R ERELY 1213 MARTIN A B WY LISRARIES : |ILTRRH TN 3 445k 0435287 9 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy -Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contracuors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes: any fegal liability or responsibility for the aceuracy, mmpiéteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, ' Contract No. W-TL05-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT STUDIES FOR MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR PROCESSING NO. 5 L. E. McNeese OCTOBER 1971 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S, ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL~TM-3140 s f } ! [T 3 4456 0135287 9 ii Reports previously issued in this series are as follows: ORNL~4235 ORNL~L 364 ORNI~1365 ORNL~%4366 ORNL~-TM-3053 ORNL-TM-3137 ORNL-TM-3138 ORNL~TM—-3139 Period Period Periecd Period Period Period Period Period ending ending ending ending ending ending ending ending December 1967 March 1968 June 19068 September 1968 December 1968 March 1969 June 1969 September 1969 iii CONTENTS SU’M[MRI E S . . » . » " - . . " L . * » L] . - * . . » Ll - - . * . a - 1. INTRODUCTION v & v v 4 4 6 4 s e s o o o & o o o o o o« o o o 2. RARE~EARTH REMOVAL USING THE METAL-TRANSFER PROCESS . « « « . . 2.1 Equilibrium Data and Concentrations . . . ¢« + « +« + « « . 2.2 Removal of Rare Earths and Thorium from LiCl . . . . . . . 2.3 Conceptual Process Flowsheet and Mathematical Analysis . . 2.4 Calculated Rare-Farth Removal Times .+ + « o « o « o &+ + . 2.5 Effect of Rare~Earth Removal Time on Breeding Ratio . . . 2.6 Miscellaneous Points Related to the Metal-Transfer Process . PROTACTINIUM ISOLATION USING FLUORINATION-~REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION . 3.1 Proposed Flowsheet for Isclating Protactinium by Fluorina- tion--Reductive Extraction . « « + « ¢« « « ¢ 4 ¢ o o . . 3.2 Calculated System Performance . . . « ¢ v « o « o« « + o & AXTAL DISPERSION IN OPEN BUBBLE COLUMNS + « v v 4 o v o o o o & 4.1 Experimental Technique and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Experimentally Determined Dispersion Coefficients . . . . SEMICONTINUQUS REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION EXPERIMENTS IN A MILD-STEEL FACTILITY o v v 4 v v 6 o o o s o & & s o s o & o & & o o o s o o 5 . l Hyarfldynmflic R'U.Il HR-‘6 ® . - - . . - » . . . . . » . . . . . 5.2 Hydrodynamic Runs HR-7 and HR-8; Tests for Obstructions - SIMULATION OF THE FLOW CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR THE REDUCTIVE EXTRAC- TION FAC ILITY - » . . » . a * . . . & 8 . . * » ? * » . * - a . 6.1 Analog Simulation of Jackleg and Extraction Column . . 6.2 Digital Simulation of Salt Flow Control System, Jackleg, and Extraction Column . . + « « + o & & v ¢ o v o o v 4 . CALIBRATION OF AN ORIFICE~-HEAD POT FLOWMETER WITH MOLTEN SALT J.A.ND BI SM[JTH . . 2 . . . . - » [ ] . - - . . - . . L - . * - . L] * T.1 Data from Steady-State Flow Experiments . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Data from Transient Flow Experiments . « ¢ + ¢« ¢« « + ¢« .+ . ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: STATIC CELL EXPERIMENTS . . . WO O 12 12 15 15 17 22 26 30 30 32 36 37 L6 56 56 58 62 10. 11. 12. 13. 16. iv CONTENTS (Continued) Page ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: FORMATION OF FROZEN FITMS WITH AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTES . ; 64 9.1 Mathematical AnalysSis . « v v v v v e e e e e e e 6L 9.2 Experimental Equipment . . . +v v v 4 o v 4 e v ou e e 69 9.3 Expected Mode of Operation . « v v v v v v v v 4 v e 0 T1 DEVELOPMENT OF A BISMUTH~~MNLTEN SALT INTERFACE DETECTOR . . . Th 10.1 Testing and Modification of Electronic Circuit Prior to Installation . . v v v v v 4 v v e e e e e e o Th 10.2 Fabrication of Sight Tube . . + v v v 4 0 o o v o o 4 . 76 CONTINUOUS SALT PURIFICATION . v v v v v v ¢« v e o v v v v o T7 MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT . . . v v v & ¢ & v v o v v o o 79 RECOVERY OF 7Li FROM 7LimvBISMUTH~mRARE—EARTH SOLUTIONS BY DISTILLATTON v « o o o« & 4 4 o o o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o 88 13.1 Mathematical AnalySis v o ¢ v v 4o v 4 4 v e e e e e e 88 13.2 Calculated Resulbts . . & v v v v v v v e s e e e e e 03 PREVENTION QF AXTAL DISPERSION IN PACKED COLUMNS . . . . . . . 97 HYDRODYNAMICS OF PACKED COLUMN OPERATION WITH HIGH~-DENSITY FLUIDS 102 15.1 Experimental Technique and Results . . . . . . . . . . . 103 15.2 Pressure Drop Across the Column . « + v v « & & & + « . 104 15.3 Dispersed~Phase HOoLlduD . + « ¢ v « s o ¢« « o o & o o o 112 15.4 Correlation of Flooding Rates . . . . v v v v v « v + . 113 15.5 Prediction of Molten~Salt—Bismuth Flooding Rates in Packed COLUMNS + + v+ o o v o o o o o & o o v v e e e e e 116 REFERENCES + « v v v v v 6 v v v v v e v v e e s e e e e e 118 SUMMARTES RARE~EARTH REMOVAL USING THE METAL-TRANSFER PROCESS We have devised a new process, called the metal-transfer process, for removing rare-earth fission products from the fuel salt of a single- fluid MSBR. In the process, bismuth containing thorium and lithium is used to transfer the rare-earth fission products from the reactor fuel salt to an acceptor salt such as LiCl. Both thorium and rare earths transfer to the bismuth; however, because of favorable distribution coefficients, only a small fraction of the thorium transfers with the rare earths from the bismuth to the LiCl. The effective thoriumrare-earth separation factors for rare earths for which data exist (i.e., Nd, La, and Eu) range from about lOu to about 108. The final step of the process is removal of the rare earths from the LiCl by extracticon with bismuth containing 0.05 to 0.5 mole fraction lithium. The new process does not require an slectrolytic cell, This is an important advantage over the earlier reductive extraction process, which also had the disadvantage of rare~earth—thorium separation factors near unity. PROTACTINIUM ISOLATION USING FLUORINATION--REDUCTIVE EXTRACTTION We have recently developed a new process for removing rare earths from a single-fluid MSBR. This process does not require an electrolytic cell,which has led us to consider protactinium isolation methods that do not require electrolyzers. One such method is fluorination~-reduc- tive extraction, in which most of the uranium would be removed prior to isolation of the protactinium by reductive extraction. Calculated results indicated that an attractive processing system based on fluorination--reductive extraction can be devised and that this system will be quite stable with respect to variations as large as 207 vi for most of the important operating parameters such as flow rates, reductant concentrations, and number of extraction stages. AXTAL DISPERSION IN OPEN BUBBLE COLUMNS Axial dispersion coefficient measurements and gas holdup measure- ments were carried out in a 2-in.-ID cpen column. Agueous solutions of glycerol and n-butanol were used in order to determine the effect of liguid-phase viscosity and surface tension on axial dispersion. At low gas flow rates, increasing the liquid-phase viscosity from 1 cP to 15 ¢P resulted in a 30% decrease in the dispersion coefficient. At higher gas flow rates, little effect of viscosity on dispersion coef- ficient was noted; however, oanly a limited range of gas flow rates was examined. SEMICONTINUQUS REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION EXPERIMENTS IN A MILD-STEEL FACILITY Hydrodynamic experiments using the 0.82-in.-diam column packed with solid cylinders of molybdenum were continued. Only limited useful flooding data were obtained because of deposition of iron in the column as well as in the bismuth exit line from the column and the salt feed line to the col- umn. The datas obtalined are in general agreement with predictions based on data from a mercury-water system. The column and the affected lines were replaced. The new column is similar to the original column except that it is packed with 1/4-in.-diam molybdenum Raschig rings. SIMULATION OF THE FLOW CONTROL SYSTEMS FFOR THE REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION FACILITY A study of the salt and bismuth flow control systems for the Reductive HExtraction Facility was made in order to determine the best mode of operation of the existing equipment, to evaluate possible vii equipment changes, and to verify the validity of flooding data obtained to date. One analog and three digital simulations were carried cut. Fach simulation represented a different manner of controlling flow through the column and allowed selection of optimum values for zystem parameters. All of the sygtems were found to be stable and to perform satis- factorily; thus we believe that the actual system will function properly. CALIBRATION OF AN ORIFICE~-HEAD POT IFLOWMETER WITH MOLTEN SALT AND BISMUTH Additional orifice calibration data, both steady-state and transient, were obtained. ©Since these data suggest that the orifice drain chamber may have been flooded at times, provisions were made for pressurizing the zas volume above the fluid in the orifice--head pot and discharge chamber in future experiments. This will ensure that the orifice drain chamber does not fill with liquid. ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: STATIC-CELL EXPERIMENTS Two experiments related to cell development were made in a 4-in. -diam quartz cell. In the first, current was passed between two molybdenum electrodes to determine whether a dark material, observed in the salt in previous tests, would be formed. Although the presence of a dark material was noted, we were not able to identify the mechanism for its formation. In the second experiment, we tested a porous carbon anode having a much higher gas permeabllity than that of a graphite anode which had previously been observed to polarize. As in the earlier test, low current densities were observed. viii ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: FORMATION OF FROZEN FILMS WITH AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTES Formation of frozen salt films on structural surfaces exposed to the molten-salt electrolyte in electrolytic cells is being considered as a means for protecting these surfaces frowm corrosion by ]?a:"LF,3 produced at the cell anode. A study of frozen film formation under condi£ions similar to those expected in a cell is in progress. Part of the work will be carried out using an aqueous electrolyte in order to avoid problems associated with molten salt--bismuth systems. FEquipment has been installed for studying the formation of ice films on surfaces of a simulated electrolytic cell that uses an aqueous solution, rather than molten salt, for the electrolyte. Alternating current will be used to minimize the effects of electrode reac- tions and mass trancfer. DEVELOPMENT OF A BISMUTH-MOLTEN~SALT INTERFACE DETECTOR An interface detector based on the principle of eddy current gener- ation in liquid metals is being developed. It is desired that all surfaces in contact with bismuth be made of a refractory metal such as molybdenum, which has a relatively low electriczl permeability. Initial testing of the electronic circuit prior to installation established the need for several modifications. Preliminary tests of the system at temperatures above rocom temperature are in progress. CONTINUCUS SALT PURIFICATION A facility has been designed for the development of continuous methods for removing contaminants from molten salts. The system con- sists of a 1-1/4~in.-diam, 81l-in.~long column packed with 1/h~in. Raschig rings, feed and receiver tanks, a salt filter, a flowing stream salt sampler, and the necessary flow, temperature, and pressure instru- ix mentation. In-line instruments are provided for continuously measuring the water and HF contents of the column exit gas stream. Systems have also been designed to provide purified hydrogen, argon, and HF gas. MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT 95 1hh 147 Analyses have been obtained for Li, Be, Zr, ar, Ce, Pm, lSSEu, 91Y, QOSr, 898r, and 131 Cs in the 11 condensate samples taken dAuring the MSRE Distilliation Experiment. Hffective relative volatil- ities for each of these materials were calculated with respect to LiF during the course of the experiment. The calculated values for Be, Zr, and 952r are in agreement with previously reported values; however, values calculated for the rare earths are significantly higher than values measured in an equilibrium still. RECOVERY OF TLiEfififlflYLiu-BISMUTmeRARE-EARTH SOLUTIONS BY DISTILLATION Removal of divalent lanthanides from the LiCl stream in the metal- transfer process produces a bismuth stream that contains lanthanides T and has a high concentration of 'Li {5 to 50 at. %). Because TLi is expensive, its recovery may be economical. The low vapor pressures of the lanthanide metals relative to lithium and bismuth suggest that distillation might be used effectively to recover both the lithium and bismuth. However, lithium and bimsuth form an iater- metallic compound (LiBBi) having a high melting point (1145°C), which may 1imit the fraction of the lithium that could be recovered at still-pou temperatures of 800 to 900°C. The fractional recovery of lithium was calculated for a range of conditions that would allow reasonably high recovery of the lithium. PREVENTION OF AXTAL DISPERSION IN PACKED COLUMNS Devices that will reduce axial dispersion in packed columns to acceptable levels are being evaluated. Two dispersion preventers were tested during the countercurrent flow of mercury and water in a 2-in.- diam column packed with 3/8-in. Raschig rings. The preventers consist of (1) a seal formed by a region in which the metsl phase accumulates and prevents flow of the less-dense phase (salt or water), and (2) restrictions through which the salt flows at an increased velocity. The fraction of the less~dense phase that is recycled through a dispersion preventer depends mainly on the water flow rate per restric— tion and the diameter of the restriction. It appears that devices of this type will reduce axial dispersion to desired levels; however, the devices tested to date have reduced the column throughput at flooding. HYDRODYNAMICS OF PACKED COLUMN OPERATION WITH HIGH-DENSITY FLUIDS Measuremenls were made of pressure drop, holdup, and flooding during the countercurrent flow of mercury and water in columns packed with 1/k- in. solid cylinders, 3/8-in. Raschig rings, and 1/2-in. Raschig rings. The data on holdup and flooding can be correlated in terms of a constant superficial slip velocity, which is a function of packing size only. A simple relation has not been found for correlating the pressure drop data. An expression based on the mercury-water data is given for pre- dicting flooding and dispersed-phase holdup in packed columns through which salt and bismuth are in countercurrent flow. 1. INTRODUCTION A molten-salt breeder reactor (MSBR) will be fueled with a molten Tluoride mixture that will circulate through the blanket and core regions of the reactor and through the primary heat exchangers. We are developing processing methods for use in a close-coupled facility for removing fission products, corrosion products, and fissile materials from the molten fluoride mixture. Several operations associated with MSBR processing are under study. The remaining parts of this report describe: (1) a newly devised process (called the metal-transfer process) for removing rare earths from an MSBR, (2) a protactinium isolation process‘based on flucrination for uranium removal, followed by reductive extraction, (3) measurements of axial dis- persion coefficients in open bubble columns, (k) experiments carried out in a mild-steel reductive extraction facility to study the hydrodynamics of packed column operation during countercurrent flow of molten salt and bismuth, (5) simulation of the flow control systems for the reductive extraction facility, (6) calibration of an orifice--head pot flowmeter with molten salt and bismuth, (7) experiments related to the development of electrolytic cells for use with molten salt and bismuth, (8) design and installation of a Tacility for studying the formation of frozen films in electrolytic cells, using aqueous solutions to simulate molten salt, (9) development of an induction~type bismuth-salt interface detector, (10) design and installation of a facility for developing continuous methods for the purification of molten salt, (11) calculation of effective relatlive volatilities for various materials present in the MSRE Distillation Experiment, (12) calculations concerning the reéovery of 7Li from TLi—-—Bi-~~-rare-~earth gsolutions by low-pressure distillation, and (13) measurement of axial dispersion coefficients in packed columns in which immisecible fluids having large density differences are in counter- current flow, and (14) experiments on the hydrodynamics of packed column operation with liguids having high densities and a large density difference. This work was carried out in the Chemical Technology Division during the period October-December 1969. 2. RARE~-BEARTH ReEMOVAL USING THE METAI-TRANSFER PROCESS L. E. McHNeese We have devised a new process, called the metal-transfer process, for removing rare-earth fission products from the fuel salt of a single- fluid MSBR. In this process, bismuth containing thorium and lithium is used to transfer the rare-earth fission products from the reactor fuel salt to an acceptor salt such as LiCl., Both thorium and rare earths transfer to the bismuth; however, be- cause of favorable distribution coefficients, only a small fraction of the thorium transfers with the rare earths from the bismuth to the LiCl. The effective thorium—rare-earth separation factors for rare earths for wvhich data exist {(i.e., Nd, La, and Eu) range from sbout th to about 108 The final step of the process 1s removal of the rare earths from the LiCl by extraction with bismuth containing 0.05 to 0.50 mole fraction lithium. The new process does not require an electrolytic cell. This is an impor- tant advantage over the earlier reductive extraction process, which also had the disadvantage of rare-earth—thorium separation factors near unity. 