< 'rj -y AT l'l( *} OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION w NUCLEAR DIVISION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM-2180 DATE -March 26, 1968 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF MOLTEN FLUORIDES. A REVIEW. G. D. Robbins NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature ond was prepared primarily for internal use ot the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. ISTRECTON OF THIS GOUMET & UNKIMITER LEGAL NOTICE — This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mokas any warranty or representotion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contecined in this report, or that the use of any information, apporatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparaotus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the cbove, ‘‘person acting on bshalf of the Commission’' includes any employee or centractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employes ot contrector of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his empioyment with such contractor. iii ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF MOLTEN FLUORIDES. A REVIEW G. D. Robbins Reactor Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT/SUMMARY A review of electrical conductivity measurements in molten fluoride systems covering the period 1927 t? 1967 has been made, with particular emphasis on experi- mental approach. It is pointed out that the common practice of measuring resistance with a Wheatétone bridge having a parallel resistance and capa01tanc?, R_ and C_, in the balancing arm can result in cons;def- agle error if the relation Rp = Rs[l + szcpz(znf) ] is not employed in determing the solution resistance, Rs' The frequency dependence of the measured resistance and the practice of extrapolating measured resiétances to infinite frequency versus 1/Nf is examined in térms of electrode process concepts. A summary of experimental approaches and results for 56 molten fluoride systems is presented. LEGAL NOTICE Thia report was prepared as an account of Government sponsured work, Neither the United States, nor the Commiagion, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commigsion: racy, 1 ful Privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with veapect to the use of, or for damages regulting from the uge of any information, apparatus, method, or procesa disclosed in this report, Ag uded in the above, ‘'person acting on behalf of the Commiaaton” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or emplovee of such contractor, to the extent thet such employee or contractor of the Commisaion, or emplayee of suck contractor disseminates, or provides access te, any information pursusnt to hig employment or contract with the Commisalon, ar his employment with such contractoer. A. Makes any warranty or Tepresentation, expresaed or implied, with respect to the acou- or £ ot of the ed ir this report, or that the yse of any faformation, appargtus, method, or prucess disciosed {n this report may not infringe Prepares, ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF MOLTEN FLUORIDES. %* A REVIEW Introduction Invesitgation of the electrical conductivity of molten salt systems has been an area of lively research in recent years, and a number of reviews have appeared which deal with this aspect of transport phenomena.(1_3) It will be the intent of this review to limit itself to the subject of conductance measurements in molten fluorides. The containment problems encountered with these materials set them apart from the other molten halides with respect to experimental diffi- culties and the consequent precision of measurement which can be expected. By limiting this review to fused fluorides, it is hoped that sufficient details may be presented to permit workers in the field to obtain a comprehensive survey covering the period 1927 to 1967. To our knowledge, no such review exists which addresses itself to the questions