ORNL-TM-2478 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND TESTING OF A TARGE MOLTEN SALT FILTER R. B. Lindesuer and C. K. McGlothlan | LEGAL NOTICE | This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work, Neither the United : States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: : : "A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or fmplied, with respect to the accy~ racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that thé ase “of smy information, spparatus, method, or process disclosed In this report may not infringe - privately owned rights; or . i . | B. Assumes any Labilities with respect to the use o, or for damages resulting from the : use of any Information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. . As used in the above, *‘person scting on behalf of the Commission’’ includes any em- .| ployee or contractor of the Commiasion, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that - | such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, 1 disseminates, or provides access to, any {nformation pursuant to his employment or contract !frflfll the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ’ " MARCH 1969 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee - operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERCY COMMISSION DBIRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLT " . - ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION . 'DESIGN CRITERIA. . . . . Physicel Ieyout of the System . -Sequence of Operations. . . . . . Queantities of Corrosion * * * . Pressure Drop . . . Temperature . . . . Pressure. . - ® ® . Maintenance . . . . EXFERIMENTAL PROGRAM . . Reduction of Corrosion Products Selt Filtrafion Studies . . . . FINAL DESIGN . . v v v v v e o o & & Analysis of MSRE Fuel Cell Salt Filter Elément Design . . . Electric Heater Design . o . Instrumentetion Design . . . . FABRICATION Procurement of Meteriels. . . . Shop Febricetion. . . Quelity Assurance . * - & . L] ~ Schedule and Cost . INSTALLATION . . . . . . _ ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . . . REFERENCES . . . . . APFENDIX (Febrication Drawings). . . CONTENTS 1ii - * . - ® - . . . . * * . - ¢ 8 s = @ . .. s & s @ o o s e 8 @ . . e » . . . * 2 & * * 2 . @ - * . ® Products to be Handled. » * & 4 D N 00 ONOWVI VI VT VTV NN N }n n P NN OOOCX)-QLI:; N D N NV N O 0O N & M ) 3}1. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND TESTING OF A LARGE MOLTEN SALT FILTER R. B. Lindauer and C. K. McGlothlen ABSTRACT The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment uses mixtures of fluoride salts as fuel, Routine on-site processing of these molten salts results in formation of corrosion'products. This report describes development design, construction, installation, and testing of a large salt filter to remove these corrosion products ‘The filter is designed to remove approximately 15 kilograms of corrosion products from 9000 kilograms of flush and fuel salt at a temperature of 1200°F. ~ INTRODUCTION ‘The fuel in the Molten=Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) is & molten mixture of fluoride salts (LiF, BeFp, ZrF;, end UF,). The UF, required for eriticality is less than one mole percent of the mixture. The MSRE, . & forerunner of breeders operating in the thorium-233U cycle, started up with ®35y, Sufficient 233U later became available and the experimental program of the reactor was expanded to include operation with this fissile material.!,® The changeover involved stripping the original UF, from the other fluorides (carrier salt) by the fluoride volatility process, in an on-site processing plant;3 then sdding Z33UF.