ORNL-TM-4179 IMPROVED REPRESENTATION OF SOME ASPECTS OF CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTOR KINETICS B. E. Prince e 92 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY -~ OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION e FOR THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY C(OMMISSION This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, ORNL-TM=-4179 Contract No. W-7405-eng—~26 REACTOR DIVISION IMPROVED REPRESENTATION OF SOME ASPECTS OF CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTOR KINETICS B. E. Prince MAY 1973 NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employvees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legat lability or responsibility for the accuracy, com- pleteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privatety owned rights. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ODak Ridge, Tennessee 37330 operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSI@N DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 18 UN‘].\MTFER ) R% iii CONTENTS Preface . « ¢ ¢« ¢ o o o o ¢ o & AbStract,. o« o o « o o o o o o o Introduction: + « + o o &+ « ¢ o o Background. + + « « « o o ¢ o+ o Mathematical Description. . . . . Example of Delayed Neutron Kernal . . . . » L] e Calculations., Discussion of Results and Future Extensions . . Appendix . . s o v ¢ 0 s e 0 s e References. + ¢« s s s o o & s & » Page v NN g 18 22 26 32 PREFACE P. N. Haubenreich The formulations that are presented here were worked out by Blynn Prince in 1968 in connection with his analysis of the kinetics of the Molten~Salt Reactor Experiment with 222U fuel, Although he made some significant progress toward an improved mathematical description of circulating—fuel reactor kinetics, the work was suspended and these re- sults were not previously reported because of a contraction of reactor analysis effort in the Molten~Salt Reactor Program that involved the assignment of the author to a different program, Whether or not molten salt reactor development work is continued in the future, the results contained here may be of interest from the standpoint of theoretical reactor kinetics analyses. They also indicate a starting point that could lead to improved, practical computations of molten-salt reactor kinetics. As such they are recorded here for possible future use. IMPROVED REPRESENTATION OF SOME ASPECTS OF CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTOR KINETICS B. E. Prince Abstract The general space-energy dependent reactor kinetic equations for a circulating—fuel reactor were studied to help determine the type of mathe- matical representation most appropriate for analysis and computation of reactor transient behavior. It is shown that, with inclusion of fluid transport terms in these equations, the application of the usual adjoint- weighting and integration techniques used to derive '"global" kinetic equa- tions from the general equations do not result in the usual set of time- dependent ordinary differential equations associated with stationary-fuel reactor-kinetics. However, a time-dependent integro-differential equation describing the kinetics of the neutron population can still be obtained. General formulas for calculating the weighted delayed-neutron precursor kernels in this equation are given, and a numerical example is included which illustrates the nature of the solution. Directions are also sug- gested for calculating the analogous weighted temperature-distribution kernels for analysis of power-temperature kinetics. The qualitative in- fluence of fluid mixing on the kernels is described, and the connections between the distributed parameter and lumped-parameter representations of the system kinetics are also discussed, INTRODUCTION A complete mathematical description of the nuclear fission chain re- action in any power reactor is a formidable task, which is further compli- cated by circulation of the fuel. Fortunately, for many purposes greatly simplified descriptions are sufficient — as Weinberg and Wigner point out, the first full-scale reactors (Hanford) were designed with desk calcu- lators and slide rules.? More detailed analyses are increasingly desira- ble, however, as reactor designs are refined to obtain higher performance without compromising reliability and safety. As part of the vast growth in reactor technology, analysis of stationary-fuel reactors has evolved to a high level. Representation of