ORNL/TM-5783 Distribution Category UC-76 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 ) METALS AND CERAMICS DIVISION COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF POTENTIAL MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR MATERIALS IN MOLTEN FLUORIDE SALTS J. R. Keiser Date Published: May 1977 NOTICE —m ey This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Energy Research and Development Administration, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or uscfulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature, It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 | operated by ’ MA UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION AT [ ” for the ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION CUMENT IS UNLIMITED DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS M g{“\ CONTENTS ABSTRACT . . . ¢« v v ¢ v v 4 4 v & v o W INTRODUCTION . . . . « « ¢« ¢« ¢ ¢ o« + & EXPERIMENTAL METHODS . . . . . . . EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS . . . . . . . . Thermal-Convection Loop 21A . Thermal-Convection Loop 23 . . . . Thermal~Convection Loop 31 . . Thermal-Convection Loops 18C and 24 Forced-Circulation Loop FCL-2B . CONCLUSIONS . . . ¢ ¢ v v v v v ¢« o o & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . « . . « « + « & iii COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF POTENTIAL MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR MATERTALS IN MOLTEN FLUORIDE SALTS J. R. Keiser ABSTRACT This report summarizes the molten fluoride salt compatibility studies carried out during the period 1974—76 in support of the Molten-Salt Reactor Program. Thermal-convection and forced- circulation loops were used to measure the corrosion rate of selected alloys. Results confirmed the relationship of time, initial chromium concentration, and mass loss developed by previous workers. The corrosion rates of Hastelloy N and Hastelloy N modified by the addition of 1-3 wt % Nb were well within the acceptable range for use in an MSBR. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to summarize the corrosion studies carried out for the Molten-Salt Reactor Program during the period September 1974 through May 1976. These studies were intended to determine the corrosion resistance of potential Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor contain- ment vessel materials in molten fluoride salt. The nickel-base alloy Hastelloy N was used successfully for the containment vessel of an experimental molten-salt reactor, the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment. However, the discovery of irradiation embrittlement and grain boundary embrittlement by the fission product tellurium led to a program to develop an alloy that would be sufficiently resistant to the conditions. To ensure that any new or modified alloy would have a high resistance to corrosion by the fluoride salt, salt-metal corrosion studies were made. Materials investigated include Hastelloy N, chromium and niobium modifications of Hastelloy N, Inconel 601, and type 316 stainless steel. The stainless steel was tested in LiF-BeF,; (65-35 mole %), and the other alloys were tested in MSBR fuel salt, LiF-BeF;-ThF,-UF, (72-16-11.7-0.3 mole 7). o Previous reserachers!»? have measured the corrosion resistance of Hastelloy N and two types of stainless steel in various fluoride salt mixtures., Their work has shown a multicomponent alloy is corroded by the oxidation and removal of the least noble component. For Hastelloy N, the least noble component is chromium. Fluoride salts can oxidize chromium by reaction with impurities in the salt such as HF, NiF,, and FeF, and by reaction with constituents of the salt. Impurity reactions expected are 2HF + Cr = Cr¥-> + Hz (l) and FeFo + Cr = CrF» + Fe . (2) The salt constituent UF, can give the reaction: 2UF, + Cr = CrF, + 2UF3; . (3) If salt containing UF4 and a small amount of impurities is put into a Hastelloy N system in which the salt circulates nonisothermally, chromium will initially be removed from all parts of the system because of reaction with both impurities and UF,. The impurity reactions are expected to go to completion fairly rapidly so that they will have an effect only on the short-time corrosion results. On the other hand, since the equilibrium constant for reaction (3) is a function of tempera- ture, this reaction provides a means for the continuous transfer of 