ORNL-TM-4802 The Molten-Salt Reactor Information System P. N. Haubenreich D. W. Cardwell J. R. Engel OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION e« FOR THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5286 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Price: Printed Copy $56.45; Microfiche $2.25 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the Energy Research and Development Administration, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, rmkes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ORNL-TM-L4802 UC-76 —~ Molten-Salt Reactor Technology Contract No. W-T405-eng-26 Reactor Division THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR INFORMATION SYSTEM P. N. Haubenreich D. W. Cardwell J. R. Engel warrant 3 JUNE 1975 labiity NOTICE: This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated by UNICON CARBIDE CORPCRATION for the U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION CONTENTS ADSEY8CE vvvvevennssasnsccosssesscsscecnns creressassrane seesesansns 1. INTRODUCTION «.vevvvoeses terssearronen crsensens . oo cesene 2. DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION STORED IN MSRIS ....ccc00e... cerenn . 3. SEARCHING THE DATA FILE ..evvvvecccans ceeaas cessesereinnnn ceo e Searching by Keywords sevecececsssosens e cseene . .o Subject Categories ........ ceeceas ceen s creacanee . . . 4. PREPARATION OF INFORMATION FOR MSRIS «vevcvssses cirsesen ceseenn Format for Reference Information ....... cesersersrasassaveas Abstracts .....c0000uene P heeseseseeesr it sssesaerav s ans oo es Choice of KeywWords «..ceeesrrveccesoansnscoasoscnnons ceeersensae Assignment of Categories and Accession Number .......... ceus REFERENCES ....... tesreensns trerecrerssasacesearnone cresscancoasss . APPENDIXES 4eveoeesensoasocnnnons ceereeseee v ceseesracreresaaasan . Appendix A. MSRIS Keyword List ......... crecrecntsesserrsannes Appendix B. Subject Categories in MSRIS .vo.vvecvceceneeeenns .o iii Appendix C. Instructions for Use of MSRIS from an Interactive Computer Terminal .......c... ............. 4 ¢ ¢ 9 ¢ 0 90 THE MOLTEN~SALT REACTOR INFORMATION SYSTEM P. N. Haubenreich D. W. Cardwell J. R. FEngel Abstract The Molten-Salt Reactor Information System (MSRIS) is = computer-based file of abstracts of documents dealing with the technology of molten~salt reactors. The file is stored in the IBM-360 system at ORNL, and may be searched through the use of established interactive computer programs from remote terminals connected to the computer via telephone lines. The system cur- rently contains 373 entries and is subject to updating and ex- pansion as additional information is developed. This document describes the nature and general content of the data file, a general approach for obtaining information from it, and the manner in which material is added to the file. Appendixes provide the list of keywords currently in use, the subject categories under which information is filed, and sim- plified procedures for searching the file from remote terminals. 1. INTRODUCTION Nuclear reactors in which the fissile and fertile materials are in- corporated in molten-salt mixtures offer a route to long-term, economical power that is both promising and distinctly different from other reactors now being built and developed. Molten-salt reactor technology is not new, having its beginnings in the aircraft reactor program in 1947. Thus, there exists a considerable store of information which has been built up over the years.! During most of this time, a formal system for information retrieval was unnecessary, because the preponderance of the work on MSR technology was done at one site (the Oak Ridge National Laboratory), within a closely knit project orgasnization. As other organizations began to par- ticipate in this activity a need was created that the MSRIS was designed to meet. The MSRIS is intended to contain an up-to-date and readily accessi- ble file of abstracts of selected documents dealing with all aspects of molten-salt reactor technology. The purpose is to help searchers find the information they seek by quickly identifying the documents that contain the desired information and by displaying brief sbstracts so the searchers can decide which documents they need to read. The gbstracts are stored in the IBM-360 computer system at ORNL and various remote terminals can be used for search instructions and output.® The original data file was established over a period of time in 1971 and 1972 from information that was then available; an indexed compilation® of the first 321 entries was published in 1971. Subsequent additions raised the total number of entries to *73. This work was stopped when the entire MSR program was discontinued early in 1973. With the reactivation of the program (in 197h4), the MSRIS was restored to its prior condition. It is anticipated that the data file will be gradually updated and then kept current as this program continues. The sections which follow describe the kinds of documents and infor- mation that are included in the MSRIS, general procedures for retrieving information, and how the abstracts are prepared and indexed. Appendixes provide the list of keywords, the subject categories, and detailed com- puter procedures. 2. DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION STORED IN MSRIS The Eig@g of documents included in the MSRIS are all those that are generally available to the public. This includes ORNL reports (ORNL-xxxx) and technical memoranda (ORNL-TM-xxoex) and similar reports from other sites. Letters and internal correspondence (even though assigned an MSR memo number ) are not included. No ORNL-CF memo is included unless it contains information of wide interest which is not otherwise available. (There are some older ORNL-CF memos like this; if a forthcoming ORNL-CF memo seems to fit this description, consideration should be given to putting out the information in a more accessible form.) Books, journal * The MSRIS file is one of several "data bases" on different subjects stored in the computer, all with consistent format and searchable by the same programs and terminals. articles, papers given at meetings for which reprints were made avall- gble; all are subject to inclusion in MSRIS. Although its spectrum of documents is quite broad, the MSRIS is by no means intended to include every single document published on molten salts or even on molten-salt reactors.” Selection of documents from among those published prior to 1971 was by a panel of experts from all parts of the molten-salt reactor program at ORNL. The criterion was that the chosen documents give an adequate description of all significant de- velopments at least as far back as the initiation of the MSRE design in 1960. All externally available documents originating in the molten-salt reactor program at ORNL since 1970 are to be routinely abstracted by the authors and then filed ia the MSRIS. The staff of the MSRIS (all part- time ) may also abstract significant public documents originating elsewhere and add them to the MSRIS file. The information that is stored in MSRIS for each document is illus- trated by Fig. 1 which is a reproduction of a complete entry for one report as it was retrieved from the file. Numbers have been added to identify the seven information fields that are actually used in MSRIS and to provide a key to the description of these fields below. It may be noted that three additional labels — , , and — appear on the illustration; these identify groups, or subsets, of information fields. Use of one of these expressions (or its abbreviation) causes the computer to deal with all of the information fields in that subset. l.
: This field provides an explicit identification for every document or entry in the file, as well as some very general infor- mation about the document itself. The first three characters (alphabetic) define the primary category”” into which the material contesined in the document falls. This is the category which best describes the main thrust of the document, the greatest proportion of its content, or the purpose x* Information on all kinds of molten salts (most of which are not suit- able for use in molten-salt reactors) is embraced in the Molten Salt Data Center of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. _)(. * The MSRIS category system is described later, in connection with retrieval of information, and a complete listing of all categories is provided in Appendix B. #44 321 ####
MCD700019 CAUTHSHIP> {AUTHOR >Engel, J.R.; Haubenreich, P.N.; Houtzeel, A. SPRAY, MIST, BUBBLES, AND FOAM IN THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT CREFERENC> <PUB DESC>0ak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. ORNL-TM=-3027 (June 1970), 102 p, 33 fig, 65 ref. <KEYTERMS> {SUBJ CAT>MCD ; MDB; KAB <KEYWORDS>*analysis; *experience; * MSRE; *operation; beryllium ; bubbles; corrosion products; density; foaming ; gas injection; interfacial tension ; liquid level measurement; mists; off-gas systems ; physical properties; pumps; sprays; void fractions ; primary system CABSTRACT>In the fuel pump bowl 50 gpm of salt was sprayed through the cover gas and into the salt pool. Effects included not only the intended xenon stripping but several others which became the subject of investigations reported here. The spray produced a mist of salt droplets, some of which drifted into the off-gas line at a rate of a few grams per month. The resultant salt deposits required cleanout at intervals of six months to a year. The stripper jets also drove bubbles several inches into the salt pool, reducing the average density and raising the actual level above that indicated by the bubbler level elements. Some salt transferred into tha overflow line, apparently as froth although there was no evidence of persistent foam. Most of the bubbles driven into the salt returned to the surface, but a small fraction was drawn into the circulating loop. The situation was such that small changes in pump speed or physical properties of the salt changed the depth of the bubble zone