the unique aspects of the kinetics of circulating-fuel reactors has naturally received much less attention and so has advanced to a lesser degree. Methods were developed for repre- senting the latest circulating-fuel reactor, the Molten-Salt Reactor Ex- periment, that proved to be quite adequate for that purpose. But design of large-scale, high-performance MSR power plants would undoubtedly lead to demands for improved kinetics calculations. The work described in this report is intended to help lay the groundwork for these calculations. BACKGROUND In the analysis of reactor dynamics, wide use has always been made of the so-called "point" kinetics model, The great utility of this space~- independent model is largely a result of the ability to decompose the prob- lem of calculating the gross details of the time dependence of a system from the multi-dimensional problem of calculating the neutron distribution. Although the early reactor physics literature contains some discussion of the relation between the point kinetics model and the complete mathematical ?® to the writer's description of the time-~dependent neutron population,z’ knowledge, the first rigorous exposition of the relation, showing its deri- vation from the time-dependent Boltzman equation, and describing the cri- teria for the point-kinetics equations to provide a precise description of the system motion, was given in 1958 by A. F. Henry.“ The derivation of the point kinetics equations is ordinarily carried out for the case of a stationary-fueled reactor. Although the point ki- netics approximation has been applied to circulating-fuel reactors, if one begins at the most basic level to describe a circulating fluid-fueled re- actor, it is somewhat more natural to consider an Eulerian type of descrip- tion of the basic mathematical relations between the important variables such as flux, precursor densities, and temperatures. One is then led to inquire what differences in mathematical formalism from the standard point- kinetics equations are suggested for the practical analysis of circulating- fuel-reactor kinetics problems. The reactor physics literature describes many different investigations of the unusual aspects of circulating-fuel-reactor-kinetics, of which ref- erences 5—10 are significant examples. These unusual aspects are especi- ally well identified in a 1962 article by B. Wolfe® in which he considers, inter alia, the direct effects of motion imparted to the entire neutron population by the moving fluid. Wolfe concludes that, except in very se- vere reactor accident conditions, the special reactivity effects so intro- duced are quite small. On the other hand, in the calculation of the de- layed neutron precursor distributions and effectiveness in a circulating- fuel reactor, he reemphasizes the importance of an accurate mathematical description of the fluid motion effects in kinetics analysis. Of the variety of mathematical models which have been used in studies of the kinetic behavior of circulating fuel reactors, most can be desig- nated as ''special purpose approximations,' useful for the analysis of par- ticular characteristics or regimes of the system motion, but each neglecting certain features of the physical system which would be required for other applications. For example, analyses focusing mainly on determining the conditions for ultimate dynamic stability of the reactor core will often neglect the effects of the delayed neutrons. In another case, studies of reactor transients under abnormal, or accident conditions, which occur on a time scale less than, or comparable to, the transit time of a fluid par- ticle through the core, can often neglect the description of the system external to the core, together with any transients in the temperature or precursor concentrations in the fluid re-entering the core. As an example, the ZORCH program, developed for studies of the nuclear safety of the MSRE,'* is based on this approach. ZORCH uses a simplified treatment of the delayed neutron precursor dynamics based on an ''effective'" delayed fraction, which gives the correct initial normalization for the reactivity margin between delayed and prompt critical. The main effort is then given to a numerical treatment of the distributed parameter problem of heat con- vection and temperature feedback during the transient. Other investigations connected with the MSRE were aimed at describing the reactor dynamic characteristics appropriate to a time scale comparable to, or larger than, the core transit time.'