ED BY DIIE APR 1 fy7f RECE)V OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY %@&STER - operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 3253 DATE - February 10, 1971 MSRE PROCEDURES FOR THE PERIOD BETWEEN EXAMINATION " AND ULTIMATE DISPOSAL (Phase III of Decommissioning Program) R. H. Guymon ABSTRACT This document describes the condition of the MSRE and specifies procedures to be followed after the post-operation examinations and before the ultimate disposal of the fissile and radioactive material in the reactor. .The fuel salt will be kept frozen in the sealed drain tanks, within secondary containment whose only opening is through filters to a stack. OSurveillance will consist of remote monitoring and daily visits by X-10 plant personnel. Personnel access will be controlled by the security fence around the reactor building. The MSRE Procedures specify remedial actions for abnormal conditions. Also specified are procedures and responsibilities for maintensnce, modifications, and removal of surplus equipment. - Keywords: molten-salt reactors, MSRE; procedures, storage, surveillance, administration, containment, flowsheets, maintenance, operations, ORNL, plans, testing. NOTICE This document contains information of preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. it is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. PHISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITEP » ®) k1] £ iii Table of Contents ABSTRACT A. INTRODUCTION . B. DESCRIPTION AND NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS C. SURVEILLANCE . . . v ¢ ¢ & ¢ ¢ o o o o o Do DATA v v v v v v v e e e e e e e e e e e e 1. Control-Room Log . . . ¢« ¢ & v ¢ v v ¢ v o o« o @ 2. Periocdic Logs . ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢« v 4 ¢ o ¢ o e 0 o E. ABNORMAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . F. POWER OUTAGES. . & & & & v v v o o o o o o o &« Gl ANNUAL TASKS - . » - - a - - . - - - - - - - - * - - 1. Recombine Fluorine by Heating the Drain Tank . . 2. Pressure Test of the Reactor and Drain Tank Cells 3. FD-2 and FP Pressure . . « v v v v o o « o o « o b, Ventilation System . . . « v v v +v v v v o o o o . 5. RC Air Activity. . « ¢ ¢ ¢ v v ¢ v v v v v . W 6. Sump PUMPS « - + + + + ¢ v 4 4 e e e e e e e . T. MiscellaneoUs . . . + v . v v o & o o o o o + o« H. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS . + + & v v v o « o .« . . I. REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT _OR INSTRUMENTATION . . . . . . J. ACCESS CONTROL « 4 & o o s s o o« = o o o o o o « o o 4 K. ORGANIZATION AND CHANGES . + v v v v v o v o o o o . , REFERENCES « & « v v v v v o e oe o n e e e e e e e e i : is report Was prepared as an sccount of work o 'srphoifié;or:zd by the %nited States Government, Neither 1} the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy . " { Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of © 1 | their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, | makes any warsanty, express or implied, or assumes any -Jegal Mability or responsibility for the accuracy, com- |7 product or process disclosed, or represents that lts use +1-would not infringe privately owned rights. " pleteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, | Fa o F PASTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT [S UNLI} 10 10 10 17 25 26 26 28 29 29 30 30 31 3k 3k 37 38 40 i A. INTRODUCTION . The retirement or decommissioning of the MSRE involves several phases. Phase I is the period between the end of power operation and the post- operation exeminations, which is Phase II. Phase III is the interim period between the completion of the examinations and the final disposal which is Phase IV. | | During Phese III, some_of‘the information given in the MSRE Design and Opérations Reports (Refs. 1 through 9) and the facility drawings will still be applicable. Much of the eqfiipment will not be in service, however, and most of the procedures which were followed during operastion will no longer be‘applicable. This report describes the systems which will be used and specifies the normal conditions and surveillance required dufing Phase III. It also lists the more probablé_abnormal situations which could dévelop and prescribes remedial actions. The system of access controi, apprbvals required for maintenance and changes, and respdnsibilities are delineated. This document supersedes all previous operating procedures for the MSRE. ' B. DESCRIPTION AND NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS Most of the equipment and instrumentation involved during Phase III is shown in Figure B-1. Pertinent information on the instruments in service is given in Table B-1. Plan views of the building showing evacu- ation routes are shown in Figure B-2. The most often used abbreviations are given in Table B-2. Master, marked-up, copies of the flowsheets (D-AA-A-40880 to 40890), the instrument application drawings (D-AA-B-40500 to 40515) and the electrical power distribution drawing (E-2079L4-ED-153-D) will be kept up to date and avaeilable in the MSRE control room in | Building 7503. Another up~to-date set of drawings will be kept in the outermost room of the office building (Room 17, Building 7509). About one-half of the fuel selt (5,460 1bs) is stored in FD-1 and the other half (L4784 1bs) in FD-2. All of the flush salt (9,460 1bs) is °E 1 ——— TZAY | I oXD HCV-575 _—o#-D HCV-545 NORTH E SERVICE ot f oD KCV-513 N m ! ————- ! o '5: SAMPLER | ENRICHER - T & I | | | _ 3 e 'n MLV 833 [ HEAT EXCHANGER d 0 | - - ' ‘:,- 82 =/ 86" ¥ = vl ol = - 2 Jl - a3 2R B @ L o . Y e O-AA-Al4D s ACE T i} . . | REACTOR e 70 OTHER SUMP BALERY ~GEE | | | | | | | | I it s e o | ey e ———— —— 2 1 ORNL DWG. 71-2095 | 571-B " I ACB | l " siecY | 5388 SIBF Y ! S12-A paa 537 1 l ucv%o | 5654 @ HIGH ACTIVITY 8 COMPONENT COOLIMG L PUMPS ol EOUIPMENT _ BoeM 1 ShaNel | HGV- 930 B4A 930.30" FROM HI BAY SEE D-AA-A-4088 DN RM-5658 R-C l WILL CLDAE WOV-Ec5 N — 1 I L reseT 1 ] i L _D%38fr 927- 3a" — AND QOTHER AREH?