OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION i for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 1976 A LITERATURE SURVEY OF THE FLUORIDES AND OXYFLUORIDES OF MOLYBDENUM C. F. Weaver H. A. Friedman NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary noture and was prepored primorily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. BISTRIBUTION O Ui ~ocuME i Ul lE LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mokes any worranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefuiness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. ** includes any emplovea cr As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission contractor of the Con.mission, or employee of such contractor, tc the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contracter prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, ony information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNL-TM-1976 Contract No. W—-7405-eng-26 N REACTOR CHEMISTRY DIVISIO E SURVEY OF THE FLUORIDES A LITERATUR NN AND OXYFLUORIDES OF M iedman C. F. Weaver and H. A. Fried LEGAL NOTICE This report wag prepared as an acoount of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or jimplied, with respect to the acey- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, “‘pergon acting on behalf of the Commisaion’ includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of auch contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information puresuant to his employment or coniract with the Commission, or his employment with sych contractor, OCTOBER 196/ RY K RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATO oA Oak Ridge, Te%nessee operated Dby X UNION CARBIDE CORPORATIO for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION A LITERATURE SURVEY OF THE FLUORIDES AND OXYFLUORIDES OF MOLYBDENUM C. F. Weaver and H. A. Friedman INTRODUCTION Molybdenum is one of the more important fission products with respect to the amount produced as well as its thermal neutron absorption cross section. Consequently the chemical behavior of molybdenum and its fluorides in molten salt reac- tor fuels which are in contact with graphite and Hastelloy is of interest.l’z’3 A research program to determine the extent and rate of the pertinent reactions has recently been initiated. The necessary literature review of the fluorides and oxyfluorides of molybdenum is summarized in this report for the convenience of others. MoF, Reported methods for the synthesis of MoF; are: 1. MoBr; + 3HF —MoF; + 3HBr at 600° in a Pt boat en- closed in a Cu tube.4 2. 2Mo + 6HF §%§;gs 2MOF; + 3H,.° MoF; + Mo — MoF; at 400°C in a Ni capsule. 4, MoF; + SbF; —MoF; + ?. The SbF; was carried in a stream of A at 150 to 200°C.6 The product produced by method (1) has different prop- erties than that of methods (3) and (4). The authors of ref- erence 6 stated that products similar to that obtained by 6 method (1) were produced under hydrolyzing conditions. The properties of both materials are described below. Although it is possible for MoF; to exist in two crystalline forms, it is more likely that the product described in reference 4 is an oxyfluoride. Properties reported for "MoF;" from method (1) are: non-hygroscopic, dark pink, shows no evidence of melting or subliming at 800°C in the absence of air, is isostructural with