) » - o - ORNL-TM-3579 Contract No, W-TLO5-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION DESIGN AND COST STUDY OF A o - FLUORINATION--REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION--METAL TRANSFER PROCESSING FLANT FOR THE MSER W. L. Carter -:E; L. Nicholson MAY 1972 - OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY - Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 .. operated by : UNION CARBIDE GORPORATION - for the U S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION » (o | ) 4 ~ Abstract . . . . ~ CONTENTS . . * * * ’ * Summeary. . o . .. ’ + * + . * Scope of the Design Study. The Mblten Salt.Breeder Reactor. Reactor Plant . . . . . . . Fuel Salt . . * . . . Equilibrium Comp051tlon of the MSBR Behavior of Fission Products and Fuel Salt in Proce351ng. e o o o o & a The Fluorlnatlon--Reductive Extraction--Metal Transfer. Fluorination. . . . * iii * Components - - - - . * * ’ & * . . * . & LE . e . * LN Protactinium Extraction and Isolation . . Protactinium Isolation System. . . Rare Earth Extraction and Metal Transfer. Mbtal Transfer to LiCl . . Rare Earth Stripping . . . . . Chemical Reactions in Reductlve Extractlon Transfer . . . . . Fuel Reconstitution . . . . - o e + ¢ . 4 Metal Reduction and Bismuth Removal. Filtration and Valence Adjustment. . G&S Recy01e ¢ & -8 4 6 s & & 4 ¢ 4 d . Halogen Removal. . . Noble Metal and Noble Gas Removal Waste Accumulatlon. e e Fluorlde Salt Waste. - & . Waste From Gas Recycle - Process Losses. . 'KOH Scrubber Waste . Hydrogen Discard . . - " Design and Cost Estimate . . Capltal Cost of the Plant. - Process P1p1ng. e o e e 4 Process Instrumentation . e 6 e e Fluoride Salt Waste. . - & . » * Cell Electrical Connections Thermal Insulation. . . . Radiation Monitoring. . . Sampling Stations.. . . . Fluorine Plant. . System. . i e e s ] L oie-e o s o s & o @ ¢ . .. ?' * !. e - * « o 0 e s . ..‘ .' e .0 .0 . e . * .9 ¢ + [ ] ”O & & ¢ e * * » . ¢ . * * '. * [ ] * - - - - s s = - - - . . - - - - - » . ® - . * - - - o & 's . * - - - - e s ® e . . - - - - - ‘ - - L] - > - * - - .'.".q.‘l * & and . * - *» - o 2 * Process o« o o fibtal - - L] - - - ¥ - - - - - - - - - L > - - .. - - - - .« = - - - » - - - - . [} » . - - 2 e & s = e e e e w . - - -» - - - L] - . - - - - - - - - iv Indirectocosts, e e e e e e e e Construction Overhead, ', . . . . . Engineering -and Inspection Charge, ' Taxes &nd Insurance. s s o0 e o e "'Contingency. e e e e e e s e e e e Interest During Construction — mel GyCle cos‘b‘ 0 e . L] . * * . * . * & ' * Capital Cost Versus Plant Size ...'. . . Cost Estimate for & 3, 33-Day Fuel Cycle Process Piping . . ., .., ; Process Instrumentation, , ., . . Cell Electrical Connections. “« o o Thermal Insulation , . . + .+ « « » Radiation Monltorlng € o 4 o6 o e Sampling Stations, . ., . . ... . Fluorine Flant . . . ¢« « « ¢« + o & "Indirect Costs v 4 o o ¢ ¢ o o o & Needed Development, Uhcertainties and Alternatives Materials of Construction . . . . . . Continuous Fluorination . . . . . . . Bismuth Removal from Salt . ., . . . . Instrumentation for Process Control , Noble and Seminoble Metal Behavior. . Operational and Safety Considerations * & & & & @ | Acknowledgment e o o s o o .'...'.-... . a References-. ¢ ¢ 5. o 8 o 5 s & s e s s e s e | Appendixes e for the MSBR Processing Plant , , . Once-Through Process Cycle ., ., . - Gas Recycle Systéem . . . . .. Fuel Cycle Cost Comparison . ., . . Appendix B: Useful Data for the MSBR and ’ - - T - - .- .. L » - . - - - - - .- . l., Time, * & & & 8 s & o - L] . i - L] e * o & & & & 8 & & »® .Appendix A: Economic Comparison of Process " & & @ Processing Plant. . - - - - [ ] s & % 8 & o . * s - o. e.% » . .o . e e s & & s - . - - - - - - - . - . @ - - - - - & - - . - - . = - - - - e & & & & & = & & ® & & & & =& & & ‘@ s & 8 & s & = e & e s e & e e e e e ..o . s s s s s e & + * . * * e Gas Systems - - - . ooa_c' Appendix C: Steady State Concentrations in the Metal Tr&nsfersystem.r..-.,.._.......'.....-..' ‘Appendix D: Flowsheet of the Fluorination--Reductive Extraction--Met&l Transfer Process [ 1000- MW(e) MSBR]. . . « ® 8 & & = &% & s = - e 8 e & s » e 8 8 8 8 e. & * & s = & & - - - L ‘s 8 e & & ® - - - - - - - - * . & * a & 's & & & s & ® & & & = ¢ & 8 = 8 & & & e .® . & & a & - @ L v . o - 4 C - DESIGN AND COST STUDY OF A FLUORINATION--REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION—-METAL TRANSFER PROCESSING PLANT FOR THE MSER W, L. Carter = E L. Nicholson ABSTRACT A preliminary design study and cost estimate were made - for an integrated processing plant to continuously treat irradisted LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, fuel salt from a 1000-Mi(e). -single-fluid, molten-salt breeder reactor, The salt is . treated by the fluorination--reductive extraction--metal transfer process to recover and recycle uranium and carrier salt, to isolate R33pg for decay, and to concentrate fis- sion products in waste media. For a plant that processes the active inventory (1683 fts) of reactor fuel on a 10-day cycle the direct costs were estimated to be $21 million and indirect costs were $15 million for a total investment of $36 million, Allowances for site, site preparation, and buildings plus facilities shared with the reactor are not included since these costs are included in the overall cost of the power station, The net fuel cycle cost for process- ing on a 10-day cycle at 80% plant factor was estimated to ‘be 1,1 mills/kWhr; this includes credit for a 3. 3%/yr yield of bred fuel, The capital investment wés not strongly in- fluenced by processing rate, A plant to process the 1000- MW(e) reactor on a 3. 3 day cycle was estimated to cost $L8 mllllon. A 0.9-gpm stream of fuel salt flows directly from the - reactor to the processing plant, and, after about 30 min- utes holdup for’ ‘decay of short-lived fission products, the ~salt flows to a fluorinator where approximately 95%.of the ~ uranium is removed, The salt is then contacted with bis- . -muth containing metallic lithium reductant to extract *>°Pa ~ end the remaining uranium, which are hydrofluorlnated from the bismuth into a captive salt phase and held for **®Ps decay. - The U- and Pa-free salt is treated in & second ex- tractor with additionel Bi-Ii solution to remove most of _the rare earth fission products which are isolated via the ~ metal transfer operation in Bi-Ii alloys and held for decay "~ Finally, the rare earths are hydrofluorlnated into a waste - - salt for disposal,, : \ . : Fuel salt is reconstltued by redu01ng recycle UF from fhé fluorinator directly into the purified LiF-BeF -ThF4 carrier, Gaseous reaction products (HF and excess Hé) from UF reduction are treated to remove volatile fission products and recycled. A portion of the HF is electrolyzed to provide - F, for fluorlnatlon. . Reductive extraction and metsl trensfer operations are carried out at about 6L0°C; fluorlnatlon and hydrofluorina- tion can be conducted at 550 600°C, ~ Molybdenum is the assumed construction material for vessels that conteined. molten bismuth and bismuth-salt mixtures; Hastelloy N was used for vessels oontalning only molten fluoride salt o Keywords: Fluoride'Salt-Processing, MSBR, Reductive Extraction Process, Metal Transfer Process, Fluorination, . Fuel Cycle Cost, Capital Cost, Fused Fluoride Salts, . Chem- »1cal Processing, Fission Product Heat Generstion, Process D981gn, Blsmuth Mblybdenum, Protactinium SUMMARY An essential objective of the design &nd devélopmental'sffort on & molten salt'breeder resctorr(MSBR) is & satisfactory and economic reproc- essing method for the irradiated ffiel | As procossihg development'advancés . in the laboratony and on an englneerlng scele, it is informative to relate the oonoeptual process to the operation of the reactor and to the cost of producing power, We have made & preliminary de51gn and oost estimate for & processing plant that uses the fluorlnation—-reductlve extraction—-metal transfer process to determine capital 1nvestment and fuel cycle costs, Our study was for an integrated processing facility for treating irradi- ' ated LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, fuel from a single-fluid, 1000-Mi(e) MSER on a '10-day cycle., The estimated capital and fuel cycle costs are: Cagitai Costs | | o o 10° $ Direct costs | o | o 20,568 . - ~ Indirect costs ... 15,046 Total plant inveStment o o ‘35,61h Fuel Cycle Costs (80% plant faotor) S ,'m111s/kwhr | Fixed charges 0,696 Reactor inventory (flss11e; - o - 0.328 Reactor inventory (nonflss11e) | 7 . 0,061 Processing plant 1nventory (fissile) = 0,029 Processing plant inventory (nonfissile) - 0,012 ‘ . Operating charges : , ... . 0,079 . Production Credit (3.27%/yr fuel yield) . -0.089 Net Fuel Cycle Cost ‘ | L6 o a) 4 The costs are for installed process equipment, piping, instrumentation, .thermal,insfilation, electrical supply, sempling stations, and various | auxiliary equipment including pumps, electricel heaters, refrigeration system, and process'gas:supply and purification‘Systems. The estimate | does not include site, site preparation, and building costs er the cost of facilities and equipment Shared'with the_reector plantj these costs are included in the overall cost of the power station, - Installed spare equipment and redundant cooling circuits for fail-safe design are also not included Molybdenum was the aSSumed éonstrucfiiOn naterial for all equipment that contained blsmuth or blsmuth-salt maxtures, Hastelloy N was used for vessels that contalned only molten salt .‘Irrad;ated fuel ;s removed contlnuously from the reactor'and held ~ about 30 minutes for decay of short-lived fission products (see Fig. 1). - Most of tne-nraniumisithen removed_fi& fluorinafiion.end is qnickly're- | cycled by reduction with hydrogen into-previously processed salt that is returning to'the'reactor. Tne salt is then contaeted'in an extractien column with bismuth contalnlng about 0,2 at.% lithium metal and 0,25 at,® thorium metal reductants to extract protactinlum, zirconium, and the remaining uranium, The uranium- and protactlnlum-free salt flows to a second extraction colum where & large portion of the rare earths, al- kaline earths, and alkali metel fission products are extracted by further contact wifh'Bi-Li reductant. Some thorium is also extracted, The salt is then'recenstifuted.nith recycle and makeup nraninm, treated to remove entrained bismnth c°rros10n products, end suspended particulates.’ The ! UB*/U4+ concentratlon ratlo is adgusted and the salt is returned to the -\reactor. | | | | | | The bismuth effluent'frbn the‘firS£aextrsctionveolumn'is hydroflu-' orinated in the presence -of reclrculatlng LJ.F-Tth,-ZrF4 PaF4 salt to oxidize 253Pa, uranium, and zirconium to soluble fluorides which dissolve '1n the salt; unused llthlum ‘and thorium reductants also transfer to the salt, The clean bismuth recelves makeup reductant and returns to the process. Protactinium-233 is isolated from the rest pf the process in | . the salt phase and held for deeay. To avoid 2 large uranium inventory, the protactinium decay salt is fluorinated on a one-day cycle, and, Fecvered ECYCLED TO PROCESS Hy 6L5 PURIFICATION H2 fpUGRINE M| misTicaTion I : SALY UF, —emyFy | PURIFICATION REDUCTION | INT FUEL SALY BISMUTH -—— . s e v REACTOR I P FLUORINATION £ ‘Fig. 1. - by the Fluorlnatlon-—Reductive Extraction--Mbtal Transfer Process._ ' —— - E RACTION RARE EARTHS N.KlLI M T‘L‘r ALKALINE F---_-_- ---d . - . Ufg f PRODUC EXTRACTION (Pe, U, Iv) UFg e e — t33p, DECAY —— —— —— —— - " [T uFy Recovery AND WASTE RETENTION HF _———————b » r | | i ORNL DWG 72140 +Ct [ ———— | ( . | 2+ © EXTRACTION . AC ATION we2+ IN Bi-80 ol % bt | - v T - wd e ——— r-ssvonmooucrs T WASTE ———— Tt a:cwh:o £\ EXTRACTION (FISSION T INTO LiC1) . (€l . i - —— o Li METAL o4 " EXTRACTION b : ACCUMULATION Red IN Bi=5 of. % Li - ) 1 —— s o ) - q Conceptual Flow Diagram for Processn.ng -a Single Fluid MSBR . @ n al every 220 days, about 25 ft° of the salt is withdrawn, held for 2>Pa decay, fluorinated, and'disCarded to purge accumulated fission products, LiF, ThF4,'and some corrosion prcducts. The F,-UFg stream from this fluorinator contains uranium of the highest isotcpic purity in the proc- essing plant; therefore,“a pcrtion of this stream is withdrawn to remove: excess uranium above that required to refuel the reactor, Fissicn;products removed from the carrier selt in the second extrac- tion column are transferred from—Bi4Li solution to molten lithium chloride; however, the distribution coefficient for thorium between LiCl and Bi-Li solution is much lower'than'that of the rare earths and uery little tho- rium transfers, The lithium'chloride-circulates_ih a closed loop,vand' is treated in two steps to isolate the rare earths'ahdvalkaline earths, The'entire LiCl stream is contacted with Bi-5 at.% Li alldy to strip trivalent rare earths into the metal; about two percent of this treated stream is then Stripped.uith Bi-50 at,% Li alloy to remove divalent rare earths and alkaline earths, Alkali metals (rubidium, cesium) remain in the llthlum chloride and are removed by occa51onally dlscardlng a small volume of the salt. FlSSlon products bulld up in the two Bi-Li alloys and are purged,perlodlcally by hydrofluorlnatlng relatively small volumes of each alloy in the presence of a molten waste salt. Large fractions‘of some classes. of fission products (noble gases, noble and seminoble metals) are presumed to be removed from the fuel salt '1n the reactor, and for these, the process1ng plant is not designed to handle the MSBR'S full productlon. Noble gases are sparged from the 01rcu1at1ng fuel in the reactor wlth inert gas on a 50 sec cycle, and noble and semlnoble metals are expected to plate out on reactor and heat exchanger surfaces on a relatlvely short cycle. A removal cycle time of 2.l hours was used for. thls study Since this cycle is Short compared " to 10-day proce551ng qycle tlme, only about 0.1% of ‘these metals are removed in the process1ng plant Halogenous flSSlon products are vola- tilized in fluorination and are. removed from the process gas by scrubblng | w1th aqueous caustlc solutlon after uranlum has been recovered The capltal cost for the fluorlnatlon-areductlve extractlon--metal transfer proce331ng plant is not strongly affected by throughput The direct,_indirect, and total plant investments were $28;5'million;.$2b.0h1 million,randt$h8.5h1 million respectively:for a plant to process a 1000- “Mi(e) MSBR.on a 3.33-day.cyole. The scale factor for capital cost versus | | throughput is 0,28 for a’range of processing qycle times from 3 to 37 days. Although con51derable knowledge has been galned in recent years on processing molten fluoride salts, the current concept still has & number of ‘major uncertalntles and problem areas that must be resolved to prove ‘its practlcablllty ‘From a chemical standp01nt the process is funda- mentally sound; however, engineering- problems ere difficult, A basic -problem is & material for containing bismuth and blsmuth—salt mlxtures, moledenum has excellent corrosion res1stanoe,.but_the technology for : fabrioating'complex shapes and systems is undevelOPed..-Graphite isa Vpossible z2lternate material, howerer, its use introduces design and fab- . rication difficulties particularly in joint design and.porosity | Fluorlnatlon of a flowing salt stresm has been demonstrated but establish- ing and malntalning a protective layer of frozen salt on the fluorinator walls has not been demonstrated except in a fluorination 51mu1atlon. Complete removal of entrained bismuth from molten salt, and satisfactory -high-temperature 1nstrumentatlon for process control are yet to be de- veloped and demonstrated. Experimental data from the MSRE indicate that - noble metal fission products will dep051t on reactor surfaces as we have . assumed in this study; if this is not the case, there will be & consider- able effect on processing plant design in fac111t1es for handllng these addltlonal f18$1on preoducts, SCOPE OF THE DESIGN STUDY This design and cost study was made to estimate the cost of proc- essing irradiated LiF-BeF -ThF4 UF, fuel'of a 1000-MW(e) molten-salt breeder reactor, The proce531ng plant 1s an 1ntegrated facility that shares conmon services and maintenance equlpment with the reactor and power conversion plant, Fuel is treated contlnuously by the fluorlnatlon--f reductive extractionfl-metal transfer process C, ) o <« 4 Our costs are based upon preliminary design caloulatlons of each major item of process equipment, A sufficient study'was made of all process operations to esteblish the geometry, heat transfer surface, material of construction, coolant requirement, and other features that influenced operability and cost of the'equipment . No plant layouts or designs of'auxiliary equipment were made, Aux111ary 1tems such as pumps, ' sampllng statlons, reagent purification systems, etc., were 1dent1f1ed by size and number in relatlvely broad categories from flowsheet require- ments and a general knowledge of the overall plant layout. The costs of magor equipment items were estlmated on the basis of unit cost per pound of fabricated,material for the required shapes, fOr example, plate, tubing, pipe, flanges; etc. The costs of conventional aux111ary equipment and of f-the-shelf items were estimated from prev1ously developed molten salt reactor proaect 1nformat10n. Estimated costs for major and auxiliary equipment were the basis for other diréct costs that could not be determined without detailed designs and equipment layouts. Cost for piping, instrumentation, insula- tion, etc,, were estimated'by taking various percentages of the installed_' equipment costs, The applied factors wererobtained_from previous experi- ence in chemical processing;plant_deSignland construction, The study does not include allowances for site, site preparation, buildings, and facilities shared with the reactor plant.' TheSe costs are identified with the overall- cost of the power station and it is not practicable to proratevthemlorer.various sections of the installation, o Facilities‘andlequipment7for”treating the reactor off-gas are usually - considered to be part of the reactor system and their cost was not in- cluded, ‘Furthermore, our study was not sufficiently-detailed to determine the'required‘duplication:of;eQUipmentVfor continuity of operations, nor . : did we make'a thorough'safety'analysis that could resuit in additional . 