‘S—D EAS o @_. DRAIN TANK CELL % I FIGURE B-| T MSRE FLOWSHEET T T T Twaug yameesn _gav"l = L 1 t FOR PHASE IO ‘ L : : ' TO WASTE TfiN_lf a;‘? E _ e I ’ LeP 2-8-N Fig. B-1l. sheet for Phase ITI i | i MSRE Flow [ | | B Table Bl *} A INSTRUMENTATION RS-81-C All annnnciators repeat at ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility (Building 3105). See calibration curve for conversion to flow. High activity indication (>20 mR/hr) on either RSS—SGS-B or -C will close HCV~-565. HERN Range switching is provided. Monitoring Facility (Building 3105). Read-Out Instrument Primary Element Annunciator* Switch No. Location Range No. Varidblg-Mbnitored No. No. Setpoint FI-S1 Stack Pnl. O-1 in. HpO = FE-S1 Stack Flow LI-RC-C ' TR 0-20 in. Hzo LE-RC-C RC Sump Level LI-DTC-A1 TR " LE-DTC-AL DIC Sump Level LI-FSC-A TR 0-52 in. Hp0 LE-DC-C DC Sump Level LI-FSC-A TR | " LE-FSC-A FSC-Sump Level ?_Jni FSC-A TR " LE-TC-A TC Sump Level LI-FSC-A TR " LE-SC-A SC Sump Level | LI-FSC-A TR " LE-WIC-A WIC Sump Level | e e -—~ LS-PRS Pump Room Sump Level XA-SD-8 LS-PRS ¢+ PI-ST2B ~ ACR 0-50 psig PT-572B FD-2 Pressure XA-SD-1 PS-572 42 psig PI-589A ACR 0-50 psig PT-592B FP Pressure XA-SD-2 PS-589 40.5 psig PI-92TA Stack Pnl. -8-0 in. Hy0 PI-92TA Stack Filter Inlet Suction XA-SD-3 PS-927 4-1 in. Hy0 PI-RC-A MCR -15-50 psig PT-RC-A RC Pressure XA-SD-4 PS-RC-1 41 psig RI-565-B ACR 0-100 mR/hr RM-565-B RC Air Activity XA-5D-5 RS-565-B 420 mR/hr RI-565-C ACR 0-100 mR/hr RM-565-C RC Air Activity XA-SD-5 RS-565-C +20 mR/hr RI-S1-A - ACR ###% RM-S1-A = Stack B,y activity XA-SD-6 RS-S1-A <6000 c¢/m RI-S1-B ACR. . #sx® RM-S1-B Stack o activity ¥A-SD-6 RS-51-B <6000 c/m RI-S1-C ~ ACR #AN® RM_S1-C Stack Iodine Activity XA-SD-6 | <6000 ¢/m These also indicate as well as annunciate at the ORNL Central Waste Table B~1 Instrumentation (continued) . Read-Out Instrumeht Primary Element Annuncia.tor* Switeh . No. Location Range No. Variable Monitored No. No. Setpoint RI-TO01 Hi Bay 0-5000 cpm RM=TOO1 Hi Bay Constant Air Monitor XA-SD-7 RS=-TOO1 4000 cpm RI-T012 Hi Bay 0-25 mR/hr RM-T012 Hi Bay Monitron XA-SD-T RS-T7012 25 mR/hr TR-SD-1-1 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FD1-10A FD-1 temp. ~- Probe TR-SD-1-2 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FD1~5 FD-1 temp. -- Bottom TR-SD-1-3 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FD1-15 FD-1 temp. —- Lower side TR-SD~1-4 ACR 0-1000°F 'TE-FD2-19A FD-2 temp. ~- Probe TR-5D-1-5 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FD2-5 FD=-2 temp. -- Bottom TR-SD—l-G ACR 0-1000°F TE-FD2-15 FD-2 temp. -- Lower side TR-SD-1-T ACR 0-1000°F TE-FFT-4 FFT temp. -- Bottom TR-SD-1-8 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FFT-11 FFT temp. == Lower Side TR-SD-1-9 ACR 0-1000°F TE-FFT-7 FFT temp. -- Mid Side TR-SD-1-10 ACR 0-1000°F TE-DTC-6 DTC temp, =- SE TR-SD-1-11 ACR 0~1000°F TE-RC-1 RC temp, = SW . . All annunciators repeat at ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility (Building 3105). » ‘ Range switching is provided. These also indicate as well as annunciate at the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility (Building 3105). ' . RRR ORNL-DWG 71-998 MAIN CONTROL ROOM HOT CHANGE ROOM | ] v N ~] BUILDING 7509 ’ — A I "z" T (orrice) HEALTH PHYSICS \ "o e } | J; HBH fl : l. .l m ‘,_—.] m l—|'————1—-| c 3 ‘.\ —— ; 1 \ - " — v [ i — atii— N r OF%ICE OFFICE OFFICE Vel /7 I ™~ _ DOWN INSTRUMENT i } I_]]" MAm\ i SHop L L : _ : A" D —— —— —— -—— CHANGE - H - N\ ROOM ] ~twntmet= SECURITY FENCE 1 == F w> v 7’| | = i " @ TURNSTILE {OUTBOUND ONLY) ‘ “85'%‘:3* ‘ CHFA%E I figfi::'s;:nw ) NTROL ROOM " I ‘\ ROOM fih:::: \ il [l cuaro PosT _ w LIQUID WASTE CELL Lt Ta PLOT PLAN— MSRE AREA | ' . ¢ ./ \ - - ’I’ T e ; \ REACTOR SAMPLER ™~ pumMP ROOM - y CELL ENRICHER gE|ow "z "‘ N \ - ~ PANELS BUILDING 7509 i 1 | . ~ 1 i —— OFFICE AREA { 4 ’ | ’ | I \ \ . ~ DRAIN TANK CELL > \ PARKING ! N g e s e e e | g 4O \ H fl f Hgggg 3 \ WIND i REMOTE = DIRECTION - b x { > - ‘ MAINTENANCE z \x ' ARROW ——@ | j CONTROL ROOM S B e e x N ; _ ELEVATION 862ft Oin. D = 75094 Xorefax——rx : g : \ _ i BLDG. 7503 — 852-ft LEVEL . \ } ' s Q X _ ; \ o 8 /|z| e Al ) \ O S\\ ,;___.”1 "a* uP - — é A" ' % STACK h p T oI e A 2 " © BLDG. 7503 SRz NORTHI N - ' BATTER* D NI BN GATE | N / Es=s=ds Lo N&;. M, > W b x ‘-:.‘-_:.‘__.\ I.\ - / ) L outh P ' SERVICE e U N uGll ISOUTH RWM \§\ ~ \\\')> | " D o \ f oatE \t"—-:==-'____ =/ \\; 7 f DIESEL\ ~ r{," " BLOWER 1 / s mmsmr\z;— v House_X } f Hou / l -— -—— == | NESA AND an I | I:I / yd DOWN OIo I W ‘ " SESA BELOW HEATER - '.:'.'. I | ] / % -comnm. 'fl-‘-LT“ fLé | ‘ i ///”’ _—- | _ SPECIAL . ' ‘ jRA Y EQUIPMENT : ROOM T : REMOTE | ~—— '] MAINTENANCE F REACTOR X '] ~— 4 CELL CELL T —~ ‘ E-:: Sp e A T e S A I i / - (! DECONTAMINATION Sroe |l COOLING CELL -——/ PROCESSING CELL WATER 4 | EQUIPMENT —— SWITCH ROOM Qi ——|‘ HOUSE ; ] BLDG. 7503 —840-ft LEVEL Fig. B-2. Emergency Evacuation Routes ACB ACR BH CB cC CDC CDT CT DC DH DTC FSC ST HB HCP T & ' : ' - "' . e Table B-2 EQUIPMENT AND LOCATION ABBREVIATIONS Auxiliary Board MB Main Board Auxiliary Charcosal Bed MCR Main Control Room Auxiliary Control Room NESA North Electric Service Area Blower House PR Pump Room Charcoal Bed (main) PRS Pump Room Sump Coolant Cell RC Reactor Cell | Coolant Drain Cell RMC Remote Maintenance Practice Cell Coolant Drain Tank SC Equipment Storage Cell Cooling Tower S1 Stack Decontamination Cell SESA South Electric Service Aresa Diesel House SER Special Equipment Room Drain Tank Cell SF Stack Fan Fuel Drain Tank SFA Stack Filter (fan) Area Fuel Flush Tank SH Switch House ) Fuel Storage Cell - 87T Service Tunnel . Fuel Storage Tank TC Spare Cell High Bay TR Transmitter Room Heater Control Panel VH Vent House