AL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION m for the U.S5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION OAK RIDGS NATIONAL LABORATORY L ORNL- TM- 1189 NN ERRENN s 37 3 4456 D54909k 5 DATE - June 24, 1965 A TECHNIQUE FOR CAICULATING FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND ITS SENSITIVITY TO PARAMETER CHANGES FOR MULTI-VARIABLE SYSTEMS T. W. Kerlin and J. L. Lucius* ABSTRACT A general method for calculating the frequency response of a dynamic system and the sensitivity of this frequency response to changes in system parameters is described. The development is carried out using the matrix differential equation (or state variable) approach. SFR-1, a computer code prepared to carry out the computations, is described. Two sample problems serve to illustrate the method and the use of the code. CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone else to see this document, send in name with document and ‘the ‘library will arrange a loan. * Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and waos prepared primarily for internal use ot the Ook Ridge MNational Loboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent o final report. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as on account of Government sponsored work, Meither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A, Mockes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accurocy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this repeort, or that the use of any information, apporotus, methed, er process disclesed in this report may net infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting frem the use of any information, epparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the obove, "“person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, 1o the extent thot such employes or contracter of the Cemmission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, eny informotion pursuent to his employment or contract with the Commissien, or his employment with such contractor. Contenfs. Page INtroduction sve.iieeeereenennses Cerbeeaees Ceeerraaraas e 5 Frequency RESPONSE cueeseeseaees ceeean ceeeenn .;;...;.. ....... 5 Freguency Response Senéitivity‘ :.....; ..... Weesesanans ceeens 9 The Computer Program ..eeccescesesssseasss Chececenccaranenas 19 Input ..eeeecocrrececesnssosnnccns ceecos ceessrssenesens 13 Output seiveevencnacnas ...........;...}..a... ...... voee 17 ‘Sample Problems ...... ceeeneen Ceeeseatenssecenannneeos . 18 PLOBLEM L erenrenieieninnaninnnn e et 18 Problem.Q .......;...;...;;.........,.... ........... 19 Conclusions seeevesos. ceseecisens ,.‘............;.;... ...... 23 References ..... .............f........}j..;...;..f.......... 30 ‘ AL LABORATORY LIBRARIES il | ' 3 445k 054909k & I ' L Intfodnetion“ Techniques for determining the frequency response of multi-variable dynamic¢ systems are well knewfi; and'seVefél COmputef.COdes-have been prepared which are useful for ealeu1atiné nucleaf'pofier reactor frequency :res'pcbnse;lt"2 The frequency .reésponse is usnaily determined for the system at the design condition and at several of f-désign conditions to determine the sensitivity of the results to &henéés ih'syétefi pafemeters: This sensitivity 1nformat10n can be useful 1n re- de51gn of dynamlcally unsatls- factory systems and in determlnatlon of necessary tolerances in des1gn specifications to 1nsure sultable dynamlc behav1or at lowest cost Sensitivity 1nformatlon can also prev1de a -deéper understanding of system dynamic characteristiCS to the system anaiyst and can help in matching This report presents a technlque for determlnlng the frequency response of multi-yariable systens., In addition; the sensitivities to system parameters can be‘determined directly. A domputer code for carrying out the calculation is described and numerical results are shown for sample problems.: o | | ‘Frequency Response The system equation for a linear; autonomous, lumped parameter system may be written: dz . . - | — I 7 Bl . W where 7z = the response vector, t = time, A = the system matrix (the elements are the- usual coefficients in the differential equatlons),: | | - f = the disturbance vector kq. (l) is usually called the state varlable representatlon of the system. In Eq. (1), it is assumed that - the dependent varlables are wrltten as perturbatlons_around an equlllbrlum point. This implies that all the initial conditions are zero when the'equation’is‘Laplace