'cost especially with regard to redundant and fail-safe coolant 01rcu1ts VA more detailed study than ours mlght also show that add1t10na1 equipment is needed to treat fuel and/or reactor coolant salt in case of accidental _ cross contamlnatlon For consisteocy with‘ihe cost study for-the referencc'moltén—salt . breeder reactor,l wc‘have.based our costs on the 1970fvalue of the - o dollar; Privétc ownerShip of the plant is assumed, Interest on borrowed '-‘money for the three-year constructlon perlod is taken at 8% per year; no '.escalatlon of costs durlng constructlon is taken into account Costs of." - site, buildings, facilities and services, and reactor off-gas treatméht__ may be found in reference 1. ' THE MOLTEN SALT BREEDER REACTOR Reactor Plant o The processing plant of this study trects irfadiated fuel from the '1000-Mw(e) reference molten salt breeder reactor descrlbed by Robertson.l, The single-fluid resactor is fueled with’ 235UF4 in a carrier of molten 7LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %); about 0.3 mole % *°3UF, is required - for criticality., The molten fuel is circulated at high éclocity in | -cloSed loops consisting of the reactor core and primary heatvexchangcrs (Fig. 2) wheré fission energy is transferred to & secondary coolant salt for the production of supercritical steam at 1000°F and 3600 psia, ‘ FiSsioning'uranium in the core heats fihe salt to zbout 1300°F; this témf perature is reduced to about 1050°F in the primany heat'exchaogers from which the salt returns to the core to repeat the cycle, ‘A sidestream of s< flows continuously through the fuel-salt drain tenk, and & very small portion (0.87 gpm) of this stresm is routed continuously to thefprOcessing' plent for treatment. Processed salt is returned to the drain tank end - then to the reactor, S | ‘A few pertinent data gbout the MSER are'given in_Table H Fuel Salt In a_sifigle-fluid'MSBR'the fertile material‘(thorium) is cerried in. the fuel stream, and bred fuel is produced in the fuel salt, Most of the ‘bred fuel is burned to produce power; however, excess 256U amounting to ~ about 3,27% of the reactor 1nventory is produced each year and is recov- . ered in the chemlcal processing plant, € ( 1 w“ : | «} . o - -3 ORNL—DWG 70-11906 FLOW DIVIDER 1000°F 3600P 10 x 105 1b/hr TO BOTTLE STORAGE 18 - CLEAN 700°F HU50°F 1300°F 850°F 71 %108 b/ 1050°F 95 x 108 Ib/hr STACK FREEZE VALVE CHEMICAL _E PROCESSING I Fig. 2. Simplified Flow Diagram of MSBR System, (1) Reactor, (2) Primary heat exchanger, (3) Fuel-salt pump, (L) Coolant-salt pump, (5) Steam generator, (6) Steam reheater, (7) Reheat steam preheater, (8) - Steam turbine-generator, (9) Steam condenser, (10) Feedwater booster pump, (11) Fuel-salt drain tank, (12) Bubble generator, (13) Gas sepa- . rator, (1};) Entrainment separator, (15) Holdup tank, (16) L7-hr Xe holdup charcoal bed, (17) Long-delay charcoal bed, (18) Gas cleanup and compressor system, . 10 Teble 1. Selected Data for the Molten Selt Breeder Reactor” Reactor Flant Gross fission heat generation L 2250 MA(t) Gross electrical generation = - 1035 Mi(e) Net electrical output | - | 1000 Mw(e) Net overall thermal efficiency W LW Reactor vessel o 2e2,2ftIDx 20 £t high - Construction material for reactor . : Hastelloy N - , .vessel and heat exchanger , - - o Moderator = - ~Graphite (bare) Fissile uranium inventory : o - 1346 kg Breeding ratio | | - 1,06 Fuel yield - 3.27%/year Doubling time, compounded contlnuously . 22 years : _ . at 80% plant factor | | ' e Fuel Salt - | | = S | ‘ v Components ' - LiF-BeFé-ThF4—UF Composition ' e ' 71.7-16.0-12,0-0,3 mole % Liquidus temperature | ~930°F (L499° c) Isotopic enrichment in 7Li S - 99.995% Volume in primary systemP | 1720 £t3 Processing cycle time | - 10 days %pata taken from ref, 1. - : bThe fuel salt volume used in our study was 1683 fta . The 1720-f£9 value resulted from later calculations in optimlzlng the - MSBR, S ' _ . ] LA ") 11 A thermel-neutron reactor must be processed rather rapidly for both fission prodfict and **®Pa removal if the reactor is to maintain favorable breeding characteristics, &nd a significant advantage of the MSBR is the ease of withdrawing fuel for processing. The moderately high absorption cross section and large equilibrium inventory (~102 kg) of **°Pa make this nuclide a significant neutron poison and require that its removal rate by processing'be sbout four (or more) times its decay rate, that is, a cycle time of about 10-dsys.‘-In this system the processing plant is | an integral part of the installation, and irradiated fuel can flow easily from the primary reactor circuit to the processing plant (Fig. 1). Treated fuel is returned in a similar manner, The processihg,cycle time is de- | termined from an economic_balance between the cost of prccessihg and the creditvfrcmvincreased fuel yield, The cycle time for this study (10 days) ‘might not be the optimum because it was fixed to give the MSBR favorable nuclear performance withoutrpriof knowledge of the processing cost. Contaminants in the reactor fuel can be gfouped into three broad categories with respect to their influence on processing plant design:1? | (1) volatile fission products, (2} soluble fission and corrosion products, and (3) fission products that have an afflnlty for surfaces in the reactor system. “The flrst group 1ncludes the noble gases which are removed from the reactor prlmsry system on about a 50-sec cycle by sparging the circu- lating fuel W1th an inert gas, Therefore, these gases @re ohly a2 minor con31derat10n in the design of the proce531ng plant, Experimental evi- dence - suggests that portlons of the noble metal fluorides mlght also be removed by sparging, but the data are inconclusive in establlshlng the magnltude of this effect The ‘second group of flSSlon products has the most effect on proce351ng plant deS1gn because thelr only means of re- -moval is by process1ng the fuel salt, These f1551on products 1nc1ude : primarily the halogens, elkal:. metals, ‘alkaline earths, and rare earths, protactinium (as PaFg, is also soluble and ‘a very important nuclide in h-_proce351ng plant de31gn because of 1ts hlgh specific decey heat (50, 8 'w/g) and 1arge equlllbrlum 1nventory. ‘The third group 1nc1udes the ndble ~ and seminoble metals which appears to attach themselves to surfaces in the reasctor circuit, These metals are called "noble".because they are 12 _'noble with respect to the materlals of oonstructlon of the reactor &and R &\-) - are normally in the reduced state in this system. The effect1ve cycle - | tlme for this removal 1s'not deflnltely known but. is‘belleved_to be &bout 2, L hr, the removal time used in this study, ‘This group of fission' 'products aceounts for sbout 30% of the total f1$Slon product decay heat, - hence noble metals could become an 1mportant factor in proce551ng plant : _de31gn 1f their removel in the reactor is not as efflclent &s we have ' assumed, or if they build up dep051ts that occa51ona11y bresk away end 'enter the proce551ng plant, - S { ~ Ehullibrlum Comp031tlon of the MBBR The equ111br1um comp051tlon of the 1000-MW(e) MSER has been calcu- lated by Bell® for use in this study and the results are given in Table 2, - The fission product values are the sum of 1nd1v1dual values for_eveny ' isotope of the particular fission product, At equilibrium, g + f heat generation by fission products is 91,9 NMQ which is L, 08% of the total - thermal power, ' , Protactlnlum is processed on a 10-day cycle and held for decay in B o v ~ the processing plant The **®Pa 1nventony distribution between the | - reactor and the processing plant is 20.6 kg and 81,8 kg respectlvely. | Most of the fission products are removed from the fuel salt by | several mechanisms, and the processing cycle time for éach givcn'in the ~table is for the dominant removal pfocess. Howcvér,'all rcmOVolproc-' esses were considered in computing thc equilibrium COmpoéition,.forl' .example, ncutron absorption;'plating out on reactor surfaces, extraction',‘ in the processing plent, fueifsait discard, or &ny other &pplicsgble . method, ‘ ' ' BEHAVIOR OF FISSION PRODUCTS AND FUEL SLT COMPONENTS IN PROCESSING Flssion products and fuel component behav1or in the fluorlnatlon-- reductive extractlon--metal transfer process is more ea511y explained by =~ . 77 associatlng groups of elements w1th the pr1no1pal operatlon for thelr - ) \fivzv. AR T TR Treemem—— T T TeTE————————— 13 3 ! . . L - o | : ) - Table 2." PEguilibrium Composition and Hest Generation for Principal Radioactive Nuclides in the 10_00-1‘!4(9) MSER Carrier Salt: LiF-BeF,-ThF, § 79-16=12 mole ¢ o ’ Cycle Time for Sait Through i Processing Plant: 10 days : . ! Reactor Thermal Power: 2252 MW : Fuel Salt Volume: 1683 £1° - ~ ‘ o Breeding Ratio: 11,0637 ‘ i } fisslion Products - o Processing o ‘ ' j ; Element . Cycle Time Grams/cnf® : Beta Watts/cr® . Gamma Watts/cn® ' B + y Watts/cm® sg 50 see - 4.08360 x 1072% 4.30620 x 0724 0.0 | 1.50620 x 10724 " Zn 2.4 hr : 2,74881 x 10722 3,4382) x 1070 3,15231 x 1070 - 3,75347 x 107° Ga 2L hr ' 8,58LoL x 107® b, 208¢5 x 107" _ 1,62267 x{ 1078 : 5.93163 x 107% ' Ge N 7.07118 x 10720 5,32699 x 107° 2.15637 x 107° | 7.78336 x 107° As 2.4 hr - 5.7€132 x 107*° ' 1,402 x 107 LB x 10t 1.72803 x 107 Se 2.4 br 2.03324 x 107 : 2.3LL497 x 107 | 1.60351 x 107 2.50532 x 1072 . Br 10 days i 5.09811 x 1077 | 1.18250 x 1072 1.53979 x, 1072 1,93648 x 107> ke 50 sec. 2. 74746 x 107° | 3.47011 x 1072 : 1.63905 x 1072 . 3.04915 x 107 b 12 days 2.17168 x 1077 1.72154 x 107" , - 5.82752 x{ 107 - 2,30530 x 107t Sr ¢ days - 2.L14L5 x 107% €.83795 x 1072 * 7.99L46 x 1072 . ‘ 1.L8324 x 107 Y i days - 2,61858 x 10" 1,35111 x 10 7.90656 x 1072 2,14176 x 107% zr 10 days | 6,68950 x 107® 155792 x 107 . 1,7807L %1107 1,73599 x 1073 Nb 2.4 hr _ 6,26768 x 107 6.55LLL x 1072 1 3.57730 x!m'2 : 1,01317 x 107% Mo b 2.69109 x 107" 126209 x 102 1.14136 x| 1072 - 2,70385 x 1072 Te 2,4 hr 1.40352 x 107® . 1.88519 x 1072 . 1.40781 x|107® 3.29300 x 107® Ru 2,5 hr . 1.6630L x 1077 ' 6.85229 x 107* 3.13669 x;ao‘* : . 9,98897 x 10°* Rh 2.5 hr | 3,64718 x 107° 0T x 107 2.65L75 x(107* - B.669L7 x 107* Pd 2,5 hr 6,6323 x 167° 2,48215 x 107 1,26885 x!1q‘° o 2.60901 x 107% Ag 2.k hr 9,603 x 1071° 2.805L0 x 107 7.14535 x'107° | A.5199L x 167t cd 2,44 hr 1.84528 x 167° ' 1.141829 x 107* . B.oWTE x 107 o 2,22267 x 107* In 2,4 br 1,96374 x 107*° 8.05530 x 107* S 7.80937 ;f10'* 1.586L7 x 107° Sn 2.5 hr 5.33362 x 107° 3.64733°x 107% : 4, L8932 xw1o‘3 L.09626 x 1072 Sb Z,4 hr 7.05005 x 107° 1,11958 x 10"t 1,82056 x;1072 - - 1,30164 x 1072 Te 2.k hr 2,99511 x 1077 6.6L000 x 1072 ' 1.L2928 x}1o'? ‘ - B.06928 x 107* I 10 days | L.56947 x 107® | 1,02468 x 107t 6.55365 x|10°2 " 1.68024 x 107t Xe 50 sec - 5.94758 x 107° 3.38396 x 107% | 7.76081 x 107 | 3.16156 x 1072 cs - ‘¢ days ¢,35421 x 107 1$.51023 x 1072 " 3,826k2 x 1072 | 1.33666 x 107 Ba 16 days - 1,63160 x 107° 6.77054 x 1072 1,61180 x ;10 6.93212 x 102 ia 21 days: : 3.49987 x 107% - 8.02147 x 1072 ‘ 5.67829 x|1072 : 1.36548 x 107 Ce 16 days 9.£7732 x 10°% . 2248l x 107 5,12100 x 1073 - 3.83694 x 1072 Pr 30 days 3,L7094 x 1078 2,86306 x 1072 1.27302 x 1072 . L.13608 x 1072 Nd 30 days 1.11061 x 107 - 3.32523 x 107 6.80195 x 107 1.005L2 x 107 Pm 29 days 1,19068 x 10°% . 1,94832 x 107 1,057L8 x:107° ©3,00580 x 10°~° S 27 days 1,17938 x 107 1.57257 x 107 1,718L0 xi107® 1, 7ubh x 107% Pu 51 days | 2,46931 x 107® ' 2,95250 x 10-° 6.97780 x 107° 9,93030 x 107° ad 30 days 2.57869 x 107" | 7.77752.x 1077 1.18335 x,1077 9.26088 x 1077 T - 30 days 8.0L5L9 x 107° ' 5.27005 x 107° 1.39630 x 1078 6.66635 x 1078 Dy 30 days: €.32113x 107*° 1.73535 x 107*° ' 3,06505 x 1071 2,04186 x 10°*° Ho 30 days 1.5914) x 10712 5,27681 x 1072 8.66869 x 10718 5.27682 x 10712 Er 30 days 3.18597 x 10722 0,0 0.0 ' 0.0 | | k. L9TLY x 1074 N +.36011 5.68318 x 107 1.92842 (Contimmed) ‘Table 2, (Continued) L Nutlide ‘Fuel Components _Amount 1n Reactor Grams/cn® Fuel Circuit (keg) 238Th ~1.L4572 69,450 233 py 4,3226 x 10°* 20,6" e 37433 x 1077 0.018 . , 232y 12,5805 x 107% 1230 23by 9.3163 x 107 Ll 238y 2,315 x 107 116 33y 2,5200 x 107 120 337y 4.7592 x 107° 0.227 =31p 36116 x 107 17,2 - aseyy 1,3338 x 107¢ 0.063 =33 py L.3420 x 1078 0,207 5.3161 x 107 23PPu 1 1 0.0025 *For removal on a 10-day cycle. A e | L) ¥ 15 removal, Thisrelationship_is shown in Table 3, All chemical species in the fuel salt can be divided into twelve groups, the members of'each group haV1ng similar behavior in the processing plant The-primary'reA moval operatlon is the domlnant process for the group, whereas, - the ;secondany removal operatlon is a downstream operation de51gned for _removal of a dlfferent group but also effectlve in remov1ng components 'of a preV1ously removed group. Noble gases,.sem;noble metals, and noble metals have only a small influence on processing plant design because of their fast removal rate in the reactor, However, soluble daughters of these nuclides will prob- 'ably reenter the fuel salt and be removed in the proce831ng plant, Noble gases are sorbed from the inert sparge gas and retalned for decay on. charcoal beds in the reactor off-gas circuit that 1s removed from the | proce881ng plant Decay times are sufficient to decontamlnate the gas from all krypton and-xénon 1sotopes except 85kr, which has a 10, 76-yr half life, Krypton-BS is concentrated and stored in cylinders by routing @ sidestream of the carrier_gas'thrOUgh either a;cryogenic operation.or the more recently developed hydrocarbon sorption process, There are small concentrations of heavy elementsr(neptunium and protactinium) formed byfneutrOn oaptnre and decay, These elements are easily extracted and will be held in the R53pg decay tank, Neptunium can be fluorinated from the. salt but not as ea51ly as uranlum, therefore, we can expect part of the neptunlum to behave 11ke uranium and be returned to the reconstltuted fuel | -THE-FLtpRiNATION--REDUCTIVE | EXTRACTION--METAL TRANSFER PROCESS - - A 31mplif1ed flowsheet of the fluorlnatlon--reductlve extractlon—- metal transfer process 1s shown 1n F1g 3, The plant can be d1v1ded into _six areas each of which is characterlzed by 1ts prlmary process operation: | _fluorlnatlon, protactlnlum extractlon and 1solatlon, rare earth extract1on - and metal transfer, fuel reconstltutlon, gas recycle, and waste accumu- lation., Fuel solt flows qulckly through the plant 50 that there is minimal holdup of salt and uranlum. -» Table 3. Removal Methods for Fission Products and 16 Fuel Components in Processing MSBR Fuel 4 dhemical Group Noble gases Seminoble metals® Noble metals’ Uranium Halogens .Zirconium and protactinium "Corrosion products -Trivalen:g rare . earths Divalent rare earths . Alkaline earths Alkali metals Carrier salt - Components Kr snd Xe; present in szlt as elgments Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se ‘Wb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Snm, Sb, Te; present in salt in reduced : state - %330' ESGU 2360’— 3“0’ “"U- present in salt as fluorides Er and I; present in salt as bromides and iodides Zr and >>Pa; present in s3lt as fluorides . Wi, Fe, Cr; present in salt as fluorides Y, la, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er; present in salt as fluorides Sm and Eu; present in salt as fluorides Sr and Ba; present in salt as fluorides Rb and Cs; ‘present in salt as fluorides Ii, Be, Th; present. as fluorides - Primary Removal Ogeraticm Sparging with ipert gas in re- actor fuel circuit Plating out on eurfaces in re- actor vessel and heat exchangers Plating 6ut on surfaces in re- sctor vessel and heat sxchangers Volatilization in primary flu- orinator; recovered and recy- .cled to regctor Volatilisation in primary flu- - orinator followed by isolation ‘ in ECOH solution Reductivp extraction with Bi- 11 alloy in Pa extraction column followed by isolation in Pa decgy salt " . Reductive extraction with Bi- Li alloy in Pe extraction colum followed by isolation in Pa decay salt Reductive extraction with Bi- Li alley in rare sarth ex- traction colwm; metal transfer via LiCl to isolation in Bi-S . at,f Ii solution Reductive ext.raction with Bi- 1i alloy in rare earth ex- traction column; metal transfer .via LiCl to isclation in B:l-50 at.% 11 solution Reductive e.itraction with Bi- 11 alley in rare earth ex- traction columm; metal transfer via 1iCl to isolation in Bi-59 at,? 