LOCKHERED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH LIBRARIES 4 ) b v i ' 1 | [T 3 yy5L 0513220 0 .............................................. o LEGAL MOTICE -~ ettt S This !epor! wirs prepared os an am:ount of Govemment spuasored work. Meither fhe Um?ed Sta’tas nor thes Commission, nos any p{.r.scn ‘asting on behalf of the Commission: - A, Makes any wnrraniy or represghtution, expressed ar implied, with respect to the adouracy, cm-r.p?afeneas or wsefulness of the information cbfi?cingd in this repart, or. thet the dse of any’ information, opporotus,: maethsd, or prozuss. disclosed in this report may rol infiings privately owned rights; of . ' : B. Assumes ony labilifjes with rexpect to the Use .of, or fot dumagss resulting. ffom the use of “any information, npp-:xra‘luf, rr\“fl‘tm,, 27 process drs&aset} iothis meporf, ‘As used in the above, ‘oerson’acting on: behall of the” Commission’ insludes cny employee. or contructor of the Commission, or emplcsya» ol sueh t:nnm:.m‘.af, to the axtant’ fhat sueh employee ot confraster ol The fgmmssmn, o err.ployoe i such confracter praporas,. d:ssammurm; ot pravides acsess 1, ony :r.iumo‘uon pursuent to hus amp}uymem Bi confroct: wnh !he hammrsblan or hsz emp!aymem with auc‘h cantiacter, & ORNL-TM- 2677 Contract No. W-THO5-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION MANAGEMENT OF NOBLE-GAS FISSION-PRODUCT WASTES FROM REPROCESS ING SPENT FUELS J O.'Blomeke J. J. Perona® ¥ Consultant, University of Tennessee OAK RIDGE NATTIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CCRPORATION for the UJ.5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION LOGKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESTARCH LIBRARIES [NVR RO 3 445k 0513220 0 | i MANAGEMENT OF NOBLE~GADS FISS5ION-PRODUCT WASTES FROM REFROCESSING SPENT FUELS d o OG:BLomeke o Jfi‘Perona% ABETRACT In an expanding nuclear power economy, it may become desir- able to remove noble~gasg Tisslon preoducts from spent-fuel proc- 2ssing plant off-gases. Technology is presently available for removal of krypton and xenon, and alter they have been sep- arated, it 1s proposed that the krypton be compressed in stand- ard gas cylinders (either mixed with xencon, or after having been separated from it), and shipped to a salt-mine repository for permanent storage. ’ A plant reprocessing 2800 tons/year of fuel would produce only 28 50-liter gas cylinders per vear of krypton, each con- taining about a million curies of Kr and generating about 5800 Btu of heat per hour. If the krypton and xenon were nob separated from each obher, 160 Ly1%fiderh/year would be proeduced, each containing 180,000 curies “Kr and generating heatl at a rate of 1000 Bhtu/hr. The pressurized gas cylinders could be stored Lemporarily at the plant in water-filled canals, and then shipped to =& salt mine in specially-designed casks containing from one to five cylinders each. AT the mine, the cylinders could be stored above the floor in rooms later sealed to isolate them from the remainder of the mine. Under these conditions, the carbon-steel cylinders should last many decades, and the mine space required would be only about l-to-2 percent of that regquired for btorage of soliditied high- level waste ' The cost of noble-gas management by this method, p&clu ive of the cost of separaling the gases from the plant's process off-gas, is estimated to range from $190,000 to $220,000 per year. This corresponds te 0.0003 to 0.00035 mills/kwhr of electricity originally produced from the fuel. From the stand- point of the projected scale of operations, thelr estimated costis, and considerations of safety, the proposed method appears reasonable and manageable over the next several decades. .