e ~1729 % ORNL-TM-4804 A Method for Calculating the Steady-State Distribution of Tritium in a Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Plant R. B. Briggs C. W. Nestor OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION = FOR THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Price: Printed Copy $5.45; Microfiche $2.25 This report was prepared as an account of werk sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the Energy Research and Development Administration, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would neot infringe privately owned rights. ORNL-TM-4804 UC-76 — Molten Salt Reactor Technology Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 Reactor Division A METHOD FOR CALCULATING THE STEADY-STATE DISTRIBUTION OF TRITIUM IN A MOLTEN~-SALT BREEDER REACTOR PLANT R. B. Briggs Central Management Office C. W. Nestor Computer Sciences Division NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Energy Research and Development Administration, nor any of theit employees, nor any of their c¢ontractors, APR‘ L ]975 subcontractors, or tpeir ) employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY :$ Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION prare mAanUAENT UNLIMITE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMERS 7 1}[ i ! iii CONTENTS Abs tract * s . . . . L4 . L * - * - * * . - * I. Introduction . L] ° . *® . e . - * . - - * IT. Derivation of Equations and Computational Procedures ITI. Solution of Equations . .« « &« « « o & IV. Nomenclature . « « ¢ o o« o s o o o o o V. Computer Program, Input Instructions and Appendix — Program Listing . ¢« o« ¢« ¢ o ¢ o & o * * * - . . 23 35 49 65 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor System. . . . . . Fig. 2. Sketch Of F(CK) VS CK . o - L ] L ] . . * . L * * Fig. 3. Sketch of G(C,) VS8 C, « « & o« « s s o o o o & K K Fig. 4. Sample Problem Input .« « o o ¢ ¢ « o o o o & Fig. 5A. List of Parameter Values Used in Calculation Fig. 5B. Output from Iterative Calculations . . . . . Figo SC. Output Sumary e & ® e+ & * % ® & 5 & & s s @ Fig. 5D. Output Produced by "CHANGE" Command. . . . & Fig. 5E. List of Parameter Values Used in Calculation "CHANGE" Command. « o « o o o o -6 o ¢ ¢ o o o o s o Fig. 5F. Output from Iterative Calculations With New Parameters Fig. 5G. Output Summary (New Parameters). « o« o « o« o s o o o o Fig. 5H. Response to Unrecognized Command Card. « « « ¢« ¢« « « o Fig. 5I. Normal Ending Message. . « « ¢ s o ¢ ¢ & o & After 27 28 52 33 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 A METHOD FOR CALCULATING THE STEADY-STATE DISTRIBUTION OF TRITIUM IN A MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR PLANT R. B. Briggs and C. W. Nestor, Jr. ABSTRACT Tritium is produced in molten salt reactors primarily by fissioning of uranium and absorption of neutrons by the constituents of the fuel carrier salt. At the operating temperature of a large power reactor, tritium is expected to diffuse from the primary system through pipe and vessel walls to the surroundings and through heat exchanger tubes into the secondary system which contains a coolant salt. Some tritium will pass from thé secondary system into the steam power system. This report describes a method for calculating the steady state distribution of tritium in a molten salt reactor plant and a computer program for making the calculations. The method takes into account the effects of various processes for removing tritium, the addition of hydrogen or hydrogenous compounds to the primary and secondary systems, and the chemistry of uranium in the fuel salt. Sample calculations indicate that 30 percent or more of the tritium might reach the steam system in a large power reactor unless special measures are taken to confine the tritium. I. INTRODUCTION Conceptual designs of Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) power plants usually can be represented by the diagram shown in Fig. 1. The fissioning of uranium in the fuel salt heats the salt as it is pumped through the reactor vessel in the primary system. The heat is trans- ferred to a coolant salt that circulates in the secondary system and, thence, to water, producing steam to drive a turbine-generator in the steam system. Fission products and other radiocactive materials are produced in large amounts in the fuel salt. Much smaller amounts are produced in the coolant salt by the flux of delayed neutrons in the primary heat exchangers. The radioactivity is normally confined by the 'walls of the piping and vessels. However, tritium is produced in the salts, partly as a fission product, but mostly by absorption of neutrons by lithium in the fuel salt. At the high temperature of an MSBR, tritium diffuses through metals and might escape to the environs in amounts thgt would be cause for concern. The purpose of this report is to describe a method for calculating the distribution of tritium in and its escape from an MSBR plant. We assume that the tritium, born as tritium ions, is present in the fuel salt primarily as tritium molecules® and tritium fluoride molecules. ¥ The ions are estimated to be produced at a rate of 2.6 X lOlh/MWsec*** *Tritium molecules are intended to include HT and H, molecules when hydrogen is present. *%Tritium fluoride molecules are intended to include tritium (and hydrogen) ions associated with fluoride ions in the salt. **%2420 Ci/day in a 2250 MW(t), 1000 MW(e) plant. ORNL-DWG 68~1185EB PURGE STREAM PURGE STREAM FOR REMOVAL OF TRITIUM FOR REMOVAL OF TRITIUM —~ FROM FUEL SALT FROM COOLANT SALT ) A PRIMARY SECONDARY SALT PUMP NaBFy—NaF SALT PUMP 1 COOLANT SALT 11150 °F {300°F wp GRAPHITE MODERATOR REACTOR HEAT _ EXCHANGER Hi 1050 °F €W TLiF -BeF,-ThFy-UF, STEAM GENERATOR FUEL SALY SUPERHEATER, AND —-— A T 1000 °F ' —— TURBO- GENERATOR | L—== STEAM Fig. 1. Molten Salt Breeder Reactor System. in a typical fuel salt. The relative concentrations of tritium and tritium fluoride in the fuel salt are expected to be governed by the equilibrium relationship for the reaction, UF, + 1/2 T, 2 UF3 + TF , with uranium in the salt. The absolute concentrations are governed by removal processes. Three types of processes are provided for removing tritium from the primary system: permeation through the metal of the walls of piping and vessels, sorption on materials in contact with the salt, and purging. We assume that tritium molecules that reach a metal surface can sorb on the surface, dissociate into tritium atoms and diffuse through the metal. Tritium in tritium fluoride and other compounds is assumed to be chemically bound and unable to pass through the metal. Experience with the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment indicated that tritium sorbs on and is tightly bound to graphite. We provide for sorption of tritium and tritium fluoride on the graphite in the reactor core. Provision is made for purging tritium from the primary system by circulating a stream of salt through an apparatus which extracts gaseous tritium and tritium compounds. A contactor in which tritium and tritium fluoride are transferred to a gas phase by virtue of their wvapor pressures would be such an apparatus. Current designs for MSBR's provide for sparging c¢f the fuel salt with helium bubbles in the primary system to remove krypton and Xenon. Tritium and tritium fluoride would be removed also. The sparging process can be treated as an equivalent purging process in the calculatioms. Tritium will reach the secondary system by diffusion from the primary system through the walls of the tubes in the primary heat exchangers and by neutron capture in the coolant salt. We provide for removal of tritium from the secondary system by diffusion through the metal walls, sorption, and purging. The secondary system would not normally contain a sorber or have an elaborate purging system. Such processes, if incorporated into the plant, would be designed specifically for removing tritium. The coolant salts do not normally contain constituents that are reducible by tritium and, thereby, able to convert tritium into tritium fluoride and make it unavailable to diffuse through the metal walls. We, therefore, have provided for addition of hydrogen fluoride or other hydrogenous compounds to the secondary system. We assume that tritium will exchange with the hydrogen in the added compound and that the compound will be extracted by the sorption and/or purge process. The steam system and the cells around the reactor primary and secondary systems are considered to be sinks for tritium. Tritium reaching the steam system is assumed to exchange with hydrogen in the water, and thdat reaching the cells is assumed to be oxidized to water. The partial pressure of tritium is effectively zero. In the calculations we assume that tritium and hydrogen behave identically. The equation used for calculating the diffusion of hydrogen through a metal wall states that the rate of transport per unit of surface area is proportional to the product of a permeability coefficient and the difference between the square roots of the partial pressures of hydrogen at the inner and outer surfaces of the metal. In this circumstance, addition of hydrogen can reduce the transport of tritium through the metal. Suppose, for example, the partial pressures of tritium and hydrogen at the outer surface of a pipe are zero and the partial pressure of tritium at the inner surface is held constant. If hydrogen were added to increase the total hydrogen partial pressure at the inner surface by a factor of 100, the flow of hydrogen plus tritium through the metal wall would increase by a factor of 10. But the flow of tritium would decrease by a factor of 10 because of the 100-fold dilution of hydrogen. Because of other factors, the effect of adding hydrogen may not be so dramatic, but the calculational method provides for addition of hydrogen to the primary and secondary systems and for hydrogen to be present at a specified concentration in the steam system so that the effects can be studied.