ORNL-TM- 3428 Contract No. W-Th4O5-eng-26 REACTOR DIVISION ESTIMATED COST OF ADDING A THIRD SALT-CIRCULATING SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING TRITIUM MIGRATION IN THE 1000-MW(e) MSBR Roy C. Robertson JULY 1971 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United Stafes Goverament, Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com- pleteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. OAX RIDGE NATIONAT, LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION . h'-, Care Lo o onld et &MK ;wfnap TTEAAY o RTETTL S g e g N e ""V"'-""'} ; : g e E; ik : Abstract Summary and Conclusions 1. Introduction Descrigtion of MSBER Modified with Third Loops 2. 3. )-"0 5. Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table L, Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 1k, Fig. 1. Heat Transfer Equipment Salt-Circulating Pumps Salt Inventory Costs iii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES Summary of Cost Items Affected by Modifying MSBR Reference Design to Include Third Salt-Circulating LoOps ==---re=mm—mmmcmcmmemamem Selected Properties of the MSBR Molten Salts --- Material Costs Used in Estimates =--cececccceaa-- Primary Heat Exchangers -—-=-eeecemecccmcmcecmene- Secondary Heat Exchangers —--------eeamccccaeao- Steam Generators —--eece-mcm e se e mmemam—— - Steam Reheaters —=--ceecmocm e Reheat Steam Preheaters ---ecemcmemccccccmcccecea Revigsed Reference Design Costs for Heat Transfer Equipment, in $1000 --c-moommmmmcmaoo Estimated Direct Cost of Installed Heat Transfer BEquipment per Square Foot of Surface Estimated Design Data and Allowances for Installed Costs of Salt-Circulating Pumps ---- Estimated Pumping Power Requirements and Worth of Improved Efficiency of Modified MSBR Cycle Estimated Salt Inventory Costs e--e-mmmeceaaa-- Estimated Volume of LiF-BeFy Salt in Secondary System of Modified MSBR =--ve-emmcmcememeacaem LIST OF FIGURES Schematic Flowsheet of 1000-MW(e) MSBR Power Station as Meodified with Addition of Third Loops to Trap 3H —--memmmmmm oo TS o A TN T MM D WD R N D WE GE MR MR W WY W e TR W M e W e e e e e o e e e e S e el D i e i S R G R G ED G DR W ME e SN R M e e e - - A mr En am T o W e e U me ST S S e N D GE EE Em e e R I N G EE MR I e W M W R W R W R R ger W e e mm o e O N e e w e R S e e e A e g Ee e e e e e R e M R e S W A e A T SER S M M M M M S M AR MY M R W N S R G REE NN GE B M W R W MR S e ee S e e s b e s WS el W G W S ol me WS e - mm o o - — g —— s e - — - — Page O ~1 W1 1o 21 2k 11 12 13 15 LT 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 26 iv LIST OF FIGURES (Contd.) Page Fig. 2. MSER Reactor Cell Layout Indicating Possible Location for Secondary Heat Exchanger and Pump =--eececemmcmcmeccc e e 10 ESTIMATED COST OF ADDING A THIRD SALT-CIRCULATING SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING TRITTIUM MIGRATION IN THE 1000-MW(e) MSBER Roy C. Robertson ABSTRACT Controlling tritium migration to the steam system of the 1000-MW(e) reference design MSER power station by interposing a KNQOz-NallO;-NalNOs; salt-circulating system to chemically trap the tritium would add about $13 million to the total of $206 million now estimated as the cost of the reference plant if Hastelloy N is used to contain the "LiF-BeF, salt employed to transport heat from the fuel salt to the nitrate-nitrite salt, and about $10 million if Incoloy could be used. The major expenses associated with the modification are the costs of the additional heat exchangers ($9 million), the additional pumps ($5 million), and the "LiF-BeFz inventory ($4.8 million). Some of the expense is offset by elimination of some equipment from the feedwater system ($2 million), through use of less expensive materials in the gteam generators and reheaters (about $2 million), and through an improved thermal efficiency of the plant (worth about $1 million). In addition to acting as an effective tritium trap the third circulating system would make accidental mixing of the fuel and secondary salts of less consequence and would simplify startup and operation of the MSBR. A simplified flowsheet for the modified plant, a cell lay- out showing location of the new equipment, physical prop- erties of the fluids, design data and cost estimates for the new and modified equipment are presented. KEY WORDS - *MSER + *tritium + *capital cost + conceptual design + loop + cooclants + heat exchangers + pumps + power costs + fuel-cycle costs + steam system. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Controlling tritium migration to the steam system of the 1000-MW(e) reference design MSER power station by interposing salt-circulating loops to chemically trap the tritium would add 4 to 6% to the total plant cost. The net increase in capital cost of the plant, including indirect costs, is about $13 million if Hastelloy N is used to contain the 7LiF-BeFg salt employed as the heat transport fluid in the secondary system, and about $10 million if Incoloy could be used. These increases would apply to a cost for the reference design plant now estimated at about $206 million (based on early 1970 costs). Addition of the loops would in- crease the power production costs by 0.2-0.3 mills/kWhr, making the total cost about 5.5 mills/kWhr. As shown in the cost summary, Table 1, the major portion of the cost of modifying the design is due to the additional heat exchangers and pumps required, and to the relatively high cost of the 7Li-bearing secondary salt. There were also increases in the cost of the primary heat exchangers and in the fuel-salt inventory. However, the added third loops use a nitrate-nitrite heat transport salt which permits savings in the material costs in the steam generators and reheaters. Use of this salt also permits reductions in the feedwater and cold re- heat steam temperatures, and through changes in the steam system flow- sheet and the auxiliary electric load, produces a reduction of costs equivalent to a plant investment of about $800,000. Credit for these savings was taken in the net costs mentioned above. In addition to serving as an effective tritium trap, the third loops offer other important advantages over the reference design. These are features which, in general, could not have cost credits assigned. For example, the similarity of the fuel and secondary salts makes mixing due to leaks in the primary heat exchanger of far less consequence than | in the reference design. Startup and operation of the MSER would be simplified because of changes that could be made in the steam system flowsheet. Table 1. Summary of Cost Items Affected by Modifying MSBR Reference Design to Include Third Salt-Circulating Loops (in $1000) Rev. Reference Design MSER Modified MSBR with Third Loops A. With Hastelloy N secondary system Revised equipment: Primary heat exchangers (see Table 4) $8,660 Steam generators (see Table 6) 7,230 Steam reheaters (see Table 7) 1,565 Coolant salt pumps (see Table 11) 4,400 Coolant salt pilping allowance 1,900 Coolant salt drain tank 800 Coolant salt inventory cost 500 Auxiliary boller allowance 3,000 New equipment: Secondary heat exchanger (see Table 5) Secondary pumps {see Table 11) Secondary salt drain tank Secondary system piping allowance Accessory electrical for secondary system Eliminated equipment: Reheat steam preheaters (see Table 8) 1,056 Pressure-booster pumps 650 Mixing chambers 80 Total direct construction cost, in $1000 $29,841 Difference in direct construction costs Difference in total cost with added indirect costs of 33% 7LiF-BeF, inventory cost (see Tables 13 and 14 Credit for resale value of 7LiF-BeFy Credit for improved plant efficiency (see Table 12) Net estimated capital cost of adding third loops $7,190 $9,563 4,800 —239 81T $13, 300 $ 9,880 6,192 1,216 2,750 1,500 800 135 2,500 6,883 3,800 800 375 200 $37,031 (continued) Table 1 (continued) Rev. Reference Modified MSER Design MSBR with Third Loops Changes in power production cost: mills/kWhr Net cost of adding third loops, at 13.7% FC + 0.187 LiF-BeFy inventory, at 13.2% FC + 0.090 Credit for resale LiF-BeFy, at 13.2% FC — 0.005 Credit for improved efficiency, at 13.7% FC — 0.015 Increase in fuel-cycle cost + 0.013 0.27 mills/kWhr + Net increase in cost of power B. With Incoloy secondary system All items in modified MSBR not affected by use of Incoloy rather than Hastelloy N in $ 19,8093 secondary circulating loop, from Part A, above. Cost of items in which Incoloy is substituted for Hastelloy N: Primary heat exchangers,(see Table k) 8,661 Secondary salt piping allowance 225 Secondary heat exchangers (see Table 5) 5,879 $ 34,658 Cost of revised reference design, from Part A -29,841 Difference in direct construction costs $ L,817 Difference in total cost with indirect $ 6,407 costs of 33% added 7LiF-BeFy inventory cost (see Tables 13 and 1k) 4, 800 Credit for resale value of 7LiF-BeF, ~239 Credit for improved plant efficiency (see Table 12) —317 Net estimated cost of adding third loops $ 10,200 Changes 1n power production cost. mills/kWhr Net cost adding third loops, at 13.7% FC + 0.125 LiF-BeFy inventory, at 13.2% FC + 0.090 Credit for resale LiF-BeFy, at 13.2% ¥C - 0.005 Credit for improved efficiency, at 13.7% FC - 0.015 Increase in fuel-cycle cost + 0.013 Net increase in cost of power. + 0.21 mills/kWhr 1. INTRODUCTION Tritium formed in the MSBR fuel salt must be prevented from reaching the steam system. The problem is difficult because of the relative ease with which hydrogen diffuses through most metals at MSER cperating tem- peratures. Studies are being made at ORNL of several different methods of tritium control; of these, the introduction of a third salt-circulating system to chemically trap the tritium between the secondary salt and the steam system is the only one well within present technology and, on the basis of present knowledge, offers assured confinement of the tritium. It is possibly one of the most expensive of the control methods being con- gidered, however, and raises the question as to whether its use would add prohibitively to the cost of a molten-salt reactor power station. This study evaluates the various cost factors involved in adding the third salt-circulating system to the 1000-MW(e) MSBER reference design described in ORNL-4541.