ORNL-~TM- 3064 Contract No. W-Ti05-eng-26. CHEMICAL TrCHMCLOGY DIVISION NEUTRON-INDUCED TRANSMUTATION OF HIGH-LEVEL RADIQACTIVE WASTE H. C, Claiborne DECEMBER 1972 NOTICE Thlt report was prepared az sn account of work tha linbed Secrex Gummnlnt__ Nekhwr CAX RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 aperated by UNION CARBIDE CCRPORATICON for tae U.S. ATOMIC ENERCY COMMISSION iii CONTENTS Abs tract - - - " - - » - ” » - » + - - + - - . - - - - - - AN Cn 3 9. 10. Appendix I: # Comparison of RCGs Calcuiated ty LaVerme (Ref ersl IneroduClion & o o o v o & o o o o o « = =« o = o s o . SUHMEYY o s - s s o s = s+ e s s e s a s 4 o s e . . o Method for Determining the Hazard of Radicactive Waste Nuclesr Calculational Methed . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactor Type and Standard Conditians . . . . . . . . . Contribution of Eack Component to the hHazardi of the Waste from a PWR Spent-Fuel Processing Plant ., . . . . Transmitaticn of Fission Preduct Waste . . . . . . . . 7.1 Maximm Buraout-to-Troduction Ratios for Fission Pz‘wucts - a & & & & @ » L - - - - - - > - - -» - 7.2 Reactor Residence Times Reauired for Fission PI‘OdnCt mo“t * - . + -, 4 - » - - . - - - - - - 7.3 Application of Transmuetation Schemes . . . . . . Actinide Recycling Ina PWR . . . . « ¢+ o ¢ o - . . 801 HMheet . ’ L J » . - - - A - - - - - - - - » - - 8.2 Chemical Processing for Waste Marsgement Simplification . & v ¢ ¢ 4 4 b e e e b e s . e 8.3 Effect of Recycle on Resctivity and Flux . . . . 8.4 Effect of -Recy for miclides that Gecay by elpha emission or sponteneous fission, These default values represent a conservative estimate of the RCGs, Some of the results in this report are alse compared on %the basis of the KCGs used by Bell and Bfi.lcn:a6 and those recently calculated by IaVernme’ feor unlisted muclides. Bell and Dillen used € x 1077 and 2 x 10'6 Ci/m3 for 2°7Re and 229m,reSpectively,an& unity for all other unlisted nuclides. LaVerne calculated RCGs for all the uniisted nuclides and 5 x 1077 and b x 10™! Ci/m> for >°?Ra gnd 2291"‘:3, respectively, the two muclider thet contributed to most of the differences that occurred dque 4o the particuliar RCGs that were uced. 13 i b, TUCLEAR CALCULATIONAL METHOD The puclear calculations dwring reactor irradiation and after discharge were made with 2 modified version of the nuclide generation and devleticon code SRIGZN.’ The calculation daring irradiation is based on three neutron energy groudps, namely, thermal, a 1/t energy distribu- tior in the resconance region, and a fast group. The crozs sections in the libzrary had been predetermined from basic data vy weighiing with a typical P¥R neutron energy spectrum. Xore details of the original code and cross-section library, wiich included data for actinides only up to 254 Cni, are given in refs, 10 mnd 11. For calenlaticns involviag recyeling of the actinides, it was necessary to erxpsnd the iibrary te include some higher transuranics and inerease the calcnlaticual sccpe of the ORIGEN code. Cross-section and decay data for the following muciides were added to the PWR sctinide Library: ahou’ 2hamflp,‘ahofip: ahk?u’ 2hs?u: 2h5am, ah5Cm, 2h6cE’ 2&7Cm¢ 2hecfl’ ehgcm, 35°cm, 2‘;Bk, 2503&; 2&9Cfr esonJ ESICf: 252cr, 253cr, 25h6£, 35333. actinides higher then einsteinium were not expected to heve a significant effect because they all decay (X-deczy, along with 2 little spontaneous fission) with short nelf-lives, thus preventing buildup of the nuclides beyond 2”7Zs. The calculations confirmed this expectation. The decay michod and neutor irterastion provabilities are such that no significant amounts af the actinides can be remcived from the reaction- fiécay chain except by fission. Cross sections end decsy constants for the transuranic elements thzt vere adled to the library were taken fronm ref, 12, ' . A calculfi?icn af the meteriel maltiplicaticn constant or k_ was added to the code since it was necessary to know the effect of actinide recycle on the veactiviiy. Althouvgh the kfl aalculation igrores core i=akege and control rods or other control poisons, the results, which wouid not be adeguate for ithe core physics, seer adeguate for reiative comparisons. Neutron yields per {ission as a function ol energy wers saken from the SNDF/B-IT dets file’> for most of the Tissile muclides. for those not incliuded ir that fle, the neutron yielids were taken or infervred Irom tne pudblications by Gordeeve and :‘:‘fiirenkin_.l4 Hopikins 14 ‘ me 1 . 16 Lo s _ . o o and' Diver, 2 and Clark. The effective neutron yield from fission of each ?uclide hy resonance energy neultrons was obiained by weighting the energy dependent yieids with a 1/E neutron flux., For fast fissions, the figsion spectrum was used &8s the weighting ITunrction. Otker code chenges include a recycle option for any number of actinides, en ebility to specify removal of any number of actinides afier an arbitrary decay time subseguent to reactor discharge for recycling or further decay of the remaining materials, ard ar ability to account for the fissions of all the fissionable materials. 15 5. REACTOR TYPE AND STANDARD CCNDITIONS The reactor selected for this study was the Diablo Canyon. which is typical of & PWR design. When operating at equilibrium, the fuel is 3.3% enriched uranium with a burnup of 33,000 MWd/metric ton of uranium. It was assumed that this burnup was obtained by continuous coperation at e specific power of 30 MW/metric ton cver a three-year pericd. Tor the usually assumed plent factor of 0.8, intermittent operation at a specific power of 38 MW/metric ton for 80% of the time would produce the same burrup. Sinee {for the time periods involved), the waste hazard measure resulting from a particular burnmup is not a sensitive funetion of any -reascnable cperaticn schedule, it was deemed unnecessary to complicate the cealculeations and analysis by considering a perticular operation zchedule. The fuel regicn is divided intc thres zones with each ons conteining about an equal weight of fuel (approximately 28.3 metric tons of uranium). The central zone is discherged yesrly ané the remaining fuel shuifled inward with the cuter zone being recharged with fresh fuel. In the caleulations it was necessary to ignore control rods and to assume that the neutron flux wes woifcrm throughout a region, ana that the regions were neutronically unccupled. A calculstion cycie comprised three years of irradiation time between charge and discharge of a zone. This procedure gives the correct values (within the accuracy of the assumptions) for the discharge compositicn after the irradiation cycle. The average coxposition, neuntron fiux, and km for the entire reactor loading =Ty over one-vear cycles hecause of the yesriy charge and éischarge and are noct expiicitly given in the output of the CRIGEN code. However, these sveresge values cer be constructed easily from the ouiput of & calculaticn cycie. The “standard” Tor compsring the effect of actinide recycie on the actinide weste hazard measure was the waste obitined by removing a stiru- lated percentege of uranium amd plutonium at 150 days after discharge i sending the remaining quantities to waste along with sl11 the other ectinides, and all actinicde daughters generated since discharge from the reactor. 16 6. CONTRIBUTION OF EACH COMPONENT TO THE HAZARD OF THE WASTE FROM A PWR SPENTFUEL PROCESSING PLANT The results of the calculations presented in this section show the relative importance of the contribution that the varicus corponents make to the hazard of the waste from z PWR spent-fuel processing plant for the previcusly described standard conditions and 99.5% recovery of uranium apd plutonium; i.e., 0.5% of U and Pu and 100% of ali other components are discharged ac waste and stored some place after suitable processing. Table 3 shows the percentage contribution of the actinides (inc¢lnding their decay pro&acts) to the total hazard measure (water regquired for dilution of the content of one metric ton to the RCC for the mixture) of the waste as determined with three different sets of RCGs and the effect of removing 1291 from the waste. Beyond sbout 00 years, the actinides and their deughters dominate from a hazard measure viewpoint and show no significant effect up to about 1()ll years due tc the different sets of RCGs. At greater times, the relative importence of the actinides dimin- ishes somewhat when the RCGs of rcf. 6 or ref. 9 (see Appendix I) are used for the unlisted nuclides in place of the recommended derault values in the Federal Code of Regulstions. Most of this difference can be atfributed to the difference in RCGs for the nuclides of the 233U decay chain (4n+l series), particularly those for 2297 and “%pa. Toe remaining contribution to the hazard measure is almost all (strustural clements are not important) from fission products with 1221 supplying 88% of this total at 103 years and rising to 98.4% at 106 vears. Essentialiy all of the remaining fission product hazard for the longer By 9 Py s 135 17 2 < WS e times is contributed by the ~No and - The yelative contributions of each actinide and itz daughter o the total hazard memsure resulting from the mixture of the actinides and their davghters are given in Table L, which shows that wp to J.O1¥ years the actinide waste hazard is mostly controlled by the americium and curiuvm with no significant differences resulting from the different RCGs. At mmch greater decasy times,the long-lived 2371\?;3 (2.1 x 106 year 17 Tzhle 3. Relative Contribution of Actinides apd Thelr Daughters to the Total Waste from PWR Spent-Fuel Processing Contribution of Actinides and Their Davghters (%) at Decay Times (years) of: iy = 102 & x10% 103 10" 10° 5 x 10° 10° Using CFR RCGs and Recommended Default Values for Unlisted Nueclides: 1297 tpesent 0.3 9.3 97.5 93.8 97.8 90.2 99.1 129 I removed 0. 34 96.7 99.6 99.1 99.8 99. 9+ 99. G+ Using CFR RCGs and Values from Ref. & for Unlisted Nuclides: 129, present 0.3k gk, 3 97.5 92.5 59.3 70.8 61.6 1290 removed 0.3 96.7 . 99.6 58.8 55.7 9B.4 99.0 Using CFR RCGs and Vaelues from Ref. § for Unlisted Nuclides: 129I present C.34 ok, 3 97.5 92.6 72.9 78.L 73.8 129 T removed 0.3k 96.7 99.6 g8.9 96.4 98.9 09, 4 L9 L'g 9°31 6°1 19 ) Led vd %50 + N PS°0- 'L 0°09 T°¢t q'T EH0 0t ‘0 aT1'0 umtuni.don 0'Q h'he 9*Eh £*99 €16t Qrol 2°Th ungany 9L 6°9 90T 0.2 2'hh T'0G 606 N goTISUY 'EIPTTONYN POISTTUN I0F 6 °*Joy woaJ BanTeA PuB BDOY WID Jups( 6°0T G621 8t 6°H T°9 2L Lk ng %5 0 + N %50 1°L9 T°4h G+ 28 T £h*0 0L*0 a1'0 umtungdon 6°HT t°ot 026 G099 €°6h 9+9t 2*Th UMTJIN) T 29 g 0T 2.2 2 hh T°9¢ 6°06 WNT O TLOUY :89PTTONN PBISTTUN X0J O °*JOH WoldJ sanys) pus sDHOU ¥JID Futrs) TTu TTu .01 X 6'6 , 0T X 2'6 50T X 9°T ¢ 0T X 0'T ¢ 0T X L' d9430 1 L1 o Te€ 6t T°9 2'L L4 nd %60 + N %S0 €68 €°l§ 0°08 €2t gh 0 0f*0 QT*0 umungdaN 0T Qe 9°Q L' QS £ 6h g*at 2°Th umtany £'g 28 2°Q 042 2 hh 1°94 6406 UM O TAWY $(Q *JoY) SOPITONN P8IsTTUn J0J SenT8A 3TNEJ8( papusumoedsy pus sHOYU YAD Jutsn G g0t O X 01 10T 0T ,O0T X & 50T 938TM 03 SIPTTOW . :Jo (samadl) sOWTL A¥da( 38 (9INIXTW OPTUTIOY I0J paxynbay J998M TBIOL JO %) NOY 8Y3 09 UOTINTTA 103 paxinbsy Jo98M ~ Bugssaodoag Teng-juads YMd WOLF 9358M SPTUTIVY I3 JO a2angwap pABZBH SU3 03 S199UInvG 597 PuUB IPIUTIOY Yoed JO UCIINAT.IUO) SATYIBTIY "1 °TquEL half-life) and its daughters begin to dominate. Another important point is that the remaining actinides along with their deughters, namely, Ac, Th, Pa, Bk, Cf, and Bs, meke a negligible coniribution to the waste hazard. The contribution of uranium to the hazard of the U + Fu mixture alone varied from negligible to a maximum of 25% at 106 years. The import of these results is that in any waste menagement system in which at least 939.5% of the uranium and plutonium is extracted, a significant reduction ir the actinide waste hazard can only be obtained by removel of most of the americium, curium, and neptunium from the waste. If 99.5% removal of these three actinides is a2lso effected, the uranium and plutcnium become controlling and it would then pay (from 2 waste hazard viewpoint) to increase the extraction efficiency of these latter elements, particularly the plutonium. The absolute values of the contribution of each cocmponent to the