WR Water Room WT Liquid Waste Tank WIC Waste Tank Cell " x) x stored in FFT. The salt is at ambient temperature and pressure with all heaters turned off. The salt f£ill lines (104, 105, and 106) have been severed and are blanked in the drain tank cell. Salt is frozen in the transfer freeze valves (107, 108, and 109). The equalizer line (521) between the tanks and the fuel circulating system has been blanked ih the drain cell. The helium supply lines (572, 5T4, 576) are capped. The vent valves (HCV-573, =575, -5TT, and -533) are open (since they are fail- open valves) but HV's-5L2, -522A, -522B, -538B, -571B, and -561 in the vent house are closed. Thus there normally is no purge or vent from the tanks. The drain tanks and the flush tank gas spaces are interconnected through the vent valves and the equalizer valves (HCV-5hk, -545, -5L46). The pressure in the tank syspem is indicated and annunciated by PIA-5T2 -in the auxiliary control room. The drain tank and other temperatures can be read on TR-SD-1. o The fuel circulating system contains only residual amounts of flush salt. The system was opened at the reactor, fuel pump, heat exchanger, and line 103. These openings'were sealed in various ways and were shown not to leak exceseively at 5.psig. Since some of the heat exchanger tubes were cut out, the_main coolant salt lines (200 and 201) communicate with the fuel system andwere.tfierefore welded shut Just outside the reactor cell. The system is at embient temperature and pressure. The helium supply lines (516, 592, 593, 596, 589, 599, and 600) are capped. The main vent line (522) is closed by HV-522A and the upper offgas line (524) is capped 1n ‘the Special Equlpment Roomn. 'The pressure is indicated and annunC1ated by PIA—589 in the Auxlllary Control Room. The coolant salt (3, 575 1bs) is in the coolant draln tank, at ambient temperature and pressure. . Freeze valves 204 and 206 are frozen to separate it from the coolant c1rculatingrsystem. The helium supply valve (HV- 511B) is closed and the vent line is blanked off to isolate the tank. ‘The coolant circulating eysfem]cbntains only residual_amounts of - coolant salt. It has beefi_opened in several places and is lightly sealed (masking tape). There are ne,heliUm inputs to the system or vents from it. T " The main charcoal beds are isolated by valves 522B and 55TB. The auxiliery charcoal bed is isolated by valves 561 and 562A. The reactor and drain tank cell membranes are sealed and the blocks are secured. The ventilation valves (930B and 955B) are closed and locked. The cells are vented to the stack through line 565. (HCV-565 is kept open by pressure from a cylinder of nitrogen.) Activify in the line is moni- _tored by RIA-565 B and C. High activity indication on either detector 'will close HCV-565 and annunciate in the auxiliary control room. All other lines and penetrations into the cells are mechanically sealed. _ Steck fan SF-1 is in service and SF-2 is in standby (damper 925 open and 926 closed). All three stack filters are in service. IMOst of the ‘building ventilation flow is from the high bay with smaller amounts from other areas including the chemical processing cell. (The relative distri- bution is not critical.) The stack flow is indicated by FI-S1 at the stack. The pressure at the inlet to the filters is indicated and annunciated by PIA-92TA. The a, B-Y, and iodine activities in the stack are indicated and annunciated in the auxiliary control room and at the ORNL Central Waste ‘Monitoring Facility (CWMF). All water lines to the reactor and drain tank cells have been discon- nected. The water levels in all cell sumps can be checked using the bub- bler level indicators, dbut nd ennunciation is provided. The waste tank is essentially empty and can also be checked using & bubbler level indicator. The pump-room sump, which collects water from the filter pit, french drains, etc., is automatically pumped to the drainage ditch by the sump pumps . High level in this sump is annunciated. | | The fire alarm and sprinkler system is in service and maintained by the ORNL fire department. C. SURVEILLANCE | Surveillance of the MSRE shall be sdequate to prevent the development of any condition that would threaten personnel safety or the continuity of . other ORNL activities. | Radiéactive and fissile materials are so contained and situated that criticality is prevénted and the probability of any significant release to 9 n the environment is extremely small. The potentials for increasing tempera- ture and pressure in the'containment or the development of other potenti- ally damaging conditions are limited'so that such conditions can arise only slowly, if at all. Thus the continuous presence of personnel at the reac- tor site is not required. Surveillance therefore consists of scheduled visits for data-logging ahd'checking plus the.COntinuous'monitoring at the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility of key signals from the MSRE instru- mentation. | | Each day a member of the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Group shall enter the reactor building to mske observations as required on a Daily Log Form. During the last week'bf each monthia qualified member of the Reactor Division shall make an inspecfiidnof the reactor building, record data, and make checks as required on a quthly Log Fofm. Equipment and instrumenta- tion shall be maintained on a regular”schedule ahd as requifed by personnel of the ORNL Plafit'and Equipment‘Division and Instruments and Controls Division. When any of a selected list of variables goes out of limits (prescribed in Table B-1) alarms occurrboth‘in the reactor building and at the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility in Building 3105. When an alarm occurs, one person from the group on duty at the CWMF shall go to the MSRE site, enter the main control room.and take appropriate action to restore normal: conditions. - o | Corrective actions for foreseeable abnormal situations are prescribed in Section E of these Procedures. In addition, experienced former members of the MSRE opératiohs'staff shéll:be designated and availfible on call for (See Fig. K-1.) assistance in meéting”néedsithatlmay arise. | ~ The ORNL Plant Protection Division provides prdteétion against entry by unauthorized personnel ($ée Section J) and against fire damage. 