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ORNL-TM~4863 UC~76 — Molten Salt Reactor Technology Contract No,'W—74OS—eng—26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT STUDIES FOR MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR PROCESSING NO. 19 Compiled by: J. R. Hightower, Jr. Other Contributors: C. H. Brown, Jr. W. L. Carter R. M. Counce J. A. Klein H. C. Savage JULY 1975 NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was praparad primarily for intarnal use at the Qak Ridge Mational Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction an'd therefore does not represent a final report, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION OAK RIDGE NATICNAL LABDRATORY LIBRARIES RURBATINARIEE 3 445k 055021 7 ii Reports previously issued in this series are as follows: ORNL-TM~3053 Period ending December 1968 ORNL~-TM-3137 Period ending March 1969 ORNL-TM~-3138 Period ending June 1969 ORNL~TM-3139 Period ending September 1969 ORNL-TM~3140 Period ending December 1969 ORNL~-TM—-3141 Period ending March 1970 ORNL-TM-3257 Period ending June 1970 ORNL~TM~3258 Period ending September 1970 ORNL~-TM-~3259 Period ending December 1970 ORNL~TM-3352 Period ending March 1971 ORNL-TM~4698 Period January through June 1974 iii CONTENTS | Page SUMMARIES - - - - - . - - . . L » - - - . » . - - - - - . - - e - V INTRODUCT ION - . . * L] . . . . . I‘ . - . - * . - . - » . - - - » l DEVELOPMENT OF THE METAL TRANSFER PROCESS. .« « + « « &+ + o o« « » 1 2.1 Examination of MTE~-3 Equipment and Materials. . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Installation of Metal Transfer Experiment MITE-3B. . . . . . 6 2.3 Design of the Metal Transfer Process Facility . . . . . . . 9 SALT-METAL CONTACTOR DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIMENTS WITH A MECHANICALLY AGITATED, NONDISPERSING CONTACTOR USING WATER AND MERCURY. . ., . 11 3 - 1 Theory . . . » » » . - - » . * - . - - . » - - » o . . * - . 11 3.2 Experimental Apparatus. . . . ¢« . 4+ + + « « 4 e+ . o« s . . 18 3.3 Results and Conclusions . . « « 4+ ¢ &+ ¢ & 4 & o + « « +» « o 18 SALT~-METAL CONTACTOR DEVELCPMENT: EXPERIMENTS WITH A MECHANICALLY AGITATED, NONDISPERSING CONTACTOR IN THE SALT-BISMUTH FLOWTHROUGH FACILITY &« « 4 v » v = o o o« o o o o o o o o o 2 o 2 o s o« o « 21 FUEL RECONSTITUTION DEVELOPMENT: DESIGN OF A FUEL RECONSTITUTION ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT ¢« & +v &« ¢ + o o o s o o o o = 2 o« o« o« « o« 38 R—EFERENCES - - - . - - . - . - - - . > - a * * - - - " - - » - . 4 3 SUMMARIES DEVELOFMENT OQF THE METAL TRANSFER PROCESS We have continued fabrication and assembly of the new carbon steel vessels for metal transfer experiment MTE-3B; during this report period, the vessels were completed and installed in the metal transfer experiment facility in Bldg. 3541. The vessels previously used in experiment MTE-3, along with the salts and bismuth they contained, were removed and sent to the burial ground for disposal. We are renovating the metal transfer hood to improve operating accessibility and assure that all egquipment is in good operating condition. Examination of the vessels. and analyses of the salt and metal phases from the previocusly operated experiment MTE-3 have been comp leted, Limited visual examination indicated that the internal surfaces exposed to salts and bismuth were in excellent condition. Failure of the oxidation~resistant protective coating on the external surfaces allowed significant oxidation of these surfaces at the 650°C operating tempera- ture, but was not extensive enough to affect the vessel integrity. A different protective coating with superior air-oxidation resistance was applied to the MTE-3B vessels. X-ray fluorescence analyses of the Li~Bi phase from the rare-earth stripper at the LiCl--Li~Bi interface contained significant amounts of iron and thorium. Scanning electron photomicrographs of this interface at magnification of 20, 100, 500, and 2000X were taken. No identifiable film or foreign material can be seen at the interface. Review of the design criteria for the Metal Transfer Process Facility has been initiated. This facility is to be located in Bldg. 7503 (MSRE site). vi SALT-METAL CONTACTOR DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIMENTS WITH A MECHANICALLY AGITATED, NONDISPERSING CONTACTOR USING WATER AND MERCURY Five runs were made in the 5- by 7-in.-Plexiglas contactor with phase volumes, agitator speed, and initial mercury-phase zinc concentrations held constant at 1.8 liters, 150 rpm, and 0.1 M, respectively. The ini- tial aqueous-phase lead concentration was varied from 0.02 M to 0.10 M to determine which phase contains the limiting resistance to mass transfer and the concentration of lead ions in the aqueous phase at which the con- trol of mass transfer changes from one phase to the other. A model was developed for this system under the assumption that the reaction takes place entirely at the water—-mercury interface and is instantaneous and irreversible. It was found that for the conditions under which these and all previous runs were performed, the resistance to mass transfer was not in the mercury phase as was previously believed. SALT-METAL CONTACTOR DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIMENTS WITH A MECHANICALLY AGITATED, NONDISPERSING CONTACTOR IN THE SALT-BISMUTH FLOWTHRCUGH FACILITY A 6-in. diam low-carbon steel stirred interface contactor has been installed in the Salt-Bismuth Flowthrough Facility in Bldg. 3592, which was previously used to study salt-bismuth flow in packed columns. Six tracer runs have been completed to date using 97Zr and 237U tracers. The stirrer rate was varied from 121 rpm to 205 rpm. Results from the first six runs indicate that the salt-phase mass transfer coefficient based cn 237U counting data is 37 + 3% of the value predicted by the Lewis correlation for runs 1, 2, 3, and 5, and is 116 + 10% of the Lewis value for runs 4 and 6. The relatively high values for the latter two runs are probably due to dispersal of salt into the bismuth. Experiments with water-mercury and water-methylene bromide systems support this belief. The mass transfer coefficients based on 97Zr counting data are felt to be less reliable than those based on 237U because of the inability to correct for self absorption of the 743.37 keVv 8— in the solid bismuth samples. vii FUEL RECONSTITUTION DEVELOPMENT: DESIGN OF A FUEL RECONSTITUTION ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT We are beginning engineering studies of fuel reconstitution. Egquip- ment is described for carrying out the reaction of gaseous UF6 with UF4 dissolved in molten salt and the subsequent reduction with hydrogen of the resultant UFS' The experiment will be a flowthrough operation, and the main vessels will consist of a 36-liter feed tank, a UF. absorption 6 vessel, a hydrogen reduction cclumn, and a receiver vessel. 