OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM-1853 COPY NO. - 282 DATE — 6-6-6T CESTI BRRICES H.C. J'oog MN b8 CHEMICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR MOLTEN- SALT BREEDER REACTORS W. R. Grimes ABSTRACT % Results of the 15-year program of chemical research and develop- 2 ment for molten salt reactors are summarized in this document. These . results indicate that 7LiF—Bng-UF)_L mixtures are feasible fuels for thermal breeder reactors. ©Such mixtures show satisfactory phase be- havior, they are compatible with Hastelloy N and moderator graphite, and they appear to resist radiation and tolerate fission product ac- cumulation. Mixtures of TLiF-BeFQ-ThFu similarly appear suitable as blankets for such machines. Several possible secondary coolant mix- tures are available; NaF-NaBF3 systems seem, at present, to be the most likely possibility. Gaps in the technology are presented along with the accomplish- ments, and an attempt is made to define the information (and the research and development program) needed before a Molten Salt Thermal Breeder can be operated with confidence. NOTICE o This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Qak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction ond therefore does not represent a final report, The information is not to be abstracted, reprinted or otherwise given public dis- - semination without the approval of the ORNL patent branch, Legal and Infor- T ~ mation Control Department. IfifimanHCEIHSEcufiflfiflfllmyggflfl ;j -‘A e T — LEGAL- NOTICE ‘This report was prepored as an .uccount of Govarnment sponsored work. Neither the United Statas,‘ ‘nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: o L - A. Mokes any warranty or representation, sxpressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of ony information, cpparotus, gneihod,r..or..process disclosed in this report may net infrings .. privately owned rights; or _B. Assumes ony liabilities with usp.ci to the use of or for domages nsulfmg from fhe use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. ~ As used in the above, “‘person flchnq on behalf of the Commission® includes ony omployee or contractor of the Commission, or smployee of such contractor, to the extent that such empioyce or contractor of the Commission, or employes of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or - provides access fo, any information pursuunt 1o his amployment or contract wnh the Commrssion, or his employment with such contractor,” - CONTENTS Abstract . . ¢ & i v i e e e e e e e e e e e e e Selection of MSBR Salt Mixtures . . . . . . . . General Requirements for the Fluids . . . . . Choice of Fuel and Blanket Composition . . . Oxide-Fluoride Equilibria . . « « o« « o « . . Fuel and Blanket Compositions . . . . . . . . Choice of Coolant . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. Physical Properties of MSBR Liquids . . . . . Chemical Compatibility of MSRE Materials . . . . . Stability of UF3 and UFy, . . . . . . . . . . Oxidation (Corrosion) of Hastelloy N . . . . Compatibility of Graphite with Fluorides . . Radiation Effects e e e e e e . e e Behavior of Fission Products in Molten Salts . . . Physical Chemistry of Fission Products . . . Net Oxidizing Potential of Fission Process . Chemical Behavior in MSRE e e e s e e e e e General . . . .« ¢ ¢ i v b 4 h bt e e e e e Corrosion in MSRE . . . . . . . . . . + . . . Behavior of Fission Products . . . . . . . . Molten-5alt Production Technology . « . . . . . . Production Process . . . .. ¢ v ¢ v v v v . o MSRE Salt-Production Economies . . . . . . . Separations Processes in MSBR Fuels and Blankets . ~Possible Separation of Rare Earths from Fuel --MSBR'In-Line'Analysis Program . . . . ¢« « « « o« . Proposed Program of Chemical Development . . . . . Refel‘ences * e - - . . e . - - . - . . - - - . e — " LEGAL NOTICE - eport was prepared as an lccounht of Govai-nment _iponsored work, Nt;lth.er the Unltqd : This T p"r,m Commission, nor sny person acting on behalf of the Commission: o e aoen- suw.:."n;akes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with “:tpez; o the hocu- c this report, y fulness of the information contained in ’ r:c:;yw&:::\t:‘::o:l" :pl;::nem method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe 7 o . ) , 1 c . ) wned sor - - B o Pfl“:lizsumosfl lf;'uuu‘;umes with respect to the use of, Tr g:; i?la‘x::.iagets pl;eriu.lfl.ng from the ‘ 'x ppAr: , ot process disclo s re . . mtormau?n, . “. m;o:e::tfig:np;ehflf of the Commission® includes any em- As used In e e Com: mployee of such contractor, to the oxtent that of the Commission, or & 7 p“::!:z:l;l:;::r:iw:;n&mwr of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, su disseminates, or provides accesd §0, any information pursuant to his employment or eont;-act ' - with the Com'miuion. or his employma_l_:__t wlf.'f: snch contracmr n s R ASTRIBU 21 29 30 3k 37 37 Lo k5 L6 5T o7 65 68 68 69 T1 82 82 86 89 89 102 120 133 TION OF THIS. DOCUMENT g UE[M‘@ CHEMI CAL. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR MOLTEN- SALT BREEDER REACTORS Use of molten fluorides as fuels, blankets, and coolants offers a. promising and versatile route to thorium breeder reactors. Mixtures con- taining fissile and/or fertile materials have been studied in consider- able detail, and sflown to possess liquidus temperatures, phase stability, and physical properties which are suitable for the purpose. These fluo- ride mixtures éppear to be compatible with structural metals and with graphite suitable for use in a Molten Salt Breeder Reactor; such compati- bility seems assured under irradiation at MSBR conditions. Cheap, low- melting fluoride coolants for MSBR have not yet been demonstrated but promising leads are available; the relative simplicity of the coolant problem lends assurance that a reasonable solution can be found. A reference design for a 1000 MW(e) Molten Salt Breeder Reactor has recently been,published.l The state of knowledge of molten salts as materials for use in that reactor and in attractive alternatives or improfiements is described in some detail in the following pages. An at- tempt is made to define thbse areaswwhereadditional knowledge is neces- sary or fery_desirableand_té_estimafié the effort_required'to obtain this knowledge for a molten'saltfbreeder reactor and a breeder reactor experi- ‘ment. SELECTION OF MSBR SALT MIXTURES®™” General RéQfiirEments for the Fluids A molten salt'reaétor'makes the following stringént minimum demands upon its fluid fuel. The fuel must consist of elements of low (and prefer- ably very low) capture cross section for neutrons typical of the energy spéctrum of the chosen design. The fuel must dissolve more than the critical concentration of fissionable material at temperatures safely be- low the temperature at which the fuel leaves the heat exchanger. The mix- ture must be thermally stable and its vapor pressure must be low over the qperatihg fiemperature range. The fuel mixture must possess heat transfer and hydrodynemic properties adequate for its service as a heat-exchange fluid. It must be relatively non-sggressive toward some otherwise suit- able materisl--presumably & metal--of construction and_toward some . suit- eble modérator material. The fuel must be stable toward reactor radia- - tion, must be able to survive fission of the uranium--or other fissionable material--and must tolerate fission product accumulation without serious deterioration of its useful properties. If such reactors are to produce econamical power we must add to this. list the need for reactor temperatures sufficiéntly high to achieve genuinely high quality steam, and we must provide a suitable link (a secondary coolant) between the fuel circuit and the steam system. We mustlalso be assured of a genuinely low fuel cycle cost; this presupposes a cheap fuel and en effective turn-around of. the unburned fissionable material or (more reasonably) an effective and economical decontamination and reprocessing scheme for the fuel. If the reactor is to be a breeder we must impose even more. stringent limits on permissible parasitic neutron captures b& the reactor materials and provide sufficient fertile matefial either in a breeder blankét or in the fuel (or in both). If & blanket is used it must be separated from the fuel by some material.of very low neutron cross section. The demands imposed upon the coolant and blanket fluids differ in obvious ways from those imposed upon the fuel system. Radiation intensity will be considerably less in the blanket--and markedly less in the cool- ant--than in the fuel. Efficiency of the blanket mixture as a heat trans- fer agent may be felatively unimportant, but a high concentration of fertile material is essential and an effective recovery of bred material is likely to bervital. Choice of Ffiel and Blanket Composition General Considerations The compounds which are permissible major constituents of fuels or blankets for thermal breeders are those tha# can be prepared from beryl- ljum, bismuth, boron-11, carbon, deuterium, fluorine, lithium-T, nitro- gen-15, oxygen, and the fissionable and fertile isotopes. As minor constituents one can probably tolerate compounds containing the elements listed in Table 1. Of the known compounds containing useful concentrations of hydrogen (or deuterium) only the hydroxides of the alkali metals, the saline hy- ‘drides of lithium and calcium, and certain interstitial hydrides (zir- conium hydride, for example).shofi adequate thermal stability in the 1000°F to 1300°F temperature range. [Acid fluorides (NsHFp, for example] might be'pérmissible'in IGW“conéentrations at lower temperatures.] The hy- drides are veryzstrong:réQucing agents and are most unlikely to be useful components of any uraniferous iiQuid'fuel-system. Alkali hydroxides dis- solve extremely'small Quantitieé of uranium compounds at useful reactor temperatures and are very corrosive to virtually all useful metals at such temperatures. One concludes, therefore, that hydrogen-rich com- pounds, which might provide self-moderation to molten fuels,-are-not use- ful in practical fuel or blanket mixtures. The non-metals carbon, nitrogen, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, and oxygen each form only high melting and generally unsuitable binary com~ pounds with the metals of Table l. From these non-metals, however, a wide variety of oxygenated anions are available. Nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, and sulfites can be dismissed as lacking adequate thermal sta- bility; silicates can be dismissed because of undesirably high viscosi~ ties. Phosphates, borates, and carbonates are not so easy to eliminate without study, and phosphates have, in fact, received some attention. The several problems of thermal stability, corrosion, solubility of urani- un and thorium compounds, and, especially, radiation stability would seem b to make the use of any such compounds very doubtful. - L When the oxygenated anions are eliminated only fluorides and chlorides remain. Chlorides offer mixtures that are, in general, lower melting than fluorides; in addition UCl3 is probably more stable than UF3 with respect to the analogous tetravalent compounds. For thermal reactors, fluorides appear much more suitable for reasons which include (1) useful- ness of the element without isotope separation, (2) better neutron economy, (3) higher chemical stability, (l4) lower vapor pressure, and (5) higher heat capacity per unit weight or volume. Fluoride mixtures are, accordingly, preferred as fuel and blanket mixtures for thermal reactors. The fluoride ion is capable of some moderation of neutrons ; this moderation is insufficient for thermal reactors withrcores'of reason-— — able size. An additional moderator material is, accordingly, required. * ey 2 Table 1. Elements or Isotopes Which May be Tolerable in.High Temperature Reactor Fuels Absorption Cross Section Rubidium Material - (Barns) Nitrogen-15 0.000024 Oxygen 0.0002 Deuterium 0.00057 - Carbon 0.0033 Fluorine 0.009 Beryllium 0.010 Bismuth 0.032 Lithium-7 0.033 Boron—li 0.05 Magnesium 0.063 Silicon 0.13 Lead 0.17 Zirconium 0.18 Phosphorus 0.21 Aluminum 0.23 Hydrogen 0.33 Calcium 0.43 Sulfur 0.49 ‘Sodium 0.53 Chlorine-37 0.56 Tin 0.6 Cerium 0.7 0.7 7 G Choice of Active Material Uranium Fluoride. -~ Uranium hexafluoride is a highly volatile com- pound clearLy unsuited as a.componept of high-temperature liquids.'_UOQFg, though relatively nonvolatile, is a strong oxidant which should prove very difficult to contain. Fluérides of pentavalent uranium (UF5, U2F9, etc.) are not thermally stable and should prbve prohibitively corrosive if they could be stabilized in solution. | Uranium tetrafluoride (UFh) is a relatively stable, non-volatile, non-~-hygroscopic material, which is readily prepared in high purity. It melts at 1035°C, but this freezing point is markedly depressed by several useful diluent fluorides. Uranium.trifluoride (UF3) is stable, under inert atmospheres, to temperatures above 1000°C, but it disproportionates at higher temperatures by the reaction < o hUF3 S 3UF, + U Uranium trifluoride is appreciably less stable in molten fluoride solu- 4,5 tions. It is tolerable in reactor fuels only insofar as the equilibri- un activity of uranium metal is sufficiently low to avoid reaction with 2 the moderator graphite or alloying with the container metal. Apprecisable concentrations of UF3 (see below) are tolerable in LiF—BeF2 mixtures such as those used in MSRE and proposed for MSBR. In general, however, urenium tetrafluoride must be the major uraniferous compound in the fuel. Thorium Fluoride. - All the normal compounds of thorium are quadri- valent; ThF, (melting at 1115°C) must be used in any thorium-bearing fluoride melt. Fortunately, the marked freezing point depression by use- ful diluents noted ebove for uranium tetrafluoride applies also to thorium \ ) tetrafluoride. Choice of Fluoride Diluents The fuel systems for thermal reactors of the MSRE and MSBR types require low concentrations (0.2 to 1 mole %) of uranium, and the proper- ties (especially the melting temperature) of such fuels will be essential- ly those of the diluent mixture. Blanket mixtures (and perhaps fuel systems for one-region breeders) will require considerable concentrations of high-melting ThFh. The fuels must, if they are to be compatible with large steam turbines, be completely molten at 9T5°F (525°C). Simple consideration of the nuclear properties leads one to prefer T as diluents the fluorides of Be, Bi, 'Li, Mg, Pb, Zr, Ca, Na, and Sn (in that order). Equally simple considerations (Table 2) of the stability of diluent fluorides toward reduction by common structural metals,6’7 how- ever, serve to eliminate BiFB, PbF2, and probably SnFé from consideration. No single fluoride can serve as a useful diluent for the active fluorides. BeF2 is the only stable compound listed whose melting point is close tqthe required level; this compound is too viscous for use in the purerstate. The:very sfiable flubridés.éf the alkaline earths and of yftrium and cerium do not seem to be useful major constltuents of low melting fluids. Mlxtures contalnlng about 10 mole % of alkallne earth fluorlde with BeF2 melt below 500°C but the v180051ty of such melts is certalnly t.oo hlgh for serlous con31deration.,_,__;:- Same of thepossible_pofibifiations'of'aikali fluorides have suifable; fféézing poinfis.8> Eqfiimdlér'miitures of LiF and'KF méit-at:h90°c, and mixtures with 40 mole % LiF and 60 mole % RbF melt at 470°C. The ternary 10 Table 2. Relative Stabilitya of Fluorides For Use in High Temperature Reactors . Free Energy . Absorption Cross . Compound of Formation Melting Section®? for | at 1000°K Point -~ Thermsal Neutrons (kcal/F atom) (°c) (barns) Structural Metal Fluorides CrFo -Th 1100 3.1 FeF»> -66.5 930 2.5 NiF5 -58 ' 1330 4.6 Diluent Fluorides CaFo -125 1330 0.43 LiF ~125 848 | 0.033° BaFo -124 1280 | 1.17 SrFo -123 1400 1.16 CeF3 © -118 1430 0.7 YF3 -113 11hk l1.27 . MgFo -113 1270 0.063 RbF =112 192 0.70 NaF -112 : 995 0.53 KF =109 856 1.97 BeFo -104 548 0.010 ZrF), -94 903 0.180 AlF3 -90 1404 0.23 SnFo -62 213 0.6 PbFo -62 850 0.17 BiF3 =50 127 0.032 Active Fluorides ThF), -101 1111 - UFy, -95.3 1035 - UF3 -100.4 1495 - BReference state is the pure crystalline solid; these values are, accord- ingly, only very approximately those for solutions in molten mixtures. bof Metallic ion. 7 CCross section for 'Li. L L) . O &Y 0 ") (.a! P L) A 4/ 7,-eutect1c (52 mole % BeF 11 [T ~ systems LiF-NaF-KF andeiF-NaF—RbF have lower melting regions than do these binaries. .All these systems will dissolve UFh at concentrations up to several mole % at temfiefatures below 525°C. They might well prove use- ful as reactor fuels if no:mixtures-with more attractive properties were available. . MixtureS‘with-useful melting points over relatively wide ranges of camposition are avallable if ZrF, is a major component of the system.. L . - Phase relatlonshlps NaF—Zth system show low melting p01nts over the interval yo to 55 mole %_ZrFu. A mixture of UFh with NaF and Zth served - as fule for the Aircraftheaetor Experiment. The lowest melting binary.mixtures of the usable diluent fluorides " are those containing BeF, with NaF or LiF.8 (The ternary system L1F—NaF—BeF2 has been examlned in some detail, but 1t seems to have no 1mportant advantage over e;ther blnary.) Slnce Be offers the best cross section of the diluents (and'TLi_ranks very hlgh), fuels based on the o The binary System.LiF-Ber has melting points below 500°C over the LiF-BeF, diluent system weme‘chesen,fqr'MSRE and are prop0sed for MSBR. concentration range from 33 to'80 mole'% BeF2 8 The presently accepted LiF--BeF2 system dlagram, presented in Fig. 1, is characterlzed by a 31ngle ,_meltlng at 360°C) between BeF and 2LiF-BeF 2 2 2° - The cempound 2L1F BeF2 melts 1ncongruently to LiF and llquld at h58°C. -7L1F BeF2 is formed by the reactlon of solld BeF2 and solld 2L1F BeF2 be- low 280°C. | | ORNL-DWG 66-T7632 900 Fig. BeF, (mole %) l. The System LiF-BeF 2 848 800 700 N LIF+LIQUID S - o * 600 s \ 555 <_ - x 2 ™ 2 500 ' e A - 458 . - \ : ~ fier-(HIGH QUARTZ TYPE) \ / +LIQUID 400 \\/ 360 LiF+2LiF-BeF, ‘ - ' 2 2LiF-BeF, +BeF, (HIGH QUARTZ TYPE) | | 300 - = [ 1 280 \ B| 2LiF-BeF, & . LIF-BeF, + BeF, (HIGH QUARTZ TYPE) w -+ _° @] LiF-BeF, + BeF, (LOW QUARTZ TYPE)\_ 220 »o0 = LiF-Befp & i i , -[ < LiF 10 - 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 A ., J ) (h ¥ 0 [ = ") L "} &/ 13 " LiF-BeF, Systems with Active Fluorides 2 The phase diagram of thetBeF2-UFh system (Fig. 2) shows & single eutectic containing very little UFh..9 That of the LiF—UF:h system (Fig. 3) shows.three-oompounds, mOne of which melts congruently andone of whioh shows a low temperature_limittof st&bility.lo The emteetic mixture of hLiF-UFh'end LiF-UF) occurs at 27 mole'% UF), and melts at L90°C. ‘The ter- nary system_LiF—BereUFh,lof primary importance in_reactor fuels, is shown 4.2 | as Fig. The system shows two eutectics. These are at 1 mole % UF), ; they melt at and 52 mole % BeF 3 o and’ at 8 mole % UF) and 26 mole % BeF 350 and L435°C, respectively. Moreover, the system shows a very wide range’ - of compositions melting'below 525°C. The system BeF -ThF is very similar to the analogous UF system.ll L b ‘The L1F-ThFh system (Flg. 5) contalns four compounds.12 - The compound 3LiF- ThFh melts congruently at 580°C and forms eutectlcs at 570°C and 22 mole % ThFh and 560°C:and 29 mole.% ThFh with LlF and Wlth LlF'ThFh, respectively. The compoundsLiF'ThFh,-LiFfQTth,_and.LiF“hThFh melt in- congruently at 595°C and—890°C; The ternary system LiF-BeF —ThFh (see F1g._6) shows only a 51ng1e eutectlc with the comp051t10n hT 0 mole % LiF 11 etand 1. 5 mole % ThFh meltlng at 356°C._ In splte of small dlfferences due to the phase flelds of L1F 2ThFh, 3L1F ThFh, and hLlF UFh’ the systems represented by Flgures h and 6 are very similar. TEMPERATURE (°C) 14 ORNL-LR-DWG 28598A URg (mole %) Fig. 2 The Sysf.em UFh-Ber 1100 - e 1000 LIQUID ] - ./. 1. 900 , ] | —*" | .‘.-—" ; ‘.,Cf'. 800 oo leet*® ( - |UFy +L1QUID 700 & | . J 600 H é((.t.-(((.‘l.*.(.—.".—.—#—.——O——.——i——.-—? ' ? - 500 | QpygHBeFo +LIQUID - e QnigHBeF2 +UFg 200 L— L ~ BeF, 40 20 30 40 50 60 70O - 80 90 UF, 18y 0 -8 B o) %) " 15 L ORNL-DOWG 17457A 1100 — 1000 // 900 | ,/ o < & 800 : o T /| . = 700 \ — 71 F. - . 