MASTER OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION B for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 1070 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT S. J. Ball T. W. Kerlin NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. it is revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. —_———— e e ieiiiieo o~ LEGA e e m e e — LEGAL NOTICE 7 This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. MNeither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any worranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completaness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any informotion, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of ony information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, ‘‘person acting on beha!f of the Commission’’ includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. et e g wh ’ ORNL-TM~1070 * Contract Nd. W-7405~eng-26 1IN MCERAR SOTENCE ABSTRAINS L3 o - STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT S. J. Ball o Instrumentation and Controls Division T. W. Kerlin Reactor Division " LEGAL NOTICE Thie report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work, Neither the United Btates, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or Tepresentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accy- ' racy, gompletenens, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uge ;" of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed In this feport may not infrings : privately owned rights; or - . - B. Assumes any Uabilities with respect o the uge of, or for damages resulting from the use of any tnformation, spparatus, method, or process disclossd in this report, As used In the above, ‘‘person acting on behalf of the Commission’ tncludes sny sm-~ © ployee or contractor of the Commission, or empioyee of such contractor, fo the extent that * such employee or contractor of the Commiesion, or employee of guch contractor prepares, - diaseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract - -with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, ’ DECEMBER 1965 ' OAK RIDGE NATTONAL LABORATORY ~ Osk Ridge, Tennessee . ...° operated by . o ' UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION . for the | U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION B Sy T R e S ARy ST S e ol S L T e e AT A T e ¢ w e crp e ¥ o S » P P = 3 % - o * ek e s S T N Ay = 4. e .ffi“w o) oo ui) l i A e .8. COnCluSlonS .Q..,ll..V!....VQ.V.Ill..l..\‘.’Il.. .......... . 0 iii CONTENTS AbstraCt 8 & & 0 8 0 & W PSS RS ES RN RSN Nt 2 bR a0 e e ’ l. IntrOduCtion v e . ¢ & 9 8 2 s s 2 ® 8 0 8 2 8 0 5 0 9 B U NS P L e e h 2 . Descripticn Of the LiSRE * 8 2 8 28 0 0N BB O SRS RS R e s RN 3. Review of Studies of MSRE DynamicCsS sceeeeescancasaas cons 4. Description of Thedretical MOGElS veveraneenrsrononeanas Core Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer .......cevvvnvnninnns NeutronKineticS 8 0 & F e et B PR RS SERRS T ENSS OSSN Heat Exchanger ana REAIBEOT wevernnnrsunrnonsaseoensens Fluid Transport and Heat Transfer in Connecting Piping XenonBehaVior ® & 8 9 0 " P 4 088 B 0 BB BB SRS S g e ® 9 8 & & & 0 & 09 Delayed POWEr «eveeevcecerscssensossessncans treasne csenes 5. Stability Analysis ResultsS seeessacsnvccecnssnaans ceaan Transient ReSpPONSE scesecrcccisorsssssrssscncssssescsnnsse Closed-Loop Frequency ReSPONSE sseesesescessocrnsasensns Open-Loop Frequency Response ceeeveeetceenesseevannenss Pole Configuration eeevseescieevnvessnessacesassasennans 6. Interpretation of Results s.iivecieerensvesensarnerocans Explanation of the Inherent Stability Characteristics . Interpretation of Early Results ¢.eceeeee Ceesienasan - 7. Perturbations in the Model and the Design Parameters .. Effects of Model Changes cheerrsaana teeasarascasennne P Effects of Parameter . Changes et e eeeeererrae s Effects of Design Uncertainties Fasesasesns trsascsernae REferenceS '.'...i"l.'-.."C"‘O“._.Q‘"I.'V....V..-...l'...'..rfl'llQl- ~ Appendix A. Model Equatlons ....;;......;.;..;.......}..... f:-ApPendix B. Coefflclents USed in the Model Equatlons ...;. * 4080 L B B BN J s an s 8 000 P ...l. Appeidix C. General Descrlptlon of MSRE FrequenCy—Response‘ . _code_V'......I...'....I:l_l...l.....'.....l"'.'......'I.'....... Appendix Dl Stablllty EX'tI‘ema C&lCUl&tlon . o. re e e e s ."o.c. *a " %00 NN N 14 16 16 16 16 18 18 19 23 25 27 _27 31 34 34 . 35 40 42 45 49 67 71 75 -) ’afi . '1‘{ ™ | " b~ —’ o\l o STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT S. J. Ball T. W. Kerlin Abstract A detalled analys1s shows that the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment is inherently stable. It has sluggish transient response at low power, but this creates no safety or opera- tional problems. The study included analysis of the tran- sient response, frequency response, and pole configuration. The effects of changes in the mathematical model for the system and in the characteristic parameters were studied. A systematic analysis was also made to find the set of parameters, within the estimated uncertainty range of the design values, that gives the least stable condition. The system was found to be inherently stable for this condition, as well as for the design condition. The system stability was underestimated in earlier studies of MSRE transient behavior. This was partly due to the approximate model previously used. The estimates of the values for the system parameters in the earlier studies also led to less stable predictions than current best values. The stability increases as the power level increases and is largely determined by the relative reactivity contribu- tions of the prompt feedback and the delayed feedback. The large heat cgpacities of system components, low heat transfer - coefficients, and fuel c1rculat10n cause the delayed reac- t1v1ty feedback. 1. Introduction ‘Investigations of inherent stability constitute an essential part of - a reactorrevaluationQ; ThlS 1s partlcularly true for a new type of system, 7'sucfi‘as the MSRE. The flrst con31derat10n in such an ana1y31s is to de- eetermlne whether the system possesses 1nherent self—destructlon tendencies. 'iiLOther less 1mportant’but 51gn1f1cant con31derat10ns are the influence of 'rlnherent characterlstlcs on control system requlrements and the pos31— éb111ty of conductlng experiments that require constant condltlons for ex- tended perlods. - Several spproaches may be used for stability analysis. A complete studyrof power reactor dynamics wouid take into account the inherent non- linearity of the reactivity feedback. It is not difficult to calculate - the transient response of nonlinear systemS'with analog or digital com- puters. On the other hand, it is not currently possible to study the stablllty of multlcomponent nonlinear systems in a general fashion. The usual method is to 11nearlze the feedback terms in the system equatlons and use the well-developed methods of 11near-feedback theory for stablllty analysis. ThlS leads to the use of the frequency response (Bode plots or Nyquist plots) or root locus for stability analysis. This study 1nc1uded nonlinear tran51ent-response calculations and linearized frequency-response and root-locus calculations. The stability of a dynamic system can depend on a delicate balance of the effects of many components. This balance may be altered by changes in the mathematical model for the system or by changes in the values of the parameters that characterize the system. Since neither perfect models nor exact parameters can be obtained, the effect of changes in each of these on predicted stability should be determined, as was done'in this study. - The transient and frequency responses obtained in a stability analy- sis are also needed for comparison with results of dynamic tests on the system. The dynamic tests may indicate that modifications in the theo- retical model or in the design data are needed. Such modifications can provide a confirmed model that may be used for interpreting any changes possibly observed in the MSRE dynamic behavior in subsequent operation and for predicting, with confidence, the stability of other similar systems. 2. Description of the MSRE - The MSRE is a graphite-moderated, circulating-fuel reactor with fluo- ride ealts of uranium, lithium, beryllium, and zirconium as the fuel..l The basic flow diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The molten fuel-bearing salt enters the core matrix at the bottom and passes up through the core in channels machined out of 2-in. graphite blocks. The 10 Mw of heat . "."Jf 4 ©§ pPow i .xr‘L > B - f .Y & PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGER ORNL-DWG 65-9809 PUMP —r RADIATOR Fig. 1. MSRE Basic Flow Diagram. generated in the fuel and transferred from the graphite raises the fuel temperature from 1175°F at the inlet to 1225°F at the outlet. When the system operates at lower power, the flow rate is the Sameras at 10 Mw, and the temperature rise through the core decreases. The hot fuel salt travels to the primary heat exchanger, where it transfers heat to a non- fueled secondary salt before reentering the core. The heated secondary salt travels to an air-cooled radiator before returning to the primary heat exchanger. | | ' | Dynamically, the two most important characteristics of the MSRE are that the core is heéerogeneous and that the fuel circulates. Since this combination of important characteristics is uncommon, a detailed study of stability was required. The fuel circulation acts to reduce the ef- fective delayed-neutron fraction;rto reduce the rate of fuel temperature change during a power change, and to introduce delayed fuel-temperature and neutron-production effects. The heterogeneity introduces a delayed feedback effect due to graphite temperature changes. The MSRE also has a large ratio of heat capacity to power production. This indicates that temperatures will change slowly with power changes. This also suggests that the effects of the negative temperature coeffi- cients will appear slowly, and the system will be sluggish. This type of behavior, which is more pronounced at low power, is evident in the results of this study. Another factor that contributes to the sluggish time response is the heat sink — the air radiator. An approximate time constant for heating and cooling the entire primary and secondary system was found by consider- ing all the salt, graphite, and metal as one lumped heat capacity that dumps heat through a resistance into the air (eink), as indicated in Fig. 2. TFor the reactor operating at 10 Mw with a mean reactor temperature of about 1200°F and a sink temperature of about 200°F, the effective re- sistance must be 1200°F — 200°F o T5 T = 100°F/Mw . Thus the overall time constant is v 6)jf- > ORNL-DWG 65-9810 REACTOR HEAT CAPACITY 2% 12 Mw-sec/°F S RESISTANCE VARIES WITH AIR ‘s FLOW RATE SINK MEAN AIR TEMPERATURE VARIES TEMPERATURE WITH AIR FLOW RATE Fig. 2. MSRE Heat Transfer System with Primary and Secondary Sys- tem Considered as One Lump. &) h,.. v | . 12 M.sec o 100 T = ;200 sec I = 20 min . For the reactor operating at 1 Mw, the sink temperature incresses to about 400°F. This is due to a reduction in cooling air flow provided at low power to keep the fuel temperature at 1225°F at the core exit. In this case the resistance is | 1200°F — 400°F oo 1M - 800°F/Mw , and the overall time constant becomes Mw.sec P . 12 5 X 800 = 2600 sec | =23 hr . This very long time-response behavior would not be as pronounced with a heat sink such as a steam generator, where the sink temperatures would be considerably higher. 