2.1 Equilibrium Data and Concentrations ; . Lok . . . ) Ferris and Smith™ have measured the distribution of Th and the rare earths La, Nd, and Eu between LiCl and bismuth containing a reductant and have summarized their data as follows: = L + 7. log Dy log Cp. *+ 7 663, log DLa = 3 log CLi + 2.025, log DNd = 3 log C . + (n2.25), log DEu = 2 log CLi ~ 1.699, where DA = digtribution ratio for material A, = a(s1) *a(nic1) KA(Bi) = mole fraction of A in Bi, XA(LiCl) = mole fraction of A in LiCl, CLi = lithium concentration in Bi, at. %. The data for all materials except europium were obtained at 6L0°C; the europium data were obtained at 630°C. Data for the distribution of the materials being considered between 72-16-12 mole % LJ'_F-‘BeF2—’2[.‘hl§‘br and bismuth containing a reductant have been summarized by Ferris as: . , | log DA =n log DLi + log K, , where DA = distribution ratio of material A, n = valence of A in salt, log KA = modified equilibrium constant. ! The variation of log KA with temperature is: log K;h = -3.6386 + 11,115/T, ~2.005 + 7628/T, log KLa log KEu ~1.309 + 4366/T, where T = temperature, °K, and Th, La, and Fu have valences of 4, 3, and 2 in the salt respectively. For Nd, the measured value of the Nd-Th separation factor (3.0) was taken at Th saturation at 600°C, and the 1 ! same temperature dependence was assumed for log as that for log K. . P ' d La The derived expression is, then: log KNd = ~1,942 + 7628/T, and Nd is assumed to be trivalent in the salt. Using these data, the calculated equilibrium concentrations in Bi and LiCl at 640°C are as shown in Table 1, where the rare-earth con- centrations in the fuel salt are those resulting from a 50-day removal time for the rare earths. The reductant concentration in the Bi was chosen such that the Th concentration was approximately 95% of the Th solubility in Bi at 640°C. No correction was made in the data for europium to account for the fact that they are being used at 6L0°C (although they were obtained at 630°C). All the concentrations are given in mole fractions. Table 1. Equilibrium Concentrations in Fuel Salt, Bismuth, and LiCl at 6L40°C Fuel Salt Bismuth LiCl XLiF = Q.72 XLi = 0.00201 X = 0.16 BeF2 X = 0.12 = 0.0025 X = 0.33]1 x 10"’T X = 10.8 x 10”6 X = 0.524 x 10“6 X = 0.607 x 10“6 LaF La, ‘ - LaCl 3 3 X = 26.2 x 10’6 X .= 1.h7 x 10“6 X = 1.02 x 10“6 NdF3 - Nd : . ‘NdCl? -6 -8 _ ~6 - = 0.287 x 10 X, = 0.664 x 10 X = 8.22 x 10 XEUf2 Ei buCl? The data in the table show that the rare earths are present in the LiCl al low concentrations and are associated with only a small amount of thorium. Clearly, if a practical means is available for removing the rare earths and thorium from the LiCl in the relative concentration ratios shown, one will have achieved the desired goal of removing the rare earths with an acceptable thorium discard rate. 2.2 Removal of Rare Farths and Thorium from LiCl The minimum rate at which the LiCl solution must be processed for removal of the rare earths is given by the ratioc of the production rate of a given rare earth to its equilibrium concentration in the LiCl. These data, which are shown below, indicate that the minimum process- ing rate, as set by Nd, is 1.29 x lO6 g-moles of LiCl per day. This is equivalent to 1320 ft3 of LiCl per day, which appears to be g higher processing rate than would be practical for low-pressure dis- tillation. Minimum Production Concentration Processing Rare Rate ‘ in LiCl Rate Earth (moles/day) (mole fraction) {moles/day) La 0.54 0.607 x 10“6 0.889 x 106 -6 6 Na 1.31 1.02 x 10 1.29 x 10 -6 3 Eu 0,014} 8§.22 x 10 1.75 x 10 Further consideration suggests that contact of the LiCl with a small volume of bismuth containing a relatively high concentration of lithium (5 to 50 at. %) would provide the desired removal of the rare earths from the LiCl as well as the removal of the thorium associated with the rare earths. This is the method selected for additional evaluation. 2.3 Conceptual Process Flowsheet and Mathematical Analysis The conceptual process flowsheet consists of three contactors through which the process fluids are circulated, as shown in Fig. 1. Fuel salt from the Pa isolation syst tfié rare earths at the reactor concentration, is countercurrently contacted with Bi containing approximately 0.002 mole fraction Li in contactor 1. The rare earths transfer, in part, to the downflowing metal stream and are carried into contactor 2 by the bismuth stream. In contactor 2, the bismuth stream is contacted countercurrently with LiCl, and fractions of ORNL DWG 70-11037 A Tf»:>t XM2 eqac OF“F;EETW“ (1) Bi FRS, XS XMl Fuel Salt From FMI Pa Isolation XS3 § [ (2) LiCl XS4 FCS L—-——» | XM5 (3) Li-Bi Li-Bi i + Rare FEarths FSM *+ Th XM6& FM,XM§ Yig. 1. Metal-Transfer Process for Removing Rare Earths from a Single~:1uid MSER. the rare earths transfer to the LiCl. The resulting LiCl stream is finally contacted with Bi containing & high concentration of Li (0.05 to 0.5 mole fraction) in contactor 3, where most of the rare earths and thorium transfer from the LiCl to the Bi stream. A small stream of Bi contalining Li is fed to the circulating Bi stream in contactor 3, and an equal volume of bismuth is withdrawn. From material balanc¢e and equilibrium considerations, the following relations for a given transferring material can be written for the three countercurrent contactors. The nomenclature of Fig. 1 is used. N _+1 XSl - X82 _ U - K (1) XS1 - XM2/Dy, AFNU+1 -1 F ( _l_)NLfl L X1 - XM Mg o . (2) ML - X8L D N_41 C C <'1.) L ol -1 c N+l xs3 - xsh __ _ g8 " (3) XS3 - XMS/DS o Ngrl S 9 From material bvalance considerations, X8l - XM2 = L/FRS (&) XML - XM2 = L/FM1 (5) X83 - X8 = L/FCS (6) XME - XM5 = L/FSM (7) XME = L/FM, (8) X552 XM1 X873 Xsh XM5 FRS FM1 FCS FM N_ L concentration of transferring contactor 1, mole fraction, concentration of transferring contactor 1, mole fraction, concentration of transferring 1, mole fraction, concentration of transferring 2, mele fraction, concentration of transferring 2, mole fraction, concentratlon of transferring 2, mole fraction, concentration of transferring 3, mole fraction, concentration of transferring 3, mele fraction, material material material material material material material material in in in in in in in in fuel salt entering fuel salt leaving Bi leaving contactor Bi leaving contactor LiCl leaving contactor LiCl entering contactor Bi entering contactor Bi leaving contactor distribution ratio between fuel salt and Bi in contactor 1, distribution ratio between LiCl and Bi in contactor 2, distribution ratio between LiCl and Bi in contactor 3, FM1 - D E1 FRS ML - DC FCS FSM DS rCB fuel salt flow rate, moles/unit time, metal flow rate in contactors 1 and 2, moles/unit tinme, LiCl solution flow rate in contactors 2 and 3, moles/unit time, metal addition and withdrawal rate, moles/unit time, number of eguilibrium stages in contactor 1, number of eguilibrium stages in contactor 2, number of equilibrium stages in contactor 3, KF = constant, defined above, KC = constant, defined above, KS = constant, defined above, L = production rate or loss rate of transferring material. The distribution ratios are assumed to be constant since there will be a very small change in reductant concentration in the contactors; hence the A's and K's defined above are constant. The eight relations listed above define the state of the system and can be solved simultaneously for the removal efficilency for a given material in contactor 1 as: A A 1_1 .1 .1 ¢ (1 € [ESM Lek e b oS o e (B2 ), (9) B K, Ay K, A "Kq Aphq \FM where B = fraction of material removed from fuel zalt in contactor 1. The removal time for a given transferring material is, then: v A A R 1 1 1. c ;1 C FEM e Bl Ly, Sl gy e (Emr L0 gy RS KF AF KC AF KS AFAS M ) - where T removal times, days, VR/FRS = processing cycle time, days. 2.4 (alculated Rare-~Farth Removal Times There appears to be great latitude in choosing operating conditions that will yield a desired rare-earth removal time. Conditions that give rare~earth removal times equal to, or somewhat shorter than, removal times presently assumed in reactor evaluation calculations will be given first. Those calculations assume a 50-day removal time for all rare earths except europium which is removed on a 225~day cycle. The table below shows the removal times (in days) for the following conditions: FRS = 2.94% gpm 10 (3-day processing cycle for reactor); FML = FSM = 8.35 gpm (Bi rates in contactors); FCS = 11.2 gpm (LiCl flow rate); FM = 22.7 liters/day (Bi feed and withdrawal rate); Li concentration in Bi in contactors 1 and 2 = 0.00201 mole fraction; Li concentration in Bi in contactor 3 = 0.05 mole fraction; and number of stages in contactor 3 = 1. Rare Vo, of Eguilibrium Stages in Contactors 1 and 2 Earth 1 2 3 L 5 6 La 52.1 38.0 34.0 32.1 31..0 30.2 ifs! 58.0 Lo, 7 38.4 36.5 35.4 3.8 Fu 222k 219.4 219.4 219.4 219.4 219.4 It is apparent that, with two or three stages in contactors 1 and 2 and with volumetric flow ratios near unity, one can obtain satisfactory removal times with relatively small processing streams. If packed col- unns were used as the contactors, the diameters would be approximately 6 in. Since the number of stages needed is low, the use of mixer-settlers similar to those being used at Argonne National Laboratory should not be dismissed, particularly for experiments almed at demonstrating the process concept. The rate at which TLi is removed from the system in the withdrawal stream is 52.4 g-moles/day. The rate at which thorium is removed is less than 0.069 g-mole/day. If the Bi withdrawal stream were hydro- fluorinated or hydrochlorinated in the presence of a suitable waste salt 7 in order to recover only the Bi, the cost due to loss of Li would amcunt to 0.0018 mill/kWhr. It is apparent that one can obtain removal times much shorter than those discussed in the previous section by increasing the bismuth and LiCl flow rates and hence the size of the processing plant. In each case, the reactor processing cycle time is 3 days (2.94 gpm). The removal times resulting from increasing the bismuth and LiCl flow rates to ten times their previous values are given in Table 2 for the following con- ditions: 11 FRS = 2.94 gpm (3~-day cycle), FM1 = FSM = 83.5 gpm (Bi flow rate in contactors), FCS = 112 gpm (LiCl flow rate), M = 16 ft3/day (Bi-ILi feed and withdrawal rate), Li concentration in contactors 1 and 2 = 0.00201 mole fraction, number of stages in contactor 3 = 1. Table 2. Variation of Rare-Earth Removal Time (in days) with Lithium Concentration in Contactor 3 and Number of Stages in Contactors 1 and 22 Rare No. of Stages in Contactors 1 and 2 Barth 1 D 3 b 5 6 Li Concentration in Contactor 3 = 0.05 mole fraction La 7.75 5.26 h.oh3 h.o3 3.79 3.6k Nd 8.36 5.85 5,05 4,67 b, L6 L, 3k Fu 16.6 1h, 7 1h.1 13.8 13.7 13.€ Li Concentration in Contactor 3 = 0.20 mole fraction La 7.59 5,10 L, 28 3.87 3.63 5,08 Nd 8.02 5.71 h,91 4,54 L.33 4,20 Fu 8.71 6.81 6.23 5.98 5.86 5.79 Li Concentration in Contactor 3 = 0.50 mole fraction La 7.59 5.10 L, 27 3.87 3.63 3.L8 Nd §.02 5,71 h.91 4,53 b.33 L. 20 Fu 8.n 6.37 5.79 5.54 542 5.35 aThe bismuth and LiCl flow rates in each case are assumed to be ten times the values used to produce the data shown in the table on p. 10. Thus, rare-earth removal times of 3.5 to about 15 days can be ob- tained, depending on the concentration of lithium used in the final contactor. It should be noted that one cannot afford to lose the Li by 12 a hydrofluorination operation as before, but would have to recover most of the Li and Bi. A possible recovery method consists of distilling the Li-Bi stream at the rate of about 16 ft3/day. The still would operate at a temperature of about 800°C and a pressure of approximately 0.1 mm Hg, and the rare earths would be remcved in a still-bhottoms volume of about 20 liters/day. (The bismuth could be recovered from this volume.) The thorium would be discarded at the rate of about 1.4 g-moles/day. 2.5 Effect of Rare-Earth Removal Time on Breeding Ratio The effect of rare-—earth removal time on breeding ratio has been calculated by Be112 and is shown in Fig. 2. The changes are given with respect to the base case, in which a removal time of 50 days is used for all the rare earths except europium. (Europium has a 225~-day removal time.) It should be noted that rare-earth removal times of 5 days., 3 days, or 7 days would result in increases in the breeding ratio of 0.0126, 0.014, and 0.0115 respectively. 2.6 Miscellanesous Points Related to the Metal~-Transfer Process The following observations relative to the proposed process have been noted. 1. According to experimental data and calculations made by Ferris, LiBr would probably be at least as satisfactory as LiCl as the acceptor salt. This finding may be important in two respects. It offers another material with which to work; perhaps more importantly, however, the use of LiBr would not introduce chloride into the reactor but, instead, would simply increase the concentration of bromide already in the system. 2. 'The feed stream exiting from the Pa isolation system will have to be essentially free of U and Pa, since these mate- rials would likely accumulate in the Bi circulating in IN BREEDING RATIO INCREASE 0.0i6 0.0t4 Qe 0 .010 0.008 Q0.006 0.004 0002 -0.002 -0.004 I ORNL DWG. 69-12121 Rl - T T T T T ] r T T T T REFERENCE CASE /O 225 DAY Eu REMOVAL 1 i i | i 1 1 ] 1 ] i i brd i 3 4 5 e 7 B8 9 0 20 30 40 5 80 ™ 80 ] RARE EARTH REMOVAL TIME , DAYS ffect of Rare Earth Removal Time on Breeding Ratio. 30 100 T 1k contactors 1 and 2 and thus consume the Li and Th reductant and prevent the transfer of rare earths. It will probably be necessary to treat the salt stream leaving the Pa isola- tion system for further removal of U and Pa. Since virtually all of the partitioning of the rare earths from Th is a result of the Bi~LiCl equilibrium, one does not have to maintain the present free fluoride content of the fuel salt and, hence, could alter the reactor fuel salt composition. While there is no chemical method for transferring chloride ion to the reactor fuel salt, entrainment of LiCl in the bis- muth leaving the second contactor would transfer chloride to the reactor. Fortunately, there appears to be less likeli- hcod of this type of entrainment than the entraimnment of the bismuth in the salt. It may be necessary to treat the salt returning to the reactor by hydrofluorination or fluorination for removal of chloride. Another alternative would be to pass the bismuth from contactor 2 through a captive fluoride salt volume (such as T2-16-12 mole % LiFmBeF2~ThFu); this would probably result in removal of the entrained chloride salt. Although the inherent consumption of reductant for this process is quite low (15 g-moles of lithium per day), the introduction of oxidants (or even hydrogen) could increase the lithium consumption significantly. The proposed rare-earth removal process does not require an electrolytic cell, and the operation of protactinium removal systems not requiring a cell should be kept in mind as a desired goal. An alternative to using a cell is fluorination of the uranium on a 3-day cycle followed by reductive extrac- tion processing for protactinium isolation. The cost of the fluorine, assuming 100% fluorine utilization and a fluorine price of $2/1b, would be 0.02 mill/kWhr. 15 T. Conditions in the circulating Bi loops are always reduclng so that a corrosion inhibitor such as Zr would likely remain in the Bi. This may allow Croloy to be used as the material of construction, although the operating temperature is sig- nificantly higher than the range in which the use of Croloy with zirconium innibltion was successful. 3. PROTACTINIUM ISOLATION USING FLUORINATION--REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION L. E. MclNeesge We have recently developed a new process for removing rare earths from a single-fluid MSBR. The advantages of this process, which does not require an electrolytic cell, have led us to consider protactinium isola- tion systems that do not require electrolyzers. One protactinium isola- tion methed in which an electrolyzer is not required is fluorination-- reductive extraction. In this method, most of the uranium would be re- moved from the fuel salt by fluorination priocr to isolation of the prot- actinium by reductive extraction. 3.1 Proposed Flowsheet for Isolating Protactinium by Fluorination--Reductive Extraction The fluorination--reductive extraction system for isclating prot- actinium is shown in its simplest form in Fig. 3. The salt stream from the reactor first passes through a fluorinator, where most of the uranium is removed by fluorination. Approximately 90% of the salt leaving the fluorinator is fed to an extraction column, where it 1is countercurrently contacted with a bismuth stream containing lithium and thorium. The uranium ig preferentially removed from the salt in the lower extractor, and the protactinium is removed by the upper contactor. A tank through which the bismuth flows is provided for retaining most of the protactinium in the systemn. 16 ORNL -DWG-69-13169 y EXTRACTOR 2 o FPo DECAY : (8i) REACTOR EXTRACTOR UFg - 1 . FLUORINATOR ¥ HF —e OXIDIZER REDUCTANT 2 & ' Bi | ADDITION SALT CONTAINING UF, AND Paof, ’ Li,Th fig. 3. Isolatiocn of FProtactinium by Fluorination-Reductive Extraction. 1t The bismuth stream leaving the lower contactor contains some prot- actinium, as well as the uranium that was not removed in the fluorinator and the uranium that was produced by the decay of protactinium. This stream is contacted with a HE—HF mixture in the presence of approximately 10% of the salt leaving the fluorinator in order to transfer the uranium and the protactinium to the salt. The salt stream, containing UFM and Pth, is then returned to & point upstream of the flucrinator, where most of the uranium is remcved. The protactinium passes through the fluorinator and 1s subsequently extracted into the bismuth. Reductant (ILi and Th) is added to the Bi stream leaving the oxidizer, and the resulting stream is returned to the upper contactor. The salt stream leaving the upper contactor 1s essentially free of uranlum and prot- actinium and would be processed for removal of rare earths before being returned to the reactor. 