T e "\ \‘l‘ ORNL TM-2213 1'\; ; 1 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Process Design Section LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work, Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commiasion: A. Makes sny warranty or representation, expresaed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disciosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or ’ B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behalf of the Commission® includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employge of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, of employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, ’ DESIGN OF AN ENGINEERING-SCALE, VACUUM DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT FOR MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR FUEL W. L. Carter R. B. Lindauer L. E. McNeese 'NOVEMBER 1968 ‘OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Odak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION | for the | - - | .. U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ESTRIBUTION OF Tdis QOCUMENS €5 Mmtm - e X (» a) & vee 1 CONTENTS PREOPERATIONAL INSPECTION ===mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmne mmmmmmmmeme e Page ABSTRACT . e ————— ] INTRODUCTION ~- e e e e 2 DESIGN CRITERIA AND FEATURES ~=======m=m=m—mmm—mmmmmm e e oo é Basic Design Requirements ==~=====m==—m=mm——emmmmc oo oo 6 Material of Construction =—=====-======- mme s 7 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM ====mmmmmmmm e e e e e e 8 ‘Nonradioactive Operation =====m==m==mmmm e e e e e e 8 Radioactive -Operation ===~======——===eeccmeemm e - ——————— 10 METHODS -OF OPERATION ==~amemmmmm e e e m e e e e 10 ~Semicontinuous Operation ========ememmemmimm e e e e ————— 1" Batch Operation ===——=m===mmmemmem oo e e e 11 DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT =—-==m===mmmemam e mm e e e e oo 14 Feed Tank ~=====m==memmannaaa- e ————————— e = 14 Condensate Receiver ==—===—=======-mmesm—m— e m e oo e oo m e 16 Still and Condenser =—==msmmmmemmcmec— e 19 Cold Trap =========mm===- -——— e e e e e 27 - Vacuum Pump: e 27 Sampler =~-- e : - 30 Heaters =—=~=~—===cecea=- o e . e e e 8 e 0 30 Thermal Insulation ====—=====cmmmmme e e e e e oo e e 33 METALLURGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HASTELLOY N =--=====-=-=-- 33 Creep-Rupture Properties =—=-========mmmmmmmm e oo oo oo 34 Ductility ————- o S 34 Metallographic Examination ====—========-- ' - 38 STRESS ANALYSIS —=s—cmemmmmm e e e mc s e m e e e e e e e mwmm e 38 " Vacuum Still and Condenser =—====—===c====ux - e e 38 Feed Tank and Condensate Receiver =======~ - —emmme= 39 " INSTRUMENTATION =---=cmemmcmem e e e - e e e s 39 Temperature Measurement ———=========v==--- e -- 40 Temperature Control =====m=mmecmm e e e e e e 40 Temperature. Annunciafors ==========m==e = - ————————— e e 48 Pressure Measurement ======me=me—cnm oo e e e e 48 Pressure Control ===~=====meee=u= - ———————————— s 49 Liquid Level Measurement and Control =----==~=======ac-- —————— 49 51 iv " CONTENTS (continued) . Page EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION == =z = 120p— °\ w ° 7T00°C § | -(;_-- - 80— ) INSULATION THICKNESS=6" 40}— 0 | 15 L 20 'HEAT INPUT TO TANK WALLS (kw) Fig. 6. Calculated Time Réqunred to Heat the Feed Tank or Condensate Receiver from Room Temperafure to 500°C When Tank Contalns 48 liters of L|F-BeF2-ZrF4 Salt. 1" SCH.40 PIPE ORNL DWG. 66-10984 VACUUM LINE 0.D.x.042 WALL TUBE THERMOCOUPLE WELL $ WALL TUBE THERMOCOUPLE WELL 18 2 ADD'N. THERMOCOUPLE WELL 20.0.x.042 WALL TUBE FUEL DIP LINE & N $0.0.x.072 WALL TUBE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES LEVEL PROBE TUBE 3 — e ——— —— —— —— e - v ‘13 SCH.40 PIPE | 10 2:2: — illation.Experiment. Schematic diagram of the t Molten Salt Dis Fig. 7. condensate receiver. oy 0 19 Detailed design of the condensate receiver is shown on Drawing No. M-12173-CD-~ 009-D in Appendix H. Thermal Design The same thermal design was used for the condensate receiver and the feed tank because the dimensions and use of the two vessels are almost identical. The receiver is surrounded on the sides and bottom by heaters rated at 20 kw, capable of heating a full charge of salt from room temperature to 500°C in about 2 hr. At operating temperature, heat loss to the surroundings through é-in. insulation is about 1.1 kw. The heaters are arranged so that about 6 kw are applied to the tank bottom and 14 kw to the sides. The temperature of the condensate tank is kept just slightly above the liquidus of the contained salt so that the salt vapor pressure is negligible, A high temperature ~at this point would cause salt vapors to flow into the vacuum system. Operating Pressure Pressure in the condensate receiver must be kept lower than the vapor pressure of the salt in the still so that these vapors will flow from the still into the condenser. The receiver is kept at a pressure in the range 0.2 to 0.5 mm Hg, allowing a pressure difference of at least 0.5 mm Hg between the still and receiver. Still and Condenser The still and condenser are designed as a unit with the condenser's vapor inlet actually extending into the still. The still reservoir is the annular space between the vapor line and the outer wall. No provision is made for removing still bottoms from the annulus during the course of an experiment; however, a dip-tube is provided to allow removal of liquid between experiments. As shown in Fig. 8, the still and ~ condenser are joined in-an angular configuration; this was necessitated by the limited headroom in fhe operational area. ' Design Features The data given.in Table 1 characterize the Still-condenser'unit and its operation. Detailed design of the unit is shown on Drawmg M-12173-CD-011-D and M-12173- CD-014-D in Appendix H. ORNL DWG. 66-109885 THERMOCOUPLE WELL 1/270.D, TUBE x 19 GA. LEVEL PROBE FEED LINE LEVEL PROBE I3 SCH. 40 PIPE - DRAIN 8 SPECIMEN HOLDER THERMOCOUPLE WELL ,2"0 p TUBE x19 GA. 172*0.D. TUBExI9 GA. ‘ , VIEW AwA SAMPLE TURE I3 SCH. 40 PIPE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES o« ¥ | SAMPLE RESERVOIR —/L. aag Fig. 8. Molten Salt Distillation Experiment. Schematic diagram of the vacuum still and condenser, I3 SCH. 40 PIPE 4"0.0.x.072 WALL STILL TuBE | a 41 HANGER | _ : BRACKET 0z .U 21 . Table 1. Design Data for the Vacuum Still and Condenser “’2. . Still Material Hastelloy N Dimensions 14 in. diam x 16 in. high ‘Wall thickness 3/8 in. Insulatiofi thickness 8in. Thermal conductivity of insulation 0.1 Bty hr=1 f=1 o -1 Opéraring volume in annulus 12 liters - Depth of salt for 12-liter volume 8.08 in. (measured from top of conical bottom) Height between high- and low=level control | points 1.62 in. Volume of salt between high- and low-level control points ‘ 2 liters : Operating temperature 900 to 1000°C ¥ Operating pressure 0.5 to 1 mm Hg Surface wetted by 12 liters of salt (excluding - vapor line) | 2.64 12 Surface area of salt 0.52 t2 Heat flux during distillation ~1615 Bty hr1 fi-2 Distillation rate (c_'.ulculafed) ~5.24 x 10-4 g/cm2 sec - Time required to evaporate 12 liters of salt ~30 hr - Heater rating | o 15 kw Condenser Material Hastelloy N Dimefisibns 10 in. OD x 51 in. long “ Wall thickness 3/8 in. - Surface area (outside) | 11.3 2 ' Insulation thickness 4 in. Thermal conductivity of insulation (continued) 0.1 Btu hr=1 ft~1 ° -1 o 22 ~ Table 1 (Cpntinued) -{i Operating pressure 0.5 to 1 mm Hg | Operating temperature 550 to 875°C ! Cooling method Conduction through insulation to surroundings Condenser duty 4000 to 5000 Btu/hr Heater rating (equally divided in four zones | over length) - 20 kw Y ’ vl a) 23 The still annulus is about 13 in. deep by 2 in. thick and, when charged with 12 liters of salt, will be filled within about 1.43 in. of the top. Heat for distilling the fluoride mixture is supplied by electric heaters surrounding - the sides and top. The heat flux is small, being only about 1615 Btu hr™ V12 at o distillation rate of 420 cmS/hr. The top of the still is kept a few degrees hotter than the still liquid to preclude condensation. In designing the still, care was used to avoid junctions that would produce large stresses in the metal parts when the unit is heated from room temperature to 1000° C, - The still=condenser unit elongates about 1 in. when heated over this temperature range. The unit is supported by a cable and counterweight attached to the still so that move~ ment is not restricted. The condenser is made relatively large (10 in. OD) to facilitate heat loss by the greater surface areq, thereby increasing the attainable distillation rate. A cylindrical core is placed inside the condenser to channel salt vapor into the annulus adjacent to the outside wall where it is condensed and cooled. Three radiation shields are placed inside this core at the high-temperature end to decrease the amount of heat received - by the condenser from the 1000° C zone of the still. Temperature Measurement Temperature measurements are made at a number of points on the outside surfaces of the still and condenser by attaching thermocouples to these surfaces. These exterior readings should be very close to the temperatures inside the vessel because of the very low heat flux (~ 1615 Btu hr=1 §1~2); the calculated temperature drop across the wall is only 1.5°C. However, interior temperature measurements are made in the still liquid at three different elevations by introducing thermocouples into wells extending through the vessel head. The temperature of either a surface or interior thermocouple can be selected as the reference temperature at which the still is operated. - As to the condenser,,only outside~surface thermocouples are installed and selected ones are used to control the wall temperature. There will be a temperature gradient along the length of the condenser to allow the condensed vapor to cool to a temper- “ature of only 25 to 30°C above the liquidus as it drops into the condensate receiver. When the condensate composition is that of the MSRE carrier salt, LiF-BeF ~ZrFy (65-30-5.0 mole %), the condenser temperature can be as low as 500° C; byt for experiments in which nearly 100 mole % LiF is distilled, the condenser surface needs to have a minimum temperoture of about 875°C. . Operating Pressure and Distillation Rate The upper limit of 1000°C on the operating temperature requires that the still pressure be no greater than 1 ' mm Hg during most of a distillation experiment if L 24 vaporization is to occur. The initial salt composition has a vapor pressure of perhaps 10 mm Hg at 1000° C, but the more volatile BeFy quickly boils out, leaving an equi- librium mixture whose vapor pressure is about 1 mm Hg. A pressure gradient is main- tained through the condenser by evacuating the condensate receiver to 0.5 mm Hg or less. The volumeiric flow rate of vapor from the still to the condenser depends upon the pressure differential. The graph in Fig. 9 is a plot of the calculated flow rate of - condensate as a function of the pressure at the condenser outlet. The pressure at the liquid surface in the still was taken to be 1 mm Hg, and the vapor composition was ‘assumed to be that of MSRE carrier salt, namely, L|F-BeF2-ZrF (65-30-5 mole %). The calculations indicate that the still will have a capacity of about 400 em /hr when 4~in. insulation surrounds the condenser. . The same plot also shows the calculated distillation rate as a function of the temperature of the condensing surface for insulation thicknesses of 3 in. and 4 in. Satisfactory operation of the still is realized in the area to the left of these temper- ature curves. Although the pressure curve was calculated for vapor of MSRE carrier composition, it may be used with little error for vapors richer . in LiF. . For pure LiF vapor the pressure at the condenser outlet needs to be about 3.5% lower than that of MSRE carrier for comparable flow rates. However, the condensation temperature must be considerably higher (>855°C) to preclude freezing. Heat Rejection by Condenser As stated above, the condenser rejects the latent heat of condensation of the salt vapor by conduction through the thermal insulation to the surrounding atmosphere. For this purpose the insulation is purposely made thinner (4 in.) than on other parts of the equipment. The temperature of the condenser is maintained above the salt liquidus by providing adequate heat input to the condenser. The rate of heat rejection is directly dependent on the temperature difference between the condenser wall and the surroundings, and the curves of Fig. 10 show this relationship over the temperature range of interest in this experiment. The temperature at which the wall is held depends on the vapor composition; that is, the wall temperature must be above the liquidus yet low enough so that the vapor pressure of the condensate is small in com- parison with the total pressure in the condenser. Salt of MSRE carrier composition can be condensed in the temperature range 550 to 700°C; whereas, compositions - containing greater than 90 mole % LiF require condenser temperatures of 800° to 900° C. ~ The dashed curves in the figure give the condensation rates for a vapor of MSRE carrier composition and of pure LiF for values of the heat rejection rate. The volumetric rate for the carrier salt was calculated for condensate at a reference temperature of 600°C; for LiF the condensate temperature was taken as 875° C. O L 3] PRESSURE CONDENSER OUTLET {(mm Hg) &J‘ & o ORNL - OWG - 68 -804 THICKNES o ® of— INSULATION S | '4 o o ) |- —|650 0.6 | 0 —ls00 / / CONDENSER LENGTH = 3-0" l | VAPOR: LiF -~ BeFz - ZrF4 | 64.7- 301" - 5.2 mole% 0.2H- STILL PRESSURE = | mm Hag. V ! - —{580 0 _ | | I l 1 I | 520 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 DISTILLATION RATE (cm3/hr) AT 600°C ~Fig. 9. Distillation Rate as a Function of Pressure at Condenser Outlet and Condenser Wall Temperature. CONDENSER WALL TEMPERATURE (°C Ge CONDENSER WALL TEMPERATURE (°C) 26 ORNL DWG.68-808-RI 2001~ \nsuLATION THICKNESS =4"/=357 =3! 850 ‘ ' — 800 WALL TEMP | 800 - CURVES _ 4700 /7 ANSRE SALT 750 | / -600 / 7 / LIF rg%DENSER WALL rFHEATER | NSULATION kz0.I Btuzft.hr.of — 500 3 | \ *—1\ \ CONDENSATION RATE (c¢m3/hr) d ' 650 [~ — , [ 400 / 600 |- —1300 500 : | I 6.5+ lt 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 HEAT REJECT IO_N. BY 3-0' LENGTH OF CONDENSER (Btu/hr) Fig. 10. Condensation Rate of MSRE Carrier Salt as a Function of Wall Temperature and Insulation Thickness. I {9 r“\ . a) i 27 The curves of Fig. 10 are based on an effective condenser length of 36 in.; the actual length is 51 in. The diagram on the figure depicts the wall configuration used in the calculations. | Thermal Design The governing requirement in determining the amount of heat that should be supplied to the still and condenser is the time that can be tolerated in heating from room temperature to operating temperature. Independent calculations were made for the still section and condenser section for this transient period to find the relation between time and installed heater capacity. This relation is shown on Fig. 11. From these data arbitrary choices of 15 kw for the still and 20 kw for the condenser were made. These heat input rates will permit heating the unit to 1000°C in about 1.5 hr ~ if desired; however, a heat-up time of 2 to 4 hr will probably be employed. The 20-kw capacity on the condenser is adequate to allow using a thinner insulation than the specified 4 in. if it is desirable to increase the distillation rate (see Figs. 9 and 10.) ~ In steady=state operation the heat demand by the still is only a small part of the installed capacity. For example, the vaporization of 500 cm3/hr of MSRE carrier salt requires about 1.5 kw, adding a calculated heat loss from the still of 1.1 kw, there obtains a steady state requirement of 2.6 kw. Similarly for the condenser liquefying MSRE salt at 700°C, the calculated heat loss to the surroundings is 2.1 kw. Subtracting the latent heat of vaporization of the salt (1.5 kw) gives a steady-state demand on the heaters of only 0.6 kw. Heaters are arranged on the still so that about 11 kw are applied to the vertical sides and 4 kw to the top. Separate controls are provided so that the top can be held at a slightly higher temperature than the boiling salt to preclude condensation and refluxing. The 20 kw on the condenser are divided into four approximately equal parts covering the entire length. Each section has separate temperature control. Cold Trap The cold trap is inserted in the vacuum line upstream of the vacuum pump to remove mists and vapors that could impair operation of the pump. The unit is shown in Fig. 12. It is cooled by liquid N2 in the jacket surrounding the baffled vapor chamber. Liquid No additions are made manually upon a signal from a level device in the jacket. Nitrogen vapor is vented to the surroundings. Vacuum Pump The vacuum pump is a Cenco Hi-Vac capable of evacuating the system from “atmospheric pressure to 0.5 mm Hg in about 3 hr. This time corresponds with the 28 ORNL -DWG-68-8ll 180k t\ INSULATION CONDUCTIVITY=0.l Btu/hr.ft. °F o\ HEAT CAPACITY OF HASTELLOY N =0.16 Btu/Ib.