which we pose below. Many investigations in the past have been concerned with cryolite-containing melts because of their relevance to the aluminum inaustry, and a review of these systems has been given (4) by Grjotheim and Matiasovsky. Renewed interest in the trans- port properties of fused fluorides in general has resulted from their use as fuel, blanket, and coolant materials in molten (5) salt reactors. * Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. Because of the high specific conductance of most molten salts (1-6 Q71 cm_l),(é) experimental approaches have tended (1), to fall into two groups (1) use of capillary-containing cells, which results in a cell constant of several hundred cm !, the capillaries being constructed from electrically insulating materials; or (2) use of metallic cells in which the container is usually one electrode, with a second electrode positioned in the melt. The latter type of cells have cell constants of the order of a few tenths cm !, requiring very accurate measuring bridges and determination of lead resist- ances. Since the value of measured resistance in such cells is less than 1@, errors due to temperature gradients, changes in cell constant with temperature, and polarization become a significant problem. Hence, cells of type (1) are clearly desirable for use in molten salts. However, electrically insulating materials for capillary construction which are resistant to attack by molten fluorides are scarce. Measurement of electrical conductivity in molten salts differs from similar studies in aqueous solutions in several significant aspects. It is often the practice to employ some form of a Wheatstone bridge(7) (Figure 1) in which the two upper arms are matchéd, standard resistances, and the imped- ance of the cell in one lower arm is balanced by a variable impedance, Z, in the fourth arm. The balancing impedance is usually a variable resistance, Rp, and capacitance, Cp, connected in parallel. The solution resistance, R and S’ solution-electrode interfacial capacitances, Cs’ in the cell (8) are considered to be in series (Figure 2). By requiring one electrode to have a much greater area than the other, the impedance associated with such an electrode becomes negligible, and the equivalent circuit reduces to that shown in Figure 3. (Alternatively, one can employ electrodes of similar area and treat the capacitance resulting from their series combination as a single total capacitance, é— = %— + 6L .) S @2 s tance resulting from the electrode leads is in parallel across The capaci- the entire cell shown in Figure 2. However, at frequencies ordinarily employed, and with some care in positioning, this capacitance can be neglected. When a sinusoidal alternating potential is impressed across the cell, a sinusoidal alternating current results. If the potential is insufficient to cause electrochemical reactions to occur at the electrodes, the equivalent circuit of Figure 3 is valid, and the interfacial capacitance is charged and dis- charged during each half-cycle through the solution resistance. By employing an oscilloscope as the null detector, one can balance the cell impedance with the parallel combination of Rp and Cp showe in Figure 1. The two balance equations (when the standard resistances are matched) are R C S P _ + == =1 (1) R_ Cg and 2 = RSRpCSCp(ZHf) 1 (2) These may be combined into = 1 2 2 2 R, R[1 + s (21f)2] (3) It is often the practice to equate Rp ( the value of the bridge dials) to RS (the true solution resistance).