1. INTRODUCTION A molten-salt breeder reactor (MSBR) will be fueled with a molten fluoride mixture that will circulate through the blanket and core regions of the.reactor and through the primary heat exchangers. We are developing processing methods for use in a close-coupled facility for removing fission products, corrosion products, and fissile materials from the molten fluoride mixture. Several operations associated with MSBR processing are under study. The remaining parts of this report discuss: (1) results of inspection of equipment used in experiment MTE-3 for demonstrating the metal transfer process for removal of rare earths from MSBR fuel carrier salt, (2) status of the installation of equipment for metal transfer experiment MTE-3B, (3) results of studies with mechanically agitated, nondis-~ persing contactors using water and mercury, (4) results of studies with mechanically agitated, nondis- persing contactors using molten salt and bismuth, and (5) a description of equipment being fabricated for a fuel reconstitution engineering experiment. This work was performed in the Chemical Technology Division during the period June through September 1974. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE METAL TRANSFER PROCESS H. C. Savage and W. L. Carter We plan to continue studying the steps in the metal transfer process for removing rare earths from molten-salt breeder reactor fuel salt. 1In this process, fuel salt, which is free of uranium and protactinium but contains the rare eérths, is contacted with bismuth containing reductant to extract the rare earths into bismuth. The bismuth phase, which con- tains the rare earths and thorium, is then contacted with lithium chloride. Because of favorable distribution coefficients, significant fractions of the rare earths transfer to the lithium chloride along with a negligible amount of thorium. The final steps of the process extract the rare earths from the lithium chloride by contact with bismuth having lithium concen- trations of 5 and 50 at. %. The current experiments utilize mechanically agitated contactors as 1,2 The an alternative to packed columns for the metal transfer process. Lewis-type contactor appears to have the potential for achieving accept- able rare-earth mass transfer rates with minimum dispersal of the salt r and bismuth phases. This is an important factor, since entrainment of bismuth into processed fuel salt that is returned to the reactor can- not be tolerated. The contactor has two agitators——-one in the salt phase and one in the bismuth phase--~that are located well away from the salt- bismuth interface. These agitators are operated in such a manner that the phases are mixed as vigorously as possible without dispersing one phase into the other. An engineering experiment (MTE-3) in which the salt flow rate was about 1% of that required for processing the fuel salt from a 1000 MW (e) MSBR was operated during 1972 to measure rare—earth mass transfer rates across the salt-bismuth interfaces.5 These experiments will be continued in a new experiment, designated MTE-3B, that will use new process vessels, salts, and bismuth. 2.1 Examination of MTE-3 Equipment and Materials We completed the examination of the vessels and removal of samples of the salt and bismuth phases from various locations in the contactor and stripper vessels. The vessels, along with the salt and bismuth contained in them, were removed from the hood in Bldg. 3541 and were sent to the burial ground for disposal. As previously reportedl significant amounts of iron were found in samples of the Bi~Th, Li-Bi, and LiCl phases taken at or near the salt~ metal interfaces. Additional samples of the Bi~Th, Li-~-Bi, and LiCl were taken at various distances from the interfaces and analyzed for iron con- tent. The samples were obtained by drilling through the tank walls with a l-in.-diam hole saw, and were generally taken from material approxi- mately 1/2 in. from the inside-wall surface. Results of iron analyses are shown in Table 1. As seen in this table, iron concentrations in samples taken some distance (2 to 8 in.) from the interfaces are signifi- cantly lower than those at or near the interface. A section of the Li-Bi~-LiCl across the interfacial area in the stripper was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Scanning electron photomicrographs at magnifications of 20, 100, 500, and 2000X were taken of this interface, and are shown in Fig. 1. These photographs were taken of the rough, unpclished surface, and no identifiable film or foreign material is visible. (From a visual examination of the as-removed section of this interface, there appeared to be a layver of material ~ 1/32 in. thick of a different structure than the LiCl phase or the Li-Bi phase.) Analyses by X-ray fluorescence were made at five locations across this interface, which are identified as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the 20X photomicrograph of Fig. 1. Results are given below: {1) In the LiCl some distance from the Bi-LiCl boundary, some thorium and a small amount of bismuth and lanthanum were detected. (2) 1In the LiCl near the Bi-LicCl boundary, a very small amount of thorium, iron, and bismuth was detected. (3) ©On the Bi~LiCl boundary, thorium and iron, as well as bismuth and chlorine, were detected. (4) In the bismuth area near the Bi-LiCl boundary, large amounts of thorium, iron, and chlorine, as well as the bismuth, were detected. ' (5) In the bismuth area some distance from the Bi-LiC1 boundary, only bismuth was detected. The presence of iron (or iron oxides) at or near the interface is consistent with the relative densities of bismuth (9.6 g/cm3) and iron (7.6 g/cmB) or possibly iron oxides (v 5.5 g/cm3) that would be expected to precipitate on cooling of the bismuth phase. Iron might be expected to concentrate at the interfaces due to the densities of the iron and ircen oxides (v 5 to 5.5 q/cm3), and the salt and bismuth phases (v 3.5 Table 1. Iron content in samples of metal and salt phases from metal transfer experiment MTE-3 at various distances from the metal~-salt interfaces Material Source Fe (ppm) Contactor, LiCl side Bi-Th N~ 1/8 in. from intexrface 2500 v 2 in. from interface 18 v 4-1/2 in. from interface 17 Contactor, fluoride salt side Bi~Th ~v o 1/4 in. from interface 1100 v 2 in, from interface 37 ~v 4 in. from interface 9 Stripper Li-Bi < 1/8 in. from interface 1400 v 2 in. from interface 108 v 5 in. from interface 7 StriEBer LiCl v 1/2 in, from interface 650 v 1l in. from interface 200 v 6-3/4 in. from interface 115 v 8-3/4 in. from interface 35 Contactor LiF-BeF ,~ThF, v 1/8 in. from interface 320,88% (72-16-12 mole %) aResults of two different samples. BAll other results are for one