ORNL-TM-3259 Contract No. W-ThC5-eng-20 Reactor Division ROD: A NUCLEAR AND FUEL-CYCLE ANALYSIS CODE FOR CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTORS H. F. Baumsn G. W. Cunninghsam,JIT , J. L. Lucius H. T. Kerr C. W. Craven, Jr. This report was preparad =5 an sccocunt of work sponam:cd by the United States Government, Neither the Un.ne‘d States nor the United States Atomic Enesgy D » BOr any of the employees, nor any of their conmactors, subcontractors, of their employees, makes 30y warranty, express ot implied, or assumes any legal lLiability er responsibility for the accuracy, com. pleteness or usefulress of any information, apparatus, product or process Jisclosed, or represents that its nse would not infringe privately owned rights, SEPTEMBER 1971 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNTON CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION iii CONTENTS Page FOTEWOTE soanccecnocatneecosossnnoness sescereassraseaiesascssencs v ADSETECE vevniatvesraccasansascrncnsnnanas cessvrereecrsearaneasaaa vii Acknowledgments ...ccieercnconnrnionaanaaen ctieaseantaneavanans e ix Computer Code Abstract ....... ................................. xi 1. Introduction ... iiieiereririrrneroveens cematesmsmnancnoncsnss 1.1 2. The History of ROD ........... bt evessesaanas Ferecessneasaane 2.1 %. The Functions of the ROD Program «-«...cccvveevennses ceaeanns . 3.1 L. Tnput Description ............ feeeatotsssanacansasoacanacnnns 4.1 Section A. MODRIC ..ovvece Ceeccaccane tereserateeceeeaanan k.3 Sectionn B. ERC eevvccvosassocasnanonns Ceetreetsearoan eee 4,18 Section C. Fission Product and Delayed Neutron Data ..... 4.29 Section D. OPTL ....... Ceaacsecnecnnana teveracncasaseran . 431 5. Discussion of Tnput ....cevccuciane cecessenvesensanaaeanuenna 5.1 6. User Informetion ..e...... feeenieanes feterreeeieeanas ceererss 6.1 CONETOL CATAS .evvceeciscnnnenavasnannes Crereeene feeeeenes 6.1 Cross-Section Tape ee-v:sss. G eteedececceatancacaenas vecaes 6.2 ROD SUDYOULINES aevsvvseseennnencrversnnanns een N - 7. Theory ...... cecescescsreansaacasennrans T eeee Tl MODRIC=ERC tevevovverccsacacosannennns cesanonacas esacssnee Tol Two-Dimensional Synthesis eveveeveseereioereracavares cesse Teb OPTT vevvvvavacsanenessessesnosnnannnnsns Ceteecanacacaaan . 7.7 HISTRY oc-vvcreoncornnans Ceetasecsssteteresaacnnaasennnne . T7.16 8. Sample PrODLEM «eeveceeereoneennneenns e eretaeene e 8.1 G. References -...cccvevaencan ctmenresnareranes cheecoecscansonns 9.1 Appendix A. The ERC Equations ................ cvesersrsescsenaoas Al Appendix B. Basic MODRIC Equations seveececeancnaaccacenaa.. eeee B.l Appendix C. TFission-Product Treatment ...... ceeeen vereeereens Cil Appendix D. The Processing Study Option ...... camnes cecsscacassse Dol FOREWORD The evolubtionary nature of the ROD program (see Seetion 2, The History of ROD) has led to certain practical limitations on the information pre- sented in this report. We have described the uses for which the program was intended, the theory and methodology employed, and rather completely the information required for spplying the program. We have not attempted a ccomprehensive description of the programming itself. ABSTRACT ROD (Reactor Optimum Design) is a computer code for simultaneously optimizing the core design and performing the fuel-cycle analysis for cireulating-fuel reactors. It comsists of & multigroup diffusion calcu- lation, including multiple thermel groups with neutron upscatter, in one- dimension or in two-dimensional synthesis. combined with an eguilibrium fuel-cycle caleulation. Cross sections in the CITATION format are required. The egquilibrium caleulation is a detailed model of the fuel cycle, in- cluding the effects of processing and of nuclear transmutation and decay. Fuel-cycle costs and fission-product concentrations are calculated, the fission products by an independent calculation from internally stored two- Zroup cross sections. Special features of ROD are an optimization routine based on the gradient-projection method, a flux-plotting cption, and a subprogram for simple time-dependent calculations based on reacticn rates from the main program. Keywords: %breeding performance, compuber codes, fluid-fueled resctors, fuel-cycle costs, nuclear analysis, optimizations, conceptual design, cores, delayed neutrons, equilibrium, fission products, neutron £lux, parametric studies, processing, time dependent. ACKNOV.LEDGMENTS A number of perscns, not excluéing the suthors of this report, have made significant contributiors 0 Two=dimensional synthesis <0 One dimensicn 3.0 MAYXEP 5 Maximm nurber of MODRIC-ERC iteratlons per case | 5 MERC MODRIC cnly opticn >0 MODRIC and ERC =0 MODRIC only Cards A-% to 7. Output optians for detailed printout. See Teble L.2. The detailed output may be omitted by means of a dummy control card (refer to Chapter €). A-lt Base case (case zero), (50I1). A-5 Final case in an optimization; variables specified cases {50I1). A.5 Final case in each optimizatior cycle (5011). A-T Intermediate cases in an optimization (50I1). Cards A-8 to 11. Output options for short printout. (Same as cards AL to T.) To omit short printout, leave cards A-8 to 11 blank. A-12 Convergence information.* (2I3,6E10.4,I10) 1-3 NRFLX Not usezd 4.6 NRFLXN i Flux pormalization = 1 Normalize dimension 1 true flux to dimension 2 = 0 Do not normalize as above ¥* Asterisks refer to Chapter 5, Discussion of Input. " Table 4.2. Output Options Enter 1 where output is desired. Ctherwise enter 0 or leave blank. Column on Output Table Controlled Carxrd 1® ¥ODRIC data by group, region, ard dimension. Usually omitted. 2% Macroscopic cross sections and homogenized atom densities by region after each criticality search. Usuzlly amitted. 38 MODRIC data by region and dimension. Usually cmitted. La Normalized 2-D synthesis MODRIC data by nuclide, region and dimension after each MODRIC pass. Usually omitted. 5a Data supplied as input to ERC. Atom densities and reaction rates by auclide and material. 6 k-effective and upscattering date by iteration. Usually cmitted. 7 The main ERC output table end neutron balance.® Atom den- sities, inventories, and feed and production rates by nuclide and materizal. g Fission product atom densities and ebsorptions by nuclide. 9 Atom densities supplied to MODRIC each MERC iteration. Usually amitted. 10 Region thicknesses and other region information. (This table is also obtained in option 21.) 11 Volumes, total and by material, by super region. 12 Processing information. 13 MODRIC neutron balance by group and dimension. 14 Neutron absorptions and productions by region and dimension. 152 Meacroscoplc cross sections by group, region, and dimension. 16 Homogenized atom densities by region and dimension. 17 MODRIC fluxes and figsion densities. Specify for "MODRIC only" runms. 18 Normalixed point fluxes and fission density distribution. 198 Exercise option to plot fluxes. 20P Table of optimization data. Usually cmitbed. 210 Region thicknesses and other region information. Super- region volume fractions. 4.5 Table 4.2 (contd) Column on Output Table Controlled Card Eéb Objective function output summary and optimization variables used. 23 Edit of de2%ta supplied to the HISTRY subprogramn. Note: Options 24 to 38 control the edit of input informetion. These options are ignored excepi when specified for the base case (case zero). 2k Initial atom densities by material. 25 MODRIC control and search information. 26 Cross-section listing. Enter the specified integer to obtain one of the following fouvr options: O No output 1 Title of each cross-secticn set 2 Title and list of nueclides in each cross-section set 32 Complete listing of each cross-section set 27 Energy group boundary table. 26 Dimension information. 202 Initial fission density distribution. 30 Initial homogenized atom densities by region. Z1 ERC input card edit. 32 Nuelide correspondence table. 33 Subregion--super region correspondence. (The "picture" of the reactor.) 3k Super region volume fractions. 352 Permanent data. (Atomic mass, beta decay constant, two- group cross sections, fission yield, by nuclide.) 36 Delayed neutron data. 378 Scurce and recycle-fraction data by material. 33 HISTRY input edit. 1.6 Table 4.2 (contd) Columm on Output Table Controlled Card Note: Options 39 to 43 are oubtput options for the HISTRY subprogram. Option 39 must be specified tc obtain any of the HISTRY output. HISTRY k_.. by iteration may be specified-on card A-18. 39 Atom densities, inventories, eigenvalues, and conversion ratios. 40 Cumulative purchases. k3 Incremental purchases. Lg Neutron absorptions and productions. L3 Costs. 502 ERC output for non-converged nuclides by iteration. Used only for study of ERC convergence. Soption not available for short printout. bOption not available for base case. “ERC output every pass may be specified on card B-l. 7-16 17-26 27-36 3746 4756 5T7-66 67=76 FIGVPL cgNCSo 2.0 CONIT1 2.0 CDELT 1.0E-05 CTL 1.0E-OL CP1CEN 1.2 NITEXT 3 k.7 Factor for true flux and fission power dersity caleculation. Enter: Cne-~dimension: Sphere ' 1.0 Cylinder Overall height Slab Product of overall lengths of second and third sides Two-dimension: Slak ~cylinder 2.0 Slab-slab Overall length of third side Factor by which the convergence criteria are tightened for base case. Factor by which the convergence criteria are loosened for the first MERC iteration. The convergence requirement on the change cf upscatter acceleration treatment from iteration to iteration. The tolerance on the upscatter acceleration treatment approach to wnity. Factor which limits the change in de/dk in the criticality search. The minimum number of MODRIC iterations required after the upscatter treatment has converged. Cards A-15 to 17 control the flux plotting option. If no flux plots are required, these cards may be left blank. The symbols used to designate the neutron erergy groups are given in Table 4.3. A<13 Flux plot control (4I5,4E10.4). 1-5 6-10 IWADFP IGRID Not used Grid optiomns: = 1 Linear 2 Semilog, space-coordinate logrithmic 5 Semilog, flux logrithmic = 4 Iog-log H i 4.8 Table L.3. Symbols Used in Flux Plots Syl Neutron Energy ol Group 3, 13 h, 1k 2, 15 10 DK < O X + B G 5.9 11.15 TPTLIN Point-line options: = 0 Points only = 1 ILine only 2 Points and line 5 Histogram 16-20 NPRNG Range options: = 0 Range determined by data extrema = ]. Range specified in next four fields 21=30 XMINN Minimm of space-coordinate range 3140 XMAXX Maximum of space-coordinate range 41-50 YMIWN Minimum of flux range 51-60 YMAYX Maximum of flux range A-1k,1-36 Plot title (9Ak). A-15,1-36 Space-coordinate axis label (9AL). A-16,1-36 Flux axis label (QA4). A-1T7 Groups to be plotted (16I2). 1-2 NgGPS Total number of groups to be plotted. 3 NPLTGP(I) Remsining fields identical. Enter group number of each group to be plotted. Cards A-18 to 34 are for input to the HISTRY subprogram. If HISTRY is not used, these cards may be left blank. A-18 HISTRY conmtrol information (6I5,30X,E10.4k). 1-5 ISTRY Activate HISTRY subprogram. >0 Yes = 0 No 6-10 KIIM 30 limit on X iterations. 11-15 KBUG 0 Printout, K by iteration. > 0. Yes = 0 No 16-20 NV Activate converter-breeder option.” = 0 Not activated When keff is greater than 1.0: 21-25 26-30 61-70 NCY NF'S SWCH A-10 HISTRY data (8E10.k). 1-10 11-20 21-30 3140 41.50 51-€0 61-T70 71380 TMAX DT 0.05 XPR 240 PUR TAU THMX SHIFT 7.0 TPLK 0.0001 4.10 1 Bypass the criticality search 2 Withdraw feed in criticality search = % Withdraw uranium mixture in fuel in criticality search; return as needed before i resuming normal feed Number of batch processing cycles. Second feed key nuclide number.* (Ignored when SWCH is zero. ) Time, full-power months, of switch to second feed. Zero for no second Teed. Time, full-power months per cycle. Time step, months. Number of time steps per normal data period.® Feed options: = 0 5 feed, Th fertile > 0 Pu feed, Th fertile < 0 Low enriched U feed Time constant for -Pa removal, if any; fraction removed per second. Maximm atom density of fertile nuclide if fertile-buildup cption is used.” Otherwise zero. The number of data printouts before the frequency of output shifts from twelve times normal to normal.* Tolerance on Kepe. A-19.1 Carrier cost control information™ (6I5). 1-5 NS The number of carrier nuclides for which costs are specified in ERC. Zero to five permitted. L.n 610 Nsc(z) Remaining fields identical. Enter the ERC number of each carrier nuclide for which & cost is specified. A-20 Control of the restarting atom densities (after the first cycle) (1475.1) Enter z restart factor for each nuclide in order. 1.0 If the nuclide is recovered and recycled. 0.0 Otherwise. The above entries apply to the fertile nuclide if its stom density is held constant throughout the cycle. If it is allowed to deplete during the cycle, enter: 2.0 If it is recovered and recycled. -1.0 Otherwise. A-21 to 34 HISTRY nuclide information.* One card for each nuclide (4+E10.L,2%,48). 1-10 CSP(T1) Tnitial stom density for nuclide T. 1120 FRM(I) Feed fractions for feed nuclides. Other- wise 0.0. 21-30 FRS(I) Feed fractions for second feed, if any. 3140 SL(I) Removal fraction for sale, if any. 4350 DENT(T) Nuclide identification. This ends tke HISIRY date section. \A-35 designates a series of cards of identical format on which the initial atom density of each nuclide ic each materizal is entered. A-35 Atom densities by material (I2,5{¥3,E1l.Lk)). 1-2 MX Material number.*® 3-5 TH(I) MODRIC nuclide number (NPET). 6-16 TEMP{I) Atom density (atom/tn-cm) in material {(RHPT). Must be non-zeroc. Remaining pairs of fields identicel. Use as-many cards as reguired for each material. Enter the material number in the I2 field on each card. A-36 Blank card 4.12 A-3T Material names (BaAkL). 1-8 HPLMAT Name of material 1. Remaining fields identical. Enter names of materials in order. 4-38 designates a series of cards, cne feor each region level in dimersion 1, in order, on which the super region number is entered for each subresgion of the reactor. These cards create a 2D "sicture" of the super-region distribution in the reactor. For 2-D problems in cylindrical geometry, by convention, the axial dimension is 1 and the radisl dimension is 2. A-38 Super-region subregion corresporndence (picture).* (I3,3X,10I3). 1-3 L Fegion level in dimension 1. L6 Blank 7-9 NTEMP(K) Super-region number assigned to subregion defined by region levels (I,K), where K is the region level in dimensicn 2. Other fields identical. Eanter in order of K up to number of region levels in dimension 2. A-3Q Blank card A-40 designates a series of cards, one for each super region, in order, on which the volume fraction of each material is entered. A-LC Volume fractions of materials in each super region (12,284 4E7.4). 