ReO; and, TaF,; (cubic, space group Pm3m, a = 3.8985 = 0.005) at <800°, has a distorted structure at >800°7 and is reduced by H, to Mo metal.4 The material produced by method (2) was found to be cubic by x-~ray analysis5 and is probably the same as the product of method (1), Properties reported6 for MoF,; from methods (3) and (4) are: variable color (ochre, light-green, gray, black, dark red, yellowish tan), stable to at least 900° in Ni under its own pressure, stable to 500° under vacuum, disproportionates above 600° to form Mo metal and higher fluorides, density 4.64 £ 0.07 g/cm3® (measured), 4.50 g/cm® (x-ray) and VF, type structure (space group R3c¢) determined by x-ray and neutron diffraction. Other workers (ref. 8) have confirmed that MoF; has a bimolecular rhombohedral unit cell with the R3c space group. They have also shown that the compound is antiferromaghetic below 185°K. The trace of a neutron diffraction powder pattern taken at 4.2°K may be found in this reference. MoF, Reported methods for synthesis of MoF, are: _7E0 0 1. 2Mo(CO), + 3F, 15 2Mo,F, + 12CO; Mo, F, 170 MoF, + MOF5 .9 2. Same as above except that the temperatures were -650 and 100°, respectively.lo 3. Mo(CO), + MoF, —MoF,; + MoF, + CO; volatile prod- 10,11 ucts removed by vacuum. 0 4. MoFy 129" woF, + MoF,.10»11 This compound has been described as light green, 9,10,11 9,11 non-volatile, and immediately hydrolyzable with H,0.° Mo, F, An olive green solid of this composition has been re- ported,g’10 but the authors of reference 9 suggested that it was a mixture rather than a single compound. It was pre- _ _7E0 pared by the reactions: 4Mo(CO), + 9F, 83 to 7--5-*-2Mo_,‘F9 + 100-170° 24C0O and disproportionates by the reaction: Mo,F, MoF, + MoF;. MoFE MoF; is a yellow hygroscopic substance which melts to 9,11 It fumes in air forming form a yellow viscous liquid. blue hydrolysis products, but is stable in air dried with P,05. The viscosity and high Trouton constant of MoF; are explained by assuming self ionization: 2MoF; —>M0F4+ + MOF;-Z This compound has been synthesized by: _ 0 Mo, Fy 0024707 wor, + Mor, .77 10 ZMoF, + PF, amb. ZMoFs + PF._f,.lz_14 Mo + F, —MoF, + '"residue", ''residue" distill MoF5.6’11 0 log%frtz MO(CO)6 + MOF6 22” MOF5 + MOF4 + CO, W(CO)6 + MOF6 —'MOFS + WF4 + CO.ll 0 Mo(CO) + F, ~&2 MoF, 1! + (2) MOF, + Mo — MoFs . 1 WF, + 2MoF, 2"P" 2MoF, + WF,.>> MoF; disproportionates irreversibly (>150°) below its 10,11 co ~ o Ut A W Its vapor pressure 10 boiling point to form MoF, and MoF,. in the range 70.0 to 160° is given by log P = 8.58 - 2772/T Table I provides a summary of the properties of MoF;. MoF, 12 dissolves in MoF, to form a yellow solution. It is mono- 0 clinic (space group C2m) with a = 9.61 + 0.01A, b = 14.22 = o 0 0.02A, ¢ = 5.16 + 0.01A, and B = 94°% 21' < 20'.11 An elec- tron density projection on the 001 plane and a table of inter- atomic distances may also be found in reference 11. MoF; will reduce UF, to UF; in excess UF; and to UF, in excess M0F5.14 MMoFy The compounds MM0F615 (M = Na, K, Rb, Cs) were formed by: 2MoF, + 2MI ~60° I, + 2MMoF, and the impurities removed by exposure to vacuum at 200°C. All of these compounds form white crystals which are stable at 250°C, but attack glass above 250°C and turn blue in moist air. KMoF, has a magnetic moment of 1.24 Bohr magnetons at 25°C, the low value being attributed to spin orbit coupling. The Na, Rb6 and Cs com- pounds are cubic with a = 8.20, 5.11, and 5.29A, respectively. 