'J. W. Koger, Alloy compatibility with LiF-BeF, Salts Containing ThFy and UF, ORNL/TM-4286 (December 1972). . ’J. H. DeVan, Effect of Alloying Additions on Corrosion Behavior of Vickel-Molybdemum Alloys in Fused Fluoride Mixtures M.S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, August 1960. chromium from the hotter sections of the system to the cooler sections. The amount of chromium, AY, removed from a unit area of surface can bhe shown to be: where B is a temperature-dependent constant, 'y is the initial concentra- tion of chromium in the alloy, and I is the diffusivity of chromium in the alloy. The limiting step for this mass transfer has been shown to be the diffusion of chromium in the metal when Hastelloy N is the alloy considered. If other strong fluoride formers — such as Ti, Nb, or Al — are present in the alloy, mass transfer of these elements would be expected to occur by the same mechanism as discussed above, EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Our corrosion studies have been carried out in five thermal- convection loops and one forced-circulation locp. Figures 1 and 2 show schematic drawings of these loops. These loops circulate salt around a syvstem across which a temperature gradient is maintained. For most of these loops the temperature limits were maintained at 704 and 566°C (1300 and 1050°F), the proposed maximum and minimum temperatures for the fuel salt of an MSBR. Other important features of these loops are the removable corrosion specimens and the accesses to the salt to permit insertion of electrodes for controlled-potential voltammetry. Voltammetric measurements, which were made by members of the Analytical Chemistry Division, allowed us to make on-line determinations of the oxidation potential and corrosion product concentration of the salt. Detailed explanations of voltammetry are available elsewhere.3s" The operating conditions for each of the loops are described in Table 1. M. W. Rosenthal, P. N. Haubenreich, P. B. Briggs, Comps., 7The Development Status of Molten Salt Breeder Reactorse., ORNL-4812 (August 1972) pp. 153-57. “J. R. Keiser, J. H. DeVan, and D. L. Manning, The Corrosion Resist- ance of Type 31€ Stainless Steel to Li,BeF,, ORNL/TM-5782 (April 1977). ORNL-DWG 68-398TR3 STANDPIPE CLAMSHELL HEATERS SAMPLER VALVES — FLUSH TANK DUMP TANK Fig. 1. Schematic of Thermal-Convection Loop. Scale is 0.15 m. Height shown is 0.76 m. CRNL-DWG 70-5632R N Ry \i) FREEZE VALVE | (TYPICAL) —__ AIR CORROSION SPECIMENS (1175°F } RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO.1 THERMOCOUPLE WELL Yo-in.OD x 0.042-in. WALL BALL VALVE HASTELLOY N HEATER LUGS (TYPICAL) RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO. 2 COOLER NO.4 FLOW RATE = ~4gpm VELOCITY = ~10 fps IN Y%-in. TUBING REYNOLDS NO. = 6600 TO 14,000 SALT PU 0w i MP 1] 2 CORROSICON SPECIMENS FREEZE VALVES CORROSION COOLER NO.2 SPECIMENS v FiLL. AND DRAIN TANK 705°C (1300°F) DRAIN AND FiLL LINE (&\ s, 1/4-in.0D X 0.035-in. WALL N THERMOCOUPLE WELL Fig. 2. Schematic of Molten-Salt Forced-Convection Corrosion Loop MSR-FCL-2 b. Flow rate = 0.25 liter/sec; velocity ® 3 m/sec in 13-mm tubing; loop tubing is 13-mm OD by 1.07-mm wall; drain and f£ill line is 6.4~mm OD by 0.9-mm wall. Table 1. . Loop Loop Material 21A Hastelloy N 23 Inconel 601 31 Type 316 Stainless Steel 24 Hastelloy N i8C Hastelloy N FCL-2B Hastelloy N Loop Operating Conditions Operating oy Q Speci?en Salt Yemperature, "C Material e e e e Max Min Thermai-C- ve ! Zoun Leons Hastelloy N, MSBR /04 366 1%-Nb-mod Hastelloy N Fuel Inconel 601 MSER S04 566 Fuel Graphite MSBR 677 550 Fuel Type 316 Stainless Steel Li,BeF, 649 493 /%-Cr-mod Hastelloy N, MSBR 704 566 127-Cr-mod Hastelloy N, Fuel 3.47-Nb-mod Hastelloy N 10%2-Cr-mod Hastelloy N, MSBR 04 566 15%-Cr-mod Hastelloy N Fuel Forced-Circualation Loop Hastelloy N, MSBR 704 566 1%Z-Nb-mod Hastelloy N Fuel Analytic method development Base—-line corrosion data Measure corrosion rate ot high-Cr alloy (Inconel 601) Investigate raphite Uy Reaction Measure corrosion rate of type 316 stainless steel in potential coolant salt Investigate effect of Be addition to salt Measure corrosiun rate of modified Hastelloy N alloys Measure corrosion rate of modifled Hastelloy N alloys Base-line ceorrosion data in high-velocity salt 9 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Thermal-Convection Loop 21A Hastelloy N loop NCL 21A was the first loop to be