11 solution Reductive extraction with Bi- Ii alloy in rare earth ex- traction column' accumlat.ion in LiC1 Fuel salt'discard to remove ~ excess Li added in reductive. extraction units Secondary Removal Ojerat’ion : Purged 1n fluorinators and . purge colums due to sparging action of F, and H2 Reduction by Bi-Ii alloy in reductive extraction; SeF, volatilized ,_.‘m fluorinator . W5, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Sb, and Te have volatile fluorides and ‘are removed in fluorinators; Pd, Ag, Cd, In, and Sn reduced “py Bi-I4 alloy in reductive extraction Reductive extraction with Bi-Li ' . alloy in Pa extractlon column . followed by volatilization in secondary fluorinator Reduction to metallic particulates by Hy in reduction column fol-. lowed by filtration # Fuel salt discard Fuel salt discard Fuel salt discard Fuel salt discard allm"e recent information suggesta that Zn, Ga, Ge and As may not be in reduced state in this system and plate out on am'faces' however, in this study t.hey were treated as if they did plate out, . h!ttritm is not a rare earth but its bebavior is analogous. ) QRNL DG TI-188% W , g e s T0 FURGE COLUmNE VENT TO RTAER {10 8CFR) Hy o FRUM HYDROF L UORINATORS A0 PURGE Cui.UWMNG CAUSTIC scHQY EVARORATION &N T LTI ADDIT o BALY fnE STORA 153 GM MOLE/DAY) ) . . ———- —— 3ALT MAKELR XOM M8~y et ° e e BT i e - o 168 GALITATY 84F,174.8 G MOLE/DAY) 2 BALIMINY SCCUMULATION | . T t . THFGUOU S GM MOLE/DAY) . s " g - T 'l . . : ’ ! } : : o ene ! e mmm .4 t - . ! CARRIER SALT DiSCAND i . ‘ ‘ (LF- BeFy-ThF | 2 """ . 2 ! . ’ - - he! : & . - l . (730 GAL/DAYY l : STAIFPER - 1 O g T o] g 2 o ' ————— L mesoanmgua® L. POGMRAELOM o, Cos i r 1oAT TR AN @ 4 GAL/ORY) — A r - o : P 54 . " N o 3 g . ‘ na. 1 rissdh Flooucr ! e g1 ‘ T i TRANSEEN AATHINM ADDITION R ol fiq i ™ |‘ } ToLLL - L.-.—-_J MW“EN*\‘!' 1 : 5 , b : g_g ' .‘ ‘ BiSWUITH P . g cob W Ta 3 L L o S SALT SAEANGE KND B 1 WYDHOFLUDAINAT OAS Ao ation, 1 BT DALY *: P e 1 g ‘ i N mltn.l'r” i r 1 ! ‘gfi';;‘gm § / Lo om0 i i S e 4 B W G S S e -n\-l1 \ "é':'c:: i L : \5 .-o;-'-q“\a'lnw—h-fl' 0 e s e e it e ] e i : - e |24 GAL /M) : Fasiy i | 3 ! o . . e a tr e - - et 2R ' e ‘ R FueL SALT RE FURN i . i T P M MOLE L0 . : Vo Ti AEACTGM . }] ‘ I aEpoen ey daiomn : L 1087 GAs #WINF ' o et : : II I: g PRODUC v ” : Y ) t [ ' " : CONDARY \ . ' ! Fl:tuollfllwon t | F' b . i i . g} q ' (- . P } 1313 GRLIWING . i ' v : 1 ALY FRUM AEACTOR e [ Lif -BeFy- THE g F g 0.:.?6.“_"':_!‘}'_& e : Vo 71 7-18.0-12.0- 3 MOLE % 1§ GAL AN 3 oo 10 87 GAL/AMN} ) 1 i e STONAGE AMD DECAY aianoN PROOUCT ‘ T LiF=They 2rfy-Pary - WABTE ALY AL Ao v (H0-260-20-02 MOLE W LiTHRR ALDITION 1344 GAL/DAYY ‘o 150115 ¥ £371L G WO EDAYY vy " Vo y ! 1| 1 orimaRy- STREAMS 3 5 o o L Bafp TM LT . s ET 2O DAYSY s P s GEMITH ! . i 230+ DAY ! | e i | 1G) Ca ' . Pg DECAY o e i Py g ol P Vo 1 [ ‘ ! TGTR AL /NN o | - - - - ———— ! i [ : - e mmmememsasm—As wSse—mum e e imamemem e e ‘ . - Fig.‘B.: Flow Diagram of the Fluorination--Reductive Extraction-- . Metal Transfer Process, Values apply to processing a_TOOOwMW(e) MSBR on a 10-day cycle. o : Li g ‘ | Fluorination | Irradiated fuel salt from the MSER enters the processing plant at . ebout 0,87 gal/mln and is held for ‘gbout 30 minutes to allow the decay heat generatlon rate to drop from about 5L.6 to 12,6 Ki/ft>. (See the detalled flowsheet in Appendix D for material and energy‘balance data ) The salt then flows to a fluorlnator where gbout 95% of the uranium is f volatlllzed at about 550°G as UF .- The fluorlnator must be protected ' from catastrophlc attack by the Fé-molten salt mixture by a 1eyer of frozen selt on wetted surfaces of the unit, Salt leaves ‘the fluorinator and enters e similer column, which is also protected by frozen salt, 'where hydrogen gas reacts with dlssolved fluorine and UFg to produce HF . &nd UF, respectively, The hydrogen &lso strips HF from the selt, prevent- B ing corrosion of downstream equlpment The fluorinator is also the primary removal unit for the halogens,' which are oxidized to volatile Bng and IFE} Certain noble &nd semi- noble metals, namely, Se,'Mo, Tc, Ru, Sb, and Te, are converted to : _volatlle fluorldes by fluorine and are removed with the uranium, ,How- - ever, as stated above, the equlllbrlum amounts of these metals in- the | salt are small because of the 2, 4-hr removal time in the reactor. Re51d- ual Kr and Xe are removed by the stripping actlon of Fy in the fluorlnator and. H2 1n the purge column, The principal reactions are: In the fluorinator 2 UF, + Fp » 2 UFg 72UF5+F27'*~2.UF6, 2B + 5.F, »2 BrF + 267 2 I +5F2~>21F +2e ‘MM° + 3 Fy » (NM)Fg (NM = noble metal; Tne last'equation illustrates a typical noble metal reaction{ The behav1or of 211 noble and semlnoble metals is not completely understood 7 and other oxldatlon stetes might be present ’ In the purge column'r Py + B, > 2 HF - 2 UFg + Hy » 2 UFy, + 2 HF » @ ) ] . 19 Protactirium Extraction &nd TIsolation The salt stream, containing about 5% of the urenium and all of the protactlnlum, enters the bottom of .a packed extraction column and is contacted with a countercurrent stream of bismuth containing about 0,2 at, % lithium and 0,25 at, % thorium reductants, Protactinium and ura- nium are reduced by lithium‘and thorium and extracted into the bismuth; fission product zirconium, the remalnlng noble and seminoble metals, and corrosion products are also extracted Salt 1eav1ng the top of the ex- tractlon column is essentlally free of uranium and protactlnium., The'reductlve_extractlon column operates at about 6L0°C with a salt/ '-metal flow ratio around 6,7/1, Extraction is essentially complete for the affected nuclides, Thorium can be extracted into the metal as shown in the third equation below, However, operating conditions are_fixed to minimize the extraction of thorium, and, since thorium is a reductant for protactinium and uranium, it is partially returned-tohthe salt phase, - The principal reactions occurring in the protactinium extraction column are: Co PaF, (selt) + L Li(Bi) - L IiF (salt) + Pa(Bi) UF, (salt) + 4 Li(Bi) - 4 I4iF (salt) + U(Bi) ThF, (salt) + L Li(Bi) - L LiF (salt) + Th(Bi) UF, (salt) + Th(Bi) - ThF, (salt) + U(Bi) PaF, (salt) + Th(Bi) —'»ThF,,, (salt) + Pa(Bi) ZrF, (salt) + 4 Li(Bi) - L LiF (salt) + Zr(B:L) | Gorrespondlng reactions between Ber and L1(Bl) or Th(Bi) do not occur, As shown in the above reactions, reductive extractlon 1ncreases the LiF content of the carrler salt‘ The excess is removed by dlscardlng a rsmall amount of the csrrler 1n a later operatlon. , Protactlnium Isolatlon System " The metal stream from the reductlve extractlon column enters a ,' hydrofluorlnator where 21l nuclldes dlssolved in the blsmuth are ox1dlzed.. to fluorldes with HF gas ‘at about €L0°C in the presence of LiF-ThF,- ZrF,-PaF, (71.00-25.97—2.8h-0,19 mole %) salt. The oxidized materials transfer to the salt. A minuscule stream (0.6 gal/day) of Bi-Li alloy 20 from the divalent.rare earth accumulation system‘also enters|the'hydro; “fluorinator, Fission products and 1ithium in this stream -ere &lso converted to fluorides which transfer to the salt, A cleen bismuth stream leaves the hydrofluorinator;. Part of it is reconstituted.with , lithium reductant and returned to the rére earth removal system, the remalnder is made 1nto Bl-SO at., % Li allqy fof the divalent rare earth accumulation system, ‘ The protactinium isoiation system consists of a 150-ft3 volume of _: - L1F-ThF4-ZrF4-PaF szlt circulatlng in a closed 1oop con51sting of the ' hydrofluorinator, fluorlnator, purge column, and *>°Pa decay tank, ‘The system has no direct communication with arezs of the plant handling fuel selt, meking it an effective safeguard against the accidentai'return of ~ large quantities of **°Pa or fission products,to the reactor, At equi- ‘1ibrium sbout 81,8 kg 23%Pa, which is 80% of the plant inirentofir, is in. the ®°%°Pg isolation system, This system is the largest source. of decay " heat, generatlng gbout L, MW of 233pp decey hest &nd 1,7 Md of fission - product decay heat, | Steady state concentrations are estzblished for the components of the system by regulating their removal rate, Uranlum is removed by fluorlnatlng the salt 1mmed1ate1y upon 1eav1ng the nydrofluorlnator, most of the UFé being sent dlrectly to the UF, reductlon unit for recom- bination with fuel carrier salt. 'Ekcess'uranium above that'needed to ' refuel the reactor is withdrawn at this point, The entire volume of salt is fluorinated on a one-day cycle so that the uraniumxinventony'is egbout that from one day's decay of the 263Pa 1nventony (~2,6 kg U). The volume of salt in the protactinium decay system slowly increases due to the addition of fission products, 11th1um, and thorium 1n the , hydrofluorlnator._ The volume is allowed to build up to 175 £t2; then & 25-ft> batch is withdrawn and the cycle is repeated," The ‘calculated cycle tims'is 220 days, This perlodlc discard of salt purges f1ss1on 'products and establishes the composition of the system. Discarded salt e - is held for %*°Pa decay, fluorinated, and sent to waste,i " o . " 21 Rere Earth Extraction and Metal Trensfer Uranium- and protactinium-free salt from the protactinium ektraction . column enters the bottom of & second extraction column and is contacted with Bi-0,2 at. % 1i-0.25 at, % Th alloy to extract some of the rare earths, alkaline earths, and slkali metals. Effective cycle times (see Table. 2) range from about 16 days for barlum, strontium, and cerium to 51 days for europium; the effective cycle tlme for 2all elements is about 25 days, Thus, extraction efficiencies range from 20 to 60% for individ- ual elements, About 2, h'gal/day ofrthe treated salt is discarded to maintain a lithium balance on the system, BeF, -ThF4 makeup is added and the salt is sent to the UF reduction unit for fuel reconstitution, _ Excess lithium enters the carrier salt in the reductive extraction oper- ations, "~ Metal Transfer to LiCl . The bismuth stream containing-fission products flows'to.another packed column where it is contacted with LiCl at about 640°C, Fission products.transfer from the metal to the salt., Although some thorium is extracted from tfie fluoride salt with the_rare earths, only a very small amount of thorium trensfers to the chloride salt; thus, large separation factors are achieved between thorium and rare earths, Separation factors for Th/RE®* and Th/RE2* are as lerge as 10* and 40P respectively.*® The LiCl salt is a captive volume of 20 f£t®; fission products build up to ,steady state concentrat1ons determlned by their decay rates and removal rates 1n the- two rare earth strlppers. It is believed that the alkali .metals, rubldlumland cesium; will remain in the LiCl salt, and e_15—yr discard cycle has beeh'eSShmedeto purge'these fisSion products, ‘At steady state, the L101 salt contalns about e.31 at., g rubidium, L. 36 at, & ce51um, 0,29 at % dlvalent rare earths and alkaline earths, - and O 00C1 at, % trlvalent rare earths. The heat generation is about 15.2 kW/fta | | 22 Rare Earth Str;pplng - Rare earths and alkallne earths are contlnuousxy strlpped from LiCl by passing the salt countercurrent to Bi-Li alloys contaln;pg h1gh,L1 ~ concentrations in two,packed.coluMhs as shown in Fig. 3. The entire salt stream flows through one contactor in which trivalent rare esrths and a small amount of divalent rare earths are stripped-into Bi-S at, & S Li elloy,by reduction.wifih lithium, About two percent of the,salt frop this;celumnis diverted to a_second‘eolumh where divaleht rare earths ~ and slkaline earths are stripped into Bi-50 at.‘%Alithium alloy. The ‘divalent spec1es are more difficult to strip and requlre the hlgher lithium concentration, Salt streams from the two columns are recombined end returned to'the primary extractcg compieting the cyCIe. | Trlvalent f1351on products are held for dec&y in the metal and sent o | to waste by semlcontlnuously hydrofluorlnating small. batches of the B1-L1—' fission product solution in the presence of waste salt, The divalent - nuclides:are'purged via the protactinium dec&y system by periodieally | hydrofluorinatlng batches of the metal in the presence of the clrculatlng _protactlnlum decgy salt, This mode of operatlon also serves to add 11th1um to the protactinium decay salt, a necessary requirement to malntaln an acceptably low-melting composition (llquldus temperature ~568°C), Equilibrium concentrations ofVREE_’+ and RE®* in bismuth of the trivalent stripper system are about 0,46 at, % and 0.013 at, % respectively;-corresponding values in the divalent stripper system are ~ gbout 0,19 at. % and 0,96 at, ¥. About 27 £t> of Bi-S at, % lithium alloy and 18 £t° of Bi-50 at, % lithium alloy are required to reduce heat generation to tolersble rates whlch at steady state, are 40,8 'kWVft9 and 23,5 k‘W/ft3 respectlvely. | Chemical Reactions in Reduetive Ektractioh and'MetalsTransfer. | We can'more eesily_understend the reductive extraction--metel trans- ~ fer process by summarizing the reactions that occur at each step, - Using a trivalent rare earth as an example, we obtain for | " Reductive Extraction: RE®" (fuel salt) + 3Li(Bi)B1-0’2 atf'% 13 3Li* (fuel salt) + RE(Bi) - a) . 23 Metal Trensfer to 1iC1: RE(Bi) + 3Li* chloride s<) Stripping into Bi-Ii Alloy: Rz (chlorlde selt) + 3L1(B1) RE(Bi) Hydrofluorlnotlon to Waste: REéBl) + 3HF(gas)Y (waste salt) + 3F" (waste salt) + 1.5H, » Other fission products arevsimilarly transferred, If we add the above_ LiCl salt 3 Li(Bi) + RE®* (chloride sealt) Bi-> at, Z L 314+ (enloride salt) + reactions, we find that the net effect is to transfer z RE®* atom from the fuel salt to a waste fluoride salt and to add three lithium atoms to the fuel salt..'Aléo 1.5 molecules of H, gas are produced, | Fuel Reconstitution After removal of rare earths, the fuel salt is reconstituted with recycled uranium in the reduction column. The UF,-F, mixturo is &bsorbed - in UF,-bearing salt and contacted with hydrogen reductant at about 600°C forming UF, dlrectly in the molten salt, Wetted surfaces of the column are protected from corrosive attack by a layer of frozen salt, Gaseous reaction products. primerily hydrogen and hydrogén'fluoride, are contam- inated by small amounts of volatile fission products, principally compounds I, Br, Se, ahd Te., It is belleved that most of the volatile noble metal fluorides accompanylng the UF will be reduced to metals in the reduction column and remain in the salt, However, the fluorides of I, Br, Se, and Te will probably be'redfioed-to HI; HBr, H,Se, and H,Te, compounds that - are very volatile, The gas is-treated to remove fission products and . recycled. Small amounts oflnoble“gasés, formed by decay in the processing plant, would be‘removedifrom the salt at this point, 'ijtal Reduction and Bismufh Removal Reconstituted fuel Salt“flows'to a second gas/liquid contactor where it'is‘tfeatod with hydrogen'gas to reduce corrosion'products to metals, to reduce some of the UF, to UF;, and to strip any residual HF from the o 'sali Since there might be entralned.blsmuth in the salt the stream is " passed through a bed of nickel wool for bismuth removel Blsmuth must be removed before fuel enters the reactor c1rcu1t because of its reactlv- 1ty with nlckel-base allqys ‘of which the reactor is constructed, Flltratlon and Velence Adgustment _ Reduced metal partlculates ‘are flltered from the salt and, if nec- essary, a further treatment with hydrogen reductant is made to obtzin the proper'U5+/U4+ ratio, The salt thenfenters aifeedgtank, which holds ahout a 304min supply of fuel;,where occasional semples are taken‘for ‘laboratory_analysis.VrThe processed,fuel then returns to the reactor. Gas Recycle Process gases.used in MSBR salt processing are treated to remove fission pfoducts and recycled, -Mixtures of Hy-HF from the UF, reduction column, sparge columns, and.hydrofluorlnators are compressed to gbout | two atmospheres pressure and cooled to 11que£y HE which is then dlstllled at essentially total reflux to separate more volatlle flsS1on product compounds (prlmarlly HI, HBr, and probably H,Se &nd HéTe) from hydrogen fluoride, The condenser for the still is kept at -hO C to minimize the loss of hydrogen fluoride. A portlon of the HF is recycled to the hydro- fluorinators and the remainder is electrolyzed in a fluorine'cell‘to make Fy and H,, which are reused in the fluorinators and sparge columns re- spectively, . Halogen Removal | ~ The hydrogen stream containing the volatile fission'products passes:‘ through a potass1um hydroxide scrub solutlon to remove hydrogen bromlde, hydrogen iodide, and the equlllbrlum quantity of hydrogen fluorlde. ~ Selenium and tellurium compounds are not expected to react wlth the ' caustic solution, but pass out with the effluent_hydrogen. About 20 ft° of.solution is required to naintain»a tolerable.specificfheat generetion rate, which, at-steady state, is about 210 kW, primarily frofi”iodine deceay. The solution is»reCycled through the scrub column until the KOH.concentra-' tion decreaSes from fOM to O.SM;_then it is evepofeted to & solid waste ~and stored. . r %) 25 Noble Metel and Noble Gas Removal Most of the hydrogen stream is dried in regenerative silica gel units and recycled to the UF, reduction column, However, about five percent is withdrawn to purge volatile selenium and tellurium compounde' ~ and noble gases,. The stream.passes through granular, activated alumina for sorption of selenium and tellurium (prdbably HQSe and H,Te) and through charcoal. for sorptlon of krypton and xenon, The purified hydrogen is vented to the stack ‘Waste Accumulation Fluoride Salt Waste Most of the waste is withdrawn from the'procese at fouf points and. accumnlated as a molten fluoride salt in retentlon tanks. ‘Two of the ‘streams are Bi-Ii alloy solutions contalnlng dlvalent and trlvalent rare earths, and two are fluoride salt streams, one from the *>®Pa decay sys- tem and one from barren fuel carrier discard. The.divalent.rare earths ‘are hydrofluorinated into the 23®Pa decay salt semicontinuously and re- moved when 25 ft® batches of the salt are discarded'ahd.combined_with _ fuel carrier sdlt discard. The trivalent rare earths are hydrofluorin- - ated intO'eombined'protectihifim discard selt'and fuel carrier discard, The total waste volume is sbout 92,5 f1t> every 220 operating days, The batch is then fluorinated. to recover traces of uranium that mlght have -entered the waste from a process 1neff101ency, and sent to & waste accu- -mulation tank, Waste is accumulated for six batches (about L.5 calendar yeare) and set,aside‘te dede_en'additional 9 years befOre'permanent : disposal. The eompositiongand,heat generation in a filled waste tank is given in Table h,_and*a deeayecurye for the fission products is shown in Fig. L, Weste From Gas Recycle System Wastes generated in the gas recycle system come from the neutrali- zation of fission product bromine and iodine in KOH solutlon, the_ ~ sorption of selenium and tellurium compounds.en activated 2lumina, and 2 ' Téble'h Comp051t10n and Heat Generatlon in 1000-Mw(e) MSBR Fluorlde'waste Waste volume =554, 8 ft® Liquidus temperature & 625°C : | ~ Accumulation time = 1320 operating days o | = 1650 calendar days Molar density = 1580 g mole/ft° S . Heat Generation® ', Mole % : (watts/£12) LiF . | . 