STER OAK RIDGE NATIONAL L operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION LY for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 2098 .y ’ -~ COPY NO. - DATE - January 3, 1968 TUBE VIBRATION IN MSRE PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGER R. J. Kedl C. XK. McGlothlan ABSTRACT ) The primary heat exchanger for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment “lv was completed in 1963. Preoperational tests with water revealed . excessive tube vibrations and high fluid pressure drop on the shell side of the exchanger. Modifications were made to correct these deficiencies. From January 1965 through November 1967 the heat ex- chenger has operated for about 14,000 hours in molten salt without indications of leakage or change in performance. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Ock Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. P Wt LEGAL NOTICE This report was puporod as an account of Govornmenf sponsorsd work. Neither the Umfe& S'lcnos, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mokes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the informastion centained in this report, or that the use of ] any information, apparctus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or ' B. Assumes ony liabilities with rospoc‘l to the use of or for damages usulhng from the use of any information, epparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. rAs used in the above, “‘person acting on-behalf of the Commission® includes any ernployee or - contractor of the Commission, or cmploy-- of such zontractor, to the extent that such smployee - or contractor of the Commission, or ompfom of svch contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such eontractor, : R * 1] CONTENTS Abstract . & & ¢ v ¢ 4 ¢ o v b 0 e e e e e e List of Tables . . . . & ¢« & ¢ & ¢ 4 ¢ 0 s o & & LISt OF FLGUTESs « o o o o o o o o o o o o o s e e o v Introduction . . . ¢ & ¢ ¢« 4 ¢ v s 4 b e s e vt e e e Design Considerations of Primary Heat Exchanger. . . . . Description of Heat Exchanger. . . . . . . « « . . Pre-Operational Testing and Modifications, . . . . . . . Operational History. . . . . . ¢« ¢« ¢ & v o v 4 ¢ o o« o« & ConclusionsS. o o o v ¢ s ¢ o o « o s o o s o o & o o o o ListofReferernc‘es.......,......;... Appendix - Febrication Drawings — Primary Heat Ebcchangér o \n\n-F‘-P"Pm 13 1k 23 27 29 31 F w o * * ® =N OV W N R LIST OF TABLES Design Data for Primary Heat Exchanger. . . + « « « « . & Properties of Fuel and Coolant Salts. « « ¢« o o « ¢ « . & Composition and Properties of Hastelloy-N « ¢« ¢« ¢« o ¢ &« & Reactor Accumulated Operating Data. . . . . . . « + & . & LIST OF FIGURES MSRE Flow Diagram . . « « « + & o+ « o« o o« o o C e e e Primary Heat Exchanger for MSRE . . . . « ¢« « « « « « o . Tube-to-Tube Sheet Joint, MSRE Primary Heat Exchanger . . Hydraulic Test Installation, MSRE Primery Heat Exchanger. Hydraulic Test Shell Assembly, Primary Heat Exchanger . . MSRE Primary Heat Exchanger Tube Damage . . . . . .+ « & Fluid Frictional Head loss in Primary Heat Exchanger. . MSRE Operational History. . . « « ¢« ¢« ¢« ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢« o o « o« REEG[ 15 17 19 20 2L 25 iy . : 3 ; L N C - INTRODUCTION In October 1967, the Division of Reactor Development and Technology of the AEC began a survey of heat exchangers in the primary circuits of nuclear reactor facilities for which the Division has technical responsi- bility.}s# The heat exchanger in the fuel circult of the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was included in the survey, and this report is intended to provide the information requested. The heat exchanger was designed in 1961. Fabricastion was completed early in 1963. Difficulties with excessive vibrations in heat exchangers at other nuclear reactor facilities prompted a review of the design of the unit that had been built for the MSRE. This review indicated that vibra- tion could be & problem and that flow tests should be conducted with the heat exchanger., Flow tests with water were performed on the exchanger during the winter of 1963-1964. The tests revealed excessive vibration of the tubes and excessive pressure drop through the shell side of the heat exchanger., Its faults were corrected, and the modified component was installed in the primary.loop of the reactor system, Fig. 1, in the spring of 1964, From January 1965 through November 1967 the heat ex- changer has been operated for approximately 14,000 hours with molten salt at temperatures from 1000 to 1225°F without indications of leakage or change in performance. ~ DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OF PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGER The MSRE primary' used to transfer heat from the fuel salt'to the'coolant'salt It was designed for low holdup of salts, '31mplicity of construction, and moderately high performance. The space _,limitations W1thin the containment and other considerations dictated a 3 fairly compact unit. 3 A U—tube configuration as shown in Fig. 2 best satisfied the requirements and also minimized the thermal-expansion '~problems in the heat exchanger.u- Molten salt discharged by the fuel pump flows at 1200 gpm through the shell side of the primary heat exchanger where 1t is cooled from REMOTE MAINTENANCE CONTROL ROOM ORNL-OWG 63-1209R REACTOR CONTROL ROOM fi | d S g ‘*‘l N .‘.-1 ‘I!lfiliiz"-_' A4 W B ~ | AL . REACTOR VESSEL . HEAT EXCHANGER . FUEL PUMP . FREEZE FLANGE . THERMAL SHIELD . COOLANT PUMP Fig. 1. MSRE Flow Diagram. O . -.."s_’ T — g F LI - j ’-l- oo " i i il vy =Sl 1y ¥ e W ) == | 7. RADIATOR 8. COOLANT DRAIN TANK 9. FANS ‘ 10. FUEL DRAIN TANKS 1. FLUSH TANK 2. CONTAINMENT VESSEL 13. FREEZE VALVE ( ‘ | " T' .» ..&“\, ORNL-LR-DWG 52038 FUEL INLEY U-TUBE BUNDLE Yo-in-0D HEAT EXCHANGER TUBE CROSS BAFFLES THERMAL-BARRIER PLATE, - { % OF DIA) COOLANT INLET L L R COOLANT-STREAM " “GCOOLANT OUTLET SEPARATING BAFFLE’ FUEL OUTLET Fig. 2. Primary Heat Exchanger for MSRE. o i . mp 8 1225°F to 1175°F. The coolant salt circulates through the tubes at & rate of 850 gpm, entering at 1025°F and leaving at 1100°F. From the heat transfer and drainability standpoints, it was better to pass the fuel salt through the shell and the coolent salt through the tubes., The shell side also presents less opportunity for retention of gas pockets during fuel salt filling operations. | | The design data are given in Table 1 and the design basis physical properties of the fuel and coolant salts and container materiasl are given in Tables 2 and 3. Stresses in the shell, tubes, and tube sheet were evaluated for the design point conditions and reported in design reports.4>5 Design of the heat exchanger was based on formulae and correlations of Kiern,6 requiremefits of the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII,”7 Interpretations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes,®»9,10,11 gng Stendards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Associ- ation,l® The exchanger was 6f a common design; applicable ASME and TEMA standards did not require a vibration analysis and none was made. The TEMA standards do require that means be provided to protect the tube bundlie against impinging fluids at the entrance to the shell if the velocity of the entering fluid exceeds 3 ft/sec. Since the fluid enters the MSRE heat exchanger at 19.3 ft/sec, an impingement baffle was needed to satisfy TEMA standards. This impingement baffle was omitted from the design in order to keep the hold-up of fuel salt to a minimum. Tube holes in cross baffles were drilled 1/32 in. larger in diemeter than the outside diasmeter of the tubes