* The calculational model describes the behavior of tritium in an MSBR plant to the extent that it is known or has been inferred at the present time. The removal processes can be included in or eliminated from the calculations by careful choice of the values assigned to co- efficients in the equations. The model probably does not include all the chemical reactions and physical processes that will ultimately be *The calculational procedure might have been developed to treat hydrogen and tritium as separate species. Separate values then could be assigned to important parameters, such as solubility and diffusion coefficients, for each species. Interaction between hydrogen and tritium would be taken into account by the equilibrium relationship péT/pHQ *Pp, = kp for the reaction H, + T, ¥ HT . However, kp has a value near 4 at temperatures of interest, which signi- fies that hydrogen and tritium interact as though they are the same species. Also, there are substantial uncertainties in the values for most of the parameters. Complicating the procedure to treat hydrogen and tritium separately would not, for the present, improve the accuracy of the results. shown to affect the distribution of tritium in an MSBR. In some instances these effects can be included, when recognized, simply by adjusting the coefficients in equations for processes presently in- cluded. Others may require incorporation of additional processes. Two assumptions in the calculational procedure should be recognized for their potential for leading to major differences between the cal- culated distribution of tritium and what would actually occur in a reactor plant. Tritium, present in the salt as tritium fluoride, can react with metal to yield tritium atoms that would dissolve in and diffuse through the metal. Neglect of this reaction could cause the calculations to be greatly in error under circumstances where most of the tritium is present in the salt as tritium fluoride. Oxide films (and possibly others) that form on metal surfaces reduce the permeability of a metal wall to the passage of hydrogen. They may also cause the transport to vary with pressure to a power in the range of 1/2 to 1. The reduced permeability appears as a coefficient in the transport equations of the model, but we make no provision for changing the exponent on the pressure terms from 1/2. The calculated transport of tritium through the metal walls and the effect of the addition of hydrogen in reducing the transport would both be greater than would actually occur if the actual trans- port were proportional to the pressure to a power in the range 1/2 to 1. The calculations would not underestimate the transport unless the total pressure of tritium and hydrogen exceeded the reference pressure for the permeability coefficient, which is usually 1 atm. II. DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS AND COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES In making the calculations, we first calculate the distribution of hydrogen plus tritium in order to establish flows and concentrations of the combined isotopes throughout the plant. Then we calculate the distri- bution of tritium throughout the plant. For calculating the distribution, the fluids in the primary and secondary systems and the various parts of the steam system are assumed to be well mixed and to contain uniform bulk concentrations of all constituents, The calculations are for steady-state conditions, and only hydrogen and tritium molecules are assumed to be able to sorb on the metal surfaces, dissociate, and diffuse through the metal walls. The various paths are defined and the distribution is calculated by the use of the following set of equations.* A. In the primary system: 1. Transport of hydrogen through the salt film to the wall of the piping in the hot leg from the reactor vessel to the heat exchanger: Q1 = h1A1(CF — C1) (1a) Transport through the pipe wall to the surroundings where the hydrogen pressure is assumed to be negligible: - p1A1 [(kl_cl)? _— 0] - RJLAI (klcl).r . (1b) Qi ty t, 2. Transport of hydrogen to and through the walls of the cold- leg piping from the heat exchanger to the reactor vessel: *Symbols are defined in Section IV, Nomenclature. 10 Q2 = thz(CF - C3z) (2a) 1 5 - EzAziszz) . (2b) Transport of hydrogen to and through the walls of the reactor vessel and the shells of the heat exchangers in the primary system: Qs = hsAs(Cp — Ca) (3a) z - EaA:(kSCB) (3b) 3 Transport of hydrogen to and through the walls of the tubes in the primary heat exchangers into the secondary system: Qe = haAa(CF'“ Ca) (4a) Puhs + z = . [(kacu) = (k12C12) ] . (4b) Transport of hydrogen to the surfaces of the graphite in the reactor vessel or to other sorber: Q5 = h5A5(CF - Cs) . (Sa) Sorption by the graphite or other sorber assuming that the sorbing surface is replaced continuously and that the concentration of sorbed gas is proportional to the square root of the partial pressure: + Qs = B;W,As (ksCs) . (5b) Removal of hydrogen by purge: Qe = F1E1CF . (6) 11 7. Transport of hydrogen fluoride to and removal by sorber: Q; = h7A7(CFF'“ Cs) (7a) 1 B,W.A, (k,Cy)~ . (7b) 8. Removal of hydrogen fluoride by purge: Qs = FLE;C . (8) FF Because the molecular species involved may contain different numbers of hydrogen atoms, all the calculations are done in terms of atoms of hydrogen. This does not mean that the hydrogen necessarily diffuses as single atoms, but only that a transport unit is one hydrogen atom and the parameters are expressed in terms of single hydrogen atoms. A Q value of 1 then represents the transport of one-half molecule of H,, one molecule of HF, or one-fourth molecule of a compound 1like CH,, all per unit time. Likewise, a C value of 1 represents a concentration of one- half molecule of H,, one molecule of HF, or one-~fourth molecule of CH,, all per unit volume. If the rates of inflow of tritium and hydrogen atoms (R; and R,, respectively) to the primary system are given, a material balance over the primary system gives 8 R; + R = I Q. (9) i=1 * In our calculations, all flow rates in the sum on the right-hand side of Eq. 9 are positive or zero except for Q,, the transport through the 12 heat exchanger tubes to the secondary system. Q, can be positive, negative or zero, depending on the conditions in the various systems. Hydrogen is present in and is removed from the primary system as hydrogen fluoride, but we provide no input of HF. It is produced by the reaction UF, + +H, < UF, + HF , which has an equilibrium quotient X(UFs) _BPAER) XUR) [P (Ha) ] or X(UFy) | “7“rF 1 Corrosion and other chemical considerations make it desirable to maintain the ratio X(UF5)/X(UF,) = 1/U at a constant value,* so the concentration of HF in the bulk of the salt can be related to the hydrogen concentration by 2 Cop = -11\-{{-{71 (ksCp)? . (10) We replace CFF by the equivalent function of C_, in Eqs. 7a and 8 to obtain F expressions for @, and Qg in terms of CF' B. Secondary System: 1. Hot-leg piping: Qio0 = thAlO(CC — C10) (11a) 1 - Piohio (kloclo)f . (11b) Cio #This might require that hydrogen be added to the primary systems as a mixture of hydrogen and hydrogen fluoride. 13 Cold-leg piping: Q11 = hy1An, (CC - C11) = EA%ALL (k110111% 11 Transport through the primary heat exchanger tubes into the primary system: Qrz = hi24y (C. - Ci2) | 1 = %‘?‘u‘[(kmczz)f - (kuCu)T] . Transport through the steam generator tubes into the Steam system: Qi3 = hi3A;; (CC - C13) A 1 1 = P‘%?—Bl—i [(k13€13)7 - (RZICZI)TJ . Transport through the superheater tubes into the steam system: Qiy = hitAqy (CC - C1y) A 1 = R‘l—‘l&i [(kmcm)%" (kzzczz)r] . Transport through the reheater tubes into the steam system: Q15 = hisA;s (CC - C15) 1 P‘uti\—;i [(kzsCls)% ~ (k23C2 3)7] . Removal by sorber as hydrogen: Q16 = higAis (CC - Cig) 1 B3WsA16(k16C1g)° . (12a) (12b) (13a) (13b) (14a) (14b) (15a) (15b) (16a) (16b) (17a) (17b) 14 8. Removal by purge as hydrogen: Qir = FSEBCC . (18) 9. Removal by sorber as HF: Qis = h1eA1a(CCF — C1s) (19a) 1 BuWuhia(kisCia) > - (19b) 10, Removal by purge as HF: ng = FqEqC . (20) CF Since we assume that the hydrogen fluoride does not release hydrogen to diffuse through the metal walls, and that there are no chemical reac- tions in the secondary system that make the concentrations of hydrogen and hydrogen fluoride interdependent, we write separate material balances for the two species for the distribution of total tritium and hydrogen: 17 Rs + Ry = I Q (21a) i=10 Rs = Q18 + Q1o -« (21b) In these equations all the R's and all the Q's have positive or zero values except for Qi2, Qi3, Q14 and Q;s5, which can have negative values. C. Steam generator system: 1. Transport through the steam generator tubes into the secondary system: Q1 = h21A13(CSG -~ Cz1) (22a) A 1 1 = E'l—ta‘*z—s‘[(kzlcz D7 - (&, 3C13)7] . (22b) 13 2. Transport through superheater tubes into the secondary system: Qz2 = hzzAlu(CSS - Cz2) (23a) 15 A 1 1 = E‘l'i';:i [(kzzczz)z_ - (klucw)?] . (23b) 3. Transport through the reheater tubes into the secondary system: Q23 = hz3A15(Cop = C23) (24a) A 1 1 = PJ‘f:—lji [(kzaczs)r - (kzscls)y] . (24b) and C_._ will be given. I n the steam system the values for CSG’ CSS SR The steam flows will be so large that the diffusion of hydrogen through the metals should not have much effect on the concentration of hydrogen in the steam. Under these assumptions, we do not require a material balance over the steam system. If hydrogen is added to the feed water as hydrazine or in some other manner to give a specified ratio of hydrogen to H,0, then this ratio, coupled with the steam tables, can be used to calculate the hydrogen concentrations in the water and steam in the steam-raising equipment. Without addition of hydrogen the concentrations are established by the dissociation of water. We now need to solve the above equations to obtain values for all the flow rates and concentrations. We carry this out in the following sequence, discussed in more detail in Sec. IIIL. 1. Calculate C Cis, Q18 and Q;9 from equations 19a, 19b, 20 and 21b. CF’ 2. Assume a value for CC. 3. Calculate Qip5, Q115 Qi15, Q17 and C;¢ from equations 1lla, 11b, 12a, 12b, 17a, 17b and 18. 