3.2 Calculated System Performance Calculations have shown that the system 1s quite stable with respect to variations as large as 20% for most of the important parameters (i.e., flow rates, reductant concentrations, and number of extraction stages). The required uranium removal efficiency in the fluorinator is less than 90%. The number of stages required in the extractors is relatively low, and the metal-to-salt flow ratio (about 0.26) is in a range where the effects of axial dispersion in packed column extractors will be negli- gible. Since the protactinium removal efficiency is very high and the 231 system is guite stable, materials such as 3 Pa, Zr, and Pu should 233 accumulate with the Pa. These materials can be removed by hydroflu- orination of a small fraction of the bismuth stream leaving the lower extractor in the presence of salt which is then fluorinated for uranium recovery. Sufficient decay time would be allowed for most of the aBBPa 233 233Pa and 233 to decay to U, and the U losses would be acceptably low. 18 Operating conditions that will yield a 10-day protactinium removal time include a fuel salt flow rate of 0.88 gpm (10-day processing cycle), a bismuth flow rate of 0.23 gpm, two stages in the lower contactor and six to eight stages in the upper contactor, and a decay tank volume of 200 to 300 £t5, The required quantity of reductant is 340 to 430 equiv/day, which will cost 0.012 to 0.015 mill/kWhr if TLi is purchased. The remainder of this section is devoted to a discussion of the effects of important system parameters. Unless otherwise stated, the operating conditions include an operating temperature of 640°C, a processing cycle time of 10 days, a reductant addition rate of L29 equivalents/day, a protactinium decay tank volume of 300 ft3, a maximum thorium concentration equivalent to 50% of the thorium solubility at 640°C, and a uranium removal efficiency during fluorination of 98%. The effect of the number of equilibrium stages in the upper ex~- tractor on protactinium removal time and uranium inventory in the decay tank is shown in Fig. 4. Less than two stages are required in the lower contactor; however, more stages can be used to advantage in the upper contactor. Approximately five stages are adequate; little benefit is obtained from using additional ones. The effect of the fraction of uranium that is not removed during fluorination is shown in Fig. 5. High uranium removal efficiencies are not required since the retention of as much as 12% of the uranium in the salt causes no harmful conseguences. The effect of reductant addition rate is shown in Fig. 6. 1Mo effect of decreasing the addition rate is seen until one reaches a value of 390 equiv/day, where a gradual but significant effect begins to be observed. The changes shown are approximately those changes vhich result from variations in the bismuth flow rate for a constant inlet reductant concentration. Hence, there is little effect of variations in the bismuth flow rate. Po REMOVAL TIME (days) 19 ORNL DWG 69-13174 RI 16 15 —11.0 / \\' K —J0.8 TEMPERATURE, 640 °C PROCESSING CYCLE, 10 DAYS 13 b Li REQUIREMENT, 429 MOLES Lisrpay —0.6 DECAY TANK VOLUME, 300 ft3 METAL TO SALT FLOW RATIO, 0.25 12 bee —0.4 ... —0.2 10 | 0 | 3 4 o 6 7 8 9 NUMBER OF STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN 10 URANIUM INVENTORY IN DECAY TANK, % of Reactor Inventory Fig. L. Variation of Protactinium Removal Time and Uranium Inventory in Decay Tank with Number of Stages in Upper Column. Pc REMOVAL TIME, doys 20 ORNL DWG 68-13179 RI 1 | | | l | | ] l | | | ! I7 — 1.4 16 — — L2 15— —11.0 ' 14— —0.8 TEMPERATURE, 640°C DECAY TANK VOLUME, 300 13 — STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN, & 13— STAGES IN LOWER COLUMN, 2 -+0.6 METAL TO SALT FLOW RATIO, 0.26 REDUCTANT FEED RATE, 428.6 eq/day — 12 — —0.4 I —0.2 - 0 Lo e e b Ly 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 C.10 0.12 0.14 FRACTION OF U NOT REMOVED BY FLUORINATION Fig. 5. Variation of Protactinium Removal Time and Uranium Inventory in Decay Tank with ¥raction of Uranium Not Removed by Fluorination. INVENTORY iN DECAY TANK, % OF REACTOR INVENTORY URANIUM ORNL DWG 69-13178 T T T T T T T T T * i TEMPERATURE 640°C DECAY TANK VOLUME 300 f1° STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN 10 STAGES IN LOWER COLUMN 2 PROCESSING CYCLE 10 DAYS Pa REMOVAL TIME ( DAYS ) w l | o | o l | O O B o0 URANIUM INVENTORY IN DECAY TANK % OF REACTOR INVENTORY i o ~ ol L 1o Ly Lo 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 REDUCTANT FEED RATE {eq/DAY) Fig. 6. Effect of Reductant Feed Rate cn Protactinium znd Uranium Inventory in the Protactinium Decay Tank. 0 440 Removal Time The effect of processing cycle time on protactinium removal time and uranium inventory in the decay tank is shown in Fig. 7. The removal time is equal to the processing cycle time (100% removal efficiency) for processing cycle times greater than about 10 days. As the processing cycle time is decreased below this point, however, the system slowly loses efficiency. Figure 7 shows that the system is relatively insen- sitive to minor variations in the salt feed rate. The effect of the protactinium decay tank volume is shown in Fig. 8. No change 1s seen as the tank volume is decreased from the nominal volume of 300 ft3 until a value of 280 ft3 is reached; at this point, the system slowly loses efficiency. Smaller tank volumes could be used without loss of removal efficiency by increasing the reductant concen- tration in the bismuth fed to the extractors. The effects of operating temperature and reductant addition rate on protactinium removal time are shown in Fig. 9. The optimum operating temperature is about 640°C, and the system is relatively insensitive to minor temperature variations. The reductant costs associated with the addition rates shown decrease in increments of 0.001 mill/kWhr from a value of 0.015 mill/kWhr for an addition rate of 429 equiv/day. L. AXTAL DISPERSION IN OPEN BUBBLE COLUMNS J. S. Watson L. H. McNeese Axial mixing or dispersion is likely to be important in continuous fluorinator design and performance. Because molten salt saturated with fluorine is corrosive, fluorinators will be simple., open vessels that have a protective layer of frozen salt covering all exposed metal walls and surfaces. The rising gas bubbles may cause appreciable axial mixing in the salt. We have previously3 measured axial dispersion coefficients in a 2-in.~diam column using air and water to simulate fluorine and salt. Axial dispersion coefficients between 25 and 35 cmg/sec were observed for gas flow rates between 3 and 30 cm3/sec and were independent of the liguid 23 ORNL DWG 69-13176 28— ~1.9 > o O hns - ’._. Z e Ll 26— —48 > z 24 b —.7 i TEMPERATURE 640° C ] DECAY TANK VOLUME 300 ft° a2l STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN 6 s STAGES IN LOWER COLUMN 2 REDUCTANT FEED RATE 428.6 eq/day Pa REMOVAL TIME (days) 5 | | w\ INVENTORY IN DECAY TANK, % OF REACTOR 61— -3 14 }— 2 Z z . | % a o 12 b— —.1 b LUy by T O 2 4 6 8 i0 12 14 PROCESSING CYCLE TIME (doays) Fig. 7. Effect of Processing Cycle Time on Protactinium Removal Time and Uranium Inventory in Decay Tank. 24 ORNL DWG 69-13177 24 M | o <1 O }.... < 22 ] L > < [~ T o __ 20— —1.0 c&) - w o L n x o u " Q — 5 _J 1 Z ;t TEMPERATURE 640 °C - 3 16l REDUCTANT FEED RATE 4286 eq/day g > = STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN 10 © - STAGES IN LOWER COLUMN 2 2 > L PROCESSING CYCLE 10 days 1 a o =z Q' — - -4 > 4 4z o - - ~4 = Lt > 12— ] D z = 2 | ™ = = |10 1 l l 1 l 1 l i ] l ] 0 - 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Pa DECAY TANK VOLUME, ft3 rig. 8. Effect of the Protactinium Decay Tank Volume on Protactinium Removal Time and Uranium Inventory in the Protactinium Decay Tank. Pa REMOVAL TIME | days 20 19 18+ 17 15 ™D ORNL DWC £9-13180 R PROCESSING CYCLE, 10 DAYS STAGES IN UPPER COLUMN, 10 STAGES IN LOWER COLUMN, 2 DECAY TANK VOLUME, 300 FT? ....... 343 eq REDUCTANT /DAY 14 43 | 12 t— 19 b 10l J N | | 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 570 TEMPERATURE (°(C) Fig. 9. Variation of Protactinium Removal Time with Reductant Addition Rate and Operating Temperature. 26 (water) flow rate. In this flow range, termed "bubbly flow," the gas moves up the column in the form of discrete bubbles. When the gas flow rate 1s increased to greater than 30 cm3/sec, "slugging flow'" occurs and the gas bubbles coalesce and may fill the entire cross section of the column. In this flow range, the diffusion coefficient is more dependent on gas flow rate; it is approximately proportional to the square root of the volumetric gas flow rate. The air-water system differs from the salt-fluorine system in two significant respects: (1) the viscosity of salt is 15 to 30 times higher than that of water, and (2) the surface tension of water is about 75 dynes/cm as compared with about 200 dynes/cm for salt. OFf course, the density of salt is about three times that of water, but this difference is belleved to be of less importance. The present study, performed by a group of MIT Practice Schocl studerfcs,!Jr was carried out to investigate the effects of viscosity and surface tension on the dispersion coefficient. k.1 FExperimental Technique and Equipment The experimental technigue and equipment were the same as those used earlier.3 The column was 2 in. in diameter and had a length of 6 ft. The gas inlet was 0.04 in. ID. A 0.5 M Cu(NO,), tracer was 3°2 continuously injected into the bottom of the column, and the steady- state concentration of tracer was measured photometrically upstream at several points. t each measuring point, a sample of soclution was removed from the column, circulated through a photocell, and returned to the colunn at the same elevation. The effects of liquid viscosity and surface tension were studied separately. The viscosity of the licquid fed to the column was increased to 15 cP by adding glycerol. The surface tension of the liquid was varied between 37.8 and 67.4 dynes/cm by adding n-butanol to water. (The surface tension of water is 75 c¢P.) Addition of the glycerol 27 resulted in properties closer to the process conditions; however, the decrease in surface tension resulted in properties farther removed from process conditions. Nevertheless, data were obtained on the effects of variations in surface tension and viscosity. 4.2 Experimentally Determined Dispersion Coefficients Experimentally determined values for the dispersion coefficient are summarized in Fig. 10. At low gas flow rates, the dispersion coefficients for g glycerol-water mixture with a viscosity of 15 cP are about 30% below those observed for water alone. The transition from bubbly to slugging flow occurs at a gas flow rate of about 26 cm3/sec. At higher rates, the digpersion coefficient values approach those obgserved with water. Unfor- tunately, the data for glycerol in Fig. 10 do not extend to high air flow rates; however, the data al these rates probably approximate those ob- tained with water. In the bubbly region, the gas bubbles were smaller than those ob- served at the same gas flow rate with water, and the terminal rise velocities were lower. However, the terminal velocity of "slugs" of gas in the high gas flow rate region became independent of viscosity, although the slugs were probably larger than with water. This is because the gas holdup or void fraction increased with increasing viscosity (Fig. 11). The addition of n-butanol to water to decrease the surface tension resulted in an increase in dispersion coefficient, as shown in Fig. 10. These results, however, are not conclusive because of possible concen- tration of the n-butancl at the gas-liquid interfaces. n Butanol and other surface-active materials may have concentrated at the interface so that the actual concentrations at the interface {and thus the surface tension) would not be known. The interface could be more rigid than an air-water interface, and this effect alone could increase the dispersion 28 ORNL-DWG-70-11038 R2 I T T 7171 1 | | I 1 P I i 200+ - O - Butanol-Woter Sclution, o m 37.8 dynes/cm A - Butanol-Water Solution, o = 53.2 dynes/cm E QO - Butanol-Water Solution, o = 67.4 dynes/cm {single run) » 1001~ — o~ 80H - - i = — E B - Glycerol-Water Solution, u = [5¢p / € 60 - 2 2 SO - — = R o e B 8 ‘o D "flgww;/’ 1 c . Dotq For \NO’E_!_,..,‘- ' S 30t Previon® s T ~ 2 . j ; e — : o a 2 ' B .—D’/‘D—”// ) 10 1 b L | 1 ) )1 1 - ! I 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 5060 80 100 200 Gas Flow Rate {(cm? /sec) Fig. 10. Effect of Liquid Surface Tension and Viscosity on Dispersion in an Open Bubble Column. 26 ORNL DWG 70-11040R| 50— T 1 1 ¥ T Y T a0k O Butonol-Water Solution,o = 37.8 dynes/cm ! A Butanol-Water Solution, o = 53.2 dynes/cm B O Distilled Water U 30~ 0O Glycerol-Water Solution, u=15 cP & - 0 20 - - ™ (] () f 2 10| =/ — a ] s 8 5 7 O T w s - Q [ O - /D - .. 4 ~ ~ 3“ — er ® = ) 0 I ] L | 1 i 1 1 i ] l 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Gas Flow Rate {cm3/sec) Fig. 11. Effect of Gas Flow Rate and FProperties of Liguid FPhase on Gas Holdup in an Open Bubble Column. 30 coefficient. The same problem could have existed in the glycerol- water experiments; however, the glycercl concentration was sufficiently high that the concentration of glycerol at the surface is not believed to have been seriocus. Although it is desirable in experiments such as these to use pure components, it is frequently, as in this case, unot practical. 5. SEMICONTINUOUS REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION EXPERIMENTS IN A MILD-STEEL FACILITY B. A. Hannaford C. W. Kee L. E. Mclisege Hydrodynamic experiments with the 0.82-in.-diam column packed with 1/h=in. solid cylinders of molybdenum were continued. Only limited useful flooding data were cobtained because of deposition of iron in the column as well as in the bismuth exit line from the column and the salt feed line to the column. The data obtained are in general agreement with predictions based on data from a mercury-water system. The column and the affected lines were removed for replacement. 5.1 Hydrodynamic Run HR-6 Only limited useful flooding data were obtained in run HR-6 despite good control of the rates of flow of bismuth and salt from the respective feed tanks. Subseguent examinalion of transfer lines attached to the ccl- umn suggested thatl the unexpectedly high bismuth holdup may have been due to a deposit of iron accumulating in the transfer lines. The schematic diagram of the experimental equipment (Fig. 12) in- dicates the method by which the pressure at the base of the column (a measnre of the bismuth holdup) was deduced. As long as salt is entering the column, the pressure at the base of the column is equal to the sum of (1) the static column of salt between the column inlet and the jackleg ORNL DWG 70-11039 Pressurizing Arqgon T6 Pressure Salt Level Recorder _ Contraller - Recorder Argon Bleed - >—— Argon Bubbler N Salt Jackleg T6 smuth 747 7 724 g; Salt _ \ 4] Feed Entrainment %, Detector A 5G-12 %5 A M 1] Flowing - Bismuth Sampler Salt-Bismuth / Interface J (Constant) - xx Salt-Bismuth—" &z Xax X Interface ¥ T—Dendritic (Variable) X lvon X Deposits X X X 10 in. 5 \_ X xxX 0 Pig. 12. Packed Column and Related Components Shown in True Ele- vation; Schematic Diagram of Level Control System for Salt Jackleg. 32 bubbler, (2) the variable salt head in the jackleg, and (3) the vari- able argon pressure above the salt in the jackleg. Pressure drop due to salt flow in the line connecting the Jjackleg and the column is negligible. Run HR~-6 began with a salt flow to the column of about 75 ml/min; however, when bismuth flow was started, the pressure at the bhase of the column began to increase rapidly as reflected by a rapidly in- creasing argon pressure in the Jackleg. By stepwise increase of the level set-point in the Jackleg, it was possible to accommodate the in- creasing pressure drop across the column. At a bismuth flow rate of about 175 ml/min and a salt flow rate of 75 ml/min, the pressure at the base of the column was about 250 in. HZO and was increasing slowly. At this pressure, the bismuth-salt interface below the column would be within a few inches of the bottom of the bismuth drain loop:; thus the bismuth flow rate was reduced in order to prevent the salt-metal inter- face from being forced through the drain loop. Despite a high bismuth holdup (80%) inferred from the pressure at the base of the column, no observable guantity of bismuth was carried out the top of the column with the salt; that is, no variations were observed in the signal from the bismuth entrainment detector (Fig. 12) that was being operated with the freeze valve open. 5.2 Hydrodynamic Runs HR-7 and HR-8;, Tests for Obstructions Run HR-T was begun at the lowest possible flow rates (w50 ml/min for each phase); however, flow of salt through the column was obtained only during a brief interval during which the salt Jackleg showed a pressure equivalent to a static column of bismuth filling the extrac- tion column. Bismuth flowed from the column only by way of the salt overflow. The presence of suspected plugs in lines attached to the base of the column was verified by removing the lines and sectioning them for 33 examination after melting out the bismuth in an argon atmosphere. De- posits of iron crystals, some of which were extensive enough to con- stitute impermeable plugs (Fig. 13), were found in the locationsg in- dicated in Fig. 12. Salt and bismuth were drained from the column into a temporary receiver tc permit testis to determine the condition of the molybdenum packing. Radiographs of the column showed regions of trapped bismuth which might indicate a plug. HMeasurements showed a pressure drop about 2.5 times that of a reference column packed with polyethylene cylinders; however, this was not regarded as conclusive evidence of a restriction. The column was reconnected to the system with 1/2-in.