as indicated by TEMA standards. This large clearance contributed to a tube vibration problem that was discovered during preoperational testing and is discussed in a later section of this report. * : The design basis performance is discussed here. The capacity is actually about 7.5 Mw with the design fuel and coolant flows and inlet. temperatures, ¥ £ j} . » 1 Table 1 Design Data for Primary Heat Exchanger Construction Material Heat Load, Mw Shell-side Fluid Tube-side Fluid Layout Baffle pltch, in. Tube pitch, in, Active shell length, ft Overall shell length, ft Shell outside diameter, in. Shell thickness, in, Aversge tube length, ft Number of U-tubes Tube size, in, Effective heat-transfer surface, ftZ Tubesheet thickness, in. Fuel salt holdup, f£t° Design temperature: shell side, °F tube side, °F Design pressure: shell side, psig ' tube side, psig Allowable working pressure: . shell side, psig tube side, psig @pefore modification, bAfter modification. Straight section of tubes only. : | dBased on’ actual thicknesse= Hastelloy-N 10 Fuel Salt Coolant Salt 25% cut, cross-baffled shell with U-tubes 12 0.775 triangular ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ l"{ 1/2 ~ 14 163% 159° 1/2 OD; 0.0L42 wall ~ 254° 1-1/2 6.1 1300 1300 25 90 5% 125 I0 Table 1 (continued) Design Data for Primary Heat Exchanger Hydrostatic test pressure: Shell side, psig tube side, psig Terminal temperature: fuel salt, °F coolant, °F Effective log mean temperéture difference, °F Pressure drop: shell side, psi tube side, psi Nozzles: shell, in. (Sched-40) tube, in. (Sched-L0) Fuel-salt flow rate, gpm Coolant-salt flow rate, gpm Overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/hr-£t%-°F Average Heat Transfer Coefficient Tube Side, Btu/ft®-hr-°F Shell Side, Btu/ft®-hr-°F gBefore.modificatiQn. bAfter modification, e As measured. 800 1335 1225 inlet; 1175 outlet 1025 inlet; 1100 outlet 133 2k 29 5 inlet & outlet; 5 1" 1" 1200 (2.67 cfs) 850 (1.85 cfs) ~ 1100, ~ 600° ~ 5000 ~ 3500 & 5 inlet T outlet -, 12 Table 2 Properties of Fuel and Cooiant Salts Fuel Coolant s Salt Salt Composition, mole%: LiF TO 66 BeFso 23 34 ThFg 1 ZrFy 5 UF, ~ 1 Average Physical Properties: @ 1200°F _ @ 1065°F Specific heat, Btu/lb-°F 0.46 0.57 Thermel conductivity, Btu/ftZ-hr-°F/ft 2.8" 3.5 Viscosity, 1b/ft-hr 18 20 Density, 1b/ft> 154 120 . Prandtl number - 3.00 3.26 vV ' , 5 Liquidus Temperature, fF 8Lo 850 *These are estimated values that were used in the design. Values obtained from measurements in 1967 are about 0.8 Btir/ftZ-hr-°F/ft. 12 Table 3 Compositionfiénd Profierties of Hastelloy-N& Chemical Properties: Ni - 66-T1% Mo 15-18 Cr 6-8 Fe, max 5 c 0.0%-0,08 Ti + Al, max 0.50 S, max 0.02 | Physical Properties: Density, 1b/in,> Melting Point, °F ,Mn, Si, Cu, B, W’ P, Co, Thermal conductivity, Btu/hr-ftZ-°F/ft at 1300°F Modulus of elasticity at ~ 1300°F, psi Specific heat, Btu/1b-°F at 1300°F Mean coefficient of thermal expansio 70-1300°F range, in./in.- Mechanical Properties: Maximum sllowable stress,b*psi: at n, °F 1000°F 1100°F 1200°F 1300°F mex max max max mex max max 1.0% 1.0 0.35 0.010 0.50 0.015 0.20 0317 - 2470-2555 2.7 24,8 x 10° 0.135 i) 8.0 x 107° . 17,000 13,000 6,000 3,500 aCommercially aveilable from Haynes Stellite as "Hastelloy-N" and International Nickel Co. as INCO-806. b ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Case 1315. [ C e 13 . DESCRIPTION OF HEAT EXCHANGER The heat exchanger is a conventional shell and U-tube exchanger with a cross-baffled tube bundle. Tt is of all-welded construction and is fabricated from Hastelloy-N throughout, except for the alloy used to back-braze the tube sheet jolnts, The dished heads were cold-pressed by the Paducah Plant of Union Carbide, the tube sheet was forged by Taylor Forge Co., the tube-to-tube sheet joints were back-brazed by Wall Colmonoy Co., and ‘the remainder of the fabrication was done in machine shops of the Y-12 Plant of Union Carbide. All work was covered by ORNL Specifications,13 The shell is ~ 17 in., OD and about 8-ft 3-in. long, including the 8-3/k—in. long coolant salt header and the ASME flanged and dished heads at the ends. (See ORNL Drawings D-EE-A-L0869, -T2, -Thk.) The shell is 1/2-in, thick in the cylindrical portion and the heads. The fuel enters at the U-bend end of the shell through a 5-in. Schedule-l40 pipe nozzle, near the top of the dished head. Before modifications, the fuel salt left through a 5-in. Schedule-40 pipe nozzle at the bottom of the shell at the tube sheet end. (See ORNL Drawings D-EE-A-L08T3, -Tk.) Six 25%-cut cross baffles of 1/4-in. plate, spaced at 12-in. inter- vals, direct the fuel salt flow across the tube bundle (see ORNL Drawings D-EE-A-L086L4, -65, -66). A barrier plate, similar to the baffle plates but with no cutaway segment, is located 1-7/8 in. from the tube sheet to provide a more-or- -less stagnant layer of fuel salt and reduce temperature differences across the tube sheet The baffles and the barrier plate ~ are held in position by spacer rods, screwed and tackdwelded together, ‘to the tube sheet, and to each baffle. A divider separates the entering and leaving coolant salt streams © in the coolant header. It is fabricated of 1/2-in. plate and extends ',from the ‘tube sheet to the dished head. It is positioned by guide'strips ~on the shell wall and a groove in the edge fits ‘over & l/h—in. pointed, horizontal. projection on the tube sheet This arrangement provides a .hrfllabyrinth-type seal between the channels without stiffening the tube sheet, 15 Before modificetions to the heat exchanger, there were 163 tubes, 1/2-in, OD by 0.042-in, wall thickness, affording an effective transfer surface of ~ 254 rt2, See ORNL Drewing D-EE-40867. The tubes are ar- ranged on & 0.775~in, equilateral triangular pitch, The tube holes through the 1-1/2—in, thick tube sheet had trepanned grooves on both sides of the sheet., See ORNL Drawing D-EE-A-L0865. . . The grooves on the coolant salt side were to permit the tube-to-tube sheet welds to be made between the tube and & lip of about equal wall thickness in the tube sheet (see Figure 3). The tubes were expanded at the tip end into the holes before welding., After welding, the tube openings were reamed to the inslde diameter of the tubes. The trepanned grooves on the fuel-salt side were to permit back-brazing of the joints. The back-brazing operation was performed in a furnace with a hydrogen atmosphere using a ring of gold-nickel brazing alloy. The heat exchanger is installed horizontally, pitching toward the fuel-salt outlet at a slope of about 3°. Each U-tube is oriented so that the coolant salt will also drain. The unit weighs about 2060 1bs when empty and 3500 lbs when filled with fuel and coolant salts. The. fuel-salt holdup 1s ~ 6.1 £t>, and the coolant-salt holdup is about 3.7 £t°. PRE-OPERATIONAL TESTING AND MODIFICATIONS Difficulties with excessive vibrations in heat exchangers at the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant and the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility prompted a review of the MSRE heat exchanger design in the fall of 1963. This review, together with some exploratory tests of a single tube mockup, indicated that fluid induced vibrations could be a problem, and that flow tests should be conducted on the heat exchanger. Water was the fluid used for these tests for the following reasons: 1. It is convenient to use and readily available at the necessary flow rates. - ' 2. The Strouhsl Number ((ff§%§:§9§l£§§§§;?)) which is the charac- teristic number used to correlate fluid-induced vibrations from vortex shedding, is independent of fluid properties such as density and viscosity. A « LY i5 ORNL-LR-DWG 65682R3 TUBE TREPAN GROOVE WITH ( BRAZING ALLOY RING R N \ N N N N N N N A \ \ \ N \TREPAN (o) BEFORE WELDING AND BRAZING WELD SIDE A A A ALY, B e (6) AFTER WELDING AND BRAZING Fig. 3. Tube-to-Tube'Sheét Joint MSRE Primary Heat Exchanger. 