4. Calculate Qi13, Qis, Qis, Ci13, Ciy and Ci1s from equations léa, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 1l6b, 22a, 22b, 23a, 23b, 24a and 24b, noting that the steam system and the secondary system are coupled by the relationships Qi3 = -Q21, Q14 = -Qz22 and Qis = —Q23. 16 5. Calculate Q;, from the material balance, Eq. 2la. 6. Calculate CF’ Ci12 and Cy from Eqs. 4a, 4b, 13a, 13b, the relationship Q4 = -Q;» and the value of Qi» obtained in step 5. These concentrations should all be positive. If any one of them is negative, steps 3 through 6 must be repeated with a larger value of CC. 7. When positive values have been found for CF’ Ci2 and Cy4, calculate Qi, Q2, Q3,5 Qs Q65 Q7,5 Qss Cs, Cpp and Cy. 8. Calculate RF from 8 Rp = iil Qi - (R; + Rp) & If RF is positive, hydrogen must be added to the primary system in order to maintain a balance. This means that CF is too large, which in turn means that CC is too large, and steps 3 through 8§ must be repeated with a smaller value of CC. If RF is negative, CC is too small and steps 3 through 8 must be repeated with a larger value of CC. When this process has been repeated until the ratio is R, + R, sufficiently small, the flows and concentrations of hydrogen plus tritium and of hydrogen fluoride plus tritium fluoride have been established throughout the plant and we can proceed with the calculation of the tritium distribution. We ignore the difference in the properties of the two isotopes and assume that they behave identically. Thus, hydrogen and tritium compounds have the same solubilities and diffusivities, and if a hydrogenous compound, such as HF, is added to a mixture of hydrogen and tritium, exchange will occur to give a ratio of tritium to hydrogen that is the same in hydrogen* and the added compound. *H,, HT and T,. 17 We now proceed with the calculation of the tritium distribution. D. Primary system: 1. Transport through walls of hot-leg piping: Qs1 = UFT Q; . (25) “r 2. Transport through walls of cold-leg piping: Q32 = EEI Q2 . (26) “r 3. Transport through wall of reactor vessel and shells of heat exchangers in primary system: Q33 = _FT Q3 . (27) 4, Transport through walls of primary heat-exchanger tubes into the secondary system: Qay = hyA,y (CFT - Cay) (28a) il B [decsr ~ osery| - (260) Equations 25 through 27 are straightforward, simply indicating that the amount of tritium flowing with hydrogen is proportional to the fraction of the concentration that is tritium when the flow of both is into a sink with a zero concentration of both. Equation 28a is straightforward, indicating that the flow of tritium from the bulk salt to the wall is proportional to the difference between the concentrations of tritium in the bulk fluid and the wall. Equation 28b, however, requires some additional explanation. 18 The rate of transport of hydrogen through a metal wall can be expressed as I) . _DA v _ Q= t (CI Co where D is the diffusivity of hydrogen atoms in the metal, the C's are the concentrations of hydrogen atoms dissolved in the metal at the inner (I) and outer (0) surfaces, t is the metal thickness and A is the surface area. Assuming no interaction of tritium and hydrogen atoms as they diffuse through the metal, the rate of transport of tritium is _DA QT t ¥ t - C . (o 0 The concentration of hydrogen + tritium atoms in the metal at the surface is 1 ¢ = s = so)? where S is a solubility coefficient and P is the partial pressure of hydrogen + tritium and is equal to the product of Henry's law coefficient and the concentration of hydrogen + tritium in the salt at the surface. Assuming that the ratio of tritium to hydrogen + tritium in the metal at the surface is the same as that in the salt at the surface, we can write v — CTI — %-CTI kICTI C —C————S(kC) _.._._.=S_..._.._.1. TI T C I'T” C | s I 1 (kICI) and a similar expression for the outer surface. Then, kiCr kqCro 1 = 1 (kICI)f- (kOCOy? _ DSA U = 7% 19 and by substituting the permeability coefficient, p, for the product, DS, we obtain Eq. 28b. This treatment is necessary here because the net flows of hydrogen and tritium may be in opposite directionms. The equations provide a means for taking into account the effect of the mass action laws on the concentrations of tritium in the metal and its transport through the metal. 5. Removal by graphite or other sorber: C FT Q35 = T Qs » (29) F 6. Removal by purge: C FT Q3 = Rl Qg (30) F 7. Removal by graphite or other sorber as tritium fluoride: CFT Q37 = = Q7 , (31) Cr 8. Removal by purge as tritium fluoride: C Qag = EEE'QB . (32) 7 : The tritium balance over the primary system is: 38 Rl = 2 Qi . (33) i=31 E. Secondary system: 1. Hot-leg piping: C CT Quo = ¢ Qo - (34) 20 2. Cold-leg piping: C CT Qui =5 Q1 (35) C 3. Transport through primary heat exchanger tube walls into primary system: Quz = R128u(Cop = Cuz) (36a) = -E-li-l}-ii _klz_C"f_z__' - kquq v . ty [(klzclz)’f (kaCoa)i | (36b) 4. Transport through steam generator tube walls into the steam system: Qus = h13A13(CCT ~ Cy3) (37a) _ P13Ais klgcual tiy (ki13Ci3f2 . (37b) Calculations of the tritium distribution are based on the assumption that tritium will exchange so rapidly with the hydrogen in the steam to form tritiated water that the tritium concentration will be effectively Zero. 5. Transport through the superheater tubes into the steam system: Quy = hluAlu(CCT - Cuy) (38a) _ PauAyy _kiuCuy = 1 . 8b tiv (ki14C1y)7 (38b) 6. Transport through the reheater tubes into the steam system: Qus = h1sA15(Cop = Cus) © (39a) - Pisfis _kisCus | (39b) ti1s (k15C15)7 21 7. Removal by sorber as tritium: C Qus = == Qe « (40) “c 8. Removal by purge as tritium: C Quz = 7§I'Q17 . (41) C 9. Removal by sorber as tritium fluoride: C Quo = == Qis - | (42) C 10. Removal by purge as tritium fluoride: C Quo ='?§2 Qio o (43) C The balance over the secondary system is: 49 R.3 = z Qi . (44) i=40 Since the tritium concentration in the steam system is assumed to be negligible, no equations are needed for the steam system. To calculate the distribution of tritium, we solve Eqs. 2544 in the following sequence, discussed in more detail in Section III. 1. Assume a tritium concentration, C T° in the secondary system C and calculate Qso0, Q415 Qus through Q,s from Eqs. 34, 35, 37a, 37b, 38a, 38b, 39a, 39b, 40, 41, 42 and 43. 2. Calculate Q42 from the material balance, Eq. 44. 3. Calculate CFT from Eqs. 28a, 28b, 36a and 36b, the relation- ship Qs34 = -Q42 and the value of Q4. from step 2., If the value of CFT is negative, increase the estimate for C,, and repeat CT steps 1 through 3. When we have found a positive C Ts We F proceed to step 4. 22 Calculate Q3;, Q32, Qs33, Q3ss, Qse, Qs> and Qse from Egs. 25-32. Calculate RF’ where 38 = I Q, — R, Tl is the term that must be added to the left side of Eq. 33 in order for the equation to balance. If R, is positive, tritium F must be added to the primary system, so CFT and CCT are too large; if RF is negative, CFT and CCT are too small. Adjust the value of CCT and repeat steps 1 through 5. When IRF/R1| is sufficiently small, the calculations are finished. 23 ITTI. SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS In the procedure discussed above, we begin with the calculation of CCF’ Cisy Qie and Q,s with Eqs. 19a, 19b and 20, and the material balance, Eq. 21b: Qis = hlBAla(CCF — Cia) (19a) 3 = Bu,WsA;15(k18C1s)” (19b) Qio = FhEhch s (20) Rs = Qis + Q15 - (21b) Eq. 19b requires that Q,s > 0 and Eq. 20 requires that Qi > 0, so if Rs = 0, 21b requires that Qs = Q;9 = 0. If Rs > 0, we combine 21b, 20 and 19a to obtain Rs - Q8 = FLE,C_ = Rs — h1aA15(CCF = Ci1s8) » CF or c . = RsthiahA1eCis CF Fqu‘i‘hlaAla (]_QC) Substituting 19c into 19a, setting the result equal to 19b and collecting terms we obtain 1 o — Cis = BCig » (194d) where we have defined Rs F,E, °’ _ F‘.E¢.+hleAla} [Bhw‘.} 4 P = [ FLE, His [kls] ’ u: and 24 Squaring both sides of 19d results in a quadratic equation for C;s} since the right-hand side of 19d is positive, we want the root of this quadratic which is less than a. We have Cfa —'(2a+32)cle +0* =0 > _2a+B2 + V(2a+B>) 2 ~4a C 18 5 To obtain the root less than o, we want the root with the negative sign. To avoid possible loss of significant figures, we note that the product of the roots is &2, so that we can write the solution in the form 2 o ClB = 2 . (lge) a+-B— 1+ \/l+—ng- 2 B Then we have 1 Qis = BhwhAls(klecls)T-, (19b) _— R5 + hlBAIBC].B CCF = TF.E. + DioAss (19¢) and Qo = F&Euch . (20) With some value for CC we proceed to the calculation of Qio, Qi:, Q165 Q17 and Cis. Egs. 1la, 11b, 12a and 12b read Qio = h1oA10(CC — C10) » (11a) A 1 Qio = Ei%:LQ (kIOCIO)E., (11b) Qi1 = hllAll(CC — C11) > (12a) 25 A 1 Qi = P—;—l—l (k1:1C11)2 (12b) These equations (11 and 12) are identical in structure, as aive Egs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 17 and 19. For Egs. 11 and 12 we define C1=C Ol=ki c’ t.h ii and Eqs. 11 and 12 then can be written in the form of quadratics in the concentration Ci: 2 2 _ Ci (2C1+a)Ci + C]_ 0o . From Egs. 1lb and 12b, the flow rates Q;o and Q,; must be positive, so that the root desired in each case is the smaller one. We have C Cy i 10, 11 . = s 1 % ’ ’ * c1+9‘-(1+ 1+Cl) 2 o and P.A, 1 _ i = . _ i By putting Cl = CC ’ BsWs =(§12)k16 ’ Cis can be calculated in the same fashion (Eqs. 17a and 17b) and the flow rates Q.6 and Q,, are 1 Qi = BawsAls(k1sc1s)7-s Qi7 = FsEscC . 