PP Frd S - ':u";.:i}. - - OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION e for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM-2258 (Ut~ CTEOZ T > MASTER IRRADIATION BEHAVIOR OF CLADDING AND STRUCTURAL MATERIALS J. R.Weir, J. O, Stiegler, and E. E. Bloom NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature ond was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge Naticnal Laboratory. it is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS COCUMENT 1§ UNLIMITED — it = LEGAL NOTICE e —o o oo o This report was prepored as an account of Government sponsored work., Neither the United Stotes, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the informotion contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the ahove, ''person octing on beholf of the Commission® includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminatss, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contracter. f" ORNL-TM-2258 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 METALS AND CERAMICS DIVISION 'LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mazkes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this reporti may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, ‘*person acting on behalf of the Commission™ includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. IRRADTATION BEHAVIOR OF CILADDING AND STRUCTURAL MATERIALS J. R. Weir, J. 0. Stiegler, and E. E. Bloom Paper presented at the American Nuclear Society, National Topical Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohi - . io, April 2— . in the proceedi;gs, ’ > April 24, 1968. To be published SEPTEMBER 1968 OAK RIDGE NATTONAL LABORATORY Cek Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION i T E L e e el o T RRAR RGO TR DR Pan p Rl CROTRIEL TN T T DOCUMUNE R U R A iit CONTENTS Page Abstract . . .« . 4 4 4 e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 Intrecduction . . . . « .+« v o v 4 00 e e e e e 2 Production of Defects . . . +« ¢« .+ « « ¢ v v v v 0 0w o0 3 Effects of Irradiation on Mechanical Properties 7 Low Temperatures 8 Intermediate Temperatures . . . +« « « « v « « « « « « « « « 18 High Temperatures . . « v « v o o « & + o & o ¢ o « o « o« « 29 SUMMETY « v & o+ v o v e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ... 38 Acknowledgments . . v v v 4 4 v e e e e e e e e e e e e e 4D ReFETeNCES v v v v e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 4 IRRADTATTON BEHAVIOR OF CLADDING AND STRUCTURAL MATERIALS J. R. Weir, J. 0. Stiegler, and E., E. Bloom ABSTRACT The effects of irradiation on the mechanical and physical properties of materials to be used as cladding and structural components in fast reactors are of great interest to the reactor designer. In this paper the general aspects of the problem are discussed in terms of the observed changes in properties and micro- structure and the possible mechanisms that might explain the observed effects. The discussion is concerned primarily with the austenitic stainiess steels and with changes in mechanical properties which occur at test temperatures near the irradiation temperatures. For convenience the problem is divided into three ranges of irradiation temperature: Ilow temperatures, T < 0.40 Ty; intermediate temperatures, 0.40 Ty < T < 0.55 T; and high temperatures, T > 0.55 Ty. (Tp i1s the melting point on the absolute temperature scale.) On the basis of data presently available the damage appears to be significantly different for each temperature range. In the low-temperature range there is an increase in yield strength and reduction of work-hardening coefficient and uniform strain. These effects result primarily from the interaction of dislocations with irradiation- produced defects. At intermediate temperatures irradiation-produced changes in the precipitation process become important. In this same temperature range the formation of voids and dislocation lcops after irradiation to high fast neutron fluences cause large increases in yield strength and large reductions in ductility parameters. At high-irradiation temper- atures strength properties are not affected; however, ductility is severely reduced. These effects result from helium produced by wvarious (n,&) reactions. INTRODUCTION Changes in mechanical and physical properties of fuel cladding and reactor structural components which occur as a result of neutron irradia- tion are of major importance to the reactor designer. For example, large reductions in either the strength or ductility of the material used as a fuel cladding would severely limit its ability to withstand the imposed stresses without excessive deformation or fracture. Mate- rials used in a fast reactor system must retain adequate strength proper- ties under rather severe operating conditions. The fuel cladding will operate at temperatures between 400 and 700°C, will be exposed to fast neutron fluxes of 1 X 10%% to 1 X 10%'%® neutrons cm™? sec™t and during its lifetime in the reactor will receive fast neutron fluences in excess of 1023 neutrons/cmz. Other structural components may operate at some- what lower temperatures and neutron fluxes but because of their longer residence time in the reactor they may receive significantly higher neutron fluences. Data describing the effects of such irradiation conditions on the mechanical and physical properties of materials are very limited. It is thus necessary to combine the relevant data obtained from irradiations conducted in thermal reactors with the data from fast reactor irradia- tions in order to evaluate the expected changes in mechanical and physical properties. We shall restrict our discussion mainly to the behavior of austenitic stainless steels and include results from other alloy systems only to demonsirate general conclusions. This limitation is imposed because the first liquid metal fast breeder reactors will be constructed of these alloys and because the effects of irradiation on mechanical and physical properties are best understood in these alloy systems. PRODUCTION OF DEFECTS Neutron irradiation of a crystal has two basic effects. First, neutrons collide with lattice atoms and may displace some atoms. A single displacement leaves one lattice site vacant, a vacancy, and locates one atom in an off-lattice position, an interstitial atom. The second effect, transmutation, is initiated by a neutron capture and results in a changed mass number of the capturing atom. Vacancies and interstitials are produced primarily as a result of collisions between moving particles (neutrons or displaced atoms) and lattice atoms. Assuming that