ORNL-TM-2780 Contract No. W-Th05-eng-26 REACTOR DIVISION PRELIMINARY SYSTEMS DESIGN DESCRIPTTON (TITLE I DESIGN) of the SALT PUMP TEST STAND for the MOLTEN SALT BREEDER EXPERIMENT L. V. Wilson A. G. Grindell LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government spousored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or repreaentation, expressed or implied, with reapect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privatsly owned righta; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting {rom the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this repert, A used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployse or contractor of the C or employee of such , to the extent that such employee or contractor of the G issi or empl of such prepares, disgeminates, or provides acceag to, any fnformsation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commiasion, or his employment with such contractor. DECEMBER 1969 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. 5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DISTRIRUTION O THS [OCTMEST 18 TNLIMITED List of Figures List of Tables 11l Contents List of Contributors. Abstract. 1.0 Introduction . 1.1 System Function . 1.2 Summary Description of the System . 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. 1.3 System .1 -3 i e e e = = A S W W W wwww w w 1. 2.0 Detailed O 00 g Oy 1 B oW N 1 2 3 i > 6 Salt Circulating System. Structure. Heat Removal System. Utility Systems. Instrumentation and Controls Hazards. Design Requirements. Function . Pump Size. Allowable Stress for Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy. Instrumentation and Controls Engineered Safety Features Control of Effluents Quality Standards and Assurance. Test Stand Parameters. Thermal Transients .10 Codes and Standards. Description of System . 2.1 Salt Pump . 2.2 Salt System . 2.2.1 Function . 2.2.2 Description. Salt Piping . BSalt Storage Tank and Transfer Line . Salt Selection. O WO @ N 0NN Oy EFE R R W W W W NN R o o 2 2 e N W N DR 2.3 iv Material for Construction. Electric Heaters Support Structure and Stand Enclosure . . . . . . . Heat Removal System 2.3.1 Function 2.3.2 Description . Heat Exchangers. Blowers. Utility Systems. 2.4.,1 TInert Gas 2.4.2 Instrument Air. 2.4.3 Cooling Water . 2.4.4 Electrical. 2400 Volt System . 2.h. 4.2 L480/2L40/120 Volt System. Site Location. Instrumentation and Controls 2.6.1 Temperature Measurement and Control 2.6.2 Pressure Measurement and Control. 2.6.3 TFlow Measurement. 2.6.4 Level Measurement 2.6.5 Alarms and Interlocks 2.6.6 Data Acquisition Computer System. 3.0 Principles of Operation . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Startup Test Operation . 3.2.1 Prototype Pump. 3.2.2 ETU and MSBE Pumps. Shutdown . Thermal Transients Special or Infrequent Operation. Bquipment Safety . 22 25 25 25 25 26 29 29 31 31 31 31 32 32 3L 3k 34 35 35 37 39 39 Lo 40 b1 hi Lo Lo Ll 4.0 Safety Precautions . 4.1 Toss of Normal Electrical Power . 4.2 Operating Procedures. 4.3 Leak or Rupture in Salt Containing Piping and Equipment . . . . . . o . o . o 0 00 0. 4.3.1 Consequences 4.3.2 Hazards. 4.3.3 Preventive Measures. 5.0 Maintenance 5.1 Maintenance Philosophy. 5.2 Preventive Maintenance. 5.3 Maintenance Procedures. 6.0 Standards and Quality Assurance. 6.1 Codes and Standards . -« - + « « « « « v« . . 6.1.1 Design . 6.1.2 Materials. 6.1.3 Fabrication and Installation . 6.1.4% Operations 6.2 Quality Assurance . APPENDICES A Applicable Specifications, Standards, and Other Publications e e e e e e e e e e e B Pipe Line Schedule . C Instrument Tabulation. D Equipment Tabulation . E Instrument Application Diagrams. F Electrical Schematic Diagram . G Preliminary Design Calculations. G-I Salt Storage Tank. G-I Heat BExchanger . G-ITI Temperature Transients G-IV Pump Characteristics . G-V Heat Removal from 1500 hp Motor G-VI Flow Measurement Instrumentation . b7 b7 b7 b7 k9 k9 kg kg 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-6 G-7 G-8 G-10 vi Page G-VII MSBE Secondary Salt Pump Operating in Primary Salt with a Reduced Diameter Impeller . . G-16 G-VIII Summary of Pressure Profile Calculations . . . . . G-1T7 G-IX Stress Analysis . . . . .« « .+ ¢ v 4 o o . ... G221 10 11 12 13 1h 15 vii List of Figures Operating Regime of Primary Salt Pump Schemgtic of MSBE Primary Salt Pump Typical Characteristic Curves of MSBE Primary and Secondary Salt Pumps General Arrangement of Salt Circulating System Salt Pump Test Stand Piping, Pressure Profile Preliminary Layout (Title I) of SPTS Throttling Valve Preliminary Drawing (Title I) of SPTS Salt Storage Tank Operating Characteristics of Secondary Pump with Reduced Impeller Diameter in Primary Salt Preliminary Layout (Title I) of SPTS Support Frame Preliminary Layout (Title I) of SPTS Salt-to-Air Heat Exchanger Preliminary Layout (Title I) of SPTS Air Handling System Air Handling System Characteristics Location of Project (Y-12 Plant) Preliminary Layout (Title I) of SPTS Venturi Tube Thermal Transient in SPTS as a Function of Salt Volume in the Loop and Pump 2L 2'f 28 30 33 36 43 Table viii List of Tables MSBE (200 Mw(t)) Pump Design Requirements MSBE Reactor Design Parameters Pertinent to Salt Pumps Salt Pump Test Stand Design Requirements Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Primary Salt Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Secondary Salt Composition and Properties of Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy Data for Main Blowers, Heat Removal System Alarms, Emergencies, and Safety Actions for Salt Pump Test Stand 19 19 23 29 45 ix List of Contributors The Oak Ridge National Laboratory contributors to this report include: . Anderson . Burton . Grindell Hyland Koffman . Kress . MacPherson . McGlothlan . Metz . Smith . Stulting H oW oW w3 " < U Q@ 4 N H = oh Qo o . Wilson Abstract A stand is required to test the salt pumps for the Molten Salt Breeder Experiment (MSBE). It will be designred to accommodate pumps having capac- ities up to 8000 gpm and operating with salts of specific gravities to 3.5 at discharge pressures to 400 psig and temperatures to 1300°F normally and to 1LO0°F for short periods of time. Both the drive motor electrical supply and the heat removal system external to the loop will be designed for 1500 hp heat removal capability. Preventive measures to protect personnel and equipment from the deleterious effects of a salt leak will be taken. The primary and secondary salt pumps for the MSBE will be operated in the stand using a depleted uranium, natural lithium fluoride salt to simuilate the MSBE primary salt. A prototype primary salt pump, procured from the U.S. pump industry, will be subjected, at representative operating conditions, to performance and endurance testing of its hydraulic, mechan- ical, and electrical design features. The MSBE and Engineering Test Unit (ETU) salt pump rotary elements, mounted in the prototype pump tank, will be subjected to hot shakedown testing in the stand to provide final con- firmation of high temperature performance and construction and assembly quality prior to installation in the reactor system. As they become avail- able the xenon-removal device and molten salt instrumentation to measure pressure, flow, liquid level, etc., may be tested at design conditions in molten salt and the stand will be modified, as required, to accommodate these tests if they do not interfere with the pump program. The preliminary system design description and the Title I design cal- culations of the test stand are presented. Descriptions, functions, and design requirements for compcnents and subsystems are provided. The prin- ciples of operation of the test stand, the safety precautions, and the maintenance philosophy are discussed. The quality assurance program plan is being prepared. Keywords: pump, molten salt pump, high temperature pump, pump test stand, component development, molten salt reactor, nuclear reactor, proto- type pump, primary salt pump, secondary salt pump. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 System Function Reliable salt pumps are necessary to the satisfactory operation of the Molten Salt Breeder Experiment (MSBE), and efforts to obtain them will include operating the salt pump with molten salt in a test stand to prove performance and endurance characteristics. The salt pump test stand will be utilized to provide design evalua- tion and endurance testing in molten salt of a prototype primary fuel salt pump for the MSBE and to prooftest the rotary elements of the primary and secondary salt pumps for the Engineering Test Unit (ETU) and the MSEE. The salt flow and head can be varied over the desired ranges by adjusting the throttling valve in the salt circulating system and by adjusting the pump speed. We presently envision that the hydraulic designs of the primary anad secondary salt pumps will be very similar with the secondary pump operat- ing at a higher speed. Hydraulic requirements of the primary and secon- dary salt systems support this approach. In addition, the use of similar hydraulic designs permits the developmental testing of both salt pumps in this single test stand with one test salt. The salt pumps will be obtained from the United States pump industry and the prototype pump and the rotary elements for ETU and MSBE pumps will be installed into the test stand in sequence. The design and procurement of these pumps and their drive motors and auxiliary equipment are not parts of this salt pump test stand activity, but all these activities will be coordinated. The primary salt pump is expected to be located at the reactor core outlet in the MSBE and thus will operate in the highest temperature salt in the primary salt system, which is approximately 1300°F. The secondary salt pump will be located at the outlet of the intermediate heat exchanger and thus will operate in the highest temperature in the secondary salt system, which is approximately 1150°F. The primary salt pump tank will be located in a high temperature contaimment cell, which will also enclose the primary system, and will be subjected to a high ambient temperature, estimated to be 1100°F. In addition, it will be subjected to intense nuclear radiation from components in the primary system, the circulating primary salt in the pump tank, and from gas-borne fission products in the pump tank gas space. The prototype MSBE primary salt pump will be operated in the test stand with molten salt over the full range of MSBE conditions of tempera- ture, pressure, flow, and speed to prove the hydraulic, mechanical, struc- tural, and thermal designs of the pump and to provide cavitation inception characteristics at design and off-design operating conditions. However, no attempt will be made to simulate all features of the high-temperature containmment cell or to impose nuclear radiation on components in the test stand. Rotary elements of the primary and secondary salt pumps for the ETU and the MSBE will be subjected to high temperature, non-nuclear prooftests in the test stand with molten salt prior to installation intc their respec- tive systems. At other times the stand will be used to subject the proto- type pump to endurance operation with molten salt. It is important to the MSBE program to demonstrate that the pump has the capability for uninter- rupted operation with molten salt for pericds of one year or longer. Sub- sequently, the stand will be used to study unanticipated problems that may arise during the operation of the ETU and the MSBE. The proposed test program is discussed in Section 3.2. It is expected that the loop will be modified after initial pump tests to test gas injection and gas stripping devices as they are developed. 1.2 Summary Description of the System 1.2.1 BSalt Circulating System The salt circulating system consists of the salt pump being tested, a throttling valve, two salt-to-air heat exchangers, a flow restrictor, a Venturi tube, and the interconnecting piping. It provides a closed piping loop for the molten sglt from the pump discharge to the pump suction. A salt storage tank is provided to contain the quantity of salt necessary to fill the circulating system. It is connected to the circulating system by a pipe containing a freeze valve. All salt containing components will be constructed of nickel-molybdenum-chromium (Ni-Mo-Cr) alloy. Electric heaters capable of heating the salt system to 1300°F will be provided. Thermal insulation will be installed on the system as appropriate. 1.2.2 Structure The salt piping, salt storage tank, and the test pump are supported in a structure designed to provide containment in case of a rupture. 1.2.3 Heat Removal Systenm The heat removal system consists of two salt-to-air concentric pipe heat exchangers, two positive displacement air blowers, an exhaust stack, interconnecting ducting, controls,and noise abatement equipment. 