nazard measuvre in cubic meters of water per metric ton of fuel are shown in Tabie 5. To put these values in perspective, consider the required 2.3 x 1039 m3/metric ton for dilution of all the muclides to the RCG after decaying 100 years. This volume of water is approximately equal to the yearly flow of the Mississippi River into the Guif of Mexico. Note that the last two rows in Table 5 are based cn the RCGs given in refs. 6 and 9, respectively, for nuclides unlisted in the Code of Federal Regulations, which (for beyond 10k years) results in an increasingly smaller hazard measure that is about a factor of 67 and 37 lower, respec- tively, at 106 years. The apparent large quantity of water regquired for dilution to the RCS for just one ton of fuel tends to megnify the potential hazard. Wo reasconable scengrio can be constructed that visuelizes repid mixing or dissolution of waste that has been processed into a very slightly soluble form. The ingestifin hazard measure refers to potential long-term solution- ing. However, consideration of such quantities of water dces present ore argument for decreasing thé”quantity of actinides for ultimate disposal by recycling the actinides back %hrough the power reactcrs prodncing' ther. On the other hand, Bell and Dillon6 (using their RCGs) point out that, after aging 1000 years, the actinide hazard measure of waste stored "8ANTRA 1INBJOP papuatmonsr Jo So8Td UT posn BIeM (6 °Jax JO SDOM, ‘§INTVA 3TNBJOP popuUBUmODX Jo oovrd UT pasn axoM g ‘Jad Jo muvma *SAPFTONL PAYSTIUN A0 posn BONTUA JTNRJOP POPUIWUWOIDL Y UITM @ 'JOJ WOXJ UBYE] aduM (O PU¥ Q SOJOU U UDATT uoT()deoxse ay) Y3 ja) SDOM,, 20 % 2Lt on X 0f 2 wcd X 98°1 on X 66'¢ Nod X #l'2 0T X 96°¢ 0T ¥ 2ltd o88PTUTIOY TB4OL x.wm.m 01 * 731 wo~ X 96°1 . mca X 66°'g 107 ¥ ylte JOT ¥ 06t or * 2Ll qSePTUFIV T8301 X 16'9 01 X 62l JOT ¥ LTt 0T ¥ ET°T LU * 182 0T x 02 0T X 0f 2 SSPTTOON TIV = T¥30] X 01°'9 01 ¥ St g (0T X 48°9 0T ¥ to°L OT ¥ lo*l, mOA X L6°'T o101 ¥ 62°2 s30Npoad UOTESE X 06°2 0T % ql°5 (01 X 16'8 :Oa X 14T :oa X 096°2 (0T ¥ gG'H mca X g8'8 STUTIIUN [BINGONAYS X 68°9 0T * g2°h 0T ¥ 0T°¢ JoT X 60'T 10T ¥ 4472 10T X 96°¢ JOT X el L 89PTUTIOY T80 X 852 1-0T ¥ 99°2 1-0T ¥ w0'1 L2'4 O ¥ 66°9 0T ¥ ER'T 0T ¥ 662 8 pue ‘JI0 ‘W 61’2 O ¥ 68 (0T X oL'T ¢OT ¥ gh's 01 ¥ 6y (0T ¥ 26t 0T ¥ LEE Bvd pue ‘yi oy X 6L'6 mhfi X 92°1 (0T ¥ 95'6 (O ¥ 218 wo~ ¥ 99'1 wcfl x 6g'2 moH X 26°S nd %50 + N $6°0 X 21'9 0T ¥ TE°9 01 ¥ gu’2 0T * OE'1 Q0T % 8E°T 0T X 02°T OT * LT unyungdey X 66'9 moH x z20'2 mod X 99°2 @bfl X gr'o JOT X 6E°T 0T X 6" (0T ¥ gT°¢ wngang X 19'G on X 16°S mofi X £6°2 wo~ X £6°'2 0T % 121 0T x 28’ JOT ¥ £6°¢ umyITIoUY Qofi moH X g mc~ ;OA moH Nofi X6 moH o1 Mwwmfluzz 1JO Sawy] ABo8(Q 38 (1enJ JO uo0j ofiuaos\mav gDOH 9Y3} 03 UOTINTIQ d0F paainbsy Jejuy ng + ) JO UOTIORIGXY 4G °66 UITHA Burssadod Tang-juadg Yud wos) o3seBy ol3 JO 9INevay paezel oyl 03 sJ9jydneg 91 pus SplUIIOY Yo®d JO UOTINQTIUOD G 2[AB], 'n\, ’»J in bedded sglt it smalier than the Ingesticn hatard grsseisled - - At & &I 5': guantity of uraniwm cre and tailings ogual to the smcunt of salt and stizle associated with the waste from one meiric ton of fuel from a ?%R: rurthermore, they show thet il the salt ded iz dissolved some thousands ¥ years in the future with sufficient water o dilute the radicnuclider to their P05s, the water womlé be unaccepisdle 25 potable water decause of , its sodium chloride content relher than i%s radisactiviiy A1l of this discussion indicates a reed for siandardizing the values TR for the RCGs that are not listed, particularly those in the ~-“U decay c¢hain (bn+1 series), so that 3 better evalustion of the hazards of very long-term storsge cen be made. Table 6 gives the activity in curies per metric ton of fuel in the wacte siream for each actinide and fts daughters. Table 7 skows the eoffect of neglecting the actinides higher than 2hka on the hazard measure of the waste. When the higher actiniiles are ircluded, the hnzard measure of the waste increases slowly up o a mexi- mim factor of near R at a little over loh y=ars compared to that osteinec vhen they are .eglected. Note, aowever, there is very little difference in the values for the activity messured in curies. %99 ©OF ¥ 00°Y 01 % 96°Y °7 * 89°y 01 X 901 ,0T ¥ 68°T WO ¥ 26°¢ LapyTany TTV - 1839] 74 1 $2'9 P * ' 07 ¥ 00°2 P * 602 T X Buh :oa X o't §3anpodd HOTEETY {0V ® Y <01 ¥ grUi 19t 9Lt Lty ©F X Wt 0 %042 STOTA03%) TBANJONIYS fu'f £6°% “9'e (1 ¥ 0£°% Ot * £6°L 0T * 121 0T * 9Tt 8aPTUTIOY Te30] a.od %'t m,oA ®E6'T 01X 600 LT X n0'9 m.ofl X 262 m.oH X £9°N u.od X 06'Q sy pue ‘J) ‘Ng p0F FATL G0 B L 0V RSTL 0T ¥ 69t 0T X FO'E 1 0T X gL'z, OUX2? vd pue ‘uL ‘oy 20T % 2079 0T % q9'g L0V % 941 e g% 4 PV X E2'T 0T x 20° . ™ $5°0 + N %5°0 S 10 29°% -0V ¥ WL ot %2g9 L OTX¥Tg'9 0T X089 umtunydoN 2200 ¥ g0y d.o‘ % 4% -0 ¥ yy e 902 o1° 4 206 SOT ¥ 0T'T UMY -0 * oy’ 1-01 % 982 -0 ¥ %9 OV ® 24T P71 * W9 LOT ¥ §0°T 0T ¥ 64T UTVED p ey 0! QO %5 .01 o (01 L0T X6 0T o Mwwwaozz — ) 1o (UISBA; DY A0 18 (10 N} 10 103 STd308/13) JA1A130WTpoll N s 30 UOTRRINGE 666 UATA Gutauacon] Teng-iueds HMJ WOXF 038U Y1 Jo ANFATIONOEPWY .o.S 03 S3yIneg 83 ¢UY BPTUTIOYV UDWE JO uUOTINQLLUOD 'y aTquy, '@ "JOA UF UIATE SONTVA FTNRJOD POPUINIOIDA IYA JO 00WTd UY DPAEN OZeH 9 *JOX UF PIYETT SHOW Oul £2't 6y'a 61'y LT * ot'2 0T % £6'L HOT X 9T 0T X Th'3 _Hse,_m puofaq sepaToul & . . » x » ! » - . - 26°¢ ng'2 ST'n 1 % 2’2 0% ¥ 64°L QU XETE 0T % 662 Wy g YO 307N (Tong Jo uoy d1X38w/3D) A3TATIOROTPWY (01 ¥ 98'6 wod X 9571 woa Xl woa X 06'Q Lot x nl'2 J0T % 2L'd wo.fi ¥ gt e eo:_—m pucheq E9pPNTIUL % . ¢ ' ’ . ] * - o 01 ¥ 1976 wo« X 66'T woa X 941 wofl x g5t 0T ¥ 06°1 07 X L2'9 P X 61°¢E Wyhz ¥ JJo=4ny (Tony Jo uoy ofiaca\mzv GO0 3} 03 UoTINTIQ 203 poatnbey XojeM 01 01 ._2 X§ 0% ot 201 o1 SUOTSTDPUOD 130 (#4894) TOWMTL AVOB] 39 AITATI0WCTOWY 40 9INSRIN PIVIVH 04 ¢ [} JO UOTIDNIIXG 46°66 UITA Puresedoxd teng-quadg und woxy ajsey JO GUNNRER DAVTHH U0 SO SNVE JfAUL PUY SPITONY SPTUTISY emog BupjonyBeN JO 0033F 'L 21Ul As previousiy mentioned, the concept of burning the “problem fizsien . 85 : I37~ . N : - sroduets” JKr, ©~Sr, and ~2!Cs in nuciefr reactors has been studied by 1,2 Steirherg and co-workers.” ’” In this section, their work is discussesd 3,4 briefly aleng with the gasted use of controlled thermonuclesr Y ‘g SUEK reacLors. ™he prodiem fissien products cannot be elimineted by any system cf Tission power resctors operating in either a stagnaut oy expanding nficlear pawer eccnhomy since the production rate exceeds the elimination rate by burnout and decay. Only at eguilibrium will the production and removal retes be equal, # condition that is never attained irn power reactors. Equilibrium can be obtained, however, for a system that includes the stockpile of fission nroducts as part of the system inventory since the stockpile will grow until its decay rate ecuals the net production rate of the system. Far the projected muclesr power eccnomy, however, this will reaquire a very large stockpile with its associafed potential for release of large quantities of hezardous radioisotopes to the environ- ment. It is this stockpile that must be greatly reduced or eliminated from the biosphere. A method suggesfed by Steinberg et g}_ is transmi- tation in "burner reactors,” which are designed to maximize neutron absorption in separated fission products charged to a2 reactor. If sufficient rumbers of these burners are used, the fission product inventory of a nuclear power systiem can Lhen reach equilibrivm and be maintained at an irreducible minimur, which is the guantity contzined in the reactors, the chemical processing plants, the transportation system, and in some industrisl plents. Burning fission products in the blanket of a fusion reactor with the excess neutrons that are produced is,in theory,an excellent rethod since no fission products would be produced, Considerable tritium will be produced, of course, butl this presents a much less severe dispcsal problem. 25 {oviously the use cf burner reactoz's' ‘or fusion rescters in the system will increase ihe cost of ouclear power and reduce potential breeding capsnity dut transmifetion is certainly one of two known metbods (the other Yeing dispossl in spece) of eliminating most of these bazardous materiasls witkh po possibility of return to the dbio- sphere, 7.1 Haddmeoww Buememtoto-Production Ra_tios for Fission Products I$ the asswmpiicn is made thatl burner reacteors are g desirable adjunct to a nucleer economy, what are the design requiremenis and limitations? It is obvicus that they must maximize (with due regard to ecoromics) the ratic of burncut of a particular fission prodgwet to its producticn rate in fission reactorg,end the neutron flux must be high enough to cause a significsnt decrease in ile effective half-life. Of the fission types, the breeder reector has the most efficient neutron eccnomy and in principle would make the most efficient burner if a1l or part of the fertile material can be replaced by & Sr-Cs mixture without causing chemical processing problems or too large 2 perturbation in the flux spectrum beceuse of the different characteristics of these fission products. The cost accounting in such a system would seb the value cf nzutrons anscrbed in the fission product feed at an accounting cost equal to the value of the fuel bred from those meutrons. The maximm possible burnout of fission products would occur when the excess neutrons per fission that would be absorbed in a fertile materisl are absorbed instead in the fission product feed. The largest possible burnout ratio would then be the breeding ratio {or conversica ratio for non-breeders) divided by the fission product yield. The esti- mated breeding ratiec for the Molten Salt Bresder Reactor (MSER), a thermal breeder, is 1.05 and for the Liquid Metal Fueled Fast Breeder Reector (IMFER), 1.38. The yield of 13/0s + PO%r is 0.12 atom/fission, but a nurber of other isotopes of these elements are produced which would alsc absorb neuntrons. Hewever, if the fission product waste is aged two years tefore separation of the cesium and strontium, the mixbure will essentially 26 be composed of about 80% 1705 + 903‘: and 20% 135 {anich will capture neutrcons to form *3 Cs that decays with e 13.-day half-life)}; conseguently the maximm burnout ratio for To'Cs + Z0Sr will be decreased oy 204, This leads to e maximum possidble burnout ratio of about 7 for the MSBR and about 9 for the LMFBR. Unfortunetely, however, the neutron fluxes in these designs are well belov 10°C nfcn’-sec. Any modifications of these desigrs to create high neutron fluxes will increase the neutron leakage and decrease the burnout ratics significantly. 7.2 Reactor Hesidence Times Requiresd for Fission Producet Burnmout Table 5 was prepared to iliusirate the effect of neutron flux on the residence times (which affect recycle costs) required for burnout ané decay of 99.9% of the importent nuclides using s burner resctor with the neutron spectrum similsr to thet of & typical light water power reactor. 1% is apparent that the efficiency of turnout incresses with increases in neutron flux, c¢ross sections,ard haif-life. With the excep- tion of 1391, which is not nearly as large a probliem 8s tne others and can probably be essentially disposed of by isotopic diluticn,a the times shown in Table 8 inficate that neutron flux levels are reguired which are much higher than those that have been attained :m present nuclear reactors (~ 5 x 10 5} and that fluxes near 1017 n/ cm -Sec¢ are probadly necessary before serious consideration could be given to burner .eactors. In a conceptual design study by Steinberg et al. » it was concluded that the quantities of 137(‘.'5 9081- , and 851(1- scheduled for permanent stor- age in the projected nuclear economy could be reduced by a factor of 1000 by burner reactors cperating with neutron fluxes up to 1016 ny cmz- sec for added costs of 0.63, 0.2k, and 0.021 mill/kWhr(e) respectively. The ] 905:9 end *3TCs in such a system, along estimated costs for burning out with the probable escalation ir an actusal design study that includes directly the costs of transfer between plants, canning the fission products, additional chemicel seperations, various temporery storage facilities. and reactor residence times seem to preclude use of this method. A cost of 0.021 mill/kWhr(e) for burning SKe seems sufficiently 7 'UMd ® UT 98Uy Jo TeordAy wmagoads Jutumsse xnTy Temisyy oPeieay, *AToAiq08dsea fiosd puw mca JO BI03DBI Aq AJOJUGAUT JO UCTRIONPAJI J0F patdiJa] pue paTqnop aae Samyy. copwoflczHfi *Tony guads Jo uoj OTI3eW B JO quUORU0L By Aq (g *IOL) DOV O3 PaBUTWEUCD ATTBTIUL4Od a9gem puw IT8 JO SUMTOA ‘uoy OTI3OW/PMW 000‘Ef Jo dnuanq pus uo3 OTIAW/MW Of Jo aomod opyroads ofvxvaw FurAvYy YMd ¥ 0 DPIBIBYD UMTURIM JO UOq OTJIJOW J3J . .omm.