600 N—— / . L - . ¢ . ) w < 500 v/ > 5 w w | 4LiF-__UF4/ ~ - - LiF 10 20 30... 40 50 60 . 70 80 . 80 UF, : . UFg (mole %) L _ Fig. 3. The System LiF-UF) e ALL TEMPERATURES ARE IN C E P EUTECTIC PERITECTIC H @ = PRIMARY PHASE FIELD LiF - 4UF, LiF -~ 848 T 16 ORNL—DWG 66-7634 14) G L L ¥) *f‘ " as blanket.cempbsitidns_ ':T'-“ __' L 17 ThFh‘and UF), form & continuous series of solid solutions withrneither -maximum nor minimum. The L__iF.—ThFh-UFh system (see Fig. T) shows no ter- nary compounds and a sifigie eutectic13 (which contains 1.5 mole % ThF), with 26.5 mole % UF), and freezes at 4L88°C). Most of the ares on the dia- gram is occupied by primarytphase'fields of the solid solutions UFh‘ThFu3 LiF-hUFh-LiF;hThFh, and LiFfUFL—LiF'ThFh. Liquidus temperatures decresse, generally, to the LiFeUFh edge”Of'the diagrsm;; ' It is clear from exemination of the diagrams shown that fuel systems - .melting below 500°C are available over a wide range of compositions in the LiFTBéF2—UFh system. Since (see Fig. 6) up'ts 28 mole % of ThF) can be melted‘at-?emperatures below-1100°F,.blanket systems with very large ThFh concentrations can be obtaiped.. Moredver, the very-greet similerity in behavior of ThF) and UF) permits fractional replaeement of ThF) by UF) with little.effect‘on-freezing'temperature overlthe cofipositiofi range of . interest as fuel. Fuels for 51ngle reglon reactors should accordlngly, ;be availeble in the L1F—BeF —ThFh-UFh quaternary system. Phase behav1or in the ternary systems LlF»BeF _UFh and LlF—BeF -ThFh has, as_a consequence,of stud1es c1tedrabove, been examlned'ln_con51derable 'detail'and‘the phase diegrams_sre well'defined, If,‘asis'likely, fuels and'blankets_for two~regien_breeders can be choseh'frem_these ternaries | '--lthes theonly.fieeessary ad@itienal‘stu&y ef phase behavieris a more de; _ffieiled exafiination ef.liéuidusiand'espeeially of~solidusrelatiopships\ahd. crystellization.peth-behavier:in the regions near those chosen as fuel and e e i e an mam b v e et e e TEMPERATURE (°C) ORNL-LR-DWG-265358B 1150 1050 // | 950 7 850 e / - 750 AN ‘ L/ 650 o \ / < - < 550 , - 3LiF- ThF, — LiF-ThF, —s={ LIF-2ThF, — w0l | |1 LiF 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80. 90 ThF, - ThE, (mole %) - L Fig. 5. The System LiF-ThF) )] i b et ket " d“f" 7_19_ ' . ORNL-LR-DWG 37420AR4 L o Th, 4444 | ‘ 1o TEMPERATURE IN °C , COMPOSITION IN mole %o 1 [ 1050 . LiF-4Th, ’ 1000 950 LiFthg A I\ T 900~ P 762 850 P 597 £568 3LIF-ThE % » £ 565 "% 700 650 ~600 _ WX 0 , - , __,\’z%g‘:?oo‘%\ T _ | 80, 2 mo ) 550—— , 526 LiF /N BeF, 848 . 2UiFBeR;500450 400] 400 450 - . 500 . sgs ' ' , P4a58 £360 : - ~ Fig. 6. The System LiF-BeF,-ThF, g -y LiF . 848 N P 597 A £ 568 3LiF'ThF4 E 565 Z\ LWQ 06(‘%;" % AN 20 ©uy PRIMARY-PHASE AREAS {a) UF,~ThE, (ss) | (b) LiF-4UR,~LiF-4ThF, {ss) {¢) LiF-2Th(U)F, (ss) ~ TEMPERATURE IN °C, COMPOSITION IN mole 7% | LiF-4ThE, (d) 7LiF-6UF,-7LiF-6ThF (ss) - (e) 3LIF-Th(UIF, (ss) : (f) LiIF - LlF'ZThF4 — P BIT A . LiF-ThE PT62 A , o ALf) \, 3 h \/ . 4LiF-UF;” P5O0" '£490 P 610 { pis . LiF-4uF, | , \LiF-UR, | Fig. 7. The System LiF-ThF)-UF) - - k ORNL-LR-DWG 28215AR4 - v, 1035, ) 3 R 21 Oxide-Fluoride Equilibria The phase behavior of pure fluoride systems is such that adequate fuels and blankets seem assured, but the behavior of such systems is mark- edly altered by appreciable concentrations of oxide. Since all commercial fluoride prepafations confiain some oxide (and water which reacts with the fluorides at high temperature to produce oxide) methods must be devised to remove this contaminant to safe levels before use of the fluoride mix- ture in the reactor. Avoiding contamination by oxide of the molten mix- tures during reactor operation and maintenance was possible in principle but, before the excellent operating experience with MSRE, was not at all certain in practice. Accordingly, careful studies of oxide-fluoride equi- libria in fluoride melts have been made to establish (1) the effect of contaminant oxide on MSRE fuel, and (2) the ease of removal of oxide to tolerable levels prior to reactor usage of the melts. Measurements of reaction equilibria between water vapor in hydrogen carrier gas with LiF-BeF_ melts over a wide composition interval have been 2 . . . 14,15 e s . examined in detail by Mathews and Baes. Equilibrium quotients for the reaction H,O + BeF,.,,y ¥ BeO + 2H 1 2%(g) T PFo(e) T BeO(s) T () (1) (where %, g, and 4 refer to_liquid, gaseous, and dissolved states and s indicates that Be0 was present as a saturating solid phase) were measured - from 500 to TO0°C over the composition range,xBeF = 0.3 to 0.8. The results are summarized by | ) =a+b x2 + ¢ xh 5 | 1og (PHF/PHEO *BeF,, LiF rip (2 wherein a, b, and ¢ all were linear functions of 1/T°K, 22 3.900 - h.h18(1o3/T), o i b fl 7.819 - 5.hh0(1o3/T), ¢ = -12.66 + 5.262(10°/T). In the same investigation, measurements were made upon melts not saturated with Be0. In addition to the reaction - o H.O + 2F Z0 (g) ( 5 )+ 2HF(g) - (3) d) (a for the formation of oxide ion, it becsme evident, both from these measure- ments and from those upon Be0 saturated melts, that hydroxide ion also was formed 0 + F * OH™ 1% T ( ( a) + HF( (L) a) Because of limitations inherent in the transpiration method used, the equilibrium quotients for these two reactions were less aécurately deter- mined than was the previous one for Be(Q saturated melts (ca. i_;O%, respectively, compared to *+ 5%). They were sufficient to show, however, that both oxide and hydroxide increase in stability with increasing tem- perature. The stability of hydroxide with respect to oxide, however, decreases with increasing temperature. Hydroxide can, accordingly, be readily decomposed in these fluoride melts by sparging with an inert gas (e.g., hydrogen). OH + F Z‘HF(g) + 02‘, log K = 5.23 - 6.56(103/T) (5) 16 Similar measurements have also been made by Baes and Hitch ~ in which the 2LiF-~3 x lO-h, Zr0 is the stable saturating oxide aolid, and hence the following equilibrium may be written o » " 1y ¢ ‘ff 'mlxtureS'of H .and HF. The measured equlllbrlum quotlents in 2LiF- BeF with apprec1able quantltles of a reactlve oxlde (such as H 0 (oo} 23 B0 * ey * U0x(e) * MF(g) - (6) It was also found that’the ‘equilibria (3 and 4) for the formation of oxide and hydrox1de ions were shlfted to the right with 1ncrea51ng x y 1.e., ir Fh in the direction of greater stablllty of these ions. - These results are con51stent with preV1ous dbservatlons that L1F-BeF2 - melts are readlly freed of ox1de contam1natlon by treatment with gaseous 2 2 were used to calculate the eff1c1ency of HF ut1llzat1on in such a treat- ment as a functlon,of temperature and HF partial pressure w1th the assump- | tion that equlllbrlum is malntalned between the gas stream the molten salt, and any BeO SOlld present. _This calculatlon (Flg. 8) shows that the eff1c1ency in the removal of oxide to a flnal value of 16 Ppm (XO24‘— 3.3 x 10 5) is qulte hlgh over a W1de range of condltlons. By combination of reactlons (l) and (6), 1t is poss1ble to calculate that both BeO and ZrO2 w1ll coex1st at equlllbrlum w1th 2L1F BeF2 contain- ing oxlde ion o S . : ‘ o oml2E g M opag Zr02(s)_+ QBe (d)f+ Zr gyt ZBeO(.) - _(T) ,when Zth is present at concentratlon of approxlmately 3 x 10 =k mole * _”fractlon. With 1arger amounts of added Zth, Zr0 becomes the less soluble 2 ('s_ta‘ole) ox1de._, ' When'a molten mixture centaining only IiF, BeF2, and UFh is treated 3 FeO) '”,preclpltat1on of U0, resul‘l‘.s.l‘L-’5 The uo, so produced 1s st01ch10metr1c, .. and 1f-1t is ma;ntalned,ln;ccntact with the melt for.suff1c1ent time 1t Such precipitation has been forms'transparent ruby crystals_of uo,, 00" 2 S o . ORNL-DWG 65-4187 “INFLUENT HF PREs;SURE; (atm) | 00 1 —0.2-g 11+ 200.C %1 1505 (o_ o e | //’.-—‘ . e A\ o O T T = | / GOOOC //// | 0.2/______..—--—-— . -~ O y T P RS . | T ’/////”/’””"‘_Sll?—‘“"—__-_— o o AL~ .00 - 700°C - HF GONVERTED TO Hp0 (%) - o ‘ o / H O W o -t ST (VR 2 -5 101 2 5 100 INITIAL OXIDE GONTENT ( mole /kg ) Fig. 8. Efficiency of Removal of Oxide - from 2LiF-BeF, by Treatment with HF to publlshed UO -ZrO . = assumed to present\a danger;for the MSRE since slow precipitation of UOé followed-by'a sudden'entranee'offthe material into the core could permit . ' o S uncontrolled increases in reactivity. Precautions were taken with the MSRE to assure cieanlineSS"of:the'system, the fuel mixture, and the cover gas, but it was anticipated,that“some inadvertent contamination of the _system might occur. Accordlngly, 1t waes dec1ded to 1nclude Zth in the MSRE fuel compos1tlon since measurements of the metathesis reactlon Zroz(s) + UFh( ) z Zth(d) + UO o(s) (8) have shown that theimole'ratio of.Zth to UF, at equilibrium with}both UO2 and Zr02, while varylng somewhat with temperature and melt composition, remains very far below that chosen for the fuel salt._ As atconsequence a + _ o cons1derable-amount—of Zr#_-—an amount eas1ly detected by chemical analysis of the fuel salt-—would be prec1p1tated by oxide contamlnatlon before an apprec1able quantlty of UO should prec:Lpltate.l{’5 ; In connectlon w1th these studles, it was ascertalned that, contrary 5 phase dlagrams;rronly very dllute SOlld solutions are formed in the temperature range 500—700°C, Because of the obvious 'ilmportance of thls to the MSRE experlments have been carrled out in which _ both UO »ZrO mlxtures and (U Zr)O solld solutions prepared by fus1on 2 2 r'were equlllbrated w1th L1F—BeF melts. .The resultlng phase dlagra'ml8 for 2 the UOE-_--ZrO.2 system over thejtemperature interval of-realaconcern.is shown ~in Fig. 9. . The oxide concentratlon 1n 2L1F BeF2 saturated w1th BeO was estimated by comblnlng the equlllbrlum results for reactions (l) and (3) to be : 108_X02;'=§0.0h5»2,95.x 103/T. . . | ‘(9) TEMPERATURE (°C) 99.5 26 MOLE PERCENT UO3 ORNL-DWG 66-963 0 05 0O 100 99.0 985 10090 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O 15 , T T 1 T 1 TF T ¥ T 71 1 T T ugo |- CUBICs.s. —{\es00 LIQUID 2800/~ TETRAGONAL s.s. —11180 : © TETRAG.ss. 140 - 00 cue1i: s.s. —2400 2400 [= N MONOCLINIC s.s. 140 o TETRAG. s.5. \ CUBIC s.s. / o 400 |- 2000 |- : 42000 |- : — #00 CUBIC s.s. , TETR‘:_G- s.s. 0 . ! \ TETRAG. / CUBIC s.s. & 1060 |- — 1600 w00 - —1060 W : CUBIC s.s. \ . CUBIC 5.5, N | A cuscss. 2 + ’ . : + - ] MONOCLINIC s.s. l' TETRAGONAL s.s. || MONOCLINIC s.5. = 1020 — 200§ ) : A 1200 }- © wald1020 ¥ o > X . = { i “%q| £ = CUBIC s.s. ' | S \ 980 -+ st i . cueic I ,/, goo__| 1 980 | I MONOCLINIC s.s. ‘ | II' | MONOCLINIC s.5.—-| 940 4 400l | b/ [Ha00 : H 940 il |'£ i ' I _ 900 L i Ca a7 l'! 1 i 900 o0 0.5 .0 5 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 98.5 99.0 100 S Fig. 9. Phase Behavior in System U02'--Zr02 MOLE PERCENT Zr0» LEGEND: LIQUID-LAMBERTSON AND MUELLER {23) - {ABOVE 1600°C)} COHEN AND SCHANE ——— e {BELOW 1600°C} ] (16} - -+— MUMPTON AND ROY {22) . {BELOW 1600°C ) ORNL PROPOSED 99.5 O "WET" CHEMICAL ANALYSIS X ACTIVATION ANALYSIS FOR U o C M C f ty product of Zr0, could be-estimated. Wlth 1ncreas1ng X r-comp031tlon on the act1v1ty coefflclents of the spec1es Zrh+ and O -'fuel composition (x _ o7 . The solubility 1ncreased vith temperature but no strong dependence on KB F ‘was found In these measurements the mole fractlon of oxide at BeO saturation probably was less than O. 002. From the similar measurements in Zth-containing meltsl‘ the solubili- s the concen; 2 Zr Fh Jtration of oxlde at ZrO saturatlon at first fells as would be exPected from the equilibrium Zr02(s) TIr Ty v RO g (10) However, it then levels off and subsequently rises with,further increases 4 1 . in Xy @ (Fig.- 10). -This‘could be caused, at least in part, by:the forma- , L 24 tion of a complex ion, Zr02_; S B Zru+5-: + O z ZrO2+ (ll) S B PO (g FEO (g | or it could be caused entlrely by the influence of the changlng melt 2- - The plot. in Fig 10 indlcates approx1mately the ' ox1de tolerance of MSRE . fuel salt-flush salt mixtures; i.e., the_amount,of dissolved oxide these ‘mixtures can contain without oxide‘precipitation. It is seenrthat the 'ox1de tolerance 1ncreases rapldly w1th temperature, espec1ally near the 70 F 0 05), 1nd1cat1ng that any excess ox1de present Lo ,fmight be removed by collecting ZrO on a relatlvely cool surface in the VMSRE system. These studies have deflned relatlvely well the 51tuat10n 1n L1F-BeF | l;and in L1F-BeF -Zth melts." They have been of real value 1n assess1ng fthe 1n1t1a1 purlflcatlon process (see ‘below) and in assurlng the 1nad— vertent precipitation of-UOzfshould prove no problem 1n'MSRE. OXIDE CONCENTRATION {mole/kg) N N 28 ORNL-DWG 65-2542R 600°C _ | -BeO SATURATION l - / | ZrO, SATURATION l . . 001 002 005 04 0.2 05 {4 - 2 ZrF, CONCENTRATION (mole/kg) Fig. 10. Solubility of ZrO, in LiF-BeF,-ZrF) Melts as Function of ZrF), Concentration - - 29 Fuel and Blanket Compositions T LiF, BeF Zth and UFh - The fuel chosen for MSRE was a mixture of o consisting of 65-29.1-5-0.9 mole %, respectively, of these materials. The Zth we:: added, as indicated above, to eliminate the possibility of pre- cipitation of UO2 through inadvertent contamination of the system with reactive oxide. [The general precautions regarding cleanliness in MSRE and the apparent success of the fuel preparation and handling procedures for that‘operation_have gone far to remove apprehension from this source. No samples removed from MSRE have contained more than 100 ppm of oxide, " and no precipitated oxides have been observed on examination by optical .microscopy,] Since chemical reprocessing techniques (probably distilla- tion)‘will certainly be applied to the MSBR fuel system and since such a reprocessing scheme can be éxpected to remove oxides, it seems very likely tha£ Zth,need fiot be a constituent of MSBR fuel. On the basis of information presented above the reference fuel select- ed for use in the MSBR is a ternary mixture of TLiF-BeF2-233UFh (68.3- 7'31;5—0.2.mole %) (see-Fig. k) which exhibits a liquidus temperature of ap- proximately‘h50°c., Equilibrium crystallization of this fuel mixture proceeds according to the follofiing sequence: On cooling in the tempera- ture interval 450 to h38°C,.éLiF-BeF2 is deposited from the fuel. At 438°C, the salt mixtfireSolidifiés éhd produces a mixture of the two éfYStalline phaées, 2LiF-BeF2 and LiFfUFh, comprised of approximately 89 , and épproximétely 11 wt % LiF-UF) . wt % 2LiF:BeF " The blanket salt selected for the MSBR is the TLiF--BeFe—Th_Fh-ternary mixture (71-2-2T7 mole %) (see Fig. 6), which exhibits a liquidus tempera- ture of approximately 560°C. Equilibrium crystallization of this blanket 30 mixture is as uncomplicated as that of the fuel. Only the two solid phases, LiF-ThFh and a solid solution of 3LiF-ThFh which incorporates Be2+ in both interstitial and substitutional sites, are formed during solidifi- cation, and these solids are coprecipitated throughout the crystallization of the salt.ll Choice of Coolant The secondary coolant is required to remove heat from the fuel in the primary heat exchanger and to transport this heat to the power generating system, Ifi the MSBR the coolant must transport heat to supércritical steam st minimum temperatures only modestly above TOO°F; in MSRE the heat was rejected to an air cooled radiastor at markedly higher temperatures. The coolant must be possessed of adequate heat transfer properties and must be compatible with Hastelloy N structures. It should not react energetically with fuel or with steam, it should consist of materials whose leskage into the fuel would not necessitate expensive separations procedures, and it should be relatively inexpensive. To assure easy com- patibility with the steam generation circuit the melting temperature of the coolant should be below (and preferably considerably below) TOO®F. Other demands (especially in the neutron economy and in radiation stabili- ty areas) are clearly less stringent than those upon fuel and blanket mixtures. The coolant mixture chosen for MSRE and apparently shown to be satis- T factory in that application is BeF, with 66 mole % of 'LiF. Use of this 2 mixture would require some changes in design of equipment for the MSBR since its liquidus temperature is 851°F; moreover, it is an expensive material. The eutectic mixture of LiF with BeFs, (48 mole % LiF) melts at ‘duced and, accordingly, corrosive or chlorides [AlCl 31 near TOO°F (see Fig. 1) but it is both viscous and expensive. The alkali - metals, excellent coolants with real promise in other systems, are un- desirable here since they react vigorously with both fuel and steam. Less noble metal coolants such as Pb° or Bi° might be tolerated, but they may not prove compatible with Hastelloy N. 19 Several binary chloride systems are known ™~ to have eutectics melting below (in some cases much below) TOO°F. These binary systems do not, how- ever, appear especially attractive since they contain high concentrations of chlorldes [T1cl, ZnCl BiCl CdClE, or SnClE], which are easily re- 2? 2° 3» ZrClh, HfClh, or BeCIQ];Which'are very volatile. The only binary systems of stable, non- volatile chlorides are those.containing LiCl; LiCl-CsCl (330°C at 45 mole % CsCl), LiCl-Kcl (355°C at 42 mole % KCl), LiC1l-RbCl (312°C at 45 mole % RbCl). Such systems wouldrbe relatively expensive if made from TLiCl, and they could lead to sérious contamination of the fuel if normal LiCl were used. ~ Very few‘fluorides or mixtures of fluorides are known to melt at tem- peratures below 370°C. Stannous fluoride (SnF ) melts at 212°C. This material is probably not stable durlng long term service in Hastelloy N; moreover, its phase diagrams W1th stable fluorldes (such as NaF or KF) | probably show high meltlng p01nts at relatlvely low alkali fluorlde concen-— tratlons. Coolant mlxtures of most . 1nterest at present are those based on fluoborates of the alkall metals. The blnary system NaF-NaBFh is describ- eat? 2 ‘as having a eutectlc (at 60 mole % NaBFh) meltlng at 580°F. Pre- llmlnary unpublished studles at this Laboratory suggest strongly that this 32 published disgram is in error, and that the NaF—NaBFh.eutectic melts at near T16°F. There is same evidence to suggésf that boric oxide sub- stantially lowers the freezing point of NaF—NaBFh mixtures and we believe that the Russian workers may have used quite impure materials. It is like- ly,'howéver, that the material (pérhaps even with a moderate amount of 1_3203) may be useful. It should prove sufficiently stable to radiation for service as coolant, and the equilibrium pressure due to NaBFhl z BF3 + Nan shofild prove satisfactorily low. Estimates of the heat transfer.énd fluid properties of this material appear attractive. The extraordinarily high cross section of boron should permit small lesks in the heat exchanger to be recognized immediately, and removal of traces of BF3 from the fuel by continued treatment with HF should be possible. Compatiblity of the NaF—NaBFh mixture with Hastelloy N will probably be satisfactory (see sub- sequent sections), but such compatibility remains to be demonstrated. If the NaF—NaBFh eutectic system proves unsuitable by virtue of its freezing point, preliminary data (see Fig. 11) suggésts that freezing points below TOO°F can be obtained in the ternary systemNaF-KF—BFB. Should experience prove the NaF—NaBFh mixture (or its closerelatives) unsuitable, coolant compositions which will meet the low liquidfis tempera~ 8,19 or 9 ture specification may be chosen in the NaF—BeF2 .NaF-LiF—Ber, KF—Zth—AlFSQ:L systems. These materials are almost certainly compatible with Hastelloy N, and they possess adequate specific heats andrlow vapor pressures (see section below). They (especially those including LiF) are moderately expensive, and their viscosities at low temperature are certain- O a5 33 “ i ’ { ORNL-DWG 66-7633 - BFy—127 \ TEMPERATURE IN °C COMPOSITION IN MOLE % . +H-+H+ DENOTES SOLID SOLUTION } ) : ’ S ¥, ' "NoF - \/ \F \/ - \// \/ - KF 995 : R L FT0 . . 856 Fig. _ll,.':k The’-é-y_stém'NaF—KF-BF3 (Preliminary) O 4 ‘;" Physical Pfdpprties of-MSBR Liquids 3k Estimates of some of the physical properties of the'proposed MSBR possible secondary coolants are given in Table kL. ‘blanket and fuel salts are listed in Teble 3. Estimated values for four Table 3. Composition and Properties of Fuel and Blanket Salts . Composition - _ (mole %) - Fuel Blanket i - LiF 65.9 LiF .