooooo.oooooooooo-oooooop. 62 FIGURE 8 - COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS - ASSUMPTION FOR CAPITAL COSTS or m m.j.,Ol.me.toa.loooooooooaooo.coo..oooo.ooo 63 xi In this snalysis, the Liquid )htal-CmM Yast Breeder Reactor (LMFER) ls sssumed to be the initial dreeder type coumercially fntroduced into the U. 8. electric power ecdmy. The denefite vhich have deen salculated in this avelysis tfcaultins from the {ntroduction of the are representative of t}u banefits to de achieved from the succaesful introduction of a dreeder or sven two dresder types. fhe results of the cost-benofit analysis depend upom assumpticns which atentially affect the future cost of electrical energy. Since the prospes iitivities of undiscounted snd discounted denefits to : timing of the introduction date tive value of wany of these variadblee is uncertain, the T (ollowing key varisbles have been >f the breeder; uranium costes; fossil fuel costs; electrical energy costs, vhich include plent capital and fuel cycle coets; and discount tates. A tuud ohctucn mrntm'plmq"'m (2) cmvmu- rmton'(!n). plus adnnced cmrur mcton (m) plu____br«hr mctm (L), plus fosail mud olcotrtcal morauu'phnn. These ulculatum vere based ¢a @ nnur progrndug nodel o! the United States electrical energy ezoncay amlop« by Pacific Mortiwest Laboratory. The modal has been prepared in conjunction with the activities of the Systems Analyses Task Yorceq which has bdeen working on civilian nuclesr pover evaluations with the AEC Division of Reactor Development and Technology. The quantifiadle benefits discussed herein have been recognized since the inception of nuclear p&\nt a8 the dasis of support for dreeder programs ia the United sui« and in every major highly industrialized country in the world, m:otlnr important benefits, many less tangidle and move difficult to quantify than those quantifiadle in terms of lover slectrical energy coaft. are of sudstantial consequence in any maaningful review of the vole vhich nuclear power and foesil fuel plants can play in the future to mee: the erergy demands of the United States. o Mm a mmuy muum m source for future genarations «mu only be mu.m thrw» th Mnlomt and application of the bw rmtow. ‘lh ."”?tatcmt ’-'in m«« uutm datu bnk to_. | the Meabattsn fijecg deys, When the pmmmy ves first Tecopatsed by ploseers 1n the suclesr f1eld, In 1943 Eurteo Farnt cbeerved cm. E *The coustry vhich firet amxm . mm resctor will beve o grest competitive umaun tu atonle mm. ; To obtain this advantage, the U. 8, suclesr ce-muy m been mttu for over 20 yesrs on the breeder reactor. In 1943 tho developmént of the plutonius fueled fast breedar vas established as & major goal by the Argonne Mstionsl Ladoratory Division of the Manhattan District Matallurgical Ladorstory. The program has deen continuous since that time, and the momentum now has duilt up to the point vhere the large-scale introduction and commercisl scceptance of the dreeder will de hut}lo in the near future. Appendix A presents some of the more significant reviews and statements that have been made over ths years on the mtionéal importance and potential of the dreeder progran, Mach of the essential effort on the dreeder was conducted in the AIC national ladoratories. The Clementine reactor was coastructed at Los Alanos and used from lhrgb 1949 to December 1952 to demonstrate the TR IR A PN St £t anens s o emeaen feasidility of operating with fast neutrons, plutonium fuel and a liquid metal coolant. The Expsrimental Breeder Reactor I (EER-1) was duilt and cperated by Argonns National Laboratory from August 1951 through mflumummmmnwuu in a fsst flux vesstox snd to «mxm m ! fessidility of using 1iquid wetal coolant. . nlulmu uutul to the opouun {n envirooments of fast flux and high mtm uqud unl were mmm. These developments leod to demonstrating the flmm and safaty of & fast nu neutron spectrum Teactor, cuhiuuu {n the coanstruction of two fast resctors in the mid 1930%s, the 62.} Mt EBR-11 snd the 200 Mit Permi reactor. Several factors mitigated mmt fsmediate success in terme of the commercisl exploitation o!;tho breeder resctor: the development effort was focused largaly on technological goals: the industrial izvolvement wes ain- imal; and the Dreeder dmlbp-nt participation was essentially coanfined to the national laboratories, with the exception of the Permi developmeat effort. The industrial m concentrated on the light water reactors and the nuclear lcvy.vbou:m«n vas nearer at hand. The 'prom uranium resources mur«llm!nctnt to meet predicted requirements. Though a relatively large goehnologicn base, including test facilities, vas being developed in the laboratories, the dreeder effort was diffuse in terma of an engineering type of undertaking. In genersl, until the nid-1960's, there appeared to be 00 urgent requirement to concentrate the industrial resources on the breeder program. e Moo e e+ ot we eens s e s e e e In 1962, the AZC issued its h&port to the President on Civilisn Nuclear Pover. This report clearly ;t-anphallsed that the use of dreeders could solve the prodles of an adequate ind economic energy supply for the future. The report coucindod that nuclear energy can and should aske sn important and mntufally: 8 vital contridution toward uweseting our long term energy rtquire;.uto. and that econocmic bdreeders were essential to the long range major hao of nuclear energy. The report included & detailed discussion of the place to de occupied by the breeders in the ov.rill program. Faced with the question of d;torndnins the future course to be taken by the U, $. advanced roacto; development programs, the AEC, in early 1965, initiated » series of ?vnrnll technical reviews. These reviews of the reactor program indicated a lack of important engineering information, and an 1nadoquaci of facilities and other resources necessary to obtain that information ithcrt vas clear evidence of the need to build up the engineering cap;htllttos in the ladboratories and {n i{ndustry and to aspemble necessary an@ adequate resources to develop and produce safe, reliadle and ocononicnl dbreeder power plants for operation in the vtility enviromment. These early overall reviews further indicated a requirement for in-depth reviews of each of the technical elements of the dreeder program. Concurrently, it was necessary to initiate detailed plans for each of the elements of the dreeder prograa. mrm:usm«l reusrkable advances were taking place in the development o! n;m: water resctor power plants. As a result, mlmnmmd tmfi.fid«wofimmmuamm of electricsl cwu The resultsnt unprecedented demand for light vator power resctor plants, mauolod by grestly incressed uranium demands snd Yy projected large-scale plutonium production, provided sdditional incentives for a move direct and concentrated effort on & vaified dreeder development progrea than hitherto schieved. It was recognized that the plutonium produced in light water resctors could de most efficiently used in the fast bdreeder reactors sand that the breeder would measuredly reduce uranium ore requirements. The breeder development pto&n wvas thus invested with a sense of urgency which had deen lacking up to then. In early 1967, the Ato_-ic Pnargy Comnisetion fssued the 1967 Supplement to the 1962 Report to the President oa Civilisn Wuclesr Fower. The Supplement set forth the changes that had occurred simce 1962, and considered the ongoing AIC reactor programs im relation to the recozmendations of the 1962 veport. The Supplement resffirmed the promise of the dreesder for meeting our long term energy needs snd sstadlished the LMFBR program as the highest priority civiliasn resctor development effort vhich would lesd to full commercisl scceptance of the Dreeder. Ths continuing AEC role of leadership was reviewed relative to the development of nuclesr technology required to sssure the nation that large amounts of low cost energy would be availadle o LS 5 A for the growing Mu!t-. The steps taken to strengthen the industrial snd utility cspadility requisite to the succeasful introduction of the LR and the timely development and commsercial utilisstiocn of the fast breeders, in putfcularly the LMFER, vere discussed. In view of the utobuqh«l'unt priority, tha level of activity cn the LXFER wae cmtdou;bly increased in Fiscal Years 1967, 1968 and 1969. The duildup to bring together the required resocurces, including msnpover, fscilities, and funds has continued within the AEC, the ARC laboratories, snd in other sectors of the nuclesr community. New major test facilities én under construction snd other existing facilities are dDeing upgraded. Encoursged dy the increased attention snd efforts of the Covernment, substantial commitments have been nsde by the major reactor nénutacturor- and the utilities with & view to naking large-scale c@ltmto to the first LMFBR demonstration plants in the 1970%s. Thn?o tn§ootnaati are in addition to the heavy LWR commitnents. In recognition of the importance of the fast dreeder, the Edison Electric Institute (ui). sn association of the private utilities, conducted a detailed study of the status of fast dreeder reactor development. Their report was pudlished in April 1969. In the Foreword of this report, the situation was stated as follows: “1he Subcommittee (EE1) on Fast Breeder Reactor Development urges that all EEI members give the most careful consideration to this report and to ways and means of {mplementing the mmendaotions set forth., In the entire industrial history y ~ veactors 19 jJust aun.__ tnto cmulfim. u h duucult | _uxmly to lbouuor__: ttn problu. o! !«uflu n onuuly h m mcpt. _ .' . ‘the uprt ‘brings out, tluu are momln uum. both in terms of opportmity end tupoul- biuty. to do s0 .nd strong incentives to do so promptly.” The LMFBR Program Office at the Argonne Mational Ladoratory has prepared ¥R Program Plans#, under the direction of the AXC, vhich have recently been relesased. The Program Plans are national in scope and represent the results of many mthni of discussions, reviews, and assessuents withia the nuclear cmiiy. The Plans represent a major sdvance in the LMFBR program by uttfu forth in a comprehensive manner those courses of action w«ufy for achieving the o&}utim of the LYOFBR program. The Joint Mtf« on Atomic Energy of the Congress of the Congress of the United States has odserved that the LMFBR Progrem Plans vepresent one of the most carefully thought-out long range davelopmental efforts ever pursued dy the U. S. Covernment. *Report Numbers WASR 1101 through 1110. This emt-bemut mlyl imlud an utmtva systens analysis effort - and the dmlopunt o! memo for the' zu:y ym period 1970 « 2020, - ‘o: Eight m o! ulmhum voro por!onnd to mvutiuu the effects of varying assumptions uaon bm!ttn accrued from an economy with a v breeder reactor as caplnd vtth an econony without a breeder, The sajor umum relute tO umh- cocu. t_oun fuel costs, oloctrtcal _ energy demands, electrical mrn cocto. uul the intreduction date of | the breeder. Three major quantifisble conclusions from the snalysis are: 1. The breeder can produce not ocnly large direct mooey benafits from the low cost of electrical energy, but also other tangible quantitative beneiits, such as those a,oochtod vith reduced uranium requirements, reduced uranium separative work requirements, and the large productiocn of plutonium. 2. The benefit/cost ratio is significantly greater thsn cne for wmost of the cases having & discount rate of 7% or less. The denefit to coat ratios fall delow 1, for @ Mt of cases dased on discount rates adbove 7%. 3. Deferring the presently planned LMFER R&D progran with consequent delays in the introduction date does uot substantially reduce the present worth of the R&D expenditures. 1In all cases, deferring the LMFBR R&D program incresses the undiscounted R&D costs. pattma ufl mnm umum. anfl & 30-year time period during which many thlm tocholonul sdvances may be anticipated, Yollowing are othor hportmt conclusions: 1. 