[ & OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL - TM~- 908, Volume | . A " This- r‘?’{)ou cor:tams ‘;m‘&rgfil;qaw y: L)rehmm Y o ,m{ur'e'::‘g@ was‘p_g,ég&?é&fprriifiari er-fidonal e gl g @fifimflnsammmv A :fil} re- N angy ".sfi_wt Exbie II:iJ’p_a i eatecipaent . in ' + p et - i ‘ ¥ . ol e ue‘a‘%"r Tuviset RELEASED FOR ANN OUNCEMENT 5 T i sed w'zrgg_ib(’lwm of the-o¥ g 1mt1n s A_,msfi 1gtien’ ;‘M\leflgmn Oak Ridge. IN NUCLEAR SCIERCE ABSTRACES MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT PART VIIl, OPERATING PROCEDURES R.H. Guymon TR S 4 Sebeane e e b e Gl AL (g NOTICE This document contains information of o preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. Cde e e ey -y DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. ORNL-TM-908, Volume | MSRE DESIGN AND OPERATIONS REPORT PART VIII, OPERATING PROCEDURES R.H. Guymon T TR I AT O N i e v e —— A o, v s . '-T\ ‘fl*-.w e P UL : © Bl S RIS 1o, the wocipient 118 + w—TonTIeREE Aid Shopld nak.be-abstraeted-or-futthe = 1 EECIos el yithaut the.approvai-or e bR E R ingdre * L installation er-BEHEXIEHEIR, O R idge. DECEMBER 1965 IN FUCER Sopmice A ABSTRACRS OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Odk Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION iii PREFACE The report on the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) has been arranged into twelve major parts as shown below. Each of these covers a particular phase of the project, such as the design, safety analysis, operating procedures, etc. An attempt has thus been made to avoid much of the duplication of material that would result if separate and inde- pendent reports were prepared on each of these major aspects. Detailed references to supporting documents, working drawings, and other information sources have been made throughout the report to make it of maximum value to ORNL personnel. Fach of the major divisions of the report contains the bibliographical and other appendix information necessary for that part. The final voliumes of the report, Part XIT, contain rather extensive listings of working drawings, specifications, schedules, tabulations, etc. These have been given a limited distribution. Most of the reference material is available through the Division of Technical Information Extension, Atomic Energy Commission, P.0. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. For material not available through this source, such as inter-ILaboratory correspondence, etc., special arrangements can be made for those having a particular interest. None of the information contained in this report is of a classified nature. All the reports are listed below. ORNL-TM-T728% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part I, Descrip- tion of Reactor Design, by R. C. Robertson ‘\%,.ORNL-TM—729 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part II, Nuclear and Process Instrumentation, by J. R. Tallackson ORNL-TM-T730% MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part ITIT, Nuclear Analysis, by P. N. Haubenreich, J. R. Engel, B. E. Prince, and H. C. Claiborne N - ORNIL-TM-T731 MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part IV, Chemistry and Materials, by F. F. Blankenship and A. Taboada * Issued. iv th (o r 1) and decreases when it is suberitical, 10 REACTOR KINETICS Consider a hypothetical reactor in which all of the neutrons have the same generation time, #. Neglecting any extraneous source, the fractional change in flux, or power in one generation is k - 1. Thus the rate of change of power is Approved by4§???gy%?2é/flQ¢nL 2A~21 T/21/65 - Ap P (k- 1) ‘ At 2 In this case, if k is constant, the power changes exponentially; i.e., for an initial power Po’ the power after a time t is pop ot (- D/ o} The quantity £/(k - 1) is called the period, or the e-folding time since it is the period required for an e-fold change in power. Somewhat more ganerally, the period 1s defined as the instantaneous value of dP 4 (In P) B dt H - C'. In an actual reactor the generation time is not the same for all neutrons. The lifetime is about the same for all (typically less than a millisecond) but the generation time includes the "gestation period" for the delayed neutrons {(on the order of several seconds). The delayed neutrons usually therefore exert a strong slowing down or damping influence on power changes. Although the mathematical expressions for the kinetics become complicated when delayed neutrons are included, the behavior is still basically exponential and an important characteristic of a reactor is the "inhour curve" which relates the inverse period to the reactivity. (Reactivity is defined as (k - 1)/k.) The inverse‘period increases with reactivity and this increase becomes much sharper above the point where the reactivity equals B, the fraction of the neutrons which are delayed. This point is called prompt critical because at higher reactivity, the chain reaction can diverge with prompt neutrons alone, without waiting for the delayed neutrons. At a constant k - above prompt critical the power behavior is approximately given by * where £ 18 here the prompt neutron lifetime. The reactivity is sometimes measured in "dollars", or multiples of . (One dollar is promptycritical.) e Approved bx4¢§f%2V%%6;V/wfw 2A-22 7/21/65 In the normal operation of a reactor the reactivity is adjusted (by means to be described later) to hold to power steady or to go from one power level to another at a reasonable rate. 11 NUCLEAR TINSTRUMENTATTION The most satisfactory means of continuously monitoring the nuclear power of a reactor is to follow the neutron flux at some point. The detector can be located outside of the reactor itself, because the flux produced by neutrons leaking from the reactor rises and falls with the power inside. The most common form of neutron detector is the ionization chamber. In such a device, neutrons interact with some material to produce high- speed particles which ionize (strip electrons from atoms) in a gas in the chamber. An electric potential causes the electrons and positive ions to be drawn to opposite electrodes, and appropriate circuitry either counts the pulses of ions or measures the average current. Boron-10, which emits an ionizing alpha particle upon absorption of a neutron, is commonly used in ion chambers, either as a coating or in the form of BF3 gas. A form of ion chamber called a fission chamber contains U235, and the fission fragments produce the ionization. Gamma, radiation interferes with the measurement of low fluxes of neutrons, because the gamma rays also produce ionization and contribute to the current in a neutron-sensitive chamber. This 1s no problem in a fission chamber because the counting circuit can be made to discriminate between the large pulses caused by fission fragments and the much smaller events caused by individual gamma photons. The compensated ion chamber was developed to provide a current proportional only to neutron flux even in high gamma fields. This type of detector has two chambers which produce equal ionization currents when exposed only to gamma rays. One of the chambers contains & boron coating so that 1t is sensitive to neutrons as well as to gammas. The desired signal is obtained by bucking or subtracting the currents from the two parts of the detector. Because the reactor power may vary over many decades from sub-critical source multiplication to full power and because the time variation is often exponential, it is common to use circuitry to produce a signal proportional to the logarithm of the power. This may be a log count rate meter or & .. Approved bx/fifizi/;%?f/%¢n1 2A-23 T/21/65 logarithmic current amplifier. 1In either case the time derivative is the inverse of the period, and, displayed on properly marked dials or charts, provides a useful indication of the period. Note that the nuclear instruments give a signal which is only pro- portional to power. The proportionality factor muist generally be determined by heat balance measurements and simultaneous nuclear instrument readings. 