ORNI. TM 909 : / o/ e o . B T - L LN P, s ey R — i ) iy i P delr P S RN L PN AT o Py AL g SN - v N . N o . - B N & ¥ o H A N - - - i - ¢ . 2 o : - ,. i L [ . J ks e T ¥ ) L [ B o LT L= _— R ¥ : : [ 3 I H R 4 . R = flfl"fl[flus document - coniams mformunon of a prehmmury noture - "7 Tand -was prepcred prlmardy for mterncl use ot the Ock Ridge’ Nufmnnl '.iLubomrory ft-is subject to- revision -or correction and therefore does G R - not. represenf a final reporf.. ... e e R ey P = This report was pnpoud as an : "L_E_s;\L NOTICE._ aceount of Govemment sponsored work. Neu!her the United Sfafes, nor the Commission, nor any person octing on behalf of the Commns-on. A, Mckes any warranty or re presentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the eccuracy, compléteness, or usefulness of the .information contained in this teport, or that the use of any mformahon, apparatys, privately owned vights; or ' B. Assumes any licbilities wi " any information, apparatus, meihod or proc-ss 'disclosed in this report may not mfrmge : ith uspact io thc use of, or for damogts rusulfing from tho use of - method, or process disclond in this report, As used in the above, “‘person ecflng on behalf of the Commiulqn" includes any smployes or contractor of the Commission, or smployee of such contractor, to the sxtent that such employss or contractor of the Commission, provides access to, any Information - or his smployment with such centroct or .amployse of such contractoer prepares, disseminates, or punuunt to bll -mployrn-m or contract wlt}; the Commlnlon, - or. - o) a' 4! _ ‘ d)fif’- o5 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 Reactor Division MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT PART IX SAFETY PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY PLANS A. N. Smith JUNE 1965 - 'OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY QOak Ridge, Tennessee - operated by | UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL-TM-309 L o g AT Y o #) 5} “ iii PREFACE The report on the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) has been arranged into twelve major parts as shown below. Each of these covers a particular phase of the project, such as the design, safety analysis, - operating procedures, ete. An attempt has thus been made to avoid much of the duplication of material that would result if separate and inde- pendent reports were prepared on each of these major aspects. Detailed references to supporting documents, working drawings, and other information sources have been made throughout the report to make it of maximum value to ORNL personnel. Fach of the major divisions of the report contains the bibliographical and other appendix information necessary for that part. The final volumes of the report, Part XII, contain rather extensive listings of working drawings, specifications, schedules, tabulations, etc. These have been given a limited distribution. Most of the reference material is available through the Division of Technical Imformation Extension, Atomic Energy Commission, P.0O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. For material not available through this source, such an inter-Laboratory correspondence, etc., special arrangements can be made for those having a particular intereSt., None of the information contained in this report is of a classified nature. All the reports are listed below. | ORNL-TM-728% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part I, De- - scription of Reactor Design, by R. C. Robertson ORNL-TM-729 = MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part II, ' - Nuclear and Process Instrumentation, by 'J. R. Tallackson ~ ORNL-TM-730% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part III, : Nuclear Analysis, by P. N. Haubenreich, J. R..Engel, B. E. Prince, and H. C. Claiborne ORNL-TM-731- MSRE De81gn and Operations Report, Part IV, - ' - Chemistry and Materials; by F. F. Blankenshlp and A. Taboada ¥Tssued. iv AR O MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part V, Re- actor Safety Analysis Report, by S. E. Beall, P. N. Haubenreich, R. B. Lindauver, and J. R. Tallackson MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VI, Operating Safety Limits for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, by S. E. Beall and R. H. Guymon MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VII, Fuel