ATI i LAB ATORY LIBRARIES 1L I - R OAl 3 4456 O549451 4 . LABORATORY e operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM - 908, Volume I MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT PART VIII, OPERATING PROCEDURES R.H. Guymon ey m - KOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge Nationo! Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. l This report was prepored as an account of Government sponsored work, Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: | A, B, ‘ As used in the above, ‘‘person acting on behalf of the Commission Makes any warranty or representafion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any infarmation, apparatus, method, or process dis~losed in this report. ' includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such empleyee or contraector of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such cantractor. -~ - LEGAL NOTICE — — = oo oo o o | g ORNL-TM-908, Volume |l MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT PART VIII, OPERATING PROCEDURES R.H. Guymon JANUARY 1966 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ATIONAL LABORATORY LIBRARIES T 3 4456 0549451 4 iii PREFACE The report on the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) has been arranged into twelve major parts as shown below. FEach of these covers a particular phase of the project, such as the design, safety analysis, operating procedures, etc. An attempt has thus been made to avoid much of the duplication of material that would result if separate and inde- pendent reports were prepared on each of these major aspects, Detailed references to supporting documents, working drawings, and other information sources have been made throughout the report to make it of maximum value to ORNL personnel. Each of the major divisions of the report contains the bibliographical and other appendix information necessary for that part. The final volumes of the report, Part XII, contain rather extensive listings of working drawings, specifications, schedules, tabulations, etc. These have been given a limited distribution. Most of the reference material is available through the Division of Technical Information Extension, Atomic Energy Commission, P.0. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. For material not available through this source, such as inter-ILaboratory correspondence, etc., special arrangements can be made for those having a particular interest. None of the information contained in this report is of a classified nature. All the reports are listed below. ORNL-TM-T728% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part I, Descrip- tion of Reactor Design, by R. C. Robertson ORNL-TM-729 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part II, Nuclear and Process Instrumentation, by J. R. Tallackson ORNL-TM-T730% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part III, Nuclear Analysis, by P. N. Haubenreich, J. R. Engel, B. E. Prince, and H. C. Claiborne ORNL-TM-T731 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part IV, Chemistry and Materials, by F. F. Blankenship and A. Taboada * Issued. iv ORNL-TM-"732% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part V, Reactor Safety Analysis Report, by S. E. Beall, P. N. Haubenreich, R. B. Lindauer, and J. R. Tallackson ORNL-TM-T733% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VI, Operating Safety Limits for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, by 5. E. Beall and R. H. Guymon ORNL-TM-907* MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VII, Fuel Handling and Processing Plant, by R. B. Lindauer ORNL- TM- 908 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VIII, Operating Procedures, by R. H. Guymon ORNIL-TM=-909 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part IX, Safety Procedures and Emergency Plans, by A. N. Smith ORNL-TM-910 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part X, Maintenance Egquipment and Procedures, by E. C. Hise and R. Blumberg ORNL~TM-911 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XI, Test Program, by R. H. Guymon and P. N. Haubenreich MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XII, Iists: Drawings, Specifications, Line Schedules, Tnstrument Tabulations (Vol. 1 and 2) Acknowledgement The Operating Procedures were written primarily by members of the MSRE Operations Department of the ORNIL Reactor Division. Substantial contributions were made by members of the Development Department of the Reactor Division and by members of the Instruments and Controls Division who wrote and reviewed various sections. All contributions are gratefully acknowledged. PREFACE vii CONTENTS Volume T ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 INTRODUCTION 1A Explanation of Operating Procedures 2B list of Other Material Available 2 NUCLE%R,ASPECTS OF OPERATION - zA Simplified Reactor Theory 1 £ W m [ ] - 2B MBRE = w M 3 OPERATION Glossary Atomic Structure Radloactivity and Radiation The Figsion Process Cross Sections and Reaction Rates The Fission Chain Reaction in an Infinite Reactor Effect of Neutron Leakage Criticality Extraneocus Neutron Scurces and Subcritical Multiplication Reactor Kineticé Nuclear Instrumentation Reactor Control Xenon and Samarium NMuclear Characteristics Core Reactivity Factors Heat Generation and Temperature Distributions Instrumentation Kinetics and Safety OF AUXILIARY SYSTEMS 3A Electrical System oo =~ W System Startup Normal Operation Emergency and Special Operations Normal Shutdown 3B 3C 3D 3B viii Instrument Air and Service Air Systems 1 a 3 L Startup Normal Operation Emergency or Special Operation shutdown Water System 1 a 3 b Startup Normal Operation Emergency Operation Normal Shutdown Component Cooling Systems wvi & Ww o Startup Normal Operation Emergency Operations Special Operations Shutdown Shield and Containment 1 Reactor and Drain Tank Cells 1.1 Startup 1.2 Normal Operation 1.3 Emergency or Special Operation 1.4 Shutdown Vapor Condensing System 2.1 Startup 2.2 Normal Operation 2.3 Emergency and Special Operations 2.4 Shutdown Operation Coolant Cell and Coolant Drain Tank Cell 3.1 Startup 3.2 DNormal Operation 3.3 Emergency or Special Operations 3.4 Shutdown 3F 3G 30 31 ix L Special Egquipment Room 5 West Tunnel and South Electric Service Area 6 Charcoal Bed Pit 7 Filter Pit 8 Auxiliary Cells Ventilation System 1 Startup 2 Normal Operation 3 Operation during Maintenance L Special Operations 5 Shutdown Leak-detector System 1 Startup z Normal Operation 3 Location of Lesking Flanges L Shutdown Procedures Instrumentation 1 Controllers and Indicators 2 Scanner 3 Computer L Annunciators 5 Jumper Board 6 Other Instruments 6.1 FqI-569-A 6.2 AO5-566-A 6.3 PAE-RC-E 6.4 ABe-A-AD3 6.5 A0,-548 6.6 AH,0-5L8 Freeze Valves 1 2 3 Definitions and Criteria Basic Operation and Interlocks Operatidn of Freeze Valves 3d 3K Liquid Waste System Jetting Reactor Cell and Drain Tank Cell Sumps Sampling Reactor and Drain Tank Cell Sumps Jetting Auxiliary Cell Sumps Bulilding Sump Operation Pit Pump Operation Treatment and Disposal of Waste Contents ~N O\ &= W v K Clarification of Decontamination Tank or Decontamination Cell Liguid 8 Backwash of the Waste Filter 9 General Decontamination and Clean Up Be Monitoring System 1 General Building Air Sampling System 2 Ventilation System Air Handling 3 NSL Be Air Monitoring Unit L Coolant System Stack Be Monitoring Unit AUXILIARY SYSTEMS STARTUP CHECK LISTS La LB Le 4D LE LF LG Nt ht Electrical System Instrument Air System Cooling Water Systems Component Cooling Systems Shield and Containment Systems Ventilation System Leak-detector System Instrumentation Freeze Valves Volume II1 REACTOR STARTUP 54 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G S>H Purging Oxygen and Moisture from the Salt System Startup of Cover-gas and Offgas Systems Heatup of Drain Tank System Addition of Fuel, Flush, and Coolant Salt to the Drain Tanks Startup of Lube-oil Systems for the Fuel and Coolant Pumps Heatup of Fuel and Coclant Systems Prepare Drain Tank Systems for Reactor Startup Routine Pressure Test 51 5K xi I1lling the Fuel and Coolant Systems Criticality and Power Operation 1 Preparation for Power Operation 2 Starting Power Operation using Automatic Load Control and Rod Servo 3 Manual and Special Power Operation Normal Operating Conditions SAMPLING AND ADDITIONS 64 6B 6C 6D 6 Fuel System Sampling and Enriching 1 General Description of Sampling the Fuel System 2 General Description of Adding Enriching Capsules to the Fuel System 3 Fuel System Sampling Check List L Fuel System Enriching Check List 5 Fuel. System Sampler Startup 6 Fuel System Sampler Shutdown 7 Unusual Operating Conditions for the Sampler Enricher Coolant System Sampling 1 General Description of Sampling the Coolant System 2 Coolant System Sampling Check List 3 Coolant System Sampler Startup 4 Coolant System Sampler Shutdown Water System Treatment of Treated Water or Nuclear Penetration Treatment of Cooling Tower Water Condensate Procedure for Total Inhibitor Analysis Procedure for Chromate Analysis Procedure for Hardness Analysis -~ Oy 1 oW PH Measurement Cell Air Lube Oil System 1 Sampling of New Oil as Received o Sampling at 01l Packages 3 Addition of Lube 01l to 0il Packages xXii 6F Cover Gas 6G Offgas System HEAT BALANCE TA General Description 7B Computer Heat Balance 7C Manual Heat Balance PERTODIC INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND CIRCUIT CHECKS 8A Neutron Level 1 Wide-range Counting Channels 2 Nuclear Safety Channels 3 Linear Power Channels 8B Calibration Check of Process Radiation Monitors 1 Preparation 2 Radiation Monitor 557 (Offgas from Charcoal Beds) 3 Radiation Monitor 528 (Cooclant System Offgas) L Radiation Monitor 565 (Cell Offgas) 5 Radiation Monitor 500 (Main Helium Supply) 6 Process Monitor 596 (Outside Transmitter Room) 7 Process Monitor 827 (Treated Water) 8 0il System Process Monitors (Service Tunnel) 8C Calibration of Personnel Monitors and Stack Monitors 1 Routine Source Check 2 Alarm Matrix Check 3 Evacuation Alarm Test L Containment Stack Monitor Tests 8D Safety Circuit Checks Fuel Pump and Overflow Tank Pressure Helium Supply Pressure FP and OFT Bubblers Rod Scram Circuits Emergency Fuel Drain High/Low Reactor Cell Pressure Cooclant Pump Speed and Coolant Salt Flow Sampler-Enricher W @O 1 Oy o o Exercise Control Rods xiii 9 UNUSUAL OPERATING CONDITIONS OA 9B 9C Ob OF oF COH o1 9J 9K Loss of Electrical Power Loss of Preferred TVA Feeder Complete Loss of TVA Power - All Diesels Operable Failure of DG-3 during a TVA Power Outage Failure of DG-4 during a TVA Power Outage Failure of DG-5 during a TVA Power Outage Failure of DG-3 and L4 during a TVA Power Outage Failure of DG-3 and 5 or 4 and 5 during a TVA Power Outage Loss of 250v DC Systems O L -1 Oy B W Loss of Instrument Power Loss of Cooling Water 1 Treated Water System. 2 Cooling Tower Water Loss of Fuel or Coolant Pump 1 Loss of Fuel Pump z Loss of Coolant Pump Loss of Instrument Air 1 Air Compressor Electrical Difficulties 2 Other Air Compressor Difficulties 3 Effects of Loss of Instrument Air Radlation Increases 1 Personnel Monitorsg 2 Process Radiation Detectors 3 High Spack Activity Control-rod Drive Difficulty Loss of Computer Lube-01l System Difficulties L Coolant Salt Pump Lube System Failure 2 Fuel Salt Pump Iube System Failure 3 Total 01l System Faillure ol Excess 0il Seal Leakage Salt in Overflow Tank Loss of Helium Purge to the Circulating Pumps Loss of Component Cooling Blowers 10 11l Xiv OL Removal of Water from the Steam Domes 9M Regeneration of Helium Dryer ON High Cell Leak Rate Indication 1 2 3 L REACTOR SHUTDOWN Salt Leaking into the Cell Water Leaking into the Cell Loss of Reactor or Drain Tank Space Coolers Actual digh Cell Leak Rate 10A Normal Shutdown 1 2 3. L > Power Reduction and Going Subcritical Draining and Flushing the Fuel System Draining the Coolant System Cooldown of Fuel and Coolant Systems Shutdown of Remaining Equipment 10B Special Shutdown 1 2 3 Power Reduction and Going Subcritical Draining and Flushing the Fuel System . Shutdown of Remalning Equipment SHUTDOWN OPERATIONS 11A Fuel or Flush Salt Transfers Preparation for Transfers Transfer from FD-1 to FST Transfer from FD-2 to FST Transfer from FFT to FST Transfer from FST to ¥FD-1 Transfer from FST to FD-2 Transfer from FST to FFT Transfer from FD-1 to FD-2 Transfer from FD-2 to FD-1 O O 1 O F oW = e = N H O Heatup Heatup Heatup Heatup Heatup of FST of Line 111 of Waste Line 112 of Fill Line 203 of" Transfer and Salt Addition Freeze Valve Assemblies iz 13 11B 11¢ 11D XV Opening Reactor Cell, Drain Tank Cell, and Coolant Cell Shields O O 1 0w oW . O Reactor Cell Heater Shutdown Check List Drain Tank Cell Heater Shutdown Check IList Coclant Cell Heater Shutdown Check List Cocling Water Shutdown Check List Freeze Valve Shutdown Check List Component Cooling Air to Components Shutdown Check List Component Cooling Pumps Shutdown Check List Electrical Breakers Shutdown Check List Opening Reactor Cell and Drain Tank Cell Opening the Coolant Cell Graphite Sampling Routine Inspection and Testing of Equipment 1 2 3 L 5 6 Process Systems Auxiliary Systems Pressure Relief Valves Rupture Discs Reactor Cell and Drain Tank Cell Contaimment Vessels Secondary Containment Vessels ROUTINE OBSERVATIONS 1zA 1zB 12C 12D 12E Logs Check Lists Recorders and Indicators Computer Tags and Signs MAINTENANCE AND CHANGES 13A 13B 13C 13D 13E Msintenance Modifications Changes in Operating Procedures Changes in Computer Program Revisions of Approved Documents 9/7/65 SECTION 5 REACTOR STARTUP After the auxiliary startup check lists have been completed, there i1s still a considerable number of operations to be done prior to power operation. The details of these are given in this section in chrono- logical order. In each section a general description is given as to what 1s to be done, what precautions are necessary and suggests corrective action in case of difficulty.‘ This 1s followed by detailed check lists. Section 5K describes the normal operation of the plant. Information is given as to what equipment should be operated and in general how it 1s to be operated. The operational limits are covered by the Building Tog. (12A-2A or 124-2B) 6/26/6M4 Aj%?f’ ,z/ 54-1 S5A PURGIfi%vOXYGEN AND MOISTURE FROM THE SALT SYSTEMS After any appreciable amount of atmospheric contamination has occurred, as when & system is opened for meintenance, it will be fiecessary to purge out most of the oxygen and moigture befcre heat-up. By evacuation and refilling the coolant system with helium, the oxygen and moisture content can be reduced to a tolerable (~100 ppm) level. However, evacu-~ ation cannot be used on the fuel or fuel drain tank systems because fission gases would be released from the charcoal beds. Oxygen and moisture will be removed from the fuel system by purging a sufficlent amount of heliumffifiilé mixing with the fuel pump. Since mixing during a continuous purge is not possible in the fuel drain tenks, alternate pres jure-vent cycles will be used. 1 PURGING THE FUEL SYSTEM Init. Date & Time Purging of the fuel system after maintenance will consisgt of introducing helium into as many openings as possible, circulating it with the fuel pump, and venting continuously through the main charcoal beds. A minimum of 9 fuel system volumes (~675 ft3) of helium will be required to lower the oxygen concentration from atmospheric to < 100 ppm. Details are given below: 1.1 Cleose or check that the following valves are closed: (High Bay Area) Sampler-enricher coperational wvalve s (Main Board) F P vent HCV 533 Bypass valves HCV 54k | HCV 5hs HOV SBS (Vent House) Sample Station ¥ 518A‘___*H, and V-518E (Coolant Drain Cell) WOR V 7204 and V 20B __ _ , V 525A and V 525B , TX- 3545 (7-64) Approved by ..~ (Electric Service Area) V-519A Init. S5A-2 8/3/65 Date & Time 1.2 Check that freeze valves 10k, 105, and 106 are deep frozen 1.3 Set up maximum helium flows through the four bubble tubes and the pump (FP) as follows: (Diesel House) 1.3.1 Check helium supply of 40 psig on lines 501 and 516 _ (Main Roard) 1.3.2 Bet PCV-522 to 5 psig. 1.3.3 Set FP bubbler selector switch S-36 "voth bubbler" position (Vent House) 1.3.4% Open V-522B and V-557B 1.3.5 Open two of the following pairs of valves and close the other two pairs: V-620 _ and V-624 5 V-621 _ and V-625 ) V-622 _ and V-626 5 V-623 _ and V-627 1.3.6 Open or check open the following: (Special Equipment Room) v-52ha (Transmitter Room) V-592A ., V-600A | V-596A ___ , V-599A _ V-5938 _, V-5809A 1.3.7 Adjust bubbler throttle valves to ob- tain flows as given in building log. (Transmitter Room) FP bubblers: V-592B for FI-592 V-5968 for FI-596 V-593B for FI-593 5A-3 8/3/65 Init. Date & Time OFT bubblers: V 600B for FI 600 V 599B for FI 599 V 589B for FI 589 . NOTE: The CFT bubblers may be plugged because of a frozen heel of salt. This will be indicatead by a high pressure on FI 599 and FI 600 (alarms on XA 4006-6) and a false high level indication on LI 599 and LI 600 (alarm on XA 4007-2). In this event close block valves HV 599 and HV 600. It would then be necessary to relieve the pressure by turning test switch S-38 momentarily to "equalizer No. 1" and then to "equilizer No. 2" positions. Wait until the OFT temperature is above salt liquidus before placing plugged bubblers back ito service. Indicate condition of bubblers: 1.3.7 Set FIC 516 to maximum flow (~5 1/m). 1.4 In preparation for running the fuel pump to aid in mixing the purge gas, check the following: (Control Room) 1.4.1 0il level on LI-OT-1>50% PIC 513 set for 7T psig F.0 PNo. running Shield oil flow 8 gpm on FI TOL s Seal oil flow of L4 gpm on FI 703 (Water Room) 1.4.2 Motor cooling water 5 gpm on FI 830 (Control Room) 1.4,3 Start fuel pump. 1.5 Determine the required purge time required before heat up is begun as follows: 3 A-L 8/3/65 Init. Date & Time 1.5.1 Determine total helium flow being intro- duced into the fuel system. Refer to calibration curves availsble to convert indicator readings to l/min. (Transmitter Room) FI 592 psig= ____ 1/m, FI 596 psig=__ 1/m, FI 593 psig=__ _ 1/m, FI 600 psig = __ 1/m, FI 599 _____ psig = ___1/m, FI 589 psig = ____ 1/m, (Main Beard) FI 516 % = 1/m, Total Flow ___ 1/m. 1.5.2 Determine time required to purge 7 system volumes at the flow established in step 1.5.1 by: 75 ft3/vol x Tvol 248 Flow l/m X Eggg Flow 1/m Time (hrs) = Purging helium at the rate in 1.5.1 while mixing with the fuel pump, for the time sbowe should reduce oxygen contemination to < 500 ppm. hrs. 1.6 After purging for the length of time determined above (approx 30 hrs), reduce the purge to normal flow rate (see secticn 5.I1.2.8 and 1.7 Continue the normal purge rate (total approx .2 1/m) during reactor startup to further reduce oxygen concentration in the gas to below 10C ppm which would represent < 1 ppm oxide in 8,800 1bs of salt. 2 PURGING THE FUEL DRAIN TANKS Purging of a fuel system drain tank after it has been opened to atmosphere for any reason consists of alter- nately pressurizing and venting of helium. Pressure DA-5 8/3/65 Init. Date & Time Approved by changes of 5 psi will be made by alternately pressurizing to T psig and venting to 2 psig. To reduce the oxygen concentration from atmospheric to < 500 ppm before heat up is begun will require 24 cycles. An additional 6 cycles will be performed during heat up to lower oxygen concentration to < 100 ppm. Each pressure cycle will regquire in excess of an hour due to flow limitations of FE 517. The theoretical number of AP cycles to reduce oxygen concentration to any desired value may be determined by: 1n Lo C N = P 2 lnfi— 1 where N = number of pressure cycles purge gas required Co = beginning concentration O2 in ppm C = desired or end concentration O2 in ppm Pl = end vent cycle pressure, psia Pé = end pressure cycle, psia. 2.1 Check that the cover gas system is in operation. 2.2 Check that the drain tank, associated fill and transfer piping, and freeze valves, to be purged are at room temperature (Mark through tank(s) not to be purged). FDL FD2 FPT Line 109 Line 108 Line 107 FV 109 : FV 108 : FV 107 : Line 106 | Line 105 | vine 104 - FV 106 ___ |® 105 | Fv 10k (Control Room) 2.3 Close the bypass valve(s). HCV 5kl HCV 545 HCV 546 | | 2.4 Close the vent valve(s). HCV 573 HCV 575 HCV 577 2 2 no ™ ¢ 1) Init. 5A-6 8/3/65 Date & Time .5 Set PIC 517 to 8 psig. DNote that fuel system pressure must be < 2 psig for this valve to open. .6 Open tark supply valve by checking that: 5.6.1 Receiver selector S-4 in FST position 0.6.2 FV 111, ¥V 107, FV 108, ¥V 109 are frozen 2.6.3 Two jumpers placed in circuit 115 Permission to insert jumpers 2.6.4 Request open valve: rficv 572 JHCV 5Th JHCV 576 .7 Completzs pressure-vent cycles of T psig to 2 psig ags follows: 2.7.1 When pressure in tenk reaches 7 psig, close supply valve and open vent valve. Open HCV 573 | Open HCV 575 | Open HCV 577 Close HCV 572 | Close HCV 5Th Close HCV 576 2.7.2 When pressure in tank reaches 2 psig, close vent valve and open supply valve: Open HCV 572 | Open HCV 574 | Open HOV 576 Close HCV 573 | Close ICV 575 Close HCV 577 _ .8 FRepeat sbove cycle {(step 7) 2L times before heat up is tegun. Record data in Table HA-1. .9 Continue above during reactor atartup (Sections 5A and 5B). There should be a total of at least 30 cycles. Record data in table 5A-2. .10 Remove Jjumpers in circuif 115 * ~ ' - 8/3/65 TABLE 5A-1 DRAIN TANK PURGE CYCLES BEFORE HEATUP Pressure Cycle, Step 2.7.1 Vent Cycle, Step 2.7.2 Date and Time Max. Pressure Date and Time Min. Pressure J»:. g Approved bYfif :) AL £ oA~ 8/3/65 TABLE 5A-2 DRAIN TANK PURGE CYCLES DURING HEATUP Pressure Cycle Step 2.7.1 Vent Cycle Step 2.7.2 Date and Time { Max. Pressure | Ave. Temp. | Date and Time | Min. Pressure | Ave. Temp. £ Approved by?ZZfiffi%fééE%;fx%%vwl 5A-9 3 8/3/65 PURGING OF THE COOLANT PTPING AND DRAIN TANK ~ Purging of the coolant piping system and coolant drain tank will consist of evacuation of 0.5 psia or less and refilling with helium. Provisions will be made for the prevention of beryllium contamination from the vacuum system. If the coolant system or coolant drain tank system are to be purged separately, the applicable portions of this procedure will be used. 3.1 Check that the entire coolant system, coolant Init. Date & Time 'drain.lines, FV 204 and FV 206 are at room temperature. 3.2 Check that the drain tank (CDT) is: emptied of salt and cold o ———— or, full of frozen salt C—C—————r— (Vent House) 3.3 Install a vacuum pump at V 560A. The vacuum pump is to be either fitted with an absolute filter on the exhaust or connected to building exhaust. Tag the pump as being beryllium contaminated. Include a vacuum gauge to indicate system pressure. (Control Room) 3.4 Turn the CP bubbler selector $-39 to "off." (This closes HCV 595 BL, B2, B3 and opens HCV 595 B4 and B5.) 3.5 Close or check closed the following valves: e vt (Coolant Drain Cell) V 511A , vV 770 , VvV 512 5 V 529 ’ (Transmitter Room) V 59ka ; V 595A s V 598A s (High Bay) Coolant sampler valve HCV 998 Init. 5A-10 8/3/65 Date & Time (Special Equipment Room) 3.6 Check that line 203 is blanked. 3.7 Open the following valves: (Coolant Drain Cell) V511B V526 (Control Room) HOV 511A , FIC 512 _ , HOV 527 __ HCV 511B , Pcvse8 , HOV 536 HCV 547 . (Vent House) 3.8 C(Close V 560B (Vent House) 3.9 Turn on vacuum pump and throttle open V 5604 according to capacity of the pump. As pressure drops, open valve completely. 3.10 Evacuate the system to ~0.5 psia and hold for 4 hours. Record time L-hour period started ) stopped (Diesel House) 3.11 Check or install a temporary line from V 500C to V 597B to bypass FCV 500 if fast purge is desired. 3.12 Start coolant pump, cover gas purge and coolant drain tanks, purge as follows: (Coolant Drain Cell) 3.12.1 Open V 512 and V 511 A (Control Room) 3.12.2 Set FIC 512 to 0.6 1/m. 3.12.3 Throttle HCV 511B open slightly (there is no flow indicator on this line) so that there is a small purge through the drain tank. 3.13 Purge for two hours, then close V 560A and stop vacuum pump - «fl"'(‘ ; Approved bwgfiazsz 855%31 % 3/65 Init. Date & Time 3.14 Continue purge during remainder of reactor startup. 3-15 Remove bypass around FCV 500 . Open V 560B when system reaches atmospheric pressure Remove vacuum pump from vent house. Handle as if it were beryllium contaminated equipment until it has been cleared by Industrial Hygiene. Drain the oil and have a sample analyzed for beryllium content. Flush out the pump with clean oil. Dispose of all used oll in approved beryllium containers marked for burial. 0il sample contains ug/cc beryllium. ”g? * NPV 5B-1 T/26/65 Approved by Ji L 5B STARTUP OF COVER GAS AND OFFGAS SYSTEMS The cover and offgas systems may remasin essentially in full operation during shutdown periods. However, they are important enough that at each startup all valves, equipment, and instrumentation will be checked. The following detailed procedure is designed to provide a supply to all necessary locations and put each system in a standby condition. NOTE: Position of valves marked "*" may depend upon conditions of the system. If possible, set these as indicated. If not, shift super- visor should approve deviation. Tnit. Date/Time 1. Put two sections of the main charcoal beds on stream. Shift supervisor should decide which two are to be used. 1.1 Open two of the following pairs of valves and close the other two pairs. Tag all eight valves and note their position. (Vent House) V-620 and 624 V-621 and 625 V-622 and 626 V-623 and 627 1.2 Set the following valves as shown: V-522A tag open V-518C2 tag closed V-522B tag open V-518C3 tag closed V-518A tag closed V-518D tag closed V-518G tag open V-518E tag closed V-518Bl tag closed __ V-518F tag closed V-518B2 tag closed _ V-55TA tag closed V-518B3 tag closed ___ V-55T7B tag open V-518C1 tag closed V-537 tag closed V-524B tag closed V-538A and B tag closed V-566A and D tag closed Approved b A*h’11, 2 Put the auxiliary charcoal bed on stream by setting hand valves as follows: V-561A Tag open V-571A Tag closed V-571B Tag closed V-562A Tag open V-562B Tag closed V-562C Tag open 3 Set up valves for the coolant system and oil systems as follows: V-560A Tag closed V-560B Tag open (Service Tunnel) V-534A Tag open V-534B Tag open V-535A Tag open V-535B Tag open *#V-513A Closed 5B-2 7/26/65 Date/Time V-513B *V-510A V-510B NOTE: The setting of all evacuation valves in line Tag open Closed Tag open 565 are covered in Section L4E. b Check to see that the offgas monitor RIA-557 and stack monitor RIA-S-1 are in service. 5 Set the fuel drain tank valving as follows: (WESA) V-519A Closed *¥HCV-5T73 Closed (Main Control Room) *¥HCV-5T75 elosed *¥HCV-577 closed "HCV-54l closed e — 5 (continued) *HCV 545 closed *HCV-546 closed *HCV-5T72 closed ¥HCV-5T4 closed *¥HCV-5T6 closed *HCV-533 closed Init. 5B-3 7/26/65 Date/Time V-572, 574, and 576 are opened on containment NOTE : check list, 6 Set fuel system valves as follows: *FCV-516 closed PCV-522 closed (Special Equipment Room) V-524A tag open V-500J tag open V-554 tag closed and cap line (Transmitter Room) *V-592A closed V-589B open V-592B open V-599A closed *¥V-593A closed V-599B open V-593B open V-600A closed ¥V-596A closed V-600B open V-596B open V-501 tag open V-580A closed NOTE: V-516, V-592C, 593C, 596C, 589C, 599C, 600C, and 519B are opened on containment check list. V-523 is in the reactor cell and should be opened before cell is sealed. T Set coolant system valves as follows: *¥V-594A closed V-594B *V-595A V-595B *7-598A V-598B open closed open closed open Approved by MW 5B-L | 7/26/65 T (continued) Tnit. Date/Time (Coolant Cell) V-594C tag open V-595C tag open V-598C tag open V=512 tag open V-511A tag open V-511B tag open (Main Control Room) ¥HCV-511A closed *¥FCV-512 closed ¥HCV-527 closed *HCV-536 closed ¥HCV-547 closed 8 Valves to fuel sampler enricher should be set as follows: (High Bay) V-509 tag open V-650 closed *¥V-672 closed V-6L5 closed *¥V-664 closed V-6L46 closed *¥V-666 closed V-655 open V-671 closed V-668 open *¥V-657 closed V-670 open *¥V-683 closed V-669 open v-64L closed 9 Set valves to coolant system sampler as follows: V-515 open and tagged VC-650 closed VC-651 closed VC-670 closed Approved by 5B-5 T/26/65 Init. Date/Time 10 Set chemical processing valves as follows: V-530 open PCV-530 set at 20 psig *¥V-611 closed *V-607A closed *¥V-607C closed *V-608A closed ¥V-610A closed V-603A closed (Main Control Room) HCV-530 closed *HCV-692 closed 11 Valves in supply to leak-detector system are set as follows: (Diesel House) V-51L4A tag open (Transmitter Room) V-514B tag open *¥V-514C closed PCV-51L set at 100 psig 12 Connect helium trailer ta line 500.% Open all valves on trailer, 13 Set valves in helium supply headers as follows: V-FHS open V-5004A open V-500D open V-500E tag open *V-500F closed *¥V-59TA closed V-597B tag closed *¥V-549 open *¥V-605A closed V-500 N-1 closed lgelium Trailer license number - USN 120761 Approved b weer) 5B-6 7/26/65 Tnit. Date/Time 13 (continued) 1h 15 16 17 V-500 N-2 closed V-500 N-3 closed Check to see that helium dryer and oxygen removal unit No. 2 are ready to operate but valved off and in standby. V-500B open V-504 tag closed V-503A tag open V-503B tag closed V-503C tag closed TIC-DR2-1 set at zero TIC-PH2-1 set at 800°F TIC-0sR2-1 set at 800°F Put helium dryer and oxygen removal unit No. 1 in service. 15.1 Set valves as follows: V-500C tag closed V-500D tag open V-505A tag closed V-505B closed 15.2 Set heater controllers as follows: TIC-DR1~-1 set at zero TIC-PHL-1 set at 800°F TIC-0zR1-1 set at 1200°F 15.3 Periodically open V-549 to vent pressure. Check to see that all emergency cylinders are connected to headers and headers are above 1500 psig. Tag closed V-502A and V-502B. Check to see that the pressure in the normal helium supply header is above 500 psig and is in service (PI-500F). Approved byfifffg%éggéf“%fl“\ 5B-7 7/26/65 18 19 20 21 22 23 2k 25 26 Tnit. Date/Time Set PCV-500G at 250 psig (PI-SO0H). cet FIC-500 at 0.35 c¢fm., This will limit the helium flow to the capacity of the dryer and O2 removal units. Continue to purge through line 549 until the moisture content is less than 1 ppm Oz and 6 ppm H20. Set flow to oxygen and Ho0O analyzers at 100 cc/min. When the No. 1 dryer and Oz removal units are functioning satisfactorily, set up remaining valves as follows: V-59T7TA tag open V-605A open V-605B open V-500F closed V-500H tag open Set PCV-605 at 35 psig. Tf PCV-605 does not function properly, have it repaired and recheck operation. When PCV-605 does function properly, set valves as follows: V-605A tag closed N V-605B tag closed V-500F tag open V-500G tag open Set PCV-500C at 35 peig. Check to see that RIA-500D is in service. Approved by %flm 5C-1 9/7/65 5¢ HEATUP OF DRAIN TANK SYSTEM This section covers the heatup of ¥FD-1, FD-2, FFT, and asscciated lines. In general, whenever a tank is heated, the lines will be heated and kept hot from this drain tank to the first freeze valves. From this point the lines can be heated or cooled depending on the operation in progress. Heatup of lines necessary for salt addition will be covered in 5D; heatup of the fuel and coolant systems and the £ill lines will be covered in 5F, and heatup of the transfer lines and fuel storage tank will be covered in 11A. In this procedure, the details of the heatup of each tank are listed separately; however, all can be heated simultaneously if desired. When possible the TE's on lines and vessels which are being heated should be monitored continuocusly. Equipment previously heated should be monitored at least ftwice per shift tec prevent overheating or freezing. In normal operation FD-1, FD-2, FFT and CDT will be maintained at 1100 to 1200°F. The FST may be cooled if desired. The transfer freeze valves and other pockets of salt located in a high gamma field shall be maintained at 4OO°F to 600°F to prevent the excessive evolution of Ffluorine. The empty lines may be cocled to ambient temperature. It is assumed that the tanks and lines being heated may contain salt. To prevent rupture due to the expansion of the salt as it is heated, the tank will be heated first followed by the section of pipe next to the tank and continued in this order until the line is heated to the freeze valve. The maximum permissible heatup or cooldown rate is 100°F per hour. 1 HEATUP OF FD-1 AND ADJACENT LINES This section covers the heatup of FD-1, line 106 to FV-106, and line 109 from FD-1 to the surge pot nearest FD-1. Init. Date/Time 1.1 Check that the following FV's are switched to freeze and that temperatures indicate that they are frozen. Fv-104 _ FV-107 __ FV-110 _ FV-105 FV-108 _ FV-111 _ FV-106 FV-109 - Approved by _zfiff?ngg%;cbarn 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Init. Unplug the thermocouples listed in Table 5C-1 and plug them into the special recorders so the heatup may be clesely followed. TFinish filling out Table 5C-1. Swing link the scanner ''C" points which are removed and plug different thermocouples into the recorders in place of the ones put on the special re- corders. Keep the thermocouple tabulations up to date. 5¢-2 9/7/65 Date/Time Close the following valves. HCV-5Lk HCV-5T72 Depending upon operation, it is possibile that jumpers may be needed in circuits 20 and 21 in order to close HCV-5L4L. Approval to ingert jumpers As the tank heats up, keep a careful watch on PR-5T72B to prevent overpressurizing the tank. Periodically vent through HCV-573 when necessary to keep the pressure between 3 and 7 psig. If they are not on, push the "start'" button on the following induction regulator blowers. G5BB-2 T1B-1 If FD-1 is already hot, start heating up lines 106 and 109 by turning onh H-106-1 and H-109-1 to give a heatup rate of 100°F/hr on TE-106-~1 and TE-109-1 then skip to step 1.8. If the tank is cold, turn on heaters FD1-1 and FD1-2 to T5% of their 1200°F current setting (amperage) and continue with step 1.7. The tank temperature should be followed primarily by watching the points listed in Table 5C-1. Additional tank temperatures are indicated on scanner '"C". When the tank 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.11 5C-3 9/7/65 Tnit. Date/Time (continued) temperature is approximately 4OO°F, turn on H-106~1 and H~109-1 to 50% of their 1200°F current setting. After they are turned on, make any adjustment necessary to keep the pipes under these heaters lagging the tank by ~ 200°F until the thawing temperature is exceeded (850°F). H-FD1-1 and H-FD1-2 should be increased to their 1200°F setting when the tank gets to 600°F or whenever the heat- up rate starts leveling off. When TE-106-1 reaches 4O0°F, start filling out Table 5C-L4 and turn on heater H-106-2. Keep TE-106-2 about 200°F less than TE-106-1. Algo set H-FD1-1 and H-FD1-2 to their 1200°F settings. When TE-109-1 reaches 400°F, turn on heaters H-109-2 and H-109-3. Due to the heater arrangement on line 109, it will be impos- sible to heat it up in a step-wise manner. Keep all of the thermocouples under heaters H-109-2 and H-109-3 as close together as possible and lagging TE-109-1 about 200°F. Continue the procedure of turning on successive heaters on line 106 out to the freeze valve. The last heater turned on should be H-FV-106-3, Keep the temperature under each successive heater about 200°F lower than the adjacent heater to it on the tank side until 850°F is exceeded. ILevel the temperatures out between 1100°F and 1200°F. Approved byé? _3_ fié @M 5C-4 9/7/6 Tnit. Date/Time 1.12 After the lines are heated, place the thermo- couples listed in Table 5C-1 back on their normal readouts. Keep the thermccouple logs up to date. 1.13 If jumpers were inserted in step 1.3, remove them, 2 HEATUP OF FD-2 AND ADJACENT LINES This section covers the heatup cf FD-2, line 105 to FV-105, and line 108 from FD-2 to the surge pot nearest ¥D-Z. 2.1 Check that the following FV's are switched to freeze and that temperatures Indicate that they are frozen. Fy-104 Fy-108 FV-105 FY-109 FV-106 Fy-110 FV-107 _ FY-111 2.2 Unplug the thermocouples listed in Table 5C-2 and plug them into the special recorders 80 the heatup may be closely followed. Finish filling out Table 5C-2. Swing link the scanner "C" points which are removed and plug different thermoccuples into the recorders in place of the ones put on the special recorders. Keep the thermocouple tabulations up te date. 2.3 Close the following valves. HCV-545 HOV-5Tk Depending upon operation, it is possible that jumpers may be needed in cilrcuits 20 and 21 in order to open HCV-545. Approval to insert jumpers Approved byfi%w . 9/7/65 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Init. Date/Time As the tank heats up, keep a careful watch on PR-5T4B to prevent overpressurizing the tank. Periodically vent through HCV-575 when necegsary to keep the pressure be- tween 3 and 7 psig. If not already on, push the "start" button on following induction regulator blowers. G5BB-2 T1B-1 If FD-2 is already hot, start heating up lines 105 and 108 by turning on H-105-1 and H-108-1 to give a heat-up rate of 100°F/hr on TE-105-1 and TE-108-1 then skip to step 2.8. If the tank is cold, turn on heaters FD2-1 and FD2-2 to 75% of their 1200°F current setting (amperage) and continue with step 2.7. The tank temperature should be followed primarily by watching the points listed in Table 5C-2. Additional tank temperatures are indicated on scanner "C”. When the tank temperature is approximately LOO°F, turn on H-105-1 and H~108-1 to 50% of their 1200°F current setting. After they are turned on, make any adjustment necessary to keep the pipes under these heaters lagging the tank by ~ 200°F until the thawing temperature is exceeded (850°F). H-FDe-1 and H-FDe-2 should be increased to their 1200°F setting when the tank gets to 600°F or when the heat-up rate starts leveling off. When TE-105-1 reaches L400°F, start filling out Table 5C-5 and turn on heater H-105-2. Keep TE-105-2 about 200°F less than TE-105-1. Also set H-FD2-1 and H-FD2-2 to their 1200°F settings. Approved b;4aéf£5232%%z;g@¢a Init. 5C-6 9/7/65 Da.te/Time 2.9 When TE-108-1 reaches LOO°F, turn on heaters H-108-2 and H-108-3. Due to the heater arrangement on line 108, it will be impossi- ble to heat it up in a stepwise manner. Keep all of the thermocouples under heaters E-108-2 and H-108-3 as close together as possible and lagging TE-108-1 about 200°F. 2.10 Continue the procedure of turning on successive heaters on line 105 out to the freeze valve, The last heater turned on should be H-FV-105-3. Keep the temperature under each succegsive heater about 200°F lower than the adjacent heater to it on the tank side until 850°F is exceeded. 2,11 Level all temperatures out between 1100°F and 1200°F. 2.12 After the lines are heated, place the thermo- couples listed in Table 5C-2 back on their normal readouts. Keep the thermocouple logs up to date. 2.13 If jumpers were inserted in step 2.3, remove them. 3 HEATUP OF FFT AND ADJACENT LINES This section covers the heatup of FFT, line 104 to FV-10L, and line 107 from FFT to the surge pot nearest FFT. 3.1 Check that the following FV's are switched to freeze and that temperatures indicate that they are frozen. FV-10L FV-108 FV-105 FV-109 FV-106 FV-110 Fv~-107 Fv-111 Approved byfi{%izm 5C-1 9/7/65 3.2 3.3 3.h 3.5 3.6 3.7 Init. Date/Time Unplug the thermocouples listed in Table oC-3 and plug them into the special recorders sc the heatup may be closely followed. Finish filling out Table 5C-3. Swing link the scanner "C" points which are removed and plug different thermocouples into the recorders in place of the ones put on the special re- corders. Keep the thermocouple tabulations up to date. Close the following valves. HCV-546 HCV-576 Depending upon operation, it is possible that jumpers may be needed in circuits 20 and 21 in order to open HCV-546. Approval to insert jumpers As the tank heats up, keep a careful watch on PR-5T6B to prevent overpressurizing the tank. Periodically vent through HCV-577 when necessary to keep the pressure between 3 and T psig. If not already on, push the "start'" button on the following induction regulator blowers. G5BB-2 T1B-1 If FFT is already hot, start heating up line 10k by turning on H-104-1 and H-107-1 to give a heat-up rate of 100°F/hr on TE-104-1 and TE-107-1 then skip to step 3.7. If the tank is cold, turn on heaters FFT-1 and FFT-2 to T5% of their 1200°F current setting (amperage) and continue with step 3.7. The tank temperature should be followed primarily by watching the points listed in Table 5C-3. Additional tank temperatures are indicated on scanner "C". When the tank Approved by/fifii?eaé$§%yflfl%9n 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Init. (continued) temperature is approximately L4O0°F, turn on H-106-1 and H-109-1 to 50% of their 120C°F current setting. After they are turned on, make any adjustment necessary to keep the pipes under these heaters lagging the tank by ~ 200°F until the thawing temperature is exceeded (850°F). H-FFT-1 and H-FFT-2 should be increased to their 120C°F settings when the tank gets to 600°F or when the heatup rate starts leveling off. 5C-8 9/7/65 Date/Time When TE-104-1 reaches LOO°F, start filling out Table 5C-6 and turn on heater H~-104-2, Keep TE-10L-2 about 200°F less than TE-104-1. Also set H-FFT-1 and H-FFT-2 to their 1200°F settings if the tank is not already hot. When TE-107-1 reaches LOO°F, turn on heaters H-107-2 and H-107-3. Due to the heater arrangement on line 107, it will be impossible to heat it up in a stepwise manner. Keep all of the thermccouples under heaters H-107-2 and H-107-3 as close together as possible and lagging TE-107-1 about 200°F. Continue the procedure of turning on successive heaters on line 107 out to the freeze valve. The last heater turned on should be H-FV-107-3. Keep the temperature under each successive heater about 200°F lower than the adjacent heater to it on the tank side until 850°F is exceeded. Level off all temperatures between 1100°F and 12C0°F, Approved bym/ %/WV\ 5C-5 9/7/65 Init. Date/Time 3.12 After the lines are heated, place the thermo- couples listed in Table 5C-3 back on their normal readouts. Keep the thermocouple logs up to date. 3.13 If jumpers were inserted in step 3.3, remove them. L HEATUP OF CDT line L.1 h.2 b3 L.L h.5 This section covers the heatup of CDT and 204 to the shoulders of FV-204 and FV-206. Check that freeze valves 204 and 206 are switched to freeze and that temperatures indicate that they are frozen. Unplug the thermocouples listed in Table 5C-7 and plug them into a special recorder so the heatup may be closely followed. Finish filling out Table 5C-7. OSwing link the scan- ner "C" points which are removed. Keep both thermocouple logs up to date. Close the following wvalves. HCV-511 HCV-547 Depending upon operation, it is possible that jumpers may be needed in circuits 140 and 141 in order to close HCV-54T7. Approval to insert jumpers . As the tank heats up, keep a careful watch on PR-511D to prevent overpressurizing the tank. Periodically vent through HCV-527 when necessary to keep the pressure between 3 and T psig. If the CDT is already hot, start heating up line 20k by turning on H-204-2 to give a heat-up rate of ~ 100°F/hr on TE-204-8A and TE-204-B7A then skip to step 4.7. If the tank Approved by%f?z%%%éiézfi¢flvL L.5 (continued) is cold and empty, turn on heaters CDT-1, 2, and 3 to 75% of their 1200°F current setting and continue with step L4.6. 4.6 The tank heat-up may be followed by watching the points listed in Table 5C-T7. Additional tank temperatures may be observed on scanner "C". When the tank temperature is approxi- mately LOO°F, turn on H-204-2. Keep the line temperature less than the tank temperature. 4.7 When the temperature under heater 204-2 reaches ~ LOO°F, turn on heater FV-204-3. Keep the temperature of the freeze valve pot about 200°F less than the temperatures under H-204-2 until the pot exceeds 850°F. L.8 The coclant drain tank heaters should be set to their 1200°F settings when the coolant drain tank heat-up rate begins to level off. 4.9 Turn on H-FV-204-2 when TE-FV-204-5B reaches LOO°F. Keep TE-FV-20L-5B at least 200°F above TE-206-7 until TE-206-7 exceeds 850°F. 4.10 Make adjustments necessary to level the temperatures out at 1200°F. However, do not exceed the 1200°F setting on H-FV-204-2. Since this heater is next to a section of frozen salt, it may not reach 1200°F until the freeze valve heaters are turned on. %¥,11 If jumpers were inserted in step 4.3, re- move them. L.12 After the tank and lines are heated, place the thermoccouples listed in Table 5C-7 back to their normal readout., Keep the thermo- couple logs up to date. 5C-t0 9/7/65 Tnit. Date/Time Approved byrfl/yag/w\ 511 < 9/7/65 TABLE 5C-1 HEATUP OF FD-1, LINE 106 to FV-106 and LINE 109 to FV-109 NORMAL, TEMPORARY READOUT READCIT TE No. Heater No. Readout Pt. Recorder Peoint FD1-1B rpl-2 Scanner "g" 1 FD1-3B FDI-1 " 14 FD1-5 FDL-1 " 13 FD1-6 FD1-2 " 3 FD1-9 FDl-2 " 6 FD1-18B FD1-1 & FD1-2 None None 106-1 106-1 Scanner "C" 15 106-2 106-2 " 16 106-3 106-3 " 17 106-4 FV-106-3 " 18 FV-106-5B FV-106-3 TR-3300 oh 109-1 109-1 Scanner "C" 20 109-2 109-2 " o1 109-3 109-2 " 2P 109-4 109-3 " 23 109-FL 109-3 " ol 109-5 109-3 " 25 109-6 109-2 " 26 Approved by@m\ 9?0 -fég /05 TABLE 5C-2 HEATUP OF FD-2, LINE 105 TO FV-105 and. LINE 108 to FV-108 NORMAT, TEMPORARY READOUT T TE No. Heater No. Readout Pt. Recorder Point Lo 41 1 L FD2-1 Scanner ''C" FD2-1 Fie-2 De-2 PD2-1 & FD2-2 105-1 105=-2 10 105-4 FD2- FD2- FD2-6 FD2- FD2-183 105-1 f105-2 105- None Scanner "C" 9/7/65 TABIE 5C-3 HEATUP OF FFT, LINE 104 to FV-10k and LINE 107 to FV-107 NORMAT, TEMPORARY ! READOUT READOUT Heater No. ' eadou . Recorder Point FET-1 Scanner '"C" -l FFT-1 6 FET-2 FFT- FFT-2 11 f FFT-1 104-1 | 104-1 oh-2 104-2 104- 104- 104-Ak 104-4 104-B4 FV-104- FV-104-58 | FV-104- TR-3300 107-1 107-1 Scanner "C" 107-2 s 107-2 107- 107- 107-FL | 107- 107-14 . 107- 107- : 107-2 Approved by%m__ 5C-1; 9/7/65 TABLE 5C-L RECORD THE FOLIOWING THERMOCOUPIES TEMPERATURES WHEN TE-106-1 IS AT THESE TEMPERATURES TE-106-1 ‘ LoO°F 600°F B800°F 1000°F 1200°F TRE-106-2 TR-106- TE-106-14 TE-FV-106-5B8 TABLE 5C-5 RECORD THE FOLIOWING THERMOCOUPLE TEMPERATURES WHEN TE-105-1 IS AT THE INDICATED TEMPERATURES TE-105-1 LOO°F 600°F 800°F 1000°F 1200°F TE-105-2 TE-105-3 TE-105-4 TE-105-5 é TE-FV-105-58 | TABLE 5C-6 RECORD THE FOLIOWING THERMOCOUPLE TEMPERATURES WHEN TE-104-1 IS AT THE INDICATED TEMPERATURES TE-104-1 LOOC°F 600°F 800°F 1000°F TE-104-2 TE-104- TE-104-Ak TE-104-BL TE-FV-104-5F toprovea vy LI B anaon o ’ 9/7/65 TABLE 5C-T7 HEATUP OF CDT AND LINE 204 to FV-20L4 and 206 NORMAT, READOUT Readout TEMPORARY READOST Recorder TE No. Heater No. Point 204 -2 Scanner "C" CDT-1 CDT- CDT-2 CDT-1 204-2 204-2 FV-204- FV-204- FV-204-2 CDI-1 CDT-4 CDT- CDT-6 CDT-2B 204-8A 204 -BTA 20h-ATA FV-204-5B 206-T 1t None B Scanner 'C" - Approved by 5D-1 7/29/65 5D ADDITION OF FUEL,‘FLUSH'AND COOLANT SALT TO THE DRATN TANKS NOTE: If no salt is to be added, section 5D can be ommitted. Fuel, flush, and coolant salt will be prepared by the Reactor Chemistry Division and will be stored as a solid under a helium blanket until it is charged to the system, Nonuranium salt will be handled in cans holding 250 to 300 1lb each. Uranium will be charged as the UF 50 1b. Two portable furnaces and control units furnished by the Reactor Chemistry Divi- 4'Lin eutectic (27 mole % UFu) from smaller cans containing 30 to sion will be used for heating the salt. Each can will be weighed, heated, pressur- ized to the system, cooled and reweighed. Fuel or flush salt can be charged directly to the fuel drain tanks, fuel flush tank, or to the fuel storage tank from the charging station in the high bay. Charg- ing after criticality will be done via the fuel storage tank to provide an additional freeze valve between the reactor and the charging station. The charging line will be blanked off at the 852-ft elevation when not in use. To minimize intermixing of different salts, lines to all other tanks will be prefilled before addition and will be emptied afterward. Special instructions will be issued when needed. . Coolant salt will be charged directiy to the coolant drain tank from the coolant salt charging station, located above the special equipment room. The same furnaces and control units used for charging fuel will be used for the coolant salt. The charge line will be blanked off at the coolant drain tank when not in use. Details of both charging operations follow, Fuel and Flush Salt Charging (Fig, 5D~1) (Note: This procedure assumes that the freeze valves have been filled with salt and oxygen has been purged from the system.) 1,1 Set up two portable furnaces and control units Init. Date and Time at the fuel-charging station, 1.2 Check that receiving tanks, transfer lines, salt addition lines and purge line 610, are heated above 1000°F (Section 5C, 11Al and 11Al5). 1.3 Prefill salt lines as required. (Special instructions will be issued.) l.4 Place a weighed salt can in each furnace. Check that all openings on the can are plugged when recelved, 1.5 Connect helium jumpers between the control unit (Al and A2) and a vent connection on the top of TX-3554 (7-64) A Approved by/,;?r-’f"'f' NS 1 o 5D-2 7/29/65 FIG. 5D-1 SALT ADDITION STATION HELIUM SUPPLY Voll D * D, : ! i Q—#PCV 612 PCV 6l ) A, XvelB XVENA — V6138 VOI3A JI C VAC - g (BK 5 & @ G2 | | l | l A, vel2B Velz2 A — Jz V6148 Vei4 Al VENT T 51~|- F B2 -!—H .l. A TO TANK Approved byfiéézzyifazguyzf 5D~3 ___.,_7 - { - 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 7/29/65 each can (Bl and B2). These jumpers should con- Init. Date and Time tain an electric insulating section so that the salt can is not grounded through control units Connect a KOH bubbler and a back siphon relief trap to the control unit as shown at C. Close HV 611A, 611B, 613A, 612A, 612B and 61uA. Open HV 613B and 614B. Connect helium supply to control unit at D1 and D2. Open V 611 and set PCV 611 and 612 at 8 psig. Set furnace temperature controllers at 1300°F, and heat up the salt. ({Temperature controllers and thermoccuples are integral parts of the charging unit.) Attach a Y-in, dia. flexible hose to V 978 in the absorber cubicle for use as a portable vent. Turn on the adsorber blower at the fuel processing control panel., Always have the suction of this hose near any salt containing lines which are open. Check that FV 111 is frozen, Set PCV 604 at 2 psig and open V 610A and 610B. Flow should be stopped by FV 111 GAS MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR MOST OF THE FOLLOWING OPERATIONS. BERYLLIUM SAMPLER SHOULD BE IN OPERATION, 1.15 1.16 1,17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Remove the blank from line 111 and install weighed adapter flange at E, Install weighed salt addition jumper at F. Purge jumper, thru L610 and then cap line at Gl, Attach resistance heater lugs to heat salt addition jumper. Ground connection should be at F. Install purge jumper at Jl, crack open V 611A and purge air from line and then cap line at Hlo - When salt can in furnace No. 1 is at 100C to 1200°F, and can is at atmospheric pressure (PI SCl), remove blanks at H-1, Install weighed dip tube to bottom of can and attach to purge jumper at H-1, Approved byzflgfj;yééééyflfi%\ 5p-L4 7/29/6. 1.22 Open V 611A and bubble helium through the salt Init. Date and Time in Can No. 1 for approximately 5 min at a rapid rate as indicated by the KOH bubbler. This mixes the salt and assures that it is completely melted. 1.23 Close V 611A, 1.24 Check that pressure in selected receiver tank is equal to or less than atmospheric. 1.25 Record drain tank inventory (FD-1, FD-2, FFT, and FST). 1.26 At G-1; remove cap from salt addition jumper (purge will be provided by line 610), remove control unit purge line, Jl1 to Hl, and attach dip tube to salt addition jumper (H1l to Gl). 1.27 Using resistance heater, heat salt addition jumper to cherry red. 1.28 Thaw FV 111 and FV to selected receiver tank. 1.29 Open vent valve on selected receiver tank. 1.30 Close V 613B and open V 611B to transfer salt in furnace No., 1l. 1.31 When transfer is complete as indicated by PI SC1 and receiver tank weight, close V 611B., NOTE: Record weight indication when probe light level indicator or receiver tank comes on, 1,32 Turn off heat to salt addition jumper. 1.33 When receiver tank pressure is equal to or is less than atmospheric, open V 613B. 1.3% When PI SCl is at approximately atmospheric pressure, close V 613B and disconnect vent at B-1, 1.35 Disconnect salt addition line at G-1 and plug ends at G1, Fa and Fbo 1.36 Remove salt can from furnace No. 1. Reweigh when cool. If dip tube is removed before weighing, be sure to note this and record its weight also. 1.37 Place a new weighed salt can in furnace No. 1 and connect to vent line at B-1. | 1.38 Open V 613B. — Approved by .