G?1-S¥%¥ * ORNL/TM-5540 OPNL/Tm -- 55 System Design Description of Forced-Convection Molten-Salt Corrosion Loops MSR-FCL-3 and MSR-FCL-4 untley W.R. H M. D. Silverman MASTER Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Price: Printed Copy $5.50; Microfiche $2.25 T This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the Energy Research and Development Administration/United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for ~ the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, spparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. im %) ,"} ‘_;/“ ) ORNL/TM-5540 Dist. Category UC-76 Contract No. W-7504-eng-26 Engineering Technology Division SYSTEM DESIGN DESCRIPTION OF FORCED-CONVECTION MOLTEN-SALT CORROSION LOOPS MSR-FCL-3 AND MSR-FCL-4 W. R. Huntley M. D. Silverman Date Published: November 1976 This report mICE .. Wis pre| A% an sccount . sponsored by the United States Gom:umm?fN;t;: the United States nor the United States Energy ch and Development Administration, nor any of their employees, nor a0y of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal _ ] Uisbility or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness . :o l::’fnlneu ofdlny information, apparatus, product or { disclosed, or represents i infringe privately oum;p rights. fhat 18 13 would not Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Ozk Ridge, Tennessee 37830 | operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 1S UNLIM!T? \ oy iii CONTENTS PREFACE ..._‘.........‘.I....l....I...-..'O...Ol..l.'l............. ABSTRACT .D.........,.l....t....ll.IlO....l‘.-..........l.......l... 1. 2, 3. ;‘; - - '4. | 5, INTRODUCTION ccceccecovvooscccsasosacannsssssssscnannsnssssons FUNCTIONS AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ..ccevccccecncnssvsascccnns 2.1 Functional Requirements tevesesssssesesesacsrsesasesnses 2.2 Design Requirements c.ceevesssesscessasssssasssasssanses 2.2.1 Structural requirements ..ccccevesasvccccsrcsces 2.2.2 Instrumentation and control requirements ....... 2,2.3 Quality ASSUYANCE eecvccsscssassnsssssssassansse 2.2.4 Codes and standards — mechanical and electrical ..cceeccencasscnscccecssssarsscocnea DESIGN DESCRIPTION ............'..‘.I..II.........".......... 3.1 Detailed Systems ® & eSO O &P e L eSS R TSP PSS eSS 3.2 Component Design Description .s.eeececcececscsscnscnses - 3.2.1 Salt pump and lubrication SyStem ...ccceeeveceec. 3.2.2 Auxiliary tank .eceesccecssncececssancssssccncns 3.2.3 Piping SYStem ..evesecencsserassescascssseasasans 3.2.4 Corrosion specimens ...ceceececescccasecsencoocns 3.2.5 Fill-and~drain tank ....ceeceesseescccssancanses 3.2.6 Salt co0lers ....eeotecccsscscscseassssscscssascnas 3.2.7 Main heaters .uieeeeeneessesscscssssssseassnnsonse 3.2.8 Auxiliary heaters ccvecececscssocescancsrsescnns 3.2.9 Hellum cover~gas SYSLEM c.ccceeccosccsasssscsaans 3.3 Electrical Systems ® B B & 0 & 0 0P 60 & PEH O PO BB O NSO RSP eSS 3.4 Instrumentation and Controls ..ceeessecccccscccsnnssssas Temperature measurement and control c..cecevcaes Pressure measurement and control ....ceeeececans Pump speed measurement and control .....cccccnaea Power measurements ...cccccescssscssssosnssrsccncs - Thermal conductivity measurement ...eeeeescccess Digital data system (DexXtir) ...ececvesvecccnans Block diagram ceeeesvessasesvrecsssssccscensansae Instrument application diagram ....ccconavecneee Molten-salt level measurementsS ..ceesesscscccsses 0 Molten-salt flow measurement cecseeccecccecaccas |1 Control Panels .s.ceceesseccesescescascsnoccosens SYSTEM LIMITATIONS, SET POINTS, AND PRECAUTIONS .......oce... OPERATION ...........'........................'..7....‘...‘..'.. 5.1 1Initial Salt Filling of the Fill-and-Drain Tank ........ wwuwuuuuuuw * bbkbbb#bbbb » l—'l—'\Dm\lO\UIJ-\UJNH F iy 1) EERW W NN - d iv 5.2 Filling the Loop with Salt ...é.........'...........'... 5.3 Bringing the Loop to Design Conditions ..eevevecceossnss 6. MAINTENANCE ... 6.1 Maintenance Philosophy .i.evecececcerscnccnsnsocese ceeense 6.2 Normal Maintenance Requirements ..c.cecsscescsscsas ceeee ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .ccvecccaes sessessscssonss cesvevescsssracescraans REFERENCES «evveeeeencensasannnas e eeteriesecectestesaesranas R APPENDIX A. ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL-3) .ceeceecssccaces APPENDIX B. INSTRUMENT DRAWING LIST (MSRrFCL—3)‘Q............;.{ APPENDIX C. MECHANICAL DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL=3) cecevecacncosnns APPENDIX D. ALPHA PUMP DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL-3 AND -4) ..... ceus APPENDIX E. INSTRUMENT LIST FOR FCL-3 OR =4 ..cceencseccnasnsans WELDING OF APPENDIX F. 270 Ti—MODIFIED HASTELLOY N s e s e s 00 00PN ‘ 55 56 56 56 57 59 59 61 63 67 71 73 93 ) -} PREFACE This report presents the System Design Description of molten-salt corrosion loops MSR-FCL-3 and MSR-FCL-4, which are high-temperature test facilities designed to evaluate corrosion and mass transfer of modified Hastelloy N alloys for use in molten-salt breeder reactors. These loops were in the advanced stages of assembly when construction was halted due to termination of the Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Program. The MSR-FCL-3 is essentially complete except for installation of piping system compo- nents, and the MSR-FCL-4 is about 60% complete. The design features are documented here for the benefit of those who may want to use the facilities for similar experimentation. The facilities are available for use on other programs as appropriate. - SYSTEM DESIGN DESCRIPTION OF FORCED-CONVECTION MOLTEN-SALT CORROSION LOOPS MSR-FCL-3 AND MSR-FCL-4 W. R. Huntley M. D. Silverman .ABSTRACT Molten-salt corrosion loops MSR-FCL-3 and MSR-FCL-4 are high-temperature test facilities designed to evaluate corrosion and mass transfer of modified Hastelloy N alloys for future use in Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors. Salt is circulated by a cen- trifugal sump pump to evaluate material compatibility with LiF- BeF,-ThF,-UF, fuel salt at velocities up to 6 m/s (20 fps) and at salt temperatures from 566 to 705°C (1050 to 1300°F). This report presents the design description of the various components and systems that make up each corrosion facility, - such as the salt pump, corrosion specimens, salt piping, main heaters, salt coolers, salt _sampling equipment, and helium cover- gas system, etc. The electrical systems and instrumentation and controls are described, and operational procedures, system limi- tations, and maintenance philosophy are discussed. Key words: molten salt, test facility, MSBR, corrosion, mass transfer, systems design description, forced convection, LiF~-BeF~-ThF,~UF,, fuel salt, high temperature, centrifugal pump. 1. INTRODUCTION Molten-salt corrosion loops MSR-FCL-3 and -4 were plahned as part of the effort to develop a suitable metal alloy for the piping and components of future Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors (MSBRs). The corrosion 1oop design ~ was based on the design of similar experiments that have been conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) .13 Construction of the loops was not completed due to termination of the_ | MSBR program at ORNL; however, the two "identical 100ps were in advanced states of assembly when work was halted with FCL—B about 904 complete and FCL-4 about 60% complete. ‘ 'This design report has been prepared to document design features in case the facilities are reactivated for some similar use and also to provide design information for anyone initiating future forced-convection corrosion studies with molten salts. Since corrosion loops FCL-3 and -4 were identical, much of the descriptive material included in this report refers to only one loop, FCL-3, to avoid needless repetition. 2. FUNCTIONS AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Functional Requirements - Corrosion loops FCL-3 and -4 were desighed as part of the program to develop”a structural containment matérial-for the primary circuit of MSBRs. The primary salt circuit of a molten-salt reactor contains fission products, including'tellufiUm, which have been shown_tb cause intergranular attack of standard Hastelloy N alloy. These test facilities are designed to permit evaluation of corrosion of modifi_ed Hastelloy N alloys with salt containing tellurium at typical MSBR temperature gradients and salt velocities. The equipment is designed for reliable operation over pefiods of several years to evaluate modified alloys containing titanium and niobium additions ini- tially and to demonstrate adequate corrosion resistance of reference alloys for typical reactor lifetimes. The capability for frequent inspection of removable metal corrosion specimens is provided by a unique system of salt freeze valves goupled with vertically oriented specimen-removal stations at three locations in the piping system. Based on past experience, we anticipate specimen re- moval at 500-hr increments initially and at 1000-hr increments during pro- longed test runs. Salt samples are taken from the loop about two to four times per month during routine operation. The sampling is done at the aux- iliary pump tank, where salt samples are removed in a small copper dip sam- pler via ball valves on a vertical riser pipe. The salt samples are re- moved in an air lock and analyzed elsewhere. On-line salt chemistry monitoring is accomplished by insertion of an electrochemical probe through another riser on the auxiliary tank. The electrochemical probe monitors the U”+/U3+ ratio in the salt and provides an extremely sensitive,methqd for detecting changes in oxidation potential of the salt.' We anticipate measuring this ratio several times per week. wy ) - The corrosion loops are designed for reliable long-term service and for unattended operatioh on nights and weekends, A diesel-driven motor- generétor (M-G) set provides emergency electrical power in the event of normal power interruption. Automatic protective features will "scram" the loop to place it in a safe standby condition if abnormal conditions occur. In the event of an alarm action during unattended operation, an alarm is sounded at the Plant Shift Supervisor,(PSS) office, which is manned 24 hr/ day. If time permits, the PSS will investigate the alarm at the facility; but in any case, a designated list of people will be telephoned until some- one familiar withthe_faciiity is alerted that trouble has occurred. The salt piping system is built to rgcognized standards of design, materials, and construction, but additional safety is provided by a metal shield encloéure td lessen operator hazard in the event of pipe rupture or compbnent failure.‘- ‘ o _ | The corrosion loops were placed in Building 9201-3, Y-12 Area, because experimental space and utility services were available there. Equipment on hand at no cost to this project included a helium-purification system, emergency diesel-generator, electrical power supplies, electric bus bars, overhead crane, compressed air, etc. 2.2 Design Requirements 2.2,1 Structural requirements - All parts of the system that are exposed to high-velocity salt are made of 27 Ti-modified Hastelloy N. Other parts of the system that are exposed to.salt, such as the fill-and-drain tank, are made of standard Hastelloy N, Some pressure-containing parts that are not exposed to flow- ing salt are made of stainless steel; these stainless steel parts are used only at sealing members, such as liqfiid-level-probe penetrations and ball | valves, in the inert-gas space above the salt liquid level and are gener- ally at the end of vertical pipe extensions where temperatures are rela- -tively low. Pressures in the system range up to a maximum of 2.0 MPa (290 psia) at the pump discharge. The pressure drops slightly to 1.9 MPa (270 psia) at the point of entry into heater 1, where the design metal temperature is 670°C (1240°F). The maximum temperature to which pressure-containing metal in the system is exposed is 793°C (1450°F) at the outlet of heater 2, where the pressure is 1.3 MPa (185 psia). 2.2,2 Instrumentation and control requirements The instrumentation and control systems installed in the FCL-3 and ~4 facilities are designed to maintain all system parameters within safe and acceptable ranges during both attended and unattended operation énd to place the facility in a standby condition in the event of certain ab- normal conditions, such as loss of electrical power, low helium system pressure, low pump coolant-oil flow, low pump speed, high main-heater tem- perature, low cooler temperature, or high temperature on the freeze valves ~ of the specimen-removal stations, In addition to the automatic safety actions, a number of additional alarm circuits are provided to alert the operator during attended operétion (or the PSS during unattended operation) when certain parameters are out- side prescribed limits. The alarms are both audible and visual. | Key parameters are measured and recorded either on strip-chart analog recorders or on a digital data-acquisition system (Dextir). Less important parameters are measured and indicated on appropriate instruments from which they may be logged by the operator as required. Sufficient documentation is provided by drawings, calibration sheets, operating instructions, etc., to insure that the data are sufficient in both scope and quality to accomplish the objective of the experiment. 2.2.3 Quality assurance Design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of the molten-salt sys- tem are performed in accordance with Quality Level III requirements, as defined in ORNL Quality Assurance Procedure QA-L-1-102, "Guide for the Selection of Quality Levels," and the requirements of Reactor Division Engineering Document No. Q-11628-RB-001-S-0, "Quality Assurance Program Index for Molten-Salt Corrosion Loop MSR~FCL-3," - -p The loop drawings specify standard Hastelloy N tubing, bar, etc., to be manufactured in accordance with Reactor Development Technology (RDT) . standards of the Energy Research and Development Administration. However, such material was not available due to the limited quantities of Hastelloy N used at ORNL, and it was necessary to substitute material conforming to internal ORNL material standards. The ORNL material standards satisfy the significant quality provisions of the RDT standards. RDT standards were not specified on the drawings for the 2% Ti- modified Hastelloy N alloy shapes, because this was a new alloy that was being procured in small lots and procurement to RDT standards was not prac- tical. Therefore, the 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N plate, bar, and tubing were purchased to applicable ASTM standards for standard Héstelloy N. Welding procedures for 27 Ti-modified Hastelloy were not specified on the drawings because such procedures were not known at the time the drawings were issued. Howefier, procedures were later developed (see Appen- dix F), and it was found that existing procedures for welding standard Hastelloy N were applicable to 2% Ti~modified Hastelloy N. Therefore, welds involving the modified alloy were done according to ORNL weld speci- fications WPS-1402 and WPS5-2604. | 2,2.4 Codes and standards — mechanical and electrical Mechanical. Pressure vessels in the system ére designed according to the rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 1974, "Pressure Vesséls," and addenda thereto. Piping is designed in accordance with rules of ANSI Standard B31.1~1973, "Power Piping," and addenda thereto. o B Prior t0‘1974, design and construction of Hastelloy N vessels, per Section VIII of the Code, were performed under the provisions of Code Case 1315, During 1974 this case was annulled, and'these_provisidns were in~ cluded in the basic code in the form of addenda to the Code. Allowable stfésses fot'Hastéliby, referred to‘in'the-Code'as‘alloy "N" with a nominal ¢ompositibniof Ni-Mo-Cr-Fe, are now given'in the Code without change from their previous values in Case 1315. | Electrical. The electrical materials, workmanship, and completed installation comply with the following codes and standards: National Electric Code, National Electric Manufacturers Association, American National Standards Institute, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engi- neers, and Underwriters' Laboratories; Inc. Also specific details for the installation of the heater elements are given in an internal Union Carbide Corporation Engineering Standard ES2.1-1, "Installation Specification — Ceramic and Tubular-Type Heaters," and inter— nal Checkout Procedure QA-10596-RB-008-5-0. 