such collisions can be treated as elastic collisions between hard spheres, the maximum energy transferred when a particle of mass m1 and energy E strikes a particle of mass mp at rest is dmimo E = e Hy 1 mex - (my + mp)2 (1) Since the neutron has a mass number of 1, this becomes G /Ay, (2) where A> is the mass number of the struck particle. The average energy transfer is half the maximum amount. Now, if the energy transfer to the struck atom exceeds some threshold value, usually estimated to be about 25 ev, the atom will be displaced from its lattice site. ©Such an atom, termed a primary knock-on, will interact with lattice atoms in its vicinity, possibly displace some of them, and gradually come to rest. If the struck atom receives a large amount of energy, its more loosely bound electrons will be stripped from it, leaving it highly ionized. Under these conditions it will initially lose energy primarily through elec- tronic interactions, but as it slows down it will make frequent colli- sions with lattice atoms, the freguency increasing as the energy of the knock-on decreases. Caleulation of the total number of displaced atoms produced is obviously a complex problem. To illustrate the order of magnitude of the number we will follow the treatment of Kinchin and Pease.® They assume that the knock-on loses energy entirely by ionization above some cutoff energy approximately equal to the mass number of the struck atom in thousands of electron volts and entirely by elastic collisions with lattice atoms below this cutoff energy. The number of additional displaced atoms produced per primary knock-on atom is approximately E N, = EEE for 2B, < E Ei s (4) d where E = the energy of the primary knock-on, E. = the threshold displacement energy, approximately 25 ev for metals, E. = the energy of the primary above which it is assumed that only ionization and no displacements are produced. For example, if an iron atom (M = 56) is struck by a 1-Mev neutron the maximum energy transmitted to the primary is [by Eq. (2)] 4 X 1 Emax T 56 ~ (0,07 Mev . This is above the ionization energy, so the number of displacements per primary is [by Ea. (4)] 56,000 3 .. — Sl A Nd = 5% 5% 10° displacements. It is important to realize that the displaced atoms are not produced homogeneously throughout the material. For an individual collision the defects reside in a small volume around the track of the primary knock-on, which typically extends a few tens or perhaps hundreds of angstroms. This volume is termed a displacement cascade, but in reality it may be composed of subcascades produced by secondary knock-ons. Note too that the distribution of vacancies and interstitial atoms within a cascade is not uniform. In general, the interstitials are displaced outward, leaving a vacancy-rich core in the center of the cascade. Such regions are generally unstable and some dynamic recovery occurs. The amount of recovery and the final configuration of the defects depend critically on the irradiation temperature. At temperatures of interest for normal reactor operation, both the interstitials and vacan- cies have sufficient thermal energy to migrate through the lattice. Many of the original defects are destroyed by recombination, trapping at impurities, or absorption by dislocations and grain boundaries. Those which survive cluster together to form stable configurations. At tempera- tures in excess of approximately one-half the absolute melting point (0.5 Tm) vacancies have sufficient thermal energy to overcome the binding energy of clusters and to migrate freely through the lattice. Thus at sufficiently high irradiation temperatures defects are annihilated continucusly without cluster formation. Transmutation reactions, in particular those which produce gaseous species, may also have important effects on properties. Table 1 lists the reactions and their approximate cross sections for a number of important cases. We see that helium and hydrogen may be produced in metals through neutron reactions both with impurities in the metals and with the major alloying elements. Alter and Weber? have made calcu- lations of the amounts of hydrogen and helium produced in various mate- rials and concluded that for the iron- or nickel-base alloys used as fuel cladding, approximately 100 ppm He and a few thousand parts-per- million hydrogen would be produced in a fast reactor in a few years' Table 1. Transmutation Reactions in Metals Cross Section Neutron Energy Nucleus Reaction a, Associated with (barns) Cross Section Lew (n,a) 41 Fission 10 B (n,x) 3800 Thermal (n,o) 635 Fission 56 - . Fe (n,oa) 0.35 Fission (n,p) 0.87 Fission 8 (n,a) 0.5 Fission (n,p) 111 Fission al barn = 1072 cm?. operation. In addition to these transmutation reactions producing gaseous preducts, other possibilities exist in which solid impurities are produced. EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION ON MECHANICAL PRCPERTIES Changes in mechanical properties produced by neutron irradiation are a sensitive function of both irradiation and test variables. Impor- tant irradiation variables include irradiation temperature, thermal neutron fluence, fast neutron fluence, and possibly fast neutron flux. Important test variables include test temperature and strain rate. Other factors such as preirradiation heat treatment (in order to control grain size, dislocation structure, and precipitate distribution) and time at temperature (thermal aging) either before or following irradiation have been shown to be important. Because of the large number of variables and the vast amount of information which has been published in this area we will not attempt a complete literature review. Rather we will restrict our discussion to a general class cof metals and alloys (those having a face-centered cubic crystal structure) and will be concerned primarily with the mechanical properties at test temperatures near the irradiation temperature. For convenience we define the following temperature ranges: low temperatures, T < 0.40 Tm (where Tm is the melting point of the alloy in degrees absolute); intermediate tempera- tures, 0.40 T, 0.55 Tm' Our approach to the subject will be to summarize the observed changes in properties, point out the important variables, illustrate changes in microstructure and where possible correlate these changes with specific mechanisms. Low Temperatures Tensile deformation of face-centered cubic metals at low tempera- tures is usually terminated by a plastic instability, termed necking, which leads to the development of a local reduced diameter region followed by a shear fracture in this necked region. limits the elongation of the material. This local necking The conditions under which this instability occurs can be represented analytically.3 Assuming constant volume and a power=-law relationship between true stress (E) and true strain (¢) of the form - —n o = ke 3 (5) where k is a constant, it can be shown that the plastic instability occurs when the work-hardening exponent i fn o d in € equals the true strain, al{o| oo mIIQI € . (6) (7) Figure 1 shows that Eq. (7) is reasonably well obeyed for type 304 stain- less steel, but that n is not constant over the entire test. When austenitic stainless steels are irradiated and tensile tested in this low-temperature range, there is a large increase in yield stress and large decreases in true uniform strain and work-hardening exponent. by5 Figure 2 shows the room-temperature yield stress of type 304 stainless steel after irradiation to 7 X 102° neutrons/cm?