- and 3/b~in.- 0D tubing to reduce the likelihobd of vlugging the full cross section of the transfer lines with iron deposits. In addition, a quantity of Zircaloy~2 equivalent to 100 ppm of zirconium in bilsmuth was added to the bismuth feed tank in an attempt to inhibit mass transfer of iron. In the final hydrodynamic experiment (HR-8) in the original column, the column flooded a® salt and bismuth flow rates of 75 ml/min. 8Sinee the column had operated satisfactorily at these flov rates during run Hk=5, 1t was apparent that the coundition of the columun had changed. Therefore, the column was removed for examination and replacement, The lower half of the column was filled with epcxy resin in order to preserve the packing arrangement while the steel pipe was being stripped away. Dendritic iron deposits were noted in the packing (Fig. 14) in an amount sufficient to increase the resistance to flow, that is, to decrease the throughput at flocding. The iron deposits were not uniformly distributed throughout the coluun, but were located primarily in the lower section. Air oxidation of the carbon-steel column was sgevere, amounting to a loss of about 0.050 in. of wall thickness. The aluminum paint applied initially, which was expected to withstand high temperatures, appeared to have afforded little protection against oxidation. 3k PHOTO 97581 ?’ T T T,,,ET,,r__ g ,,,,‘r,,,T,N..,! £y ¢ 2 g OAK HIDGE NATIONAL | ABORATORY 3 Fig. 13. Bectlion of Salt Transfer Line Between Salt Jackleg and Column Inlet, Plugged with Dendritic Iron. Darkening of lower specimen occurred during examination, when it was accidentally exposed to air while hot. 33 PHOTO 98389 PHOTO 98387 Fig. 14. Section of 0.082-in.-ID Column Showing Dendritic Iron Deposit (Upper Photograph). The lower half of the column was potted in epoxy resin, and the steel pipe was stripped away. 36 6. SIMULATION OF THE FLOW CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR THE REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION FACILITY C. W. Kee L. E. McNeese The successful operation of the Reductive Extraction Facility (see Sect. 5) depends on a flow control system that will allow salt and bis- muth flow rates in the facility to be quickly established at desired values and to be maintained relatively constant during the course of an experiment. Because of the importance of this aspect of operation, a study of the flow control system is in progress. It has previously been shown5 that steady flow from the salt and bismuth feed tanks can be obtained if each phase discharges at a constant pressure. This is essentially the case for the bismuth flow system since the discharge point is at the top of the extraction column. In the case of the salt, however, the discharge pressure is not constant since the pressure in the salt Jackleg varies to match that at the bottom of the column. At flow rates near flooding, changes in the salt discharge pressure might be rapid since pressure surges could be transmitted between the Jjackleg and column at the inherent resonant frequency; these variations could affect the rates at which salt and bismuth flow through the column. It is thus desirable to simulate the transient behavior of the flow control systems and equipment items such as the jackleg, column, and transfer lines, which may affect coperation of the control system. This study will (1) examine the stability of the present system, (2) examine the merits of wvarious operating methods for the present system, and (3) allow evaluation of proposed equipment modifications. Both analog and digital simulations of the system have been carried out and are described in the remainder of this section. 37 6.1 Analog Simulation of Jackleg and Extraction Column For this simulation a stepwise change in bismuth flow rate was im- posed on the simulated system, which was operating at steady state. The rate of salt flow to the salt jackleg was assumed to remain constant during the ensuing period in which the level in the salt jackleg and the bismuth holdup in the column adjusted to the new steady-state values. Mathematical Analysis.— The steady-state bismuth holdup in the col- umn wasg assumed to be given by the relation o= + -— Hl kBVd kl (Vc Vref)’ (11) where H1 = fraction of column volume occupied by bismuth at steady state (bismuth holdup), Vd = dispersed-phase (bismuth) flow rate to column, V, = continuous-phase (salt) flow rate to column, Vref,kl,k_2 = constants. The instantaneous bismuth holdup in the column was sssumed to change at a rete proportional to the difference between the instantaneous holdup and the steady-state holdup. Thus, where H = instantanecus bismuth holdup, = time, k3 = constant. The pressure at the base of the column was assumed to result from the static pressure of the dispersed-phase holdup, and from flow of the continuous and dispersed phases; the dependence was assumed to be as follows: 38 P = ' + k = KV, RS, (13) where P, = pressure at the base of the column, minus the static pressure A when the column is filled with salt, kh’k5 = constants. The rate of flow of salt between the jackleg and the column was as~ sumed to ccrrespond to laminar flow in the line connecting the two volumes and is given as V. o=k (P, - P,.), (14) where k' = constant, pressure al outlet of jackleg, minus static pressure of the i salt in the column. The change in pressure with time at the outlet of the jackleg is related to the net rate of flow from the jackleg as wnere density of the salt, © H a = cross—-sectional area of Jjackleg, = i rate at which salt flows to Jackleg. Scaled Fquations and Analog Circuit.— Eguations (11) through {15) wvere scaled for solution on an analog computer by introduction of the following variables: where Py 39 o= byl Vc = VCVM’ H = hH,, Fp = PpPy» Fp = PpPye scaled steady-state holdup, maximum steady-state holdup (1.0), scaled salt flow rate between the jackleg and the column, maximum salt flow rate between the jackleg and the column (10 ml/sec), scaled instantaneous holdup, maximum instantaneous holdup (1.0), = scaled value of pressure at jackleg outlet minus static pressure at base of the column when filled with salt, maximum value of pressure at base of column, minus static pressure at base of the column when filled with salt (200 in. 1,00, scaled value of pressure at the base of the column, minus static pressure at base of the column when filled with salt. The resulting equations are: o EVy By 5 Vier MTTE YR, Ve TE, (16) M M HM dh a—-{ = ks(hl - h)’ (17) Lo = khdMVM hv + kBHM h (18) pA P o P ? M B v “Py -2 o P M (19) - 2 dt a PM a M c and k'P schematic diagram of the analeg circuit used for solution of Equations A (16)~(20) is shown in Fig. 15. Choice of Constants. — The value of the constant k2 (0.1 sec/ml) was chosen such that the steady-state holdup had a value of 0.1 when Vref and FO were each assumed to have a value of 1 ml/sec. The constant kl was given the value of 0.01 sec/ml on the basis of observed holdup data from the mercury-water system and from the salt-bismuth system (Sect. 15). The value of the constant kS approximates the ratio of the bismuth flow rate through the column to the bismuth volume held up in the column, and was assigned values of 0.1 and 1 sec”l; the value of 0.1 sec_'-L is considered to give a more accurate representation of the actual system. The constant k5, which was assumed to be equal to the product of the difference in densities of the salt and bismuth (6.4 g/cmB) and the column height (30.25 in.), had a value of 19L in. HQO. The constant kh was varied from 0.02 to 20 in. HEO + sec/ml. The constant k', which represents the salt flow rate (in cm3/sec) obtained between the jackleg and the column for a pressure difference of 1 in. HEO’ was varied from 0.2 to 10 cm3 salt/sec -+ in. HEO' A value of 0.5 is considered to be most representative of the actual systen. . . .2 The cross-sectional area of the jackleg was varied from 0.25 to L in. Calculated Results. Results calculated for a range of operaling conditions are shown in Figs. 16-19. The greatest change in system GRML- DWE-TO-110486 {integrator used for Generation of Time Scale not Shown) Fig. 15, Diagram for Analog Simulation of Column. Jackleg and Extraction o ho ORNL DWG 70- 11055 Re 3 [ | 1 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T I o o I » o : ; kgy=02cnd2 ok an et o TN e ’/ kez0O.20and2 x . e x ky=10 o x k'=0.2 in.H20 sec/ml L: a =Ares Of T-6 =1in? ° k3=0.l sec-! w ol 1 1 b b L L b ] L . _ ] O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 a5 50 55 20 65 Time (sec) C.20 1 1 T S mi T T T T T T T 0.15 . Haldup Aimost Some . ‘\__m_fi For Ronge Of kg, j e — Considered 010 — | i 0.05 0 1 | el L . . | [ L e L J 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 as 50 55 60 85 Time {sec: Fig. 1¢. Variation of Bismuth Holdup in Column and I'low of Salt Between Jackleg and Column with Time for a kB Value of 0.1 and a k' Value of 0.2 in. 1.0 - sec/ml. 2 ORNL-DWG-70-11052 RI 4 v — kg 20.2 T ' 1 ‘ T ! (2] @ ) b € -2 2 —— 20 kl’kE’Vref = constants. This equation is similar to the relation used for the analog simulation, except that the continuous~phase flow rate is important only for flow rates near flooding. The relation used for determining pressure within the column segments, similar to BEg. (13), is: i - P = 1 i, - Pi+l 5 (ku hi Vc,i + k5 “{l)/N, (22) where Pi = presgsure at the top of ith segment minus pressure due to static head of salt in column above ith segment, N = number of segments in column, kh,k5 = constants. Values used for the constants kl, k2, kh’ k5, and Vref are the same as used previously in the analog simulation. A material balance on the dispersed phase in segment i yields the relation i Va1 7 Vaan (23) g where H t time, C . = volume of column. vol If one assumes that the salt and bismuth phases are incompressible, one obtains the relation Ve,i4n = Veo1 Y Va,ia T VaLae (2k) During a given time interval, Egs. (21) through (24) were solved by trial and error to determine pressure, holdup, and flow rates throughout the column in the following manner. A value was assumed for the rate of salt flow from the top of the column (top segment); this value was used with the known flow rate at which bismuth enters the top of the column to calculate values for each column segment. These values include the salt flow rate into the bottom of the column (bottom segment) as well as the pressure at this location. The pressure value was then used to calculate a value for the salt flow rate between the Jackleg and the column which could be compared with the calculated rate of salt flow into the bottom of the column. When the two values did not agree, the assumed salt flow rate at the top of the column was adjusted and the calculation was repeated to obtalin a better approximation. Mathemgtical Description of Jackleg. — In Cases I and II the pressure above the salt surface in the Jackleg was assumed to be constant so that changes in pressure at the jackleg outlet were related only to changes in the level of salt in the Jjackleg. Thus, the variation of pressure at the Jackleg outlet with time is given by the relation dap B p , 7 "o Yo Ty (25) where PB = pressure at Jackleg outlet, minus static head of salt in the column, 50 t = tine, p = density of the salt, a = cross—sectional area of the jackleg, F = salt flow rate to Jackleg, 0 v = salt flow rate between Jackleg and column. N+1 In Case 111 the pressure above the salt surface in the jackleg was controlled in a manner such that the salt level in the Jjackleg remained constant. Hence, the pressure in the gas space above the salt surface in the Jackleg was that regquired to obtain a salt flow rate between the Jackleg and column vwhich was equal to the salt flow rate to the jackleg. The resistance to flow between the jackleg and column wag due to fric- tional losses in the line between the Jackleg and column; the manner of calculating such losses is discussed in the following section. Calculation of Frictional Losses in Salt Transfer Lines. — The frictional losses in the salt transfer lines (one connecting the salt feed tank to the jackleg, and one connecting the jackleg to the column) were calculated from the Poiseuille equation for laminar flow and from the Blasius equation for turbulent flow. These equations are given in Eqs. (26) and (27) respectively: L o= HED (26) where Q = salt flow rate, D = diameter of line, p = viscosity of salt, L = length of line, AP = pressure difference, minus static head between ends of line; and 1 7°D’AP _ 0.0791 32 2 1/h LeQ NRe oL The transition between laminar and turbulent flow was assumed to occur at a Reynolds number of 2200, where Reynolds number 1is defined as N, = EEQ'. (28) In Case I, salt was allowed to flow only from the salt feed tank to the Jackleg since the salt inlet to the Jackleg was located above the salt surface In the jackleg. For the remaining lines, salt was allowed to flow in the direction indicated by the pressure difference across the line in question. Mathematical Description of BSalt Flow Control System. — A math- ematical description of the salt flow control system has been given px-eviously5 for a controller having only proportional action. In the present simulation, both proportional and integral actions were assumed. The following relation for the control action was used: max T = G + B PR where G = rate at which argon flows to salt feed tank, B! rate at which argon is bled from salt feed tank, plus one- half of maximum argon feed rate, ay © Maximum argon flow rate to feed tank (1 std £t°/ar), PB = proportional band, RT reset time, min, t time, Vs,set controller set point generated by ramp generator to represent a linearly decreasing salt volume in feed tank, Vv salt volume in feed tank during current time interval. 52 Calculated Results. — Results calculated for Case I for several jack-~ leg diameters and for two salt transfer line diameters are shown in Fig. 20, Tt is observed that an upset results in a relatively rapid response in all cases. As expected, increases in the Jjackleg diameter result in a slower approach to steady state. The approach to steady state is also more rapid with 3/8-in.-diam salt transfer lines than with 1/4-in.-diam lines. Results calculated for Case II are shown in Fig. 21. The optimum controller settings appear to be as follows: proportional band, 4.0; and reset time, 0.5 min. The use of a gas bleed stream from the feed tank is seen to be quite beneficial since it allows the feed tank pressure Lo quickly decrease without the transfer of large volumes of salt from the feed tank. Results calculated for Case IIT are shown in Fig. 22. Here the approach to be steady state appears to be slightly more sluggish than in the previous cases. Conclusions. — The performance of the flow control system appears to be limited by the time required for pressurization and depressuriza- tion of the gas space in the salt feed tank. The best mode of operation appears to be with a constant gas pressure in the salt jackleg and with the salt inlet to the jackleg located above the salt surface in the jack- leg, as illustrated by Case I. However, the actual system will be more sluggish than shown in Case I because considersable time will be required for the feed tank outlet flow rate to become constant during start-up, even though it is not affected by variations in the column and salt Jackleg. It is believed that the actual system will function well since the simulated system was stable and performed satisfactorily in all the cases considered. 53 ORNL DWG 70O -1IOTI RI e e e [ T YT Y I T T TUUTTTTTYTTT T T Jdackiag Diamatar ~2.28in Flow {mi/sec) < 4 | =4 -+ + + E .15 » 3 \\M Jackleg Diomeler x - M__‘%“_[—ZAZS in 05} - 0 1 1 b bbb [ - ] G 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 54 8Q 65 70 Tima {sec) S T St SR e o s oo o ® { : \\\ € -N Jackleg Diamater Z \\: ~2.25in . ~— *“'--_g:__.__‘ - o — T T e 2 T 20 — e - e p AT e _— — ‘-—-..____\ e LT -‘.___‘N | = T—— S—— e ——— Q —t~ + + + + t 4 —+ e e e -+ G5 —J Ol b Q 9 1o 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 85 70 Tims (sac! Fig. 20. Effect of Jackleg and Transfer Line Diameter on Flow Rate to Column and Column Holdup. Upper curves are for g 1/k-in.-diam line, and lower curves are for a 3/8-in.-diam line. (mi / sec) Flow Flow (ml/sac) QRMNL-DWG-T70-11058 i i 1 i i i ! 1—No Bleed ! i Bleed Rate=2.4 mi/sec i i (@} Flow out of Sait Jackieg Jackleg Area=2-1/4 in2 } % t 5 } } } Proportiona!l Bond = & - FRese! Time = 0.5 min r——NO 5=EEG T I — ] ! L Bleed Role=2.4 ml/sec _ {t) Flow out of Feed TYonk } { | | 1 ] ] ] i 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 Time {sec) 'ig. 21, Variation of Salt “low Rate from “eed Tank and Jackleg . el TT e T . ) - N with Time Tor Cases With and Without Gas Bleed from Feed Tank (Case II;. Flow (ml/sec) Flow (ml/sec) ORNL DWG 70-11O60R! | i [ T I T I ] [ 4 S TT—— Jackleg Area =2-i1/4 int Bleed Rate = 2.4 mi/sec 2 Proportional Band =2 _ Reset Yime = 0.2 min 0 % | + % : | i | | 4 — Jackieg Area =2-1/4in % Bleed Rate = 2.4 ml /sec Proportional Band =4 Reset Time =0.5 min 2 — o i } i I 1 } I i } 0 0 20 30 490 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time {sec) Fig., 22 Variation of Salt Ilow Rate from Jackleg with Time for Case 111 56 T. CALIBRATION OF AN ORIFICE--HEAD PCT FLOWMETER WITH MOLTEN SALT AND BISMUTH C. W. Kee b, A. Hannaford Use of an orifice-~head pot flowmeter, described previously,6 is being considered for determining flow rates for molten salt and bismuth streams in systems used in engineering development work. Since the flow- meters under consideration are not of a standard design, experimental determination of the orifice discharge coefficient is in progress.