CHHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH LIBRARIES LO IEER AT 150 | 3 445L 0513008 & ‘'IONAL LABORATORY — ——operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DiVISION o “RB'DE for the oDt e R e N DOCUMENT &0 L EOTION U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 2170 HOT-CELL STUDIES OF THE FLUIDIZED-BED FLUORIDE VOLATILITY PROCESS FOR RECOVERING URANIUM AND PLUTONIUM FROM SPENT UO,, FUELS J. C. Mailenand G. |. Cathers bAK RIDGE NATIONAL CENTRAL RESEARC DOCUMENT COL LIBRARY LO DO NOT TRANSFER TO A If you wish someone els document, send BT and the library will arra UECN-796% 1 {3 3-671 f NBTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Loboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. bbb . LEGAL NOTICE — — S This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person dacting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representaticn, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of | any infermation, aopparatus, methed, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damoges resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, methed, or process disclesed in this report. As used in the cbeve, ““person acting on behalf of the Commissien®’ includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such cantractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminures, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or controct with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ' ORNL~ TM- 2170 Contract No. W-Th05-eng-26 CHEMICAL TECHNCILOGY DIVISION Chemical Development Section B HOT-CELL STUDIES OF THE FLUIDIZED-BED FLUORIDE VOIATILITY PROCESS FOR RECOVERING URANIUM AND PLUTONIUM FROM SPENT UO2 FUELS J. C. Mailen and G. I. Cathers APRIL 1969 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATCRY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNTON CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ENEPGY RESEARCH LIBRARIES T | 3 yy5kL 0513008 & b CONTENTS Abstract 1. Introduction . 2. Hxperimental . 2.1 Equipment Used . . . ¢ « « « o« « « . 2.2 Sampling Procedure 2.3 Experimental Materials . . . . . . . 3. Results and Discussion « . « « « « « + + . 3.1 Oxidation of Fuel . . . . . . . . 3.2 Volatilization of Uranium with BrF5 3.3 Desorption of Uranium . 3.4 Volatilization of PuF6 with Fluorine 3.5 Recovery of Plutonium from Nal Trap . Conclusions 5. References 10 10 10 12 . 21 . 21 . 29 29 30 HOT-CELL STUDIES OF THE FLUIDIZED-BED FLUCRIDE VOIATILITY PROCESS POR RECOVERING URANIUM AND PLUTONTUM FROM SPENT UO_. FUELS Jd. C, Mgilern and G. T. Cathers ABSTRACT Bench-scale experiments with UO2 that had been irra- diated to a burnup of 34,000 Mwd/metric ton and cooled for two years were performed, using a 0.94-in.-ID fluidized- bed resctor. The objectives of these experiments were to test NaF at 400°C for use as a trap Tor volatile fission product fluorides, to test MgF2 for use as a Lrap Tor nep- tunium and technetium fluorides, to test NaF at 550°C for use as a trap Tor sorbing PuF6 and separating it from ru- thenium, to study the behavior of neptunium, and to deter- mine the fate of tritium. In these studies the U0, wes first oxidized with 20% 02--80% N, at h50°C, to form U308; this was then btreated with BrF5~N2 mixtures (5 to 10% BrF5) at 300°C to form UF6 and volatllize the uranium and most of the ruthenium, molybdenun, and techonetium fluorides; finally, treatment with fluorine at 300 Lo 500°C was used to Tluorinate and volatilize the plutonium as PuFé. In some runs, BrI, was 3 used for a finsl cleanup of uranium after the BrF5 tfeat— ment. Plutonium was separated from the fluorine stream, by irreversible sorption on NaF, in a trap at lemperatures above 500°C. Uranlium hexafluoride was purified by passage through a 400°C WaF bed and by sorption on, and desorption from, Nab'. A ruthenium decontamination factor of 2000 was ob- tained by using a 400°C NaF ted and a residence time of 15 sec; cosorption of ruthenium in the plutonium Utrap was minimized by operating it at 550 to 600°C. Of the syitium in the fuel, about 95% was liberated during the heatup of the fuel to 450°C and during the oxidation; the other 5% was liberated during the BrF_ step. J 1. INTRODUCTION Hot-cell tests of the fluldized-bed Tluoride volatility process were made at Oak Ridge National Iaboratory in support of the proposed Tuidized-Bed Volatility Pilot Plant.