(g’lo) (In the case of unmatched standard resistors, their ratio is used.) This is usually valid in aqueous solutions where RS and CS are such as to result in szcpz(ZHf)2 being negligibly smaller than unity. However, in molten salts experimental conditions for the measurement of electrical conductance can result in considerable error if tfiese equations are not considered when using parallel components in the balancing arm of a Wheatstone bridge. For example, on rewriting equations (2) and (3) in the form 1 R_ = Rs[l + E;ffi;??ifi;jf ] (4) p it is evident that in molten salts, where RS2 may be smaller by * a factor of 10! % that in aqueous solutions (CS having approxi- (13)) mately similar values an awareness of these relations is necessary. Use of equation (3) to calculate R, is limited by the accuracy with which the values of the variable capacitance, Cp, and the frequency are known. Use of precision capacitors can be avoided by employing a bridge in which the balancing components are in series.(l4) Then in the case of no electro- chemical reaction, the value of RS is well represented by the reading on the balanced bridge; however, this method does require the use of large capacitors. When a sufficiently large a.c. potential is impressed on the cell that charge is transferred across the solution- electrolyte interfaces during part of each half-cycle, corres- ponding to an electrochemical reaction, the situation becomes considerably more complex. However, it is under these conditions —% The measured resistance of 0.0005 m KC1 in cells employed by Jones and Bollinger(ll) was approximately 50,000 £. Cuthbertson (12) 0.5 in molten cryolite. and Waddington report a measured resistance of approOximately that conductivity measurements are usually performed. Based (15) on the work of Jones and Christian, resistance in aqueous systems is generally measured at a series of frequencies and extrapolated to infinite frequency employing the functional form f_%. Use of this particular functional form is attri- buted(15) (16,17) (18) to Warburg and Neumann who, on the basis of Fick's laws of diffusion, predicted that the polarization resistance (that part of the measured resistance due to elec- trode polarization) was inversly proportional to NT. Applying the concepts resulting from electrode process studiesflg-?l) one may envision the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4 for an electrode-solution interface across which charge is being transferred. {%?represents the impedance associated with the reaction, which is in parallel with the solution-electrode interfacial capacitance. Under the exact- ing assumptions of faradaic impedance studies, zrnmy be re-~ presented by a frequency-independent resistance, 6, in series with a frequency-dependent impedance, -W-, the Warburg imped- ance. The latter is conveniently represented gg a resistance and capacitance in series, Rr and Cr’ at constant frequency (Figure 5). At a given frequency the impedances resulting from R, and C, are equal., However, both vary as f_%. The assumptions upon which the mathematical analysis which results in f”% dependance oer and Efi%fi; rests include 1) semi-infinite linear diffusion of reactants and products and 2) a small amplitude a.c. potential superimposed on a net d.c. polarizing potential. These are not the conditions of conductivity measurements. However, during that part of each half-cycle during which reaction is occurring at the electrodes, the equivalent circuit of Figure 4 is a useful concept, even though Zr may not be treated rigorously according to Figure 5. ‘That the above considerations lead to the same frequency dependence as that experimentally determined for many conduc- tivity measurements(l59 renders this conceptual analysis worth considering. In brief, then, one may consider the equivalent circuit of Figure 4 as a rough analog of the solution resistance, electrode-solution interfacial capacitance, and reaction impedance (bearing in mind that . cannot be represented exactly by any finite combination of resistance, capacitance, and inductance which will render it frequency independent). During that part of each half-cycle in which the potential is below that which results in an electrode reaction, the equi- valent circuit of Figure 4 reduces to that of Figure 3, i.e., Zr becomes infinite. It is also useful to consider the equi- valent circuit of Figure 4 in view of