10 D. DATA 1. Control-Room Log | | | Every significant event or action affecting the reactor shall be re- corded in a Journal-type logbook that is kept in the control room. Some items which shall be included in this log are: | Equipment started or stopped. Valves opened or closed. ~ Switches or breakers opened or closed. Procedures or parts of procedures started, worked on, or com— pleted. Changes in setpoints df switches. Annunciations, and action teken. Abnormal conditionsror malfunctioning equipment found. Maintenance and other non-operational jobs done. The person who makes an observation, or takes action, or is in charge Iof any Job shall be responsible for seeing that én entry is made. Log entries shall be sufficiently descriptive for others to understand and each shall include time, date, and the name of the person making the | entry. | _ | Carbon copies of the logbook sheets will be removed when the monthly log is taken end will be stored in a file cebinet in Room 17, Building 7509. 2. Periodiec Logs _ _ , - The Daily Log includes recording various readings as indicated on Form D-1. This form prescribes "Log Limits" and identifies therappropriate corrective action if a variable is outside these limits. (Corrective actions, identified on Form D-1 by a letter, are detailed in Section E of these Procedures.) . The Monthly Log, which shall be filled out during the monthly in- spection, is Form D-2. This form requires reading the salt tank temperatures, the waste tank level and T sump levels. It also has spaces for indicating: that other routine mofithl&'taSks have been done. ) Tocation ACR { Readout Alarm Limits |Log Limits _|What to do if, 10ut of Limits {Init.|Date/Time 11 Form D-1 DAILY LOG — PHASE III , - ACR ACR ACR Description FD-1 | FD-2 "FFT DTC -T Element! TE-FD-1-19A | TE-FD-2-19A| TE-FFT-4 |TE-D TR-SD-1-1 § TR-SD-1-4 |TR-S5D-1-T7}TR-SD-1-10 no alarm no alarm | no alarm|{ no alarm <200°F <200°F <200°F . <150°F A . B. - C i D Re | F « . See Section E. TX-4413 ACR | ACR RC T RC Press. TE-RC- | PT-RC-A TR-SD-1-11{ PI-RC-A no alarm |+ 1 i <1 -2 to +0. E ' F 12 Form D-1 DAILY LOG — PHASE ITI {Tocation TACR ACR - ACR Description FD-2 Press FP Press RC Activi Stack Activi |Primary Element | PT-5T2B PT- RM-565B RM-565C B-y o I, 5Readout. PI- PT- RI- TI- C S51I-1A 1 SI-1B | SI-1C §Alarm Limits 42 i +0. i 420 mR 420 mR < 0%]| <6000%} < lLog Limits <1. si <0, i <10 mR <10 mR <1 <1l <1500 at to do ifyx e J J 10ut of Limits I 1 J |Init.| Date/Time Setpoint-is adjustsble and will normally be set lower than 6000 cpm. See Section E. . o | TX-4413 cation ceription Element adout arm Limits -1. Limits= -1. at to do if, of Limits t.|Date/Time See Section E. TX-4k13 In. H,O 13 Form D-1 DAILY LOG — PHASE III Stack Panel {Stack Panel VH Vecuum | Flow No, Cyl. FE-S1 PE-Cyl. A P1 A - FI-81 PI-Cyl. TH 0 No Alarm s in. H=20}>0.4 in. J| >200 psi K . K Replace - o Readi - In. H50 psig VH PE-Hdr PI-Hdr - — Adjust psig N, Header i Monitron RE-T012 RI-T7012 25 mR/hr <25 mR/hr L 1k Form D-2 MONTHLY LOG (To be taken during the last week of each month) NOTE: NOTIFY WASTE MONITORING GROUP BEFORE STARTING What to do : o - if out |[Jan Feb | Mar |April| May June Item of or or or or or or Limits { Limits |July | Aug | Sept Oct Nov | Dec ate Log was Taken- - - Initiai - —_ eview Dailly Logs —— - [Review Console Log - - Record TR-SD-1 Temps — - - -] =- - mm | 1l - TE-FD1-19A <200°F A 2 - TE-FD1-5 " A 3 - TE-FD1-15 " A i - TE-FD2-19A " B 5 = TE-FD2-5 " B 6 - TE-FD2-15 " B - 7 - TE-FFT-4 " C . 8 - TE-FFT-11 " C 9 - TE-FFT-T " C 10 - TE-DTC-6 <150°F .D 11 - TE-RC-1 " E TX-hL12 » -\ - 15 Form'D—Q MONTHLY LOG What to do : if out | Jan Item : of or ' Limits)| Limits |J te Log was Taken tial eck that HCV-565 is n - ord Levels t N, Supply at 20 i Level C S Level -A1 Sump Level Level C-A S Level A Sump Level A Level —A‘ Level off N linder le Data _ view Stack Release _Reports té 6-month : rt Annual Tests Tx-L10 Feb | Mar or A or Sept Apri or Oct May | June or Nov or Dec 16 Form D-2 - MONTHLY LOG Tour the building. Inspect each of the following areas for hézards or malfunctioning items or abnormal radiation. which are needed. Take cutie pie or chirper on tour.¥ Punch-list any repairs * Location Jan or July. Feb or Aug Mar or Sept April] or Oct May | or Nov June’ or -Dec Control Room 7503 Offices 7509 Offices Tnstrument Shop Change Room High Bay High Bay North N.E. of 7503 (underground water leaks) Steam Supply Line Air Intake Filters and Heaters Shop Diesel House Switch House Remote Maintenance Control Room Water Roonm Blower House CDT Cell Special Equipment Room {Cooling Tower |South Electric Service Area Vent House - {Stack Area High Bay South Sump Room 840 Level Transmitter Room North Electric Service Area Service Tuhnel * Notify key holders of sabnormel radiation or (See Section J.) TX-L412 contamination areas.- w“ 17 E. ABNORMAL CONDITIONS Whenever the log 1imits are exceeded or an annunciation occurs, corrective action is necessary. To plan in advance fér all possible trouble,is-ifipractiéal.