» G, JAN 10 1968 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATQ‘ operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION % NUCLEAR DIVISION , for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 2032 65 COPY NO. - DATE - November 1, 1967 ] _ o Cf/_'v;'?/_l, .‘/4/‘/ £/ s CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION VIEWING IN MAINTENANCE OF RADIOACTIVE SYSTEMS AT ORNL* R. L. Moore ABSTRACT Considerations affecting the use of closed-circult television in radiocactive. systems are discussed. Equipment used for closed-circuilt television viewing at the Homogeneous Reactor Test and at the Molten-5alt Reactor Experiment is described. The results of a radiation test of a miniature, radiation- resistant television camera are presented. *Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1966, Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Qak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. m}T"-" RPN . Sy LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of tha Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respact to the accuracy, completenass, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infrings privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any infermation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "*person acting on behalf of the Commission'’ includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee ot contractor of the Commission, or amployee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. CONTENTS IntrOdUétion.a......f-..;.,.... ----- e s e 0 Underwvater Viewing in the Homogeneous Reactor Test.".......-.....‘l....-..lflfifl! .Core Inspection in the Homogeneous ReactorTes‘t‘.‘...,......Il.."........... Radiation Tests on a Miniature, Radiation- RESiStantATV Camera....'....o.b-...}.-.. ‘Remote Maintenance Viewing in the Molten- Salt Reactor Experiment.cescecessecscccce concluSiOnS‘O.l'..'l.....l....‘.‘....QO... Pag L INTRODUCTION - The ease with which maintenance of radicactive systems can be performed is strongly dependent on the ability to view the operations. . . In systems such as the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), the v radiation levels in portions of the system are very high and viewing ' must be accomplished directly through high-density windows or indirectly by means of optical devices or closed-circuit television. At ORNL, the use of windows or optical devices is the preferred method of viewing; however, in some cases, supplementary viewing with closed-circuit o television is either necessary or desirable. Radiation damage is the most important consideration affecting the selection of television for viewing of maintenance operations. Other considerations are the rugged- ness and reliability of the equipment. The radistion levels encountered in many of the ORNL: viewing operations are high in comparison with permissible biological dose rates, but low in comparison to the dose that conventional electronic circuitry can withstand. Commercial grade equipment is used for these gpplications and 1little, if any, attempt is made to make the equipment radiation resistant. In other cases the radiation levels are much higher, and radiation resistant equipment is required. UNDERWATER VIEWING IN THE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR TEST Figure 1 shows a camera used for underwater viewing in Homogeneous Fig. 1. HRT Underwater TV Camera Assembly. o Reactor Test (HRT) maintenance operatlons.' This'assembly consisted of a standard Dage Model- 112 AR camera, a flanged tube, a Lucite face plate, and a Tygon tube. The Tygon tube enclosed the camera cable to a point well above the pool level and prov1ded mechanical protectlon as well as water-prooflng._ To keep the camera temperature within the recommended limit, an air purge was supplied to the camera through a small polyethylene tube and returned through the Tygon tube. The camera was manipulated manually by means of a rigid pipe and a plastic line. Because of the'shielding provided_by the water and the variety of locations of the camera, no exact data were obtained on the dose which . the camera accummulated. However, we estimate that the dose rate varied from negligible to 10°r/hr and that the total dose was about 10* r. Some lens browning occurred, and more than the usual amount of trouble was encountered with the electronic circuits. However, most of the trouble was routine or was caused by shock and vibration. The only electronic trouble attributable to radiation damage was the failure of several electrolytic condensers in the camera. Replacement of these condensers restored the camera performance. CORE INSPECTION IN THE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR TEST Figure 2 shows a camera assembly developed for use in locating and ‘inspecting a hole,1n'the,HBT core. The camers assembly, developed by Fig. 2. HRT Miniature TV Camera and Preamplifier. 6 Dage Electronics D1v131on of Thampson Products to ORNL spec1f1cat10ns, consists of a camera equipped with a non-browning lens, a camera preamplifier, and a 10-ft interconnecting cable. A mirror and lighting assembly, consisting of a polished Stellite, right-angle mirror and a 50-cp spotlight bulb, was added at ORNL. The outside diameter of the camera is 2 in., and the length (exclusive of lens, mirror, and lamp) is 7-3/4 in. The only electronic ccamponents in the camera head are a ~ type 6198A vidicon tube, a deflection coil assembly, one carbon resistor, and one ceramic capacitor. All other electronics are located in the preamplifier or in the camera comtrol unit. Separation of the camera and the preamplifier resulted in a considerable reduction in size of the assembly to be inserted in the reactor core and permitted the radiastion- sensitive components of the preamplifier to be located in a region of much lower activity, outside the reactor core. This camera was designed to be interchangeable with the underwater camera previously described and used the same camera control unit and monitors. Figure 3 shows the camera assembly installed on an articulated- manipulator in a remote maintenance mock-up of the HRT core and blanket vessels. Hydraulic control of the three manipulator joints, together with rotation of the camera by means of an electric motor, enabled the operator to view any part of the exterior surface of the reactor core vessel. Figure 4 shows a manipulator and camera assembly constructed for use in viewing the internal surface of the HRT core vessel. The assembly shown here is foreshortened, as evidenced by the lines above and below the preamplifier. The actual distance from the preamplifier to the camera is 10 ft, and the overall length is approximately 20 ft. The camera was required to pass through a 2