°F EMMISSIVITY OF HASTELLOY N= 0.6 so} \ o © 140 1201 ' . ° ° » }_‘_" CONDENSER SECTION O WEIGH = 290LB. £ 100F ~4" INSULATION Z 3" INSULATION O o S o 80fF I I STILL & WEIGHT (INC. SALT) = 215 Ib - INSULATION THICKNESS = 8 o 60F : - w = e 40} 20 0 -l 1 B | l 1 . ] 0 S 10 (5 20 25 30 HEATER RATING {(kw) Fig. 11. Time Required to Heat Vacuum Still and Condenser from Room Temperature to 1000°C, o L} ae) 29 ORNL DWG, 66-10986 LEVEL PROBE o rh 4 scH 40 PiPE ) @ _.o THERMOCOUPLE WELL < $SCH. 40 PIPE LIQUID Ny INLET Ng VENT 4 SCH. 40 PIPE % SCH. 40 PIPE LEVEL PROBE 1scn. 40 miree s . 283 ”,L‘ 5" SCH. 40 PIPE " ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES . DI H UM LINE. 1"SCH. 40 PIPE Fig. 12, Molten Salt Distillation Experiment. Schematic diagram of the liquid N, cold trap. o ‘ 30 transient heat-up time for the system. Heating and evacuating would be carried out simultaneously. Sampler Nonradioactive Operation The two photographs of Figs. 13 and 14 show the sampler. The unit is installed directly above the sample cup at the condenser outlet (see Fig. 8). ~The small line above the top valve is used to evacuate the chamber just prior to sampling; the 3/4-in.~diam by 1- 3/4-|n.-long capsule is then lowered by means of the crane into the sample cup, filled with molten salt, and retracted to a position above the flange. After freezing, the sample is removed for analysis by closing the lower valve and opening the flange. The frequency of sampling is limited by the time required for these operations. | ' This sampler was designed for use in molten salt test Ioop experiments and is’ being reactivated for this experiment. Radioactive Operation The same sampling device will be used to sample radioactive salt at the MSRE site when irradiated fuel is distilled. The 1-1/2-in. pipe, through which the sample capsule is lowered, will be lengthened to extend through the cell roof plugs, and shielding will be installed around the valves and flange that are above the roof plugs. A sample of condensate will be obtained as described above. The sample is then put into a shielded container for transport to the hot analytical laboratory. Heaters Electric heating elements are used on all vessels and lines. For the vessels, the heaters are fabricated of ceramic, refractory material in which the elements are totally embedded. The heaters were molded by the manufacturer® to fit the geometry of the vessels and to be removable without disturbing any nozzles or other connections ~ to the equipment. All ceramic heaters are capable of holding the vessel that they surround at 1000° C, A copy of the specifications to which the heaters were purchased is included in Appendix G. *Cooley Electric Manufacturing Compcmy, 50 South Shelby Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 83 31 PHOTO 68259 Fig. 13. Sampler for Vacuum Distillation Experiment, ; j i ; i i | i i 32 PHOTO 68263 Fig. 14, View of Sampler Showing Sampling Capsule. w %) AN 33 Wherever heat was needed on pipes or vent lines, the hnes were’ fraced with tubular eleciric elements. . : -Thermul Insulation Two types of thermal msulatlon are used. Adjacent to the heaters where the temperature might be as high as 1200°C, a 2-in.~thick blanket of Fiberfrax* is used; outside this layer, Careytemp 1600** is applied to the desired total thickness. The Fiberfrax used here is Type 970-JH, having the cemposmon 50.9% AlyOg, 46.8% S|O2, 1.2% B2QOg3, 0.8% Na20, and 0.3% inorganics by weight. H coni‘alns no organic binders and is recommended for temperatures to 2300°F. Careytemp 1600 is an expanded silica insulation reinforced with inorganic fibers and is recommended for use to temperatures of 1600°F. Molded, segmented, cylindrical shapes are used to cover the equpment. The outside surface is finished with asbestos cement and glass cloth plus a bonding c:dhesrve to give a glazed appearance. The following tubulcmon 2 lists the thermal conductivjty of these msulahng materlclls - , .‘Dé'ns'igy - Thermal Conductivity at lndncated Mean Temperature - {Ib/ft3) (Btu=in. hr=1 ft-2 °F"]) | 600°F 1000°F 1200°F 1400°F 1600°F P ——— Fiberfrax | ' , o Blanket form 6 -0 58 - 0.86 1.09 1.34 1.62 Paper form 12 0.48 - 0.69 0.8 L0 1.27 Careytemp 1600 076 i METALL_URGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HASTELLOY N The metallurglcol propertiesSs 4 of Hastelloy N at elevated temperatures are well - documentated in the temperature range 600 to 800° C where it is commonly used. However, data in the neighborhood of 1000° C are nonexistent since there have been “no previous occasions to consider the alloy for use at such a high temperature. . In this experiment the still will be at about 1000° C during most of its operation, and the upper porhon of the condenser.will be at 800° C or higher a large part of the time. However, in light of the initial distillation work of Kelly 1 using small stills made of Hastelloy N, this alloy appeared suitable for the engineering-scale unit. Furthermore, * A product of Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, New York. - **A product of Philip Carey Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. 34 o L) - a time=consuming alloy developmental progrcm would have been. necessary to identify ‘@ more sunfcble material. , The results of an abbreviated testing program indicated that Hastelloy N should be satisfactory for a short~term experiment and gave the data that were needed to ensure a safe design. In addition, these tests revealed characteristics of Hastelloy N, which, although not of serious consequence in this short experiment, would make this ~alloy unsuitable for use at 1000°C in a reactor processing plant. Three such properties are the oxidation resistance, intergranular cracking, and the effect of thermal cycling on high~ and low- temperature ductility. Creep~Rupture Properties . A brief, creep=rupture program? was undertaken by McCoy* to determine data at 982°C (1800°F), and the results are given in Table 2, These data were obtained on test specimens of a typical heat of air-melted Hastelloy N (Heat 5065). The specimens were small rods having a gage section 1in. long by 0.125 in. diam. The cumulative time that the vacuum still would be at 1000° C during the lifetime of the experiment was estimated to be 1000 hr, and it was agreed that a satisfactory design point would be one that limited the still to 1% creep over this length of time, - The data of Table 2 were plotted as shown in Fig. 15 to extend the creep-rupture ‘characteristics over the expected lifetime. The curves show that the stresses producing rupture and 5% creep over the 1000=hr period are reasonably well defined; whereas, the 1% and 2% curves, in particular, are not defined sufficiently by the experimental data. More data are needed for times greater than 100 hr. Nevertheless, the allowable design stress was chosen by extrapolating the 1% curve to 1000 hr to obtain a value of about 780 psi; this figure was rounded off on the lower side to 700 psi which was used in the design calculations. Ducfili.ty * The ductility of Hastelloy N at 982°C (Fig. 16) exhibits a minimum for test specimens having rupture lives in the approximate range of 50 to 200 hr, The minimum ductility is slightly greater than 20%. The reduction in area decreases rapidly with increasing rupture life to a value of about 15%. The increase in the elongation for long rupture lives is thought to be associated with the exfenslve lntergrcnular cracking that was observed. *The data and discussion of this section are a summarization of the work of H. E. U McCoy, Metals and Ceramics Division. His contribution to this design is gratefully acknowledged. | 3! o P . _ - i . Table 2. Creep Properties of Hastelloy N at 982°C ¢ % Test ~ Time to Indicated Strain (hr) Reduction No. olpsi) 1% 2% 5% 20% Rupture ‘e (%/hs) e (%) in Area Remarks 5768 2000 35 73 . 185 495 6M49 00276 4AL50 1622 ---- 5765 3000 1 7.6 33 17 123.9 0.123 22,36 13.4 Temperature control not - VE _ ' ' adequate at start of test. 5762 4000 0.7 2.0 11 47 51,5 0.282 21.88 15.47 Temperature control not o ‘ adequate at start of test. 5761 6000 075 1.3 3.2 10.5 1615 165 48.44 36,57 ---- 5763 10000 <0.1 0.2 0.5 1.9 295 9.0 50.0 37.86 - 5867 1880 35 72 165 407 520.8 0.026 52.0 15.6 - 5868 3000 12 25 40 154 157.9 0.081 22,22 15.6 ---- %Heat 5065 tested in the o#-received condition (1/2 hr at 1176° C mill anneal). GE 36 ORNL-DWG 66- 11455 20,000 10,000 5000 STRESS ( psi) 2000 1000 500 0.1 { 10 00 1000 TIME (hr) Fig. 15. Creep-Rupture Properties of Hastelloy N at 982°C Test Specimens from Heat No. 5065. Wik al RUPTURE STRAIN (%) [4] o 60 50 H o n o 10 37 ORNL DWG 66-11457 O ELONGATION 60 — D =Ty \Q\ 50 c — | 1 40 ® —flrl et \ ) o \ < L ! @ A \ / < \ / 30 z = HEAT 5065 . S Q D 0o L o A REDUCTION IN AREA 120 ‘ __ A A 10 - 0 ! 10 100 1000 "RUPTURE TIME {(hr) - Fig. ']6.7 _buctility of Hqsfélloy N at .982'°C. 38 ~ Metallographic Examination “Metallographic examination revealed that the quantity of precipitate after test- ing at 982°C and 2000 psi was much greater than that present before testing. The tested material contained larger particles of precipitate, which are thought to be induced by the thermal and mechanical history; also the smaller precipitate in the as-received metal appeared to be a different composition than that found in the tested sample. The precipitate apparently does not impair the ductility at 982°C, but its effect on low-temperature ductility was not established. This effect could be important in a vessel that undergoes a number of thermal cycles. STRESS ANALYSIS This experiment requires the use of Hastelloy N considerably above its usual upper temperature (600 to 700°C) in molten-salt service. To ensure the adequacy of the design, a thorough stress analysis* was made using the data of McCoy discussed in the preceding section. The principal concern was with the still=condenser unit which experiences temperature as high as 1000° C in some areas. - For the feed tank and condensate receiver, which are not expected to be above 600°C, the stress analysis was confined to calculating the resistance of the flat heads to externdl pressure for full vacuum operation. Vacuum Still and Condenser This analysis was based on the 1% creep property of 700 psi allowable stress at 1000° C and the rupture property of 1650 psi at this temperature (see Fig. 15). In addition, it was assumed that the unit would undergo 50 to 100 thermal cycles during its 1000-hr lifetime. The analysis considered the stresses induced on the walls, head, and nozzle penetrations by full vacuum operation; the stresses imposed by the dead weight of the system and the method of support; and thermal stresses due to heat flux through the wall and expansion-contraction from thermal cycling. ‘The conclusions of this study are that: 1. the vessel be limited to a total 0percmng life of 1000 hr and to processing npnradnoachve salts; *This secfioa is a summary of the work of C. A, Hahs and T. W. Pickel, General Engineering and Construction Division. Mr. Hahs's detailed analysis is included in Appendix F. *1 4} 39 2. the vessel be observed after the nonradioactive experiments to determine the effects of external oxidation and internal corrosion, and that the effects be evaluated to determine if protective measures are required; 3. before use the vessel be given a thorough inspection (ultrasonic, dimen- sional, photographic, visual, or other nondestructive tests) and that the initial inspection be compared with a similar inspection after the non- radioactive operation. | An inspection of the still-condenser unit will be conducted before use and compared with an inspection after the nonradioactive tests. This precaution is being taken because of the lack of experience in using Hastelloy N at these elevated temperatures, and, before use with radioactive salt, the integrity of the vessel must be ensured. Even though conclusion 1 above states that the still not be used for distill- ing radioactive salts, it was thought that this portion of the program was important and should not be abandoned. Consequently, the vessel will be thoroughly inspected aofter nonradioactive operation, and, if further integrity of the vessel is ensured, radioactive operation will proceed as planned. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections [l and VIII does not include the operating conditions specified for this equipment; the analysis was made on the basis of meeting the intent of the Code, specifically Section VII. The final design meets the intent of the Code, and the calculated stresses are below the 700 psi aliowable stress. No fatigue analysis of the vessel was made because the data for such an analysis were not available. However, the vessel will undergo a number of thermal cycles, and fatigue may be an important factor in the design. This useful information will be obtained from the experiment. Feed Tank and Condensate Receiver Stress calculations for these vessels were made for the flat heads only since these were the weakest areas of the two tanks. The feed tank is 15.5 in. OD by 16.5 in. high., The physical data of Appendix A, Table A-4, were used to confirm the use of 3/8-in.~thick plate for these. heads in the 500 to 600°C temperature range. INSTRUMENTATION - The vacuum distillation expenment is operated primarily from temperature and pressure measurements; fo a lesser degree, level measurements are also used. There are two distinct zones over which temperature must be measured and controlled: a 500 to 600°C range for feed and condensate and an 800 to 1000° C range for the 40 | B - ) salt in the still. Pressure is controlled at about 0.5 qtm-in the feed tank and in the - 0.3- to 1-mm-Hg range in the rest of the system. Thermocouples are liberally employed on vessel surfaces and internally to the vessels for monitoring all areas of the equipment. Identifications and descriptions of all instruments are given in Table 3. : | o Temperature Measurement For the high temperature part of the system (still and condenser) where exacf temperature measurement is most important, platinum~rhodium thermocouples are used - because of their high stability. Throughout the system standard Chromel-Alumel thermocouples are used for signals to the temperature controllers in order to standard- ize on readily available Chromel~Alumel controllers. For control in the high- temperature zones, the control points will be changed to make the Chromel-Alumel thermocouple agree with the Pt=Rh thermocouple in that zone if any temperature shift is observed. The less expensive Chromel=Alumel thermocouples are the primary units on the feed tank, condensate receiver, and salt lines; however two Pt=Rh thermo- couples are installed on each tank to indicate any drift. All thermocouples are enclosed in a 1/8-in.-diam Inconel sheath, and insulated junctions are used. Most of the thermocouples are attached to the outer surface of the vessel or pipe by inserting the junction into a tab welded to the vessel. Before installation each thermocouple is tested to ensure that its function has not been impaired. In - addition to the surface thermocouples, there is one thermowell in the feed tank, four in the still, and three in the condensate receiver. These are made of 1/2-in.-OD by 0.042-in.-wall Hastelloy N tube. There is also a thermowell drilled into the base of the sample cup below the-condenser for monitoring condensate temperature, since it is desirable to keep this temperature as low as practicable to avoid excessive salt vapors leaving via receiver vent. For readout there is one 24-point recorder for the Pt-Rh thermocouples and one 24-point recorder for the Chromel-Alumel thermocouples. The other required temperature indication is of the liquid N5 cold trap in the condensate receiver off-gas line. There is also a liquid No pressure bulb in the ~ jacket of the cold trap to actuate an alarm at low Ny level. Upon manual addition of liquid N2, a high=level signal from a similar bulb actuates another alarm. . A Chromel-Alumel thermocouple is used as an alternative level indication at both points. Temperature Control There are nine individually heated zones on the feed tank, still, condenser, and o receiver. Heaters on each of these zones are controlled separately by a Pyrovane =’ Panel Board Application o ) N Table 3. Identification and Description of Instrumentation Ly Input Output : Number Number ] Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Device 1 Pi-5 3-15 psig Panel 0-20 psia Monitor still pressure above range of PE-1 3-15 psig receiver gage 2 -5 3-15 psig Panel 0-40 in. H20 Menitor condensate raceiver level 3-15 psig receiver goge 3 P17 3-15 psig Panel 0-10 mm Hg Monitor sampler pressure 3-15 psig receiver goge 4 Pl-2 3=15 psig Panel 0-10 psia Monitor Ar pressure in feed tank 3-15 psig recelver goge 5 - Pdi=1 3-15 psig . Panei 0-2 psia Monitor level in feed tank by reading AP 3-15 psig recelver gage 6 LR~1 3-15 psig Panel 0-40 in. H,O Monitor salt level in feed tank Foxboro 2-Pen Pneu.