TR N fl CENTRAT RESEARCH LIBRARY ORNL-TM-4308 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [ANARAR o 3 yy56 0555980 1 DENSITY AND VISCOSITY OF SEVERAL MOLTEN FLUORIDE MIXTURES Stanley Cantor OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ' CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY | DOCUMENT COLLECTION . LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone else to see this document, send in name with document and the library will arrange a loan. OAK RIDGE NATINAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION e« FOR THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ORNL-TM-L308 Contract No. W-7L05-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION DENSITY AND VISCOSITY OF SEVERAL MOLTEN FLUORIDE MIXTURES Stanley Cantor March 1973 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATICN for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB AR ARTI 3 4456 0555980 1 i1l CONTENTS ABSTRACT . DENSITY OF MOLTEN SALTS Experimental Materials . . . . Results . Table 1A. Density of LiF-BeFp-ThF, (70.11-23.88-6.01 mole %) Table 1B. Density of LiF-BeF)-ThF, (70.06-17.96-11.98 mole %) Table 1C. Density of LiF-BeF-ThFy (69.98-14.99-15.03 mole %). Table 1D. Density of LiF-BeF (66~34 mole %) . Table 1E. Density of LiF-BeFy-ZrF, (64.7-30.1-5.2 mole %) Table 1F. Density of LiF-BeFp-ZrF,-UF, (64.79-29.96-4.99-0.26 mole %) Table 1G. Density of NaBF4-NaF (92-8 mole %) Table 2. Density of KNOg3 . . . . . Discussion .+ . . .+ & v v v v b e e e e e e e e e e e Additive Molar Volumes . . . .« . . . . Table 3. Molar Volumes of Fluoride Mixtures Expansivity Room-Temperature Density and Estimated Density Change, Upon Melting, of MSBR Fuel and Coolant Salts VISCOSITY . Introduction and Experimental . Results and Discussion . . . . . . . Table 4. Viscosity of NaBF,-NaF (92~-8 mole %) . « + « + o . Table 5. Viscosity of LiF-BeF»-ThFy, (72.7-15.7-11.6 mole %) Table 6. Viscosity of LiF-BeFy-ThFy (70.11-23.88-6.01 mole %) . Table 7. Viscosity at 800°K and 900°K of LiF- BeFZ—ThF4 (OrUFa) P REFERENCES . . . . . . . . Page 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 19 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 DENSITY AND VISCOSITY OF SEVERAL MOLTEN FLUORIDE MIXTURES Stanley Cantor ABSTRACT Using a dilatometric method, densities were determined for the follow- ing molten salts: LiF-BeFy (66-34 mole %) LiF-BeFy-ThF, (70.1-23.9-6.0, 70-18-12, 70-15-15 mole %) LiF-BeFy-ZrF, (64.7-30.1-5.2 mole %) LiF-BeFp-ZrF4-UF, (64.79-29.96~4.99-0.26 mole %) NaBF;-NaF (92-8 mole %) KNO3 The last salt was measured to assure the accuracy of the method; the densi- ties measured for KNOj agreed within 0.15% with critically evaluated densities obtained by Archimedean methods. For the fluorides, molar volumes obtained from the density measure- ments agreed within 27 with volumes calculated from additive contributions of the components. The expansivities of three LiF-BeF)-ThF4 mixtures were practically identical, 2.5 x 10~4/°c. Density-temperature curves from 25-700°C for LiF-BeF2-ThFy (72-16-12 mole %) and for NaBF,-NaF (92-8 mole %) were derived from room-temperature pycnometric determinations and from estimated expamsivities of the solid salts. The calculated expansion, upon melting, for the former is 7%, for the latter 8Z. Viscosities of three salt mixtures were determined by oscillating-cup methods: LiF—BeFZ—ThF4 (72,7-15.7-11.6, 70.1-23.9-6.0 mole %) NaBF,-NaF (92-8 mole %) Viscosity measurements were conducted at Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg, Ohio, using capsules and samples prepared at ORNL. The viscosities of the two melts composed of LiF, BeFy, and ThF, were analogous to viscosities report- ed for similar mixtures containing U#4 instead of ThF4. DENSITY OF MOLTEN SALTS The objectives of this investigation were: (a) to measure, with high accuracy, densities and expansivities of several molten fluoride mixtures that are significant to molten-salt reactors, (b) to derive additive molar volume contributions which can serve to predict densities in LiF-BeF)-(Th,U)F, molten solutions, (c) to estimate density changes upon melting of the fuel-carrier and coolant salts of the molten-~salt breeder reactor. Experimental Apparatus and Procedures: Densities were determined in a nickel dilato- meter (Figure 1), the details of which have been previously described.l’2 In the apparatus a metal probe detects the changes in liquid level in the neck of a volume-calibrated metal vessel. The escape of vapor is prevented by a Teflon stopper, which also permits vertical displacement of the probe. When the probe contacts the liquid surface, a vacuum-tube voltmeter changes from an open circuit reading to a detectable resistance. The probe height is measured to + 0.02 mm with a cathetometer. Through a side arm in the neck of the vessel, an inert insoluble gas (argon) is introduced to sup- press bubbles in the melt. By taking measurements at argon pressures of approximately 5 atm, entrapped gas bubble volumes were reduced to less than 0.1% of the liquid sample. After completing measurements at elevated tempefatures, the contents of the vessel were removed and weighed to be certain that weight changes had been negligible. For any sample measured, weight changes never exceed- ed 0.05%Z. After each run, the dilatometric vessel was recalibrated at room temperature with distilled water. The recalibrations indicated that the nickel vessels sustained permanent expansions of about 0.2%. Melt temperatures were controlled to + 0.2° by regulating the furnace with a Leeds and Northrup Speedomax proportional controller. Temperatures of the melt were determined with Pt-Rh thermocouples previously calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards; these thermocouples are stated to be accurate within 0.5° in the temperature range (400-820°C) of measurement. ORNL-DWG 69-1541 ROD FOR ATTACHMENT TO RACK | +— MACHINED LINE ELECTRICAL LEADS TO VACUUM-TUBE VOLTMETER TEFLON STOPPER SWAGELOK UNION TO VACUUM PROBE OR &_—— / INERT GAS 4 L THERMOCOUPLE ] Ve WELL FURNACE — £ CERAMIC PEDESTAL Fig., 1. Dilatometer for Measuring Volume of Molten Salts. The part of the probe above the Teflon stopper is longer than indicated in the figure, Materials The salt mixtures, LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) and LiF-BeFy-ZrF, (64.7- 30.1-5.2 mole %), were supplied by J. H. Shaffer, ORNL, from batches that had beenASparged Ey Ho-HF gaseous treatment.3 By adding purified, crystal- line LiF and UF,4 to the latter, we prepared LiF-BeFy-ZrF,-UF, (64.79- 29.96-4.99-0.26 mole 7). In the order given above, the three compositions corresponded to the MSRE coolant, carrier salt, and fuel salt mixtures. Mixtures of LiF-BeF)-ThF, (used in both density and viscosity measure- ments) were constituted from LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %), crystalline LiF, and LiF-ThF, mixtures. The LiF-ThF,, retained from a previous density study,4 had been stored in a vacuum desiccator. The mixture, NaBF;-NaF (92-8 mole %), . e 2 was constituted from the purified components. 