73.8 ' BeF, | = 11,3 ThF, - | S | - 13.4 . - Divalent rare earth and &lkaline ' '0,2 - bs,2 earth fluorides (Sr, Ba, Sm, Eu) L L Trivalent rare earth fluoridesd | | 0.7 192 (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Gd, To, Dy, Ho, Er) | o ZrF, . 0.6 - 15.2 Noble and seminoble metal fluorides 0.009 - 28.3 (Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Nb, Mo, Te, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te) _ _ - Other fission products ' - negligible ®Heat generation at completion of filling period. bYttrium is included because it behaves like a trivalentrrarevearth. HEAT GENERATION (kw) . » ORNL-DWG-71-12795 T II-IIIIII-. T T T [ 1 L ] 1T 1T 1T 77117 l , I I - T 17T T 1 l] | i ', LIRS B 2250 mw (1) MSBR 7 - 554.8 ft* WASTE VOLUME - | 2806 g fp's/ft3 HEAT GENERATION AT COMPLETION . OF FILLING PERIOD 103 - [02; - o o o | - = = = = = > = > , - = 0 - :; 0 o 8 8 . 10 g ol | Lt i ||||||nl ll ||' 1[11|| ! INNEEY I 10, 103 10% 10° DECAY TIME (days) Fig. L. Heatheneration by Fission Products ih Waste Tank, The waste tank is filled by adding the waste in 6 batches of 92.5 3 each, A batch of waste salt is added every 220. operatlng days (275 calendar days). . Le 28 accumulation‘of miscellaneous fission products.inthe,electrol&te of the , ,fluorlne cell, The latter two'wastes are smell' and only infrequent - changlng of the 2lumina end electrolyte is required., However, abou£ 20 ft° of caustic solution must be evaporated to & solid residue every 'BL,dsys;v Condensate from the evaporatlon is reused to make fresh KOH j - solution. A L5-dzy decay period is necessary before evaporatlon so that intolerable temperatures in the cake cen be avolded. The waste is evap- orated and'shipped’in the lergest permissible container (2 ft OD x 10 ft long)11 for salt mine storage, thus mlnlmlzlng the cost of cans, shipment, end mine storage. About 2.1 cans of waste are produced per year, " The curves in Fig, S show heat generation in the KOH scrubber solu- ~ tion durlng fission product accumulation and subsequent decay. The equilibrium hezt generation is sbout 210 kW, reached in sbout 1000 hours of on-stream operation. The composition of material in the reservoir at completion of the 3L-day accumulation period is given in'TablelS; Teble 5, Composition of Caustic Scrubber Solution in Gas Recycle System Accumulation time = 34 days- Volume = 20. 1t Mole % = (water-free basis) - KOH " 5,0 KF - | ol 7 S KI | | 70,06 o, Xe® 0.1 | . . CsF o 0.06 KBr | | 0,02 Kr2 - o - 0,0009 &Noble gases from decay of bromine and iodine assumed to remaln in solut1on.‘ , Process Losses Loss of fissile material from the fluorlnatlon--reductlve extractlon—-' o metal transfer process can be made as small as desired without any modi- f;catlons to the conceptuel\des;gn. Referring to the process flowsheet - = HEAT GENERATION (k L 103 oy " *) . ) » C BT T | A IlTllll 1 - T T 1 T1TT1 T I IIIIIII] 102 ORNL DWG 71-12797 T T 17 T TTT] 1 Il]lil 1 Illlll 1 ~ Fig. 5. - System, 1 £ gl 1 L1l 1 o1 il 1 L1 - , 10 , 102 103 104 TIME (hours) ‘ . . Heat Generation in KOH Scrubber Solution of Gas Recyclé 30,7 (Fig. 3), it is'seen that only three waste streams rofitine1y=leave the plant--a fluoride waste salt‘from the large retention tanks, the evap- ~ ‘orator residue from the KOH scrubber, and the hydrogen discsrd.stream from the gas recycle system, The only one of these waste areas into which very small emounts of uranium and/or_protactinium_normally flow is the large fluoride salt waste tank, | ' | Fluorlde Salt thte The 220- -day holdup of combined 233py decay salt and carrier salt discard allow gbout 99, 6% of the ®3°Pa to decay, and . the subsequent batch fluorination can recover &ll but sbout 1 ppm 2350’1n the salt without difficulty, There are sbout 10,023 kg of waste salt in the ‘batch so that the %22V remaining is approximately 10 grems;, Undecayed '23%pa is an additional LS g, making about 55 g of unrecovered fissile 'materlal in the salt sent to waste retentlon. Since the excess 233y production is gbout 165 g/dey, the unrecovered materiel (55 g/220 days) represents only 0.15% of the breed;ng gain, However, the waste salt is held in‘the large retention tank for 9 years'after.filling'before ship- ' ‘ment to permanent disposal, At the end of this time (13,5 years) the salt cafi be fluorinated sgain to recover &ll.but 1 ppm'ZBSU from the.-l .betch ~Thus, only about 60 g 2337] would remain in the final waste, be1ng an in31gn1f1cant loss of about 0, 007&% of the breedlng galn.' KOH Scrubber Waste Thelprobability of uranium loss via the KOH scrubber--evaporator' - waste is extremely small Before UFg can reach the caustic scrubber it must pass through three unit operatlons in series that are very effectlve 'iat remov1ng UFg: . first, the primary UF,-to-UF, reduction unit must fall to function properly thereby allowing UF; to enter the gas recycle - system; secondly, NaF sorbers, 1nstalled es a safeguard agalnst such a malfunction, would have to be ineffective at trapplng the UFg;. and thirdly, any UF, in the gas after the NaF sorbers would remain in the bottoms of the HF still and be trapped in the electrolyte 1n the fluorlne cell, ‘Since dis- . carded electrolyte is routed through the fluoride salt waste system,~ descrlbed ebove, any uranium 1n the salt would be recovered by fluorlnatlon.: ot » oy ) v) Hydrogen Discard There is practically no opportunity for UFy to leave the plant in the hydrogen discard stream, In order to reach this point UF; would - ‘have to pass throfigh all the gas treating operations described gbove plus additionsl sorbers for'trapping selenium and tellurium fission l products and noble gases, ' DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATE The first step in preparlng the cost estimate was to define the . sequence of operations that constitute the flowsheet as shown in Fig, 3. and in more detail on the draw1ngs in Appendix D, These operatlons were based upon laboratory and small-scale engineering data for batchwise , pefformance of the various unit‘processes, and it was assumed that the steps could be successfully operated on a continuous flow basis. Para- ‘metric studles were made to determine the breedlng performance of the MSBR for various ways of operatlng the process;ng_plant, and from this work basic conditions for the flowsheet were established, The computa- tions did not necessarily determine the optimum economic processing cycle since that presupposed kndwledge of processing costs, A computer pro- gram® was used to calculate material and energy balances for each process -operation, g1v1ng the ba31c data for equlpment de51gn. A preliminary, highly simplified design was made for each major equipment item in order‘feAesteblish its size, geometry, heet transfer _surface, and special-featureslfrom which the amounts of materisls requir- ed for the vessel could'be'eelculated Materials of construction were "selected u81ng the general criterla that all vessels contalnlng blsmuth ' would be constructed of molybdenum and that vessels contalnlng only emolten,fluorlde saltlwould,be made of,Hastelloy N. In other areas, . particularly for auxiliaryflequipment,-nickel,-Stainless steel, and mild ”'steel were used, The timeischedule'for the cost estimate did not permit us to make_thorofigh'stfidieslef-eachevessel, and, for expedieney,‘certain - shortcuts were adofited‘to'preclude making lengthy Stress’and heat trans- fer calculations, .The principal time-saving assumptions were: 32 Small tanks, columns, and vessels to be made of 3/8- in. plate, larger ones of 1/2 -in, plate " Heat exchanger tublng to be 1/2-1n. OD x 16 gauge for all ves- sels ‘Overall heat transfer coefficients to be in ‘range 50 200 Btu/hr- £t°-°F depending on fluids and.whether natural or forced convection - ‘Annular space in Jacketed vessels to be & nom1na1 one-1nch thickness : : Den31ty, thermal conduct1v1ty, and specific heat values ‘for proc-, ess fluids to be average values rather than temperature dependent Freeboard volume standardized at 25% of required process volume for tanks with fluctuating levels and 10% for tanks with constant levels ' Number of nozzles and thickness and number of supports and baf- fles for heat exchanger bundles estimated from & cursory examination of the vessel diameter and length '-All heat exchanger bundles to be U-tube constructlon The cost of each installed vessel was estlmated using the unlt costs for materieals glven in Table 6, A single price of $200/pound was used o for all moLdeenum structursal shapes. -The fabricetion.ofAmolybdenum - into conventional shapes and vessels is extremely difficul£ and is not current technology; the $200/pound figure represents & "best guess" of the cost. Unit costs of Hastelloy N were taken from the conceptual design ~ study® .of the 1000-Mi(e) MSER power plant and are, therefore, character- istic of the fabrication of large vessels., In our case, components are - generailysmall‘and\intricately constructed, factors tha£ are conducive-' to higher unit costs. However, we believed'that'refining the costs was 5un3ust1f1ed in view of other. uncertalntles 1n the estimate, Our study did not contain a sufficiently detailed de81gn for d1- rectly estimating the cost of a1l items in the plant, For the cost of ‘some items, for exampie, piping, instrumentation, insulation, and elec- trieal connections; we estimated charges by taking various percentages‘ offthe installed equipment cost{r In nsing_this procedure the high cost of molybdenum equipment was teken into-account by.notfusing as ierge a - percentage on the molybdenum eqnipment_cOSts_as was used for nonmoiybdennm ol @ ) o) w) 33 ‘Table 6, Unit Costs‘of Installed Equipment Hastelloy N, Nickel, and Stainless Steel Plate .= Flanges .Heads Pipe _ Tube - - : Nozzles, tube sheets, baffles : Molzbdenum - Cost for all structural shapes 3/8 in, Raschig rings $/1b 13 10 20 25 30 25 200 35 3L _‘equipmeut Auxlliary equipment 1tems were estlmated.by determlning quantltles and sizes (e.g., pumps, heaters, gas supply stations, sam- 'plers, etc,) and u51ng avallable cost data from other areas of the MSR program. Parazllel lines of equlpment for 1mproved operatlng rellablllty - were not 1nc1uded except that gas compressors were dupllcated because diaphram lifetimes are known to be very,short Also.two spare high ' level waste storsge tenks were included, No ellowances were made for safety related features such as'redundant cooling circuits, prevention of iiquid metal coolant-selt reactions, etc. No facilities are provided for cleaning up fuel salt should it become contaminated by NaBF4'coo1ant or vice verse, nor is there equlpment for processing routine (p0331b1y contamlnated) liquid waste that orlglnates in the reactor system.' The results of our study are summarized in Tables Ts 8 and 9; these tables divide the equipment into three types--molybdenum, Hast- elloy N, and auxiliary equipment'respectively.r The total installed cost ~of molybdenum process vessels- is $h,578'750 ; ebout 65%dof7this cost is ._ for the three largest vessels, which are the lithium chloride extraction , column and the: two large reservoirs for Bi-Li alloy in the rare earth 1solatlon system, Hastelloy N process equipment costs $3,091, 370, The most costly items are the 233Pa decay tank ($710, h90),'ihich has‘a heat ‘ duty of about 5.9 Mw, and the three waste tanks, which cost $h66 600 each, " The auxlllary equipment of Table 9 costs $2,486,290, These items are essential for startup and/or smooth operation of the plant. In several cases the costs were computed for entire systems which consisted .of & number of individual operations, The costs were estlmated from - ‘data for similar systems and no flow dlagrams or design calculations were made, CAPITAL COST OF THE PLANT A summary of our cost study is given in Table 10, 'We'estimated‘di- rect costs for the fabricated and installed equipmentgof.$20.568 million_ ‘and indirect costs of $15.046 million for a total plant investment-o£ o 35 Table 7, Description of Molybdenum Process Equipment Fuel Cycle Time Reactor Power = 10 days = 1000 MW(e) ; Fission Product NaK Coolant (Continued) B T ‘ - Heat Transfer . Heat Generation Installed Equipment Item and Principal Function Description Surface® (£t?) | Rate® (kW) Flow® (gpm) Inventory - Cost ($) | T | | zsapa EXTRACTION COLUMN:--packed column Bi/salt con- é in, ID x 10 ft packed 0.7 9.2 3.4 Mo g U 127,670 tactor for extracting **°Pa, U, and Zr from salt section; 8 in, ID x 1 ft ' g 0.62 (**>Pa) 26| g “°Pa into Bi-Li alloy enlarged ends; cooling g 0.99) £1° salt - | . o ‘ tubes. in packing ‘ . _ ! , 0.3p £1t3 Bi RARE EARTH EXTRACTION COLUMN--packed column Bi/salt 7 in, ID x 6 £t packed .2 9.5 3.2 2,37| £t° salt 119,400 contactor for extracting rare earths, alkali metals, section; 12 in, ID x 16 ‘ 0.85| ££° Bi and alkaline earths from salt into Bi-Li alloy " in, enlarged ends; cooling . , o , tubes in packing - ! _ BISHUI‘H DUMP TANK--reservoir to hold Bi-Li alloy 1.6 £t ID x 4.8 ft; shell- 12.9 3 13.0 4,5 985 g,V 151,100 upon dump of extraction columns and-tube construction i L.0o (*®®Pa) 78 % 253 pa : 8 £t° Bi , | | o (on dump oénly) 14C1 EXTRACTION COLUMN--packed column Bi/LiCl con- 14,5 in, ID x 6 ft packed 225 o 49,8 52,3 9,78 ££* LiCl 509,790 tactor for metal transfer of fission products from section; 20.5 in, ID x 2 ‘ ! 2,74 £1° Bi Bi/Li alloy into Licl : ft enlarged ends; cooling ! tubes in packing ' ms:'** STRIPPER;-packed columm Bi/LiCl contactor for 13,75 in, ID x 2 ft packed 227 161.5 53.0 6,43 ££° Lic1 377,780 stripping trivalent rare earths from IiCl into section; 20,5 in, ID x 2 - 2,0 £t® Bi ‘ Bi-5 at, # Li alloy ‘ft enlarged ends; cooling - o : o . tubes in packing RE®* STRIPPER--packed column Bi/LiCl contactor for 1,75 in, ID x L ft packed ° L3 L8 1.7 0.22) £t LiC1 26,300 (Mo) stripping divalent rare earths and alkaline earths . section; ! in, ID x 1 ft - 4.3 (jacket) - : 0.07| £t Bi 4,630 (Hast N) from LiCl into Bi-50 at, % Ii alloey enlarged ends; completely ' ; ' ‘ enclosed in Hastelloy N jacket; cooling tubes in enlarged end sections ; RE®* BISMUTH RESERVOIR--tank for holding Bi-5 at. % 2.9 £t ID x 8,75 ft; 1230 1230 L3t 271 £4° Bi 1,684,580 Ii alloy and trivalent rare earths shell-and-tube construction 12.6 kg 1i RES*+ BISMUTH DRAWOFF TANK--gauge tank for batchwise 13,9 in, ID x 67 ing 38,85 : removal of Bi-Li alloy containing fission products shell-and-tube construc- 23.3 (jacket) 61.8 21,6 L.5p £t Bi 152,440 (Mo) to be hydrofluorinated into waste salt tion; completely jacketed (at drhwoff only) 7,530 (Hast N) ' _ ' ‘ ‘ , with Hastelloy N | ‘ RE®* BISMUTH RESERVOIR--tank for. holding Bi-50 at, 2.3 £t ID x 6,8 ft; L35 L3k 152 18 £4° Bi 797,690 - ¢ 14 alloy and divalent fission products shell-and-tube construc- : ‘ - ' : "tion RE?