12 REACTOR CONTROL The function of reactor control is to regulate the power and/or temperature in the desired ranges, to prevent excessive power or temperature, and to shut the fission chain reaction down to very low levels whenever necessary. To do this, the reactivity is varied, usually bj the movement of neutron absoroing material (generally called a rod, regardiess of shape) into and out of the core. Small, fairly quick, variations in reactivity (less than a dollar) are required to maintain the power within a narrow band. This is the regula- ting function and a special rod for thié is called a regulating rcd. Rods which can rapidly insert considerable poison if required to prevent power or temperature excursions are called safety rods. There are several factors affecting reactivity which produce rather s10W changes during an operating cycle (startfip, power operation and shut- down). At some stages the net effect is a tendency to reduce k; at other times, k tends to increase. In order to keep k at or near 1, control rods may be occasionally or gradually adjusted. Rods performing this function are called shim rods. An important effect on reactivity is that of core temperatures. As temperatures rise, materials grow less dense and microscopic ciross sections change. The net effect is usually a negative temperaturs coefficient of reactivity, so that the reactivity must be increased by some other means if the operating temperature is to be raised. Distinet from shifts in the overall temperature distribution are the changes in temperature distribution accompanying power changes. As the power is raised, temperatures in various parts of the core diverge, and in order to hold some desired temperature (or temperature average) constant it is generally necessary to adjust the reactivity by shim rod movement. The power coefficient of reactivity is the amount of rod motion required to produce tThe desired effect. 7Y ft Approved byizg;flzégk%z»zfiw\_ 2A-2L v 7/21/65 Temperature coefficients of reactivity not only affect shim require- ments but also have an important effect on kinetics, since negative reactivity coefficients tend to produce a stable, self-regulating system when the power is high enough to produce a feédback effect. 235 During power operation, consumption of U by fission and by radiative capture tends to reduce reactivity. This burnup effect is slow, since only a very small fraction of the inventory is consumed in a day. Shim rod movement and periodic additions of uranium compensate for this effect. Another effect of power operaticn is the produétion of fission product poisons which tend to reduce k. Most of these poisons are stable and have relatively small cposs sections, so they continue to build up. Shim rods compensate for these poisons. (In the MSRE the U235 inventory is increased.) A few poisons with high cross sections produce transient effects, with time constants on the order of hours, and these effects require the use of the shim rods. In & circulating-fuel reactor one more effect on reactivity is observed: - the loss of delayed neutrons by emission outside of the core. This causes a slight reduction in k (the effective value of v is reduced) but more importantly it affects the kinetics (the value of the "dollar" is reduced). 13 XENON AND SAMARTUM The most important single fission product nuclide is xenon-135. This radioactive nuclide (9-hour half life) has a thermal neutron cross seciion 1 32 is produced by the decay of iodine-135, of about 3 million barns. Most Xe which has a half-life of 5 hours and a small cross section. When the reactor is operated at power, the I135 and then the Xe135 concentrations build up. The Xel35 radiocactive decay and by transmutation by neutron absorption. Typically 135 is about 2 to 3% in k. When the concentration at first increases be- concentration at power is limited by its natural the equilibrium poisoning effect of Xe reactor power is reduced, the Xe135 cause the destruction by neutron capture decreases before the production by I135 decay changes appreciably. Radioactive decay of the X8135 causes the concentration to begin to decrease after a few hours and eventually it would all disappear. - .‘ Approved by;fifizéK§%$/%@¢71 2A-25 T/21/65 135 Xenon is normally a gas, and in fluid-fuel reactors the Xe concen- tration may be significantly affected by mechanisms which remove xenon from the fuel. Another fission product which has an important effect on the reactivity is samarium-149, a stable nuclide formed by decay of 53-hour promethium-149, Semarium-149 has a cross section of about 40,000 barns, so its concentration is held down by burnup when the reactor. is at power. After the power is reduced, the burnup stops, but the Pml)+9 149 increase in Sm continues to decay, causing an 1k9 Being stable, the Om remains high until the power is raised and 1t comes back to the equilibrium value at power. Typical 149 values of the Sm reactivity effect are: equilibrium at full power, 0.9% 8k/k; and increase at zero power 0.2% &k/k. - 10/19/65 , . Approved bylfiéészégegéigé;fifififlf\ ' 2B-1 2B MSRE NUCLEAR CHARACTERISTICS The preceding general description of reactor theory is applicable to the MSRE, as it is to all reactors. This section describes the uvnusual features of the MSRE and provides gquantitative information on its nuclear characteristics in a condensed form. A much more detailed treatment is given in MSRE Design and Operations Report — Part III, Nuclear Analysis, ORNL TM-730. 1. Core Reactivity Factors The uvnique feature of the MSRE, which sets it apart from other reactors, is that the uranium fuel is contained in a molten mixture of fluoride salts which is circulated through a heat exchanger to remove the heat produced by the fission process in the core. Although the fissionable material is dispersed throughout the fuel system, the fission chain reaction is confined to the core. The fuel 1is not chain-reacting in the piping because the neutron leakage prcbability is much too high because of the small dimensions. In the heat exchanger, the parasitic absorption of neutroné by the tubes combines with high leakage to rule out criticality. Even in the drain tanks, the leakage is too high for criticality. (Resonance capture in 2387 and absorption in the cooling thimbles also tend to reduce k.) The high leakage and resonance absorption are direct consequences of the poor moderation in the salt. In the core, on the other hand, there is graphite to slow the neutrons down with but little absorption, and with the slow neutrons the vessel is large enough to give a low probability of leakage. The reactivity of the core is a function of several variables. These are: . the concentration of 33U in the fuel salt, the temperatures of the fuel and the graphite, the presence of gas bubbles in the core, the positions of the neutron-absorbing control rods, i w the concentrations of neutron poisons in the fuel salt and in the graphite, and s /’,f / //‘ . ) Approved by ST INSA AW py . 2B-2 | - | ©10/19/65 6. the number of neutrons emitted in the core per fission (as affected by the loss of delayed neutrons during fuel circu- lation). | | | Each of these variables is discussed separately in this section. 1.1 Fuel Salt Concentration The minimum amount of 35U required for criticality in the MSRE is about 50 kg (in 73 ft? of salt) or a concentration in the fuel salt of 0.2 mole % of highly enriched uranium. For the first exploratory opera- tion of the MSRE, a higher uranium concentration is desired for reasons of chemistry. (If fluorine loss from the salt should occur, more UF, could go to UFs before U precipifiatibn would occur.) Therefore in the original charge of fuel salt the uranium concentration will first be brought up to 0.5 mole % by the addifiion of 150 kg of depleted uranium. (The #35U fraction of this uranium is only 0.002.) Then, during the initial critical experiment, the 233U concentration will be brought up by addition of highly enriched uranium (93% 225U) to the "clean critical” concentration. This is the concentration required for criticality with no fission product poisons in the reactor, all control rods fully with- drawn, the fuel salt stationary, and the reactor at a uniform temperature of 1200°F. The predicted critical loading is 69 kg of 235U, giving a total uranium concentration in the salt of 0.80 mole % U. This salt is sometimes referred to as fuel C, having a molar composition of 65 LiF-29.2 BeF>-5.0 Z2rF,~0.8 UF,. The values quoted later in this section for nuclear parameters apply when the reactor is fueled with this salt. Addition of highly enriched uranium when the concentration 1s near the critical value causes an increase of 0.22% 8k/k for each percent increase in 235U concentration. Thus the addition of 85 g 25U (the amount in an enriching capsule) would produce an increase of only 0.03% dk/k. After the initial critical loading, about 7 kg of 25U will be added as highly enriched uranium to bring the fuel salt up to the opera- ting concentration (0.28 mole % 35U, 0.83 mole % total U). The increase is required to compensate for effects which will appear when the reactor is operated at high power, namely: > [ d £B-3 10/19/65 Approved by, = 1. elevation of fuel and graphite temperatures, partial insertion of the control rods to permit power regulation, 3. fission product'poisons, L, loss of delayed neutrons due to emission outside the core, Burnup — When the reactor is operated at power, 35U is consumed by fission and by radiative capture} (The ratio of captures to fissions is 0.18.) The rate amounts to 1.25 g/Mwd, which means that the amount which can be added in one capsule would be consumed in about 7 days at 10 Mw. When the reactor is operated at full power, additions of enriched uranium will be mede at intervals of 7 days or less so that not only is the loss due to burnup made up but the 235y inventory is actually in- creased to compensafe for the negative reactivity effects of fission pro- ducts which are building up. Non-uniform Uranium Distributions ~ The coefficient of reactivity for changes in 235U concentration which was quoted above applies to uni- form inecreases in the concentration. Although no significant non-uniformi- ties in uranium concentration are anticipated in operation, the reactivity effects of localized uranium are worth noting. The reactivity effect of a given amount of 235U could be much greater if it were all in the core than if it were evenly dispersed throughout the 75 cu ft of fuel salt. Uranium evenly distributed in the core is worth 3 times as much as the average over the entire loop. A small amount of uranium at the point of maximum importance (near the center of the core) would be worth 15 times as much as the loop average. 