1.2.4 Utility Systems Necessary utility systems will be ingtalled. An inert cover gas system is needed to protect the salt from contact with moisture and oxi- dizing atmospheres and, if needed, to suppress pump cavitation. Instrument air will be used to cool the freeze valve and to operate instruments. A 2400 volt electrical distribution system will be installed to connect the existing electrical supply in the building to the salt pump drive motor. The existing 480 volt system will be used to supply power to the heaters, blower motors, and auxiliary equipment. The emergency power system in Building 9201-3 will be used to supply certain functions when normal elec- trical power is lost. Cooling water will be used for heat removal from the drive motor, the lubrication system, and the shield plug coolant system. 1.2.5 Instrumentation and Controls The instrumentation and controls required to monitor and regulate such test parameters as salt flow, temperatures, pressures, and liquid level will be supplied. Salt flow will be regulated with a throttling valve and measured with a Venturi tube. Temperatures will be measured with stainless steel sheathed chromel-alumel thermocouples. NaK-sealed high-temperature transmitters will be used to measure circulating salt pressures. Salt level in the storage tank will be determined by four on- off probes inserted at different levels in the tank. The Beckman DEXTIR data acquisition system, presently in use for collecting data in Building 9201-3, will be used to log the more important salt temperatures, pressures, and flows and pump power and speed. Other test stand temperatures, pressures, flows, and powers will be monitored and controlled with conventional eguipment. 1.2.6 Hazards The hazards associated with the operation of the stand are chemical toxicity, radiocactivity, and high temperature. To protect personnel from these hazards, the locp will be completely surrounded by a sheet metal contaimment subject to controlled ventilation. Access to the containment will be rigidly controlled through the use of written procedures. 1.3 BSystem Design Requirements Criteria have been established to obtain a test stand that will pro- vide maximum performance and endurance information for the MSBE salt pumps in a safe and economical manner. The criteria include: 1.3.1 Function The pump test stand will be designed to (1) accommodate full-size salt pumps for the MSBE primary or secondary systems, (2) provide a non- nuclear test enviromment, (3) yield performance and endurance data to assure satisfactory performance and reliability of the pumps and their auxiliary systems in the MSBE, and (4) provide adequate personnel pro- tection from all hazards. All components external to the salt loop will be designed to accommodate pumps, up to 1500 hp, for the first prototypes of molten salt reactor power plants. 1.3.2 Pump Size The salt loop of the test stand will be designed specifically for testing the pumps reguired for an MSBE with powers as high as 200 Mw(t) and with a single loop. The pump design requirements for this power level are shown in Table 1. The primary salt pump will be operated over the head, flow, and speed range shown in Fig. 1. The head and flow require- ments for the secondary salt pump permit the use of the same hydraulic configuration as that of the primary salt pump but with a higher impeller speed and possible minor changes in the impeller diameter. 1.3.3 Allowable Stress for Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy The allowable design stresses for high temperature operation of the Ni-Mo-Cr alloy will be those permitted in Case 1315-3 of the Interpretations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ORNL DWG. 69-13455 N=10 7% Q=gpm Fig. 1. Operating Regime of Primary Salt Pump. Table 1. MSBE (200 Mw(t)) Pump Design Requirements Cover Operating Pumping Brake Gas Temp. Flow Head Efficiency Horse- Pressure (°F) (gpm) (ft) (%) power (psig) Primary Salt Pump 1300 5700% 150 80 890 ~50 Secondary Salt Pump 1150 7000 275 80 1100 ~150 *Tncludes 500 gpm bypass flow through gas separator. 1.3.4 TInstrumentation and Controls Instrumentation and contrcls will be provided tc monitor test stand operation, to maintain test parameters within prescribed ranges, and to obtain required pump test data. A control area will be provided from which safe operation of the test stand can be maintained. 1.3.5 Engineered Safety Features Engineered safety features will be provided. As a minimum, they will Le designed to cope with any uncobstructed discharge from a large break in the pressure boundary, resulting in all the salt in the loop being dis- charged into the enclosure. The containment design basis is to contain the pressure and temperature resulting from an accident without exceeding the design salt vapor leakage rate for the test stand enclosure. Appro- priate features will be provided toc protect personnel in case of an acci- dental rupture. An independent emergency power system is available, designed with adequate capacity and testability toc insure the functicning of all engi- neered safety Teatures. Procedures will be prepared for controlled access to the enclosure. 1.3.6 Control of Effluents The design of the test stand will provide the means necessary to pro- tect personnel from toxic and radicactive effluents, whether gaseous, ligquid, or solid. A low level radiocactivity is associated with *#°U, 232Tnh, and their prcgeny in the test salt. Control will be maintained during normal operation and accident conditions to preclude the release of unsafe amocunts of these effluents and to protect personnel performing maintenance. 1.3.7 Quality Standards and Assurance A quality assurance program is being written and will be implemented to enhance the certainty of achieving the pump-test objectives. Systems and components that are essential to prevent accidents that could affect personnel safety or to mitigate their consequences will be identified and designed, fabricated, and erected to quality standards that reflect their safety importance. Where generally recognized codes or standards on design, materials, fabrication, and inspection are used, they will be identified. Where adherence to such codes or standards does not assure a quality level necessary to the safety function, they will be supplemented or modified, as necegsary. 1.3.8 Test Stand Parameters Table 2 presents the MSBE design parameters which affect salt pump design. The principal hydraulic and thermal design requirements for the salt pumps, based on these MSBE design parameters, have been shown in Table 1. The principal design requirements for the salt pump test stand, as deduced from the MSBE requirements, are shown in Table 3. However, to provide for the testing of larger pumps in the future, all components ex- ternal to the salt loop will be designed for testing pumps up to 1500 hp. This will include all alr handling systems, the electrical supply system, and auxiliary and motor cooling systems. Assuming that future reactor systems have thermal and hydraulic char- acteristics similar to the MSBE, these components will be sufficient for testing pumps of larger molten salt reactor systems up to about 250 Mw(t) per loop, or about 1000 Mw(t) for a L loop reactor system. Table 2. MSBE Reactor Design Parameters Pertinent to Salt Pumps Reactor size, Mw(t) 200 (max) Quantity of primary salt pumps, ea 1 Quantity of secondary salt pumps, ea 1 Primary salt circuit AT, °F 250 Secondary salt circuit AT, °F 300 Primary system pressure drop (estimated), psi 215 Secondary system pressure drop (estimated), psi 215 Table 3. Salt Pump Test Stand Design Requirements Salt piping Operating temperature 1300°F for 5 years Operating temperature (maximum) 1400°F for 1000 hr Pressure See Fig. 5 Primary salt flow, gpm 0 - 8000 Heat removal capability 0.9 Mw @ 1050°F Pump motor capacity 1200 hp 1.3.9 Thermal Transients Preliminary analysis of the MSBE systems indicates that the plant can be designed to operate without large fast temperature transients. Tf analysis of the detailed design indicates that transients outside the capability of the test stand are likely to be experienced, the test stand could be modified or thermal transient tests could be performed in other facilities, such as those being constructed at the Liquid Metals Engineer- ing Center. 1.3.1C Codes and Standards Section 6.0 outlines the codes, standards, specifications, procedures, reviews and inspections, and the quality assurance program that will be used to design, construct, and operate the test stand. The design of the salt containing system will be based on Section III, Nuclear Vessels, (Class C Vessels), of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and on the Code for Pressure Piping ANS1 B31.l. Approved RDT Standards will be used for all systems and subsystems as applicable and available. 2.0 Detailed Description of System The test stand consists principally of salt piping, a heat removal system, utility systems, and instrumentation and controls which are de- scribed below. The salt pump is described also. 2.1 Salt Pump The salt pump includes its drive motor and controls and its auxiliary lubricating and cooling systems. In the conceptual configuration, Fig. 2, the salt pump 1s a vertical, single stage, centrifugal sump pump with an in-line electric drive motor. This vertical pump configuration has been used satisfactorily to pump molten salt in many component test stands, and also in the Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) and the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). It is expected that the MSBE pumps will have a similar configuration but will be larger in size. The primary salt pump will be designed for service with highly radioactive, high temperature, fissionable and fertile, molten salt. The secondary salt pump will be designed for service at high temperature with a molten salt. The tenta- tive design conditions for the MSBE primary and secondary salt pumps are given in Table 1. The specified design conditions for the MSBE primary and secondary pumps are such that the same impeller and casing design can be used for both pumps with the secondary pump operating at a higher speed. Fig. 3 shows the design points for the two pumps and the actual head-flow curves for a pump operating at 880 rpm and the same pump with a 1% reduction in the impeller diameter at 1180 rpm. From the brake horsepower curves of the two pumps, see Fig. 3, 1t appears that the same rotary element design could also be used for both pumps. The design and procurement of the salt pumps and associated variable speed drive motors are not part of this pump test stand activity. Their procurement from the U.S. pump industry is directed and funded in another portion of the MSBE program. This procurement activity will be closely coordinated with the design, fabrication, and operation of the test stand. 10 ORNL DWG. 69-8558 —_ T | ] I____....-—-—MOTOR MOTOR CONTAINMENT VESSEL PENETRATION & _ RING ' T ' I CRANE BAY F _ / FLOOR o St CONCRETE T SHIELDING | ———— UPPER SHAFT SEAL —= FLEXIBLE SEALING / MEMBER f—' L M b-. N /fsz RING HOUSING H ——LOWER SHAFT SEAL | NUCLEAR SHIELD PLUG SALT LEVEL PUMP TANK : REACTOR CELL CONTRINMENT Fig. 2. Schematic of MSBE Primary Salt Pump. L . Fig. 3. Salt Pumps. 11 ORNL DWG. 69-13456 Typical Characteristic Curves of MSBE Primary and Secondary 12 PARTS LIST . | O 0 0 0o 0 K H .0% | .0 .35 .010 .50 015 .20 ©0.317 2hT10-2555 2.7 4.8 x 108 .~ 0.138 8.0 x 108 17,000 13,000 "6 000 3,500 Commercially available as "Hastelloy N" from Haynes Stelllte' Company, and from Internatlonal Nickel Company, and All Vac Metals | - Company . ASME'Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Case 1315-3. , . 2l b | L . HARES LIST | . : [ ParT Towa NO. | REQD | DESCRIFTION | STOCK SZE | MATERIAL PUM P | REMOVABLE COVERS (&) f T \ : TT— ! =1\ 1 _3 ]— } ¥ E \ \ i . ‘7\‘ : < T ; LOOP PIPING b oM \\ ! ) - Gxé 1554 —_—Y | T\ L , Bl = — ya | \ ! \/4 | N~ 140" | ™ / : o . '\ L~ " ( \ ;;:4; NV l - \ ._//, i /& ; 1,k : T = T T st * -.?0" -‘E s 84" 9tol — 9%0" &0 . — 33-/° 34-3 i ; . FRAME TOTALLY ENCLOSED BY- /G GAGE SHEET STEEL WELDED TO FRAME, PENETRATIONS § ACCESS PANELS BOLTED §GASKETED, ACCESS DOORS DOG LATCHED € GASKETED, THROTTLING VALVE . HEAT EXCHANGER %?xdl PENETRATION ‘_ DUCT PENETRATIENS z ———— ‘ it L F ; 5 ' Lo l I'Z 1; . / L ( Y ! ! ACCESS : ) ! ) \ I RPAYIE L 1 ' 1 : | ! 4-044-0 : b ALIESS = / - | PANEL i | 1] 1 | 3-0v40_|) ! /6-0" N . l + - | o . 81 : 110 I ' ' =% : l : : | . E NG 1 ' | " I ' ) e ) NN S = | | .- WINDOW 5 CCESS I 8W-‘2~: ! WIND S W E Q o . ~ % !: . Frow | T - D - W - .-—---————-i——--_------‘-.-"’ : r Q ol ‘ D4 OO || | ‘ + o / ' o000 / o RN o | b ceocooo - / SCEZITII® poiITmisinomzITniiiIiIiil :::':::J:*: FEEF :i:::::r*.::x::::_:)::::: L T Cpos i nTioIIiTIT oo oo - e S o oo o Coe \ 1 i . S oo oo, 1 qu ”Jfiu y NN P X - <= . o ./ o AT e T \ - I \ e \L/ ‘:\./ | %i . _ : . o _ \—— BELOWS expfi.flsnofi ‘:.:onm-s——-_/ L ) | Co . A& Inier DisTriguTION P - e ' o . | S * o | ) Lb" o .?OO F 9 4 PSIG o L ‘ o ‘ : . : fléo.upérfi:agiacrwa Kmn/ . v ' i ' - ’ : + 1 ' . / \ ! , _\\ / 1 ’ /I k! \\ . / \ ‘ : j \ o . : —[_ . 1 3 ; | Rig . L @-2IR \ . . ] IN \ i { AN \ . N » \ [ - 4 ‘r\ a4 " mmm | wseen | [T wo.r OPERATED BY ‘ N == ELTION A'd ' Oxien Carmine Crrranation C } ‘ : : : e l MSBE NL9201-3 - _ ' ‘ —~ T W ———y, mra— » PO TIONS e 1 FIG. 10 PRELIMINARY LAYOUT (TITLE 1} | S BT e i [ o | |l wwom " Tuw|welm| OF SPYS SALT-TO-AIR HEAT ‘__-._;fig__cflou,b-b ' ‘ %-'::2:'::::# . ::tmuufli.