16 3. Fluid pressure drop measurements were also taken during the tests and are readily convertible from a water system to a molten salt systenm, | Accordingly, an outdoor test installation was built as shown sche- matically in Figure 4. Water was supplied from a large capacity water main, A once-through system was used and the water discharged into a drainage ditch; Before installing the MSRE heat exchanger, the line ‘without the strainer installed was flushed out for about 20 minutes at a flow rate of 2800 gpm. The strainer was then inserted and the system was flushed again for about 1 hour at 2600 gpm. Sediment collected by the stralner consisted of several small pieces of paper gasket material, and a very small piece of lead. The system was now considered clean and the heat exchanger was installed. During each successive run, the system was flushed for a few minutes before water was run through the heat ex- changer. , _ Hydraulic testing of the heat exchanger can be conveniently divided into 4 chronological phases as follows: | 1. Initial test of the heat exchanger as built. 2. Testing the heat exchanger as designed, but with the Hastelloy-N shell replaced by a speclal stainless steel shell featuring observation windows. 3. Testing the heat exchanger as modified, and with the special stainless steel shell, : i, Final testing of the heat exchanger as modified, and with the Hastelloy-N shell. Initial Test of Heat Exchanger, As-Built The heat exchanger, as built, was installed in the water test facility and tested in December of 1963. Results of this test are as follows: 1. The most dramatic results were audible. At flow rates of 800 to 900 gpm (~ 2/3 design flow) through the shell slde, an intermittent rattling noise came from the heat exchanger. This noise is hard to de- scribe but it impressed us as the kind of noise one might hear if tubes were rattling in the baffle plates. As the flow rate was increased, the N 1) T RY ORNL DWG 68-667 s HEAT EXCHANGER ‘ INDICATOR ) froM LARGE CAPACITY LARORATORY WATER MAIN (—ELu-su LiINE » vl DI,‘S‘CHAQGE | INTO o ‘ SCREEN FILTER EXISTING DRAINAGE | - INPicaAToR DITCH - | L o '_'Fig. 4. Hydraulic Test Installation MSRE Primary Heat Exchanger. LT 18 fraction of time that the rattling noise was heard also increased and it seemed to get louder. At about 1100 gpm the noise was continuous. The rattling continued to’gef louder to the meximum flow rate'fiested, 1300 gpm. The character of the noise heard differed 1ittle whether the tubes were empty or full of water. . | _ Measurements were taken with an International Research and Development Corporation, Model 600B, external pick-up vibrometer at intervals of 200 gpm from 500 to 1300 gpm. The results were hard to interpret. Generally at flow rates abbve 900 gpm, more instrument activity in the range of 450-3500 cpm was observed, however, no discrete and continuous frequencies could be detected. The audible'ratfling noise was the best indication we had that the tubes were vibfating. To assure ourselves that the noise was not due to cavitation, we increased back pressure to 55 psig at 1000 gpm. There was no obvious change in the character of the noise. The conclusion from these tests was that the tubes were probably vibrating excessively. ' 2. 'The overall pressure drop through the tube side and the shell side of the heat exchanger was measured. The pressure drop through the tube side was almost exactly the estimated value. The pressure drop through the shell side was about twice the estimated value. From these tests, it appeared that we had two serious problems, tube vibrations and excessive pressure drop on the shell side. To in- vestigate these problems more thoroughly, we cut off the Hastelloy-N shell and replaced it with a special stainless steel shell incorporating 16 windows. The vibrations could then be viewed directly, also the win- dows could be fitted with pressure taps to determine the pressure drop distribution. This special shell is shown in Figure 5. N When the Hastelloy-N shell was removed, we noted that 2 tubes in the outermost row of 4 tubes (longest tubes) had vibrated against a seam weld in the shell wearing a notch ~ 0.0025-in. deep in the wall of Tube A and ~ 0.005-in.7deep in Tube B. A photograph of this is shown in Figure 6. No worn places could be found on the tubes where they pene- trated the baffle plates. W % wr % T " 9 " MLEY ELOW. & o TURE SIDE . CGUTLET BLOW: 51l T e e VIEWING WINDOWS Lo CL T T CHANNEL ASSEM®BLY | e " BPECIAL AT TESY SHELL | ' ' . W vesewuwole . oo - .. T g . . . 5 TFig. 5. Hydrauli¢ Test Shell Assembly, Primary Heat Exchénger. o S HELL i SHEL DE. 6T T e - v -~ . T L i) %) .- 21 Test of Heat Exchangérf As-Designed but with’Special Shell The heat exchanger, as designed but with its new shell, was then tested with flow rates up to 1200 gpm. Results of this test are as follows: 1. The "U" bends vibrated quite severely with estimated frequencies from 5 to 10 cps, and with peak-to-pesk amplitudes as high as 1/k in, 2. In the bulk of the heat exchanger, some of the tubes that pene- trate every baffle plate vibrated, and most of the tubes that penetrate every other baffle plate vibrated. The sections of tubes between baffles vibrated with much less smplitude than did the U bends.' 3. In the bulk of the heat exchanger the tubes in the interior of the bundle seemed to vibrate less severely than those near the edge. This may be because most of the tubes in the interior of the bundle pene- trate every baffle plate. Tt may also have been an illusion because the tubes on the interior of the bundle were difficult to see. L, TIn the vicinity of the tube sheet where the tubes are brazed in, there was no visible vibration. 5. The character of the rattling noise in this test was the same ‘as in the previous test and could definitely be correlated with tube vibration, 6. The excessive fluid pressure drop through the shell side was determined to be where the tubes passed very close to the inlet and out- let pipes and tended to choke them off. Based ‘on the above observations, the following corrective actions were taken- | o f' ' R 1. The 4 outermost U tubes and. h associated tie bars were removed. | Plugs were welded into the 8 resulting tube stub ends, and into all the , resulting holes. in the baffle plates.l (See ORNL Drawing M -10329-RE-003E2. ) ,:The intent of this change was two-fold First, 1t helped alleviate the 'tube vibration problem because “two of these tubes had the worn spots shown in Figure 6. Second it helped lower the shell side pressure drop ' because these tubes and tie bars contributed greatly to choking the shell side inlet and outlet 22 2, Bars were laced between the tubes on the downstream side and adjacent to each baffle plate as shown in ORNL Drawing M-10329-RE-003E2. Note that the lecing is in two directions. It was belleved that lacing in one direction would not be adequate. It also seemed that lacing in the third direction would be redundant because the holes in the baffle plates could serve as contact points. The lacing bars were sized so that they f£it snugly between the tubes, and were tack-welded to the baffle plates. Other methods of tightening the tubes in this structure were -considered, such as expanding the tubes into the baffles and bending, twisting or in some other way deforming the bundle. All were discarded however, in favor of this lacing method. 