%* The cost estimating methods follows those used in that report. The costs of modifying the reference design include the capital cost of the extra equipment, the salt inventories, and also reflect the cost effects of the new designs for the heat transfer equipment made necessary by the use of heat transfer fluids different from those used in the reference concept. (The calculations for the new and modified heat exchangers were made by C. E. Bettis et al., using essentially the same computer programs s were used in the reference design.) The cost egti- mates also take credit for the equipment not needed in the feedwater system of the modified plant and for the improved thermal efficiency of the station, as explained below. The reference MSER design uses circulating sodium fluoroborate, Nal'-NaBF,, to transport healt to the steam generators and reheaters, whereas the modified design uses a nitrate-nitrite heat transfer salt, KNOz-NaNOs- NaNOs (known commercially as "Hitec"), to heat the steam equipment. This has five important advantages: (1) any hydrogen diffusing into the salt 1Roy C. Robertson et al., Conceptual Design of a Single-Fluid Molten- Salt Breeder Reactor, ORNL-4541 (May 1971). would combine with the oxygen and subsequently be drawn off as steam and collected, forming an effective tritium trap; (2) the salt is not corro- sive to less expensive materials of construction, allowing Incoloy 800, or a similar material, to be substituted for the Hastelloy N used in the reference design; (3) its low melting temperature of 288°F permits use of conventional feedwater and cold reheat temperatures in the steam systenm and eliminates the need for the reheat steam preheaters, the pressure- booster pumps and mixing chambers used in the reference design; (L) startup of the system is simplified and the auxiliary boiler probably does not need to be a supercritical-pressure unit as in the reference plant; and (5) the selt has a low cost of only about 15 cents/1b. The salt does not react exothermically with water and it has good flow and heat transfer properties. The modified design would use a "LiF-BeFg salt to transport heat from the fuel salt to the nitrate-nitrite salt. With the exception of the uranium and thorium components, this salt is the same as the fuel salt, and thus a leak in the primary heat exchanger would be of far less consequence than in the reference design where dissimilar salts would mix. The 7LiF-EeFa is not corrosive to materials less expensive than Hastelloy N, provided that no moisture is present. One cost estimate in this study has been made using Hastelloy N for the secondary system and another using Incoloy. Due to the lithium-7 content, the cost of the salt is relatively high -- about $12/lb. Its resale value at the end of the 30-year plant life has been taken into account, although the effect is not great. The reference MSER design consists of a single reactor supplying heat to four primary circulating loops, each containing a salt-circulating pump and a heat exchanger. The coolant-salt system contains four loops, with each containing a salt-circulating pump, four steam generators and two reheaters. This arrangement was not altered in the modified design, although there was some adjustment of the temperatures. The interposed salt-circulating system would consist of four loops, each containing a circulating pump and a heat exchanger. The following terminology has been adopted. Fuel salt to 7"LiF-BeF; heat exchanger -~ Primary heat exchanger Li¥-BeF; to KNO4-NaNO,-NaNOs exchanger -~ Secondary heat exchanger KNC5-NaNQg -NaNOa to steam exchangers -~ Steam generator or steam reheater Fuel-salt circulating pump -~ Primary pump LiF-BeFy; circulating pump -~ Secondary pump KNOg ~-NaNOg -NaNOs circulating pump -~ Tertiary pump This study is primarily concerned with evaluating the cost effects of adding the third salt-circulating loops. The concept was not carried further than to indicate general feasibility and to provide a basis for cost estimates. No effort was made toward cptimization. In comparing the cost of the MSER modified with the third loops to the reference design cost estimates, it was necessary to make some re- visions to the latter as reported in ORNL-4541. The heat transfer equip- ment design data have undergone two relatively recent revisions. The first was made in time to be tabulated with the design data in the latest disgtributed draft of the report, but, because of the extensive changes required and the fact that at the time the influence on costs appeared to be small, the cost estimates were not adjusted accordingly. The second revision, which applied only to the primary heat exchanger, was made Jjust in time for the data to be changed before the report was printed, but, again, the cost estimates could not be revised. All of the revisions tended to increase costs, however, and when the cost esti- mates were revised in this study it was found that in aggregate they amounted to about $4# million, including the indirect charges. The total .capital cost of the reference design MSER is thus about $206 million rather than the $202 million given in ORNL-4541. Both amounts are based on the early 1970 value of the dollar. 