“u: wars ‘_— e | T Sakves T —wam——] - ) . » AL BT T B8 VOIS KR ST PUIPOS, A8 MRS MACMIVED SURFACY ——— . i o . . . . i ™ 55 MOWTER UNR AT oF W Pl SONRATICS. :fllflw \/.m ! AFTWOVED [ m I - - r i [irv:r‘" BUILDING WALL (/Nsi0g) (ouT swE) TEST LOOP ENCLOSURE EXHAUST STACK TEST LOORP INLET FILTERS (2) S COMPRESSORS (2) i ’ \ il ) l LA 1 e g B T~ ) - o h-l .. ~ L - & [ np ELEVATYON 94505 r e T -/ T AN ‘ /‘/_.—_-—( ;.:E:\‘ = fi'; l 'i'-“ ' '&:’\ 1 :_ alerl e 1 - ' - 1./ [ \ / : , ] ' o s £ \ DISCHARGE \ ComMPRESSOR ! %'@(Saf EXHAUST SILENCER S/LENCERS (2) RELIEF YALVES (2) ry ' - f— Ly = \ : ‘ | i ~——] fl ' | ) | I ’ ' i . PLAN VIEW { ) - - | | & i | PRELIMINARY (TiTLE I) TS EXHAUST STACK COMPRESSOR _HOUSE (ACOUSTICALLY INSULATED) O3] eco| | 65501 4| W31SAS ONITANVH ¥IV $1d$S 40 (1 311) INOAVT AXVNIWITING 1 "OH o £-102G van IBSNKH M TUWM0 AURIVNREY] TYRRILYN 19MMY AT NOLLYNOJROY JRITAY] NOIN) ELEVATION VIEW GROUND ELEV. 92607 8¢ 29 Table 7. Preliminary Data for Each Main Blower, Heat Removal System Type Positive displacement Gas handled Atmospheric air Inlet volume, acfm 5300 Inlet temperature, °F 85 Discharge temperature (est.), °F 145 Inlet pressure, psia 4.7 Pressure rise, psi 5 BHP required 138 Approximate weight, 1b 11,000 Motor, hp 150 Motor speed, rpm 900 Sound level, db 80~90 Consideration was given to the use of two surplus blowers located at the Experimental Gas Ccoled Reactor (EGCR) and the manufacturer was asked for an estimate for refurbishing the blowers to meet ocur require- ments. The estimate was a great deal more than the cost of procuring the new positive displacement blowers which we have decided to use. 2.4 Utility Systems The test stand will be provided with the necessary inert gas, instru- ment air, cooling water, and electricity for the operation of the stand and the salt pump. Argon, helium, and instrument air of appropriate quality and sufficient quantity are available in the test building. The electrical capacity available in the bullding is sufficient to supply all the test stand and salt pump requirements. 2.4.,1 Inert Gas An inert cover gas is used to protect the primary salt from contact with moisture and oxidizing atmospheres. It is used to pressurize the pump to prevent cavitation, to pressurize the salt storage tank and there- by transfer the salt into the salt circulating system, and to reduce the pressure differential across the bellows of the salt throttling valve. 30 ORNL DWG. 69-13459 Fig. 12. Air Handling System Characteristics. 31 Inert gas from two sources will be used. An 80 psig supply will provide inert gas for most applications. A 250 psig supply station utilizing high- pressure cylinders of either argon or helium will be made available. Neces- sary piping, valves, and instrumentation will be provided to conduct inert gas to the appropriate locations. The Instrument Application Diagram, Inert Gas Supply System is shown in Appendix E. 2.4.2 Instrument Air Dry instrument air will be used as a coolant for the freeze valve (HV-129) in the salt transfer line (line 200) and for operating instruments. This air will be obtained from the Y-12 instrument air supply. 2.4.3 Cooling Water Cooling water will be required for the removal of heat from the pump drive motor, the pump lubricant system, and the pump shield plug cooling system. A brief study was made of the economics of using a cooling tower versus using Y~12 Plant process water. A cooling tower for dumping 75 hp (a 95% efficient 1500 hp motor) would cost about $15,000 to install. Operating and mgintenance costs would add to this figure. Y-12 process water to dump the same amount of heat for 5 years would cost about $6000. Thus, Y-12 process water will be used for cooling. (See Appendix G-V). 2.4.4 Electrical The principal electrical systems for the experiment are shown 1in the Electrical Schematic Diagram, Appendix F. Present building facilities include a 13.8 kv bus of sufficient capacity to supply a 1500 hp drive motor, a 480 v bus duct available to supply the preheaters and all the auxiliary equipment, and a 480 v diesel-driven generator system available to provide emergency power during normal power outages. 2.4h.h.1 2L00 Volt System. A new 2400 volt electrical distribution system will be installed outside the building to connect the power supply to the pump drive motor and will provide for a motor as large as 1500 hp. The new system will be cohnected to the existing 13.8 kv bus and will con- sist of (a) one 1200a, 13.8 kv oil circuit breaker, (b) 350 MCM, 15 kv cable, (c) 1500 kva, 13.8/2.4 kv 3¢ transformer, (d) 1200a, 2.4 kv reduced voltage starter equipment, and (e) 300 MCM, 5 kv cable connected to the pump motor. 32 The existing 13.8 kv bus is located in the southeast corner of the building. The transformer and starter equipment will be outdoor type and will be located at the west side of the building. Connecting cables will be run in conduilt. 2.4 4.2 L4B0/2L0/120 Volt System. All heaters and auxiliary equip- ment will be fed from the existing 480 v system. Transformers will be provided to supply 240 v and 120 v where necessary. The heat exchanger blower motors (B-1 and B-2) and pump lube oil equip- ment will be supplied directly from the 480 v bus through combination motor starters. Seven circuits feeding 480 - 120/240 v transformers will supply power to the salt piping and equipment heaters. Additional circuits will supply 120 v power to miscellaneous equipment. Power to the pump lube cil equipment, instrumentation, salt freeze valve (HV 129), pump shield plug cooling system, stand enclosure blowers, and air sampling heads will be automatically supplied by the building emergency diesel generator in the event normal electrical power is lost. Return to normal power will be by manual operation. 2.5 Site Location The test stand containing the salt circuit will be located at the west end of the second floor of Building 9201-3 in the Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The cooling air blowers and auxiliaries will be located on the ground level outside the west end of the building. See Figs. L, 11, and 13 for salt circulating system, air handling system, and plant location, respectively. This location in the building was chosen because it (1) meets the stand requirements with very few building modifications, (2) provides convenient access to existing pump maintenance facilities, (3) permits installation of the large blowers (B-1 and 2) and the heat removal system stack outside the test building, and (L) is available with minimum renovation and disturbance to other test stands and shops. A traveling bridge crane, with 20-ton and 5-ton hoists, serves the area. A l-ton jib hoist is also available to provide additional hoisting capability when needed. ORNL DWG. 69-8561 _1144111. Idedel Tttt BLDG 9201-3 oo ool 1_1' m MWM#Q-_E—"——_—__ EAS T F O R K —a S I Fig. 13. Location of Project (Y-12 Plant) ee 34 Additional second floor support columns under the area of the test stand will be required to support the estimated test stand weight of approximately 80,000 1b. 2.6 Instrumentation and Controls See Appendix E, Instrument Application Diagrams for a detailed pre- sentation of instrumentation and controls. 2.6.1 Temperature Measurement and Control Approximately 144 stainless steel sheathed, insulated junction, chromel-alumel thermocouples will be used to monitor temperatures on the pump test section, on heat exchangers, in air systems, and for loop heater control. The thermocouples will be connected to the reference junctions at the control cabinets by double shielded chromel-alumel extension lead wire, with the sheath being grounded at the thermocouple end only. Temper- atures will be read out on available multipoint strip chart recorders and indicating controllers. The more important temperatures will alsc be read out on the DEXTIR data logging system (described in Sect. 2.6.6), and on a 100 cycle per second oscillographic recording system. 2.6.2 Pressure Measurement and Control The pump tank cover gas pressure will be used as a measure of the pump inlet pressure. Pairs of NaK sealed high-temperature pressure trans- mitters will be used to measure loop pressures at the pump outlet (PT-131 and PT-140) and at the outlet of throttle valve HCV-T5 (PT-73 and PT-Th). The seals (PX-131, PX-140, PX-73, and PX-T4), which will be rated at 40O psig, will have to be obtained and will be long delivery items, possibly up to two years. The seals and pressure transmitters are being installed in pairs to avoid costly delays should one of them fail. The outputs from all the pressure transmitters will be read out on the DEXTIR but the outputs from PT-140 and PT-73 will be read out on single point strip chart recorders. To protect the throttle valve bellows seal, which requires a balanced pressure between the salt and inert gas, the outputs from PT-73 and PT-T72 will be used to regulate the gas pressure to the bellows. The outputs from PT-74 and PT-T72 will be used for an alarm in case the differential pressure across the bellows becomes excessive. 35 Cover gas pressure, lube‘oil pressures, and air pressureS'Will be read on=conventional gauges and controlled by pressure switches, SOlenoidl 'valVes;and hand‘valves. Differential pressures‘across filters IFS-1, IFS-2 “and the CWS filter w1ll be measured by locally mounted gauges PdI l3h PaI-135, and PAI-136. 2. 6 3 FlOW'Measurement | L . ‘ - Maln 1oop salt flow in the range of 3ooo to 8000 gpm will: be deter- mined by measuring the differential pressure of the truncated Venturi | tube (FE lOO) shown in Fig. 14, The individual pressures will be measured with redundant NaK sealed pressure transmitters PT-1, PT-2, PT-3, and PT-h._ The differential pressure will then be deduced frOm the outputs of PT-2 and PT-3 ‘with PT-1 and PT i being used as spares The resultant output will be presented on a single-point strip chart recorder and on DEXTIR To avoid calibration problems, the seals PX-l, PX-2, PX-3, and PX-h Wlll - also be rated at hOO psig - j"_ ‘W: o L j‘” | Instrument air flow to the freeze valve (HV 129) will be read on panel mounted rotameter FI- lll.“ The measurement of lube o0il flow to the salt pump will be included in the lube 01l package FlOW'measurements are not planned for the enclosure exhaust air or the cooling air to the heat exchangers HX-l and HX-E. | 2.6. 4 Level Measurements _ | Salt level in the storage tank will be determined by four on-off probes 1E- 92, LE-93, 1E- 9L, and LE 95 ‘at different levels in the tank. . Salt level will be indicated by the on-off position of four 1ndicat1ng lights ' - 2.6.5 -Alarms and Interlocks The strip chart recorders, indicating controllers, and pressure switches will have low and high signal switch contacts for control and alarm (see Section 3.6) purposes. Alarms will be indicated by a bell and_existing annunciator panels with lighted windows that show abnormal conditions before and after acknowledgment and normal conditions before ° and after‘reset, Scram action will be provided as appropriate, either simultaneously_with the alarm or at a desired increment above or below the alarm setting. SECTION A-A 36 ‘ \\cu ->“A » ORNL DWG. 69-13465 o PMD PMD . = \\\\\\\\L\\l\T\\\\\.\\\ J oSN N N NN ~ FW‘/////%TV//// SECTION “C-C” » o SECTION B-B” FIG. 14 PRELIMINARY LAYOUT (TITLE 1) OF SPTS VENTURI TUBE 37 2.6.6 Data Acquisition Computer System This system is presently installed in Building 9201-3 and is used for monitoring and recording data for experiments now being performed. The system consists of a Beckman DEXTIR data acquisition system interfaced to a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8 computer which has a core memory of 4096 twelve-bit words. Conversion of the data to engineering units is done on-line, and all data are digitized and recorded on magnetic tape for further processing by the ORNL IBM 360/75 computer. A large library of programs is available to process these tapes. The data acquisition computer system can provide a listing of data in engineering units at the test stand. It has a capacity of 2500 analog and 2500 digital inputs and has a speed of 8 channels per second. Overall accuracy is =% 0.0T% of full scale, resolution is one part in 10,000, and the input signal range is 0-10 millivolts full scale to 0-1 volt full scale in three programmable steps. Data gathering boxes, each with 25 analog and 25 digital channel capacity, can be plugged into the "party line" cable at any point in the network. Digital input capability is provided by both thumbwheel switch and contact input modules. The modules can accept decimal or binary coded decimal contact closures from counters, clocks, frequency meters, digital voltmeters, and other devices that have digital outputs. Thermocouple reference junction compensation is provided for all thermocouple inputs. The PDP-8 computer software consists of a real time multiple task executive system, with four levels of priority interrupt. The highest priority level is assigned to protection of the operating system in case of power failure. The second priority is assigned to the processing of data, the third to keyboard input, and the fourth to printer output. Another package of computer programs performs the engineering units conversion tasks and such utility functions as punching tape, reading tape, entering data into memory, listing the contents of specified memory loca- tions, clearing specified memory locations, etc. A disk file is being added that will provide an additional 32,000 words of bulk storage and will permit the individual experimenter to have his own program for on-line calculations and teletype plots. 