A RECEWVED 2 07k 107 1opg - o operated by - UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 2335 . SOLUBILITY OF CERIUM TRIFLUORIDE IN MOLTEN MIXTURES OF LiF, BeF,, AND ThF, o at NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Ock Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. WSTRIBUTION OF THIS QQCUMEND & UNUMITED LEGAL NOTICE This rsport was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person octing on behalf of the Cemmission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, exprassed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, cpparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any informotion, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, '‘person acting on behalf of the Commission® includes any employee or contractar of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent thoat such employas or contractor of the Commission, or employes of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any informotion pursvant to his amployment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, ORNL-TM-2335 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 REACTOR CHEMISTRY DIVISION SOLUBILITY OF CERIUM TRIFLUORIDE IN MOLTEN MIXTURES OF LiF, BeF,, AND ThF, Judy A. Fredricksen’} L. O. Gilpatrick, C. J. Barton JANUARY 1969 *Summer ORAU Participant from St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, Minnesota OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behaif of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, compleieness, or usefulness of the information contained in thig report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this Teport may not infringe privately owned rights; or B, Assumes any liabilities with respect to the uge of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, Ag used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behall of the Commission®’ includes any em- B g rme B 2R EUDR L“ Tt JRALTRER ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that SARTRIEISIR O VLAY T D ttE s U P such employee of contractor of the Commission, or employee of such confracter prepares, " W disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his empioyment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such centractor. ,,,,,,,,,,, iii CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Equipment. Materials. Procedure. Results and Discussion References. Page 21 SOLUBILITY OF CERIUM TRIFLUORIDE IN MOLTEN MIXTURES OF LiF, BeF,, AND ThF, Judy A. Fredricksen,* L. O. Gilpatrick, C. J. Barton ABSTRACT The solubility of CeF,; was determined at various temperatures in six mixtures of LiF, BeF,, ThF, of the type that may be used to fuel a molten salt breeder reactor. Comparison of earlier data on the solu- bility of PuF; and CeF; in fluoride solvents makes it possible to predict that the solubility of PuF, in single-region fuel compositions at reactor operating temperatures will be more than adequate. The solubility data as a function of solvent compo- sition were best correlated by a model that assumes BeF, to be complexed as the BeF,?~ ion and ThF, as the ThF !~ ion. INTRODUCTION Studies performed earlier at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated the solubility of PuF, in certain molten fluoride solvents,1 but no data are available on the solubility of PuF,; in single-fluid reactor fuel containing a high concentration of ThF,. Previous data indicated that the solubility would probably be adequate at proposed reactor X Summer ORAU Participant from St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, Minnesota. operating temperatures. To verify this belief, the most obvious approach would be direct measurement of PuF; solu- bility in molten fluoride salts of interest, but we have chosen to study the solubility of anothexr trivalent fluoride, CeF,, because of its similar behavior and simpler handling. There is evidence indicating that PuF; and CeF; are quite similar in 253 A thorough their solubility behavior in fluoride melts. study of the effect on the solubility of CeF,; of varying the concentrations of LiF, BeF, and ThF, in