1-2 J Super-region number. 3-10 HELVAL, Super-regicn name. 11-17 vFS(M,T) Volume fraction of material M. Remaining fields identical. Enter volume fraciions in order by material. Nobte: The volume fraction of the last materiai X is set by the code so that the volume fractions sum to 1.0 in each super region. A1 Group structure.* (3I2) 1-2 NG Tetel number of energy groups 3k NETH Group number of the last epitherms] group. 5.6 NTH Group number of the last thermal group. 4.13 A-42 MOLRIC convergence information.™ (I10,2E10.4,5I10). 1-10 11-20 21-30 3140 41-50 5160 61-70 71-80 TCPN EPS1 EPS2 I™MAX MAXPPT = - 3.0E~05 3.0E-0Oh 300 100 Convergence options: = 1on keff 2 on fission density = 5 on both Convergence requirement on keff in suc- cessive iterations. Convergence requirement on fission den- sity in successive iteratioms. Masdimum number of MODRIC iterations ailowed. Not used Not used Perform criticality sezrch: = 1 Yes = 0 Ko Maximum number of optimization cases (may not exceed 200). When no criticality search is specified, omit cards A-43 and k. A-L3 MODRIC search information.* (I10,3E10.4,I5). 1-10 11-20 21-30 3140 L1hs ICH RMD XX EPSL MS 3 1.0 5.0 1.0E=0h = 5 Search on atom density. Note: No other MODRIC search cptians are used in ROD. Desired ke e Tnitial estimate of dc/dk, fractional change in atom density of search nuclides per unit change in k.* Tolerance for ke e The material altered by the criticality search. Al Criticality search nuclides.” (2LI3). 1-3 46 NSE NPC(L) Total number of s=arcn nuoclides. Reraining fields identical. Enter the MODRIC number of each search nuclide. Uze an additional card (same formet) if needed. Cards A-45 to 54 specify informstion. for dimension 1. A-lt5 Two-dimensional synthesis information.* (L0I2). May be left blank for a 1-D case. 1-2 KPRE(LD) Core region number. 3.k IR3C(T, Ten identical fields. Enter numbers of LD) regions, in order, to which core region buckiing from other dimension is to be applied. 23-2k MTAB(1I, Ten identicel fields. Enter numbers of Lp) regions, in order, to which transverse leakage is to be distributed. A-L6 designates a series of cards, one for each region, in order, on which the region information is entered. A-L6 Region information (2X,284,E10.3,3I5). 3-10 AME Region name. | 11-20 THICK Region thickness, cm. i 2125 MESH Number cf mesh spaces.™ | 26-30 RXS ROD order number of croses section set to | be applied in region. {(Limited to integers 1 through 5). 31-3% NF Region contains fissilz material.™ = 0 No = 1 Yes ALT Blank card AX8 chell thickness.* (7(I3,E7.4)). If no shells are gpecified, use a blank card. 1-3 IB(I) Region number to the inside of the shell. 4.0 TEMP (I ) " Shell thickness, cn. Remaining pairs of fields identical. Enter region numbers and shell thicknesses in order. Erd data with a blank field. Use an additional card if needed. L.15 4-kS designates a series of cards on which the boundary conditions are specified ty energy group, one card for each set of boundary conditions, in order by groups. 0 Output options 7, 9, and 38-43, if specified, printout for each MERC iteration. Not used Maximum mumber of ERC iterations. Kot uwsed Fission product option (refer to Appendix 3). O Omit fission product alculation 1 A11 fission product nuclides ecalcunlated in ERC. = 2 Normal. Reaction rates for selected fission products may be calculated in MODRIC.” ERC number of fission product reference element.* W u ‘Not used ROD options: = O Optimization 1 Variables specified 2 Base case only.”™ —1 Processing study option.™ n 0 L".. 19 L8 NWECV Processing cost option.™ > C Volume basis < 0 Qther B-2 ERC convergence and other data (3X,6E10.4). 1-3 KARD Qo2 4-13 C¢NVEG 1.0E-Ok Convergence, ERC atom densities. 1423 B26 0.5 Atom density damping/forcing coefficiemt.* 2h .33 B27 2.0 Limit on change of atom density per iteration.”* 3LA3 P Reactor power, Mw(thermal). Lh 5% F36 Plant factor.* 5h 63 E36 Thermal efficiency. B-3 ERC residence times and other data (3X,6E1C.Y). 1.3 KARD 0035 I GES3 Fission-product resonance integral. 123 AK Not used 24 33 B5% Fuel residence time, in core, sec. (For loss of delayed neutrons calculation.) 3h 43 B56 Fuel residence time, out of core, sec. Ll 53 BST o.L Scaling factor for processing plant capital cost.™ 54«63 WINT Interest rate, fraction per annum. B-4 Tolerance for MERC convergence and other data (3X,3E10.k4). 1-3 KARD o0 4-13 W7 Fission-product thermsl spectrum factor.* 1423 SEPS 1.0E-03 Tolerance for MERC convergence. 2433 UPLTJ 1.01 Limiting factor for change of the recycle fraction per iteration.* Cards B-5 to 7 are currently no® activated. B-8 Transverse dimension factor (3X,E10.4). Qmit for sphere or 2-D synthesis. 1.3 KARD 008 L.13 FUDGE Transverse dimension factor: Cylinder - oversall height, em k.20 Slab - product of second and third over- all lengths, cm®. Cards B-9 to 13 specify the processing information. In the B-9 ard B=10 series, one card is required for each material to be processed as a stream. B-O Processing data (3X,315). 1-3 KARD GOS 4.8 J Material number. 913 NTIME Number of processing cycle times to be defined for msterial J (limit 10). %-18 NPGEQ Number of processing equations to be de- fined for material J (limit 10). Card B-10 may be cmitted if all times are in days. B-10 Time wnits (3X,I5,1084%). 1-3 XARD 010G L8 J Material number. 9.12 TUNITS(1) DAYS The first time is the master cycle time which must be given in days. Other fields identical. Enter units for processing times i. order. Onlv the following entries are permitted: SECS MINS HPUR DAYS YEAR Card B-1ll designates & series of cards, one for each processing time for each material stream on which time and cost information are entered. Cards may be amitted for times not being used, without changing the "number of times" or card B-9. B-11 Processing cycle times (3X,21%,2E10.4). 1-3 KARD 01l 4.6 J Meterial number. T=9 NT Time number. L.21 10=19 GPTIME Processing cycle time, in units specified (J,NT) on card B-10.* FEnter full-cepacity operating time, not calendar time. 20-29 WPCV(J, Processing cost factor, volume basis.™ NT) (Zero permitted.) B-12 designates a series of cards, one for each processing equation, on which the times used in each equation are indicated by entering 1.0 in the proper positions. B-12 Processing equations.* (3X,2I3,10F6.0). 1-3 KARD 012 L6 J Material number. 7=9 K Processing equation number. Remaining ten fields identical. Enber 1.0 in each field correspomding to a cycle time to be used in the processing equation. (Time) 10-15 (1) 16.21 (2) 22-27 (3) 28-33 (%) 34-39 (5) %0-45 (6) 4651 (1 52-57 (8) 58-63 (9) 6k -59 {10) Card B-13 designates a series of cards, one for each processing equation, on which the group of auclides to be treated by each equation may be given a keyword identification. B-13 Processing nuclide group names (3X,2I3,3A%). 1-3 KARD 013 L6 J Materiel number. 7-9 X Number of the processing equation. 10-21 HPLPGE Keyword name of the nuclide group to be treated by the equation. L.22 Cards B-1L4 to 19 are currently not activated. B-20 designates a series of cards, one for each material to be treated as a stream. B-20 Stream data (3X,I3,LE10.4,I10,E10.%). 1-3 KARD 020 L6 J Meterial number. 7-16 SPIVEV External volume, ft>.%* 17-26 (3) Not used 27-36 sTP(J) Holdup ime in the processing plant, days.® 3746 STR(J) Operating time on reserve fuel, days.™ 47-56 NW1(J) 0 Withdrawal option: 0 Fluid fuel 1 Solid fuel. (Note: The solid fuel option is currently not activated.) 5766 XE21(J) A fixed poison fraction (used for xenon).* B-2]1 designates a series of cards, one for each group of contiguouis nuclides for which information is identical, for which nonstandard values of the following data are to be entered. (Cmit for nuclides for which standard values apply.) Neame Std. Vaiue Fraction processed per cycle B(1,T) 1.0 Fraction removed in processing SCE(I,J) 1.0 Fraction recycle to same streem {5=JD) RCF(1,J,JD) 1.0 Fraction recycled to othner streams (JAJD) RCF(I,J,JD) 0.0 B-21 Removal and rzcycle data* (3X,I2,213,11,288.4,I2,4E7.4). 1.3 KARD 021 L5 J Material number. 6-8 I First nuclide for which data applies. 9-11 Il Last nuclide for which deta applies. 12 NESCE E and SCE data coantrol: O Use standard values. 1l Read values fram following two fields. 4.23% 13-20 DuML Enter E(I,J), fraction processed per cycle. 21-28 DUM2 ™ter SCE(I,J), fraction removed, or lost in recycling. 29-30 NRCF Pecycle fraction contrcol: 0 Use standard values. 1l Read from next four fields. 31-37 DUM(1) Recycle fraction to material 1. 3844 DM(2) Recycle fraction to material 2. L5-51 DUM(3) Recycle fraction to materiel 3. 5253 DuM(4 ) Recycle fraction to materimel L. B-22 designates a series of cards, one for each principel nuclide in each meterial treated as a stream, on which the feed, ataom density, and recycle options are entered. The options are listed in Tabie 4.5. Cards may be omitted for nuclides for which all data are zero. B-22 Feed, atom density, and recycle optioms.* (3X,213,77.3,13,5%,3I5). 1-3 KARD 033 b6 J Material number. 7-9 I ERC nuclide number. 10-16 Q(I,J) Special feed rate or atom density 17-15 TUMp specifications. See Teble 4.5 2520 M??fi(l, Feed option (Q). 30-34 N(I,J) Atam density optiom (N). 35-39 J§?5(I, Recycle option (J). B-23 designates a series of cards, one for each principsal nuclide, on which are eniered data required for the material balance. B-23 ERC material balance data (3X,715,2E10.3,28:%,I3). 1-3 KARD 025 46 I ERC nuclide number. T7-9 Ie(1,1) Processing source nuclide nmumber.™ 10-12 IP(1.2) Processing source nuclide number. 13.15 I7(1,1) Transmutation source nuclide number. 16.18 IT(1,2) Transmutation source nuclide number. i .2k Tsble 4+.5. Feed, Atom Density, end Recycle Options, Card B-22 Option Number Description Feed Options: 0 No feed. 1l Feed rate calculated by ERC to maintain the equilibrium or critical concentration. 2 Feed rate specified as input. Enter (kg/dey) in the form #0.7yyixx in colunns 11-19, where xx is the exponent for the data yyy. 3 Feed rate proportional to the feed rate of another nuclide. Enter in the form ixx.yyyfzz in columns 10-13, where: ¥ = the reference feed nuclide t.yyyizz = the ratic of the feed rate of nuclide I to that of the reference feed nuclide. Atom Density Options: o 1 2 Atam density held constant. Equilibrium atom density calculated by ERC. Critical atom density calculated by ERC. This option permitted for one nuclide only. Atom density adjusted by ERC to keep reaction rate constant. Special &% option. Celculates the average atom density of 238y over the reactor lifetime for startup with 25U feed. Enter in the form #xx.yyy:zz in columms 10-13, where: xx = the core lifetime, calendar years. +1'Vy+zz = the ratio of <38y to &5y in the feed. Befer to Eq. (4.32), Appendix A. Specific for 235U as ERC nuclide 5. Specifies a8 pseudo-ntclide representing the loss of delayed reutrons. Specifies a pseudo-nuclide for the fixed poison fraction. ‘Specifies & psewdonuslide representing -the lumped fission products. 34'.25 Table 4.5 (contd) Option Number Description recycle Fraction Options: 0 Recyele fractions held constant. The following options allow ERC to calculate the recycle fractions for the fuel nuclides for a breeder reactor in which excess fuel may be produced for sale. In each case, any remaining fuel from materials 1, 2, ard 3 is recycled to material 1. 1 2 \J‘! pSl D Specifies the key nuclide for the sale of excess fuel, any, based on the composition of material 1. Specifies the key nuclide for the sale of excess fuel, any, based on the mixed composition of materials 1, 2, 3‘ Sverifies the key nuclide for the sale of excess fuel, any, based or the camposition of material 3. Specifies the key nuclide for the sale of excess fuel, if any, vased on the mixed composition of materials 2 and 3. Specifies a nuclide to be sold in proportion to the key naclide in option 1. Specifies a auclide to be sold in proportion to the key nuclide in option 2. Specifies & nuclide to be so0lid in proportion to the key nuclide in option 3. K K BB Specifies s nuciide to be sold in proportion to the key nuclide in cption %. 19-21 202k 25-34 35k e 52 2335 ID(I,1) ID(I,2) AMASS(T) AMBA(T) HYLL NPGFNI(I) b 26 Decay source nuclide number. Decay source nuclide number. Atomic mass of nuclide I. Beta decay constant for nuclide I. Nuclide name. Number of processing group.* B-2L designates a series of cards, one for each nuclide, in each m:terial, for which cost data are assigned. B-2i Value of materials (3X,213,3E10.L). 1-3 L-6 7-9 16-19 20-29 50-39 4049 KARD J I wl(I,J) W3(I,J) Wi (I,J) Ww(I,J) o2k Material number. ERC nuclide number. Value of nuclide I in materials 1, 2, ani 3 in the reactor system. The value assigned to nuclide I in materisl 1 is autamatically assigned in materials 2 and 3 also.* Unit processing cost, $/kg (non-zero for weight-basis calculation omly).* Processing unit capital cost factor {(non- zero for capital cost basis calculation only).* Value of nuclide I in material J as feed material. Assign for each material. B.25 designates & series of cards, one for each nuclide for which an interest rate different from that entered on card B-35 is speci- field for the calenlstion of an inventory charge. Omit if none are different. B-25 Interest rates {3X,I3,E1C.L). 1-3 ) -6 7-16 KARD I w2(1) 025 ERC nuclide number. Interest rate, fraction per year. Caxds B-26 tc 28 are currently not activated. k.27 R-29 List fertile nueclides (3X,23I3). 1-3 ¥ARD 029 26 122N1 - Remaining fields identical. Znier the ERC nuclide numbers designating the fertiie nuclides for the breeding ratio calculation. Refer to Eq. (A.37), Appendix A. B-30 Iist fissile precursors (3X,2313). 1-3 KARD 030 L6 122N2 Remaining fields identical. ZEnter the ERC nuclide numbers of fissile precursors, for example, = Pa. B-31 List fissile nuclides for breeding ratio (3X,23I%.. 1-3 KARD 031 k-6 122D Remaining fields identical. Znter the ERC nuclide numbers designating the fissile nuclides for the breeding ratio eczlculation. B-32 IList fissile nuclide for mean eta (3X,231I3). 1-3 KARD 032 L6 123D Remaining fields identiezl. ZEnter the ERC nuclide numbers designating the fissile nuclides for the mesn eta caleulation. Refer to Eg. (A.38], Appendix A. B-33 List fissile nuclides and precursors for inventory (3X,23I3). 1.3 KARD 033 L& 129N Remaining fields identical. Enter the ERC nuclide numbers designating the fissile nuclides ari precursors for the fissile inventory calcu- lztion. Refer to Eg. (A.45), Apperdix A. B-3k List fissile nuclides and precursors for processing loss (3X,23I3). 