qg,fl% s s ST e e ;..']_: e 5 o y o RECEIVED BY D“H... ocT 22 I968 " NOTICE This document .contains information of -a preliminary noture - _ and wos prepared primarily for internal use at the Ock Ridge National =~ ~ Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction ond therefore does B ~ not represent a, flnal reporf OAK RIDGE NATIONAL I.ABORATO _ © operated by ‘_ S - . UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION : _NUCLEAR DIVISION -~ *: B - B © " for the T | U S A'I'OMIC ENERGY COMMISSION . ORNI. TM 2256 copY NQ. - DATE - June 20, 1968 - 'CHEMICAL FEASIBILITY OF FUELING ) MOLTEN SALT REACTORS WITH PuF3 R. E Thoma S % ..‘;tfl_r S g‘ . ] . o , LEGAL NOTICE - ; This report was pfoparod as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, ? _ ' nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behc_llf of the Commission: . o A, Makes any warranty or representation, axpressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, ; ' ’ _completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of eny information, cpparatus, method, or process d:sclosad in this report may not infringe - L privately owned rights; or : G 8. Assumes ony liabilities with respact to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of : any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, 7 f ‘ As vsed in the obove, "‘person acting on behalf of the Commission*’ includes any smployee or ’ conf_rucfor of the Commission, or employes of such contractor, to the extent that such employes or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or - provides access to, any information pursuam to hls employment or contract mih the Commnsflon, i B or his employment with such contractor, S _ ' : . W . b . i ! f n i : ~5 L ORNL-TM-2256 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 REACTOR CHEMISTRY DIVISION CHEMICAL FEASIBILITY OF FUELING MOLTEN SALT REACTORS WITH PuF, RE. E. Thoma LEG AL NOTICE This repori was prepared 28 an account of Goverurient sponeored work, Neither the United States, nor the {ommission, nor Any person acting ox behalf of the Commission: A, Makes way waTranty or mpresentation,exmessed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefainess of the information contained iz this report, or that the use of any information, ppa ratus, method, or process digeiosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or R, Ascumes any liebilities with respect to the use of, or for damagee resuliing from the uge of any infcrmation. apparatus. method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behall of the Commigsion® jncludes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contrector, to the extent that such employee oT contractor nf the Commission, or employee of such comtractor prepares. disseminates, or provides access ta, any information pursuant to his employment or coniract with the Commission, or his amployment with suych vontractor, OCTOBER 1968 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 5 UNLHATIER zwmmww%%wwmfi@“wf‘ S \‘, 1ii CONTENTS page Abstract . . . . . . 4 0 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e w1 Incentives for Fueling Molten Salt Reactors with Plutonium Fluoride . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . 2 Previous Evaluations of Plutonium Fluoride Fueled Reactors . . . . .« « . ¢ « « « « « &« o « o« +« + 4 Chemical Properties of Plutonium Fluoride . . . . . . . 5 Solubility of PuF, in Fluoride Solvent Mixtures . . . 7 Segregation of PuF,; on Crystallization of Fuel Salts. 16 Chemical Compatibility with Fuel Circuit Materials . 16 Solubility of Pu,0; in Fluoride Mixtures . . . . . . 19 Estimation of Effects of Chemical Reprocessing . . . . . 20 Fission Products . . . « .+ « & « & « o + o & « « + & « . 25 Use of the MSRE to Demonstrate Feasibility of Operatlon of MSR's with PuF, . ., . . . . . . . . . . - Chemical Development Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Summary [] ° . ° s e € s & o * s ° o ® & 9 . ° . . ® e & 3 1 CHEMICAL FEASIBILITY OF FUELING MOLTEN SALT REACTORS WITH PuF, R. E. Thoma ABSTRACT The fegsibility of starting molten salt reactors with plutonium trifluoride was evaluated with respect to chemical compatibility within fuel systems and to removal of plutonium from the fuel by chemical reprocessing after 239Pu burnout. Compatibility within reactor containment systems is moderately well-assured but reguires confirmation of PuF; solubility and oxide tolerance before tests can be made using the MSRE. Al- though separation of plutonium and protactinium in the chemi- cal reprocessing plant, as would be desirable in a large breedér reactor, has not yet been demonstrated, conceptual designs of processes for effecting such separations are avail- able for development. INCENTIVES FOR FUELING MOLTEN SALT REACTORS WITH PLUTONIUM FLUORIDE In a2 recent report, P. R. Kasten described the economic advantages of using plutonium as a startup fuel in molten salt reactors,1 The following discussion summarizes his appraisal of the incentives which are derived from the use of plutonium in this manner. It is anticipated that large quantities of plutonium will be produced during the following decades by light water reactors fueled with slighly enriched uranium. Sale of the plutonium produced from these reactors at $10/g of fissile material is an important consideration in the power cost of these systems. Recycle of plutonium in light water reactors does not lead to a fuel value of $10/g for fissile material over many recyclesaz Further, during the first few vears when the fuel reprocessing industry associated with the light water reactors is developing, the costs of fabricating plutonium-fueled elements will be disproportionately high