26 We continue with step 4, the calculation of the flow rates Q,s, Q14 and Q;s, and the corresponding concentrations C;s, C;, and C,s, using Eqs. l4a, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b, 22a, 22b, 23a, 23b, 24a and 24b. Note that the secondary system and the steam system are coupled by the equations Qis = =Q21, Qia = Q22 and Q15 = -Q23 . The three equations 14, 15 and 16 all have the same structure and can be written in the form P 1 1 — = K T _ T =G oo - aep?] (2) h, (C; —Cz) = h (C:—Cp) , (b) where K = 13, 14 and 15, C, = CC’ L =21, 22 and 23, and we identify C. as CSG’ CSS and CSR for K = 13, 14 and 15, respectively. We can solve Eq. b for CL: ht(cl-C) +hC2 h c =X K L - K,-c)+c, . (c) L hL hL K Since C, must be non-negative, there is a maximum permissible value L Cémax)’ which is the value such that h K (c1 c(max)) +Co =0, h K L or h clmax) C, + 2 Cs . (d) K hK If we substitute (c) into (a) and rearrange, we have 27 k + | * %‘l Ce = Co v gk & (G0 * G _[kKCK] ’ (e) KK L or, more concisely, CK = F(CK) . To locate the solutions (if any) of this equation, we need to (max) examine the behavior of F(CK) for 0 < C 5_CK . We find that K F(0) >0 and F'(CK) < 0, F'(O) = =® F"(CK) _>_ 0. The graph of F(CK) then looks like the curve in Fig. 2. “k F(CK). 0 CK Fig. 2. Sketch of F(CK) vs CK. (max) For there to be a solution between zero and CK , we must have (max) “k > F(Cémax)) and upon substitution of our expression (d) into F(CK), we find that this condition is satisfied. We will now examine the function G(CK) = C_ — F(CK) . K 28 We note that G(0) = =F(0) <0 (max) G(CK ) >0 and G'(CK) =1 —-F'(CK) > 0 [since F'(CK) < 0] . This insures that G(CK) has one and only one zero in the range (max) < : " = " " < 00 (Céz) = Cémax), to start). An approximation to the solution CéT), is derived from the inverse linear interpolation: (1) _ (2) (D) _ G2Cy G1Cy K G2 - G]_ > as shown in Fig. 2. A better approximation can be derived with inverse quadratic interpolation: (X) (O-GT) (O_G2) (1) (O_Gl) (O—GT) (2) (O_Gl) (O"Gz) = e————————— (O K~ (6:-6) (G:~62) K + e c{D C t . (Gz*G1)(G2-GT) K (GT—Gl)(GTQGI) K 29 With G"(CK)_i 0 as shown and G'(CK) >0, GT = G(CéT)) will be positive T and CéT) should be larger than the root. If Céx) is larger than Cé ), we replace Céz) by CéT), G2 by GT’ and repeat the inverse linear inter- i (x) , (T) polation. If, however, CK is smaller than CK , we calculate GX = G(Cé%)); and if this value is negative, we replace Cél) by Cé#), G, by Gx’ Céz) by CéT) and G, by GT’ and repeat the inverse linear interpolation., If GX is positive, we replace Céz) by Céx) and G, by GX and repeat the inverse linear interpolation. We terminate this process when (T) & (%) CK 1 stream in primary system 1.7 X 10 E = removal of hydrogen + tritium from purge 3 . : -1 stream in secondary system 1.8 X 10 E4 = removal of hydrogen fluoride from purge 3 stream in secondary system 1.8 X 10~ 39 F = flow rate, cm®/sec B purge stream for removal of hydrogen + tritium from primary system purge stream for removal of hydrogen fluoride from primary system purge stream for removal of hydrogen + tritium from secondary system purge stream for removal of hydrogen fluoride from secondary system h = mass transfer coefficient, cm/sec By hydrogen through primary salt to surfaces of hot leg in primary system hydrogen through primary salt to surfaces of cold leg in primary system hydrogen through primary salt to surfaces of reactor vessel and heat exchanger shells in primary system hydrogen through primary salt to surfaces of heat exchanger tubes in primary system hydrogen through primary salt to surfaces of core graphite in primary system hydrogen fluoride through primary salt to surfaces of core graphite in primary system hydrogen through secondary salt to surfaces of hot leg in secondary system Reference Value Name 3.6 X 10 3.6 X 10 5.0 X 10 5.0 X 10 1.6 X 10 6.0 X 10 9.0 X 10 1.9 X 10 3.0 X 10> 3.0 X 10> 7.4 X 1072 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Henry's law coefficient, 0.83 x 10 %% [k' hydrogen 40 through secondary salt to surfaces of cold leg in secondary system hydrogen of tubes system hydrogen of tubes system hydrogen of tubes system hydrogen of tubes hydrogen through secondary salt to surfaces in heat exchangers in secondary through secondary salt to surfaces of steam generators in secondary through secondary salt to surfaces in superheaters in secondary through secondary salt to surfaces in reheaters in secondary system through secondary salt to surfaces of sorber in secondary system hydrogen fluoride through secondary salt to surfaces of sorber in secondary system hydrogen of steam hydrogen of steam hydrogen through water generators in steam system through steam generators in steam system through steam to surfaces of tubes of reheaters in steam system (cm’melt) (atm.) atom H moles H, -1 (cm® melt) (atm.) Reference Value Name to surfaces of tubes to surfaces of tubes 3.4 X 10 9.7 X 10 4.3 X 10~ 4.7 X 10 4.0 X 10~ 8.0 X 10 8.0 X 10 5.8 12 30 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 41 -1 10-24 [k' moles HF ] (cm® melt) (atm.) hydrogen in primary salt in hot leg in primary system (973°K) hydrogen in primary salt in cold leg in primary system (838°K) hydrogen in primary salt in reactor vessel and heat exchanger shells in primary system (908°K) hydrogen in primary salt in heat exchangers in primary system (908°K) hydrogen in primary salt in reactor core in primary system (923°K) — — hydrogen fluoride in primary salt in reactor core in primary system (923°K) hydrogen in secondary salt in hot leg in secondary system (894°K) hydrogen in secondary salt in cold leg in secondary system (723°K) hydrogen in secondary salt in heat exchangers in secondary system (809°K) hydrogen in secondary salt in steam generators in secondary system (783°K) hydrogen in secondary salt in superheaters in secondary system (866 °K) hydrogen in secondary salt in reheaters in secondary system (810°K) Reference Value 1.2 x 10°% 2.0 X 1071 1.5 X 107+ 1.5 X 1071 1.4 x 1071 3.4 X 10+ 5.0 X 1071 4.0 X 1074 4.5 X 10+ 3.5 X 10+ 4.0 X 1071 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Name 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 42 hydrogen in secondary salt in contact with sorber in secondary system (773°K) hydrogen fluoride in secondary salt in contact with sorber in secondary system (773°K) hydrogen in steam in steam generators in steam system (660 °K) hydrogen in steam in superheaters in the steam system (755°K) hydrogen in steam in reheaters in steam system (714 °K) equilibrium quotient for reduction of UF4 by hydrogen, atnfi/fi (923°K) permeability coefficient for hydrogen in metal (atoms H) (mm) 16 , (cm® H, STP) (mm) (sec) (cm?) (atm) 2/2 ~—— = 1.5 X 10 at average temperature of metal in hot leg in primary system (973°K) at average temperature of metal in cold leg in primary system (838°K) at average temperature of metal in reactor vessel and heat exchanger shells in primary system (873°K) at average temperature of metal in tubes in heat exchangers in primary system (873 °K) Reference Value 4.4 X 10718 4.5 X 10”29 5.1 X 10720 4.8 X 10'20 1.12 X 107° (hr) (cm?) (atm) /2 2.1 X 1015 6.7 X 1014 9.0 X 1014 9.0 X 1014 Name M 43 ps_pg = - Pig at average temperature of metal in hot leg in secondary system (893°K) pll = at average temperature of metal in cold leg in secondary system (723°K) Pi2 = Py p13 = at average temperature of tubes in steam generators in secondary system (723°K) P14 = at average temperature of tubes in super- heaters in secondary system (838°K) Pys = at average temperature of tubes in reheaters in secondary system (773°K) = pressure, atm, or other appropriate units = rate of transport, atoms of hydrogen and/or tritium per second Q1 = hydrogen + tritium through walls of hot leg in primary system ' Q2 = hydrogen + tritium through walls of cold leg in primary system QB = hydrogen + tritium through wall of reactor vessel and shells of heat exchangers in primary system Q4 = hydrogen + tritium through walls of tubes in heat exchangers from primary system to secondary system Q5 = hydrogen + tritium to core graphite in primary system Q6 = hydrogen + tritium to purge in primary system Reference Value 15 1.1 X 10 1.8 X lOl4 9.0 x 10%* 1.8 X 1014 6.7 X 1002 3.5 X 1014 Name 44 Reference Value Name hydrogen fluoride to core graphite in primary system hydrogen fluoride to purge in primary system hydrogen + tritium through walls of hot leg in secondary system hydrogen + tritium through walls of cold leg in secondary system hydrogen + tritium through walls of tubes in heat exchangers from secondary system to primary system = —Q4 hydrogen + tritium through walls of the steam generator tubes from the secondary system into the steam system hydrogen + tritium through walls of the superheater tubes from the secondary system into the steam system hydrogen + tritium through walls of the reheater tubes from the secondary system into the steam system hydrogen + tritium to sorber in secondary system hydrogen + tritium to purge in secondary system hydrogen fluoride to sorber in secondary system hydrogen fluoride to purge in