1.2 Temperature and Power Changes in fuel temperature and in graphite temperature affect reactivity in different ways. The primary effect of graphite temperature is through its influence on the thermal neutron velocity distribution; an increase in temperature resulting in higher energies and lower cross sections. The reactivity is affected by fuel salt temperature mainly because thermal expansion of the salt reduces the amount of 25U in the L f Approved by -‘f;',f°Xe. The other 3 percent is formed directly in fission. ZIodine-135 is uniformly distributed throughout the fuel salt, giving a distributed source of 135%e. (Any uranium in the graphite gives rise to a localized source of iodine and xenon, but this is LY [ % 2B-9 Approved by 10/19/65 relatively unimportant.) Xenon-135 which appears in the circulating fuel salt may (1) decay to long-lived *3°Cs (2) capture a neutron and go to stable 13%Xe, (3) be transferred to the gas in the pump bowl or (k) be transferred into the gas-filled pores in the core graphite. Xenon-135 in the graphite may decay, be burned up by neutron capture or move back into the salt. The time constants for the decay and burnup are well known. The half-life of *35Xe for natural decay is 9.2 hrs., giving a decay con- stant of 0.075 hr *. The effective cross section (in the MSRE neutron energy spectrum) is 1.5 x 10° barns, giving a burnup time constant for 13°Xe dispersed around the fuel system of 0.02 hr '. For *35Xe evenly distributed throughout the graphite in the core, the burnup time constant would be 0.07 hr *. (These burnup time constants are at 10 Mw and are proportional to reactor power.) The rate constants for the other processes are not well known, and an important objective of the MSRE operation is to determine values for them. It is expected that the transfer to the pump bowl offgas will be relatively fast, resulting in low steady-state xenon-poisoning {only 0.1% Ek/k or less at 10 Mw). 1.5 Other Fission Products If 135Xe poisoning is kept low by gas stripping as expected, the individual fission product contributing most to the neutron poisoning in the MSRE will be *4®sm. The steady state poisoning of 149y in the MSRE at any significant power will be about 0.9% 8k/k. (The steady- state level is independent of power because both the burnup time con- stant, ¢o, and the production rate are proportional to power, and the steady-state level is the ratio.) The initial ingrowth of 149gm will be slow, s0 the reactor must be operated at high power for several months before the 14%gm reaches steady state. The transients in +4®sm poisoning have a much shorter time constant, namely that of the decay of 53-h 14%pm, the precursor of *%%m. When the power is shut down, the destruction of 14%Sm stops and the 148py which is present scon decays into l498m, increasing its poisoning effect on reactivity. The steady-state amount of 4®pp is proportional to power, and hence so is the size of the 149y poisoning transient following a shutdown. When the power is shut down from 10 Mw, the 149gm transient Approved by% > adiaN 2B=10 T S— 10/19/65 will be about 0.03% 8k/k. There are a few other high-cross-section fission products which saturate in roughly the same length of time as 149Sm, and some exhibit similar transients. The combined effect of these will be about 0.2 that of +4°gm. The large majority of fission products (all those except 136Xe and the "Samarium" group) contribute to a poisoning effect which will grow approximately linearly with integrated power in the MSRE. The rate will v be about 1 x 10 4% 8k/k per Mw-day. 1.6 Delayed Neutrons When the fuel salt is stationary all of the delayed neutron pre- cursors decay in the core. When the fuel is circulating, part of the precursors decay outside of the core and these delayed neutrons are lost to the chain reaction. The delayed neutrons comprise 0.0064 of the total neutrons released by fission. Because their initial energies are lower than the average for all fission neutrons, the delayed neutrons are less apt to leak during slowing down, and the effective fraction of delayed neutrons in the non-circulating case is 0.0067. When the fuel is circulating, the delayed neutrons emitted in the main part of the core are 0.0039 of the total. DBut because many of the delayed neutrons are now emitted in the reactor-vessel heads, from which some reach the core, the effective fraction is 0.0046. Thus circulation causes an effective loss of 0.0021 of the neutrons, or a decrease in reactivity of 0.21% Sk/k. . The changes in reactivity assoclated with the delayed neutron pre- cursor transport reach steady state within a minute or two after circu- lation is stopped or started. When the pump is stoppéd, the reactivity increagses as precursors are no longer swept out of the core. Time constants are those associated with coastdown of the flow and the half- lives for precursor decay which govern the concentration transients. When fuel circulation is first started, the concentrations of precursors will immediately drop below the steady-state values as salt with practi- cally no precursors flows into the core. There will be some small per- turbations as the salt which was in the core comes back, but this effect - ‘r’ L 'fljgiflfij;«“ : _ Approved by -7y @ % % 2B-11 rd 60%). However a bubble fraction of 2-3% was observed at an abnormally low salt level. When gas bubbles appear in the fuel salt in the core, the density of the salt-gas mixture decreases, the neutron diffusion length increases and as a result, reactivity decreases. The fuel density coefficient of reactivity was calculated to be 0.18. Thus, a bubble fraction of 1% would result in a reactivity decrease of 0.18% ak/k. The presence of bubbles causes the fuel density, and hence the reactivity to respond to pressure changes. With ~ 2 1/2% bubbles, the pressure coefficient of reactivity was 3 x 10°° 6k/k per psi for slow pressure changes and 1.4 x 107% for rapid changes. Since the MSRE will normally operate with no bubbles circulating, the effects described above will not be observable. However, they may appear under abnormal circumstances (low pump-bowl level). 2. Heat Generation and Temperature Distributions About 93% of the heat associated with the fisgsion process in the MSRE is produced within the fuel by fission fragments and the various radiation scattering and capture processes. About 6.5% is generated in the graphite and transferred to the fuel in the core. This leaves only about 0.5% to be absorbed in the thermal shield, biological shield, and structural material in the cells. (About 5% of the energy of fission escapes in the form of neutrinos and never produces any heat; this energy is not included in the above balance.) Approved byfi%fl{ % 2B-12 10/19/65 2.] Overall Temperature. Distribution’ The overall temperature distribution in the fuel is determined by the spatial distribution of the power and the flow rate of the salt. At 10 Mw the nominal temperature rise of the fuel from reactor inlet to outlet is SOOF. Since about 14% of the power is generated in the upper and lower heads and other peripheral regions of the reactor vessel, the average temperature rise as the fuel passes through the graphite channels is only 430F. The fuel undergoes a 3.5O#temperature rise before it reaches the graphite and anothexr 3.50 rise between the time it leaves the graphite and the time it leaves the core. The temperaturesin the upper and lower heads are expected to‘be more-or-less uniform because of fluid mixing. Since most of the heat of fission comes from