= Ti BeFé 33.9 ThFh 2T | UF,, 0.2 BeF,, 2 Liguidus Temperature: °c L5T 560 oF 855 1040 Physical Properties: At 600°C At 600°C 1112°F 1112°F Density, lb/ft3 125 280 Heat Capacity, Btu 1w~L(oF)~t 0.55 0.22 Viscosity, centipoise 8.6 21 | Vapor Pressure, mm Negligible Negligible Thermal Conductivity, . _ g 0.011 0.077 vatts/(°C-cm) » 35 ly higher than are desirable. It is possible that substitution of Zth or even AlF_ for some of the BeF, will provide liquids of lower viscosity 3 a 2 at no real expense in liquidus temperature. Table k4. Ccmposition and Properties of Four. Possible Secondery Coolants Cdmposition : (mole %) A B C D E NeF 4 NaF 7.7 ILiF 5 LiF 23 NaBF) 96 NaBF, 83.65 NeF 53 NaF 41 NaF 57 KBFh 8.65 BeF2 k2 BeF2 36 BeF. 43 Liquidus Tem- perature: | °c 380 370 318 328 3L0 oF 716 700 604 622 634 Physical Proper- ties at 850°F 4shog)e Density, 1b/ft3 130 130 138 136 139 Heat Capacity Btu. 1b-1l(°F)-1 0.» 0.4 0.45 0.h7 0.4 Viscosity, centi- | . | . | B poise 15 (436°C) 25 50 35 55 Vapor Pressure at IR c'”‘ | _ o 1125°F (607°C)P, mm 310c - 2537 Negligible Negligible Negligible Thermal Conductiv- ity (watts/°C-cm) , 0;008"4"0;0075"~ 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 'aMean temperature of- coolant g01ng to the primary heat exchanger. leghest normal operatlng temperature of coolant. CRepresents decomposition pressure due to MBF), + BF, + MF. 36 The densities were calculasted from the molar volumes of the pure com- fionents by assuming the volumes to be additive.. The heat caéécities were estimated by assuming that each gram atom in the mixture contributesVB calories.per degree centigrade. The value of 8 is the fipproximate aver- age from & set of similar fluoyide mélts.22 The viscosity of the fuel andrcoolants C, D, and E were estimated 23,2h,25 the viscosity from other measured LiF—BeF2 and NaF—BeF2 miitures; of the blanket salt was estimatedrfrom megsurements2hof mixtures which contained UFh instead of ThFh. rThé viscosity of coolant A could not be reliably estimated because of the sbsence of measurements on this compo- sition. However, the viscosity of the mador-components, NaBFu, is about 14 cp at 1#36°C.26 The vapor pressures of the fuel, blanket, and coolants C, D, and E are considered negligible; extrapolation of measurements on similar mix- tures yielded pressures less than 0.1 millimeter. The partial.pressure of BF3 above the fluoroborate coolant mixture was calculated from measure- ments on pure NaBFf7 by assuming that NaF, NaBFh, and KBFh form an idesal (in the sense of Raoult's Law) solution. The values given are unlikely to be in error to an extent sufficiént to remove the fluid from consideration. It is clear from the’' fact that estimates, rather than experimentally determined values, are used in these tables that a program must be devoted to measurement of physical proper- ties for the pertinent materials. C 37 CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY OF MSRE MATERTALS Successful operation of the MSRE requires compatibility of the molten fuel mixture with unclad graphite and Hastelloy N during years of rapid circulation of the fuel through an sppreciable temperature gradient. Such compatibility must, moreover, be assured while the fission process produces its intense radiation field and the buildup of fission product species. To evaluate these implied problems has required a large research and de- velopment program in which many tests have‘been conducted over a period of several years. Details and specific findings of the large program of corrosion test- ing are presented és e separate paper in this series.28 In brief, com- patibility of the MSBR materials is assured by choosing as melt constitu- ents only fluorides that are thermodynamically stable toward the moderator graphite and toward thé structural metal, Hastelloy N, a nickel alloy con- taining about 16% Mo, 7% Cr, and 5% Fe. The fuel and blanket components (LiF, BeF,., UF, , and ThF, ) are much more stable than the structural metal L L 2’ fluorides (NiFg, FeF2, a minimal tendency_to corrcde the metal. ©Such selection, combined with and CrF2); accordingly, the fuel and blanket have proper purification procedures,'prqvides liquids whose corrosivity is within tolerable"limits. The chemical properties of the materials and the nature of their several interactions, both with and without radiation and fission, are described briefly in the following. Stability -of UF3 and UF), " Pure, crystalline uranium trifluoride is stable, under an inert at- mosphere, to temperatures in excess of 1000°C, but it disproportionates at 38 sufficiently high temperatures by 2 o Long, who studied the reaction UFh+]§‘f122 UF3+-HF obtained data28 wvhich when combined with other accepted values indicate that the free energies (in.kcal/mole) for the pure crystalline materials can be represented by AFf = «351 + 52.8 x-10-3 T°K UF3 7 and f f : -3 UF3 _ AFUFh = +497.0 - 15.6 x 10_. However, uranium trifluoride is appreciably less stable in molten fluoride AF T°K. solutions than in the crystalline state. Long's data for the reaction in 29 2LiF-BeF, solution yield the following equations™ for activity coef- ficients of the materials in this solution log yyp = -1.62 + 3.7 x 107> T°K 3 and Uranium trifluoride is permissible in reactor fuels only insofar as the equilibrium activity of U° which results is sufficiently low to avoid reaction with the moderator graphite or appreciable alloy formation with - the Hastelloy N. Use of the aétivity coefficients shown above to predict at 1000°K (T727°C) the activity of uranium in equilibrium with melts con- 4 taining various U*3/U* ratios leads to the data of Table 6. It is obvi- ous that large quantities of UFh must be reduced if apprecisble uranium 39 activities are to be obtained. UC, would form, for example, if 68% of the UFh'were reduced to UF3; Table 6. Calculated Values of the Fraction of the Total Uranium in Solution Present in the Trivalent State (UF3/Total U) in Equilibrium at 1000°K with Varlous Phases (Total uranium in solution = 1 mole %) Phase U° Activity - UF,/Total U(%) U Metal 1.0 | > 99 UcC 3 x 107° 89 uc, . 5x 1077 68 Ni alloy 1078 Lg Ni alloy 2 x 10720 20 Ni alloy = 1x 107 - 1 In fuel proeessing, hydrogen reduction ef the fuelrmixtures (as described in the section efi Production Technology below) should lead to reductiofi of no more than.abeutr2% pflthe UFh' Corrosien reactions such as 2U?h + Cr ICrF2‘+ 2UF3_wpele:ificreese the UF, concentration to a negligible extent;ebove-this'value.~-Thus, under reactor conditions, it seems clear that the reductlon of the UFh normally encountered would intro- duce no problems, only through drastic and V1rtually unlmaglnable reduc-~ tion could serious consequences arise._; Lo Oxidation (Corrosion) of Hastelloy N3_5 S o ' 30 Blood™ has made & careful study of the reaction MFo(a) * Baa) ¥ Me) * Hl(g) where7M represenis Cr, Fe, or'Ni5 c, £, and d indicate that the species is crystalline solid, gaseous, or dissolved in molten»LiF—Ber mixture. His 15 date (Teble 7) when combined ” with accepted values for HF, yield free Table 7. Experimentelly Determined Equilibrium Constents _ for the Reaction ‘ + M, | + Maa) * Ha(g) * M(e) * 2 (q) in LiF-BeF, Mixture Containing 62 mole % LiF Temperature KN for CrF2 KN for FeF2 ' KN for N1F2 1000°K 4.4 x 10~ 1.9 - | : 800°¢C 1.3 x 10"h 0.80 700°C 7.5 x 1077 0.53 7 x 10° 600°C 1.2 x 10~ 0.13 1.5 x 10% P where T —— KN NMF X PH energies of formation (along with those of Long for UFh and UF3) in Table 8. ” o~ 1 ’ L1 Table 8. Free Energiesa for Solutes in Molten 2LiF-BeF, (773-1000°K) Solute AGT AGT (1000°K) (kcal/mole) (kecal/F-) U™+ WFT BAL.6 - 58.1 x 1073 7oK 96.6 vt 4 3F 336.7 - 40.5 x 1075 T°K 98.7 Ni%* 4+ 2FT 146.9 - 36.3 x 1073 ™k 55.3 Fe2t + 2F 15L.7 - 21.8 x 1073 T%K 61.5 cret 4 o 171.8 21.4 x 10’3 T°K 75.2 & The reference state is that hypothetical solution with the solute at unit mole fraction and with the activity coefficient it would have at infinite - dilution. These data reveal clearly that chromium is much more readily oxidized than iron or nickel. Accordingly, any oxidative attack upon Hastelloy N 'should be expected to showzselective attack on the chromium. Such oxida- tion and selective attack follows from reactions such as the following: 1. _Impuiities in the melt 5 -+ CrF2+‘Hi, or. Cr + 2HF -+ CrF Cr + NiF 2ty 2. Oxide films on the metal . mio + BeF, + NiF, + Beoi followed by reaction of NiF, with Cr 3. Reduction of UF, td’UFg o Cr + 2UF, 112UF3 4'CrF2 ) 42 Reactions implied under (1) and. (2) ebove will proceed essentially- to completion at all temperatuies within the MSBR circuit. Accordingly, such reactions can lead (if the system is poorly cleaned) to a fioticeable rapid initial corrosion rate. thever, these reactions do not give a sus- tained corrosive attack. | | The feaction of‘UFh'with Cr, on the other hand, has en equilibrium constant with a small temperature dependence; hence, when the salt is forced to circulate through e tempereture gfadient, & possible mechanism exists for mass transfer and continued attack. If_nickel, iron, and.molybdenum'are assumed to be completely inert diluents fof chromium (as is approximetely true), and if the circulation rate in the MSBR is very rapid, the corrosion process can be simply de- scribed. At high flow rates, uniform concentrations of UF3 and CrF2 are maintained throughout the fluid cireuit; these concentrations satisfy (at some intermediate temperature) the equilibrium constanf for the reaction. Under these steady-state conditions, there existe some temperature-inter- mediate between the maximum and minimum temperatures of the circuit, at which the initial surface composition of the structural metal is at equi- livrium with the fused salt. Since the equilibrium constant for the chemi- cal reaction increases with increasing temperature,_the chromium concené tration in the alloy surface tends to dec:eese at temperatures higher than T and tends to increase at temperatures lower than T. [In some melts (NaF- LiF-KF-UFh, for example) AG for the mass transfer reaction is qfiite large, and the equilibrium constant changes sufficiently as a function of tem- perature to cause formation of dendritic chromium crystals in the cold zone.] For MSBR fuel and other LiF-BeF,-UF) mixtures, the temperature V " 43 dependence of the fiass—transfer reaction is small, and the equilibrium is satisfied at reactor temperature conditions without the formation of crystalline chromium. | Thus, in the MSBR, the rate of chromium removal from the salt stream by deposition at cold—fluid regions is controlled by the rate at which chromium diffuses into the cold-fluid wéll; the chromium concentration gradient tends to be small, and the reSulting corrosion is well within - tolerable limits. In the hot-fluid region, the alloy surface becomes ’ depleted in chromium, and chromium from the interior of the wall diffuses toward the surface. This rate of diffusion is dependent on the chromium concentration gradient. Since diffusion occurs by a vacancy process and in this particular situation is essentially monodirectional, an excess of vacancies can accumulate in the depleted region. These vacancies precipi- . tate in areas of disregistry, principally at graih boundaries and impuri- ties, to form voids. The voids in turn asgglomerate and grow in size with increasing time and temperature. The resulting subsurface voids are not interconnected with each other or with the surface. The mechanisms described above leed to such observations as (a) the complete independence_of COrrosion'rate from flow rate for a given system * and (b) the increase in corrosion with increase in temperature drop as well as with increase in mean'temperaturerwithin a system, The results 6f;nfimérou§longftermteéts have shown that Hastelloy N has'excellent cofrosipnlresiSténcé fiolmolten_fluoride mixtures at tempera— tures well sbove those__ anticipated in MSBR. The attack from mixtures similar to'the MSBfi fuel ét'témperatures as high as 1300°F is barely ob- servable in tests of as long as 12,000 hr. A figure of 0.5 mil/yr might Ly be expected.31 Even less corrosion occurs in the blanket where the UFh concentration is very low. Further, the mechanical properties of Hastelloy N are virtually unaffected by long-time exposure to the molten ~fluoride fuel and blanket mixtures. Corrosion of the container metal 5y the reactor fuel and blanket does not seem to be an important problem in the MSER. Thié encouraging status fof metal-salt compatibility certainly applies to the coolant mixture if & reasonable NaF-BeF2 or NaF-LiF—BeF2 mixture is chosen. It is likely that the'NaF—NaBFh coolant mixture will also prove compatible with INOR-8, but no detailed experimental proof of this is available. The free energy change for the chemical reaction BF3(g) + 3/20r(s) > 3/2CrF2(E) + B(é) is about +30 kcal at 800°K.32 The reaction is, therefore, quite unlikely to occur, and similaer reactions with Fe, Mo, and Ni are much less so. In addition, the above reaction becomes even less likely (perhaps by 10 kcal or so) when one considers the energetics of formation of the compound NaBFh and dilution of the NaBFh by NaF. However, the following reaction BF () + (X + 3/2)M(s) > MkB(S) + 3/2MF 3(g 2(%) is almost certainly the one to be expected. Thermbchemical-data for the borides of Cr, Ni, Mo, and Fe do not seem to have been established. Very stable borides such as TiB, and ZrB2 show free energies of formation of 2 -67 and -68 kcal/mole (or about -34 kcal/boron atom) at 800°K.33 The borides of Mg (M’gB2 and MgBh) show free energies of formation of less than 33 =10 kcal per boron atom. Unless the borides of the Hastelloy N constitu- ents are very stable, it would appear that the alloy will prove resistant o L ‘able solutions. L5 to this coolant. However, such compatibility must be demonstrated by ex- periments. Compatibility of Graphife With Fluorides Graphite_does not reaét chemicdlly with molten fluoride mixtures of the type to be used in fhe-MSBR. Available thermodynamic data6 suggest that the most likely reactiqn: hUFh + CZ CFh + hUF3 should come to equilibrium at CFh pressures below 10-8 atm. CF) concen- trations over graphite-salt systems maintained for long periods at elevat- 3k to be below the limit of detection ed temperatures have been shown (> 1 ppm) of this compound by mass spectrometry. Moreover, graphite has been used as a container material for many NaF—Zth-UFh, LiF-BeF2—UFh, and other salt mixtures with no evidence of chemical instability. The MSBR will contain perhaps 20 tons of graphite. Several potential problems in addition to that of chemical stability have been considered. These include (1) hazardous incresse in uranium content of core through permeations of the graphite by fuel, (2) reaction of fuel material with oxygenated gaseous species'desorbed from the graphite, and (3) carburiza- tion 6f the HasteiloyN sfrucfiufegby'éarbon dissolved, suspended, or other- wise carried in the circulsting sait.r These possibilities have been studied experimentally and found to be inconsequential or to have practic- b5 _Graphite is not wetted by MSR fuel mixtures (or by other similar mix- tfires)_at elevated temperaturéé; The;éxteht tp which.graphite is permeat- ed by the fuel is, accordingly,'defined by well-known reiationships among L6 applied pressure, surface tension of the nonwetting liquid (about 130 dynes/cm), and the pore size spectrum of the graphite specimen. Hdwéver, since the void volume of the graphite may be about 16% of the core fuel volume, detailed testing of pérmeation behavior has been necessary. Typi cal‘tests35 with MSRE graphite_have exposed enguated specimens to MSRE fuel mixtures at 1300°F;»applied pressures were set at 150 1b, a value of three times the reactor design pressure. The observed permeation did not change with tifie after a few hours. In these tests 0.18% of the graphite bulk volume was permeated by the salt; such permeation is well within that considered tolerable during MSRE operation. Specimens permeated_to this extent have been given 100 cycles between 390 and 1300°F without detect- able change in properties or appearance. Radiation Effectsl’S"S’Bh’36 A considerable body of information about the stability and compati- bility of MSBR materials under irradiation from fissioning fuel has been obtained. These studies were motivated by the concern that neutrons, beta and gamma rays, and fission fragments might cause radiation damage to fuel, metal, and graphite structural components. Fission fragments, which should produce localized regions of dense ionization and radiolysis in the molten salt, might affect fuel stability and corrosion behavior. Early In-Pile Tests on NaF—Zth—UFh Fuels The earliest studies of radiation effects on molten fluoride systems were done in the molten-salt ANP program. These tests used NaF-Zth-UFh mixtures and Inconel containers. Such ifradiations, with melts and metal chemically similar to those propésed'for the MSBR, were performed over & » 0 L7 wider range of power density and temperature thah were used in more recent irradiation work in support of the MSRE. More than 100 static capsule tests were carried out in thermal neutron fluxes from 10ll to 10lh neutrons cm sec_l, with fission power densitiés from 80 to 8000 w/c, at tempera- tures from 1500 to 1600°F, and for irradiation times from 300 to 800 hr. Chemical, physical, ahd metallographic tests indicated no major changes in the fuel or the Inconel which could be attribfited to the irradiation conditions. Corrosion of Inconel was comparable to that found in unir- radiated controls. Three types of Inconel forced-circulation in-pile loops were operated with NaF—Zth-UFh melts at fission power densities of 400 to 800 w/cc, maximum temperatures of 1500 to 1600°C, and for 235 to 475 hr at full power; corrosive attack on the Inconel was no greater than in corresponding out-of-pile tests (wall penetrations less than 3 mils). Early Tests on LiF—BeF2-UFh Fuels The first irradiation test on an'LiF—BeFLbased fuel was a graphite~ fuel compatibility test in the MTR. Two Inconel capsules containing graephite liners filled with LiF-BeF,-UF) (62-37-1 mole %) were irradiated at 1250°F for 1610 and 1492 hr, and at average power densities of 954 and - 920 w/ece, respectively. Thé-eprsure reéulted in no apparent damage to the graphite, and negligib;éféorrosion to the Incofiél which was exposed fd,the salt thrOUgh:smaliuthés ih the graphite liner. In the next test, two small Hastelloy N capsules fiere‘filled with the same’ LiF-BeF,~UF, mixture and irradisted for 5275 hr in a flux of 1 to 2 x lO:VI',4 heutr¢nscm-2“sec-latan initial power density of 1170 w/cc and a temperature of 1250°F to an estimated T5% burnup. The failure of one 48 capsule at this time forced términation of the experimént. The results of later tests suggest that fuel radioiysis at ambient reactor temperature during shutdowns may have contributed importantly to the capsule failure. Two forced-circulation Hasteiloer loops containing the‘above-LiF- BeFe—UFh mixture were also installed and operated in the MTR. These were designed to operate at 1300°F maximum temperature, 190 w/cc power density, and a linear flow velocity of 2.5 ft/sec. Pump failure terminated the first test after 860 hr and the second after 1000 hr. Métallographic eX- emination of the metal from the first loop revesled a moderately eroded region (approximately 2 mils deep) in one of the sharp bends in the high- flux region. Metal specimens from the second loop showed a negligible degree of corrosive attack. Since later in-pile tests confirmed the good corrosion resistance of Hastelloy N, it is suspected that the first loop was fabricated from substandard alloy. Testing of MSRE Fuels The ORNL~-MTR-U4T7- series of capsule irradiation experiments was design- ed to test the stability and compatibility of actual MSRE materials (graph- ite, Hastelloy N, and fuel salt) under conditions approximately those of the MSRE, with emphasis on the interfacial behavior of molten salt and graphite. The capsules were relatively large to provide adequate speci- mens of graphite, fuel, and Hastelloy N for thorough postirradiation exsmi- nation. In the U7-3 test, four Hastelloy N capsules (see Fig. 12) containing graphite boats holding a pool of fuel salt (BeF2-UFh-LiF—ThFh-Zth, 23.2- 1.4-69.0-1.2-5.2 mole %) were irradiated for 1594 hr at meximum tempera- - tures of 800°C and maximum power densities of 200 w/cc to a burnup of sbout o O W 49 ORNL-LR-DWG 56754R . wamRALS MATERIALS _ , "SPECIMENS ~_GRAPHITE BLADE 1 [\\ - 1 . V : ™, # g / 4"' // E % sl i F " _ %= | % / o - - 0 —— /a ’ h N 5 | . £-MOLTEN- I SALT FUEL GRAPHITE BOAT-" - . = - . ~THERMOCOUPLE WELL L 0 . Y 1/2 314 q Lo o e 0 1 _ _ 7 INCH . Fig. 12. MSRE Graphite-Fuel Capsule Test - ) | ) . ORNL-MTR-LT-3 4 - 50 10%. Each capéuie also contained specimens of Hastelloy N, molybdenum, and a pyrolytic graphite attached to a graphite blade dipping into the- shallow pool of fuel. Two of the graphite boats were‘initially-ifipregnated‘ with the fuel to provide a more'extreme test of graphiteéffiel cdmpatibility at high tempefature. When the capsules were dlsmantled the frozen fuel exhibited nonwettlng contact angles with the graphite boats, the graphlte blades, and the pyrolytic graphlte»spec1mens. The graphite structurekap- peared undamaged visually and metallographlcally Howe&er thére wéfe definite observatlons that fuel radloly51s had taken place (generatlon of F2 and CFh)' Because of these observatlops, subsequent testg studied the radiolytic instability of the fuel in detail: it wéé found that only when the irradiated fuel was aliowed to freezé-an& cool below 100°C did radio- lytic decomposition take placé. . The 47-b irradiation assembly comprised of four large Hastelloy N cap- sules (seérFig.'13), each containing a 0.5-in.