3. A similar lacing was built across the middle of the U bends as shown in ORNL Drawing M-10329-RE-Q02EL. In this structure the lacing bars are threaded through the tubes in two directions and welded to the outer band, This makes a1l the tubes in the U bend behave as a single member. The structure is supported by the tubes. This arrangement probably affects only a small increase in fluid pressure drop through the region of the U bends. i, The special stainless steel heat exchanger shell was lengthened 1.0 in, and an impingement baffle was installed in the inlet as shown in ORNL Drawing M-2079L-RE-030El for the Hastelloy-N shell. 5. The 5-in. outlet pipe was replaced by a 7 x 5 in. conical re- ducer as shown in ORNL Drawing M-20T94-RE-030El to reduce the exit pressure drop. 6. An accelerometer {Endevco Corp., Model 2220) was mounted on one of the centermost tubes in the U bend just below the midplane of the heat exchanger, Testing Heat Exchanger, As-Modified but with Specisl Shell With the above modifications incorporated into the tube bundle and the special, the heat exchanger was again installed into the test facility. Results of this series of tests with flow rates up to 1700 gpm are as follows:’ > ) 23 1. Tube vibrations were reduced to a negligible amount. No tube vibrations were visible anywhere in the tube bundle. No noise attributable to tube vibrations (metal-to-metal contacting) could be detected. The accelerometer detected a very high frequency vibration of 2000-3000 cps. The amplitude was not accurately measurable but appeared to be less than 0.001 in, , 2. The overall fluid pressure drop on the shell side was reduced and slmost exactly equaled the predicted value. At this point, the vibrational and pressure drop problems were con- sidered adequately solved. Final Test of Modified Heat Exchanger All modifications were now incorporated into the Hastelloy-N shell, and the heat exchanger was reassembled., The unit was installed in the test facllity and tested to flow rates as high as 1650 gpm. The results of this test were identical to those of the previous test, that is, fluid induced tube vibrations were reduced to a negligible level and the shell side pressure drop was adequately low, Figure T shows the final overall pressure drop through the tube side and shell side. The tube side pressure drop is based on date taken during the initial test and the shell side pressure drop was measured during the final test. OPERATIONAL HISTORY Installation of the ‘heat exchanger in the reactor was completed ~ late in the spring of l96h Fuel and coolant salt were first circulated through the reactor systems-in"January 1965. The reaetor reached criti- ~ cality on June 1, 1965, and low levels (o - 50 kw) of nuclear power were 'first generated in December 1965 _(See_Figure 8.) Full-power (7-1/2 Mw) operations began in April. 1966 and are'continuing at the present time. During the past three years the heat exchanger has operated for more 'than lh 000 hours with molten salt without any indication of a leak be- tween fuel. and coolant salts. or into the reactor cell ‘There has been no evidence either of ges filming of the heat exchanger tubes or of a de- crease in performance by a buildup of scale. Accumulated operating data are given in Table L, 24 ORNL-DWG 64-6T25A 100 m o N o TUBE SIDE SHELL SIDE H o n o SLOPE = 1.8 SLOPE = 2.0 FLUID FRICTIONAL HEAD LOSS (ft fluid) a 10 200 500 ' 1000 2000 5000 FLOW RATE (gpm) Fig. 7. Fluid Frictional Head Loss in Primary Heat Exchanger. % . LOAD SALT . INTO DRAIN TANKS ;:boLA.NT' \ | SALT CIRCULATE C & FL SALTS FLUSH SALT~ ORNL DWG 68-669 LOAD U-23%5 LOAD & - IN ZERO-POWER CIRCUL ATE NUCLEAR EXETS. LOW POWER CARRIER (O-BO KW) ‘EAL'T——\ | EXP_T'57 ST 5 Lol TV 7 FMAMGJ-A%-ONDI_’ —1965————— - 2 | Nug¢Lea® Pow ‘.SALT CIRCULATING { 19 GG FUEL ==& FLUSH Fig. 8. MSRE Operational History. ¢z 26 Table 4 Reactor Accumulated Operating Data® Time Criticel (hrs) 8,830 Fuel Loop Time Above 900°F (hrs) 18,021 Fuel Pump Time Circulating Helium (hrs) 3,985 Fuel Pump Time Circulating Salt (hrs) 12,334 Coolant Loop Time Above 900°F (hrs) 15,684 Coolent Pump Time Circulating Helium (hrs) 3,082 Coolent Pump Time Circulating Salt (hrs) 14,149 Heating Cycles (70 - 1200°F)-Fuel/Coolant Systems 9/8 Fill-Drain Cycles (Fuel/Coolant Systems) 30/13 Nuclear Power Cycles (Fuel/Coolant Systems) 63/59 Equivalent Full-Power Hours 7,124 ®Total to December 5, 1967 Soon after the operating power of the MSRE was raised to a signifi- cant level, the heat-transfer capability of the main heat exchanger and the coolant radiator was found to be less than predicted and; in fact, limited the attainable heat removal to about 7-1/2 Mw.'¢ The nominal power chosen for the design of the MSRE was 10 Mw., The overall heat- transfer coefficient of the primary heat exchanger was below the pre- dicted value, resulting in somewhat larger fuel to coolant temperature differences than had been planned. The performance of the main heat ex- changer was explained by recent measurements of the fuel salt thermal conductivity which indicated a value of 0.83 E?-;ufi rather than 2.75 fi;:§$%337 which was used in the calculations. The fuel salt that circulates through the heat exchanger in the MSRE is highly radioactive. Noble metal fission pro&ucts are reduced to metals in the salt, and some of them deposit on surfaces in the heat exchanger so it too becomes highly radicactive, The heat exchanger is of all-welded L & " ar construction and is covered by heater-insulation boxes that are difficult to remove and reinstall remotely. Any meaningful nondestructive inspec- tion of the interior is impossible and of the exterior is extremely diffi- cult, No inspection is planned, at least until the experiment is completed | ~or the heat'exchanger must be removed because it develops a leak, Leakage through failure of one or more tubes by vibration should be detectable by & smell incfease in salt inventory in the fuel system and decrease in salt inventory in the coolant system. The reactor is designed on the basis that such a leak or a leak from the fuel system into the coolant system might someday occur. The fuel and coolant salt systems are tested separately at pressures above the normal operating pressures at intervals of 6 to 12 months.1® No leskage has ever been indicated. - Because the heat exchanger operates at temperatures above 1000°F in a highly radioactive envircnment, no equipment is installed to monitor vibrations. However; we believe it unlikely that the vibration has in- creased since the final preoperational hydraulic flow tests., For vibra- ‘tion to reoccur, the rigidity of the tube bundle would have to be reduced. This could happen if the clearances between the tubes and lacing were increased by corrosion of the salt container material, however, this is unlikely. Chemical analysis of the fuel and coolant salt show that general corrosion of Hastelloy-N in the system has been practically nil (~ 0.1 mi1),16 | Vibration could also reoccur if the flow rate of the fuel salt entering the shell side of the heat exchanger were substantislly increased. This is aiso' the,fnel and coolant salt flow rates are fixed and cannot ‘be varied uniess fne impellers'of the pumpslare modified, The original pumps are still in operation and there are no plans to replace these pu.mps before the MSRE :I.s terminated in 1969 - {comct.fisn:ons 1. Testing the. MSRE heat exchanger with water indicated fluid flow induced ‘tube vibrations and an excessive pressure drop on the shell side The best indication we had of tube vibrations was a rattling noise emanating from the heat exchanger. 