® (E > 1 Mev) and 9 x 10%0 neutrons/cm2 (thermal) at various temperatures. For irradiation at temperatures between 93 and 300°C (approximately 0.35 Tm) the yield (x103) 240 200 160 120 80 STRESS OR d5/d¢ (psi) 40 0.6 0.4 0.2 1, WORK HARDENING COEFFICIENT T /_——T TRUE STRESS- ! ORNL-DWG 67-10786 1 T T STRAIN - . - —————— ~d5/de vs @ o S {~-ENGINEERING STRESS- N STRAIN 0.2 Fig. 1. 0.8 €, STRAIN 1.0 1.2 1.4 The Stress-Strain Characteristics of Type 304 Stainless Steel at Room Temperature. The arrows 1lndicate the strain at which the plastic instability was observed to develop. ORNL-DWG 66-5707 120 I /\ I ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH e . : (IRRADIATED) 110 100 . \ /\ \.\._____. oo / \' / ap 70 YIELD STRESS {IRRADIATED) 60 50 : 2 o /\. o qo . =1 W) 2 X 30 o 20 YIELD STRESS {UNIRRADIATED) 10 o o 100 200 300 400 500 IRRADIATION TEMPERATURE °¢C Fig. 2. Room-Temperature Tensile Properties of Irradiated Type 304 Stainless Steel. 10 stress was increased by approximately a factor of 3. strain curves from this investigation are replotted in Fig. 3. Typical stress- For irra- diation temperatures of 93 and 300°C the true fracture stresses and true strains were approximately the same as the unirradiated specimen. Values of engineering elongation were somewhat less for the irradiated specimens. After irradiation at 454°C the elongation has increased again, but the fracture stress and strain were somewhat lower than in the other tests, indicating that a different mechanism is operating at 454°C than at the lower temperatures. Figure 4 shows that the work- hardening exponents in the plastic range are consistent with the uniform and total elongation values as predicted by Egs. (5) through (7). (x 10°) 240 200 160 STRESS (psi) 80 40 120 ORNL-DWG 67-107892 Fig. 3. I l ENGINEERING STRESS-STRAIN TRUE STRESS-STRAIN — — UNCERTAIN PORTION TRUE e - - - —— P -r b - STRESS-STRAIN : //‘,/ e | T /4' e | | AR i i // J” - | ” — — i ’ —_— “ S ,4{¢/ T | o 7 1 j 2 | | ’ ! v/’/:l’ ”:}?/ ! - /S s » UNIRRADIATED | IRRADIATED AT 300°C I ! — [RRADIATED AT 93°C | 1\ ; | IRRADIATED AT 454°C 0.2 0.4 086 08 STRAIN The Engineering and True Stress-Strain Curves for Type 304 Stainless Steel at Room Temperature, Tested in the Unirradiated Condition and after Irrsediation at Various Temperatures. 11 ORNL-DWG 67-10790 0.8 T~ 0.6 /' T~ UNIRRADIATED ¥ /""“ ~ IRRADIATED AT 454°C 0.4 / l ! ! // ¥ />~ L IRRADIATED AT 93°C / =1 IRRADIATED AT 300°C o2t n, WORK HARDENING COEFFICIENT 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 €, TRUE STRAIN Fig. 4. The Work-Hardening Cheracteristics Associated with the Stress-Strain Curves Shown in Fig. 3., The arrows indicate uniform strain as determined by point of maximum load. Before examining the effects of neutron fluence, test temperature et cetera, we should first consider the behavior in terms of microstruc- tural changes and the interaction of dislocations with the irradiation- produced defect clusters. At irradiation temperatures of approximately 350°C and lower "black spots" on the order of a few tens of angstroms in diameter are observed in the microstructure of irradiated specimens. An example of this type of damage for irradiation at 93°C is shown in Fig. 5. At higher irradiation temperatures the spots have a larger size and decreased density, as shown in Fig. 6. After irradiation at 371°C both the spot density and yield stress (see Fig. 2) are decreased markedly. Fig. 5. Transmission Electron Micrograph of Type 304 Stainless Steel Irradiated at 93°C. The black spots are defect clusters produced by the irradiation. - Fig. 6. YE-9197 Trénsmissicn'Eleéfif@n}flfifirdgraph of Type 304 Stainless Steel Irradiated at 177°C. The spots are larger and more widely distributed than those in the specimen irradiated at 93°C (Fig. 4). v} ) [ 3] wy 13 Irregularly shaped pigggr-defects, probablyjfi}ecipitates, developed, but these were widely enough spaced that they did not affect the yield stress. At an irradiation temperature of 454°C the dot-like défect clusters were completely absent. As shown in Fig. 7, there was extensive precipitation at this temperature, including a heavy precipitate layer and an associated denuded zone at the grain boundaries. E Fig. 7. Transmission Electron Micrograph Showing Precipitate Particles Formed in Type 304 Stainless Steel During Irradiation at 454°C, Note the denuded zone adjacent to the boundary and the extensive precipitation on the boundary. “' These observationsiare~infgd¢& agreement with those of Armijo et al.® who detected a dot-likeidgmagédlstructure in the same material irradiated ‘at 43 and 343°C to-fastunefit?éfiiflfienceé of 10?0 and 10%* neutrons/em?, respectively. These authors report that the defects were considerably larger in the specimen irféfiiatéd*to the higher fluence at thé‘higher temperature. 