- 1.39 1.40 l.41 1,42 1l.43 l.u4 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.u8 1.49 NOTE: 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.55 ot D i i | 5D-2 | | 7/29/65 Connect purge jumper at J2 and crack open V 612A Init. Date and Time to purge line. When salt can in furnace No. 2 is at 1000 to 1200°F and can is at atmospheric pressure (PI SC2), remove blank at H-2, | | Install weighed dip tube to bottom of can and attach to purge line at H-2. Open V 612A and bubble helium through the salt in can No. 2 for approximately 5 min at a rapid rate as indicated by the KOH bubbler, This mixes the salt and assures that it is completely melted. Close V B61l2A, Check that pressure in selected receiver tank is less than atmospheric, Record drain tank inventory (FD-1, FD-2, FFT, and FST). (Check List 12B5) At G-1, remove cap from salt addition jumper and remove control unit purge line, Attach dip tube to salt addition jumper (G-2 to H-2). Using resistance heater, heat salt addition Jjumper to cherry red. Close V 614B and open V 612B to transfer salt can in furnace No. 2. When transfer is complete as indicated by PI SC2 and receiver tank weight, close V 612B. Record weight indication when probe light level indicator changes. Turn off heat to salt addition jumper. When receiver tank pressure is equal to or less than atmospheric, open V 614B, When PI SC2 is at atmospheric pressure, close V 614B and disconnect vent at B-2. Disconnect salt addition line at G-2 and plug ends (G and Fa Fb)° Remove salt can from furnace No. 2. Reweigh when cool., If dip tube is removed before reweighing, be sure to note this and record its weight also. Place a new weighed salt can in furnace No., 2 and connect to vent line at B-2. 5D-6 o 7/29/65 Init., Date and Time Approved 1.56 Open V 614B. 1,57 Repeat Step 1,10 to Step 1.56 until all salt has been added. 1.58 After last salt has been added, turn off heat to furnace and salt addition line. 1.59 Remove salt addition line at G-1 (or G-2) and F, and reweigh, 1.60 Cap line 111 at T or E. 1.61 Turn off V 610A and B. 1,62 Flush the salt addition line. (A special procedure will be issued.) 1,63 Turn off helium supply to charging unit and dis- connect unit, 1.64 Have area smeared for beryllium contamination. 1.65 Blow out transfer lines per Section 5G. Coolant Salt Charging (Fig. 5D-1) (Note: This procedure assumes that the freeze valves have been filled with salt and oxygen has been purged from the system,) 2.1 Set up two portable furnaces and control units Init, Date and Time at the fuel-charging station. 2.2 Check that salt addition lines, purge line 630, and coolant drain tank are connected and heated above 1000°F (Section 5C and 11Al17). 2,3 Place a weighed salt can in each furnace. Check that all openings on the can are plugged when received, 2.4 Connect jumpers between the control unit (Al and A2) and a vent connection on the top of each can (Bl and B2). These jumpers should contain an electric insulating section so that the salt can is not grounded. 2,5 Connect a KOH bubbler and a back siphon relief trap to the control unit as shown at Cl, 2.6 Close HV 611A, 611B, 613A, 612A, 612B and 614A. 2.7 Open HV 613B and 614B, 2,8 Connect cylinder helium supply to contrel unit at Dl, D2, and D3, 2.9 Open V 615 and set PCV 611 and 612 at 8 psig. Approved by 5D=7 7/29/65 2.10 Set furnace temperature controllers at 1300°F, and Init. Date and Time heat up the salt., (Temperature controllers and thermocouples are integral parts of the charging unit. 2.11 Attach a 4-in, flexible hose to L9934 outside build- ing for use as a portable vent. Always have the suction of this hose near any salt containing lines which are open. 2.12 Check that IV204 and 206 are frozen. 2,13 Check . B 60. TFlow should be stopped by FV 1ll1. GAS MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR MOST OF THE FOLLOWING OPERATIONS. BERYLLIUM SAMPLER SHOULD BE IN OPERATION., 2.14% Remove the blank from line 203 and install weighed adapter flange at E. 2.15 Install weighed salt addition Jjumper at F. 2.16 Purge jumper thru L 630 and cap jumper line at Gl. 2,17 Open vent valve on selected receiver tank. 2,18 Attach resistance heater lugs to heat salt addition jumper. Ground connections should be at F. 2.19 Install purge jumper at J-1, crack open V 611A and purge air from line and then cap line at Hlo 2,20 When salt can in furnace No, 1 is at 1000 to 1200°F, and can is at atmospheric pressure (PI SCl), remove blanks at H-1, 2.21 Install weighed dip tube to bottom of can and attach to purge jumper at H-1l. 2.22 Open V 611A and bubble helium through the salt in Can No, 1 for approximately S min at a rapid rate as indicated by the KOH bubbler, This mixes the salt and assures that it is completely melted. 2.23 Close V 611A, 2.24 Check that pressure in selected receiver tank is equal to or less than atmospheric, 2,25 Record CDT inventory. 2.26 At G~1; remove cap from salt addition jumper (purge will be provided by line 610), remove control unit purge line, J1 to Hl, and attach dip tube to salt addition jumper (H1l to G1). Approved by4¢7?6?k%2§y#u5%1 2.27 2.28 2,29 2.30 2.31 2,32 2,33 2,34 2.35 2,36 2,37 2,38 2,39 2,40 2,41 2.42 2,43 Using resistance heater, heat salt addition jumper to cherry red. Close V 613B B 611B to transfer salt in furnace No., 1. | When transfer is complete as indicated by PI SC1 and recelver tank weight, close V 611B. NOTE: Record weight indication when probe light level indicator CDT comes on. Turn off heat to salt addition jumper. When receiver tank pressure is equal to or less than atmospheric, open V 6138, When PI SCl is at approximately atmospheric pressure, close V 613B and disconnect vent at B-1. Disconnect salt addition line at G-1 and plug ends at G1, Fa and Fbo Remove salt can from furnace No. 1. Reweigh when cool, If dip tube is removed before reweighing, be sure to note this and record its weight also. Place a new weighed salt can in furnace No, 1 and connect to vent liné at B-~1l. Open V 613B, Connect purge jumper at J-2 and crack open V 612A to purge line, When salt can in furnace No. 2 is at 1000 to 1200°F and can is at atmospheric pres- sure (PI SC2), remove blank at H-2, Install weighed dip tube to bottom of can and attach to purge line at H-1, Open V 612A and bubble helium through the salt in can No. 2 for approximately 5 min at a rapid rate as indicated by the KOH bubbler. This mixes the salt and assures that it is completely melted. Close V B12A. Record CDT inventory. At G=1, remove cap from salt addition jumper and remove control unit purge line., Attach dip tube to salt addition jumper (Cneck GW to HZ). Using resistance heater, heat salt addition jumper to cherry red. 5D-8 7/29/65 : Init. Date and Time - 4 - Approved byfifif?féié{f#fl\ | 7%20?g§9 20“"‘ 2,45 NOTE: 2.U46 2.47 2.48 2,49 2,50 2,51 2.52 2,53 2.54 2,55 2,56 2.57 2.58 2,59 2,60 2,61 2.62 2.63 2.64 Close V 614B and open V 612B to transfer salt , Init., Date and Time can in furnace No, 2. When transfer is complete as indicated by PI SC2 and receiver tank weight, close V 612B, Record weight indication when probe light level indicator changes. Turn off heat to salt addition jumper. When receiver tank pressure is equal to or less than atmospheric, open V 614B, When PI SC2 is at atmospheric pressure, close V 614B and disconnect vent at B-2. Disconnect salt addition line at G-2 and plug ends (G and Fan)o Remove salt can from furnace No. 2, Reweigh when cool., If dip tube is removed before reweighing, be sure to note this and record its weight also. Place a new weighed salt can in furnace No., 2 and connect to vent line at B-2, Open V 614B, Repeat Step 2.9 to Step 2,52 until all salt has been added. After last salt has been added, turn off heat to furnace and salt addition line. Remove salt addition line at G-1 (or G-2) and F, and reweigh, Cap line 203 at F or E, Turn off V 630, Flush the salt addition line., (A special procedure will be issued.) Turn off helium supply to charging unit and dis- connect unit, Have area smeared for beryllium contamination, Turn off heaters on L 203 and CTD, Table 5C4 and tag off. Disconnect L 203 from CDT and install blank flange on CDT. Blank off each end of L 203, Leak check flange on CDT with portable LD unit. Remove tag on CDT heaters Table S5C4 and turn heaters on. Approved by "%2/€%E%/#¢fh 5E-1 9/16/65 5E STARTUP OF LUBE OIL SYSTEMS for the FUEL AND COOLANT CIRCULATING PUMPS The lube o0il systems must be in operation before the fuel and cool- ant pumps are started and/or heated. The pressure on the lube 0il stor- age tank should be maintained at 2 to 8 psi above the pump pressures. Normally, FOP-2 and COP-2 will be in operation with FOP-1 and COP-1 in standby. The lube cil systems are congidered to be closed systems, and therefore, have no block valves to isclate them from the cell. There- fore, no valve from the 0il systems to the atmosphere should be opened while the reactor is in operation without written approval of the opera- tion chief. To start up the lube oil systems, oil is added to the supply tank, the tanks are purged and pressurized with helium, the valves are set, the pumps started and flows adjusted. It may be also necessary to drain the oil from the oil-catch tanks. 1 DETAILS FOR STARTUP OF LUBE OLL SYSTEMS Init. Date/Time (Auxiliary Control Room) 1.1 Check both OCT levels: LI-52h %, LI-526 _ %. (Coolant Drain Tank Cell) 1.2 Drain oil from OCT-1 and OCT-z into WOR-1 or 2 until the level ig 5 to 10%. (Auxiliary Control Room) 1.3 Record LI-52h %, LI-526 %. 1.4 Calculate and record in console log and on WOR-1, WOR-2 inventory cards the amount of 0il drained from OCT-1 to WOR-1 and from OCT-Z2 to WOR-2 1.5 Drain oil from syphon pot into WOR-1 Approved bym Pt NOTE: 1.6 1.7 Do 1.9 1.10 Calculate the amount of oil drained from syphon pot to WOR-1l. Record this on syphon pot and WOR-1 inventory cards and in console log. Isolate WOR-1 and Z by tagging the following valves closed: V-7204 V-5254 v-529 V-T20-2A V-720B __ , V-525B v-770 V-720-2B . (Service Tunnel) 1.8 Fill the oil supply tanks (OT-1 and OT-2) with Gulfspin-35 oil through V-711l and T761. Normal starting level as indicated by LI-07-1-A3 and lines are full empty. Record LI-OD-1-A3 LI-0T-2-A3 LI-0T-1-A3 LI-0T-2-A3 LI-0T-2-A3 is 55 to 60% if and 80 to 90% if lines are the following: before filling before filling after filling after filling , O0il added to OT-1 (measured) , 0il added to OT-2 (measured) . not allow alr to get into the oil catch tanks. Check that all flanges removed for mainte- nance are leaktight and all leak-detector lines are capped. Remove cover from the oil filters, CF-1 and OF-2; turn handle three full turans, then replace cap. OF-1 ; OF-2 5E-2 9/16/65 Init. Date/Time o o s Approved by*5§€2¢i2%?fzuyw~ 3 S5E-3 9/16/65 Iniz. Date/Time 1.11 Leak check flanges by pressurizing leak detector to 100 psig. Allowable pressure drop is 1 psi per hour for an 8-hour period. Time start Pressure start Time stop Pressure stop Pressure drop, psi/hr IKD line capped 1.12 Set oill valves as follows: V-TlzA tag closed V-601A tag closed V-T62A tag closed V-T762B tag closed V-762C tag closed , FTuel Oil System V-TO3A tag open V-70z2 tag open o V-701 tag open V-713 tag open V-71k tag open V-715 open V-703B closed V-704 closed V-703C tag closed . V-703D tag closed s V-590 tag open V-T706 tag open V-711 tag closed V-716 tag closed e OF-1 QF-2 S—" ——— A et r—————— Coolant Oil System V-753A tag open V-752 tag open V-T51 tag open V-763 tag open V-764 tag open V-765 open V-753B closed V-754 closed V-753C tag clcsed ___' V-753D tag closed V-591 tag open V-756 tag open V-761 tag closed V-766 tag closed A7, Approved by/aé§?53£f§%5144¢zL_ 1.13 Pressurize the systems with helium as follows: V-513A tag open _ V-510A tag open L V-513B tag open __ V-510B tag open V-513C tag open ___ V-510C tag open V-513D tag open ___ V-510D tag open V-535A tag open _ V-534A tag open V-535B tag open V-534B tag open V-531 tag open V-551 tag open V-532 tag open __ V-552 tag open 5E-L 9/16/65 Init. Date/Time 1.1L Check to be sure FI-821 and FI-823 read 7 to 10 gpm. (Mein Control Room) 1.15 Start FOP No. 2, and note that discharge pres- 1.16 Start COP No. 2, and note that discharge pres- Set PIC-513 on Auto at 7 psig , Set P1C-510 on Auto at 7 psig __ . sure (PI-702) 60 psig. sure (PI-752) >60 psig. (Service Tunnel) 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 Open V-~T04 to full open position. Throttle V-703B to give a flow of 3.5 gpm on F1-703. Simultaneocusly throttle V-T15 and V-703B to give a flow of 3.5 gpm on FI-703 and 6.5 gpm on FI-704k (as V-715 is throttled down, flows on FI-703 and FI-704 will increase). Readjust V-T03B if necessary. Notify shift supervisor if V-715 needs to be throttled down more than 3 3/4 turns from full open position. Open V-T54 to full open position. Throttie V-753B to give a flow of 3.5 gpm on FI-753. | "/ :-' e - Approved by 7 7 \'ury pt g SE-5 | Y - 9/16/65 . Init. Date/Time 1.24 Simultaneously throttle V-765 and V-753B to give a flow of 3.5 gpm on FI-753 and 6.5 gpm on FI-754 (as V-765 is throttled down, flow on FI-753 and FI-T54 will increase). 1.25 Readjust V-753B if necessary. 1.26 Notify shift supervisor if V-765 needs %o be throttled down more than 3 7/8 turns from full open position. 1.27 Stop FOP-2 and COP-2 by opening breakers FOP-2 and COP-2 in the service tunnel and note that FOP-1 and COP-1 start. 1.28 Reset and close breakers FOP-2 and COP-2. (Switch House) 1.29 Stop FOP-1 and COP-1 by opening breakers G3-11 and G4-11 and note that FOP-2 and COP-2 start. 1.30 Reset and close breakers (3-11 and GL-11. (Service Tunnel) 1.31 Readjust flows if necessary (Steps 17 through 24 ). 1.32 The oil supply tank levels should be 50 to 60%. —————————— Record: LL-0T-1-A3 LI-0T-2-A3 1.33 Set LI-OT-1-A3 and OT-2 to alarm at 1% below the operating level and to close FSV-T703 and FSV-753 at 1% below the operating level. Record the followlng: Level Alarm Valve Control Reading Setpoint Setpoint LI-0OP-1-A3 ) LI~0T-2-A3 Approved by 444?Za/%€2;4w4m~1 1.34 Check that the oil tank radiation are in place and in operation: RIA-OT-1 RIA-OT-2 5E-6 9/16/65 Init. Date/Time monitors s Approved by/¢5€;;2%;42;6u¢n1 5F-1 9/9/65 5F HEATUP OF FUTT, AND COOLANT SYSTEMS The heatup rabe of the fuel and coolant systems should not exceed 100°F per hour, and since the two systems are connected at the heat ex- changer, the temperature range of all points on both systems should be kept as close as is practical. The circulating pumps will run during heatup, and the helium purge flow will be kept at the normal rate. This is to aid in heating up the graphite and help purge out any remaining OXygen. To minimize thermal stresses, the component coolant alr flow should be flowing to the control rods and reactof neck during the heatup. Details of the operation are given below. 1 PREPARATTON FOR HEATUP (Main Control Room) Tnit. Date/Time 1.1 Open HOV-523, V-96l4,. and V-961B to pro- vide a vent for the overflow tank and reactor neck annulus. 1.2 Set FIC-516A and FIC-512 per building log to purge system during heatup. 1.3 Set PRC-522A and PRC-528A on automatic at 5> psig. (Coclant Cell) 1.4 Physically check that the radiator doors are closed. 1.5 Physically check that the bypass dampers are closed. 1.6 C(lose the hatch between the coolant drain tank cell and the radiator duct (Downstream of radiator). 1.7 Close both doors between the blower house and the radiator duct. (Upstream of the radiator). (Main Control Room) Approved b - AN 5F-2 7 9/9/65 Init. Date/Time 1.8 Perform operations necessary to make up Circuit 134 (Prefill mode). 1.9 Check that No. 1 and No. 3 blowers are off. 1.10 Fully insert all three control rods. CR-1 CR-2 CR-3 1.1l Start the coolant pump while listening Tor unusual noises on the mike (Xdb E CP D). L.12 Record the following: EiI-CP-D (should be 19 amps) EwI-CP-D (should be 2 Kw) SI-CP-G (should be 1750 rpm) (Transmitter Room) SI-CP-G1 (should be 1750 rpm) SI-CP-G2 (should be 1750 rpm) NOTE: Taps to the flow indicator FR-201 will be frozen, and therefore, this instrument will not be in operation. (Main Control Room) 1.13 Start the fuel pump while listening for unusual noises on the mike. (Xdb E FPF). 1.14 Record the following: EiI-FP-D (should be 19 amps) EwI-FP-D (should be 2 Kw) SI-FP-E (should be 1150 xpm) (Transmitter Room) SI-FP-Fl (should be 1150 rpm) SI-FP-E2 (should be 1150 rpm) 1.15 Check that the thermocouples listed in Table 5F-1, S5F-2, and 5F-3 are plugged intc the readout ingtruments listed and the instruments are in service. Approved by = ?figkééf F- =~ o/o/c Init. Date/Time 1.16 Start the air flows to the conbtrol rods and the reactor neck. Set as per the building log. Control rods HIC-G15 Reactor Neck HIC-961 HIC-962 HIC-963 1.17 Push the start buttons on all the induc- tion regulator blowers and check to see that they start. TIC-1 TTC-2 TIA-1 TIA-2 TIB-1 TIB-2 G5-BB-1 ___ (5-BB-2 G5-27-2 T2-7-1 2 HEATUP 2.1 Set the reactor heaters (R-1, R-2, and R-3) at 50% of their 1200°F current set- ting. 2.2 The reactor vessel will be the most slovwly heated component due to its large mass. Turn on and adjust the remainder of the heaters listed in Tables 5F-1, 5F-Z, and SF-3 so as to keep the temperatures under these heaters more than the reactor but within 150°F of the reactor. The heater calibration curves may be used as a gulde in making heater adjustments. NOTE: ©Part of the method of monitoring the radia- tor heatup will be Scanners "D" and "E." Note that these have variable references and will need to be adjusted as the heatup progresses. Approved by *233?%?763%27%«4fl1 SF-L < 2.3 2.5 9/9/65 Init. Date/Time Each time the reactor heatup rate begins to slacken, increase the reactor heaters' current settings. The settings should be increased from 50% to 75%; from 75% to 90%, and from 90% to 105% of their 1200°F amperage settings. Init. Date/Time Increased to 75% Increased to 90% Increased to 105% As the heatup progresses, the temperature of the penetrations should be given special attention. Try to keep the piping tempera- ture on both sides of the penetration as close to the pipe temperature in the pene- tration as is possible. Record the tempera- tures as indicated in Table 5F-5. When the temperatures indicated by TE-CR-124 and TE-CR-122 (points 34 and 35 on Scanner B) are above 900°F, the flow element should be heated. The following steps should be used. 2.5.1 Record the following temperatures: O TE-CR-124 (Scanner B Pt.34) F TE-CR-123 (T1-3200 Pt.7) O TE-CR-122 (Scanner B Pt. 35) °F 2.5.2 If CR-124 and CR-122 indicate tem- peratures above 9OOOF, turn on the flow element heaters. These are listed in Table 5F-4. 2.5.3 Adjust the heaters to give a heatup rate of ~ 200°F/hr. Try to keep the temperatures of the thermocouples A Approved byzwffzgfj \yé;g{xW¢m] SF-5 | < 9/9/65 Init. Date/Time oo .5.3 {continued) listed in Table 5F-4 within % lOOOF of each other. 2.5.4 When the temperature of the flow elements reaches that of line 201, level off the heatup rate of the flow elements and keep at the same temperature as line Z0L. 2.6 When the temperature indicated by TE-103-13 is above 900°F, start heating the short section of line 106 ag follows. 2.6.1 Plug the thermocouples listed in Table 5F-6 into one of the special recorders so heatup of this section of line may be closely fol- lowed. Finish filiing out Table 5F-6A. Keep thermocouple logs up to date. 2.6.2 When TE-103-13 is above 900°F, turn on H-106-4. Adjust to give a heatup rate of flOOOF/hr. This section of line must be heated very carefully due to the likely pres- ence of salt in the lines. Do not allow the temperature of TE-106-5A to exceed TE-FV-105-6B. Table 5F-T should be filled in to aid the oper- ator in keeping up with the tempera- tures of the thermocouples. 2.6.3 Do not exceed the 1200°F setting on heater 106-4. The temperatures of TE-106-5A or TE-FV-105-6B may Approved bywm SF-6 9/9/65 Init. Date/Time 2.6.3 (continued) neither come up to their normal valve until the freeze valve shoulder heaters are turned on. Leave the thermocouples listed in Table 5F-6 readingout on the specilal recorder until the freeze valve shoulder heaters are turned on and/or the temperature of all thermocouples in 5F-6 are above 1100°F. See Pro- cedure 51 for freeze valve heatup. 2.7 Level all temperatures in the loops at 1100 to lZOOOF. Make heater adjustments neces- sary to accomplish this (such as lowering the reactor heaters from 105% to 100% of their 1200°F setting). GENERAL NOTE: The heatup of the drain tanks and lines out to the freeze valves is covered in Procedure 5C. Heatup of the freeze valves shoulders is covered in the fill Procedure (5I). TABLE SF-1 fi? THERMOCOUPLES AND HEATERS FOR REACTOR CELL COMPONENTS 3 Page 1 of 5 é OTHER HEATERS g TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL ON THIS READCUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL CONTROLLER 3& Scanner "A" 1 R-1 R-2 R-2 HCP-7 - o 2 R-3 R-1 R-1 HCP-7 <<:;3 s 3 R-4B HCP-7 u o L R-5B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 X e 5 R-6B HCP-7 S ! 6 R-11 R-2 R-2 HCP-T7 oy 7 R-12 R-1. R-1 HCP-~7 e 8 R-13 R-3 R-3 HCP-7 9 R-1k4 R-2 R-2 HCP-7 o 10 R-15B R-2, R-3 R-2, R-3 HCP-7 m 11 R-16 R-1 R-1 HCP-7 e 12 R-18B R-3 R-3 HCP-T7 o 13 R-19 R-2 R-2 HCP-T7 i 1h R-20B R-2 R-2 HCP-7 e 15 R-21 R-2, R-3 R-2, R-3 HCP-7 o 16 R-22 R-1 R-1 HCP-7 o 17 R-23B R-1 R-1 HCP-7 \O i 18 R-2k R-3 R-3 HCP-7 %g}g o 19 R-25B R-2 R-2 HCP-7 i " 20 R-263 R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 TABLE 5F-1 (continued) i 3 H o 2 (D tof C' e Page 2 of 5 OTHER HEATERS TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL ON THIS READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL CONTROLLER Scanner "A" 21 R-27B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-T e 22 R-28B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 e 23 R-29B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 n 2l R-30B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 n 25 R-31B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-T7 o Reference R-32B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-7 e 26 100-1B n 27 100-2B H 100-1 H 100-1 HCP-5 nh 28 100-3B E 100-2 H 100-2 HCP-6 o 29 100-4 FP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-T n 30 100-5 FP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-7 e 31 FP-7B FP-1, FpP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-7 e 32 ¥P-8B FP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-7 o 33 OFT-2A FP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-T7 n 34 OFT-3 FpP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-T7 . 35 OFT-5 FP-1, FP-2 FP-1, FP-2 HCP-T7 n 36 101-1 H 101-1 RCH-7 HCP-7 H-102-3 o nr 37 101-2B H 101-2 H-101-2 HCP-6 §§}g n 38 101-3B H 101-3 H 101-3 HCP-6 & n 39 HX-3B H 101-3 H 101-3 HCP-6 n Lo EX-6 HX-1 HX-1 HCP-T7 TABLE 5F-1 (continued) g Page 3 of 5 § OTHER HEATERS - TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL ON THIS g READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL CONTROLLER Scanner "A" 41 HX-7B HX-1 HX-~1 HCP-T7 e L2 HX-8 HX-2 HX-2 HCP-7 " b3 HX-9B HX-2 HX-2 HCP-T7 e Wi HX-10 HX-2 HX-2 HCP-T7 e L5 HX-2B HX-3 HX-3 HCP-7 " 46 HX-5 HX-3 HX-3 HCP-T e L7 102-1B H 102-1 H 102-1 HCP-TA "" L8 102-A2 H 102-2A H 102-2 HCP-7 e e 102-B2 H 102-2B H 102-2 HCP-7 nh 50 102-3B H-102~3 RCH-7 HCP-T7 H-101-1 n 51 102-A4B H-102-4 H-102-4 HCP-TA n 52 102-BL4B H-102-5 H-102-5 HCP-TA n 53 102-5B m 54 200AS-A1A H-200-16 H-200-16 HCP-TA i 55 200-A0A H-200-1, 16 H-200-1, 16 HCP-5, TA m 56 200-BoA H-200-1 H-200-6 HCP-5 o 57 200-10 H-200-2 RCH-1 HCP-6 o o 58 200-11A H-200-3 RCH-1 HCP-6 §§}§ i 59 200-12 H-200-4 RCH-1 HCP-6 IO " 60 200-13 H-200-5 RCH-2 HCP-6 H-201-8 TABLE 5F-1 (continued) Page 4 of 5 OTHER HEATERS TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL ON THIS READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL CONTROLLER Scanner "A" 61 200-14B H-200-6 RCH-3 HCP-6 n 62 200-15 H-200-7 RCH-3 HCP-6 ! 63 200-16A H-200-8 RCH-3 HCP-6 e 6l 200-A17 H-200-9 RCH-4 HCP-6 H-201-k e 65 200-B17 E-200-9 RCH-4 HCP-6 H-201-4 n 66 200-18 H-200-10 RCH-5 HCP-T7 H-201-3 n 67 200-19B H-200-11 H-200-11 HCP-5 n 68 200-20B H-200-12 H-200-12 HCP-5 n 69 HX-1B HX-1 HX-1 HCP-7 m 70 HX-4B nh 71 201-1A H-201-1 H-201-1 HCP-5 n 72 201-2A H-201-2 H-201-2 HCP-5 m 73 201-3 H-201-3 RCH-5 HCP-T H-200-10 i 4 201-Ak H-201-L4 RCH-4 HCP-6 H-200-9 n 75 201-Bh H-201-4 RCH-L HCP-6 H-200-9 e 76 201-5B H-201-5 RCH-6 HCP-T m 77 201-6 H-201-6 RCH-6 HCP-7 "o 78 201-7A H-201-7 RCH-6 HCP-7 e 79 201-8 H-201-8 RCH-2 HCP-6 HE-200-5 n 80 201-A9A H~201-9 H-201-9 HCP-5 s o g H Q 2 ® o o’ L Gs/6/6 OT-44 TARLE 5F-1 {continued) Page 5 of 5 OTHER HEATERS TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL ON THIS READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL CONTROLLER Scanner "A" 81 201-BYA H-201-9, 1L H-201-9, 1k HCP-5, TA " 82 201AS-A1A H-201-14 H-201-14 HCP-TA o 83 103-A1A H-FV-103 H-FV-103 HCP-8 ! 8L 103-Bl H 103 H 103 HCP-8 e 85 103-2 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 ' 86 103-3 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 n 87 103-k4 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 e 88 103-A5 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 e 89 103-B5 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 o 90 103-7 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 n 91 103-9 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 m 92 103-10 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 o 93 103-A11 H 103 H 103 HCP-8 no ol 103-12 e 95 103-13 H 104-7 H 10h4-7 HCP-10 n 96 103-1LA H 104-7 H 104k-7 HCP-10 e o7 104-B6 H 104-7 H 104-7 HCP-10 e 98 - 10hk-46 H 10Lk-6 H 104-6 HCP-9 e 99 104-5A H 104-5 H 104-5 HCP-9 " 100 R-32B R-1, R-2, R-3 R-1, R-2, R-3 HCP-T7 Reference £q psaroxddy )gé‘ 69/6/6 TT-d6 TABLE 5F-2 T/C's AND HEATERS FOR COOLANT SYSTEM OUT OF REACTOR CELL Page 1 of 4 TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL READOUT POLNT NUMBER NUMBER WUMEER PANEL Scanner "B" 1 CP-6B CP1 CP1 HCP-4 " 2 n 3 CP-9B CP2 CP2 HCP-4 n L LE-AL LECP-2 LECP-2 HCP-3 n 5 LE-A3 LECP-1 LECP-1 HCP-3 i 6 200-1 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 " 7 200-2 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 " 8 200-3 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 " 9 200-4 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 " 10 200-5 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 n 11 200-6 H-200-13 H-200-13 HCP-1 " 12 200-ATA H-200-1k H-200-14 HCP-2 o 13 200-B7A H-200-1k H-200-14 HCP-2 nh 14 200-CTB H-200-14 H-200-1kL HCP-2 nh 15 200-DTA H-200-1L H-200-14 HCP-2 n 16 200-A8A H-200-15 H-200-15 HCP-2 nh 17 200-R8A " 18 200-C8A " 19 201~-A10A e 20 201.-B10OA /= h4“4JE’$¢aZ;ugz/’ £q poaoaddy 69/6/6 ST-46 TABLE 5F-2 (continued) %) Page 2 of 4 § TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL A READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL g Scanner "B 21 201-C10A H-201-10 H-201-10 HCP-2 \ e 22 201-A11A H-201-11 H-201-11 HCP-2 e 23 201-Bl1A H-201-11 H-201-11 HCP-2 e 2L 201-C11A H-201-11 H-201-11 HCP-2 e 25 201-D11A H-201-11 H-201-11 HCP-2 ! 26 201-12 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 e 27 201-13 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 e 28 201-14 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 " 29 201-15 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 n 30 201-16 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 e 31 201-17 H-201-12 H-201-12 HCP-1 n 32 205-1 H-205-1 H-205-1 HCP-3 e 33 205-2 H-205-1 H-205-1 HCP-3 e 34 CR-12L H-201-13 H-201-13 HCP-2 e 35 CR-122 H-201-13 H-201-13 HCP-2 nu 36 CR-128 CR-7 CR-T HCP-1 e 37 CR-129 CR-T CR~7 HCP-1 " 38 CR-126 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 © m 39 CR-127 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 gifg e 40 CR-130 CR-8 CR-8 HCP-1 NATY m 41 CR-131 CR-8 CR-8 HCP-1 TABLE 5F-2 (continued) ~ £q paroxddy Page 3 of U TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL READQUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL Scanner "B" L2 CR-125A H-202-1 H-202-1 HCP-3 o L3 CR-132 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, L, 5, 6 HCP-1 ' nn CR-133 CR-1, 2, L4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 ™ L5 CR-13k CrR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " L& CR-135 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 nn L7 CR-136 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 m L3 CR-137 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 e Lo CR-138 CR-1, 2, 3, L4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " 50 CR-139 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 nn 51 CR-140 CR-1, 2, 3, L4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 o 52 CR-141 CR-1, 2, 3, &, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 n 53 CR-1k2 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 e 5k CR-143 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " 55 CR-144 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " 56 CR-145 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " 57 CR-146 CR-1, 3, L, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 e 58 CR-1L7 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, b4, 5, 6 HCP-1 m 59 CR-148 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 ”" 60 CR-149 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 CR-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 HCP-1 " 61 202-A2 H-202-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 n 62 20z2-B2 H-20z-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 €9/6/6 7T-d6 TABLE 5F-2 (continued) Page 4 of L TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL READOUT POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEI, Scanner "B" 63 202-3 H-202-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 " 64 202-Ak H-202-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 m 65 202-A5 H-202-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 i 66 202-6 H-202-2 H-202-2 HCP-1 TRA-3500 1 204-1B 204 -1 204 -1 HCP-4 o 2 20L-2B 204 -1 204L-1. HCP-4 e 3 204-3B 20k -1 20k-1 HCP-4 o b 204 -4B 204-1 204 -1 HCP-4 e 5 204 -5B 204 -1 204-1 HCP-4 e 6 204 -6B 204-1 204-1 HCP -4 e 9 206-1B 206-1 206-1 HCP-4 e 10 206-2B 206-1 206-1 HCP-k " 11 206-3B 206-1 206-1 HCP-k4 " 12 206-4B 206-1 206-1 HCP-4 ' 13 206-5B 206-1 206-1 HCP-L nn 14 206-6B 206-1 206-1 HCP-L4 Q W £q paroaddy My 59/6/6 QT-44 Approved by Mfiw\ SF-16 -9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 T/C's AND HEATERS AT RADIATOR RISERS Page 1 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATION POINT NUMBER NUMBER WUMBER PANEL Riser-15 D-1, D-61 CR-51 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e D-2, D-62 CR-53 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-3, D-63 CR-55 CR-&% CR-8% HCP-1 i D-4, D-6kL CR-57 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 nr D-5, D-65 CR-59 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser=-16 D-6, D-66 CR-61 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-7, D-67 CR-63 CR-8% CR-8#% HCP-1 n D-8, D-68 CR-65 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e D-9, D-69 CR-67 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-10, D-70 CR-69 CR-8% CR-G% HCP-1. i D-11, D-T1 CR-T1 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-17 D-12, D-T2 CR-T3 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-13, D-73 CR-T75 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-14, D-Th CR-T7 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-15, D-75 CR-T9 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-16, CR-81 CR-8% CR-8% HCp-1 " D-17 CR-83 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-18 D-18 CR-85 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-19 CR-87 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-20 CR-89 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-21 CR-91. CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e D-22 CR-93 CR-8% CR-0% HCP-1 n D-23 CR-95 CR-8% CR-0% HCP-1 Riser-19 D-24 CR-97 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-25 CR-99 CR-G% CR-8*% HCP-1 Riser-11 D-26, D-86 CR-1 CR-G% CR-G% HCP-1 *¥Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have a significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed in this Table. Approved by"ffg;kégéfwwgn« 5F-17 . 9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 (continued) Page 2 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATION POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL Riser-11 D-27, D-87 CR-3 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-28, D-88 CR-5 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-~1 n D-29, D-89 CR-T7 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-30, D-90 CR-9 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-31, D-91 CR-11 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-12 D-32, D-92 CR-13 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Y D-33, D-93 CR-15 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-34, D-94 CR-17 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-35, D-95 CR-19 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-36, D-96 CR-21 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1, n D-37, D-97 CR-23 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-13 D-38, D-98 CR-25 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-39, D-99 CR-27 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-40 CR-29 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-41, D-51 CR-31 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-42, D-52 CR-33 CR-&% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-43, D-53 CR-35 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-1h4 D-Lk, D-5k CR-37 CR-5% CR-8% HCP-1 Y D-45, D-55 CR-39 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1. n D-46, D-56 CR-41 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-47, D-57 CR-43 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 ' D-48, D-58 CR-h45 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-49, D-59 CR-47 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-15 D-50, D-60 CR-49 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-13 D-51, D-4l CR-31 CR-8% CR-8&% HCP-1 m D-52, D-h2 CR-33 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-53, D-43 CR-35 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 *¥Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have & significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed in this Table. Approved bxg?€?;5343£;7fl4jfi 5F-18 V 9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 (continued) Page 3 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATTON POLNT NUMBER IUMBER NUMBER PANEL Riser-13 D-54, D-Lk CR-37 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1. Riser-1k D-55, D-45 CR-39 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-56, D-U6 CR-41 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-57, D-47 CR-43 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-58, D-48 CR-45 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-59, D-49 CR-47 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-15 D-60, D-50 CR-49 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-61, D-1 CR-51 CR-8% CR-0% HCP-1 " D-62, D-2 CR-53 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-63, D-3 CR-55 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-64, D-k CR-57 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-65, D-5 CR-59 CR-8% CR-8*% HCP-1 Riser-16 D-66, D-6 CR-61, CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-67, D-T CR-63 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-68, D-8 CR-65 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-69, D-9 CR-67 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1. m D-70, D-10 CR-69 CR-8&% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-71, D-11 CR-T1 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-17 D-72, D-12 CR-73 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-73, D-13 CR-T75 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-74, D-1k CR-T7 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-75, D-15 CR-T9 CR-8% CR-8*% HCP-1 o D-T76 CR-101 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-77 CR-103 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-78 CR-105 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-79 CR-107 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-20 D-80 CR-109 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-81 CR-111 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-82 CR-113 CR-0% CR-8% HCP-1 ¥Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have a significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed 1in this Table. Approved by &§£?i2<éé;h¢¢yL 5F-19 v 9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 (continued) ~Page 4 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATION POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL Riser-20 D-83 CR-115 CR-8% CR-O% HCP-1 " D-8L CR-117 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-85 CR-119 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-11 D-86, D-26 CR-1 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-87, D-27 CR-3 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-88, D-28 CR-5 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n D-89, D-29 CR-T7 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e D-90, D-30 CR-9 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e D-91, D-31 CR-11 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Risér-12 D-92, D-32 CR-13 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o D-93, D-33 CR-15 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-94, D-34 CR-17 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " D-95, D-35 CR-19 CR-8% CR-&% HCP-1 ”" D-96, D-36 CR-21 CR-8% CR-&% HCP-1 n D-97, D-37 CR-23 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-13 D-98, D-38 CR-25 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m D-99, D-39 CR-27 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 nh D-100 Reference CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-15 E-1, E-61 CR-52 CR-0% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-2, E-62 CR-54 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-3, E-63 CR-56 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 ' E-L4, E-64 CR-58 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-5, E-65 CR-60 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-16 E-6, E-66 CR-62 CR-8% CR-&% HCP-1 m E-7, E-67 CR-6L CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-8, E-68 CR-66 CR-8¥% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-9, E-69 CR-68 CR-8% CR-B8% HCP-1 n E-10, E-70 CR-70 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 ¥Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have a significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed in this Table. z e Approved by,fifififir fify&flg?) 5F-20 7 9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 (continued) Page 5 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATION POINT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANFL Riser-16 E-11, E-T1 CR-72 CR~8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-17 E-12, E-72 CR-Th CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o E-13, E-73 CR-T6 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o E-14, E-Th CR-T8 CR-8% CR-O% HCP-1 n E-15, E-75 CR-80 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m E-16, CR-82 CR-G#% CR-8% ACP-1. e E-17 CR-8kL CR-8% CR-0% HCP-1 Riser-18 E-18 CR-86 CR-8% CR-5% HCP-1 o E-19 CR-88 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-20 CR-90 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-21 CR-92 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-22 CR-9k CR-8% CR-8* HCP-1 e E-23 CR-96 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-19 E-2L CR-98 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-25 CR-100 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-11 E-26, E-86 CR-2 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-27, E-87 CR-4 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-28, E-88 CR-6 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-29, E-89 CR-8 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-30, E-90 CR-10 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-31, E-91 CR-12 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-12 E-32, E-92 CR-1kL CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-33, E-93 CR-16 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-34, E-OL CR-18 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-35, E-95 CR-20 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-36, E-96 CR-22 CR-8% CR-G% HCP-1 ' E-37, E-O7 CR-24 CR-&% CR-8% HCP-1 "Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have a significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed in this Table. Approved by Aaff?i}é?%E7Lq»@,yq S5F-21 9/9/65 TABLE 5F-3 (continued) Page 6 of 8 SCANNER TE HEATER CONTROLLER CONTROL LOCATION POLNT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER PANEL Riser-13 E-38, E-98 CR-26 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-39, E-99 CR-28 CR-O% CR-8*% HCP-1 n E-40, CR-30 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 nh E-41, E-51 CR-32 CR-8#% CR-8% HCP-1 ! E-42, E-52 CR-3k CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-43, E-53 CR-36 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-1k E-4k, E-5k CR-38 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-45, E-55 CR-LO CR-8* CR-8%* HCP-1 ' E-L6, E-56 CR-42 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 "o E-L7, E-57 CR-44 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 A E-L3, E-58 CR-46 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m E-49, E-59 CR-48 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-15 E-50, E-60 CR-50 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-13 E-51, E-L1 CR-32 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-52, E-L2 CR-34 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-53, E-U43 CR-36 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-1lk E-5k, BE-kh CR-38 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-55, E-L5 CR-LO CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 n E-56, E-L6 CR-42 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 e E-57, E-LT CR~LL CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 o E-58, E-48 CR-L46 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-59, B-49 CR-48 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 Riser-15 E-60, E-50 CR-50 CR-8% CR-8*% HCP-1 m E-61, E-1 CR-52 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 m E-62, B-2 CR-54 CR-8% CR-S%* HCP-1 m E-63, E-3 CR-56 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-6l, BE-b CR-58 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 " E-65, E-5 CR-60 CR-8% CR-8% HCP~1 Riser-16 E-66, E-6 CR-62 CR-8% CR-8% HCP-1 %¥Although Heater H-CR-8 will be most important, the other heaters on the radiator will have a significant effect on the temperatures of the thermo- couples listed in this Table. Approved by A s 11 s e 5F-22 H-9 7/29/65 41, L2, Tnit. Date/Time Check that V-53LA and V-535A have been opened. Reset pressures and flows in all systems to values which are compatible to the present situation. Table S5H.1 FUBL SYSTEM ANNUNCIATIONS AND CONTROL ACTIONS TNDICATTON OR OPERATOR CHECK POTNTT CAUSE CIRCUTIT ACTION AND AFFECTED CIRCUIT PRESSURE TNCREASTNG PRESSURE DECREASTNG Fuel Pump >2 psig 20 Open HCV 5hk, 545, Sh6. Close PCV 517, HCV 572, 57h, 576 In Circuit 20 light on Jumper Board off __ _ Light on Overflow Tenk >2 psig 21 Circuit 131, 132, 133, 127, 115, and 116 Tn Circuit 21 light on Jumper Board off ___ Light on FD 1 »5 psig 89 Closes HCV 572, FV 109 permissive off, Circuit 115, A-T20 In Circ. 115 light FD 1 Press. Light off _ Light on FD 2 »5 Dpsig 90 Close 2 of 3 HCV 57k, FV 108 permissive off In Circ. 115 light FD 2 Press. Light off__ Light on Circuit 115, A 709 FFT > psig g1 Close 2 of 3 FV 107 permissive off, Circuit 115, A-698 Tn Cire. 115 light FPT Press. Light off ___ Light on FDT 1 >30 psig 109 Close HCV 572, Open HCV 573, In Cire. 117 FD1 Press. light off Light on Circuit 115, 117 In Cire. 115 FD1 Press. light off FD 2 >30 psig 110 Close HCOV 57&4. Open HCV 575 Tn Circe. 118 FD 2 Press. light off Light on Circuit 115, 118 In Cire. 115 FD 2 Press. light off Light on FET >30 psig 111 Close HCV 576. Open HCV 577 In Cire. 119 FFT Press. light off Tight on Circuit 115, 119 In Cire. 115 FFT Press. light off Light on Fuel Pump >4O 129 Close FCV 516. Circuit 129 In Circ. 129 He Press. light off Light on Hi Press RD-1508 AOR3 ¥Ah028-6 ~ 10 psi Common on MB-2 XA-4001-1 Alarm Audio and light on Ann. clear Hi-Lo Fuel Pump Press. MB 8 XA-LO06-5 ~ 1 - 10 psi Alarm Andio and light on high Alarm lo Hi-Lo OT-1 Press. MB 10 XA-L4008-L4 ~ 5 - 15 psi Marm Audio and light on high Aarm lo Hi FD 1 Press MB 11 XA bL00g-2 25 psig Alarm fndio and light on High Amn. Clear Hi ¥D 2 Press MB 11 XA %009-1 25 psig Alarm Audio and light on high Ann. Clear Hi FFF Press. MB 11 XA 4009-3 25 psig Alarm Audioc and light on high Ann. Clear Cover Cas Pressure MB 11 XA 4009-6 Common - from Aux. Bd. 3 XA 4028 Alarm Audio and light on high Ann. Clear Lo He Treated Pressure AB-3 XA 4028-4 (100 psig) Alarm Audio and light on Ei Lo He Pressure AB-3 XA h028-5 (PA 500L) (30 - 41 psig) Alarm Audio and light on high FP >25 psig 20 & 23 Cause Emergency Drain, opens HCV 533 Al Tn eircuits 22 & 23 light on, Ann. Clear Jumper board off L Where possible, record pressure at which action oceurs. Increasing Decreasing Sampler Common P3-1C-E 35 psia ALARM CLEAR Pas-10-3 Press in 1C >3A (AP = 1 psig) ALARM CLEAR « e 1 T R O 2 D) o o' < Go/62/L OT-HS Table 5H.2 COQLANT SYSTEM ANNUNCIATOR AND CONTROIL ACTION CFERATOR CHECK1 CAUSE CIRCUTT CONTROL ACTTON PRESSURE INCREASTING PRESSURE DECREASING CDT >30 psig 107 Open HCV sht In Circuit 121, CDT Press. light off In Circuit 121 CDT Press. light on Close HCV 511 Tn Circuit 126 CDT Press. light off In Circuit 126 CDT Press. light on CP >L0 psig 128 Close FCV 512 In Circuit 128 He Supply light off In Circuit 128 He Supply Light on CP Hi-Io Press. Ann. CDT-Hi Press Ann, * When possible FCY 512 closed XA LOO5-2 Hi alarm 10 psi Annunciation Lo alarm 2 psi MB6 XA 40OL-6 Hi alarm 25 psi Annunciation Io alarm 1 psi MBS record pressure at which action occurs. FCV may open, operator should close Annunciation No snnunciation > g g R Q < @® ol o e co/6z/L TT-HSG 5I-1 10/1/65 51 FILLING THE FUEL AND COOLANT SYSTEMS When the coclant system temperatures reach 1000 to llOOOF, it will be filled with salt, the freeze valves will be frozen, and circulation of coolant salt will be started. When the fuel and coolant system temperatures reach 1150 to lZOOOF and the graphite temperatures are above llOOOF, the fuel system will be filled with either flush salt or fuel salt depending on condition of the system. t is estimated that heatup should take about 36 hours which is sufficient time to heat up the graphite. The outlet gas temperature is essentially the same as the top graphite temperature and therefore could be a good indication of graphite heatup rate. However, the installed thermocouples will probably be affected more by the heater temperatures than by the gas temperature in the system. After the fuel system has been filled with flush salt, FV-103 will be frozen, the reactor access nozzle freeze joint will be established, and the fuel pump will be started. The flush salt will be circulated for at least two hours and sampled prior to draining to the fuel flush tank. The fuel system will then be filled with fuel salt. The filling will be done with all three control rods withdrawn to the prefill elevation. The reactor will be filled in several steps, with sufficient time delay between steps for neutron multiplication to be determined. If'criticality appears feasible, filling will be discontinued. When the proper level is reached in the pump bowl, FV-103 will be frozen and the fuel pump started. Details of the operations are given below: 1 FILLING THE COOLANT SYSTEM (Main Control Room) Init. Date/Time 1.1 When coclant system temperatures are above 1000°F, stop the coolant pump. 1.2 Check that the coolant drain tank salt o temperatures are between 1100 and 1200 F. Z Approved by ;5:;§Eé;fi74:;4%%fflx\_ 51-2 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time 1.3 Adjust the CDI wt. alarm to annunciate when 1500 1b of salt have been transferred to the coolant system. NOTE: ©Step 2.1 can be done simultaneously with Steps 1.4 and 1.5 in preparation for adding flush salt to the fuel system. (Heater Control Panel) 1.4 With FV-204 and 206 in the freeze position, heat up the shoulders to approximate operating temperatures with heater settings as listed in the building log. The heaters are con- trolled by FV 204-1 and FV 20k-1A on HCP-2, FV 206-1 and FV 206-1A on HCP-3. Temperatures of TE FV 204-A4 and FV 204-B4t are recorded on TRA 3300-18 and 19. Temperatures of TE FV 206-Ak and FV 206-B4 are recorded on TRA 3300-20 and 21. 1.5 When FV-204 and 206 shoulder temperatures have been adjusted, plug TE FV 204-5B into Scanner ¢, Point 95. 1.6 Put coolant pump bubbler level instrument in service as follows: (Main Control Room) 1.6.1 Set selector switch (S-39) on Position 2 which is "Record LT-598, Bubbler No. 1, and No. 2 on." (Transmitter Room) 1.6.2 Check that test switch (8-40) is in the "Off" position. 1.6.3 Open the following: V-59hA V-295A V-5984 Approved by./zégz:zzkgé%gé/fiaifl\g 5I-3 1.7 10/ /65 Init. Date/Time 1.6.4 Adjust V-594B, V-595B, and V-598B so that the following read 25 psig. FI-sok FI1-595 __ FI-598 Record CDT weight: on salt inventory and transfer date sheet Table 12B-5. Attach sheet to this procedure and identify data per step number of this procedure. (Main Control Room) 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Set FCV-512 on auto at 0.6 1/m. Thaw FV-204 and FV-206 and adjust FV heaters to control TE 204-Ak, 20L-BL, 206-Ak, and 206-Bl at 1200 to 1225°F. Set valves as follows: Equalizer HCV-527 closed CDT vent HCV-547 closed CP vent HCV-536 open CDT supply HCV-511A closed Set PIC-511C on auto at 27 psig . Stop the coolant pump (CP). Adjust HIC-511B to approximately SO% and open HCV-511A to begin filling coolant system. Note coolant system calibration and dc not stop £il1l at FF-200 or FF-201 (reasons of ther- mal stress). As system is filled, record WRCDT when the upper tank probe light goes off and when lower probe light goes off Note time when salt Tfills FF-200. This will be after approximately 1500 lbs. of salt have been transferred. Reset CDT wt. alarm to annunciate when 4800 1lbs. have been trans- ferred to the coolant system. 'l Approved by W%M@ v \ NOTE: The following components will be filled after transfer of the following amounts of coolant salt (approximate) (See coolant system calibration.) HX ~ 1200 1bs, CR ~ L4500 1bs entering CP at ~ L7700 1bs, CP full at ~ 5300 lbs. 1.15 The desired operating level in the coolant pump is 58% % 2% at 1060°F. To compensate for level changes caused by trapped gas, £11ling of pump internals and temperature changes, estimate the initial fill level as follows: {See also coolant pump levels vs salt temperature in calibration note book.) 1.15.1 Desired operating level at 1060°F. +58% 1.15.2 Coolant system trapped gas pocket (Consider if not previocusly swept out.). + 9% 1.15.3 Filling internals of CP. + 49 1.15.4 Change in level due to difference between average salt temperature and 1060°F equals 0.07 x average salt temperature (°F) - 1060°F) + 4 1.15.5 Desired fill level, CP off (Total of items above. Note correct sign on item 1.15.L4.) % NOTE: Average salt temperature after fill (Estimate from Scenner B.) must be between ~ 1000 and ~ 1140O°F. 5T - 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time 1.16 When desired level in coolant pump is approached, close HCV-511A. Note that there may be coast up of level cf from 4% 4o 6% on LR-595 after BCV-511A is closed. 1.17 Record the following when desired level 1s 1.17 1.18 1020 oI-5 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) reached: PR-511 PR-528 LR-595 WR CDT Freeze FV-204 and FV-206 and record LR-595 Test TV's by venting CIDT about 1 psi. Open HCV-547 momentarily while observing LR-595. If level drops below minimum start level, readjust level and refreeze. After allowing ~ 1 hour for temperatures to reach equilibrium, check the thaw time of FV-204 and 206 as follows or obtain the operations chief permission to omit the test 1.20.1 Record the following temperatures TE FV 204-1B TE FV 206-1B __ TE FV 204-2B __ TE FV 206-2B TE FV 204-3B TE FV 206-3B TE FV 204-AL TE FV 206-A4 TE FV 20L-Blk _ TE FV 206-Bk 1.20.2 Record air loading to HCV-906 (TIC 906-A2) and to HCV-907 (TIC 907-A2) . 