in comparison with cost for uranium fueled elements, and this will also tend to discourage recycle of plutonium. Thus, it appears that within the next several decades the net value of fissile Pu relative to its use in light water reactors wilil be less than $10/g, probably about $6/g. In molten salt reactors the penalty of preparing plutonium fuels rather than uranium fuels does not appear to be economi- cally significant. Also as shown1 the value of plutonium in MSBR systems is about $12/g. Thus, there is a differential of approximately $6/g between the value of plutonium recycled N in light water reactors versus its value in MSBR's. A 1000 MW(e) MSBR requires about 1000 kg fissile plutonium during the startup period. At a differential of $6/g, this corresponds to $6 million. Presumably this $6 million advantage for a 1000 MW(e) reactor would not be credited completely to MSBR's but would be split with light water reactors by using an inter- mediate Pu value. One of the reasons for developing fast breeder reactors is that they can advantageously utilize plutonium as a fuel. If MSBR's are to serve as an alternative breeder system, it is desirable that they also utilize plutonium advantageously as a startup fuel. As indicated above, this appears to be possible if the technology is favorable. Further, the low specific inventory in MSBR's permits molten‘salt reactors to be built in relatively large numbers using plutonium product fuel from light water reactors. This feature permits MSBR's to contribute to improved fuel utilization since their opera- tion would not be limited by the availability of uraniferous fuels. The advantage of starting up on plutonium rather than 2357 arises from the fact that a lower concentration of Pu is required for criticality in the fuel, and also because after Pu burnout, the higher plutonium isotopes (neutron poisons) presumably can be separated from the uranium. This operation leads to slightly better nuclear performance over a 30-year reactor life when plutonium is the startup fuel than when 4 2357 is the startup fuel and the higher isotopes cannot be discarded (increase of about 0.01 in the breeding ratio). The incentives described above form the basis for or justify evaluations of the feasibility of incorporating plutonium in molten salt reactors. An assessment was made of current information on chemical properties of PuF; in order to judge the feasibility of its incorporation in MSR fuel salts, and to estimate the character and extent of informa- tion which may be required to demonstrate chemical compati- bility of PuF,; in the multicomponent environment of fuel- fertile salt systems. PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS OF PLUTONIUM-FLUORIDE FUELED REACTORS During the early stages of the Molten Salt Reactor Program, the fluorides of plutonium were consi dered for application in advanced versions of molten salt reactors. The results of one study3 showed that a PuF; fueled two-region homogeneous fluoride salt reactor was operable, although its performance was poor. Further development was not pursued for neither its chemical feasibility nor methods for improving performance was obvious. Although the thermochemical properties of the plutonium fluorides were not well established at that time, it was clear that the most soluble fluoride, PuF,, would be too strong an oxidant for use with available structural alloys. The solubility of PuF,, while sufficient for criticality even in the presence of fission fragments and non-fissionable isotopes of Pu, was estimated to limit the amount of ThF, which could be added to the fuel salt.4 This limitation, coupled with the condition that the continuous use of 229Pu as a fuel would result in poor neutron economy in comparison with that of ¢33y~fueled reactors vitiated further efforts to exploit the plutonium fluorides for MSBR applications. Recent developments in fuel reprocessing chemistry and in reactor design have established the feasibility of a single-fluid MSBR. Consequently, it now appears that it will be possible to operate a LiF-BeF;- ThF,-PuF,; single-fluid MSR with lower concentrations of thorium and plutonium than earlier considerations required, e.g., with thorium fluoride concentrations of 8 to 12 mole % and with a plutonium fluoride concentration of approximately 25% less than required for 233U 1oading,5'i,e,,'% 0.2 mole %. Since the incentive to use ?3%PuF; in molten salt reactors applies exclusively to its temporary inclusion in the fuel stream, prior limitations concerning saturation of the fuel with respect to 24!PuF, and ?%2PuF,; do not seem to be relevant. If the chemical properties of plutonium trifluoride prove that its inclusion in molten salt reactor fuels is economically and technically feasible, its exploitation in this connection should be regarded as of significant advantage to the develop- ment of the United States AEC breeder reactor program. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PLUTONIUM FLUORIDE g One characteristic of the actinide elements is that increasing instability of the higher oxidation states is ob- served with increasing atomic number. This property is evi- dent among the compounds of plutonium, particulary the halides. Three stable fluorides of plutonium are known, whereas among the other halides, only the trivalent oxidation state is commonly exhibited. Since PuF, is a gas, only PuF, and PuF; can be considered for use in molten salt fuel mixtures. Plutonium tetrafluoride would exhibit higher solubility than PuF, in fluoride solvents, but would probably prove to be too strongly oxidizing to be compatible with Hastelloy-N. The free energy for the following corrosion reaction strongly favors oxidation of chromium containing alloys: Cr®(s) + 2PuF,(s) — CrF,(s) + 2PuF,;(s) AFIOOOOK: - 688 kcal = {148 kca% ;miii;i_iii§ -~ 688 keal ~-733.8 kecal = ~85.8 kcal The above reaction also shows that it would not be possible to increase the concentration of plutonium in a fuel salt which was already saturated with respect to PuF; by addition of PuF,, since the corrosion reaction would proceed steadily and produce additional amounts of PuF,;. Plutonium trifluoride is, therefore, regarded as the only suitable fluoride of Pu for application as a molten salt reactor fuel constituent.. Current values of the thermochemical properties of PuF; and PuF, are compared with their uranium analogs and with thorium tetrafluoride and cerium trifluoride in Table 1. The values - 7 listed here show that PuF, is more stable than UF,;, and suggest as well that the solubilities of PuF,, UF,, and CeF, in fluoride solvents might be similar. A. Solubility of PuF; in Fluoride Solvent Mixtures 1. LiF-BeF,: The solubility of PuF; in LiF-Bel, solvents was measured by Bart0n6 for compositions ranging in BeF, from 28.7 to 48.3 mole % and from 450 to 650°C. Solubilities of PuF; in LiF-BeF, solvents are compared with those for CeF; in the same composition range in Figure 1. These results imply that the solubility of PuF; in LiF-BeF, solvents is markedly temperature- and composition-dependent. Extrapolation of these data to temperatures which are reasonable for the peritectic invariant point involving LiF, Li,BeF,, and PuF; (Figure 2) indicates that the composition of the mixtures at this invariant point is LiF-BeF,-PuF, (63-37-0.008 mole %), T = 455°C, and that the Li,BeF,-BeF;-~-PuF,; eutectic occurs af the composition LiF-BeF, -PuF; (48-52~0.01 mole %), T = 358°C. The composition dependence of solubility appears to be related to the acid-base balance of the solvent, as is evident when the data are expressed as a function of the estimated fraction of "free'" fluorides as contrasted to "bridging" fluorides. While PuF,; solubility seems to be minimal in the "neutral" melt, LiF-BeF, (66.7-33.3 mole % the minimum in the CeF; solubility curves seems to occur in mixtures which are slightly richer in BeF, (see Figure 3). Barton investigated the effect of additional solutes on Free energy of formation at 1000%K (kcal/F atom) m.p. (°C) Crystal Structure Density (g/cm?) ay.. Brewer, '""The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials: Thermodynamics,'" L. L. Quill, ed., McGraw-Hill, b Table 1. ThF, (s) Comparison of the Properties of PuF; with ThF¥,, UF,, UF,;, and CekF,. UF, (s) PuF, (s) UF; (s) PuF; (s) Ce¥F,; (s) ~1012 ~95.3% ~86.0° ~99.9P ~104.3° ~1182 1111 1035 1037 1495 1425 1437 Md Md Md e He He 5.71 6.72 7.0 8.97 9.32 6.16 C. F. Baes, Jr., "Thermodynamics," Vol. I, and G. Long, January 31, 1965. “F. L. Oetting, Chem. Rev., 67, 61 (1967). dMonoclinic, space group C2/c. eHexagonal, space group P6/mcm. New York, IAEA, Vienna, 1950, 1966, p. 409; 76-192. o ORNL-DWG 68-5397 6 | .4 o™ N CeF; ~ 650° o C | PuF,~ 650° / \ \ ° ° / l 3 // Cefz—600° 7 PuF3- 600° W w a\\/ ®” CeF;-550° PuFB— 550° - _ o Lo 0 o\c< CeF; OR PuFy IN FILTRATES (mole %) C4 9// . L/ \- ® .--/ 0.2 O 10 20 30 40 50 e0 Bef, IN SOLVENT (mole %) Fig. 1. Comparison of CeF3 and PuF3 Solubility im LiF-BeF, Solvent. 10 ORNL-DWG 68-7225 750 I k 29.5 49 37 BeFp (mole %) 700 \ 245 (g 650 — \ 600 550 TEMPERATURE (°C) 500 450 400 £=358° 350 2.0 £.5 1.0 0.5 o CeF3 OR PuFy {mole %) Fig. 2. Solubility of CeF3 and PuF3 in LiF-BeF; Solvents Extrapolated to LiF-BeF,-MF; Invariant Equilibrium Points. 455° = the peritectic, LiF-Li,BeF,-MF , 358° = the eutectic, Li;BeF,-BeF;-MFj. 11 f@” the solubility of PuF; in LiF-BekF, mixtures;6 using low (£ 1 mole %) concentrations of ThF,, BaF,, and CeF,, and high con- centrations (20 mole %) of UF,. His results showed that at 1 mole %, ThF, had very little effect on the'solubility of PuF, in this solvent. The same amount of BaF, diminished the solu- bility of PuF, in a manner not clearly understood. Barton speculated that the saturating phase in these experiments was quite possibly not pure PuF;, but rather was a solid solution of BaF, and PuF,. As the molar ratios of BaF, and PuF,; were varied in these experiments the optical properties of the pre- cipitating phase also varied, such as to indicate that the solid phase in equilibrium with liquid was a BaF,-PuF; solid solution. The magnitude of the effect indicated that the con- centration of divalent fission products anticipated in reactor operation would probably not significantly affect the solubility of PuF,. Data obtained with CeF;-PuF; solute mixtures in the sol- vent LiF-BeF, (63-37 mole %) are shown in Figure 4. The theo- retical curves for CeF;-PuF, mixtures shown in Figure 4 were calculated from the equation NPuF3(d) = S%uF3NPuF3(SS)’ where the N d), is the mole fraction of PuF; in solution S% PuF3( uF;’ mole fraction (solubility) of PuF; in the solvent at a specified temperature (shown labeled "PuF,; only'" in Figure 4) while NouF (ss) is the mole fraction of PuF, in solid solution. 3 Agreement between experimental and calculated solubility values indicates that PuF,; and CeF; form solid solutions. 12 ORNL-OWG 68-7228 1.8 A / / ) 16 cd e E 4 4 4 / // 1.4 4 / / /s 4 12 ’4' - Bt , g 1O . o z 4 “, et =As<‘;52f650[ 7 // ) -~ { L/ L'j -...\ L#a \ A J'/ / a Pu 650° "~«a ¢ ’ S 08 T~ T~ 7 A 7// - AN ;: Lf.;n - \\\ *-.__v/ // A © T~ Le 600° . o, 06 ) \ l/ : // : # / 7 o~ Py 600° " ~~< N2 / g ‘h."'s / /’4' \A"‘s.‘ ,/ // oa L TTpenCe s50° T~ 7~ A~ . ¢ PU 5500 ,,_.“-... \f A,/' - -"--.