2. 3. &. The increased dollar benefits from reduced costs of electrical energy alone, resulting from the early introduction of the breeder, provide a major incentive for a timely and strong research and development progrem, and even make & strong point for its acceleraticn. Although an incresse in uranium ore costs is highly prodable, even & constant U40g cost ($8/1d), with constant fossil fuel costs, and with an early introduction of the LMFBR, provides mbotandu benefits for discount rates delow 7%, and sudbstantial danefits for a 1980 Introduction at 7% discount rate. Early introduction of the dreeder substantially reduces future uranium ore demands. Barly introduction of the breeder substantially reduces !utuu'urmtm separative vork dewand. 10 6. 7. 9 10. 11, mi.ns-;a___ducml:inn o! :'72 o _I____hu md uuning 1984 or earlier mtrmtim zmmn honl!u progran mld. in =08t cases, m mlyou shows a niptflmt nm'uu in bmfl.u vith a higher energy dunnd pmjoctton. o The benefits nccrutns from tho introduction of the breeder are affected by changes in fouil fuel costs. These benefits would be increased significantly if increases in foaeil fuel costs are experienced. Small changes in the cost of electrical energy from the breeder cause significant changes in the benefits, with capital coets being more important in this regard than fuel cycle costs. In all cases considered vwith dreedsr introduction, thes nuclear generating capacity by year 2020 represents an extremsly large percentage of the total electrical generating capacity available for competition between fossil fusled and nuclear fueled power plants. Discount rates substantially above 7% seriously affect dollar benefits because of low present worth in 1970 of large undiscounted gross bdenefits for the latter part of the 50 year period as compared vith the high present worth in 1970 of RSD sxpenditures in the early part of the 50 year pericd. Other benefits not as readily susceptible to quantitative analysis | d. G £. _ 10w cost electrictty to aress vhich have Virtual elimination of air pollution from electrical power plantse, Assursnce that low coat uranium ore reserves will de most efficiently used, : A preniun warket for pln'gmu produced by 1light water reactors. -ty - b The efficlent and economic utilization of the depleted uranium stockpile, The e¢fficient use of the resources committed to ths breeder program in the AEC natiomal lsboratories, in the U. S. industry in the U. 8. utilities. 12 e electrical energy duindo. .lutriul energy mto. . tining of the introduction of the breeder. The charscteristics of the . eight groups are sumarized in Tadle 1. Each group consists of a base case without a breeder compared with cases with a dreeder represented by the LMFBR. Case 1.3a and other “a" cases cover a parsllel breeder program. The benefits of introducing the breeder in different years were determined by comparison with the bese cases without a dreeder. The four parameters studied included the intreduction date of the breeder, the cost of uranium, the cost of fossil fuel, and the energy demand. Groups 1, 3, 4, and 6, provide & measure of how varying energy demands affect benafits for assumed rising uranium costs and constant iossil fuel costs. Similarly, groups 2, 7, and 8 provide a measure of how varying energy demands affect benefits for assumed constant $8 per pound uranius costs and constant fossil fuel costs. Group 5 examines 14 These _Iumum nlato to :’nraniu tml e«u, fou;l t«l coms . AN ssE .. i Rising Rising " - " " [ - “ L “» - - » Rising | Constant “ » “» » ? 7.1 [ Nove mlb. Constant 7.2 1984 - " 7.22]1984 - - 8 | 8.1 [Mone | $8/1d,. | Constant 8.2 11984 - 5.20] 1584 " » * PFarallel breeder program. The parallel breeder is introduced in 1992, *% Current dreeder program with delay of two years in demonstration plants, 1s % i for a sartes of posstble elactricity grovth patterms, Esch calculaticn simulatel the grevth “ of the mm as wlon«d by & set of foimhtd paramaters The 30-yesr ensrgy cugd a systen with a breeder coupared vith the SO-yesr enargy 206t of a system vhich does not include a breeder provides an estinmate o_! the principal incremental dollar benefits expected from wmmc in 8 bresder program. The dollar value of other benefite which have or could be quintitatively obtained are not imlud_m the susmary or in the derived benefit/cost ratios. umu fato tho_nuuty mm. 'm [ costs umc u mu 2 mm«mmmmmms Pl A, u.hemmannumcmmm ) ?lan B, MR + HICR + LMFER with § slternstives listed delow, including @ persllel Breeder program: 3-1 Currently plsnned breeder progrem 1984 o, B2 Accelerated dreeder program 1980 B-3 Current dreeder progrem with s delsy 1986 {a dencnstration plants of 2 years B-4 LMIIR technology progrsa at $40 milliom 1990 per sooum 197177 ‘ B+3 LMFER technology prograa st $13 millica 1994 per anmwm 197177 Parallel breeder program « Parallel breeder 1984 {ntroduced 1992 All plans include competitive fossil fual systems. The results of the RAD cost snalysis indicate that undiscounted R&D costs for the dreedsr progrem vary from $3.5 dillion for an accelerated program introducing sn IMFER in 1980 to $3.6 billion for a parsllel 17 ansBosd aepeeag 1usaans ‘mnslosd sepesiy pervseiesoy ‘snzSosd aspesiq jusasny : e T T T T e g g P G —— gl e—— § nn ] W0 o b e e LY SEepARY o % D 0161 M ®3 perEnose1q ssnyrpudng aepesig tvol bt £ L' ) ¢'2 b bt 92 1 $'2 1 g% eyt 111 e LTS 1 OT¢ " o'y | w1 Y u = ¢ 06y M 0 Ineselg seansipesday iviel am 198} peesd g 330ddng tessue) _ S30peeig-any triel 0 £3etowysey Serisoding 'O | 219110480 229pesi§-won 332‘2 3 % 1ed breeder progran. Dased efin 7R discount rate, the discounted weeder RED costs vary m-b.z di1lion to $2.2 billion. Significantly, dimud R&D costs actually imxcrease for delays to 1986 and 1990, Costs of $2.3 billion for the current progrem mu to $2.6 dillion for 1988 and 1990 fatroductioa. Dasic vesson for the increase or relatively small changs {n discounted RED costs for delayed introduction of the breeder, is the sdditiomsl R&D costs incurred in the stretchout of a program. The stretchout involves expenditures {n pbniu-dcfi or phasing-out progreme; and expenditures in re-starting a program, including those coets associated vith the difficulc task of vreassemdling resources, replacing lost personnel, retraining of persoanel, and the updating of deteriorated facilitiea and equipment. The results of the cost-denefit anmalysis which include costs, benefits, denefit/cost ratics, uranium demsnd, separstive work desand and nuclesr capacities are summarised in Tables I and 4. Discounted present valuss are based oa a discount rats of 7X. The undiscounted groes benefits (Madle I) directly resulting from dollar savings in cost of electric energy associated with the currently planned dreeder program (1984 introductioa) range from $53 to $288 dillion (Case 8.2 to Case 5.3) in the 50 year period 1970-2020, depending on the assumptions assigned to uraniun costs, 19' s T . R Mt e e L , - =» - m . - - 202 - o» » ::: » -» - n w‘.i mm .:.. "” L m“ - - -— - - . . 1] 0311002 A2 2 1.8 1.8 : . . us | Q) :: 13| (a2 .9 11% . . 3.2 9 . . . Bl wlisd | 36 | L9 ot . O 1341 Wwioas Joz | 2e (-2.8) 1 . 1330 ] 000 Ran) 23 (-2.4) (-8.1) Risteg | Constent q‘u“'u 1299 f >~ Jistp | = | o o - - - - w1021 193.0 | o 2.3 .4 ) 1z f 187f1rs.0 | 0 22 | 2 2.2 ul“ Conatond Lew % ae M, oe .. - - - » - 2| % |1y |se . 1.9 1.4 . - - s | [y | oo u .8 1.3 - . . 1303 | 34| 2039 | 0.9 2.0 4.3 K . . - 139 1 308 ) 30,86 | 15.3] 2, 1.7 6.1 - . . 1001 100 2006 | 0.2} 32 12.0 a3 - . . 13221 133 | e ‘t' 2.6 10.9 3.0 . . W | 109 | 2100 3] 20 3.6 3.2 . s 1 19 s AN 2.2 2.1 2.0 eing | Cmetant] Utgh 19 ] .« % - e . - . . . 193 | 00 | 2350 | 12.9] 29 10.4 3.2 1603 | 200 f200 | 12.9] 3.2 9.7 4.0 /1. | Constant} Righ 172 | - m.: .o .- = - - - - 160 ] o ] M8, s.ol 2.3 1. - - . 1S ksl BYIRS ‘.:::) o,: s | g HBE [ [~ ove [ = [ = | - - . . 1 3) -3 1.8§ 1.3 -0.7 o - - - 1102 9 \n.2 1.9 3.2 {-1.4) e.8 izanple: Colwwm I devivation fue Case 1.2: (Columa (1) Casw 1.1 . Colusm (1) Case 1.2] » [214.7 - 2G2.7) = 12.0 * Parallel Nresder casee. ™ ' Neell vy Group 3 w ehl E 119 1306 ; 113 1M1 | e 1443 2 W/ih: Cstant D 139 M ] I 1IN | A 13 3 BRisteg Coeustsat Intevandtists uss - unn . . . & Rislng Condtast L ) o 9 .o . .- $ NMaing Mailng B 1y 1993 | 1\ Y9 A3 | e W endtsoountod Sensltte, Tian B (0 Si3iiene) o] Y Soowp | : .. 19 § W e 1 » 3 . « L\ ) o n ? 3 -n .. ? e -t - & - [ “ - -l - 3 e N e 33 b - 333 : -e - ‘ - -e -n . - -n : - - - Fvessnt Warth of Custe @ 7% (P NMiltam) cosng ) 3347 | 2.7 | 209.4 42.3] 1147 | 1119 ’ 2004 | 2002 § 202} | r00.8] 2002 | WOAG & 140.3 - 13,3 - .- - 3 3.8 | 205,90 ] 300.6 | niej 1148 | 1203 : M9 . nLe | - e - . ”‘o. -l ”n. - - - 1.0 - 1783 e - o= Stosomteold Bonnfile, Ml b . . 128 nt | r.e ‘e 18 ’ .. 4.3 .3 | v 6.2 ] (-0.2) ’ - - ‘.' ' -— - “~a & - - ‘.. - - -n 3 .e 18.9 15.2 f12.9 .2 4.3 : -8 il ‘::: - o . - . - - ‘.. -l - - L1stens Byl Cumletive Ceonp | 1303 3 1913 1000 1499 1 3 o8 i 12 1790 453) A3 ’ m - '“ - - - . e . 7% v - e $ ne» o 1308 uweo 11 111 ® %03 oo 1243 .. - .e } “ - ”” - P - o AN .. 159 .- .- - Seperettve Yanh Sumsad, Riletenmee/W, Rendoun (hoough 3016 trong | 120.9 el NI » 43, 3.7 : 19%.9 1.0 &4 3 113.3F 1.0 3 163.) - »n.? - e - & ’lo. - ”.’ .- - - » .3 M.1] &Y 9 80, .3 ° 134.3 .- 42.93 . on an ? 9.9 - 2.9 .o .o ~ e 146.9 = 1 4.1 - v am Pett laow Capaaity Oparsting, ON{e), 3020 Croup 1 19% 7 1 e 15% 13048 | 1 3 p: £ ) M3 e Boo M | 1318 3 1442 as nn e - - & 1083 .o 1512 . .- .- ’ a2 me | 28°0 wo0 | 174 . 1993 .- ms | .- .- - r W72 .- W2 -- .- - . 1992 .- 192 - - - 013.3 filnm m Mgmt value is associated with rising foseil M and miu costs (Case 35.3), while the lowest is associated with constant fossil fuel and urenium costs and an intsrmediate enazgy demand (Cace 8.2). Other major tangidle denefits are veduction in air pollution, the production of & large supply of energy producing plutonium, the large reduction in sepsrative worh demand, and efficient and economic use of the depleted uranium stockpile, Of the cases studied, the most prodable case is asscoiated with rising uranium costs, constant fcssil fuel costs, a dase energy demand, and with the curreatly plamned fatrodustion of the breeder in 1984 (Case 1.3, Tadles 3 and 4). The results of this case show undiscounted gross densfits of $207 dillion, gross discounted denefits of $9.1 dillion, net benefits sccruing to the breeder program of $6.6 dillion, and a denefit/cost ratio of 3.6. This case would also result in a reduction in U:,O; requirements of 1450 kilotons, and a reduction in maximum separative work demand 02'85 kilotonnes per year. 9 3.3.3 Early Iutroduction o! the Breeder Bmfi.tlcou utm unsin; from 7.9 to 0.7 result from those cases vit.h an mtroducuon o! tho b:udor u 1984 or earlier, for all 8 mo mlyud. as ahova in Table 3. The higher values are umutd wvith rulng touu fuel costs, 3.3.4 Parallel Breeder Program Based on assumptions delineated below, a tentative case can de made to {mprove the industrial breeder base by establishing a parallel breeder program. 