® These studies were designed to explore The chemical behavior of various fission products, using high- burnup tuel, ana tc evaluate methods Tor decontaminating the uranium and plutonium products. Opecifically, we attempted to do the Tollowing: 1. test NaF at LOC°C Tor its effectiveness in removing vclatile fission products, 2. test MgFP at 100°C for use 22 & neptunium and technetium trap, 2. test NalF for use as a plutonium trap, particularly regarding cosorpvion of ruthenium, 4. examine the behavior of ueptunium, and 5. determine the fate of tritium. The results of these tests and examinations, along with significant observations made in the course of the work, are presented in this report. Acknowledgmente. — The authors wish to recognize the fine work acne oy the Analytical Chemistry Division in the analysis of the hot samples, and that of J. H. Goode Tor his analysis of the tritium and plutorium content of the fuel. We were assisted in the initial cold teating ol the equipment by T. E. Crabtree; the hot-cell work was o performed with fthe assistance of L. A. Byrd. *Design and construction efforts involving the Fluidized-Bed VolaTility Pilot Plant, which was scheduled for installation in s1de. 3019, were terminsted in the 211 of 1967 zccording to a direciive pued oy Lhe USAEC, L 2. HEXPERIMENTAT 2.1 HEoulpment Used Because space was limited the hoft-cell tests were done with small equipment. The fluidized-bed reactor, which was made of 1-in.-0D nickel pipe, had a2 2-in.-0D disengaging section. Except for the cold trap and the Na¥ trap for plutonium sorption, the variocus traps con- sisted of 1- or 2-in.-0D nickel tubes. The fluidized-bed veactor is shown in Fig. 1. The bed was supported in the reactor by a ball check valve. The temperature of the fluidized section was monitored by an external thermccouple in a well that was welded to the side of the reactor. Heat was supplled to the fluidized-bed portion of the reactor by a clamshell heater. The temperature of the disengaging secltion wasg monitored by an external thermocouple. Calibration of this thermocouple against an internal thermocouple indicated that the temperature cf the gas in the disengaging section was about 30°C higher than that of the wall. The disengaging section was heated by means of a wrappling of asbestos-coeoated resistance wire (Cerro Corp. "Rockbestos') thermally insulated with Ssuereisen. The filter at the top of the disengaging section was periodically blown back by a pulse of 5- to 10-psig nitrogen. The coaxial tube arrangement shown in Fig. 1 created sufficient restricticn in the flow out of the bed to ensure that more than half of the blowback pulse passed through the Tilter. This arrangement eliminzated the use of valves, which were known to require frequent maintenance. Figure 2 shows the flange-filter assembly that was used on the fluidized-bed reactor and on all traps except the cold trap and the Na¥ trap for plutonium. TIn this design, the Teflon O-ring acts to seal the Tlanges and to seal in the Tilter. The presence of these filters at the top of each trap prevented significant transfer of dust vetween traps. The Tilters were replaced after each run. The traps (except the cold trap and the plutonium trap) were heated with resistance wire wrappings and were insulated with Sauereisen. FILTER - BLOWBACK l‘ PULSE éifl()D b TO ;Zza’fiLgNGE DETAIL '8 ¥ in.Diam-/ £H] — éflnlflAM DETAIL"A" Pia. 1. with Rlowbsck Systoen. SEE FLANGE-FILTER ASSEMBLY DRAWING GAS TREATMENT a in. 0.0, 32-mil WAL L Schematic Dliagram ORNL. DWGC. ©9-85 FILTER BLOWEACK PULSE SEE DETAHfE”\\& Y ; ngfi _TO GAS g T TREATMEMT l\ /.’ \\ // [ _"‘“]R the ruthenium DF was increased by a factor of 10. treatment, 2 Ruthenium-106 was the only sgignificant gamme emitter found in the CRP trap when the trap was counted with a lead-shielded Geiger tube. Figure 9 shows a plot of the fraction of the gamma activity vs the equiv- alent Tluorine volume. In this plot one volume of BrF5 ig assumed Lo o and one volume of BrF3 1s considered e equal to 2.9 volumes of F 1.5 volunmes of Fp“ When an all-fluorine {lowsheelt was equivalent to 16 ORNL DWG. 69-556 1000 | & 2 A 800 = Q L & ; Iij 600 J— z L o | Z 1; Z | < 400 S — 2 ; & D - o £ @ 200k \\ ,,,,,,, \9 0 | | O 1 ’ 3 TIME OF EXPOSURE TO 5 vo! 9% BE., (hr) 3 Fig. 7. Residual Uranium vs BrF3 Exposure. 