-Recorder é LR-5 © 3-15 psig Panel 0-40 in. HZO Menitor condensate level in condensate recelver Foxboro 2-Pen Pneu.-Recorder 7 - PR=1 0-14 mv Panel 0-2 in. Hg Menitor, record and control still vacuum Foxboro Electric=Recorder 8 PR-2 3-15psig Pane| - 0-10 psia Monitor ond record Ar pressure in feed tank Foxboro 2-Pen Pneu.~Recorder .8 PR-5 3-15 psig Panel 0-20 psia Mc;nggor]und record still pressure above range Foxboro 2-Pen Pneu.-Recorder ‘ o - : 9 TR-1 | 0-44.9 mv Panel 0-2000°F Monitor various temperatures in system Brown 24-Pt, Recorder {Ch/Al thermocouples) 10 LR-2 0-50 mv AC Pane! 8-10in, HyO Control salt level in still Fox. Resistance Dynalog Rec. 1 PC-1 0.2-2 in. Hg Panel Muyltirange Monitor and transmit to PR-1 signal NRC Alphatron Vacuum Gauge ‘ proportional to still vocuum . 13 TIC-9 0-44.9 mv Panel 0~-2000°F Control temperature of salt in feed tank Honeywell Pyrovane 14 TR-2 0-10,7 mv Panel 0-2000°F Monitor various temperatures in system Brown 24-Pt, Recorder (Pt/Rh thermocouples) 15 | LR-3 0-50 mv AC Panel 0-8 in. H20 Monitor ond record low level of salt in still Fox, Resistance Dynalgy Rec. 16 LR-4 0-50 mv AC Panel 0-20 in. HZO Monitor and record condensate level in receiver Fox. Resistonce Dynalog Rec, 17 TIC-2 0-44,9 mv. Pane! 0-2000° F Control temperature along condenser Honeywell Pyrovane 18 TIC-3 0-44,9 mv Panel 0-2000°F Control temperature along condenser Honeywell Pyrovane 19 TIC-4 0-44.9 mv Panel 0-2000°F Control temperature along condenser Honeywell Pyrovane 20 TIC-6 0-44,9 mv Panel 0-2000°F Control temperoture of condensate receiver Honeywell Pyrovane 0 TIC-7 0-44.9 mv Panel 0-2000°F Control temperature of top of still Honeywsll Pyrovane 22 TIC-8 0-44.9 mv Panel 0-2000° F Control femper;:lfure of salt in still Honeywell Pyrovane 23 HCO-11 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for condensate receiver Variae Unit ~ . outlet line 24 HCO-12 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for line between Variae Unit condensate receiver and cold trap Panel Boord Application Input Ovutput Number Number Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Device 25 HCO-13 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for line between feed tank Variae Unit and still 26 TCO-2 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Parel Control temperature along condenser Powerstat 27 HCO-16 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for salt feed line into Variae Unit feed tank ‘ 28 HCO-17 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Papel Provide heat for top of feed tank Variac Unit 29 HCO-18 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide heat for bottom of feed tank Variac Unit 30 HCO-19 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide heat for bottom of condensate receiver Variac Unit 32 TCO-3 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Parel Control temperature along condenser line Powerstat 33 HCO-10 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Ponel Provide line heat for sampler line Variae Unit 34 TCO-4 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control temperature along condenser line . Powerstat 36 TCO-6 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control temperature of condensate receiver Powerstat 37 HCO-14 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for transmitter LT-1 Variae Unit 38 TCO-7 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control heat input to top of still 39 HCO-15 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Provide line heat for transmitter LT-1 Variae Unit 40 TCO-~-8 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control temperature of stiil Powerstat 41 TCO-8 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC - Panel Control temperature of still Powerstat 42 - TCO-9 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control temperature of feed tank Powerstat 43 TCO-9 0-208 VAC 0-208 VAC Panel Control temperature of feed tank Powerstat HCV-1 Containment Sparge feed tank Cubicle HCv-2 Contoinment Vent feed tank Cubicle ‘ HCV-3 Containment Purge feed tank vent line ond equalize LT-1 Cubicle HCv-4 Containment Evacvate between sampler line valves Cubicle HCV-5 Containment Sparge condensate receiver ‘ Cubicle HCV-8 Containment By-pass vacuum pump Cubicle . HCV-9 ~ Containment Vacuum pump suction valve Cubicle ' ey o) . kg oA, Panel Boord Application Input Output Number Number Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Device HCV-10 Containment Vocuum pump discharge valve Cubicle ‘ HCV-20 HCV-21 PS-1A Panel Provide alam on low vocuum Microswitch PS-18 Panel Control vacuum pump Microswitch Ps-2 3-15 psig Panel Provide alarm on high Ar pressure in feed tank Barksdale pressure switch PS-5A 3-15 psig Panel Close FSV-1 on loss of vacuum Barksdale pressure switch - PS-58 3-15 psig Panel Provide alarm on loss of vacuum Barksdale pressure switcl, PT-2 3-15 psig Containment Monitor Ar pressure in feed tank Foxboro d/p cell : ) Cubicle PT-5 3-15 psig Containment Monitor still pressure outside range of PE-1 Foxboro d/p cell Cubicle ‘ PT-7 3-15 psig- Containment Monitor sompler tube pressure Foxboro d/p cell Cubicle LE-2 0-50mv AC Still Sense salt level at upper section of still Special level probe LE-3 0-50mv AC Stil Sense salt level at lower section of still Special level probe LE-4 0-50 mv AC Condensate Sense level in condensate receiver Special level probe i receiver XwM-2 ) Panel Supply fow voltage, high frequency current Hewlett-Packard Power Supply XwM-3 ) (1000 cycles/sec) to LE-2, LE-3, LE-4 XwM-4 ) . : LS-13% Contoct Cold Trap Sense N, level in trop and actuate hi-level Special level switch closure alam LS-138 Contact Cold Trap Sense N, level in trap and actuate low-level Special level switch closure alam Pl-1 Field 0-15 psig Indicate Ar supply pressure Pressure indicator Pl-3 Field 0-30 psig Indicate control valves header pressure Pressure indicator - Pl-6 Field 0-30 psig Indicate Ar pressure to feed tank Pressure indicator - Pi=7 3-15 psig Panel 0-10 mm Hg Indicate pressure in sampler tube Receiver gage PI-9 0.2-2 in. Hg Field Multironge Used for colibration check on PC-1 Mcleod vacuum goge FC-1 Containment Limit Ar flow rate Capillary Cubicle ey Panel Board Application Input Output . Number Number Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Device LCV-2A Panel Actuate LCV-2B 3-way solenoid valve LCV-28 Containment Control level of salt in still Pneumatic control valve Cubicle ' Hv-1 Pane! Argon to feed tank Manual valve HV~2 Panel Argon to eondensate receiver Manual valve HV-3 Field Liquid N2 addition Manwual valve Fi-1 Panel 0-10 |/min Indicate Ar flow into feed tank ' Rotameter FI-2 Panel 0-10 |/min Indicate Ar flow into condensate receiver Rotameter during ogitation or condensate removal FSV-1 Panel Shut off Ar supply to feed tank on loss of vacuum Prneumatic control valve FSv-2 Containment Prevents backflow into system from off-gas system Check valve Cubicle ‘ FSV-3 Panel Control FSV=-1,. Operates on loss of vacuum Solencid valve detected by PS-5A ' PV-1 Panel Regulates Ar pressure to feed tank ‘Pneumatic regulator PV-3 Panel Regulates air supply pressure for all Pneumatic regulator . pneumatic control valves ‘ _ t LT-1 0-40 in. H20 3-15 psig Containment Monitors feed tank salt level Foxboro d/p cell ’ Cubicle LT-5 0-40 in, HZO 3-15 psig Containment Monitors condensate receiver level Foxboro d/p cell Cubicle -1 - TA-102 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low feed tank temperature Annunciater ‘ closure closure 1-2 TA-110 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low still feed line temperature Annunciator ‘ closure ¢losure : ‘ ‘ B 1-3 TA-134 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low condensate receiver temperature Annunciator closure closure 1-4 Contact Contact Pane! Annunciator _ closure closure : 1-5 . Contact - Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure 1-6 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator ' closure closure ' . » - 1 1 $ - ¥) Panel Board Application - Input Output Number Number Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Device 2.1 TA-112 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low still temperature Annunciator _ closure closure 2-2 TA-1B Contact Contact Panel Alatms on low condenser temperature Annunciator ‘ closure closure ‘ _ 2-3 TA-28 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low condenser temperature Annunciator clasure closure 2-4 - TA=3B Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low condenser temperature Annunciotor ' closure - closure . 2-5 TA-48 Contact Contoct Panel Alarms on low condenser imeperature Annunciator closure closure 2-6 TA-78 Contact Contoct Panel Alarms on low still tempersiure Annynciator _ closure clsoure ' 31 PA-1 Contact Contact Panel Alams on low vacuum in still Annunciator closure closure 3-2 PA-2 Contact Contact Panel Alamms on high Ar pressure in feed tonk Annunciator closure closure ' 3-3 TA=5 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator . closyre closure 3-4 LA-136 Contact Contact Panel Alorms when liquid N, trop is filled Annynciator ' ~ closure closure 3-5 LA-138 Contact Contact Panel Alarms on low liquid N2 level in cold trap Annunciator closure closure . 3-6 Contact Contact Panel! Annunciator _ closure closure _ 4-1 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure 4-2 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure 4-3 ~ Contact Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure 4-4 Contact Contoct Panel Annunciator closure closure 4-5 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure 4-4 Contact Contact Panel Annunciator closure closure Gy Panel Board Application Input Output * Number Number Range Range Location Scale Function Type of Davice TE-131 0-2000°F Conde.nscfle Monitor temperature Ch/Al receiver TE-132 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condensate Monitor temperature Pt/Rh ‘ receiver ‘ _ TE-133 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Coude.nsate Monitor temperature Pt/Rh receiver TE-134 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Cond:ensafe Monitor temperature Ch/Al receiver TE-136 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv ‘ Cold Trap Alarm on high liquid N, level in cold trap Ch/Al TE-138 0-2000°F 0-44,9 mv Cold Trap Alarm on low liquid N, level in cold trap Ch/Al TE-141 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-140 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Condensate receiver Monitor temperature Ch/Al Exit line TE-1A 0-2000°F 0-44,.9 mv Condenser Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-1B 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor temperature Pi/Rh - TE-2A 0-2000°F 0-107mv Condenser Control Ch/Al TE-~2B © 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor Pt/Rh TE~-3A 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Condenser Control Ch/Al TE-~3B 0-2000°F 0-10,7 mv Condenser Monitor Pt/Rh TE~4A 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Condenser Control Ch/Al TE-4B 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor Pt/Rh TE-7A 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv - Still Control Ch/A} TE-7B 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Still Meonitor Pt/Rh TE-8A 0-2000°F 0-449mv SHill Control Ch/A} TE-88 0-2000°F 0-10,7 mv Still Monitor Pt/Rh TE-9A 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Feed tank Control Ch/Al TE-98 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Feed tank Monitor Ch/A1 TE-58 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Monitor Ch/AI TE-6B 0-2000°F 0-44.9mv Monitor Ch/Al TE=-139 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Monitor Ch/Al TE-6A 0~2000°F 0-44.9mv Monitor Pt/Rh v Panel Board Application : Enpuf‘ * Output . Number Number Range " Range Location Scale Function Type of Device - TE-100 0-2000°F 0-44.9mv Feed tank Monitor femperature Ch/Al TE-101 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Feed tonk Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-102 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Feed tank Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-103 (0-2000°F 0-44.9mv Feed tank Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-104 0-2000°F. - O0-44.9mv Feed tank Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-105 0-2000° F 0-10.7 mv Feed tank Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE~106 0-2000°F O-d44.9mv LT line Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-107 . 0-2000°F - O-44.9mv LT-1line Monitor temperature Ch/A] TE-108 0-2000°F - 0-44.9mv StiH input line Monitor temperature Ch/A1 TE-109 0-2000°F O-449mv Still input line *Monitor temperature Ch/A1 TE-110 0-2000°F 0-44.9mv Still input line Monitor temperature . Ch/A1 TE-111 0-2000°F . 0-10.7mv Skl " Monifor temperature Pt/Rh TE-112 0-2000°F 0-10.7mv SHll Manitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-113 0-2000°F . 0-10.7mv SHll Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-114 - 0-2000°F 0-107mv Still Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-115 0-2000°F 0-107mv SHll Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-116 0-2000°F = 0-107mv Still Monitor femperature Pi/Rh TE-117 0-2000°F - 0-10,7mv Still Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-118 0-2000°F 0-107mv Skl - Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-120 0-2000° F 0-10.7 mv still Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-122 '0-2000°F ~ 0-449mv Still Monitor femperature Ch/Al TE-123 0-2000°F ~ 0-10.7mv ' Condenser Monitor femperature Pt/Rh TE-124 0~2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor temperature P1/Rh TE-125 0-2000°F . 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-126 '0-2000°F 0-44.9mv Condenser Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-127 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Sompler line Menitor temperature Ch/Al . TE=128 0-2000°F 0-10.7 mv Condenser Monitor temperature Pt/Rh TE-129- 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Condensate receiver Monitor temperature Ch/Al TE-130 0-2000°F 0-44.9 mv Condensate receiver Monitor temperature Ch/Al Ly 48 on-off controller. The voltage to heaters in each zone is controlled by Variacs. There are seven heated lines on which heaters are controlled by on-off, manual switches and Variacs. All heater controls are mounted on four 24-in. standard _ instrument racks which adjoin two additional racks containing the temperature recorders plus pressure and level instruments. Tem peruture Annunciators " Each of the nine heated zones on the equipment and the salt feed line to the still are provided with low-temperature annunciators. The alarm-points are set to provide indication of instrument or heater fcnlure before the temperature falls low enough to freeze the salt. Pressure Measurement Feed Tank An absolute pressure D/P cell connected to the feed tank vent line in the con- tainment cubicle measures the pressure in the feed tank. This pressure will vary - between 5 and 7 psia as the salt is pressurized into the still, the increase in pressure being caused by the decreasing level in the feed tank. Pressure in excess of 7 psia probably indicates a restriction in the still feed line. Condensate Receiver The pressure in the condensate receiveris used as an indication of the ‘pressure in the still ofter adding the calculated AP through the condenser. Measurement of the pressure in the still itself was felt to be impractical because of the high temper- ature and because introduction of an inert purge into the still would make control of vacuum more difficult. The pressure tap for this measurement is on the 1-in. vacuum line very near the condensate receiver. Two pressure instruments are used: - (1) an MKS Baratron pressure measuring device with ranges of 0 to .003, 0 to 0.01, O to 0.03, 0to 0.1, 0t0 0.3, 0 to 1, 0 to 3, and O to 10. mm Hg; and (2) anabsolufe pressure D/P cell covering the range from 0 to 15 pan. | Samele Line A pressure transmitter measures the pressure between the two valves in the 1-1/2-in. salt sample line. During operation at vacuum these valves may not seal tightly enough, and it may be necessary to maintain this pressure near the operating pressure. ' 49 Pressure Control The system pressure is controlled by feeding argon to the inlet of the vacuum pump. The Baratron pressure instrument is used to regulate the flow. In order to protect the still against excessive internal pressure (at high temper- ature, pressures in excess of 2 atm could be unsafe), the argon supply to the system will be cut off if the system pressure exceeds 1 atm. The absolute pressure trans- mitter in the condensate receiver off-gas line is used for this purpose. Liquid Level Measurement and Control Feed Tank The pressure differential between the outlet of a dip tube extending to the bottom of the tank and the gas space above the salt is used to measure the salt level. Difference in level provides a check on the salt distillation rate. The dip~tube purge is provided by the argon which displaces the salt being fed to the still. The feed tank and condensate receiver liquid levels are transmitted to a two-pen recorder. Still A conductivity-type level probe (see Flg 17) is ‘used i in the shll for measuring and controlling the liquid level. This probe is similar to the single=point level probes being used in the MSRE drain tanks but with two concentric tubes instead of one for the excitation length because of the limited head room in the still. Tests have shown that a variable output is obtained over at least ane-third the length of ‘the sensing probe., A 6-in. sensing probe is therefore used to control the liquid level between 1 in. and 3 in. below the top of the annulus. The bottom joint of the “two concentric tubes in the excitation length is located at this upper control point. ~ When the salt is below this point, the control valve in the argon line to the feed tank is open and argon flows through a capillary restrictor: to the feed tank. The restrictor is sized so that the gas displaces salt to the still at a rate slightly in excess of the ~ desired distillation rate. A recorder shows the rising liquid level. When the bottom joint of the excitation length is reached, the valve closes and the level falls for about - - 2 hr until it reaches the bottom of the sensing probe. At this point a signal causes the valve to open to start charging salt to the still again. A second conductivity probe with a straight excitation length extends as close as possible to the tapered bottom of the still pot ‘This provides salt level measurement during the final boildown. . 