38 The salt pump test stand will require the installation of two addi- tional data gathering boxes and the preparation of a program for on-line calculations and graph plotting. The input to the DEXTIR from the test stand is indicated with the nomenclature EDP on the Instrument Application Disgrams, Appendix E. 39 3.0 Principles of Operation The prototype pump tank and all the salt pump rotary elements will be operated in a depleted uranium, natural lithium version of the MSBE primary salt. Operation of the rotary element of the secondary salt pump at its design head and flow conditions with the denser primary salt would overload the pump drive motor and overpressurize the salt system piping. Therefore, we plan to operate the secondary pump rotary element at its design speed and temperature, but with a slightly reduced diameter im- peller (about 8&% design diameter) which will load its motor to rated power and will stress the coupling, bearings, and shaft to their respective design levels without overstressing the salt piping system. This general philosophy was used to proof test the fuel and coolant salt pumps for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). The hydraulic performance charac- teristics for the salt pumps will be obtained during water tests conducted by the pump menufacturer. 3.1 Startup A1l the facility and test components, assemblies, and systems will be inspected individually and collectively prior to startup. These in- spections will be made to check conformance to approved drawings, speci- fications, and standards. While at room temperature the salt system will be purged with inert gas, evacuated to remove oxygen and moisture, and refilled with inert gas. The lubrication system and shield plug cooling systems will be started. The mechanical performance of the salt pump and drive motor will be ob- served during operation with inert gas while preheating to 1200°F. The salt system including the drain tank will be preheated to the desired temperature {normally 1200°F). During preheating, the salt system will be evacuated and then refilled with inert gas several times to reduce moisture and oxygen levels even further. The salt pump will be rotating during preheating to assist in giving a more nearly isothermal condition throughout the loop. With the pump off, the salt storage tank, previously filled with molten salt, will be slowly pressurized with inert gas to transfer salt into the pump loop until the proper salt level has been reached in the 4o pump tank. The freeze valve will be established to hold the salt in the system. The required flow rates of inert purge gas will be established and the appropriate pressure on the surface of the system salt will be obtained. Finally the salt pump will be started and functional checks will be made on all systems for proper performance. 3.2 Test Operaticn When the salt pump and all test stand systems are performing satis- factorily, the following salt pump test program will be initiated: 3.2.1 Prototype Pump 1. The mechanical performance of the salt pump and drive motor will be observed for any abnormal behavior such as excessive nolse or vibration. 2. The design of the drive motor and cooling system and the drive motor support system will be proven. 3. The lubrication system for the salt pump and the provisions for handling shaft seal oil leakage will be checked. 4. The transient characteristics of pump speed and salt flow during startup and coastdown will be determined. 5. The hydraulic performance and cavitation inception characteristics of the salt pump will be obtained over a range of pump speeds and salt flow rates and temperatures. 6. The relationship of the purge gas flow in the shaft annulus to the back diffusion of fission products from the pump tank to the seal region will be determined. T. The maximum salt void fraction that the pump will tolerate will be determined. Measurements will be made of the void fraction in the circulating salt due to gas entrained from the gas space by the salt by- pass flows within the pump. 8. The effect of operating the pump with insufficient salt, to the point of the start of ingassing, will be studied. 9. The production of zercsols of salt in the prototype pump tank during pump operation will be checked as will any aerosol removal device needed to protect the off-gas lines and components from plugging by aero- sol deposition. L1 10. The pump bowl cooling system will be evaluated. 11. Demonstration tests of Incipient Failure Detection (IFD) devices and systems will be made. Pump menufacturers will be requested to recom- mend IFD devices and systems to indicate a substantial change in a pump operating characteristic that might point to an impending failure of some pump component. Parameters that may yield significant reliability infor- mation include pump power and speed, shaft vibration and displacement, and noige signatures of the pump at various operating conditions. 12. Any other meaningful tests recommended by the MSBE pump manu- facturer will be performed. 13. After all specific short term tests have been completed, long term endurance test runs will be performed. 14. The characteristics of the pump with the gas injection and re- moval devices, which will be used to remove xenon 135 from the MSBE circu- lating salt, will be verified in salt. Nozzles will be installed on the salt piping to accommodate these devices. 3.2.2 ETU and MSBE Pumps Rotary elements of the primary and secondary salt pumps for the ETU and the MSBE will be subjected to high temperature, non-nuclear prooftests in the salt pump test stand prior to installation into their respective systems. These tests will prove the high-temperature performance and the construction and assembly quality of the rotary elements. 3.3 Shutdown Shutdown of the system will be initiated by turning off the salt pump and the air blowers. The salt will be drained into its storage tank by thawing the freeze valve and equalizing the gas pressures in the pump and storage tanks. After the salt is drained from the system, the pump will be rotated for & short time to sling off any salt clinging to the impeller. The electric heaters will be turned off and the system will be permitted to cool to room temperature. The lubrication system and shield plug cooling system will be turned off when the pump Temperature is reduced to near room temperature. An inert gas atmosphere will be maintained in the loop. When the system is cool it will be ready for L2 maintenance of components or for removal of the salt pump in accordance with the necessary procedures. 3.4 Thermal Transients The test stand has a limited capability for performing thermal tran- sient tests. For both heating and cooling, Fig. 15 shows that the attain- able rates of temperature change depend greatly upon the amount of salt in the loop and pump. At present it is estimated that the minimum salt volume in the system will be about 35 cu ft. The cooling transient 1is obtained by using maximum salt system cooling and reducing the salt pump speed to obtain about 10% of the design flow. The heating transient is obtained by turning off the salt system cooling and turning on all the electric heaters on the loop and pump while the pump is operating at 110% of design speed and the loop throttling valve is wide open. A larger cooling thermal shock also can be applied to the pump in the test loop as follows: With the pump motor stopped, the temperature of the pump impeller and casing and salt in the pump tank can be maintained at approximately 13C0°F, while the salt in the loop piping is lowered to about 1000°F. To reduce natural convection the throttling valve would be "closed." After opening the throttling valve, the salt pump would be brought up to design speed within 2 to 3 seconds, and the cool salt from the piping would displace the hot salt in the fully loaded pump impeller and casing. Thermal stresses in the salt piping appear to be acceptable; see Appendix G-9. 3.5 OSpecial or Infrequent Operation In addition to the previcusly outlined pump test operation, the test stand will be operated to: 1. Obtain the characteristics of instrumentation for measuring salt flow and pressure as required. 2. Study problems which may arise during the operating life of the ETU or MSBE. Fig. 15. Thermal Transient the Loop and Pump. 3 ORNL DWG. 69-13460 in SPTS as a Function of Salt Volume L 3.6 Equipment Safety Several pump and test stand operating parameters will be monitored continuously to provide for the safety of the salt pump, test stand, and test personnel. These parameters will include pump power, speed, and lubricant flow; salt temperature, flow, and liquid level; pump tank cover gas pressure; pump and test stand vibration; air blower power and oil pressure, and shield plug and drive motor coolant flow. Table 8 presents a list of the emergency conditions and the actions to be taken. L5 Table 9. Alarms, Emergencies, Safety Actions for Salt Pump Test Stand Loss of normal electric Start emergency power Close cooling air valve. power Drain salt to storage tank. High pump power Stop pump and blower Schedule A.ar High liquid level in pump Stop pump and blower Drain salt to storage. Adjust preheaters. Low liquid level in pump Stop pump and blower Schedule A. Salt leak (low liquid level) Stop pump and blower. Drain salt to storage. Low salt piping temperature Decrease cooling air flow. High salt piping temperature Increase cooling air flow or reduce pre- heater power. High or low pump tank Stop pump and blower Schedule A. pressure High temperature at Increase cooling air freeze valve flow. Reduce hesgter power. Low salt flow Stop pump and blower Schedule A. High amplitude vibration Stop pump and blower Schedule A. Pump motor stops Stop blower Schedule A. Heat transfer system Stop pump Schedule A. blower motor stops Enclosure exhaust blower Stop pump stops Heat transfer system Stop blower blower low o0il pressure Loss of pump lubricant Standby pump switched flow on Loss of shield plug Standby pump switched Stop pump and blower. coolant flow on Drain salt to storage. Schedule A. High valve bellows AP Adjust gas pressure. 83chedule A: 1. Close the bypass valves in the cooling air duct. 2. Adjust system preheaters. L6 4.0 Safety Precautions A preliminary safety analysis of the pump test stand was made to iden- tify potential accidents and the consequences and to deduce methods to pre- vent accidents and minimize the consequences. 4.1 Loss of Normal Electrical Power Loss of electrical power will cause the salt pump motor, cooling air blower motors, and preheaters on the salt piping and equipment to cease operaticn. Salt in the salt circulating system will become stagnant and will cool from the normal cperating temperature of 1300°F. To prevent salt from freezing (~930°F melting point) in the piping and the pump, it must be drained into the salt storage tank. Since solid salt in the freeze valve can be thawed most quickly with electric heaters, a reliable, emergency source of electric power is required. The emergency power source consists of a diesel-driven 300 kw electric generator located in Building 9201-3, which has been in backup duty for 12 years. It is operated once each week to maintain readiness. During power failure the emergency power supply will also be used to operate the blowers for enclosure exhaust and air sampling, salt pump lubri- cation and shield plug cooling systems, and appropriate instrumentation. .2 Operating Procedures Instrumentation, including alarms, interlocks, and other safety devices, will be installed to minimize operating errors that could affect personnel safety or result in damage to equipment. In order to minimize further such errors the operation of the test stand will be under the supervision of technical personnel experienced in the operation of molten salt systems. They will use instructions contained in carefully written procedures to startup, operate, and shutdown the test stand. Assistance in preparation of test procedures, in test stand operation, and in the execution of the salt pump test program is expected from engineers assigned by pump manu- facturers who participate in the MSBE salt pump program. 