7The bditita of the LMFBR program would de sufficient to maintain benefit/cost ratios in excess of one for a 1984, or earlier introduction of the LMFER and a 1992 introduction of the parallel breeder for 8 of the 11 cases considered, and using discount rates of 7% or less. Because of the technical status and other factors, the decision ca whether to establish a parallel breeder program would have to swait further analyses of alternative breeder concepts, such as the light vater breeder reactor, the molten salt breeder resctor, or the gss- cooled fast breeder. Such analyses would lead to eo#nidoutim for possibly selecting one of these as a basis for initiating a full scale parallel bdreeder dovelopment program. If justified Dy further analysis, a parallel dreeder program could strengthen the nuclear posture of the U. 8. by providing for increasing industrial competition, by broadening the industrisl nuclear manufacturing base, by broadening the base of other associated sectors, and by strengthening the industrial dase of nuclear technology. The cost-benefit analysis has assumed the possibility of such a parallel breeder program in each of 23 pureuit of eltemte _.and/or backnpe. "":Por purponee of Lth.ie analyaie,' gty R w gl R Iy 'the decu:lon m ulumed to be that other alternatee end/or beckupe o i E et " would not be purseed afl:er the PBR deeiuon date. ' The following 1list 's&meriees and expands the assumptions stated: Assumptions for Parallel Breeder (1) It is assumed that the PBR would benefit from the IMFBR 'prog{ranf:’e?e"'";’iedfc?et‘:ed in Table 2. The total costs of the 'R&D for Other Bree;lere, ehown 1n Teble 2, ere lower than | for the LMFBR: $2.0 billion LMFBR undiscounted direct costs va, $1.6 billion Other Breeder undiecounted direct costs, o L (2) The LMFBR R&D progrem would be the same as for Plan B-1 with a 1984 LMFBR introduction, (3) Decision to proceed with PBR to be made in FY 1972. (4) No support for alternates or backups after FYy 1972. M (5) The PBR“prosram'wouldfbefieOnducted*withietnentially the - 7 same: diaciplined engineering approach and with development of F 8 viable:and competitive‘industrial capnbility as for the'" "-.‘b.é. i‘j f § “ ; \%g,,fl SRR DR RN e Y A PN e tH?BR program.eif 1..\.{.: gg’f i)j){;}%l ‘N(G) The;PBR demonstration plants would be authorized two yearc o e *fif* Gy Pty .*i‘ Sl Etasr Lt gt apart, beginning FY 1978. { ":‘-_-o ’.'i‘.‘""' }" & 5, TR0 i F-._,f r: 0 T . i -y o SR i T (7) PBR introduced ;n 1992. (8) ‘Gross'benefits would be ‘the same as for R&D Plan B-1, with the LMFBR rEfireeehttng breeder benefits, Thie"may er'may not be N oA ’ valid, Dtscussion of Parallel Breeder Results Table 2 indicates that a parallel fqll_scale development program will cost $5.6 billion undiscounted, or an additional $1.6 billion ebove the current breeder program, assuming 1ntroduction of the LHFBR 1n 1984 and the parallel breeder in 1992, Discounted at 72 the additional Present worth {n 1970 will be $0,7 billion. The benefit/cost ratios rarge from 4.8 to 0.6 for a parallel breeder program for all 8 groups, assuming.a 1984 introductionof the LMFBR and a 1992 intro- duction of the PBR as contrasted to a range from 6.1 to 0.7 for the current breeder program for all 8 groups (Table 3). The results indicate that the early introduction of the LMFBR provides tangible, quantifiable benefits sufficiently large to adequately support the cost of a parallel breeder program for most of the cases studies at discount rates of 7% or less, and at discount rates up to 10% with both rising foassil and rising uranium costs and with a base energy demand. 25 e _,__nefi.t:s of tho breeder wvhich are not aubject: to adniniatu_tiva deciaionf(for e:umple: _'_1evel of R&D suppor t), on‘:':themprevnflinsl toul ecbxiomic st.ructure, includo ' breeder :ln""'oducl:i.on date, uunitn cost structure, ey LR AR _._a? L 3 foufl. fuel costo. electr:lcal energy demnd, and electrical energy costs (1nc1ud1n3 plant capiul and £uel cycle)o | The '?“9?;‘“157!°f_benefif’-Fp}9h““333_19'¢}plgqmgggg provides an indication of the extent tg}uhich uncertainty plays a part in the perturbations associated with this change, The following summarizes the sensitivity of the parameters noted. 1. Bfeedef Introduciion Date Thofigh, for moatMCases, benefits result from savings in energy ¢ost§.regard1eaa of its date of introduction into the commercial market, these benefits are substantially affected by the date of breeder introduction, For ;xample, examination of'Tablea 3 and 4 shows, for Groups 1 and 2, that a ten year delay in the current date of breeder 1ntroductiofi will result in an increased 50-year energy cost of $131 billion ‘dollars (undiscounted) with rising uranium costs (Group 1), and $54 billion (undiscounted) with constant uranivm costs (Group 2). Figures 1 and 2 show IMFBR program un- discounted and discounted benefits for different IMFBR introduction dates assuming constant fossil fuel costs,and a base energy demand for both rising and constant uranium costs (Groups 1 and 2). The 26 L . o 27 -. EFITS, ¢ BILLIOI 1 " Group! RISING URANIUM COSTS ~ Group 2 CONSTANT URANIUM COSTS 1984 I | I ~ LMFBR INTRODUCTION DATE 28 DISCOUNTED BENEFITS, $ BILLIONS 1 RISING URANIUM.COSTS- s b g e npaN ey . s : i ) . . t . » ; . ;o # . o . 1 A T E . e ey T . Vrartlok s .. - Group 2 . . CONSTANT URANIUM _ COsTS A, '%fl. 1 29 et e 'Cases 1.3b, 2.3b, and.5.3b (R&D Plan B-3) involving a two year delay in the introduction of the brcedcr were extrapolated from computer results for Cases 1.3-1.4; 2.3-2:4§ ;Aa 5,3-5, 4; i.e., years 1984 and 1990. Discounted groas benefita for Group 1 Case 1.3b will be | reduced to $7 4 billicn aa compared to $9 1 billion for 1984 1ntro- ” duct\!,on Case 1 3, or a net re\_dcction of 81.7 billion, net benefits are reduced from $6.6 billion to '$4.8 billion and benefit/coat ratio is reduced from 3.6 to 2.8. Of interest 1s-the fact tfict the preacnt worth of the R&D costs is actually increased by-$6.1 billion, 1i.e., R&D costs are $2.6 billion for 1986 introducficn ve., $2.5 billion for 1984 introduction., Results of Cases 2.3b and 5.3b are shown in Table 3. 2, Uranium Cost The effect of uranium cost is indicated by comparing Cases 1.1 and 2.1 with Cases 1.3 and 2.3 in Table 3 for LMFBR introduction in 1984. The only parameter changed from Group 1 to Group 2wes the uranium cost. The discounted cumulative energy cost -increases by $10,3 billion over 50 years forlan economy without an LMFBR (Case 2.1 to Case 1.1) with an average increase of $12.60 per pound of U30g, compared with a $3.5 billion increase for an economy with an LMFBR (Case 2,3 to Case 1.3) and an average increase of $2.50 per pound of U30g. 3. Fossil Fuel Costs Increased discounted gross benefits for the breeder of $6.1 billion ($15.2 billion less $9.1 billion) accrue with a 1984 LMFBR introduction, assuming rising fossil fuel and uranium costs 30 (GrouPVS'JflCase 5.3 in Thbla 3)5555'comparédfwith-conatant fossil ¢ fuel costa and ‘rising uranium costs (Group 1 - Casa 1.3 in Table 3). The reaulting sensittvity is about a 7% change 1n discounted gross benefita for each O.Iz'per year 1ncraaae in foatil fuel costs. ! The - striking effhct of thia seniitivity 13 111ultrated by noting that! 0.5 cent’ par ton per year-incraasa in the cqs:~o£{coal ($5 per~ton—1n¢ _1970'ah baié)“could resulfiinfiflcreased diiééfififéd benefits of about: - $600 million accruing over thaZSO-year period to.hn economy with a : breeder. The converse with decreasing fossil fual costs would hold to a lesser extent. b, .Electrical Energy Demand The following table shows the projections used in the analysis for the total electrical energy demand growth rate percefitages and associated doubling times for the demand. These projections were averaged for 1970- 2020 and in great measure do not reflect the decelerated rate growth which occurs for the intermediate and low energy demands in the later years, Growth Rate Doubling Time Projection % Per Year . = - Years ; High energy demand 6.5 . 10.9 é Base energy demand - 6.3 - 11.4 . . % Intermediate energy demand 5.8 12.6 | Low energy demand 4.8 - - 15.1 Historical Growth 7.0 10.0 31 5. Energy COst (Capi.tal and 'Fual' Cycla)' o The total discounted energy costs are quite aiefis.ii;.itfi\r; éo changes in the LMFBR energy costs. The following IMFBR energy cost breakdown is provided as an-fipproximte reference. for a 1990 IMFBR: - Mills/Kwhr - Capital T 3.2 Operation and Maintenance : - 0.3 ‘Fuel Cycle o | 0.6 . - TOTAL 4.i Figure 5 shows the diacount{; 'bgnefita for an economy with an IMFBR with rising uranium costs and constant fossil fuel costs as a function of the change in IMFBR energy cost, Over the range investigated, ‘the benefits ?.ncréau about $1,6 billion for each 0.1 mill/kwhr decrease in energy cost. The sensitivity of capital costs 1s such that a 17 decrease in capital cost will cause about 4% increase in discounted benefits, Because the fuel cycle cost is a smaller absolute number, a 5% reduction in fuel cycle cost is required to provide an equivalent 4% increase in discounted benefits. 32 a m:omo sy zéma 9 dNOYO-HOIH™ - .88 ima A¥ING_INTH2HIQ_Yod A, STSKTVNY TTENGE-I509 A LA Gt e e e ¢ INa - S1133N38 Q3INNODSIANN SNOITIIS ¢ 3 Fia. 33 S1S0J B .__mmE .—z<._.m?60 SIS0 WNINVIN ONISIY 5T) SONVWAA AOYINI INJNHHIQ ¥0d "3IVa NOTIONAOAINT WaIW1 "SA L133N3d 9303399 (%D GINN0ISTA gt S i K X SISXTVNY L1 33N38-1500 ° W ¥ S o bY SNOITIIG $ S1143N39 G3INNOJSIA 34 _’Discount:ed Benefi__ta, $ Bij.l:lom FLEFY e s vt e i e e 2T Em e 4 COST-BBNBFIT ANALYSIS SENSITIVITY OF DIBCOUNTBD GROBB BENEFR1TS ; Co . . . ¥ i . L x ¢ K % N ¥ _§ _F _J§ | ToogboropbEye AL TE LY ety — +0.1 40,2 Change in IMFBR Energy Cost, Mills/KwWhr. 35 ' +0.3 o & Change in Benefits, $ Billions ¢ N ' & ' -4 6. Uranium Requirements Table 4 provides an indication of the substantial savings in uranium tojbejkaihcd from the early development of the breeder. Assuning Gtoup 1 parameters of rising uranium costs, constant fosail costs, and base electrical demands, the results shows a reduction in 50-year U30g requivements of 1449 kilotons of U30g for an economy ‘with a 1984 breedexn as ¢omphfe& t&fan dconomy~w1thout an IMFBR (0305_1.3 vs. Case 1.1). A 10-year delay or a 1994 introduction of tflb breeder results in a reduction of only 750 kilotons of 0303, .aa compared to an economy with no LMFBR (Casé 1,5 vs, Case 1.1), Assuming Group 2 constant uranium costs, constant fossil costs, and base electrical demands, the results show a reduction in uranium requirements of 3211 kilotons for the 1984 breeder introduction date as compared to no LMFBR (Case 2,3 vs, Case 2.1), A 10«ear delay or a 1994 introduction of the breeder in this situation results in a reduction in uranium requirements of only 136 kilotons of U30g as compared to no IMFBR (Case 2.5 vs. Case 2.1). 7. Separative Work Demand The cost-benefit analysis provides no treatment of the effect of the breeder on uranium separation capacity. Table 4 does provide a quantitative set of numbers for the separative work demand for each of the cases listed., Considerable reductions in separative work demand can be effected by introducing the breeder. Separative work demands are subject to changes in uranium cost as discussed below: 36 (1) "-?'M—.:incressc in ursnium».: costs serves: to :xeduce: the: sspsrstivs i E*wo::'k dsmand for s11 cssss of LHFBR introduotion becsuu ,-:z;:_fi--—f"“:? Jta:?n fi @fi% out 36 kilotonncs ;ysz*Wf”:; P S w0 eyt ’3 | por' yosr (Caso | 1 3). | (2) 'Assuming constant uranium costs , bsss energy demand cnd 1ol SRrete éfi SR ' E"" by ng A v I""fi .3 U'C-" delay t:o 1990 in the int:roduction of the IMFBR, maximm sep- Sl e atey S s hin mu,f T RN ek L srativo work domand would bo 123 kilotonnes per yecr (Case 2, &), and for a 1984 introduction of the IMFBR--47 kilotonnes pér : . yaflr (caflé 2.3). Pl e . 4 -’ B - . . - . - tate fh S el L s Ty e ety 8. The Use of Varying Discount Rates and Sensitivity of ™’ ' Benefits to Varying Discount Rates’” ' ‘i The Use of Varying Discount Rates. Mo . . - v ot Ths basic purposo undcrlying tho vast and’ complex engincoring .g,g- o F task inhcrent in successfully implementing tho DIFBR program is to o develop a power source that can confer subst,sntial;{bcnofits. upon tha : general well-being of the American public as wcll as the industrial - 4 et community which forms the base for this well-boing. . t oL - Y Lo oo b < S 1 v T Lt ce f Tag Febo Factors to,bs;’considered i”:n detemining Itho.t _n_ccd for gfvoment sponsorship are many and varied., They include the magnitude of the program which may exceed industry's capability and resources, prospects for returns far off in time, and wide dispersion of program bensfits throughout society. Other factours have been discussed in tho Introduction, the Summary, and under Other Considerations. 