0 The K compound is tetragonal with a = 10.17 and ¢ = 9.97A.15 0 The Mo-F distance in NaMoF, is 1.74 = 0.03A.11“'The Na com- pound has been further studied (ref. 16) and found to be face centered cubic, space group Fm3m (0}, No. 255). All of the interatomic distances are listed in this report. Kz MOOFE The compound K,MoOF; has been reported15 to be a readily hydrolyzed pale green solid. MoFg Molybdenum hexafluoride has been synthesized by: 1. F, + Mo 007200° yop, 4,10,12,17-21 4 py poat in Ni or Cu. F, diluted with N,. 2. Mo + BrF; — MoF, + ?.22 3. Mo + CIF; — MoF, + ? in Ni boat.?’ 4. MoCl, + HF — MoFg + ?.°9 The MoF, is purified by trap to trap distillation over NaF.12:17:23 pne reactivity of MoF, with respect to fluor- ination has been described13’14 as CrF; > UFg > MoF, > WF,. 18,24 and a colorless liquid.19’20’24’25 2427 It forms a white solid with 13,28 The colorless gas consists of octahedral molecules d?sp® hybrid bonds, has a bond strength of 105Kcal/mole and has a second virial coefficient of -923 cm3/mole.21 The Mo-F bond has a reported length of 1.833.,29'311.8402\,27 1.8304,°2 and a stretching force constant of 5.00,3° 5.13,13 4.73, %23 5 087,25 5.080,%% 4.9972,3° 4.9875,3% (x 107" dynes/cm). The physical, structural, and thermal properties of MoF¢ are summarized in Tables II-VII. Traces of the 19,25,27 19,24,27 ultraviolet,25 and nuclear Raman, infrared, magnetic resonance37 spectra of MoF,; have been reported. The values of Cp?, S°, H° - H), -(F° - HY)/T for gaseous MoF, in the ideal state have been calculated from the funda- mental frequencies over the temperature range 50-1600°K and are tabulated in references 21, 24, 27, 31, and 38. The values of Cp determined calorimetrically for solid and liquid MoF, from 50 to 298.5%°K are tabulated in refer- ence 39. The enthalpy and entropy of gaseous MoF; from 400 to 2000°K are tabulated40 and summarized as HT - H298.15 = 35.80T + 0.59 x 10 3T2+ 6.97 x 105T°! - 13,064 (298-2000°K, gas)4o and Cp = 35.80 + 1.18 x 1073T - 6.97 x 105772.40 The functions Cp®, S8°, H° - H}, -(F° - H})/T are also tab- ulated in reference 21 for solid 5-290.70°K, liquid 290.76 ~ 350°K, and gas 50 - 1000°K. The values for the solid and liquid are based on calorimetric data. Those for the gas are based on a combination of calorimetric and spectroscopic data. The System MoF,-UF, The system MoF,-UF, has a eutectic at 22 M/O UF; and 41 13.7°C, and incomplete solid solution. A phase diagram of the system may be found in reference 41. M, MoF, The family of compounds M,MoFg (M = K, Rb, Cs) has been reported.22 The authors of reference 22 tried but failed to synthesize the sodium analog. — MoOF, The compound M00F44’10’33’42 tends to hydrolyze in air,33 but is stable in glass to at least 180°. 