( Additional calibration data were cobtained during both steady-state and transient experiments with molten salt and bhismuth in a flowmeter having a 0.118-in.-diam orifice. Results of these tests are given in the remainder of this section. The data suggest that the orifice dis- charge chamber was flooded part of the time; this would produce a sig- nificant errcor in the measured pressure drop across the orifice. The remaining data appear to have been obtained under conditions where the discharge chamber was not flooded. In future experimeants, the orifice-- head pot and discharge chamber will be pressurized to ensure that the orifice discharge chamber does not fill with liquid. 7.1 Data from Steady-State IFlow Experiments Three calibration experiments were made in which a steady bismuth flow was maintained through the mild-steel head pot, and one experiment was carried out with a steady salt flow. Results from these experiments are given in Tables 3 and 4. The data for salt flow appear to indicate that higher orifice coefficients are assoclated with higher Reynolds numbers. The values for the orifice coefficient also appear to approach a constant value at high Reynolds numbers. The orifice coefficient is defined as Cp = e (30) A 2pAP 1 -3 Table 3. Orifice Discharge Coefficient Data Obtained with Balt Flow During Run 0OP-5 Flow Period of Rate Reynolds Orifice Steasdy Flow {(ml/min) Number Coefficient (min) 132 278 0.28 8.3 190k LOT 0.3k 5.3 25 515 0.36 4.3 296 623 0.37 3.7 a . ] Based on orifice diameter. Table 4. Orifice Discharge Coefficient Data Obtained with Bismuth Flow Flow Pericd of Rate Reynolds Orifice Steady Ilow Run (ml/min) Numberd Coefficient {min) IP-5A 185 12070 0.77 3.75 OP-6 127 8283 0.68 3.7 182 11840 0.76 .7 P56 166414 0.7k 1.7 200 18870 0,84 3 282 18363 0.81 8.2 OP-T7 175 11410 0.734 13 20D 1hhho 0.773 9 397 25830 1.11h 3 368 230940 0.773 1 a, . ) “Based on orifice diameter. 58 where CD = orifice coefficient, Q = liquid flow rate, p = density of liquid, A = cross-sectional area of the orifice, AP = pressure drop across orifice. Data from the experiment with bismuth flow do not show the trend observed with salt flow; however, the Reynolds numbers during these ex-— perinents are about two orders of magnitude higher than in the experiment with salt. One of the calculated values for the orifice coefficient (1.114) is much higher than expected. This higher value is believed to be the result of the orifice discharge line being filled with bismuth, which led to a decreased pressure below the orifice. 7.2 Data from Transient Flow Experiments Results are shown in Fig. 23 for an experiment (OP-5) in which drainage of salt from the orifice-~head pot was observed. As seen in eagrlier experiments, the orifice coefficient appears to decrease as the pressure drop across the orifice decreases. This is believed 1o result from submergence of the orifice. Some of the data obtained during drainage of bismuth from the orifice—- head pot are shown in Fig. 2. These data indicate lower values than ex- pected for the orifice coefficient. The lower values are probably caused by the filling of the orifice discharge chamber. The remainder of the data obtained during drainage cf bismuth from the head pot is shown in Fig. 25. These data are believed to be more reliable than those shown in Fig. 24, The values for the orifice dis- charge coefficient are in gecod agreement with the expected values and with each other. y Square Root of Pressure Drop Across OrHice(dwws/mnz)z 280 240 200 160 {20 w Q & Q ORNL-DWG-70-11065 ¢ ! T T T ! Y I f »_ — "-:.\ — "~ \t \.\ .\ Cd =0.43 b - \.f — \.\ "%m\ i \\\ - fcé =0.36 B -\N\‘t::'-a.._“ .\-"‘4-.“___' fcd =O.25 B ~f \k\'\-_ - ] \ } i 1 L 1 | 1 k i 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 2.3 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time {min) Fig. 23. Data Obtained During Drainage of Salt from Orifice--Head Pot Having an Orifice Diameter of G.118 in. 64 60 ORML-OWG-TO-11063 320 I 1 T T T T T T £ . 280}~ _ ~. ~. \'\‘rcd =0.48 240 ~, B \' \- ™. . \l ~ 200 " i \Q\.\ ~Cq =0.35 IGO.T\\\\\\\ N ] \- - \I // / / / Squore Root of Pressure Drop Across Orifica (dynes/cm?2) " \“-. \.\\. \‘:\1 ~. 80— 40— - 0 1 1 | ] ) | | ] 0 0.5 1.C -] 20 2.5 3.0 35 40 45 Time [min ) Fig. 24. Data Obtained During Drainage of Bismuth from Orifice--— Head Pot Having an Orifice Diameter of 0.118 in. 61 b2 ORNL DWG 70-1i056 1 N b Q — 200} +\./Cd =0.65 160+ N\, . N\ Cq = 0.59 120 + \(/ i Square Root of Pressure Drop Across Orifice (dynes/cmzl 80} - 40}~ ~ 0 i 1 i 0 0.5 .0 1.5 2.0 Time {min) Pig. 25. Data Obtained During Drainage of Bismuth from Orifice== Head Pot Having an Orifice Diameter of 0.118 in. 62 8. ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: STATIC CELL EXPERIMENTS J. R. Hightower, Jr. M. S. Lin L. E. McHeese The proposed flowsheet for processing a molten~salt breseder reactor requires the use of electrolytic cells for reducing lithiuwm and thorimm fluorides at a bismuth cathode and for oxidizing materials from bismuth solutions at a bismulth anode. Two experiments related to cell develop- ment were made in a U-in.-diam quartz cell. In the first, current was passed between two molybdenuin electrodes to determine whether the ususl dark material would be formed when bismuth was not present in the systemn. The second experiment was a test of a porous carbon ancde having a much higher gas permeability than the graphite anode that had been used in an earlier experiment in which poor results had been obtained. It was believed that a higher gas permeability might allow removal of the CFh formed a2t the anode (by flow through the graphite) and thereby prevent the electrode surface from beling insulated by a layer of this material. The salt (66-34 mole % LiFmBeFE) and bismuth were sparged with H, before being transferred toc the quartz vessel. For the first test, the depth of salt in the cell was 3 in.; the cell contained no bismuth. The anode was a 1/4-in.-diam molybdenum rod immersed to a depth of 1 in. at the center of the cell. The cathode was a 1/L-in. molybdenum tube inserted to within about 1 in. of the bottom of the cell and located about 1/2 in. from the cell wall. A gquartz tube surrounded the cathode, and only about 1/L in. of the molybdenum tube was exposed since it was to be used as the electrical lead in the second experiment. Initially, an alternating current of about 2 A was passed between the electrodes for approximately 2 min with a cell temperature of approximately 600°C. At the end of this time, a small amount of black material was ob~ served near the electrode having the quartz sheath around it. A direct current of about 5 A was then passed between the electrodes. There was a rapid formation of bhlack material in the vicinity of the anode, and the 63 salt became opaque within 1 min. After standing overnight, most of the material had settled out, although a few large particles (~1/8 in. in diameter) were still suspended in the salt phase. Current (5 A, dc) was agaln passed, and the cell rapidly became opaque again; the black material that formed at the anocde rose along the anode, spread out at the salt surface, and dispersed throughout the salt from the surface. Analysis of some of the solid material suspended in the salt indicated that silicon might have been present. It was concluded from this experi- ment that the presence of bismuth is not necessary for formation of the black material. After the test with the molybdenum electrodes, sufficient bismuth was transferred to the cell to produce a 3-in. depth of this metal, and the molybdenum rod at the center of the cell was replaced with a l-in.- diam porous carbon electrode (density = 0.1 g/cc) immersed to a depth of 1 in. in the salt. With the cell at 600°C, a potential of 5 V was applied between the bismuth cathode and the carbon anode. The initial current, approximately 4 A, decayed rapidly to a steady value of about 0.2 A (corresponding to a current density of 0.0k A/cmg, based on the area of the end of the carbon anode). The cell was then evacuated to an absolute pressure of less than 29 in. Hg without affecting the current density. Oparging the cell periodically produced short-term increases in current, but continuous sparging did not help appreclably. If the CFh had escaped from the carbon reaction surface at a rate limited only by resistance to gas flow through the porous electrode, a current density of 12 to 29 A/cm? would have been obtained. Apparently, an insulating film of gas was formed on the anode. Alternatively, with such a high permeability, the salt may have penetrated the electrode a short distance, thus isclating the reaction surface from the salt-free porous carbon and nullifying the benefit of the low resist-~ ance to gas flow offered by this material. We are continuing experiments in static cells 1n order to identify the black material. We are installing an all-metal cell to determine whether the material forms in the absence of silica. 6L 9. ELECTROLYTIC CELL DEVELOPMENT: FORMATION OF FROZEN FILMS WITH AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTES J. R. Hightower, Jr. C. W. Kee Formation of frozen salt films on structural surfaces exposed 1o the molten-salt electrolyte in cells is being considered as a means for pro- tecting these surfaces from corrosion by BiF% produced at the cell anode. A study of frozen film formation under condifions similar to those ex- pected in a cell is in progress. Part of the work will be carried out using an aqueous electrolyte in order to avoid problems associated with molten salt--bismuth systems. Equipment has been installed for studying the formation of ice films on surfaces of a simulated electrolytic cell that uses an agueous solution rather than molten salt as the electrolyte. Alternating current will be used to minimize the effects of electrode reactions and mass transfer. The remainder of this section will describe the equipment that has been built, and outline a mathematical analysis for use in designing cells and interpreting results. 9.1 Mathematical Analysis Average Currvent Density and Power Dissipation. — One conceptual design for an electrolytic cell consists of flowing molten bismuth electrodes (alternately ancdic and cathodiec) in long, narrow trays that are closely spaced and are submerged in the electrolyte. The divider between the electrcdes mast be electrically insulating, and the top edge of it must be protected from corrosion by a film of frozen salt. Figure 26 is a diagram of a half-anode-~-half-cathode combination and shows a convenient idealization of an actual cell that will be used in cell design. The current 1s assumed to be confined to an electrolyte region bounded by the frozen film at a radius of r, and by a hypothetical 1 ORNL DWG 70-6245 | HYPOTHETICAL ¢ INSULATING — SURFACE FROZEN | FILM '/ COOLING { TUBE §= ELECTRODE DIVIDER | CATHODE W ANODE Fig., 26. Diagram of Idealized Model of Electrolytic Cell. 59 66 insulating surface at a radius of I, {which is half the width of an electrode tray). A cooling tube of radius r. is positioned at the | 0 top of the electrode divider and is covered with a frozen film of thickness £y "~ Ty The cooling tube is assumed to be electrically insulating. The current density in the conduecting region is given by Ohm's law as: ¥ > J = gk, (31) where - . 2 J = vector current density, A/m”, _). E = vector electric field strength, V/m, g = conductivity of the electrolyte, ohm”l m—l. With no sources of emf in the conducting region, the field strength ig derivable from a scalar potential:B B = -grad O (32) where U = electric potentizl, V, grad U = gradient of U. In cylindrical polar coordinates, Eg. (32) becomes (33) —)' "> . - - - - where &, and ae are unit vectors in the r and 8 directions respectively. Substitution of Eg. (33) into Eq. (31) yields the relation = -+ U > 1 93U = e e o —) J & (ar or ae r 88) (34) 67 In the conducting region, if one assumes that g is constant,8 the po- tential U satisfies the differential equation VU = 0, (35) 59Uy, 3%u _ rar (rgp) + 02 0. (36) The boundary conditions assumed for the model shown in Fig. 26 are: 1. The radial current component at r = r. is 0, so that 1 ol _ 3T ey = 0. 1 2. The radial current component r = r, is 0, so that ol - = Q. r=r 2 3. The potential at the anode (8 = 0) ig V at the cathode (6 = w) is O. 1° and the potential Bquation (37), - g U=V (1 - =), (37) is a solution to Eg. (36) in the region r, £r ig. 27 Flow Diagram of Agueous Mock-up Coolant System. 0l 71 flownmeters and valves to control the flow. There are three coolant cir- culating loops that allow the temperature of the coolant at the cell inlet and the flow rate of the coolant through the cell to be zdjusted inde- pendently. The chiller consists of a 55-gal stainless steel drum containing a coil made of 50 Tt of 3/h-in.-diam copper tubing. The tubing 1s immersed in a trichloroethylene--dry ice bath, the temperature of which should be at least as low as ~50°C. Dry ice will be added at a rate of 0.24 1b per minute per kilowatt of heat generated by the cell and punp. Ixperimental Cell Vessel.— The first cell vessel to be used in these experiments is made of Plexiglas and contains two trays (1-7/8 in. wide x 12 in. long x 2 in. deep) separated by a 1/4-in.-thick divider; the trays will contain mercury pools for electrodes. A diagram of the cross section of the cell is shown in Fig. 28; a photograph of the cell vessel installed in the cocling loop is shown in Fig. 29. The wider sections at each end of the cell vessel accommodate installation of the cooling tubes. The maximum heat generaticn rate of interest corresponds to an average current density of 5 A/cm2 in molten salt having a resistivity of 0.65 ohm-cm (72~ 16-12 mole % LiFmBeFQ-ThFu) at 600°C. TFor KBr or KI sclutions (27 and 33 vt %, respectively) a resistivity of about 8 ohm-cm can be cbtained with a freezing point of -10°C. With these solutions, the heat generation rate of interest could be oblalined with an average current density of about 1.5 A/cmg. Calculations show that, if this heat is removed through the electrode divider cooling tube, an ice film having a thickness of only avout 0.05 in. will form. Consequently, other cooling tubes were added along the walls of the cell vessel to reduce the heat load on each tube. In an actual electrolytic cell, these surfaces would require corrosion protection also. 9.3 Expected Mode of Operation Temperature measurements of the electrolyte, electrodes, and coolant fluid, and measurements of current and voltage, will be made in order to 72 ORNL DWG 70-4541 AQUECUS ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION COOLING TUBES ICE - FILMS LUCITE CelLL VESSEL [ 00 © |2 MERCURY ELECTRODES Tig. 28, Diagram of Cross Section of Electrclytic Cell to Be Used with Agueous Electrolytes in Studying ormation of Ice Films. 13 PHOTO 97765 Fig. 29. Photograph of Cell Vessel for Studying Frozen Film Formation with Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions. Th make energy balance calculations on the system. Measurements of the amount of heat that is removed by each cooling tube should aid in determining heat generation rates at various points in the cell. The center tube will have the greatest heat removal rate and the thinnest ice film. Observations of frozen film thickness, shape, and stability will be made. In addition, qualitative observations will be made of the behavior of the ice layer below the surface of the metal electrodes. 10. DEVELOPMENT OF A BISMUTH--MOLTEN SALT INTERFACE DETECTOR * Jd. Roth L. BE. McNeese An interface detector based on the principle of eddy current genera- tion in liquid metals is being developed for use at molten salt--liguid bismuth or gas--liguid bismuth interfaces. It is desired that all surfaces contacting bismuth be made of a refractory metal such as molybdenum; however, these materials have a relatively low electrical permeability, which makes their use difficult. The device under development is a medification of a liquid-level induction probe developed at Argonne National Laboratory9 and has been described previously.lo The design of the inductance coil has been modified so that all lead wires are accessible from one end; this simplifies the replacement of lead wires. 10.1 Testing and Modification of Electronic Circuit Prior to Installation Initial testing of the electronic circuit prior to installation established the need for several modifications. An attempt was made to establish component compatibility using the expected materials of con- struction. Core materials tested in the inductance coil included aluminum, Woods metal, and bismuth, in air, in a 304 stainless steel sight tube,and in the required 347 stainless steel--molybdenum duplex sight tube that is * On loan from Combustion Engineering. 5 described below. The modifications involved changes in signal ampli- fication, as well as stabilization of the signal received from the detection coil. The electronic amplification factor was first increased by a factor of 10, which then necessitated replacement of the dc¢ amplifier with one generating a "cleaner" signal., After these modifications had been com- pleted, it was found that, with the 347 stainless steel~-molybdenum sight tube, insertion of a Woods metal rod into the coil caused a pen deflection of 90% of full scale. Insertion of a bismuth rod into the coil caused a pen deflection of only 24% of full scale; however, this deflection is believed to be sufficiently high if the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. Toward this end, several additiocnal medifications were made. All electrical lead wires were shielded. The detector coil was shielded from the furnace element by a sched L0 type 347 stainless steel pipe, which essentially eliminated induced signals generated by the Turnace element. All segments of the electronic circuit were connected to a common ground, which reduced the signal variations caused by differing ground potentials. All electronic components, with the exception of the furnace element, were connected to a l-kVa Sola constant-~voltage transformer. Final testing of the system at room temperature revealed the presence of a 2-V impressed signal that could not be eliminated electronically. This signal was found to be dependent on lead wire location and was eliminated by proper place- ment of the lead wires. Upon completion of this phase of the work, it was found that noise level had been reduced from about 20% of full scale to about 6% of full scale. Testing of the system at temperatures above room temperature was then started by first heating the coil slowly to about 250°C in an attempt to dry out the detector coil and to determine the effects of both heat and current flow through the furnace coils on the detector coil. The following coneclusionsg were drawn as a result of these tests: 1. Loss of ground connection to the stainless steel furnace shield caused a pen deflection of 9% of full scale. This indicates the need for good ground connections on all portions of the system. 