sample. g/cm3 for fluoride salt, 1.5 g/cm3 for LiCl, and ~v 9.6 g/cm3 for bis- muth) . When sampling the LiCl in the stripper about 1 in. above the LiCl-- Li~Bi interface, a small amount of black material was seen. We were able to separate some of this black material (< 1/2 g) from the sait for chemical analyses. The following results were reported (wt %): Bi - 52.7; Th - 18.7; C1 - 4.1; 1Li - 2.8; F ~ 2.4; Fe ~ 0.26; Be - 1 ppm. ORNL DWG. 74-10ll6 MAG: 2000X MAG. 500X Fig. 1. Scanning electron photomicrographs of the interface between LiCl and Li-Bi in the stripper from experiment MTE-3. Unpolished. These constituents total 81%, leaving 19% unaccounted for. No other elements, except possibly those introduced by oxygen or water contamina- tion, are known to be present in the system. If it is assumed that the remainder is predominantly oxygen, this would be sufficient to form oxides and/or hydroxides of all of the cationic species (bismuth, thorium, lithium, and iron). The gram equivalent of these species is ~ 0.015, while the anion-gram equivalent of fluorine and chlorine is only 0.0025. For 19 wt % oxygen in the material, the oxygen gas equivalent is 0.024, or 0.011 of hydroxide. It is not now possible to draw firm conclusions about the relation- ship of our current observations to the low mass transfer rates seen in experiment MTE-3. The transfer of fluoride salt into the chloride salt just prior to shutdown, and the length of time between shutdown and inspection (from February 1973 to February 1974), have caused much uncer- tainty in the interpretation of the analyses. Additional samples of fluoride salt, LiCl--Bi-Th, and LiBi from inter- facial surfaces in the contactor and stripper have been submitted for X- ray diffraction analyses in an attempt to identify compounds which might be present. (Nothing other than beryllium was identified on one sample of Li~-Bi from the stripper previously examined by X-ray diffraction.) 2.2 1Installation of Metal Transfer Experiment MTE-3B Fabrication and assembly of new carbon steel vessels were completed during this report period. An oxidation-resistant protective coating (METCO No. P443-10, v 0.015 in. thick) was applied to the outside surfaces of the carbon steel vessels and interconnecting lines to prevent air oxi- dation at the operating temperature of 650°C. A new pump for transferring fuel carrier salt between the salt reservoir and contactor was fabricated and installed. New molybdenum agitator shafts and blades have alsoc been obtained, and the agitator assemblies were installed in the contactor and stripper. The vessels and their contents (fuel carrier salt, lithium chloride, and bismuth) previously used in experiment MTE-3 were removed from Bldg. 3541 and sent to the burial ground for disposal. The new vessels have been installed, and the experimental area in which the metal transfer experiment is located is being rénovated. This includes rerouting some of the service lines to improve access to sampling stations, relocation of some pressure gages, flowmeters, and valves for better visibility and acc¢ess, calibration and replacement (where required) of pressure gaqes,;flowmeters, and solenoid fialves, and rgcalibration of temperature controllers and recorders. We have completed tests on fiwo different oxidation-resistant protec~- tive coatings using a different method of application for each type of coating. The coatifigs were applied to test séctions made from longitudinal half-sections of 6-in. sched 40 mild steel pipe. The test sections were coatedion all exposed surfaces. One test piece was coated with the nickel alumide material (METCO No. M405fi10 wire) by flame spraving with a wire gun to obtain a ccating thickness of v 0.010 in., thereby duplicating the coating used on the MTE-3 vessels. The second test piece was coated with a nickel chromium alioy containing 6% aluminum (METCO No. P443-10 powder) applied with a plasma spray gun to a thickness of ~ 0.0l0 in., as recom- mended by the manufacturer. The two pieces were placed on fire bricks inside a furnace and heated to the test tempefature. During the test, the pieces were thefmally cycled‘several times by alternateiy cocling the furnace to " 100°C and returning it to the test temperature. The initial teét temperature was 700°C. After v 400 hr at 700°C with eight thermal cycleé, the pieces were examined, weighed, and photographed (Fig. 2)" The M405-10 coating was covered extensively with a rust-colored oxidation product, but there wasfno sign of spalling of the;coating, whereaé the piece cfiated with P44B—10 had a muéh better appearance with only one edge showing a rust color. Weight gain of the P443~10 coated test piece was about 7.3 mg/cmz, while the M405-10 coating gained about 10.3 mg/cm2 The test temperature was then increased to 815°C and was continued for 520 hr with eight thermal cycles to 100°C. The test pieces were again examined, weighed, and photographed (Fig. 2). The M405-10 coating had ORNL DWG. 74-10117 MNICKEL AL UMINIDE FOUCFEL CHROGME 4 6% ALUMIEIGM METCC AMI0S-10 METCC PA43-10 PLFCKEL ALLISAINITY PAETC O M40 5 -10 (b) Fig. 2. Photographs of 6-in. sched 40 mild steel pipe with oxida- tion resistant protective coatings: (a) after 400 hr at 700°C in air, (b) after 500 additional hr at 815°C in air. deteriorated to the point where spalling had occurred, while the P443-10 coating had no spalling except along one edge where there was some rust- colored oxidation product and some spalling. Total weight gain of the M405-10~coated test piece was 69.2 mg/cmz, and 20.5 mg/cm2 for the P443~10 test piece. Metallographic examinations were made of the best and worst appearing areas of the two specimens. In the best appearing areas, both coatings were adherent, but a thin layer of oxide formed at the metal-coating interface of the specimen coated with METCO M405-10; this indicates that oxygen is diffusing through the coating. The metal-coating interface of the specimen coated with METCO P443-10 was free of visible oxide, indi- cating that it is a good barrier to oxygen diffusion. For the worst areas of both coatings, oxide at the metal-coating interfaces caused some spalling where the coating may not have been thick enough to prevent oxygen diffusion through the coatings. The oxide formed underneath the P443-10 coating {in a spalled area occurring only along one edge) appeared to be more dense and protective than that formed on the M405-10-coated specimen. This indicates that some of the elements in the P443-10 coating may have diffused into the base metal and imparted a measure of protection, even though the coating had separated in this area. This limited test clearly demonstrated the superiority of the plasma spray P443-10 coating over the M405-10-wire gun sprayed material prev- iously used for the MTE-3 vessel; therefore, the plasma spray coating has been applied to the external surfaces of the MTE-3B vessels that will operate at elevated temperatures. 