-hAn éttéfipt fias been made to anticipate some of the more probable difficulties‘and suggest remedial actions. "What to do _ if ofit_of limits" columns have been inclfided in the logs (Forms D-1 and D-2) and in the list of ahnunciatbrs (T&ble'E-l). Letters in these columns refer to the suggested actibn given'in Table E-2. Power outages are cov- ‘ered in Section F. € 18 Table E-1 ANNUNCIATION Annunciator Switch | , " What to Do No. No. Cause of Annunciation If Out of Limits XA-SD-1 PS-572 High FD-2 Pressure G - XA-SD-2 PS-589 High FP Pressure H XA-SD-3 PS-927 Low Ventilation Suction K XA-SD-4 PS-RC-1 High RC Pressure F XA-SD-5 RS-S1-A Hi Stack Activity (B-y) J ‘ RS-S1-B Hi Stack Activity (a) J RS-S1-C Hi Stack Activity (Iodine) J XA-SD-6 RS-565B Hi RC Air Activity I RS-565C Hi RC Air Activity I XA-SD-T RS-T7001 Hi Air Activity L RS-T012 Hi Radistion L XA-SD-8 LS-FRS Hi Pump Room Sump Level R NOTE: * See Table E-2. Loss of electrical power will also annunciate at the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Facility (Building 3105). 19 Table E-2 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS - Code Variable Out of Limits Corrective Action A / FD-1 Temp FD-2 Temp FFT Temp - DTC Temp heaters are off, If TE-FD1-19A (TR-SD-1-1) indicates greater than 200°F, other FD-1 temperatures should be checked (TR-SD-1-2 & 3). If these are less than 200°F, notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If all three temperatures are greater than 200°F, notify him as soon as possible and check that all: If TR-SD-1 fails, read the. temperstures with a portable instrument and have TR-SD-1 repaired on the next regular work day. If TE—FD2-19A (TR-SD-1-4) indicates greater than 200°F, other FD-2 temperatures ‘should be checked (TR-SD-1-5 & 6). If these are less than 200°F, notify the MSRE Super- - visor on the next regular work day. If all three temperatures are greater than 200°F, notify him as soon as possible and check that all heaters are off. If TR-SD-1 fails, read -the temperatures with a portable instrument and have TR-SD-1 repaired on the next regular work day. If TE-FFT-L4 (TR-SD-1-7) indicates greater than ~ 200°F, other flush tank temperatures should be checked (TR-SD-1-8 & 9). - If these are less than 200°F, notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If all three temperatures are greater than 200°F, notify ~him as soon as possible and check that all hesters are off. If TR-SD-1 fails, read the temperatures with a portsble instrument and " have TR-SD-1 repalred on the next regular work dey. If TE—DTC— . (TR-SD-l-lo), 1ndlcates greater than 150°F, other drain tank cell temperatures "['should be checked (Patch panel 208 to 212). If these are less than 150°F, notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If they are greater than 150°F, notify 20 Table E-2 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS (continued) Variable | | Code Out of Limits Corrective Action - D (con't) S ~ - him as soon as possible and check. that all in-cell heaters are turned off. If TR-SD-1 fails, read the temperatures with a portable instrument and have TR-SD-1 repaired on the next regular work day. : E RC Temp . If TE-RC-1 (TR-SD-1-11) indicates gresater ' then 150°F, other reactor cell temperatures .should be checked. (Patch panel 82 to 90.) If these are less than 150°F, notify the MSRE supervisor on the next regular work day. If they are greater than 150°F, notify 'him as soon as possible and check that all in-cell heaters are turned off. If TR-5D-1 fails, read the temperatures with a portable instrument and have TR-SD-1 repaired on the next regular work day. F RC Press. - If PI-RC-A indicates greater than 0.5 psig or less than -2 psig or if XA-SD-4 annunciates, check in the vent house that HCV-565 and V-565A, C, and D are open. If not, push reset buttons on RE-565 B & C in the control room and open the hand valves. If the pressure is - 8till out of limits and cell air activity is normal, vent the cell by opening V-955 A and B in the service tunnel. After sbout 30 minutes, close V-955 A and B. Notify the MSRE Super- visor on the next regular work day. If PI-RC-A or XA-SD-h fails, have it repaired on the next regular work day. If both fail, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible. G : FD-2 Press.. If PI-5T2B reaches 2 psig or XA-SD-1 annunciates, . vent the drain tanks to the stack by opening V-561 and V-562A in the vent house. When the pressure is 0 to 1 psig, close V-561 and V-562A. Notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work dey. If the pressure reaches 5 psig, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible. If PI-5T2B or XA-SD-1 fails, have it repaired on the next regular work day. If both fail, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible. 21 Table E=2 ABNORMAT, CONDITIONS (continued) Code Out of Limits Corrective Action . " FP Press. RC Activity Stack Activity | Ventilation - If PI-589A reaches 0.5 psig or if XA-SD-2 annunciates, vent the fuel system to the stack by opening V-522A, V-561, and V-5624 'in the vent house. When the pressure is O to 0.1 psig, close V-522A, V=561, and V-562A. Notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If the pressure reaches 5 psig, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible, If PI-589A or XA-SD-2 fail, have them repaired on the next regular work day. If RI-565B or C reach 20 mR/hr or if XA-SD-5 annunciates, (or if the instruments fail) close V=565C in the vent house and notify - the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If RI-S1-A, B, or C in the auxiliary control ~ ‘room indicate asbnormal stack activity, i.e. - >1500 ¢/m, notify the MSRE Supervisor on the " next regular work day. If any exceed 6000 ‘e/m, notify him as soon as possible. If any instrument should' fail, repairs should be "'madé as soon as possible. If FI-S1 is less than 0.4 in. Hy0 (~ 15,000 cfm) or if PI-92TA is less than 1.0 in. H0 vacuum, ~or if PI-92TA annunciates on XA~-SD-3, check that one stack fan is operating properly and " there is a good flow of air into duct 935 in ‘the southeast corner of the high bay. If ventilation is adequate, notify the MSRE Supervisor. on the next regular work day. If neither stack fan is