}é. Consultant, University of Ten essee, 1. INTRODUCTLON In the processing of spent fuels, the noble-gas Tission products are separated from the fuel during the claddiag-removal and core-dissolution steps. At post-irradiation decay times of 150 days and longer, 10.8-y 85Kr contributes greater than 99.9% of the total activity present in these gases, and in the case of plants processing only a Tew tons per day of 150-day-decayed fuel, they can gencrally be released through a stack to the atmosphere without exceeding current discharge limits. Recent studies have shown, however, that to avoid exceeding the current guidelines f'or radiation exposure of the public al a site boundary that is 2-to-3 km distant, removal of noble gases may be required if the plant capacity ex- ceeds about Y tons/day of 150-day-decayed f1_1el.,:L If the fuel is processed after only 30 days decay, as might be the case in a fast-breeder econony, removal may be required for plant capacities of only about 0.5 tons/day. Reprocessing costs scale s¢ as Lo favor larger plants, and since the cost of rare-gas remcval 1s expected to be less than that otherwise required to extend the site boundaries, thelr removal can probably be Justified cconomically as well as from the standpolnt of improved public relations. There are a number ol processes Icr separating the noble gases from - . . 2 procesg off-gas wihich are either presently available or under development. Of these, the most attractive appear to be a process based on absorption 3 in a fTluorocarbon solvent and the cryogenic distillation process cur- rently in use at the Idaho Chemical Processing v’E)la:rlt‘,LL The absorption process has been tested extensively on a pilot-plant scale, while the crycogenic distlillation process has been successfully applied in actual plant operations. Bach has the potential Ior recovering greater than 99% of the gases with only a percent, or less, of nitrogen and oxygen impurities in the final product. Once the noble gases have been collected, however, there is less certainty how best to contain them for the scores of years that are re- quired for decay of most of the 85KT to stable 85Rbn One possibllity 5,6,7 might be to inject the gases into porous underground formstions. An acceptable formation for this purpose would have to be overlain with LAl a capping formation of very low permeabllity, be free of cracks or {rac- tures, and be located in a zone of lowest seismic risk. These congsidera- tions appear to be too restrictive in determining fuel reprocessing plant siting requirements for this method to serve as a generally applicable solution to the problem. Other possibilities which have been suggested, and in zome cases investigated to limited extents, include dispersion of the gases in glasses or resins, and entrapment in molecular sieves, clathrates, or small pres- surized steel bulbs which are in turn encased in epoxy resin. In our view, some of these methods may posglibly have long-range applications, but their technical and economic practicalilty can not be established until they have received considerably more experimentsl development. On the other hand, we belleve that a valld and generally applicable method for management.of these gases, requiring little or no additional experimental development, Is to encapsulate them in high-pressure cylinders and then ship the cylinders to a salt-mine repository where they would be stored permsnently with bthe solidified high-level wastes also generated at the reprocessing plants. This proposed schedule of management operations, including handling and temporary storage of the gases at the reprocessing plants, Shipment of the pressurized cylinders in specially-designed casks of high integrity, and emplacement?of the cylinders in rooms mined in a salt formatlon, is examined below. The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of W. €. T. Stoddart in the conceptual design of a shipping cask for pressurized cylinders of noble gases, and of W. G. Stockdale in estimating the capital cost of the gas vackaging facility. 2. HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS The characteristics ol the nbfile~gas fission products present in a ton of spent:fuel from a "byplcal' light-water reactor (IMWR), decayed 150 days, and a liguid-metal-cooled Tast-breeder reactor {(IMFBR), decayed 30 days and 150 days, are given in Table 1. There are no significant differences in the characteristics of mixtures from fuels having equivalent exposures Table 1. Characteristics of Noble Gases from One Metric Ton of Spent Fuel 30 Days Decay 150 IDmys Decay Xe Kr Total Xe Kr Total Light-water reactor?