0 Analytical-grade KNO3 (J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J.) was used as received. Measurements of the salt were carried out primarily for checking the accuracy of the dilatometric method used in the present investigation. Argon gas, used for suppressing bubbles in the melts (see above), was obtained from Airco, Chester, W. Va. The gas was shown by mass spectro- graphic analysis to exceed 99.9% in purity. Prior to entry into the vessel, the gas was passed through molecular sieve to remove traces of moisture. All salt loadings were carried out in a glovebox filled with helium. To insure that the liquid level reached into the neck of the vessel (see Figure 1), two loadings were usually required; after melting the initial charge of the salt, the vessel was returned to the glovebox for further loading. Results The densities of seven fluoride mixtures were measured over about a 200°C temperature range. The data are listed in Tables 1A - 1G; also included are the least-squares equation and the densities calculated from the equation. For each melt the plot of density versus temperature was linear. Data for KNO,'l are given in Table 2, Table 1A. Density of LiF-Ber---ThF4 (70.11-23,88-6.01 mole %) Temperature | Density (g/cm3) (°C) Experimental Calculateda 555.1 2.7406 2.7395 571.9 2.7276 2,7282 580.9 2.7238 2,7222 596.7 2.711l 2.7116 606.2 2.7049 2.7052 621.3 2.6940 2.6951 628.7 2.6901 2,6901 646.8 2.6774 2,6780 655.1 2.671l 2.6724 673.2 2.6606 2.6603 681.2 2.6536 2.6549 707.4 2.6398 2,6372 ®From the least-squares equation: o(g/cm’) = 3.1118 - 6.707 x 10"t (°C). Table 1B. Density of LiF—-Ber—-ThF4 (70.06-17.96-11.98 mole %) Temperature Density (g/cm>) (°C) Experimental Calculateda 533.2 3.3942 3.3936 558.1 3.3730 3.3735 561.4 3.3698 3.3709 580.7 3.3551 3.3553 588.8 3.3481 3.3488 603.4 3.3364 3.3370 615.0 3.3278 3.3277 626.5 3.3198 3.3184 640, 2 3.3060 3.3073 649.6 3.3009 3.2997 673.1 3.2837 3.2808 696.9 3.2630 3.2616 721.0 3.2412 3.2422 741.2 3.2237 3.2259 a . From the least-squares equation: og/cm>) = 3.8236 - 8.064 x 10™*t (°C). Table 1C. Density of L1F-BeF,~ThF, (69.98 - 14.99 - 15,03 mole %) Temperature Density (g/cmB) (°C) Experimental = Calculated?d 543.4 3.6632 3.6634 556.7 3.6493 3.6507 582.9 3.6242 3.6258 608.5 3.6021 3.6014 620.9 3.5897 3.5896 633.7 3.5788 3.5774 646.4 3.5668 3.5653 659.1 3.5541 3.5532 672.6 3.5413 3.5403 698.9 3.5163 3.5153 713.7 3.5000 3.5012 730.2 3.4836 3.4854 749.5 3.4665 3.4671 %From the least-squares equation: 4 o(g/em>) = 4.1811 - 9.526 x 10 %t (°C). Table 1D. Density of LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) Temperature Density (g/cmB) (°C) Experimental Calculatedad 514.5 2.0292 2.0284 540.5 2.0153 2,0157 564.9 2.0030 2.0038 590.5 1.9915 1.9913 614.6 1.9797 1.9795 616.0 1..9785 1.9788 667.1 - 1.9540 1.9539 719.5 1.9285 1.9283 772.2 1.9027 1.9025 794.7 1.891l 1,8915 820.3 1.8792 1.8790 %From the least-squares equation: o(g/cm) = 2.2797 - 4.884 x 10t (°C). Table 1E, Density of LiF-Ber—ZrF4 (64,7-30.1-5.2 mole %) Temperature Density (g/cm3) (°C) Experimental Calculatedg;_ 452,0 2.2780 2.2780 475.8 2.2628 2.2642 501.0 2.2497 2.2497 503.5 2.2481 2,2483 523.4 2.2371 2.2368 530.6 2.2320 2.2326 546,9 2,223, 2.2232 570.8 2.2096 2.2094 594.9 2.1960 2,1955 597.7 2.1940 2,1939 619.0 2.1822 2.1816 622.6 2.1813 2.1796 642,2 2.169, 2.1682 647.5 2.166 2.1652 666.5 2.1547 2.1542 672.4 2.1489 2.1508 698.2 2.1350 2.1359 703.9 2.1314 2,1327 %From the least—-squares equation: p(g/cmB) = 2,5387 - 5.769 x 10-4t (°C). 