& ~ 'OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MARTIN MARIETTA - OPERATED BY - MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. - FOR THE UNITED STATES ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Z) IS7T -3 2SS0 0£ 20”- 5 . ORNL/TM-9780/V4 a S . Y Te £t AP "“f ;.f A P “\fiw—* et g Coveg OFiLM Nuclear Power Options Viability Study. Volume IV, Bibliography D. B. Trauger J. D. White J. W. Sims DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT i3 UNLIMITED FAl Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 NTIS price codes—Printed Copy: Age Microfiche AQ1 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the U nited States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any iegal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents thatits use would notinfringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the UInited States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein dc not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. ORNL/TM-9780/V4 MASTER ~-9780/V4 NUCLEAR POWER OPTIONS VIABILITY STUDY ~ ORNL/TH-"9780/ VOLUMEYV, DE87 001614 BIBLIOGRAPHY Editors: D. B. Trauger J. D. White J. W. Sims Date Published - September 1986 Prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-840R21400 (P DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 1S UNLIMITED CONTENTS Page 1N 2 R U 2V O N TP v 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ..ottt 1 1.2 SELECTION AND UTILIZATION OF APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. ..ot 3 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION....cccoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie o 3 2. ORGANIZATION AND RETRIEVAL ..ot 4 2.1 PHYSICAL COLLECTION. . ... i et 4 2.2 KEY WORDD S .. ittt ittt ittt e it e e e e e 4 2.3 COMPUTER SEARCHES. ...ttt ittt e e aaaaaes J 2.4 ASSISTANCE OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION..........coiiiiiiiniinns 5 3. KEYWORD LIS i it ittt ettt e e s e 5 4., KEYWORD INDEX .. i e i it 8 5. NUCLEAR OPTIONS CITATIONS .. i e 45 6. LIGHT WATER REACTORS CITATIONS ...t 81 7. LIQUID METAL REACTORS CITATIONS .....ovvviiviiiiiiiiinnnn 91 8. HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTORS CITATIONS .....ccooiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii 101 0. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...ttt ia st teieresranassaaaaaanns 109 10. REFERENCES ..ottt ittt ti ettt 109 i1 ABSTRACT Documents in the Nuclear Power Options Viability Study (NPOVS) bibliography are classified under one of four headings or categories as follows: + Nuclear Options, e Light Water Reactors, « Liquid Metal Reactors, and e High Temperature Reactors. The collection and selection of these documents, beginning early in 1984 and continuing through March of 1986, was carried out in support of the study's objective: to explore the viabilities of several nuclear electric power generation options for commercial deployment in the United States between 2000 and 2010. There are approximately 550 articles, papers, reports, and books in the bibliography that have been selected from some 2000 surveyed. The citations have been made computer accessible to facilitate rapid on-line retrieval by keyword, author, corporate author, title, journal name, or document number. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The Nuclear Power Options Viability Study (NPOVS) was initiated at the beginning of calendar year 1984 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The objective of NPOVS was to explore the viabilities of several nuclear electric power generation options for commercial deployment within the United States beginning in the 2000-2010 time frame. Important efforts included the identification and development of criteria and characteristics for evaluating new reactor concepts. Innovative concepts were identified that may be marketable at the time when the demand for new electrical energy capacity is expected to increase significantly. These concepts were considered and evaluated, with respect to the criteria and with emphasis on cost, safety features, operability, constructibility, regulation, research needs, and market acceptance. Nuclear reactors are recognized as a vital resource to meet future energy demands. The NPOVS proceeded in steps: (1) a literature search and development of a bibliography; (2) development of criteria for evaluation of nuclear plant designs and plans; (3) evaluation of selected design concepts using these criteria as a guide; and (4) recommendations for areas of research and development (R&D) needed to reduce uncertainties in the viabilities of options. The approach used in evaluation was to compile detailed information on the various reactor concepts of interest, synthesize that information in accordance with specific technical areas, develop an understanding of how design features influence the overall cost of generating power, and consider how changes in the design might accomplish improved economic performance and acceptance by regulators and the public. In addition to technical evaluations, assessments were made of the various nontechnical factors that influence commercial use such as regulatory requirements, industry perspectives on future technologies, market acceptance, electric power growth needs, and economic conditions. The report of the NPOVS is organized into four volumes, as follows: « Volume I, Executive Summary! * Volume 1I, Reactor Concepts, Descriptions, and Assessments? » Volume III, Nuclear Discipline Topics3 » Volume IV, Bibliography. The evaluative criteria established in this study are as follows: 1. The calculated risk to the public due to accidents is less than or equal to the calculated risk associated with the best modern LWRs. 2. The probability of events leading to loss of investment is less than or equal to 104 per year (based on plant costs). 3. The economic performance of the nuclear plant is at least equivalent to that for coal- fired plants. (Financial goals for the utility are met, and busbar costs are acceptable to the public utility commissions.) 4. The design of each plant is complete enough for analysis to show that the probability of significant cost/schedule overruns is acceptably low. 5. Official approval of a plant design must be given by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to assure the investor and the public of a high probability that the plant will be licensed on a timely basis if constructed in accordance with the approved design. 6. For a new concept to become attractive in the marketplace, demonstration of its readiness to be designed, built, and licensed and to begin operations on time and at projected cost 1s necessary. 7. The design should include only those nuclear technologies for which the prospective owner/operator has demonstrated competence or can acquire competent managers and operators. These criteria obviously are not independent since items 1 and 2 deal with the probabilities for successful operation or failure, items 3 to 6 are primarily economic, and item 7 relates to demonstrated operational experience. However, we deem each criterion to have sufficient stand-alone merits to justify separate consideration. The criteria are augmented by a list of characteristics that provide further guidance for properties judged to be of importance to nuclear power viability. The characteristics chosen are not as quantifiable or demonstrable as are the criteria and have been chosen to include features that complement and amplify the criteria. In selecting the concepts to be studied, three ground rules were used: 1. The nuclear plant design option should be developed sufficiently that an order could be placed in the 2000-2010 time period. 2. The design option should be economically competitive with environmentally acceptable coal-fired plants. 3. The design option should possess a high degree of passive safety to protect the public health and property and the owner's investment. ("Passive safety" refers to the reliance on natural physical laws and properties of materials to effect shutdown and radioactive decay heat removal.) The concepts selected are considered advanced and have various degrees of innovation as compared to current concepts. For convenience, the selected concepts were classified in the traditional way by their coolants and respective generic names. The concepts selected are 1. Light-Water Reactors (LWRSs) » PIUS (Process Inherent Ultimate Safety) - promoted by ASEA-ATOM of Sweden « Small BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) - promoted by General Electric (GE) 2. Liquid Metal Reactors (LMRs) e PRISM (Power Reactor Intrinsically Safe Module) - The GE advanced concept supported by DOE » SAFR (Sodium Advanced Fast Reactor) - The Rockwell International (RI) advanced concept supported by DOE « LSPB (Large-Scale Prototype Breeder) - The Electric Power Research Institute- Consolidated Management Office (EPRI-CoMO) concept supported by EPRI and DOE 3. High-Temperature Reactors (HTR) » Side-by-Side Modular - The core and steam generator in separate steel vessels in a side-by-side configuration. The concept is supported by DOE and promoted by Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (GCRA) and industrial firms. 1.2 SELECTION AND UTILIZATION OF APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS Information pertinent to the study was gathered by participants through discussions with organizations in the nuclear field and by collecting appropriate documents from the open literature. Discussions were held with 31 companies including reactor vendors, architect-engineers, utility companies and utility associations, laboratories, institutions, and universities. From the approximately 2,000 documents collected, some 550 were selected for inclusion in the bibliography. The collection consists of journal articles, reports, papers, presentations, and books covering Nuclear Options, Light Water Reactors, Liquid Metal Reactors, and High Temperature Reactors. The selected documents were assigned keywords, categorized, and cataloged utilizing a computer. Current listings were distributed periodically to the NPOVS staff with additions to the collection flagged for their attention. New documents with particular relevance to the study or providing timely input were also routed to the concept leaders and other appropriate members of the staff. In addition, staff members visited the physical collection to access material pertinent to their area of the study. In these ways, the document collection has been utilized extensively in the course of the study. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The types of documents in the collection range from newspaper clippings to books, and their length varies from one to several hundred pages. Approximately 30% of the documents are reprints of articles from journals such as Nuclear Engineering International, Power Engineering, Electrical World, Energy Policy, Science and Public Policy, and Technology Review. Reports and presentations produced by the 31 companies and laboratories in the nuclear field and which were contacted by NPOVS staff comprise another 20% of the collection. A wide spectrum of topics from broad overviews to specific assessments are covered in the collection. 2. ORGANIZATION AND RETRIEVAL 2.1 PHYSICAL COLLECTION The physical collection is arranged by NPOVS access number and is housed in the NPOVS office at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. There are four major divisions: » Nuclear Options, * Light Water Reactors, e Liquid Metal Reactors, and ¢ High Temperature Reactors. Within these divisions, entries are listed by first author or corporate author. Each entry includes in order: name(s) of author or corporate author; title; publication description; corporate author(s); address of corporate author(s); publication date; NPOVS access code (in parentheses); and keywords assigned (in parentheses at the end of the entry). The documents are filed in a series of notebooks and file boxes numbered sequentially under each major heading. The notebooks are divided into sections, and sections are divided with a tab for each document. Subjects of interest may be found by using the keyword index (Chapter 4) or referring to the alphabetical listings by author presented in the four major classifications: Nuclear Options (Chapter 5); Light Water Reactors (Chapter 6); Liquid Metal Reactors (Chapter 7); and High Temperature Reactors (Chapter 8). The NPOVS access code is an alphanumeric key to the physical location of the document. The code consists of two or three letters followed by three sets of two-digit numbers such as NO-03-02-05. The letters refer to the heading (NO = Nuclear Options, LWR = Light Water Reactors, LMR = Liquid Metal Reactors, and HTR = High Temperature Reactors). The first set of digits refers to the notebook number within the heading, the second set of digits to the section within the notebook (when these digits are preceded by the letter "B," the document is found in the appropriate file box rather than in a notebook), and the third set of digits to the item number within the section. The coding is illustrated below for NO-03-02-05. NO = Nuclear Options 03 = Notebook No. 3 (or File Box No. 3 if coded "B03") 02 = Section No. 2 of the notebook 05 = Item No. 5 in the section. 2.2 KEYWORDS The keywords selected and used in this collection are shown in Chapter 3, Table 3.1. To facilitate locating citations or documents by subject, a keyword index 1is provided as Chapter 4. Please refer to Chapter 4 for details and instructions for utilizing the keyword index. 2.3 COMPUTER SEARCHES The bibliographic data base resides in the ORNL IBM 3033 mainframe computer (System 2 on ORNL'S System Select Network) and is accessible to ORNL staff via a search program called ORLLOOK. After log on and initialization of ORLOOK, the user makes the following selections: “private” data base, named "NPOVS,"” and file number "1." Searches may be made of the fields , , <PUB DES> (publication description), <CORPAUTH> (corporate author), and <KEYWORDS> or a blanket search (covering all fields) might be made. A blanket search for, as an example, "ASEA-ATOM" would produce citations where ASEA-ATOM is the author or corporate author as well as citations where ASEA-ATOM is a part of the title. Combination searches for a maximum of 4 words are also possible, thereby tailoring the search to fit the needs of the user. For example, a search might be made for ‘costs’, 'international’, 'construction’. Combination searches limit the area searched and produce a shorter list of citations. For information on other search combinations and detailed information about ORLOOK searches, please refer to ORNL-4951 (Rev. 1) by V. A. Singletary 4 Results of computer searches may be transmitted rapidly via the ITT DIALCOM electronic mail network to ITT DIALCOM subscribers at DOE Headquarters. 2.4 ASSISTANCE OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For assistance in using the collection or with computer searches contact Jackie W. Sims, and for further information regarding the bibliography contact Donald B. Trauger. Both may be reached at the following address and phone: Nuclear Power Options Viability Study Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. O. Box X, Building 4500-N, Room [-208 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 PHONE: (615) 576-6730 or FTS 626-6730. 3. KEYWORD LIST An alphabetical listing of the keywords used in this bibliography is given in Table 3.1. Acronyms used as keywords are defined in Table 3.2. Table 3.1 Keywords used in NPOVS bibliography? accidents advanced reactors air ingress analysis ANL ASEA-ATOM attitudes availability factor breeders BWRs CANDU capacity capacity factor capital CNSS coal codes cogeneration commercialization construction controls Costs decisions demand deployment design development district heating e£conomics electrici engineering environment EPRI ERAB fast reactors financing fission fossil France fuel fuel cycle future GAT GCRA GCRs GE Germany graphite Erowth eat exchangers HTRsb human resources IAEA IFRs innovation INPO instruments international programs Japan labor large reactors licensing LMRsb loop LWRs? maintenance management markets materials metal fuel Mitsubishi modular reactors MSRs NASAP NRC nuclear options® NUPAC Ig OECD operations pebble bed erformance IUS pool prefabrication priorities project management project organization projections proliferation public acceptance PWRs pyrochemical rates recycling regulation reprocessing requirements research resources risk Rockwell safety SECURE shop fabrication small reactors standardization steam generators steam-cooled reactors strategy supply Three Mile Island utilities waste Westinghouse dAcronyms are defined in Table 3.2. bThe bibliographic citations are already sorted by heading as either Nuclear Options, Liquid Metal Reactors, High Tempe rature Reactors, or Light Water Reactors. Searches for these keywords will generate those citations plus any under other headings utilizing the keyword. For Example, a search for the keyword "HTRs will generate all e citations under the High Temperature Reactors heading plus documents from other headings with HTRs as an assigned keyword. Table 3.2 Acronyms and definitions used in NPOVS bibliography Acronym Definition ANL Argonne National Laboratory ASEA-ATOM Atomic division of ASEA, Vasteras, Sweden BWRs Boiling Water Reactors CANDU Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor CNSS Consolidated Nuclear Steam Supply DOE U.S. Department of Energy EPRI Electric Power Research Institute ERAB Energy Research Advisory Board GAT GA Technologies, Inc. GCRA Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates GCRs Gas-Cooled Reactors GE General Electric Company HTRs High Temperature Reactors TAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IFRs Integral Fast Reactors INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations LMRs Liquid Metal Reactors LWRs Light Water Reactors MSRs Molten Salt Reactors NASAP Nonproliferation Alternative Systems Assessment Programs NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUPACK Nuclear Package OECD Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development PIUS Process Inherent Ultimate Safety PWRs Pressurized Water Reactors SECURE Selfprotecting, Eversubmerged Core, Utility Reactor 4. KEYWORD INDEX In the index beginning on the following page, each keyword is listed alphabetically, followed by an alphabetical list of the first author of document(s) assigned that keyword. The NPOVS access code, an alphanumeric code for the physical location of the document (see Section 2.1), follows the author’'s name. Multiple NPOVS access codes will appear when there is more than one document with the same first author. Once the NPOVS access code and the first author are determined, the complete citation can be located by referring to the appropriate chapter indicated by the code, locating the author, and then locating the specific code: NO (Nuclear Options) = Chapter 5 LWR (Light Water Reactors) = Chapter 6 LMR (Liquid Metal Reactors) = Chapter 7 HTR (High Temperature Reactors) = Chapter 8 For retrieval of the document itself from the physical collection, the NPOVS access code (as explained in Section 2.1) serves as an alphanumeric location guide. . 9 Keyword Index Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) accidents American Physical Society Study Group (NO-17-03-01) . . air ingress Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Burke, R. P. (LWR-B01-01-07) Cherry, B. H. (NO-02-01-11) Chexal, B. (LWR-05-01-09) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Fassbender, J. A. et al. (HTR-03-03-13) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Fussell, J. B. (NO-17-03-07) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Lam, P. (LWR-06-02-06) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Moormann, R. (HTR-03-01-01) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Phung, D. L. (LWR-B01-01-05) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Savage, M. G. (HTR-B01-01-03) Stevenson, J. D. (NO-13-01-02) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Tadmor, J. (NO-17-03-12) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) advanced reactors Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Dircks, W. J. (NO-14-01-12) Federal Register (NO-17-03-05) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10) Meyers, G. W. (LMR-03-01-07) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) Spiewak, I. (LWR-03-01-05) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Till, C. E. (LMR-03-01-13) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Moormann, R. (HTR-03-01-01) analysis ANL Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Fussell, J. B. (NO-17-03-07) Keeney, R. L. (NO-07-01-09) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Savage, M. G. (HTR-B01-01-03) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-BO1- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-01) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-02) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-02- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (LMR-02-03-04) Pelton, A. D. (LMR-03-02-06) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) Till, C. E. (LMR-03-01-13) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) ASEA-ATOM ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Tiren, 1. (LWR-B01-01-01) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Wilkins, D. R. (LWR-01-01-12) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) 10 » Keyword Index attitudes Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge Anonymous (NO-13-01-03) Arnold, W. H. (NO-03-01-10) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Brightsen, R. A. (NO-05-01-11) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Cherry, B. H. (NO-02-01-11) Cook, d. (NO-03-01-12) Doub, W. 0. (NO-04-01-01) DuPont, R. L. (NO-02-02-21) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Ellwood, W. (NO-06-01-02) Fells, I. (NO-05-01-12) Firebaugh, M. W. (NO-02-01-09) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Golay, M. W. (NO-03-01-07) Greenberger, M. (NO-16-01-04) Greenhalgh, G. (NO-16-01-06) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-08) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-11) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) King, T. (NO-02-01-05) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) Lewins, et al. (NO-02-02-16) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Mayo, L. H., et al. (NO-10-01-02) Mitchell, R. C. (NO-17-01-09) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-15) Netter, T. W. (NO-11-02-10) Nucleonics Week (NO-13-01-06) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-05-01-13) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-08-01-06) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-11) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Rose, D. J. (NO-02-01-12) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-05) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-06) Shapiro, 1. S. (NO-09-03-01) Smart, I. (NO-07-01-06) Sommers, P. (NO-01-01-06) National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Starr, C. (NO-02-02-18) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Subrahmanyam, K. V. (NO-04-01-02) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-12) Tschaeche, A. N. (NO-02-01-10) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Turner, P. (NO-14-01-20) U.S. Department of Commerce (NO-06- 01-04) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Wilbanks, T. J. (NO-03-01-03) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) Zinberg, D. S. (NO-06-01-06) availability factor Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) International Energy Associates Ltd. (NO-16-02-02) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) breeders Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-03) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) Garwin, R. L. (LMR-02-03-13) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Hunt, S. E. (LMR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (NO-03-01-01) Magnus, J. D. (LMR-03-02-05) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-02) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Shivley, J. M. (LMR-03-01-10) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01} Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) ! 11 Keyword Index BWRs Cozxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Chexal, B. (LWR-05-01-09) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-06-02-04) General Electric Company (LWR-05- 01-10) Lam, P. (LWR-06-02-06) Sawyer, C. D. (LWR-04-02-04) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Spiewak, I. (LWR-03-01-05) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Wilkins, D. R., et al. (LWR-05-01-05) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) CANDU International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Rippon, S. (NO-10-02-09) capacity Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Brigham, E. F. (NO-11-01-08d) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) capacity factor Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) capital Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) coal Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-03) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-04) Ransom and Casazza, Inc. (LWR-03- 01-02) Scott, D. (LWR-03-01-01) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-05-01-07) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Delene, J. G., et al. (NO-B01-01-06) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-06) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-07) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) Phung, D. L. (NO-11-02-11) 12 Keyword Index Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) Ziegler, E. J. (NO-17-02-11) codes Delene, J. G., et al. (INO-B01-01-06) Honekamp, J. R., Inc. (LWR-01-01-13) cogeneration Burwell, C. C. (NO-B04-01-03) Haefele, W. (NO-04-01-04) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) commercialization Abernathy, W. J. (NO-15-02-01) Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Electric Power Research Institute (LWR- 05-01-03) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Hannerz, K. (LWR-01-01-01) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Jackson, S. V., (NO-03-01-13) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (LMR- 02-02-03) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) construction Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Carnes, J. M. (NO-14-01-13) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. K. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) ENR (NO-14-01-14) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Hill, L. J., et al. (NO-B01-02-01) Honekamp, J. R., Inc. (LWR-01-01-13) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-02-01-02) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-03-01-08) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) Jenkin, F. P. (NO-17-01-02) Jones, P. M. S. (NO-17-01-03) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Mason, G. E,, et al. (NO-03-01-02) Merrow, E. W. (NO-B02-01-01) Merrow, R. W. (NO-06-01-11) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-10) Nuclear Engineering International (NC- 01-02-20) Nuclear Engineering International (NG- 17-03-10) * 13 - Keyword Index Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-03) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (LMR- 02-02-03) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-14) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Sargent and Lundy Engineers (NO-04- 01-08) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Shivley, J. M. (LMR-03-01-10) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-04-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-05-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-02-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-12-01-04) Tatum, C. B. (NO-14-01-15) Tatum, C. B. (NO-17-03-13) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-06) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-01) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Wilford, J. N. (NO-10-02-07) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) controls costs GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Manno, V. P. (NO-17-01-04) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-06-01-08) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Anonymous (NO-13-01-03) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Armijo, J. S. (LMR-02-03-12) Arnold, W. H. (LMR-01-01-05) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-03) Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Bowers, H. 1. (NO-10-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Coze, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (NO-01- 01-05) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Delene, J. G., et al. (NO-B01-01-06) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Going, M. C. (NO-11-01-01) Hill, L. J., et al. (NO-B01-02-01) Howard, R. A. (NO-16-01-10) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) Jenkin, F. P. (NO-17-01-02) Keyword Index Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Jones, P. M. S. (NO-17-01-08) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lidsky, L. M. (NO-03-01-08) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Masters, R. (NO-01-02-28) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-07) Merrow, E. W. (NO-B02-01-01) Merrow, R. W. (NO-06-01-11) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-10) Navarro, P. (NO-02-01-17) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 10-02-01) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) Osborne, R. J. (NO-11-01-08g) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Phung, D. L. (NO-11-02-11) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-06) Sandberg, R. O. (NO-14-01-02) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Stevenson, J. D. (NO-13-01-02) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-02-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-17-03-13) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01) 14 United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-05-01-07) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Vijuk, R. M. (LMR-01-03-01) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-06) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-08) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-B01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-01) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-02-01-02) Wilford, J. N. (NO-10-02-07) Ziegler, E. J. (NO-17-02-11) decisions Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-08-01-02) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Howard, R. A. (NO-16-01-10) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Keeney, R. L. (NO-07-01-09) Mitchell, R. C. (NO-17-01-09) Murray, A. E. (NO-17-01-10) Winkler, R. L. (NO-08-01-01) demand American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-06) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Burwell, C. C. (NO-B04-01-03) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Crawford, M. (NO15-02-08) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Gustaferro, J. F. (NO-14-01-09) 15 Keyword Index Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-01) Haefele, W. (NO-09-02-05) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hudson, C. R., II (NO-B02-01-02) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) McCaughey, J. (NO-13-01-10) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Murray, A. E. (NO-17-01-10) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Pine, G. D. (NO-17-02-02) Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Siegel, J. R. (NO-11-01-07) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-BO1- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Weaver, L. E. (NO-17-02-10) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) deployment Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Doub, W, O, (NO-09-02-03) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-05) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-06) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Simnad, M. T. (NO-07-01-07) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) design Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) Arnold, W. H. (LMR-01-01-05) ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- B01-01-06) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-03) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-04) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Booth, R.S. (LMR-01-04-03) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Brown, M. (HTR-01-01-10) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-11) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) ‘ Dahlheimer, J. A. (NO-08-01-03) Dauterman, W. (NO-02-02-22) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-03) Engel, J. R,, et al. (LMR-B01-01-01) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Flinn, W. S. (LWR-06-01-03) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies (HTR-03-03-02) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) General Electric Company (LWR-05- 01-10) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Harde, V. R. (LMR-03-02-04) Honekamp, J. R., Inc. (LWR-01-01-13) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) INTERATOM (HTR-02-01-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-05) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) Lohnert, G. H. (HTR-04-01-06) MacDonald, J. (LMR-03-02-08) Magnus, J. D. (LMR-03-02-05) Keyword Index Manno, V. P. (NO-17-01-04) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Mason, G. E., et al. (NO-03-01-02) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10) McDonald, C. F. (HTR-04-01-07) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Merrow, E. W. (NO-B02-01-01) Meyers, G. W. (LMR-03-01-07) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) O’Sullivan, D. A. (HTR-02-01-04) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-14) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-04-03-03) Singh, J. (HTR-04-01-12) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Stevenson, J. D. (NO-13-01-02) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) Tatum, C. B. (NO-17-03-13) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Till, C. E. (LMR-03-01-13) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-B01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-01) Wilkins, D. R. (LWR-01-01-12) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) development Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Avenhaus, R. (NO-05-01-09) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Ebasco Services Inc. et al. (LMR-02- 02-02) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- 06-01-02) Energy Research Advisory Board (NO-13- 01-12) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-02) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Hill, J. (NO-01-03-37) Holte, G. (NO-01-02-34) Iyengar, P. K. (NO-09-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) 16 Kasten, P. R. (LWR-03-01-06) Kasten, P. R. (NO-03-01-01) Marcus, G. H. (NO-01-01-03) Mazxwell, J. R. (LMR-01-01-02) Mladjenovic, M. S. (NO-01-02-35) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-27) Spiewak, I. (LWR-04-01-03) Trauger, D. B, (NO-17-03-16) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Winkler, R. L. (NO-08-01-01) district heating DOE Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- B01-01-08) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Repici, D. J. (NO-14-01-23) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) economics American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-06) Anonymous (NO-09-01-01) Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Arnold, W. H. (NO-03-01-10) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bechtel Corporation (NO-B02-01-06) Behrens, C. E. (NO-06-01-05) Bower, R. S. (NO-11-01-08¢) Bowers, H. I. (HTR-03-03-03) 17 Keyword Index Bowers, H. I. (NO-10-01-03) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Brigham, E. F. (NO-11-01-08d) Brightsen, R. A. (NO-05-01-11) Burke, R. P. (LWR-B01-01-07) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Coxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Crijns, M. J. (NO-15-02-09) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Delene, J. G., et al. (NO-B01-01-06) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Duayer, M. (NO-01-02-33) Elliott, D. (NO-09-02-07) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) Fells, I. (NO-01-01-04) Fells, I. (NO-05-01-12) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Garwin, R. L. (LMR-02-03-13) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Going, M. C. (NO-11-01-01) Golay, M. W. (NO-03-01-07) Gravelle, J. G. (NO-11-01-08h) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-04-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-08) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-14) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-01) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-02) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-09-02-05) Hafele, V. W. (NO-06-01-08) Hawkes, G. F. (NO-16-01-07) Heising-Goodman, C. D. (NO-01-03-38) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hill, L. J., et al. (NO-B01-02-01) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) Hyman, L. S. (NO-11-02-08i) International Atomic Energy Agency {(NO-01-01-29) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Jenkin, F. P. (NO-17-01-02) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Jones, P. M. S. (NO-17-01-03) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) Lee, T. H. (NO-11-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Lidsky, L. M. (NO-03-01-08) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Marshall, E. (NO-01-02-21) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Marwah, O. S. (NO-07-01-06) Masters, R. (NO-01-02-28) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-06) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-07) McKenzie, N. C. (NO-09-02-06) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) Murphy, D. (NO-02-01-03) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-10) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-16) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-20) Keyword Index Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 02-01-15) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 10-02-01) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-01) Nucleonics Week (NO-13-01-06) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Osborne, R. J. (NO-11-01-08g) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-11) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-18) Phung, D. L. (NO-08-01-05) Phung, D. L. (NO-11-02-11) Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Roth, E. B. (NO-01-03-36) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-05) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-06) Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Sandberg, R. O, (NO-14-01-02) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Shapiro, I. S. (NO-09-03-01) Shorrock, T. (NO-06-01-07) Siegel, J. R. (NO-11-01-07) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Smart, I. (NO-07-01-06) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Sommers, P. (NO-01-01-06) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Starr, C. (NO-14-01-06) Stauffer, T. R. (NO-02-01-13) Stock, F. (NO-04-01-05) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Subrahmanyam, K. V. (NO-04-01-02) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-12) U.S. Department of Commerce (NO-06- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-05-01-07) 18 Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-06) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-08) Walske, C. (NO-09-02-01) Webb, J. (NO-01-02-22) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LWR-01-01-08) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) Whitaker, R. (NO-14-01-10) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Woite, G. (NO-02-01-14) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) Ziegler, E. J. (NO-17-02-11) electricity Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bechtel Corporation (NO-B02-01-06) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Burwell, C. C. (NO-B04-01-03) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Crawford, M. (NO15-02-08) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) EPRI Journal (NO-01-02-26) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Ford, A. (NO-14-01-07) Heising-Goodman, C. D. (NO-01-03-38) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hudson, C. R., IT (NO-B02-01-02) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Kaufman, A, (NO-08-01-04) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Lee, T. H. (NO-11-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) McCaughey, J. (NO-13-01-10) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Keyword Index Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Starr, C. (NO-14-01-06) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) Weaver, L. E. (NO-17-02-10) Whitaker, R. (NO-14-01-10) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) engineering Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NO-07-01-03) Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- B01-01-06) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Rippon, S. (LMR-02-03-03) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) environment EPRI Hafele, V. W. (NO-06-01-08) Hunt, S. E. (LMR-02-01-01) John Francis Company, The (NO-14- 01-25) Netter, T. W. (NO-11-02-10) Porter, A. (NO-04-01-03) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) 19 Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-03) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Stahlkopf, K. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-12) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- B01-01-08) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- 06-01-02) Energy Research Advisory Board (NO-13- 01-12) Spiewak, 1. (LWR-04-01-03) fast reactors Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-02) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-02- 01-04) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Burch, W. D. et al. (LMR-02-03-11) Hunt, S. E. (LMR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (LMR-02-03-04) MacDonald, J. (LMR-03-02-08) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) Till, C. E. (LMR-02-03-07) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Walgate, R. (NO-01-02-25) financing Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Keyword Index Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (NO-01- 01-05) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Lind, R. C. et al. (NO-14-01-18) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) McKenzie, N. C. (NO-09-02-06) Navarro, P. (NO-02-01-17) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-27) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-03) Nucleonics Week (NO-13-01-06) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) fission Garwin, R. L. (LMR-02-03-13) Kasten, P. R. (NO-03-01-01) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-08-01-06) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-19) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-20) American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-06) Bowers, H. 1. (NO-10-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Going, M. C. (NO-11-01-01) Hudson, C. R., II (NO-B02-01-02) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) Netter, T. W. (NO-11-02-10) Phung, D. L. (NO-11-02-11) Pine, G. D. (NO-17-02-02) Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Sargent and Lundy Engineers (NO-04- 01-08) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) 20 U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) France fuel Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Crijns, M. J. (NO-15-02-09) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Greenhalgh, G. (NO-16-01-06) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-01) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Burch, W. D. et al. (LMR-02-03-11) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-01) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Simon, W. A. (HTR-01-01-02) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) fuel cycle Avenhaus, R. (NO-05-01-09) Bainerman, J. (NO-12-01-05) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Crijns, M. J. (NO-15-02-09) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) 21 Keyword Index Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Magnus, J. D. (LMR-03-02-05) Mayo, L. H., et al. (NO-10-01-02) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Radkowsky, A. (NO-13-01-04) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Sandberg, R. O. (NO-14-01-02) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Spiewak, I. (NO-02-02-24) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-19) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-20) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-06) Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Bechtel Corporation (NO-B02-01-06) Brigham, E. F. (NO-11-01-08d) Brightsen, R. A. (NO-05-01-11) Cherry, B. H. (NO-02-01-11) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Doub, W. O. (NO-09-02-03) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) Fells, I. (NO-01-01-04) Fells, I. (NO-05-01-12) Gabor, S. (NO-09-03-03) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Golay, M. W. (NO-03-01-07) Gustaferro, J. F. (NO-14-01-09) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-02) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-09-02-05) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Hudson, C. R., II (NO-B02-01-02) Iyengar, P. K. (NO-09-01-02) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) GAT GCRA GCRs GE Lee, T. H. (NO-11-01-05) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-01) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-08-01-06) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Phung, D. L. (NO-08-01-05) Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Shapiro, I. S. (NO-09-03-01) Siegel, J. R. (NO-11-01-07) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) Wakabayashi, H., et al. (NO-03-01-15) Walske, C. (NO-09-02-01) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) GA Technologies (HTR-03-03-02) GA Technologies Inc. (HT'R-03-03-16) McMain, A. T. (LWR-04-01-01) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Anonymous (HTR-01-01-06) Anonymous (HTR-02-01-01) Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) Bechtel Group Inc. et al (HTR-04-01-14) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 02-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-04-01-03) Stewart, H. B. (HTR-02-01-05) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Coxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Armijo, J. S. (LMR-02-03-12) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-02) 22 Keyword Index Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Spiewak, I. (LWR-03-01-05) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01) Germany Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-10) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Harde, V. R. (LMR-03-02-04) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) INTERATOM (HTR-02-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lohnert, G. H., Pflasterer, G. R. (HTR- 05-01-06) Nuclear Engineering International (HTR- 05-01-03) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Singh, J. (HTR-04-01-12) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) graphite Moormann, R. (HTR-03-01-01) growth Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) EPRI Journal (NO-01-02-26) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hudson, C. R., II (NO-B02-01-02) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) McCaughey, J. (NO-13-01-10) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-BO1- 01-04) heat exchangers Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Anonymous (HTR-01-01-06) Anonymous (HTR-02-01-01) Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) Bechtel Group Inc. et al (HTR-04-01-14) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Bowers, H. I. (HTR-03-03-03) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Brown, M. (HTR-01-01-10) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-10) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-11) Coxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Fassbender, J. A. et al. (HTR-03-03-13) Fisher, C., et al. (HT-B01-01-09) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies (HTR-03-03-02) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-05-01-02) Gabor, S. (NO-09-03-03) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 02-01) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-07) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) Goodjohn, A. J. (HTR-01-01-04) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) INTERATOM (HTR-02-01-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-01-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-04-01-03) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-05-01-09) Kasten, P. R., et al. (NO-12-01-06) Katz, E. M. (NO-B02-01-09) Kruger, K. J. (HTR-05-01-04) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Lohnert, G. H. (HTR-04-01-06) Lohnert, G. H., Pflasterer, G. R. (HTR- 05-01-06) Marshall, E. (HTR-03-03-01) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-06) ° Keyword Index McDonald, C. F. (HTR-04-01-07) Mears, L. D. (HTR-05-01-07) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) Moormann, R. (HTR-03-01-01) Nuclear Engineering International (HTR- 05-01-03) O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) O’Sullivan, D. A. (HTR-02-01-04) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Reutler, H. (HTR-01-01-05) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Savage, M. G. (HTR-B01-01-03) Simon, W. A. (HTR-01-01-02) Singh, J. (HTR-04-01-12) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) Stewart, H. B. (HTR-02-01-05) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-03-02-02) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-16) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) human resources IAEA IFRs Miller, J. (NO-10-02-05) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NO-13-01-07) Stevenson, W. (NO-B03-01-07) Eklund, S. (NO-01-02-32) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-BO01- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-02) Burch, W. D. et al. (LMR-02-03-11) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (LMR-02-03-04) Pelton, A. D. (LMR-03-02-06) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) Till, C. E. (LMR-02-03-07) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) innovation Abernathy, W. J. (NO-15-02-01) 23 Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Flinn, W. S. (LWR-06-01-03) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Hannerz, K. (LWR-01-01-01) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Lester, R. K. (NO-03-01-06) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-06-01-08) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-02-01-02) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-03-01-08) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) instruments Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) international programs Anonymous (NO-05-01-10) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NO-07-01-03) Avenhaus, R. (NO-05-01-09) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-08-01-02) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-10) Doub, W. 0. (NO-04-01-01) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Duayer, M. (NO-01-02-33) Eklund, S. (NO-01-02-31) Eklund, S. (NO-01-02-32) Elliott, D. (NO-09-02-07) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) Fells, I. (INO-01-01-04) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Gabor, S. (NO-09-03-03) Keyword Index Goldsmith, K. (NO-02-02-19) Haefele, W. (NO-02-01-06) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-14) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-11) Hafele, V. W. (NO-02-01-07) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Heising-Goodman, C. D. (NO-01-03-38) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Holte, G. (NO-01-02-34) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Marwah, O. S. (NO-07-01-06) Masters, R. (NO-01-02-28) McKenzie, N. C. (NO-09-02-06) Mladjenovic, M. S. (NO-01-02-35) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 02-01-15) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 10-02-01) Nuclear News (NO-01-01-14) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Rippon, S. (LMR-03-02-07) Rippon, S. (NO-10-02-09) Rose, D. J. (NO-02-01-12) Rosen, M. (NO-06-01-03) Roth, E. B. (NO-01-03-36) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Shorrock, T. (NO-06-01-07) Simnad, M. T. (NO-07-01-07) Skjoldebrand, R. (NO-18-01-05) Smart, I. (NO-07-01-06) Stauffer, T. R. (NO-02-01-13) Stevenson, J. D. (NO-13-01-02) Stock, F. (NO-04-01-05) Tiren, I. (LWR-B01-01-01) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) Turner, P. (NO-14-01-20) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-06- 01-01) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-06-01-11) 24 Japan labor Wakabayashi, H., et al. (NO-03-01-15) Walgate, R. (NO-01-02-25) Wiendieck, K. (NO-10-02-10) Woite, G. (NO-02-01-14) Zinberg, D. S. (N0O-06-01-06) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Greenhalgh, G. (NO-16-01-06) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Nuclear News (NO-01-01-14) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-06-01-11) Wakabayashi, H., et al. (NO-03-01-15) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Elliott, D. (NO-09-02-07) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Mason, G. E,, et al. (NO-03-01-02) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) large reactors Bechtel Group Inc. et al (HTR-04-01-14) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) Loose, V. W, (NO-15-01-06) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-07) Keyword Index Rippon, S. (LMR-03-02-07) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Tadmor, J. (NO-17-03-12) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LWR-01-01-08) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) Ziegler, E. J. (NO-17-02-11) licensing Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Asseltine, J. J. (NO-01-02-23) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Bechtel Group Inc. et al (HTR-04-01-14) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Dircks, W. J. (NO-14-01-12) Ebersole, J. C. (NO-14-01-21) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) Electric Power Research Institute (LWR- 05-01-03) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Hannerz, K. (LWR-02-01-06) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Minogue, R. B. (NO-17-01-08) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-03) Owen, W. (NO-10-02-04) 25 Ray, J. (LMR-02-03-09) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Rockwell International (LMR-03-01-08) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Seitz, F. (NO-14-01-24) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-19) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-20) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Weaver, L. E. (NO-17-02-10) Wiendieck, K. (NO-10-02-10) Wilkinson, E. P. (NO-10-02-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) Anderson, C. A, Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-01) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-02) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-02- 01-04) Armijo, J. S. (LMR-02-03-12) Arnold, W. H. (LMR-01-01-04) Arnold, W. H. (LMR-01-01-05) Barnett, R. J., et al. (LMR-02-02-04) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Bethe, FL. A. (LMR-01-01-06) Booth, R.S. (LMR-01-04-03) Burch, W. D. et al. (LMR-02-03-11) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Ebasco Services Inc. et al. (LMR-02- 02-02) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-03) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) 26 Keyword Index Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-01) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-02) Garwin, R. L. (LMR-02-03-13) Gat, U. (LMR-01-02-01) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Hampson, D. C. (LMR-02-03-14) Harde, V. R. (LMR-03-02-04) Hunt, S. E. (LMR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (LMR-02-03-04) Kasten, P. R., et al. (NO-12-01-06) Katz, E. M. (NO-B02-01-09) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-05) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) MacDonald, J. (LMR-03-02-08) MacPherson, H. G. (LMR-02-02-05) Magnus, J. D. (LMR-03-02-05) Mazxwell, J. R. (LMR-01-01-02) McDonald, J. (LMR-03-01-06) Meyers, G. W. (LMR-03-01-07) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-01) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-02) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-16) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (LMR- 02-02-03) Pelton, A. D. (LMR-03-02-06) Ray, J. (LMR-02-03-09) Repici, D. J. (NO-14-01-23) Rippon, S. (LMR-02-03-03) Rippon, S. (LMR-03-02-07) Rockwell International (LMR-02-01-03) Rockwell International (LMR-03-01-08) Schmidt, J. E. et al. (LMR-03-01-09) Shivley, J. M. (LMR-03-01-10) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) Su, S. F. (LMR-03-01-11) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) Till, C. E. (LMR-02-03-07) Till, C. E. (LMR-02-03-08) Till, C. E. (LMR-03-01-13) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Trauger, D. B, (NO-17-03-16) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Vijuk, R. M. (LMR-01-03-01) Walgate, R. (NO-01-02-25) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-B01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-01) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-02-01-02) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) Zebroski, E. L. (LMR-03-01-16) Booth, R.S. (LMR-01-04-03) Difransico, T. W. (LMR-03-02-02) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-01) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- B01-01-06) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-03) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-04) Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Bowers, H. 1. (NO-10-01-03) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Burke, R. P. (LWR-B01-01-07) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Business Week (NO-15-02-06) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) 27 Keyword Index Chexal, B. (LWR-05-01-09) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electric Power Research Institute (LWR- 05-01-03) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- B01-01-08) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- 06-01-02) Fischhoff, B. (NO-16-01-02) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Flinn, W. S. (LWR-06-01-03) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-06-02-04) Gabor, S. (NO-09-03-03) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) General Electric Company (LWR-05- 01-10) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Hannerz, K. (LWR-B01-01-02) Hannerz, K. (LWR-01-01-01) Hannerz, K. (LWR-02-01-06) Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Herrington, dJ. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Honekamp, J. R., Inc. (LWR-01-01-13) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-02-01-02) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (LWR-03-01-08) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-03-01-06) Kasten, P. R., et al. (NO-12-01-06) Katz, E. M. (NO-B02-01-09) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) Lam, P. (LWR-06-02-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Martel, L. (LWR-01-01-14) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-06) McMain, A. T. (LWR-04-01-01) Miller, J. (NO-10-02-05) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) Office of Technology Assessment (LWR- B01-01-03) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Owen, W. (NO-10-02-04) Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Phung, D. L. (LWR-B01-01-05) Phung, D. L. (LWR-01-01-02) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Ransom and Casazza, Inc. (LWR-03- 01-02) Rippon, S. (NO-10-02-09) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Sawyer, C. D. (LWR-04-02-04) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-02-01-09) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-04-02-01) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-04-03-03) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-06-01-08) Scott, D. (LWR-03-01-01) Seifritz, W. (LWR-05-01-04) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Spiewak, I. (LWR-03-01-05) Spiewak, [. (LWR-04-01-03) Stahlkopf, K. E. (LWR-01-01-05) Stahlkopf, K. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-12) Stern, T. (LWR-01-01-06) Stevenson, W. (NO-B03-01-07) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-17-03-13) Tiren, I. (LWR-B01-01-01) Tower, S. N. (LWR-03-01-03) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-16) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-04-01-02) Keyword Index United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-05-01-07) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Vigander, S. (LWR-B01-01-04) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-03-01-04) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-06-01-11) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Weinberg, A. M. (NO-05-01-07) Weinberg, A. M,, et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LWR-01-01-08) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) Wiendieck, K. (NO-10-02-10) Wilkins, D. R. (LWR-01-01-12) Wilkins, D. R., et al. (LWR-05-01-05) Wilkinson, E. P. (NO-10-02-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) maintenance Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) Sundgvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) management Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Howard, R. A. (NO-16-01-10) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) Miller, J. (NO-10-02-05) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NO-13-01-07) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Tatum, C. B. (NO-12-01-04) markets Abernathy, W. J. (NO-15-02-01) 28 Avenhaus, R. (NO-05-01-09) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Haefele, W. (N0O-04-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-14) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) John Francis Company, The (NO-14- 01-25) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Skjoldebrand, R. (NO-18-01-05) Stock, F. (NO-04-01-05) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Trauger, D, B. (NO-17-03-16) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Walske, C. (NO-09-02-01) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LWR-01-01-08) materials Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Horm, Y. (NO-14-01-19) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Nuclear News (NO-01-01-14) Shivley, J. M. (LMR-03-01-10) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) metal fuel Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-B01- 01-04) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-02) Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-02- 01-04) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Keyweord Index Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Kasten, P. R. (LMR-02-03-04) Larson, R. D. (LMR-02-03-05) McDonald, J. (LMR-03-01-06) Pelton, A. D. (LMR-03-02-06) Schmidt, J. E. et al. (LMR-03-01-09) Su, S. F. (LMR-03-01-11) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) Til], C. E. (LMR-02-03-07) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) Zebroski, E. L. (LMR-03-01-16) Mitsubishi Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-03-01-04) modular reactors Anonymous (HTR-02-01-01) Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10} " Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-11) Cozxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Dahlheimer, J. A. (NO-08-01-03) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) INTERATOM (HTR-02-01-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-01-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-05-01-09) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lohnert, G. H. (HTR-04-01-06) Lohnert, G. H., Plasterer, G. R. (HTR- 05-01-06) MacDonald, J. (LMR-03-02-08) McDonald, C. F. (HTR-04-01-07) McDonald, J. (LMR-03-01-06) Mears, L. D. (HTR-05-01-07) 29 MSRs Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Nuclear Engineering International (HTR- 05-01-03) O’Sullivan, D. A. (HTR-02-01-04) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Reutler, H. (HTR-01-01-05) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Schmidt, J. E. et al. (LMR-03-01-09) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Simon, W. A. (HTR-01-01-02) Singh, J. (HTR-04-01-12) Stahlkopf, K. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-12) Su, S. F. (LMR-03-01-11) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-03-02-02) United Engineers and Constructors Inc. (LMR-03-02-01) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) Weinberg, A. M. (NO-05-01-07) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Zebroski, E. L. (LMR-03-01-16) Ebasco Services Inc. et al. (LMR-02- 02-02) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-01) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-02) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (LMR- 02-02-03) NASAP NRC Barnett, R. J., et al. (LMR-02-02-04) Asseltine, dJ. J. (NO-01-02-23) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Dircks, W. J. (NO-14-01-12) Ebersole, J. C. (NO-14-01-21) Federal Register (NO-17-03-05) Fischhoff, B. (NO-16-01-02) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10) 30 Keyword Index Miller, J. (NO-10-02-05) Minogue, R. B. (NO-17-01-08) Owen, W. (NO-10-02-04) Ray, J. (LMR-02-03-09) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) The Energy Daily (NO-01-02-24) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-13-01-09) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Wilkinson, E. P. (NO-10-02-03) nuclear options Abernathy, W. J. (NO-15-02-01) American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-06) American Physical Society Study Group (NO-17-03-01) Anonymous (NO-05-01-10) Anonymous (NO-09-01-01) Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Anonymous (NO-13-01-03) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Arnold, W. H. (NO-03-01-10) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) Asseltine, J. J. (NO-01-02-23) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (NO-05- 01-02) Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NO-07-01-03) Avenhaus, R. (NO-05-01-09) Bainerman, J. (NO-12-01-05) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-08-01-02) Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Bechtel Corporation (NO-B02-01-06) Behrens, C. E. (NO-06-01-05) Berlin, E. (NO-11-01-08¢) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Blumenthal, M. (NO-15-02-03) Bower, R. S. (NO-11-01-08¢) Bowers, H. I. (NO-10-01-03) Bradshaw, D. T. (NO-18-01-02) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Brigham, E. F. (NO-11-01-08d) Brightsen, R. A. (NO-05-01-11) Brunings, J. E., et al. (NO-01-02-19) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Burwell, C. C. (NO-B04-01-03) Business Week (NO-15-02-06) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Carnes, J. M. (NO-14-01-13) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Cherry, B. H. (NO-02-01-11) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Crawford, M. (NO15-02-08) Crijns, M. J. (NO-15-02-09) Dahlheimer, J. A. (NO-08-01-03) Dauterman, W. (NO-02-02-22) Davis, D. (NO-15-02-10) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (NO-01- 01-05) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Delene, J. G., et al. (NO-B01-01-06) Denton, H. R. (NO-01-01-01) Desert Research Institute (NO-06-01-09) Dircks, W. J. (NO-14-01-12) Doub, W. O. (NO-04-01-01) Doub, W. 0. (NO-09-02-03) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Duayer, M. (NO-01-02-33) DuPont, R. L. (NO-02-02-21) Ebersole, J. C. (NO-14-01-21) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Eklund, S. (NO-01-02-31) Eklund, S. (NO-01-02-32) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) Elliott, D. (NO-09-02-07) 31 Keyword Index Ellwood, W. (NO-06-01-02) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Energy Research Advisory Board (NO-13- 01-12) Energy World (NO-01-01-02) ENR (NO-14-01-14) EPRI Journal (NO-01-02-26) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Federal Register (NO-17-03-05) Fells, I. (NO-01-01-04) Fells, I. (NO-05-01-12) Firebaugh, M. W. (NO-02-01-09) Fischhoff, B. (NO-16-01-02) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-09-03-05) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Ford, A. (NO-14-01-07) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Fussell, J. B. (NO-17-03-07) Gabor, S. (NO-09-03-03) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Going, M. C. (NO-11-01-01) Golay, M. W. (NO-03-01-07) Goldsmith, K. (NO-02-02-19) Gravelle, J. G. (NO-11-01-08h) Greenberger, M. (NO-16-01-04) Greenhalgh, G. (NO-16-01-06) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Gustaferro, J. F. (NO-14-01-09) Haefele, W. (NO-02-01-06) Haefele, W. (NO-04-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-08) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-14) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-01) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-02) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-11) Haefele, W. (NO-09-02-05) Hafele, V. W. (NO-02-01-07) Hafele, V. W. (NO-06-01-08) Hawkes, G. F. (NO-16-01-07) Heising-Goodman, C. D. (NO-01-03-38) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, .J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hill, J. (NO-01-03-37) Hill, L. J., et al. (NO-B01-02-01) Hinsberg, P. (NO-11-01-04) Holte, G. (NO-01-02-34) Hori, Y. (NO-14-01-19) Howard, R. A. (NO-16-01-10) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) Hudson, C. R., II (NO-B02-01-02) Hyman, L. S. (NO-11-02-08i) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-01-01-29) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) International Energy Associates Ltd. (NO-16-02-02) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) Iyengar, P. K. (NO-09-01-02) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Jaunsen, W. H. (NO-B01-01-07) Jenkin, F. P. (NO-17-01-02) John Francis Company, The (NO-14- 01-25) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Jones, P. M. S. (NO-17-01-03) Kasten, P. R. (NO-03-01-01) Kasten, P. R., et al. (NO-12-01-06) Katz, E. M. (NO-B02-01-09) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Keeney, R. L. (NO-07-01-09) King, T. (NO-02-01-05) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) Lave, L. B. (NO-11-01-12) Lee, T. H. (NO-11-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-03-01-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Levine, S. (NO-03-01-05) Lewins, et al. (NO-02-02-16) Lidsky, L. M. (NO-03-01-08) Lind, R. C. et al. (NO-14-01-18) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) 32 Keyword Index MacKenzie, J. J. (NO-03-01-04) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Manno, V. P. (NO-17-01-04) Marcus, G. H. (NO-01-01-03) Marshall, E. (NO-01-02-21) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Marwah, O. S. (NO-07-01-06) Mason, G. E., et al. (NO-03-01-02) Masters, R. (NO-01-02-28) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-06) Masters, R. (NO-17-01-07) Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Mayo, L. H., et al. (NO-10-01-02) McCaughey, J. (NO-13-01-10) McKenzie, N. C. (NO-09-02-06) Merrow, E. W. (NO-B02-01-01) Merrow, R. W. (NO-06-01-11) Miller, J. (NO-10-02-05) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Minogue, R. B. (NO-17-01-08) Mitchell, R. C. (NO-17-01-09) Mladjenovic, M. S. (NO-01-02-35) Murphy, D. (NO-02-01-03) Murray, A. E. (NO-17-01-10) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-10) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-15) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-16) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) Navarro, P. (NO-02-01-17) Netter, T. W. (NO-11-02-10) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-20) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-27) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 02-01-15) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 10-02-01) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) Nuclear News (NO-01-01-14) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NO-13-01-07) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-01) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-02) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-03) Nucleonics Week (NO-13-01-06) O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-05-01-13) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-08-01-06) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Osborne, R. J. (NO-11-01-08g) Owen, W. (NO-10-02-04) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-11) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-14) Peck, S. C. (NO-11-01-08a) Perl, L. J. (NO-11-01-08b) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-11) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-18) Phung, D. L. (NO-08-01-05) Phung, D. L. (NO-11-02-11) Pine, G. D. (NO-17-02-02) Porter, A. (NO-04-01-03) Radkowsky, A. (NO-13-01-04) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Reichle, L. F. C. (NO-09-02-02) Repici, D. J. (NO-14-01-23) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Rippon, S. (NO-02-01-08) Rippon, S. (NO-10-02-09) Rose, D. J. (NO-02-01-12) Rosen, M. (NO-06-01-03) Roth, E. B. (NO-01-03-36) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-05) Salisbury, D. F. (NO-05-01-06) Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Sandberg, R. O. (NO-14-01-02) Sargent and Lundy Engineers (NO-04- 01-08) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Seitz, F. (NO-14-01-24) Shaiken, H. (NO-17-02-06) Shapiro, 1. S. (NO-09-03-01) Shorrock, T. (NO-06-01-07) Siegel, J. R. (NO-11-01-07) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Simnad, M. T. (NO-07-01-07) Skeer, 4. (NO-07-01-10) ‘ 33 Keyword Index Skjoldebrand, R. (NO-18-01-05) Smart, I. (NO-07-01-06) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Sommers, P. (NO-01-01-06) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) Spiewak, 1. (NO-02-02-24) Stahlkopf, K. (NO-09-03-04) Starr, C. (NO-02-02-18) Starr, C. (NO-14-01-06) Stauffer, T. R. (NO-02-01-13) Stevenson, J. D. (NO-13-01-02) Stevenson, W. (NO-B03-01-07) Stock, F. (NO-04-01-05) Stoler, P. (NO-01-01-08) Subrahmanyam, K. V. (NO-04-01-02) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tadmor, J. (NO-17-03-12) Tatum, C. B. (NO-04-01-07) Tatum, C. B. (NO-05-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-02-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-12-01-04) Tatum, C. B. (NO-14-01-15) Tatum, C. B. (NO-17-03-13) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-12) The Energy Daily (NO-01-02-24) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-16) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-17) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) Tschaeche, A. N. (NO-02-01-10) Turner, P. (NO-14-01-20) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-19) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-20) U.S. Department of Commerce (NO-06- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B02- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-06- 01-01) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor (NO-B02-01-05) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-13-01-09) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-06-01-11) Wakabayashi, H., et al. (NO-03-01-15) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-06) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-08) Walgate, R. (NO-01-02-25) Walske, C. (NO-09-02-01) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Weaver, L. E. (NO-17-02-10) Webb, J. (NO-01-02-22) Weinberg, A. M. (NO-05-01-07) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) Whitaker, R. (NO-14-01-10) Wiendieck, K. (NO-10-02-10) Wilbanks, T. J. (NO-03-01-03) Wilford, J. N. (NO-10-02-07) Wilkinson, E. P. (NO-10-02-03) Winkler, R. L. (NO-08-01-01) Woite, G. (NO-02-01-14) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) Ziegler, E. J. (NO-17-02-11) Zinberg, D. S. (NO-06-01-06) NUPACK Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) OECD Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Nuclear Energy Agency (NO-18-01-04) operations Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Kruger, K. J. (HTR-05-01-04) Lam, P. (LWR-06-02-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Keyword Index Miller, D. J. (HTR-05-01-08) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B03- 01-08) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-04-01-02) pebble bed Bechtel Group Inc. (HTR-B01-01-01) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-10) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kruger, K. J. (HTR-05-01-04) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lohnert, G. H. (HTR-04-01-06) Lohnert, G. H., Pflasterer, G. R. (HTR- 05-01-06) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Moormann, R. (HTR-03-01-01) O’Sullivan, D. A. (HTR-02-01-04) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Savage, M. G. (HTR-B01-01-03) Singh, J. (HTR-04-01-12) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-03-02-02) performance PIUS Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Duncan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Going, M. C. (NO-11-01-01) Howles, L. (NO-11-01-03) International Energy Associates Ltd. (NO-16-02-02) Merrow, E. W. (NO-B02-01-01) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NO-13-01-07) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-02) ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) 34 pool Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-06-02-04) Hannerz, K. (LWR-B01-01-02) Hannerz, K. (LWR-01-01-01) Hannerz, K. (LWR-02-01-06) Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-03-01-06) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Phung, D. L. (LWR-01-01-02) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-086) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-06-01-08) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) Tiren, 1. (LWR-B01-01-01) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Vigander, S. (LWR-B01-01-04) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-06-01-11) Weinberg, A. M. (NO-05-01-07) Weinberg, A. M,, et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Wilkins, D. R. (LWR-01-01-12) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-09) Booth, R.S. (LMR-01-04-03) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-01) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) prefabrication Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) priorities Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) . Keyword Index Energy Research Advisory Board (NO-13- 01-12) Mitchell, R. C. (NO-17-01-09) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-13-01-09) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) project management Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Carnes, J. M. (NO-14-01-13) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Merrow, R. W. (NO-06-01-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-05-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-02-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-14-01-15) project organization Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Carnes, J. M. (NO-14-01-13) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Merrow, R. W. (NO-06-01-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-05-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-01-01) Tatum, C. B. (NO-10-02-11) Tatum, C. B. (NO-14-01-15) projections Argonne National Laboratory (NO-06- 01-10) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) EPRI Journal (NO-01-02-26) Giraud, A. (NO-04-01-06) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-01) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-02) Hafele, V. W. (NO-02-01-07) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) McCaughey, J. (NO-13-01-10) Navarro, P. (NO-02-01-17) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) 35 Ohanian, M. J. (NO-08-01-06) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-18) Shapiro, 1. S. (N0O-09-03-01) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Smolen, G. R., et al. (NO-B01-02-02) Stauffer, T. R. (NO-02-01-13) Stevenson, W. (NO-B03-01-07) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Tschaeche, A. N. (NO-02-01-10) U.S. Department of Commerce (NO-06- 01-04) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) proliferation Bainerman, J. (NO-12-01-05) Engel, J. R., et al. (LMR-B01-01-02) Hampson, D. C. (LMR-02-03-14) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-05-01-13) Radkowsky, A. (NO-13-01-04) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Rose, D. J. (NO-02-01-12) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) public acceptance Anonymous (NO-13-01-03) Atomic Industrial Forum (NO-13-01-13) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Cherry, B. H. (NO-02-01-11) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (NO-01- 01-05) DuPont, R. L. (NO-02-02-21) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Firebaugh, M. W. (NO-02-01-09) Greenberger, M. (NO-16-01-04) Greenhalgh, G. (NO-16-01-06) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-01) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Katz, E. M. (NO-B02-01-09) King, T. (NO-02-01-05) Lave, L. B. (NO-11-01-12) Lewins, et al. (NO-02-02-16) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) 36 Keyword Index Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Mayo, L. H., et al. (NO-10-01-02) Mitchell, R. C. (NO-17-01-09) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-15) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-11) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Rose, D. J. (NO-02-01-12) Sommers, P. (NO-01-01-06) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Starr, C. (NO-02-02-18) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-12) Tschaeche, A. N. (NO-02-01-10) Turner, P. (NO-14-01-20) U.S. Department of Commerce (NO-06- 01-04) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Wilbanks, T. J. (NO-03-01-03) Zinberg, D. S. (NO-06-01-06) ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- B01-01-06) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-03) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR-02-01-04) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Cole, T. E. (LWR-06-02-03) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Flinn, W. S. (LWR-06-01-03) Hannerz, K. (LWR-B01-01-02) Hannerz, K. (LWR-01-01-01) Hannerz, K. (LWR-05-01-01) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-03-01-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B04-01-04) Manno, V. P. (NO-17-01-04) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) MPR Associates, Inc. (LWR-04-03-02) Phung, D. L. (LWR-01-01-02) Ransom and Casazza, Inc. (LWR-03- 01-02) Scott, D. (LWR-03-01-01) Seifritz, W. (LWR-05-01-04) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Tiren, I. (LWR-B01-01-01) Tower, S. N. (LWR-03-01-03) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. (LWR-05-01-07) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-03-01-04) Wilkins, D. R. (LWR-01-01-12) pyrochemical rates Anderson, C. A., Jr. (LMR-02-03-10) Hampson, D. C. (LMR-02-03-14) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Bower, R. S. (NO-11-01-08¢) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Hyman, L. S. (NO-11-02-08i) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Osborne, R. J. (NO-11-01-08g) Perl, L. J. (NO-11-01-08b) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (INO-B02-01-07) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-08) recycling Argonne National Laboratory (LMR-01- 04-01) Till, C. (LMR-03-02-11) regulation American Nuclear Society (NO-11-01-0¢ . Keyword Index Anonymous (NO-11-01-08f) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B03- 01-01) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. (NO-B04- 01-01) Asseltine, J. J. (NO-01-02-23) Barkenbus, J. N. (NO-B01-01-07) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Bower, R. S. (NO-11-01-08c) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-03) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Brigham, E. F. (NO-11-01-08d) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (NO-01- 01-05) Drake, R. (NO-17-03-04) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Federal Register (NO-17-03-05) Fischhoff, B. (NO-16-01-02) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hill, L. J., et al. (NO-B01-02-01) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) John Francis Company, The (NO-14- 01-25) Lave, L. B. (NO-11-01-12) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Minogue, R. B. (NO-17-01-08) Myers, R. (NO-17-02-01) Office of Technology Assessment (NO- B03-01-06) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Osborne, R. J. (NO-11-01-08g) 37 Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Repici, D. J. (NO-14-01-23) Rockwell International (LMR-03-01-08) Seitz, F. (NO-14-01-24) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Speis, T. P. (NO-14-01-04) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-B01- 01-04) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) reprocessing Armijo, J. S. (LMR-02-03-12) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Sandberg, R. 0. (NO-14-01-02) Walters, L. C. (LMR-03-01-14) Wolfe, B. (NO-01-01-13) requirements Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Mears, L. D. (HTR-05-01-07) Stahlkopf, K. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-12) research ASEA-ATOM (LWR-04-03-05) Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (N0O-07-01-03) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-03) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- B01-01-08) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- 06-01-02) Energy Research Advisory Board (NO-13- 01-12) Esselman, W. H. (NO-05-01-04) Fassbender, J. A. et al. (HTR-03-03-13) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Golay, M. W. (LWR-01-01-11) Hill, J. (NO-01-03-37) Iyengar, P. K. (NO-09-01-02) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-03-01-06) Kasten, P. R. (NO-03-01-01) Keyword Index Lind, R. C. et al. (NO-14-01-18) Mazxwell, J. R. (LMR-01-01-02) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 17-03-10) Rockwell International (LMR-02-01-03) Sargent and Lundy Engineers (NO-04- 01-08) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-02-01-09) Spiewak, I. (LWR-04-01-03) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-13-01-09) Winkler, R. L. (NO-08-01-01) resources risk Anonymous (NO-09-01-01) Arnott, D. (NO-09-02-04) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-11) Haefele, W. (NO-09-02-05) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Laue, H. J. (NO-09-03-02) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Radkowsky, A. (NO-13-01-04) Wiendieck, K. (NO-10-02-10) American Physical Society Study Group (NO-17-03-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Burke, R. P. (LWR-B01-01-07) Burke, R. P. (NO-15-02-05) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Fassbender, J. A. et al. (HTR-03-03-13) Fisher, C., et al. (HT-B01-01-09) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Fussell, J. B. (NO-17-03-07) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-05-01-02) Lave, L. B. (NO-11-01-12) Levine, S. (NO-03-01-05) MacKenzie, J. J. (NO-03-01-04) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Mayo, L. H., et al. (NO-10-01-02) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) Turnbull, P. W. (NO-17-02-07) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-10) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) Rockwell Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) MacDonald, J. (LMR-03-02-08) McDonald, J. (LMR-03-01-06) Meyers, G. W. (LMR-03-01-07) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-16) Rockwell International (LMR-02-01-03) Rockwell International (LMR-03-01-08) Schmidt, J. E. et al. (LMR-03-01-09) Su, S. F. (LMR-03-01-11) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Zebroski, E, L. (LMR-03-01-16) American Physical Society Study Group (NO-17-03-01) Anonymous (NO-13-01-03) Armijo, J. S. (LMR-02-03-12) Arnold, W. H. (NO-03-01-10) Atomic Industrial Forum (NQ-13-01-13) Babala, D. (LWR-06-02-01) Bab:ock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- BG; 0i-06) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Booth, R.S. (LMR-01-04-03) Brandstetter, A. (HTR-03-03-12) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Burke, R. P. (LWR-B01-01-07) Business Week (NO-15-02-06) 39 Kevword Index Chexal, B. (LWR-05-01-09) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-10) Combustion Engineering, Inc. (NO-08- 01-08) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Driscoll, M. J. (LMR-03-01-04) Dunecan, J. D. (LWR-02-01-07) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) Energy Research Advisory Board (LWR- 06-01-02) Fassbender, J. A. et al. (HTR-03-03-13) Federal Register (NO-17-03-05) Fischhoff, B. (NO-16-01-02) Fisher, C., et al. (HT-B01-01-09) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01-03) Flinn, W. S. (LWR-06-01-03) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-02-01-05) Forsberg, C. W. (LWR-06-02-04) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-05-01-02) General Electric Company (LLWR-05- 01-10) Goodjohn, A. J. (HTR-01-01-04) Gray, O. E. III (LMR-03-01-05) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Haefele, W. (NO-05-01-08) Hannerz, K. (LWR-B01-01-02) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) International Energy Associates Ltd. (NO-16-02-02) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-01-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-05-01-09) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Kruger, K. J. (HTR-05-01-04) Lam, P. (LWR-06-02-06) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. (NO-09-03-06) Manno, V. P. (NO-17-01-04) Marshall, E. (HTR-03-03-01) Marshall, E. (NO-01-02-21) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (HTR-05-01-10} Mattson, R. J. (NO-15-01-01) Mayo, L. H,, et al. (NO-10-01-02) McDonald, J. (LMR-03-01-06) McMain, A. T. (LWR-04-01-01) Minogue, R. B. (NO-17-01-08) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-20) O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Ohanian, M. J. (NO-05-01-13) Ohanian, M. J., ed. (NO-B01-01-02) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-14) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Phung, D. L. (LWR-B01-01-05) Phung, D. L. (LWR-01-01-02) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-11) Ray, J. (LMR-02-03-09) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-04) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Rosen, M. (NO-06-01-03) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Schmidt, J. E. et al. (LMR-03-01-09) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Seitz, F. (NO-14-01-24) Shapiro, I. S. (NO-09-03-01) Stewart, H. B. (HTR-02-01-05) Su, S. F. (LMR-03-01-11) Sundqvist, C. (LWR-06-01-10) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Tadmor, J. (NO-17-03-12) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) Technology for Energy Corp. (NO-B05- 01-02) Tiren, I. (LWR-B01-01-01) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NO-B03-01-09) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) Wald, M. J. (NO-17-02-08) Webb, J. (NO-01-02-22) Weinberg, A. M. (NO-05-01-07) Weinberg, A. M., et al. (NO-B02-01-03) 40 Keyword Index Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-03) Wilford, J. N. (NO-10-02-07) Wilkins, D. R., et al. (LWR-05-01-05) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) Zebroski, E. L. (LMR-03-01-16) SECURE Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) shop fabrication Blumenthal, M. (NO-15-02-03) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Coxe, R. L. Jr. (HTR-B01-01-02) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-03-03-16) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-16) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Runzler, L. M. (NO-01-01-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Shaiken, H. (NO-17-02-06) small reactors Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc. (LWR- B01-01-06) Bechtel Group, Inc. (HTR-02-01-06) Bechtel National Inc. (HTR-05-01-01) Behrens, C. E. (NO-06-01-05) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. (NO-17-03-02) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Brunings, J. E., et al. (NO-01-02-19) Business Week (NO-15-02-06) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Cleveland, J. C. (HTR-03-03-11) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Fisher, C. F. Jr. (NO-17-03-06) Fishlock, D. (NO-16-01- 02} Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) GA Technologies Inc. (HTR-05-01-02) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) Goldsmith, K. (NO-02-02-19) Haque, H. et al. (HTR-04-01-02) Harde, V. R. (LMR-03-02-04) Heising-Goodman, C. D. (NO-01-03-38) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) INTERATOM (HTR-02-01-02) International Atomic Energy Agency {(NO-01-01-29) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-10-02-02) International Atomic Energy Agency (NO-16-02-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-01-01-01) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-03-03-15) Kasten, P. R. (HTR-05-01-09) Kasten, P. R. (LWR-02-01-01) Kasten, P. R., et al. (NO-12-01-06) King, T. L. (LWR-06-01-04) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Kruger, K. J. (HTR-05-01-04) Lanning, D. D. (HTR-04-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-03-01-06) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Lidsky, L. M. (NO-03-01-08) Lohnert, G. H., Pflasterer, G. R. (HTR- 05-01-06) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Marcus, G. H. (NO-01-01-03) Masters, R. (NO-01-02-28) Mazwell, J. R. (LMR-01-01-02) McDonald, C. F. (HTR-04-01-07) Mears, L. D. (HTR-05-01-07) Medwid, W. (HTR-04-01-08) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-02) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-10) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-15) Myers, R. (NO-01-01-16) Nuclear Engineering International (HTR- 05-01-03) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-20) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-27) Nucleonics Week (NO-12-01-01) Keyword Index O’Farrelly, C. (NO-01-01-04) O’Sullivan, D. A. (HTR-02-01-04) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Olds, F. C. (NO-17-03-11) Peters, K. (HTR-04-01-09) Phung, D. L. (NO-01-01-11) Repici, D. J. (NO-14-01-23) Reutler, H. (HTR-01-01-05) Reutler, H. (HTR-04-01-11) Rippon, S. (LMR-03-02-07) Rytkonan, B. B. (LWR-02-01-08) Savage, M. G. (HTR-B01-01-03) Sawyer, C. D. (LWR-04-02-04) Schmidt, R. (NO-01-02-30) Schmidt, R. (NO-15-01-07) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-04-03-03) Simon, W. A. (HTR-01-01-02) Skjoldebrand, R. (NO-18-01-05) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Spiewak, I. (LWR-03-01-05) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-04-01-13) Sweeney, T. M. (HTR-03-02-02) Tadmor, J. (NO-17-03-12) Taylor, J. J. (LMR-03-01-12) The Energy Daily (NO-01-01-09) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-15) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-16) Wakabayashi, H. (LWR-03-01-04) Wakabayashi, H., et al. (NO-03-01-15) Webb, J. (NO-01-02-22) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-02-01-02) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LWR-01-01-08) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) standardization Asseltine, J. J. (NO-01-02-23) Braun, C. (LWR-06-02-02) Braun, C. (NO-13-01-11) Braun, C. (NO-14-01-05) Braun, C. (NO-18-01-01) Braun, C. et al. (NO-15-02-04) Bray, P. (NO-14-01-22) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Cruickshank, A. (LMR-03-01-03) de Torquat, C. (NO-17-03-14) Dircks, W. J. (NO-14-01-12) 41 Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Frewer, H. (HTR-03-03-14) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Hug, M. (LWR-06-02-05) King, T. L. (NO-15-01-05) Lester, R. K. (NO-17-03-08) Levy, S., Incorporated (LWR-05-01-11) Martel, L. J. (LWR-06-02-07) Nuclear Engineering International (NO- 01-02-20) Office of Technology Assessment (LWR- B01-01-03) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-14) Reynolds, M. (NO-13-01-08) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) Trauger, D. B. (NO-17-03-18) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) steam generators Pedersen, T. (LWR-06-01-05) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-06) Pind, C. (LWR-06-01-07) Skygge, C. (LWR-06-01-09) Young, J. C. (LWR-01-01-03) steam-cooled reactors Schultz, M. A. (LWR-02-01-09) Schultz, M. A. (LWR-04-02-01) strategy Abernathy, W. J. (NO-15-02-01) Berke, C. et al. (LMR-03-01-01) Bhaneja, B. (NO-15-02-02) Ettlie, J. E. (NO-16-01-01) Jones, E. G. (NO-17-01-01) Lester, R. K. (NO-07-01-08) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Pine, G. D. (NO-17-02-02) Reekie, W. (NO-17-02-05) Vaughan, J. W. Jr. (NO-11-01-02) supply Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Chapel, S. W. (NO-B02-01-10) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Keyword Index Crawford, M. (NO15-02-08) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) Gustaferro, J. F. (NO-14-01-09) Haefele, W. (NO-07-01-02) Hafele, W. (LMR-01-01-07) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Lester, R. K. et al. (NO-B03-01-05) Lester, R. K., et al. (NO-B01-01-05) Loose, V. W. (NO-15-01-06) Mills, M. P. (NO-17-03-09) Murray, A. E. (NO-17-01-10) Office of Technology Assessment (NO-05- 01-03) Pine, G. D. (NO-17-02-02) Samuels, G. (NO-13-01-14) Skeer, J. (NO-07-01-10) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-BO01- 01-04) Weaver, L. E. (NO-17-02-10) Wilcox, L. C. (LMR-03-01-15) Three Mile Island American Physical Society Study Group (NO-17-03-01) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Phung, D. L. (LWR-B01-01-05) Weaver, L. (NO-14-01-08) Wilkins, D. R., et al. (LWR-05-01-05) utilities Bean, E. (NO-02-01-01) Berton, L. (NO-14-01-01) Budwani, R. N. (NO-07-01-12) Caldwell, L. S. (NO-15-02-07) Cantor, R. (NO-17-03-03) Cantor, R. (NO-18-02-01) Cavanaugh, H. A. (NO-03-01-09) Clark, C. E. Jr. (NO-15-01-02) Congressional Research Service (NO-13- 01-05) Cook, J. (NO-03-01-12) Crawford, M. (NO15-02-08) Decision Focus Incorporated (NO-06- 01-12) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Electrical World (NO-01-01-17) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-03) 42 Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board (NO-B03- 01-11) Ford, A. (NO-13-01-01) Ford, A. (NO-14-01-07) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 02-01) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-07) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (HTR-03- 03-09) Gravelle, J. G. (NO-11-01-08h) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) Higgins, J. P. (NO-01-01-02) Higgins, P. C. (NO-16-01-09) Iwler, L. (NO-15-01-04) Jackson, S. V. (NO-03-01-13) Kaufman, A. (NO-08-01-04) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Lester, R. K. (NO-09-01-03) MacLachan, A. (NO-11-01-09) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Martel, L. (LWR-01-01-14) Navarro, P. (NO-02-01-17) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NO-13-01-07) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-11) Siegel, J. R. (NO-15-01-03) Sillin, J. O. (NO-02-01-23) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc. (NO-B01-01-03) Sutherland, R. J. (NO-14-01-11) Sutherland, R. J. et al. (NO-B02-01-07) U.S. Department of Energy (NO-18- 01-06) Wald, M. L. (NO-10-02-06) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) Carnes, S. A. et al. (NO-B03-01-02) Chicago, University of (LMR-03-01-02) Edison Electric Institute (NO-15-02-11) Fussell, J. B. (NO-B02-01-08) Grey, J. (ed.) (NO-B03-01-04) Herrington, J. S. (NO-16-01-08) John Francis Company, The (NO-14- 01-25) Marshall, W. (NO-17-01-05) Rayner, S. (NO-17-02-03) Rayner, S. (ING-17-02-04) Rippon, S. (NO-B05-01-01) 43(;’49( Keyword Index Shapiro, I. S. (NO-09-03-01) Turner, P. (NO-14-01-20) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-19) U.S. Congress (NO-17-03-20) Young, J. C. (NO-14-01-17) Westinghouse Arnold, W. H. (NO-03-01-10) Braun, H. E. (LWR-04-03-01) Braun, H. E. et al. (LWR-06-01-01) Electric Power Research Institute (LMR- 03-02-10) Komanoff, C. (NO-02-01-23) Myers, R. (LMR-02-03-15) Paulson, C. K. (NO-03-01-11) Spiewak, I. (LWR-B01-01-07) Stern, T. (LWR-01-01-06) Tower, S. N. (LWR-03-01-03) Twichell, P. W. (LMR-03-02-09) Ushio, S. (LWR-01-01-07) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-B01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-01-01-03) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (LMR-02-01-02) Westinghouse Electric Corporation (NO- 04-01-09) 5. NUCLEAR OPTIONS CITATIONS U5 He ' 47 Nuclear Options Abernathy, W. J., and B. S. Chakravarthy, “ Government Intervention and Innovation In Industry: A Policy Framework,” Sloan Management Review, pp. 3-18, Spring 1979 (NO-15-02-01). (Keywords: commercialization, innovation, markets, nuclear options, strategy) American Nuclear Society, “The Improving Power Market: Positive Implications for Nuclear Power,” American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Financial and Economic Bases for Nuclear Power, Washington, D.C., American Nuclear Society, April 1984 (NO-11-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, demand, regulation, future, fossil) American Physical Society Study Group, Report of the Study Group on Radionuclide Release from Severe Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, American Institute of Physics, New York, New York, date unknown (NO-17-03-01). (Keywords: accidents, nuclear options, risk, safety, Three Mile Island) Anonymous, Energy and the Need for Nuclear Power, INIS-mf--8497, F61, gh8307197, date unknown (NO-09-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, resources, economics) Anonymous, International Cooperation for Establishment and Use of Nuclear Energy in Devel- oping Countries, INIS-MF-8001, date unknown (NO-05-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs) Anonymous, "The Quasi-Legislative Process of State Utility Regulation and Alternative Cost Recovery Methods,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, May 7-8, 1984 (NO-11-01-08f). (Keywords: nuclear options, regulation, costs, economics, capacity, regulation, future) Anonymous, “Utility 'Near-Paranoid’--PSC Staff Questions Detroit Ed Safety Expenditures at Fermi 2,” INFO 188, date unknown (NO-13-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, costs, public acceptance, attitudes) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc., An Analysis of Power Plant Construction Lead Times, Volume I: Analysis and Results, EPRI EA/2880, Volume 1, Applied Decision Analysis, Inc., Menlo Park, California, February 1983 (NO-B04-01-01). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, costs, construction, EPRI, licensing, regulation) Applied Decision Analysis, Inc., An Analysis of Power Plant Construction Lead Times, Volume 2: Supporting Documentation and Appendices, EPRI EA-2880, Volume 2, Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board, Menlo Park, California, February 1984 (NO-B03-01-01). (Keywords: construction, EPRI, licensing, management, nuclear options, regulation) Argonne National Laboratory, Meeting Our Need for Electric Energy, The Role of Nuclear Power, DOE/NE-0054, ANL, Argonne, Illinois, July 1984 (NO-06-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, ANL, capacity, coal, DOE, electricity, future, priorities, projec- tions) ' 48 ‘ Nuclear Options Arnold, W. H., Statement Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production, 0783M-83M:2(54523), Wes- tinghouse Electric Corporation, February 8, 1984 (NO-03-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, Westinghouse, economics, attitudes, safety) Arnott, D., “The Nuclear Falling Out,” Management Today, pp. 46-51 and 117-119, April 1983 (NO-09-02-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, international programs, economics, resources, LWRs) Asseltine, J. J., “Regulating in an Environment of Uncertainty,” Twelfth Water Reactor Safety Research Information Meeting, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., October 22, 1984 (NO-01-02-23). (Keywords: nuclear options, licensing, NRC, regulation, standardization) Atomic Industrial Forum, Nuclear Power in America’s Future, Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, June 1984 (NO-13-01-13). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, economics, costs, safety, public acceptance, attitudes, con- struction) Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., A Comparison of Future Costs of Nuclear and Coal-Fired Electricity, AIF, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, November 1984 (NO-05-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, availability factor, capacity factor, coal, construction, costs, eco- nomics, electricity, fuel, future) Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Engineering Conference, AINSE Theater, Lucas Heights, N.S.W., Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, November 12-13, 1981 (NO- 07-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, research, engineering) Avenhaus, R., W. Hafele, and P. E. McGrath, "Considerations on the Large-Scale Deployment of the Nuclear-Fuel Cycle,” Energy 2, pp. 323-363, November 1976 (NO-05-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle, markets, international programs, development) Bainerman, J., “Generating Nuclear Power,” Newsview, p. 8, September 18, 1984 (NO-12-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle, proliferation) Barkenbus, J. N., An Assessment of Institutional Alternatives for Nuclear Power Generation (draft), Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, February 1983 (NO-08-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, decisions) Barkenbus, J. N., Prospects and Opportunities for Nuclear Power Regulatory Reform, ORAU/ TEA-83-5(M), Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, April 1983 (NO-B01-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, regulation, licensing, public acceptance, attitudes, NRC, interna- tional programs) ' 49 Nuclear Options Bean, E., "Going It Alone: Duke Power Succeeds Building Nuclear Units Without Outside Help,” The Wall Street Journal, p. 1, Wednesday, October 17, 1984 (NO-02-01-01). (Keywords: construction, nuclear options, costs, financing, LWRs, utilities) Bechtel Corporation, ”Electricity and the Economy,” Bechtel Corporation, 1983 (NO-B02-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, economics, future) Behrens, C. E., Economic Potential of Smaller-Sized Nuclear Plants in Today’s Economy, (pre- pared at the request of P. Tsongas), Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1984 (NO-06-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, small reactors) Berlin, E., “Excess Capacity, Plant Abandonments and Prudence, the Appropriate Regulatory Standard,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, May 7-8, 1984 (NO-11-01-08e). (Keywords: nuclear options) Berton, L., " Utilities Face Rule Changes on Profits,” The Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, Novem- ber 20, 1984 (NO-14-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, construction, costs, financing, LWRs, markets, PWRs, public acceptance, rates, regulation, utilities) Bhaneja, B., J. Lyrette, T. W. Davies, and R. M. Dohoo, "Technology Transfer from Government Laboratories to Industry: Canadian Experience in the Communications Sector,” R&D Man- agement 12(2), 53-59, 1982 (NO-15-02-02). (Keywords: commercialization, deployment, innovation, management, nuclear options, strat- egy) Blumenthal, M., and J. Dray, “The Automated Factory: Vision and Reality,” Technology Review 88(1), 29-37, January 1985 (NO-15-02-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, shop fabrication) Bower, R. S., "The Capital Recovery Question: An Overview,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, April 1984 (NO-11-01-08c). (Keywords: nuclear options, rates, regulation, economics) Bowers, H. L., L. C. Fuller, and M. L. Myers, Trends in Nuclear Power Plant Capital Investment Cost Estimates - 1976 to 1982, NUREG/CR-3500, ORNL/TM-8898, Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, September 1983 (NO-10-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, costs, LWRs, fossil) Bradshaw, D. T., T. B. Jenkins, and J. E. Simmons, ”Preliminary Probabilistic Incremental System Economic Evaluation of Base Load Generation Alternatives for 2005 Startup,” presentation to Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates (TAC), Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tennes- see, undated (NO-18-01-02). (Keywords: capital, coal, economics, fuel cycle, HTRs, nuclear options) Nuclear Options Braun, C., "Comparative Review of U.S. and French Power Plant Construction Projects,” ANS/ ENS International Conference, Washington, D.C., Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 1984 (NO-13-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, economics, EPRI, France, labor, licensing, LWRs, regulation, standardization, engineering, large reactors) Braun, C., “Economics of Small Reactors,” Presentation to the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 3-7, 1984 (NO-14-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics, standardization, construction, labor, costs) Braun, C., ”Evaluation of Small Reactors Economics,” presentation to ANS 1985 Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 10-14, 1985 (NO-17-03-02). (Keywords: advanced reactors, analysis, costs, economics, France, nuclear options, shop fabri- cation, small reactors) Braun, C., “Nuclear and Fossil Power Plants Economics,” Presentation to the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Financial and Economic Bases for Nuclear Power, Washington, D.C., April 8-11, 1984 (NO-14-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, fossil, demand, growth, regulation, construction, costs, materials) Braun, C. et al., "Comparative Review of U.S. and French Power Plant Construction Projects,” presentation at the University of Paris Conference on International Nuclear Cost Compari- sons, Paris, France, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, February 1985 (NO-15-02-04). (Keywords: construction, costs, EPRI, France, labor, large reactors, materials, nuclear options, standardization) Braun, C., and K. E. Stahlkopf, “The Arguments for the Implementation of a Small Reactor Program,” presentation at the American Nuclear Society 1985 Annual Meeting, Boston, Mas- sachusetts, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, June 1985 (NO-18-01-01). (Keywords: capital, costs, economics, financing, nuclear options, shop fabrication, small reac- tors, standardization) Bray, P., "What Are the Trends Which Will Shape Future Designs,” McGraw-Hill Nuclear Power Services Conference, Washington, D.C., Atomic Industrial Forum, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1, 1984 (NO-14-01-22). (Keywords: nuclear options, BWRs, economics, electricity, financing, France, international programs, Japan, licensing, LWRs, NRC, PIUS, regulation, safety, standardization) Brigham, E. F., and T. C. Tapley, “Comments on the Capital Recovery Question: An Overview,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Sec- tion, May 7, 1984 (NO-11-01-08d). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, economics, regulation, future) ‘ 51 Nuclear Options Brightsen, R. A., “The Way to Save Nuclear Power,” Fortune, pp. 126-132, September 10, 1979 (NO-05-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, future, economics) Brunings, J. E., et al., “Compact Reactor Power Systems,” Nuclear Engineering Technology 22, pp. 237-250, May 1974 (NO-01-02-19). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors) Budwani, R. N., “The Data Base for U.S. Power Plants,” Power Engineering, pp. S-1 through S-24, January 1985 (NO-07-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, BWRs, coal, construction, costs, engineering, labor, licensing, materials, PWRs, utilities) Burke, R. P., D. C. Aldrich, and N. C. Rasmussen, Economic Risks of Nuclear Power Reactor Accidents, NUREG/CR-3673 (SAND84-0178), Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California, April 1984 (NO-15-02-05). (Keywords: costs, economics, LWRs, nuclear options, public acceptance, risk) Burwell, C. C., and D. B. Reister, Electricity Use and Use Trends in the Production of Chemicals, ORAU/IEA-85-4(M), Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 1985 (NO- B04-01-03). ‘ (Keywords: cogeneration, demand, electricity, nuclear options) Business Week, "Downsizing Nuclear Plants,” Business Week, pp. 144, November 10, 1980 (NO- 15-02-06). (Keywords: LWRs, nuclear options, safety, small reactors) Caldwell, L. S., "Looking at CWIP,” Nuclear News 28(8), 74-75, June 1985 (NO-15-02-07). (Keywords: costs, electricity, financing, nuclear options, regulation, utilities) Cantor, R., Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Investment Costs: User’s Guide to the EIA-254 Data Base (Draft), ORNL/TM-9359, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 30, 1984 (NO-17-03-03). (Keywords: costs, economics, LWRs, nuclear options, projections, utilities) Cantor, R., C. O. Rizy, and J. G. Hewlett, Analysis of Estimated and Realized Nuclear Power Plant Construction Costs and Leadtimes, (Working Draft) prepared for the Energy Informa- tion Administration, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 1985 (NO-18-02-01). (Keywords: costs, economics, financing, licensing, LWRs, nuclear options, projections, utili- ties) Carnes, J. M., and C. B. Tatum, “Nuclear Plant Modeling,” Proceedings of the Topical Meeting, Nuclear Power Plant Construction Licensing and Startup, Los Angeles, California, ANS Spe- cial Publication PD7601, pp. IIL5-1 through II1.5-12, Ebasco Services Incorporated, September 13-17, 1976 (NO-14-01-13). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, construction) 52 Nuclear Options Carnes, S. A. et al., "Incentives and Nuclear Waste Siting: Prospects and Constraints,” Energy Systems and Policy 7(4), 323-351, 1983 (NO-B03-01-02). (Keywords: attitudes, licensing, nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation, waste) Cavanaugh, H. A., "Capacity Additions: How Much? How Soon?” Electrical World, pp. 29-33, Jan- uary 1985 (NO-03-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, coal, demand, economics, supply, utilities) Chapel, S. W., P. G. Abrahamson, and M. A. Radlauer, "The Impacts of Management and Modu- larity on Nuclear Construction Lead Times and Costs,” presentation to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute and Applied Decision Analysis, Inc., March 1, 1985 (NO-B02-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, coal, commercialization, construction, costs, demand, economics, LWRs, modular reactors, rates, small reactors, standardization, supply) Cherry, B. H., “The Role of Nuclear Power in the United States in the Aftermath of Three Mile Island,” Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium, 243-257, 1979 (NO-02-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, accidents, attitudes, public acceptance, future) Clark, C. E. Jr., and R. B. Fancher, “The Economics of Generating Unit Size and Lead Time,” Con- ference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Decision Focus Incorporated, Los Altos, CA, January 1985 (NO- 15-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, decisions, demand, economics, financing, rates, risk, small reactors, supply, utilities) Combustion Engineering, Inc., An Integrated Approach to Economical, Reliable, Safe Nuclear Power Production, CE, Inc., April 19, 1982 (NO-08-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, accidents, design, economics, public acceptance, risk, safety) Congressional Research Service, A Perspective on Electric Utility Capacity Planning, Prepared for use of the Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Government Printing Office, Committee Print 98-M, Congressional Research Service, August 1983 (NO-13-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, utilities, capacity, projections, supply, demand, fossil, coal, economics, regulation, performance) Cook, d., "Nuclear Follies,” Forbes, cover page, pp. 82-100, February 11, 1985 (NO-03-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, commercialization, construction, costs, demand, DOE, economics, financing, labor, large reactors, management, materials, NRC, regulation, safety, standardization, utilities) Crawford, M., “The Electricity Industry’s Dilemma,” Science 229, pp. 248-250, July 19, 1985 (NO15-02-08). (Keywords: demand, electricity, nuclear options, supply, utilities) Crijns, M. J., "The Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,” NEA Newsletter, No. 4, pp. 4-8, April 1985 (NO-15-02-09). (Keywords: economics, France, fuel cycle, nuclear options) ¥ 53 Nuclear Options Dahlheimer, J. A., H. E. Braun, and K. Fujita, Application of Modular Plant Design, 1562M:1/ 062883, Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Hazama-Gumi Ltd., date unknown (NO-08- 01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, design, modular reactors) Dauterman, W., and et al., Design and Integration of Zirconium Hydride Reactor,J. H. Van Osdol (ed.), AI-AEC-13072, SNAP REACTOR, SNAP PROGRAM, M3679-R69, C-92B, Contr.: AT(04-3)-701, Atomics International Division, Rockwell International, AEC Research and Development Report, June 30, 1973 (NO-02-02-22). (Keywords: nuclear options, design) Davis, D., “New Projects: Beware of False Economies,” Harvard Business Review, pp. 95-101, March-April 1985 (NO-15-02-10). (Keywords: construction, costs, economics, innovation, management, nuclear options) de Torquat, C., and J. Oury, “French Experience with a Large Nuclear Programme,” Nuclear Engi- neering International 24(291), 51-53, October 1979 (NO-17-03-14). (Keywords: construction, costs, France, LMRs, nuclear options, PWRs, standardization) Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., “Extracts from an Address before the National Association of Regula- tory Utility Commissioners in Detroit, Michigan, on November 15, 1983,” pp. 3-5, (NO-01- 01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, regulation, costs, financing, public acceptance) Decision Focus Incorporated, " The Potential Impact of Modularity on Utility Generation Invest- ment Decisions” (draft final report), Decision Focus Incorporated, Los Altos, California, March 1984 (NO-06-01-12). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, construction, costs, economics, electricity, EPRI, modular reactors, rates, risk, small reactors, utilities) Delene, J. G., et al., Nuclear Energy Cost Data Base--1983. A Reference Data Base for Nuclear and Coal-Fired Power Generation Cost Analysis (Draft), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1983 (NO-B01-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, coal, economics, codes) Denton, H. R., “Nuclear Power: Epilogue or Prologue?” The Energy Journal 4(1), 125-14, January 1983 (NO-01-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options) Desert Research Institute, Thermoeconomic Analysis of Power Plants, EPRI AP-3651, DRI, Reno, Nevada, August 1984 (NO-06-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, analysis, coal, construction, costs, decisions, economics, electric- ity, fossil) Dircks, W. J., NUREG-1070, "NRC Policy on Future Reactor Designs: Decisions on Severe Acci- dent Issues in Nuclear Power Plant Regulations,” Policy Issue (Affirmation), SECY-84-370, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., September 19, 1984 (NO-14-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, advanced reactors, licensing, NRC, standardization) 54 : Nuclear Options Doub, W. O., “Prospects for Nuclear Energy Under a Reagan Administration,” Remarks Before the Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association, 72nd Winter Convention, Washington, D.C., February 28, 1981 (NO-09-02-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, deployment) Doub, W. O., and L. M. Muntzing, ” A Perspective on Worldwide Nuclear Developments,” Atomic Energy Law Journal 17(4), 235-249, Winter 1976 (NO-04-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, attitudes) Drake, R., A. Youngblood, and D. Williams, Nuclear Rate Increase Study, LA--10099-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, undated (NO-17-03-04). (Keywords: BWRs, costs, economics, nuclear options, PWRs, rates, regulation) Duayer, M., “The Brazilian Nuclear Power Programme: A Case not Proven,” Energy Policy 9(4), 323-326, December 1981 (NO-01-02-33). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) DuPont, R. L., “The Psychology of Phobic Fear of Nuclear Energy,” Phobia: A Comprehensive Summary of Modern Treatments, pp. 193-2000, date unknown (NO-02-02-21). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) Ebersole, J. C., "EPRI Categorization of Generic Safety and Licensing Issues,” letter to William dJ. Dircks, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of the Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., September 11, 1984 (NO-14-01-21). (Keywords: nuclear options, licensing, NRC) Edison Electric Institute, Report of the Edison Electric Institute on Nuclear Power, EEI Task Force on Nuclear Power, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C., February 1985 (NO-15- 02-11). (Keywords: attitudes, construction, demand, electricity, licensing, LWRs, nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation, risk, safety, standardization, supply, utilities, waste) Eklund, S., "IAEA Director-General’s Report: 'We Must Move Forward with All Deliberate Speed’,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 33(8), 42-47, October 1977 (NO-01-02-32). (Keywords: nuclear options, JAEA, international programs) Eklund, S., ”Nuclear Power. Nuclear Power Development - the Challenge of the 1980s,” IAEA Bul- letin 23(3), 8-18, 1981 (NO-01-02-31). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs; Electrical World, “35th Annual Electric Utility Industry Forecast, Economic Recovery Drives kWh Sales Up,” Electrical World, pp. 49-56, September 1984 (NO-01-01-17). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, demand, electricity, projections, supply, utilities) Elliott, D., "Energy and Jobs,” Energy Manager 2(3), 22-25, April 1979 (NO-09-02-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, labor, economics, international programs) 55 Nuclear Options Ellwood, W., and D. Tiranti (eds.), “The Case Against Nuclear Energy,” New Internationalist 2, pp. 7-26, date unknown (NO-06-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board, A Region-Specific Study of the Electric Utility Industry: Financial History and Future Power Requirements for the VACAR Region (Volume 2), ORNL/Sub/82-43309/2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1985 (NO-B03-01-03). (Keywords: capital, demand, economics, nuclear options, regulation, risk, utilities) Energy Impact Associates Inc. for the Southern States Energy Board, A Region-Specific Study of the Electric Utility Industry: Problem Identification, Analysis, and Recommendations (Vol- ume 3), ORNL/Sub/82-4330/3, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1985 (NO-B03-01-11). (Keywords: capital, demand, economics, nuclear options, regulation, risk, utilities) Energy Research Advisory Board, Federal Energy R&D Priorities, Research and Development Panel, Energy Research Advisory Board, November 1981 (NO-13-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, research, development, priorities, ERAB) Energy World, ” European Overview. Demand, Supply, and Prices Summarized, to the Year 2000,” Energy World 101, pp. 2-7, March 1983 (NO-01-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, costs, demand, economics, future) ENR, "Constructors Riding Crest of Micro Wave,” ENR, pp. 62-63, January 24, 1985 (NO-14- 01-14). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction) EPRI Journal, “Impact of New Technology on the Intensity of Industrial Electricity Use,” EPRI Journal, p. 22, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, December 1983 (NO- 01-02-26). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, projections, growth) Esselman, W. H., H. H. Gilman, and C. B. Tatum, “Plan for Engineering/Construction Research Program,” Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, March 9, 1983 (NO-05- 01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, design, EPRI, research, engineering) Ettlie, J. E.,, and D. B. Vellenga, “The Adoption Time Period for Some Transportation Innovations,” Management Science 25(5), 429-443, 1979 (NO-16-01-01). (Keywords: commercialization, innovation, markets, nuclear options, risk, strategy) Federal Register, “Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR Part 50, Proposed Policy for Regula- tion of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants,” Federal Register 50(58), 11882-11884, Tuesday, March 23, 1985 (NO-17-03-05). (Keywords: advanced reactors, nuclear options, NRC, regulation, safety) Nuclear Options Fells, L., “Nuclear Energy--the Way Ahead,” Science and Public Policy 8(3), 217-226, June 1981 (NO-05-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, attitudes, economics) Fells, 1., "Some Solutions to the Energy Equation. The Options Until 2030,” Energy World 89, pp. 15-21, February 1982 (NO-01-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, future, international programs) Firebaugh, M. W., Public Attitudes and Information on the Nuclear Option, ORAU/IEA-80- 6(M), Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, May 1980 (NO-02-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) Fischhoff, B., Safety Goals for Nuclear Power, NUREG/CR-3507 (ORNL/Sub-7576/2), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, February 1984 (NO-16-01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, NRC, nuclear options, regulation, safety) Fisher, C. F. Jr., S. Paik, and W. R. Schriver, Power Plant Economy of Scale and Cost Trends - Further Analyses and Review of Empirical Studies (Draft), ORNL/Sub-85-41-BO7685- CY11/1, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 1985 (NO-17-03-06). (Keywords: construction, costs, economics, large reactors, nuclear options, small reactors) Fisher, C. F. Jr., and W. R. Schriver, Powerplant Cost Study, Construction Resources Analysis, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 1984 (NO-09-03-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, coal, construction, costs, economics, engineering) Fishlock, D., "Soviets Build Reactor for Use Near Cities,” The Energy Daily 13(47), 1 and 4, Mon- day, March 11, 1985 (NO-16-01-03). (Keywords: international programs, LWRs, nuclear options, PWRs, risk, safety, small reac- tors) Ford, A., The Market for New Electric Generating Capacity: A Financial Feastbility Case Study, (Draft), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Energy Technologies Group, Los Alamos, New Mezxico, June 1984 (NO-13-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, economics, demand, utilities, financing) Ford, A., and R. Sutherland, Electric Utility Reports, Winter 1983, Los Alamos National Labora- tory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, February 1984 (NO-14-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, utilities) Fussell, J. B., Issues Concerning Nuclear Power, Views of Individuals Employed Within the Nuclear Industry, NEUT-01-84, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, Septem- ber 1984 (NO-B02-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, accidents, attitudes, costs, licensing, safety, waste) Fussell, J. B, “Nuclear Power System Reliability: A Historical Perspective,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability R-33(1), 41-47, April 1984 (NO-17-03-07). (Keywords: accidents, analvsis, nuclear options, risk) 1 o7 Nuclear Options Gabor, S., and V. Geza, " Atominergia Moratorium,” Energie es Atomtechnika X XXIII(8-9), 382- 392, 1980 (NO-09-03-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, LWRs, HTRs, future) Giraud, A., "Les Besoins Energetiques et L’Evolution Nucleaire du Monde D’Ici L’An 2025,” (Tr: *The Energy Requirements and the Development of Nuclear Power from the Present to the Year 2025"), Defense Nationale, March 1976 (NO-04-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, demand, development, projections, economics, future, markets) Going, M. C,, "1984 Annual Statistical Report,” Electrical World, pp. 49-72, April 1984 (NO-11- 01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, fossil, costs, performance) Golay, M. W., “An Agenda for Improving Present-Day Reactors,” Tech. Rev., pp. 49-51, February/ March 1984 (NO-03-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, economics, attitudes) Goldsmith, K., "The Role of Small Nuclear Reactors in the Power Systems of Developing Countries,” Natural Res. Forum 7(1), 83-85, 1983 (NO-02-02-19). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, small reactors) Gravelle, J. G., "Capital Stocks and Investment Flows in the U.S. Economy: The Effects of Eco- nomic Pricing in the Electric and Gas Utilities,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, May 7-8, 1984 (NO-11-01-08h). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, utilities) Greenberger, M., "Appendix A, Elite Viewpoints on Energy,” Caught Unawares: The Energy Decade in Retrospect, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, date unknown (NO-16-01-04). (Keywords: attitudes, nuclear options, public acceptance) Greenhalgh, G., "Local Benefits,” Nuclear Engineering International 30(366), 15, March 1985 (NO-16-01-06). (Keywords: attitudes, France, Japan, nuclear options, public acceptance) Grey, J. (ed.), Aerospace Technology and Commercial Nuclear Power, American Institute of Aero- nautics and Astronautics, Inc., New York, New York, 1982 (NO-B03-01-04). (Keywords: attitudes, construction, controls, design, economics, licensing, nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation, safety, standardization, waste) Gustaferro, J. F., U.S. Energy for the Rest of the Century, 1984 Edition, PB84 207406, Industry Analysis Division, U.S. Department of Commerce, July 1984 (NO-14-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, demand, supply) Haefele, W., “Energy in a Finite World - Expansio ad Absurdum? A Rebuttal,” The Energy Jour- nal 2(4), 35-42, 1981 (NO-07-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, economics, attitudes, resources) 58 Nuclear Options Haefele, W., “On Energy Demand,” Science and Public Policy 5(2), 93-105, April 1978 (NO-07- 01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, demand, projections, public acceptance) Haefele, W., "Perspektiven Langfristiger Energieversorgung” (Tr. ”Perspectives on Longterm Energy Supply”, Umschau in Wissenschaft and Technik 79(20), 629-637, 1979 (NO-07- 01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, supply, projections, future) Haefele, W., "Reactor Strategies in a Global Context,” Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik Bd./33(3), 161-165, 1979 (NO-05-01-14). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, markets, economics) Haefele, W., N. Nakicenovic, and H. H. Rogner, "Nutzbare Regenerative Energiequellen in der Welt,” (Tr: “Usable Regenerative Energy Sources in the World”), Brennst.- Warme-Kraft 33, pp. 203-207, May 5, 1981 (NO-02-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs) Haefele, W., and W. Sassin, ”Applications of Nuclear Power Other Than for Electricity Generation,” Proceedings of the European Nuclear Conference, Paris, April 21-25, 1975, Nuclear Energy Maturity 9, (Nuclear Process Heat Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer), Pergamon Press, April 21-25, 1975 (NO-04-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, cogeneration, markets, economics) Haefele, W., and W. Sassin, ” Contrasting Views of the Future and Their Influence on Our Techno- logical Horizons for Energy,” Future Strategies for Energy Development. A Question of Scale, Proceedings of a Conference at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 20-21, 1976, sponsored by Qak Ridge Associated Universities, pp. 195-227, OQak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 20-21, 1976 (NO-09-02-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, economics, resources, demand) Haefele, W., and W. Sassin, ”Going Nuclear? Some Implications of the Introduction of Nuclear Energy as the Basic Primary Energy Supply of a Developed Society,” Revue Francaise de L’Energie 26, 1975 (NO-05-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, economics, attitudes) Haefele, W., and W. Sassin, “The Global Energy System,” Behavioral Science 24(3), Annual Review of Energy 2, 1977 (NO-07-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, resources, attitudes) Hafele, V. W., "Einfuhrungsvortrag: Bedeutung der Energie fur den Lebenstandard, die Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Umwelt,” (Tr. ”Introductory Talk: Significance of Energy for the Livingstandard, the Economic Development, and the Environment”), Umweltfragen mit Lurgi Klaren, Technische Mitteilungen (Tr. Questions of Environment with Lurgi Klaren), 70. Jahrgang, Heft 6/7, June/July 1977 (NO-06-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, environment) i 59 Nuclear Options Hafele, V. W. "Weltenergie-Szenarien bis 2030. Langfristige Strategien zur Welt-Energieversorgung,” (Tr: "World Energy Scenarios Until 2030. Long-Term Strategies for the World Energy Supply”), Atomwirtschaft, pp. 416-421, August/September 1980 (NO- 02-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, projections) Hawkes, G. F., "How the CEGB Assesses Competing Power Projects,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 29-30, August 1978 (NO-16-01-07). (Keywords: economics, nuclear options) Heising-Goodman, C. D., “Supply of Appropriate Nuclear Technology for the Developing World: Small Power Reactors for Electricity Generation,” Applied Energy 8(1), 13-49, 1981 (NO-01- 03-38). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, small reactors, electricity, economics) Herrington, J. S., “The Challenge for Nuclear Power,” Address to the Nuclear Power Assembly, Washington, D.C., May 8, 1985 (NO-16-01-08). (Keywords: commercialization, construction, France, Germany, international programs, Japan, licensing, LWRs, management, nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation, stan- dardization, utilities, waste) Higgins, J. P., "The Potential Market for SMPRs in OECD Countries,” (draft), OECD, Paris, France, December 6, 1984 (NO-01-01-02). (Keywords: demand, economics, electricity, future, nuclear options, growth, markets, OECD, small reactors, utilities) Higgins, P. C., “February 7, 1985, Industry/NRC Meeting to Brief the Commissioners on the EPRI Sponsored Advanced LWR Program,” letter to Members, Subcommittee on Standardization (information regarding the meeting enclosed), Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, March 4, 1985 (NO-16-01-09). (Keywords: EPRI, innovation, licensing, LWRs, NRC, nuclear options, NUPACK, operations, PIUS, PWRs, regulation, requirements, safety, small reactors, standardization, utilities) Hill, J., “Nuclear Power Generation,” Phys. in Tech. 8(4), 152-156, 1977 (NO-01-03-37). (Keywords: nuclear options, development, research) Hill, L. J., et al., The Effects of Delaying the Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant, NUREG/CR- 3501, ORNL/TM-8664, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Qak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1983 (NO-B01-02-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, economics, regulation, construction) Hinsberg, P., "Nuclear Services: Surviving the Shakeout. Report on the Conference Held April 29- May 2, 1984,” Inside N.R.C., Special Supplement on conference between Nucleonics Week, Inside N.R.C., and Nuclear Fuel, pp. S1-S7, April 29-May 2, 1984 (NO-11-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, NRC, future, markets, fuel cycle, economics, LWRs) Holte, G., "10. Transfer of Nuclear Technology: Experience of an R&D Organization in a Small Country,” American Nuclear Society Tans. Suppl. 25(1), 8, 1977 (NO-01-02-34). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, development) 60 Nuclear Options Hori, Y., "How the Japanese Are Building PWRs in 39 Months at Takahama 3 and 4,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 46-48, January 1985 (NO-14-01-19). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, design, international programs, Japan, LWRs, materials) Howard, R. A., and J. E. Matheson, ”“Influence Diagrams,” SRI International, Menlo Park, Califor- nia, January 4, 1980 (NO-16-01-10). (Keywords: costs, decisions, management, nuclear options) Howles, L., ”“Analysing Station Achievement over Fuel Cycles,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 34-37, February 1984 (NO-11-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle, performance, economics, LWRs, GCRs) Hudson, C. R., I, Age and Capacity Profile of Electric Generation Plants in the United States, ORNL/TM-8510, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 1983 (NO- B02-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, fossil, future, demand, growth) Hyman, L. S., E. T\ Reich, and R. S. Wilson, “Financial and Operating Implications of Economic Depreciation: Potential Responses by Financial Institutions and Markets,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, May 7-8, 1984 (NO-11-02-08i). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, rates) International Atomic Energy Agency, Report on the First Technical Committee Meeting on the Small and Medium Sized Power Reactors Project Initiation Study, International Atomic Energy Agency, August 293-September 2, 1983 (NO-10-02-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, HTRs, LWRs, economics, design, construction) International Atomic Energy Agency, Scaling Factors of SMPR, Considerations for Comparative Evaluations of Small and Large Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, September 1984 (NO-01-01-29). (Keywords: nuclear options, coal, costs, economics, international programs, large reactors, LWRs, small reactors) International Atomic Energy Agency, and OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Small and Medium Power Reactors: Project Initiation Study Phase I, IAEA-TECDOC-347, TAEA, Vienna, Aus- tria, 1985 (NO-16-02-01). (Keywords: CANDU, HTRs, IAEA, LWRs, modular reactors, nuclear options, small reactors) International Energy Associates Ltd., Application of Space and Aviation Technology to Improve the Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Power Plant Operations, DOE/TIC-11143, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia, April 1980 (NO-16-02-02). (Keywords: availability factor, nuclear options, performance, safety) Iwler, L., “Competition Heats Up as New Plants Come On Line,” Electrical World, pp. 17-24, Jan- uary 1985 (NO-15-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, economics, electricity, regulation, utilities) 1 61 Nuclear Options Iyengar, P. K., Impact of Nuclear Research on the Future Technology of Nuclear Power, 15th Founder Memorial Lecture, Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, DELHI-110007 (INS- inf-5886, IN8000364), April 26, 1979 (NO-09-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, research, development, future) Jackson, S. V., C. A. Mangeng, and R. W. Hardie, " Electric Utility Markets for New Electric Gener- ating Plants--Interview Results and Questionnaire Responses,” LA-UR-84-3750, submitted to ANS/ENS 1984 International Conference, Washington, D.C., November 11-16, 1984, Los Ala- mos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, date unknown (NO-03-01-13). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, capacity, commercialization, decisions, electricity, mar- kets, nuclear options, utilities) Jaunsen, W. H., Nuclear Power to the Year 2000: A Forecast, K/OP-325, Operations Analysis and Planning Division, Union Carbide Nuclear Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 22, 1983 (NO-B01-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, growth, demand, fuel cycle, future, international pro- grams) Jenkin, F. P., "Coping with Uncertainty in Appraising New Projects,” Nuclear Engineering Inter- national 27(334), 37-39, November 1982 (NO-17-01-02). (Keywords: construction, costs, economics, nuclear options) John Francis Company, The, “Los Alamos Market Penetration Study - Task D: Barriers & Incentives” (draft), The John Francis Company, Chantilly, Virginia, May 4, 1984 (NO-14- 01-25). (Keywords: nuclear options, environment, markets, regulation, waste) Jones, E. G., D. F. Ball, and T. A. J. Cockerill, “The Role of the Process Plant Contracting Industry in Technological Change,” R&D Management 13(3), 155-167, 1983 (NO-17-01-01). (Keywords: attitudes, commercialization, costs, economics, markets, nuclear options, strategy) Jones, P. M. S., "Reducing the Confusion,” Nuclear Engineering International 27(334), 35-317, November 1982 (NO-17-01-03). (Keywords: construction, costs, economics, nuclear options) Kasten, P. R., “Nuclear Fission R&D and Breeder Reactor Program,” Presentation to Subcommit- tee on Energy Research and Production of the House Committee on Science and Technology, February 7, 1984 (NO-03-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, fission, breeders, research, development) Kasten, P. R., et al., Small Reactor Study (Final Draft), ORNL/SRS-83/1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 1983 (NO-12-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, LWRs, HTRs, LMRs) Katz, E. M., G. C. Graber, and K. D. Burnham, Some Value Considerations Concerning Alterna- tive Nuclear Power Technologies, NEUT-02-84, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, November 1984 (NO-B02-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, HTRs, LMRs, LWRs, public acceptance) Nuclear Options Kaufman, A., D. Dulchinos, and L. B. Parker, Gold at the End of the Rainbow? A Perspective on the Future of the Electric Utility Industry, 84-236 S, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., December 31, 1984 (NO-08-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, decisions, demand, economics, electricity, projections, supply, utilities) Keeney, R. L., “Feature Article - Decision Analysis: An Overview,” Operations Research 30(5), 803-838, September-October 1982 (NO-07-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, analysis, decisions) King, T\, “Nuclear Power - The Challenge of Public Consent,” Journal Inst. Nuclear Engineering 19(4), 119-124, 1978 (NO-02-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) King, T. L., "NRC Activities on Advanced Reactors,” International Conference on the HTGR, San Diego, California, Advanced Reactors Group, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washing- ton, D.C., August 13-14, 1984 (NO-15-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, licensing, NRC, safety, small reactors, standardization) Komanoff, C., ”Assessing the High Costs of New Nuclear Power Plants,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, pp. 33-38, October 11, 1984 (NO-02-01-23). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, economics, electricity, financing, GE, utilities, Westinghouse) Laue, H. J., “Status of Nuclear Power in Developing Countries. Role of the IAEA,” IAEA Interre- gional Training Course on "Instrumentation and Control of Nuclear Power Plants”, Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center, October 11-November 17, 1982, (NO-09-03-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics, future, resources, attitudes, demand) Lave, L. B., "Regulating Risks,” Risk Analysis 4(2) 79-80, 1984 (NO-11-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation, risk) Lee, T. H., “The Case for Evolutionary Optimization,” Future Strategies for Energy Development. A Question of Scale, Proceedings of a Conference at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 20-21, 1976, sponsored by Oak Ridge Associated Universities, pp. 228-2255, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 20-21, 1976 (NO-11-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, future, electricity) Lester, R. K., “National Policy Options for Advanced Nuclear Power Reactor Development,” (draft) Prepared for the Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 9-10, 1985 (NO-07-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, HTRs, licensing, LMRs, modular reactors, pebble bed, PIUS, PWRs, regulation, safety, small reactors, strategy) ' 63 Nuclear Options Lester, R. K., “Organization, Structure, and Performance in the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry,” (draft), Prepared for the Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Engineering. Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 9-10, 1985 (NO-09-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, design, economics, electricity, engineering, LWRs, oper- ations, regulation, utilities) Lester, R. K., “Rethinking Nuclear Power,” Scientific American 254(3), 31-39, March 1986 (NO- 17-03-08). (Keywords: capacity factor, costs, HTRs, nuclear options, LMRs, modular reactors, PIUS, PWRs, safety, small reactors, standardization) Lester, R. K., “The Need for Nuclear Innovation,” Tech. Rev., pp. 45-48, February/March 1984 (NO-03-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, innovation, small reactors) Lester, R. K. et al., National Strategies for Nuclear Power Reactor Development, PB85-223022, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1985 (NO-B04- 01-04). (Keywords: commercialization, demand, economics, fuel cycle, HTRs, LMRs, LWRs, nuclear options, PIUS, PWRs) Lester, R. K. et al., National Strategies for Nuclear Power Reactor Development, Executive Summary, MITNPI-PA-002, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1985 (NO-B03-01-05). (Keywords: commercialization, demand, economics, fuel cycle, HTRs, LMRs, LWRs, nuclear options, PIUS, PWRs, strategy, supply) Lester, R. K., et al.,, Nuclear Power Plant Design Innovation for the 1990’s: A Preliminary Assessment, MIT-NE-258, Department of Nuclear Energy, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, September 1983 (NO-B(Q1-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, design, innovation, safety, projections, economics, supply, demand, LWRs, PIUS, HTRs) Levine, S., "Probablistic Risk Assessment Identifying the Real Risks of Nuclear Power,” Tech. Rev., pp. 40-43, February/March 1984 (NO-03-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, risk) Lewins, et al., "Discussion: The Quest for Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power,” Journal Inst. Nuclear Engineering 20(6), 178-181, 1979 (NO-02-02-16). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) Lidsky, L. M., “The Reactor of the Future,” Tech. Rev., pp. 52-56, February/March 1984 (NO-03- 01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics, costs) Lind, R. C. et al., “Contents” and "Introduction,” Discounting for Time and Risk in Energy Policy, Resources for th e Future, Inc., Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, date unknown (NO-14-01-18). (Keywords: nuclear options, financing, research) 64 Nuclear Options Loose, V. W., and T. Flaim, “Economies of Scale and Reliability: The Economics of Large Versus Small Generating Units,” Energy Systems and Policy 4(1-2), 37-56, 1980 (NO-15-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, coal, construction, costs, economics, large reactors, shop fabrica- tion, small reactors, supply) Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc., Commercial Aviation Experience of Value to the Nuclear Industry, EPRI NP-3364, Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc., Los Alamos, New Mexico, January 1984 (NO-09-03-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, maintenance, management, public acceptance, regulation, safety) MacKenzie, dJ. J., “Finessing the Risks of Nuclear Power,” Tech. Rev., pp. 34-39, February/March 1984 (NO-03-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, risk) MacLachan, A., "Key to Cheaper French Nuclear Plants is Labor Use, Study Shows,” Nuclecnics Week, pp. 9-10, November 29, 1984 (NO-11-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, EPRI, France, international programs, labor, LWRs, regulation, utilities) Manno, V. P., and M. W. Golay, " Nuclear Power Plant Design Innovation through Simplification,” Nuclear Engineering Design 85(1985), 315-325, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Holland, 1985 (NO-17-01-04). (Keywords: controls, design, nuclear options, PWRs, safety) Marcus, G. H., Analysis of Potential for Small Reactor Development in the United States, Con- gressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, February 17, 1983 (NO-01-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, development) Marshall, E., " Ultrasafe Reactors, Anyone?” Science 219(4582), 265-267, January 21, 1983 (NO-01- 02-21). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, economics) Marshall, W., “"What is Right with Nuclear Power?” presentation at Atomic Industrial Forum Annual Conference, Central Electricity Generating Board, London, England, November 12, 1984 (NO-17-01-05). (Keywords: attitudes, coal, economics, financing, GCRs, large reactors, licensing, LWRs, nuclear options, PWRs, public acceptance, rates, regulation, reprocessing, risk, safety, Three Mile Island, utilities, waste) ' Marwah, O. S., "The Economics of Nuclear Power,” Chapter 3, Nuclear Power in Developing Countries, pp. 43-54, 1982 (NO-07-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) Mason, G. E., et al., Delays in Nuclear Power Plant Construction, Volume I, CO0-4121-2, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, December 14, 1977 (NO-03-01-02). (Keywords: construction, design, labor, nuclear options) ' 65 Nuclear Options Masters, R., ”Coal and Nuclear Costs--UK,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 30-31, April 1978 (NO-17-01-07). (Keywords: coal, costs, economics, large reactors, nuclear options) Masters, R., “Comment: Realism on Small Reactors,” Nuclear Engineering International, p. 16, February 1984 (NO-01-02-28). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, costs, economics, international programs) Masters, R., “Overcoming Uncertainty in Construction and Performance,” Nuclear Engineering International 27(334), 42-44, November 1982 (NO-17-01-06). (Keywords: coal, economics, HTRs, LWRs, nuclear options) Mattson, R. J., "Safety of Future Nuclear Power Plants: The Regulatory Influence on Design Innovation,” Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation for the 1990s, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts, International Energy Associates Limited, Washington, D.C., January 1985 (NO-15-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, accidents, EPRI, licensing, regulation, safety) Mayo, L. H., et al., Public Concerns and Alternative Nuclear Power Systems, Prepared for the Nonproliferation Alternative System Assessment Program (NASAP), U.S. Department of Energy, by the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., February 1980 (NO-10- 01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, risk, safety, public acceptance, fuel cycle) McCaughey, J., “The 7-9% Solution: Mavericks See Rocketing Rise in Power Use,” The Energy Daily 12(153), 1-3, August 8, 1984 (NO-13-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, growth, projections, electricity, demand) McKenzie, N. C., “Financing Nuclear Programmes in Developing Countries,” International Con- ference on Nuclear Power and Its Fuel Cycle, IAEA-CN-36/77, Salzburg, Austria, May 2-13, 1977, May 2-13, 1977 (NO-09-02-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, financing, economics) Merrow, E. W, K. E. Phillips, and C. W. Meyers, Understanding Cost Growth and Performance Shortfalls in Pioneer Process Plants, R-2569-DOE, Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, The Rand Corporation, 1981 (NO-B02-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, construction, design, performance) Merrow, R. W., S. W. Chapel, and C. Worthing, A Review of Cost Estimation in New Technologies, Implications for Energy Process Plants, R-2481-DOE, Rand, Santa Monica, California, July 1979 (NO-06-01-11). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, construction, costs) Miller, J., and W. Owen, “Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources,” Committee Pre- sentation to NRC Commissioners, April 9, 1984 (NO-10-02-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, human resources, NRC, management, LWRs) Mills, M. P., Return of the Age of Oil, A Strategic Analysis of Recent Trends, Science Concepts, Inc., Washington, D.C., October 1985 (NO-17-03-09). (Keywords: demand, electricity, fission, fossil, nuclear options, resources, strategy, supply) Nuclear Options Minogue, R. B., “Federal Radiation Protection Guidance for Occupational Exposure Proposed at EPA for Submission to the President,” memorandum to H. Denton et al. with enclosures, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., April 5, 1985 (NO-17-01-08). (Keywords: licensing, NRC, nuclear options, regulation, safety) Mitchell, R. C., “Rationality and Irrationality in the Public’s Perception of Nuclear Power,” pp. 137-179 in W. R. Freudenburg and E. A. Ross (eds.), Public Reactions to Nuclear Power: Are There Critical Masses?, Westview Press for American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, Boulder, Colorado, 1984 (NO-17-01-09). (Keywords: attitudes, decisions, nuclear options, priorities, public acceptance) Mladjenovic, M. S., "11. Criteria or the Choice of Research Programs in Nuclear Centre of Develop- ing Countries,” American Nuclear Society Trans. Suppl. 25(1), 8-9, 1977 (NO-01-02-35). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, development) Murphy, D., “The Reality of Nuclear Power,” Blackwood’s Magazine 1967(326), 193-211, Septem- ber 1979 (NO-02-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics) Murray, A. E., “The Impending Energy Crisis,” Newsweek, June 10, 1985 (NO-17-01-10). (Keywords: decisions, demand, nuclear options, supply) Myers, R., “Canada Beats the High Cost of Small Reactors by Cutting Time for Construction to 48 Months,” The Energy Daily, p. 3, December 23, 1983 (NO-01-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, small reactors, construction, economics) Myers, R., “Cogeneration: After PURPA, the Deluge...How Quickly Fashions Change,” The Energy Daily 23(178), 1-4, Tuesday, September 17, 1985 (NO-17-02-01). (Keywords: cogeneration, economics, fossil, markets, nuclear options, regulation) Myers, R., “Congressional Researchers Find that Small Reactors Can Yield Beautiful Coverage Ratios,” The Energy Daily 12(17), 3-4, January 25, 1984 (NO-01-01-16). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics) Myers, R., “Small Reactors: Is the Nuclear Industry on the Verge of a Large Step Backward?” The Energy Daily 11(244), 2-4, December 22, 1983 (NO-01-01-15). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, attitudes, public acceptance) Navarro, P., “The Coming Electric Crisis,” The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, October 17, 1984 (NO-02-01-17). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, financing, projections, utilities) Netter, T. W., ”Swiss Forests Dying,” The Oak Ridger, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Thursday, March 8, 1984 (NO-11-02-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, environment, attitudes, fossil) ' 67 Nuclear Options Nuclear Energy Agency, The Costs of Generating Electricity in Nuclear and Coal-Fired Power Stations, NEA Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris, France, 1983 (NO-18-01-04). (Keywords: coal, costs, electricity, international programs, nuclear options, OECD) Nuclear Engineering International, “Money Sought for Small Reactors,” Nuclear Engineering International, p. 13, February 1984 (NO-01-02-27). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, financing, development) Nuclear Engineering International, “Nuclear Keeps its Cost Advantage, News Review,” Nuclear Engineering International, March 1984 (NO-10-02-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, economics, international programs) Nuclear Engineering International, "Taking a Look at Small Reactors,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 8-9, December 1983 (NO-01-02-20). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics, safety, construction, standardization) Nuclear Engineering International, "World Market Survey. Emerging Industrial Countries Pro- vide the Sales Opportunities,” Nuclear Engineering International 26, pp. 48-56 and 59-61, October 1981 (NO-02-01-15). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) Nuclear Engineering International, 2 - Single Suppliers Chosen for Efficiency,” Nuclear Engi- neering International 24(282), 54-62, March 1979 (NO-17-03-10). (Keywords: construction, costs, France, LMRs, nuclear options, LWRs, research) Nuclear News, “1.S., Japan Sign Pact for Materials Study,” Nuclear News, p. 90-(not included), January 1984 (NO-01-01-14). (Keywords: nuclear options, Japan, materials, international programs) Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee, NUMARC, Committee Bulletin, Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee, June 1984 (NO-13-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, utilities, human resources, management, performance) Nucleonics Week, "A New Industry Working Group Has Been Formed to Gather Data,” Nucleonics Week, p. 7, August 16, 1984 (NO-13-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, financing, attitudes) Nucleonics Week, "A Report Detailing Key Nuclear Construction Financial and Licensing,” Nucleonics Week, p. 13, June 14, 1984 (NO-12-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, financing, licensing) Nucleonics Week, “Koomanoff Says U.S. Nuclear Capacity Factor in 1983 Was Worst Since 1974,” Nucleonics Week, pp. 13-14, June 14, 1984 (NO-12-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, performance) Nucleonics Week, “The Next Generation of Nuclear Plants Will be Small,” Nucleonics Week, June 14, 1984 (NO-12-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics, future) 68 Nuclear Options O’Farrelly, C., “"Towards a More Forgiving Reactor,” I[AEA-CN-39/58, 179-200, date unknown (NO-01-01-04). {Keywords: nuclear options, safety, small reactors, LMRs, PIUS, HTRs) Office of Technology Assessment, Nuclear Power in an Age of Uncertainty, OTA-E-216, Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States, Washington, D.C., February 1984 (NO-B03-01-06). (Keywords: demand, electricity, management, nuclear options, public acceptance, regulation) Office of Technology Assessment, Summary: Nuclear Power in an Age of Uncertainty, OTA Future of Nuclear Power Project Staff, Office of Technology Assessment, Congressional Board of the 98th Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, February 1984 (NO-05-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, projections, safety, small reactors, economics, supply, demand, attitudes, future, markets) Ohanian, M. J., "The Safety-Proliferation Interface,” Nuclear Energy and Alternatives, Proceed- ings of the International Scientific Forum on an Acceptable Nuclear Energy Future of the World,, November 7-11, 1977 (NO-05-01-13). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, proliferation, attitudes) Ohanian, M. J., and A. M. Weinberg, Summary Interim Report: An Acceptable Nuclear Fission Future, ORAU/IEA(M)-77-29, Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Qak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1977 (NO-08-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, fission, projections, attitudes, future) Ohanian, M. J., ed., An Acceptable Future Nuclear Energy System. Condensed Workshop Proceedings, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1977 (NO-B01-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, LWRs, breeders, regulation, safety, fuel cycle) Olds, F. C., “Small Nuclear Reactors for Power and Process Heat,” Power Engineering, pp. 26-34, November 1984 (NO-17-03-11). (Keywords: advanced reactors, district heating, international programs, nuclear options, pub- lic acceptance, shop fabrication, small reactors) Osborne, R. J., “The Effect of Alternative Cost Recovery Methods,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, May 7-8, 1984 (NO-11-01- 08g). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, economics, rates, regulation, economics) Owen, W., “Warren Owen Presentation to NRC Commissioners,” February 24, 1984 (NO-10- 02-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, NRC, licensing, LWRs) 69 Nuclear Options Paulson, C. K., Enhancing the Utility Nuclear Investment, submitted with Statement of W. H. Arnold to Committee on Research and Prod., 2062M:1E/100683, Westinghouse Electric Cor- poration, February 1984 (NO-03-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, utilities, Westinghouse, economics) Paulson, C. K., Westinghouse program descriptions, letter to Thomas A. Werner, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania 15230, January 27, 1984 (NO-03-01-14). (Keywords: nuclear options, design, safety, construction, standardization) Peck, S. C., S. Chapel, and S. Vejtasa, “Evolving Technologies, Utility Incentives and Alternative Financing and Cost Recovery Methods,” to appear in Resources and Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, October 7, 1984 (NO-11-01-08a). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, financing, EPRI, future, economics) Perl, L. J., “Incentive Effects of Utility Rate Trending,” Workshop on Alternative Electric Power Plant Financing and Cost Recovery Methods, National Science Foundation, Division of Pol. Res. and Analysis, Tech. and Resource Pol. Section, National Economic Res. Assoc., Inc., May 7, 1984 (NO-11-01-08b). (Keywords: nuclear options, rates) Phung, D. L., Economics of Nuclear Power: Past Record, Present Trends, and Future Prospects, ORAU/IEA-83-13(M), Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1983 (NO-08-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, future) Phung, D. L., “Economics of Nuclear Power: Past Record, Present Trends, and Future Prospects,” presentation at the 46th American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 24-26, 1984 (NO- 01-01-18). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, projections) Phung, D. L., “Technical Note: "Weinberg’s Second Nuclear Era,”” Nuclear Safety 25(2), 195-199, March-April 1984 (NO-01-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, small reactors, attitudes, public acceptance) Phung, D. L., and C. Koomanoff, “What Others Think - Two Views of the Comparative Escalation of Nuclear and Coal-Fired Power Plant Costs,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, pp. 47-54, May 27, 1982 (NO-11-02-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, coal, economics, fossil) Pine, G. D., and G. Samuels, Technology Options and Their Relationship to Future Electricity Supply and Demand, ORNL/TM-9543, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, July 1985 (NO-17-02-02). (Keywords: demand, fossil, nuclear options, strategy, supply) Porter, A., “Energy and the Environment,” Ascent 20(4), 20-27, 1981 (NO-04-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, environment) Radkowsky, A., ” The Thorium in Nuclear Power’s Future,” The New York Times, Letters, Tues- day, May 15, 1984 (NO-13-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle, resources, proliferation) 70 Nuclear Options Rayner, S., “Disagreeing About Risk: The Institutional Cultures of Risk Management and Plan- ning for Future Generations,” in S. G. Haden (ed.) Risk Analysis, Institutions, and Public Policy , Associated Faculty Press, Port Washington, New York; New York City; and London, England, 1984 (NO-17-02-04). (Keywords: accidents, attitudes, licensing, nuclear options, priorities, public acceptance, regu- lation, risk, safety, waste) Rayner, S., “Public Response to Controversial Facilities: A Socio-Cultural Approach,” presented at Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy and Management, Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 20-22, 1984 (NO-17-02-03). (Keywords: accidents, attitudes, licensing, public acceptance, regulation, risk, safety, nuclear options, waste) Reekie, W., D. E. Allen, and J. N. Crook, "On Technological Change, Transfer, and Business Char- acteristics: Some Inferences from Twelve Case Studies Emanating from the National Engineering Laboratory,” Technovation 2(1984), 233-254, 1984 (NO-17-02-05). (Keywords: attitudes, commercialization, deployment, innovation, markets, nuclear options, strategy) Reichle, L. F. C., "N-Power, Coal Can Avert Impending Electricity Shortage,” Energy User News 3(34), August 21, 1978 (NO-09-02-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, coal, future, economics, markets, fossil) Repici, D. J., “An Overview Examination of the Anti-Trust Barriers to Cooperation Among U.S. Reactor Manufacturers to Implement Federal Policy to Deploy Small Liquid Metal Fast Reactors,” (draft), The John Francis Company, Inc., Chantilly, Virginia, June 1984 (NO-14- 01-23). (Keywords: nuclear options, DOE, LMRSs, small reactors, regulation) Reynolds, M., “The French Nuclear Experience,” Washington Report: Interview Conducted with Bertrand Barre, Nuclear Attache, French Embassy, EPRI Journal, pp. 32-37, July/August 1984 (NO-13-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, France, international programs, standardization, public accep- tance, attitudes, breeders) Rippon, S., Nuclear 'Energy, William Heinemann Ltd. (Heinemann), London, 1984 (NO-B05- 01-01). (Keywords: economics, fuel, fuel cycle, markets, nuclear options, proliferation, public accep- tance, standardization, waste) Rippon, S., “"Nuclear Power Around the World,” Nuclear Canada: Yearbook 1982, ISSN-8536, ;. 20-24, 1982 (NO-10-02-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, LWRs, CANDU) Rippon, S., "The Nuclear Energy Debate. Simon Rippon Discusses the Dangers of Burying the Nuclear Option with Words,” Electronics and Power, pp. 759-760, November/December 1976 (NO-02-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options) 71 Nuclear Options Rose, D. J., and R. K. Lester, “Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons and International Stability: Irres- olution over Domestic Energy Policy and the Role of Nuclear Power May Act to Undermine Current U.S. Efforts to Control the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” Scientific American 238(4), 45-57, April 1978 (NO-02-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, attitudes, public acceptance, prolifera- tion) Rosen, M., "Objectives of Safety Evaluation, IAEA Interregional Training Course on ’Safety Analysis,”” IAEA Bulletin 19(2), 13-46 21(2/3), 2-12, INIS MF 7940, School for Nuclear Tech- nology - Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, FDR, September 3-October 15, 1980 (NO-06- 01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, international programs) Roth, E. B., “Nuclear Power for Developing Countries: Attainable Within This Century?” Energy Journal 3(2), 65-77, 1982 (NO-01-03-36). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) Runzler, L. M., “Putting the Pieces Together: Saudi Petrochemical,” FLUOR 2, pp. 4-7, Corporate Communications, Fluor Corporation, Irvine, California, 1984 (NO-01-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, design, engineering, Japan, international pro- grams, labor, large reactors, management, modular reactors, prefabrication, safety, shop fabrication) Salisbury, D. F., "Meeting Nuclear Energy’s Challenge,” The Christian Science Monitor, pp. 18-19, March 1, 1984 (NO-05-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, economics) Salishury, D. F., ”Nuclear Energy’s Uncertain Future,” The Christian Science Monitor, pp. 16-17, March 2, 1984 (NO-05-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, economics, attitudes) Samuels, G., The Outlook for Electricity Supply and Demand, ORNL/TM-9469, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, April 1985 (NO-13-01-14). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, demand, economics, supply, future,) Sandberg, R. O., and C. Braun, ”Economics of Reprocessing, U.S. Context,” Presentation to the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Financial and Economic Bases for Nuclear Power, Washington, D.C., April 8-11, 1984 (NO-14-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, reprocessing, fuel cycle, costs) Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Fossil Fuel Power Plant Constructibility Research: Needs and Priorities, EPRI CS-3690, Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, October 1984 (NO- 04-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, fossil, research) Schmidt, R., ”Assessing Prospects for Smaller Reactors,” IAEA Bulletin 26(4), 29-35, date unknown (NO-15-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, economics, IAEA, markets, international pro- grams, modular reactors, prefabrication, safety, shop fabrication, small reactors) 72 Nuclear Options Schmidt, R., "Developing Countries. What Prospects for Constructing Small Reactors?” Nuclear Engineering International 27(333), 49-53, October 1982 (NO-01-02-30). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, small reactors, construction, costs, eco- nomics) Seitz, F., and M. M. Todorovich, "Statement of Frederick Seitz, Chairman, and Miro M. Todorovich, Executive Director, on Behalf of Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy, Before Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of United States House of Representatives Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Morris K. Udall, Chairman, Diablo Canyon Hearing,” Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy, Inc., New York, New York, August 30, 1984 (NO- 14-01-24). (Keywords: nuclear options, licensing, regulation, safety) Shaiken, H., “The Automated Factory: The View from the Shop Floor,” Technology Review 88(1), 16-24, January 1985 (NO-17-02-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, shop fabrication) Shapiro, I. S., “Nuclear Power Could Supply 20% of Electricity Needs,” Energy User News 5(18), 22, April 21, 1980 (NO-09-03-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, projections, economics, safety, waste, future, attitudes) Shorrock, T., ”How the South Korean Energy Program Has Been Saving the U.S. Nuclear Indus- try: U.S. Taxpayers Have Paid, Through the Eximbank, $2.5 Billion for Westinghouse Sales,” Multinational Monitor 3(3), 20-22, March 1982 (NO-06-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) Siegel, J. R., "Electric Policy in the 1980s: Changes Needed,” (12 exhibits attached), May 1984 (NO-11-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, economics, demand) Siegel, J. R., and J. O. Sillin, “Changes in the Real Price of Electricity: Implications for Higher Load Growth,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, pp. 32-42, September 15, 1983 (NO-15-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, coal, construction, costs, electricity, fuel cycle, markets, utilities) Sillin, J. O., “Managing to Reduce Nuclear Financial Risks,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, pp. 26-32, October 11, 1984 (NO-02-01-23). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, management, materials, risk, utilities) Simnad, M. T., “Growth of Nuclear Energy in Developing Countries,” Energy 6(1), 9-11, Winter 1981 (NO-07-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, deployment) Skeer, J., and D. Meyer, Two Views on the Nation’s Electric Future: A Comparison of Recent Studies by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Congressional Research Service, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Policy, Safety, and Environment, Washington, D.C., Febru- ary 1984 (NO-07-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, projections, economics, supply, demand, future, DOE) 73 Nuclear Options Skjoldebrand, R., and F. Wald, ”Sizing Up the Market for Small and Medium Power Reactors,” Nuclear Engineering International 30(375), 38-41, October 1985 (NO-18-01-05). (Keywords: international programs, markets, nuclear options, small reactors) Smart, 1., “The Consideration of Nuclear Power,” Chapter 2, Nuclear Power in Developing Countries, pp. 19-41, 1982 (NO-07-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics, attitudes) Smolen, G. R., et al., Regional Projections of Nuclear and Fossil Electric Power Generation Costs, ORNL/TM-8958, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 1983 (NO-B01-02-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, projections, electricity, fossil, coal, costs, economics, fuel cycle) Sommers, P., “The Adoption of Nuclear Power Generation,” The Bell Journal of Economics, pp. 283-291, 1979 (date approximate) (NO-01-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, attitudes, public acceptance) Southern States Energy Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Energy Impact Assoc., Inc., Summary of Preliminary Findings and Recommendations: Region-Specific Study of the Electric Utility Industry, U.S, Department of Energy, November 1983 (NO-B01-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, utilities, economics, public acceptance, attitudes, demand, regulation, risk, fuel cycle) Speis, T. P., “Nuclear Regulatory Research Briefing to Commission on Regulatory Approach for Advanced Reactors,” U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, February 27, 1984 (NO-14-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, regulation, NRC, advanced reactors, LMRs, HTRs) Spiewak, I., Options for the Assurance of Nuclear Fuel Supply, ORAU/IEA-84- (M), Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January 30, 1984 (NO-02-02-24). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle) Stahlkopf, K., EPRI Evaluation of Future Nuclear Power System Requirements, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, February 1984 (NO-09-03-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, demand, economics, design, construction) Starr, C., “Electricity’s Role in the Economy,” Presentation at the ANS/ENS/AIF International Conference, Washington, D.C., November 17, 1980 (NO-14-01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, economics) Starr, C., "Socially Responsible Energy Futures,” Electric Perspec., pp 1-7, March 1979 (NO-02- 02-18). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) Stauffer, T. R., ”0il Exporting Countries Need Nuclear Power,” Mod. Power Syst. 2(10), 19-27, November 1982 (NO-02-01-13). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics, projections) 74 Nuclear Options Stevenson, J. D., “Designing for Extreme Loads--The Impact on Cost and Schedule,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 30-38, July 1984 (NO-13-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, design, international programs, accidents) Stevenson, W., Personnel Requirements, Education, and Training for Civilian Nuclear Activities, 1984-2000, Executive Summary, ORAU-231, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 1984 (NO-B03-01-07). (Keywords: human resources, LWRs, nuclear options, projections) Stock, F., “Alternative Energy. Nuclear Option Attracts Middle East,” Petroleum Economist 49(8), 327-329, August 1982 (NO-04-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics, markets) Stoler, P., "Pulling the Nuclear Plug,” Time, pp. 34-42, February 13, 1984 (NO-01-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, costs, financing, economics, attitudes) Subrahmanyam, K. V., “The Energy Options - Nuclear Power,” Urja, pp. 7-12, July 1980 (NO-04- 01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, attitudes) Sutherland, R. J. et al.,, “The Future Market for Electric Generating Capacity: Technical Information” (draft), LA-10285-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mex- ico, undated (NO-B02-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, capacity, construction, costs, economics, electricity, financing, licensing, LWRs, markets, modular reactors, projections, PWRs, rates, regulation, risk, sup- ply, utilities) Sutherland, R. J., and R. Drake, The Future Market for Electric Generating Capacity: A Sum- mary of Findings, LALP-84-54, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, November 1984 (NO-14-01-11). (Keywords: nuclear options, demand, electricity, future, growth, markets, utilities) Tadmor, J., and J. Koch, “Technical Note: Radiological Health Effects from Potential Accidents in Small vs. Large Nuclear Power Plants,” Nuclear Safety 26(3), 345-348, May-June 1985 (NO-17-03-12). (Keywords: accidents, large reactors, nuclear options, safety, small reactors) Tatum, C. B., Decision-Making in Structuring Construction Project Organizations, Technical Report No. 279, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, November 1983 (NO-04-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction) Tatum, C. B., Proceedings of an EPRI Workshop on Advanced Engineering and Construction Practices to Reduce Generating Plant Costs (Draft), Ann Arbor, Michigan, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, December 6-7, 1982 (NO-17-03-13). (Keywords: construction, costs, design, LWRs, nuclear options) 75 Nuclear Options Tatum, C. B., “Integrated Planning Shortens Schedules and Reduces Costs,” Power Engineering, pp. 54-57, January 1979 (NO-10-01-01). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, costs, construction, licensing) Tatum, C. B., ”Managing Nuclear Construction--An Experience Survey,” Journal of the Construc- tion Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 104(C04), 487-501, December 1978 (NO-10-02-11). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, costs, construction) Tatum, C. B., “New Matrix Organization for Construction Manager,” Issues in Engineering - Journal of Professional Activities, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 107(E14), pp. 255-267, October 1981 (NO-05-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, project management, project organization) Tatum, C. B., ”Organizing Large Projects: How Managers Decide,” Journal of Construction Engi- neering and Management 110(3), 346-358, September 1984 (NO-12-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, management) Tatum, C. B., and J. A. Harris, "Construction Plant Requirements for Nuclear Sites,” Jounal of the Construction Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 107(C04), 543-550, December 1981 (NO-14-01-15). (Keywords: project management, project organization, nuclear options, construction) Technology for Energy Corp., Nuclear Power Plant Response to Severe Accidents, IDCOR Tech- nical Summary Report, Technology for Energy Corp., Knoxville, Tennessee, November 1984 (NO-B05-01-02). (Keywords: accidents, BWRs, large reactors, licensing, nuclear options, PWRs, safety) The Energy Daily, ”Second Reactor Vendor Has NRC Seal of Approval,” The Energy Daily, p. 4, January 27, 1984 (NO-01-02-24). (Keywords: nuclear options, NRC) The Energy Daily, "Worldwatch Institute Does Hatchet Job on Nuclear Power,” The Energy Daily, p. 3-(not included), December 9, 1983 (NO-01-01-12). (Keywords: nuclear options, economics, attitudes, public acceptance) The Energy Daily, "Worldwatch Institute: Small Power Systems Coming of Age,” The Energy Daily, p. 2, Tuesday, November 27, 1984 (NO-01-01-09). (Keywords: capital, nuclear options, costs, electricity, future, small reactors) Trauger, D. B., "Observations Concerning a New DOE Civilian Reactor Development Program Derived From the NPOVS Task,” presentation to Subpanel No. 2, Energy Research and Advi- sory Board, Civilian Nuclear Power Panel, Palo Alto, California, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 12, 1985 (NO-17-03-16). (Keywords: development, HTRs, LMRs, LWRs, markets, nuclear options, small reactors) Trauger, D. B., “Where in the World is Nuclear Power?” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 19(1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1986 (NO-17-03-17). (Keywords: capacity, Germany, international programs, Japan, LWRs, nuclear options) 76 Nuclear Options Trauger, D. B, and J. D. White, “Nuclear Power Options Viability Study,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 19(1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1986 (NO- 17-03-18). (Keywords: advanced reactors, HTRs, LMRs, LWRs, nuclear options, regulation, standardiza- tion) Trauger, D. B, and J. D. White, ”Safety Related Topics From the Nuclear Power Options Viability Study,” to be published in Nuclear Safety 20(1), March 1987 (NO-17-03-15). (Keywords: advanced reactors, BWRs, fast reactors, HTRs, licensing, LMRs, nuclear options, PIUS, safety, small reactors) Tschaeche, A. N., “Rethinking Realism. Future Prospects for Nuclear Power in the United States,” Journal of Environmental Science, pp. 23-24 and 33, January/February 1982 (NO-02-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, projections, attitudes, public acceptance) Turnbull, P. W., and A. Meenaghan, “Diffusion of Innovation and Opinion Leadership,” European Journal of Marketing 14(1), 3-33, 1980 (NO-17-02-07). (Keywords: attitudes, commercialization, costs, deployment, innovation, markets, risk) Turner, P., “Government Leadership & Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy,” OECD-NEA Workshop, Paris, France, Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, February 27, 1984 (NO-14-01-20). (Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, international programs, public acceptance, waste) U.S. Congress, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, Public Law 96-573, 94 STAT.3347, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., December 22, 1980 (NO-17-03-19). (Keywords: fission, fuel cycle, licensing, nuclear options, waste) U.S. Congress, Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, Public Law 97-425, 96 STAT.2201, U.S. Con- gress, Washington, D.C., January 7, 1983 (NO-17-03-20). (Keywords: fission, fuel cycle, licensing, nuclear options, waste) U.S. Department of Commerce, Energy Awareness, Symposium for Public Awareness on Energy, 1976 , CONF-760205, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Techni- cal Information Service, Springfield, VA, February 27, 1984 (NO-06-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, projections, economics, attitudes, public acceptance) U.S. Department of Energy, International Energy Indicators, DOE/IA/0002T/5(80), Office of International Affairs, Office of Cur. Reporting, U.S. Department of Energy, May 1980 (NO-06- 01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs) U.S. Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Cost Data Base. A Reference Data Base for Nuclear and Coal-Fired Powerplant Power Generation Cost Analysis, DOE/NE-0044/2, Office of Sup- port Prog., Office of Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, March 1984 (NO-B02-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, fossil, coal, economics, fuel) ' 77 Nuclear Options U.S. Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Cost Data Base, A Reference Data Base for Nuclear and Coal-fired Powerplant Power Generation Cost Analysis, DOE/NE-0044/3, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Springfield, Virginia, June 1985 (NO-B03-01-08). (Keywords: capital, costs, fossil, fuel cycle, maintenance, nuclear options, operations) U.S. Department of Energy, The Future of Electric Power in America: Economic Supply for Eco- nomic Growth, DOE/PE-0045, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Policy, Planning, and Analysis, June 1983 (NO-B01-01-04). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, economics, growth, projections, supply, demand, regu- lation, fossil) U.S. Department of Energy, ”Utility Financial Indicators (First Quarter of CY 82 through First Quarter of CY 85),” Division of Nuclear Reactor Economics and Financing, USDOE, Washing- ton, D.C., May 1985 (NO-18-01-06). (Keywords: capital, construction, financing, LWRs, nuclear options, utilities) U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Labor, Projections of Cost and On-Site Man- ual Labor Requirements for Constructing Electric Generating Plants, 1980-1990. Construction Labor Demand System, DOE/ER-0130 and DOL/CLDS/PP3, Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, and Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, February 1982 (NO-B02-01-05). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, labor, electricity, construction, demand) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Appendix B, Setting Priorities for Research Program,” Long-Range Research Plan, FY 1984-1988, NUREG-0961, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, date unknown (NO-13-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, NRC, research, priorities) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Executive Summary of The Working Conference on Advanced Electrotechnology Appli- cations to Nuclear Power Plants, IEEE Cat. No. TH-0077-8, IEEE, New York, New York, January 15-17, 1980 (NO-B03-01-09). (Keywords: controls, DOE, EPRI, INPO, instruments, NRC, nuclear options, operations, pub- lic acceptance, risk, safety) Vaughan, J. W. Jr., “United States Perspective on Advanced Reactor Development,” The Institute of Applied Energy International Symposium on LMFBR Development, Tokyo, Japan, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., November 6, 1984 (NO-11-01-02). (Keywords: nuclear options, advanced reactors, breeders, construction, controls, costs, deploy- ment, development, DOE, innovation, international programs, Japan, licensing, LMRs, materials, regulation, safety, strategy) Wacaster, A. J. (ed.), A Region-Specific Study of the Electric Utility Industry, Phase I, Final Report, ORNL/Sub/82-43309/1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1985 (NO-B03-01-10). (Keywords: economics, electricity, nuclear options, projections, regulation, risk) 78 Nuclear Options Wakabayashi, H., et al., International Collaboration on the Small Nuclear Power Reactor’s Futurein the Asia-Pacific and Elsewhere, Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, Univer- sity of Toyko, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-ken 319-11, Japan, October 1983 (NO-08-01-15). (Keywords: Japan, future, nuclear options, small reactors, international programs) Wald, M. J., ”By 2005, Nuclear Unit Sees 50-50 Chance of Meltdown,” The New York Times, April 17, 1985 (NO-17-02-08). (Keywords: accidents, licensing, LWRs, NRC, risk, safety) Wald, M. L., "Despite High Cost, Some Utilities Feel Compelled to Finish Reactors,” The New York Times, February 28, 1984 (NO-10-02-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, utilities, construction, economics) Wald, M. L., “Nine States See Higher Rates Because of Nuclear Plants,” The New York Times, February 26, 1984 (NO-10-02-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, costs, rates, economics) Walgate, R., “Fast Breeder Reactors: Europeans Sign Joint Development Programme,” Nature, p. 200, January 19, 1984 (NO-01-02-25). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, fast reactors, LMRs) Walske, C., "Realizing the Potential of Nuclear Energy,” Southwest Electric Conference, Atomic Industrial Forum, March 20, 1982 (NO-09-02-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, markets, economics) Weaver, L., "The Outlook for Nuclear Power: Is It Still an Energy Option in the U.S.A.?" Annals of Nuclear Energy I11(8), 369-374, 1984 (NO-14-01-08). (Keywords: nuclear options, LWRs, Three Mile Island, costs, demand, INPO, future) Weaver, L. E., "The End of the Nuclear Power Option in the U.S.A. - And the Beginning,” Annals of Nuclear Energy 12(8), 387-390, 1985 (NO-17-02-10). (Keywords: demand, electricity, licensing, nuclear options, supply) Webb, J., “The Case for Developing Small Power Reactors,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 39-40, January 1974 (NO-01-02-22). (Keywords: nuclear options, small reactors, economics, safety) Weinberg, A. M., Testimony on the U.S. Nuclear Program, Presented before the Subcommittee on Energy Res. and Prod., U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technol- ogy, Washington, D.C., February 7, 1984 (NO-05-01-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, modular reactors, LWRs, PIUS) Weinberg, A. M., et al., The Second Nuclear Era, ORAU/IEA-84-6(M), Institute for Energy Analy- sis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 1984 (NO-B02-01-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, future, demand, LWRs, PIUS, HTRs, economics, risk, safety, attitudes, public acceptance) | o[ Nuclear Options Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Evaluation of Technical Options Open to the Nuclear Indus- try as of the End of 1982, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, February 1983 (NO-04-01-09). (Keywords: nuclear options, Westinghouse, small reactors, large reactors, LWRs, economics) Whitaker, R., “Electricity: Lever on Industrial Productivity,” EPRI Journal, pp. 6-15, October 1984 (NO-14-01-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, electricity, economics) Wiendieck, K., International Cooperation for Establishment and Use of Nuclear Energy in Developing Countries, INIS-inf-8001, D: 8212127389, 1980 (NO-10-02-10). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, licensing, LWRs, resources) Wilbanks, T. J., Scale of the Acceptability of Nuclear Energy. Geographic Perspectives on Nuclear Energy, M. Pasqualeti and D. Pijawka (eds.), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 1983 (NO-03-01-03). {Keywords: nuclear options, attitudes, public acceptance) Wilford, J. N., "Laxity and Safety Rules Raise Expense of Nuclear Reactors,” The New York Times, February 27, 1984 (NO-10-02-07). (Keywords: nuclear options, safety, costs, construction) Wilkinson, E. P., "E. P. Wilkinson Presentation to NRC Commissioners,” February 24, 1984 (NO- 10-02-03). (Keywords: nuclear options, NRC, licensing, LWRs, NRC) Winkler, R. L., ”State of the Art: Research Directions in Decision Making Under Uncertainty,” Decision Sciences 13, pp. 517-5646, 1982 (NO-08-01-01). (Keywords: nuclear options, decisions, research, development) Woite, G., ”Can Nuclear Power Be Competitive in Developing Countries?” Nuclear Engineering International 23, 46-49, July 1978 (NO-02-01-14). {Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, economics) Wolfe, B., and B. F. Judson, “Closing the Fuel Cycle,” Nuclear News, pp. 84-89, January 1984 (NO- 01-01-13). (Keywords: nuclear options, fuel cycle, economics, LMRs, attitudes, reprocessing) Young, J. C., (establishing criteria for advanced converter reactors), letter (with enclosures) to George F. Dilworth, Tennessee Valley Authority, International Energy Associates Limited, Washington, D.C., September 6, 1384 (NO-14-01-17). (Keywords: nuclear options, construction, design, DOE, economics, electricity, fossil, licens- ing, priorities, utilities, waste) Ziegler, E. J., and S. A. Dansky, ” An Engineering Approach,” Nuclear Engineering International 27(334), 40-42, November 1982 (NO-17-02-11). (Keywords: coal, costs, economics, large reactors, nuclear options) Zinberg, D. S., "Social Acceptability,” Chapter 12, Energy for Developed and Developing Coun- tries, International Forum on Energy for Developed and Developing Countries, 1979 (NO-06- 01-06). (Keywords: nuclear options, international programs, attitudes, public acceptance) 6. LIGHT WATER REACTORS CITATIONS AN, Light Water Reactors ASEA-ATOM, PIUS Reactor Plant Design Information and Development Program (Executive Summary), ASEA-ATOM, Vasteras, Sweden, October 1983 (LWR-04-03-05). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, design, research, development, ASEA-ATOM, PWRs) Babala, D., and J. Hannerz, ”Pressurized Water Reactor Inherent Core Protection by Primary Sys- tem Thermohydraulics,” Nuclear Science and Engineering 90, pp. 400-410, 1985 (LWR-06- 02-01). (Keywords: advanced reactors, ASEA-ATOM, LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, safety) Babcock & Wilcox Company, Inc., 400-M We Consolidated Nuclear Steam System (CNSS) - 1200- MWt Phase 2A Interim Studies, BAW-1508, ORNL/Sub-4390/6, Babcock & Wilcox, Lynch- burg, Virginia, September 1978 (LWR-B01-01-06). (Keywords: LWRs, design, engineering, PWRs, safety, small reactors) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc., 400-MWe Consolidated Nuclear Steam System (CNSS)-- 1255 MWt CNSS Design/Cost Update, BAW-1754, ORNL/Sub/82-17456/1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1984 (LWR-02-01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, CNSS, design, costs, PWRs) Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc., United Engineers and Constructors Inc., and Ransom and Casazza Inc., 400-MWe Consolidated Nuclear Steam System (CNSS)--Conceptual Design (Executive Summary), ORNL/Sub-82-17456/2, BAW-1754, Babcock and Wilcox Company, Inc.; United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.; and Ransom and Casazza, Inc., Lynchburg, Vir- ginia, July 1983 (LWR-02-01-04). (Keywords: LWRs, CNSS, design, PWRs) Braun, C., “Further Analysis of the Economics of Small Reactors,” presentation to the ANS/ENS International Conference, Washington, D.C., Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 11-16, 1984 (LWR-06-02-02). (Keywords: coal, construction, economics, LWRs, modular reactors, shop fabrication, small reactors, standardization) Braun, H. E. et al., Advanced LWR Program for Small Modularized Plants, (Preliminary), Elec- tric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, undated (LWR-06-01-01). {Keywords: construction, costs, economics, licensing, LWRs, modular reactors, NUPACK, risk, small reactors, Westinghouse) Braun, H. E,, K. Fujita, and J. A. Dahlheimer, “Making the Most of Modular Design: The Nupack 600 MWe PWR,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 36-39, March 1984 (LWR-04- 03-01). (Keywords: LWRs, design, Westinghouse, NUPACK, small reactors, PWRs) Burke, R. P., and D. C. Aldrich, Economic Risks of Nuclear Power Reactor Accidents, NUREG/ CR-3673, SAND84-0178, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1984 (LWR-B01-01-07). (Keywords: accidents, economics, LWRs, risk, safety) 84 Light Water Reactors Chexal, B., and W. Layman, Reducing BWR Power by Water Level Control During an ATWS, A Quasi-Static Analysis, NSAC-69, Nuclear Safety Analysis Center, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, May 1984 (LWR-05-01-09). (Keywords: LWRs, BWRs, safety, accidents) Cole, T. E., "Light-Water Reactors Today and Tomorrow,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 19(1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1986 (LWR-06-02-03). (Keywords: advanced reactors, ASEA-ATOM, EPRI, future, LWRs, PIUS, PWRs) Duncan, J. D., and C. D. Sawyer, "Capitalizing on BWR Simplicity at Lower Power Ratings,” November 14, 1984; and SAE Technical Paper Series 859285, reprinted from pp. 164-, Proceedings of the 20th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, August 18-23, 1985, General Electric Company, San Jose, California, (LWR- 02-01-07). (Keywords: LWRs, BWRs, costs, design, GE, performance, safety) Electric Power Research Institute, “Executive Summary of EPRI Program to Develop A Set of Utility Endorsed/NRC Certified Requirement(s) Document(s) for Future Ordering of Advanced Light Water Reactors,” presentation, Electric Power Research Institute, date unknown (LWR-05-01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, commercialization, licensing) Energy Research Advisory Board, Light Water Reactor Research and Development, DOE/S-0035, Energy Research Advisory Board, U.S, Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., May 1985 (LWR-B01-01-08). (Keywords: DOE, ERAB, LWRs, research) Energy Research Advisory Board, Light-Water Reactor Research and Development Reactor Safety R&D, DOE/S-0024, Energy Research Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., September 1983 (LWR-06-01-02). (Keywords: development, ERAB, LWRg, research, safety) Flinn, W. 8, R. A. Matzie, and N. L. Shapiro, "A Realistic Alternative,” TIS-7881, presented at American Nuclear Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut, June 9-13, 1985 (LWR-06-01-03). (Keywords: design, innovation, LWRs, PWRs, safety) Forsberg, C. W., "A Process Inherent Ultimate Safety Boiling-Water Reactor,” Nuclear Safety 26(5), 808-615, September-October, 1985 (LWR-06-02-04). (Keywords: BWRs, LWRs, PIUS, safsty) Forsberg, C. W., "Critical Heat Flux Scram System for a PIUS Boiling-Water Reactor,” Technical Note for Nuclear Technology, (Version 5-draft), November 1, 1983 (LWR-02-01-05). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, BWRs, innovation, safety, instruments) General Electric Company, "Appendix A, Conceptual Design and Preliminary Evaluation of A Gessar 11 Ultimate Plant Protection System,” General Electric Company, San Jose, California, date unknown (LWR-05-01-10). (Keywords: LWRs, BWRs, design, safety) 85 Light Water Reactors Golay, M. W., "LWR Technology Innovation Strategies,” undated (LWR-01-01-11). (Keywords: LWRs, ASEA-ATOM, DOE, EPRI, Germany, innovation, Japan, research) Hannerz, K., Towards Intrinsically Safe Light Water Reactors, ORAU/IEA-83-2(M)-Rev., Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1983 (LWR-B01-01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, safety, PIUS, LWRs, PWRs) Hannerz, K., “Applying Pius to Power Generation: The Secure-P LWR,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 41-46, December 1983 (LWR-01-01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, innovation, commercialization) Hannerz, K., “Comments to PIUS Review by MPR Associates, Inc.,” K84-296, ASEA-ATOM, Vas- teras, Sweden, May 5, 1984 (LWR-05-01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, design, operations, availability factor, maintenance) Hannerz, K., 74.0 Contents,” Applicability of US Rules, Regulations and Standards to Secure-P Plants, P1600, ASEA-ATOM, Vasteras, Sweden, April 11, 1984 (LWR-02-01-06). (Keywords: LWRs, licensing, PIUS) Honekamp, J. R., Inc., “Scoping Review of Problems with the Codes and Standards Used in the Design and Construction of LWR Power Plants,” J. R. Honekamp Inc., Engineering and Proj- ect Management Consulting, Richland, Washington, date unknown (LWR-01-01-13). (Keywords: LWRs, design, construction, codes) Hug, M., “How the French Programme is Benefiting from Standardization,” Nuclear Engineering International 26(315), 29-32, July 1981 (LWR-06-02-05). (Keywords: construction, France, LWRs, PWRs, safety, standardization) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Performance Objectives and Criteria for Corporate Evaluations, INPO82-023, INPO, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1982 (LWR-03-01-08). (Keywords: LWRs, construction, INPO) Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, “Performance Objectives and Criteria for Construction Project Evaluations (Preliminary),” INPO, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1982 (LWR-02- 01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, construction, INPO) Kasten, P. R., "Minutes of ASEA-ATOM Meeting Held April 16-18, 1984,” memo to D. B. Trauger, F. R. Mynatt, and J. D. White (with enclosures), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January 3, 1985 (LWR-02-01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, ASEA-ATOM, design, materials, modular reactors, PIUS, pool, research, development, safety, small reactors) Kasten, P. R., "PIUS Reactor Concept and Development Needs,” Letter to Ric Ebersole, Adminis- trative Assistant to Congresswoman Marilyn Llloyd, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 19, 1983 (LWR-03-01-06). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, research, development) 86 Light Water Reactors King, T. L., “Summary of February 15, 1985, Meeting on Application of LWR General Design Criteria to PIUS,” memorandum to Themis P. Speis, NRC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion, Washington, D.C., April 11, 1985 (LWR-06-01-04). (Keywords: ASEA-ATOM, licensing, LWRs, NRC, PIUS, small reactors) Lam, P., Overpressurization of Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Boiling Water Reactors, AEOD/C502, Case Study Report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., September 1985 (LWR-06-02-06). (Keywords: accidents, BWRs, LWRs, operations, safety) Levy, S., Incorporated, LWR Standardized Plant Design Evaluation, Generic Safety and Licens- ing Issues (draft interim report, Revision 1), SLI-8410, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, June 1, 1984 (LWR-05-01-11). (Keywords: LWRs, design, standardization, safety, licensing, large reactors) Martel, L. J., Industry Program for Development of Standardized LWR Designs for One Step Licensing, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, July 1982 (LWR-06- 02-07). {Keywords: construction, design, EPRI, licensing, LWRs, standardization) Martel, L., L. Minnick, and S. Levy, Summary of Discussions with Utilities and Resulting Conclu- sions: Preferred Characteristics of New LWRs, RP1585, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, June 1982 (LWR-01-01-14). (Keywords: LWRs, utilities) McMain, A. T., “"TRIGA Prompt Negative Temperature Coefficient,” Letter to Paul Kasten, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, GA Technologies, San Diego, California, February 28, 1984 (LWR-04-01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, safety, GAT) MPR Associates, Inc., Review of PIUS Reactor Concept As a Practical Electrical Power Genera- tion Source, MPR Associates, Inc., January 1984 (LWR-04-03-02). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, design, operations, availability factor, maintenance) Office of Technology Assessment, Nuclear Powerplant Standardization, Light Water Reactors, OTA-E-134, Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States, Washington, D.C., April 1981 (LWR-B01-01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, standardization) Pedersen, T., "The Secure Reactor,” IAEA-TC-483/19, reprinted from Nuclear Heat Application, presented at Technical Communication Meeting, Cracow, Poland, December 5-9, 1983, Inter- national Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1984 (LWR-06-01-05). (Keywords: ASEA-ATOM, district heating, heat exchangers, LWRs, PIUS, SECURE, steam generators) Phung, D. L., Review of Light Water Reactor Safety Through the Three Mile Island Accident, ORAU/IEA-84-2(M), Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Asso- ciated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 1984 (LWR-B01-01-05). (Keywords: LWRs, safety, Three Mile Island, accidents) 87 Light Water Reactors Phung, D. L., "PIUS: The Process Inherent Ultimately Safe Reactor,” Professional Analysis, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 18, 1983 (LWR-01-01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS, PWRs, safety) Pind, C., "The Secure Reactor Concepts,” presented at the Canadian Nuclear Society’s Interna- tional Conference, Ottawa, Canada, ASEA-ATOM, Vasteras, Sweden, June 2-4, 1985 (LWR- 06-01-06). (Keywords: ASEA-ATOM, district heating, heat exchangers, LWRs, PIUS, SECURE, steam generators) Pind, C., and S. Rolandson, “Safety Requirements and Regulatory Aspects of Siting Reactors for Heat-Supply Systems Near Population Centres,” JAEA-TC-483/20, reprinted from Nuclear Heat Application, presented at Technical Communication Meeting, Cracow, Poland, Decem- ber 5-9, 1983, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1984 (LWR-06-01-07). (Keywords: ASEA-ATOM, district heating, heat exchangers, LWRs, PIUS, SECURE, steam generators) Ransom and Casazza, Inc., Consolidated Nuclear Steam System (CNSS) Industry and Agency Interviews, ORNL/Sub-82-12X-51954 V1, Ransom and Casazza, Inc., Washington, D.C., August 23, 1983 (LWR-03-01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, CNSS, PWRs) Rytkonan, B. B., 'Request for Proposal, RFP2660-2, "Preliminary Conceptual Design Study for a Small LWR", letter to Recipients of RFP2660-2 with enclosure (“Small LWR Conceptual Design Study”), Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, February 13, 1985 (LWR-02-01-08). (Keywords: LWRs, advanced reactors, construction, costs, design, EPRI, licensing, risk, safety, shop fabrication, small reactors) Sawyer, C. D., and J. D. Duncan, "Technology Update,” presentation, Nuclear Power Systems Engineering Department, General Electric Company, date unknown (LWR-04-02-04). (Keywords: LWRs, BWRs, small reactors) Schultz, M. A., “Breakdown of R&D Projects Required to Design and Build a Steam Cooled Reactor,” M. A. Schultz, Nuclear Consultant, N. Palm Beach, Florida, December 1, 1984 (LWR-02-01-09). (Keywords: LWRs, research, steam-cooled reactors) Schultz, M. A., "Dilettante Reactor Designers’ Fur Bristles,” Letter to the Editor, The Energy Daily, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 (LWR-04-03-03). (Keywords: LWRs, design, small reactors) Schultz, M. A., fluidics valve as possible replacement for temperature sensor, letter (with enclo- sure) to Kare Hannerz, care of Institute for Energy Analysis, July 14, 1982 (LWR-06-01-08). (Keywords: controls, innovation, LWRs, PIUS) Schultz, M. A., and M. C. Edlund, A New Steam Cooled Reactor, NUREG/CR-4019, Virginia Poly- technic Institute, November 1984 (LWR-04-02-01). (Keywords: LWRs, steam-cooled reactors) 88 Light Water Reactors Scott, D., “Review of CNSS Report Draft,” Memorandum to T. E. Cole, J. E. Jones, Jr., and L Spiewak, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January 4, 1983 (LWR-03- 01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, CNSS, PWRs) Seifritz, W., Contributions to the Energetical Role of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors, EIR- Bericht No. 519, Eidg. Institut fur Reaktorforschung, Wurenlingen, Sweden, reprint from Nuclear Technology 63, 209-114, 286-294 and Kerntechnik/Atomkernenergie 44(3), 219-224, Eidg. Institut fur Reaktorforschung Wurenlingen (EIR}), June 1984 (LWR-05-01-04). (Keywords: LWRs, PWRs) Skygge, C., “Inherently Safe Secure Reactors,” presentation to 5th Pacific Basin Nuclear Confer- ence, Seoul, Korea, ASEA-ATOM, Vasteras, Sweden, May 1985 (LWR-06-01-09). (Keywords: ASEA-ATOM, district heating, heat exchangers, LWRs, PIUS, SECURE, steam generators) Spiewak, 1., Survey of Light-Water-Reactor Designs to be Offered in the United States, ORNL/ TM-9948, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January 1986 (LWR-BO1- 01-07). (Keywords: BWRs, GE, Japan, LWRs, NUPACK, PWRs, small reactors, Westinghouse) Spiewak, I., ”Visit to General Electric Co., San Jose, July 16, 1984,” memo (with enclosures) to D. B. Trauger and J. D. White, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 19, 1984 (LWR-03-01-05). (Keywords: LWRs, advanced reactors, BWRs, GE, small reactors) Spiewak, I., R. Youngdahl, and M. Klein, “ERAB LWR Panel Report: Preliminary Draft: Report of the Panel on LWR Research and Development Energy Research Advisory Board,” MK/ies, May 18, 1983 (LWR-04-01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, ERAB, research, development) Stahlkopf, K. E. et al., “The Industry/EPRI Advanced Light Water Reactor Program,” presenta- tion at 1985 IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, October 23, 1985 (LWR-06-01-12). (Keywords: EPRI, LWRs, modular reactors, requirements) Stahlkopf, K. E., and D. M. Chapin, “The Next Generation Light Water Reactor,” Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto) and MPR Associates, Inc. (Washington), undated (LWR-01- 01-05). (Keywords: LWRs, advanced reactors, design, EPRI, future, innovation) Stern, T., “The Light Water Reactor--Better Every Day,” presentation at the 1984 Atomic Indus- trial Forum, Washington, D.C., Westinghouse Electric Corporation, November 11-14, 1984 (LWR-01-01-06). (Keywords: LWRs, Westinghouse) ' 89 Light Water Reactors Sundqvist, C., and T. Pedersen, "PIUS, "The Forgiving Reactor,’ Safety and Operational Aspects,” presentation to 1985 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Boston, Massachu- setts, ASEA-ATOM, Vasteras, Sweden, June 9-14, 1985 (LWR-06-01-10). (Keywords: design, LWRs, maintenance, operations, PIUS, PWRs, public acceptance, safety) Tiren, 1., Safety. Considerations for Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants: A Swedish Perspective ORAU/IEA-83-7(M), Research Memorandum, Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 1983 (LWR-B01-01-01). (Keywords: LWRs, international programs, PIUS, safety, ASEA-ATOM, PWRs) Tower, S. N., “Deep Underground Reactor Concept,” ASME/ANS Nuclear Engineering Confer- ence, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1984 (LWR-03- 01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, PWRs, Westinghouse) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., The CNSS Plant Concept, Capital Cost, and Multi-Unit Station Economics, ORNL/Sub/82-17455/4, UE&C-DOE-ORNL-830915, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1984 (LWR-05-01-07). (Keywords: LWRs, CNSS, costs, economics, PWRs) United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., “Commercial Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Gen- erating Station Experience,” presentation, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., December 9, 1982 (LWR-04-01-02). (Keywords: LWRs, operations) Ushio, S., ”Outlines of Advanced Japanese Reactor Designs are Emerging,” Nucleonics Week, pp, 9-10, July 5, 1984 (LWR-01-01-07). (Keywords: LWRs, advanced reactors, ASEA-ATOM, BWRs, Japan, Mitsubishi, standardiza- tion, Westinghouse) Vigander, S., A Tabletop Flow Demonstrator for the PIUS Reactor Concept, TVA/OP/EDT- 84-17, WR28-1-900-118, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tennessee, March 1984 (LWR-B01-01-04). (Keywords: LWRs, PIUS) Wakabayashi, H., "Forgivingly Safe and Safeguarded Small and Intermediate Sized Reactors Everywhere in the World,” presented at the Second Workshop on Nuclear Electric Power in the Asia-Pacific Region, a Preconference of the 5th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Seoul, Korea, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, May 16, 1985 (LWR-06-01-11). (Keywords: Japan, LWRs, nuclear options, PIUS, international programs) Wakabayashi, H., “Mitsubishi Mini-PWR,” (Features, Particulars, Diagrams), October 1983 (LWR-03-01-04). (Keywords: LWRs, PWRs, small reactors, Mitsubishi) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Westinghouse’s New 2-Loop Nuclear Power Plant, Westing- house, Water Reactor Divisions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 1983 (LWR-01-01-08). (Keywords: LWRs, economics, large reactors, markets, small reactors) 90 Light Water Reactors Wilkins, D. R., ” Assessment of ASEA-ATOM New PWR Design,” Memorandum to J. K. Restrick, Nuclear Power Systems Engineering Department, San Jose, California, October 5, 1982 (LWR-01-01-12). (Keywords: LWRs, ASEA-ATOM, PWRs, design, PIUS) Wilkins, D. R., et al., ”A Post-TMI Look At Boiling Water Reactor Plant Protection,” IAEA-CN- 39-112, International Atomic Energy Agency International Conference on Current Nuclear Power Plant Safety Issues, Stockholm, Sweden, General Electric Company, San Jose, Califor- nia, October 20-24, 1980 (LWR-05-01-05). (Keywords: LWRs, Three Mile Island, BWRs, safety) Young, J. C., “Prepared Statement of John C. Young, President, International Energy Associates Limited, Before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production of the House Commit- tee on Science and Technology,” IEAL, Washington, D.C., February 21, 1985 (LWR-01-01-09). (Keywords: LWRs, advanced reactors, ASEA-ATOM, BWRs, commercialization, economics, licensing, PIUS) Young, J. C., EPRI design review meeting on PIUS, November 15-16, 1984, letter to Donald B. Trauger, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with enclosures: comments on the PIUS review of November 15-16, letter to K. Stahlkopf, Electric Power Res earch Institute, from Salomon Levy, S. Levy, Incorporated (2) “ASEA-ATOM Comments on MPR Associates, Inc. Report of December 21, 1984, Concerning the PIUS Reactor” (3) MPR Associates Inc. “Report of Meeting With ASEA-ATOM on the PIUS (Secure P) Reactor Concept”, International Energy Assoclates Limited, Washington, DC, February 5, 1985 (LWR-01-01-03). (Keywords: LWRs, accidents, ASEA-ATOM, design, EPRI, licensing, PIUS, safety, steam generators) 7. LIQUID METAL REACTORS CITATIONS G|z ‘ 93 Liquid Metal Reactors Anderson, C. A., Jr., M. J. Steindler, and unknown, “Handouts From Visit to ANIL, Metal Fueled IFR Meeting, Including: "Metallic Fuel Fabrication,” and 'Metallic Fuel Performance,” by C. A. Anderson, Jr.; 'Pyrochemical Processing of IFR Fuel,” by M. J. Steindler; and untitled set of viewgraphs on reprocessing,” Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Argonne National Laboratory, Madison, Pennsylvania; and Argonne, Illinois, date unknown (LMR-02-03-10). (Keywords: LMRs, fast reactors, ANL, metal fuel, IFRs, fuel, pyrochemical) Argonne National Laboratory, "HFEF/SOUTH, Recycling of LMFBR Fuel (A Renewed Mission),” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, January 1984 (LMR-01-04-01). (Keywords: LMRs, recycling, fuel, ANL) Argonne National Laboratory, “Integral Fast Reactor Program,” presentation to U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, December 4, 1984 (LMR-B01- 01-04). (Keywords: LMRs, ANL, breeders, design, development, DOE, IFRs, metal fuel) Argonne National Laboratory, “New Integral Fast Reactor,” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, January 31, 1984 (LMR-02-01-04). (Keywords: LMRs, fast reactors, metal fuel, ANL) Argonne National Laboratory, “The Integral Fast Reactor,” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, March 1984 (LMR-01-04-02). (Keywords: LMRs, fast reactors, IFRs, ANL, metal fuel) Armijo, J. S., K. Hikido, and P. R. Pluta, " General Electric Strategy for Achieving a Low-Cost Liq- uid Metal Reactor Plant,” Presentation at IEA Meeting, Japan, General Electric Company, Nuclear Sytsems Technology Operation, Sunnyvale, California, November 1984 (LMR-02- 03-12). (Keywords: LMRs, reprocessing, GE, costs, safety) Arnold, W. H., The U.S. LMFBR Program: Future Focus and Direction, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Systems Division, November 22, 1983 (LMR-01-01-04). (Keywords: LMRs) Arnold, W. H., “Design Approaches to Achieve Competitive LMFBR Capital Costs,” Power Engineering, pp. 62-65, September 1982 (LMR-01-01-05). (Keywords: LMRs, costs, design) Barnett, R. J., et al., An Assessment of Advanced Technology Options for NASAP, (excerpts) ORNL/TM-7194, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September 1980 (LMR-02-02-04). (Keywords: LMRs, NASAP) Berke, C. et al., “A European Perspective on LMFBR Development,” LAE International Sympo- sium on LMFBR Development, Tokyo, Japan, Interatom, November 6, 1984 (LMR-03-01-01). (Keywords: LMRs, breeders, deployment, development, fast reactors, Germany, international programs, Japan, strategy) 94 ’ Liquid Metal Reactors Bethe, H. A., Support for Development of New Breeder Reactor (with attachment “A New Breeder”, Letter to G. A. Keyworth II, Science Advisor to the President, Office of Science and Technical Policy, Cornell University, January 19, 1984 (LMR-01-01-06). (Keywords: LMRs) Booth, R.S., "Liquid Metal Reactors: New Challenges for Designers," Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 19(1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1986 (LMR-01-04-03). (Keywords: design, LMRs, loop, pool, safety) Burch, W. D. et al., “Evaluation of the Fuel Cycle for Integral Fast Reactor Concept,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 1984 (LMR-02-03-11). (Keywords: LMRs, fuel, IFRs, fast reactors) Chicago, University of, report of the Special Committee for the Integral Fast Reactor, letter report to Dr. Walter E. Massey, The University of Chicago, Nuclear Engineering Department, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, October 31, 1984 (LMR-03-01-02). {(Keywords: LMRs, ANL, breeders, design, IFRs, waste) Cruickshank, A., “Advancing Breeder Reactor Design in the United States,” Nuclear Engineering International, pp. 17-20, February 1985 (LMR-03-01-03). (Keywords: LMRs, construction, DOE, economics, fuel cycle, licensing, metal fuel, modular reactors, Rockwell, safety, shop fabrication, small reactors, standardization) Difransico, T. W., and J. E. Stader, “Innovative Design of a Low-Cost Breeder,” Power Engineering, pp. 53-56, February 1985 (LMR-03-02-02). (Keywords: breeders, construction, costs, design, EPRI, large reactors, LMRs, loop) Driscoll, M. d., "A Perspective on Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Development and Development Prospects,” Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Nuclear Engineering Department, M.LT., Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 9-10, 1985 (LMR-03-01-04). (Keywords: LMRs, breeders, economics, electricity, engineering, fuel cycle, international pro- grams, metal fuel, reprocessing, safety, commercialization) Ebasco Services Inc. et al., ”"MSBR Development Program,” presentation to R. W. Roberts, U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Ebasco Services Inc., March 12, 1976 (LMR-02-02-02). (Keywords: LMRs, MSRs, development) Electric Power Research Institute, Large Scale