1.20.3 Simultaneously turn off heaters FV-204k-1, 20Lk-1A, 206-1, and 206-1A and switch FV-204 and 206 to thaw. Record time 1.20.4 Note time when the freeze valves thaw. FV-20L FV-206 * NOTE: The CP level will decrease when the first FV thaws. Approved by _.; 7 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time Temperatures will be used to determine when the other FV thaws. l.Zl 1l.22 1.23 1.20.5 If thew time of either valve is longer than 15 minutes, refreeze, adjust FV tem- peratures and retest. See that new valves of heater settings are added to building log. 1.20.6 Refill and refreeze per steps 1.15 to 1.19. Close HCV-536 and adjust coolant pump pres- sure (PR-528) to 5 psig. Record LR-595 To lessen thermal stresses in FF-200 and 201, wait until 3 hours after Step 1.1k before starting CP. While observing the pump motor speed, amps, and watts, as well as coolant salt flow meter FR-201 and loop temperstures; start coolant pump (CP). Check the CP level with salt circulating to see that it i1s within limits of Step 1.15. The calculated level at 1060°F should be between 56 and 60.5% level at 1060°F = IR-595 - .07 (% - 1060°F) where; LR-595 is present level in %, T is present temperature of coolant salt. If not with- in above limits, refill as follows: 1.23.1 Open HCV-536 CP vent. 1.23.2 Check that the AP (PR-511-PRC-528) is less than at Step 1.17. (Vent CDT slightly through HCV-547.) Record: PR-511 PRC-528 1.23.3 While observing pump bowl level and CDT wt., thaw FV-206. 1.24 1.25 Approved by ‘% /Z}é7 10/L /65 Init. Date/Time 1.23.4 Estimate new fill level according to information in Step 1.15 except that 1.15.2 is disregarded. Fill level should be %. 1.23.5 Readjust level by throttling HCV-511B and opening HCV-511A to refill to above level. Close HCV-511A 1.23.6 Record the following: PR-511 PRC-528 LR-595 ___ WR-CDIC 1.23.7 Refreeze FV-206 and record LR-595 1.23.8 Test the FV's by venting the CIDT and. observing LR-595. 1.23.9 Close HCV-536 and adjust the coolant pump pressure (PRC-528) to 5 psig. Record IR-595 ____ . 1.23.10 While observing the pump motor speed (SICPG) amps (EiICPD) and watts (EwICPD) as well as the coolant salt flow (FE-201) and the loop temperatures; start the coolant pump. Recheck the CP level. It should be between 56 and 60.5% at 1060°F. Level at 1060° = LR-595 - .07 (T - 1060°F) where: ILR-595 = present level in %, T I = present temperature of coolant salt. When the level is within limits with the pump running, vent the CDT through HCV-547 to 5 psig. Close HCV-547 and open HCV-527 to connect the CDT to the coolant system. With this arrange- ment, thawing FV-204 and 206 is all that is necessary to drain the coolant system. Approved byfiggfifigkfi 1.26 ey o 7 5I1-8 fl/m 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time Record the following: IR-595 WRCIT (Transmitter Room) 1.27 1.28 1.29 2 FILL 2.1 2.2 Record CDT inventory on salt inventory and transfer data sheet Table 12B-5 attached. If necessary, adjust the heaters to maintain 1175°F in the coolant system. Using the heater calibration curves as a gulde, adjust each heater by approximately the same % change in current to avoid overheating any one hesater. Within cne hour after starting the CL sample the coolant salt according to Procedure 6B3 and enter into salt sample log. FUEL SYSTEM WITH FLUSH SALT Set FV-104 in the freeze position, set HIC 908-AZ at ~ 5 (Check building log.), and heat up the shoulders to approximate operating temperature with htr settings as listed on the building log. The heaters are controlled by FV-104-1, FV-104-14 on HCP-9. Temperatures of TE FV 104-Ak and TE FV 10L-Bi are recorded on TRA 3300-1 and 2. Set valves as follows: FFT Vent HCV-577 closed FFT Eg. HCV-546 open FP Vent HCV-533 open FFT gupply HCV-576 closed FDI Eqg. HCV-544* open FD2 Eq. HCV-5L45% open Set PIC-51T7A on auto at 21 psig. ¥These can be left closed if conditions in the tanks so dictate. Approved by 2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 51-9 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time When the graphite temperatures are estimated to be above 1100°F and all other fuel system temperatures are above ll5OOF, switch drain tank selected to FFT, start thawing FV-103 and FV-10k, and prepare for filling the fuel system with flush salt. Check that all the neutron instruments are in service and that BFs chamber confidence contact in circuit 174 has been satisfied. Observe BF5 and other neutron instruments during the £111. | Check that all three control rods are at 24 inches. Check that the FFT temperatures are all above ll5OOF. Check that FV-105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 are deep frozen. This is to prevent inadvertant transfer between tanks or mixing of the fuel and flush salt through the fill lines. Set the FIT weight alarm to annunciate when ~ 9000 1lbs. have been transferred to the fuel system. Put fuel pump bubblers level instruments in service as follows: 2.9.1 B8et the selector switch (8-36) on Position 2 which is "Record LT-596 - Bubbler No. 1 and No. 2 on." (Transmitter Room) 2.9.2 Check that test switch (S8-37) is in the "Off" position. 2.9.3 Open the following: Approved by ,;fifi?fiézzéfigfifwwfin 5I-10 10/4/65 Tnit. Date/Time 2.9.3 (continued) V-59z2A V-5934 V-596A 2.9.4 Adjust V-592B, V-593B, and V-596B so that the following read 25 psig: FI-592 Fi-593 _ FI-5% ____ 2.10 Put the overflow tank bubbler level instru- ment in service as follows: 2.10.1 Check that the test switch (5-38) is in the "Off" position. 2.10.2 Open the following: V-589A V-599A V-600A 2.10.3 Adjust V-589B, V-599B and V-600 so that the following read 2z5 psig: FI-589A FI-599A FI-600A 2.10.4 Check that the OFT is empty as indi- cated by LI-589 and LI-600. (Main Control Room) 2.11 When FV-104 is thawed, push operate mode button. Light will stay on. Adjust FV heaters to con- trol temperatures to ~ lZOOOF. 2.12 Take a complete salt inventory (Check list 12B5.) attached. 2.13 When ready to begin fill, stop IFP, close HCV-546, and open HCV-576. Approved by /Zg;?zzé%%:;/‘%%”fl 5I-11 v * 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time, NOTE: If a freeze joint is not already established on the reactor neck it will be necessary to do so during the filling with flush salt. To establish a freeze Jjoint, cooling alr should be turned off at this time. With shift supervisor's permission, close the following. These should be left open if a freeze joint has already been established. (Transmitter Room) HIC-961 _ inside 2" sample access (air closes) HIC-962 __ outside RAN (air closes) HIC-963 _ inside RAN (air closes) (Main Control Room) 2.14 As the system is filled, record WR-FFT when the upper flush tank probe light goes off and when the lower light goes off NOTE: FE-517 will limit the flow to less than 22 scfh with a 40 psi pressure drop. Filling of the fuel sys- tem will take approximately 3 1/2 hours. Thermocouples on piping and vessels may be helpful in following the fill. Do not overfill the fuel pump. The fuel drain tanks, fuel flush tank, and fuel storage tank weights should be observed to assure that salt is not flowing to them. The fission count rate should be observed to be sure that fuel was not inadvertantly mixed with the flush salt. The reactor neck flange temperatures TER-3k and TER-35 should not exceed 4OO°F. Refer to fuel sys- tem calibration curves to determine the pressure differ- ential and/or welght of salt necessary to fill to various elevations. Do not stop fill while salt is midway in freeze flanges. 2.15 Determine the desgired FP fill level for nor- mal operation at 59% % 3% as follows: Refer Approved byféggfigi;é:;figé/¢‘yfiflv 5I-12 10/4/65 Init, Date/Time 2.15 (continued) to the graph of "fuel system fill level" in the calibration curve notebook. Estimate the average salt temperature in the fuel system from Scanner A _____?F. According to the graph the desired fill level is ____%. Note that the fill salt temper- sture should be between 1150°F and 1225°F. 2.16 As soon as LR-593 indicates salt has reached FP bowl, turn on cooling air to FP shroud. Adjust HIC-903A (TR) for 20 SCFM cooling air as indicated on FI-903. 2.17 Note time that FF-101 is filled; ie when level in FP reaches ~ 50% on LR-593. 2.18 Before desired level is reached, close HCV-5T6. _ Allow for coast up of ~ 5% on LR-593 after HCV-576 is closed. NOTE: If salt inadvertantly overflows into the over- flow tank, refer to Section OI. 2.19 Record the following: (Main Control Room) PR-5T6A PRC-522 LR-593 WR-FEF'T (Auxillary Control Room) LI-599 LI-600 2.20 Freeze FV-103 and record LR-593 . 2.21 Test the freeze valve by venting FFI slightly. Open HCV-577T momentarily while observing LR-593. If the level drops too far according to i1l level graph, readjust level and re- freeze. Approved by/zggfiigizigéé%yfl,fiffiux 5L-13 10/14/65 Init. Date/Time 2.22 If a freeze joint is to be established in the reactor neck, proceed as follows; if not, proceéd to Step 2.24, 2.22.1 Set PRC-522 at 15 psig. 2.22.2 Close HRC-533 and HCV-577. 2.22.3 Open HCV-54L, 545 and 546. 2.22.4 If the equilibrium pressure is less than 10 psig, repressurize using PRC-522 or through line 510. Set PRC-522 at the final pressure (310 psig) and record PRC-522 * 2.22.5 Open the following valves and establish freeze joints. (This will take at least 30 minutes. ) HCV-962 HCV-961 HCV-963 (Main Control Room) 2.22.6 When frozen record the following tem- . peratures: TE R-TA TE R-CA TE R-9 TE R-10 A ey TE R-33 T ——— e TE R~34 TE R-44B TE R-454 TH R-U6A TE R-47 TE R-42A TE R-43A 2.22.7 Reduce the pressure (PRC-522A) to 5 Set on auto at 5 psig using PCV-522. psig. 2.23 When the fuel pump pressure (PRC-5224) reaches 5 psig, record LR-593 . 2.24 If a freeze Joint does not need to be established, proceed as follows. * supervisor's permission Shift 2 Approved bx,efi”52424§5(fl4’“ 5I-1k - Vv 2 10/k/65 Init. Date/Time 2k.1 Vent FFT through HCV-577 to a pres- sure such that when HCV-54L, 545, and 546 are opened, the equilibrium pres- sure will be ~ 5 psig. 2.24.2 Close ECV-533 and 577. 2.24.3 Set PRC-522 at 5 psig. 2. 2.k Open HCV-5hh, 545 and 546. 2.25 Wait at least 2 hours after FF-101l was filled with salt. Step 2.17 start end 2.26 Fully insert all three control rods. 2.27 While observing the pump motor speed (8I-FPE), amps (Eil-FPE), and watts (EwI-FPE) as well as loop temperatures; start the fuel pump. NOTE: It is desirable to start the pump as soon as possible to avoid freezing salt in a cold spot. (Flectric Service Area) 2.28 Purge salt from line 103 as follows: 2. 2. z 28.1 Check V-519A closed . 28.2 Push and hold in HS-519-A1 .28.3 Observe PI-519 (will be sub- atmospheric if DT has been vented). .28.4 Throttle open V-519A to introduce small amount of helium into line 519. Close to observe pressure on PI-519 .28.5 Repeat small additicns of helium and observation of pressure changewith V-519A closed. As soon as further additions fail to show increagse in pressure, line 103 has blown through to the drain tank. .28.6 Close V-510A . Release HS 519-Al i t—— 10/Lk/65 Approved by My%‘/ L 51-15 Init. Date/Time 2.29 Adjust heaters to maintain 11750F. 2.30 Take salt inventory {(Check list 12B5.). 2.31 Sample from FP (Check list 6A3) and make entry in sample log. 3 DRALN OF FIUSH SALT 3.1 3.3 When flush salt operation is complete (minimum of 2 hours of circulation) and sample has been taken, check that FV-105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 are deep frozen, FV-104 is thawed, and drain tank selector is to FFT position. Teke a salt inventory - (Check list 12B5). Check the thaw time of FV-103 as follows: 3.3.1 Record the following temperatures: TE FV 103-13B TE FV 103-2B TE FV 103-3B TE 102-5C (1170-="1180°F) TE R-32 (1170 - 1180°F) 3.3.2 Record air loading to HCV-919 (TIC 919-42) . 3.3.3 Simultaneously turn off reactor heaters RL, R2, and R3, and switch the fuel drain switch to drain. Record time 3.3.4 Note time when FV-103 thaws as indicated by FP level decrease. 3.3.5 If thaw time is longer than 15 minutes, adjust FV temperatures, and retest. 3.3.6 Turn on heater RL, R2, and R3 at same setting as 3.3.3. NOTE: The bulk of the salt will drain in approximately » 4O minutes. While the flush salt is draining, start Approved by heating FV-105 and 106 as given in 4.1 and 4.2 or 5.1 and 5. 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Init. 51-16 10/4/65 Date/Time 2. Do not allow FV's to thaw. When sait has left FP, turn off cooling air to FP shroud with HIC-903. When the bulk of the salt has drained, switch fuel salt drain switen to "Off) Open HCV-5TT. Continue purging through FCV-516 and the bubblers until all of the salt has been blown down to the FIT as indicated by WR-FFL~-C and by closing HCV-577 to note pressure buildup in FFT. When all salt has been drained, there will be sufficient pressure on fuel gystem to bubble through FEFT. Reduce fuel system thru HCV-533 by ~ 0.5 psi to position salt in FV-104. Switch FV-104 1o freeze position. Reduce HIC 908-A2 to zero. —————— ree————— S —— (Heater Control Panel) 3.11 3.12 3.13 I FILL Adjust heater controller FV-104-1 and FV-10L-1A located on HCP-9 to deep freeze FV-104. TE FV 104-AL and B4 should be maintained at 400 to 600°F. Take a system inventory (Check list 12B5.). Push prefill button, and start fuel pump. FUEL SYSTEM WITH FUEL SALT FROM FD-1 (For filling from FD-2, see Section 5.). L.y Check that heater H-106-4 iz on at normal operation setting. Heatup Procedure S5F calls Tor all drain line heaters being on, with exception of the IV shoulders. Because of the configuration of pipe and heaters in this grea, this temperature is dependent also Approved by h.1 4.2 L.3 L4 oI-17 10/L4/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) upon FV-105 and FV-106 shoulder heaters. Note that TS FV 105-6A (temperature at the "Tee" must be above 9OOOF before valve can be thawed. The temperature of the lower end of line 103 and the "tee" may be read out on special recorder. See Procedure S5F, Step 2.6 and Table 5F-6 as used for this heatup. As valve shoulders are heated in the next step, check that temperature gradient is such that the "Tee" reaches melting temperature before the FV shoulders. With FV-106 in the freeze position, heat up FV-106 shoulders to approximate operating temperatures with htr. settings as listed in the building log. FV-105 and FV-104 will be kept in deep freeze above LOOCF. FV-106 shoulder temperatures are controlled by FV-106-1 and FV-106-1A on HCP-9 and temperatures are indicated by TE FV 106-AhA and TE FV 106-B4A on TR 3300-5 and 6. FV-10k4 and FV-105 will be kept in deep freeze but above 4O0°F. While shoulder temperatures are being adjusted, observe FV-106-5B on TR 3300-24. Pot temperature must be up to 900°F or value will not thaw. When temperatures of line 103 and the "Tee" are above low alarm setpcint of TR 3500, connect TE's listed in Table 5F-6 of Procedure 5F to their normal readout. Check that FV-10k, FV-105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 are deep frozen. This is to prevent inadvertant transfer between tanks or mixing of the fuel and flush salt through the fill lines. Approved by (% < (Main Control Room) 4.5 Check that safety interlocks as follows: 4.5.1 Vent fuel system pressure by opening 4.5, 4.5, k.5 L.o. HCV-533. 2 As soon as lights go on in circuit Add helium 20 and 21, close HCV-533- pressure to fuel system via FCV-516 and bubblers. Note pressure on PI-589A psig when light goes out in ckt. 21, Note pressure on PIL-592 psig when light goes out in ckt. zO. 3 Above pressures agree with switch tabulation settings of PSS 589-A2 psig and PSS 592-B2 psig. Open HCV-533 4 Prepare for thawing FV-106 by venting fuel system and FD-1. Open HCV-5T3 . 5 Check prefill rod position switches in circuits 20 and 21 for each rod,and record results in the table below. pare results with switch tabulation. Com-~ (BF= chamber confidence is required to raise the rods.) ZSS N RR1-Az Z55 NCR 2-AZ 7SS NCR 3-A2 Raising rod lights Z5S RR1-Al 73S CR2-A1l 7SS CR3-AL Sw. Tab. 5I-18 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time . Approved by figflgggfi 7 et o1-19 10 cps and the fission chamber should be >0.1 cps. Record data in Tables 5I-1i, 5I-2, and 5I-3 at Step C. NOTE: The ratio between the BFs count rate and the fission chamber count rate should be about 100. All nuclear instruments should be cbserved during the fill. However, the BFs instrument will be the most useful during this period. If the BFs instrument shows a rapid increase or if the ratio between the BFs count rate and the fission chamber count rate is greater than 500 or less than 20, the £ill should be stopped. 4.12 When FV-106 is thawed, FP will stop. Push operate button. Light will stay on. 4.13 Set valves as follows: FD1 vent HCV-573 closed FD1 FEq. HCV-544 open FP vent HCV-533 open FDL supply HCV-572 closed FD2 Eq. HCV-545% open FFT Eq. ECV-546% open Set FCV-516 at 2.4 1/m on auto. ___ ¥These can be left closed if conditions in the tanks so dictate. h,1k Take a complete inventory on check 1list 12B-5. Identify inventory readings with this step mimber. .15 When ready to fill, set PCV-51T7A at 20 psig, and close HCV-5Shi, NOTE: FE-517 will limit the flow to less than 22 scfh with a 40 psi pressure drop. Thermocouples on the piping and vessels may be helpful in following the fill. Approved by,;fizgzcgifyfn;/,ufiwl ) bv Do not overfill the fuel pump. The other fuel drain tank, fuel flush tank and fuel storage tank weights should be observed to assure that no salt is flowing to them. The reactor neck flange tvemperatures TE R-34 and TE R-35 should not exceed 400°F. To avoid unnec- essary thermal stress on freeze flanges, do not stop the fill midway of flanges. 4.16 As the system is filled, record WR-FD-1 when the upper prove light goes ¢ff _ and when the lower probe light goes off The reactor will pe filled in steps as given in Table 5I-1. (See fuel system cali- bration curve for pressure differential vs weight of salt necessary to fill to varilous elevationg.) The drain tank weight alarm should be set €0 ennunciate Just before the required amount has been transferred. The drain tank helium supply valve (HCV-572) will then be opened for sufficient time to fill to the required elevation. After recording the data in Tables 5I-2 and 5I-3, the next £i1ll step should be started as described above. Plot CR/CR vs. Salt level (ft) to aid in assuring that the reactor will not go critical during the fill. L.17 After the reactor vessel is full, raise set- point on PIC-517-A and continue filling. 51-22 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time .18 Determine the desired FP £ill level for nor- mal operation of 59% + 3% at 1200°F as follows: Fefer to graph of "fuel pump fill and operate level” in the FP sgection of calibration curve notebook. Estimate the average salt temper- ature in the fuel system from scanner A at Approved by v o Init. 5I-23 10/4/65 Date/Time 1.18 (continued) OF. According to the graph the desired £i11 level is %. Note that fill salt temperature should be between llSOOF and 1225°F. 4.19 As soon as LR-593 indicates salt has reached FP bowl, turn on cooling air to FP shroud. Adjust HIC-903A (TR) for 20 scfm cooling air as indicated on FI-903. 4,20 Note time that FF-101 is filled, ie when level in FP reaches ~ 50% on LR-593. 4.21 Before desired level is reached, close HCV-5T2. Alow for coast up of ~ 5% on LR-593 after HCV-572 is closed . NOTE: If salt inadvertantly overflows to the overflow tank (epproximately 90% on LR-593), refer to Section 9I. L.22 Record the following: (Main Control Room) PR-572 PRC-522 LR-593 _ WR-FDI (Auxillary Comtrol Room) LI-599B1 LI-600B1 LL,23 Freeze FV-103 and record LR-593 . h.24h Test the freeze valve by venting FDL slightly. Open HCV-573 momentarily, while observing IR-593. If it drops too far according to fill level graph, readjust level and refrecze. 4.25 Vent FD-1 through HCV-573 to a pressure such that when HCV-5hk, 545, and 546 are opened, the equilibrium pressure will be ~ 5 psig. Approved by giigggzéé“ - o= 4.26 Close HCV-573 and HCV-533. L.27 Open HCV-54kh, 545, and 546 and set PCV-522 on auto at 5 psig. 4.28 Check that the fission chamber count rate is >2 cps. (Should be 30 to 40 cps). L.29 Fully withdraw the BF5 chamber. 4 .30 Note that lights in circuits 116 and 174 indicate FC confidence. 4.31 Wait at least 3 hours after FF-101 was filled with salt. Step 4.20 Start End 4.32 FPully insert all three control rods. k.33 While observing the pump motor speed (SI-FPE), amps (EiI-FPE), and watts (EwI-FPE) as well as loop temperatures; start the fuel pump. NOTE: I% 1s desirable to start the pump as soon as possible to avoid freezing salt in a cold spot. With the fuel circulating at zero power, the calculated level at 1200°F should be between 56 and 62%. See chart in calibration curves notebook. Level at 1200°F = LR 593% - .12 (T - lZOOOF) where; LR-593 is present level in % T is present reactor outlet in F. 1f not between these levels, consideration should be given to adjustment of level. (Flectric Service Area) Purge salt from line 103 as follows: 4.34 Check V-519A closed 4.35 Push and hold in HS-519A1 . 4.36 Opbserve PI-519 (will be sub-atmospheric if DT has been vented). 4.37 Throttle open V-519A to introduce small amount of helium into line 519. Close to observe 5T-2k 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time Approved b h.37 L.38 4.39 L. Lo hoL1 h.h2 h.43 L.l 4,45 NOTE: Whe F Attt 414 oL-25 7 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) pressure on PI1I-519 . Repeat small additions of helium and obser- vation of pressure change with V-519A closed. As soon as further additions fall to show increase in pressure, line 103 has blown through to the drain tank. Close V-519A . Release HS-D1L9AL 1f necessary, adjust botg Tuel and coolant heaters to maintain 1225 F. Take salt inventory (Check list 12B-5.). Sample from FP. (Check list 6A-3.) and make entry in sample log. With FV-105 in the freeze position, heatup Fv-105 shoulders to normal approximate temperatures with htr settings as listed in the building log. FV-105 shoulder temperatures are controlled by FV-105-1 and FV-105-1A on HCP-Q.. Temperatures are indicated by TE FV 105-A4A and TE FV 105-BLhA on TR 3300-3 and k4. When shoulders are heated to normal temper- ature, turn FV-105 to thaw. ———— Adjust FV heaters to contrel temperature at ~ 1200°F. n FV-105 and FV-106 are thawed, an emergency drain will drain to both FD1 and FD2. Therefore, if sufficient time is availlable before a drain is necessary, FV-105 should be frozen first. L.46 Push the reset buttons (switches 121, 122, and 123) on theconsole which change the safety chamber control actions from kilowatts to megawatts (ie they change the rod scram setbings from 15 KW to 15 MW.) vfl,f”fififvfifiéyuuza« 51-26 | Vv 10/4/65 Approved by Init. Date/Time NOTE: Whenever the FP stops, the safety interlock settings are automatically lowered by a factor of 1000. When the pump is started, it is necessary to push the mset buttons in order to change to the higher settings. The lights on the console indicate which settings are in service. (Green for kilowatt andred for megawatt.) 5 FILL FUEL SYSTEM WITH FUEL SALT FROM FD-2 (For filling from FD-1l, see Section 4.) 5.1 Check that heater H-106-4 is on at normal operating setting. Heatup Procedure 5H5F calls for all drain line heaters being on with exception of the FV shoulders. Because of the configuration of pipe and heaters in this area, this temperature is dependent also upon FV-105 and FV-106 shoulder heaters. Note that TS FV 105-6A (temperature at the "Tee") must be above 900 F before valve can be thawed. The temperature of the lower end of line 103 and the "Tee' may be read out on special recorder. See Procedure 5F, Step 26 and Table 5F-6 as used for this heatup. As valve shoulders are heated in the next step, note that temper- ature gradient is such that the "Tee" reaches melting temperature before the FV shoulders. 2.2 With FV-105 in the freeze position, heat up Fy-105 shoulders to approximate operating temperatures with htr settings as listed in the building log. FV-105 shoulder temperatures are con- trolled by FV-105-1 and FV-105-1A on HCP-~9 et g e o i e e w 5.2 53 5.k Approved by,figggfifgévéfifidfiMfiA >I-27 ' v 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) and temperatures are indicated by TE FV 105-AkA and TE FV 105-BkA on TR 3300-3 and L. FV-106 and FV-104 will be kept in deep freeze but above 400°F. While shoulder temperatures are being adjusted, observe TE FV 105-5B on TR 3300-23. Pot temperature must be up to 900°F or valve will not thew. When temperatures of line 103 and the "Tee are above low alarm setpoint of TR 3500, connect TE's listed in Table 5F-6 of Procedure 5F to their normal readout. Check that FV-104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 are deep frozen. This is to prevent inadvertant transfer between tanks or mixing of the fuel and flush salt through the fill lines. (Main Control Room) ‘ 245 Check that safety interlocks in circuits 20 and 21 function properly as follows: 5.5.1 Vent fuel system pressure by opening HCV-533. 5.5.2 As soon ag lights go on in circuit 20 and 21, close HCV-533. Add helium pressure to fuel system via FCV-516 and bubblers. Note pressure on PL-5804 psig when light goes out in circuit 2l. DNote pressure on PI-592 psig when light goes out in circuilt 20. 5.5.3 Above pressures agree with switch tabulation settings of PSS-589A2 psig and PSS-592B2 psig. Approved by - ;fl%fiflj%fik;¢:z/%fififirk 51-28 — 14 ‘ 10/&/65 Init. Date/Time 5.5.4 Prepare for thawing FV-105 by venting fuel system and FD-2. Open HCV-533 . Open HCV-575 . 5.5.5 Check prefill rod position switches in clrcuits 20 and 21 for each rod, and record results in the table below. Com- pare results with switch tabulation. Raising rod - lights ON in circuit 20 Sw. Tab. Actual Z58 N RR1-A2 Z55 NCRZ-AZ Z55 NCR3-AZ Raising rod lights ON in circult 21 Z85 RRL-AT Z5S CRZ2-Al 255 CR3-AL 5.5.6 Check safety high sensitivity setpoint ——— as follows: The FP must be off, all safety channels in-tripped. Note that the galloping safety lights on console are green indicating high sensitivity mode (15 KW). Set the "current adjust" dial to zero on the "test module" of safety channel No. 1 (on NB2). Push "low current’” push button on the test module and hold in while adjusting current adjust dial. Increase setting on current adjust dial until flux amplifier panel meter reads 150%. If it will not go to 150%, it may indicate : Approved bngzééfifiééfifgiffiwfn_fl 5I-29 5.5. 10/k/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) that the safety flux setting has not been switched to the 15 KW range. Check that the safety channel scram occurs at above setpoint % 2%. .5.6.6 Reset channel No. 1. .5.6.7 Repeat Steps 1 through 6 above N 1 for safety channel No. 2. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for safety channel No. 3. T Check file for last execution of safety procedure 8D. Date has been longer than 1 week since this was done, repeat Step 4 of 8D. 5.5.8 Check rod drop times as follows: Raise No. 1 rod to 50 in. above the rod position where the first lower indicator light 1lit up. N Plug in rod drop times and set to zero. Actuate rod scram switch. ’ Repeat for rods No. 2 and No. 3 and record results. | , : i Rod |Start Position | Drop Time (10 cps and the fission chamber should be >0.1 cps. Record data in Tables 51-2 and 5I-3 at Step O. NOTE: The ratio between the BFs count rate and the fission chamber count rate should be about 100. All nuclear instruments should be observed during the fill. However, the BFs instrument will be the most useful during this period. If the BFx instrument shows a rapid increase or if the ratio between the BFx count rate and the fission chamber count rate is greater than 500 or less than 20, the fill should be stopped. 5.1z When FV-105 is thawed, FP will stop. Push operate button. Light will stay on. 5.13 Set valves as follows: FDz wvent HCV-575 closed FD2 Eg. HCV-545 open FP vent HCV-533 open FD2 supply HCV-57h closed FDL Eq. HCV-5Lix open [Py ‘!_4 Approved byefggggzfiifé;gfiwffifkm‘ 5I1-31 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time 5.13 (continued) FFT Eq. HCV-546% open Set FCV-516 at 2.4 1/m on auto. *These can be left closed if conditions in the tank so dictate. 5.14 Take a complete inventory on Check List 12B-5 attached. Identify inventory readings with this step number. 5.15 When ready to fill, set PCV-517A at 20 psig, and close HCV-545. NOTE: FE-517 will 1imit the flow to less than 22 scfh with a 40 psi pressure drop. Thermocouples on the piping and vessels may be helpful in following the fill. Do not overfill the fuel pump. The other fuel drain tank, fuel flush tank and fuel storage tank weights should be observed to assure that no salt is flowing to them. The reactor neck flange temperatures TE R-34 and RE R-35 should not exceed 400°F. To avoid unnecessary thermel stress on freeze flanges do not stop the fill midway of flanges. 5.16 As the system is filled, record WR-FD-2 when the upper probe light goes off and when the lower probe light goes off The reactor will be filled in steps as given in Table 5I-1. (See fuel system cali- bration curve for pressure differential vs weight of salt necessary to £ill to various elevations.) The drain tank weight alarm should be set to annuncaite just before the required amount has been transferred. The drain tank helium supply valve (HCV-572) will then be opened for sufficient time to 111 to the required elevation. After S Approved by~ LY A A 5I-32 ~ 7 % |; 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time 5.16 (continued) recording the data in Table 5I-2 and 5I-3, the next fill step should be started as described above. Plot CR/CR vs. Salt level (ft) to aid in assuring that the reactor will not go critical during the fill. 5.17 After the reactor vessel is full, raise set- point on PIC-51T7A and continue filling. 5.18 Determine the desired FP fill level for normal operation of 59% * 3% at 1200°F as follows: Refer to the graph of 'fuel pump £ill and operate level! in the FP section of the calibration curve note- book. Estimate the average salt tem- perature in the fuel system from Scanner A at ____?F. According to the graph the desired fill level is ___ %. Note that £ill salt temperature should be between 1150 and 1225OF. 5.19 As soon as LR-503 indicates salt has reached FP bowl, turn on cooling air to FP shroud. Adjust HIC-903A (in TR) for 20 sefm cooling air as indicated on FI-903. 5.20 Note time that FF-101 is filled; ie when level in FP reaches ~ 50% on LR-593. L 5.21 Before desired level is reached, close HCV-57kL. Allow for coast up of ~ 5% on LR-593 after HCV-5Th4 is closed NOTE: If salt inadvertantly overflows to the overflow tank (approximately 90% on LR-593) refer to Section 9rL. Approved by e 5.22 51-33 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time Record the following: (Main Control Room) PR-57h PRC-522 LR-593 WR-FD2 __ (Auxillary Control Room) 5.23 5.24 525 5.26 D2 5.28 229 5.30 LI-599 __ LI-600 Freeze FV-103 and record LR-593 o Test the freeze valve by venting FDz slightly. Open HCV-575 momentarily while observing LR-593. If it drops too far according to fill level graph, readjust level and refreeze. Vent FD-2 through HCV-575 to a pressure such that when HCV-54L, 545, and 546 are opened, the equilibrium pressure will be ~ 5 psig. Clogse HCV-575 and HCV-533. Open HCV-5Lh, 545, and 546 and set PCV-522 on auto at 5 psig. Check that the fission chamber count rate is >2 cps. (Should be 30 to 40 cps). Fully withdraw the BF3 chamber. Note that lights in circuits 116 and 1Tk indicate FC confidence. 5.31 Wait at least 3 hours after FF-101 was filled 5.32 5.33 with salt. See Step 5.26. Start . End Fully insert all three contrcl rods. e —— While observing the pump motor speed (SI FPE), amps (Eil FPE), and watts (EwI FPE) as well as loop temperatures; start the fuel pump. Approved b MY Vv NOTE: It is desirable to start the pump as soon as possible to avold freezing salt in a cold spot. With the fuel circulating at zero power, the calculated level at 1200°F should be between 56 and 62%. See chart in calibration curves notebook. Level at lZOOOF = LR-593% - .12 (T - 12OOOF), where T 1is present reactor outlet temperature (°F) and LR-593% is present level. If not between these limits, consideration should be given to adjustment of level. (Electric Service Area) Purge salt from line 103 as follows: 5.34 Check V-519A closed 5.35 Push and hold in HS-510A1 5.36 Observe PI-519 (will be sub-atmospheric if DT has been vented). 5.37 Throttle open V-519A to introduce small amount of helium intc line 519. Close to observe pressure on PL-519 . 5.38 Repeat small additions of helium and obser- vation of pressure change with V-519A closed. As soon as further additions fail to show increase in pressure, line 103 has blown through to the drain tank. 2.39 Close V-519A . Release HS-510A1 5.40 If necessary, adjust fuel and coolant system heaters to maintain 1225°F. 5.41. Take salt inventory (Check List 12B-5.). 5.42 Sample from FP. (Check List 6A-3.) Make entry into sample log. 5.43 With FV-106 in freeze position, heat up FV-106 shoulders to approximate operating temperature with hitr. set tings as listed in building log. 5I-34 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time Approved byffigfifgzfigz%é%/ua/%, 51-35 - V 10/4/65 Init. Date/Time 5.43 (continued) FV-106 shoulder temperatures are controlled by FV-106-1 and FV-106-1A on HCP 9. Tempera- tures are indicated by TE FV 106-A4A and TE FV 106-BLA on TR 3300-5 and 6. 5.44 When shoulders are heated to normal tempera- ture, turn FV-106 to thaw. 5.45 Adjust FV heaters to control temperatures of ~ 1200°F. NOTE: When FV-105 and FV-106 are thawed, an emergency drain will drain to both FDL and FDz2. Therefore, if sufficient time i1s available before a drain is necessary, FV-106 should be frozen first. 5.46 Push the reset buttons (switches 121, 122, and 123) on the console which change the safety chamber control actions from kilowatts to megawatts (ie they change the rod scram settings from 15 KW to 15 MW.) NOTE: Whenever the FP stops, the safety interlock settings are automatically lowered by a factor of 1000. When the pump is started, it 1s necessary %o push the reset buttons in order to change to the higher settings. The lights on the console indicate which settings are in service. (Green for kilowatt and red for megawatt) Approved by Leety 51-36 ’ s 10/4/65 51-1 RECOMMENDED STOPPING POINTS FOR ROUTINE FILL WITH FUEL SALT o STOPPING POINT : Weight i Salt Step* |Transferred 'Z/H Location Level | Initial {Date and Time 1 (1bs) (ft) 0 0 j O 8alt in D.T. - a 1 3500 0.l | --- 830.2 . 2 4200 10.6 | --- 831.2 3 5100 0.8 |Bottom of Volute | 832.4 L 6150 0.93]Top of Volute 833.1 5 6550 11.0 [Top of Graphite 833.5 6 | 8350 . --- |Vessel Full 834.5 ! ; g ’ é ‘ i | | *If additional points are needed, record the data at proper places in the » table. Decision to take additional will be at the discretion of the shift supervisor or day shift personnel. 45??2%Zé}?/ Approved by Z47 Cfiy&uww\ 5I-37 10/ /65 5I1-z FUEL SALT FILL DATA ACTUAL FILL DATA o Weight Salt Level Step DT Wt. | Transferred| From Curve| AP (DT - FP) [Initial| Date and #lbs)* (1bs) (£t) (psi)** Time 0 | | ! i 4 3 ] 1 2| 3| N 2 _6 i | | ; * From WR FD-1 or WR FD-2 **¥This is differential pressure required to hold the salt a%t this eleva- tion. (PR-572B - PR-522A or PR-5TUB - PR-5224). 5I-3 COUNTING RATE DATA | X BF - CHAMBER* 1 FC No. 1 FC No. 2 : Elapsed| Count] Elapsed |Count Elapsed [Count Date Step |Counts| Time |Rate | CR/CR, |Counts| Time Rate CR/CR, |Counte | Time [Rate { CR/CR_{Initial [And 3 (min) | (cps) (min) !(cps) (min) (cps) Time 0 ; . ] ; z | i 1 2 3 5 ; k 5 6 s i % | E 7 i { ¥BF5 Scaler should be timed 10 minutes or 10000 counts. Fission chamber scaler should be timed for 10 minutes or 1000 counts. il : = dd Htfl%fit;?zggéééy’fiq paroxddy 6o/4/0T gE-14 Approved by &7 ;E“f?€7fl4fiflq / E?él 9/14/65 5J CRITICALITY AND POWER OPERATION The fuel and coolant salt will be circulated subcritically in the loops until power operation is desired, at which time the control rods will be withdrawn to obtain criticality. During normal power operation, programming of the heat removal appa- ratus and positioning of the control rods will be done by a preset instru- mented system. However, if desired for special tests, complete manual control is possible. 1 PREPARATION FOR POWER OPERATION Prior to taking the reactor critical the system should be checked to assure that all pertinent equipment and instrumentation are func- tioning properly. The amount of testing depends upon the length of the shutdown prior to startup and what was done during the shutdown. If the reactor has been subcritical for as long as a day, 1.1 through 1.4 should be completed. If the shutdown has been extensive, all items listed below should be completed. Init. Date/Time 1.1 Check rod drop time for each rod toc be less than 1 second. (Check List LH-12.6). 1.2 Check fiducial zero of each rod (Check List LH-12.5). 1.3 Check flux, period, temperature, and voltage scram on each channel (Check List 8D-k4). 1.4 Check that thermocouples on the radiator outlet tubes are plugged into Scanner D and E and that the gain on both scanners is set at 100 so that an alarm will occur at QSOOF or 1250°F. 1.5 Complete the entire safety circuits (Check List 8D). 1.6 Complete the neutron instruments (Check List 8A). hpproved by ZH N Kfessf ste 53-2 - g g = Q < o 2 o = ¢9/9z/0T 5-9 Table £-1 (continued) Sampling Deliver Sample Analysis Material Sample Sample Sample Norma.l Procedure To Normally Sampied Number Point Size Frequency Used Bldg. Chemist Requested Normal Limits Tube oil IO-¥*% 703D and 250 m4 FEach new 6F 2026 Tanmb Carbon Fuel & 753D drum and Sulphur Coolant (or Drum) when Moisture required Total Solids PBromine number 66 895U at 100°F, 36 SSV at 210°F Acid number Flashpoint viscosity 322°F at 100°F & 210°F Interfacial tension at 77°F Infrared spectro- photometric and spectrographic analyses Weekly during 6 2026 Tamb Acid No., (ASTM-gT74) 0.06 power opera- Interfacial tension at 18 aynes/cm tion only TT°F Fuel and IOG-¥* Line 535 250 m¢ When 6E 2026 Lamb D/M/me Coolant {or 534) required Gamma Spec Pump ILube Qil Cover Gas Cover Gas CG-*% He Trailer Note L Untreated CG-¥* Line 548 When 5F 9735 Sites 02 <1 ppm Cover Gas required H=0 <6 ppm From Traller Number consecutively (do not include run number). Note h: The trailer will be anslyzed at Y-12 each time after it is filled. ped e g H Q 2 o® o =2 e ¢9/92/0T 9-9 & I H < R ® oY Table 6-1 (continued) & ] Sampling Deliver Sample Analysis Material Sample Sample Sample Normal Procedure To Normally Sampled Number Point Size Freguency Used Bldg. Chemist Requested Normal Limits Cover Gas CG-%% TLine 549 When 5F 9735 Sites Oz <1 ppm from Dryers required o0 <6 ppm & Oz Removal Units Offgas from 0G-#* V-518F When 5G the FP required Liquid from CS-%¥ V-33h When jetted 37 2026 Lamb D/M/mg reactor (or (or 3LbL) Cemma Spec. drain tank) Cell Sump Liguid from Co-%¥ Misc, Cell 250 mé When Dip 2026 Lamb D/M/mi Sumps and Sumps required bample Gamma Spec the Pump Room Tank Liquid in WT-¥% V-305B 250 mé Before 37 2026 Lamb pH >T7 Waste Tank Emptying NaOH required to Tank neutralize, Millicuries/me <1.3 millicuries/cc Number consecutively (do not include run number). G9/92/0T L-9 6-8 10/26/65 Approved by Xs 324 CONTROL NO. — — REQUEST FOR CONTROL ANALYSIS T his form is to be used or sgmples containin less than 55 milligrams concen%%%)t’ign ofgf%ssionable matgrial. N AME DATE SUBMITTED . —— SERIES NUMBER ESTIMA- | PREVIOUS NATURE AND CONCENTRATION SAMPLE DESIRED TION OF | HISTORY ESTIMATION OF ALL CODE ANALYSIS CONCEN- OF OF CONSTITUENTS TRATION SAMPLE ACTIVITY IN SAMPLE - Requestor FIGURE 6-1 V7 Approved by *fififijg2;4;//flwhq 6A-1 v o/5/e 6A TFUEL SYSTEM SAMPLING AND ENRICHING The main parts of the sampler-enricher are: a transfer tube con- nected to the pump bowl through which the sample capsule is lowered to cbtain a sample, a shielded transfer box on the 852 level, a manipulator used to handle the sample, helium supply end vacuum pumps used for purg- ing, and the transport conatiners and transport casks. Interlocks are provided to maintain containment and minimize harmful or dangerous operations. A brief description of the manipulation necessary to remove a sample or add an enrichment capsule is given in Section 6A-1 and 6A-2. Precautions are taken to keep moisture and oxygen out of the sample and out of the fuel system and to keep radiocactivity in. The purging neces- sary to do this is not given in the general description but is covered along with other details in the sampling check lists 6A-3 and 6A-lk. The checkout and startup of the sampler-enricher after a long shutdown is covered by 6A-5. Securing the sampler-enricher for a long shutdown is covered by 6A-6. Unusual operating conditions are given in 6A-7. Since sampling is potentially hazardous, two operators are required for most of the manipulations. In general, one person reads out loud each step in the procedure, observes the other operator as he does the operations and then checks off the check list. Where one operator is sufficient, this is indicated on the check lists. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING THE FUEL SYSTEM Except for long shutdowns or sampler-enricher maintenance, the sampler-enricher will be in standby condition when not in use. The permigsive switch in the control room will be off, and the vacuum pumps will not be running. An empty sample capsule will be hanging on the latch in Area 1C, the operational or maintenance valve will be closed, the accegs port will be closed, the manipulator cover will be on, and the removal valve will be closed so that a sample can be isolated quickly. The first step in taking a sample is to turn the permissive switech on. This turns on the instrument control power and permits operation of the vacuum pump used in purging. A check is made to N . Approved by)/'23?§j2%{ S i 6A-2 v 9/8/65 assure that all pressures are within limits and all valves are in - the proper position. The operational and/or maintenance valve 1is then opened, and the capsule is inserted into the pump bowl and the sample withdrawn using the capsule-drive motor. When the sample is in Area 1C, the operational or the maintenance valve is closed. Working in the glove box near the sampler-enricher, a clean capsule is weighed and placed in a decontaminated transport con- tainer. The transport container ils then lowered through a trans- port cask on top of the sampler-enricher into the removal seal area. The removal valve is then opened and the transport container low- ered into Area 3A. The top of the transport container is unscrewed and then is partially withdrawn, and the removal valve is closed. The capsule is removed from the lower part of the transport con- ) tainer and placed on the floor in Area 3A. The access port is then opened, and the sample is removed from the latch using the manipulator, and is placed in the bottom por- tion of the transport contaliner in Area 3A. The empty capsule is hung on the latch, and the access port is closed. The removal valve is opened, the top is lowered back into Area 3A and threaded onto the bottom of the transport container, and it is withdrawn into the carrier cask. The removal valve 1s then closed, and the permissive switch turned off. The transport cask is loaded onto a truck and taken to the analytical laboratory for analysis. A decontaminated transport container and a transport cask are brought back to the MSRE on the return trip. The transport con- tainer is placed in the glove box, and the cask is placed on top - of the sampler-enricher. 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF. ADDING ENRICHING CAPSULES TO THE FUEL SYSTEM The enriching salt as received at the MSRE is in arrays of 7 samples which are in sealed cans. These are stored in an approved safe. The safe should be locked at all times except when removing capsules. The safe can be opened by the head of the operations department, the MSRE engineer responsible for S5 accountability or the ORNL shift supervisors. The engineer responsible for o0 . Approved byv,fi?22fl§zaxw%¢n_ 6A-3 | V 9/8/65 accountability will take care of the preliminary preparations of the capsules. This will consist of opening the can, weighing the array, cutting the capsules apart, weighing each individual capsule, and attaching a latch key to each. These will then be put back into the safe. When it is necessary to add a capsule to the system, written instructions will be issued giving the capsule number to be added. This capsule is then removed from the safe and transferred to the glove box. After weighing, holes are drilled through the capsule to allow the salt to drain when inserted into the fuel pump. The capsule is then reweighed and placed in a transport container. The sampler-enricher permissive switch is turned on, and the transport container is lowered through a transport cask on top of the sampler into the removal seal area. The removal valve is then opened, and the transport container lowered into Area 3A. The top of the trans- port container is unscrewed and then is partially withdrawn, and - the removal valve is closed. The access port is then opened, and the empty sampling capsule is removed from the latch and placed in Area 3A. The enriching capsule is hung on the latch, and the access door is closed. The operational and/or the maintenance valve 1s opened, and the capsule is inserted into the pump bowl. After allowing sufficient time for the salt to melt, the capsule is withdrawn into Area 1C, and the operational or maintenance valve is closed. The access port is then opened. The empty enricher capsule is placed in the bottom part of the transport container, and the empty sample capsule ig hung on the latch in Area 1C. The access port is closed, and the removal valve is opened. The top is threaded onto the bottom of the transport container, and it is withdrawn into the carrier cask. The removal valve is then closed, and the permissive switch turned off. The transport cask is loaded onto g truck and taken to the analytical laboratory for weighing of the empty enriching capsule. A decontaminated transport con- tainer and a transport cask are brought to the MSRE on the return trip. The transport container is placed in the glove box, and the cask is placed on top of the sampler-enricher. Approved by 3;25fi3&€f%?5%2&1 6A3-1 i v 8-23-65 6A FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLING AND ENRICHING Advise Analytical Isb. Sample No. Date Time 3 FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLING CHECK LIST Initial 3.1 Prepare to use sampler-enricher. (One operator can do 3.1.) (Control Room) 3.1.1 Notify shift supervisor (or comtrol room super- visor) that sampling is ready to start. Turn permissive switch on. 3.l.1.2 Check prior check list for number of the capsule that is on the latch. Capsule Number is _ Wt. of capsule (Sampler Enricher) NOTE: and are to be omitted except for the first sample taken each week. 3.1.2 Check initial conditions. Read pressures at sampler. Removal valve buffer (Green pen 670B) Access port buffer (Red pen 669B) Area 3A (Green pen AR 3A) Area 1C (Red pen 1CE) Operational valve buffer (Red pen 668C) Meintenance valve buffer (Green pen 6550) PI-590 He supply (hold at 40 & 1 psig) PI-664B (#1 Leak Detector) PI-666B (hold at 20 £ 1 psig) PI-6L4YB (#2 leak detector) Approved byxfiflff 64 3-2 8-23-65 Initial PI-522B Pump bowl - must be less than 10 psig before continuing. Check valves V-66k V-6386 V-673 V-687 V-641 V-662 V-676 V-661 V-668 V-672 V-666 V-6L44 V-654 V-642 V-6L43 V-665 V-640 V-685 V-683 V-6U45 V-6U46 V-669 V-670 V-668 V-655 V-65T7 V-671 HS-668B HSvV-678A Hov-678RB2 Open LT P a | Closed 2I-668B on__ | Approved by 'fifi?bafligéficy,fw1 6A3-3 8-23-65 Time Initial Open Closed HSV-677A HSV-66TA HSV-6T78E HSV-659B Prepare equipment Turn illuminator from 120v Turn vacuum pump #1 on Turn vacuum pump #2 on Adjust manipulator cover pressure PI-680 to 6" Hg vacuum. If high, open V-680 to adjust. Open V-650 PI-650@ 80 psig HS-542A ZI-542A on HS-675A _ 7ZI-675A on 3.2 Isolate sample. (2 operators required) 3.2.1 Purge area 1C. "Off-gas permissive' light on. 3.z2.1l.2 Evacuate area 1C for 2 minutes by opening HCV-678E HSV-678B2 HSV-6T8A Check that PR-1C pressure starts decreasing Time started Stopped Close HSV-678A HSV-678B2 HSV-6T78E Pressurize using V-657 until PR-1C reads 15 psia. 3.2.2 Insert capsule into pump bowl. Pump bowl pressure PIL-52ZA reads Psig. Approved by ;%’m/»ULL 6A3-4 fi§9297/#4/14 6A3-10 I Time Initial Withdraw manipulator hand from Area 1C s0 that it will not interfere with shutting door. Close access port by furning EHS-651 to closge and hold for 15 seconds to allow both sets of clamps to close. Check that all six clamps are closed. 3.3.4 Move capsule out of Area 3A. "Operational or Maintenance valve" closed light on. "Removal seal closed" light on. '"Access port closed” light on. Open removal valve by turning switch to cpen and holding until closed position light goes off. Slowly insert removal tool into Area 3A observing that the top of the transport con- tainer fits over the bottom and the capsule wire remains inside in place. Seal the two pleces together by rotating the removal tool handle clockwise until the top touches the stop on the bottom. Withdraw removal tool assembly through removal valve and lock in position. (HP surveillance required for steps through Close the removal valve by turning switch to close and holding until open position light goes off. PFinish withdrawing transport container into cask. Do not pull btransport container above the cask. Lock in top position. Approved by fi /9/ ""/r;z 241,44 6A3-11 3.3 8-23-65 Time Initial Close drawer in cask. Remove removal to00l. 3.3.4,12 Lock transport container in cask. Close HCV-666D, removal seal buffer. Replace retainer on manipulator arm. Replace cover on manipulator. Adjust manipulator cover to 6" Hg vacuum using V-680. 3.3.5 Purge Area 1C. "Off-gas permissive” light on. 3+3.5.2 Evacuate Area 1C for 2 minutes by opening HCV-678E HSV-6T78B2 _ HSV-678A PR-1C should respond immediately. Close HSV-6784 HSV-6T78B2 HCV-6T8E | Pressurize using HV-657 until PR-1C reads 15 psia. Prepare for stand-by conditions. (One operator can do 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.) 3.3.1 Prepare Egquipment Turn illuminator to 50v. Turn off vacuum pump #1. Turn off vacuum pump #2. Turn off HS-542A, HS-6T5A, V-650A. 3¢3.2 Nofity shift supervisor (or control room supervisor) that sampling is finished. Give time sample isolated. (This is the time recorded in step Give sample number. Turn off permissive switch. Approved E¥¢é?f€;%;222/!ygflh O6A3-12 8-23-65 Time , Initial 3.4 Removing sample from MSRE Area. 3.4.1 Remove transport cask from top of sampler With crane. Lower the transport cask through the Bilko doors at the south end of High Bay into the speciar can on truck. 3.4.2 Bolt transport cask ingide can. —p— ———— 3.4.3 Bolt 1lid in place on top of can. 3.4.4 Have H.P. ckay removing container from MSRE Area. 3.4.5 Take sample to Building 2026. Have HP or another operator follow the sample truck to the analytical lab. If this is not possible, notify control room supervisor upon leaving 7503, and call him immediately on arrival at 2026. If the lapsed time 1s longer than 10 minutes, the control room supervisor is responsible for immediately determining 1f difficulty was encountered en route. 3.5 Return to 7503. 3.5.1 Bring a decontaminated transport container and a transport cask back to 7203. 3.5.2 Place transport container in glove box; take it apart and turn on helium purge. 3.5.3 Place transport cask on sampler-enricher. ty HAL-1 9/2/65 Advise Analytical Iab. _ Tnitial L FURL SYSTEM ENRICHING CHECK LIST (Glove Box) h,1 L.2 Prepare enriching capsule (one operator can do L.l and 4.2) 4.1.1 Obtain the proper capsule from the safe (re- lock safe) and place it in the glove box. L.1.2 Weigh the capsule. Capsule number ___ ; Weight h.1.3 Drill 5 holes in the enriching capsule, 7/32 in. dis in the center of the bettow and 2 rows of 2 holes each 7/32 in. dia in the sides. The rows shall be about 1-1/2 and 4 in. from the bottom. Creat care must be taken in drililing tc remove as little salt as possible. L.1.4 Catch all shavings and store as salvage. 4.1.5 TInspect each hole for metal chips. Remove if fTound, L.1.6 Determine and reccrd the weight of the capsule assembly after drilling the holes. ___ g. 4,1.7 Obtain decontaminated transport container. 4.1.8 Remove bottom part of transport container. 4.1.9 Check that O-rings are in good condition. 4.1,10 Place capsule into bottom piece with cable extending abcocve the sides. 4.1.11 Insert bottom part containing capsule into top and engage about one thread. Prepare to use sampler-enricher. (Control Room) 4.2.1 Notify shift supervisor (or control room super- visor) that enriching is ready to start. h,2.1.1 Turn permissive switech on. Approved by, / Ay 6Ak-2 z é 9/2/65 (High Bay Area) Time Initial 4.2.2 Prepare eguipment. Turn illuminator from 50v to 120v Turn vacuum pump #1 on Turn vacuum pump #2 on Open: V-650 _ PI-650 @ 80 psig HS-5h2A zI-5L2 on HS-6754 _ ZI-675 on 4.3 Move capsule into enriching position (2 operators required). 