&:o\z c10T X 162 JO Xn1J Tewdoy) oBeasarw Bupasy yYMmd B Jo muxjopds TROTAAY UT UOTLD8S $SOID TeUISYG m>finomm%m¢ qQ 900 eet Tt 2T 8T 5098 pme/u | OT = & €90 _ £21 y14 16 LT 098+ U /U gr0t = @ £°¢ €21 36 oH2 21T moom.mso\= ¢0T = & "9 €21 901 562 642 goo8 ,uo/u q10T = @ 0T * 9°T £21 01 208 pRe ATup Awoeq fimadmh f1nouang pug L8¥odQq %6°66 103 paxtnbay swyy, OT X 1°9 £z - QT X 'S 0T X 9°2 uo3 orsem/0y 98 Jejem W (0T ¥ 8T QT * 6°¢ 00T ¥ 9°€ ;Aoa X 1°2 ¢OT ¥ 972 uog ofigpme\cUfl 38 IT8 W 51O quadg Ul pa8zvH DATABTON L9L0'0 0L ooy 11 c00‘goT 009 L4 (P juads Ut uog oTIjem/saTIny ¢€ Ttu 81t Lt°o 2'T p5'hIeQ (UOTR09g s50ID gnOouUITg 01 % 91 £€ 2t 1 °0T 2°0¢ 6°g2 sxeof ‘9JTT-JT8H Tear He Azmm 9,01 IBpg apTTONN UOTIUINHBUR.LY, UOINON PuR Audaq £q AIojussul Lioyl Jo MOTIONDSY %6°66 107 paxynba)y SWYL P HADPTTONY jonpoxd UCTEBTL JuwjJodmy Texeasg Jo safjaedoad " OTqQBL 28 low for comsideraticn on an economic basis but the neutron abscrption cross-section of 85Kr was takep as 15b, 2 value now known to be low by around sn order of magnitude. Recent work by Bemis 33_3;.17 gives a Maxwellian-sveraged thermal value of 1.56 b and & resonance integral of 1.8 b, A reevaluation of the 85Kr removal system using the lower cross section would increase the cost to an uneconomic level. 7.3 Applicaticn of Transmutation Schemes - 8 . : Nichels and Blomekel have made estimates of the effect of wvsrious schemes of uneutron-induced tra-smutation on.the potemtial inventory of radio- S0 jisotopes and costs of electric power (Table 9). The isotope © Sr wes used as an exemple because it is the prime contributor to the radio- logicel hazard of spent fuel and does not reguire the use of isctopic 895r — half-life 50 days) before recycle to e burner reactor. Their analysis of the use of each separations (other than providing for decay of reactor system shown in Table 9 are given in following secticns, T.3.1 Pressurized Water Reactors Rows 1 and 2 of Tepvle ¢ illustrate that the effect of recycling cf' 9OSr within a system of light water reactors is to cause essentially no change in the total quantity of 9OSr thaet is asscociated with the system gince the rate of neutron-induced transmitaticn is small as compared with the rate of decay. Under current policies and plans,most of the 9OSr assoclated with the system would bes stored at a federal waste repository. In the recycling system most of the inventory would be in reactors while the remainder {~ 25% of the total) would be in canals for postirradiation decay, reprocessing plants, and fuel fabrication plants. This example illustrates a primary disadvantage of systems for re- cycle and neutron transmutation of fission prcduct nuclides. These schemes have the common characteristic that larger quantities of radio- active nuclides are being actively handled arnd processed than if the rpelides were stored. Conseguently, larger quantities of these nuclides occur in a dispersible form and are associated with potentially large sources of energy that could provide a mechanism for dispersal. 29 ‘suctoxd Asg-0T JO WeOQ MW~00S B @38IoUa8 03 ATTBUISJUT pasn ST JI030891 JULNq DY) Aq poyBILULST £210T4309TO YL *SYHAW'T (@)MW-QU0T SUTU U3TA POYBLO0OSSB J103080a Jouang uotyerTeds Amvzzuoooa DU, ‘%0 JO ADUDTOTIJE TBUWISY] SDUNSSE .nmvhszx\mfiafis ) ATeswutxoxdde 3o as80% uorqeadusld gemod Two1dAl 2yl JO ®S90Xe UL < V. ‘%L Th JO AOUSTOLIJS TBUWIRY] HAUMSSY ‘962 JO ADUDTOTIIe TBWISUY SBUMSSY d a2 o d | * 160 91°0 uvoTyeTTeds woar xamod Jo 40T 8°n €2 €01 K61 oS0Td sugawi woaz aemod Jo 906 g fi T€°0 €6°0 JaUang uoTsny woxry semod Jo %z 0 T6°€ 16°0 9¢°T oSNTd sugaNT woay asmod Jo 9g6 ‘A @maohoma 806 G2 Q' TS L2t £ gt - xojowsy adeqosT xurd UFTH g ‘ pTBUOTHUSAUOD 72 "2ET "2fT 1T'0 - x0j0Bay odoq0sI T YBTH ‘¢ T'0 Ggf m.m 6'gz omfiuhom& Hwom apo1dwoo UY}TM HUGIWT “H 0 6°6€ 9°8< 6E° T LUOTYBIod0 TEUOTIUIAUCD ~ YEAWT € T°0 T°98 618 9'h9 OToADRL Xy . 99OTAWOD UITH WMd *Z 0 216 0°'Q8 L€ amOHeaao@o TBUOTEUSAUOD - YMd °T mhmvpfizx\mflflflaua 1810, sI0q0B0Y 8103089y g+eo0 SPEEINO uy TB4USWR IOUT e poveuTa sy g0 JO a030BI UBTd UITA 99819-ApBOIS SY3 U3TA POIBTOOSSY §350) POjBWIYsy pue Jg A£a10udm) Jo (9)MH 000T aod (seranosdeuw) ALxogudaul Ig 06 UOTHElNUISURL], JO SSUOUDY SNOTIBA A0 JXSMOJ DTI308TH JO UOTAINPOI] Jo AxojqusAur oyl ‘6 °Tqul 30 The additional cost of recycling 9OSr to light water power reactors was estimated roughly as 0,1 mill/kWhr(e). The primary source of this cost is an approximately 25% increase in the unit cost of reprocessing and fuel fabrication. This reflects the increased separations and product handling operations that would be required st the reprocessing plants and the regquirements for shielding and remcte cperation of the fuel fabrica- tion plants. The estimated costs cf high-level waste disposal weuld be decreased from about C.05 to abeout 0.04 mill/kWhr(e), however. 7.3.2 Liguid Metal Tast Breeder Reactor The effscis of recycle of 998r in IMFBRs (rows 3 and 4) are essen- tizlly the same as those for a system of light water reactors. Inven- tories of 9OSr are Jlower, howeveQ; because of the lower yield of 905r from fission of pluteonium. 7.3.3 High Fivx Isotome Reactor The effect of recycle of 90Sr to a system of High Flux Isotope Reactors is shown to indicate the relative change in inventory that would result from the use of the meximum thermal neutron flux levels that are available in present reactors («-fo 1015’h/cm?‘sec with targets in place). ZFven with these high éélues of flux the effect of recycling is to decresase the inventory assoéiated with the system by only about 6C%. This type of reactor would not be an economical source of electric power, however, because of its small size, high refueling cost, and high 7.3.k Tusion Reactors A proposal by Steiner3 involves using the excess neutroas from fusicn reactors. which in theory will provide a chegp and sbundant source of neutrons and has the advantage of not producing any long- lived fission products. Consideratle tritium will be produced, of course, but this presents z much less severe disposal prcblem. Steiner estimates, on the basis of calculated tritium breeding ratios and antici- pated tritium doubling times, a neutron excess of 20% end a thermal neutron flux aveileble for burnout of 3 x 1016. On this basis, & recycle system from which 984 of the power is generated in IMFBRs and 2% is gen- erated in & fusion burner reactor would have an order-of-masgnitude lower 903r inventory than a system of IMFERs, In & recent paper by Wblkenhauer,h some aspects of the problems of burning fission products in controlled thermonuclear reactors were con- sidered in more detail. He concluded that if a D-T reactor with a tritium breeding ratio of 1.2 is used t¢ fTransmaite the totsl 13703 and 908r from a nuclear power economy, 5% of the generating capacity would have come from CTR plants. Only 1% of the generation capacity would be reguired if D-D reactors were used. Using the worth of neutrons for the produc- tion of fissile plutonivm as & basis, it was estimated that the cost of transmiing 137Cs and 20 Sr would be at least 10 times as sxpensive as the estimated cost of storage of all fission products in deep salt formations. Regardless of any potential merits ¢ using controlled thermonuclear reactors to burn fission products, such systems cannot he seriouély con- sidered at present since it is generally Telt that the practical fusion reactor is stili 30 years in the future. 7.3.5 Spallation Reactor In an effort to devise a system with both a high neutron flux and a high burnout ratio, Gregory and Steinberg2 have suggested the use of a sPéllation reactor. A typical spallstion burner reactor would use a 1000-MW(e) nuclear reactor Lo power a nigh-energy accelerator; the accelerator, in turn, would produce a 500-MW beam of 10-BeV protons, a neutron source of greater than 1020 neutrons/sec in a liguid uranium target, and a thermal flux of about 2 x 10t n/er-seec in en array of Dzo-moderated 9oSr targets. This apprcach would require extensive development including, in particular, a method for copirz with the potentially severe radiation damage and heat transfer problems. 32 In this system one spallation reactor of capacity 1000 MW(e) would be associated with each 900C MW(e) of power produced by IMFBRs. The cost penalty would be spproximately C.8 mill/kfihr(e), primarily associ- ated with the capital and operating costs of the spsllation reactor that does not produce electricity for sale. 33 8. ACTINIDE RECYCLING IN A PWR In this secticn the actinide recycling calculations made wiik: the medified ORIGEN code are discussed and the pertinent results given. In sddition the chemical processing requirements are discussed in general from & viewpoint of simplifying waste management and, more specifically, as applied to actinide recycling. 8,1 TFlowsheet The generszal flowsheet assumed for these actinide recycling calcu- lations is shown in Fig. 1. TFor the calculations, it vas assumed that chemical processing of the spent fuel occurred instantanecusly at 150 days after discharge from the reactor. For simplificetion, the actinides recycled were taken as those present at that time., In any actual recycling scheme, the recycle material would spend more time out of the reactor, However, becanse of the relatively long half-lives of the actinides anlthe very small buildup of daughters in any resscnable time between processing znd recycle, no significant differences in the results would occor for holdup times of a factor of 2 or so longer. In addition, it is quite possible that any recycling scheme would include transursnium wastes {(from sweepings, sludge, scray metal, filters, ion exckange resins, etc.) produced in the nuclear industry. Although such westes would be produced in large quantities, recycling them would not cause significant difference in the results and conclusions of this study. Frar a caleculational standpoint, the method of including the recycle material with the fuel is immaterial since the calculations mist assume homogeneity. The recycle material for each recycle caleunlation was merely considered as a uniform sddition to the normal loading of 3.3% enriched uranium fuel. ORNL DWG 72-1436 [—3.3% ENRICHED U FEED FUEL | FEED + RECYCLED ASSEMBLY & PWR FABRICATION | ACTINIDES ? | REACTOR ' DISCHARGE I 99.5 TO 99.9% ACTINIDES | OTHER THAN U AND Py | CHEMICAL PROCESSING |_FISSiON PRODUCTS - ¢.1 1O 0.5% ACTINIDES | 1009% DAUGHTERS 99.5 TO 99.9% U+ Pu WASTE U+ Py STORAGE STORAGE Fig. 1. Flowsheet for Actinide Recyeling. 35 8.2 Chemical Processing for Waste Management Simplification In any waste management systen, and.particfilarly if recyeling of the actinides is practiced, chemical processing plays a key role. The importance is such that the previously unpublished comments by Blomeke 19 and Leuze ” on separation of radiocactive materials into selected frac- tions for improving waste management are given in this section. One possiblé wey To simplify management of waste from nuclear fuel reprocessing is to separate the radicactive materials into fractions based upon the time they must be stored before release to the environ- ment is allowed. An indicaticn of the magnitude of the problem when the soluticn of the high-level waste management problem is gpproached by this path can be gained from Tzble 10. The fission-prcduct and actinide ele- ments of greatest concern are listed, and the reguired degree of sepzra- tion of each from high-level waste is given for various times of decay. Affer the bulk waste bas been stored for 10 years, 12 fission-product elements and 11 actinides (constituting zbout 15 kg/ton of fuel charged to the reactor) must be separated from the remsining fission products (~ 20 kg/ton of fuel) and process reagent chemicals by factors ranging from b (for ectinium) to 2 x 10+ (for strontium). The residuals would then be of a nature that wonld permit their release under the present Radiation Concentretion Guides (one-third of the values given in ref. 8). The separated Tission products and actinides should ideally be further separated from esch other, based on thelr retes of decay, into at least three groups. The first group would contain Ru, Sb, Ce, Pm, and possibly H, and would require containment for several decades {¢ 100 years). It is conceivable that this group could be retained on-site for this periocd of ftine. The second group would be composed of those fission prodicts requiring storage of the order of 1000 years, i.e., Sr, Bu, and rossibly Sm. The remsining fission products with very long half-lives are only feebly radioactive, and it m2y be reascnable 1o combine them with The second greup for 1000-year storege, or zlse they could be separated and stored or recyecled with the actinides. 