This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Inited States, nor the Commiesion, ner any peroon acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makes any Wwarranty or represenistion, expressed or Implied, with respect to the accu- privately owned Tights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with Tespoct to the use of, or for damsages resulting from the use of any information, apparatys, method, or proceas disclosad in this report, As used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behalf of the Commission’ includes any em- ployes or contractor of the C or employee of such » to the extent that suck employee or contractor of the Commissgion, or employes of such contractor Prepares, disseminates, or providea Access to, any information pursuant to his employment oy contract with the Commieston, or his employment with such contractor, Contract No. W-TLOS5-eng-26 REACTOR DIVISION CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM DESIGN DESCRIPTION of the SATT PUMP TEST STAND for the Molten Salt Breeder Experiment A. G. Grindell C. K. McGlothlan AUGUST 1969 OAK RIDGE NATTIONAL LABORATORY Ozk Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATCMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL~-TM-2643 s oyt iit Contents Page List of Figures tiuieeciivanncenacnnnsn cerererrse s e vii List of Tables ..veereirercsvensvonnnssoeasssrosenannas ceenas oo viii List of Contributors ...ceioveiriennrennnnnnnnornsnns Ceer e ee s ix Abstract ....... Ceeteniaas vaeses S esserrssareaseasnare e enas X 1.0 Introduction ........ G ee e rcaaseeeassevestatsesnsaas s s es s 1 1.1 System Function ..eeeevrerereseerosnsesnonoas e e 1 1.2 Summary Description of the System .veveeean. setvsrensan 5 1.2.1 Salt Circulating System .....cvceeerinnsenns cenee 5 1.2.2 Heat Removal System ..o.iveeveoneenen. e 6 1.2.3 Utllity Systems .......oueea. e N ceens 6 1.2.4 Instrumentation and Controls ......... ceere i 6 1.2.5 BSafety Features .e.evevensnsn tessantaseersansoaa 7 1.3 BSystem Design Requirements .ociveversccencnaans cecasses 7 1.3.1 Function vovececas. cesesesaa e ranan ceseeean ve 7 1.3.2 Pump Size ....... cecee e e e cee s e 7 1.3.3 Allowable Stress for Ni-Mo-Cr A11OY .ceesecneenn 8 1.3.4 Instrumentation and Controls .......... Ceeseeees 8 1.3.5 Engineered Safety Features ............. Ceeieee 8 1.3.6 Control of Effluents ...ueveeveesss Ceeeseseniaeas 9 1.3.7 Quality Standards and ASSUTance ...e...eeeeceses 9 L.3.8 Test Stand Parameters «..eccoeecos. e erraeen 9 1.3.9 Thermal Transients ..ceeeeoscescecesreesossescas 10 1.3.10 Codes and Standards ...ceeeeesecss ceesseaasoosas 11 2.0 Detailed Description of System ...ceveve. e eiseroanees cesees 11 2.1 Test Section .vieveeinnenennennan cesessenceansnsanas cee 11 2.2 Salt System ...cceeiinrnnneeanons et e et e e e e 12 2.2.1 Function ......... cerecseeanse Ceceercorerr e e 12 2.2.2 Description .eeeeveeeeeeesans Ceeseceararar e ce 12 Salt Piping .c.vvvvena.n. ceseceresans . 12 Salt Storage Tank and Transfer Line 1L 2.2,2.3 Salt SelectiOn «eveeeersaeons creerevas . 15 Material for Construction ........ ceee. 15 3.0 L.o iv Electric Heaters .s.vieeerreceesenonsnnas 2.3 Heat Removal System ..cuieeeverncrrsrrrnsssensosrscsnsosnsas 2.3.1 FuUnCtion seiieieeerosiesrsssosncssessscnstssacsscnes 2.3.2 Descriplion vvveeerteneerieerssnsssoaarsoonssonssa Heat BXChangers teeeeevertersrsecnnscases P23:2.2 BlOWETS 4ievrerosesosocasososssoncsosss 2.4 Utility Systems .vevveviecennnen. et eereir e, 201 TNert GBS tevrvecevcteerenneonasseennnsnnseneanns 2.4.2 Instrument AIr ...iveiiiiiiiiienoerntrsracnsaann 2.h.3 Electrical vuveeiiiieieerenniseroenossososnnsnns 2400 Volt System .eveeeverernnnnennnns 2.h.3.2 L480/2LC/120 Volt System ..oveeeweenenns 2.5 Silte LoCation teeiieeeeeeresssenesenesanossonsnsossansans 2.6 Instrumentation and Controls ...veeeeeeeerenenenarnenss 2.6.1 Temperature Measurement and Control ............ 2.6.2 Pressure Measurement and Control ......ceveevon. 2.6.3 TLOW MEASUTEMENT & v v v e vssnnseneenoeeennseennns 2.6.4 Level Measurement ....eeeeceeeeeoenesnoennneeasss 2.6.5 Alarms and INteTrloCKS eeeeeeeeoroeeeennnensoesss 2.6.6 Data Acquisition Computer SyStem «...eeeveeeens. Principles of Operation ...ieeiciireierrerserssossossnsonsnsns Bl ShartUD tvr e sttt ettt et sttt ettt 3.2 Test Operation ..o cieerestioretonssseestecisoeesnceassanes 3.2.1 PrototypPe PUmD cvvivineinerensenennnsnnsanonsons 3.2.2 ETU and MSBE PUMDPS cveccvercvrscnosssssanasansonse 3.3 ChuldOWn veeeereerereacorooosossasssosssassncssessonacs 3.4 Special or Infrequent Operation .....eeeeeeeveevenennnn 3.5 Equipment Safely cvverrerivietnestrteroseesssccssssncans Saftey Precautions ciieserieitiniensenssenssacsscossaassnnss 4.1 Lost of Normal Electrical POWET ..vvveeveecenoronananns L.2 Incorrect Operating ProcCelUIt «v.veveeeseeroeoononronns 4.3 Leak or Rupture in Salt Containing Piping and Bquipment ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ") 5.0 Maintenance ..seeeeienn 5.1 Maintenance PhilOSOPhY wviveceeesneenncecononsanns ceos 5.2 Preventive Malintenance ..... . cressaes tecesesaeraeas . 6.0 Standards and QUAality ASSUTAINCE tvevvereerrreomnrnonnroonnns 6.1 Codes and Standards ........... C e eeeree e ca e 6.1.1 Desigh eoeecoens. C e ecaaenaaeaee e e . 6.1.2 Maberials .uevervnnrenrerenononnronass teresaoeaaa 6.1.3 Tabrication and Installation ......... oo 6.1.h Operations «eeveoeesseoerssansenoceans b et eaaeees 6.2 Quality ASSUTANCE «vvvveocoononnses Ceeee e f e teeiaaaa 6.3 Quality Assurance Prograll ......eececoecacoencsnoooensas 6.4 Quality Assurance Organization «ve.eeeeeccooseencosoesss 6.5 Quality Assurance Planning e..eeeeeeeeeecea. ceeaseaneas 6.5.1 Fabrication and Assembly Work Plan .....ceeceeo... 6.5.2 Quality Assurance Prograll PLlal .e.eeeeeeeeneeesss 6.5.3 Evaluation of Updating of Plans ....... Ceeaeseae 6.6 Quality Assurance Requirements voeveeeceeeeoecess feeeeeas 6.6.1 Document Understanding +veeeeeveecenoceoranncenss 6.6.2 Document Control «.vceoees. e e et ertaaaane £.6.3 RECOTAS scornseercocsssessssnnsasnsas cscsen e teeses 6.6.4 Audit coveionnnenn. vesesans Ceaeaaes Ceeieesaeaaaes 6.7 Quality Control Requirements ..... e Ceeoeaaeeoeean 6.7.1 Off-Site Inspection ProCedUres ..eeeeeeeocenscons 6.7.2 Nonconformance Control oeeeeeoeess. s e soosseneeens 6.7.3 Interface Control ..oveeocesnsssoess e raeee Ceceee 6.7.4 Inspection and Test Equipment ....... et eaeaeae 6.7.5 Special Precaubions +.oeeeseeeeenvcoooseessceneos 6.7.6 Corrective Action and FeedbacK +eeeeeerenerensoens 6.7.7 Procedures Relating to System Operation ..... e APPENDICES A Applicable Specifications, Standards, and Other Publications crerenesseves sesvsesasssesaveanss B Pipe Line Schedule cesaes vooeeo s ccesscsona s e ee e e ‘e L6 L3 D vi Valve TSt evcenveccessssavassasonsssss Instrument and Piping Schematic Diagram Page 50 51 Figure vii List of Figures Pump Test Stand, Elevation View Pump Test Stand, Plan View MSBE Primary Salt Pump, Conceptual Configuration Pump Test Stand Salt Piping, Pressure Profile Pump Test Stand, Typical Section of Heat Exchanger Pump Test Stand, Site Location Quality Assurance Program Organization Page 13 20 ol 38 Table viii List of Tables MSBE Pump Design Regquirements MSBE Reactor Design Parameters Pertinent to Salt Pumps Salt Pump Test Stand Design Requirements Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Primary Salt Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Secondary Salt Composition and Properties of Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy Parameters and Variables for Pump Test Stand Heat Removal System Data for Main Blowers, Heat Removal System Alarms, Emergencies, and Safety Actions for Salt Pump Test Stand Page 10 16 16 17 19 21 32 ix List of Contributors The Osk Ridge National Laboratory contributors to this report in- clude: momom o ow o O @ g9 x =#H =5 Q H Anderson Grindell Hyland . MacPherson MeGlothlan . Metz . oSmith . Stulting Abstract A stznd iz regquired to test the salt pumps for the Molten Salt Breeder Experiment (MSBE). It will be designed tc accommodate pumps having capacities ranging from 3000 to 7000 gpm and operating with salt of specific gravities to 3.5 al discharge pressures to LOO psig and temperatures to 1300°F normally and to 1400°F for short periods of time. Both the drive motor electrical supply and the heat removal system for the loop will be designed for 1500 hp. Preventive measures to protect personnel and equipment “rom the deleterious effects of a salt leak will be taken. The primary and secondary salt pumps for the MSBE will be operated in the stand using a depleted uranium, natural lithium fluoride salt to simulate the MSBE primary salt. A prototype salt pump, procured from the U.S. pump industry, will be subjected at representative operating conditions to performance and endurance testing of i1ts hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical design features. The MSBE salt pump rotary elements will be subjected tc hot shakedown testing in the stand to pro- vide final confirmation of performaince pricr to installation in the re- actor system. The Xenon-removal device and molten salt instrumentation to measure pressure, flow, ligquid level, etc. will be tested at design conditicns in molten salt as they become avallable, and the stand will be modified, as recuired, to accormodate these tests. The conceptual design of the test stand is presented. The descrip- tion, function, and design requirements for components and subsystems are provided. Thne principles of operation of the test stand and the safety precautions are discussed. The maintenance philosophy is de- scrited and the quality assurance program is outlined. Keywords: pump, molten salt pump, high temperature pump, pump test stand, component development, molten salt reactor, nuclear reactor, prototype pump, primary salt pump, coclant salt pump. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 System Function Reliable salt pumps are necessary to the satisfactory operation of the Molten Salt Breeder Experiment (MSBE), and efforts to obtain them will include operating the salt pump with molten salt in a test stand to prove performance and endurance characteristics. The salt pump test stand, shown schematically in Figs. 1 and 2, will be utilized to provide design evaluation and endurance testing in molten salt at essentially isothermal test conditions of a prototype primary fuel salt pump for the MSBE and to prooftest the primary and secondary salt pumps for the Engineering Test Unit (ETU) and the MSBE. The salt circulating system will be designed to contain the maximum pump discharge pressure of 400 psig at 1300°F and for short periods of time at 1LCO°F. The salt flow can be varied from 3000 to 7000 gpm. This document dis- cusses the salt pump test stand. Figure 3 presents a practical configuration for the MSBE primary salt pump. We presently envision that the hydraulic designs of the primary and secondary salt pumps will be very similar if not identical. The similarities in thermal transport properties of the two salts and in the hydraulic requirements of the primary and secondary salt systems support this approach. The use of similar hydraulic designs permits the developmental testing of both salt pumps in this single test stand with one test salt. The salt pumps, described briefly in Sect. 2.1, Test Section, will be obtained from the United States pump industry and installed into the test stand in sequence. The design and procurement of these pumps, and their drive motors and auxiliary equipment, are not parts of this salt pump test stand activity, but all these activities will be coordinated. The primary salt pump is expected to be located at the reactor core outlet in the MSBE and thus will operate in the highest temperature salt, approximately 1300°F, in the primary salt system. The secondary salt pump will be located at the outlet of the intermediate heat exchanger and thus will operate in the highest temperature salt, approximately 1150°F, | - EXHAUST STACK { SALT STORAGE 25:611 B THROTTL/NG VALVE s FLOOR ELEY 2967 (| DISCHARSE | o [SIENCER . INTARE FILTER & SILENCER L—gorL DooR rGROUND ELEV 226 ORNL DWG. 69-8556 9- 6 48 Fig. 1. Pump Test Stand, Elevation View. ROOM EX/8 T/NG MEN'S EX/STING AJSLE J' @ 3 @D orm . squrn 0 TON CRANE [IMIT , [*———20 70N CRANE LIMIT — : B /STING COVERED HATCH7/ Z CONTROL | | | AREA I ; 4 (2cas) \"j | EX/STING 7] | REMOTE MAINT. e fe]o]e ' fi_@,_f_fi> j | [ S~ 1 { f i PUMP Lo0OP ] | 7 46 FLOOR ELEV. 1 944" | -~/ TON 4 L( b | JIB HOIST | I | | | b T [1<:j a//[ 20 Tow ! | | I i fx_c.flSiA@ EXHAUST STACK I DISCHARGE SILENCER SUPPORT CRANE LirmiT “ 1 STAND (75324 4 I | I ] 7 1 } = \ T 1 I__"u +ON | ROLL DOOR | <===—T= 20'DiA. ELEV. 952G ORNL DWG. 69-8557 MOTOR ~—__ | "~ BLOWER SHED + v FLOOR £LEV. 326 BLow R — c‘h:—':-:-_j---—ifG INT K QCALE F/LTEE SILENCER I R 9-9-48 Fig. 2, Pump Test Stand, Plan View, ORNL DWC. 69-8558 VESSEL CQUPLING oON RING CRANE BAY FLODR o CONCRETE 4 T S MIELDING UPPER SHAFT SEAL FLEXIBLE SEALING MEMBER BEARING HOUSING LOWER SHAFT SEAL NUCLEAR SHIELD PLUG REACTOR CELL CONTAINMENT SALT LEVEL PUMP TANK Fig. 3. MSBE Primary Salt Pump, Conceptual Configuration. in the secondary salt system. The primary salt pump tank will be located in an oven, which will enclose the primary system, and portions of the pump will be subjected to a high ambient temperature, estimated to be 1100°F. In addition, it will be subjected to intense nuclear radiation from components in the primary system, the circulating fuel in the pump tank, and from gas-borne fission products in the pump tank gas space. The prototype MSBE primary salt pump will be operated in the test stand in molten salt over the full range of MSBE conditions of tempera- ture, pressure, flow, and speed to prove the mechanical, structural, and hydrauiic designs of the pump and to provide cavitation inception char- acteristics at design and off-design operating conditions. However, no attempt will be made to simulate all features of the high-temperature oven or to impose nuclear radiation on components in the test stand. Rotary elements of the primary and secondary salt pumps of the ETU and the MSBE will be subjected to a high temperature, non-nuclear proof- test in the test stand in molten salt prior to installation into their respective systems. At other times the stand will be used to subject the prototype pump to endurance operation in molten salt. It is impor- tant to the economy of the MSBE program to demonstrate that the pump has the capability for uninterrupted operation in molten salt for periods of one year and longer. Subsequently, the stand will be used to study un- anticipated problems that may arise during the operation of the ETU ard the MSBE. The proposed test program is discussed in Sect. 3.2. 1.2 Summary Description of the System 1.2.1 Salt Circulating System Figure 1 presents the approximate configurational relationship of the principal components of the test stand. The stand will be located in Building 9201-3, Y-12 Area of Oak Ridge Operations. The salt circulating system consists of the circulating pump (test section),'a throttling valve, two salt-to-air heat exchangers, and the connecting piping. It provides a closed piping loop for the molten salt from the pump discharge to the pump suctiou. A salt storage tank is pro- vided to contain the quantity of salt necessary to fill the circulating system. It is connected to the circulating system by a pipe containing a freeze valve. All sslt containing components will be constructed of nickel-molybdenum-chromium (Ni-Mo-Cr) alloy. Electric heaters capable of heating the salt system to 1300°F will be provided. Thermal insu- lation will be installed on the system as appropriate. 1.2.2 Heat Removal System The heat removal system consists of two salt to air concentric pipe heat exchangers, two positive displacement air blowers, an exhaust stack, connecting ducting, controls and nolse abatement equipment. The function of this system is to remove the pump power that is dissipated as heat in the circulating salt. 1.2.3 Utility Systems Necessary utility systems will be installed. An inert cover gas system is provided to protect the salt from contact with moisture and oxidizing atmospheres and, i1f needed, to suppress pump cavitation. Instrument air from an existing system will be used to ccol the freeze valve and to operate instruments. A 2400 volt electrical distribution system will be installed to connect the existing electrical supply in the building to the salt pump drive motor. The existing 480 volt system will be used to supply power to the heater, blower motors, and auxiliary equipment. An existing building emergency diesel generator will be used to supply certain func- tions when normal power 1s lost. 1.2.4 TInstrumentation and Controls The instrumentation and controls required to menitor and regulate such test parameters as salt pump flow, salt temperature, pressure, and level will be supplied. Salt flow will be regulated with a throttling valve and measured with a modified flow nozzle. Temperature will be measured with stainless steel sheathed Chromel—Alumel thermocouples. NaK-sealed high-temperature transmitters will be used to measure circu- lating salt pressures. Salt level in the storage tank will be determined by four on-off probes inserted at different levels 1in the tank. An existing Beckman DEXTIR data acquisition system will be used to log the more important salt temperatures and pressures and the pump salt flow, power, and speed. Other test stand temperatures and pressures will be monitored and controlled with conventional equipment. 1.2.5 Safety PFeatures The test stand will be enclosed in a sheetmetal structure which will cover the top and sides and will have pans to catch salt spills and leaks. The enclosure will be provided with a ventilation system. 1.3 System Design Requirements Criteria have been established to obtain a test stand that will pro- vide maximum performance and endurance information for the MSBE salt pumps in a safe and economical manner. The criteria include: 1.3.1 Function The pump test stand will be designed to {1) accommodate full-size salt pumps for the MSBE primary or secondary systems, (2) provide a non- nuclear test environment, and (3) yield performance and endurance data to assure maximum capability and religbility of the pumps in the MSBE. 1.3.2 Pump Size The design of the test stand is centered on the pump sizes required for a 200 Mw(t) MSBE, as shown in Table 1. However, with minor modifi- cations, it will be capable of accommodating pumps ranging in flow capacity from 50% smaller to 50% larger than the MSBE pumps. The heat removal, salt flow, and electric power capabilities will be oversized to provide this flexibility. Adequate structural allowances will also be provided to obtain this flexibility. Table 1. MSBE Pump Design Requirements Cover Orerating . Pumping Motor Temp. Flow — Head Efficiency ©Silze Gas (°F) (gpm) (ft) (%) (hp) Pressure (psig) Primary Salt Pump 1300 S7T00% 150 80 1000 ~50 Secondary Salt Pump 1150 7000 300 80 900 ~150 *Includes 500 gpm bypass flow through gas separator. 1.3.3 Allowable Stress for Ni.-Mo-Cr Alloy The allowable design stress for high temperature operation of the alloy will be based on the creep rate criterion, O.l% elongation in 10,000 hr, at the design temperature. See Table 6. 1.3.4 Instrumentation and Controls Instrumentation and controls will be provided to monitor test stand cperation, to maintain test parameters within prescribed ranges, and to obtain required pump test data. A control area will be provided from which safe operation of the test stand can be maintained. 1.3.5 Engineered Safety Features Engineered safety features will be provided. As a minimum, they will be designed to cope with any size presgure boundary breask, up o and including the circumferential rupture of any pipe in the test stand with unobstructed discharge from both ends. An independent emergency power system will be provided, designed with adequate capacity and testability to insure the functioning of all engineered safety features. The containment design basis is to contain the pressure and tempers- ture resulting from the largest credible energy release following an accident without exceeding the design salt vapor leakage rate. Appropri- ate features will be provided to protect personnel in case of an acciden- tal rupture. 1.3.6 Control of Effluents The design of the test stand will provide the means necessary to maintain control over toxic and radicactive effluents, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, to protect personnel. The low level radiocactivity is assocliated with 238U and 232Th components in the test salt. Control will be maintained during normal operation and accident conditions to preclude the release of unsafe amounts of these effluents. 1.3.7 Quality Standards and Assurance A quality assurance program will be written and implemented to en- hance the certainty of achieving the pump test cperation objectives. Systems and components that are essential to prevent accidents that could affect personnel safety or to mitigate their consequences will be identified and designed, fabricated, and erected to quality standards that reflect their safety importance. Where generally recognized codes or standards on design, materials, fabrication, and inspection are used, they will be identified. Where adherence to such codes or standards does not assure a quality level necessary to the safety function, they will be supplemented or modified, as necessary. 1.3.8 Test Stand Parameters Table 2 presents the MSBE design parameters which affect salt pump design. The principal hydraulic and thermal design requirements for the salt pumps, based on these MSBE design parameters, have been shown in Table 1. The principal design requirements for the salt pump test stand, as deduced from the MSBE requirements, are shown in Table 3. Table 2. MSBE Reactor Design Parameters Pertinent toc Salt Pumps Reactor size, Mw(t) 200 Quantity of primary salt pumps, ea 1 Quantityof secondary salt pumps, ea 1 Primary salt circuit AT, °F 250 Secondary salt circuit AT, °F 300 Reactor pressure drop (estimated), psi 3L Heat exchanger pressure drop (estimated), psi 135 10 Table 3. Salt Pump Test Stand Design Requirements ~— Salt plping ' Operating temperature 1300°F for 5 years . Operating temperature (maximum) 1LO0°F for 1000 hr Pressure See Fig. 4 Primary salt flow, gpm 3000-T000 Heat removal capability (maximum) 1.12 Mw Pump motor capacity (maximum) 1500 hp 1.3.9 Thermal Transients The test stand has a limited capability for performing thermal transient tests. A cooling transient in the salt circulating through the pump of 8 to 10°F per minute for a 20 minute pericd can be obtained utilizing maximum salt system cooling and reducing pump speed to give . approximately 10% design flow. A similar heating transient can be ob- tained during operaticn at design pump speed with the salt cooling sys- tem off. A large cooling thermal shock also can be applied to the pump in the test loop as follows: with the pump motor stopped, the temperature of the pump impeller and casing and salt in the pump tank can, for instance, be maintained at approximately 1300°F, while the salt in the lcop piping iz lowered to about 1000°F. The salt pump would be brought up to design speed within 2 to 3 seconds, and the cocl salt from the piping would displace the hot salt in the fully loaded pump impeller and casing. Prelimirary analysis of the MSBE systems indicates that the plant can be designed to operate without _arge fast temperature transients. If analysis of the detailed design :ndicates that transients outside the capability of the test stand are likely to be experienced, the test stand can be modified. Additional equipment would be provided to change the temperature of the circulating salt through the pump by mixing with a stream of salt at a substantially different temperature. 