the fission fragments, the heat-source distribution is essentially the same as the fission distribution which,in turn, has about the same shape as the thermal- neutron flux. The fuel velocity is relatively unifrom over most of the core, with a region of high velocity near the center. §Since the neutron flux is depressed near the center of the core by the control rods and thimbles, the temperature rise of the fuel in the central channels is much lower than that in channels some distance out from the center. The maximum temperature rise (~ 86°F) occurs in the channels about 8 in. from the core center line. The temperature of fuel in any channel increases continuously from the inlet to the outlet. The rate of increase is proportional to the heat production, or flux; low at the . ends and high in the middle. Since the shape of the power distribution along a channel follows approximately a sine curve, the axial temper- ature distribution of the fuel (proportional to the integral of the flux distribution) has the shape of the general curve (L - cos x). The temperature of the graphite at any point in the core is higher than that of the adjacent fuel because the heat produced in the graphite must flow into the fuel. The maximum difference between the mean trans- verse temperature in a graphite stringer and the mean transverse tem- perature in a fuel channel is 61°F near the midplane of the core. Because of the continuously rising fuel temperature, the absolute maximum graphite - - A ey ary Approved bx/¢%§;::? ‘W&ézg/kifibL 2B-13 T a4 . 10/19/65 temperature (~ l3OOOF) occurs considerably above the core midplane. 2.2 Local Temperature Effects Local overheating is not likely in the MSRE because of the rela- tively low power density. However, there are some areas in the reactor vessel where local heating must be considered. The INOR-8 structural parts of the reactor are subject to radiation heating by gamma rays and fast neutrons. For the most part, this heat 1s efficiently removed by the salt flowing past the surfaces. However, if solids were deposited from the salt, they could inhibit such heat removal (and produce more heat if the deposits contain 23%U) and lead to locally high temperatures. The reactor-vessel lower head and the core-suppert ring above the inlet voiute are areas where solids couid accumulate if they form in the fuel salt. The temperatures in these areas are continuously monitored for evidence of local overheating. The control-rod thimbles are subject to substantial radiation heating because of their location near the center of the core. Under normal conditions they are adequately cooled by the combination of salt on the outside and rod-cooling alr on the inside. Blockage of a fuel channel would require that the heat produced in that channel be transferred through the graphite stringers to the fuel in adjacent channels. The temperatures resulting from this con- dition would not damage the reactor. 3. Instrumentation The nuclear instrumentation is described in detail in the MSRE Design and Operations Report - Part IT, Nuclear and Process Instru- mentation, ORNL - TM - 729. A brief summary is given here of the operating principles and functions of those instruments which respond to neutrons or the nuclear power of the reactor. | 3.1 Non-fission Neutron Sources Neutrons are of course produced by the fission process at a rate proportional to the power-level. But neutrons are also produced in the reactor by other processes. The strength of this fission-independent neutron source is related to safety. It is also closely related to the neutron instruments because whenever the fission rate is very low, it Approved byws,;fiw' i 229fll¢4h4 2B-14 ” -~ ~ | 10/19/65 provides most of the neutrons that are counted by the detectors. Thus the selection of the source and detectors must be ‘'coordinated to provide the necessary information for reactor opei"ation° The prime safety function of a neutron source is to guarantee a sufficiently high neutron population so the statistical nature of the neutronic processes is maintained. In addition the source supports a certain minimum fission rate, or power level, in the suberitical reactor. Since the size of the power excursion for a given reactivity ramp . generally increases as the initial power decreases, this minimum level tends to limit the severity of some accidents. Another useful, but not safety, function of an independent neutron source is that it permits monitoring the subcritical multiplication in the reactor as criticality is approached. This is particularly important in the MSRE where keff in the empty reactor starts at zero and each fill with fuel salt is essentailly a new critical experiment. Three types of non-fission neutron sources are important in the MSRE: 1) the inherent alpha-n source in the fuel salt, 2) the external (Am-Cm-Be) source in the thermal-shield source tube, and 3) the photo- neutron (r,n) source which results from the interaction of fission product gammas with beryllium. 3.1.1 Inherent Source The alpha particles emitted by the various uranium isotopes in the fuel interact with the Li, Be, and F to produce neutrons. The alpha particles from 234U acting on Be and F produce about 96% of these neutrons. With the reactor full of fuel salt at the nor- mal operating concentration, the internal source releases about : b x 10° n/sec in the core. This source is adequate for all the safety requirements of the system. However, since the source is absent when the reactor is empty, it does not meet the requirement for monitoring suberitical multiplication during a fill. 3.1.2 External Source Neutrons are produced in this source by the action of alpha particles from 24%am and 242Cm on ®Be. The source was produced by mixing 0.6g of 24lAm with Be and irradiating the mixture in the Ve R d ; a%?pf Approved by .~ Lo L2 2B-15 Cdl ..v g 10/19/65 ORR to transmute some of the Am to 24Cm. When fresh, this source emitted sbout 1.2 x 10®8 n/sec but, since it is installed in the thermal shield, only a fraction (<25%) of these neutrons actually enter the core. More than 99% of the external-source neutrons come from the Cm alphas so the effective half-life of the source is that of 242Cm, 160 days. Thus the intensity of the external source will decrease with time unless the neutron flux from the operating reactor is high enough to keep the Cm concentration high. Since the external source i1s independent of the fuel location, these neutrons and their progeny are counted when the reactor is empty and during the initial stages of a fill when the internal source is insignificant. 3.1.3 Photoneutron Source Gamma rays with energies greater than 1.7 Mev are capable of producing neutrons from ®Be. Since a number of 35U fission pro- ducts emit gammas with energies above this threshold, the MSRE will have a substantial internal photoneutron source after an inventory of fission products has been established. This mechanism will provide at least 107 n/sec in the core for 100 days after the reactor has operated at 10 Mw for 30 days. The photoneutron source is subject to decay and is not very effective after long shutdowns. Furthermore, it has the same disadvantage as the (o,n) source - it is observable only when the fuel is in the reactor. 3.2 Neutron Detectors Radiation d.etectors in general consist of a chamber filled with an ionizable gas and devices for collecting the ionic charges. When a particle of ionizing radiation passes through the gas, positive ions and electrons are formed which flow to oppositely charged electrodes producing a small electric current. These small pulses of current can be amplified and registered as discrete events or can be "smeared out" and measured as an average current. Since neutrons are uncharged, they do not produce any direct ion- ization in passing through matter. Thus, neutrons as such cannot be detected by ionization chambers. To circumvent this, neutron chambers =y Approved}fifii;;}izz£2£ZEfi¢hm\§_ 2B-16 ” ~ 10/19/65 contain a material that will interact with neutrons and produce ionizing radiation. This secondary radiation then produces ionization in the chamber which is detected and registered as a neutron event. The neutron detectors in the MSRE are located in the nuclear instru- ment shaft some distance from the reactor core. However, the neutrons that leak out of the operating reactor produce a significant neutron flux in and around the various detectors. ©Since the shape of the neutron flux in the core of the critical reactor is essentially independent of power level, a nearly constant fraction of all the neutrons produced by fissions in the reactor escapes. The fraction of escaped (leakage) neutrons that reaches a given location in the instrument shaft is also independent of the neutron population density. Thus, a neutron detector with a fixed detection efficiency at a fixed location will register neutron events at a rate that is directly proportional to the neutron level (or fission rate, or power level) in the reactor. The conversion factor between neutron-chamber output and reactor power can be established only if the absolute reactor power can be measured by an independent method. The method that is used to measure absolute reactor power is a system heat balance. Thus, once accurate heat balances have been obtained, it will be possible to read absolute power directly from the nuclear instruments. Four types of neutron detectors are in use in the MSRE. These are fission chambers, BFs pulse counters, compensated ion chambers, and boron-coated safety chambers. The basic features of each are described below. 