? Here the entire circulating system, including the heat exchanger, must be included in the description. The general approach has been to develop a "lumped parameter" model for the system, which provides an adequate description of the dynamics of the power, precursor concentrations, and temperatures, for the purposes intended. The various investigations of the kinetics of the MSRE and subsequent MSR designs are briefly described in a recent memorandum by Haubenreich.'?® All involve approximations of one kind or another that limit the general applicability of the methods. If further development of molten-salt re- actors takes place, it seems likely that kinetics-—computational models which are of greater generality and flexibility would ultimately be re- quired for the analysis of routine nuclear operations, kinetics experi- ments, and unusual occurrences. The investigations reported here were initiated with this general philosophy in mind. They are aimed at ana- lyzing some of the most important consequences of the fuel motion in prac- tical kinetics computations and the interpretation of kinetics experiments for circulating-fuel reactors. Although differing in emphasis, the ap- proach has much in common with some of the past investigations mentioned above. However, we wish to focus on certain aspects of the differences in mathematical formulation and practical computation with the kinetics equations which, in our opinion, previous studies have not sufficiently developed and clarified. In this writing, we shall consider in detail only the simplest case of interest, the case of negligible temperature feedback effects, or the '"zero-power' case. However, following the dis~ cussion of this case, we will indicate some connections to the case of temperature~dependent kinetics. MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION In the case where one is able to neglect the direct effects of fluid motion on the neutron population, as described in the preceding section, one can show that the main line of Henry's derivation can be carried over to the circulating-fuel reactor, and that the form obtained for the re- sulting '"global," or space-lethargy-integrated kinetic equation governing the magnitude of the neutron population is the same as in the stationary fuel case. This is demonstrated mathematically in the Appendix of this report. In each case, the resulting kinetic equation for the neutron popu- lation magnitude is, dT _ p - B e - Tl oMo (1) where T(t) is a time-dependent amplitude function, obtained by factoring the general transient flux distribution, ¢(r, u, t)), into a product of T(t) and a normalized "shape" function, ¢(xr, u, t). In Eq. 1, the source terms,,lici, associated with decay of delayed neutron precursors have the form, e () = = [ [ C, ) £, @ 6, (z, w) dr du . (2) R u Here, Ci (r, t) is the local density of precursors for the :'Lth delayed group, fdi(u) are the l:thargy spectra of delayed neutron emission (each normalized to unity), ¢, (r, u) is the solution of the adjoint equation for a reference reactor condition, and R is the reactor volume. As Henry's derivation shows (see Appendix), the parameters p(t), A(t), and B(t) are defined quantities which intrinsically require knowledge of the time- dependent neutron distribution for their exact calculation, but which are useful because they can be closely approximated by simpler indirect calcu- lations, in many practical cases., The parameter, p(t), is the reactivity change, relative to a reference, stationary state of the reactor, where there is no circulation of the fuel. The parameter, A(t), is the prompt- neutron generation-time, and B(t) is the effective delayed neutron fraction, weighted according to the lethargy spectra of delayed neutron emissions. Mathematical definitions for all these quantities are given in the Appen- dix. The factor F(t), is a normalized rate-of-production (of prompt neu- trons plus precursors). This factor is included in the definition of p, A, and E, but in such a way that the ratio (p - B)/A in Eq. (1), and the product A F in Eq. (2) are independent of its magnitude. The important difference introduced in the case when the fuel is cir- culating is in the equation governing Ci (r, t). The latter now has the form of a continuity equation, 3C, 1 == = B, PO -1 C -VovVC (3) where P is a time-dependent linear operator