17 ORNL DWG. 69-558 T~ INITIALLY IN FUEL CHARGE - N O N\ [ TTH ! i / O Pl | S o 1;O()Ru VOLATILIZED IN PLUTONIUM VOLATILIZATION STEP (dis/min) | 1 l | 0 2 4 6 8 10 A2 14 16 18 20 EQUIVALENT LITERS OF BrF5 Fig. 8. lO6Ru Found in Pu Volatilization ve Exposure to BrF_ in Uranium Volatilization Step. ‘ . 2 ] QUANTITY OF OéRu IN CRP TRAP (°5) qee w o N O o Q 20 ORNL DWG. 69-557 o0 o_p O 5 O ] BrF, AND BrF , O / O O O O — O ® VOLATILZED WITH F2 VOLATILIZED WITH BeF | & ’ O 5 OR &FS | | . | _ . | | e o] 8 10 iz 14 16 i8 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF LITERS OF F2 Fig. 9. Rate of Appearance of iO6Ru in CRP Trap After Volatilization with Br¥, BrT 37 or Fg. qL 19 tested, the ruthenium activity reached ite maximum very rapidly (see Fig. 9). With Br'B, an initial rapid increase wag Tollowed by a slow linear increase. A likely explanation for the elow linear increase is the transpiration of a compound having a relatively low volatility. Assuming that this compound is RUFS, The results indicate that the temperature of transpiration is asbout 55°C using the re_‘;_:)orted)Jr vapor pressure of RuF5 and knowing the weight of ruthenium being picked up by the trap. This temperature corresponds to that of the line between the fluidized-bed reactor snd the CHP trap, and indicates that the RUF5 ig deposited there. These indicatlons were confirmed by serious radisz- tion damage to this line and by radiochemical analysis, which showed that, at the end of the volatilization step, about 20% of the total ruthenium could be Tound on the inside of the line. Visual observation showed that the line used during. the all-fluorine test was only slightly discolored, indicating that only a small guanbtity cof ruthenium was deposited in it. Therefore, 1t seems likely that treatment with BrF5 produces a greater quantity of low-volatlility ruthenium compounds thsn Tluorine treatment does. Fission product DF's for the CRP trap sre listed in Table 3. In the Firet "hot" vun (run 3) the DF'e {except for cesium) were each about 2000, Theze values are quite high, considering that the residence time for the gas in contact with the 400°C WaF was only sbout 2.5 sec, Table 3. Fissgion Product Decontamination Factors Tor the CRP Trap Decontamination Factors Ty A Run No. Gross 7 Gross B LOORu Cs 3 1790 2610 2000 2.0 L 6.1 5.8 6.4 ~ 4.0 5 13 Il 30 1.8 6 15 33 92 3.1 20 Tn later runs, desplte the sampling precautions mentloned earlier, the DF's decreaged significantly. The most likely explanation for the lower values is cross~-contamination since all of the higher DF's decreased to about the same level. We believe that the IDF's from the first hot run (No. 3) are "true" values (i.e., they are the values that could be cxpected in the absence of cross-contamination). One undesirable result of the BTF5 treatment was the small amount of plutonium found in the CRP trap in each run. Table i compares the percentage of the total plutonium found on this trap with the percentage of the total 908r found there. It was felt that these quantitlies should be about equal since neither plutonium nor 9OSr is expected to be volatilized by BrF 90 5° Surprisingly, the loss of plutonium is about ten times that of “ Sr; one possible explanation for this is that the Pth particles are considerably smaller than the Sng particles and are, consequently, preferentially blown thvough the filter. The presence of plutonium in the CRP trap was confirmed by differential pulse-height analysis. Table 4. Plutonium Entrainment, as Compared with Sr Entrainment, by BTFS—Né Stream 9OSr Transferred P Transferred Pu/gOSr Run HNo. to CRP TT%S to CRP Trap Percentage (% of total “MSr) (% of total Pu) Ratio -0 ' 3 2.h x 10 0.4 17 L 1.4 x 1077 C.1 T - 5 1.6 x 10 ~ C.1h 9 6 3.0 x 1077 0.25 8 3.3 Desorption of Uranium Desorpticon of the uvranium was asccomplished by connecting the main wranivs sorption trap {(T2) to a 400°C NaF polishing trap {Th), a 100°C MgFP trap (TS), and a cold trap ccoled to —80°C. This arrangement is shown in PPig. 10. Fluorine was passed through the traps st the rate of about 100 ml/min. Reliable values for the fission product DF's for the sorption-descrption are not availasble becauze of the small quantities of fission products present and because of the cross-~contamination prob- lem mentioned previously. However, overall Tission product