4.3.1 Prepare to move capsule into area 3A. (High Bay Area) L.3. L.3. 1.1 Attach removal tool to transport con- tainer using gasket to seal the joint. 1.2 Check that the pieces are aligned and Joined together. .1.3 Check that the transport cask is in place on top of sampler-enricher in proper alignment. .1.4 Check the alignment. 3.1.5 Open bottom drawer of transport cask. 3.1.6 TInsert transport container and removal tool into transport cask. 1.7 Lower transport container through removal seal and lock in position, 3.1.8 Open HCV-666D, removal seal buffer. 3.1.9 Evacuate removal ares using HCV-6T9A for about 1 minute. PI-671B should respond immediately. .1.10 Pressurize removal area to 7 £ 2 peig through HV-671. .1.11 Repeat steps 10 , 11 o /%4 EAL-3 9/2/65 Time . Initial 4.3.2 Move capsule into area 3A. Evacuate buffer between manipulator boots until PI-682 stops decreasing using V-682. 4,3.2.2 Area 3A pressure Q0 = 1 psig. (a) TIf PR-34 is less than 14 psia, adjust by opening V-663 __ and V-672 until PR-3A ) is 14 psia. (b) If PR-3A is greater than 14 psia adjust ’ by opening HCV-678E _ , HSV-677A ___, and . V-680 _ until PR-3A is 1k psia and PI-680 is O psig. . Close V-680 . Close HCV-678E __ Close HSV-6T7TA Adjust manipulator cover pressure to O psig by opening V-663 and V-672. Remove manipulator cover. 4,3.2.5 Remove manipulator arm retainer. 4,3.2.6 Check that manipulator arm moves freely through slide. Do not foree. If it does not, check that boot is not collapsed against arm. If it is, reduce pressure in area 3A slightly by opening HCV-6T8E and HSV-67TA momentarily. - "Access port closed" light on. "Main or oper. valve closed" light on, "Removal seal closed'" light on. | Open removal valve by holding switch to open until closed position light goes off. | L.3.2.11 ILower transport container into area 3A. It must fit over cross on floor. Use the manipulator if necessary to guide into posi- tion. The transport container should move freely through the seal. Approved by~¢?7;€%55?§;71“”’% 6AL-1 9/2/65 Time Initial L.3.2.12 Open transport container by turning re- moval tool counterclockwise until the threads are disengaged. L.3.2.13 Carefully withdraw the top of the trans- port container through the removal valve but not the seal. Check that the bottom part remaing on the cross. Use the manipulator if necessary. Check that the capsule remains in the bottom. k.3.2.14 TLock the removal tool in position. Close the removal valve by holding switch to close until open position light goes off. %.3.3 Move capsule into Area 1C. k.3.3.1 Check that PR-34 is 1k psia. L.3.3.2 Adjust Area 1C pressure to 1k psia. () If PR-1C is less than 14 psia, adjust using V-657 until PR-1C reads 1k psia., (b) If PR-1C is greater than 14 psia, adjust using HCV-6T78E HSV-678B2 HSV-6T78A until PR-1C reads 14 psia. "Io 4iff. pressure-area 1C" alarm must be off. If on, reduce area 1C pressure per step L.3.3.2(b). .3.3.4% "Main. or oper. valve closed" light on. .3.3.5 "Removal valve closed" light on. .3.3.6 Open access port by turning HS-6T71A to open. o= .3.3.7 Check that access port is open. If access port does not open, see unusual operating procedures (6GA6). Approved by¢§2§£§%§§%%%%hnt CAL-5 9/2/65 4.3, Time Initial Remove sample capsule from latch and place in Area 3A. %,3.3.9 Remove enriching capsule from transport con- tainer. 1Insert enriching capsule key into drive unit lateh while the capsule remains outgide access port and in Area 3A. Check that key is in vertical position. Then place capsule in Area 1C being certain that key remains in place before capsule is released from manipulator. Check that key is in the latch and that capsule 1s hanging straight down. Withdraw manipulator hand from area 1C o it does not interfere with access port closing. Close access port by turning HS-651A to close and hold for 15 seconds to allow both sets of clamps to close. L.3.3.13 Check that all six clamps are closed. 4h.3.3.14 Replace manipulator arm retainer. 1] Replace manipulator cover. Adjust manipulator cover to 6" Hg vacuum by opening V-680. L Purge Area 1C. L.3.4,1 "Offgas permissive"™ light on. L.3.4.2 Evacuate Area 1C for 2 minutes by opening HCV-6T78E H3V-678B2 HSV-6T78A Area 1C pressure should respond immediately. Close HSV-6T78A HSV-6T78R2 HCV-678E L.3.4.k Pressurize using V-657 until PR-1C reads 1h psia. GAL-6 9/2/65 Approved by Time Initial. L.k Add enriching salt. L.h,1 Insert capsule into pump bowl. h.4.1.1 Obtain permission of control room super- visor to insert the capsule at this time. L.4.1.2 Pump bowl pressure PI-5224 reads psig. L.4,1.3 Adjust pressure in Area 1C to pump bowl pressure * 1 psi using V-657. Read on PR-1C in psia (14 + psig). L.h.1.4 Manipulator cover on. PI-680 reads 6" Hg vacuum. 4,4,1.5 "Removal valve closed" light on. L.4b.1.6 "Access port closed" light on. L.4.1.7T Open operational valve by turning switech to open and hold until closed position light goes off. L.1.8 Closed position light for maintenance valve = must be off. If not, open valve by turning switeh to open and holding until closed position light goes off. L.4.1.9 Turn capsule drive motor switch to insert and hold until capsule position indicator reads 17 £t 4 in. or upper limit light goes off whichever is first. Time capsule reaches lower limit hiol,2 Melt enriching salt from capsule. L.4.2.1 1Ieave capsule in pump bowl for five minutes. Start = Stop Time capsule removed from pump bowl L., 2,2 Withdraw capsule about 12 inches. h.L.2.3 Reinsert the capsule into the pump bowl. h.h.2. bk leave capsule in pump bowl for one minute. ‘e 6AL-T 9/2/65 Time Initial 4.k.3 Withdrawal and isolate capsule. h.h,3.1 Withdraw capsule into Area 1C by turning capsule-drive-motor switch to withdraw and and holding. If position indiecator should stop at any time, immediately release switch and notify shift supervisor. Release switeh when position indicator reads O or lower limit light goes off whichever is first. 4L.L.3.2 (Close operational valve by turning switch to close and holding until open position light goes off. L.4.3.3 Notify control room supervisor that addition is compilete. h.h.L Purge Area 1C. L.h.h,1 Offgas permissive light on. 4. h.h.2 Read RI-678C ___ RI-678D b.4.4,3 Purge Area 1C with helium for 5 minutes by opening ' HSV-66TA HSV-678B2 HSV-6T78A V=657 (2} Time started (b) After ~ 30 sec read RI-678C RI-678D . (c) After ~ 5 min. read RI-676C RI-6T8D ___ . & If not less than 30 MR/hr notify shift supervisor. (a) Time purge stopped Loh k.l Close V-675 , HBV-66TA FAL-8 9/2/65 Time Initial L.4.h.5 Evacuate area 1C for 2 minutes by opening: HCV-6T8E HSV-678R2 HSV-6T76A PR-1C should respond immediately. 4.h.h.6 Close HSV-6T8A ___, HSV-678B2 . L.4b.L.7T Pressurize using V-657 until PR-1C reads 14 psia. L.4.5 Purge Area 3A, L.4.5.1 "Offgas permissive" light on. L.4.5,2 Evacuate buffer between boots until PI-682 stops decreasing using V-682 . Evacuate manipulator cover to 8 in. Hg vacuum by opening V-680 . L.h.5.4 Evacuate area 3A until PR-34 <2 psig using V-680, _ , HCV-678E _ and HSV-677A IMPORTANT: Watch boot to see that the pressure differential between cover and 3A does not burst the boots. If boot starts enlarging, close HSV-67T7A until it starts to collapse., b.4.5.5 Close HCV-678E __ , HSV-6TTA V-680 . L.4.5.6 Pressurize Area 3A by opening V-672 and throttling through V-663 until PI-680 reads O psig and PR-3A reads 1k psia. IMPORTANT: Watch boot to prevent it from enlarging too much. If it starts swelling, throttle through V-663. When pressurized, boot must not be collapsed against manipulator. L.L.5.7 Close V-663 when PI-680 reads O psig. Close V-672 when PR-3A reads 1L psia. ‘e 6AL~9 9/2/65 Time Initial 4.5 Remove capsule from sampler. h.5.1 L, = o o Move capsule into area 3A. 5.1.1 Area 3A pressure 0 = 1 psig (PR-34 = 1k psia) ( see section b.3.2.2 if adjustment necessary). .5.1.2 Evacuate buffer between manipulator boots until PT~-682 stops decreasing using V-682. .5.1.5 Remove marnipulator cover. .5.1.4 Remove manipulator arm retainer. .5.1.5 Area 1 pressure Q0 * 1 psig (see Section if adjustment necessary). .5.1.6 '"Io differential pressure-area 1C" alarm off. .5.1.7 "Removal valve closed" light on. .5.1.8 "Operatiocnal or maintenance valve closed” light on. .5.1.9 Open access port by turning switch to open. .5.1.10 Check that asccess port is open. .5.1.11 Life capsule out of Area 1C into Area 3A. .5.1.12 Release capsule key from latch. .5.1.13 Does the capsule contain salt? If "Yes" notify shift supervisor. .5,1.14 Place the capsule into bottom of trans- port container upside down. .5.1.15 Attach empty sample capsule to latch being certain capsule key is properly locked in place arnd the capsule is hanging properly. .5.1.16 (lose access port by turning switch to close and holding for 15 sec to allow both sets of clamps to close. .5.1.17 Check that all six clamps did close. Approved by fl}%flm 6!}1726&) 9/2/65 Time Initial 4.5.2 Move capsule into transport cask. 4L.5.2.1 '"Operational or maintenance valve closed" light on. L.5.2.2 '"Removal seal closed” light on. L.5.2.3 "Access port closed" light on. L.5.2.4k Open removal valve by turning switch to open and holding until closed position light goes out. h.5.2.5 Slowly insert removal tool into Area 3A observing that the top of the transport container fits over the bottom. Seal the two pileces together by rotating the removal tool handle clockwise until the top touches the stop at the bottom. L.5.2.7 Withdraw removal tool assembly through removal valve, but not removal seal, lock in position. (HP surveillance required for steps through L.5.2.8 Close the removal valve by turning switch to close and holding until open position light goes out. L.5.2.9 TFinish withdrawing transport container into cask. Do not pull the transport con- tainer above the cask! Lock in top position. L.5.2.10 Close drawer in cask. Remove removal tool. 4.,5.2.12 Lock transport container in cask. L.5.2.13 Close HCV-666D, removal seal buffer. Replace retainer on manipulator arm. Replace cover on manipulator. 4.5.3 Purge Area 1C. "Offgas permissive" light on. e Approved byfi %»—ié:gfi Mg 6AL-11 9/2/65 » Time Initial Evacuate Area 1 C for 2 minutes by opening HCV-678E _ , HSV-67832 _ , HSV-6T78A _ . PR~1C should respond immediately. Close HSV-6T8A , HSV-678B2 _ HSV-678E . Pressurize using V-657 until PR-1C reads 15 psia. L.6 Prepare for standby conditions. (One operator can do 4.6, L.7 and L4.8.) 4.6.1 Prepare equipment. k.7 L.6. Turn illuminator to 50v ___ Turn off vacuum pump #1 Turn off vacuum pump #2 . Turn off HS-542A, HS-6754, V-650A . 2 Notify shift supervisor (or control room supervisor) that enriching is finished. Give time salt added . (This is time recorded in L.4.2.1.) 4.6,2.2 Give Capsule No. Turn off permissive switech. Removing sample from MSRE Area. L.7. L.7. L.7. L.7. L.7. 1 Remove transport cask from top of sampler with crane. Lower the transport cask through the Bilko Doors at the south end of high bay into the special can on truck. 2 Bolt transport cask inside can. 3 Bolt 1lid in place on top of can. 4 Have HP okay removing container from MSRE Area. 5 Take empty capsule to Building 2026 for weighing. Have HP or another operator follow the sample truck to the analytical lab. If this is not possible, notify control room supervisor upon leaving 7503, and call him immediately on arrival Approved bY,azzfgéZ%;figzfla L.8 Time L.7.5 (continued) at 2026. If the lapsed time is longer than 10 minutes, the control room supervisor is re- ponsible for immediately determining if diffi- culty was encountered en route. Return to T7503. L,8.1 Bring a decontaminated transport container and a transport cask back to T7503. 4.8.2 Place transport container in glove box; take it apart and turn on helium purge. %.8,3 Place transport cask on sampler-enricher. 6AL-12 9/2/65 Initial - :"r}’ Approved by;/ffl%flyhfgflfi?flx 6AL5-1 9/29/65 Date Time 6A FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLING AND ENRICHING 5 FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLER STARTUP I the sampler enricher has been chut down for long periods or extensive maintenance has been performed on the sampler, a thorough check should be made to assure that it i8 in condition tc take samples. 5.4 - Startup Check Lisgt (Control Room) 5.1.1 Notify chifv superviscr of the start of start- up procedures. (High Bay Area) 5.1.2 Check that re work is in progress in the sampler- enricher panel pcards or Junction boxes. All junction box covers shouid be closed. (Control Room) 5.1.3 Energize the following circuits and remove the "do not operate" tags: IPP A3 Cir 2 (Foxboro ECI power) IPP 5 Cir 21 (vacuum pumps) IPP 5 Cir 25, 27, 29 (208v 36 power) TPP 1 Cir 10 (4Bv DC power) IPP 2 Cir 16, 18 (Control power) (High Bay Area) 5.1.4 Open the following valves: v-66Lk v-6ih v-683 v-673 _ V-65h V-669 v-6h1 v-6h2 V-670 v-662 _ V-643 V-668 V-676 V=665 V=655 7-661 V-6L0 V-638 i Approved by _éfifiézi?fivffl/wfl, 5.1.5 Reset the following: RM-678C RM-678D RM-675A 1ight 14 377 on RM-675A 1light 1B 377 on 5.1.6 Turn on HS-668B 1light ZI 668B on 5.1.7 Purge area 1C per check list 6A3 sec. 3.2.1. 5.1.8 Purge area 3A per check list 6A3 sec. 3.3.1. 5.1.9 Check that the vacuum pump is turned off . 5.1.10 Check out all instrumentation per section LH. " Approved by ,fjgfizi%/&fiéfinfl@nl 6A6-1 ’ V 9/29/65 Date Time Init. 6A FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLING AND ENRICHING 6 FUEL SYSTEM SAMPLER SHUTDOWN If the sample enricher is to be shut down for long periads or extensive maintenance is to be done on the sampler, pre- cautions should be taken to assure that the sampler is adequately secured. 6.1 Shutdown Check List (Control Room) 6.1.1 Notify shift supervisor of the start of shutdown procedures. (High Bay Area) 6.1.2 Close the maintenance valve by holding HS-MV at close until the open position light goes off. 6.1..3 Check that the operational and removal valves are closed and the access port isshut. | 6.1.4 Adjust the pressure in area 1C to O psig. 6.1.5 Adjust the pressure in area 3A and the manipu- lator cover to O psig. 6.1.6 Close all hand valves that are located in the | sampler-enricher panel boards. (Control Room) 6.1.7 Turn off the following electrical circuits and i tag each "do not operate’. IPP A3 Cir 2 (Foxboro ECI power) IPP 5 Cir 21 (vacuum pumps ) IPP 5 Cir 25, 27, 29 (208v 3¢ power) IPP 1 Cir 10 (48v DC power) IPP 2 Cir 16, 18 (Control power) T da e AT . Approved byrfigff!-f**“y&f~n{ OAT-1 V 10/20/65 GAT UNUSUAL OPERATING CONDITIONS for the SAMPLER-ENRICHER During operation of the sampler-enricher, one or more of the com- ponents may fail to operate properly. The following procedure attempts to list the failures most likely to occur and gives operator action to be used to overcome the difficulty. Whenever corrective action is required, an entry should be made in the console log describing action taken. T.1 The access port fails to open when HS-651A is turned to "open". 7.1.1 If all six Knu-Vise operators have opened and the access port remains closed, increase the pressure in Area 1C to about 2 psi above the pressure in Area 3A using V-657. Should the port still remein closed, check again for some obstruction in Area 3A that would prevent opening. 7.1.2 If one or more of the Knu-Vise operators fail to open when H3-651A is turned to "open', turn the switch to "closed" and hold it for 15 sec to allow all operators to close. Walt about 2 minutes for the pressure in line 650 to build up through FE-650D. Then, turn HS-651A to "open" again. If the operators still fail to open, gently push the knob on the center pin of the operator linkage which remained closed with the manipulator while holding HS-651A at "open". The operator should open easily. 7.1.3 If all six operators fail to open, check that all interlock circuits are satisfied: '"removal valve closed" light on, "operational or maintenance valve closed" light on, "1C pressure greater than 3A" alarm off, and fuel-pump bowl pressure 1s less than 10 psig. Next, check that PI-650B indicates at least 75 psig. Check that HSV-651A, 6524, and 653A function properly. Failure of any of these to seat or to open properly will cause a malfunction of the operators. Also check that HSV-675A1 is open. Approved by 7.2 T3 7.4 TS 6AT-2 10/20/65 The access port fails to close when HS-651A is turned toc "close". 7.2.] If the Knu-Vise operators fall to close properly, check that PI-650B indicates at least 75 psig, HSV-651A, 6524, and 653A are seating and opening properly, HSV-675A1 is open, and there are no obstructions in the way. The access port buffer pressure fails to increase properly when the access port is closed. 7.3.1 If the buffer pressure fails to ilncrease properly, turn H3-651A to "close" and hold for 15 sec to seal any operators that had failed to lock shut. T7.3.2 If step 7.3.1 fails to correct the difficulty, open the access . port and check for dirt or damage on the sealing surface on the gaskets. Removal valve fails to open or close. T.4.1 If the removal valve fails to open when HS-RV-A is turned to open, check that all interlocks are satisfied: 'removal seal buffer pressure’ light on, "access port closed" light on, and "operational or maintenance valve closed" light on. If the interlocks are satisfied, check the HCV-RV-Al and HCV-RV-A2 are cperating properly. A flow of air from the vent port : indicates a valve failure. Another possible cause of trouble would be slipping of the air operator on the valve body. Failure of the limit switches would indicate improper valve operation when it is actually working satisfactorily. > T.4.2 TIf the valve fails to close properly, check for an obstruction in the valve, The buffer gas pressure to the maintenance or the operational valve decreases slowly during standby. 7.5.1 The pressure should bleed down only if the supply is blocked. Block valves in the helium lines to the operational and mainte- nance valves close upon receiving high radiation in the sampler offgas and/or high fuel-pump bowl pressure (>10 psig). If radiation caused the trip, reset the monitors by pushing reset Approved byfijézja%gfizy“fl/”\~ BAT-3 7.6 T.T V 10/20/65 7.5.1 (continued) buttons $-113 and/or S-114. If the radiation level is low this will reopen the valves. If the FP bowl pressure is high, the pressure receding below 1C psig will automatically reopen the valves, Failure of the manipulator-boct buffer to hold a vacuum indicates a leak in the buffer system. If all tubing fittings are leak tight, one or both boots have a hole and must be replaced. High radiation in the contaimment areas which will be detected by RE-6T75A and RE-675RB indicates a release of gaseous activity to the building ventilation system. Block valves on all sources of gaseous activity close when either element trips. The following valves close: HSV-6T78A; HSV-6T78B2; HSV-67TA; ESV-5L2A; HSV-675A; HSV-659B; HSV-65TD; HSV-668B; and HSV-655B. To determine the source of activity, close the hand switches controlling each of these valves. When the radiation level area LA decreases sufficiently, reset the circuits using S-113 and S-114. ILights 1A-377 and 1B-377 must be on. Then open each possible source of activity ocne at a time walting to see if that was the one. A suggested order to use is HS-668B which opens H3V-668B, HSV-655B, HSV-657D, and HSV-657D, then HS-6T75A, HS-659B, H3-5L42A, and HS-675A. HS-6T78B and HS-6T77 should be opened oae &t a time with HS-678A closed. Corrective action will be determined by the source of activity. % "- 9/29/65 6B COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLING The coolant sampler is designed to allow sampling without contami- nating the salt with moisture or oxygen or endangering personnel due to beryllium release. The primary components of the coolant sampler are: a glove box located above the coolant cell, a transfer tube connected to the coolant pump bowl, helium supply and vacuum pumps to be used for purging, and a sample carrier which attaches to the top of the glove box for inserting empty capsules and extracting full capsules. Interlocks are provided to minimize dangerous operations. The interlocking system is a "key interlock"” system in which one key must be inserted and turned before the key necessary for the next operation can be removed. The keys and locks are color coded to aid the operator. A brief description of the manipulations necessary to remove a sample is given in Section H6A 1. Purging operations which are utilized are not covered in this description but are given in detail in the sampling check list 6A 2. Startup of the coolant sampler is covered in startup check list 6B 3, and shutdown of the coolant sampler for a sus- tained duration is covered in 6B k. Since cooclant sampling is considerably less hazardous than fuel sampling, one operator is considered sufficient for normal coolant sampling operations. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING THE COOLANT SYSTEM Except for long reactor shutdowns or sampler maintenance, the coolant sampler will be in standby condition when not in use. The key which must be used to start the sampling operations will be in a lock switch on the main countrol board. An empty capsule will be hanging on the latch in the glove box. The glove port access will be locked closed, and the vacuum pump and light will be turned off. At the start of the sampling operation, the key is removed from the main bocard. At the coolant sampler, a check is made to insure that pressures and valves are set properly to start the sampling. Lights and vacuum pump are turned on. Approved byfggfi;ji%gzgéfig/dgggw\k 6B-2 W/ 9/29/65 A clean, empty capsule is weighed in the dry box (near the sampler-enricher). The capsule is placed in the sample carrier and taken to the coolant sampler. It is then attached to the top of the glove box. The key which was removed from the control room is inserted in the proper lock (the only one it will fit). Unlocking this lock allows the removal of a key which is necessary in the next cperation. Using the key interlock system, valves are opened which con- nect the pump bowl to the glove box. The empty capsule is lowered into the pump bowl, a sample is obtained, and the salt-filled capsule is withdrawn into the glove box. The valves opening into the pump bowl are closed. When the sample is isolated in the glove box, the glove port access 1is opened. The empty capsule in the sample carrier atop the glove box is inserted into the glove box. Using the glove the operator switches places with the empty and full capsules. The full capsule is then pulled into the sample carrier and the valves are closed to isolate it. The glove part is relocked and the coolant pump sampler is prepared for standby conditions. The sample carrier with the full sample is taken to analytic chemistry and the sample removed from the carrier. The carrier is returned to the MSRE ares so it may be utilized again when needed. t. Approved bzfifljfgfiiijéifé?;ép*fia¢9y\\h_ éfizfil 4 9/29/65 6B COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLING Sample No. Date Time Advise Analytical Iab. Init. 2 COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLING CHECK LIST c.l Preparstion For Sampling (Control Room) 2.1.1 Notify shift supervisor (or control room super- visor) of start of sampling. L 2.1.2 Obtain K1 from lock on MB-6. . 2.1.3 Read pump bowl pressure PI-528 psig. Pump bowl pressure must be between 4 and 6 psig before proceeding. . 2.1.4 Check prior check list for number of the capsule (Hi Bay Area) 2.1. 2.1 201. 2.1. 2'1! Zels 2‘19 that is on the latch. Capsule No. Weight of capsule 5 At the coolant pump sampler record the following pressures: PI-CS-A PI-C651 .6 Close red valves C-654% C-657 C-661 7 Turn on light and start the vacuum pump. 8 Obtain capsule from glove box. Capsule No. Capsule Weight 9 Open ball valve on carrier, push 1/4" rod down until hook is through valve, hang capsule on hook, withdraw rod and capsule into carrier, and close ball valve. 1.0 Flace snple carrier in place above V-3. 11 Connect flexible line (C-664) to valve C-669 and open valve C-669 and ball valve on carrier. Lt e f’)') -~ e"’ 4T s Approved by % 1 Aten ER2L2 i ' R 2.1.12 Evacuate carrier for about 1 minute by opening valves C-664 and C-662. 2.1.13 Close valve C-66L and watch PIC-66L. An increase in pressure indicates a leak elther at the sliding seal or the connection between the ball valves. Stop leaks. 2.1.14 Pressurize carrier to about 5 psig using valve C-670. 2.1.15 Close valves C-669, C-670, C-662, and carrier ball valve. 2.2 Samgling 2.2.1 To purge glove box abtmosphere ending with box at pump bowl pressure: Insert Kl in V1, unlock open V1, lock open with K2, and remove K2z. Insert K2 in VZ, unlock, and open VZ. Open blue valve C-662. Evacuate for L minutes. Start Stop Close blue valve C-662. Close V2, lock closed with K2, remove K2. z.2.1.7 Insert K2 in V1, unlock, close, lock closed with K1, and remove Kl. Pressurize glove box to pump bowl pressure 9/29/65 Init. ety ] a + 0.2 psig using red and blue valve C-650. Read on PI-C5-A 2.2.2 In order to insert capsule into pump bowl: c.2.2.1 Insert Kl into No. 2 lock switch, unlock, and remove Klh. 1Insert K4 in V4, unlock, open Vi, lock open with K5 and remove K5. Insert K5 in V5, unlock, open V5 slowly, lock open with K6, and remove Kb. te - . e e e ’ ’y ’ f,'/ Approved by;zzgf””-5f<;£g;i¢flfifl 6B2-3 Ve 9/29/65 Init. Insert K6 in No. 3 lock switch and unlock. Insert capsule into pump bowl by turning capsule drive switeh clockwise to insert. Watch cable during insertion. If cable does not remain straight, stop inserting, withdraw partly and reinsert. ZILower limit switch will stop motor when capsule is fully inserted. Release switch when cable stops moving. a Z2.2.3 Leave capsule in pump bowl one minute. 2.2.4t Withdraw capsule until amber light comes on (~ 25 seconds required). Time withdrawal started _— 2.2.5 Allow gt least 10 minutes for salt to solidify. Start Stop 2.2.6 'To withdraw capsule into glove box: Turn drive unit motor switch counterclock- wise to withdraw. Watch cable. If it stops moving before being fully withdrawn, immediately release switch and notify shift supervisor. Lock No. 3 lock switch with K6 and remove K6. 1Insert K6 in V5, unlock, close, lock closed —— e with K5, and remove K5. Insert K5 in V4, unlock, close, lock closed with K4, and remove K. Insert K4 in No. 2 lock switch, lock switch, Attt and remove Ki. 2.2.7 In order to purge glove box atmosphere ending with box at 0 psig: Insert K1 in V1, unlock, open V1, lock open with K2, and remove KZ. Insert K2 in V2, unlock, and open Va. Open blue valve C-662. Approved by .- - i o g - A - :_');":!“, \ K - ."I/’,r{/’/( i 1 3 ,r‘! - § Evacuate for 4 minutes. Start Stop Close blue valve C-662. Close V2, lock closed with K2, remove Kz, and ingert in No. 1 lock switeh on glove port. Pressurize glove box to 3 + 1/2 inches vacuum using red and blue valve C-650. Read on PI-CS-A Vent glove port by opening blue valve C-665 until PI-CS-A indicates 0 + 1/2 psig. Close blue valve C-665. 2.2.8 To remove capsule and seal in sample carrier: Unlock No. 1 lock gwitch, remove K3, and insert in V3. Open glove port. Lower all three parts carefully into their open position. Unlock and open V3. 2.8.4 Open ball valve on capsule carrier. Push 1/4" rod through packing gland until about 14" of rod remain exposed. Using the glove open the Plexiglas door, remove capsule from latch, hang it on the rod. Look at capsule. Does it contain salt? Notify 8.8. if no salt is in capsule. Remove empty capsule from the rod, hang it on the latch and close the Plexiglas door. Check capsule on latch to be certain key is secure in latch and the capsule is hanging straight down. Withdraw 1/4" rod into carrier. (lose ball valve on bottom of carrier. Close V3 and lock closed with K3. 2.8.13 Close glove port cover being certain glove 6BR2-4 9/29/65 Init. 2 -~ Approved by =7 7’?///7“ 20 6B-g-5 ™ 23 9/29/65 Init. (continued) is inside and cover fits over dowel pin. Pull clamps together until lock blocks are about 1/16" apart. Remove K3 from V3, insert in No. 1 lock switch, lock shut, and remove K2. 2.2.9 To purge glove box atmosphere ending with box at pump bowl pressure: Insert K2 in V2, unlock, and open V2. Open blue valve C-662. Evacuate for 4 minutes. Start Stop Close blue valve C-662. Close V2, lock closed with K2, and remove K2. Insert K2 in V1, unlock, close, lock closed with K1, and remove KIl. Pressurize glove box to pump bowl pressure * 0.2 psig using red and blue valve C-650. Read on PI-C5-A Preparing The Sampler For Standby Condition 2.3.1 Turn off vacuum pump. light. 2.3.2 Open red valve C-654 C-65T7 C-661 2.3.3 Adjust buffer header pressure to 40 psig by opening red valve C-651. 2.3.4 Close red valve C-651. PIC-651 reads 2.3.5 Return KL to lock on MB-6 and notify shift super- visor (or control room supervisor) of completion of sampling. Approved by. 2/ - \x’:/'//x/f’?\, 6BE6 9/29/65 IMPORTANT: Do not leave carrier on top of sampler with rod withdrawn. The rod interferes with the operation of the over- head crane. 2.3.6 Remove sample carrier from sampier and cOver opening above V3 with pipe cap. Date Time 2.4 Handling Of Sample And Carrier 2.h.1 Deliver the assembly to analytical chemistry (Bldg. 4500). Date and time delivered 2.4.2 Using analytic chemistry's procedures, Tremove the sample from the carrier and return the carrier to Bldg. 7503. "‘\” A gt A 1 6B3 91 Approved by _ 7, ‘, - 9/29/65 Date . Init. 6B COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLING 3 COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLER STARTUP 1f the coolant sampler has been shutdown for long periods or extensive maintenance has been done on the sampler, a thorough. check should be made to assure that it is in con- dition to take samples. 3.1 Startup Check List (Control Room) 3.1.1 Notify shift supervisor of startup. 3.1.2 Check that no work is in progress connected with the sampler. 3.1.3 Turn on circuit breaker No. 14 in IPP-2 and re- move tag. (At Sampler) 3.1.4 Record PI-651 PI-CS-A . 3.1.5 Connect line C-664 to valve C-669. 3.1.6 Close valve C-669. 3.1.7 Start vacuum pump. 3.1.8 Open valves C-662 Cc-664 C-670 Cc-651 C-661 C-653 C-652 C-654 C-656 C-655 C-657 C-658 ;gpv,fiflw Approved by»{ffi€?w¢4;“§ffihfl\\ 6B3-2 9/29/65 3.1.9 Evacuate buffer header for 10 minutes. Start Stop - 3.1.10 Close valves C-670 C-664 C-662 3.1.11 Stop vacuum pump. 3.1.12 Open main helium supply valve V-515. (Near Sampler-Enricher). 3.1.13 When PI-651 reads LO psig, close valve C-651. Date Time Approved bx,xf%?’v”“ e 6BLL] Vv | 9/29/65 Date Time Init. 6B COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLING L COOLANT SYSTEM SAMPLER SHUTDOWN If the coolant sampler is to be shut down for long vreriods or extension maintenance is to be done on the sampler, precautions should be taken to assure that the sampler 1s adequately secured. 4.1 Shutdown Check List (Control Room) 4.1.1 Notify operations chief and control room super- visor of shutdown of sampler. 4.1.2 Close main helium supply valve V-515. (Near sampler~enricher) (At Coolant Sampler) 4.1.3 Close valves C-661 C-653 Cc-652 C-654 C-656 C-655 C-657 C-658 C-651 L.1.4 Read PI-651 PI-CS-A 4.1.5 Turn off circuit breaker in Panel No. 2. Circuit No. 1k in control room and tag off. Approved.bygffi:gpz%i24%2§3/%flqflt_ 6C-1 10/21/65 6C WATER SYSTEM The water system is sampled and analyzed as listed in Table 6-1 to assure that the proper concentration of chemicals are present for corrosion protection. The sample lines should be flushed before each sample 1s taken. Use one-pint or 2 sample-line volumes (whichever is largest). Due to possible induced activity, the treated water and nuclear penetra- tion water should be handled as contaminated waste. The sample points are located as follows: Treated Water System V-8268 Diesel House Nuclear Instrument Penetration V-8L48F High Bay Tower Water V-829D Diegsel House Process Water V-890D Cocling Tower CST-1 V-CST-1A Water Room CoST-2 V-CST-2A Water Room The analytical procedures to be used by the MSRE operators are described in the following sections: Total Inhibitor - Section 6C-k Chromate - Section 6C-5 Total Hardness - Section 6C-6 PH - Section 6C-7 Tnit. Date/Time 1 TREATMENT OF TREATED WATER OR NUCLEAR PENETRATION WATER 1.1 If analysis indicates that the total inhibitor is low (Section 6C-L), chemical adjustments are calculated as follows: NOTE: Always add the calculated amount of both chemicals to the system. Treated Water System (4000 gallons capacity) Pounds of KW to add = 0.0225[1900 - Total inhibitor (ppm)] = Pounds of K2B,07 * 5Hz0 to add = 0.375 x pounds of KOz added = Approved by,/f??§;24;<;‘i;;&Xth Wuclear Penetration Water (1700 gallons capacity) Pounds of KNOs to add = 0.0096 [1900 - total inhibitor (ppm)] = Pounds of KsB.07; + 5H20 to add = 0.375 x pounds KNOo added = 1.5 Tf either boron (B ) or nitrite (NOz) from the Iab analyses are low based on curves of Figure 6C-1, adjustments can be calcu- lated as follows: Treated Water System (4000 gallons capacity) Pounds of KsB,O7 + S5H0 to add = 0.0075 [total inhibitor (ppm) - B~ (ppm) x 20004 57 Pounds of KNOs to add = 0.0225 [total inhibitor (ppm) - NO?(pgfg £ 2900, - Nuclear Penetration (1700 gallons capacity) Pounds of KsB,0-+ S5H20 to add = 0.0032 [total inhibitor (ppm) - B (ppm) x QOOO] ~ 57 - 1 Pounds of KNOs to add = 0.0096 [total inhibitor (ppm) - 0o {(ppm) x 2000 812 }= 1.3 If pH, Fe, or Al analysis are above limits or if turbidity appears in samples, notify the responsible chemist (Paul Neumaan or R. Thoma ) . 6C-2 10/21/65 Tnit. Date/Time sC-3 10-27-&45 /724.!/-3 eCt Deoron + [foz vs Tolal Inkibi7er PP 3 oo 1000 25c0 2000 2 SO0 Bo0 O Toto) [mkhid; 75~ oL 1 1 - 42 /,/ = AT 7 | = / y //”’ » & PDEP%= Loy — //_)/ } - | N _ 1 L7 S T = Foe— T // /, ; P e § - - | | o _/ a6 ffla@i S50 - OO0 2500 Xobs Teotal Lrh/8;ler - Pom Approved by _ ;o "a‘;fZKVfirfi 6C-4 10/21/65 Tnit. Date/Time 2 TREATMENT OF COOLING TOWER WATER 2.1 Add two balls of Nalco 360 to basin addition 2.2 243 2.4 tube each day after sampling. If chromate analysis is low, add an extra chromate ball (falco 360) to addition tube. If >100 ppm chromate, add only one chromate ball instead of two. T If total hardness is greater than 2 x total hardness of raw water, increase blowdown from tower basin to maintain a ratio near 2:1. If pH, or Fe are out of limits when hardness is within limits, notify the responsible chemist (Paul Neumann or Roy Thoma). The process water analysis is used as a gulide for CTW limits. Check cooling tower for algae. If algae are present as indicated by green growth on cooling tower, add one ball of Nalco No. 215 to basin. 3 CONDENSATE 3.1 Condensate samples should be analyzed before use., If the total hardness exceeds the 1limit, the tank should be drained. The gource of the hardness, probably a leaking condenser tube, should be located and repaired as soon as possible. b PROCETURE FOR TOTATL TNHTBITOR ANATYSIS USING CS _ANAIYSIS KIT 4,1 Add water sample to the mark on bottle L.2 (10ms). Add 1 dipperful of CS Reagent No. 1A, cap bottle, and mix until reagent is dissolved (2 grams). 6C~5 10/21/65 ‘Iait., Date/Time Approved by, L.3 Tmmediately add CS Reagent No. 2 rapidly a drop at a time with dropper vertical, swirl- ing bottle after each drop. Continue addition until the pink color remains for one-half minute. L.4 The number of drops required times 200 equals ppm Corrosion Inhibitor CS present in the water. 2 PROCEDURE FOR CHROMATE ANATYSTS USING NAICO CHROMATE TEST XKIT 5.1 Determine the proper size of sample from the table below: Expected Chromate ... . Content bample Size 20 ppm 200 mf - 50 ppm 100 m4 100 ppm 50 mg 200 ppm 25 mh 400 ppm 12.5 mg 5.2 Using the 50 mé graduate, measure out the sample into the Erlenmeyer flask. 5.3 Add 5 mf C-1 (Sol 290) to the sample, using the * 2.5 mf pipette dropper, and mix well. 5.4 Add 5 mg C-2 (Sol 291) to the sample, using * the 2.5 m{ pipette dropper, and mix. * 5.5 Add 1 mf C-3 (Sol 292) with pipette dropper. 5.6 While agitating the sample in the flask, add C-4 (80l 293) one drop at a time with the pipette held in a vertical position. Count the drops used until the sample just loses its blue or blue-black color. The color of the sample will then be near its original color. *NOTE: Care should be taken to prevent pipette dropper from touching the flask containing the sample. Approved.byfigfi}”m}fiflvfifiygmf@%. 6C-6 o 10/21/65 Init. Date/Time 5.7 Chromate content of the sample in ppm as Cr0, may be calculated as follows: 200 m# sample - multiply drops C-U4 used by 2.5 100 mf sample - multiply drops C-4 used by 5 50 m{ sample - multiply drops C-4 used by 10 25 mf sample - multiply drops C-4 used by 20 12.5 mf sample - multiply drops C-4 used by L0 6 PROCETIURE FCR HARDNESS ANALYSIS USING COLORIMETRIC HARDNESS KIT 6.1 Take 50 mf sample of clear water at room temperature. Filter if necessary and add to clean cassercle or to the 250 mf flask. 6.2 Add 1 mf of H-2 (Sol. 275) solution, mix and add H-3 (Sol. 277), indicator power. The correct quantity of indicator will be obtained by inverting the special container over cas- serole with a single "salt shaker" motion. 6.3 Titrate with H-1 (Sol. 274). The color change is from red to blue with an Intermediate purple color. The end point is obtained when the last purple coloration is Just discharged. Thorough mixing or stirring is necessary after the addition of ecach reagent and during the titration. 6.4 The number of milliliters of H~1 solution used multiplied by 20 equals parts per million total soluble hardness as calcium carbonate. > - Approved by{fi§§?>%fisfiégznyak 60-7 T 10/21/65 Tnit. Date/Time pH MEASUREMENT Measure the pH of water samples using the instructions on the pH meter and the following: 7.1 Rinse electrcdes with condensate and wipe dry with tissue bhefore use. T.2 ©Standardize the pH meter with a standard buffer solution. For TW and NIP water use buffer with pH of 10. TFor CTW and condensate use buffer with pH of 7. 7.3 Be sure to rinse beaker with condensate and then rinse twice with small portions of the sample before measuring pH. 7.4 After measuring pH, rinse and leave electrodes. standing in a beaker of condensate. 7.5 Leave pH meter in neutral after use. Approved by Z_ E i ‘é/#'"m ) 2521 T/26/65 6D CELL AIR During nuclear operations the in-cell atmosphere will be controlled to give it a low Oz content, 5% by volume or less. A continuous oxygen analyzer is installed to determine the Oz content. To check the analyzer and to determine the type of activity in case of accidents, the cell air will be sampled periodically. The sample station is located in the vent house and is a part of lines 569 and 565. A portable sample bomb with a valve at each end will be used to take the semple. The details of sampling are given below. Init. Dete/Time 1. Connect the sample bomb between valves V-565B and V-569C. 2. Open the valves at the ends of the bomb. 3. Open V's 565B and 569C. Close V-5694 and check closed V-565C. L. After 5 minutes, close the valves at the ends of the bomb. 5. Open V-569A and close V-565B and V-569C. 6. Remove the sample from the sample station and submit for analysis. NOTE: Be sure that the cell is being evacuated during sampling as indicated by FgI-569. e Approved by .7/ i’\fi:Q?M¢n\\ N . 10/6/6 6E LUBE OIl, SYSTEM 1 SAMPLING OF NEW OIL AS RECEIVED The lubricating oil (Gulfspin 35) for both the fuel and coolant systems will be sampled (~ 500 ml per sample) on arrival at MSRE. Before use each drum of oil will be analyzed chemically for carbon, sulfur, bromine number, acid number, flash point, and moisture; viscosity determinations will be made at 100°F and 210°F. Inter- facial tension of the oil will be determined at TTOF. Also spec- trographic and infrared spectrophotometric analyses will be made before approval for use is given by the operations chief. Each drum will be tagged with a waterproof covered tag showing identi- fication, sample number, analysis, certification and current inven- tory. The o0il will be stored in the Flammable Materials Storage Building, west of the offgas vent stack. The acid number (a measure of the oxidation inhibition in the 0il) and the interfacial tension at 77°F will be determined on a weekly basis during power operations whereas the remainder of the zanalyses listed above will be made annually or when required. 2 SAMPLING AT OLL PACKAGES The lube oil in the fuel and coolant system will be sampled weekly during power operation into 250 ml bottles from V-703D and V-753D. (depleting each oil system ~ 3 gal~yr). In the event of radiocactive contamination of the lube o0il, the entire lube oil package will be shielded with lead bricks. The oll will be sampled with HP surveillance into an evacuated metal container equipped with an autoclave fitting and a compound gage. The valves, auto- clave fittings, and sample container may require extended handles or additional shielding for the sampling operation. Details of procedure are given below. Init. Date/Time (Service Tunnel) 2.1 Attach evacuated sample bomb to autoclave fitting at V-703.D (V-753D ). Approved by lfijfi’yfifxzflazym,fl«\ ER-2 ; v 10/6/65 Init. Date/Time ; 2.2 Open valve on evacuated sample bomb and check that pressure in bomb does not increase. 1T pressure increases, disconnect, re-evacuate and repeat Steps 1 and 2. 2.3 Open V-703D (V-753D). 2.4 Slowly throttle V-703C (V-753C) until bomb pressure increases to 2 in. Hg. " 2.5 Close V-703C (V-753C) when pressure reaches 2 in. Hg. ) 2.6 After 10 minutes drainage time close V-703D ) (753D). 2.7 Close valve on sample bomb and disconnect at . autoclave fitting. 2.8 Record sample number on bomb, in sample log, and in console log. 2.9 Readjust alarm and control setpoints on II 0oT-1 (LI OT-2) according to building log. 3 ADDITION OF LUBE OIL TO THE OIL PACKAGES . Since the oil system is considered secondary containment, addition of olil to the lube oil system during operation will be made with HP survelllance ’ and without opening the system to the atmosphere. . Detalils of procedure are given below. 3.1 Mount a hand-operated barrel pump onto the oil . supply drum. . 3.2 Connect metering pump discharge to quick dis- connect 711 (761). . 3.3 Open V-711 (V-761). L 3.4 Add oil until LI OT-1 or (-2) reads 60% while pump is running (95% when pump is off). . 3.5 Close V-711 (761). 2.6 Remove oil drum from oil package at guick . 10/6/65 I ' Approved bxkgéff?%3$?yfl1rm_ 6E-3 3.6 3.7 Init. Date/Time (continued) disconnect. Drain oil from horizontal line between quick disconnect and CV-T11 (CV-761) into a catch pan. Record on oil drum inventory card and in con- sole log the amount of oil (gal.) transferred. P Approved by*gfifi%%%f’ 6F-1 9-1-65 6F SAMPLE COVER GAS The Cover Gas System will be saupled for spectrograpalc analiysis each time a new trailer of helium is obtained. Two samples should be collected, one from L-548& and one from L-549. 1 SAMPLE FROM LINE 548 ITnisial Date/Time 1.1 Evacuate a 30 ml sample bomb to <500 u and close the velve at each end of the bomb. 1.2 C(Close analyzer valves (V-548-A) red and blue. 1.3 Close analyzer valves (V-5M8-B) red and blue. 1.4 Install evacuated bomb between valves (548-A) and (548-B). 1.5 Open valve (548-A) - red and upstream bomb valve. 1.6 After bomb is pressurized open down stream bomp valve and check fittings for leaks. 1.7 Open analyzer valves (548-B) red and blue and adjust moisture analyzer and Op analyzer flows to 100 cc/min. 1.8 Purge through bome untii moisture analyzer reaches equilibrium (~ 8 - 24 hrs). 1.9 Isolate the samplie by closing: Analyzer valves(548-A) red and blue Analyzer valves (548-B) red and blue Bormb inlet valve outlet valve 1.10 Disconnect vomb and submit for spectrographic analysis, HoD, 0o, Ns, COp content. 2 SAMPLE FROM LINE 549 2.1 Evacuasite a 30 ml sample pomb to <500 p and close the valve at =zgch end of the bomd. 2.2 (lose analyzer valves (548-A) red and blue. 2.3 Close analyzer valves (548-B) red and blue. 2.4 Tnstall evacuabed bomb between valves (548-4) and (548-B). ” L, Approved b T 6F-2 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 VvV 9-1-65 Initial Date/rime Open valve (548-A) blue and upstream bomb vglve. After bomb is pressurized open down stream bomb valve and check fittings for leaks. Open analyzer valves (548-B) red and blue and adjust moisture analyzer and Op analyzer flows to 100 cc/min. Purge through bomb until moisture analyzer reaches equilibrium (~ 8 - 24 hrs). Isolate the sample by cliosing: Analyzer valves (548-A) red and blue Analyzer valves(548-B) red and blue Bomb inlet valve outlet valve Disconnect bomb and submit for spectrographic analysis, 050, O, Nz, COo content. Approved byKZQZEzgégéépytaq 6G-1 | 8/30/65 6G SAMPLING OFFGAS SYSTEM Normal samples of the offgas system shall be taken at the "line 518" sampling station in the vent house. The offgas samples will be radio- active so special precautions must be taken when removing the samples. Tnit. Date/Time 1 TO ISOIATE A SAMPLE 1.1 At least 1 week before a sample is to be isclated, check the following valves: Tag open V-518-4A V-518-E V-518-D V-518-B% __ _ V-518-C% *¥Tag open the B and C valves to the volume holdup which is to be used. Close vV-522-B ____, V-518-F ___ , Vv-518-G V-518-H and the remaining 518 B and C valves V-518-B __ _ , v-518 ¢ V-518-B___ ___, V-518Cc 1.2 In order to isolate a sample, merely close the valves on both sides of the holdup volume. Tag closed: V-518-B V-518-C ———— Open V-522-B 2 TO REMOVE A SAMPLE FROM THE SYSTEM NOTE: The following procedure must be done one item at a time in the order listed. 2.1 Evacuate the carrier sample bomb To less than 500 microns and close V-518-K . Attach £ Approved by &gfi ZVézg;gw/w 2,1 no W 2.k no 1 2.6 (continued) the bomb to line 518 at the special fitting. Have helium cylinder attached downstream of V-518-H Before proceeding further, health physics coverage 1s necessary. H. P. man present Open or check open V-522-B Close or check ciosed: V-518-4 V-518-G V-518-E V-518-F V-518-D V-518-H V-518-B1 V-518-C1 V-518-B2 V-518-c2 V-518-B3 V-518-C3 Open V-518-F __ , V-518-G ___ , and v-518-1 Using helium bottle, pressurize this section of line to 25 psig. Close V-518-F and V-518-G Open V-518-E _ , and V-518-D Close V-518-E , and V-518-D . Repeat step 2.5 five (5) times. 1,2 o3,k , 5 In order to reduce the pressure between valves 518-G and 518-K clogse V-518-H Open V-518-G and V-518-F . Leave open a few seconds then close V-518-F and V-518-G Open V-518-D and V-518-E . [Ieave open a few seconds, then close V-518-D and V-518-E . Repeat step 2.6 three times. - s 3 . 1 2 J 6G-2 8/30/65 Init. Date/Time Approved by/@)flm 8/ 6(%3 30/65 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Tnit. Date/Time Check the following valves closed. V-518-B1 V-518-c1 V-518-B2 V-518-c2 V-518-B3 V-518-C3 V-518-D V-518-E V-518-H | V-518-K Open: V-518-F V-518-G V-518-C (1, 2, or 3 depending on which sample bomb the sample is to taken from.) Note which Open V-518-K and leave open ~ 10 seconds. Close V-518-K , V-518-G __ , V-518-F Close the "C'" valve which was opened in step 2.8 . The sample is now in the sample carrier bomb. Repeat steps 2.5 and 2.6 in order to purge the radiocactive gasses from line 518. While wearing masks and with close health physics surveillance, disconnect the carrier sample bomb at the special connection and transport the sample to the lab. Cap both ends of line disconnected. Approved by jf"?f-zfi‘z»l 7. HEAT BATANCE Heat balances will be taken periodically to determine the thermal power that is generated by the reactor. The heat balance results will be used to keep a close check on the calibration of more direct methods of power indication, i.e. flow times AT of the coolant salt, and the various neutron level instruments. 7 l TA-1 Approved by .~ 3 TA GENERAL DESCRIPTION The heat balance will be made by considering the walls of the Re- actor and Drain Tank Cells as an envelope into which heat is added or from which heat is taken. The net heat removal, whether positive or negative, represents the thermal power of the reactor. Terms 1in the heat balance, either heat scurces or heat sinks, may vary from a few watts, as is the case with control rod drive motors, to ~ 10 megawatts which may be removed by the coolant salt at full power. The terms are many and varied in value so only the most significant ones are calcu- lated, i.e. those greater than about 5 to 10 kilowatts. There are other terms, especially heat sink terms, which cannot be measured directly, i.e. heat losses through the cell walls to the earth, concrete, etc. The terms that are not evaluated individually will be evaluated collective-ly as a single correction term which will be called "heat losses." There will be a total of nine terms to be evaluated for the heat balance. These terms will be listed here and described later. Heat sink terms will be: 1. Heat removal from the reactor cell by the coolant salt, 0.1 - 10 Mw. (Computer notation QCSRC) D, Heat removal by cooling water (treated), 0.1 — 0.5 Mw. (Computer notation QCWT) 3. Heat removal by comporent cooling air, 0.02 — 0.06 Mw. ( Computer notation QCCA) L. Heat removal by fuel pump oll system, both lube and shield cooling, 0.005 — 0.01 Mw. (Computer notation QFPY) 5. Heat losseg, this will be a collection of unevaluated terms which will be used as a correction term for the overall heat balance, -0.1 — 0.5 Mw. (Computer notation QL¥S) Approved by :;2%§%%;7}4&flm? | TA-2 8/L/65 Heat Source terms will be: 1. 1. Power added by the fuel pump, 0.027 — 0.035 Mw. (Computer notation PFE) | 2. Total power added by electric heaters, 0.0 - 0.2 Mw. Computer notaticn QRCH) 3. Heat energy added by ccolant pump impeller, 0.02 — 0.03 Mw. (Computer notation QCP) L. Power added by the space cooler motors, __ Mw. (Computer notaticn PSC) Heat Balance Terms 1.1 Heat Removed by the Coolant Salt. At any significant power this will be the largest and therefore the most important term in the heat balance calculation. Since this is true, consider- able effort has been made to provide reliable and precise instrumentation for the measurement of this term. Thermo- couples located in wells at the inlet and outlet of the radiator will be used to calculate average radiator inlet (ARAIT) and average radiator outlet (ARAQT) temperatures. A venturi flow meter is located just upstream of the radiator; information from this device will be used in the calculation of the coolant flow rate. Knowing the heat capacity of the salt, the flow rate, and the temperature difference across the radiator, the total heat removed at the radiator may be calculated. 1.2 Heat Removed by Ccoling Water. Five significant heat sinks are included in this term. They comprise heat removed by cooling water from: Drain-Tank-Cell Air Cooler (DICAC), Reactor-Cell Air Cooler #1 (RCAC1), Reactor-Cell Air Cooler #2 (RCAC2), Fuel-Pump Motor Cooler (FPMC) and 5. Thermal Shield (TS¢). In each of these five cases the temperature rise of the cooling = w N water is measured, the cooling weter flow rate is set and assumed + - mapry TA-3 8/L/65 to remain constant. Knowing these quantities the heat removal may be calculated. 1.3 1.4 Heat Removed by Component Cocling Air. Energy is removed from the component cooling air both by the reduction of the gas stream temperature and by the work done compressing the gas. Since this is true, not ouly must the temperature change and the flow rate of gas be determined, but also the change in pressure which takes place across the compressor. By using the cooling water AT and flow rate and the gas stream AT the gas flow rate is established. Now using the gas flow rate Fg, the absoclute gas outlet temperature T, the temperature dif- ference between the cell alr and the gas outlet A é, the cell pressure P,, the pressure rise across the compressor AP, and the constants, heat capacity of the gas C the universal pg’ gas constant R, and the molecular weight of the cell gas M, the total heat removed may be calculated by the following equation: R t * C Q=TFg (Cpg AT + 3y T In—p— ) Heat Removed by the Fuel Q0il System. The flow rate and temperea- ture rise for the Iube 01l stream and the Shield Cooling oil stream are measured. The heat removal by the oil stream 1s calculated, assuming that the heat capacity for oll is a constant. The heat removed by the two cll streams ie calcu- lated separately and the results are then combined. Heat Losses. At a time when the system is hot and circulating but no power is being produced an evaluation of the heat-loss term can be made. This may be accomplished by measuring the energy added to the envelope by heaters, fuel circulating pump, space cooler motors, etc., and the energy removed by cooling water, coolant salt, cooling oil, codling air, etec.; the differerce between these two energy tabulations will be the Approved bx@% o TA-1 . 