2.3 Design of the Metal Transfer Process Facility Design of the metal transfer process facility (MTPF) in which the fourth metal transfer experiment (MTE-4) will be carried out was underway when the MSR program was terminated in 1973.6 Briefly reviewed, MTE-4 is an engineering experiment that will use salt flow rates that are 5 to 10% of those required for processing a 1000-MW(e) MSBR. Conceptual designs of the three-stage salt-metal contactor, made of graphite, and its 10 containment vessel were completed.6 The primary purposes of MTE-4 are: (1) demonstration of the removal of rare-earth fission products from MSBR fuel carrier salt, and accumulation of these materials in a lithium-bismuth solution in equipment of a significant size, (2) determination of mass transfer coefficients between mechanically agitated salt and bismuth phases, (3) determination of the rate of removal of rare earths from the fluoride salt in multistage equipment, (4) evaluation of potential materials of construction, particularly graphite, (5) testing of mechanical devices, such as pumps and agitators, that will be required in a processing plant, and (6) development of instrumentation for measurement and control of process variables, such as salt-metal interface location, salt flow rate, and salt or bismuth liquid level. We are currently reviewing the design of metal transfer experiment MTE-4. A mathematical model of the system has been devised, and a com- puter program (METTRAN) has been written to simulate transient operation of the experiment. Computations can be made to determine the concentra- tion of each nuclide being transferred at each stage and at the feed and receiving vessels as a function of operating time. The program allows the experimenter to make parametric studies for such design features as inter- facial area, number of stages, flow rates, agitator speed, and inventories of materials. METTRAN is being used to analyze the MTE-4 experiment to ascertain the significance of various design features on metal transfer rates in order to fix optimal design conditions. Due to space limitations in Bldg. 4505, we are planning to locate MTE-4 and several of the engineering experiments on molten-salt proceésing in the MSRE Building (7503). General cleanup and checkout of existing building services (electrical circuits, ventilation, and air-filtration systems) is underway. A 480-V, 3-phase, 60-Hz, 300-kW diesel generator set and necessary controls will be installed in the existing generator 11 building at the MSRE site. This will provide emergency power for main- taining portions of engineering experiments which contain salt or bismuth at temperatures above the liguidus temperatures. A purchase corder for the generator set has been issued, and the system design has been completed. 3. SALT-METAL CONTACTOR DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIMENTS WITH A MECHANICALLY AGITATED, NONDISPERSING CONTACTOR USING WATER AND MERCURY C. H. Brown, Jr. A critical part of the proposed MSBR processing plant is the extrac- tion of rare earths from the fluoride fuel carrier salt to an intermediate bismuth stream. One device being considered for performing this extrac- tion is a mechanically agitated, nondispersing contactor in which bismuth and fluoride salt phases are agitated to enhance the mass transfer rate of rare earths across the salt-bismuth interface. Previous reportsz’7’8 have shown that the following reaction in the water-mercury system is sultable for simulating and studying mass transfer rates in systems with high density differences: + 2+ Pb2 [H20] + Zn[Hg] - Zn [H20] + Pb{[Hgl . (1} A large amount of data have been reported7 for the water-mercury system in which it was assumed that the limiting resistance to mass transfer existed entirely in the mercury phase, as suggested by literature correlations. During this report period, a series of experiments was performed in the water-mercury contactor to determine which phase actually controls the rate of mass transfer and, also, the concentration of Pb2+ at which the control of mass transfer changes from one phase to the other. 3.1 Theory The reaction under ceonsideration, Eg. (1), is a liquid-phase jonic reaction that occurs entirely at the mercury-water interface; this is pecause zinc metal and lead metal are inseoluble in water and there can 12 be no ionic lead or zinc in the mercury. Since this is a typical ionic reaction, it is assumed to be essentially instantaneous and irreversible. The equilibrium constant for the reaction is given by the following equa- tion: LPb CZn2+ Kt e ore, (2) ph2t “zn where K = equilibrium constant, CPb = concentration of Pb metal in mercury, g-mole/liter, CPb2+ = concentration of Pb iocons in water, g-mole/liter, CZn = concentration of 2n metal in mercury, g-mole/liter, CZn2+ = concentration of Zn ions in water, g-mole/liter. The equilibrium constant is very large, inplying that at equilibrium the ionic lead and metallic zinc cannot coexist at appreciable concentrations at the interface. Since it is assumed to be an extremely fast reaction, the equilibrium relation near the interface must be satisfied at all times. For the instantaneous irreversible reaction discussed previously, two situations could occur near the liquid-liqguid interface, depending on the relative magnitudes of the individual-phase mass transfer coeffi- cients and the bulk-phase concentrations of the transferring species in each phase.9 Figure 3 illustrates these two conditions. In Fig. 3(a), the limiting resistance to mass transfer is assumed to occur in the mercury phase. It can be shown that the product of the bulk phase concentration of reactant and the individual-phase mass transfer coefficient in the phase where the limitation occurs must be less than the product of the bulk-phase concentration of the other reactant and the individual-phase mass transfer ccefficient in the other phase.9 The concentration of zinc in mercury near the interface decreases from the 13 ORNL DWG. 74-{0/IOR| LIQUID-LIQUID INTERFACE 1 : Cpb ,B | | CZn,B % E (a) ! 2+ MERCURY i Cpb i ! WATER :Cani E M A e ! INTERFACIAL FILMS POSTULATED BY LEW!S AND WHITMAN | . CZn,B | : 2+ i i Cep ,B (b) I MERCURY ! ! WATER : Czn'i — I ; A Fig. 3. 1Interfacial behavior for an instantaneous irreversible reaction occurring between two liguid phases. (a) Mercury -phase con- trolling mass transfer. (b) Water-phase controlling mass transfer. 