-LiF as required. ~ The fluorinetion of the salt is accompanied by.formation of corrosion- -_product fluorides which if left in the carrier salt would interfere with the routine monitoring of corrosion during reactor operation. In principle, the corrosion products could be removed simply by reducing them to in- soluble metallic form, then filtering the molten salt. A problem was the filter. Smell sintered-metal filters had been used extensively to filter molten selts &t temperatures to 1200°F, but the design of a filter for this high temperature and large enough to handle around 15 kg of corrosion products in 9000 kg of selt was a different order of magnitude. This report tells how such a filter was successfully developed and used, It describes the concept, development tests, final design, construction, installation, and operation. DESIGN CRITERIA Fhysical Layout of the System Figure 1 shows the piping lsyout of the filter, storage and processing tenks. The selt inlet line of the filter is sbout 6 £t higher in elevetion than the meximum selt. level in the processing tank. From the bottom of the filter the molten salt drains by gravity to the storage tanks, about 20 £t below in another cell, Sequence of Operations Two TO-ft> batches of salt were to be processed — the flush salt and the fuel salt. Salt properties are given in Table 1. The operation was to begin with transfer of an entire salt batch, by heiium_gas pressure from one of the storage tanks, through the filter to the processing tank. At this time the salt should contain essentially no solids and should back-flow through the clean filter element with very little pressure drop. The salt was to be sparged with gaseous fluorine to convert the UF, to volatile UFg which leaves the salt to be collectéd on NaF. During this fluorination corrosion of the Hastelloy-N(a) vessel would produce NiFgp, FeFp, and CrFs, 811l of which are soluble in the.salt.' Since thesé‘ (a)N1, +t and D are the thickness and diameter of the element and m is Poisson's O o & 0O = O X O Filter Element, Top and Side View. Fig. 2. ' - Fig. 3. Filter Element, Bottom View. .- ot » 17 ~ratio (0.3). E for the: fiber metal 1s 1.75%: ‘of s011d Inconel and is 3.5 x 105 psi @ 1200°F., Considering the fiber metal without the backup, the outer element has a collapse strengthrof‘only 6.5 psi and the inner element 16.3 psi without a safety factor. .Since the minimum final trans-. fer pressure is 12 psi for the fuel salt (without any flow AP), it is evident that & backup is required. An 0.078-in. thick Inconel perforated sheet with 32% open ares was used as a baekup because of availability. This plate alone has a collapse strength (for the larger element) of 131 psi. To provide & safety factor of U4 the operating procedire speci- fies & maximum trafisfer plus'gas space pressure of 35 psi. The filter element can move upward during salt back-flowing and by-pass salt through the seat, but it has to reseal after flotation to " minimize. leakage in the main direction of salt flow. Mating spherical seating surfaces are provided between the filter element and pressure vessel for ease in self-sealing. Electrlc Heater Design " Electric heaters are provided to permit preheating of the filter and ‘to maintain the temperature of the salt during a transfer. Maintenance requirements are minimized by designing the heaters with excess ceapacity - 80 they can be operated at reduced voltage to promote longer 1life. Also duplicate spare heaters are installed and connected ready for use with only minor, out-of-cell wiring changes. The tubular heaters are 0.315-in. OD Inconel sheath with nichrome elements rated 500 watts per_foot of ‘heater. A layer of stainless Steel'shimistock is installed between the heaters and the thermal insulation'to prevent the heaters'from being in _ direct comtact with the insulation, | " The controls that: are used limit the available installed capacity to 3500 watts; 2koo watts in the lower control (FSF-1) and 1000 watts in - the upper control (FSF 2) (See Drewing E-NN-D-49036.) Control of the 'electrical input to the heaters is from manuel powerstats. The voltage setting required was determined during startup testing, ‘and manual stops - -were set to limit the controls to hold the temperature to 1300°F or below, "During;startup testing, 1600 watts for the lower section and 500 watts for 18 the upper section were required to preheat the filter. Only the heaters on the lower section are required for normal transfer of salt. If salt freezes 1in the upper section of the filter because of unforeseen diffi— culties, heaters on the upper control will be used to preheat this section. Tnstrumentation Deslgn A helium supply is provided and instrumented to assure the presence of & gas cushion in the filter at all times and to purge the connecting 1ines-with helium before filtration. Tempersture instruments are pro- vided both to indicate that the equipment is above the