28 2. An extension of the above conclusion is that water is an ade- quate fluid to test molten salt heat exchangers for fluid-induced vibra- - tionms. ” 3. The fluid-induced tube vibrations were eliminated by lacing bars between the tubes at the baffle plates, by building a structure of bars dround the U bend in the tubé bundle, and by imstalling an impinge- ment baffle at the Inlet to the shell. 4, The excessive fluid pressure drop through the shell side was found to result from choking of the inlet and outlet pipes by the outer- most row of tubes and tie bars. The pressure drop was reduced to an acceptable value by removing these tubes and tie bars and increasing the diameter of the outlet pipe. ' 5. After more than 14,000 hours of operation with salt in the sys- tem to date, the heat exchanger has shown no indication of leakage or change in operating performance. ' 6. We find no reasons why the primary heat exchanger should fail from vibration-induced damage before the planned termination of the MSRE in 1969. | ¥ §a- o, - 10-' Interpretations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. | | -11., 12. REFERENCES Memorandum from Milton Shaw to_the Managers of the Operations Offices, September 29, 1967, Subject: Information on Primary Cir- cult Heat Exchangers — Damage from Tube Vibrations. Letter from H. M. Roth to A. M. Weinberg, October 13, 1967, Subject: Information on Primary Circuit Heat Exchangers — Damage from Tube Vibrations. J. H, Westsik, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Heat Transfer and AP Design of MSRE Primary Heat Exchanger, CF- -61-4-1, April 3, 1961. (Internal Distribution Only) E. S. Bettis and J. H. Westsik, Oak Ridge National ILaboratory, MSRE Component Design Report, Section V, Stress Analysis of Primary Heat Exchanger of the MSRE, MSR-61-67, June 20, 1961. (Internal Distribution Only) R. C. Robertson, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part I, De- ““scription of Reactor Design, USAEG Report - ORNL-TM~728 Oak Ridge ‘National Laboratory, January 1965. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill Co., New York, 1st Ed., 1950. Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. General Requirements for Nuclear Vessels, Case 12T0N-5, Interpre- tations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, American Socilety of Mechanical Engineers, New York., Contaimment and Intermediate Containment Vessels, Case 1272 N-5, Case Interpretations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, 1 American Society of‘Mechanical Engineers, New Ybrk Nuclear Reactor Vessels and Primary Vessels, Case 1273N-7, Case ' Special EQuipment'Requirements; Case 1276N-1, Case Interpretations of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. Standards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, 2nd ed., Tubular Exchanger Mfrs, Assn. Inc., New York 1949, 30 References (continued) 13, 1k, 15. 16. C. K. McGlothlan, Osk Ridge National Iaboratory, Febrication Specifications, Procedure and Records for MSRE Components, MSR-62-3, Rev, A, February 18, 1965. (Internal Distribution Only) (» C. H. Gabbard, R. J. Kedl, and H. B. Piper, Oak Ridge Nationsl Laboratory, Heat Transfer of the MSRE Main Heat Exchanger and Radistor, CF-67-3-38, March 21, 1967. (Internal Distribution Only) R. H. Guymon, MSRE Design and Operations Report Part VIII, Operating Procedures, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-908, Vol. II, Procedure 5H, Oak Ridge National Leboratory, January 1966. Osk Ridge National Leboratory, MSRP Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 1967, USAEC Report ORNL-4119, p. 120, (} - (% L D-EE-A-40869 ~ D-EE-A-40872 31 . APPENDIX Fabrication Drawings — Primary Heat Fxchanger 'D—EE~A-h086M | D-EE-A-40865 D-EE-A-L0866 D-EE-A-L0867 D-EE-A-40873 D-EE-A-Lo874 - M-10329~RE-003E2 M-10329-RE-002EL M-207Q4-RE-030EL - Baffle Plates Tfibe Sheet - Baffle Assembly Tube Bundle Assemb1y Details ' Channel Assembly Assembly Sections Assembly Elevation Stabilizers .— Details Return Bend Stabilizer . Details — Return Bend Modifications ‘ . , , y - . 1 . - ~ J 1 ” - I ' 32 o s : Parrs List P _ . ] . : et | owe. wo. |gan.| DescriprioNy | aremas C 6 Aaces, ! - < L - o ; 7 |7we oww | 8 | Bamria piaya u" Frax moars, /8% s st mor-8 J ~ . —‘:z 1 7 2 | Barris mare 287 § i mare, K ou save| won-8 ’*; re ~ b g . - : -—— . & oL (ép8 Horas) ‘s e Y| | savmsn puare fTrex mare | i Eom pianx | iwen-w 1 Co ) : | ‘ (For Layour ses oe7 *x°) - - e e e : e _ . , i ‘ &k ORUL (278 HoLEe) Ranrs § FINISH TO /}’ 1 T _ - L vs6x” ' (For iayour oer Oy :"'.) ‘ ) 5 1,,,.. oweg | 1 | STve Basrig £ e g 554" Bianx won-8 . co [ - | Paam FINISH T //' : : — { | I ; . 3 . P o : . " ) / - K , | ¥ . - } - - 3 e KX X K K Y X X K X X A A A X X @ ) | . y | XX X X% XX X K x X LK ox X x.> _ . ) o < T WOLES, ON TUBE SHNREY (DWG| D-EE-A-40065) Bprrle PATE 187 O ‘ X 2, locazions K, L4 M ARE symmaErmcal . \ . . _ _ ) ‘ RBoUT THE Vampicar Axs. - . . ! - ‘ 2 i B, COMPLETELY RErMOVE ALL 80RRS APTER - | - - . , ‘ '3\ . [; : . DRULIvG, . , ' ,;,_.,,. . 025" i woL8 (6 MLACES, — | . @—@——-—‘ ¥, bRILL LOCATIONS 1" oN_owE TYmE ‘AT BAPFLE ~ 7IEE" Locapions KM, Sk& NofE 4 ) - 5| - : . ’ ( AssaroLy posirion SA) pe PER w4 on - ' ‘ ge2s’ - i oxyanL *y* oy : ‘ k‘_’-.’il - & "okus ¢ o mouts) DETAL "X* A"’ PARTS To B& FAsRicATED ~ AS g;_:,fusen. GENERAL . | BAFELE PLATE * A* ‘ 1 (Locamions K 4 t1) bowe _cayour. FARZICKTION BPECIFICATION WSZ G2-B ZuvA ‘ | 7 DpREELE FUATE TA” Scais /274! & MATRRIAL SPEC. (oaNL) o : . wF ova ' MET - R - 8334 © WNOR-& miaTE, ‘ A = zr64” 7./68" - . . : 7, OUND MiL swarp ComngRs To ' Maowa - : ! . , UNLESS OFNERWISE APECIRIED, \ [{ £ bttt 4t O.580" oia (4 wOLES, . ‘ 8, FINeN MACHINED _wa}um 70 E‘S/am.w. Ave. . - R } + 4+ + ++ + 4+ + 4+ 4+ + ++ 4+ 4+ + 4 tocapron L, X x % y X x ' X AouMINESS HEIGNT, UNLESS OTHERWISE. SRECIAED. n % +@+@+@+@++®+®+&)4®++,&D/® COUNTER SINK AS X X X X X ¥ X.X : ' Py . . . . 1t bt D OO+ttt —t—t— - rER AT Y ) o Y x x X x ¥ ¥ X x . , . . . : \ ¥ 3 ® + ¢+ +®+N*+ + D+ D+ D+ e N X £ € X x X X x x ~3) Y Vet + + 4+ o+ + +f+ + F + 4+ + + ' !Kxxa{xxx% @2 ++++++++|++ + + + + -+ 4 - X X X X x X % X x . N 0265 o Hol# g . il T e 4 Aacas . ¥ = x X X X X Row / X Drui o PREPARE NOLEE Aa PaR LET.CY* Enianes 5T o weiss . K e —— o “ AT LOCATIONSE MARKED Wiry 8/NGLE CIRCLEE rowano vaRy. § as g omiki, (70 miAcas) . 'g # _ - . ¢ . ' _Narosd To peovios fi° FoR Layour esa o4y ‘K’ : X X x % X X X ¥ ¥ X * 7 = ,* . _ CLERRANCE Fom, o Tuas. *"f"_ o FiNiSH g x X x X ¥ X X X X | iy .rl STus_marFLE ' - X‘xx)(x.x-xxxS ‘// /:;?‘-. ) 7 L (Lavour As viewso pmom piarEo X x X x X X ¥ x x 4 ¥ 7 , — : si08 oF o.380" o woLxs ) . KX X K X X X A x S+ AJPRIM UEAT EXCH. ASSY ELEV . psea 20874 ' - . 8 . S 280" m PR AEA] EXCH. BASFLE PLATES. SHeT 2 lo-20+ato8TH ‘ / » x X ox X X X X x. aode- : ; FRiM. WEAT EXCN. BRPFLE A3SY. | " DETAIL *Y* PRy, MeaT Excw. TuBE SWERT 0-18-4 ~4a¥s. Mo ScaLE REFERSNCE DRAMNGS DWa. NO, ” - ' . . . L flmré// RERCTOR :xfg.rm)ufi.'.‘ 7¥a3 » . ' —_ o < 27 oru (J:‘M' Hoftl ) i Newwcum:umup PRIMARY MHERT EACHANSSR; | ) FoR Levour See peran 'x? | EkSIZNOT2 BAFFLE PLATES Smeer * /. o » _&ocu ZAI-C ety |G e el - REAM £ FiNIBH T ) 6D ' o WA ' . o : A | See DX "2e17 | | | . _ THIS DRAWING REFLECTS mr---,,,y:- | Ok RIOGE NATONAL LABORATORY "o, REVSIONS oATE |Areo | A0 b ] " UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY ‘ . » S T ol o oard ' BrrriER _ PiaTE QS [U]flll,v 4__o-08 GASSIGHN OF G0N CARBIOE CORPRATION o o T M. WESTSI #-82 % 1LY . pfl-flM a-r-é . Rt = . - OAK RIDOL, TENNERSEE Y ———— | e ARS'o DaTe o Wl CHANGES e o 2 [ ——, . -—-E--r—r o . SHWES TSN} FERH Q Tsbvyde 1214 -bn _ja-fi-é¥ w9 24:64 "M - Mo ' sl ‘ : £ : et [ A a oare | anve_ ] - : &% /! A= fOBEE L . . . i 8ot {2162 Qe znes] (Ll § o] = / 08 §334.