1-3 KARD 0% L6 L30X Remeiring fields identicai. ZEnter the ERC nuclide numbers designating the fissile nuclides and precursors for the processing loss calcu- lation {numerator). Refer to Eq. {A.46), Appendix A. L.23 B-35 List fissile nuclides for processing loss (3X,25I3). 1-3 “{ARD 035 L_§g L300 Remaining fields identical. Enter the ERC nuclide numbers desig- nating the fissile nuclides (only) for the processing loss caleu- lation {denominator). Cerd B-36 is currently not activated. B-3T7 List fissile nuclides for fixed poison fraction (3X,23I3). -3 .ED o337 L5 ¥21L b Remaining fields identicel. Enter the ERC nuclide mmbers desig- nating tne fissile nuclides (only) for the fixed poison-fraction celculation. Refer to Eq. (A.34), Appendix A. B-3C Blank card. This ends ERC datz Sectiorn B. k.2c -~ Seection C. Fission Product and Delayed Neutron Deta This seetion cortains the fission yields, two-group cross sections, and traznsmutation and decay chain data for up to 200 fission-product nuclides. It is referred to as permasnent data, because, once set up, it may be used for the calculation of any thermal reactor. However, the processing group number has been superimposed on the permanent data in this section, and this would be expected tc change with the processing method employed. Finally, the last six cards in this section contain the data for six groups of delayed neutron precursors. C-1 Fissionable nuclide correspondence (5I3). Fields may be left blank for mnclides not being used. Specific for ZRC numbers in thke range of 1 to 1. 1-3 NFPYS(1) ERC nuclide number for Z52Th. L6 KFPYS(2) ERC nuclide number for <=7U. 7-5 NPYS(3) ERC nuclide number for 22°U. 10-12 NFPYS(L) ERC nuelide number for Z3CU. 13-15 NFPYS(5) ERC nuclide number for Z>°pu. 1515 NFPYS{6) FRC nuclide number for <%ipu. £-2 designates a group of up to 200 cards, one for sach fission- product nuciide. End the fission-product datea with a blank card. * Fissicn-product permanent data (5I3,E9.1,8E6.1,2A%,T60,I1). 1-3 I ERC nuclide nuxber (starting with 51). 46 ITl Transmutation source nuclide number. 7«3 ITe Transmmtation source nuclide number. 10-12 ID1 Decgy source nuclide number. 13-1%5 IDz Decey source nuclide number. 16.-2L BDECAY Beta decay constant. 25230 SA2200 Absorption eross section (2200 m/sec). 31-35 RESINT Resonance integral. 3742 YT(1) Fission yield from <>=Th. L3048 YT(2) Fission yield fram 23U, 195k ¥YT(3) Fission yield fram 35U. 55-60 YT(%) Fission yield from 23%y. L.30 61-66 YT(5} Fission yield from Z>°Pu. 67-72 YT(&) Fission yield from 2%pyu. 3-79 BAL1 Nuclide name. 8o NPG Processing group number. C-3 designates a group of six cards, one for each delayed neutron group. C-3 Delayed neutron data (I2,7E10.L). 1.2 I Delayed neutron group. z-12 AMAZ{T) Decay constant. 13-22 YT(1) Delayed neutron fraction for =*2Th. 23-32 YT(2) Delayed neutron fraction for 2371, 33.L2 YT(3) Delayed neutron fraction for 23%y. L3-52 YT(%) Delayed neutron fraction for =38y. 5262 YT(5) Delayed neutron fraction for 2>°pu. 63-72 YT(6) Delayed neutrom fraction for 2%ipu, This ends data Section €. It is the end ¢f the data for running a single case; that is, when the optimization or variables specified options are not required. N §g:tion D. 0OPTI The data for optimization or for the varisbles specified option are entered in this section. section may be omitted. When these options are not required, this The coefficients for the standard terms of the objective function are entered on card D-i. The valu2 of each coeffiyient determines the weight of each objective in the optimization. Terms that need not be considered in a particular optimization may be given zero O=1 Objective function coefficients.* (TE10.L). coefficieants. 1-10 #ECL 11-20 ¢BC2 21-30 #BC3 3140 gnck L1.50 #BCS 51-60 @BCS 61-70 ¢BCT D=2 Allowable flux (E10.4). 1-1C FLXALW Coefficient for breeding ratio. Coefficient for fuel yleld. Coefficient for reciprocal of fuel-cycle cost. Coefficient for reciprocal of fuel specific inventory. Ccefficient for the group one (damage) fast flux factor. Coefficient for the conservation coef- ficient. Coefficient for the reciprocal of dis- counted fuel cost (from HISTRY). The allowable group 1 (fast) flux. Must be none-zero if the coefficient of the flux factor (card D-1) is non-zero. Cards D3 to S5 form a set; one such set is required for each variablas~specified case. The indevendent varisbles which may be specified (that is, assigned fixed wvalues) or optimized are given in Table 4.6. They include region thicknesses, the volume fractions of each material in each superregion, the locations of region beundaries, processing cycle times, and the time at which feeds may be switched in a HISTRY cycle. 4,32 Table L.6. Types of Variables Indices Description 111£e er 7 5 3 Region thickness 1 Region Dimension None Volune fraction 2 Material Super None region Bound.a.rya' 9 Region Dimension None Processing cycle time 10 Material Time number None Feed switch time 11 None 8omit cards D-3 to 5 for optimization. D-3 Number of variables (2I5). 1-5 NVSPC 6-10 NVAR Case numbar. Rumber of variables specified for given case. D-4 Case information (I5,E1C.L,IS). 1-5 MAX3S 6-15 HELP 16-20 NSET D-5 designates a group of cards, one for each variable whose value is t2 be changed from the preceding case. MERC iteration l1limit f~r case. Factor by which all convergence criteria are multiplied for case. Control of initial flux, fission density distributica, and atom densities: = O Taken from previous case > 0 Taken from base case. this group must equal NVAR cn card b-3. Note: A card "D-9, optimization variable” is compatible in format and may be used as a D-5 card. The fields containing optimization information are not read at this point. The number of cards in 4.33 D-5 Specified variable (LI3,10X,E10.%,L0X,24ak). 1-3 L6 7-9 10.12 23-32 7580 ITYPE(T) INDX1(T) INDX2(I) INDX3(I) XB(1) HPLYPT Varisble type number (see Table %.6). First subscript. Second subscript. Third subscript, if any. Specified value for varisble. Nume of variable. End the varisbles-specified date with a blenk card. This ends the data deck for a variables-specified run. D=t Number of OPTI cycles (I3). 1.5 MAXCYC 10 Maximum rumber of optimization cycles (gradient projections).* DT OPTI control (3I5,E5.0,5810.%4). 1.5 6-10 11.1% 16-20 21-30 3140 L1-50 51-60 N KNTVEC -l NH@I1-D 0 CM¥; +1.0 ALPHA 0.05 BETA .10 SFl 1.1 EFS 0.G003 Numbe:r of OPTI variebles.™ Vectsr count for parallel.tar-eat acceleration methcd. = —«1 New caze. (No other options activated) Fumber of cycles & variable is held at a limit (zero permitted).* Ascent/descent control. +1.0 to maximize objective function =1.0 to minimize objective function Fracticn of range eacnh variable is moved to calculate derivatives. Fraction of range that the controlling varisble is moved in the initial step along a vector. Step factor by which BETA is multiplied af'ter each successful step. Step tolerance; a lower limit or the fractional improvement ir the objective finciion required for a step to be con- sidered successful. 61-T0 PER 0.003 L.3k Cycle tolerance; & lower limit on the fractional improvement in the objective function per cycle required Ior continu- ation of the optimization. D-8 OPTI control (I5,2E10.%,I5). 1-5 6-15 16-25 26-30 51-35 NORED ALPLIM KAFLSM 2.0 0.02 Bypass the reduced-step option: = 1 Yes = 0 No Factor by which ALPHA and BETA are reduced in the reduced-step option. Minimum ALFHA permitted.™ Activate end-effect option 1. Ridge- analysis factor reduced when derivative is negative.* = 1 Yes = 0 %o Activate end-effect option 2. Variables with negative derivatives restrained after an unsuccessful first step. Interval scan anitted. = 1 No = O Yes D-9 designates a group of cards, cne for each variable, on which the starting value and range are entered. The number of cards in this group must equal N on card D-7. D-9 Optimization variable® {LI3,3E10.4,25X,FS5.C,2ahk). 1-3 4.6 7-9 10-12 13-22 23-32 3342 ITYPE(Z) INDXL(I) INDX2(1) INDX3(I) (1) ¥B(T) XH(I) Verisble type number. {Refer to Table .6). First subzcript. Second subseript. Third subscript, if any. Minimum value {lower limit of range). Initial value. Maxcimum value {upper limit of range). k.35 e8.T2 SLEFAC 1.0 Initial value of ridge-analysis factor. (1) Mzst be non-zero and nct greater than 1.0. Usually 1.0. This ends the ROD data for an optimization runm. This ends the input descripticn. 5.1 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION OF INPUT Many of the features of ROD require mwore exposition than is appro- priate for the preceding section, "Description of Imput”. Such items, which have been arked with asterisks in the cdescription, are discussed ir this section. 3Iach discussion is keyed to the appropriate irput card number. L-12 Convergence Information Refer to card A-L2 for a discussion of the convargence criteria. =13 HISTRY Control Information Convertertreeder optian. At the beginning of a bateh processing cycle, a converter reactor may have a temporary excess of fissile material, because fission-product poisoning has been reduced to zero and fissiie material {e.g., =-U) mey be aveilsble from prezursors (e.g., °>>Pa’ pro- duced in the previous cycle. HESTRY normally "sells” any excess fissile material. ‘'(he converter-breeder ontion provides the following alterna- tives, which apply when kefi‘ exceeds 1.0: 1. Shut off the eriticality search. This allows the excess fissile to be retained in the system, thus deigying the point at which fissile Teed must again be resumed. This expedient introduces a small error in the fissile balanze, (vecause K pe is greater then 1.0) but may be the vest alternative waen k off only slightly exceeds 1.0 for a short time, 2. Witndrew feed in the criticality search. Note, however, that it is usuelly not practical to withdraw feed from an actuwal reactor. 5. WVithéraw, in the criticality search, uranium nuclides in the oroportions present in the fuel stream. This simuiastes withholding some of the uranium separated from the fuel at the end of a cycle, and feeding it back as needed during the following cycle, before resuming ncrmal feed. The simulation is imperfect in that the instantaneous fuel composition is used rather than the composition at tiz erd of the c¢ycle. This alterns- tive is recummended when considerable excess fuel is available at the beginning of a cycle. 5.2 Second feed. For reactors with plutcaium feed, where uranium is recovered at the end of a cycle but plutonium is not, there is an ad- vantage in switching to a uranium feed near the end of the cycle. To activate this option, enter the time in the cycle at which the feed is to be switched and specify the ERC number of the key nuclide of the second feed (e.g., 5, for 235U, for enriched urenium as second feed). Also specify the feed fractions for the second feed on cards A-21 to 3k. A-19 HISTRY Data Frequency of output. The frequency of output is determined by specifying the number of timesteps ir a data storage interval. A fre- quency of ance or twice & year is adequate for most of a typical cycle. However, the fuel caomposition usually changes rapidly at the beginning of a cycle, and the program provides for 12 times the normal {regquincy of output at the begirning of a cycle, that is, data ance or twice a month. SHIFT specifies the total number of printouts at the higher fre- quency {starting with the first at time zero). Fertile buildup option. Certain fuel cycles are characterized Dy a fissile inventory which starts at e high level and decreases. (me then has the option of starting with a lower {issile and fortile in- ventory and adding fertiie materisl with time instead of removing fissile. To exercise this option, specify the final fertile atem-density desired as TEMX, and enter a smaller atum-density for the initial velue. A-19.)1 HISTRY Carrier Cost Control Infcrmalion Fuel carrier cost data sre usually part of the ERC imput. The carrier cost in HISTRY is calculeted from the ratio, carrier cost per kilogram of thorium purchased, whkich is calculated frem ERC data as follows: ), {sT(d,1)%a(M)) 1=I,NS M=NSC(T) sI(1,1) SCR = + WL(1,1) where SCR = the carrier cost ratio, 5.3 STI(M,1) = the inventory of carrier nuclide M in naterial 1, SI(1,1)} = the inventory of thorium in material 1, WL(I,1) = the cost per kilogram assigned to each nuclide, NSC(I) = the ERC numbers of the carrier nuclides specified on card 4-15.1, £-21 AISTRY Nuclide Information The HISTRY subprogram is set up for a specific canfiguration of the EZRC data as follows: Nuclides 1 to 12 in order are: =3Th, =3py, 3y, B4y, 235;, 236y 257y, 238y, 39y, 240py, 4lpy, ang 242py. HISTRY nuclide 13, fixed sbsorlers, corresponés +o the summation of ERC nuclides 13 to 50, except 25. HISTRY nuclide 14, fission products, ccrresponds to the summation of ERC nuelides 25 (lumped fission products}, 229 (1%Sam), and 2351 (15iam). A-35 Atom Dens.ties by Materiai By conventior, the fuel stream is material 1, the fertile stream, if any; is material 2, and the moderator, if any, is the last material specified. A-30 Super Region Subregion Correspondence The "super region” wes conceived as a convenient method of indicatin The distribution of materials (that is, the volume fractions) iz regions of the 2-D reactor that do not lie on one of the calculational axes. It is convenient to assign subregions of identical campositiorn the same super region number. (The same form of data is followed for a 1-D reactor, although the form then has no special utility.) A for EPSL) to get very precise derivative calculations, the running times become long. If set too loose (say, 10" for EPSL) the derivative calculations may became so imprecise as to direct an optimizaticon 55 vector in z false directioan. Optimizations usually run most efficiently at moderately tight convergance (near 10™% for EPSL). Two "tricks' are employed in ROD to save running time (refer to card A-12). We have found that optimization runs can be made efficiently with relatively looser convergence wren the convergence is tighter for the tace case. This gives a firr starting flux distribution for the first optimization case, whereas otherwise The flux distribtution may tend to cnange over the first few cases even though the convergence criteria are satisfied. The other trick is tc loosen the convergconce slightly for the first MERC iteratlon, since it is wasteful for the diifusion calculation to be tightly converged until it has received a set ol altered concen- trations from ERC. To accommodate this provision, =nd-rto prevent MERC from stopping with a fortuitous balance while MODRIZ and ERC are not con- verged, the program requires a minimumm of two MERC iterations per case. A-i3 MODRIC Search Information The value of dC/dk, the ratio of change in composition to change in keff’ is highly dependent on the reactor composition. The best guide Tor selecting an initial value is tc look &t the final value calculated in a similar case (given as CPl in the output). ALl Criticality Search Nuclides It is usually more efficient to specify as search nuclides all the nuclides in whe fissile chain rather than just the main fuel nuclide. Specifically, those nuclides whose concentrations tend to vary with the concentration of the fuel nuclide should be included as search nuclides, while those nuclides which tend to reach an equilibrium concentration independent of the fuel nuclide should not be included. If such "in- dependent” nuclides are treated as search nuclides, they tend to cause the ecaleulation to oscillate between MCDRIC and ERC. Suspect this effect if more than three MERC iterations are required for convergence. A5 Two-Dimensional Symthesis Information The *two-dimensional synthesis is described in Chapter 7, p. T.6. By convention, for a 2-D synthesis in cylindrical gecmetry, dimension 1l is axial and dimension 2 is radisal. 