36 Table 10. Decontamination Factors Required to Reduce Constituents in Liquid West? to RCG Levels® at Various Times of Decay? Time Following Reactor Discharsze (years) Element 10 100 1000 10" Pigaion Products Ru % ¥ 107 - - - Sb 6 x 10° - - _ Ce 1 x 107 - - - Pn 4 x 107 - - - H 1x 102 800 - - Sr 2 x 1082 gz x 1089 _ - Fu 2 % 108 y x 108 - - 3m 3x10§ 1 x 109 1x 105 . Zr zx 10 2x 10} 2 x 103 2 x 103 Te 7 x 107 7 x 10 7 x 10 7 x 10 I 6x10° 6x 102 6 x 107 6 x 102 Cs 5x109 5x10° 3 x 10 3 x 100 Heavy Elfments Ra 85 93 2 x 103 1 x 107 Ac L 12 13 20 ™ 100 100 | 300 5 x 109 P 3 x 103 3 x 103 b x 109 b x 103 U 300 1 x 103 2 x 303 2 x 10 Np 3 x 107 3 x 102 3 x 102 2 x 107 Pu 2 % 107 1 x 100 2 % 100 1 x 100 Am b x 16! bx 107 1 x 107 leog Cm 3 x 10% 2 x 107 1x 10 6 x 10 Bl 120 - - - cf 3 x 103 30 5 - aThe Radiation Concentration Guide values are one-third of those given in the GFRB (RCGs of ref. 6 were used for the unlisied nuclides), and should result in s radiation dose to the general public of less than 170 mrem/year, (These values, however, are based upcn ingestion of the ligquid effluents and do not allow for reconcentration in the environment.) bwaste is generated in reprccessing spent PWR fuel initially enriched to 3.3% 235U, and exposed to 33,000 MWd/metric ton at 30 MW/ton. The waste consists of all the nongaseous fission products plus the actinides remain- ing after removal of 99.5% cf the uranium and plutoniuvm following a post- irradiation decay period of 150 days. All of the actinides, except Bx and Cf, require containment for a period greater than 10,000 years; hence, they would comprise a third group. It is reasonable that Bk and Cf sbould be relegated to this group since they would contribute insigrificantly to the bulk. Practionation of waste inte such groups for waste monagement entails a number of difficult chemical separations. A severe problem is caused by hydrolysis of several materials tc form colloids esnd precipitates. When these are present, it iz virtually impossible to !obta.in the neces- sary separations. In most cases, the extremely high decontamination factors reguired have never been demonstizted., Separation of the trivaient actinides (americium and curium) must be mede from kilogram quantities of the lanthanides, and the long-lived lanthanides (europium and samarium) must be separated from the other lanthenides. Thede eie- nents have very similar chemical behavior, and separations musfl be mede by chromatographic ion exchange which requires close process control. There is no practicel process avellable for removing tritium from large volures of agueous waste, and iodine removal with decontaminastion factors of 10° will be difficult. However, processes now 1mder develogpment for IMFER fuel should make it possible to remove these meaterizls tefore and during feed adjustment for reprocessing of the fuel. Difficuwiiizs have been encountered duringz chemical separations with the hydrolysis ¢f plutonium, thorium, protactinium, znd zirconium to form colloidal material that does not behave well in s=parations processes. Mozt of the plutonium in agueous waste from the first Purex cycle is in #h inextractable form. Even exhaustive extraction will not remcve this plutonium unless some treatment can be developed to convert it o a soluble, icnic species. Experience has shown that when significant emounts of zirconium are present, it often hydrolyzes to form colloids or precipitates, or both, which carry polyvalent iuns such as americium and curium, This greatly complicates the separations problems and makes 1t virtually impossible to remove quantitatively the zlrcopium and asso- cizted ions from a waste stream. Although separations processes have been developed for essentially all of the heavy elements and fission products, these processes are not 38 directly applicable to the problem of quantitatively isolating tnese materials into compact fracticns for waste menagement. The existing processes were developed for the purpose of recovering significent quantities of a particular element, and recoveries of 90 to 90% were considered to be satisfactery. Furthermore, these processes usually result in an ircrease in contaminated waste instead of a decrease, since process chemicals required sre discharged into waste streams along with significent amountis of contamination. Modification of these processes to give decontamination factors of 108 to 10%0 without creating lasrger volumes of waste from contaminated chemiggi*;;;é;fiéélfizil require a major development program. Since the overall fission preduct decon- tamination factors usuwaliy attained over a single Purex cycle are only about lOu, it cannot be expected that fully developed processes for waste fractionation, even for elements that are well behaved chemically, will give larger decontamination factors. Thus two, three, or even four 8 cyzles will be reguired to give overall decontamination factors of 10 to 1010. Unfortunately, the optimum grouping of radicactive elements for waste mansgement does not correspond with natural groupings based upon chemical behsvior. Processes for removing americium smd curium from the waste stiream will also remove all of the lanthanides and yttrium (~ 11 kg/ton of fuel) with compsrable decontamination factors. About 10 kg/ton of fuel of these are either nonradiocactive or have short enough half-lives so they can be released after less than 100 years storage if they are adequately decontaminated from Eu, Sm, Am, and Cm (see Table 10); end the Eu and Sm mist be stored about 1000 years if they are adecuately decontaminated from sz and Cm. Thus, the separatiorn of Am, Cm, Sm, snd Zu from the other waste products and into groups for ease in waste management entails a considerable number of process steps, each reguiring close process control because of the chemical similarity of these elements and veryv large decontaminetion factors required. In summery, it can be concluded that the greatest contribution to weste menagement through chemical separstions lies in separating the actinide elements from zil of the fission products for either storage 39 or recycling, If not recycled, these elements require virtually permanent containment and this could pfobably be acccmplished with greater ease in the absence of the heat-generating fission products. A guantitative assessment of the reduction in hazard achievable “rom actinide separations in excess of those considered in the body of this report is presented in Appendix IIT. There it is shown tnat, 1if separations processes can be developed to yield an overall recovery of 99.999% of the uranium, 99.995% of the plutonium, $9.95% of the neptunium, and 99.9% of the americium and curium, the residual wastes would have zbout the same ingestion hazard es naturally occurring radioactive minerals after only a few hundred years. 8.3 Effect of Recycle on Reactivity and Flux Tne average material k {neutron multiplication constant) or k, of the recycled actinides is lower than that for a normal reactor loading, but not much lower, as shown in Tabhles 11 and 12. Table 11 shows the effest of recyeling of 95.5% of the actinides up to 60 times [equivalent to 180 years cf reactor operation). The meximur average reactivity decrease is about 0.8% @nd is attained in about five cycles. This decrease can be counter- acted by only about a 2% incresse in fissile material, which is not prohib- itive since this can be accomplished by incereasing the enrichment of the fuel from 3.3 to 3.4%. Similar results aré shown in Table 12 for recycling of $9.9% of the actinides which, as co be expectied, causes a slightly grester reactivity decrease. Table 13 shows that the effect of recycling of the sctinides (for either 99,.9% or 99.5% to three significant figures) on the thermel flux is sufficiently smell to be of no significance to the reactor operation, 8.4 Effect of Recycling on Hazard Measure The effect of recycling of 99.5% of the actinides other than U or Pu on the hazard measure of the waste from PWR spent-fuel processing at 150 dzys after reasctor discharge is shown in Table 14 as a function of post- irradiation decay time. Similar results are shown in Table 15 for 99.9% extraction and recycling of the actinides. The ratio of water reguired for dilution of the waste to the RCG for the standard case (no removal of actinides other than 99.5% of Pu + U, or 99.9% if the ratio is determined for the higher extraction Table 11, ko Actinides Cther Than U and Pu Effect on Reactivity from Recycle of 99.5% Reactivity (ko) Reactivity Change (%) Recycle No. Start? End Start End Average 0 1.20145 1.09391 0 0 0 1 1.19252 1. G890k ~0.743 -0.4khs -0.594 2 1.19029 1.08785 -0.929 ~0.555 0.7z 3 1.18964 1.08754 -0.983 -0.583 -0.783 4 1.18945 1.087L& -0.999 ~5.590C 0. 79l 5 1.18040 1.08745 -1.003 -0. 591 ~0.797 10 1.18938 1. 08747 -1.005 -0.589 ~0.797 15 1.18937 = 1.08748 -1.005 -0.588 -0.797 20 1.18937 1.08748 ~1.005 -0.588 ~0.797 Lo 1.18937 1.08749 -1.005 -0.588 -0.797 60 1.18937 1.08749 -1.005 -0.588 -0.797 P a— ®At start of an irradistion peried 1/3 of core loading has been in reactor for 2 years, 1/3 for 1 year, and the remainder is new fuel. Table 12. Ll ffect on Reactivity from Recycle of 99.9% Actinides Other Then U and Pu Reactivity (k) Reactivity Change (%) Recyele No. Start® End Start End Average 0 1.201k5 1.09391 0 0 Q 1 1.19261 1.08902 -0.736 -0. Ll ~0.592 2 1.19023 1.08782 -0.93kL -0.557 -0.746 3 1.189s8 1.08750 -0.988 -0.586 -0.787 L 1.18939 1.087hL3 ~1.00k -0.593 -0.759 5 1.18933 1,087k -1.009 -0.59%4 -0.801 10 1.1893% 1,087k -1.010 -0.59z2 ~0.801 15 1.18931 1,08745 -1.0i1 -0.5%1 -0.801 20 1.18031 1. 08745 ~1,011 -0.591 -0.801 30 1.18931 1.087L45 ~1.01L -0.591 -0.801 %At start of an irrediation period 1/3 of core loading has been in reactor for 2 years, 1/3 for 1 year, and the remainder is new fuel. Lo Table 13. FEffect of Recycling®on Thermel Neutron Flux in a Typicsi PwR Thermal Neutron Flux x 1073 (n/cm®-sec at Irradiation Times (days) of: - Recycle HNo. 110 07 550 733 1100 Average o 2.58 2.64 2.51 3.03 345 2.92 1 2.57 Z.64 2.81 3.02 3.hk2 2.91 2 2.57 2.83 2.80 3.C1 3.0y 2.91 3 2.57 2.63 2.80 3.01 3.40 2.90 L 2,57 2.63 2.80 3.00 3.40 2.90 5 2,57 2.83 2.30 3.0. 3.%0 2.90 10 2.57 2.63 2.80 3.0u 3.40 2,90 20 2.57 2.63 z.79 3.00 L0 2.90 Lo 2.57 2.63 z.72 3.00 3.40 2.90 60 2,57 2.%3 2.79 3.0C 3.he 2.30 a : ~ . Cne cycle represents 3 years of reactor oderation. Teble ik. Effect of Recycle of 99.5% of Actinides Other Than U and Pu on Hazerd Measure of Waste® from PWR Spent-Fuel Processing ter Required for Dilution to RCG,° Ratio of Standard to Recycle Case for Decay Times (years) of: Recycle No. 10 10° 103 10 5x 100 10° 107 o 0.k 12.3 15.3 18.5 22.8 27.9 52.3 1 22.5 9.30 124 13.h 16.0 19.7 45.7 2 19.3 8.20 10.0 10.8 14,5 18.0 43.6 3 17.5 7.57 8.43 9,29 k.2 17.k 42,8 L 16.5 7.15 7.35 8.25 14.0 17.1 42,5 5 15.8 6.77 6.57 T.53 1L.0 i7.0 42.5 10 13.k4 5.76 4,72 5.75 13.9 17.0 42,5 15 12.1 5.32 k.16 5.53 1.8 17.0 h2.5 20 1.4 5.08 3.78 4.89 13.8 17.0 42,5 25 11.0 4.95 3.63 4,73 13.8 i7.0 k2.5 30 10.7 4.89 3.56 4,63 13.6 17.0 k2.5 L0 10,5 4.83 3.k9 L.55 13.6 16.9 k2.5 50 10.3 4.80 3.46 4.39 13.6 15.9 k2.5 60 10.3 4,80 3.46 L.39 13.6 16.8 2.5 Eff., 4 25.5 39.0 22.6 23.7 59.6 0.2 81.5 20.5% Pu and U sent to waste. JfiI‘n‘. recommended default RCGs in The Code of Federa.:. Regulations (ref. B) were used for unlisted nuclides. ly Table 15. Effect of Recycle of 99.9% of Actirides Other then U snd Py on Fazerd Measurs of Waste® from PWR Spent-Fuel Processing Weter Required for Dilution to RCG,° Retic of Standard to Reecycle Case for Decay Times (years) of: Recycle No. 10 10° 103 10 5x10° 100 . 