Handling and Processing Plant, by R. B. Lindauer ORNL-TM-908%* MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VIII, Operating Procedures, by R. H. Guymon MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part IX, Safety Procedures and Emergency Plans, by A. N. Smith ORNL~TM-910%* MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part X, Maintenance Equipment and Procedures, by E. C. Hise and R. Blumberg ' ORNL-TM-91]1 ** MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XI, Test Program, by R. H. Guymon and P. N. Haubenreich ** MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XII, Lists: Drawings, Specifications, Line Schedules, Instrument Tabulations (Vol. 1 ORNL~TM-732% ORNL-TM-733% ORNL-TM- 907* ORNL-~TM-909% ) *¥These reports will be the last in the series to be published. and 2) 4 . vl o) ¥) G, . Acknowledgments In the preparation of this report, the author has made extensive use of the efforts and experience of many of those associated with the MSRE Project and with the overall problem of safety at the Laboratory. All contributions are hereby gratefully acknowledged. o ..k Vg, o L - (W i ) i -y vii Contents Page Preface cecieeeeiereeroncsccccssnesnnasaase ceeereseseas ;.......... iii Acknowledgment ..eivevseerssossnssssesassecscascssnsss eeesieaas e v List of Figures .veeesiierasvieeseteatscoscasnsescsanssssanscnnns .. ix l. Imtroduction ......... cerncesesesns Ceressensvrrnsuenne ceesrens 1 2. Basic Plan .ieecveercecnritscscscrtrtanrcssnennes cieses cerrans 1 3. Emergency PhiloSODhNY eveeircerescocnsoncnassncsssnnses cesnvean 1 4. Organization and Responsibilities .....ecvvevecnnn. ceescaaneas 2 4.,1. Local Emergency Supei'visor Cesecersesestearesesean cevees 2 4.2. Local Emergency Squad ...... creeee i nann ceresesrrees 3 4.3. Emergency Service Units ..... e, ceranans ceees 3 4.4. ILaboratory Emergency Director .e.iiiiiiinieiiirneinnnnens 3 4.5. FEmergency Control Center e e ene e ceecnvans 3 4.6. Local Administration seco....... ceeraans cessssancesssses L 5. Emergency ProcedUres .seceeeceecescns chetaesctcessntessntenens 4 5.1. General ..... teestesencsaescenctretannnas o tCresesanns A 5.2. Personnel Evacuation Procedur€s ...soveececsvosaccens oo 5 6. Description of Possible Local Emergencies and Plans of Action ...vvieereennnnns Cheeisanan tesissicacraanneas ceseean .. 8 6.1, Fire .vecveeinnnnnnase Cheanes Ciereenees Cetecaricnatinans 8 6.2. Radiation EmMergency ..eeeeeecciseescncecsaennses cessanse 9 6.3. High Stack Activity ecceevevinnrcacnas Pesasesastanan S s § 6.4, Beryllium Release........;............. ..... e 6.5, Gross leak into Reactor Cell vuvuemnriannnnnns Ceeenseens 13 7. Background Informatlon ;..f.;..;........ ..... teseesnseses 14 7.1, General Site and Plant Descrlption ceecrsccersnocssences 1b o 7.2;.*PErsonnel Access Control ..,..;,- ...... Certeracnsens .. 18 7.3. Communication Systems ..,.{;......,...;.....;;.......... 23 7.4. Radiation Mbnitoring Systems et etteteeeneaeivieeaesea. 25 - 7.5. Beryllium Control Program 5.......}...;..,,;..;..}..;... 34 "7.6. .Containment Véntllation System .;......;.;....},.. ..... . 38 7.7. Reactor 0ff-Gas System ........ chcaianane ceenans cetaecne 38 7.8. Fire Protection System .............. cecerennen cesseee .. 38 viii RefereHCes l.....l..Q.........I..I.......l...O.I..‘.l.l............ Bibliography ".l..’l..l.......'..II.......l..l.......O.l........... 44, 44 w) o} “ - ' n 7 C Fig. No. Fig. 5.1 Fig. 7.1 Fig. 7.2 Fig. 7.3 Fig. 7.4 Fig. 7.5 Fig. 7.6 Fig. 7.7 Fig. 7.8 Fig. 7.9 Fig. 7.10 Fig. 7.11 Fig. 7.12 Fig. 7.13 Fig. 7.14 Fig. 7.15 ix List of Figures Title Emergency Evacuation Routes ORNL Area Map Plot Plan — Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Building 7503 Layout at 852-ft Elevation Building 7503 Layout at 840-ft Elevation Entrances to MSRE Area Headings of Category I and Category II Lists Reactor Building (7503) Showing Location of Radia- tion Monitors at 852-ft Level Reactor Building (7503) Showing Location of Radia- tion Monitors at 840-ft Level Functional Block Diagram of MSRE Stack Monitoring System Functional Block Diagram of MSRE Radiation and Con- tamination Warning System Evacuation Horn Control Box for MSRE Radiation Warning System Building 7503 Permanent Beryllium Sampling Station Locations Schemagtic DiagramrofoSRE Containment Ventilation System | Schematic