salt melting point and as &an indication of salt level, | , ~Figure 4 shows the helium supply to the filter. The solenoid valve is interlocked with the salt freeze valves to prevent the accidental pressuring of molten salt from a salt storage tank to the reactor by helium-through the filter., Accidental filling of the reactor is further prevented by the pressure control valve limiting the pressure to 15 psig — sufficient to £ill the reactor only 1/2 full — and the flow restrictor fwhich would limit the salt transfer rate to 5 liters per minute — only '30% of the normal reactor fill rate. The check valves prevent back-flow of radioactive gases to the operating area., PI-B indicates the pressure in the gas space above the filter element. This pressure is transmitted to the operating area by a transmitter contained in & cubicle vented to the processing cell. _ Temperatures are monitored by eleven thermocouples attached to the outer wall of the filter housing. Nine of these are read out on & O - 2000°F recorder. The other two (at the same elevation as Points T and 9) are connected to temperature switches which actuate annunciators Bl afid provide interlock contacts in the pressurization and vent valve control circuits. Since the upper heater will be normally off, tempere- ture points 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will be heated only by conduction unless the salt level rises higher thanrnormal. If this occurs there will be an - alaym and the pressurization valve will close when point T reaches 1000°F. ' When point 9 reaches 350°F there will be an alrm, the pressurization valve Qsj, % 19 ORNL DWG. .68-8643 50 PSIG HELIUM SUPPLY [ S} . PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE 15 PSIG | X—@ SOLENOID VALVE —'| FLOW RESTRICTOR <« CONTAINMENT CUBICLE CHECK VALVES -l PROCESSING CELL » y | - S Fig. 4, .H.e'.l;ium.'St_ipply"I'r.lstrumentation.. _ 20 will close and the selt-tank vent valve will open. Rise in salt level could be caused by & restricted filter element, lesking ring-joint flange and/or lesking check valves, FABRICATION Procurement of Méférialslr All selt-containing parts.are_fabnicated from Inconel-600 materiel. Pipe, fitting, and plate were puiéhasea.from vendors &ccording to ap- " pliceble Americen Society for Testing'and Materials Specifications8 with certified chemicel and physical properties. After receipt in ORNL, the meteriel received addition liquid penetrant® end ultrasonic inspection,l® This inspection is routinely given material used to fabricate MSRE equip- ment that will contain high-temperature radiosctive gases and fluids. This additional inspection is considered partial insurance against equip- ment feilure and the need for expensive and time-consuming remote 4 maintenance, , | The filter media (sintered Inconel fibers) wes pnrchasedfin x ' . 20-inch sheets from Huyck Metals Company. This special material was selected and purchased after nmumerous consultations with the vendor about its unique design properties. Shop Fabrication The filter housing and element were fabricated in Oak Ridge Nationel Laboratory shops from Drawings E-NN-D-49036, E-NN-D-49037, and E-NN-D-49038. High quality nuclear fabricetion specifications and techniques that met ~or exceeded the requirements for Class "C" vessels of Section III of the ASME "Pressure Vessel Code" were used to fabricate the filter. Forming snd welding of the fibrous Inconel filter-media metalll required the de- velopment'df'special fabrication techniques. Special procedures were &lso utilized to prevent the filter-media from becoming contaminated with * foreign meterial during fabrication, | Weldsl! of all Inconel pressure-containing parts were liquid-penetrent C;j“ inspected® and radiOgraphed.12 Other Inconel welds received liquid-penetrant - " 21 inspection. Welds of the fibrous metal filter-media were visually in- spected. All welding was performed by welders qualified in the weld pro- cedures specified on the drawings. A pneumatic test was performed on the pressure vessel, without the filter element, as specified in ASME Code., The inner core can of the filter element was pneumatically tested at 100 psig to insure against failure at operating pressure and temperature. After pneumatic tests, the pressure vessel and inner core can of the filter