10 Table 1F. Density of LiF-BeF,.~ZrF —UF4 (64.79-29.96-4.99-0.26 mole %) 2 4 Temperature Density (g/cmB) (°0) Experimental Calculated® 524.3 2.257¢ 2.,2587 571.1 2.231q 2.2324 617.2 2.2057 2.2064 625.6 2.2054 2.2017 640.7 2.1928 2.1932 664.1 2.1800 2.1801 697.5 2.1626 2.1613 715.8 2.1493 2.1510 761.1 2.125l 2,1256 a . From the least-squares equation: o(g/em>) = 2.5533 - 5.620 x 10 't (°C). 11 Table 1G. Density of NaBF4—NaF (92-8 mole %) Temperature Density (g/cm3) (°C) Experimental Calculatedd 399.5 1.965, 1.9680 423.4 ' 1.950, 1.9511 448,0 1.936, 1.9336 471.9 1.918, 1,9166 494,6 1.901,4 1.9004 495.8 1.900, 1.8996 519.8 1.882, 1.8825 543.4 1.8664 1.8657 567.4 1.8466 1.8487 590.8 . 1.8314 1,8320 4¥rom the least-squares equation: (g/cm3) = 2.2521 - 7,110 x 10 't (°C). 12 Table 2. Density of KNO 3 Temperature L Density (g/cmB) (°cy Experimental Calculated@ 343.6 1.8716 1.8695 360.4 1.8579 1.8571 369.8 1.8503 1.8501 375.2 1.8456 1.8461 384.0 1.839l 1.8395 384.6 1.8380 1.8391 386.4 1.8374 1.8378 389.0 1.8348 1.8358 395.8 1.8307 1.8308 399.5 1.8275 1.8280 403.1 1.8239 1.8253 412.6 1.817l 1.8183 414.8 1.8179 1.8167 416.8 1.8185 1.8152 425.9 l.8068 1.8084 426.0 1.8090 1.8083 437.7 1.8000 1.7996 445, 8 1.7933 1.7936 450.9 l.7894 1.7898 474.0 1.772l 1.7727 499.4 1.7543 1.7538 511.8 1.7443 1.7446 537.9 1.7252 1.7252 560.3 1.7087 1.7086 586.3 1.6893 1.6893 611.9 1.6707 1.6702 a . From the least—-squares eguation: Q(g/cmB) = 2.1248 - 7.428 x 10*4t (°c). 13 The standard error in density was approximately 0.001 g/cm3, corres- ponding to about 0.05%. Other sources of error (creep sustained by the vessel, bubble volume, small amounts of salt condensed on the upper neck of the vessel) increase the total error to + 0.3%Z. This percentage error was determined by comparing our results with those of Bloom et §i47 Janz,8 in his critical review, judges the uncertainty in Bloom's results to be about 0.27%; our results differ from those of Bloom by 0.15%. The density-temperature equations for KNOg are: p(g/cmB) = 2.116 - 7.29 x 10_4t (°C) Bloom 9£>§£;7 p(g/cmB) = 2.125 - 7.43 x 10—4t (°C) our results. Discussion Additive Molar Volumes The simplest, and often quite successful, way for estimating the density of solutions is to assume that the volume of a mixture is the sum of additive contributions of the component compounds. The additive con- tributions are usually available from density measurements of the com- ponents; the density - and hence the molar volumes, of LiF,4 ThF ? and 4? BeF2lO have been reported by the author. At 550 and 700°C, the molar volumes obtained from these investigations are: Volume (cm3) 550°C 700°C LiF 13.24 13.77 BeF 9 24.0 24.2 ThF, 46.15 47.00 Molar volumes of the three LiF-BeF)-ThF, mixtures and the LiF-BeF) mixture were calculated from the values above; the calculated and experi- mental molar volumes are compared in Table 3. Calculated volumes are ap- proximately one percent greater than experimental values. The good agree- ment is probably due to the small sizes and low polarizabilities of the ions which comprise these mixtures, The concentrations of ZrF4 and UF, in the two mixtures studied were not large enough to test whether or not their molar volume contributions Table 3. Molar2 Volumes of Fluoride Mixtures Molar Volumes (cm3) Composition (mole fraction, Ni) — 530°¢ = 700°C LiF BeF, ThF, Exptl. Calcd. piff.