3.2.1 HFission Chambers A fission chamber makes use of the very intense ionization produced by fission fragments to register the passage of neutrons. Some of the interior surfaces of the MSRE fission chambers are coated with @35U (other fissionable materials may be used in other applications) which undergoes fission in a neutron flux. Most of the time at least one of the primary fission fragments escapes from the surfaces and produces a very large pulse of ionization. These pulses are amplified and counted as individual events. Alpha particles from the radiocactive decay of the uranium in the chamber e o S and gamma rays from outside also produce ionization in a fission chamber but the associated pulses are very much smaller than those from fission fragments. Thus with an electronic circuit which counts only the largest pulses, a fission chamber can be made to discrimia. nate against nearly all radiation effects other than from neutrons. The two fission chambers in use in the MSRE will produce a counting rate of about 0.4 counts/sec in a neutron flux of 1 n/cm?— sec. The normal useful range of a fission chamber is about k4 decades in counting rate. Below about 2 c/s the time response of the count-rate circuitry is too slow to be very useful; above about 20,000 c/s coincidence losses begin to be observable. The useful range of the MSRE chambers has been greatly extended by equipping them with servo-operated positioning devices. BSince the neutron flux in the instrument shaft decreases approximately expo- nentially with distance from the reactor, the logarithm of the ratio of the flux at one point to that at some reference point (say, the bottom of the shaft) is proportional to the distance between the points. That is toe [%g_z)} "o [X - XJ- Or log é(x,) = log &(x) + a(x - x5). Thus, .%he log of the count rate or flux (and hence the actual count rate) at some reference point, where it is too high to be measured accurately, can be obtained from the log of the count rate at some other point by adding to it a number proportional to thé distance between the points. If the correlation between flux at the ref- erence point and reactor power is known, this approach can be used to indicate the log of the reactor power directly. The above principle is used to extend the useful range of the MSRE fission chambers to about 10 decades. The chamber travel to accomplish this is about 90 in. This allows them to cover a power Approved by/jgfiéfz%izégfi:%/lzéfl@\ 2B-18 T ~ 10/19/65 range from well below critical (0.0lw) to well above full power (100 Mw). Since the exponential decrease of flux with distance is only approximate, electronic corrections are applied to improve the correlation between log power and the sum of log count rate and position. Even so, these instruments do not give the most precise indication of nuclear power that is available. 3.2.2 BF4 Pulse Counters A BF5 chamber is simply a vessel equipped to collect ionization pulses and filled with boron trifluoride gas. This gas, in addition to being ionizable, contains *°B which interacts with neutrons to produce alpha particles. Since the ionization pulses from alphas are large, this chamber can be made relatively insensitive to gamma, radiation (but less so than a fission chamber). It also has a high neutron-detection efficiency. It was originally expected that the fission chambers described above would have sufficient sensitivity to give significant counting rates (>2¢/s) with the reactor vessel empty and only the external source present. This was not achieved because of physical limjita- tions on the source intensity and the unfavorable location of the source with respect to the detectors. Therefore, detectors with higher sensitivity were provided for this condition and to monitor the early stages of a reactor fill. (The fission chambers provide a useful indication before the reactor is completely filled with fuel salt.) The chambers used in this application are two BFs chambers with sensitivities of ih c/sec per unit neutron flux (1 n/em®-sec). Because of their high sensitivity, these chambers are subject to rapid depletion of the 108 in high neutron fluxes and must be retracted to a low-flux region when the reactor is in operation. 3.2.3 Compensated Ion Chambers This type of device measures the average current produced by ionizing radiation rather than discrete pulses. The neutron- sensitive portion of a compensated ion chamber is a vessel, fitted with charge-collecting electrodes, filled with an ionizable gas, “‘ It B —— zfiggfixfk‘ Approved pyfi£§?z y%gficyflhffix_ 2B-19 10/19/65 and coated on the inside with boron enriched in *°B. Since the gas is ionized by gamma rays as well as by the alphas from the OB (4,) 7Li reaction, the output of this subchamber is proportional to the total radiation level. When a reactor is operating at power, the contribution to the chamber current from gamma radiation is relatively low and the output of the boron-coated chamber is essentially proportional to the neutron flux (power level). However, when the reactor is shut.down, .the neutron flux drops to a very low level while the gamma radiation from the fission products remains high. Thus, the indicated current is high relative to the actual power level. In order to compensate for this high reading at low power, a second subchamber is used that is sensitive to gamma rays only; that is, no boron coating is used. If this second chamber has the same characteristics (volume, gas pressure, collection voltage, etc.) as the boron-coated chamber, the currents induced in the two chambers by gamma radiation will be equal. The outputs of these two chambers are connected with opposing polarities (bucking each other) so that the two gamma-induced currents cancel each other and the net current flow is due to neutron-induced ion- ization. The combination of two subchambers and connecting wiring constitute a single compensated ion chamber. In practice the two subchambers rarely have identical characteristics so one of the chamber volumes is made adjustable so the degree of compensation can be tailored to exactly cancel the gamma ionization currents. The two compensated ion chambers are used to provide linear indications of the power level. The chamber that feeds the linear power recorder also supplies the flux signal for the control-rod servo mechanism. These chambers have a useful range of about 6 decades and indicate power from a few watts up to 150% of full power (15 Mw). Linear output over this span is achieved by 15 stages of range switching in the output amplifier. The position of the chambers is selected to provide maximum accuracy in the normal power range, 1-10 Mw. Approved b ”fcw 2B-20 | ~ 10/19/65 3.2.4 Safety Chambers The principal requirement of neutron detectors in the safety system is high reliability so a relatively simple device is indicated. The chambers in use on the MSRE are uncompensated, ionization chambers utilizing boron for neutron sensitivity. A chamber consists of several concentric cylinders with some of the internal surfaces coated with boron enriched in *°B. The ionizable gas is dry nitrogen at 1 atm pressure. Each chamber is equipped with two high-voltage leads and two independent signal leads. The chamber output is read as a continuous current rather than individual pulses. The output from these chambers has a useful range of about 2 decades and the normal readout is 1-20 Mw. The MSRE installations have a special switching arrangement that increases the amplifier output by a factor of 10> when the fuel pump is off. Under these conditions the instrument range is 1-20 Kw. Since the safety chambers are uncompensated, they are not highly accurate at very low powers, but accuracy at low power is not a regquirement of the safety system. L. Kinetics and Safety There are several facets to the interest in the kinetics of the MSRE. Is it stable, i.e., do small disturbances cause oscillations which don't die out? Does it respond quickly and smoothly to the con-:: trols? Could damaging nuclear excursions result from any conceivable incident? The dynamic behavior of the MSRE is shaped largely by 1) circulating fuel, 2) separate moderator, 3) ‘negative temperature coefficients of reactivity, 4) relatively low heat generation rate, and 5) loose coupling to the heat sink (air). Circulation of the fuel reduces the delayed neutron fraction, which makes the reactivity-period relation significantly different. This effect is important in the "zero-power” kinetics (where temperature feedback is negligible) and in rapid nuclear excursions. In power excursions, the negative temperature coefficient of the fuel acts promptly as an inherent shutdown mechanism, but.the graphite con- tributes little. Normal power operation reflects primarily the rather s 4% Approved by %fir 1rf ) . 