3. Review of Studies of MSRE Dynamics Three types of studies of MSRE dynamics were previously made: (1) transient-behavior analyses of the system during normal operatibnr with an automatic controller, (2) sbnormal-transient and accident studies, and (3)ftransient-behavior analyses of the system without external con- trq}. fThe automatic rod control system operates in either a neutron-flux control mode, for low-power operation, or in a temperature control mode at higher powers.2 The predicted response of the reactor under servo éon— trol for large changes in load demand indicated that the system is both stable and controllable. The abnormal-transient and accident studies showed that credible transients are not dangerous.> The behavior of the reactor without sérvo control was initially in- vestigated in 1960 and 1961 by Burke.* 7 A subsequent controller study by Ball® in 1962 indicated that the system had greater inherent stability ‘ffi " o 1 A than predicted by Burke. Figure 3 shows comparable transient responses for the two cases. The differences in predicted response are due to dif- ferences both in the model and in the parameters used and will be dis- cussed in detail in Section 6. There are two 1mportant aspects of the MSRE's inherent stablllty characteristics that were observed in the earlier studies. First, the reactor tends to become less stable at lower powers, and second, the period of oscillation is very long and increases with lower powers. As shown in Fig. 3, the period is about 9 min at 1 Mw, so any tendency of the system to oscillate can be easily controlled. Also, since the system is self-staebilizing at higher powers, it would not tend to run away, or as in this case, creep away. The most objectionable aspect of inherent oscillations would'be'their interference with tests planned for the re- actor without automatic control. 4. Description of Theoretical Models Several different models have been used in the dynamic studies of the MSRE. Also, because the best estimates of parameter wvalues were modi- fied periodically, each study was based on a different set of parameters. Since the models and parameters are both important factors in the predic- tion of stability, their influence on predicted behavior was examined in this study. Tables 1, 2, and 3 summarize the various models and parameter sets used. Table 1 liSte the parameters for each of the three studies, Table 2 indicates how each part of the reactor was represented in the three dlfferent models, and Table 3 indicates which model was used for ~ each study. . The three models are referred to subsequently as the "Re- duced," "Intermediate," and;"Complete models, as designated in Table 2. 'The'medels'arefdeseribed'ifi;fihis section, and the equations used are given -1n.Append1x A. The'COeffieientsrfor-each case are lieted'in_Appendix B. Core Fluld Flow and Heat Transfer , A typlcal scheme for representing the thermal dynamics of the MSRE core is shown in Flg. 4. The arYTrows 1nd1cat1ng heat transfer require additional explanation. It was desired to base the calculation of heat ORNL-DWG 65-9811 ITIAL STUDIES {1960, 1961) 1962 STUDY FLUX POWER (Mw) 0 200 400 600 800 TIME (sec) Fig. 3. Respbnse of MSRE Without Controller to Decrease in Load Demand. o %) r* N ry Table 1. Sunmary of Parameter Values Used in MSRE Kinetics Studies transit time, sec Burke Ball Present Parameter 1961 1962 Study Fuel reactivity coefficient, °F! =3.3 x 1075 -2.8 x 10”° —4.84 x 10°° Graphite reactivity coefficient, —6.0 X 107° —6.0 X 107° =3.7 x 1079 o - Fuel heat capacity, Mw:sec/°F 4,78 4.78 4.19 Effective core size, ft3 20.3 24.85 22.5 Heat trensfer coefficient from 0.02 0.0135 0.02 fuel to graphite, Mw/°F | Fraction of power generated in fuel 0.9% 0.9 0.934 Delayed power fraction (gamma 0.064 0.064 0.0564 heating) - Delayed power tlme constant, sec 12 12 188 Core transit time, sec 7.63 9.342 8.46 Graphite heat capacity, Mw.sec/°F 3.75 3.528 3.58 Nuclear data | Prompt-neutron lifetime (sec) 0.0003 0.00038 0.00024 Total delayed-neutron fraction 0.0064 0.0064 0.00666 Effective delayed-neutron 0.0036 0.0041 (0.0036)% fraction for one-group approximation Effective decay constant for 0.0838 0.0838 (0.133)% .one-§roup approximatiOn{m" se AR Fuel transit tlme in- external 14,37 17.03 16.73 primary circuit, sec . o | - Total secondary 1oop coolant _-.”' 724.2_ 24.2 21.48 qgix groups used, see Appendlx B fbr individual delayed-neutron fractlons (B) and decay constants (K) 10 Table 2. Description of Models Used in MSRE Kinetics Studies Reduced Intermediate Complete Model Model - Model Number of core regions‘ 1 9 9 TNumber of delayed-neutron groups 1 1 6 Dynamic circulating precursorsa No No _Yes. Fluid transport lagéb ' First Fourth-order Pure order Padé ~ delay Fluid-to-pipe heat transfer No Yes o Yes Number of heat exchanger lumps 1 1 - 10 Nunber of radiator lumps 1 T 10 Xenon reactivity No No | : Yes 8Tn the first two models, the reduced effective delayed-neutron fraction due to fuel circulation was assumed equal to the steady- state value. In the third model, the transient equations were treated explicitly (see Appendix A for details). Prye Laplace transform of a time lag, 7, is e '~. The first order approximation is 1/(1 + ts). The fourth order Padé aspproxima- tion is the ratio of two fourth-order polynomials in ts, which gives s better approximation of e™'® (see Appendix A). Table 3. Models Used in the Various MSRE Kinetics Studies Study Model Used Burke 1961 analog (refs. 4-7) Reduced Ball 1962 analog (ref. 8) Intermediate 1965 frequency response Complete 1965 transient response Intermediate 1965 extrema determination® Reduced 1965 eigenvalue calculations Intermediate 1965 frequency response with Complete extrema. data ®The worst possible conbination of pa- rameters was used as described in Section 7. €y o 11 ORNL-DWG 65-9812 GRAPHITE Ts HEAT TRANSFER FUEL-TO-GRAPHITE ' DRIVING FORCE » HEAT TRANSFER : » TEts IN =g=d FUEL_LUMP 1 FUEL_LUMP 2 | ——T2. our -~ ] Try 7 Tr2 — F1 QPERFECTLY MIXED SUBREGIONS Fig. 4. Model of Reactor Core Region; Nuclear Power Produced in all Three Subregions. ! f ! Loa f}-l ) v M 12 transfer rate between the graphite and the fuel stream on the difference of their average temperatures. The outlet of the first lump or "well- stirred tank" in the fuel stream is taken as the fluid average temperaturé. Thus a dotted arrow is shown from this point to the graphite to represent the driving force for heat transfer. Hdwever, all the mass of the fluid is in the lumps, and the heat transferred is distributed equally between the lumps. Therefore solid arrows.are shown from the graphite to each fluid lump to indicate actual transfer of heat. ' This model was developed by E. R. Mann* and has distinct'advantages over the usual model for representing the fluid by a single lump in which the following algebraic relationship is used to define the mean fuel tem- perature: TF inlet + TF outlet ) TF mean = > . The outlet temperature of the model is given by TF outlet = ZTF mean ---TF inlet . Since the mean temperature variable represents a substantial heat capacity (in liquid systems), it does not respond instantaneously to changes in inlet temperature. Thus a rapid increase in inlet temperature would cause a decrease in outlet temperature — clearly a nonphysical re- sult. With certain limitations on the length of the flow path,9 Mann's model avoids this difficulty. The reduced MSRE model used one region to represent the entire core, and the nuclear average temperatures were taken as the average graphite temperature (TE) and the temperature of the first fuel lump (Efl)' The nuclear average temperature is defined as the temperature that will give the reactivity feedback effect when multiplied by the appropriate tem- perature coefficient of reactivity. The intermediate and complete models employ the nine-region core model shown schematically in Fig. 5. - Each region contains two fuel lumps *¥0ak Ridge National Laboratory; now deceased. &y ‘\ 3, 13 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL~DWG 63-7349R (TRdour ¢ 4 s - fl L T T YFiow - Fig. 5. Schematié-'.'Diagrazn of Nine-Region Core Model. 14 end one graphite lump, as shown in Fig. 4. This gives a total of 18 lumps (or nodes) to represent the fuel and nine lumps to represent the graphite. The nuclear power distributiofifiand nuclear importances for all 27 lumps were calculated with the digital code EQUIPOISE-3A, which solves steady- state, two-group, neutron-diffusion equations in two dimensions. Tests were made on the MSRE full-scale core hydraulic mockup'® to check the validity of the theoretical mpdéls of core fluid transport. A salt solution was injected'suddeniy'into“the1200—gpfi‘water stream at the reactor vessel inlet of the mockup, and the response at therreactdr outlet was measured by a conduétivity probe. The frequency response of the sys- tem was computed from the time response'by Samlon's method*? for a sam- pling rate of 2.5/sec. The equivelent mixing characteristics of the theoretical models are computed from the transfer function of core outlet- to-inlet temperature by omitting heat transfer to the grgphite and adding pure delays for the time for fluid transport from the point of salt in- jection to the core inlet and from the core outlet to the conductivity probe location. A comparison of the experimental, one—region, and nine- region transfer functions is shown by frequencyhrespbnse plots in Fig. 6. Both theoretical curves compare favorably with the experimental curve, especially in the range of frequencies important in the stability study (0.01 to 0.1 radians/sec). The relatively large attenuation of the mag- nitude ratios at frequencies as low as 0.1 to 1.0 radians/sec is due to a considerable amount of axial mixing, which is to be expected at the low Reynolds number of the core fluid flow (~1000). This test indicates that the models used for core fuel circulation in the stability analyses are adequate. Neutron Kinetics The standard one-point, nonlinear, neutron kinetics equations with one gverage delayed-neutron group were used in all the analog and digital transient response studies. Linearized equations were used for all the other studies. In the studies of a nine-region core model, weighted values of nuclear importance for each of the 27 lumps were used to compute the thermal feedback reactivity. 8Six delayed-neutron groups and the iy i L i i 2 i i i i i - ORNL-DWG 65-9813 1.0 0.5 Q o2 o= < @ oo : o o : : S -REGION £ ‘CORE” MODEL 3 3 o005 . NINE-REGION _- CORE MODEL = o - 0.02" 0.0 0 -60 ' q§~'~ i - T 120 ™ _ N : : | o o o N\ | —EXPERIMENTAL ; . -180 s - ey , ' , B , 1] : \\ 8 -240, AN\ ul 2 -300 \ % z : 11 -\ : -360 \\ _ . _ A4\ | 1-ONE-REGION : _ )\A( CORE MODEL g o o -420 , \ L . | | Nwe-ReGION /] \'\ - ‘ ) o . : . -CORE MODEL | 3 - L S .. -480 : ~ -sq0 L——L L 4 1] : i\ _ _ > 001 002 005. 01 02 05 1 2 5. 10 : e . ,-FREQUEch(ramunssed ' ‘ Coamte L Fig. 6. Comparlson of Frequency Response of Experlmental and Theo- Reactor M:inng Characterlstlcs. _ o e | ; a : 16 dynamlc effects of the C1rculat10n of the precursors around the prlmary loop were included in the complete model. o _ , ' i - Heat Exchanger and Radlator - The lumplng scheme used to represent heat transfer in both the heat ‘exchanger and the radiator 1s:shown in Fig. 7. As with the core model, two 1umps are used to represenf each fluid flow path. The.reduced and intermediate models both used one sectlon as shown. The complete model used ten of these sectlons connected sequentlally. Fluid Transport and Heat Trsnsfér in Connecting Piping The reduced model used;singie;well-stirredétank approximations for -fluid transport in the piping from the core to the heat exchanger; from the heat exchanger to the core, from the heat exchanger to the radiator, and from the radiator back to the heat ekchanger. Since the flow is highly turbulent (primary system, Re m 240,000; secondary system, Re w 120, 000), there is relatively little axial mixing, and thus a plug flow model is probably superior to the well—stlrred—tank model. Fourth- order Padé approx1mations were used in the intermediate model and pure delays in the complete model (see Appendix A). Heat transfer to the pip- -ing and vessels was also includedein the complete model. Xenon Behavior The transient poisoning effects of xenon in the core were considered only in the complete model. The equations include iodine decay into xe- ' ’,I’ non, xenon decay and burnup, and xenon absorption into the graphite. Delayed Power In all three models, the delayed-gamma portlon of the nuclear power was approximated by a first-order lag. ) B Fig. 17 ORNL-DWG 65-9814 _ £ IN ] HEAT TRANSFER TT Ls— TUBE ' HEAT TRANSFER I DRIVING FORCE r2’ OUT —— T 2* IN e e WELL-STIRRED TANK (TYPICAL) (HOLDUP TIME = _’25') Fig. 7. Model of Heat Exchanger and Radiator. (See discussion of 4 for explanation of arrows.) 