melts will indicate the probable solubility of PuF; in such melts. This investi- gation may be followed by limited determinations of PuF, solu- bility to confirm predictions based on the CeF,; investigation. The chemical feasibility of fueling molten salt reactors with PuF,; has been considered in another report.4 This report gives the results obtained to date in an investigation on the solubility of CeF; in mixed LiF, BeF, and ThF, molten fluoride solvents. EQUIPMENT The reaction vessel in which the solubility measurements were made was a welded cylindrical nickel container with an internal diameter of 13 in., a depth of 6%+ in., and a wall thickness of 1/8 in. A seven-inch section of }-in. I.D. nickel pipe was welded to the 1lid and was closed at the top with a stainless steel ball valve having an internal clearance of & in. This cooling and loading stem was also equipped with a 1/4-in. gas discharge port welded near its upper end. An additional opening in the 1lid accommodated a thermocouple well of 1/4-in. thin wall (10 mil) nickel tubing closed at the lower end, which extended to within 1/8 in. of the bottom. The remaining lid opening held a 1/4-in. nickel dip leg of heavy wall (35 mil) nickel tubing extending to within 1/4 in. of the vessel bottom to facilitate agitation and purification of the melt by admitting gases beneath the melt surface. The vessel was mounted vertically in a 3-in., 1400-watt electric tube furnace whose temperature was regulated by means of a chromel-alumel thermocouple placed between the furnace wall and the vessel and a high-sensitivity bucking circuit controller. Melt temperatures were determined by a second chromel- alumel thermocouple located in the thermocouple well surrounded by the melt. An ice bath, a standard cell, and a Leeds and Northrup type K-2 potentiometer were used to measure the E.M.F. in this measuring circuit. Temperatures were deduced from standard tables of temperature versus E.M.F. Copper filter sticks were constructed from 3/8-~in. diameter sintered disk fritts 1/8-in. thick with a nominal pore size of 0.0004 in. These were welded into sections of 3/8-in. 0.D. tubing 1/2-in. long. At the opposite end, this tube was reduced in diameter and welded to a 20-in. length of 1/8-in. 0.D. tubing. These tubes were slipped through a Teflon gland made to fit a 1/2-in. Swagelok tubing connector and compressed by a standard connector collar. This gland formed a vacuum tight seal around the 1/8-in. filter tube but it allowed movement of the filter through the gland which was fitted to the top end of the ball valve. Sufficient space was provided between the closed ball of the valve and the gland to accommodate the filter unit for evacuation and flushing with helium prior to admitting it to the clean (oxide free) melt. A piece of soft rubber tubing which fitted over the free end of the filter stick could be connected to either a vacuum pump or a helium source. A manifold system consisting of valves, pressure gages, and flow meters controlled admission of helium, hydrogen, HF or application of vacuum to the apparatus. Samples containing !'4%*Ce tracer were analyzed using a 256-channel or 400-channel analyzer at fixed geometry with a 3 x 3 in. NalI, thallium activated crystal. Sample preparation and weighing was done in a hood equipped with a dust contain- ment glove box. MATERIALS Some of the compositions used in these studies were supplied by J. H. Shaffer and F. A. Doss of ORNL. Mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and ThF, (72-16-12 and 68-20-12 mole %) were used as received as was a mixture of LiF and ThF, (73-27 mole %) . The (72.7- 4.8-22.5) mixture was prepared by adding 53 g of (72-16-12) to 198 g of the 73-27 residue left in the vessel after previous solubility determinations. Likewise a mixture calculated to have the composition (72.3-11.0-16.7) was prepared by adding 195.5 g of (72-16-12) to 225.1 g of (73.1-4.8-22.4) remaining at the end of a series of measurements. A mixture having the composition (67.8-25.2-7.0) was prepared by mixing 94.7 g of 66 LiF - 34 BeF, with 102.1 g of the 73-27 preparation. Ten millicuries of 1%4%4Ce in the form of an aqueous HCl solution was secured from the Isotopes Division at ORNL. This was mixed with a solution containing 308 g of CeCl, x H,0.