secondary system hydrogen through walls of steam generator tubes from steam system into secondary system = -Ql3 45 Reference Value Name hydrogen through walls of superheater tubes from steam system into secondary system = —Q14 hydrogen through walls of reheater tubes from steam system into secondary system = Qs tritium through walls of hot leg in primary system tritium through walls of cold leg in primary system tritium through wall of reactor vessel and shells of heat exchangers in primary system tritium through walls of heat exchanger tubes from primary system into secondary system tritium to core graphite in primary system tritium to purge in primary system tritium fluoride to core graphite in primary system tritium fluoride to purge in primary system tritium through walls of hot leg in secondary system tritium through walls of cold leg in secondary system tritium through walls of heat exchanger tubes from secondary system into primary system = -Q34 46 Reference Value Name Q = tritium through walls of steam generator 43 . tubes from secondary system into steam system Q44 = tritium through walls of superheater tubes from secondary system into steam system Q45 = tritium through walls of reheater tubes from secondary system into steam system Q46 = tritium to sorber in secondary system Q47 = tritium to purge in secondary system Q48 = tritium fluoride to sorber in secondary system Q49 = tritium fluoride to purge in secondary system rate of production or addition, atoms/sec R Rl = tritium in primary system 5.8 X lO17 R2 = hydrogen to primary system 0 R3 = tritium in secondary system 0 R4 = hydrogen to secondary system 0 R5 = hydrogen fluoride to secondary system 0 RF = hydrogen or tritium to primary system in order to obtain overall material balance - temperature, °K wall thickness, mm T tl = hot leg in primary system 13 t = cold leg in primary system 13 2 47 Reference Value Name t3 = reactor vessel and heat exchanger shells in primary system 50 t4 = tubes in heat exchangers in primary system 1 t.._ = e 5 %9 t10 = hot leg in secondary system 13 t1l = cold leg in secondary system 13 f12 7 % t13 = tubes in steam generators 2 t14 = tubes in superheaters 2 t15 = tubes in reheaters 1 = i U U = ratio XUF /XUF 100 4 3 W = replacement rate, fraction/sec W wl = core graphite or other sorber of hydrogen in primary system 1 W2 = core graphite or other sorber of hydrogen fluoride in primary system 1 W3 = sorber of hydrogen in secondary system 1 W4 = gorber of hydrogen fluoride in secondary system 1 X = mole fraction 49 V. COMPUTER PROGRAM, INPUT INSTRUCTIONS AND SAMPLE PROBLEM The FORTRAN-IV program listed in the Appendix was written to pro- vide a flexible and easily used tool for parameter studies. Many of the system parameters listed in Sec. IV have standard or reference values, and we have written the program to allow the user to specify a new value for any parameter, to use the reference value, or to reset a parameter to its reference value. Instructions to the program are in the form of simple commands, followed by numerical values as required. Output from the program consists of the summary of concentrations, flow rates and fractions shown in Fig. 2, any input commands, and various messages from the program to display the progress of the iterative parts of the calculation. The three options currently available to the user are (a) OUTPUT (b) OUTPUT__ALL“CRBE* all commands begin in column 1; (the underline indicates a blank space) (c) OUTPUT __ALL PRINTER With choice (a), the summary output is sent to logical unit 20 and all ofihef output is sent to logical unit 6 (the line printer); with choice (b), all output is sent to logical unit 20; and with choice (c¢), all output is sent to logical unit 6, For choices (a) and (b), appropriate data definition (DD) statements for unit 20 must appear in the user's job control language. *The program was designed to be used from a remote terminal with the ‘Conversational Remote Batch Entry system; hence the use of "CRBE" as a keyword. However, the program in no way depends upon the availability of the CRBE system. 50 To change various system parameters, the command is CHANGE__XXX where XXX is replaced by the appropriate variable name as listed in Sec, IV, (CF 2 CFF’ parameter value in cols. 1~10. If the variable name refers to one of the named concentrations csns CSR)’ the next line of input must contain the new If the variable name refers to any of the subscripted variables in Sec. IV, the next line must contain a starting index, n;, a stopping index n variables specified by the subscripts n 2 1 through n,- and the new values for the A maximum of seven consecutive values is allowed; if there are more than seven, put the subsequent values on subsequent lines, starting index of zero. CARD COLUMN End with a 1 ine with a The following example illustrates the format. 1 72 E3 E4 ?5}6; 7 8910 11{12 13114|15|16|17{18 |19 {20 21!22523524%25 26|27 12829 |30 |31 3:?33%34 35136137 CHANGE A 1 3] 1., 2 +6;f 1.0 +6| 7.0 + 6 13 6 2 . + 6 0 This will insert new values for Al, A2, A3 and A13 of 1.2 X 106, 1.0 X 106, 7.0 X 10 6 and 62 X 106, respectively. to be changed, the second subscript need not appear. The user can supply starting estimates for CC and C If only one value is o’ the concen- trations of hydrogen plus tritium and tritium in the bulk of the secondary salt, with the "CHANGE'" command. 11 the program will use 1 X 10 for C C and If no values 10 1 X10 for C CT are supplied 51 To perform a calculation when all the necessary changes have been made, the command is RUN A calculation will then be done with the parameters specified. For subsequent cases, all parameters will have the values present at the end of the preceding calculation; to change the parameters, the user can supply additional "CHANGE" commands. To reset parameters to their reference values, the command is RESET XXX If "XXX" is left blank, all parameters will be reset; if "XXX" is the name of a subscripted variable, all entries with the given name will be reset; and if "XXX'" is the name of one of the named concentrations (C., C oo CSR) then just that concentration will be reset. If, F’> “FF’ for example, after running the case specified by the '"CHANGE" command in the example, a user put RESET___A then all the A's would be reset to their reference values. The program will stop when an end-of-file condition is detected on the standard input unit, i.e., when it runs out of data. The input and output for a sample problem are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Reference values from Section IV were used in the sample calcula- tion. The results indicate that 30 percent or more of the tritium might reach the steam system in a large power reactor unless special measures are taken to confine the tritium. 52 4516 (718910 11!1213 14115|16 |17 |18 |19 |20)21|22|23 |24 |25|26 127 {28]29 |30 |31|32(33|34|35(36/37}38 cd QO B 8 ~ -~ ~— Y m Qg o~ » H =2 0O w2 H4d 0 ~ ~ M ~ ¥* H d / X XX1 J¢B (nnonnnonn), "ADDRESS ', CLASS=A EXEC FHRTHLG,GHSIZE=62K KED.SYSIN DD * HEX DECEK @ . FTO5F001 DD * PUT ALL PRINTER N GE A 2 +6 1.0 +6 7.0 + 6 + 7 CH Fig. 4. Sample Problem Input VALUES IN ARRAY MAME A DIMENSION 20 USED 1 6.,00000D0 05 -1.000000 00 — . 8.80000D 06 = 4900000 07 e - 5200000001 NAME F 1 3.60000D 05 NAME H 1 1.600000~02 -1.C0000D 00 _3.40000C-02 8.00000D-01 $.800000 00 Fig. DA. DIMENSICA DIMENSTION v 2 5.000000 05 5200000 07 C.0 -1.00000D0 CO NAME B DIMENSION 5 USEED 1 2 _ 3.000000 21 3.C0000D0 21 NANME C DIMENSION 50 USED | 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 040 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 e 00 060 0.0 0.0 NAME CN DIMENSION 10 USED 1 2 . ~1l2000000 00 -1.C00000 00 1.00000D 10 2.000000 10 NAME £ CIMENSION 5 USED 1 2 1.70000D0-02 S USED 2 3.600000 05 25 USEL 2 6.000000-03 3.000000-03 9.70000D~02 -1.00000D0 00 1.20000D0 0Ol S STARTS 53 18 STARTS 3 AT 3.500000 -1.0C000D 3.100000 0.0 06 0o a1 4 STARTS 3 AT . 1000000 18 45 STARTS 3 AT DO0O00D0O0O0O00O0 ¢ CO0OO0O0DOOO AT 3 9.00000D 00 i1 4 STARTS AT 3 1.8C000D-01 4 STARTS AT 3 5.0C000D 05 23 STARTS AT 3 9.0C0000~-05 -1.000000 00 4.3C0000-02 8.000000-01 3.000000 01 4 4.900C00 07 -l 000CCC 0O 2. 700CCC 07 21 4 1.000CCD 18 26 4 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 4 1. 000CCD 11 1.000C0CD 11 86 4 1. 800CCC-C3 91 4 5.00CCCC G5 96 4 1« 90GCCC~-02 -1 COCCCD 00 4.700CCC-02 -1.000CCD ©C 5 5.2CC00D 07 1.100000 07 1.80000D0 07 LI ODOOOCOHODOO OO0 OOO0O0 s 0 8 8 5 -1.CC000D 00 5 3.000000—-03 1.400000—02 4.CC0000-02 -1.€0000D OC List of Parameter Values Used in Calculation . VALUES IN ARRAY V NAME K DIMENSION 25 USED 1 2 1.200000-17 2.00000D0-17 -1.00000C 00 1.500000-19 — _5400000D0-18 _ 4.00000D-18_ 4.400000-18 -~1.000000 QO 4.500000-20 5.10000D0-20 NAME P DIFMENSION 20 USED 1 2 2.10000D0 15 6.70000D0 14 1.80000D0 14 9.00000D 14 NAME R CIMENSION 10 USED 1 ~ - S 5,800000 17 0.0 NAMF ¥ DIMENSION 20 USED 1 2 © 1.300000 01 1.300000 Ol -1.000000 00 -1.000000 QO 1.30000D0 01 1.00000D0 00 NAMF W DIMENSIONM 5 USED e ML 2 1.000000 00 1.00000D0 00 NAME M CIMENSION 1 USEC 1 2 1.120000-06 NAME U DIMENSION 1 USED 1 2 ~ ... 12000000 02 54 23 STARTS 3 AT 1.500000-17 -1.0C000D 00 _4+500000-18 1.,100000-20 4.800000-20 15 STARTS 3 9.000000D -1.000000 1.8C000D S STARTS 3. 0.0 15 STARTS 3 5000000 -1.000000 2.00000D 4 STARTS 3 1.000000 1 STARTS 3 1 STARTS 3 AT 14 00 14 AT AT 01 00 00 AT 00 AT AT 121 4 le 500CCD~-17 -l.000CCL 00 3.500CC0-18 -1sCOCCCD 146 4 9.000CCD -1.000CCD 6. 700CCD 166 4 0.0 176 4 1.000CCD -l.000CCC 2.000CCOD 196 4 1.000CCD 201 4 202 Fig. 5A. (Continued) . co 14 00 14 co 0o ]¢) 00 S 1.4C0000-117 3.4C€0000~-18 4,C€00000-18 -1.€00000 5 -1.C0000D 1.100000D 3.500000 5 C.0 5 -1.