50 ORNL - DWG-68-818 SEALED PENETRA TO AMPLIFIER AND READOUT 1000 CYCLE EXCITATION STILL TOP CONCENTRIC TUBES . ‘MAX. LIQUID LEVEL MIN. LIQUID LEVEL Fig. 17. Liquid Level Probe. ) N oy ol Condensate Receiver A third conductivity probe is installed in the condensate receiver to permit following the distillation rate. -~ The probe is long enough to provide continuous measurement for the entire volume of the tank. It was felt that the alternate choice of a continuous bubbler-type instrument would require too much purge gas, causing excessive pressure drop in the line to the vacoum pump. A bubbler-type instrument, however, is installed for periodic checks and calibration of the conductivity probe. - PREOPERATIONAL INSPECTION The use of Hasrelloy N at temperafures of 800 to 'r000°C is not well enough known to predict the condition of the vacuum distillation equipment after extended periods of operation. Since the second phase of the experiment invoives the use of radiocactive materials, it will be necessary to thoroughly inspect the vessel after non- ~ radioactive operation. The basis or reference for this inspection is a set of radio~ ~ graphic observations plus direct and ultrdsonic dlmenslonal measurements made on the assembled eqUtpmenl before initial operahon. ~-An inspection program was planned that completely described the still, condenser and condensate receiver assembly. - As shown on drawings No. -M-12173-CD-019D, M-12173-CD-020D, and M~=12173-CD-021D of Appendix H, a mapping of 247 points for radiographic and ultrasonic measurements of wall thickness is specified on the vessel surfaces. In addition, locations in the form of center-punched tabs are provided for 55 length and diameter measurements. Data points are concentrated in regions where highest material stresses are expected. The referenced drawings contain a record of the initial measurements, showing that thicknesses were measured to the nearest 0,001 in, and linear measurements to the nearest 1/32 in. Because of equipment and geometrical limitations, it was not possible to check every ultrasonic measurement with a direct measurement., Length and diameter measurements were made after the unit had been installed in supporting framework at the location where it was to be operafed Thls precauflon precluded a _measuremenf blas due to handlmg and transport. Afrer nonradloactwe operation, msulahon and heaters wull be removed and alI measurements and observations will be repeated - The new data will be recorded on ~ the referenced drawing for easy comparison with initial values. At that time the su:tabll:ty ol" fhe equnpmenr l"or furfher experlments will be decided, *lnspechans and measurements were made by R. M. Fuller and co-workers of the Inspection Engineering Division. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Unitized Construction The entire dlshllahon unit conslstmg of the feed tank, still, condenser, ~ condensate receiver, and.cold trap with the associated heaters, insulation, and thermocouples is installed in a 3 ft x 6 ft 4 in. x 8 fi - high angle-iron frame ~designed to be moved as a unit. The base supports for the feed tank and condensate receiver are bolted to the botiom of the frame. . The still is supported by a counter’ weight on a pulley to allow for thermal expansion during Operafion but will be rngldly supported while in transit. The cold trap, being small, is supported by the 1-in. vent line from the condensate receiver. An electrical junction box and two thermocouple junction boxes are provided on the frame. | Hodd- Ihstal Iafiori The distillation umt W||| be msl'alled ina wclk-ln hood, 4 ft 4 in. x 8t x 9 ft high, located in Building 3541, for nonradioactive operation. The lZ-ft-Iong instrument and heater control panel, the containment cubicle for D/P cells, remote. valves, and the vacuum pump are mounted near the hood. The vacuum pump dis- - 'chqrges through absolute filters. The directly operated sampler, described above, is located inside the hood. Nonradioactive operation W||| test all of the equipment to be used in the radioactive demonstration. Cell Installation At the completion of nonradioactive testing, the unit will be thoroughly in- spected to determine its suitability for radicactive operat:on If this inspection is . affirmative, all electrical, instrumentation, and piping connections will be broken and the unit moved to Building 7503. . The unit will be installed in the spare cell to the east of the fuel processing cell, as shown. in Figs. 18 and 19. Electrical and thermocouple leads will be brought through penetrations in a roof plug to the high-- bay area over the cell where control panels are located. These panels contain heater. controls, temperature recorders, and pressure and level readout msfruments. | Salt is chorged. to the,feed tank through line No. 112, which is connected to . ~ the fuel storage tank and contains a freeze valve. All other piping connections including the sample line passes through a roof plug to the high-bay area where the sampler, vacuum pump, liquid Ny supply, and instrumentation are located. Additional concrete shielding will be provided in the cell surrounding the unit to prevent excessive radiation in the operating areas to the east and south of the cell. \/ it} 53 MSRE HEATER CONTROL PANELS ORNL DWG 67-3653 RI NN 077 SPARE CELL FIXED SUPPORT PLUG CHEM. PLANT EXHAUST HOT _ EQUIPMENT STORAGE \ CELL \ § FILTER—> « —] CELL § - ~—EXHAUST 60" HIGH _ INNN\¥ CHEM. - WALL PLANT CHARCOAL TRAP DECONTAMINATION CELL 2 JE BLOC ------- bt s L)) FUEL PROCESSING CELL Fig. 18. Layout of MSRE Spare Cell. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s PENETRATIONS FOR ELECTRIC LEADS AND ™ INSTRUMENTATION ELECTRIC SERVICE AREA _CONDENSATE RECEIVER ~CONDENSER - STILL L FEED TANK DRAIN TANK CELL HIGH 54 ORNL - DWG- 68130 —SAMPLER 0-8| — LEAD SHIELD ELEV. 852-0" BAY AREA /7 3 FROM FUEL o STORAGE TANK Fig. BARYTES CONCRETE BLOCKS : ELEV. 840-0" C - °o°°°.0o°v L ELEV. esiio" Ifuo E oo © SATE. RECEIVER Og oo o0 9000 ® 19. South Elevation of MSRE Sparer Cell Showing Distillation Unit and Sampler Locations. N} g% e} . 55 Since the salt will have been fluorinated before distillation, no volatile activities are expected to pass through the liquid No trap. The vent from this trap and the three instrument lines for pressure measurements in the feed tank and receiver are - routed to a sealed, monitored cubicle in the high-bay area. This cubicle contains all equipment and instruments that are connected directly to the process equup- ment (vacuum pump, control valves, and instrument transmitters) as shown in Fig. 20. In case of activity backup in the lines, a radiation alarm will indicate the difficulty and the lines or cubicle can be purged. The top and one side of the cubicle is sealed with a gasketed, removable cover to facilitate maintenance. FINAL DISPOSITION At the end of the radioactive salt distillation, the salt will be distilled until the level is just below the low-level probe. All heat will then be turned off the equipment and the salt allowed to freeze.in the still and the receiver. The feed tank will have been emptied as much as possible. The vacuum pump will be turned off and the system allowed to reach atmospheric pressure and temperature under an argon blanket. - The level probe line to the receiver is heated and insulated and can be used to remove a composite sample (or the entire amount of condensate). In that case a shielded, sample-transport cask will be connected to the line in the high-bay area and the salt pressunzed from the receiver. - After the system is cool, all electricol and thermocouple leads will be severed as close to the unit as possible. The flanged lines will be disconnected and blanked; tubing lines will be cut and crimped.. The entire unit will be removed from the cell using remote maintenance techniques and taken to a burial ground for storage. ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors grctefully acknowledge the assistance of the following individuals who were interested in this experiment and contributed to its design: R. E. Whitt and B. C. Duggins for the design and selection of instrumentation; C. A. Hahs, T. W. Pickel, and W. R. Gall for stress analysis on the assembled equipment; H. E. McCoy for essential, high-temperature data on Hastelloy N; J. W, Krewson ~ for special instrumentation for liquid-level measurement; and members of the Chemical Technology Dwnsuon MSR commlttee for helpful criticism during design reviews. , | o 56" —\ac Pump Not Shown: Instrument Air Supply Lines Instrument Output Air Lines Air Lines To Valves Motor Electrical Supply Cubicle Radiation Monitor ORNL DWG. 68-8€9 To. Feed Tank Dip Tube (1/2" T }—1 To Feed Tonk Vent {(I"P) System Pressure pfx:;::'; Receiver Sompte Line {Medium Range} (Low) LL. Pressure PT-5 PE-~I LT-5 Hov-a PT-7 ] Lo HI >4 From LD HCV-T HCV~-4 Header 6? NCV-9 - 1 -From Somple HCY-1A A @_. : Line HCV-8 rN T » > — HCV-I0 - HVA le——] o-30" Feed Tank Feed Tank &1 o « kL. Pressure - PT-2 l _ CC/MIN 4 Vacuum Y Pump Air Open Valve to Vent Cubicls During Operation. Close Valve to Leak From Ny Trep{1"P) To Receiver Dip Tube (3/4'T) Fig. 20. Diagraom of Sealed Cubicle, Test Cubicle. a% )} 12. 57 REFERENCES | 1. M. J. Kelly, "Removal of Rare Earth FISSIon Products from Molten Salt Reactor Fuels by Distillation,” a talk presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, June 21-24, 1965. 2, R. C. Robertson, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part |, Description of Reactor Des:gn, ORNL TM-728, pp. 217-18 (January 1965). 3. J. T. Venard, Tensile and Creep Properties of INOR - 8 for the Molten Salt o Reactor Experiment, ORNL-TM- 1017 (February 1965). 4, R. W. Swmdeman, The Mechanical Properhes of INOR 8, ORNL-2780 (January 10, 1961). 5. R, B. Briggs, Molten Salt Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report for | Period Ending August 31, 1966, ORNL-4037, pp. 125-30 (January 1967). 6. K. A. Sense, M. J. Snyder, and R. B. Filbert, Jr., "The Vapor Pressure of Beryllium Fluoride," J. Phy. Chem. 58, 995-6 (1954). 7. W. R. Grimes, Reactor Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 1965, ORNL=-3913, pp. 24~33 (March 1966). 8. 'R. B. Briggs, Molten~- Salt Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report for - Period Endmg August 31, 1965, ORNL - 3872, p- 126 (December 1965). 9. W. R. Grimes, Reactor Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending January 31, 1963, ORNL-3262 (May 4, 1962). -10. J. H, Perry (ed. ), Chemlcal Engmeers Handbook 4th ed., McGraw - Hill, New York 1963. 11, R. B. Lmdauer, Revuslons to MSRE Deslgn Data Sheets, lssue No 9 "ORNL-CF- - 64-6~43, p. 9 (June 24 1964). | ~ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel' Code, Section VIII, .Ru‘.les for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, 1965 ed., published by the American Society of Mechamcal Engmeers, Umfed Engmeermg Center, 345E. 47fh St., New York. 13. R. J. Roark, Formulas for Stress and Strcun, 3rd ed., McGraw H||| New Yor|<, 1954, 14, L. E. Brownell and E. H. Young, Process Equipment Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959. w“w » 8% h) 59 APPENDICES o e w} 0 3} w) 6l APPENDIX A Physical Properties of Hosfelloy N Table A-1- - Chemical Composition Table A-2 ~ Density and Melting Range Table A-3 - Thermal Conductivity Table A-4 Modulus of Elasticity Table A-5 Specific Heat o Table A-6 Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Table A-7 Mechanical Properties | Table A--'I._ Chemical Composition Weight % Nickel | " Balance (~66-71) Molybdenum B 15,0 t0 18.0 Chromium o - 6.0to 8.0 Iron, max. 5.0 Titanium plus Aluminum, max. | 0.50 Sulfur, max. , | : 0.02 Manganese, max. | 1.0 Silicon, max. 1.0 Copper, max. - 0.35 Boron, max. | | - 0.010 Tungsten, max. | | 0.50 Phosphorus, max. . o 0,015 Cobalt, max. B 0.20 Vanadium, max. | | 0.5 " Catbon | - 0,04 to 0.08 | - 62 - Table A-2. Density and Melting Range Density at 25°C, g/cm3 | - | 8.79 - | Ib/in.3 0317 Melting range, °F | 2470 to 2555 °C - 1353 to 1400 Table A-3. Thermal C_onductivi_fy Temperature (°F) "Bty ft hr=1 =2 °F 212 - 6.600 400 | | - 7.409 - 600 ~ 8,293 800 | 9.160 1000 - 10.37 1050 | : 10.81 1100 - 11.10 1150 11.41 1200 11.71 1250 ~ 12,02 1300 12.68 1350 13.26 1400 - 13.55 _Table A-4. Mo 63 dulus of Elasticity Temperature (°F) psi x 1070 57 31.7 430 29.3 770 27.8 - 930 - 27.1 1070 26,3 1170 26.2 1290 24.8 1470 23.7 1570 22.7 1660 21.9 1750 20.7 1800 19.7 1830 19.1 1920 17.7 . Table A-5. - Specific Heat Temperature (°F) Btu Ib~1 e g~! 140 0.0977 212 0.1005 392 0.1052 572 0.1091 752 0.1120 896 0.1139 1004 0.1155 1058 0.1248 1094 0.1347 1148 0.1397 i 1220 0.1387 1256 - 0.1384 1292 - 0.1380 . V M . Table A-6. Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Temperature (°F) ~ in/in~°F | AT (°F) "AL/L (in./in.) | 70-400 6.45 x 1076 330 2.13 x 1073 70-600 6.76 x 1076 530 3.58 x 1073 70-800 7.09 x 10706 730 5,18 x 1073 70-1000 743 x 1076 930 6.81 x 1073 70-1200 7.81 x 1006 1130 8.83 x 107° 70-1400 8.16 x 1076 1330 10.85 x 1075 70-1600 8.51 x 1076 1530 13.02 x 10~° 70-1800 8.85x 1076 1730 1531 x 107° 65 Table A-7. Mechanical Properties 1/4 Min. Spec. 2/3 Min. Spec. 4/5 Rug Str. Stress for Max. Allow. Temp. Tensile Strength Yield Strength for 10 0.1 CRU Stress _(°F (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) ~ (psi) 0~ 100 25,000 26,700 - 14,500 25,000 200 24,400 24,100 - - 24,000 300 23,900 . 22,800 | - - 23,000 400 23,500 21,700 - - 21,000 500 - 23,100 20,800 - - 20,000 600 22,700 20,000 - - 20,000 700 22,250 19,300 - - 19,000 800 21,800 18,700 - - 18,000 200 21,200 18,150 - 18,150 - 18,000 1000 20,500 17,650 | 16,000 - 17,000 1050 . 19,900 17,400 14,500 - - 1100 19,100 17,200 12,400 14,500 13,000 1150 18,100 17,000 10,400 10,200 - 1200 17,100 16,800 8,300 7,400 6,000 ‘1250 16,100 16,600 6,200 5,400 - 1300 15,000 16,400 4,800 4,100 3,500 1350 13,800 16,300 3,600 3,100 - 1400 12,700 16,200 2,900 2,400 1,900 .ow 66 - APPENDIX B Physical Properties of LiF, BeFy, ZrF4,and Their Mixtures Fig. B-1 Calculated Densities of Molten LiF, BeF,, and ZrFy Fig. B-2 , Density~Temperature Curves for LiF-BeFp=ZrF Mixtures Fig. B-3 Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relatidnships for LiF, BeF, . - ZrFy, and Their Mixtures | Fig. B-4 | Calculated Viscosity of LiF-BeF,-ZrF, Vapoi' Table B-1 - Latent Heat of Vaporization of LiF, BeF,, ZrF4, and_ Their Mixtures Table B-2 Thermal Properties of MSRE Salt A [ iy L)) LH {9/ cm3) DENSITY 67 ORNL-DWG -68-824 2.00 —\ .80— .60~ 140}— .20 (BOILING POINTS CALCULATED FROM VAPOR PRESSURE DATA) (DATA FROM REF. 9, ORNL - 3262) ‘ 1159 °C b.p.at 760mm /-lGTG"C ! b.p.at 760 mm LiF - 3.80 3.60 3.40 3.20 3.00 500 ] 1000 | 1800 2000 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fiflg. B-1, Calculated Dénsifiés of Molten LiF, BeF, and Zr F4. 2.80 . (g7/em3) DENSITY {(gm/cm3) DENSITY - 2.20 210 68 ORNL-DWG-68-825 2.00 1.90 LiIF- BeFp - ZrFq 90.0-7.5-2.5 MOLE % 1.80 LiF- BeFp - Zr Fq . 64.7-30.