* The resulting solution was heated to 9OOC and digested with 214 g of NH,F.HF** dissolved in 1000 ml of H,0, which yielded a homogeneous precipitate of CeF; containing the radioisotope. This precipitate was washed with distilled water four times and centrifuged before drying at 110°C for 24 hours. Commercial hydrogen was purified by passage through a Deoxo unit, a magnesium perchlorate drying tube, and a liquid N, trap. Anhydrous HF (99.9%), was used from the cylinder as received without purification. Commercial helium was purified by passage through an Ascarite trap, a magnesium perchlorate trap, and a charcoal trap at liquid N, temperature. PROCEDURE Helium leak testing was done at room temperature prior to loading the unit until a vacuum of at least 74 microns was secured. A weighed amcunt of fuel salt, usually about 250 grams, and more than the amount of CeF; expected to dissolve at the maximum temperature were added to the vessel through * A. D. MacKay, Inc., C.P. grade. * % , ‘ Baker and Adamson, technical grade. the open ball valve by means of a long-necked funnel. The apparatus was then connected to the manifold system. A heated sodium fluoride trap was placed at the outlet to preveat HF from escaping into the hood. This was followed by a bubbler to indicate when gas was flowing through the system. Purification was carried out at about 625°C by treating the melt with gaseous HF (20 ml/min), H, (100 ml/min), and helium (100 ml/min) for at least three hours. Hydrogen fluoride eliminated any products of hydrolysis resulting from adsorbed water on the surface of the fuel salt by converting them to fluorides. The hydrogen helped to minimize the cor- rosiveness of the HF by reducing any NiF, produced to Ni while the helium served as a carrier gas. Next, the melt was subjected to two hours of hydrogen (100 ml/min) -— helium (100 ml/min) treatment to complete the reduction of any NiF, formed. Hydrogen and helium flow rates were measured by rotameters calibrated with a "Bubble-O-Meter." The hydrogen fluoride flow rate was measured by passing the gas mixture through a measured volume of 0.1 M KOH solution using phenolphthalein as an indicator and a stop watch to determine the time necessary for neutralization. The mixture in the apparatus was allowed to equilibrate for one hour starting at the highest sampling temperature while agitation was maintained by a slow helium flow of 30 ml per minute. Each melt, with an excess of CeF;, formed a saturated solution at the selected temperature which was then sampled to determine the concentration of CeF; in the filtered melt. Sampling was performed by assembling the filter stick, after polishing with steel wool to remove the oxide coating, and the gland above the closed ball valve. This area was sealed by tightening the threaded collar around the Teflon gland, and a vacuum was applied followed by flushing with helium to remove air. This flush was repeated before the ball valve was opened and the filter was inserted to within 1/2-in. of the vessel bottom. A small flow of helium was maintained through the filter stick while it was being inserted and submerged. Five or ten minutes was allowed for the filter to reach the melt temperature before the helium flow was stopped and a vacuum was applied to the stem. The salt froze in the 1/8-in. diameter cold stem of the filter stick. Samples were withdrawn slowly to protect the Teflon gland from over heating. After closing the ball valve, the filter stick was removed by disassembling the gland and compression collar. It was then cut open and emptied in the glove box where the melt samples were ground and 50 mg f 3 mg was weighed from each filter for counting and one gram for wet chemical analysis. The 50 mg portions of ground salt were weighed and placed in plastic vials 1l-in. in diameter and 2-in. high. Six samples were drawn at 40°C intervals ending at about ZOOC