-""-‘ ‘,,’ @ @ N‘/ C.2 - 49 46.5 44 40.5 37* 345 | 32 29 24.5 7 36.75 BeF, (mole%) | 0 - | : -50 -40 -30 -20 ~40 0 10 20 30 FREE FLUORIDE {ON BALANCE ' Fig. 3. Effect of LiF-BeF, Sclvent Composition on the Solubility of CeF3 and PuFj. 13 ORNL-LR-DWG 32944A TEMPERATURE (°C) 650 600 550 500 | | 0.05 PuFz ONLY IN SALT g PuFs + BaF, IN SALT SOLUBILITY OF PuF3 IN LiF -BeF, (63-37 mole o) 1:1 MOLAR RATIO OF CeFz TO PuF3 IN SALT o ® PuFz + ThF, IN SALT N a A 0.02 g 5:1 MOLAR RATIO OF CeF5 TO PuF3 IN SALT 0.0 L— I 100 105 1.0 #4.5 420 104/7 (°K) Fig. 4. 12.5 13.0 {3.5 14 The solutes were found combined in single-phase materials with it optical properties intermediate between those of CeF; and PuFj;. 2. LiF-BeF,;-UF,: Barton6 measured the solubility of PuF; in a LiF-BeF,-UF, melt of the compesition 70-20-1C mole %. The results which he obtained comprise the only available informa- tion on the solubility of PuF,; in melts which contain more than 1 mole % of metal tetrafluorides. The values for the solubil- ity of PuF; in the LiF-BeF,-UF, solvent fall on a straight line when plotted as logarithm of concentration vs. reciprocal tem- perature. Considered in terms of '"free fluoride'" ions avail- ablve, the ion balance in the solvent may vary from -10 to -30 depending on whether one assumes the predominant anionic association of uranium ions to be UFy; or UF;3 in the melt. Tetravalent uranium does not form stable phases of the stoichio- metries Li,UF,, Li,UF,;, or Li,UF,. Of these, only Li,UF, exists as an equilibrium crystalline phase, and its tempera- ture range of stability extends only over 30°C. It seems most probable that the uranium ions in the solvent exist princi- pally as UF, . If so, the solubility data from Table 2 fit closely with those shown in Figure 3. Since "LiF-BeF,-ThF,- UF, single fluid fuels are likely to be more neutral on the negative side, we must presume that the solubility will be near the lowest values. The results of all the measurements which have been made suggest however that the solubility of PuF, in MSR sclvent systems will not be lower than 0.25 mole % at temperatures of 550°C or higher. 15 Table 2. Solubility of PuF, in LiF-BeF,-UF, (70-10-20 mole %) Filtration Concentration of Pu Temperature in Filtrate °C) (wt. %) (mole %) 558 3.43 1.27 600 4.57 1.70 658 | 6.50 2.48 16 The data in Figure 3 indicate that if the '"free fluoride" £ jon balance is negative, the differences in solubilities of ; CeF; and PuF; are essentially constant. Therefore, the solu- bility of PuF,; in solvents similar in composition to the MSBR carrier and MSRE fertile carrier salt mixtures can be deduced from the results of CeF; solubility measurements, which in respect to those for PuF,;, can be accomplished with compara- tive ease. B. Segregation of PuF; on Crystallization of Fuel Salts The principal components of MSR fuel mixtures do not form intermediate compounds with PuF;. From the solubility data cited above, it can be inferred that if it is employed in fuel mixtures at concentrations of a few tenths mole percent, PuF; will tend to crystallize from such mixtures as the primary phase and in solid solution with UF; and/or the rare earth trifluorides. The ?LiF/BeF, ratio in ?LiF-BeF,-ThF -PuF; fuel mixtures could be adjusted to insure that at saturation other fluorides, such as "Li; (Th,U)F, would coprecipitate with PuF; at the liquidus. It is anticipated therefore that in the concentrations at which PuF, would probably be employed, it would not be deposited preferentially from the bulk salt during the inadvertent freezing, nor at locations such as in freeze valves where repeated thawing and freezing would take place. C. Chenical Compatibility with Fuel Circuit Materials S A considerable amount of theoretical and experimental 17 evidence exists which indicates that as a component of fluoride fuel mixtures PuF; will be chemically compatible with container alloys and graphite. Of the actinide fluorides which may be used to constitute molten salt reactor fuel mixtures, pluton- ium trifluoride is the most chemically stable. Unlike UF,;, it shows no tendency to disproportionate to the tetrafluoride and metal. Fluoride melts containing PuF,; were contained in nickel vessels in many of the experiments conducted by C. J. Barton and co-workers. Nickel proved to be an entirely satisfactory container material for this use. In the nickel based alloy, Hastelloy-N, the corrosion reaction which is intrinsic to uraniferous fluoride salt systems is Cr® + 2UF;, == 2UF; + CrF,, a reaction which has no analog in PuF; fuel systems. The role of PuF; in corrosion of Hastelloy-N container vessels may therefore be nil. The possibility that some unidentified reaction might cause mass transfer in a temperature gradient cannot be ruled out. Since such corrosion is limited by the diffusion of chromium in Hasfelloy—N to liquid-solid bound+- aries,7 the rate of mass transfer could only be extremely low. The compatibility of PuF; with MSR fuel circuit environ- ment has, to an extent, already been demonstrated in the MSRE, where some 100 ppm of plutonium was generated and remained entirely in the fuel salt. Its stability there was estab- lished by the results of routine chemical analysis which were in good agreement with the anticipated values during 2357 operations. 18 It appears highly unlikely that the carbides of plutonium can form in molten salt reactors which employ PuF; in the fuel stream. The free energy of formation of the plutonium carbides is quite low, ~20 kcal/mole at 1000°K.