2. DESCRIPTION OF MSER MODIFIED WITH THIRD LOOPS A simplified flowsheet for the 1000-MW(e) MSER station as modified to include the third salt-circulating loops is shown in Fig. 1. It can be noted that the temperatures have been adjusted from those used in the reference design and that there were corresponding changes in the mass ORNL-DWG T1-T322 Primary Secondary Tertiary Pump Pump Pump 14,255 gpm 13,380 gpm 17,370 gmm 1000C°F ] 0 0 e T | 1000°F - dD_j ‘ I——S’team { 1200°F l 1100°F N A © Steam 1300°F Primary HX Secondary HX Gen. Reheater T50°F < Reactor 950°F '?f’ 4 25 MW t) . 1.)4'.7 x 10 lb/h]i// * l —isooF Heat 1050°F [________,__J —_ K -NalNO -NaNO Losses TLiF-BeF, N05 a¥o 3 | Steam Fuel Salt — 2 \_ __ __ __ 551°F 23,4 x 100 1b/hr 13.3 x 10° 1b/hr Feedwater All flow rates are for each of four loops Fig. 1. GSchematic Flowsheet of 1000-MW({e) MSBR Power Station as Modified with Addition of Third Loops to Trap SH. flow rates of the salts. The flow quantities shown on the flowsheet are for each of the four circulating loops. The secondary heat exchangers and the associated LiF-BeFz pumps can be arranged in the reactor cell without changing the dimensions of the contaimment structure, as indicated in Fig. 2. The layout provides relatively short piping between the primary and secondary heat exchangers to keep the lithium-7 inventory low. No major changes would be required in the salt piping to the steam generators and reheaters. On this basis, the cost estimates for the modified system do not include any expenses for modification of the building or cell structure. 3. HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT The physical properties of interest for the fuel and heat-transport salts are given in Table 2. (Sodium fluoroborate has been included for comparison, although not used in the modified MSBR system. ) The costs of the heat transfer equipment were based on the estimated weights of the various shapes of materials used in fabrication, and on a unit price which reflects the costs of fabrication, inspection, trans- portation, and installation ready for use. The total installed costs of Hastelloy N and Incoloy 800, as used in this study, are listed in Table 3. As in the reference design, the base prices of materials can be deter- mined with relatively good certainty, but the additions to provide the total installed cost greatly overshadow the basic material cost in impor- tance and also involve considerable intuitive judgment. As a rough check on the reasonableness of the cost estimates, the costs per square foot of heat transfer surface are compared in Table 10. 1. Primary Heat Exchangers The cost estimate for the primary heat exchangers in the reference design, as reported in ORNL-4S5L1, has been changed from $7.3 million to about $8.7 million to reflect the revisions to the design data, as indi- cated in Table 4. The cost increase is also due to adding in the cost of the baffles and to inclusion of the double-pipe cocolant-salt nozzles, which had previously been assumed to be covered by the piping cost 10 ORNL-DWG T1-T323 Reactor cell wall ! 32/3 o e U-SHELL U-TUBE > E SECONDARY HEAT i EXCHARNGER \ ’ From Steam Gen, ' g~ & Reheaters in KNDE-NaNOE-Na Steam Cell SECONDARY T s [ \\‘\ Li¥ BeF2 | 7 TN Y ; ‘L . \ ~ - To Steam Gen. i S —— 8& gzheatcerilin | A — eam Ce | 2N g Penetration . HEAT _ EXCHANGER Return line 7LiF-BeF2-ThFh_-UFL underneath Scale:s 5/32 in. = 1 ft \ Fig. 2. MSER Reactor Cell Iayout Indicating Possible Location for Secorndary Heat Exchanger and Pump. (One of four loops is shown.) Table 2. BSelected Properties of the MSER Molten Salts 71iF-BeFg-ThF,~UF, NaF-NaRF, 7LiF-BeF, KNOg-NaNO, -NalNO4 Composition, mole % 71.7-16-12-0.3 92-8 6634 Lh.2-48.9-6.9% Molecular weight, approximate 6l 104 33 8L Density, 1b/ft® at 1000°F 212 117 12k 105 Viscosity, 1b/ft-hr at 1000°F 41 3 29 3 Specific heat, Btu/1b-°F 0.32 0.36 0.57 0.37 Thermal conductivity, Btu/ft-hr-°F 0.67 to 0.68 0.23 0.58 0.33 Estimated cost, $/1b 57.00 0.50 12.00 0.15 Circulation required per loopb for 556-MW(t) heat load: 1b/hr 23.h x 108 18.3 x 108 13.3 x 108 1Lk, 7 x 108 gpm 1k, 260 19,500 13,380 17,370 Liquidus temperature, °F 930 725 850 288 “Butectic composition. bBased on properties at average temperatures in MSBR system. “Based on 250°F At in modifie d MSER. 1T 12 Table 3. Material Costs Used in Estimatesa Hastelloy N Incoloy Tubes, 3/8 in. diam $30/1p $28/11 1/2 in. diam and larger 20 17 Shells and liners 10 f Heads 15 12 Baffles , 15 . VLE Ringss"' e fiéé S ':'18 & Tubesheets 20 18 Downcomers, large nozzles 15 12 Miscellaneous nozzles, etc. 20 18 ®Includes cost of material, fabrication, transportation, inspection, and installation ready for use. allowance. It was also found that the inside diameter of the shell stated in ORNL-4541 appiied to the inner liner rather than to the outer shell. The design data for the primary heat exchangers as modified to use IiF-BeF; on the shell side are also shown in Table 4. These design data have not been recalculated using the May 1971 revisions to the com- puter program (see Introduction), but the effects of the changes could be estimated by using their influence on the reference design primary heat exchanger costs as a guide, as follows: tubes (+6.4%), shell and liner (+8.7%), heads (-1.4%), rings (~1.0%), downcomers, U-bends and baffles (+4.1%). | The tubes and other portions of the primary heat exchanger in con- tact with the fuel salt must be constructed of Hastelloy N. This