14 Recent quantitative electron microscopy studies of irradiated face- centered cubic metals have at various times claimed the dot defects to be exclusively vacancy clusters and 1oops,7’8 interstitial clusters and J_oops.,gilO or mixtures composed of small vacancy clusters and larger, resolvable interstitial loops.llflz As these differences still have not been resolved, we must at this point conclude that all can probably be formed but that experimental circumstances (irradiation temperature, flux, and fluence) determine the proportions in which each occur. Transmission electron microscopy>> —© of postirradiation deformed single crystals of copper and molybdenum has shown channels in which the radiation-induced defect structure has been eliminated. The interpreta- tion is that glide dislocations sweep out or in some manner remove the radiation-induced defects. The channels are generally clean except for deformation-induced tangles and dipoles. The radiation defects are completely eliminated from the channels®® and not simply pushed to the edge of the channel, as was originally suggested.l3 Sharpl6 examined annealed specimens containing channels and found no development of struc- ture within the channels, as would be expected if they contained a high density of point defects or peoint-defect clusters below the resolution 1imit of the microscope. The mechanism by which the moving dislocations destroy the radiation-produced defects has not been determined. The slip associated with the channels, determined by measuring the slip line off'sets, corresponds to the passage of two or three dislocations on each plane within the channel, so ample opportunity exists for dislocations to remove all the defects present. 15 The channels gradually fill with tangles and deformation-induced debris, through normal work-hardening processes, and this ultimately halts deformation in the channels. Sharp16 observed a higher density of debris existing on a smaller scale in the channels than in unirra- diated material, but attributed this to the higher stress at which the Slip band developed. During the latter stages of deformation the slip line pattern of irradiated crystals appears similar to that of unirra- diated materials. Seegerl7 suggested that the defect clusters harden the lattice by providing obstacles which moving dislocations must cut with the combined aid of the applied stress and thermal fluctuations. As a result of this chopping, the defects are gradually reduced in strength and ultimately destroyed or eliminated by the dislocations, leading to the channels that are observed. Makin and Sharpl8 pointed out that in irradiated materials rela- tively few slip lines are observed, indicating that few sources are activated, that full-grown slip lines form dynamically in times of the order of a millisecond, and that partially formed slip lines are not observed. They proposed on the basis of elimination of the defects by moving dislocations that the critical stress to form a slip band is the stress required to operate a source in the environment of the defect structure. ©Subsequent loops can be formed more easily, since the first one clears a path for them. A pileup then forms and expands, creating the cleared channel very rapidly at the high stress levels necessary to generate the first dislocation. The result is creation of a soft zone in a hardened material in which extensive localized shear occurs in a short time until work hardening halts the deformation. These observations provide a qualitative explanation for the reduced work-hardening coefficients, increased yield stress, and low uniform elongations in irradiated materials. The channeling produces a soft zone in & very hard material, zones in which extensive slip occurs. Because of the limited number of sources or slip systems the dislocation tangling and interactions which normally lead to work hardening occur more slowly and result in a reduced rate of hardening. Figure 8 illustrates the narrow regions to which slip is confined in stainless steel irradiated at 121°C and deformed lO% by rolling at room temperature. The defect structure is still clearly visible in the regions between slip bands. The magnification is not high enough to reveal defect-free slip channels. Within the low-temperature range changes in mechanical properties are 'a function of fast neutron fluence and irradiation temperature.4519_2o Figure 9 shows the effects of fast neutron fluence on the yield stress and elongation for various irradiation temperatures. Note that the increase in yield stress and reduction in elongation are greatest for irradiation temperatures in the range of 160 to 290°C, but that differ- ences do not develop until the material has recelved fast neutron fluences of approximately 1 X 1020 neutrons/cmz. This suggests that the defect clusters grow more complex with increasing neutron fluence. Without further direct evidence one can only state in qualitative terms that the importance of irradiation temperature stems from its influence on the mobility of various defects. At the lowest temperatures vacancy mobility is insufficient to allow the formation of vacancy clusters. This is supported by the observations of Wilsdorf and Kuhlmann—Wilsdorle n 17 Fig. 8. Transmission Electron Micrograph of Type 304 Stainless Steel Irradiated at 121°C and Deformed 10% by Rolling at Room Temperature. All the deformation has been confined to the dark bands; the radiation-induced defect clusters can still be seen between the bands. that no detectable defect clusters formed in type 304 stainless steel irradiated at ambient reactor temperature to 10+ neutrons/cm2 and by the observations of Bloom et al.’ that for irradiation at 93°C the defect clusters were small and showed extremely weak contrast while at 121°C their size and contrast had increased significantly. The hature of the damage in'thé l6w-témperature‘range is apparently unchanged at very hlgh fast neutron fluences. Cawthorne and Fulton?? ,report that for an austenltlc stalnless steel 1rrad1ated to fast neutron fluences of up to 5 X 1022 neutrons/cm at temperatures between 270 and approx1mately 350°C "black spot" defects are present in- the mlcrostruc- "ture. On postlrradlatlon anneallng the defects grow 1nto dlslocatlon loops;‘ These loops flnally dlsappear on anneallng at about 700°C. 18 ORNL—DWG 67-10788R 1000 YS 160 °C YS 290°C @ 100 23 YS < 100°C =z < YS 400°C o = % £ <100°C ’_ < 0 o 55 oo - 10 > + % £ 290 °C — TOBIN, REF.19 o MARTIN AND WEIR, REF.4 O MURR e/ o/, REF. 20 } 108 10'® 10%° 10°! 