1Its vapor pressure is given by the following relations: log P = 8.716 - 2671/T for liquid, 95-185°C° log P = 9.21 - 2854/T for solid 40—95°C10 Other physical and thermodynamic properties of this material are summarized in Table VIII. MOOZ FZ 33,42 sublimes with decomposition 33 The compound MoO,F, at ~270°C42 and tends to hydrolyze in air. Container Materials The fluorides of molybdenum react readily with moisture. Hence the systems in which they are handled must be scrupu- lously dried by outgasing, flaming, or baking. The following container materials have been used with molybdenum fluorides: Material Reference Cu 12,18-21 Ni 13,18-21,23,41 Pt 18,23 Monel 21,23,41 Brass 41 Glass, pyrex, quartz 12,13,17,18,20,24 Fluoethane 19 Kel-F tubes 13,14 Teflon 13,18,20,21,23,41 Fluorinated greases have been used,18 but packless all metal values are to be preferreol.il'2 The use of NaF as an HF getter will allow storage of MoF, in glass at room temperature for 18,20 many days without etching. In general, glass and plastic type materials are useful to about 200°C above which the metals are necessary. TABLE I Physical Properties of MoF, M. P. 649,2P 7€ B. P. 213.69,9 211° T. P. 67.0°, pressure very 1ow d Afivapadzation 12,370 cal/mole d Asvapaflzation 25.4 cal/mole/deg. Vapor pressure ~2mm (at 659)€ ’ Density 3.44 (measured, solid)® Density 3.61 (x-ray)c ar. D. Peacock, "Two New Fluorides of Molybdenum," Proc. Chem. Soc., 59 (1957). by, E. Lavalle, R. M. Steele, M. K. Wilkinson and H. L. Yakel, Jr., '"The Preparation and Crystal Structure of Molybdenum (III) Fluoride," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 2433~4 (1960). Ca. J. Edwards, R. D. Peacock, and R. W. H. Small, "The Preparation and Structure of Molybdenum Pentafluoride,” J. Chem. Soc., 4486-91 (1962). dGeorge H. Cady and George B. Hargreaves, "Vapor Pressures of Some Fluorides and Oxyfluorides of Molybdenum, Tungsten, Rhenium, and Osmium," J. Chem. Soc., 1568-74 (1961). TABLE II Thermal and Structural Properties of MoF, M. P. 17,2 17.4,°79 17.5,% 17.420.50¢t B. P. 35,81C98 34 goch T. P. 17.59C & 406.5mm, ’'%® 17.4 & 398. 1mm . : s e,d h Solid-Solid Transition -9.6, —8f7 & 104. 7mm, -9,8=0.5 0 . High Temperature Form bcec a = 6.23 1 Low Temperature Form at -20°C orthorhomicfc’,1 a = 9.65%.02A b = 8.68+,03A ¢ = 5.05x.02A 20tto Ruff and Fritz Eisner, '"Uber die Darstellung und Eigen- schaften von Fluoriden des Sechswertigen Molybdans," Berichte 40, 2926-35 (1907). - bT. A. O'Donnell, "The Preparation and Manipulation of Moly- bdenum Hexafluoride," J. Chem. Soc., 4681-2 (1956). CN. S. Nikolaev and A. A. Opalovskii, "Solubility Isotherm at 0° of the HF-MoF,-H,0 System,'" Russian J. Inorg. Chem. 4, 532-6 (1959). dBernard Weinstock, ''Some Properties of the Hexafluoride Mole- cules," Record Chem. Progress 23, 23-50 (1962). €a. P. Brady, 0. E. Myers, and J. K. Clauss, '"Thermodynamic Properties of High Fluorides. 1. The Heat Capacity, Entropy and Heats of Transition of Molybdenum Hexafluoride and Niobium Pentafluoride,” J. Phys. Chem. 64, 588-91 (1959). L. E. Trevorrow, M. J. Steindler, D. V. Steidl, and J. T. Savage, '"'Laboratory Investigations in Support of Fluid-Bed Fluoride Volatility Processes. Part XIII. Condensed-Phase Equilibria in the System Molybdenum Hexafluoride — Uranium Hexafluoride,'" ANL-7240, August 1966. €Von Otto Ruff and Ernst Ascher, "Einige Physikalsiche Kon- stanten von SiF,, WF,, and MoF,," Zeitschrift fur anorgan- ische und allgemeine Chemie. Band 196, 413-20 (1931). hGeorge H. Cady and George B. Hargreaves, '""The Vapor Pressures of Some Heavy Transition-metal Hexafluorides," J. Chem. Soc., 1563-68 (1961). ““' parrell. Osborne, Felix Schreiver, John G. Malm, Henry Selig, and Leou Rochester, "Heat Capacity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of MoF; Between 4° and 350°K," J. Chem. Physics 44, 2802-9 (1966). - f 10 TABLE III Density of MoF, Density, High Temp. Solid 8°C 2.91 g/cc (measured)? " " " " 0°C 2.88 " " " " " " 10°C 2.88 " (x-ray) " noooom " 278°K 2.88 0.04 (x-ray)? " Low " " 237K 3.27 + 0.03 " " Liquid 17.59¢c © 2.551 g/cm? " " 19°C 2.543 " " " 27°C 2.503 " " " 34°C 2.470 " " " 17.4°C d 2.551 " d(Low Temp. Solid) for 77.16 to 237°K = 3,619 - 0.00 130T (g/cm’)b d(High Temp. Solid) = 3.464 - 0.00210T (g/cm?