37 ~ The: Inreroepartmental Energy Study report, prepared by the Energy "”Study Group 1n 1964, "Energy R&D and National Progress," states that ”p_rtioulerf; 1n reference to R&D, 1e en unreeolved problem, involving fimenylon3 baansreccgnized.aa the basis for aupycrt of the breeder program, - ..gelection of significant statement which have been made over Tha availability of energyand, in particnlar;low cost energy, | and vcraatile form;of energy, haa been growing rapidly., 'cc;ccatgctanicm?c:a3reaatval will be SR ‘Appendix A provides a the .years highlighting the national importance of developing the breeder reactor.: ’ i -‘ o Need fbr Electrical Encrgz holda tha kay to cbtaining significant improvements in the standard of 1iving in developing areas and to auataining the plannad gtcwth of the more highly industrialized areas. With tha paaaaga of timc, the demand for electricity, a most useful The total U. S. alactric genarating capacity, which amounted to 267, 000 Mie at the end of 1967, ia expected to grow to 523,000 MWe in 1980,and to about 1,600,000 HWe in 2000, based on the base projection of electrical energy demand used in this analysis. 54 L | . The eieetrie utility industry of this country is increasingly using large-scale nuclear power plants to meet the demands for electricity. This decision to rely on nucleaxr power has -been made in lerée;a-meunre as e-reeull:: of substantial:Government encourage- ment end:'e?eupporl:. -The. present comitmenl: to nuclear power is: based almoet exclusively on the use of ught vater reector rfe which now utilize leu than 1% of t:he energy potent:iel of neturel ¢ urenim. The lerge demend for urenitne wbich w111 reeult froe: ‘t:he lerge-ecele use o£ the light: wet:er reactor :nekee neeeeeery L f ‘: ;,._: g it the development of the advanced reaetore . particularly the breeder reactors, and tbeir timely 1ntrodnc|:ion 1nto the utility environment. Large-Scale Commitments to R&D Program The role of the Government 18 to establish an advanced reactor nuclear power program which has as its objective the development of breeders, which can make available the full potential of nucleer=fue18. The nuclear connnunity is actively involved in conducting the R&D for the breeder program. d number of major facilit:iee are in i operation, be:l.ng built, or are in the planning etage. In edd:ltion to the AEC sponsored work eubetential investments have been committed to the LMFBR program by the nuclear industry and utilities in terms of funds, manpower, and facilities. The. determination of the AEC to ‘carcry the LMFBR forward on a national basis, along with the strong economic incentives, have been key factors in obtaining commitments and participation by industry 55 o and tho ntintiu 1n ‘this RAD program. : The nuclear community, 1nc1ud1n3 tho laborntoriel, 4industry andi the utilities, have ;i;-?inoti.voly partioipntod in the: dovolopmnt and preparation of . the mg,wpm., WASH 1101 through 1110. These plans "'oot forth tho course of: action for oohiovins the IMFBR objective. 4,3 Induotrial and Utili%fiomitmonu RTINS i bE s Yo In addition to tho AEc-funded and-direotod program, the roactor ‘. ‘*f 53\‘_ LY j ol P S mnufnotnrors and nuclear oriented utilitiu have pubucly announced UL . 1 rov oF | that: thoy Ln{ procuding with privately financed studies and | B broad technologioal development program complementary to the | AEc-oponsored efforts, - The reactor manufacturers are annually investing a total of more than $20 million, Statements regarding the corporate commitments of major reactor manufacturers to fast breeder reactor development are presented in Appendix B. In addition to this, approximately 50 of the leading electrical utility companies are participating financially and technically in one or more of the reactor manufacturer-sponsored programs. In oho opring of 1968, the annual level of utility effort was eotimnted to be about $6'm11110n,oxc1udin3 the continuing commit- ments fo Foffii and SEFOR, Utility commitments are summarized in Appendix C. Experience has ahown that the successful power reactor concepts are those in which there has been strong industrial participation and utility involvement during the developmental 56 4.4 c’e' period, ,(The uumu objective 1s the ostablishment, at an early date, of a self-sufficient and competitive LMFBR nuclear power m!u_ury_wbiqh'cgn provide the commercial breeder needed in our economy,. - Steps to ach_t_.ovg this objectivc have been taken, and comtdcrabh progress has been achieved, c_o_uglggof Br;edar to LWR c@tmnth | The early introdustion of the breeder will provide significant zeduction :l.n tho lons rango raquirement for onriched uranium and, in tho éau of tho ful: in.'eedafl, prov:l.do optimm utilization of the plutonium that will be produced :ln the light water reactors. (The AEC estimate of the plutonium contained in irradiated fuel after final discharge from 1ight water reactors in the U. 8. through 1980 1s more than 100,000 Kg*,) The strong economic, technical, and industrial coupling characteristic of the light water and fast breeder reactors employing the uranium . 238-plutmm fuel cyclowis important .'t:o"estabuahing the flexible transition to a fast breeder dominant complex. The industrial and utility support for the LMFBR reinforces this conclusion, - *Reference, U.S8.A.E.C. "Porecast of Growth of Nuclear Power', WASH-1084 December 1967, where the estimate was approximately 127,000 Kg, 54 Plutonium Availability and Demand -: jamodnta 1s to fual the faat: breeder. The high per omance fast: 4.6 | uranium oré fequirements and separati.ve work requ:h:ed by the m's and other umnimn-consuming react:ors, to a minimal amount, Fuel Cycle Substantial private investments have been made and industrial competence developed with respect to the fabrication of mixed oxide plutonium bearing fuel elements in this country for recycle of this fuel in the LWR, as well as for eventual use in the LMFBR. This capability over the next ten years can be increasgd by providing fuel for plutonium recycle in the LWR, for the Ffl'F, and for LMFBR demonstration plants. Thus, the required fuel cycle capabilities should be well established when the LMFBR is introduced on a commercial basis in the 1980's. There is little question that the industrial experience with the 1ight water reactor fuel cycle will be of great importance in establishing an LMFBR fuel cycle industry. 58 | A number of countries, including France, Germany, ltaly, o Japan, the USSR, and the United Kingdom, have established a high | priority for the development of the fast breeder reactor as a matter of national policy. Each of these countries has committed substantial resources toward achieving this goal. It is | estimated that these countries, excluding the USSR, are spending i over $150 million per year on fast breeder R&D programs. Appendix D summarizes the major foreign fast breeder reactor programs and considers the implications of these programs on the economy and technological posture of the U. S. 4.8 World Market The development of a commercial LMFBR by United States industry can have a beneficial impact on the United States balance of payments position. Though the country which is first able to produce an economic and reliable fast breeder reactor may occupy a strong position from the standpoint of initially capitalizing on the available worldwide market for breeder reactors, the domination of a foreign market will depend on many other factors. These include price structure, simplicity of plant operation and maintenance, and reactor characteristics. Several West European countries are planning to introduce a fast breeder reactor into the commercial enviromment in the late 1970's and early 1980's. The U. S. is planning to ocommence LMFBR operation in the early 1980's. Substantial sales of both LWR's and breeders will be gained by the U. S. - both for the near and far term - if the current programs are successfully achieved. See Appendix D for further details. 59 "f"foreign comtr:les have been bued Ion this leadership, and the __ 'rechnol h 1cal'.uadeuh1 | o e U. 8. off.oru muu be- continuad in order to maintain the technological world leadarahip: which the U. 8. has acbievcd in the development of reputation of. tho U, 8, in many of the natim is in no mll 4,10 T TR measure due to :I.ta comanding pos:l.tion 1n advancing tho uses of the atom for peacefui purposes. 'I'he U, 8. resolvn to apply nuclear energy to paaceful applications was firsl: emmc:l.ated by President Truman and. has been reiterat:ed by each succeedins President., Strengthening of the IMFBR program will enhance the pesture of the United States. There is little question that the USSR would exploit any failure on the part of the U, 8. to maintain its leadership in this field. To appreciate this, one need only have witnessed the aggressive program presented by the USSR at the World Power Conference held in Moscow in August 1968 with regard to its position in the area of peaceful application of the atom to nuclear power. Electricity and Other Procesgses Whereas the most readily quantifiable benefit from the breeder program will be the reduction in cost of electricity in mills per kilowatt hour and of heat in cents pexr million Btu, the indirect benefits of cheaper energy are extremely far reaching. A small incremental savings in the cost of energy will open up new horizons 60 TR TR e kufl@%%%&?fi@@%&flfi%j_fié_ _ L e ,,,,,, v s * . e 33 PR Ml el o T——— f ’ B s i : S 5% i ol x":; o & S i ¥ g %w&?’mm‘% 4: ] 1‘ w R P P K i TS ke @“- = s M\%“’M‘.r = & [ v iy cE TR i i Mph Yy Fheiad e B PR IR N IR ¢ s s ] K & ¥ Ceoarh Vg e Wl an i e g B e S G e b e eI e R A e R e s S Tl . T 40 1 RN T 61 .uuomcu LA3vonng oaanfloo 18I3Isnpul-018y pus (wixisnpal n.uounwo £B3aug awayony am«q ™30 - oufluuomum *S3889003d STIIVNTA-NOV YITA 939dmOD 03 UTEIIT I8NM FaEF01d ITIIHNTS nwnfiwu.wwuwuhwuqnw .uwommnuwawwmw o7 qad% 8 Wunum (1) (uaysiitw) 1S0J A9¥3INI Tvo1¥I9T1 * b= 2T %ttt 210 FIG. 7 E:—mo:g —— wnuwnly SUIIO[Y)-OTISTIR) Semmmmmn | uofpenb] Jiy ejA uabAx) —— 32&2._ 3::3 sfim © - uoponpay 3 anktonser Aq uos) (ea1n pue ‘EONVHN “EONH pUR) RIUOUIUIY semmmmm— . 2980 WOJ SUdNKje)y *eEm— 10) WoJ} (0] + GH) SeY euljadld === ®H [RIASNPU] 850ding-[esouag == - zom 00D WU} BUjOSRY = 62 t_o_m._.ou.m 404 ANVW3IQ JHL NI ALIDLISVT3 SISATVNY 1143N38-1S0J L N9 syt e R £ ot A A R L A ViR s e aominzaclhy - . : » vmbitosne oo o1 e et e i AR RS A 5.0 MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS USED IN THE COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS The following assumptions used in this analysis are based on presently, available information. The results of the analysis are only as accurate as the numbers associated with the aumpt:ions. However, as noted elsevhere, the sensitivity of the benefits to changes in the parameters associated with these assumptions are fairly valid and of direct interest. 5.1 Discount Rates Decisions on appropriate discount rates should be made on a case by case basis. The application of high discount rat:en‘s could cause the Government to ignore investments of great potential benefit to the country which only the Government can undertake in favor of continued investments by the private sector. For most of the cases examined in this analysis a 7% discount rate has been ugsed., The 7% discount rate was adopt:ed by the AEC Systems Analyses Task Force in 1967 and used in the projection of the nuclear power economy that served as a basis for this study. For purposes of comparison and discussion, the model also discounted the objective function, which has already been minimized with the 77 value, for discount rates of 5, 10, and 12.5 percent. In no event was the internal cost of money, 7%, changed in the analysis. 