8/ /65 term in question. This term will be evaluated several times both before and after power operation has begun. By the time this measurement hags been made several times the value should be known with geood statistical confidence. 1.6 Heat Added by ‘the Fuel Pump Motor. The power that is required by the fuel pump will contribute to the total heat in the reactor cell. This quantity may be read_directly from the fuel pump watt meter, E M-FPD. 1.7 Heat Added by the Electric Heaters. The total heat inpat to the Reactor and Drain Tank Cells and to the coolant salt loop outside the Reactor Cell will be taken into accourt in & heat balance. A value for this heat source will be obtained by tabulating the current drawn by the heaters that are in service. Any changes in heater settings or in heaters in or out of service will affect the heat balance results. In general, this will be considered as a constant with a correction for variation in line voltage. 1.8 Heat Added by the Coolant Pump. Only that heat which is intro- duced to the coolant salt as work will be considered. The power that is used by the coolant pump will be read from EfiM—CPD. come fraction of this value will be used. The value of the fraction will be established. 1.9 Heat Added by the Space Coclers. The heat that is added to the system by the space cooler motors (3) will be determined by measuring the power reguired under normal conditions, for the operation of each motor. This will be done by using a "clamp- on" ammeter to measure the current. This will be done several times to establish the power, then the value will be rechecked periodicaily. TB-1 8/L /65 B Computer Heat Belance 1. Routine Calculation. A heat balance will be calculated routinely by the on-line computer every U4 hours. The results will consist of one line on the preprinted form in typer number 2 and will include, in the order stated, the following (The nomenclature used for each term on the preprinted form is given in parentheses.): 1) 2) 3) i) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Time Net power (Power) Average radiator inlet temperature (ARAIT) Average radiator outlet temperature (ARAQT) Radiator AT (RADT) Coolant salt flow rate (CSFLY) Heat removed by the radiator (QCSRA) Heat removed by cooling water (treated) (QCWT) Heat removed by component cooling air (QCCA) Heat removed by fuel pump oil system (QFPY) Fuel salt flow rate (FSFLQ) The next ceven entries will be ratios of Net Power (item 2 above) to the power indicated by the each of the following nuclear instrument channels, 12) Linear power #1 (NPFLL) 13) Linear power #2 (NPFL2) 14) ILog power #1 (NPFFL) 15) Log power #2 (NPFF2) 16) Safety channel #1 (NPFS1) 17) Safety channel #2 (NPFS2) 18) Safety channel #3 (NFFS3) 2. Requested Calculation. A heat balance may be requested at any time and as often as one might wish to do so. The requested heat balance will not interfere with the calculation of the routine heat balance. The Approved b vy It 7 f TB-2 8/4/65 results of the requested heat balance will consist of two lines ¢ of data, without identifiers, on typer number 3. The first line will have the same order and content as listed above under "Routine Calculation"”, the second line will include, in the order stated, the following: 19) Radiator inlet AT (difference between two thermocouples in the same well) 20) Radiastor outlet AT {(difference between two thermocouples in the same well) 21) Heat removed by drain-tank-cell air cooler 22) Heat removed by reactor-cell air cooler #1 23) Heat removed by reactor-cell air cooler #2 2Lk) Heat removed by fuel pump motor cooler . 25) Heat removed by thermal shield cooler 26) Component-cooling-air flow rate 27) Heat removed by fuel-pump lube oil 28) Heat removed by fuel-pump shield cooling oil 29) Radiator air flow rate 30) Heat added by electric heaters 31) Heat added by fuel circulating pump 32) Heat added by cell air cooler motors 33) Heat added by coolant circulating pump 34) Heat lost from the Reactor and drain tank cells. 3. Operator Regulrements. The computer will read many variables for each heat balance and use these wvariables together with constants that have been established to complete the calculation. Many of the constants that are used for the computer calculation are controllable by the reactor operators, for example: the various treated cooling water flow rates are assumed by the computer to be set at gome constant value, in reality this value may drift or be changed by an ocperator thus yielding an erroneous result. . Approved by% 257 TB-3 8/1/65 The following 1s a list of flow rates that are assumed by the computer (these will be modified if the operating conditions change. ) : FIA-836 60 gpm FIA-8L0 60 gpm FIA-838 60 gpm FIA-830 > gpm FT -8L4L 60 gpm FI -873 20 gpm The computer also assumes that some constant amount of power is being added by heaters. If a heater fails or if heater current settings are changed then the power added by the heaters changes and an erroneous heat balance results. The total power added to the system by heaters will be about 200 kw. The computer also assumes that all three cell air coolers are in operation. Thege should be checked "on". Routine heat balances are calculated six times daily beginning at 0230 and every 4 hours thereafter. The operator must check and if necessary adjust water flows approximately 15 minutes before the heat balance is made. He must also note if any heater settings have been changed and if any of the cell air coolers are off. Approved by, 3 i TC-1 ’ 8/4/65 7C MANUAL HEAT BALANCE Manual calculation of heat balances will be done to check out the operation of the computer. It may also be necessary to make several manual heat balances during the zero power experiments since the computer may not be in full operation by that time. The calculations necessary are identical to those done by the computer, those calculations are described in the "Computer Systems Report.” The part of the manual heat balance that has the greatest importance to the operator is the taking of data necegsary for its calculation. The following list is to be used for collecting this data. Run No. Date Time Initials BELECTRIC POWER Switeh House TVA bus voltage #1 #0 #3 Main Control Room POWER TO SPACE COOLER MOTORS Check Space Coolers "On" DICAC RCACHL RCAC#2 POWER TO PUMPS fuel Pump Power EWR-FPD kw Coolant Pump Power EWR-CFD kw Heater Panel POWER TO HEATERS Heater Current CR—l, Amps CR-2, Amps TX-3790 (6-65) / ! : Approved byZé ’3 “‘f’%mw CR-3, Amps CR-4, Amps CR-5, Amps CR-6, Amps CR-T7, Amps H-200-13, Amps 1. 2. 3. H-201-12, Amps 1. 2. 3. TC-2 8/k4 /65 Approved byqééifii%géf%?*“v” . H-202-2, Amps 1. 2. 3. Heaters Powerstat Setting and Current H-200-1k Setting ' Amps H-200-15 Setting Amps H-201-10 . setting Amps H-201-11 Setting Amps H-201-13 Setting Amps H-202-1 cetting Amps H-20k4-2 Setting Amps H-205-1 Setting Amps FV-204-3 Setting ’ Amps 7C-3 8/L/65 Approved by‘fizzfilzwé%%;: AH P FT-201A-1 cetting Amps FT-201A-3 Setting Amps FT-201A-2 Setting Amps FT-201A-4 Setting Amps FT-201B-1 Setting Amps FT-201B-3 Setting Amps FT-201B-2 Setting Amps FT-201B-4 Setting Amps LE CP 1 Setting Amps LE CP 2 Setting Amps FV-20L-1 cetting Amps o 8/k/65 Approved by PN BN 7C-5 8/4/65 FV-204-2 FV-204-A2 Setting Setting Amps Amps FV-206-1 FV-206-A2 Setting Setting Amps Amps FV-206-2 (SP-16) Setting Amps H-20k4-1 Amps H-206-1 Amps CP-1 Setting Amps CP-2 Setting Amps H-200-1 Setting Amps H-200-11 - Setting Amps H-200-12 Setting Amps H-201-1 Setting Amps H-201-2 - setting Amps H-201-9 Setting Amps H-100-1 Setting Amps RCH-1 (Amps) \ RCH-2 (Amps) l RCH-3 (Amps) \ RCH-U4 (Amps) 1. 2. 3. H-100-2 l Setting Amp H-101-2 n Setting Amp H-101-3 wm Setting Amps 7C-6 8/k /65 Approved b - afl s y *4é§E:—~;E?V‘””*\ TC-7 8/k/65 b RCH-5, Amps . H-102-2, 1. 2, R-1, Amps 1. | R-2, Amps l. 2. R'B: Amps l‘ ! HX-1, Amps 1. 2. 3¢ Approved by gfiz“fz/Jl%é;{/M%»7 X-2, Amps 3. HX-3, Amps 1. FP-1, Amps 3. FP-2, Amps RAN-1 Setting Amps RAN-2 Setting Amps H-102-3 Setting Amps H-102-1 Setting Amps H-102-L Setting Amps H-102-5 Setting Amps TC-8 8/L/6 - NSy 7C-9 Approved by | 8/L /65 » H-103 Setting Amps FV-103 Setting Anmps H-10L4-1 Setting Amps FFP-1, Amps 1. 2. v 3. FFT-2, .Amps 1. 2. 3. FD-1-1, Amps l l l 3. FD-1-2, Amps l i FD-2-1, Amps I FD-2-2, Amps l _ . Approved by fl Iz ‘5"'.‘/" ¥yl FV-10k-1 Setting Amps FV-104-3 Setting Amps H-104-5 Setting Amps H-10L-6 Setting Amps FV-105-1 Setting Amps FV-105-3 Setting Amps H-105-1 Setting Amps H-105-k Setting Amps FV-106-1 Setting Amps FV-106-3 Setting Amps H~106-1 Setting Amps 7C-10 8/1/65 Py Approved b17435.2/;¢t$/;¢ow\ H-106-4 Setting , Amps H-10h4-2 Amps H-10L-3 Amps H-10L-4 Amps H-105-2 Amps H-105-3 Amps H-10L-7 Amps H-106-2 Amps H-106-3 Amps H-110-2 Amps H-110-3 Amps H-107-1 Setting Amps H-107-2 Setting Amps HF-107-3 Setting Amps FV-10L-1A Setting Amps - FvV-105-1A Setting Amps FV-106-1A Setting Amps TC-11 8/4/65 Fv-107-1 cetting Amps FV-107-3 setting rAmps H-108-1 setting Amps H-108-2 Setting Amps H-108-3 Setting Amps FV~108-1 Setting Amps FV-108-3 Setting Amps H-109-1 Setting Amps H-109-2 Setting Amps H-109-3 setting Amps FV-109-1 Setting Amps - »':’// LYl J1 7 gy TC~12 8/L /65 o, Approved bxfizZZE%gégéfiwgnq » FV-109-3 Setting Amps H-110-1 Setting Amps i THERMOCOUPLES ’ Thermocouple ’ COOLANT SALT TEMPERATURES i Radiator Inlet TE~201-A-1A g Radiator Inlet TE-201-A-1B { Radiator Outlet TE-201-A-24 Radiator‘Outlet TE-201-A-2B COMPONENT COOLING ATR TEMPERATURES Component cooling air at outlet of cooler Component cooling air at inlet to cooler Component cooling air at inlet to system OTT, SYSTEM TEMPERATURES Iube and Shield cooling oil inlet i Iube 0il outlet i Shield cooling oil outlet | TREATED COOLING WATER TEMPERATURES Cooling water in Outlet from Drain Tank cell cooler Outlet from Reactor cell cooler #1 Outlet from Reactor cell cooler #2 Outlet from Fuel Pump cooler Outlet from Thermal Shield . Outlet from Component air cooler TE-917 TE-916 TE-022 TE-T702-1B TE-705-1A TE-TOT-1A TE-826-1 TE-837-1 TE-846~1 TE-841-1 TE-831-1 TE-8L45-1 TE-87h-1 Jack Panel No. 805 806 807 808 898 897 899 872 873 875 887 890 893, 891 886 892 895 7C-13 8/4/65 Temperature °F Approved by f"f?”; (%u - FIOWS Transmitter Auxiliary Control Room COOILANT SALT FIOWS Coolant Salt Flow FT-201-A Coolant Salt Flow FT-201-38 Main Control Room OIL FIOWS Lube 0il Flows FT-TO3-A Shield cooling oil flows FT-704-A COOLING WATER FIOWS Water Room Drain tank cell cooler Reactor cell cooler #1 Reactor Cell cooler #2 Fuel Pump Motor Cooler Thermal Shield Cooler Component Cooling Air Cooler PRESSURES Main Control Room Reactor Cell Pressure Blower AP NUCLEAR POWER Linear Power #1 Range Reading Linear Power #2 Range Reading Linear Chamber selected (S 17) #1 or #2 Linear Power on chamber selected Range Reading ILcg Power #1 (Red Pen) Log Power #2 (Green Pen) Safety Channel #1 Safety Channel #2 Safety Channel #3 Date Time Tnitialis 7C- 1k 8/4 /65 Read-out FI-201-A gpm FI-201-B gpm FI-7C3-A~-1 gpm FI-TOL-A-1 gpm Reading gpm FI-836 X T = FI"'8)'|-O - X T = _ FI-838 X T = FI-8LL X T = FI-830 X T = FI-873 PI-RC-A psia PAIC-960-A psig IXNIC1A watts RINIC1Al % HXNIC2A watts RINICPAL % RR- 3600 watts RR- 3600 % RR- 3700 watts RR- 3700 watts RMNSC1AL % RMNSC2A1 % RMNSC 3A1 % 8-1 10/22/65 Approved byfiffifi,jzfiéé%yyzfiwx 8 PERIODIC INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND CIRCUIT CHECKS During each startup of the MSRE the instrumentation will be tested to assure that it is functioning properly as described in Section LH. These startup tests will include a thorough checkout of all instrumen- tation and circuitry. Due to the importance of some instruments or circuits, they will also be tested periodically during operation. Details of these tests are given in the following section. The frequency of testing is given in Table 8-1. If the tests indicate that the instrumentation has failed in an unsafe manner, consideration should be given to manually actuating the safety action. In the case of 2 out of 3 circuitry,this will not in- terfere with normal operation. It will require extra steps during the testing of the other two channels. 1In the case of one out of two channels, it may be possible to increase the frequency of testing of the other channel and using other administrative controls. In most cases the operations chief should be consulted. Approved bXMfM{f) ° & N 8-2 A4 10/22/65 TABLE 8-1 PERIODIC ON-LINE CHECKING OF INSTRUMENTATTION PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTATION REMARKS FREQUENCY SA-1 Nuclear Wide Range Instrument Calibration Monthl Counrving Channel 8A-1.3, 1.4, 1.7 Log Count Rate, Instrument Calibration Weekly and 1.8 Log Power and Period 8A-2 Nuclesar Sefety Instrument Calibration Monthly Channelis 84A-3 Linear Power Instrument Calibration Monthly Channels 8B Process Radiation Surveillance Check 8 Hours GM Tubes 8B Process Radiation Instrument Calibration 8 Hours GM Tubes 8B Process Radiation Surveillance Check 8 Hours 10N Chambexr 8B Process Radiation Zero Check 8 Hours ION Chanber 8B-2 Process Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tubes RM 557 8B-3 Process Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tubes RM 528 SB-4 Procegs Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tubes RM 565 88-5 Procegs Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tubes RM 500 &B-6 Process Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tubes EM 596 8B-7 Process Radiation Source Check Weekly 10N Cramber RM 827 8B-8 Process Radiation Source Check Weekly GM Tube RM 0T 1 and 2z 8C-1 Persomnel Monitors Source Check Weekly 8C-2 Personnel Moniters Alarm Matrix Check Monthly 8C-3 Personnel Monitors Evacuation Alarm Check Biannually Approved'byfljfiégéibégéwfiflm 8-3 v 10/22/65 TABLE 8-1 (continued) PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTATION REMARKS FREQUENCY 8c-L Containment Stack Source Check Weekly Monitors 8D-1 FP and OFT Pressure Electronic Simulation Weekly Check and Surveil- lance Check 8D-2 Helium Supply Relay Check Weekly Pressure 8D-3 FP and OFT Bub- Flow and Level Checks Weekly blers 8D-L4 Rod Scram Fast Trip Comparator Daily Checks 8D-5 Emergency Drain Simulated Temperature Weekly and Levels Checks 8D-6 Reactor Cell Similated Pressure Weekly Pressure Checks 8D-7 Coolant Pump Speed Relay Check Weekly and Coolant Flow 8D-8 Sampler Interlocks Check Monthly 8D-9 Exercise Control Surveillance Check Weekly Rods Approved byflgfifir## 7 ety Bt o 8A-1 7 L 10/28/65 8A NEUTRON LEVEL Due to the complexity of the nuclear instrumentation and the possibility of it drifting, all components are given periodic on line tests. These tests as described in this section are done mainly by instrument technicians; however, operational personnel should follow the work closely. No jumpers should be installed without the prior approval of the operations chief. Obtain Shift Supervisor's permission before starting this procedure Init. Date/Time 1 WIDE RANGE COUNTING CHANNELS Since only one counting channel is required, the following tests can be performed on a single channel while the reactor is in service. The other channel should be in service before starting this check if reactor power is less than 1 Mw. 1.1 Reference Voltages Channel 1 Measure all DC voltages with a digital voltmeter at the tests points indicated. If adjustments are required, follow the procedure given in the individual module manual. The regulated supply voltages should be adjusted only when measured in drawer W-2 (RX-NCC 1-AL). l.1.1 Msake sure channel to be tested is not the one selected for operation. 1.1.2 Drawer W-2 (RX NCC1-AL) (Reference drawing RC13-13-574) Test Blk Voltage Ground Rdng. Adj. Rdng. A-1 +10v = 10mv % Ov Reg. A-3 ~-10v * 10mv + Ov Reg. A-5 -15v £ 10mv * Ov Reg. A-T7 -25v = 10mv %= Ov Reg. A-Q +15v £ 10mv + Ov Reg. % APPTOV@},.W%/A% A1 L 8A_2 Test Blk A-11 A-17 A-19 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 1.1.2 (continued) Voltage Ground Rdng. Adj. Rdng. +25v £ 10mv Ov Reg. +32v £ 100mv £ Ov Batt. -32v £ 100mv * Ov Batt. I+ 1.1.3 Drawer W-3 (RX-NCC1-2A6) (Reference drawing RC13-13-584) Test Blk Voltage iround Rdng. TPh-9 -10v * 10mv % Ov Reg. TP4-16 +10v * 10mv % Ov Reg. __ TPL-12 -15v £ 10mv % Ov Reg. TPL-18 +15v = 10mv % Ov Reg. TP4-14 ~25v * 10mv * Ov Reg. TP4-20 +25v * 10mv % Ov Reg. TPk -k ~-32v = 100mv % Ov BRatt. Measure the preamp and fission chamber supply voltages at the test points located in the transformer shield enclosure mounted on the rear panel. Adjust per procedure given in Q-2617-5 mamual (RX-NCC1-A7). Test Point Voltage Reading Adj. Reading 1 Ovi¥ 2 22V 3 Ov¥x L +110v 5 +300v *Return for -22v **¥Return for 110 and 300v Measure chopper supply voltage (6.3 v ac £ 0.5) between TP6-3 and TP6-6 with Triplett meter or equal. Operational Amplifier Balance Channel 1 Balance esch operational amplifier by 102 1.3 8A-3 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) depressing "Bal" push button on top of the module and adjusting the adjacent trim potentiometer until the meter in the left rear corner of the drawer indicates zero. All operational amplifiers are located in drawver W-3 {RX-NCC1l-A6). These are RM NCC1l-A5, Ab, A7, A3, A9, and AlO. Log Count Rate and Log Power Calibration Channel 1 1.3.1 Place chamnel 2 switch (S-14) in automatic mode and turn chamber selector switeh (S-15) to position 2. 1.3.2 Place channel 1 in manual mcde. 1.3.3 Position "operate-calibrate’ switch located on pulse amplifier to "10 cps” position; note output of "reactor power” gmplifier , measured between TP5-19 and HQ ground. The "log count rate" panel meter should indicate 10 cps _ and the output of the "log count rate" amplifier should measure -2 volts between TP3-6 (W-3) and H. G. ground 1.3.4 Position "operate-calibrate" switeh to "10% cps ___ , and the "log count rate” amplifier output should be -8 volts The "reactor power" amplifier output should increase by +3 volts _ , while the "reactor power” panel meter indication goes up 3 decades 1.3.5 Measure the counting rate using the scaler with the 10 and 10% cps test signal applied: 10/28/65 Approved byxgfifigjéiizgfifgké%flw\\ 8A-L Init. Date/Time 1.3.5 (continued) Test Signal Scaler Rdg. Time Scaler cps 10 cps 10% cps . 1.4 PFast-Trip Comparator SetPoints The fast-trip comparator (Q-2609) set points may be visually checked by verifying the reference potentiometer settings as tabulated below. (Dial reads directly in volts.) Fast Trip Poténtiometer Comparator Dial Setting Check RXS-NCC1L-A2 1 {<50 X cps) 9.L _ RXS-NCC1l-A1 2 (>2 cps) 0.6 L RXS-NCC1-46 3 (<200 kw) 7.3 L RXS-NCC1-A7T L (>500 kw) 7.7 o RXS-NCC1-48 5 (>1.5 Mw) 8.18 L RXS-NCC1-A3 6 (<10 sec) 5.71 L RIS-NCC1-Ak 7 (<20 sec) 3.57 L RXS-NCC1-45 8 (330 sec) 2.86 1.4.1 Log Count Rate FIC's The counting rate may be adjusted over the instruments entire range by adjustment of the pulse amplifier gain and/or the discriminator level. With the digital vcltmeter connected between TP3-13 in drawer W-4 {RX-NCC1-A8) and H. G. ground, increase the counting rate, by increasing the pulse amplifier gain and decreasing the PHS setting, until the 50 kcps fast-trip comparator changes state (RXS-NCC1l-A2). Voltmeter should indicate -9.4v * 0.05v . Decrease « Approved by E$23§§25¢zft,<fiu4fl\ 8A-5 s /4 10/28/65 1.4.1 (continued) Init. Date/Time the counting rate by decreasing the pulse amplifier gain and increasing the PHS setting until the 2 cps fast-trip compa- rator operates (RXS-NCCL-Al) voltmeter should indicate -0.6v + 0.05v . Return PHS dial to proper setting record: 1l.k.2 ILog Power FIC's The setpalnt of the power fast-trip comparator is determined by applying a calibrated voltage to their inputs. This signal is adjusted with a potentiometer located inside drawer W-1 (RX-NCC1-A5). The output of the potentiometer 1s applied to the log power amplifier. Connect digital voltmeter between TP3-15 and H. Q. ground in drawer W-4 (RX-NCC1-A8). Bet "operate-calibrate" switch to “period." Depress 'power test” push button inside drawer W-1 (RX-NCC1-AS). Adjust adjacent potentiometer to check trip points as tabulated below: Trip Voltmeter Indication Pot. Setting 200 Kw RXS-NCCl-A6 7.3 £ 0.05v 500 Kw RX8-NCCl-A7 7.7 %= 0.05v 1.5 Kw RXS-NCCL-A8 8.18 * 0.05v 1.4.3 Period FTC's The period trips are tested by applying calibrated voltage ramps to the function generator amplifier. These ramps are selected t0 generate period signals slightly larger than the set points. Connect digital voltmeter between TP3-17 in drawer W-4% (RX-NCCL-A8) and H. G. Approved by -7 ~ 1.5 8A-6 10/28/65 Tnit. Date/Time 1.k.3 (continued) ground. Set "cperate-calibrate” switch to "period."” Set "test" selector switch inside drawer W-1 (RX-NCC1-A5) to the desired period (10, 20, or 30 sec.). ITrip Voltmeter Indication 10 sec. RXS-NCC1-A3 ~ + 6.0 20 sec. RXS-NCCL-AY ~ + 3.7 30 sec. RXS-NCCl-A5 ~ -+ 3.0 Reference Voltages Channel 2 Test Blk A-1 A-3 A-5 A-T7 A-9 A-11 A-17 A-19 Meagure all DC voltages with a digital voltmeter at the tests points indicatea. If adjustments are required, follow the procedure given in the individual module manual. The regulated supply voltages should be adjusted only when measured in drawer W-2 (RX-NCCZ2-AkL). 1.5.1 Make sure chanunel +“o be tested is not the one selected for operation. 1.5.2 Drawer W-2 (RX-NCC2-24%) (Reference drawing RC13-13-57A) Voltage Ground Rdng. Adj. Rdng. +10v £ 10mv %+ Ov Reg. -10v £ 10mv * Ov Reg. -15v £ 10mv * Ov Reg. -¢bv £ 10mv £ Ov Reg. +15v £ 10mv = Ov Reg. +25v £ 10mv = Ov Reg. +32v £ 100mv £ Ov Batt. -32v £ 100mv + Ov Batt. 1.1.3 Drawer W-3 (RX-NCC2-46) (Reference drawing RC13-13-584) Approvedybyggifffir sy fen, BA-7 zfi7 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 1.1.3 (continued) Test Blk Voltage Ground Rdng. TPL-9 -10v # 10mv % Ov Reg. TP4-16 +10v * 10mv % Ov Reg. TP4-12 -15v = 10mv * Ov Reg. TP4-18 +15v = 10mv £ Ov Reg. TPL-1h -25v + 10mv % Ov Reg. TP4-20 +25v £ 10mv + Ov Reg. TP -1 -32v £ 100mv * Ov Batt. 1.6 Measure the preasmp and fission chamber supply voltages at the test points located in the transformer shield enclosure mounted on the rear panel. Adjust per procedure given in Q-2617-5 manual (RX-NCC2-AT). Test Point Voltage Reading Adj. Reading 1 Ov* _ 2 -22V 3 Q¥ L +110v 5 +300v ¥Return for -22v *¥*¥Return for 110 and 300v Measure chopper supply voltage (6.3 v ac * 0.5) between TP6-3 and TP6-6 with Triplett meter or equal. Operational Amplifier Balance Channel 2 Balance each operational amplifier by depressing "Bal" push button on top of the module and adjusting the adjacent trim potentiometer until the meter in the left rear corner of the drawer indicates zero. All operational amplifiers are located in 7 Approved.byjl4f§§;€E;Z%;g;2&¢4h\ 84-8 o V 10/28 /65 Init. Date/Time 1.6 {(continued) drawer W-3 (RX-NCC2-46). These are RM NCC 2-25, AG, A7, A8, A9, and AlO. Log Count Rate and Log Power Calibration Channel 2 1.7 1.7. 1.7. 1.7 1.7. 1.7. 1 Place channel 2 switch (S-14) in automatic mode and turn chamber selector switeh (8-15) to position 2. o Place channel 1 in manual mode. .3 Position "operate-calibrate" switch located on pulse amplifier to "10 cps" position; note output of "reactor power" amplifier , measured between TP5-19 and HQ ground. The "log count rate” panel meter should indicate 10 cps __ , and the ocutput cf the "log count rate" amplifier should measure -2 volts between TP3-6 (W-3) and H. G. ground L Position "operate-calibrate" switeh to "10% cps _ , =nd the'log count rate” amplifier output should be -8 volts The "reactor power" amplifier output should increase by 43 volts s while the "reactor power” panel meter indication goes up 3 decades 5 Mesasure the counting rate using the scaler with the 10 and 10% cps test signal applied: Test Signal Scaler Rdg. Time Scaler cps 10 cps 10% cps 1.8 Fast-Trip Comparator Set Points Channel 2 The fast-trip comparator {(Q-2609) set Approved by 1.8 (continued) points may be visually checked by verifying the reference potentiometer settings as tabu- lated below. (Dial reads directly in volts.) Fast Trip Potentiometer Comparator Dial Setting Check RXS-NCC2-A2 1 (<50 K cps) 9.4 L RXS-NCC2-A1 2 (>2 cps) 0.6 o RXS-NCC2-46 3 (<200 kw) 7.3 L RXS-NCC2-A7 4 (>500 kw) 7.7 L RXS-NCC2-A8 5 (>1.5 Mw) 8.18 o RXS-NCC2-43 6 (<10 sec) 5.71 L RXS-NcC2-Ah 7 (<20 sec) 3.57 - RXS-NCC2-45 8 (>30 sec) 2.86 - 8A-9 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 1.8.1 Log Count Rate FIC's The counting rate may be adjusted over the instruments entire range by adjustment of the pulse amplifier gain and/or the discriminator level. With the digital voltmeter connected between TP3-13 in drawer W-4 (RX-NCC2-AS) and H. G. ground, increase the counting rate, by increasing the pulse amplifier gain and decreasing the PHS setting, until the 50 keps fast-trip comparator changes state (RXS-NCC2-A2). Voltmeter should indicate -Q.4v £ 0.05v __ . Decrease the counting rate by decreasing the pulse amplifier gain and increasing the PHS setting until the 2 cps fast-trip compa- rator operates (RXS-NCC2-Al) voltmeter should indicate -0.6v % 0.05v Return PHS dial to proper setting record: 8A-10 Approved by 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 1.8.2 Log Power FIC's The set point of the power fast- trip comparator is determined by applying a calibrated voltage to their inputs. This signal is adjusted with a potentiometer located inside drawer W-1 (RX-NCC2-A5). The output of the potentiometer is applied to the log power asmplifier. Connect digital voltmeter between TP3-15 and H. Q. ground in drawer W-k4 (RX-NCC2-A8). Set "operate-calibrate" switch to "period". Depress "power test" push button inside drawer W-1 (RX-NCC2-A5). Adjust adjacent potentiometer to check trip points as tabulated below: Trip Voltmeter Indication Pot. Setting 200 Kw RXS-NCC2-46 7.3 * 0.05v 510 Kw RXS-NCC2-A7 7.7 £ 0.05v 1.5 Kw RXS-NCC2-A8 8.18 + 0.05v 1.8.3 Period FIC'a The period trips are tested by applying calibrated wvoltage ramps to the function generator amplifier. These ramps are selected to generate period signals slightly larger than the set points. Connect digital voltmeter between TP3-17 in drawer W-4 (RX-NCC2-A8) and H. G. ground. Set "operate-calibrate" switch to "period.” Set "test"” selector switch inside drawer W-1 {RX-NCC2-A5) to the desired periocd (10, 20, or 30 sec.) Approved by{fgjé?;széZE;//awflu\‘ 8A-11 10/28/65 b Init. Date/Time 1.8.3 (continued) Trip Voltmeter Indication 10 sec. RXS-NCC2-A3 ~ + 6.0 20 sec. RXS-NCC2-AkL ~ + 3.7 30 sec. RXS-NCC2-A5 ~ + 3.0 2 NUCLEAR SAFETY CHANNELS 2.l Since the MSRE safety system has three separate channels connected in a 2/3 arrangement, the following tests may be performed on a single . channel while the reactor is in service; however, it 1s imperative that all three safety . channels are in the untripped condition before testing is started since the channel under test must be tripped. 2.2 Reference Voitages: Channel 1 2.2.1 Drawer S-1 (RX-NSCl-Al) (Reference drawing RC13-9-56A) Measure the supply voltage at the . indicated test points with a digital voltmeter. Adjust the regulators es required, following the adjustment procedure described in the individual . module manual. Test Block A Voltage Return Rdg. Adj. Rdg. | Pin 18 +32v £ 100mv + Ov Batt Pin 19 -32v £ 100mv % Ov Batt Pin 1 +10v * 10mv + Ov Reg. Pin 3 -10v £ 10mv #* Ov Reg. Pin 5 ~15v £ 10mv £ Ov Reg. Pin 7 -25v * 10mv £ Ov Reg. * Pin 10 +15v £ 10mv % Ov Reg. Pin 11 +25v £ 10mv % Ov Reg. Approved by ZZ zpé"'%i{ finfi? 2.2.2 Drawer $S-2 (RX-NSV1-A6) (Reference drawing RC13-9-57A) Measure the supply voltages at the indicated test points with a digital voltmeter. Test Block Voltage Return Rdng . TP1-A +32v £ 100mv * 9v Batt (TP1-K) TP1-U -32v £ 100mv I Ov Batt TPL-F +10v £ 10mv * Ov Reg (TP1l-H) TP1-N -10v £ 10mw £ Ov Reg (TP1l-H) TPL-R ~15v + 10mv + Ov Reg. (TP1-E) TP2-6 ~25v £ 10mv % Ov Reg. (TP1-H) TP1-D +15v + 10mv + Ov Reg (TP1-H) TP1-B +25v * 10mv £ Ov Reg (TP1l-H) z.2.3 Chamber High Voltage Supply Measure the chamber high voltage sup- Ply with a Triplett meter at the test points located in the module. The white point (TP3) is ground; the red point is the high-voltage output test point (TP2). The voltage should read +250v * 25v. 2.3 Instrument Balance Channel 1 The instruments requiring balancing are the Flux Amplifier (RM-NSCl-Al) and the Period Safety Module (BRM-NSCLl-A43). 2.3.1 TFlux Amplifier Balance A zero-center balance meter on the top of the module is visible with the drawer pulled out. The meter is used with the zero push button and zero adjustment located at the edge of the printed circuit board to correct for drift. Depress the zero push button and observe balance meter. 8A-12 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time Approved byffiéfy ~gfiéé73¢¢¢n1 8A-13 V 10/28/65 2.3.1 (continued) Init. Date/Time If the meter reads anywhere on scale with the pushbutton depressed, the balance is satisfactory. If adjust- ment is necessary, turn zero-adjustment. 2.3.2 Period Safety Balance With the drawer withdrawn, there are visible on top of the module, five test points, and three "Bal" potentio- meters. Place a Jjumper between TPl and TP2 (Brown) and measure the voltage between TP3 and TP4 (Black) with a Triplett meter. Operations Chief's approval Adjust "Bal l'until the voltage is zero. Place jumper between TP3 and TPh (Black) and TP6 (Yellow). Operations Chief's approval . Adjust "Bal 2" until the voltage between TP5 (Red) and TP6 (Yellow) is zero. The period amplifier may be zeroed by adjusting "Bal 3" until the front- panel meter indicates " w.” Remove jumpers. Shift Supervisor's approval B "Reverse' Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSC1-A2) Channel 1 and "Level Scram'" Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSC1-A3) Calibration. The purpose of this section is to check S r————r——r—— the trip point of the above comparators. It is assumed that the safety system is in the low sensitivity mode (15 Mw scram). 2 ./:/f»;r/ HLL /8187%& 10/28/65 Approved'gxf’”' Init. Date/Time 2.4 (continued) This test injects a test current into the Flux amplifier which is adjusted to cause the comparators to just operate. The potentiometer and push button referred to hereafter are located on the Monitor and Test Unit (RM-NSClL-A2). Connect the digital voltmeter to the Flux Amplifier output, (TPL-W and H. Q. ground). With the "ecurrent adjust"” potentiometer set to zero, depress the "high current” push button, adjust the potentiometer and observe at what voltage the comparators change state. Flux Ampl. Fast Trip Potentiometer Output at. Comparator Dial Setting Trip Point Rdg. Ad. Rdg. 1 {scram) 7.50 ~-715v * 0.05v 2 (reverse and load set- back) 6.00 ~-6.0v = 0.05v Return potentiometer to zero setting. 2.5 Period Calibration Test Channel 1 Depressing the "period calibration" test button on the test module causes a voltage ramp o be applied to the log current amplifier. Differentiation of this ramp by the period amplifier produces a constant voltage output for the duration of the ramp. Two ramp rates are available: one produces a period of approximately 2 sec and one a period slightly shorter than 1 sec. 2.5.1 Connect a digital voltmeter between TP2-3 (period output) and H. Q. ground. Approved by e 8A-15 ‘ 10/28/65 2.6 Init. Date/Time 2.5.2 Depress the "2 sec period" push button. The "period" front panel meter should show an approximate 2 sec indication. Record period . Record voltage (should be 500 mv + 50) 2.5.3 Depress the "1l sec period" push button and record period indicated Record voltage (should be + 100mv). "Period' Fast-Trip Comparator Channel 1 2.7 2.8 2.6.1 Depress the "l sec period" push button and observe that the “period scram' fast-trip comparator does change state (trip). 2.6.2 Observe that when the "2 sec period” push button is depressed that the trip comparator does not remain tripped after the initial transient. (Momentary trip). Caution Before proceeding to the next channel or section, make sure that all channels are reset (untripped). In addition, observe that all meters are indicating correctly and ail latch lights are reset. Reference Voltages: Channel 2 2.8.1 Drawer S-1 (RX-NSC2-Al) (Reference drawing RC13-9-56A) Measure the supply voltage at the indicated test points with a digitai voltmeter. Adjust the regulators as required, following the adjustment pro- cedure described in the individual module manual. 2.8.1 (continued) R eturn 8A-16 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time Rdg. Adj. Rag. + O+ i+ Ov Batt Ov Batt Ov Reg. Ov Reg. Ov Reg. Ov Reg. Ov Reg. Ov Reg. (RX-N3V2-46) (Reference drawing RC13-9-57A) Measure the supply voltages at the ——— indicated test points with a digital ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Test Block A Voltage Pin 18 +32v £ 100mv Pin 19 -32v & 100mv Pin 1 +10v = 10mv Pin 3 -10v £ 10mv Pin 5 -15v £ 10mv Pin 7 -25v £ 10mv Pin 10 +15v £ 10mv Pin 11 +25v = 10mv 2.8.2 Drawer 8-2 voltmeter. Test Block Voltage TP1-A +32v £ 100mv £ TP1-U -32v £ 100mv * TP1-F +10v £ 10mv = TP1-N -10v £ 10mw = TP1-R -15v = 10mv £ TP2 -6 -25v = 10mv = TP1-D +15v * 10mv =+ TP1-B +25v £ 10mv =% Ov Return Rdng. Batt (TP1-K) Batt ——— Reg (TP1-H) . Reg (TPl-H) Reg (TFP1-H) Reg (TPl-H) Reg (TP1l-H) Reg (TP1-H) —r————— —————— ——r——— ———————— 2.8.3 Chamber High Voltage Supply Measure the chamber high voltage supply with a Triplett meter at the test points located in the module. The white point (TP3) is ground; the red point is the high-voltage output test point (TP2). read 250v % 25v. The voltage should Approved by ,jj f€£7%§/¢a¢wn\\hh 8A-17 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 2.9 Instrument Balance Channel 2 the The instruments requiring balancing are Flux Amplifier (RM-NSC2-Al) and the Period Safety Module (RM-NSC2-A3). 2.9. 2.9. 1 TFlux Amplifier Balance A zero-center balance meter on the top of the module is visible with the drawer pulled out. The meter is used with the zero push button and zero adjusfment located at the edge of the printed circuit board to correct for drift. Depress the zero push button and observe balance meter. If the meter reads anywhere on scale with the pushbutton depressed, the balance is satisfactory. If adjustment is necessary, turn zero-adjustment. 2 Period Safety Balance With the drawer withdrawn, there are visible on top of the module, five test points, and three "Bal" potentio- meters. z.9.2.1 Place a jumper between TPl and TP2 (Brown) and measure the voltage between TP3 and TP4 (Black) with a Triplett meter. Operations Chief's approval . Adjust "Bal 1" until the voltage is zero. Place jumper between TP3 and TPL (Black) and TP6 (Yellow). Operations Chief's approval . Adjust "Ball 2" until the voltage between TP5 (Red) and TP6 (Yellow) is zero. 10/28/65 Approvedby'ézqgi:agygiééfimfiqzy\ 8A-18 Init. Date/Time The pericd amplifier may be zero by adjusting "Bal 3" until t_tt Lo, the frontpanel meter indicates Remove jumpers. Shift Supervisor's check . 2,10 "Reverse” Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSC2-A2) Channel 2 and "Level Scram" Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSC2-A3) Calibration. The purpose of this section is to check the trip point of the above comparators. It is assumed that the safety system is in the low sensitivity mode (15 Mw scram). This test injects a test current into the Flux amplifier which is adjusted to cause the comparators to just operate. The potentio- meter and push button referred to hereafter are located on the Monitor and Test Unit (RM-NSC2~A2). Connect the digltal voltmeter to the Flux Amplifier output. (TP1-W and H. Q. ground). With the "current adjust" potentiometer set to zero, depress the "high current” push button, adjust the potentiometer and observe at what voltage the comparators change state. Fast Trip Potentiometer Flux Ampl. _Comparator — Disl Setting Output at Rdg. Ad. Rdg. 1 (scram) Trip Point 7050 -Tl5V i OUOEV 2 (reverse and load set- back) 65.00 -6.0v £ 0.05v Return potentiometer to zero setting. Approved by/42§:€2/a%§%fluufha\ 8A-19 10/28/65 iInit. Datelgime 2.11 Period Calibration Test Channel 2 2.12 Depressing the "period calibration” test button on the test module causes a voltage ramp to be applied to the log current amplifier. Differentiation of this ramp by the period amplifier produces a constant voltage output for the duration of the ramp. Two ramp rates are avallable: one produces a period of approxi- mately 2 sec and one a period slightly shorter than 1 sec. 2.11.1 Connect a digital voltmeter between TP2-3 (period output) and H. Q. ground. 2.11.2 Dépress the "2 sec period" push button. The "period" from panel meter should show an approximate 2 sec indication. Record period . Record voltage (should be 500 mv ¥ 50) . 2.11.3 Depress the "1 sec period” push button e ———————— and record period indicated Record voltage (should be * 100 mv). "Period" Fast-Trip Comparator Channel 12 2.13 2.12.1 Depress the "L sec periocd"” push button and observe that the "period scram" fast trip comparator does change state (trip) . 2.12.2 Observe that when the "2 sec period” push button is depressed that the trip comparator does not remain tripped after the initial transient. (Momentary trip.) Caution Before proceeding to the next channel or section make sure that all channels are reset (untripped). In addition, observe that all meters are indicating correctly and gll latch lights are reset. PV Approved by ,1??5223/Lqi%§{¢¢¢m@\ 2.14 Reference Voltages: Channel 3 2.14.1 Drawer S-1 (RX-NSC3-Al) (Reference drawing RC13-9-564) indicated Measure the supply voltage at the voltmeter. required, procedure Adjust the regulators as module manual. test points with a digital following the adjustment described in the individual Test Block A Voltage Return Rdg. Adj. Rdg. Pin 18 +32v * 100mv £ Ov Batt Pin 19 -32v + 100mv £ Ov Batt Pin 1 +10v & 10mv % Ov Reg Pin 3 -10v £ 10mv % Ov Reg Pin 5 -15v £ 10mv * Ov Reg Pin 7 -25v £ 10mv * Ov Reg Pin 10 +15v £ 10mv % Ov Reg Pin 11 +25v £ 10mv £ Ov Reg 2.14.2 Drawer $-2 (RX-NSV3-A6) (Refereunce drawing RC13-9-574) Measure the supply voltages at the indicated test points with a digital volt- meter. Test Block Voltage Return Rdng. TP1-A +32v £ 100mv * 9v Batt (TP1-K) TP1-U -32v £ 100mv * Ov Batt TP1-F +10v £ 1O0mv £ Ov Reg (TP1-H) TP1-N -10v * 10mw % Ov Reg (TPl-H) TP1-R -15v £ 10mv % Ov Reg (TP1-H) _ TP2 -6 -25v £ 10mv £ Ov Reg {TPL-H) TP1-D +15v * 10mv % Ov Reg (TP1-E) TP1-B +25v £ 10mv + Ov Reg (TPL-H) 8A-20 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time , Approved by(flégijézfi}fé??@&d“1\ 84-21 10/28/65 . Init. Date/Time 2.14.3 Chamber High Voltage Supply Measure the chamber high voltage supply with a Triplett meter at the test points located in the module. The white point (TP3) is ground; the red point is the high-voltage output test : point (TP2). The voltage should read 250 v = 25v. 2.15 Instrument Balance Channel 3 The instruments requiring balancing are the Flux Amplifier (BM-NSC3-Al) and the Period Safety Module (RM-NSC3-A3). 2.15.1 Flux Amplifier Balance A zero-center balance meter on the top of the module is visible with the drawer pulled out. The meter is used with the zero push button and 2810 adjustment located at the edge of the printed circuit board to correct for drift. Depress the zero push button and cbserve balance meter. If the meter reads anywhere on scale with the pushbutton depressed, the balance is satisfactory. I1If adjustment is * necessary, turn zero-adjustment. 2.15.2 Period Safety Balance With the drawer withdrawn, there are vigible on top of the module, five test points, and three "Bal" potentiometers. Place a Jjumper between TPl and . TP2 (Brown) and measure the voltage between TP3 and TPh (Black) with a Triplett meter. Operations Chief's s _;7? Approved by = AN g e £ BA-22 v T 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) approval . Adjust "Bal 1" until the voltage is zero. Place jumper between TP3 and TPh (Black) and TF6 (Yellow). Oper- . ations Chief's approval . Adjust "Bal 2" until the voltage be- tween TP5 (Red) and TP6 (Yellow) is ZETO. The period amplifier may be zero by adjusting "Bal 3" until the frontpanel meter indicates "00". Remove jumpers. Shift Super- visor's check . 2.16 "Reverse" Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSCL-A2) Channel 3 and "Level Scram" Fast-Trip Comparator (RSS-NSC3-A3) Calibration. The purpose of this section is to check the trip point of the above comparators. It is assumed that the safety system is in the low sensitivity mode (15 Mw scram). This test injects a test current into the Flux amplifier which is adjusted to cause the comparators to just operate. The potentiometer and push button referred to hereafter are located on the Monitor and Test Unit (RM-NSCl-A2). Connect the digital voltmeter to the Flux Amplifier output. (TP1-W and H. Q. ground). With the "eurrent adjust' potentiometer set to zero, depress the "high current" push button, adjust the potentiometer and observe at what voltage the comparators change state. Approved byzégcgéagfiéépéawwflq 8A-23 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 2.16 (continued) Fast Trip Potentiometer Fiux Ampl. Comparator Dial Setting Output at Rdg. Ad. Rdg. 1 (scram) Trip Point 7.50 -715v = 0.05v 2 (reverse and load set- back) 2.17 6.00 -6.0v £ 0.05v Return potentiometer to zero setting. Period Calibration Test Channel 3 2.18 Depressing the "period calibration" test button on the test module causes a voltage ramp to be applied to the log current amplifier. Differentiation of this ramp by the period amplifier produces a constant voltage output for the duration of the ramp. Two ramp rates are available: one produces a period of approxi- mately 2 sec and one a period slightly shorter than 1 sec. 2.17.1 Connect a digital voltmeter between TP2-3 (period oubput) and H. Q. ground. 2.17.2 Depress the "2 sec period” push button. The "period" front panel meter should show an approximate 2 sec indi- cation. Record period . Record voltage (should be 500 mv * 50) . 2.17.3 Depress the "1 sec period"” push button and record period indicated Record voltage (should be * 100 mv). . "Period" Fast-Trip Comparator Channel 3 2.18.1 Depress the "1 sec period" push button and cbserve that the "period scram' fast-trip comparator does change state (trip). Approved by Tzte 84-24 T 10/28/65 2.19 2. z0 Init. Date/Time 2.18.2 CObserve that when the "2 sec period" push button is depressed that the trip comparator does not remain tripped after the initial transient. (Momentary Trip) Caution Before proceeding to the next channel or section, make sure that all channels are reset (untripped). In addlition, observe that all meters are indicating correctly and all latch lights are reset. General: Channels 1, Z, and 3 The purpose of this section is to deter- mine that when a single channel is tripped, the proper two branches of the relay matrices are opened. This test 1s also designed %o detect partial shorts areocund the matrix relay contacts. The front panel meters on the coinci- dence matrix monitors (drawer 5-3) (RX-NSC1-AT) indicate the total clutch current as well as the current through each branch of the matrix. At all times the total clutch current must equal the sum of the three currents through the individual matrix, as indicated by the panel meters. The following table gives the proper meter indication for all conditions. Any deviation from the values may indicate improper operning or closing of relay con- tacts. Record currents. 2.20.1 Trip the channel by depressing the "test" push button on the Relay Safety Element. CAUTION: Make sure all channels are reset before pushing the test button. Approved by ,4gf§232462§%/%qé§1 8A-25 10/28/65 Init. Date/Time 2.20.1 (continued) : Total Clutch Current %Tripped ‘ | ma, ;Channel Rod 1 Rod 2 Rod 3 1 None 150 150 150 1 133 133 133 2 133 133 133 3 133 133 133 Rod 1 Clutch Current ma, Tripped Branch Currents .Channel Total AB BC CA ' None 150 50 50 50 C1 133 __ o {133 ___ o {2 133 0 o 133 % 3 133 |w3__ | o___ o Rod 2 Clutch Current § ma, jITripped Branch Currents EChannel Total AB BC CA . None 150 50 50 50 | { , 1 133 0 133 0 b2 133 0 0 133 ! 3 133 133 0 o MR e L e oeem daar e S Approved by442§f§Z§§%;§¢&zéa¢_. /8§726 10/28/65 2.20.1 {continued) Init. Date/Time Rod 3 Clutech Current Tripped Brgich Currents é gChannel Total AB BC CA é " Ione 150 fso_ 1 so__ fso__ | 1 133 ol o ____, Z 133 - L {133 | 3 133 {133 . o__ | 3 LINFAR POWER CHANNELS 3.1 Reference Voltages 3.1.1 Drawer R-1 (RX-NARC-A2) Reference drawing RC13-12-564 Measure the supply voltages at the indicated test points with a digital voltmeter. Test Block A Voltage Pin 18 +32v + 100mv Pin 19 -32v £ 100mv Pin 1 +10v £ 10mv Pin 3 ~10v = 10mv Pin 5 -15v = 10mv Pin 7 -25v © 10mv Pin 10 +15v £ 10mv Pin 11 +25v &£ 10mv Adjust as required. Return Rdng. Adj. Rdng. = H + + + B+ I+ I+ Ov Ov Ov Ov Qv Ov Oov Ov Batt Batt Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Adjust the regulators as required, follow procedure given in individual module manual. 3.1.2 Drawer R-2 (RX-NARC-Al) Reference drawing RCL3-12-5T7A. Measure the supply voltages at the indicated test points with a digital voltmeter. Approved bxzié;figgzfig;éxdflflx 8A-27 T v 10/28/65 . 3.1.2 (continued) Init. Date/Time Test Point Voltage Return Rdg. TP2-15 -32v * 100mv * Ov Batt (TP2-10) .. TP3-3 +25v £ 10mv * Ov Reg L TP2~1 +15v £ 10mv £ Ov Reg L TP3-5 -25v £ 10mv * Ov Reg L TPz-3 -15v * 10mv .. Ov Reg o L TP2-19 +10v £ 10mv £ Ov Reg L f TP3-1 -10v £ 10mv % Ov Reg LA 3.1. Measure the chopper supply voltage with a Triplett meter or equivalent, between test point TP1l-1 and TPL-3. Voltage should be approximately 6.3 VAC. £ 0.5v. 3 Chamber High Voltage Supply Observe the chamber high voltage as indicated on front panel meters of the supply. (Supplies are located in Nuclear Board . 4). CH1 CH 2 +HV-==-- 600 volts “HV--=~- 300 volts .2 Operational Amplifier Balance List amplifier by number. Balance each operational amplifier by depressing the "Bal” push buttons on top of the module and adjusting the adjacent trim potentiometer until the meter in the left rear corner of the drawer indicates ZeTro. RM-NARC-A1 RM-NARC-A2 RM-NARC-A3 RM-NARC -Al 8B-1 10/22/65 8B CALIBRATION CHECK OF PROCESS RADIATION MONITORS INTRODUCTION It will be necessary to check periodically the calibration of the process radiation monitors and associated equipment to insure their reliability for the protection of personnel and as a warning system of radioactive escape. Two methods are used for checking this system. One method 1s a frequent check of the readout instruments, and the other is a check of the entire system using a known gource. A finite reading on the readout instruments, from both the G-M tubes and ion chambers, is usually an indication that the system is operating properly. The readings of these instruments are checked periodically as well as the calibration of the G-M tubes and the zero on the electrometers. | The system check-out using a source will consist of removing a plug from the shield around the detectors, inserting a source, and checking that the appropriate readings and alarms are received. Details are given below. Frequency of testing is given in Table 8-1. Init. Date/Time 1 PREPARATION 1.1 Obtain permission from shift supervisor to test calibration of process radiation equip- ment. Shift Supervisor's initials 1:2 Check and adjust if necessary the calibrate and alarm setpoints on all radiation monitors (Q-1916-1R3). 1.3 Obtain source in lead carrier from instrument shop. Read the specifications carefully. The source is Uobalt-60 which has & half-life of ~ 5 1/3 years. 1.4 Estabiish communications between Auxillary Control Room and sensor location. S e i ermmt e, et 4. 38 Approved by477’flfl/" 8B-2 10/22/65 Init. Date/Time 2 RADIATION MONITOR 557 (OFF GAS FROM CHARCOAL BEDS) VENT HOUSE 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Push alarm buttons on RM-557-A and RM-557-B and check that alarm settings are 20 mr/hr. Adjust if necessary. When the source is inserted to give the alarm on RE-557, control action will close HCV-557-Cl, PCV-510-A2 and PCV-513-A2. Before proceeding further, make certain that this will not adversly affect operations. Remove the source plug from the shield. ‘Place position plug in place of the source plug. Insert source fully and record readings indi- cated on RI-557 A and B. Readings should be 25-35 mr/hr above background. Check that this causes alarms on XA-4043-3 in ACR and XA 4010-2 in MCR. SENSOR CHECK THAT ALARMS {HCV 557 CliPCV’5lO A2 1PCV 513 A2 READING | OCCUR CLOSES | CLOSES CLOSES RM-55T7-A RM-557-B 2.6 2.7 2.8 Remove source and position plug from lead shield. Replace source plug. Reset RM-557~A and RM-557-B and check that alarms clear and HCV-557-Cl, PCV-510-A2 and PCV-513~-AZ open. 0--5*'*‘"}‘_';;-.'.""“ ' f‘* Approved by i eaill / Lt I 8B-3 10/22/65 . Init. Date/Time 3 RADIATION MONITOR 528 (COOLANT SYSTEM OFF GAS) VENT HCUSE 3.1 Check that alarm settings on RM-528-B and RM-528-C are 20 mr/hr by pressing alarm buttons. Adjust if necessary. 3.2 When the source is inserted to test RE-528-B and RE-528-C, control action will instigate an emergency drain and will stop the fuel pump. Before proceeding further, make . certain that this will not adversly affect operations. Insert jumpers around RE-528 . in ECC 1h7. 3.3 Remove the shield plug from the lead shield. 3.4 Place position plug in place of the source plug. 3.5 1Insert source fully and record readings indicated on RI-528-B and RI-528-C. Readings should be between 25-35 mr/hr above background. Check that this causes alarms on XA-4043-U4 in ACR and XA-4010-2 in MCR. . CHECK THAT ALARMS EMERGENCY - SENSOR READING OCCUR DRAIN INITIATED* RM-528-B RM-528-C ¥As indicated by lights going out in Ckt. 18 and 19. 3.6 Remove source and position plug from lead shield. 3.7 Replace source plug. * 3.8 Reset RM-528-B and RM-528-C and check that alarms clear. Ckt. 18 and 19 is made up. APPI'OVG@. by,/a/\;%;f/ AT PN e \/ TN 3.9 Remove jumpers from ECC 147. L RADIATION MONITOR 565 (CELL OFF GAS) VENT HCOUSE 4.1 Check that alarm settings on RM-565-B and RM-565-C are 20 mr/hr by pressing alarm buttons. Adjust if necessary. 4.2 When the source is inserted to test RE-565-B and RE-565-C, control actlon will instigate an emergency drain, close HCV 565, close HCV-015-A1 which shuts off cooling air to the control rods, and close RC oxygen analyzer block valves HCV-566-A1 and HCV-566-A3. Before proceeding further, make certain that this will not adversly affect operatiocns. CAUTION: This section of the procedure should be per- formed as quickly as possible to insure that the control rods do not overheat. k.3 Remove the shield plug from the lead shield. L.4h Insert source fully and record readings indi- cated on RI-565-B and RI-565~C. Readings should be 30-40 mr/hr above background. Check that this causes alarms on XA-4043-5 in ACR and on XA-4010-2 in MCR. 8B-k 10/22/65 Init. Date/Time | CHECK THAT 3 | | ; "HCV 566 ALARMS‘EMERGENCY DRATN|HCV 565{A1 AID A3 SENSOR |READING|OCOUR | IS INITIATED* |CLOSHS | CLOSE RM-565-R RM-565-C; : Y - *As indicated by lights going out in Ckt. 18 and 19. k.5 L.6 L.7 8B-5 10/22/65 Init. Date/Time Remove source from lead shield. Replace source plug. Reset RM-565-B and RM-565-C and check that alarms clear. Ckt. 18 and 19 is made up and HCV 565 opens. 5 RADTATION MONITOR 500 (MAIN HELIUM SUPPLY) WATER ROOM 5.1 Check that alarm sstting on RM-500D is set on 20 mr/hr by pressing alarm button. Adjust if necessary. 5.2 Remove the shield plug from the lead shield. 5+3 Place position plug in place of the source plug. 5.4 Insert source fully and record reading indi- cated on RIL-500-D. Reading should be 25-35 mr/hr above background. This should cause alarm on XA-4OL3-2 in ACR and on XA-4010-2 in MCR. F CHECK . THAT SENSOR READING. ALARMS OCCUR REM-500-D 5.5 Remove gource and position plug from lead shield. 5.6 Replace source plug. 5.7 Check that alarms clear. 6 PROCESS MONITOR 596 (OUTSIDE TRANSMITTER ROOM) 6.1 Push alarm buttons on RM-596-A, RM-596-B, and RM-596-C. Check that the alarm setpoints are at 20 mr/hr. Approved bymflfl' AN Init. 8B-6 10/22/65 Date/Time 6.2 These three elements are checked individually and should not give control action. If two elements are set off, the helium supply %o the fuel pump and overflow tank bubblers will be blocked. 6.3 Check that shield is completely assembled. 6.4 Insert source in a hole and record the reading indicated on that channel. Reading should be 28 + 5 mr/hr above background. Check that this channel causes an alarm on XA-4O43-1 in ACR and on XA-L4010-2 in MCR. 6.5 Remove the source. 6.6 Reset the monitor and check that alarms clear. 