Diagram-of.OffeGas-System Fire Alarm Control and Ahnunéiator System Page 15 16 17 19 20 22 26 27 30 32 35 37 39 40 41 LY g 1 C oy &) C RV MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT Part IX SAFETY PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY PLANS A. N. Smith 1. Introduction The operation of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) is subject to normal industrial hazards, such as fire, explosion, and airborne con- tamination, as well as to hazards peculiar to the production of nuclear energy. Emergencies may arise involving danger to personnel or damage to property. The purpose of this section of the Design and Operations Report is to provide basic guidelines, procedures, and background information that will assist MSRE and supporting personnel in the anticipation; prevention, and handling of emergencies. 2. Basic Plan The basic emergency plan for the MSRE is the Laboratory-wide ORNL emergency plan set forth in the ORNL Emergency Manual. All the material presented here either emphas1zes basic precepts of the Laboratory=W1de | plan or covers 1tems SpGlelc to the MSRE The ORNL Emergency'anual is cons1dered part of and the ba51c gulde for all MSRE emergency plans. 3. Emergency FPhilosophy - The fundamental concepts of*the'ORNL emergeney plan_are: Lo Effectlve planning and preparatlon | (a) Antlclpation of foreseeable hazards, “(b) Adoption of preventlve measures 5(e)- Preparat1on for emergen01es by adequate organization and training of personnel 2. of l. 2. Effective handling of emergencies (a) Prompt local action (b) Coordination of emergency efforts, both local and Laboratory wide (¢) Definite assignment of responsibilities For all personnel involved in the discovery and subsequent handling an emergency, the primary considerations shall be: Protection of personnel. Protection of property. It is recognized that situations may arise wherein it will be diffi- cult to evaluate the potential hazards. The policy shall he to handle doubtful cases conservatively; that is, it will be better to risk am occasional "false alarm” than to risk exposing personnel and property to unnecessary danger. The incidence of such occasions will be minimized by adequate preparation and training, b 4.1 ILocal Emergency Supervisor The Local Emergency Supervisor will be the MSRE Shift Supervisor on duty. The first alternate will be the MSRE Assistant Shift Supervisor, and the second alternate will be the MSRE Control Room Operator. 1. - The responsibilities of the Local Emergency Supervisor are: To become thoroughly familiar with local and Laboratory-wide emer- gency procedures. To organize and train Local Emergency Squad members who are under his jurisdiction. To direct the efforts of the Iocal Emergency Squad in the handling of local emergencies. To keep the Laboratory Emergency Director and MSRE Operations Chief fully informed of the status of the emergency. ‘w ) 1) o2 .’) ¥ 4.2. Local Emergency Squad The Local Emergency Squad will consist of the members of the operat- ing crew on duty and the local Health Physics Division surveyor on duty. The responsibility of the Local Emergency Squad is to carry out emergency duties as assigned (or preassigned) by the Local Emergency Supervisor or fhe Laboratory Emergency Director. Some or all of the operating crew members will be assigned duties as wardens or searchers. (See ORNL Emer- gency Manual.) The Health Physics Surveyor(s) will be responsible for checking for personnel contamination and overexposure. 4.3. Emergency Service Units Emergency service units (fire, ambulance, health physics, etc.) are available to assist in handling emergencies (see Part III-F in ORNL Emer- gency Manual). Some units will respond automatically upon receipt of a given emergency signal. Any unit may be summoned by calling the Iabora- tory Emergency Control Center (phone 3-6358) or the Laboratory Emergency Director (phone 3-6606) . 4.4, Laboratory Emergency Director During an emergency the ILaboratory Shift Supervisor on duty will become the lLaboratory Emergency Director. The responsibilities of the Iaboratory Emergency Director are outlined in Part III-B, ORNL Emergency Manual. 