® Exptl. Calcd. Diff.© 0.7011 0.2388 0.0601 17.47 17.7, 1.89% 18.14 18.2, 0.88% 0.7006 0.1796 0.1198 18.79 19.1, 1.65% 19.49 19.6, 0.56% 0.6998 0.1499 0.1503 19.55 19.8, 1.79% 20. 34 20. 3, -0.15% 0.66 0.34 - 16.46 16.9, 2,67% 17.08 17.3, 1.41% LiF BeF, ZrF, 0.647 0,301 0.052 17.84 18.1g 1.91% 18.56 18.6,, 0.22% 0.6479 0.2996 0.0499 17.85 18.1, 1.85% 18.54 18.6, 0.81% +0. 0026UF,, NaBF4 NaF 0.92 0.08 56.08 56.1p 0.05% | 59.49¢ 59.7; 0.37% 8\ mole of salt mixture is defined: M = J NiMi’ where M is bCalculated from the equation V = I N;iVi, where V and V{ are, respectively, molar volumes of the mixture and of component i, both at the same temperature. Discussion. c 100 x experimental volume dExtrapolated. (Calculated volume minus experimental volume). molar mass, Ni is mole fraction of component i, Mi is gram—-formula weight of component i. Values of Vi given in the 71 15 were additive. Nonetheless, the molar volumes at 550 and 700°C of the mixtures containing these components were calculated using, in addition to the LiF and BeFy molar volume given above, the following: - ZYFy: 46 cm3 at 550°C; 48 cm3 at 700°C UF,: 45.1 cm3 at 550°C; 46.1 cm> at 700°C The ZrF, volumes were derived (not measured directly) from the densities of alkali fluorides - ZrF, melts studied by Mellors and Senderoff.ll Molar volumes for UF4 are extrapolated from densities measured by Kirshenbaum and Cahill.12 For NaBFAvNaF (92-8 mole %), the observed molar volume would not be expected to deviate from the additive value, Table 3 shows that volumes calculated from additive contributions agree within 0.4% with experimental s - . » . 2 l results. The additive contributions 3 are: NaBFA: 59.35 cm3 at 550°C; 63.20 cm3 at 700°C NaF : 18.82 cm° at 550°C: 19.62 cm° at 700°C Exgansivitz An interesting result, derived from the three mixtures containing ThFa, is that the expansivity (fractional change of volume with tempera- ture) did not seem to change with the concentrations of BeF2 and ThFa. Given that any fuel mixture for a molten~salt breeder reactor will contain about 70 mole % LiF, then the results suggest that the expansivity will be very close to 2.5 x 10—4/°C. The actual results were: -1 3p Salt Composition Expansivity, o = 53T at 600°C (mole %) Units are (°C)'l 70.11 LiF, 23.88 BeF,, 6.0l ThF, 2.4g x 10'2 70.06 LiF, 17.96 BeF,, 11.98 ThF, 2.4y x 10 69.98 LiF, 14.99 BeF,, 15.03 ThF, 2.6, x 1074 Room-Temperature Density and Estimated Density Change, Upon Melting, of MSBR Fuel and Coolant Salts This short investigation was conducted in order to provide reactor designers with a reasonable estimate of the density change, upon melting, of MSBR fuel and coolant salts. 