®) d(Liquid) for 294.33 to 344.63°K = 3,733 - 0.00404T (g/cm®) P a L. E. Trevorrow, M. J. Steindler, D. V. Steidl, and J. T. Savage, "Laboratory Investigations in Support of Fluid-Bed Fluoride Volatility Processes. Part XIII. Condensed-Phase Equilibria in the System Moly- bdenum Hexafluoride and Uranium Hexafluoride,'" ANL-7240, August 1966. bbarrell Osborne, Felix Schreiver, John G. Malm, Henry Selig and Leon C d Rochester6 "Heat Capacity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of MoF, Between 4° and 350°K,” J. Chem. Physics 44, 2802-9 (1966). Yon Otto Ruff and Ernst Ascher, "Einige Physikalische Konstanten von SiF,, WF,, and MoF,;," Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. Band 196, 413-20 (1931). N. S. Nikolaev and A, A. Opalovskii, "Solubility Isotherm at 0° of the HF-MoF;-H,0 System," Russian J. Inorg. Chem. 4, 532-6 (1959). 11 TABLE IV Vapor Pressures of MoF, Solid log P = :lfi%i;l + 8.880% Liquid log P = 22229 4 7,407 Liquid log p = =2229:2 7.766" 17.4 to 34°C Solid log P = 231%542, + 8.533P _8.7 to 17.4°C Solid log P = :E%EQ;E 5 10.216° -60 to -8.7°C . . _ C Liquid 1og10Pmm = -2047.15/T L -4.28004 1og10T + 20.19354 von Otto Ruff and Ernst Ascher, "Einige Physikalische Kon- stanten von SiF,, WFy, and MoF,," Zeitschrift fur anorgan- ische und allgemeine Chemie. Band 196, 413-20 (1931). bGeorge H. Cady and George B. Hargreaves, ''The Vapor Pressures of Some Heavy Transition-metal Hexafluorides," J. Chem. Soc. 1563-68 (1961). CDarrell W. Osborne, Felix Schreiver, John G. Malm. Henry Selig, and Leon Rochester, "Heat Capacity and Other Thermo- dynamic Properties of MoF, Between 4% and 350°K," J. Chem. Phys. 44, 2802-9 (1966). - 12 TABLE V Thermodynamic Properties of MoF; For Change of State? AH 8.30 K cal/mole” AH_(>-8.7°C) 7.850 " ¢ AH_(<-8.7°C) 9.810 t ¢ (AHvap)g 11.1485 " i AHV 6.36 " A 6.940 . ¢ AHV(298.15°K) 6.630 = 0,025 " d AH 1.059 + 0.010 " © AH, 0.920 . ¢ AH (290.7°K) 1.0342 + 0.001 " d A 1.957 + 0.010 " © N 1.960 " ¢ AHt(263.489K) 1.9333 + 0.002 " d ASV 22.5 cal/deg/moleC aS (298.15%K) 22.24 = 0.08 " d AS, 3.15 o : AS 3.65 " 4 AS g 3.557 £ 0.10 " oS 7.40 a z A8, 7.72 " s = sublimation v = vaporization f = fusion t = solid state transition bVon Otto Ruff and Ernst Ascher, "Einige Physikalische Kon- stanten von SiF,, WF¢, and MoF,," Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. Band 196, 413-20 (1931). cGeorge H. Cady and George B. Hargreaves, "The Vapor Pressures of Some Heavy Transition-metal Hexafluorides," J. Chem. Soc., 1563-68 (1961). - dDarrell. Osborne, Felix Schreiver, John G. Malm, Henry Selig, and Leon Rochester, "Heat Capacity and Other Themodynamic Properties of MoF, Between 4° and 350°K," J. Chem. Phys. 44, 2802-9 (1966). T - €a. p. Brady, 0. E. Myers and J. K. Clauss, "Thermodynamic Properties of Higher Fluorides. 