4.5. Emergency Control Cenfer'a As used hereln, the term Emergency Control Center refers to the permanent communication, alarm, and, dlspatchlng facility at Building 2500, which is operated by the Guard Department. The emergency_command post at the MSRE will be referred to as the Local Emergency Control Cen- -ter, whlch will normally be the MSRE Control Room. If the MSRE Control Room must be evacuated the Local Emergency Control Center ylll be set up at the nearest suitable locatlon, normally on Nblton Valley Drive ~ directly to the north of Building 7503, and the Laboratory Emergency 4 Director or the Emergency Control Center will be requested to furnish a radio-equipped vehicle for transmission of commumnications. 4,6. Local Administration The administration of emergency plans and procedures at the MSRE will be under the direction of the MSRE Operations Chief. His responsi- bilities in this regard fiill be to coordinate and supervise the overall planning-and training program, including 1. Anticipation o; potential emergenéies. 2. Adoption of preventive measures. 3. Training of personnel. 4. Review and updating of emergency procedures. 5. Inspection and maintenance of emergency equipment. 5. Emergency Procedures Procedures for handling emergencies at the MSRE shall be as noted in the General Emergency Plan (see ORNL Emergency Manual). The following procedures are intended to incorporate the basic principles of the General Emergency Plan as applied to the MSRE operation. 5.1. General The person who discovers an emergency will l. Evacuate personnel from the immediate danger area. 2. Take any possible action to control the emergency. 3. Notify the MSRE Control Room by the fastest method, normally the intercom or telephone. | The MSRE Control Room Operator will 1. Notify the Local Emergency Supervisor and the Local Emergency Sguad, 2. Maintain control of the reactor; make any changes in the operation - of the reactor or the chemical processing plant required by the emergency; and keep the MSRE Shift Supervisor informed, in advance, if possible. 3. Take any other immediate action required by the emergency, such as activation of fire or radiation alarms. - %) O a) £) ) The Local Emergency Supervisor will 1. Proceed to the local Emergency Control Center, which is normally the MSRE Control Room. If the 7503 Building must be evacuated, the ILocal Emergency Control Center will be set up on the road directly to the north of Building 7503, and the Laboratory Emergency Director will be'requeéted to furnish communications facilities (radio car). 2. Take additional action as required by the emergency, including issuance of evacuation instructions over the public address (PA) system and direction of the Local Emergency Squad. 3. Notify MSRE Operations Chief and the Laboratory Shift Supervisor as soon as possible. , 4. Meet and orient the Iaboratory Emergency Director and Emergency Service Units (fire department, ambulance) when they arrive on the scene. The Local Emergency Squad Members, unless directly involved in com- bating the emergency or in carrying out preassigned emergency duties, will report at once to the ILocal Emergency Control Center for assignment to emergency duty by the Local Emergency Supervisor. A1l other day and shift personnel will 1. Observe the prescribed building evacuation procedure. 2. Assist in handling the emergency if and as requested by the Local Emergency Supervisor. 5.2, Pbrsonnel Evacuation Procedures '5.2;1._ Local Emergency.,_Axglven emergency may require the evacua- 'tion'of (1) all MSRE personnel'qr'(z) only nonoperating personnel. The sigpal for local evacuationfofspersonnel may be given in one of three o ways: " 1. Fire alarm horn. 2;- Radiation alarm horn and - beacon 1ight 3. Bulldlng pdblic address system.' Sounding of either alarm will normally be followed by approprlate instructions over the PA system. “(Note: The s1gnal.for a Laboratory- wide evacuation is a siren-like wail followed by instructions over the PA system.) The alarm and PA systems are described in Section 7. Upon hearing the evacuation signal 1. All personnel, except Local Emergency Squad members, will leave the building. . 