14 bulk concentration to near zero at the mercury-water interface. The con- centration at the interface is very small because of the instantaneous irreversible reaction that occurs at the interface. At the interface in the water phase, the concentration of Pb2+ has a finite value and increases through the interfacial film to the bulk phase value. Fig. 3(b) illustrates the condition in which the limiting resistance to mass transfer is assumed to occur in the water phase. The explanation of the concentration gradients in the interfacial films is entirely analo- gous to the case explained above. The concentration profiles of lead in the mercury, Zn2+ in the water, and NOB_ (the anion) in the water are not shown in Fig. 3. Several correlations have been developed and presented in the litera- ture for predicting individual-phase mass transfer coefficients in nondis- persing stirred interface contactors. For the mercury-water system, all of these correlations predict that the mercury-phase mass transfer coeffi- cient would be smaller than the water-phase coefficient. In all previous work performed with the mercury-water system,2'7'8 the concentrations of the reactants were equal. This condition, coupled with the fact that the mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient was pre- dicted to be significantly smaller than the water-phase ccefficient, indicated that the limiting resistance to mass transfer should occur in the mercury phase. In order to test the assumption that mass transfer is controlled by the mercury phase, we can write the following relations for transfer of the reactants from the bulk phase to the interface where they react, based on the two-film representation shown in Fig. 3: Non = ¥ug®Con.p ™ Can,i’ ¢ (3) Npp2t = kH20A(CPb2+,B = Cppet i) (4) where k = individual-phase mass transfer coefficient, cm/sec, 15 N = rate of mass transfer to the interface, g/sec, . . 2 A = interfacial area, cm , C = concentration, (B denotes bulk-~phase concentration, i denotes interfacial concentration), g/cm3, and subscripts Hg and H. 0 refer to the phase being considered. As stated 2 above, we assumed that the rate at which reaction (1) proceeds is con=- trolled by the rate of transfer of zinc through the mercury phase to the interface. The necessary conditions for this assumption to be valid are: (1) The equilibrium constant for the reaction must be large (i.e., the reaction should be irreversible). (2) The product of the mass transfer coefficient times the bulk concentration of reactant in the phase where the rate of mass transfer is limiting must be less than the product in the other phase. . . . . 2+ . Since 1 mole of zinc is equivalent to 1 mole of Pbh according to Eg. (1), NPb2+ = NZn' Substituting Egs. (3) and (4) into this expression, and assuming that the controlling resistance is in the mercury phase, the following expression is obtained for the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient: + — + kHZO(Csz , B chz ,i) K - (5) Hg,2 cZn,B where ng A = the apparent individual-phase mass transfer coefficient for ’ the mercury phase, cm/sec, H 0 = the true individual-phase mass transfer coefficient for the water phase. In the above equation, the actual mass transfer coefficient differs from the apparent mass transfer coefficient only if the mercury phase doass not control the rate of mass transfer. The transient method used to determine the mass transfer coefficient has been described previcusly. 16 By an argument similar to that which led to the development of Eq. (5), an equation- -for the apparent agueous-phase mass transfer coefficient can be written for the case where the limiting resistance is in the water. , 2+ . C .. The concentration of Pb in the water below which the limiting resis- tance to mass transfer is in the water (at a fixed concentration of zinc . . 2+ . in the mercury) can be determined as follows: If the Pb concentration is sufficiently high, the limiting resistance to mass transfer will be in 2+ the mercury, and the interfacial concentration of Pb will have + CPb2 P11 a finite value. If CPb2+ 5 is lowered by an amount A (not large enough to ! cause the limiting resistance to change phases), Eg. (5) then indicates that CPb2+ i must also decrease by the same amount A, keeping the differ- ’ ence CPb2+,B "“ch2+,i constant. The water-phase mass transfer coeffi- cient is assumed to remain constant (although of unknown value). If + 1 > 1Ci : ;i + ch2 B is reduced sufficiently, CPb2+,1 will drop to zero; if CPb2 B is further reduced, CPb2+ i will remain zero, and the limiting resistance ! will change from the mercury phase to the water phase. At high values + of CPbZ B remain constant as C the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient will Pb2+ B is lowered to the point where the limiting r resistance moves into the water phase. As CPb2+ 3 is further reduced, ! CPb2+,i will be zero or very near zero. Equation (5) shows that the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient will vary directly with CPb2+,B (since CZn,B is fixed, and the true water-phase mass transfer coefficient is assumed to be constant). This dependence of the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coetfficient on the concentration of Pb2+ in the water is shown in Fig. 4. The dependence of the.analogously defined apparent water-phase mass transfer coefficient is also shown. Thus, by calculating the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient as a function of the initial agueous-phase lead concentration for a single agitator speed, the transition from mercury-phase controlling to agueous- phase controlling should be identifiable by a line-slope change determined by plotting the apparent mercury-phase mass transfer coefficient vs the initial aqueous—phase lead concentration. 17 ORNL DWG. 74-10lll » WATER PHASE MERCURY PHASE 2 CONTROLLING 4——II}-—-—---P CONTROLLING = | £ - | / HQ,A w | v W < O T T : i ' & | S 0 ! O = o 2w | 8 w | = W | z | - ! Z o | W = | a | @ X S & S0 O &5 Qo = - < o B € Wi — = A ~ Z Qo % Xz o > w ws T . c O = 5 z o a < ” ] x 5 m 'va m.‘. ) H.&,..,.., ! A .u:‘l =\ - L 9 o = o — ————— AhTi X AT S b w%w% LR PR X ,m.,n.w.hz., ) . - .Havfiy»fiq,M.i_\f’... 4 vt =< w i o= o ) 58 Ul 2y —z< O ) FV=1 J 1 { i i 1 H-————-!-———-] FV—ZU T 1 I FV-3 J 1 | i | - - ! P I | : | : FV—4U ' ’ l i i ¥ , ! b i ; i g ' l 1 ‘1 1y L by 1k 1 ; ' I i i ' L bl b | i l i vl i . t ! 1 ¢4 i o by i : T-‘HT-E; | -5 | § ‘ § ‘ i i q ; CONTACTOR METAL FEED AND SALT FEED AND SALT AND METAL COLLECTION TANK COLLECTION TANK TREATMENT VESSEL Fig. 7. Flow diagram of the Salt-Bismuth Flowthrough Facility with the mechanically agitated contactor installed. ce 23 ORNL DWG 74-10073 T -fi§$§£::tfinflnuhums e A=y 8 AP ~ 3 A-Bismuth inlet 8-Sait inlet C~Four l-in. baffles D-2-7/8-in. x 3/4-in. blades E-Gas-sait interface F-Bismuth-salt inferface G-Interface removal H-Salt effluent I-Bismuth effluent Fig. 8. Diagram of the mechanically agitated, nondispersing con- tactor installed in the Salt-Bismuth Flowthrough Facility. 