5.6 In the 2-D synthesis, there is a provision for adjusting the flux in the core to take into account neutrons which leave the core in the transverse direction. The region specified as "core" can only be the center region of the reactor. The computed net flow of neutrons out of this region (by group) determines a buckling for the calculation of transverse 'leakage" in the other dimension. The leakage neutrons may be distributed in proportion tc ths abscorptiorns in as many regions as mey be desired. These are the "transverse leakage distribution"” regions and should always include the core regicn. A-46 Region Information A reascnable number of mesh spaces per region might range from 5 for a small region to 50 for a large region. Avoid large differences in the size of a mesh interval fram one region to the next. The running time is not very sensitive to the number of mesh spaces, and is moderately affected by the number of regions. The fission-density distribution is calculated over 111 regions specified as containing fissile material. A48 and 50 Shell Thicknesses and Attenuation Coefficients If desired, regions may be separated by "shells" in which the neutron current may be attenuated (refer to Appendix B). A-52 Buckling Option 1 This cption calculates the buckling by group and region from the equations: Slab: 2 _ T 2 T 2 B™ = (y+ 7D) * (z+ 7D) Cylinder: 2 _ P 2 B™ = (h + D) ? where ¥,2,h = perpendicular dimensions of the reactor, 5eT ¥ = constant for calculating the extrapclation distance, D = diffusion coefficient, a function of group and region. A-55 MODRIC-ERC NWuclide Number Correcpondence The fissionatle nuclides (for which fission yields are given on caré C-2) must be assigned ERC nuclide mumbers in the range 1 to 15. A-58 Cross-Section Set Assigrment For many calculaticns the use of a single cross-section set weighted for the average flux-spectrum is adequate. However, Jor cases in which the flux-spectrum effects are different in different regions of the re- actor, cross sections appropriate to the various spectra can be prepared and assigned to the different regicns. B-1 ERC Data A "MERC iteration" is one pass through MODRIC and ERC. Typically two or three MFRC iterations are reguired for convergence. Normally, output is obtained for only the fingl iteration. For the purpose of code development, some of the ERC and HTSTRY output may be obtained each ~ iteration. The fission-product reference element must éorrespond to an artifi- ciel element in MODRIC which has cross sections for a 1/v absorber with 0_2200 = 1.0. ~ Some of the important fission products (e.g., ~*Sm) may be included explicitly in the multigroup diffusion czlculation, if desired. To 4o this, select fission product option 2, 1list the nuclides in the MODRIC- ERC correspondence table, and include them on the cross-section tape. Such nuclides are edited separately by material in the second part of the ERC output table {output option 7), but are included in the lumped fission rrocducts in the preceding summary neutron balance. Base-case only‘qption. When this option is specified the progrem will stop after running the base case (case zero) even when the data deck is otherwsie set up for the cptimization or variablesespecified options. Tt may be used to check tThe base case before proceeding with, say, a long optimization run. 5.8 The processing study option substitutes a more sophisticated fission- product treatment for that normally used in ERC. It is described in Appendix D. Three processing cost options are availeble (refer to card B-24). For molten-salt reactors, the processing cost depends mainly on the volume of salt streem processed, and is, therefore, usually caleculated on the "volume basis.” B-2 ERC Convergence and Other Data The atom-density damping/forcing coefficient is a factor by which the calculated change in atom density per iteration is multiplied. It is usually set less than 1.0 to dampen cyecling of the atomr densities from iteration to iteration. The 1limit cn the change in atom density permitted per iteration is used Lo help prevent cycling and to prevent atom densities from becoming negative. The limit is in effect for each ERC iteration after the first. The plant factor is defined as the anticipated energy production as a fraction of the energy that would be produced if the plant were operated continuously at full power. B~-3 ERC Residence Times and (Other Dsata The capital ¢o3T of a processing plant is assumed to be proportional to its capacity raised to a fractional power called the scaling factor. B-k Tolerance for MERC Convergence and Other Data The fission-product thermal spectrum factor is defined as follows: 1 W= ————, 7 298 & (75 273 where Anf = lethargy width of fast energy groups, T = temperature, °C. The limiting factor for change of the recycle fraction is used to dampen oscillations in ERC, and is applied in each iteration after the first. 5.9 B-11 Processing Cycle Times A processing cycle time is the time reguired to process one system volume of a material. Processing may consist o several steps, and each step can have its own cycle time. Usuaily the cost of processing can be related to one or two main steps, and these may have a processing cost facter, volume basis, assigned to them, as follows: PCV . =1U .t(l'SF) o, n,j 1,Jj ’ where PCV = processing cost factor, volume basis, n = number of processing c¢ycle time associated with a given processing step, j = material number, U = unit prceessing cost, dollars per cubic foot of meterial j, for processing step n in a reference plaut, t = throughput, cubic feet of material j processed per dey in step n in the reference plant, SF = scaling factor. The capital cost of & processing plant is assumed to be proporticnal to its capacity raised to a fractional power, the scaling factor. Processing cycle time 1 is used as a reference cycle time for calculabing the material holdup in the processing plant. Refer to Eq. (4.40), Appendix A. B-12 Processing Eguations The removal rate of any nuclide in ERC is calculated for each material stream by the processing equation to which it is assigued. The removal rate is calculated from the cycle times for the processing steps in which it is removed. The cycle times that apply to each group eguation are in- dicated on the processing equation card by entering a 1.0 in the position corresponding to the number of each cycle time. For example, if the nu- clides in processing group one are removed from material one in processing steps 2 and L, the card for material one processing equation one should 5.10 have 1.0 entered in fields 2 (col. 16-21) and & (col. 28-33), which correspond to cycle times 2 and 4; +he other fields are left blacnk. B-20 Strezm Data The code calculates the volume of each material in the reactor core. However, in a circulating-fuel reactor, a considersable volume of the fuel stream is outside the core in piping and Leat exchangers. To allow the code to calculate the true reactor inventoriss and inventory costs, the emount of such extermal volume for each stream may be entered here. In addition, if the stream is processed, the holdup time in the processing plant may be entered. The volume of the holdup is then calcu-~ lated as a function of the reactor volume and the ratio of the holdup time to the reference processing cycle time (processing cycle time 1). Reserve fuel. If the reactor requires a fissile feed, a fuel reserve sufficient to feed the reactor for some period of time mey be included in the inventory. This is calculated from the net burnup (burnup less pro- duction) of the feed nuclide (see Eg. A.43, Appendix A. Fixed poison fraction. The strong fission-product poison 1°SXe may be treated as a special case in molien-salt reactors. It is insclublie in the salt, and is either removed by gas stripping or is absorbed by the graphite moderator. Its true removal efficiency is not easily determined. The problem has been side-stepped by assigning a removal efficiency of 1.0 to the gas-stripping process, and adding a fixed poison-fraction to allow for the holdup of xenon in the moderator. B-21 Removal and Recycle Data The "removal efficiency” in processing may be defined as the produet of E, the fraction processed per cycle, and SCE, the fraction removed (or lost, for nuclides which are recycled). Normally the removal efficiency is 1.0, and E and SCE are automaticelly assigned the wvalue of 1.0. This value is not appropriate for gll nuclides, however, and other values may be assigned on cards B-2l. Some examples are: () Nuclides which are recycled (either back to the stresm fram which they were removed, or to another stream) such as the uranium nuclides. 5.11 They may be assigned an SCE of 0.0, or a small non-zero value representing the fraction lost per cycle in processing. (b) DNuclides which are only partially removed by processing. An appropriate removal fraction may be assigned. (¢) DNuclides which are removed in smaller side streams taken from another processing step. They may be assigned the appropriate processing fraction. (Alternatively, such nuclides may be placed in separate proces- sing groups, to which independent processing cycle times. can be assigned.) (&) To simunlate batch processing. E values greater than 1.0 may be assigned to groups of fission procducts to simulate the greater removal in batch processing compared to continuous processing for the same cycle time. E values less than 1.0 may be assigned to nuclides such as the plutorniums, when, because of decreasing concentrations during a cycle, their removal at the end of a bateh cycle is less thar would be obtained by continuous removal (based on their average corcentrations and the av- erage carrier discard rate). Recycle fraction. Any nueclide which, wholly or partially, is not removed in processing, presumebly remains in its original stream and is returned to the reactor. In the calculation this is considered recycle to the same stream, and the recycle fraetion for a stream to itself is automatically set at 1.0. Similarly, the reecyele fraction from one stream vo another stream is automatically set at 0.0. Sometimes it is essential to recycle certain nuclides from one stream to another, as in the case of a reactor with a separate fertile stream, cr bianket. The key to the high performance of such reactors is in the trinsfer of the fissile material bred in the fertile stream to a fuel stream. DNuclides to be so transferred must be assigned ERC nuclide numbers In the range 1 to 25, and their recycle fractions set appropriately on cards B-21. The permitted wvalues for the recycle fractions are 1.0 and 0.0. The lumped fission products may not be transferred. B-22 Feed, Atom-Density, and Recycle Options ERC works best when one nuclide, usually the most important fuel nuclide, is selected as the "key nuclide" for these options. It is normaliy assigned feed option 1, atom-density option 2, and one of the 5.12 recycle key-nuclide options 1 to 4. It is alsc usually a criticality- search nuclide ir MCDRIC. This selectlion allows MERC tc either feed cr sell the key nuclide, as required, as MERC converges on a solution. For a reactor with a breeding ratio near 1.0, we might wish to sell one nuclide if the reactor were a breeder, and feed another nuclide if it were not. In theory, MERC could do this, but in practice, because of imbalance in ERC, it may sell cne fuel nuclide while feeding the other. We recommend that a preliminary case be run to determine the breeding ratio, an! the key nuclide then be selected accordingly. When the EISTRY option is used, atom-density option 2 (criticality) may be specified for the key nuclide, but option O should be specified for the notker nuclides in the fertile-fissile chain. This will hold the atom densities fixed in ERC at the time-averaged values obtained from HISTRY. B-2% ERC Material-Balance Dzata Any nuclide for which one of the non-zero recycle options was speci- fied (card B-22) must be specified as its own processing source. In addition, =3>Pa should be specified as a processing source for =77, assuming that =33U formed by the decay of 237Pa in the processing plant is returned to the reactor. The processing group number determines the processing equation applied to a2 given nuclide in each material. Note that the processing equations are material-dependent while the processing group assigmments are not. The number of processing groups 1s limited to ten. The reference processing cycle time is applied to all nuclides for which no processing group number is specified. B-24 Value of Materials The value of each material may be specified (for the purpose of cam- puting inventory and replacement costs) by assigning a value to one or more nuclides in that material. A different value may be assigned to a nuclide in the system from the value assigned to the same nuclide as feed material. This allows, for example, that Z>°U be assigned a higher value as feed material than as a part of the fuel stream, where it is contami- nated with =°U. 5.15 Three copticns are availsble for computing processing costs. One, based on the volume of material processed, has already been discussed. The others are the welght-basis option, based on the weight of some nuelide or nuclides processed, and the capital-cost-basis option, based en the unit capital cost of the processing plant. (Refer to Eq. A.60, Appendix A). The options