2. Iocal Emergency Squad members, barring PA system instructions to the contrary, will proceed at once, as noted above, to the LOCAI Emer- gency Control Center for assignment to emergency duty by the Local Emergency Supervisor. _ In general, the direction taken by evacuating personnel shall be the shortest path away from the danger zone. Subject to this condition and barring contrary instructions over the PA system, the normal evacua- tion routes are as noted below and as illustrated on Fig. 5.1: 1. Personnel in Building 7509 will leave by the east door. | 2. Personnel in the office section of Building 7503 (852-ft level) will leave by the door at the north end of the office section corridor. ‘3. Personnel in the high bay area of Building 7503 (852-ft level) will leave by the nearest door (north or east). Those leaving by the east door will proceed as in item 2 above. 4. Personmnel in the basement area of Building 7503 will leave by the nearest door (exterior stairway) on east side or door at northwest corner. 5. Personnel in outlying buildings (vent house, storeroom, diesel house) will proceed to Melton Valley Drive through the west crash gate or % through the north turnstile via the stairway at the northwest corner | of Building 7503. - a 6. All personnel will assemble at the parking area outside the north gate (Assembly Point No. 1) and await further instructions from the Local Emergency Supervisor. If the evacuation was initiated by a radiation alarm and if immediate instructions are not forthcoming from the Local Emergency Supervisor, all personnel will proceed as ' rapidly as possible along Melton Valley Drive in the upwind or cross- wind direction (east or west, whichever more closely agrees with the direction pointed to by the weathervane 1ocatéd on top of the poie approximately 50 ft north of east end of the office building, 7509). &5) - & s ~x—z—4~ SECURITY FENCE HEALTH PHYSICS ~ BUILDING 7509 W toFrice) , - ROOM : ® . TURNSTILE (OUTBOUND ONLY) f 8" t /m-ggg:nssgm * ALY SO | AT ] R LOCAL Y ROL CE Co L EMER o ! I OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE g e N DOWN , ‘ INJTRUMENT wal - , = iy MAIN SHOP A = e e— e e e e o C:ANGE : ooM I LOCAL EMER I -— CONTROL CEquEENRCY —— — - s s = . SEE FIG.2,39 P m & ) - — fl DATA ROOM o AILIRRY t CHANGE P SEE FIG. RATION EE FIG.2.43 Soan ROOM || "room | N fi RaTIoN, - CONTROL ROOM . oo HOT CHANGE ROOM TN o . : REACTOR AMPLER S S CELL INRICHER 4 ANELS yra ‘ — —— i ety ‘ R b e DRAIN TANK CELL . : . . ; J | 1 P ) : - : uHu ‘J . ) :‘: ) 1 VENT z . PARKING u];-| . fl - VESSEL N3 HOUSE ; — - — 4- " | : ey ROOF Bl — F o e el -, Cy - REMOTE "7 WIND _ N, . MAINTENANCE - ( - R ‘ ) . ‘ : DIRECTION ‘ - CONTROL ROOM _l- '.&1 e r* * 3 o g - ELEVATION 862t Oin.~" "p* = Vo X . \’ . : l " . wd | o - S - | o] T BLDG. 7503 - 852" LEVEL * -— B P o 4—4—-0- - : és\ ' : - \ N "D“)\- — \ STACK ! ' [ |eLDG.. 7503 a @j\ i [§WN : ‘ BATTERY iy ROOM ! LUNCH A ROCM H— < MAINTENANCE 1 ‘ . / SHOP- ‘ SERVICE - X s 1 ROOM | - ¥ e L S L e .J LUBRICATION OIL | g ‘ I Dowm—-l‘-c WER‘—b ‘-.:-:rv-vn ’ 1 y Yy /—% PANELS——(T L) )| { ] g At A 1 CONTROL"'“"‘-" B === Y s 7 PANELS— —te . . A T e - F PECIAL = —~—, — I el ! Anm. Tigerman 2 oot 1 . cem : :-\:flr ! -q Range I ' Ind. ! 4”«'.",.. ! RR-103 AJ:10B L= 4 Tiverman 78-/08 CAM Loding Range /nd. RQ-!_Q’ RE-ioe BLDG. 3/05 Fig. 7.9. | Functional Block Diagram of MSRE Stack Monitoring System. aTwnil A » 4 ; Shift Superintendént will be notified. The signal fromlthe count rate 31 ; passing through the off-gas stack. Such notification will normally be given in the following instances: Increase in a 15-min Period Activity (%) Beta-gamma 20 Alpha 30 Iodine 80 fl If the indicated beta-gamma increase persists for 30 min, the Laboratory . meters is also transmitted to an alarm module in the MSRE Auxiliary Con- trol Room and thence to the maln MSRE Control Room panel annunc1ator - The alarm will be set to respond, as nearly as possible, in accordance ; W1th the above-llsted activity increase rates. ' b The tape advance for the alpha and beta-gamma monitors is controlled ~ remotely (may also be done at the instrument) by the Laboratory Facilities {'DePartménfi'(fram Bldg. 3105). The tapes are normslly advanced at the . start of each shift. The iodine trap is of the cartridge type and may - be easily replaced in case of saturation. The sample-collecting cartridge 1s changed once per day during reactor critical operation, and the used - cartridge is scanned for activity. \ % i The count rate meters are multirange units. The Laboratory Facili- tles Department w1ll request MSRE Operations to make range changes when ! necessary. 