10° 0 195 57.5 73.1 83.8 110 137 256 1 116 3.7 58.9 64.2 77.7 95.9 22k 2 s4.8 38.L L7, 7 51.6 7C.8 €7.3 213 3 85.8 35.5 Lo.1 I 68.4 8.k 210 L 80.7 33.k 34.8 39.3 67.5 83.L 209 5 77.2 31.7 31.1 3£.8 67.2 83.2 208 10 65.7 27.0 22.1 27.0 648.¢ 82.7 =207 15 58,7 24%.7 19.1 23.7 66.4 82.3 206 20 4.5 - 17.6 22.2 66.1 8z.1 206 25 52.0 - 16.8 21.4 66.0 82.1 206 30 50.6 - 16.5 20.9 65.8 82.1 205 e, , 4 25.4 - 22.6 23.5 59.8 9.9 80.5 20.19 of all actinides sent to waste. bThe recommended defeault RCGs in the Code of Federal Regulations (ref. 8) were used for unlisted nuclides. k5 percentage) to that required for dilution of the waste after each successive recycle is en indication of the efficacy of recycling from a potential hazard viewfioint. This ra2tio is defined as the hazard reduction factor (the higher the ratio, the greater the hazard reduction). Teble 16 shows a different method based on the activities in curies for evaluating the efficacy of recycling. Table 1& shows that the hazard reduction factors of the waste with 99.5% of the actinides extracted equilibrates at k2.5 for a decey time of 106 years. vhen the RCGs of refs. 6 and 9 are used for the unlisted nuclides in place of the recommended default values in the Code of Federal Regulations, the hazard redvetion factors become 5.5 and 10 respectively. The ccrrasponding velues for 99,9% extraction of the actinides are 28 and 49. Although it can be argued that the RCGs calculated by L&Vérneg are more realistic than the more counservative recommended defanlt values, the Code of Federal Regulations must be followed in nuclear reactor design and operation. Note that the last row in both Tables 1i and 15 show recycle effi- ciencies at each decay time. These efficiencies represent the percentage of the maximum possible hazard reduction facter that is attainasble after effective equilibrium 1s reached in the recycling prccess. The maximum possible hazard reduction factor is the ratic of water required for dilution of the standerd waste with only 99.5% of U + Pu removed {or 99.9%) to that required for the same waste when 99,5% (or 99.9%) of all actinides are extracted at 150 days after discharge from the reactor. This is precisely what is contained in Tzbles 1L and 15 for zero recycle or cne pass through the reactor. These are obviously the largest hazard reduction factors obtainable at a specified decay time since they are based on the removal of 99.5% {or 99.9%) of &ll the actinides rather than just the U + Pu. Each additional recycle increases the hazard measure of the discharged material in asymptotic fashion. Trhe steady-state reéycle efficiencies shown are simply obtained by dividing the values for 60 recycles (or 30 in Teble 15) by the values in the first row at corresponding decay times. In a similar fashion, the recycle efficiency can be calculated for each cycle by dividing the velue for the particular cycle by that for the zero recycle. Table 16. Effect of Recyele of 99.5% of Actinides Other Than U and Pu on Activity of Waste® from PWR Spent-Fuel Processing Based on Total Curies as a Hazard Measure Relative Radiocactivity, Ratio of Standard to Rezcycle Recyele Case for Decay Times (years) of: Yo. 10 10° 10° 10 5z10° 107 10° 0 6.69 9.97 10.2 10,4 8.4k 13.9 40.9 1 6.12 7.9 10.0 10.0 7.90 11.6 35.8 2 5.88 7.4k 9.91 9.91 7.75 11.0 3. b 3 5.78 7.25 9.85 9.83 7.69 10.8 33.9 L 5.74 7.18 $.83 9.79 7.66 10.7 33.7 5 571 T.15 9,80 3.75 7.66 10.7 33.6 10 5.70 7.13 9.73 9.70 7.6k 10.7 33.5 15 5.70 T7.12 3,71 9.66 T.64 10.6 33.5 20 5.70 7.12 9.68 9,62 7.64 10.6 33.4 30 5.70 7.12 9.67 9.62 7.62 10.6 33.4 40 5.70 7.12 9.66 9.62 7.62 10.6 33.4 50 5.70 7T.12 9.66 9.62 T.62 10.6 33.4 60 5.70 T.12 9.66 g.62 7.62 10.6 33.4 ®0.5% of all actinides sent to waste. L7 The results in Tables 14 and 15 show that when recycling is prac- ticed, the hazard measure of the waste is approximately proportional to the nevtunium, americium, and curium sent to the waste since the hazard reduction factor is about five times greater when 0.1% of the actinides is sent tc the waste after each cycie than that for the 0.5% case. This cbtains logically because the reactor discharce composition is little affected by a change of only 0.4% of recycled actinides in the feed stream. The standard case is also little affected by whether 0.1% or 0.5% of U + Pu is present since the americium and curium predominate at smaller decay times and neptuniuvmw after 105 vyears. It is for similar ressons that the cyele efficiencies are virtually independent of the percentage of maberial that is recyecled. It fcllows that if 92.99% removal is effected, the hazard reduciicn factors of Table 15 will ircrease by about a factor of 10 to about 2000 at 106 years, All three tables show that the hazard reduction factors decrease asymp- totically with the nuuber of recycles, which is a result of the buildup of the higher transuranics, and that effective equilibrium is attained in 20 cycles more or less depending on the decay time. Minime in the hazard reduction factors of Tebles 14 and 15 as a function of dscay time occur at around 200 years in the first few recycles with = sradual shift to between 105 and 10° years for larger numbers of recycles., The reasons Tor this behavior are rather involved ang include the relative change in toxicity as well as the change in total activity of the varicus nuclides. As an 3ic in uhderstanding this and other phenomensa, the relative contribution {when > 0.C1%) of each zetinide by itself (regardless of whether discharged from the reactor or generated by decay) and by each of their daughters to the hazard measure of zeroc recycles and 60 recycleé' are shown in Tables 17 and 18, respectively; the standard case for 99.5% ex- traction of U + Pu is shown in Table 19. (See Appendix II for a listing of activity in curies and the hazard measure of all actinide nuclides as a function of time after discharge.) Note that the basis for these tebles is @ifferent from that of Tables 4 to 6 where the contribution from sach actinide includes all of its daugaters. Cbserve that in 6Ln 5 X 6g6 2-0T ¥ g9°q 0T X 23 0T ¥ £2°'2 0T X 19T 0T X ££°6 01 ¥ 05°4 (0T ¥ 96°6 ¢ OT % lo'e g0 X 96"3 0T X LLE f XL, 0T X 61 20T ¥ 0T 0T ¥ 0'z 0T X 1g'T (0T X K6 Q0T * 2h'h 0T X 960 0T X 261 DT ¥ €472, 0T % L2 £ X 608 OT X @3¢ gOT ¥ OT'E 0T X g9t 0T X1I9'T OT % 63° 0T X 6T°L (0T ¥ 966 ¢ 0T ¥ 6971 ¢OT X oi'a 0T * L9l g x yl'y :\oa X004 :.ofi % 09°¢ LU X 9U'T 0T X U6'T 0T % 12°'6 0T % 959 (OT ¥ 956 g 0T ¥ 61°1 ¢-0T ¥ #o'a m-oH X lo*l 1 X 2n'y o-oa X 6h'T w.OH X 96'T 0T ¥ 66°¢ LU ¥ LT (0T x 168 mofl X 2g'y (O X 956 :-OH ¥ RS 0T X SE'T L 0T X GL'T 0 30 A W) ury ny dy n 8l uL oy *oN 18ny Jo uoy otrajsul/d Tyudtom K 21409y pe3a8yostq apturjoy yoswy Jo Ayrjuend Yy uo uofluhuum JO 108JI9 ‘0z a1qw] 53 CRNL DWG 72-8772 12 10 — R | T i T 1 - -~ | — |°II: ] — 3 r ~—e = NO EECYCLE—QQ.S?.. CF U+ Py REMOVED - — I CUMULATIVE HAZARD, m3 OF WATER 1019— _ i RECYCLE OF 925% OF ALL ACTINIDES EXCEPT U AND ®u | N logr-: _— - .. |_ ~ - N - - 108 ) ) | 1 i l 0 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 TIMZ AFTER DISCHARGE, yr Tig. 2. Short-Term Cumulative Hazard of Actinide Weste from 60-Year Cperation of =z Typical PWR. 54 P "MMd TeoTdAL ' o uorjeasdy To9f-0g WOAJ ©358Y OPLUTIOY JO PIGZBY SATHETIUN) UNRL-BUOT ¢ "B 4 IoMYHOSIC HALAY TFWIL g O ¢ 0! ¢ 0! 20! P i 17T T T 3 1T 1 I Arr vt T T T T T 1777 —, I fd ONY N Ld30X3 SACAINILIY 1V 40 %G'66 40 371040387 . G3IAOW3H Nd+ 0 JO AL'66 — FTVADIHY ON 1601 019! HIALYM 40 gW "G¥YZVYH JAILVINNND 110l 55 one typical PWR operating at 1000 MWe with an 0.8 plant factor and an annual average discharge of about 23 tons/year of spent fuel. Also shown is the effect of recycling on the hazard reduction for ar actinide extrac- tion efficiency of 99.5%. Trese plots represent the waste hazard accum- lation per reactor for 60 years of operation when disposal or permanent storage occurs aiter .10 years. This operation time span seems sufficient to cover The lifetime of a FWR nuclear power industry. TFigure 2 shows the cumnlative hazard from 1C te 70 years affer discharge. The hazard reducticn Factor (ratio of the standard case to the recycle case at any indicated decay time) achieved by recycling starts at about L0, rapidly drcpslto 20 in 10 years, and slowly diops tc about 10 by 70 years after discharge. Figure 3 shows the sanme resulis for decay times between 500 and 10~ years for which decreases are shown initially in the cumulative hazard because the reactor was considered shut down at 60 years of operation with no further additions to the waste. IAt later decay times the cumulative hazard increases because of the buildup of “°7Th and its daughters as the result of decay of 23TN§. This increase would be much smaller if RCGs of ref., 8 were used and the curve would flatten ocut with the RCGs of ref. 6 {see Teble 5). TFor the long-term decay pericd shown in Fig. 3, the hazard reduction factor has dropped initially to a little below 10, but after 10J+ years builds back up to a little over 40. At these longer times the hazard reduction factor can be simply obtained by averaging the values for the first 30 recyeles (60 years of operation) shown in Table 1L because essentially all the hazard comes from actinides with long half-lives, the shortest being 458 years for ZulAm.with the ‘others having half-lives measured in thousands of years. For such a condition, it mekes 1little difference that the first discharge‘is 60 years older than the last one; each discharge contributes about the same to the cumulative hazard for times greater than 500 years. This is, of course, not true for the shorter times, which is the reason for the gap between 60 and 500 years when the hand caleulations using the normal ORIGEN outpul become toc long To be practical. | ! - - | 8.5 Effect of Recycling on the Hazards of Chemical Processing and Fue?! Fabrication | Recycling of reactor actinide waste will increase the radiation _ N b . . problem associated with chemicel processing and fuel |Tebrication because of the increased radicactivity of the reactor feed ané discharge streams, In this section these problems are examined somewhsat {gnd the effect on chemical processing 1s discussed. Table 20 shows the recycle effect on the buildupof each actinide in the reactor discharge stream after cooling 15C days and before any chemical processing. The tabtle also indicates the attiinment of effec- tive egquilibrium. True equilibrium cannot be atitained \in practical irrediation times because of the small removal cross sedtions (decay + 2l z capture + Fission) of “Cm and 220 Cm. 7The small changes irn the actinides that are still occurring afier 60 recycles can be traced\primarily to - 2h8Cm; the amcunt of 25OCm.present is too small to hsave %:noticeable effect. From a purely chemical separations viewpoint, thé changes in compositions are not significant. Handling problems; howéwer, are increased by the buildup of nuclides that undergo spontaneous fission. The slight increase of sbout 3% in the gamme activity that occurred as the result of recyecling iIs of no consequence. The Purex separations process now in use removes only Pu and U from the waste stream (see Sect. 8.2 for a2 more detailed discussion on chemical proééssing). For. recycling, the other actinides must also be extracted from this waste strzam centaining the fissicn products. It ic generally felt that the process can be adjusted to permit $9.9% extraction of the U + Fu. By small changes in the process, neptunium coulid also be extracted. Removal of the Am and Cm Is not as =asy since som2 of the rere-earth fission products have simiiar chemistry. The separation would not have to te toc clean,btnt contaminaticn with rare carths with high neutron cross zzctions shouid be large enough to degrade