63 yeara, eight 1000 me plmte .:-'_:_: 5 s“ ég.u.{ Lhi BRS¢ “;'{,‘4;'}?;” s -uffor the third two years, and eeonomica dictating thereafter. The ratea asaumed are compatible with the capability of 3to 5§ ----- SRR e TR Ao by, 4 _“n_.‘-‘- Aty 5.3 Cepital COata of Planta The capital coate utilized in the model for the LHEBR cost benefita study are ehown in Figure 8. Theee are estimated 1970 costs, averaged for the(U. S. and they reflect, to the extent possible, the follovtng factors: ' .ar”_ldcreaaed cost of'money. b."‘Inflation in cost ot}materiala and labor to 1970, ¢. Experience with plaate constructed to date and on order, ;d, ?he:effecte_of prgjeetedjcoat reductiona. e, Effects of mode of construction (shop versus field, improve- - ‘ments in engineering and utilization of facilitiea), and related quality agsurance practices, £. COntingency allowance, These costs represent data available in the fall of 1968, All of the data had, as yet, not reflected Items a, b, and £f. 1t is expected that complete factual data would increase the estimated costs, 64 “P861 ueyy a0 =o_§ae§ Jo aep yum ca_ 10 E.a._._ 0} SYIYs sAInd 3503 YHWT 310N i < ¢ oz 002 ¢ 88& ~ ~ ” . 0%t ¢ -1 o gin o = , : i e ot . = T . - ; = . £ s ~ & i . W & W g = 5 * = > “ 35 B w: S -~ i~y + : ) ’ - 3 v = - e - £ i R St 3 il o - - iy ' A - - A A ---33383-33---3---3 : - _ | | ; T ™ it R - . 2 . < g < u-...--.-.-.--fi _ - 8.H . " .- o N : i ’ . g et - : L z . - | | -..-.-. seaen -." o ot : - . o 2 . * . - .. e - ‘- e i;z - o= » o= ITI - e’ o w I»H - . m --..--.. : — : - - % . . : i : o Is il o ; . . . i “ o LR Moo @ Z ks £, o : - . . . e =% Nl e o e & r e e l - < - > i o i B s et . " - - - - . .y T o ™ - L . -~ .. - a - A % f. Z - oy e = .,f.. - go! - . i afi - N . i L e - ) - T . w . _— ° A S L T ] - Lo T - g * e - = . - s .vrsw.a.., b -~ v . wi,.\ - S ' ,. > : T - . e ~ W \ ———————— S < -— e 2 s 8 , 5 .V,H ; bl - = o ,r . - ", L T = > ) o = ...e = -, —- - . . . . b - Yy X I X L . 3 = = . - . r:.M. L > T . L - 2 % o - — . l , : 31 - e s e - i NS SN o r - : R TR ,nt. ey - . - - o - - . - e : 0861 ~ - - w - . W -—- - - - = = = : Lot . - o o @ v > i " - S B L D STSATVNY 114IN38-1500 8 [N + A b OIY1OTII LIVMON ¥3d SHVTION 8 FIG. 65 5.5 Mass Balance and Reactor Performance The mass balance of each reactor was based on reactor performance numbers shown in Table 11. Two sets of values were assumed for the nmg, one for the initial introduction of the LMFBR and a second for advanced flE’BR's. The reactors inbtroduced in thef first! 6 years woré assumed to maintain low specific power and iggh spedific 1nventory for the 30 years of 1ife. 1In practice, advanced cores would replace the earlier cores. @;‘ep of the several types of 1light water reactors used in the &alyaia are shown in Table 11, representing (1) LWR with only enriched uranium feed, (2) LWR enriched with only plutonium feed for first 4 years, then enriched with uranium-235, and (3) LWR enriched with only plutonium feed for first 10 years, uranium-235 thereafter, This simplified method was used in the computer runs to represent non-recycle and recycle IWR's. Fuel Cycle Costs The systems analysis model utilized unit costs of fuel fabrication, dhemical preparation, conversion, and chemicallreprocessing which have been computed based on fuel mass flows for tfia entire 1ife of each reactor considered. The code used is applicable to reactor syatems'in which the number of reactors installed is changing with time, and in which several different kinds of reactors are used. Based on assumptions developed by the AEC Fuel Recycle and Systems Analyses Task Forces, representative results are shown in Table 12, 66 HOO9 IYTIIL 2030wy - - 26°9 est - oS 2L | 000°L6 ®x0D Zon-Z0oa se6t S cY POOTRADY D09 yeyUvLR - - $0°8 T4 ¢ - - 052 v'$9| 000°L6-920D Zon-Tona 0861 $°CYy &ixeg ) a1 pexq 3o uflaumn A L W (gepll . - - o .. o} PIQIvS o 60" o e et ose® £20° 00° 0°s¢ 000'C9 *ave A(eSTH 0861 15y »ousIe WY I *Xo% W) . | 5 e , . s2f 01 - wpueIn 0ot STt L e o't 9t | = 650° 3. 000°02 teanavn o3 W2 0661 $°2zc 000Z-066¢ Al PEYITITS TN .S - 0661-000'02] ‘82 ¢ -~ wnTuRIn 9% s1° o ey s1°z s1s* - $20° 6°%C | or61-000°0C Teanava wp ox| OL61 €°2¢ | oesT~o26T 1 5 - 0661-000°07, sxvek ot 03 s ) s 91°2 s - <92 6°¥¢ | ve6r-000'0¢] WRTURIM pegIIINY oL6t < 0861061 . i » l\. 4L e - . g ooyl wew |7 stz jamIk ‘eczlt ccll nx TONT Tk AITITGVIIVAY |2 “XORSTIOTIE ROISTq xeoe | ssmonor | (ssysoer mous) xmssiz | wornmsmes L%I Jum g 20 TIVa TYRIIET. IR FOLIVE ks %t |- 0 B oz - I9R ol | comenrys 1SETTAIVR Ixvid m Im T 0TR0d | ceersant = OLAIORAS| egng RINIOR | orarogas wma ROTESITINGG . TYIIIND A L _ SISKIVNV N1 QIHNSSY T AR e T T * . o - [ B “ e et o 2 e . ' ; . : . T . 4 - . " i . . ; PR . - : § e . ; . . Y ; i ' T - i ’ ’ 4 : Sy . ) ‘. & . ! . Lo . . Py . . ’ i : i . 6 MM ey . _-___"ren pographical resi.ona of tho U. 8. ‘were selected in which foui 1 £u¢1 c”“ ransO fron 16 3 to 31:_8 cents per million BTU 3.7 Group 5 for ubich‘fcou :mcreuu o! 12 per year were assumed, Uran imcb‘.t.*gm ey e b S Uranium costs were assumed to be rising for 5 of the 8 groups considered (see Table 1) in accordance with a schedplo shown in Table 13. This table was developed, for computer purposes, from the AEC Uranium Reserve estimates shown in Table 14. For Groups 2, 7, and 8 (Table 1), the uranius cost was assumed to be constant at $8 per pound U30g. Future uranium discoveries will probably result in an intermediate cost, more closely approxi- mating the rising than the constant cost assumption. The analysis did include some consideration of mtomdiato costs, as discussed in this report. 7The analysis further gumd that there was no import or export of fissile or fertile material. 69 :.u? ,ffff;iq2§§£§i1é;§ : . COST-BENRFIT AWALYSIS LF s 2o d gt Tl ¥ }{ j’«\f i {Cost per 1b, g b s ~.of U30g $50 to 100 | Total | thte‘d i | . : el "“i 4,,?“ % | 5.8 Base Date foé.Analysis and Cut-off Dates ?w“ T o Nuclaar.powef plants will not go into com;arcial operaéidn in | sizoable numfieru until 1970, uhich_vns aelectedlas.theainitial | year of this analysis and, also, a:s"'i:‘he base ‘yééi; r'for wb&.ch all present worth costs of all future gxpanditures were determineq. The period from 1970 to 2020 was selected as the period over which the cost benefits are obtained. 5.9 Electrical Demand The electrical energy demand used in the analysis is in accordance with Table 15, This table excludes the demand associated with peaking units and all hydro, It further assumes that nuclear and fossil start at a 1970 baae_vhich excludes those plants in operation before 1970, * Dafined as the quantity of uranium, expressed as Us05, in all known ore deposits for which the uranium content and other factors, sucR as size, depth, and metallurgical characteristics, are sufficiently well defined that the cost of production can be estimated on the basis of presently known mining and processing technology. %% Defined as that quantity of uranium presumed to occur in unexplored extensions of known deposits and in known uranium-producing areas, or in areas of gimilar geologic favorability, which it is expected can be exploited at the costs specified in each price range. 71 1970M e wzso 1980% 1,377 wonizonst ) 2,000 | 2,330 | - 1 ¢ Sy . 2000 | 5,070 " |“" “'6,800°" | 8,000 | 10,000 - 2020 | 10,870 | ‘15,725 * | 18,500 | 24,210 A *output of plants operating prior to 1970 are not included. f 5.10 Generating Capéc:lty Load Factor The United States yearly load factor was assumed .t:o range from . 65% in 1970 to 68% in 2020, The load factors are based on nuclear power in competition for all estimated electrical demand shown in Table 15, which as stated, excludes the demand associated with peaking u;aits and all hydro. 72 “Presently planned program for breedero. 3-1 umn :I.ntroduced fi: 1984 SR e LT e o g LRSI ;‘,‘ S e .+ B=2 1MFBR mtroduced in 1980 : v . S o Accelerated program for breeders. Delay in present program demon- stration by 2 years. B-3 IMPBR introduced in 1986 B-4 IMFBR introduced in 1990 - A $40 million per annum ILMFBR technology program 1971-77. B-5 LIMFBR mtroduced in 1994 - A $15 m:l.llion per annum ILMFBR technology program 1971-77. B-7 IMFBR introduced in 1984 - Parallel Breeder introduced in 1992 - Parallel Breeder program. - £ In Plan B-1 through B-5, the alternate breeders (MSBR and alternate FBR's) are phased out subsequent to IMFBR introduction. Plan B-7 supports a level of effort for alternate breeders through 1971- 1972, at which time it was assumed that a decision is made to 73 etert 1n FY 1971 to allow for e programed reduction. Additionel totel expenditureelfor the delayed programs, above and beyond the total’ expenditures fbr the presently planned progrem*would be made as a reeult of the pheee-down and phagse~-up during the delaying period. In any case the plene assume that some benefits from R&D would result during such delsaying period. In Plan B-4, IMFBR R&D facilities are maintained to the extent necessary for introducing the LMFBR in 1990, with the LMFBR technology effort maintained at $40 million per year for Fiscal Years 1971-77. Plan B-5 reduces the LMFBR technology effort to $15.0 million in the FY 1971-77 time period, but maintains existing LMFBR R&D facilities in this period in a manner which would allow the LMFBR to be introduced in 1994, Supporting reactor technology programs include support of the industrial, university and AEC laboratories. Light Water Breeder costs are not included, since full scale designs of 1000 MWe LWBR's are not available to date, To establish the validity of safety criteria used in reactor design, construction, operation and related accident analysis, it is necessary for the AEC to continue to support safety R&D 74 75 APPENDIX A Selected Statements and Reviews in Support of the Breeder Program 1, 1962 Report to the President on Civilian Nuclear Power, U, S. Atomic Energy Commission, "Clearly: The overall object 's power program should be to foster and suggg the g;gggng use of nuclear energy and, importantly, to guide the program in such directions as to make possible the exploitation of the vast energy regsources latent in the fertile materials, uranium=238 and thorium, "More specific objectives may be summarized as follows: 1. 2, onstruction of plants incorporating ¢t egent gt competitive reactor types; The early establishment of a self-gsufficient and gfgging nuclear power industry that will assume an increasing gshare of the development costs;: The development of improved converter and, later, breeder et conver e fert t nab The maintenance of U, S. technological leadership in the world by means of a vigorous domestic nuclear power program and appropriate cooperation with, and assistance to, our friends abroad." * % % "Hence, it is essential that, within a reasonably short time, the goal should be attained of making breeder reactors technologically and economically attractive, The Government must take the lead in this regard.' * Kk k "Thus, the future program should include the vigorous development and timely introduction of improved converters and especially of economic breeders; the latter are essential to long-range major use of nuclear energy." 