24 10~ as was employed with the packed column. O-14 After transfer of the salt 97 237 and metal phases to the feed tanks, Zr and U tracers were added to the salt. With this technique, the rates at which zirconium and uranium tracers transfer from the salt to the bismuth could be measured in a system that was otherwise at chemical egquilibrium. The experimentally determined data from the system are sufficient to allow three independent expressions for the overall mass transfer coefficient to be derived for the contactor in the Salt-Bismuth Flow- through Facility from steady-state material balance relationships. These expressions for the overall mass transfer coefficient are given below in terms of the measured guantities Cl' CS, Cm' Fl' F2, D, and A: Cs (- &) 1 1 Cl K = ’ (6) B! A(fi)+fl(ia)(i),5(i) D Cl D C1 F2 F2 Cm — ] F ), K = , and (7) s , C F C r=A{2)NF) - E)E) F Cl 1 Cl D C 2\ g (), K, T T ®) T (2)5) C D s where Fl = flow rate of salt, cm3/5ec, F2 = flow rate of metal, cm3/sec, Q2 i . i ) ) 3 1 tracer concentration in salt inflow, units/cm , 25 . : . 3 C = tracer concentration in salt outflow, units/cm , . : . 3 Cm = tracer concentration in metal outflow, units/cm™, . . 2 = interfacial area, c¢m , and D = distribution coefficient = ratio of concentraction in metal phase to concentration in salt phase at equilibrium, moles/cm3 moles/cm3 The subscripts 1, 2, and 3 on KS indicate the eqguation used to evaluate the overall mass transfer coefficient, KS. The overall mass transfer coefficient is related to the mass transfer coefficients in the individual phases through the following relation: ]./KS = )L/kS + 1/ka, (9) whare Ks = overall mass transfer coefficient based on salt-phase con- centrations, c34 -- 0.5G .012 + 0.003 --= TSMC-4 170 144 205 >172 >24 0.78 .054 + 0.02 0.035 + 0.62 TSMC-5 219 i75 124 >43 >24 C.35 0.0095 + 0.0013 0.0163 + 0.159 TSMC-5 206 i85 180 >172 >24 .04 .049 + C.02 0.020 + G.01 a , Fraction tracer transferred {1 - Cs/cl)' ge 34 A preliminary run, TSMC-1, was primarily designed to test the proce- dure. Salt and bismuth flows were approximately 200 cc/min, and the stirrer rate was 123 rpm. Unfortunately, the distribution ceoefficient was too low to effect any significant mass transfer; thus, mass transfer rates could not be accurately determined, and no results are shown for this run. Operation of the equipment during run TSMC-2 was very smooth. The salt and bismuth flow rates were 228 and 197 c¢c/min, respectively. The distribution coefficients were higher than for the previous run but were lower than desired, and with a concomitant large degree of uncertainty. Several determinations of DU were made with a range of 0.94 to 34; conse- quently, only a range of possible values for the overall mass transfer coefficient could be stated for the results based on uranium. One deter- mination of DZr was made, indicating that DZr was 0.96. A value for overall mass transfer coefficient based on zirconium is given based on the value of this distribution coefficient, but since the value for DZr must be considered uncertain, there is a larger error in the mass transfer coefficient than is indicated by the reported standard deviation given in Table 7. If it is assumed that the ratio of salt~side mass transfer ceoeffi- cient to bismuth-side mass transfer coefficient can be determined from the Lewis correlation, then the salt-side mass transfer coefficients for run TSMC-2 are higher than the overall mass transfer coefficient by a factor of 1.55 for the results based on zirconium. A bismuth line leak occurred immediately preceding run TSMC-3. During the resulting delay for repairs, the 97Zr decayed and only the 237U tracer could be used. The remainder of the run went smoothly. Salt and bismuth flow rates were 166 and 173 cc/min, and the stirrer rate was 162 rpm. A high value for D__ (greater than 34) was maintained for this U run. In run TSMC-4, flow rates of 170 and 144 c¢c¢/min were set for the salt and bismuth flows, and a stirrer rate of 205 rpm was maintained. The distribution coefficient determined from samples taken before, after, and 35 during the run, were dgreater than 172 for DU and greater than 24 for DZr. This value is sufficiently large so that Egs. (10})~(12) are wvalid, Large distribution coefficients cannot be determined precisely due to the inabil- ity to determine very small amounts of uranium in the salt phase. No problems arcse during this run. Runs TSMC-5 and ~6 were performed without incident. The distribution coefficients were maintained at high levels for both runs. TSMC~5 had a stirrer rate of 124 rpm, and salt and bismuth flows of 219 and 175 cc/min. TSMC-6 salt and bismuth flows were 206 and 185 c¢¢/min, respectively, with a stirrer rate of 180 rpm. As mentioned previously, when the distribution coefficient is large, the overall mass transfer coefficient is essentially the individual salt- phase mass transfer coefficient. Thus, results for runs TSMC~3 through -6 can be compared directly to the Lewis correlation. The Lewis correla- 3,4 tion for mass transfer in the nondispersing contactor is 60 kl 6 n2 = (6.76 x 10 7) {Re. + Re_ -— + 1, (13) v 1 2 n 1 1 where k = individual mass transfer coefficient, cm/sec, v = kinematic viscosity (n/p). cm2/sec, n = vwviscosity, P, . 3 p = density, g/fcm”, 2 . . Re = nd /v, dimensionless, d = agitator diameter, cm, and n = agitator speed, rps. The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to salt and bismuth, respectively. Figure 9 shows a comparison of the measured values of mass transfer coefficient with the Lewis correlation. The effects of mass transfer resistance in 10000 1000 10 1.0 36 ORNL OWG 74 -833I1R3 Ty 1Td 1 1 T Tl lll] { I T T TTTT] T LEWIS CORRELATION N\ EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL VALUES SYSTEMS ® BASED ON U A BASED ON 2Zr 1 lllllll 1 1 lllllll — FROM MERCURY-WATER FROM ORGANIC -WATER U TT LA ’ b1 b il VAt v g veund VALUES o ] Cl il ] L1111l 10 Fig. 9. 100 1000 [6.76 x 107®] [Re; + Re; :;2 10000 ]I.GS Experimental results from the salt-bismuth contactor. 