€00000D 1.30000D - 1.€0000D co oc 15 14 00 cC 55 I TERATIVE SOLUTION FOR CC NCC CCl1 CCL CcCX RFX cc2 0 3.47462D 17 1.00000D 11 1 2.52116D 10 ~2.91224D 17 2 2.52116D 10 5.93131D 10 1.62379D 16 1.00000D0 11 5.742380 10 1.92741D 14 4 2.52116D 1C 5.,740250 10 1.13535D 13 5.742380 10 5.74012D 10 1.02747D 08 ITERATIVE SOLUTION FOR CCT NCC CCl cCL CCX RFEX Cc2 0 1.000000 10 -4.71400D 17 1 4.,33784D 16 5.74012D0 10 Fig., 5B, Output from Iterative Calculations. 56 OUTPUT SUMMARY STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF H + T INTO STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF T INTO STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF H INTO STEAM SYSTEM FRACTION OF T INTO STEAM SYSTEM SECONDARY SYSTEM FLOWS H + T INTO SECONDARY FROM PRIMARY T INTO SECONDARY FROM PRIMARY H « T THRU PIPE WALLS INTO CELLS T THRU PIPE WALLS INTQO CELLS SORPTION BY SINK H + T T HF TF REMOVAL BY PURGE H+ 7T T HF TF FRACTION OF T PASSING THRU PIPE WALLS SORBED BY SINK AS T - SORBED BY SINK AS TF REMOVED BY PURGE AS T REMOVED BY PURGF AS TF CONCENTRATIONS IN SECONDARY SALT H + T (CC) T (CCT) HF {(CCF) PRIMARY SYSTEM FLOWS H + T THRU WALLS INTO CELL T THRU wWALLS INTO CELL SORPTION BY SINK H+ T T HF TF REMOVAL BY PURGE H+ T Y HF TF FRACTION OF T PASSING THRU WALLS INTQO CELL SORBED BY SINK AS T SURBEE BY SINK AS TF REMOVED BY PURGE AS T REMCVED BY PURGE AS TF CONCENYRATIONS IN PRIMARY SALT H ¢« T (CF) T(CFT) HF (CFF) Fig, 5C. Output Summary. 1.710720 17 1.76310D0 17 -5.,238000 15 3.03983D-01 2.385010 17 2.39047D 17 6.226260D 16 5. 793000 16 0.0 0‘0 0.0 0.0 5.16611D 15 4.80662D 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.287270-03 g.0 5.740120 10 5340690 10 0.0 3.6B84360 15 2.67847D 15 4.45130D 16 4.44419D 16 2.328070 17 2.32435D 17 5.136120 16 5.127910D 16 9.13321D 15 9,11861D 15 6.34219D-03 1.66239D-02 4., 007500~-01 8.84122D-02 1.572170-02 2.85340D0 11 2.84884D 11 1.49235D 12 57 A t 1. 3) ——..— 1e20000C 06 _1.000000 Q6 7.00CCOD Q6 A (13.13) 6.20000D 07 Fig. 5D. Output Produced by '"CHANGE" Command. 58 VALUES IN ARRAY V " DIMENSTON 20 USED 18 STARTS AT 1 2 3 AANE A 1.20000D 06 1.000000 06 1.000000 06 -1.€00000 0O 5.200000 07 -1.0000G0 00 —— 82800000 06 = 4900000 07 = 6.20Q000 Q7 0.0 ~1.000000 QO 0.0 hAME B DIMENSION 5 USEC 4 STARTS AT 1l 2 3 — 3.000000 21 3.000000 21 1.0C000D 18 MNAME C DIMENSION 50 USED 45 STARTS AT 1 2 3 7944140 07 6.585480 07 1.620350 05 0.0 -—-1e622450-05. C.0 = .. . 2.996290 09 2.873180 11 6.7T74C8D 08 4,061480 02 0.0 0.0 2.03867D 10 9.00153D0 11 1.0006%9 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 e QaQ Q0 . Qa0 . 0.0 1.055700 11 3.167720 08 NAPE CN DIMENSION 10 USEL S STARTS AT 1 2 3 3118030 11 1.56002D0 12 . 2.901430 11 5.43552D 10 2.000000 10 9.0C0000 11 NAME E DIMENSION 5 USEC 4 STARTS AT 1 S 2 3 —_— 5.000000-0) 1.70000D-Q2 1.800000-01 NAKE F OIMENSION 5 USEC 4 STARTS AT 1 2 3 3.600000 05 3.600000 05 5.000000 05 MAME H DIMENSION 25 USED 23 STARTS AT 1 o 2 3 1.600000-02 6.000000~-03 9.00000D-05 -1.000000 0O 3.,000000~-03 -1.0C000D0 GO 3,40€000-02 9,70000D-02_ 4.300000—-02 . 8.,000000-01 -1.0000C0 CC 8.000000-01 5800000 00 1.200000 01 3.000000 01 Fig. 5E. List of Parameter Values Used "CHANGE" Command. 4 4.900CCC 07 -1.000CC0 0O - 2«T700CCD 07 21 4 1.000CCD 18 26 4 T.732730 10 0.0 1.3795EC 10 0.0 0«0 0.0 2.86783D 10 0.0 4«745617C 08 76 4 . 542842CD 1Q L. 000CCC 11 86 4 - 1. 800€CE-03 91 4 5.000C00 05 %6 4 1.500CCD~-02 -1« 000CCLC 00 4.700CCE~-02 -1.COCCCD CO 5 5200000 07 1.100000 07 1.800000 07 S €.544380~-09 6.13618D 08 1«41313D 0S 0.0 C.0 C.C 0.0 0.0 1.165100 08 5 3.000000-03 1. 40000002 4.C0000D-02 -1.C0000D0 0C in Calculation After VALUES IN ARRAY V 59 MAME K DIMENSIOM 25 USED 23 STARTS AT 121 1 2 3 4 1.200000-17 2.00000D-17 1.5C0000-17 1.500CC0-17 -1.000000 00 1.500000-19 -1.000000 00 =1.C00CCD OC . _5.00000D0-18 . 4.000000=18 4.500000-18 3.5000CC~18 4.40000C-18 -1.000000 00 1.100000-20 =-1.000€CD GO 4.500000-20 5.10000D-20 4.800000-20 NAME F DIMENSION 20 USED 15 STARTS AT 146 1 2 3 4 © 2.100000 15 6.700000 14 9.000000 14 $.000000 14 -1.000000 00 ~1.000000 00 =-1.000000 00 =-1.C0CCCD 0O 1.800000 14 9.00000D0 14 1.800000 14 6.700CCD 14 NAME R DIMENSION 10 USEC 5 STARTS AT 166 e X2 3 4 5.800000 17 0.0 0.0 0.0 NANE T OIMENSION 20 USED 15 STARTS AT 176 1 2 3 4 © 1.300000 01 1.300000 01 5.000000 01l 1.000CCD GO ~1.€00000 00 ~1.000000 00 —-1.000000 00 —1.000CCC GO 1.300000 01 1.0000CD OC 2.000000 00 2.000CCC 0O NAME W DIMENSICN 5 USED 4 STARTS AT 196 ] Y2 3 4 1.C00000 00 1.00000D 00 1.000000 00 1.000CCC 00 NAME M CIMENSION 1 USEC 1 STARTS AT 201 1 2 3 4 e o e e NAME U DIMENSION 1 USEC 1 STARTS AT 202 1 2 3 4 1.00000D 02 Fig. 5E. (Continued). 5 1.400000—17 3.40000D~18 4.CC000D~18 -1.€C0000D 5 ~1.C0000D 1.100000 3.500000 5 C.C 5 ~1.€00000D 1.300000 1.C00000 oC acC 14 00 0¢ 60 ITERATIVE SOLUTION FOR CC NCC CCl1 CCL CCX 0 1 3.24168D 10 2 3.24168D 10 4.44522D0 10 4.41906D 10 4 3.241680 10 4.41900D 10 ITERATIVE SCLUTION FOR CCT NCC CCl CCL CCX 0 1 2.6727T70 10 RF X 1.44089D -1.339230 2.914080 6.331820 1.41909D RFX 1.74565D -2.02375D 17 15 12 11 17 17 ccz 5.740120 10 5.74012D 10 4.41906D 10 CcCc2? 5340690 10 Fig. 5F. Output from Iterative Calculations With New Parameters. 61 QUTPUT SUMMARY STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF H @ T INTO STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF T INTO STEAM SYSTEM FLOW OF H INYO STEAM SYSTEM FRACTION OF T INTO STEAM SYSTEM SECONDARY SYSTEM FLOWS H + T INTO SECONDARY FROM PRIMARY T INTO SECONDARY FROM PR IMARY H + T THRU PIPE WALLS INTO CELLS T THRU PIPE WALLS INTO CELLS SURPTION BY SINK H+T T HF TF REMOVAL BY PURGE H+T T HF TF FRACTION OF T PASSING THRU PIPE WALLS SORBED BY SINK AS 7 SORBED BY SINK AS TF REMOVED BY PURGF AS T REMOVED BY PURGE AS TF CONCENTRATIONS IN SECONDARY SALT H e7T (CC) T (CCT) HF (CCF) PRIMARY SYSTEM FLOWS H + T THRU WALLS INTO CELL T THRU WALLS INTO CELL SURPTION BY SINK H + T T HF TF REMOVAL BY PURGE H+ X T HF TF FRACTION QF T PASSING THRU WALLS INTO CELL SORBED BY SINK AS T SORBED BY SINK AS TF REMOVED BY PURGF AS T REMOVED BY PURGE AS TF CUNCENTRATIONS IN PRIMARY SALT H + T (CF) T(CFT) HF (CFF) Fig. 5G. 1.85851D 17 1.89989D 17 -4.13811D0 15 3.275680-01 2.38032D 17 2.384640 17 4, 82035D 16 4.47799D 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.97710D 15 3.69463D 15 0.0 0.0 7.720670-02 0.0 0.0 6.37006D-03 0.0 4.419000 10 4.105150 10 0.0 7.26328D 15 7.25410D 15 4.38759D 16 4.38205D 16 2.31135D 17 2.30843D 17 5.06261D 16 5.05621D 16 9.06761D 15 9.05616D 15 1.25071 0-02 T.555260-02 3.98006D-01 8.71760D-02 1.561410-02 2.81256D 11 2.809010 11 l.48164D 12 Qutput Summary (New Parameters). ERRCR - UNRECNGNTZEC INPLT .. CARD IMAGE 1S5 1 2 3 4 17345673901 2345€678501234567890123456765C12345678 ZILCH 5 6 901234567890123456789 Fig. 5H. Response to Unrecognized Command Card. 7 8 01234567850 29 63 " NGRMAL STOP ~ ALL CATA PRCCESSED IHCO021 STOP 0 Fig., 5I. Normal Ending Message. 65 APPENDIX PROGRAM LISTING tFVFI 1SN 1SN TSN I SN TSN 1SN TSN TSN iSN TSN TSN TSN I SN ¥ SN iSN TSN TSN TSN TSN ESN TSN 15N SN TSN TSN ISh I SN 1SN TSN [ SN TSN I SN ¥ SN TSN {SN ESN I SN TSN TSN TSN TSN I5N 1SN TSN FSk TSN 1SN 15N TSN TSN I SN TSN ISN TSN fSN F SN 15N TSN TSN I SN SN TSN TSN TSN 1SN 1.6 66 nEc 12} 087260 FORTRAN H DATE COMPIIFR CPTIOANS = KNAMF= MAINLUPT=UZ2¢L INECNT=G5.SI2E=0000K, SGLRCFEBLDICeNUL ISToACCECK.LEACNDOMAPMCEDIT,NOICNOXREF 0002 o003 0onns 0005 nnoe 0oon7 on0a 0009 Qolo0 oot 0012 00113 a0l4 0015 ante 0017 cola 0020 onz2 anza €025 00zé6 06217 0029 00130 cnsl 003z no3d N34 0035 0036 003y 0oa3a 0039 0040 N04l 0043 0044 0046 0047 0049 aa50 cos1 0052 00%13 0054 nnss on%56 0057 0058 aee9 anen 0061 0062 0064 noes ca67 Q068 0068 a07¢ ao7 anT? 0cv3 o074 an7s NN MO m SO EMPLICTT REALSD (A~He 0-4) RFAL*A K,V REAL*4 HALL+HCUToHLRRVHPRT ¢ HCFALFRES. FRUNHALK FTEELCARD DIMENSECN AL200 BU%)e CU50)s CNELOs E(S)e FUS)s H{25), 1 Kt{25ke FL20). RELODe TH20G) s WlS)e CARCE20). VALULT) NIMEASITN CLS0) FOUIVALENCE {ALLIoVIAb)e (AULIavIE210). (CELIeVIZEM), 1 (CRELYaVIT6) e (ECLIaVIBG) e (FLEDaVIGL)IaiHIL) VLSO ), 2 (KALYov{L21))e (PLLIGvILab) e (RODFeVILE6I)e [ T(LbaVi1TE)), 3 fWik v (1563 ). IMeViZOLdde (LeVIZ2C2}H) FQUIVALFNCE (CN(L)oCFIy TCNI2D4CFFIe [CNE3DLCFT)e (CN(4)CCH, 1 (CM{5)eCCFYe (iN{OodoeCLTHs (CALTILCSGYe (CN(B)CSS)s (CNES).CSRI COMNONZRLK2/ The 10UTe IPR4 KCLTe KPR CCMMCN /BLKL/ ¥iE250) COMMCN/RLKY/ 1UIMIZ0). TUSE(ZC)y NM{2C)s [BEG(2C)s NMCA{1GC), 1 AVARJACN DATA +ALL/4HALL /o HUUT /4HUUTP /o FCREZAFCRAE/ JHPRT/Z4HPRIN /Y 1 HCHA/4HCHANS HRES/SHRFSE/ s FRUN/GHRUN / +HBLK/&H / NATA XTLCG/2 3607 +HIEE/ 4KT / DAYA CTICL/1.C~7/s TTUL/LWD-T/ CTOL ANC TTGL ARE THE CONVERCENCE TOLERANCES FOR C SCLVE ANL TF RESFPECLTIVELY. MALN PRCGRAM FUR CALLULATICN OF MSER TRITIUM FLOW SET LP REFERENLE VALUES TN WORKING ARRAY V CALl SETREF(HELK) RFAD A CARD AND CHELX FOR INSTRLCTIONS 100 RFACHIM I ENC=94T) CARD FCRMATLIZ0AG) [F{CARDEL) JNFLHUUTY GU TD 12¢C - SET CUTFUT UNIT NUMBERS TFICARD(3) JNFuBALL) GO TO 11€% EFICARDLA) .NEoHLKY) O TO 105 1C4 XOUT=TCLT KPR=TCUT G 70 100 1C5 [FICARDIG) JFCHPRTY GO TO 1IC WRITE(K{LT.2) 2 FORMATUY CLTFUT NUT SPeCIFIEC CORRECTLY') WRITFIKCUT 20} (Bel=1+8)e CARL 20 FORMATHY CARC IMAGE IS',1Xe8(SXIL)/1SX48{10HL23456T8901/15X420A4/ 1 1x) WRITEIK{UT .21 FORMAT(* ALL CUTPUT TU SUMMARY LNIT') GC TC 1C4 110 KCUT=[FF L14 KPR=IPR ? — GG 1C 160 LIS KCUT=ICLTY GO 1L 114 CHECK FCR CHANGFS IN WURKIMG VALUES 120 TFICARDIL) JNELHCHAD GU TG 135 CALL MAYCH{CARULI) eNMsNVARyNK) TF{AKLMELD) GE TU 49 CALL MATCHICARUD(I )« NHCNoNCNLANC) IF{ANC.AFLO GO TO 121 WRITE LKCUT 44 ) 4 FORMATLY ERRCR IN CHANGE SPECIFICATICNS?) 