¢ | D-sema-somer ) ‘ . ¢ ' : ' Meo7 2 . - ' - r ! e - ’ ' ok - . msnards ! o \ / . : o PRARTS LIsT l : - . TasLE I . AaT| ows. vo.| Mo ‘DESCRIPTION \praremine éfi . Y MUMBER oF 0.8502" D/ WHOLES : g fm g - , - —— ' . : ‘ PER TuBE Row . : L |mwsl owe | 4 TUBE SwEsT (7§ 00 x /87 TWCK, FoReED | mow-8 I(BIEI)DRILL M CEEP ‘ , : - ‘ e . ' B 2tunm-28 Borrom ras Row | pymaen or ~ /AT B ) 1| TuBE suery FomGme ‘ ivow -8 o AT LOCATIOND fo b En) No MHolea . - A 2 |miows| 326\ Senziwe Ainve " }’f% Locayiona Kk, L & M ArE cENTERS oF / g _ MorE : ‘ ' 25Es " el SARRER piATE f sarrie surmosr eons 2 2 /8___ | pecear pows #-/2 s [ P Locapions K, L § M SyMMBIRICAL wiln . N 2 /9 ON FOB NWALF OF TUSESWEEY. #788" RESPECT TO VERT AXIS. ' ‘ - s : # /8 - . . . e o ) ) 5 /9 - o ‘ & /8 Y . MNores CuMULATIVE ERROR 7 7 - ' (G808 wous o 77 ON MaLE SPACING SWALL e /6 ' Moy ExCEEOE o.0/0" IN 2 q oErAr *x’ 2o SPACES .L7e /2 - = ‘, 7 9 Yoos ~r—‘—|— 7 v ! 2| ] IE5 DA ' ’ v we 28 8 ‘o ® see oepat ‘| a» /o ] Broziveg Lova é& . ’ ~ - \32. T ) ' o : _ SowcE E /0 _ ' "e ’ 7. 0-09-‘} -‘ reg.8” . . - . L. G e ® ¢ v xex x X x o | e pooEe A o . S @ i e e —ME Dva ~ : ‘ [ SO T ¥ | » 3 —gr— | ” o378 - N - . ) R SeE DETAIL * V" FoR - o ‘ . # A~ /—7 TREPAN DErAL r‘ &fiif A LB tod . MNOTES =, . . @ NELDED SIDE ‘ . , d:‘;-”’fi - ) 4 JuBE sHEEZ forene ( PART # /A ) ' - @) ) ot ashe” R I L 15 JO OE FABRICATED IN ACCOROAMCE ) E _ -@ L ¢ __{ \ Y 4 C WITH CGRNL SPECIFICRTION Mo MET~RMH- B . Co . . s & ' ' _{mu_ ] _ o T . w g X X X x x ¥ x|X x x x X f X X X S @ ~ '3 savaiLy X o 2 L.m . é 2, PART Jo BE FABRICATED AS par USRE GEWERA “ E Y X X %X X ¥ ¥ X X x.x X X X A4 ¥ Y- () \ _ . Sracko reeore k | ! FARRICATION BSPRCIFICATION MBS 62-3 REV A . ' . - 1 . . , : : . s X X X ¥ X %X x ) x X X X x x X X% - -—A— ‘ t_,;;; 'BP‘.‘ZED SoE ’ J_//fi,. 8, ROUND AlL SHARS CORNE®S TO Gh RADIE LwiESE N XX X X ¥ X X X X X X ¥ X -._.,__,..__.@ . / e/ DY L ,—C_R | Jecemance ow » : [ ! M é- OTWERWISE SPECIFIED, , : | YOX X XY X X oxlx oxow o ¥oxowxw ¥ oy ‘ _.;,_,, e S 4063":,“’_2." azver averg: T X j“' “'fl‘-_J , Y pg90” N 04'“ (Pax) B, FINSH SURFACES To 25 MICRO INCNES AVERASS L : S ' ¥ ¥ . #v____ -~ . Y ) o 78" a.o‘s'(imt) 3 ROUGHNESS NEIGWT UNLESS OYNERwWISE SPEcIingD. @‘ X ox o xox X XX Y YR mrrm—ee{(8) ' e Ko DA Lo e . 5 GOLD NICKEL BRAZING FILLER METaLSHaw ‘ I X .. [ : | . Y : BE ASTM -8-200-86T WITH THE FOLLONING Yox X X X X X ox. X y : ¥ % v SECTION “8°= ‘B , DE7a X (wo scue) | EXCERTIONS: |.GOLD BLT To823 % X - X ¥ X X L Ao - : S e . S T ey e ., T sy j ! ZNICKEL 171.% To 185 % . ) . } (~e ScaLL) | NorE: s, O cus, # E2e Dl Seviis.. aar : ’ - : . @ A . . EC NI PN S OOETIR . ‘io'r'l":f: fi:mm‘;g:m : L : : - £, Spoy pEEDER WOLES FAAvOID WFER: - T o\ppiy CRATIFIED COPIES OF CHEMICAL G ria" ‘ | ' - ‘ ' FERENCE i ADJACEN] TUBR HOLES. ANALYSIS FOR EACH HEAT OF MATERIAL . - ) _ . | 3, FEEOSR rOLES W SNEL SDE ONLY G AFTER FINAL MACHINING,THE TURE SMEET £225 i = ‘ . . ‘ : ' | 4, RENOVE BURES AROUND |FERDER WOLES - BUALL BE LIGUIO. PENETRAMT WIPECTED , 765" , ‘ ) : ’ . 5, 7ERANCE ow o.608" DMt to.00/" ' ACCORDING TO MET-NOT-A s S PLAN VIEW 0F _CRNNEL 810E | ‘z @\ - : : scale &=t ’ , . S - | ' D 16 o ————_ A__....' , * — . e N . : FMANNEL , w2 : ‘ ’ “;\ N e T e e s e T e L Y Sior T . : . 16 3 00 Lier : o o N e T T e = = ________:___,,:/,, . | . . —l . CN 't . /‘- -~ o g s ‘ S = — \\ - 4 o . |/ [’ T e S T T T W T T e I \ ] . N IJ l{ v ; 7 ‘ 1 Ik o Al | ' i é L l\d , = ol ’ : / :: ) b e e e e e e i O ———— e e e e e o] m e e e "o . : . SHELL / B . . ] o ‘ _ , 174 oA - - _ . | ’ ' e ’ _ . n - . -! ? | < SECTION OF_ FORGED BLANK, A\[PR VERT EXCH. . ASEN, ELEN. fte 084 /6t oMt o o . , i ; scale &ler ) [ Perre. mEAT Excw. TuAE BunDLE ASSY. D-HEA 4067} ‘ I I7E° om - - ) — OESIRED GRAN R ‘ SR NELT EXCH, BAFFLE ASSY. D-#r-A-dott ’ - ' . | ’ . . ;—ORIENI'H,"ION ORint, nEAT ECH, SarFil PLATES, ] 2-a8-4 fomen| . ' J : ‘*I . ' ) y 7 ‘ . . . : | . MOLTEN SR, REACTOR RIME) 503 : ATk secrion A= B , : ; e MOLTEN SALT REAC EXPERIMENT S aM H-e : = o ) ; : ' . © [LBoen 2au ST mu": pon |t soae €'t ( - _ ' - CLasaimED. Primary HEAT Excwanssr C | &2 DO 2250 ECLSIL C . ) ‘ THIS DRAWING REFLECTS e : © TUSE SHEET ’ ", f ‘ . : ' N WESTIK S B l\ser Doy "22/7 std. |72 wh , . : - == - 2 | et oot ve-an oy : AS &D[IILT LAl o RENEORS UMEN OAK FIDOE NATIONAL LABORATORY £l B O ‘ CHANGES e o oreeres v : " REvisons ‘ , , o . 92464 P UnioN CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY 7 # wesmae | #2261 1-;?-’:‘!-' . | . ouwMLn *—‘-"—og—;'—- . m&mw ‘ ; . 2 _‘%—T S AN wasryr) 4236 K e ’o::'b., ) I —rn 1 - Sl rorged? are : , Pa-poree o8 43346.6 ’ ID. FE-A- foB6E l‘E j X . , ) SECTION ‘AT=A’ ' ' : . - . ' b !' - A v ¥ 34 . 1 \ ' ™ - , PRARTS L1837 _ - - Puwr Ne- \ \ ‘ ) . _ o . Vo |DWE. Mo ". DESCE/PYON MRTER AL " ! lowrasones| ¢ | TUEE SWEET ATk . | .¥oR-8 . . | 2 loier-a-some| /| BARRIER XATE M TwK . 5 - 3 | e 3| sarrie piage TAT KT Twx o : | LR | PARFLE pidyE ‘BT B THK. -~ : e - . .5 gos] O | Dumrry moos 'y G om ’ . . : é . 4 | BARRIER FLATE SMMCEE foo T O ’ : (7 | |6 |_sArFLE PLATE sPACER foo ‘I* Wea| w ’ ‘ | . o |27 aarrie pare “apacen oo xt mims| : : . . ’ o Vo le TS 200 *T* W A ’ - 2" : . r2 | /2" L2t e N st g 8F - - T‘F? % e Koo T Waa| + éfi A T r /9\ u T *\ T : ' ‘ # - BAFFLE ALATE seacam oo (T Weom| s N , _ | /8 /8 i _ / /2 DAFFLE _PLATE SpacEm Roo 'Vi* Y&'am| ! | L s /3 BARELE PLATE Guiow o v & « (SH" T, - d] : ” “ Srus BArFiE %' D . ’ & ! i | oareLE piarr ocackn meo HT VTom | - ¢ e © : , - ! . @ @__ 77 . pumMyY Re0 “Z* 8 pm ) 1l - - %] L BArrie pLATE TCT Wk dt ’ : - A 7 r @ . . INOTES: - [y WELD NUMBERING Pnéag:oul FROM LERT Te RigM7T, . ‘ ) - ‘ fROM Tom To BOrTOoM, AND FROM FRONT TO GACK sz 0‘7’*“; e . (P ) . . , - oF “Cflflw h‘\l- -fp | ) FOR MOUNTING 7T \ 5 g ‘ L Az. PARTS Jo 88 FARRICATED A8 PEE WSRE GENERAL of SAFfLE GUIDE x—\ ;---- . J‘ ’ % . FABRICATION SPECIPICATION WM3R G2-RBw A : N : . 3, MATERiAL ApEeipicATIONS . : TusBE KHOLES ARE NOT : : l > J E___s : ;M;,w"’q fi:f-nfl- K36 (wolt-8 BAR) SvoWN o TUBE ANEET QV/X/ e~ i L — - o)l -~ ¥ m--"g“- e - -"’;’—“*‘““' ‘ MBS - M - 8 Jo¥ CiHoR-8 WELONG FLIER METAL) . A : ’ . y N N b1 X 44 N 31 \ wes N #y UCNC SASRICATORS WILD~ PHR SPECIFICATIONS . I A N . B ) /@.N ' ) N %% awu’::’ ) : . ARE-R2, PO-B5, PU-0GC , At APPLICAGLE . apELT ‘ ' I . N - - - - PR WR-Zgo ., (D g —3r " £ N}/ \ P} A 3N — i! i (=) - , _ . . / N ! . s : @ . N . ’ N N . ) 7 é \\*E . S, WNELD NIMNBERS AWNONED wi = w80 : : ' ”e . . ‘- o // : ) : @ E : @ E @ E @ ) N 7 wELO NuMBEAS' 8D w v o . 1 - [ (5;) ’ : N 5 . (ne ‘ @ ) N ‘ ‘ €5 Rouno Aul swam 7l .'_,_Hq _f7' - . FoR mow 7 » | 4 T . FoR Aow € 7 g - _’."“:“ . . fom mow & - ol e sl FoR Row & ; W |vecabmir|32 6 | Brazive Rrva ammer | , / // /_g: . '/,./ £ ! e, o ot # At L Lo P L (B f LY} [ . / f/ l’l L I 7l Z S 7 /3 L L Sy /L £ Iy — - [$ /8 e — 1 < AT e e = U 7 = £ S ‘ i — ‘ _ 17 - 77— —1 /1 £ T —F— NZ A - K 7 A i a_»_{lll 1 I';j! e 1 N sy = e I SECTION *R'-H" . (5108 ELEVATION ) . (1) 4 . 1B2- 45T 8~ Base 2 ; g - O L o0 !: A i ; 3 ! A | o J !oéo ;"“1""’ | ] Askoielo] %!@ o g oJejele ;!i% . ) . 8, T 7 W HEUUW LEL\CCHECK’ SUALL BE PEQFORMELY AFTEY TV THE TUBE "BORDLE TH A& PLASTIE BAG ADCoveER ¥ A\ ST T BT SRRz el NOTES: fy PARTS 70 BE FABRICATED A% PR ORNL SAET, Hses €T3 Rav. A (MERE GENEBRZAL FARBICATION. SPEC.) O:%.-81-182 FABRICATION. OFTURE SUNDLE . J.8. 