76 2, 1967 Supplement to the 1962 Report to the President on Civilian Nuclear Power, U, S, Atomic Energy Commission. "...Intensive development of the high gain breeder ovér the long te: has been undertaken as recommended by the 1962 Report. "The objectives expressed in the 1962 Report are still regarded as valid, The Commission intends to continue to exercise positive and vigorous leadership in achieving the technical goals and in assuring growing participation by the nuclear industry as nuclear power becomes economic, " - ' - | L Rk ok | S "The fast breeder, with a potential for a doubling time of 8 to 10 years, can most efficiently use the fertile uranium-238 in depleted and natural uranium, "The fast breeders of major interest are divided into three categories - sodium cooled, gas cooled and steam cooled., The sodium cooled fast breeder has been established as the priority program on the basis of potential economy, reactor manufacturer interest, and technological experience gained in the U, S. and abroad. Worldwide interest is concentrated on the sodium cooled breeder...." ' Energy R&D and National Progress: Findings and Conclusions, An Interdepartmental Study, September 1966. "While private industry will probably concentrate on improving existing commercial reactors, the Government should play a key role in developing more advanced reactors with better fuel utilization. Present development schedules should be maintained 80 as to accomplish development and final commercial application within the normally expected 15 year time period. Concurrently, the Government should encourage development of more than one breeder or near breeder concept as a hedge against possible failure of any one approach.,” Fast Breeder Reactor Report, Edison Electric Institute, April 1968, "The long range benefits from the use of fast breeder reactors in nucleer power generation have been recognized for two decades; however only recently has widespread interest in the expeditious development of breeders for commercial application become manifest. "There are strong economic incentives for the electric utility industry to participate in the development of the fast breeder reactor." 77 3. Speeches b. Remarks by W. Kenneth Davis, Director, Division of Reactor Development, U, S. Atomic Energy Commissioh, Fagt Reactor Information Maeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 1957, "I1f we ask ourselves why there should be a substantial effort on fast reactors, 1 think a major reason to be given is the promise of nuclear breeding, Fast reactors offer a proven means of utilizing to the maximum the energy stored in uranium - not just that in the U-235 (0.71 percent of natural uranium) or even that which can be obtained by a plutonium recycle in thermal reactors which is only two or three times the natural U-235 content, "The fast reactor systems offer, in addition to the advantagrs of high temperature and long fuel 1life, the attractive possi- bili.y of breeding, and thus are probably the most important systems which we have under study when looked at from the long range viewpoint. The idea of conservation of nuclear fuel, which can best be realized by development of breeder concepts, 18 of such importance to our program that we have made it the subject of a separate objective of our long range progranm, " Remarks by Dr, Frank K, Pittman, Director, Division of Reactor Development, U, S, Atomic Energy Commission, Fast Breeder Power Conference, Detroit, Michigan, December 3, 1963, "To this end, the objective of the Commission's nuclear power program for the long-range future is clearly identified: 1t is to guide the program in such direction as to make possible the exploitation of the vast energy resources latent in the fertile materials, thorium and uranium-238. We are still involved in some of the first steps toward the realization of this long-term objective., Successfully attaining this objective will assure that we can obtain maximum benefit from our low cost uranium reserves and render relatively unimportant the cogt of nuclear raw materials so that even very low-grade sources will become economically acceptable,” 78 €. Remarks by Milton Shaw, Direcgorfofgnivision ongeactor.DeveIOpmeht d. e e b s o b o g and Tachndlbgy,ifi;'Sa AtomiciznqxgnyOmmiésibn,'ig‘fiflflslcdnfbrence ; DT T TN TEEr AR v e CR TR R SUeiE et E o i Y Lo ; on Fast breeder Reactors, May 17q19;f1965,. B R L s, Mn its program to'achieva,ayntéms éfi‘tfi"tll.fl!fi&fldathfi3“{'8;!! energy resources while reducing further the cost of electrical power, the AEC has: given:the highest:priority to. the Liquid Metal-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor. The potential economic advantages far outweigh the difficult development problems and the expenditures currently proposed; the cost-benefits of the extensive R&D program are obvious.. The successful demonstration of .this vital reactor concept in.a timely, effective and economic manner depends upon verification.of the technological. and engineering prerequisites through a planned and disciplined research and development program...” Do = Remarks by AEC Cofimidcioner Dr. Cerald P, Tape, Third Intérnational Confhrenéa on tfie Paaédful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, August 31, 1964. YThe basic purpose of nuclear power research and development in the United States is to provide an additional and alternate energy source to meet present and future demands thereby providing timely protection for the nation against rising power costs and eventual fuel shortages. The long term objective will be met through the development of commercial breeder reactors capable of utilizing the vast potential of the world's nuclear resources." Remarks by Dr. Glenn T, Seaborg, Chairman, U, S. Atomic Energy Commission, American Power Conference, Chgcago, Illinois, April 25, 1967. "In speaking to the British Nuclear Energy Society last October, 1 outlined the reasons why I believe we must move ahead rapidly to the development of more efficient means of using our basic nuclear energy resources - the world's vast, but not unlimited, supply of uranium and thorium, Projections of the world's increasing population, its rising rate of consumption of energy, and its evea proportionally greater increase in the use of electricity, combine to show an urgent need for developing economically competitive nuclear reactors which will burn, 79 “not ;1ess :than one:percent of .the uranium used in today's “1ight water reactors, but a much larger fraction, and ‘eventually almost ‘all of the uranium in our nuclear fuel ‘' resources, as might be done by the most advanced breeder - systems of the future ' \i .. v o.ooul e u?E 43 * ,y .33’ s{ Sosp b eyl if ;@ 7 “ Fooroodseer 0 EE L g . S t“c : "1on ’.— jMican . Pw.r confer‘m.’ Chic‘so’ 11111101., t R TRy R f ML ET iy i - ; - B Aprdl-23, :19684 10 s s YAs you well ‘know, for more than ten years the utility and - reactor manufacturing industries have been deeply involved in the/predecessor AEC program - namely, the 1light water ‘reactor program for electric power plants., Embarkation into the breeder generation is another important indication of the growing maturity of our nuclear power industry," '8 Remarks by‘Cofiminoioner‘wilfrid E. Johnson, U. 8., Atomic Energy Commission, ANS Topical Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 10, 1967. “The ultimate step in extending fuel supplies is in getting many times the present 1 to 2% of energy latent in uranium transformed into economically useable form., Our ability to make more than a few percent of this latent energy available at all, requires the breeder-type of reactor, and to get this energy into the economy requires that nuclear breeding plants be economic., To achieve this goal will require that Covernment and industry each pursue complementary roles," h. Remarks by Congressman Chet Holifield, Chairman of JCAE, American Public Power Association's 1965 Annual Convention Los Angelea? California, May 4, 1965, "1f we are successful in developing advanced converters and near term breeders utilizing thorium we will succeed in multiplying our energy resources as much as 50 times., If we successfully tackle and accomplish the much more difficult goal of high yield breeder reactors we will have achieved unlimited supplies of energy." 80 Remarks by Congressman Wayne Aspinall, Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear sod:loty, Denver, Colorado, June 21, 1966, "If flt:ha breeder '-ru'cl:or can be successfully developed-~ and we are confident that it can~- it will meet the world's '+ energy needs for the indefinite future. I can think of no k. 1, finer bequest to succeeding generations than that," Remarks by Representative Craig Hosmer (R-Calif), ANS Meeting, San Diego, California, June 13, 1967, "Continued large reserch and development costs to round out the national nuclear power capability in the form of advanced converters and breeders makes continued substantisl government part:lc'i'pation in these areas mandatory for another 1% years or 80, Statement by Philip Sporn, President of American Blectric Power Service Corporation, before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, July 17, 1964. "This program (reactor development program) should be aimed at the development of advanced reactors which mske more efficient use of nuclear fuels than do our present light water reactors, Selection of specific concepts and the setting up of develop- ment schedules in this program must be determined so as to be consistent with the overall and developing energy needs and policies of this country. 1In particular, it is my judgment that we need to focus both on reactors vhich can utilize thorium efficiently and on fast breeders. Moreover, I believe that the potential economic performance of each of these reactors must be considered every bit as seriously as their ability to extend our nuclear fuel resources, for we can afford neither the waste of our fuel resocurces nor our manpower and other resources all of which are integrated in the final figure of economic performance," Statement by President-Elect Nixon, October 5, 1968: Acceleration of the Atomic Energy Commission's breeder reactor project could provide virtually inexhaustible energy at low cost.-- Reported by New York Times, October 6, 1968, 81 6. lLetter to.t 7o ?;;being‘madc in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, For cxsmplc, " 'in the field of civilien nuclear power, I.look: _ d wglmm t: iy ' . ' i which will: of our Nation' tomic nc?syficcmmiclicn&fromaPrccidcnt;J°h°999’5 impcrtant;prcgrcss that is otward to- thc fiicquircd for. thc*mct” afiicicnt"nd&cccncmicai csc afnucicar £uel tcncuamea.n fnxcerpta frcmqthc Budgct of. thc;vnited States Government. a. FY 1964 Budget. e;.'Expcnditurec in 1964 for tha developmcnt of ‘economic civilian nuclear power are estimated at $244 million, 'an increase of $34 million over 1963, In line with the Commission's recent Report to the President on Civilian Nuclear Power, increasiag emphasis will be placed on reactors which produce more fuel than: they consume ("breeders"). Breeders will be necessary 1f nuclear energy is to make a significant contribution to the national powcr supply in the long run.’ b. FY 1965 B“dseto "Increancd emphasis will be placed on reactors which produce more fuel than they consume ("breeders") and efforts will be continued to devclop certain other advanced reactors. "In 1965 particular cmphasis*will be given to "breeder" power reactors, which would produce more fissionable material than they consume, and to the area of nuclear safety." c. FY 1966 Budgfltc "The Commission is also working toward the long-range objective of high-gain breeder reactors which produce significantly more fuel than they consume, These breeders would insure a tremendous energy source for centuries to come," "Continued emphasis will be given to the development of reactors which produce significantly more fuel than they consume ("high- gain breeders') as the long-range objective for civilian power reactors." 