the practice of extra- polating measured resistance to infinite frequency. It can be seen that at infinite frequency the impedance of Cs is infinitely less than that of Zr’ and Figure 4 again reduces to Figure 3. It should be emphasized that while one measures resist- ance at a series of frequencies and extrapolates to infinite frequency, one does not make measurements at frequencies which approach infinity. In fact, very high fréquency measure- ments (in the megahertz range) are to be avoided because of the increased admittance of the leads and the fact that at very high frequencies one ceases to measure a property assoicated with ionic mobility and observes properties associated with dipole moments and polarizabilities. Hence the question of concern remains viz, what functional form of the frequency does one employ to extrapolate the measured resistance to infinite frequency? (22) Robinson and Stokes consider this question in terms of electrode process concepts as applied to aqueous media and give balance equations for a bridge with a parallel-component balancing arm, assuming various relative magnitudes of Rs’ o, (15) and Rr' Under the conditions employed by Jones and Christian, 1 f 2 dependence is predicted. Robinson and Stokes conclude that one should measure resistance as a function of frequency and extrapolate to infinite frequency in accordance with the observed behavior. This is also the conclusion of Nichol and Fuoss,(23) who observed a f ! frequency dependence of resistance in methanol solutions. In molten salts frequency dependence of the resistance has been reported at polarizing potentials much lower than required (24,25) (26) for faradaic processes. Buckel and Tsaussoglou have found that measured resistance vs. frequency plots show a plateau in the range 10-100 kHz in adqueous potassium chloride and molten potassium bromide. They suggest that extrapolation of resistance 1 vs. £ 2 would lead to erroneous conductances and that one should study frequency dispersion in a particular apparatus and select a frequency-independent region for performing conductivity (27) reported that in molten nitrate 1 melts plots of measured resistance vs. f 2 were not linear, but experiments. De Nooijer approached linearity as the frequency approached infinity. His values of measured resistance at 20 kHz only differed from values extrapolated to infinite frequency by about 0.1 %. Winterhager (28,29) and Werner have considered frequency dispersion in molten nitrate, chloride, and fluoride melts and have applied '"electrical locus curve theory"(3o) to their results obtained employing a Thomson-type bridge. They conclude that at sufficiently high frequencies measured resistance becomes independent of frequency, and they employ a measuring frequency of 50 kHz., Therefore, in this review particular attention will be given to the observed behavior of resistance with frequency and to the condition of the electrode surfaces, since in aqueous mdeia it is observed that frequency dispersion is less in cases of heavy platiniza- tion (increased CS).(ll) In light of the foregoing discussion the following informa- tion was sought from each study which was consulted: A. Cell material, its general design, and the resulting cell constant, (£/a), or general range of measured resistance, iR} . B. Electrode material, shape, size, and surface character. C. Type of bridge employed.