11 1.3.10 Codes and Standards Section 6.0 outlines the codes, standards, specifications, procedures, reviews and inspections, and the gquality assurance program that will be used to design, construct, and operate the test stand. The design of the salt containing system will be based on Section III, Nuclear Vessels, for Class C Vessels of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and on the Pressure Piping Code, USAS B3lL.l. Approved RDT Standards will be used for all systems and subsystems as applicable and available. 2.0 Detailed Description of System The test stand consists principally of piping, a pump heat removal system, utility systems, and instrumentation and controls which are described below. The salt pump is described also. The safety features of the stand are described in Section L. 2.1l Test Section The test section will consist of a salt pump with its drive motor and controls and the auxiliary lubricating and cooling systems. In the conceptual configuration, Fig. 3, the salt pump is a vertical, single stage, centrifugal sump pump with an in-line electric drive motor. This vertical pump configuration has bteen used satisfactorily to pump molten salt in many component test stands, the Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE), and the MSRE. It is expected that the MSRE pumps will have a similar configuration and will be larger in size. The primary salt pump will be designed for service with highly radiocactive, high temperature, fission- able and fertile, molten salt. The secondary salt pump will be designed for service at high temperature with a molten heat transfer salt. The tentative design conditions for the MSBE primary and secondary salt pumps are given in Table 1. The design and procurement of the salt pumps and associated variable speed drive motors are not part of this pump test stand activity. Thelr procurement from the U. S. pump industry is directed and funded in another portion of the MSBE program. This procurement activity will be closely coordinated with the design, fabrication, and operation of the test stand. 2.2 Salt System 2.2.1 PFunction The salt circulating system provides a closed piping loop for the molten salt from the pump discharge to the pump suction. A tank to store salt while the pump is inoperative and equipment to transfer salt between the storage tank and the circulating system will be provided. 2.2.2 Description Salt Piping. The pumped salt leaves the discharge nozzle of the pump and enters the piping which contains fixed restrictors to simulate the pressure drop in the MSBE primary heat exchanger (FR-1) and the reactor vessel (FR-2), and a variable restrictor (throttling valve, HCV 100). (Component designations, e.g., FR-1, are presented in the Schematic Diagram, Appendix D.) The salt passes through these re- strictors, two concentric pipe salt-to-air heat exchangers (HX-1 and 2), a flow straightener, a nozzle for measuring flow, and a simulated reactor outlet before returning to the pump at the suction nozzle. The pressure levels in the galt circulating system are established by the head developed by the salt pumrp and the cover'gas pressure required to suppress cavitation in the pumrp. Relatively small friction pressure drops will occur in the salt flow-measuring nozzle and the piping loop, and relatively large pressure drops in the salt throttling valve and the fixed restrictors. The piping pressure profile for three primary salt flow rates is given in Fig. 4. The throttling valve 1s used to vary salt flows from 3000 to 7000 gpm, the latter flow rate at the wide-open position. The salt pump will be operated from the high to the low limits of flow to obtain pump data at design and off-design conditions. Approximately 10%, or 500 gpm, of the primary pump design flow of 5700 gpm is bypassed through a gas stripper and gas injector system and returned to the pump suction. This flow does not traverse the main salt circulating system. A pipe diameter of 12 in. was selected for the circulating salt loop as the result of studies requiring (1) a specified maximum salt velocity 13 N = t b L37UNO FOLIOVIY OILYTINWIS (2-2/) JOFT FANSSTHE o0 7955 A YOLIVIY GaLIINWIS ORNL DWG, 69-8559 F7ZZ0N MOT74 azF/4/aonW (2-XH) STONVHIXT IYIH (1-XH) JTONVHIXT LYIH (0O/-ADH) IATYAN ONITLLOYHL (/- ) HOLANYISIY FYNSSIdd 3 : J - dWd 1TYS 1 ! SALT FLOW —= 5200 GFPM 3000 GPM |—5200 GPM 7000 GPM —3000 GPM - | I | | | | L PIPING TRAVERSE Pump Test Stand Salt Piping, Pressure Profile, Fig. k. 1h in the pipe of 30 fi/sec, (2) minimization of salt inventory, and (3) < satisfactocry heat lranefer in the salt-to-air heat removal system. The design pressure for the piping is 200 psig. A short section of 10-in.- . diam pipe, containing the flow restrictor {FR-1) which simulates the pri- mary heat exchanger, connects the pump discharge to the throttling valve. The design pressure for this section of piping is 340 psig which will accormodate pressures up to 400 psig for short periods of time. Location of this fixed restrictor and throttiing valve close to the pump discharge provides a lower pressure downstream of the valve to permit the use of hinner wall pipe for the major porwion of the salt piping. A preliminary stress analysis indicates that the wall thickness of 0.500 in. for the 10-in. pipe and 0.375 in. for the 12-in. pipe will be adequate. The throttling valve will be a manually operated valve very similar to one that was developed several years ago for molten salt use at Osk Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). One of these valves (3 1/2 in. in size) is presently in use in a molten salt test stand at ORNL, and it has been . operated more than 40,000 hr. Four other valves have operated from 10,000 to 25,000 hr. This vaive design will be "scaled up" in size (probably to - 10 in.) for use in the test stand. The design pressure of 300 psig for the ~alve body will be based on the allowable stress values for long term creep, Section 1.3.3, however, this pressure can safely be exceeded for chort periods of time to obtain the required range of pump head vs flow Salt Storage Tank and Transfer Line. The salt storage tank will be designed to contain the quantity of salt required to fill the pump tank, all the piping in the circulating system, and the transfer Lline. The salt in the tank can be in liquid or solid form. The tank will be equipped with electric heaters capable of heating the tank and contents to 1200°F. The tank, which is tentatively sized L4 ft in diam by 12 1/2 ft long, will contain the estimated system salt volume of 100 cu ft and provide for a gas space, the thermally expanded salt, and a heel in the tank. A preliminary analysis indicates that for a design temperature of 1200°F and design pressure of 75 psig, a tank wall thick- - ness of 3/8 in. will suffice. 15 The salt transfer line connecting the salt storage tank to the cir- culating salt piping loop will be 1 1/2 in. sched 4O piping. A1 l/2—in. alr-cooled freeze valve, identical to freeze valves used in the MSRE, will be used to establish a plug of sclid salt in the drain line and thus maintain the appropriate salt inventory in the salt piping. Auxiliary heating will be applied, when required, to melt the frozen salt plug and permit molten salt to flow through the transfer line from the salt piping into the storage tank. Based on experience at the MSRE, it is estimated that the freeze valve can be frozen or thawed in less than 15 minutes, and the piping loop can be drained by gravity in 45 to 70 minutes. ©Salt Selection. Presently, the hydraulic designs for the primary and secondary salt pump are practically identical; therefore, it is planned to operate the rotary elements of both the primary and coolant salt pumps in the test stand using a single salt identical to the reactor primary (fuel) salt, except that depleted 238U instead of enriched 2350 and natural lithium instead of lithium-7 will be used. The cost of the test salt is significantly less than that of the reactor primary salt, and the chemical and physical properties of both salts are identical. Chemical composition and physical properties of the primary salt and secondary salts are given in Tables 4 and 5. Material for Construction. The material chosen for the salt-containing piping and all salt wetted parts is the Ni-Cr-Mo alloy used to construct the salt system in the MSRE and selected for the MSREE. The composition and properties of this alloy are given in Table 6. Electric Heaters. Electric heaters, capable of heating all salt-containing piping and equipment to 1200°F, will be provided. The heaters will be 230 v tubular type, and ceramic heaters, in which the heating element is totally enclosed in ceramic. In general, the heaters will be derated by applylng a maximum of 140 v. Manually operated variable voltage circuits will be provided for control of the heater power. Ammeters will be provided for supervision of each heater circuit. Operation of the heaters will be monitored by 16 Table 4. Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Primary Salt Composition: Salt Mole % LiF TL.7 BeF, 16 ThF, 12 UF, 0.3 Density: o(1b/ft3) = 235.11 — 0.02328 t ( °F) 20L.9 1b/ft3 at 1300°F 210.7 1b/ft* at 1050°F Viscosity: n(centipoise) = 0.080 exp 43L0/T (°K) *25% 16.4 1b/ft/nr at 1300°F, 34.18 1v/ft/hr at 1050°F Heat Capacity: 0.324 Btu/lb °F, *+0.006 Thermal Conductivity: 0.58 to 0.75 Btu/hr °F ft Melting Point: 930 °F Table 5. Composition and Properties of Tentative MSBE Secondary Salt Composition: Salt Mole % NaBF, 92 NaF 8 Density: o(1b/Tt3) = 62.43(2.27 — 7.k xt™* (°C)] 116 1b/ft3 at 1050°F Viscosity: (centipoise) = 0.0k exp 3000/T (°K), +50% 11.4 1v/ft/hr at 1050°F Heat Capacity: 0.360 Btu/1b °F, *2% Thermal Conductivity: 0.289 Btu/hr/ft °F, +50% Melting Polnt: 725 °F 17 Table 6. Composition and Properties of Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy™ Chemical Properties: Ni. 66-71% Mo 15-18 Cr 6£-8 Fe, max 5 C 0.04-0.08 Ti + A}, max 0.50 S, max 0.02 Physical Properties: Density, ib/in.3 Melting Point, °F Thermal conductivity, Btu/hr-ft?-°F/ft Modulus of elasticity at ~1300°F, psi Specific heat, Btu/lb-°F at 1300°F Mean coefficient of thermal expansion, 70-1300°F range, in./in.