7o e, Bulldlng Evacuatlon Alarm System. A system of audible and visible alarms is prov1ded to alert personnel to the necessity for evac- uation from the MSRE area (see Flg 7 10). The alarms may be actuated manually or automatically. There are three switches for manual actuation‘of the alarms: one on the main console in the MSRE Control Room, one on the alarm module in . the MSRE Auxiliary Control Room, and one in the Maintenance Control Room. , If a manual switch has been used to actuate the alarm, the "reset” button 3 f on the control module must be depressed to restore the system to the ! normal conditions. 1 | Constont Air Monitors 32 . , Q-2354-2R1 / | @-2290 with Inst. Foilyre Boxes Q-23//18 g i A control Room High 85)-South High Bay-West Basement=North Transmitter Rm. Basement-Center Service-Tunnel ' ki Bay -Wesfl /i‘ri Bay- South Offices Basement- North Transmitter Room Seryice Tumel Mobite Unit ' Monitron | Moni'tron 2 Monitron Monitrén Monitron Monitron Monitron CAM 1 ecam CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM Q-115¢8 3 + | 5 & 7 / | 2 3 ¢ 5 6 7 W/HiAlorm ‘ | RE 7011 RE 7012 RE 72012 RE 70! RE 7015 7016 BE 72017 RE 7000 RE 700/ RE 7002 RET002 R&E7004 RET00 %8 RET7006 ' : | Net tred to ¢ 5_)!5 fem RM 701142 oM 701242 M 701342 R z01282 M 20/5A2 oM 701642 £M 2017A2 £ 700082 RM 700142 RM7002A2 BM200342 £M7009A2 M 700572 Inde Indreotor Indrcator ndicator Indicator ndicetor Indicetor , s Ind; n;’;’c:”f:r Input Input rInpuiF Input Input Input I'g}';i’;’" '; f?f%‘f}'fil‘ };;;Zifor | Module Maggb{g 'fo;”s'f / Modlufe Mozasl%e/ gggg 5 g%g‘ééff Module ‘| Module Module | @255 Q25834 -2563- 925671 @-25%, 2563 255 @2563-/ | @253/ ®-2563 | [ 11 17 I T7 1, ; 7 } ?n g | a s 70258 |RA 7025 ! . Relay Buzzer :‘ msre | | fat | | pezeer Annunce - - | ' ! N Pe562-17 §2563-4. 5 | N 2-12 | Pm 7022 lj Matrix t Medule L . , Radration M 702/ indicates Module — | Alarm Matrix, location in rocks ———— | @-2563-2 Module' 2-9 o Contamination Alarm Q2563 RM 7023 RS 7024 HS 70247 ' ‘ Man. . ; - C}g;’:’ Manual C:z;z:c ] Chass/s Evg::;mn ’;}5 7024-8 i - an, Evac. V @2359-10 Majnt.cont B | [ ! | Contemination Alarm A 1 A ‘ l l l l l l l (el ckt to Bidy, 2500) Radiation Alarm ( Tel ckt: fo Bldp, 2500) JAN A Horns RA 702341 1oA% RI 7023AR/ 1 A7 Building Alerm Beacons Fig. 7.10. Functional Block Diagram of MSRE Radiation and Contami- nation Warning Systemn. ,! ‘q ) ») 33 For automatic actuation, four of the CAM's and six of the Monitrons (see Sect. 7.4.1) are connected to respective coincidence alarm modules " in the MSRE Auxiliary Control Room. Coincident actuation of any two high level alarms in one or the other of the two groups will cause auto- matic actuation of the building evacuation alarm system (see Table 7.2). Table 7.2. Monitrons and Continuous Air Monitors in Building 7503 Monitrons Continuous Air Monitors Type Location Instru- Location Instru- ment No. ment No. Building evacuation Control room 1 Office corridor 3 system® 7503 High bay - south Basement - north 4 High bay - west Basement - north Transmitter room 5 Service tunnel Basement -~ center Transmitter room ST O B N High bay - west R High bay - south 2 Local alarm only Service tunnel ®Coincidence of any two high-level alarms in the Monitron group or the CAM group will cause automatic actuation of the building evacuation alarm system. A key-operated switch labeled "Normal-Disable" and located on the "cbntro}fmodule_in therAuiiliary Controeroqm.may be used to disconnect - the alarmsifromrthe'automatic”circuit. \This switch is for use during -periods when high radiation levels would normally be anticipated (for ‘example, during removal of radiocactive equipment from the reactor cell) and where personnel Safetyvmayrbe insured by'appliCatiofi.of:strict ad- ministrative control. _The,Emergency'COntrol Center receives an alarm ‘signal (and should receive ptior notification) when the switch is moved to or from the disable position. The alarms'may be ‘sounded manually regardless of the position of the Normal-Disable switch. e e e 34 The audible alarm is given by four evacuation horns located as shown on Figs. 7.7 and 7.8. The horns are activated by nitrogen gas, and each horn has its own gas bottle supply and control box (see Fig.