76 2. The recorder responses resulting from full insertion of a bismuth rod into the detector coil were 4% and 20% of full scale at room temperature and at 220°C, respectively. These data indicate that the sensitiviiy of the system increases with increasing temperature and that a full-scale pen deflectioa might be observed at the operating temperature of 600°C. However, the electrical properties of bismulh exhibit a discontinuity at the melting point, which mey decrease the sensitivity. Tt was decided to modify the electronic circuit such that the output signal will be amplified by an additional factor of 10. The optimum coil operating frequency incresses with increasing tem- perature; however, the corresponding output signal decreases with increas- ing frequency. In addition, the electronic zero is also dependent on the frequency. At room temperature, the optimum fregquency was 47 kHz, and an output of 8 V was observed. At 150 to 500°C the optimum frequency was 59 kHz, with a corresponding output of 6 V. The electronic zero drifted over a periocd of time. A Zener diode feedback circuit will be installed in the system in an attempt to stabilize it. 10.2 Fabrication of Sight Tube The seccnd attempt by the Metals and Ceramics Division to coat the internal surface of a 0.500-in.~diam type 347 stainless steel tube with 0.005 to 0.010 in. of tungsten by chemical vapor deposition was success- ful. However, repeated attempts to coat the external surface of the tube failed because of an inability to produce a continuous bond between the internal and external coatings. Faillure of this technique to establish a suitable bond between the two surface coatings was attributed to the high stress levels that are inherent with this type of joint. These stress levels are caused partially by the differential thermal expansion characteristics of tungsten and stainless steel and partially by the failure of the vapor-deposited tungsten to bond to the stainless steel substrate. No further attempts will be made to prepare sight tubes by this method. 77 The sight tubes required for the test apparatus have been produced by machining the external surfaces of several 36-in.-long pieces of molybdenum tubing, which were originally 0.375 in. OD with a 0.0LO-in. wall, to produce a wall thickness of 0.02 in. Although this thickness is considerably greater than anticipated, tests indicate that satisfactory results can still be obtained. 11l. CONTINUOUS SALT PURIFICATION R. B. Lindauver E. L. Youngblood L. E. MclNeese Molten salt for the MSRE and for development work is presently puri- fied from contaminants (mainly sulfides, oxides, and iron fluoride) by a batch process.ll The total cost of salt (natural lithium) thus produced has amounted to about $l600/ft3, of which less than 40% is material cost. Tn April 1968, a2 commercial vendor bid $266O/ft3 on a 280~ffi3 quantity. It is believed that the labor costs could be reduced considerably by use of a continuous process for the most time-consuming operation (hydrogen reduction of iron fluoride). Although the removal of sulfides and oxides by the batch process 1s fairly rapid, additional advantages would probably be gained by performing this operation continuously. Preliminary experiments on the reduction of ilron flucride in molten salt were performed by MIT Practice School students in 1968 with encouraging results. A substantial reduction in the concentration of iron fluoride was obtained, although most of the operation was carried out at less than 2% of the calculated flooding rate. For the present studies, the column diameter has been reduced from 3.375 in. to 1.38 in. (1.25-in., sched L0 pipe) to allow operation nearer the flooding point. The column is 81 in. long and is packed with 1/4-in. Raschig rings. Equipment has been designed to supply purified hydrogen, argon, and HF gas in sufficient gquantities to operate at the higher rates. Figure 30 is a simplified flowsheet of the system. Molten salt is charged toc the receiver tank and then trans- ferred via pressurization to the feed tank, which is elevated about 5-1/2 @ ORNL-DWG-59-14298 r_1 -———*(\_J BACK PRESSURE — CONTROL VALVE Y ¥ WATER FLUORIDE ANALYZER ANALYZER ARGON § St)g l Naf | TRAP E Pd T COLUMN 3 M VENT ; = —= OUTSIDE SALT BLDG. FEED | ABSOLUTE FLAME TANK | | FILTER ARRESTER . 7 HYDROGEN {& HF)} SAMPLER FILTER RECEIVER - Fig. 30. Flow Diagram of Eguipment for Study of Coatinuous Salt Purification. gl 9 ft to reduce the argon pressure required to feed salt to the colwumn. The salt feed rate is contrelled by adjusting the argon flow rate to the feed tank. In order to limit the stress on the feed tank, the tank is maintained at 650°C; additional heat is supplied to the feed line to increasze the temperature of the salt to the column operating temperature of TO0®C. The hydrogen is also preheabed to 700°C before it enters the bottom of the column. Hydrogen leaving the top of the column flows through & pressure contrel valve In order to maintain the sslt-gas inter- face at the bottom of the column below the gas inlet. Balt leaving the bottom of the column passes, first, through a liguid seal lovp and, then, through & Tibrous metal filter Lo remove particulate iron., The filtered sa’t passes through a Tlowing stream sampler and iz subsequently routed to the receiver. Hydrogen Tfluoride that is produced during reduction is removed by a Nal trap. Instrumentation is provided to measure the differential oressure across the column, the pressure at the top of the column, and the salt head above the salt filter. An analysis for water in the system off-~ gag 1s made during oxide removal to determine the rate at which oxide is removed, and an analysis for fluoride in this stream 1s made during the iron reduction step to provide a check on the rate of reductlon as indicated by the analysis of filtered salt samples. Periodic examination of the filter (and possibly of the column packing) will provide informa- tion on the particle size, filterability, and disposition of the iron. 12, MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT J. R. Hightower, Jr. L. E. McNeese 95 Results of final analyses have been obtalined for Li, Be, 2r, 21, ! 5S¢ 147Pm lSSEu, 91Y, 908r 09 137 1h! ”h4Ce ” Sr, and Ceg in the 11 condensate > 2 samples taken during the MSRE Distillation Experiment. These results (shown in Table 5) have been used to calculate the effective relative volatility of each component, with respect to LiF, during the course of the experiment by metheds described previously.ld 41 Table 5. Anslyses of Samples from the MSRE Distillstion EX T T Comoonent - - 5 Salt \{olmnes Aésociated o 9szr o te e Tk ’ Y ’ S ’ . Tot:itfiiizsgemaz:tz:spésiuensate (wt %) (wt. %) (d¢is min~lg~1) {daie min~T1g™t) (dis minTdz™Ll) {dis min~lg~1) (dis min~lg-1) (dis min-lg-1) {dis min—lg-1) {dig min g ) Fed Coliected Tuel storage tank-1 — — 1.79 x 109 314 x 1010 3,48 x 109 — 3,11 % 107 — {Date analyzed) (b/2L/69) {(4/25/6G) {4/24/69) L/2l/e9) Fuel storage tank-2 0.6 13,39 1.62 x 109 3,20 x 1010 3.75 x 107 — 3.35 x 209 — {Date analyzedi) (5/1/69) (s/1/69) (4/29/€9) (5/2/69) {1/30/69) (4/29/69) Condensate samples 2,88 15,66 .52 x .07 6.83 x 10° <2.6 x 10° <8 x 103 6.5L x 2.1 x 105 2.10 x 10" 9. 7.9 0.42 -2 4.7 12,05 1.39 x 107 1.21 % 109 1.53 x 107 “1.b % 107 1,18 x 5.2 x 10% 5.15 x 107 6. 10.0 1.93 -3 6.86 10.0L 1.1 x 107 2.39 x 20° 2.78 x 167 n3.0 & 10° Lk x 8.5h x 10° 1.61 x 107 3.8 i1z 5.96 -4 7.0k 10.09 Lo x 107 1.97 x 10° 2.23 x 107 we.l x 167 1.32 x 5,76 x 105 .3y x 107 3. 12.6 3.81 -5 8.15 10,48 1.oh ¢ ig? B.09 x 207 8.85 x 1° “1.0 x 107 6.1k x 2.5 x 208 2.49 x 107 3. 3.4 .35 -6 7.05 9.1 10,43 1.22 x 10° 2.89 x 10° 3.20 x 107 v3.4 x 107 1.81 x 8.93 x 108 1.08 x 107 o. 13.6 k.95 -7 - .82 3. 10.53 1.16 x 109 1.99 x 1P 216 x 107 V2.5 x 107 1.15 x .57 x 10° i.90 x 107 1. 13.8 5.80 -8 8.77 8.1 9.83 11T x 107 3.0L x 10° 3,08 x L0 v3.3 x 107 60 x 8.75 x 10° 3.38 % 107 5, 13.8 6.34 -9 9.80 7. 8.71 .78 x 20° .63 x 108 5.98 x 107 n5,5 x 107 29 x 1.56 x 107 3.50 x 107 L, 13.8 6.89 -10 .02 5.1 8.26 g. bk x e .75 x 105 6.27 x 107 w6.6 x 107 .01 x 2.37 x 107 1.69 % 107 2. 13.8 7.49 -1 .28 5.7 8.1l 9.09 x 100 Lol x _of £.90 x 100 n8.1 x 10° L0 x 3.0h x 107 b.z x 100 o, 13.5 7.85 (Date anaiyzed} {5/21/€9) {5/23/69) (4/23/69) (5/2./69) (7/21/499) (7/2/69) (10/8/69) 9/30/69) (7/8/69) {7/6/69) aDuplicate samples differed by a Factor of 4 or more. 08 81 The effective relative volatility of each component, with respect to LiF, is shown in Figs. 31-3L4 as a function of the volume of collected condensate. The most self-consistent values were obtained when the car- rier salt composition in the feed was assumed to be 65-30-5 mole % LiF- BeFQ-Zth rather than a slightly different composition as indicated by the analysis of the salt from the fuel storage tank. The difference be- tween the analytical wvalues and the values used is probably due to the presence of zirconium metal in the fuel storage tank. The zirconium was filtered cut when the salt was transferred to the still feed tank. The effective relative volatilities of the major salt components BeF2 and. ZrFu and of the fission product 95 The effective relative volatility of BeFB, which was essentially constant Zth are shown in Fig. 31. during the run, had an average value of 3.8. This value agrees favorably with the value of 3.9 reported by Smith, Ferris, and Thompson,l3 but is lower than the value of 4.7 measured by Hightower and McNeese.lh Slight inaccuracies in calculations (especially the material balance calculations described earlier) and analyses probably account for these differences. 95 The effective relative volatilities of fission product ZrFu and of nztural ZrFu are in agreement. When the analysis of the fuel storage tank salt was used in the relative volatility calculation, the resulting relative volatilities of the natural Zth were about a factor of 2 lower than the values for QBZth. Figure 31 shows that o decreagsed from an intial LrFy~LiF value near 4 at the start of the run to about 1 at the end of the run. These values bracket the value of 2.2 measured by Smith and co-workers in salt mixtures having a ZrFu concentration about 2% of that used in our system. The effective relative volatilities for the lanthanide fission products, . 1h7PmF3’ tive relative volatility of lb’L‘LCeF3 increased sharply from 6.1 x J.O“l‘L at the luhCeF and 155EuF2, are shown in Fig. 32. The value of the effec- time of the first sample to about 1.0 x 10_2, where it remained for nearly all the subsequent samples. The fifth sample, however, was lower than 1.0 x 1072 by a factor of 3. The low initial value was 1.5 to 3.l times the value measured in an egquilibrium St111512 the higher values were 24 to 56 times the value measured in the equilibrium still. RELATIVE VOLATILITY OF BeF, WITH RESPECT TO L.iF o H ORNL-DWG 70 - 4516 i 1T T T T T T T T390 4 dg & — o3 —+5 N 0 4 & A > — 0 1 = 0 o o a A O A 42 Z A A g O zZrF, 8 %2 o G > = A A 4 Gj — o ® ® 7 ® ® - ® o BeFp | & @ $ #® Bef, & ZrF, O %87, | | i | i i L | 3 | 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 LITERS COMDENSATE COLLECTED Effective Helative Volatilities of ZrF), 95Zth, and Ber',, for the MERE Distillation Experiment. o WITH RESPECT TO LiF cg 83 ORNL- DWG 70— 4515 10~ T T 7 | ' [ T I ! I 1 I 1 ‘ i e @ . 144 1072 ® Ce - ® ® ® o o - . ~ I?:- — - 3 ] A ] P u A A R 3 A AA g " A ' A HTqu W A b L iy - L @x 1073 4 — i ® 14co ] - [® A "Tpm . .. O 158 Eu O . 0 o O o 4 O i o o 158 0o <1.4 x 10°° 0.86 x 107* 10-4 __{ 1 b J I 1 1 | 'K 1 | ] | ] i o 1 2 3 4 O 5 6 7 8 LITERS CONDENSATE COLLECTED : : : e L4 L Fig. 32. Effective Relative Volatilities of 1 Cel's, 1 7PmF3, and 155E}uf’2 in the MSRE Distillation Experiment. 8l ORNL DWG 70-4514 '0“1, T ] | ] T ] T ] T T ( | T T T 2 = ‘ e & -—Q ‘ L. . o1 = & Y 1072} ] e " . : - i ] 5 i P— ot & A & A - N fi c t &\ 905r Z . A i > A }.— a S| A d L~ 4 - O > 5 -3 4 — 2 10731 A5 1 J - i o - ® 'y - 8 & %g; | 10-4 i | j ] s L 1 1 | 1 1 I ] 1 1 2 3 L 5 6 T a8 LITERS CONDENSATE COLLECTED 91, .. Q0 rig. 33. Effective Relative Volatilities of Yh3 and SrF2 in the MERE Distillation Experiment. RELATIVE VOLATILITY WIiTH RESPECT TO LiF 85 ORNL DWG 70-4513 100 . T | A 10.0 1.0 f=4.02 x10~® mole fraction & A 04 1 [ 1 | 1 ! 1 1 L 1 L 1 ] [ 1 0 f 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 LITERS CONDENSATE COLLECTED Fig. 34. Effective Relative Volatility of lSTCsF in MSRE Distillation Experiment, Showing Effect of Variation of Assumed Feed Concentration. 1k The effective relative volatility for YPmF is based on a computed 3 feed concentration, which is believed to be a more accurate value than the measured feed concentration (since measured concentrations of other lanthanlide fission products were in good agreement with computed concen- trations and since the measured concentration is in doubt). As in the L) 7 case of 1‘¥CeF3, the relative volatility of lu(PJflle..S at the time of the first sample was low-~less than 7.8 x lomh; it rose sharply to about - 3l 3.4 x 10 3 for the other samples. Again, as in the case of lHCeF the 3: relative volatility of the fifth sample was low. There were no previously measured values of the relative volatility of Pmi', with which to compare 3 these results. It is interesting to note that when the effective rela- : o 14 tive volatility of 7PmF was calculated based on the measured concen- LT 3 tration of Pm in the fuel storage tank (instead of a calculated con- centration), the relative volatility value for each sample except the 1hh first nearly coincided with the resgpective value for Cel',. 3 The variation of the relative volatility of 155EuF during the run 1k 2 closely paralleled the variations for CeF3 and L 7PmF3. The value for the first sample was low (less than 1.5 x lOmb), but the values for all other samples except for the fifth sample were a great deal higher (about 2.2 x lO“h). The value for the fifth sample was lower by a factor of 2.6. These calculated effective relative volatilities (which l55Eu) were based on a computed feed concentration of were lower than the value of 1.1 x lOM3 measured in recirculating equilibrium stills. However, the values for lDSEu in the condensate are suspected of being inaccurate since difficulty was experienced in the analyses; therefore, 11 155 a Eu analyses for the condensate samples were reported as approxi- mate values (see Table 5). On the other hand, it is significant that l55Eu during the run closely 147 W paralleled the relative volatilities of lHCeF3 and 'PuF, (snd, as 91 90 seen later, YFB and Srb2). Figure 33 shows the effective relative volatilities of 91 the variation in the relative volatility of 91YF,3 and. 90 Ser. The effective relative volatility of YF3 had an average value -2 during the run of 1.4 x 10 ~, about 410 times the value measured in 91YF relative 3 recirculating eguilibrium stills. The variation of the 87 volatility during the run resembled variations in the relative volatili- ties of the lanthanides; the low value for the fifth sample was the most noticeable similarity. QOSrFQ (based on the measured concentration in the feed) had an average value of 4.1 During the run, the effective relative volatility of X 10*3, which is about 84 times the value measured in recirculating equilibrium stills. Although not shown 1in Fig. 33, the average value 89 of the relative volatility of SrF2 (based on a computed concentration in the feed) was 0.193, about 3900 times the value measured in equilib- 89 90 rium stills; and the ratio of the Sr activity to the Sr activity in the condensate samples, which should have been about 0.002 for each sample, varied from 0.22 to greater than 10. 137 The concentration of Cs in the feed salt was not measured; instead, calceulation of the effective relative volatilily was based on an esti- 137 mated feed concentration. Since '(137 Cs has a fairly long~lived gaseous precursor Xe, half-life of 3.9 min), 1ts actual concentration in the salt will be lower than that calculated if we assume that all the pre- cursors remained in the salt. Alsoc, because the actual relstive vola- tility of CsF is fairly high, the results of the calculaticns of the effective relative volatility are sensitive to the assumed feed concen- 137 tration of Cs. Figure 34 shows calculated relative volatilities of 137 CsF for two assumed feed concentrations. The points around the lower curve result from the feed concentretion that would arise as s conse- quence of all precursors staylng in the salt during MSRE operation and represent lower limits for the relative volatility; the points around the upper line result from a feed concentration just high enough to 137 prevent the computed concentration of Cs in the still pot liguid from falling to zero, and represent upper limits for the effective relative 137 137 volatility of Cs¥. The highest effective relative volatility of Csl seen in these calculations was only about 20% of the value measured in LiF—BeFP mixtures by Smith and co-workers. As seen from the previous results, all components except BeF2 and Zth had effective relative volatilities that differed significantly 88 (in some cases, drastically) from values predicted from work with equi- librium systems. Possible explanations for these discrepancieg are being examined. 