7 4.3 Leak or Rupture in Salt Containing Piping and Equipment L.3.1 Consequences a. Leak. High pressure could jet a small stream of molten salt a distance in excess of 10 ft. b. Rupture. Large quantities of molten salt could flow onto the floor in the immediate vicinity of the test stand. c. Salt vapors and particles could be picked up by cooling air and released from the exhaust stack, if the salt pipe ruptures inside the heat exchanger air cooling jacket. d. Cooling air could blow vapors and partiicles over a large area inside the building, if the salt pipe and the heat exchanger air cooling Jjacket are ruptured. 4.3.2 Hazards a. Toxic effects of beryllium to personnel. Beryllium pre- sents the main chemical toxicity problem of all the components in the test salt. b. The effects of high temperature burns to personnel. c. The ignition of fires in combustible material and equip- ment in the surrounding area. d. The effects of low level nuclear radiation to personnel due to the presence of uranium and thorium in the salt. 4.3.3 Preventive Measures a. Salt-containing equipment will be designed, procured, and fabricated according to applicable high-quality standards. b. The salt containing equipment will be enclosed within a sheet-metal structure having a top, sides, and bottom to contain molten salt leakage. The enclosure protects personnel from burns, prevents the salt leak vapors from contaminating areas adjacent to the test stand, and provides a controlled radiation hazard area. c. An exhaust system, operating continuocusly, will be pro- vided to ventilate the test stand enclosure. The air will be filtered to reduce the concentration of the salt vapors to a safe level before it is discharged into the outside atmosphere. L3 d. At least 7 air sampling stations will be provided inside the enclosure, in the exhaust stacks, and in the immediate area around the test stand. The air sampling stations will be monitored daily for the presence of beryllium by the Industrial Hygiene Department. Air in the Y-12 general area is monitored continuously for beryllium and other materials. e. In the event of a molten salt leak, interlocks and alarms will be provided in the control system to shut off the circulating salt pump and the cooling air blowers. Salt will be drained from the system piping into the salt storage tank by manual contrcl. The drain line is not a safety feature and the drain time is not critical. The design of the stand enclosure will provide adequate containment for the leakage of all the salt inventory. The liquid level indicator in the pump tank will be used to detect large salt leaks, and smaller leaks will be detected by air sampling, as indicated in Item d above. . In the event of a simultaneous leakage of salt and the failure of the filter in the enclosure ventilation system the enclosure blower would be shutoff immediately to prevent the spread of unfiltered effluent. The industrial hygienists would be alerted immediately to take proper administrative action including evacuation of the building. The salt would be permitted to freeze in the enclosure and the procedures for its removal after freezing would be implemented. g. The salt spill cleanup procedure, developed previously for use in Building 9201-3, will be followed in case of a salt leak. 49 5.0 Maintenance 5.1 Maintenance Philosophy Design, fabrication, egquipment selection, and installation work will be directed toward the goal of obtaining highly reliable equipment. The equipment will be installed in the salt pump test stand with critical equipment monitored continuously and shut down for maintenance when failure is impending. Symptons of impending failure may be detected by visual and audio observations and by pressure, temperature, flow, vibration, and other diagnostic instrumentation. Experience has indicated that symptoms of im- pending equipment failure usually develop sufficiently far in advance to permit the scheduling of maintenance activities without excessive outages or equipment damage. 5.2 Preventive Maintenance Certain instruments and equipment, and in particular the ones with moving parts, will be checked and serviced on a routine basis. Appropriate instrumentation will be checked and recalibrated between test runs. 5.3 Maintenance Procedures Procedures and controls that have been used satisfactory in the past will be adapted to protect personnel performing maintenance within the loop enclosure. Of concern are the toxicity effects of some of the salt components and the radiation hazards of others. 50 6.0 Standards and Quality Assurance 6.1 Codes and Standards 6.1.1 Design Specific requirements have been determined for the salt pump test stand, as stated in Section 1.3. These requirements have been approved by the Molten Salt Reactor Project and Laboratory Management. Experienced and qualified designers will be assigned to the task, and when detail drawings are completed, they will be reviewed for function, safety, and construction. ZEngineering standards and procedures in the area of design have been established and are given in Appendix A. In general, the require- ments specified in Section III for Class C vessels of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and in the Code for Pressure Piping USAS B31.1 will be used in the design of the salt containing system. A complete piping stress and flexibility analysis will be made. 6.1.2 Materials The Ni-Mo-Cr alloy selected for the salt containment will be purchased with existing ORNL MET materials specifications developed for the MSRE and with RDT standards as applicable. Other material will be purchased with ORNL MET, RDT, and ASTM standards and specifications, as applicable. The proposed material specifications are given in Appendix A. 6.1.3 Fabrication and Installation High quality welding, quality control, inspection procedures, and a record system, as defined by the SPTS Quality Assurance Program Plan will be used to fabricate and install all the salt-containing equipment. Other fabrication and installation procedures developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be used as required. The applicable procedures are given in Appendix A. 6.1.4 Operations Step-by-step instructions contained in carefully planned procedures, developed by engineers experienced in molten salt pump operation at ORNL, will be used during startup, operation, and shutdown of the pump test stand. 51 6.2 Quality Assurance The Quality Assurance Program Plan, M-10559-BM-100-A-0, is being prepared to provide a system that will operate satisfactorily. Its pre- paration is based on RDT Standard F 2-2T, Quality Assurance Program Requirements. Appendix A MSBE Salt Pump Test Stand Applicable Specifications, Standards, and Other Publications Progrem Standards RDT F 2-2T7 (6/69) Quality Assurance Program Requirements Design Standards (including all referenced standards) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section III, Nuclear Vessels, plus Addends and ASME Case Interpretations 1315-3. ORNL Standard Practice Procedures: 8PP 16 (Safety Standards) and SPP-12 (Design and Inspection of Pressure Vessels) ASME USAS B3L.10 - 1967 Power Piping, USA Standard Code for Pressure Piping ASME PTC 19.5; L-1959, Part 5, Chapter 4, Flow Measurement USAS National Electrical Code, CI-1968 National Electrical Code Handbook TEEE Standards National Electrical Manufacturers Associgtion Standards Material Standards (including all referenced standards) RDT M 1-15 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Bare Welding Filler Metal (Modified ASTM B30L) RDT M 2-11 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Forgings RDT M 2-12 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Factory-Made Wrought Welding Fittings (Modified ASTM B366) RDT M 3-17 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Welded Pipe (Modified ASTM A358) RDT M 3-18 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Seamless Tubes (Modified ASTM B163) RDT M 3-10 (Draft) (L4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubes (Modified ASTM B167) RDT M 5-8 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Sheet and Plate (Modified ASTM BL3L) RDT M 7-11 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Rod and Bar (Modified ASTM B366) ASTM A-36 Structural Steel, Rev. 61T A-2 Fabrication and Installation Standards (including all referenced standards) MSR-62-3, Rev. A - Fabrication Specifications, Procedures, and Records for MSRE Components Note: This standard will be modified for use in constru- cting the pump test stand. PQS-1402) WPS-1402) MET-WR-200 Procedures for Inspection of Welding of High Nickel Alloys Welding of Nickel Molybdenum, Chromium Alloy RDT F 2-2 T (6/69) Quality-Assurance Program Requirements RDT F 3-6 T (3/69) Nondestructive Examination ROT ¥ 5-1 T (3/69) Cleaning and Cleanliness Requirements for Nuclear Reactor Components RDT F 6-1 T (2/69) Welding - with Addendum for Welding Ni-Mo-Cr Appendix B M.S.B.E. SALT PUMP TEST STAND PIPE LINE SCHEDULE Line Designationa Operating Conditions Extent of Line Pressure Temperature Size (psig) (°F} No. (in.) Description Max. Max. Fluid Origin Termination 1 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 2 Vacuum Pump 2 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 1 Line No. 4 3 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 1 Line No. 5 4 Gas Cylinder Station {(Supply System} Argon Emergency Argon Cylind- HV-49 ers 5 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Normal Argon Cylinders HV-49 6 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System} Argon Line No. 4 Line No. 10 7 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 5 Line No. 10 8 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 6 HV-56 9 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 7 HV-57 10 Gas Cylinder Station {Supply System} Argon Line No. 8 Line No. 15 11 HCV-75 Valve Bellows Gas Control 200 70 Argon Line No. 10 HCV-75 Valve Bellows Gas Control 12 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon HV-70 HV-78 13 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System} Argon Line No. 11 Vent 14 Gas Cylinder Station (Supply System) Argon Line No. 12 Vent 15 Gas Cylinder and/or Building Argon Supply Argon Building Argon Header Line No. 27 16 Pump Cover Gas Supply 60 70 Argon Line No. 15 Salt Pump (F) 17 Pump Bowl Argon Supply Argon Upstream HV-81 Downstream HV-90 18 Pump Bowl Argon Supply Argon Line No. 16 Line Ne. 17 19 Lube Oil System Cover Gas Supply 60 70 Argon Line No. 15 Pump Lube Oil Package 20 Lube Oil Package Argon Supply Argon Upstream HV-6 Downstream HV-10 21 Lube Oil Package Argon Supply Argon Line No. 19 Line No. 29 22 Lube Oil Package Argon Supply Argon Line No. 20 Line No. 21 23 Lube Oil Package Argon Supply Argon Line No. 19 P4T-9 24 Lube Qil Package Argon Supply Argon ILine No. 19 Pds-15 25 Pump Bowl Argon Supply Argon PdT-9 Line No. 26 26 Pump Bowl Argon Supply Argon Line No. 16 PdS-15 Linc Designation Operating Conditions Pressure Temperature Extent of Line Size (psig) {(°F) No. (in.} Description Max. Max. Fluid Crigin Termination 27 Salt Storage Tank Gas Supply 60 70 Argon Line No. 15 Salt Storage Tank (S ST) 28 Salt Storage Tank Argon Supply Argon Upstream HV-101 Downstream HV-107 29 QOff Gas Header Argon Line No. 310 Line No. 308 30 Gas Equalizing Line 60 1300 Argon Salt Storage Tank (8 ST) Line No. 16 31 Vacuum Line Salt Storage Tank (5 ST) Vacuum Pump 32 Storage Tank Fill 0 1300b Salt® Portable Salt Tank Storage Tank (S ST) 33 Freeze Valve Cooling Inlet 70 Inst., Air Instrument Air Bldg. Freeze Valve HEV-129 Header 34 Freeze Valve Cooling Outlet 0 ~200 Inst. Air Freeze Valve HfV-129 Atmosphere 35 Air Sampler Heat Exchanger Inlet ~50 100 Water Bldg. Cooling Water Header Heat Exchanger HX-3 36 Air Sampler Heat Exchanger Qutlet 200 Water Heat Exchanger {HX-3) Drain 37 16 Heat Exchanger No. 1 Outlet ~2. 