transformed. The Laplace transform of (l) is then given by the following equation: A-sI]Z=-T , | f (2) where T o I = unit diagonal matrix, | s = Laplace transform'fiéfameter,- Z = Laplace transform of Zz, ” f = Leplace transform of f. Cramer's rule can be used to write the formal solution of (2): B _ P : : . z, = (3) |A - sI] K where | Ei = ith éomponent‘of E, Bi'=,determinant of [A - sI] with the ith column replaced by -f. In general, a transfer function expresses the relationship between an independent variable and some dependent variable., The independent variable appegrs as a factor in the disturbance vector, f, on the right hand side of the system equation. Thus, T may be written as follows: f = pg ‘ ‘ (L) fihere o = Laplace transform of the selected independent variable - a scalar, g = a vector of coefficients. | Use Eq. (4) with (3) to give Z C G == = L (5) . P |A - sI| ' where | G = transfer function between the independent variable, p, and the dependent variable, z,, , i C, = determinant of [A - sI] with the 1™ o6lumn repiaced by -g. Q For nuclear reactor applications, the selected independent variable is most often reactivity, and the selected dependent variable is most often the neutron flux or a temperature at some point in the system.u The transfer function in Eq. (5) may be used to give the frequency response. For this, the Laplace transform variable, s, is replaced by Jjw, where Jj =\/:T“ and- w = the frequency of the perturbation. Thus, the transfer function becomes a complex quantity: G=a+ jB . ‘ | (6) The appearance of G in the complex plane is shown in Fig. 1. It is common to characterize G by a magnitude, M, and a phase angle, 8. These are given by: o : M =" + 52 s (7) o = ten™ £ (8) The variation of M and @ as a function of. the frequency, w, is called the frequency response of the system. | A number of approaches are possible for solving Eq. (5). The most obvious is to form the numerator and denominator determinants and to numerically evaluate these determinants in complex arithmetic. Another approach is to transform the determinants into polynomials in s.l’2 This has the advantage that evaluation for numerous frequencies (w = — js) does not require re-evaluation of the determinants. The choice, then, is whether to perform the bulk of the computation in finding the polynomial or in evaluating the determinants. The preference seems to have been for the polynomial method in most previous calculations. This was done because the polynomial methods were sufficiently faster than direct determinant solutions to offset twé difficulties characteristic of polynomial methods: the accurate calculation of the coefficients of the polynomial is a dif- ficult numerical problem, and the complex relation between the basic system parameters and the coefficients of the polynomials complicates calculation of the effect of changes in the parameters. ORNL DWG. 65-7607 Im(G) Re(G) Fig. 1. Appearance of G in the Complex Plane Ca c o [i] 7 In this study the desire to determine the effect of changes in system parameters on the fregquency response dictated the use of direct . calculation of the determinants. In cofitrast'to the polynomial methods, it is easy to keep track of the system parameters and to determine their effect on the frequency response. It was also found thét direct calculation of the determinants for calcuiating the frequency response alone is inexpensive on large digital computers unless the matrix;is'quite large. 5 The running time for a FORTRAN IV Gaussian elimination scheme” on the IBM 7090 has been'found to be given by: T = 0,028 nl'9 , Where T = running time (seconds/ffequehcy calculated), n = order of the matrix. | | If it is assumed that about 25 pointé are needed to define the frequency response, then the running time is given approximately in Table 1. Table 1. Approximate IBM 7090 Running Time for Direct Frequency Response Calculation Ordef of : | Running Time ‘Matrix - o . (min)- 20 ’ 3.4 50 Te3 Lo | ‘10,5 50 | ' : 19.5 60 . L : 27.9. Frequency Response Sensitivity It is frequently valuable to know what changes in the frequency response will occur if certain of the system paraméters should change. It would be desirable to get this information without recalculating.the 10 whole frequency response repeatedly. A technique for accomplishing this is given in this section. | First, rewrite Eq. (5) as shown below: N N : . : G=Tr =] C (9) Now differentiate BEq. (9) with respect to an element, aij’ of the.system matrix, A, aD e . (10) iy 1J . 