are selected merely by making the appropriate coefficient non-zero. The preccessing unit-capital-cost factor is defined, for a reference processing plant, as follows: (€)(1) U=—m——, Qs where U = unit capital cost factor, C = capital investment, $, i = interest rate, Q = throughput of nueclide I, kg/day, s = scaling factor (refer to card B-3). D=1 Objective~Function Coefficients The standard equation for the objective function is: C=aB+bY+ce/M+da/IT+~ eF+ fC+ g/D, where O n objective function, a,b,c,d,e,f,g = coefficients, B = breeding ratio, Y = fuel yield, percert of fissile inventory per year. M = fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwhr, T = specific inventory, kg fissile/MW(thermsl), F = flux factor, F —-F -tz 1014 F_ = allowable group-l f£lux; input on caxrd D-2, 5.1k Fm = @ maximum group-l point flux in the core, calculated in MERC. When (Fa - Fm) >0, F is set to zero. C = conservation ccefficient, 100(B-1) - 2 T2 D = discounted fuel cost (from HISTRY), in mills/kwhr. D-2 Allowable Flux The allowable group-l flux may be specified as required to limit the fast-neutron damage to the materials in the Lore. Whenever the allowsble flux is exceeded, the flux factor, a negative term, reduces the value of the objective funetion. The net effect is to srift the optimum to that set of conditions which gives the highest performance consistent with a peak flux exceeding the allowable flux by same margin which depends on the relative weight given the flux factor. D-6 Number of OPTT Cycles The number of OPTI cycles (gradient projections) should be set to stop the run before the rumning-time limit is exceeded. An OPTI c¢ycle, or gradient projection, consists of the calculation of derivatives to determine a gradient wvector, the taking of steps along the vector, and the calculation of the maximmm of the objective function along the wvector. When & run is stopped in the middle of a cycle, the information generated for that cycle is wasted. Specifying zero as the number of cycles will helt the calculation at the end of the base zase. D=7 OPTI Control Although 20 OPTTI variables are allowed, there are good reasons for holding the number of variables as small as possible. The most obvious is to save running time. lLess obvious but perhaps more important is a certain decrease in precision as the number of variables ic increased. This may be explained as follows: As steps are teken along a vector, we can think of the varisbles one by cne reaching their optimum values 5-15 and continuing on beyond, until the variables beyond their optima are balanced by those that have not reached their optima, and the objective function reaches its maximm. The greater the number of variables, the more likely that some of them will stop at some distance from their true optima. This effect can be countered by tightening the convergence criterie and reducing the step size ;, but, of course, at the expense of increasing the running time. When a varisble reaches one of its limiting values, it may be held there for any specified number of optimization cycles. During these cycles, no derivative is calculated for the held variable and it does not affect the size of step of the other variables. D8 OPTT Control The minimum ATPHA is the mechanism which halts the step-reduction procedure. If a step reduction would result in an ATPHA less than the minimum, the reduction is not permitted and the optimization is terminated. The minimum ATPHA determines the "fineness” to which the optimum is lo- cated. In reactor calculations there is little incentive to locate the optimum with great precision, and the step reduction is cften bypassed, or held to one reduction by the choice of minimum ALPHA. End-effect options. The end-effect is described in Chapter T, p.T7.15. End-effect option 1 applies a reduction in the ridge-analysis factor when- ever the derivative is negative, as well as whenever it changes sign. When this option is used, it may be advantageous to select initial wvalues for the variables such that the initial derivatives are likely to be positive. End-effect option 2 is applied only after a normal first step has been unsuccessful. This must occur at least once at the end of every optimization. The variables with negative derivatives are then restrained (by a factor of 0.01) and steps are started along e vector determined essentially by the positive derivatives. The interval scan is omitted. Often, successful steps can be taker along the new vector. In general, we recommend the activation of end-effect option 2. 5.16 D-G Optimization Variablie The sensitivity of an optimization to a given variable is influenced by the range assigned that veriable. The step factors ALFHA and BETA are defined as fractional factors of the range: therefore, when the range is large, the steps will be large and the resulting change in the objective function is likely to be large. The optimization works best when thle change in the objective function is about the same for each variable — that is, when the "derivatives” are of roughly the same magnitude. Cften this is not the case. When the optimization is dominated by one or two variables, the "ridge effect” may result; that is, the path of the optimization jumps back and forth across a "ridge” as the valus of the dominant variable is alternately too high and toc low. The "parallel tangent" and "ridge-analysis"” techniques are used in OPTI to get around the ridge effect (see Chapter 7), but the optimization must run several cycles to accumulate thke irformation required for these techniques. When +the user knows from experience that a given variable will tend to dominate, the sensitivity of the optimization to this variable can be reduced by giving it a small range ccmpared to the range of other veriables. However, a small range is not always practical. The range should be large enough to include, with high probebility, the optimum value of the variable (otherwise the entire run could bz wasted). When the range camnot prac- ticelly be reduced, the semnsitivity to a given variable may be reduced by assigning it a fractional initial ridge-analysis factor. The ridge- analysis factor is applied to both derivative and vector-step calculations. Frozen variable. If the minimum and maximum vaiues of a variable are set egual to its initiel velue, it becomes & 'frozen" variable. No derivatives or other caleulations are made for frozen variables. The frozen variable has two uses: (1) To remove a variable from the cptimization, perhaps just for a particular run, without removing it from the edit ol the variables. (2) To satisfy the requirement that the region thicknesses on either side of a boundary variable be variables, without increasing the number of active wvariables. 6.1 CHAPTER 6 USER INFORMATION Control Cards Typical control cards for running ROD on the ORNL IBM 360/75 or 360/91% computers are: //HFBR JOB (12073)4'Y~12 9104~-2 H BAUMAN', MSGLEVEL=], // CLASS=FTYPRUN=HCLD4REGICKN=1536K //R0O0 EXEC LINKNGO sPARNMGLINK=*LIST!,REGION.GO=1536K //LIMKLFT33F001 DD UNIT=TAPEQ,H?BEL=(,NL),VDLUME=SER=33}> X // BISP=(CLD,PASS), b X // DCR=(RECFM=FBS,LRECL=BC,BLKSIZE=3200) F/7LIMNK GSYSIN DD = INCLUDE FT33F001 /= //G0.FTOSFO01 DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(RECFM=FRAy LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=3458),C // SPACE= (3458, (200D)4RLSE)C . //60.FTOSFO01 DO SYSOUT=A,DCB=(RECFM=FBA, LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=3458), // SPACE=(3458, (600) 4RLSE) | //GOLETCLFO01 DD UNIT=SYSDA:SPACE={TRK,{27)),DCB={RECFN=F 4BLKSIZE=50} //GO.FTO2F001 DD UNIT=TAPEQy LABEL=(yNL)s VOLUFKE=SER=2,D1$P=0LD, X /7 BCB={RECS=VB, LRECL=360CyBLKSIZE=2604) //GC.CRTTAPE OO UNIT=TAPESsLABEL=(sNL)},DISP=0LDyVOLUME=SER=4S J/GOLFTIOFOC1 DD =% /= /7 *When running on the ORNL/91, only two nine-track tapes are avail- gble; therefore, when plotting is required, the program must reside on disk. bFor running with the program on tape. If the progrem resides on disk, the following cards should be used instead: //LINKL.FT33F001 DD VOLUME=REF=2272Z17,DISP=SHR, X // bCB={RECFNM=FBSs LRECL=8L,BLKSIZE=3200)» X /7 DSNAIPE=AZ 4G4 .P35614.C12073,BAUMANG A °To omit detailed output, replace these two cards with the following: //GOFTOSFO01 DD DURNY d'For plotting only. Otherwise, omit this card so that no plotting tape will be mounted. 6.2 The input/output devices are listed in Table 6.1. ROD requires a minimum core region allocetion of 120CK bytes (300K words)- Table 6.1. Input/Output Devices Used for the ROD Program mzil Stepneme - ddname Use 1 Gfp.FTOLF001 Disk-scratch 2 Gp.FTO2F001 Tepe or disk — cross section 1ibrary 4 G . CRITAPE Tape, for plotting, O track 8 G .FTOSF0O01 Auxiliary output 9 G . FTO9FO01 Standard output 10 G@.FT10F001 Stendard input 33 LINK.FT33F001 Tape or disk for ROD Cross-8ection Tape The cross-section tape used by ROD is in the same format as that used by the code CITATION.® This binary tape is normally prepared by the code XSDRN* but may be prepared from cards using the CITATION auxiliary program. The format for a cross-section set on the tape is given in Table 6.2. The n,2n reaction, if any, is included in the fission cross section as follows: * true Op = O, + °h,2n s ¥ true r = Voo + 2.0X Gn’2n s ¥ > ¢ el “f where 0" and " are reported on the cross-section tape. f 6.3 Table 6.2. Format of the ROD Cross-Section Tape Record Number Vexriable Name Description 1 (TPTIT(I),I=1,18) TPTIT T2 character title for set 2 NTYFE,NTAPE,NGT, NDS,NUS NTIYPE Not used NTAPE Number of nuclides in set NGT Number of energy groups in set NDS Not used NUS Not used 3 (FUS(I),I=L,HGT), (ET(1),I=1,NGT), (EM(I),I=1,NGT) FUS | ET EM Fission source distribution function by - group Upper energy of each discrete group (ev) Mean energy of each discrete group (eV), that is, the energy corresponding to the midpoint lethargy of the group Repeat records 4 and 5 for each nucligde. L NID,N2,N3,N:, NE:(AME(I);I=176): (TAB(I),I=1,60) 5 x5 2SR E Nuclide number Not used Not used Not used Not used 2L cheracter nuclide name Not used 6.4 Teble 6.2 (contd) Record . . 1= Nuzber Variable Name Description 5 (ALA(IG),FISS(IG), ALTR(IG),FNUS(IG), DUMMY, IG=1,NGT), ((m™w(IG,L),1=1,NGT, I1G=1,NGT) ATA(IG) Absorption cross section for group IG FIss(IG) - Fission cross section for grouwp IG ALTR(IG) Transport cross section for group IG FNUS(IG) Neutrons/fission for group IG UMMy Not used PMU(IG,L) Total scattering from group IG to group L € NEND NEND Closure record {==1) As many sets as desired may be included on the tape, but only five may be used by the ccde for any given case. €.5 The “Be(n,d) cross section is treated specifically by MODRIC nu- clides number L and 7O so that the buildup of ©1i from ®Be may be treated explicitly. For ®Be (MODRIC nuclide number L) the group 1 absorption cross section on the tape is given by ot(1) = o (1) + of _ (1) . n,zn We say that and create a MODRIC nuclide number 70O such that 679(1) = o (1) . n,o The cross-section tape must have nuclides number 4 and 70 on it, in that order, where the cross sections listed for nuelide 7O are all zero. ROD Subroutines The subroutines in ROD, with their fumction and the location from which they are called, are given in Table 6.3. 6.6 Table 6.3. The ROD Subroutines Subroutine Called From Description A. Tnput and Caleulation Subroutines MATN Control calculation. ZER@ MATN Zeroes cammon. SPLIT General input. PART2 SPLIT Diffusion caleulation input. RPCS1 MATN Processes microscopic cross section tape. CIN MAIN Equilibrium caleunlation input. BTMZD ERCUT Converts the equilibrium material densi- ties to the form used by the diffusion calculation. (Entry point in CIN) MgD3cC MATIV Diffusion calculation. CRSCH MFD8C Criticality search. RCSHN DPALL,MZDEC Performs & geometry-dependent region boundary correction on flux snd fission density integrations. SAMMY MZD3C Calculates k-effective for two-dimensional synthesis, ERCP MAIN,MfiDSC Argument = 0: Calculates ebsorptions, fissions, and neutrons produced by nuclide and region. Argument = 9: Two.dimensional synthesis; normalizes dimensior one results to dimension two, and sets up the linkage be- tween the diffusion caleculation and equi- librium calculation. DPALIL MATW,MODSC Argument = 2: Computes region densities PART2 fror material densities. Argument = 3: Modifies densities after criticality search. Argument = -%: Corrects macroscopic cross sections after criticality search. Argument = 5: Calculates a complete set of macroscopic c¢ross sections. Argument = 6: Calculates mesh end region boundaries. 6.7 Table 6.3 {contd) Subroutine Called From Deseription ERCM CYCIB ERCJUT HISTRY FLUX @UTSET EPSILN TIGHT SLACK BELL SET ERCM ERCM ERCEUT ERCM, MATN Argument = 7: Fission density normalization. Equilibrium calculation. Recyele calculation. Fuel-cycle and economics calculations. Time ~deperdent calculation. Argument = 1: Performs the linkage to the optimization routine. Calculates the objective function. Argument = 2: Performs the linkage from the optimization routine back to the dif- fusion-equilibrium calculation. Assures that the super region volume fractions sum to wnity by modifying the final ma- terial (moderator) volume fraction. Re- calculates the diffusion volume fractions. Performs the boundary wvariable manipu- lation. Argmment = 3: Calculates the region vol- umes and the equilibrium material volumes. Treats the processing equations by calcu- lating removal efficiencies. Optimization routine. Calculates true flux arnd aversge fission power density. Controls the output options in optimization. Multiplies all convergence epsilons by an input constant (varisbles-specified cases only). Divides all convergence epsilons by an input constant. Muitiplies all convergence epsilons by an input constant. Interfaces a special fission-product treatment. Stores a set of material densities, fluxes, and -fission densities for use at a later time. 6.8 Table 6.3 (contd) Subroutine Called From Deseription RESET MATIY Restores the previously saved material densities, fluxes, and fission densities. (Entry point in SET) BEUND ALLDg Changes region thicknesses when the bound- ary variable option hes been specified for an optimization or varigbles-specified case. FIXQ CIN Input processing routine. BLPCK itializes CPMMPN/PRESET/. DATA B. Edit Subroutines EDOL SPLIT Edits nuclide number correspondence table. EDO2 SPLIT Edits super region subregion correspondence. EDO3 ALID@, SPLIT Edits super region volume fractions. EDO4 ALIDS, MAIN Edits region thickness, mesh spaces, cross- section set, whether fissionable, distance to start of region, and distance to end of region. ZD05 MATN its super region volumes and meterial volumes. EDOT MATIN,MZDSC Edits macroscopic cross sections. EDOS MATN Edits the material densities after the equilibrium calculaticn. EDO9 MATN,M@D3C Edits homogenized region densities. ED1C MATN Edits processing information. ED12 MATN Edits group neutron balance. ED13 ERCP,MAIN Edits absorptions, neutrons produced, and fissions by nuclide and region. ED1h MATN Edits optimization summary table. ED15 MATN Edits total region absorptions, neutrons produced., fissions, and ratio of pro- duccions to absorptions. ED16 MATN Edits forward leskage, transverse leakage, absorption, fission, and neutrons produced by region. 