above the melting point of the salt compositions. Seven channels centering around the most energetic 4 disintegration at 0.124 M.E.V. were integrated during the counting which was done mostly for one minute intervals. Analyzing the samples radiochemically involved preparing standard samples made for each molten salt mixture consisting of 50 mg of solvent (+ 5%) plus varying amounts of accurately weighed CeF, tracer salt. A blank was also prepared which contained only the solvent which was used to determine the value to be subtracted from the total count to correct for the gamma activity of thorium daughter products. The net counting rate obtained for each standard was plotted on a linear scale against milligrams of labeled cerium fluoride. These calibration data made it possible to determine the number of milligrams of CeF; present in each sample from the count rate. From these values we calculated the mole percent of cerium fluoride present in each molten salt mixture at the various temperatures. No adjustment was made for radio- active decay since the half life of '*%*Ce is 285 days and all counting for a given set of samples, including calibra- tions, was performed in sequence on a single day. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data obtained are plotted in Figs. 1-6, inclusive. Both radiochemical and wet chemical analysis are shown in these plots. In general, the agreement between the two methods of analysis is considered quite satisfactory. In some cases, comparison of the data required rechecking the wet chemical analyses and, in others, re-examination of the radiochemical ORNL-DWG 68-12064 TEMPERATURE (°C) 700 600 10 T | T 8 5 O RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS ] e WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 4 s ~ ; ~. CeFy (mole %) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 ' 1.0 1.1 1.2 1000/ (o) Fig. 1. Solubility of CeF; in LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %). 10 ORNL-DWG 68-12063 TEMPERATURE (°C) 800 700 600 10 I I 6 5 — 5 ® 4 52 \Q Q o £ \\\\ - 3 u® \\ 3 o RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS 0\ e WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS o \ \ \ ! \ 2 1 Y 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1ooo/r(°K) Fig. 2. Solubility of CeF; in LiF-ThF, (73-27 mole %). 11 ORNL-DWG 68—42065 TEMPERATURE (°C) 800 700 6C0 {0 I ] '\ N\ 8 N \ O 2 \ © ® ° \ © \ : N B2 v 4 . © E L QO Q .\ 3 N, 0 RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS ® WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS “ \ N\ > \ 1 0.9 {.0 {1 t.2 1000/, 1 Fig. 3. Solubility of CeF; in LiF-BeF,-ThFy (72.7-4.8-22.5 mole %) . 12 ORNL-DWG 68-12066 TEMPERATURE (°C) 800 700 600 I T o RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS e WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS CeFy {mole %) ® 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1000/ ek) Fig. 4. Solubility of CeF, in LiF-BeF,-ThF, (68-20-12 mole %). 13 ORNL~DWG 68-12067 TEMPERATURE (°C) 800 700 600 10 l l | 9 _ 8 7 \\ 6 N\ N\ N\ 5 \\ N\ \l © N 5 . @ O E u-l"') ® 3 O AN \\\g 2 \\ N o RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS \ e WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS { : 0% 10 11 : 1.2 1990 Fig. 5. Solubility of CeF, in LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72.3-11.0-16.7 mole %) . CeFz (mole %) Fig. 6. 14 ORNL-DWG 68 - 12068 TEMPERATURE (°C) 700 I 600 o RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS e WET CHEMICAL ANALYSIS | 0.9 Solubility of CeF, mole %) . 