-52 |({DATA FROM REF. 7, ORNL-3913, P. 29) LiF-BeF2-Zr Fq 2-90-8 MOLE % MOLE % 400 600 800 1000 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. B-2. Density~Temperature Curves for LiF-Ber-ZrF 4 1200 L] 69 ORNL -OWG - €68-841 R} {mm Hg) VAPOR PRESSURE / (Data from ref. 6,7,8) - /| BeFa: Logp =10.491 - 10,953/ f [ ZiFg Logp = 13.3995 - 12,376/T 7 LiF: Logp = 30.619 - 15,450/T - 6.039 Log T 7/ 64.7 - 30.1 - 5.2 mixture: Log p = 8.803 - 9,936/T N /I 90.0-7.5-2,5mixture: Log p = 8.940 - 11,480/T , I,, P=mm Hg and T = °K : / | | _ . 17 1 1 1 1 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. B-3. Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relationships for LiF, BeF-2, ZrF 47 and their Mixtures. (°C) TEMPERATURE 70 ORNL-DWG~68- 840 R! 1050 1000 |- 950 900 VAPOR COMPOSITION LIF ~ 64.7 mole % BeFq— 30.1 ZrFg~- 5.2 (CURVE CALCULATED BY CORRELATIONS OF EQS. 3-104 & 108 PAGE 3-230, OF REF. 10) ] ] i 1 ] L 1 .022 o 023 .024 025 026 027 .028 029 VISCOSITY (centipoises) | Fig. B-4. Calculated Viscosity of LiF-BeFZ-ZrF 4 Vapor. oy 71 Table B-1. Latent Heat of Vaporization of LiF, BeFy, ZrF, and Their Mixtures (Values estimated from vapor pressure data) ~ Composition cal/g=-mole LiF 44,000 BeF, 50,400 LiF-BeF,ZrFy (64.7-30.1-5.2 mole%) 46,2000 LiF—B_er-ZrF4 (90.0—7.5—2.5 mole%) _ 44,600° ACalculated by assuming that the latent heat of each component in the mixture is proportional to its molar composition. ‘Table B-2. Thermal Profiérti'es of MSRE Salt A (data from Ref, 11) Heat capacity of solid (212° to 806° F) Heat capacity of liquid (887° to 1472°F) Composition of Salt A Mole % LiF 70 - BeF, 23.6 ZrF, 5 | - ThFy 1 UF, 0.4 . Melting point | | 840°F Latent heat of fusion at 840°F 139 Btu/lb - 0 0.132 + 0.000433 t (°F) 0.575 - 0.0000999 t (°F) 72 APPENDIX C Estimation of Pressure Drop for Salt Vapor in the Still-Condenser System The highest pressure in the still-condenser system during distillation is about 1 mm Hg which occurs just over the. surface of the liquid in the still. A vacuum pump connected to the condensate receiver develops a lower pressure. in this vessel to induce vapor flow through the condenser.. Because the ‘average pressure in the condenser is low and the diameter is relatively large (9.25 in. D), the possibility was foreseen that vapor could channel, resulting in incomplete conden- sation. It was not desirable to make the condenser smaller in diameter because the larger surface is needed for heat rejection; therefore, to avoid channeling, a core " was placed in the condenser (Fig. C-1) to route vapor to the condenser wall, The calculations that follow were made on the sysfem shown schematically in Fig. C-1. They consider pressure drops for various flow rates beginning at the vapor line opening in the still to the neck of the condensate receiver. The objective of the calculations is to determine the annulus width that easily passes the amount of vapor that can be condensed. In other words, the condenser-is to be made non- channeling but with sufficient annular area that pressure drop is not the controlling characteristic. The results indicate that a 3/4-in. annulus very nicely fulfills these requurements, whereas a 1/2-|n. annulus l:mlts the distillation rate to about 500 em / hr. Properties of the System In addition to the dimensional properties of the system, the following data are tabulated: Vapor composition, mole % LiF | 64.7 BeFy | 30.1 ZsF4 - 5.2 Molecular weight of vapor, g/mole - 39.66 Vapor temperature, °C 1000 Pressure in still, mm Hg 1.0 Vapor density at 1000°C, Ib/ft3 312 x 1070 Vapor viscosity at 1000°C, centipoises 0.0257 Condensate temperature, °C 600 Condensate density at 600°C, g/ cm3 | 2.17 73 'ORNL DWG. 68-852 RI STILL Y {{ife— 2" ANNULUS LAl 20" ||4u ‘i%*“m‘_ FEED 0.75" " TO VACUUM ATT5,00, CONDENSER " TPUMP 925"1.D. CORE ! CONDENSATE RECEIVER Fig. C-1. Diagram of Still-Condenser System SHowing Dimensions Used in Pressure Drop Calculation, - 74 The pressure drop is calculated in three steps: (1) the AP in the vapor line from its entrance to the beginning of the core, (2) entrance loss into the annulus, and (3) AP in the annulus. It was chosen to find the pressure drop for a conden- sation rate of 800 ecm3 liquid per hour for a sample calculation. AP in Vapor Line _ 800 cm* cmS 2,17 g Ib Vapor flow rate, w = 3500 sec X cm3 X ng- = 0,001063 I.b/sec The vapor is in laminar flow so use the correlations of PerryIo Table 5-11, hage 5-21, to find the pressure drop in the vapor line. The weight rate of flow is 1rD4N 128 ¢ where D = diameter = 0.771 ft. N is defined by g M pRop) N = =S \ 1 2 2zRTp | L ! where g = conversion factor = 32/17 ft-Ib/Ib force-secz, M = molecular weight = 39.66 Ib/Ib mole, z = compressibillty factor = 1.0, 'R = gas constant = 1,543 ft—lb/" R=1b mole, - T. = temperature = 2292° | p = viscosity = (0.0257) (6 72 x 10~4) = 1.73 x 10'5 Ib/ft sec, L = average length = 1.42 fi, | Py = upstream pressure = 1 mm Hg = 2.7845 Ib/f12, » P2 = downstream pressure, |b/ft2 ' Using the above values, it is found that \ | o N=7I2( -2 | | 3) - 75 From Eq. 1, _ 128 w _ (128) (0.001063) N x D? mmmfi (4) Using Eqgs. 3 and 4, the downstream pressure is found to be Py = 2.7815 Ib/ft2 Z 0.9989 mm Hg. (5) Contraction Loss Entering Annulus The correlation given in Perry 10, Fig, 5-34, page 5-31, was used to estimate this effect. The hydraulic diometer Dy, of the annulus is 0.125 ft; the “equivalent” length L_ of the annular entrance is taken as one~half this value or 0.0625 ft. The correlation term for Fig. 5-34 is LeH D} G where G = mass flow rate in annulys = ——————— = 0,00764 Ib/sec¥ff2. area of annulus Other terms have been previously defined. The value of the correlation term is L > = 0.00904, DR G which is used in Fig. 5-34 to determine that _P2 3-1=15 S e V29, - ) L - “where p = vapor density = 3.12 x 10°5 Ib/f3, V = vapor velocity in entrance = 245 ft/sec, P2 = pressure just upstream of entrance = 2,7815 Ib/ft2 P3 = pressure after entrance losses, 1b/Fi2, From Eq. 6, the pressure after entrance losses is Py = 27087 Ib/ft2 < 0.9728 mm Hg. 7) 77 flow rates above and below this range, and the results are plotted in Fig. C-2. Also included in the figure is a curve showing the pressure drop for an annulus width equal to 1/2 in. For an annulus this narrow, the pressure drop in the 400 to 600 em3/hr operating range is significantly greater than for the 3/4-in. annulus. In fact, it appears that in a 1/2=in. annulus the distillation rate might be limited to about 550 cm3/hr. The 3/4~=in. spacing was chosen for the con- denser design because this eliminates pressure drop as a factor in controlling distillation rate. ORNL DWG. 68-864 RI o O - > g o o Pressure At Condenser Outlet (mm Hg) o o T 3/4" Annulus 172" Annulus Condenser Length =3 ft Vapor. LiF -BefFy -Zr F4 64.7 30. 5.2 mole % Still Pressure = Imm Hg Vapor Temperature=[000°C 0 300 ;400 - 500 600 700 ‘ | 800 - 900 1000 Hoo ‘ Distillation Rate {(cm3/hr at 600°C ) Fig. C-2. Distillation Rate as a Function of Pressure at Condenser Outlet. 1200 8/ © 79 APPENDIX D Estimation of Time fo Heut'C_ondehsote' Receiver and Feed Tank to Operating Temperature 5 The condensate receiver and feed tank are so nearly the same size and geometry that one calculation of time~temperature characteristics is assumed to apply to both vessels., The purpose of the calculation is to find the proper rating for heaters attached to the outside of the vessel that permit heating from room temperature to 500°C in about 2 hr. The results of the calculation, presented above in Fig. 6, page 17, show that a heat input of about 20 kw is required; the followmg discussion illustrates the computahonal procedure. Data and Computational Model The condensate receiver, shown schematically in Fig. 7, page 18, ond detailed in Dwg. M~12173=-CD~009 of Appendlx H, was chosen as the model for the calculation. Elements of the model are shown in Fig, D-1. The vessel as installed is covered with ceramic heaters that provide a uniform heat source to the vertical sides and bottom; however, for calculational convenience it is assumed that all heat enters through the ~ vertical sides, the sides being made longer to include the heated area that would be on the bottom. It is assumed that the vessel contains a full charge (48 liters) of salt having the properties of MSRE Salt A (see Table B~2, Appendix B). This salt was chosen because heat capacity and heat of fusion data are available and its composi- tion very closely approximates that of MSRE carrier salt. The following data are pertinent properfies of the vessel and its contents: Vessel material L ST ‘Hastelloy N Vessel weight, lbs S o | 125 Vessel surface areq, ft2 | R | o 16,89 Average specific heat of metal, Bty lb"] °F"] o o - 0T Average thermal conduchv:ty of meral Bty hr~} °F"]r | 10.3 - Emissivity. of metal.. D ] o 0.5 Weight of salt {48 liters), lbs : - 235 " Melting point of salt, °C . . | ' 450 Heat of fusion, Btu/lb | ' 139 Average specific heat of solid salt (70 to 842° F) Btu lb"'.| °p-1 0,316 Average specific heat of liquid salt (842 to 932°F), Bty Ib~} °F-1 0.486 Thermal conductivity of insulation, Btu hr ft"‘ °p-1 0.1 80 ORNL DWG. 68-855 i SALT - | -VESSEL WALL HEATER EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF VESSEL=I.7 ft. ".............I.l.............. — T3in. —'I INSULATION *—— 7.75in. ——» t=6in e—— r, = 8.75in. e————————— rp=14.75 in. Fig. D-1. Model for Calculating Time to Heat Condensate Receiver to Operating Temperature. | © " Definitions Am e . L " — X o _x 0o 3 9, - 81 .qh = heater outpg't, Btu/hr heat transfer areq, ft2 emissivity length of vessel, ft radius to outside of heater, ft radius to outside of insulation, ft ., | thermal conductivity of insulation, Btu he=1 f=1 °F-1 heater temperature, °R | | salt temperature, °R metal temperature, °R temperature at outside surface of i_nsuldtion, °R time, hr | spemf:c heat of solt Btu b1 oF-1 specnflc heat of mgfal, Bty Ib=1 °F-1 weight of salt, b weight of metal, Ib | _ . thermal co‘nducflvify of metal, Bty hr=1 fi=1 °F-1 coefficient of heat transfer for salt fllm, Btu hr-1 ft=2 o f~1 thickness of metal wall ft - Heat Balance - The oufpuf of the heaters is radiated to the vessel or is lost by conduchon ) through the lnsulahon. 2wkl T, - AR | 0 ~'Intr2/r|’ ¥ 1 i —0173x10'8A (Tf: 14 + "') | 82 , The energy received by the vessel wall is partially used to heat the metal and partially to heat the salt inside the vessel. In a‘small time increment dO there would be a small rise in temperature of the vessel and the salt, and we can write =W cCd +w. c dr + TR =T) 4 ssosoomom - @ m ‘ ]"F2/r])_ Both T, and T_ are variables in this equation, and one must be eliminated before integration. T we make the simplifying assumption that the amount of heat going into the salt is proportional to the amount of heat going into the metal, ~ the proportionality constant is probably the ratio.of the relative conductances of the metal and the salt film adjacent to the wall. In this case the propor= tionality constant becomes - - UG k /x ' | | m’ T - 10.3/0.0208 | | r— = L = 24.72, - © ¢ | The value of h_ (= 20 Bty hr=1 ft=2 °F~1) is estimated from physical properties. Using the value 24,72 as the proportionality between the first two ferms to the right of the equality sign in Eq. 2, we write | W C dT okl (T, -T) . U do = ——_22._7?—‘+'Wm Cm dTm + n - @ Upon rearrangement and integration this becomes Tl!n o . ';’:e-u ' dT m 20kl [T, - T @G - In (r2/r1) ® o ‘The initial conditions are T, equals room temperature at time equals zero; final conditions are T , ¢ predetermined upper limit for the temperature of the vessel wall, and €', fl?_]e time reduired for the vessel wall to reach temperature T’ . - 7 . m 83 Time to Heat Metal Wall to 600°C Since the metal temperature rises much faster than the bulk or "mixed" temperature of the salt, it is necessary during this transient period to limit the metal temperature to some reasonable value, for example, 600 to 700°C, and hold the temperature at this value until the salt melts and heats to operating temperature, which is taken to be 500°C. While the metal is being heated, the relationship between metal and bulk salt temperatures can be found from the assumption used to get the proportionality factor of Eq. 3. oo S __amean _ 0.00477 () T =T~ 2472W_C_. = (24.72) (235) (0.495) ™ T = 0.00477 (Tm - To) +T. @ The value 6f C, (=0.495 Btu Ib=1 °F=1) ysed in Aqu 6isa wéighted specific heat which inciudes in one number the effect of heating the solid, of the heat of fusion, and of heating the liquid to 500°C., The left member of Eq. § contains the variables T and Ty, which are related through Eq. 1 for any chosen heater capacity qy,; other quantities in Eq. 1 are defined in Fig. D~1"and the paragraph titled Definitions. If we choose a heater of 15 kw (51,195 Btu/hr) capacity and a surface temperature for the insulation of 530°R, we obtain for Eq. 1: (20) (0.1) (1.7) [Th - 530} ] - g 51,195 = (0,173 x 10°8) (6.89) (0.5 (T: rfn TR 51,195°= 0.596 x 10'8(7: -+ 2.046‘Th - 530) o ® We need to use Eq. 8 to eliminate either Ty or T from Eq. 5 and then integrate Eq. 5; however, the fourth-power relationship in Eq. 8 makes integration of Eq. 5 difficult unless graphical methods are used. Equation 8 is plotted in Fig. D-2; the "mixed" temperature of the salt, computed by Eq. 7, is shown on the same plot. When values are substituted into Eq. 5, we obtain ORNL DWG. 68-863 RI 2300 . T I . T r 2100+ - 1900 - 1700 -1540 ~1500 4538 o 0 e 31300 -1536 E —— m m ?, ° ~ 1100 4534 © © 2 < 2 = e 900 4532 £ @ '-. © 700 530 @ wc ] 1 1 1 ] 1 IT00 1800 I900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 Heoter Temperature (°R) Fig. D-2 Temperature of Vessel Wall and Salt as a Function of Heater Temperature (15~-kw Heater). - 85 Tr'n = ]57]°R | Gl- , af . ! o de _ [ e 09 51,195 - 2,046 (Th'-saoj - = [ (25 oY - | a3 530°R 0 o Wthh when integrated graphncolly with the aid of Fig. D-2, gives a value of = 18.5 minutes. This is the time for heating the vessel to 600°C (1571°R). Dur:ng this transient period, the "mixed" temperature of the salt has risen only about 5°R to 535°R (~25°CQ). ' Heating Salt to 500°C While Holding Vesse'lb.Walls at 600°C Choosing at this point to hold the vessel walls at 600°C by on-off control of the heaters, we examine the mechansim for transferring heat from the heaters through the walls and then into the salt. The rate at which heat is recenved by the wclls, assumed fo be by radiation only, is ' ok 10PA (74 -7 ) : m h m The rate of heat transfer into the salt depends upon convection which is hoA (T - 1) . These two expressions must be equal since the wall temperature is held constant. Therefore, A (T -T) = 0.173 x 1078 A e(T4-T4). - (10) mlilm s m hm . A . In Eq. 10, T_ increases with time, and the heat transfer rate into the salt . :drops off because of the decreasing value of (Tm - T ) At the outset this . temperature difference is large enough to permit all radlated energy to be conducted into the salt. However, eventually (T = T) becomes small enough that the heater outpyt must be curtailed (through the on=off control that holds wall temperature constant). - During the time that the large value of (T - T) | prevails, the energy balance is , B 86 -8 0.173 x 10 A A e (T - T4) do =W C dT. m | h m s s s ‘Infe_grqting from the lower limits 6 and T;, respectively, the time (18.5 minutes) and temperature (535°R) at which the metal reaches 600° C, to the upper limits 6" and T, we have ' _ : _ W _ ! o185 _ W& - T S5 i 80 g73x 108 A . (74 - - m | h m, | (23’5) 0.495) \Ts - 535) 0.173 x 10°° (6.89) ©0.5) [1940)* - (157)*] ;‘0.00242 (T: -535} : o () The linear relation of Eq. 11 holds until the magnitude of (Tm - T) decreases to the point at which convection transfer controls.. The salt temperafure at which this oceurs is found by equating the radiation heat transfer rate to the convection transfer rate as was done in Eq. 10, We define this temperature fo be Te and obtain it by solving Eq. 10, 0173 x 107 e( r4, | | | T -1 =— » T | (12) - m The value of T: is 571 - 7" = B8 x 1078 0.5 [a9a0* - as7nt] s 20 - T"- = 1222°R (406° C) o | - (13) The elapsed time for the salt to reach 406°C is found from Eq. 