805167 BRATING OF TURE BUNDLE | 2. MAXE TUBRE To TUBE SREETX WELD JoiNTe As | PER. MBRE METALLUAGY WeMe G2-G6 : 4, FOR OETAL® AND PARTS LisT aF mows No 4,843 EE D Mo D-rE-A-FodPS X, ffoR DdECTroNS C:CT a0 Y0°-"0" e PG No D-FE- A- 40876 &, FLARE Toae Ano TREPAN Lip Accowomi¢ To DEfan L e e CE C Berons WelDNG. FLARG HoLE I Tus& SwEET Ano viery Tose Twwooew Hoca PEFORE FLARING THE Tise, Co WELDING ANCT BRAZING A'S FOLLOWS { ENCLOBE ) CLUTHE TUBE SHEET WITU A FLAT PLATE. FILLTHE "BaA - WITH MLV AND SVACOATY Irtemstny - | TIRES_THE FELTOM TEAL WATE "SIFC e LEs | THAK. IxTo™/sem. . ! . 4, COMPLETED WeAT EXCHANGERCTURE AUNDLE WAS MODIFIEM 1N TUR TeLD AFTER WATER FLOW TESTY ATGORDING TO DRAWINGS E-10829=-R-OG1_AD 002, THIS DRAWING REFLECTS A8 BUILT - CHANGES DATE._ 9_"25-;!4-. L PRIMARY. HEAT EXCHANGER ASSY. . . . DRioats. AISY SHIPPING SUPPOICT BelmiMARY EATEYC AL BNl s | Seue NEAT Encw. TUBE Bwdis asCTIoNS o Vol % | Prive. wEAT Exch TveR BUNOLE DarAIL - | DR Aol Priry. NRAT . gucH. TuBE f Mo DETALE DAY oy N, TNy o wep 3 N Bory aiwons . . ‘ — L b o i ' N -s . ) ! . . ?’r \ , \ Lo N ] T e v T B b N o | ‘ - - L,,lk(mu T - ) i L.é.‘:« vmérlt #utow _ ' _ S | . NOTE: : CHANNEL pssamMBLY . pacwiieg B omrension anp - secove ——f—" SwowN ON SELTION "C=-(C¥, Dws, vo. | s _ _ o O-2R~A < #OBES AsTER WELOING ASSY. . : . . \ | ': | | ‘ H\’.’:gmf.::" AMS OF SyMmETRY ' OF CHANNEL WELDIMENT < SEE OEFALS X' f ty* B A=/ Den._2an-c ene: Troals Tom Py I ! é. ' ) L— 2063”2 0.008" fl&." :D_fi}'A’L vz 7# ’ . .....fl __l r‘:‘l‘*' T L)+ BAFFLE GuiD& aCALE JRTx V! AS PARTS L/ST P:: DESCRIPTION MAT ERIAL | ¢ -. _ASME FLANGED & D/aNED HEAD, 77700 « A ail| WOR -8 Y CHANNEL , 174 00w waLL, BF Lone ” s CNANNEL SEPARALING BAPPLE-, W' THK & » 4 | earrLE swos, FF 78 7 / NCTES & 5y FABRICATE Assy AS Pt WSS GENRTAL FESTICATION SPEC. MSR, G2-B 2Ry A : !, NATERIAL SPECIMCATION ¢ . MET-RN -8 P3G MET =jiem -8 Sod 3, Rouwn am, swArm connres ro i s viwss OPHERWISE SpECIFTED. £, FivisH BURFACES T I25 MCROINCHES RvERAQS movennEss HEAPNT UNLERS OTHMERWISE JPECIFIRD, & uene FABRICATORS ! _APPLICABLE. INSPECY PER. WR= Pmo. ‘I, WELR NUMBENRS P8SIONED B WELD NUMBERS 8KD: . A-, 7 9TRESS RELIEVE CHANNEL ASSEMBLY AFTER T WELDING PARTS 1,2, G, 4 M POSTTION AMD AGAM ARTER WELIDING PART BN POSITION ATt L HOR 2HOXZS EACHTIME (N \NERT ATwesuere. (k-8 8AR ) , (inot=8 WELDING FulER METNL ) - \ wap PER ps-RS, FS-ES, P3-BG whicd - o8 . " W) =woé oy £° =/’ ? PRIM. WEAT EACH. DAY AlS | snasr® | [0-2a-n- s0067] L;" - Swagr v 2 : » sHeET % - SEEF DEF.*Z* PRIM, HEAT EXCH. ASssaaly ELEVATION REFERENCE DRAWINGS DA NO. , MOITEN ST ' REACTOR SiPERIMENT “bo Jho3 CLASSIFICATION S J. CLasskD PRIMARY MEAT EXCHANGER e e — CHANNEL ASSEMSLY " THIS DRAWING REFLECTS — : " AS BUILT e O Fmes SO, Voo , P UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY CHANGES | ooos - DMISION OF GO CARBIDE CORPORATION - . L4 *"‘“""‘_‘, i QAR IHDOE, TENNEFSER DAT!_.z-M—— o RO "W——M—T—r—fi_ a N %/ua. o K; . Son $3546.6| v @ | was 9" weeo pen"rizv mzfip‘ T . ' 0. REVNONS paTe [are | Ao SECTION A2’ I N, weara R P . ‘ {7 S TR e By e | : - QMI:-._ Clntopate i AL fl, e ourk . ID-E.E_-A-.Q-O72 E ‘ M2074 120 2 38 | SR - A 5 - < FieHd LENGTH SECTION ‘A"-"A° OF OWI NO _o-EE-A- #4087¢ ! PN LENGTH b ¥ SEE Dcwv ™ 2137 el . TN VA YT TP ~ NOy ——— BATE 7 W NESISK § 23 DATE |APPD | NPFD p)-nfrom oaze Ao ved >l ,JIV( ca ) Tatad e tb o de APTRND [ ] APPRE 2, -~ i —— B FwRn Leneta ot , ~ Sjg L4 TEWNGH LENGTH l 000 ;a‘-‘:.a?c TP _FOE _AiL NOZZLE cUFOrr NO SCARALE A . { NOFES & & /. FABR}CATE wEAY gxcH. At pre UBRE GEMERAL . FARRICATION BPEC. MBS R . G2-% . REV. A E, NATERIAL SPECIPICATION ¢ o : Ml =~ Rit= B304 3, UCNC pABRICATORS WEID PER P5-B3, P3 26, P1-26 AS APILICABLE, [NSPECT. PER WR=Jow. £, e NUMBERS ASSIONED § _wllfl NumBERS VD! S, Foq mars L8y sax GCOWMPLETED MWEATY BXCHANGER SHHELLWAS * TMODIFIER 1N THE FIELD AFTER WATER . ... FLOW TESTS ACCOROING TO DRAWING E-HeR1R_ T7.REMCVE LEAK TEST FLANGES AND CUT NOTILESTa . .. FINISH LEMGTH I BIELD. . . . U o (wom-8 Neowe puied w7 ) wWho9 = Wi, wieg ~wiO, o aw, D-&&-A-$0874- 4 '\“CDOE ORI, NEAT EACH. ASIEMBLY ELBVATION REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO, MocrEn ST Reacrom Enmaveisany Rt oses CLASSIFIGATION Moz C‘us;r:feo M WESTam e ——t PRIMARY HEAY EXCHANIER ASSEMBLY SECTIONS, THIS DRAWING REFLECTS s ou seucuchs Waans OAK RIDIE NATIHAL LASGRATORY IPRACTIONS: m. . AS BUILY t— UnioN CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY CHANGES —_— e A DATE . 924 G4 i EEE— | _RA' wus 3= /¢ D- #2-4-s0073 4 W - f S8 493C.4 ~ MZOTA4RE Q14D 2 . L AR P11 0§80 e 8 B 8 e b b S b < PR R 18 1 e 1 il ) ] ) . ’ . . ’ PARTS Lss7r : : . : ; ‘ AT | owd po. | feo Descapyion , | ponpenm ' . 1 ?_ |persleean] ¢ | cwanwer assErMBLY ] t,{ , - , ; 2 |e-au-p-veded ¢ CHANNEL MOXXLE OETR/L e 4 |o-erpearcy| / TUOE BUNDLE ASSEMBLY . ’ p . . 5 |s-au- 4 / SHELL OuTLEr ~NOIILE 87 1m3, sow” 4o pri s . n‘s‘ . 1 . . @ |oerafrons| ¢ | awmil | W oo f waiL e : L i : 7 ' ] | SwaLL covem, /7 b AsmE 0ramaD waAD ’ A A(* : ) - 8 - Ado / SNELL wid] NORTLR, O3, 30w P da ek ’ ‘ ‘ A @ |s-at-Aactrd 1 SurmORT ASSEMBLY ‘A’ ¢ ' ” , 5 3 3- F\mfi-\f\.nuo'm /0 / SuAPOAr ASEMBLY '8 Pl ™ ¥ 8 Y I5 i \.‘nu\-a 1 - B Ilfi} :.8'_:] ’ b PIPING PLAN DIMENSION E : ‘ ( . v ) . . ‘ . . 3 o ¥ :L % _ P, L . . ; " ; ;o e ‘ D — D i \ E “A,‘_ » , . I . ! i | ) S . ; -, r '1: 9;. ' ' scc owa 6. || ' . ' ‘ O-KE-A-40818 age }“ -._45-15':'0' ] \‘If e e T ey ’ : D | ME Brcd A b 10D, PENL HEEECH, TUBE SYARLLIZR W_ i T T mummm IDETAIS SWPPING SUPRORY FOO PIWL, n-rnm‘:vd'% NCENCATIRT |_06, +.000 ( _SER oW, AW, -.0iG DETAULS SWPMRG SAPPGRY. L. PRI S SRR KIE] ~ g D BEAAO873 ETAILS “BRIPPING. SUPRERT IR PRI wmsfi‘ LT RoAZRIG FICTUTE WoR PRIGARY WEXT SXCH ML EXvogs | RS- SR PPING SORPORT R PRV ET. TR WO 1] PZIMARY HELT EXCH WASFLL TrraTEe - T my] PRI MARY HEAT EXCH, TURE EINOTE BELTIMS DY ERADEK PRIMARY - HELT EXCH TOLE AUNOUE TR TR DREERSETE] PRINMARY WEAT EXCHANGER ASSEUGLY NEC . FFREL PRMARY . WEAT. EXCHAHGER CHANKUL _Sns~e kN ianaTe] PRIMAZY HEAT EXCRAMGER ORIAUISTENT. [PRIVARY WEAT EXCH. BUPPOET ARY LORTE. Pmnmx_un_mmmmn-wnt * t B v, &5 PRMAZY reRasaes e ' - IPRNNARY CHEAT EXH. TURE.- SONDLE AN IFTANNET ASsEmaey. Z A & ) CASsem Bey P A\ = __.____WW*-————-W-—-—'“__. 'J o T = PEMAR T - Y ~ ! - P %—— . . e [PRAMMRY AT XL P ST » : . L FABRICATE HEAT BXCHANGER A% PER MAR I.. GBNEZAL FABRICATION BPEC WARGESEROY 11 A MELIUM LEAK TEST SHALL BA PERFORMED ATTER TWR \wnnos-rp:\'\c. TRWT AN FOLLOWS ‘ BIARY WeGT PP A TS e - ' 2 WATERIAL SPECIBICATION | MET-RM-5 854 (\HOR & WELDING FILLER METALY i ENGLOGE THE WEAT EXCHANGER N A PLANTIC. Takd - FiLL TWE Wkt WITH HELIUK AHO' EVACPATR : - - - 4 ' ] 8 UANG. PARRICATORS WELD PER Pa-28, PB-24, P3-2% AMD P3-26G AS APPLICABLE SUELLAND CHANNEL SUBAVIEMBLIES, FLL SHELL ANBEMALY WITH RELIUM AND BVACUATE c I»NI.\. - T Y HEAT/EXCHA TG T L2 TS , . ’ INSPECT PR, WR-200 COARSERMBLY, THE WELIUM LEAK ZATES SHALL BELESS THAW \x10"®cc ferme. . won bl ol . . 1 e ; 4 WELD NUMRER ABBIGNED . W-Ill THIU WH2O -~ WELD NUMBERS USED W-ill wauw-m 12, UQUID PENETRAWT INSPECT EXTERIOR SURFACE OF COMPLETED WEAT EXCHANGER PERWAURA . .- m - e : 8 FOR BECTIONS ‘A.K 4 B-B BEL DWG it DLEE-A L0873 . CONTAMING PARTS AFTER PRETSURIZED LEAL TESTING M ACCORDANCE WITW BPEC. qer—u:n'-& e ewu: e swsorase s Ao oeeaaan ] . : . ; G EMPTY WEIGHT BOGO by 1"/ REUCVE LEAK. TREST FLANGES ANC CUT HOZTZLESTOFINISH LENGTH N MEBLD, e . ~. - o - : : ' COOLANT SALT WEIGHT o ABS Vo, 14 COMPLETED WEAT EXCHANGER SUELL AND TUDBE BRUNDLE WERE NMODI\FIRD m 'mq FIRLD. ! . : L ‘ o~ . : FURL BACT WEIGHT ABS toy e _: AFTER WATER FLOW TEBTS ACCORGING TO DRAWINGY E: fiflb,e-wbzq-z-oo\ AND ooe. T REFERENCE DRAWINGS Dwa, Mo, - . y . ¥ OPERATING w-.m.u'r( RO 1oy y I L . . P ' ' " & |2~ DN qu|.c. ] " q«/ : 7 SHALL SUBATSEMBLY (PARTE LAND 2 WITH NOZZLE®) AND SHELL susgsslusw ! ; - - : 5N preerEn smy Aeac rxmcemEny . e 7508 A= e\ 5‘%—5‘ u ) | (PARTS 5,G,7,8,9 AND 1O WITH NOZZLES AND LEGS) BHALL BHE BTREMS RELIEVED ! , - - Lo ) . L 7 _peucrae z |y lesex. DCN 725 L 5 AT 1GOCIZReE FOR 2 HOURS IN AR ATMOBSHERA. VAPOR RSLAST ARTER wTRESS : - e ' - TION ] = 35 [sua 5 h - : ZELIBVING TOREMEVE OXIGE FILM, ; i _ L -+ . PRIMARY HEAT EXcHANCER ’ € |See DEA T 22/7 . %&EM qfi) ) : & UQUID PRENETRANT EXTLRZIOR SURFACLE o BULLL SUBAVEMBAIES ALOEOINS . : : - S : ‘ M RI6/F1ED T - 7] .