® Cram-atoms 50, L L. b 44,8 Curies 2.3 11,200 11,200 0.51k-Mev gamma disintegrations/sec 1.7 x 1012 1.7 x 1012 Heat genersbion rate, watts ¢.003 18.0 18.0 Nurber of cylinders reguired 0.05146 0.0105 0.0621 Fast breeder reactor® Gram~-atoms 31.9 3.7 35.6 31.9 3.7 35.6 Curies 50,700 10,200 90, 900 7.4 10,000 10,000 Gamme disintegrations/sec ‘ . 0.51h Mev 1.5 x 1042 1.5 x 10ie 1.5 x 1012 1.5 x 10+° 0.08L Mev 3.0 x 1077 3.0 x 1019 Heat generation rate, watis 86.4 6.4 102.8 0.007 16.1 16.1 Number of cylinders requiredb 0.0k15 0.0100 0.0515 0.0U15 ©.01i00 0.0515 STWR fuel exposed to 33,000 Mwd/ton at 30 Mw/tor. Ges contained in 50-liter cylinders, pressurized to 2200 psig at TOOF. IMFBR mixed core and blankets with an average exposure of 33,000 Mwd/ton at 58 Mw/ton. and decay times. Although fasi~breeder fuels may be processed with cooling times of only 30 days, as compared with 150 days for IWR fuels, the only radioisotope of conseguence remaining after 150 days in either case is BSKr, All subsequent considerations refer to mixtures of this age obtaihed from the fuels defined in Tsble 1. The noble gases: can be held in standard 50-liter cylinders, 9 in. in diam by 52 1in. higho. Those confofming te ICC Specification 3AA9 have a wall thickness slighfily less than:l/h in., welgh 135 1lb, and are normally filled to 2200 psig in nitrogen service. Xenon and krypton are fairly compressible at ambient temperatures, with compressibility factors (7 = PV/nRT)‘reaching minima of 0.21 for xenon at 880 psia, and of C.72 for krypton at 2800 psia. Gas volumes per ton of fuel processed are shown in Fig. 1 as functions of storage pressure. At 2200 psiz for LWR fuels, these values agre 0.1 ftS/ton if both xenon and krypten are stored, or 0.018 ft3/ton if the xenon is separated from the krypton and released. Volimes for IMFER fuel are aboubt 10% lower. A 2600-ton/year (10 tons/day) plant processing INR fuel would produée 160 cylinders per year if both xenon and kryptdn are encapsulated, or 28 cylinders per year if only krypton is stored. The krypton activity is 11,200 curies/ton, or about 106 curies per cylinder 1f the krypton is stored alone. On the other hand, the activity of a cylinder containing both xenon and krypton is 180,000 curies., 3. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE The consequences of an accldental release were studied using the Geuszlan plume formula of Giffordlo to determine the noble gas concen-~ traticon as =a functiofl of distance from the source, and time. Damage would occur by personnel exposure alone, since the gases would not remain as contamination to cause property damage. The xenon activity is negligible and the most important exposure would be the external whole-body beta dose from the krypten. Following the formulation of Binford, Barish, and Kam;ll the concentration Is given by ORNL DWG 69-12143 10 1 T T T IDEAL GAS ] - N B LWR - XENON + KRYPTON { 5 LMFBR m\. Qo4 - i [ | o L. —_ - O s ] LWR B 3 KRYPTON { LMFBR O L — ] > 0.04 | | L 11 | | [ 100 1000 10,000 STORAGE PRESSURE (psi) FMig. 1. Volume of Noble Gases as a Function of Pressure in a Ton of Spent Fuel from Light-Water and Fast Breeder Reactors T X = ng R | (1) where X = concentration, curies/m3 q S g The dose rate, D, is directly proportional to the concentration. f source strength, curies/min i stack factor, min/ms, 12 no D= = X(&E) , (2) 7 2 ) 3% pa(Pa;Ptj t where D dose rate,'rem/min ZE = effective énergy per B disintegration, mev (0.23 for BBKT) p, = density of air (0.0012 g/cnd) Ps/Pt = stopping pbwer of air relative to tissue (0.885 for B particles). The total dose is o w o0 f D 4T = 3.89(ZE) f X dT = 3.89(zE)s [ Q dT. (3) o YO gdo According to Binford et al., o - o O «Kx/u '\ g/; AT = 5T ¥ (&) Traction of activity released per min = = 0 H 1) Q b ‘ .o =1 A = decay constant, min qpiz total amount of release, curies 1 = wind velocity, meters/min x = distance in direction of wind, meters. Assuming o > > A and (Ax/u) —0, Equation (4) reduces to q;. The stack factor is . ., . . - s : : e /&(UY) ~Z2/EJ§ ~(2h+z)2/2§i ‘ = S | & +e T (5) g :Fuoycz : where y = horizontal distance perpendicular to wind dirvection, meters £ = vertical distance relative to release point, meters o ,0 = dispersion .paramebers, meters gtack heighf, meters. o o The concentration at ground level (z = ~h) in the direction of the wind (y = 0) reduces to s e lf o (6) The expressicn for the total dose (qu 3) can be written in the form g [‘m’ D dt = 0.285 qfi : (7) Q w Values of 6 as functions of distance, x, and weather conditions are plot- 13 ted for a stack height, h, of 100 meters by Hilsmeier and Gifford.” > The maximum value of 8 is 6.41 x 10 7m © and occurs at a distance of 400 meters with extremely unstable weather conditions (condition A). For a l-million- curie release and a wind velocity of 100 meters/min, the maximum dose at ground level is about 200 mrem. At a site boundary 1 kam distant, the highest value of 9 occurs with slightly unstable conditions (condition C) and ylelds a total dose of 120 mrem. For a release at a height of 10 meters, the maximum dose with any weather conditions and a wind velocity of 100 m/sec is less than 15 rem. Present regulations (10 CFR 20 arnd 10 CFR 100) specify that chronic exposures of average popitlation groups shall not exceed an annual whole-body dose of 170 mrem, and suggest that acute whole-body exposures resulting from accidents should not result in = dose grealter than 25 rem. “. ON-SITE INTERIM STORAGE Although there is little incentive to keep the gases on-site for any time longer than necessary to fill a shipping cask, a storage facility for a 2600_ton/year plant would not be large or expensive, even 1f the gases were stored for 10-to-20 years. 'The cylinders could he stored safely in elther air or water, provided they were securely anchored in compartments or enclosures that afforded protection against impact by an accidentally ruptured cylinder. However, the requirements for biolegical shielding and neat dissipation would tend to favor the use of water-filled canals for interim storage whether kryvpLbon was stored sevparatel or mixed with xenon. I 2 If the cylinders are filled with krypton alone, and stored on 2-1% centers, a little more than 100 ftg of floor area is reguired for one year's production of 28 cylinders. The heat-generation rate of a cylinder is 5820 Btu/hr, and if it is cooled in air by natural convection and v1-fl radiation, the ylinder would reach a temperature of about 3157F These cylinders would re quflre about 2.6 inches of lead shielding for the dose rate to be reduced to 10 mrem/hr at 1 meter. If krypton and xenon are nob separated, the 160 cylinders produced a year would require about 640 ftg.of storage floor area. In this case, the heat-generation rdte per cyll der 1s 990 Btu/hr; and the'shielding requirement is 0.8 in. of lead. . oHIPPING M The shipping cask iz basically a tank filled with water (Fig. 2). It is a modification of one which has been shown to meet the im@act} puncture, and fire resistance specifications of the AEC Manual, Chapber 0529, and which has been licensed for shipping capsules of curium oxi&é.14 The cask 5 £4 in diameter, 1s made of Il-in.-thick, type 304 stainless steeal, and is equlipped with externai fins to enhanee heat il& lpation. The water provides shielding, serves as a heat transfer medium, and provides the heat capacilty needed to withstand a lMTSOF fire:for 30 minubes. A 200 pelg rupture disc is provided as afsafety measure in addition te 16 fusible plugs, which are designed to allow steam to escape in case of a fire. In addition, a vapor space 1ls provided sufficiently large to nold the contents ol a leaky cylinder without causing the rupture disc to vent. In a cask of the dimensions shown, the cylinder tempersture would be aboub QODF above the ambient, and the rate of heat dissipation would bte sufficient for one cylinder of krypton,.or about 5 cylinders of krypton-xzenon mixture. A loaded cask would weigh about 7 tons and we EDtJmate it would cost about $40,000. Standard railreoad cars, AO to 7O £t in length, could carry several casks. IIJ U?‘Q' ORNL DWG 69-4976 PUNCTURE SHIELD LIO GASKET ; TIE-DOWN EYE O \'o FUSIBLE-ALLOY VENTS ~f—————— COOLING FINS PRESSURIZED GAS CYLINDERS N ] \ N N N X ) N N \ N N _ RUPTURE D158 6 \ N N N STAINLESS STEEL SHELL X NP \ \ \ N S50TTOM FiNS \ \ N g CASK FEET N // 1 N i N . . . . \}\ AN e 5 ft . 