6.9 Table 6.3 (contd) Subroutine Called From Description EDL7 SPLIT ¥dits plotting input cptions. ED18 SPLIT Edits diffusion calculation convergence and econtrol information. ED20 MAIN Edits true flux, Tission density, and aversge fission power density. ED21 ED22, ERCAUT Edits short summary table of the eguilibe rium caienlation results. The table in- cludes breeding ratio, eta, vield, fuedl- cycle cost, fissile inventory and proces- sing losses. ED22 ERC@UT Fdits equilibrium calculation summary table. ED22E ERC@UT Edits equilibrium calculation summary table. (Entry point in ED22) ED23 ERCfiUT Edits fission-product densities and absorp- tions for material one only. ED2k ERCP Edits input to equilibrium calculation ' from diffusion calculation. The table in- cludes densities, absorptions, neutrons produced, and fissions by nuclide and meterial. D25 WLKEP Edits input for an optimization case. ED26 MATN Edits input for a varisbles-specified case. ED27 ERCHUT Edits input to HISTRY from MERC. cguT CIN Edits input for ERC. GONE WLKEP Bdits debugging information for opti- mization. DIVID MATN Controls case heading printout. FHLPR DIVID Prints case heading. BIFCK Initializes C@MMPN/LETTER/. Stores DATA characters to be printed. HT SPUT HISTRY Edits results from HISTRY. 6.10 Teble 6.3 (contd) Subroutine Called From Deseription C. Plotting Subroutines SETPLT MATN Initializes plotting packsage. ELAPLT MATW Sets up the fluxes t¢ be plotted. ADDTIY FLXPLT Puts additional heading on plots. PLTTRM MATN Terminates plotting. GEGPLT Never called Dummy subroutine. @PTPLT MATN Dummy subroutine BPLATS FLXPLT BLAR BPLT XY BPLYT L3 BPL@T TITLE BPLYT LINE BPLYT LINSCL BPLYT HIST BPLET CRTGRD RPLAT RANGE BPLYT D. Additional System Subroutines and Functions Required ALGG BPL#T,RPCS1 Natural logarithm function. ALPG1O CRTGRD Commor. Logarithm function. cgs PART2 Cosine function. CRT™ BPL#T,CRTGRD, HIST, LINE, PLTTRM, SETPLT, TITLE CRTNUM™ ADDTIT,1G,XY CRTSYM ™ ADDTIT,BPLAT, 1G,LINE, TLTLE EXP ERCM,MATN Exponential function. 6.11 Table 6.3 (contd) Subroutine Called From Descripction ICcLfcK CLN,ERCM, Returns CPU time in hundredths of seconds. ERC@UT ,MATN, MPD3C , WLKEP IDAY DIVID Returns the date as 8 EBCDIC characters. SLITE MATN,PART2 Alters status of sense lights. SLITET MATN Tests and records status of sense lights. SQRT ELISTRY Square root functiorn. ®Plotting routines for a CALCEMP model 835 cathode-ray tube plotter. T.1 CHAPTER T THEORY MODRIC~-ERC™ MODRIC is a typical neutron-diffusion-theory code. It allows 50 neutrcn enexgy groups with downscattering from a group to any of the following ten groups. It has been medified in ROD, where ornly 15 energy groups are permitted, but where a multiple-thermal group treatment with upscatter has been added. It will perform concentration searches on specified elements. The output consists of critical concentrations, group macroscopic cross sec- tions, normalized nuclear events (absorptions, fission, leakage, etc.) by region and group, absorptions and fissions by material and region, group flux distributions, and fission density distributions. The basic MODRIC equations are given in Appendix B. Basically, ERC solves two main equations. They are: Wiy 2 = Qij + R,,+ F,.+ T,.+ D, v . . i] iJ i ij j at Equation (7.2) is just the conservetion requirement, saying that enough fissiie material must be added (or removed) in iteration s to overcome the neutron production deficiency (or excess) in iteration (s-1). These are inner iterations in ERC. The terms are defined as: *This section has been largely excerpted from Ref. 2. Subscripts: i = j= k = 7.2 volume of stream j, cm”, atams of nueclide 1 per barn cm of stream ], time, sec, feed rate of nuclide i into stream j, atoms/sec, rate of production of nuclide i in stream j due to recycle from other streams, atoms/sec, rate of production of fission fragment i in stream J, atoms/sec, rate of production of nuclide i in stream J due to neutron sbsorptions in other nuclides, atoms/sec, rate of production of nuclide i in stream J due to radio- active decay of other nuclides, atmms/sec, rate coefficient for loss of nuclide i in stream Jj because of neutron capture, atoms/sec/atam/tarn cm, rate coefficient for loss of nuclide i in stream j because of radioactive decay, atoms/sec/atom/barn cm, rate coefficient for loss of nuclide i in stream j because of processing removal, atoms/sec/atcm/barn cm, rate coefficient for production of nuclide i in stream j because of recycle from stream j, atoms/sec/atom/barn om, neutrons produced per fission in nuclide i, reaction rate coefficient, number of fissions in nuclide 1 per atom/barn cm in stresm j in region k per fission neutron born in reactor, reaction rate coefficient, number of absorptions in nuclide i per atom/barn cm in stream j in region k per fission neutron born in re=ctor. nuclide, stream, or material, region. The use of stream and region indexes allows reactors with two or more streams in the same region to be analyzed. 7.3 The sequence of ccmputations goes es follows. MODRIC, with trial velues of the Nij’ calculates absorption rates which are comverted (in ERC) to the reaction rate coefficients, Cijk' These are used in Eq. (7.1), with specified feed and removal rates, to calculate new values of the Nia' Equaticn (7.2) then indicates the adjustment to be made in the con- centration of & key fissile nuclide in order to restore the balance be- tween neutron productions and losses. Since this new concentration is no longer consistent with the solution of Eq. (7.1l), an adjustment in feed rate, Q,l , or removal rate coefficient, 940 must be made and Eg. (7.1) solved again for a new set of N'j s, which are then tested sgain in Eg. (7.2). This sequence of computations is indicated in Fig. 7.1. Note that an essential step in the ERC inmer iteration, not shown on Fig. 7.1, is the adjustment of Q1 or qia by application of & single equation from the coupled set, Eq. (7. 1) with the adjusted 11"" obtained from Eg. (7.2), prior to the next complete solution of the system of equations, Eq. (7.1), with the revised feed or removal rate. The equilibrium concentration calculations in ERC use reaction rate coefficients (C ) obtained from an earlier MODRIC calculation. How=- ever, the 1n1t1a1 concentrations used in the MODRIC calculetion will not, in general, sgree with the equilibrium concentrations computed by ERC. ‘This new set of concertrations will alter the neutron spectrum and flux distribution, thereby changing the reaction rate coefficieats. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat the MODRIC criticality calculation with the latest value for the estimated concentrations to get new reaction rate coefficients. This process is repeated until the MODRIC and ERC con- centraticns converge. The reaction rate coefficients (Cijk) used in ERC are spectrum- averaged cross sections which are available directly from MODRIC. The MODRIC calculation gives Aik and VFik’ the absorptions and neutron pro- ductions in nuclide i in region k, normalized to 1.0 total neutron pro- duced. The distribution of nuclear events between multiple streams in a region is accomplished by introducing the stream volume fractions, fjk’ in this manrer: T4 ORNL ING 64-3815 First guess at concentrations § 1 wome I | | | l Calculate keffv] I | Is | A | Ne Yes ' l [ Chenge Conc. | L T e e e ERC ’r-HCalculate equ:.]ibrnm doncentrations | : l {Calculate concentrat;on to make keps=1.0 I l Do these two concentrations l # agree? l | No Yes | o —— — Do MODRIC and ERC agree on all concentrations? Yes Is maximum number of iterations exceeded? et~ Fig. 7.1. MERC Flow Diagram. -5 _ ,r8boms of 1 in stream J in region Kk . A sk = %k’ (T otoms of T In remion & ) s (7.3 atoms of i in stream j in region k) (7.14) = VyFo atoms of i in regiom k Vi Fige = ViFax The multiplying factor in each term is atoms of i in stream j in region k Nij Jk ( ) = (7.5) atoms of & in region k ? where the units omn these factors are N . = atoms of i in stream j (7.6) ij barn om of stream j : £, - cm> og st.ream.j in region k (7.7) cn- of region k The nuclide, stream, and region dependent absorption and production terms are automatically transferred from the MODRIC link to the ERC link of the MERC calculation. ERC cobtains the reaction rate coefficients (in- tensive quantities) from the absorption znd production terms (extensive quantities) by dividing by Nij , the stream concentration A, c;'jk = fi:.g.}' ’ (7.8) ij v, F, i Tijk ; Yitisk = _‘N:]L . (7.9) ‘The absolute reaction rate coefficient (Cy jk) is obtained in the ERC calculation using the total neutron production rate as determined by the reactor power 'c'f‘jk = C?.;jk X 3.1 X 10% p ¥ X 10*2% | (7.10) where 7.6 3.1 X 10%*© P v number of fissions/sec/megawatt, power level in megawatts, average numter of neutrons produced per fission = N, iklj%flvi ) S (7.11) T N.. C. T T 1K A similar argument applies for the fission reaction rate. The ERC equations, including those for calculation of inventories and fuel-cycle costs, are given in Appendix A. Two-Dimensional Synthesis The two-dimensional synthesis in ROD is based on the assumption that for a symmetrical cylindrical reactor, the shape of the flux distribution in the axisal direction everywhere is well represented by the flux distri- bution along the axis, end similarly that the shape of the flux distri- bution in the radial direction everywhere 1s well represented by a radial flux distribution at the midplane. The complete spatial flux distri- bution may then be inferred from two one-dimensional calculations, one along the axis and the other along & radius at the midplane. The two-dimensional synthesis is implemented in the MODRIC section of ROD as follows: Starting from an assigned initial flux distribution (e.g., cosice), a new set of fluxes and ncutron reaction rates is calculated, for the first neutron energy group, along the reactor axis. At each region boundary, the net transport of neutrons (for the group) across the bound- ary is calculated. The user may select an appropriate boundary (e.g., that of the core region) where a buckling is caleulated for use in the second dimension. Still for the first ensrgy group, a new set of fluxes and reaction rates is calculated for the radial dimension. The radial fluxes are normalized to the axial dimensiorn. The buckling cbtained from the first dimension may be applied to specified regiors to calculate the transveise leakage or net transport of neutrons transverse to the line of calculation. TeT The reactions of these neutrons are assigned to the various nueclides and regions in proportion to the reaction rates obtained for specified regions selected from the first dimension (the transverse leakage distribution regions). A%t the same time the net forward transport of neutrons across each boundary is caleulated, from which an appropriate boundary may be selected for the caleulation of a buckling to be used in the first dimension. MODRIC then performs the same calculations for each of the remaining energy groups in twn. The reactions from the axial and radial calcu- lations including the transverse distribution reactions are summed and normalized to give the required fission rate. MODRIC iterations are cone tinued until the flux, fission density, and k__ . convergence criteria £ are met. OFTI The optimization routine (OPTI) is based on the method of steepest ascent. It permits up to 20 reactor parameters to be varied, within limits, in order to find a maximum (or minimum) in a specified objectifie funetion, calculated from the MERC output (see Chapter 5, paragrapk D-1), It requires two links with MERC; one to transmit the values of the vari- ables to MERC at the start of the celeulation, and another to calculate and return to OPTI the resulting value of the objective fumction. Starting values, and ranges, defined by upper and Xcwer limits, are supplied for each variable. OPTI transmits the startirg values to MERC, which runs a base-point case and returns the base-point result (value of the objective function). OPTI then changes the first variable by a small increment (ALPHA, a specified fraction of the range) and obtains a new objective function result from MERC to approximate the (partial) derivetive of the objective function with respect tc the Pirst variable: 2.2 2 i i where 7.8 0 = objective function, Xi = variable i. By this method, derivatives are calculated for each varisble in turn. The derivatives determine the direction of a vector (in hyperspace) origi- nating at the base point and extending in the direction of the most rapid increase in the objective function, that is, the path of steepest ascent. OPTI now changes th= values of all the varigbles simultaneously in order to teke steps along this vector. The variable with the largest derivative is changed by a unit, (BETA, & specified fraction of its range), while each of the other variables is changed by a fraction of a unit, determined by the ratio of its derivative to the largest derivative. At the end of each step, a new value for the objective function is obtained from MERC. OPTL compares this velue with the previous one; if it is greater, by a speciried increment, OPTI proceeds with another step; if not, a parabola is fitted to the last three points along the vector, and the maximum of the parsbola is taken as a new base point. If the value of the objective function a2t the maxdimum of the parabola does not exceed the value for the last successful step, the parabolic fit is rejected and the last successful step is taken as the new base point. Additional optimization cyecles, like the one just described, are started from each new base point, until the increase in the objective function in the last cyecle is less than a specified inecrement, or until no successful step 1s found in the cycle. OPTT can then decia:re the last base point to be the optimum, and terminate the search, or can reduce the size of the increments (ALPHA and BETA) and carry the search further. Reducing the size of the increments increases the precision of the optimization; in particular, the finite-difference approximation to the deriva.tivé approaches the true value as the increment ALPHA approaches zerc. In practice, the precision of the optimization is limited by the precision of the calculation of the cbjective function; e.g., in ROD, byv the precision of the MERC calculation. The increments must not be reduced to the point that the vector calculations founder in the imprecision of the reactor calculations. 