put into operativa when the Molten-Salt Reactor Program was resumed in 1974. As such, the loop was used to obtain base-line corrosion data for Hastelloy N and to provide a test bed for voltammetry measurements of MSBR fuel salt. The voltammetry results showed that the oxidation potential as reflected by the U(IV)/U(LIL) ratio remained quite high throughout the 17.5 months of operation. In fact, with a U(IV)/U(III) ratio of about 10* loop 21A contained the most oxidizing salt of all the loop experiments. The first specimens used in this loop were made of Hastelloy N and were removed for examination about every 2500 hr. Figure 3 shows the weight change as a function of the exposure time for these specimens for up to 10,000 hr in salt. From this figure the rate of the weight change clearly decreased with time. Figure 4 shows that the change in weight varies as the square root of time, as predicted from Eq. (4). ORNL-DWG 77-3820 T 566°C i1 _-——'_Q'_-——-—- 1 /.——-—-——_-—F' l 635°C . 0 o~ E 4 ) o 4fi<\\ E N : ® Q-2 S \. ~Jo4°C \" 0 2000 4000 6000 BOOO 10,000 EXPOSURE TIME (hr) Fig. 3. Weight Change vs Exposure Time for Hastelloy N Specimens Exposed to MSBR Fuel Salt at 566, 635, and 704°C in Thermal-Convection Loop 21A. ORNL-DWG 76-4843 AM(mg/cn?) ° 0 20 40 60 80 100 4 (EXPOSURE TIME)”2 (VRp) Fig. 4. Weight Change vs Square Root of Exposure Time for Hastelloy N Specimen Exposed to MSBR Fuel Salt at 690°C in Thermal- Convection Loop 21A. Specimens that had been exposed for 7500 hr in the hottest and coldest parts of the loop were examined metallographically. As is evident in Fig. 5 the pitting on the higher temperature specimen was limited to about 5 um, indicating that the effect of the salt was relatively mild. Following the 10,000-~hr exposure of standard Hastelloy N, loop 21A was used to test specimens of 1Z-Nb-modified Hastelloy N (experimental heat 522). Only a short exposure was achieved with these specimens before a power supply malfunction terminated the experiment, but the short-time corrosion results (Table 2) compare very favorably with results for standard Hastelloy N. B Y-134311 = *t Fig. 5. Hastelloy N Exposed to MSBR Fuel Salt for 7500 hr at (a) 704 and (b) 566°C. 500x. Table 2. Hastelloy N Corrosion Rate Measurements from Loop 21A Corrosion Rate, mg cmleyear‘l, at Each Total - Exposure Temperature Alloy Exposure . uXxposu npe X "(hr) 566°C 635°C ,'_704°c - ~ Standard 10,009 +1.17 +0.39 —3.09 - 1Z Nb Modified 1,004 0.0 —0.25 © =3.30 e e i iy 10 Théfm&léConvection'Loqp 23 The observation that the high-chromium alloy Inconel 601 (23 wt Z Cr) resisted intergranular attack by tellurium led to the construction of a thermalfconvection loop to determine how severe the corrosion by MSBR fuel salt would be. After the new lobp was filled with salt, voltammetric techniQues were used to follow the change in the U(IV)/U(III) ratio as an indication of the extent of the initial reaction between chromium and.UFu. The U(IV)/U(III) ratio decreased very rapidly, dropping to about 40 within a fefirdays; meaning that considerable reaction was probably occurring betweeh the salt and this Inconel 601 loop. Inconel 601 specimens exposed 721 hr all showed a weight loss, and that shown bythe,hOttthképe¢ipen-was‘véiy iarge_(>30 mg cm~ > year~').. Furthermore, the material lost by the hottest specimens was not removed umiformly from the surface, but resulted in the formation of the porous surféce structure shown in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 7; electron microprobe examination of this specimen showed high thorium concentration in the pores. Since the only known source of thorium.was the ThFy contained in the salt, the salt likely penetrated the pores. Continuous line scans made with the microprobe for the elements Ni, Cr, and Th, shown in Fig. 8, clearly show the depletion of chromium near the surface. These results provide further evidence of the presence of thorium in the pores. Diffusion calculations provide another piece of evidence indicating that salt must have penetrated the pores. Based on the bulk chromium concentration of 23 wt %, microprobe measurements® determined a chromium concentration of 6.6 wt Z at the surface of the specimen in Fig. 6. From these concentra- tions, a depletion depth of 80 yum taken from Fig. 8, and diffusion values taken from Evans, Koger, and DeVan,® we calculate that the exposure time wofild have to be néarly 1000 times greater to attain this concentration profile as a result of bulk diffusion alone at 704°C. To obtain this SR. S. Crouse, ORNL, Private Communication, July 1975. , SR. B. Evans III, J. W. Koger, and J. H. DeVan, Corrosion in Polyt@ermal Loop Systems II. A Solid State Diffusion Mechanism With and Without Liquid Film Effects, ORNL-4575, Vol. 2 (June 1971). 