-°F Mechanical Properties: Maximum allowable stress,b psi: at Mn, max Si, max Cu, max B, max W, max P, max Co, max at 1300°F 1000 °F 1100°F 1200°F 1300 °F 0.35 0.010 0.50 0.015 0.317 247C-2555 12.7 2L .8 x 108 0.135 8.0 x 10~° 17,000 13,000 6,000 3,500 ®Ccommercially available as "Hastelloy N" from Haynes Stellite Company, and from International Nickel Company, and All Vac Metals Company. bASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Case 1315-3. 18 temperatures obtained from thermocouples mounted on the surface of all heated components. 2.3 Heat Removal System 2.3.1 PFunction The power supplied by the pump to the cilrculating salt is dissipated in heating the salt. The function of the heat removal system 1s to re- move this heat from the circulating salt, and thus prevent the salt piping from reaching excessively high temperatures. 2.3.2 Description Without heat removal the anticipated pumping power of 1000 hp for the primary salt pump would raise the temperature of the approximately 100 f£t3 of circulating salt nearly 6°F per minute. A study was made of an open cycle system designed to remove 3.82 x 10° Btu/hr, that is, to gccommodate 1500 hp pumping power. oeveral different heat removal systems were investigated to provide a tolerable necise level, reasonable physical size, safety, economical and simple construction and operation, and minimum maintensnce. Systems investigated included (1) thermal ccnvection salt-to-air radiator, (2) forced circulation salt-to-sir radiator, (3) salt-to-steam heat exchanger, rd (4) salt-to-air heat exchanger with and without water mist. The most W sultable heat reroval method and the one adopted consists of two concen- tric alr cooling Jackets mounted one on eacn of two straight pipe runs in the loop and supplied with alir by positive displacement blowers. (See Fig. 1 and the Schematic Dizgram, Appendix D.) Heat Exchangers. Table T presents important parameters and results of the study of the sali-to-air concentric pipe heat ex- changers. The salt is in the 12-in. pipe (0D 12.75 in.) and the blown air is in the concentric annuiar flow passage. A typical cross section through the heat exchanger is shown in Fig. 5. Two separate, identical heat exchangers (HX-1 and -2) are used to reduce the size of the air blowers and the resulting nolse level, simplify heat exchanger design, and provide flexitility in the operation of the test stand. 19 Table 7. Parameters and Variables for Pump Test Stand Heat Removal System The following parameters were used in the heat removal study: Pump capacity, gpm 5200 Pump head, ft 150 Design heat load, hp 1500 hp = 3.82 x 10° Btu/hr Air inlet temperature, °F 200 Air outlet temperature, °F 600 Log mean AT, °F 885 Salt pipe OD 12.75-in. = annulus ID Total air flow, scfm 8656 Salt temperature, °F 1300 The following variables are given for three cases using different outside annulus diameters: Annulus 0D (in.) 1h,p25% 14,0 13.75 Overall HT coefficient, Btu/hr-ft° - °F k3.9 50.7 60.0 Air inlet velocity, ft/sec LOT 193 622 Air outlet velocity, ft/sec 653 791 998 Air pressure drop thru annulus, psi 2.49 3.78 6.35 Required total pipe length, ft 29.5 25.5 21.5 Required length each¥** annulus, ft 14,7 12.7 10.8 ¥Size selected for heat exchanger. *¥kbach of two. 20 ORNL DWG, 69-8560 INCONEL SHIMSTOCK SLEEVE THERMAL INSULATION ( 4. THK.= 2 LAYERS) ELECTRIC TUBULAR HEATERS INCONEL (600) (14%1.D. x WALL) COOLING AIR ANNULUS STANDARD HASTELLOY ‘N’ (/250.0. X ~g. N A SALT NOT TO SCALE Fig. 5. Pump Test Stand, Typical Section of Heat Exchanger. 21 Blowers. Air is used as the cooling medium and is forced through appropriate ducting and the annulus of each of the two salt-to- air concentric pipe exchangers by a separate positive displacement blower. After the alr leaves the heat-exchangers it is discharged through a stack into the atmosphere at approximately 600°F. Positive displacement blowers were selected because of their reli- ability, economy, and capability to move large quantities of atmospheric alr against a relatively high pressure drop. Blower data are shown in Table 8. The blowers (B-1 and B-2) and drive motors will be ingtalled out- side the main test building (Bldg. 9201-3) to reduce the noise level in the area around the test stand. They will be housed in a sound-proof shed to reduce noise in the area adjacent to the test building. In addition, blower intake and discharge silencers will be installed to rediuce the noise level. Table 8. Data for Main Blowers, Heat Removal System Type Pogitive displacement Gas handled Atmospheric air Inlet volume, acfm 5300 Inlet temperature, °F 85 Discharge temperature, °F 145 Inlet pressure, psisa 14.7 Pressure rise, psi 5 BHP required 138 Approximate weight, 1b 11,000 Motor, hp 150 Motor speed, rpm 900 Sound level, db 3090 22 2.4 Utility Systems The test stand will be provided with the necessary inert gas, instru- ment air, and electricity for the operation of the stand and the salt pump. Argon, helium, and instrument air of appropriate quality and sufficient quantity are available in the test building. The electrical capacity available in the building is sufficient to supply all the test stand and salt pump requirements. 2.4.1 Inert Gas An inert cover gas is used to protect the primary salt from contact with moisture and oxidizing atmospheres. It is used to pressurize the pump to prevent cavitation, to pressurize the salt storage tank and thereby transfer the salt into the salt circulating system, and to re- duce the pressure differential across the bellows of the salt throttling valve. Inert gas from twe sources will be used. An 80 psig supply will provide inert gas for most applications. A 200 psig supply station utilizing high-pressure cylinders of either argon or helium will be made available. Necessary piping, valves, and instrumentation will be pro- vided to conduct inert gas to the appropriate locations. 2.4,2 Instrument Alr Dry instrument air will be used as a coolant for the freeze valve (FV-200) in the salt transfer line (line 200) and for operating instru- ments. This air will be obttained from the Y-12 instrument air supply. 2.4.3 Electrical The principal electrical systems for the experiment are shown on the attached Instrument and Piping Schematic Diagram, Appendix D. Ex- isting building facilities include a 13.8 kv bus of sufficient capacity to supply a 1500 hp drive motor, a 480 v bus duct available to supply the preheaters and all the auxiliary equipment, and a 480 v diesel- driven generator system available to provide emergency power during normal power outages. 2400 Volt System. A new 2400 volt electrical distribution system will be installed inside the bullding to connect the existing 23 power supply to the pump drive motor and will provide for a motor as large as 1500 hp. The new system will be connected to the existing 13.8 kv bus and will consist of (a) one 1200s, 13.8 kv o0il circuit breaker, (b) 350 MCM, 15 kv cable, (c) 1500 kva, 13.8/2.4 kv 3@ transformer, (d) 1200a, 2.4 kv reduced voltage starter equipment, and (e) 300 MCM, 5 kv cable connected to the pump motor. The existing 13.8 kv bus is located in the southeast corner of the bullding. The transformer and starter equipment will be outdoor type and will be located at the west side of the building. Connecting cables will be run in conduit. L480/2Lk0/120 Volt System. All heaters and auxiliary equip- ment will be fed from the existing 480 v system. Transformers will be provided to supply 240 v and 120 v where necessary. The heat exchanger blower motors (B-1 and B-2) and pump lube oil equipment will be supplied directly from the 480 v bus through combination motor starters. Five 480 v circuits feeding 380 - 120/2L0 v transformers will supply power tc the salt piping and equipment heaters. Additional circuits will supply 120 v power to instrument circuits and miscellaneous equipment. Supply power to the pump lube 0il equipment, salt freeze valve (FV 200), and pump shield plug cooling system will be automatically switched to the bullding emergency diesel generator in the event normal power is lost. Return to normal power will be by manual operstion. 2.5 Site Location The test stand containing the salt circuit will be located at the west end of the second floor of Building 9201-3 in the Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The cooling alr blowers and auxiliaries are located on the ground level cutside the west end of the building. See Figs. 1, 2, and 6 for elevation, plan, and plant locations, respectively. This location in the building was chosen because it (1) is suitable, (2) pro- vides convenient access to existing pump maintenance facilities, (3) permits installation of large blowers (B-l and 2) outside the test building, and (4) is available with minimum renovation and disturbance ORNL DWG. 69-8561 T orain —1 Y ot *—JLur‘.u Fig. 6. Location of Project (Y-12 Plant). AT ;o T r——.x * — 1 / P{ 1 9102 | l——x——-_—m———x BLDG 2201-3 E | fe 25 to existing test stands and shops. An existing traveling bridge crane, with 20-ton and 5-ton hoists, serves the area. In addition a l-ton Jjib hoist is available to provide additional hoisting capability, when needed. Additional second floor support columns under the area of the test stand will be required to support the estimated test stand weight of approximately 80,000 1b. 2.6 Instrumentation and Controls See Appendix D, Preliminary Instrument and Piping Schematic Diagram for a detailed presentation of instrumentstion and controls. 2.6.1 Tempersture Measurement and Control Approximately 200 stainless steel sheathed, insulated junction, Chromel—Alumel thermocouples will be used to monitor temperatures on the pump test section, on heat exchangers, in air systems, and for loop heater Control° The thermocouples will be connected to the reference Junctions at the control cabinets by double shielded Chromel—Alumel ex- tension lead wire, with the shield being grounded at the thermocouple end only. Temperatures will be read out on available multipoint strip chart reccrders and indicating centrollers. The more important tempera- tures will also be resd out on the DEXTIR data logging system {described in Sect. 2.6.6), and on an existing 100 cycle per second oscilllographic recording system. 2.6.2 Pressure Measurement and Control NaK sealed high-temperature transmitters will be used to measure loop pressures at the pump inlet (PT-201), pump outlet (PT-2-2), and at the outlet of throttle valve HCV-100 (PT-206). Sensing heads PE-202 and PE-206, which will be rated at L0OO psig, will have to be developed and will be long delivery items, possibly up to two years. PE-201 will see a pressure of less than 100 psig during loop operation, and transmitters are on hand of this rating; however, the transmitter would have to be isolated while the 400 psig units were being calibrated. This could possibly be done by freezing the NaK in the capillary. If this is not N ON feasible, then a differential pressure transmitter (with two sensing heads) will be used tc get the desired accuracy at the lower pressure reading. PT-201 and PT-202 will be read out on existing single-point strip chart recorders and on DEXTIR. Strain gauge power supplies PX-201 and PX-202 will be purchased. PT-206 feeds a pneumatic signal to PC-59 and PT-59, controlling the gas pressure to the bellows of throttle valve HCV-100. Buffer gas pressure, lube oil pressure, and air pressures will be read on ccnventional gauges and controlled as required by pressure switches, solenoid valves, and hand valves, Differential pressure across IFS-1 and IFS-2 will be measured by locally mounted gauges PAI-10 and PAI-20, 2.6.3 Flow Measurement Main loop flow in the range of 3000 to 7000 gpm will be determined by measuring the differential pressure across the modified flow nozzle. The 0 to 600 in. W.C. differential pressure transmitter (PAT-203) will be high-temperature NaK-seal with sensing heads PE-203 and PE-20L rated to withstand LOC psig. The transmitter pneumatic output will be converted and read out on an existing single-point strip chart recorder. Tnstrument air flow to the freeze valve (FV-200) will be read on panel mounted rotameter FI-70C. The measurement of lube oil flow to the salt pump will be included in the iuve olil package. Flow measurements are not planned for the enclosure =xhaust air or the cooling air'to the heat exchangers HX-1 and HX-2. 