tne neutron economy of @he resctor when recycied. Whether the Ac, Th, and Pa ere removed or sent to waste is not important zince their effect on the hazard is negligible see Sect. 5). The effect of Bk, Cf, and Esz produced in one pass through P o7 the reactor also has a neciigible effect on the waste hazard, but the buildup of Cf and Cm seriously increases the neutron emission rate by Ct,n reactions and by spontanesus fission, with the latter domin.ating. Table 21 shows that the source of neutrons in the material vecycled is wostly curium (primerily 2 icm and 2*2em) sfter two cyeles, but that the Cf (primaxily 25 2Cf) rei:i_dly becomes controlling after a few recycles. This incressed neviron activity due to recycling should cause no real problem in chemical processing since the thick concrete walls required for gamma shielding should also be adeguate for the neutrons, A poteniial problem arises in fuel fabricaticn and handling, regardless Iof' whether the racycle material iIs mixed with new fuel or wmade into separéte elements. The same prcbleni alsc exisits fér fabricating fuel elements from recycied plutonium. Bell and Nichols? estimate that the neutren source for reeycled plutonium builds up to aboud 109 n/sec ver metric ton of plutcnium. Table 21 shows that if the californium is removed, the curium would control and the neutron source would only be reduced by a factor of 300. The curium produced along with the sssoci- ated neptunium snd americium would generate considerably more neutrons Iper unit weight (3.6 x 10t by spontaneous figsion ard &,n reactions than would plutonium., The per metric ton of the mixture st egquilibrium) quentities involved, however, are smaller than in the case of plutonium recyele, It seems that actinide recycle materizl could be handled withe out too mach change in the way of design or handling procedures developed for piutonium recyrle fuel even if the neutron source strengtin is somewhat _ — e larger. Removal of the neutron source, 252 Cf, can be accomplished by not recycling Cf even thouvgh there fs an incresse in the Cf production with curium buildup. 3igrificant 22 ECf buildup occurs from successive aeutron z25¢C . cen 240 2hg captures starting with Cf and Cf, vwkere pracursers are Bk and £0%. The difficulty imvolved in the efficient extraction of Am and. Cm from fission products was pointed ouh in Seet. 7 2. Ip all processes for removal of Am and Cm, Cf and Bk are alsc removed. Consequently, addi~ tional complicetions tc the fiowsheet wonuld be required o keep these | elenents separate from the extracted Am and Cm. 58 *sepTuT}o8 JO UOTIVBAGXS %G ‘66 UO @wmdmd 0T ¥ LG 50T ¥ OM.H 50T X TE'T maoa X 60°. 40T ¥ €672 09 QT ¥ 78" 5701 x 62°1T 0T X 0€°T mfioa X go'4 0T * €572 06 ¢OT * 61"y o0T ¥ Ga'T mfiow X 621 maoa x 20°L )01 ¥ 2672 Ot OT ¥ 9€™ 50T ¥ HT'T 5701 X 61T waoa X 88°'9 )OOt ¥ 06°2 ot OT ¥ €27 5OT ¥ €0°T 570T ¥ H0'T mHOH x nb'9 )0 ¥ 8f"2 G2 (0T X £0'h 0T ¥ 99°'Q 0T ¥ 1L°g wfioa X 06°9 paoa X aq°2 02 QT ¥ TL'E Ot ¥ 62°9 1OT ¥ mm.m wHOH X 02°9 )T ¥ Th'e &t (OT ¥ 72 ¢ 7OT ¥ 0£'E T ¥ ge°t wHOH X 0g°G 10T ¥ 9t°2 0T 0T * 09°2 o0t ¥ 6£°9 orOT ¥ 699 maofi X T€°G )70T ¥ ot*2 q QT * 24°2 or°T ¥ 92 ¢ o0t ¥ 06 ¢ mHOH X §1°6 0T ¥ L2 i QT ¥ 02'2 or°T ¥ "2 T 00T ¥ Rt mHOA X 98°4 ;10T X £2°2 £ 0T ¥ 18°T O1 x,wp.m T * 99 giOT * 0F "4 10T * 2T1°2 2 QT X €E°T on X €L°1 OT ¥ €6°T mfioa X 20°2 4Ot ¥ LT 1 P X 9L'h 0T ¥ 96°T smoH X 05°6 | mHOH X TH'T 4T ¥ 02°T 0 ATuo wH ATuo 10 | (ng a0 ) ON) (ng o 1 oN) vm&msvmfiq *ON SOPTUTLNY feoag ‘p OGT JOOBDY sToRvay ToNJ JO U0y} oTaA}_W OIS /U s, TONFE JO UOY OTIZOM/ Ul *HOY 03 UOTANTTQ JLO0F POITUDSY JITY f£80aq °p 04T 499JV PTSTA UOIInSN 1meTd Sulssao0rd oyl puw J030¥eY dU). UT STBTI98) SNOPJIBZBHY WO JUTToADSY JO 208774 ‘1z @ - t ¢ - qeg, 59 Recyeling of waste through a reactor does add to the inventory of hazerdous materials in process which could increase the severity of an accidental release of radicactive material. The hazard measure of the ectinide waste based on ingestiorn was increased by only 12% after 60 recycles. The total is about one-tenth of that for the fission products. If the hazard_measuie is based on inhalzblon, recycling inereases the potential hazard by a tactor of 2 at discharge (see Table 21) with the average in the reactor being significantly higher. Since the fission products produce an inhalation hazard measure of only 3.7 ¥ 1016 memetric ton of fuel compared to a value up to 2.5 x 1017 for the actinides, it would seem that the potential hazard of an operating reactor would te increased by recycling of the actinides. . However, actinide concentra- tion ik a resctor is not significant in analyzing the "maximmm credible sceident” (MCA) since the actinide compounds are not veletile and cannot e significantly dispersed into the atmosphere by any credible resctor accident, Transmutation of fission products in burner reactors would, of course, add to the potential hazard of the MCA because the volatile” fission products are controlling in an accident analysis, €0 9. CONCLUSICNS AND RECOMMENDATICNS 9OSr, 13705, and 85Kr, by neutron-induced transmutation as a result of recyelirg in existing or Elimination of the fission prcducts, projected designs of power reactors is not possible since the neutron fluxes are not high enough to lower the effective half-lives of these nuclides by a significant amount. Special burner reactors with neutron 17 n/cm?-sec are reguired for that purpose. fluxes in the order of 10 Spallation reactors and fusion reactcrs are possibilities,but the latter is certainly not feasible with current technclogy. The former, at best, would require an extensive development program including, in particular, a method for coping with the potentially severe radialion damage and heat transfer problems. It seems that ultimate storage in deep geological formations of Mmown cnaracteristics {such as salt mines) remains the best method for fissicon product disposal since less than 100Q vears is required to reducz the activity fto an innocuous level. Assurance of tectonic stability for 1000 years with a very high degree of confidence is quite possible in some geological formaticns. The actinides and their danghters, of course, with half-lives measured In many thousands of years should be =xcluded from the biosphere for a length of time for which tectonic stability can be assured with a lesser confidence level. There is, therefore, a stronger motivé for disposal or reduction in the sccummu- lation of the actinides by scme other method such as by transmutation in nuclear reactors. Waen over 99% of the plutoniur and uranium has been extracled, significant further reduction in the potential long-term hazard of the waste from PWRs (and undoubtedly other types) can only be achieved by similar removal of the neptunium, americium, and curium. Consequently, if the actinides are to be disposed of separately from the fission products, it pays from a waste hazards viewpoinit {o concentraie on developing economic chemical processes for removal of the latter three actinides from the fission products. Recycling these actinides through the reactors producing them has promise for réducing the long-term waste hazard, particularly if 99.9% 61 extraction of neptunium, americium, and curium is schieved, an extraction efficiency that already appears feasible for piutonium and uranium. The results of this study indicate that long-term hazard reduction factors up to a@bcut 200 are possible with a $9.9% actinide extraction efficiency with subsequent recycling of the neptunium, americium, and curium, L&rgér : hazard redvction factors are possible with higher efficiencies, and the hazard reducticn factors are approxiwately proporticnal to the quantities of the zetinides sent to the waste. Recyecle of actinides in the ILMFBRs shcoculd produce cven higher hazard reduction fectors sincs the average fission-to-capture -atio of the acti- nides should be higher in a fast reactor than in a thermal cne. Fast cross—-section sets for the higher actinides shonld be developed so that recycling'studies can be mads for the LMFERs. It also appears that recycling of the actinides is particularly suited for a fiuid foel reactor such as the MSBR.El A proecessing scheme has been visuvalized that recycles essentielly all the uranium, neptunium, thorium, and most of the other actinides. Considerably less americium end curium are produced compared to a PWR, which considerebly simpiifies the weste disposal problem., In addition, being a fluid fuel reactor, the problems arising from fabricetlion and haniling of heavy neutron-emitting fuel elements are eliminated. A study similar to this one should be made for the MSER using chemical processing that minimizes the actinide content of the waste streams. Official or standard valuss for the RCGs for nuclides appearing in the waste that are unlisted in the Code of Federal Regulations should be established since using the recommended defeult wvalues seems too conserva- tive for decey times beyend 10,000 years. Some conslderatior should be given to otiher methods of evaluating the potential hazard of the waste from chemical processing and possibly a standard developed thet considers the probability of discharge into the biosphere. In particular, scenariocs of possible interaction with the environment and pétential pathways to the biosphere should be evaluated as part of the conceptual design and site selection process for waste repositories. é2 10. REFERENCES M. Steinberg, G. Wotzak, and B. Manowitz, Neutron Burning of Long- Lived Fission Products for Waste Disposal, BNL-3558 (1958). M. V. Gregory &and M. Steinberg, A Nuclear Transmutation System for the Dispogal of Long-Lived Fission Product Waste in a» Expanding Nuelesr Power Economy, BNL-11915 (1967,. D, Steiner, Scme Preliminery Cbservations Concerning the Role of Fusion Reactors as Radioactive-Waste Burners, FRT-MEMO-T1{2). Intra-Laboratory Correspondence, Osk Ridge Nationeli Laboratory (June 7, 1971). ‘ W, C. Wolkenhauer, 'The Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor as a Fission Produet Burner,"” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 15(1), p. 92 (1972). M, J. Bell, ORIGEN, The ORNL Isotope CGeneration end Decay Code, ORNL~4628 (in preparation). M, J. Bell and R, 8., Dillon, The Long-Term Hazard of Radicactive Wastes Produced by the Enriched Uranium, Pu-22°U, and ¢35U-Th Fuel Cycles, ORNL-TM-3545 (November 197L1;. F. Gera and D. J. Jacobs, "Hazard Potential of Rediocactive Waste,” Paper 4, International Symposium on Rediocecology Applied to the Preotection of Man snd His Environment, Rome, Sept. 7-10, 1871. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Fert 20, Col. 2. M. E. IaVerme, unpublished results, Osk Ridge Naticnal Ieboratory. M, J. Bell, Heavy Element Composition of Spent Power Reactor Fuels, ORNL-IM-2897 (May 1970). M, J. Bell, Radiation Properties of Spent Pluftonium Fuels, ORNL-TM- 3641 (Januery 1972). W, D. Burch, J. E. Bigelow, L. J. King, Transuranium Plant Semiannual Report of Production, Status and FPlexns for Period Ending June 30, 1971, CRNL-4T71S (June 1971). Evaluaited Nuclear Data File B, Version II {ENDF/B-II), Tape available from the Netlonal Neutron Cross-Section Center at Brockhaven National Teboratory. L., D. Gordeeva and G. N. Smirenkin, "an Pmpiriecal Formula for the Average Number of Fission Neutrons," Sov. At. Energy 14, 6, 565 (1963). J. C. Hopkins and B. C. Diven, "Prompt Neutrons Ffrom Fission," Nue. Phys. 48, 433 (1963). 