® While the uranium car- bides have comparably low free energies of formation, the possibility of carbide formation with moderator graphite exists only if the activity of U%, formed in disproportionation, is permitted to rise 2 5x10 ¢, Since disproportionation of PuF, does not occur, the driving force for the formation of pluton- ium carbides is entirely absent. Thermodynamic data suggest that if graphite were to react with MSR fuel mixtures containing UF,;, the most likely reaction would be 4UF, + C == CF, + 4UF;, which should come to equili- brium at CF, pressures of or below 10 & atm. It has been shown by mass spectrometric analysis9 that the concentrations of CFy over graphite systems which were maintained for long periods at elevated temperatures did not exceed the lower detection limits (<1 ppm) for this compound. Reduction of PuF; by a similar reaction appears to be very improbable. From consideration of the thermochemical properties of PuF,; and from its chemical behavior in the MSRE as described above, we can anticipate that the compatibility of PuF; with MSR graphite moderator and containment alloys will be excellent. 19 D. Solubility of Pu,0,; in Fluoride Mixtures Initial demonstration of the application of PuF,; in molten salt reactors would come appropriately from its inclusion in MSRE fuel salt. Before embarking on such a demonstration, it would be necessary to have accurate information about the soclu- bility of Pu,0; in the MSRE fuel and flush salts. C. F. Baes appraised the thermochemical data for PuF; and Pu,0; recentlylo and concluded that there is a distinct possibility of precipi- tating Pu,0; if PuF, is introduced into the MSRE fuel salt at a concentration of as high as 0.2 mocle % and if the oxide level should approach the value for ZrQ, saturation (~500 ppm). In our previous experience with the MSRE, the total concentra- tion of oxide in the fuel salt has remained less than 100 ppm. Although it seems improbable that saturation of the MSRE fuel salt with Pu;0; could occur at such low oxide concentrations, the oxide tolerance of such mixtures is currently inestimable because of the uncertainties which may be present in the thermo- chemical data. Laboratory experience with PuF; melts has not suggested that Pu,0; exhibits unusually low solubility in fluoride mixtures, i.e., that its solubility is lower than ZrO, or UO,. However, since the possibility exists that Pu,0; precipitati on might occur, the oxide chemistry of Pu? " in molten fluorides should be determined experimentally if the MSRE were to be used to demonstrate the potential application of PuF,-based fuels. 20 ESTIMATION OF EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL REPROCESSING One of the anticipated advantage of starting melten salt reactors on plutonium rather than on ?35U is that slightly improved nuclear performance (increase of about 0.01 in the breeding ratio) over a 30-vear reactor life would result from its temporary presence in the reactor. The maximum economic advantage would result from removal of the higher isotopes of plutonium (neutron poisons) after plutonium burnout. The in- centives for using PuF,; to start up molten salt reactors are to some extent enhanced or diminshed relative to the simplicity (economy) of the fuel reprocessing methods which are employed in conjunction with its use. For the economic advantage of employing plutonium in the fuel-fertile salt to be very signifi- cant, the reprocessing costs associated with removal of ¢%!Pu and *%2Pu should not add appreciably to the fuel cycle costs. In order to achieve such economy, it will probably be necessary to remove plutonium via the same chemical processes which are to be employed for the 2?3U-Th fuel-fertile stream. At the current stage of MSBR fuel reprocessing development, it is anticipated that reductive extraction methods would be em- ployed. As is shown below, the available electrochemical data for plutonium and protactinium compounds do not permit us to deduce whether protactinium is separable from plutonium on a short cyéle, ~3 days, when plutonium is the fuel. Further, removal of “%'Pu and #%2Pu after ?3%Pu burnout involves separa- tion of plutonium from thorium. This separation appears to 21 s be more tractable than the former, but also cannot be assured at this point. If separation coefficients for plutonium are found to lie between those for protactinium and the rare earths, little or no plutonium would be removed concurrent with protactinium. Unlike the lanthanides, the actinides exhihit trends in chemical properties which reach minimum or maximum values among the first members of the series. Such a trend is shown in Cunningham and Wallman's values11 of the formal potentials for the reaction M(s) - M3+ in aqueous solution. (See Figure 5) A similar trend is suggested in the reduction potentials for Th¢™, U3+, and Pu?”’ in the fluoride solvent, LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole % (Figure 5). These trends might imply that the €o' for the reduction of plutonium into a bismuth alloy will be nearly identical to that for prétactinium. We have no means available at present for estimating €,' for plutonium reduction with the accuracy required to indicate its posi- tion in the reduction sequence of the actinides Th to Pu. Moulton12 has recently evaluated the possibilities of removing Pu from molten salt reactor fuels by reductive extraction into bismuth. His conclusions are summarized as follows. The stability of Pu-Bi intermetallic phases is not predictable quantitatively. The similarities of the Th-Bi, U-Bi, and Pu-Bi phase diagrams indicate that the activity of plutonium will be substantially lower in bismuth. 