6.7 After alarms clear and readings have returned to their previous valve, repeat 6.4 through 6.6 on the other two channels. | CHECK THAT | | Sensor Reading Aarms Ocecur RM-596-A RM-596~B RM-596-C | 7 PROCESS MONITOR 827 (TREATED WATER) WATER ROOM 7.1 Check that the alarm setpoints (red pointers) on RM-827-A, B and C are indicating a current that is equivalent to 20 mr/hr. T.2 Control action is initiated by two of the three monitors going into alarm condition. This should not happen, but if it does it will close block valves in all return water lines which are from in-cell components. ‘o Approved bzzfiffigggz?fi'%qCZnify\ 8B-7 YV 10/22/65 Init. Date/Time 7.3 Check that shield is completely assembled before proceeding. 7.4 Insert the source in one hole and record the reading indicated on that channel. Reading should be . Check that this channel causes an alarm on XA-4042-1 in ACR and XA-4010-2 in MCR. T.5 Remove the source. 7.6 Reset the electrometer and check that alarms clear, T.7 After alarms clear and readings return to their original valve, repeat 7.4 through 7.6 on the othey two channels. CHECK THAT | Sensor Reading Alarms Occur § RM-827-4 RM-827-B | RM-827-C ! 8 OIL SYSTEM PROCESS MONITORS (SERVICE TUNNEL) 8.1 Check that alarm settings on RM-OT-1B and RM-0T-2B (located in service room) are set gt 20 mr/hr. Adjust if necessary. 8.2 Place source in special source support beside the detector at O0T-1B. RM-0T-1B should read 25 to 30 mr/hr with the source 1 3/4" from the detector. Record reading. Alarms should be received on XA-4O42-1 in the ACR and XA-LOLZ-2 in the MCR. 8.3 Repeat 8.2 at 0T-2. RM-0T-2B should read 25-30 mr/hr with the source 1 3/4" from the detector. Record reading and check that the same alarms are received as before. 8B-8 Approved by / /6 10/22/05 Init. Date/Time ‘ 8.4 Check that alarms clear when source is removed. ( CHECK THAT Sensor x Reading Alarms Occur RM-0T-1B RM-0T~23B Approved by@gfl,, 8C-1 9/10/65 8C CALIBRATION OF PERSONNEL MONITORS AND STACK MONITORS It will be necessary to pericdically check the calibration and operability of all fixed radiation monitors, personnel radiation alarm units, and the evacuation alarm system. This will be done in conjunction with the health physics department. The calibration and operability of the stack monitor will be checked in conjunction with the Laboratory Facilities Department. Details of the tests and data to be taken are described below. 1 ROUTINE SOURCE CHECK Init. Date/Time 1.1 Have Health Physicist test each fixed radiation monitor with a source to assure that each responds properly and gives local and/or control room alarms. Record data in Table 8C1-1. 1.2 Reset glarm after each test. 2 ATARM MATRIX CHECK The following test requires that the evacu- ation alarm system be disabled. Therefore, 1if two radiation monitors alarm, (other than those activated by the test), the evacuation alarm should be manuelly actuated. 2.1 Bhift supervisor's permission to proceed. 2.2 Notify the emergency control center, then turn the key operated switch to disable. Operations Chief's permission to disable. 2.3 Have Health Physicist activate the monitron in the control room (RE-7011) with a source. 2.4 Have the Health Physicist activate each of the other monitrons (see Table 8C2-1) with a source and note that the matrix would have caused an evacuation as indicated by the 8c-2 9/10/65 Init. Date/Time 2.4 (continued) “ evacuate light in the auxiliary control room. Reset the module before the next instrument is tested. Do not reset RE-T01ll. Record results in Table 6C2-1. 2.5 When finished reset RE-TOil. 2.6 Have Health Physicist activate the office cAM (RE-7002) with a source. ’ 2.7 Have the Health Physicist activate each of the . other CAM's (see table 8C2-2) with a source | and note that the matrix would have caused . an evacuation as indicated by the evacuate light in the suxiliary control room. Do . not reset RE-T002. Record results in Table 8C2-2. 2.8 When finished, reset RE-T002. 2.9 Bwitch key switch from disable to normal and put key in drawer of console. 3 EVACUATION ALARM TEST 3.1 Operations Chief and . Shift Supervisor approval to proceed. i 3.2 Have a spare nitrogen cylinder located at each evacuation horn. v 3.3 Notify the emergency control center. 3.4 Manually sound evacuation alarm. 3.5 Note that a1l 4 horns alarmed and that everyone evacuated. 3.6 Reset and valve in standby nitrogen cylinder. 3.7 Announce all clear. 3.8 Replace used nitrogen bottles. 8C-3 9/10/65 Init. Date/Time Ly CONTAINMENT STACK MONITOR TESTS 4,1 Have Iaboratory Facilities Department personnel check each monitor with a source and note that the recorder responds properly and that an alarm occurs in the control room. Record data in Table 8CL-1. k,2 Reset alarm after each test. W 8C-4 | 9/10/65 TABLE 8C1-1 SOURCE CHECK OF FIXED RADIATTION MONITOR ¢ 5 ’Proper i__ | Aux. Control ; ? ’ Local :Control Room = | | ; : Check i Room Alarm %Reset{ Type | Number Lecation ‘Batisfactory} Alarm |(XA-4010-1) Alarm Monitron | RE-TOL1l | Control Room | % | o " RE-7012 | High Bay - South : | " | RE-7013 | High Bay - West i ; E . " RE-701L | 840! level -North 5 | | " RE-T7015 Transmitter Room % g ‘ " RE-7016 | Basement - Center, § " RE-7017 ! Service Tunnel % % : CAM RE-7000 | High Bay - West | § " RE-7001 | High Bey - South | " RE-7002 | Offices é ! RE-7003 | Basement - North | - | " RE-700k : Transmitter Room ? | | " RE-7005 . Service Tunnel | | . " RE-T7006 ; Mcbile Unit 3 XXXX XXXX XXXX Q-2091 7 instruments | XXXX XXXX XXXK Q-1939 7503 Hall 5 XXXX XXXX XXX ; . T Approved bxfig;g§§22§%§%;fi¢gn\ , 83é5 9/10 TARLE 8C2-1. MONITRON ATARM MATRIX CHECK Monitron Number Matrix Functioned Preoperly Alarm Was Reset RE-T7012 RE-7013 RE-T701L RE-7015 ] RE-T016 RE-T017 TABLE 8C2-2 CAM AIARM MATRIX CHECK CAM Number Matrix Functioned Properly Alarm Was Reset! RE-T003 RE-T00k RE-T7005_ : a 8C-6 9/10/65 TABLE 8Ck-1 : STACK RADIATION MONITOR CHECKS , Proper Aux. i Control Room Type Number Counts per Minute Alarm MCR Alarm { Alarm XA-4003-1 Beta Gammsa RM S1-A Alpha RM S1-B - | Todine RM S1-C ff_;;;::fi'w?”/:{,(}"‘ 4 Approved by - AN g #H) 8D-1 10/26/65 . 8D SAFETY CIRCUIT CHECKS Additional periocdical on-line checks will be made of the safety instrumentation. Details of these tests are described in this section. Init. Date/Time 1 FUEL PUMP AND OVERFLOW TANK PRESSURE 1.1 Record system pressures. PRC-522-A (MB~8) PI-522-A __ (S-E Panel 3) PI-589-A1 _ (AB-8) . PI-589-A2 ___ (TB-5) PI-592-B ____ (AB-8) . 1.2 Depress test button on PM-589 and PM-592 (in ACR) one at a time, and note that actions listed below occur. ; TEST BUTTON DEPRESSED | PM-589 PM-592 I XA-4006-5 annunciates . Second light out in ECC 18 XXXX Second light out in ECC 19 | XXXX * FV-103 starts to thaw* | _ FV-105 or 106 starts to tha HCV-573, 575, and 57T open (MB Lights) |HCV-533 open (MB Lights) *Check TR 3600 *%Both may be in thawed condition; if so, it is not necessary to check this. 1.3 Reduce system pressure from 5 psig to 4.5 psig, as indicated by PRC-522-A. Record: PRC-522-A . PI-522-A IV Approved by;gfi?fiajébgé4:;fififfit\ 1.3 (continued) PI-580-A1 PI-589-A2 PI-592-~-B 1.4 ©Note that each changed at least 0.5 psig from Step 1.1. 1.5 DReset PRC-52z-A to 5 psig. HELTUM SUPPLY PRESSURE 2.1 While observing relay K-U6, have HV-500-N1 A and B opened and cbserve that relay K-46& opens. 2.2 Close HV-500-N1 A and B and note that relay closes. 2.3 While observing relay K-47, have HV-500-N2 A and B opened and observe that relay K-47 opens. 2.t Close HV-500-I2 A and B and note that relay closes, 2.5 While observing relay K-48, have HV~-500-N3 A and B opened and observe that relay K-L8 opens . 8D-2 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time 2.6 Close HV~500-N3 A and B and note that relay K-48 closes. FP AND OFT BUBRLERS 3.1 Switch OFT test switch 8-38 to No. 1 equalizer and note that OFT level indicators LI-599-B and LI-599-B2 to approximately zerc and return to original value when test switch is released. 3.2 Switch OFT test switeh $-38 to No. 2 equalizer and note that OFT level indicators LI-600-B and LI-600-B2 to approximately zero and return to original value when test switch is released. 3.3 Actuate HS-599 and note that LI-599 increases and emergency drain is initiated as indicated by lights in ECC 19 at ~ 20% level. Record 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 8D-3 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) level . Actuate HS-600 and note that LI-600 increases and emergency drain is initiated as indicated by lights in ECC 18 at ~ 20% level. Record level Switch fuel pump selector switch S-36 to record LT_596 - Switch fuel pump test switch S5-37 to No. 2 block and note that valve closes as indicated by FI-593-A increasing to line pressure. Release test switch and note that pressure on FI1-593-A returns to normal. Switch FP test switch S-37 to reference block and note that valve closes as indicated by FI-592-A increasing to line pressure. Release test switch and note that pressure on FI-592-A return to normal. Switch fuel pump selector switch S-36 to record LT-593. Switceh FP selector switch 5-37 to No. 1 block and note that valve closes as indicated by FI-596-A increasing to line pressure. Releage test switch and note that pressure on FI-596-A returns to normal. Switch overflow tank test switch S-38 to No. 1 block and note that valve closes as indi- cated by FI-599-A increasing to line pressure. Release test switch and note that pressure on F1-599-A returns to normal. Switch OFT test switch to Reference block and note that valve closes as indicated by FI-589-A increasing to line pressure. Approved by -7 /,{ Aty £ 3.16 3.17 3.18 Release test switch and note that pressure on FI-589-A returns to normal. Switch OFT test switch to No. 2 block and note that valve closes as indicated by FI-600-A in- creasing to line pressure. Release test switch and note that pressure on FI-600-A returns to normal. L ROD SCRAM CIRCUITS )_""?l 4.2 4.3 bk L.5 k.6 L.7 L.8 L.9 L.10 L.11 h,12 Check that all three safety channels are un- tripped. Push H5-100-A1 and note that safety channel No. 1 trips at approximately l3OOOF. Record temperature Reset safety channel No. 1. Push HS-100-AZ2 and note that safety channel No. 2 trips at approximately l3OOOF. Record temperature Reset safety channel No. 2. Push HS-100-A3 and note that safety channel No. 3 trips at approximately l3OOOF. Record temperature Reset safety channel No. 3. Push voltage monitor test switch on RM-NSCl-AZ (Monitor and Test Unit) and note that safety channel trips. Push reset on RM-NSCl-A2, RSS-NSCl-4 and on RSS-NSC1-46. Push test switch on RM-NSCZ-AZ and note that safety channel trips. Push reset on RM-NSC2-A2, RSS-NSC2-A4 and on RSS-NSC2-46. Push test switch on RM-NSC3-AZ and note that safety channel trips. 8D-4 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time Approved by Init. 10/26/65 Date/Time 4.13 Push reset on RM-NSC3-A2, RSS-NSC3-Al and on RSS-NSC3-46. .14 Push "test" on RSS-NSCL-AL and note that all "A" control rod amps. go to zero. L4.15 Reset RSS-NSC1-Ak. 4,16 Push "test" on RSS-NSC2-Al and note that all "B" control rod amps. go to zero. 4.17 Reset RSS-NSC2-Ak. L.18 Push "test" on RSS-NSC3-AL and note that all 11~ 1t o control rod amps. go to zero. .19 Reset RSS-NSC3-Alk. L.20 Push "1 sec. period" on RSS-NSCl-A2 and check that ~ 1 sec period will trip RSS-NSCL-A6. 4.21 Reset RSS-NSC1-AlL and 46. 4.22 Push "1 sec. period" on RSS-NSC2-A2 and check that ~ 1 sec. period will trip RSS-NSC2-46. .23 Reset RSS-NSC2-AL and 46. L.2l Push "1 sec. periocd"” button on RSS-NSC3-A2 and check that ~ 1 sec. period will trip RSS-NSC3-A6. 4.25 Reset RSS-NSC3-A2 and 46. 4,26 Push "high current" button on RSS-NSCL-A2. Adjust "adjust knob" on RS8S-NSCl-A2, and note that RSS-N3C1-A3 trips at ~ 150% on RM-NSC1 -Al. L.27 Record vernier setting on RSS-NSC1-A2. L.28 Reset all channel No. 1 trips. 4.29 Push "high current” button on RSS-NSC2-A2. Adjust "adjust knob" on RSS-NSC2-A2, and note that RSS-NSC2-A3 trips at ~ 150% on RM-NoC2-Al.. L.30 Record vernier setting on RSS-NSC2-A2. 4.31 Reset all channel No. 2 trips. 4.32 Push "high current' button on RS8-NSC3-A2. Approved by.fifiégégi&ifigfii‘fl*ffix / 2?@6 Y 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time 4.32 (continued) Adjust "adjust knob" on RSS-NSC3-AzZ, and note that RSS-NSC3-A3 trips at ~ 150% on REM-NSC3-Al. %.33 Record vernier setting on RSS-NSC3-AZ. 4.34 Reset all channel No. 3 trips. 5 EMERGENCY FUEL DRAIN Initiate an emergency fuel drain by the following procedures, and check that the actions listed occur. Keep the time of drain test to a minimum to avoid thawing FV-103 and verting drain tanks. Monitor the freeze valves temperatures on TR 3600 to assure that this does not occur. 5.1 Switch the emergency drain switch on the console to drein, and note the following: 5,1.1 Lights go out in ecircuits 18 and 19. 5.1.2 The drain tank vent valves, HCV-573-Al, HCV-575-A1 and HCV-577-ALl, open (Check lights on MB 8, 9, and 10.). - 5.1.3 The drain tank bypass valves, HCV-~5u4L-AT, HCV-545-A1 and HCV-546-Al are closed, check that they open. —————— 5.1.4 If the drain tank helium supply valves, HCV-572-A1, HCV-574-A1l, HCV-576-A1 and PCV-517-Al are open, check that they close._ 5.1.5 The air block valves to FV-103, HCV-919-Al, HCV-919-Bl, close as indicated by FV 103 temperature. 5.2 Check high temperature scram as follows. 5.2.1 Push BS 100-Al and hold in. Note that temperature indicates above 13OOOF. 5.2.2 Push HS 100-A2 and note that lights in ECC 18 and 19 go out when temperature Approved by. 8D-7 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time 5.2.2 (continued) indication reaches 13OOOF. Record tem- perature 5.2.3 Releage HS 100-Al and depress.HS 100-A3. Note that lights in ECC 18 and 19 go out when temperature indication reaches 13OOOF. Record temperature 5.2.4 Release HS 100-A2 and depress HS 100-Al. Note that the lights in ECC 18 and 19 go out when temperature reaches 13OOOF. Record temperature 5.2.5 Release HS 100-Al and A3 and note that lights in ECC 16 and 12 are on. 5.2.6 Observe FV 103 temperatures until con- ditions are normal. 5.3 Push OFT level test switches H5-599-B and HS-600-B, one at a time, and note that lights in ECC 18 and 19 go off when level exceeds 20%. Record LI~599-BL and LI-600-Bl. 6 HIGH/LOW REACTOR CELL PRESSURE 6.1 Reactor cell pressure <10.5 psia on 2/3 of P33-RC-H, PSS-RC-J and PBS5-RC-K causes the following control actions to occur: 6.1.1 CCP No. 1 and CCP No. 2 to stop. 6.1.2 Cell evacuation valve HCV-565-A1 to close. 6.2 Reactor cell pressure >16.7 psia on 2/3 of PSS-RC-B, PSS-RC-F and PSS-RC-G causes the following control actions to occur: 6.2.1 Emergency contaimment block which cleses instrument air line block valves and liquid waste block valves. Approved by 6£.2. 8D-8 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time 2 Cell evacuation valve HCV-565-A1 to open (or stay open). 6.3 Reactor cell pressure <10.5 psia: 0.3. 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. 6.3 6.3. 1 At the valve panel in the North Electric Service Area, slowly cpen HV-RC-K and ralse the pressure on PSS-RC-K until XA-L002-5 alarms. (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-K.) 2 Slowly open HV-RC-H and raise the pressure on PSS-RC-H. (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-H.) Note that CCP 1 or CCP 2 stops __ and reactor cell evacuation valve(HCV-565-A1) closes when the difference between DP back pressure + cell pressure is U4 psi. (PI-RCE minus PI-RC-B = ). 3 Close HV-RC-H . Start CCP No. 1 or No. 2 L Slowly open HV-RC-J and raise pressure on PSS-RC~J. (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-J.) Note that CCP 1 or CCP 2 stops __ and reactor cell evacuation valve (HCV-565-A1) closes __ when the difference between DP back pressure and cell pressure is 4 psi. (PI-RC-J minus PI-RC-B = ____.) .5 Close HV-RC-K. ©Start CCP No. 1 or No. 2 6 Slowly open HV-RC-K and raise pressure on PSS-RC-K. (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-K.) Note that CCP 1 or CCP 2 stops ____and reactor cell evacuation valve (HCV-565-41) closes __ when the difference between DP back pressure and cell pressure is b psi. (PI-RC-K minus PI-RC-B = .) Approved brm@(mm 80-9 10/26/65 6.3. 6.3. Init. Dabte/Time 7 Close HV-RC-J and HV-RC~H and note that XA-L0O02-5 clears. 8 Start CCP No. 1 or No. 2 r———— 6.4 Reactor cell pressure 16.7 psia: 6.4.1 Slowly open HV-RC-G and increase 6.k, pressure on PI-RC-G until XA-4002-5 alarms (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-G.) Record PI-RC-G . Note that PI-9013-1AL drops to zero _ and all other gages in the 9013 geries do not change Slowly open HV-RC~B and increase pressure on PI-RC-B (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-B.) until HCV-9013-1A1 and 9013-1A2 operate . Record PI-RC-B Note that the following actions occur: Instrument air line block valves close . . (PI-9013-1A6 goes to Zero ) Liguid waste block valves close: FCV-333-£1 FCV-3h3-pm1 FCV-333-A2 _#___FCV-3A3—A2 L 6.4.,1.3 Reactor cell evacuation valve HCV-565-A1 opens (or remains opened) 2 Close HV-RC-B _ . ©Slowly open HV-RC-F and increase pressure on PI-RC-F (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-F.) until HCV-9013-1B1 and 9013-1B2 operate. Record PI-RC-F . DNote that the actions listed in through occur: 6.4b.0.2 Approved bM 7S %?_/_ My - /523363;%(5) Init. Date/Time 6.4.3 Close HV-RC-G __ . Slowly open HV-RC-B and increase pressure on PI-RC-B (Do not exceed 5 psig on PI-RC-B.) until HCV-90L3-1AL and 9013-1AZ operate Record PL-RC-B . lNote that the actions listed in through occur: . 6.4h.2.1 6412 . 6.4.4 Close HV-RC-F and HV-RC-B ___ and note that XA-4002-5 clears and that all pressure gages in the 9013 series read about 50 psig . 7 COOLANT PUMP SPEED AND COOLANT SALT FLOW 7.1 Actuate the following test switches one at a time and observe that the corresponding relays drop out: SWITCH RELAY HS-202-A Kb | H5-20z2-B K5 H3-202-C KAG and KB6 ’ H5-201-A Ky . HS-201-B K8 . (.2 Push the calibrate buttons on the following . instruments one at a time and observe that the corresponding relays drop out: INSTRUMENT RELAY Sl-CP-G1 K9 SI-CP-G2 K10 8 SAMPLER-ENRICHER 8.1 Check that the permissive lights in the main control room and at the sampler enricher panel ’ Approved bx/zéfigzzééz?)wth 8D-11 8.1 8.3 8t)'l' 8.5 8.7 8.8 8.9 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) are actuated by the permissive switch on MB-8. Leave on. Close capsule access port (HS-651-A) removal valve {HS-RV-A4) , operational valve (HS-OV-A) _ , and HSV-678-A . Maintenance valve should be open _ , cable drive fully withdrewn __ , fuel pump bowl pressure less than 10 psig _ , cover on manipulator , and area 1C at the same pressure as area 3A . RE-675-A and RE-675-B must not be in alarm condition Buffer pressure should be applied to RV, 0OV, MV, and AP Note that removal valve will not open. Insert transport container through removal seal and open HCV-666-D. After "removal seal closed" light comes on (ZI-666-E), note that removal valve can be opened. Close removal valve. Before buffer pressure reaches 50 pesia (PR-670-B), note that access port and operational valve will not open. After "removal valve closed" light (zI-670-B) comes on, note that access port will open. Close access port. Note that there is a 15- second time delay on HSV-053-A. Before buffer pressure reaches 50 psia (PR-669-B), note that removal valve and operational valve will not opens. Increage pressure in area 1C to pump bowl pressure using HV-557 or until PdS-1C-E alarms XA-4036-5 and XA-L008-2 whichever is higher. Note difference in pressure Approved by4(’#;f;/; 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 IMPORTANT: 8D-12 10/26/65 Init. Dat@/Time (continued) between area 3A and area 1C at which alarm sounds. Record AP Note that access port will not open when PdS-1C-E is in alarm condition. o Note that capsule drive motor will not insert. After “access port closed" light (ZI-669-B) comes on, open operational valve until closed light (ZI-OV-A2) goes off. Note that capsule drive motor will operate when closed light on operational valve (ZI-OV-A2) and on maintenance valve (2I-MV-A2) are off. Insert cable more than & inches. Note that operational and maintenance valves will not close Should either or both valves start to close, release the switch immediately or there will be permanent damage to 8.15 8.16 8.17 drive unit cable and to valve. Withdraw cable and note that drive motor stops automatically and lower limit light (ZI-CD-A3) goes off. Close maintenance valve leaving operational valve open. Before buffer pressure reaches 35 psia (PR-655-C), note that HSV-678-A will not open. Before PR-655-C reaches 50 psia, note that access port and removal valve will not open and cable drive will not insert. o After "operational or maintenance valve closed" light comes on (ZI-OV-MV-C), open and close removal valve. Before buffer pressure reaches 50 psia (PR-670-B), note that maintenance valve and access port will not operate. Approved by széfiggzéiyhfiflfifxlj 8D-13 ’ 16/26/65 Init. Date/Time 8.19 Réduce pressure in area 1C to that of area 3A through HSV-678-A. Note that alarm XA-4036-5 clears. 8.20 After "removal valve closed" light (ZI-670-B) comes on, open and close access port. Before buffer pressure reaches 50 psia (PR-669-B) note that maintenance valve and removal valve will not open. 8.21 Open HSV-678-A. DNote that it will close when either the operational or maintenance valve is opened. .22 Pressurize area 1C until PS-1C-E activates XA-4037-1 and XA-4008-2 per switch tabulation. Record pressure reading of PR-1C-E 8.23 Pressurize area 3A, and manipulator cover until PS-AR-3A activates XA-4037-2 and XA-4008-2 per switch tabulation. Record pressure reading of PE-AR-3A . 8.24 Activate RS-678-C and RS-678-D, one at a time, with a source. DNote that XA-4037-6 and XA-4008-2 annunciate each time. 8.25 Activate R§675-A and RS-675-B, one at a time, with a source. Note that XA-L037-5 and XA-L008-2 annunciate and HSV-678-A _ , HSV-078-B2 ___, HSV-677-A __, EsV-5h2-A __, HSV-665-B __, HSV-655-B ____, HS8V-657-D ___, HSV-680-B ___, H8V-675-A2 __ , and HSV-659-B close each time. ———————— — 8.26 Check with Operations Chief before proceeding: Increase fuel pump bowl pressure until PS-522-A3 glarms XA-4037-4 and XA-U40OC8-2 per switch tabu- lation. Note that HSV-668-B _ , HSV-655-B ___, BBV-657-D ___, and HEV-680-B ____ close 7 Approved by,é§2;3234553@ga\ 8D-1k 10/26/65 Init. Date/Time 8.26 (continued) and that access port , Operatiocnal valve , and maintenance valve will not open. 8.27 In area 3B carefully close HV-542 NOTE: This is a soft-~seated valve. Open HSV-6T8-A , HSV-678-BL __ , HCV-66T7-A ____, and BESV-542-A . Pressurize area 1C and note that PSS-542-B and PSS-542-C both operate to close ESV-542-A per switch tabulation. Record pressure . Open HV-542. 9 EXFERCISE CONTROL RODS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Readjust rods to desired positions. Record control rod position. Rod No. 1 Rod No. 2 Rod No. 3 While observing control rod motor current in NESA, raise rod No. 2 and No. 3 approximately 2 inches. Adjust rod No. 1 (manually or by servo) to maintain reactivity constant. Record control rod motor currents while rods are moving. Rod No. 1 Rod No. 2 Rod No. 3 Record control rod positions Rod No. 1 Rod No. 2 Rod No. 3 v Approved Ly ity 9-1 7 - 10/4/65 9 UNUSUAL OPERATING CONDITIONS During operation difficulties of various kinds and severity may be encountered. To plan in advance for all possible troubles would be im- practical. In this section an attempt is made to anticipate some of the more probable or more serious ones; and suggest remedial actions, Conditions at the time may alter the a&otion to be taken. In some cases it may be possible to instigate strict administrative control as a substi- tute for control or even safety interlocks. 1In this case it will usually be desirable to consult the Operations Chief. The sections are written as check lists to a&id in recording the action taken. However they need not be filled out until the situation is under controil. A1l personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the suggested corrective action. \ i{{’ Approved byfl%mfl 9A-1 9A LOSS OF ELECTRICAL POWER Various degrees of loss of electrical power are possible atv the MSRE. The operator actions required and control actions which will occur are given in the sections below. 1 1,055 OF PREFERRED TVA FEEDER If power is lost on the preferred feeder (line 23k4) the motor- operated pole-line switch No. 129 will open. Following a 6-second delay the alternate feeder (line 294) motor-operated pole-line switeh No. 229 will close and power will be resumed. It wiil be necessary to restart some of the equipment as described in section 3A 3.1. After this, operation can continue until voltage return on the preferred feeder. To avoid overloading the alternate feeder, the radiator blowers should not be operated at this time. 2 COMPLETE LOSS OF TVA POWER - ALL DIESELS OPERABLE If power is lost on both TVA feeders, the two motor-operated pole-line switches (No. 129 and 229) will open. The operator should proceed ag follows: Tnit. Date/Time 2.1 Start all three diesel generators and restart the egquipment asg given in section 3A 3.2. The radiator blowers cannot be operated on the generators. The scanners, chart drives and control room clock will be automatically transferred to motor generator L. 2.2 Continue operation at heat loss power or lower until the voltage from the 250v battery bank drops below acceptable limits. At which time, the fuel and coolant systems should be drained, and if necessary, the afterheat removal system rut into service. o 2.2 Since the life expectancy of the 250v batteries is approximately 2 hours, reduce all unnecessary load- bt ik ) A Approved by 7 ' 7Y . SA-2 & Efi%; 10/1/65 Init. Date/Time (Main Control Room) Z2.3.1 Stop FOP-2 and COP-2 and start FOP-1 and COP-1. This will transfer 4-8kw to the diesel generator. (Outside Battery Room) 2.3.2 Open the 250 VDC light breaker in the 250v distribution panel. This will remove the emergency DC lights from the batteries. This amounts to approximately 4 kw. (4 portable battery operated light should be in the control room at this time.) L 3 FAITURE OF DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 3 DURING A TVA POWER CUTAGE If diesel generator No. 3 cannot be started or fails during operation, the operator should pro- ceed as follows: (Outside Battery Room) 3.1 The fuel and coolant pumps will not be operable. Refer to sectlion 9C for details of operation. 3.2 Close the 250v Dc light breaker in the 250v digtribution panel to supply emergency Dc lighting if lights are not already on. (Main Control Room) 3.3 Check that FOP-2 is in operation. (FOP-1 can- not be operated unless diesel generator No. 3 hag power. ) 3.4 Stop COP-2 and start COP-1. This will conserve 250v battery life. 3.5 Where alternate equipmenf 1s powered by both diesel generator No. 3 and No. L, start the equipment on diesel generator No. 4 (Sec. 34, Table VI). (Switch House) Approved bywfim /9%3 10/1/65 3.6 3«7 Init. Date/Time Check that the drain-tank space-cooler DCC transfer switch (located near entrance to M G room) is set to MCC-GL. Restart DCC if necessary. Since component coolant pump No. 3 will not be operable, emergency alr from the auxiliary air compressor will be needed to keep FV-204 and 206 frozen asg well as fuel processing freeze valves if they are not deep frozen. (Diesel House) 3.7.1 Start the service alr compressor. (Water Room) 3.8 3.7.2 Open V-967A. 3.7.3 Set PCV-967 to & psig. Since one of the reactor cell space coolers (RCC 1) will not be in operation, the cell temperature will increase with resulting increase in pressure. Operator should proceed as follows: (Water Room) 3.8.1 Close V-838A to shut off the water flow to RCC 1. 3.8.2 Open V-840A, V-836A and V-8T73A to give maximum water flow to RCC 2 and DCC and the component coolant heat exchanger. (Vent House) 3.8.3 If the cell pressure increases due 10 the temperature rise, increase the rate of evacuation by opening V-560A and V-569B or V-565C to control pressure at 12.7 psia. Arre—— e NOTE: When TVA power is resumed or when diesel generator Approved 9A-L 10/1./65 Init. Date/Time No. 3 is in operation, RCC-1 can be put back in service. The water flow (V-8384) should be increased gradually in order to avoid pulling too high a vacuum on the cell. Flow to RCC 2, DCC and component coolant heat exchanger should be decreased to normal flow rate (V-840A, 836A and 873-4). 3.9 When the voltage from the 250v battery drops to 212v or the cell air temperature rises to 200 degrees F, the fuel and cooclant systems should be drained. 3.10 One of the tower fang, TF 1, will not be in operation. During periods of high heat locad during the summer this could increase the cooling tower water temperature and subse- quently heat the treated water. All equip- ment should be watched for overheating. (S8ee section 9B.) L L FAITLURE OF DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 4 DURING A TVA POWER OUTAGE If diesel generator No. 4 cannot be started or fails during operation, the operator should proceed ag follows: (Main Control Room) L.l The fuel pump will not be operable. Refer to section 9C for details of operation. 4.2 Check that COP-2 is in operation (COP-1 can- not be operated unless diesel generator buss No. 4 has power.). . L.3 Stop FOP~2 and start FOP-1. This will conserve 250v battery life. L. Where alternate equipment is powered by gener- ator No. 3 and No. 4, start the equipment on generator No. 3 . (See section 34, Table V.) :-;;?C}/, a OA-5 10/2/65 Approved by .-~ Init. Date/Time (Switch House) 4.5 Check that DCC transfer switch (located near entrance to MG room) is set to MOC-G3. Restart DCC if recessary. . 4.6 Since one of reactor cell coolers (RC-2) will not be in operation, the cell temperature will increase with a resulting increase in pressure. The operator should proceed as follows: (Water Room) L.6.1 Close V-84CA to shut off water to RCO-2. 4.6.2 Cpen V-838A, V-83€4, and V-8734 to give a maximum flow to RCC-1, DCC and component coolant heat exchanger. h.6.3 If the cell bressure lncreases due to the temperature rise, increase the rate of cell evacuvation by opening V-5694 ard V-569B or V-565C to conbrol pressure at 1Z2.7 psia. . NOTE: When TVA power is resumed or when diesel generator No. 4 is in operation, RCZ-2 can be put back in service. The water flow (V-840A) should be throttled and increased gradually to avoid pulling too high a vacuum on the cell. Flow to RCC-1, DCC and component cooling heat exchanger should be decreased to the normal flow rate (V-8384, V-8364 and V-8734). 4.7 When the 250v battery drops to 212v or the cell alr temperature rises to 200 degrees F, the fuel and coolant systems should be drained. 4.8 One of the tower fans, TF-2, will not be in operation. During periods of high heat load during the summer,this could increase the A cooling tower water tempersture and subse- quently hesat the treated water. ALl equipment 9A-6 10/1/65 Init. Date/Time 4.8 {continued) should be watched for overheating. (See section 9B.) 5 FAILURE OF DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 5 DURING A TVA POWER OUTAGE This diesel furnishes all emergency electrical heat to the process system. Continued operation on emergency power without diesel generator No. 5 would endanger the ability to drain the system by cooling the thawed FV in the reactor system drain line and FV's in the coolant system. The operator should proceed as follows: 5.1 If diesel generator No. 5 cannot be started within two minutes after a power outage, switch FV-103, FV-204, and FV-206 to thaw. 5.2 Continue to try and start diesel generator No. 5. If diesel generator No. 5 starts or TVA power is regained before the drain begins, freeze FV-204, 206 and 103 and resume operation. 5.3 Bince the life expectancy of the 250v batteries is approximately 2 hours, reduce all unnecessary load. (Main Control Room) 5.3.1 Stop FOP-2 and COP-2 and start FOP-1 and COP-1. This will transfer 4-8 kw to the diesel generator. (Outside Battery Room) 5.3.2 Open the 250v Dc light breaker in the 250v distribution panel. This will remove the emergency Dc lights from the batteries. This amounts to approximately U kw. 6 FATLURE OF DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 3 AND DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 4 DURING A TVA POWER OUTAGE - '(l‘j : Tt Approved'@gfifi?f??“aiérha/vk Init. 6.1 This automatically drains both systems as no cooling air is provided to keep the FV's frozen. 6.2 Continue attempts to start these diesels to get equipment back into operation (See section OA3 and 9AL.). Date/Time 7 FATILURE OF DIESEL GENERATOR 3 AND DIESEL GENERATOR 5 OR DIESEL GENERATOR L AND DIESEL GENERATOR 5 DURING A TVA POWER OUTAGE 7.1 Start a drain of both fuel and coolant system if DG No. 5 fails to start within two minutes. 7.2 Operator should switch FV-20k, 206, and 103 to thaw (section 9A5). 7.3 Operate equipment on DG No. 3 or No. 4 depend- ing on which is operating. (See Section 9A3 or 9ak.) NOTE: If operating on Diesel Fmergency power if possible do not transfer to TVA alternste line, Feeder 294. Wait until preferred line is restored, then return to TVA as outlined in section 3A 3.3.1. 8 L0OSS OF 250v Dc SYSTEMS 8.1 Loss Of 13.8 KV Control Power Tf the 13.8 KV control power is lost, no operation of the preferred or alternate feeder switches can be made from the ACR panel 11. If the 13.8 KV control power is lost and there is an outrage on the preferred feeder, the operator should proceed as follows: 8.1.1 Start all three diesel generators and restart the equipment as given in Section 3A 3.2 "Complete Loss Of TVA Power.” 8.1.2 Continue operation on diesel emergency power if possible. If it ds necessary %o OA-8 APPI'OVed -by“ ’f"fl;*i ' ) 10/1/65 Init. Date/Time 8.1.2 (continued) transfer to the alternate feeder, call the electrical utility group to make the transfer to the alternate feeder manually at pole E after permission to make the transfer has been given by the switch house group. 8.1.3 Transfer load from Generator 3 and 4 without loss of power to bus No. 3 and No. 4. After transfer shut down generator 3 and 4. Transfer load from Generator 5 to bus 5. Continue operation on alter- nate feeder until voltage is restored on the preferred feeder. 8.2 Loss Of 250v It Trip Power For Process Power Breakers 1f the 250v IX trip power is lost, the following breskers will have to be tripped manually at the switch house until the 250v DC voltage is restored. Since the control circuits will not function, consideration should be given to stopping MBL, MB3, FP and CP. Breaker Equipment Q MB No. 3 P MB No. 1 R TVA Bus Main Breaker Z Bus No. 5 Tie Breaker AA Gen. No. 5-2 MCC CC Gen. No. 5-1 MCC Approved bX/,fifzggjfgzk%;%;;flngfi%\ 9A-9 - v/ 10/1/65 Init. Date/Time Breaker Eouipment D Fuel Pump E C. C. P. No. 2 H C. C. P. No. 1 K Coolant Pump A-1 Bus No. 3 Tie Breaker A-2 Bus No. 4 Tie Breaker A-3 Gen. No. 4 Main Breaker A~k Gen. No. 5 Main Breaker A-5 Gen. No. 3 Main Breaker 8.3 Loss Of 250v DC To Motor Generator No. 4 The loss of 250v IC to motor generator No. 4 will stop the generator, thus causing the loss of the emergency 120/240v AC power. TFOP No. 2z and COP No.z will stop and the instru- ment power panel No. 2 and No. 3 will be auto- matically transferred to TVA. FOP No. 1 and COP No. 1 will sutomatically start due to low 0il pressure. Check and restart required equipment listed in Tables IV, V, and VI, ! Section 3A that was operating before the momentary loss of control power. TUse con- trol room and walking logs to determine eguipment to be restarted. 9 IO0SS OF TINSTRUMENT POWER The many possible combinations of loss of instrument power make it difficult to recommend corrective action. The following is a list of various instrument breakers and the instruments which they serve. This can be used as a guide in restoring instrument power. Instrument power is supplied from 9 panels. Instrument power panel No. 1 and No. Al are supplied from 48v IC system. Instrument power panel No. 2, No. 3, and No. A3 are supplied from MG No. 4 with 9A-10 10/1/65 Approved by/”” 9 (continued) automatic transfer to MCC~GL. To transfer back to MG No. 4, push reset button mounted above transfer switch. Instrument power panel No. 4, No. Al, No. 5, and No. 6 are supplied from MCC-G3. System supplied from individual breakers are as follcws: 9.1 Instrument Power Panel No. 1 (L48v DC) Breaker No. System 1 vafety Circuits safety Circuits safety Circuits Safety Circuits IFP Al Safety Circuits -~ O V1 F W o Safety Circuits Channel No. 3 Control Circuits Control Circuits 10 Bampler-Enricher 11 Spare 12 opare 13 Spare 1h Spare 9.2 Instrument Power Panel Al (48v DC to 120v AG) Breaker System 1 Process Radilation Monitors Channel No. 3 2 Radiator Outlet Temp. Modules Reactor Outlet Temp. Modules Coolant Salt Flow Meters 3 Recorder Drives Control Room Clock Control Room Scanner Standby Power L Spare Approved bfififgfif/éfi;{%;/%%4fi? OA-11 10/1/65 9.3 TInstrument Power Panel No. 2 (115v AC - Reliable) Breaker No. System 1 Control Circuit FV 103, 10k, 105, 106 2 Control Circuit Fv 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 3 Control Circuit FV 204k, 206 L Control Circuilt AC No. 1, FOP No. 1, COP No. 1 5 Control Circuit AC No., 2, FOP No. 2, COP No. 2 6 Spare T ' Safety Circuits Channel No. 1 8 Radiator Load Control 9 Rod Drives Interlock Relays 10 Rochester Alarms Substation Power Supplies 1l Annunciators Main Board and TS FOP 1 and 2, TS COP 1 and 2 12 Indicator Lamps - 13 Annunciators (Aux., Muclear, and TSP Boards) 14 Coolant Salt Sampler 15 Annunciators Fuel System, 16 Sampler-Enricher 17 Control Circuits Fuel System 18 Annunciators Sampler-Enricher 19 Spare 20 Bell Telephone Intercom System QA-12 10/1/65 9.4 Instrument Power Panel No. 3 (115v AC - Reliable) Breaker No. System 1 Beryllium Monitor Oxygen Analyzer ™ 202 A5-B5-C5 ™ 100 All-A21-AR1 no 3 Temperature Scanner Standby Power Iy Spare Spare FV Temp. Switches, High Level Gamma Monitors fuel Pump Speed, Coolant Pump ILevel T RX NC1-A, RX NC2-A 8 IPP A3 9 Nuclear Instrument 10 ECT Power Supplies Safety Channel No. 1 11 Nuclear Instrument 12 Spare 13 Nuclear Instrument 14 Spare 15 Chemical Processing 16 Spare 17 Spare 18 Spare 19 Spare 20 Spare 9.5 TInstrument Power Panel No. A3 (Regulated 115v AC) Breaker No. System 1 Process Radiator Monitors Safety Channel No. 1 sampler-Enricher Safety Channel No. 1 ECT Control Spare O 1 ow N opare Approved by f””akiflvy OA-13 10/1/65 9.6 Instrument Power Panel No. 4 (115v AC - TVA Bus) Breaker No. oystenm 1 Safety Circuit Channel No. 2 2 IPP AL 3 Power Supplies Safety Channel No. 2 L Cabinet Lights *. 5 Recorder Drives Control Rocom Clock Control Room Scanner Normal Power 6** Temperature Scanner Normal Power 7 safety Circuits O- Analyzer Block Valves 8 Coolant Drain Cell Sump Pump 9 HCV-93hA 10 Reactor "On'" Lights 11 77 12 Spare 13 Spare 1k Spare 15 Spare 16 7?2 17 Spare 18 Spare 19 Spare 20 opare *IPP No. 4 - Breaker No. 5 normal supply, with automatic transfer to IPP No. Al - Breaker No. 3 on loss of voltage on load side of IPP No. Lk - Breaker No. 5. Will automatically transfer back when voltage is restored to IPP No. 4 - Breaker No. 5. **IPP No. 4 -Breaker No. 6 normal supply, with automatic transfer to IPP No. 3 - Breaker No. 3 on loss of voltage on load side of IPP No. L4 -- Breaker No. 6. Will automatically transfer back when voltage is restored to IPP No. &t - Breaker No. 6. OA-14 10/1/65 9.7 Instrument Power Panel No. AL (Regulated 115v AC) Breaker No. System ¥ L Process Radiation Monitors Safety Channel No. 2 2 ECTI Connectors vafety Channel No. 2 3 RQ NCC1lA RQ NCC 2A L Spare . 9.8 TInstrument Power Panel No. 5 (120/208v AC 3¢ - TVA) Breaker No. System 1 RM-TOL5-A2 2 RM-T016-A2 : 3 RM-T01T7-A2 4 RM-T7011-A2 : > RM-T7012-A2 6 RM-T013-A2 T RM-T014-A2 8 RM-T000-A2 9 RM-TO01-A2 10 RM-T002-4A2 11 RM-T7003-42 ' 12 RM-T7004-A2 13 RM-T7005-A2 ’ 1k RA-7025 Alarm Buzzer 15 Stack Light Stack Receptacle Stack Tape Deck Receptacle * 16 Stack Sample Pump Receptacle 17 Stack Sample Pump Receptacle 18 Stack Sample Pump Receptacle 19 RM-STA-2A RM-STR-2A RM-STIC-2A 20 Coolant Sampler * Vacuum Pump -t Approved bxéé%f??%%é;afi&!l 9A-15 10/1/65 9.8 (continued) Breaker No. oystem 21 Sampler-Enricher Controls 22 Spare 23 Spare oL Spare 25, 27, 29* Maintenance and Operational Valve ) Motors 26 Spare . 28 Spare 30 Spare * Breaker handles linked together for 3 ¢ circuit. 9.9 Instrument Power Panel No. 6 (120/208v AC - 34 - TVA) Breaker No. oystem 1, 3, 5** Tape Drive o, L, &%F Tape Drive T Spare 8 Spare 9 Input - Output No. 1 10 opare ' 11 X-Y Plotter 12 logger No. 2 and No. 3 ’ 13 Spare . 14 Blank 15 Blank . 16 Spare 17 Tape Punch and Conscle 18 Ioggers No. 1 and No. k& 19, 20, 21, 22 Spare 23 Core Memory 25 Core Memory oly, 26, 28%%F . 27 Blank *¥% Fach a 3-pole breaker. Approved Db fl%fi%\ OB-1 7/28/65 9B LOSS OF COOLING WATER 1 TREATED WATER SYSTEM The loss of all treated water flow could lead to serious damage to equipment if operation were continued too loog. On loss of flow the operator should proceed as follows: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.k otart standby pump. Determine reason for failure of first pump. Put repair request on punch list or proceed to get punp back in service, If both treated water pumps are out of service, take necessary steps to repair the less damaged one as soon as possible. Determine time needed for repairs and proceed tc protect the equipment listed below within the time 1imit specified. 1.k, 1.k 1 Fuel Pump and Coolant Pump Motors can be run without cooling for ~ 10-15 minutes. After this time the flow switch will stop the pumps. Keep a check on system temperatures and drain systems 1f freezing appears to be possible. .2 Reactor Cell and Drain Tank Cell Space Coolers can be without water for ~ 20 minutes before the cell temperature reaches 200 degrees F. During this period the cell can be kept below atmospheric pressure by evacuating through L-569 or L-565. When cell reaches 200 degrees F drain the system and turn off all heaters in RC and DIC. Close V-836A, V-838A, V-8LOA. Do not allow salt to freeze in the drain or flush tanks. Periodically turn on heaters or transfer salt to the fuel storage tank if necessary. When water flow is restarted, throttle flow to the space coolers and put one cooler in service at a time fto prevent over-evacuating the cells. Increase nitrogen purge and if necessary to avoid evacuating cell below 10 psia add air to the cells through sump Jjet supply. Keep discharge from Jjets closed. Stop cell evacuation until cell temperature returns to normal. Approved 1 -’hhfbl 9B-2 T/28/65 1.4.3 Thermal Shield water can be off ~ 110 minutes at full power or 270 minutes at zero power before boiling starts. If at power take the reactor subcritical. If water flow cannot be restored within time limit, drain the system and shut off heaters in reactor cell. 1.5 Radiation Block Radiation in the cooling water would block all flow to the RC and DIC equipment. The operator should proceed as follows: 1.5.1 Take reactor to heat loss power. 1.5.2 Determine which water line contains the source of radiation. Isolate this system by closing hand valves in the supply and discharge lines. 1.5.3 Reset RIA 827 and FSV-84LAL to allow block valves to open and restore circulation to other equipment. 1.5.4 Observe time limits in step 1.4 to various equipment for continued operation. 2 COOLING TOWER WATER Although the cooling tower water is less critical than the treated water, certain equipment cannot be kept in coperation after loss of cooling tower water flow. Therefore both pumps should be kept in good operating condition. On loss of flow the operator should pro- ceed as follows: 2.1 On loss of one pump, the stand-by pump should be started immediately. As soon as possible repairs should be made to the damaged pump. 2.2 On loss of both pumps determine the time needed for repairs. Based on the repair time, proceed as follows: 2.2.1 Check and adjust water flow to Drain Tank Condensers, V-810 and V-812 in water room. (Transfer to process water is automatic.) 2.2.2 Manually transfer instrument air compressor to process water. Close V-880 and open V-872 in Diesel House. e Approved by o 2.2 2.2. A7 | 98-3 7/28/65 .3 'The Fuel and Coolant Tube 0il Packages can be without cooling for 10-20 minutes. If water will be off longer than this, shut down reactor and drain fuel and ccolant system. Do not shut off lube oil pumps. L With tower water off the treated water would heat at ~ 2 degrees F/minute and the charcoal heds ~ 1/4 degrees F/minute. This could cause some heating of equipment in treated water system, see Sect. 98B 1. If charcoal bed is fully loaded the increasing temperature could cause some increase in stack activity. If stack activity exceeds allowable 1limits, open standby charcoal bed and isolate operating bed. Approved by@fl\ /9@‘?1 7/26/65 o 1 9C LOSS OF FUEL OR COOLANT PUMP 1055 OF FUEL PUMP 1.1.1 Loss of fuel pump level. This could be caused by low salt temperature, lossg of pump bubble helium flow, bubbler switch in the off position or a leak in the system. 1.1.2 Loss of coolant pump - see Section 9C-2. 1.1.3 Loss of treated cooling water flow - see Section 9B-1. Low ccoling water flow could be caused by mis-operation of throttling valves, or a plugged line. A time delay relay will allow the pump to operate for 15 minutes without water. 1.1.4 Electrical trouble. This could include accidental pushing of the stop button or opening breaker D on switchgear Bus #L. Other electrical trouble should be investigated 1.1.5 Coolant off-gas activity. This would indicate a leak in the fuel heat exchanger (or malfunction of the radiation monitor) and automatically would initiate an emergency 1.1.6 Thawing of FV-103. This could be caused by loss of FV cooling air supply, failure of HCV-919A or HCV-919B in air lines, or malfunction in the FV control circuits, ECC 6L0O-660. 1.2.2 Toss of fuel pump will cause & rod scram if above 15 kw, take reactor out of run mode and automatic load control. 1.1 Causes of loss of fuel pump and traced to its source. drain. 1.2 Alarm and control action 1.2.1 Any of these items will give an alarm. 1.3 Operator Action While determining and correcting the cause of the pump fallure the operator should proceed as follows: 1.3.1 Turn on Scanner A and scan all points for low temperature. Keep loop temperature balanced in preparation for restarting pump. This can be done with loop heaters. Drain fuel sys- tem if temperatures indicate salt may freeze. Approved by %fl-\ / 63%-2 T7/26/65 1.3.2 Following coolant system off-gas activity which initiates an emergency fuel drain, the coolant system should be drained after fuel is below HX. 2 [0SS OF COOLANT PUMP 2.1 Causes of losgss of coolant pump 2.2 2.1.1 Low coolant pump level. This could be caused by loss of bubbler helium flow, bubbler selector switch being off, by low salt temperature or coolant salt leak, Thawing of FV-204 and 206 would cause low level and drain system. This could be initiated by failure of CCP #3 or valves HCV-906 or HCV-907, or malfunction of control circuits. 2.1.2 Low cooling water flow. This could be caused by nmis- operation of throttling valve or loss of treated cooling water, Section 9B-1. 2.1.3 Electrical trouble. This includes accldental pushing stop button or opening breaker K on Switchgear Bus #3. Any real electrical trouble should be investigated and repairs made . Alarm and Control Action 2.3 2.2.1 Any of these items will give an alarm. 2.2.2 Loss of coolant pump will stop the fuel pump, Section 9C-1 and cause a load scram and put load control on manual. Operator Action While determining and correcting the difficulty, the operator should proceed as follows: 2.3.1 BStart and operate Scanners A and B, D, E, F. Adjust heaters on fuel and coolant system to keep loop temperatures balanced. 2.3.2 If temperature indicates salt may freeze in any portion of the system the fuel and or coolant system should be drained. L Approved by izjéiijzézéfiqufl!”k 9D-1 9/29/65 9D LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR The instrument air system consists of an operating Joy Compressor and a stand-by unit which starts automatically on low supply pressure. On loss of both instrument alr compressors, the service alr compressor can be manually put on stream. If it should alsc fail, two banks of nitrogen cylinders with a capacity of 20 to 30 minutes will supply gas to critical pneumatic instruments. 1 AIR COMPRESSOR ELECTRICAL DLEFFICULITIES The electrical power for AC No. 1 is from MCC-G3 (TVA or DG3) and for AC No. 2 is from Bus MCC-Gh (TVA or D64). The control power is normally Tfrom IPP2 {MGh) but is transferred to MCC-GU (TVA or DG4) on loss of Mi4. Loss of either primary power or control power wilil stop the compressors. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.b Operator action in case of wvarious power loses is given below: Init. Date/Time After momentary loss of power, restart the degired air compressor. If only DGk is operating, start AC No. 2. If only DG3 is operating, start AC No. 1. MGL must be operating to supply control power. If MGY ie lost the air compressor will stop before the control power is transferred to MCC-G4. Restart either air compressor. 2 OTHER AIR COMPRESSOR DIFFICULTIES 2.1 2.3 If the operating instrument alr compressor stops, start the other one. If neither of the instrument air compressors will operate, start the service air compressor and valve it in. If the pressure at the compressors decreases below the setpoint, the compressors cannot be restarted from the control room. Push Approved by fif”ffif “€5a:;MWA71 9D-2 - 4 - 9/29/65 Init. Date/Time *e 2.3 (continued) the reset button on the south wall of the diesel house and then restart. 2.4 If all three compressors are out of service emergency nitzogen will supply critical instru- ments. 2.4.1 Check that valves are set properly to supply nitrogen to the emergency air header. 2.4.2 Change cylinders as reguired until reactor has been drained. . 3 EFFECTS OF LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR Logss of instrument air will initiate a drain by closing the air valves which keep FV's 104, 105 and 106 frozen (FV 104 iz deep frozen during normal operation.). In addition to this,air- operated valves will go to their fail position, all air line block valves will close, and the pneumatic instruments will not function. This will include weigh cells, cell sump level indi- cators' pressure controller and some cooling water flow indicators. The operator should take the following steps to assure a drain before salt freezes. . 3.1 Scram the rods. 3.2 PHwitch to emergency drain. 3.3 Increase the heat on FV 103, 204 and 206 if necessary. 3.4 If FV 103, 204, or 206 do not thaw, turn off CCP No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. ! 2 * Approved by;20 mr/hr) would probably be caused by a leak in the primary heat exchanger. Activity in the coolant offgas should automat- ically give an emergency drain and stop the fuel pump. Upon notification of coolant offgas activ- ity, the operator should proceed as follows: 2.3.1 Check that an "emergency fuel drain” has been initiated and the fuel pump stopped. If not, the operator should instigate these actions. 2.3.2 Drain the coolant system after the fuel system has drained. oy {kffi Approved by ALl P T ’ 2.4 2.3. AV 9E-5 N/ 9/21/65 Init. Date/Time 3 PFurther action will be determined at the time of the incident. The next actions would probably be concerned with checking the heat exchanger for a leak. A method which might be used for this would be to pressurize the coolant sys- tems and watch for pressure buildup in the fuel system. RM-500 (Main Felium Supply) (Alarms Only) Activity in the line at RM-500 would indi- cate a fallure in the containment system. This may necessitate shutting down the helium sys- tem which in turn destroys the reliability of level indication in both the pump bowls and the overflow tank. Since the overflow tank level is considered safety, loss of it requires a reactor shutdown. ity 2.4 2.4, 2.4, In case of high and/or increasing activ- at RM-500, the operator should: .1 Make a hasty check to determine if the indication 1s real. Take a portable radiation detector and measure the activ- ity at the line, and have an instrument mechanic check the instruments. 2 Any actual activity in the line would probably be caused by high pressure in the system involved or low supply pres- sure. If possible adjust pressures, purge out the lines and valve off the system or component involved. 3 If source of activity cannct be located and isolated, consider taking the reactor subcritical and stopping the fuel and coolant pumps. Approved byffféfingézfé“ 2.5 fi:’ ot f A 9E-6 <~/ 9/21/65 Init. Date/Time 2.4k If it is necessary to stop the helium flow to the FP bubblers, a reliable level indication in the pump bowls and overflow tank will be lost. This necessitates draining both the fuel and coolant systems. 