in operation, or if - ventilation flow is low, start the alternate _stack fan as follows: Stop both stack fans from the control room. Open the discharge damper on the stack fan to be operated (Damper 925. for SF #1 - west and damper 926 for SF #2 - east). Close the discharge damper 22 Table E-2 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS (continued) Variable : Code Out of Limits Corrective Action K (continued) (926 or 925) on the other stack fan. Start the desired stack fan. (It may be necessary to energize the proper breaker in the switch house. This is G3-2L4 for SF #1 and Gh-3k for SF #2. Notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regular work day. If the above does not correct the difficulty, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible. If any of the instruments fail to function, have them re- paired on the next regular work day. L Personnel Monitors If RI-T001 indicates high air activity (>4000 cpn) or if RI-T012 indicates high radiation (>25 mR/hr.), have Health Physics survey the area. If abnormal conditions are found, notify the MSRE Supervisor as soon as possible. If instrument failure occurs, re- ~ pairs should be made as soon as possible. Notify the MSRE Supervisor on the next regu- lar work day. . M WT Level If WT level is greater than 100 inches, trans- fer the contents to the Melton Valley Waste Station as follows: Call ORNL Waste Station (Telephone 3-6234) and report volume to be pumped. When permission to transfer is ob- tained, remove blocks and set valves as follows in the Remote Maintenance Practice Cell: Open V~300. Close V=301, V-302, V-303B, V-305A, V-305B, and V-307. ©Start the waste pumps. (It may be necessary to energize bresker GlU-4 in the switch house.) Throttle V-305A to give flow acceptable at Melton Valley Waste Station. PI-305 should not exceed 35 psig. When desired amount has been transferred, stop pump. Close V-300 and 305A and replace blocks on remote maintenance practice cell. Record waste tank levels in the console log (before and after transfer). o 23 Table E-2 ABNORMAIL CONDITIONS (continued) Variasble Code Out of Limits = Corrective Action " N RC Sump | If LI-RC-C indicates a level greater than - 15 inches in the reactor cell sump, Jjet the . water to the waste tank as follows: . Record LI-RC-C and waste tank level in the console log. Connect steam to line 332 ~on the west side of the building. Connect instrument air or nitrogen to the wvalve operators of FCV-333A1 and A2 and open them. Open the steam supply to line 332 ~and Jet the sump. When complete, remove steam supply and cap line 332. Remove air or N, supply to FCV-333A1 and A2. Record LI-RC-C and waste tank level in the console log. 0 DTC Sump - .If LI-DTC-Al indicates a level greater than : - 15 in. in the drain tank cell sump, Jet the water to the waste tank as follows: Record LI-DTC~-Al and waste tank level in the console ‘log. Connect steam to line 342 on the west side of the building. Connect instrument air or nitrogen to the valve operator of FCV-343A1 and A2 and open them. Open the steam supply to line 342 and jet the sump. When complete, remove steam supply and cap line 342. Remove air or N, supply to FCV-3L43A1 and A2. Record , LI-DTC—Al and waste tank level 1n the console _ ;log P DC Sump If the level in the decontamination cell ex- ' ' : - . ceeds 15 in., pump it to the waste tank as . follows: Record the sump level and the ~ waste tank level in the console log. Remove "~ the blocks from the remote maintenance ~ practice cell. Close V-300, V-302, V-30T, .. and 303A. Open V-303B and V-301. GStart - waste pump from RMPC and pump DC to WT. 'V,Stop pump and close V-303B and V-301. Record DC sump level, LI-DC and waste tank - level in the console log. 24 Table E-2 ABNORMAY, CONDITIONS (continued) 7 Variable | Code Out of Limits Corrective Action Q Aux. Sumps If the level in any of the auxiliary cell ' sumps exceeds 15 in., jet the water to the waste tank as follows: Record the sump ~level and the waste tank level (LI-WT) in the console log. Open proper jet supply valves {these are located in the NE corner of the transmitter room). Cell Level Element Jet Supply Valves Fuel Storage ~ LE-FSC V-321, V-311B Equipment Storage LE-SC V-317, V-311B Waste Tank | LE-WTC ~ V-315A, V-315B Spare LE-TC V-319, V-311B Remote Maintenance - Practice None V-315A, V-323 When jetting is complete, close the valves and record the sump level and the waste tank level in the console log. ' R PRS Level If the pump'room sump level annunciates, check the pump room to see if it is flooded. (Entrance is in the SE corner of the high bay.) Do not " enter without the exhaust fan in operation and another person on hand for emergency. If possible, check the float switches of both sump pumps. If the sump cannot be emptied with the pumps, try jetting the coolant drain cell sump (which connects with the pump room) using steam through lines 309 and 310. " » 25 - F. POWER OUTAGES A power outage at the MSRE should not cause much difficulty and should not be hazardous. - An\alarm'will occur at the ORNL Control Waste Monitoring Facility unless. they also lose powerj in that case no alarm will océur'until their power trouble is corrected. . When power is available, a stack fan should be started. HCV-565 should be opened by pushing the reset buttons on RE-565 B and C, and the high-bey CAM and monitron should be checked. A log should be taken to assure that everything is within limits and that nothing appears abnormal in the area. Check that there is no water in the pump room (cbserve from 852 level). Freeze protection should be considered in the winter, The MSRE supervisor should be notified on the next regular work day. 26 G. ANNUAL TASKS The fuel and flush salt in the drain tanks will be heated once a year " t0 recombine fluorine. An annusl check will be made to determine that all valving