1. The Heat Capacity, Entropy, and Heats of Transition of Molybdenum Hexafluoride, and Nio- bium Pentafluoride,” J. Phys. Chem. 64, 588-91 (1959). fBernard Weinstock, '"Some Properties of the Hexafluoride Mole- cules," Record Chem. Progress 23, 23-50 (1962). 13 TABLE VI Thermodynamic Properties of MoFg. Formation Values. AH® (25°C, gas) -372.3 % 0.2 K cal/mole? AH (25°C, gas™) ~382 " b AH (25°C, 1iq.) ~388.6 " b AH? (25°C, gas) -370.2 % 0.23 oo ¢ AE® (25°C, gas) -371.1 + 0.2 g a AF° (25°C, gas) -350.8 % 0.2 " a AF (25°C, 1liq.) -361.2 " b AF® (25°C, gas) -351.9 + 0.23 i ¢ AS® (25°C, gas) - 72.13 cal/deg/molea AS® (25°C, gas) - 68.41 *+ 0.19 " c *At vapor pressure of liquid. dJack L. Settle, Harold M. Feder and Ward N. Hubbard, "Fluorine Bomb Calorimetry. 1I. The Heat of Formation of Molybdenum Hexafluoride," J. Phys. Chem. 65, 1337-40 (1961). bO. E. Myers and A. P. Brady, "ThermodYnamic Properties of Higher Fluorides. 11. The Heats of Solution and of Formation of Molybdenum Hexafluoride, Tungsten Hexafluoride and Niobium Pentafluoride," J. Phys. Chem. 64, 591-4 (1960). “Darrell Osborne, Felix Schreiver, John G. Malm, Henry Selig, and Leon Rochester, '"Heat Capacity and Other Themodynamic Properties of MoF, Between 4° and 350°K," J. Chem. Physics 44, 2802-9 (1966). - Normal Frequencies of MoF, Ref. a b vy 741 736 Vv, 643 641 Vs 741 319 Vg 262 22 6% Vg 312 619% Vg 122% 328% *Calculated ADarrell Osborne, and Leoun Rochester, 14 TABLE VII (em 1) c,d e, T 741 736 645 641 741 742 260 269" 322 319 234* 240% g 736 641 742 269 319 240 h,J 741 643 741 264 306 190 k 738.5 643 741.5 264.5 320.5 237 *These frequencies are the most consis- tent with calorimetric values. Felix Schreiver, "Heat Capacity and Other Themodynamic John G. Malm, Henry Selig, Properties of MoF, Between 4° and 350°K," dJ. Chem. Physics 44, 2802-9 (1966). K. N.Tanner and A.B.F. Duncan, b "Raman Effect and Ultraviolet Spectra of Molybdenum and Tungsten Hexafluorides," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 73, 1164-7 (1951). - °“T. G. Burke, D. F. Smith, and A. H. Nielsen, "The Molecular Structure of MoF,, WF., Spectra,” J. Chem. Phys. 20, 447-54 (1952). d K. Venkateswarln and S. Sundaram, Molecules of the Type XY,," Z. Phys. Chem. (New Series) 9, 174-9 (1956). - €J. Gaunt, '"The Infra-red Spectra and Molecular Structure of Some Group 6 Hexafluorides," Trans. Faraday Soc. 49, 1122-31 stants: (1953). and UF, from Infrared and Raman "Evaluation of Force Con- fS. Sundaram, ''Mean Amplitudes of Thermal Vibrations and Thermodynamic Properties of Metal Hexafluorides," Z. Phys. Chem. (New Series) 34, 225-32 (1962). - £G. Nagarajan, '"'"Mean Amplitudes of Thermal Motion and Shrink- ages of Chemical Bonds: Pure Appl . Phys. 4, hHoward H. Claasen, 237-4 Henry Octahedral Hexafluorides," Indian J. 3. (1966). Selig, and John G. Malm, "Vibrational Spectra of MoF, and TcF,," J. Chem. Phys. 36, 2888-90 (1962). Jg. Nagarajan, '"Potential Constants for the Hexafluorides of Molybdenum and Rhenium," Aust. J. Chem. 16, 906-7 (1963). kC.W.F.T. Pistorius, '"Potential Field and Force Constants of Octahedral Molecules,” J. Chem. Phys. 29, 1328-32 (1958). 