2. Conceptual Design of Snipping Cask for Cylinders of Compressed Fission-Product Gases. OT 11 6. PERMANENT STORAGE The cylinders could be stored permanently in & sallt mine operated for disposal of solidilied high~level fuel-reprocessing wastes. Current plans tor high-level wastes are to place them in holes in the Tloor of rcooms mined in salt and, after filling, the roows would be packiilled with crushed 15 galt and sealed. Disposal in the floor in this manner was conceived primarily because ofithe shielding requirements for personnel protection. Cylinders of compreséed gases, requiring only light shielding, could be placed fin racks above the mine floor and the rooms sealed without back- fillingfwith salt. The carbon-steel containers, in contact only with dry air on the outside and noble gaseé on the inside, and isolated from short~term temperatufe fluctuations, should last many‘decadés and perhaps centuries. If the cylinders were stored in the immediate vicinity of the high~level wastes, they would eVentually reach a temperature of 200°C and a pressiure of 3500 psig. Therefore, 1¥ mighfi ve desirable to increase the cylinder wall thickness vy I/S inch. The allowable heat~generation rate per unit areg of mine floor would be aboul 15=-to-20 Btu/hrwftgg therefore, the space reguirements fTor a 2600-ton/year plant are about 1/4 acre per year for the gases as opposed to about 16 acres per year for 6-year-old scolidified high-level wastes. 7. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE The economic feasibility ol the scheme under consideration is indi- cated by a cost estimate based on the requirenents for a 2600=-ton/year reprocessing plant. The sequence of operations is divided into three stages: (1) filling, testing, and temporary storsge of cylinders; (2) shipment of the cylinders to a szalt mine; and (2) permanent storage in the mine. A cell equipped for filling and testing cylinders would be contiguous to the fuel reprocessing plant to Tacilitate the transfer of the noble gases after they have been separated from the process off-gas; therefore, the 12 same canal used to store spent fuel and/or cans of solidified high-level wastes can also be used to store the gas cylinders (Fig. 3). The cylinders are moved from one station to the next by a dolly equipped with a motor-driven chain drive, and they are unloaded and placed in a corner of the storage canal with a hand-operated chain hoist suspended Irom a menorall. A compressor transfers the noble gases from a gas holder (not shown in Fig. 3) and cowpresses them in the cylinders. After a cylinder is filled, a wvacuum pump 18 used to evacuate the lines and return the residuval gases to the holder. During the filling operation, the equipment is operated from cutside the cell, and a lead-glass window is provided for viewing. The cell contalns a shadow-shield, however, to enable many oper- atlons such as gas-line connectlions to the cylinders, remcval of the filled cylinders from the dolly, and maintenance of the compressor and vacuum pump to be performed by personnel in the cell. The ventilation air in the cell is monitored continuously for 5Kr, and provisions are made to seal the cell automatically and contain the air if radicactivity 1s detected. In such a case, the air in the cell could be recycled to the noble-gas separation plant for deceontamination. This facility is capable of packag- ing either the 160 cylinders/year of krypton-xenon mixtures, or the 28 cylinders/year that would be required if krypton, alone, were to be encapsulated. The total capital cost of the facility is estimated to be $230,000 (Table 2). If the equipment is amortized over 10 years, and the structure over 20 years, at 5% interest, the equivalent annual capital cost is $24,000 (Table 3). The cost of the cylinders should not exceed $100 each, based on the cost of ordinary nitrogen cylinders of about $50. Therefore, the annual cylinder cost is $16,000 for krypton-xenon mixtures, or $2800 for krypton., alone. Annual operating costs, based on an estimated requilre- ment of 1 man year for mixtures and 1/2 man year for krypton are $20,000 and $10,000, respectively. Shipping costs consist of the cask capital costs, freignht, and labor costs. For round-trip shipments of 1000, 2000, and 3000 miles, tTransit times (ioeg) the tlmes required between successive shipments in the same cask) are estimated at 7, 9, and 11 days. Therefore, even for the longest ORNL DWG 69-12154 LEAD GLASS WINDOW WATER-FILLED . STORAGE POOL_. __. . GAS T CYLINDERS Z~ IN STORAGE —m s STATION C STATION B STATION A O TESTING & UNLOADING Vil WELDING FILLING SHADOW SHIELD COMPRES- SCR VACUUM PUMP £AD DOOR YN ae : e - h Fig. 3. Plan View of Krypton Packaging Facility. €T Table 2. 