enough to change the volume fraction of gas in the loop over the range from 0.02% to 0.7%. Fig. 1. Example of MSRIS entry. for which it was written. ©Since the content of a document frequently does not fit completely into any one category, other categories may be listed elsewhere in the entry (see below). The remainder of the header consists of a 6-digit number that identifies the entry. The first two digits identify the year of publication and the last four are assigned serially to entries of that year as they are added to the MSRIS file. Topical reports normally are treated in only one entry; however, reports covering a variety of subjects, such as MSRP semiannual progress reports, may have an entry for each of the several subjects covered. In such cases the header for each entry has both a different primary category and a different identifying number. Tn addition to the header identification, each individual entry is assigned a simple sequential number (beginning with 1) to identify its position in the data file. Thus, the document used in the example for Fig. 1 is number 321 in the data set. 2. <AUTHOR >: The "author" field is one of several fields in a subset that carries the generic title of "authorship” or, in computer terminology, <AUTHSHLP>. Since author is the only member of this subset used in MSRIS, either designation could be used. This field contains the names of all authors, where they are explicitly identified. Where in- dividual authors are not identified, as in the case of MSRP semiannual progress reports, the expression "(Staff Report)" is entered in the author field. 5. <IITLE >: This is a unique field label, and the field contains the full title of the document as it appears on the published version. Section titles are used along with the document title for progress reports. i, <PUB DESC>: The "publication description" is a member of the subset of fields containing reference information, <REFERENC>. Again, only one member of the subset is used in MSRIS. This field contains the name of the organization that originated the document, the document number, its publication date, and some indication of its size and breadth of scope (numbers of pages, figures, and references). 5. <SUBJ CAT>: The "subject category' is one of two fields used in MSRIS out of the subset generically identified as <KEYTERMS>. This field contains, first, the primary category (from the "header"), and then any other categories to which the document may have been assigned. 6. <KEYWORDS>: This field is the other member of the "keyterms™ that appear in the file. The most important, or most relevant, keywords appear at the beginning of the field, and each is preceded by an asterisk (*). All of the keywords that appear in the file were selected from the list given in Appendix A; however, some of the keywords in that 1list may not yet have been used. The list is subject to revision as the infor- mation file expands. 7. <ABSTRACT>: This field contains the text of the document abstract. Often it is the same abstract that appears at the beginning of the document itself, but this is not a requirement. 5. SEARCHING THE DATA FILE The MSRIS file is stored in the memory of the IBM-360 computer system at the Osk Ridge National Laboratory. Also stored there are the programs that are needed for searching the file. Wide access is provided through various kinds of remote terminals, including Teletype, IBM-2741, and NOVAR terminals, which can be connected through the telephone system to ORNL's IBM-560/T5. The file may be used freely by ORNL staff members and outside organizations who have access to the ORNL computing facilities. The MSRIS file is only one of many (32 at the present time) in the ORNL computer that can be searched by the ORLOCK program.®? This program was designed to be quite versatile, providing many options for searching these files, and, in fact, is so versatile that learning to exercise all of its potential would require considerable time. We believe, however, that the needs of most users of the MSRIS will be satisfied by a few options that are relatively simple to learn to use. A discussion of the equipment and programs and step-by-step procedures for using them with MSRIS are given in Appnedix C. Additional detalls may be found in Ref. 3. That which follows is a discussion of the basic logic and general procedures that are involved. If one wishes to sift the file to find all records on a chosen sub- ject, the best way 1s by subject category, by keywords, or by some combination of the two. Of course, if one is looking for a specific reference and has some clue, such as the name of one of the author or the report number, these can be used to narrow and speed his search. Searching by Keywords The current list of keywords for MSRIS is given in Appendix A. A few have not yet been used and so do not appear as keywords in the com- puter file. Others may appear in many separate records. (The ORLOOK program refers to the filed material for each document as a "record".) At the moment there are 373 records in the MSRIS file. A searcher could select one keyword that most nearly identifies the subject in which he is interested, and look at all records having that keyword. But usually a single keyword fetches more records than a person may have time to examine. So one narrows the search by specifying more than one keyword. There is more than one way to go about this. One could start by selecting a set of several keywords that he feels should define precisely what he is interested in, and retrieve only those records that include among their keywords all those in the specified set. The other way would be to narrow the file in stages; first to those records having the one or two most important keywords; then, from among these, the rec- ords having the next most significant keyword; and so on. Finally, the file would either be narrowed to the specific subject of interest or con- tain so few records that the searcher could afford to have them all dis- played for his examination. (The conversational program tells the searcher how many records he is dealing with at each stage in his search.) The first way is quicker, but runs the risk of omitting some records that may be of interest, but might not have been given every one of the keywords in the searcher's set. (When searching one should remember the human ele- ment; that is, that the person who assigned keywords to the document in- evitably viewed it from a standpoint different from that of the searcher.) Sometimes it may prove useful to use the option of discriminating against documents having some keyword or other feature. For example, it may be desirable to examine all pertinent records other than progress reports. This procedure is also explained in Appendix C. Subject Categories The subject category system is like a set of 14 large file boxes, each containing several smaller boxes in which the records are stored.* The 14 large boxes correspond to the 14 broad areas or first-order cate- gories listed in Table 1. As shown in Appendix B, all but two (D and N) are further subdivided. Table 1. MSRIS first-order categories Category Subject Molten-salt reactor programs Reactor analysis Reactor chemistry Analytical chemistry Graphite Hastelloy N and related alloys Materials other than Hastelloy N and graphite Reactor component development Reactor design Instrumentation and controls Operation and maintenance Fuel preparation and processing MSRE Miscellaneous SEr"RaHOoDOREHEHOOG W R The way the subject category system works is illustrated in Fig. 2, which is a schematic representation of a portion of the category M file, The outer box encompasses all documents dealing to any significant extent with any aspect of the MSRE. A document that is essentially a review of all aspects of the MSRE would be tagged with the designation MXX and be put into a box with all other comprehensive documents having this tag.** * It may be noted that, in effect, duplicate copies of records may be stored in more than one box, since many records are assigned both a pri- mary category and other categories. *¥% Either as the primary category in the header of the computer record or as an "other category” in the subject category field. ORNL-DWG 75—-3242 M. MSRE MXX documents comprehensively treating MSRE MA. MSRE Design MAX documents comprehensively treating design of MSRE MAA MSRE Plant Design MAB MSRE Major Comp. Design MAE MSRE Aux. Comp. Design MB. MSRE Construction MBX MBA MBB Lo | Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a portion of the MSRIS category system of filing. 10 Documents dealing with MSRE design go into box MA. Those covering design of many or all parts of the MSRE are tagged MAX and go into the box so designated. Documents dealing only with the design of specific parts of the MSRE are tagged MAA, MAB, etc., as appropriate,and go into separate boxes. Documents on MSRE construction, operation, etc., are similarly sorted. i, PREPARATION OF INFORMATION FOR MSRIS For each document that is to be included in MSRIS, the required in- formation is assembled in the form shown in Fig. 3. The material is, in many respects, the same as that discussed earlier in the description of a representative entry, but it has been rearranged to facilitate its prep- aration. Whenever possible, this information is supplied to the MSRIS staff by one of the authors when the document is published. Preparation of the computer entry and insertion into the data file then follow rou- tinely. The following discussion of the information items is keyed to the numbers beside the example in Fig. 3. 1. Authors: IList all authors, last names first, initials, no punctuation except +. 2. Title: Gilve the complete title as on the published document. 3. Originating organization: Use a brief form of the name, but do not abbreviate to the point of being cryptic; for ORNL, use the form shown. L, Reference information: Generally this includes document identi- fication, date of publication, and number of pages, figures and references. Formats for various kinds of documents are illustrated below. 