element were separately lesk-tested by evacuating the inside and flooding the outside with helium. Heliumqleakage to the inside was less then 1 x 108 cc/sec of both subassemblies, - A polydispersed aerosol, dioctylphthalate-(DOP) was forced through the fibrous metal filter element at various stages of fabrication and monitored to determine if any large cracks had developed during fabri- cation. Quality Assurance The salt filter is designed to operate at 1200°F temperature and 35-psig pressure and contain highly radicactive fluids and gases. Since remote maintenance of radicactive equipment is difficult and time-consuming, every effort, within practical limits, was made to obtain the necessary quality level to minimize maintenance on the filter during the life of the experiment. | Once the adequate quality level was established necessary material ~requirements,.fabrication,specifications, and test procedures were se- lected end placed on fabrication drawings.-rThese drawings, special in- structions, end inspected material were delivered to the shop for fabri- . cation, Discussions between;sbop_management,!inspectors,tand MSRE , _representatives nere arrangedtto diScuss'the quality of fabrication de- .. sired, possible prdblem areas, and. completion schedule._ This was done to ."“reduce the possibility of misunderstanding and the possible reduction in uality and/or additional cost,and additional time to rebuild the filter. One of the most imp0rtant factors for good quality assurance is the establishment of & strong, working relationship between project management, 22 shop management, and inspection personnel to make sure the requirements ‘on the drawings are followed and the results reported, Schedule and Cost | ~ Conceptusl design and development tests began in lste November 1967.. They progressed concurrently until completion in late Jemery 1968, Pro- curement began in mid-Jafiuary 1968 and meteriels were received and in- _ spected.in time to begin fabrication in late February. Febrication of 'one_filter assembly and one spare filter element was completed and tested by late March 1968. ' | Fabricetion costs of one filter housing and two filter elements con- sists of $4800 for meterial, $1300 for material inspection, and $5200 for shop labor. - | INSTALTATION The filter assembly was installed in the fuel-processing system ~after all other piping was completed (see Fig. 5). Since the fuel- préceésing cell is comparatively smell and crowded, some difficulty wes ~encountered in locating thevasseMbly. One of the prime requirements in locating the filter was to provide direct access from above so that filter “elements could be replaced by remote maintenance techniques. Close co- ordination between the installers and the remote maintenahce'group in locating the filter assembly resulted in the filter assembly being in- stalled in & location which 1s accessible for element replacement with minimum 4ifficulty. ‘ _ Welding caused some problems since part of the piping system was contaminated with small quantities of non-radiocactive salt from & previous test run. This salt hed to be completely removed;from_the_immediate weld area to prevent contemination of the connecting welds. Valuable assistance ~was given by the welding inspection group on the best methods to follow in cleaning and welding in this contaminafedvpiping system. As & result of close cooperetion, all welding passed.the necessary inspection and test specifications. ) [ % i ~ - ~ 2L PIANT PERFORMANCE On May 6, 1968 an'6pportufiity was provided for detefmining the temperature distribution prior to radioactive operation. To compensate for past and anticipated removels of salt from the reactor fuel system, 3-1/2 £t3 of clean carrier salt (67 mol % LiF, 33% BeF2) was passed through the filter. Figure 6 shows the temperature distribution over the upper half (gas space) of the filter. Also éhown are the temperatures obtained later with the flush and fuel salt filtrations which correspond closely; From these temperatures, the temperature switches at points T and 9 were set to alarm and stop salt transfer at 1090°F-and 350°F respectively. The temperature 2 inches below the ring joint (Pt. 9) was only 2505F indicating that the uninsulated flange joint was probably below 200°F. The remote leask detection