on the flux distribution, such that Bi P ¢ (r,t) is the total production rate of ith group precursors at position r and time t. (Here, P can be regarded a linear integral operator in the lethargy, which may also depend on position.) The last term on the right £y, ¢, (z,0) dz du, (15) and 0 Tc (25¢) Note that we have formally included the "time-lagged" first term on the right hand side of (25b), although, by use of (25a), this term is identi- cally zero for Ofipg;c Application of a similar procedure to Eq. 22 results in, Ki (z,u) = 0 if u<0 (26a) 15 Z z —Ai(Tp +.57— "Aiu Z Ki (z,u) = Ki (H,U—Tp - V;fi e c + Bi e G(z—ch) if Osuggfiz , (26D) 2 —)\i(Tp + Tz/_) 2 K, (z,n) = Ki(H,u—Tp— T—;C-) e c 1if > 7; , (26¢) where the functions Ki(H,x) in the first term on the right hand of (26) are to be determined from the recurrence relations (25). By making use of Eq. 26 and the defining equation (15), we may also write a formal recur- % rence relation for the space-lethargy integrated kernel function, Ki (W) * K, (W) = 0 if u<0 (27a) Z H -A.(t + =) %* v % R, G = [[R Gt =F) e TP Te £ (0 ¢ (2,0) dz du o u C ~hgH H % . + 8, e J Je (v £, ¢_(z,u) dz du if 0 < w TC o u c (27¢2) 16 Finally, by combining Eqs. 25 with Eq. 27¢, we may also obtain a recurrence relation which is based on the total circuit time, T and applies for arbi- trary values of U>TT; -A,T * * iT Although this relation is reasonably obvious from an intuitive standpoint, its formal proof may be carried out as follows. There are two cases to distinguish: (a) TT§y§;T+TC . Rewrite Eq. 27¢ in the form, V (u~t.,) -, (1 + 29 ® _fc T z it'p ¥V * K,(w) = [k, @, b=ty = e c £4,(u) ¢_ (z,u) dz du 0 u c (29) z H ) A (1 + =) % + f f K.(H,uy-t - E—fie P Vc: f..(u) ¢ (z,u) dz du . i P V di o Vc(u—TT) u c The first term on the right hand side of (29) may be transformed by using Eq. 25¢, i.e., Z —AiTT Ki(H,u~Tp - 320 = Ki(H,u—Tp —-V: - TT) e if 0 < 2 S.Vc(u—TT) . (30) Similarly, the second term in (29) can be transformed using (25b), 17 P (1 —_— o 2 : - Bie c G[H Vc(p TP )] if VC (u TT) < z < H,. (31) Putting (30) and (31) into Eq. 29 results in x —KiTT H z —Ai(Tp + £ % K, (W) = e £ £ Ky (yu-t VT ) e ¢ £,,(W) ¢_ (z,u) dz du —hiu H . % + B,e f , f G(H-V (y-17_ - ——0] f..(u) ¢ (z,u) dz du i c P v di o V (u-1..) u c C T -ALT, * i T = K, (u-'fT)e , (32) where the final result follows by applying Eq. 27b, with u replaced by H=Tops and by using the simple algebraic rearrangement, z H - VC (u—rp - Vc) z - Vc(u—TT) . (33) (b) T + rcgyggTT . The required result follows immediately by putting Eq. 25¢ into Eq. 27¢, with u replaced by H=Top » Thus, AT, H -?\(T +_Z._. * o TMT z_ i v -k K,(W = e [ K, (H,u-1 = Tg)e ¢ f£,(0) ¢ (z,u) dz du o u c -A,T i’ T % = g Ki (u—TT) . (34) Finally, the complete proof of the recurrence relation (28) for arbitrary values of u follows from inductive application of the preceding results. 18 The system of relations expressed by Eqs. 25, 27, and 28 form a basis %* for the calculation of the kernels, Ki(u). Explicitly, the problem of com- % puting Ki over the interval O < u < 1., is reduced to numerical integration T of expressions involving the fission neutron source function, G(z), and the % * importance function ¢O(z,u). The function Ki(u) can then be extended to the interval u>t T a procedure is readily adaptable to development of a digital algorithm for by application of the recurrence relation, Eq. 28. Such numerical calculation of these functions. Once the kernels, K:(u), are obtained, they can be applied in the so- lution of the integro-differential equation for the neutron population, Eq. 18, when an arbitrary variation of the reactivity is imposed. Because this part of the analysis, in a sense, subsidiary to the main theme of this memo (i.e., that of obtaining and interpreting expressions for the kernels), we will not pursue it in any detail here. Use of an integro-differential form of the neutron kinetic equation is common to some investigations of stationary-fuel reactor kinetics, and several approaches are possible for using the equation for numerical calculation of transients. Instead, we will attempt to gain further insight into the preceding mathematical de- scription by considering a special case which illustrates the nature of the solution. EXAMPLE OF DELAYED NEUTRON KERNEL CALCULATIONS One specific instance where analytical evaluation of the integrals implied in the preceding formulas is possible is that of a homogeneous