3. DESIGN DESCRIPTION 3.1 Detailed Systems The physical arrangement of mechanical components and piping is shown in the simplified drawing of Fig. 1, and the test fécility is shown sche- matically in Fig. 2. A centrifugal sump pump is located at the high point of the facility. Liquid salt volume changes due to temperature cycling are accommodated within the auxiliary pump tank and pump bowl. The salt is discharged from the pump at a flow rate of ~2.5 X 10™* m3/s (4 gpm) and flows through a piping system fabricated of 12.7-mm~0D X 1.07-mm-wall (1/2-in.-0D X 0,042-in.-wall) tubing. The pump discharges into resistance heater 1, where the salt temperature is increased from 566 to 635°C. The salt then flows past the corrosion specimens of metallurgical station 2 (MET 2) and is heated further to 705°C as it passes through resistance- heated section 2. The salt passes vertically through corrosion stafiion MET 3 and enters the two air-cooled finned heat exchangers, where the salt temperature is reduced to 566°C before it flows past the corrosion speci- mens at station MET 1. This arrangement allows metallurgical specimens to be exposed to salt at the high, intermediate, and low bulk fluid sélt tem peratures of the loop. The corrosion specimens are mounted on holders that can be removed vertically for frequent examination via salt freeze valves and ball valves, as described in detail elsewhere. The corrosioh stations are designed so that specimens may be removed without draining the molten salt from the facility. Therefore, the specimen stations are verticaliy oriented and the freeze valves are located at the same verticai elevation as the free liquid surface in the pump and pump auxiliary tank, This ) ORNL-DWG 70-5632R2 \\ FREEZE VALVE (Typical) —__ ]| AIR CORROSION SPECIMENS (MET NO.2) HEATER LUGS (TYPICAL) ' ' 635°C RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO.{ AUXlLIARY TANK / BALL VALVE ALPHA SALT PUMP ) F \ ; / 566°C N “ 2~ RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO, 2 g = '~ {1050°F) P %-in. OD x 0.042-in. WALL HASTELLOY N FLOW RATE = ~4 gpm 3 VELOCITY = ~10 fps IN Yp-in. TUBING i REYNOLDS NO. = 6600 TO 14,000 COOLER NO.2 i [ =~ FREEZE VALVES CORROSION ¥ CORROSION SPECIMENS SPECIMENS (MET NO.3)-—] (MET NO.1) : FILL AND DRAIN TANK 705°C i (1300°F) —=F i DRAIN AND FILL LINE 3/5-in.00 X 0035-in, WALL (TYPICAL) Fig. 1. Isometric drawing of Molten-Salt Forced Convection Corro- sion Loop MSR-FCL-3 (1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 gpm = 3.785 liters/min; 1 fps = 0.305 m/s). . configuration results in a piping system with three low points, and a cor- respondihg,ndfiber_of fill-and-drain lines are required. Freeze valves are used in the fill—and—drain lines, sifice{they provide dependable zero- ~ leakage shutoff atrreasonable'cost, The_fill-and—drain lines are fabri- cated of standard Hastelloy N tubing of 9.5 mm OD X 0.9 mm wall (3/8 in. 0D X 0,035 in. wail) and attach to a common dip tube in the fill-and-drain _tank;‘ The fill—and—drain tank is located at the lowest point of the sys-- tem to allow gravity drainage._ Corrosion loops FCL-3 and -4 are designed to operate with the MSBR reference fuel salt mixture LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (72-16-11,7-0,3 mole %). ORNL-DWG 70-~-5630R3 SALT SAMPLE LINE HEATER LUGS FREEZE VALVE AUXILIARY (TYPICAL) gflggél,.bgfieh%mz_ AIR TANK\ * ) - RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO., 1 635°C (175°F ) FREEZE AIR VALVE 566°C (1050°F) - ALPHA SALT PUMP METALLURGICAL SPECIMEN NO.1 566°C (1050°F ) Y% in. ODx 0.042-in- WALL HASTELLOY N TUBE—a] FREEZE VALVE METALLURGICAL FINNED SPECIMEN NO.3 \ COOLER VELOCITY ~10 fps FLOW ~ 4 gpm-—_ 705°C (1300°F ) —_| | _ L—1@,31.0%:&'5 {2) \ [~ RESISTANCE HEATED SECTION NO.?2 . ) —J FINNED COOLER NO. 1 / Fig. 2. Simplified schematic drawing of Molten-Salt Corrosion Loop MSR-FCL-3 (1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 gpm = 3.785 liters/min; 1 fps = 0.305 m/s). The thermophysical propertiess—7 of the salt mixture are shown in Table 1. The salt is quite viscous and dense; for example, at the minimum loop tem— perature of 566°C the viscosity is 0.0144 Paes (35 1b ft—1 hr=!) and the density is 3.3 g/cm3 (207 1b/ft3)., At design temperature and design flow rate of 2.5 X 10~% m3/s (4 gpm), the calculated loop pressure drop is 1.9 MPa (270 psi). This pressure loss can be matched by operating the ALPHA centrifugal salt pump at about 5000 rpm. | A temperature profile of the loop was calculated and is shown graphi- cally in Fig., 3. The symbols at the top of the figure indicate the compo- nents through which the salt flows, starting at the pump, passing through heaters 1 and 2, coolers 1 and 2, and returning to the pump suction. The solid heavy line represents the bulk fluid temperature as it ranges over the MSBR reference design conditions of 566 to 705°C. The inner wall tem- peratures, shown by the finely dashed line, vary greatly from the bulk salt & ] - Table 1. Thermophysical property data for molten-salt mixture LiF-BeF,;~ThF,-UF, (72-16-11.7-0.3 mole %) Parameter Value 7 ) Uncertainty (%) Ref, Visébsity, u 1b ft-1 hr-l . 0.264 exp (7370/T) (°R) ) 10 6 Pa.s 1.09 x 10~ exp (4090/T) (K) 10 6 Thermal conductivity,2 k Btu hr~! ft=1 (°F)-1 0.71 15 7 Wml (-1 1.23 15 7 Denéity; p 1b/£t3 | 228.7 — 0.0205T (°F) 1 6 g/em® o 3.665 — 5,91 X 10~* T (°C) | 1 6 ~ Specific heat, Cp Btu 1b=! (°F)-1 0.324 4 5 - J kg™l ()1 | 1357 4 5 Liquidns témperature | °p - i 932 S‘C 5 °c - 500 5°C 5 8Estimated from values given in Ref. 7 for analogous salts. 10 ORNL-DWG 7616633 | 11 | | COOLER 1 11 COOLER 2 | RETURN PUMP IHEATERI' I ' (W) — | (W) HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH( 1O fi{rl | I~ | i | i1 | PUMP | I | | | @ REMOVABLE SPECIMENS | | | BULK SALT TEMPERATURE I ' . INNER WALL TEMPERATURE I | ; I | | | | = e OUTER WALL TEMPERATURE 1500 | ; : ; ' ! ! : I | | 1400 | b ,,tfiflq ] | | 1 - ! A 7 t | i 4 - | | ] £ A 4 = 2 | | S 1200 F: L | }; \‘~i\\ : ; — = , e}’ e < ] NI~ N~ | o 1 / | - - 1 b w 1100 — I ' ] N~~~ I L —~— 2 ’ ' l NI RS- ] & 1000 [— I 4 ~= St : | Pl 1 "---:' 200 | | 1 i L1 I | | I {1 I I 800 | 1 {1 1 | | 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 LENGTH (ft) Fig. 3. Temperature profile of Molten~Salt Forced Convection Corro- sion Loop, MSR-FCL-3, at design operating counditions (1 ft = 0.305 m). temperature due to the large temperatufe drop across the fluid film at the pipe surface. The film drop and AT across the Ti-modified Hastelloy N tube wall result in outer wall temperatures ranging from 793°C at the outlet of heater 2 to 504°C at the outlet of cooler 2, The amount of air cooling at cooler 2 is intentionally less than that at cooler 1 so as to keep the inner wall temperature of cooler 2 just above the salt liquidus temperature. At design conditions, the inner wall temperature at this point is 521°C, which is about 21°C above the liquidus temperature of the salt, Table 2 is a summary of engineering design data for FCL-3 and -4. The general status of loop construction at the time the project was halted is indicated in Fig. 4, an overhead photograph of the test area. FCL-3 and -4 were 90 and 60% completed, respectively, and were being built adjacent to the earlier corrosion loop FCL~-2, The new control panels and overhead cable trays are readily visible in the photograph. i i i 1 ! i | i - wi »t i 11 Fig. 4. Overhead view of test area éhowing corrosion loopé FCL-2, -3, and -4. 12 Table 2. Engineering design data for loops FCL-3 and -4 Materials, temperatures, velocities, volumes, etc. Tubing and corrosion specimens o 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N Nominal tubing size _ 12.7 mm OD x 1.1 mm wall (0.5 x 0 042 in.) Approximate tubing length ’ 27 m (90 ft) Bulk fluid temperatures S 566~705°C (1050—-1300°F) Bulk fluid AT 139°C (250°F) Fluid velocity past corrosion specimens ; 3 to 6mfs (10 to 20 fps) Flow rate 2,5 x 10" m3/s (4 gpm) System AP at & gpm 1.9 MPa (270 psi) Salt volume in loop : 4920 cm® (300 in.3) Surface-to-volume ratio ' 3.2 cm?/em® (8.1 in.2/in.?) Pump speed " 5000 rpm B Type of salt - LiF-BeF;~ThF.-UF, (72-16-11.7-0.3 mole %) Cooler data Material | ' 12.7-mm-0D x 1.l-mm-wall (0.5- x 0.42-in.) ' ' . ' . 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N with 1. 6—mm—thick (1/16~in.) nickel fins Number of cooler sections 2 Finned length of cooler 1 5.7 m (18.8 ft) Finned length of cooler 2 - 5.5 m (17.9 ft) Coolant air flow per cooler : 20.9 m3/s (12000 cfm) Cooling load, cooler 1 100 kW (342,000 Btu/hr) Cooling load, cooler 2 58 kW (200,000 Btu/hr) Total heat removal from both coolers - 158 kw (540 000 Btu/hr) Cooler 1 heat flux at tube ID 0.53 MW/m? (167,000 Btu hr-! ft'z) Cooler 2 heat flux at tube ID 0.3 MW/m? (96,000 Btu hr-l ft‘z) Inside wall temperature at outlet, cooler 2 521°C (970°F) Heater data Material ‘ 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N Heater size 12,7 om OD x 1.1 mm wall (0.5 x 0,042 in.) Current to center lugs on heater 1700 A Number of heated sections 2 Length of each heater 3.7 m (12 ft) Heat input each heater , 79 kW (270,000 Btu/hr) Total 158 kW (540,000 Btu/hr) Inside wall temperature at outlet heater 2 777°C (1430°F) OQutside wall temperature at outlet heater 2 793°C (1460°F) (maximum pipe wall temperature) ' Heat flux ‘ 0.65 MW/m? (205,000 Btu hr-! ft™2) Salt Reynolds number in piping 6600 to 14,000 3.2 Component Design DeScriptions 3.2.1 Salt pump and lubrication system The ALPHA pump, shown in Fig. 5, is a centrifugal sump pump designed at ORNL for molten-salt or liquid-metal service. The impeller, shaft, and lower liquid-wetted portions of the pump are fabricated of 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N alloy, and the bearing housing is fabricated of stainless steel. o | ! ;‘ wi -y vl 13 : ORNL-DWG 69-8961R =——ELECTRIC LEVEL PROBE UPPER SEAL [T 11 D | ~—— LIQUID SAMPLING PORT i GAS LINE LOWER SEAL COOLANT oL GAS INLET OIL SEAL LEAKAGE THERMAL BARRIER AUXILIARY TANK LIQUID LEVEL 0 1 2 Lottt _ INCHES Fig. 5. Cross section view of ALPHA pump (1 in., = 25.4 mm). 14 The pump is designed to operate at speeds up to 6000 rpm to provide flows to 1.9 X 10-3 m3/s (30 gpm) at temperatures to 760°C. However, in this corrosion loop application the pump will normally operate at about 5000 rpm and a flow rate of 2,5 X 10'9 m3/é (4 gpm) at 566°C and a head of 58 m (191 ft), Pump drawings are listed in Appendix D. The pump performance data with water, shown in Fig. 6, shows that the pump will be operating far below its design flow rate. At low flow rates ORNL—DWG 73-4163R 1 0.045-in. CLEARANCE AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF IMPELLER 2 4.4 psig COVER GAS PRESSURE 3 WATER TEMPERATURE = 68 °F 4 0.622-in. ID AT INLET NOZZLE 360 320 280 ' DESIGN — 240 N _ ° \ 2200 \ o =" 5000 rpm \ W 160 ' AN \ 3 | 4000 rpm | N N 80 3000 rpm | SN 40 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 FLOW (gpm) Fig. 6. ALPHA pump performance in water (1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 gpm = 3.785 liters/min). _ -+ 15 the efficiency of the ALPHA pump is also low; however, comprehensive effi- ciency data are not available over the range of flow rates and speeds shown in Fig. 6. One specific efficiency‘data'point'was bbtained during operation of a preceding corrosion loop in which sodium’fluoroborate salt was pumped at 4800 rpm, at a temperature of 455°C, and at a flow rate of 2.5 X 10=% m3/s (4 gpm), and the efficiency was found to be only 8.3%. Therefore, the pump efficiency is expécted to be about 8% at design conditions in corrosion loops FCL-3 and -4. Pump efficiencies approaching 50% would be expected for salt flow rates near the pump design rate of“l.9 X 10-3 m3/s (30 gpm) . The ALPHA pump is driven by a 15~kW (20-hp) variable-speed motor which in turn is-supplied'by.a variab1e-fréquency, variable-voltage'M-G set., The motors are much larger than required for this particular application but were purchased in this size in case the ALPHA pumps are used in future ap— plications that demand more pumping.power. The motor.and generator are described in Section 3.4, EIEthicél'Systems. The drive motor is supported over thé_ALPHA pump by a special alignment spool piece, and the motor is directly connected to the pump shaft by a flexible coupling (Thomas Catalog No. 861, type DBZ-A, size 101). In previous applications, the ALPHA pump | has been driven by V-belts, but this has proved unreliable at speeds above 4000 rpm, particularly with the relatively defise fuel séit mixture, due to upper shaft flexing and vibratiqns-from the belt torqhe, ‘Therefore, the direct drive was selected'for corrosion loops FCL-3 and -4, even though it is more costly because it involves a high-speed motor design and an M-G set for each cofrosion loop. The M-G sets were available from other facilities at no cost. | | 7 o - | | ‘An auxiliary téfik,,fiounted adjacent to.and on the”samé 1eye1'as the pump bowl, prbvidés the,fiecessary,space to accommodate thermally'created_ 'xvolume changes in liquid inventories. The_éuxiliary.tank also provides space_td mount liquid-level indicators and 1iquid-samp1ing equipment and may be easily replaced to AQcofimodafie the réquirements of a particular expériment;- Intérconnectifig‘piping.bétwéen_thé'auxiliary‘tank, pump bowl, andrpump in1et permits liquid flow from the shaft labyrinth above the impel- ler to therauxiliary tank'and,then to-the'pump inlet. The liquid flow rate through the auxiliary tank (shaft labyrinth leakage) varies’with pump speed and flow as shown in Fig. 7. At the required loop design condition of 5000 16 ORNL-DWG 73-—4164 ‘l 0.045-in. CLEARANCE AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF IMPELLER 2 4.4 psi COVER GAS PRESSURE ‘E 3 WATER TEMPERATURE = 68 °F S 4 0.622-in.1D AT INLET NOZZLE = 0.6 =0 - ‘ . YOI 6750 rpm 2 6000 rpm = | ‘\~;;‘~‘~"‘-;_;_ - > : , ~5000 rpm < W S ———— - 3000 rpm E% 0 ' 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 MAIN LOOP FLOW (gpm) Fig. 7. ALPHA pump main loop flow vs auxiliary tank flow (1 gpm = 3.785 liters/min). rpm and flow rate of 2.5 X 10-% m3/s (4 gpm), the auxiliary tank flow rate will be approximately 20 cm3/s (0.34 gpm). | “The pump has an overhung vertical shaft with'pWo oil-lubricated ball bearings and two oil-lubricated mechanical face seals located above the process liquid surface. 01l enters at the top of the pump to lubricate the bearings and seals and also to provide shaft cooling. A second oil stream enters the pump flange to provide cooling and acts as a protective heat dam between the bearings and seals and the elevated-temperature pro- cess fluid. An inert-gas purge flow of 80 cm3/min introduced at the "gas inlet" is directed to the shaft annulus, flows upward to exit through the seal leakage line, and carries leakage from the lower oil seal overboard. Although the pump is designed for a split purge gas flow at the shaft annulus, the downward flow portion of the split gas purge is not needed ‘when handling liquids, such as molten salt, which have low vapor pressures. A separate o0il system 1s provided to supply lubrication and coolant 0il to the ALPHA pump. The system uses a light turbine oil, Gulfspin 35, which is a paraffinic straight mineral oil with a filash point of 161°C and -3 17 a fire point of 175°C. The oil viscosity ranges from 66 Saybolt seconds at 38°C to 36 Saybolt seconds at 100°C, the heat capacity is 1.9 kJ/kg.K, and the specific gravity is 0.85. The oil system is cooled by a water- cooled heat exchanger located in the oil reservoir, as shown in.the instru- ment application'diagrams, Figs. 20 and 21, in Section.3.4.8. 