DF's for the uranium product were gbtainedj and are listed in Table 5. It appears that DF's of avout 107 are caslly obtained for many contaminants with this process. Molybdenum was partially removed by virtue of its tendency not to cosorb with uranium during the BrF5 volabtilization step. The plutonium DFfs are encouraging since they indicate that the uranium product could be treated as plutonium-free material during subsequent handling. — The technetium DF'g for trap 5 are given in Table 6. Four-mesh MgFP from the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant was used in the traps for runs 3 and 4. In run 5, we used 12~ Lo 20-mesh materizsl that had been prepared at ORNL by fluorinsting MgSOA. The smaller particles gave much better results, probably because of thelr greater external surface area. Contact time was sbout 15 sec. The overall uranium maberial balances (see Table 7) were not satigTactory in all cases. Data in the table suggest that the difficulty may be caused by starting the hydrolysis at a low temperature. The explanation for the uaiformly low material balances, except in the case of run 5, is not known. 3.4 Volatilization of Pqu with Fluorine - In the plutonium volatilization step, the fluidized bed was treated with elemental fluovine, as shown in Fig. 131, to form veolatile PuFy. Tn the cold tests and in the first two hot tests (runs 3 and &), fluorination was started at 300°C, After sintering and actual igrnition ORNL DWG 68-93 125° TO . 430°C Te 4 hry 100 mi/min Fop Residence Time: U POLISHING Tc-Np COoLD TRAP TRAP TRAP TO OFF-GAS SCRUBBER { I 5 T4 T5 | i | i 50g NoF 30¢g MgFo -80°C 400°C 100°C 5.5 Sec 15 Sec 4 Min Fig. 10. Uranium Desorption Flowsheet. co Overall Decontamination Factors for the Uraniwn Product Decontamination Fachors Run Gross Gross 196 %G Total » A ./'. 1T A No. ¥ B Ru Cs Sr Rare Earths Te Mo Pu } s -t 4 - flflo x 10 x-;@5 % 10 6 g 5 6 -~ ~ — . < —~ -, = —~. - — i, 3 1.3 x 16 L.9 L.g 2.6 x 10 2.8 x 10 2 x 10 .6 8.3 I ‘ | 5 5 5 . k . .~ L 1.2 x 10 3.3 2 1.4 x 10 10 8 x 10 G.5 2.5 3 D 7 3.5 x 10 1.35 x 107 i N 7.3 Table 6. Decontamination Factors for Technetium, Using a 100°C MgFE Trap (Trap 5) Te Mesh Size of Run No. DF MgF2 3 1.09 ah Iy 1.31 12 to 20 5 2.15 12 to 20 Table 7. Uranium Materisl Balances Cold Initial Run U Trap Total for Hydrolysis No. Charged Amount U found No. Cold Trap Temp. (g) (g) (%) (%) (°c) 1 2G.6 06.6 0 1 20 30 3 7.2 20 .4 75 2 —80 I 2G,7 217 73 2 95.7 —80 5 28.0 39.2 140 2 30 6 26.7 oo & 93.2 + 7.5 None No desorption 26,9 21.7 + 0.6 80.7 + 2.0 None Nc desorption BLOWBACK TO OFF-GAS SCRUBBER 300°C 325°C -4 OR 550°C o TWO 2.5"0 380 NaF BEDS F2 IN N2 5 hr - _ Residence Time: 0.02 Sec Each Fig. 11. lutonium Volatilization Flowsheet. ORNL DWG 69-1267 ¢z 26 of the alumina occurred in runs 3 and L4, respectively, conditions for this step were modified. In the later tests, fluorination was begun at about 200°C, with the fluorine concentration (in nitrogen) programmed from 10 to 50 vol %. Ihe temperature was then increased to 300°C over about a 30-min period; 50 vol % F, was used. DNext, the fluorine concen- tration was incressed to 100% over a subsequent 30-min period. Finally, the temperature was raised to 500°C over a 1-hr period and maintained at 500°C for 2 hr. The total fluorination program required 5 hr, of which 3.9 hr was at a temperature of 300°C or greater. When this program was followed, no sintering of the alumina was observed. Plutonium is readily removed from the {luorine stream by a very small NaF trap. In our experiments, g 2.5-g NaF trap at 550°C sorbed about 99.9% of the plutonium that reached it. The residence time for the gas was only about 0.02 sec. The major fission product that cosorbed with the plutonium was rutheniuws; after ruthenium, cesium was most Important. The overall ruthenium and cesium DF's are shown in Table 8. The cesium DF is relatively high (about lOu), and ceslium could be easily separated from the plutonium during its removal from the NaF (possibly by dissoluticn of the NaF in anhydrous HF). Thus ruthenium is likely to be the most troublesome. As was mentioned earlier in connection with the inter- halogen flowsheet, the amount of ruthenium that is cosorbed with the Table 8. Overall Ruthenium and Cesium Decontamination Factors for Plutonium Product Run Temp. of Ru Ratio of DF Cs No. DPu Trap 106Ru DF to DF in 13M,137CS DF (°¢) (dom/mg Pu) Run 3 (dpm/mg Pu) 3 325 2.67 x 108 76 6.7 % 10/ 273 325 1.21 x 107 17 0.22% < 2.7 x 10 5 6.8 % 103 ~ = 6 ~ 550 3.85 x 100 5250 697 1.8 x 100 1ot a . , . . - Ratios expected from the amount of ruthenium found and the differ- cnce jn trap temperature: 0.306 (run 4) and 45 (run 6). (By Re’. 