slab reactor, through which fuel circulates in the direction of variation of the neutron flux. In fact, the specialization of the preceding formulas to this case reproduces results of some of the early studies in circulating- fuel reactor kinetics,® In addition to lending to simple interpretation, the results for this special case are of interest as a reference in evalu- ating various quadrature techniques of potential use in treating the more general inhomogeneous reactor problem (i.e., the case where the spatial de- pendences of the neutron flux and adjoint functions cannot be specified analytically, and complete numerical treatment of the problem is necessary). 19 In the special case, the flux and adjoint functions are proportional to sin mz/H, and for the purposes of the example, we can drop further con- sideration of the lethargy dependence. It is then possible to calculate the kernel functions in a more direct manner than used in the preceding derivations, by first performing the spatial integrations and then in- verting the Laplace transforms. The resulting expressions can be shown to be identical with those obtained by application of the preceding formu- % las. The expressions for Ki(H,u) and Ki(u) which result in this case are, Ki(H,u) = 0 if p <0 (35a) —Aiu T = Bie sin ?;- if 0 < n < T, (35b) —AiTT : = Ki (H,U—TT) e if 1 ¢ = 0, (A3) k0 e where, _ 6 F = (1-B) fp + _2 B, £qs - (A4) i=1 To convert the "local' kinetic equation for the neutron distribution (Eq. Al) to a "global" kinetic equation for a population magnitude, Henry multiples the former equation by an appropriate weighting function and TWe will distinguish the flux distribution for the stationary case by use of lower case letters, with zero subscripts. 28 integrates over the independent variables of the neutron distribution. For the weighting function, it proves convenient to choose the static % adjoint flux, ¢°, the solution of the adjoint equation corresponding to Eq. (A3). With asterisks indicating the adjoint operators of (A3), this is, - % % % £p * Ly 45 + EEel o0 o g, (A5) K° e We will write the integrals using a scalar product notation, e.g., % % (¢o, LP) will represent the product of ¢, and L¢, integrated over the do- mains of the lethargy and spatial variables for the neutron population. * Therefore, by first forming the scalar product of ¢o with Eq. (Al), we have, % % P 6 * ~{$o, LO) + (1-B) {40, £ =5 &) + ] A, (00, £, C)) Px i=1 e 3 (a¥ g + 5p (9o, V7T 9 (A6) Secondly, we form a similar scalar product of ¢, the time-dependent so- Iution of Eq. Al, with the adjoint equation for the reference stationary- state (Eq. A5), - * % ~10, Lo ga) + (o, BBl Ty o0 (47) k e By using the definition (A4), we may rearrange the term associated with prompt neutron production in Eq. A6 as follows: % _ P % - (]-'"B) (¢’09 f — CP) = <¢Oy £ Py . k P k _ T * e e e Applying this in Eq. A6 and subtracting Eq. A7 from Eq. A6 gives, 29 = - % % % % % x ~6o, LO) + (0, Lo do) + (b, ~b 8) - (0, [£ Pol 4% o o k k e e - § B (‘i’iaf.'l?“'@\'i' § A, (9o, £.. C.) ;21 1 di 1.© 12 1 di “i e 3 * -1 = fi' (Cbo, v ) . (A9) Henry now partitions the function ¢(r,u,t) into a product of a shape function, ¢ r,u,t) and a time function T(t), with a normalization re- quirement that i < 3 * - 5 (o, v 9) : (A10) By doing this, it can be seen that the right hand side of Eq. (A9) may be written, - 9 ¥ _ ® -1 ,@E T,V 9 = o, v ) g (A11) 0 and Eq. A9 becomes, on factoring out the time-dependent amplitude, T(t), — - * ~(b5, L§) = (4, Lo ¢a) + (05, =2 0) = (9, LBl 4By by, k k = e g P Z * = B (¢o, i _""'d)) T(t) + A, ((bOQ f.. C) je1 1 kz i=1 * a1 - E v (A12) 30 The group of terms inside the braces of this equation formally represents the algebraic difference between weighted increments in the production rate and weighted increments in the neutron loss rates. To put this net expression, or coefficient, into a form which does not depend explicitly on the normalization of the flux shapes, it is convenient to rewrite the coefficient as a fraction of the normalized production rate. The choice of this normalization factor is somewhat arbitrary; however, as demon- strated in ref., 4, it is useful to divide both sides of Eq. Al2 by the factor, F(t) = (bs, FP ) . (A13) Thus, by factoring the time-dependent population magnitude, T(t), from all quantities on the left hand side of Eq. (A9) one obtains the "global" kinetic equation, A, C, = == (Al4) 8 dr P S dt where, by