82 I'Y 1967 Budget. "With the increasingly widespread acceptance and use of nuclear power reactors, the efforts of the Federal Government are focused upon development of improved designs which will use nuclear fuels more efficiently and produce electric power at lower cost, Work on the so-called "fast breeder" reactors--which would produce more fuel than they consume--will be intensified, with design in 1967 of a special test reactor, expected to cost about $75 million." FY 1969 Budget. "The principal element of AEC's program in this area is the effort to develop an economic fast breeder reactor, which promiges to produce morxe fissionable nuclear material than is consumed in the process of producing power. This long- texm program will be intensified further in 1969." Excerpts from AEC Annual Reports to Congress, a. b, C. CY 1958 AEC Annual Report. "Fast reactors occupy an important place in nuclear power programs because their ability to produce more fuel than they consume is potentially important to conservation of fissionable material resources," CY 1963 AEC Annual Report. "The third implementing phase of the AEC's civilian nuclear reactor power program is the conduct of an intensive, long- range effort to develop breeder reactors which will make possible the use of the full potential energy available in nuclear fuels," "Good technical progress has been made on the breeder concept which has been under study for a number of years. 1Its technology, however, is extremely complex and much research and development remains to be done before breeder reactors approach an economically attractive stage of development," CY 1967 AEC Annual Report. "With induastry’s acceptance of the light water reactors, the AEC has now given the higheat priority to the development of liquid metal-cooled fast breeder reactors (IMFBR)." 83 L T e AR A T e T AT A M S e e v, 9. Excerpts from Reports of the JCAE on AEC Authorizing Appropriations for the AEC. FY 1965 Budget. . “This faar's request for the civilian fiower reactor '»;,program‘reflects;a shift in emphasis from the first - generation of light or ordinary water-type reactors - to the next phase which has as its objective the b. C, development of reactors which utilize nuclear fuel more efficiently, As the AEC indicated in its November 1962 report to the President, it is only nuclear energy which holds the promise of meeting the Nation's long-term energy requirements and in this connection, only those reactors which permit more efficient utilization of fuel, or contribute to the ultimate goal of breeding, should be pursued., In this report, the AEC indicated that the fast reactor concept would be the main approach to developing breeders. However, since that time, technolog- ical developments have occurred which indicate that breeding may also be feasible in certain types of thermal reactors using the thorium fuel cycle. This would represent a major advance in our reactor technology, since it provides an alternate approach to the fast breeder reactor., It would be an important milestone in the national objective of conserving our fuel resources." FY 1966 Budget. "The AEC's civilian power reactor program represents a planned research and development effort designed to intro- duce a new energy source into the national economy. The ultimate objective of this program is the development of high-gain breeder reactors to meet the Nation's long-term energy needs, The basic guidelines to be followed in this development effort were stated in the AEC's November 1962 report to the President, the basic conclusions and recommendations of which the committee continues to endoree as a national policy for the development of civilian nuclear power." FY 1967 Budget. "The civilian nuclear power program is presently proceeding in accordance with guidelines expressed in the Atomic Energy Commission's November 1962 report to the President, This report has provided the program with sound objectives for attainment of a virtually limitless supply of energy for this country. However, the committee believes that developments, particularly those in the past year, 84 d. warrant a general updating of the program presented in this report. The committee urges this review because of the sharply increased rate of addition of nuclear generating capacity, changes in estimates of future growth of nuclear power, the more recent technical developments which have taken place in certain of the advanced reactor fields, and the latest information which has been developed concerning our uranium resources," = - FY 1968 Budget, "A very significant point has been reached concerning test facilities for the fast breeder program. The proposed Fast Flux Test Facility (FFIF), for which the committee has recommended authorization of $80 million in construction funds beyond the previously authorized $7.5 million for architect-engineering, is aimed at providing critically needed test facilities for the sodium cooled fast breeder program. In light of the complexity of this facility, test results from it are not expected until about 1975. The next major decision in the fast breeder program concerns the plan for construction of demonstration fast breeder reactor power-plants., The Commission in its testimony stated a belief that such plants could be started as early as 1970, The committee intends to follow the planning and scheduling of this important phase of the program closely," FY 1969 Budget. "As the Commission's highest priority civilian nuclear reactor program, the liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) program is rapidly becoming a model for coordinated, long-range planning, The Commission is to be commended for its efforts to obtain the maximum industrial contribution toward solving the technical problems and in broadening the base of industrial capability in both technical and management aspects." 85 T T e sttt Lo S T e e TR - T e S T O R R ¢ e e C- APPENDIX B Statements® Regarding Corporate Commitments of Major Reactor Manufacturers to LMFBR North American Rockwell Corporation "North American Rockwell is committed as a matter of corporate policy to becoming a supplier of fast breeder reactor power plants to the utility industry. Beyond the integrated invest- ment in facilities and equipment at Atomics International, the corporation has invested to date $7 million in conceptual design and $1.9 million in capital facilities and equipment to support the design of a 500 Mie fast breeder plant intended for construction on the Penelec system under the AEC demonstra-~ tion plant program. The demonstration plant is a key objective in the corporation's plan to supply FBR's to the utility industry. The company investment during this fiscal year (October 1967 - September 1968) will be 4.3 million dollars for design and development and $1.1 million for capital facilities and equipment.” The interest and commitment of North American Rockwell was also stated by Mr., J. L. Atwood, President and Chief Executive Officer of North American Rockwell, in remarks before the Commission on January 8, 1968 during a presentation on the AI1/GPU program. A portion of that statement i8 quoted here. "North American Rockwell is prepared to commit the management and financial resources required over the next ten years to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of the 1iquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor concept. Our conmitment is predicated on anticipated progress in the AEC Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program, successful development and test in the current NR-GPU program and appropriate support from the AEC for our demonstration plant program leading to commercial operation in 1976." * Excerpts from submissions in reply to AEC invitation for expressions of interest in cost-reimbursement, task-type contracts for LMFBR plant design R&D work. 86 General Electric Company "It is a matter of record that General Electric Company is committed as a point of corporate policy to develop and demongtrate the successful operation of the IMFBR in the electric utility industry on a true scale, consistent with ‘the commercial availability of plutonium from the thermal reactor systems, - Cera B e _ ._ "With the door thus effectively closed on early development of a steam cooled fast reactor, General Electric has taken the position that it will concentrate its technical resources on meeting the date of 1980 with the liquid metal fast breeder reactor. : "On September 5, 1967 General Electric entered into a contract with the Empire State Atomic Development Associates for a $5 million research and development program, whose stated objective is to develop information which will significantly strengthen the basis for a demonstration plant commitment in 1969-1970. General Electric has undertaken to submit to ESADA not later than September 30, 1969, provided that it 1is technically feasible and safe to proceed, an offer to supply a sodium cooled fast breeder nuclear power plant with a design - target output of approximately 300 MJ. Although it is c¢laar that implementation of this agreement depends on the prior successful operation of the SEF(R reactor, and on General Electric's assessment of the state of development of the sodium cooled fast breeder technology generally (which obviously depends in large part on :he results from current AEC LMFBR programs), it is also clear that such an undertaking with soma of General Electric's major customers represents a serious gstatement of intent," ' 87 Westinghouse Electric Coxrporation Weatinghouse "has committed $50 million for facilities and development'” in the fast reactor area. ''In addition, more than $10 million in facilities are 1n place and more under construction." : ""We have also joined 22 utilities and one consultant engineer - to participate in our work to lead toward a demonstration plant, “To support this approach, Westinghouse has comuitted more of its resources, including capital, to breeder development than to any other single technological development. The Westinghouse ~ approach 18 a three-phase program leading to construction of a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor. This demonstration plant, with a rating of 200 to 400 megawatts, will be the prototype design for a full-scale 1000-MW plant. The program's first phase, which will continue until 1970, encompasses the study and research needed to commit the demonstration plant to detailed design; the second phase is plant construction, expected to take about five years; in the final phase, the plant will be operated to optimize the design and determine the technological and economic feasibility of the full-scale fast breeder plant, "This development program can be successful only if it receives the active support of both the utility industry and the Atomic Energy Commission, The first phase of the program, already underway, is receiving financial support from several utilities, some of which may also provide manpower. A number of other utility companies, along with the Atomic Energy Commission, have been invited to join the first phase, Similar cooperation will be required to complete the second and third phases. "As a part of the Westinghouse commitment, the facilities of the Advanced Reactors Division are undergoing a five million dollar expansion program. The building expansion, due for completion in early 1969, will provide administration and engineering offices, high and low bay testing and analytical laboratories, machine and instrument shops, and other migcellaneous gsupport facilities for design, experimentation and testing in the areas of: Plant Systems and Components Development Reactor Mechanical Development Fuels and Materials Development Sodium Technology" 88 Babcock & Wilcox Company "A recent comprehensive evaluation by corporate management confirmed that substantial amounts of money, personnel and facilities will continue to be invested in the LMFBR and other advanced R&D to secure a place in the breeder market when it develops. The Company has spent millions of dollars to date in nuclear R&D of which a large portion is directly and indirectly related to breeder reactor development, Planned expenditures approximate $36 million in the next ten years on breeder reactors alone, "At this time, the Company is pPreparing the groundwork for a joint BSW-utility LMFBR engineering program., Over thirty electrical utilities have been presented with background information as to B&W performance and capability in the fast breeder field., Discussions are now being held with certain of these utilities for the purpose of laying the foundation for the referenced joint venture. "The proposed association with the utility industry will provide for active and objective communication between B&W and the electrical utilities. The information and analysis developed by this joint venture will provide a sound basis for the decisions required relative to the construction of a demonstrator plant," - Combustion Engineering, Inc. "The ultimate importance of the fast breeder for the generation of economic electrical power was recognized some years ago by Combustion Engineering, and the Company has consistently promoted this concept as a means to decrease dependence upon the limited source of low cost uranium ore, "We are, consequently, pursuing the development of a sodium- cooled fast breeder with a core geometry optimized for economics using sodium-bonded carbide fuel. We expect that this development ‘will take several years, that it will require substantial support from the USAEC and from the utility industry and that it will involve the construction of a demonstration plant at an appropriate time, "Combustion Engineering 18 actively engaged in obtaining utilit support for its research and development program. . "One utility has given us a letter of intent to support this program, Several other utilities have expressed considerable interest in the program, and we expect to receive several more favorable responses. In addition, there are a number of other utilities we plan to contact about this program which would ultimately place us in a position to work on a firm design for a demonstration plant." 