* D. Frequency range employed. E. Dependence of measured resistance on frequency. F. Voltage applied to the bridge. G. Results. Results are reported either in terms of the The general types of bridge circuits employed are shown in Appendix I as an aid in description. The circuits actually employed were usually modified versions of those shown. For details of circuity, the reader is referred to the cited work, specific conductance, «, the equivalent conductance, qu, or the molar conductance,‘Am. These quantities are defined as _ 1 kK = fi-(fl/a) (5) eq _ equivalent weight A - density (6) m _ molecular weight A « - density (1) These quantities are reported as functions of temperature for the minimum, maximum, and one intermediate value for pure salts. For binary mixtures a 3 x 3 grid also stating the extremes and one intermediate value of composition is employed where conven- ient. Conductivities of mixtures of more than two components are presented in a manner designed to convey maximum information. The tabulation is ordered according to the system under consideration; and within each system, by date of publication, the earliest appearing first. Where one investigation has covered several systems, a cross reference is given. Additional values of k and A may be found in Janz's Molten Salts Handbook(31) for many of the systems reported here. As previously stated, the primary concern of this review is topics A-F. The results presented herein are given for comparison and completeness and were, in all cases, taken from the original publications (exception: Appendix II). It will be observed below that a number of publications have not addressed themselves to some of the questions raised above, If this review serves only to remedy this practice, it is considered justified. TABULATION f . Cell Pridge Range vop Results _ J System Ref i or (4fa) Electrodes ] {(Detector) (kHz) R va. f {v) T(°C) w2 lem ) or Alem?legq™ (mol™')) ‘“;‘ LiF 32 Pt crucible iR} = 0,182 Pt crucible and platinized Pt ¥Wheatstone 6 N.8. = Not N.S8. K foil (3 x 4 mm) (telephone} Stated 905 20.2 950 23.4 . .- 995 27.2 (+5 to 10%) 2 LiF 33 Two Pt (80%) - Rh hemispheres (d = " &|Two Pt (B80%) - Rh rods (d - .01")| Specially develd N.S. N.S8 N.8 847 _ ) et 2"), These are also current electrodes |These are potential-measuring oped by E. Fair- 102; kK = 3.805 + 1,004x10 2T(°C) - 3.516x10 *T electrodes. stein. (34) f range=.2-6 kHZ R range=.01-108 (oscilloscope) - - $ 4 - (g-.0082 1cm 1) 3 LiF 35 Hot-pressured BN ecylinder (id - 3/16") |Inconel red and inconel plate ¥heatstone, na 2 "did not vary (N.8.{ gqno K = 8.43 36 surrounded by grthite {RS ~ 3-6 1. acrogs ends of BN cylinder. capacitors appreciably O=1.05 A% - 158 s/a) — 17-39 cm (oscilloscope) between 1 and 20 kHz (£ 1%) 4 LiF 24 | Pt crucible (vol. 319 em) {(f/a) = Two platinized Pt foils (10 x 10 | Thomson-type 50 f-dependency |~.05]| g75 8.663 29 0,28 cm ! mm) (oscilloscope) at lower f, 958 9.058 independent at 1037 9.306 50 kHz & LiF 37 Graphite crucible (1d 3.5, 5" deep) [Two " Mo tubes fitting into Jones (null 10 f independent { N.S 870~ kK = 9.06 + 5.83x1072(T~-870°C) containing 2 BN cylinders (id ~ 3/16") |upper portions of BN cylinders detector) 1-20 kHz 1010 A%9 . 1p0.8 encased in graphite and enlarged at tog o=1.2 . to accomodate e¢lectrodes, (£/a) & 100cm (41%) & NaF 38 | Pt crucible (400 ml), (£/a) = 0.0835cm?|Hemispherical Pt electrodes, Kelvin N t‘fi Ro £2 1o K A9 39 platinized originally. 4 extrapolated 1000 5.52 118 to f = @ 1040 5.74 o 1080 5.95% (tseveral %) I e . 7 NaF 40 | Pt crucible (0.2 mm wall) ER} o 0.02 2(Crucible and a Pt cylinder (area | N.S. .15 | N.8. N.S.| 997 K o= 5.2 . o -~ 2 cm?), both platinized to 8 ¢ : ’ #3 43 #3 #3 8 NaF :Z #3 #3 # # " # 1020 k = 6.15 - A®9 . o O=1.05 A 113 (£ 19) 9 NaF 28 | #4 #4 #4 #4 | #4 #4 1003 4.960 29 1086 5.179 1138 5.335% - s 5 #5 5 | #s #5 - - S e & ‘ # iggg K = 5.29 + 5,.64x10 ¥ (T-1030°C) eq e=1. - . 1.2 A 156.6 (£1%) 11 | x¥ 3z| A1 #1 #1 # 4 #1 K 860 4.14 900 4.28 1 .7 000 4.7 (x5 to 10%) 12 | KF 13| 42 #2 #2 #2 | #2 #2 | se9 K = —3.493 + 1.480x1072T(°C) 1040 -6.608x10 °T? - - (o=.009% lcm™ 1) 0T £ Result Cell Bridge Range Vpp esults L _ System Ref fR} or (2/a) Electrodes (Detector) (kHz) Rvs. f (v) T(°C) (2 lem ™) or Alem?Q leq™! (mol™!)) 