011 flow is provided by a 90-W (1/8-hp) centrifhgal pump which discharges oil at a pressure of 220 kPa (17 psig). The oil‘flow is continuously filtered to ensure its cleanliness. A flow switch, FS-005A, is used to automatically start the spare oil pump in case of loss of flow. 1In the event of loss of normal power, both oil pumps are automatically switched to the emergency generator power supply to ensure that coolant oil flow is maintained while the pump bowl is at elevated temperature. The total oil flow from one bp— erating oii pump is throttled to 2.3 liters/min such that the bearings and oil seals receive 0.6 liter/min of "lube 0il" and the remainder flows in parallel through "coolant_oil" passages within the pump., A throttle valve (HV-008) is installed in the lubrication return line to create oil back pressure at the lower oil seal. This feature is pro- vided to ensfire that the oil pressure outside the seal is equal to;'or greater than, the'helifim pressure within the seal and thereby maintain lubrication of the lapped seal surfaces. A pressure switch (PS-008) and an alarm are provided to alert the operators if the oil back pressure ‘drops below the normal operating pressure of helium within the lower seal assembly and pump bowl. The ALPHA pump has been successfully operated in th‘preVious high- temperature molten-salt applications. The pump-has dpéraéed for 6800 hr at 4800 rpm, pumping 2.5 X 107" m3/s (4 gpm)'of'sodium fluoroborate salt (NaBF,-NaF, 92-8 mole %) at a temperature-of 455°C. A posttest inspection shofied that the Bearings,and seéls were in excellent condifiibh; The pump has écdumuiated an additionai 12,000 hf at 4000 rpm, pumping 2 X 10~" n®/s (3.1 gpm) of,fuél'salt mixture (LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF,) at temperatures ranging from 566 to 72790. These'previous'pump'applications imply that reliable pump operation can be expected in cofrbsion loops FCL-3 and =4, A summary of éxpected operating conditions for the ALPHA pump in FCL-3 and =4 is shown in Table 3. 18 Table 3. Expected operating conditions2 for ALPHA pump in FCL-3 and -4 Type of salt being pumped Salt temperature Salt density at 566°C Pump speed - Salt flow rate Pump head ,'Auxillary tank flow rate Pumprefficiencyb Cover gas pressure Type of cover gas Lubrication oil flow rate Lubrication oil pressure at bearing housing exit Coolant oil flow rate Helium flow rate through lower oil seal catch basin Helium flow rate downward in the shaft annulus Typical lower oil seal leakage Typical upper oil seal leakage Inlet temperature of lubrication oil Outlet temperaturé of lubrication oil Inlet temperature of coolant oil Exit temperature of coolant oil LiF-BeF 2 -Tth. -UF;. (72-16-11.7~0.3 mole %) - 566°C (1050°F) - 3.33 g/cm3 (206 1b/£t3) 5000 rpm . B 2.5 X 10~ m3/s (4 gpm) 58.2 m (191 ft) | 21 cm3/s (0.34 gpm) 8% 143 kPa (6 psig) Helium 0.6 liter/min 157 kPa (8 psig) 1.7 liters/min 80 cc/min None 2 to 25 cc/day 2 to 25 cc/day 32°C (90°F) 42°C (108°F) 32°C (90°F) 35°C (95°F) ®Based on actual ALPHA pump operation at 566°C in corrosion loop MSR-FCL-2b. bThe pump efficiency is very low in this application because the pump operates far from its design point. 19 Parts were fabricated to provide four complete ALPHA pump rotary assemblies for the corrosion loop program. Also, two pump bowls and two f all The auxiliary tank view O Figure 8 shows an exploded auxiliary tanks were fabricated. the parts of the rotary assembly plus the pump bowl is described PHOTO 4288-76 T port. e e A ettt B S : B . : s ' s R sl re detail in the next section of this re in mo i S SR e i et CREE i . e o i G i AT o ws i i s At e » frv - ot e i o Cai s s . o g e S 20 3.2.2 Auxiliary tank The auxiliary tank serves as an extension of the ALPHA pump bowl. It is connected to the pump bowl by circulating salt lines and by a single " vent connection into the helium space above the gas-salt interface. Six nozzles penetrate the top head of the auxiliary tank. Three of these are of 19-mm-0D (3/4-in.) tubing for insertion of liquid level probes. The other three nozzles are 33-mm-0D (l-in., sched-40 IPS). These latter three penetrations are for salt sampling, chemical additions, and electro- chemical probes. The liquid-level~probe penetrations are provided with compressed Teflon seals. The salt sampling, chemical addition, and electro- chemical probe ports are sealed by ball valves with Teflon seats. The inside dimensions of the tank are approximately 152 mm in diameter (6 in.) by 178 mm high (7 in.) The lower portions of the tank, which are expdsed to flowing salt, are made of 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N, Upper parts of the tank, which are above the salt level, are made of standard Hastelloy N, except for some stainless steel parts that are fised at the ball valves and level probe seals. | : The design pressure and temfierature of the tank are 0;5‘MPa (65 psia) ~and 705°C (1300°F), except at the Teflon seals, where the deéign,temperature is 204°C (400°F). This lower temperature at the seals is achieved by pro- viding tubing and pipe extensions of sufficient length to assure the proper temperaturé gradient, In normal operation, the anticipated pressure and temperature will be only 0.15 MPa (21 psia) at 566°C (1050°F), thus pro- viding a good margin between design and operating conditions. o A photograph of a completed auxiliary tank is shown in Fig. 9; two of these tanks were built for corrosion loops FCL-3 and =4. 3.2.3 Piping system The main piping system consists of about 27 m (90 ft) of 13-mm-0D X 1.07-mm~wall (1/2 X 0.042-in.) Ti-modified Hastelloy N tubing. About 7 m (24 ft) of this length is included in the heaters, and about 12 m (38 ft) is in the coolers. Corrosion specimens are installed at three points in the piping system, as described in detail in Section 3.2.4, S REnEg 3 R Seat it i : G ¥ AR ¥ g ek aai = Sk it it LT gl o i ety e : 2 ; 5 . g i i S : 3 i i 4 A > + g i : S S AN i Lo ] e el e : e Co s i o Bt an g Pl it SR & i i e 3. i e £ i o ik i 4 : £ 3 R S T I S ety st = 25.4 mm). i o L A i fna e : 5 s 4 3 b LU 3 b S WA : : e St T 4 i 3 B R e S s 5 = 3 e : s ; : : : e i : it T 4,77 b 355 i S :: ; : ; : : : B . Gl : : ; S s = ek i 21 it e ¥ Sand e it LR T S g : : S b ? < i i : o , A < “ ¥ AEfe Y r : A < : - i iy B - . it 7 : ] x : 4 £ SRR (o s G £l i Auxiliary tank for ALPHA salt pump e L i T .o 9 Fig. 22 ~ The normal flow rate of salt in the piping system is 2.5 X 10-% m3/s \hvj (4 gpm). This gives a velocity of about 3 m/s (10 fps) in the 10.5-mm~ID (0.413~in.) tubing and Reynolds moduli in the ranée of 6600 to 14,000. The design pressure and temperature for the piping system are 1.8 MPa (265 psia) and 705°C (13009F),_except in heater sections, where a higher metal tempefature is permitted since_the pressure isjlower.' (See Section 3.2.7 for pressure-temperature design conditions in the heater sections.) In order to ensure that cyclic thermal stresses do not cause fatigue failure, the piping system‘nas analyzed using the MEC-21 piping flexibility computer programs developed at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, Calif. 3.2.4 Corrosion specimens Corrosion specimens are installed at three locations in the system that were chosen to expose the speoimens-to three different salt tempera- tures. Sample station 1 is located between the outlet of cooler 2 and the pump inlet, where the bulk salt temperature:is 566°C (1050°F). Station 2 is between heaters 1 and 2, where'the'salt temperature is 635°C (1175°F). Station 3 is between the outlet of heater 2 and. the inlet to cooler 1, where the salt temperature is 705°C (1300°F) Each of the three stations has prov1sion for insertion and withdrawal of a specimen holder that holds six speczmens. Each specimen, made of Ti- modified Hastelloy N, is 0.86 mm thick (0.034 in.), 4.6 mm wide (0.181 in.), and 43 mm long (1 11/16 in.). The cross-sectional area of the specimen holder is enlarged at the upper end to decrease the flow area of the salt. Therefore, the salt velocity is a nominal 3 m/s (10 fps) over the lower three specimens and increases to a'nomina1_6 m/s (20 fps) as the salt passes over the upper three specimens. This design feature allows evaluation of velocity effects on the corrosion rates at each of the three corrosion sample stations. A cross-section drawing of a typical corrosion specimen station is shown in Fig. 10. | The corrosion sPecimens“are inserted and withdrawn through a.salt freeze valve and two ball valves at each station. This feature allows fre- quent specimen removal at minimum cost, since no cutting or welding opera- (ii;; tions are required to gain access to the specimens within the piping system. .t -~y 23 MATCH LINE— B / AIR OUT FREEZE VALVE AND HEATER— | | o0 ——A HIGH VELOCITY SPECIMEN CROSS SECTION (3) SPECIMEN LOW VELOCITY SPECIMEN LA - CROSS SECTION (3)\ 1 _ - Fig. 10. Corrosion specimen in NORMAL -OPERATING SALT LEVEL CRNL-DWG 70-5629 i~ PRESSURE EQUALIZING LINE —C——— —/—™) REMOVAL AND INSERTION TOOL IR IN /BALL VALVE : B:H::m - /BALL VALVE - " | ' o1 a3 496 IH MATCH LiNE—‘%PA ~INCHES { , ' - “SPECIMEN . TsAT FLow stallation and removal system for 24 Also, the specimens are attached to the specimen holder by special clips and 0.8~-mm-diam (0.031-in.) wire to eliminate welding operations during installation of specimens on the holder, The freeze valve serves as a block valve to prevent escape of salt through the access port during normal operation. The two ball valves pro- vide an air lock for evacuation and helium purging during insertion or withdrawal operations, since it is desirable to minimize atmospheric con- tamination during specimen removal or reinsertionm, The salt will usually not be drained from the loop during specimen examination, since this might alter the salt composition slightly by mixing with the heel of salt remaining in the fill-and~drain tank. The salt in the drain tank can have significantly different impurity levels than the circulating salt due to corrosion processes over long periods of time or due to experimental salt chemistry modifications that are sometimes made to the pumped salt inventory. The ability to change corrosion specimens without salt drainage is a relatively new feature in pumped salt corrosion loops at ORNL and is expected to be very useful in precisely monitoring corrosion and mass transfer phenomena. A typical corrosion specimen removal and examination proceeds as follows. The thermal gradient in the salt loop is removed by lowering the input of the main resistance heaters while simultaneously turning off the air blowers on the coolers, The salt pump is then stopped, and all gas equalizer lines are opened between the three corrosion specimen stations and the free liquid salt surface in the pump auxiliary tank. The three corrosion specimen stations and pump auxiliary‘tank are all located at the same vertical elevation to permit free liquid surfaces at all four locations while the freeze valves are melted. Careful operation is re- quired to ensure that no sudden pressure surges or unequal pressures occur during specimen removal or insertion, since this will 1lift salt abofie the normal salt levels in the freeze valves and result in plugged gas lines or damaged ball valves. Past experience on a similar loop has shown that corrosion specimen removal, examination, reinsertion, and loop restarting can be accomplished in 8 hr. 25 3.2.5 Fill-and~drain tank The fill-and—drain tank, as the name implies, is used in routine fill- ing and draifiing operations. It also serves as a sump into which loop con- tents may be dumped'infthe event of an emergency. The tank is installed at the ldwest point in the syétem. The cylindrical fill-and-drain tank is in- stalled with the axis horizontal and is about 0.18 m in diameter (7.1 in.) by 0.56 m long (22Iin.), with an internal &olume of 14 liters (0.49 ft3), The tank is provided wifh a series of nozzle connections for (1) filling, (2) draining, (3) evacuation, (4) salt samplifig, and (5) installation of liquid-level probes. All parts of the tank that are exposed to salt are fabricated of standard Hastelloy N ekcept_for the area of the low tempera- ture seals, where some stainless steel matefials ére used. A photograph of the fill-and-drain tank is shown in Fig. 11. | A 33;mm~OD (1-in., sched-40) nozzle extension with Teflon-geated ball valve closure is provided for evacuation and salt sampling. Two 33-mm-0D (1-in., sched-40) nozzles with Teflon compression seals are used for liquid- level probe insertion. A 13-mm-diam (0.5-in.) tubing nozzle with compres- sion fitting is provided for pressurizing, off-gas, and pressure equaliza- tion. Another 13-mm-diam (0.5-in.) tubing nozzle, normally capped off with a compression fitting plug, is available for external filling and draining of the tank. Three 9.5-mm-diam (0.4—ih;) tubing'connections are welded to the loop fill-and-drain lines. | | Design pressure and temperature for the tank are 0.8 MPa (115 psia) and 648°C (1200°F) except at the Teflon seals, where the design tempera- ture is 204°C (400°F) maximum. Anticipated normal operating pressure and température are 0.24 MPa (35 psia) and 566°C (1050°F). ‘ 3.2.6 Salt coolers The heat that“is added to'tfié salt in the circulating loop by means of resistance-heated pipes and by pumping power input is removed at the two salt-to-air coolers, which are installed in the system in series. Cooling capacity is 100 kW (342,000 Btu/hr) for cooler 1 and 58 kW (200,000 Btu/hr) for cooler 2, for a total of 158 kW (542,000 Btu/hr). Each cooler was designed for 0.9 m3/s (2000 cfm) of ambient air flow from inside Bldg. 9201-3 by a centrifugal forced-draft fan., However, Fig. 11. Fill-and~drain tank for FCL-3 and -4 (1 in. = 25.4‘mm); actual field measurements on FCL-2 showed that more than 1.4 m3/s (3000 cfm) is available with the present 2. 