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21, 63 H. K. Clark, "Critical Masses of Fissile Tramsplutonium Isotopes," Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc. 12, 886 (1969). C. E. Bemis, Jr., R. E. Druschel, J. Hzlperin, S. R. Walton, "Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Section and Resonsnce Integrol for 10.7-Year 9%Kr," Muc. Sci. Emg. 47(3), 371 (March 1972). J. P. Nicheols, private comfiunication, Ozk Ridge Naticnal Lsabcratory. J. P. Nichols, J. O. Blomeke, and R. E. Leuze, private communicztion, Cak Ridge National Labcratory (October 1972). M, J. Bell and J, P. Nichols, "Penetrating Radiation Dose Rates and Shield Requirements in Fabrication of Fuels Cortaining 233U and High Dxposure Plutenium,” p. T4, CONF-70C502 (1970). L. E. MclWeese, private commnication, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 65 APPENDIX I: A COMPARISON OF RCGs CALCULATED BY LaVERNE (REF. 9) WITH THOSE IN THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGUIATICHS (REF, &) Table Z2. Compariscn of RCGs from Ref. 8 and Ref. 9 ticn RCG Inhalation RCG Critical _Iogestion RCG iacal £ Ref. 8 Jrgan Ref. 9 Ref, 8 Nu~lide Orgen Rel. 9 . -£ -1l GI (LLI) 5 x 10 - & 225 ¢ Laver 8 x ol gyl Bone 2 x 10 2 x 107G ot Bone -9 -9 &I (ULI) 2 x10 @x1 2289.: Bone 2 x 10 3 x 10 ( P h . -l3 '13 Bone l[» x 10_ X 10_ 2hlpn Bene, k?.dney 2 x ig_l3 g ; ig_l3 Bone 5 10"25; 5 x 1078 ElfigmAm Rone, kidney 2 x 105" 2xlog oateLT, 101) xiot 1o : oo miver 3 -13 2 x 10713 Bone b x 107 b x 10_3 2¢3am Bome, kidney 2 x 107 :xic7 er(s) 2x 1073 510 ahbey Bone, kidney ix 10_7 L &1 (vi1) 1 x 10 _ e45xm GI (ULI) 3 x 10 - i - hyroid 6 x 10~ - 217a¢ Ovary, thyroid 9 x 1077 - Ovary, thyr h -1 10-1t @I (iI) % x 10~ - e oome :x 13-9 ; i 10~ GI (ULI) 3 x 107¢ - 250mKr Eone 5 x 1 i s -10 -0 er (Lin) % x 10- x €1l0g; Xidney 2 x 12_7 2 x 10 oI (8) 7 10'3 - Bl ey 30 3r109 o1 (s) bx 109" b x 10 212 Kidney Ix 1 9 X o1 (55 5 l°:1+ = 2l3p; Kidney L x 30 2 - o) 2* 2 ; 2ibpy Kidnew 1 x 10 ) . 0-6 - 1 1k 1 a~-1k Rone L ox 10- b x 10 249 Bone ox a3 2k 13.13 Bone 1x1072 1x1072 poaCE Boms sx10 Er0lh pge pEMe RIS ggjz":f z x 1013 7 x 1013 61 (11I)” TP 2x 2% 253‘3f ?,‘;“e 3x 107t 3x10” 61 (ILI) é *® ig_?. i :,: W Cf ne 213 &I (LLI) . ESth Bone 2x 10 2x 10 .( s 2 10_5 -12 12 (i 2 x 10” x 1072 2ha Liver b ox 12.13 ; . lg-la Bone 5 x 10_2 5 x 10 zll:la;cm sone g i 1013 3x103 Bone 7 x 10 o Z X lg_ 21‘ Bone 2x107+ 2 x10 Bone hox 107 b x i0'6 W o 2x1013 2x1023 Bome 3x1072 4 x 107 glrrcm pore 2x1013 2x1053 Bone 2 x 107 i x 58,7 O Bone -1k Bone ® L _ ehacm Bone Jx 10-7 i i ig-? ) 2 x 10'3 2 x 1073 249 Liver 2% 1071 S e E Xt X 2500 Bone 3x1ic - i - - -11 ] 2 x 107 2 x 2335 Bome zx 10 3x10 GI (LLI) ; -7 - Bo 8 x 10” - 22lye Body 1x 107, Bcggrr 3 % 10 b _ 223n. Body b x 10 - 67 Table 22 {continued) Critical Tnhalation RBCG Critical Ingestion RCG Nuclide Organ Ref. 3 Ref. 8 Crgan Ref, 9 Ref. 8 gggpb GI (ULI) 2 x 10“{2 - 12 GI (8, TLI) 3x 10“,3; -7 UFb Kidmey % x 20732 b x 10° Beme, kidney 2 x 107 1x 1€ Skt Kidney 1x 10_1 - o Kidney b x 107 - e Xidney 6 x 10'80 6 x 10°1° Xidney 2 x lO'E 2 x 1077 J*Pb Kidney 1l x1107 - Kidney 5 x 107 - Eggn;; Bone 2 x 1033 - 33 61 (w3) 5 x 1072 - ¢ 5381‘39 Bone 1x10 5 1x10 Bone 2 x 10° 3 x 107 p Bone 2 x 107 - GI [ILI) 5 x 1072 - 239 6I (LLI) 2 x 100 3 x10°° 6T (ITI) 8x105 1x10% 2home, g3 (s) 8 x 1077 . e1 (3) b x 10-3 - e g1 (s) 5 x 1077 - 61 (S) 2 x 1073 - 23;33'.911 Bone 6 x 10‘15 -y L () 3 x 10772 - 23%py Bone 7 x 10'& 7 x 10'%1+ Sone 5 x 107 5 x 107 §§9Pu Bone 5 x 10t , 6x207, Bone 5%10°2 5 x10° 2131’“ Bone 6 x 10714 & x 10 Sone 5x107 5 x 107 aLplt Bone 3x20778 3x1071% Bone 2 x 10 2 x 107 o Bone 6 x 10 & x 10~% Bone 5 x 107 5 x 1G aT (UnT) 9x108 6x108 61 (ULI) hox10% 3 x 104 Eli-hm Bone 6 x 3_0'11" 6 x 10'11* Bone 5 x 10~ kx 10'6 2k5py GI (TLI) 1 x 107 - GI (LLI} 6 x 1077 - 210p, Kidney, spleen 2 x 100 2 x 10011 Kidney 8x1077 Tx 10°7 21lpo Kidney, spleen 9 x 10;5 - 61 (5) 3 x 107 - %0 Kidney, spleen 1 x 10 - ¢I (5) 4 x 10 - 21317: Kidney, spleen 1 x 1011 - GI (8) Ix 102 - 21550 Kidney, spleen 2 x 1072 - GI (8} 7 x 10 - S12F0 Kidney, spleen 1 x 1077 - ¢I (S) 3x mg - Po Xidney, spleen 2 x 107 - Kidney, spleen 7 x 10 - 218 -7 S1 tT) 3 Po Xidney, spleen 1 x 10 - GI (8} y x 30 - Sglz?a Bene 4 x 10:?* L x 10'1h Bore 9 x 10'? 9 x 10'7 223E® Liver 7 x 1073 - B GI (LLI) 6 x 107 - 2%4 Kidney 2x107Z 2x10 61 {(LLI) 1207, 1x10 e 6T (S) b x 1075 - Gl (s 2 x 1077 - Hpg 6I (ULT) 3 x 10 - cI (ULI) 1x 10 - gf_,h Bone 6x20° 6x107 Bome 7 x 10"; 7 x 10% s Rn Bone 2 x2010 2z x102% Eone 2 x 107 2 x 10 < gRa. Bone 5% 1071t - 12 Bona 5 x 10‘_; -8 : 3381;2 Bone 1xX '}g 3x 1075 Bone l1x10 3x207 22 Bone 2 x10°% 2 x 10 Bone 3 x 10 3 ¥ 10 68 Tavle 22 {continued) Criticel Inhalation RCG Critical Ingestion RCG Nuclide Organ Ref. 9 Ref, 8 Organ Ref, 9§ Ref, B | 20T oI (s} 2 x 1072 » GI (S) 8 x 2073 208 6T (S) 1x 10'2 ' 61 (8 5 x 1673 20979 GI (s} 2 x 10° 61 (8) 1 x 1072 aagm Bose 1 x 108 61 (iLl) 2z x 10'2 5 22 Bone 3x 1023 3 x 10713 Banie 7 % 107 7 x 10 229m, Bone 2 x 10'13 v Bone b x 1077 6 230ny, Bene T=x 10:%‘ 8 x 1077 Bone 2 % 107 2 x 107 231qy, GI (LLI) & x 205, ) 61 (IL1} 2z x 107% . 232q, Bone 7 x 10-1% 1 x 30712 Bone 2 x 10 2 x 1070 233q, eI (S) 5 x 1071 6I (8) 2 x 1003 234, Bone 2x10% 2x107 6I (L) 2x10° 2x10° 232y Eone bx1071% 3 x10°) GI (Lil) 3 x 10*5 3 x 1075 23% Bape 2 x10° 2 x107H 6I ([1I) = 3x 10\ 3 x1i072 234y Bone 2x1072 2x 10’5}1- 81 (ILI) 3 x 107 3 x 1072 gggu Bone 2x10l 2 107 Gl A1) 3x107; 3 x 1077 237 Fone 2 x 107 2 x 10 GI (LLI) 3 x 107} 3 x 1672 23Ty GI (LiI) 3 x 107 . 6I (LL7) 1 x 107 233211 Bone 2 x10° 3 x 1071 GI (LLI) 3 x 1077 4 x 1077 2y GI () 5 x 10°7 GI (S) 2 x 1073 240y GI (111) 9 x 1072 8 x 1079 GI (LLI) & x 1077 3 x 10~ ot ——— APTENDIX IT: RADTIOACTIVITY AND HAZARD MEASURE OF EACH ACTINIDE NUCLIDE AS A FUNCTION OF TIME AFTER DISCHARGE FCR THE STANDARD CASE AND AFTER TEE €0th XECYCLE 70 Table 23, Radicactivity of Each Wouelide as a Function of Time After Discharge froam a Typical PWR Radiosctivity’ {Ci/metric ton of fuel) after Decay Times (yvr) of: Fuciide 0 12 107 10° 10° 10° 10° 223 1.93-7 L4.15-8 7.24-7 6.94-5 5.54.3 1.17-1 2.90-1 22 9.70-7 7.47-6 2.38-5 2.60-5 3.90-5 2.38-4 3.314 228, 2.73-12 2.1%11 3.78-11 1.08-10 1.22-9 1.86-8 1.95-T 22T, 9.0b-7 7.37-6 2.35-5 2.55.5 3.85-5 2.35.4 3.27. 228g 1.49-3 1.48-k 14.03-5 7.06-9 1.22-9 1.86-8 1.95.7 229, 3.31-8 4.15-8 T.24.7 6.64.5 5.55.3 1.17-1 2.90-1 #30, 1.78-5 2.09-5 3.45-5 3.71-% 3.79-3 2.32-2 5.59-3 231q, 7.03-1 8.56-5 8.58-5 8.74-5 1.16-4% 3.12-4 3.31-4 232q, 2.55-11 3.20-11 3.85-11 1.08-10 1.22-9 1.86-8 1.95-7 233m, 1.33-2 0 0 o o o a 23y, 3,181 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-2 1.57-3 1.57-3 2315, 2.44-5 2.47-5 2.48-5 2.60-5 3.90-5 2.38-% 3.31% 232pgy 3.57-1 0 o 0 ¢ 0 0 233pg 3.23-1 3.40-1 3.45-1 3.68-1 3.7M-l 3.64-1 2.72-1 23bm, 3.15-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 23bpy 1.25-2 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 232y, 6.07-3 B.69-5 3.92-5 6.77-9 0 o 0 233y b.55-5 1.52.5 1.46.4 1.53-3 1.56-2 1.29-1 2.99-1 23k 7.52-1 6.71-3 2.60-2 4.65-2 4.5%-2 3.56-2 L4, 3G-3 £3% 1.71-2 3.56-5 8.58-5 8.7h-5 116 3.12-k 3.3k 2350 2.88-1 1.44-3 1.46-3 1.69-3 3.10-3 4.93-3 3.92-3 237y 8.65+5 0 0 o 0 Q ¢ 238y 3.04-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 33?9 1.86+7 0 0 c 0 0 0 2hoy, 1.69-15 5.80-14 6.12-13 6.13-12 6.08-11 5.57-10 2.67-9 23y, 2.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 STy 3.3221 3.ho-1 3.45-1 3.68-1 3.7h-1 3.64-1 2.72-1 23 3,96+5 0 o o 0 0 0 235 1.85+7 1.77#L 1.75+1 1.61+1 7.1k 2.05-2 2.37-7 2hdmy 1.69-15 5.89+1% 6.12-13 6.13-12 6.08-11 5.57-10 2.67-9 amflp 3.30+k 0 0 c > o 0 7L Table 23 {continued) Radicmctivity? (Ci/metric tor of fuel) after Decay Times (yr) of: Nuclide o 10 10% 10° 10" 10° 10° 2%p, 349~ 1.54-% L.79-1% © 0 5 o 2385, 2.7h+3 1.05+2 5,36+1 1.29-1 1.28-19 0O 0 2395y 3.18¢2 1.62 1.67 2.05 %.03 5.65.1 2.37-T 2]"09,,1 L, 77+2 b 47 8,96 8.30 3.30 3.20-4 2.57-9 My 1.05¢5 3.27+2 4.88 3.08-1 1451 7.68-5 1.25-37 31‘2?0. 1.38 6.61-3 7.02-3 7.29-3 7.70-3 5.70-3 1.29-3 23y 3.59+5 2.47-7 2.47-7 2.47-7 2.k7-7 2.46-7 2.37-7 2k 3.69-15 5.90-1h 6.12-13 6.14-12 6.09-11 5.58-20 2.67-9 Hpy 2.23-16 0 0 0 o 0 0 2y, 8.50+1 1,58+2 1.hT+2 3.5+1 1.45.1 7.62-5 0 eham, 4,12 3.93 2.60 L4.30-2 64320 o0 o 2h2y, 7.0+ 393 2.61 h.31-z 6.4320 0O o k3 1.76+1 1.77+1 1.75+1 1.61+1 T.14 2.05-3 2.37-7 gf‘l‘m -~ 1.30+5 7.67-17 7.96-16 7.96-15 7.92-1% 7.25-13 3.47-12 245 am 5.47-8 1.72-11 0 0 0 0 o 252 3.70¢8 3,23 214 3.,53-2 5.,29-20 O o 3oy 5.62 4.53 6441 2.19-3 0 e 0 2 o 2.58+3 1.76+3 5.60+1 6.90-1% 7.91-1k 7.25-13 3.47-12 zhscn 3. %1 3.34-1 3.30-1 3.07-1 14k 7.61-5 0 Moy 6.70-2 6.69-2 6.60-2 S5.78-2 1.54-2 2.73-8 6.35-31 zl‘Tcm 277 2077 2.hr-7 2.breT 2477 2.46-7 2.37-7 248 8.0L-7 8.00-7 B.01-7 B8.00-7 7.86-7 6.58-T 1.12-7 2490 2.60-2 o 0 0 0 0 0 20 9.35-1% 9.35-1% 9.32-1% 8.99-1% 6.26-1% 1.74-15 4.66-31 zthk 3.63-3 1.1k-6 Q 0 0 0 0 350& 6.50-3 9.35-1k 9.32-14 8.99-1% 6.28-1L 1.7%-15 4. 66-% 249¢p 1.09-6 9.79-6 8.20-6 1.39-6 2.80-14 0 n 20 3.89-5 2.30-5 1.95-7 B8.99-14 6.28-1% 1.74-15 4.57-3L 20lop 2.84-7 2,82-7 2.63-7 1.33-7 2.28-10 O 0 22pp 4.88-5 3.55-6 2.01-16 ¢ 0 0 0 253¢c¢ 4,00-5 0 0 0 o 0 0 2S4ep 1.08-9 7,19.28 © 0 0 0 0 233pe 2.90-6 2.60-58 ¢ 0 o 0 o Total 3.91+7 2.41+3 3.16+2 T.93+1 2,30+l 2.65+0 3.23+0 ®Read as 1.93 x 1077, b At 150 days =fter discharge, 99.5% of U + Pu was extracted, Table 24, Hezord Measure of Each Actinide Nuclide After Discharge from a Typical PWR Hazerd Measure? (m3 oft Hzofmet.ric ton ¢f fuel) after Decey Times {yr) of: Muclide 0 10 10° 103 20" 10° 1® 225pe 6.43 1.3 2.4141 2.31+3 1,85+5 3.9146 9.67+6 22 p¢ 5.85-1% 3,7h 1.1g+1 1.30#1 1.9541 L.1gtz 1.6642 228y 3.04-8 2.38-7 h.20-7 1.20-6 1.35-5 2.07-% 2.16-3 2eTq, 3.01+1 2.46+2 T7.82+2 8.53+2 1.28+43 T7.83+3 1.00+k 228111 2.13+2 2.13+1 5.76 1.01-3 .7l 2.66-3 2.73-2 229y, 1.10 1.38 24141 2.31+43 1.B5%5 3.91+3 9.67+6 230q, 8.58 108 1.72+41 1.86+2 1.90+3 1.16+h 2.79+3 23y, 2.6k45 2.85+1 2.86+1 2.91+1 3.8741 1.04+2 1.10+2 22m 1.28-5 1.60-5 1.92-5 5.%1-5 6.08-% 9.31-3 9.73-2 e33m, 1.83-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 23, 1.57+k T7.85+1 7.85+1 7.85+1 T.85+1 7.86+1 T7.8641 23lp, 2.71+1 2.7l 2.75+1 2.88+1 L.3k41 2.65+2 3.68+2 232pg 1.19+5 0 0 0 0 0 0 z;t:a 3.23+43 3.40+3 3.45+3 3.68+3 3.7M3 3.643 2.7243 23l 3.15-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57=3 1.57-3 1.57-3 Pa. §.15+3 5.24-1 5.2k-1 5,241 524 5,841 5,2L-1 232y 2.02¢2 2,90 1.31. 2.26.% 0 0 0 zzzu L52 5.73-1 B.B7 5.0841 S5.2042 L.28+3 9.62¢3 o3 U - 251+ 2.2z B.68+2 1.55+3 1.50+3 1.19+3 1.h3+2 2y 5.71+2 2.85 2.86 2.91 3.87 10642 11041 2360 9.61+3 L 81«1 L. BT+l 5.63+1 1.03+2 1.34+2 1.31+2 23Ty 2.88411 0 a 0 o 0 0 238, TBS543 3.934L 3.93t1 3.9TL 393 3.931 3.934 239% 1.86+7 o o 0 o o o 2hoy 5.64-11 1.9%6-9 2.04-8 2.04-7 2,026 1.86-5 B8.89-5 23y 9.69¢5 0 0 o 0 0 23Ty 1.1155 1.13*5 1.15+5 1.235 1.25+5 1,21+5 9.06+k 2y 1.33¢11 0 0 0 0 0 0 :39 1.85¢411 1.77+5 1.75+5 1.61+5 7.1k 2.05¢1 2.37-3 240 ) 1.69-15 5.89-1% 6.13-13 6.13-12 6.08-11 5.57-10 2.67.9 Mo 3.30+4 0 o 0 0 0 0 73 Table 2k (coriinued) Hazard Measure® (m3 of H,O/metric ton of fuel) after Decay Tifies (yr) of: Nuclide 0 10 10° 163 10 10 1° 236Pu 1.16+7 5.13+3 1.60-56 c o 0 0 2381711 5.48+8 2.11+7 1.07+7 2.58+% 2.55-14 C 0 239y 6.36+7 32845 3335 L10+5 B.07+5 LS 47he2 2ho,, 9.5447 B.0k45 1.79+6 1.66:6 6.60+5 6.48+1 5.34-h 2l 5.25¢8 1.63+6 2.4Msb 1.583 7.23+2 3.81-1 6.27-3% 2thu 2.7645 1.38+3 1.40+3 1.46+3 1.94+3 1.34+3 2.58+2 23, 1.20¢0 8.24% 8.2kh 8.zh-bh 8.2h% 8.21-h 7.90k 21*1‘1&1 5.65-8 1,97-6 2.0k.5 2,05-4 2,03-3 1.8-2 8.91-2 2h3p, 7.42-5 0 0 o o o 0 zl‘lAm 2.15+7 3.95+7 3.87+7 B.75+6 3.62+4 1.90+1 0 ehem, 1.03#6 9.83+5 6.52+5 1.08:% 1.61-1% O 0 zthm 2.34410 1.314+6 ' B.7c+5 L.kl 2 1halk 0 0 2430y B41+6 hM146 5.38+6 4.03+6 1.78+5 5.13#2 5.92-2 2l 2.60+7 1.53-1% 1.59-13 1.60-12 .1.58-11 1.45-16 6.95-10 245 1.82-3 57271 © 0 0 0 0 zl‘zczm 1.85+9 1.6245 1.07+5 1. 77+3 2.64.15 0 ¢ 21‘3&:; - 1.12+6 9.05+5 1.2+5 4.38-k 0 0 0 2o 3.6848 2.5148 8,006 9.71-9 1.13-8 1.04-7 L.96-7 3l‘5c.m 1.11+7 1.11+7 1.10+7 1.02+7 4.81+6 2.54+3 0 21;6@1 2.23+6 2.236 2,2046 1,93+6 5.13+5 9.10-1 2.12-23 24T oy 8.24 5.2% /fi B.24 8.2k 8.21 7.90 thCm 2.67+1 2674 2.67+1 2.67+1 26241 2.19+1 3.73 29, 2.60-2 G 0 c 0 0 0 2500m 3.12-6 3.12-6 3.11-6 3.00-6 2.09-6 5.80-8 1.55-23 2k 1.2142 3.81-2 O 0 0 0 0 250p; 2.17+2 3.12-9 3.11-9 3.00-9 2.09-9 5.80-11 O k3,0 5.63¢1 3.26+2 2.73+2 L.6541 ¢.32.7 0 0 250¢¢ 1.30+3 7.67+2 6.50 3.00-6 2.06-6 5.80-8 1.55-23 : 9.u& 9.38 8.76 L.38 4,27-3 0 0 2520¢ 1.63+3 1.18+2 6.81-9 0 0 o 0 2530¢ 1.33+2 0 0 ¢ o o 0 25%0p 3.59-2 2.50-20 0O 0 0 ¢ o - 2535 9.68+1° 0 o 0 o 0 0 Total 6.35+11 3.36+8 T.27+7 2.74+T 1.05+7 3.10+7 6.85+7 ®Read as k.85 x 107L. bt 150 days after dischaige,99.5% of Pu + U was extracted. Tatie 25. Activity of Each Nuclide as a Function of Time After Discharge After the 60th Recycle Radicactivity? (Ci/metric ton of fuel) after Decay Times {yr) of: Nuclide 0 10 10° 10° 10t 10° 100 1.77-5% 7.66-8 8.37-8 8,747 8.93-5 2.00-3 4.96-3 22T pe 1.00-4 5.12-7 6.50-7 2.3%6-6 1.85-5 1.17-4 1.Lb-h 228, $.13-11 3.90-11 8.11-12 7.42-11 8.43-10 1.03-8 1.05-T 2eTm, 9.9%4-5 5,05-7 6.42.0T 2.32-6 1.82-5 1.15-% 1.42-% 228, 1.95-2 3.32-h 1.50-F 2.60-8 8.43-10 1.03-8 1.05-7 225, 1.53-5 7.66-8 8.37-8 B.74-7 8.93-5 2.00-3 4.96-3 230, 3.10-5 5.37-7 7.19-6 1.38-% 1.)3%3 8.94-3 3.02-3 23, 1.35-5 8.66-5 8.68-5 8,82-5 1.0L-b Ll.hl-k 1.44-3 23 3.41-10 z.h1-12 8.79-12 T.l2-11 8.43-10 1.03-8 2.07-7 233, 2.41-1 0 o 0 0 0 0 234, | 3.15-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 231py 1.08-k 5417 7.06-7 2.36-6 1.85-5 1.16-% 1.hhh 232py 1.50 0 0 0 0 0 o 233py 7.3-1 2.67-3 3.10-3 5.58-3 6.37-3 6.22-3 3.36-3 33"*“1:3 3.16-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 “<"pa 2.75-2 1.57-6 1,57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 1.57-6 232y 3.69-2 3.30-% 1.4E-L 2.52-8 0 0 0 @33 5.05-5 3.67-7 1.k7-6 1.93-5 2.57-% 2.19-3 3.63-3 23"‘U T.77-1 4.93-3 1.14-2 1.77-2 1.73-2 1.38-2 1.63-3 235y © 1.73-2 B.66-5 8.68.5 8.82-5 1.00-% 1.1k 1h4h 235, 2.87-1 L.4L-3 1.44-3 1.51-3 1.61-3 2.16-3 2.05.3 23Ty 8.51+5 0 0 0 0 o 0 23y 3.1h-1 1.57-3 L.