1022 102> NEUTRON EXPOSURE [neutrons Zcm2 (>1 Mev)] Fig. 9. Room Temperature Properties of Annealed Stainless Steel after Irradiation at Various Temperatures. Intermediate Temperatures Temperatures in the range of approximately 0.40 to 0.55 Tm (380 to 550°C for austenitic stainless steels) are particularly important to the first generation fast breeder reactors. It is also in this temperature range that radiation-damage phenomena are least understcod. Two separate effects have been observed. The first involves precipitatiocn and thus will be dependent on the alloy system. The second effect is related to displacement processes and appears to be important at high fast neutron fluences. As discussed in the previous section, irradiation of type 304 stain- less steel at 454°C to 7 X 10%C neutrons/em® (E > 1 Mev) resulted in an increase of the room-temperature yield stress from approximately ) ) . -t 19 30,000 to approximately 43,000 psi and smaLl.reductions in the fracture stress and strain.? EXamination of the microstructure of this specimen revealed extensive precipitation, including a heavy layer along grain boundaries. Unlike the defect clusters formed at lower temperatures, such precipitates are not removed by dislocations but rather provide permanent obstacles and sites for tangling. Deformation thus leads to the tangled dislocation configurations shown in Fig. 10. Arkell and Preil?3 showed that precipitate structures in a niobium- stabilized stainless steel irradiated at temperatures between 450 and 750°C were significantly different than those present in unirradiated samples with identical thermal histories. Irradiated samples exhibited enhanced precipitation within the grains. YE-9209 Flg 10. Transm1551ofi“Electron Micrograph of Type 304 Stainless Steel Irradiated at 454°C and Deformed 10% by Rolling at Room Temperature. Compare the unlform distribution of tangled dislocations with the localized slip bands produced in specimens 1rrad1ated at a lower temperature (Fig. 8). 20 “ reported the effects of irradiation temperature Martin and Weir on the postirradiation stress-strain behavior of types 304 and 347 stainless steel irradiated to 7 X 1029 neutrons/cm2 (E > 1 Mev) and 9 x 1020 neutrons/cm2 (thermal). For an irradiation temperature of 400°C an increased yield stress was observed for test temperatures up to approximately 600°C. The strength increase for type 347 stainless steel which contains approximately 1% Nb was significantly larger than that which occurred in type 304 stainless steel (unstabilized). Since niobium is a strong carbide former, it might be postulated that precipi- tation processes are involved in the hardening mechanisms. | More recently it has been observed??s 24727 tnat irradiation of austenitic stainless steels at temperatures between 350 and 600°C to high fast neutron fluences (> 1022 neutrons/cmz) results in large changes in both properties and microstructures. Cawthorne and Fulton?2,23 used transmission electron microsceopy to examine the fuel cladding from experimental fuel pins and tensile specimens irradiated in the 022 Dounreay fast reactor to neutron fluences up to 6 X 1 neutrons/cm2 at temperatures between 270 and 600°C. At irradiation temperatures above approximately 350°C voids which varied in size from the smallest resolvable to approximately 500 A were present. Voids constituted 1 to 2% of the volume of the material and could be eliminated by annealing at 900°C. Data obtained by Murphy and Strolm?® and Holmes Efi.fll°24 have demonstrated that this type of damage causes large increases in the yield strength and large reductions in ductility parameters. Holmes gfi_g;.24 have correlated the changes in yield strength of 21 type 304 stainless steel irradiated at approximately 530°C to 1.4 X 10?2 neutrons/ecm? (E > 0.18 Mev) with the irradiation-produced defect structure. The as-irradiated structure consisted of Frank ses- sile dislocation loops, about 400 A in diameter and with a density of 3.7 X 10% loops/em®, and polyhedral cavities approximately 150 A in ot4 cavities/cm3 in number. Figure 11 is a diameter and about 2 X 1 plot of the yield stress (corrected for temperature dependence of the shear modulus) as a function of test temperature. At test temperatures less than 380°C the yield stress shows a thermally activated temperature dependence. The athermal yield stress component is attributed to the strengthening expected from the Frank sessile loops. Above approximately 538°C the sessile Frank loops transform to glissile perfect loops which interact to form a dislocation network upon annealing at 593°C. Above 648°C the cavities or a combination of cavities and dislccation network account for the athermal strength increases that persist to 760°C. Full recovery of the yield strength was observed at 816°C where neither the cavities nor the dislocation network was detected. Murphy and Strohm®® have conducted tube burst tests on irradiated EBR-II type 304L stainless steel fuel cladding following irradiation to spproximately 1 X 10%% neutrons/cm® (fast). Over the length of the cladding tube there is a temperature gradient such that the temperature ranges from 370°C at the bottom to 500°C at the top. In addition, there is a gradient in the neutron flux that ranges from about 1 X 10%% neutrons ecm™2 sec™t at the top and bottom to 1 2.5 X 10%° neutrons cm~? sec™ at the midplane. In tests at 500°C the irradiated tubes exhibited a large increase in burst strength and large 22 (x10%) Y-86413 60 50 - - - - | 40 . O |IRRADIATED A UNIRRADIATED o o | 30 20 G G ROOM TEMPERATURE Bt b YIELD STRESS (psi) x ( 10 [ D__ 0 100 200 300 200 500 600 TEST TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 11. Yield Strength (Proportional Elastic Limit) of AISI Type 304 Stainless Steel after Irradiation in EBR-IT to 1.7 X 20?2 neutrons/cm® at 0.49 T,. (Ref. J. J. Holmes, R. E. Robins, J. L. Brirhall, and B. Mastel, "Elevated Temperature Irradiation Hardening in Austenitic Stainless Steels," accepted for publication ‘n Acta Metallurgica.) reduction in ductility as measured by diameter increase at the edge of the fracture. Figure 12 is a plot of ductility as a function of test temperature. Between room temperature and approximately 600°C the ductility is reduced to extremely low values, on the order of 1 to 2%. At 700°C and above there is some recovery of ductility but the values remain much lower than the unirradiated values. Irradiated specimens which were given a pretest anneal at 900°C and then tested at 500°C recovered all the preirradiation ductility and the strength was reduced to that of the unirradiated tubes. 23 Y -86412 28 0 24— O UNIRRADIATED o X [RRADIATED ( 0.5-1.4 x 10%2neutrons /cm2 RANGE ) o 20 O~ o 0 0 16— o e ° 0 12— 0 0 0 0o 0O 0 a 0 g gl — X X X X 4 — % § g X ¥ f X 11 1 k%, 3 ¥ 00 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 4,000 TEST TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 12. Ductility of EBR-II Type 304L Stainless Steel Fuel Cladding after Irradiation at Temperatures Between 375 and 500°C. (Ref. W. F. Murphy and H. E. Strohm, "Tube Burst Tests on Irradiated EBR-II Type 304L Stainless Steel Fuel Cladding,”" to be published in Nuclear Applications, April 1968.) Stiegler gfi_gl.27 have examined the type 304L stainless steel cladding from a similar EBR-II fuel element. Two structural features, namely voids and dislocation loops, were present in all specimens. Table 2 lists the approximate irradiation temperatures, neutron fluences, and void densities for each section examined. A comparison of the results for sections 1 and 5 and 2 and 4 indicates that for the condi- tions examined the void density decreases with increasing irradiation temperature for a constant fluence. 