and electrical switches are in the proper position, that standby equipment will operate if needed and that the annunciator and control switches have the proper setpoints. The following check lists are used to accomplish this. 1. Recombine Fluorine by Heating the Drain Tank l.l 1.2 1.3 1.h 1.5 1.6 1.7 Close switchés 1 - T in Panel FD-1-1, switches 1 - 6 and 11 in Psnel FD-2-1, and switches 1 - 6 and 11 in Panel FFT-1 (North ~ end of 849 level) and energize Breaker G5-BB. Push FD-1-1, FD-2-1, and FFT-1 "ON" buttons and raise or lower settings to get approximately 9 amps on the heaters (HCP-8). Open and leave V-561 and 562A open to vent the drain tanks. Record temperatures daily in Table G-1 until the salt has been above 300°F for at least one week (do not exceed 500°F). Turn heaters off and open switches 1 - T in Panel FD-1-1, switches 1 - 6 and 11 in Panel FD-2-1, and switches 1 - 6 and 11 in Panel FFT-1 and rack out Breaker G-5-BB. Close V-561 and V-562A. Record temperatures daily in Table G-1 until temperatures are less than 250°F. NOTE: Add helium as necessary through V-518A to keep FD-1 pressure between O and 2 psig. (See G-3 for valving.) ‘Init. Date/Time v -SD-1 Pt. No. te/Time [}) 1 2 27 Table G-1 Temperature Readings 3 | v | s 6 | 71 — apn — — — — — — e a— — — w— — — — S e — —— — 1-15 2-19A |FD-2-5| FD-2-15 |FFT-4 FD=-1-19A {FD-1-5 28 Init. Pressure Test of the Reactor and Drain Tank Cells 2.1 Connect the reference side of the hook gage in ' the transmitter room to the in-cell reference volume. (Penetration A-27 in the NESA.) Open the hook gage equalizer valve. Date/Time 2.2 Connect the other side of the hook gage to the drain tank cell (Penetration A-5 in the NESA) 2.3 Close HCV-565 using handswitch in the control room. 2.4 Connect a portable diesel air compressor to line 342 at the west side of the bu1ld1ng (8L0 level). 2.5 Pressurlze the cell through 11ne 342 to approximately 6 psig® per PI-RC-A in the control room. As the cell is pressurized, note the pressure at which PS-RC-1 annunciates on XA-SD-k. psig. If the alarm does not occur be- tween 0.5 and 1.5, the switch should be reset. Record final setting psig. 2.6 Disconnect the compressor from line 3h2 cap the line and soap check. 2.T Close the hook gage equalizer valve. Record and plot the hook gage reading and PI-RC-A once per shift until the leak rate is established (minimum - of 48 hrs). Acceptsble leak rate is LOO sefd at 5 psig. Use the following formula for calcu- lating the leak rate. AP L = 1000 T where L = lesgk rate in standard cu ft per day AP = change in pressure during test in inches of water (from the hook gage) t = duration of the test in hours. 2.8 When the test is complete, open the hook gage equallzer valve. ¥ Do not exceed 10 psig. ® 2.9 2.10 29 Init. Date/Time Open HCV-565 and vent the cells to atmospheric pressure. Disconnect the hook gage'andflcap the lines at penetrations A-5 and A-27 in the NESA. ¥FD-2 and FP Pressure (To be done after drain tank temperaturés have cooled below 250°F following the fluorine recombination.) 3.1 3-2, 3.4 3.5 3.T 3.8 . whlch stack fan is 1n serV1ce . Connect a nitrogen cylinder with regulator to V-518G in the vent house and check that fitting does not leeak. Check that the auxiliary charcoal bed inlet valve 561 is closed and V-522B is closed. Open V-522A, and V-5184, Bl, Cl, F, and G and pressurize systems until PS-5890 annunciates on XA-SD-2 psig. (Do noit exceed ~ 0.6 psig on PI-592B.) Ad ust setpoint if necessary to 0.k to 0.6 psig. Record final settlng psig. Close V-522A and pressurize drain tanks until PS-5T72 annunciates on XA-SD~1 psig. (Do not exceed 2.5 psig on PI~572B.) Reset PS-572 to 1.5 to 2.5 psig if necessary. Record final setting psig. Close V-5184, Bl, Cl, F, and G and remove nitrogen cylinder and cap'line at 518G. Open V=561 and V-562A and vent DI's to atmos~ pheric pressure..:' Then open V;522A and vent FP to atmospherlc pressure. Close V-5224, V=561, and'V-562A; : Ventllatlon System 'h_-:L _Record FI-SI ~in. H,0 (should'be greater than .5 in. H205 PI-92TA ___in. Hy0 (suction should be more than 1.5 in. of'water) Record NOTE: 30 'Init. 4,2 Stop both stack fans and note pressure at which - PS-92TA annunciates on XA-SD-3 in. H0. If necessary, reset PS-92TA to -0.9 to =1.1 in. of water as indicated on PI-927TA. Record final setting in. Hy0. Date/Time 4.3 Manually switch dempers to operate alternate stack | fan. Damper 925 should be open to operate SF-1 West. Damper 926 should be open to operate SF-2 East. 4.4 Start other stack fan and record FI-Sl in. Hy0 (should be greater than .5 in. Hy0) and PI-92T7A in. Hy0 (suction should be greater than -1.5 in. water). Record which stack fan is in service . It may be necessary to energize the proper breaker in the switch house. This is G3-24 for SF #1 and G4-34 for SF #2. | 1 4.5 Set up for and put SF-1 in service. Open breaker Gh-3k. RC Air Activity 5.1 Check that alarm settings on RS-565B and C are 20 mR/hr by pressing the alarm buttons. Adjust if necessary. Adjust calibrate to 0.3 mR/hr. 5.2 Have a Health Physicist insert a source in lead shield- ing around RE-565B in the vent house and note that XA-SD-5 ennuncistes and that HCV-565 closes. (Observe valve located below the grating in the - north side of the vent house.) 5.3 Remove source, reset RS-565B in ACR and note that ' HCV-565 opens and XA-SD-5 clears. 5.4 Have a Health Physicist insert a source near RE-565C and note that XA-SD-5 annunciates and that HCV-565 closes. 5.5 Remove source, reset RM-565C in ACR and note that HCV-565 opens and XA-SD-5 clears. Sump Pumps Two people are reQuired for the following. Be _sure to turn on the blower and-allow: to run:ifor sbout .- 5 minutes before entering the pump room. Y C 31 6.1 Add water to the pump room sump. When sump pump "A" starts, physically hold the float switch on sump pump "A" down. 6.2 Note that sump pump "B" starts and LS-PRS annunciates on XA-SD-8 (before the floor is flooded), stop adding water. 