'Il to be 8" = 118 | minutes. - Above a salt temperatyre of 406° C the heat transfer rate decrecses with time, and the time-temperature relationship is found by equating the energy passing through the salt film to energy absorbed in the salt. | 87 h A (T -T)dB=WCdT ) o (18) cm m S , s S s . Integration from mmal conditions 6" and T* to the desired final temperature Tef gives -Tm-T:' hCAm | 7. “wc ©-9 (13) m sf s s Upon substitution of numerical values Eq. 15 becomes I 1571 - 1222 _ (20) (6.89) (e _1ng 1571 -1 of (235) (0.495) 60 = 1.185 (ef ---‘g}j@). ' (16) Using Eq. 16, the time (6f) required to heat the salt to 500°C is 152 minutes. - The relationships between time and temperatures of the heater, vessel wall, and salt were calculated from Egs. 8, 11, 12, and 16 and are plotted on Fig. D-3. Two curves are presented for the salt temperature, one for the vessel wall at a constant temperature of 600° C and a second for a constant temperafure of 700°C, The difference in time between the two cases is insignificant. Choosing the Heater Slzes for the Condensate Receiver, Feed Tank, Still, and Condenser ~ Condensate Receiver and Feed Tank. — The calculations discussed above ‘were repeated for heating jackets of 10 kw and 20 kw capacity around the sides and bottom of the condensate receiver.. These data, presented previously in Fig. 6, page 17, were used to fix the heater capacity for the condensate receiver and feed tank. It was chosen to heat each tank with 20-kw heaters, having the ~ distribution over the vessel surfaces specified in Paragraphs 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 of Appendix G. Since some heat is applied to upper surfaces that are not-contacted by salt, the heater effectiveness for heating the salt is not the total 20 kw but perhaps about 16 kw. The required time (Fig. 6) for brmgmg the vessels to - temperature is then clbout 140 minutes. ~ Still and Condenser. — An analysis similar to that described in this Appendix was made for the still and condenser, giving the time versus heater - rating curves shown in Fig. 11, page 28 . A 20-kw heater was chosen for the condenser and a 15~kw heater for the still giving a heat-up time of about 1.5 hr. ORNL DWG. 68-865 i } 1 i i ' 1 1000 Heater - 800 - o ~ 600 - - 2 Metal Wall o 2 E 400 - o - ; Salt Temporature For . “Metal Waill Held At 600°C 700°C 200 - 0" ! ] : L » J _ 1 i 1 0 20 40 = 60 80 100 120 140 160 - Time (min.) Fig. D=-3. Temperature-Time Curves for Heating Up the Condensate Receiver with a 15-kw Heater, 88 W) . 89 ~ Calculations for the still-condenser system were straightforward since it was not nec- essary to consider heating and melting a mass of salt. The small volume (12 liters) of salt that might be in the still was included in the weight of the metal thus simplifying the calculations. ' . 90 APPENDIX E - Estimation of Heat Rejection Rate by Condenser The condenser is designed to reject heat by conduction through the insulation and convection to the' atmosphere. This characteristic was chosen for the design since it. offers the simplest and most economical cooling method. . More efficient methods, such as forced circulation of an inert gas or liquid metal, were evaluated and found to re- quire a significant investment in circulating plus auxiliary heating and cooling equip- ment. - The following calculations illustrate the straightforward approach to finding the heat rejection capability of the condenser. A 3-ft length was chosen for the calcu~- lations since this was estimated to be the effective length of a unit that would fit the available space; the actual condenser length of the completed design is 51 in. - Independent variables in the condenser wall temperature and insulation thickness. The object of the computations is to find the most suitable combination of these variables for the desired distillation rate; results for condensing MSRE carrier salt and pure LiF are presented in Fig. 10, page 26. For 4=in.~thick insulation and wall temperatures between 600 and 850°C, the 3-ft length of 10~in.~OD condenser can dissipate 5000 to 7000 Btu/hr; this is equivalent to condensing 500 to 600 cm3/hr of -MSRE carrier salt. A 4~in. thickness is specified for the insulation on the installed unit; this may be increased or decreased with little inconvenience if operating experience does not agree closely enough with calculations. Model for the Calculation Heat given up by condensing salt inside the condenser must pass across an air gap to the heater, through the heater, and then through the insulation to the surroundings as diagrammed in Fig. E-1. The heater is used to heat the condenser from room temperature to the desired condensation temperature. Once thermal equilibrium is established, the heat of condensation maintains the unit on temperature, For this calculation it is assumed that heat is radiated from the condenser to the heater and then passes by conduction through the heater and surrounding insulation before being dissipated to the atmosphere by convection and radiation. Definitions . In addition to the dimensions shown on Fig. E~1, the following terms are defined: q = heat transfer rate, Btu/hr INSULATION Thermal Conductivity Of Insulation Thermal Conductivity Of Heater Figo E-lo 21 ORNL DWG.68-859 RI 0.1 Btu/ft hr.°F 8 Btu/ft hr.°F Cross Section of Condenser, Heater and Insulation. 92 A = area normal to heat flow, ft2 T = temperafure; °.R. | k = thermal conductivity, Btu ft~' he! oR! € = emissivity L = length, ft ‘r ='radius, ft | hc = convective heat transfer coefficient to surroundihgs, Btu .P-\l;_l 52—2 °_Fl-] h-r = radiative heat transferrcoefficienf to surroundings, Btu hr ~ ft = °F Subscript 1 refers to conditions at condenser surface Subscript 2 refers to conditions in heater Subscript 3 refers to conditions in insulation Subscript 4 refers to conditions at outer surface of insulation Subscript 5 refers to conditions of surroundings Heat Balance In the closed confines of the insulated system heat transfer from the condenser surface to the ceramic heater should be almost entirely by radiation. For this the rate is given by | t qy = 0.173 x 1078 A, e iTA' - IR () Cpnduction through the heater is | 92 | 'In(ra/rz) : Conduction through the insulation is T - T | ookt T Ty ® B~ T Inly/r) | | L}l %) ® 93 Radiation plus convection from the outer surface of the insulation is _ ! Voot - %= ZuryLih +hi (T, 15}. (4) Solutions to Equations Equations 2,3, and 4 are linear in temperature and are conveniently handled by determinants. To simplify the writing we define constants a.. and express Eqgs. 2,3, and 4 as follows: ' - T ayTg = a1 T3 ¥ a3 Ty = ay (5) 91 T2 * 92 T3 = 93 T4 = %3 . (©) ag Tyt agp Ta +aga Ty =gy + ag5 T 7) In these equations 2k, L - - , an = o2 = T | ® | 2k, L. I | Unn = Qnn = == S . ‘ ' . ) 22~ “23 " Tn(ry/ry) . . daq = 2n r4L.(hc .+ hr), _ | . . . (10)_ | 013 S99 9% =0 AL | When thermal equilibrium is'establishqd; qy =qp = q3 = 9y and Eqgs. 5, 6, and 7 can be solved simultaneously. The convenient quantity to obtain is Ty, since this temperature is needed to find the radiation rate from the condenser. The . solution is _929%2%3 " 93 %2%3 " 9 * %375 129 T2 A,y Onm Oa. - “11 722 733 94 q 9 9 | | . - =2+3+4+T5. | - o - (12) M %2 s ‘ - Since each of the q's is equal to q;, _o oo I e Yoo T s | - 9 \°1 %2 %33 In Eq. 13 the desired quantity is qy, the heat that can be rejected by the condenser. Therefore Eq. 13 can be used to eliminate Ty from Eq. 1 to obtain an expression in which qy is the dependent variable. This gives / | V0 a - RN sllg ety —10—-=1 j S, 0173x 10 A e In this equation, Ty, the temperature of the condenser wall, is the independent variable; Tg is the temperature of the atmosphere surrounding the unit. | Presentation of Resulis Equation 14 was used to calculate the rate of heat loss from the condenser for several values of the wall temperature; these results are given in Fig. 10, page 26. Insulation thickness, which affects the constants agg and agq, Was treated as a parameter over the range 3 to 4 in. to completely cover the range of interest for this experiment. The rate of condensation is greater at the higher condenser temp- eratures because the larger temperature drop between condenser and surroundings causes more heat to flow. On the other hand, a higher condensate temperature implies a higher vapor pressure, which is undesirable from the viewpoint of salt mist migrating into the vacuum system. | | | 95 APPENDIX F Stress Analysis of Vacuum Still and Condenser* The stress analysis was made to comply with the intent of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 12 Section VIIl. This analysis examines all areas of antic- ipated stress concentration due to external pressure (internal pressure = 0.5 mm Hg), nozzle penetrations, weight of vessel plus contents, and thermal effects. Allowable External Pressure for Elliptical Head ORNL DWG. 68-9088 Design data reference: Paragraph UA 4, Section VIII of ASME Pressure Vessel Code, 1965 edition. The design pressure for elliptical heads shall be 1.67 x operating pressure. Design Pressure = (1.67) (15) = 25 psi. See paragraph UG-33, (1). Required thickness of elliptical head (1): _ _PDK - e |2+ [B)2 ' = ZE-0.2p where K = (V6) [“ (EF) } whereh?-lg, ID_ 14, h = Z -7 in 7’=;I3.5 in., *Work performed by C. A. Hahs, General Engineering Division. 96 2 2 - K= (/8 [2 + %) } = (1/6) [2 + (7%;'-3-)-) ] = 1.0, Lo PDK _ 25(14) (1) _ 0.251 in. Maximum | = 2SE-0.2P 2 (700) (1)-0.2 25) N Actual thickness (t;) = 0.375 in. Theoretical Stress (Sy1,): s = PDK + 0.2Pt _25(14) (1.0) + 0.2 (25) (0.3?5) _ “th 2 Et 2 (1) (.375) Allowable internal pressure (P;)): 2 SEt _ 2 (700) (1) (.375) v “KD + 0.2t _ 1.0 (14) + 0.2 (0.375) 37.3 psi. p Allowable external pressure = %773 = 22.4 psi, Actual maximum external pressure = 15 psi. Thickness of head is satisfactory. Allowable External Pressure and Reinforcement for 1 1/2~in. Sched. 40 Pipe Nozzle | I/2 in. Sch 40 Pipe Elliptical Head 470 psi. ORNL DWG. 68-9089 97 _ 0.145° P -0555(3) = 0,55 x 19.7 x 10 (1920) 4580 psi all For value of E, see Appendix A, Table'A-4. Required thickness of ellipfic_dl head'tr' = 0.251 in. (See page 96). Required thickness of nozzle b - ]5(1 590) PR 2 _=1500.795) _ 11.92 .. 51725 in rm SE-0.6P 700 (1)-0.6 (15) =~ 700-9 TTeeT Tt ’ Area reinforcement required = (d) (‘tr) = (1.590) (0.251) = 0.399 in.2 i Area reinforcement available = Al' = (E1 't-'tr)‘ (d) [('I) (0.375)-0.251] (1.880) n (0.124) (1.880) =.0.233 in.2 (t - ) (51) Vg I (0.145 ~ 0.01725) (5) (0.375) i - (0.1277) (5) (0.375) = 0,238 in.2 n Total reinforcement cn)ailablei A1 '+ A2-= 0.471 in.2 Reinforcement is ddequate. | 98 | | - U Allowable External Pressure and Reinforcement for.1/2-in.-OD x 3/16~in.-1D Tube ORNL DWG. 68-9090 — Elliptical Head | 0.147)3 P allowable = 0.55¢ (1] 0.500 6 0.55 x 19.7 x 10 ( 10.8 x 10° (0.294)° 10.8 x 10° (0.0254) = 0.275 x 10 psi. Required thickness of elliptical head = fr = 0.251 in. (See page 96). Required thickness of nozzle (tm): __PR___ 15(0.103 1545 o = SE-0.6P 700 (1-0.6(15) o1 0022 in. Area of reinforcement required = A = (d) (tr) = (0.207) (0.251) = 0.052 in.2 Area Available (A:) :7 A:_ = (E;t - *r) (rn + 1) (2) 99 (1 x 0.375 - 0.251) (0.146 + 0.375) (2) (0.124) (0.521) (2) = 0.129 in.2 Therefore, reinforcement is adequate. Stresses and Collapsing Pressure for Sides of Still ORNL DWG. 68-9091 $ ' v N TS L————- 14 in.————= j+=—3/8 in. Stresses Sy and S, were calculated by the method of Case 1, Page 268 of Roark 13 ~ _ P _ 15 (7.187) 2 0.365 S = 295 psi 13 -~ S = 147.5 psi N ) t The collapsing pressuré may be evaluated from Eq. 8.26, page 144, of the text by Brownell and Young. 14 This equation is developed for design of long, thin cylindrical vessels operating under external pressure. A factor of safety of 4 may be applied to the theoretical value. Equation 8.26 includes this safety factor of 4. _ : o ' - . 3 P allowable = 0.55E (t/d)3 = 0.55 x 19.7 «x 106 0.979 % _ 192 psi. | \ | | 14,375 Note that this value provides a factor of safety against collapse of 12.8 based on an external design pressure of 15 psi. 100 ‘Wall Thickness and Reinforcement for Feed Nozzle ._..| I..;.3/8 in. ORNL DWG. 68-9092 NSNS ) I/2 in. Sch 40 Pipe Qutside of Still SN IINTS Shell thickness required (t,): PR _ 15 (7.010) _105.1 _ ) N = SE-0.6P ~ 700 (1)-0.6 (15) 691 0.152 in. Actual thickness = 0.375 in. Nozzle thickness required {t_): , PR 15 (0.311 + 0.010) m SE-0.6P _ 700 (1)-0.6 (15) = 0.00697 in. Actual thickness = 0.109 in. Area of reinforcement required (A): A= () () = (0.642) (0.152) = 0.0976 in.2 Area reinforcement available: f A= (E]t - fr)d | [(1) (0.365) - 0.152] (0.642) 10.213 (0.642) = 0.1366 in.2 t: PO 15 (14) 210 101 Reinforcement is adequate. Author's note: Since Mr. Hohs made this calculation, a design change made the feed nozzle 1 in. OD x 3/4 in. ID. Thickness of Conical Bottom of Annulus ORNL DWG. 68-9093 r———zin——-l———aasm.—-l 3/8 in. Outside Wall of Still 3/8in. Vapor Line to Condenser Required thickness of head (See Par. UG 32-9, Section 8, of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code): - - Assume half apex angle is 30°. = 0,175 in. 2 Cos 30° (SE - 0.6P) = 2Cos 30° (700-0.6(15) - 2(0.866) (700-9) 102 , | : Assume external pressure = (1.67) (design pressure) = (1.67) (15) = 25 psi, _PD 25 (14) _ 350 - 0.295 in. ' = 2Cos 30° (SE - 0.6P) 2Cos 30° (700 - 0.6 (25) 2 (0.866) (685) Actual thickness = 0.375 in. Allowable External Pressure on Condenser ORNL DWG. 68-9094 Reference: Process Equipment Design, p. 142, by Brownell & Young. 14 Allowable pressure P for long cylindrical vessels operating under external pressure may be calculated with a factor of safety of 4 applied to Eq. 8,25 giving the following: | 3 P allowable = 0.55 E (T)L) = 0.55 (19.7 x 106) (g—%—g-) = 642 psi. Note: The maximum external operating pressure is 15 psi. ) _ PR _ 15(4.635) _ . Maximum hoop stress = = T To0395 ]85.4 psi - Thickness of condenser shell is therefore adequate. 103 Allowable External Pressure and Reinforcement for Sample Line ORNL DWG, 68-9095 - | 1/2in. Sch 40 Pipe 1.900in. O.D. 1.610 in. I,D. 0.145in. Wall e oo L 375 in: Condenser...’/ Walil B o S OS———2— Dimensions normal to condenser surface: 1.900 ;M_cx'imum _opening = C—o-s-—é-b—o = 2.1 95 ;i-fl. 1.61 0 o ~Minimum opening = Tos 30° 1,854 iin. Allowable external pressure - P ¢ - 113 o In va 3 | Caerre BN _agr woang o ané. [0:145) = 0.55 x 19.7 x 106 (0.0755)3 104 . = 0.55 x 19.7 x 10© (0.00423) = 4660 psi Nozzle Reinforcement Requirements: Reinforcement calculations will be rfiude cfisuming the nozzle passes rthrough " the shell af right angles. The nozzle wall thickness remains 0.145 in.; however, an OD of 2,195 in. and ID of 1.854 in. is used in the calculations. o 15 (9 250) | _ R 3 _69.4 _ . Shell t = SE-0.6p “700 - 0.6 (15 ~ &1 0.100 in. Nosgle = __PRn _15(1.854/2) _ 1500.927) _ o 0007 10 oNezzle T SE<0.6P 700- 0.6 (15 . 6é91 Area of reinforcement required = di = 1.854 (0.100) = 0.1854 in.2 Al i area available (E,t-t)d = (0.375 - O, 10) 1.610 = 0.275 (1.610) = 0.443 in.2 ¢ No additional area calculation is shown since A] is sufficient. Stress Imposed by Dead Weight of Vessel The following calculations are made to ensure that the structural design of the vessel is sufficient to allow it to be supported as shown on page 107. Weight Calculations of Still Components: Area 8-1/4 in. diam = = (8.25)2/4 = 53.456 in.2 Area 8 in. diam = n (64)/4 = 50,265 . Difference = 3.191 in. Weight of 8-1/4 in. OD x 8 in. ID Cyl. = 3.191 in2 x .317 Ib/ta. 3 =. 1.011bfin. Area of 10 in. OD Cyl =x (102/4 -~ =78.54in.2 Area of 9-1/4 in. ID Cyl. = = (9.25) /4 = 67.20 leference = T1.34 in.2 Ll » Weight of 10 in. OD x 9-1/4 in. ID Cyl. = 11.34 in.2 x .317 Ib/in.3 = 3.595 Ib/in. - Weight of heaters on éondenser wall = 75 Ilb. 105 Weight of insulation on condenser wall = 45 |b, Combined we_ight of heaters and insulation = (—7%7—%?-?& = 2.56 |b/in. Assume salt deposit on condenser wall = 0;335 Ib/in. Total combined weight of condenser shell, inner shell, heater, and insulation = 7.5 Ib/in. | | Blank from which elliptical head is made may be 22.25 in. ID. Weight of top cylindrical section 14 in. ID x 14.75 in. OD x 7.5 in. long: Area 14.75 in. diam. = 170.874 in.2 Area 14 in. diam = 153.938 Net Area = 16.936 in.2 Weight = 16.936 in.2 x 7.5 in. x 0.317 Ib/in.3 = 40.3 Ib. Weight of conical section: ORNL DWG. 68-9096 & o M | © K Volume of conical section = w (11.187) (4.375) (0.375) = 57.65 in.3 Weight = 57.65 in.3 x .317 Ib/in.3 = 18.55 Ib. 106 Weight of vapor line: 'ORNL DWG. 68-9097 LIS 3/8in,—= /Qo.n.x 9 1/4in. 1.0, Area 10 in. diam = 78.540 in.2 Area 9-1/4 in. diam = 67.200 in.2 11.340 in.2 Weight = 11.34 x 16.375 x 0.317 = 58.8 |Ib Additional weight: Weight of heater equipment = 50 b Weight of insulation = 90 |b Weight of salt = 18 |b 158 Ib Total weight of top section of still: Weight total = 46,2 + 40.3 + 57.65 + 58.8 + 158.0 = 360.95 |b | 107 Method of Support for Still and Forces Active on the Still: ORNL DWG. 68-9098 47 - ~Wt=2360.95 Ib o fWi= 7.5 1b/in. 8 3/8 in— _ 51 1/4 in, ——————n Ro | | b 3611 p ' | 7.51b/in. b b——— 59 s/8 m.——_—-’ RI + R2 = 361 Ib + 51.25 (7.5) =361 © + 384.5 = 745.5 |b 2Mp =0 TN 59.625 R, = 51.250(361) + .'(5'2'25) (384.5) 59.625 R, = 18500 + 9,850 f R, = 28,350 = 475 Ib 59.625 R] = 745.5 - 475 = 270.5 Ib 1 108 360 Ib Stresses and Moments in Condenser Shell: ORNL DWG. 68-9099 a t475.5lb - 7.51b/in. | | 2701b —l 8.3750n. 2701b ~— 23. LM, 575 in.—> 866 - 5420 + 11,160 4874 in.~-1b - (7.5) (15.2) (7.6) - (361) (15) + (475) (23.575) | = moment of inertia for 10 in. OD x 9.25 in. ID condenser | T el z R ; Stress Sb - v =3 [0 - we25] = % (625-455) = % (170) = 133.5 in4 =-—I— = TB—3-.-5_— = ]82.5 psi 109 Hoop Stress = 185.4 psi (See page 102) Methed of support is sahsfactory. | Thermal Stress Calculation At across wall of still = 5°C o At of 5°C ~ 10°F . Still temperature = 1832°F, | Coefficient of thermal expansion at 1832°F = 8.85 x 1076 in./in.