5. Abstract: Guidelines for abstracting are given below. 6. Keywords: These are to be selected from the MSRIS Keyword List in Appendix A. 7. Proposed keywords: If an author or abstracter feels that a key- word is needed which is not in the MSRIS Keyword List, he should list it on a separate line for consideration when the 1list is next revised. 11 Key to text Example 1 Engel JR + Haubenreich PN + Houtzeel A 2 SPRAY, MIST, BUBBLES, AND FOAM IN THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT 3 Oask Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. L ORNL-TM-3027 (June 1970), 102 p, 33 fig, 65 ref. In the fuel pump bowl 50 gpm of salt was sprayed through the. cover gas and into the salt pool. Effects included not only the intended xenon stripping but several others which be- came the subject of investigations reported here. The spray produced a mist of salt droplets, some of which drifted into the offgas line at a rate of a few grams per month. The re- sultant salt deposits required cleanout at intervals of six months to a year. The stripper jets also drove bubbles several inches into the salt pool, reducing the average den- sity and raising the actual level above that indicated by the bubbler level elements. Some salt transferred into the over- flow line, apparently as froth although there was no evidence of persistent foam. Most of the bubbles driven into the salt returned to the surface, but a small fraction was drawn into the circulating loop. The situation was such that small changes in pump speed or physical properties of the salt changed the depth of the bubble zone enough to change the vol- ume fraction of gas in the loop over the range from 0.02% to 0.7%. \J 6 *analysis + *experience + *MSRE + *operation + beryllium + bubbles + corrosion products + density + foaming + fused salts + gas injection + interfacial tension + liquid level measurement + mists + off-gas systems + physical properties + pumps + sprays + void fractions + primary systems T overflow Fig. 3. Example of form in which abstracts are submitted for the molten~salt reactor information system. 12 Format for Reference Information The "reference" line (item 4 in Fig. 3) not only gives the information needed to locate or to order the document, but also gives clues as to how "meaty" it is (how many pages, figures, and references are included). Examples of reference lines for various kinds of documents follow: USAEC report ORNL-4233 (Feb. 1968), 60 p, 24 fig, 25 ref. Other reports AECL-3293 (Mar. 1969), 30 p, 15 fig, 18 ref. US Govt. Printing Office (Jan. 1970), 138 p, 59 fig, 23 ref. Edison Electric Institute Publication No. 70-30 (Apr. T0), 53 p, 12 fig, 5 ref. Unnumbered report (Aug. 1970), 113 p, 41 fig. Journal and magazine articles Nucl. Appl. Tech. 8, 118 (Feb. 1970), 18 p, 6 fig, 16 ref. Nucl. Engrg. International 14 (155) 325 (Apr. 1970), 5 p, 3 fig. Conference papers Preprint of Paper 105, 1970 Am. Power Conf., Chicago, Apr. 2023, 1970, 14 p, 3 fig, 11 ref. Abstracts An abstract may be "indicative" or "informative" or a combination. A purely indicative abstract simply lists or describes the contents of a document, the aim being to do so sufficiently well for a reader of the abstract to decide whether or not to take the time to look at the docu- ment itself. An informative abstract, in principle, conveys the major factual results of the document in sufficient detail that most readers would not find it necessary to examine the document itself. Insofar as 15 is practical, abstracts for the MSRIS are informative. Numbers that re- quire lengthy explanation and qualifications to be meaningful (fuel-cycle costs, for example) are avoided, however. Some documents, such as prog- ress reports and review articles, which cover a wide range of topics, lend themselves only to indicative abstracts. In most other cases, an actual abstract will probably tend to be a combination of indicative and infor- mative, Whether indicative or informative, the abstract should be written clearly and concisely so as to be quick and easy to read. There is no fixed 1limit on MSRIS abstracts, but few should exceed about 2C0 words in length. Having all abstracts as succinct as possible is a great advantage to the user of the file;, great enough to warrant special efforts on the part of the writer. In writing an abstract, one should first of all jot down the items of information that he wants to include. Then he should | draft the abstract, using direct, concise sentences. Next the writer should edit his draft to eliminate superfluous words and, if necessary, selectively cut the content to get the length down to about 200 words. Finally, he should critically reread his abstract to make sure that each sentence is still complete and clear and that the most important infor- mation is still included. Choice of Keywords The MSRIS is intended to help anyone seeking information on a chosen subject to find abstracts of all documents containing information pertinent to that subject. Without any knowledge of report titles, authors' names or the like, he should be able to pull the right abstracts from among a multitude of others and be confident that he has not missed any essential information. The keyword index is a mechanism designed to facilitate this. Each entry in the MSRIS includes a set of keywords chosen from the MSR Keyword List which appears in Appendix A.*¥ 1In assigning keywords to a *It may be desirable for the published document itself to carry some keywords not included in the MSRIS list. For example, "molten-salt reac- tors" is a very important tag for MSR documents in any broader information system, but it would be superfluous in the MSRIS since it would appear on almost every entry. 14 document, the reviewer or author should ask himself, "If a user wanted this particular abstract, under what set of keywords would he ask the com- puter to search?" As many keywords may be used as is necessary to fully define the contents of the document. (This varies widely, averaging roughly a dozen. ) The person preparing an MSRIS entry may list keywords in any order, but should place an asterisk immediately hbefore each of the most important keywords. When the computer input is prepared, these will be placed at the head of the list so they can be seen at first glance. Assignment of Categories and Accession Number In addition to the information shown in Fig. 3, each entry in the MSRIS file contains an accession number and category identification. The accession number follows routinely from the publication date of the docu- ment and its order of processing. The categories are assigned by the MSRIS staff on the basis of suggestions made by the abstractor of the document. Suggestions should be provided both for the primary and any other catego- ries that may be appropriate. REFERENCES 1. M. W. Rosenthal, P. R. Kasten, and R. B. Briggs, "Molten-Salt Reac- tors - History, Status, and Potential,"” Nucl. Appl. Tech., &, 107 (1970). 2. D. W. Cardwell and P. N. Haubenreich, Indexed Abstracts of Selected References on Molten-Salt Reactor Technology, ORNL-TM-3595 (December 1971 ). %, V. A. Singletary, An On-Line Conversational Retrieval System for ORCHIS Text-Oriented Data Bases, User's Manual, ORNL-4951 (April 197L ). APPENDIXES 17 Appendix A MSRTS KEYWORD LIST This list contains 5Lkl keywords that abstractors for MSRIS can use. Interspersed in the list are notes directing anyone with other words in mind to equivalent or related keywords that can be used. An ammended list will be issued if significant additions or changes are made. absorbers absorption accidents acids actinides administration adsorption AEC afterheat aging air (for Aircraft Reactor Experiment use ARE) alloy composition alloys aluminum (for amplifiers use electronics) analog systems analysis analytical chemistry antimony applications architect-engineering ARE argon (for ASME codes use barium construction codes) B batch processing bearings behavior (for bending strength use flexural properties) beryllium beryllium fluoride beryllium oxide beta decay bibliographies (for use (for use bismuth blanket blowers (for use boiling borates borides biological effects health physics) biological shielding shielding) boilers steam generators) boron 18 boron trifluoride (for use brazing (for use (for use braze alloys brazing ) breeder reactors LMFBR or MSBR) breeding gain breeding performance) breeding performance (for use breeding ratio breeding performance) bromides bromine Brookhaven National Laboratory bubbles budgets (for use (for use burnout burnup buildings structures) burnable poison reactivity) cadmium calcium calculations capacity capital capital capsules capture carbides carbon (for use costs equipment carbon tetrafluoride fluorocarbons ) carbonates carriers casting catalysts (for cavitation use fluid flow) cells (for centrifugal pumps use pumps) ceramics (for cerium use rare earths) cermets certification cesium (for CF4 use fluorocarbons) charcoal (for charcoal beds use absorbers) chemical properties chemical reactions chemistry chlorides chlorine chromium (for chromium fluoride use corrosion products) circulation (for circuits use electrical circuits) cleaning closures coatings cobalt (for codes use construction codes or computer codes) 19 coke (for columbium use niboium) columns compatibility components compressive properties compressors computer codes computers concentration conceptual design condensers (for conductivity use electrical conductivity or thermal conductivity) conferences (for confinement use containment) (for conservation use natural resources) (for conservation coefficient use breeding performance) construction construction codes contactors containers containment contamination contracts control control-rod drives control rods (for convection use thermal convection) converters coolant loops coolants cooling cooling towers copper cores corrosion corrosion products corrosion protection costs cover gas cracks cranes creep (for crevice corrosion use corrosion) (for critical assemblies use neutron