24 Table 2. Irradiation Conditions and Void Density Measurements for EBR-II Fuel Cladding . Irradiation Fast Neutron Voids per Section . Number Temperature Fluence Cubic (°c) (neutrons/cm®) Centimeter X 1032 X 1075 1 370 0.8 1.4 2 398 1.2 1.3 3 438 1.4 1.3 4 465 1.3 0.9 5 472 0.9 0.4 Figure 13 shows a histogram of the void sizes observed in section 3. On the basis of this void size distribution and the number of voids per unit veolume listed in Table 2, it was calculated that the cladding den- sity was decreased 0.17% by irradiation. Figure 14 shows examples of voilds observed for three different irradiation conditions. It is readily apparent that void size increases with increasing irradiation temperature. The distribution of the voids was remarkably homogeneous. Varia- tions observed between different micrographs probably reflect differences in foil thickness. It is significant, however, that no volids were present in the grain boundaries. In fact, the void density within about 0.1 B of the boundary was reduced, probably by annihilation of volds contacting the boundary or the influence of the boundary on the void-formation process. A very complex dislccation substructure was present in each of the five sections., At the lower irradiation temperatures the structure was 25 Y-85139 40 (%) 30 25 L .1 Lo . oL - - 20 = FREQUENCY OF OBSERVATION 10 e I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 VOID DIAM. (A) Fig. 13. Void Size Distributions in EBR-IT Cladding Irradiated at 438°C to 1.4 X 1022 neutrons/cm®. 26 YE-9150 . Fig. l4. Void Formation in Type 304L Stainless Steel Fuel Claddin from EBR-II. (a) 0.8 x 1022 neutrons/cm® at 370°C, 1.4 X 1015 voids/c § m”, (b) 1.4 x 102 neutrons/cm® at 438°C, 1.3 x 1017 voids/cm3. (c¢) 0.9 x 10?2 neutrons/cm?® at 472°C, 0.4 x 10% voids/cm3. W wl C. 4) 27 so complicated that irdividual loops could not be observed. At 472°C, however, well-defined loops were resolved as shown in Fig. 15. These loops lie on {111} and appear faulted, suggesting that they are Frank sessile loops formed by the precipitation of interstitial atoms. The loops ranged in diameter from 200 to 900 A and were present to a density of about 2 X 10%% /em?. Changes in microstructure as a result of postirradiation annealing were examined for specimen 3. After 1 hr at 600°C the dislocation loops disappeared and were replaced by a dislocation network. At progressively higher annealing temperatures, the disloqation density decreased. After 1 hr at 900°C the dislocation density was comparable to that of an unirradiated annealed specimen. Concurrent with changes in loop and dislocation structure, the void density decreased. Measurements of YE-9453 28 vold size distribution after annealing indicated that the smaller voids annealed more rapidly. All voids were removed after annealing for 1 hr at 900°C. These observations allow a qualitative interpretation of the data of Murphy and Strohm.?® The as-irradiated tubing contained voids and dislocation loops which cause an increase in strength, possibly through the mechanism as discussed by Holmes et al.?* The recovery of properties at 500°C as a result of postirradiation annealing at 900°C is a result of the complete recovery of the damage. At 700°C and above the as- irradiated structure recovers very rapidly; thus a partial return of strength and ductility to unirradiated values is observed. It is impor- tant to note that ductility is not completely recovered at test tempera- tures in the range of 700 to 1000°C. The reasons for this will be discussed in the next section. The formation of voids and dislocation loops as a result of irradia- tion to high fast neutron fluences not only causes large effects on mechanical properties but also leads to swelling or a decrease in the density of the material. Figure 1€ shows the correlation between the density decrease and the fast neutron fluence for austenitic stainless steels irradiated at temperatures between 370 and 560°C. It should be noted that some of these data were obtained by direct density measure- ments and some by calculations from void density and size measurements. Several of the results were obtained from specimens removed from actual fuel cladding and thus the material was subjected to stress during irradiation and there can be litftle doubt that this will influence void 29 Y -B569C ;, 420 A | A440 ! A400 A400 I @438 i #‘{r_ | i ®— ORNL A—PNL —— B—Dounreay FAST NEUTRON FLUENCE (neutrons/cm?) IRRADIATION TEMP. ARE —— SHOWN IN °C. 0.4 1.0 100 DENSITY DECREASE ( %) Fig. 16. Summary of Stainless Steel Density Data. growth. Interpretation of the data in terms of mechanisms is thus diffi- cult. Figure 16, which is a summary of the available swelling data,22’25’27”28 does illustrate, however, that for some combination of temperature, stress, and fluences in excess of 10°3 neutrons/cm2 volume increases greater than 10% may occur. High Temperatures At temperatures above 0.55 to 0.60 Tm’ the irradiation-produced vacancics and interstitials are sufficiently mobile to allow continuous recovery of defects during irradiation. It is still observed, however, that when the iron- and nickel-base alloys are irradiated and then tested at these high temperatures, there are severe changes in mechanical proper- ties. These changes are characteristically different from those observed at lower temperatures. In tensile tests the stress necessary to produce a given amount of strain is unchanged; but irradiated specimens fail at 30 a straln much smaller than that at which an unirradiated specimen fails, In creep tests the strain-time relationship is approximately the same for irradiated and unirradiated specimens. Because of the reduced ductility, however, the rupture life is significantly reduced. Examples of the reduction in ductility and rupture 1ife?® in type 304 stainless steel are shown in Figs. 17 and 18, respectively. There are several important experimental observations which indi- cate the nature and cause of the damage, Since neither the yield nor 35,30 ultimate tensile strengths are affecte and the ductility cannot % it can be reccovered by high-temperature postirradiation annealing,3 be concluded that neither displacement damage nor precipitation reactions are the primary cause. Secondly, the loss of ductility is associated with the grain-boundary fracture process and becomes more severe as the test temperature is increased and the strain rate decreased. For ther- mal reactor irradiations the postirradiation ductility is related to the initial 9B content of the alloy and the thermal neutron fluence.