1J il ol 1 o= Equation (10) gives the sensitivity of the frequency response to changes in the elements of the system matrix. The derivatives on the right sidé of Eq. (10) are easily calculated. It can be-shownLL that the derivative of a determinant of a matrix with respect to one of its elements is the cofactor of that element in the matrix. Thus we get: { oG 1 e =D My m @y5) (11) ig where nij = cofactor of aij"in the numerator matrix, N, 7ij = cofactor of aij in the denominator matrix, D. It is alsoc necessary tc convert the G sensitivity into magnitude sensitivity and phase sensitivity. PFirst, since a, is real, we can write: oG _ ou . 0B da.. oa,. Pa_. - (12) 1J 1J 1d Thus the real and imaginary parts of the'solufiion given by Eq. (11) are actually ao/aaij and as/aaij. From the definitions of M and 6, it is clear that the following relations exist: ,d o +B§g_ oM oa. . Bai. 9a. = _ 'lJ_ q. P | - (13) L Jao + B ’ ' {4 11 o g@ - oo a, ., oa. . . - 08 _ ij ij : (14) ‘fa., ., - 2 .2 ’ 13 a” + B Equations (11) through (1) are adequate for finding the sensitivities to matrix element changes. However, these matrix elements are made up of algebraic combinations of basic éystem.parameters. The same system parameters frequently occur in several matrix elements. It is desirable to find the sensitivities to system parameter changes as well as the sensi- tivities to matrix element changeé. This can easily be done using Egs. (15) and (16): ' ' oa. . . oM _ oM ij ox - 23 oa. ox (15) L iJ. ij b T ‘aa » , 06 o 06 ij , e S L BT s o (16) £ ij ij £ where th ' xz = the /4 system parameter. The quantities 8a /ax are known since the algebraic relations between matrix elements and system parameters must be known from the analytlcal description of the system. A special feature of the numerator determinant, N, should be noted. The column whose elements consist of the disturbance vector, g, clearly do not depend on the matrix elements, aij' Thus 6N/aaij does not contain a contribution from the column replaced by g. . However, g can depend on the system parameters. Thus 8N/9dx, may have a non-zero contribution from £ the column of the matrix whose components are the components of g. Thus the complete equations are: . da 0 M\ oM 1j M G =) e m L (17) g i3 Piy 9% K 98 9% 12 . 96 90 9%i; 90 98 Ll B motl B (18) g i3 Ty T k T8 9%y The procedures for finding BM/ng and ae/agk are similar to those for finding BM/Baij and BQ/aij. Slnce = a?pears only in N, oG 1 ON : ng D g, ’ o (19) where _ gg— = negative of the cofactor of the-element in.N containing g k From the definitions of M and 8, it is clear that M By .. 98 (20) ral : “k Vo2 + g2 0 96 S K (21) g, - ' | &y V& + 52 where gg; = real part of 8G/8gk,' 8 g%— = imaginary part of-BG/agk.' o k . The Computer Program A computer program called SFR-1 (Sensitivity of the Frequency Response) was prepared for the IBM 7090. The cbmputer code is provided with the system matrix, A (59 x 59 or-smaller), and the disturbance vector, g. For specified values of w, the code calculates the frequency response using Eq. (5) and s = jw. Equations (7) and (8) are used to |L'. 135 give the magnitude afid phase. The determinarits in Eq. (5) are calculated in complex arithmetic using a Gaussian elimination scheme with partial pivofiing3 (obtained from:R. E._Funderlic of Oak Ridge Gaéeous Diffusion Plant). The code also can calculate the sensitivities to matrix element changes using Egs. (11), (13), and (14). The sensitivities to the system parameters are calculated using Egs. (17) and (18). The method for providihg the algebraic‘relationships between the matrix elements and the system parameters are given below -in the section on input. Input The input to SFR-1 is short and simple. The only section requiring extensive explanation is the algebra table. The algebra table serves ‘to establish the relationship between matrix elements and system parameters and . the relationship between elements of the disturbance vector and system parameters; In-general, each matrix element or disturbance vector element is made up of a sum of terms, each of which 1is an algebraic - combination of various system parameters: a = 7 x%'jb £%1+Z x%';% x%i+ ij -1 "1 T2 """ Tm 271 Tp "t Tp -OXr. I _ am - _ oy = ) 7 gz x (22) where N 1 a constant, qu = exponenfi of the qth factor in the mth term, = the number of the term, = index on the systém parameter, the number of terms, H =2 o B i = the number ofifactors in term m. - 1k - For instance if _ 2 ..8 -1 -2 3 1.8 38,9 =2x % X"+ L2 X % XF. we could express a8 9 in tabular form as: 2 Coefficient of i J m zZ_ 1 2 3 L 8 9 1 . 