1C6 WRITFIKEUT20) (i+i=1e8)s CARL G0 10 100 121 RFAC{IN.T} VALUILL) FCRWATIEID.O) JEIREGI4)+NC-1 Vidi=vaLu(l} WRITE{KCUT<12) CARD{S).vALULL) FCRWAT(1XoAGe1PELG.S) GO TC 1G0 125 RFACUTING2) N1l N2s.VALU FURMAT{2E3,TF U0) IFIMN.FC0) GC TU 100 J=TREGIAK)I~1+N1 IF(N2.FL.0) N2aN1 L=i 00 130 h=h],N2 ViJizvatulL) I=L+1 J=Jd+1 CONTIALF Ny=A2=-h1+¢1 WRETEAKLLY o13} CARDE3 ) oNLoN2,AVALULL ) sL=LsNV) FORMATIIN B o432+ k24" 1/ (1X1PSFL4.5)]) - — N W i3 o — w T4.3C4709,17.44 TSN ISN SN 1SN TSN TSN TSN TSN 1SN ISN 1SN TSN TSN 1SN 15N TSN I SN 15N TSN 1SN 15N 1SN 1SN 1SN SN ISN I &N TSN ISN [SN TSN TSN 1SN {5N TSN TSN 1SN 15N SN TSN I SN 1SN TSN ISN ISN FSN SN TSN TSN [SN 15N TSN 1SN I SN ISN I SN TSN 15N 18N 1SN 0476 0Ty ocTe 00R1 0082 00813 0084 00as 0087 Q089 0090 0091 0092 0094 0096 00s7 G094 ao99 0ol akaz a104 010% ni0& 0107 o109 o110 o111 otz 0113 Nil4 o115 0116 oL1e 0120 n12 0122 0z 0124 al12s al?s a¥27 0128 0129 0130 at3il 0132 al134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0147 0143 Gl4e 0Les Nl4é 0148 A0 oD D N D OO DOoOn [nlia Na SoOn SO SN D Sooon 13 W 136 137 \n 150 15 - 152 x L5 v &> 160 2ca 2(5 3ca 67 GC TC 125 CHECK FCR RESET — PUT REFERENCE VALUES BACK INTO ¥ [FECARDIL}NELHRES) GU TO 15C IFLCARDI3}.NELHBLK) GU TO 137 CALL SETREF(CARDIN) GG TC 100 NAME NOT PLANK — TEST AGAIMNST NV ARRAY CALL MATCHICARDI(3 )} JNN+NVAR,NK) TFUAKLNELD) GC TO L36 A0 MATCH FOUND IN NM = TRY MMCN CALL MATCHICARD(3 )+ NMCNoNCNs AC) IFIM.NELO) GC TO L1306 WRITE{ KUY ,5) FORPAT(' ERRCR In RESET SPECIFICATIONS?) 6C TIC 1¢é CHECK FCR PRINT IF{CARDIL).NELHPRE) GO TO 155 IF{CARCU3) NELHBLK)Y GU TO 152 CALL LCCK{CARDI3}) 60 10 160 MAME NCT ELANK — TEST AGAINST NV ARRAY CALL MATCHACARDII) cNMeNVARSNK) IFIAKL.AELOQ) GC TO 151 AC MATCH FCUND IN NM - TRY AMCN CALL MATCH{CARDE3) +NMCNNCNWAC) TF{AM .NELO) GC TO 151 WR] TE(KCUT.8) FORMATI® ERRCR IN PRINT SPECTFICATIONSY) G0 1C 1Cs TFICARC (1) EC.HKUNY GO TO 160 WRITE(KLUT «6) FORMATI® ERRCR ~ UNRECOGNIZEC INPLT') 60 1C 106 KTRY=1 [SW=} NCC =0 cC2=0,D0 CHFCK FCR FAILURE TO SET CC MNC CCT I#1(C.LEL0.00) CC=1.D11 IFICCT.LELO.CO} CLT=LaD10 FRIAT WCRKING ARRAY V UN LINE PRINTER KSAV=KCLT KOUT=[FR CALL MFWPG CALL LCCKR{HBLK) CALL NEWPG KOUT=KS AV GG 1C 200 GET C(18)+ CCF. QU183 AND ¢(19) ECS. 194,84 20, 218 Cl18)=0.00 CCF=0.00 ci{1a)r=0.c0 Q(19)=0.CO CALL MEWFG TFERIS) JECL.0.D0) GO TU 205 FE=F (4 )%E(4) HA=H{1A}*A(18) FEPH=HA+FE BW=PR{&4)*nid) AFSCxIBWSFEPH/IFE®HILB)))e*29K(]18) ALFA=R{S)/FE CUlB)=ALFASR2 /L ALFA+.5DUSBESC* {1.DC+DSCRTIL.D0¢4,COSALFA/BESQ))) CULB)=Ph*A (&) ¥DSORTI(C{LB)*K{18)) CCF=({R(S5)*+rASC (LG )/FEPH QU 15)=CCFoFE CONTINLE AEGIM CALCULATION GF QUANTITIES CEPENCENT ON CC GET CUEC)s CULL)s QLAO)s €M1} FOS. 11A.Ry 12448 NCC=NCC+] IFINCCLLELSO) GO TD 301 WRITEIKILT 35} HALK PAGE 002 TSN 1SN 1SN TSN 15N 1SN I SN 1SN 15N TSN TSN ISN 15N TSN 1SN 1SN ISN TSN TSN TSN I SN 15N TSN I SN 15N 15N 1SN TSN 1SN 18N 15N 15N 15N SN ISN I SN SN 15N I SN TSN tSn 1SN 15N 1SN I SN T8N I &N [ SN T8N ESN TSN 15N 15N TSN I SN 1SN TSN TSN TSN 15N 0149 oi5aG 0151 01s? 0153 0154 0155 Disse o157 0158 0159 0lso Olsl o162 0163 al69 0166 ale? olag 0169 0170 olmn orr2 0173 Gl 74 Ci7s c177 0178 g7 U180 0181 01813 0184 a1 85 0186 GIR7 0188 t189 at9a 0l91 LR ale3 0194 Glgs 0le? a198 G199 Q200 az07? G204 0205 206 0207 6268 0210 021 0’1z 0213 0215 0216 M Oo DO N OO G SO n DO~ aon fa N le e o DO 68 35 FORMATL® FAILURE IN SULUTION FOR CC'.81) G 10 1C0 ic ag 1 W 15 30 Do 305% I1=1G,11 ALF A=REL)I(PRID/LTLLIOHEL)) )¥*2 CALL COLACECCALFALC(LY) OQIT)=PUEY®*ALL)*DSARTIKIII*CLLIINTILIY CONTINLE GET Cl{lel, Cliad — EuS. 174.8 Bw=R{3)%n(2) ALFAaK(16)%{PH/H{Lb) }*%2 CALL CCLADICC,ALFALCLLE)) 0{Ll6)=BweA{16)0USURTIK (L6 IEC{16)) GET Ci17) - EQ. 18 QILTAI=FLII*ELI)*LL GEY C(13)« 0(13}s Cll4)se Cl14), CL15), O(15) ELS. 14A8.BFs 22As LD9AsB. 234, L6A.Be 244 IGOCF=Q CALL CSCLVEICCSCSGePIl3)aTE13)sF (130 (21)eK{130.K121)4CTCL 1 IGLCCF.CL13),CL21)) TFLIGCCFaLELO) GU TU 320 K1=13 K2=21 €2=C56G WRITFUKCUT«301 KiekZ FCRFATLE® FAILURE IN SULUTION FCR C{",12+*) AND CU*s12.:"}7} IGO{F==1 CALL CSCLVE{CCAC2eP UKL e TUKLIoF{KL o (K2IoKIKL) (KEK2)CTOL S 1 IGLCF.ClK1).CIKZ)) GO 0 160 320 CALL CSOLVFICCCSSePllaloTlladatihaber[22)oKI14YaKE22).CTCL, I IGCCF«Col4FCL2211 [FUIGCCFLLELC) GU TO 425 Kl=14 K2=22 C2=C8S G0 10 315 325 CALL CSCLVEECCCSRePLLOI T UL e r L Sda b {220 RKL15)4KE23).CICL, 3130 33 8 33 34 B 5( 5 o & 0 1 O 1 {GOCFeCHII5)CiZ3)) TFITGOCFLLELO) GO FO 330 Kl=15 K2=23 C2=CSK GO TO 318 Cl13) Q21 )ewiladsQt224.Q1151.012231} nao 3% (=12,15 QUIN=HUE® AL )*(CC-CHL}) QiB+11=-C(1) CONTIALEF GET COlZ). Clwl Anl C{22) - EQS. 214, 13A.R CLLI2)=RI3)D4R14-C{1GI~0IL II=C 01 2)=C (R4 3-0(15)-Q116)-0117) Qle=-C(12} CeL20=C0-C{l2)/(HIl21 %A (4} ) TF{Ci12}3.6Y,0.00) GO TU 340 1c=12 WRT TE(KCLT+80) MCCoHBLKeCCe ECeCICH FORMATIIXa13,7 CLOSALeY =%, JPEL4.5," CL'0124*) =*4E]4.5) TF C112) 1S NEGATIVE. ADJULST CC ANC TRY AGATA CO=C0e0C SFE IF AN UPPER LIMIT (LCZ2§ wAS FCLNE. IF SC. CC MOT FXCEED 1T IF{CC2.EC.CaCO} GU TO 300 TA{CC.ALY.CC2) GU TU 300 CC=C0.50C*(CC24u.5D0%LC) 6C 1€ 300 GET Cd4) AND Cr — EQS. 13248 &£.8 Clar={DSCRTI(KIL2I®ECELZII-ULLZI*TLA)/IPL4bvAL4)) h*e2/K(4) CF=C(4)-Cl12)/(Hl4)®A(%)) IFICF.GTLO.CC) GO TO 500 IF CF IS NEGATIVE. AUJUST CC ANC TRY AGAIN WRETE(KCLT 811 NCCoHBLKCCoHELKSCF FORMATULXeT3 " LC%eALl,y? =4, JFEL4.5.% (F',4Ls" =*,€l4.51) G TC 316 IF{KTRY.AELL) GO TO 501 RF1=0.CC RF2=0.1C PAGE 0063 1SN 15N I SN ISN 1SN I SN 1SN ISN SN TSN TSN 1SN 1SN 1SN TSN ISN TSN TSN 1SN TSN I SN TSN 15N 15N 15N I SN 15N TSN SN SN 1SN 15N ISN 1SN ISN 1SN 1SN SN 15N 1SN 1SN TSN [SN ISN 1SN I SN 02T 0r18 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0728 £229 0230 021N 0232 02313 n234 0235 0236 021317 02138 0239 0240 N242? 0244 0246 024 024PR 0749 07250 02%1 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 0259 0260 0z26? 0263 0264 0265 0266 annno SN oS00 DM n SO0 e oS00 MO SO0 Do oao onon oM n NS 50 5C1 5(6 55 510 58 515 516 51 52¢C 530 535 69 KTRY=2 NCC =0 WRITE(KCLTSCIHALK FORMAT(® ITERATIVE SOLUTIGN FCR CCY'oAL/EX/ i % ACC'o6Xe"CCL e kLXotCOLYs L1Xe®COX 21X "RFX 411X, *CC 271X} BEGIN CALCULATION OF QUANTITIES CEPENCENT ON CF GET Cilde Ci20s CU3). GlL)s Ct2)e CLI) FQS. tdeBe 2heBe 3A:B DC 505 I=l.3 ALFA=zR(TI*(PALI/CTCLI*HiTl)ine2 CALL CCUADICF, ALFALCILY) (T N=PLI)*ALT)®OSURTLKLII*CAIII/TLT) CONTIMLE CET CES)s CI%) ~ EQS. 5.8 Ru=P{l)*wi1} AtFA=K[5)® (BN/HI5) ) 682 CALL CCLADICF ALFALCLIS)) DIS)=ARAIS)EDSCRTIK{SI®C(5)) GFY Cia) - EQ. & Ql6)=F{1)*E(1)%CF GET CFF ~ EC. 10 CFFxNMeLODSCRTIKISI*LFI/KLTY CET C€(The CITY — EQS. TA.P AR=P{209u{Z} ALFA=K(TI*(Bu/HITI)*%2 CALL CCLADICFF.ALFALCLT)I QU7 I=EwsALTI*OSCRTIKLTI®C{TH) CET CI{B) -~ FGe 8 CUAI=F{2)%EL2)¢CFF CALLLLATE RF FOR EQ. 9 RSUM=RILI+RI2]) RFEECILISCA2I4CEII+Q {4 40{5)4CLI6 )40 LT 10Q(EB)-RSUM TEx=RF /RSLM TEST CCMVERGENCE IFLOABSITE).LT.TTOL) GO TG 7CC ACT CONVERGED ~ CHECK KTRY 7O SEE whAT NEXT EFUKTRY . AFL2) GU TO 540 KTRY=2 FEANS PRELIMINAWY SEAACKH FOR CC1 AND CC2 WHTC+ BRACKET THE ANSWER IF (RF.CT.0.[0) GU TO 510 ccl=CC /F1 =RF WRTITEIKCUT +5%5) NCL+LCLWRF FORMATILINGI3.1PEL 9B ectiXo EL14aE) GC 10 515% ccz2=cC RF2 =RF WRITE(KCUT «56) MC.RFZ.CL2 FORMATLLIX 13,4244 1P2F14.5) IFIRFI*RF2) 530.520e5186 RFEL1®RF2 PCSITIVE SHOULD NEVER FAFPEN ~ SOMETHING WRCNG WRITE(KCUT 51} HBLK FCRMATIY RFIPRF? POSITIVE = SCVMETHIMG FCULED UP IN CC*,AL) GO TC iCO STILL LCCKIANG FUR ONE LIMIT = ALJUST CC AND TRY AGAIN KEEP AQJUSTMENT FACTOR LESS THAN 1C0 AND GREATER THAN .01 TFXCLG=TE*XCLEG TFICABSITEXCLG) oGl o426D0) TEXCLE=OSIGNI4.6D0,TENCLG) ADJ=DLCGICCH-TEXCLG CCxCEXPUALY) G0 10 300 RF1*AF2 NFGATIVE — ANSWER ERACKETEL KTRY=3 IAVERSE LINEAR INTERPOLATICA CCL=tRF1*CC2 -.RFZ¢CC1II(RF1-FF2) PAGE 004 TSN I SN 1SN 1SN TSN SN I SN 15N 15N TSN 1SN 15N 1SN TSN {5N TSN 15N 1SN FSN [SN ISN 1SN T5N TSN 15N TSN 15N I SN 1SN [ SN fSN I SN iSN TSN TSN 1SN 1SN 15N 1SN 1SN 1SN TSN I SN I SN 1SN TSN TSN ISN TSN TSN TSN I SN I SN 1SN ISN 135N 15N 15N TSN 1SN 15N I SN 1SN 1SN I SN i SN 1SN ISN 15N 02ael 0768 Q2710 0zT1 02712 02713 274 C2146 027s 0279 0280 ozR1 O2R2 0283 0284 028% Q287 0289 0290 0292 6293 0794 Q285 0296 0298 7299 0300 0301 o302 0303 0304 03046 0307 030A8 01309 N3t 03r3 0314 a3te 0317 0314 nig 0370 0321 0323 n3zs 0326 0327 0328 0329 6330 033l 0332 0333 0334 033% G336 0337 0338 0340 0341 03427 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 C34R 349 [aNgalal o0 S0 nn SOoN O oOMm o5 o 5317 540 52 542 544 545 250 55% 556 5 el 560 56 N 57C 515 580 58% 54 7CQ 7€5 7Ce 70 KTRY=z4 EF{ISw.ECa2) GG TU 537 Ci=CCL 60 1C 3Co CCT=CCL GC 1C 7C5 IFIRTRY.ECL3) GU TO 535 IFIKTRYJNELG) GG TU 555 KTRY=4 MEAMS INVERSE LINFAR INTERPCLATION HAS BEEN CCPFLETED AND RFECCL) CALCLLATED WRITE(K{LT452) NLCoLCLl.CLC.RF,(C2 FORMATI{1XsI3,1P2E1445¢14X+2E14.5) RFT=RF INVEFSE CLAURATIC INTERPCLATICN D1=kF1-RFT N2=kF2=-PFT D3=C2-N1 COX=CCLORF I®FF2/ (DL*0DZ)-CCLoRFT*RFZ/{C1*D3)+CC2%RFL2*RFT/{D2%D3) TRICCXLLTLCCL) GU TU 545 TFICCXLCTLCC2) G TO 545 KTRY=5 TF{ISwaECa2) GO TU 544 CC=CCX GC 1C 3Co COT=C0X GO 1C 71Cs IFIRFTLLTLCL.CC) 6O TO 550 €cz=CcCL RFZzRFT GO 10 520 cCl1=CCt RF1=RF1T GC TC S20 KYRY=5 PEANS INVERSE QUALCRATIC INTERPOLATION HAS BEEN COCMPLETED AN RFLCCX) CALCLLATEL TFIKTAYNELSY GU TO 585 RFX=RF WRITE(KCUT +52) CCX+RFX FCRMAT(IZ2X«1FZE14.51) TEST AFT AND RFX T0O SEE WHAT NEW LIMITS ARE TFIRFX.CTLC.LO) GO TQ 570 IFIRFTLGT.0L.E0) GU TG 585 IFCDABS(RFX) .GT.DABS(RFTR) EC TC StQ CC1=CCX RF1=RFX GO 10 530 ccz=CCL RFZzRFT GC TC 560 TFIRFTLLT.0.C0) GO T4 580 IFIRFX.CTLRFT) GO T 565 CL2=CCx RFZ zRF X G TC 530 CCl1=CCL RFL=RFT GO 1C 575 WRITECKCUT +54) KTRY FORMATIL? KTRY =t,.]4/% FRRUR'*) G6r 1C 100 CALCLLATICN OF TRITIUM DISTRIBUTICA - CCT SEY BY CHAMAGE ENSTRUCTIUN KTRY=] I5SW=2 NCC T=0 GET CL4C) AND QU&l) ~ EQS. 34 AND 35 NCCTsNCCT+1 TF{MCCTLLELS0) GU TO 706 WRTTEIKCUT435) HTEE GC 1C 100 RATIC=CCT/CC ClaC)=RETI(®C{LO) C{41)=RATIC*C L1} QSUKF=C141)+40140) GET