16 Densities, at room temperature, were determined pycnometrically in a 25—cm3 Kimax '"specific gravity bottle'". The precise volume of the bottle was determined with distilled water. Cottonseed oil was used as the dis- placement liquid for the salts; the latter had been prefused and only relatively large (> 2 mm) crystalline fragments were used in the pycno- meter. The results obtained were: LiF—Ber—ThF4 (72-16-12 mole 7%); 3.7887 g/cm3 NaBF, (100 mole %): 2.435. g/cm’ The pycnometric density of NaBF, was 3% less than the x-ray density of 16 2.5075 reported by Brunton. A density-temperature curve (Fig. 2) for LiF-BeF --ThF4 (72-16~12 mole %) was constructed on the basis of the following assuiptions: a) the pycnometrically determined density at 25°C is representative of the bulk density of the solid salt; b) the volume expansivity of the solid is 1l x 10-4 /°C, an estimate based on the value of this property in other salts;15 c) the density above the liquidus is reliably predicted from the additive molar volumes for LiF, BeF,, and ThF4 listed in the first part of 2’ this report. The calculations result in a predicted 7% decrease in dens- ity over the temperature range of melting (or freezing). Equations and other details are noted in Figure 2. Two curves depicting the density—-temperature behavior of MSBR coolant (92-8 mole % NaBF,-NaF) are given in Figure 3. The solid lines refer to “"theoretical" or i-ray densities. At 243°C and at 385°C, the dashed and solid lines coincide over a range of densities. The curves were generated with the assumptions: (i) at room temperature the molar volumes are addi- tive, (ii) the density of this solid mixture is 3% less than the x-ray density (as was observed pycnometrically for pure NaBFA); (iii) the tem- perature coefficient of density for the solid is a constant, 2.5 x 10_4/°C; this coefficient corresponds to an expansivity of 1 x 10'—4 /°C; (iv) the is x-ray density of the high-temperature form of crystalline NaBF4 2,17 g/cm3 at 243°C (the same as Bredig16 obtained at 265°C). On the basis of these four assumptions and experimental data for the liquid, a density decrease of 8% upon melting is possible; however, a DENSITY (g/cm®) 17 ORNL-DWG 73-2599 .\ \\\\\\“‘~59CUL49 \ TN }\ /souous —4 = 3. - 1 - p=3.79-4x10 " (7 25) \’0-\ Bl (ESTIMATED) PREDICTED l 7% DECREASE 444 - 500°C IS REGION IN DENSITY OF SOLID + LIQUID — 7Y ) I { LIQUIDUS 1 o, . o p=3.665-5.91x10 * ¢ (IESTIMATlED) ‘ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 70O TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 2. Density of LiF-Bel,-ThF) (72-16-12 mole %). DENSITY (g/cm3) 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 18 ORNL-DWG 73-2600 L | ! ! | =2.517-2.5x10"% (+- 25) SOLip-1 [ = SOLID TRANSITION TEMPERATURE (243°C) N N4 p=2.44-2.5x10" 4 (t-25) - 3S00/p ;————MELTING POINT | ~J (385°C) 1 p=2.085_2.5x1o—y' T | "THEORETICAL" 8% (7-243) DECREASE ON MELTING | / L MORE PROBABLE 5% N DECREASE ON MELTING {y o% p=12.252-7M x 10~ % ¢ \\ 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Fig, 12,-. TEMPERATURE (°C) Density of NaBF) -Na¥ (92-8 mole %), 19 decrease of about 5% is more likely. It should be noted that this salt undergoes a rather large density change in the solid at 243°C. The pre- dicted density decrease at this temperature 1s about 12.7Z%. VISCOSITY Introduction and Experimental Viscosity is an important physical property in assessing the heat transfer performance and fluid dynamics of reactor liquids. In these regards, information on fluoroborates was of special interest. Viscosity measurements on molten fluoroborates are relatively difficult