13. RECOVERY OF TLi FROM TLiwaISMUTHm—RAREmEARTH SOLUTIONS BY DISTILLATION J. R. Hightower, Jr. L. E. McNeese Removal of divalent lanthanides from the LiCl stream in the metal- transfer process produces a bismuth stream that contains lanthanides, along with a high concentration of TLi (on the order of 10 to 50 at. %). Because of the high cost of TLi, its recovery may be economical. The low vapor pressures of the lanthanide metals, as compared with those of Li and Bi, suggest that distillation might be used effectively to recover Li and Bi. However, since Li and Bi form an intermetallic compound (Li3Bi) having & high melting point (1145°C), the Li concen- tration in the still could become high enough in the course of dis- tillation that solid LigBi would be formed in the still pot. Calcu- lated results that indicate the expected performance of a one-stage continuous equilibrium still sre discussed in this section. The fractional recovery of lithium is calculated for a set of conditions that allow a reasonably high recovery. The extent of separation of the recovered lithium from the lanthanides was assumed {0 be adequate and was not considered. 13.1 Mathematical Analysis Material Balance Around a Continuous Still. — Consider a single- stage equilibrium still to which a bismuth stream containing lithium is fed (the lanthanide fission products are assumed to be nonvolatile and will be neglected) and from which an overhead stream and s bottoms stream are drawn (each stream contains bismuth and lithium). A steady- state material balance around the still yields the following equstion: 89 7 = (1 ~ f)X + fY , (4h) where 2 = atom Traction of Li in the feed strean, ¥ = atom fraction of Li in the still bottoms stream, Y = gtom fraction of Li in the overhead stream from the still, f = fraction of the feed stream vaporized in the still, moles vapor per mole of liquid fed. The vapor phase and the liquid phase leaving the still are assumed to be in equilibrium; the concentrations of these phases are related through the relative volatility of lithium with respect to bismuth, wvhich is defined as: _Y(1 —X) _ “Li-Bi © X(1 = Y) ° (45) where o is a function of system temperature, pressure, and compo- Li-Bi sition. (The evaluation of o will be discussed in a later section.) Li-Bi Substitution of Egq. (45) into Eg. (44) yields the following eguation, which relates the still-pot composition to the fraction of material dis- tilled: 7 - [(1 —a )2 £ (1 — ) + o Flx + (1 —a Y1 — £)%° = 0 . (u6) Li~Bi Li-Bi Li-Bi Because A B depends on X, this equation must be solved iteratively. The relative volatility of lithium with respect to bismuth is related to the vapor pressures of the two components through the relation S P _ Li Li (LLT) here “Li-Bi - vpPpy Y14 and Vg 8re the liquid-phase activity coefficients of Li and Bi, respectively, at the temperature, pressure, and composition of the liguid in the still; PLi and PBi are the vapor pressures of Li and Bi, respectively, at the temperature of the still. 90 Evaluation of the activity coefficients for use in Eq. (I7) is discussed in the following section. Evalnation of Activity Coefficients for the Li~Bi System. — The 15 activity coefficient for lithium in Li-Bi solutions has been measured’ and is expressed by the following equation: vy = [Ag) " B}(&?)] *o (48) wnere f 9397 + 18.16T "'O.OlO9T2 cal/mole, 7103 — 19.4h7 + 0.0068T2 cal/mole, gas constant = 1.987 cal mole—l OKml, | Ho e il H absolute temperature, °K. This equation is valid for the composition range 0.05 < X < 0.60, in the temperature range T75°K < T < 1100°K and at a pressure of 1 atm. The activity coefficient of bismuth is obtained from Eq. (48) through the Gipbs-Duhem equation for a binary system at constant temperature, in the following form:l6 _a In g, X 3 In vy, . (v — XV, .~ (1 MX)VB],_] ap o) 39X T 1 X X RT(1 ~ X) ax ° where v = volume of one mole of Li~Bi alloy, fi}i = molar volume of pure Li, V%i = molar volume of pure Bi, P = total pressure of system. When Eq. (49) is integrated with respect to X from X = 0 to the desired value, the following equation is obtained: 91 X 3 1ln Y1, W yp, = | —3x 0 X | Pat X =X - L 8 1ln YLidX+ [v—-XvLi-(l-X)VBi]dP (50) 1 — X 3% RT (1 — X) A 0 Pat X =20 Y The last term will be neglected since its value is less than 6 x 10 , which is negligible as compared with the value of the next-to-last term (i.e., > 0.1). Thus, the following relation, valid for low pressures, will be used to evaluate YBi: 3 1In y.. N Li .o In Ygi = T =%) Y ax. . (51) 0 1ln Y14 3 X this quantity into Eg. (51) and integrating the resulting expression The quantity can be evaluated from Eq. (L48); substituting results in: _ B(T) n yp; = g7 [X + 1n (1 —X)] . (52) Equations (52) and (48) can be combined with Eq. (47) to give the following relation for the relative volatility of lithium, with respect to bismuth: B(T) _ _Li _A(T)] _ 2B(T) _ RT i pi = P exp [ J exp [ = ,X] (1 ~ X) . (53) The vapor pressure of lithium is given by the following equation, which was derived from data given in ref. 17: 92 . _ 16746 in PLi 16.813 T , {5u) where PLi = vapor pressure of Li, mm Hg, T = absolute temperature, °K. The equation for the vapor pressure of bismuth used in these calculations was obtained from ref. 18 and is as follows: . 9150.3 y log,y Pp; = [.6327 =, (55) where PBi = vapor pressure of Bi, mm Hg, T = gbsolute temperature, °K. Method for Solving Equations. - The method for solving the equation for the still-pot composition (assumed to be the same as the still bottom stream) consisted of the following steps: 1. A still-pot temperature was chosen; this allowed the evaluation of the following terms in Eq. (53): P “Li, Poyo A(T)/RT, B(T)/RT. 2. The above terms were substituted into Eg. (53) to give an expression for o which was dependent Li-Bi only on X. 3. The expression for 0. gy W8S substituted into Eq. (L46). L. Equation (46) was solved using the Newton-Raphson algo- rithml9 for a range of values of f and Z. 5. Once the still-pot composition was determined, the liquidus temperature for this composition could be determined from the Li-Bi phase diagram.go The fractional recovery of lithium in the overhead stream was calculated from the following equation: R=1-(1—0)3, (56) 93 where R is the number of moles of lithium in the overhead stream per mole of lithium in the feed strean. 13.2 Calculated Results Still-pot compositions, liguid temperatures, and fractional lithium recoveries were calculated for still-pot temperatures of 800°C and 900°C, feed compositions of 5, 10, and 20 at. % lithium, and values of f from 0.70 to 0.992. Figure 35 shows the liquidus temperature of the still-pot liquid for an operating temperature of 800°C, the three feed composi- tions, and vaporization of up to 95% of the incoming Bi-Li stream. For a feed composition of 10 or 20 at. % lithium, the maximum lithium recovery would be less than 36%. For a feed composition of 5 at. % lithium, a lithium recovery of greater than 50% could be achieved before solid LiBBi would be formed in the still pot. Figure 36 shows the liquidus temperature of the still-pot liquid for an operating temperature of 900°C, the three feed compositions, and vaporization of up to 95% of the incoming Bi~Li stream. For a given fraction vaporized and a given feed composition, distillation at 900°C preduces a still-pot composition with a slightly lower liquidus tempera- ture. The lower liguidus temperature, combined with the higher still- pot temperature, allows higher recovery of lithium than distillation at 800°C does. With a feed composition of 10 at. % lithium, a maximum lithium recovery of 66% can be obtained. With a feed composition of S at. % lithium, very high lithium recoveries can be achieved, as shown in Fig. 37. About 90% of the lithium could be recovered by vaporizing 99% of the incoming Bi-Li stream; the liguidus temperature of the still- pot material in this case would be only about 630°C. The following difficulties with recovery of TLi from bismuth by distillation became apparent as a result of these calculations: (1) Tt will be difficult to find materials of construction that can withstand the high températures necessary to achieve high lithium recoveries. (2) The vapor pressures of the Bi-Li mixtures are low even at tempera- tures around 900°C (for example, for recovery of 90% of the lithium, a Pot Liquidus,°C Still ORNL-DWG-70-6249 $00 BOO 700 600}— 500+ 400 :_—__/——-—-—-" / 300k f. Fraction Distilled Fig. 39. Licguidus Temperature of Still-~Pot Materizl in Conitiruous : . - o 4 . o o sy . Bi-Li St1i11 Operating at 800°C. Effects of feed composition and fraction of feed vaporized. 095 Pot Liquidus, °C Still ORNL DWG 70-6248 1000 900 800 700 600 300 400 300 o ] | i 075 0.8 0.85 09 095 ¥, Fraction Distiled Fig. 36. Liguidus Temperature of Still-Pot Material in Continucus Bi-Li Still Operating at 90C°C. Effects of feed composition and fraction of feed vaporized. G6 Stitl Pot Material Liquidus,®C ORNL DWG 70-5247 700 600 [— 500 - 400 | 300 — i i i ] { | 1 | 200 020 0.9 092 093 094 095 096 0.97 098 099 ¢, Fraction Distitied Fig. 37. Liguidus Temperature of Still-Pot Material and Fractional Li Recovery for Large Fractions of Feed Vaporized. Operating temperature of stiil is 900°C, and feed composition is 5 at. % Li. 100 20 BO -~ Q @ o %o 7Li Recovered 50 30 96 o1 vapor pressure of only 0.2 to 0.3 mm Hg was calculated for the still- pot material); the low vapor pressures would result in low vaporizaticn fluxes. Consequently, large vaporization areas would be needed. (3) Because the lithium concentration in the feed must be low to prevent the formation of Li3Bi in the still pot, additional processing complexities must be added to dilute the Bi-~Li stream coming from the extraction column. Although these difficulties are not insurmountable, they pro- vide incentive to search Tor alternative methods for recovering the TLi-. 14%. PREVENTION OF AXIAL DISPERSION IN PACKED COLUMNS J. S. Watson L. E. MclNeese The use of packed column contactors in MSER fuel processing systems is being considered. As shown previously,gl.axial dispersion can significantly reduce the performance of this type of contactor under operating conditions of Interest. As part of our contactor development program, we are evaluating modifications to packed columns that will reduce the effect of axial dispersion to an acceptable level. The pro- posed modifications consist of inserting devices at points along the column to reduce dispersion across the column at these points. I the devices are separated by a column length equivalent to one theoretical stage (an extent of separation that can be achieved even if the fluids between the devices are completely mixed), the stage efficiency of the column segment will be greater than T5% if 15% or less of the salt flowing through the segment is recycled to the previous segment. The type of device under investigation is shown in Fig. 38. The metal stream flows down an annular section in the upper portion of the device into the portion that is effectively an inverted annular bubble cap. The accumulated metal forms a seal and forces the less-dense phase to flow upward through restrictions in g sieve plate. A significantly higher salt velocity is obtained through the restrictions, and a con- gsiderably diminished recycle of salt should occur across the device. We have tested two devices of this type, using mercury and water to 98 ORNL DWG 70-4506 73g. 38. OSchematic Diagram of an Axial Dispersion Preventer. 99 simulate bismuth and salt. One or more dispersion preventers were inserted near the middle of a 2-in.-diam column that was packed with 3/8~in. Raschig rings. The experimental technique consisted of establishing a counter- current flow of mercury and water through the column and injecting a steady flow of tracer solution (cupric nitrate) at a point near the top of the column. The tracer concentration was determined at several points along the column. When the logarithm of the tracer concentration was plotted as a function of distance along the column, a discontinuity in tracer concentration was observed at the preventer location, as shown in Fig. 39. The ratio of the concentrations at the discontinuity is a measure of the fraction of the water that was recycled through the pre- venter. The fraction of the water recycled through a preventer appears to depend mainly on the water flow rate per sieve opening and the diameter of the sieve opening. No dependence on the mercury flow rate was evi- dent, although the small number of data vpoints and the usual data scatter make this conclusion tentative. The effect of metal flow rate is expected to become quite large, however, for metal flow rates suffi- ciently high to prevent complete metal coalescence in the downcomer. The first preventer to undergo testing consisted of a 1/2-in.-deep bubble cap and a 1/8-in.-thick sieve plate containing four 3/32-in.-diam holes. As shown in Fig. 40, only three data points were obtalined with this device; however, the fraction of water that is recycled is observed to decrease with increasing water flow rate. Less than 15% of the water was recycled for a water flow rate greater than 90 ml/min (22 ml per minute per hole). The openings were then drilled out to a diameter of 1/4% in. As shown in Fig. 40, similar results were cbtained, although the fraction of water recycled did not reach an acceptably low level in any of these experiments. By extrapolating the curve, one can estimate that the fraction of water recycled would be less than 15% at a water flow rate between 150 and 200 ml/min (approximately 50 m1 per minute per hole). 100 \ ORNL DWG 70-4507 fos b b1 1 3 o o ! i i 04 - ! 0.3 C/CREFERENCE 0 i L | | l 1 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 DISTANCE FROM TRACER INLET (IN.) 'ig. 39. Concentration FProfile Using a Backflow Preventer with a Single 3/8-in. Sieve Opening. Mercury flow rate, L0O0 ml/min; water flow rate, 115 ml/min. 101 ORNL DWG 70~-11043 1.0 T - 1 T T 1 T Preventer Number of Hole Diam. Holes {in) A ® i 4 3/32 0 i 4 /4 2 | /4 . 8 - 0-6_' r—y = x E 4 o n m = 9 3 0 h &t a— 2 — 0 ] ! { 1 l 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 {40 Woter Raote, mi/min 7ig. 40. Fraction Backmixing Across Two Axial Dispersion Preventers Having Various Orifice Diameters. 102 A second dispersion preventer, which had a 2-in.-deep bubble cap and only a single 1/16~in.-diam opening in the sieve plate, was also tested. No recycle could be detected at the lowest measurable water rate (23.5 ml/min). The diameter of the opening was increased to 1/8 ia., and again no recycle was detected. When the orifice diameter was increased to 1/h in., the results shown in Fig. 40 were obtained. The fraction of water recycled iz less than 15% if the water flow rate is greater than 50 ml/min. Note that this value agrees with the results estimated by extrapolating results from the first preventer with four 1/4=in. holes. The orifice diameter was further increased to 3/8 in. to obtain the results shown in Fig. 40. The fraction of water recycled was increased considerably by this change in diameter; again, howsver, the fraction of water recycled could be reduced to any desired value at sufficiently high water flow rates. An undesirable feature of dispersion preventers of the type dis- cussed above is that the column capacity or flooding rate is reduced. This is to be expected, and it is unlikely that a device which will reduce the column capacity by less than 50% will be developed. The devices tested have operated satisfactorily with mercury flow rates as high as 15% of the flooding rate for a column packed with 3/8-in. Raschig rings. 15. HYDRODYNAMICS OF PACKED COLUMN OPERATION WITH HIGH-DENSITY FLUIDS J. S. Watson L. . McNeese The hydrodynamics cf packed column operation with fluids having high densities and a large density difference is being studied in order to evaluate and design countercurrent contactors for use in MSBR processing systems based on reductive extraction. Mercury and water are being used to simulate bismuth and molten salt in these studies. FEarlier experi- ments,22 carried out with 1/8-in. and 1/4-in. solid cylinders and with 3/16~in. and 1/4-in. Raschig rings in a 1-in.-ID column, demonstrated that a transition in mode of flow of the dispersed phase occurs between 103 the packing sizes of 3/16 in. and 1/4 in. The transition appeared to be a function of the packing size only and was not related to packing shape (solid cylinders or Raschig rings). With the larger racking, the mercury was dispersed into small droplets, which produced a large inter-~ faclal area. With the smaller packing, the mercury flowed down the column in continuous channels and resulted in a much smaller interfacial area. A large interfacial area (and hence large packing) is desired in order to obtalin high rates of mass transfer between the salt and metal phases. Since only one packing diameter above the critical size had been studied, it was considered desirable to study several larger packing materials. This required two modifications to the experimental system: (1) installation of a2 column larger than the l-in.-diam unit used previously, and {2) installation of a mercury pump having a higher pamping capacity than that used previously. A 2-in.~ID Lucite column having a length of 24 in. was constructed, and a Lapp* CP5~3 pump was installed. The system was used by a group of MIT Practice BSchool student523 for measuring flooding rates, dispersed-phase holdup, and pressure drop with 1/4~in. solid cylinders and with 3/8-in. Raschig rings. We later obtained data with 1/2~in. Raschig rings. Results of these studies and development of a relation for predicting packed column performance during countercurrent flow of molten salt and bismuth are discussed in the remainder of this section. 15.1 Ixperimental Technique and Results The experimental technigue is the same as that used previously22 during studles with the l~in.