18 5. Stability Analysis Results Data were obtained with the best available estimates of the system parameters for analysis by the transient-response, closed-loop frequency- response, open-loop frequency-response, and pole-configuration (root locus) methods. The advantages in using various analytical methods are that (1) comparison of the results provides a means of checking for com- putational errors; (2) some methods are more useful than others for spe- cific purposes; for example, thé pole-configuration analysis'gives a clear answer to the question of stability, but frequency—responSE methods are needed to determine the physical causes of the calculated behavior; and (3) certain methods ‘are more meaningful to a reader than others, de- pending on his technical badkground. The differences between the results and earlier results*’ are discussed in Section 6, and the effects of ' changes in the mathematical model and the system‘parafieters are exafiined in Section 7. The results show that the MSRE has satisfactory inherent stability characteristics. Its inherent response to a perturbation at low power is characterized by a slow return to steady state after a series of low- frequency oscillations. This undesirable but certainly safe behavior at low power can easily be smoothed out by the control system.2 Transient Response The time response of a system to a perturbation is a useful and easily interpreted measure of dynamic performance. It is not as fiseful in showing the reasons behind the observed behavior as some of the other methods discussed below, but it has the advantage of being a physically observable (and therefore familiar) process. The time response of the reactor power to a step change in keff'was calculated. The IBM-7090 code MATEXP'? was used. MATEXP solves general, nonlinear, ordinary differential equations of the form ax a'é'"‘ Ax + MA(x) x + £(t) , | (1) n"l 19 where X = the solution vector, A = system matrix (constant square matrix with real coefficients), AA(X) = a matrix whose elements are deviations from the values in A [thus M (x) x includes all nonlinear effects], f(t) = foreing funetion vector. The A matrix was developed for the intermediate model and resulted in a 59 x 59 matrix. | | The transient response of the neutron level to a step change in k off of +O Ol% is shown in Fig. 8 for initial power levels of 10 and 1 Mw. The slow response is evident. Figure 8 also clearly shows that the re- actor takes longer to return to steady state in a 1-Mw transient than in . a 10-Mw transient. It is also clear that the power does not diverge (i.e., the system is stable). It should be emphasized that this transient analysis included the nonlinearities inherent in the neutron kinetics equations. The fact that the results of the other analyses presented below, which are based on linear models, agree in substance with these results verifies the adequacy of the linear analyses for small perturbations. Closed-Loop Frequency Response The closed-loop transfer function is defined as the Laplace trans- form of a selected output variable divided by the Laplace transform of a selected input'variablé. If the system is stable, it is possible to replace the Laplace transform varlable, s, with jw, where j =+/~1 and w is the angular frequencyrof,a sinusoidal input. A transfer function, G(w), evaluated at a7particular w is a complex quantity;' The afi@litude of G(w) physically represents the gain, or the ratio of the ‘amplitude of the output sinusoid to the amplltude of the input sinusoid. The phase :~ang1e of G(w) represents the phase difference between the input and out- "_put sinusoids. A 1ogar1thmlc plot of amplltude ratlo and phase angle as a fUnctlon of w is called a Bode plot or frequencyhresponse plot. The,relatlonshlp between the frequency response and_the time response due to a sinusoidal input is useful conceptually and experimentally. How- ever, it may be shown that the Bode plot for a linear system also provides 8N, CHANGE IN NEUTRON LEVEL (Mw) 20 ORNL-DWG 65-9815 - 0.4 03 \L ' — 02 - _ h"”a = {Mw ' . - . 01 \\\\\\\Eh : | o - - 0 —— ~ e ' =01 0 100 200 300 400 TIME (sec) Fig. 8. MSRE Transient Response to a +0.01% &k Step Réaétifiity In- put when Operating at 1 and 10 Mw. 9p wl 21 qualitative stability information that is not restricted to any particu- lar form in input.®? This information is largely contained in the peaks in the amplitude ratio curve. High narrow pesks indicate that the system is less stable than is indicated by lower broader peaks. The closed-loop freguency response was oalculated'for N (neutron level fluctuations in megawatts) as a function of dk (change in input k eff)' response calculations; see Appendix C) and the complete model were used ‘The MSFR code (a special-purpose code for the MSRE frequency- for this calculation. 'Thetresults for several power levels are shown in Fig. 9. Fewer phase-angle curves than magnitude curves are shown in order to avoid cluttering the plot. | | Several observations .can be based on the information of Fig. 9. First, the peaks of the magnitude curves get taller and sharper with lower power. This indicates that the system is more oscillatory at low power. Also the peaks in the low#power curves rise above the no-feedback curve. This indicates that the feedback is regenerative at these power levels. Also, since the frequency at which the magnitude ratio has a peak approxi- mately correSponds to the frequency at which the system will naturally oscillate in response to a disturbance, the low-power oscillations are much lower in frequency than the 10-Mw oscillations. The periocds of os- cillation range from 22 min at 0.1 Mw to 1.3 min at 10 Mw. Figure 9 shows that the peak of the 10-Mw magnitude ratio curve is very broad and indicates that any oscillation would be small and quickly damped out. The dip in this curve at 0,25 radians/sec is due to the 25- sec fuel c1rculat10n time in the primary loop [i.e., (2r radians/cycle)/ | d(25 sec/cycle) 0. 25 radlans/sec] Here a fuel—temperature perturbatlon '1n the core 1s relnfOrced by the perturbation generated one cycle earller that traveled around the loop.o Because of the negatlve fuel ~-temperature 'coeff101ent of react1v1ty, the power perturbatlon is attenuated.- The relatlvely low galns shown at low frequenc1es can ‘be attributed - to the large change in- steady—state ‘core temperatures that would result 'from a relatlvely small change iobnuclear power with therradlator air flow rate remalning constant.” ThiS'meane that only & small change in power is required to brlng about cancellation of an input 8k perturbation by a change in the nuclear average temperatures. 22 ORNL-DWG 65-9816 iaN Mfi* 000t 2 5 001 2 5 O 2 5 1 2 5 10 2 5 ) 100 ' FREQUENCY (rodians/sec) ' 90 80 70 PHASE OF -2 £ OF %,8% 60 50 40 30 20 10 PHASE {deg) o NO FEEDBACK =90 00001 2 5 oo 2 5 001 2 5 01 2 5 i 2 5 10 _. FREQUENCY (radions/sec) Fig. 9. Complete Model Analysis of MSRE Frequency Response fbr/Seva eral Power Levels. " ) ) C ) 23 Open-Loop Frequency Response A simplified block diagram representation of a reactor as a closed- loop feedback system is shown in Fig. 10. The forward 100p, G, represents the nuclear kinetics transfer function with no temperature effects, and the feedback loop, H, represents the temperature (and reactivity)'changes due to nuclear power changes. _ , The closed-loop equation is found by solving for N in terms of dk: = G ok, - GHN in or N G o 8k, 1 +GH ' (2) in The quantity:GH is called-the open-loop transfer function, and represents the response at point b of Fig. 10 if the loop is broken at point b. Equation (2) shows that the denominator of the closed-loop transfer func- tion vanishes if GH = —l. Also, according to the Nyquist stability cri- terion, the system is unstable if the phase of GH is more negative than -180° when the magnitude ratio is unity. Thus it is clear that the open- loop frequency response contains information about system dynasmics that are important in stability analyses. A useful measure of system.stability is %he ‘phase margin. It is de- fined as the dlfference between 180° and the open-loop phase angle when - the gain is 1.0. A dlscu351on of the phase margln and its uses may be -found in sultable references on servomechanlsm,theory. 13’ For this appli- - catlon, it suffices to’ note that smaller phase marglns 1nd1cate reduced 1gstdb111ty. A general rule of thumb in automatlc control practice is that :a phase margln of at least 30° is de51rable Phase marglns less than 20° ':1nd1cate llghtly damped osczllatlon and poor control._ Zero degrees in- f.dlcates an osc1llat1ng system, and negatlve phase marglns 1nd1cate 1nsta— f*blllty. = The phase margln as a functlon of reactor power level is shown in "Flg. 11. . The phase margin decreases ‘as the power decreases and goes below 30° at about 0.5 Mw. However, the phase margin is still positive (12°) at 0.1 Mw. These small phase margins at low power suggest slowly damped 24 ORNL-DWG 65-9817 o ~__FORWARD LOOP - 4 3K NET s | - ' NUCLEAR POWER, Mw BREAK LOOP HERE FOR OPEN-=LOOP ANALYSIS——a.), H 3k FEEDBACK - N FEFDBACK LOOP Fig. 10. Reactor as a Closed~Loop Feedback System. i ORNL-DWG 65-9818 ; 100 PHASE MARGIN 20 10D OF 005 01 02 o5 { T2 5 10 20 N, NUCLEAR POWER (Mw) Fig. 11. Period of Oscillation and Phase Margin Versus Power Level for MSFR Calculation with Complete Model. | ol a) w) 25 oscillations, as has been observed in the transient-response and closed- loop frequency-respohse results. The period of oscillation as a function of power level is also shown in Fig. 11. Figure 12 shows Nyquist plots for the open-loop transfer function, GH, at 1.0 Mw and 10.0 Mw. It is clear that the unstable condition of (IGH‘ 1 and phase angle —=180°) is avoided. In order for the phase mar- gin to be a reliasble 1nd1cation of stability, the Nyquist plot must be "well-mannered" inside the unit circle; that is, it should not approach the critical (~1.0 +jO) point. Although the curves shown in Fig. 12 be- have peculiarly in approachlng the origin, they do not get close to the critical point. Pole Configuration The denominator (l-+ GH) of the closed-loop transfer function of a lumped-parameter system is a polynomial in the_Laplace transform variable, s. The roots of this polynomial (called the characteristic polynomial) are the poles of the sYStem_trahsfer function. The poles are equal to the eigenvalues of the system matrix A in Eq. (1). A necessary and suf- ficient condition for linear'stability is that the poles all have nega- tive real parts. Thus, it is useful to know the location of the poles in the complex plane and the dependence of their location on power level. The poles were calculated for the intermediate model of the MSRE (see Section 4). The matrix used was the linearized version of the 59 X 59 matrix used in the:frahsienf analysis. The calculations were performed with a mbdificatibn’bf'the general matrix eigenvalfie code QRl4 ~ for the IBM=7090. The results are shown in Flg. 13 for several of the ”,fmajor poles. A1l the other poles lie far to the left of the ones shown - It is clear fromeFlg 13 that the system is. stable at all power levels. The set of complex poles that goes to Z€ro as the power decreases is the ' ’jfset prlmarlly respons1b1e for the calculated dynamlc performance- The imaginary part of thls set approx1mately represents the- natural frequency of osc111at10n of the system follow1ng a dlsturbance.. The frequency of 0501llation decreases as. the power decreases, as observed prev1ously. ORNL-DWG 65-9820 IMAGINARY 0 02 04 06 REAL o2 +-02 .y - -0.6 Ng = 1OMw +-16 IMAGINARY 0 REAL w* 0.00013—ayg +-10000 Ny 10 Mw/{ [ ~ Fig. 12 .' Nyquist Diagrains for Complete Model No = 1 and 10 Mw. IMAGINARY PART OF POLE {sec!) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 . 10 Mw 0.0 !0 NEGLIGIBLE POWER ol 01 DE PENDENCE -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.07 Fig. 13. Major Poles for the MSRE. *-—0 -0.07 -0.06 -005 ~004 -0.03 -0.02 -001 92 27 6. Interpretation of Results Explanation of the Inherent Stability Characteristics A physical explanation of the predicted stability characteristics is presented in this section, and an'attem@t is made to explain the rea- sons for the changes in inherent stability with power level. The reasons for the behavior are not intuitively obvious. Typically a feedback system will become more stable when the open-loop gain is reduced. The MSRE, however, becomes less stable at lower powers. In the discussion of open- loop frequency response.(Seet. 5) it was noted that the forward-loop transfer function G represefits the nuclear kinetics (N/8k) with no temperature-feedback effects, and from the equations (Appendix A), the gain of G is directly propertional to power level. Thus the MSRE is not "typical" but has the characteristics of what is known as a "conditionally stable" system.l’ The MSRE analysis isicomplicated fuither by the complexity of the feedback loop H, which represents the reactivity effects due to fuel and graphite temperature changes resulting from changes in nuclear power. A more detailed breakdown of the components of H is given in Fig. 14. This core thermal model has two inputs, the nuclear power N and core inlet tem- perature T 3’ and three outputs, nuclear average fuel and graphite tem- peratures T? and T¥, and the core outlet temperature Tco' The block "Ex- 2 ternal Loops" reprgsents the primary loop external to the core, the heat exchanger, the seCOndary?lbop,tand the radiator. All the parameters are treated as perturbatlon quantltles or dev1at10ns from their steady-state values. Also the radlator alr flow rate 1s adgusted S0 that with a given steady-state power level, the core cutlet temperature is 1225 F. This means that the feedback loop transfer function H also varies W1th power level., | o _t , | | If we 1ook at the effect of perturbatlons in power, N, on the core 1nlet temperature, Tc ,rwe can see that the effects of dlfferent air flcw rates are only apparent at 10w frequenc1es, as in Fig. 15 which Shows the Bode plots for T /N at Nb 1 and 10 Mw. It is important to note that at low power and at low frequency, the magnitude of the temperature change is large, and it lags the input N considerably. For example, ORNL-DWG 65-9822 OPEN LOOP N Nrgk NUCLEAR POWER, Mw N a = TEMPERATURE - COEFFICIENT OF REACTIVITY L_Ts, CORE F = FUEL CORE OUTLET THERMAL | CORE INLET TEMPERATURE, oo MODEL. TEMPERATURE, T, G = GRAPHITE - x = NUCLEAR AVERAGE EXTERNAL == LOOPS - Fig. 14. MSRE as'Closed-Loop Control System. A a ¥ & 1000 Tei/N, RATIO OF CORE INLET TEMPERATURE TO NUCLEAR POWER (°F/Mw) 08 2 5 404 2 5 403 2 5 g2 2 5 o 8¢ PHASE (deg) ® o =100 =120 -140 -160 105 2 5 o4 2 5 103 2 5 102 2 5 4o | FREQUENCY (radians/sec} Fig. 15. Closed-Loop Frequency-Response Diagram of Core Inlet Temperature as a Function of Nuclear Power. ) 29 at Np = 1 Mv and w = 0.0005 radians/sec, the magnitude ratio is 170°F/Mw and the phase lag is 80°. The block diagram of Fig. 14 indicates that the nuclear average temperature perturbations in T; and Té can be con- sidered to be caused by the two separate inputs N and Tci' For example, the open-loop transfer function Tf/N (withTci constant) is 5.0°F/MW at steady state, and there is little attenuation and phase lag up to rela- tively high frequencies, as in Fig. 16, which shows the open-loop transfer functions of the.nuclear average temperatures as functions of N and Tci' Returning to the example case of Ng = 1 Mv and w = 0.0005 radians/sec, we note that the prompt feedback effect of 5 F/MW from TF/N is very small compared with temperature changes of the entire system represented by a Tci/l\! of 170°F/Mw at —80°. (uote that TF/TCi = 1.0 at 0.0005 radians/sec.) The important point here is that for low power levels over a wide range of low frequencies, the large gain of the frequency response of overall system temperature relative to power dominates the feedback loop H, and its phase angle approaches —90°. | ' The no-feedback curve;in Fig. 9 shows that at frequencies below about 0.005 radians/sec, the_forward-loop transfer function N/8k (open loop) also has a phase approaching —90° and a gain curve with a —1 slope (i.e., one-decade attenuation per”decade increase in freQuency). With both G and H hauing phase angles approaching —90°, the phase of the product GH will approach —180°. If the magnitude ratio of G were such that [GH| = 1.0 under these conditions, the system would approach instability. From the Bode plot of Fig. 9, it can be seen that at a power of 0.1 Mw, IGH\ 1.0 at- 0. 0045 radlans/sec (22 mln/cycle), since the peak in the closed-loop ’.occcurs there. At lower powers and. consequently lower galns G, lgH | ap- aproaches 1.0 at even Lower frequenc1es, where the phase of GH is closer . to —180°. ThlS accounts for the 1ess stable conditions at the lower L*pcwers and lower frequencles., At the higher powers, IGHI approaches 1. O at hlgher frequencles where the effect of the prompt thermal feedback is s1gn1f1cant For ex- “ample, the peak in. the 10-Mw closed-loop Bode plot of N/fik Fig. 9, occurs ‘at O.CW8.rad1ans/sec. At thls frequency, IT /NI has & value of 2.0 (Fig. 15) compared with a T%/N_of 4ot at —15° (Fig. 16). Consequently, the prompt fuel temperature feedback term has a dominant stabilizing effect. 30 ORNL-DWG 65-9824 MAGNITUDE RATIO PHASE (deq) -105 \W v -120 S -135 ' 000t 0002 0005 OOf 002 - 005 O 02 . 08 - 1. FREQUfiNCY _(rodiuns/sec) Fig. 16. Open-Loop Frequency-Résponse Diagrams of Nuclear Average Temperatures as Functions of Nuclear Power and Core Inlet Temperature. - 31 The relative importances of the various components of feedback re- activity are shown in the directed-line diagrams of Fig. 17 for power levels of 1 and 10 Mw and at the frequencies at which the oscillations occur. The vectors labeleqz—fikF and —6kG represent the products of the nuclear temperature components and the reactivity coefficients that re- sult from a unit vector inpfit 8k, -+ The vectors labeled "prompt" are the effects due to the nuclear power input based on no change in core inlet temperature. Those labeled "loop" are caused by changes in core inlet temperature alone. For example: BkF prompt N T* = £ 8k/°F) 5K = B N Oy in in | closed loop open loop and - T* 5kG loop N Tci G /o ok, Bk B T %, (8k/°F) in in | closed loop closed loop “ci |open loop The net 8k vector is the sum of the input and feedback vectors. For the 1-Mw case, ok net is greater than Bkin; this indicates regenerative feed- back and shows up on the closed-loop Bode plot (Fig. 9) as a peak with a greater magnitude ratio than that of the no-feedback curve. The increased steblllzlng effect of the prompt fuel temperature term in going from 1 to 10 Mw is also evident. These plots clearly show the diminished effect of the graphite at the higher frequency. _ In both cases, too, the plots show that a more negatlve graphlte temperature coefflclent would tend to increase the net Bk vector and ‘Thence destablllze the system. 'Interpretatlon of Early Results _ The prev1ously published results of 8, dynamic study performed in 1961 predlcted that the MSRE would be less stable than 1s predicted in thls study This is partly'because of dlfferences 1n design parameters -~ and partly ‘because of dlfferences in the models used. These differences were reviewed in Section 4 of this report. 32 ORNL-DWG €5-9825 Py = 1OMw , " w= 00778 RADIANS/SEC T g8k NET \ '-Skin /\’_-—w | | ~Bk. TOTAL ' B - -8k, PROMPT ~8k LOOP I}Sk-NET Fp= tMw w = 0.0145 RADIANS/SEC -8k PROMPT } o 8“'in‘ ~84g LOOP ~Bk; PROMPT Fig. 17. Directed-Line Diagrams of Reactivity Feedback Effects 1 and 10 Mw for Complete Model. at o 33 The most significant parsmeter changes from 1961 to 1965 were the values for the fuel and graphlte temperature coefficients of react1v1ty and the changes in the fuel heat capacity. Table 1 (Sect 4) shows that the new fuel coeff1c1ent is more negative, the new graphlte coefficient is less negatlve, and the fuel heat capacity is smaller than was thought to be the case in 1961 ‘All these changes contribute to the more stable 'behav1or calculated w1th the current data.. (The destablllzlng effect of a more negative graphlte temperature coefficient is discussed in Section 7.) - | The most important change, however, is the use of a multiregion core model and the calculation of the nuclear average temperature. In the | single-region'core, T¥ is equal to the temperature of the first of the _ F Pe: two fuel lumps or the average core temperature (in steady state). In the nine-region core,.T* is_computed by multiplying'each of the 18 fuel- | F | | lump temperatures by a nuclear importance factor, I. In the single- region model, the steady-state value of TF/N (with T 5 constant) is only 2.8°F/Mv compered w1th 5,0 F/Mw for the nine-region core model. This dlfference occurs because in the nine-region model, the downstream fuel- lump temperatures are affected not only by the power 1nput to that lump but also by the change 1n the lump's inlet temperature due to heating of the upstream lumps. This point may be illustrated by noting the differ- ence between two'single-region models, where in one case the nuclear im- portance of the-first lumptis 1.0 and in'the other case the importance of each 1ump'is-015 As an example, say the core outlet temperature in- _creases 5 F/Mw The change 1n T* for a l- Mw 1nput would be . AT%," Il ATJ_ + Ig ATZ o ':Intheifirst'case L = 1.0 and.Aflh 2.5°F, 50 AT% = 2.5°F. In the sec- ’ond'case;”Ii = Ip = 0. 5 A$1 = 2. 5 F, and AT '5°F 80 AT; = 3, 75°F, or ‘a 50% greater change than in case ‘one. For many more lumps, thls effect 1s even greater.- ' As was shown above, the prompt fuel react1V1ty feedback effect was the dominant stablllzlng mechanlsm at both 1 and 10 Mw, so the original single-region core model_would give pessimistic results. 34 - 7. Perturbations in the Model and the Design Parameters Every mathematical analysis of a physical system is subject to some uncertainty because of two quéStiOns:' How good isrthe mathematical model, ~ and how’accurate_are the values oftheaparameters.used in the model? The - influence of changes in the assumed model were therefore inrestigatea, and the sen51t1v1ty to parameter varlations of the results based on both the reduced and conmplete models was determlned An ana1y31s was also performed to determine the worst expected stablllty performance W1th1n the estimated range of uncertainty of the system parameters. Effects of Model Changes The erfects of changlng the mathematlcal model of the system.were determlned by comparlng the phase marglns with the reference case as each part of the model was changed in turn. The follow1ng changes were made: o | ' | | 1. Core Representation. A single-region core model was used in- stead of the nine-region core used in the complete model. | 2. Delayed-Neutron Groups. A single delayed-neutron group was used instead of the six-group representation in the complete model. 