-diam graphite specimen sur- rounded by & 0.2-in. annulus of fuel, and two smai_l Hasfelldy N capsules containing a 0.5-in.-0OD graphite cup nearly filled with fuel. The largé ‘capsules contained about 25 g of fuel (BeF -UFh-LlF-ThFh—Zth, 22.6-0. - T1.0-1.0-4.7 mole %). One of the smaller capsules contained 10 g of the same fuel; the other 10 g of & similar fuel of higher UFh concentration (1.k mole_%). The capsules were irradiated for 1553 hr at temperatures up to 800°c (900°C for the small 1.4 mole % UF), capsule), at average power ' densities from 40 to 260 w/cc, and to burnups from S to\lO%. There was a- gain evidence that fuel radiolysis occurred at low temperatures during reactor shutdown; however, metallographic examination of the Hastelloy N capsule walls showed no discernible corrosion, and the graphite appeared 9 w . - 51 ORNL—LR-DWG 67T744R 7 ~ Cr-A THERMOCOUPLE\fl /NICKEL THERMOCOUPLE | o WELL NICKEL. POSITIONING LUGS (2) | o NICKEL FILL LENE\?‘\ 1" /'(NICKEL VENT LINE INOR-8 CAP N HELIUM COVER GAS (3.5 ecm3) ~—|NOR-8 CAN PUNCTURE AREA , FOR GAS SAMPLING 7 r ~Y 7 7 7T 77 7 77 777 -7 T 77777 ——MOLTEN SALT FUEL gl ~ o . - (25¢q) . t Cr-Al o { THERMOCOUPLE , CGB GRAPHITE e 12.4 cm? INTERFACE _ | o N INOR-8 CENTERING PIN ‘o Vo 1~ S ANCH O = NICKEL POSITIONING [UG Fig..13. Large Fuel Capsule from ORVL-MTR 47-h .;! ,52' ot undamaged'except for-the vapor-exposed region_of the small high power den51ty capsule. - | | To investigate the fuel rad101ys1s further two capsules in the hT-S assembly, of design 51mllar to the 1arge hT-h capsules were equlpped with .gas lines which permltted measurement of pressure w1th1n the capsule and | ~ withdrawal of cover gas sampleslwhilefhe irradiation was proceeding. Two | large sealed capsules with w1dely dlfferent areas of graphlte and metal ex- .posed to the fuel and two small capsules conta1n1ng fuel-lmpregnated graphlte rods suspended in hellum completed the‘assemhly. Four of the vcapsules contained salt having the compos1t1on L1F-BeF2-Zth-UFh with mole ratios of 67.36-2T.73-4.26-0.66. Salt with lower uranium concentration (LiF—BeF2—Zth-UFh, 67.19427.96-h.51—0.3h) was used in one of the gas— swept capsules and in the'low-flux, impregnated-rod capsule._rThe hT-S capsules were irradiatea for h-l/Q\uonths at average fluxes'between“ 2 x 1072 and 3 x 10%3 neui:rons-c'.m-esec_l to burnups between T and 15%. a "’ Gas samples were taken from the purged capsules under a varlety of operat— ing conditioms, with fuel temperatures varylng from 190 to 1500°F and power densities from 3 to 80 w/cc. During reactor shutdowns, when the assembly cooled to about 35°C, pressure rises were,observed in the capsules equip- ped with gas lines, and gas samples indicated tue presence of'flucrine. . With the'reactor operating and the fuel molteu, the isolated capsules _; sshowed no. fluorine. In a few of the 60 gas samples, barely detectable traces of CF) (approkifiately 5 ppm) were found;'these were probably due to iincomplete flushing of the system'since the'lastlreactorrshutdcwn., In any case, the observed minute rates of CFh generation represented negligible reduction of UFh to UF 3 und, accordingly, an inconsequential practical B 2 o} lsl i 53 - problem. In later.hot—cell'studies'of frozen irradiated fuel, it was es- tablished that the gas evolved was pure fluorine and that the G value at - 35°C was 0.02 molecules of fluorine per 100 ev of fission product decay ‘energy ebsorbed. The rate of radiolysis was greatest in the temperature ~range of'35 to 50°C;vit dropped to low values at -T0°C and to zero at tem- peratures ebove 80°C The k7-6 test vas de31gned to allay any llngerlng doubts that fuel radiolysis and its consequences‘could be e11m1nated by maintaining the fuel'moltenieven_dufing reacfior Shufdown;- Four cylindrical, Hastelloy N eapsules.were.used (ldih. OD?x 2;615 in. long). Heatefa were provided for all capsules, and,these'turged'on_automatdcally when the fuel temperature approached the liquidus temperature, maintaining the fuel salt in a molten condition even when the-feactof,was,shut‘down. The capsules contained ‘cylindrical graphite cores which were 0.5 in. in diameter and 1.35 in. - long; the cores werelsurrounded by'0.2 in. of fuel salt and pierced by a central Hastelloy N thermeeouple well. Two of the capsules (see Fig. 14) . were.equipped-with gae 1ines.and differed from each other'only in that half ~the graph1te area in one was replaced by a Hastelloy N exten51on of ther ._ thermowell. These capsules were charged w1th an L1F—BeF -Zth-UFh fuel - similar to that in the_hT-S_test_bup contalnlng 0.9 mole % UF,. The two fsealed capsules containedifullasize éraphite cores and similar fuels with 'o 5 mole % and L. Omole % UFh | The h7~6 assembly was 1rrad1ated in the MIR for 1500 hr to burnups _fram l% (1n salt contalnlng 0. 5% UFh) to 5% (salt with 4.0% UFh) Gas samples were taken at steady operatlon with the purged capsules at tempera- ‘tures from 850 to 1300°F and .at power densities from 20 w/ce to 75 w/ce. ~ THERMOCOUPLE —a 7 COVER GAS SPACE (~ 3 cm3) WATER JACKET ] - "HEATER - . ANNULAR GAS GAP —| * 7 THERMOCOUPLE»\\ 5 € < i //- PURGE TUBE Ll Ll N N N N N N N S NN N N SN NSNS AN NSSINCEN SN SN SN NS E NS SN AN NN N A 1 I Ll HEATER LEADS —7 - SIS SN SNSNEIANNNNEN NSNS NN NN N NN AN N NN NN NN N NN N NS N il \\, COOLANT WATER SUPPLY TUBE » CGB GRAPHITE COREV_‘. MOLTEN SALT E;UEL | INdR-B CAPSULE B&;Y . { | WATER FLOW CHANNEL " GAS CAP PURGE SUPPLY TUéE‘// - Fig. 14. Fuel Capsule from ORNL-MTR-47-6 3 W <’ 1w o} 02 The gas analyses detected no CFh or other fluorine-containing gases in any of the 36 gas samples; CF), deliberately added to the capsules during ir- radiation was radiolytically decomposed at a rate which decreased with tem- perature and seldom exceeded L4%/hr. . Particular care was given to the postirradiation examination of the graphite specimens. No uranium deposits were found by chemical analysis, by delayed neutron counting of neutron activated specimens, or by x-radio- graphy of thin sections. It is therefore clear that uranium deposition on graphite is associated only with fuel radiolysis at low temperatures, and that the reaction does not take place between graphite and molten fission- ing fuel. In addition, visual, metallographic, and x-ray diffraction ex- aminations of the 47-6 graphite specimens failed to reveal any differences between the irradiated graphite and unirradiated controls. Also, the Hastelloy N capsule wall specimens from run 47-6 appeared unaffected by the exposure based on visual and low-power magnification examination. Metallographic examination of unetched specimens revealed no change in wall thickness (less than 1 mil change). | Conclusions from In-Pile Testing of Molten Salts In summary, the 47- series'of_irrédiation studies has been generally reéssuiing as to the radiatibfi stafiility and ccmpatibility of Hastelloy N, graphite, and fuels based on lithium and beryllium fluorides. The cor- - rosion that is known to occur, i.e., that due to mass transfer, does not seem'to;be influenced by pcwer density. It has been shown that the prin- cipal_disturbing effects_are‘conseQuences of low-temperature fuel radioly- sis which is easily suppressed by maintaining the irradiated fuel at a temperature above (conservatively) 200°C. On the basis of the L7- series 56 tests, the limits of this'reassufance}in'regard‘to radiatioh effects on MSBR materiels extend to temperatures of about lhOObF and power densities of about 100'w/cc. The two previous loop tests onrsimilar LiF;BeF2 fuels, described a- bove, extend the limits of dssurance tO‘power densities of 200 w/cc at 1300°F with regard to'corroéion of Hastelloy N in the absence of graphite. There has been no indication of the U7- series experiments that graphite introduces problems in addition to the expected one of Hastelloy N carburi- zation (when the two are in close contact). The previous capsule tests with LiF-Ber-UFh fuels, carried out with no provisions to circumyent the low-temperature fuel radiolyéis effect, suggested that salt power densities of at least 1 kw/cc may be permissible. Also, the numerous tests with NaF-Zth-UFh fuels in Inconel at temperatures up to 1600°F and power densities up to many kilowatts per cubic centimeter exhibited tolerable compatibility characteristics. With respect to radia- tion effects, there is no obvious chemical reason to suppose that a gross- ly different salt behavior would be observed using MSBR materials. C 4 o7 BEHAVIOR OF FISSION PRODUCTS IN MOLTEN SALTS3“S Fission products will be produced in & 2225-Mw(th) MSBR &t a rate of about 2.3 kg/day. In the reference MSBR'design, the fuel salt volume is about T00 ft3 and the-fissilé inventory about 700 kg; with these values the fission product concentration after 50 days accumulation would be about 15% of the fissile concentration. Thus, it is clear that fission product concentrations can be significant even with high processing rates, and that fission product behavior needs to be considefed in specifying reactor operating condifions. Physical Chemistry of Fission Products Fission and its immediate aftermath must be a violent process; the very energetic major fragments are probably deficient in electrons at their origin, and, as they lose energy by cbllisions, they undoubtedly produce additional ionization within the medium. It seems certain, however, that electrical charge is conserved in this,précess; electrons and protons are heither created.nor déstroyed by . the fission event. It follows, therefore, that when fission of UF) occurs in an inert environment [as in a (hypo- thetical).completely inert container] the reaction | o o :7 - + - - UFh-+ n ¥ 2FP +2n +,hF must in a statlstlcal sense, satlsfy the conditions that (l) the salt be _electrlcally neutral and (2) redox equllibrlum be established among the numerous ionic spec1es.r In an 1nert contalner such catlon—anlon equlva- lence (and redox equlllbrlum) mlght be satlsfled w1th uranlum valence states above h and with p051t1ve 1on formatlon by Nb, Mo, Te, or Ru. The MSBR contalner metal (Hastelloy N) is not completely inert and the fuel 58 contains a small concentration of UF3, so additional possibilities exist - for this system. Should the fission product cations.firove inadequate for the fluoride ions plus the fiésion product anions (notably I ), or should they prove adequate only by assuming element valencerstatesltdo highrto be - thermodynamically compatible with Hastelloy N, the container metal would be constrained to supply the cation deficiency. Thermochemical data from whiéh,the st&bilify of‘fissidnlproduct fluorides in complex dilute solutions can be predicted‘are lacking in many cases. BSuch information which appears definite is briefly described in the following sections. Rare Gases The fission products krypton and xenon are volatilized from high-tem- 34,37 perature melts as elements. The solubilities of these gases in mol- ten fluoride mixtures38’39’ho obey Henry's law, increase with increasing temperature, decrease with increasing atomic weight of the gas, and vary somewhat with composition of the solvent. Henry's law constants and heats of solution for the rare gases in LiF--BeF2 mixtures are shown in Table 9. The positive heat of solution ensures that blanketing or sparging of the fuel with helium or argon in a low-temperature region of the reactor can- not lead to difficulty due to decreased solubility and bubble formation in higher temperature regions of the system. [There is no evidence of trouble from such source in MSRE where the He is appiied in the pump bowl at the highest temperature in the circuit.] The very low solubilities of these gases suggest tha£ they shofild be readily removed from reactor systems. Only a small fraction of the calcu- lated xenon poisoning was observed during operation of the Aircraft Reactor U » 59 Experimenthl where the only mechanism for xenon removal was the helium "purge of the pump bowl. Table 9. Solubilities and Heats of Solution for Noble Gases in Molten LiF—BeF2 Mixtures at 600°C LiF-BeF2 (6k-36 mole %) Heat of ga Solution Gas K x 10 (kcal/mole) Helium ' 11.55 j_O.h 5.2 Neon L.63 + 0.2 5.9 Argon - 0.98 + 0.02 8.6 Xenon 0.233 + 0.01 12.1 & = moles gas/(cm3 solvent)(atmosphere). A sbmewhat,more ambitious scheme for insuring a low poison fraction fér xenon (and krypfon) isotopes is to remove thevhalqgen precursors iodine and bromine on & tifie cyclé short éompared to their halftimes for decay in- to‘the hoble gases. Sincel35Xe is by far fhe worst poison of this class, removal of its iodine precursor would be_most‘important; ifs decay half- time is‘sfich that”itsresiaéfice.timg_in the reactor should be kept at 1 hour or.less. In.principle.if"(énd Er-) can.be removed by the reaction T+ gy > Fg * HI(gy where d'afid g-indicate that'tfieSpeéies is dissolved in thé melt or exists ifi the gaseous'stéte;'Molfefi'fiuorides similar to MSBRVfuel and sPiked withI--have been shown to yield the contained iodine readily on contact with gaseousHF.ha These smell-scale (and preliminary) studies suggest 60 that the removal step is chemically feasible. Elements in Periodic Groups I-A, II-A, II-B, and IB-B Rubidium, cesium, étrontium, barium, zirconium, yttrium, and the lanthanides form very stable fluorides."TheSe fission préducts should, ac- cordingly, exist in the molten fuel in their ordinary valence states. A variety of studies of many typésvéhows'that iarge amounts of Zth, the alkali fluorides, and the alkaline earth fluorides can bédiséolved in MSBR fuel mixtures at operating températures. Since the tfifluorides are less soluble, the solubility behavior of the fluorides of yt£rium and the rare 43,4y L5 _earths, and of plutonium _haé been examined in some detail. The saturating phase from solutions in LiF—BeF2 and related mixtures is the simple trifluoride; when more than one rare earth is present, the saturat- ing phase is & (nearly ideal) solid solution of the trifluorides. Such solid solutions are known to accommodate UF3 and it is very likely that they would include PuF. as well. The solubilities of these solid solutions 3 depend strongly on composition of the melt; the solubilities may be near the minimum value for MSBR fuel compositions. Even then, howéver, the solubility (near 0.5 mole % at MSBR operating temperatures) is such that many months would be required for the reactor to saturate its fuel with these fission products. In any case, reprocessing to remove the rare earths, and particularly neédymium, is required in the interest of neutron economy . The above statements regarding rubidium and cesium do not apply to that fraction of these elements originating in the graphite as daughters of the rare gases which have permeated the moderator. These alkali metals form compounds with graphite at high temperature but the absolute amounts H [ ] 61 are so small that difficulties from this source are unlikely. Damage to the gfaphite.by this'mechanism will, as a matter of.course, be looked for in all future radiation and fission sfudies. Other Fission Products These products include molybdenum, ruthenium, technétium, niocbium, and telluriumproduced in relatively high yields with rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium; tin, and antimbny in yields ranging from small to trivial. 6,7,32,33,46 _ poests that the fluorides The available thermochemical data of these elemen£s-wou1d be (if they were present in the pure state) reduced to the métal by chromium at its activity in Hastelloy N or by UF3 at reasonable concentyations in the fuel salt. The high-yield noble metals (Mo, Nb, Ru, Tc, and Te) have polyvalent fluorides which are generélly quite volgtile and moderately unstable. The formation free energies for NbF MoF6, and UF6 may be calculated with 5’ relatively good accuracy because of recent measurements at Argonne of the heats of formation of these éompounds by fluorine bomb calorimetry.hT-hg The entropies and heat capacity data also are available.so While the people at Argonne have measured RuFE,Sl no entropy or heat capacity data seem to be available: - fi;‘_g_a f_s_g_gé | Reference MoFgle) 3ra.3540.22 1213 . u8 UF(g) .-5'10.—77-'_4_»_ 0.h45 ~-67.01 49 - WF(g) -_h33;5 + 0.5 -91.56 AT RuFg(s) 21301 + 0,35 51 From these values and the availsble heat capacity data the following ex- pressions for AGf were derived. In the Case of RuF5, Glassner's6 earlier 62 estimate was corrected to be consistent with the above AHf measurement : - 6T (R ,g) = -416.70 + 54.40(T/1000) AcfkRuFS,g) = 200 + 25(T/1000), AG* (MoF ,g) = -370.99 + 69.7(T/1000), AGT(UF,8) = -509.9% + 65.15(T/1000) . The following wvalues of Aaf have been reported previously for UF3and UFh in 2LiF—BeF2: ~336.73 + 40.54(T/1000), AEf(UF3,a) i Aaf(UFh,d) _hhh;61 + 58.13(T/1000). From these free-energy values the following equilibrium conétanté have been calculated for the formation of the volatile fluorides‘bylreaction' with UFh(d) in the MSRE from the equation log K = a + b(103/T): Reaction K : | a b No(sy * SUFy(a) ¥ MF5(g) * SF3(a) Fior XUF3/XUFh 7.33 -26.82 Ru(g) * 2Pu(a) ¥ BF5(g) * 5UF3(q) Frur XUF /XUFh 13.76 -Th.17 SUFh(d) z UF6(g) + 2UF3(d) PUF6XUF /XUF -32.88 In Fig. 15, calculated equilibrium partial pressures of the gases are plotted vs the UF3/UFh ratio in the melt. As the oxidizing power of the melt is increased,NbF5 is expected to appear first, followed by MoF6, and then RuF_. Uranium hexafluoride has a lower dependence on oxidizing power 5 because its reduction product is UFh rather than the metal. It was as- L)) " 63 .sumed in the case of NbFs, MoF6, and RuF5 that the reductlon product was ' the metal. The UF6 should not be formed in s1gn1f1cant amounts until the melt is ox1d1z1ng enough to produce RuF5 If any stable intermediate fluorldes of Nb Mo, and Ru are formed in the melt the result would be correspondlngly lowered equlllbrlum gas pressures and lowered power -dependences on the UFh/UF ratio. - Tellurlum hexafluorlde has not been 1ncluded in thls listing, but this .'compound seems certaln to be less stable than any shown here. No data which would permlt,lnclus;on of the fluorides of technetlum seem to be 'aira.ilable. - If the UF /UF ratlo in MSRE falls 51gn1f1cantly below 10 3 NbF . L _5- would be expected to volatlllze if the n1ob1um metal in equlllbrlum with 'the fused salt were at a near unlt act1v1ty. Apprec1eb1e pressures of ! .MoF6, RuF » UFg, (and almost certalnly of TcFg or TeF6) would require much - more ox1d1z1ng conditions 1n,the melt. The actual state of these f1551on products is of moderate importance _to”theleffectlveness of molten salt reactors as breeders;. If the molybden- gum, nloblum, technetlum, and ruthenlum ex1st as metals (or perhaps as - ;1ntermetalllc compounds) and plate the Hastelloy N portions of the reactor .they Wlll be of 11tt1e consequence as p01sons, although they may prove a - serious nuisance or worse to heat exchanger malntenance. If they ex1st as '._soluble fluorides_then they#csuse llttle trouble end are, 1n prlnclple, iremov&ble in-the»processingdcycle.’ They'can cause‘moSt trouble by:forming : carbldes or by adherlng in some other way to the graphlte moderator. l, Molybdenum can form M02C and.MoC'ln the MSRE and MSBR temperature range, the AG values for these compounds become negative at about 450°C and the PRESSURE (atm) 64 ORNL-DWG 67-773 e - | : ' L | ‘ | X 1 & s ‘ Qfi)/ ' B . :g N ,// _ & _ , ) . S 0?6 )(\)Fsl - R L - C | & | — | | g O . 4 - & . 4000°K 7 N Xy =0.01 _ q | - 108 X UF4/X_ UF, 10%0 | 10'2 0'4 Fig. 15. Equilibrium Pressures of Volatile Fluorides as Function of UF&/UFB. Ratio in MSRE Fuel. o ¥ 65 o2 compounds become more stable at increasing temperatures. Niobium carbide (essentially NbC) has a large (33 kcal) negative heat of formation at 298°K and is certainly stable under reactor conditions. Nothing appears to be known concerning carbides of technetium, but it seems certain that no ‘carbide formation is expected from the platinum metals, silver, tellurium, cadmium, antimony or tin. Net Oxidizing Potential of Fission Process53 235 The fuel exposure tests have used U as fissile fuel, with thermal 13 flux exposures of about 3 x 107~ neutrons cm,-2 sec Table 10 shows the relative yields of the several most important fission products3O resulting 235 3 peutrons — from fission of U in a steady thermal flux of 3 x 10l .‘s.ec-l for three selected time intervals. The listed fission products com- prise at least 97% of all those produced (total yield is 2.0) at listed times, with no fission product removal. Table 10. Fission Yields from Thermal Fission of 235U 8, =3 x 1013 neutrons cm=2 s,ec'l : Time Since Startup Element 11.6 days 116 days 3.2 years Br - 0.00030 0.00021 0.00021 I 0.0359 0.0145 0.0125 Kr + Xe 0.297 0.301 0.301 Rb 0.0387 0.0390 0.0393 Cs 0.0971 0.131 0.132 Sr 0.1kl 0.121 0.0980 Ba | . 0.105 0.068k4 0.0626 Rare Earths + Y - 0.528 0.560 0.559 Zr - , 0,318 . 0.318 0.317 Subtotal 1.564 1.553 1.522 Nb | 0.0040 0.0139 0.0028 Mo 0.201 _ 0.201 0.2k2 Te 0.0410 0.0586 0.0592 Ru - 0.140 0.126 0.11h Total 1.950 1.953 1.940 66 If the chemically active fission products shown in Table 10 occur as I~ ,Br ', R, Cs , sret . Bée+, 13+, 3% (rare earths), Zrh+, and Mt and if krypton, xenon, molybdenum, technetium, and ruthenium occur as elements, and if no fission product species are removed from the réactor,' then the total fission product yield mfiltipliéd by the valencé-(iXiZi) will be 3.475 and 3.560 at 11.6 and 116 days, respectively. If all krypton and xenon nuclides of half-life greater than 5 fiinutes are removed from the system before they decay, the comparsable ZXiZi valueg become 3.21 and 3.26. If all krypton and xenon nuclides with half;lives greater then 1 minute are removed before decay, the IX.Z; values aré 3.06 and 3.09 at 11.6 and 116 days, respectively. The above EXiZi values (which seem inadequate to satisfy the fluoride ions released by the fissioned uranium)suggeSf that thé fission process is per se oxidizing to UF3 and ultimately to Hastelloy N. Results of many in-pile tests of compatibility of the materials, how- ever, suggest that fission does not lead to corrosion of this container metal. | If, on the other hand, all the molybdenum formed MoF6 and the techne-. tium formed ‘I'cF5 then the fission process would require more than 4 fluo- ride ions per fission event and the fission process would per se be reduc- ing to UFh' Even for the rather unrealistic case where all xenon and krypton species with half-lives in excess of 1 minute were removed the X 2, values would be near 4.5. This would require reduction of one mole of UFh to UF3 for each 2 moles of uranium fissioned. Both extremes (that is a strongly oxidizing or a strongly reducing action of the fission process) seem unlikely. It seems likely that a fraction of the molybdenum, niobium, and technetium exist as fluorides o 67 (of valence lower than this maximum) and that, accordingly, the net effect of fission is neither markedly oxidizing nor markedly reducing to the ~Hastelloy N-UFh system. Should. subsequent long-term tests at high burnup prove the fission process to be oxidizing the cure would seem to be relatively simple; if the burned uranium were made up by addition of UF3 (or UF3.+ UFh) the problem would be solved. Similarly, if the fission processes were (unexpectedly) reducing toward UFh the makeup of burned uranium could be as a mixture of UF5 (or UF6) with UF). 68 C CHEMICAL, BEHAVIOR IN MSRE General The Molten-Salt Resactor Experiment operated during six separate periods in 1966; virtually all of the operating time accumulated aftéf mid- May_was at the maxifium possible power of about T.5 M#. The refictor accumu- lated approximately 11,200 Mwhr during the year. Additional operation in 1967 (essentially ali at maximum.powér) led to:accumulatioh of an addition- al 21,000 Mwhr as of the scheduled shutdown on May 10,:1967; During periods of reactor operation, samples 6f thé reactor salts were remofed routinely and were ansglyzed for major constituents, corrosion pfoducts and (less frequently) oxide co#tamifiation. Standard semples of fuel are drawn three times per week; the LiF—BeF2 coolant salt is sampled every two weeks. ' - Current chemical analyses suggest no perceptible composition changes. for the salts since they were first introduced inté the reactor some 20 months ago. While analyses for Zth and for UFh agree quite well with the material T balance on quantities charged to the reactor tanks, the values for 'LiF and BeF2 have never done so; analyses for LiF have shown lower and fOrw'BeF2 have shown highervalues than the book value since startup. Teble 11 shows a comparison of current analysis with the original inventory value. While the discrepancy in LiF and BeF2 nothing in the analysis (or in the behavior of the reactor) to suggest that concentration remains a puzzle, there is any changes have occurred. Routine determinations of oxide (by study of salt-H,.0-HF equilibria) e 2 continue to show low values (&bout 50 ppm) for 02-. There is no reason to «0 69 believe that contemination of the fuel has been significant in operations to the present. Table 11. Current and Original Composition of MSRE Fuel Mixture " Constituent | Original Value Current Analysis [ (mole %) (mole %) TLiF ~ 63.40 + 0.49 64.35 BeF,, 30.63 + 0.55 | 29.83 ZrF), 5.14 + 0.12 | 5.02 U, . 0.821 + 0.008 0.803 MSRE maintenance operations have necessitated flushing the interior of the drained reactor circuit on four occasions. The salt used for this oper- 7 ation consisted originally of an 'LiF-BeF, (66.0-34.0 mole %) mixture. Analysis of this salt before and after each use shows that 215 ppm of uranium is added to the flush salt in each flushing operation, correspond- ing to the removal of 22.7 kg of'fuel-salt residue (about 0.5% of the charge) from the reactor circuit. Corrosion in MSRE The chromium concentration in MSRE fuel is 64 ppm at present; the en- tire operation seems to have increased the chromium concentration only 26 ppm. Thié increase cérreéfibndsfto,remdval of about 130 g of chromium from the fietal of the fuel circfiith If;this were removed uniformly it would repréSent removal of chrqmium;to é depth_of gbout 0.1 mil. Analyses for i:oh and nickel in the system are relatively high (120 and 50 ppm respec- + tively) and do not seem to represent dissolved Fe2+ and N12 . While there T0 is considerable scatter in these enalyses, there seems to be no indication of corrosion of the Hastelloy N by the salt. rThe absence of corrosion--though in general accord with resuits from a wide variety of out-of-pile corrosion tests--seems somewhat surprising for the following reasons. The UF3 concentration of the fuei'fidded to MSRE was markedly less than intended. Careful reexsmination of the production records and study of the reaction - %1{2+UFh+UF3+HF ‘on samples of surplus fuel concentrate show that the fuel salt had only a- 3+ bout 0.16% of its uranium as U3‘. Nearly 10 fold more than this was intend- ed. If--as seems virtually certein--the chromium content of the salt was due to lor + uF, 2 3crF, + UF 2 L €27 2 3 . _ an additional 1100 grams of U3' should have resulted. With that originally 3+ added the U3’ should have totaled sbout 1500 grams and as much as 0.65% of the uranium in the system could have been trivalent. An attempt, however, 3+ to determine the U3 (by the H _-HF reaction above) after 11,000 Mwhr of 2 MSRE operation indicated that less than 0.1% of the uranium was trivalent. Fission of the 550 grams of uranium (corresponding 11,000 Mwhr) could certainly not have oxidized more than 40% of the 1350 grams of vt vhien had apparently been oxidized. The remaining 800 grafis (approximately) could have been oxidized by inadvertent contamination (as by 60 grams of HEO desorbed from the moderator stack). However, the réte of corrosion even by this relatively oxidizing'fuel melt remained imperceptibly slow. . T1 Addition of beryllium metal (as 3" rods of 3/8" diameter in a perfo- rated basket of nickel) through the samplihg system in the pump bowl served as a convenient means of reducing Uh+ to g3t during reactor operation. 1In this form beryllium appeafs to react at about 1.25 grams per hour so that some 600 grams of U3+ are produced by an 8 hour treatment. Some 30 grams of Be have been added in this way to create an additional 1.6 kg of U3+. During the subsequent 20,000 Mwhr of operation (which burned 1 kg of urani- um) this 1.6 kg of U3 seems to have been oxidized. Again, it seems likely that the fission process was responsible for okidizing a substantial frac- tion, but ndt all of, this material. Additidnal‘beryllium will be added to MSRE fuel as soon s power oper- ation is resumed; it is tentatively planned to reduce at least 1% of the U* to U3* at that time. The lack of corrosion in MSRE by melts which appear to be more oxidiz- ing than those intended can be rationalized by the assumption (1) that the Hastelloy N has been depleted in Cr (and:Fe) at the surface so that only Mo and Ni are eXposed to attack,'with Cr (and Fe) reacting only at the slow rate at which it is furnished to the surface by diffusion, or (2) that the noble-metal fission,produhfsf(see gections following) are forming an ad- herent and protéctivé platé on the feactor_meta1. Behavior of Fission Produétssy?5$°' Helium is inffddficedfihtq the‘pufip-bOVl.of MSRE at & rate of about U4 liters per minute; this helium serves to strip Kr and Xe from the fuel in the pump bowl’and to'swéep,these gases to the charcoal-filled traps far downstream in the exit gas system. Since a relatively'small'fraétion (less than 10%) of the fuel mixture is bypassed through the pump bowl, the ef- T2 ficiency of removal of the fission product gases should not be very high. However, the Xe poisoning of MSEE st T Mw is onlj about 0.3% in AK/K, & value considerably less than was anticipated. This low poison level is probably due to stripping of Xe within the fuel system into hélium bubbles which are known to circulate (at perhaps 0.2% by volume) in the fuel salt. - Samples of MSRE fuel, drawn in 10 to 50 cc metal samples at the sampl- - ing station in the pump bowl, have been routinely analyzed, by radiochemi- cal techniques, for 14 fission product isotopes and, in some cases, for 239Np and 239Pu produced in the fuel. In general, the fission product species which are known to possess stable fluorides are present in the cir- culating fuel at approximstely the éxpected concentration levels. Tfie best 143 monitors (9lsr and Ce) with convenient half-lives, stable non-volatile fluorides, and no precursors of consequence typicaliy and consistently show concentration levels some 15% lower than those calculated from power levels based upon heat balances for the reactor. Those elements whose fluorides are known to be relatively unstable (molybdenum, niobium, ruthenium, tellurium, and silver) are found in the salt at considersbly less than the expected concefitration. If calculations of amounts expected are based upon concentrations of 9lsr, about 60% of the 103 13 99Mo, 30% of the °re appears in the melt. It Ru, and about 30% of the is not yet possible to state with certainty whether these materials.are present in the salt as colloidal metal (or alloy) particles or as soluble chemical species, though present evidence suggests that the former is the more likely. Iodine has been found (presumably as I")iat nearly the expected concen- tration in the samples of fuel. Examinatibn of graphite and metal samples @ w 73 and, especially, of specimens from the vapor phase as described below do show several surprises. | An assembly of MSRE graphite and Hastelloy N specimens was exposed on the central stringerrwithin the MSRE core dufing its initial operation. This assefibly was removed during the July 17 shutdown after 7800 Mwhr of reactor operation, and many specimens have been carefully examined. No evidence of alteration of the graphite was found under examinsation by visual, x-radiographic, and metallograephic examination. Autoradiographs showed that penetration of radioactive materials into the graphite was not uniform andrdisclosed a thin (pefhaps 1- to 2-mil) lasyer of highly radio; active materials on or near the exposed graphite surfaces. Examination of the metal specimens showed no evidence of corrosion or other danger. Rectangular bars of graphite frcfi'the top (outlet), middle, and bottom (inlet) region of this central stringer‘were milled in the hot cell to re- move six succeésive leyers from each surface. The removed lsyers were then analyzed for several fission'product isotopes. The results of analysis of the outer layer from the graphite specimens are shown in Table 12. It iscleaf that, with the assumption of uniform deposition on or in all fge*mddergtérjgréphite,‘appreciable.fractions of Mo, Te, and Ru and a largé fracfiion.of.fihe&Nb are assbciated with the grephite. No analyses for Tc have been obtained, 1ko_ 89 141 1hh 137 The behavicerf - Ba, Sr;' Ce, Ce, and Cs; all of which have xenon or krypton precursors, can be accounted for in terms of laws of dif- ~ fusion and half+liVes'of‘tbe'firecurSOrs..'Figfire 16 shows the change in concentration of the fission'prbduct isotope with depth in the graphite. 140 Those isotopes (such as Ba) which penetrated the graphite as noble gases Table 12. Fission Product Deposition on Surface® of MSRE Graphité Graphite Location ~ Isotope 5 Top Mzddlé Bgttom dpm/cm Percent dpm/cm Percent dpm/cm Percent of Totall of Totalb - of Totall (x 107) (x 107) (x 107) Pno 39.7 13.4 51.4 17.2 3h.2 11.5 132me 32,2 13.8 32.6 13.6 27.8 12.0 103y 8.3 1.4 7.5 10.3 1.8 6.3 Pon 4.6 12 22.8 59.2 2k.0 62.4 131, 0.21 0.16 | 0.42 0.33 0.33 0.25 99y 0.38 0.33 0.31 0.27 0.17 .15 kb, 0.016 0.052 0.083 0.27 0.044 0.14 8sr 3.52 3.2h. 3.58 B 3.30 '2.99 2.Th 1hog,, 3.56 1.38 4.76 | 1.85 2.93 1.1k 1o 0.32 0.19 1.03 0.63 0.58 0.36 3T 6.6 x 107 0.07 2.3x1073 0.25 2.0 x 1073 0.212 @Average of values in 7- to 10-mil cuts from each of three exposed .graphite faces. 6 2 Percent of total in reactor deposited on graphite if each cm2 of the 2 x'10" em of moderator had the same concentration as the specimen. L L _ 4013 DISINTEGRATIONS PER MINUTE PER GRAM OF GRAPHITE 75 " ORNL-DWG 67-774 - 103g, — 13— o 1 . 20 30 4 50 ~_ DISTANCE FROM SURFACE OF GRAPHITE (mils) Pig. 16. Concentration Profile of Fission Products in MSRE Core Graphite After 8000 Mwhr . show stfaight lines on the logarithmic plot; they seem to have remaiped at the point where the noble gas decayed. As expected, the gradient for luOBa 89 with a 16-sec lhoXe precufsor is much steeper than that for “Sr, which hes ~ L a 3.2-min 89Kr firecursor. A1l the others shown show a much steeper concen- tration dependence. Generallyrthe coneentration drops‘a faetor of,lOO from ’ the top 6 to 10 mils to the second layer. | | It is p0951b1e that carblde formatlon is respon51b1e for the depo- sition of Nb and possibly for that of Mo but it seems quite unllkely for Ru and Te; the 1od1ne probably got in as its tellurlum precursor.i Since these materials have been shown to appear.ln the exlt gas as volatlle, species, it seems likely that they entered the graphite by the same mechan— ism. The possibility that the strongly ox1d1z1ng fluorides such as M0F6 were present ralsed the questlon as to whether UF6 was accumulating in the - graphite. An average of 0.23 ug/cm? was found in the surface of the graph- ite; much less was present in interior samples. This amount of uranium, | equivelent to less than 1 g in the core, wes'eonsiaered to be negligible. j T&ble 13 ehows'the extent te whicfi varioué-fissioy product isotopes are deposited on the Hastelloj N specimefis in the,cofe. A large ffactipn of the molyfidenum ana tellurium and a substantial frection of the ruthenium 13;1 was carried into a5 the specimen as its tellurium precursor. The values for ° prisingly high, since those for the lthe ahd 1the with-nobie-gas pre- seem to be so deposited. It seems'possible that the Zr seem sur- cursors probably reflect the amount expected by direct reccil at the moment of fission. If the Nb and Tc are assumed: to behave like the Mo, Te; and Ru, it may be-noted that the MSRE could have been uniformly'plaied during its‘operap - Table 13. ‘Deposition of Fission Products on Hastelloy N in MSRE Core Hastelloy Location | Isotope Top Middle Bottom o, 2 2 2 dpm/cm”™ Percent dpm/cm Percent dpm/cm Percent ~ of Total?® of Total® | of Total® SR (x 10?) . - (x 107) (x 107) o '7212. k2.8 276 - 55.6 20k hi.2 1320 508 131 | 3k41 88 Lot 110 s : ' -l 103pu 35.5 29.3 25.5 21 23.2 19.1 131, 8.2 3.8 4.0 1.8 5,2 2.k g 1.8 1.0 1.8 1.0 2.6 1.3 }MICe 0.05 0.02 0.22 0.07 0.15 0.06 l1_”‘Ce 0.01 10.02 0.09 0.18 0.35 0.07 fpercent of total present in reactor which would deposit on the 1.2 x lO6 cm2 of Hastelloy N if deposition on all surfaces was the same as on the specimen. T8 tion with several hundred angstroms of relatively noble metals. The only gas-liquid interface-in the MSRE (except_for~the contact be- tween liquid and the gas-filled pores of the moderatof graphite) exists in the pumplfiowl. There a salt flow of about 60 gpml(B% of the total system flow) contacts a helium cover gas which flofisthrough #he bowl at U4 liters/ min. Provisions for direct seampling of this exit gas are planned.but have not yet been installed in the MSRE. | Samples of the liquid fuel are obtained by lowering arsampler, on a stainless steel cable, through this cover gas and into the liquid. It has been possible, accordingly, to detect chemically active fiésionproduct species in this cover gas by radiochemical analysis of fihe.stainless steel cable and its accessories which contact only the gas phase and by analysis of special getter materials which are attached to the cable. Coils of silver wire and specimens of Hastelloy N have generally been used as get- ters for this purpose. No quantitative measure of the isotopes present in the gas phase is possible, since no good estimate can be made of the gas volume sampled. The quantity of material deposited on the wire specimen. does not correlaste well with contact time (in the range 1 to 10 min) or with the getter materials studied. The quantity of material deposited, however, is relatively large. Table 14 indicates relative amounts found in typical tests. There'is no doubt that Mo, Ru, Te, (and from subseqfient tests, Nb) are sppearing in the helium gas of the pump bowl. The quantities are, moreover, surprising- ly large; if the materials are presumed to be vapors the partial pressures would be above 10-6 atmosphere. The i¢dine isotopes show perceptibly dif- ferent behavior. Iodine-135, whose tellurium precursor has a short half- a) 79 Table 1. Qualitative Indication of Fission Product - in MSRE Exit Gas | Amount ® Isotope onNi On Ag On Hastelloy Fra Liquid Mo 8 2 1 4 132Te 1k 6 T 9 105g, 10 3 3 5 106Ru | 6 2 1 1 1351 0 0 0 0 133, 2 1 2 2 131y 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.9 8The unit of quantity is that amount of the isotope in 1 g of salt. bOn stainless steel csable. 