definition, o(6) = Ty [—(cbf,w) + (0, Lo o) + (b0, -f-1-<-§ 9 e - p % % - ¢, £ qbo)] , (415) k e o = ok e of e, B (416) F(t) ;2; "1 °° Tdi kZ > 31 AE) = —— (4, v 0) , (A17) F(t) 1 %* Ci(t) = m (do, fdi c.) . (A18) 32 REFERENCES A. M. Weinberg and E. P. Wigner, The Physical Theory of Neutron Chain Reactors, p. vi, Univ. of Chicago Press (1958). H. Hurwitz, Jr., '"Derivation and Integration of the Pile-Kinetic Equations'", Nucleonics 5, 6167, (July 1949). H. Soodak, "Pile Kinetics'", Chapter 8 in The Science and Engineering of Nuclear Power, Vol. 2, C. Goodman, Ed., Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, Mass. (1940). A. F. Henry, "The Application of Reactor Kinetics to the Analysis of Experiments," Nucl. Scei. Eng., 3(1), 52—70 (January 1958). W. K. Ergen, "Kinetics of the Circulating-Fuel Nuclear Reactor'", J. Appl. Phys., 25(6), 702—711, (June 1954). J. A. Fleck, Jr., "Kinetics of Circulating Reactors at Low Power", Nucleonies, 12(10), 52—55 (October, 1954). J. A. Fleck, Jr., "The Temperature-Dependent Kinetics of Circulating Fuel Reactors,'" BNL-357, (July 1955). J. MacPhee, "The Kinetics of Circulating Fuel Reactors', Nucl. Sc. Eng., 4(4), 588—597 (October 1958). B. Wolfe, "Reactivity Effects Produced by Fluid Motion in a Reactor Core", Nucl. Sei. Eng., 13(2), 80~90 (June 1962). M. J. Kolar and F. D. Miraldi, "The Temperature-Dependent Kinetics of a Two-Dimensional Circulating Fuel Reactor', ANS Trans., 11(1), 222-223 (June 1968). C. W. Nestor, Jr., "ZORCH-An IBM-7090 Program for the Analysis of Simulated MSRE Power Transients with a Simplified Space Dependent Kinetics Model,'" ORNL-TM-345, (September 1962). S. J. Ball and T. W. Kerlin, "Stability Analysis of the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment,'" ORNL-TM-1070, (December 1965). P. N. Haubenreich, A Catalog of Dynamics Analyses for Circulating-Fuel Reactors, ORNL internal memorandum (January 1973). A. M. Weinberg, and E. P. Wigner, The Physical Theory of Neutron Chain Reactors, pp. 406410, University of Chicago Press (1958). B. E. Prince, "Period Measurements on the Molten-Salt Reactor Experi- ment During Fuel Circulation: Theory and Experiment,'" ORNL-TM-1626 (October 1966). 33 16, L. A. Zadeh and C. A. Desoer, Linear System Theory: The State Space Approach, Chapters 3 and 8, McGraw-Hill (1963). 17. B. E. Prince and J. R. Engel, "Temperature and Reactivity Coefficient Averaging in the MSRE," ORNL-TM-379 (October 1962). 18. MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rep., Feb. 28, 1969, ORNL-4396, pp. 43—45. 19. MSR Program Semiannu. Progr. Rep., Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 48-49. - - - Lo~~~ T wWwMND P e WN ko 14-18. 58. 59. 60, 61l. 62. 63. 64, 65"67 . 68-69. 70-86. 87. 88-89, 35 ORNL-TM~4179 Internal Distribution J. L., Anderson 27. A, J, Miller S. J. Ball 28, R. L. Moore S. E. Beall 29, C. W. Nestor E. S. Bettis 30. L. C, Oakes E. G. Bohlmann 31. A. M. Perry R. B. Briggs 32-36., B. E. Prince 0. W, Burke 37. J. C., Robinson W. B. Cottrell 38-39. M. W. Rosenthal F. L. Culler 40. Dunlap Scott S. J. Ditto 41, Myrtleen Sheldon J. R, Engel 42, W, H. Sides A, P, Fraas 43. M. J. Skinner D. N, Fry 44, 0. L. Smith P, N. Haubenreich 45, I. Spiewak H., W, Hoffman 46, D. A, Sundberg P. R. Kasten 47. D. B, Trauger T. W. Kerlin 48. J. C. Turnage M, I. Lundin 49, A. M. Weinberg R. N, Lyon 50. G. D, Whitman H. G. MacPherson 51-52, Central Research Library R. E. MacPherson 53. Y-12 Document Reference Section H. C. McCurdy 54-56. Laboratory Records Department 57. Laboratory Records (RC) External Distribution D. R. deBoisblanc, Ebasco Services, Inc.,, 2 Rector St., New York, N.Y. 10006 . D. F. Cope, Atomic Energy Commission, RDT Site Office, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 N. Haberman, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 Kermit Laughon, AEC, RDT Site Office ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 M. Shaw, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 R. C. Steffy, Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority, 540 Market St., Chattanooga, TN 37401 F. N, Watson, USAEC, Washington D.C. 20545 Director, Division of Reactor Licensing, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 Director, Division of Reactor Standards, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 Manager, Technical Information Center, AEC (For ACRS Members) Research and Technical Support Division, AEC, ORO Technical Information Center, AEC