3. Fixed Effective B's. The usual constant-delay-fraction delayed- neutron equations were used with an effective delay fractibn, B, for each | precursor. The effective B was obtained byycalculating the delayed- neutron contribution that is reduced due to fluid flow in'the steady- state case. This is in contrast to the explicit %reatment of dynamic circulation effects in the complete model (see Appendix A). | 4, First-Order Transport Lags. The Laplace transform of a pure delay, e '°, was used in the complete model. The first-order well- stirred-tank approximation, 37%3;53 was used in the modified model. 5. Single-Section Heat Exchanger and Rediator. A single section was used to represent the heat exchanger and radiator rather than the ten-section representation in the complete model. | | - 6. Xenon. The xenon equations were omitted in contrast to the ex- plicit xenon treatment in the complete model. e »n 35 The results are shown in Table 4. The only significant effect is that due to a change in the core model. The results for the one-region core model indicate considerably less stability than for the nine-region core modei. This difference is due primarily to the different way in which the nuclear average temperature of the fuel is calculated, as was discussed in detail in Section 6. Table 4. Effects of Model Changes on Stability Phase Margin Change in Phase Margin (aeg) from Reference Case® Model Chenge 7 g | (deg) At 1 Mw At 10 Mw At 1 Mw At 10 Mw Reference case (complete' 41 99 ~ model) [ One core region o 27.5 0 56.5 -13.5 ~2.5 One delayed-neutron 38 () -3 group : Fixed effective B's 40 o8 -1 -1 First~-order transport 41 100 0 +1 lags _ Single-section heat 4] 98.5 0 —0.5 exchanger and radiator ' Xenon omitted - 41 100.5 0 +1.5 Reference case is complete model with current data. An increase in phase margln 1nd1cates greater stablllty. bNyqulst plot does not cross unlt circle near frequency of oscil- '~lat10n.; 'Effects-of'Paramfiter,changesé B Frequency-response sen31t1v1t1es and pole sen51t1v1t1es were cal- .f ulated Frequencyhresponse sens1t1V1t1es are deflned as fractlonal '-;e:changes in magnltude or" phase per fractlonal change in a system parameter. The_magnltude frequencyeresponse sen31t1V1t1es were calculated_for Sev- eral important parameters with the MSFR code (see Appendix C) for the complete model. The senéitivitieS'were obtained by differences between 36 the results of calculations at the design point and those of calculations with a single parameter changed slightly. The results of these calcu- - lations are shown in Fig. 18. Calculations were also performed on the system with the reduced model with a new computer code calied SFR (Sensi- tivity of the Frequency Response). This code calculates magnitude and phase sensitivities for a general system by matrix methods. This calcu- lation was restricted to the reduced syétem.representation because of the large cost of calculations for very large matrices. The results of this calculation are given in Fig. 19. In Figs. 18 and 19, a positive sensitivity indicatés that-a dééreasé_in the sysfiem parameter will de- - crease the magnitude of the ffequency response. The situation is re- versed for negative‘sensitivitiés.r | 'The sensitivities shown in Figs. 18 and 19 can be used to estimate 'the'effects 6f posSible futfiié updating of the MSRE design parametefs used in this study. 1In addifiion, they support other general observations obtained by other means. For instance, Fig. 19 shows that the sensitivi- ties to loop effects, such as primary and secondary loop transit times, are important relative to core effects. This indicates that the external loops strongly influence the system dynamics, as was concluded in Sec- tion 6. Similar information may be obtained from pole sensitivities (or eigenvalue sensitivities). These are defined as the fractional change -of a system pole due to a fractional change in a system parameter. The sensitivity of the dominant pole (the pole whose position in the complex plane determines the main characteristics of the dynamic béhavior) is usually the only one of interest. The dominant pole sensitivities for a nunber of system parameters are shown in Table 5 for power levels of 1 and 10 Mw. These results may be used to estimate the effect of future updating of the MSRE design ~ parameters, and they also furnish some insight as to the causes of the calculated dynamic behavior. For instance, it is noted that the sensi- tivity to changes in the graphite temperature coefficient is only about 'one-fourteenth the sensitivity to changes ifi the fuel temperature coef- ficient at 10 Mw. At 1 Mw, the graphite effect is about one-third as (:} large as the fuel effect. This indicates that a decrease in power level e e e —T— e » Wy RATIO OF FRACTIONAL CHANGE IN AMPLITUDE TO FRACTIONAL CHANGE IN PARAMETER 37 ORNL-DWG 65-9826 POWER =10 FUEL TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF REACTIVITY GRAPHITE TEMPERATURE CQEFFICIENT OF REACTIVITY FUEL HEAT CAPACITY 4 Q.00 0.002 005 oo 002 0.05 ol 02 05 1 2 5 10 FREQUENCY (radians/sec) Fig, 18. Frequency-Response Sensitivities of Complete Model. 38 ORNL-DWG 65-9827 05 0 1T i ' "] _o5 |SECONDARY LOOP TRANSIT TIME 05 - _ . i FUEL-SALT HEAT EXCHANGER HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT o -05 S 2 e 05 . ul - W : B : SECONDARY-SALT RADIATOR ‘ d'“_‘ 'GlflAIlDHET:I'l;EMPERATURE COEFFICIENT HEAT TR\I(\NSSFER COEFF(I)CIENT ' . £5 05 L1l L L LTE -05 ' : ag 15 0 2__’& . T ITY -‘“'\\ gg .0 -05 "\L, Zw CORE RESIDENCE TIME FOR FUEL SALT 9 1.0 o el : C s, 2z 1.0 °% _lo // W 05 |- paa 53 0 . Qe N Q9 s GRAPHITE HEAT CAPACITY o5 L_PRIMARY EXTERNAL LOOP TRANSIT TIME wE 05 T 0.5 e 2 FRACTION OF POWER \ [ L—T SECONDARY-SALT HEAT RS ey o« 0.5 L GENERATED IN THE FUEL N1 05 L EXCHANGER HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT 0.5 FGRAPHITE-TO-FUEL HEAT 05 o |_TRANSFER COEFFICIENT o T . T , MASS FLOW RATE TIMES| 1T SPECIFIC HEAT OF SECONDARY SALT -0-5 _0.5 1 i L bbb 31 1 1 i1l 0001 2 5 oot 2 5 o1 2 0.001 2 5 oo01 2 5 ot 2 » FREQUENCY (radians/sec) FREQUENCY (radians/sec) Fig. 19. Frequency-Response Sensitivities of Reduced Model at a , Power of 10 Mw Based on Current Data. 39 Table 5. Pole Sensitivities x| oA | | R Parameter = x (see footnote a) At 10Me At 1 Mw Fraction of power that is prompt —0.944 -2.515 Neutron lifetime 0.00944 0.0129 Fuel temperature coeffieient of reactivity 0.858 1.701 Graphlte temperature eoefflclent of ~0.0627 —0.493 react1v1ty - : Fraction of power generated in the fuel -0.7328 0.561 Graphite-to-fuel heat transfer coefficient 0.0434 0.177 Fuel heat capacity 1.024 1.315 Moderator heat capacity ~0.616 -0.359 ‘Fuel-salt heat exchanger heat transfer 0.0157 0.254 coefficient o _ Fuel transit time in core -0.606 —0.787 Fuel transit time in external primary 0.659 0.804 circuit Secondary-salt heat exchanger heat transfer 0.00708 0.449 coeff1c1ent Secondary-salt loop transit tlme —0.305 —0.622 Secondary-salt radlator heat transfer —0.0155 —-0.0754 - coefficient = - S o o . S ' Heat exchanger heat capa01ty | :HO;OO745 b ~0.009%69 "Effeetlve precursor decay constant I e—0;304 ;,-,,—O 726 _ ”:fleme constant for delayed-gamma em1s51on ;—0.00858,j1 0. 0536 S ,;Total delayed-neutron fraction , '0.0103_” 0.159 ' Q;EEffectlve delayed-neutron fractlon 1f0;788.-'_}50.221 U o8 is the real part;of the dominant pole.- ,_f0.01865_for;lO]Mwfiand;é03001818_for 1 Mw. - The values are 40 causes modifications in the dynamic behavior that accentuate the relative effect of graphite temperature fgg@bgck.fl It is also noted that the vari- ous heat transfer coefficients have a much léréér relative effect at 1 Mw than at 10 Mw; this indicates that the coupling between system components has a larger influence at low power than at high power. Effects of Design Uncertainties A new methodl® for automatically finding the least_stafile condition in the range of uncertainty in the design parameters was used. A com- putef code for the IBM-7090 was used for the calculations. The method is described in some detail in Appendix D. Thé least steble condition is found by using the steepest-ascent (or gradlent-progectlon) method of nonlinear prograrming. . _ , The quantity that is maximized is the real part of the dominant pole of the system transfer function (or equivalently, the dominant eigenvalue of the system matrix). Less stable conditions are accompanied by less negative values for the real part of the dominant pole, and instability is accompanied by a pole with a positive real part. The maximization involves a step-wise determination of the particular combination of sys- tem parameters within the uncertainty range that causes the réai'part of the dominant pole to have its least negative value. If the maximized - pole has a negative real part, instability is not possible in the uncer- tainty range. If the maximized pole has a positive real part, instability is possible in the uncertainty range if all the system parameters deviate from the design point in a particular way. | A key factor in the stability extrema analysis is the availability of the appropriate ranges to assign to the system parameters. The ranges appropriate for the MSRE were furnished by Engel.17 It was decided to use a‘wide range on the important nuclear parameters (neutron lifetime, fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity, and graphite fempérature co= efficient of reactivity). These parameters were sllowed to range between two-thirds and three-halves of the design values. All other ranges were assigned by cons1der1ng the method of evaluating them and the probable effects of aging in-the reactor environment. The ranges of the 16 system parameters chosen for this study are given in T&ble76. ‘i 41 fEffectxve delayed—neutrone fe' fractlon Table 6. Ranges on System Parameters for Extrems Calculations : Ranges . Parameter ‘ - Low Design Value High Neutron lifetime, sec. 1.6 X 1074 2.4 x 1074 3.6 x 1074 Fuel temperature coefficient, -7.26 X 10°° —4.84 x 10°°. =3.23 x 10°° 8k/k- °F o | Grephite temperature coeffa,- —5.55 x 1077 ~3.70 x 107° =2.47 x 10°° cient, 8k/k-°F - | | Fraction of power generated - 0.92 0.9335 0.95 in fuel o ' Grephite-to-fuel heat trens-v 0.013 0.02 0.03 fer coefficient, Mw/°F : Fuel heat capacity; Mw-sec[fF 1.13 1.50 1.910 Graphite heat capac1ty, 3.4 3.58 3.76 Mw-sec/°F | | Fuel-salt heat exchenger heat 0.1613 0.2424 0.3636 transfer coefficient, Mw/°F Fuel transit time in core, = 6.96 . 8.46 10.25 sec : B Fuel transit time in external 15.75 17.03 18.60 prlmary circuit, sec | Secondary~salt heat exchanger 0.1001 0.129 0.1686 heat transfer coefficient, - | | Mw/F | ._Secondary 1oop transit time,ire 2l.7 24 .2 32.7 . sec , o s - - --Heat exchanger heat capac1ty,i”10,0738 ; ) 0.0738 -+ 0.4216 Mw-sec/°F s St e T e ' Effective precursor decay o 0d11 0.133 . 0.15 ~constant, sec” -1 _W__,,+-5 DR | . : Time constant for delayed 120 188 270 gamma, emission, sec T S e . S ' 0.0032 0.0036 = 0.0040 42 The reduced model was used with current parameters for locating the ‘least stable condition in the uncertainty range. This gave results at a much lower cost than with a more complete nmodel. This was considered adequate because other calculations showed that the reduced modei_predicts lower stability than the complete model. The reasons for this were ex- ploréd in Section 6. Experience with other calculations also shdwed:that changes in system parameters gave qualitatively the same type of changes in the system performance with either model. | | | The set of parameters for the least stable condition is listed in B Table 7. The least negative value of the dominant eigenvalue calculated with the reduced model changes from.