\ . TO BPECIRICATION MET-HDT-4 PRUOR “To INSTALLATION OF TumE BUNDLE ' . ‘ 1 A w SPSSEMBLY FlEVATION L2 | wwer ocns ® ey et 1 \fl\ \ A WELDRD SUBLABBAMBLIES MAY B STRESS ZELILVED AS YRQUILED T : ._J=fl__m— . » MA|N'\'AIM O\MENSBIONAL CONTROW. : ' . a ' 1 L . A |SEE _Den 2137 HZIP % - CEGIGH TEMP. DESGN PRESS. WYDROBTATIC TE&T —— . THIS DRAWING REFLECTS im0 prvemone s | - 0AK oot mw SHELL BIDE BOOTE ™ P8 800 PRLG. ] . . . } A e REVISIONS DATE | APPD | APPD | armecrao | OeTe | Aomroves | 29 Tum®, BIOE 800" # 125 Psi 800 FalG. “i : AS ILT angunt 52 - UNIoN CAR'E!DE NuCLEAR COMPANY ' P A [ TUE TUBE BIOE SHALL NOT BE PREMURIZEAD WHEN PERFORMING THE SWeLL . - - . DIVSION OF IO avmegin o236 A,{M L K- asplaple (5-11 42 soe PRESBURE TERT AND THE SHELL BIDE ®HALLNOT RE vnzssunl;zqeb ; _CHANGES - [ootn £, Seo o oreen - ’ ] WHEN PERFORMING THE TURBE DICE PRESSURE (EST, DRAIN WATER FROM || - . . sy £ ( L& ey | w208 QA Totpd 12-n=4% W 2-15-6"] HEaT EXCMANGER AND BEY WM HOT INSTRUMENT AR TO REMOYE AL : DAT!...__?_g_‘_GL . : 2 s Yol J : s MOIBTURE. . Ty . . oz . It 124442 M.(/ 7Z//z r : » L oy I/ L/os 423-G.C - L ‘\\ : . \ . | - - LRTE- o PARTE LT -, e~ J ‘ o . Afl{; INSTALLING LACING BARS, .. /A . | owa no | N0 DERCRIFTION (NAWE, 3G2E, ETC) WATERAL ’ - SEE yiEw X' BEFORE ANSTALLWE LAcG 8423 A i ‘ . ; ’& IRIAL AL — S yYe. gmaces % LTER Mo U E - 3PCOND upp“ SIE VidW v . TOR! 1:2-310001 Lacing f4%ar Yax /74 Tn INoR- 8 e # Rl . INSERT Feu AL WELD o - - S AAES AT & LecATIONS D '; i’ |4:8-¢ | E-00! ! _[£Acme /% ar Yay.l2rs INOE -8 BARRIER ; * T O VE SARELE BLATE JUPPORT m:mgr I L i i A\ [1mert £ 001 F linewe 117088 or ¥4 x Jolo TR INOR-8 l Rl o % _ QQ’“/ : - A 4o l£-co) | ) lasacan” 33F on By A IWTK INOR-B - P oo -4t A A A ‘ : -A c \_) fi 3 {E'm 8 {feeac b x\ Wi ( 27rerne) NoRx-8 . . ' - . ' 42 _|E. 00! ! v INGR - - é_j_oo . , r- . r'- . " r r 24 Pvg(sern ] - 1% TerAL 3 " / v . . \ / . UATRRIAL BPRCIBCATIONS, /|, URT-RM BSR4 (NOR & Wan ,\noo), SR ABRACINGR & "J A ROTE: 1~ Maxwte Tuae 10 8383 L B i ~ N ' I‘;z'- .o "’ — T et i & DT NCamana g g A LA ' * @ — - 3 /0 T (4) BAPHT BT AT G0 B-40 : - . . . # " REMOVE BAFFLE A . M.‘fcr TO THE(#) “b’“ rflus THAT ARE BEING REMOVED. MAXE YUY /, — s * PP £ACM THE FIRST BAFELE PLATE,ON THE BARNER P{ATE S10¢, fcfuan N | TESAR DiEMaNTLNG . THE (2) BOTTOM BAFELE PLATE SUPPORT ROOS. FiNALLY, ”4 ——— : ’ - - #A0M, THE SECOND BAEELE PLATE ON THE S RNIER 9ur£ .unp,q Aeue g iy . . - THE®) TOR EARF L D Fh BUOOBAT ROOR REvE PUATE SUPPORT ROD 3TUDS FROM TRHE TUBF Jfl#'?’. YiEws"W' g4us” / &4 mo/Wo/o/o/ala A XXX X T f J7 \\\\\\\\\> O ¥ fxpx ¥ X x x,x X g+ 171707 x@?x/x”‘\”\fi\”\”\ v AN N‘h » PRI x v x| s x A T T RAL LT T~ 07T IO 3§ G2 x « x v x|n | - : ‘ @\#‘%YI‘?IMI s e e F —H—W ’é * ,3F . ‘- , . -+ . _ KW X g x % % X ¥ X{x X x X X x %X £90] [i. T - ' )l \///q ‘ L/ XL % % X x x-§ X x X X x % x XAX , - XX ox X X x x.ox X xp X % x ¥ x ¥|x ¥ x A x X x xTX ' ! foxox ¥ oxtxox o ox ox WO/ xp x X x X x-F £ ¥ x X x X X XX ' i X% X x X - X X £ x X XYAR Y/ XS % X X x X X o xlx x £ ¥ x x XY/ X4 x JNrwion ! ' ' ’ . ) | XYY X e - | s 4} X ,4i X ’ . | , SCCTON B-82 - & macas m_p_p Larng Piare '8 3" SALECE LLOTE T NT - QTNERWISE Sara As Szcriom A-A Excesr Ji"‘ =1 : 4 T . Ursiog Doww . (ADvancs WELD Numates - SSSES cém ] [37HU 33 Becamidd 33 rwmy L3 ? .T 0 BEOOME. /- o /4 ........_'4 -Pfi L :J‘m:z .- w‘) !All : T g l@ 16 Vg — - ’ Ew‘ll‘ . .:,??__"‘ . . ‘ | 'é/‘m'::: SHC.AA (B8 sec ?;\ le . s PR SECOD. 106 SECTION. _A-A -3kacs /@@ X x X X x x' ¥ X E X _x X X X X x X% (}@ Loz S o .'m Cross o oF f‘:;mfrn:aw’:mamm - - 3- ,Stc'rf o - o At M_& ¥ v . *() X _X X X X X x X X X %X X X X X X X (X) [ Sakiddad LACING BARS Y ¥ ) X X x & %X X X K X x A A LK X XadX X (X S LHSERT DiAG, DARS lmp s a3, ‘ o : = 2 O 2 4 ‘”'z:r‘;v‘la‘aa%l s > - [ _¥eioas Fraw fRES. - Piid, WALAT LaCH STARILITERY - AA - 0oL \ - ~ W rum L (Z) X x X x XK X ¥ X XpX % X %X X £ x x ¥ (¥ ——-—T% — A FRIM WRLAT RXCH. WOt s WA ! LD |l o o e e i oM AT EaCH 35 - o 2 \,‘_O() X X X X X X ¥ x X X X x x X X x (x A = —F PrRiL. MEAT BACH ASSY ELAY. Dwu:u @ X % X X X .X % X|X X X X X ¥ X ¥ (x T — 0A% ootk NATIONAL LARORATORY . e OPERATRD ‘ . Union CansiDE NUCLEAR Company i \ g SN OF UMCH CARmOL. CORPOMATION A A B OCcNI038%A L% P ! . LTS ON Wacrriaond NN : , 8. . . al/h-4 Benzai-c T st e SR Aesoncy MR &, . a0 . 5 ”i PRRGTIONS £ oo | L BREAK AL SN BN 8t oL LMODNICATION = PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGER e L : . ‘ YT 2 T 00 OR P OF WTBMAL, BTAR I LITERS-DET RETURN BND . L LR e l T =< | -l » X e N LS DATA 40044 ks KaR Memrd 4 - Ve / . * - . " ’ - L] - S - - | e} S DECRIFION (MAME, BT, ETC) atow : ‘ : ; . ‘ t_|£o02| 1 lovren dewn f707 % 1% moR-8 \ . . o ) o . ) 2_J&002] 1 liwvem gavo yeor §a2% - Non-8 . i . - . . : : e 2| 002 | / ALtk I76e%er Wgx ISZ TR INOR-8 B '3 |=z-002 | 5 |er e R (1 Fcash) FgriRor Yym | 1non-8 /4 |g-003 | ciim 278 s0.40) NANinlorkrn |invin-g , : /5 |&-008 | & |Bieck sebn) JIulx Myrn | iweml . ' . ‘ . 6 |£-00p | & |ser achow Hgomca x yiw, Sierrep, e Fh - Olo : : ! - A ’ : : : - ~\ 2 - ; ) - NOTE L - [TEMS 3TnauS- b-ll 2 BAch REax. e jo. L far RER- SSEMBLY PROLEQURE ) NOTE BM/NSERT /1.2 IN[TWE PRORIR LOCATION. LTRAIL BEND IT.| AND MARK LOCATION OF ¢ OF TUSES A-8-C*D-E&, . B WELD T i3 IN|BLACK § RECARCR RoR TV s (i ADERL 4noids Tupu 1 vy [ ek “ A. PLACE IT. /4 _On ]| PROFER TUBES & PP RITION. . WELD /T TR -—gvnps‘.l . - . WELD IT. M4 g ut:;c ATIENS) o (WELDI® 44 rnrd GB). INSEET NS BTRROR o WED = (wiLDS® X Yoty 38). L. INSTALL [T 16 BEINS CAREAUL NOT TO. DAMASE TUBES. BarrLy moaTE et ——"] 1.1 O-UE-A408TY L : T I =n = A WATERIAL BPECIFICATIONS MET - RM- B 334 (INOR-&- PLAFI) : - - MET-BM. b 336 INOA-& ROD) ' - M | | | \ N | - . . , Cay O D @ oy OO o A | ; - . o - ’ . * 9 ' ‘ 3 - : Fj-t-}]— : Tack WELD scanw] A& Do { . o . . . ) : ) ’ o or Te8E(A-B-C-0-8) ™ PORTIONOTY®ICAY . B-PLACES) | N s - | ‘ \ 8 4, O o/ oy 92 N @ 'M_llé&l A & ,‘."A' % \‘ - o _*_";‘ @gg:“‘?{ /\“;‘ % ) H®m ‘ ; L@ RS e e® - R RNNO A | t b o = % DO 0C0aa0g @ _ i '._{EJ =1 ' 79,% | S ’ i o o 1 g . ! : . : ‘ . ‘ TAIL OF CLIP AYTACHMENT To TUBE O - . - o l TYPICAL 5 FLACES (Fuil SiJE) flé_gé s . . E oo . ‘ ' : T . AR on wmuos Foaus | N s s (OB T f0 0 | ‘ - . ‘ ) I Y s % : " ‘ o s ) ’ 020 Mw RRGIL SECTION A-A . ‘ [-fl —I—]!" -l t i.‘ oN BUTHHOR EDEE3 P‘-d - B o . ‘[I / ] . bt ] . ‘ ‘ I oy flf’—'——f f'_""'_B : o .o : S ‘ " Deveuosto View iem 4 CiP 2 L ' 4 ' ) I C = c ) 7 1 1L . 4 t£ 1.33- } ' } . . . A{ [P2um. Pilae Sxcw. AWRY dudy AOnT4| ' ' 1 FAENTE i i BEXCH. WAOD. 36398 i _ Drraie 1Tem 2 Inwer BAno [ e B e ! TooE arAbL iR £-00/ T o roL sne . , ' ! weium [ ertam [t son ) 00| PREE ATRONE DR [ . ;*bau:m~m=zca SEnPIPHER > Q"—ligc—lsjbfl‘.UHZ K B C J L L. C M W W Jd. ORNL~TM-2098 . McGlothlan . McCoy . McCurdy . Miller . Moore Nicholson . Oakes . Perry . Rosenthal . Savolainen nlap Scott Skinner Spiewak Ufltll?:ltdbib - LWh-45, Central Research Library (CRL) 46-47, Document Reference Section (DRS) 48-52, Laboratory Records (LRD) Sundberg . Thoma Trauger Weir Whatley White Whitman 33. Laboratory Records. - Record Copy (LRD-RC) External Distribution Sh?68. Division of Technical Information Extension (DTIE) - 69. Laboratory and University Division (ORO)