was also true in the reference design for the portions in contact with the sodium fluoroborate salt. In the modified design, however, consideration 13 Table 4. Primary Heat Exchangers Revised Reference Modified MSER Design MSER With Third Loop Capacity, MW(t), each of four units 556 556 Fuel salt temperatures, in—out, °F 1300~1050 1300—1050 Coolant salt temperature, in—out, °F 8501150 950—1200 Coolant salt NaF-NaBF, LiF-BeFg Tube size (enhanced), OD x wall 3/8 x 0.035 3/8 % 0.035 thickness, in. " Number of tubes 5803 6312 Length of tubes, ft 2. L 25.5 Heat transfer area, ft® 13,916 15,789 Iiner, ID x thickness, in. 67.6 x 2.5 70.3 X 2.5 Shell, ID ¥ thickness, in. 73.6 x 1/2 76.3 x 1/2 Pressure drops: tube side, psi 130 130 shell side, psi 116 118 Head thickness, in. 3/h 3/L Number of baffles, disc and 21 34 doughnut, 3/8 in. thick Overall heat transfer coefficient, 785 672—9hL Btu/hr-ft3-°F A. Material costs with Hastelloy N tubes and shell (in $lOOO): Tubes, at $30/1b $ 2,L57 $ 2,970 Shells, at $10/1b hilk L87 Liners, at $10/1b 1,959 2,308 Heads, at $15/1b 141 150 Rings and tube sheets, at $20/1b 2,823 2,911 Downcomers, baffles, and double- 666 854 pipe coolant nozzles, at $15/1b Installation sllowance 200 200 Total for four units $ 8,660 $ 9,880 (continued) 1 Table L4 (continued) Revised Reference Modified MSER Design MGSBR With Third Loop B. Material costs with Hastelloy N tubes and Incoloy shell (in $1000) : Tubes, at $30/1b $ 2,970 Shells, at $8/1b 350 Liners, at $8/1b 1,658 Heads, at $15/1b 150 Hastelloy N rings and tubesheets, at $20/1b 1,907 Incoloy rings, at $17/1b 812 Downcomer, at $12/1b 126 Double-pipe coolant nozzles, at $12/1b 65 Baffles, at $12/1b Lol Installation allowance 200 Total $ 8,661 can be given to use of less expensive materials in the shell side of the system, provided that nc moisture is present. The more conservative approach is to use Hastelloy N for all portions of the secondary system, and this is the basis for the cost estimates shown in Part A of Tables 1, 4, and 5. Since there has been noteworthy success in excluding water from salt systems, however, 1t may be practical to use Incoloy, or a similar material, in the secondary system. The estimated costs in this case are shown in Part B of Tables 1, 4, and 5. It will be noted that use of Incoloy would save about $3 million in total costs when indirect charges are included. 2. Secondary Heat Exchangers The secondary heat exchangers in the modified MSBR plant are en- visioned as U-sghell and U-tube types, arranged vertically in the reactor cell, as indicated in Pig. 2. The design data were generated on the basis of four units with 3/8-in.-OD tubing. The arrangement was not Table 5. Secondary Heat Exchangers 15 Capacity, each of four units, MW(t) LiF-BeF, (tubes) temperatures, in—out, °F KNO4-NalNO, -NaNO, (shell) temperatures, in—out, °F Tube size (not enhanced), OD X wall thickness, in. Number of tubes Length of tubes, ft Heat transfer surface, ft2 Pressure drops: tube side, psi shell side, psi Shell, ID x wall thickness, in. Number of baffles, crosscut, 3/8 in. thick Tubesheet thickness, in. Head thickness, in. Overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/hr-ft2-°F Modified MSBR With Third Loop 556 1200950 750-~1100 3/8 x 0.035 5989 Il 25,665 9.2 79.6 61.5 x 1/2 33 3 3/k 505 A. Material cost with Hastelloy N tubes and Incoloy shell (in $1000): Tubes, at $30/lb Shell, at $8/1b Tubesheet, at $20/1b Heads, at $15/1b Baffles, at $12/1b Nozzles, etc., at $20/1b Installation allowance Total for four units $ 4,542 L83 458 102 1,018 80 200 $ €,883 B. Material cost with Incoloy shell and tubes (in $1000): Tubes, at $27/1b Shell, at $8/1b Tubesheets, at $18/1b Heads, at $12/1b Baffles, at $12/1b Nozzles, etc., at $18/1b Installation allowance Total for four units $ 3,670 L83 16 optimized, however, and although sufficient for cost-estimating purposes, there are indications that further study may be needed. For example, the calculated shell diameter of over 60 in. is questionable for the U- shell configuration. The tube size needs optimizing in that the 3/8-in.- OD tubing is needed to minimize the LiF-BeF, inventory and surface re- quirements, but it is relatively expensive compared to larger sizes (see Table 3). Consideration could be given to use of eight units rather than four, and to use of straight-tube designs, although space in the cell is somewhat limited. As previously discussed, there 1s a possible option in selecting materials to be used on contact with the LiF-BeFy; salt. Part A of Table 5 shows the estimated direct cost of the secondary heat exchangers if constructed with Hastelloy N tubes and heads, and Part B indicates the cost if Incoloy is used for these parts. 