37 the bismuth phase cannot be accurately accounted for in the results of run TSMC-2; hence, these results are not included in Fig. 9. Figure 9 shows that twe runs produced values of mass transfer coeffi- cient that were 30 to 40% of the values predicted by the Lewis correla- tion, while there were two runs that produced values which were slightly greater than those predicted by the Lewis correlation. The mass transfer coefficients based on zirconium are consistently lower (slightly) than the values based on uranium. It is felt that the mass transfer coeffi- cients based on zirconium are less reliable than those based on uranium; in all runs, only about 50% of the zirconium tracer could be accounted for, whereas more than 80% of the uranium could be accounted for. This discrepancy 1is probably related to self absorption of the 743.37 keV B from 97Zr in the bismuth samples. We believe that the initiation of salt entrainment into the bismuth begins to occur at a stirrer speed between 160 and 180 rpm. The apparent increase in mass transfer coefficient is a manifestation of an increase in the surface area for mass transfer caused by surface motion. Experi- ments with water-mercury and water-methylene bromide systems support this belief. If, as Fig. 9 seems to indicate, the mass transfer coefficients in the salt-bismuth system are lower by a factor of about 0.35 than pre- dicted by the Lewis correlation, this corrected correlation could be used to estimate the area and bismuth flow rate required in the rare-earth removal contactor in the present flowsheet. The Lewis correlation pre- dicts that mass transfer coefficients are approximately proportional to the agitator diameter, d, to the 3.30 power. Since it has been shown that the allowable agitator speed below which there is no phase dispersal is inversely proportional to the 1.43 power of the agitator diameter, at speeds slightly below the limiting agitator speed the mass transfer coefficient will apparently be proportional to the agitator diameter to the 0.94 power. These results were used to estimate the area reqguired for a single-stage contactor and the bismuth flow rate to remove cerium, which has the shortest removal time (16.6 days) of the rare earths in the 38 reference flowsheet. For a salt flow rate of 0.88 gpm (corresponding to the 10-day cycle time used in the reference process flowsheet) and a distribution coefficient of 0.062 {the distribution coefficient that was used in the reference processing flowsheet), an area for mass transfer of 10 ft2 will allow removal of cerium on a 16.6-day cycle if the bismuth flow rate through the contactor is 30 gpm and a 3-ft-diam agitator is used. This bismuth flow rate is only about 2-1/2 times the flow rate specified in the processing plant flowsheet on the basis of eguilibrium calculations. The use of a higher distribution coefficient, multiple stages, etc., can result in a reduction of either the bismuth flow rate or the mass transfer area. These changes, however, will result in changes in other sections of the flowsheet, and more extensive calcula- tions are reguired to evaluate these effects. 5. FUEL RECONSTITUTION DEVELOPMENT: DESIGN OF A FUEL RECONSTITUTION ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT R. M. Counce The reference flowsheet for processing the fuel salt from a molten- salt breeder reactor (MSBR) is based upon removal of uranium by fluorina- tion to UF6 as the first processing step.l6 The uranium removed in this step must subsequently be returned to the fuel salt stream before it returns to the reactor. The method for recombining the uranium with the fuel carrier salt (reconstituting the fuel salt) is to absorb gaseous UF_ into a recycled fuel salt stream containing dissolved UF 6 the reaction: 4 by utilizing + = 2 (14) Pew) T Pa@ T2 T The resultant UF5 would be reduced to uF, with hydrogen in a separate vessel according to the reaction: + 1/2 H + HF 2{(g) - UF4(d) (g) ° (15) UFS(d) 39 We are beginning engineering studies of the fuel resconstitution step in order to provide the technology necessary for the design of larger equipment for recombining UF6 dgenerated in fluorinators in the processing plant with the processed fuel salt returning to the reactor. Eguipment for studying the fuel reconstitution process has been designed during this report period, and is described in this report. A flow diagram of the equipment to be used for the fuel reconstitu- tion engineering experiment (FREE) is shown in Fig. 10. The equipment for this experiment consists of a 36~liter feed tank, a UF,. absorption 6 vessel, a H2 reduction column, an effluent stream sampler, a 36-liter receiver, NaF traps for collecting excess UF,_ and disposing of HF, gas 6 supplies for argon, hydrogen, and UF and means for analyzing the gas 6" streams from the reaction vessels. The experiment is operated by pressurizing the feed tank with argon in order to displace salt from the feed tank to the UF6 absorption tank at rates from 50 to BOchc/min. From the UF6 absorption tank, the salt is siphoned into the H2 reduction column, and the salt then flows by gravity through the effluent stream sampler to the receiver. The feed salt will be LiF—BeF2~ThF4 (72-16-12 mole %) MSBR fuel carrier salt con-~ taining up to 0.3-mole % UF4. Absorption of UF6 by reaction with dig- solved UF4 will occur in the UF6 absorption vessel, and the resultant UFS will be reduced with hydrogen in the H2 reduction column. Uranium hexafluoride flow rates from 60 to 360 scc/min,* and H2 flow rates from 60 to 720 scc/min will be used. The effluent salt will be collected in the receiver for return to the feed tank at the end of the run. The off~ gas from the absorption vessel and the reduction column will be analyzed for UF6 and HF, respectively. The salt in the feed tank and salt samples from the column effluent salt will be analyzed for uranium. The perfor- mance of the column will be determined from these analyses. The effluent HF and any UF_ passing through the column will be collected on the NaF o traps before the gas is exhausted to the off-gas system. * Standard cubic centimeters per minute. UFg ~—im 40 ORNL DWG 74-il666 " 1 | ! 1 | | { | I FEED TANK B e UFg ABSORPTION VESSEL Hp, REDUCTION COLUMN o - & — UFG HF UFg anaALYSIS | [anALYsis HF TRAP TRAP g - i > BUILDING OFF-GAS A= SYSTEM EFFLUENT STREAM SAMPLER RECEIVER Fig. 10. Flow diagram for equipment used in fuel reconstitution engineering experiment. 41 The fuel reconstitution engineering experiment will be installed in the high bay area, Bldg. 7503 (MSRE site). Scaffolding erected for a previous experiment will serve the FREE equipment adegquately. The system, except for the upper section of the column, will be enclosed by a splash shield. The UF6 absorption vessel will have an inside diameter of 4 in. and an inside height of 11 in. The vessel will be coustructed from 4-in. sched 40 nickel pipe mounted vertically with a 150~1b standard Monel flange at the top and a 0.25-in. nickel plate bottom. Two 1/2-in. nozzles provide for salt flow in and out of the vessel. Two 3/8-in. nozzles provide for UF6(g) flow in and off-gas flow out of the tank. TheH2 reduction column will have an overall height of 115 in. It is constructed of 1-1/2-in. sched 40 nickel pipe mounted vertically with a 150-1b Monel flange on the upper end, and a sched 40 nickel welded cap at the lower end. Gas enters through a 3/8-in. sched 40 nickel side arm at the bottom, while 1/2-in. and 3/8~in. nozzles provide for salt entrance and an off-gas exit. Because of the highly corrosive nature of dissolved UF5, all equip- ment exposed to significant gquantities of UF5 will be gold or gold plated after a start up and demonstration period using the equipment described in this report. The 36-liter feed tank will have an inside diameter of 10 in. and an inside height of 33 in. It will be a nickel vessel with 0.25-in.