1.9 The steepest ascent method works very well for regular response surfaces; however, in many practical problems the response.surface forms a sharp ridge; the steepest ascent method is notoriously inefficient for such cases. beczuse the path of the search tends to zig-zag back and forth across the ridge. However, accelerztion methods have been developed which handle such problems fairly well. Two acceleration methods avail- able in OPTI are the "psrallel tangent' method and & method invented in the development of OPTIMERC called the "ridge analysis" method. Consider, for simrlicity, a two-variable problem, so that the response surface can be represented b, & contour map in which the x and y coordi- nates are the two variables, expressed as fractions of their range, and the contour height is the wvalue of the objective function. For the case of a regular response surface, the maximum, or peak, is surrounded by nearly circular contours as shown in Fig. 7.2, so that a vector indicating the path of steepest ascent points toward the meximum. But suppose that the contcurs are elliptically elongated, fcrming a sharp ridge, as shown in Fig. T7.3. A vector indicating the direction ol steepest ascent from any random point {except on the ridge) now points across the crest of the ridge rather than toward the peak. Consequently, the search path tends to zig-zag back and forth across the ridge, gradually working up toward the peak (vectors Vi to Vg, Fig. T.3). The "ridge analysis" method is based on the observation that the derivative, d0/dY, with respect to = dominating variable will change sign every time a vectsr crosses a ridge. If the Y component of the succeeding vector is decreased by & suitable factor every time d.O/d.Y changes sign, the X componert beccmes relatively more important and the vectors {Rz to Ry, Fig. 7.k) tend to follow the ridge. The "parallel tangent” method is based on the observation that alter- nate base points tend to line up along a ridge. When this is so, a vector determined by two alternate base points will point toward the peak (vector P, determined by base points Vz and V., Fig. 7.5). Both methods may be used similtaneously (veetor Kfs, determined by base points Rp and Ry, Fig. 7.6). The ridge-analysis method is "free", that is, it does not require that additional cases be calculated. The parallel-tangent method, since T.10 ORNL-DWG 71-1887 Vv, END START Fig. T.2. Surface. Path of Hypothetical Optimization for a Regular Response Fig. 7.3. Surface. T.11 ORNL-DWG 71-1888 Path of Hypothetical Optimization for a Ridged Response 7.12 ORNL-DWG 71-1885 R, - / / START RZ/ V:,, Vz X Fig. T.4. Path of Hypothetical Optimization Fmploying the Ridge- Analysis Technique. 7.13 < = - v, > - w - B o ~ T - - w b et N v o = L= o “~} - o L = 2 — o Fig. 7.5. Path of Hypothetical Optimization Employing the Parrslel- Tangent Technigue. ORNL-DWG 71-2566 X Fig. 7-6. Path of Hypothetical Optimization Employing the Ridge- Analysis and Parallel-Tangent Techniques Simultaneously. 7.15 it employs an "extra" (P) vector not in the normal series, requires that at least one additional casre be calculated tc determine whether any successful steps can be taker along the P vector. In ROD, the ridge-analysis method is used in calculating every vector after the first, and the parallel-tangent method is used to calculate "RP" vectors after every normal vector following the third. Experieace has shown that the RP vectors, although much of their work may have al- ready been done by the ridge-analysis method, are successful often enough to justify using both methods together. Another phenomenon, the "end effect”, occurs as the optimum is approached. It occurs because the epproximetion to the derivative is one-sided; that is, the increment is taken in only cme (the positive) direction. If a2 variable is at about its optimum value, irnuireasing or decreasing its value can only give a poorer result; therefore, the one- sided approximation to the derivative becomes negative as the optimum is approached, whereas the trne derivetive would approach zero. Toward the end of the optimization, oftten all the derivatives but one have beccme negative. The presence of one positive derivative means that one vari- eble, at least, must have a more favorable value; it mey be, however, that no successful step is fourd. This can occur when the variables with negative derivatives are actually at asbout their optima, so that stepping in either the positive or negative direction would be unfavorable. As the varisble with the positive derivative is scepped toward its optimum, the others .tep off {heir optima, and the net :fect is an unsuccaessful step. There are several theoreticel solutions to this problem; the most obvious is tc use a two-sided approximation to the derivative. However, this would - ouble the number of cases required to caleculate derivatives. We have elected to provide two options that require no additional cases. The first is to apply the reduction in the ridge-analysis factor whenever the derivative is negative (in addition to whenever it changes sign). Thus variables with consistently negative derivatives are restrained more and more as the optimization proceeds. The other is to limit the move- ment of variables with negative derivatives (by a factor of 0.01) after a normal first step along a vector has been unsuccessful. This is done 7.16 instead of the interval scan described below. The procedure is bypassed when the derivatives are either all negative or all positive. Another procedure in OPTI, called the interval scan,is used when the first step along & vector is unsuccessful. It runs one or more cases along the vector in the interval between the base point arnd the first step, starting a factor of 0.6 from the base, to test whether the optimum might lie in this interval. If one or more successful steps are taken in this intervel, the usval parsbolic fit is applied; if not, the cycle is considered unsuccessf:il. HISTRY The premise of the HISTRY code is that a great amount of useful information can be obtained from a simple time-dependent reactor calcu- lation when a good set of average reaction rates are available for the principle nuclides in the fertile-fissile chain. HISTRY can give an approximation to the time-dependent fuel.cycle analysis of a reactor, adequate for many purposes (e.g., conceptual design studies) where the effort of a full space-energy-time dependent calculation meyr not be Justified. HISTRY solves the time-dependent material.balance equations for the chain of 12 nuclides beginning with ®°2Th and ending with ®#%pu. A1l other neutron absorbers are lumped together into two groups; the fixed absorbers, mainly moderator, core structure, and fuel carrier nuclides, and the fission products. The fission products may be treated either as & fixed poison, or as a poison which builds-in as a parabolic function during the cycle. The first step in HISTRY is a criticality search. Thne initial ke is adjusted so that keff nizclides or mixtures of nuclides may be designated for feed or for sale ‘depending on whether or not the reactor is breeding at the given time- step). After the critical concentrations are determined, the concen- trations of the other nuclides at the end of the time-step are calculated from the material-baslance eguations. The above calculations are repeated ff will average 1.0 over each time step, Various for as many time-steps as specified over the reactor cycle. For the case .17 of batch processing, the reactor lifetime may be divided into several batch processing cycles. HISTRY celculates atom densities, inventories, neutron absorptions and productions, and purchases or sales for each nuclide as & function of time. The time-averaged atom densities are calculated and returned to MERC for the next iteration. The fuel and carrier costs are calculated by the discounted cash fiow method. 9.1 CHAPTER O REFERENCES J. Replogle, MODRIC — A& One-Dimensional Diffusion Code, USAEC Report K-1520, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Sept. 6, 1962). L. G. Alexander et al., The MERC-1 Equilibrium Reactor Code, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-847, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Apr. 22, 196L). J. R. Copper and W. L. Kephat, Some Improvements in the Gradient Search Method of Optimization, USAEC Report K-DP-1063, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (December 1965). T. B. Fowler and D. R. Vondy, Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis (Code: CITATION, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-2496, Osk Ridge Natiomal Laboratory (July 1969). N. M. Greene and C. W. Craven, Jr., XSDRN: A Discrete Ordinates Spectral Averaging Code, USAEC Report ORNL-IM-250C, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (July 1949). R. Q. Wright, BPL@T, A Generalized Fortran Plot Package for the IBM 3éC, TIDBITS, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1968. LPPENDICES Subscrigts Name TguEes Al Appendix A THE ERC EQUATIORS Description Nuclide number Material number Number of material fram which recycled Nuclide number, processing source Nuclide number, transmutation source Nuclide number, decay source Nuelide number of reference feed nuclide Delayed neutron group number Input Variabies (in order of appearance in equations) Name P CIMI MATS SCE GPTIME M655 AMASS BETA AMA3 B35 B56 XE21 Description Power, MW(th) Initial atom density in material stream, atoms/barn cm Number of materials Fraction processed Fraction removed or lost in processing Processing cycle time Fission product yield Feed option Feed rate, kg/day Atomic weight Decay constant Atom-density option Delayed neutron fraction Delayed neutron decay constant Residence time, in core, sec Residence time, out of core, sec Fixed poison fraction A.2 Name Description L22N1 Array, nuclide numbers of fertile nuclides 12282 Array, nuclide numbers of fissile precursor nuclides 122D Array, nuclide numbers of fissile nuclides 123D Array, nuclide numbers of fissile nuclides 120N Array, nuclide mumbers of fissile nuclides LZ0N Array, nuclide numbers of lissile and fissile precursor nuclides L30D Array, nuclide nwmbers of fissile nuclides N2lL Array, nuclide numbers of fissile nuclides ™ Holdup time in processing plant, days TR Operating time on reserve fuel, days F36 Plant factor E36 Thermal efficiency Value, in system, $/kg Interest rate, fraction per year Unit processing cost, weight basis, $/ke Processing plant unit cost, $ gfi&ififi Processing cost, reference, volume basis B5T Scaling factor Value of feed, $/kg S Camputed Variables ffffi geiigizi Description F 1 Fission rate, fissions/sec X 10%¢ CIM 2,25,26, Atom density in material stream, atams/barn-em 29-35 CAP 3 Neutron capture rate CA Neutron absorption rate CF Neutron fission rate B Total neutron absorptions W™ Mean nu CN Neutron production rate oo efiziog FVB 6 S16 T R 8 v SDC RCF TS FI3S 9 CRoL 10,12,13, 2 FRATE 11,1416 TRSK 24 BDS 17 PRS 18 D 19 TRAS 20-23 FFFS 36 BR 37 ETA 3 ST 29 FI Lo,k1 RSI 42,43 T@TT Lh FISSI 145 PL 46 YIELD 47 FRTE 48 FRTEI 49 PDRTE 50 PDRAT 51 PCRTE 52 A.3 Description Neutron balance, neutrons produced per absorption Total neutrons produced External recycle rate (recycle to material from other materials) Material volume, cm® Discharge concentration (SDC = CIM for fluid-fusl reactors) Recycle fraction = GPTIME(1l). Reference processing cycle time, days Fission product source Processing source (internal recycle) Feed rate, atoms/sec Capture sink Decay sink Processing sink Decay source Transmutation source Fraction of fissions in material 1 Breeding ratio Mean eta Inventory in reactor system, kg Inventory in processing plant, kg Inventory in reserve, kg Inventory total, kg Totel fissile inventory, kg Fissile loss in processing as fraction of burnup Fissile yield, percent of fissile inventory per year Feed rate, by material, kg/dey Feed rate, total, kg/day Production rate, by material, kg/day Procduction rate, total, kg/day Processing rate, by material, kg/day Nme e FCRIEI 53 PE36 54 FCIC 55 FCICI 56 RC 51,58 RCI 59 PC 60 PCI 61 SV STS PCR 62 PCRI 63 FCC 64 ANDX 65 ANDI 66 RPIV 67 CPIV 68 TETAIT 69 RSIV T0 CALC T1-7k BCD I Al 6 A2 T A3 8 Al TS A 80 Equations in ERCM Fission rate Ak Description Processing rate, total, kg/day Power, electrical, MW Inventory charges, by material, mills/kwhr(e) Inventory charges, total, mills/kwhr(e) Replacement charges, by material, mills/kwar{e) Replacement charges, total, mills/kwhr(e) Processing charges, by material, mills/kwhr(e) Processing charges. total, mills/kwhr(e) Material volume, £t~ Processing cycle time, days Production credit, by material, mills/kwhr(e) Production credit, total, mills/kwhr(e) Fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwhr(e) Neutron absorptions, by material Neutron absorptions, total, normalized to ETA Neutron captures, total, normalized to ETA Fissions, total, normalized to ETA Total inventory, kg Processing removal rate, kg/day Calculated value for recycle fraction Processing source (external recycle) Decay source Decay and removal sink Burnup Transmutation source Net sink F = P*3,1E.8 (A.1) A.S Atom density CIM(I,J) = ciMi(I,J) ell I,J (A.2) Capture rate CAP(I,J) = CA(I,J) - CF(I,J) I <50 (4.3) Total neutron gbsorptions MATS N200 B=y ), CIM(I,J)*CA(I,J) (A.b) =1 =1 Mean nu MATS 20 Y, CIM(I,J)*CN(I,J) J=1 I=1 = MATS 20 (4.5) Y ), CIM(T,T)*CF(I,J) J=1 I-1 Reutron balance FVB = F*VM/B (A.6) Total neutrons produced Is 5 IZl CIM(I,J)*CN(I,J) (A.7) O S16 = OIS 1 External recycle rate MATS Ir(1,2) R[1,J] = V(JPp)* SJP)* *(1.0- ;;,::l IPCZ_',IP(glg )*SDC(IPC,JP)*E(IPC,JP)*(1.0-SCE(IPC,JP) ) IPCLO *RCF(IPC,JP,J))/TS(IP)) (4.8) for IPCAI IPC=T end JPAT A.6 Fission product source 13 FISS(I,J) = FVB* p, CIM(LZ,d)*CP(1J,J)*¥(I,J) IJ=1 I > 21 except 2L Feed rate and processing source equations: For M655(I,J) = 0O il CRG4(I,J) = 0.0 FRATE(I,J) = 0.0 For M655(1,J) = 1 If IP(1+1,1) =TI I or If IP(I+1,2) = I CRSL(I,d) = 0.0 If TIP(I+1,1)#1 and IP(I+1,2){I CROL (T,d) = V(JI)*E(I,J)*(1.0-SCE(I,J))*RCF(I,J,J)/Ts(J) (4.9) (A.10) (4.11) (A.12) (4.13) FRATE(I,J) = CTM(I,J)*(TRSK(I,J +BDS(I,J)+PRS(I,J) - CRO4(I,J)) - (r(z,J) + FISS(I,J) + TRAS(I,J) + D(I,J)) For M655(I,J) = 2 FRATE(I,J) = (Q(I,J)/AMASS(I))*6.9710648 E-3 For M655(I,J) = 3 FRATE(I,J) = Q(I,J)*FRATE(ISTAR(I,J),J) Beta decay sink coefficient "BDS(I,J) = V{J)*AMBA(I) Processing removal sink coefficient PRS(I,J) = V{(J)*E(I,J)/Ts(J) (A.1h) (A.25) (A.16) —~ » | -] s (A.18) Beta decay source rate ID(I,2) D(I,T) = V(J) * ), CIM(IDL,J)*AMBA(ID1) (2.19) ID1=ID(I,1l) ID1£0 Transmutation source rate I7(1,2) TRAS(I,J) = FVB * ), CIM(IT1,J)*CAP(ITL,T) (4.20) IT1=IT(I,1) IT10 I <50 IT(1,2) TRAS(I,J) = FVB * ), CIM(ITL,J)*CA(IT1,T) (A.21) IT1=IT(I,1) IT1£0 I > SC TRAS(223,J) = FVB*CIM(222,J)*CA(222,T)*0.47 (A.22) TRAS(224,J) = FVB*CIM(222,J)*CA(222,J)*0.53 (A.23) Transmutation sink coefficient TRSK(I,J) = FVB*CA(I,J) (A.24) Atom-density equations: For N(I,J; =0 CIM(I,J) = CIMI(I,J) (4.25) For N(I,J) =1 If M55(1,F) =1 FRATE(T,J +R(T,J+FISS(I,J)+TRAS(I,J)+D(I,J) cmM(1,3) = TRSK(I,J)+BDS(I,J5+PRS?1}37:E§§Eff,J5 === (a.26) If M655(I,J7) £1 If IP(I+1,1) =1I cr If IP(1+1,2) =1 CRO4(I,J) = 0.0 (A.27) A.8 If IP(I+1,1) # I and IP(T+1,2) # I CROL(T,J) = V(J)*E(I,J)*(l.gSEJ§CE(I,J))*RCF(I;QJJ) FRATE(T,J)+R(I,J )+ FLSS(T,J +TRAS(Z,T)+D(I,J) CIM(I,T) = =kl T+ 505 (T 3)Ens T,J )=CRO%(L,d For N(I,J) = 2 MATS N200 MATS 50 CIM(I,T) = CIM(I,T) + Z=L =2 JI=1 II=1 CN(I,T) For N(I,J) = 3 CIM(I,J) = B*CIMI(I,J) For N(I,J) = & (Option for =°5U only) A3l = CIN(3,J)*CA(3,J) A51 = CIM(5,J)*CA(5,d) 211 = CIM(1,J)*CA(1,T) Al = cIM{%:,T)*CA(L,d) A2 = CIM(2,J)*CA(2,J) F31 = CIM(3,J)*CF(3,J) 51 = CIM(5,J)*CF(5,J) _A31L + AS1 - A1l - AW] + A21 + A21 FALE = ST - L) UAL = 3.452E-3*P*F36%Q(I,J)*FAf16 0.863EL*P*F36*CA(T,J) B2 = 73) TAR = ISTAR(I,J) BT1 = UB2*TAR (4.28) (A.29) (A.30) (A.31) A.9 _ %0 - EXP(~BT1) ET1 UAl UAB = Gp5 EIB = UAB - (Q(I,J)*(cMx(3,J) + CIMI(5,d)) CIM(I,J) = UAB - (EX1¥EIB) (4.32) For N(I,J) =5 (delayed neutron nuclide) MAS [15 N 1 > CIM(I,J) = B¥CA(T,T) * JVZI:=1 sz-lcm{K’M) CN(X,M) x 62 BETA(X, L) *(1.0-EXP(-AMA3 (L.)