2B-21 / 10/19/65 sluggish temperature response. The graphite responds slowly to power changes: a 1-Mw change in reactor power changes the graphite heat generation by only 0.06 Mw and the heat capacity of the graphite is 3.6 Mw—sec/OF, giving an initial rate of change of lOF/min. Further- more the heat transfer to the fuel takes effect slowly: the transfer amounts to 0.02 MW/OF, giving a time constant for the graphite of | 3.6/0.02 = 180 sec. The transfer of heat through a considerable resis- tance to a low-temperature heat sink makes for sluggish response. Some indication of this is the time constant which is the ratio of reactor heat capacity, 12 Mw-sec/oF, to the heat transfer in the radiator. At 10 Mv the heat transfer is 10 Mw/1000°F = 0.010 Mw/°F and the time constant is 1200 sec. (20 min.). At 1 Mw, the heat transfer area is reduced, giving a time constant of almost 3 hours. L.l Stability and Transient Response The MSRE is stable under &ll conditions. At low power, however, the margin of stability is not great and low-frequency oscillations tend to die out slowly if no external reactivity control is applied. This "wallowing" has a characteristic period of several minutes, so it is easily flattened out by movements of the regulating rod. Without any rod control, the negative temperature coefficient of reactivity causes the nuclear power to follow changes in heat removal rate and eventually level off at the same value. The servo control system "tightens up" the response causing the nuclear power to follow more dquickly with little or no overshoot or undershoot. 4.2 Potential Accidents There are several more or less concelivable incidents in which nuclear heating could produce undesirably high temperatures and pressures inside the fuel salt system. These are described and discussed in de- tail in ORNL TM-732, The MSRE Safety Analysis Report. 4.2.1 Uncontrolled Rod Withdrawal Perhaps the most severe reactivity excursion which could be considered credible is simultaneous and continued withdrawal of all three rods past the criticel positions. If this happened under the worst conditions and there were no corrective action, the Approved. bYflVé ‘\/ff:f-/ W 2B-22 v ) 10/19/65 power would surge to between 400 and 500 Mw for a fraction of a second, then drop back to around 50-100 Mw. The fuel temperature would rise very rapidly; within 6 sec. after the peak power, the maximum fuel temperature in the core would be above l8OOOF. The core would see a pressure surge of about 20 psi. Rod scram on either l-sec. period or 15-Mw power would limit the excursion to tolerable proportions even if one of the three rods failed to drop. 4.2.2 "Cold-Siug” This is a postulated accident in which the mean temperature of the core decreases rapidly because fuel is injected at an abnor- mally low temperature, creating a reactivity excursion by virtue of the negative temperature coefficient of reactivity. The most likely way in which such an accident could happen would be for the fuel external to the reactor vessel to be cooled off while the fuel pump is stopped; starting the fuel pump would then inject the cooler fuel. All concern over this kind of cold-slug accident was eliminated by requiring that the control rods be fully inserted before the fuel pump can be started. With the rods down, no possible cold slug could make the reactor critical, much less cause an excursion. 4.2.3 Filling Accident The reactor could go critieal. with the core only part full of fuel if: (1) the control rods were withdrawn too far, (2) the core temperature were too low, or (3) the fuel were abnormally concentrated in uranivm. The position of the control rods will be prescribed for each fill, and it is up to the operator to see they are not withdrawn too far. Administrative control is also used to assure that the temperature is high enough. A control interlock requires that the rods be withdrawn part way before a £ill starts. Should the reactor go supercritical during a fill, the rods would scram either on a l-gec. period or at 15 Kw. This will stop the excursion and if the reason for criticality was either high rods or low temperature, the reactor will not go 4 Approved b¥¢fi§;%?;43£:flkwn\_ 2B-23 " Y 10/19/65 critical again. Abnormal concentration of uranium is extremely unlikely, but separation by selective freezing in the drain tank is theoretically possible even to a degree that would make the reactor critical with the rods in. Thus in order to prevent undesirably high core temperatures in the third type of filling accident, safety interlocks stop the fill when the rods drop. 4.2.4 UO, Precipitation Separation of uranium from the circulating fuel could lead to local overheating under deposits or reactivity disturbances if the uranium shifts position. The only known way for uranium to become concentrated in the loop is by gross contamination of the salt with moisture to form UOs,. Precautions against moisture, backed by the presence of ZrF,, make UO, precipitation extremely unlikely. Nevertheless, the operation will be watched carefully for possible signs of such a condition: temperature differences between the reactor vessel and incoming salt is one indication, another is the reactivity balance which would show the loss of uranium. Rod scram at 15 Mw would protect against excursions caused by fast recovery of up to 700 g of uranium or more. The l-sec. scram gives protection against even larger excursions by starting the rods dropping earlier in the excursion. 4.2.5 Others If the fuel pump stops, the reactivity tends to increase, but the change is slow and is easily controlled by the temperature interlocks and the 15-Kw scram with the pump off. Afterheat problems are moderate in the MSRE because the power density in the fuel is low. If the fuel were stopped in the core the temperature rise would increase only l5OOF over about 20 hours. Fuel in the drain tanks could increase much more, were it not for the heat removal by the thimbles. Criticality in the drain tanks could occur only if the uranium were concentrated near the center of the tank by more than a factor of four. This is very unlikely, if not impossible. However, should such occur, the chain reaction would level off at heat-loss power without causing damage. Approved by .= h 9/7/65 SECTION 3 OPERATION OF AUXTILIARY SYSTEMS In the normal operation of the MSRE practically all of the installed equipment must function in an integrated manner, with a high degree of interdependence. It is convenient, however, to regard the reactor com- plex as an assembly of individual systems. The central part of the MSRE operation consists of transferring the fuel salt, circulating it through the core, sustaining a fission chain reaction in the core and removing the heat from the fuel — all under controlled conditions. This rart of the operation requires not only the primary components, but absolutely depends upon the operation of the so-called "auxiliary" systems. (These are auxiliary in the sense of being subservient to, or supporting, the primary systems, not in the sense of substitute or reserve. Only a few components are auxiliary in the latter sense.) The startup and operation of each of these systems are described in this section. Approved bx)?