(u0.0187 + 0.0474 j) sec! at the de- sign point to (—~0.00460 + 0.0330 j) sec™! at the worst condition for 10 Mw. For 1 Mw, the change is from (—0.00182 # 0.0153 j) sec™® to (+0.000574 + 0.0134 j) sec. fThis indicates that instability is im- possible in the uncertainty range at 10 Mw but that the reduced model | predicts an instability at 1 Mw for a combination of parameters within the uncertainty range. This condition gives a transient with a doubling time of about 1/2 hr and a period of oscillation of about 8 min per cycle. It is evident that the calculated instability at the extreme case for 1 Mw is due to the inherent pessimism of the reduced model"(sge_Sect. 6). This was verified by using the MSFR code for the complete model with the pafameters describiné the extreme case. It was found thét the phase margin for 10 Mw was 75° for the extreme condition (vefSus'99° for the design condition), and the phase mfirgin for 1 Mw was 21° for the extreme condition (Yersus 41° for the design condition). Thus, it is concluded that the best available methods indicate that the MSRE will be stable throughout the expected range of system parameters. | 8. Conclusions This study indicates that the MSRE will be inherently stsble for all operating conditions. Low-power transients without control will persist for a long time, but they will eventually die out because of inherent feedback. Other studies have shown that this sluggish response at low 43 ‘Table 7. Values of System Parameters at the Least Stable Condition Parameter At 1 Mw At 10 Mw Neutron lifetime, sec 3.6 X 1074 (H)® 3.6 x 107% (H) Fuel temperature coefflcient 8k/k°F , Graphite temperature coefficient, 8k/k- °F ~3.23 x 10~% () ~5.55 x 1073 (L) - =3.23 x 1077 (H) ~5.55 x 10> (L) Fraction of power generated in fuel 0.95 (H) 0.95 (H) Graphite-to-fuel heat transfer 0.03 () 0.02535 coefficient, Mw/°F Fuel heat capacity, Mw.sec/°F 1.91 (H) 1.91 (H) Graphite heat capacity, Mw.sec/°F 3.40 (L) 3.40 (L) Fuel-salt heat exchanger heat - 0.3636 (H) 0.3636 (H) transfer coefficient, Mw/°F | Fuel transit time in core, sec 6.9 (L) 6.9 (L.) Fuel transit time in external 10.25 (H) 10.25 (H) primary circuit, sec Secondary-salt heat exchanger heat 0.1686 (H) 0.1686 (H) transfer coefficient, Mw/°F Secondary loop transit time, sec 2L.7 (1) 21.7 (L) "Heat exchanger heat capacity, 0.4216 (H) 0.0738 (L) Mw-sec/°F Effective precursor decay constant, 0.11 - (L) 0.15 (H) sec™ , : : ‘ . Time constant for delayed gamma -~ 120.0 (L) 120.0 (L) . emission, sec . - S | o Effective delayed-neutron fractiOnf - 0.0040 | (H)_t770.0040' '(H) ®Letters in parentheses indlcate whether parameters are at high values (H) or low values (L) 44 power can be eliminated by the control system, which suppfesses tran- sients rapidly. | | | The theoretical treatment used in this study included all known effects that were considered to be capable of significfintly,influencing. the system dynemics. BEven so, for safety and also for obtaining basic reactor information, system stability will be checked experimentally in dynamic tests, which will begin with zero power and which will continue - through full-power operation. ‘ 1] 10. 11, 12. 45 References R. C.VRobertson, MSREJDesign and Operations Report, Part 1: Descrifi— tion of Reactor besigfi,fiSAEC-Report ORNL-TM-728, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, January 1965. Oak Ridge NationalnL&boratory, MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1964, pp. 135-140, USAEC Report ORNL-3708. P. N. Haubenreich et al., MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part 3: Nuclear Analysis, p. 156, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-730, Oak Ridge Na- tional Laboratory, Feb; 3, 1963. . O. W. Burke, MSRE — Preliminary Analog Computer Study: Flow Accident in Primary System, Oak Ridge National Laboratory unpublished internal document, June 1960, 0. W. Burke, MSRE — Analog Computer Simulation of a JT.oss of Flow Accident in the Secondary System and a Simulation of a Controller Used to Hold the Reactor Power Constant at Low Power Levels, Oak Ridge National Laboratory unpublished internal document, November 1960. S 0. W. Burke, MSRE — An Analog Computer Simulation of the System for Various Conditions — Progress Report No. 1, Oak Ridge National Lab- oratory unpublished internal document, March 196l. 0. W. Burke, MSRE ~ Analog Computer Simulation of the System with a Servo Controller, Oak Ridge National Laboratory unpublished internal document, December 1961. . | S. J. Ball, MSRE Rod Controller Similation, Oak Rldge National Lab- oratory qnpubllshed'lnternal document, September 1962. S. J. Ball, Simulatibn'df Plug-Flow Systems, Instruments and Control _S stems, 36(2): 133-140 (Fébruary 1963). Oak Ridge Natlonal Laboratory; MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1964, pp. 167*174 USAEC Report ORNL-3708. H. A. Samulon, Spectrum.Analy51s of Tran31ent ResPonse Curves, Proct. I.R.E., 39: 175-186 (February 1951). | ‘S. J. Ball and R.'K;,Adams, MATEXP — A General Purpose_Digital Coms puter Code for Solving:Noniinear, Ordinary Differential Equations by the Matrix Exponential Method, report in preparation. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 46 J. E. Gibson, Nonlinear Automatic Control, Chapt. 1, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1963. ” F. P. Imad and J. E. Van Ness, Eigenvalues by the GR Transform, SHARE-1578, Share Distribution Agency, IBM Program Dzstribution,- White Plains, N.Y., October 1963. L . H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, Servomechanlsms and Regulating System . Design, Vol. I, p. 346, Wiley, N.Y., 1951 , , T. W. Kerlin and J. L. Lucius, Stabillty Extrema in Nuclear Power Systems with Design Uncertainties, Trans. Am. Micl. Soc.,,7(2). 221-222 (Novenmber 1964). - - » | J. R. Engel, Oak Ridge National L&boratory, personal communlcatlon to T. W. Kerlin, Oak Ridge National Leboratory, Jan. 7, 1965. S. J. Ball, Approximate Models for DlstributediParameter Heat—TTansfer Systems, ISA Trens. ., 3: 3847 (January 1964) B. Parlett, Applicétions of Laguerre's Method to the Matrix Eigen- value Problem, Armed Forces Services Technical Information Agency Report AD-276-159, Stanford University, May 17, 1962. F. E. Hohn, Elementary Matrix Algebra, MacMillen, N.Y., 1958. % APPENDICES Ean 49 Appendix A. Model Equations Core Thermel Dynamics Equations The differential thermal dynamics equations for a single-core region are given below (see Fig. 5). First fuel lump: dT 1 K hA g = £ Gl = = == (T, .. =T, ) +eiP 4 — (T, —-T_) . (A.1) dat Try Fl,in F1 MCpl T KC_l + Kéz MCpl G F1 Second fuel lump: 4T 1 K hA F2 = = % G2 - = — == (T —~T,) + 55— P + e oe— (T, ~ T ) . (A.2) dat Tgo F1 F2 MCPZ T KGl + KG2 MCP2 G Fl Graphite lump: ::G = MEA. (Tfl "EE) + KG;C+ o2 Fp - (a.3) PG PG In these equations, EFl = mean fuel temperature in first well-stirred tank, or lump, °F, t = time, sec, Tg = transit (or holdup) time for fuel in first lump, sec, Tr 4y = inlet fuel temperature to first lump, °F, ) _ ' Kl = fraction of. total power generated in first fuel lump, qul-= heat capac1ty of flrst lump, MW-sec/°F, P& = total power, M, Kfil = fractlon of total power generated in graphite adjacent to - first fuel lump, K =_fract10n:ofitotalwpowér generated in graphite adjacent to secdndffiel-lg@p, mean heat trensfer coefficient times area for fuel-to- graphite heat transfer, Mw/°F, mean graphite temperature in section, °F, Qral i 50 i&z = mean fuel temperature in second lump, °F, Tpp = transit time for fuel in second lump, sec, Ké = fraction of total power generated in second lump, MQPZ = heat capacity of second lump, Mwesec/°F, MC o = heat capacity of graphite, Mw-sec/°F. Nuclear importances: 3k = | - s @4 5=\akzfi ~ . (A.5) 2" 2 or, e 0 | . 3k = . ‘ Bk, = IGB-TEATG, | (A.6) where Skl 2.a°= changes in effective reactor multiplicetion due to tem- 272 perature change in fuel lumps 1 and 2 and the graphite, respectively, IFl,F2,G = importance factors for fuel lumps 1 and 2 and the graphite, respectively; note that | nine sections IFl F2 : > (I,) = 1.0, nine sections g-]%- E o = total fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity, F F 5k/k- °F, %%}-Ecx = total graphite temperature coefficient of reactivity, G G 8k/k- °F. | In the nine-region core model, the individual regions are combined as shown in Fig. 5. The nuclear average fuel and graphite temperatures, u. 51 reactivity feedback, and core outlet temperatures are computed as func- tions of nuclear power and core inlet temperature for both the analog and frequency~-response models. - The core transfer function equations solved in the MSRE frequency-' response code are as follows. Single Core Region. The equations are obtained by substituting the Leplace transform variable, s, for %t in Egqs. (A.1) through (A.6)7and solving for TFl’ FQ’ and dk in terms of the inputs TFl, and PT. Tt is assumed (without loss of generallty) that the wvariables are written as deviations from steady state. Thus the Laplace transformed egquations that follow do not contain initial conditions: ‘ o * Ke2 1 K, Ky mA T oW |, T TLin T TR R e oA | F1 Lo pL far T e Moy 8 T G T z (a.7) = - . 3 Ao F1 | | hA 1 nA LA Kil Ry MC TFL Ke2 SM;’ hA G T Ji(s) TFl,in + J,(s) I (A.7a) 8 + — ’ (A"a) To & I5(s) Ty s+ 9,(8) By (A.8a) 52 o hA 11 tE KEZK MEA MCPGhA = 1) 3y(s) _ F2 \Gl G2 p2 \s + -fib—-— . :k G 2 T, = ‘ - F2 < +_;}_ Fl,in | | F2 (A.9) *1 : K('.z hA Mgw _ K, M(ip 5 Mcp2 T 7K MC —i — 1] 98 v 2 Gl G2 P2 s + MC : p2 g + 'fl'c':"" | ¢ | G —,f) + = . _ " — » s +-—i— T Tp2 | TF2 g H (s) ¥1,in + Ba(8) Bp s (A.9) = [IFl J,(s) + I, Hl(S)] %1%; + I J5(s) %I-.;; » (A.10) ?Fl,in -f-’i [ (s) + I }{2(3)] + 1,9 (s) (A.11) i;T Ty 92 F2 T & Bk = Hy(s) %Fl,l + H,(s) %T . (a12) Multiregion Core The overall transfer functions for an axial section of core consist- ing of several regions in series are. complicated by the fact that the in- puts to the upper (or downstreem) regions are affected by the response of the lower regions. A block diagram illustrating the coupling in terms of the transfer functions HI_A(S) is shown in Fig. A.1l. The general forms of the coupled equatlons of n regions in series !:—5) > ci J=l e ORNL-DWG 65-9828 - CORE INLET TEMPERATURE, 7 Teo, ———crc. —= CORE OUTLET TEMPERATURE, 7, 3k Fig. A.l1. Series Connection of Single-Core Regions. 54 5 | | | co _ | —=H (H]_,2 H o Hl,n) + 1, 5 (51’3 H 4o Hl,n) + .ee, (A.14) Py | . sk '1_\'--:= HB,l + }I].,l {H3’2 + Hl’z [H3,3 + H.]_’B (H3,4 + eve 3 (A.lS) ci | A n Bk ' | 75; " :j; H4"j ¥ H2}l H3’2 * (Hz;l H1)2 + H2;2) H3,3 + (Hz,l' H1,2 31’3 + H2’2 1—[1,3.+ H2,3) %,4 +vee . (A.16) The mean value of the core outlet temperature, E%o for m axial sections in parallel is T = jgl (FF,) Ty s s (A.17) where FFj is the. fraction of the total flow in the jth axial section. The total Bk is simply the sum of all the individual contributions. The calculation of nuclear aversge temperature transfer functions wag added to the MSRE frequency-response code as an afterthought; conse- quently there is some repetition in the calculations. The transfer func- tions of nuclear average temperature contributions from each core region are T . Fl,in z £ = I, I5(s) & Hy(s) , | (A.19) Fl,in T 5" Iy Ja(s) + I, Hy(s) = Hy(s) , (4.20) T | UQ u! 'l-3>| > k=i % 55 Ag' | | ~. = IG sz(-s) E HB(S) ’ _ | (A.21) PT where the asterisk indicéééS’a'hublear:average temperature. The equations for the total nuclear average temperatures of the nine- region core model“are'defived'the,same way as the general equations for 8k, Eqs. (A.15) and (A.16). The sécond subscripts refer to the nine core regions, as designated in Fig. 5. The equations are . 