2-kW (3-hp), 1750-rpm blower motors. Therefore, excess cooling capacity is available on FCL-3 and FCL-4 if needed., The air flows over the finned helical tubes of coolers and is then exhausted vertically into tfie high—bay area of the building. P 27 Each cooler consists of four helical coils of finned tubing with a coil diameter of 0.46 m (18.1 in. ) and a pitch of 0.076 m (3.0 in.). Fin material is nickel and fin thickness is 1.6 mm (0.063 in.). Fins are brazed to the Ti-modified Hastelloy N tubes, using Coast Metals No. 52 brazing alloy. The effective lengths of the finned sections are 5.7 m (18.8 ft) for cooler l and 5.5 m (17.9 ft) for cooler 2. The fins for coolers 1 and 2 have different outside diameters and spacing. The fin is 51 mm OD (2 in.,) for cooler 1 and 38 mm (1.5 in.) for cooler 2. The fin spacing pitch is 5.6 mm (0.22 in.) for cooler 1 and 8.5 mm (0.33 in.) for cooler 2. This difference in fins is used to provide a lesser degree of cooling in cooler 2 in order to prevent freezing of salt in the latter cooling stage. The fin Spacing was increased from that used in an earlier_corrosion lOOp; MSR~-FCL-2, because FCL-3 and FCL~4 have a higher operating'temperature at the coolers and tnerefore.require fewer fins to reject the designrheat load, Arfinned cooler coil fabricated for MSR-FCL-2 is shown in Fig. 12 for information purposes., The cooler coils for FCL-3'and FCL-4 were not completed prior to project termination but would have been similar to Fig. 12, | A unique feature of these coolers is the requirement that they must serve as ovens for preheating their respective portions of the system during startup when the entire system must be heated to a temperature above the liquidus of the salt. The coolers are designed‘to serve as heaters at this time, with electrical connections provided so that the finned tubes'ere heated by direct electrical resistance in a manner similar to the main heaters. Air flow is restricted at this time to the maximum degree'possible,'not only by cutting off the blouers but also by closing the specially'designed'air duct valves or dampers'to further reduce natu- ral convection inside the coolers. ‘The coolerfheaters are energized at -~ all times, ‘whether in preheating operation or during AT operation. Power inputs of about 5 kW are required at each cooler heater to keep the fuel- salt mixture from freezing. A photograph of two of the cooler housings, which discharge the heated eir‘vertically, is shown in Fig. 13. Operation of corrosion loop MSR-FCL-2 showed that a modification of the original cooler design and other related scram features was needed to reduce heat losses at the coolers after a scram. In FCL-2, any scram loop, Fig, 12. Air-cooled heat exchanger coil for molten-salt corrosion N o0 29 FCL-3 . Cooler housings for corrosion loop 13, Fig. - ey, 30 action (manual or automatic) turned off the main resistance heaters, turned k../ off the air blowers, closed the ifisfilated dampérs on the cooler housing, and stopped the ALPHA pump. Salt freezing always occurred in the coolers of FCL-2 after loop scram, due to the large mass of air-cooled métal within the cooler housing and the relatively small mass of hot salt within the cooler coils. Temperature recordings from the bottom, coldest, portions of the cooler coils showed that temperaturé; dropped as low as 260°C after a scram, which is far below the salt liquidus of 500°C. This did not cause significant problems during about 17,000 hr of operation other than delay- ing resumption of Salt circulation for a few hours while gradual remelting occurred. However, in twofisfiutdowns, pipe rupfiure and salt leakage occurred because salt froze in another portion of the loop in addition to the.known freezing in the coolers, Since the second frozen area was not apparent to the dperators during either incident, normal operating and re- melting programs were followed, which resulted in salt liquid expansion and pifie rupturé between the frozen coolers and the unsuspected salt plug. Several design modifications were made to FCL-2 to reduce the likeli- hood of furthér incidents.Qf this type. The scram circuits Wefe revised to provide continuous salt-pump operation at a reduced speed of 2000 rpm after each scram in lieu of the previous'scheme which provided for stop- ping the pump. This provides more heat energy to the cooled metal within the cooler housing via the flowing salt. Also, the cooler housing was modified with internal thermal insulation and added electric “guard" heaters to reduce the mass of cold metal to which the salt-containing cooler coil can transfer heat. The guard heaters are energized after the cooling air is flowing through the coolers and are automatically de- energized to prevent overheating of the cooler if air flow is interrupted, ~as is done during a scram or shutdown. Thirdly, an automatic solenoid valve was added to turn off auxiliary cooling air to the heating lugs on the main resistance heaters after a scram or whenever the heaters are de- activated. , Tests of the FCL-2 automatic system shutdown from AT opération were made to verify that the design modificatiofiS‘would prevent salt freezing . in the coolers éfter a scram. The tests were successful and showed that the newly added automatic features worked as planned; that is, the pump ’ (E—j 31 speed was reduced from design speed to 2000 rpm, the guard heaters on the coolers were de-energized, and the cooling air on the resistance heater lugs was cut off, Due to the new design modifications, the salt continued to flow at a reduced rate after the scram and the isothermal circulating salt temperature fell only to.565°C (1050°F), which is considered a safe level above the salt liquidus of 500°C (932°F). It was planned to include the above design features in FCL-3 and FCL-4 because they worked successfully in FCL-2. However, the molten-salt pro- gram was canceled before the dééign changes were effected. Therefore, record design drawings for FCL-3 and FCL-4 do not show these changes, but they would have been included if the program had proceeded to completion. Record drawings of FCL-2 do show these various modifications, 3.2.7 Main heaters Power input to the main heater of the loop is accomplished by means of direct resistance heating of a portion of the piping. Two sections of tubing, 12,7 mm OD (0,5 in.) X 1.07 mm wall (0.042 in.), are designated as heaters 1 and 2., Each heater is approximately 3.7 m long (146 in.), and heat input at each is 79 kW (270,000 Btu/hr) for a total of 158 kW (540,000 Btu/hr). The heat flux for this rate of heat input is 0.65 M{/m? (205,000 Btfi]hr'ftz).' Each heater section has four large electrical lugs; the two outer lugs are at ground potential and the two center lugs are at higher pétential. At design power, the voltage potential from center to end Iug is about 46 V, and the current in the pipe wall is about 860 A. Pressure and temperature gradients through the two heater sections are sfich that the tempeféture'of'fhe salt'increases as pressure decreases, This is beneficial in that the advantage of higher strength in the metal wall of the piping is present at that part of the heater that must contain the higher pressure. For heater 1, design and operating pressure and tem- perature range from 1.9 MPa (270 psia) at 670°C (1238°F) to 1.6 MPa (235 psia) at 738°C (1360°F). For heater 2, these values range from 1;48 MPa at 727°C (1340°F) to 1.3 MPa at 793°C (1460°F). The specified pneumatic test pressure is 38.9 MPa (5640 psia) at room temperature for both heaters. Main loop heaters-l and 2 and cooler heaters 1 and 2 are controlled by individual saturable reactors and associated monitoring and control 32 circuitry., The monitoring and instrumentation circuitry is described in - Sect, 3.4, Main loop heater 2 is automatically controlled to maintain a selected heater outlet temperature, while the other three direct resistance heaters are manually set at selected power levels. The 110-kVA trans- formers and saturable reactors that supply power for the main resistance heaters of FCL-4 are shown in Fig. 1l4. 3.2.8 Auxiliary heaters The auxiliary heaters trace the system piping, and individual heatér output is manually adjustable by operation of the associated variable transformer, The operation of the heaters is monitored and recorded by thermocouples and recording instruments. The proper voltage Sétting ié determined experimentally to establish the desired preheating temperature, and then mechanical stops are installed on the controller td preclude acci~ dental overheating by the operator. Tubular electric heaters are used for auxiliary heating on the loop components and all sections of piping that are not direct resistance heated. The tubular-type auxiliary heaters are rated 1640 W/m (500 W/ft), 230 V, and 815°C (1500°F) sheath temperature. These heaters are operated at a maximum of 140 V, which provides a convenient method of derating com- mercially available 230-V heaters from 1640 to 575 W/m (175 W/ft). This greatly increases the life of the heaters and consequently reduces main- tenance and associated downtime of the facility. _ All tubular electric heaters are x-rayed before installation on the loop piping to precisely determine the location of the heating coil within the heater. Past experience has shown that manufacturing tolerances on the internal heater lead lengths are large enough to create unintentional frozen areas in molten~sa1£ piping systems unless such precautionary mea~ sures are used. -Clamshell auxiliary heaters are used on the main loop heater piping systems 1 and 2 and also on freeze valves and connecting lugs. These heaters are rated 115 V or 120 V with maximum heater temperatures of 980°C (1800°F). These heaters are also operated at reduced voltage and power for the reasons stated above. Clamshell heaters were selected for the | o , b’ directrresistance heated section of the loop because they are mounted on HOTO 4294--76 b - te Fig. 14, 110-kVA transformers and saturable reactors for main resistance heaters on FCL-4, 34 fired-lava spacers and thereby electrically insulated from the voltage that is applied directly to the piping and lugs. 3.2.9 Helium cover-gas system Dry oxygen—-free helium is supplied to FCL-3 and FCL-4 by the cover-gas system previously used at the Molten-Salt Reactor Expefiment (MSRE). This gas system, shown schematicaliy in Fig. 15, ié shared with the Coolant-Salt Technology Facility, Gas~Systems Technology Facility, and corrosion loop MSR-FCL~2. | - Helium is normally supplied by one of two banks of three standard cylinders. _The'supply line has a-pressure indicator and alarm (PIA-500E), which is activated at 2.2 MPa (300 psig); this is followed by a-pressure- reducing valve (PCV-500G), which lowers the Supply pressure to 1.8 MPa (250 psig). This pressure is monitored by a high-low alarm switch (PA- 500) set at 2,0 MPa (275 psig) and 1.5 MPa (200 psig). The supply line also has a tee leading to the oxygen analyzer A0:-548. The supply line then branches into two parallel stainless steel tubing lines to supply the two helium-treatment stations. The.identical branches contain a tee to a purge vent, gas-~treatment equipment, a tee léading to a rupture disk, a tee for a gas cylinder connection, and isolation valves. The purge vents, lines 504 and 505, are used to vent helium from cyl- inders that can be connected at V-500B and V-500C to backflush and regen- erate the helium dryers. The vents combine into a single tube that con- tains a flow indicator (¥FI-505) before the helium is vented to the atmos-— phere. | | The rupture disks in lines 506 and 507 provide overpressure prbtection for the heliumrtreatment equipment. These lines also contain high-pressure alarms, PA5506 and PA-507, that are set at 2,0 MPa (275 psig). The two branches of the treatment system recombine as line 500, which is connected to a flow—indicating controller and an air-operated control valve (FCV-500) that limits the supply gas flow to 10 liters/min (0.35 ft3/ min), ' | f | ; A third dryer (DR-3) is located downstream of FCV-500 in the line leading to the treated-helium storage tank and subsequently to corrosion loops FCL-3 and FCL-4. The gas supply for the corrosion loops tees off O Hevom Soomy & 200 Sve ol @ _©Q 35 - i [m——— e mm g e - e———— Mex Gae y & vy 1 pem-sesssssce—ssccscocoo-o- } | HorsronsE @ > h A y ) Ouysen Anacysen cv- SeN m i % ORNL-DWG 76-16593 TO DS I )10 580 -6 - 00 GITE SALT SYSTeEm T0 DS |- 580 06 - 002 @D~ CSTF LYBE DIt SYSTEM roFCe ~V Sor8 o oW I- B 57806 - 00/ (&2 CSTF SALT SYSTEM TO DW% I- 10578 -96 -002 el CITF LUBE OIL SYSTEM M-SR e ( b .St 1 . & ' vesr J ® weamsmel e e -y D‘"_"- ] om-2 : -3 7 { -8, o TE . i1 s .QE}“ TREATED NEL 1w Sronnce Tawnx EOC-T e b eeeee o ®- L2E EOCS38 e e - ® - MIESSURE 230 P% DRNETER M” LEWETN o i A wirms 27 ouix fi 2 OVACRTY 500 SCF 3 I . ¥ reosre - -4 S0IME— -~ 1 avssyi~- -4 - = o . . = - e = W R W M e = Fig. 15. Instrument appiication diagram for the helium cover-gas a system., NOTE: TwiS DRAWIE IS ALSO APPLICASLE T8 I GAS SrSrEm JEcsnoLde Y FACILITY (EIN - 10TB0) SIWCE BOTN SSTAY CSTH Ak # SUPPLIED BY TNIS ONE SySTEMm. orice; ' FOR CONVENIENCE OF AEPSING MSRE Ppsve LAAWINGS, WSAE TNSTRURENTY LI MO BENS (2S5 SHoww on TASTREMEST APPLICATION DINGRAM, D-AA-B8-$0553) ARE USED ON TNE APPLICABLE CSTF f 6STA INSTROMENTS ff oS, AT O ST TR L T (T P e 36 from line 501, which supplies.the Coolant-Salt Technology Faqility; and then branches again for each of the corrosion~loop facilities, The remain- der of the gas lines on corrosion loops FCL-3 and FCL-4 are shown on the instrument application diagrams, Figs. 20 and 21 of Section 3.4.8. The three gas dryers are filled with Linde molecular sieve No. 13X and normally,operate at room temperature. The dryers can be regenerated by heating to 205°C (400°F) and flowing dry gas through the bed to carry off accumulated moisture. The preheater is not normally used and is kept at room temperature, Oxygen removal is accomplished by a highetemperhture bed of titanium chips. The operating bed is maintained at 540°C (1000°F), while the standby bed is kept at 425°C (800°F). | The helium gas leaving the MSRE helium purification system is éon— stantly monitored for oxygen and water vapor content. The impurity levels are checked and logged at least once each weekdéy by operating personnel to ensure that properly purified helium is being supplied to the expéri- ments. Past data show that typical water vapor content is about 0.2 ppm by volume and typical oxygen content is about 0,3 ppm by volume. 3.3 Electrical Systems Figure 16 is a one-line diagram of the plant electrical distribution ~system to substations 18E and 15E, which serve the FCL-3 and FCL-4 facili- ties;lreSpectively. Figure 17 is a one-line diagram of the normal power and émergency power electrical systems for FCL-3. (An identical installa- tion is designed for FCL-4.) Electrical pbWer for controls and instruments that are neceésary for experimental operation, monitoring, and safety are supplied from both the normal power system and the diesel-generator emer- gency power system through automatic transfer switches. | Nérmal power is supplied by TVA from a 154-kV network through a 40- MVA, 154/13.8-kV transformer to a 13,8-kV bus distribution system. . Circuit breaker 1332 and disconnect switch 1332EA serve transformer 418E (13;8 kv, 460 V, 1500 kVA), which in turn serves substation 18E. Circuit breaker 1333 and disconnect switch 1333EC serve transformer 415E (13.8 kV, 460 V, | 1500 kVA), which in.turn serves substation 15E. ‘;:) 223 MVA FROM/TO X-10 6.7 ML, 223 MVA FROM WOLF CR B2.14 M1, 37 223 MVA FROM FT, LOUDOUN 15.36 MI 161 KV TRANSFER BUS P L et — et A s 446 MVA FROM BULL RUN o — | | | | P Eg; NO. | SWITCHYARD BLDG 9201-2 AND 920i-4 = 133 1ROQA. 4 MVA YARD FEEDER 1333 | Y-i2 NO.2 L : (,..-2;. 161 KV MAIN BUS —— ¥-12.80 3 LINE | T L T ELZA NQ.2 SWITCHYARD T ——— ————. ——— i — an— — ( 879 / 819 o OL o T \ I *f - w o A MLI 40 MVA rv]rn 161 KV=13,BKY 0 ).. 13.8 Ky SuB Q S‘I’A.I NO. ISE _I n= | . BH4E 600 A. ises MSR FCL-4 DWG E-11683-ER=-SOI~E Fig. 16. 133¢-C 7 I 1332 % 1200A. SUBSTA 1OM Y)'BE' T)uat:z * ~I1500KVA, 138 KV-460V. ALL OTHERS tO00KVA, 13.8XV=-460V. 13324 | / A _ MI7E alse ' A NO. IlE Yrees )IBE4 " l) 1334 1200 A. / ZMVA FILTER PLANT o )la:s q _j, YARD FEEOER ]| | { [msr re-z | | msn rei-s | EXISTING B \OWG E-11628-ER-SOI-E One-line diagram of area power supply. ¥=12 NO. | LINE ,/ 1200 A. ‘ .«L 40 MvA 154 KV l Y-12 NC.2 LINE BIKY~I3.8BKY 1310 3000 A. .- ORNL--DWG 76—16631 TRANSFORMER DISCONNECT SWITCH AR CIRCUIT BREAKER O CIRCUIT BREAKER POTHEAD "ELECTRICAL INTERLOCK 38 - = -—-l ORNL-DWG 7616632 I °C & TRAY- & -4, ‘ ' Y600 MCM RHH A | \g;tgx.%s -8 wm‘i POWER DIkSEL GENERATOR (ERi5TING) NORMAL POWER TR - A Y™ 2*26(“‘“'"“ SOURC : T ! r 2ECA L aer ' ) Mam cincwy BXR 1223EM ' i } D'fii&“&};‘; msl‘n% T 4009 “ (IIISTIIIG g t SUMSTATION N0, | A 5 " l | [ | eiiess-trsid-e. 1 ! 1 e |5oo KVA 1 NORMAL-EMERGENCY POWER l I I I TRA E‘\s‘l“fi HED o) (U.ISTNG) —'MEEE——— 4 Ste Gwe FR-3 2:? 3 LI ?) ?) )‘fl ) ' , ~ DUMMY I EXISTING, T ufill"-‘llm‘- TEST LOAD [ - bR I e uess (ERSTING ) SUBSTATION NO. 13E 4GOV., 243w, 60 PONER KR —_————t— st mAL POWER ¢4 WIRING TROUGH ON RACH, ‘f:;’.,? - r ] _ - 4 EXISTING J.B. 3. 600 MM THW SEE DWG ER-513-§ ' | 1 1 g_.,__J } ) o) J)i8Es (EA-5)(exiSTING) AT cov. D~ —) | N 3 : ! o o 14 1 1 l DIESEL MY, CKT§ ? ¥ 1 1 eoon. S e —_——t e ——— — ——————— - (EX15TING ) - 4 3 L . o . > . P-3-B0oMCM (EXISTING) e L BE TAC T ! ABC a 242 THwW I I I I 1 “3V L THN —2-9250MCM tfi}— 241.50m TN | I —"5— - seY, wu ey SHLAMELST) - o : 1esA F1se3p diseac J18E50 JHBESF 18e56 18850 Jusask 236 |r ) &L | ¢ |5& : -n%x) $31 tatse 3-8l () ' | s oo ‘ . EMERG. won, | Ul Eih e | 280! 60A. 100A [F100a. 100A. wor MELTe ‘ ! A SuaTeR : F-I (ERISTING) leesL Jwisu Jreasn | alie v | 356 T 3&1‘{:&) MISCELLANEOUS BUS TROVGHS LTé PANEL fUEL s Lt ' L ] 0T AT, LN ( CEXISTING ) [GIH NG) PROCUCTION ! -z —Ee ! .,gv y ?'.h ooy 2-8250 WCw THW 2B0MCM THW 3 & 292 TW(ENISTING) peon. s ga3-1 7 SR3-2 l 2d I ~ EsTnG) ‘oo ToolER . HORMAL SATU 3 SATuRABLE | 535~ | HEATERS uovoens POWER REACTOR JREACTOR ! | < ALNDA RELAY HokA 3 oA ]2 o 1+ LR O N bg | AN — EEE o EmIY e [N | STAND No. 2 (EXISTING 4 1 EXISTING SLE DWG E-10566-RE-501-E o218 250MeM THW - L9250MCM THW | r | mr;‘n'l” | | 2%12TW T3~ -2 ‘ CoNTRoL - nmsa Kiroein L 8% At ujiuas_rgmn AUTOMATIC fl" 480-129V, |4 N E | TRWNISFER uo A, 14 uo KVA, 1% 100 VA. 32«':'5"3& ML THN-E. o '©¥% Tuw c“m Ytaso et THW 200A.