* BISMUTH DRAWOFF TANK--gauge tank for batch- 4.4 in, ID x 5 ft; 37.1 : 56 19,6 LUl £4° Bi - 146,200 (Mo) wise removal of Bi-Li alloy containing divalent shell-and-tube construc- 21,1 (jacket) | (at drhwoff only) 6,720 (Hast N) fission products to be hydrofluorinated into Pa tion; completely jacketed ! : ~decay salt with Hastelloy N BISMUTH SURGE TANK--tank for flow and level control 6 in,-ID x 21 in,; Mo 2.8 2.2 2.0 66 g U 13,510 in Pa extraction colum cooling coil brazed on 1L g **%Pa : : . outside 0.170 £° Bi Table 7. (Contimued) . Heat Transfer Fission Product NaK Coolant Installed - i - - o - ' ' i Hhat ngeration . Enuipmant Item and Principal Function Description Strface® (£t3) : Flow® (gpm) Inventory Cost ($) 923 pa HYDROFLUORINATOR--packed column Bi/salt/HF 8 in. ID x 5 £t packed 1.7 8 25.0 2080 g %33Pa 178,960 (Mo) . - contactor for oxidizing zaapa’ u, Zr, Rm? from: section; 16 in, ID x 2 _ P, 9 (jacket) 103 (%%3Pa) 236 gU 10,230 (Hast N) Bi into Pa decay salt ft enlarged ends; cooling | 3 . ‘ ' : tubes inside colump also b completely jacketed with. o o Hastelloy N - WASTE HYDROFLWORINATOR--tank for batchwise contact 15,7 in, ID x 59 in,; 2.2 168 73.8 2 £4° salt 225,900 (Mo) ‘of Bi/waste salt/HF to oxidize from Bi into shell-and-tube construc- P1,0 (jacket) - : 2.3 £t° Bt 5,910 (Hast N) = salt : : tion; Hastelloy N jacket ‘ : ' - on straight side ' : BISMUTH SKIMMER--tank for separating Bi-Li alloy 13.4 in, ID x L0 in.;- 12.7 (Jacket) 0.7 2.7 £t° Bi 67,430 (Mo) from LiCl upon dump of metal transfer system Total for process vessels { AUXILIARY HEAT EXCHANGERS--units installéd in bismuth pipe lines for teuperature control of " streams entering or leaving process vessels (9 ‘required) BISMUTH PUMPS--pumps for Bi-Ii alloy (5: required) Bxsuuwu PUMPS--punps for Bi-Li alloy (L required) Hastelloy N jacket on sides and bottom Small shell-and-tube heat "~ exchangers 101 to 0.2 gom; 20-ft Bi head 8 to 15 gpm 20-£t Bi head,' ' Total for process vessels and auxiliary Mo equipment ‘ values refer to area of 3/8- in. OD x 0,065 in, wall cooling tubes;: area of jacket is denoted by "(jacket)" b ®In some equipment, other coolants than NaK are used,-if so, it is so designated, Vhlues refer to fission product decqy heat unless otherwise designated 'such as "(?33pa)h, i3.0 | 0.6 ‘, (upon dump only) 2,610 gHast'Nj - 4,578,750 (Mo) 37,630 (Hast N) 90, 000. 125,000 120,000 ' 4,913,750 - 37 Table Bf Description of Hastelloy N Procéss Equipment 1 1 Fuel Cycle Time = 10 days Reactor Power = 1000 MW(e)fi . : 'Fission Product Heat Transfer Heéat Generation {Continued) tridge to hold Ni wool; completely Jacketed } l - _ ‘ . _ : NeK Coolant _ ‘ Installed Equipment Item and Principal Function Description Surface® (ft®) 'Rate” (lW). Flow® (gpm) . Invéntory Cost ($) ¥ : _ : - , ] FEED TANK--vessel for receiving irradiated fuel 16,75 in, ID x 6 ft; 15,6 13,2 5.5 1,380 g U 12,390 salt from reactor and holding 30 min for fission shell-and-tube construcs 2.4 (®®3Pa) : L7 g|*°®Pa product decay tion : ' 3,86 £t® salt PRIMARY FLUORINATOR--salt/F§ contactor for €,5 in, ID x 12 £t fluor- 29,3 {jacket) '! 12,4 54.8 903 g U 35,590 removing about 95%¢ of U, Br, and I from fuel salt ination section; all 0.94 (*23Pa) _ 18 g|*°®Pa. ' ‘ ‘ wetted surfaces protected 17.9 (reaction heat) 1.52 It® salt by ~1/2-in,-thick layer ' ' : of frozen salt on wall; 17 in. ID x 2 ft enlarged _ top; completely jacketed PURGE COLUMN--salt/H, contactor for reducing F, £,5 in, x 2 ft gas/liquid 29.3 (jacket) - o1 10.6 86(g U 35,590 and UF, dissolved in salt - contact section; 17 in. ID ' . 0.94 (*3%Pa) 18 g|*°>Pa : x 2 ft enlarged top; all wetted surfaces protected : by ~ 1/2-in,-thick layer of frozen salt on wall; completely jacketed - é SALT SURGE TANK--vessel for flow control between 9,%.in, ID x 2 ft; shell- 7.9 : ! 4.88 1.9 8lg U L,590 purge column and 2*®Pa extraction columm and-tube construction: ‘ 0,41 (233pa) - 8 g|***pa- - : - - | 0,67 % salt SALT SURGE TANK--vessel for flow control between 9.3 in., ID x 2 ft; shell- 5.5 ‘ 3,68 1.3 C.67 t° salt L4,5%0 . Pa extraction column and rare earth extraction - and-tube construction . “ . . column . _ . ) _ SALT MAKEUP TANK--vessel for dissolution of 9.75 in, ID x 19.5 in.; 6.0 (jacket) 1.79 0.6 0.67 ft° salt 8,530, (tank) BeF,-ThF, makeup salt jacketed vessel equipped ‘ ‘ ‘ , 20,000 (agitator) with agitator ) SALT DISCARD TAN’K--vessel for holding 3-day batch 10.4 in, ID x 21 in, 6.2 (jacket) : 2.5 0.9 0,95 1Lt'~" salt 7,390 of disoarded fuel salt : completely jacketed tank ' ‘ (on drafloff only) UF, REDUCTION COLUMN--salt/UF o/ Fa/Ha contactor for . 9.5 in. ID x 12 ft gas/ 36,6 £t* (jacket) I 6,3 11,1 1650 g 3k,510 reducing UF, to UF, directly into molten salt; also liquid contact section; % 2.09 £t° salt converts excess F. to HF .- 13,5 in, ID x 2 ft en- larged top; all wetted surfaces protected by ~1/2-in, -thick layer of frozen salt; completely Jacketed STRUCTURAL AND NOBLE METAL REDUCTION COLUMN--salt/ 8 in, ID x 12 ft gas/ 29 (jacket) 6.7 2.4 3080 g U 37,960 H, contactor for reducing metallic ions to metals liquid contact section; 2,68 ft° salt ‘ , : 12 in, ID x 2 ft en- ' larged top; completely Jacketed SALT SURGE TANK--vessel for flow control in 9,75 in. ID x 19,5 in,; 6.0 (Jacket) : 1.7 0.6 § 7,030 reduction column ' completely jacketed : 0. 67 t° salt ' BISMUTH TRAP--vessel packed with Ni wool for 5 in, ID x 50 ft pipe with 65.6 (jacket) 14,6 5.1 7310 g U 83,790 removing entrained Bi from salt (2 required) interior perforated car- _ 6,36 £t° salt Table 6. (Contimued) 38 Heat Transfer Fission Product NeK Coolant Installed _sion of NaK in coclant circuit i‘or Pa’ decay. ta.nk (continued) S . ' X L . _ Heat Ggneration _ : Equipment Item and Principal Function " Description Surface® (£t?) Rate” (W) Flow® (gpm) Inventory Cost ($) SALT CLEANUP FILTER--porous metal filter for 15 in, ID x 3 ft; contains 3.1 11,2 3.9 5870 g U 30,Lk0 removing metal particulates formed in noble metal © porous Ni filter; com- 13.7 - (jacket) E : S.1 £t salt reduction column (2 required) pletely jacketed and : : : contains cooling tubes o REACTOR FEED TANK--vessel for 30-minute salt 1.5 £t ID x 3 f£t; com- 1 19,2 (Jacket) 7.2 2.5 - 4020 g U 19,8L0 holdup to allow. sampling before salt. returns to pletely jacketed ‘ : - : 3.5 £t% salt reactor : o, - ‘ _ SAI.T DIMP TANK--tank to receive i‘uel salt upon 2,7 £t ID x 8 ft; shell- 36l 238 85 33 £1° salt 6§,h00 - dump of primary salt 1oop and-tube construction 5 (233pa) - (only on dump) LiC1 RESERVOIR AND DUMP TANK--vessel for holding 2,b £t ID x 7,2 ft; shell- 460 306 107 20 £t° LiCl 8L, L70 . LiCl inventory as well as LiCl from eztraction and-tube construction . (22,7 ££°> on dump) " column on system dump ‘ ‘ LiCl WASTE TANK--tank for storage of 1iC1 sent to 1.6 £t ID x 7.2 ft; shell- S 230 153 - 53,5 10 £ LiCl 38,780 waste . ) ~and-tube comstruction - ’ ‘ }-l2 -HF COOLER--heat exchanger to cool HQ-HF gas 1.5 ft x U £t; finned 27 , 0.16 8.8 scfm 15,470 from UF, reduction column tubes inside shell ‘ 0.18 (sensible heat air ' ‘ in gas) 180°C NaF THAP--somtion bed to catch UFy that 8 in, ID x 6 ft; finned 3.8 é.4 1.6 20,760 might not be reduced in UF; reduction colu.mn tubes inside shell; NaF ' - (2 required). , inside tubes o STILL FEED CONDENSER--heat oxchanger for condensing 21 in, ID x 4 ft; finned RINY . 0,33 . 0.5 ton 17,120 HF-HI-HBr mixture at -LO°C for feed to HF still tubes inside shell i ; .‘ 1,38 (sensible heat) Freon . 'HF STILL--packed column for distilling volatile 1 in, ID x 15 £t packed 5.3 {jacket) 0.12 0.3 6,560 fission products (HI, HBr, SeF,, TeFa) from HF section; L in. ID x 1 ft ‘ solution - still pot; complet-ely ! Jacketed HF CONDENSER—-heat exchanger for condensing HF at 17.5 in, ID x L £t finned . €,0 | 0.17 - 0.1 ton 13,300 -»hO'C from HF still tubes inside shell = 0.13 (latent heat) Freon KOH SORBm--a.bsorption column for scrubbing recycle 5.6 in, ID x 6 ft packed 13.6 8.6 2,9 (water) 17,690 H, gas with 10M KOH to remove HF, HI and HBr section; 7 in, IDx 1 £t , ‘ ' : ' : enlarged top. ‘ . KOH RESERVOIR--accumulator for fission product I 1,7 £t ID x 10 ft; shell- - 2Lk 210 1.7 L3,860 and '&' in 1OM KOH solution (2 required) and-tube construction (water) _ - " GAS COOLER--heat exchanger to cool recycle Hy to 7.5 in, ID x 5 ft; shell- 10,9 0,16 0.1 ton 9,140 0°C to remove moisture . and-tube construction - 0,17 (latent heat) Freon ‘ : COLD TRAP--heat exchanger kept at -LO°C to freeze 6 in, ID x 10 ft; finned 0.029 0,01 ton 16,8L0 moisture from recycle H, (2 required)L tubes inside shell Freon SILICA GEL DRYER--sorber for removing last traces L in. ID x 5 ft; regener- 6,240 of moisture from recycle Hg (2 required) : - ative bed o ALUMINA SORBER--activated alumina bed for Sorbing 26 in, ID x. 4.6 .ft; 4'&1,0;5 : 4.8 13,0 1.8 - 31,390 . SeFq and TeF, from H; discard streem in annular space; cooling ' (water) ' o - ) . tubes inside and outside annulus NaK EXPANSION TANK--vessel for volumetric expan- 1,6 £t ID x 6,5 ft; 88 304 10,210 & 39 | Table 8, (COntinped) | : _ Fission Product ‘ . ‘ ) ' Heat Transfer . Heat ngeration - NaK Coolant . Installed Equipment Item and Principal Function’ Description Surface® (£t?) - | Rate” (kW) Flow® (gpm) Inventory Cost ($) NaX EXPANSION TANK--vessel for volumetric expansion 1.2 f+ ID x 5,2 ft; SS 204 6, 380 of Nak in coolant circuit for RE®” bismuth system ' . ; « NaX EXPANSION TANK--vessel ror volumetric expansion 10,8 in. ID x 3 € Tt ! 3,190 of NaK in coolant circuit for RE** bismuth system S35 204 Nak EXPANSION TANK~~vessel for volumetric expansion 7.5 in. ID x ?.6 ft; i 2,810 of NaK in coolant circuit for fluorinators S8 304 "; NaK EXPANSION TANK--vessel for volumetric expansion 6.1 in, ID x 2,1 ft; l 1,780 of NaK in coolant circuit for extraction columns, S8 304 i L Bi trap, and cleanup filters - 7 3 NaK EXPANSION TANK--vessél for volumetric expansion 11,6 in, ID x 2,9 ft; : 6,100 of Nak in coolant circuit for LiCl system ss FOL ' o ' NakK EXPANSION TANK--vessel. for volumetric expansion 8,7 in, ID x 2.9 ft; _\ 3,.570 of NaK coolant circuit for fuel salt dump tank- SS 30)4 f SALT SURGE TANK--vessel for level and flow control 8 in, ID x 2 ft; com- o 5.0 : g.2 2.5 Mgl 5,220 -at Pa m'drofluorinator pletely jacketed - 14.1 (®>®Pa) 276 |g 23°Pa . , | 0.59|ft® salt SECONDARY FL[DRINATOfi--salt/Fa contactor for 7,5 in, ID x ‘C ft gas/ , 18.7 9.5 £0.8 $gU 23,270 removing U from Pa decay salt liquid contact section; : ‘ 25,8 (®55Pa) 508|g *>>Pa : . ‘¢ in. ID x 1 ft enlarged’ 0.15 (reaction) 1,08{ft® salt top; all wetted surfaces " o -protected by ~1/2-in,- thick layer of frozen salt; ‘ completely Jjacketed ‘ PURCE COLUMN--salt/H, contactor for reducing Fp - 5.5 in, ID x 10 £t gas/ 18,7 - 9.5 , £0.5 fgU 23,270 and UF, dissolved in Pa decay salt liquid contact section; 25,8 (®*3Pa) 508|g 2*3pa ' : ‘ 10 in, ID x 1 ft enlarged 1,08|ft® salt top; all wetted surfaces protected by ~ 1/2-in, - thick layer of frozen salt; ‘ completely Jacketed 233pa DECAY TANK--vessel for isolation and decay 3,73 £t ID x 18,7 ft; ‘ 20l 1743 21,70 2618 g U 710,490 of *33pa, also accumulator for Zr and RE®™ fission shell-and-tube construc- 4150 (2°3py) 81,670 g 2>>Ppa ‘ ' products ‘ tion; jacketed 150-115 £1® salt ‘ (varialhle volume) 22C-DAY 2°®Pa DECAY TANK--vessel for holding waste 25 in, -ID x 10 £t bottom 1477 249 370 uis g U 113,150 salt from Pa decay tank for ®**®Pa decay, also "section; L ft ID x 6,4k ft 675 (333Pps) 11,679 g 2*°Pa | accumulates trivalent rare earths and fuel salt enlarged top section; 25-92, 4 £+3 salt discard shell-and-tube construction; (varialjle volume) Jacketed bottom section WASTE FI'..II)RII‘ULTOR---s'n}.t./F2 contactor for removing 2.32 £t ID x 4.6 ft gas/ 85,3 1139 2Ll 18,5 |43 salt Lk, 510 . last traces of U from waste salt; batchwise liquid contact section; operation 2.83 £t ID x 2 ft enlarged top; top and bottom sections Jacketed (Contimed) Table 8. (Continued) - L0 ' Hea'l';_‘ Transfer Fission Product - NaK Coolant | ®In some equipmeht, other coolants than NaK are used; if so0, it is so desigmted.' t S ‘ - . : . ’ ' Heat Generation ' ‘ JInstalled Equipment Item and Principal Function o Description ‘Surface® (ft3) - Rate” (kW) Flow® (gpm) Inventory Cost ($) WASTE TANK--accumulator for all fluoride waste £,2 £t ID.x 22 £t shell- 835 1114 L90 - 555 £t° salt 1,399,800 streams; holds waste for fission product decay and-tube construction; . ' (filled) ' (3 required) ' , : S filled batchwise over ‘ : ‘ - : ‘ L.5-yr period . 20% NaF BED--scrber for UF, withdrawn as product ' 4 in. ID x ¢ £t sorber . L, 360 o ‘ S . section filled with NaF ' pellets - 3,091,370 4values refer to area of 3/5-1in. OD x 2.065 in, wall cooling tubes; area of jacket is denoted by ."(jacket)", Plalues refer-to fission product decay hest unless otherwise designated such as "(**PPa)", ' ' AN Table 9. Description of Auxiliary Equipment. o ' : Installed Pquipment Item Description and Function Cost (%) Electric Héaiers' "Resistance elements embedded in ceramic; heat for vessels and - 5L2,190 - N lines : - Auxiliary Heat Ekchangérs' ' .Assorted sizes for temperature cohtrol éf NaK cdblant; 25 réquired : 250,000 Refrigeration System 10-Ton system for cold trap; B | 3,800 lNéK Purificgtion Sjstem vaide refioval unit operating‘continuously on sideétream-of‘NaK 10,000 , 510, Supply and fiémov#l‘&ystem Equipment for drying Si0O, pellets, charging to unit in cél11 and . 10,000 " _ . o removing from cell -A1,04 Supply and Removhl'Systém . " Equipment for charging A1,05 to TeF, + Ser trap and removal 10,000 Fa Disposal_sfstem . ‘-fquiggent for reacting discarded Fé with Hé followed by sorption 5,000 ‘ n H, Disposal System Final cleanup of discarded H, before g01ng to stack 8,000 fnert Gas System ;' Inert gas supply and cleanup system for process. vessels 100,000 UFe Product fiithdrfiwfil Stqtioh BEquipment for removing UF, from process and putting into cylinders 7,500 Inert Gas Syétem for‘Cell' Continuously. recirculating inert atmosphere for cell, 0y, Fp, and ~ 175,000 . . 7 HF removal F,, HF, and'HE.Supply Sysiems' - Purification of makeup process gases 3,000 Lithium Hbtal‘Handling Eqfiipment,‘ 'Equipment for receiving, storing, and adding 1i metal to process 15,000' : o _ : o streams BeF, + ThF‘ Additibn Systefi -.Facilitles for storing and preparing makeup salt iO,DOO Coolant (NakK) Pumps | Electromagnetic pumps for circulating NaK in the several coolant 736,000 o - circuits; 15 required 7 ProcessISalt Pufips Pumps for fluoride carriér salt, waste salt, and Lici; 13 required 270,000 KOH Pump Recirculation of KOH thrbugh sorber in gaé treating system | 800 Compreséors :Compressors for uée in H,, HF, and Fé gas systems; 22/required‘ 330,000 2,186,290 -L"{ h2 Table 10, Capital Cost of a Fluorination--Reductive Extraction=- | Metal Transfer Processing Flant for a 1000*MW(e)%MSBR ) Reactor Fuel Volume = 1683 ft® Fuel Cycle Time = 10 days 10° § Installed Mblybdenum Process Ehulpment ' S - - L4579 - Installed Molybdenum .Pumps S - . 25 Installed Molybdenum Heat Exchangers o e 90 ' Installed Molybdenum Piping - . L7 Installed Hastelloy N, Stainless Steel, and Nlckel Ehulpment ‘ 3091 Installed Hastelloy. N Jackets on Mblybdennm Vessels | o | 38 Installed Auxiliary Equipment - L | 21,86 Process Piping (other than molybdenum.piplng) ' S ..o 2342 - Process Instrumentation - ] I 2711 Cell Electrical Connections - A Lok Thermal Insulation : ; .- 588 Radiation Monitoring | o | o 150 Sampling Stations - - ’ | 1275 Fluorine Plant . - i - ' 1005 - Total Direct Cost | | B | 20568 - Construction Overhead : | ' ,. | oy Engineering and Inspection - . | 3790 - Taxes and Insurance . o ' 86l Contingency ' ' 2836 Subtotal , | B o 32172 Interest During Construction | - - S 3L, -' Total Plant Investment S . - 3561L L3 $35.614 million. These costs do not include the cost of site, site prepe aration, buildings, end facilities shared with the reactor plant such as heat sinks, maintenance equlpment and emergency cooling, The cost of these facilities were estlmated by Robertson® .and are 1ncluded in the design and cost study of the 1OOQ—MW(e) MSBR, Items of direct cost that were not obtained from preliminary designs were estimated as percenteges of the installed equipment cost, The per- centages were based upon previous experience in the design of rediochemical plants, Pifiing,.instrumentation, electrical connections, and insulation costs were estimated in this wey, Charges for radiation monitoring de- vices, sampling stations,”and a remotely operated fluorine plant were estimated from other ififOrmatien. The discussion below describes our method of finding these costs. Process Piping | Pifiing,costs for a remotely eperated processing plant are normally in the range L0 to 50% of the.cost of installed process equipment. We estimated the costs separately for moljbdenum, Hastelloy N, and auxiliary piping, choosing factors of 30%, 50%, and L0% respectively. The low per- centage value was used for molybdenum because of the relatively small amount of this piping and the uncertalnty in the base prlce ($200/lb) chosen for molybdenum, The calculated costs are: [ (cost of installed Mo process equipment) + (cost of Mo pumps) + cost of Mo heat exchangers)] (0. 30) [$L,578,700 + 245,000 + 90, 0001 (0. 30) — $1,47L,100 — [cost of 1nsta11ed Hastellqy N equlp- ment] (0,50) [$3,091,000 + 38, ooo1 (0. so) $1,561,500 [(cost of. installed auxlllary equ1pment) - (cost of electric heaters)] (0.L0) 182,186,290 - 5L2, 90] (0.ho) $777 6bo | Mo piping costs A n4 ll | Hastelloy N plplng cost II' ~ Auxilisry piping cest b Process Insfrumentation Process instrumentation refers to devices for monltorlng and con- trolllng the operatlon of the plant through measurements of flowrates, temperatures, pressures, concentratlons, 11qu1d 1evels, or other pertJ.- | nent quantities, Generally the 1nstrumentatlon cost is sbout 30% of the | insfialled equipment cosfi. Instrumentationicost for-molybdenum equipment | was charged st'10%'of the installed equipment cost, The lower percentage allows for the inordinately high cost of fabricated molybdenum vessels, ‘-Heater instrumentation was charged at only 15% of the installed heater cost because such instrumentation is stralghtforward. We determ;ned the cost as follows: | o | | ‘ Instrumentatlon cost for Hastelloy N equipment ' ' [ (cost of installed Hastelloy N equlpment) + (cost of Hastellqy N piping)] (0. 