600 Air Heat Exchanger Qutlet Exhaust Stack (S-1) (HX-1) 38 16 Heat Exchanger No. 2 Outlet el 600 Air Heat Exchanger Outlet Exhaust Stack (S-1) (HX-2) 39 14 Heat Exchanger No. 2 Inlet 5 200 Air Blower Discharge Silencer Heat Exchanger (HX-2) Inlet (DsS-2) 40 8 Blower No. 2 Pressure Unloading & Relief 5 200 Air Line No. 39 Valve HV-146 & Silencer 4] 12 Blower Discharge Silencer No. 2 Inlet 5 200 Air Blower {B-2) Blower Discharge Silencer {D5-2) 42 16 Cooling Air Blower No. 2 Inlet 0 85 Air Blower Intake Filter & Blower (B-2) Silencer (IFS5-2) 43 12 Heat Exchanger No. 1 Inlet 5 200 Air Blower Discharge Silencer Heat Exchanger (HX-1) Inlet (DS-1} 44 8 Blower No. 1 Pressure Unloading & Relief 5 200 Air Line No. 43 Valve HV-145 & Silencer 45 12 Blower Discharge Silencer No. 1 Inlet 5 200 Air Blower (B-1) ?lgwe)r Discharge Silencer DS-1 46 16 Cooling Air Blower No. 1 Inlet 0 85 Air Blower Intake Filter & Blower (B-1) Silencer (IFS-1) c=d . . . a Line Designation Operating Conditions Extent of Line Pressure Temperature Size {psig) (°F) No. (in.) Description Max. Max. Fluid Origin Termination 47 Pump Bowl Argon Supply Argon Line No. 16 Line No. 29 48 Lube Oil Package Argon Supply Argon Line No. 19 Line No. 29 49 Salt Storage Tank Argon Supply Argon Line No. 27 Line No. 29 50 Salt Storage Tank Argon Supply Argon Line No. 27 Line No. 29 100 8 Pump Outlet 400 1300b Salt® Pump Qutlet {P) Throttling Valve HCV-75 101 8 Heat Exchanger 1 Inlet 150 1300b Salt® Throttling Valve HCV-75 Heat Exchanger (HX-1) 102 12 Heat Exchanger 2 Inlet 150 1300b Salt® Heat Exchanger (HX-1) Heat Exchanger (HX-2} 103 12 Pump Inlet 150 1300b salt® Heat Exchanger (HX-2) Pump Inlet (P) 200 i-1/2 Fill and Drain 150 1300b Salt® Salt Storage Tank (S ST) Line No. 103 300 Area Air Sampler Header Vacuum ~150- Air Air Sampler Head {ASH-3)} Line No. 304 301 Enclosure Air Sampler Vacuum ~150 Air Air Sampler Head {ASH-4) Line No. 304 302 Area Air Sampler Vacuum 85 Air Air Sampler Head (ASI1-6) Line No. 304 303 Area Air Sampler Vacuum 85 Air Alr Sampler Head (ASH-7) Line No. 304 304 Enclosure Air Sampler Vacuum ~150 Air Air Sampler Head (ASH-5) Exhaust Blower (B-4) 305 Stack No. 1 Air Sampler (ASH-1) Vacuum ~600 Air Exhaust Stack No. 1 Heat Exchanger (HX-3) 306 Stack No. 1 Air Sampler (ASH-1) Vacuum ~150 Air Heat Exchanger (HX-3) Exhaust Blower {B-5) 307 Stack No. 2 Air Sampler (ASH-2) Vacuum ~150 Air Exhaust Stack No. 2 Exhaust Blower (B-5) 308 Enclosure Exhaust Vacuum ~150 Air Test Stand Enclosure Exhaust Blower (B-3) 309 Enclosure Exhaust ~1 ~150 Air Exhaust Blower (B-3) Exhaust Stack (S-2) 310 Pump Vent System Argon Line No. 313 Line No. 29 311 Pump Vent System Argon Upstream HV-16 Downstream HV-23 312 Pump Vent System Argon Line No. 310 Line No. 311 313 Pump Vent System Argon Salt Pump Line No. 310 314 Pump Vent System Argon 11-24 Line No. 29 315 Pump Vent System Argon Upstream HV-25 Downstream HV-34 316 Pump Vent System Argon Line No. 314 Line No. 315 317 Pump Vent System Argon Salt Pump LI-24 ARefer to Instrument and Piping Schematic Diagram in Appendix. bPlus 1000 hr at 1400°F. CPrimary Salt. £-d Appendix C Instrument Tabulation MSBE Salt Pump Test Stand Ngzgir Name Manufacturer fifiifiir DE-161 Punp Inlet Density Element ORNL DM-1614A Pump Inlet Density - DE-161 Keithley 415 Picoammeter DM-161B DE-161 Power Supply Elec. Res. Assoc. 2.5/10VC DM-161-C Pump Inlet Density - Detector to ORNL Preamp Amplifier DM-161D Pump Inlet Density Amplifier Dymec 2360A DM-161E Pump Iniet Density - Galvanometer Honeywell TEFASCOAZ, Anmplifier DR-161 Pump Inlet Density Recorder Visicorder 11.08 DX-161 Pump Inlet Density Source ORNL: U0 curie cesium EwM-96 Power, Lube 0il Motor, Converter Foxboro 693AR EwM-97 Power Pump Motor, Converter Foxboro 693AR EwM-98 Power, Bl Motor, Converter Foxboro 693AR EwM~G9 Power, B2 Motor, Converter Foxboro 693AR EwR-96 Power, Lube 0il Motor Foxboro 6LoOHR EwR-97 Power, Pump Motor Foxboro 6L20HF EwR-98 Power to Bl Motor Foxboro 6420HF EwR-99 Power, B2 Motor Foxboro EL20HF EwT-96 Lube 0il Pump Thermal Watt L&N 10730 Converter EwT-97 Pump Motor Thermal Watt L&N 10730 Converter Ni;figi Name Manufacturer Efiifiir EwT-~98 B2 Mctor Thermal Watt Converter &N 10730 Bwl-99 Bl Motor Thermal Watt Converter L&N 10730 FA-54 Salt Flow Hi Annunciator Spec. I.8. 18-5 FA-5B Salt Flow Lo Annunciator Spec. I.S. 18-5 FE-100 Salt Flow Truncated Venturi To be designed and calibrated FI-104 Flow Argon to SST Variable Area Spec. I.S. 25-11 Meter FI-111 Air to Freeze Valve Variasble Spec. I.8. 25-11 Area Meter FR-5 Salt Flow Recorder Honeywell Class 15 - Single FR-22 Pump Off-Gas Flow Recorder Honeywell Class 15 - Multi FR-32 Seal Bleed Flow Recorder Honeywell Class 15 FR-89 Gas Flow to Pump Bowl Recorder Honeywell Class 15 FS-5A Salt Flow Hi Switch Foxboro 63V-CC FS-5B Salt Flow Lo Switch Foxboro 63V-CC FT-22 Pump Off-Gas Flow Transmitter Hastings LL-500, H500 ¥T-32 Seal Bleed Flow Transmitter Hastings LL-500, H500 FT-89 Gas Flow to Pump Bowl Transmitter Hastings LL-500, H500 HCV-31. Seal Bleed Flow Metering Valve Hoke D3381FL4B HCV-85 Argon to Pump Bowl Flow Metering Hoke D3381FLB Valve HCV-106 Argon to SST Metering Valve Hoke D3381F4B BV-6 Gas to Lube 0il Upstream Block Hoke D3361¥L4B C-3 Ttem Model Number Name Manufacturer Number HV-10 Gas to Lube 011l Downstream Block Hoke D3361F4B Valve Hv-13 Gas to Lube 0il Bypass Valve Hoke D3381F4B HV-1L Lube 0il Gas Manual Vent Valve Hoke D3381FLB HV-16 Purtp Off-Gas to Cleanup System Hoke D3361F4B Valve HV-17 Pump Off-Gas Cleanup System Bypass Hoke D3381F4B to Stack Valve HV-18 Pump Off-Gas Back Pressure Hoke D3381FLB Control Bypass Valve HV-19 Pump Off-Gas Back Pressure Hoke D3361FLB Contrcl Inlet Block Valve AV -23 Pump Off-Gas Back Pressure Hoke D3361F4B Control Outlet Block Valve HV-25 Off-Gas X26 Filter Upstream Hoke D3361F4B Block Valve HV-27 Off-Gas X26 Pilter Downstream Hoke D3361FLB Block Valve HV-28 Off-Gas XP6 Filter Bypass Valve Hoke D3381FL4B HV-29 Seal Bleed Back Pressure Control Hoke D3361FLB System Block Valve HV~-33 Seal Bleed Accumulstor Flow Hoke D3361F4B Control Bypass Valve HV-3k4 Seal Bleed Flow Control System Hoke D3361FLR Outlet Block Valve HV-39 Argon to 250/80 Regulator from 250 Hoke D336LFL4B Header Valve HV-43 Hi to Lo Argon System d.s. Block Hoke D3361FLB Valve HV-48 Standby Argon Manifold to Vac. Pump Hoke Valve C-k Nfigng Name Manufacturer %fiigir HV-49 Standby Argon Header Block Valve Victor HV-50 Reguliar Argon Header Block Valve Victor HV-51 Regular Argon Manifold to Vac. Pump Hoke Valve HV-52 V.S. Block Valve for PIV-45 Victor HV-53 V.S. Block Valve for PIV-L6 Victor HV-54 Block ds PIV-46 Victor BV-55 Block ds PIV-L6 Victor HV-56 Vent ds PIV-L5 Hoke D3361FLB HV=-5T Vent ds PIV-L46 Hoke D3361F4B HV-T70 250 Argon to Exp. Block Valve Hoke HV-T6 Argon to Tarottle Valve Pressure Hoke D3361FLB Balance Control System "V-77 Manual Bypass Valve, Gas to Valve Hoke D3381F4B Bellows HV-T8 Gas to and from PCV-57B and C Hoke D3361FLB Bellows Pressure Balance System Valve HV-T9 Manual Gas Vent from Bellows Valve Hoke D3381F4B HV-81 Argon to Pump Pressure Control Hoke D3361F4B System Valve HV-86 Pump Gas System Downsitream Block Hcke D3361F4B Valve HV-87 Argon to Pump Bypass Valve Hoke D3381FLB HV-88 Argon to Pump F.T. Inlet Bypass Valve Hoke D3361FL4B HV-90 Argon to Pump F.T. d.s. Block Hoke D3361FLB HV-91 Argon to Pump Bowl Bypass d.s. Block Hoke D3361FLB Valve C~5 Nigggr Name Manufacturer %fiizir HV-101 Argon to PV-102 Block Valve Hoke D3361FL4B Hv-105 SST Gas Control Bypass Valve Hoke D3381FLB HV-106 Argon to SST V.P. Block Valve Hoke D3361FLB HV-107 SST Gas Control System Outlet Block Hoke D3361FLB Valve HV-109 98T Vent Valve Hoke D3361FLB HV-120 Equalizing Line Pump to SST Valve Hoke D3361F4B HV-121 Seal Bleed Accumulator Drain Valve Hoke D3381F4B LA-130A Pump Salt Hi Level Alarm I.8. 18-5 LA-130B Pump Salt Lo Level Annunciator I.8. 18-5 LE-92 SST Level Probe To be designed LE-93 SST Level Probe To be designed LE-9L SST Level Probe To be designed LE-95 SST Level Probe To be designed LI-2k Pump Seal Bleed Catch Pot Level Pemberthy X508(2) LI-92 SST Level Indicator ORNL To be designed LI-93 SST Level Indicator ORNL To be designed LI-9L SST Level Indicator ORNL To be designed LI-95 SST Level Indicator ORNL To be designed LR-130 Pump Salt Level Recorder Foxboro 6L20HE LS=-130A Pump Salt Hi Level Switch Foxboro 63VCC 18-130B Pump Salt Lo Level Switch Foxboro 63VCC c-6 Tten Model Number Name Manufacturer Number PA-15A Lube 0il Pump Bowl Delta-P Hi Spec. I.S. 18-5 Annuncigtor Pa-15B Lube 0il Pump Bowl Delta-P Lo Spec. I.S. 18-5 Ammuncistor PA-36 Facility 80 Argon Low Pressure Spec. I.S. 18-5 Annunciator PA-LL Standby Argon Manifold Low Pres- Spec. I.S. 18-5 sure Annunciastor PA-58 Normal Argon Manifold Lo Pressure Spec. I.S. 18-5 Anmuncistor PA-59 250 Argon Lo Pressure Annuncistor Spec. I.S. 18-5 PA-60 250 Argon Hi Pressure Annunciator Spec. I.8. 18-5 PA-T71A Valve Bellows Hi Delta-P Annunciator Spec. I.5. 18-5 PA-T71B Valve Bellows Lo Delta-P Annunciator Spec. I.8. 18-5 PA-Q2A Pump Bowl Hi Pressure Annunciator Spec. I.8. 18-5 PA-92B Pump Bowl Lo Pressure Annunciator Spec. I.S. 18-5 Pac-9 Delta-P Lube 0il/Pump Bowl Foxboro 62H-5E-0 Controcller PAC-T1 Valve Bellows Delta-P Controller Foxboro 62H-5E-0 PaCv-9A Argon to Lube 0il Control Valve Research Controls B1510 PaCv-9B Argon Vent from Lube 0il Control Research Controls B1510 Valve PACV-T1A Gas to Valve Bellows Contrcl Valve Research Controls B1510 PACV-T1B Gas from Valve Bellows Control Valve Research Controls B1510 PAI-13k Press. Across C.W.S. Filter Meriam PaI-135 Differential Pressure Indicator for Barton IFS-1 C-T Item Model Number Name Manufacturer Number PAI-136 Differential Pressure Indicator for Barton IFS-1 PAM-9 Tube 0il Gas Control Current to Air Foxboro 63PAL Converter PAM-13G Bellows Salt Side Pressure Converter Foxboro 693AR PAR-9 Lube 0il Pump Differential Pressure Foxboro 6L20HF Recorder PAR-T1 Valve Bellows Differential Pressure Foxboro 6420HF Recorder Pds-15 Lube Oil Pump Bowl Differential Pres- Barton 289 sure Switch PaT-5 Flow Venturi Differential Pressure Foxboro 66CT-0 Transmitter PAT-9 Lube 0il Pump Bowl Differential Foxboro 613DL Pressure Transmitter PAT-71 Valve Bellows Gas/Salt Differential Foxboro 66CT-0 Pressure Transmitter PAT-139 Alternate Bellows Differential Pres- Foxboro 660T-0 sure Transmitter PAav-30 Seal Bleed Flow Control Regulsator Moore 63BU PAV-8L Delta-P Across HCV-52G Argon to Moore €3RU Pump Bowl Flow Control Regulator PI-8 Gas to Lube 0il Press. Control Ashcroft 1220A8E + 1278 Gage PI-11 Argon out of PCV-51 to Lube 0il Gage Ashcroft 1220ASE + 1278 PI-20 Pump Off-Gas Back Pressure Control Asheroft 122CASE + 1278 Inlet Gage PI-L1 Emergency 80 psi Argon Regulator Ashcroft 1220ASE + 1278 Outlet Gage PI-80 Gas Side of Valve Bellows Gage Asheroft 1220ASE + 1278 c-8 Nizgzr Name Manufacturer fifiggir PI-83 Argon out of PV-50A to Pump Bowl Asheroft 1220ASE + 1278 Gage PT-103 Cutlet of PV-102 Gage Asherof't 1220ASE + 1278 PI-110 Gas Vent Back Pressure Gage Ashcroft 1220ASE + 1278 PI-117 Argon to SST Gage Ashcroft 1220ASE + 1278 PI-132 Outlet B-1 Gage Ashcroft 1220A8E 1278 PT-133 Qutlet B-2 Asheroft 122CASE 1278 PI-14k4 80 psi Argon at Experiment Gage Asherof't 1220ASE + 1278 PI-145 Standby Argon Manifold Gage Asheroft 1220BSE PI-1L46 Normal Argon Manifold Gage Ashcroft 1220BSE PI-162 Cell Pressure Gage Ashcroft PIV-L45 Standby 250 Argon Regulator Victor GD20AA6DEDLA+SY PIV-46 Normal 250 Argon Regulator Victor GD20AA6DEDLA+HSY PM-T1 Valve Bellows Control Current to Foxboro 63PAL Air Converter PM-T73 Salt Side Valve Bellows Transmitter Foxboro 693AR Converter PR-2 Flow Upstream Pressure Recorder Foxboro 6420HF PR-3 Flow Throat Pressure Recorder Foxboro 6L420HT PR-T2 Valve Bellows Gas Side Pressure Foxboro 64oCHF Recorder PR-73 Valve Bellows Salt Side Pressure Foxboro 6L20HF Recorder PR-92 Pump Bowl Pressure Recorder Foxboro 6L2OHF PR-140 Pump Outlet Pressure Recorder Foxboro 6420HF PS-36 Low 80 psi Argon Header Pressure Barksdale D1H-A150 Switch c-9 Item Model Number Name Manufacturer Number PS-bLl Standby Argon Manifold Lo Pressure Barksdale SoL8-L4 Ps-58 Normal Argon Manifold Lo Pressure Barksdale goL8-4 Switch Ps-59 250 Argon Hi Pressure Switch Barksdale BIT-H12 PS-60 250 psi Argon Lo Pressure Switch Barksdale BIT-H12 PS-T1A Valve Bellows Delta-P Hi Switch Foxboro 63U-CC Ps-T1B Valve Bellows Delta-P Low Switch Foxboro 63U-CC PS-924 Pump Argon Hi Pressure Switch Foxboro 63U-CC PS-92B Pump Argon Lo Pressure Switch Foxboro 63U-CC PSvV-12 Tube 011l Overpressure Relief Valve Grove 155BP2 PSV-42 200 to 80 psi Argon System Over- Circle Seal pressure Relief Valve PSV-L7 Argon Header Vacuum Pump Over- Grove 61 pressure Relief Valve Psv-108 Argon to SS8T Overpressure Relief Grove 155BP2 Valve Psv-137 Argon to Pump Bowl Overpressure Grove 155BP2 Relief Valve PT-1 Salt Flow Upstream Alternate Taylor Special Pressure Transmitter PT-2 Salt Flow Upstream Pressure Trans- Taylor Special mitter PT-Spare Spare for PT-1, PT-2 Taylor Specilal (1 & 2) PT-3 Sait Flow Throat Pressure Trans- Taylor Special mitter PT-4 Salt Flow Throat Alternate Pressure Taylor Special Transmitter Item Model Number Name Manufacturer Number PT-Spare Spare for PT-3, PT-L Taylor Special (3 & 4) PT-'72 Valve Bellows, Gas Side Foxboro 611GM PT-73 Valve Bellows, Salt Pressure Teylor Special Transmitter PT-74 Valve Bellows Salt Alternate Pres- Taylor Special sure Transmitter PT-Spare Spare PT-T73, PT-TL Taylor Special (73, T4) PT-92 Pump RBowl Pressure Transmitter Foxboro 6110M Pr-131 Pump Outlet Pressure Transmitter Taylor opecial PT-1k0 Pump Outlet Alternate Pressure Taylor Special Transmitter PT-Spare Spare for PT-131, PT-140 Taylor Special (131, 140) PV-7 Argon to Lube 0il Pressure TFisher 67-15 Regulator PV-21 Pump Off-Gas Back Pressure Grove 155 Regulator PV-L0O 250 psi Argon to 80 psig Header Fisher 67-15 Pressure Regulator P-82 Argon to Pump Bowl Pressure Fisher 67-15 Regulatoer PV-102 Argon to SST Pressure Regulator Fisher 67-15 FX-1 Seal for PT-1 Taylor 103 PX-2 Seal for PT-2 Taylor 103 P{-Spare Seal for Spare (1, 2) Taylor 103 (1, 2) PX-3 Seal for PT-3 Taylor 103 C-11 Ni;ggf Name Manufacturer %figgir PX-4 Seal for PT-4 Taylor 103 PX~-Spare Seal for PT-Spare (3, L) Taylor 103 (3, 4) PX-T3 Seal for PT-T3 Taylor 103 PX-Th Seal for PT-Th Taylor 103 P{-Spare Seal for Pr-Spare (73, Th) Taylor 103 (73, Th) PX-131 Seal for PT-131 Taylor 103 PX~-140 Seal for PT-140 Taylor 103 PX-Spare Seal for PT-Spare (131, 1L0) Taylor 103 (131, 1kL0) PX-(Ovens) Ovens for Pressure Transmitter ORNL To be designed 10 required PM-2 PT-2 Converter Foxboro 693AR PM-3 PT-3 Converter Foxboro 693AR SA-138A Pump Lo Speed Spec. I.3. 