13 | XF 35 | #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 900 xe= 3.80 36 e=1.05 A% = 124 (£1%) 14 | KF 28 | #4a #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 859 3.573 29 938 3.793 1012 4.021 15 KF 3% MgO, single crystal, dip cell; Pt Container and Pt electrode Jones .5-10] varied <0.3% | N.S 905 3.77 (2% 43 copntainer over £ range 2 -2 o 16 | CsF 33 1 #2 42 #2 #2 2 #2 725~ « = -4.511 + 1,642x10 2T(°C) ® ' # # 921 -7.632x10 ¢T? (o=.0092 cm™) 17 CsF 42 | #15 #15 #15 #15 #15 #15 737 2.51 43 784 2.73 852 3.03 18 | AgF 28 | # 4 4 4 4 4 590 4.0% g 28 $4 # # # # # 670 6.0% 19 BeF, 44 Pt-Rh (20%) crucible_(id = 2", ht, Crucible and Pt-Rh (20%) bob "Wheatstone 2-10 f independent | N.S. ® -5 45 | (2/a) = .11 or .28cm ! R-C bridge" 2-10 kHz 700 ¢.71 x 10_5 (scope or VTVM) 800 15.3 x 1(_)5 950 236 x 10 (£10%) 2y | CcaF, 46 | carbon crucible Mo electrodes N.S. N.S. [N.S. N.s. | 1418 « = 3.56 21 { MnF 28 | #4 4 #4 #4 4 4 940 4.7,% : 29 # # # # 990 5.0% - 22 | CuF 28 | #4 4 4 q 4 4 970 2.2¥ uF, 28 # # # # # # 1110 2.5% 23 | ZnF 28 | #4 1 4 4 4 #4 900 3.24% e 29 | # # # # 960 3.7% z4 | poF, 28 | #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 820 5.1% 29 1000 5.8% 25 KBF, 28 #a #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 545 1.052 ¢9 569 1.126 652 1.245 26 | Na,TaF, |28 | /4 4 #4 #4 #4 4 702 1.165 $TaF; |28 # # 733 1.396 814 1.595 27 | K,TiF, |28 | #4 #4 #4 44 Ad #4 343 1.346 29 888 1.435 976 1.604 28 | K,TaF 28 | 44 #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 747 0.7285 2 7 39 800 0.9193 887 1.0366 1T cell Br idge Range vop Results (g * - - - - - System Red R} or (i/a) Electrodes {Detector) kHz) R vs. f (v) T(°C) k(2 tem 1) or Alem*Q'eq ! (mol7!)) A T T— L L mmmnd - = - 20 | LigAtF, |38 | 91 Wi #3 #3 | #3 #3 1800 ko= 3.45% ' i) 920 K = 3.87% T WA AIF, T17 | Fuscd Mg tube (d .99, £ - 10.3 cm) “1draphite plates across ends of Wheats tone, K two | N.S, N.S. (2/2) - 0752 em ! tube and £ in 'y 1020 x = 1.5 parallel cor {telephone)} - - —" - . L3 51| NaGAVE. | 391 F6 #6 #6 #e | #e #6 11000 2.80 980 1040 2.90 A®Y = 2,744 - wrvpy L 1080 3.00 (» severalD 32 | Na,ALF, |40 | 47 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 [lol3 K o= 2.8;* o o | #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 3 at 3t | Na,AlF, 3 ‘ ” ! 1000 2.8O* 284 at 1010° 36 1060 2.95% 296 at 1040° 34 | Na;ALF, 28 | 4 #4 #4 #4 #4 #4 1025 2.8¢% 29 1120 3.0,* i+ | Na,a1F, [ 47 | Pt nemisphere (od - 4 em), (t/a) - Container and Pt rod (d = 3 mm) Thomson plus 5 N.8 ¥.5- 11000 2. 84 386 em phase indicator 1040 z.92 1080 3,00 o | KoALE, N PN #3 #3 #1 | #3 #3000 5 32e 36 1060 2.42% S ;‘A . ) LiF-ThF i !nig * T " #3 #5 #5 #5 #s §E.§-3.5(m%) kK = 7,14 + 10.97x10 ¥ (T-880°C) * A - 117.2, for @ = 1.2 78-22 (m%) x = 2,50 + 7.58x107 % (T-640°C) A®9 - 29,9, for 0 = 1.2 50,2-49.8(m%) x = 2.13 + 4.19x107*(T-820°C) aA%q . 31,0, for & = 1.2 (1% 14 LiF+UF, 37 F #s #5 #5 #5 #5 #5 LiF.UF - I35 (wh) K = 7.55 + 5.86x1073(T-900°C) eq A =99,3, for © = 1.2 60-40(m%) « = 2.17 + 5.68x1073(T-700°C) A®9 - 23,8, for @ - 1.2 40~60 (m%) kK = 2.89 + 3,29x107% (T-900°C) A% = 33,5, for @ = 1.2 (., 39 | NaF 48} Pt crucible {R}> 0.1 Curcible and Pt rod, both Carey-Foster 1 N.S. N.8. 500 837 CaF, platinized originally 1000 ‘;'373 (67 wi) ° 1100 5.879 (z.5%) gt £ Vpp Results Cell . Bridge Range - - - - - o System Ref Rt or (i/a) Electrodes (Detector) (kHz) R vs, f v) T(°C) k(@ tem™) or A(em*2 leq”! (mol™})) ® 40 | NaF + 481 439 739 #39 #39 #39 #39 1900 4,441 SrF, 1000 4,961 (67 wh) 1100 5.642 (,5%) K 41 | NaF + 48 | #39 #39 #39 #39 #39 #39 900 4.027 BaF, 1000 4.602 (67 wi) 1100 5.319 (£.5%) ® 42 NaF + 49 | Hot-pressed BeQ tube in a_cylindrical Pt crucible across bottom of Wheatstone, _R" 1 N.S8. N.S.N F-ZrF 565° 7300.‘ aBs® ZrF, Pt crucible {(#/a) & 24 cm'! the tube and Pt rod at top and 2 in a ; r- ) ] parallel - ! ’ - : (oscilloscaope) 50-50(m%) 0.52 0.92 1,73 (£10%) 43 | NaF + 37| #5 #5 #5 #5 #5 #5 [NaF-ThF _ T 'EB-IZTn% k = 3,49 + 3.74x107*(T-900°C) A%9 - 71,3, for ©@ = 1.2 67-33(m%) k = 1.76 + 3.88x107* (T-800°C) A®% - 28.1, for © = 1.2 50-50(m%) ® = 1,48 + 5,23x10 2 (T-800°C) A9 - 28.6, for 8 = 1.2 (£1%) ; ; NaF-UF ' _ # 3:‘? ’ ks #s #s #s #5 #3 BE-TETm) x = 2.81 + 3.56x10 2 (T-850°C) A®% - 57,7, for @ = 1,2 65-35(m%) k = 1.37 + 4.65x1072 (T-700°C) A®% - 25,6, for & = 1.2 25+ 75 (m%) k = 2,18 + 3.56x10 ? (T-900°C) Aeq = 36,9, for 8@ = 1.2 (£1%) K 45 | NaF + 50 | Described in Ref. 51, not readily Pt electrodes Wheatstone, 5 N.8. N.S.