1.0 1.1 1000 /7 s in LiF-BeF,-ThF, (67.8-25.2-7.0 15 calibration values. It is apparent in Figs. 3, 5, and 6 that insufficient CeF, was present in the system to saturate the melts at the highest temperatures. The data are summarized in Table 1 together with heats of solution calculated from the relation SZ — AI-I(TZ'—TI) log’sT =~ 2.303 RT, T, where S, is the solubility (in mole %) at the higher tempera- ture and S; 1is the corresponding value at the lower temperature. The heats of solution are in approximately the same range as those reported1 for solutions of PuF; in various fluoride solvents (12,000 to 16,800 cal per mole). The solubility data obtained in this investigation are very reassuring in respect to the potential use of PuF; as the fissionable species in single-region fuel compositions. The lowest solubility observed at 600°C was 1.05 mole %. A comparison of PuF; solubility data1 with similar values reported2 for CeF; in Fig. 7 indicates that the solubility of PuF, at 600° may be less than 1.0 mole % but will almost certainly exceed the few tenths mole % value required to fuel a single region breeder reactor. Bredig has Suggested5 that the ""free fluoride" content of liquid mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and ThF, can be calculated from the following relation in terms of mole %: Free fluoride = LiF - 2(BeF,) - 3(ThF,) This relation is based on the assumption that LiF is complexed 16 Table 1. Solubility and Heat of Solution of CeFsj in Mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and ThFy Salt Composition CeF3 Solubility Heat of Solution (mole %) (mole %) (cal per mole) LiF BeF, Thfy 600°c 800°C 72 16 12 1.6 5.5 11,500 73 0 27 2.6 9.0 11,560 72.7 4,8 22.5 2.4 7.9 11,100 68 20 12 1.35 6.0 13,890 72.3 11.0 16.7 2.1 6.3 10,230 67.8 25.2 7.0 1.05 5.0 14,530 17 ORNL-DWG 68-5997 1.8 16 |- 1.4 R @ 42 o £ 0 CeF, —650° 2 . \ s 650 = PUF, ~ 650° ) ;'3 L o ® - 1\ Z X 7. M A o L 0.8 }\ \\( / CeFz—600 a @ / O ® Lm0 ‘\ \ ,PUF3—SOO & 06 ® \ . \/ / ® ®° CeF,~550° 3 \,// PA ) 04 9/ PuF,~550 . ./ \.___/ 0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 BeF, IN SOLVENT (mole %) Fig. 7. Comparison of CeF,; and PuF; Solubility in LiF-BeF, Solvents. 18 as Li,BeF, and Li; ThF, in the liquid state. It is interesting to test this concept with the CeF; solubility data reported here. The resulting graph (Fig. 8) shows a rather poor correlation based on this relationship. A somewhat better correlation, shown in Fig. 9, results from the assumption that BeF, is complexed in the liquid state as Li,BeF, and ThF, as LiThFy;. The latter assumption has a rather shaky basis since the published phase diagram6 for the system LiF-ThF, indicates that the 1:1 compound (as it is now known to be7) melts incongruently. The only defense for this assumption is that five of the six compositions tested to date show solubility data that correlate on this basis. REFERENCES 1. C. J. Barton, J. Phys. Chem. 64, 306 {(1960). 2. W. T. Ward, R. A. Strehlow, W. R. Grimes, and G. M. Watsom, J. Chem. Eng. Data 5, 2 (1960). 3. C. J. Barton, Memo to P. R. Kasten, June 4, 1968, MSR 68-88. 4. R. E. Thoma, Chemical Feasibility of Fueling Molten Salt Reactors with PuF,, ORNL-TM-2256, June 20, 1968. 5. M. A. Bredig, Memo to W. R. Grimes, April 26, 1968, MSR 68-75. 6. R. E. Thoma et al, J. Phys. Chem. 63, 1267 (1959). 7. G. Brunton, Acta Cryst. 31(5), 814 (1966). 19 ORNL-DWG 68-12069 10.0 T T T o 73LiF-27ThF, 9.0 ¢ 68 LiF-20BeF,~12ThF, — N ® 67.8LiF-25.2Bef,- 7.0 ThF, 8.0 N & 72.3LiF-1.0 BeF,-16.7 ThF, \4{ © 72 LiF-16BeF,-12 ThF, \ | 4 72.7LiF-4.8BeF,-22.5ThF, 7.0 \ , . \ | ~ 800°C 2 6.0 \ //&fifi‘\\ 2 Aoy N | =, 5.0 >y So L N @ M " 40 N | \ S T700°C \ / \ 3.0 "‘\ \‘\ v (L-—-.."‘\'f'"}./ I\‘ 2.0 \\ Lar— 600°C \\ ,////4 ~\\\\\$ ¢ 1.0 b= Mo 0 FREE LiF (mole %) Fig. 8. Solubility of CeF; As A Function of Free LiF Assuming Li,BeF; and Li;ThF, In Liquid. 20 ORNL-DWG 68-42070 © T3 LiF-27ThF, . & 68LiIF-20 BeF2—12 ThF4 e 67 8LiIF-25.2 BeF2—7.O Th Fq L A& 72 .3LiF-110 BeF2—16.? ThF4 ¢ 72 LiF-16BeF>- 12 ThF, o A 72.7TLIF-4.8 BeFZ— 22.5 ThF4 /| A/ /, . / / N sooec_| € 1 g ‘ /////A///, ——— ‘;r . e /’ o 700°C_% —-——M - | o5 . L . 600°C_— ‘ ./. | l i 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 FREE LiF (mole %) Fig. 9. Solubility of CeF, As A Function of Free LiF Assuming Li,BeF, and LiThF; in Liquid. 21 REFERENCES C. J. Barton, J. Phys. Chem. 64, 306 (1960) . wW. T. Ward, R. A. Strehlow, W. R. Grimes, and G. W. Watson, J. Chem. Eng. Data 5, 2 (1960). C. J. Barton, Memo to P. R. Kasten, June 4, 1968, MSR 68-88. R. E. Thoma, Chemical Feasibility of Fueling Molten Salt Reactors with PuF;, ORNL-TM-2256, June 20, 19638. M. A. Bredig, Memo to W. R. Grimes, April 26, 1968, MSR 68-75. R. E. Thoma et al, J. Phys. Chem. 63, 1267 (1959). G. D. Brunton, Acta Cryst. 