3. Steam Generators The cost estimate for the steam generators in the reference design was changed from $6.3 million to $7.2 million to reflect the revisions in the design data. The principal differences were due to an increase in the number and length of the tubes and an increase in the thickness of the tube sheets used in the cost estimate. The data and costs are shown in Table 6. The design data and the estimated cost of the steam generators for the modified MSBR system using KNOz-NaNOg-NaNOz on the shell side are also shown in Table 6. The lower total cost of the units for the modi- fied design is primarily due to use of Incoloy rather than Hastelloy N. It may be noted that the steam generators are designed for 555F enter- ing feedwater rather than the 551°F temperature called for in the flow- sheets. A technicality in the computer program made it necessary to revise the number, but since the total amount of heat to be transferred was not altered, the only sacrifice to accuracy was relatively small velocity effects. 17 Table 6. Steam Generators Revised Reference Design MSEBR Modified MSER With Third Loop For each of 16 units: Capacity, MW(t) Type Major material of construction 121 U-shell, U-tube Hastelloy N Heat transport salt (shell side) NaF-NaBF, Salt temperatures, in—out, °F 1150850 Feedwater temperature, °F 700 Steam temperature out, F 1000 Steam pressure, psia 3625 Tube size, OD y wall thickness, in. 1/2 x 0.077 Number of tubes 393 Tube length, ft 76 Heat transfer surface, ft® 3929 Shell, ID x wall thickness, in. 18.3 x 3/8 Number of baffles (3/8 in. thick) 18 Head (spherical) thickness, in. L Pressure drops: tube side, psi 152 shell (salt) 61 side, psi Overall U, Btu/hr-ft2-°F - Material costs (all 16 units): Tubes:; Cost, $/1b (20) Total cost ($1000) $ 3,803 Shells: Cost, $/1b (10) Total cost ($1000) 1,046 Heads: Cost, $/1b (15) Total cost ($1000) 565 Tubesheets: Cost, $/1b (20) Total cost ($1000) 1,016 Misc.: Cost, $/1b (20) Total cost ($1000) 320 Installation allowance 480 Total cost ($1000) $ 7,230 121 U-shell, U-tube Incoloy 800 KNOg -NaNOg ~NaNO4 1100-750 555 1000 3625 1/2 x 0.077 341 99 428 17 x 3/8 28 L 125 90 655 (17) $ 3,269 (8) 910 (12) ko6 (18) 821 (18) 306 480 $ 6,192 18 i, Steam Reheaters The estimated cost of the steam heaters in the reference design was revised from $1.7 million to $1.6 million to correspond to the re- vised design data, as shown in Table 7. Although the revised unit has more surface, the previously used price of Hastelloy N tubing did not reflect the lower unit price of 3/h—in.—OD tubing as compared to 3/8- in.-0D tubing. The design data and estimated cost of the modified reheaters using KNOz-NaNOg -NaNOs on the shell side are also shown in Table 7. TUsing Incoloy rather than Hastelloy N accounted for the reduction in cost to $1.2 million. It will be noted that the unit is designed for 550°F entering cold reheat temperature, as taken directly from the high-pressure turbine exhaust. 5. Reheat Steam Preheaters Reheat steam preheaters were used in the reference design to heat the high-pressure turbine exhaust from 550°F to 650°F before the steam entered the reheaters to avoid possible problems of coolant-salt freezing. The cost of the preheaters was underestimated in the reference design report because the thickness of the spherical heads was used in the cal- culations as l/2-in. rather than the correct value of 2—1/2 in. Purther, the material costs assumed for the Croloy in the reference design appeared too low. The revised cost estimate for the preheaters is now $92L4,000, as shown in Table 8. The preheater design was not optimized. Use of 3/8-in. tubes may involve a cost penalty, and some improvement in costs might be obtained if the number of units was increased. The modified MSER with the third lcops added to trap tritium does not require use of preheaters because of the low liquidus temperature of the nitrate-nitrite salt. 6. General Effects of Revising and Modifying the Heat Transfer Equipment The total cost effects of revising the design data for the heat transfer equipment in the reference design are summarized in Table 9. The net increase of about $4 million (including indirect charges) Table 7. 19 Steam Reheaters Revised Reference Modified MSBR Design MSER With Third TLoop For each of 8 units: Capacity, MW(t) 36.6 36.6 Major material of construction Hastelloy N Incoloy 800 Heat transport salt NaF-NaBF, KOz -NalNOg-NalNOg Salt temperatures, in—out, °F 1150-850 1100~750 Steam temperature in, °F 650 550 Steam temperature out, °F 1000 1000 Entrance steam pressure, psia 580 580 Tube size, OD ¥ wall thickness, in. 3/k % 0.035 3/4 % 0.035 Number of tubes Loo 696 Tube length 30 28 Heat transfer surface, ft2 2376 2520 Shell, ID % wall thickness, in. 21.2 x 0.5 21 % 0.5 Number of disc and doughnut baffles 21 & 21 30 & 29 Head thickness, in. 0.5 0.5 Pressure drops: tube side, psi 30 Lo shell side, psi 60 90 Overall U, Btu/hr-ft2-°F 306 340 Material costs (all 8 units): Tubes: $/11 $ (20) $ (17) cost, in $1000 590 465 Shells: $/1b (10) (8) cost, in $1000 327 210 Tubesheets: $/1b (20) (18) cost, in $1000 146 115 Heads: $/1v (15) (12) cost, in $1000 72 52 Baffles: $/1b (15) (12) cost, in $1000 151 109 Nozzles, etc: $/1b (20) (18) cost, in $1000 80 65 Installation allowance 200 200 Total cost, in $1000 $ 1,566 $ 1,216 20 Table 8. Reheat Steam Preheaters For each of 8 units: Capacity, MW(t) Major material of construction Shell-side conditions: Heated steam entrance temperature, °F Entrance pressure, psia - Tube-side conditions: Heating steam entrance temperature, °F Entrance pressure, psia Tube size, 0D ¥ wall thickness, in. Number of tubes Tube length, ft Heat transfer surface, ft2 Shell, ID x wall thickness, in. Overall U, Btu/hr-ft3-°F