22 The activity of a metal in bimsuth can be referred to the pure metal by the use of an activity ccefficient Y which is <<1 and more or less constant at this value from infinite dilution up to saturation where the saturating phase is the solid intermetallic. Then € = €4' - %% 1n WM/VS' (ys, the ion activity coefficient, goes to 1 at infinite dilution and can be considered as 1 to a first approximation.) Literature values of vg, and vy are 5.7x10° % and 1°3X10“4(13’14) which would give eo%h = -1.58 and €0%'= -1.27 with respect to the H,-HF electrode at ¢, = 0. The results of experiments conducted by Moulton and Shaffer show that €, for Pu is about 0.05V more negative than €,' for U. II Ypy = YTh’ then €,' = -1.20, while if Ypu = -1.40. One can Yy’ €°éu - be reasonably sure that Gofiu will fall somewhere within these limits. Since e¢,' for the rare earths lie about -1.50, it is likely that Pu can be separated from them and from thorium. Its position relative to U and Pa is not so clear. An argument can be made that Ypu will be nearly the same as vy for either U or th. The solubility of PuBi, in Bi is greater at any temperature than that of UBi, or ThBi,, and its congruent melting point is lower (830 vs., 1010 and 1230°C) which suggests that Yp, 1S not very small. On the other hand, the metal itself melts lower (640 vs. 1132 and 1750°C) so that of the three systems only PuBi, melts higher than the metal. There is some correlation between electro- negativity and stability of actinide intermetallic compounds s 23 R with bismuth. Plutonium and thorium both have a value of 1.3 (Pauling scale) while uranium is 1.7. The Pu intermetallic will therefore probably exhibit comparable stability. If plutonium comes out before or with uranium in the reduction extraction process, it can be concluded that the utilization of PuF; in molten salt reactors would have little or no €ffect on fuel reprocessing costs. It would be necessary to separate the uranium and plutonium, probably by fluorina- tion, but this step should not increase overall fuel process- ing costs appreciably. If it is found that the separation coefficients for plutonium in reductive extraction processes are unfavorable, alternative methods for its removal could be devised. One possible method would involve fluorination of the fuel first at 550°C to remove uranium as UF,, then at higher temperatures, 2700°C to remove plutonium as PuF,, leaving any undecayed protactinium with the carrier salt. This procedure would utilize the increase in stability of PuF, with increasing 'temperaturel5 and the fact that protactinium does not form volatile fluorides. Such a method would, of course, not be applicable during operation of a reactor with PuF; fuel, but rather is a possible means of final removal of plutonium. The chemical feasibility of incorporating PuF, in molten salt reactor fuels, as demonstrated by operating the MSRE with a PuF; fuel, would not be impaired by the incomplete development of a chemical process for its separation from 24 ORNL—DWG 68-7227 = 2.6 O £, EXPERIMENTAL 2.4 ® £, CALCULATED BY MOULTON ) £, RQUEOUS, FROM REF. 9 2.2 O — o\ @« e \-!—‘ Ly Ec'; IN LiF-BeF, (66—34 mole %) / .6 "””/////; {.4 ,d *,2 .--__-‘ .0 Ac Th Pa U Np Py Am Fig. 5. Standard Reduction Potentials for Some Actinides in Aqueous, Molten Salt, and Metallic Solvents. 25 protactinium. It should be inferred therefore that while a flowsheet for its: separation cannot now be devised, .the research and development efforts are readily identifiable and are experimentally tractable. FISSION PRODUCTS In one of the important continuing investigations with- in the MSRP, we are attempting to establish experimentally the chemical identities and modes by which a number of the fission products, notably those of the near noble metals, are distributed, partly as a means for predicting the behavior of spent fuel in the chemical reprocessing plant and partly to establish its corrosion potential accurately with increas- ing burnup. No significant differences are believed to exist in the yields or chemistry of the principal species of fission products which would result from incorporation of PuF; in MSR fuels. The feasibility of using PuF; in startup opera- tions of an MSR does not therefore appear to require a separate research program relative to fission products from plutonium. With 235UF, fuel, the fission reaction is mildly oxi- dizing, resulting in the oxidation of ~0.8 equivalent4 of UF, per gram atom of fissioned uranium. The oxidation potential results from the anion-cation imbalance which develops as the fission products reach thermodynamic equili- brium. With UF,; as the fissile solute, a slight excess of 26 fluoride ions develops. Use of a trifluoride solute, how- i ever, should result in a cation excess, and should cause the n fuel solution to generate a mild reducing potential. The yield of !35Xe from plutonium fission is somewhat creater than from 233U, and in turn, is less than from %33U. The relative poison fraction of 135Xe in the fuel would be at a minimum at initiation of power operations with PuF, fuel and would increase as ?3%U was generated within the system. USE OF THE MSRE TO DEMONSTRATE FEASIBILITY OF OPERATION OF MSR'S WITH PuF, Consideration of several developments in molten salt reactor chemistry within recent years suggests that the most appropriate and earliest demonstration of the applicability of PuF; in molten salt reactors would come from its use in the MSRE. Sufficient basic chemical information exists to conclude that it is neither necessary nor important to demonstrate chemical compatibility with metal alloys in engineering laboratory scale tests. Laboratory scale tests with plutonium should be restricted to the minimum number necessary to establish stabilities because of the inhala- tion hazard of plutonium-239. Plutonium-239 is, in fact, regarded as one of the most toxic substances known to the experimentalist. The fact that plutonium-beryllium mixtures are neutron 27 sources also complicates laboratory and engineering scale experiments in which "LiF-BeF,-PuF,; mixtures