- (z) P X 600/5 (2)91. X ggmmmmm““ L AT§3-1 4~ 3uz2 Tw (eX15TING) RELAY (IN 1&c . CABINET ¥0. & ) EXISTING CABLE BUS TROUGH 10-90 KW 10-90KW ‘Q Sup 3HP BELON EXISTING TRANSFER e ] SWITCH MAIN 100 cooLkR No. | CooLER No. 2 r L HEATER N0, 1 HEATER & 2 BLEW BLOWER ) I — | Lm0 So et e poves Soved b ——r SEE Dwa ER-Si5-8 342 THW—d (Zimw 4 292 TW(EXISTING) I___"" —"‘_—_—""_—_______"_—_f—___""""'"—'"1 . ¢ Tee o, tee aA. ' . Bc e Teec Tae Tesc — Tae g 1 1 1 1 | Lo - 30 T 200 TW 2801w 2010 TW 2000 124G THw 246 THW &—2% W 4246 THW ) S po 15A. SoMBATION I r 1 . ST ‘ uoo.\ 53-10 B3-4 53-12 53-13 53-14 53-1 1/ £3-16 Cowb, STARTER : CONT. CIKT-— » I(umnu‘) \ J 1 ET#' oA 10A. A i GoA. Goa. 6on GOA. _ STAND No, 2 (EXISTING) ‘ ‘l SEE DWG E-108G6-RE-501-& MCC COMPARTMENT Gtzj - ¢ 1 ;‘ 201LTW 28T LOCATED IN MC.C £ 3 Sl & :sm:nu N FIRST FLOGR. EtTaw 202 TW ¢ E - IREAcToR C IREACTOR {246 THw 424 Thw 429G Taw iL~12%G THW %412 (ExsTING) SEE DWG ER-517-E E jexa” ¢ Joxva / 2812 TW 2412 MCE COMPMRTMENT W2 ! oor s ‘_M_J cC : &0V, “/ Eh7 22tdra etires Mm Rddd g Hedpo XZed s TRMsTORMER. T RASTORMER 1 3“”"““5 [Rauseonuea THAsroLAER ‘—' @ iy 1, 3KVA 4%025 KvA e Lo wzsgwx ?zgxw\ c T . | i(fl +-8%0TW - s3¢10Tw S*2 THW G382 THW ¢34 THW L~ 5¥2 ThW | oo 20 . : B'I'L:M- SHP L leoa Jo0HE . ¥ / / O1E : EusTING NOTE : MAIN 3e4 v AmiASLE THSTRUMENT misc COOLER NO. CooLeR No. 2 ARG AN 3 A Ao, 4 EXHAUST THE NORMAL -EMERGENCY BUS® LOAD FOR THIS CIRCULATING PREQUENCY Powen POWER. MEATERS T (ifi "ufwens) Rk Nitaters) (RixEATERS) (RO%. lnemetts) IR EXPERIMENT 16 PROTECTED BY 100 A. FUSES P PANEL Pt IN BOTH THE NORMAL AND EMERGENCY POWER 31 M¥ ~ ComMoN SUPPLIES TO AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH STAND No. 3 ATS 31, | Fig. 17. One-line diagraflh of power supply for FCL-3 (or FCL-4). pf 39 Emergency power is supplied by a diesel-engine-driven generator, rated 300 kW, 460 V, 3 phase, 60 Hz, which is designed to start automatically - within 20 sec after a fajlure of the normal 460~V power supply. Emergency power 1s-supplied'through an automatic transfer switch to provide resis- tance heating of;coolers 1 and 2 and also to energize the four variable transfoffief-cabiaetajthat setve>a11 auxiliary heaters for the piping sys- tem, _ C N ) | ' The ALPHA salt pump is driven by a 15-kW (20-hp) variable-speed motor, which is supplied by a variable-frequency, variable-voltage motor-generator set. The_motof.is a’squitrel-cage, induction—type designed fof 5000 rpm, 6 pole, 3 uhase, 250 Hz,,Z6é’V, open drop proof, NEMA design B, Class F insulation,hwith vertical solid shaft and mounting flange downward. It is desigfied_fot continuous operation from 75 to 250 Hz, with a constant torque load equivaient to 15 kW at 5000 rpm, with the supply voltage equal to 1.04 times the frequency. ' The motors were procured in accordance with Job »Specification E-11628-ERr001-S-0. One desired modification of the pump control system was not incorpo- rated in the drawings because the MSR project was canceled before the change was effected. We wanted to alter the scram sequence so0 ‘that the pump would continue'toqperate;at a reduced speed of about 2000 rpm after any scram actiqn_to heip avoid salt freezing in the cooler coils. A de- 'sign for providing such a speed reduction was not completed, but this 'system would be desirable if the loops were ever reactivated and operated with a salt mixture having a relatively high- liquidus temperature. The motor-generator set is rated at 30 kVA, The pump motor is !directly connected electrically to the generator output such that the motor will start when the generator is started. The motor-generator in- stallation for both FCL-3 and FCL~4 is shown in Fig. 18. The FCL-3 electrical system drawing numbers and titles are shown on the drawing list included as Appendix A, ‘The list for FCL-4 is similar. The FCL—flhelectrical drawihgs were essentially complete, except for modi- fications for lcw—speed pump operation after scram, when the project was canceled. Due to the cancellation, FCL-4 drawings were not formally approved or issued. 40 Variable-speed motor-generator pump drive sets for ALPHA . -~ i ..M, o 1 . o B ~ & 5 5 o S 2 41 Details of the main heaters and auxiliary heaters were discussed in Sections 3.2.7 -and 3,2.8; " 3,4 Instrumentation and Controls 3.4.1 Temperature measurement and control There are approximately 125 numbered thermocouples in each of the FCL-3 and FCL~4 loops.‘ These thermocouples are industrial grade (0.075%), type K (Chromel-Alumel), with stainless steel sheaths and Mg0 insulation and ungrounded measuring junctions., Most are 1 mm (0.040 in,) in diame- ter; others are 1.6 mm (0.063 in,) in diameter. Of the 125 temperature measurements, 53 are recorded on strip-chart recorders (42 of these are also recorded automatically on the Dextir digital data-acquisition system); 6 are used with température-indicating switches in alarm and/or safety circuits, while the remainder are indicated on a manually operated digital temperature indicator. | B | ‘Temperature control of the entire electrical preheating system for the loop piping and coolers -is by manual adjustment of a number of variable auto‘transformers.that either supply power directly to resistance heaters or modulate current that is subsequently rectified and used to control power supplied by saturable reactors to the resistance heaters. The main resistance heaters, which produce the temperature rise in the salt flowing to metallurgical samples in stations 2 and 3, receive their power from two saturable reactors with step~down transformers’ to match the transformer impedance'to the load, jThe:satUrable reactor sup- plying resistancejheater‘z is'éontrolléd.by an automatic three-term (pro- portional, derivative, and reset) controller (TRC-6) that operates‘throfigh a magnetic amplifier. -The saturable reactor supplying resistance heater 1 is controlled.by'Tc—S, which 1s-manua11y(set to;provide'aiconstant_poWer input. Both TC~5 and TRC~6 have electrical interlocks in. the heater con- trol circuits (circuits 2 and 3) that prevent energizing the power to the heaters without first adjusting the controls to ninimum power input. This feature reduces the probability of operator error and accidental over- heating of the loop piping during restarting of the loop. These interlocks 42 are bypassed for a period of approximately 2 sec following a complete loss of power, this permits restoration of power following momentary power dips such as those caused by lightning. High-temperature limit switches are. actuated by the thermocouples lo- ',cated on the downstream end of each of the main resistance heaters, and a 'low—temperature limit switch is actuated by a thermocouple located at the f‘exit of cooler 2 to provide scram action as. required. In addition, there is a high—temperature scram on each of the three metallurgical—sample- station freeze valves. 3;4‘2 fPressure meaSurement amdrcontrol System pressure is maintained at .a fixed value by supplying helium ‘gas to the system through pressure regulator PV-HO2A while simultaneously | bleeding helium gas plus pump seal oil leakage via oil traps_at a con- trolled rate through PdC-H11A. p An absolute-pressure transmitter is located on each of the three " metallurgical sample lines and on each of the two salt sample lines. These pressure measurements are used to ensure'thatdpressures in all the -sample.lines are equalized during filling and sampling operations to pre- vent forcing salt into the gas lines. These'fiwe pressure signals are selectively indicated on digital pressure indicator PI-14 by operating switch PS-14. Additionally, the two pressure signals transmitted from the salt sample stations are recorded on a two-pen strip-chart,recorder, since they indicate operating pressures of the pump bowl and drain tank. In addition to the above pressure measurements, five vacuum gages (Hastings) and numerous dial gages (pressure, vacuum, and compound) are 1ocated throughout the system. N | | No direct measurements of salt pressure are included because of the cost and complexity of instrumentation suitable for this purpose. . 3.4.3 Pump speed measurement-and control - The pump speed is measured by a magnetic pickup and gear tooth ”‘farrangement that is located just below the direct-drive coupling on the '_ pump shaft. The pulses generated by the magnetic pickup are ‘counted and L o O 43 converted to an analog cfirrent signal, which is indicated on panel meter SI-11. Pfimp sfieed is controlled by adjusting the frequency of a variable- frequéncy motor-generator set that supplies power to the pump drive motor. Low pump speed, which is detected by switch SS-11, initiates a scram and produces an alarm. 3.4.4 Power measurements Power supplied to the main loop resistance heaters is measured by thermal-watt converters and recorded on a two-pen strip-chart recorder (and on the Dextir data system), with each pen recording the power dissi- pated in one of the two heaters. Power to the pump motor is recorded on recording wattmeter EyR-11, Power to the two resistance cooler heaters is indicated on panel-mounted wattmeters. 3.4.5 Thermal conductivity measurement Thermal conductivity of the helium cover gas is measured by a heated filament conductivity bridge (CE-HO4A) and recorded on a strip-chart re- corder, The pure helium input to the loop is used as a reference and com— pared to helium vented from the oil catch basin of the pump. This provides a means of detecting helium contamination by air, moisture, and impurities from the salt. The thermal conductivity measurement system was originally used in the early corrosion loops (MSR-FCL-1 and MSR-FCL-2) to monitor boron trifluoride (BFs) carried away from the sodium fluoroborate coolant ~ salt within the pump bowl. The thermal conductivity system has been re- tained for corrosion loops FCL-3 énd FCL~4 primarily because it has proved useful in monitoring air and moisture contamination, particularly from out- gassing that occurs during initial preheating operations. - 3.4.6 Digital data system (Dextir) A number of the data points, including temperatures, heater power, ~ and pump speed, are recorded on a central digital data-acquisition system, | which consists of Beckman Dextir data~collection hardware interfaced to a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8 computer. Data may be converted on line to engineering units and printed out on a teletype terminal or they Y may be recorded on magnetic tape and converted off line by the IBM-360/75 (or dther) computer. | The 23-channel analog boxes and one éS-chafinel digital box are in- stalled on each of the FCL-3 and FCL-4 facilities. Im addition, a 43- channel, 338.6 K (150°F), or equivalent, thermocouple reference box is installed on each loop. | Each digital box of 25 channels is normally scanned automatically at hburly.intervals but may be scanned at intervals of 5, 15, or 30 min as well. Any box may be set to scan continuously, or a single scan may be initiated manually at any time. The Dextir system has three ranges of 0 to 10, 0 to 100, and 0 to 1000 mV that may be preselected for each individual channel, Overall accuracy is *0.07% of full scale, and resolution is one part in 10,000. 3.4.7 Block diagram : aReferrihg to Fig. 19, Control System Block Diagram, there are two sources of power for the test facility: building power and diesel power. There are also two power buses, One bus is energized only from the build- ing power source (normal TVA power) and supplies power to the main loop heaters, the cooler blowers, the damper motors, and the variable-frequency M-G set., The other bus is energized from the building power source when it is available, but is automatically switched to the diesel power source if the building power fails. This bus supplies power to all heaters (ex- cept the main loop resistance heaters) and to the lube oil pumps. The ob- jective of this design is to scram the loop, but keep the salt molten during TVA power outages, and to ensure that cooling oil flow is maintained in the centrifugal pump at all times. 3.4.8 Instrument application diagram There are two drawings for each test loop éomprising the Instrument Application Diagram. Figures 20 and 21 show the diagram for FCL-3 only, because the diagrams for FCL-4 are identical. The first of these shows the salt system, including the pump, the main loop heaters, the coolers, the fill-and-drain tank, and the three metallurgical sample lines with o/ 45 ORNL-DWG 76--16591 NEATER® S B oy pass (#5-¢4) } o POWE {nE 8¢) 1 I Sranr o mrn"" ] {£3-MWy) {£3 ¢8) Jer MOBNLLY OAFMTITS SNITCN O COXTLIOL [ ] Om....m Fig. 19. Block diagram of control system, ME 1 START oS SEAL START AYYE AFSPR, (*4-128) I (£3-124) I s [ (2 -198) (es-umy | TZ50r L - I 1 row cow 0 sron URE W Jros . ARW FLON 40w _sow {e3-12y) atd iltd (£3-138) ORNL-DWG 76-16590 ! . i . . | t : / re my’ww FvIrest Lo . | . . CONIIHAMD ON Dwh ©6-C0R-& Emiel Mo & To AT, re el S g AD. ) ) m(“l 1 I——@--%“.@ “"9"--} @ s ey g ol [:@ @_ ®§é @"‘.‘ :2;::‘;;’“ m'r'-'-%.-a'.-.;..é)-w m'x'—-l,.?-.?‘. At e jy —@j.:::f ?é @ “'l'i'--l w'u'..-.l “ 0 pe _.—-@--fla-nm iy ro mer Sanei & mo. 8 FAzeg & Vasva S08 bois r—@—.flll’ T @ 8 [f 2 ..% o = | ‘ @ [ . «wl /Qw s '§9G€§£§?1 horp Tassea -3 1 ' l e~ ire véu@/ o oy I? ™o .,._ , 4' '(.’ é‘)'..:.,. *""' 7 7’ r Ere® T T »@ @ Lfi.---..-i.---,:--,.-....g' f---,:%,-r——-@--é%@-@,fl-g.@3_.@ il LT, N @ G : ! ! Ve 4 : u&‘l’ w.t u:r u-"b' @ N CAIFET SRR GAS SUANY &2 & ® g"::,::’“m' %—45 ot '—é—@-fli 3 P 1Y " ap-rS t A , ' .l !nla’bflnal 13 €] a t o $ 5 < xro)® e mm v e = —— - L-------—————-——-—-—-— - “ 3 COLIPIN LD B TINS NS, ™ WATEA LinS MAST 8 =~ & Fig. 20. Instrument application diagram for MSR~-FCL-3 — sheet 1. 47 ORNL—-DWG 76-16592 g L coumy Legeno TR gty O PR MOUNTED INSPRYMENT. WEPRVMENT (M STALLED IN L iwses : owron _ ——@-—l ) vALvE 8YaYion TATEI0C-8 : 6 PANEL MOUNTED INSTRUMENT G) Doy PR _ . . ' o cooLan » ' @ OO une numsers. " . M- snres ‘ ~NeTeEs! b Vol ZISV UTPER S8 £4CH NSTRLAIENT DENOTES 1NErRIHENTP LOCATIIN A X-@ _@ soLons . 3 A potPor, D | a7 | ; @ % & Rl B8 : § 1 g Wrs-0c-a A | ffi S . 8 f 3 ? 7 £ £E7ER YO QAN CF W0 ST-2-1 Sol o VENT O EACLOSENT Y . § 3 3 § . ‘ g :8 :::::;‘Tw OF INSTRVMENY Shen | ¥ s 4 3§ NI _@ : : ; scane s ss \,: & : g & L t 3 > §‘: s < * $ 3 ne oY § 3 i Y ¥l ¥ ¢ 8 3 3 \ }—— p N i {4 {P .‘\0 b —& -G r—— TO ALPNA s - SEE DWE. NO. €6 -00/-8 i o —g_ VERE 10 EMCI0SURE 1 H.ll-.f Ly ;-w’;i,‘ Conr. rel §9) O venwr ouclh EACCOIUAT : FrvavsT Aan 0 £00Cr 00 ol LRON SSrE/Csr” meL o PPN CALION f"m' SI¢ OWg 3037 00+ e -9 L CONTINUED ON DG, MO, Q6. 00I-& Fig. 21. Instrument application diagram for MSR=-FCL-3 — sheet 2, 48 their associated freeze valves. The second drawing shows the helium sup- | ":]’ ply system, the sample station valving, the lube oil pumps, the vacuum systems, and the thermal conductivity measuring system. These diagrams are intended to show schematically the instrumentation of the entire fa- cility and are not, of course, intended to show or imply any dimensional data. | A complete list of instruments shown on these diagrams is given in Abpendix E, and a 1list of Instrumentation and Control drawings is in- - cluded in Appendix B. 3.4.9 Molten-salt level measurements Salt level is measured in the fill-and-drain tank and in the auxiliary tank by "spark plug"-type continuity probes. The level detection circuitry operates with a low ac voltage of approximately 6.3 V at 60 Hz on the probe when it is not in contact with molten salt, This voltage drops to approxi- mately 1 V when the salt contacts the probe. 3.4.10 Molten-salt flow measurement Due to the high cost and complexity of instruments suitable for mea- suring molten-salt flow directly, no direct flow measurements are made. In lieu of a direct measurement, the main loop resistance heater sections are used as calorimetric flowmeters. By using the auxiliary heaters'to make up for heat losses, the flow rate of the salt through the heater sections can be calculated from measurements of the temperature rise‘and power input to the resistance-heated section. 