because of their high volatility. For volatile liquids at elevated temperatures, accurate measurement of low viscosities (<10 centipoises) are conveniently determined by oscil- lating-cup viscometry. In this method, a cylindrical vessel, which encapsulates the sample, is caused to execute torsional oscillations. The rate at which the amplitude of the oscillations is damped depends on the viscous drag of the liquid upon the walls of the container. The vis- cosity is determined through the basic equations of fluid dynamics from: the damping rate, the period of oscillation, the dimensions of the appara- tus, and the mass and density of the liquid. Over a period of several years, L. J. Wittenberg and his co-workers at Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg, Ohio (an AEC-owned facility), have gained much experience in measuring molten materials, mainly liquid metals,17 via oscillating-cup viscometry. Because it was both faster and less expensive for Mound rather than ORNL to obtain accurate viscosities of fluoroborates and other fluorides of reactor interest, a purchase order for Mound's services was obtained. Viscometric measurements and treatment of the data were performed by L. J. Wittenberg and R. Dewitt of Mound Laboratory. Preparation of samples, fabrication of capsules and supplementary inter- pretation of the data were done at ORNL under the supervision of the author. 20 The viscosities of five salt melts were determined. Two of these, single-component melts of NaBF4 and KBF,, have been reported and discussed 4? in another publication.18 The other three, the subjects of this report, are: NaBF4—NaF: 92-8 mole % LiF—Ber—ThFé: 72.7-15.7-11.6 mole % and 70.1-23.9-6.0 mole %). Wittenberg has published details of the general techniqile17 and methods for treating the data.19 The specific apparatus used for this in- vestigation is described elsewhere. Capsules, machined out of nickel stock, consisted of a cap and a cylindrical cup, the latter with approximate dimensions: 1.75 cm I.D., 1.85 cm 0.D., and 7.5 cm long. After the dimensions were accurately measured, the capsules were charged with salt equivalent to about 15 cm3 in the expected temperature range of measurements. Weighing and charging of samples were carried out in a glovebox. After these operations, the glovebox was evacuated at V30 Y for 20 hours. After flushing the box twice with helium (purified by passing through a charcoal trap maintained at liquid nitrogen temperature), the cap was fuse-welded to the cup by means of an argon arc torch. During welding, the capsule was kept in a copper block whose purpose was to absorb most of the heat generated at the weld. The efficiency of heat removal was indicated by a small piece of masking tape attached to the cup about 2.5 cm below the weld-work; the tape did not appear charred or altered by the welding operations. Success in the heat removal was confirmed by the negligible losses in capsule weights taken after welding. Results and Discussion The viscosities of the three salt mixtures are listed and compared with least-squares values in Tables 4, 5, and 6. The temperature of the viscosity determination was measured with a chromel-alumel thermocouple positioned near the capsule but not touching it. At each temperature, at least two, and usually three sets of amplitude and period measurements were taken; hence, there is more than one experimental viscosity entry for each temperature in Tables 4, 5, and 6. The data and least-squares fit are plotted in Figure 4. 