are used. Some typical valuesl()_l8 of the neutron energies produced from actinide-beryllium o¢,n reactions are listed in Table 3. Tate and Coffinberry19 have computed theoretical neutron yields of pilutonium-beryllium alloys employing calculations which include a term from the exXperimental stopping power of the matrix elements for alpha particles. The available data suggest that in a dilute Be? "t solution, such as in a MSRE fuel mixture, e.g., "LiF-BeF,-ZrF,-ThF,-PuF; (64-28-5- 3-0.2 mole %) the neutron yield would not be so great as to require special shielding of salt lines, drain tanks, or fuel sample transport containers. The possible criticality problems associated with storage of PuF,-bearing fuel salt have been considered qualitatively and do not seem to be ominous. Whereas fission multiplication factors hold for %33V into the epithermal neutron range, they do not do so in the case of plutonium. Further, more energetic @,n reactions will accompany #%3U operation of the MSRE20 than are likely with PuF;, primarily because of the presence of 232U in the charge which is to be used. Accordingly, the potential radiation problems associated with a,n reactions in fuel salt will have been faced before PuF; is used in the MSRE. Although radiation from fuel-fertile salt in storage tanks does not seem to be serious, detailed scrutiny of the possible problems which T Table 3. Typical Values of Neutron Energies Produced From Actinide-Beryllium ¢,n Reactions @ Source t3 Q(Mev) gig:;;n Nfig;ggzeéifii?éigé (Mev) - 21 0py 138.4d 5.3 $11, av. 4 80 2z22Rp 3.83d 5.48 $11 460 226Ry 1.62x103y 5.65 $13 460 2337; 1.63x10°y 4.82 235y 7.07x108%y 4.80 239py 2.43x10* 5.15 210, av. 4 8¢ 29 = might arise from a¢,n reactions would be necessary before the PuF; were to be used in the MSRE. Except for a few data on solubility of the fluorides and oxides, which are obtainable in laboratory measurements, chemical compatibility in reactor containment systems is reasonably assured. If the solubilities of Pu,0,; and PuF, in LiF-BeF,-ZrF, melts are found to be in excess of 300-400 ppm and 0.2 mole %, respectively, a test in the MSRE would be virtually assured of success with respect to the chemical behavior of the plutpnium-bearing salt. CHEMICAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS It appears that the chemical feasibility of employing PuF, in molten salt reactors will be assured if two general properties, solubility of the oxides and fluorides in LiF- BeF,; -Zr¥,~-ThF, solvents are suitably high, and the extract- ability of Pu metal from fluoride melts into bismuth amal- gams 1is sufficiently discrete to be economic. As noted above, only the absence of solubility data obviates the conclusion that PuF; could be incorporated in the MSRE fuel salt at our earliest convenience. In order to establish that it is chemically feasible to fuel molten salt reactors with PuF,;, a program of chemi- cal development should include the following items: 30 a. Determination of the solubility of PuF; in LiF-BeF,-ZrF, s and LiF-BeF, -ZrF,-ThF, solvents. It should be adeguate & to carry out most of the necessary measurements with CeF; as a proxy for PuF,. Thereafter, only a few experi- ments with PuF; would be required to confirm the conclu- sions based on CeF; solubilities. b. Determination of the solubility of Pu,;0; in LiF-BeF,-ZrF,- ThF,-UF, solvents. The lanthanide oxides do not serve adequately as proxies for estimation of actinide oxide solubilities. It will be necessary therefore to determine the oxide tolerance of fuel salts directly with plutonium oxide in alpha-laboratory facilities. ¢c. Establishment of the standard reduction potentials and separation coefficients for plutonium in Bi-Th alloys. d. Solubility of Pu in Bi-Th alloys. Items c¢. and d. should become a part of the existing programs in chemical and chemical engineering development. It may be unnecessary to initiate experimental work in this part of the program until it is first demonstrated that PuF,; fuels perform satisfactorily in a molten salt reactor. It is likely that some 15 to 20 years will pass before plutonium trifluoride is incorporated in a full scale power reactor. If a demonstration that molten salt reactors are operable with PuF, fuels is regarded as desirable, it can probably be realized with the MSRE. Since molten salt fuel processing technology will require a period of years to evolve, 31 f”"- the ambiguous fate of plutonium in fuel reprocessing should not at this point be considered a deterrent to a continuing evaluation of the chemical feasibility of employing PuF; as an MSR fuel. SUMMARY A definite economic advantage is associated with startup of molten salt breeder reactors with PuF;-based fuel. If the solubilities of plutonium oxide and plutonium trifluoride are confirmed as exceeding a few hundred ppm and ~0.2 mocl %, respectively, the chemical feasibility of fueling molten salt reactors with PuF; will be eésentially assured. Separation of protactinium and plutonium during operation of a PuF,- fueled reactor, and removal of ?%!Pu and %4%Pu after two yvears of operation; as would be desirable in a large breeder reactor from an economic standpoint, has not yet been demon- strated, although conceptual designs of processes for effecting such separations are available for development. 10. 32 REFERENCES P. R. Kasten, Reactor Division - ORNL, personal communi- cation, 1968. P. R. Kasten, J. A. Lane, and L, L, Bennett, "Fuel Value Studies of Plutonium and U-233," unpublished work, 1962, D. B. Grimes, Molten Salt Reactor Program Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1958, ORNL- 2551, p. 13, J. A. Lane, H. G. MacPherson, and F. Maslan, Fluid Fuel Reactors, (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass.), p. 656. 