2.4.5 Continue efforts to determine which line allowed the backflow of activity. RM-596 (Helium Suovply To FP Bubblers) (1 out of 2 monitors causes control action.) Activity in the line at RM-596 indicates a breakdown in containment. High radiation level at RM-596 automatically closes the block valves in the bubbler lines. This destroys the reliability of the fuel salt level indicators in both the pump bowl and the overflow tank. The overflow tank level is considered part of the safety system, and loss of this necessitates a shutdown. Upon receiving high radiation indication on RM-596, the operator should proceed as follows: 2.5.1 Quickly attempt to determine if the activity ds real. Using a portable radiation instrument measure the activity of the lines next to the process monitor, and have an instrument mechanic check the instruments. z.5.2 1f the activity is real, take the reactor subcritical and stop the fuel pump. Adjust pressures to prevent further backup of activity. 2.5.3 Switch the fuel pump bubbler switch to "off" position. e o %"M/’ At o] OB-7 ~/ 9/21/65 init. Date/Time 2.5.4 Close all of the fuel system bubbler A and B valves.. 2.5.5 Bince it would be necessary to violate containment to replace or repair the check valves in the bubbler lines with salt in the pump bowl, proceed with a normal drain of the fuel system. 2.5.6 Upon completion of the drain, freeze the freeze valves. RM-0T-1 and RM-07-2 (Lube 0il Tanks) (Alarms only) Activity in OT-1 may increase as the approach to full power is made. This would probably be due to fissiocn product diffusion across the pump sealg into the oil stream. This increase in radiation should be small unless the pump seals start lesking exces- sively. In case of high and/or increasing radiation at either or both of the lube aQil packages, the operstor should proceed as follows: 2.6.1 Check with a portable radiation instrument to verify the indications received on the monitors. 2.6.2 Check the level of the oil catch tank which is attached to the system of interest. A seal leaking badly enough to allow rapid radiation in- creases in the oill tank may cause an increase of oil level in the oil cateh tank. 2.6.3 If the o0il catch-tank level is increasing, refer to PBrocedure GH. | /s, Approved bgfigéfigfifiziffig%/flu¢u\ OE-8 < | 2.7 9/21/65 Init. Date/Time 2.6.4 Check that the main helium flow to the pump in question (line 512 or 516) is set at the value given in the building log. The bulk of the gas flowing through these lines flows down the vump shafts and should help prevent fission product gasses from reaching the oll seals. 2.6.5 If it is verified that the radiation indicated 1s real and reading above limits at the tank, take the reactor subcritical and stop the salt pump. 2.6.6 If RM-557 increases close valves in the offgas lines from the oil system to prevent automatic closing of RCV-557. 2.6.7 If there is an abnormal increase in the OCT level, proceed as described in OH. Consideration should be given to reducing the shield oil flow rate to minimize suction from the shield oil ocutlet jet. 2.6.8 If there is no abnormal oil leakage as indicated by OCT level, continue oil flow to the pump bearings. 2.6.9 To prevent over heating of the fuel pump, keep an oil flow to the shield plug until the reactor is drained or until the amount of activity in the cil system endangers personnel. RM-557 (Main Offgas To Stack Filters) The three most likely methods by which activity might reach RM-557 are; a break- through in the charcoal beds, a fuel pump seal failure, or a heat exchanger fallure et Approved by - T o fl/ v /:i;”»//i‘/ =) 9E-9 / 9/21/65 . Init. Date/Time allowing fuel salt to get into the coolant salt system. If high and/or increasing radiation is noted on RIA-557A or RIA-557B, the operator should proceed ags follows: 2.7.1 Check with a portable radiation instru- ment to determine if the activity indica- tion is real. Have an instrument mechanic check the instruments. . a.7.2 If the activity increases above limits, check that the control circuits close . HCV-557, PCV-513-Az, and PCV-510-A2. If the control circuits fail, close these manually. 2.7.3 Check RM-528A and B. If these are reading high, consult Section 9E 2.3 of this procedure. 2.7.4 Check RM-Q0T-1 and RM-0T-2. If these . are reading high, consult Section 9E 2.6 of this procedure. c.7.5 Try to determine the source of the activity. Use a portable radiation ‘ indicator and check the following lines individually. 562 - from auxillary charcoal bed 557 - from main charcoal beds 560 - from oil system and coolant system. 2.7.6 Close the hand valve in the line which shows activity. Then try to reset RM-55T7A . and B. If these will reset, operations using the other lines may continue. How- ever, 1if the activity is from the coolant )/ < - Approved byf;z%?fif:;%<;/€;f?fifl4flw 9E-10 ' ¥ 9/21/65 Init. Date/Time 2.7.6 (continued) system or the main charcoal beds, opera- tion will continue only long enough to shut down. 2.7.7 If the activity is from the main char- coal beds and/or if HCV-557 will not re- open, take the reactor suberitical and - consider stopping the fuel pump. IT necessary stop the helium flow to the pump. The bubblers may remain in opera- tion until pressure starts building up in the charcoal beds. 2.7.8 If repairs are needed or an excessive amount of time is involved before the situation can be corrected, it may be desirable to drain the system. 3 HIGH STACK ACTIVITY It is conceivable that highly radioactive contaminants could be expelled to the stack, then on to the atmosphere. This is a particularly hazardous situation because the entire surrounding area could be involved. Instrumentation is provided on the offgas stack for detecting beta, gamma, and alpha activity. A charcoal trap is also provided . to aid in the detection of iodine. These detectors are all of the type which collect contaminants on filter paper or in the charcoal; . therefore, they may continually show a slight increase in activity. 1t is fast and/or large increases in the detector readings which should warn the operator of trouble. The stack monitors are set to alarm upon receiving an increase of 20% on the beta-gamma detector, 30% on the alpha detector, and 80% on the iodine detector. These are percentages of full scale with full scale normally being 250 count/min. The scale may be changed to meet the operating conditions; however, when the scale il e Approved by ,4575531¢4¥ Ll OE-11 " v 9/21/65 needs to be changed, notify the stack monitoring group btefore making the switch except in emergency cases. Under unusual conditions the Laboratory Facilities Department may request MSRE personnel to change ranges. If the shift supervisor agrees, these requests should be complied with. The percentages of increase listed previously must be within a 15 minute period before the Laboratory Facilities Department will notify the operator of abnormal release. 1If this increase persists for another 30 minutes, the laboratory shift supervisor will be notified, and he may reduest a reactor shutdown. His requests must be followed to insure the safety cf the entire ORNL Area. The tapes of these detectors are advanced every 8 hours. The percentage of increase listed previously (20% for Beta-gamma, 30% for alpha, 80% for iodine) within this time period will cause the respective module to go into alaxm condition. Even though a slow increase over an 8-hour period would not be considered hazard- ous, each stack activity alarm must be investigated promptly. It seems logical to expect that stack increases will be either very rapid or very slow. The following steps are to aid the oper- ator for these cases. Any intermediate increases should be handled in such a way as to insure personnel saflety. The shift supervisor should assess the situation and made decisions concern- ing operations with tThis in mind. Init. Date/Time 3.1 High Stack Activity Check List Upon receiving a stack activity alarm or notification of high stack activity, the operator should check the chart of the instru- ment giving the high activity indication. Verify the reading by contacting the stack monitoring group. Phone No. 3-623L4. If the activity is increasing rapidly (greater than alarm set point in 15 minutes) with no signs of leveling off, assume that hazardous quan- tities of activity are being released, and Approved p¥4§2é; /fiéévfiiygzqflm\ OE-1Z2 9/21/65 Init. Date/Time proceed as follows: 3.1.1 Take the reactor subecritical. 3.1.2 Report the incident to the Emergency Control Center (Phone No. 3-6358). 3.1.3 Ask the Hmergency Control Center to send Health Physics Surveyors if sur- veyors are not already on hand. 3.1.4 Announce the emergency over the P. A. and request all personnel (except those involved in combating the emergency) to assemble at the northwest corner of the 7503 bullding basement (84O-ft level), if this action appears necessary. 3.1.5 Dispatch two Emergency Squad Members equipped with assault masks and portable radiation meters to check outside the building and assess the nature and extent of the hazard. Further action depends upon the assessment of the hazard. 3.1.6 1In case the activity is increasing slowly (greater than the set point in Ik hours), the operator should proceed as folliows: Ask the stack monitoring group to advance the tape. This should reduce the chart to background. Keep a careful watch on the instrument for further increases. e ot Approved by bty mon oF-1 8/11/65 9F CONTROL ROD DRIVE DIFFICULTY Due to the dependence placed on control rod reliability, any anoma- lous control rod behavior must be considered very serious in nature. If any irregularity in ccntrol rod behavior is noted, the reactor should be taken subcritical by inserting all rods and the cause of the malfunction should be corrected if possible. If repairs can not be made a reactor drain may be necessary. ouggested corrective actions to be taken under varlous circumstances are gilven below: Tnit. Date/Time 1 INABILITY TO WITHDRAW ROD(s) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.k If a control rod will not withdraw, check the jumper board. If control action is inhibiting the withdrawal, change the opera- ting conditions to satisfy the interlocks. If control action is not preventing the rods from withdrawing, insert all rods to their lower limit. If necessary, scram the rods. If any rod fails to insert to lower limit, consider draining the fuel system. If all rods drop to lower limit, determine the cause of the difficulty and take neces- sary action to correct it. 2 INABILITY TO INSERT ROD(s) 2.1 2.2 If a control rod does not insert upon re- quest, when not already on lower limit, scram the rods. Failure of a control rod to insert is a potentially dangerous situation. After scramming the rods check that all rods dropped to the lower limit. If all did not, consider draining the fuel system. Approved byfii/_‘%g W —" 2.3 If all rods drop to lower limit, determine the cause of the difficulty and take necessary action to correct it. Tnit. OF-2 8/11/65 Date/Time 3 SERVO DIFFICULTY 3.1 3.2 CAUTION: If the servo were to start oscillating excessively, fail to withdraw or insert, or in any other manner become erratic or un- reliable in behavior, the operator should switeh to manual control. Determine the cause of the difficulty and correct it. Erratic servo behavior could possibly be caused by some anomalous nuclear behavior so the operator should be especlally watchful for excursions, etc. L UNCONTROLLED ROD ACTION b1 2 4.3 Control rod withdrawal or insertion due to an unknown reason may indicate trouble in the circuitry. Insert the rods immediately. Correct the trouble if possible and test the rods one at a time to regain confidence in them. Consider draining the reactor if unable to correct the difficulty. Approved by ;¢¢5§Z€;L4§?ié§;/yu¢;mq G-1 9/20/65 9G LOSS OF COMPUTER One normally-operating component which is operated in conjunction with the reactor is the "on-line" computer, a Bunker-Ramo 340. When in operation, the computer will log system data, scan selected variables to see that they remain within limite, and perform routine calculations such as heat balances. It is estimated that the computer will be "on line"” about 99% of the time. During the time when the computer is not in operation, part of its duties must be performed manually. There are two hours of maintenance scheduled for the computer every two weeks. This is not considered abnormal, and with the exception of belng espe- cially alert for abnormalities, the operator will not normally have any added duties at this time. Init. Date/Time 1 CHECK LIST WHEN COMPUTER IS ABNORMALLY SHUT DOWN It is especially important to make log entries as thorough and exact as possible since some infor- mation normally on the logger will not be avallable. 1.1 Start taking the abnormal control-room log (12A-2B). 1.2 Start using the addendum %o the check lists 12B 1.1 (shift supervisor's check list) as well as the regular check lists. This addendum includes such things as calculating heat balances and reactivity balances. 1.3 If the anticipated shutdown of the computer is to be longer than 2 days, transfer the following thermocouples to the special recorders so they may be watched closely. Finish filling out the following table. For short periods when the computer is shut down, these will be recorded periodically on the building log. These will be read out by momentarily plugging each into T 1.3200 or a portable veadout instrument. TE JACK PANEL - NORMAL READOUT SPECIAL READOUT DATE NUMBER NUMBER INSTRUMENT P. P. NUMBER RECORDER POINT INITIAL AND TIME £q poroxddy 8461 8 8511 8 07-1A 8 57-14 R-2 R-26A R-27A R-28A 'R-29A R-304 . R-4 R-50 =51 826-1 88 6 , 831-1 a R 833-1 88 A '837-1 8 TSQ 8h1-1 891 900°F (These are heated with tanks in- volved, see step 1.2). 1.3.6 Turn on shoulder heaters to the re- ceiver tank freeze valve and heat to. °F, 11A-2 8/5/65 Tnit. Date/Time . 1.3.7 When shoulder temperatures of receiver tank freeze valve exceeds 900°F, thaw Receiver Tank Freeze Valve to vent gas from heatup of lines. 1.3.8 Turn on heaters listed in Table 11A-1 to 10% of normal value. 1.3.9 Increase controllers to heat transfer lines to 1200°F. Set controllers at 30%, 5%, 90%, and 105% of 1200°F setting. Do not exceed 200°F/hr. The Al and Bh Approved 114-3 8/5/65 Tnit. Date/Time 1.3.9 (continued) thermocouples on the freeze valves should be heated above 950°F. 1.3.10 When transfer lines reach 1200°F freeze Receiver Tank Freewze Valve. 1.4 Check that shield blocks are in place on reactor cell, drain tank cell, and fuel pro- cessing cell and no maintenance work is in progress in these cells. Set FV-103 to freeze and monitor FV-103 temperatures to assure that no salt is transferred to the reactor. ohift Supervisor's approval to prcceed. 2 TRANSFER FROM FD-1 TO FST 2.1 After completing 11A-1, take a complete inven- tory. (Check list 12B-5). 2.2 Check that the switches for FV-106, 107, 108, 109, 111, and 112 are in the frozen position and the temperatures indicate that they are frozen (all associated alarms cleared). 2.3 Check that HOV-692 is open and the FST pressure (PR-608) is less than 2 psig. Check that FST has been purged of air. 2.4 Close HV-60T7B , HV-608B __ , HCV-530 and HCV-690 . 2.5 If FD-1 pressure (PR-572) is greater than 2 psig, vent through line 573 and then close HCV-5T73. Close HCV-SLL ) HCV-545 , and HCV-5L46 Set 8-L4 to FST (Receiver). Set S-5 to FD-1 (Supply Tank). Thaw FV-109 and FV-110. 2.8 Check all rods at the fill position. A/t Approved byZ fifi’«w . 2.9 Check pump bowl pressure -BB-7 3.16 Heater CRL G5-BB-9 3.17 Heater CR5 G5-a-Y-3 3.18 Heater CR6 G5-2-Y-h 3.19 Heater CRT G5-2-Y-5 3.20 Heater CRS8 G5-2-Y-6 3.21 Heater H-200-13 T-1-A-5 3.22 Heater H-201-12 T-1-A-7 _ 3.23 Heater H-202-2 T-1-A-9 3.24 Heater H-201-13 T2-Wl-9 3.25 Heater H-202-1 T2-WL-20 3.26 Heater H-205-1 T2-Wi-18 3.27 Heater FT-201A-1 T2-Wl-2 3.28 Heater FT-2014-2 T2-Wi-4 3.29 Heater PFT-201A-3 T2-Wl-6 3.30 Heater FT-201A-4 T2-W1-8 3.31 Heater FI-201B-1 T2-W1l-10 3.32 Heater FT-201B-2 T2-W1l-12 3.33 Heater FT-201B-3 T2-Wl-1h 3.34 Heater FT-201B-4 T2-W1-16 3.35 Heater H~203-2 T2-WL-17 Approved by 3.36 337 3.38 Heater CDT-Z Heater CDT-3 Heater CP1 3.39 Heater CP2 T-2-V1-2 ___ T-2-V1-6 T-2-V1-10 T-2-Vi-1k b COOLING WATER SHUTDOWN CHECK LIST Close and tag those that apply. (WR, BH, CC, SER) 4.1 Fuel Pump V-830-A 4.2 Fuel Pump V-831 4.3 Thermal Shield v-8hb-A 4.4 Thermal Shield — V-8LLC-A 4.5 Thermal Shield V-845 .6 RC Cooler No. 1 V-8Lo-A 4.7 RC Cooler No. 1 V-846-A L.8 RC Cooler No. 2 V-838-A L.9 RC Cooler No. 2 V-84L1-A k.10 Drain Cell Cooler V-836-A 4.11 Drain Cell Cooler V-837-4 4.12 Cooclant Pump V-832-A 4.13 Coolant Pump V-833-A 4.14 Gas Cooler V-873-A 4.15 Gas Coocler V-8Th-4 L.16 CCP No. 1 (Lube 0il) vV-875-D L.17 CCP No. 1 (Lube 0il) V-876 4,18 CCP No. 2 (Lube 0il) V-886 4,19 CCP No. 2 (Lube 0il) v-887 5 FREEZE VALVES SHUTDOWN CHECK LIST Deep freeze valves that apply per Section 3T.4. 5.1 FV-10L4 Init. 11BR-6 9/20/65 Date/Time Approved byW %\;/MM W @ ~1 O ot =W 10 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, 5. 5.11 6 COMPONENT COOLING AIR TO COMPONENTS SHUTDOWN CHECK FV-105 FV-106 FV-107 FV-108 FV-109 FV-110 FV-111 FV-112 FV-204 FV-206 Init. 11B-7 9/20/65 Date/Time LIST Shut off and tag cooling air supply valves that apply. (TR) 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 Fuel Pump HCV-903 Reactor Neck HCV-962 Reactor Neck | HCV-963 Graphite Sampler HCV-961 Control Rod Drives HCV-91 FV-103 HIC-919-A1 FV-104 HIC-208-A1 Fy-105 HIC-909-A1 FV-106 HIC~910-A1 FV-107 HIC-911-Al FV-108 HIC-912-A1 FV-109 Close HIC-913-Al FV-204% Close HIC-906-Al FV-206 Close HIC-907-Al Close Close Close Close Close Close > —_— e’ HIC-919-A2 HIC-908-A2 HIC-909-A2 HIC-910-A2 HIC-911-A2 HIC-912-A2 HIC-913-A2 HIC-906-A2 HIC-907-A2 7 COMPONENT COQLING PUMPS SHUTDOWN CHECK LIST (Breaker House and SER) 7.1 CCP-1 Open and Tag Breaker 2__.__....._ Close and Tag V-916 7.2 7.3 Close and Tag V-92 e Approved by’fi?fifffi Py ?§;§355;24?/Wfl 11B-8 9/20/65 Init. Date/Time 7.4 CCP-2 Open and Tag Breaker 7.5 Close and Tag V-923 7.6 Close and Tag V-921 8 ELECTRICAL BREAKERS SHUTDOWN CHECK LIST Open or rack out the breakers and tag those which apply. (Breaker House) 8.1 Fuel Pump Bus 4 Breaker D 8.2 Reactor Cell Cooler No. 1 (3-10 8.3 Reactor Cell Cooler No. 2 Gh-24 8. FOP-1 (Local) 8.5 FoP-2 (Local) 8.6 Drain Tank Cell Cooler G3-5 and GL4-5 8.7 Component Cooling Pump No. 1 Bus 3-H 8.8 Component Cooling Pump No. 2 Bug 4-E 8.9 Coolant Pump 8.10 Coolant Cell Cooler No. 1 G3-17 8.11 Coolant Cell Cooler No. 2 Gh-17 8.12 Radiator Door Drive T2-X 8.13 COP-1 (Local) 8.14 CcoP-2 (Local) 8.15 Control Rod Drive No. 1 (Process Power Panel No. 2) o 8.16 Control Rod Drive No. 2 (Process Power Panel No. 2) | L 8.17 Control Rod Drive No. 3 (Process Power Panel No. 2) 9 OPENING RC AND DIC If the RC or DIC is to be opened proceed as follows: 9.1 Close V-565C, V-965C and 966C. Open V's 9554 and B and raise the cell pressure to atmospheric as indicated by PIA-RC-A,then close V's 955-A and B. L 9.2 Cheeck that the steam drums have been boiled dry. s 4 Approved by‘gfég%iia;éééffiwfifif L= v 10 9.3 Open HCV's 930-A and B. 9.4 Remove the necessary blocks of the top layer. 9.5 C(Close HCV-935 ~ half. 9.6 Have HP survey made to assure it is safe to work on membrane. 9.7 Remove that portion of the membrane seal as necessary for the removal of the lower plugs or shield blocks. 9.8 Close HCV-935A and with HP approval, remove the plugs or blocks needed for maintenance. 2.9 When remote maintenance shield has been in- stalled, adjust HCV-935A as required. OPENING THE COOLANT CELL If the coolant cell is to be entered, proceed as follows: 10.1 Open dampers in ducts 933 and 93.L. 10.2 Remove the caulking from the shield blocks as required. 10.3 With HP approval remove shield blocks and Open doors as required. Have IH take air samples to check for Be. Wear masks and protective clothing as required by HP and IH when entering the cell. Keep the number and size of the openings in the cell to a mi nimum. 11B-9 9/20/65 Init. Date/Time Approved byxh;ffi ) ‘,:i ; : 'f_‘T; o s 11c-1 - 9/20/65 11C GRAPHITE SAMPLING At times to be specified, a graphite sample will be removed from the reactor core through the 2 1/2 inch opening provided for this purpose. This section gives the procedure forpreparing the system for this operation. 1 DETAILS OF THE PREPARATION FOR GRAPHITE SAMPLING ARE AS FOLLOWS. Init. Date/Time 1.1 Bhut down the reactor as described in Section 10A. 1.2 Prepare for opening the shield by Section 11B through Step 1.9.6. 1.3 Remove the standpipe cover plate and plug under it. While this is in progress, proceed. with Step 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of this section. (SER) 1.4 Check that V-918A is closed. 1.5 With HP and IH coverage, remove the blank flanges from line 918 and install the spool piece. Gas masks are required for this operation. (SER and ST) 1.6 Open V-918A and 918B. (HB and ST) 1.7 After the special work plug has been put in place and the purge gas line connected, start the purge gas flow and the standpipe evacu- ating blower at about the same time. 1.8 Maintain the purge on the standpipe through- out the sampling operation. 1.9 When the sampling is complete, allow the purge to continue 1/2 hour after all opera- tions inside the special work shield have been complete. (HB and ST) Approved ?yfiffi; /%Z;é;bffiMfihg (SER) 1.10 Stop the purge and standpipe evacuating blower, and close V-918B. 1.11 Close V-918A and with HP and IH coverage remove the spoclpiece in L-918 and blank off the openings. Gas masks are required for this operaticn. 1.12 Remove the special work shield, replace the plug and the standpipe cover plate, and leak test by the procedure of Section LE. 1ic-2 9/20/65 Init. Date/Time Approved by -~ X-3582 (7-64) ~@wx'fifiw7 11D=1 11D ROUMINE INSPECTION AND TESTING OF EQUIPMENT 8}55%5 Periodically all pressure containing equipment will be inspected and tested to insure the safety of personnel, prevent spread of contamination, prevent damage to equipment, and reduce the number of unnecessary shut downs. 1. PROCESS SYSTEMS The process systems will be tested by gas pressurizing to €5 psig at temperature orf 1200°F as outlined in Operating Procedure, Section Sit, AUXILIARY SYSTEMS All systems and components will be hydrostatically tested where safety or equipment integrity requires such a test. The requirements of Section VIII of the ASBME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code will be adhered to. ©See Table 1. Commercial gas equipment will be tested or returned to the supplier for testing by procedures governed by plant policy and 1.C.C. No. 73.34 J. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES Table 2 lists all pressure relief valves that are protective devices, the normal setting, test limits and frequency of testing. Valves affecting personnel safety will be tested annually and valves protecting only equipment will be tested biannually. RUPTURE DISCO The rupture discs in the MSRE are tabulated in Table 3. Unless frequent pressure fluctuations are observed which might affect the accuracy of the discs, all rupture discs will be changed after every two years of operation. R, C. and D, T. C. CONTAINMENT VESSELS The Reactor Cell and brain Tank Cell were hydrostatically tested upon completion to 48 psig and pneumatically tested to 20 psig. Approved by'ffifi%j%x!ffii,'%méfli. | 11D~-2 v 8/5/65 With equipment now installed, it is impossible to hudrostatically test the cells again. However, the cell leak rate (at a -2 psig pressure differential) is monitored continuously during operation, and the cells will be tested at 20 psig after each time they are opened. The vapor condensing system will be pneumatically tested along with the reactor and drain tank cells. 6. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VESSELS All small secondary containment vessels which are isolated from the main cells will be tested about every two years with sa pneumatié test to 1.25 times the design pressure, see containment vessels, Table b, Approved by, Table 1 ROUTINE PRESSURE TEST OF EQUIPMENT 11-D-3 8/5/65 EQUIPMENT é SYSTEM DESIGN TEST AND INSPECTION ! Press. Temp. Type Press. Freq. Air Compressor 1,2,3 %Inst. Air 100 100 iHydro 150! Biannual Air Receiver 1,2,3 iInst. Air 100 100 {Hydro} 150 Biannual Air Dryer, 1,2 iInst. Air 100 100 {Hydro 1501 Biannual Diesel #5 Air Comp. & Tenk |Flectrical 250 100 |Hydro| 375} Biannual Helium Trailer gCover Gas 2400 80 {Hydroy 3600| 5 years Helium Cylinders, emergency §Cover Gas 2400 80 Hydrot! 3600| 5 years Helium Dryer.: iCover Gas 400 70 |Pneu. 500 | Biannual Helium O, Remover Cover Gas %00 | 1000 {Pneu.| 700| Annual He Storage Cover Gas 500 80 |Pneu.! 310| Biannual 0il Tank 1,2 Tube 0il 75 200 |Pneu. 65{ Biannual Surge Tank Water 50 120 |Hydro 85| Biannual Treated Water Cooler Water 50 120 |Hydro 85| Biannual Feed Water Tank 1,2 Heat Removal | 50 | 208 |Pneu.| 31| Biannual Drain Tank Condenser 1,2 Heat Removal 50 % 298 |Pneu. 31| Biannual Steam Domes 1,2 Heat Removal 25 % 2698 |Pneu. 31t Biannual N, Cylinders Inst. Air 2400 ¢ 80 Hydro| 3600| 5 years iy oF Approved by 'y ST Sl 11-D-4 1ABLE ¥ PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES TABULATION 8/5/65 s P. R. V. Valve No. Setting Limits 'Frequency INST, AIR SYSTEM 9110 Q0 + 3 ps_i Annual 9120 90 + 3 psi Annual ' Rec #1 90 + 3 Annual " . Rec #2 90 +3 Annual 9006 A 90 +3 Biannual * 9006 B 90 + 3 Bianmial 9005-1 30 + 2 Biannual . 9002-1 40 +2 Biannual 9002-2 25 + 2 Biannual 9001-1 30 +2 Biannual 9007-1 30 + 2 Biannual 90072 4o +2 Biannual 9008-1 25 + 2 Biannual 9009~1 Lo + 2 Biannual . 9010-1 40 +2 Biannual 9010=-2 | 25 + 2 Biannmual . 9011-1 25 + 2 Biannual g0l1ll1l-2 25 + 2 Biannual 9011-3 Lo + 2 Biannual 9011-4 25 + 2 Biannual * DIESEL #5 AIR SYSTEM Rec v 275 + 8 Biannual COMPONENT AIR SYSTEM CCh-1 12 + 2 Annual CCP-2 12 ' + Annual CCP=-3 10 + 2 Annual * nX. »* / Table 2 -Page 2 Approved by’ffi{);w/fl/g Y | 11-D-5 ; 8/5/65 P. R. V. _ Test Valve No. setting Limits Frequency COVER GAS SYSTEM ‘ 508 Lo + 2 Biannual COOLING WATER SYSTEM | 837 100 +3 Biannual . 841 100 +3 Biannual 8L6 100 + 3 Biannual 8L7 100 3 Biannual b | ! » aav L e B - el Approved by A 11-D -6 8/5/65 TABLE 3 MSRE RUPTURE DISC TABULATION Inspection Location Rating | Op. Press Change Freq. VENTILLATLON SYSTEM L 980-3" 20 psig 7 -2 psig D years L, 980-10" 20 psig -2 psig 2 years COVER GAp SYSTEM L 508 50 40 2 years L 507 350 250 2 years L 506 | 350 250 2 years COOLING WATER . L 845 18 10.5 1 year L 8uk 18 12 1 year ¥ Approved by 11-D-7 8/5/65 . TABIE 4 CONTATINMENT TANKS DESTGN TEST TANK TOCATION PRESS TEMP TYPE PRESS FREQ. Cont. Enclos. 1 Sp. Eq. Room | Lo 80 Pneu. 50 |Biannual " " 2 Sp. Eg. Room Lo 150 Pneu. 50 Biannual " " 3 No. E. S. A. Lo 80 Pneu. 50 Biannual . " " L No. E. S. A, Lo 80 Pneu. 50 Biannual " " 5 No. E. S. A. Lo 80 Pneu. 50 Biannual’ " " 6 No. E. S. A. 4o 80 Pneu. 50 Biannual . Vv T-1 So. of Bldg Lo Pneu. £0 Annually Vv T-2 So. of Bldg Lo Pneu. 20 Annually Sampler Enricher High Bay Lo 80 Pneu. 50 Annually ’ Sampler Enricher V. Box High Bay 40 80 Pneu. 50 Annually . Approved by TV I pirm, 12-1 . 10 / 13 /6 5 SECTION 12 ROUTINE OBSERVATIONS The most important functions of the operating crew are Lo carry out the prescribed program in a logical manner and record adeguate data. The acquisition of data can be accomplished in a number of differ- ent ways; however, with an operation such as the MSRE, which is manned on all three shifts, it is necessary to standardize this as much as possible. The following describes the method to be usged at the MSRE. - v o* 3/ Approved by ) T asuesy, 12A-1 10/13/65 12A LOGS CONTROL ROOM LOG BOOK The control room log book is a journal in which the time and nature of all operations are recorded. This log provides a record of operations for evaluation of the performance of the reactor, for keeping operating personnel mutually informed, and particularly for providing each oncoming shift (and day supervision) with a record of what the previous shifts have done. The log 1s ncrmally kept by a control room technician; however, each member of the operating crew must be sure that a record of all significant operations which he performs or observes is adequately entered in the log. Each entry should begin with the time the operation tcok place, and should be initialed. The log must be a complete record of all significant operations, but be as free as possible of unnecessary details. It is better to put too much in the log than to leave out details which may later prove to be significant. Operations personnel are responsible for adequately recording all activities that occur on each shift. This includes activities of non-operating personnel. At the start of each shift, enter in the log the personnel assigrments for the shift, and the reactor conditions at shift change. Enter the date and shift at the top of each page. This makes it convenient to find who worked a given shift and what work was in progress. Conclude the shift entries with a "status,” which should include a summary of the reactor operating conditions for the previous 8 hours, a list of all important changes in operations, and sufficient information about operations in progress to enable . the next shift to take over smoothly. New log books are kept in the operations file cabinet. DHince the page numbering continues from log to log, care should be taken that the proper new log book is selected. Completed logs are also filed in the operations office. A carbon copy is made for use by non-operating personnel and is filed in the operations office. *E%f o 124-2 10/13/65 Approved byzéfifififq Xerox copies are provided for the coordinstor and the department . head. The shift supervisor is responsible for reviewing the log at the end of his shift to be certain that all significant occurrences are adequately recorded. 1.1 Items which should be included in the log are: Equipment started or stopped. Valves opened or closed. Switches or breakers opened or closed. Procedures or parts of procedures started, worked on, or completed. ‘ Changes in settings of controls or valves. Major changes in settings of heater controllers. Annunciations, and action taken. Abnormal conditions or malfunctioning equipment found. Purpose of a given series of operations, unless obvious Or routine. Observations, interpretations, and conclusions drawn from operating results. Samples taken. Significant maintenance and other non-operational jobs done. 1.2 Items which need not be recorded in this log are: . Those which are recorded elsewhere except for especially important items which may be repeated for emphasis. Details of operations covered by a written procedure or check list. Any exception to the procedure should be noted as well as time referencesand results if of significance. 2 CONTROL ROOM AND BUILDING LOGS A1l pertinent temperatures, flows, pressures, etc., not recorded elsewhere are recorded on the control room and building logs. When the computer is not in operation;. it is necessary to manually record some items. normally recorded by the computer. These extra items are on the control room log. Therefore, 2 control room log forms are provided. Since the building log does not change, only one Approved by Efigf;fiAaéigy%m¢k1 ~ 124-3 Y 10/13/65 . building log form is required. 12A-2A Control Room Log (Computer in Operation), 12A-2B Control Room Log (Computer not in Operation), 12A-3 Building Log. Where possible the normal reading for each item is given at the head of each data column. The person initiating a new log should correct iV to agree with the master log, located in "Master Forms" file drawer. . Each person taking a log must report any abnormal conditions to the shift supervisor promptly. In addition, he must be alert for signs of trouble or malfunctioning equipment as he makes the rounds of the area. Completed log sheets are placed in data holder in the control room and are subsequently filed in the operations office by day personnel. 3 LEAK-DETECTOR 1LOG Since the operation of the leak-detector system is somewhat independent of the rest of the reactor, operations done on this system are recorded in a seperate log. It 1s particularly important to note the status of any leak- hunting cperations and all valves that are closed at the end of . each shift. L THERMOCOUPLE TABULATION LOG (12A-k4) There are some 900 thermocouples and 700 temperature readout locations at the MSRE. Since the readout of any thermocouple (except for 120 on the coolant radiator) can be easily changed at the patch panel, a thermocouple tabulation log will be maintained. In the "Thermocouple to Instrument” log, the thermocouples are lisbed numerically along with a brief description of their locations in the system. Columns are provided to enter the "readout"” location of each thermocouple. When the "readout” of any thermocouple is changed, this fact should be entered along with the date, time, and . initial of the person making the entry. Approved by25;?5§$/572%77van< 12A-4 10/13/65 The "Instrument to Thermocouple" log lists the "readout” instru- . ments and "readout” points in numerical order along with the location of the instrument in the building. Columns are provided for indi- cating which thermocouple is attached to each point. When a change is made on the input to any instrument, this fact should be entered along with the date, time, and initial of the person making the entry. Thus it is possible to determine where any thermocouple was recorded at any time or what thermocouple was recorded on any instru-~ . ment. 5 HEATER CONTROLLER SETTINGS LOG (12A-5) | The heater controller settings will be recorded periodically . on the building log; however, a chronological history of the settings will be helpful to operations. A log is available at the heater control area with columns for entering date, time and controller setting. As these are strictly an operational guide, they may be discarded after use. 6 FLANGE LOG A history of all reactor system flanges monitored by the leak detector system will be kept jointly by operations and maintenance. Pertinent information on closing of these flanges such as torque and leak rates will be kept in this log. In the back of this log will be kept a list of any fittings which have been opened which require helium leak testing. This list will be in the form of a punch list requesting the leak checks . of a particular fitting. These punch lists are accumulated and all leak tested by maintenance during shutdown. . Ji SAMPLE LOGS A record of all samples taken from all systems will be kept in the sample logs in the operations office. Entries will be made in these logs both when the sample is taken and when the analysis result is obtained. A sample number will be assigned according to the last previous record in the sample log. The sample log will also contain information on the allowable limits for analysis of desired (or undesirable) contents. Approved byf4277‘”” ~ 12A-5 10/13/65 8 DIESEL LOG This log is maintained in the switch room, and entries will be made for any operations involving the diesel generators. Approved bdeZEZ%é%;éggm 12A~2A | 8/6/65 . 12A-24 CONTROL, ROOM LOG ‘Computer in Operaticn) CONSCLE Record every 4 hours etfarting at 0830 unless obtherwise indicated. By-Pass RADIATOR DOOR RADIATOR Duect * POSITION Damper CGUTLET INLEY AP AP Demand |Position . Init. Time Z21-0D-A Zi-1ID-A PETADRAD PATAD2AL ZL~-AD-2 Time . Date Started REACTCR CUTLE®R Temperature Demand XTINARC A2 Temperature T 1G0- 1200°F £ 50° . TX-3839 (10-65) 1200°F + 50°F COMP . Ammeter. Range #1 il ION C Rng Seal Light 1 Approved by fi@/«m 124-24 | 8/6/65 Record every U4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Regulating | Servo Servo CONTIRCGL ROD Flux POSTTTON* Flux fod Mode Channel Total Time Demand Position Light| OSelector 1 25 - 75% #1 or #2 ¥ Read coarse position indicator to nearest printed number below pointer. Add fine reading to this and record the sum. Ioad | Safety | FISSTON CHAMBER | FISSIGN CHAMEER Scram Channel 1 e Lights| Lights |, ... Count osition Count Chamber Tnit.| Time On On Rate Rate Selecte None None 104 Fd* 1040pe® * If at low power counts may be <10* cps. Date Started Approved by - 12A-24 ’ 8/6/65 MATN CONTROL BOARD Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Containment |Stack| Standby | Comp. Cell oT-2 otack Flow Fan |Stack Fan|Coolant CCP AP Pressurel Pregssure Init.1Time T 8T On t On | PDIiC PI-RCA | PIC~510A >60% 41 On #1 or #2 8 psi |-2 psig | T psig Coolant‘ Prime Bypass 0T-2 0il Stand-by Damper Annulus {Radiator Level Pump I 0il Pump Position Rlowers Blowers Tnit.| Time |LI-0T2 Cn COP | Time % On On* >50 |#1 or #2 <10 #0 & #h sec - ! o * Depending upon operation one or both radiator blowers may be on or off. g RADITATOR TEMPERATURE HELTUM W tack Flow Outlet Tnlet From CP To CP Init. {Time | FT-AD-3A | TI-AD3-8A | TI-AD1-1A FI-526C FIC-512A Ambient >, 048 /m to .654/m Date Started | -3- Approved by Z;affi%fié%%Zwa« éiéjéfi /65 Record every 8 hours except as otherwise indicated. Radiator 0CT-2 0 T0 CP Temperatire Shield Bearings LIGEY Difference Init. | Time FT 754 FI 753 (on or OFF) TdT-201-A 6 to 9 gpm Ooff 3to5 gpm Radlator Qutlet Temperature TI-202 A2 Init. | Time Speed 1750 rpm S1000°F cp CcP Coolant 20T Ievel Level Radlator Flow Pressure IR 595C Selector Power FR-201 { PR 511D Tnit.| Time (Red) S~39 XpR-201 % Scale| (Green) 56 to 2% { 2, 3, or L 80 5 psig Date Started -l s st Approved by»g25§§§f§%§z29&¢______ 12A-2A 8/6/65 Record every 8 hours except as ctherwise indicated. REACTOR TEMPERATURE CDT Reactor Weight Power Red Pen Green Pen : WR-CDT-C1 | RR-8100 Outlet Inlet Init. | Time (Red)* (Watts) TR-100-A5 TR-102-5C <8% 1200°F + 50° | 1200°F # 50° * Tf ccolant drain tank is full, WR~CDT should read ~ 55%. Init. Time Date Started Salt 36 o Salt Salt 2 kw hg FUREL PUMP No Salt SFEED 19 amp 120C + 50 rpm Approved by Adfiéfiygfi:?%kdn ko, Record every 8 hours except when otherwise indicated. TP Pregsure PRC-522A Green < Ja FP Ievel LR~593C Re -6 FP Tevel S Selector g- cxr p-2 team Dome Ievel LTC-807A 12A-2A 8/6,/65 FD-2 FD-2 OIL TO FP Pressure Weight | PR-574B | wR-FD-p¢ | DEARINGS) SHIELD Init. } Time | (Green) (Red)* 1 FT-7038 | FI-70kA , 5 psig 50) / peig <0 sz | o227 Y ' 250 prig v I ! ; i . ri~l Fom RS FaT e STEAM LOME] FRESSURE | WEIGD PRESSURE WETUST [ ICC POWER LEVEL ' 93-535,5 WR~F0L -0 PR 6385 WR-#3T | RR~8200 Init. Time|LI:-806-A {oreen) (Red ) (Watts) 5 paig <8% iote 5 paig | <5% ~ g ;_.1 i 3 e I_.I s o !—h - l_,... (n-d = =y i g e i1 i b s l—\J ;—1 i. o h o & £ i N 1 NI O == 2 . . R . - TWE S S 5-53 init. |Time % G e 00 BC 00 GCR-3 AL Pusition ) 1 or 2L or = L& 201 &2 #1 ] 0a 1 or 2 {Oper. Comp - - Date Started - -] AmmmmdeéEEZQéééfi&vk‘ Observe Temperature Recorders every 4 hours starting at 0830 and record any abncrmal temperatures, 12A-24 8/6/65 \ TR TR Init. Time 3100 3500 Record Unusual Temperatures >950 >950 <1300 | <1300 AUXTLIARY CONTROL ROOM Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. OCT-1 MCB AP 0CT-2 Filter Waste Tank Level Level AP Level Init. | Time | LI-524-C PAI-556-4 LI-526-A | PAI-927-B2 LI-WI-A <50% <50% 150 and ; { ; Approved by /Wy }fip-v\ 124A-28 V 50% B or 42 | | #2 #h o * ! e ¥ | : , 4 l | - XX, | XX | v i EX i XX i o dxe i | xx | *¥Depending on Date Started operation, one or both radiastor blowers may be on or off. - ¥ Approved by:;gi?fijég/é%%%%?"“1n”\§_ Record every U hours except as otherwise indicated. RADIATOR TEMPERATURE EELTIM FLOW OUTLET INLFF | From CP To CP TL ADR-CA | TIL ADL-1A | FI 526C . FIC 5124 >.0g/m |.55 to .654/m Radiator OIL FLOW TO GP | OCT-2 Temperature Shield LIGES Difference FL 754 FL 753 | (On or Off)| TAI-201-A 6 o 3 %0 0ff 124-25 10/7/65 Date Started Approved by m oy 12A-~2B Record every U hours except as cotherwise indicated. . | Radiator Outlet COOLANT PUMP Temperature 5 Watts | Time | TI-202 A2 Speed +] No Salt |Salt [No i ' >1000 F L 211 2 kw - g ? ar - GP ‘_ ooz - Level Level Rediator|{ Coolant| Pressure IR 595C Selector Power Flow PR 511D Init. | Time (Red) S~39 XpR-20L | FR-20L | (Green) e ety = =t ok - ' 56 to T72% §2, 3, or 4 800 gpm| 5 psig XX XX | - . - ! { | XX ! T " = Date Started ~8.- P Approved bM/ Lo 12A-2B \/ 10/7/65 Record every U4 hours except as otherwise indicated. | CDF | Linear REACTOR TEMPERATURE Welght Power ~Red. Pen Green Pen | WR-CDT-CL | RR-8100 Outlet Inlet Init. | Time (Red )* {Watts) TR~-100-A5 TR-102-5C 6% | 1200°F £ 50°F | 1200 F % 50°F fi ! XX | ! XX .i | xx (= *¥If coolant drain bank is full, WR-CDI-Cl should read ~ 55%. FUEL PUMP AMPS Time Salt No Salt No Salt 6 2 kw L i Date Started -9~ Approved by fi){@w\ lB/A/;?’fl% L 10/7/65 % e v S e = Recdf&~%?ery 4 hours except when otherwise indicated. FP FP FP FD-2 Pressure level Level Steam Dome PRC 522A | LR-5930 Selector Level Init. | Time | {Green) (Red) 5-36 LIC-807A — i 5 psig 56 ~ 65% cor 3 + S22 e g FD-2 FD-2 Pressure Welght OLL TO FP PR-5T4B WR-FD-2C (3reen) (Red )* FI-TO34 FL-TOUA s Chg/n s FI2 : Zelivm Prime Welght | Jusl OLL; OZ-1 Q-1 Headers [Standby WR FFL-C Pump Level § Pressure} Prezsure (011 Pump Time { {Red)* On LI-07-1] PI-513-A| PI-500-A |FOP No. 70 #1 ox #2| >50% 7 peig | 150 %o 250 pg XX XX *¥If flush salt is in the reactor; WR-FFU.( should he 950 >050 Approved by~[z;;5;52%23;;\‘ 1%5%72% AUXTIIARY CONTROL ROOM | Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. | | oom-1 0GT-2 | Filter | Waste Tank | g Level MCB AP Level AP Level Initei Time Ll-524-9 PAT-556-A ILI-526-A PAI-927-B2 L;:Hfi-A ; 509 | <2 pSi 0% 15C and <1L000. Date Started D Approved by ~F '1j\’f?[f”fiW\ 1ea-28 - 10/7/65 Iist Jumpers found inserted in Jumper Board at start of each shift and have Shift Supervisor approve list. i 0800-~1600 Shift 1600-2400 Shift 2400-0800 Shift § Circuit No.j Jumperj Circuit No.} Jumper} Circuit No.| Jumper e e - List the Red Lights which are on the Jumper Board. Cireuit No. | Light | Circuit No.| Iight | Circuit No. Initial Time S. S, Approval Time Date Started -20- - i Approvfigwbyéw »” o v‘{;fig;fiaufm\ _ 12A-28 7 - 10/7/65 List Annunciator Lights that are on in Msin Control Room ard Auxiiiary Control Room at start of each shift and have Shift Supervisor approve list. (Check Rochesters, Lights Above all Panels, Radiaticon Monitors, etc.) Also list annunciator relays which have been removed. 0800-1600 Shift {1600-2400 Shitt § 2400-0800 Skifi Annunciator Annunciator Annuneiator tial S. 8. roval Time Date Started | » | | | -23- o Approved by M V@#m 12A-2B r Vv 10/7/65 Check the following at approximate time indicated. Normal| 0930] 1230 [1730 2030' 0130 |0430 o All Charts Inking Time A1l Charte 1 MCR Ann. Lamp Checké ACR Ann. Lamp Check. Sampler Permigsive | Switch Record On , or Off CP/FP | orgfore! | L e R e e T et ettt ' e e - el A T msa———— ™ Date Started ok Approved by;:§?<;:2;z5 should be reported‘. to the shift supervisor. 8-4 Initial - Time h-12 Initisl Time 12-8 Initial : Time i Date Started - N | | | o 26- oy N ] C vV WATER AND OIL TEMPERATURES Record the following every 8 hours. TE PP Special No. No. Recorder 826-1 887 831-1 888 833-1 889 837-1 890 841-1 891 8h5-1 892 8h6-1 89 851-1 89l TO0T-1A 871 T57-1A 881 Readout Point 12A-2B 10/7/65 TEMPERATURES* -12 *Any Temperature variation greater than 5OF should be reported to the shift supervisor. 8-4 Tnitial Time 4-12 Tnitial Time 12-8 Initial Time Date Started - 2"{’_ swveoves vy _ Ao e 7 AT - FUEL INLET TO LOWER HEAD AND SUPPORT FLANGE ANNULUS These temperatures will be read either from a special recorder or may be plugged into an indicator depending on estimated time of computer shutdown. FUEL INLET TEMPERATURE n oo 10800 - 1600 1600 - 2400 0000 - 0800 TE PP | TND. | ACTGAL )IND. | ACTUAL| IND. ' ACTUAL RDT | NO. | NO- l BIAS | 7EMP | TEMP* |TEMP | TEMPX | TEMP . TEMP¥ 102- | | 50 | 385 : ‘ i AT AND LOWER HEAD AND SUPPCRT FLANGE ANNULUS TEMPERATURES 0800 - 1600 1600 - 2400 0000 - 0800 IND. | ACTUAL .| ACTUAL IND. AL TEMP | TEMP¥* |%%| TEMP| TEMP* [*%x |TEMP| TEMP* [#* *To get actual temperature, subtract the bias from the indicated tempera- ture. ¥*To get AT, subtract actual fuel inlet temperature from actual tempera- tures in this table. If AT is more than °F, notify the shift supervisor. 8-4 Initial Time L-12 Initial Time 12-8 Initial | Time Date Started -28- Approved for Usef’jzéi%i>§£:§22?q%£7\\h‘~ 12A-3 10/5/65 12A-3 BJTIDING I0G SERVICE TUNNEL Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indieated. : _ -2 5 Personnel Monitors OI-= Water —— Temperature Monitren CAM Fi- (FI- out In Flow Init.} Time| RE 7017 RE 7005 753 {754k |TT 822-1 |TT 823-1 FI-823-A i - * —— = a ‘ 3-5 16-9 ° ° | <3 mr/hr [<1000 cpm ~ 85°F ~ 80°F . | 3 mr/ B0 oo |gom 5 7.5 gom E ! f XX XX XX ; XX XX xx i T | I x ' j E XX XX XX Coolant 0il Pump |[Filter AP OT-1 Water Pressure® PI-T752-C Temperature #1 #o Minus Oout In Flow Init.{Time |PT 751A | PL T52A [PZ-753-C |TI 820~-1 | 7T 82i-1 | FI 821-A K AP ~ o ~ o ’ <5 psi 85°w 80°F T.5 gpm XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX | XX XX XX XX XX XX * Call control room and aid in priming standby oil pumps. *‘* ‘ . Discharge pressure f{rom the. pumps which are on should be >60 psig. Date Started ‘ -1~ TX~3838 (10-65) — AT e, WO Approved by,/fiézg;%;4%§;a“flfl 12A-3 y = 10/5/65 Record every L hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Fuel 0il Pump Filter AP Pressure® PI-T702-C #1 #2 Minus FI- Init. Time PT 701-A | PT T02-A | PI-T03-C 0 Ol 3=> -9 *% #¥ <5 psi - XX XX * Call control room and aild in priming standby oil pumps. *% Discharge pressure from the pumps which are on should be >60 paig. SERVICE AREA Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. F. 0il Supply Taxk |C. 0il Supply Tank Process Monitor* Reading Reading Init.| Time JLTOTIA3 |Set Point [LIOT2A3 (Set Point | RM OT-1 RM CT-2 >50% Reading >50% Reading <.5 mr/hr| <,5 mr/hr -2% -2% XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX * Set calibration at 0.25 to 0.35 mr/hr before reading. Date Started -2- e 2 Approved by * 2~ 10/5/65 Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Tube 0il Current Init. Time FOP-1 FOP-2 COP-1 COP-2 PUMP RUNNING 7-9 amps Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. & Instrument Air Cont. Air Instrument Air Station - Station #h - pooPal Init, | Time |PT 9010-3|PI 9010-2{PT 9010-1 |PI 9004-2 PT 9004-1 ST=-D 20 0 0-80 20 0-80 >0 Date Started -3~ Approved by /M}?m 12A-3 10/5/65 HORN HALL Record every U hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. ATR o ! FIDING EVACUATION : PERSONNZL, MONITOR CONDITTONER | PorLOTC VACUATION COMPRESSOR Torn |Cylinder and | . Q-2091 3 Gages Pressure |Supply Valves: VMoni ot ——I&LQH————-—~~ Monitron RE 7029 Within RA 7023-A2|Tagged! Tnit, |Time [RE 7016 | Scale Reading Limits High | Low | Open {Closed . Lowest L . _ <3 mr/hr| ool e <3/4 scale| As Marked*|>1500|~ 100N or S:N or S{ ! i E XX XX XX XX | g XX XX XX XX f i %XX XX XX XX * If running and out of limits, turn of f and punch list. TRANSMITTER ROOM PERSONNEL MONITOR LEAK, DETRCTOR PRESSURE ; Monitron CAM Other FI Init. Time RE 701 RE 7004 PL Lo If Isolated <3 mr/hr }<1000 cpm |90-110 psig | 90-110 psig Date Started iy Approved by fl,4zf§§§§§§:4zaw }2§é3 10/5/65 Record every L hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. NOTE: Record all readings to the nearest 0.01 in. Hg. Tare setting need only to be within 0.1 in. of Hg. FD-1 FD-2 FET Pos 1 Pog 2 Pos Pos Pos Pos Time |Tare |Live |Tare|Live [Tare |Iive |Tare |Live |Tare| Iive Tare|Live 80.3 80.4 83.5 80.7 43,9 W, 0 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX - FST CDT Pos 1 Pos 2 Pos Pos Time |Tare {Idive [Tare [Live |Tare Live [Tare |Live .8 9, 1 6.2 Date Started -5= 12A-3 10/5/65 Approved by ,ffié??§% | 0 0 O * Set HiC's at minimum to glve maximum air flow. Koo Set HIC at Maximum to get maximum air flow KoK 20 sefm if salt is in FP. Date Started 7Zero CFM 1if galt is not in FP. 12A-3 Approved by - 10/5/65 Record HIC Settings every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. FREEZE VALVES 10 10 19-A2 10-A2 AP Set Time! 919 Al|Temp.|Point oet Set 91C Al |Temp.| Pocint| 909-A1l |Temp. |Point FREEZE VALVES 20 10L I 206 AP cet Time |08 Al . Al | Temp. {Point VALVES 1 10 108 Init. |Time |924% Al {924 A2 [913 Al 913 A2 |919 Al [919 A2 Date Started | -8- Approved by.—Z WA MO 12A-3 10/5/65 Record HIC Settings every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. VALVES 1C 2 111 Time |911 Al {91l A2 Set loo7 21 oo a1 [929 Ao Point REACTOR CELL DRATIN TANK CELIL Power Suppliy for SUMP Drain Tank > Flow Ievel Nz Flow Tevel Time Tevel Probe FCRC-C LT RC-C | FC DIC-A LI DIC-A Lo~-L5v 0.75 scth 0 0.75 sefh 0 FUEL PROCESSING SPARE CELL STORAGE CELL SUMP SUMP CELL SUMP Time | FC-FSC-A | LI-FSC#* FC~TCA LI-P5C%* FC-SCA LI-FOC* 0.4 scfth 0.4 sefh 0 0.4 sefh 0 * Read mencmeter when sump of interest only is valved into manometer. Date Started ~9- Approved by‘f’ZEg?zkfiég;O*a”f 10A-3 10/5/65 Record every 8 hours unless otherwise specified. co ATR WASTE WASTE TANK SESA to TANK StMP TR AP FC-WI-A 0= WIC-A ~FE 0.4 gefh 0.4 sc 0 >0 3 Read manometer when surp of iaterest only is valved into manometer. Record every 4 hours unless otherwise specified. Reactor Cell AP PAT-RC-E Digl Readingg* AP R T Teft TIeft + R * Record dlal readings at point where needles touch liquid surface. Right slde is connected to c¢ell, left glde is comnected to reference volume. - Date Started -10- . +* Approved byW M 12A-3 Y 10/5/65 Record every 8 hours unless otherwise specified. ECT Power Supplies XEM 1001~ Init., | Time Al -El -C1l ~DL -El -F1 60-65 | 60-65 | 60-65 | 60-65 | 60-65 | 60-65 NESA Record every 4 hours unless otherwlse specified. CONTROL ROD DRIVE Fan Motor Lights* Init, | Time 71 #2 #3 out Out Qut * If any light is on, contact the Shift Supervisor immediately. A light on indicates that the fuse is blown in the fan-motor circuit. Date Started -11- Approved by <,4%?¢;j%&<7?@flflflh\\‘ 124-3 -~ \ 10/5/65 NESA TR HFADER TEST#* Record every 8 hours unless otherwise indicated. Tnit. |Time {IB1-1|031-2]B1-3{0B 10-1{JB 10-2{J3 10-3|JB2-1|JB2-2|JB2-3|JB2-k * A1l pressures on headers shculd be >5 psig. If any header is below 5 psig repressurize to 50 psilg. Header valves should normally be closed. Blow down Line 519 once per day on 8:00 to 4:00 shift. PI-519 CONTAINMENT Init. | Time Before After PI-RC-B | PI-RC~F | PT-RC-G ~ 2 psig ~ 2 psig ~ 4" Hg Vac. XX XX XX XX Record every 8 hours unless otherwise indicated. TRUMENT ATR STATION FT 900z~ FI 9002-5 | PI 9002-2 { PI 9002-1 25 20 30 70-80 Date Started -l2- ¢ " Approved byMflM 1254-~73 | 10/5/65 Record every 8 hours unless otherwise indicated. TS T, ATR STA. #3 TNE™, ATR STA, #13 BT 9008-2 | PT 9008-1 FL 9013-1 2C 70-80 75-80 BERYLI.LUM DETECTION SYSTEM #1 Blower | #2 Blower {Init. ]| Time | On-Cff Pressure 10ff-0n Presgure | Onk 1.8" ¥g Vac | Cff* [1.8" Eg Vac XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX %, #0 Blower 1s standby for #1. If #1 is off #2 should be ozn. Date Started -13- Approved by/;Z?fifg&g%%;éflafiaL 124-3 Y 10/5/65 FEATER CONTROL PANEL Record all values on ore rog of each chift, preferably the first 10, 8:00 - L:00 Teitial Time Started 10O - 12:00 Initial Time Startesd 12:00 - 8:00 Initial Time Started EEATER CURRENT CR- H-200-1 E-201-12 H-202-2 A = 2 132 1 12 112 GROJND DETECTOR VOLTACE CR-1 (B~ CR- o3 2 - 1 2 3 L Iate Started -1k~ Approved by W g MY 12A-3 10/5/65 HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-200-14 q-200-15 H-201-10 H-201-11. Setting { Amps Setting | Laps Setting | Amps Setting | Amps TEATERS POWERSTAN SETTING AND CURRENT H-202- H-204-2 H-205-1 Sett S Sett S Sett HEATERS POWER STAT SETTING AND CURRENT FV-204~3 FT-2018-1 'T-201A-3 FT-201A-2 Setting | Amps Setting | Amps Settin Amps | Setting | Amps HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT F-201R-1 FT-201B~- FT-2018~-2 Sett 3 Sett S Sett Date Started Approved bVM/m 124-3 ~ 10/5/65 HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-203-2 -204-1A IE-CP-1 Sett S Sett g Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SE AND CURRENT FV-204~1 FV-204~5 FV-206-1 Sett Setti Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT -o0L4-1) H-206-1] CDI-1 -003- C 8 Sett HEATERS PO TAT SETTING CURRENT CP-1 CP-2 H-200-1 H-200-11 g |Sett s | Sett s | Sett Sett -16- Date Started 10/5/65 HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-200-12 H-201-1 H-201~-2 H-201- Settin Sett sl Sett s{ Sett FEATERS POUWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT RCH-2 RCH- RCTH~ 2 id12 i |2 GROUND TETECTCR VOLTAGE R-1 R-2 R- 2 112 112 Date Started -17- Approved by %%:flm 103/?