18-5 SM-138 Pump Speed Counter T.5.I. 361R SR-138 Pump Speed Recorder Honeywell (lass 15 S8-138 Pump Speed Switch Lo Honeywell TA-143 Freeze Valve Hi Temperature Spec. I.S. 18-5 Annuncistor TC Connectors, Leadwire, etc. Various TE- 144 Thermocouples Spec. I.S. 12L-3 TI-149 Miscellaneous Temp. Honeywell Prec. Inc. L8 TIC-141 Freeze Valve TC-547 Temperature Control C-12 Ni;;:r Name Manufacturer fifiizir TR-151 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-152 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-153 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-154 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-155 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-156 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-157 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TR-158 Temperature Recorder Honeywell Class 15 TS-141 Preeze Valve Hi Temp. Switch Honeywell Pyrometer TX=-147 Reference Junction Boxes Joseph Kaye Co. UTR-AS + RTD20 X-26 0il Accumulator Outlet Strainer HV-37 Check Valve 250/80 psi Argon Circle Seal XV-38 80 psi Argon Check Valve Circle Seal HV-148 Air into Enclosure Check Valve EDP- Electronic Data Processing DEXTIR Gas Systems Parts and Supplies ORNL Stores Instrument Field Wiring Instrument Panels ORNL Stores D-1 Appendix D Equipment Tabulation MSBE Salt Pump Test Stand Electrical Equipment 13.8 kv System 1 Fach 350 % 300 £t 1 Lot 2400 v System 1 Each 1 Each 300 ft 4000 ft 100 ft 500 ft 1 Lot 480 v System 2 Bach 2 Each 1 Each 3 Bach 3 Each 4 Each 3 Each 3 Each 0il Circuit Breaker, 12004, 13.8 kv, 500 mva PILC Cable, 350 MCM, 3/C, 15 kv Galv. Conduit, L-in. Misc. Conduit and Cgble Fittings, pull boxes, etc. Primary Substation Transformer, Pyranol Filled, 1500 kva, 3 phase, 13,800 v/2L00 v. Metal-Clad Switchgear, 3-phase, 2400 v, outdoor type consisting of (1) incoming line unit, (2) 1200A motor feeder circuit breaker, (3) metering and relaying. Cable, 300 MM, 1/C, 5 kv. THW Wire, No. 12, 1/c, 600 v. Galv. Condulit, 3-in. Galv. Conduit, l-in. Mis. Conduit and Cable PFittings, pull boxes, etc. Combination Magnetic Motor Starters with fuse dis- connect Sw., 480 v, Size S. Combination Magnetic Contactors with fuse disconnect Sw., 480 v, size 3. Fusible Disconnect Sw., 600 v, 200 A, 3 p. Fusible Disconnect Sw, 600 v, 100 A, 3 p. Fusible Disconnect Sw., 600 v, 60 A, 3 p. Fusible Disconnect Sw., 600 v, 30 A, 3 p. Transformers, L80-120/240 v, 50 kva, 1 phase. Transformers, 480-120/240 v, 37 1/2 kva, 1 phase. 480 v System (continued) 3 Each 2 Bach 3 Each 3 Bach 3 Each 2 Bach 1 Each 1200 ft 150 ft 1000 ft 24,000 £t 2000 1t 700 ft Valves HCV-T5 HV-112 HV-113 HCOV-114 HV-35 HV-115 HV-116 HV-118 HV-119 HYV-122 HV-123 HV-124 HV-125 BV-126 HV-127 Transformers, 480-120/240 v, 25 kva, 1 phase. Transformers, 480-120/240 v, 10 zva, 1 phase. Variable transformer cabinets, w/6 - 7 1/2 kva, 0-280 v, Transf,; and indicating ammeters. Same, except 2 —71/2 kva, 0-280 v and 8 - 2 kva, 0-280 v transformers. Distribution cabinets with fuses and indicating ammeters. Panelboards, 100 A mains, 120/240 v, 3 wire SN. Reversing Magnetic Contactor, 480 v, Size 3. Heaters, tubular type, 500 watts/ft, 230 v (misc. lengths). Expanded metal cable tray, 18-in.-wide, w/fittings. Cable, power supply (misc. sizes) Wire and Cable, heater supply (misc. sizes) Cable, control (misc.sizes) Galv. Conduit (misc. sizes) Salt throttle valve HX-1 air control valve HX-2 air control valve Air to freeze valve (panel) Argon to exp. from header ASH-2 valve Air to freeze valve (local) Pump bowl-SST line (local) SS to vac. pump Monitor flow from S1 to ASH Water to HX-3 Air from ASH k4 Air from ASH 3 Air from ASH 5 Air from ASH 6 Valves (continued) HV-128 HV-129 HV-145 HV-1L6 Other Equipment Salt Pump HX-1 and HX-2 HX-3 FR SRO D-3 Air from ASH 7 Salt freeze wvalve Bl vent wvalve B2 vent valve Test plece consisting of salt pump, lubrication sys- tem, shield plug cooling system, and drive motor. Salt to air heat exchangers Air to water heat exchanger Flow restrictor Simulated Reactor Qutlet Salt Storage Tank DS-1, DS-2 B-1, B-2, B-3 B‘-h', B"'s Blower discharge silencers Rlowers TO ATMOS. EQUIPMENT LEGEAD “|eErTER DESCRIPTION .B__| BlowaR HX | HEAT EXCHANGER ® I &-68-® @i@ @ L ¢ . ¢ &0 ASH | AIR_SAMPLING NEAD DS Biowen DISC‘MNE SILENER | JFS |BLOWER NTAKE FILTER AND SIL!N(!R s STACK ~R FLOW _RESTRICTOR SRO SIMULATED REACM ourLer . . rEsT szcrrow;/’ 1 | L T | | 1 | 1 | l - | L(ecc oRIVE l swzs ||| Moron | | mua ) COOLING L COOLING i = b - S arsony iy o LG E | DS, wo, ACKHASE | " 06-008 : | ——x— — PIPE LEGEND w6, M, w-o«)—@--.- I | | 326 (menes)| PINE on TBE| pATERIAL | JOINTS TES AS m.-‘sneo — Y ovcore resr o ; Bl Mo Ve P T ugmfwrw WiweiD o Moror | Pump arruaaranod 1 £ - - - S (STEE B/80LTED Some of TNESE TO &DP ] ss(stw!ZFfl - o f--t--- - T sTEEL) Aargon . | | el U | N N L e BPA IPOWNY LARAY EXCHANGER G | ] . ows. s pgoos—CD: T _ , 5700 GPM ! o ———— T ‘ ‘ 180/ °F LINE NUMEBER @%% | : ——< :}—-('DW‘. NO. @4~004 S : - _ : ‘ : - (PIY e [[&-e-e-eo @ & ® Wl [TTE .- ' | nores- 3o/ : ' ' ' I=ALL INSTRUMENT SYMBOLS ARE : PER O.R.N.L. C.F. NO57-8-/ REY. ] :E 9 INSTRUMENT ' S ! FR - ' ' 70 P ‘ AR . 1 X@ ‘ @ r.._‘-"‘nr"\. 1300°F 1 ' ' - g @ | MEATER S o - FREEZE - - ? —— - - - ! | ' vaLveE - } (% —.— 70 ATMOS. - ‘ | - :--(PMP ----- - ~(PWR, . ;2?’;::1 DRAN TO ATMOS, TES £ 7, 5 AS NESDED i-@ 5 siemcen OF ”"’ “p cowmroL i < o @ SPIWIB rvosEERIC AIR LINE : D, A /4-P-SW¢ 8 ' 06-004 _ i i 70 wic. Pume a—(ED— ~nAnN~ - . o ‘ ; & ® ' (FRY “SHAFT SEAL ) . 32/ O/l (EZAKAGE ‘ @ @ : ACCUMUAATOR~ . . ' ¢ ' —@ et 2 ' b d (DN = . E \——/ ' ! y - " u \la/ FROM O/L CHTEN BASIN &6 D 18 1O 1O 1O & . FROM HX-3 : n on5. w0, 04+ o0z %D | - ASH-( | | m'mfio':a —ED {} @;_@-——ro ATMOSPNERE ours/pe 3 [ enciosurn - —D>—| ' | ASH-3 oursioe : - anciosurs r—&ED—] ' ' ASH-@ CONTINUED ©N | DM AD. 0§-008 INSIDE @D § |-—-. ‘ e, S e @D - ” " > TO ATMOSPNERE ' - ' j REFERENCE DRAWINGS owa. MO ' _ % wme wwomenr [, of, METE o D I i M S.B.E, SALT PUMP_.TEST STAND ASHN-G } o . @ f OFF GAS SYSTEM .. L wewe @y ] | T e | e e NO. REVISIONS - APPD , ASH-7 , PR, = OAX RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY o, S lodoe] N . j M | UNION CARBIDE COR®, ' — [ T ] MRS, e AArTD et Im . " — I- /10579 QG- 009-D-0 SuTom ne. woi-i Mwnesr (P ’ APPENDIX E 13.8 KV BUS - ) 1200 AMP { o.Cn, Y 2350 mcm 15KV -4 C. PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION | STOCK SIZE | MATERIAL PART | DWG NO. [ REQD | [ #80 V. DIESEL BLS - ——— 1500 KVA-34 - - _ ‘ , 13.8/2.4 KV - ‘ | 20 AMP 100 AMP 2400V, \ _ o _ 3¢ BLS AS0 V.- 3¢ BUS : ‘ i L] 1 I ] L] 1 ’ ] *y 1200 AMP l 1 I %5 ru ) AC.B. ' . L : | | 4 3%2 RHW 500 AMP 500 AMP 90 AMP 90 AMP 90 AMP G0 AMP GO AMP 30 AMP 200 AMP. 20 AMP 100 AMP ‘ : ‘ . sizey L . o ) T>-"e vuw b o ( . - 2.* Yo anw | 1 . . = = : - - = oy . o= - == 5300 MCM o Tstzes sizes SIZE 3 SI1ZED L IZE SIZE | - 5KV -3°C, . S | o ‘ _ 5 i GO AMP . ‘ 37 ‘/z KVA 372 KVA 37%2 wva 23 KiA' - 28 KVA 10 KW} N X Ta.s0kva 25 KVA ‘ ' 480-120/240 V.| 480-120/240V.| 480-120/240¥ | 430-120/240 V.| 480-120/240 v. | 480-120j240v.| 480-120/240 V., ABO-120/240 V. \ 3-*oruw . |3-*Yoruw {2-"Yo RHw |3* Auw_ 1% Ruw e THW 3% rHw | 3*Yoruw |3"% rRuw 3*) RUW 30 AMP 4: : B . ‘ D KVA - - A _ , 120/240 V. i : \J \J . > 3-300MCM * | 3-300 MGM ’ 3 ™2 THwW P RHW-3"C, RHW-3"C. ‘ 1 | S gD % . ! r..............'_j | §og8 2 | o |34 | 3 | ] : _ ' -4’\0- —of\o- | | -oflo—- —oho- I \ _ , ' L—ofio— r-o’}-} _ I l W b-—oho-_} 1000 WP 150 HP 150 HP (6-7V2 KvA (6-1'/2 KYA (c-7%2 kVA . (8:2, KVAE (82 KvAL Tmisc, \ v ’ LUBE OLL - (8-2KVA £ EMERAENCY SALT PUMP AIR BLOWER AIR BLOWER . VARIABLE VARIA VARIARLE 2.1V2 2-7Y/2 KVA POWER THERMAL CYCLING PACKAGE 2-72 K POWER (DESianeD Fon N© B-] N® 8-2 AUTO-TRANS) AUTO- TRANS) AUTO-TRANS) VARIABL VARIABLE = CABINET HEATERS ARIABLE CABINET MAIN I..OOP a. HEAT EXCH. PUMP & FREEZR scHEnuLE) SALT STORAGE AUX. EQUIP, VALVE TANK HEATERS HEATERS £ DRAIN LINE ‘ - _ | HEATERS CIRCUIT SCHEDULE r EMERGENCY POWER CABINEY 1. INSTRUMENY CONTROL ‘ . " 2. LIGHTS INSIDE SHIELDING | : REFERENCE DRAWINGS | numeer 3, SHIELD PLUG COOLING : I 4, LOOP EXHAUST BLOWER (33) . o Oax e Namowar Lasemaveny . % AIR SAMPLING HEAD BLOWERS (B4 ¢ RS) ' OPERATED BY Union CanBinE CorPORATION OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE MSRE SALT PUMP TEST STAMD Bi9% o . GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS |~ Totenses ihsss. THAT THE UK om OICLOBURE. OF ANY inromsemon "" “:‘ s | untess omvemwise specimen: | ™™ " [Mvo. REVISIONS oAYE [APPD | APPD | ELECTRICAL ScHeMaTic DiAGRAM PRNATE RIGHTS OF OTHENR, NO UKBIITY 1o ALSUMED WITH RERPECT To ;_Gm:msw s * e in SUBMITTED | DATE | APFROVED | DATE THE USE OF, OR FOR DAMAGER REBULTING FROM THE USE OF, ANY MATERIAL MAY BE CHOSIN | DECMALS & | WA | WM/e | ! __7 INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD O PROCERS DISCLOSED M THESE BY FABRICATOR. DESIGNED DATE [ APPROVED 1 DATE | DATE SURMITIED ACCEPTED APPROVED DRAWINGS. THE DRAWINGS ARE BEING MADE AVANASLE FOR INFORMATION ANGLES & i ! . TO BIODER AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FON OTHER PURPCSES, Ano ame | 3. MACHINED SURFACE - FINISH — ] ! TO BE RETURNED UPRON REQUEST OF THE SMALL NOT EXCEED: CHECKED DATE APPROVED | DATE | DATL 1 (ASA B46.1-1962) SCALE: 1 t | I l Dl l APPENDIX F Appendix G MSBE Salt Pump Test Stand Preliminary Design Calculations G-2 G-I Salt Storage Tank The preliminary tank design, shown in Fig. 7, is predicated on the use of Hastelloy N material on hand and the use of forming dies on hand at Paducah for the torispherical heads. At the design temperature of 1200°F the allowable stress is 6000 psi. The required tank volume of 75 cu £t is based on the volume of approximately TO ft of 8 in. (sched 40) pipe (24 £t3), plus LO ft3 estimated maximum pump volume, and 11 £i3 for a gas space and a heel in the tank. Allowable pressure due to circumferential stresses in cylindrical shell 1/2 in. thick p - _ SET _ (6000)(1)(.5) T R + 0.6t (19.5) + (.6)(.5) = 151 psi Para UG-2T* Allowable pressure in torispherical head 5/8 in. thick SET (6000)(1)( .625) P=o58smr 0.5 - T TES)(36) + (D) C R rare HeE Volume of tank (2 x 2.78) + (% X 392 x 105.875/1728) = 78.75 cu £t Tank Support Total weight of tank and 65 cu ft of primary salt = 3000 + 65 x 205 = 16,325 1b Assume tank is supported by 4 support rods attached to 2 straps passing under the tank and an allowable stress of 3500 psi: Area of one strap = 16,325/(4 x 3500} = 1.17 in. Use 1/2 x 2 1/2 Support Rod 10,000 psi .408 in.2 Use rod diam = 3/4 in. Assume allowable stress A =16,325/(% x 10,000) *¥ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1. G-3 G-II Heat Exchanger An existing computer program (SALTEX) for salt-to-air heat ex- changers was used to study the preliminary heat exchanger design for SPTS. The design is subject to the following conditions or limitations: Salt flow rate 8000 gpm Pump power to fluid 1200 hp Mean salt temperature 1050°F and 1300°F Salt pipe size 8 in. (sched L40) Maximum air velocity 900 fps Air inlet temperature 150°F Air inlet pressure L psig Air flow rate 10,000 scfm (total) Maximum air side AP 3.1 psi The change in salt temperature around the loop with this flow rate and input power is about O0.7°F, which is essentially isothermal during normal operation. The computer output is shown on the two following pages. The more important ocutput is as follows: Heat exchanger length 16 ft Annular gap 938 in. Air side AP 3.0 psi Air side AT 280°F G-k SALTEX 16217 YED. 11=-19-69 FER MEAN SALT TEMPEKATURE GF 1050 F , ' TRY GeDe PUMF HEADCFT) LENGTHLFT) . AlF VELLFT/SECIDELTA FLFSI) REGUIRED WALL THICKNESS LESS THAN STANDAFRDe. FESET. , 1 10.2 A58 . 15606 BE7.368 - 4422129 . FEQUIRED WALL THICKNESS LESS THAN STANDAFDe FESETe. £ 10.2 +4Ov5E3- T 1444526 '810.446 = = .3.87343 3 1C.3 1465523 15.2487 758034 336532 4 16.4 +46~ 555 16.0511 711.568 ' 294859 SALT FLgt= 800C GPMs OF 1+35209E+0C7 LE/ZHE - EAEF—FEMP—HEAPs—-46~583—FT FoHEF»—FEHIB=—068~ » PUMF= 1200, HF» Ok 3.054Q0E+06 - BETUWHE SALT FIPE ID= 7.981 INes 8D= B+625 INe ' SALT FLOY AREA= +347411 SCFT WALL THICKNESS, -Miie—ei-49956 >NSMINAL= <322 INCH ANNULUE €D= 10«4 INe ' ' ShEFe S F—FFES SR ES—AFE~~ BHEFEFINGe— O v B S D F SO H A G Rt vy P ES N85 PSIG AIF FLCV AREA= «184184 SCFT ’ SALT PHYSICAL PREPERTIES AT T= 1650 F - CP= 324 BTU/LE-F» K= .75 ETU/LEB-FT-F MU= 34.18 LB/FT-Hk> DENSITY= 210.7 LE/ZCU.FT VELe.= 51.3091 FT/SEC» TEMFs CHANGE= +.69714 F MASE VEL= 38%919CE+07 LE/ZHE=SC«FTs FF NE= 147658 » FE NCe= 757295 £IF PHYSICAL PROFERTIES AT £290.121 F CP= «242211 BTU/LE-F» K= 2.01456E-02 BTU/LB-FT-F MU= 057224 LB/FT~HFs TEMP CHANGE= 280241 F MASS FLGW= 44992.9 LE/HF TOTAL, Gk £2496.4 PER ANNULUS VBL.FLGE= 10000 SCFM TCTAL» BFK 5C0C SCFM PEFR ANNULUS AT 70 . F G= 122141+« LE/HR=-SC.FT ' - INLET=--DENSITY= 8.28826E-C2 LB/CU-FT» VEL= 409.352 FT/SEC AT 150 F CUTLET-DENSITY= 4.76808E-02 LE/CUFTsVEL= 711.568 FT/SEC AT 430.241 F MEAN= If a speed of 9C0 rpm is selected for the primary pump and 1200 rpm is gselected for the secondary punmp their respective specific speeds are 1584 and 1488. The shape of the head-flow curve is a function of the specific speed.