*B55) )*(1.0 - EXP(-AMA3(L)*B56)) AMA3 (L) *B55% (1.0-EXP{ ~-AMA5(L)* (B55 + B56) - I=1 (4.33) For N{(1,J) = € (fixed poison fraction) N21L(N21K) XE21L(T) * ), o CTM(X, 3 )*CA(K, T) K=N21L(21 - A. CIM(I,J) = SRCA(T T} (A.34) For N(I,J) =7 (1umped fission preoduct) 25:30 /, CIM(II,J)*CA(II,J) II=1 CIH(I,J) = B%CA(T,T INE(II,J)#0 for fission products treated specifically in MCDRIC. A.10 Equations in ERCPUT Freetion of fission in material 1 (fuel) NS5O ;l CIM(I,1)*CF(1,1) FFFS = gima 5 (A.36) Z Pf CIM(I,J)*CF(I,J) J=1 1I=1 Breeding ratio MaTS | L22NL (K22 ) 122N2 (K22n2) . CIM(X,J)*CAP(K,J) - 2 CIM(K,J)*CA(X,J) sr - =L K=122N1(1) K=122N2(1) - MATS 122D(K22D) CIM(X,J)*CA(K,J) (A.37) J=1 K=122D(1) Mean eta 4 = > (4.38) MATS 123D(K23D) CIM(K,J)*CA(X,d) J=1 K=L23D{(1) Material inventory in kg CIM(I,J)*V(J)*AMASS(I) I = AL SI(I1,J) = L502,5 J = 1,MATS (8.39) Processing inventory in kg T =1,16 SDC(T,I)*V(T)*E(T,I)*TR(J)*AMASS(T) T _ 'y pr(1,5) = 2L TS(}7*602-% = LA (4.40) Exception: If I =2 and IP(3,1) =2 or IP(3,2) = 2 J)*E(2,J)*AMASS(2 PI(2,d) = —J—Fy——(-y-g“——'i—lsnig;%*zés); ¢ 02?3 (A.%1) A-ll it PI(I,J) = 0.0y J = 1,MATS Reserve inventory in kg SI(I,d) = o.o} T = 17,N200 RSI(I,J) = 0.0 I = 1,N200 if N(I,J; £ 2 (a.42) J = 1,MATS If N(I,J) =2 0 Bil,2) FXVM * |CIM(I,J)*CA(T,T) - ), CIM{IX,J)*CAP(IX,J) oL B¥6C2.3 * AMAS*1.1*TR(J) (A.43) Total inventory in kg TPTI(I,T) = SI(I,J) + PI(I,J) + RSI(I,J) (A.LL) Fissicnable inventory in kg _ MATS L2ON(K29N) FISSI = Z‘, E SI(K,d) + PI(K,J) + RSI(K,J) (A.L5) J=1 K=I29N{1) Processing losses MATS 30N (K30N) Z Tg(g) * E SDC(K,J)*E(K,J)*SCE(K,J) I, = J=1 X=130N(1) (A.46) MATS L30D{K30D) CIM{K,J)*CA(K,J) J=1 K=L30D(1) FXVM B Yield _ 37.8%VM*P*F36%(BR-1.0-PL) YIELD FTAYFISST (A.LT) Feed rate ir kg/day FRTE{I,J) = FRATE(I,J)*AMASS(I)*143.4501 TT - tfis (A.48) £.12 MATS FRTEI(I) = ), FRTE(I,J) I = 1,N50 (A.49) J=1 Production rate in kg/day PIRTZ(I,J) = SDC(I,J)*V(J)*E(I,J%"S*gio - SCE(I,J))* AMASS(I)*143.4501 3 * ’J!;r (1.0 - RCF(Z,J,JP)) § - i’ggs (A.50) =1 7 MATS PDRAT(I) = ), PDRTE(I,J) I=1,8%0 (A.51) F=1 Processing rate in kg/day PCRTE(T, ) = SDC(I,J)*V(J);g%fiJ)*AMASS(I)')fll"3',"501 (4.52) I = 1,850 J = 1,MATS MATS FCRTEI(I) = J, PCRTE(I,J) I=1,50 (4.53) J=1 Power, electrical PE36 = P*E36 (A.54) Inventory charges in mills/kwhr(e) 0. L4 E-3*PTT(T,J)*WL(I,T)*W2(I) FCIC(I,J) = R (4.55) I = 1,50 J = 1,MATS MATS FCICI(I) = ), FCIC(I,T) I= 1,850 (4.56) Jd=1 AolB Replacement charges in mills/kwhr(e) 0.0417*FRTE(I,JT)*W5(I,J) RC(I,J) = P50 if M655(I,F) £ 0 RC(I,J) = 0.0 if M655(1,J) =0 I =1,N0 J = 1,MATS MATS RCI(I) = ), Ro(I,J) I =1,K50 J=1 Processing costs in mills/kwhr PCRTE(I,J)*W3(I,J)*0.0k1T P(I,9) = PE36 + W (I,J)*(PCRTE(I,J )*F36 )**R57*0,114E~3 PESG*F36 WINEW(I ,J)*0.0417 [S‘V(J)*E I J)] * T555 L= STs(Jg BT I = 1,850 J = 1,MATS MATS PCI(I) = ), PC(I,d) T = 1,550 Production credits in mills/kwhr(e) 0.0417*PDRTE(T, J)*W(I,J) I =-1,150 PCR(I,J) = PESS T = LMATS MAT'S PCRI(I) = ), PCR(I,J) I = 1,N50 71 (A.57) (A.58) (A.59) (4.60) (A.61) (A.62) (A.63) A1k Fuel-cycle costs in mills/kwhr(e) MATS NSO FCC = ), y, FCIC(I,J) + RC(I,J) + PC(I,J) - PCR(I,J) F=1 T=1 Neutron absorptions ANDX(I,J) = CIM(I,JT)*CA(I,J) MATS ANDI(I) = ETA * ), ANDX(I,J) J=1 Neutron captures MATS RPTV(I) = ETA * ), CIM(I,d)*CAR(I,J) J=1 Fissions MATS CPIV(I) = ETA * ), CTM(I,J)*CF(I,J) =1 Total inventory MATS TPTALI(I) = », SI(I,J) + PI(I,J) + RSI(I,J) Processing removal rate, kg/day MATS (A.64) (A.65) (A.66) (A.67) (A.68) (4.69) RSIV(I) = ;:1 SDC(IL,J)*V(J)*E(I,J)*SCE(T,T)*AMASS(T)*143.4501/T5(J) Equations in CYCI8 Recycle fractions If CAIC = 1.0 RCF(1,1,1) = 1.0 RCF(I,1,2) = 0.0 RCF(1,1,3) = 0.0 (A.70) A5 RCF(I,2,1) = 1.0 RCF(I,2,2) = 0.0 RCF(I,2,3) = 0.0 RCF(I,3,1) = 1.0 RCF(1,3,2) = 0.0 RCF(I,3,3) = 0.0 If CAIC < 1.0 M655(I,3) = O If J655(1,3) = 1 RCF(I,1,1) = CAIC A(I,1) - BCD(I,2) - BCD(I,3) CALC = BCD(T, 1) (8.71) If J655(I,J3) = 2 RCF(I,1,1) = CAIC RCF(I,2,1) = CALC RCF(I1,3,1) = CALC A(T,1) CALC = THTSTE T BN T RN (72 If J655(1,d) = 3 RCF(I,3,1) = CAIC _ A(1,1) - BCD(I,1) -~ BCD(I,2) C.AI!C = Bmf,j) (A'F{B) If J655(1,F) = 4 RCF(I,2,1) = CALC RCF(I,3,1) = CALC _ A(T,1) - BCD(I,1) ' CALC = 5D(1,2) - BOD(E,3) (h70) Processing source IP(I,2) BCD(I,J) = SDC(LAL,J)*V(J)*E(LAL,J)*(1.0 - SCE(IAL,J)) (A.75) 1AT=TP(1,1) TS(J) LALAD A.16 Decay source I0{(1,2) AU(I,1) = ), CIM(ID1,1)*V(1)*AMBA(TDL) ID1=ID(I,1) ID1{0 Decay and removal sink SDC(I,1)*E(I 1)] A2(I,1) = V(l)*[CIM(I,l)*W(I) + TS(1 Burnup A3(I,1) = CA(I,1)*CIM(I,1) Transmutation source IT(1,2) A(I,L) = ), CIM(ITL,1)*CAP(IT1,1) ITI=IT(I,1) IT1£0 Net sink A(I,1) = FVB*(A3 - A4) - AL + A2 (a.76) (A.TT) (A.78) (A.79) (A.80) Appencix B BASIC MODRTC EQUATIORNS The following description of the basic MODRIC equations is taken fram Ref. 1. The diffusion eguation which describes the neutron flux o9(r,g) at a point r in the reactor within the energy group g has the form: Vefb(r,g) + R(I,S) ¢(r,g) + S(r,g) =0, (B-l) where . g+10 R(r,g) = _]JS -5, (B.2) g-1 XP(@)+ 2 MU (r,i) g s = + g S(r,g) = g0 . ( .3) D(Aug) For the geometries here Vo9 = ¢” + -19_- ¢’ , where O fer a slab, 1l for a cylinder, 2 for a sphere. In order to state the problem in its entirety, it is convenient to change the notation so that the dependence of the variables and parameters on & particular energy group is omitted. Thus, the diffusion equation can P ] be written: ¢7(x) + £ ¢/(x) + R(r) ¢(r) + 5(r) = 0 . (B.4) The boundary conditicns at the origin (r = 0) and the outer bowndary (r = RN) are: * May include the extrapolated distance. B'E a$(0) + 2bD¢’ (0) = ¢ , (B.3) ap(Ry) + 2eD6’ (Ry) = £, (8.6) vhere &, b, ¢, 4, e, and £ are parameters which can vary with the energy group. Another type of boundary condition occurs between regions at radius RI. This takes the following form for an interface with no shell: [6(R;) = 208" (R)]_ = [(R,) — 20" ()], (B.7) [6(R) + 2D¢" (R)]_ = [$(Ry) + 2D¢’ (R)], , (8.8) where the - and + signs refer to values at the left and right of the interface respectively. An interface with a shell is a stubregion from RI to RJ with attenuation of the neutron currents given by the following: GROL#(R,) — 2p¢’ (R)]_ = RO[6(R;) — 208" (R )], (B.9) RLo(R,) + 209 (R)]_ = EEOL(R,) + 208" (R,)], (.10) Again, G and H can vary with energy group. The - and + signs refer to values to the left of RI and the right of RJ respectively. We can use Egs. (B.9) and (B.10) for the special case of no shell by setting BI = RJ. ¥or continuity of the flux and current across the interface, G = H =1, but thic is not necessary if desired otherwise. 3 é(r,g) B.3 Ncmenclature Radial distance for a cylinder or sphere, longitudinal distance through a slab lethargy group index Neutron flux per unit lethargy at distance r in group g Macroscopic absorption cross section” for group g Macroscopic scattering cross section” for heavy elements from group g to group 1 Macroscople fission cross section* in group g multiplied by the neutrons/fission Transverse buckling Iiffusion coefficient™ lethargy width of grouwp g Fraction of fission neutrons emitted in group g Fission density at distance r Removal term in diffusion equation Source term in diffusion equation * Assumed to be constant over & region, but can vary with g. Cll Appendix C FISSION PRODUCT TREATMENT® The fission-product reaction rate coefficient is obtained by reference to a specified standard absorber: CE?=CR£, (c.l) GB where CFP = fission-product reaction rate coefficient, CR = reference material reaction rate coefficient, GFP = effective fission-product absorption cross section, EB = effective reference material absorption cross section. Trhe effective cross section ratio is obtained from a two-group formulation: =FP (0191/¢p + GE)FP ;B - R (c.2) (01¢1/¢2 + Op) where , Uth J oé(u) du (RT) 0, = fast absorption cross section = ° - 2 y Uth Uth 82 = absorption cross section averaged over the thermal flux, ¢, = Fast flux, ¢> = average thermal flux. For a2 two-group treatment, all neutrons removed from the fast group must either be absorbed or leak from the reactor while thermal: Eg 1 =%, 62+ DB% . (c.3) Ignoring leskage, * This section has been revised from Ref. 2. 3z - zae/le . (C.%) Also, Oz =1 a.izoo ’ (C.5) where f = thermal spectrum factor = 4(;}) (¥-_%9—.—-—;73) for & Maxwell-~ Boltzmann distribution, cr§2°° = 2200 m/s ebsorption cross section. Substituting Zgs. (C.2), (C.4), and (C.5) in%to (C.1l) gives (K(RD) + 622090)FF c* - P , (C.6) x where = aps LRJ_ f o a = (K(RI) + c§2°°)3. K is calculated as foliows: K = WS, 1 < W-f—E—:.nput 5 z,a_a/z:Rl = value actomatically calculated by MODRIC for the camposition being studied. The nuclear constants for a 1/v absorber with a 2200 m/s cross section of 1.0 barns are built into the code. Therefore, the reference element mest correspond to an artificial element in MODRIC which has cross sectiors for a 1/v ebsorber with 0§3°° = 1.0. Certain important fission products may be calrulated explicitly by the mltigroup diffusion calculation in MODRIC, using fissiom product option 2. Cross sections for such nuclides must be provided in the usual format on the cross section tape. Appendix D THE PROCESSING STUDY OPTION An Alternative Calculation of Fission-Product Poisoning For some applications it is necessary to compute the fission-product poisoning using a model other than the first-order removal process con- sidered in the ERC calculations. An option has been provided in RCD with which it is possible tc call a subroutine, named BELL, to ve supplied by the user, to perform an alternstive calculation of the lumped fission- product poisoning (refer to card B-l). If this option is designated, equilibrium concentrations will be computed in the ERC calculation for only those nuclides trested explicitly in the MODRIC diffusion calculation. ¥When both the diffusion and equilibrium calculations have converged to within the specified limits for a given value of the limped fission-product concentration, the program will call subroutine RELL to obtain a new esti- mate of the lumped fission-product concentration. This subroutine is called with the following argument list: SUBRPUTINE BELL (C@NC, ABSRC, PR, Y, BAL, P8, SV, RIFAC, ALPHA, FCC, C@NCFP, ETA). The varisbles C@NC and ABSRC are each dimensioned for fifty values in the calling program end contain, using the ERC nimbering system, the atam densities, in atoms /fbarn-cm, and the relative sbsorption rates per unit atom density, gbsorption/(fissile absorption-atom/barn-cm), for the ERC principle nu- clides. The definitions of the remaining variables are: BR = breeding ratio, Y = fuel yield, percent per annum, BAL = ratio of two previous iterations of the converged equilibrium calculation, P8 = reactor thermal power, MW, SV = fuel salt volume, £t>, RIFAC = Tescpnance integral factor, flux per unit lethargy/thermal flux, ALPHA = spectrum-averaged neutron cross section for a 1/v absorber whose 2200 m/sec cross section is 1.0 bern, barus, FCC = fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwhr(e), D.2 C@NCFP H new value of lumped fission-product concentration computed by subroutine BELL, atoms/barn-cm, ETA = effective value of n€, neutrons produced/fissile sbsorption. Witk the exception of the variable CENCFP, the values of a1l the arguzents are computed by ROD for use by subroutine BELL. BRELL uses the information in the argument list, and an independent set of fission yields, decay schemes, thermal neutron cross sections, and resonance integrals to campute the fission-product inventories and poisoning for a given set of processing conditions. The individual fission-product poisonings are sumned, and this lumped fission-product poisoning is used to compute the concentration of t'ie reference 1/v absorber which would produce the same poisoning. This concentration is the value of the variable C@NCFP which is returned to the calling program in ROD. The diffusion and equilibrium calculations are repeated using the new value of the lumped fission-product concentration, and the process is continued until the lumped fission- product concentratlion from two successive iterations converges to within a8 predtermined relative error. At this point the entire process may be repeated for another set of processing conditions, or the calculations may be terminated. When using this option to calculate the poisoning by the lumped fission products it is necessary to remove the permanent fission product data from the ERC input and to specify atom-density option O on ERC input card B-22 for the lumped fission-product nuclide. This specifies that the value of the lumped fission-product concentration is not to be changed in the equilibrium calculation.