80 131 133 life, does not appear, while ~~ I and ~~-I, both of which have tellurium precursors of appreciable half;life,'are foun&. These findings--along with the fact that these iodine isotopes argvpresgnt in the salt at near their expegted concentration--suggest that any iodine in the vapor phase comes as a result of volatilization of the tellurium'precufsors. Early attempts to find uranium on the wires (as from evolution of UF6) were finsuccessful. More recent attempts--perhaps with the oxidation po- tential of the salt at a higher level--have shown significantluranium depo- sition corresponding to several parts pér million in the gas phase. It is possible, But it seems unlikely, that "salt spray" could account for this observed uranium. Salt spray certainly does not account for the observed noble metal species carried in the gas. The behavior of these fission product species in the gas phaSe'seems to correlate poorly--if at all--with the UF3/UFh ratio in the fuel melt. Concentrations of Mo, Nb, Ru, and Te in the gas phase seem to‘increase (or decrease) together but were unaffected--within the considerable scatter of the data--by the deliberate addition of beryllium to the MSRE melt. The concentrations of these elements in the fuel decrease (after correction for radiocactive decay) during reactor shutdowns; such behavior would be expect- ed if they plate out upon metallic or other surfaces. Concentrations in the gas phase decrease somewhat more than>those in the salt but the dif- ferences seem much smaller than should be attributsble to (for example) some radiation chemistry oxidation process to produce MoF6, etc. It seems most unlikely thet these data can be reconciled as equilibri- un behavior of the volatile fluorideé. It is possible that the MSRE metal is plated with a noble-metal alloy whose thickness is several hundred 1} 81 L angstroms, and it is conceivable that the UF, /UF_ ratio is near 10 . The , | y/ U3 compound NbF_ could show an appreciable pressure under these circumstances. > The other possibilities such as MoF6,.TeF6, and RuF5 would require much higher UFL/UF3 ratios, and it seems.most uplikely that any single redox po- tential can yield the relative abundance observed for these isotopes. The recent findings of‘silver and palladium isotopes in relatively high concenfiration in the gas phase seem (since these elements certainly lack volatile fluorides) to case additional dofibt on species such as MoF6, Rqu, etc. as the gas-borne species. One possible explanation of the available data is the following: The noble metal species (Mo, Nb, Ru, Te, Ag, Pd, and probably Tc) occur--as thermodynemics predicts--in the elemental state. They originate as (or very rapidly become) individual metal atoms. They aggregate at some finite rate, probably alloying.witfi one another in the process and become insolu- ole as very_minute colloidal particles which then grow at a slower rate. These colloidal particles are not wetted by the fuel, tend to collect at gas-liquid interfsces, and oan readily be swept into the gas stream of the helium purge of the pump bowl .They tend to plate upon the metal surfaces of the system, to form carbides (Nb and Mo only) with the graphite, and (as extraordlnarily flne smoke") to penetrate the outer layers of the moderator. Whlle there are difflculties with thlS interpretation it seems | more plauslble than others suggested to date. It is clear that further study and addltlonal data from MSRE and from sophlstlcated in-pile loop tests will be required before'the-detalls of fission product behavior can be uoderstood. 82 MOLTEN-SALT PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY The fuel and blanket salts of a molten-salt breedér reactor céfi Be prepaied by fechniques similarrto thése develdped for the broductiofi-of fluoride mixtures for the MSRE. Commercially aveailasble fluoride salts, which were used as starting materifils for the fluoride prbdfiétion prdcess, required further purification bnly.to.femove a limited numher of—impurity species. Chemiéal reactions used to effect éalf purificatiofi énd méthbds by which process cofiditions were controlled are both edapteble to the 1arger;scale production capabilities that will be required to supply large- scale MSBR;s. | . Production Prdcgss Fluoride mixtures required for the MSRE wefe prepared by-a batch process in a facility initially designed to support the various:chemicél and engineering tests of the program. A layout of the produétion process is shown in Fig. 17. Starting materials were weighed into appropriate batch sizes and simultaneously transferred.by vibratory conveyor to a melt- down furnace assembly. In addition to providing a molten charge to each of two adjacent processing units, the meltdown facilify was utilized for preliminary purification of the fluoride mixtures. Beryllium%metal turn- ings were added to reduce structural-metal impufities to their ihsoluble metallic states. The molten mixture was also sparged with helium and hy- drogen at relativeiy high flow rates to remove insoluble carbon by entrain- ment. Primary salt purification was achieved in each of two batch prbcess- ing units. The melts were inifially‘sparged with é géseous mixture of an- hydrous HF in hydrogen (1:10 vol ratio). Oxides, either initially present 0 " e f&s\\‘CONTRbLH S g3 S ORNL —DWG 64-6998 DOWN | 'SHOWER " PROTECTIVE ' CLOTHING STORAGE | | | : -/ ~SCALES = LOADING ROOM “<—LOADING HOPPER SALT TREATMENT— o | MELT DOWN | SALT T\ RECEIVER -1 | \(/(%m". PANELS o Flg. 17 Operailng Level ' Fluoride Productlon Fac111ty, Layout ofV- o 8k or formed by reaction of the fluoride salts with their adsorbed water on heating,'wére removed as water by the reaction - i\. 0% + 2HF Z 2F + HO. As shown by Fig.’18,.the effiéiency of this reaction is QUité high. \Oxide ' removai rates fiere defermified by.conQensing wgter vapo; from‘the gas ef- fluent‘in a cold trép; | | | Sulfides were also re@ovgd (as HQS) by réaétion with'fiF.‘ waever, any'remaining_sulfates/mfist be reduced b&_hydrogén or added berjilium_ metal bef@re sulfur removal by HF treatment ié efféctive. -Althqugh this ‘ impurity_ié difficult to remove, commercial vendors'of'fluoride salts used in the MS.E were_successful, through process development éfforts,-in‘sub~ stantially reducing this impurity from their.products. CdnseQuéntly, sul- B fur removal from fluorideKSalts should not be an impfirtfifit consideration for future prdduction of fused fluoride mixtures for MSBR's. Nonequilibrium concentrations of structuralqmetal fluoride impuritig§— »that are more easiiy reduced than'UFh (e.g., fiiFa Qf FeF2) wofild‘result in the depletion of chromium activity in the}Hastelloy N alioy uséd es the sfiructural material in the MSRE. Since theée impurities are ffesent in fluoride raw materials end may also.be introduced by corrosion of the.«_ process equipmefif, their concéntrations in fhe.purified fluqride mixtures were an important procéss considerétion.- Following‘HF tréatment,.the fluo- ride mixtures,were_spargéd with' H_ alone ati700°C to effect. the conversion 2 of impurities to insoluble metals by the reaction - - o _ - o : | K MF, + H, T M + 2HF. Hydrogen was also introduced during HF treatment to reduce corrosion of the hickel salt-containment vessel. Measurement of the HF concentration 0 o . HF CONCENTRATION (megq/liter Hp) 5 W N -l g5 ORNL-DWG 64-6996 _HF INPUT CONCENTRATION BATCH NO. C-#6 | - //0- | WEIGHT:120 kg L & FROM ANALYSIS O | GAS EFFLUENT 10 45 20 25 30 .. .. PROCESS TIME (hr) '* Fig. 18. Fluoride Production for MSRE; Utilization ‘of HF During Purification of 'LiF-BeF, - . (66-34 mole %) at 600°C. 86 ~ ig the éas éffluént'during hydrogenlsparginé provided a_Convenient.process control. As showfl by'Fig. 19 the concentration of HFlin ;he_éés‘effluent ‘was indicative of the iron concentration femaining in the salt_mixtures. * At ‘the conclusion of the fi2 treatment, residual quantifiies of.HF were " removed by sparging the melt with dry helium, The purified fluoride mix- ture was then.franéferred to its storaée cofi?ainer. A sintered nickel filter, inserted in the transfer line, removed entrained solids frqm the melt. | - | | | Thué.firifiafy contrél of the production process was exercised by analy- sis of process gas‘sfireams. Filtered Sampleé of the salt mixtufes were ob- fiained periodicaliy during the précess'for chemicél'andlyses. This second- gzy'control measure provided the basis for acceptgnce of‘the_salt batch fbr use in the MSRE. 235 All the U required for critical operatiofi of the reactor could be prepared as a concentrate mixture,'TLiF-UFh (73-27 mole %), with UF), that 235 was highly enriched in “°7U. This facilitated compliance with nuclear safety requirements and permitted an orderly approach to criticality during | fueling operations through incremental additions of 235 235 UF), to the fuel - ';systemvof the reactdr. Since the density of U in the‘concentrate mix— ture is relativély high (2.5 g/cc), the fueling methéd.employed‘for the MSRE should suffice for all pragtical reactor systems. MSRE Salt-Production Economics The operatiofi of the production facility for the preéarationvof MSRE materials waé conducted on a'seVen—day, three~shift schedule at a‘budgeted ~ cost of about $20,000 per month. The raw meterials cost for the 15,300 1b T of LiF—BeF2(66-3h mole %) used as the coolant and flush salt was $71.29 » N ¥ IRON CONCENTRATION IN SALT (ppm) 87 ORNL-DWG 65-2555 - 600 O BATCH F—178 3 o X BATCH F=177 7 | 500 —— SALT TEMPERATURE: 700°C - Ho FLOW: {0 liters/min o 400 | ? 300 | X 200 |— 100 0 002 004 006 008 040 042 Fig. 19. HF Concentration in Gas Effluent (mynmrn) At o e b et 88 . per pound and that of the fuel salt (11,260 1b) excluding 235y costs -was $10.13 per pound. As calculated from operating and raw materials costs U costs) the coolant and flush salt cost (but not plant amortization or $19.71 per pound and the fuel salt cost was $17.33 per pound. Operating costs, as well as faw_materials costs, should be substantially-reduced for larger-scale production operations. o " " 89 SEPARATIONS PROCESSES IN MSBR FUELS AND BLANKETS Use of molten salt reactors as thermal.breeders will obviously require effective schefies-for,decontamination of the fuel and for recovery of bred uranium from the blanket. No provision, however, was made for on-streanm removal of fission products from the MSRE, and fuel reprocessing has re- ceived less attention to date than have more immediate materials problems of this and éimilar machines. No detailed rgprocessing scheme has, accord- ingly, been demonstréted. Recovery of uranium from molten fluorides by volatilization as urani- um hexafluoride and the subsequent purification of this UF6 by rectifica- tion or by sorption-desorption on NaF beds is well demonstrated. Recovery of bred urenium from blankets or removal of uranium (where necessary to facilitate other processing operations) from the fuel, therefore, is clear- ly feasible. Such volatility processing is described in some detail else- 56 where in this series. 57 More recent studies”’ have shown that the LiF, BeF2 (and Zth, if present) can be recovered quantitatively, along with much of the uranium, by vacuum distillation at temperatures near 1000°C; very encouraging de- cohtamingtion-faétors frqm fare earth fluorides (which are left behind in the stillbottoms).have beeh demonst:ated. As is described elsewhere in this series’C this distillation procedure combined with recovery of UFy by fluorination shows real promise as a ffielrprocessing technique. ‘Several other techniques have,shown promise, at least'in preliminary testing.‘-A brief Summary;ofrthese is presented in the following. Possible Separation70f Rafe Earths from Fuel The rare earth fission products, which are the most important nuclear 20 poisons in a reactor fram which xenon is effectively removed, form vefy stable trifluorides with a portion of that F_; released as fiséion of uran- ~ium as UFh' There is no doubf, therefore, fhat these fission products are dissolved in the molten fuel and are availsble for reprocessing. By Solid-Liquid=Equilibria | | The limited solubility of these trifluorides (though sufficient to prevent their precipitatibn under fiormal MSBR conditions) suggested &ears 8go a possible recovery scheme. When a LiF;Ber-UFh melt (in the MSBR coficentration fange) that is saturated withld single rare‘earth fluoride (LaF_,, for example) is cooled slowly the precipitate is the pure simple 3’ trifluoride. When the melt contains more than one rare earth fluoride the precipitate is a (nearly ideal) solid solution of the trifluorides. Ac- cordingly, addition of an excess of CaF3 or LaF3 to the melt followed by heating to effect dissolution of the added trifluoride and cooling to ef- fect crystallization effectively removes the fission product rare earths from solu.tion.hh It is likely that effective removal of the rare earths and yttrium (along with UF_ and PuF3) can be obtained by passage of the 3 fuel through a heated bed of solid CeF., or LaF_. The price, which is al- 3 3 most certainly too high, is that the resulting fuel solution is saturated with the scavenger fluoride (LaF, or CeF3, whose cross section is far from 3 negligible) at the temperature of contact. Since the rare earth fluorides seem to form with uranium trifiuoride solid solutions similar to those described above it is possible to con- sider UF3 as the scavenger material. It should be possible to reduce the fuel UFh to UF3 and then by passage of the solution through a bed of UF3 to remove the contaminant rare earths; in principle, by careful control of ™ 0 91 the columnn tempersture (and, thereby, the solubility of UF3) one could ob- tain from the column a fuel of-the correct uranium concentration which could be returned to the reactor after oxidation (by HF or HF--H2 mixture) of UF, to UFh' While the process deserves further study, the great insta- 3 bility of UF, in solutions of high UF3/UFh ratios and the great ease with ‘ 3 vhich the metallic uranium alloys with structural metals will probably make the process-unattfactive in practice. Removal of rare earth ions, and other ionic fission product species, by use of cation exchangers also seems an appealing possibility. The ion exchanger would, of course, need (1) to be quite insoluble, (2) to be ex- tremely unreactive (in a gross sense) with the melt, and (3 ) to take up rare earth cations in exchange ions of low neutron cross section. For rare earth separations it would pfobably suffice if the material exchanged normal Ce3+ or La3* for the fission product rare earths; other separation : ' + schemes (such as distillstion) would be required to remove the Ce3‘ or La3 * but they could operate on a much longer time cycle. [The bed of CeF3 described above functions in an ion exchanger; it fails to.be truly bene- ficial because it is t00flsqlfib1e'in the melt. ] UnfortUnately,'thérefarefinbt many materials known to be truly stable to the.fuel_mixture.Zirédhium oxideis stable (in its low temperature - ke R form) to melts whose-Zr +/U'IH‘_ ratio is in excess of. about 3. It is con- ~ ceivable that sufficiently dilute solid solutions of Ce,0, in Zr0, would 2°3 be stable and would exchange CeS* for other rare earth species. Inter- : meta.l;ic' compounds of Ijare.-earths with'moderrately,noblg metals (or rare earths in very'dilute alloyS:With,suCh metals) seem finlikely to be of use because they are unlikely to be stable toward oxidation by UF). Compounds 92 with oxygenated anions (such as silicates ahd molybdates) .are decomposed by the fluoride melt; they, and'simpleoxides(ZrO2 excepted) precipitate 2 as carbides or nitrides) of the rare earths either alone or in'solid di- U0, from the fuel mixture. It is possible that refractory compounds (such lute solution with analogous uranium compounds, mey prove uséful.A A con- siderable amount of_exploratory'research will be required (and many of the obvious possibilities have alreadyrbeen rejected) before such_a-technique can be given consideration. | Bi Reduction The rare earth fluorides are very stable toward reduction to the | metal. For example, at 1000°K the reaction gLaF (¢c) + Be(c) -> %La(c) + BeF 377 3(c 2(2) where ¢ and £ indicate crystalline solid and liquid, respectively, shows + 32.4 kcal for the free energy of reaction. With the LaF. in dilute solu- 3 tion and BeF2 in concentrated solution in LiF—BeF2 nmixture the free energy change is, of course, even more_unfavorable. However, the rare earth 58 metals form extremely stable solutions” in molten metals such as bismuth. Beryllium is virtually insoluble in bismuth and forms no intermetallic compounds with this metal. Accordingly, the reaction 2 2 3LeF3(q) + Be(o) < Flaqg;) + BeFyrqys where d indicates that the species is dissolved in 2LiF-BeF2, ¢ indicates crystalline solid, and Bi indicates a dilute alloy in bismuth, can be made to proceed essentially to completion. Accordingly, LaFé can be reduced and extracted into molten Bi from LiF—BeF2 mixtures. © ey " ] ~to .93 10 IR ool 58,59 Since Li~ also forms stable solutions in molten bismuth, the process of reducing the rare earths with beryllium cause some reduction of "LiF and extraction of lithium'by the bismuth. In practice, it is more con- venient to use 'Li in bismuth (at or just below the concentration which yields crystalline Beo_atlequilibriUm)'as the reductant. Figufe 20 shows the behavior-ofrseveral’rare esrths'when extracted from very dilute solu- ~ tioms in 2L1F BeF w1th L1-bear1ng B1 in s1mple equlpment.60 It is still’ too early to be sure that the separstlons avallable are suff1c1ently com- plete, espec1ally_for heav;en rsre_earths, for the method'to be competltlve with the distillation process. In addition, it ‘is uncertain whether re- T covery of the 'Li will be.neEeSssrj7and if so, how mnchtrecovery would be - accomplished' However, the process seems at thls prellmlnary stage to be worthy of further study. It is clear that reductlon processes of th1s type can, at least in : princ1ple be accompl1shed~electrochem1cally w1th the molten b1smuth as - the cathode and w1th some 1nert anode at which fluorlne gas can be generat- ed. The concentratlons of rare earth metals, llthlum, and beryllium ob- ~ tained in the molten blsmuth w1ll be 1dent1cal to those Obtalned by chemi- ' 'f_ cal equlllbrlum as descrlbed above.,,Whether one'prefersrtheflelectrolyt1c | method or direct chemlcal-eQulllbratlon fiill,'aocordingly;-depend upon the economlcs of the competlng processes. { Recovery of Protactlnlum from Blanket 233 While removal of bred U from the blanket by fluorlnatlonss appears fea51ble, the prlor removal of 33Pa from the blanket to permlt its decay 233U out31de the neutron fleld would be a most valuable contrlbutlon to the breeding econOMy.r,Such a separative process must be simple, since it - 94 ORNL—-DWG 66—2425 10 ANTHANUM O CERIUM - LITHIUM FOUND IN METAL PHASE (mole fraction % 402) 0.0 A_ 0.04 0 { 10 400 MOLE FRACTION OF RARE EARTH IN METAL MOLE FRACTION OF RARE EARTH iIN SALT Fig. 20. Effect of Lithium Concentration in : . Metal Phase on the Distribution of . Rare Earths Between LiF-BeF, (66-3k4 mole %) and Bismuth at 600°C. \ 1000 " U e ‘be diminished appreciably by treatment with HF and then H 95 must be capable of handling the entire blanket in a time short compared 233 with the 31.5 day half-time for decay of Pa. By Oxide-Fluoride Equilibria | - . Removel of Pa by deliberate addition to LiF—BeFQ-ThFh blanket mix- 61,62 tures of BeO, Th02, or UO, has been demonstrated. Precipitation of 2 an oxide of protactinium, adsorption of protactinium on the added oxide, or (more likely) formation of a solid solution of protactinium oxide with the best oxide, has been shown to be essentially complete, The process has been-defionstrated to be reversible; treatment of the oxide-fluoride mixture with asnhydrous HF dissolves the added (or precipitated) oxide and returns the protactinium to solution from which it can readily be repre- cipitated. It seems likely that protactinium might be removed from the blanket by passage