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.51-3 23% 1.83+7 o 0 0 0 o 0 2h0y 2.84-9 6,221 b.97-10 L.B49 L.788 1.8 2.37-6 236y, %.53 c 0 0 0 o 0 23Ty 5.25-1 2.67-3 3.10-3 5.58-3 6.37-3 6.22-3 3.36-3 238y, 6.21+5 o 0 0 0 o 0 23% 1.83+7 1.06-1 1.09-1 1.00-1 k.L43-2 1.62-5 3.25-6 ;;WNP 2.84-9 6.22-11 4.97-10 L.Bk-9 L.78-8 L.3B7 2.37-6 Np 3.21+4 0 o 0 0 0 0 75 Teble 25 {continued) Radicactivity? (Ci/metric ton of fuel) afier Decay Times (yr) of: Noclide 0 10 107 109 10" 10” 10° 236 Pa 9.57-1 L. 21-b 1.31-13 0 0 o o 2385, w43 357+l 1.7T+1 1.64-2 6.91-22 0 0 239y 3.22¢2 1.63 1.63 1.59 1.25 9.83.2 3.39-6 zl‘OPu L,Bi+z 2.46 2.56 2.3 9.30-1 9.17-5 2.10-6 2y, 1.05¢5 3.28t2 k.59 1.70-2 8.08-3 L.26-6 0 2425y 1.38 6.93-3 6.96-3 T7.23-3 8.58-3 T.74-3 1.49-3 2430, 3.5645 3.45-6 3.46.6 3.506 3.54-6 3.52-6 3.33-6 gl‘l‘?u 2.85+9 6.22-11 4. 97-10 4,847 L, 79.8 L.39-7 2.10-6 2455, 3.69-L 0 o 0 c 0 o Zhlmn 9.11+% 7.11 1.59+1 3.82 B.09-3 L.26-5 0 2hzm, 5,16 2,13-2 L.41-2 2.33-% 34822 o 0 hean 7.3%+4 2,132 1.la-2 2.33-% 34822 0 0 2h3flm 2.16+1 1.09-1 1.09-1 1.00-1 L 432 1.62-5 3.39-6 zmAm 1.56+5 8.09-3k 6.46-13 6.30-12 6.22-12 5.70-10 2.73-9 2hSpm 2.17-2 3.36-8 o 0 o 0 0 220y 4484 1.75-2 1.16-2 1.9k 2.87-22 O 0 2430y 1.7241 6.94-2 9.88-3 3.34-11 @ o o e, 1.35+h L72+l 1.50 6.30-12 6.22-11 5.70-10 2.73-9 450 3.53 1.97-2 1.77-2 1.70-2 8,07-3 4.25-6 0 ey, 3.75+1 1.88-1 1.85-1 1.62-1 4.32-2 7.68-B 6.62-26 T o 6.91-k 3,456 3.46-6 12.50-6 3.54-6 3.52-6 3.39-6 248y 121 6.20-% 6.30-% 6.29-h 6.18-% 5.17-% 8.79-5 21’9cm 3.96+3 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1.95-6 9.74-9 9.71-9 9.37-9 6.55-9 1.81-10 4.86-26 2X9p 1.42+3 2.24-3 0 o o 0 0 20, 2.51+43 9.74-9 6.71-9 9.37-9 £.55-5 1.81-10 4.85-25 H30s 1.02 2.21-2 1.85-2 3.15-3 6.32-11 O o £Ccr 2.69+1 T.9%-2 6.7h-k 9.37-9 6.55-9 1.81-10 14.86-26 Eler 3.03-1 1.50-3 1.k0-3 7.01-% 6.85-7 0 o 252ae 3.31+2 1.21-1 6.94-12 0 0 o 0 2330 3.4541 0 0 o 0 0 0 25k oe 1.7k-2 5.82-23 0 0 0 0 0 €93 3.41+1 c 0 o 0 0 o Total 3.80+7 L,.32+2 kel 821 2.39 2.49-1 9.66-2 3pead as 1.77 x 107°. Byt 150 days after discharge, 99.5% of Pu + U was extracted, 76 Table 26, Hazard of Each Actinide Nuclide as a2 Functiozn of Time After Discharge After the 60th Recycle 4 Bazard Measure® (m3 of I-IZO/metric ton of fuel} After Decay Tizes (yr) of: Nuclide o 10 10° 10° 16" 10° 10° 22 5.88+2% 2.35 2.79 2.91+1 2.98+3 6.86+4 1.65+5 B2 e 5.04+¢1 2.96-1 3.25-1 1.18 9.26 5.83t1 T7.19+1 228, i.ci-6 b3k 9.01-8 B.247 9.37-6 1.15-h 1.16-3 22T 1.30+3 L.69%1 2.kl 77541 6,042 3.B3+3 B.73+3 228y, 2.79+3 bL.4Ssl 2.1+l 3.71-3 1.20-4 1.47-3 1.50-2 22, 5.00+2 2.55 2.79 2.91+1 2.96+3 6.66+k 1,65+5 2300y, 1.55+1 2.A3-1 3.60 6.50+1 7.22+2 E h7+3 1.51#3 23ilm, L. 50+5 2.80+1 2.89+1 2.54+1 3.35+1 L 6g+1 Lk.ororl 232, 1714 1.21.6 Lho6 3735 Lozzh 5.15-3 5.2h-2 233m, 2.41.1 0 0 0 0 0 g 234, 1.57+k T.86+1 T.86+1 T.86+41 7.86+1 T.B6+1 T.85+1 Z3lp, i.16+2 6.01-1 7.85-1 2.62 2.06¢1 1.20+2 1.60+2 23py 5.02+5 0 o 0 o 0 a 233pa 7.3143 267+l 3.10+41 5.58+41 6.37+1 6.22+1 L4 65+1 234 “pa 3.16-1 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 1.57-3 235y 9.16+3 5.24-1 5.2%-1 5,241 5.2%-1 5.24-1 s5.24-1 232y 1.23+3 1.10+1 L4.87 8.40-i 0 0 o 233y 1.68 1.22-2 &.9l-2 6.42-1 B.57 7.3041 1.6h+2 234y 2.50+k 1.6h+2 3.80+2 5.01+2 S5.78+2 L.61+2 B,50+1 235y 5, 77+2 2.89 2.89 2.94 3.35 k.69 k.79 2368 G.58+3 L.o7o+1 k. 82+1 5.03+1 6.36+1 7.22+1 T.03+1 23Ty 28411 0 o 0 0 0 0 23y 7.86¢3 3.93+1 - 3.93+1 293+L 3.9%1 3.9%L 3.9%1 23% 1.83+7 o 0 0 0 0 ¢ zl*ov 9.18-s 2.07-6 1.66-5 1.61-h 1.59-3 1.46-2 6.99-2 236y, 1.51+6 0 0 0 0 0 0 237y, 1.75+5 B.g2+2 1.03+3 1.B6+3 2.12+3 2,07+3 1.55+3 28y 2.0+11 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 1.83+11 1.09+3 1.09+3 1.00¢3 L.h¥+2 1.62-1 3.39-2 & 2,849 6.22-11 h.97-10 %.84.9 L 78-8 L 387 2.10-6 Ehoflp 3.21+h 0 0 0: 0 0 0 Tatle 26 (continued) Hazerd Messure® (m3 of H,0/metric ton of fuel) After Decay Times (yr) of: Muclide o 16 10° 10° 1c? 10° 10° 2365, 3.19+7 1.h0+h 4.37-6 0 0 0 0 238g, 1.50+9 T7.13+6 3.5846 3.28+3 1,38-16 0 c 3%y 6.7 32745 3.26+5 3.18+5 2.40+5 1.97+k 6.7B-1 2hop, 9.6317 4.93+5 5.12+5 14.68+5 1.85+5 1.83+1 4.20-1 2f‘lPu 5.27+8 1.64+6 2.20+% 8.52+1 Llch+1 2.13-2 ¢ 232p 2.77+5 1.39+3 1.3+3 1.45+3 1.72+43 1.55+3 2.98+2 243, 1.19+9 1.15-2 1.15-2 1.17-2 1.18-2 1.17-2 .1%-2 zhhpu g9.hg.2 2.07-3 1.66-2 1.61-1 1.60 1.46+1 7.00+1 25y 1.22:2 0 0 o 0 0 g b, 2.2847 1.78+6 3.9846 Q.54+5 2.0243 1.06 o Q_hzmnm 1.1246 5.33¢3 3.5h+3 5.8241 B.71-17 O 0 22 2.45+1C 7.11#3 W.71+3 7.7B#1 1.26-16 0 0 2k 3t 5. 47+6 2.Th+h 2.7+ z.50¢k 3.1a+k 4 05 8.48-1 21‘1*.&:1 3.18+7 1.62-11 1.26-10 1.26-9 1.24-8 1.14-7 5.46-7 245 7.22+42 1.12-3 o 0 0 0 o 21‘36::1 2,24+9 8,76+2 5.50+2 9.57 1.43.37 0 0 21"E’c:m 3.L5+6 1.3G+h4 1.98+3 6.68-6 0 0 0 2k 1.98+0 B.75¢6 2.15¢5 9.00-7 8.89-6 8.15-5 3.90-h 25y, 1.18+8 5.86+5 5.8045 5.67+5 z.69+5 Ll.k2+2 0 M6, 1.25+9 6.25+6 6.18+6 5.10+6 1.W6 2.5 2.21-18 257 o 2.30+% 1.12+2 1.15+2 1.17+2 1.18+2 1.1T+2 1.13+2 2he, b2+ 2,104k 2,10+ 2,104% 2,06+k L1.72+h 2.93+3 2490n 3.96+3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2500, 6.50+1 3.25-1 3.2h-1 3,121 2.18-1 6.05-3 1.62-18 2h8 o B,73+T TJATHL o 0 0 0 0 250g, 8.36+7 3.25-4 3.2h-3 3124 2.18-% 6.05-6 1.6e-21 2h9¢r 34147 T.37+5 6.1T+5 1.05+5 £.11-3 0 0 250;¢ 8.57+8 2.65+6 2.25+% 3.12-1 =2.18-1 6.05-3 1.62-18 eee 1.0147 5.01+% 1.68+h 2,3hsk 2,2841 1.99-20 O 252ce 1.10+410 40246 2,31k 0 0 0 0 53¢ 1.15+9 0 0 0 0 0 0 25h0p 5.81+5 1.94-15 D 0 G 0 0 25335 1,149 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total T.23+11 3,25+7 1.61+7 7.91+6 2.39+6 1.84+6 1.61+5 %Read as 5.88 x 102. b At 150 deys after discharge, 99.5% of Pu + U was extractead. 79 APPENDIX III: HAZARD REDUCTION ACEIEVABLE BY ENHANCED REMOVAL OF ACTINIDE ELEMENTS (REF. 19) On the basis of the duration of the long-term hazsrd, there is potential merit in the use of separations processes thet will greatly reduce the losses of uranium and plutonium to the high-level waste and separate the high-level waste into fissior product and actinide fractioms. The required separations processes have not yet teen developed, hut it does appear that secondary trzatment processes can be developed that will permit overall recovery of perhaps 99.999% of the wranium, 99.995% of the plutonium, 99.95% of the neptunium, and 99.9% of the americiuvm apé curium. Also, approximately 99.5% of the iodine. containing the long—lived'isotope 1291, can potentially be separated Ifrom the remaining fission products on the basis of its high relative volatility. Figure 4 and Table 27 illustrate the possible merits of these azepar- ations by comparing the hazard index* and the hazard measure, respectively, of the wastes from conventional processing of fuel Ifrom a typical light water power reactor with those resulting from the postuliated secondary treatment. For reference, Fig. 4 also shows the hazerd index thet mey be assoclated with the miperai pitchblende (which occwurs naturally as pebbles znd rocks in Africa and Cenade) and a uranium cre containing 0.2% U3O8 (which is typical of the large deposits that cccur in the Colorade Platea). The hazard index of the waste from conventional reprocessing decreases rapidly over the first 1000 years {(due to the decay of 905r and l3705) but remains greater than that of pitchblende for periods exceeding one million years. The waste resulting from secondary treat- ment, however, has a hazard index that falls within the range"qf zaturelly occurring radioactive materials after only several hundred years, a time span for which it is possible to make relianle extrapolations of the effects ol geologic, climatic, and other natural phencmena, As can be seen from Fig. 5 and Table 28, similar conclusions can be drawn if these separations are spplied to wastes Irom reprocessing ILMFBR fuels. In each case, the RCGs caleunlated by LaVerne9 were used in place of the default values recommended in 20 CFR 20. % Thie hazargd index is based on 2 unit volume of waste. This permits a direct comparison with the potential hazerd of uranium ores on an in-situ basis. &o ORNL DWG.72- 11707 104 ’ !m» - wASTE FROW o % CONVENTIONAL - pnocsss:b ] 10% pircusLenne ST (60% U} § - WASTE WITH s SECONDRRY TREAT- Te) ?:. MENT AFTER SUS- : TAINED RECYCLE OF 1 HODINE AND ACT- MEOE S —. WASTE FROM 10 & COMVERT IONAL RESROCESSING PLUS SECON- . DARY TREATHMENT FOR REMOWAL A OF JODINE AMD ACTINIDES -~ 10 % TYPICALU URANIUM ORE = Bl W e W v AR AR WS Aol K Sl R SR s Mg S W NR P A R a r . 3 HAZARD INDEX , vol of woter 9t RCG/ vol of waste or ore o ot 0w ot W AGE OF WASTE, years ~"""‘£--'- s Age and Metihod of “"*m.-m" an the Hessrd Indes Tmrtpr e Qp?x-g\’gfl; -3&1- wg@* "H‘! &l 97BUTmRLUOD ATTeTjuUs30d pTROD (N fiowzv apueTqyo3Td JO Ju duQ 0T X 1'2 = AAAvA.mm "DON 9U3 03 J93BA JO o 01 X 99 *DOY UG O} IAIMA JO M LOT X §°L 410Qe S38UTINIU0D ArTet3uszod UBy fUSIUOD BYgge 53T JO OsMEBOYq ATTavutad f(n %2°'0) Ado unyuean TeatdL3 Jo gu aue ‘uvostauduod uohn *203083L AU} o4 Wy pue ‘uy ‘AN ‘I Jo 91ohdak JO 8audK QQT~ Woxy Buparnsed uotjtscdwod wey fiezme UMTJIND Pl MIOTRAWY JO %6°66 pun ‘umjuojntd 30 9666°66 ‘umiungdou jo §CH°66 ‘wnTuwan JO $EE6°66 (BUTPOT 30 $6°6( dAMRX Juenyusdy ALOpuoies pus au=s«amo ‘nd pue 1} JO $5°66 JO A19A0091 J81J¢ EPPTULS0U PUB 23O0NPOAd UOTBSTY SUTHIUOD 380N q *uoy} STXGeU/MW Of Jo aamod atsrosds pus uoy ofiaams\czi 000‘SE Jo osmnsodua (ang omaao> 180 Jo JH/0%H g ‘sapiur3aY Axupuodss 6)E*L (8)2'g (8)5'g (6)9'g (o1)0't Sl 1813 JO JH/O%H o ‘s, 'dd oN 000'000'T 000‘00T 000°0T 0007 001 01 U0TIHOL, SBUT9Ee0040 SOUTE (SJUGA) OET3 POJUOTPUT DUJ AV 9380A JO a036t 0Jqnd ."M.wwmfla «0 tang juede jo uog oyAgem Jad goy 9% JBGRA JO M ‘O.MEWOK DIRZVH N TN o8 HEDVI w01y TONg juedg 3O AA0A0DSY OU3 WOAF FUTITNEOY D32EM T9AGT-HUTI POYIIDITOR Jo PIVZUN UOTISEBUL TOTIUGOJ U3 UO JUSWIDIXYL O POUISH WA WY Jo jonijd ouL gz 91avy 8k vWhile the indicated separations of actinides and fission products appear to be feasible, it is apparent that a large development progrem would be reguired to reduce these concepts to practice. Separations processes that are used currently, wkhich utilize solwvent extraction and ion exchange for recovery of small quantities of certain velushle anti- . 2hi 252 nides ( Cm, given mmericium, curium, and neptunium recoveries in the ranges of 90 Cf, etc.) from speciaily irradieted materials, have to 99% and plutonivam recoveries of akuout 99.5%. Since these processes were originally intended for recovery of the actinide velues and not for alleviation of the high-lewvel wasie problem, little or no effort was xade Yo achieve higher recoveries or to reguiste the amounts and types of chemical reagents for cptimm waste handlinpg. In order tc evaluate the practicaliiy of sush 2 waste management system, a comprehensive development program is needed (1) to solve problems that are obvious frum past experience, (2; to increase the repoval of these actinide: to the desired level, (3) to determine the nost desirsble method to integrate the needed process ¢ycies inte cre overall system, (4) %o choose chemicel processes and reagents that minimize high-lev2) waste problems, and (5) to Getermine the ccmposi- tion of intermediate-level waste stresms thet will be generated and weys to recycle these streams.