2.0 2.0 0.8 -1.0 8 9 2 .2 - | -2.0 3.0 1.8 A table of this type appears in the SFR infiut. The information in tfiis table is also used by SFR-1 to calculate the derivatives shown in Egs. (15-18). The general rule for differentiating terms of this type leads to M I qu BaiJ 23 II %4 q = Z P b (23) axfl 2om Zm g=1 X, Z where 83‘= 1if X, appears in the mth term O if_xfl does not appear in the n*? term The detailed description of the input is given below: Type 1: ‘ Title card. Type 2: Column 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Format 15 15 15 15 15 15 - Input N NOW NCTS NOXI KIPD NOFV where N = order of the system matrix, NOW = number of frequencies to be calculated,' NCTS = number of different columns to be replaced by the disturbance vector, NOXI = number of system parameters being considered, KIPD = derivative option. If KIPD is positive, SFR calculates the frequency response - only. If KIPD is zero or negative, SFR calculates the frequency response and the sensitivities, NOFV = row number of the last non-zero entry in the disturbance vector if the disturbance vector is specified in Type 3% input. If the disturbance vector is specified in the algebra table (Type 5 input), NOFV is omitted. Type 3: Column 1-10 Format TELO. 4 Repeat, 7.per card Input Ci where Ci = components of the disturbance vector Note: Type % cards are omitted if all components of the disturbance vector are calculated from the algebra table (Type 5 input). Type k4: Column 1-10 Format TE10.4 Input xfl Repeat, 7 per card 16 where @ X, = value of the system parameter, values are listed sequentially starting with Xq - Note: Omit Type 4 cards if NOXI = O. Type 5: Column| 1-2|3-4|5-6]7-16 17-25!2&430 31-37138-44] 45-51] 52-58(59-65| 66 -72 Format || I2 | I2| I2{El0.5 8F7.2 Input I J m |2 P where I = row number of matrix element if I = 59. If I = 60, a component of the disturbance vector .is being specified, J = column number of matrix element if I £ 59, .If I = 60, J is the row of the component of the disturbance vector being specified, m = number of the term, Z = constant multiplier 6f this term, P = eprnent of the system parameter. » Note: ZEnd Type 5 cards with a blank card. Omit Type 5 cards if NOXT = O. No blank card is used to end Type 5 input if NOXI = O. Type 6: g Column 1-2 | | Format ’ I2 Repeat Tnput | CR where CR = column number to be replaced by the disturbance vector, NCTS entries should be made. 17 Type 7T: Column 1-5 6-10 | 11-20 | - Format I5: I5. F10.4 Repeat, three per card Input I J a. . 1J where = rOW number, J = column number a = value of element, aij’ cf the system matrix, 1j . Note: End Type 7 cards with a blank card. If a matrix element is specified on a Type 7 card and also is calculated from the algebra table, the value from the algebra table will be used. ' Type 8: Column 1-10 Format 7E10.4 | Repeat, seven per card Input W where f w = fregquency for calculation. ©Specify NOW values. The FORTRAN listing of the SFR code is available from J. L. Lucius. Output The output of SFR is clearly labeled in notation consistent with the notation in previcus sections of this report. The first page is a review of input data. It consists of a print-out of the following: 1. Title Input system parameters (x) Algebra table Order of matrix N W o Number of frequencies (w's) 18 . Columns to be replaced Frequencies to be calculated System matrix non-zero elements O 0 9 Oh Disturbance vector The input summary page is followed by the resu;ts of the calculation. The results for each specified frequency are. shown, one frequency to a page. The print-out is as follows: 1. Frequency _ 2. Non-zero elements of 8D/8aij (see Eg. 10) 3., Magnitude ratio (M) and phase angle (THETA) - 4. Column replaced by f vector 5. Values of a, B, D, and N (see Egs. 6 and 9) oG oG oM 6. Values of 8N/aaij, 8D/8aij, Re 5o Im,EETT e and . i3 i T a8 da. | . 