ég%iéfifggféflflmgha 3A-1 10/4/6 3A ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The 7503 Area 1is supplied from the ORNL substation by either of two 13.8 kv TVA power lines, a preferred line or an alternate. These are separated by two interlocked pole mounted motor operated line switches. Automatic transfer is provided from the preferred line to the alternate line. Both transfer switches can be operated remotely from the auxiliary control room. The normal AC power enters the 7503 area from the 13.8 kv feeder (between the transfer switches) through two transformer substations. A 1500 kva, 480v, 3-phase substation serves the process equipment, and a 750 kva, 480v, 3-phase auxiliary station is for building services, that is, lighting, ventilation, etc. The auxiliary substation has no emergency source, but the process station has three diesel-generators for emergency AC use. Some of the process area lights can be supplied from either substation, There are two separate area IC systems, 250v system and a 48v system. These are normally operated by AC-IC motor-generator sets and have battery supplies for emergency use. This section will cover operation of all equipment from the two 13.8 kv power supply lines to, but not including, the breakers for individual equipment. These breakers will be covered with the equipment involved., 1 SYSTEM STARTUP 1.1 Alternating Current System Normal power is supplied to the area by closing motor- operated pole line switch 129 in the preferred feeder, ORNL Circuit 23L4. This switch can be closed remotely from ACR Panel 11 in the auxiliary control room or manually at Pole B - north of Building T7503. An indicating light on ACR Panel 11 indicates when voltage is available on ORNL Circuit 234, and lights above the control switch indicate whether switch 129 is open or closed. The manual-automatic selector switch should be placed in the automatic position. 3A-2 10/ /65 1.1 (continued) Power is supplied to the T750-kva auxiliary power substation for building services by closing the manual pole switch located at the sub-station east of Building T7503. Next, close the manual breakers to the L80v, 3-phase Distri- bution Panels 1 and 2, which are located at Column D4 on the 8L0-ft level of the building, this will bring service power into the building. Distribution Panels 1 and 2 breakers can then be closed as required to put equipment in service as indicated in Tables I, II, & ITI. Power is supplied to the 150C kva process power switchgear by closing the manual primary disconnect switch located at the substation west of Building T7503. The process equipment switchgear and motor control centers are located in the switch house which is west of the main building and south of the process power substation. This room contains most of the breakers for energizing the process equip- ment. The buses for the process equipment are energized by closing the following breakers from the 1500 kva switchgear in the switch house except as noted below: 1.1.1 Breaker R brings power from the substation to 1500 kva switchgear bus. (TVA BUS) 1.1.2 Breakers S and Breaker A-1 energizes Bus No. 3. Close Breaker A-1 from DP-3 or DMP-3. (A-1 is interlocked not to close before S.) 1.1.3 Breaker T and Breaker A-2 energizes Bus No. 4. Close Breaker A-2 from DP-4 or DMP-k4, (A-2 is interlocked not to close before T.) 1.1.4% Breaker Z energizes Bus No. 5. (Close Breaker from DP-5.) The motor control centers (MCC) can be energized by closing the foliowing breakers: 1.1.5 Breaker L for MCC-G3. 1.1.6 Breaker F for MCC-Gk. A Approved byfi %‘:}fz-fflf« 4—4\/ g 3A-3 10/4 /65 TABLE T DISTRIBJTION PANEL NO. 1 Breaker Load Circuit Equipment Fuse (HP) Remarks 10-ton crane TOA/9OA 15 Both cranes on same fuse and breaker 3-tone crane T 1/2 1 Spare TOA Two 30A fused switches 2 Fused Sw., 852 L 254 Two 30A fused switches 3 Spare 25A L Change House Vent Fan 15A 1/2, 3/4 Vent fan interlocked & 840 level htr. fan with Circuit 5 5 8521 Htr. Fan 15A 1-1/2 6 Spare 15A Two 3 ¢ Receptacles TOA (1) High Bay A-4 (2) North ESA 8 C. R. Air Cond 100/60A 15 Time delay and two pressure switches 9 225 KVA Lighting LOOA AY, 480/120/208v, Transformers 3¢, Uw (See Table IIT) 10 Spare LOoA 11 Spare L4ooA A e Approved bwai;?'/;gggiifiyflflgfiz( /ifiéh 10 5 TABLE TT DISTRIBUTION PANEL NO. 2 Breaker Load Circuit Equipment Fuse (HP) Remarks 1 Two, L80v, 3¢ 50A In Service Area Receptacles 2 Spare 50A 3 Spare 100A Y Spare 100A 5 Spare 100A 6 Spare 100A 7 Two, 480v, 3¢ TOA Switch house, Blower Receptacles House Spare 100A Spare TOA 10 Spare 100A 11 Rollup doors 30A 2 Top, bottom limit switch 12 Spare 30A(F) 13 Two fans, 1 heater 30A(F) ' South high bay 1k Spare 30A(F) 15 Spare 30A(F) 16 Spare < 30A(F) 3A-5 10/4 /65 jffi;;7 “ Approved by :z:;;f“ flwzfyfiflfifh - TABLE III BUILDING LIGHTING FROM DISTRIBUTION PANEL 1 - CIRCUIT 9 Distribution Panel 1A located 8LO' level, Col. 4, 5-C Circuit Light Pan,. Location Emergency* Lighting Area 0 Pnl. 1 MCR-852 No Maint. Control Room & RC & ’ Pnl. 2 MCR-852 Yes DIC Recept. 1 K TR Yes TR-S. ESA, W. Tunnel, Blower House,Vent House, Switch house, C.D. Cell, . Waste Fan, 2 C Comp. R No Spare H 840, Col. 1-C No 840' heater distribution B 852, Col. 4-D Yes area, No ESA 852' hall, Hi Bay, outside E & SE of Building b D 840, Col. 4, 5C No Spare J 852, Col. 2D Yes Locker room, Instrument Office & Shop, Hi Bay 6 A 852, Col. 2D Yes Computer Room, CR, Offices, Outside No. & West - 7 G Hi Bay Col. 5C No Hi Bay 8 AB 840, Col. 4, 5-C. Yes Bat. Room, 840O' Maintenance Area, East of TR Distribution Panel 1A1 - located 8L40' - outside NE door to TR 1-6 Spare 7 Comp House Comp H Yes Store Room (Comp House) T Diesel H Yes Diesel H. 8 S SR No Service Room & Tunnel ¥ Emergency Supply from Breaker M - Gen. Bus No. 3, through lighting transformer and "B" position switch at each light. panel. Approved by széjizjgésézg;fiflfig%fi l.2 345 10/4/65 1.1.7 Breaker CC for MCC-G5-1. (This breaker also can be operated from Panel DPM-5, ACR.) - 1.1.8 Breaker AA for MCC-G5-2. (This breaker also can be operated from Panel DPM-5, ACR.) 1.1.9 Breaker X for MCC-T-1. 1.1.10 Breaker Y for MCC-T-2. These additional breakers should be closed. 1.1.11 Breaker BB for Heater Distribution Panel G5-BB. 1.1.12 Breaker M should be closed to supply power for emergency AC lighting. This includes Maintenance Control Room Panel No.2, Lighting Panels K, A, AB, B, and T. Each of these has a selector switch with an A and B position. The " A position powers the lights from the auxiliary substation, - and the B position powers lights from DG No. 3 Bus. These lighting panels should be operated in the B position. Direct Current System Before starting the IC systems, turn on the battery room ventilating fan. Check to be sure that all battery cells are filled with electrolyte to the top of the stippled windows. Measure the specific gravity of each cell. The specific gravity of a fully charged cell is 1.210. 1.2.1 To start the 250v IC system: Close Switchgear Breaker W, from switch gear panel, : to supply power to MG-1. Start MG-1 from MG-1 control panel as follows: Set auto-manual voltage switch in auto position. Push "AC" start button. ' Adjust generator voltage to 260v (floating voltage) if batteries are charged, or to 280v (recharge voltage) if batteries need charging, by use of the auto field rheostat. (Left side) After completing Step and adjust charging rate. Charging rate should not exceed 56 amperes. After batteries are recharged, adjust generator voltage to 260 v. = ? ,/"A Approved bygéj?;iZ@Vé;?i)(pwfifi) /E?é? ; 10 5 - Close the reverse power trip breaker. Push "IX" start button. Close the 250v distribution switches. (BMO—ft level north) (a) emergency lights (b) breaker trip power (e) MG-L (d) 13.8 kv transfer control power. . 1,2.1.8 Start the 25 kw DC to AC MG-4 from control panel in MG room as follows: Note; MG-4 will not start if MG-1 voltage is above 270v. i () Set auto-manual selector switch in "auto" position. (b) Press "start" button. (c) Set the generator voltage to 120v by ad- r justing the "generator" voltage rheostat. (d) Set the AC frequency to 60 cycles by adjusting motor rheostat. Any change made in MG-1 voltage also changes frequency of MG-14. Note: After loading,readjust frequency to 60 cycles. . (e) Set MG-4 main contactor in "on" position. (f) Push reset on throwover switch to transfer instrument power from TVA to MG-k. Close breaker MCC GL4-31 to energize the alternate power supply for AC instruments. 1.2.2 To start the 48v IC system and charge batteries In Switch Room: Close MCC G3 Breaker 9 to MG-2. Close MCC GU4 Breaker 9 to MG-3. At 48v IC Panel, 8LO-ft level: Open generator output contactors for Generator No. 2 and Generator No. 3. Approved by~ F l.2. Aty g | 34-8 vV 10/k /6 Push motor start buttons to start MG-2 and MG-3. Adjust both generators to 51.6v with field rheo- stat. (large dial is for coarse adjustment; small dial is for fine adjustment.) C(Close equalizer contactor and both Generator No. 2 and No. 3 output contactors. Adjust battery charging rate not to exceed 69 amps with field rheostats. After batteries have been recharged (i.e., when specific gravity of each cell isiztluElO),copenvequalizer contactors and standby generator output contactors. Stop standby MG-2. If necessary, adjust operating generator voltage to 51.6v, using field rheostat. The charging rate of each generator is limited to 54 amperes. 