30) - | 1$3,091,000 + 38,000 + 1 Séh 500] (o. 30) $1,L08,000 Instrumentation cost for suxiliary equipment [ (cost of installed auxiliary equipment) - (cost of electric heaters)] (0.30) [$2,u486,290 - 542,190] (0.20) $583,2oo Instrumentation cost for heaters [cost of heaters] (0,15) [$5h2 1901 (0.15) 81,300 Instrumentatlon cost for Mb equlpment ‘ = [ (cost of Mo equipment) + (cost of Mo pumps) + (cost of Mo heat exchangers) + (cost of Mo piping)] (0.10) [ $4,578,750 + 245,000 + 90,000 + 1,47k,100] (O, .o) $638, 800 Total cost of instrumentation = $2, 71*,300 : n ll it u v nn Cell Electrical Conneotions‘ These connections are the power receptacles and lesds inside the processing area for supplying power to heaters, electric motors, and instruments, The cost was taken to be 5% of Hsstelloy N end guxiliary equipmenf and piping costs plus !.5% of molybdenum equlpment and piping costs, L5 Cost of cell electrical connections o : = [(cost of Hastelloy N equipment and p1p1ng) + (cost of auxll- '~ iary equipment and piping)] (0.05) + [cost of Mo equipment and piping] (0,015) [ $3,091,000 + 38,000 + 1,56L,500 + 2, hsé 290 + 777,6L0] (O, 05) + [$h,579 000 + 2h5,ooo + 90,000 + h?h,?OO] (o 015) | $h93 700 1 'Thermal Insulation - | The thermal insulation cost for & chemical processing‘plant_is usu- ally about 5% of the equlpment and piping costs, We calcfilated the cost ‘of insulation for Hastelloy N and auxiliary equipment in this way; how- ever, we excluded the costs of the cell inert gas system, fluorine and hydrogen‘supply system, ahd inert gas blanket-system since'this.equipment does not need insulation. Also we used only 50% of the piping cost ($388,820) for auxlllary equipment because it was estimated that only - gbout one—half of this plplng would need insulation, For insulation on moledenum equipment we factored the equlpment and piping costs at 3.5%, Cost of thermal insulation. = [(cost of Hastelloy N equipment) + (cost of Hastellqy N piping) + ~ (cost of auxiliary equipment) + (cost of auxiliary piping) - (cost of inert gas blanket system) - (cost of cell inert gas system) - (cost of Fy and H, supply system)] (0,05) + (cost ~of Mo equipment) + (cost of Mo piping)] (0.035) [$3,094,000 + 38,000 + 1,564,500 + 2,486,290 + 388,820 - 100, ooo - 175,000 - 3, ooo1 (o 05) + 4,913,750 + 1,L7k,100] (0.035) $588, 100 N Radietien'Mbnitoring - Radlatlon monltorlng equlpment refers. to 1nstruments for enV1ron- :mental monltorlng inside the processing cell, The post_of_these ,.'1nstruments_was,estlmated to be_$‘50,000. Sampllng Statlons A flowsheet rev1ew of plant operatlons 1ndlcated that salt and blS-' B muth samples will be needed at elghteen places &nd gas samples at fifteen places to ensure proper control over the plant, Each sample station is - a shielded, instrumentated facility designed for remotely securing and e o R it s i e e ot Y e . kb6 trensmitting samplés without ccstaminating either the process or the environment. Seversl sampling points would be in each station to mini- mize shielding costs'and_containment problems, Our estimete of the cost'- ' is'based'upon designs of similar'installations for engineering-experi- ments and for MSRE installetions We estimated the cost of liquid ‘Vsamplers to be $50,000 each and gas samplers to be $25,000 each for a ) " total cost of $1 275,000 | Fluorine Plant The cost of mannfacturing fluorine and hydrogen on site by elec- - trolyzing recycled hydrogen fluoride was compared with the cost of purchasing these gases and disposing of unused excess &s waste, - Our ‘supplementary cost study (Appendix A) showed that once-through. operation contributed about 0,11 mills/kWhr to the fuel cycle charge for the cost of waste containers, shipping, salt mine disposal, fluorine, other chenm- icals, and capital equipment, On the other hand, the corresponding'fuel- . cycle charge for recycle operation including the fluorine plant was gbout 0,02 mills/kWhr We have estlmated the capital cost of a remotely. operated fluorlne plant to be $1. 005 million; the cost includes labor, materlels, piping, and 1nstrumentat10n.5 The‘plant is de81gned to produce 148 1bs Fé/day, which allows about fifty percent utilization in the fluorinators, Hy- drogen output.of the plant 'is used in UF, reduction and salt sparging. Indirect Costs - Indirect costs include construction overhead, engineering and in- spection charges, taxes and 1nsurance, contingency, and 1nterest durlng - construction, These costs were dbtalned &s descrlbed below.r” ‘Construction Overhead On the basis of past experience for'the cost of chemical processing plants this cost was ‘taken as 20% of the total direct cost and equal to $h 114 mllllon. ' C L7 Engineering and Inspection Charge This charge was computed by the guidelines of NUS-531° which was written specifically for reactor plants but was used in this study, Plant engineering charges ere based upon the total direct costs of the installation, which is $152,3 million* for the reactor plant plus $20.568 million for the processing plant, The specified charge is 5.3% of the direct cost of the processing;plant; | | In addition, the cost guide specifies that a premium be added to the agbove amount to account for the "novel" feature of the design, This charge is also a function of the direct cost and for this filant is $2,700,000. Although the use of a '"novel! design surchafge rather than the lower-"prcven" design charge of $1,600,000 appears to violate the condition that'the'cost estimate was to be for a plant'based.on developed MSBR technology, it is our opinion that the complexlty of the plant is such that the higher premlum'W1ll be required, The total engineering charge ‘ ($20,568,000) (0,053) + 2,700,000 nou Taxes and Insurance This account covers property and ell-risk insurance, state &nd local property taxes on. the site and improvements durlng the construction pe- r;od, and sales taxes on purchased materials, Using NUS 531 as & gulde and taking the total direct:ccstof'thevinstallatlon as & ba31s, the charge rate was found tofbefh;é%;; For taxcs and insurance the cost is ($20,568,000) (0,042) = $863,800, | o Contingency The contingency charge was tazken as 20% of the total direct cost minus the ccst of molybdenum ccmponents."Wé'felt that the $200/pound charge for fabr1cated mclybdenum equipment already contained a sufficient contingency factor. 18 Contingency charge B (cost of Mo pumps) - (cost of Mo heat ex- changers) - (cost of Mo plpe)] (0.20) - [ 20, 568 000 - 4,579,000 - 2&5,000 - 90,000 - 1 h?h,OOO] (o. 20) $2 836,000 ) Interest, During Construction , It was assumed that the procéssing plant would be built conéurrently 'Wlth the reactor plant over & three-year construction perlod " The in- terest rate on borrowed money was taken &t 8%/year, end the total amount to be borrowed during this time is the totel of direct and indirect __costs equal to $32,172,000, Over 8 three-year period et & rate of B%fiyear,J ‘the interest charge is equivalent to 10. 7% of the total borrowed money or $3,hh2 LOO | FUEL CYCLE COST - Inventory and use charges were valued at the unit costs given in Table 11; inventory, net wofth Operéting charges, &nd fuel qycle costs are given in Table 12, The gross fuel cycle cost is 1.21 mllls/kWhr about 58% of this cost is contributed by fixed charges on the processing plant and another 32% by the reactor inventory. The fuel yield of 3.27%/yr gives & production credit of &bout 0.09 mills/kWhr which is | slightly more than the operating charges of about 0,08 mllls/kWhr The net fuel cycle cost is about 1.12 mills/kWhr, CAPITAL GOST VERSUS FLANT SIZE ' The usefulness of & cost estimate is greatly enhanced if the capital cost can be related to plant throughput so that the most economic opera- tion of the reactor system c&n be determlned . In this case we have & power station of predetermlned size [1000- MW(e)] so that, strlctly speak- ing, cost-versus- throughput deta will apply only to & single 1000-MN(e) | MSBR. With these data, paremetric studies of the reactor plent-processing plant complex can be made to find the optimum throughput and the lowest [(total direct cost) - (cost of Mo equlpment) - W L9 Table 11, Basic Costs for Calculating Inventory and Operating‘charges_ Item : " Tnit Cost 33y | | - 13 ¥e 236y = . 11,20 $/g 239 pg, | 13 $/g 284y | _ no charge - R%8&y S o ~ no charge LiFa - 15 $/1b BeF, | o 7.50 $/1b ThF, . 6,50 $/1p Licl L 15 $/1b Ii metal® 0.12 $/g Bi | - 6 $/1b , HF. . 0.41 $/1b CFP | 5.00 $/1b H, - | 1.4l $/1b KOH (45 wt,% solution) o 0.04 $/1b Waste shipping® © 0,052 $/ton-mile Salt mine storaged L4590 $/container Isotoplc comp031t10n 99.995 at.% 7L1. bFluorlne cost not needed for finding costs in Table 12; used in computatlons of Appendlx A. Rall shlpment dBased on heat generatlon rate = 360 w/ft.of con- tainer length, Data from "Siting of Fuel Reproce531ng - Plants and Waste Management Fac111t1es," ORNL—hhS1,- pp. 6- h7, Table 6 9 (July 1970) Table 12. Net Worth and Fuel Cycle Cost for & 1000 Mi(e) MSBR Fuel Cycle Time = 10 dgys ' ' Net Fuel Cycle Cost Plant Factar = 80% mills/kwhr Fixed Charges at ‘13.71)year _ o ' - Value ($) A 7 ‘Processing plant 35,614,000 " 0.6962 Reactor Inventory” at 13.2%/year . Amount !kEZ LiF 47,460 1,569,600 0,0296 BeF, 19,070 315,250 ~ 0.0059 " 93,720 1,342,940 0.0253 2337 1,223 . . .15,899,000 0.2995 ::: 12 5 b 1,25h,too 0. 0226 Pa 20,57 - 267,410 0, 0050 : %0, 615, 600 0, 3569 Processing_Plént ‘Inv'en'tory at 13, 2%/year o © LiF 4,583 151,570 0,0028 BeF, 372 6,160 0.0001 - ThF 16,240 232,670 0.00LL 2337 33.5 435,500 . 0,0082 23861, 1.7 19,040 0.0204 235pg 81,84 1,063,920 0.0200 1iC1 ; ,016 33,600 0, 0026 Bismuth 15,920 210, 600 10,0040 5: 153,635 0 Qgen'at;i_qg Charges 7 Amount (kg/year) Cost ($/year) 714 metal 999 ©119,940° 0.0171 BeF, makeup 1,026 16,970 0.0024 ThF, makeup 9,020 129,260 - 0.018) - HF makeup 920 3,530 10.0005 H, makeup 561 1,307 0.0002 KOH makeup 2,723 240 0. 0001 Waste disposal 87,000 0.012k - Payroll 200,000 0.0285 ?;B"‘ITT,z _._'7‘60.0 9 Gross Fuel Cycle Cost 1.2052 | Production Credit (3.27%/year fuel yield) : o o Amount (kg/year) Income ($/year) - - 233y : 48,18 626, 340 . =0,089, 1,1158 g, c. Robertson, ed,, "Conceptual Desigh Study of & Single-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor," ORNL-4541, pp. 180, Table D.2 (June 1971). bInven‘t,ory of 23%Pa is for equilibrium on a 10-day processing cycle. Above reference gives *>°Pa inventory as 7 kg, which is for equilibrium on a 3-day cycle," 51 - fuel cycle cost, Andthér way of decreasingrfuel cycle cost is to asso- ciate a larger power plant, for example, two or ‘more 1000-MW(e) MSER's, with a 51ng1e proce581ng faclllty, however, such a2 consideration was beyond the scope of thls study, ‘We chose to estimate the capital cost of the fluorination—-reductive extraction~--metal transfer proCesSing'plant for a throughput that is three - times the rate used gbove, corresponding to & 3,33-day processing cycle for the 1000-Mi(e) MSER, .The shorter cycle time was selected because it was believed that, at cycle times longer than 10 days, the breeding gain would be adversely affected by hlgher parasitic neutron losses to R33pg, Our estimated capltal cost is given in Table 13, Direct costs are $28.5 million, and indirect costs are $2O Oh mllllon for a total 1nvestment of $h8 54 mllllon. o | Capital costs for the plant for a 10-day (O 874 gal/mln) processing cycle and the plant for a 3,33-day (2,62 gal/mln)rprocessrng-cycle are plotted in Fig, 6, and & straight line is drawn between the points. The curve is extrapolated to cover processing rates from 3 gal/mln to 0.24 gal/mln (cycle times = 3 to 37 days). Below & rate of O, 2h gal/mln, the curve is drawn: horizontally at a capital cost of $25.m111;on.‘ It was ‘felt that $25 million'probably repreSents ahlower'limit‘for the cost of ~a plant of'the:present deSign. | The cost-versus- throughput line has 2 slope of 0,28 which indicates hthat the capital cost is not strongly affected by throughput However, ) the economic: advantage in fuel cycle cost of proce531ng a 1000-MW(e) 'MSBR on longer or shorter oycle ‘times than 10 days has not been caloulated. It is apparent though that lower fuel cycle costs can be obtalned by proc- _e531ng several 1000-MW(e; MSBR's in one proces51ng plant Although thls HlS undoubtedly true, the curve of Fig. 6 is not an accurate representa- 'tlon of ‘the cost of proce551ng ‘several reactors because the addltlonal -radloact1v1ty that would be handled by the plant would 1ncrease the cost _'above that shown. : T L o Table 13, Capital Cost of a Fluorlna.tion—-Reductlve Eb:tractlon-_- Metal Transfer Process:.ng Pla.nt. for a 1000 MW(e) MSBR Reactor fuel volume = 1683 ft"’ | - Fuel cycle time = 3.33 days Installed Molybdenum Process Equipment Installed Molybdenum Pumps : _ Installed Molybdenum Heat Exchangers - Installed Molybdenum Piping Installed Hastelloy N, Stainless St.eel and Nickel Equlpment . Installed Hastelloy N jackets on Molybdenum Vessels Installed Auxiliary Equipment | | Process Piping (other than Mo P:Lplng) Process Instrumentation Cell Electrical Gonnections - Thermal Imnsulation Radiation Monitoring Sampling Stations Fluorine Plant Total Direct Cost - Con_s'tx"uc'tion Overhead® b - Engineering and Inspection Taxes and Insurance® = Contingencyd' - Subtotal . Interest During Construction Total Plant Investment 3,581A 3,215 3,692 Lol 827 150 1,275 1,94 - 28,500 5,700 1,197 3,870 L43,8L9 Iy, 692 . 18,5u1 8504 of total direct cost by 24 of total direct cost + '"novel" design premium of $3.1 million h 2% of total dlrect cost 20% of total dlrect cost minus cost of Mo components 53 ol *HESH Amvzz;ooofi ) e J0J qndydnoayl Y3 TM JuUeld mnflmmmoonm JI9JSUBL], TB}S|--UOTIOBILXY 8ATRONPSY~-~UOTIBUTIONT B JO 3800 Tejtde) JO UOT}IBRTJBA 9 *3tq (NINZIV9) 31vd OSNISS3O0Hd L1IVS -82°0= 3d0TS ol dos €466-12 9MA INYHO 00l -~ ($g01) 1SOD TWLIAVD gy Cost Estimate for a 3, 33-Day Fuel Cycle Time A complete rede51gn of the proce551ng plant wes not attempted to - obtain the capital cost at the greater throughput However, the cost of each item of equipment listed in Tables 7, 8, and 9 was recomputed.hy the - following general procedures: ‘ Redesign and estimate the cost of- a few vessels that are typical of the several types of equipment, e.g., tanks with internal heat exchange surface, columns with frozen salt on walls, liquidfliquid | contactors with internal heat exchange surface, etc, Compare the cost of the redesigned vessel with its counterpart in the 10-day cycle case and determine 2 scale factor from the relationship '_ Ee@?\ ' where n = scale factor ‘ ' , Cp= febricated vessel cost for 3. 33 -day cycle C,= fabricated vessel cost for 10-day cycle : Rz— flow rate through proce551ng plant for 3,33-day qycle ~ flow rate through processing plant for 10-day cycle Determine the fabricated cost of the remaining vessels by using ~ the appropriate scale factor, the previously calculated cost for the 10-day cycle cese, and the gbove equation, ’ - Scale-factors for individuel pieces of equipment were in the range 0,52 to 0;82, however, ‘& number of items had & scale factorfeQual to zero because their sizes were independent of processing rate, Typical examples of vessels having zero scale factor are the *>®Pa decay tank, the divalent rare earth accumulator, and the trivalent rare earth accu- | mlator, Thus.the overall scale factor (0.28) for the plant is considerably - below the velue of about 0,6 customarily associated with chemical'plantsQ Installed costs for moledenum, Hastelloy N, and auxiliary equlp- ‘ment are given in Tables 1k, 15, and 16. An overall scale factor was determined for each group of equipment by comparing the total costs from - ~ the above tables with the corresponding total from Tables 7, 8, and 9. It was found that the molybdenum equipment scaled by & factor of 0. 31, Hastelloy N equipment by a factor of O, 26 and the auxiliary equipment by a factor of 0,33, These factors were used to determine some of the direct»eosts given below, 55 Installéd Cost-of“Mfllybdénfifi Process Enuipment Table 1k, ‘Fuel cycle time = 3,33 days Reactor power . = 1000-Md(e) - - Installed Cost Item ($) ' 233pg Extractlon Column 252,400 Rare Esrth Extraction Column 236,050 Bismuth Dump Tank _ 372,310 1iCl Extraction Column 1,256,120 RE®* Stripper " 930,090 RE2+_Stripper RE®* Bismuth Reservoir | RE5+-Bismuth Drawoff Tank RE?* Bistuth Reservoir - RE®* Bismuth Drawoff Tank Bismuth'Surge Tank 233 pa Hydrofluorinator Waste Hydrofluorinator Bismuth Skimmer | » Tota1 for‘Mb ProceSé Enuipmént: - Auxxllary Heat Ekchangers Blsmuth Pumps : | Total for Mo Auxiliary Ehuipmént]_fi 51)990‘(Mb)_ 8,200 (Hast N) 1 68h,580 152,540 (Mo) 7,530 (Hast N)_ 797,690' 146,200 (Mo) 6,720 (Hast N) 26,710 208,490 (Mo) 11,920 (Hast N) - 225,900 (Mo) 5,910 (Hast N) 133,310 (Mo) | 5,160 (Hast N) 6,071, 380 (o) hS th (Hast N) 90 000 | 173,830 N 563,830 . 56 Table 15 Installed Cost of Hastellay N Process Enulpment Fuel qycle time = 3.33 days Reactor power . = 1000-MW(e) Installed Cost Item _($) Feed Tank ) 30, 500 Primary Fluorinator - 63,030 . Purge Column : 63,030 Salt Surge Tank 11,300 Salt Surge Tank 11,300 "Salt Makeup Tank .50,530 Salt Discard Tank . . 