1h Batimated Costse of a Krypton Packaging Facility Equipment Modified H,, 2000 psig, h-stage compressor Remote welder Chain hrolist, monorail, hand-operated Dolly, Vacuum pump Subtotal "A" Containment structure Concrete Door (lead and steel) and window Ventilation system Painting Electrical, Floor drain and normal water piping lighting Subtotzal "BR" Piping, process Electrical, process Suktotal "C" Radiation detection instruments (subtotal Construction overhead 35% of "A, B, C, D" Subltotal HEH rails, motor-driven chain drive nDn) Architect engineer alliocation, 12.5% of "E" Contingency, 25% of above Preliminary budget estimate $ 12,000 50,000 500 1,000 1,000 $ 64,500 $ 26,000 15,000 4,000 2,000 1,000 1,600 $ 19,000 $ 3,000 2,500 $ 5,500 $ 2,000 Lp,000 $163,000 $ 20,000 ..116,000 $230,000 Table 3. Estimated Annual Costs of Noble Gas Waste Management for a 2600~ton/year Reprocessing Plant (Exclusive of Gas Separations Cost) Krypton and Xenon Krypton (160 cylinders/year) (28 cylinders/year) Gas encapsulation Capital cost $ 24,000 $ 2k, 000 Cylinder cost 16,000 2, 800 Operating cost 20,000 10,000 Subtotal $ 60,000 | $ 36,800 Sfiipment Cask $ 10, hoo $ 10,100 Freight ~ 123,600 20,700 Labor 29,000 | 25,000 Subtotal $ €3,000 . $ 56,100 Salt mine storage %95, 300 $ 95,300 Total $218, 300 $168, 200 16 distance considered, one cask could make the reguired 32 trips per year. A spare cask is supplied, however, at $40,000 per cask, and amortization over 10 years at 5% interest results in an equivalent annual capital cost of $10, 400, Freight rates are estimated at 29, 53, and 78 dollars per ton for one-way shipments of 500, 100C, and 1500 miles, with rates 30% lower for return of empty casks. The casks weigh about 7 tons, loaded, and 3—1/2 tons with the cylinders and water removed; and the freight cost for 32 1500-mile shipments, with each shipment consisting of 5 cylinders filled with krypton and xenon, is $23,000. For 20 shipments per year, with each shipment consisting of one cylinder filled with krypton, the cost is $20,700. Labor redquirements for loading, unloading, and maintaining the casks are estimated to be 9 man~-days per trip, and at $100 per man-day (including overhead), labor costs of $29,000 per year are estimated for shipping krypton-xenon mixtures and $25,000 per year for shipping krypton alone. A salt-mine repository for highly active solidifled wastes has been estimated to cost $381,000 per acre of mine area, including all capital and operating e:x;pensesolj As discussed previocusly, the ncble gases, with an effective hall-1life of about 10 years, can be stored so that they relecase about 15 Btu/hrwftg of mine floor. Therefore, about 0.25 acres/year of mine space are redquired Tor either the mixed ncble gases or Tor krypton alone. The permaznent storage cost is $95,300 per year. The total cost of the packaging facility, freight, and permanent storage 1s aboutb $218,0DO per year Tor krypton-xenon mixtures, and about $188,000 per year for krypton. Considering that the 2600 tons of fuel represents the production of 6.6 x 1011 kwhr of electricity, these costs correspond to 0.0003 and 0.00035 mills/kwar, respectively. 