0. L. Smith, Reactor Division - ORNL, personal communi- cation. C. J. Barton, J. Phys. Chem., 64, 306 (1960). J. H. DeVan and R. B. Evans, III, '"Corrosion Behavior of Reactor Materials in Fluoride Salt Mixtures,'" ORNL-TM-328, September 19, 1962. W. M. Olson afid N. R. Mulford, Proceedings of Symposium on Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials, IAEA, September 1967, Paper No. SM-98-40. W. R. Grimes, "Radiation Chemistry of the MSRE System," ORNL- TM-500, March 31, 1963, C. F. Baes, Jr., Reactor Chemistry Division - ORNL, personal communication, 1968. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 33 B. B. Cunningham and J. C. Wallman, in The Chemistry of the Actinide Elements, J. J. Katz and G. T. Seaborg, ed., (John Wiley, New York, 1957), p. 412. D. M. Moulton, Reactor Chemistry Division -~ ORNL, personal communication, 1968. R. H. Wiswall and J. J. Egan, Proceedings of Symposium on Thermodynamics of Nuclear Materials, IAEA, May 1962, Vienna, p. 345. L. C. Tien et‘al., "Thermodynamics,” Vol. 1, Internaticnal Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1966, pp. 501-514. B. Weinstock, Rec. Chem. Prog., 23, 23 (1962). National Bureau of Standards Handbook 72, "Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological Applications," 1960. G. E. Darwin and J. H. Buddery, Beryllium, (Butterworths, London, 1960), p. 362. G. Friedlander and J. W. Kennedy, Nuclear and Radiochemi- stry, (John Wiley, New York, 1955), R. E. Tate and A. S. Coffinberry, Proceedsings of Second United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958, Paper 700. R. C. Steffy, "Inherent Neutron Source in MSRE with Clean 2337 Fuel Salt Mixture," ORNL-Technical Memorandum (In preparation). 35 ORNL~-TM~ 2256 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 1. R. XK. Adams 47. D. R. Cuneo 2. G. M. Adamson 48. J. M. Dale 3. R. G. Affel 49, D. G. Davis 4., L. G. Alexander 50. R. J. DeBakker 5. J. L. Anderson 51. J. H. DeVan 6. R. F. Apple 52. 8. J. Ditto 7. C. F. Baes 53. A. S. Dworkin 8§. J. M. Baker 54. I. T. Dudley 9. S. J. Ball 55. D. A. Dyslin 10. C. E. Bamberger 56. W. P. Eatherly 11, C. J. Barton 57. J. R. Engel 12 H. F. Bauman 58. E. P. Epler 13. S. E. Beall 56. D. E. Ferguson 14, R. L. Beatty 60. L. M. Ferris 15, M. J. Bell 61. A. P. Fraas 16. M. Bender 62. H. A. Friedman 17. C. E. Bettis 63. J. H. Frye, Jr. 18. E. S. Bettis 64. C. H. Gabbard 19. D. 8. Billihgton 65. R. B. Gallaher 20. R. E. Blanco 66. R. E. Gelbach 21 F. F. Blankenship 67. J. H. Gibbons 22 J. O. Blomeke 68, L. O. Gilpatrick 23. R. Blumberg 69. H. E. Goeller 24. E. G. Bohlmann 70. W. R. Grimes 25. C. J. Borkowski 71. A. G. Grindell 26. G. E. Boyd 72. R. W. Gunkel 27. C. A. Brandon 73. E. D. Gupton 28. M. A. Bredig 74. R. H. Guymon 29. R. B. Briggs 75. 4. P. Hammond 30. H. R. Bronstein 76. B. A. Hannaford 31. G. D. Brunton 77. P. H. Harley 32. D. A, Canonico 78. D. G. Harman 33. 8. Cantor 79. W. O. Harms 34, W. L. Carter 80. C. S. Harrill 35. G. I. Cathers 8l. P. N. Haubenreich 36. 0. B. Cavin 82. R. E. Helms 37. A. Cepolino 83. P. G. Herndon 38. W. R. Cobb 84. D. N. Hess 39. C. W. Collins 85. J. R. Hightower 40. E. L. Compere 86. M. R. Hill 41. K. V. Cook 87. H. W. Hoffman 42. W. H. Cook 88. D. K. Holmes 43. L. T. Corbin 89. P, P. Holz 44. B. Cox 90. R. W. Horton 45. J. L. Crowley 91. T. L. Hudson E 46. F. L. Culler 9Z2. H. Inouye 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. G8. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105, 106. 107. 108. 109. 110, 111. 112 113. 114, 115, 116. 117. 118, 119, 120. 121. 122, 123. 124. 125. 126, 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135, 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143, ORG-S edG OO NSO GO EEQrPAIEGGOGHEHPRPGRIEOEREE0OAITE 36 H. Jordan 144. R. Kasten 145, J. Kedl 146, L Keller 147. T. Kelley 148, J. Kelly 149, R. Kennedy 15¢C. W. Kerlin 151. T. Kerr 152. S. Kirslis 153. W. Koger 154, I. Krakoviak 155, S. Kress 156. W. Krewson 157. E. Lamb 158. A. Lane 159, J. Lawrence 160. S. Lin 161. B. Lindauer 162. P. Litman 163. H. Llewellyn 164, L. Long 165. I. Lundin 166. N. Lyon 167. L. Macklin 168. G. MacPherson 169. E. MacPerson 170, C. Mailen 171. L. Manning 172, D. Martin 173, H. Mauney 174. McClain 175. ¥W. McClung 176. E. McCoy 177, F. McDuffie 178. K. McGlothlan 179. J. McHargue 180. E. McNeese 181-190. R. McWherter 191, J. Metz 192. S. Meyer 193. L. Moore 194, M. Moulton 195, R. Mueller 196. A, Nelms 197. P. Nichols 198. L. Nicholson 199. D. Nogueira 200, C. Oakes 201. Patriarca 202. M. Perry 203, cqgméc«sbwmmhmemsmumméw»fluomm:r-masmommuosmmgmmsmmggmwme‘ om&uwzmwr‘mwaujtzflv-am:dmmcommwfiazzummmmrwmmomfia»oootj Pickel = Piper - Prince Ragan Redford 1chardson Robbins Robertson Robinson Roller Romberger Rosenthal Ross Savage Schaffer Shilling p Scott Scott Seagren Sessions Shaffer Sides Skinner Slaughter Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith plewak Steffy Stoddard Stone Strehlow Tallackson Taylor erry Thoma Thomason Toth Trauger Watson Watts Weaver Webster Weinberg Weir Werner West Whatley White SUI:""‘L'"L'IthE 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210-211. 212-213, 214-238. 239. 240-241, 242, 243. 244, 245. 246. 247-248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 25%. 255-269. 37 L. V., Wilson Gale Young H. C. Young J. P. Young E. L. Youngblood F. C. Zapp Central Research Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records (LRD) Laboratory Records - Record Copy (LRD-RC) EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION F. Cope, AEC-CRNL R.D.T. Site Office W. Crawford, AEC-RDT, Washington B. 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