3.4.11 Control panels - The control panels for corrosion loops FCL-2, FCL?B, and FCL-4 are shown assembled in the experimental area of Building 9201—3 in Fig. 22. Each of the new loops requires four control panels with variable trans- formers for electrical preheating and four special-purpose cabinets for the most frequently used controls. Two additional cabinets are required on each loop for daté logging and auxiliary instrumentation, but they are ) . located behind the main panel and are not visible in Fig. 22, '1‘:) st Ll T L . Fig. 22, View of control panels and FCL-4, | for corrosion loops FCL-2, FCL-3, PHOTO 4291—-76 Pr— 6% 50 4, SYSTEM LIMITATIONS, SET POINTS, AND PRECAUTIONS The loop automatic instrumentation is designed to prevent (1) over- -préssurization, (2) overheating;'(3) loop damage if the pufip stops, and (4) accidental salt freezing if nofmal e1ectric power supply is lost. If specified limits arerexceéded, the more critical parameters will place the 'loop in standby condition (scrém) by turning off the main resistance heaters, turning off the‘air coolers, and reducing the pump speed. Pres- sure relief valves PSV-HO2A and PSV-H14B, which are set td relieve at 0.3 MPa (30 psig), are located on the helium supply lines to the pump bowl and to.other'gas systéms to preclude excess cover-gas pfessure. High- temperature alarms are provided near the exit regions of the main resis- tance-heated sections 1 and 2. Protection against overheating is particu- larly important on the main heaters because of the high heat flux in these regions and correspondifig rapid temperature rise if salt flow is reduced or stopped. High-temperature alarm and scram‘action to the standby condi- tion is also provided on the three salt freeze val#es of the metallurgical specimen removal stations. A low-temperature alarm warns 6f near freezing conditions at the exit of cooler 2 via TIC-9, and scram action will result. Scram action also occurs if the flow rate of lubrication oil to the pump is low or if the helium cover-gas pressure drops below 117 kPa (17 psia). | ’ A number of less critical alarms provide operator information about off-design conditions but.do not place the loop in standby. These alarms include low temperature on the guard‘heaters of the coolers, low flow of the ventilation air from the shielded loop enclosures, bypass of the build- ing alarm, or low oil pressure at PS-008. A summary of all alarms and respective parameter set points is shown in Table 4, The major precaution in loop design is to prevent accidental freezing of the salt within the piping system. Freezing of salt is avoided because melting operations can easily lead to pipe rupture as the salt expands dur- ing reheating. To this end, the heaters on the piping should bé arranged, as much as practical, so that melting operations can be carried out by pro- gressing in short increments of length from a free surface, such as the salt level within the pump tank. Emergency diesel-driven auxiliary power (Esj Table 4. Alarm sumhary for FCL-3 or -4 Alarm conditipns Control action Instrument No. Set point High loop temperature Low loop‘temfieratufe Low pump speed . Low loop pressure <-Low pump oil flow Loss of building power Cooler No. 1 blower off Cooler No. 2 blower off Interlocks bypassed ' (switches HS2, HS3, HS4, HSS, HS6, HS7, HS8) High temp. freeze valve S09, MET sample 1 High temp, freeze valve S02, MET sample 2 High temp. freeze valve S06, MET sample 3 Cooler guard heater at low temperature Vent stack flow Building alarm bypass Pump electric powet lost Lubrication oil at low pressure Scram Scram Séram Scram Scram Scram and switch to emergency power Cooler No. 1 damper closes Cooler No. 2 damper closes None2 Scram Scram Scram None Nonea Noned Scram None@ TIC-7 (TE-SO1T) TIC-8 (TE-S04Y) TIC-9 (TE-SO8T) SI-11 PR=15A FI-005A TIS-18 (TE-S09C) TIS-19 (TE-S02C) TIS-17 (TE-S06C) Brown Recorder cabinet 11 Damper in air duct PS-008 790°C (1460°F) 840°C (1550°F) 495°C (925°F) 2500 rpm 117 kPa_(l? psia) 50% of normal flow '205°C (400°F) 205°C (400°F) 205°C (400°F) 93°C (200°F) Off-on 134 kPa (4.8 psig) 8Local alarm only. TG 52 supply is available if normal electric power fails, and automatic switching between. power supplies is provided. A 1ow-temfierature alarm is provided at the exit of cooler 2, and the loop will automaticaliy scram to the standby condition if the salt temperature approaches 500°C (932°F). No automatic salt draining features were inéluded, as is normal for larger test facilities, because the circulating salt inventory is only about 5 liters (1.3 gal). - The loop is operated within a shielded enclosure to prevent operator injury due to leakage of the high-temperature salt, The shielded enclosure is ventilated by an exhaust system, so that smoke or fumes from leakage are carried to a stack on the roof. Ventilation is required because the molten salt contains both beryllium and a small amount of alpha;radioactive mate- rial. Constant air monitor filters (two each) are located at each end of the enclosure, and these are periodically removed and checked by Health Physics perSonnel to ensure that contamination levels are within safe limits adjacent to the loops. | | These corrosion loops generally operate at full design conditions 24 hr/day, and therefore all instrument alarms are monitored both by local alarms and by an annunciator panel located at the PSS office. An automatic timer switch transfers alarm signals to the PSS office at night and on weekendé because someone is on duty there at ail times. In the event of an alarm, operator personnel familiar with the equipment are notified of the alarm condition from the PSS office by telephone. Operator fiersonnel are expected to investigate the alarm condition by coming to the operating area to determine appropriate action. The only significant fire hazard of the facility is related to the 8 liters of lubrication oil for the pump. The salt will not self—ignite in the event of a salt leak, but the salt temperature is high enough to ignite the oil if the two fluids mix accidentally. An oil catch pan is provided around the pump bowl and bearing housing so that ahy-oil leakage in this area will safely drain away rather than drop onto the thermal in- sulation and the hot exteridr surfaces of the pump and piping. Overhead clearance at,the test facility is such that an oil fire could safely burn itself out without endangering other experiments or the 100p operators. 5 \. vy w 53 \hr/ ‘ Instrumentation is provided to allow the loop to continue operation without scramming in the event of electrical power dips or brief outages of 2 sec or less, .This feature'is-particularly.useful during the summer months when severe electrical storms occur and momentary outages due to lightning are frequent, The coastdown time of the ALPHA pump is such that - some salt flow is maintained during the 2-sec interval and the salt in the ‘coolers does not freeze. Therefore, the power dip instrumentation allows the loop to accumulate more operating time at design conditions and is particularly beneficial during periods of unattended operation on nights and weekends. 5. OPERATION Operation of corrosion loops MSR-FCL-3 and ~4 will profit from pre- vious operation of MSR-FCL-2 for more than 19,000 hr, particularly since there is a high degree of commonality among the three systems. Prior to operation, standard practice dictates 1. preparation of an operating manual describing the loop design and equipment, initial’system check-~out, and detailed operating proce- dures; ' | 2. posting of emergency procedures at the loop control panel; 3. posting of a loop schematic diagram identifying significant system components° ' , 4. posting of an isometric diagram of the system indicating the location of electric heaters and their associated thermocouples and controllers. Due to program cancellation, this work was not completed. 5.1 Initial Salt Filling of the Fill-and-Drain Tank . o The system is readied for operation after completing pneumatic and helium leak testing, electrical checkout, etc., by baking out the piping system to remove water vapor from the metallic surfaces. Care must be exercised to ensure that the pump cooling oil is turned on before heating &/ 54 begins, The system is evacuated repeatediy to 3 kPa (0.5 psia) and re- . kfi? filled with purified helium to purge moisture. A high vécuum is specifi- cally avoided during evacuation of the loop piping, because the light turbine oil in the pump oil catch basin would diffuse under high vacuum pumping and contaminate interior surfaces of the loop piping. After bake- out and purging is completed, the fill-and~drain tank is prepared for salt filling. A small transfer pot cdntaining about 20 kg (22 1b) of fuel salt is attached to the Swagelok compression fitting on the drain tank dip-leg ‘access riser pipe via 6.3-mm-0D X 0.9-mm-wall (1/4~in.-OD X 0.035-in.-wall) Hastelloy N tubing., The transfer pot is preheated to about 705°C (1300°F), and purified helium is bubbled through the dip tube for at least an hour to stir the salt and ensure that no salt segregation has occurred during melting, Failure to stir the salt can fesult in transfer 6f an atypical, ‘segregated fuel-salt mixture into the drain tank. Prior to salt transfer, the adjustable level probes in the fill-and-drain tank.are set to observe the desired filling level and the tank is preheated to about 600°C (1112°F). The helium pressure above the salt surface of the transfer pot is increased slightly to force the molten salt through the transfer line into the fill- and—dfain tank. The pfOper salt level in the fill-and-drain tank can easily be obtained if the end of the fill line is located at the desired salt elevation. Of course, this must be done at the time the salt transfer line is installed initially in the drain tank dip-leg access riser. Salt is transferred until it rises above the end of the dip tube, and then helium pressure is reversed to blow the salt back toward the transfer pot. 'When the salt level reaches the end of the dip tube, an audible bubbling can be heard as the helium flows back through the salt remaining in the transfer pot. This method provides a positive methdd of filling to a precise level and additionally blows most of the salt out of the transfer line when the salt transfer is completed. After the transfer pot is cooled and removed, a salt sample is taken from the drain tank and analyzed for contamination., ~ Safety procedures require that personnel wear protective clothing while working on the salt-transfer equipment whenever the salt is molten. This safety equipment consists of a long chrome leather coat, chrome 55 leather hood, and gloves. Two men are required in any salt-transfer op- eration as a safety precaution. 5.2 Filling the Loop with Salt The operators must establish cooling oil flow through the pump before any heat is applied to the pump bowl to prevent damage to bearings and | seals, The loop piping is then readied for filling by adjusting the manual variable transformer preheat controls until all piping and components are heated to at least 650°C (1200°F). No specific heating rate ié observed during preheating of the piping.‘ The adjustable transformers are normally set at the voltage required to heat the piping to about 650°C (1200°F) and allowed to come to equilibrium. All gas equalizer lines are opened to allow pressure balancing between the free salt surface in the pump bowl and the free surfaces at each of the three metallurgical sample stations. Filling of this system is a critical operation, because the four free sur- faces at the pump and metallurgical sample stations fill simultaneously. Any surge of pressure or sudden venting can cause salt level surging at the metallurgical sample station, which results in salt freezing in the small unheated gas lines located just abovg'the freeze valve elevation. An improper filling technique and resultant salt surging can also result in salt démage to the Teflon parts of the ball valve located about 21 cm (8 in.) above the normal salt level within the metallurgical sample sta- tions. About 5 liters (1.3 gal) of salt is required to fill the loop to the normal operating level [i.e., a salt depth of 10 cm (3.9 in.) in the auxiliary pump tank]. Salt transfer is halted by careful pressure balanc- ing between the drain tank and the auxiliary pump tank, and then the sépa— rate drain lines are cooled and frozen. After the drain lines are frozen; the metallurgical sample stringers are lowered through their respective air locks and ball valves to be immersed in the salt. The tee handles are then disengaged from the-metallurgical'spééimen stringers, the ball valves closed, and the freeze valves established on each station. Forced salt circulation may now éomménce_by Starting the ALPHA pump.: 56 5.3 Bringing the Loop to Design Conditions The loop is brought from isothermal to AT operation by first bringing the ALPHA pump to normal operating speed of 5000 rpm to create a flow rate of 2.5 X 10~4m3/s (4 gpm) and then gradually applying the AT by incremen- tal manual increases in the main resistance heaters_with corresponding manual adjustment of the blower inlet dampers to increase cooler air flow. Past experience with corrosion loop FCL-2 has shown that an expefienced | operator can convert loop operation from isothermal to AT conditions in 0.5 hr or less. | | After the system is at AT conditions, the guard heaters on the coolers must be manually set at their proper heating range by'adjusting four vari- able transformers. These heaters increase the temperature of the metal mass fiithin the. cooler air ducts during AT operation to help prevent salt freezing in the event of a scram. This feature was added to corrosion loop FCL-2 after actual operating experience showed that the small salt inven- tory of the loop came dangerously close to freezing after special manual scrams during which the salt pump continued to circulate salt after the scram, ‘ _ After the loop temperatures are at operating conditions, the power-dip circuit is actuated by pushing reset switch ES-9A. If the power~dip cir- cuit were not reset, the loop would scram if any momentary power outage occurred. After ES-9A is reset, the loop can tolerate a 2-sec power outage and resume operation without alarm or operator assistance. It is noted that the power-dip circuit cannot be reset while any parameter that scrams the loop is in either a scram condition or bypassed. The loop is now at design conditions and ready for extended operation. 6. MAINTENANCE 6.1 Maintenance Philosophy Maintenance of the loop equipment withinkthe shielded enclosure will not be done while the piping is full of salt and operating at full pump speed, because the pump discharge pressure is quite high [i.e., 2.0 MPa (290 psia)] and any salt leakage might endanger personnel. Minor repairs 57 to instrumentation and controls within the enclosure can be done with the loop full of salt and with the pump stopped, since the maximum pressure within the loop is then about 0.136 MPa (5 psig). Maintenance will be performed by properly supervised and expérienced craftsmen wearing pre- scribed safety clothing. The entry of personnel into the facility shielded enclosure is controlled by the project leader. A safety work permit and the safety equipment indicated in'Table_S'are required for entry into the enclosure. If a salt leak occurs, respirators are required, in addition to the equipment shown in the table, until the salt spill had been removed and the area approved by Health Physics personnel, Table 5. 