~°F - (See Appendlx A, Table A-6), Modulus of elasticity at 1832° F=19.7 x 108 Ib/in.2 _AtaE 1ox885x10-6 197x106_ : St =0 = 3 (1-0.33) w = 1320 psi. The maximum principal stress of 367 ? psi is the combined bending stress, 182.5 psi, as shown on page 108 and the hoop stress, 185.4 psi, as - shown on page 102, It should be noted here that the sum of the principal stress, 367.9 psi, - and the maximum thermal stress, 1320 psi, is 1688 psi, which is 38 psi more than the stress rupture value of 1650 psi shown on Fig. 15. Since the thermal stress is self-relieving, these values are sufficient, - Additional test data will be ebtaihed in the nonradioactive experiments, and the "used” physical condition of the still will be studied before this equipment is used for a radioactive salt experiment. - ‘Minimum Thickness of Flat Head on Feed Tank | Reference Paragraph 34-C-2 , P ?e 19 Section VIII of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 12 o . Mlmmum thlckness of flat heods (t) " 0perahng temperature of vessel = 500°C or 923° t.=dVCcp/s - C= 0.4 See (e) page 21, Sechon 8 of the above reference 'd = ID of shell 110 S = maximum allowable stress = 17,000 psi at 1000°F _ /0405 _ | 6 _ -4 t=15\Fo0- = YViseos - PV x 10 ] 115 (0.01876) = 0.282 in. Actual thickness = 0.375 in. " *Thickness of head is satisfactory. SO APPENDIX G SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEATERS FOR VACUUM DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT FOR FLUORIDE SALTS 1.0 Scope 1.1 1.2 General These specifications (identified as Specification No. CT=63, October 31, 1966) state the requirements for several electric heaters to be mounted on vessels described by the following drawings. These drawings are component parts of these specifications: - References (see Appendik H for first four draw‘ings listed). Drawing Number M-12173-CD-009-D Condensate Recéwér — Assembly and Details M=-12173-CD-011-D Vacuum Still and Condenser Assembly - M=12173-CD-013-D Feed Tank for Vacuum Still M-12173-CD-014-D Sample Reservoir and Thermocouple Well Details ORNL DWG. 68-866 Coil Location Within Heating Element 2,0 Codes and Standards ~ The latest revisions of the following Codes and Standards shall apply to these ~ specifications: ASA, NEMA, and ASTM. 3.0 Type of Service o -3.1 Te’mperature and Operdti'cm The vessels on whlch the heaters are placed will be required to operate at temperatures as high as 1000°C for extended periods of time. Also during the course of the experimental program the heaters will undergo cyclic operation between room temperature to 1000° C at a frequency of one cycle 3.2 per day. The heater shall be designed for a lifetime of at least 5,000 hr. Vessels | All vessels will be fabricated of Hastelloy N for which the mean coefficient of thermal expansion may be taken as 8.85 x 1076 in./in.~°F between v 1/8min> le— ' Heli-Arc Weld Figo G- ] . 178" min.— e—1/8"min. nz " ORNL DWG.68-866 Coil \—|/4" To 172" Long Cross Bar Typical Splice Full Penetration Weld - Ground Flush Coil Location within Heating Element. * 3.3 70 and 1800°F. 113 Radiation The h-eaters_' will not be dsed in service that will cause radiation damage. 4.0 Specifications 4.1 4.2 4.3 Mechanical Features (o) T'he'heahng elements shall be imbedded (totally enclosed) in a thermally conductive refractory material. In general, the total number of heaters should be kept as low as practicable. (b) The heaters will be supported by and on the vessels by the Company (UCNC) ~and shall be of the .type that can be removed and replaced without disturbing the vessel or any nozzles on the vessel. Direct access to the vessels may be assumed for removal and replacement of heaters. Heaters shall be designed for 1/4 + 1/8 in. clearance of vessel walls and surfaces to allow space for thermocouple leads and to supply heat uniformly over these surfaces within the limitations allowed by nozzles and supports. | (c) The vessels are equupped with various nozzles which will be maintained at temperature as requured by heaters suppl ied by the Company Heat Capacnty Heat capacity of the heaters shall not be greater than 1 cal/g° C. Electrical Accessories The manufacturer is not required to furnish any power supply or control ""equipment. These will be furnished by the C{SmPC'"Y' 4.4 Thermal Insulation . The manufacturer is not required to furnish thermal insulation. 4.5 'Elect_ricol Requirements (@) Available power is 230 v, single-phase, 60-cycle alternating current. - (b) . The manufacturer shall specify the power rating of each heater. 114 4.6 Geometrical Considerations ~ 4,6.1 Still and Considerations 4.6.2 4.6.3 (@) The markings on this drawing indicate the zonal heat requirements. Total heat input to the still section is 15 kw; this rating may be increased for manufacturing convenience by as much as 15% but no decrease will be allowed. The top of the still shall have a heat input of 4 kw; the remaining 11 kw shall be applied to the sides. Heaters for the top section shall conform to the geometry of the dome-shaped top. - When the still is operating at a temperature of 1000°C the maximum loss rate to the surroundings of 1.5 kw may be assumed. | (b) Total heat input to the condenser section is 20 kw with a 15% increase being allowed if needed for manufacturing convenience. ~ This total requirement is to be divided into three approximately equal zones as shown on the drawing. When the condenser temp- erature is 1000° C, the maximum heat reqmremenf including losses to the surroundmgs wnll be '|0 kw. Condensate Receiver, Drawing No. M=12173-CD-009-D. This vessel will be heated along its bottom, vertical sides, and top. A total heat input of 20 kw is required with a 15% overage being allowed. The heat input is to be distributed over the vessel as follows: approximately 30% on the bottom, 50% on the sides, and 20% on the top. When the vessel is at a temperature of 1000°C, the maximum heat requirement including losses to the surroundings will be 3 kw. Feed Tank, Drawing No. M-12173-CD-013-D. This vessel will be heated along its bottom, vertical sides, and top. A total heat input of 20 kw is required with a 15% overage being allowed. The heat input is to be distributed over the vessel as follows: approximately 30% on ~ the bottom, 50% on the sides, and 20% on the top. When the vessel is at a temperature of 1000°C, the maximum heat requnrement including losses to the | surroundings will be 3 kw. ' 4.7 Special Features (c) Terminal leads shall be at least 3 ft long and shall have a cross-sechonal area more than twice that of the heater element and shall not be less than No. 14 AWG., b)) (c) 115 Terminal leod wires shall be imbedded a minimum length of 1 in. into the ceramic refractory and shall have a cross bar as shown on the accompanying Fig. G-1. \ All weld joints shall be heli-arc welded mcludmg splices in the terminal lead wires. 5.0 Inspection and Test 5.1 Visual | Visual inspection shall be made to determme fhat (a) the ceramic ;s not_ ‘cracked or_broken, (b) the ceramic is not swelled or warped, and ~ (c) the terminal lead wires do not move or rotate in the ceramic. 5.2 5.3 Liquid Penetranf quwd penetrant (dye check) inspect all terminal lead splice welds and remove or repair all dye indications. Radiography - : Each completed unit shqll be 100% radlographed to establish that: (a) _.‘the heotmg element has a minimum spacing of 1/8 in.; - (b) a minimum clearance of 1/8 in. is maintained between the heating 54 5.5 element and surface of the refractory; (c) the terminal leads are imbedded a minimum length of 1 in. in the refractory; - {d) Exposed rodlogmphs sha|| be shlpped wnth the heahng elements. Electrical Test . The electrlcal resistance of each h'eating‘ element shall be measured, " recorded, and compared with the design resistance. The resistance shall be measured at room temperatyre. VObservahon of Tests The tests descrlbed in th;s section shall be performed by the manufacturer at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment. The manufacturer shall notify the Company at least five working days prior to start of tests so that a representative may be. present to witness the tests, 116 ~ APPENDIX i|-| Equn pment Drawings The following eqmpmenf drawings are included in this Appendlx ‘Each drawing bears the primary title MSRE Distillation Experlment drawing numbers and subtitles are as follows: - -M-12173-CD-009-D Condensate Receiver Assembly and details. -M-12173-CD-010-D Installation of equipment and piping in Supportmg Frame. M-12173-CD-011-D Vacuum Still and Condenser Assembly. - -F=12173-€CD-012-D Flowsheet for Vacuum Dlstlllqhon of Molten Salt Reactor Fuel (Hood Experiment) M-12173-CD-013-D Feed Tank for Vacuum Still. - M=-12173-CD-014-D Sample Reservoir and Thermoco.uple Well Details. M-12173-CD-015-D Lliquid N Cold Trap for Vacuum Line. --M=12173-CD-016-D Equipment Support Frame. M=12173-CD-017-D Temporary Vessel Support (for Transporfmg) F-12173-CD-018-D Flowsheet for Vacuum Distillation MSRE Fuel Salt (Radioactive Experiment). - M=12173-CD-019-D Location of Points for Dimensional and Radiographic ‘Measurements on Still and Condenser Assembly. M-12173-CD-020-D Tabulation of Data from Dimensional and Radiographic Measurements on Still and Condenser Assembly. M-12173-CD-021-D Location of Points for Linear Measurements and Tabulation of Data for Still = Condenser - Assembly. Drawings M-12173-CD-020-D and M-12173-CD-021-D as presented herein contain a complete tabulation of the data recorded immediately after construction * of the still assembly. These data are to be compared with similar measurements made after the still has been operated at temperatures up to 1000° C for extended periods of time. This second set of data will not be available before publication of this ~ report and cannot be included herein. However, when the measurements and observations are made, the results will be recorded on a revision of these drawings for a permanent record. The following drawingsare referenced but are not included in this Appendix. Each drawing bears the primary title MSRE Distillation Experiment; drawing numbers and subtitles are as follows: - §-20794-EB-137-D High-Density Concrete Shleld Plug Plan and Sections. $~20794-EB-138-D High-Density Concrete Shield Plug Enlarged Plan and o Sections. S-20794-EB-139-D High=Density Concrete Shield Plug Lifting Hook Details and Sections. E-20794-ED-155-D Electrical-Vacuum Distillation Experiment. 117 BAsK PLATE, b e PARTIAL ELEVATION ] [Cowumes Cone & Somamars Yo %o o 75 Prm | 3067 Lt o] THEL no, JNWhesler [~ DESIGNED | — S REVISIONS DATE |APPD| APPD APPROVED - TE RaaE . ans ) — ) oA ! e ; F 0D ~.072 War, Tam I ! ‘o f / | 4 ! GI ! | _J_ 4" \, L \ 62— T VACUUM STILL & CONDENSE . 7 — —7 — — — — — == e Ste pwa M-|2|73-co-on1‘o—-\ 7 : — ' : -y | 8% 2. H b < | | o : | / - k — —. - — \.'_.\‘ - \-? - 1 - - b T | oo | ==, ] N s _ 13 Scr 40 Pire. . u AR 3 & N . ifo Lo d 5| & B . l sEpg : i / H| & < - 2 Z Y ¥ o q] & ! 22 u @ ! v | o = 7 $58% | o5l 4. > A A I0%n / @ ] ) e : 4 NDaeo [ g '-.IN Z : S el o el () - - e - i S ; s | d MaxE FROM " Dig ROD ™ DRILL ‘_ é « 3 : 0.0, n a / / o THRU POR SUP Fir Witk Y2°0.0. Tuss ! / 2l 3 i ! 90 °* TrPICAL FOR ) }-9— 4 . . ‘ & J / % . 5-nozzLes |, 8*For NozzLe(D] 1 / 512 - 7 ¢ N f = 2*FoR NoZZLE . F ("‘D" @ ! ‘ 5 PLATE L 4" PuAre 3 Puate 4 4 11 . ”f_._._{..._.. e e e e e e e s P e b maaa - — D » p- : 2y ol “ ————— / Doustx ‘ : Tyr 3 PLA::;}-FQI r : 7 ey BEvEL WELD || , SEE roTE & | e /o { 3 | Q78 N i £ DRILL THRY . I [ [ Requiesn - .? e = Z oz ! Scace; " ! / " A > mps - J ‘fO, N 3*36'Rer. 1 j..l - o /b 4 . - ) Maxe teas From.3 R ’ g : -L r 7 TYPICAL LEG DETAIL :ssg MBLY ‘ . ” j{ ] ) ’ INSP‘CTION OF WELDE JOINING LEGS TO VESSEL Scale,- IE"'I, . %“O-D. x.o42.WAL'I. TURE . @ REQUIRES ONLY DYE PENETRANT CHECK OF —_—r u__l = FIRSY Pass 8 LasT pass. No iNnsPrcTiOoN ) REGQUIRED ON WELDS JOINING BASE PLATES 10 , Maxs From /"-Dia Rop LEGS ’ E::Evc.zf;;:ozzus Drite THey For Suir Fit | | Wity F/a" 1A Tuse QENERAL NOTES £ "B’ ADAPTER L ALL MATERIAL TO BE HAsTELLOY N ! _lPeauirERD Scace: " 2 WHEN REFERENCE 18 MADE TO ANY NATIONALLY Actl‘P'rID ST?NDAI.D ertul;:el F OR €ODL, THE LATEST REVIson ArPuiss. ASME cbor cass 1270N &1273 ; REFERENCE DRAWINGS NO. 3.DesicN conDITIONS; ' L OAX RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY DemicN Temperature - 350°C 7 /—J"RAD " |"SeH 40 prPE DesiaN prassunrs 0.5 mmHg VESSEL HYDROSTATIC TEST 45 PSIO SegnNote € VESSEL FREON TEST 1o PsIG ‘ 4. MaTERIAL SPECS PER MET-RM=-2, MET-RM"4,; MET-RM-G, MET-RM-B-lc7, MET-RM-B 334 & MET"RM-B 336 ‘ 5.FasricaTion ; Wewping = ORNL cracs_PS'EL, PS-25 & P8-26 INsPeEcTioON - ORNL spec MET-WR - 200 scu “R" G, ASSIMBLE WiTH sTILL B conpenstr unT (Dwa M-12173-CD-Oll*D) & makz 45 PSIG HyorostaTic & (O PSIG FRYON TESTS ON cOMBINED ASSEIMBLY OPERATED BY UniON CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE LINITS ON mumgmh UNLESS o Vig" FRACTIONS & /- DECMALS + .. —T ANailES +_ O™DOQ' MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT B3, 781 CONDENSATE RECEIVER ASSEMBLY & DETAILLS —— PR scM.::NoTln vl L1 X Tartar. ool BBt oty M-12175 é-4" "T*NEEDLE VALVE WITH wilD ENDS i Fir, mtfi‘&; TNSPRCT SHADRD PORTIONS QOF PIPING . B vawvi . i syop.’ Sex Note.§ Dwa MI2I73-CD- 110+ D PR EPLaILICATIONS. _REFERENCE DRAWINGS . OAX RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY __ OPERATED BY ' UnioN CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF - UNION" CARBIDE OORPORATION ‘, "[Mske. DisTIEEATION _ onows B INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMINT bee £ T BEPIPING IAC BURPORTING. FRAME AQLES x__ T et i e A R 15 119 41" Howp 26 . . ’ DRILL PLATES 25 FOR sLIP FiT ovEr YB"O.D. rune FiLLEY wWELD TO TUBE @\"E' ik (9 L"'"'_ DO A Vr a“ THERMOCOUPLE ) ‘ wi2 > % DRt HRY /| | DETAIL nw: 17%-CD-0) - i 4 - 4 T L 1 ; V'3 Wt . .| A F BllLh @ B—s : o | - ~ - ] M ' ' gt s~ # | l @ e .Q : | M.']..G ‘ ' /NP <1 5 . ‘D I_JL._ N l IO‘.O.D';"—flf (‘dfl L__r____q;g'_—'_ 7 (:) P - 2Ran "j“ o o f SecAparrar Der WO L s 4 ,........_'!"“ '8 | . P H i ~ " ' . ~ L7 , > / : 2 < 5 !-_ Trp. ) 7\ ) 7 :0 ——‘&Q f—tn] LS, Q’:“ &: < %‘2 No: - : P - Q) 5% ~Nz:Yent e 2S E - FRTEH g {®),x|30.4 (" Scnu40 ‘ ; . & e 4 Le($QT_ 2o g | [ — Ay S [ rsenso . @ @ — \Q -—'—H-—vh.li-iq | CONNECT TO LINE |12 ON o ? LoOPEEE . ' A CELL, A4 p | L E a . o | WESTWALL OF GELL (EER) < (E—frzmti i YACUUM PUMP 3 : Fv Ok ag, _fo vz ] @& $ ——— a -+ (ExnanG) -l 1 " :I: ,E r o “"‘-‘-"rfi—fl}:’lfiéa ¥ § ___@ g : ™ : = o !‘ ) < . Ay g ] ¥ = _ : 1o __“ DI w2 é ; A } MANOSTAT 0 ?: I ' ® ) = S-z'luga ws o G" — = i = : I i N e ZIS o) LIQUID N; TRAP _ -—-® i l il : G @ L e ey . | e W @ T I | LG ko S &£ ! . ] FEED TANK , £ - : 7 SALT voL = 48 L Diam.0.D.- ® i5.5mm, CONDENSER. 5 Frowm Hrigur - 821N . _ V‘%E@l—@% Ps OFta PRESS = 5- 7.0 PSIA Diam A 3A OPER TEMP * 500-550°C LenaTH 2 "o, ‘ ' Erec HEAT = 20 -kw QuTside SUAFACE . LGGOST luery Gas Suemy F InsuL THK = @ IN ConpENsiNG DUTY 00 5{“/"‘“ A He) ' : Temp Zone 4 = 500-875 °( ( en ‘m@ / Temp zoNe £ = 500-875 °( 4 Temp ZoONE & = 500-875 °Q L Teme zoneéd * 500-875 *( © Temp zong 5 = $00-875 *( @ INsUL THK = 4N ‘4 ELec Hear * 20 KW (Torps) Sair voL tded _ ) . Diam.Q.D. * 16" . ' : : : I ' Helaur C* 165 : 1 ¥ THERMAL INSULATION g:Zn FRESS * 5?52 m5?§% " REFERENCE DRAWINGS Tl we. R TEMP * - . . CargvyTEmP 1900 BLOCK TYPE Euse HRAT " 20 kw ) : OAK RIDGE NATIONAL' LABORATORY k= Q. sru/Fr-Kr -*F @ 1000°C InsyLr Tk "GN OPERATED BY ° : UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION _ OAK RIDGE, TENMESSEE - Ctg 2 |Cmwiar Lwa S8 ew Kecowar Oovw |3 662 lwee | ity | LIMITS ON DIMENSIONS UNLESS |MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT %&575;1',“ 4 [Ponged Jo Depict Hood Operetion Only|z-xv-eflwie o OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: s ' o s [ TR TR B BT TN NO. REVISIONS . , - —_ OF MO A . S b , o : : DECIMALS + (HOOD EXPERIMENT) car ' : : ANGLES £ = FFTE] S : . ESIGNED ‘ /jj,{z,"'-;_ :y:/:;y Rbm .u/b]‘flfm b o il s - scaLE: Nowe Y i Hdloy |F-12175" koJorz [o[t * i . . ‘I N ?\}. + 121 j'onx DL Wace Tune 4'5'0/:0: O78"WarL Tune . h S 27A/L O WeL ping A For Yo 0D 042" WatL Tune 2-Prauvirer Scacg: /" " . - 0 . Mageg Feowm 1Dra Roo Deicl Thau Ffor Suie Fir Wirw 3g*0ia Tune i Or =R ; Fom - 44"00 X, 072 “WALL fwu 2-Rravimer Scack: (=" ~ BEvEL ALL ROZ2LTY . POR WELDING ‘////'////f// = - — ; Benp nozZLE"™D"TO MIT 1 INTO: LOW POINT OF vrosu —(a a | (. . - - ¥ e Loy z 7z i %2"0.0.x£ pisc waom ON NOZZLE'C” oMLY m s . . W - - - - - - Fo01.072 Woll Tume . . | l'.-'Sc##OPfP:-.} . = — = ' ) v agels i ) ‘ Noul.t_- &'z .