1J 7. Values of 8M/8xfl and ae/axfl (see Eqs. 17 and 18). Sample Problems Problem 1. The first illustrative problem is a calculation for a second order system. “ dxl ‘ ' at - () dx2 T = - % - 0.12x, - k (25) Rewrite these in matrix notation: dx _ B EE'—AX-}-f ‘ (26) i~ ~J 19 The transfer .function, Ei/E, is given by 1 : = 5 . : (27) s+ 0.12s + 1 : W||_,:><| Mhis is the form of a quadratic lag with a damping ratio of 0.06. This familiar problem was analyzed with SFR-1. The frequency response and the sensitivity of the frequency response to changes in the damping ratio (% a,, in the systenm matrix) were calculated. The sensitivities were used to predict the frequency response when the’ damping ratio changes from 0.06 to 0.05. Table 2 shows the predicted results and a comparison with exact values, It is clear that the sensitivities provided very reliable information about the effect of chenges in the damfiing'ratid in this problem. A copy of the SFR-1 input required for this problem is shown in Table 3. Problem 2. The second problem is the analysis of a reactor with one group of delayed neutrons and two temperature feedbacks, one prompt and one delayed. The linearized equations are: a < i n o T! n o T! n &k dn' _ B, cL 2 Moo | BoTex ) 5z - gt N 3 =3 7 (28) 1 1 . Lo By o e PPAT | PP | TP e (29) dt £ £ £ 1 i ..y (50) dt (MC_) (MC_), 1 (MC_) 2 o p'l STp'l p’l { | | . T2 omA g DA g (51) at (M.cpi2 1 (Mcp52 2 where n! = deviation in neutron population from the initial condition, C!' = deviation in the precursor concentration from the initial condition, Table 2, Results for Problem 1 02 Predicted Actual Frequency Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude - Amplitude Percent (radians/sec) (damping ratio Sensitivity (damping ratio (damping ratio Error = 0.06) : = 0.05) = 0.05) - 0.1 1.01003 0.00123646 1.01005 1.01005 0 0.2 ‘1.0413kL 0.00542026 1.04145 1.0414L 0.001 0.3% 1.09804 0.0142982 1.09833 ‘ 1.09830 0.003 0.4 1.18854 '0.0322%359 1.18919 1.18913 0.005 . 0.5 1.%2909 0.070433%9 1.3%050 1.%3038 0.009 0.6 1.55271 0.161715 1.55594 1.55568 0.017. 0.7 1.93672 0.425824 -+ 1.9432) 1.94k257 0.034 0.8 2.68339 1.48492 2.71310 2.71163 0.054 0.9 b 57562 9.31140 4,76185 b 75651 0.112 0.95 6.66633 22,0841 7. 30801 T . 3459) 0.516 1.0 8.33333 69.4uLy 3.72219 10.00000 2.778 1.2 2.15999 1.741k1 2.19482 2.19265 0.099 1.4 1.02607 0.254081 1.03115 1.03076 0.038 1.6 0.636225 0.0791140 0.637807 0.637680 0.020 1.8 0.44L367 0.0341156 0. 445049 0.Lhkooh 0.012 2.0 0.332272 0.0176085 0.33%262k 0.3%2595 0.009 3.0 - 0.12487k 0.00210298 0.124916 o 0.124912 0.003 5.0 0.0416537 0.000216811 - 0.0416580 - 0.0416576 0.001 10.0 0.0101003 0.0000123646 0.010050 0.010050 0 Type Type Type Type Type KEYPUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS: Punch only those cords containing data. UCMN-8302 13 12-03) TEN COLUMN INPUT SFR-1 SAMPLE T. W. Kerlin Table 3. Sample Input for Problem 1 REFERENCE e 22 deviation in fuel temperature from the initial condition, deviation in moderator temperature from the initial condition, delayed neutron fraction = 0.006L, neutron lifetime = 0.5 X lO-u, precursor decay constant = 0.125, initial neutron population = 10.0, fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity = -0O. moderator temperature cdefficient of reactivity external perturbation in keff’ heat capacity of fuel = 1.5, (heat transfer coefficient) X (fuel area) = 3.0, heat capacity of moderator = 2.0 The system parameters are identified with specific X, as shown below for this problem: mN I—JN ™ b £ Ul 0.0064 0.00005 0.125 = 10.0 ~0.0005 '—0.00005 1.5 1l EER RS ¥ T 1l i H (@ ~— 1\ p’l = 500 = 2.0 il & 3 ~ no Substitution of these values into Egs. (28) through (31) yields the following matrix equation: where dz -128.0 0.125 =100.0 A = 128.0 —0.125 =0.64 0.667 0 —2.0 0 0 1.5 \.)‘ 5 x 1072, = —0.5 X 10'”, (32) -10.0 —~0.064 2.0 -1.5 23 2.0 X 105‘ 1.28 x 10° 0 0 The frequency response for problem 2 is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3 shows the sensitivity of the magnitude of the}frequency'responée to changes in the fuel £emperature coefficient of reactivity (Qi) and the moderator coefficient of reactivity (Qé).' Several:observations about the behavior of the system are immediately obtained from the sensitivity plot. At frequencies below 0.1 radians/sec, the effect df'changes in the fuel temperature coefficient and the moderator temperature coefficient are the same. However, since the fuel temperature coefficient (Qi) has a magnitude which is 10 times as large as the magnitude of the moderator coefficient (ag), it is clear that the effects of fractional changes in oy are 10 times as large as equal fractional changes in Qé. It is also clear that the frequency response is very sensitive to changes in the temperature coeffi- ¢ients in the frequency ranhge, 0.1 to 0.5 