2.6.L Ievel Measurements Salt level in the storage tank (SST) will be determined by the insertion of four on-off probes at different levels in the tank. Tank level would be indicated Tty the on-off position of four indicating lights. 2.6.5 Alarms and Interlocks The strip chart recorders, indicating controllers, and pressure switches will have low and high signal switch contacts for control and alarm (see Section 3.5) purposes. Alarms will be indicated by a bell and existing annunciator panels with lighted windows that show abnormal conditions before and after acknowledgment and normal conditions before & 27 and after reset. Scram action will be provided as appropriate, either simultaneously with the alarm or at a desired increment above or below the alarm setting. 2.6.6 Data Acquisition Computer System This system consists of a Beckman DEXTIR data acquisition system interfaced to a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8 computer which has a core memory of L4096 twelve-bit words. Engineering units conversion of the data is done on-line, and all data are digitized and recorded on magnetic tape for further processing by the ORNL IBM 360/75 computer. A large library of programs 1s avallable to process these tapes. The data acquisition computer system can provide a listing of dats in engineering units at the test stand. It has a capacity of 2500 analog and 2500 digital inputs and has a speed of 8 channels per second. Overall accuracy is 0.07% of full scale, resolution is one part in 10,000, and the input signal range is 0-10 millivolts full scale to 0-1 volt full scale in three programmable steps. Data gathering boxes, each with 25 analog and 25 digital channel capacity, can be plugged into the "party line" cable at any point in the network. igital input capability is provided by both thumbwheel switch and contact input modules. The modules can accept decimal or binary coded decimal contact closures from counters, clocks, frequency meters, digital voltmeters, and other devices that have digital outputs. Thermo- couple reference Jjunction compensation is provided for all thermocouple inputs. The PDP-8 computer software consists of a real time multiple task executive system, with four levels of priority interrupt. The highest priority level is assigned to protection of the operating system in case of power failure. The second priority is assigned to the processing of data, the third to keyboard input, and the fourth to printer output. Another package of computer programs performs the engineering units conversion tasks and such utility functions as punching tape, reading tape, entering data into memory, listing the contents of specified memory locations, clearing specified memory locations, etc. 28 A disk file is on order which will provide an additional 32,000 words of bulk storage and will permit the individual experimenter to have his own program for on-line calculations and teletype plots. 3.0 Principles of Operation A1l the salt pumps will be operated in a depleted uranium, natural lithium version of the MSBE primary salt. Operation of the secondary salt pump at its design head and flow conditions with the denser primary salt would overload the pump drive motor and overpressurize the salt sys- tem piping. Therefore, we plan to operate the secondary pump at its design speed and temperature, but with a slightly reduced diameter im- peller (about 80% design diameter) which will load its motor to rated power and will stress the pump casing, shaft, and impeller to their res- pective design levels without overstressing the salt piping system. This general philosophy was used to proof test the fuel and coolant salt pumps for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). The hydraulic performance characteristics for the salt pumps will be obtained during water tests conducted bty the pump manufacturer. 3.1 Startup All the facility and test components, assemblies, and systems will be inspected individually and collectively prior to startup. These inspections will be made to check conformance to approved drawings, specifications, and standards. While at room temperature the salt system will be purged with inert gas, evacuated to remove oxygen and moisture, and refilled with inert gas. The mechanical performence of the salt pump and drive motor will be observed during operation with inert gas. The salt system will be preheated to the desired temperature (normally 1200°F). During preheating, the salt system will be evacuated to further reduce moisture and oxygen and then refilled with inert gas several times. The salt pump will again be rotaited briefly to check the running clearances at temperature. The salt storage tank, previously filled with molten salt, will be 29 slowly pressurized with inert gas to transfer salt into the salt system. The freeze valve will be frozen to hold the salt in the system. The re- quired flow rates of the inert purge gas will be established and the appropriate pressure on the surface of the system salt will be obtained. Finally the salt pump will be started and functional checks will be made on all systems for proper performance. 3.2 Test Operation When the salt pump and all test stand systems are performing satis- factorily, the following salt pump test program will be initiated: 3.2.1 Prototype Pump 1. The mechanical performance of the salt pump and drive motor will be observed. 2. The design of the drive motor and cooling system and the drive motor support system will be proven. 3. The lubrication system for the salt pump and the provisions for handling shaft seal olil leakage will be checked. 4. The transient characteristics of pump speed and salt flow during startup and coastdown will be determined. 5. The hydraulic performance and cavitation inception characteristics of the salt pump will be obtained over a range of pump speeds and salt flow rates and temperatures. 6. The characteristics of the purge gas flow, which is introduced into an annulus around the pump shaft to control fission product diffusion up the shaft into the gas seal region, will be determined. 7. The characteristics of the pump with the helium bubble ingester and removal devices, which will be used to remove Xenon 135 from circu- lating salt, will be verified in salt. 8. The maximum salt void fraction that the pump will tolerate will be determined. Measurements will be made of the void fraction in the circulating salt due to gas entrained from the gas space by the salt by- pass flows within the pump. 30 9. The production of aerosols of salt in the prototype pump tank during pump operation will be checked as will any aerosol removal device needed to protect the off-gas lines and components from plugging by aero- sol deposition. 10. The effect of operating the pump with insufficient salt, to the point of the start of ingassing, will be studied. 1l.. The pump bowl cocling system will be evaluated. 12. Demonstration tests of Incipient Failure Detection (IFD) devices and systems will be made. Pump manufacturers will be requested to recom- mend IFD devices and systems to indicate a substantial change in a pump operating characteristic that might point to an impending failure of some pump ccmponent. Parameters that may yield significant reliability infor- mation include pump power and speed, shaft vibration and displacement, and noise signatures of the pump at various operating conditions. 13. After all specific short term tests have been completed, long term endurance test runs will be performed. 2.2.2 ETU and MSBE Pumps Rotary elements of the primary and secondary salt pumps of the ETU and the MSRE will be subjected to a high temperature, non-nuclear proof- test prior to installation into their respective systems. 3.3 Shutdown Shutdown of tThe system will be initiated by turning off the szalt pump and the air blowers. The salt will be drained into 1ts storage tank by thawing the freeze valve and equalizing the gas pressures in the pump and storage tanks. After the sait is drained from the system, the pump will be rotated for a short time to sling off any salt clinging toc the impeller. The electric heaters will be turned of'f and the system per- mitted to cool to room temperature. The lubrication system will be turned off as pump temperature is reduced to near room temperature. An inert gas atmosphere will be maintained in the loop. When the system is cool it will be ready for maintenance of components or for removal of the salt bump. 31 3.4 Special or Infrequent Operation In addition to the previously outlined pump test operation, the test stand will be operated to: 1. Obtain the characteristics of instrumentation for measuring salt flow and pressure as required. 2. Study problems which may arise during the operating life of the ETU or MSRE. 3.5 Equipment Safety To provide for the safety of the salt pump, test stand, and test personnel, several pump and test stand operating parameters will be monitored continuously. These parameters will include pump power, speed, and lubricant flow; salt temperature, flow, and liquid level; pump and test stand vibration; alr blower power and oil pressure, and shield plug and drive motor coolant flow. Table 9 presents a listing of the emergency conditions and the actions to be taken. Table 9. Alarms, Emergencies, Safety Actions for Salt Pump Test Stand Emergency and Alarm Action to be Taken Automatic Manual Loss of normal electric power High pump power High liquid level in pump Toow liquid level in pump Salt leak (lowest ligquid level) Low salt piping tempera- ture High salt piping tempera- ture High temperature at freeze valve Low salt flow High amplitude vibratlion Pump motor stops Blower motor stops Enclosure exrsust blower stop Blower low oil pressure Loss of pump lubricant flow Loss of shield plug coolant flow Lioss of drive mctor coolant flow Start emergency power Stop pump and blower Stop pump and blower Stop pump and blower Stop blower Stop pump and tlower Stop pump and tlower Stop plower Stop pump Standby pump switched on Standby pump switched on Standby pump switched on Drain salt to storage tank. Schedule A.a Drain salt to storage. Adjust preheaters. Schedule A. Stop pump and blower. Drain salt to storage. Schedule A. Schedule A. Reduce preheater power. Increase cooling air flow. Reduce heat power. Increase cooling air flow Schedule A, Schedule A. Schedule A. Schedule A. Stop pump. Stop blower. Schedule A. 8cohedule A: 1. 