* The resultant head-flow curves for the primary and secondary salt pumps are shown in Fig. 3. *Stepanoff, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, p. 162, 2nd ed., New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. G-8 G-V Heat Removal from 1500 hp Motor Two proposed methods were considered in this investigation. 1. TUse of Plant Water This system would consist of a water supply line with shut-off and throttling valves connected to a cooling coil and a drain line with open- end combination vacuum breaker, sight-flow fitting that empties into the building water drain. For the 1500 hp motor at 95% efficiency, waste heat = 75 hp, or 3200 Btu/min. Assuming AT of 10°F and plant water maximum temperature of about 60°F, a flow of about L0 gpm is required. The present cost of process water is 5 cents per thousand gallons. LO gpm = ~60,000 gpd = $3.00 per day 2. Use of Air-Cooled HX with Pumped Circulation 105 2 =% 973 £t (say 1000 ft3) Then the cost is HX = 1000 X 7.20/S.F = $7,200 (From UCC Cost Man. I-200-217.0.1) Cir. Pump and Motor 50 gpm at 50 ft hd = 340 Installation (33 1/3% equip.) = 2.513 Indirect {50%) = 5,027 $15,080% *¥Does neot include electrical. Operating costs for an alr-coocled HX and circulating pump would re- quire driving power for two motors of approximately 2 hp each plus main- tenance associated with keeping this equipment serviced. The air-cooled heat exchanger would have to be located outside the building and this would increase the cost of the installation. G=9 Operating costs for use of plant water would be essentially nothing except for the cost of water. With the cost of water at .05/1000 g and a 5 year test duration, it appears that the simplicity and low cost makes use of the plant water system the most desirable. G-10 Aggendix G-VI - Flow Measurement Instrumentation Location of the Flow Sensors The flow sensors are located in the pump discharge line downstream of the throttle valve and preceded by a straight run of fiipe of about 30 pipe diasmeters. It is anticipated'that turbulence from the'throttle valve will be sbout equivalent to a gate valve. To a limited extent it may act as a perforated-plate-type flow turbulence remover. Thus it is expected that satisfactory accuracy will be achieved. Description of Flow Sensor The flow sensor itself will be a truncated nozzle venturi tube. Con- sideration must be‘givefi to the configuration of the flow sensor so that it can be installed in an all-welded piping system and so that pressure taps can be located properly. At present, it seems likely that a truncated venturi might solve the problems of machining, welding, and firessure taps. A preliminary sketch of the truncated nozzle venturi tube is shown in - Fig. 14, It is important that the upstream pressure be larger than the differential pressure. This avoids a vacuum in the throat pressure tap. Flow Calculation An engineering study was made of flow calculations. For purposeé . of comparison, three pipe sizes (8-, 10-, and 12-in.), six p = d/D ratios (0.50, 0.56, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, and 0.75), and three flow rates (3000, 5700, and 8000 gpm) were studied. The salt used in the calculations weighs 204.9 1b per cu ft at 1300°F. For these preliminary calculations, the following formula was used. (See Principles and Practice of Flow Meter Engineering, 9th ed, by L. K. Spark.) Several correction factors were omitted for the sake of simplicity. | n, = (g, G/, 5)2 hw = differential pressure in inches of water G-11 Qm = flow rate in gpm vy = a constant, 5.667, to be used when Q, s in gpm = 1inside dlameter of pipe in inches G, = specific gravity of flowing salt G, = specific gravity of water at 60°F = 1.0 S = an operating figure from which d/D may be obtained by reference to a table or curve for the particular kind of flow sensor under study. The sbove equation was modified as follows in order to convert "inches of water" to "pounds per square inch" and to group certain terms together for easier calculations: Gy w2 - 2 = [T (2] (] (o) FProm the resulting data, graphs of differential pressure vs. pipe size for the various d/D ratios were plotted. The permanent pressure loss curves were obtained from Fig. 24, p. 48, "Fluid Meters — Their Theory and Application," ASME 5th ed., 1959. From the graphs, one can draw this conclusion: For 8-in. pipe, the d/D ratio must be high to keep differential pressures low enough at maximum flow to be within the ranges of high- temperature pressure transmitters. The highest d/D ratio for which engineering data is available is about 0.75. For the higher d/D ratios, longer lengths of straight pipe upstream of the flow sensor are recom- mended. The d/D ratios between 0.2 and 0.6 are preferable. Measuring the Differential Pressure We plan to measure the flow sensor's differential pressure with two pressure transmitters rather than with one differential pressure trans- mitter. The reason for this is that no high temperature (1300°F) dif- ferential pressure transmitter with sufficiently high static pressure rating is known to be on the market. Perhaps one can be developed later G-12 by one of the instrument manufacturers. The procurement of the simpler high temperature pressure transmitters may be somewhat of a problem too, because prototype transmitters for the SPTS facility and the MSBE will be used. These transmitters will have seals that have multi-ply dia- phragms. Such seals are not standard items of commerce. ORNL DWG. 69-13461 €1-D G-14 69-13462 ORNL DWG. ORNL DWG. 69-13463 GT-9 G-16 G-VII MSBE Secondary Pump Operating in Primary Salt with a Reduced Diameter Impeller For a given pump the following relationships hold: H varies as N® and D? Q varies as N and D BHP wvaries as N°® and D4 If we assume the primary pump speed is 900 rpm and the secondary pump speed is 1200 rpm, then NC/Nf = 1.333. By a trial and error pro- cess, Dc/Df = .84 comes close to meeting our requirements ©f subjecting the secondary pump rotary element to its design power and pressure rise at its design speed. From the above relationships we can arrive at the following: H, = (NC/Nf)2 (Dc/Df)a H, = (1.333)2 (.84)2 H = 1.25k H, Q, = (W /N.) (p/D.)? Q. = (1.333) (.84)2 = .9k Q. BHP = (Nc/Nf)S (DC/Df)4 BHP,. = (1.333)3(.84)4 BHP, = 1.180 BHP.. These relationships were used for extrapolating the primary pump head, flow, and brake horsepower to the curves for the reduced diameter impeller shown in Fig. O. G=-1T7 G-VIII Summary of Pressure Profile Calculations Pressure distributions around the loop were determined for three conditions: 1. flow, Q, = 7850 gpm and pump head, H, = 168 ft., 2. flow, Q, = 5700 gpm and pump head, H, = 150 ft., and 3. flow, Q, = 2850 gpm and pump head, H, = 165.4 ft. The fluid properties used were 1050°F density, o, 210.7 1b/ft3 and 34.2 1b/ft hr. viscosity, ., The loop was separated into the following in-line components: 4 £t of conduit (8 in. nominal) at the pump discharge, the flow control valve, 22 1/2 ft of conduit, the flow nozzle, 3 1/2 ft of conduit, a flow restrictor made up of a thin plate perforated with holes V1w N so that the ratio of plate area to conduit area, Ag/Ai, =~ 0.578, and 7. 50 £t of conduit to the pump suction (including 20 ft of return conduit, 20 ft equivalent estimated for the return bend, and 10 ft equivalent estimated for the bend into the pump). The above components were located relative to each other so that with very low (~0 abs) pressure at the pump suction, the lowest pressure within the flow nozzle is limited to about 20 psia and there is sufficient "entrance" length of conduit for good nozzle performance. The friction loss in any component, i, was calculated from = 2 &P, = C.@° , where the '"loss coefficient," Ci’ is different for each component. The various values for C were determined as shown below: G-18 1. Conduit The Blasius equation provides a convenient means for calculating friction losses in conduits, _ fL pve _ [_foL Q2 D 2¢g ngA?J 7 where C is clearly given by 2;;23 . Since f 1s a function of Reynolds modulus, Re’ then C will not be strictly a constant. However, over the range of flows considered T changes by only 13% (at Q = 7840 gpm, = 7.4 x 105, and f = .012; at Q = 2850, R, =2.7X105, gnd f = 0.0136). Therefore, for the conduit, (.012)(210.7) C_ _fp g g L~ 2R (eb.h) (L2 l)LE (L25E ]2 (60)2(7.481)2 (1uk) 2. Flow Control Valve The friction characteristics of the valve were not determined. It must withstand the difference between the pump head produced and the head losses due to the rest of the loop. 3. Flow Nozzle The maximum pressure difference in the flow nozzle at 7900 gpm is 128.5 psi of which approximately 45 psi is permanently lost (see Appendix G-6, Selection of Flow Nozzle). The loss-coefficient is therefore given by Q = AP/Q2 = 45/(7900)% = .72l x 10~ psi/(gpm)? A coefficient was also determined for the meximum pressure change, ! l o 128.5/(7900)2 = 2.065 X 107 psi/(gpm)3 G-19 4., Flow Restrictor The flow restrictor was considered as a combinagtion of a sudden contraction followed by a sudden expansion with an ares ratio of 0.578 (A, = 0.2 ft?). Sudden Contraction AP =K PV, 2/2g = X _PQ?/2gp 2 where K, = 0.4[1.25 — A, /4] ~ 2 — 2 Therefore Cc H.AE/Q KCP/EgA2 Sudden Expansion AP =K _PV,2/2g = K PQP/2gA2 where K e =1 A/M T o~ 2 = 2 Therefore Ce __AP/Q KeP/QgA2 , and the combined coefficient, C becomes tot’ _ 210.7 rL4L1.25-.5T8] ~ TErHY(3600) (7 WP ) | o — 8 - et Oé528) ] = 1.255 x 10" psi/(gpm)? With the loss coefficients as determined above, the pressure drop scross each component is shown in the following table. G-20 Component Pressure Losses Loss-Coefficient AP (psi) for Q = (gpm) Loop Component (psi/gpmz) . — 2550 L £t of conduit 0.06645 x 10~° 4.1 2.2 0.5 Valve¥ - -- - - 22 1/2 ft of conduit 0.3740 X 107 23.0 12.2 3.0 Nozzle** (total) 2.065 X 107 126.9 67.1 16.8 Nozzle (lost) 0.721 X 107 L L 23.5 5.9 3 1/2 £t of conduit 0.0582 X 107 3.6 1.9 0.5 Flow restrictor 1.255 X 107 77.1 40.8 10.2 50 ft of conduit 0.8475 x 107 52.1 27.5 6.9 Total 204 .3 108.1 27.0 Pump AP 245 .9 211.0 24h1.9 Valve AP 41.6 102.9 214.9 ¥The valve AP is the difference between the pump AP and the total AP. ¥¥Not included in the total losses. Pressure distributions were determined for the same conditions ex- cept the salt temperature was increased to 1300°F. There was no signifi- cant difference in the resulting pressure profile. The resulting pressure profiles for the three flow rates are shown in Fig. 5. Any profile may be moved upward by increasing the cover gas pressure up to 50 psig, as shown for the 3000 gpm profile. The cover gas pressure may be increased to prevent pump cavitation, to avoid sub- atmospheric pressures at the low pressure PMD of the venturi tube, or for other test purposes. G-21 G-TX Stress Analyses The Salt Pump Test Stand has been analyzed using the MEL-ZIP, "Piping Flexibility Analysis Program,"” to determine whether stresses produced by the thermal expansion of the system are within the limits set by "USAS B3l.1l - The USA Standard Code for Pressure Piping,” using the allowable stress values for the Ni-Mo-Cr alloy given in Code Case 1315-3 for Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Division 1. Cases were analyzed in which the entire loop was at 1200°F and where the top leg was at 1300°F and the bottom leg was at 1200°F. The stresses produced by the restraint of the thermal expansion through the supports were found to be below the allowable stresses for both cases. An analysis is currently underway to determine whether the stresses due to pressure and weight are within the limits specified by the Piping Code. . Anderson . Anderson \O 00— Ot = o . Case (Y-12) .- Cromer (Y-lE) . Eatherly . Ebert (Y-12) Grimes - G. M. Grindell Haubenreich Jasny (Y-12) Korsmeyer ?1;1$:§3?1F*C)*Ufntntfl!fl'fi PO nHODES QUM OO EH>POEHZNO Y = Gl?:riylgigib-iiw ?flfitfiizffltfllg'fiig HEwWUPrgsHS 2 20 . MacPherson Internal Distribution ORNL-TM-2780 L6. R. E. MacPherson L7. J. D. McLendon (Y-12) L. H. E. McCoy L9. H. C. McCurdy 50. C. K. McGlothlan 51-52. R. A. McHNees 53. J. R. McWherter 54. H. J. Metz 55. A. J. Miller 56. E. C. Miller 57. R. L. Moore 58. J. F. Morehead 59. K. L. Nicholson 60. F. S. Patton (Y-12) 61. A. M. Perry 62-63. M. W. Rosenthal 64. J. P. Sanders 65. Dunlap Scott 66. M. J. Skinner 67. P. G. Smith 68. I. Spiewak 69. R. D. Stulting T70. R. E. Thoma 1. D. B. Trauger 72. P. R. Vanstrum (Y-12) Watson T73. R. S. Ware (Y-12) Th. A. M. Weinberg ™. J. R. Weir 6. M. E. Whatley 7. J. C. White - A. S. Meyer 78. G. D. Whitman 79-88. L. V. Wilson 89. H. C. Young 90-91. Central Research Library (CRL) 02-93. Y-12 Document Reference Section (DRS) OL-96. Laboratory Records Department (LRD) Laboratory Records Department - Record Copy (LRD-RC) 98-112. 113. 11k, 115. 116. 117-125. 126, 127. 128-129. 130. External Distribution Division of Technical Information Extension (DTIE) Laboratory and University Division, ORO . Laughon, RDT-0SR, ORNL ¥. Cope, RDT-OSR, ORNL W. McIntosh, USAEC, Washington, D.C. M. Roth, AEC, ORO Shaw, USAEC, Washington, D.C. A. Rosen, USAEC, Washington, D.C. Elias, USAEC, Washington, D.C. . M. Kavanagh, USAEC, Washington, D.C. NDUERI@DAUYON