89 Jorsoy Central Power & Light Company ' Metropolitan' Edison Company ' New ‘Jersey Power & Light: Company Ponnaylvania Electric Company - ':} 3 i A Pennsylvania Eloctric has aelectod a aite in northeastern Pennsylvania on the Suaquohanna River near Tonawanda that could he used for an LMFBR. b. General Electric (1) Wi.th the SAEA group and fom.' other utilities - a $750,000 | design study of a 200 mo prototype oodium-cooled plant, Construot:ion deciaion 1n 1969. SAEA - Southwoat Atom:lc Energy Aasociatea (SEFOR) Arkansas - H:luour:l. Power Company Arkansas Power & Light Company Central Louisiana Electric Company .. - .The Central Kansas Power Company* . * " The Empire District Electric Company Culf States Utilities Company Kansas Gas and Electric Company ‘Louisiana- Power & Light Company Mississippi Power and Light Company Migssouri Puyblic Service Company Missouri Utilities Company* * Not included in initial list of fifteen. 90 Niagara Mohawk::f Pover: COrporat::lon - Lo Central:Hudson!Gas & Electric Corporation Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inec, 'iz-Long Island: Lighting :Company Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation : Orange: and '‘Rockland Utilities, Inc, - - New York State Electric and Gas Corporation Westinghouse . | | with 21 utflities and an A/; ’flrw ‘fdur-yéar proéram for development of sodium-cooled plant. Looking toward construction decision on 200 to 400 MWe prototype unit in 1970, This has been reported in the trade press as a $100 million program, First phase from-Apfil 1967 to April 1970 is a $1,000,000 demonstration plant study to help establish the technical basis. Westinghouse Group Baltimore Gas & Electric Boston Edison Cleveland Electric Illuminating Commonwealth Asgsociates, Inc, 91 20 Dosign Studies o L a, Atomlcs | Internatlonel ’ (North'Amer:loao Rocionll) With ESADA 3100 000 for duign otudy of e sodlm-cooled systen, which will drow on; aodlua hendllngf technology developed under earlier AI/ESADA cont:recta. Technology ond economics of a 1,000 Mie plant: t:o be cooo:ldered. ESADA - See liot:ing on pago 94 of Appendix c. | Y Allegheny PowerfSyetomés{ e : 2/ Texas Utilities Company .- v o 3/ Ohio Edison System L e ot 92 Ce use vaiver and use of zr- m 311.9 unm fro- utilities and Hul: comny and 312.7 nillion fron tbo m aro coilins figures, SAEA ~ See liuing on pagn 93 and 94 of Appcndtx C. Power Reactor Davelopmnc Canpany Fermi: 60 Mie sodium coolcd"fuc ‘breeder PRIC = Power Reactor Davelomnt anpany (Fermi) Allis-mulun Manufacturing Company The Babcock & Wilcox Company Burroughs Corporation Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation The Cincinnati Cas & Electric Cowmpsny .Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company Eombustion hginporins s Inc, . .:'::...’ L. 93 4. Other Activities nc, as representatives of: ithern Compar Allit-Chalmrs Hnnufacturing Company ' Babcock’& Wilcox Company: .« ¢! . Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Cincinnati Cas & Electric Company | Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company . Commonwealth Associates _Consolidated Edison Cmnpany of New York, Inc. " Consolidation Coal Company =~ ., Delmarva Power & Light Company " Detroit Ed:lson cOmpany-a_-_-_..&-r.. Indiampolis Power & Lighl: Company Leeds. & !Iorthrup Cmpany Long Island ‘Lighting. Company . New.York State Electr:lc & Gas Corporation Niagara ‘Mohawk ‘Power Corporation 'Philadelphia Electric Company Potomac Electric Power Company Public Service Electric and Gas Company Rochester Gas and Klectric Corporation Toledo Edison Company Wisconsin Power and Light Company Edison Electric Institute, Detroit Edison, and APDA $0.8 million to demongtrate Pu0 in an operating reactor. = 1102 fuel performance 9% APPENDIX D International Fast Breeder Programs and Implications In this study the expenditures on the different foreign programs have not been placed on a comparable basis with those of the U. S. since accessibility to information on foreign expenditures and budgets is limited. However, as the attached table. (Table D-1) from the EEI Fast Breeder Reactor Report* shows, it is estimated that other countries, excluding the USSR, are spending over $150 million per year on fast breeder R&D programs, - : The French have spent about $160 million through 1967 on their LMFBR program,and expect to spend over $100 million more for the Phoenix Reactor and critical experiments through 1972, Germany has spent $100 million on R&D and, in cooperation with Belgium and the Netherlands, plans to spend $300 million additional on R&D and prototype design, $100 million on prototype construction, and $500 million on development and construction of commercial plant., Most of these expenditures are on the LMFBR, It is estimated that the Euratom members (German, Prance, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy) will have spent at least $2 billion by 1978 on the LMFBR, including two pPrototype-and two commercfal-scale LMFBR plants, Attempts are being made by Euratom to consolidate R&D activities of member countries, and to construct two pPrototype and only one commercial Plant, thereby reducing their expenditures, The United Kingdom has spent about $130 million over the last five years specifically on the LMFBR,and another $55 million on general reactor technology, a major share of which is oriented toward the fast breeder. These expenditures represent about 457 of their reactor R&D budget. Construction of the LMFBR Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) is underway, and the total cost is estimated to be $70 million, The attached table (Table D-2) shows the operational dates of fast reactors, past and future,in various interested countries. The U.S. Program has been on an extended time scale when compared with other countries. This approach has been taken for a number of reasons. However, at this time, continued emphasis and strengthening of the U. 8. efforts are required to permit this country to establish an advantageous position in a competitive market, *Fast Breeder Reactor Report, Edison Electric Institute, April 1968, 95 Substantial sales of light water and breeder reactors will be obtained, both for the near and far term . with the successful achievement of the objectives of the U. S. reactor programs. ' ! The development of a commercial LMFBR by United Stated industry can have a beneficial impact on the United States balance of payments position. Though the country which is first able to produce an economic and reliable fast breeder reactor may occupy a strong position from the standpoint of initially capitalizing on the available worldwide market for breeder reactors, the domination of a foreign market will depend on many other factors., These include price structure, simplicity of plant operation and maintenance, and reactor characteristics. Several West European countries are planning to introduce a fast breeder reactor into the commercial environment in the late 1970's and early 1980's, The U. S. is planning to commence LMFBR operation in the early 1980's., Substantial sales of both INR's and breeders will be gained by the U. 8., both for the near and far term, if the current programs are successfully achieved. The following simplified calculation provides an indication of the financial implications of a worldwide free market for nuclear reactors. Asstming a parallel introduction of the breeder by the various competing free world countries in 1984 and electricity demands of the U. S. equal to the rest of the free world, the total IMFBR demand for the free world in the 1984-1995 period would equal 640,000 Mde, representing about $100.billion dollars in investment. On the basis of the above assumptions, the U, 8. industry has the potential of competing not only for the $50 billion domestic market, but also 1is in the position of competing in an overseas market of equal size. Each percent of the overseas market represents about $500 million. 96 TABLE D-1 FBR, PROGRAMS -~ MILESTONES ¥ o ' . «MELOTLIM "aA CYYRN . Bl maxs ~OLAS ALY JAPNN T DOTIA. WL M [ 1999 « 1950° : MLo1) | '- PP e - I‘ ew B gih . .m. o ’., w ¢-.#‘-, % ’Wa B *'} 1 . *' .j | \ . | : ' : . y : T FIRET (AITICAL - . ' : T ee e t .. -’ ' PACILITY Crmes - & ‘ % 5 % ifi i b 6é - . 26y ' . ' s . : o | i : ; ! ‘ . : . o A0S {Chmmuse) | - o é Ce COMDENNAL ARACKS CRITICH. [1963 {Luewa : »m3 ) {apa0ess Ox-) e ’ ! 163 I-I‘; m ,M; 1059 () wh ) fl; ‘ll-ll; m .‘“, PRRP [N . TIENAL LI f: - . : 1968 . . =;rnq - vaeum o .k 1964 1968 1960 1968 wy 1 § « | TROT ATICIOR CRITICAL S e - . . : %%m)’ 1968 (xn) e () : ¢ LANCE THIE {> 50 on 1966 (scm1 1956 ROdY 2000 e puy) ;0 : n'% %’2- 1972 {30 W ro LS OPERATION >3000 gym) 1970 fw; :al*uu- -m as ..’2‘5. Arg n-mr‘ » oneiteretise) . 50 s 20) 1970(50 : 20 Wt Ban) . ! PRSI 1963 (Permi . - m Poanis ,. 3 REACTOR CRIYICAL mumt;nm) '32‘{(@”2) _9m (m) 1973 (Paentn) % :3.) 78 »wn ; ' J 1 : : 17 ' 1908 1987 OMERCIA. ATACIOR CRTTICAL (estisate) 901 : 19 v | % :L, ' : m BT 1966-1967 1000 ? ~§Bo 700 m !-mu ~100 ~ 1% R0y . TIOUE 1967 o ' ! ‘“int&) s 1 LW $ - 1967 ~10 ' ~p ~ 0 40 (219 o) - ~10 - 0 - T3 AWML Al IMREANE DRgAS L IREARe MO IR 20 Larag PLOKE COTMETION | - AXLOY MLy 9 . X o 1 arsoots o ... .0 ” “on piscusemn ’”'{m o e 100 yiax o = ’“'1.':’,_. = - Do ey ' 3 bese. 5t ou. 0.8.A. v.5.5.%, " .k macs QEANY TEALY JAP AR -MOIWN ~ILLAN *EE1 Fast Breeder Report, April 1968 97 i §:w e 1 RAPSODIE | 1! seroR | wNrmep smms‘r ‘ 1 BR-60 (BOR) | USSR 60,0 - i BN-350 ‘| wvsse 1000.0 | Na 1970 PFR. | GREAT BRITAIN 600,0 Na 1971 PEC 1 roawy 140,0 Na 1973 JEFR " JAPAN 100, 0 Na 1973 PHENIX FRANCE 600.0 Na 1973 NA-2 W. GERMANY3 750.0 Na 1975 FFIF | vwitep stares 400,0 Na 1974 JPFR | oaesw | 900.0 Na 1976 DEMO ;1 | - uNITED STATES »900,0 | Na 1976 BN-600 USSR 14000 | Na 1976 DEMO -2 - UNITED STATES 900,0 Na 1978 CFR UKARA 2500,0 Na 1979 1000 Mle FRANCE 2500,0 | Na 1980 1000 MWe GERMANY 2500,0 Na 1980 DEMO 3 UNITED STATES »900,0 Na 1980 1000 Mie UNITED STATES 2500.0 Na 1984 1 Estimated beyond 1969 2 Being increased to over 40 MWt in 1969. z With Belgium and Netherlands, With Germany and Euratom, 98 *U, 8. GOVERNMENT FPRINTING OFFICE : I1¥$ O - 340-34 e o PR ey bt oot o e a