| NaF-NaBF 450° 650° 800° NaBF, available with balancing -4 A - - T.502 o 40-60(wth) 0.965 6.350 14.10s (oscilloscope) 10-90{(w%) 2.408 8.801 14.978 K Aeq 46 | NaF + 3B | #6 #6 #6 #6 #6 #6 | NaF-NajAlF 1000° 1040° 108¢° 1006° Na,AlF, |19 7692 T 3. To0 T4 50-50(m%) 3.19 3.30 3.41 99 35.7-64.3 (m%) 3.12 3.23 3.33 100 o 47 | KF + 50 | #45 #45 #45 #45 #45 #45 | KF-KBF 450° 650° goa° KBF, TO-30Te%) = —— T5.o01 40-60 (W) - 2.255 11.495 10+90 (w¥h) 0.281 3.601 12.703 Wheatstone, BT (data taken Irom graphs) 48 | MgF; + 52| Pt cell N.S. and & in N.8.| N.S8 N.S| MgF, -Na,ALF. %1070 Na,AlF, parallel = W =3 (oscilloscope) 10-90 (wdl) 2.2 1-99 (w%) 2.8 ¢T f Cell Bridge Range Vp Results ste .. P - I - System Ref R or (£/a) Electrodes {Detector) (kHz) R va, § (v) TCC) (@ cm!) or Alcu?fieq™! (mol”!)) i ° 49 CaF, + 53 | Graphite crucible {R}w 0.58 Carbon ancde and molten Al Wheatstone, & two N.S. N.B. g—g—%fi;fifli -—;go—o Na;AlFg 12 cathode and in f'n 40-60(m%) 140 parallel 13-87 (%) 185 {telephone)} K . ; eq RO | CaF; + | 38| #6 #é #é #6 | #6 #6 | caF,-Na ALF 1000° 1o040° 1080° “lcoo° Na;AlF, 39 - T .Y T. 8T 23-77(m%) 2.68 2.79 2.90 83 12.3-87.7(m%) 2.74 2.85 2.95 88 - o T A" 51 | car, = | 35| #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 1010 232 Na,AlF, | 36 (A1m™) 1040 242 ® o 52 AlF, - 52 | #48 #48 #48 #48 #a8 #48 A].E' -Na DA]F z_}g_?fl Na,AlF, 7.5-92.5(w%) 2.6 2.5-97.5(wh) 2.8 - = o 3| AIF, v 38 A6 #é #6 #6 #6 #6 ALF, -Na AIF 1000° 1040° 10800 D1goa® a, b 39 - w0} 60 BT 11.6-88.4(m%} 2.68 2.77 2.86 88 : — - -- 0 2.12¢% a4 LiAlF + ] 35 ] #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 #3 ™ Na,AlF, | 36 880 2.82% (40w} 35 | LiF+NaF+ { 49 { Hemispherical Pt crucible (2/a) o 0,162 | Current electrodes: c¢rucible and | No bridge: .5 N.S N.S. 222 i;g: KF (46, 5- Pt spherc; potential electrodes: | VTVMN and 815 1‘80“ 11.5-42 crucible and Pt cylinder amme ter - m7) surrounding sphere (220%) - =% 56 NaF+ZrF,H 49 | #55 #55 #55 #55 #55 #55 NaF-ZrF,-UF 565° 730° 885° UF, . 5-40-6.5(m%) 0.58 0.88 T.43 50-46-4 (m%) 0.79 1.08 1.60 (£10%) 7T ‘lnterpolated from a linear plot of «x ve. 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DETECTOR Ll ' - z — () —/ Z2=IMPEDANCE OF CONNECTIONS CAREY-FOSTER BRIDGE'*® | F. (CELL AND S ARE INTER- HOM TvpE” BRDGE (2529 2 CHANGEABLE) E. (EMPLOYED BY WINTER- HAGER AND WERNER) Z= IMPEDANCE OF CONNECTIONS 22 APPENDIX 11 For the sake of completeness, references to those cryolite systems which could not be consulted in the original are listed in this appendix. An indication of their content, together with the secondary source, is given. Batashev, K. and A. Zhurin, Metallurg, 10, 67 (1935); C.A., 30, 7018”7 (1936). (x of KF-AlF, system vs. T) Batashev, K. P., Legkie Metally, 10, 48 (1936); ref. 4. (x of cryolite vs. T) Batashev, cited by Mashovets in The Electrometallurgy of Aluminum (Russian), 1938; ref. 53. (A™ of cryolite + NaF and cryolite + AlF;) Vayna, A., Alluminio, 19, 215 (1950); C. A., 44, 10,549d (1950) and ref. 4. (k of cryolite vs. T; k of cryolite with additions of NaF, CaF,, or AlF; near 1000°C) Abramov, G. A., M. M. Vetyukov, I. P. Gupalo, A. A. Kostyukov, and L. N. Lozhkin, "Teoreticheskie osnovy electrometal- lurgii alyminia," Metallurizdat, Moscow (1953); ref. 4. (x of cryolite vs. T) Ponomarev, V. G., F. M. Kolomilskii, Yu. M. Putilin, Izvest. Vysshikh. Ucheb., Zavedenii, Tsvetnaya Met., 1958, No. 6, 78; C.A., 53, 14,6701 (1959). (« of K,TiFy vs. T) Belyaev, A. I., Tsvetnye Metally, 31, No. 10, 61 (1958); C.A., 53, 68321 (1959). (x of cryolite with additions of LiF, NaF, BeF,, MgF,, CaF,, BaF,, or AlF;) 23 Antipin, L. N., S. F. Vazhenin, and V. K. Shcherbakov, Nauch. Doklady Vysshe! Shkoly, Met. 1958, 11; C.A., 55, 1241f (1961). (« of Na¥/AlF, ratios of 1.6 to 3.9) Antipin, L. N, and S. F. Vazhenin, Tsvetnye Metally, 31, No. 12, 56 (1958); C.A., 53, 7824e (1959). (k of cryolite with additions of CaF, or MgF,) Chu, Y. A. and A. I. Belyaev, Izvest. Vysshikh. Ucheb., Zavedenif, Tsvetnaya Met., 2, No. 2, 69 (1959); C.A., 54, 24,0251 (1960). (k of cryolite and cryolite with additions of LiF or BeF,) Belyaev, A. I. and E. A. Zhemchuzhina, Tsvetnye Metally, 33, No. 4, 45 (1960); C.A., 55, 1242a (1961). (x of NaF/AlF; ratio of 2.2 to 2.78 with additions of MgF;) Kuvakin, M. A, and P. 8. Kusakin, Trudy Inst. Met., Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Unal. Filial, 5, 145 (1960); C.A., 55, 2255i (1961). (x of cryolite) Belyaev, A. 1., "Elektrolit alyuminievykh vann," Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1961; ref. 4. (k of cryolite with BeF, additions up to 17 wt. % at 1000°C) Matiasovsky, K., S. Ordzovensky, and M. Malinovsky, Chem. zvesti, 17, 839 (1963); ref. 4. (« of cryolite vs. T) Vakhobov, A. V. and A. I. Belyaev, '"Viiamie razlichnykh solevykh komponentov (dobavok) na elektroprovodnost elktrolita alyuminievykh vann," in "Fizicheskaya khima rasplavlemykh solei,"” ed. by The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Soviet Academy of Science., Metallurgizdat, 2h Moscow, 1965, pp. 99-104; ref. 4. (v of cryolite with additions of LiF, MgF,, CaF,, BaF,, or A1F; up to 20 wt. % at 1000°C) O 00NN A W mcqfi:b‘blfifiqfi>t‘wcntjh’fifiqt‘EtfiC)EtnC4C)m=flE:h(3C)F1fi'fi*UdeCZODm(3(1COC)B>hififiim gtfl“flhtfitqflt*G)Pfiiw HoObxAmnE CtReEHOINPQOGAOAORH IO INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Adams Adamson Affel Alexander Bacarella Baes Ball Bamberger Bar ton Bauman . Beall rtocci Bettis Bettis Bien Blankenship Blanco Bohlmann Borkowski . Boyd Braunstein A. Bredig B. Briggs R. Bronstein D. Brunton Brynestad Cantor Carter Cathers Compere Cook Corbin Crowley Culler, Jr. Dale Davis Ditto Duggins Dunn Dworkin Engle Epler Ferguson Ferris Friedman Frye, Jr. Fuller 25 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62 . 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72, 73. 74. 75. 76. 77, 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. C. QORISR DS ErSgOumnmOERYyEQnod SN OgawaEs QU r=E0 X HEE =S =IO ZZ N E QYO HEGRHEOEEEEEHQZ- gl mm=E ORNL-TM-2180 Gabbard Gammage Gilpatrick Grimes Grindell Guymon Hannaford Harrill Haubenreich Hess Hightower Hill Hitch Hoffman Holmes Hor ton Hudson Hyland nouye Jenkins Jenks Jordan Kasten Kelley Kennedy Kerr Kirslis Kohn Krewson Lamb Lane Lindauer Litman Lundin Lyon MacPherson MacPherson amantov Manning Marshall Martin McCoy McDuffie McGlothlan McHar gue McNeese Mesmer 95. 96. 7. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105-119. 120. 121. 122. 123-124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 153-154. 155, 156. 157-158. 159. 160-161. 162. 163. 164-178. 179-180. 181. §C4C1m=UE:N=SHJcht4wtfiFdfiriC1W > un S. Meyer 130. G. P. Smith L. Moore 131. R. W. Stelzner M. Moulton 132. H. H. Stone R. Mueller 133. R. A. Strehlow P. Nichols 134, J. R. Tallackson L. Nicholson 135. R. E. Thoma C. Oakes 136. L. M. Toth A. Posey 137. J. 8. Watson L.. Redford 138. C. F. Weaver D. Redman 139. A. M. Weinberg D. Robbins 140. J. R. Weir C. Robertson 141. M. E. Whatley C. Robinson 142. J. C. White A. Romberger 143. F. L. Whiting W. Rosenthal 144. J. P. Young G. Ross 145-146.. Central Research Library C. Savage 147. Document Reference Section lap Scott 148-150. Laboratory Records Dept. H. Shaffer 151. Laboratory Records, ORNL J. Skinner 152. ORNL Patent Office EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION D. F. Cope, AEC, ORO A. Giambusso, AEC, Washington, D. C. W. J. Larkin, AEC, ORO T. W. McIntosh, AEC, Washington, D. C. H. M. Roth, AEC, ORO M. Shaw, AEC, Washington, D. C. W. L. Smalley, AEC, ORO R. F. Sweek, AEC, Washington, D. C. 26 Division of Technical Information Extension Reactor Division, Research and Development Division, ORO ORO