\ 7.11). The control box contains a pressure valve, pressure switches which monitor tank and regulated pressures, and a solenoid valve that ‘is opened by an electrical signal from the coincidénce module. A momen- tary signai will open the sdlenoid valve, and the valve will remain open until it is closed manually by depressing the mushroom head of the valve stem. Normal gas pressures are: | Tank pressure, psig 21500 Supply to solenoid, psig 80 to 120 Abnormal pressures are indicated by alarms in the Control Room. The gas supply for each horn consists of two high-pressure nitrogen-gas bottles, ' o - ) The valve position on each only one of which is normally valved "on. ' bottle is supervised by means of a lead-and-wire meter seal. One bottle at 21500 psig contains sufficient gas to operate the horn for approxi- mately 4 minutes. The visible alarm is given by seven magenta-colored bgacon lights located as shown on Figs. 7.7 and 7.8. They are automatically stopped vhen the coincidence module has returned to a normal condition. For a comprehensive discussion of the MSRE radiation and contamina- tion detection and alarm system, see ref. 2. 7.5. Beryllium Control Program A program for the control of beryllium hazards at the MSRE has been established by the In@ustrial Hygiene Department. A detailed description of the program may be found in ref, 3. A brief outline is presented below. 1. Potential Beryllium Hazards a. Effect of Particle Size Range on Extent of Lung Deposition b. Effects of Acute Imnhalation c. Effects of Chronic Imhalation d. Skin Effects * 35 1 R 1168 Stk il Te Nern o §v [ . i i b ‘ = .l I " i “ . -IVO nl . : :‘ L bt L Tquecepfl.-l i b md : | ) : . I 5-2 S-1A S‘-:la. Q-2358-7R5 HORN: westinghouse Air Brake Co. ( clerion Whistie . Supptied with box,} £itting {7 pioe to Vit o s Y Nard drewn .os3wer Copper Tubing 2‘ * tubing flsre Fitting Supplied with box. /N O7-265-/868 Senw' peed/e Vaive soo00” PEC oo, ) fo tank Valve with HORN C;%QITROL S 1 Connect directly ? C6A Fitting W523 NuF " 584 -_: ' : . ' R S "Moex SN 03 0I5 4010 Srip Hoox SN 02106 4500 e et INLET From Tenk .- HORN CONTROL 80X | GENERAL LAYOUT #'a0 009 JO0# 5.5, ASTMAZEY: Stores #07-273-2120. rank ralve fittin : . C6A #5835 (N 0F-577-2322) “Tank vaive nut CGA 8584 (0T-576-9a01) 4 ln9/0‘212',£ ; 3= 2FA long, Steel, | &y, 9rttach fo welf - | Chain é’&'ls- . S/N 02-087.3500 | 3-Yedia. hote; onior'g Spam Hook : Jmogr-s;oo 5" Hook YN0 0S5-408 | 2 Rey. PLAN DETAIL A I { | ! Fig. 7.11. I System. . 1 | ! AR T L A M f)’fil(l; INSTALLATION " Note: , . - 1. Mbunt horn 12' sbove floor except /¥ ceiting is less thon 13" mount | 1. bélow ceiling. ‘ See Were ¥z "0.D. 049 natlf 304 SSASTMA AKX ORNL OT.27.3: 2860 &fcfy chain See Detar! A° Lo A e ¥ 2,5/, 5-18, & $-2 were connected in sekies gt Myr reconnect in parallel asifollows! - 32-N.C. to open on high pressure . Closes a5 pressure drap below 1500#5 SitA=N.C. to open.on high pressure Closes as pressure drops below 80%; S=18-#.0. to close on high pressure Closes as pressure rises sbove 8074 i WHorn, horn controfl Box & Nitrogen tent | supptied by I & C Div. 3t instalietion. [—2— r———' 5§ —j e HNE L, o g pl 878 &) I 12 12 _l- TEST 8ox from 3/N 0§-778-0423 Sepia copy of s drw:‘r? on Filw. in £E& M Div. Transmit Sepia copy fo E&M of 3/ revisions. E&M Dwy. No. D-5¥%48. Evacuation Horn Control Bdx for MSRE Radiation Warning [ oM 2 MATERIAL LIST ~ MAJOR PARTS ONLY /A, 18 Switch, Pressure, Barksdale Mode! % 09822-0-WA 2 " " " » MOEI2=3-WA ] 543 Sw:‘fclg, Lever-Mossman #4/03 T3+ Terminal Strip Cinch~Jones #8-i#2 - ! Oxygen Reguistor Linda Purox Mode/#R202 Vi2 Valve, Verss Mode! VIG=252/-15-52 (110/60M) par Colurmbia Type A, 26 X2€x10, W L*Al. plate beck, ! Connactor -Temale- 4 Contacts - Clrich .Jonas ® $2404- 58 N% Tx ! > :fl " Term. Strip ' . 2 : v : | ' & Wi— [FIeTsTe[veEL 4 Test Pecepl. Crmeh-Jornes S2404-58 » 0 H .Seezflcfe 3 ! P5A|lO P8 {Lime tow) e high) S . WIRING DIAGRAM 477 prief Ligh!s 30 W OG- M18-17758 © o lime Line Supply | High low iow Tes) Sox 36 Threshhold Limit Values a., Acute Exposure Ievel. It is recognized that there will be short perliods of an operational nature when the concentration will be relatively high. The maximm permissible concentration for acute exposure for workers without respiratory protection should . not exceed 25 ug of Be per cubic meter and the time limit for such exposure should be less than 30 min. b. Chronic Exposure level. <2 pg/m’> for an 8-hr, 5-day week. Environmental Air Concentration levels. 