physics) criticality cross sections crystallization cutting tools data data acquisition systems data processing deaerators decay (for decay heat use afterheat) decommissioning decomposition decontamination defects (for degassing use gas separation) 20 delayed neutrons density deposition description design design criteria design data development diagrams diffusion (for digital computer use computers) disconnects dismantling dispersions disposal dissolving distillation distribution disturbances (for doppler effect use reactivity) (for doubling time use breeding performance) drain tanks drying ductility (for duplex tubing use tubing) (for dye-penetrant inspection use inspection) dynamic characteristics dynamics tests earthguakes economics efficiency elasticity electrical circuits electrical conductivity electrical system electrical insulation electrical power electrical properties electrolysis (for electrolytes use electrolysis) (for electrolytic cells use electrolysis) "~ (for electromagnetic pumps use pumps) electronics electrons embrittlement emergency cooling emission energy engineered safeguards engineering enriched materials enrichment (for enthalpy use thermodynamics) entrainment (for entropy use thermodynamics) environment epithermal neutrons (for equations use models) equilibrium equipment erosion errors (for use Euratom 21 eta neutron yield) evaporation examinations excursions expansion experience experiment (for use explosion safety) extraction columns extrusion fabrication failures fast neutrons fatigue feedback (for use feedwater heaters steam systems or components) ferroalloys fertile films filters materials filtration (for use fissile fission (for use fission fission fittings fire hazard safety) materials fission chambers instrumentation) neutrons products flanges (for flaws use defects) flexural properties flooding flow measurement (for flowmeters use flow measurement ) flowsheets fluid flow fluids fluorides fluorination fluorine fluoroborates fluorocarbons (for fluxes use neutron flux or brazing) foaming foreign forming freeze flanges freeze valves freezing (for freezing point use solidus) (for frequency response use dynamic characteristics) (for friction factors use fluid flow) (for frozen walls use corrosion protection) fuel cycle fuel cycle costs fuel preparation (for fuel processing use processing) 22 fuels furnaces (for furnace brazing use brazing (for fused salts use molten salts) gages (for gain use breeding performance) (for gamma heating use radiation heating) gamms radiation (for gamma radiography use inspection) gamma sources gamma. spectrometry gags analysis gas flow gas injection gas separation gases (for gaskets use closures) generators germanium glass gold (for grain boundaries use microstructure) (for grain density use microstructure) (for grain orientation use microstructure) (for grain size use microstructure) graphite (for graphite moderator use grephite) (for greases use lubrication) hafnium halogens handling hardness Hastelloy N (for hazards use safety) (for health hazards use safety) health physics heat heat balance (for heat capacity use specific heat) heat exchangers heat generation heat transfer heat treatments heaters helium (for Henry's law use solubility) (for high-temperature gas- cooled reactor use HTGR) holdup hot cells HIGR hydrates hydraulics hydrocarbons 23 hydrodynamics hydrofluorination hydrogen hydrogen compounds (for hydrostatic tests use testing) hydroxides TAEA impact strength impregnation impurities incidents (for in-core instruments use instrumentation) inclusions inconels industrial development industrial studies industry inert gases (for inhibitor use corrosion protection) (for INOR-3 use Hastelloy N) in-pile tests inspection instrumentation (for instruments use instrumentation) (for insulation use electrical insulation or thermal insulation) interactions interfacial tension (for intergranular corrosion use corrosion) (for International Atomic Energy Agency use TAEA) intrusion inventories iodides iodine ion exchange ionization ions iron iron alloys iron compounds (for iron fluoride use corrosion products) irradiation isotopes J Jigs joints K kinetic equations krypton L laboratory equipment (for laminar flow use fluid flow) lattice layout lead lead cooling 2L lead detectors leak testing leakage leaks (for light-water breeder reactor use LWBR) Limits linings liquid level measurement (for liquid metal-cooled fast breeder reactor use LMFBR) (for liquid metal-fuel reactor use LMFBR) ligquid metals liquids liquidus lithium lithium chloride Lithium fluoride LMFBR IMR loading load factor loop losses (for lubricants use lubrication) lubrication 1LWBR machining magnetic properties maintenance manganese manipulators mass transfer materials materials testing mathematics measurement mechanical properties mechanics melting (for melting point use liquidus) membranes mercury metal transfer process metallography metallurgy metals methods microprobe microstructure mists mixer-settlers mixing mixtures models moderators modified Hastelloy N modular design (for modulus of elasticity use elasticity) molecular weights molten salts (for Molten-Salt Breeder Experiment use MSBE) (for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor use MSBR) (for Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment use MSRE) 25 (for Molten-Salt Reactor Program use MSRP) molybdenum (for molybdenum fluoride use corrosion products) monitors MSBE MSBR MSBR Associates noble metals noise analysis nuclear nuclear analysis reactions off -gas (for use systems on-line computers computers) molten-salt group MSRE MSRP N (for use (for use NakK (for use natural NaF sodium fluoride) NaBF4 or NaBF, -NaF fluoroborates) natural convection thermal convection) resources neptunium neutron neutron (for use neutron neutron neutron neutron nickel fluence flux neutron heating radiation heating) physics sources spectra yield nickel alloys (for nickel fluoride use corrosion products) niobium nitrates nitrogen operating costs operation operators optics optimizations (for ore use natural resources) organics oxidation oxide precipitation process oxides oxygen P parametric studies (for passivation use corrosion protection) performance (for periscopes use viewing devices) phase equilibria physical properties pilot plants piping plans plant plutonium plutonium fluorides 26 (for poisoning (neutron) use reactivity) potassium potassium fluorides (for power use electrical power or thermal power ) power costs power measurement precipitation pressure pressure vessels primary salt primary system procedures processing procurement production progress report protactinium protactinium fluorides prototypes pumps (for purchasing use procurement) pyrocarbon qualifications quality assurance quenching R radiation damage radiation heating radiation measurement (for radioactive wastes use wastes) radiocactivity (for radiography use inspection) radiolysis (for Rankine cycle use steam cycle) rare earths rare gases (for rates use reaction rates) reaction rates reactivity (for reactor core use core) reactors reactor vessel recombination reduction reductive extraction process refractory metals (for regulating rod use control rods) reliability remote maintenance remote welding replacement regearch (for resources use natural resources) reviews (for Reynolds number use fluid flow) (for rod drives use control-rod drives) 27 rupture (for rupture life use creep) (for ruthenium use noble metals) safety safety limits (for safety rods use control rods) (for samarium use rare earths) samplers sampling schedules sealing seals secondary salts secondary systems separations shielding (for shim rods use control rods) shrinkage simulation single-fluid reactors sites siting sodium sodium fluoride (for sodium fluoroborate use fluoroborates) solidus solubility solvents (for sources use gamma sources or heat sources or neutron sources) sparging specific heat specific inventory specifications spectrophotometry spheres sprays stability stacks stainless steels standards startup statistics steam cycle steam generators steam systems storage stress (for stress corrosion use corrosion) (for stress cycling use fatigue) stress rupture strontium structures sulfur (for supercritical water use steam cycle) surface tension surveillance systems tantalum (for techniques use methods) (for television use viewing devices) (for tellurium use noble metals) (for temperature coefficient of reactivity use reactivity) temperature measurement (for Tennessee Valley Authority use TVA tensile properties test facilities testing theory thermal conductivity thermal convection thermal effects thermal insulation thermal neutrons thermal power thermal properties thermal shield thermal shock (for thermocouples use temperature measurements) thermodynamics (for thermometry use temperature measurement) thorium thorium fluorides titanium (for titanium additions use alloy composition) tools (for toughness use impact strength) tracers training tritium tubing tungsten turbines (for turbogenerators use turbines) (for turbulent flow use fluid flow) TVA two-fluid reactor U (for ultimate strength use tensile properties) (for ultrasonic inspection use inspection) uranium uranium fluorides uranium-2%2 uranium-23%3 uranium-235 (for U. S. Atomic Energy commission use AEC) utilities v (for vacuum distillation use distillation) valves vapor pressure vibration 29 viewing devices viscosity void fractions volatility volume fractions wastage waste disposal wastes water weigh cell welding wetting xenon X-rays Y (for yield strength use tensile properties) zirconium zirconium fluoride 20 Appendix B SUBJECT CATEGORIES IN MSRIS This list presents the current set of subject categories to be used for documents abstracted in MSRIS. A Molten-Salt Reactor Programs AA AB AC AD MSRP - Plans and Organizations MSRP - Technical Summaries MSRP - Progress Reports ACA MSRE ACB Large MSRs ACC Salt Processing ACD Chemistry ACE Materials MSR Activities Qutside MSRP CH Oxide Behavior CI Crystal Studles CJ Surface Effects CK Electrochemistry CL Radiolysis