5) plutonium can be easily reduced by extensive treatment of the Tluldized ved with BrFS. Another method Tor reducing the amount of cosorbed ruthenium would be to cperate the plutonium sorption bed at a temperature that is unfavorable for ruthenium sorption: Tor example, it is known that ruthenium sorption on Na¥ decreasges significantly at temperatures 5 above 500°C, However, in an experiment in which the NaF was heated to about 615°C, severe sintering was cbserved; this was probably the result of the Tormation of the N’aF—-PuFlL eutectic. Thus, 550°C seems to be about the highest usable temperature. At 550°C, the ruthenium DF (6.0) achieved in the plutonium trap was four times that obtained at 325°C (1.5). Thus, for plutonium decontamination the best recom- mendation is to fluorinate for a fairly long period of time with Brf_ and to operate the plutonium trap at about 550°C. 5 Plutonium material balances were not uniformly good (see Table 9). Tn run 1, which was a "cold" run, the exact plutonium content (262 mg) was known. A 93% material balance iz considered acceptable for this gquantity of plutonium. However,'material balances for runs 3 and 4 are poor. No material balance is available for run 5 because the plutonium trap was lost. DMaterial balances for runs 6 and 7 are quite satisfactory. Table 9. FPlutonium Materizl Balance Pu Found in Run Fluidized-Bed Reactor Total Pu Found No. Pu Charged me, % of Pu Mg % of Pu (mg) Charged Charged 1 o2 6.6 2.5 o, 1 93.2 3 355 70O L 18.9 202 79.4 L 388 22.9 5.6 302 7.6 6 349 104 28. 4 396.7 113.7 7 352 208 + b 56,3 + 11 333.3 9k.5 + 11 a . . . . - Based on analyses of plutonium in fuel (11 mg of Pu per g of fuel) by J. Goode, except in run No. 1 where plutonium was weighed outb. All-Fluorine Flowsheet An alternative to the interhalogen flowsheel 1s the alli-fluorine Tlowsheet 1in which both the uranium and pilutonium are volatilized, as UF6 and ]?11}-“6q by using fluorine. 1In one possivle version of this Tlow- sheet the plutonium is removed from the [luorine stream by a small high- temperature NaF trap located immediztely behind the fluidized~bed reactor. The remaining gas passes through the traps for the uranium volatilization step, as discussed previously. In the hot-cell test of this Tlowsheet, the plutonlum trap was operated al zbout 620°C. Unfortunately, before the run was completed, this trap plugged, apparently due to the formation of a molten NaF—PuFM eutectic salt. At this point only about 35% of the plutonium had been volatilized; about two-thirds of the 10 Ru and almost 211 the uranium had been volatilized when the run was terminated. Based on this partial run, we can make the following statements: (1) A more effective decontamination of plutonium from ruthenium was achieved than was eXpected.. (2) An overall ruthenium DF of 249 was obtained; about 200 of this wvalue is attributable to nonscorption of ruthenium in the plutonium trap. (3) Routine operation of the trap at 620°C would probably be difficult because of the plugging and sintering that would ke encountered. A previous run using the interhalogen flowsheet with a plutonium trap at about 550°C gave a lO6Ru DF of only about 4.0; whether the higher DF in the all-fluorine case is the result of the presence of a larger amount of ruthenium (2bout 60 mg as compared with about 0.6 mg) or to the higher temperature 1s not known. 29 3.5 Recovery of Plutonium from NaF Trap After the PuF6 igs collected on NaF, the plutonium must be recovered from the complex that is formed. One possible method consists of aqueous dissolution followed by ilon exchange treatment. Another method involves dissolution of the NaF with anhydrous HF, leaving Pth as an insoluble residue; this treatment also gives a significant additional ruthenium DF. The second method was tested with the plutonium trap from run 6. 