%;) HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-102-2 R-1 R-2 R- 1412 112 112 112 HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT HX-3 FP-1 FP-2 RAN-1 1l 12 112 1 12 Sett Amps HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-200-1 H-201-1 H-102~1 Sett Sett Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-102~ H-10 V- Sett Sett Sett Date Started -18- Approved by /N 12A-3 YEATERS POWERSTAT SETTTNG AND CURRENT H-10L-1 FV-104-1A FV-105-1A FET-1 FET Setting | Amps | Setting | Amps | Setting | Amps 1 ]2 31 1} 2 3 HEATERS POWERSTAT S AND CURRENT ) 1-2 FD e- FD 2-2 Fy-104-1 o 112 1102 Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-10 H-104~ BPV-105~1 Sett Sett Amps Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-105-1 H-105~ FV-106-1 Sett 8 Sett Sett Date Started -19- 10/5/65 iy S Approved by/f‘ffif?;55553?4w1401 12A-3 HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT H-106-1 H-1006- -106-~1A Sett Amps Sett Amps Sett Amps HEATERS POWEERSTTAT SE e AND CURRENT H-104-21 T-104~- H-104- H-105-2}1 H-105~- S 5 5 Amps 8 PO TAT SETTTNG AND CURRENT H-11C-2 1H-110- H-107-1 g S Sett HEATERS POWERSTAT SETTING AND CURRENT b-107- Fy-107-1 . i ¢ e e e el st b . ‘ 4 Sett : e Sett Date Started - -20- Approved by@%fi@ 3/;4%3 10/5/65 HEA PG TAT SE AND CURRENT -108-1 -1086=2 H-1038- Sett s Sett Date Started : -1~ o Approved bytéifgiiézéééégéflHAW\ 12A-3 10/5/65 HEATER CONTROL PANEL 8:00 - L:00 Initial 4:00 - 12:00 TInitial 12:00 - 8:00 Initial Time Finished Time Finished Time Finished Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. NITROGEN FILOW To Scanners scfh Purge SCANNER Scanner Time B |C Dl E {Pressure |A |B | C D E |Selected¥* .15 to .25 5-10 psig {50 |50| 50 J100 }100 A XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX IXX XX *In order to get best results from scanner in control room, leave "A" as the scanner selected at scanner panel. Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. RECORD MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM SCANNER TEMPERATURES | A B C D Init.}] Time |HiL Low Low (H Low |Hi Low Date Started -DD- Approved byzé%fffié%f%é%%fié?&WL_ 12A-3 | 10/5/65 SCANNER SPAN -- Obtain from Instrument Mechanic (Deily) Time | Scanner | Gain | °F/in. Record every 8 hours unless otherwise indicated. TEMPERATURE. RECORDERS Init. | Time |TR-3300 | TR-3400 Record Unusual Temperatures x >950°F <1300°F * On TR-3300, points 1, 2, and T through 17 should read LOO°F to 600°F. The remainder of the points should read between 1C00°F and 1200°F. Date Started : =23~ Approved by%flifl_ Record every 4 PERSONNEL MONITORS Monitor CAM Init. Time | RE-701k4 RE-T7003 <3 mr/hr | <1000 cpm Check blowers to induction regulators every 4 hours unless otherwise noted. 12A-3 10/5/65 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. G5 | G5 | G5 | T2 Init. |Time |TTC-1 |TIC-2 | TTA-1 |TTA-2 |TIB-1|TTIB-2 BB-1|BB-2]oy-1]¥Y-1 ON ON ON ON ON OoN ON | ON | ON |ON XX xx |xx XX XX XX Xx |{xx |xx XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX xx XX Date Started -0l % 4 - Approved by w‘ ?2?2 10/5/65 48v DG CONTROL PATHL, Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. TORS #2 and Battery GVe LES o T JOLTAGH M.G. Room Init. {Tine 3 {Batt. 3{laad Gen #2 tt. (Gen Or1 TFan Diml Diim | >0 5oy 5oy %2 or #3] On XX XX N. WALL 840! IEVEL Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Scanner Ko Erader Haader Header Preggure® In Pregsure Init., | Time West Fagt Service | PT-9012 >050 pedg { 250 peig t W or B 50 psig Energeney N Emergency Nz Emergency Header Pregpure® Header Controller Air West Fast in Bet Peint Flow Init. | Time] PI 0006-1 {PL 9006-2] Service [PIC 9006-1 A & BJ FI-9006 >500 >500 Wor E 65 psig P === Standby headers should be at 1500 psig or greater. Date Started - -25=- Approved by4gf;;zzéaéazgyf%8fl_ 1500 |~ 100{ N or 8 { Nor S XX XX XX XX XX xx | xx XX ) XX XX XX XX Record every 8 hours unless otherwlse specified. Blow Down AC #3 DG #5 Pressure | Inst. Air Inst. Alr (Valve East of | Alr Tank #3 Moisture Flow Init.{ Time | South Door) Pregsure | Receiver |Content (%)* | FI-9000 >200 pelg 15-30% * Turn switeh to "Adj. 100" and adjust indieator to read 100%. Then switch to "Operate'" and record reading. Date Started _27_ Approved by Mw\ Record every 8 hours unless otherwise specified. 12A~3 10/5/65 AC #3 HEADER g #h Cooler Head Load Speed Init. | Time | 881-3B j 881-3A | PI-9000-1 | Idmit | Droop <110°F | <115°F 80 peig 5 0 | xx o ! i XX fi FRESSURES DG #3 #1 Receiver | #2 Receiver | Load Speed Init. ]| Time PI-R1 PI-R2 Limit | Droop ~ 80 psig ~ 80 psig 5 0 XX XX XX XX ATR CCMPRESSORS OUTLET WATER TEMPERATURE AC-2 AC-1 Coolexr Head | Cooler Head inlt. | Time { 881-2B | 881-2A1 881-18 | 881-1A <110°F | <115°F| <110°F | <115°F Date Started -08- e Approved by ¢,§§:2%i?%;g%;kflnfiflfl Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. 12A-3 10/5/65 He TREATING STATION TEMPERATURES Station #1 Station #2 _ Preheater Preheater Init. [Time] TIC-PH-1|TIC-Cz-R1}TS-05-R1-2| TIC-PH-21TIC-05-R-2|TS-05-R2-2 | SR = * * 800°F 1200°F | <1000°F 800°T 1200°F <1000°F § i i == Standby unit should be held at 800°F. He SUPPLY HEADERS Emergency He Treating Low He Pressure Trailer Station Pressure Flow Tnit.| Time| PI-5024 PI-502B | PI-500-F | PI-500-H |PI-500-M |FIC-500-J >500 psig| >500 psig| >500 psig 250 35 <10 £/m i Date Started -29 Approved by é%//w Y N Record every U4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. 12A-3 10/5/65 MOISTURE ANAIYZER OXYGEN ANATYZER Line He STATION Ambient Temp. at oist. Span 0o Contd Moni+ Moisture Inttd Time | Flow [Range ppm) | Flow JAd3.|Rdg. tored | Analyzer 100 <10 100 | 548 cc/min ppm jec/min or o 5149 F Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unlese otherwise indilcated. TREATED WATER COOLER °F TW _FILTER PRESSURE ™ In IW Out |} CIW Out In Init. | Time | TT 829 { 7T 826 § 7T 854 |PT 829 Qut | AP <20 peig Date Started - 30_ -~ Approved by 124-3 % 10/5/65 Record every U4 hours unless otherwise specified. PERSONMNEL MONITOR RC RC Q-2091 9 DTC Cooler Cooler RE-T030 Cooler Cocler 1 #0 Init.] Time] OScale Reading FI-851-C{ F1-836-A | Fi-838-4| FI-8L0-A Lowest y . ~ _ , possihle <3/L ?Léle 260 gpm{ >50 gpm | > 50 gpm| >50 gpm i | | Thermal Shield Init, | Time | FT-844-A | TI-FWT-1A | LI-FWT-2A | PI-Q06-B2 50 gpm 9 psig . Date Started -31-~ Approved by 4fg7;;?%gi§%79flih 12A-3 10/5/65 Record every 4 hours unless otherwise specified. C.T. TEMFERATURE 0 8 Time | Set Point| Readir LI-CST-2 T9°F 85°F - 50~150 gal Fual Coolant c.C.P. CP PI-829-4 Pump Pump 0il Cooler or Tnit.} Time | LI-CST-1 FI-830 | FI-832 FI-875 | FI-873 | PI-835-A 150-190 gal | 4.5 gpm 5 gpm 10 gpm | 20 gpm | >60 psig XX - XX XX XX XX ete Started -32- L d Approved by Mfim }3%3 | 10/5/65 Record every U4 hours Startingrat G830 unless ctherwise indicated. Thermal Bhiseld - Blides - Init, | Time -850 Cell Anrulus | PI-84h-p 17% {3.6 o) Ta, <13 peig Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 urless ctherwise indicated. INSURCMENT AIR Station #5 Init. | Time | PT-9005-1 § PI-9005-2 | PI-9005-3 70-80 60 20 T TRUMENT AR Stati 10 1i- PT 9011- 11-2 | PT 60 20 3C. Dete Started _ 33~ A db ifii&y/ 124-3 pprove x/ang;%L/ =7 Azdw\\ rofares COOLING TOWER Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. POWER TO FREEZE Time PI-851-A PROTECTION LIGHIS* 35 peig : ) White reen Red - On On Gff - X Record these every 4 hours November through March. VENT HQOUSE Record every U4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. r Tnit. Time | PI-950-A | PT-VH-A >0 >0 XX XX XX LX XX XX Date Started - 34~ /A, Approved by fiéfi”fi”\ VENT HOUSE Record every 4 hours unless otherwise specified. Tower PERSONNEIL MONITOR Water to Q~ 2091 Tharcoal RE-TC31 Bed Time¥ Seale Rea rT-893 . Lowest Possible <3/4 Scale Process Water to Charceoal Bed -8 * Time to be recorded is the time that FQI-569-A is read. 124-3 10/5/65 Wet Test Meter T - A% - - FQT-569 Water Init, | Tme |- Ievel FI#569 At Pointer J v R [ J— Date Started ~35= Record every 8 hours sterting at 083C unless otherwise indicated. 12A-73 10/5/65 CXYCEN ANALTZEE Calibrate O2 Lnalyzer Tnit Time Anglyoep® Flow Presgure] Scale 0o Content 50-250 ce/min 0-10% <5% | ; } _______ e ‘ m o ¥ . - - nalyzer should be calibrated per Procedure 3H, Step 6.2, CHARCOAL EED TEMPERATURES: All should be between Record daily on 12-8 ghift. °F and °F. THERMOCOUPLE | TEMPERATURE | THERMOGUUPLE | TEMPERATURE | TE-CR-14-1 | _TE~C2-2B-1 TE-CB-1A-2 [ _TE-CB-23-2 TE-CB-1A-3 | TE-CB-2B-3 E-CP-15-2 _ TE-AC-P1-1 TE-(5-15-2 | TEepe-mp-l TE-C3-1B-3 L CE-CE-3 TE-CB-2A-1 | _CE-CRN-1 TE-CB-2A-2 Y Nm-C3W-2 — TE-CB-2A-3 % Tate Started Approved by fifig?céfigéyu@fvx 12A-3 - v 10 5 65 BERYLLIUM MONITOR Record every L4 hours unless otherwise indicated. RECORDER Beryllium Elect. Level Zero Spark*¥ | (Sparking) |{No Spark) Voltage Scale High Selector Voltage Init. |[Time |Amperage * *When sparking. *¥If monitor is operating on "continuous" the spark should be continuous. If operation is "intermittent" listen through one complete cycle for unusval noises. STACK PANEL Record every 8 hours unless otherwise indicated. %Init. Time PI-927A | PI-927C | PAIl Fi4, | PAI-F;A, Date Started -37- Approved by 12A-3 0 m mlgy e _ 10/5/65 Record every 8 hours unless otherwlse indicated. omall Beryllium Init.{ Time [PAI-Fol, |PAI-Fols |PAT-F=A, 1PAT-TzAp |PI-927-BL Blower : On L | ! ‘ XX X% XX o X KX flmmu&_ f ABOVE SPECTAIL, EQUIPMENT ROOM Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. Fast CONTAINMENT AIR PRESSURE | cce | Speclal PERSONNEI, MONTTOR Water Coolant Equipment Q-2091 Flow Cell Room RE-T7027 Tnit.] Time | FI-86L4-A | PAT-933 PI SER B Scale Reading . Lowest . 20 gpm ! >0 >0 Possibie <3/l Scale + | ; : XX ;XX P XX i 1 | | ; Xx xx xx | | Z | | XX XX XX | Date Started Approved by ZE W Py 124-3 <~ 10/5/65 ABOVE VAPOR SUPPRESSTON SYSTEM Init. | Time | PI-VI-1 | Annunciators 0 psig None i =~ . ] - SOUTH SIDE OF OFFICE BUILDING i HUTIDING EVACUATION CYLTNDER AND ' HORN PRESSURE i _RA=T7023-Al SUPPLY VALVES Init, | Time ¢ High Low | Tagged | Closed | ! >1500 | ~ 100 | Eor W | E or W ] i . T | XX XX XX XX _— ] | | xx XX lxx XX | : XX . xx ' Lxx Date Started - 39_ Approved byfjfzggzgziéQMag¥ 12A-3 Vv 10/5/65 HOT CHANGE ROOM AND HIGH BRAY CHANGE ROOM Q~2091 RE-T7028 Init. Time Scale Rea Lowest Possible <3/l Scale BERYLLTUM MONTTOR Check following every 4 hours. Reload” Tndicator Tait. | Time Light Re-Zero~ ea S Off lRe-zero instrument every L4 hours (about) by following the procedure: A} Turn black knob to CAL. position and zero with potentiometer marked CAL. | B) Depress zero check and adjust meter to zero with potentiometer marked zero. C) Reset black knob to integrate position. =Tr opark light is 1it, wait and re-zero. °If reload light is on or mechine is not operating properly, turn off and punch list for day shift to repair. Dete Started - LO-<§§f§§%%%é&2f&3 Record every 4 hours starting at OB30 unless otherwise indicated. 32A-3 10/5/65 Nuc Pen ‘ | - ) 2 -J.\ fr I\’[@'\afim% Ik Recyole PERSONNEL MONITORS ‘ PERSONNET, MONTTORS Pump HB-S HB-S West CCC HB~-W FBW H.R. Press CAM Monitron {Water Flow|Monitron CAW CAM JInit . 4Time IPT-848 { RE-7001 | RE-7012} FI-862-A| RE-7013] RT-700C | RE-7006 | >5 peig (<1000 cpm (<3 mr/hr% 20 gpm |<3 mr/hr <1000 cpm|<1000 cpm . B i 7 — T s ; 3 XX 4 § z ) ; : + XX g ‘ HIGH BAY Record every 4 hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. CONTATNMENT ATR PRESSURE Fuel Fuel Maint. Processing| Spare {Processing{Storsge { Decon. |Practice| Waste Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Init. |Time| FI-oLO |PaI-941A} PAT-940A |PAT-0OL2A |PAT-9L3A|PaT-9ksa {PAT-94EA >0 >0 >0 >0 >0 >0 XX XX xX XX XX XX XX _ XX XX XX XX XX éxx ;gx , XX ixx XX XX :xx i XX ' XX ! _hl_ Date Started Approved ’W%flm | 10}?%2 Becord every I hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. U TNG EVACUATIO Cylinder and Horn Pressure ou alves RA-TOZ Tagged High Low en Closed >1500 | ~ 100 | BEorw { E or W 852 LEVEL Record every L hours starting at 0830 unless otherwise indicated. PERCONNET, MONTTORS (Office Hall) (Control Room) CAM Monitron nitf Time RE-TC02 RE- 7011 <100C cpm <3 nr/hr : . § ; — i i KN Date Started - - Approved by aéffi%fié%;zgmgan | 12A-3 10/5/65 CONTROL ROOM Record every 8 hours starting at 0830 unless cotherwise indicated. Instrument Air Station 1 trument Air Station -9001-1_|Pi- ' -9007-4 |PI-9007- T0-80 i 20 30 852 IEVEL ‘ | | . Record every U hours starting at 0830‘unle$s otherwise indicated. ;;nit. Time | Scale VRéag;ng el | Lowest 3/l Goald | | mmiemerer ol e .(:4,.....“..;,..‘«.,.‘..,..--_. T s Date Started __ -43- b Approved by ,fifflf“ifimfififgévfg?K\ 12B-1 (7 10/13/65 12B CHECK LISTS Check lists are provided for detailed operations which are repeated often. When properly completed, these serve as data sheets and are placed with other logs and completed data in the holder in the control room. These are subsequently filed by day personnel in the operations office. Available check lists are listed below: LA to 4I Auxiliary Systems Startup Check Lists 5A to 5K Reactor Startup 6A to 6H Sampling Check Lists 8A Neutron Level Detector Check List 8B Process Monitor's Check List 8C Personnel Monitor's Check List 8D Safety Circuits Check List SA to 9N Unusual Operating Conditions 10 Reactor Shutdown 11 Shutdown Operations 12A-2A Control Room Log 12A-2B Control Room Log 12A-3 Building Log 12B-1.1 Shift Supervisor's Check List 12B-1.2 Assistant Shift Supervisor's Check List 12B-2.1 12-8 Weekly Check List 12B-2.2 8-4 Weekly Check List 12B-2.3 4-12 Weekly Check List 12B-3 Operations Supplies Check List 12B-4 Salt Inventory The check lists are filed in procedures file in the operations file. Before using these, they should be corrected to agree with the magter copy, which is also kept in the operations office. TX-38&7 (11-65) Approved by iy,/flkfifgéé/flffi%\ 12B-2 ’ v N~ 10/13/65 TABLE 12B 1.1 SHIFT SUPERVISOR'S CHECK LIST The following should be done each shift unless otherwise indicated: 0000 - 0800 0800 - 1600 1600 - 2400 1. Read console log. Review building log, control room log and computer typed logs. 3. Review scanner photos. Ik, Review auxiliary control room for bypassed alarms, etc. 5. Review TI 3200 temperatures. XX XX 6. Review console log summary. Initial when all items are complete. If the computer is out of operation, see Table 12B 1.l Addendum 1. Date Started CAN e 12B-3 Approved by ¥ o 14 10/13/65 TABLE 12B 1.1 ADDENIUM 1 SHIFT SUPERVISOR'S CHECK LIST The following items are to be done whenever the reactor is in operation but the computer is not. These are "must"” items and should be performed each shift unless otherwise indicated. 0000 - 0800 0800 - 1600 1600 - 0000 1. Calculate a reactivity balance (This need not be done if the reactor is subcritical.). 2 Calculate a heat balance if the reactor power is greater than 1 MW. XX XX 3. If any changes in power are made, check that a reactivity balance and heat balance (if >l MW) are calculated before and after the power change. 4. Review the temperatures of the reactor cell, drain tank cell, TW return lines and oil return lines. These are recorded on the last few pages of the con- trol room log. Initial when all items are complete. Date Started ) T 2o Approved by =7 ;é’ [7e 2l 2y ‘lOa V TABLE 12B 1.2 ASSISTANT SHIFT SUPERVISOR'S CHECK LIST The following should be done each shift. 12B-4L 10/13/65 0000 - 0800 0800 - 1600 1600 - 2400 Check out work requests for day shift maintenance. Review all punch list items. Read console iog. Isclate salt sample Trom FP (Check list 6A-3). This will be done weekly if flush salt is circulating. Isolate a cooling tower water ‘sample according to check list 6C, make entry in sample log, analyze for items listed in Tzble 6-1 and make additions if out of limits. If not possible to sample on desig- nated shift punch list for following shift. Cooling tower water (CTW). Tour entire building. Check out completed work re- - quests. Check that all required sam- ples are taken. Read console log. Review weekly check list. Initial when complete. Date Started TX-3850 (11-65) Approved by ,’7/*4&( Sy 12B-5 7 10/13/65 12B 2.1 12-8 SHIFT WEEKLY CHECK LIST Perform the foliowing each week (If possible these should be done on Sunday or Monday unless otherwise indicated.) on 12-8 shift. l. Init. Date/Time Blow down instrument air filters: Service area, Stations No. 9 and 4; Transmitter room, Stations No. z and T; Blower House, Stations No. 5 and 10; High Bay, South wall of change room, Station No. 8; Behind ACP in Mein Control room, Stations No. 1 and 6. Check that traps are working on entraimment separa- tors. Sight Glass Level AC No. 1 AC No. 2 AC No. 3 Should H-O level appear in any sight glass, the level should be recorded, reported to the shift supervisor,and the entrainment separator should be blowh down by opening the drain valve upstream of the condensate trap. The entraimment separator should then be checked each two hours and blow: down as necessary. Check that air compressor receiver tank traps are working by opening the drain valve upstream of each trap and recording the volume of Hz0 drained rom each tank. Should the volume be in excess of akout 300 mf, notify the shift supervisor, determine the rate at which the Hz0 is collecting in the recelver tank and blow down as necessary. Approved by*/?“}’%fi e 3 L. 6. (continued) s v Vol. Receiver Tank No. 1 Receiver Tank No. 2 Receiver Tank No. 3 Check that all emergency lights operate lst week . of each month. No. 13 H R oW W 1 Location 840 ft., level and ESA High bay ares Control room 852 £t level, offices and hall Service tunnel Vent house Switch house Diesel house These emergency lights can be operated by opening hol panel H on ding coil at right of lighting the North end of the 8L0O-ft level. 12B-6 1Q/13/65 Init. Date/Time T Becord the following timers. | | Reading (Max. = 4000 hr) CCP-1 (Switch House) (Max. = LOOO hr) CCP-2 (Switch House) CCP-3 o FP (Switch House) L CP (Switch House) L FOP-1 (Switch House) COP-1 (Switch House) FOP-2 (Service tunnel) (zero = 3314 hr) COP-2 (Service tunnel) f{zero = 5218 hr) AC 1 (Diesel House) (zero = 4790 hr) AC 2 (Diesel House) (zero = 5308 hr) Record all TC's not monitored. Plug portable ingtrument into each patch panel point not Approved by.- . 6 lOu 11. 1z, i | 12B-7 : 10/13/65 . . 1 N (continued) Init. Date/Time filled except scanners D and E patch panel No. 505 to 624k. Data sheets and master in "Master Forms" drawer in operations office. Check that thermocouples TE-200AS-BIB and TE-201AS-BIB are between 500°F and 700°F. Adjust heaters (if necessary) H-200-16 and H-201-14 respectively. JP No. 936 TE-200AS-BIB ____ °F JP No, 940 TE-201AS-BIB ____ °F Check that battery room fan is operating properliy. Check that there is essentially no water leaking from the back flow preventers vents. BFP 809-1 BEP 819 Check the ventilation air inlet house for steam leaks and sticking louvers. Check the weighted damper action by operating the attached rope. Isclate and analyze the following water samples semi-weekly. Use sample check list 6C, making entry in sample log, analyze for items listed in Table 6-1. If out of limits, make additions as necessary on Saturdsy and Wednesday of eaéh week. Sample: Treated Water System (TW) Process Water System (PW) Nuclear Penetration (NPW) A number of samples need to be taken on a weekly basis, and submitted to the proper lab for analysis. Take these samples per the check list in parenthecis and make entry in sample log. ’ A A | V4 - 10/13/65 12 (continued) Init. Date/Time Fuel pump (6A-3)* Coolant pump (6B-2) Treated water, loop (6C) Treated water, nuclear penetration (6C) Cooling tower water, loop (6C) Cell air (6D) Coolant lube oil (6E) Fuel lube oil (6E) *When flush salt is in the pump bowl. TX 3849 (1165) Approved by fg#"J/?fV?jflflfi”1 12B-9 10/13/65 12B 2.2 8-4 SHIFT WEEKLY CHECK LIST Init. Date/Time Perform the following (If possible these should be done on Sunday or Monday unless otherwise indicated.). 1. Change caustic in Oz analyzer. 2. Check level of Diesel o0il storage tank. 3. Check that "Day Tank" levels are normal for all three diesels. 4. Check or clean cocling tower basin. Parallel DG No. 3 with TVA and load. This is to be done during the weekly check of diesels on the first week of the month. 6. Parallel DG No. 4 with TVA and load. This is to be done during the weekly check of diesel on the second week of the month. 7. Load DG No. 5. This is to be done during the weekly check of diesel on the third week of the month. 8. Check that voltmeter for DT level probes (on TB-8) is between 40 and 60 volts. TX-3848 (1165) Approved by BN e ' 12B-10 I | 10/13/65 12B 2.3 .12 SHIFT WEEKLY CHECK LIST Init. Date/Time 1. Each Friday have the Shift Instrument man check all recorders. Ink all those nct printing and make any other necessary adjustments. 2. Perform a housekeeping and safety inspection tour of the building. During the tour make note of any of:the following conditions: (a) Trash and unnecessary clutter in areas, also overflowing trash cans. (o) Safety hazards such as unroped openings, high voltage cables on floor, gas cylinders improperly secured, etc. (¢) Unmarked hazard areas such as radiation, electrical circults energized, etc. (d) Fire hazards: Check for existgnce of extinguishers where indicated, oil in lube system pans, olly rags, fire doors blocked open, etc. LS Approved byfijgf//fb<4¥94wWfl1 (e) Most of the areas are equipped with a clock. Set each clock to agree with the control room time. 3. Areas inspected for housekeeping and safety. (a) Control room and data room (b) Offices and HP room (¢) Change Rooms (d) High Bay 852 (e) Transmitter room and area (f) Service tunnel and area: (g) Heater control area (h) Nitrogen bottle rack ares (i) Switch room (j) Diesel House (k) Blower House (1) Water Room (m) Vent house and ares (n) Exterior L. Check that cutie pies and victoreens are located in the following areas: Control room HP office (Cutie Pie only) Guard Shack 5. Check that there is a flashlight for emergency use in MCR. 6. Items noted requiring attention have either been corrected or punch listed. 7. Bach Monday, switch the units which are operating to standby and put the standby unit in operation. 12B-11 10/13/65 Init. Date/Time ANRRRRRRRRRER T | Approved by _+ i .l 12B-12 [ | 10/13/65 Init. Date/Time 7. (continued) STOPPED AC (LNST. ATIR DRYER MG SET (48v Be BLOWERS FOP CcOoP *CCP No. 2 should be operated fOT seven days each month. (First Monday to second Monday) *¥¥Switeh TF's only when heat lcad permits operating only one Tan. 8. Calculate the cell leak rate. See procedure 3E for model, .. . ... Leak Rate £43 [1r Approved by . o g L 12B-13 \ 10/13/65 12B-3 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES CHECK LIST (To be taken weekly by day shift technicians) Work order number to be used for supplies is A-50865-95. Init. DateZTime Check for adequate supply of Polaroid film and reorder when down to 50 packs. (ASA 3000 type L7 from Chem. Stores.) Check supply of gases. Helium 2.1 Bottle - keep minimum of 10 (Order from Mr. Simpson - phone 3-6476.). 2.2 Trailer - reorder when pressure reaches 500 psig. (Mr. Easter - phone 3-66Tk.) 2.3 Nitrogen -~ keep minimum of 20 bottles. (Mr. Simpson - phone 3-6476.) Check operations supply cabinets (electrical area 840") for the following items and reorder if nec- essary. 3.1 Rubber gloves. 3.2 Sample bottles. 3.3 Rubber coat and apron. 3.4 Plastic bags, large and small. 3.5 Operations tags. P S Approved byggfifik'; Vet Check the hot change bouse for the following items and order if necessary. L. k.2 L.3 hob 4.5 L.6 L. 4.8 e Plastic bags - large.. Plastic bags - small. Cleaning gauze. Clean filter masks (minimum of 10) (Bldg. 3550). Caps and coveralls. Tape. Shoe covers. Soap and tovels. Rubber gloves. k.10 Cotton gloves. 4.11 Cleaning rags. Check for supplies in the HP emergency cabinet (MCR) for items listed on the inventory card. Chack in operations office for following items and order as necessary. 6.1 6.2 6.3 Adequate supply of check lists and operating procedures ~ especially ones used often. Control room and building logs 1lzA-2A, 12A-2B. Console log books. {Order from S. B. Newman Printing Co., P. 0. Box 2029, Knoxville. ) 12B-14L 10/13/65 Init. Date/Time v Approved byfif§7ll, 5’”f/ffv‘u _ 12B-15 1 10/13/65 Tnit. Date/Time 6.4 Thermocouple log sheets (forms UNC 6676 UNC 6677). 6.5 MSRE data sheets and punch lists (forms UNC 5928, UNC 5929, UNC 5879). 6.6 Sample analysis request forms (UNC 1910). 6.7 Radiation work permit (UNC 2779). 7. Check for adequate supply (one month) of water treatment chemicals stored in the diesel house. 7.1 NAICO 360 (balls). 7.2 NAICO 215 (balls). 7.3 Potassium nitrite (KNOs). 7.4 Potassium tetrabvorate (KzB.O07). e e b ———— —————— 8. Check for adequate supply of 25% XOH (stored behind Oz analyzer in diesel house). Order from Iaing's Iab., Building 4500-SM, Rm. S-156, phone - 3-1511. ,‘;;-"“7 h' /" Approved byffj?}/%/iéflffibdng 12B-16 TAEIE 1254 YSALT INVENTORY AND TRANSFER DATA SHEET 1043/65 Before transfer or drain, check that level probe voltage is 40 to 60 volts (On TB-8). Procedure & Pos. Tare F D T Step No. Start Tinish Transferred Procedure & WR-FD2 Sstep No. Init. tart Finish Trangfe d { )i} . F . Procedure Date & & WR~FFT Step No.| Time Init. Start Finish Transferred . _ Procedure S ‘ & . 4q, ~-FPST Ste O. tart Finish Transferred C Pos. Pos. Procedure Tare [Live & W1 -- . Wt. WR-CDT St No. 1Start Finish Transferred : s form is to be used for all transfers, £ills, and drains. The tares should be set per master copy of building log before each reading. Assuming that the tares have been set, the weight 1s calculated as follows: Wt. = (x+y- 12.26) X F wvhere x & y are live manometer readings. F = T78.0 for FD-1, qg;ggBEgfi%lfiggfu F = 58.3 for CDT. (Tare factors are 38.3 & 19.6 respectively.) 4 Approved by 55?;;53{2§4:;/fiH¢V\i 12C-1 v 10/13/65 12C RECORDERS AND INDICATORS Numerous recording and indicating instruments are used throughout the plant. In general, indicators are used where needed as guides TO operation and where only periodic records are necessary. Recorders are used where & continuous record of the variable is required or when a trend would be helpful to operating personnel. In order that the recorder charts are cf maximum value, proper functioning of the instru- ment must be assured. This necessitates periodic inspection to assure that the instrument is running, chart paper is installed properly and is tracking, and that the pen is marking (or points printing). It is, of course, highly important that the instrument never runs out of chart paper without immediate replacement. Since no timing devices are installed, the time should be carefully marked on all operating charts at least twice per shift. This should be at the start and near the middlie of the shift. When operating conditions are changed or disturbances occur, the time and probable reason for the disturbance or change should be noted. The 12-8 shift will routinely remove charts from all operating recorders each day at approximately OTOO_(exception ~ cams). If a special experiment is in progress, it may be desirable to remove them at different intervals. All charts removed on a given date are filed together in a pigeonhole file in Building 7503. Charts are held in this file for three weeks after removal from the recorders. Then they are placed in boxes and sent to Laboratory Records for storage in Building 4500. Each chart file box is given an identification number and can be checked out through Laboratory Records at any time for study of the contents. A file index is kept so that the location of the chart from any instrument covering any period of time can be determined. When special experiments are being run, the person in charge of the experi- ment may have sections of chart removed at any time if this will facil- itate analysis of the experiment. However, these sections of chart should be filed in the same manner as other charts. \/ 10/13/65 One person will be placed in charge of the chart filing systen. It is his duty to do the following: 1. Fach day check all newly removed charts to see that they are properly marked with recorder number, time and date of instal- lation and removal. 2. Twenty-one days after removal from recorder, place charts in a chart file box. 3. When a file box is full, transmit to Laboratory Records for storage. Record the dates covered by the charts. Laboratory Records will record the identification number of the file box in the Chart File Index. Referring to Charts. Recent charts can be found in the pigeonhole file under the date of removal. When a chart is removed, a slip telling who borrowed what must be placed in the pigeon hole. Charts should be replaced as socn as possible. Charts not filed in the pigeonholes should be obtained from the Analysis Group. Details of Recorder and Indicator Operations are as follows: 1. Avoid parallax when reading. 2. Record pen reading rather than pointer on recorders. (Exception - beryllium monitor in vent house.) 3. Mark charts where pen is inking. 4. Push reset buttons once per shift. When a chart is removed, mark it with the recorder number, time, and date of removal. If the chart covers some particular experiment or test, record this information also. 6. When installing a new chart, mark it with the recorder number, time, and date of installation. Mo If a chart is cut in two, mark both edges with the time, date, and recorder number. e ipproved by __ 7" ANy g 12D-1. 10/13/65 12D COMPUTER The normal, permanent output of the computer is in the form of Typewritten sheets from each of the four typewriters and full, or partly full, reels of magnetic tape. During special experiments, graphs mey be produced on the X-Y plotter as part of the output. In general, all of this material will be permanently stored at the reactor site with special arrangements as required. 1 TYPER OUTPUT The preprinted log sheets used in Typer 2 must be replaced once each shift using the detailed procedure in the Reactor Operators’ Computer Manual. The completed sheets from the other Typers may be removed at the convenience of the operators, depending on the volume of paper generated. It is the responsibility of the operators to insure that each sheet contains a calendar date to identify the data. All typer sheets will be placed in the box for completed data forms. Day personnel will file and subsequently bind the sheets in chronological order by typer number and run number for permanent storage. 2 MAGNETTIC TAPES Megnetic tapes will be removed from the drives, as required, according to the procedure in the computer manual. The identifi- cation and removal of magnetic tapes should be recorded in the control room log bock as a backup for other records. The operators are responsible for adequate identification of all magnetic tapes which they remove. 1In general, all magnetic tapes will be stored in the tape cabinet in the computer room; full tapes will be filed chronologically in the top of the cabinet,and blank tapes will be stored in the bottom. Groups of partially filled tapes will be consolidated periodically on single tapes and the partial tapes returned to blank-type storage. Special arrangements will be made if the storage capacity of the tape cabinet is exceeded. Approved bgfifiggizgézkfiW/w\ 12D-2 S vV 10/13/65 3 GRAPHS Graphs of reactor parameters may be made at will by reactor operators or other personnel. Any graphs that are pertinent to the reactor operation or experimental program will be stored at the reactor site with other run data. The original graphs may be stored as such or they may become the property of individual experiments. If original graphs are to be permanently removed, properly identified copies must be made for the reactor files. “*‘ “a/ 10/7/65 Approved by . 12E TAGS AND SIGNS It is the policy of all personnel at the MSRE to honor all tags and signs and assume that they are vallid until definitely proven other- wise. When it is determined that tags or signs no longer apply, they should be removed. Removing them often requires the permission of the person who installed them. 1 TAGS There are only 3 types of official tags in use at the MSRE. Others should be used only in emergency and should be replaced by an officlal tag as soon as possible. Tags should be installed by operations personnel only. 1.1 Operational Tags During operation there are certain valves, electrical breakers, etc. which are normally open or closed. When these are extremely important or could cause operational difficulties or hazards if improperly operated, an operational tag is attached. (See Figure 12E-1 and 12E-2.) In keeping with the color scheme used at the MSRE, tags on closed valves or switches vhich are off (Figure 12E-1) are green, and those on open valves or switches which are on (Figure 12E-2) are red. As indicated the shift supervisor's permission is required to remove the tag or operate the valve or switch. An entry is made in the console log when an operational tag is removed, and the tag is discarded. 1.2 "Do Not Operate" Tags During maintenance it is often necessary to tag out valves or switches for the safety of the reactor or personnel. A "do not operate" tag is used for this purpose. (See Figure 12E-3.) These tags are also used for special procedures etc. where additional information needs to be included on the tag or on the procedure. The tag is red cardboard. The bottom half has a white paper on top with carbon paper between 1t and the red cardboard. ter the blanks have been filied in, R o © KEEP VALVE CLOSED OR SWITCH OFF This is the normal position for this valve or switch during operation. It should not be operated without permission of the shift supervisor. Item No.: Date Signed UCN — 5924 3 7-64) Figure 12E-1 Approved by 6 1N 1o}$§é§ © | KEEP VALVE CLOSED ’ | OR SWITCH OFF | This is the normal position for this valve or switch during operation. It should not be operafed without permission of the shift supervisor. ltem No.:___.___Dai'e Signed UCN -- 5923 (3 7-64) Figure 12E-2 Approved by é é@ Fég&im © D0 NOT OPERATE UCN - 5925 (3 7-64} o — e — ——— Description Item No.___ __ Work Order Ne. Location Reason for Tagging Conditions Required to Remove Tag Signod Date Figure 12kE-3 12E-4 10/7/65 fl > RED CARDBOARD -/ j WHITE PAPER WITH RED CARDBOARD BEHIND AND CARBON PAPER BETWEEN - 2 Approved by <7 Nl o 12E-5 Y 10/7/65 1.2 (continued) the white sheets and carbon paper are removed. The white sheets are filed with the work request or the procedure. When the work or the procedure has been completed, all tags are removed. These are cross checked with the white slips to assure that none were missed and are then discarded. The valves or switches are then free to be operated as needed. 2 SIGNS All signs should be kept current at all times. Permanent signs, 1f not applicable, should be removed or covered until they again are applicable. When temporary signs are installed, the reason for the sign should be clearly stated, signed, and dated. Y 13-1 10/21/65 13 MATNTENANCE AND CHANGES Responsibilities of the MSRE operations group with regard to main- tenance include recognizing the need, requesting the necessary work, and coordinating operations and maintenance. The maintenance group of the MSRE staff will schedule and arrange for the necessary materials and manpower to do the work. Becavse the MSRE is an experiment, operation will inevitably show the need for some changes. These will be approved, made, and documented with care equal to that exercised in the original design. This section contains procedures whose object is to insure that maintenance and changes are made in an orderly, efficient, and safe manner. Approved by _fifizfi?“ s Ny 13A-1 "/ 10/21/65 13A MAINTENANCE DEFINITION Maintenance means repair or replacement of defective compo- nents, cervicing of equipment, and alterations or additions which do not come under the definition of modifications given in 13B. PROCEDURE The following procedure applies to all maintenance except for emergencies which require immediate "first-aid." 2.1 Initial Request 2. The initial request Tor maintenance 1s made through the Punch List. Anyone seeing a need for maintenance describes it on a punch list form (Fig. 13.1), available in the reactor control room. The following instructions apply to filling out the punch list form: (a) Enter date of request. (b) Describe location, equipment and work as specifically as possible, using sketches where they would clarify the request. (c) At end of description, state when the job needs to be finished. (d) List any precautions known to be needed. (e) Sign on line above "SIGNED." Normally the requestor leaves the completed form on the punch list clipboard in the reactor control room. If a high priority is needed, the requestor contacts the Operations Chief (0C) or Assistant Operations Chief (AOC) to expedite action. Handling by Operations Group The Shift Supervisor periodically reviews the punch 1list and assigns suitable jobs to shift craftsmen. A job 1s suit- able for this type of handling if the job is straightforward, has nc wide-reaching effects and can be handled by the shift craftsmen without interference with thelr primary functilon, 13A-2 10/21/65 PUNCH LIST TO T PRIORITY JDATE LOCATION EQUIPMENT. LINE NO., ETC.. DESCRIPTION PRECAUTIONS SIGNED: Approval for Shift Craftsman to proceed of Work Request to be written SHIFT SUFPERVISOR OQPERATIONS CHIEF OR ASSISTANT Shift Craftsman has completed job SHIFT SUPERVISOR DATE UCN-5879 3 1-8%) FIGURE 13.1 Approved by Vi ;“A/‘{Q‘é;;fi.f, 4o / ~ ‘,-“f‘i; l3A-3 2.3 7 ~ 10/21/65 which is to take care of emergency or essential work. At the beginning of each day shift, the OC or AOC reviews the punch list and removes jobs which will not be done by shift craftsmen. He puts aside requesgts which he cannot approve and notifies the requestor of the reasons for denying approval. He signs the punch list forms for approved requests, checks priorities and passes the forms on to the MSRE Mainte= nance Supervisor. Priority may be one of these three: (a) Urgent The work is or could become the critical path and should be completed as soon as possible. (b) Medium The work should be completed as soon as it can be done without delaying work having an URGENT prior- ity. (¢) Low The scheduling of this work is at the convenience of the craft groups. Execution of Simple Jobs "Simple" here means that the job is not hazardous to the craftsmen, does not interfere with reactor operations, and does not otherwise require extensive arrangements. No form other than the punch list is used for these jobs. The pro- cedure is as follows. (a) The Maintenance Supervisor checks that the priority is in line with other work in progress, and resolves any conflict with the OC or AOC. (b) If necessary, the Maintenance Supervisor checks that the required material is available. (¢) The Maintenance Supervisor addresses the punch list form and turns it over to the executing group (nor- mally P and E or I and C). (d) Immediately after the work is finished, the craft foreman initials the form and returns it to the Approved by [ AN 13A-4 10/21/65 (d) (continued) Maintenance Supervisor. (e) The Maintenasnce Supervisor checks the job, marks the punch 1list form "completed" and returns it to the control room. 2.4t Execution of Complicated Jobs A job is "complicated" if it could interfere with the operation of the reactor or is hazardous. A form called "MSRE Work Request” (Fig. 13.2) is used in connection with this type Jjob. The procedure is as follows. (a) The Maintenance Supervisor checks the priority as in "simple" jobs. (b) The reactor maintenance group assigns & work request number and enters tThis on the Work Request form along with a description based on the punch 1list description. Where necessary, 'CAUTION - CHECK WITH OPERATIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING" is stamped on the work request. The original of the work request is held in the Maintenance Supervisor's file; coples are made as necessary. One copy of the work request goes to the craft group involved, one to the AOC and one to the oC. (c) The Maintenance Supervisor, after consultation with the executing craft group, estimates the time required and passes this information on to the Operations Chief. (d) The OC reviews the request, initials his copy and passes it on to the MSRE Shift Supervisor. (e} If the job has a high priority, the Maintenance Supervisor coordinstes preparations of the craft group and operations. Otherwise the craft super- vision will schedule the wecrk on the basis of re- quested date of completion, relative priorities of other jobs, and available manpower. In such cases the craft supervision notifies the Shift Supervisor 13A-5 10/21/65 MSRE WORK REQUEST WORK ORDER NUMBER WORK REQUEST NUMBER PRIORITY DATE ISSUED TQ EQUIPMENT, SYSTEM, ETC. DESCRIPTION OF WORK AFPROVED MAINTENANCE APPROVED OPERATIONS PRECAUTIONS SHIFT SUPERYISOR'S APPROVAL TO PROCEED STARTING DATE OR TIME ENDING DATE OR TIME SIGNED REACTOR DIVISION | REACTOR DIVISION CRAFTSMAN MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS WORK COMPLETED WORK INSPECTED WORK APPROVED REMARKS UCN-3824 DATE COMPLETED (3 1-65) FIGURE 13.2 13A-6 10/21/65 Approved by (e) (continued) a day in advance of scheduled work. (f) Before work starts, the MSRE Shift Supervisor will make necessary preparations such as shutting down machinery, closing valves and opening switches. He uses MSRE tags where advantageous, and attaches the white copy of the tag to the Control Room copy of the work request. (MSRE tags and their use are described in Section 12E.) (g) When all preparations have been made, the Shift Supervisor signs control room copy and the crafts- man's copy of the work request, permitting the crafts to proceed. Columns are provided for indicating when the work can be started and when the work must be com- pleted or stopped. The shift supervisor enters this information and any additional precautions or restric- tions on the craftman's copy as well as the control room copy. (h) As soon as the work is completed, inspected, and approved by craft supervision and the MSRE Mainte- nance Supervisor, the signed copy is turned over to the Shift Supervisor. (1) The Shift Supervisor removes tags, compares these with the white slips attached to the WR, and makes an operational check of the job. e changes control room copies of affected drawings and indicates this on the work request and briefly states what was done to check out the job. The work requests are then turned over to the Assistant Operations Chief or Operations Chief. Should the operatilional check show that more work needs to be done, the Shift Supervisor contacts the Maintenance Supervisor who arranges for the completion Approved by Aflzg?r (1) (3) é'// o, 13A- -:4/4/ L 10/21/6% (continued) of the job. The Maintenance Supervisor keeps a record of all completed work requests. In addition, on any job relevant to the performance or service of important machinery or equipment, he files a copy of the com- pleted work request in the folder for that piece of equipment. g Approved by Afififizzzflékgzflflnfih 13B-1 T v 10/21/65 13B MODIFICATIONS 1 DEFINITTION A modification is defined as = change in the physical plant which produces a significantly different characteristic or function in any component or systenl. 2 PROCEDURE 2.1 Redquest A person should formally request any modification which he believes to be worthwhile or to possess advantages at least worth considering. The requestor describes the change on an MSRE Change Request Form (Fig. 12.3) and submits it to the MSRE Design Liaison Engineer. 2.2 Review No modification will be made before adequate review and approval. To insure that all aspects are considered, a per- son responsible for each area affected by the change will be asked to review and approve the change. The MSRE Operations Department Head will review all requests and will determine what other reviewers are necessarys. When the Design Liaison Engineer (DLE) receives a request, he assigns it a2 number. He then has the request typed on a Change Request Form. A copy of the typed request goes to the MSRE Project Director for his consideration. The typed re- quest goes to the Department Head, who checks the appropriate boxes under "Approval to Proceed"” and routes the request to reviewers in the MSRE area (Buildings 7503 and 7509). When the internal review is completed, the form comes back to the DLE, who sends it out for external reviews which may be required. After external reviews, the request is again returned to the DLE. He sends a copy of the request, with approvels and comments of the reviewers, TO the Reactor Division Director for his information. 13B-2 10/21/65 MSRE CHANGE REQUEST SUBJECT NUMBER DATE REQUESTED TYPE CHANG REQUESTOR To DATE NEEDED T [ ] PERMANENT (] TEMPORARY DESCRIPTION AND PURPQSE DOCUMENTS AFFECTED APPRCVAL TO PRCCEED INIT. DATE INIT. DATE ) MSRE OPERATIONS O [ ] MSRE MAINTENANCE ! - { MSRE DEPT. HEAD \ O (] RD DEVELOPMENT [ ] MSR PROJECT DIRECTOR % 11&C DESIGN J_ ] REACTOR DIV. DIRECTOR COMMENTS OF REVIEWERS ASSIGNMENTS STATUS | DATE DATE [ "] DESIGN INITIATED "] DESIGN COMPLETED [ J PROCUREMENT INITIATED REMARKS [] WORK COMPLETED [_] ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHANGED [_] CONTROL ROOM DOCUMENTS CHANGED UCN-6820 3 7-8%) FIGURE 13,3 ['\i'.‘)]_)'['(_,"\f@d_ by L = 2.3 Y = 10/%?;62 Any reviewer may either approve or not and may suggest alternatives. If he disapproves he should indicate his reasons under "Comments"” or on a separate gheet which becomes part of the request. The reviewer may register his views on alterna- tives in the same way. The DLE will maintain a file of change requests whicia will reveal the status of all requests at any time. Action If all reviewers approve a change, the DLE will arrange for necessary desgign work; on jobs requiring no design, he will arrange with the MSRE Maintenance Supervisor to get the work done. Changes not unanimously approved or for which alternatives are proposed must be arbitrated. The DLE will attempt to obtain agreement, but if this is impossible the MSRE Department Head or the Project Director will decide what to do about the change. On change requests where only the desired result is specified, "Approval the Proceed" means merely that the re- viewer approves study or design of means to the desired end. Responsibilities for design will be listed under "Assigrments. " After the design is completed, the MSRE Department Head or the Project Director must approve the design before the change is actually made. When a modification is completed, the DLE is responsible for seeing that affected documents are changed. Changes in Control Room documents will be made by the MSRE Operations Chief or his assilgstant. Approved bgc /fl/%;/ e 13C0-1 10/21/65 13C CHANGES IN OPERATING PROCEDURES These operating procedures are for the instruction of and routine use by reactor operators; the copies being put vo this use must, there- fore, be kept up-to-date, reflecting changes in the system or in ils operation. Changes must be made only after adequate review and approval, and it must be possible to tell if a copy contains alli autiiorized changes. The procedure described in the following paragraphs is aimed at this goal. The operating procedures used during prenuclear testing were written by members of the MSRE Operations Department, most of whom had partici- pated in the design arnd development of the MSRE. A review of existing, tried procedures was made after Run PC-1 by the operating engineers, and recommended changes were incorporated as approved by the Operations Chilef. After Run 3, all sections of the Operating Procedures were completed and approved, and copies were issued. Copies were elther bound or loose- leaf, according to the needs of the recipients. There is one loose-leaf copy of the Operating Procedures, the Master Copy, in which changes are made only by the Operations Chief (or the Assistant Operations Chief acting in his stead). The Master Copy is kept in the Operations Office (Room 3, Building 7503). Eech of the four crews has a Crew Copy, in which changes are made only by the Shift Supervisor. Anyone seeing the need for a change in the Operating Procedures submits a request to the Operations Chief on an MSRE Change Request Form. A brief description of the purpose of and justification for the change must go on the form. The Operations Chief reviews each request and may ask others to review it and give théir approval or advice. If he approves a change, the Operations Chief enters the change in the Master Copy and notifies the Shift Supervisors by means of a list on the Control Room Bulletin Board. The list includes date of change, location (page mimbers ), brief description of change, whether or not revised pages will be issued, and a place for each Shift Supervisor to initial. As soon as possible after notice of a change is posted, each shift supervisor will study the change in the Master Copy. If the change 1s Approved by125:5;222’%?2§gffigzfi1 130-2 ‘ 7 10/21/65 brief, he will write in the change in the Crew Copy of the Operating Procedures. (An up-to-date Crew Copy will be maintained by each crew for its information and use.) If it is a lengthy change, the Shift Supervisor will circle with red pencil the superseded portion in the Crew Copy and mark it "Revised -- See Master,” with the date. The Shift Bupervisor will then instruct his crew with regard to the change. After each crew member has been instructed and has read the change, the Shift Supervisor will initial the change list on the bulletin board. When revised sheets are distributed, marked pages in the Crew Copy will be replaced by the Shift Supervisor. Whether or not revised sheets are issued depends mainly on the length of the change. If a change can be easily and clearly transcribed by the Shift Supervisors to the Crew Copies, retyping and issuing re- vised pages is not compulsory or desirable. If pages are retyped, copies will be sent to persons who need to have an up-to-date version of the Procedures. Every page of the Operating Procedures has the approval and date at the top, as on this page. Revised pages bear the revision date; this applies to retyped pages and also to marked pages in the Master Copy and Crew Copies, where the date is changed when the change is written in. Holders of loose-leaf copies of the Procedures can tell if their copy ig up-to-date by comparing page dates with those in the Master Copy. ot Approved by gfifizzzzéké%%%q/n 13D-1 10/21/65 13D CHANGES IN COMPUTER PROGRAM One of the advantages of the computer-logger over conventional recorders is that its functions can be readily changed to meet the changing needs of the Reactor Experiment or to improve the operation of the computer. Changes in the computer program are made by a pro- grammer after proper approval. Anyone recognizing the need for a change, describes it on a Change Request Form. Requests from the Operations Group ge first to the Operations Chief; others send their requests to the head of the Nuclear and Mechanical Analysis Group of the MSRE Operations Department. Re- guests are handled as described in Section 3H of the Operating Pro- cedures. Approved by . Wf/xzx/—q 13E-1 vV 10/21/65 13E REVISION OF APPROVED DOCUMENTS The MSRE has been the subject of many documents of all kinds, many of them preliminary and now out-of-date. "Approved documents' are those which are intended to give an accurate, up-to-date description of the MSRE and its operation. Because the operator needs to make use of these documents in training and operation, they must be revised to keep up as nearly as is practical with changes in the system. A set of up-to-date approved documents will be kept on file at the MSRE. They include: (&) all published parts of the MSRE Design and Operations Report, (b) drawings, (c) instrument application tabulations, (d) instrument specifications, (e) switch tabulations, (f) line schedule, (g) thermocouple tabulations, (h) design data sheets. Revision of these documents to reflect modifications in the system is routinely handled as part of the procedure for modifications (Section 13B, These Procedures). Other revisions will be in the nature of correc- tions. Anyone discovering an error or recognizing a need to bring an approved document up-to-date should notify the MSRE Department Head in writing of the regquired change. He will arrange for errata sheets or other corrections. - \O CO—1 O o o H ORNL~-TM-908 Internal Distribution G. Affel Arnwine Beall Bolton Briggs Burger Clark Crowley - Engel Fray Gallaher Gillen Guinn Guymon Haubenreich Hurtt Krakoviak Lindauer Martin McGlothlan Moore Ogg E:':USDQ';UbO*d';Ul?jPSUDjC—lQ«{mQ’:UZmP—]SU SERPUHOEEE Y R o o m Bound Copies 31. 32, Piper Prince . Pugh . Ramsey Richardson C. Roller Scott N. Smith Spencer . bteffy . Tallackson . Thoma . Tucker Underwood Watts . Webster . West . West Central Research Library Y-12 Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Department Iaboratory Records, RC H o o m?:?di;ifiitdtd‘:—ltdfiibtjm:gflt"wm d E:m:?'r'ztmjnjcz External Distribution Cope, AEC, ORO D. F. H. M. Roth Bound Copies R. W. Garrison, AEC, Washington Bruce Deering, AEC Division of Technical Information Extension, DTIR Wayne Smalley, ARC Administration Building