Analytical Chemistry B Reactor Analysis BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH Nuclear Data Static Neutronics Dynamics Thermal Effects Activation, Radiation and Shielding Fuel Cycle and Economics Safety Computer Programs Graphite EA TFabrication EB Unirradiated Properties EC Irradiation Effects ED Applications C Reactor Chemistry CA CB CC CE CF CG Phase Relations Thermodynamics and Equilibria Rates and Diffusion Corrosion Reactions Fission Product Behavior Tritium Behavior Hastelloy N and Related Alloys FA Alloys Leading to Hastelloy N FB Standard Hastelloy N FBA Microstructure FBB Fabrication FBC Mechanical and Physical Properties FBD Corrosion FBE Radiation Damage FC Modified Hastelloy N FCA Microstructure FCB Fabrication FCC Mechanical and Physical Properties 51 FCD Corrosion FCE Radiation Damage Materials Other Than Hastelloy N and Graphite GA GB GC GD GE GF GG Stainless Steels Steels other than Stainless Nickel and Ni-Base Alloys other than Hastelloy N Molybdenum and Mo-Base Alloys Brazing Alloys Other Metals Nuclear Control Materials Reactor Component Development HE 888 8 B B 3 Core Pumps Heat Exchangers Steam Generators Gas Injection and Removal Valves HFA Freeze Valves HFB Mechanical Valves Flanges Heaters Other Components Reactor Design IA Reactor Plant IAA FEarly Molten-Salt Reactors IAB MSRE TIAC One-Fluid MSBR (Reference Design) TAD Other Themal Molten-Salt Reactors TAE MSBE TAF Fast and Epithermal Molten-Salt Reactors IB Systems IBA Fuel IBB Coolant IBC Steam IBD Gas IBE Containment Instrumentation and Controls JA General JAA Instrument Development JAB Plant Control JB Nuclear Control and Plant Safety JC Process JD Radiation and Contamination Monitoring JE Data Collection and Analysis JF Communication and Surveil- lance JG FElectrical and Pneumatic Systems Operation and Maintenance KA Operation KAA ARE KAB MSRE KAC Other Molten-Salt Systems KB Maintenance KBA MSRE Maintenance KBB Other Molten-Salt and Radicactive Systems %2 L. Fuel Preparation and Processing LA LB 1C LD LH LT LJ LK Salt Procurement and Preparation Fluorination Distillation LCA Experimental Basis LCB Engineering Development LCC Operating Experience Reductive Extraction IDA Experimental Basis IDB Engineering Development Metal Transfer LEA Experimental Basis LEB Engineering Development Oxide Precipitation LFA Experimental Basis LFB Engineering Development Adsorption and Reduction Salt Purification MSRE Salt Processing Plants for Two-Fluid MSBR Plants for One-Fluid MSBR M MSRE MA MC MF Design MAA Plant MAB Major Component MAC Tnstrumentation and Controls MAD Auxiliary Systems and Components Construction Operation MCA Program MCB Procedures MCC Training MCD Experience Analysis MDA Theoretical MDB System Performance MDC Nuclear Performance Maintenance MEA Principles MEB Procedures MEC Experience Decommissioning N Miscellaneous 35 Appendix C INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF MSRIS FROM AN INTERACTIVE COMPUTER TERMINAL Searches of the MSRIS file may be conducted by simultaneous users from teleprinter terminals connected to the ORNL central computer through the public dial telephone system. These searches are carried out by the computer program, ORLOOK, which has access to a number of other analogous files. ORLOOK, in turn, is only one of many computer procedures that can be used from remote terminals through the computer Time Sharing Option (TSO). Thus, the prospective user of MSRIS must: Establish a telephone connection to the computer. Gain access to TSO by appropriate user identification. W NN Invoke the ORLOOK procedure. 4, Select the MSRIS file. Upon completion of the search, the user must: 1. Terminate the ORLOOK session. 2. Sign off from TSO0. %. Release the telephone connection.. In preparation for an initial session, the user will need first to gain some understanding of distinctive characteristics of the terminal gvailable to him as they relate to operations desired. Obtaining Terminal Connection to Computer For purposes of these instructions, terminals may be considered to fall into two general classes: Class I: IBM compatible-15 Char./Sec., Upper and Lower Case (IBM Model 2741, NOVAR Model 5-50, ete.) Class II: Teletype compatible a. 10 Char./Sec., Upper Case Only (Teletype Models 33 or 35, etc.) b. 30 Char./Sec., Upper and Lower Case (Teletype Model 37, G.E. Terminet Model 300, I/0O Devices Model 100, Tex. Instr. Model 700, Beehive CRT Model IA, ete.) 3L For Class I Terminals (IBM compatible), the following steps are required to obtain a telephone connection to the computer: 1. In preparation for typing messages to the computer, the user must recognize the difference between the numeric character "1" (key number zero on a standard typewriter keyboard) and the alphabetic character "1" (key number 34) which is often used as a 1 in typing. Care must also be taken not to confuse the zero numeric key (number 35) with the alphabetic "0" key (number 33). Of the various print balls available, IBM selectric typewriter, No. 527 (Waterloo correspondence) should be used on most terminals to obtain a character set appropriate for the computer system em- ployed for MSRIS. See that the telephone coupler is turned on and its selector switch is positioned to "HALF DUPLEX" (labeled "H.D.," or "COPY" on some models). Dial 3-1021 or 3-1041.* Following ring, listen for a steady high- pitched tone, then place the telephone handset firmly in the cradle or coupler, positioning cord-to-cord. (It is assumed here that an acoustic coupler is used; otherwise the user should check with the terminal custodian for variations in procedures. ) Turn on the terminal. If the coupler or.teleprinter is equipped with a "CARRIER" or "XMIT" indicator light, it will illuminate to show that connection has been made to the computer. The user may now proceed to give his identification to initiate searches for documents in the MSRIS as will be explained. For Class II Terminals (Teletype compatible), the steps to obtain telephone connection to the computer are similar to those given for Class I, with a few exceptions, as follows: l. Characters printed by most terminals in this c¢lass are fixed to the standard set for Model 33 teletypes. ©Some function keys, such as those labeled "CONTROL" and "ESC" are not used with MSRIS, so they will not be explained here. * All telephone numbers given here are in-plant extensions. For au- thorized user connection by FTS lines, dial (615) 483 followed by the last four digits of the extension. 55 2. Same as 2 above. Dial 3-1011 for 10 Char./Sec. teletype-compatible terminals. Dial 3-1051 for 30 Char./Sec. teletype-compatible terminals. Upon hearing the steady high-pitched tone place the handset in the coupler as in 3 above. L., Turn on the terminal by positioning the LOCAL/OFF/LINE switch to "LINE." Logging On and Off for MSRIS (See Example 1) After obtaining a telephone connection to the computer, as described sbove, the user should proceed, without unreasonasble delay to "log on" and then invoke the ORLOOK procedure from which the MSRIS file can be se- lected. In applying the instructions, given below, care must be exercised to type the statements exactly as shown, including spaces. The one ex- ception to this rule is in the use of upper case and lower case alphabetic characters., In this Appendix, we have chosen to show messages typed by the user and responses from the computer in upper case characters to dis- tinguish them from the remainder of the text. However, if the user's terminal has both upper and lower case alphabetic characters, user input may be typed in all upper case, all lower case, or any combination thereof, with due consideration for non-alphabetic characters that may not have equivalent upper and lower case forms. In addition, computer output through such terminals will appear with the usual mix of upper and lower case alphabetic characters. 1. Type LOGON, and press RETURN. (In all cases, after typing the required characters, the user must press the RETURN key to trans- mit the data to the computer. In all subsequent instructions, proper use of the RETURN key will be assumed.) NOTE: With IBM-compatible terminals, if a wrong key is struck, use BACKSPACE and strike over to correct the error; with teletype compatibles, use BACKARROW, which is obtained by holding down the SHIFT while striking the alphabetic O key. 36 The computer responds to LOGON with a set of characters identi- fying the job and the request ENTER USERID-. The user may then transmit the 3-character user identification (e.g. XXX) as as- signed by computer center personnel. When the USERID is accepted, the computer prompts the user to ENTER PASSWORD FOR XXX-. The user may then enter a 3-character password, also assigned by computer center personnel. If the password is also acceptable, the computer responds with: XXX LOGON IN PROGRESS AT (time) ON (date), followed by any current bulletins to TSO users and a listing of any special procedures specifically cataloged under XXX. A final message, READY, indi- cates that the user now has gained access to TSO and the computer is ready for action. The ORLOOK procedure is then invoked by simply transmitting the word ORLOOK. The computer response is then the date, time, any user messages, and the question: DATABASE PUBLIC/PRIVATE/OTHER/STOP? The proper user response to lead to use of MSRIS is to transmit the word PUBLIC. The computer responds by typing a list of the number of each data FILE and the title of the associated DATABASE. (Example 1 presents only part of the total listing. This listing, and any other message being transmitted by the computer, may be interrupted by pressing the ATTN key on IBM-compatible terminals or the BREAK key on teletype terminals. The computer will then proceed to the next step in the procedure that is in effect. The exclamation point in DATABASE #6 indicates that the message was interrupted. ) Upon completion, or interruption, of the ORLOOK list, the computer requests: SELECT FILE #: and the user, noting (or knowing) that the Molten Salt Reactor Information File is item #+, types simply L 57 7. The computer then responds: 4 MOLTEN SALT REACTOR INFORMATION FILE ORLOOK READY The user may now conduct selective searches for molten salt reactor publications through various avenues of approach as will be described. The period (.) on the last line of the computer response is the ORLOOK system's indication that it is the user's turn to transmit a command. Upon completion of a session the user must release the ORLOOK pro- cedure and "sign off" from TSO. The procedure, also illustrated in Ex- ample 1, is as follows: 1. At any time that ORLOCK is ready to accept a command (as indi- cated by the period), simply transmit the command: STOP The computer responds with the message: END ORLOOK SESSION plus an indication of the computer time used and the present time. 2. Since the user is still in the TSO mode of operation, the com- puter then transmits the TSO message: READY to indicate that another procedure may be invoked. The user then transmits the command: LOGOFF to which the computer responds with XXX LOGGED OFF TSO AT (time) ON (date) + 3. Finally the user must hang up the telephone handset or otherwise sever the telephone connection. It is important that this be done in order not to hold open one of the computer communication lines. 