on the flange indicated no leakage during the heat-up, transfer, or subsequent cool-down. ) / During August 1968, both flush and fuel salt batches were tfansferred to the processing tank through the filter, fluorinated, the structural metal fluorides reduced and the salt filtered'as it was returned to the reactor drain tanks. In each of these operations there was no detectable pressure drop across the filter and the filtration wes accomblished in about two hours. The amount of metals removed from the salt is shown in Table 6. The total of both batches is 10 kg. Since visual inspection of the processing tank after_filtraticn was not possible it is not known how much of the reduced metals remained in the tank and hofl'much is on the filter element, | . g TEMPERATURE - Of 1200 ORNL DWG, 68-8662 1000 900 — ¥ SALT TRANSFER AUTOMATICALLY STOPPED IF TEMPERATURES POINTS 700 600 500. 400 ‘ REACH THESE 300 100 - TOP OF INSULATION —— o] R-J FLANGE 10 18 s 20 25 0 35 DISTANCE ABOVE SALT INLET, INCHES Fig. 6. Salt Filter Temperatures. 26 Table 6 Radioactive Salt Filtration Chenges in Concentration ppm Ni Fe Cr Total Flush Salt - Before Reduction o 516 - 210 133 859 After Reduction and Filtration 26 1k 76 243 - Removed by Filter 490 69 5T 616 Fuel Salt Before Reduction 8o koo 420 1660 After Reduction and Filtration _60 110 3L 204 Removed by Filter 780 290 386 1456 Weights Removed, Grams Ni Fe Cr Total From Flush Salt 2110 297 245 2652 From Fuel Salt | 3900 1hk50 1930 7280 % Y 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We gratefully acknowledge the contributions-of_the following Reactor Division personnel: C. W. Collins for assistance in preparing the section on Pressure Vessel Design. P. N. Haubenreich for assistance in preparing the Intro- duction and report content. T. L. Hudson for assistance in preparing the section on Electric Hbating Design B. H. Webster for assistance in preparing the section on Installation, J. H. Shaffer and L. E, McNeese of Reactor Chemistry Division for performing and reporting the developmental work. Informaetion contained in their CF Report has been condensed and " included in this report. 10. 11. 28 REFERENCES J. R. Engel, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XI-A, Test Program for =>>U Operation, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-230k, Osk Ridge Nationel Laboratory, September 1968. P. N. Heubenreich et al., MSRE Design and Operations Report Part V-A, Safety Analysis of Operation with U, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-2111, Oak Ridge National Ieboratory, February 1968. R. B. Lindauer, MSRE Design and Opereations Report, Pert VII, Fuel Handling and Processing Plant, USAEC Reports ORNL-TM-90T7 and 90T Revised, Oak Ridge Nationel Ieboretory, May 1965 and December 1967. J. H. Schaffer and L, E. McNeese, Removal of Ni, Fe, and Cr Fluorides from Simulated MSRE Fuel Carrier Salt, ORNL-CF-68-1- 41, April 16 1968 (for internel distribution only). , - Nuclear Vessels, Section III, ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, American Society of Mechanicel Engineers, New York, 1963. V. M. Faires, Design of Machine Elements, MaoMillan, Néw York, 1948, p. 91. Ibid, p. 463, Nonferrous Metel Specifications, Pert 2, ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing Materisls, Philadelphia, Pa., 1961. Tentative Methods for Liquid-Pentrant Inspection, MET-NDT-L4, Inspection Specifications, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Iabora- tory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 8, 1963 (for internsl distribution only). Tentative Methods for Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal Plate and Sheet, MET-NDT-1; Metal Rod and Bar, MET-NDT-2; Metal Pipe and Tubing, MET~NDT- 3, Inspection Specifications, Metals and Ceramics Division, Osk Ridge National Iaboratory, Osk Ridge, Tennessee, 1962 and 1963 (for internal distribution only). Procedure Specifications for Direct Current Tnert Arc Welding of Inconel. Pipe and Plate, PS~1, Inconel Tubes, PS-2, Inconel to Stell, PS-k46, - Ok Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (for internal distribution only). Tentative Method of Controlling Quality of Radiographite Testing, MET-NDT-5, Inspection Specifications, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Osk Ridge, Tennessee, 1962 (for internal distribution only). rp APPENDIX Fabrication Drawings ~— Salt Filter E-NN-D-49036 — Assembly E-NN-D-49037 — Details | E-NN-D-49038 — Filter Element Subassembly — Details 31 e o ’ I DUFPORT _ RING. How. ¥ s xhr < et co PARTS LIST . F Bk 4o Pet- 12k 0 s | PART | DWG NO. REQD DESCRIP] ’ . 