£ NTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION m for the U.S5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY LIBRARIES ORNL = TM_ 'I ]46 [N RARHARIO csvind 0 3 4456 0549250 7 DATE - June 11, 1965 PRODUCTION OF A LOW-BORON HEAT OF HASTELLOY N W. R. Martin, H. E. McCoy, and J. R, Weir CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone else to see this document, send in name with document and the library will arrange a loan. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature A and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oaok Ridge Mational Loboratory. It is subject to revision or correction ond therefore does not represent a final report, LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared os an occoum of Governmant sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor ony person acting on behalf of the Commissien: A. Mokes any worranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accurocy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or thot the use of any information, opparatus, methed, or process disclosed in this report may net infringe privately cwned rights; er B. Assumes any licbilities with respect to the use of, or for domages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, ''person acting on behalf of the Commission' includes any employes or contractor of the Commission, or employse of such contractor, to the extent thet such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employse of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNL-TM-1146 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 METALS AND CERAMICS DIVISION PRODUCTION OF A LOW-BORON HEAT OF HASTELLOY N W. R. Martin, H. E. McCoy, and J. R. Weir OQAK RIDGE NATIONAL. LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORA IAHRRRE R 3 4456 0549250 7 PRODUCTION OF A LOW-BORON HEAT OF HASTELLOY N W. R. Martin, H. E. McCoy, and J. R. Weir Current mechanisms for the irradiation embrittlement of structural alloys at elevated temperature are generally associated with the produc- tion of helium by (n,a) reactions. In most reactor enviromments the helium is generated from the transmutation of 198, Boron is generally present in nickel-base alloys at concentrations in the range of 5 to | 80 ppm by weight. These concentrations are above those that have been observed to produce deleterious quantities of helium in stainless steels. The Stellite Division of Union Carbide has melted & 75-1b heat of Hastelloy N, using a practice designed to produce low residuals of boron, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, silicon, and sulfur. This vacuum-induction .heat, designated heat 65-552, was melted using an alumina crucible. Since no deliberate additions of boron were made in the melting practice, analy- sis of the final heat and the raw materials should lead to discovery of the source of boron in the alloy. These data are given in Table 1. The concentration of boron is much less than the normal 5 to 80 ppm. It is apparent that most of the boron was not introduced into the alloy from the raw materials listed in Table 1. Approximately 84% of the boron in the ingot was introduced by some other means. There are perhaps several other sources but a prime suspect is the alumina crucible. Future work should help define further the probable sources of boron. It has been demonstrated that a heat of Hastelloy N can be produced in 50 to 75-1b ingot sizes that contain substantially lower quantities of boron than is normally found in these grades of material. It therefore seems probable that larger ingots in the range of 10,000 1b can also be produced which could offer improved properties for reactor application at elevated temperatures. Table 1. R Boron Analyses Boron Concentration (ppm by weight) Material Approximate Boron Contribution to . Alloy (ppm by weight) Hastelloy N Total Raw Materials in Alloy Electrolytic nickel Molybdenum rondels Electrolytic chromium Armco Iron Electrolytic manganese Aluminum shot Nickel-magnesium Graphite M OoWwoOoOOOO0DOP .90 .14 .08 ©O O 0O 00 OO0 0 0 144 . 057 042 . 005 019 .002 .016 . 0002 .003 6—15. 19, 21, 22. 23, 56-57. 58-60. 6l. 62-76. v e e ORNL-TM-1146 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Central Research Library 2. J. H Frye, dJr, ORNL — Y-12 Technical Library 25. G. Hallerman Document Reference Section 26-28. M. R. Hill Laboratory Records : 29. H. G. MacPherson Laboratory Records, R.C. 30, W. R, Martin ORNL Patent Office 31. H. E. McCoy G. E. Boyd 32. R. E. McDonald R. B. Briggs 33. P. Patriarca F. L. Culler 34. A. Taboada J. B, Cunningham 35. A, M. Weinberg W. W. Davis 3655, J. R. Weir D. A. Douglas EXTERNAL. DISTRIBUTION D. F. Cope, AEC, Oak Ridge Operations Office J. M. Simmons, AEC, Washington Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO Division of Technical Information Extension