38 Elementary Search of the MSRIS File (See Example 2) Having selected the MSRIS file, searches may be conducted for docu- ments containing specified subject matter by typing LOOK* commands which take the general form of: where words describing the subject matter are placed between the single quotes. Always follow primary commands, such as LOOK, by a space. (The elementary command, as here written, can be given a number of optional modifications for more refined searches which will be explained later.) To each such command the computer responds with a period. The user may then supply additional commands or request execution of the commands that have been given. To initiate action on a LOOK command or & series of such commands, the user must type END, and the search will be initiated.”™ 1In the initial search, the computer responds: SEARCHING SUBSET NO. O After a pause, that varies in length depending on the size of the file and how busy the computer is at the moment, the following response will be recelved: .».DOCUMENTS IN FILE ANSWERS IN SUBSET NO. 1 . ...DOCUMENTS IN RESULT where the first blank is the size of the whole MSRIS file, and the second blank gives the number of file entries found to contain the subject matter specified. (The search is conducted without any distinction between upper case and lower case characters in subject matter.) Usually, the second number is large, so subsequent LOOK commands are entered to refine the search further, before asking the computer to LIST the findings. Answers * A glossary of frequently used ORLOOK commands is presented later in this appendix. *¥% Action on most other commands is automatically initiated when the command is entered. 29 will be collected in SUBSETS 1, 2, 3, etc. It is important to emphasize here that each successive search is automatically applied to the most re- cently isolated subset file unless the user enters the command SUBSET fol- lowed by a number. For a new search against all of MSRIS, enter SUBSET O. At any time that the computer provides a period, the command LIST can be given to cause the last acknowledged subset to be typed out on the terminal. (The local printout can be interrupted before completion by pressing the ATTN key on IBM compatible terminals, or the BREAK key on teletype compat- ible terminals.) For large listings, it will be preferable to give the command PRINT rather than LIST, to produce printouts on a high-speed line printer at the computer center for subsequent delivery by courier. As will be shown later, the LIST and PRINT commands can be given optional modifiers to select portions of subsets to be produced in any order that masy be de- sired. Selective Search for Documents by Field Labels and Selective Print (See Example %) From the last example, it will be noted that each MSRIS file entry has labels that define fields for each reference. Searches may be conducted, (and listings can be made) according to fields or combinations of fields. The labels actually used and their abbreviations are as follows: Label Abbreviation HEADER H AUTHCR AU TITLE TT PUB DESC PU SUBJ CAT SU KEYWORDS KE ABSTRACT A In entering a search command, labels must be enclosed within pre- scribed delimiter characters. For the IBM-compatible terminals (with Waterloo correspondence print ball) the command will have the form: .LOOK <AU> = 'TALLACKSON' where the delimiter symbol "<'" comes from pressing the SHIFT and striking Lo the first key on the top row and the '">" symbol comes from SHIFT and striking the last key on the second row. (If the Waterloo correspondence print ball is not used, the characters will usually print as "1" and "1/4" respectively.) With teletype-compatible terminals, the delimiter "<" is obtained by holding down the SHIFT key and striking the comma key and ">" is obtained with SHIFT and the period key. Where searches are delimited by labels, only the designated fields will be searched, whereas without labels every word of the text is searched, which takes more time to ac- complish. The LIST or PRINT command may be given modifiers to either limit which fields of a reference are provided, or to change the sequence of the fields. Such a command takes the form: .LIST AU,TI,A where a space must follow the primery command and modifiers are separated by commas. A command in this form will be applied to the preceding subset that has been isolated, unless a reference number is given in the form: .LIST 8,AU,TT,A This will give the AUTHOR, TITLE, and ABSTRACT for reference number 8 (the eighth sequential reference of the entire MSRIS file and printed as ### 8 T ) - Searching by delimited fields and listing or printing by delimited fields are independent of each other, so they can be mixed as may be desired. Searching by Logical Combinations (See Example 4) To achieve more efficient searches for MSRIS documents, the elementary LOOK command may be given sharper focus by expanding to one or more of the following forms: (a) .LOOK 'X' and 'Y' . END b1 This combination will find references containing both 'X' and 'Y'. (If "and" is omitted in this command, viz., LOOK 'X' 'Y', it will get the same result.) From one to four search items may be specified. Note that for the combination used in Example 4, only one document was found in the data file. (b) .LOOK 'X' .LOOK 'Y! . END This combination will find all references in which either 'X' or 'Y' occurs. Up to ten LOOK commands may be entered, and they may contain single or mul- tiple search items. In the example, 35 documents were found when the same two keywords were specified in the OR format. (c¢) .LOOK 'X' .LOCK NOT 'Y! . END This format will collect references containing the search item ‘X' but not containing 'Y'. As many as ten LOOK commands may be specified with NOT preceding the search items in addition to the ten allowed without NOT spec- ified. In these combination commands, individual search items may be given label delimiters confining the fields to be scanned, as in this example, or they may be left unlabeled. For instance, .LOOK 'HEAT TRANSFER' .LOOK NOT <AU> = 'MCCOY' .EN:D will find references that contain, in any field, the words 'heat transfer’ and are authored by others than McCoy. Lo Correcting Errors in Search Commands As the user learns to formulate increasingly complex commands to achieve efficient searches, the likelihood of making errors will become greater. Most such errors can readily be corrected, employing conventions avallable within ORLOOK. At any point during a session between LOGON and LOGOFF, miskeying can be remedied by the BACKSPACE (or BACKARROW on tele- types). While in the course of typing a LOCK command before RETURN has been pressed, that line can be entirely deleted by striking the @ key. If it is desired to eliminate an immediately preceding LOOK command, type CANCEL and press RETURN. If it is desired to eliminate an entire series of LOOK COMMANDS, type CANCEL ALL, and re-enter the desired commands. The ATTN key (BREAK on teletype) may be employed to interrupt any computer operation and return control to the user. Efficient Search Strategies Before initiating a terminal search for MSRIS documents, a user should select a strategy most likely to achieve his objective accurately and rap- idly. Taking full advantage of interactive capabilities, the usual ap- proach will involve entering an initial LOOK command describing the gen- eral area of interest to obtain SUBSET #1 against which file of reduced size subsequent searches may be directed. Without returning to the com- plete MSRIS library (SUBSET #0), he may proceed to: (1) browse through that collection of references to obtain an overall idea of information available on selected topics; (2) locate a set of documents to generate a bibliography; or (3) make a definitive search for a specific publication or publications. Browsing (See Example 5) To illustrate strategy for browsing, let us assume the user wishes to discover what documents are available on properties of Hastelloy N and modified Hastelloy N. Entering the command LOOK 'Hastelloy N', although permissible, would cause the computer to painstakingly examine every line of the MSRIS file looking for this string of characters and would, of L3 course, collect in a subset a large number of references, many of them irrelevant. So, a preferable beginning would be made (observing from the MSRIS subject categories list that category FB denotes "Hastelloy N" and FC denotes "Modified Hastelloy N") by typing: .LOOK <H> = 'FB' .LOOK <H> = 'FC' .END As SUBSET #1, the computer would combine the references from the FB and FC categories and indicate the total number found. This group of references could then be explored with further LOCK commands to determine what documents include information on specified properties. When the topic to be