6 As a pretreatment the NaF was first fused in a platinium crucible at about 1050°C. A ruthenium DF of sbout 2 was obtained as & result of ruthenium plating on the crucible. [Use of a more-reactive crucible (e.g., nickel) would probably have given a higher DF.] When the NaF was dissolved in anhydrous HF, an additional ruthenium DF of 2.6 was cbhtained. . :CONCLUSIONB Based on the hot-cell work, the fluidized-bed volatility process appears to be chemically feasible. Care must be exercised at the start of the fluvorination step to prevent sintering of the alumina bed. ILarger equipment would probably present an even grealer problem in this respect since the heat transfer would be less effective. Ruthenium contamination of the uranium product should be low since ruthenium DF's of about 106 were found in the hot-cell experiments. Ruthenium contamination of the plutonium product can be reduced by removing most of the ruthenium with the uranium during the BrF5 treatment. A more effective separation of plutonium and ruthenium is achieved by operating the plutonium trap at about 550 to 580°C (instead of at 325°C). 1. 30 5. REFERENCES A, A, Chilenskas, Argonne Natlonal Laboratory, personal communication. J. H. Goode, CRNL, unpublished dats. D. 0. Rester, Coc-op Student at ORNL from Mississippi State University, personal communication. H. A. Bernhardt, et al., The Preparation of Ruthenium Pentafluoride and the Determination of Its Melting Point and Vapor Pressure, ARCD-239C (Nov. 1948). E. D. Nogueira and G. I. Cathers, Sorption of Fission Product (Niobium, Ruthenium) Fluorides on Sodium Fluoride, ORNI-TM-2169 in press). Test performed by M. R. Bennett, ORNL. * H TN o= OV o D e F b e OV w0 TO B 17. | o - 19. 20 . 27, o0, 23- ol 05, 6. 7. 8. 9. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35- 36. 37- 39. Lo, L. Lo, 12 hh, h5. ¢1F1C2€3fi$iifil§ E:F’?ifiiliiiw =M HgHS oSSR oEagSYT 0 QK * & . Adams . Adamson Arnold . Bennett . Berry Blanco Blomeke . Bomar . Bond . Boyd . Bradley Brooksbharnk Brown . Bruce Burch Carr Cathers Carter Chandler Clinton Coleman Coobs . Corbin . Crouse Culler, Jr. Cunningham Daley vig, Jr. Ferguson Ferris Finney Fitts . Frye, Jr. Furman . Goode Gresky Grimes Groenier Hzas Balre Hammond Harms Haws Horner . Hurst > a gihlgiflifl’fi!3121fi HESWEE»>> OO HW XY E = HE » UEOQOHOQ PO THREE SN QF 3l DISTRIBUTION Internal GRS Y G "G g Y s Y tu$>C>?2EI&%E+&1E1$=EifiifijfiiLihii’b‘H;z QX O g O e PO YOO oS yOogORr A nNnERESTD T SO =200 Trvine . Kappelmann . Kasten Kibbey Kitts . Lamb Leitnaker Leuze Lisser Lioyd Long . Lotts . Lowrie . MacPherson, Jr. . Mailen McBride McClung McCorkle . MeDuffee . Meservey Milford Moore Morse Nichols Nicholson Notz Odom . Olsen . Parrott . Pate . Patriarca Pattison Pechin Prados Pratt Rainey . Ropbbins . Rosenthal Ryon . Schmitt Scobt Sease Shappert Siman-Tov Snider 137. 138. 139. 140, 141 1he. 143, 144, 1hs, 1h6. 1h7. 148, 149, 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 155, 156, 157. 158. 159. 160 . 32 3. H. F. Soard 106. M. E. Whatley 94, W. C. T. Stoddart 107. W. M. Woods 95. D. A. Sundberg 108. R. G. Wymer 96. 0. K. Tallent 109. 0. 0. Yarbro 97. K. H. Taylor 110. Document Reference Section 098. R. E. Thoms 111~113. Central Research Library 99. D. B. Trauger 114-115. ORNL Y-12 Technical Library 100. W. E. Unger 116-118. Iaboratory Records 161. V. C. A. Vaughen 119. Iaboratory Records-RC 102 T. N. Washburn 120. ORNL Patent Office 103. C. D. Watson 121. Laboratory and University Div. 104. A. M. Weinberg 122-136. DTIE 105. J. R. Weir External Iibrarian, AAEC, Res. Estb., Private Mail Bag, Sutherland, N.S.W., Australia, Attn: R. C. Cairns and L. Keher AFCL, Chalk River, Canada; Attn: C. A. Manson, I. L. Ophel AERE, Harwell, England; Attn: H. J. Dunster AERE, Harwell, England; Attn: J. R. Grover AFRE, Harwell, EBngland; Library (Directorate) AFRE, Harwell, Bngland; Chemistry Ilibrary, Attn: W. Wild AFRE, Harwell, England; Chemical Engineering Library, Attn: R. H. Burns, X. D. B. Johason, W. H. Hardwick A. Amorosi, ANL, IMFBR Program Office R. H. Ball, RDT-0OSR, P. 0. Box 2325, San Diego, California 92112 R. G. Barnes, General Electric Company, 283 Brokaw Road, Santa Clara, California 95050 C. B. Bartlett, AEC, Washington Franc Baumgartner, Professor fur Radiochemie, Universital Heidelburg, Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, 15 Karlsruhe, Postfagh 9&7, West Germany W. G. Belter, AEC, Washington D. E. Bloomfield, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington R. A. Bonniaud, Commissariat a L'Energie Atomique, Centra D'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses, Boite Postale No. 6, Fontenay-aux- Roses, France 5. H. Brown, Manager, New Projects Dept., National Lead Company, 111 Broadway, New York, New York J. A. Buckham, Idahc Nuclear Corp., Idaho Falls, Idaho Leslie Burris, Jr., ANL M. Benedilct, Massachusetis Institute of Technology Andre Chesne, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaire, Iontenay-aux-Roses, Seine, 90, France C. W, Christenson, LASL A. Chilenskas, Argonne Natlonal Taboratory P. Clark, ABEC, Wasnington L. Jd. Colby, Jr., AEC, Washington 161, 162. 