11 500x%, at 704°C. Incone1 601 Exposed to MSBR Fuel Salt for 721 hr 6._ Fig. Y-131294 Bac’ksCaflér‘ed_ Electrons Xays Electron-Beam Scanning Images of Inconel 601 Exposed to MSER 720 hr ThMe Fig at 704°C. ~ - 7 Salts for =y i ' ' t : 12 ORNL-DWG 77-3819 NN sl N4 T » NORMALIZED CONCENTRATION Th L/ P2 e R 0 20 40 €0 80 DEPTH FROM SURFACE (um) Fig. 8. Microprobe Continuous Line Scan Across Corroded Area in Inconel 601 Exposed to MSBR Salt for 720 hr at 704°C. profile with an exposure time of 721 hr the exposure temperature would have to be about 1000°C, nearly 300°C higher than it was. Thus, to establish the gradient that was observed, salt was most likely present in the pores to provide a short—circuit'path for removal of the chromium. Examination of a specimen from the coldest part of the loop revealed surface deposits,'shown in Fig. 9, which were identified by microprobe analysis as chromium. The conclusion from this test is that Ihconé1'601 would be unsuitable for use in a molten-salt breeder reactor. Fig. 9. Inconel 601 Exposed to MSBR Fuel Salt for 721 hr at 570°C. 500x, 13 It is expected that the lower limit for the U(IV)/U(III) ratio in an MSBR will be determined by the conditions under which the reaction 4UF3 + 2C = 3UF, + UC; (5) proceeds to the right. Because the U(IV)/U(III) ratio of the salt in loop 23 had decreased to less than 6, we decided to try to reproduce the results of Toth and Gilpatrick,7 shown in Fig. 10, which predict that UC, should be stable at the lowest temperatures that could be maintained in this loop, 545-550°C. However, graphite specimens ex- posed to the salt for 530 hr did not show any evidence of UC,. Since the specimens used were made of pyrolytic graphite, the high density of the material likely limited contact of the salt and graphite. The exper- iment was repeated by exposing a less dense graphite for 530 hr, L. M. Toth and L. O. Gilpatrick, The Equilibrium of Dilute UFj Solutions Contained in Graphite, ORNL/TM-4056 (December 1972). ORNL-DWG 7212321 TEMPERATURE {*C) 500 550 600 650 700 . / i/ 3 /I & ///i ] o o ] o o o N i H - N N 1 O [¥7] log,y @ R=UFy /{UFy + UF,) \d N /T 130 125 420 445 110 105 100 1000/ (ok) Fig. 10. Equilibrium Quotients, & = (UFa)H/(UFu)a, Versus Temperature for UC, + 3UFq(d = 4UF3(q) + 2C in the Solvent LiF-BeF,-ThFy, (72-16-12 mole Z;. 14 then checking the graphite surface for the presence of a new phase by x-ray diffraction. A new phase was found, and it was tentatively identi- fied by 0. B. Cavin as UO;. If indeed this compound was U0, it probably resulted from a uranium fluoride-water reaction, but it could have come from the hydrolysis of UC, that had been formed by reaction (5). On the basis of information from L. M. Toth® that nucleation of UC, under our operating conditions could be very slow, a longer exposure was undertaken. Two specimens of the less dense graphite were exposed for about 3000 hr at a minimum temperature of 555°C in salt in which the U(IV)U/(III) ratio had dropped to about 4. However, x-ray analysis of these specimens showed no evidence of a phase other than the salt and graphite. No further investigations were carried out because of the termination of the program. Thermal-Convection Loop 31 Thermal-convection loop 31 is constructed of type 316 stainless steel, has type 316 stainless steel specimens, and has been used for corrosion measurements with one of the altermnative coolant salts, LiF-BeF: (66=34 mole %). For the first 1000 hr of operation this loop was used to gather base-line corrosion data with as-received salt, which contained a relatively high concentration of impurity FeF;. As shown in Fig. 11, fairly significant weight changes occurred in the specimens, especially during the first 500 hr. Metallographic examination of specimens from the hottest and coldest positions showed, respectively, pitting and deposition, as is apparent in Fig. 12. Electron microprobe examination of the deposits indicated they were predominately iron, and we expect that the deposition occurred as a result of reaction (2). Bulk salt analyses and voltammetric measurement of the FeF, and CrF, concentrations of the salt during the first 1000 hr support this idea. To learn if addition of a reductant to the salt would decrease the impurity level and consequently lower the corrosion rate, beryllium was added to the salt. New specimens were then inserted, and the corrosion rate was measured for stainless steel in this "'reducing' salt. As long ®L. M. Toth, private communication. 