21(5), 814 (1966). 23 ORNL~-TM-2335 INTERNAL DISTRTIBUTION 1. R. K. Adams A7. D. R. Cuneo 2. G. M. Adamson 58. J. M. Dale 3. R. G. Affel 59, D. G. Davis 4. L. G. Alexander 60, R. J. DeBakker 5. J. L. Anderson 61, J. H. DeVan 6. R. F. Apple 62. S. J. Ditto 7. C. F. Baes 63. A. S. Dworkin 8. J. M. Baker 64. I. T. Dudley 9. S. J. Ball 65, D. A, Dyslin 10. €. E. Bamberger 66, W. P. Eatherly 11-21.. C. J. Bartéon 67. J. R. Engel 22. H. F. Bauman 68. E. P. Epler 23. S. E, Beall 69. D. E. Ferguson 24. R. L. Beatty 70, L. M. Ferris 25. M. J. Bell 71L. A. P. Fraas 26, M. Bender 72-81., Judy Fredricksen 27. C. E, Bettis 82. H. A. Friedman 28, E, S. Bettis 83. J. H. Frye, Jr. 29. D. S. Billington 84. C. H, Gabbard 30. R. E. Blanco 85. R. B. Gallaher 31. F. F. Blankenship 86. R. E. Gelbach 32. J. 0. Blomeke 87, J. H. Gibbons 33. R. Blumberg 88. L. 0. Gilpatrick 34, E. G. Bohlmann 89. H. E. Goeller 35. C. J. Borkowski 90. W. R. Grimes 36. G. E. Boyd 91. A. G. Grindell 37. C. A. Brandon 92. R. W. Gunkel 38, M. A. Bredig 93. E. D. Gupton 39. R. B. Briggs 94. R. H. Guymon 40, H. R. Broanstein 95. J. P. Hammond 41, G. D. Brunton 96. B. A. Hamnaford 42, D. A, Canonico 97. P. H. Harley 43. S, Cantor 98. D. G. Harman 44. W. L. Carter 99. W. 0. Harms 45. G. I. Cathers 100, C. 8. Harrill 46, 0. B. Cavin 101, P. N. Haubenreich 47, A, Cepolino 102. R. E. Helms 48. W. R. Cobb 103, P. G. Herndon 49, C. W. Collins 104. D. N. Hess 50, E. L. Compere 105, J. R. Hightower 51. K. V. Cook 106, M. R. Hill 52. W. H. Cook 107, H. W. Hoffman 53, L. T. Corbin 108. D. X. Holmes 54. B. Cox 109, P. P. Holz 55. J. L. Crowley 110, R. W. Horton 56. F. L. Culler 111, T. L. Hudson 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131]. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141 142. 143. 144, 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 1l62. 163. . ?:U?Efi!fi?ffir—i??d?.mfdbpom_mw'.I«‘P-BOUC-c:UL‘-E.‘DU';UEHQ>NE&MOQH>&MEHOEEOW"USm O.UE."".U:.I:?U?F‘fflhwmhm'fim%szt‘*Ommt‘ZHL"E:*UUUU)“—“EDHSU)HSUJHSSUQHF‘Q:UE 24 Kasten Kedl Keller Kelley Kelly Kennedy Kerlin Kerr Kirslis Koger Krakoviak Kress Krewson Lamb Lane Lawrence Lin Lindauer Litman Llewellyn Long Lundin Lyon Macklin MacPherson MacPherson Mailen Manning Martin Mauney Claln McClung McCoy McDuffie McGlothlan McHargue McNeese McWherter Metz Meyer Moore Moulton Mueller Nelms Nichols Nicholson Nogueira Oakes Patrlarca M. Perry 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205, 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. rf4?=flfS?4?Eflf)FdefiP:U?J2tdtflflfii%:flh4fi(DC>M:>C33:StqotfltfldfbitfinflEtflfliitflfi3gcqflflwhifl mQt"'"UHZEC-n'I%mtdtdeH*fiOQEbOOOU:Ut"'L"'F:lUJS sppgg—-wzmmrmmz'fimemwbmoo Pickel Piper Prince Ragan Redford chardson Robbins Robertson Robinson Roller Romberger Rosenthal Ross Savage Schaffer Schilling p Scott Scott Seagren Sessions Shaffer Sides Skinner Slaughter Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith p1ewak Steffy Stoddard Stone Strehlow Tallackson Taylor erry Thoma Thomason Toth Trauger Watson Watts Weaver Webster Weinberg Weir Werner West Whatley White Wilson 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221-222. 223-224. 225-239. 240. 241-242. 243. 244 . 245, 246 . 247. 248-249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256-270. 25 Gale Young H. C. Young J. P. Young E. L. Youngblood F. C. Zapp Central Research Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records (LRD) Laboratory Records - Record Copy (LRD-RC) SEHwoHQ=EraowU EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION F. Cope, AEC-ORNL R.D.T. Site Office W. Crawford, AEC-RDT, Washington B. Deering, AEC-ORO Giambusso, AEC-Washington ERAEH=SCG Larkin, AEC-ORO Matthews, AEC-0ORO McIntosh, AEC, Washington Miller, Jr., AEC, Washington Resnich, AEC, Washington Roth, Laboratory and University Division ilton Shaw, AEC, Washington W. L. Smalley, AEC-ORO R. F. Sweek, AEC, Washington Division of Technical Information Extension (DTIE)