Head thickness, in. Material costs (all 8 units), in $1000: Tubes, at $18/1b Shells, at $8/1b Heads, at $10/1b Tubesheets, at $18/1b Nozzles, ete., at $18/1b Installation allowance Revised Reference Design MSER 12.3 Croloy 551 595 1000 3600 3/8 x 0.065 603 13.2 781 20-1/h x 7/16 162 2-1/2 $ 252 88 296 323 T2 25 $ 1,056 21 Table 9. Revised Reference Design Costs for Heat Transfer Equipment (in $1000) Reference MSBR Revised Reference Design® Design Costs Primary heat exchangers $ 7,347 $ 8,660 Steam generators 6,270 7,230 Reheaters 1,668 1,565 Reheat steam preheaters 135 92k $ 15,420 $ 18,379 Increase in reference design direct costs $ ¢ 2,959 Increase in total cost, including indirects $ 3,935 Reference design total cost® 202,654 Total revised reference design cost $ 206,589 8ps listed in ORNI-45k1. bFor Hastelloy N fuel and coolant-salt systems. results in raising the totsl estimated plant cost of the reference design MSER plant from about $202 million to $206 million. Use of Incoloy rather than Hastelloy N for the portions of the second- ary system in contact with LiF-BeF, would save about $1.6 million in the total cost (including indirect charges) of the primary heat exchangers, about $1.3 million for the secondary heat exchangers, and about $200,000 for the secondary salt piping, for a total savings of about $3 million. The costs of the heat transfer equipment on a square foot basis are compared in Table 10. While the values are not particularly conclusive, they indicate that the estimated costs are generally within reason for this type of nuclear power station equipment. L. SALT-CIRCULATING PUMPS Since salt-circulating pumps of the size required for the 1000-MW(e) MSER station have never been fabricated, the cost-estimating method used 22 Table 10. Estimated Direct Cost of Installed Heat Transfer Equipment per Square Foot of Surface Revised Reference Modified MSER Design MSBER With Third Loop Primary heat exchangers Hastelloy N tubes and shell $ 155 $ 1h7 Hastelloy N tubes and Incoloy shell - 129 Secondary heat exchangers Hastelloy N tubes and shell 67 Hastelloy N tubes and Incoloy shell L3 Steam generators 115 76 Steam reheaters &2 54 Reheat steam prehesters 149 none in this study and in the reference design report is based on published costs of similar pumps (as adjusted for capacity and head reqguirements), on MSRE pump cost experience, and on the basis of considerable intuitive Judgment. Table 11 indicates the pumping requirements which served as a basis for assuming allowances for the pump costs in the modified MSER plant. Use of the third circulating salt system would add four pumps of about 2700 hp each, would reduce the power requirements of another set of four pumps from 3200 hp to 1800 hp each, and would eliminate the need for the two 6000-hp each pressure-booster pumps in the feedwater system. As shown in Table 12, the connected lcad of the pump motors is reduced by a total of about 5,400 kW(e) in the modified system. If it is assumed that all the pumping energy is usefully converted to heat, about 5,400 kW(t) is thus not available in the modified system for con- version into electric power at the average overall plant efficiency of L h%. The net savings in auxiliary electric load is thus about 3,000 xW(e). With power worth 5.3 mills/kWhr, and 80% plant factor, this amounts to about $lll,OOO/year. At 13.7% fixed charges, the savings is equivalent to a plant investment of about $317,000. Credit for this has been taken in Parts A and B of Table 1. 23 Table 11. Estimated Design Data and Allowances for Installed Costs of Salt-Circulating Pumps Modified MSER Secondary- Fuel-Salt Salt Pump Secondary- Tertiary- Pumps Ref. MSER Salt Pump Salt Pump For each of 4 pumps: Actual capacity, gpm 14,255 18,768 13,380 17,372 Nomingl capacity, gpm 16,000 20,000 16,000 20,000 Average salt density, 1b/ft3 208 117 12k 105 Estimated total head, ft2 150 300 230 300 Estimated horsepower 2360 3210 1800 2680 Cost allowance, in $1000, $3300 $4L00 $2750 $3800 for total of 4 pumps SEstimate based on calculated Ap's in heat transfer equipment. Cost assumed to be in proportion to capacity and horsepower require- ment. Table 12. BEstimated Pumping Power Requirements and Worth of Tmproved Efficiency of Modified MSER Cycle Reference Design Modified MSER MSER With Third Loops Total pumping power, kW(e): Pressure~-booster pumps 9,200 none Fuel-salt pumps 7,039 7,039 Secondary-salt pumps 9,575 5,369 Tertiary-salt pumps none 7,994 58,81k 50, 502 Savings in pump power with modified system, 5, 400 kW(e) Difference in heat inputs to systems from 5,400 pump work, kW(t) Electric power potential of 5,400 kW(t) at 2,400 L4. 