of a side stream through a tower packed with ThO (or 2 possibly Be0O); the protactinium, in some unidentified form, would remain on the bed and would there decay to 233U outside the neutron field. In its passage through the packed bed of oxide the blanket melt becomes satu- rated with oxide ion. This oxide ion concentration would probably have to > before the melt could be returned to the blankét sfiream. . EE Reduction The possibility ofrecovery'of pfotactinium from realistic LiF-BeF,- ThFh blanket mixturesby_redgction has been‘examined experimentally with su;prising'and‘encouraging_results.63' No real information exists as to the free énergy formetion of thefluorides of protactinium. Accordingly, ' 233 experiments were performed in which traces of Pa were added to LiF-BeFe- ThFh melts, the melts were carefully treated with HF and H2 to insure 96 conversion of protactinium to fluoride and its dissolution in the melt, and the solution subsequently treated with a strong reducing agent. Some experiments used ThPb, in lead or ThBi3 ifi bismuth as the reductant; other 2 tests have used metallic thorium. Ih each case, the protactinium remained in molten fluoride solution (as judged by radiochemical analysis of filter- ed samples) until the reducing agent was added and was removed, upon ad- dition of reductant, to very lofi concentration levels. Figure 21 shows\ the data for a typical case. The removal has been shown to be nearly quantitative at both traces (less than part per billion) levels and at realistic concentrations (50 ppm) of 231p, traced with 233pg. The process has also been shown to be reversible; sparging of the system with HF or HF-H2 mixtures returns the protactinium quantitatively to the molten fluo- ride solution. lRecovery of the precipitated protactinium has proved to be more dif- ficult. Attempts to obtain the deposited protactinium in molten Bi or Pb have been generally unsuccessful in equipment of irdn, copper, niobium, or steel; the deposited protactinium was only fleetingly (if ever) dis- solved in the molten metal. When thorium was used as the reductant no ap- preciable concentration of protactinium was found in the excess thorium. Careful examination of sectioned apparatus shows some protactinium on the vessel walls, and some appears to remain suspended (in easily filterable form) in the salt. The mechenism of removal of protactinium from the salt mixture remains far from certain. It appears likely that the thorium (or slightly weaker reducing sgent) reduces protactinium to form a moderately stable intermetallic compound (perhaps with Cr or Fe) which is filterable, is not dissolved by the molten lead or bismuch, and is readily decomposed O 4 " " 233pg IN SALT PHASE (%) 60 40 - 20 WITHOUT ADDED || WITH Odwt% | - THORIUM ol Th IN Pb ADDED L Eg 1 e < | | | ) £LL_ | o _20 40 - O 20 40 Bt 3 EXTRACTION TIME (hr) - Fig. 21. Effect of Thorlum Metal on the 97 ORNL-DWG 66-970 'WEIGHT OF SALT: 6004g WEIGHT OF LEAD: 9009 Extractlon of 233Pa from L1F—BeF2-ThFh (73—2—25 mole %) in Salt-Lead System at 600°Cr 98 by aahydroue HF./’ Attempts to recover the protactlnlum by reductlon with metalllc thor— ium in steel equipment in the presence of added iron surface (steel WOOl) have shown some promlse.sh In a typical experlment, some 320 grams of LiF-ThF) (27 mole % ThEh) contaiaing'Blppm (26 mg) of‘protactiniafi was reduced with thorium«in the presence of I grams of steel weol. The. LiF-ThFh, previously”purified,_was placed in.awelded nickel~reaction 233 231 vessel, irradiated ThFh containiné & known amount of . Pa and Pa was . added to the mixture, and it was'treated firstrwith & mixture of HF and H, ‘and then with H, alone. Four grams of steel wool (grade 00, 0.068 m /g 2 surface area) was placed in a low—carbon-steel llner inside another nickel vessel. The contents of th;s vessel were then treated with purlfled hydro- - gen at,800°0 for several hours torremove}as much as possible of the oxide s ‘ ' : : surfaee contaainatioh of the steel weol and liner. The two vessela fiere then'connected together at room temperature and heated to about 650°C, and the.salt was transferred to the steel—liaed vessel. After two separate‘ exposures of the salt to a.solld thorium surface, as 1nd1cated in Teble 15, - the salt was transferred back to its original conta1ner and allowed to cool in helium. The steel—lined vessel was cut up, and samples were sub- mittedkfor‘analysis. | The data in Table 15 show that 99% of the protactiniuéiwas;precipi-‘ tated in a form that would not pass through a sintered copper filter after a fairly short exposure to solid thorium, but nearly 7% was in the un- filtered salt that was transferred back to the nickel vessel after ex- . posure to thorium. About 69 g of salt was associated with the steel wool in the steel liner in the form of a hard ball. ' Partial separation of the ” 0 99 salt from steel wool was effected by use of a magnet after crushing the ball, and the ifen;rieh fraction hed‘the higher protectinium concentration. The small amount ofprotactiniufi found on tfie‘veesel wall is especially notable. “Coprecipitatioh of metallic protactinium and iron (and possibly nickel) wouid help to account for the manner in which protactinium settled out on, and adhered tp, the steel wool surface. On the basis of presently available information, thorium reduction of protactinium from molten breeder blanket mixtures in the presence of steel - wool is believed to be a promising recovery method warranting further in- vestigation. Recent experiments have shown, in addition, that the handling of pro- tactinium is simplified somewhat if graphite serves as the container. 233Pa) is dissolved in molten When irradiated thorium metal (containing bismuth in metal conteiners the protactinium disappears_fram the liquid metal solution rapidly. Simiiar experiments using grephite vessels show very slow negligible decreeses in protactinium concentration (after cor- rection for radioactive decay) with time. Accordingly, recent studies of reduction of protactinium from molten fluoride solution have been eqnductedrin_vessels of graphite. An inter- esting assembly whieh.has_been Stgdied in a preiiminary way uses & cylin- drical grephite crucidble (as aiiinef inside a stainless steel or nickel vessel) containing a pool of molten bismuth and a central cylindrical chimney of. graphite with'ifis_ldwer.end immersed in the bismuth pool. The chimney is cohnectedfto the 1lid of'the metal Jjacket vessel in a manner ~ such that the central chamber and the annular outer chember can be main- tained under separate and different atmospheres. A LiF—ThFh blanket mix- 100 Table 15. Precipitation of Protactlnlum frqm Molten L1F-THFh ' (73-27 Mole %) by Thorium Reduction in the Presence of Steel Wool 231, . Total Semple Concentration ~'231Pa“" (mg/g) (mg) Salt after HF-H, treatment ' .0.0634 | | 20.3 Salt just before transfer - 0.081 - . 26.1 Selt 35 min after transfer ©0.079 24.9 Salt after 50 min thorium exposure 0.0026 0.69 Selt after 45 min thorium exposure ' 0.0009 0.27 Nonmegnetic fraction of materiel 10.20 11.5 in steel liner Magnetic fraction of material in 0.628 ' 10.2 steel liner - Unfiltered salt after transfer to 0.0076 - 1.75 nickel vessel ' | Steel liner wall 0.0006 Stainless steel dip leg 0.53. Filings from thorium rod 0.29 All salt samples 1.35 Total protactinium recovered 25.5 » " 101 ture containing protactinium‘fluoride is placed in the annular chamber and & LiF-NaF~-KF mixture is_plaéed.in the inner chamber. An atmosphere of HF is used to sparge»the LiF-NaF-KF mixture and a reducing metal and (beryl- lium or'thofium) is added to the salt in the outer chamber. The protac- tinium fluoride in the outer chamber ié reduced, dissolved in and transfer- red thfough the bismuth and is oxidizedAby HF and dissolved in the LiF- NaF-KF mixture in the inner cylinder. Additional study is necessary to ‘establish (1) the rate at which such a system can be made to work, (2) the quentity of reducing metals transferred to the recovery salt, and the | completeness to which the reaction can be easily driven. The system-- ~which seems to have several useful variations--does, however, look promis- ing. It is also clear that, as in the rare earth reduction process, electrochemical reduétion 6f the protactinium fluorides should be success- ful. In fihis case, it might seem especially promising if (as now seems likely) the protactinium is being reduced in the presence of metal to a ‘stable intermetallic compound. Attempts to reduce protactinium electro- chemically with a variety of metallic electrodes to ascertain (1) the type end composition of the intermetallic compound, and (2) whether a - simple'recovery process with;a'solid'electrode'can be achieved are scheduled for study. 102 MSBR IN-LINE ANALYSIS PROGRAM The rapid acquisition of data concerning the compositions of the fuel, coolant, and cover gas is highly desiréble in the operation of a fluid fuel reactor. To be of most fialue the data should be representative of the re- actor at zero time preferably with as little time-delay as possible in order to evaluate changes in composition'ffom normal conditions and to take requisite action. This state can only be attained by in-line analy- sis. Investigastions are under way to‘developinstrumenfation capable of providing instantaneous data. "It is proposed to devote considereble ef- fort in this direction as part of the MSBR program. The alternative is to sample the fuel and coolant.at periodic intervals and remove the sample . for enalysis at an appropriate analytical laboratory. This procedure is time-consuming and thereby suffers obviously from a definite time lag in providing information so that unknown events and information concerning these events are out of phase. Although in-line instrumentation is a well-established technique, its application to molten salt reactors is essentially in its infancy - parti- cularly in regard to radiation and its effect on maintenance of operating equipment. The objective is thus to apply the successful in~line techni=- ques that hawe been used to control many nonradiocactive chemical processes to control the reactor fuel, coolant, and cover gas. Helium Cover Gas Ip addition to the anticipated impurities (atmospheric contaminants, CFh’ Kr, and Xe) have been found to represent significant contaminants in the MSRE off-gas system. While it has not yet been possible to measure hydrocarbons in the MSRE blanket gas, ofganic deposits have seriously L4 103 interfered with the operation of the MSRE off-gas system and hydrocarbons ‘in concentrations of severaluhundred.parts per million have been found in the off-gas from the MSRE pump test loop and in simulated pump lesk ex- periments. (These experiments indicate that most, if not all, of the hydrocarbon enters the pump bowl through a mechanical joint which can be welded ifi future models.) In these tests the total hydrocarbon concen- tration was measured continuously by a flame ionization detector and the individual_hjdrocarbons -~ principally light unsaturates -- were identi- fied by ges chromatography. Gas chrqmatography is a near perfect technique for automated analysis. This technifiue is now highly devéloped ahd refined, and considerable ex- perience hasrbeen gained from research in other reactor programs on the analysis of helium by gas chromatographic techniques. The determination of perménént gas impurities in molten salt reactot'blanket gases will re- quire an instrumentrof imprQVed sensitivity thét~is compaiible with intense radiatibn.. A simple ohrdmatograph has been used to measure ppm and lower concentratlons of H 2, 2, CHh,_Kr, Xe, and CFh in the off- gas frcm an MSRE in—p1le test. Thesé contaminants were resolved on a 10X molecular sieve column and measured w1th a hellum dlscharge detector, which has the follow1ng llmlts of detectlon. 104 - Table 16. Sensitivity for Detection of Contaminants in Helium by Gas Chromatography Component Parts per Billion H20 : | 1 | H2 100 02 >10 . Kr : >10 N, - CHh | o >10. CFh 20 co 20 Xe | - 10 The defermination of H20 and 002 will require a morelcomplex instru— ment with multiple columns; probably a three-cplumn instrument will be required for all fihe above camponents. Also it will be-necessary to eli- minate all organic materials of construction completely if.extendéd depend- able operstion is to be obtained with highly radioactive samples. An all- metal pneumatically actuated sampling vaive is being developed for this application. This valve will also be operable at high temperaturgs to minimize the adsorption of traces of méisture.' The effects of hydro- carbons on the chromatograph has not been tested bu@ will probably require some modification of the proposed instrument. Gas chromatography is the most highly developed method for the suto- matic analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures; however, the resolution of the complex mixtures anticipated in thg blanket gas requires columns packed rwith organic substrates, which are not compatible with the highly radio- active samples. Also, the experience with the pump test loop has indicat- 0" _saits haxe'been_obtained. 105 ed that the continuous_measurement,of,the total concentration of hydro- carbons would provide adequate information for. reactor operations. These measureménts, made with a\flame ionization. detector, provided data to dif- .ferentiaxe between possible locations of lesks; conversely, the complete analyses were of value only in development studies for the selection of means of removing the hydrocarbons. The flame ionization detector would probably nof_be suitable for in-line analysis of the reactor blanket gases because its operation would inject substantial quantities of air inmto the off-gas system. An alternate method which will not introduce contaminants is'being'develofied. VIn this tgchnique the hydrocarbons are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with copper oxide, and the thermal conductivity of the combusted stream is compared with that of the same gas after the 002'and H20are removed by ascarite and magnesium perchlorate. This method has been tested with a bench top apparatus and found to give a sig- nal proportional to hydrocarbon concentration over the range of interest with a limit of detection below 10 ppm. If possible, a similar spparatus will be tested on the off-gas of the MSRE. | Spectrqphotcmet:y of Molten Salts Absoyption spectfophbtpmetfy'and'eléctrochemical analytical techni- ques are potentiallyiapplicable,for'in-line analysis. The absorption spectra of separate solutibfis'df:U(IV):andrU(III)_in fluoride~base molten 65&66_ Baged on a consideration of these spectra, U(iII),péuld be detérminedfat a;wavéléhgfih”of,360'mu to a concentration level of ca. 300 ppm in the presence of up to 1 mole % of U(IV) in molten LiF-BeF,-ZrF) . ‘Such a spectrophotometric method, which is based on a characteristic spectrum, would be a specific and direct method. Performed 106 "in-line," this determination would provide a direct, specific, ‘and con- tinuous monitor of the U(III) concentration in the molten fuel sélt.-' Similarly & relatively weak peak at 1000 my in thé absorption spectra of tetravalent uranium could be used to'monitof U(IV), provided the concen- tration of U(III) does not exceed about 1000 ppm. Any corrosion products - in the molten,sait, even if present at Several t;mesTthe concefitr&tion level that is expected, will not interfere with the proposed determinations. The effect of the spectra of the various fissidn.firoducts is-not known primarily becéuse their equilibrium oxidatién-sfiates'are.not*known with ¢ertaifity. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that little if any ef- fect fiill be 6bserved. Perhaps the most interference will pefrom the rare earths, probably as soluble fluorides. 'On the basis of experimental evidence the rare-earth spectra in molten fluoridq salts should present sharp but insensitive absorption peaks. Recently a very intense absorption peak at 235 mpu has been found for U(IV) in LiF-BeF,, melts. Preliminary estimates indicate that this peak could be used for the in-line measurement of uranium concentrations as low as 5 to 10 ppm. If no interfering ions are present,‘the-fieak'could be applied as a sensitive detector of leaks into coolant salt streams and to meaéure residual uranium in depleted reprocessing streams. The design of a spectrophotometer to be used in these proposed appli- cations is rather well defined. Modification of an existing commercial spectrophotometer, a Cary Model 1L4-H manufactured by Applied Physics Company , wil; adequately meet the design criteria. In order to eliminate most of the radiation which is present in the salt sample the optical path- length of the spectrophotometer will be extended ca. three feet; at the 2» [ " » 107 same time the imaging‘of~the optical system will be-modified-tofprovide more intense illumination of the sample area. It appears that'the'piping which will deliver'the_molten saltvto the sample cell can be extended”a_convenient'distence from the reactor core so that environmentalrrafiiétion mey be no problem to the servicing of the electronic components of the spectrophotometer. If the radiation is a&bove tolerance, separation of electronic and optical components can best. be handled by building oneminstrument_housing the optical components and an- other instrument containing'the electronics. Schematic diagrams of the -cell de51gn and spac1ng are. shown in Flgs. 22 and 23.. A If the sPectrophotometer is to monitor the spectrum of U(III) con- tlnuously and monltor the. spectrum of U(IV) occa31onally, this type of repetltlve analy51s is readlly adaptable to an automatlc cycllc operation with the data recorded by dlgltlzlng equlpment ,.Electrochemical Studies In pr1nc1ple electrochenicalranalyses_of molten salts are attractive for in-line analysis sincefffie'technique-lends itself somwéli ‘to remote .operations. In- addltlon, any spec1es 1n solutlons that can be ox1dlzed or :',redficed:iS'determln&ble byielectrochemlstry. The chem1ca1 behaV1or of the ‘.;_solutlon and the reactlons 1nvolved must be known- however.r Ideally, one -[fcould establlsh the normal potentlal of . the fuel and observe fluctuatlons :'iand ‘deviations from thls norm._ In thls manner the normal operatlng be- hav1or of the fuel 1s known and presumably changes 1n thls behav1or wouldr ~be-correlated wlth.observeditranslt;ons._ To accomp11sh thls task a reli- .able reference electrodefliscneeded.; To}this,end, it is planned to in- \ 'vestigate rarious metal—metsl_ion-couples (nickel-nickel fluoride, nickel- V/a-in- diam CELLl\\ Al,03 WINDOW—_ 108 ORNL-DWG 65-3975A T FREEZE VALVE A N N AN AN N e e N _FOCUSED LIGHT BEAM r—— s W ~—__Y/g-in-diam APERTURE He — MATERIAL : INOR-8" 'Fig. 22. Molten Salt Reactor In-Line Spectro- photometric Facility " L] e @ 1} * 109 " ORNL- DWG. 65-3976 'MIRROR Fig. 23. Cell Space Optical Design ...‘-_-,,_,,, bridge" between the Ni-NiF felectrode,68 and an isolated couhter‘electrode, 110 nickel oxide, berYllium—beryllium fluoride, for,exampie)'as possible refer- ence electrodes thatrare compatible fiith flaoride melts. -In praetice, the metal-metal ion reference appears to be rfie best choice from_the standi point of investigating and setting up of electroanalytical methods for an- alysis ef molten fluoridee. One model of tfie Ni;Ninelectrode fias been tested and found to be reversible and reproducible‘but of limited service life. The useful 11fet1me of this electrode is limjited to a few weeks by the dlssolutlon of a thin membrane of boron n1tr1de Wthh serves as § salt : 2 be mechanically feasible to replace electrodes in reactor process streams . half cell and,the molten sample.. While it mey periodically, a much more dependsble system could be constructed if an in- _ sulating material that is compatible with molten fluorides eould be dis; covered. A three-electrode system, an indicator electrode,67 quasi-reference : 69 has been applied to molten salts successfully. Approximate potentials for observed electrode reactions for several electroactive species are shown in Fig. 24. Theo-~ retically, it is pessible to measure the concentration of the meial ions at their decamposition poteatials indefiendent\of the presence of other metal ions as long as the potential difference is at leasf 0.3 v. The presence of gross auantities of one metal and traee quantitiesrof another often results in swamping of the decamp051t10n potentlal. This technique has already been applled to samples from the MSRE to determlne the oxidation state of iron and: nlckel which appeared to be \ present' in the fuel in concentrations above that predlcted to exist in equilibrium with INOR-8 at the_obServed concentrations of chromium. Con- " “ n 111 ORNL-DWG. 66- 6277 - CATHODIC ~ ANODIC | L I R L T +20 #O N ¢ -0 -2.0 POTENTIAL , 7 VOLTS VERSUS PLATINUM QUASI-REFERENCE ELECTRODE Flg. 2h. 