2. Adjust system preheaters. Close the exhsust valves in the cooling air stack. 33 4.0 Safety Precautions A preliminary safety analysis of the pump test stand was made to identify potential accidents and the consequences and to deduce methods to prevent accidents and minimize the consequences. 4,1 TLosg of Normal Electrical Power Loss of electrical power will cause the salt pump motor, cooling air blower motors, and preheaters on the salt piping and equipment to cease operation. Salt in the salt circulating system will become stagnant and will cool from the normal operating temperature of 1300°F. To prevent salt from freezing (~930°F mp) in the piping and the pump, it must be drained into the salt storage tank. Since solid salt in the freeze valve can be thawed most quickly with electric heaters, a reliable, emergency source of electric power i1s required. The existing emergency power source consists of a diesel-driven 300 kw electric generator located in Building 9201~3, which has been in backup duty for 12 years. It is operated once each week to maintain readiness and it has never failed to start. During power failure the emergency power supply will also be used to operate the salt pump lubrication and the shield plug cooling systems to protect pump shaft bearings and seals from overheating. 4.2 TIncorrect Operating Procedure Instrumentation, including alarms, interlocks, and other safety de- vices, will be installed to minimize operating errors that could affect personnel safety or result in damage to equipment. In order to further minimize such errors the operation of the test stand will be under the supervision of technical personnel experienced in the operation of molten salt systems. They will use step-by-step instructions confained in care- fully written procedures to start up, operate, and shutdown the test stand. Assistance in test stand operation and in the execution of the salt pump test program is expected from engineers assigned by pump manufacturers who participate in the MSBE salt pump program. 3k 4.3 ILeak or Rupture in Salt Containing Piping and Equipment Consequences a. Leak. High pressure could Jet a small stream of molten salt a distance in excess of 10 It. b. FRupture. Large quantities of molten salt could flow onto the floor in the immediate vicinity of the test stand. c. Salt vapors and particles could be picked up by cooling air and released from the exhsust stack, if the salt pipe ruptures inside the heat exchanger alr cooling Jjacket. d. Cooling air could blow vapors and particles over a large area inside the building, if the salt pipe and the heat exchanger air coocling Jacket are ruptured, Protection Required &. Protect personnel from toxic effects of beryllium. b. Protect personnel in the vicinity of the test stand from high temrerature burns. c. Prevent high-temperature molten salt from starting fire in com- tustible material and equipment in the surrounding area. Preventive Mesgsures a. Salt-containing equipment will be designed, procured, and fabri- cated sccording to applicable high-quality standards. t. The salt containing eculpment will be enclosed within a sheet- metal structure having a top and sides to contain molten salt jets. ALl portions of the test stand enclosure in line with the direction of flow in the salt piping will be designed to withstand the momentum effects of a double-ended salt piping rupture. c. One or more metal pans will be placed under the salt piping loop to contain all molten salt spills. d. An exhaust system, operating continuously, will be provided to exhaust the test stand enclosure. The air will be filtered before it is discharged intc the cutside atmosphere. e. A minimum of 7 air samplirg stations will be provided inside the enclosure, in the exhaust stacks, and in the immediate area around the test stand. The air sampling stations will be monitored daily for the 35 presence of beryllium by the Industrisl Hygiene Department. Air in the Y-12 general area is also monitored for beryllium and other materials. f. In the event of a molten salt leak, interlocks and alarms will be provided in the control system to shut off the c¢irculating salt pump and the cooling air blowers. Salt will be drained from the system piping into the salt storage tank by manual control. The low liquid level indi- cator in the pump tank will be used to detect large salt leaks, and smaller leaks will be detected by air sampling, as indicated in Item e above. g. The salt spill cleanup procedure, developed previously for use in Building 9201-3, will be followed in case of a salt leak. 5.0 Maintenance 5.1 Maintenance Philosophy One of the major requirements of Molten Salt Reactors is that com- ponents, systems, and subsystems perform for long periods of time without malfunction or failure because of the difficulty and expense of maintain- ing highly radioactive equipment. As a result design, fabrication, equip- ment selection, and installation work will be directed toward the goal of obtaining maintenance-free equipment. Therefore, high quality equipment will be installed in the salt pump test stand with critical equipment monitored continucusly and shut down for maintenance when failure is impending. Symptoms of impending failure can be detected by visual and audio observations and by pressure, temperature, flow, vibration, and other diagnostic instrumentation. Experience has indicated that symptoms of impending equipment failure usually develop sufficiently far in advance to permit the scheduling of maintenance activities without excessive out- ages or equipment damsge. 5.2 Preventive Maintenance Certain instruments, and in particular the ones with moving parts, will be checked and serviced on a routine basis. All instrumentation will be checked and recalibrated between test runs. 36 6.0 Standards and Quality Assurance 6.1 Codes and Standards 6.1.1 Design Specific requirements have been determined for the salt pump test stand, as stated in Section 1.3. These requirements have been approved by the Molten Salt Reactor Project and Laboratory Management. Experi- enced and qualified designers will be assigned to the task, and when detail drawings are completed,; they will be reviewed for function, safety, and construction. Engineering standards and procedures in the area of design have been establishsd and are given in Appendix A. 1In general, the requirements specified in Section IIT for Class C vessels of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and in the Pressure Piping Code USAS B3l.l will be used in the design of the salt containing system. A complete piping stress and flexibility analysis will be made. 6.1.2 Materials The Ni-Mo-Cr alloy selected for the salt containment will be pur- chased with existing ORNL MET materials specifications developed for the MSRE and with RDT standards as applicable. Other material will be purchased with ORNL MET, RDT, and ASTM standards and specifications, as applicable. The proposed material specifications are given in the Appendix. 6.1.3 Fabricaticn and Installation High guality welding, gquality control, inspection procedures, and & record system, as defined by MSRE Quality Assurance Standards, and modi- fied where necessary, will be used to fabricate and install all the salt- containing equipment. Other fabrication and installation procedures developed by Ozk Ridge National Laboratory will be used as required. The applicable procedures are given in the Appendix. 6.1.4 Operations Step-by-step instructions contained in carefully planned procedures, developed by engineers experienced in molten salt pump operation at ORNL, will be used during startup, operation, and shutdown of the pump test stand. 37 6.2 Quality Assurance A quality assurance program will be devised and enforced to provide confidence that the test stand will operate satisfactorily in service. It will provide assurance that the design 1s adequate to meet defined and agreed-upon requirements, that construction is carried out in accordance with the design through the use of written procedures to guide trained craft personnel, and that the stand will be operated and maintained according to written procedures to provide reliable performance. The quality assurance program for the test stand will be essentially the program developed between 1961 and 1965 for the MSRE and modified as required. This integrated quality assurance program utilizing procedural documents for the procurement of materials, fabrication, installation, cleanliness, inspection and testing, and record keeping, was a pioneering successful effort in the field of quality assurance. These procedural documents were devised so that they would be enforceable and auditable. As a result, all of these MSRE quality assurance documents, complete in detail, are filed and available for auditing. The MSRE quality assurance program is a proven program that produces high-quality components and systems for nuclear applications at a reason- able cost. It 1is a practical program where good judgment in the appli- cation of quality assurance eliminated many unneeded and costly require- ments. Since there is no other quality assurance program of proven value for molten salt systems, it appears prudent to utilize this available knowledge and experience for design and construction of the pump test stand. 6.3 Quality Assurance Program A discussion of the wvarious elements of the quality assurance pro- gram is presented, including system management, the requirements for quality assurance and control during design, fabrication, assembly, testing operation and maintenance, and the plans for quality assurance records and system audit. Figure T presents briefly the roles and res- ponsibilities of the various groups who will provide the quality assurance program for the pump test stand. . s . o Vo1 e » = 2. 3- | Task Engineer Quality Assurance Program Plan Design Review Specification Review Febrication Inspection Startup Procedure Operating Procedure Maintenance Procedure Nonconformance Control Flgure 7. Quality Assurance Program Organization for the MSBE Salt Pump Test Stand OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Quality Assurance Program Director Reactor Dlvision Design Dept. Codes Application Standards Application I Reactor Division Quality Assurance Coordinator ReactorlDivision Engineering Services 1. Fabrication Quality Control Documentation Control Quality Control System Audits Nonconformance Control ORNL Inspection Engineering 1. Design Review — Code Conformance 2. Englneering Evaluation of Vendor UCKC Purchasing Dept. Procurement Document Reviews Vendor Quality Control Subcontractor Quality Control Nonconformence Centrol 3. Design Review §:ig SEEE: and Subcontractor Facillties Febrication and Assembly Work Plan 4. Pressure Vessel Design Outside Shops and Submissions Review (SPP-12) Shops 3. Standards Preparation k., Procedures Preparation 5. Inspection of Product at Vendor's Plant Engineering Fvaluation of Vendor 6. Fille Point — Reports, Records, and and Subceontractor Submissions Fabrication History Y-12 Nondestructive Y-12 Instrument Y-12 Shlipping Apprentice Training Testing Calibration Dept. and Receiving Welder Qualification 1. Material and Fabrication 1. Instrument Calibration 1. Quality Control on 1. Training of Qualified Inspection (x-ray, dy- 2. Test Equipment Maintenance Material shipped Craftsmen chek, etc.) 3. Reports and Records and received 2. Reports and Records 2. Recelving Inspection 3. Reports and Records 8t 39 6.4 Quality Assurance Organization The personnel performing quality assurance functions will be in- dependent of direct control of fabrication and assembly forces. The authority and responsibility of the personnel performing quality con- trol functions will be clearly defined. The organizational freedom will be provided to permit examination of materials and workmanship; to identify and evaluate problems affecting quality; and to initiate, recommend, or provide solutions to these problems. Those in charge will have authorify to prohibit the start of work when conditions pre- vent attaining the required quality and to stop work if it is not in accordance with approved plans, procedures, and requirements. 