-diam column. Pressure drop through the packed column was determined from displacement of the mercury-water interface at the bottom of the column. Dispersed-phase heldup was measured by simultaneously closing two ball valves, thereby isclating a section of the column and allowing determination of the trapped mercury volume. *Lapp Process Equipment, Interpace Corp., North St., Le Roy, Wew York 14482. 10k Experimental data showing the variation of column pressure drop with continuocus-phase (water) superficial velocity for several dispersed- phase superficial velocities are shown in Figs. 41 and L2 for 1/L-in. solid cylinders and 3/8-in. Raschig rings respectively. Data on the variation of dispersed-phase holdup with continuous~phase superficial velocity for several dispersed-phase velocities are shown in Figs. W3- 45 for three packing materials studied. Flooding data are shown in Figs. 46 and 47 for 1/b-in. solid cylinders and 3/8-in. Raschig rings respectively. 15.2 Pressure Drop Across the Column Surprisingly, the pressure drop across the column was observed to decrease with increases in water flow rate at high mercury flow rates and low water flow rates. At high water flow rates, the pressure drop increased with increases in water rate as expected. Thig effect was most apparent with 1/2-in. Raschig rings, although the same behavior is also observed to some extent with 3/8-in. Raschig rings. For example, with 1/2-in. Raschig rings and a superficial mercury velocity of 380 ft/hr, the column pressure drop decreased from 1.1 psi to 0.27 psi as the water velocity was increased from 0 to 12 ft/hr. This phenomenon was checked carefully and was found to be reprcducible, The present data for pressure drop with 1/2-in. Raschig rings are con- fusing and difficult to represent. It is interesting to note (Fig. 45) that there was no significant decrease in dispersed-phase holdup when water flow was initiated. On the average, the mercury is not being accelerated while flowing through the column. Thus, the weight of the mercury must be supported by interaction with the continuous phase and with the packing. If interaction with the packing were negligible, the pressure drop in the continuous phase would be equal to the sum of the force on the column wall and the quantity {(Ap)X, where Ap is the difference in the densities of the two fluids and X ig the fraction of the columnn void volume that 1s occupied by the dispersed phase. The observed pressure 105 ORNL DWG 70-1{0O53 Rl ‘III[IIl 1 | 20 DISPERSED-PHASE SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY Column Pressure Drop [cm (Hg~-H20)] }INDICATES FLOODING (fE’TL — A + -3 102 — 139 — 0.1 L. ] 1 | | , | 175 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1000 Continuous- Phase Superficial Velocity (ft/hr) Fig. 41. Variation of Column Pressure Drop with Superficial Water Velocity and Dispersed-Phase Superficial Velocity for 1L/b-in. Cylindrical Packing in a 2-in.~diam Column. 106 ORNL. DWG 70-2830 100 TlTllT]ll’r1[ T I T 1Tlll'|'[ o O ! g o ! PRESSURE DROP, c¢cm of Hg MINUS H,0 10+ 0.5+ i + A — O 102 O i {39 v 172 O Oi J 1 A Jod 1) i el l 1 i 1 L ] b 1| 20 100 600 SUPERFICIAL WATER VELOCITY, V¢ (ft/hr) Fig. 42. Variation of Column Pressure Drop with Superficial Water Velocity and Dispersed-Phase Superficial Velocity for 3/8-in. Raschig Ring Packing in a 2-in.~diam Column. 107 o.8 ORNL DWG 70-11050 ' l I | l | | DISPERSED - PHASE SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY ®-36ft/hr O~ 68 ft/hr A -i02 tt/hy A-139 ft/hr Ve = 315.4 ft/hr Dispersed —Phase Holdup . 1 | 1 1 1 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Continuous~Phase Superficial Velocity (ft/hr) Fig. 43. Variation of Dispersed-Phase Holdup with Continucus- and Dispersed-Phase Superficial Velocities for 1/4-in. Solid Cylindrical Packxing in a 2-in.-diam Column. 108 ORNL DWG 70-~-2005R!t 04 p . g e R Z SUPERFICIAL SLIP VELOCITY: 819 fi/hr | PACKING : ¥g—in RASCHIG RINGS DISPERSED PHASE . SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY ®— 36 ft/hr O -G8 ft/hr A—102 ft/hr A—439 ft/hr B—172 ®tinr O3 e e s fi, s H//f’/’/’ A A DISPERSED PHASE HOLOUP 100 200 300 CONTINUCUS PHASE SUPERFICIAL VELQCITY [ tt/ ) O Yig. 4k, Variation of Dispersed-Phase Holdup with Centinuocus- and Dispersed-Phase Superficial Velocities for 3/8-in. Raschig Rings in & 2~ in.-dlam Column. 109 ORNL DWG 70-1105] T l I DISPERSED ~ PHASE SUPERFICIAL VELOCITY ® - 93 tt/hr O -150 ft/hr W -i77 tt/br 0O ~246 ft/hr 0.4+ A ~-300 ft/nr A ~390 ft/hr Ve * 1530 ft/hr A o (" ] Dispersed - Phase Holdup o | | 1 | Q 100 200 300 Continuous- Phase Superficial Velocity (ft/hr) Fig. k5. Variation of Dispersed-Phase Holdup with Continuous- Dispersed~Fhase Superficial Velocities for 1/2-in. Raschig Rings in 2-in.-diam Column., and 172 Square Root Of Dispersed—Phase Superficiol Velocity(fi/hr) 110 ORNL DWG 70-11064 20 T T T T T T 77T 77T 7 l b | 1 1 | 0 0 2 4 6 8 1o 12 4 &6 I8 20 22 24 26 Square Root Of Continuous - Phase Superficial Velocity (H’/hr)'/2 Fig. 46. Predicted and Measured Flooding Rates with 1/4-in. Solid Cylindrical Packing. 28 111 ORNL DWG 70-9004 28 24 20 2 # in. RASCHIG RINGS -'-|N < 16 < "‘"N - o T 8_._.. 4 p— 0 | | I | 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 1 | Vo2 (ft/hr)2 Tig. 7. Predicted and Measured Flooding Rates in a Packed Column During Countercurrent Flow of Mercury and Water. 112 drop is less than the quantity (Ap)X, which indicates that a substantial fraction of the mercury is supported by the packing. A decrease in pressure drop without a corresponding decrease in dispersed-phase holdup indicates that there is an increase in the interaction between the mercury and the packing. One can qualitatively visualize the mercury as flowing through all of the channels between the packing when there is no water flow. When a water flow is started, it is possible that the mercury will flow preferentially through only part of the channels. In such a case, higher mercury velocities would be obtained and increased interaction of the dispersed phase with the packing would occur. A guantitative treatment of this phenomenon has not been devaloped. 15.3 Dispersed-Phase Holdup Several methods, including an expression ussd by Pratt2h and a relation developed earlier by the authors,22 have been suggested for correlating holdup data. The present datsa indicate that holdup can be correlated in terms of a constant slip velocity, Vs’ which is defined as: < < c ., .4 5 1 —X X 2 where VS = guperfiecial slip velocity, VC = continuous~-phase superficial veloccity, Vd = dispersed-phase superficial velocity, X = dispersed-phase holdup. The curves drawn through the holdup data in Figs. 43, 4b4, and u5 correspond to a comnstant slip velocity for each packing material. For a given packing, the slip velocity was obtained by averaging slip velocity values calculated for each data point from Eq. (57). The standard deviations of the average slip veloecity thus calculated were 10 to 15%, which is estimated to be the experimental error in the 113 . holdup data. There are significant deviations between the calculated and measured holdup data for holdup values below 10%. Otherwise, the data for 1/U-in. and 3/8-in. packing show no trend away from the pre- dicted holdup values. The predicted holdup values for 1/2-in. Raschig rings are higher than the measured values at low mercury superficilal velocities. This trend is not considered to be significant since 1t ig not confirmed by data from other packing materials. Average values were also calculated for the characteristic veloecity, VD, suggested by JP}_"attglL and defined as Vc Vd o~ (1 _x)?2 KI=X)° (58) The standard deviation resulting from assumption of a constant charac- teristic velocity was larger than that resulting from assumption of a constant slip veloclity, and a dependence of VO on holdup (other than that shown above) was noted. The holdup data for 1/4—in. Raschig rings and 1/b-in. solid cylinders in 1- and 2-in.-diam columns suggest that the superficial slip velocity is proportional to the packing void fraction, as shown in Fig. 48. The superficial slip velocity is also expected to be dependent on packing size. The slip velocity for 3/8~in. Raschig rings (819 ft/hr) is not significantly higher than that for 1/4-in. packing when a correction iz made for the difference in packing void fraction. However, the slip velocity for 1/2-in. Raschig rings (1530 ft/hr) is considerably higher than that for the smaller packing sizes. 15.4 Correlation of Flooding Rates The observation that the dispersed-phase holdup data can be corre- lated on the basis of a constant superficial slip velocity is especially important since this suggests a method for correlating flooding data. At flooding, it is assumed that the following conditions exist: Superficial Siip Velocity {(ft/nr) 11k ORNL DWG 70-11057 l | | I l 1 700 [— 600 — B 500 - 400 — ® SOLID 300 — CYLINDERS ] 200 S 100 (— ~ o L l 1 I l 1 0 Ol 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Packing Void Fraction 7ig. 48. Variation of Superficial Slip Veloecity with Packing Veid ion for 1/4-iu. Packing in l-in. and 2-in.-diam Columns. -3 =0 - (59) Partial differentiation of Eq. (57) with respect to X, the dispersed~ phase holdup, yields the relation Vc 1 BVC d 4 + —— <3 3V -3--9—= 0. (60) i If the conditions stated by Eg. (59) are met at flooding, Eq. (60) reduces to Vc,flood : Vd,flood (61) (1 -—X)2 X2 Multiplying Eq. (57) by 1/(1 — X) and combining the resulting equation with Eq. (61) yields the following relation: Vdgflood + Vdlflood - Vs (62) 52 (1 ~%) 1-%x° ' ~ ’v ¥ = dzglOOd ) (63) S which reduces to Multiplying Eq. (57) by 1/X and combining the resulting equation with Eg. (A1) yields the relation Vc,flood Vc,flood - Eg_ (64) (1 —x)X (1 —x)2 X which reduces to 116 th ; 1 - X = czélood . (65) S Elimination of X from FEqs. (63) and (65) yields the final relation 12, 1/2 _ ., 1/2 (Vc,flood) - d,flood) = Vg > (66) where Vc,flood = contlinuous~phase superficial velocity at flooding, Vd,flood = dispersed-phase superficial velocity at flooding. Thus, if the superficial slip velocity remains constant up to flocoding, 1/2 1/2 c,flood) Vs (Vd,flood) having a slope of =l1. BSimilar flooding curves with slopes near —1 have 25 a plot of (V should produce a straight line been observed in the literature, and our earlier data for 1/4~ and 3/8-in. Raschig rings and 1/Lk-in. solid cylinders were correlated in this manner. Recent results obtained with 1/k-in. solid cylinders and 3/8~1in. Raschig rings, shown in Figs. 46 and b7, are also represented well by this correlaticn. 15.5 Prediction of Molten~Balt--Bismuth Flooding Rates in Packed Columns We have attempted to extend the correlations developed for the mercury-water system in order to obtain relations that are applicable to molten-salt—--bismuth systems. The physical properties of the fluids were not varied in these studies. Significant differences in properties exist between the mercury-water system and molten-salt--~bismuth systems; potentially important differences include the viscosity of the continuous phase, the difference in the densitles of the phases, and the interfacial tension. The correction asscciated with differences in interfacial tension is believed tc be small since the interfacial tension for the mercury-vater system is approximately equal to that for a molten-salt—-— bismath system. 117 As the dispersed phase flows down the column, it interacts with both the packing and the continuocus phase. Interaction with the con- tinuous phase is inertial in nature, and the continuous-phase viscosity iz expected to have only a slight effect. If the principal interaction were between the two flulds, the slip velocity would be proportional to the square voolt of the difference in densities of the fluids. As noted earlier, however, the metal phase is more nearly supported by interaction with the packing; for this condition, it is estimated that the slip velocity is directly proportional to the difference in the densitles of the phases. On the basis of these considerations, the superficial slip veloc- ity was assumed to be proportional to both the packing void fraction and the difference in densities of the phases. The resulting relation for the flooding rates in a salt~bismuth system 1s, then: 1/2 1/2 Ap E . v o M, My [ (61) c,flood d,flood s,Hg—HQO ApHg~H20 € ot Where Vv = continuous-phase superficial velocity at flooding, c,flood Vd,flood = dispersed~phase superficial velocity at flooding, v = guperficial slip velocity for mercury-water system s,Hg~H20 with the type packing to be used, Ap = difference in densities of the phases, Ap = difference in densities of mercury and water, Hg—H20 e = packing void fraction, e = void fraction of packing for which v ref s,Hg~H20 was determined. 2. 10. 11. 12. 118 16. REFERENCES L. M. Ferris, ORNL, personal communication. M. J. Bell, ORNL, personal communication. M. S. Bautista and L. E. McNeese, "Axial Mixing in an Open Bubble Column," Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. I, ORNL-TM-3139 (in press). A. M. Skeikh and J. D. Dearth, Axial Mixing in an Open Bubble Column, MIT-CEPS~X-91 (December 1969). C. W. Kee and L. k. McNeese, Engineering Develovment Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 3, ORNL-TM-3138, up. 39-50. J. R. Hightower, Jr., st al., "Design and Installation of the Flow Electrolytic Cell Facility," Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. h, ORNL-TM-3139 (in press). C. W. Kee and B. A. Hannaford, "Calibration of an Orifice--Head Pot Flowmeter," Engineering Development Studies for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 4, ORNL-TM-3139 {in press). J. R. Reitz and F. J. Milford, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, 2d ed., p. 136, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1967. T. R. Johnson, F. G. Teats, and R. D. Price, An Induction Probe for Measuring Liquid Levels in Liquid Metals, ANL-7153 (February 1966). J. Roth and L. E. McNeese, "Bismith-Salt Interface Detector,” Engineering Development Studies for Molten~Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 4, ORNL-TM~3139 (in press). J. H. Shaffer, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1964, ORNL-3708, pp. 288-303. J. R. Hightower, Jr., and L. E. McNeese, Engineering Development Studies for Molten-3Salt Breeder Reactor Processing No. 3, ORNL~ TM-3138, pp. 8h-95. F. J. Smith, L. M. Ferris, and C. T. Thompson, Liguid-Vapor Equilibria in LiF-BeF, and LiF-BeF ~ThF) Systems, ORNL~4N15 (June 1969). 2= J. R. Hightower, Jr., and L. E. McNeese, Measurement of the Relative Volatilities of Fluorides of Ce, La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Fu, Ba, Sr, Y, and Zr in Mixtures of LiF-BeF_,, ORNL~-TM-2058 (January 1968). 15, 16. 1T. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 119 M. 5. Foster, 8. E. Wood, and C. E. Crouthamel, Inorg. Chem. 3, 1428 (1964). N. V. Ibl and B. F. Dodge, Chem. Eng. Sci. 2, 120 (1953). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 4lst ed., p. 2343, Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1960. A. K. Fischer, J. Chem. Phys. 45, 375 (1966). Leon lLapidus, Digital Computation for Chemical Engineers, p. 288, MeGraw-Hill, New York, 1962. M. 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Bennett L6, A, D. Ryon R. E. Blanco 47. W. F. Schaffer, Jr. F. F. Blankenship 48. Dunlap Scott G. E. Boyd L9, J. H. Shaffer R. B. Briggs - 50. M. J. Skinner R. E. Brooksbank 5L. F. J. Smith K. B. Brown 52. D. D. Sood W. L. Carter 53. Martha Stewart H. D. Cochran, Jr. 54L. 0. K. Tallent ¥. L. Culler 55. R, E. Thoma J. R. Distefano 56. D. B. Trauger W. P. Batherly 5T. W. E. Unger D. E. Ferguson 58. C. D. Watson L. M. Ferris - 59, J. 5. Watson J. H. Frye 60. A. M. Weinberg W. R. Grimes ‘ 6l1. J. R. Weir A. G. Grindell 62. M. E. Whatley P. A. Haas 63. J. C. White B. A. Hannaford 6bh. W, M. Woods J. R. Hightower, Jr. 65. R. G. Wymer C. W. Kee 66. E. L. Youngblood R. B. Lindauer _ 67-68. Central Research Library H. E. McCoy - 69-T70. Document Reference Section L. E. McHeese 71-73. Laboratory Records D. M. Moulton Th. Laboratory Records, RC J - P, Nichols Tfi. Y=-12 Document Reference Section . 76, ORNL Patent Office EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION J. A. Accairri, Continental 0il Co., Ponca City, Oklahoma Th601 R. M. Bushong, UCC, Carbon Products Division, 12900 Snow Road, Parma, Ohic 4h130 D. F. Cope, Atomic Energy Commission, RDT Site Office (ORNL) C. B. Deering, Black & Veach, P. O. Box 8405, Kansas City, Missouri 6hkl1k A. R. DeGrazia, USAEC, DRDT, Washington, D.C. 20545 Delonde R. deBoisblanc, Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 Rector Street, New York, N.Y. 10006 ' D. Elias, RDT, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 Norton Haberman, RDT, USAEC, Washington, D.C. 20545 85. 86. 87-88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 9l , 95. 96. oT. 98-99. 122 ' N £ —— EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION (continued) T. R. Johnson, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439 Kermit Laughon, Atomic Energy Commission, RDT Site Office (ORNL) T. W. McIntosh, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545 E. H. Okrent, Jersey Nuclear Co., Bellevue, Washington 98004 R. D. Pierce, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439 J. Roth, Combustion FEngineering, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 M. Shaw, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545 N. Srinivasan, Head, Fuel Reprocessing Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, Bombay T4, India C. L. Storrs, Combustion Engineering Inc., Prospect Hill Road, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 B. L. Tarmy, Esso Research and Fngr. Co., P. 0. Box 101, Florhamn Park, N.J. 07932 J. R. Trinko, Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 Rector Btreet, New York, N.Y. 10006 Laboratory and University Division, ORO Division of Technical Information Extension, ORO, AEC