21 Table 4. Viscosity of NaBF4—NaF (92 - 8 mole %) Least squares fit: n(cP) = 0.0877 exp (2240/T(°K)) T(°C) Experimental n(cP) Calculated n(cP) 409 2.18, 2.15 2.34 411 2,15, 2.20 2.32 418 2,29, 2.29, 2.30 2.24 425 2,05, 2.05, 2,05 2,17 436 2,02, 2.00 2.06 465 1,89, 1.91, 1.86 1.82 491 1.59, 1.59, 1,59 1.64 505 1.45, 1.43, 1.47 1.56 521 1.45, 1.46 1.47 532 1.31, 1,30, 1.31 1.42 408 2,50, 2.38, 2.46 2.35 417 2.27, 2.35, 2.33 2,25 450 2,03, 2.04, 1.96 1.94 474 1,91, 1.96, 2.08 1,76 505 1.77 1.56 537 1.47, 1.48, 1.44 1.39 22 Table 5. Viscosity of LiF-BeF,-ThF 2 4 (72.7-15.7-11.6 mole %) Least-squares fit: n(cP) = 0.1094 exp (4092/T(°K)) T(°C) Experimental n(cP) Calculated n(cP) 553 14,1, 14.3, 14.1. 15.5 582 12.4, 13.4, 13.0 13.1 613 11.4, 11.2, 11.1 11.1 638 9.74, 9.56, 9.47 9.76 622 11.5, 11.5, 11.4 10.6 588 13.4, 13.5, 13.4 12.7 555 15.5, 16.5, 16.1 15.3 572 13.45, 13.3, 14.15 13.9 649 9.21, 9.79, 9.22 9.25 673 7.74, 7.75, 7.74 8.27 23 Table 6. Viscosity of LiF—-oBer-ThF4 (70.11-23,88-6,01 mole %) Least-squares fit: Nn(cP) = 0.06602 exp (4380/T(°K)) T (°C) Experimental n(cP) Calculated n(cP) 653 7.30, 7.06, 7.06 7.47 547 14,1, 13.9, 14,15 13.8 598 9.87, 9.87, 9.88 10.1 633 8.92, 8.97, 8.81 8.30 526 15,39, 16.53, 16.05 15.8 567 12.35, 12.56, 12.35 12,1 579 11.06, 10.92, 10.91 11.3 603 9.69, 10.19, 9.96 9.79 557 12.59, 12,69, 11,85 12.9 VISCOSITY (centipoises) Fig. kL. 20 10 ORNL-DWG 73-2601 TEMPERATURE (°C) 650 600 550 500 450 425 400 et | U LiF - BeFp - ThFy (72.7-15.7-11.6 mole %) . | @ vt 3 . A __-4 = LiF-BeFy-ThFy ] * 5 (70.14-23.88-6.01 mole %) “_fl_m | ] . I T NOBF4 —""’ e — : —— -1 9 ] NaBF, - NoF (92-8 mole %) 1 1.05 1.15 1.25 1OOO/T(°K) 1.35 Vigcosities of Three Fluoride Mixtures. the bottom refer to viscosity of Na.BFLF—NaF (92-8 mole %). 1.45 All the points at 25 The viscosity of NaBF 4 NaBF4.18 Evidently the presence of 8 mole % NaF leads to a somewhat lesser -NaF (92-8 mole %) is very much like that of viscosity (see Fig. 4). The data for the two ternary melts show that the mixture with the greater viscosity contains the lesser concentration of BeF2 and the greater concentration of ThFa. Qualitatively, this beggvior was predicted from the viscosity measured in mixtures of LiF-BeF,-UF, =~ : “"for LiF concentrations of 60 mole % or greater, substitution of UF4 (or ThF4) for BeF, (at const. temperature) causes an increase in viscosity."21 Indeed, as Table 7 reveals, the UF4—containing mixtures serve as an excellent basis for quan- titatively predicting viscosities in analogous ThFa-containing melts. Table 7. Viscosity at 800°K and 900°K of LiF—Ber—ThF4 (or UF4) Composition Viscosity (cP) (mole %) 800°K 900°K LiF-—Ber—ThF4 72.7-15.7-11.6 18.2 10.3 LiF-BeF,-UF,° 2 74 a a 70-18-12 18.9 lO.4 L:'LF—Ber--ThF4 70.11-23.88-6.01 15.8 §.58 . | a L1F—BeF2—UF4 . . 70-24-6 _ 18.5 lO.l aSee Reference 20. 10. 11. 12. 13. 26 REFERENCES S. Cantor, ''Metal Dilatometer for Determining Density and Expansivity of Volatile Liquids at Elevated Temperature,'" Rev., Sci. Instr. 40, 967 (1969). —_ S. Cantor, D. P. McDermott, and L. 0. 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Koger, Union Carbide Nuclear Corporation, Y-1zZ Plant, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830