't Ao Boo 8'd L. Bouhe BRoM WOM] & aTL NN | STOCK $17E | MATERIAL ¢ 2% 8 %% S e B | |09y HOLD - Bowh ASSEMBLY = v MUY & MeLT_ Ramuuc w18 1a — —_a £ ‘ £-800"_ 8.4, .BLNG FlLaNOE: ir 1aixl <. sia ” € Wi 2 ioimson &ie. i LGSTR E e . t i 2 € Bk " = STRuCT, WL - L WAL BUARD ; Ol THE |1 N 8480 Lr=g D LNIY_CiNCI4 ANCWOR . K% AT - r ST e Sinl e ! i THERMOGOURL . mv_leC. [ -4 i BNE ST . Avihs 313 W by || ) LaTen as 4A4 100G T of-ossond weve 7 | % (2800 B.J. WM. FAN ! H 1 2 : | LRATLR oL 4ALZG ; | NoTE & ) 3 T G A 40 mime . 7 - ] BIL - 2-801 Bk~ - | @CLG&HB; . FUL SCALE r——-——t-fl" - 4. 82T O —— e 4, 78 DUA — ———-l' = Lol —-|-—‘,vu GAP Rz —— w——— 4} o ———— my,g,hg__z.l.u_@_ e — 80 = .M DA, &\.a?ugg Bing 5.0t p— 1% - 5140 DR ——= ~8 dog 4 A—q— e L A T Qk D ey 5. %06 e Do -2 B“\:————-——-lj e 4000 - 5990 DiA. - \ sl ¥ vl - r §- e jee-215%-3 ey - - e e - fra-i L ¥ ; - z ey > P, ey PR WrSRATION, m BRANGR. STDWAL FAbcanion | EXTORMAL anicaTion § 1 o ao & FPECTION " . _L ; ~ ‘u———————; LYY M—-———-I ! T"‘L[ P @W VT - - —% -l_l 3! AFTER WELD e R\ P N ; pe—dOGL = 458 Cib—-— B e 4, 578 = 4,868 DIA. —~ - | —tan- o i i ket BT DA— e — *Ii ! ke g L~ 802 DR e @ Tbe > e N o - = = | - 21-788 - 2.-15»6 Duu—fiL [T Wt = 2. B0 DHA— ; § —te1m-2.008 QIA.——J t—L—_—J.m‘l = 5.417 DA 3.150 - 5.340 DIA. [ --—4.000 « 3.906 DA ————] | : Pumsonw ARALFRRLY uRPHG FOLYORMPARSE MROSAOL . R § & PROTACTEDR ¢ b A% BER UHITS 4 PNREUNMATIC TOST INHRR CYL.{ PAETS (2,101 § el ) WiTW WITROGRN @ HOLD #OR 1 HouRe o0 Peia ¢ WLELII W, - WAC BlALL DR LR G! AFTER LeAK ¥: OVE:CHECK VALPDS OF INNLR Cvi, ARTER ERebaymEl’ & LEAK, CHESK P b A e ool ’ BNL = LTRER eTALLATION® AT OB WL’ 2! RLTER SLethENT MAY BE HANOLEED ONLY IE BELEMENT % hGAIMNRT HOIWTLURE , O, HAND, &TC, NG PARTS NOTE 6 2 {BDIOCTYL PUIMALATA 1 GEFICIENCY TRAT ORN BAEEICIRNCY WRALL Bbh AR #OW AVERAGE PARTICLE WIZE OF O.8 MCZONS. SEPORT 44T "TTRRT OF W EFRICIENCY FLTERS Wb, (el 1y 118 & PARTSR MG, 13T, 10 o WE GWEN' T DA TELT BLASEE PROCERDING gt ST Caee WITHEJT Any PRESSLURE DROWE, M LRAK CUECK INNRE C¥L. LBAK Y0 Uk \WSIOW AN LKID"S CC/ent. OF WhLW M. CLECK CUT OFE TuUBL (PART iG] & PLLG WRLD, N . MICROFILMED Link 110 GBALT FILTER AwSnmbry [E-49636 5 R Rmenat Lioenameny MA D W } Brivn Carne Corpamation O TREONEE LR ) o : | M Ll e LTER Ay ETALLS .-: - 2 Lde res l.' o 'l . 1.4 - M-u.t...h....\.s..] r-cs sflet | rh ) [enno-49038 ] I MPOTOARNOSBE T Ao Sl Vs - T il » » L \O 00— VT o IO 1 10. o w o e . ® 1k, ) T . 16. 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 23. 2k, 25. 26. - a7. 28. H -3 29. 30. 31. 32, 33. 34-39. Lo, 3:?1?'Uifliwlaffltfi:fitdzfi!bistfiC)b>¢*b‘tfig L. F. E. S. G. B. REHDWDGHH W E:Ulfiifififltdtfitfl HEoOyg . . - - * -* * . - » - - . » - - . * * - PiUikiUiCi?lF'EI?I?!FI&:F’?flEfiIfi'fi 8L, - 85-86. 7 88-102 . 103. ORNL-TM-2478 Internal Distribution Anderson Baes Beall Bender Bettis Blumberg Bohlmann Briggs Collins Cottrell . Crovley . Culler Ditto Eatherly Engel Ferguson . Perris Franzreb Fraas Gabbard Gallsher Grimes Grindell Guymon Harley Haubenreich Helms Hoffman - Hudson Kesten Kedl Kirslis Krakoviak Lindeauer Lundin by, Lo, L3, Ly, L5, - W6-51. 52. 53. 5k, 55. 56. 5T 58. 29. 60. 61. 62. 63. 6k, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. T0. T1. T2. T3. Th. 15 T6-T77. 78-790 80-82. 83. . Lyon | R. N H. G. MacPherson R. E. MacPherson H. E. McCoy H. C. McCurdy C. K, McGlothlen L. E. McNeese J. R. McWherter A. J. Miller R. L. Moore E. L. Nicholson A. M. Perry R. C. Robertson M. W. Rosenthal A, W, Savolainen Dunlap Scott J. H, Shaffer M. J. Skinner A, N, Smith P, G. Smith I. Spiewak. D. A, Sundberg R. E. Thoma D. B. Trauger J. R. Weir M. E. Whatley J. C. White G. D, Whitman L, V. Wilson : Gale Young l Central Research Library (CRL) Document Reference Section (DRS) - Leboratory Records (LRD) Leboratory Records (LRD-RC) . External Distribution C. B. Deering, AEC-OSR T. W. McIntosh, AEC Washington - H, M. Roth, AEC -ORO Division of Technical Information Extension Laboratory and University Division, 0RO