163. 1604, 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173, 17k, 175. 176. 7T, 178. 179, 180. 181. 182. 183, 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194, 195. 33 C. R. Cooley, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, P. 0. Box 999, Richland, Washington 'D. F. Cope, RDT Site Office {ORNWL) E. A. Coppinger, Paciflc Northwest Laboratory, RlchldHQ, Washlngton J. Crawford, AEC, Washington G. W. Cunnlngham, AEC, Waeshington C. B. Deering, AEC- ORO Paul Dejonghe, CEN, Boeretang, 200, Mol, Belgium W. Devine, Jr., Production Rea¢tor DlVlSlOH, P. 0. Box 550, ‘Richland, Wauhlngton Q9352 E. W. Dewell Babcock & Wilcox, Lynchburg, Virginia Stanley Donelson, Gulf General Atomic, P. 0. Box 608, San Diego, California ‘ ' Furastom, Casella Postale No. 1, Ispra, ITtalia; Attn: M. Lindner Burochemic, Mol, Belgium; Attn: FEurochemic Library Yehuds Feige, Minister of Defense, AEC, Rehovoth, Israel Pnilip Fineman, Argonne Natlonal Taboratory, East Area EBR-2, National Reactor Testing Station, Scoville, Idaho S. Freeman, Mound Iaboratory, Bldg. A, Room 15%, Miamisburg, Chio 45342 J. C. Frye, State Geologlcal Survey Division, Urbana, Illinois W. P. Gammill, AEC, Washington Ray Garde, Los Alamos | R. M. Girdlexr, E. TI. du Pont, SRL Simcha Golan, Atomics International, Canoga Park, California J. J. Goldin, Mound Iaboratory, Bldg. A, Room 159, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 A, J. Goldjohn, Gulf General Atomic, P. 0. Box 608, San Diego, California ' R. H. Graham, Gulf General Atomic, San Dlego, California J. S. Griffo, AEC, Washington H. J. Groh, E. I. du Pont, Savannah River Laboratory Norton Haberman, RDT, AEC, Washington D. R. de Halas, Pacific Northwest laboratory, Richland, Washington P. 5. Holstead, RDT-OSR, P. O. Box 550, Richland, Washington C. H. Ice, E. I du Pont, SRL Michio Ichikawa, Tokai Reflnery, Atomlc Fuel Corp., Tokal-MUra Ibaraki-Ken, Japsn C. J. Jouznnaud, Fuel Reprocessing Plant, CEN, B.P. No. 106 30~ Bagrwlg/cage, Marcoule, France K. K. Kennedy, AEC, Tdaho Operaztions Office, P. 0. Box 2108, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 A. 5. Kertes, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Gerard M. K. Klinke, Const. Dept., Min. of Fed. Property, Bad Godesberg, West Germany Christian Josef Krahe, Scientific Member, Reprocessing Nuclear Fuels Section, Chemical Technology Division, Juelich Nuclear Research Center, Juelich, Germany Leopold Kuchler, Farbwerke Hoechst AG, Frankfurt (M) Hoechst, Germarny W. J. Larkin, AEC-0RO F. Lauvde, Commissariat a L'Energie &Lomlque Centra D'Etudes Nucleaires de Fontenay-asux-Roses, Boite Postale No. 6, Fontenay- aux-Roses, France 199. 200 , 201, 202. 203. 20U, 205, 206. 207, 208. 209. 210. 211. 212, 213. 21k, 215, 216. 217. 218. 219. 220, 221. 222, 223. 20k, 225, 206, 227 . 228. 229, 230. 231. 232. 233. o3, 235, 34 S. Lawroski, Argonne National ILaboratory R. E. Lerth, Pacific Northwest Laboratory W. H. Lewis, Vice President, Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Wheaton, Maryland 20902 T. McIntosh, AEC, Washington H. A. C. McKay, UKAEA, Harwell, Berks, United Kingdom W. H McVey, AEC, Washington S. Marshall, National Lead Company of Ohio A. R. Matheson, Gulf General Atomic, P. 0. Box 608, San Diego, California Ken Mattern, AEC, Washington . Lopez-Mechero, Eurochemic, Research Dept., Mol, Belgium R. L. Morgan, AEC-SROO R. T. Newman, Allied Chemical Corp., General Chemical Div., P. 0. Box 405, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 Eduardo D. Nogueilra, Seccion de Combustibles Irradilados, Junta de Energia Nuclear, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid-3, Spain R. E. Norman, CRNL (GGA employee) Laboratory and University Division, ORO D. A, Orth, E. I. du