15 TABLE VIII Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of MoOF, M. P. B. P. T. P. Color AH fusion AS fusion AH vaporization AH sublimation AS vaporization 186.0°,% 180?04 97.2° and 28.8mm° White® 1020 cal/mole® 2.768 cal/mole/degC 12,090 cal/molec 13,100 cal/mole® 26.3 cal/mole/degc 20tto Ruff and Fritz Eisner, ''Uber die Darstellung und Eigenschaften von Fluoriden des Sechswertigen Molybdans,” Berichte 40, 2926-35'(1907). bJ. Gaunt, "The Force Constants and Bond Léngths of Some Inorganic Hexafluorides," Trans. Faraday Soc. 50, 546-~51 (1954). cGeorge H. Cady and George B. Hargreaves, '"Vapor Pressures of Some Fluorides and Oxyfluorides of Molybdenum, Tungsten, Rhenium, and Osmium," J. Chem. Soc., 1568-74 (1961). d A, J. 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Blanco O. Blomeke Blumberg G. Bohlmann J. Borkowski E. Boyd Braunstein A. Bredig B. Briggs R. Bronstein D. Brunton A. Canonico Cantor L. Carter I. Cathers M Chandler Collines Compere Cook Corbin Crowley Culler, Jr. . Dale Davis DeBakker Ditto Dworkin Dyslin Engel Epler Ferguson Ferris gtfifijwEDUQchcigt*t*Htflt‘E 47. 48. 49, 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64 . 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91 92. HOQAIDNIEQAPIUQUPINA-HOEEIUE=OHIn=sq40YvQ0DUNIeEno0y e ORNL-TM-1976 HOoE=soWzozZuomesmodHDnms>d TmEHOEHOZAOdowrrEHE<=EnlES0Ga G o m Fraas Friedman Frye, Jr. Gabbard Gallaher Goeller Grimes Grindell Guymon Hannaford Harley Harman Harrill Haubenreich Hendon Hess Hightower Hill Hoffman Hor ton Hudson nouye Jordan Kasten Kedl Kelley Kelly Kennedy Kerlin Kerr Kirslis Kohn Krakoviak Krewson Lamb Lane Lindauer Litman Llewellyn Lundin Lyon MacPherson MacPherson Martin . Mathews Mauney 22 g3. H. McClain 134, A. N. Smith 94. R. W. McClung 135. F. J. Smith 95. H. E. McCoy 136. G. P, Smith 96. H. F. Mcbhuffie 137. O. L. Smith 97. C. K. McGlothlan 138, P. G. Smith 98. C. J. McHargue 139. I. Spiewak 99, L. E. McNeese 140. R. C. Steffy 100. A. S. Meyer 141. VW. C. Stoddart 101. R. R. Minue 142. H. H. Stone 102. R. L. Moore 143, R. A. Strehlow 103. D. M. Moulton 144. J. R. Tallackson 104. H. A. Nelms 145, E. H. Taylor 105. J. P. Nichols 146. W. Terry 106. E. L. Nicholson 147. R. E. Thoma 107. L. C. Oakes 148. L. M. Toth 108. P. Patriarca 149. D. B. Trauger 109. A. M. Perry 150. J. S. Watson 110. T. W. Pickel 151, H. L. Watts 111. H. B. Piper 152. C. F. Weaver 112. B. E. Prince 153, B. H. Webster 113, J. L. Redford 154. A. M. Weinberg 114. J. D. Redman 155, J. R. Weir 115. M. Richardson 156. W. J. Werner 116. R. C. Robertson 157. K. W. West 117. G. D. Robbins 158. M, E. Whatley 118. W. C. Robinson 159. J. C. White 119, H. C. Roller 160. L. V. Wilson 120. K. A. Romberger 161. G. Young 121-122. M. W. Rosenthal 162. H. C. Young 123. H. C. Savage 163. F. C. Zapp 124. C. E. Schilling 164-165. Central Research Library 125. Dunlap Scott 166. Document Reference Section 126. J. L. Scott 167-169. Laboratory Records Dept. 127. H. E. Seagren 170. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. 128, C. E. Sessions 171, ORNL Patent Office 129. W. F. Schaffer 172-186. Division of Technical 130. J. H. Shaffer Information Extension 131. C. S. Sherer 187. Laboratory and University 132. M. J. Skinner Division 133. G. M. Slaughter 23 EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 188-190. D. F. Cope, AEC, ORO 191. A. Giambusso, AEC, Washington, D. C. 192. W. J. Larkin, AEC, ORO 193. C. L. Matthews, AEC, ORO 194~195. T. W. McIntosh, AEC, Washington, D. C. 196. H. M. Roth, AEC, ORO 197. M. Shaw, AEC, Washington, D. C. 198. W. L. Smalley, AEC, ORO