15 Y-137150 ORNL-DWG 76-3496 q_—_ & AS RECEIVED" SALT X AFTER BE ADDITION —_..u._“__—q-—__-—_— § % C i | 3.0 q < (bw) IONVHI LHOITM 11 Fig. Weight Change vs Exposure Time for Type 316 Stainless Steel Exposed to LiF-BeF,. ) o ) ~F o T » Type 316 Stainless Steel Exposed to LiF-BeF, for 1000 hr 500x. at (a) 650 and (b) 510°C. Fig. 12, 16 as the beryllium rod was in the salt, the corrosion rate was extremely low. This is shown in Fig. 11 for the first 500 hr after the addition of beryllium. After removal of the beryllium, the specimen in the hottest position showed a pattern of increasing weight loss as a function of time. This most probably occurred because, once the source of beryllium was removed, the species in the salt were no longer in equilibrium and the salt became progressively more oxidizing with increasing time, especially as moisture would leak into the system. Weight change results for specimens exposed to the "reducing" salt are also shown in Fig. 11. Thermal-Convection Loops 18C and 24 Hastelloy N loops 18C and 24 were used to determine the effect of chromium concentration on the corrosion rate of Hastelloy N. Alloys such as stainless steels and Inconels with a relatively high chromium content had shown a resistance to grain boundary attack by tellurium that seemed to be roughly proportional to chromium composition. However, increasing the chromium content is, according to Eq. (4), expected to increase the corrosion that will occur because of mass transfer, From these tests and tellurium exposure tests we hoped to learn if there is an optimum chromium concentration. Specimens were fabricated from modified Hastelloy N alloys containing 7, 10, and 12% Cr. Each set of specimens was exposed in one of the loops for a total of 1000 hr, with weight change measured after 500 and 1000 hr. Within experimental error the weight change results (Fig. 13) show the dependence on initial chromium concentration that would be expected according to Eq. (4). Following completion of the studies with the chromium-modified alloys, loop 24 was used to measure the corrosion rate of 3.4%-Nb-modified Hastelloy N. Results indicate a maximum corrosion rate of less than 2.20 mg cm—? year™! for a 1500-hr exposure. 17 ORNL-DWG 76-7233 03 =~ } E | s / e | : 0.2} g r / < ST / 5 | / W * o1} / i A : [/ o;llllgll_lll'lj; 0 3 6 9 12 15 CHROMIUM CONCENTRATION (wt %) Fig. 13. Effect of Chromium Concentration in Modified Hastelloy N on Weight Change After 1000 hr in MSBR Fuel Salt. Forced-Circulation Loop FCL-2B Forced-circulation loop FCL-2B was used initially for fuel salt chemistry investigations. The first fuel salt corrosion investigations were made with standard Hastelloy N in salt with a U(IV)/U(III) ratio of about 100. Thus, the most significant differences between this loop and thermal-~convection loop 21A were the oxidation potential of the salt [Vv10% vs V10" in terms of U(IV)/U(III) ratio] and the velocity of the salt 2.55 m/sec vs 1 m/min). If Eq. (4) and the ideas that led to its development are correct, we would expect that (1) the only effect of the low U(IV)/U(III) ratio in FCL-2B would probably be a reduction in the initial corrosion compared with NCL 21A, and (2) the high salt velocity would have no effect on mass transfer of chromium since the limiting factor is the diffusion of chromium to the surface of the alloy, not transfer of the chromium from the hot to the cold parts of the system. The results of this study, shown in Table 3, indicate a very low corrosion rate for the 4000-hr exposure. This test was interrupted several times for repairs on the loop and for heat transfer measurements, but that did not seem to have a detrimental effect on the results. 