9 L= Z: +H, , H 3 A Y7,5 T V2,2 5,3 (H, - Hi 3t 8 5) Hy ) +H, 5 Hy o (s ot iy ) By o + 1y g Hy o, (A.22) =l 9 = H + B géé 8,5 * 2,2 H,3 + (Hiz”2 Hl,3 3) + H2 5 6 ¢ ;,,' + (3215,3i:6.+_H2;6)_Eé,7 +_H2;8_H5:9’ _(A.23) CH W .a'---1,2z,:5,sfi5’j ' }11'2-:'?’3 : 1,2 Hi 3 5 4 + H1 5 Hs 6 o+ Hi 5 Hi 6 H 7 + Hl g Hs 9 , ‘(A324) 56 = L He,5 * P12 He,3 +H12H13 64+H15 6,6 +H15H16 6'7+HIB 6, (“_"25) Neutron Kinetics Nonlinear Equations Neutron balance: 2 =2 k(1 -y 1] +§, NG e (ae) Precursor balance: ac knBi‘ : _ . ' —_— - A, C. . . o (A;27)7* In these expressions neutron population, n t 1* = prompt-neutron lifetime, sec, time, sec, k = reactor multiplication, 'BT = total delayed-neutron fraction, B. = effective delayed-neutron fractlon for ith precursor group,r i N = decay constant for ith precursor, ~ Ci = ith precursor population. ~ For the one=-group approximation, the effectlve B in the precursor | balance equation was simply the sum of the B's for the six grOups. The average decay constant N was calculated from Eq. (A.28): {rpopulation in Mo o '—lo J=te il I.-..l . | (A.28) > ! =t i o >1+FD Linéérized:EquatiOnsiwith Circulating Precursor Dynamics. The dif- ferential equation for the precursor population in the core is -\ T . { % C.(t -1 € 1L dcl(t) =k81 n( ) - 7\5_ Ci(t) - i( ) + l( TL) ’ (A.29) * _ dt l ° Tc formation decay rate of change rate of ] [rate of] of precursor nl = in core in core core e rate of reentry by precursors ;j-ia o l;-that left core 1y, seconds ago caving and decayed to a fraction ? Lcore T 1'L of their previous value where Bl total delayed-neutron fractlon fbr 1th precursor group, Tc = core holdup time, sec, - flézL = loop holduP tlme, sec.r'”_7°;" For thlS treatment, we assumed that the core is a- well-stlrred tank ~ and that the precursor transport around the loop is a pure delay. We ;QObtained the llnearlzea neutron kinetlcs eqpatlon used in the frequency- fiforesponse calculatlon from Eqs. (A 26) and (A 29) 58 6 . AB! 1=ty [ T oeny | ' i=1 ' ~T. (s+A\ . s+7\j'_+%—[l-e L i] | l n ) | k . —§= — °» — » (A.30) n : : . 0 1 - (1-8) ky + SI* ~k/ >, 13 | i=1 1 -1 (8+)\,) 8+ N +=—|l—e where ny = steadyhstate nuclear power, Mw, ko = steady-state multlpllcation constant and the 01rcumf1ex (~) indicates 8 perturbation quantlty) that is, o The wvalue of the critlcal reactOr multiplication factor ko is comp puted by setting dn/dt and dci/dt equal to zero in Eqs. (A.26) and (A.29): k, critical = e~ (A3) | 1=B,+ ) —2 T 1 -hiTL =l A\, +=—[{1-e 1 'I.’c Heat Exchanger snd Radiator Equations The coefficients for the heat exchanger and radiator gquatiohs are given in terms of time constants and dimensiohiesé parsmeters., "A"de- tailed discussion of this model is given in ref. 18;; The equatibns, based on the model shown in Fig. A.2, are | ' at ?*l? (Tl,in - Tl)- +'€'f (T_T ~T) ST (_A'Bz) aT 2 | - . 1,out - o= T : . at 51 (Ty = T, out) * T* (Tp =) » (8.33) e @ -T) e -T), (e e A = - ifi;- 59 ‘o ORNL-DWG 65-8829 ~/ASSIERRRERESY _SHELL s ° A NSRRI O=( A AN .. TTUBET _ Heat Exchanger and Radiastor Tube Model. Fig. A.2. 60 - \&'" dT, 2 0 1 o - D e - — - - T (T, 3o~ T) + 5 (T, T,) + F:# (T, - T,) , (A.35) 2 45 out -—-4211— £ e ( dt tg e =y .%o = * T, - T2,out) + -5-2; (TT - T2) + -1-:-%- (Ts - Tz) ,. (A.36) eT Y | | ® T (.T2_ - TS.) > (A.37) where the nomenclature of Fig. 7 gpplies to the temperatures, T, and s T = mean shell temperature, 6F3 -» t* = transport time, sec, | | - T = heat transfer time constantMQb/hA, sec, . n = section length = hA/WCP, dimensionless. ~ = The subscripts have the following meanings: 1 = fluid 1 side, 2 = fluid 2 side, T = tube side, s = shell side. Also, h = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/sec.ft?.°F, A = heat transfer area, ft?, : l 5 M = mass of tube or shell, 1b, | | c:p = specific heat, Btu/lb-°F, | | . W = mass flow rate, 1b/sec. Since it is the radiator air flow rate that is varied to change the loed demand, the radiator shell-side coefficients will vary with power level. The coefficients listed in Appendix B are for a 197-1b/sec air flow rate, corresponding to 10-Mw power removal at design temperatures. In all the studies, h air was varied as the 0.6 power of the flow rate, and WI. as the first power. ' eir @ ‘> The solutions of the Laplace-transformed transfer function equations are > (2-n)) +nB 1out _ Lr, (A.38) > .tls+f‘<".v . Lin > n : £ 2,0ut _ , s L, (a.39) > t*¥ s + 2 2,in 2 | . DE |n, + ¢ (2-n )] ¢ 1,out [ 1 1 7 | = = — - , - (A.40) t¥s + 2 > > ' n ~ BFin, + (2 = n -n)A+----————S A 2,out== [2 . 2 8 Ts s +1 ] , (A.41) ' * , > where L n S S * — t28+n2+2+nsw ‘7T s + 1 - s 1 T St ._'Ll. —===A ) = X T 0 , g i 62" - - — . #ls+nl+2 nlB ‘To compute the transfer functions of -an arbitrary nunber of éqnal lumps connected in series, we considered first the transfer fUnctions for two lumps in series, as in Flg. A 3, where for each lump, o - lyout 5 L Tl,in' %1n The transfer functions for the two combined lumps are T ec Alzou.t - 11 , T (A42) 1 -GG/ 1 1,in lcomb. 34 T GG'~ - .A_ZJQ."E ._......_.g._ , (A.43) 1- GG/ 2,in lcomb. 34 A2zout .Gl + 2 3 - © (A.44) T 3 1-%% 1,in fcomb. T C G/ ', | I T o 1—%4 I 2,in Comb. : To solve for more lumps in serieé,'we set the primed functions eqnal‘to the respective combined transfer functions and repeated the'computation. > ‘ i in Fig. A.3. Series. -~ 63 ORNL-DWG 65-9830 Diagram for Computing Transfer Functions for Two Lumps 64 o Equations for Piping Lags | - The first-order (or well—stifred-tank) epproximation used in the reduced model, is given by dT - where T = meen (and outlet) fiuid temperature, '°'F, T,, = fluid inlet temperature, °F, 7 = fluid holdup time, sec, | ’ and heat transfer to the piping is neglected. o ; » ~ In the intermediate model, fourth-order Padé epproximations were used. They are series expansions of the Laplace transfbrm.expressions for a pure delay: ' - =18 1072 — 53615 + 1201°s2 — 13.5513s3 + ¢%a% | _ e f 1 , - - (A-47) 1072 + 5361s + 1207282 + 13.5513g3 + %% The heat transfer to the piping end the reactor vessel was approxi- mated by lead-lag networks. The method for obtaining the coefficients Iy and L, is described in detail in ref. 9. The general form of the equation is ~ out st 1 7 oo ~ = * Tin Los + 1 | : : _ In the complete model, the heat transfer to the piping and the trans- port lag were represented by the exact solution to the plug-flow equa- tions:? | T - n/{1l+1,8) _ "_\_C_J'llb_ =e T 7l ¢ P ’ ‘ (A.49) in s e e e e A e e A T AT S SR AL 5 oo areetan s ot "\ where B n Tp 65 section length = hA/WCP, dimensionless, transport lag, sec, - time constant for heat transfer to pipe = MCP/hA, sec. Equations for Xenon Behavior Xenon was considered only in the present frequeney-response model. The following differential equations were used: where H i Ok = ax T = K3X/ — (K2 + K3Pg) X (A.50) ax/ , | o = KT + KX, = st + KyP , (A.51) 2% = —KglI + KoP , (A.52) k = =K30X/ — K11X (A.53) xenon concentration in graphite, atoms/cc, = xenon concentration in fuel salt, atoms/cc, iodine concentration in fuel salt, atoms/cec, nuclear power, Mw, fchange in reactor multipllcatlon factor due to change in xenon concentratlons, K- = constants, ' Del&yed Power Equatlons e The equatlon fbr total thermal power, PT’ includes a flrst-order J ' 1ag approximation of the delayed nuclear power due -to gamma heatlng. *' "dn.'(n"PT) A dt (l Kd)_'a‘f"' Tg K (A.54) K. = the fraction of flux power delayed, n = flux power, Mw, _ P, = total thermal power, Mv, | Lo e ?rg = effective time constant for the delayed power, sec. The frequency response of the thermal"terms of nis | (1-K)ts+1 o = £ 0 - (A.55) T8 +1 ' ' | e .‘3)[6 > 'fl 67 Appendix B. Coefficients Used in the Model Equations Core Thermal Equations Data 0.003161 Study Region 1o, (sec) Tpo (sec)r K, K, K.y Keo Burke 1961 1 3.815000 - 3,815000 0.470000 ° 0.470000 0.030000 0.030000 analog _ ' Ball 1962 1 1.533 1.607 0.01493 (0.01721 0.000946 0.001081 analog 2 2.302 1.574 0.02736 0.0455 0.001685 0.00306 3 1.259 1.259 0.04504 0.04656 0.003029 0.003131 4 1.574 3,064 0.05126 0.04261 0.003477 0.002395 5 2.303 1.574 0.03601 0.06069 0.002216 0.004081 6 1.259 1.259 0.06014 0.06218 0.004044 0.004182 7 1.574 3.066 0.06845 0.05664 0.004603 0.003184 8 2.621 1.525 0.06179 - 0.07707 0.00392 0.00583 9 1.779 2.983 0.09333 0.07311 0.006277 0.004305 1965 frequency- 1 1.386000 1.454000 0.014930 0.017210 0.0009%46 0,001081 response and 2 2.083000 1.424000 0.027360 0.045500 C,001685 0.003060 eigenvalue 3 1.139000 1.139000 . 0.045040 0.04656Q0 0.003029 0.003131 calculations 4 1.424000 = 2,772000 0.051260 0.042610 0.003447 0.002395 5 2.084000 1,424000 ~ 0,036010 0.060690 0.002216 0.004081 6 1.139000 " 1.,139000 - 0.060140 0.062180 0.004044 0.004182 7 1.424000 2.774000 0.068450 0.056640 0.004603 0.003184 8 2.,371000 1.380000 0.061790 0.077070 0.003920 0.005183 9 1.610000 2.700000 0.093330 0.073110 0.006277 0.004305 1965 extrema 1 4.230 4.230 0.470 0.470 0.030 0.030 determination . ‘ 1965 frequency- 1 1.14068 1.19664 0.01518 0.01750 0.000695 0.000794 response with 2 1.71431 1.17195 0.02783 0.04627 0.001237 0.002247 extrema data 3 0.93740 0.93740 ~ 0.04581 0.04735 0.002224 0.002299 4 1.17195 2.28136 0.05213 0.04333 0.002531L 0.001758 5 1.17513 1.17195 0.03662 0.06172 0.001627 0.0029%9 6 0.93740 0.93740 0.06116 0406324 0.002969 0.003071 7 1.17195 | 2.28300 - 0.06901 0,05760 0.003380 0.002338 8 1.95133 - 1.13574 0.06284 0.07838 0.002878 © 0.003806 9. 1 2.22210 ~0.,07435 0.004609 1.32503 0.09492 , Mcpl Mcp2 MC e . o Study Region - hA : \ (Mi-sec/°F) (Mw.sec/°F) * (Mwesec/°F) (Mw/°F) I Tpo Is Burke 1961 1 0.763000 0.763000 3.750000 0.020000 1.000000 O. 1.000000 analog ‘ Ball 1962 1 0.0188 0.0197 0.070 0.265 X 10~ 0.02168 0.02678 0,04443 analog 2 0.0638 0.0436 Q.2114 0.814 x 10~ 0.02197 0.06519 0.08835 3 0.0349 0.0349 0.1601 0.609 x 10~? 0.07897 0.08438 0.16671 4 0.0436 0.0850 0.2056 0.79% x 10~ 0.08249 0.04124 0.12077 5 0.1080 0.0738 0.3576 1.338 x 10~3 0.02254 0.06801L 0.09181L 6 0.0590 0.0590 0.2718 1.031 x 10~3 0.08255 0.08823 0.17429 7 0.0738 0.1437 0.3478 1.343 x 10~3 0.08623 0.04290 0.12612 8 0.2970 0.1726 0.9612 3.685 x 10~2 0.02745 0.05521 0.08408 9 0.2014 0.3380 0.9421 3,624 x 1073 0.06936 0.03473 0.10343 1965 frequency- 1 - 0.015100 0. 015800 0.070000 0.000392 0.021680 0.026780 0.044430 response and 2 0.051200 0.034900 0.211400 0.001204 0.021970 0.065190 0.088350 eigenvalue 3 0.028000 0. 028000 0.160600 0. 000900 0.078970 0.084380 0.166710 calculations 4 0.035000 0.068200 0.205600 0.001174 0.082490 0.041240 0,120770 ‘ ‘ 5 0.086600 0.059200 0.357600 0.001977 . 0.022540 0.068010 0.091810 6 0.047300 0.047300 0.271800 0.001525 0.082550 0.088230 0.174290 7 0.059200 0.115200 0.347800 0.001985 0.086230 0.042900 0.126120 8 0.238000 0.138400 0.961200 0.005445 0.027450 0.055210 0,084080 9 0.161500 0,271.000 0.942100 0.005360 0.069360 0.034730 0,103430 1965 extrema 1 0.750 0.750 - 3,58 0.020 1.0 0.0 1.0 determination : ' 1965 frequency- 1 0.01581 0.01654 0.070 0.588 x 10~2 0.02168 0.02678 0.04443 response with 2 0.05360 0.03654 0.2114 1.806 x 10- 0.02197 0.06519 0.08835 extrems data 3 0.02931 0.02931 0.1606 1.35 x 10-3 0.07897 0.08438 0.16671 4 0.03664 0.07140 0.2056 1.761 x 102 0.08249 0.04124 0.12077 5 0.09066 0.06197 0.3576 2,965 x 10> 0.06801 0.06801L 0.09181 6 0.04952 0.04952 0.2718 2.287 x 103 0.08255 0.08823 0.17429 7 0.06197 0.12060 0.3478 2,977 X 103 0.08623 0.04290 0.12612 8 0.24915 0.14489 0.9612 g.167 x 10~3 0,02745 0.05521 0.08408 9 0.16907 0.28370 0.9421 8.04 X 1073 0.06936 0.03473 0.10343 C . . . ) 89 69 Flow fractions FF in the four sections (nine-region core only)‘for all studies were FF (1) FF (2) FF (3) FF (4) 0.0617 0.1383 0.234 0.566 ° Neutron Kinetics Equations, Date* 1965 frequency-response, eigenvalue, and extrema data for decay constant %i(sec'l): N N M A, As s 3.01 1.14 0.301 0.111 0.0305 0.0124 ° 195 frequency-response data for total delayed-neutron fraction for ith precursor group, B;: L B2 B3 B4 Bs Bé 0.00028 0.000766 0.002628 0.001307 0.001457 0.000223 ° 1965 eigenvalue and extrema data for effective delayed-neutron frac- tion for ith précursor groups | B2 B2 B3 B4 Bs Bs 0.000277 . 