-thick walls, eguipped with two 1/2-in. nozzles for salt exit and entrance lines, twe 3/8-in. nozzles for argon sparging and off-gas exit, and a 3/4~in. sampling port. The receiver vessel will be essentially identical to the feed tank. All piping exposed to the liguid phase (MSBR carrier salt) or tempera- ture in excess of 100°C will be nickel pipe or tubing. 0Off-gas lines carrying UF_ or HF will be nickel tubing. All other gas lines will be 6 copper tubing. O0ff-gas lines and liquid phase piping will be 1/2-in. tubing. 42 Standard brass valves can be used throughout the gas system, except on gas lines carrying UF6 or HF where nickel bellows-seal valves are required. Stainless steel, full-bore ball valves will be used to intro- duce the sample ladles into the flowing stream salt sampler. Two sodium fluoride traps are required for UF6 absorption and for HF absorption. These traps are identical except for their lengths. The UF6 removal trap has a length of 55-5/8 in., while the HF trap has a length of 31-5/8 in. The traps are constructed of 4-in. sched 40 Monel pipe mounted vertically with 150-1b standard flanges at both ends for charing and removing NaF pellets. The gas enters from 1/2-in. nickel tubing through the flanged end and exits through the lower flanged end. A 6-in. section in the lower end of the trap contains 4-in.-diam Monel York mesh to keep pellets from plugging the exit. The experiment will be monitored by analyzing the off-gas from each leg of the column. GOW-MAC gas density detectors are being considered for this., The detector elements of this analysis system are not exposed to the measured gas stream, which in this case is corrosive. The liquid phase will be sampled periodically by withdrawing effluent- stream salt samples from the hydrogen reduction column. The sampler is a vertically mounted 3/4-in. sched 40 pipe, 20-3/4 in. in length; it has a stainless steel full-bore valve located 12-1/4 in. from the lower end to allow access to the flowing salt stream. The sampler is vented to the off-gas system above and below the ball valve. The salt flows into the lower end of the sampler from 1l/2-in. tubing and exits 1-1/4 in. from the end, again using 1/2-in. tubing. This assures a minimum of 1/4 in. of salt for insertion of a sampler. The sampler is a stainless steel 0.250~- in. diam by l-in.-long tube with a 0.050-in. fritted metal filter on the lower end. It is connected to a 1/16-in. stainless steel tube which in turn is attached to a vacuum pump. Engineering sketches for all of the equipment except the UF6 supply have been completed. The scaffolding in Bldg. 7503 is being cleared to make room for this experiment. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 43 6. REFERENCES H. C. Savage, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 18, ORNL-TM-4628 (March 1975), pp. 23-36. J. A. Klein et al., MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 19272, ORNL-4832, p. 171. J. B. Lewis, Chem. Eng. Sci. 3, 248-59 (1954). J. B. Lewis, Chem. Eng. Sci. 3, 260-78 (1954). H. 0. Weeren et al., Engineering Development Studies for Molten-3alt Breedex Reactor Processing No. 9, ORNL-TM-3259 (December 1972}, pp. 205-15. W. L. Carter et al., MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1972, ORNL-4782, pp. 224-25. J. A. Klein, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 18, ORNL-TM-46%8 (March 1975), pp. 1-22. J. A. Klein, in Engineering Development Studies for Molten—-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 15, ORNL-TM-401% (in preparation). O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, p. 387, Wiley, New York, 1962, B. A. Hannaford, C. W. Kee, and L. E. McNeese, MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1971, ORNL~-467&6, p. 256. B. A. Hannaford et al., MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1971, ORNL-4728, p. 212. B. A. Hannaford, C. W. Kee, and L. E. McNeese, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 8, ORNL-TM- 3259 (May 1972) p. 64. B. A. Hannaford, C. W. Kee, and L. E. McNeese, Engineering Development Studies for Molten—-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 9, ORNL-TM- 3259 (December 1972), p. 158. B. A. Hannaford, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Pyocessing No. 10, ORNL-~TM-3352 (December 1972), p. 12. H. O. Weeren and L. E. McNeese, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 10, ORNL-TM-3352 (December 1972}, p. 53. D. E. Ferguson, Cnem. Technol. Div. Annu. Progr. Rept. March 31, 1972, ORNL-4794, p. 1. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41-66. 67. 45 ORNL~TM-4863 UC-76 — Molten Salt Reactor Technology INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION MSRP Director's Office 68. R. W. Horton C. F. Baes, Jr. 69. W. R. Huntley C. E. Bamberger 70. C. W. Kee J. Beams 71. A. D. Kelmers M. Bender 72. J. A. Klein M. R. Bennett 73. W. R. Laing E. S. Bettis 74. R. B. Lindauer R. E. Blanco 75. R. E. MacPherson J. O. Blomeke 76. W. C. McClain E. G. Bohlmann 77. H. E. McCoy J. Braunstein 78. A. P. Malinauskas M. A. Bredig 79. C. L. Matthews, ERDA-OSR R. B. Briggs 80. A. S. Meyer H. R. Bronstein 8l. R. L. Moore R. E. Brooksbank 82. J. P. Nichols C. H. Brown, Jr. 83. K. J. Notz K. B. Brown 84. R. O. Payne J. Brynestad 85. H. Postma S. Cantor 86. M. W. Rosenthal D. W. Cardwell 87. A. D. Ryon W. L. Carter 88. H. C. Savage W. H. Cook 90. C. D. Scott R. M. Counce 9l1. M. J. Skinner J. L. Crowley 92. F. J. Smith F. L. Culler 93. G. P. Smith J. M. Dale 94. I. Spiewak F. L. Daley 95. M. G. Stewart J. H. DeVan 96. 0. K. Tallent J. R. DiStefanc 97. L. M. Toth W. P. Eatherly 98. D. B. Trauger R. L. Egli, ERDA-OSR 99. W. E. Unger J. R. Engel 100. J. R. Weir G. G. Fee 101. M. K. Wilkinson D. E. Ferguson 102. R. G. Wymer L. M. Ferris 103-105. Central Research Library L. O. Gilpatrick 106, Document Reference Section J. C. Griess 107-116. Laboratory Records W. R. Grimes 117. Laboratory Records (ORNL~RC) R. H. Guymon J. R. Hightower, Jr. B. F. Hitch 123. 124. 125-126. 127-230. 46 CONSULTANTS AND SUBCONTRACTORS l18. J. 119. cC. 120. J. 121. Ww. 122. R. EXTERNAL Research and Technical Support Division, ERDA, Qak Ridge Opera- E, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 Director, Reactor Division, ERDA, Oak Ridge Operations Office, tions Office, P. 0. Box P. O. Box E, Oak Ridge, Director, ERDA Division Washington, D. C. 20545 For distribution as shown in TID-4500 under UC-76, Molten Salt Reactor Technology . Frye Ice Katz Davis . Richards wR4gmxmn DISTRIBUTION Tenn. 37830 of Reactor Research and Development,