radians/sec. Above 0.5 radians/sec the graphite effect is much smaller than the fuel effect until they both diminish to small values at frequencies above 10 radians/sec. These illustrative results are typical of the results obtained in sensitivity analysis of reactor systems. The sensitivity data furnish useful infor- mation about the system which can aid in obtaining the essential under- standing of the dynamic structure of the systém that is needed in analysis, design, and experiment planniné. A copy of the SFR-1 input sheet for this problem‘is shown in Table L. -Conclusions SFR-1 represents a preliminary attempf to obtain frequency response sensitivities along with the usual frequency response data. The use of Cramer's rule was expedient in developing the SFR method and certainly does not represent the most efficient procedure. Nevertheless, the cdlcu- lations on SFR-1 have proved useful in practical prOblems5 and the cost of 2l the calculation has not been excessive. The only numerical difficulty observed has occurred at high frequency where inaccurate sensitivities have been obtained in some problems. The success with SFR-1 has led to the development of a new computer code which performs the SFR calculation more efficiently. This code has been prepared and is now being tested. Thé oFR method is also being used to furnish sensitifitigs to a foutine for automatically adjusting the parameters in a theoretical model to fit experimental frequency response dafia, The method being used is similgr‘to the "learning model" approach used by Margolis and Leondes6 in adaptive control applications. 10,000 1000 Mégnitude Ratio (&n/&k) 10 . . 0.001 0.01 Fig. 2a. 0.1 1 Frequency (radians/sec) Frequency Response for Problem 2 — Magnitude Ratios 10 ORNL DWG. 65-7608 100 . 4 : 7 Lo Phase Shift (degrees) 90 60 50 3 3 - O o 1 - O o n o ' Frequency (radians/sec) :Fig. €b. Frequency Response for Problem 2 — Phase Shift ' ORNL DWG. 65-7609 100 9% Sensitivity x 1076 0.001 0.01 fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity moderator temperatufé coefficient of reactivity 0.1 . 1l 10 " 100 Frequency (radians/sec) ; ' Fig. 3. Selected Sensitivities from Problem 2 Results.. LC Type 1 Type Type L Type KEYPUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS: Punch only those cards eontoining dota. TEN‘ COLUMN INPUT REFERENCE 8¢ UCN-5393 . Teble 4. Sample Input for Problem 2 (3 12-83) KEYPUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS: Punch only those cards containing dota. UCN-5393 {3 tl-lli) TEN COLUMN INPUT -} T.W. -\ Table L. (continued); REFERENCE 6C 20 References ® S. M. Katz and D. S. St. John, "Lass — An IBM TO4 Program for Calcu- . lating System Stability," USAEC Report DP-894, Savannah River Laboratory, July, 1964. C. B. Guppy, "Computer Programme for the Derivation of Transfer Functions for Multivariable Systems," United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Report AEEW-R189, Winfrith, March 192. V. N. Faddeeva, Computational Methods of Linear Algebra, Dover Publications, Inc., New York (1959). | F. E. Hohn, Elementary Matrix Algebra, The MacMillan Co., New York (1958). S. J. Ball and T. W. Kerlin, "MSRE Stability Analysis," USAEC Report ORNL-TM-1070, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (in preparation). M. Margolis and C. T. Leondes, "On the Theory of Adaptive Control Systems; The Learning Model Approach,” pp. 556-563 of Automatic and Remote Control, Proceedings of the First International Congress of & the International Federation of Automatic Control, Moscow, 1960 edited by J. F. Coales, J. R. Ragazzini and A. T. Fuller, Butterworths, London (1961). O O—1 O =\ o H e - 31 . Internal Distribution R. K. Adams 28. A. M. Perry C. L. Allen, K-25 29. B. E. Prince 5. J. Ball _ 30. C. W. Ricker S. E. Beall 31, M. W, Rosenthal A, A. Brooks, K-25 32, D. P. Roux 0. W. Burke ‘ 3%, H. W, Savage F. L. Culler 34, A, W. Savolainen A, P. Fraas %5. L. Spiewak D. N. Fry 36, R. S..Stone S. H. Hanauer 37. D. B. Trauger P. N. Haubenreich : 38, G. E. Whitesides, K-25 T. W. Kerlin 39, G. D. Whitman B. R. Lawrence 40. ORNL Patent Office J. L. Lucius. 41-42, Central Research Library M. I. Lundin 4%-4l, Y-12 Document Reference Section R. N. Lyon 45-47, Laboratory Records Department H. C. McCurdy 48, Laboratory Records Department, A, J. Miller - LRD-RC External Distribution Division of Technical Information Extension (DTIE) Research and Development Division, ORO Reactor Division, ORO