'Safety reqhifementé For enclosure For opening entry © salt piping System empty and at ambient a a temperature System empty with heat b Not permitted applied System full of salt, pump b Not permitted stopped . System full, pump at full . c . _ Not permitted speed . aSafety glasgses and gloves. bFull protective equipment — chrome leather suit, gloves, and head cover, “Maintenance is not permitted, but inspection by - loop operators in full protective equipment (b) is some~ times required. _ : 6.2 Normal Maintenance Requirements During normal operation of loop FCL-3 or FCL-4, routine cfiecks, cali- brations, and-preventive-ma%ptenance offthe-loop-components; auxiliary equipment, and ihstrumentétion-are'required'to minimize malfunction of the facility. A check list of the facility equipment and the required mainte- nance is glven in Table 6. Scram circuits are periodically tested during actual loop operation to ensure that the required safety actions occur, i { i 58 Table 6. Preventive maintenance check list cation oil system by rotating wiper handle Time Equipment or function Action between : checks Check alarms and scrams? Loop temperature, high (TIC-~7, TIC-8) Scram 3 months Loop temperature, low (TIC-9) ' Freeze valve temperature, high, MET sample 1 (TIS-18) Freeze valve temperature, high, MET sample 2 (T1S-19) Freeze valve temperature, high, MET sample 3 (T1S-17) Loop pressure, low (PR-15A) Pump cooling and lubrication oil flow, low Y (FI-005A) ' - Pump lubrication oil pressure, low Alarm 1 month Pump low speed Scram 3 months Low-temperature alarm on cooler guard heaters Alarm 3 months Check and calibrate temperature, pressure, and power recorders and controllers Temperature recorders Data 6 months Temperature indicators Data Temperature controllers Control 1 Pressure recorders Data Pressure transducers and pressure indicators Data 1 month Loop power recorders Data 6 months Pump speed indicators and conductivity cell Data 3 months Change vacuum tubes, TICs Control 6 months ALPHA pumpb Check pump lubrication oil low-pressure alarm Alarm 3 months (PS-008) Check speed with strobe light None 1 month Check lubrication oil sump level 1 week Check lower shaft seal leakage (oil) 1 day Check upper shaft seal leakage (oil) 1 day Check drive motor for excessive noise or 1 day vibration Check M-G set for noise or vibration 1 week Check lubrication and cooling oil system 1 week leakage Clean "auto clean" filter in cooling and lubri- 3 months 85cram condition transfers loop from design (AT) operation to standby. | ALPHA pump bearings and seals are designed for at least 8000 hr operation; they may require less frequent replacement, as determined by experience. b 59 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We express our thanks to the many persons who contributed to the de- sign, fabrication, and construction of molten-salt corrosion loops FCL-3 and FCL-4, We specifically acknowledge H. E. McCoy, R. E. MacPherson, and J. R. Engel for project management and guidance; C. J. Claffey for mechanical design; C. W; Collins‘for vessél and piping stress analysis; W. E. Sallee for electrical design; and G. W. Greene for instrumentation and control design. Messrs. Claffey, Sallee, and Greene also contributed sections of this design report in their respective specialities. J. R, Keiser provided metallurgical advice; E. M. Lees and H. E. Robertson gave fabrication and construction assistance; and Virginia Maggart provided . secretarial assistance, REFERENCES l. W. R. Huntley and P. A. Gnadt, Design and Operation of a Forced- Circulation Test Facility (MSR-FCL-1) Employing Hastelloy N Alloy and Sodium Fluoroborate Salt, ORNL/IM-3863 (January 1973). 2, W. R. Huntley, J. W. Koger, and H., C. Savage, MSRP Semiannu. Progr. Rep. Aug. 31, 1970, ORNL-4622, pp. 176-8. 3. J. W. Koger, A Forced-Circulation Loop for Corrosion Studies: Hastelloy N Compatibility with NaBF,-NaF (92-8 mole %), ORNL/TM—-4221 (December 1972). 4. H. W. Jenkins et al., "EMF and Voltametric Measurements on the U“+/U3+' Couple in Molten LiF-BeF,-2rF,," J. Electrochem. Soc. 116, 1712 (1969). 5. S. Cantor et al., Physical Properties of Molten-Salt Reactor Fuel, Coolant, and Flush Salts, ORNL/TM-2316 (August 1968). 6. S. Cantor, Density and Viscosity of Several Molten Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL/TM-4308 (March 1973). 7. J. W. Cooke, MSRP Semiannu. Progr. Rep. Aug. 31, 1969, 0RNL—4449, P. 92. ’ 8, J. H., Griffin, Piping Flexibility Analyses Program MEC-21, LA-2929 ) 61 Appendix A ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL-3) 62 Electrical drawing list (MSR-FCL-3) Drawing Size Title No. E 11628 E R 501 E Single-Line Diagram — Normal and Emergency Power E 11628 E R 502 E Schematic Diagram — Sh, 1 — Normal and Emergency Power E 11628 E R 503 E Schematic Diagram — Sh. 2 — Normal and Emergency Power E 11628 E R 504 E Schematic Diagram — Sh. 3 — Normal and Emergency Power : E 11628 E R 505 E Auxiliary Heaters — Schem. Diag. — Sh. 4 — Normal and Elec. Power ‘ E 11628 E R 506 Main Pump Motor — Schematic and Control Diagram E 11628 E R 507 E Exp. Piping Isometric — Heater and T/C Arrange- : ment E 11628 E R 508 E Auxiliary Heater and Power Supply Schedule E 11628 E R 509 E Variac Cabinet No, 1 — Assembly and Wiring E 11628 E R 510 E Variac Cabinet No. 2 — Assembly and Wiring E 11628 E R 511 E Variac Cabinet No. 3 — Assembly and Wiring E 11628 E R 512 E Variac Cabinet No. 4 — Assembly and Wiring E 11628 E R 513 E Metering Cabinet No. 10 — Assembly and Wiring E 11628 E R 514 E Exp. Area—Equipment Arrangement — Plan E 11628 E R 515 E Exp. Area—Equipment Arrangement — Elevations E 11628 E R 516 E Starter Rack Frames & Trans. Support Frame — Assembly & Details E 11628 E R 517 E Main Pump Drive—Motor Generator Installation — ' lst F. Plans E 11628 E R 518 Equipment Grounding E 11628 E R 519 E Electrical Auxiliary Details E 11628 E R 520 E Type "E" Variac Control Panel — Assembly & Wiring Diagram 63 Appendix B INSTRUMENT DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL-3) 64 Instrument drawing list (MSR-FCL-3) Drawing Size Title I-11628-QG~-001 E Instrument Application Diagram, Sh., No. 1 I-11628-QG-002 E Instrument Application Diagram, Sh. No. 2 I1-11628-QG-003 E Control System Block Diagram I-11628-QG-004 D Typ. T/C Installation and Dextir Tab. I-11628-QG-005 D Ann, Common Conn. M. E. D. I-11628-QG-006 D Control Circuit 1 through 13 M. E. D. 1-11628-QG-007 D Control Circuit 14 through 33 I-11628-QG-008 D Ann. Circuit No. 50 through 67 I¥11628-QG—009 D AC Power M, E, D. I-11628-QG-010 D Power Measurement Control Cir. 45 through 48 I-11628-QG-011 D Conductivity Measuring System M. E. D. I-11628-QG-012 D Pressure Transducers M, E. D. I-11628-QG-013 D M. E. A, Diagram for M-G Set and Clutch 1-11628-QG-014 D T/C Tabulation I-11628-QG-015 D Instrument Cabinets No. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Front' Elev, I-11628-QG-016 D Instrument Panels Det's. No. 5E, 6C, 6D, and 6E Cutouts I1-11628-QG-017 D Instrument Panels Det's. No. 7C, 7D, 7E, 8D, and 8G Cutouts ' I-11628-QG-018 D Instrument Panels Det's, No. 5C, 5F, and 9C Cut- outs I-11628-QG~019 I-11628-QG-020 I-11628-QG-021 I-11628-QG-022 I-11628-QG-023 I-11628-QG~024 I-11628-QG~025 I-11628-QG-026 I-11628-QG~027 I-11628-QG~028 Cabinet No. 5 Rear View Cabinet No. 6 Rear View Cabinet No. 7 Rear View Cabinet No, 8 Rear View Graphic Symbols Relay Mounting Board Details Side Plate and Ground Bus Details Leeds and Northrup CAT Control Modifications Instrument Cab. No. 5 Wiring Table o U U U U o o o o o Instrument Cab. No. 6 Wiring Table 65 Drawing Size Title No. I-11628-QG~029 D Instrument Cab. No. 7 Wiring Table I-11628-QG-030 D Instrument Cab. No. 8 Wiring Table I-11628-QG-031 D Instrument Cab. No. 10 Wiring Table D I-11628-QG-032 Level Element Control Box LS-10 Details and As- sembly : 67 ~ Appendix C MECHANICAL DRAWING LIST\(MSR—FCL—3) 2R R R R "R R "M nn BR 0oy RO 68 Mechanical drawing list (MSR-FCL-3) Drawing' No. Size Title P 11628 E R 002 E Views (B-B, C-C, and D-D) Loop Piping and Equip- ment P 11628 E R 003 E Plan and Elevation Loop Piping and Equipment M-11628 E R 004 E Cooler No. 1 Assembly 'M 11628 E R 005 E Cooler No. 2 Assembly M 11628 E R 006 E Removable Specimen Assembly M 11628 E R 007 E Removable Specimen Details M 11628 E R 008 E Removable Specimen Details M 11628 E R 009 E Cooler No. 2, Details of Lower Housing and Sup- port Legs M 11628 E R 010 E Coolers No. 1 and 2, Subassembly of Core and Dampers M 11628 E R 011 E Coolers No. 1 and 2, Upper Removable Duct and Details 11628 E R 012 E Blower and Duct Assembly No. 1 and 2 Blowers 11628 E R 013 E Blower Duct Details for No. 1 and 2 Blowers 11628 E R 014 E Cooler No. 1 Coil Weldment and Details 11628 E R 015 E Cooler No, 2 Coil Weldment and Details 11628 E R 016 E Fill-and-Drain Tank Assembly and Details 11628 E R 017 E Cooler No., 1 Subassembly Lower Housing 11628 E R 018 E Support Frame Assémbly Plan 11628 E R 019 E Support Frame Details, Sh. 1 11628 E R 020 E Support Frame Details, Sh. 2 11628 E R 021 E Special Fittings and Freeze Valve 11628 E R 022 E Resistance Heater No. 2 11628 E R 023 E Pump Auxiliary Tank 11628 E R 024 E Lube 0il and Purge Gas Cabinet Piping 11628 E R 025 E Location and Service Piping, FCL 3 and 4 11628 E R 026 E Enclosure Exhaust Duct and Support Weldments 11628 E R 027 E Service Piping for FCL-3 and -4 11628 E R 028 E Enclosure (Shielding) Assembly 11628 E R 029 E Enclosure (Shielding) Section and Details 69 Dr;zfng Size Title M 11628 E R 030 E Enclosure (Shielding) Section and Details M 11628 E R 031 E Enclosure Panels M 11628 E R 032 E - Enclosure (Shielding) Weldment M 11628 E R 033 E Sampler Assembly and Details P 11628 E R 034 E Corrosion Specimen and Salt Sample Valving, _ Vacuum and Helium Service S 11628 E R 035 E Purge Gas Cabinet S 11628 E R 036 Purge Gas Cabinet —Details P 11628 E R 037 E Lube 0il and Purge Gas Cab. Piping Sections, Weldments & Details S 11628 E R 039 E Support Frame Details, Sh. 3 S 11628 E R 040 E Support Frame Assembly Elevation M 11628 E R 041 E Auxiliary Tank Details M 11628 E R 042 E Miscellaneous Details M 11628 E R 043 E Resistance Heater No. 1 M 11628 E R 044 E Lube 0il and Purge Gas Cabinet Details M 11628 E R 045 E Circulating Pump Drive Motor Assembly 'M 11628 E R 046 E Flexible Coupling 71 Appendix D ALPHA PUMP DRAWING LIST (MSR-FCL-3 AND -4) 72 T EEEEEEE-EE = ALPHA pump drawing list (MSR-FCL-3 and =-4) Drszf“g Size Title 11628 E R 101 E ALPHA Pump Assembly 11628 E R 102 D Outer Bearing Housing Assembly 11628 E R 103 D Seal Details 11628 E R 104 D Inner Shaft and Details 11628 E R 105 D Inner Bearing Housing 11628 E R 106 D Details 11628 E R 107 D Shaft Assembly 11628 E R 108 D Pump Impeller 11628 E R 109 E Casing Sleeve 11628 E R 110 D Outer Bearing Housing Weldment 11628 E R 111 D ‘Pump Casing Blank 11628 E R 112 D Details M 11628 E R 113 D Details M 11628 E R 115 D Shroud Assembly 11628 E R 116 D Shaft M 11628 E R 117 D Polygon Gages 73 Appendix E INSTRUMENT LIST FOR FCL-3 OR =4 Instrument list for FCL-3 or -4 Ins;z?ment Service Description Location CE-HO4A Thermal conductivity GOW-MAC 24-100 Valve box CR~16 Conductivity recorder Minneapolis-Honeywell Class 15, Panel 5D single pen CX~-16 Conductivity power supply and con- GOW-MAC 24-510 Panel 8D troller ECO-S07A Cooler heater 1 control 6 kVA single-phase saturable Electrical reactor equip. rack ECO-S08A Cooler heater 2 control 6 kVA single-phase saturable Electrical reactor equip. rack EeE-SO1lA Potential transforfier 0.5:1 GE type JE-27; Cat. No. 760X90G119 Cabinet 10 EeE~S01B Potential transformer 0.5:1 GE type JE-27; Cat. No. 760X90G119 Cabinet 10 EeE-S04A Potential transformer 0.5:1 GE type JE-27; Cat. No. 760X90G119 Cabinet 10 EeE-S04B Potential transformer 0.5:1 GE type JE-27; Cat. No. 760X90G119 Cabinet 10 EeE-S07A Potential transformer 0.25:1 GE type JE-27; Cat, No. 760X90G126 Cabinet 10 EeE~S08A Potential transformer 0.25:1 GE type JE-27; Cat. No. 760X90G126 Cabinet 10 Eel-5 Saturable reactor control volts Weston 0-150 VDC Model 301-57 Panel 8C Eel-6 Saturable reactor control volts Weston 0-150 VDC Model 301-57 Panel 8C C Instrument No. Sérfiice Description Location - EeI—li ‘Cifitéh voits Weston 0-300 VAC Model 744 Panel 7D EfI-11 M}G set frequency" Louis Allis 0-400 CPS Panel 7D‘ EiE-SO01A, B Current transfqrmer Esterline-Angus Model D 800:5 On 110 kVA ' . | | S XFORMER Sec EiE-SO4A, B - Current transformer Esterline-Angus Model D 800:5 On 110 kVA XFORMER Sec EiE~SO7A .Cfirrent trahsformer GE type‘JAK—O 400:5 Elect. equip. o o ‘ ' rack EiE-S0O8A Current transfofmer GE type JAK-0 400:5 Elect. equip. rack EiI-li Clutch‘cufrent Weston 0-5 A ac, Model 744 Panel 7D EIQIO M-G set "power on" indicator Pilot light, 115 V, green lens Panel 8C EI-11 | Clfit@h "power‘dn" indicator Pilot light, 115 V,-gfeen'lens Panel 8C ES—6 Damper motor power switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 800T Panel 6C ES-7 .Damper fiotor power switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 800T Panel 6C ES-32 Remote vent switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 800T Panel 7C EV-H10B Solefioid vent vaive ASCO 8262B208, or equal Valve station EwA-4 Loss of blower power alarm Tigerman 416 NCL~52 annunciator Panel 6A EwA-5 Loss of blower power alarm Tigerman 416 NCL-52 annunciator Panel 6A SL Instrument No. Service Description Location EwE-S01A Power to millivolt transducer Sangamo type CW—ld, Cat., No. S1477 Cabinet 10 EwE-S04A Power to millivolt transducer Sangamo type CW-10, Cat. No. S1477 Cabinet 10 EwI—SO?A Indicating wattmeter GE Model AB-10 Pafiel 5E EwIl-S08A Indicating wattmeter GE Model AB-10 Panel 5E Efierl Pump power recording wattmeter Esterline Angus Model AW Panel 8D EwR-12 Main loop heater 1 power Minn.ufloneywell Class 15, 2 pen Pénel 8B EwR-13 Mfiin loop heater 2 power Minn.—Honeyfiell Class 15, 2 pen Panel 8B EwS—4 Cooler 1 power switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 800T Panel 6D > EwS~5 Cooler 2 power switch Bulletin 800T Panel 6D FA—OOSA Oil-flow-low alarm Tigerman 416 NCL-S2 annunciator Panel 5A FA-66 Enclosure exhaust low-flow alarm Tigerman 416 NCL-S2 annunciator Panél 7A FE-005A Total oil flow orifice Fabricated in-house 0il pump | discharge FE-66 Enclosure exhaust flow switch Honeywell type 543B 1019-1 - In exhaust ' duct fInHOSA Bubbler flow indicator and oil trap Mefiam Model C-1241 System vent Iline FI~HOSB Bubbler fiow indicator and oil trap Meriam Model C-1241 'System vent line Instrument No .