CU431eCl44)eCl45)sC163)00(a4)s0145) = EQSs 3TA, B, 3B8A.B, 394,68 0OC 710 =43445 J=[-30 TE=T{JISLSCRYICIGI/KLIN) HICCP=TC*H{JI/P L) PAGE 005 TSN 15N TSN 1SN TSN 15N ISk ISN 1SN 1SN 1SN 15K 1SN [SN ISN I SN TSN 15N 1SN 15M TN 1SN 1SN ISN I SN 1SN TSN TSN ¥ SN 1SN ISN TSN ISh i SN 1SN TSN TSN ISN 1SN 15N TSN I SN 1SN TSN TSN TSN TSN 1SN 18N 5N TSN 15N 18N TSN 18N SN TSN TSN 15N FSN I SN T SN TSN TSN 15N 03150 n3451 0152 0353 0354 035% 03156 03151 0358R 0359 0360 0361 0363 1364 Q365 0366 0367 0348 03710 0371 0372 ni73 G37s 0376 0377 0379 0380 0331 N3R2 03R3 0384 C3RS 0386 0387 Q389 g39q €351 a3e? 0393 0395 0397 0399 0400 040} 0402 0403 04 0% 0405 0406 n407 0408 0409 0410 04l2 0413 0414 0415 0417 0419 0420 0421 04213 0424 04?5 ND&26 [a R o) SO0 SOt o Cvn D Moo n inlnlie el 71 PAGE 006 CiLI=sCOTorICCP/LL . QUSHILOP) FIEREL NI Y INELIAN G IS I QSUM=CITI+ESUN T10 CONTINLE GET Cl46) THKU Wi49) — EQS. 40 THRU 43 0o 715 1246449 Ci1)=Q{ I=-3C)*RATIO QSUM=C{TIeClSUM 715 CCNTINLUE o GET Ci42) ANU Ul34) — EC. 44 — MATERTAL BALAMCE Cl{4?2bsFlA)=LSUM Qi34)12-Cl42) CFT Cl42) —EU. 36A - CHECK FCR POSITIVE Cla2)=CLV=Cla2)/ il l2)nal4)) [F{C(42).GT.C.00 6O TU F25 1C=42 721 WRITEUKEUT 80) MLToniEE, CCTIC,CLIC) T20 COT=CCT+CCT GC 1C 105 Cle2) FCSITIVE = GET Ci34) - EQ. 288 - CHECK FCR POSITIVE 125 ({340 s {0{42) /CSURTIC LM/ REE2DI-TLAISCL42)/{PL4I*A14) ) )*DSORT{LLS) s$/Kita)) FFIC134).GT.0.CO} GU TG 730 fC=34 GO 10 721 C(34) PCSITIVE - GET CFV - EC. 782 -~ CHECK F(R POSETIVE 730 CFT=CI34)}-Cl42i/inladxilad) TF{CFTAGT.04) GO TO 73H WRETEIKCUTs81) NLLT HTEE+CCTLFTEE.CFT GC TC 12C CFTe CL24) ANU Cil42) ALL FCSITIVE - CHECK KTRY FOR MEXT S5TEP T3S TFEKTRYLAELL) GU TN 750 KTRY=2 RF1z20.0C RF2=0.C0 NCC 1=0 WRITE(KCLT+50) HTEE 750 RATIF=CFT/CF QTS¥=0.L0 no 155 I1=31,38 TFET.ECa341 CC TO 755 O(1 )=RATIF*QI[-30} 755 QISM=CTISMeLL]) RF=CTSVM~R{1} TF=RF/A(]) [FICARSITEN.LTTTUL) 6L TU 9CC TFEXTRY AFL2) GO TO 790 TF{RFLETL0.00) GU 10O 760 cC1=CCT RFL=2RF WRETECKCLT «55) NCCT.CCLoRFL GC L 7¢5% 760 CC2=CCT RF2 zRF WRITE(KCLT +56) NCCTRF2,L(2 765 LFE{RELI*RF2) 530,770, 764 766 WRITEULKEUT51) HIFE 60 7€ 100 STILL LCCKING FUR ONE LIMIT = ACJLST CCT AND TRY AGAIN KEEF ADJUSTMENT FACTOR LESS THAM JCO AND GREATER THAN .01 770 TFXCLG=TE*XCLLG IF(DARSITEXCLG) 6T o4a6D0) TEXCLEXCSICN(4460C, TEXCLG) ADJ=CLOCHCCT )=TEXCLG CCT=CEXFLACJI Gr 10 7C5 750 {FUKTRYLEC.3) GU TO 35 IFIKTRY AEe4) GO FO 7495 WRTITEIRCUT 452 NCCT+CCEoCCToRFoLC2 G ¥C 542 195 IFIKTRYLAF.5) GG TO 545 GO T1C 556 CLTPLT SECTEON SUMNARY QULTPUT TO UNIT KGOUT 900 CALL NERPG WRTTE LKCUT 92} G2 FCRMAT{® OLTPUT SUMMAKY'/1X) 72 ISN €427 OMTSS=CI13)eCI14)+0415) TSN Q428 QISS=C {43040 4a)+Ui45) TSN 0429 OHS $=ChTS5-0TSS TSN 0430 RSUM=1.00/7{R{LI+R(3)) ISN 0431 FRTSSxzRSLM*CTSS ISN 0432 WRITELKCUT 497) QHTSS OTS5S5CHSS,FRTSS 15N D433 S3 FORMATL* STERAM SYSTEM*/5X+*FLCR CF H ¢ T INTO STEAM SYSTEM!, 1 1PELG6.5/5Xe"FLOW UF T INTOD STEAM SYSTEM*,E20.5/5Xe*FLLCW CF H %, 2*INT0 STEAM SYSTEM®o£Z20.5/5X«*FRACTION OF T INYC STEAM SYSTEM®, 3 Flé.5/1x%) TSN Q0414 QhTFu=CC10I¢CE11) TSN 0435 OTPW=CL40)+CE41) TSh 0416 FRTPR=CTPRORSUM 1SN 0637 FISSK=C {46 3RSUM 1SN 0438 FRYSF=CL4B)*RSUMN 1SN 0439 FRRFT=C{4TI*RSUM TSN 0440 FRRPF=C{49)%RSUM TSN 0441 WRITEAKLLT+94) Qlals0i34) s OHTFMoCTPRsCULE) ¢ Q(463,0(180,C148), L CUL7)4CH4T) oClLT)eQ(eY)e FRTPReFTSSKsFRTSF«FRRP T, FRRPF ISN 0442 WRITELKCUT«95) CC+CLTWCLF 1SN 0443 B4 FORFMAT(Y SECCNDARY SYSTEMS/® FLORS? /5X,*H ¢ T INTC SECONDARY ¢, LYFRCF PRINMARY 'S IPEL1445/5K+'T INTO SECCNLCARY FROM PRIMARY?,E18.5/ 7 S5Xe'H ¢ T THRU PIPE wALLS INTC CELLS®¢EL5a5/5Xe*T THRL PIPE ' FOWALLS INTC CELLSYWEL9.5/" SCRPTION BY SINK'/SXe'H ¢ T4,28X%. G F L4aB/5Xe ' T o32A0ELaad /5K e "FF Py 3XeEL&.5/5XKe ' TF e 31 XsEL4.5/ 51 REFMCVAL PY PURGE"/5Xe®H ¢ T 2EXE14a5/5Xe Tt 432X4Ei%.5/5K, GFHF * 431X e E14.5/5XK+* TFY 431 XeEl4.5/" FRACTION CF T*/SXs"PASSING', Tt THRU FTPE WALLS "o lO0xe kLl %.5/5X+*SCRPED BY SINK AS T'.14X.EL14.57 8 SXe*SCRREL PY SINK AS TF's 13X, ELl4.S5/5X+"REMOVELC BY PURGF AS T¢, 9 12XsFE14.5/5X "HEMUVED HY PURCE AS TF®,L1XeEk4.5) ISN Q444 9% FORNAT(* COMNCENTRATIONS IN SECCNCARY SALT'/S5X,*H ¢ T (CCY*,23X. 1 IPFLl4u5/5Xe"T {CLT)}? 426X eEL145/5Xs'HF (CCF)'¢25XsELl%.5/1X/1X) ISN D445 CrTaaCl1eC(2)¢C(3) SN 0446 OTW=Cl311eC{32)+0(33} TSN 0447 FRTY®C=CTho*RSUN 1SN D448 FISST=C (35 )%RSUM TSN 0449 FISSTF=C(3T7)9%RSUM ESN 0450 FTRPT=C(36)*RSUM TSN 0451 FTRFTF=C{3E}*RSUM TSN 0452 WRETE(KCUT 96} CHTW LT wew(5)CE35),C0T7).0(3T),0(62.0(3€&1,C18), 1 CI38)«FRTRCAFTISST,FTSSIF.FTRFYLFTRPTF 1SN 0453 WRITEIKTLY +97) LF+CFTWLFF TSN Q454 96 FORMATUI® PRIMARY SYSTEM'/? FLCWS*/5%: 'K + T THRU wALLS INT) ¢, VICELLY 4 1PE2145/5X+*T THRU WALLS INTO CELL'+11XeEl4eS/" SORPTION 2BY SENKI/SXe'H & T'o20XeEL4a5/5XKe T 222X E14a5/5Xs "HF* 31 XeEL4.5/ 3 GX'TF*eIIXWEl4.5/" REMOVAL BY PLRGE*/SXe'H ¢ T?,28x,E14.5/5X, LT 32 XeEL4aS/oKe *HF? e31XeE14.5/5X ' TF?,31XWEL4.5/" FRACTION OF 5T*/5Xs "PASSING THRU wALLS ENTC CELL',E19.5/5X.*SORBED BY SINK AS * hotTP e 14XsE14.5/9K " SURBED BY SIAK AS TF® J3X,E14.5/5X. "REMOVED *, T*RY PURGE AS T'.lZ2Xekl4a%/5X¢"REMOVEL BY PURGE AS TF*,11X.El4.5) ILSN 0455 ST FCRMAT(® CONCENTRATEUNS IN PRIMARY SALT*/5X.*H + T {CF)*423X, 1 IPEL4.5/5Ke ' TULFT) * 42X EV4L5/5Xe "HF [CFF)'e25X,Fl4a5) TSN 0456 CALL MEWFG FSN 0457 Gr TC 160 C C END €F FILE ODETECTEL uN INFLE UMIT 8 TSN 0458 $G7 CALL MFRFPG ISN 0459 WRITEIKLLT.99) TSN D46C $9 FNHEAT{® NCRMAL STOP — ALL CAYA PROCESSECY) 1SN 0461 STCF ISN 0462 END *NOPTINAS 1IN FFFECT® NAME= MATAGOPT=02.LINECNT=9E,STIZE=CTCOK, ®NPTICNS IN FFFFCTH STURCF+EBCCIC NOLISToNCDECKLCAC,NEMAPLNOEDT ToNOID+ MCXREF ®STATISTICS* SOURCF STATENEMIS = 48] +PHOGRAM SIZE = 10188 *STATISTICS* NN DIAGNOSTICS GENERATED sesksd FND CF COMPILATION #9333 45K BYTES OF CORE NOTY USED LEVFL ISN TSN TSN TSN 15N TSN TSN ISN [SN TSN TSN *OPTINNS IN EFFFCT* SOPTIGNS IN FFFFCT® 21.6 a6nz 00013 Q004 000% 0006 a0o7? oqos 0009 0010 noil eo12 (DFC 72) 73 0S/36C FCRTIRAN H COMPILER CPTIOMNS - glPE* MAINLOPT=02.L INECNT=95,S512F=0000K, OO O0 ESTATISTIC S SSTATISTICS* NOD *nxsed £ND CF COMPILATION #d#ess & L CURCE «EBCOICe NOLIST +NODECK«LCALC4NOMAP « NOEDET o NCIDJNOXREF BLOCK CATA CCMFON /BLK3/ IDIMI20). IUSEL20). NMUZCH. IBEG(ZO0}e NMCN(10}, & MAR, ACN DATA DATA DATA DATA NAT A DATA ICGIM / 20056504 10+5¢5¢25¢25+2C+1Co20050Llels6%0/ ILSE / 1Bo%v%eDs Fetoe90234230k5¢ 59 15:40kelet®0/ IBEG / 102Le26+764B6¢91aS€e1210186,166417641%64201:20246%0/ AM/4HA shHn + 4HC v4hFCN 4 4FF v 4HF +4HH . 4HK soHP o 4HH o &FT i o 4HM v 4HU / NVAR, NCMN / 14, 9 / NFCN /7 4HGF o 4HUFF o 4hCFT o &4FCC G 4HCCF o 4HCCT o 4HCSG o QHCSS o 4HCSR +4H / COMPCHh FBLK2/ INe LIOUT. IPRs KCLT. KPR DAT & N Ihs TCUTs IPK /5« 20+ &/ = INFUT UNIT NO. 1ICUT - BUXILIARY OUTPUT UNIT NC, IPR — LINE PRINTER UNIT NC. FND MAME= NAINSOPT=02.L INECNT=$5,512E=0Q0C0K, SCURCEvEBCLLCNOLIST o NODECKLCALNCHMAP,NOEDIToNDID . ACXREF SCURCE STATENMENTS = Ll +PROGRAVM SIZE = 8 DIAGNOSTICS GEMERATED 125K BYTES OF CORE NCT USED DATE 74.304/09.19.05 LEVEL 1SN ISN TSN TSN PSN T5N 1SN SN TSN I SN FSN ?l.6 COMPILER CPTIONS = MAMEx MAIN,OPT=Q2 0007 0003 0004 Q005 0006 0007 00048 nons 0010 0011 cal1z TSN 0011 I5N 0014 (DEC 72) SO0 D Ooon SN OO D [aEulal SO n o nn Coo D Do DN [z Nalal ann SO 74 NS/34C FCRATAMN MW CATE T4.,304/09.19.12 oL INECAT =SS5, SIZExQ000K, SOURCEEBCOICNUOL ISToNCCECKLCAC,NOMAP, NOEDIT o NOIC+NOXREF SUBRCUTTNE SETREF (NAME]) SETS VARIABLES TD THEIR REFERENCE VALUES. IF NAME 1S BLANK. AtL VARIAELES AS SPECIFIEC IN THE ARRAY NM wWILL BE SET. IF NAME 1S PhNT, ALL VARIABLES IN THE ARRAY VREF Wikl BE PRINTED. IMPLICIT REAL®E {A~hs0-1) REAL%4 VWRC+VWeWdRD CCMPCA/RALKY/ TUIM{20)s IUSE(2C)s NMU20)e EBEGi..ss NMUMLCH, i NVARLACN DIMENSICMN VRFFIZ290). VOLE155). vQ2{15) EQUIVALENCE IVEL{L).VREFI96))s (VO2LL).VREFEL1TE)) V01l ANC VC2 ARE OUMMY ARRAYS USEC IN THE INITIALIZATION OF PARYS OF VREFs THE REFERENCE ARRAY ., DATA [RLMK/4H £ o IPRT/4HPRAY/ DAT2 VRFRD/4HVREF/ o+ V/4HV / CCMMCN/BLKZ/INe EOUTs IPRs KCLT. KPR COMMCN /BLKL/ vi250) THF COMPENT CARUS INTERSPERSED AMOMNC THE FOLLOWING CCNTTALATION CARDS CAUSE MO TROULEBLE WIFTH THE GRNL CCMPILFR. TH1S IS CCNTRARY TO THE RULE ON PG. 12, GC28-6515-8, TRV SYSTEN/360 ANL SYSTEM/370 FCRTRAN IV LANGUAGE. DATA VREF REFERENCE VALUES FOR ALL)} 17.6C60050603.%00049.1060224C060=1200052.0602%2~1.00 +11.0€48.,8D6¢ 2 49.06031aC6¢27.06018.060U0aCCe=1.00:0.0042%~1.0C & REFFRENCE VALUES FOR di1) 3e021e3e0élelalilbolallBe-1.CC, ~ REFERENCE VALUES FOR CL1) RRE ALL ZERC W 45%0.0C +5%-1.00 o« REFEREMCE VALUES FOR CNLI) 4 6%-1,LC +2.C10e%aDidedaiile=)aCCy REFERENCE VvALUES FUR ELT) WA «500s. 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(HECHLE®I{CL-CKT)+C2) ISN 0033 FF=C14PCTHI[CSORT(CLT)~DSURTIKK*CKTH) TSN 00%4 G=C kT-FF csoL 192 TSN 0035 DGL=6G~G1 cSoL 193 1SN 0036 062 =G6-G2 CS04L 194 ISN 0037 D€3=DG2-DG 1 csoL 195 ISN 0038 CA=~GHG2RCKL/{0GI®LG L) ¢GLPG29CKT/ICCI*CG2)+4G1*G*CK2/{DGA*DG2} CsSOL 196 I SN 0039 TFUIGCCF.GELC) GU TO 200 CSCL 240 C CSCL 245 c CEBLG FRINTOUT £soL 250 T csaL 255 I SN 0041 PRINT ZoIT+CKE«CRTSCXeCRZ2TEST TSN 0042 2 FCRMATUIXT34EP5FLl4a5) 1SN 0043 200 IF{CX.LELCKLY GO TO 102 csoL 197 1SN 0045 IFICXCGELCKT) GO TO 102 €saL 198 1SN 0047 TEST#DABS{CKRCLUO/CX=La00) TSN 0048 TF{ TESTLETLEFS) GO TG 20l TSN DOSO CKT=CX ISN 0051 GC TC 120 1SN G052 201 CLX=KLO{HKCHL*AC1-CX)+C2) TSN 0053 FX=C1+PCTH® (DSURFICLXI-DSORTIKK®CX)) TSN 0054 GX=CX-FX CSCGL 201 1SN 0055 CKNLD=CX TSN 00%6 IF{GXatTaCul GO TU 11Ul csoL 202 ISN 0058 CK?2=CX csoL 203 TSN 0099 G2=GX CE0L 204 TSN 00s0 6N T0 1S ISN 0061 1€1 CKE=CX CSCL 206 1SN 0062 Gl=GX csoL 207 1SN 0063 GO0 10 105 csoL 208 15N 0064 1C2 TEST=DABS(CKCLD/CKT-1.D0) CsCcL 225 1SN D065 CKOLD = CKY CSCL 228 ISN 0066 IF(TESTLLELEFS) GU TN 120 csoL 227 ISN 00648 IF (G «