9,640 ' UFg Reduction Column 61,120 Structural and Noble Metal Reduction Column a \67 230 Salt Surge Tank . | 12,450 Bismuth Trap (2 requlred) : 1h8,390 Salt Cleanup Filter (2 requlred) 53,910 Reactor Feed Tank 35,140 'Salt Dump Tank 170,860 LiCl Reservoir and Dump Tank 8h,h7o - LiCl Waste Tank 38,780 H,-HF Cooler 38,090 | 100°C NaF Trap (2 requlred) 51,110 Still Feed Condenser 42,150 HF Still 11,620 HF Condenser 32,740 KOH Sorber 25,370 KOH Reservoir (3 required) 43,860 Gas Cooler 22,500 ~ Cold Trap (2 required) h1,460 Silica Gel Dryer (2 requlred) 11,050 Alumina Sorber "31,390 NaK Expansion Tank 10,210 NaK Expansion Tank - 6,380 NaK Expansion Tank 3,190 . .NaK Expansion Tank - L,980 - NaK Expansion Tank 3,150 NaK Expansion Tank 6,100 NaK Expansion Tank 6,320 Salt Surge Tank 5,220 ~ Secondary Fluorinator 33,370 - Purge’Column 33,370 233pg Dect - 710,490 220-Day =3 Pa Decay Tank 169,720 Waste Fluorinator _ - 57,550 Waste Tank (3 required) 1 809 oL0 ' 20 C NaF Bed . h2360 Total for Hastelloy N Process Equlpment - 4,127,370 57 Table 16, Installed Cost for Auxiliary Ehuipment‘ Fuel qule time Reactor power non 3.3 100 3:dqy5 000-MW(e) Installed Cost ' Total for Auxiliary Equipment Item ($) Electric Heaters . 762,320 Auxiliary Heat Exchangers 300,000 Refrigeration System 5,760 NaK Purification System 10,000 Si0, Supply and Removal System 19,340 Al1;0, Supply and Removal System 10,000 . F; Disposal System 5,000 Hé Disposal System 8,000 Inert Ges Blanket System 100, 000 - UF; Product Withdrawal Station - 7,500 Inert Gas System for Cell 0 175,000 - F,, H,, and HF Supply Systems 3,000 Lithium Metal Handling Equipment 20,400 BeF, + ThF, Addition System 13,600 Coolant (NaK)'Pumps . 979,620 Process Salt Pumps 523,730 Compressors - 638,220 3,581,490 58 Process Piping - B P Piping costs were calculated as explained gbove for the plant oper-' ating on a 10-day processing cycle, [{cost of installed Mo process equipment) +. (cost of Mo pumps) + (cost of Mo heat exchangers)] (O 30) . [$6, 474,400 + h73,800 + 90,000] (0. 30) $2,111,500 [cost of installed Hastelloy N equip-‘ - ment] (0,50) : [ $4,127,370 -+ L5, hho] (0. 50) $2,086, 1,00 [(cost of installed auxiliary equipment) - (cost of electric heaters)] (0,40) , [$3,581,490 - 762, 320] (0.40) B - $1,127,700 - Mo piping cost Hastellqy N piping cost ll. Auxiliary piping cost Process Instrumentation’ ‘We assumed that instrumentation cost for the 3.33-day cycle plant‘:' 'could.be scaled upward from the corresponding cost for the 10- day'qycle plant by the scaling factors found gbove for the three types of equlp- | ment, Thus ‘ : Ca.zz = Cio [ 331 where the subscripts refer to the value for the 3.33-day cycle and 10~ day cycle. The ratio of the plant throughputs is 3. Instrumentation cost for Hastelloy N equipment $1,L08,000 (3)°-%6 $1, 87&,050 Instrumentation cost for aux111ary equlpment = $583,200 (3)°** = $838,060 Instrumentation cost for heaters (scale factor taken to be zero) = $81, 300 : - Instrumentation cost_for Mo equipment | $638,800 (3)°°31 . $898,150 . Total 1nstrumentation cost for 3.33- day—qycle plant = $3,691 560 tou 4 . W 59 _Cell Electrlcal Connectlons The cost of cell electrical comnections was taken to be $.93,700, the.same‘asxfor the processing plant operating on the 10-dsy cycle, Thermal Insulation ~ The cost of thermzl insulation was calculated using a scale factor of 0.31. o | Thermal insulation cost = $588,100 (3)°-3* - $826,870 nu Radiation Monitoring The cost of environmental monitoring equipment should not be affecté ~ ed by prooessing'rate. Therefore, the cost was taken as $150,000, the same as estimated for the 10-day cycle plant 'Sempllng Stations The number of sampllng statlons was not considered to be & function of throughput, The charge is $1 275,000 for elghteen liquid samplers and flfteen gas samplers, - Fluorlne Plant . In estlmatlng the cost for the hlgher throughput the fluorine plant - was treated as conventional chemlcal plant equlpment even though it is a remotely operated faolllty, and the cost was scaled upward by the 0,6 .power applied to the throughput ratlo. Fa plant cost = $1 00)4,900 (3)0 .6 | - $, 93,500 | Indirect Costs 'Indirect costs were calculated by the procedure discussed Ebove for __the 10-dey cycle plant, 60 NEEDED DEVELOPMENT, UNCERTATNTIES AND ALTERNATIVES ' There are sufflcient l&boratony and englneerlng deta tc show thet chemical principles for the fluorlnation—-reductive extraction--metel transfer process are fundamentally sound Except for fluorlnatlon, most of the development has been in relatively small-scale experlments, end design studies which, in addition to’ giving encouraglng results, have ~ identified problem areas, The more importent'problem areas &nd uncer- : tzinties are discussed below. Meterlals of Constructlon 'The most basic problem to thls process 1s that of a meterlal for contalnlng molten bismuth or b1smuth-salt mixtures.. Molybdenum has excellent corrosion resistance to both phases but is a very dlfflcult | ‘metal to fabricate, For example, in making welded jolnts therheat- ‘affected zone becomes very brittle due to recryStalization,'and'ductility can be restored only by cold.worklng which is normally not practlcal on fabrlcated equlpment Considerable progress has been made in the maklng _of molybdenum shapes and joints, and in time, we feel that fabrication 'technology will be perfected The task will be difflcult even for small molybdenum equipment, and, for large items that are required in parts of this plant, the job is formidable, ~However, molybdenum equipment will almost surely be expensive, | ' - | Graphite is being considered as e.possible alternete'material of construction, Also it may be possible to apply molybdenum coatings to & - more eas1ly fsbrlcated material such &s a nickel-base alloy. Tungsten ~ coatings would also be satlsfactory. ‘ ' Continuous Fluorination , Fluorination.of molten salts for uranium recovery has_been success- fully demonstrated on severaloccasions7’9’9§1°hin~batchwise, pilot plent operations, and the development of a continuous method- is in prog- rress. Successful contlnuous fluorination depends upon ma1nta1n1ng a , prctectlve frozen salt layer on wetted surfaces of the fluorinator to & C 61 prevent catastrophic corrosion, Establishing and maintaining this pro- tective coating is a developmental problem that must be solved, The solution is compllcsted by the difficulty of S1mulat1ng an internal heat . source in the nonradloactlve salt of an englneerlng test, Experlmental o : results have been encouraging, and the frozen-wall fluorinator ~should be practical to bu11d &nd operate.' Bismuth Removel From Szlt Nlckel—base alloys are rapldly corroded by molten bismuth, e&nd ves- sels that normally contain only salt, 1nclud1ng the reactor vessel &nd prlmary heat exchangers, must be protected from chronic or recurring exposure to the metal entreined‘in salt, A cleanup device for the salt - stream, consisting of a vessel packed with nickel wool, exists only in ~ concept, and its effectiveness cennot be evaluated until tolerance 1im1ts for bismuth‘in salt have been determined as well as suitable analytical methods for detecting low concentrations (2UF;+2HF' | S Fp + Hy ~ 2HF : I . - The net effect of the first, second, end'feurth'operatione is to.eonsume' - H, and Fy wh11e making HF, whereas, the third operation consumes HF and produces Hz. Since the smount of HF consumed in hydrofluorlnatlon is " much Smaller than the amount produced in the other operations, the prpc-'" essing plant must dispose of the excess hydrogen fluoride either,as . waste or hy.cenversion to hydrogen and fluorine for recycle, The first alternative requires the purchase of the three gaseS'plus the eost‘of converting large quantities of contaminated hydrogen fluorlde to & solid - waste for salt mine storage, the second alternative reqplres the instsl- lation of a remote fluorlne plant with a considerably smaller mekeup and waste dlsposal cost, ' - | o | | The two ch01ces for treat1ng the process gases were studled to determine the more econom1c‘method The 51mp11f1ed flow dlagrams in - Figs, A-1 and A-2 show the processing stepe and the nass_flow rates of - | R reactant and prodnct°g33es;' ln;eaeh;diegfen fluorine'ntilieation'in o o _fgfiijfl fluorinators is taken as 50%, hydrogen fluoride utilization in hydro-. ' fluorinators and hydrogen utlllzation 1n the reductlon column are teken ~ as 10% | ORNL DWG 71-12796 " o_FUEL SALT 472400 g KOH/day . . . TO REACTOR 1 : i ‘ . : I0OM KOH . UFes ~oUFa 181310 ¢ U/doy » 192980 g Urgay [REDUCTION| NEUTRALIZER] S 31180 ¢ Fa/day - 33080 g Ferday | COLUMN'| ST390 8 RR/dey o ‘ WASTE GAS - ; - g $8390 ¢ Hg/day T ) . . 28 L P 34000 9-Hy/day o D' | . ceo| ™ u| e8| : gz 3 =) ' wy . T & x P2 N ot o ) ol 8 57 g Usdoy ol .o 9 q Fp/doy o ~ - D : A , EVAPORATE VTV B ey ' TO DRYNESS o Bi-Li ' ) - | ALLOY 1 L | . . ! , . SOLID WASTE TO He ‘ _l_.. | b ‘ - . '“‘ SALT:HNE STORAGE PRIMARY . | pyYRG PasU 1 SECONDARY| Me Pa WASTE | . - | puReE [ waste: ' 23640 g KOH/day *|FLUORINATOR cowu‘n sxnac';non "'yuno. FLUORINATOR| PURGE DECAY HYDRO- con.u?m TANK | ‘ -+ 4GATE0 g KF/day : ] -] COLUMN" £ omiNaTOR COLUMN TANK [FLUORINATOR wasTE _el.ag 5(/«., FUEL SALT | 1 ) FLUORINATOR (0.64 113 7day) 190850 ¢ U/day : ‘ 52 ¢ I/day S l 1 l I i I - ] - - | ‘ 3640 g Mp/day i 3640 g Hy/day ’ : L5 ¢ Hp/day . | . - o ' eiss0g Fe/doy . . . * 3790 g Fg/day . ' g p/doy | ,- 89810 ¢ Hf/dfly . 12820 ¢ Hfrday -~ - Fig, A-1. Once-Through Cycle for Gases in Processing Plant for MSBR Fuel Process Requirements of H,, F,, and HF are Purchased; Excess Amounts After ‘Use are Converted to -Solid Waste for Disposal; - Uranium, in the gas stream as UF,, is quantitatively returned to the salt in the reduction column, Values show requirements for a 1000-Mw(e) MSER. L9 ~ ORNL DWG 71-12792 9324 o WASTE o ’ 9 : 10 M KO WINO g N 00 NEUTRALIZER | {C?OOO 9 HFII., 306009 Mg /doy UFg —= UF, "z’.o;' U/doy REDUCTION 33080 /doy >~ s» . _ e 09850 g HF SOLID WASTE TO = SALY umz smuo: ot ' 66 g K 'dey Cel . %80 . l(rluy 25 7.4 g K1 doy e {0411 mmyl - MAKEUP 9 q Usday 82 g 17doy 7282 ‘a8170 . | Fig. A-2, Recycle of Gases in Processing Plant for MSER Fuel | L . - Reaction Product. HF is Electrolyzed to Furnish H; and F, for Recycle to | | - Process Operations; a Small Amount of H, and HF is Not Recoverable and ' is Replaced with Makeup, Uranium, 'in the gas stream as UFg, is quanti- tatively recovered in the reduction column, Values show requirements for a ‘IOOO—].VM(e) MSER, ' : ' - = 89 ;shown‘by the curves of . Flg. A-B.‘ The KOH concentratlon is reduced from 10'M to 0.5 M in the *OO hr perlod ' o 69 Fission product contamination in the gas stream is primarily from | iodine and to a less extent from bromine, Small amounts of noble gases and volatile noble hetale gre present, but, as expleined earlier, the short removal time for these”huclides in the reactor greatly limits the quantity, Heat generatlon in the neutrallzed waste is due almost entlrely "to iodine and daughter products. Since.this'cost study was‘for comparison purposes; only major ele- ments‘of the cost were considered, For example, plplng.lnstrumentatlon, 1nsulatlon, auxlllary equipment, etc. were not 1ncluded in the estimate, The study was limited to comparlng the costsrof major pieces of equip- ment, consumed chemicals; and waste disposal, | Once-Through Procees'Cycle In the once-through treatment (F1g A-1), gases from the ‘reduction columm, hydrofluorlnators, and purge columns flow into & caustlc neu- tralizer contalnlng ‘aqueous KOH where hydrogen fluoride and halogen flSSlon products are removed, Hydrogen leaves the neutralizer, passes through alumina and charcozl beds for removal of small amounts of vola- 'Atile noble metals and noble gases, and exhausts to the atmosphere, Five neutralizers; each holdingrabout 135 £t of 10 M KOH solution, are needed, One tank is on-stream for a ?OO?hr cycle while the neutralized contents of the remaining_tanks are in,various stageshof fission product decay. The batchwise cycle is necessery_to:elloudecey before the solution is evaporated to dryness."At’the:end of'the'*OO—hr°reactiOn period the fission product decay energy is 153 kW thls decays rather qulckly as o, , After h00~hours decqy the aqueous solution is evaporated to a solld 'waste residue in 2)- 1n. D x 10-ft- long/waste contalners Condensate is reused to make fresh KOH solutlon - If the waste contalner‘is'held about 32 days, its heat emlssion 1s sufflclently low to quallfy the can for salt mine ‘storage &t the mlnlmum cost of $300 per can, 1 70 onm. DWG 7112798 Rl 103 104 or 1 | ll-i[il T T l.llll T T IIIIIT_.l‘o L ' | IS3 kw AT EN b OF 100-hr. B / ACCUMULATION | i N -0l 3 1 £ 2 z ] = z o ] s : - e o _ '; o « w - w z W o © L s 5 1 g g T Y 00! - ' 10 Ly 1 111 Lo gl , : 10 102 ' 103 ¢ ) DECAY TIME {hours) : ‘ Fig, A-3, Flssmn Product Heat Generatlon Rate in KOH Neutrallzer. Solution volume = 135 ft° ' \ P> T The»2h-in. D x 10-ft-long/can is the‘largest permissible can for storage in‘a salt mine; andvthe usable length, excluding nozzles; lifting bails, etc., is approximately 8 ft, About 8,6L ft® solidiwaste_is pro- duced each day, hence; foroperetion at 80% plant factor,:105 cans must be'sent to'permanentvstorage each year." Gas Recycle System In the recycle system (Flg. A-2), gases from the reductlon column, - purge columns, and hydrofluorlnators are compressed to about 2 atm pressure and chilled to -40°C to condense hydrogen fluoride from the H,-HF mixture;- Some of the*fission products, primarily volatile com- pounds of I, Br, Se, and Te, are expected to condense to a large extent with the hydrogen fluorine, These compounds are more volatile than hydrogen fluorine and can be separated by distilling the mixture at low temperature at sbout 2 atm pressure.r Vepor pressure data are shown in Fig, A-l, ' The overheed_condehser is'kept at -L40°C so thet hydrogen fluoride loss with the'noncondensabie gases .is minimel, Part of the liquid hydrogen fluoride flows from the still to an electrolytic cell to regenerate Hé'and”Fz; the remezinder is recycled to the hydrofluorinators. The H,-rich gas from the:distillation.colqmn'is bubbled through a caustic scrubber similar to the one used in the once-through system to remove halides, The gas’isfdried in regenerative silica gel sorbers and recycled to the reducfiion and purge columns, About 5% of the hydrogen is removed from the’ system on each cycle to purge selenium and tellurium -iby sorptlon on actlvated 2lumina and noble gases by sorptlon on charcoal, The neutrallzatlon system con51sts of a scrubber column and three, -20-ft5 reserv01rs for 10 M KOH 'Each reservoir is on-stream for 3l days _untll the concentration is reduced to 0.5 M KOH; the heat generation rate attains equlllbrlum at about 210 KW (see Fig, 5, page 29). The spent ‘solution is set aside for f1$$1on product decay for 45 days before ,'belng evaporated to dryness in 2h-1n. D x 10-ft- 1ong waste contalners. The volume of solld.waste produced 1s 4.83 £t° every 3l days, requiring only 2,07 waste containers per year for reactor operation at 80% plant factor, 72 ORNL DWG 72-131 - 103 ‘ : ) : — BOILING POINT _ AT § ATM (°C) ~ CHF 4197 ~ ~ HoTe ~ 2.0 - HI -35.1 HpSe — 41,1 — HBr -66.5 — A 102 - > - T — € - E W - i @ : . m e L7g] Wl o o | . o -0 a g = ¥ 10 I 1 1.1 _ 3.0 ' . 4.0 7 C 5.0 . . l s | . T(OK) x O Fig. A-L. Vapor.Pressuref-Terrxperature Relationsh_ips for HF, HI, HBr, HySe and H,Te. - L 73 The waste container needs to be held only about nine days'after the final batch is evaporated in order to qualify for the minimum interment cost of $300, This cost is for a meximum heat evolution of 30 w/ft of container, Fuel Cycle Cost Comparison Costs for the two gas'treatment methods were compared.by examining only the 1tems for which there would be a 81gn1flcant cost differential, Prellmlnany de81gns Were made of major equipment 1tems, and instelled costs were estimated, The costs of chemlcals were calculated from the - | requirements shown on the flousheets, Figs@ A-1 and A-2 In the case of the oncevthrough gas cycle, the costs of purchased : gases were calculated 1n two ways., One calculatlon was made -for the purchase of all requlred fluorine, hydrogen, end hydrogen fluorlde from outside sources. In the second case, hydrogen fluoride and some hydrogen were purchased and fluorlne and hydrogen were manufactured on-51te from HF in a nonradloactlve fluorlne plant. For complete gas recycle opera- .tion, only the equlllbrlum hydrogen fluoride lost in the noncondensable gas from distillation and that-consumed in hydrcfluorlnatlon are pur- chased, The requlred hydrogen makeup is equlvalent to that discarded less the’ hydrogen produced in hydrofluorlnatlon. The costs of the two methods for treating the gases are compared in Table A-1, The once-through gas cycle costs about 0,115 mllls/kWhr and is almost flve times more expenslve than the recycle system, due primarily 1o the hlgher charges for waste. disposal and purchased fluorine. The most 51gn1f1cant charge in the recycle system is the amortization of the 'remote fluorine plant. A small reductlon in costrcan be made in the ~ once- through gas cycle when fluorine-and hydrogen are manufactured on- . 