‘Sérvice Description Location FI-006A ‘Rotameter, Brooks Model 8-1110-10, Pump lubrication FI-007A FI-WO4A FI-11A FI-11B FI-11C FI-13A FI-25A FS-0054 FV-HO6A FV-HO7A FV-HO9A FV-004A FV-005A ALPHA pump lubrication oil flow ALPHA pump coolant oil flow Water_flow to oil cooler 011 leakage trap 0il leakage trap Offugaé”fldw indicator Pump:fiélium'pufge flow Helium flow to fill-and-drain tank Oiléfldw-low alarm switch Pump purge vent check valve Fill-and-drain tank vent check valve Conductivity cell bypéss check valve 0il pump discharge check valve - 0il pump discharge check valve or equal Rotameter, Brooks Model 8-1110-10, or equal Rotameter, Brooks Model 8-1110-10, or equal Meriam Model C-1241 Meriam Model C-1241 Fischer and Porter Model 10A 1340 Fischer and Porter Model 10A 1340 Fischer and Porter Model 10A 1340 Meletron Model 402 Whitey B-4C4-1/3, or equal Whitey B-4C4-1/3, or equal Whitey B-4C4-1/3, or equal 01C W547Y, or equal 01C W547Y, or equal oill line Pump coolant line Water cooiant line In valve box In valve box In valve box ALPHA'pump purge line Panel 6D Across FE 005A Valve box Valve box Valve box 0il pump 0il pump LL Instrument No. Service Description Location FV~-H32 Pump oil leakage check valve Whitey 8-4C4-1/3, or equal Inside encl. HC-S07A Cooler 1 power adjuster General Radio Model W2 w/rect. Pénel 5F HC-S07B Cooler 2 power adjuster General Radio Model W2 w/rect. Panel 5F HS-10A M-G set motor start switch Cutler~Hammer maintain contact Panel 7D HS-10B M-G set motor stop switch Cutler-Hammer maintain contact Panel 7D HS-11A Clutch voltage on switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 800T Panel 7D HS-11B Clutch voltage off switch Allen Bfadley Bulletin 800T Panel 7D HS-11C Clutch voltage adjust switch GE SB switch Panel 7D HV=-AOlA Adjust cooling air to freeze valve S06 Hand valve, Whitey B-1V56, or Panél 6C * equal HV-AO03A Adjust cooling air to freeze valve S09 Panel 6C HV-AO05A Adjust cooling air to freeze valve S02 Panel 7C HV-A07A Adjust cooling air to freeze valve S12 Panel 6E HV-AQ9A Adjust cooling air to freeze valve S13 Panel 6E HV-A11lA Adjust cooling air to freeze valve Sll Panel 7E HV~-Al13 Adjust cooling air to heater lug H Inside encl. HV-Al4 Adjust cooling air to heater lugs F & G Y Inside encl. C O 8L Instrument No Service Description Location HV-Al5 Adestjcdbling ailr to heater lugs B & C Whitey B-1K54, or equal Inside encl. HV-Al6 Adjust cooling air to heater lug E Inside encl. HV-A17 ~Adjust cooling air to heater lug D Inside encl. HV-A18 Adjust cooling air to heater lug A Inside encl. HV-EO1A Equalize pressure between lines EOl and Panel 6C EO02 HV-EO1B Block line to PT-E01A Inside encl. HV-EO02A Equaliie pressure‘between lines E02 and Panel 6E HV=-EO3A Eqfialize preésure between lines E02 and Panel 6C E03 | | HV-EO3B Block-line to PT-E03A Inside encl, HV-EO4A Equalize pressure between lines E02 and Panel 6C E04 HV-EO5A Equalize pressure between lines EO04 and Panel 6C ‘ EO5 HV-E06A Equalize pressure between lines E02 and Panel 7C E06 HV=-EQ06B Block line to PT-E06A Inside encl. HV-HO1A Line HO1 from GSTF/CSTF He system At helium supply 6L Instrument C No. Service Description Location HV-HO1B In line to electrochemical probe Whitey B~1K54, or equal At helium supply station HV-HO1C In helium supply system Panel 6E HV-HO2A In helium line HO2 Panel 6E HV~-H02B In line to helium heat exchanger In valve station HV-HO3A Conductivity cell bypass valve HV-HQO4A Conductivity cell block valve HV-~HOS5A Conductivity cell '"zero" valve - HV-HO6A ALPHA pump purge block valve HV-HO7A Fill-and-drain tank purge block valve HV-HO7B Fill-and-drain tank purge block valve HV-HO8A FI-HO8A drain valve HV-HO8B FI-HO8B drain valve HV-HO9A Conductivity cell bypass valve HV-HlOA ALPHA pump purge block valve HV-H11A FI-H11A drain valve HV-H11B FI-H11B drain valve Y Y 08 Instrument No. Service Description Location HV-H11C AL?HA pqmp purge throttling valve Hoke 2 PY 281, or equal In valve station HV-H11D .ALPHA'pgmp.quge block valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal HVffillE ALPHA pump purge block valve HV—fillF. Conductivity cell calibration port HV-HllG _ 0il catch tank drain valve HV~H12A Pump!gasket bfiffer gas supply valve HV-HIZB .Pump gasket buffef gas supply valve HV-H13A ‘- Pump purge'gés sfipply valve Y ¥ HV-H14A Helium station bott;e valve Supplied with helium bdttle On helium bottle HV—HiéB' Hélium_supfily valve-(utility) Whitey B-1K54, or equal Helium bottle sta- : : - tion ' HV=-H14C Helifim bottle supply block valve Helium bottle sta- | ' tion HV-HlSA MET sample station 3 He supply valve MgT sample station HV-H15B HV-~-H16A HV-H16B 18 Ihstrument No. Service Degcription Location HV-H17A HV-H17B HY-H18A HV-H18B HV-H19A HV—filQB Hfi-HZOA HV-H20B HV-H21A HV-H21B HV-H22A HV-H22B HV-H23A HV-H23B HV-H24A . HV-H24B MET sample station 1 He supply valve Salt sample station 1 He supply valve ¥ Salt sample station 2 He supply valve Y MET sample station 2 He supply valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal ) 'MET sample station 1 y Salt sample station 1 \ 4 Salt sample station 2 \ ’ MET sample station 2 [4: Ins;z?ment Service Description Location HV-HZSA Fill-and—drain_tanlee throttling valve Whitey B-1V54, or equal Panel 6E HV-HZSB 'Fillfand—d:ain tank vent valve Whitey BflKSA,‘or equal Panel 6D HV-H25C Fillfand-drain tank.block valve AWhitey B-1K54, or equal Panel 6D HV-H26A Fill-gnd-draifi‘tankblock valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal Panel 6E HV-001A Oillgoolgrrdrain valve | Nibgo/Scott T-235Y, or equal 0il cooler HV-OOlB | Oil‘coolgr level indicator block valve , Nibco/chtt T~235Y, or equal 01l cooler HV-001C 0il cooler level indicator block valve Nibco/Scot; T-235Y, or equal 0il cooler HV-OOZA OilvpumplZ inlet block‘vélve Hammond,1B643, or equal Oil pump 2 in \ et , HV-003A Oil'pfimp 1 ifilet'block valve Hammond 1B643, or equal Oil pump 1 in- | ' et HV-006A: Lufiricatiofi 011 thrfittling valve Powell Fig. 180A, or equal Lubrication - ' | ' oil line HV-007A Cooling oil thfottling‘valve Powell Fig. 180A, or equal Cooling'oil - o 1line HV-502A MET sample station 1 ball valve Worchestef No. 466-T-SW MET sample ' - ' station 1 HV-=S02B .MET sample Station_l ball valve Worchester No. 466-T-SW MET sample station 1 £8 Instrument Locat HV-V0O5A c Salt sample 2 vacuum valve No. Service Description ion _HV—SOGA MET sample station 3 ball valve Worchester No., 466-T—SW MET sample station 3 HV;SO6B MET sample station 3 ball valve MET sample station 3 HV-S09A ' MET sample station 2 ball valve MET sample station 2 lHV—SO9B MEI sample station 2 ball valve MET sample station 2 HVe§14A Salt sample station 1 ball valve Saltlsample station 1 HV~-S14B Salt sample station 1 ball valve Y HV-S14C Auxiliary tank helium valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal HV—SléD PT=S14A block valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal HV=-S15A Salt sample station 2 ball valve Worchester No.,466-T—SW Salt sample station 2 HV-SiSB | Salt sample statibn 2 ball valve Worchester No. 466-T-SW ~ Salt sample station 2 HV-S15C PT-S15A block valve Whitey B~1K54, or equal Salt sample station 2 HV-VO1lA Vacuum pump isolation valve WRC 1253 3/4, or equal Vacuum pump inlet HV—VG?A MET sample 3 vacuum valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal MET sample 3 HVfV03A MET sample 1 vacuum valve MET sample 1 HV=-V04A Salt sample 1 vacuum valve Met sample 3 Salt sample 2‘ v8 Auxiliary tank Insfiz?ment - Service Description Location HV-VOGA. ' MET samp1e.2vacuum falve Whitey B-1K54, or equal MET sample 2 HVFVO7A E§uaiizi£g.1ines fiacuum valve Whitey B-1K54, or equal Panel 6E .HV-WOZA _Qil cddlér wéfér thrdftling valve Whitey B-1V54, or equal Vaive station HV-WO2B : OiiécOOIer water drain valve 'White} B-1K54, or equal Valve statiofi LE-10A | .Auxiliéry tank-lqw sélt level Salt probe 'Auxiliary.tank LE-10B Auxilia;y tank medium’salt level LE;IOC FAuxiiiafy ténk higfi‘salt lefiel LE-S15A Fill-and-drain tank low salt level Fill-and-drain - . | tank | LE-S15B Fill.-_-'and-dra‘i.n tank high salt level Y l’ | LI-lOA. .Afixilia:y ténk 10&-1ével indicator 115-V pilot light, white lens Panel GC LI-lOB Auxiliarj téfik mediumflével indicator 1 Li—lOC' | Auxiliary.fank hiéhwlevel indicator LI-S15A Fill;afid—dfain fank low-salt-level Panel 7E 'indicator | LI-SlSB: Fiil;énd-&rain tank high—salt—levei Y l . indicator PA—Sl&A 1ow‘pressure alarm Tigerman 416 NCL-S2 annunciator Panel 5A G8 Instrument Description No. Service Loc#tion | 4PdCffillAl Ldop”éxhaust gas diff. pressure con- Moore Products type 63SU-L In valve station trol ' PE-H15 MET sample station 3 vacuum Hastings vacuum gage type DV-6M MET station 3 PE-H17 MET sample station 1 vacuum | MET station 1 PE-H19 Salt sample station 1 vacuum Salt sfiation 1 PE-H23 MET sample station 2 vacfium MET station 2 PE-VblA Vacuum fump inlet vacuum Vacuum pump inlet PI-A13A Air header pressure Norten-Ketay 3 1/2 in., 0-30 psig, Panel 7E o or equal | b PI~14 Digital pressure indicator Data Technology Corp. Model 412-03 Panel 5C PI-HOlA Purified helium regulated pressure Ashcroft Cat. No. 1009A, or equal Helium bottle sta- | tion ' PI-HO2A Helium pressure from regulated Norten Ketay, or equal; 3 1/2 in, Panel 6E’ source diam, 0—30 psig PI-HOéB Helium pressure to ALPHA pump Panel 6E PI-H12A Helium pressure to gasket buffer ) Panel 6D PI-H13A Helium pressure to pump purge Panel 6D PI-H14A Helium pressure to sampling station Panel 6E Insngment Setvicg Description Location PI-H14B Heiium botfile supply pressfire Ihtegral with PV-H14A (bottle regulator) Helium bottle ' station Pi-HlAC Helium bottlevregulated pressure Integral with PV-H14A (bottle regulator) Helium.bottle : ; o o ' station PI-H15A MET3éamp1er3 pressure 2 1/2 in. diam, 30 in. Hg, 5 psi compound MET sample 3 gage PI—H17A‘ MET safiple'lfipfessure | MET sample i PI-H19A Salt sample 1 pressure Sait sample 1 PI-H21A - Salt sample 2 pressure - Salt sample 2 PI-HZBA | MET:sample'Z pressure | ¥ MET sample 2 PI-004A 0il éfimfi Zdiscfiargepréssure 2 in. diam, 060 psig pressure gage 0il pump stand PI;OOSA Oii pump i discharge fireséure 2 in. diam, 0—60 fisig pressure gage 0il pump stand PI-V01lA Vacufim sfstem pressure Ashcroft Duragage 0—30 in. Hg, or equal Panel 6E PI-VO1B Vacuum'system-preésure Ashcroft Duragage 0—30 in. Hg, or equal Vacuum pump inlet PM-EO1A MET sample 3 pressure modifier Bell & Howell Model 18-112A-M31 Instr. cabinet 5 PM-E03A MET sample 1 pressure modifier Model 18-112A-M31 Instr. cabinet 5 PM-E-6A MET sample 2 pressure modifier Model 18-112A-M31 Instr. cabinet 5 PM-S14A Auxiliary tank pressure modifier Bell & Howell Model 18-112A-AA Instr. cabinet 5 LS Instrument Location No. Servige Déscription PM-S14B Auxiliary tank pressure modifier Foxboro.Model 66GT-0W | Instr. cabinet 5 PM-S15A Fill-and=-drain tank pressure modifier Bell & Howell Model 18-112A-AA Instr. cabinet 5 PMFSlSB Fill-and-drain tank pressure modifier Foxboro Model 66GT-OW Instr. cabinet 5 PR-15A, B Auxiliary tank and fill-and-drain pres- Foxboro 2-pen Model M-64 Panel 5C sure recorder PS~S14A Auxiliary tank low pressure switch In PM-S14A Instr. cabinet 5 PS-008 Lubrication 0il return line pressure Honeywell Mbdel LR404H 10271, Lubrication oil switch or equal stand PSV-HO2A ALPHA pump helium pressure relief Circle Seal model Inside encl. PSV~-H14A Helium bottle regulator relief - Integral with PV-H14A Helium bottle station PSV-H14B Sample station pressure relief Circle Seal model Inside encl, PT-EO1A MET sample 3 pressure transmitter Bell & Howell Model 4-402-0004 MET sample 3 PT-EO3A MET sample 1 pressure transmitter MET sample 1 | PT-EQ6A MET sample 2 pressure transmitter MET sample 2 PT-S14A Auxiliary tank pressure transmitter Bell & Howell Model 4-402-0004 Auxiliary tank PT-S15A fill-and—drain tank pressure trans- Bell & Howell Model 4-402-0004 Fill-and-drain mitter . tank PV-A13A Ailr header pilbt pressure regulator Fisher Controls type 67, or Panel 7E C . equal 88 Ins;zument Service Description Location PV-HO1lA Purified helium‘pressure regulator Fisher Controls type 67, or equal Helium bottle ‘ ' station PV-HO02A Pump purgé gaé pressure régulator Fisher Controls'type 67, or equal Panel 6E PV-H14A Helium bottle pressure regulator Dual-gage helium cylinder regulator Helium bottle | o o - station TCO-5 I2R heater 1 control operator Hevi=duty 110 kVA saturable reactor Electrical ' equipment TCO-6 I2R heater 2 gOntrol_bpefator Hevi~-duty 110 kVA saturable reactor Electrical | ' equipment TIC-7 I2R heater,l‘temperature indicator- ~ Barber-Colman Model 292P Panel 5B controller - o | | TIC-8 I%R heater 2 temperature indicator- Panel 5B controller o TIC-9 Cooler 2 tempefatfire indicator~control1er Panel 6B TI-17 Freeze valve S06 temperature indicator Panel 6B TI-18 Freeze valve S09 temperature indicator Panel 7B | | Y TI-19 Freeze valve S02 temperature indicator Panel 7B TI-20 Miscellaneous temperature indicator Doric Scientific Model DS-350 Panel 5C TR-1 Miscellaneous temperature indicator- Minneapolis-Honeywell Class 15 Variac cabinet recorder multipoint 1 68 Instrument Location No. Service Description TR-2 Miscellaneous tefiperature indicator Minneapolis-Honeywell Class 15 Variac cabinet 2 recorder multipoint TR=-3 Variac cabinet 3 TR=4 Variac cabinet 4 TR=-5 I2R heater 1 temperature recorder Leeds & Northrup Model H recorder Panel 8C TRC~6 I?R heater 2 temperature recorder- L&N Model H recorder-controller Panel 8C controller TS-7 I?R heater 1 temperature limit switch Integral with TIC-7 Panel 5B TS~8 I2R heater 2 temperature limit switch Integral with TIC~8 Panel 5B TS=-9 Cooler 2 temperature limit switch Integral with TIC-9 Panel 6B TS-17A Freeze valve S06 temperature alarm Integral with TI-17 Panel 6B ' switch ‘ TS-18A Freeze valve S09 temperature alarm Integral with TI-18 Panel 7B ' switch TS-19A Freeze valve S02 temperature alarm Integral with TI-19 Panel 7B switch TS-20 Thermocouple selector switch Lewis type 1154 Panel 5C TS-20A Thermocouple selector switch Lewis type 10520 Panel 5C TS-20B Thermocouple selector switch Panel 5C c Lewis type 10520 06 Ins;zument Service Description Location TS-20C Thermocouple selector switch Lewis type 10S20 Panel 5C TS-20D Thermocouple selector switch Lewis type'10320 Panel 5C 16 93 Appendix F WELDING OF 2% Ti-MODIFIED HASTELLOY N 94 INTRA-LABORATORY CORRESPONDENCE OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY July 1, 1975 To: L. E. McNeese Subject: Welding of 27 Ti~Modified Hastelloy N Standard Hastelloy N is a code-approved material, and welding procedures are in common use at ORNL for joining this material to itself (WPS 1402) and for joining Hastelloy N to the 300-series stainless steels (WPS 2604). We have found it necessary to modify the chemical composition of this alloy to obtain better nuclear performance. One of the modified compositions contains 2% Ti, and we are using this material in the construction of two forced-circulation loops. Thus, we must determine whether the modified alloy can be welded by the existing procedures or whether new procedures must be established. Three test welds were prepared by Frizzell et al. and the reports are at- tached. The welds were: 1. modified Hastelloy N to modified Hastelloy N with modified Hastelloy N wire, 2. modified Hastelloy N to standard Hastelloy N with modified Hastelloy N wire, and 3. modified Hastelloy N to 300 stainless steel with 82T filler wire. These welds were made by the same parameters specified in WPS 1402 and WPS 2604, They were quite sound and passed all tests, The observations from these three weldability tests and the similarity of the physical and mechanical properties of the 27 Ti-modified and standard Hastelloy N led to the conclusion that the 27 Ti-modified Hastelloy N is equivalent to the standard Hastelloy N described in ASME Code Cases 1315 and 1345, Thus WPS 1402 can be used for any combination of standard and 2% Ti- modified Hastelloy N base and filler metals., Similarly, WPS 2604 can be used to join the 2% Ti-modified alloy to 300-series stainless steels. Welders already qualified on WPS 1402 and 2604 are qualified to weld 2% Ti-modified Hastelloy N. Since the exact chemical modification of Hastelloy N to be used in the future has not been determined, we view the steps taken here as an interim measure. When we determine the final composition, we will proceed to establish this L. E. McNeese 95 2 July 1, 1975 alloy as a separate code-approved material with its own welding procedures. In the meantime the existing procedures will be used. HEM:kd Att. cc: J. D. R. W. B. c. T. J. R. Engel, w/o att. R. Frizzell, w/att. H. Guymon, w/o att. R. Huntley, w/o att. McNabb, w/o att. A. Mills, w/att. K. Roche, w/o att. ‘R, Weir, w/att. H. Wodtke, w/o att. ,/GZQZ/ eo1~¢/L/// R. Jf?fieaver QAC-Materials HE )P e Lo, n H. E. McCoy, Manager Molten Salt Reactor Materials Program 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23-30. 31. 62. 63. 64-65. 66-169. 97 ORNL/TM-5540 Dist. Category UC-76 Internal Distribution R. F. Apple - 32, J. R. Keiser C. R. Brinkman - 33. A. D. Kelmers W. D. Burch 34. C. J. McHargue C. J. Claffey 35. R. E. MacPherson W. E. Cooper 36. W, J. McCarthy, Jr. J. M. Corum 37. H. E. McCoy W. B. Cottrell 38-40. L. E. McNeese J. M. Dale ' 41. R. L. Moore J. H. DeVan 42, H. E. Robertson J.. R. Engel 43. T. K. Roche G. G. Fee _ 44, W. E. Sallee D. E. Ferguson 45. Myrtleen Sheldon L. M. Ferris 46. M. D. Silverman M. H. Fontana 47. A. N. Smith A. P, Fraas 48, 1I. Spiewak M. J. Goglia 49. J. J. Taylor G. W. Greene 50. J. R. VWeir A. G, Grindell 51. G. D. Whitman R. H. Guymon 52, W. J. Wilcox W. 0. Harms 53. L. V. Wilson J. R. Hightower, Jr. 54. ORNL Patent Office H. W. Hoffman 55-56. Central Research Library W. R. Huntley 57. Document Reference Section P. R. Kasten 58-60. Laboratory Records Department 61. Laboratory Records (RC) External Distribution Research and Technical Support Division, ERDA, ORO Director, Reactor Division, ERDA, ORO Director, Division of Nuclear Research and Applications, Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, D.C. 20545 For distribution as shown in TID—4500 under UC-76, Molten-Salt Reactor Technology # US.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1976-748-189/46