4% thermal efficiency, kW(e) Net savings in power with modified cycle, 3,000 kW(e) Capital cost worth of 3,000 kW(e) at 80% $817,000 plant factor, 13.7% fixed charges, and power worth 5.3 mills/kWhr 2k 5. SALT INVENTORY COSTS The modified primary heat exchangers will contain about 56 ft@ more fuel salt than those used in the reference design, as indicated in Table 13. On the basis of the $57/1b fuel-salt cost used in ORNL-L4541, this amounts to an additional investment of $671,000 for the MSER plant. Following the procedures used in the reference report, however, this capital cost is not included in the plant capital cost but in the fuel- cycle cost. This would increase the fuel-cycle cost by about 0.013 mills/kWhr. (In both the reference and the modified plant designs it was assumed that the cleanup costs for the fuel salt at the end of the 30-year plant life would be great enocugh to make it have essentially no resale, or "sé}ap" value. ) The estimated price of the nitrate-nitrite salt used in the modified design is 15 cents/lb as compared to 50 cents/lb for the sodium fluoro- borate used in the reference design. Both of these salts are assumed to have no resale value at end of the useful life of the plant. As shown in Table 14, the estimated volume of the LiF-BeFz; used in the secondary system is about 3200 ft®. Almost three-fourthé of this is in the shell-side of the primary heat exchangers. Using the same prices as in ORNL-4541, where 7Li is assumed to cost $120/kg, and "LiF and BeFy to cost $16.50 and $7.50/1b, respectively, the estimated cost of 7LiF-BeF, is about $12/1b. The total estimated cost of the secondary salt inventory is about $4,800,000, as shown in Table 13. It is assumed that the salt will last the lifetime of the plant without reprocessing or replacement costs. At the end of 30 years it is assumed that the salt will have a resale value of 50%, or $6/1b. (The salt could be used as the secondary coolant in another MSER or as the carrier to make up new batches of fuel salt.) The present worth of $2,400,000 thirty years hence at 8% interest is $239,000, and credit for this has been taken in Table 1. 25 Table 13. Estimated Salt Inventory Costs Reference Design Modified MSER MSEBER wWith Third Loops Fuel salt 7LiF-BeFy-ThF,-UF, 7LiF-BeF, -ThF,-UF, Total volume,” ft2 2200 2256 Total weight, 1b 457,000 469,000 Total cost® $23,533,000 $ol, 204,000 Resale value after 30 yr 0 0 Secondary salt NaF-NaBF, 7LiF-BeFy Total volume, ft2 8L00 3200° Total weight, 1b 1,000,000 397,000 Average cost, $/1b $0.50 $l2d Total cost $500,000 $k, 800,000 Resale value after 30 yr 0 $2, 400,000 Present worth, at 8% $239,000 Tertiary salt KNO5~NalNO, -NaNOg4 Total volume, ft3 - 8koo® Total weight, 1b none 900, 000 Average cost, $/1b $0.15 Total cost $135,000 Resale value after 30 yr 0 ®Includes 480 £+ in chemical processing plant. bBased on fertile salt cost of about $57/lb and an average inventory ®See Table 11. a value of $31/1b in the chemical plant. Based on 7Ii at $120/kxg, 7IiF at $16.50/1b, BeF, at $7.50/1b. e . Assumed to have same volume as reference design secondary system. 26 Table 1h. Estimated Volume of LiF-BeF, Salt in Secondary System of Modified MSER Primary heat exchanger volumes Shell, ft2® per unit + 762 ft3 Head, ft2® per unit + 13 Tubes, ft2 per unit - 123 Liner, ft3 per unit - 95 Downcomer - 5 Baffles - 17 90° outlet bends + 19 Net volume one unit 554 £8 Total volume 4 units 2,216 £t2 Secondary heat exchanger volumes (tube side) Tubes 133 £t Head allowance _20 Volume in one unit 153 ft8 Total volume in L4 units 612 Secondary salt piping volumes Volume of 35-ft 20-in. pipe per unit, for total 4 units 306 Drain tank heel allowance 66 Total estimated volume of salt 3,200 ft@ 27 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 1. J. L. Anderson Lo. H. C. McCurdy 2. C. F. Baes 41. H. A. McLain 3. H. F. Bauman 42, L. E. McNeese L. 8. E. Beall 43, J. R. McWherter 5. C. E. Bettis L., A. 8. Meyer 6. E. S. Bettis 4s. A, J. Miller 7. F. F. Blankenship 46. R. L. Moore 8. E. G. Bohlmann k7. M. L. Myers S. H. I. Bowers 48. E. L. Nicholson 10. R. B. Briggs 49. A. M. Perry 11. S. Cantor 50. T. W. Pickel 12. W. L. Carter 51-60. R. C. Robertson 13. C. W. Collins 61. M. W. Rosenthal 14. E. L. Compere 62. A. W. Savolainen 15. D. F. Cope, AEC-SSR 63. Dunlap Scott 16. W. B. Cottrell 64, J. H. Shaffer 17. S. J. Ditto 65. W. H. Sides 18. W. P. Eatherly 66. M. J. Skinner 19. J. R. Engel 67. A. N. Smith 20. A. P. Fraas 68. 0. L. Smith 2l. W. K. Furlong 69. 1. Spiewak 22. W. R. Grimes T0. R. A. Strehlow 23. A. G. Grindell TL. D. A. Sundberg 24. P. N. Haubenreich 72. J. R. Tallackson 25. R. E. Helms T3« R. E. Thoma 26. E. C. Hise 74. D. B. Trauger 27. H. W. Hoffman 75. H. L. Watts 28. P. R. Kasten 76. J. R. Weir 29. R. J. Kedl 77. M. E. Whatley 30. 5. S. Kirslis 78. G. D. Whitman 31. J. W. Koger 79. J. C. White 32. R. B. Korsmeyer 80. R. P. Wichner 33. Kermit Laughon, AEC-OSR 8l. L. V. Wilson 34. M. I. Lundin 82-83. Central Research Library 35. R. N. Lyon 84. Document Reference Section, 36. H. G. MacPherson Y-12 Library 37. R. E. MacPherson 85-86. ILaboratory Records 38. A. P. Malinauskas 87. Laborstory Records, RC 39. H. E. McCoy EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 88-89. Division of Technical Information Extension .90. Laboratory and University Division, ORO 91-93. Director, Division of Reactor Licensing 9L-95. Director, Division of Reactor Standards 96. A. R. DeGrazia, AEC-DRDT, Washington 97. D. Elias, AEC-DRDT, Washington 98. ©N. Haberman, AEC-DRDT, Washington 28 EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION (contd.) 99-100. T. W. McIntosh, AEC-DRDT, Washington 101. J. Neff, AEC-DRDT, Washington 102, R. M. Scoggins, AEC-DRDT, Washington 103. M. Shaw, AEC-DRDT, Washington 104. M. J. Whitman, AEC-DRDT, Washington