browsed does not fall into an MSRIS subject cate- gory, an initial search command employing socme other delimiter or combina- tion of delimiters may be employed to obtain a representative SUBSET #1. For instance, to explore outside literature collected on "heat transfer,” a search might begin with: .LOOK <KE> = 'HEAT TRANSFER' .LOOK NOT <PUB> = '0QAK RIDGE' . END Bibliographies (See Example 6) Where it is desired to obtain a collection of documents covering an extensive topic for time-consuming study, a broad search should be ini- tiated, followed by entry of a PRINT command to produce complete copy on the computer center high-speed line printer for courier delivery. For instance, a user wishing to make a bibliographic study of "corrosion prod- ucts" may enter on the terminal: .LOOK <KE> = 'CORROSION' . END If the number of documents reported appears too large to handle, other search commands may be entered. L From subsets of related references it will scometimes be desirable to obtain combinations using the COMBINE command as follows: .COMBINE 1 AND 2 will assemble a new subset of references common to both SUBSET #1 and SUBSET #2 .COMBINE 1 OR 2 will assemble a new subset containing all references that appear in either SUBSET #1 or SUBSET #2 .COMBINE 1 NOT 2 will assemble a new subset containing SUBSET #1 references but excluding those that also appear in SUBSET #2. Occasionally a user may wish to have a hard copy of results, but does not want to wait for it to be typed at the terminal. Such copy may be ob- tained by entering the command: .PRINT When the computer returns the word PRINTED and a period, terminal-control has been restored to the user. The LIST (or PRINT) command with modifiers can be used to obtain a structured bibliographic summary. Another type of bibliographic search often useful is a search by authors, either modified or unmodified by some topical parameter. Definitive searches Definitive searches to pinpoint some discrete piece of information may take many forms. As users become experienced with the system opera- tion and familiar with the file structure, they may be able to formulate single search combinations that will hit their objectives, but that is somewhat risky with respect to the possibility of missing relevant docu- ments. Thus, it will usually prove desirable to first define the general area of interest so as to set up an initial SUBSET of reasonable size on which successive LOOK commands may operate. If first attempts do not hit desired targets, returns can be made to that SUBSET for further operations 45 using different combinations of field delimiters. The various subsets generated in Example 6 could, for example, be used in additional searches. Auxiliary Operations Summary tabulations (See Example T) It 1s useful either at the end of an ORLOOK session, or sometime during the course of a rather extensive one, to have the computer formulate on the terminal a tabulation of the successive search transactions. Such an output can be obtained whenever desired by entering the command: . REQUEST The first column of the tabuletion provides a ready reference of the SUBSET # developed for the search items shown in the last column, as a guide to further probing among designated collections of references. Ef- ficiencies of successive sessions can be improved by study of request summaries. Search-field IABEL identification (See Example 8) During the course of an ORLOCK session, if a user needs a reminder of field identifier TLABELS and their abbreviations, he may enter the command LABELS. All LABELS recognized by the general ORLOOK program will be listed; however, only a few of these are applicable to MSRIS as shown in Example 8. The LOOK command when used without a field delimiter (as in Example 2) causes the computer to search all fields of each entry for the object of the command. (This is the "default" option built into the program.) This rather time-consuming process can be avoided by designating a field as in Example 3. However, field designation can also become time consuming (and monotonous) if a user wishes to execute a large number of LOOK commands within a given field type. To avoid this latter problem, the user may change the default option to cause searching of any one field when an un- modified ILOOK is entered. To accomplish this the user enters the command: -RESET L6 to which the computer response is: KEY FIELD LABEL? After the user enters the abbreviation of the LABEL selected, e.g., KE, and the computer acknowledges KEYWORDS SELECTED that LABEL will be applied in all subsequent LOOK commands that are not otherwise delimited. In this example, the command: LOOK'......’ will search only the KEYWORDS fields for the desired expression. A return to the original mode, where all fields are searched when LABELS are un- designated, may be accomplished by entering RESET again and responding to the computer's question with ALL. Terminal controls The standard length of a line in ORLOCK transactions is limited to 80 characters for IBM compatible terminals and 70 characters for teletypes. To alter the length, the following command may be entered: . LINE TERMINAL, === substituting a two-or-three-digit figure for the dashes to designate the number of characters desired. Similarly, prior to using the PRINT command, maximum length of lines produced by the central computer line printer can be altered by entering the command: .LINE PRINTER, =-=-- Return to original line length limitations can be obtained by reentering the commands and specifying 80 characters for IBM-compatible terminals and 70 characters for teletypes. NOTE: Operations such as RESET and LINE TERMINAL appear to, and in fact do, alter the basic ORLOOK program. However, these alterations do not affect others who may be using the program at the same time; nor do they remain in effect after the user concludes his session. Each user who invokes the ORLOOK procedure is provided with a "fresh" copy of the b7 original (and unalterable) program in a volatile region of the computer memory. That copy, and asny changes made in it by the user, remain avail- able only for the duration of that session (unless special storage is pre- arranged and used). Thus, special features must be entered each time they are used, but they need not be removed. Glossary of ORLOOK Commands for MSRIS To begin and end a session LOGON Begins session with TSO ORLOOK Invokes ORLOOK procedure STOP Ends ORLOOK session LOGOFF Terminates TSO To conduct searches LOOK 'aaaa' Searches all fields of references for aaaa. LOOK 'amaaa' 'bbbb! Searches all fields for aaaa and bbbb occurring in the same reference, not necessarily in the same field. LOOK not 'bbbb' Searches all fields for each reference without bbbb. LOOK 'aaaa'} Searches all fields for aasa or bbbb LOOK 'bbbb! and combines the results. LOOK < == > = 'aaaa' Searches ~-- field for aaaa. END Completes the set of LOOK commands and starts the search. To define reference sets to be searched SUBSET O Directs the subsequent search against the entire MSRIS file. SUBSET -- Directs subsequent search against the previously collected SUBSET #--. COMBINE 1 AND 2 Assembles a new subset of references common to SUBSET #1 and SUBSET #2. COMBINE 1 OR 2 Assembles a new subset combining all references that appear in either SUBSET #1 or SUBSET #2. COMBINE 1 NOT 2 CANCEL LABELS RESET To obtain results LIST LIST ~-- LIST ,=,=,- SUBSET -- LIST --,--} PRINT LINE TERMINAL ,--- LINE PRINTER ,--- REQUEST L8 Assembles a new subset from SUBSET #1, excluding any that also appear in SUBSET 2. Deletes the line being typed. Cancels the preceding LOOK command; when modified with ALL, cancels the current series of LOOK commands. Lists key-field labels. Indicates user's desire to name a new def'ault label. Types out, on the terminal, all fields of the last subset. Types out, on the terminal, all fields of reference number ---. Types out, on the terminal, the fields specified by the blanks, and in that order, from the last subset. Types out, on the terminal, the refer- ences collected in subset --, for the fields specified in LIST. Prints, on a computer-center line printer, all fields of the last subset — may be given modifiers as shown for LIST. Changes the maximum line length typed on the terminal to --- characters. Changes the maximum line length produced by the line printer to --- characters. Types out, on the terminal, a summary tabulation of LOOK commands and results obtained during the current session. 49 Example 1 Logging On and Off for MSRIS Via IBM-Compatible Terminsl logon IKJ56700A ENTER USERID - - ENTER PASSWURD FOR B % 2= LOGON IN PROGRESS AT 13:35:11 ON APRIL 17, 1475 10/21/74 TSU phone nos.- 2741: 31001, 31021, 31041; tty: 31011 (1ldcps), 31051 (30 cps) READY orlook UATE = 04-17-75 TIME NOW = 13.36.27 ++44 3=5-75 ++++ WELCOME TU ORLUOK, CALL 3-6097 IF PRUBLEMS ARISE DATABASE PUBLIC/PRIVATE/OTHER/STCOP ? PUBLIC FILE # DATABASE FORESTRY SOURCE FILE I IBP ABSTRACT CUAL TECHNULUGY LIBRARY FILE MCLTEN SALT REACTOR INFORMATION FILE URBAN TECHNOLOGY MUDELING BI! ECT FILE #: &4 MOLTEN SALT REACTOR INFORMATION FILE SE ErrrCcCundE Wk ORLOOK READY .stop END URLOOK SESSION CPU(SEC) USED = 3.40 LAPSED (HR.MIN.SEC) = 00.04.28 TIME NOW = 13.40.55 READY logoff ioLUGGED OFF TSO AT 13:41:50 ON APRIL 17, 1975+ 50 Example 1 Logging On and Off for MSRIS Via Teletype Terminal LAGON IKJS6T00A ENTER USERID - -l FNTER PASSWORD FOR wall- -l SR LOGON IN PROGRESS AT 17:20511 ON MARCH 11, 1975 10/21/74 TS@ PHENE N@S.- ST4Al: 31001, 3102t, 310413 TTY: 31011 C10CPS), 31051 (30 CPS) 8/15/74 NEW COMMAND PROCFDURE SOUISH NOW AVAILABLE. TYPE @RNLTS® SGUISH. SHOW FAILED - N@ CATALG@G ENTRIES FOUND FOR 'GlB’ READY BRLOOK DATE = 03-11-75 TIME NOW = 17.21.01 +t++4+ 3-5-75 ++++ WFLCOMF TA ORLOOKs CALL 3-1604 IF PRPBLEMS ARISE DATABASE PUBLIC/PRIVATFE/@THER/STOP ? PUBLIC FILE # DATABASE 1 FBRESTRY SOURCF FILE 1 2 IBP ABSTRACT 3 COAL TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY FILE 4 MBLTEN SALT REACTOR INF@RMATION FILE 5 URBAN TECH! SELECT FILE #: 4 4 MBLTFN SALT REACTOR INFORMATION FILE PRLAGK REANDY « STOP FENN GRLOOK SESSION CPUCSEC)Y USED = 3.00 LAPSFD (HR.MIN.SEC) = 00.01.31 TIME NOW = 17.22.32 RFADY LOGOFF — LBGGED QFF TSE AT 17:323:07 N MARCH 11, 1975+ >R 51 Example 2 Elementary Search of the MSRIS File ook ‘safety’ .