6.5 Quality Assurance Planning Prior to purchasing material and beginning fabtrication and assembly activities, program plans will be prepared to include the following items as a minimum. 6.5.1 Fabrication and Assembly Work Plan This work plan will, in general, DProvide --through the use of charts, diagrams, or other appropriate presentations--the fabrication and assembly program in a systematic sequential progression of work activities. The work plan will identify and provide for the timely preparation of (1) material purchase, assembly and installation pro- cedures necessary to perform the work required by the design drawings, and (2) procedures and instructions, as necessary, for such functions as inspecting; testing; repairing; reworking or modifying; cleaning; identifying and operating equipment, systems or facilities; and re- porting. 6.5.2 Quality Assurance Program Plan This program plan will provide for implementation of the quality assurance requirements in all phases of the fabrication and assembly work affecting quality. This plan will be developed to parallel the fabrication and assembly work plan and will clearly set forth the codes, Lo standards, procedures, and practices that are to be used in fulfilling the quality requirements of the design drawings and specifications. This plan will provide information in the following areas as a minimum. a. A description of the various elements of the quality assurance organization. b. The definition of quality levels to be employed in keeping with the overall levels of quality defined for the proJject. This includes itemized listing of equipment, systems, or fabrication and assembly activities to receive attention, along with check lists of applicable quality control activities. c. Contrel procedures necessary to implement the required sur- velllance of the fabrication and assembly. d. Control procedures to assure that only qualified personnel per- form activities requiring special skills, that is, welding, nondestruc- tive examination, etc. e. Procedures to maintain a current evaiuation of the quality and status of the construction work. 6.5.3 Evaluation and Updating of Plans The initial planning will recognize the need and provide the means to review and update the program plans along with thelr procedures, as necessary, to assure compatibllity and effectiveness of all operations and services during the fabrication, assembly, and test program. 6.6 Quality Assurance Regquirements 6.6.1 Document Understanding Before the start of the fabrication and assembly program, a review of the drawings and specifications will be made. As necessary, partici- pants in the review will be representatives of ORNL, the fabrication and assembly organization, the design organization, and the quality assurance system. This review is to assure that the fabrication and assembly organization is cognizant of the significant or critical requirements in & design and their portrayal within the drawings and specifications. The review will also serve to unify the understanding of the quality 41 control activities necessary to assure fabrication and assembly to the requirements of the design drawings. 6.6.2 Document Control As necessary, written procedures shall be prepared and become a part of the quality assurance system to ensure control of all documents affect- ing the quality program and for the incorporation of authorized changes on a timely basis. These documents include the drawings and specifications, quality control procedures, inspection and testing procedures, and other similar documents. The system will provide for distribution to or removal from the proper points at the proper times, so that all work and all quality system requirements are accomplished in accordance with the latest applicable documents. Responsibility for implementation and control of this activity will be clearly defined. Procedures will be established to provide for necessary review of procurement documents by appropriate personnel of the gquality assurance system to assure that all pertinent requirements for quality materials and workmanship are passed on to the vendor or from a contractor to his subcontractors (suppliers, vendors, etc.). Procedures will be established to provide for engineering evaluation of field- or supplier-issued drawings, specifications, instructions, etc., and for review by appropriate personnel of the quality assurance system to ensure that the gquality of supplies or work performance is in keeping with the project requirements for quality. Responsibility for implemen- tation and control of this activity will be clearly defined. 6.6.3 Records A records system will be established to assemble and maintain the data generated throughout the fabrication and assembly program. These records will include such items as material certification, identification, application, and traceability; special process and personnel certifications and test reports; inspection and examination reports; test and analysis of resultant data generated; etc. The records will include the drawings, specifications, procedures, and reports including deviations and their resolutions. These records will correctly identify the as-~-bullt project and furnish objective evidence of quality. The records will be indexed, filed, and maintained in a manner that will allow access for extraction and review of information. The system will provide for protection of all records from deterioration or damage. The record file will be assembled with the assistance of the quality assurance organization and maintained by the Reactor Division for the life of the project. 6.6.4 Audit An audit of the quality assurance system will be performed from time-to-time to determine the adequacy of the quality assurance Imple- mentation. The audit will include examinations of qualilty operations and documentations, compariscon with established requirements, notification of required corrective action, and follow-up to assess results of cor- rective action. 6.7 Quality Control Requirements Quality control procedures will be established to insure that mate- rials and equipment purchased from outside vendors or fabricators meet specified standards, to monitor work in progress in order to insure the quality of assemblies, to examine all instances where standards are not met and insure that appropriate action is taken,and to maintain necessary ingpection and test equipment. 6.7.1 Off-Site Inspection Procedures An inspection procedure will be established within the framework of a laboratory inspection system that will assure control of performance of work in accordance with the gquality plans and procedures. This pro- cedure shall have the following minimum requirements. a. Source Inspection. The procedure will provide for a plan of inspection to be utilized at the source of materials and equipment. As necessary, this procedure will provide for the evaluation of the supplier's facilities and his production and quality control plans for conformance with the quality requirements for the job. Inspection will be made on a timely basis, as necessary, to assure the quality of materials and equip- ment required by the applicable codes, standards, and contract drawings and specifications. L3 b. Receiving Inspection. Definite procedures will be applied for inspection of materials and equipment upon arrival at the Laboratory. The procedures shall require a report of the inspection and indicate the gquality status of the item being received. c. Assembly Inspection. The procedure shall provide for a plan of inspection at the assembly site with adequate personnel and clearly de- fined procedures and/or instructions to assure quality of materials, work in process, and completed fabrication and assembly. The inspection procedures or instructicns will include criteria for acceptance or re- Jection of the item or effort to be inspected. 6.7.2 Nonconformance Control Any and all items of materials and/or workmanship that are different from the specified requirements will be considered nonconforming. The procedure will provide for identifying, segregating, and resolving all nonconformance. These controls will be exercised to resclve items of nonconformance on a timely basis to reduce or prevent delays in the fabri- cation and assembly process. 6.7.3 Interface Control As necessary, written procedures will be prepared to identify pro- Ject interfaces to establish controls to avoid, and methods to resolve, conflicts and to assure compatibility at the interfaces. 6.7.4 Inspection and Test Eguipment Sultable inspection, and test equipment of measuring range and accuracy, and type necessary to ensure conformance of items to control document requirements will be provided. An equipment control system which includes provisions for calibration, usage, and maintenance of equipment, as well as a system for detection and disposition of items that may have been inspected with faulty equipment, will be maintained. 6.7.5 Special Precautions Controls will be established to assure that special precautions to be exercised at installation and/or initial operation of equipment or systems are given due consideration. The attention of craft supervision Ly will be focused upon the feollowing: (a) precautions identified on draw- ings and specifications; (b) precautions pointed out by manufacturers, suppliers, or vendors in thelr submittal data; (c) ultimate importance within the preject cbjective of the activity to be performed. 6.7.6 Corrective Action and Feedback The procedure will provide fcr the identification and evaluation of significant or recurring nonconformances and for implementing timely and positive corrective action. Corrective action will be reviewed by the appropriate representatives of the design or fabrication and assembly organization and by the quality assurance personnel for effectiveness and the need for further action. a. Repair or Rework. The procedure will ensure that repair or re- work of nonconforming items is by specific authorization and by the use of authorized and documented procedures. b. Deviations. A procedure will be maintained by which deviations from the prescribed design, materials, or workmanship may be evaluated and controlled. The procedures shall be applicable to all phases of fabrication and assembly and shall be initiated by the appropriate participant seeking the action. 6.7.7 Procedures Relating to System Operation Procedures will be established to insure that operation and main- tenance of the test system meet required quality control specifications. a. Startup of Ecuipment and Systems. The quality assurance pro- gram plan will assure that, as a minimum, the following items are evaluated prior to stertup operations. 