Prototype Breeder, Safety Principles and Design Approach, Electric Power Research Institute, Consolidated Management Office, Naperville, Illinois, September 1983 (LMR-03-02-10). (Keywords: breeders, licensing, LMRs, risk, safety, Westinghouse) Electric Power Research Institute, “LSPB Status and R&D Needs,” presentation to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Electric Power Research Institute, Consolidated Management Office, Naperville, Illinois, March 1985 (LMR-03-02-03). (Keywords: breeders, design, EPRI, LMRs, research) v 95 Liquid Metal Reactors Engel, J. R., et al., Conceptual Design Characteristics of a Denatured Molten-Salt Reactor with Once-Through Fueling, ORNL/TM-7207, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Ten- nessee, July 1980 (LMR-B01-01-01). (Keywords: LMRs, MSRs, design, fuel) Engel, J. R, et al., Development Status and Potential Program for Development of Proliferation- Resistant Molten-Salt Reactors, ORNL/TM-6415, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 1979 (LMR-B(01-01-02). (Keywords: LMRs, development, proliferation, MSRs) Garwin, R. L., " The Role of the Breeder Reactor,” SIPRI Symposium: Technical Aspects of the Control of Fissionable Materials in Non-Military Applications, Stockholm, Sweden, August 15, 1978 (LMR-02-03-13). (Keywords: LMRs, fission, breeders, economics) Gat, U., "Nuclear Power Options Viability Study: Liquid Metal Reactors,” presentation to Oak Ridge National Laboratory Nuclear Power Options Viability Study Advisory Committee Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 9, 1982 (LMR-01- 02-01). (Keywords: LMRs) Gray, O. E. III, "Transmital of LSPB-Loop Documentation for Nuclear Power Options Viability Study,” letter to Ray Booth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with enclosures: (1) ”Six Enhanced Safety Studies” (2) ”Overall Plant Design Specification” (3) "LSPB Design Description” (4) "LSPB Integrated Commercialization Strategy Analysis Report” (5) "LSPB Economic Goals” (6) “Large Scale Prototype Breeder Plant Cost Effectiveness Considerations” (7) "LSPB Plant Cost Estimate Report” (8) “LSPB Plant Cost Estimate Ground Rules and Requirements” and (9) " LSPB Research and Development Requirements”, Consolidated Management Office for the LMFBR, Electric Power Research Institute, Naper- ville, Illinois, January 28, 1985 (LMR-03-01-05). (Keywords: LMRs, accidents, breeders, commercialization, design, EPRI, loop, safety) Hafele, W., “World Energy Resources, Demand and Supply of Energy, and the Prospects for the Fast Breeder Reactor,” IAEA-SM-225/71, Proceedings Series: Design, Construction and Operating Experience of Demonstration LMFBRs, Proceedings of an International Sympo- sium on Design, Construction and Operating Experience of Demonstration Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and Held in Bologna, Italy, April 10-14, 1978, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1978 (LMR-01-01-07). (Keywords: LMRs, international programs, resources, demand, supply, design, construction) Hampson, D. C., C. H. Bean, and J. B. Knighton, "Evaluation of a Proliferation-Resistant Pyro- chemical Process,” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Atlanta, Georgia, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 3-8, 1984 (LMR-02-03-14). (Keywords: LMRs, proliferation, pyrochemical) 96 Liguid Metal Reactors Harde, V. R, and K. W. Stohr, "Die Kompakte Natriumgekuhlte Kernreaktoranlage Karlsruhe (KNK)” (TR: The Compact Sodium-Cooled Nuclear Reactor at Karlsruhe), Atomwirtschaft, pp. 3564-360, July 1966 (LMR-03-02-04). (Keywords: design, Germany, LMRs, small reactors) Hunt, S. E., “The Case for the Fast Breeder and Possible Environmental Consequences,” Journal Inst. Nuclear Eng. 21(5), 134-139, 1980 (LMR-02-01-01). (Keywords: LMRs, breeders, fast reactors, environment) Kasten, P. R., "Discussions With Argonne National Laboratory on Integral Fast Reactor Concept, April 25, 1984,” Memorandum to D. B. Trauger and J. D. White, Oak Ridge National Labora- tory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September 6, 1984 (LMR-02-03-04). (Keywords: LMRs, ANL, fast reactors, IFRs, metal fuel) Larson, R. D., "Request for Proposal No. DE-RP06-84NE37929(RFP),” Letter to Prospective Offerors regarding attendance at preproposal conference and answers to questions raised regarding development of innovative advanced LMFBR concepts to a point where choices can be made by user industries on designs for commercial deployment, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington, April 13, 1984 (LMR-02-03-06). (Keywords: LMRs, design, deployment) Larson, R. D., “Request for Proposal No. DE-RP06-84NE37929,” Letter to Prospective Offerors to develop innovative advanced liquid metal fast breeder concepts to a point where choices can be made by user industries on designs for commercial deployment, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington, March 28, 1984 (LMR-02-03-05). (Keywords: LMRs, metal fuel, design, deployment) MacDonald, J., “Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors (LMRs) - A Promising Power Option,” presenta- tion to Southern States Energy Council, Atlanta, Georgia, Rockwell International, Canoga Park, California, May 17, 1985 (LMR-03-02-08). (Keywords: design, fast reactors, LMRs, modular reactors, Rockwell) MacPherson, H. G., “Whatever Happened to the Other Breeder Reactor?” modified version of a talk presented in Kyoto, Japan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, April 1983 (LMR-02-02-05). (Keywords: LMRs) Magnus, J. D., “Ultra Long Life Cores,” letter to Dr. D. C. Gibbs, Electric Power Research Insti- tute, Consolidated Management Office (with enclosure), Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Madison, Pennsylvania, July 23, 1985 (LMR-03-02-05). (Keywords: breeders, design, fuel cycle, LMRs) Mazxwell, J. R., “Required Development Items for Small LMR’s,” Letter to Thomas A. Werner, Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Convertor Reactor Deployment, U.S. Department of Energy, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Systems Division, Madison, Wisconsin, January 30, 1984 (LMR-01-01-02). (Keywords: LMRs, small reactors, development, research) i 97 Liquid Metal Reactors McDonald, J., J. Brunings, and R. Lancet, “The SAFR Plant,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Society 1984 International Conference on Nuclear Power--A Global Reality 47, pp. 299-300, 1984 (LMR-03-01-06). (Keywords: LMRs, metal fuel, modular reactors, Rockwell, safety) Meyers, G. W., ”Statement of G. W. Meyers Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production,” Atomics International, Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International Corporation, February 21, 1985 (LMR-03-01-07). (Keywords: LMRs, design, advanced reactors, Rockwell) Myers, R., "For General Electric, Tiny Breeders Are In,” The Energy Daily, pp. 3-4, Tuesday, May 15, 1984 (LMR-02-03-02). (Keywords: LMRs, small reactors, GE, breeders) Myers, R., ”Is It A Loop Or Is It A Pool? Stone & Webster Marries The Two In Hybrid Breeder Reactor,” Energy Daily, pp. 3-4, date unknown (LMR-02-03-01). (Keywords: LMRs, pool, loop) Myers, R., “Rockwell Enters 330-Megawatt, Shop-Fabricated Reactor in DOE Sweepstakes,” The Energy Daily, date unknown (LMR-02-03-16). (Keywords: LMRs, Rockwell, shop fabrication) Myers, R., “The Westinghouse Entry: Compact, Prefab, Modular, Low-Cost Liquid Metal Plant,” The Energy Daily, pp. 2-3, Wednesday, May 16, 1984 (LMR-02-03-15). (Keywords: LMRs, Westinghouse, costs, modular reactors, small reactors, prefabrication) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Potential Reactor Construction Schedule for Commercialization of DMSR’s,” ORNL Drawing No. 78/7062R, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Ten- nessee, 1978 (LMR-02-02-03). (Keywords: LMRs, MSRs, commercialization, construction) Pelton, A. D., Calculation of the Liquidus and Solidus in the Plutonium-Uranium-Zirconium System, ANL-IFR-12, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, May 1985 (LMR-03- 02-06). (Keywords: ANL, IFRs, LMRs, metal fuel) Ray, J., "LMFBR Safety Philosophy and Issues,” Letter to Bill Harms, Oak Ridge National Labo- ratory, enclosing draft report, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Washington, D.C., January 31, 1983 (LMR-02-03-09). (Keywords: LMRs, safety, NRC, licensing) Rippon, S., “Fast Breeder Reactors: Progress and Prospects,” Nuclear News, pp. 94-100, Septem- ber 1985 (LMR-03-02-07). (Keywords: international programs, large reactors, LMRs, small reactors) Rippon, S., "Liquid-Metal Engineering and Technology,” Nuclear News, pp. 165-166, 168, June 1984 (LMR-02-03-03). (Keywords: LMRs, engineering) 98 Liquid Metal Reactors Rockwell International, SAFR Sodium Advanced Fast Reactor, Preliminary Licensing Plan 149PP000001, Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International, Canoga Park, California, Febru- ary 1985 (LMR-03-01-08). (Keywords: LMRs, licensing, regulation, Rockwell) Rockwell International, “"R&D Requirements,” Rockwell International, Energy Systems Group, May 27, 1983 (LMR-02-01-03). (Keywords: LMRs, Rockwell, research) Schmidt, J. E. et al., “Inherent Safety for a Liquid-Metal Reactor,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Society, 1984 International Conference on Nuclear Power--A Global Reality 47, pp. 298-299, 1984 (LMR-03-01-09). (Keywords: LMRs, metal fuel, modular reactors, Rockwell, safety) Shivley, J. M., “Construction Schedule--Monju,” B3C-15055-12, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, January 28, 1985 (LMR-03-01-10). (Keywords: LMRs, breeders, construction, materials) Su, S. F., and R. H. Sevy, “Inherent Accommodation of Unprotected Loss-of-Flow Accidents in LMFBRs,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Soci- ety, 1984 International Conference on Nuclear Power--A Global Reality 47, pp. 300-301, 1984 (LMR-03-01-11). (Keywords: LMRs, metal fuel, modular reactors, Rockwell, safety) Taylor, J. J., (more detailed comments on the LMFBR/LMR), letter with enclosures to Donald B. Trauger, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, February 12, 1985 (LMR-03-01-12). (Keywords: LMRs, construction, design, EPRI, fuel cycle, GE, large reactors, licensing, pool, Rockwell, safety, small reactors) Till, C., "Looking to the Future with the Integral Fast Reactor,” Nuclear Engineering Interna- tional 30(365), 20-22, February 1985 (LMR-03-02-11). (Keywords: ANL, fast reactors, IFRs, LMRs, metal fuel, pool, recycling) Till, C. E., “Integral Fast Reactor,” pp. 406-408, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, date unknown (LMR-02-03-07). (Keywords: LMRs, IFRs, fast reactors, metal fuel) Till, C. E., "Testimony Presented to the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives,” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, February 8, 1984 (LMR-02-03-08). (Keywords: LMRs) Till, C. E., " Testimony Presented to the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives,” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, February 21, 1985 (LMR-03-01-13). (Keywords: LMRs, advanced reactors, ANL, design, LMRs) ¥ 99 Liquid Metal Reactors Twichell, P. W., Common Cause Failure Considerations of the CDS Shutdown Heat Removal System, N323T1000028, Rockwell International, Canoga Park, California, August 1979 (LMR- 03-02-09). (Keywords: breeders, licensing, LMRs, risk, safety, Westinghouse) United Engineers and Constructors Inc., Capital Cost Estimates and Construction Schedules for Innovative Modular Breeder Reactor Plants, 00012 UE&C LANL 830930, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 30, 1983 (LMR-03-02-01). (Keywords: breeders, capital, costs, GE, LMRs, modular reactors) Vijuk, R. M., “Westinghouse Low Cost Plant Cost Data,” Letter to Uri Gat, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Systems Division, Madi- son, Pennsylvania, April 16, 1984 (LMR-01-03-01). (Keywords: LMRs, costs) Walters, L. C., B. R. Seidel, and J. H. Kittel, "Performance of Metallic Fuels and Blankets in Liqg- uid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors,” Nuclear Technology 65, pp. 179-231, May 1984 (LMR-03- 01-14). (Keywords: LMRs, ANL, fuel, fuel cycle, IFRs, metal fuel, modular reactors, reprocessing) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Status Report: WAESD Efforts in Support of the FRSTMC Dependency Evaluation Program, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Sys- tems Division, for DOE, U.S.D.O.E.026IN-33N:2 (S4354) 1, W-AESD-SR-9400-46, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, September 1983 (LMR-01-01-03). (Keywords: LMRs, Westinghouse, safety) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, The Westinghouse Low Cost Plant Design, brochure, Wes- tinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Systems Division, Madison, Pennsylvania, undated (LMR-B01-01-03). (Keywords: LMRs, Westinghouse, costs, design) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, “Westinghouse Low Cost Plant,” presentation to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, June 1984 (LMR-02-01-02). (Keywords: LMRs, small reactors, costs, Westinghouse) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, " Westinghouse Low Cost Plant: A Liquid Metal Reactor Plant Designed in a New, Compact Arrangement with an Integrated Fuel Facility Can Be Con- structed Now--That Can Produce Electricity at Costs Competitive with Today’s LWRs and Coal-Fired Plants,” Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Energy Systems Division, date unknown (LMR-01-01-01). (Keywords: LMRs, costs, design, construction) Wilcox, L. C., “U.S. Department of Energy Programs on Cost Reduction,” The Institute of Applied Energy International Symposium on LMFBR Development, Tokyo, Japan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Breeder Reactor Programs, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C,, November 7, 1984 (LMR-03-01-15). (Keywords: LMRs, breeders, construction, demand, development, DOE, economics, electric- ity, modular reactors, proliferation, regulation, small reactors, standardization, supply) 100 Liquid Metal Reactors Zebroski, E. L., and C. Gibbs, "Interim Liquid-Metal Reactor and Fuel Cycle Design Options,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Society 1984 International Conference on Nuclear Power--A Global Reality 47, pp. 369-370, 1984 (LMR- 03-01-186). (Keywords: LMRs, metal fuel, modular reactors, Rockwell, safety) 8. HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTORS CITATIONS /OI/IQZ ¥ 103 High Temperature Reactors Anonymous, “GCRA Perspective on the HTGR Program,” January 16, 1984 (HTR-01-01-06). (Keywords: HTRs, GCRA) Anonymous, “GCRA Perspective on the Modular HTGR,” December 7, 1983 (HTR-02-01-01). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, GCRA) Bechtel Group Inc., Evaluation of Small Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Applied to Electricity Generation, GCRA 84-002, Bechtel Group, Inc., May 1984 (HTR-B01- 01-01). (Keywords: GAT, GCRA, Germany, HTRs, modular reactors, pebble bed) Bechtel Group Inc. et al., Licensing Plan for the Standard HTGR (draft), HTGR-85-001, Gas- Cooled Reactor Associates, San Francisco, California, January 1985 (HTR-04-01-14). (Keywords: HTRs, large reactors, licensing, GCRA) Bechtel Group, Inc., ” MRS Technical Coordination Meeting,” (collection of presentations on trade study, core studies, status report on PCD schedule, vessel design studies, civil/structure studies, fuel failure, fission product release, selection criteria, reference design concept, OPDS requirements, etc.), San Francisco, California, March 13-14, 1984 (HTR-02-01-06). (Keywords: HTRs, design, fuel, safety, small reactors, modular reactors) Bechtel National Inc., Constructibility Assessment, Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor, Bechtel National, Inc., San Francisco, California, July 1984 (HTR-05-01-01). (Keywords: capital, costs, HTRs, modular reactors, prefabrication, small reactors) Bowers, H. L., “Preliminary Economic Comparisons,” presentation to Technical Review Meeting, High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 9-10, 1984 (HTR-03-03-03). (Keywords: HTRs, economics) Brandstetter, A., "Modular HTR Plant Design, Safety Aproach, and Issues,” presentation at the U.S. and German Modular HTR Plant Review, Interatom GMBH, Federal Republic of Ger- many, October 1, 1983 (HTR-03-03-12). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, air ingress, analysis, design, Germany, licensing, modular reac- tors, pebble bed, safety) Brown, M., “Fifth HTGR Conference,” San Diego, California, September 29-30, 1983, Nuclear News, pp. 97, 100, 104, January 1984 (HTR-01-01-10). (Keywords: HTRs, design) Cleveland, J. C., "Modular HTR Evaluations,” Presentation to HTR Technical Review Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 10, 1984 (HTR-03-03-11). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, small reactors, design) Cleveland, J. C., "ORNL/AVR/KFA Cooperative Project in Physics, Performance and Safety of Small PBRs Under the US/FRG Umbrella Agreement,” Presentation to HTR Program Tech- nical Review Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 10, 1984 (HTR-03-03-10). (Keywords: HTRs, international programs, Germany, safety, pebble bed) 104 High Temperature Reactors Coxe, R. L. Jr., Modular Gas Reactor Cost Estimation, MIT-NPI-TR-002, Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1985 (HTR-B01-01-02). (Keywords: capital, costs, economics, GCRs, HTRs, modular reactors, shop fabrication) Fassbender, J. A. et al., ”“State of HTGR Safety and Future Developments,” Safety Technology, date unknown (HTR-03-03-13). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, research, risk, safety) Fisher, C., et al., The HT'GR--An Assessment of Safety and Investment Risk, ORAU/IEA-84- 7(M), Institute for Energy Analysis, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, November 1984 (HT-B01-01-09). (Keywords: HTRs, safety, risk) Frewer, H., and 1. Weisbrodt, "KWU’s Modular Approach to HTR Commercialization,” Nuclear Engineering International 28(346), 33-37, September 1983 (HTR-03-03-14). (Keywords: HT'Rs, commercialization, construction, costs, design, development, engineering, Germany, HTRs, licensing, modular reactors, pebble bed, research, safety, small reactors, standardization) GA Technologies, “High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HT'GR) Program Review,” presenta- tion to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, GA Technologies, San Diego, California, May 9, 1984 (HTR-03-03-02). (Keywords: HTRs, GAT, design) GA Technologies Inc., Preliminary Risk Assessments of the Small HTGR, HTGR-85-027, GA Technologies, Inc., San Diego, California, May 1985 (HTR-05-01-02). (Keywords: HTRs, risk, safety, small reactors) GA Technologies Inc., 4 x 250 MW (t) HTGR-SC In-Line Steel Vessel Plant, Overall Plant Design Specification (draft), HAS-20100 Rev. 0, GA Technologies Inc., San Diego, California, Novem- ber 1984 (HTR-03-03-16). (Keywords: HTRs, construction, controls, design, fuel cycle, GAT, modular reactors, pebble bed, shop fabrication) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, Concept Evaluation Plan for Small HTGR’s, Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, San Diego, California, June 11, 1984 (HTR-03-03-07). (Keywords: HTRs, utilities) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, Summary Report on the Utility Industry Questionnaire, GCRA 84-001, Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, San Diego, California, February 1984 (HTR-03- 03-09). (Keywords: HTRs, utilities, coal, LWRs, small reactors, large reactors, pebble bed) Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, “GCRA Surveys the Utility Industry,” GCRA Newsletter, pp. 2, 5, Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, San Diego, California, Winter 1984 (HTR-03-02-01). (Keywords: HTRs, utilities, GCRA) 105 High Temperature Reactors Goodjohn, A. J., “Attachment 7: Backup--Mitigation of Core Burning,” GA Technologies, Wash- ington, D.C., February 6, 1984 (HTR-01-01-04). (Keywords: HTRs, safety) Haque, H. et al,, "Thermal Response of a Modular HTR Under Accident Conditions,” Nuclear Energy 22(3) 201-210, June 1983 (HTR-04-01-02). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, design, Germany, HTRs, modular reactors, small reactors, peb- ble bed, safety) INTERATOM, The HTR-Module Concept, KWU 79013, INTERATOM GmbH, P.O.B. D-5060 Bergisch Gladbach 1, October 1983 (HTR-02-01-02). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, Germany, small reactors, design) Kasten, P. R., "High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors: Small Units Show Big Benefits,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review 19 (1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Ten- nessee, 1986 (HTR-05-01-09). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, safety, small reactors) Kasten, P. R., "THTGR Concept Selection,” memo to distribution (with enclosures), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, February 12, 1985 (HTR-04-01-03). (Keywords: HTRs, GCRA) Kasten, P. R., "Statement on an Inherently Safe High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Program,” presentation to Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production, U.S. House of Representatives, Marilyn Lloyd, Chairman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Ten- nessee, February 7, 1984 (HTR-01-01-01). (Keywords: HTRs, safety, small reactors, modular reactors) Kasten, P. R., A. J. Neylan, and S. R. Jr. Penfield, “"New Approaches in the USA for High- Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors,” Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Annual Open Seminar on Research and Development of the Multipurpose VHTR, Tokyo, Japan, Qak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December 12, 1984 (HTR-03-03-15). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, costs, economics, Germany, HTRs, international programs, Japan, modular reactors, pebble bed, safety, small reactors) Kruger, K. J., and G. P. Ivens, "Safety-Related Experiences with the AVR-Reactor,” presentation to IAEA-Specialists’ Meeting on Safety and Accident for Gas-Cooled Reactors, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 13-15, 1985 (HTR-05-01-04). (Keywords: HTRs, operations, pebble bed, safety, small reactors) Lanning, D. D., and L. M. Lidsky, “The Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor: Current Status, Commercial Potential, and a Plan for Near-Term Action,” Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Innovation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of T'echnology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 9-10, 1985 (HTR-04-01-05). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, construction, costs, design, Germany, HTRs, international pro- grams, licensing, modular reactors, pebble bed, safety, small reactors) 106 High Temperature Reactors Lohnert, G. H., and H. Reutler, "The Modular HTR--A New Design of High-Temperature Pebble- Bed Reactor,” Nuclear Energy 22(3) 197-200, June 1983 (HTR-04-01-06). (Keywords: HTRs, design, modular reactors, pebble bed) Lohnert, G. H., Pflasterer, G. R., "The New Safety-Related Properties of the Modular High- Temperature Reactor and Its Consequences on Plant Design,” pp. 287-289 in Forgiving or Inherently Safe Reactors, date unknown (HTR-05-01-06). (Keywords: Germany, HTRs, modular reactors, pebble bed, small reactors) Marshall, E., 7The Gas Reactor Makes a Comeback--A Boomlet in Congress Backs the HTGR as the ’Inherently Safe’ Answer to the Nuclear Industry’s Troubles,” Science 224, pp. 699-701, May 18, 1984 (HTR-03-03-01). (Keywords: HTRs, safety) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Identification of the Safety Requirements of a New Reac- tor Concept: The MHTGR As An Example (Draft), prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in fulfillment of Task 1 in NRC Research Contract NRC-03-85-055, M.L.T., Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, October 1, 1985 (HTR-05-01-10). (Keywords: advanced reactors, design, fuel, HTRs, NRC, safety) McDonald, C. F., "NSSS Layouts for 2 HTGR (Steel Vessel) Plant Concepts,” letter to T. M. Sweeney, Bechtel Group, Inc. (with enclosures), GA Technologies Inc., San Diego, California, November 28, 1984 (HTR-04-01-07). (Keywords: HTRs, design, modular reactors, small reactors) Mears, L. D., and M. L. Brown, ”America Considers the Modular HTGR,” Nuclear Engineering International 30(375), 36-38, October 1985 (HTR-05-01-07). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, requirements, small reactors) Medwid, W., MRS NSSS Design Status Report, 907712, GA Technologies, Inc., San Diego, Cali- fornia, September 28, 1984 (HTR-04-01-08). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, analysis, design, GAT, modular reactors, pebble bed, small reac- tors) Miller, D. J., "SSEB Proof of Evidence On: The Economic Merits of the AGR,” presentation to South of Scotland Electricity Board, Sizewell ”B” Public Inquiry, South of Scotland Electric- ity Board, May 1984 (HTR-05-01-08). (Keywords: availability factor, construction, costs, economics, fuel cycle, HTRs, operations) Moormann, R., “Graphite Oxidation Phenomena During Massive Air Ingress Accidents in Nuclear High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors with Pebble Bed Core” Copyright: Verlag Chemie GmbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1983, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 87, pp. 1086-1090, 1983 (HTR- 03-01-01). (Keywords: HTRs, graphite, pebble bed, air ingress, accidents) Nuclear Engineering International, ” Americans Favour Modular HTGR,” Nuclear Engineering International 30(371), 50, July 1985 (HTR-05-01-03). (Keywords: Germany, HTRs, modular reactors, small reactors) 107 04 / High Temperature Reactors O’Sullivan, D. A., "Pebble-Bed Nuclear Reactor Readied for Power Generation,” C&EN, pp. 20-22, March 5, 1984 (HTR-02-01-04). (Keywords: HTRs, pebble bed, small reactors, modular reactors, design) Peters, K., U. Muller-Frank, and W. Steinwarz, "Safety Concept and Design of a Modular Gas Cooled High-Temperature Reactor From the Viewpoint of Externally Generated Load Cases,” IAEA IWGGCR Specialist’s Meeting on Gas-Cooled Reactor Seismic Design Problems and Solutions, San Diego, California, Interatom, Internationale Atomreaktorbau GmBH, 5060 Bergisch, Gladbach 1, West Germany, August 30-31, 1982 (HTR-04-01-09). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, analysis, design, Germany, modular reactors, risk, safety, small reactors) Reutler, H., and G. H. Lohnert, “Advantages of Going Modular in HTRs,” Nuclear Engineering and Design 78, pp. 129-136, 1984 (HTR-04-01-11). (Keywords: HTRs, costs, design, economics, Germany, modular reactors, pebble bed, safety, small reactors) Reutler, H., and G. H. Lohnert, “The Modular High-Temperature Reactor,” Nuclear Technology 62, pp. 22-30, July 1983 (HTR-01-01-05). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, small reactors) Savage, M. G., A One-Dimensional Modeling of Radial Heat Removal During Depressurized Hea- tup Transients in Modular Pebble-Bed and Prismatic High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors, ORNL/TM-9215, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 1984 (HTR-B01-01-03). (Keywords: accidents, analysis, HTRs, pebble bed, small reactors) Simon, W. A., "GA Perspective on Fuel Performance and MRS Enclosure Options,” presentation, GA Technologies, Washington, D.C., January 24, 1984 (HTR-01-01-02). (Keywords: HTRs, fuel, modular reactors, small reactors) Singh, J., and H. Barnert, “Modular Design Concept for the HTR on the Basis of the AVR,” Nuclear Energy 22(3) 211-215, June 1983 (HTR-04-01-12). (Keywords: HTRs, design, Germany, modular reactors, pebble bed) Stewart, H. B., “"Report on HTGR Temperature Coeflicients,” memorandum to H. L. Gotschall, Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, San Diego, California, February 29, 1984 (HTR-02-01-05). (Keywords: HTRs, GCRA, safety) Sweeney, T. M., “Cross Duct Failure in the Modular Side-by-Side Vessel Concept, GCRA HTGR Project; Job 14508, BL-477,” letter to L. D. Mears, Gas-Cooled Reactor Associates, Bechtel National, Inc., San Francisco, California, December 27, 1984 (HTR-04-01-13). (Keywords: HTRs, accidents, analysis, GAT, GCRA, modular reactors, pebble bed, safety, small reactors) Sweeney, T. M., and C. Snyder, "Bechtel Presentation of Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors,” at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Bechtel Corporation, April 3, 1984 (HTR-03-02-02). (Keywords: HTRs, modular reactors, small reactors, pebble bed). 109/“0 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many members of the NPOVS staff aided in the collection and keywording of documents suggested for inclusion in the bibliography. The initial collection was cataloged and maintained by J. M. Wyrick, who provided several helpful suggestions for its organization. Ms. Wyrick is now with the Information Research and Analysis Section, Biology Division. J. H. Scott, Information Research and Analysis Section of the Biology Division, provided valuable assistance in designing and initiating the computerized data base, training for computer input and computer searches, and managing the data base. 10. REFERENCES 1. D. B. Trauger (ed.) et al., Nuclear Power Options Viability Study, Volume I, Executive Summary, ORNL/TM-9780/1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Qak Ridge, Tennessee, September 1986. 2. D. B. Trauger (ed.) et al., Nuclear Power Options Viability Study, Volume II, Reactor Concepts. Descriptions, and _Assessments, ORNL/TM-9780/2, to be published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 3. D. B. Trauger (ed.) et al., Nuclear Power Options Viability Study, Volume III, Nuclear Discipline Topics, ORNL/TM-9780/3, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September 1986. 4. V. A Singletary, An On-Line Conversational Retrieval System for ORCHIS Text- Oriented Data Bases. User's Manual, ORNL-4951 (Rev. 1), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1975. wU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1986—631-056/40048 101. 102-128. 129-250. X000 N OV W Lt . Aebischer . Anderson Brald P g0 z O . >0 Q o0 = g H . Cleveland <. Cole . Craddick . Davis Delene . Flanagan . Forsberg é“FQZQ“ £ - . Haas . Hampson . Jones Jr. ~UUONON-FEA - RE-R oA~ AN Mazao . Dodds, Jr. 111 ORNL/TM-9780/V4 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 28. P. R. Kasten 29. F. C. Maienschein 30. A.P.Malinauskas 31-47. D. L. Moses 48. F.R. Mynatt 49. L. C. Qakes 50. S. Rayner 51. T. H. Row 52. J. H. Scott 53. D. L. Selby 54. H.E. Trammell 55-74. D. B. Trauger 75. R. E. Uhrig 76. D. K. Wehe 77-93. J. D. White 94, T.J. Wilbanks 95. R.G. Wymer 96. Central Research Library 97. Document Reference Section 98-99. lLaboratory Records Department 100. Laboratory Records (RC) EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Office of Assistant Manager for Energy Research and Development, ORO, DOE, Oak Ridge, TN 37831. DOE Technical Information Center, P. O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, Nuclear Power Options Viability Study Distribution.