8. PROJECTED SCALE OF QPERATIONS FOR THE CIVILTAN NUCLEAR POWER IROGRAM In Table L, each aspect of this proposed management scheme is pro- Jected for a nuclear econcomy which rises from an installed capacity of 14,000 Mw in 1970, to 153,000 Mw in 1980, and to 735,000 Mw in 2000. Table 4. Projected Noble Gas Manasgement For Civilian Nuclear Power Program Calendar Year : 197G 1980 1950 PUCO Installed nuclear capacity, 107 vwle) b 153 368 T35 Spent-tuel processed,a tons/year 52 2950 8160 1h, 000 85Kr generated | Annually, megacuries 0.5 33 89 146 Accumulated, meEacuries 0,56 124 567 1140 Accunulated power, megawatts 0.15 0.9 2 Number cylinders ot gas Kr, annuazlly 0.5 3 8l 1ho Kr + Xe, amually 3 180 W85 G Kr, sccunulated ' 0.5 140 755 LREG Kr + Xe, accumulated 3 '_ 830 L0 10, GO0 Number 1000-mi shipments per yearb Kr (1 eylinder per cack) 0.5 1 17 29 Kr + Xe (5 ecylinders per cask) ' 1 7 19 31 Salt-mine ares requiredc Noble gases, acres/year 0.0O4 0.50 0,75 1.27 Noble gases, accumulated acres 0.00h 1.29 6.7 6.8 Solidified wastes, acres/year : . 29 56 Solidified wasbes, sccumulated zores _ 10.3 175 619 -~ aB&Sed on an average exposure of 33,000 MWd/ton, and a delay ol 2 years vebween power .generation and fuel processing. ' : “Assumes gases are shipped during the year fuel is processed, and that 5 casks per railroad ear constitute 1 shipment. ‘Assumes gases are buried during the year fuel iIs processed and that nighelevel soliditied wastes are decayed G years before burial. 18 Reasonable numbers of pressurized cylinders, casks, and shipments per year can be anticipated. Tf a shipment consists of a single railroad car carry- ing 5 casks, only about 30 shipments per year would be required in the year 2000, and on the average, there will never be more than one loaded shipment in transit at the same time. Only 17 acres of salt mine area would be occupied by the gas cylinders, compared with more than 600 acres devoted toc high-level sclidified wastes. None of these considerations are of a magnitude as Lo cause concern with respect to their technical feasibility. O 1C. 19 9. REFERENCES Oak Ridge National Laboratory Staff, et al., Sibing of Fuel Reprocessing Plants and Waste Management Facilities, ORNL-4L51 (to be published). C. M. Slansky, H. K. Peterson, and Vernon G. Johnson, "Nuclear Power Growth Spurs Interest in Fuel Plant Wastes," Environ. Sci. Technol. 3, L6 (1969). Jd. R. MErriman,:Jo H. Pashley, K. E. Habiger, M. J. Stevenson, and L. W. Anderson, "Concentration and Collection of Krypton and Xenon by Selective Absorption in Fluorocarbon Solvents,'" Symposium on Operating and Developmental Experience in the Trestment of Airborne Radicactive Wastes, United Nations Headquarters, New York (August 26-30, 1968), SM-110. | C. L. Bendixen and G. F. Offutt, Rare Gas Recovery Facility at the Tdaho Chemical Processing Plant, IN-1221 (April 1969). P. C. Reist, "Disposal of Waste Radiocactive Gases In Porcus Underground Media, " Nuel. Appl. 3, 475 (1967). J. Tadmor and XK. E. 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International Commission on Radiclogical Protection, Recommendations of the Inlernational Commission on Radiological Protection (Report of Committee 2 on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation), ICRP Publ. 2, Pergamon, ILondon, 1959; Health Fhys. 3 (June 1960). W. F. Hilsmeier and ¥F. A. Gifford, Graphs for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion, ORO-545 (July 1962). G. A. Wilkins, R. D. Kelsch, F. R. D. King, D. H. Stoddard, J. P. Faraci, and J. W. Langhaar, "Design and Testing of Curium Shipping Capsule and Cask," Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, October 14-18, 1968, CONF-681001. R. L. Bradshaw, J. J. Perona, J. O. Blomeke, and W. J. Boegly, Jr., Fvaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes. VI. Disposal of Solid Wastes in Salt Formations, ORNL-33508 (Rev.) (March 1969). R. L. Bradshaw and W. I.. 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Whatley 80. 81, 82, 83. 84, 85. 86-100, 101, 102. 103. 104, 105. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110, 111, 112, 113, 22 EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Bartlett, AEC, Washington Belter, AEC, Washington Blasewitz, PNL Buckham, Idaho Nuclear Corp., Idahc Falls, Idaho Cooley, PNL Cope, RDT Site Office, ORNL Division of Technical Information Extension Laboratory & University Division, ORO L.P. Hatch, BNL S. Lawroski, ANL E.A. JoAo A.F. AM. W.H. R.B. B.L. K.E. C.M, E.J. Mason, MIT McBride, AEC, Washington Perge, AEC, Washington Platt, PNL Regan, AEC, Washington Richards, GE, San Jose, California Schmalz, AEC, Idaho Falls, Idaho Schneider, PNL Slansky, IAEA, Vienna Tuthill, BNL