1. Completeness of fabrication and assembly activities leading up to the point of startup as outlined by the work plan. 2. C(leaning and the assurance of cleanliness control. 3. Preparation and use of startup procedures. b. Testing. The testing procedures will be reviewed to ensure adherence to safety standards, prevention of self-damage or destruction of the item being tested, and to assure fulfillment of any speclal test- ing requirements. L5 c. Maintenance. All maintenance operations will be carried out according to specific prepared procedures detailing operations to be performed and standards t0 be maintained. Performance will be monitored by quality control personnel and technical personnel assigned to operation of the system. d. Housekeeping. Adequate standards of housekeeping and cleanliness will be imposed during operation to insure satisfactory completion of re- guired tests, to protect test equipment, and to guarantee a safe environ- ment for personnel. w7 Appendix A Applicable Specifications, Standards, and Other Publications Design Standards (including all referenced standards) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section III, for Class C Vessels, plus Addenda and ASME Qase Interpretations 1315-3 ORNL Standard Practice Procedures: SPP 16 (Safety Standards) and SPP-12 (Design and Inspection of Pressure Vessels) USAS B3l.1l - 1967 Code for Pressure Piping Material Standards (including all referenced standards) RDT RDT RDT RDT RDT RDT RDT M 2-11 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Forgings M 3-17 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Welded Pipe (Modified ASTM A358) M 2-12 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Factory-Made Wrought Welding Fittings (Modified ASTM B366) M 3-18 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Seamless Tubes (Modified ASTM R163) M 3-10 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubes (Modified ASTM B167) M 1-15 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Bare Welding Filler Metal (Modified ASTM B30L4) M 5-8 (Draft) (L/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Alloy Sheet and Plate (Modified ASTM BL3L) M 7-11 (Draft) (4/69) Ni-Mo-Cr Allcy Rod and Bar (Modified ASTM B366) Fabrication and Installation Standards (including all referenced standards) MSR~- PQS- WPS- MET - 62-3, Rev. A - Fabrication Specifications, Procedures, and Records for MSRE Components Note: This standard will be modified for use in constru- cting the pump test stand. 1402) - Welding of Nickel Molybdenum, Chromium Alloy 1402) WR-200 - Procedure for Inspection of Welding of High Nickel Alloys L8 RDT F 2-2 T (6/69) Quality-Assurance Program Requirements RDT F 3-6 T (3/69) Nondestructive Examination RDT ¥ 5-1 T (3/69) Cleaning and Cleanliness Requirements for Nuclear Reactor Components RDT F 6-1 T (2/69) Welding - with Adderdum for Welding Ni-Mo-Cr Appendix B Pipe Line Schedule Line Designationa Operating Conditions Extent of Line . Description Pressure Temperature Yo. Size Code {psig} {°F) Fluid Origin Termination (in.) Mex . Max.. w00 10 Pump Outlet %00 13007 sa1t® Pump Outlet (P) Throttling Valve (HCV-100) 101 12 Heat Exchanger 1 Inlet 150 1300b Salt® Throttling Valve (HCV-100) Heat Exchanger {HX-1) 102 12 Heat BExchanger 2 Inlet 150 1300b Sa1t® Eeat Exchanger (HX-1) Heat Exchanger (HX-2) 103 12 Pump Inlet 150 1300b a1t Heat Exchanger (HX-2) Pump Inlet (P) 200 11/2 Fill and Drain 150 1300b salt” Salt Storage Tank (S ST) Line No. 103 201 Pressure Measuring Tep 50 l300b sart® Line Ne. 103 Pressure Detector (PE-201) 202 Pregsure Measuring Tap Loo 1300'b salt® Line No. 100 Pressure Detector (PE-202) 203 fow Nozzle Tap 150 1300b salt® Upstresm Flow Nozzle Tap {line 103) Pressure Detector (PE-203) 204 Flow Nozzle Tap 150 130()b salt® Downstream Flow Nozzle Tap (line 103) Pressure Detector (PE-204) 205 Storege Tsnk Fill 0 1300b sa1t Tortsble Salt Tank Storage Tank (8 ST) 206 Pressure Mesguring Tap 200 1300b Salf Throttling Valve (TV-100) Pressure Detector (PR-206) 10 16 Cooling Air Flower No. 1 Inlet 0 8s Alr Blower Intake Filter & Silencer (IFS-1) Blower (B-1} 11 iz Blower Discharge Silencer No. 1 Inlet 5 200 Alr Blower (B-1) Blower Discharge Silencer (DS-1) 12 12 Heat Exchanger No. 1 Inlet 5 200 Ar Blower Discharge Silencer (DS-1) Heat Exchanger (HX-1) 1-7=t 13 ~14 Heat Exchanger NWo. 1 Outlet ~2 600 Air Heat Exchanger Qutlet (HX-1) Exhaust stac: {&-1) 1h 8 Blower No. 1 Pressure Unloading & Relief 5 200 Air Line 12 Valves BV-1LA aend PSV-1LA 20 16 Cooling Air Blower No. 2 Inlet 0 85 Air Blower Intaske Filter & Silencer (IFS-2) Blower {B-2) 21 12 Blower Discharge Silencer No. 2 Inlet 5 200 Adr Blower (B-2) Blower Discharge Silencer (DS-2) 22 12 Heat Bxchanger No. 2 Inlet 5 200 Air Blower Discharge Silencer (DS-2) Heat Exchanger (HX-2) Inlet 23 14 Heat Exchanger No. 2 Qutlet ~2 600 Air Heat Exchanger Outlet (HX-2) Exhaust Stack (8-1) 24 8 Blower No. 2 Pressure Unloading & Relief 5 200 Air Line 22 Valves HV-24A and PSV-24A 300 Ares Air Sampler Header Vacuum ~150 Air Ar Sampler Head (ASH-3) Exhaust Blower (B-4) 301 Enclosure Alr Sampler Vacuum ~150 Air Air Sampler Head (ASH-4) Iine 300 302 Area Air Sampler Vacuum 85 Air Air Sampler Head (ASH-6) Line 300 303 Ares Air Sampler Vacuuz 85 Air Alr Sampler Head (ASH-T) Line 300 304 Fnclosure Air Sampler Vacuum ~150 Air Air Sampler Head {ASH-5) Line 300 305 Stack No. 1 Air Sampler (ASH-1) Vacuum ~E00 Adr Exhaust Stack No. 1 Heat Exchanger {HX-3) 306 Stack No. 1 Air Sampler {ASH-1) Vacuum ~150 Alr Heat Exchanger (HX-3) Exhaust Blower {B-5) 307 Stack No. 2 Air Sampler (ASH-2) Va.cuum ~150 Air Exhaust Stack No. 2 Exhaust Blower (B-5) 308 Enclosure Exhaust Vacuun ~150 Air Test Stand Ecnlosure Exhaust Blower (B-3) 309 Enclosure Exhaust ~L ~150 Air Exhaust Blower (B-3) CWS Filter and Exhsust Stack (5-2) 6% Appendix B Pipe Line Schedule Line Designationa Operating Conditions Extent of Line Size Description Pressure Temperature No. (in.) Code { }1‘)1:,31:8.:) fd;F(') Fluid Origin Termination 1 Air Sempler Heat Exchanger Inlet ~50 100 Water Bldg. Cooling Water Header Heat Exchanger HYX-3 Air Sampler Heat Exchanger OQutlet 200 Water Heat Exchanger (HX-3) Drain 50 Pump Cover Gas Supply 60 70 Argon Bldg. Supply Header S8alt Pump (P} 51 Lube 011 System Cover Gas Supply £0 TO Argon Line No. 50 Purmp Lube 0il Package 52 Pump High Pressure Cover Gas Supply 200 7O Argon Gas Cylinder Station Line No. 50 53 Salt Storage Tank Gas Supply 60 70 Argon Line No. 50 Salt Storage Tank (S ST) 54 Gas Equalizing Line 60 1300 Argon Salt Storage Tank {8 8T} Line No. 50 55 Pump Vent 60/1 1300 Argon Salt Pump (P) Line 308 56 Salt Storage Tank Vent 60/1. 1300 Argon Line No. 53 Line 308 59 Valve HCV-100 Bellows Gas Control 200 70 Argon Gas Cylinder Station Valve HCV-100 Bellows (Gas Control T0 Freeze Valve Cooling Inlet 8 T0 Inst. Alr Instrument Air Bldg. Header Freeze Valve (FV-200) 1 Freeze Valve Coollng Outlet 0 ~200 Inst. Alr Freeze Valve (FV-EOO) Atmosphere 60 Vacuum Line 8alt Storage Tank (S ST) Vacuum Pump BRefer to Instrument and Piping Schematic Dimgram in Appendix. Pplus 1000 hr at 1400°F. cPrimary Salt. 0§ 51 Appendix C Valve List ] Presaure Location ] Manufacturer's Data Velve ?;fle) ?;:ig Tyee Heroraal Ccmih;%tion Service Drawing gi’;fiip Naze ;2-;1 Do, To. HCVIO0O 10 300 Throttling Hastelloy N Butt Weld Salt ORNL Special F200 11/ 150 Preeze Hastelloy N Butt Weld Salt ORNL D-GG-0-55509 BYTOA Inst Air HYTOR Throttling Inst. Alr Rvika 8 10 Throttling Stesl Bolted Alr PSVLLA 8 10 Pressure Steel Bolted Ar Relief HCOV13A 1k 10 Stainless Air ORNI: Special Hvaha 1k 10 Throttling Steel Bolted Adx Psvaha 8 1o Presgure Steel Bolted Alr Belief HCV234, g 10 Steinless Air ORNIL, Speclal HV1l4 150 Throttling Brass Screved Water PYSOA 80 Argon EVS0BR 60 Argon HY51A 60 . Argon PSV52E Argon FV52C Argon FV52F Argon V526G Argon HVS2A Argon HY51R Argon HV538 Avpon BVSha Argon HVS55B Argon HV564 5 Argon HV594 200 Argon HCY59B 200 Argon BECV59C Argon PCVUg Argon EVE0A Argon HV3C0A Ar HV301A Mr BV3024 Alr HV3034 Alr HV30hA Alr HV306A Ay EV30TA Air o2 &) TNl S 1500 KVA TRAMSFORMER 13.8KV/ 2900 v 3¢ a1 13, 800 vOLT 7 cg-2 ! e 1200 A. ® G ® | TOTAL _OF APPROX, 40 ¥ THERMOCOURLES onl MOTED {PUMP; 20 oF THESE .TO DEXTIR [cey! | (EXISTING) i2004. 8B 1seoA N_ T TTTT7 ": c8 " ! - . _————————_-— < o==db-—- —— DIESEL GENERATOR r T 300 KW, 375 KVA ) 480 voOLT . 2 | (\9 (ensring 5. 180 VOLT (EXISTING) . (e rm T 7EST ! 9 L L8 SECTION = - e e b — 0 o—-_-”--—@____w__w——-__ ‘80 PsI ——_— e - (39— -1 (vee . ARGON = =7 - padhAce HEADER ' . TO ATMOS. @ 600 °F INC, Lo FAILuRE TesTTIPRE ) INSTRUME TIoN ® 200 Ps! ' ARGON BOTTLE STATION . . INSTRUMENT g.:’ AR Qo k- - P X X—X——%—— J—)—x r._..._ - PGAS EQUALIZING LINE PIENT T~ DE sign ) &Y ORNL b @ @ ¢ oM FU, A /300 °F s0 psig RIR2 4 |c£AKAGF J'ENQ OSURE 150 FI/MIN, ] 1 | ] NO: REVISIONS I DATE lAPPD APPD A WiE ] wewate | WAt - | APPRovio BATE RE, SMITH _|12-19-68 [ [ APPRVED T WFROvD Wit TRECRED Wt APPRGVED AT WG g 280 PSIG [ ,.-_ / aasrgaffl&%g (560 §PM) 5 §AS /wa% (500 GAM) 5% i -y::_.‘«v ~20-T-55-W{8 480 V. (EXISTING) (88 'l T ATMOSFHERIC AIR x ENCLOSURE 3 x—x—x—x-—x—x—x—x——-x—x—J J R @ 8,000 — 7000 GPM MODIFIED FLOW NORALE XL 10-P-N-W- EXHAYST N 100 sty 0 | 200 srm ! | (301 °F o PSIG € )-P-N-W TYPICAL CIRCUIT FOR | | HEATERS ON_DieselL \e93/ VARIAC TRANSFORMER LI 480/290- 120/240,/¢ i | ca DIESEL GENERATOR g ome- 300 KW, 375 KVA 480 V. (EX/STING) 90A.( 8-¢ ——O(‘O- 480 v, (EXISTING) 108 PSi1G U3 wli- Rl i &l (ny-JACKET QNLY) N Ry | 1 I | | I 1 i . T | P 0 £y O— o tn /20/240 ¥, (HX-JACKET s 37.5 KVA TRANSFORMER VARIRC 980/2490 - 120/240,19 . ALl SALT CONTAINING COMPONENTS ARE EQUIPMENT LEGEND LETTER( DESCRIPTION 8 BLOWER HX HEAT EXCHANGER ASH AIR SAMPLING HEAD s BLOWER DISCHARGE S/ILENCER P PUMP IFS |BLOWER INTAKE FILTER AND SILENCER s STACK ca CIRCUIT BREAKER FR FLOW RESTRICTOR DEXTIR | DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM | SRO | SIMULATED REACTOR OUTLET SI2E (INCHES) PIPE or TUBE MATERIAL 1% LINE NUMBER & NOTE- /- PIPE LEGEND JOINTS P oR T - NHASTELLOYN) W (WELDER) - [ (INCONEL} ~ SCLSCRENED) -5(sTEEL) - B(AOLTED) ~SS(STAINLESS STEEL) TRANSITION JOINT (WELDED) ALl SrMmBOLS ARE PER O.R.N.L. C.F NUMBER S57-2-/ REV. /[ c8-3 o~ wsovoLr T T T T 90k (Ex/STING) €89 f ELECTRICALLY HNEATED (TYRICAL CIRCUIT SHOWN) 100 THERMOCOUPLES FOR HEATER CONTROL DWG. NO. REFERENCE DRAWINGS DENIGN RESPORBRAITY A_ ff. ANDERSON M. 5B E PUMP TEST STAND PRELIMINARY (enarmg) INSTRUMENT Anp PIPING URTS or e oo SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS DIVISION . s — OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MEWAL: UNION CARBIDE CORP. ' s = A Ol nagocs/ee /-9 RME Cm ftl. | I- 105/9-9§-00/-D-0 O 0—1 Ol &w o+ Efl?dffl':?d!.g?d':U!.JU"UPZ'..IJ?L—'USUI'#SOCJO’;UI:—EIP';UI?-:IZU)OQP 53 Internal Distribution . Anderson . Baes H . L. Anderson F = . Bohlmann . Briggs . Claffey . Clark . Collins . Cottrell Culler . Ditto . Batherly . Ferguson . Ferris . Fraas Fuller Grimes -~ G. M. Watson . Grindell . Haubenreich Helms Kasten Korsmeyer . Inundin Lyon MacPherson . MacPherson . McCoy HMP.ZH@?UQZQ.’SUZ*UZMFU%IT‘WZF'MWQL_' External Distribution SZI:"?ZH.:“'OC—@C#’:UWO ORNL-TM-2643 McCurdy McCGlothlan McWherter Metz Miller Miller Moore Morehead . Nicholson . Perry Rosenthal Dunlap Scott J. Skinner MI.:*QQEQP':UUD:J';UH"UZ . G. Smith Spiewak oO