>%,33 Boron-10 has a large cross section (3800 barns) for the “°B(n,a)7Li reaction with thermal neutrons — each reaction producing a helium and lithium atom. By cyclotron injection of helium and lithium ions into an austenitic alloy Higgins and Roberts®* demonstrated that of these two transmutation-producea isotopes, only helium had a large deleterious effect on elevated-temperature ductility. The most widely accepted model for the loss of elevated-temperature ductility stems primarily from the work of Hyam and Sumner,35 Rimmer and Cottrell,>® Cottrell,?” and Barnes’® and is summarized as follows. The helium, which is produced from “9B(n,)7Li reactions with thermal 31 3 (x40 )50 Y -B46389 1 T @ — UNIRRADIATED ® — IRRADIATED AT 650°C, 40 2.0 x10'? neutrons/cm? ( E>2.9Mev’) 2.0 x40%%neutrons/cm? { THERMAL) 35—————————~—«3>h~;;:::—-——————m——m~u-~_——Tw e ~ 30 e ‘» Q. - 25 [7)] o x — 20 w 15 0 | {0 100 1,000 10,000 RUPTURE LIFE (hr) Fig. 17. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Rupture Life of Type 304 Stainless Steel at 650°C. [Ref. E. E. Bloom, In-Reactor and Postirradiation Creep-Rupture Properties of Type 304 Stainless Steel at 650°C, ORNL-TM-2130 {March 1968).] 32 (%) TOTAL ELONGATION Y -86388 | ® — UNIRRADIATED ¢ — |IRRADIATED AT 650°C. 2.0 x10'®neutrons/cm? (E>2.9 Mev) a0l 2.0 x10%heutrons/cm? { THERMAL) 30— 20 - /AT 10 0 10 100 1,000 10,000 RUPTURE LIFE ( hr) Fig. 18. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Total Elongation &t Fracture of Type 304 Stainless Steel at 650°C. ([Ref. E. E. Bloom, In-Rezsctor and Postirradistion Creep-Rupture Properties of Type 304 Smenless Steel st 650°C, ORNL-TM-2130 (Merch 1968).] 33 neutrons and (n,0) reactions between fast neutrons and most alloy constituents, has a very low solubility in the matrix and precipitates to form bubbles. When a normal stress (o) is applied to a bubble having an initial radius (y) larger than a critical radius (rc) given by r, = 0.76 y/o (8) where ¥ is the surface energy, the bubble will become unstable and expand indefinitely. Those bubbles which are located at grain boundaries can lead to fracture initiation for several reasons: 1. Due to higher grain boundary diffusivities helium is supplied to these bubbles and they can grow much faster than bubbles located in the matrix. 2. As a result of grain boundary sliding, stresses may be concen- trated at grain boundary jogs and triple grain Junctions; thus, a bubble located in such a region will be subjected to a normal stress several times the applied stress. 3. Once a grain boundary crack is formed, its rate of propagation may be increased by the presence of grain boundary bubbles. Figure 19 shows that the elevated-temperature tensile ductility of type 304 stainless steel is a sensitive function of the total helium 72 These data were obtained from alloys containing various concentration. amounts of boron and irradiated to various neutron fluences. Helium bubbles have been observed®9:%9% in both the matrix and the grain boundaries after high-temperature irradiation. Figure 20 shows helium bubbles in type 304L stainless steel irradiated at 700°C and containing approximately 35 X 107° atom fraction helium. Rowcliffe et g;.BS 34 ORNL-DWG 67-10792 60 T e ! l Y l L l | | | | ||| 20.015ppm B 4 ‘ 50 L | Jr' ° 0.1t ppm B - | | 4045 ppm B l | | 3.9 ppmB | T { 1 1 10”7 Tol 10 TOTAL ELONGATION AT FRACTURE (%) CALCULATED ATOM FRACTION OF HELIUM Fig. 19. The Elongstion at Fracture of Type 304 Stainless Steel Containing Varicus Amounts of Boron and Exposed to Four Radiation Doses, Ranging from 1 X 1018 to 5 x 1020 neutrons/cm?. The elongation is shown to kte a functicon of totzal concentration of hellum produced oy both high-energy and thermal neutrons. The specimens were tested at 700°C after irrediation at 50°C in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. cron concentrations (in parts per million): open triangle, 0.015; oper. cirele, O.11; solid triangle, 0.15; solid circle, 3.9. 35 YE-9438 3 Fig. 20. Helium Bubbles in Type 304L Stainless Steel Irradiated at 700°C Containing Approximately 35 X 10”6 Atom Fraction Helium. | | | | | | I | | 36 have observed the growth of helium bubbles under stress at 750°C as would be predicted by Eq. (8). For material irradiated in thermal reactors, the distribution of helium bubbles is controlled primarily by the initial boron distribution. Woodford gz_gi.4l have observed halos of bubbles around precipitate particles in a precipitation-hardening austenitic stainless steel, indicating that boron is contained within these precipitates. In this case there was a reduction in both ductility and creep rate., The reduced creep rate resulted from the pinning of dislocations by bubbles. The same effect could also be responsible for the reduced ductility. It is important to note that for irradiations conducted in fast reactors in which the thermal flux is essentially zero most of the helium will be produced as a result of (n,a) reactions between fast neutrons and nearly all alloy constituents. Under these conditions the initial helium distribution will be nearly homogeneous. It has been 4 2 shown by King and Weir and Kramer g£'§£.43 that homogeneous helium distributions produced by injecting & particles into type 304 stainless Steel cause reductions in elevated-temperature ductility similar to those observed after irradiation in thermal reactors. The observations by Murphy and Strohm®® that even at high test tem- peratures the ductility of irradiated EBR-II fuel cladding is not recovered suggests that helium is responsible. This is consistent with the fact that strength properties are essentially the same as those of unirradiated tubing. The elevated-temperature embrittlement problem has been found to be a function of structural and compositional variations. Decreasing the 37 grain size or producing grain boundary precipitates by preirradiation aging treatments give significant improvements in the postirradiation tensile and creep-rupture ductility of type 304 stainless steel.30 These effects are believed to be due to the decreased tendency for inter- granular fracture as a result of the increased stress necessary to nucleate and propagate grain boundary cracks. Roberts and Harries** found that the postirradiation tensile ductil- ity of a 20% Cr—20% Ni niobium-stabilized