Pont, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carclina R. E. Pahler, AEC, Washington F. L. Parker, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee N. Parkinscn, Experimental Reactor Establishment, UKAEA, Dounreay, Scotland Baldomero Lopez Perez, Doctor en Quimica Ind., Centro de Energia Nucl., Juan Vigon, Ciudad University, Madrid-3, Spain R. L. Philipporne, RDT, ORNL Site Rep., AEC A. M. Platt, Pacific Northwest ILaboratory, P. 0. Box 999, Richland, Washington W. H. Reas, General Electric Co., Vallecitos Ilaboratory, Pleasanton, California W. H. Regan, AEC, Washington P. J. Regnaut, CEN, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Paris, France R. F. Reitemeier, AEC, Washington C. W. Richards, AEC, Cancga Park, California I. C. Roberts, AEC, Washington Theodore Rockwell ITII, Chariman, AIF Safety Task Force, MPR Associates, Inc., 815 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006 0. T. Roth, AEC, Washington Bruce L. Schmalz, Atomic Energy Commission, P. . Box 2108, Tdaho Falls, Idaho 83401 A. Schneider, Allied Chemical Corp., Industrial Chemicals Div., P. 0. Box 405, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 W. F. Schueller, Technicel Maznager, BMWF Scientific Research, 7501 Lecpaldschafen, Karlsruhe, Germany Harry 5. Schneider, AEC, Washington Giancarlo Scibona, Centro di Studi Nucleari della Casaccia, Rome, Ttaly Jitender D. Sehgel, Bombay, India M. Selman, Nuclear Malerials and Eguipment Corp., Apollo, Pennsylvanis 15613 236. 237. £38. 239, 210, ol oho, b3, 250, D51, 252, 253, o5k, 055, 256, 257. 258, 259. 260 . 261. P62, 63, o6k, 265, 066, D67 . 2608. 269. 570, 271. 272. 35 ; i J. J. Shefeik, General Dynamics, San Diego, California E. B. Sheldon, E. I. du Pont, SRL Atou Shimozato, Nucl., Reac. Des. Sect., Nucl. Power Plant Dept., Hitachi ILtd., Hitachi Works, Hitachi-Bhi Ibaraki-Xen, Japan C. S§. Shoup, AEC, (RO E. E. Sinclair, AEC, Washingbon W. L. Slagle, Water Reactor Safety Program OfTice, Phillips Petroleun Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 C. M. Slansky, Tdaho Nuclear Corp., Idaho Falls, Idaho Pedericc de ILora Soria, Grupo de Combustibles Irradiados, Junta de Energia Nucl., Div. de Mat., Ciudad University, Madrid-3, Spain Narayanan Srivivasan, Head, Fuel Reprocessing Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Boubay, India F. Stelling, Gulf General Atomic, P. 0. Box €08, San Diego, California 92112 C. E. Stevenson, Argonne Natlonal Laboratory K. B. Steyer, Gull Genersl Atomic, P. O. Box 608, San Diego, California 92112 ¢. L. Storrs, Abomics International, Division of North American Aviation, Inc., P. Q. Box 309, Canoge Park, California 91305 J. A. Swartout, Union Carbide Corporation, New York, New York Jacob Tadmore, Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Sored Nuclear Research Center, Yavne, Israel X. L. Talmont, Plant of Irradiated Fuels Treatment, Centre de la Hague, Cherbourg, France V. R. Thayer, E. I. du Pont, Wilmington, Delaware K. T. Thomas, Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay (Bombay), India R. E. Temlinson, Atlantic Richfield Co., Richland, Washington L. B. Torobin, Standard 01l Company of New Jersey, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Room 1711C, New York, New York 10020 C. A, Trilling, Atomics International, Div. of Nerth American Aviation, Ine., P. 0. Box 309, Canoga Park, California 91305 E. J. Tuthill, ANL Director, Division of Naval Reactors, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C. 20545 Attn: R. S. Brodsky R. P. Varnes, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Nuclear Divisilon, P. Q. Box 500, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 R. C. Vogel, Argonne National Laboratory W. R. Voight, AEC, Washington E. BE. Voiland, Pacific Northwest Leboratory, Richland, Washington R. D. Walton, Jr., AEC, Washington B. ¥. Warner, UKAEA, Technical Dept., Windscale, Sellafield, Cumb., United Kingdom M. J. Whitman, ALC, Washington W. E. Winsche, Brookhaven Naticnal Laboratory H. 0. G. Witte, KFA-heisse zellen, Juellich, Germany J. N. Wolfe, AEC, Washington John Woolston, AECL, Chalk River, Canada D. L. Ziegler, Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Division, P. 0. Box 888, Golden, Colorado 80401 M. Zifferero, Comitato Nazionale per L'Energle Nucleare, Via Belisaro, Rome, Ttaly L. H. Meyer, E. I. du Poent, SBRL