's1te from hydrogen fluorlde, however, the fuel cycle cost 1s still four | tlmes that of the recycle system.f S ' . On the bas1s of thls comparlson, the gas recycle system was selected for the MSBR fuel reprocess1ng flowsheet Table A- Fuel Cycle Costs for Two Methods of Treating Process Gases in MSBER Fuel Processing : Fuel cycle time = 10 days " Reactor power = 1000 MW(e) = 80% Flant factor Fuel Cycle Cost (mills/kWhr) 0,0956 Once- Through Gas Cycle b Gas Recycle Case 1% . Case 27 Waste Disposal . Waste containers 0.0L85 0,0485 0,0009 Shipping 0.0050 °0,0050 0.0001 Carriers ' 0,0022 0,0022 - . 0,000L Salt mine storage 0. 0045 0.00L5 © 0.,0001 - o 0. 0602 0,0602 0.0015 - Equipment and Chemicals KOH tanks | 0.012L 0,012 10,0013 Fluorine plant o - 0,0098 0.0196 Fluorine | - 0.0304 L . Hydrogen ~ 0,0055 . 0.0050 . 10,0002 Hydrogen fluoride. 0,0026 - - 0,00LL 0,0005 Potassium hydroxide 10,0038 0,0038 0.0001 - HF distillation-equipment. ’ / 0..0007 - S 0.05L7 0.035L 0.022L ‘Total 0.0239 All gases purchased Hydrogen fluoride and some Hé purchased- F2 and the remaining H, made on-site from hydrogen fluoride in nonradioactive fluorine plant, l v . . g . . ~ 14 75 - . Appendix B: USeful-Déta-for'the MSER and Processing Plant - Table B—1Summafizésdata“from reactor physics ca&lculations, prop- erties of process fluids, and hesat generation data for various areas of the processing plent, '(6 ) . v 7 . - . .‘ S . . - - 6 -1 - Table B-1. 'Useful.nata for the MSBR and Processing Plant . - _ ‘ 7 \J Reactor Facts (MATADOR caleulations by M. J. Bell) o ~ Thermal power ‘ L ' L 2250 MW ' L s Fission product production B . 2,355 kg/dey | "Fission products entering processing plant o 2,143 kg/day - Noble gases removed in reactor 7 ER 0.621 kg/day : - Noble metals removed in reactor . ‘ 0.471 kg/day . ‘Seminoble metals removed in resctor ‘ 0,036 kg/day Fission products removed in processmg plant i - 1,226 kg/dsy - 233pa produced ] _ o 2.59 kg/day Breeding ratio ‘ : : 1.0637 233ps inventary in reactor at equilibrimn ‘ . 20,57 kg - 233pa inventory in processing plant at equilibrium .= : 81.8L kg - Molar Densities at 640°C (g moles/ft°) . - LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) | ‘ 1467 : LiF-Bng-ThF.-UF‘-FP' s ( equilibri\nn composition) - 1489 1icl - ' 995 o Bismith | o | - 1298 - Bi-50 at, % Li - L - - 1336 | . ‘ Bi-5 at. % Li o . 1323 LiF-ThF,-ZrF,-PaF, (71-26 2, 8-0. 2 mole £) o - 1192 (at 6oo°c) Liquidus Tergperat.ure (°c) ‘ _ , .LiF-Bng-ThF-UF‘ (71.7-16,0-12.0-0,3 mole %) - . 499 * IiC1 , o © 81 _ Bismuth ' ' 2M : : o LiF-ThF,-ZrF,.-PaF, (71-26-2,8-0.2 mole %) , : cé8 o - . - Nak (78-22 wt.%) : =11 ‘ Inventor_v in Processing Plant o 7 _ , _ , Fuel salt = a | 33,7 £t Bismth E . 58,4 £43 1401 - - - 20 £13 ' NaK , L 200 ft° 71i in Bi-50 at.¥ Li alloy : , 8L.2 kg 7Li in Bi-S at.% Li alloy o , 12,5 k 233pa decay salt : ' 150- 175 £t° Heat Generation in Prooessing Plant (kW) ‘ ‘ _ Fission Products - 232Pa Fuel salt circuit® (33.7 £1°) | - 238 ‘ 5 - Bismith in extraction columns and surge tanks (8 72y 13 . : 253pa decay system salt (150-175 £1°) 1800 _ L4150 LiCl (20 f£t3) : e Bi-50 at, % Ii alley (27 £t°) : 439 Bi-5-at,$ Ii alloy (18 £t3) . - , 1382 : Waste tank (555 f‘l:"é no decay) | . 111 . . KOH solution (20 ft°, no decay) ; o 210 : A1.0, bed (2.5 £t°) ‘ , L L - : s ' ' ' ' ' 5665 s -t 85a1t in feed tank, fluorinator, purge oolumn, extraction co_lmfins, 'r’eduotion-colthnnv, L . o salt cleanup units, and reactor feed tank, - b - . ' \g - 77 Appendix C: Steady State Concentrations ' in the Metal Transfer System The metal-transfer system consists.of-captive‘bismuth and lithium chloride phases that circulate in closed 1oops,-receiving fission pro- ducts on one side of the loop and transferring them to a second phase at the other side, Throughout the system the donor and acceptor flulds operate wlth steady state concentratlons of . all metels being transferred, the equ111br1a depending upon the dlstrlbutlon characterlstlcs of each . species and the purge rate from the acceptor fluld - This system has been carefully analyzed by Bell,: nd his date are glven in. Flg. Cc-1. The purge of fission products from the Bi- 5 at, % L1 reservoir is " shown as & continuous 5 669 gal/day stresm, thlng the rate continuous ~ was a convenience for calculatlons, 1n actual practlce the withdrawal of such & small amount would be batchw1se on perhaps & two-day cycle.- Slmllarly, the 1nd1cated w1thdrawa1 from the Bi-50 at, % Ii .reservoir would probably be on & 30 day cycle._., ' The divalent rare earths, designated RE®* in the flgure, include * Sr, Ba, Sm, and Eu, Trivalent rare earth, designated RE®*, include Y, la, Ce, Pm, Nd, Pr, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er, - FUEL SALT RE 18 RERE 2IAE -0 e . HTSHE-08 ?375 ORNL DWG TI1-10787 e vrmemmate st tatmd e e mmmm e m— e ——————————— TURN + - ‘. ?O‘l‘;. .Exgc“o" - 0.074 SPM REM THETE-O8 . ___________ e ; - “_ BISMUTH + BISMUTH + s Byl —— | e e i L n:oucnu‘r--—-—-q Li REDUCTANT-~ =+ t 85 g mele Lisdey 53 gm mols Lisdoy ! i L ISE t S v Th | S48IE~02 Lol r ) ' U |.2sE-1L ¥ ' JOSSE-0%3 1 | REte] 1720E-06 [ ¢ ' 1 REI) QSSIE-O6| ¢ ' ' "k L ! ———— e ' —— § i r 1 ' 1 ' . 1 i ’ 1 L ] : I : RARE : p, i EART, gl RETe FUEL SALT FROM EXTRACTION ! EXTRACTION EXTRACTION 0.66 GPM STRIPPER FLUORINATION e -~ .- —— 2O . i . . A I : | 1 1 : 1 | -1 I i i i i i ) ; ' - RRNPM_I____ RN APM ] beees E /1 1 ™ 1!13!-!! . = : . ' T Pe =} | i ™ S~ . ,,“ - = 1 1 1 U | 2445E-11 Ee ! - | e S ren . v i RES+| [2365E-03 !..!'...!.’."__ e s s = e e Y i 1 : i ! : [ ' i ™ xo‘u 3 -: ISE~- - : [ ' Li REDUCTANT—el 1 F3 +UFy TO agre | Testo0 S600E -02 37 g mole/day ! . REDUCTION COLUMN et | 2611932-08 t . N ! . * gy o WYORO- py DECAY TANK FLUORINATION FLUORINATION iF=ThFe-2rFs -Pake ) P P T-2597-2.84-019 mols % ., 1. bl 8000 . 1 ™ ITMHE-0 |- P 3299€-10 [ [ BEZE-I8 NF s RERS JOT2E-C1 * a—— e RENS 3S0IE-03 Lo d T ———— 0779 aPM | ' 6 ] DISCARD TO FISSION PRODUCT PURGE FISSION PRODUCTY PURGE 'A!‘I’t 5.689 goirdey 0.994 gul/dey 23 r13 /220 tapn . FUEL SALT . SISMUTH {DATA FROM CALCULATIONS BY M.J. BELL USING MATADOR CODE) ‘Fig. C-1, In Metal Transfer Systemn, Calculated Ehulllbrium Concentrations (atom fractlon) o A\ (!hi‘ 79 Appendix D: Flowsheet of the Fluorination--Reductive ‘Extraction--Metal Transfer Process [1000-Mi(e) MSER] The attached flowsheets [Dwgs. No, F12173-CD-173E and No. F-12173- CD~17hE] glve pertinent material and energy balance data for processing the_reference MSER on & 10- -day cycle, During the course of the de31gn and cost study, significant.design improvements.ln the original concept of the plantfbecsme'epparent. As these changes were made to the flow-. sheet, it was not always possible to fully investigate effects upon other areas of the plant because of the urgency to complete the cost Study on schedule._,Thus,.the reader might not elways obtain a satis- factory material balance in specific areas of the flowsheet; however, the authors believe that such 1ncon31stenc1es are minor and do not affect the results or conclusions of this study Although the draw1ngs do not show englneering features with respect to 1nstrumentat10n, coolant flow, aux111ary plplng, service lines, etc,, these items were included in the cost estimate, Equipment. and vessels for startup, shutdown, and standby operatlon of the plant were also - included in the cost, however, they are not shown, . 1 , - 3 - | | L @ . ‘ . . " ‘ - o . . . ] l - : PATS L1SY ‘ o K : . o o _ . L PART [ owe NO. | ReQo | DESCRIPTION | stocK suze | maTerL | . 1' + Wy lo34 Scm . - Savr Discans ‘ - . . - ! . 1. . . WFO.088 8PV’ | : g MMJ‘N . . < P08 uifl"fll‘" . |Ilh'-.ln:: " . LiF1806.7 gm MoL Y . . . - ] . 29,7 Wavis/Fe? - ) \ EaFe1 748 4m Mol /pay ' . . . . . : " i ‘ ThFy 561 qm Mol /Day . ) Cowpanmn FPe 5826 om [HY 1.7 kw /FS Sivica Guu AR ‘ — 0.816 HY/Day 4 inDian SFy 409 0%t ] ) . : l A ' HE Comvputan W Crnvvamne, | ‘ ) oo . ‘. Az 10.54 SCPW Campnessen, Hr 429 scr:n -/re ¥Phi 0.273 x 108 o/ P! ST ‘ e . ’ 32,8 Waren /Fe B ¥Pe:TAE gu/Med| FPNTANE gu/we? TGPM 1 L.287 Kw/Fed TABS KW/RD iE] ‘ I [E Wi 4+ WF Faosa 0.874 GPW , 0.874 GPM HYDRRPLUARIATIRS * Aus Punon Coromus ta KOW h;\:em . L. 1 com 10.5 0/ Fe® et W . , , 1BMUTH T e T & & o | | K (f“’:v:\ GinDirG : | [ ——— Blubinnsors | Sact Cunamu? . ) 2. F+. Dia x 5Py To Waste * a - - e EVAPORATION : ) LIF-BaFi ThFe*UFs . - i 0¥ Y/ 34 Davs 7|.1-1ao-\z‘.o-o.s Mecn % . . . . ot S T BT o 0527 SC¥FM, , GE . zuTEs [T aomas | . .. : Savt Pose ’ ] As | sieswezs |i 3ABR-04 : Mz Maceup : 1 1 L yae : BE 440GT-43/XE snaL-os : - ‘ BR .4B40R-0G[cS Bce-08 - - - : Coo - ’ . KR .GTIBL-07 [BA . - 36 . \br T mmr - ‘ :mt.:g' h‘/:n ! : TRB LA124R-23 [LA .bnu ’ c ] Sauy FRYBRLG qu/Fet 110478 - ‘ : ;| 280 L LbssL o "m:‘;:g:’i’v}fx TP IOGES Bw/Re B I KW/TY : - Y 4900 " G420 (Kr, xe) ¥2 10481 SCIM B.ods KW/Frd l__es1gmH ‘ IR AGSER-OZ{WD - 2.0988 Us 1BLAS9 Ky /A o874 GFM ' Mo diaer-s oM Has snern ‘ T ek : ‘ Yo .239%ceaa |w BEL4%-01; ' ! At Mindus T Ute RU BSOCE-S0 (6D A0 A . a-%nm,-w-un Fusw Rasutrion RW .19750-4Z |TB 523105 j Thie: 108 vetlaldag | [Waxsie Covumn D .495IE-30 DY 19604 . . 0B\ FAt ey Tann Wi Dinn iLP AG .aw-6s |HO Woe-07 - . ‘ - ; €O 2482824 [ER LGossw-09 | - o Q.0874 5FPW Prywiany | . . N ‘n1NN-28 ) . . . Frusniuates ! - W ! RuacTon . SiwDiarih. . | : : I 3a - oy Tare . FeusTaan FPRI28178 am /Py : 1] Fru S8V7C gwm® Ty 30 Min. Haaur 30 WMin. Howour 12,03 ¥ . . 090 BEIM | . I (.68 KW/Fr? - . _ VimDiax6 Py TWDIA R G T4, U1 4088 su/R : | asracm | Mot 3 : ‘ | | 10.874 GPM A I . . ;—IL — - o. i Fruritaes yu/Fe® | | . : ' ='I.szt!l‘t.vll$;'. } ! C 1 $ T Fuew To 3 & 1298 an/Fa! | 1 i Y Fano Taux . s | | Sa : , T S Y | patere | e I | | i, , 0.574 GPM GluDiaxi0Py : . Tim Ol P I G1148.08 gu/Pe8 ‘ ) ‘ : . We-7 . . - o.8T G ; ' : ) : t ; I . . . . [ i | Sraucrum Aun ) : . . ALY | T ‘NGILI WEA\. . ' ! FPR:TZI60 sm/Fed -1 Th i tsucTion Couwu T-r.'..ns XW/Fed ( fre o ;‘fim’:&’ 104w Din. 8 1Py . » : s Li: 020 AT.% - Cownn | uibeam ey | i THi0IAN AT % " ) St bwxith. | oare cPM = | Yo QIO R o B ; 1.429 GT™ . T _BigMutn ‘ ! FPy: 0.51C /Mo ’ ) C 1242 Waree/Ty ¥ ' . /l ' . ‘ 7T ! = ‘ » Tramen Bosne ' [ T T T e T S e e T T T TS T T T T I ~IVBMYTH | i T — —— . - * . Sunen P03 am/Ped Yuaw | r e —— e — — - . IBMYTH TAny, 292 WarTa/Py Tauw | FPU1LTT gu/FrY 0,13 GPM : Eu,. EM ;vug Reacvpn S.0LT KW/Pe3 . 1 F o Ba¥y " ThEy- OF e . UL gu /FeS | YT -169 -: 1.0-03 Mo % . : - Pn:t‘._l’?: ':;arl::.‘ | | Fryvumy [+ /P4, LEMENY v /Ty 1 2 - Y Bae, YR Aide TriLI44C gu/BD ! | i GA 2344506 [SB i09gEaL 013 GPM ! i i GE .ceztod |Te adnar , : i = AGHIL-O | A e i o e o 2 e £ OEREm|m e | TTTTTTIR-ETH | e | R llsorer |ta shie r = Wimritee Busnhe | (2506 KW/RD ] } . s a7 CE 17408 L o " —eRm e N vsliaee mms ) I laar "o maaes - : : e L Pl : r S NoRT T Bn i T 1 . ik . : p . .o Fowy Wed - - . Jo amenos [wo’ gssixo : ‘ . , : e e == ———————) REFERENCE DRAWINGE | womsen . » U AT0R0Z | 6D TOLE-02 . - ———— e i e — s e e o . s e ot ) ] AW L030E-03 [ TB 72Tens . . ‘ - -— e e b e e i e e o e it . i & o Illlllll..'llllnllll . ‘ . PD .I8TRR-08 | DY .1730%-04 : ‘ L . o . - , . orumny . AG 2721004 | MO 480G E-OT . . : . . . . €D .u?.s:-oq ER 9022008 o . ) : _ - . . Guien o“:lllll Conparatinu N JS56vR-03 . : . _ i . ) . : ] ) P12 T4 YL . ' . . . ' ' - . ' ' Mautan Sacr Bancwan REACTIR .'& a Y .::sc‘\::um C0.35239L-04 ' ) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS | T wcxy ] | | TLowinteT OF THE FLUORINATION-REsucTius . bt - " . ! N APRMMITAION GR WUWNTY, DEamers on Reuss, B smae [T R Tlt L el ] SRR : =, - 62 warermes ) B : B T i e e i |\ A S e & [k T T} o0 Wwa MBBR] 3 AYT/Fe, . — ] . [ U ihsade mefted “;:E::::{::) ] . mg::.‘“‘““:'"-‘:’-‘#-’“&:{_: gmmn:.“uum:r oS . A Faannn. 7-1::: - = SHerrWNe.l : ‘ - : : . T, A, T A s ra o WY FABRKATOR. onin Lo Ao Ao et et onows . - . . TN _Fuu. ng\qul: 1SR ¥y, . - : :"‘....'.':.'."."'-::.:'.‘-':—"mm"' o s |2 Wor SURTACE Paugy (ANALES b m,- K -] AR T ——— [ . T B ACUNED WOR SNAES O T AAUMSNE SURAOTA. “‘m“mm f oL . " . I_F“_‘___[zu; lcp 113 lll | , . . ' " + 81 | : - - N - - e Sy Discans TANK (2120 Dav Baven) 25w Dia x\f ¥ 225 F! GBY KW " . e W/ R S RER LGS amsday ML 0, 0001 qu/duy WR+CH 12307 qm/day ©0.027326 sal/day . . ’ El 3\'.0::7 ‘::FM 7 Lrexte T i G I w WEF Mg Yo - ' 3 e wice = 7 Waste Tanw RV DYITEM === 1>y BE 1 #Ph icESS.3 gusred- 20 iw, Din KT ¥, ' V- 1 14,218 KR Y . 8] = . - Phemuey A . . . ) . = V6 aidm : l..____..-.._'.__..._-_.q 1 Maray _ — e o S . . . 1 -~ . : ’ Buswura £ REZY 1 ' . ' . ! ' ' —Drsmuzn Maxaue } : Dluwety Tanw I : . o ‘ ) 1 : 059398 sal/day — | . o A in Din. nBF. l . ) " : w— ' | ZTin DinkTH. { . . - 1 i . Bismute Wasts ’ ' . l . /e S . l T Rusunvorn : DR OFLUSRIHATIR, ' : . : X ! , } L Bunura (Re:) V6 im. Diax S Fe. : . - . . B ! . EPe: QTS aw /Py 458 KW Tova \G8 KW - | . i :Suennnm . ! . I . . ':2!.5 KW /FrB ) |8 Fe.8 Y o l . . . Ly SRAKATER . ' . RE A0, 560% Mol % ’ . - ) . _l I . _5_\!1..“'!&5\0"!- . I REM 1 0SS Male % ! ‘ - U Al [ - . P | _deessema - | _ ne ‘ |- . » . . . ) 1 I \ T 1 G3ATSCRW ) . ‘-_-__._._,......_.._.._................._.._-....___._................_._......_.__r\....; o o o e e e e um _.I___?_..%.-____ —— ) : ; - I ’ ‘ | : : S . : ' = ‘ : ] N ' Tanw t | ey { | i 3 Fr:0.08% SCPW 1 a7 —————— I - ’ To Kuevdux | I - | , Searam RE | 1. : Exranenon - I i KGR ! ' ! ' . OAALR 3 \ { VAN, DA XGPY. - N ' o et e 1 | - . 1 Vit Ka/2t0 daga| | g : : R 5] I | FPE N0 9T w4 1 | - | 1 Hz+HF To Saey 199G KW/Fed I | \ Rucvens FP'a: 3057 qu/Ft? Ut 4.07S am/ted I . Py T 1896 KW /P Pas4c? qwm/Prd | ] ‘ . | : ‘ ParAcT qu/Fad 2O KW/ Wt I . : . 12T KW/FAS £.7792 GW | | i [FP5; 0108 aw/dny =" s e b5l - Barex | i ) l i o FLuoRINATOR | 1 J ' 1 : 271w DianSkr. O e e ! s 139RW I . | f 1 ©.02732 z‘ei"'u\na ' I ret 110806 qm/dey . { _ . 1 . ,‘RE“%!‘-M# qm /ey - ‘l . . Lice . | L 18 AT % o e , Macwur . & | [ - ot el fday ! o : ) . t : { . 1 o e Wi . - - 3 l' AsTe Taux, ! i . ! . | : | . . 4 KW . . . | 558 Fy3 i’ o e e oo e o s ) ; ; ' f HYDROELUDK IRATOR' i ‘.“;w". ', o { L : s Mole/dag G.2 F1. Din. § 2254, l . ; R " AP Ba.xSFL I 1 I | I s | upee S j - - . 1. ' , | & Dumr L I;sss.c ;:/‘ AT uaxzr. | i :‘\c t . | Pi'fi‘:“v:‘;‘ ! ! I KB+CS 162119 il | Teocww | T . Blamuvy . , % Fra:8a5.T awm/Er¥ 4 i / | | 32,295 Grv | 20 4> I 21k |, faon kWL | 8 AT % | l vt = | I — Sl e » : I I . e Pazder :‘:‘:}:1;“ | Rtpuerasit | - | B&68 gal/day ‘ . s T30 '+ . I : FPhNLe s | SITLC I 1 s l_,___j\___ = e o etm] f———- —— i ——— - —— e —t ey . . l S t Ui HLeuicimL I | ‘ | . 1 : 1 [t e e e, i 1 Pas MegLIe I § L e s i st e i s s s s, < I } ' e —— 1 0.3 GPM | | . e e e e e _..............______i e e — l Y i 1 | . , o e o e e e e e e o e e i) i B P sia| \ X | - {Mstn/day I 1 N J " - Ej!l‘!'l’“ | 2 — FPa18E5.7 u/Fed . R | 38 Pa Ducay Tank | FPa: GS35S am/Fid v.t'-"*;o:\:-fi’:;. " Sunon | - Bravivtn To RESY LIF-ThFa-1r Fy PaFs 2 B2 KW/ Fe RUW 0.4683Z Wera % . ' Tans STitren, S . 71.00-25.97-2.84°0.13 Msla % | | weres e queed &1161 GFM 14 in. DiaxGFy I 059395 aal /day Yeh HO57 qw/eet LiQuinus Temp=56a°C 35,295 GPM - 18,96 WW ™o - 178 P ) - | L PatAGT anfFES - Torvaw Vuat: 5894 MW . . . | ‘ ‘ L ‘ ———— e ] ' ] i ——- Biadua Powe | A | B I I e s D - BT e s “‘5%5:.,, ‘ ‘ ‘ REFERENCE DRANINGS | mowmen ‘ . ‘ . ‘ Ur15.28 #n/ P . #ix Emae Rimexa Livenaremy L e s i s 2t i, o e S — — T — — —— . i —————— o~ — — . o i Zre D16 sw/ PR . - — - —= T e N Paza 6T aa/HY . OPERAIED BY 28 F13/220 ddy ) . : Oxien Cansene Conrenation !1m'“' . ) ‘ o o . , : . ‘ WISTTRA SAUt BRruoes, REACTOR ’ w . ‘ ’ ‘ ' TOLEMACES WALESS { | | : Frowtwayt OF Tas FuuotimaTibr s REBUCTIVE 0 e o e, oo S e | SNk [ oo [ [wmaimm] Eemacr e MEm T Focans METHES OR FRCOISS DISOLOSID 3t THESE SIANUWS MaY NOT IFAeE | PRACTIONS & T T e — [\009. MWy MS!K] PRAVATE RBHTS OF OPEAS, WO LINILITY 35 ASIVGED WITH REBPICY 1O I a n-18-7 Suat Ne. 2 Tiok Wil &F, OR JOR DAMADES RCDVLTING (RON THE WNE O AW [DECIMALS & L Fanmmn, 19-13-7 SUOIMTION, APPARTUS, METHOD O PROCEES MBCLOBED I THESK "'IW‘ VRV R [ ST S A P R A e (8 ] Can i : T w-mm“?@mm [ 1 R ‘T S| e IE AT ICD—, \741' ' . T " - "3 i DISTRIBUTION 1. J. L. Anderson LO. 2, C., F, Baes L1. '3, H, F, Bauman L2, L4, S. E, Beall L3, 5. M, J. Bell L. 6. M, Bender 45-5k. 7. M. R, Bennett 55. 8, C. E, Bettis 56, 9., E, S, Bettis 57. 10, E., G. Bohlmann 58. 11, G. E, Bayd 59, 2. R, B. Briggs 60, 3. W. L. Carter 61, 14, C. W, Collins 62-63, *5, E, L. Compere 6l 16, W, H, Cook : 65, 17. D. F. Cope, AEC-OSR - 66, 18, F. L, Culler, Jr. - - 67, 19, A, R, DeGrazia, AEC-Wash, 68, 20, J. R. Distefano 69, 2%, S. J., Ditto 70, 22, W, P, Eatherly 7. 23, J. R. Engel 12, 2y, D, E., Ferguson 73, 25, L., M, Ferris 74, 26, W, K, Furlong 75, 27, -C. H. Gabbard 7€, 28, W, R. Grimes 77. 29, A, G, Grindell : 78, 30, Norton Haberman, 'AEC-Wash, 79. 3*., B. A, Hannaford - 80, 32. P. N, Haubenreich _ 81. 33, J. R, Hightower ' 82. ‘34, W, H, Jordan 183 8L. 35, P. R. Kasten 85-86, 36, C. W. Kee . 87- 89. 37, J. J, Keyes _ S0, 38, Kermit Laughon, AEC- OSR 91-92. 39. R. B Llndauer 83 szwmbm?mbh‘mm;d.mgg IO RMPIDIOL R RS - Lundin . MacPherson ‘MacPherson . McCoy * ‘MclLain McNeese - I G E E A E S, Meyer L, Moore J. Moorehead L M L C W M F, » .- - * Nicholson . Perry Ragan - Robertson W. Rosenthal . Roth, AEC-ORO Schaffer ap Scott H, Shaffer Shaw, AFC-Wash, Skinner Smith Tallackson Tellent Thoma Trauger Unger - Weinberg - Weir Whatley - ‘White Woods Gale Young ' E.. L. Youngblood , Central Research Library - - - - - - - - - - g m - * » - - - * - - - -* RORPERR@mRD NS - Document Reference Section Leboratory Records Laboratory Records (LRD-RC) Technical Information Center, OR