6.3 Release both pump float switches and note that annunciation clears and both pumps stop when sump level is normal. Miécellaneous The following miscellaneous checks should be com- pleted annually. T.1 Check that equipment valves, switches, etc., are as indicated in Table G-2. T.2 Check results of annual DOP test of stack filters. T.3 'Review results of monthly stack monitor checks. 7.4 Review results of monthly personnel radiation monitor checks. T.5 Review list of programmed maintenance being done ~ and results of previous year's maintenance work. Date/Time 32 Table G-2 Miscellaneous Equipment Check Check : ’ when Location What to Check Required Condition Complete SE V-542 Tagged Closed HB 035 filter Clean | sT HCY-930A Closed ST HCV-930B Locked Closed ST V-930C Closed ST V-955A Closed | ST V-955B " Locked Closed ST V-955C Closed TR V-514C Tagged Closed TR All LKD Valves Closed Near TR Dist. Panel 1A-5 Tagged closed SH G3-3 Tagged Closed SH G3-24 Tagged Closed SH GL-34 Tagged Open "y %) Table G-2 Misceilaneous Equipment Check (continued) SF-2 (East) | Check . _ o ' when Location. What to Check Required Condition . . Complete CDT_Cell V-511B __Tagged Closed {VH | V;518 A, E,\&.G ___Tagged Closed VH v-5186 | capped VE V522 A& B Tagged Closed VH V=531 Tagged Closed VH V-538 A & B Tagged Closed VH V-571B Tagged Closed VH HCV-565 . Open VH V-565 A, B, & C Tagged Open VH V-557B Closed VH- . y-5624 Closed VH V-5620 Open VH V-561 Tageed Closed Stack .Damber 925 \Qpen | Stack Damper:926 S Closed Stack SF-1 (West) Running Stack " ‘Not Running 34 H. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Operating equipment which fails should be repaired as soon as pos- sible. The urgency depends upon the consequences. Table E-2 lists most of the possible process repairs and delineates the importance of each. Repairs will be done only with the approval of the ORNL Central Waste Monitoring Group, the MSRE Maintenance Supervisor, or the MSRE Supervisor (or his representative). The person initiating the request for repairs will be responsible for the safety of personnel ahd the facility. During regular working hours a Punch List form (FORM H-1) will be filled out and given to the Maintenance Supervisor (Fig. K-1) who will expedite the repairs. Any deviation from the punch list should be approved by the requestor. When the work is complete, the punch list will be re- turned to the Maintenance Supervisor who will be respoheible for entering all details in the console log and filing the completed punch list in ' Room 1T, Building 7509. | | o | On other shifts, the ORNL shift supervisor shall arrange to have the repairs made and shall be responsible for getting the details recorded in the console log. | Most of the programmed maintenance will be done during the last week of each month when the mpnthly leg is being teken. Permission must be | obtained from the Maintenance Supervisor, the MSRE Supervisor, or his representative before doing these. No modification will be made to the facility without the approval of the MSRE Supervisor or his supervisors. I. REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT OR INSTRUMENTATION Equipment and instrumentation needed for the interim storage of the | fuel or for the future transfer or processing of the fuel will be'retained intact. Other‘things may be removed if needed after obtaining the approval - of the MSRE Surplus Property Custodian, the MSRE Supervisor, or Assistant MSRE Supervisor. All ORNL procedures will be strictly adhered to (see ORNI~-SPP-37). In addition an MSRE Property Transfer Form I-1, and Punch *r ay ¢ “Approval to proceed: 35 Form H-1. MSRE PUNCH LIST To . ' Priority Date Location ‘ o _ - Requested by: Equipment, Line No., etc. Description of Work to be Done: Precautions: Estimated Cost: Describe work done 1if different from above: Job Completed and Accepted by: = o Date: TX-4410 - Item: 36 MSRE SURPLUS EQUIPMENT TRANSFER Tag No. Quaentity eand Units: Brief Description: Location at MSRE: Property No.: X- Requested by: Date: For use in: DMSRP; [C] other ,(specify). Cherge removal costs to: When needed: - Transfer epproved by: Date: Item received by: Date: TX-4L11 1¥2 - g} 37 List, Form H-1, will be filled out for each item or group of items re- moved. A file of these will be maintained in Room 17, Building 7509. If special precautions are necessary, these shofild'be described fully on'the Punch‘List. | J. ACCESS CONTROL " As indieated in Fig. B-2 , an B-foot lighted security fence completely encloses & compact erea immedlately surroundlng the MSRE buildings. Two gates 1n the fence (North and West Gates) open onto Melton Valley Drive (a road posted as "Official Use Only") The other two gates and the office bulldlng door are inside the controlled—access HFIR~TRU-TURF area. All four gates and the office door will normally be kept locked. On the office door and on each of the four gates is a sign of the formelndlcated below, where the blanks contein the names and phone numbers of (l) the MSRE Super- visor, (2) the Assistant MSRE Supervisor, (3) the MSRP Aesociate Director, end (4) the MSRP Director. | | IS CONTROLLED ACCESS AREA DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT PERMISSION ' Persons Authorized to Give Permission: Normal entrance to the MSRE.. Area w1ll be~through the guard gate - on the HFIR Access Road, then through either the office door, the East Gate or the South Gate. Keys to the door and these two gates will be is- sued to a limited number of people, 1nclud1ng the MSRP Associate Director, ‘the MSRE Superv1sor, the MSRE Surplus Property Custodlan, the Assistant MSRE Supervisor, the MSRE Meintenance Superv1sor, the ORNL Waste Monitoring Group, and the ORNL Shift Supervisors. | 38 The North and West gates will have security