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 373 DUCUMENTS IN FILE ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 1 22 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .look 'control rod' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 1 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 2 5 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT Jdist whkk SUBSET # 2 #*wuw #4 8 #H##H <HEADER >AAX670010 <AUTHSHIP> «AUTHOR >Kasten, P.R. <TITLE >SAFETY PROGRAM FOR MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTURS <REFERENC> <PUB DESC>Cak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn., ORNL-TM-1858 (June 1967) 42 p, 6 fig, 3 ref. | <KEYTERMS> <SUBJ CAT>AAX ; BGX <KEYWORDS> *MSRP; wsafety; *analysis; #plans; reactivity; MSBR ; accidents; costs; containment; stability ; dynamic characteristics; off-gas systems; processing <ABSTRACT>Investigations required in determining the safety characteristics of MSBR power plants are outlined, and the safety features of the major plant systems are described. Reactivity additions w-hic! 52 Example 5 Selective Search for Documents by Field Labels and Selective Listing Jook <au> = 'Tallackson' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 3 L DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .list au, ti,pub wxkx SUBSET # 3 wxwxx #¥ © ##4#4 CAUTHOR >Tallackson, J.R.; Moore, R.L.; Ditto, S.J. CTITLE >INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS DEVELOPMENT FOR MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTORS <{PUB DESC>Uak Ridge Hational Laboratory, Tenn. URNL-TM-1856 (May 1967), 36 p, 2 ref. ##4 247 #E44 {AUTHOR >Tallackson, J.R. CTITLE D>THERMAL RADIATICON TRANSFER OF AFTER HEAT IN MSBR HEAT EXCHANGERS <PUB DESC>Uak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. ORNL-TM-3145 (March 1971), 108 p, 43 fig, 28 ref. ## 302 ##44 {AUTHOR >Tallackson, J.R. <TITLE >NUCLEAR AND PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION -- PART IIA, MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPCRT <PUB DESC>Uak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. URNL-TM-729 (Feb. 1968), 397 p, 180 fig, 102 ref. ## 331 #i4# {AUTHOR >Beall, S.E.; Haubenreich, P.N.; Lindauer, R.B.; Tallackson, J.R. <TITLE >MSRE DESIGN AND UPERATIONS REPORT, PART V -- REACTOR SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT <PUB DESC>Cak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. ORNL-TM-732 (Aug. 1964), 300 p, 109 fig. 50 ref. x%%x END LIST .list 6,a ##4 6 #4444 ¢ABSTRACT>Instrumentation used in the MSRE is a good basis for development of the instrumentation for large molten-salt br! 55 Exeuple ! Searching by Logical Combinations Jook <ke> = 'heat transfer' and <ke> = 'liquid metals' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # @ 373 DOCUMENTS IN FILE ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 1 1 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .Ssubset 0 'heat transfer! .1ook <ke> .look <ke> = 'liquid metals' «end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 ANSWERS Iid SUBSET # 2 35 DUCUMENTS IN RESULT .subset 0 .look <ke> = 'heat transfer' .look not <ke> = 'liquid metals' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 3 18 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .subset 0 .look 'heat transfer' .1ook not <auw> = 'McCoy' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # U ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 4 22 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT 5l Examgle 5 Search Strategy for Browsing . look <h> = 'fb! dook <h> = 'fc! .end SEARCHING SUBSET # O ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 6 39 DOUCUMENTS IN RESULT .look <ke> = 'ductility' <ke> = 'heat treatments'’ .cnd SEARCHIWNG SUBSET # 6 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 7 9 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .subset Y .look <ke> = 'heat transfer' .look not <pub> = 'Oak Ridge' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 8 2 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .list au,ti *kxk SUBSET # 8 *%%x ##4 111 #i## <AUTHOR >Gat, U. <TITLE >COOLING CONCEPTS FOR A COMPACT MOSEL (MOLTEN SALT) REACTOR ### 360 #### CAUTHOR >Voznick, H.P.; Unl, V.W. <TITLE JMOLTEN SALT FOR HEAT TRANSFER *xx END LIST 25 Example 6 Preparation and Combination of Subsets . look <ke> = 'corrosion' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 373 DOCUMENTS IN FILE ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 1 69 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .1ook <ke> = 'MSRE' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 1 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 2 41 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .subset 0 .look <ke> = 'Hastelloy' .end SEARCHING SUBSET # 0 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 3 84 DOCUMENTS IN RESULT .combine 2 and 3 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 4 24 DOCUMENTS IN COMBINED RESULT .combine 2 or 3 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 5 101 DOCUMENTS IN COMBINED RESULT .combine 2 not 3 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 6 17 DOCUMENTS IN COMBINED RESULT .combine 3 not 2 ANSWERS IN SUBSET # 7 60 DOCUMENTS IN COMBINED RESULT .subset 4§ .print PRINTED . stop 56 Example 7T Summary Tabulation of Commands Used During an ORLOCK Session , request A A WS GRS Tl S AT wr T MG GRS IR MR WY R I G S G R e G we G B e e T W e it dan d T A S eun dmk e YR G B T S S g S +RESULT:SEARCH: [lU.: DEFAULT: SEARCH ITEM(S) UF REQUEST(S): + IN # :FROM #: HITS: LABELS : : 1: 0: 1: ALL : LOOK <KE> = "HEAT TRANSFER' : : : : : AND <KE> = "LIQUID METALS' 2: 0: 35: ALL : LOOK <KE> = "HEAT TRANSFER' : : ¢ LOOK <KE> = '"LIQUID METALS' : : 3 0 18: ALL ¢ LOOK <KE> = "HEAT TRANSFER' : : : LO?K NOT <KE> = 'LIQUID META: : : : : LS : lys 0: 22: ALL + LOOK 'HEAT TRANSFER' : : : : + LOOK NOT <AU> = ‘Mcceoy! : 5 b 0: ALL : LOOK <H> = 'FB' : : : : : : LOOK <H> = 'FC! : G 0: 39: ALL : LOOK <H> = 'FB! : : : : : LOOK <H> = 'FC! 7: 6: 9: ALL : LOOK <KE> = "DUCTILITY' <KE: : : : : > = 'HEAT TREATMENTS' : g: O: 2: ALL : LOOK <KE> = 'HEAT TRANSFER' : : : : : LOOK NOT <PUB> = "OAK RIDGE': [ 2 4 LX) .o e o0 * L] 57 Example 8 Labels Available in ORLOOK Procedure Jdabels LABELS(ABBREV) MODE HEADER(H) TEXT AUTHSHI P(AUT) TEXT AUTHOR(AU) TEXT CORPAUTH(COR) TEXT SPONSOR(SP) TEXT MENTOR(M) TEXT TITLE(TI) TEXT REFERENC(R) TEXT LIT TYPE(LI) TEXT PUB DATE(PU) TEXT PUB DESC(PUB) TEXT LANGUAGE(L) TEXT COUNTRY(COU) TEXT AVAIL(AV) TEXT CR AVAIL(O) TEXT SEC SWUR(S) TEXT KEYTERMS(K) TEXT SUBJ CAT(SU) TEXT KEYWORDS (KE) TEXT GEOGDESC(G) TEXT DATADATE(DA) TEXT TAXON(T) TEXT PARMLIST(P) TEXT PVT KWD(PV) TEXT TAXON 2(TA) TEXT CHEMICAL(C) TEXT ABSTRACT(A) TEXT COMMENT(CO) TEXT INPUTEAM(I) TEXT DATA FLD(D) TEXT DATADESC(DAT) TEXT NUM DATA(N) TEXT . StOp END ORLOCK SESSION CPU(SEC) USED = 52.66 TIME NOW = 14.51.50 TYPE LIST* SUBSET* LIST* LIST LIST LIST LIST* SUBSET* LIST LIST* LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST SUBSET=* LIST* LIST* LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST LIST* LIST LIST SUBSET LIST LIST LAPSED (HR.MIN,SEC) = 00.48.10 * Asterisks added to identify LABELS used in MSRIS. - O 1OV FWWNo PPN NN R OREAR NP ON P Y HORRSREOO 4. W OoOnEHDWEQSESSG Allen Apple Baes, dJr. Bamberger Barton Beeson Bell ender Bennett Bettis Bettis Blomeke . Boch . Bohlmann o H o = @ o H N. Braski Braunstein O o Bredig Brinkman Bronstein Brooksbank Brown Brunton Brynestad D. Burch Cantor MU EEER RO R ARG P Cardwell Carter Carter Clark Clausing Conlin Cook Cooper Corbin Corum Cottrell Counce Crowley Culler Dale Daley DeVan DiStefano Ditto Dworkin 59 ORNL-TM-4802 UC-76 — Molten-Salt Reactor Technology Internal Distribution L. L4872, 3. T, 5 76. T 78. 19 80. 81. 82, 100. 101. 102. 103. 10k, 105. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112, 115. 114 . 115. 116. = P. Fatherly R. Engel G. Fee E. Ferguson Ferris Fontana Fraas Gilpatrick Goglia Grimes Grindell Guymon Harms Haubenreich Hembree Herndon Hightower, Jr. Hill Hitch Hoffman Holz Horton Huntley Hyman Kasten Kee Keiser Keller Kelmers Kerr Laing Leitnaker Lindauer . Lundin N. Lyon E. MacPherson P. Malinauskas Mamantov L. Manning R. Martin Maya. T. Mays J. MeCarthy, Jr. E. McCoy Ld HE EPHU NN E NN NS VEAENREROE QMU0 VR - . 'F. McDuffie J. McHargue O EEEArED AP RN EN SR 0RO NN IEY Y LYYV N r SR N PR R U0 - 117. 118, 119. 120. 121. 122. 123, 12k, 125, 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 1%2. 133, 13k, 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141, 2. 143, k. 177-178. 179. 180. 181-284, 60 H. A. Mclain 145. R. A. Strehlow B. McNabb 146, 0. K. Tallent A. S. Meyer 7. J. J. Taylor R. L. Moore 148. R. E. Thoma F. H. Neill 149, J. A. Thompson J. P. Nichols 150. L. M. Toth P. Patriarca 151. D. B. Trauger T. W. Pickel 152. W. E. Unger C. B. Pollock 153. D. Y. Valentine F. A. Posey 154. W. C. Waggener H. Postma 155. T. N. Washburn T. K. Roche 156. J. R. Weir M. W. Rosenthal 157. J. C. White A. D. Ryon 158. G. D. Whitman H. C. Savage 159. W. J. Wilcox W. F. Schaffer, Jr. 160. M. K. Wilkinson C. D. Scott 161. W. R. Winsbro H. E. Seagren 162. J. W. Woods J. H. Shaffer 163. R. G. Wymer Myrtleen Sheldon 164. G. T. Yahr W. D. Shults 165. J. P. Young M. D. Silverman 166. E. L. Youngblood M. J. Skinner 167-168. Central Research Library A, N. Smith 169. Document Reference Section F. J. Smith 170-172. Laboratory Records Department G. P. Smith 173. Iaboratory Records (LRD-RC) I. Spiewak 174-176. MSRP Director's Office, J. 0. Stiegler Bldg. 4500NM, Rm. 147 External Distribution Director, Division of Reactor Research and Development, ERDA, Washington, D. C. 20545 Director, Reactor Division, ERDA, ORO Research and Technical Support Division, ERDA, ORO For distribution as shown in TID-4500 under UC-76, Molten-Salt Reactor Technology