‘/ T 3 " 2 S \ | | f ) ; == Nve 8 Ve -—\ By >— " ST 40 PiPE n' P N CHANGED LENGTH OF Lot A (Fanie 3K To L N) 3 iwhe ‘”&' Sraaeen W' R Fem Jow Bortm, (507 bune | 9 DATE [APPD] APPD e ; ' fod’ e " - o Scace: 21‘5]" - i}' SECTIONAL. ELEVATION | GENERALNOTES 1 WaeN RlF!RiNci 15 MADE-TO ANY NATIONALLY ACCEPTED STANDARD i REFERENCE OR' CODR, THE:LATEST: REVISION AppLins. ASME coptoast ' 1270 N & lé’tm. ) } 1 \ 2. Pesian conpiTioNS; DesiaN TIMPIRATURE g50“C ' DusiaN PrREssURE Q.5 mm Hg ! VesstL HroroartaTic Tear 45 PSIG ! ' ViessL FREOM TEST {0 Psia | . | S:MAreriAL srec par MET-RM 2, MET-RM -4, MET-RM-@, MET-RM-BIG7, ‘ MET:RM:B834 & MET-RM: B3R ALL MATERIAL Ta By HASTELLOY N \ QFAun.ncAfloN; Wioma - ORNL seecs PS-23, PS-28 & PS-26 ! 4 InspectioN = ORNU spxe MET: 'flR’ZflO BCHTBY 8. INSPECTION 'OF WELDS JOINING LYGE To VESEEL REQUIRES ONLY DYE ) l REFERENCE DRAWINGS MO Oax RipaE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARB|DE NUCLEAR COMPANY DMISION OF: uum CARBIDE CORPORATION OAK MDOE, TENNESSER PENETRANT. duu:u..-. ar_FiRsT pAss. & LAST PARS, G.Nn msncflan OF WELDS JOINING LEASR TO BASL PLATER } mm:....m.bn___ MSRE DISTILLATION ERPERIMENT % FEED JANK. roR - YACUUM STILL 1 L, M-STZ175 ] 122 ‘.E DRIl To MATEH HOW IN PiECK 2] — Locate & DricL Tris Hove THRU PArRT 9 8 1y ParT 2l ArTER PArTs Are Welneo. Locate Wirniu Ifs2” 4 S?ECT&ON.ZE'J%L { NO. REVISIONS ; DAT €0 | DATE . e e o 3. | DATE | APPROVED 1 DAT CHECKED | DAIG. | APPROVED | DATE PLE ESERVOIR Scavg; ["=1" /—‘SEAL WELD 3R | & L L DeiLL To 1.D. or 1* scH 40 pipe ! 45\< o AD }———DRILL FOR SUIF FIT TO. e BN [P 3 = : \ha A 4o, 1 gfi_ k —_I T .:V oo Lo NOZZLE DETAIL ' Semjz et ‘v— o PL AT I~REQD: [l =H 7Y ) Y AG: SHOWN OPPOIITE HANMD N /—3% DR x:2.éfnup | AFTEEW:HJNG-@E@ i S 1k X QENERAL NOTES DYE PENETRANT CHECK CNLY REQUIRED OF WELD JOINING PART- 2] To pART D wNo INEPECTION REQUIRED OF WELDS JOINING MaRT |8 To parTs 19 & 2); pART |9 To paRTS 20 8- 2|; Pamy 20710 ParT 2). ‘BEND TUBE YO FIT LOW PQINT OF ANNULUS. Macuine Faom (*-Dia Ron- o 2" Dia __®Es®._ THERMOCOUPLE WELL L Scaus:z " Hastrewior M Ron AvAiLABLE 3 ScH 40 PIPE INCONSL S i'nRAD- ROUND orFtTo . 268 "Dia +4Q08 " Dia. 3*) e 0. FULL Si28 [AssEmeLyY oil -D ' REFERENCE DRAWINGS OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNiON CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE LIMITS ON DIMENSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIED: FraciONS & Y32 DECIMALS £..Q05" males 20 MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT %Pz rsh SAMPLE RESERVOIR-AND THERMOCOUPLE WELL DETAILS SALE MoTE D ’”. WD muos- Rb_fl” Lot | M-12178° #i 123 Tre Jez'r/ofv A=A | i |Avean "F" 8. "G’ Te Neta. - ‘ch;sfiuc Al L Thi Sheet o< Typ 7 "Pl'a'cesr w.| REVISIONS BT S T O] GRS BA ] BATE 2 COlvir DATE [APPD] APPD R | B Lrgued Ny Irfa? = Theérmocouple well “letentical ¥ nogsle A /Vz Vert ‘a - % SeN ¢S Pipe ‘(Incanet) Thresded ¥'sehaopipe B (Incanel) Threaded - o ar - \ .l ‘ \ N N N ) | N 7 ) & ~ ‘~w § '7 \ “l\m.ll 2222 T \‘_ __': ! N N ] N N 4 : N N N g § N N L ® N = N } N N | \ ; N NS - | N Nt} N ’ ! N S'Sch #0Ppe /§ ‘ ; ;‘ . E ) ’ | 7272477 | V7727778 - j N | ## :E ? ; 1"Seh 40 Ppe O | ' £ : HNorEs fl/{”a;gr/oé 7o Llw w3 Teloy N exnapt a8 as_ . hoted for nossles A.B,F, & 6 REFERENCE DRAWINGS NO. 0AX RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UnioN CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF -UMION CARBIDE CORPORATION DAK MDOE, UMITS ON DIMENSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE SP‘EGFIED:,* Pocrons L mumt_}__ MSRE DrsTicemTron Exrepmenr " gSBt T Liouio Ny Coco7anr for Vacwom Liis [/ RE M‘! v ’M)‘ Hs, g |M-12/73 YO s ko ML ST g | 124 20" ——— L ,¢.5- 3-0" 2001 Th / | 4-Holes . il == /9" 1*3rdl Thru In Proper Place for Cahble To Fusmec-exefion 33 Thru Locate At Assembly With still. & condensate Receiver Dwg. MI2173-CO-009D & Dwg M-12] y3-CD-0il-D 1 3 JOp Assembl) | LB Drutl Thru At Assembly With shil & Condenzate Beceiver Dwg. M-12/73-€D-009-D g i & DwgMiit{73-CD-Ol-D" 2-holes ’ T~ — ‘ g?);-l-ffexd f{alf, s a asher | 2-Fach Requiredd —— | E Ll . | I i . i g | | o o | o - o f 1 i £ of frame i i . k_!‘.‘._-,_.. i I ‘ v 4 3 -_i' Y N i : ‘ ; 1 | I s T T __.——f.-- | tig '\,%'nnn thru 2- holes o j v i ot Cf ok d i i N e * 14 -.-f'f"é*j_Ang/e Typ L 2x2x} Angle 4 5'Eeqd1 ® I | | le— 2x2xf Angle Typ _ 2 4, = =\\s ):ee/ Grooved Pulley [~ —— — ——— T \ _ Svzok. 2 Lage O | GENERAL NOTES N prur 2hra persides . : |. All Weided Consfruction of Mild Stee! - 12 x12x 45"‘2;”’”'& 2.Painting; All. Surfaces Shall Ra Free of Scale, Ruat &-Qul. 24-Beguire | : ' Paint With Ons Coat Red. Oxide Primer 7 | Finish With Two Coats Machine Enamal Gray : s Temporary Vasse| Suppor} . ' (For Transporting) See Dwg 0 M-12173-CD-0l7-D ' -y -.? . . k . |vessel Support . . . Ole~D REFERENCE DRAWINGS OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED Y UNON CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE Feqy.f Eteva JioAs iyl 3 LIMITS ON DIMENSIONS UMLESS ‘ ‘ OTHERWSSE L MERE Dfsnu.A_rlou ExrekimEnT FRACTIONS & .82 o ‘ Enp o £ VAT IOAS DECIMALS. & EauiPMENT SuprPpPoRT FRAME o ' ANGLES % . Jd¥ = frop® mr_le 1-0" J'ijfzu ‘:, . o/ fe / u IM-121T3 KD|OIG |D & " AL ¥ 125 /(' 'i!Seh 40 pipe Miid steel 1-Reg'd Cut for snug fit between vertical support and frame (~ |15 /8" long) L G0 Rod x 87"1ong 1" of " gfhr«ld each end gl-_Ecg,'d fxi_'x‘ 2° Gusaet S-Regd. Mild steel fn— 3% 4/_ Jl ~ 2'x2"x}"Anglex7-G"long 2-Regd Mid stee | %.Dfl" +I;:ru each anglrc 300 Ser t St 5 It UNC Hex head hut 2* Reg:d 800 Ser §f’8fl Wa [N 1 © A 4 = 76" 5" Sch 4opipe Mild steet 1-Regd Cut for “énug #it between vertical support an Prame (=18 8 lohg) , GENERAL NOTES §. Paintings All mild steel parts shall bs free of scale, rust, & al. Paint wrth one ccat red oxide primer & fimsh with two coata machine enamel gray. 2.During transport, support Still- Condenser -12173-CD ;Dvg M 20D )& Condensate Recerver (Dwg M-12179-CD-009 D) assembly by passing ¥8°0.D. x 87" long red (th:s dwg) thru 34~ nele in part @ of dwg M-12173-D-0IID & ‘ie” holes in frame of dwg M-12173-CD-0I1G D o Tackweid gussats Typicat 3-places — £°Drilt thra £ Totes Z i A A v r A — A —/} lk"i v | v tqf ot - - i\ A %) S A A Y o ! N U | 1 ,.d" L. - - 7 J . e lepl® Nk ' i _ASSEMBLY & DETAILS Bcafc;i O olt~ a2 —_———— ——TJT— T | i I i | | Iy I | | | Il } | :‘ I o s | | ® | | | (-‘-- e | i { A ] | 2 | I 2 I | £ | | , I ‘ | i ! ||| | ! | i ] | | e LD 'I L 1 T T T T ‘ 1 T | , 1 L k—-—-:t—h--q:—l' ! | Sl | =l I | | | | f Nove: | All Welded Canatr t ] | | _L A 'A i !l hl - r‘ I‘ | H ' | | | | : | ‘ | ! ! | | l I 5 | Lo l I - ] o l— 2% 2% F"Angle T | | §Angte Ty —< | I | } | e — e TILL _COUNTERWEIGH MartL: MiLo STEEL SUPPQORT FRAMI h : -, cD-Qleé-n REFERENCE DRAWINGS ‘ NO. Oax RIDGE NANONAL LABORATORY OPTRATED BY Union CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DMVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION OAX RIDGE, TENNESSEL LTS on DMERSONY UMESS | MSRE DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT SSu it OTHERWISE SPECIPIED: ) . LB macnows & . Y32[ TEMPORARY VESSEL SUPPORY DATE [AP#D] APPD : ' (FOR TRANSP : - DECIMALS & e ASSEMBUY & DETALS . . oy 2o — : ot 3l PRI a-12175. [eojoiz D] i"""IG Ga Coppan Nz FEED &--- A ' X19GA" SUL T fediin S S RooT PEREL LY Sair vor w J2.0 DIAMO.D. * M N g o Heiawr * [6in g5 Orsn_pPrsas® 0.5 : OptR TEMP = ELc HEAT B )5 KW Disr RATE 0 INsuLTHR & BN 4 |60 A kL Ling HEAT 1350 Warrs - CanrooTypr _FLOW.CONTROL CAPILLARY 2700 WaTtTs ey (Exisming) L 500 WaTry © LINE HEAT _ _LIQUIDN; TRAP -us ®- - Hahvzk - Zown O BALT VAL - = 481 DIAM QD -« 455w CONDENSER Hrmtanr, =22 1N ) . List Sica 0w Alcewar REVISIONS Oren Prisa = '5- 7.0 PSIA Qper TEMP, * 500-550°C Ecne Hear * 20-kw Diam O. 0. LenaTn OuTsiDE SURFACE INSuL THK - ® &N Tamp Zone 4 Teme moNw £ TeMr ZONE S Teme zoned "Tuemp zone 5 InsuL THR EvLzc HEAT THERMAL INSULATION CangvtEmr 1900 BLOCK TYPE k= 0. 8ru/rr-Hr -*F @ 1000°C CONDENSING DUTY ! » 500~875°C 500-875 *C 500475 C - 500-873°C { Sact'vol | s 481 Diavt OO0 161 Heiaur. . < 165N Opgr Prias * O.5mm Hg - Orer TEMP * 500-55Q°C Egug.- Hear =RO kw INsyL Tk "B REFERENCE: DRAWINGS OAK- RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY . DIVISION OF UNION CARGIDE CORPORATION w ‘ . DISTILLATION EXPERIMENT L 127 TR "D U, T AOG PLAN . ROW "mA7 SRawi A" 4 PaniTy. & 45° ArARg S T° Wad;Meawmin . HeaZonmiey Frisa Coamin OF ¥ooso—— —Pw "B 12 Pamrs @ 20° APaRY On 4° Raw, Mhliatd o Hu\zothufl Fiora Ceuten O ing Wawi "C* & Points As. “MEAIRED HMomtouTany Frea CEOTER. O Hako - sj@ PLAN ° OF ~ STILL “RERD' Auawn F48°* 'On 4" Rad. Artam Fasmeatied \u Cdtatd ABSCHASH Tris Seempuy O ) S’ Wais AN Heas Wiw m:nnfl‘_ ! Exresunts To Aoteuatauy Mar Sumine - D' .Sunun. Berween Wean Auo Barrein Or Coniehn. SacTion, Actess. Fen Rasia- UARenva hm- Cass Be Mase Tanu Nema*F* A{ e On MoumADIoACT W& EafERusatuTS Repaat Tus Ramoen-mn Descavnen Avend. -**pumm. Fanmasiion Mans Dmut Taenutss Mosontmmnts } Praty Devanatto By " LerYy Comnem OF d "'D\fi“1 Wavtian * Covivan o . 'L Duminé, Fl.m.cntwu ‘Mane MEAsTREIAENTS Uutmasauicawy ' At F\mn's DasisnaTey Tha Tamunatenas OO0 Dwe . WLIT4Ch- o:oa ARG MITITA-CD. D‘IID Eraert Trioae: Manuan ' Ne M-mufltm‘u‘\'! . runt RIsULTS 1k ArtmadiaTe - <‘.m.umu. '. 'Paw\-c "A‘r"wme( i " ~ ‘\altsu\m‘n g Lo ll\l'l Alt lQMmI\:“ Ry R CE R (K, e T RieeAND A Muwun D 0L T N e Pesiynil Waketa - [ huu'uflr.‘ut T CPARER (RS & M) Cavly . 3 Insineate COTWAY, PN T Dingeuy. . Orsotite The DispLACED wANTa & Daviwer Uitmiseme witunsss Moasemameny Precasure Ouming .‘._.:-_'FANMIGA‘(\QN Car Wisk " Piatues. Tha Samd Themscst Measonswanls PETrosE - Founb ™ Dimeexiay AT Fhm-n Dtflauncb Neva V- Anflt_. . Reans Proicovas PreEcisswy, G‘ TAFTRNEC NeumASIOACTIVE tmnm\‘urt, Maxg Ustiassut Thienate L MEAWRAMLMTE AL s Nots 2 Amn Aus Maceno REWATE. TN T MPPROPRATE . Conumn, . ST ST TTuwcKukes MER RIS in Decimnia o~ STATE A oTvun. C NMeawRoduaty W lucdes Ao FRracTe s, '1 AvTn Fagimespen; Eaocenarn . Wi Sursicaa] Exsesshuy To TERASLETLY MAR Ve W Hl'wulu Weun Luig At GeTrema O Conie nis S kEtan T OF IR iAun Rew YN On Csanunsgr. . Arter Henraowacive EAPERIMENTY, R:nq T Raorocmanine, 9 an o @ i A g o ze PLAN . ROWS N PLAW . ROWS “U" B y* ‘i stz “TE Poiusys Emuacey 'lim Aol CIREGAFIRAME * OF Riicmadh o : “Cimevws » 13,933 wa. Dwisews ¢ Z.AZTE wi. Foen e e i Loeavinns =Linaan Muswetituts T Tanasne Do [ 07700 680 REFERENCE DRAWINGS . - MO OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY ) UnioN CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DMIBION OF UMION CARBIDE CORPORATION . OAX RDOE, TENNESSER w ) y -, Mpa. WAL LIMITS ON OIMENSIONS URMLESS | PASRE - DSTILLATION EXPERTMENT' No s 1000 -] FRACTIONS e LACATT T Peiuts Folt Dusawtisoh -vaw ' Radrosaapuic Mimbasmangy Oh, Stus: Al DECIMALS % i Covogusi&n . Ansemaily aaLes 2 e APPROVED : er R & Lo 3/7 scaE- Nans 3 y%,hfl'lm - jeoloigT “- . o+ PLAN B & = ... PEAR ROW “R* -, o 128 WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS WALL THIGENESS MEASUREMENTS QBSERVATIONS DIRECT "] DIMENSIONAL | RADICGRAPHY, OBSERVATIONS, LOCATION | DmeCT [ " " RADIOGRAPHY, CBIERVATIONS, LOCATION INITIAL | INITIAL CHANGE AND REMARKS Of INITIAL. | INITIAL | GRERATIO ‘ AND REMARKS A ; cA ower [— DIENSIONAL RADIOGRAPHY. OMSERVANONK tinches) | (inches) (Inches) . ‘ ' MEASIREMENT | {inches) | (inchas) | - (inches) 4 ‘ ' GHAN AND. REMARKS WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AND OMSERVATIONS — — — — — — o — — e — — — — — — — — OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LARORATORY * " m : UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORA OAX TENNESSEE . WIRE. DISTILLATION. EXPERIMENT. BLDG. TABUCAT AR OF - DATA Frow -Dintas woay. Aug Ravdt kabric MEAsuntiints O St CTAwe - Conubaser Asttmecy . w U Finer IMTIAL DIMENSIONS - . : . \ ) * I.OCAM DmeCt T3 vy s|= g% | X¥ N4 129 WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AND OSSERVATIONS - RADIOGRAPHY, OISFRVATIONS, INITIAL CHANGE AND REMARKS ” WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS LOCATION | -DIRECT ) DIMENSIONAL RADIOGRAPHY, OBSERVATIONS, OF INITIAL | INITIAL | OPERATION CHANGE - AND REMARKS 1z - zl. — T2 . . — 3 - 28 - . — 398 . — Mo — 2o —_— Zil e — - — b T4 Buyrwees @ T Mwuu' - SPaatm 90° APARE X AL FROM |- POINT LENGTH AND INITIAL POSY AS BURT | OPERATION LENGTH Mave Butyows By Hasyoniay X Walo HAvuss 25 Wio Reo SussTITUTE . LIMITS ON OTHERWASE FRACTIONS + DECMALS & Avars = Fiis Cmiwi Amnmnni Aue Comervuién (wWeioine) MatAL On Sumsacss, An Acageyani TR e W T . _wsMeD REFERENCE DRAWINGS NO. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY : Union CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION TENNERSEE umess | MEKE DTILATIOR EXPERvmenT BB TOCeRAR N - OF Painte Foll TUINERR Witk RINGARITY - ANE . TABULATI#N - OF Oata Fon Snn-Cmfih- Rusivin Assumony " . TS ~ 130 - D~KKC-55179-D One-line Diagram Sheet-5 Motor Control Centers , G3 and G4. - E-FFB-49040 Plan at Elevation 852 Ft-Elevation AA, 49041 Installation of Equipment Between Elevations 831 ft and 852 ft. 49042 Containment Cubicle for Instruments. 49043 Containment Cubicle for Instruments, Piping Details Sheet 1. 49044 Containment Cubicle for Instruments, Piping Details Sheet 2. 49045 Containment Cubicle for Instruments, Piping Details Sheet 3. | The first four drawings in the above list are concerned with modifications to the roof plugs of the spare cell in the MSRE building (Building 7503). These modifications were necessary before distillation of irradiated salt. The remclnlng six drawings are details of the equipment installation. Drawings listed below are referenced but are not mcluded in thls Appendlx These drawings cover design and installation of instruments. - Each drawing bears the principal title MSRE Distillation Experiment with the followmg numbers and subtitles: ‘ I-12173-QE-001-D Instrument Application Diagram. I-12173-QE-002-D Front of Panel Board Layout. 1-12173-QE-003-D Rear of Panelboard. | | I-12173-QE-004-D Bill of Materials Panel Construction Nameplote and’ - Annunciator Tag Tabulation. 1-12173-QE-005-D Panel Cutouts. 1-12173-QE-006-D Elementary Wiring Diagrams. I-12173-QE-007-D Panelboard Wiring Details = Sheet 1 of 2 1-12173-QE-008-D Panelboard Wiring Details = Sheet 1 of 2, 1-12173-QE-009-D Heater Control Schematic. ' I-12173-QE-010-D Relay Box Wiring Diagram. ' . 1-12173-QE-011-D Load Distribution Panel Wiring and Construction Detalls I-12173-QE-012-D Pnuematic Tubing Schematics. I-12173-QE-013-D Thermocouple Patch Panel Box Details. | I-12173-QE-014-D Relay Box and Door Details, 1-12173-QE-015-D Relay Box Assembly and Details. 1-12173-QE-016-D Dolly for Six Frames-Details. I-12173-QE-017-D Miscellaneous Details. [-12173-QE-018-D Back Frame Cover Details. 1-12173-QE-019-D Level Probe Insulation Assemblies. I-12173-QE~020-D Level Probe Assembly and Details. 1-12173-QE-021-D Level Probe Miscellaneous Details. - 1-12173-QE-022-D Level Probe Junction Box and Details. 1-12173-QE~-023-D Level Probe Interconnection Wiring. I-12173-QE~024-D Level Probe Junction Box Terminations.” 1-12173-QE-025-D Level Probe Exciter Junction Box. . |-12173-QE~026-D I-12173=-QE~027-D 1-12173-QE-028-D |~12173-QE~029~D I-12173-QE~030-D 1-12173-QE~031-D I-12173-QE-032-D I-12173-QE-033-D 1~12173-QE-034~D |-12173-QE~035-D I-12173-QE-036-D I-12173-QE-037-D 131 Valve Position Indicators and Schematic Diagram. - Temporary Layout Building 3541. Valve Box Schemahcs _Field Wiring. Panelboard T/C Junction Boxes. Metalphoto Name Tags for Panel. * Metalphoto Name Tags for Panel. Metalphoto Name Tags for Panel_ Heater Schematic. Schemahc Wiring for Mulhpomt Spdx. Instr./Commutator Control or Alarm Special Circuit Arrangement=TR-1. Schematic Wiring for Multipoint Spdx, Instr ./ Commutator Control or Alarm Special Circuit Arrangement-TR-2. Valve Piping Schematic. | 133 _DISTRIBUTION. - 1. C. F. Baes 43. 2, H. F. Bauman 44, 3. S. E, Bedll 45, 4, M. Bender 46. 5. C. E. Bettis 47. 6. E. S. Bettis - 48, 7. R. E. Blanco 49, 8. R. Blumberg 50. 9. E. G. Bohlmann 51, 10.. G. E. Boyd 52, 11.. R. B. Briggs - 83, 12, R. E. Brooksbank - 54, 13, K. B. Brown 55. 14. S, Cantor 56. ~15. W. L. Carter 57. 16. C. I, Cathers 58, 17. C. W. Collins 59. 18. E. L. Compere 60, 19. W. H. Cook 61, 20-21, D. F, Cope, AEC-ORO 62, 22, F. L. Cuyller , | 63. 23. C. B. Deering, AEC-ORO 64-65, 24. S. J. Ditto 66. 25. W. P, Eatherly 67. 26. J. R, Engel - 68, 27. D. E. Ferguson 69. 28. L. M. Ferris 70. 29, C, H. Gabbard 71, 30, H. E. Goeller 72, 31. W. R. Grimes - 73. 32, A. G. Grindell - 74, 33. R. H. Guyman 75, 34. C, A. Hahs 76. 35.. B. A. Hannoford 77. 36. P. N. Haubenreich _ 78. ~.37. J. R. Hightower 79~80, . 38, W, H, Jordan - 81-82, 39. P. R. Kasten - 83-85, 40. R. J. Kedl - 86, 41" M. J. Kelly 87-101 : 42, H. T. Kerr 102, 103. 20 Lo = S. S. Kirslis J. W. Krewson J. A. Lane B. Lieberman R. B. Lindaver M. |, Lundin "H. G. MacPherson R. E. MacPherson H. McClain « E, McCoy F. McDuffie E. McNeese R. McWherter L. Moore . A, Nelms L. Nicholson - C. Oadkes . M. Perry . W. Pickel . T. Robetts C. Robertson M. W. Rosenthal Dunlap Scott C. E. Sessions J. H. Shaffer W. F. Shaffer A. N. Smith J. R. Tallackson R. E. Thoma | srTrx Mo W. E. Unger J. R. Weir M. E. Whatley “J. C. White R, G. Wymer E. L. Youngblood Central Research Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Laboratory - Recrods, RC DTIE Nuclear Safety Information "~ Center, Y-12 Leb. and Univ. Div., ORO