0.000718 0.001698 0.000499 0.000373 0.000052 ° Heat ExchangerAand Radiator Data Radiator air-side data given for 10-Mw conditions: heat exchanger fluid 1 = coolant, fluid 2 = fuel; radiator fluid 1 = coolant, filuid 2 = air. * o om ng % 2T TR s , , (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) Burke 1961 and Heat ex- 0.980 0.906 0 1.95 2.24 1.75 1.165 -+« Ball 1962 - changer - - i o ' S - analogs ‘Radiator - 0.0882 0,260 O 7.14 0.0L © 2.35 19.7 1965 frequency- Heat ex-" 1.10 = 1.366 0.1363 2.01 2,29 - 0.569 0.304 1l.14 response, eigen- changer = - o : - value, and ex- Radistor 0.8803 0.2591 0O 6.52 0.01L 2.35 19.7 N trema determinae T : _ S ' o tions 195 frequency- Heat ex- 1.60 1.611 0.1363 1.80 2.29 2.5 1.16 1.14 . response with extrema data changer Radiator 0.983 0.2591 O 5.84 0.01 2.35 *¥See Table 1 of Section 4 for additional information. 19.7 70 Piping Lag Date 1965 Freguency ' 1965 Frequency Burke — Ball Response and 91265 ?xtz:mas Response with 1961 1962 Eigenvalue elermination Extrems Data Core to heat n : a - exchanger T 3.09 5.72 5.77 5.77 / .6.30 , | . , : P . Heat ex- n 0.155 0.155 o 0.155 changer to T 9.04 9.02 8.67 8.67 | 9.47 core . T 15.15 15.15 , s 15.15 _ : ? "~ changer to T 5.2 5.2 471 4,70 4.22 radiator p 6.67 - 6.67 | - 6.67 & Radistor n 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 to heat t 10.11 10.11 8.24 - 8.24 B 7.38_ exchanger Tp 6.67 6.67 L | 6.67 The coefficients of the lead-leg approximation for fluid heat tréns- fer to the piping apply to the Ball 1962 anslog study: Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Radiator to to Core to Radiator Heat Exchanger La 14.35 5.84 5.58 Lo 16.67 7.69 8.33 Xenon Equation Data - Data for 1965 frequency response and frequency response with extrema ‘ N data: ' : | - Ky = 1.587 x 1076 Ky = 2.885 x 107% Ky = 2.2575 x 10°° Kg = 2.9 X 10°° K3 = 1.654 x 1076 Ko = 9.47 x.10-% Ks = 1.0714 x 10™° Ky1 = 1.03 x 10~4 K¢ = 1.059 x 1073 Delayed Power Equation Data o — See Table 1 of Section 4. ‘o fia [ 71 -Appendix- C. General Description of MSRE Frequency-Response Code The MSRE frequency-response code (MSFR)'is written in FORTRAN IV language for the IBM 7090 computers at the Oak Ridge Central Data Pro- cessing Facility. This language has builtin capebilities for handling. complex algebra that result in considerable savinés of programming effort. MSFR uses transfer function techniques (rather than matrix methods) to compute frequency response. It exploits the fact that a reactor sys- tem is made up of separate components, each having a certain nunber of inputs and outputs, which tie in with adjacent components. The subrou- tines written for each subsystem were useful in other reactor and process dynamics calculations. - The MAIN program of MSFR performs input, output, and supervisory choree, and calls the subroutines. A subroutine called CLOSED must be written to compute the desired closed~loop transfer func- tions from.the component transfer functions. The transfer function approach has several edvanteges over the ma- trix methods: 1. Input parameters are the physical coefficients of the subsys- tems, rather than sums and differences. This not only makes generating 'input data easy,_it allows the computer to carry out the sum-difference- type arithmetic internally. Several matrix type computations for which the matrix coeffiCiehts'were‘generafied "carefully" with long slide rules resulted in large errors in the frequency response. 2. The frequency response of dlstrlbuted-parameter models can be computed exactly with MSFR, whlle most matrlx calculatlons are llmlted to lumped-parameter models.rigc 3. MSFR calculatlons are much faster. The 7090 can put out between : ,1000 and 2000 frequency-response pOlnts per minute for the complete ' -model Iyplcal runnlng tlmes for current matrlx calculatlons are much longer. _ The matrix technlque has the advantages that spe01a1 programmlng ~is not required for each dlfferent problem, and no algebralc manipulatlons -;joflthe-equations are requrred. HAlso, matrlx_manlpulatlons can be used 72 for optimization calculations, eigenvalue calculations, time-response calculations, and possibly many'others, all with the same input data. The advantages of both methods were ekploited in this study. The following subroutines of MSFR have potential as generally use- ful packages: | 1. PWR, which calculates the frequency response (N/ak) of the " nuclear kinetics equations for up to six groups of precursors, with an option for including c1rculat1ng precursor dynamics. - 2. CLMP, which computes the frequency response of & "typlcal" core region (as noted in Appendix A). Inputs are power and inlet temperature, and outputs are outlet temperature, nuclear average temperatures, and Bk. 3. COR9, which calculates the overall frequencyaresponses_of the MSRE nine-lump core model using CLMP outputs. , - 4. LHEX, which calculates the transfer functions of a 1ufiped- parameter heat exchanger (as in Appendix A), with an input optiofi for solving for up to 99 typical sections in series in a counterflow con- figuration. , 5. PLAG, which computes the frequency response of piping lagé for an erbitrary number of first-order series lags, & fourth-order Padé ap- proximstion, or a pure delay, or combinations of these, with heat trans- fer to the piping. Figure C.l shows the block diagram used as a guide to compute the closed-loop transfer functions. Typical outputs of the subroutine CLOSED are fi/&fi (closed loop), Nyquist stability information, nuclear average temperatures %;/Sfi and %E/Sfi, and %co/afi and %Ei/Si' Several commonly used transfer functions are ~ ci - G1.0G11G13614Ga5 | ~ g GS = GryGglGo + 1, (¢.1) Teolopen primary 1 = G12G13G14G15 loop and N Gy | ~ C.2 sk = G4GsGS ( ) 1+ GJ.Gz(-]—_-:E-;G—S' + G3 = GX) o 73 ‘o ORNL-DWG 65-9819 /f(NO) 8k | wrsk | M Pr/N G1 G2 Bkye/Pr Gx y THERMAL POWER, Pr RODS j 1 ' -~ 3k + - 5k /Py . Te/Pr : 63 [ 1 ~—T7F ¥- . I G16 i - Bk/fei _ CORE Teo/Pr G4 G5 : ' TC?/PT _rg ru | TF/Tei (g 3 T COREIN |Teof7ei | T CORE OUT 617 - UF Gig [ 66 : t A r*, . VESSEL |- " PRIMARY LOOP | 619 . 4 rpo/rpi THE (PRDIN ¥ - 69 . = Y rpo/rsi - HEAT rso/rpi 61t |[EXCHANGER| 6t0 | N — Tug (SECYINY | Too/Tsi Tue (SEC) OUT : _ Y % . " PhE| sEconparv Loop |™.PifE| . . ?:5 ] RADIATOR | 614 | . . o . _ :=' rso/rsi v Fig. Cl MSFR Reference Block Diagram. : - '\ T4 | | e Fach of these closed-loop equations can be written as a single FORTRAN IV statement, so it is a simple inatter to generate different functions. An option is also available in MSFR to firint out all the internal or component transfer functions. FORTRAN;_IV listings, decks, and input information may be obtained from S. J. Ball. ) at 75 Appendix D. -Stability Extrema Calculation For a linear description of a reactor system,_the eigenvalues of the system matrix must all have negative real parts for stability. A technique16 was developed that_éystematically seeks out the combination of system.parameters'that causes the.least stableicondition in the feasible range (causes the dominant eigenvalue to become as positive as possible). This technique utilizes a form of the gradient-projection method to explore the hypersurface that defines the stability index (the negativeness of the real part of the dominant eigenvalue) as a function of the system parameters. The upper and lower limits on the expected ranges of system parameters constitute constraint surfaces that limit the ares of search on the performance hypersurface. The real part of the dominant eigenvalue is labeled B. The change in B due to smell changes in the system parameters, X5 is given by 4R = YB.dX = |VB| 'dk'l cos 6 , | (D.1) where d8 = incrementael change in B, 3B S " vB-el&;-+GZS%2-+ cse dJ?=eJ_Xm+eng2+..., a unit vector, e, ; = angle between the_yectors. ‘Thus the maximum change in B occurs when 6 = O; that is, the changes infthesystem,parameteré“afe in-théflSame vector direction as the gradient vector. It is therefcre_eipected that the greatest change in B will occur when the system.pafdmeters change in proportion to.their corre~ sponding elements in'the.gfadientlvector: ok, es l 76 where ¥ is a real positive coefficient whose magnitude is chosen to insure 'that constraints are satisfied. | Tt is clear that the calculated velues of the componeni:s of VB are the key quantities in implementation of this method. The method for finding VB can be developed from the characteristic equation for the systém given in determinant form: D=IA-‘SII=0, - | (DB) where A = the systém matrix, 8 = an eigenvalue of A, I = the unit diagonal matrix. We now write D with some arbitrary eigenvalue, 8y factored out: D= (s —-sk) F(s) = 0, (D.4) where F(s) is & nonzero determinant if s, is a simple eigenvalue. We differentiate Eq. (D.4) with respect to an element, 8447 of the matrix, A, and with respect to s: aD OF(s) Os S— = (s-—sk)g————F(s)é—k—, a - (.5) *1J "13 ®13 - %182 = (s — sk) BFSS + P(s) . (D.6) We then evaluate Egs. (D.5) and (D.6) for s = s, and take their ratio to get Bq. (D.7): oD ds, E;'_,j ’s:sk _ = - . (D'7) a. 13 oD Js ls:sk TS e i 4 i a" 77 The deri%ative; BD/B& 4+ is just the cofactor of 8 5 in [A = 81], 1] “and aD/Bs is the negative of the sum of the cofactors of dlagonal ele- ments of [A — sI]. Thus Eq. (D.5) may be written 355; = -trig*-'- | (D.8) ij z: Cff - =1 - If we choose sk to be the least negative 31genvalue, the real part of ) is Just B. Slnce alj is real, we may wrlte ® [ c " o = Re _E-_Q— . (D-g) i : . _ o Y Cer f=1 The derivative with respect to a system pareameter, xz,,is easily ob- tained from Eq. (D.9), since the following relation holds: . - | (p.10) The usefulheSS df:Eq.:(D;iO) rests on the ability to calculate the _rsystem eigenvalue, k? to glve IA - s I] This mabeé readily accom=- _'plished by using one of the standard eigenvalue com@utation methods, guch as Parlett's methodlg or the QR method. 14 The cofactors. in Eq. (D 10) could be calculated dlrectly'w1th a method such as Gaussian eliminstion. However, this tedious procedure may be circumvented by application of a useful theorem from matrix algebra. 78 It is known that the cofactors of parallel lines in a matrix with order 'n and rank n -~ 1 are prqportional.2° Since [A — SkIJ is & matrix With these properties, the cofactor calculation may be simplified. For in- stance, if the cofactors of the first row and first column of [A — skI] are calculated, all other cofactors are given by _ % Oy i3 vl | (D.11) Use of Eq. (D. 11) to find the cofactors shown in Eq. (D 10) glves a prec- tical method for finding the derivatives afi/ax needed to carry out the gradient-projection step shown in Eq. (D.2). - Gradient methods ere useful for finding local extrema fbr noniinear prdblems. However, it nmy'be possible for the surface of B versus sys- - tem parameters to have many peaks. The only tedhnique currently suiteble for handling this provlem is to use multiple starts. The computer code developed to implement this method is set up to use maltiple sterts au~ tomatically. The procedure for carrying out the maximization from a given base point is to recalculate the eigenvalues for several new parameter sets specified by steps out the gradient vector. The point that gives the system with the largest value of 8 is then used as s new starting point. This is repeated until a maximum within the constrained set of system parameters is found. . £ ‘\a