'Approximate Poten’cials for Electrode Reactlons in Molten L:LF-BeF -Zth , (65 6-29 h-s 0 mole %, at Temp 5oo°c). 12 centrations of ionic iron and nickel éf only about 10 and 1 ppm were défer— mined by véltammetrié scans of remeltgd samples that had been.withdrawn framthe_flSRE before it was operated at power. These_valueé compare with tqtal concentratiohs.(determined cfiemically) of 125 and L5 ppfi, respective—‘ lf,land\indicate that the major fractions of these cbntéminants are prob; jablyrpfeseht és fineiy divided metals. Thus thg'concentrations of thesé corrosion producfs.in true ionic solution are more consistent with thermb— &ynamlc predlctlons. | | | The three-electrode system also offers significant potentlal as a technique for in-line monitorihg_qf'uranium in reactor fuels. In MSRE . type melts at 500°C U(IV) to U(III) reduction waves have beén'found to be reproducible to befiter than 1% in measurements during e twouhour period, and to about 2 to 3% for intermittent measurements taken over a one-month period. If the reproduc1b111ty could be 1mproved the technlque could also be used to_measure trivalent uranium. The\ratlo_of reverse to forward scan currents is-unity vhen only U(IV) is present, but the ratio}increases as UF, is added to the melt. One limit to the-reproducibility.o;‘the 3 voltammetric measurement is the precision of definitiofi of the area:of the indicating electrode. With present instrumentation itiis neceésary to - limit the electrode area by inserting a 20-gauge platinfim wire only 5rmm into the meltsrto limit the_currénts to measurable valfies. It is appérent .that only a small change in melt level will produce a significant error in electrodeareé. / | | A new voltammeter is being built that will fieasure twentyfold-higherk' currents so that an electrode with more repfoducible area can be used. This instrument also permits faster sweep rates which will minimize theV 1" . 113 effects of stirring in flow cells which will be necessary for process an- alysis. With these refineménts it is possibie that uranium can be continu- ously monitored with accufacy_that is comparable to that of hot cell analy- ses. An alternate method for défining the electrode area is to use an inéulating sheath. Boron nitride sheaths have been used with some success but are slowly attacked by the salts. The teéhnique would be greatly ‘simplified if & really compatible insulator were available, and a materials development program would appear to be merited. A new phenomena which may offer a combihed electrolytic and gas analy- sis technique for oxide determination has recently been observed. When LiF--BeF2 melts are electrolyzed in vacuo at the potential (+ 1.0 v) of an anodic_wave which has been attributed to the oxidation of o#ide ion, gas evolution is noted at the indicator electrode. The gas was found to be predominantly 002 (resulting from the reaction of electrolytic oxygen with the pyrolytic graphite electrode or the graphite container) with lesser quantities of CO and 02. If 100% current efficiency can be achieved, a coulometric method would result. Alternately the evolved gases could be purged from the electrolytic cell and analyzed ges chromatographically. Determination of Oxide by Hydrofluorination The duantitative evolution:of oxide as water by hydrofluorination of “molten fluéride salt:mixtfires has been successfully applied to the deter- mination of oxide in the highly radioactive MSRE fuel samples. The sampl- ing ladle, contéining about 50 g;Of salt, is sealed in = nickel hydro- fluorinator with a delivery tube spring-loaded sgainst the surface of the salt."After7the'system is pfirged at 300°C with a hydrofluorinating gas mixture of anhydrous HF in hydrogen, the salt is melted, the delivery tube 11k is driven beneath the surface of the salt, and the melt is pfirged with | hydrofluorinating gas mixture, the oxide being-evolved as water. ' The ef- fluent from the hydrofluorinator is paséed through a sodium‘fiuoride column at 70°C to remove the HF, and the water in a fractioh of thié‘gas stream is measured with the cell of an electrolytic moisture monitor. The integrated signal from the moisture monitorlcell is proportional to the concentfation of oxide in the sample.‘-The water is efolved éuite rapidly with anaelyses essentially complete within aboutl30 minutes after the salt is melted. Most of this time is consumed in purging the water ffam the sodium fluoride trap and in "drying down" thé cell. | The components required to carry out this determination in the hot cell are shown in Figs. 25 and 26. Figure 25 shows from left to right: the samplifig ladle; a nickel liner, which protects the hydrofluorinator bottom; the hydrofluorinator top, with its replaceable delivery tip and baffles to retain the salt in the liner; the hydrofluorinator bottom and a clamping yoke to seal the hydrofluorinator via a Teflon O-ring. Figure 26 shows the assembled hydrofluorinator in the furnace on the right con- nected with a pneumstically actuated coupler to the compértmentrwhich_ contains the sodium fluoride column, the moisture cell, a capillary gas stream splitter and the necessary valving and connections. | At the reactor startup samples of flush salt and fuel were analyzed by both the hydrofluorination and KBth methods with satisfactory agree- ment. The KBth results were positively biased by abéut 20 ppm fihich is readily explained by atmospheric contamination of the pulverized salt. Since the reactor has been operating at power the results of the éamples analyzed have fallen in the renge of 50 + 5 ppm. i» o ek « . = @ _ T 55 ; o b | | x ) Q. | | | | m oy , o o 3 . o | oy . , b : | 3 o | e 4 ‘ ‘ . 5 , o : M 4 _ W , T | i = | | : o - | - . | , et .. , ) o R A R .2 _ S PR Te Nz rel= han bl i (oINS MVO g - _, i . B _ 8 o v . L , 3 o . A NS , [ . . g . ! i ; : Lo ! : - g .. | ‘ 4 ‘ " : . . o Fig. 26. Hot-Cell Apparatus for Oxide in ' MSRE Salts. PHOTO 82177 EY « s s b e 117 The hydroflueridatdon method should be equally applicsble to the analysis of MSBR samples, as no interference is anticipated from thorium. Because the reaction is rapdd and quantitative it offers promise for ap- plication to process analysis and might also be combined with a determi- nation of reducing power. The reactions involved in the process determi- nation are as follows: 2 0~ + oHF 3 H,0t + 2F (1) and ' UFy + HF 2 UF) + 1/2 Bt (2) or M° + nHF 2 MF_+ n/2 Ht , | (3) with evolved water and hydrogen measured. Application of reaction (1) could be carried out by either of two techniques. In the simplest approach the molten salt would be subjected to a single-stage equilibration with HF in.a hydrogen or helium carrier and the oxide computed from known equilibrium constants. This approach is subject to several problems; the most serious of which is.that activities of oxide rather than concentrations are measured. Thus precipitated oxides are not determined. Also, it would be necessary to maintain accu- rate;temperature control because equilibrium constants of the reaction are relatifely dependent on_temperature} An slternate approach which would circumvent the sbove problem but would requlre a more complex ap- rparatus is to equlllbrate a8 constant stream of the fuel with a counter- " current flow of - hydrofluorinatlng gas. By proper selection of parameters (HF concentratlon temperature contractor des1gn and flow rates) it is theoretlcally poss1ble to approach quantltatlve removal of oxide from the effluent salt so that a steady state is reached in which the water evolved 118 b is equivalent to the oxide introduced in the salt stream. Rate constants for hydrofluorination are not available. Thorium and Protactinium All of the experimental work on the proposed methods has been carried out on MSRE type salts but should also provide adequate analyses for the MSBR fuel. In the analysis of the MSBR blanket the presence of thorium | and protactinium must also be considered. A§ this time the in-line analy- sis of.fhorium does not appear essential to the operation of the reactor -- &8 possible exception is the monitoring of thorium in the core to detect leaks between the blanket and thg éore; Also, on the basis of its spectro- photometric, electrical and therfiédynamic properties, thorium is #ot ex— pected to interfere significantly fiith any of the proposed methods. The in-line analysis of protactinium must be cofisidered as a priority determi- nation because the concentration of protactinium must be maintained at a low level in the blanket for efficient breeding. In the sbsence of.ei- | ‘ perimental data, the spectrophotometric method appears to offer the most profitable avenue of investigation. ,; Reprocessing System | Monitoring of the continuous fuel reprocessing system will probably be of even more 1mportance than the monitoring of the main reactor ;ystem, because the compositions of the reprocessing streams are more subject to rapid operational control. Moreover, the reprocessing system offers several avenues for the temporary or permanent loss of fissipngble material. Salt streams which will require continuous measurement of trace concentrations of uranium include the effluents from fluorinators of the fuel and blanket reprocessing streams. Part of the residual uranjum in \EJ of 119 either of these streams is subject to permanent loss either in the still bottoms of the fuel Sysfiem or in the fiaste of the blanket fission product disposal.. The in—line analysis of major concenfrations of uranium in the meke-up stream frqm.the recombiner will also be required for inventory control. With the possible exception of a change in the concentration and/ or nature of the corrosion products the techniqueé that are developed for the analysis of reactor salts should be edually applicable to the reproces- sing systém; | Gaseous effluents streams from thé UF cold traps and the recombiner systém could introduce temporary losses via transfer of uranium to the off- gas.syStem and will reqfiire in-line analysis for trace concentrations. Gas streams that contain major concentrations of UF6 (e.g., effluents from the fluorinators) can probably be adequately monitdred by ultraviolet spectrophotometers, bfit no cofipletely satisfactofy methfids,have yet been found for the in-line analysis of trace concentrations of uranium in gas streams. OSeveral techniques are being considered to monitor the Fluid Bed Volatilify Pilot Plant, and any mefhods developed should be ideally suited for the MSBR reprocessing system. 120 PROPOSED PROGRAM OF CHEMICAL DEVELOPMENT The chemical status of molten fluorides as reactor materials, present- ed in some detail in preceding sections, indicates strongly that thermal breeders based upon these materials are feasible. The discussion will continue to be examined. Attempts will be made to estab~ lish that passage of the melt through beds of oxide (ZrO2 will be included) Be0 or ThO will remove the protactinium without reaction with other constituents. If this is true, as previous tests have strongly suggested, a:careful study ~of the effect of extraneous ions, of the behavior of uranium, and of the extent of contamination of thé melt by oxide and hydroxide ion will be made. 233U pfoduct from Mefhods for recovery of the protactiniumxor of the whichever of these processes.séems promising will be undertaken as soon as an understanding of the removal mechanism permits. | Development of Continuocus Production Methods As the discussion of production téchnology.above makes clear, the present production methods have been adequate for materials for MSRE; fihe fuel, coolapt, and flush salt were furnished in a high and completely satisfactory state of purity. It seems very likely that the present unit processes will serve to prepare MSBR fuel and (perhaps with minor modifi- cations) blanket. However, the 25,000 1b of material for MSRE required nearly a year to prepare in the existing batch processing facilities, and provision of a considerably larger quantity for an MSBR would be gquite un- economical if this equipment were used. The purification process is quite a simple one. It seems ceitain that it can be engineered into a continuous process with the throughput per unit of time and manpower much greater thafi that of the present batchroper— ation. The relatively smallldevelopment effort adjudged necesséry for this conversion is scheduled so that the finished plant could be available for run-in on large quentities of salt needed in the engineering-scale tests. W 131 Chemical Services Under this heading are lumped the many and diverse ways in which the molten salt chemists perform services in direct support of other portions of the development effort. These ways range from (1) examinstion and identification (as by the optical microscope) of deposits found in engi- neeriné.test loops, (2) determination of permesbility of graphite specimens, (3) in-place hydrofluorination of batches of salt before reuse in test equipment, (4) manufacture of small batches of special salt compositions for corrosion or physical property tests, and (5’ liaison emong the engi- neers, reactor.operators, hot-cell operators, and enalytical chemists so that the many specisal samples receive proper handling and data from them are reasonsably interpreted.. It is difficult to specify, long in advance, the details of such services, but many years' experience encourages us in the belief that the suggested level will be needed. Analyticel Development In order to apply in-line analytical techniques to the MSBR, con- siderable preliminary.information and_data.mnst,be gatheredtso that a sound evaluation of possible successful reactor,applicationé can be made. This approach will.permit g'quifiumjshift of effort to those concepts that appear to be most~fffiififfil._Fof}eiafifile;,fihe.expériencegained in the analyéis of hydrocarbons inthefMSRE'offégaé,is being used now in the de- Sign.of-a gaschrqmatograph_fipdetermine automatically the vafiouS'con- stituentsfin the éover,gas.a-work on_this pibject.iS'currently finder way end will be directed towards the MSER. | The long term in-line analysis progrem is planned in this tentative 132 order of priority. I. 8. Construct a lsboratory facility which will piovide s flowing salt stream, probably driven by & gas 1lift. Provision will be made for the addition of contaminants to the salt inclfiding oxide, sampling, capability for hydrofluorination and electréiytic treatment of the salt. This facili- ty will be used to provide tests of eléctrdchemical methods for uranium and corrosion products and for measuring'the electrochemical potential of the salt vs a standard reference cell. | | b. Initiate investigation of a countercurrent equilibration methpd for the determination of oxide by hydrofluorination. c. Accurately determine reproduc{bility of operation of spectro- photometric cell for future application to determination of uranium and protactinium. Ny} ITI. Continue basic inves?igations of electrode-précesses to observe if chromium, oxide, and trivalent uranium can be determined in this manner. III. Investigate materials as insulators for reference electrode. IV. Conduct in-pile testing of any in-line techniques which prove successful in Section I. ' V. Develop gas chromatographic analyses compatible with high activi- ty. Includes radiation testing of packing materials, testing solid ad- sorbents for hydrocarbons. Development of all metal valving. Testing ef- fect of radiation on detectors. VI. Investigation of alternate continuous methods of in-iine gas ‘analysis, e.g., thermal conductivity, referencing gas after chemical sepa- "ration to original gas stream. 5. 10, 11, 12. 133 REFERENCES P. R. Kasten et al., De81gn Studles of 1000-Mw(E) Molten—Salt Breeder Reactors , 0RNL-3996 (July 1966) W. R. Grimes et al., "Chemical Aspects of Molten Fluoride Reactors," in Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IV, Vol. 2, Technology, Engi- neering, and Safety, Pergamon Press, London, _1969.3 W. R. Grimes et al., "Chemical Aspects of Molten Fluoride Salt Reactor Fuels,”" in Fluid Fuel Reactors, ed. by J. A. Lane, H. G. MacPherson,_and Frank Mgslan, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Mass., 1958. K | | | W. R. Grimes, "Materials Problems in Molten Salt Reactors," in Materials and Fuels for High Temperature Nuclear Energy Applications, ' ed, by M. T. Simnad and L. R. Zumwalt, the M.I.T, Press, Mass., 196k. MSRP Semiann. Progr, Rept. July 31, 1964, ORNL-3708, p. 21k. Alvin Glassner, The .'Therinochemi'cal Prop_ertiea of the Oxides, Fluo- rides and Chlorides to 2500°K, ANL-5750. | L. Brewer et al., MDDC-1553 (1945) and L. Brewver in The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials, Thermodynamics, ed. by ‘L. L. Qulll McGraw-Hlll New York 1950, pp 76-192._ R. E. Thoma (ed ), Phase Diagrams of Nuclear Reactor Materials, 5]03NL-25h8 (Nov. 6 1959) L. V. Jones et al "Phase Equalibria in the Ternary Fused—Salt T“System LiF-BeF -UFh,{ J Am Ceram. Soc. h§(2) 79-83 (1962) . J Barton et al., J. Am. Ceram. Soc. h1(2) 63-69 (1958) R. E. Thcma et al., 7. Phxs. Chem. 6l, 865 (1960) R. E. Thama et al., J. Phxs. Chem. 63 1266-7h (1959) 13. 1k, 15. 16. 717. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2k, 13h4 C. F. Weaver et al., J. Am. Cerem. Soc. 43(4), 213-18 (1960). A. L. Mathews and C. F. Baes, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-1129 (1965). C. F. Baes, "The Chemistry and Thermodynamics of Molten Sait Reactor Fluoride Solutioné," in Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on Thermodynemics with Emphasis on Nuclear Materials and Atomic Trans- port in Solids, Vienna, Austria, July, 1965. C. F. Baes and B. F. Hitch, Reactor Chemistry Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1965, ORNL-3789, pp. 61-5. I. Cohen and B. E. Schaner, A Metallographic and X-Ray Study of the U02-Zr02 System, USAEC Report WAPD-253, June 1962. K. A. Romberger et al., "Phase Equilibrium Studies in the Uranium(IV) T Oxide Zirconium Oxide System," presented at 151st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh, Penn., March 21-31, 1966. | E. M. Levin, C. R. Robbins, and H. F. McMurdie, f’ha_se Dia:gréms for Ceramists, The American Ceramic Society, Inc., Ohio, 196k4. V. G. Selivanov and V. V. Stender, Zhur. Neorg. Khim. 3(2), 4k8 (1958). R. E. Thoma and B. J. Sturm, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1965, ORNI-3789, p. 306. W. D. Powers and G. C. Blalock, Enthalpies and Heat Capécities of Solid and Molten Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL-1956 (Feb. 1, 1956). MSRP Semienn. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1965, ORNL-3812, p. 1k5. B. C. Blanke et al., Density and Viscosity of Fused Mixtures of « 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. - 31, 32. - _33. 3k 135 Lithium, Beryllium, end Uranium Fluorides, MLM-1086 (Dec. 1956). B. C. Blanke et al., Viscosity of Fused Mixtures of Sodium Fluoride, Beryllium Fluoride, and Uranium Fluoride, MIM-10T79 (April 1956). S. Cantor and W. T. Ward, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1965, ORNL-3913, p. 2T. L. J. Klinkenberg, Rec. Trav. Chem. 56, 36 (1937). G. M. Adamson, Materials Development for Molten-Salt Breeder Reac~ tors, ORNL TM-1854 (Aug. 1966). G. Long, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1965, ORNL- 3789, p. 65. C. M. Blood, Solubility and Stability of Structural Metal Difluo- rides in Molten Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL CF-61-5-4 (Sept. 21, 1961), and C. M. Blood, F. F. Blankenship, W. R.‘Grimes; and G..M. 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