0.0l H§Zm3 for in-plant or "neighborhood" samples. ‘ d. Surface Contamination levels. Walls, floors, and equipment with- in the beryllium control area, <25 pg per 12 in.?, TFor equipment being transferred to a nonberyllium control area, <4 pg/ft2. MEthods of Control a. Good Housekeeping and Personal Cleanliness b. Protective Equipment c. Ingineering Controls d. Sampling Fifteen permanent air-sampling stations will be used for routine monitoring of Bullding 7503 atmosphere; the locations of these stations are shown on Fig. 7.12. An NSL Automatic Continuous Beryllium Monitor will be used to monitor the radiator stack during periods of reactor operation and the coolant pit area during reactor shutdown perlods. Four environmental sampling stations will be established in the general area surrounding the MSRE. Smear samples and additional atmospheric samples will be taken as required. 4, 5. Responsibilities Specific Procedures &. Industrial Hygilene Procedures b. Health Procedures c. Engineering Procedures Transfer or Removal of Equipment Containment Filter Change Beryllium Release d. Sampling Equipment 37 NEW OFf/iCER . . : FiaTeEm 27 Cow: Ifl‘.fllr L] N/ S I e Liowp - i o 3 N S7ors s Fodee] _a Loers Lisr DimsEL - rren? Sromes NustAck. ( y-i2) HovEE— ' ' | BRoOWSs Rormmerire| . O6 — 080 ~ O¥O 0 ’ SAPLING MEAD 06 - 03p - 2500 Bewyieiom Bampliys STRATICN L OCATIENS Pgrrr)fler = r.frl‘flf | Locarsan | crevurion " u?":;'f Drescerprion RSB ] FLOOR FPLAA = ELLEV, B52 ~Oo” / gszlp” | D23 |CoMRIDOR, AT OFFICE A.C. Aip RETVRN. . i 2 » D-18 INSTRVMENT SHOP LEGEaND z » c-5 Hor cnanGaE oo - ' A.C. a @ PeonamenT SemOLER L ocm rion™ 4+ " D= j.J covrmor Roomr, AT C. RETUR 5 . 4 -4 Fuse ADCITroN STRTron AL T ES e G a £-6 ENTRANCE T0 MHOT CHANSE OO /i _DemPLinGg LoCmrions TIESIENATED 7 A D= 7‘5 SOUTHERET corRnam oFf /4w Bay RRE 2 PORORISIATE. . 8 v 8-6 Sovry ox DRA/WN TAnNk CELL 2. _BampLERS Miil BE MOUNTED 9 " -8 By HieH BAY Ak EXAIUSE RewipLY. . C' _FRONI. _FLOOK. LEVEL. . 1= » ¢-85 ABOVE SPECIAL EQUIPIVENT Room X _AR_Sampimg. EUmps ool SErParaTeE LI5S wyrw " 840-0" | p-d GEANERAL MARINTENANZE Shop MAN R Sl TEH _ #0 BUXIILORY. PUMP, . 2 ‘ o-5 LuncH Roem A Ao PumPs DrscHRmeE. 1O VENTILLATION DUCT. 1% 4 D=9.5 SERVICE TUNNEL FIR EXHAUST 5. . PRESSURE. DROP RCarSS SAMPLING ASSEMELY w!TH % . - CopiANT CELL VENTILLATION DUCT ~ 735 % [/ . FrlTER. _/NITRLLED = 2.9 c.a¥ /S Cffl?. - 1T &MM:O. B.x FPour Berwesn VB S &iecT SEMICE AREAS 6. _Migrmiirt). SABLING . ATE = De5_ Crlom,. e » STrcie SAmELNE PRoAE . i ) Fig. 7.12. Building 7503 Permanent Bery}lium Sampling Station Locations. & Phers/aL | B AN — D-Z7-2-56399 ELEV Pqo ~O" 38 7.6. Containment Ventilation System ) A schematic diagram of the contaimment ventilation system is shown on Fig. 7.13. This system provides for the control of air flow and pres- gsure in the secondary containment zone (the reactor and fuel drain tank cells) and in the areas surrbundifig the secondary containment zone (the high bay area, special equipment room, ete.). _ During reactor operation, the primary air flow is through the high bay area, which is maintained at s slight'negative pressure. The re- actor cell is maintained at —2 psig by bleeding inleakage to the stack from the component coolant pump discharge. During reactor shutdowns, air may be exhausted from the reactor cell or other areas by adjustment of valves or dampers. A minimum face veloc- - 1ty of 100-ft/min is required through the opening into any contaminated cell. For a complete discussion of the contaimment ventilation system, see Parts I and V of this report. 7.7. Reactor Off-Gas System The reactor off-gas system includes piping, components, and instru- mentation needed to handle the gas flow from the pumps, drain tanks, and certain other points in the fuel and coolant systems (see Fig. 7.14). For a complete discussion of the off-gas system, see Parts T and V of this report. 7.8., Fire Protection System A combination manual fire alarm and automatic fire detection system is provided (see Fig. 7.15). Manual actuation of the fire alarm may be effected at the master box (near driveway on north side of Building 7503) or at any one of the auxiliary boxes located as follows: 39 *Wa1SAG UOTFBTIFUSA JUSWUTBAUO) TUSW JO WRAZBT( OTFRUSYDS ot NA t\f VI OVRp NPISSHMIN)C N0d WA uw_.ll % , | _WT Vv SN SNITpe) Yoo VA -5 YuWL MUILmDL2Y SV E) ,NU < wiy D 0GP Y ‘YwoD o ) M2 »arLIvyy 1 o