austenitic stainless steel was significantly improved by aging 100 hr at 750°C before irradiation. Again, the results were interpreted in terms of the effects of grain boundary precipitates on the formation of "wedge" type cracks during testing. It was also shown in this investigation that the magnitudes of the postirradiation ductility in a 18% Cr—10% Ni niobium-stabilized alloy decreased with increasing boron content up to 50 to 70 ppm (weight) and are then partially recovered in alloys containing higher boron contents, Titanium additions of approximately 0.2 wt % give significant improvement in the postirradiation tensile and creep-rupture ductility of types 304 and 304L stainless steel. Figure 21 compares the postirradiation creep-rupture ductility of types 304, 304L, and 304L + 0.2% Ti stainless steels at test temperatures of 650 and 700°C. This effect is believed to be a result of (1) the decreased tendency of the titanium-mcdified alloy to fracture inter- granularly, possibly as a result of the redistribution of elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, et cetera, (2) the segregation of boron into 38 /o Y -8411% 60 . — 50 / / 40 /// B MATERIAL ANN.TEMP. TEST TEMP. c B—M00.304L 900°C 700°C o 30 A —M0D.304 L 1038°C 700°C ° a O— 304 1038°C 650°C g ®— 304 1038°C 700°¢C o A ¢®— 304L 1038°C 700°¢C 20 A/, 10 O @ —_— ¢ o N l o I g | 10 50 100 500 {000 5000 10000 Rupture Life Hours Fig. 21. Cormpzarison of the Postirradiation Creep-Rupture Ductility of Types 304, 304L and 304L + C.2% Ti Stainless Steels. ALl specimens were irrsdiated at 650°C to 1029 to 10°% neutrons/cm® (thermal). precipitates, thus reducing the amount of helium produced in the grain boundaries, and (3) a refinement in grain size. SUMMARY Materials selected for use as cladding and structural components in a fast reactor system will operate over a wide range of temperature, neutron flux, and stress conditions. The changes in mechanical and physical properties which occur as a result of neutron irradiation are a. function of many variables, the most important of which appear to be irradiation temperature and neutron fluence. With regard to the austenitic stainless steels it appears that all known forms of damage 39 may occur. In components which operate at the lower end of the tempera- ture range {below approximately 380°C) the work-hardening coefficients and uniform elongations will be reduced. How severe these effects will 0%2 neutrons/cm2 is unknown. be at fast neutron fluences in excess of 1 Damage may take on several forms in the temperature range 380 to approximately 600°C. Changes in the precipitate distribution and morphology have been observed. The ways in wnich these changes affect mechanical properties are not entirely understood. Very recently the formation of veids and dislocation loops as a result of irradiation in this temperature range to fast neutron fluences in excess of approxi- mately 107% neutrons/c.m2 has been observed. This damage causes drastic reductions in ductility parameters and a density decrease or swelling of the material. Available data suggest that this form of damage is most severe at temperatures near 550°C and that for fast neutron fluences of 1 X 1027 neutrons/cm2 density decreases as large as 10% may occur. At temperatures above 600°C cne would expect displacement damage to be unstable and to recover in short times after it is created. Under these conditions changes in strength properties are small. Reductions in ductility which become more severe at higher temperatures and lower strain rates are, however, observed. These effects are a result of helium which is produced by various (n,a) transmutation reactions during irradiation. 40 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are happy to acknowledge the assistance of several members of the Metals and Ceramics Division in the preparation of this document: F. W. Wiffen and C. J. McHargue for technical review of the manuscript, C.K.H. DuBose for the electron photomicrographs, K. W. Boling for the graphic work, and M. R. Hill for preparation of the manuscript. 41 REFERENCES 1. G. H. Kinchin and R. S. Pease, "The Displacement of Atoms in Solids by Radiation," Rept. Progr. Phys. 18, 1 (1955). 2. H. Alter and C. E. Weber, "The Production of Hydrogen and Helium in Metals During Reactor Irradiation,” J. Nucl. Mater. 16, 68 (1965). 3. E. W. Hart, "Theory of the Tensile Test," Acta Met. 15, 351 (1967). 4, W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, "Effect of Irradiation Temperature on the Post-Irradiation Stress-Strain Behavior of Stainless Steel,” p. 251 in Flow and Fracture of Metals and Alloys in Nuclear Environments Spec. Tech. Publ, No. 380, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1965. 5. E. E. Bloom, W. R. Martin, J. 0. Stiegler, and J. R. Weir, "The Effect of Irradiation Temperature on the Strength and Microstructure of Stainless Steel,” J. Nucl. Mater. 22, 68 (1967). 6. J. 8. Armijo, J. R. Low, Jr., and V. E. 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Matthews, RDT, OSR, AEC, Oak Ridge Natiocnal Laboratory M. McGurty, General Electric, NMPO A. Mullunzi, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington M. Nevitt, Argonne Netional Laboratory R, E. Pahler, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington S. Paprocki, Battelle Memorial Institute W. BE. Ray, Westinghouse Advanced Reactor Division, Waltz Mill Site, Box 158, Madison, Pa. 15663 W.L.R. Rice, AGMR, AEC, Washington B. Rubin, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore . C. Schwenk, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington F. Sheely, Division of Research, AEC, Washington G. Shewmon, Argonne National Leboratory M. Simmons, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, ABEC, Washington L. E. Steele, Naval Regearch Laboratory R. H. Steele, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Weashington D. K. Stevens, Division of Research, AEC, Washington A. Strasser, United Nuclear Corporation A, Taboada, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington A. Van Echo, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington James Watson, Gulf General Atomic, Inc. C. B. Weber, AREC, Washington J. F. Weissenberg, RDT, OSR, General Electric, NMPO G. W, Wensch, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, AEC, Washington G. A. Whitlow, Westinghcuse Advanced Reactor Division, Waltz Mill Site, Box 158, Madison, Pa. 15663 E. A, Wright, AEC, Washington Laboratory and University Division, AFC, Oak Ridge Operations Division of Technical Information Extension qUE