18 A 4000-hr corrosion test of Hastelloy N in fuel salt with a U(IV)/U(III) ratio of 1000 was planned. Because of the decision to terminate the Molten-Salt Reactor Program, we decided the remaining operating time for this loop could be best spent measuring the corrosion rate of 1/Z-Nb-modified Hastelloy N, an alloy that had shown good resistance to tellurium attack. Accordinglv, a set of such specimens was prepared and inserted into the loop. Because of loop cperating difficulties some of the weight changes measured after 500 and 1000 hr were of questionable value. Measurements made after 1500~ and 2200-hr exposure were of good quality and are summarized in Table 3 along with some of the 500- and 1000-hr results. Included in this table for comparison are the results for the standa~d Hastelloy N specimens exposed for 4309 hr in this same salt and loop. It should be noted that the niobium-modified specimens gained more weight than they lost. This is most probably due to mass transfer of iron from the standard Hastellowv X tubing, which contains about 5 wt % Fe, to the modified alloy, which has essentially no iron. Taking into account the value at which the corrosion rate of the modified Hastelloy N seems to be leveling out, we expect that the corrosion resis- tance of the 1Z-Nb-modified Hastelloy N is at least as good as that of standard Hastelloy N. Table 3. Corrosion Rate Measurement for Hastelloy N Specimens Exposed in FCL-2B 1 Corrosion Rate, mg cm™? year~ ", at Each Exposure Temperature Alloy Exposure 566°C 635°C 704°C Standard 4309 hr +0.02 —0.20 —2.31 1%7-Nb-Modified first 580 hr —0.52 next 497 hr —0.31 next 496 hr +1.69 +2.31 —0.38 next 669 hr —0.46 +(.91 —0.28 19 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions can be drawn from this work. 1. Voltammetry provides a very convenient means for on-line measurement of the oxidation potential and impurity concentration of the salt. 2. Inconel 601 would probably not have sufficient corrosion resistance to be acceptable for use as a containment vessel material. 3. No evidence of the formation of uranium carbide was found in studies of the reaction of graphite with very reducing salt. 4., Weight loss of Hastelloy N specimens occurred as a linear function of the square root of the exposure time indicating diffusion- controlled corrosion. 5. Type 316 stainless steel has a high initial corrosion rate in as-received Li;BeF,, but has a very low corrosion rate when beryllium is added to the salt. 6. Alloys of Hastelloy N modified by the addition of chromium showed weight losses proportional to the chromium concentration. 7. Limited results indicate that the corrosion rates of 1- and 3.4%-Nb-modified Hastelloy N are at least as good as that of standard Hastelloy N. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the following persons; for their contributions; E. J. Lawrence for operation of the thermal- convection loops, W. R. Huntley and H. E. Robertson for operation of the forced-circulation loop, H. E. McCoy, J. R. DiStefano, and J. H. DeVan for their advice and helpful discussions, and S. Peterson for editing and Gail Golliher for preparing the manuscript. 37—39. 41-50. 79-80. 81—82. 83—196. INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Central Research Library Document Reference Section 21 Laboratory Records Department Laboratory Records, ORNL RC ORNL Patent Office . F. Baes . E. Bamberger S. Bettis . R. Brinkman . Brynestad . A. Canonico . Cantor Cavin Clausing Crowley Culler Cunningham DeVan DiStefano Donnelly Engel . Ferris Goodwin Grimes Guymon Hightower, Jr. Hill Huntley Keiser gggmwznbuwuuqmuwomugomno PR PPERRERRARERCCEE EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. ORNL/TM-5783 Distribution Category UC-76 A. D. Kelmers R, E. MacPherson . Mamantov . L. Manning . L. Matthews . Maya E. McCoy J. McHargue E. McNeese Postma Roche Rosenthal Savage Selle Silverman Slaughter Smith . Toth Trauger Weir, Jr. White Young Balluffi (consultant) Brister (consultant) Hibbard, Jr. (consultant) Palmour III (consultant) Promisel (consultant) Stein (consultant) * ?-93:§§q§n:214 OO REUrpwREEUmOSR * URESHYSO0 G i M S D ERDA OAK RIDGE OPERATIONS OFFICE, P. 0. Box E, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Director, Reactor Diyision Research and Technical Support Division ERDA DIVISION OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION, Washington, DC 20545 Director ERDA TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER, Office of Information Services, P. 0. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 For distribution as shown in TID-4500 Distribution Category, UC-76 (Molten Salt Reactor Technology). 7 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-748-189/54