3 Startup 48v IC System with Batteries Charged In Switch Room: Close breakers MCC G3-9 (or G4-9) at L48v. IC Panel on 84O-ft level. Push start button for MG-2 (or 3). Adjust operating generator voltage to 51.6v. Close the operating generator output contactors. 1.3 Heater System Preparation Before starting the reactor or a section of the reactor system, the heater power supply must be checked to be sure all breakers are closed and the heaters are ready to be turned on. 1.3 1.3 1.3 " The general procedure will be as follows: .1 Tabulate all heaters already in service. Have shift supervisor approve this list before proceeding. .2 All manual powerstats that are not in service should be set at zero. .3 Regulator motor power and control circuit power should be turned on. (See section LA.3.1.) /4 Approved by ’J//fi"%f/’/‘: et 34-9 ( 10/4/65 . 1.3.4 All motor-operated powerstats that are not in service should be set at zero. 1.3.5 All induction regulators that are not in service should be lowered to minimum setting and turned off. 1.3.6 All heater breakers except breakers tagged open for repairs should be closed. (See section LA.3.1.) The breakers are: Heater panel breakers, north end 840-ft level. - Transformer breakers on transformer platform, over 830-ft pit. - Distribution panel breakers, north end 8LO-ft level. | Heater switch gear and MCC breakers in switch house. 1.3.7 All ten induction regulator blowers should be on. Switches are at each blower. During and for two hours following the heater startup, a periodic check of all system heater temperatures should be made to ensure that no operating heaters were turned off and no heaters not needed were turned on. The heaters will - be turned on as part of the reactor startup, Section 5C and 5F. This can be accomplished from the heater contfol panels. . 2 NORMAL OFPERATION 2.1 Alternating Current and Direct Current Systems Normal operation of the AC system involves the occasional use of the switchgear and MCC breakers for testing the emergency equipment (Section 3A.3), which is not normally in operation, or for isolating sections of the electrical system for maintenance. Periodically the 48v and 250v IC battery banks should be checked for dead cells by checking the liquid specific gravity and proper liguid level. After excessive use of the 48v DIC bvattery, or when a cell unbalance is indicated by variation in specific gravity of the cells, the battery will be given an equalizing charge as follows: Approved byszz;;zégzééza;fiaé 3A-10 e i 10/1/65 2.2 V 2.1.1 Using the field rheostat, slowly increase the operating generator voltage to 55.9 volts (2.33v/cell) and hold for eight hours, or until successive readings of specific gravity (over two-hour periode) show no increase. 2.1.2 If generator amps exceed 5k, operate both generators in parallel per Battery Charging Procedure given below: At L4L8v IC Panel, 8LO-ft level: Push motor "start" buttons to start both MG-2. - and 3. - Adjust both generators to 55.9 with field rheo- stat. (Large dial is coarse adjustment; small dial is for fine adjustment.) Close equalizer contactor and both generator No. 2 and No.3 output contactors. Adjust battery-charging rate not to exceed 69 amps with field rheostats. After battery has been recharged (i.e., when specific gravity of each cell is 2'}1;2100, open equalizer contactors and open standby generator output contactors. Stop standby MG set No. 2. . If necessary, adjust operating generator voltage to 51.6v, using field rheostat. 2.1.3 If only one generator is used, upon completion of equalizing, slowly lower voltage to 51.6v. - Heater System - Normal Operation Except during reactor system heatup when a higher load is required, most of the heaters will be operated at system heat- loss power. Periodic checks will be made of the current drawn by each heater circuit to be sure there are no heater failures., When circulating salt, pipe temperatures will not indicate heater conditions. Ground detection meters will be checked once per shift on the normally ungrounded induction regulator circuits. Approved b - 3A-11 10/4 /65 ) 3 EMERGENCY AND SPECIAL QPERATIONS " 3.1 Alternate Feeder Operation In the event that electrical power is lost on the preferred feeder, ORNL Circuit 234, and if there is still voltage on the alternate line, ORNL Circuit 294, after a preset time of 1 to 10 sec, switch 129 will open and 229 will close. Switch 129 will not open during an outage of <6 sec. Table IV lists breakers and starters which need to be reclosed after a momen- tary power outage that cannot be closed from the main control ” board. Start Equipment listed in Tables V and VI that was operating before the momentary loss of TVA power. DNote: TUse * control room and walking logs to determine equipment to be . restarted. The starters and breakers will have to be reclosed after momentary outages, or when TVA power is resumed. Since there is no automatic feature for transferring from the alternate feeder back to the preferred line, this becomes a manual procedure, and should be done as soon as Clircuit 23& has been restored. (See section 3A.3.3.2.) 3.2 Complete TLoss of TVA Power ‘ When voltage is lost on both TVA feeders or if the fault B is between switch 129 and 229, switch 129 will open and 229 will not close. Alternating current must then be supplied by - the diesel generators. ©OSwitch 129 will have to be closed manu- ally when TVA power is restored. 3.2.1 Diesel Startup Procedure - Dispatch an operator to the diesel house to start at step below, meanwhile: Push "start" button for Diesel Generator No. 3 on DPM-3, Generator voltage increase on DPM-3 will indicate when unit starts. The diesel will crank for 10 seconds and if not started will repeat after 10 seconds for up to 3 attempts. If diesel fails to start, open fuel ignitor valve and turn on fuel ig- nitor pump motor switch (both located on west side of diesel) and repeat start. Approved by ead| 3A-12 10/4/65 Table IV BREAKERS AND STARTERS NOT OPERATED from MAIN CONTROL BOARD BREAKER- EQUIPMENT » STARTER CONTROLLED BREAKER /STARTER 1OC. TVA or DG Reverse Power Breaker 250 v DC MG-1 MG-1 in MG Room TVA Starters MG-1 MG-1 in MG Room TVA Starters H-200-13, H-201-12, H-202-2 Htrs. HCP-1, 8L0O' level TVA-MCC-T-1 Starters RCH-1, RCH-2, RCH-3, RCH-L4 Htrs. HCP-6, 8LO' level TVA-MCC-T-1 Starters RCH-5, RCH-6, RCH-T, H 102-2 Htrs. HX-1, HX-2, HX-3, . FP-1, FP-2 Htrs. HCP-T, 840' level TVA-MCC-T-1 Starters R-1, R-2, R-3 Htrs. HCP-T, 8L0' level TVA-MCC-T-2 Starters FFT-2, FD1-2, FDe-2 Htrs. HCP-8, 8LO' level TVA-MCC-T-1 Starters MG-2, MG-3 Motor 48v Panel, 8LO' level G-3, DG-h Starters MG-2, MG-3 Gen. Output L8v Panel, 8L40' level DG-3, DG-L Starters Waste Tank Vent Fan Switch in Remote Maint. Processing Cell G-k Breaker AA | MCC G5-2 DPM-5 in Aux. C.R. DG-5, Bus #5 Breaker CC | MCC G5-1 DPM-5 in Aux. C.R. DG-5, Bus #5 Starters H-103 Htr. HCP-8, 84o' level DG-5, MCC G5-2 Starters FFT-1, FD1-1, FD2-1 Htrs. HCP-8, 8L0' level G-5, 3 ! s I ! Bus #5 3A-13 10/4 /65 Table V- EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED FROM DIESEL GENERATOR No. 3 MCC-G3 Motor Operating TVA | Breaker |Switch- Rating Load Load | No | Sizejgear Equipment Description (hp) (hp) (kw) |(xw) Amps| Breaker Inst. Power Panel #5( 30 kva 15 15 70 e’ 30-ton Crane Lo 37 31.5 100 SP Sump Pump L.6 30 PP Pit Pump 4.6 e Drain Tk Cell Cooler| 10 ? ? 5 ? Be Sampling #1 .5 7 15 Exhauster #2 .5 CCP-3 Aux. FV Blower T.5 7. 4.6 4.6 30 MG-2 48v DC generator 5 5 L.6 15 RCC-1 Reactor Cell Cooler 10 ? ? ? 10 ? FOP-1 FP Lube 0il Pump 3.5 L L 11 20 TF-1 Cooling Tower Fan 5 4.6 L6} 12 15 HCV-930A |[Vent Valve 0.75 .75 .66 13 30 HCV-930B |Vent Valve 0.75 .75 .66 14 30 AC-1 Inst. Air Compressor| 40 40 33.4 33.41 15| 100 * Diesel Aux. Power 12.2kw 12.2 16{ 100 ccc-1 Coolant Cell Cooler 2 2 1.8 1.84 17 15 Inst. Power Panel #4| 10 kw 6 13 30 TWP-1 Treated Water Pump 20 20 15 15 19 50 CTP-1 Cooling Tower Pump [ 20 20 17.2 | 17.2! 20| 50 MB-4 Annulus Blower 10 10 8.8 8.8] 23 30 SF-1 Stack Fan 50 50 41.8 41.84 24 100 CCP-1 Component Cooling Pump 75 T0 58 H CP Cooclant Pump 5 L6 39 39 K Lighting Transformer|100 kva 33 33 33 M Total 344,32 [252.6 *Transfer switch to DG No. L ‘**Breakers No. Lk, 6, 21, 22 are spares. Approved by 10/L4/65 TABLE VI EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED FROM DIESEL GENERATOR No. L { Mcchu*** Motor Operating TVA | Breaker [Switch- 1 Rating Load Load | No |Size | gear Equipment| Description (hp) (hp) (kw) (kw) Amps {Breaker c1* 30-ton crane Lo 37 31.5 31.5] 2 | 100 ICC* Drain Tk cell cooled 1.5 1.5 1.k 1.4i 5 15| MG-3 U8v IC power 5 k.6 L6| 9| 15 COP-1 CP lube oil pump 3.5 L L 11 20 TF-2 tooling tower fan 5 4.6 h6]12 | 15 IR-1 He' 0> Remover 1. 13 30 Preheater .6 Dryer .6 * Diesel Aux. Power 12.2 12.2 16 | 1001 CCC Coolant Cell cooler | 2 2 1.8 1.81 17 15 CTP-2 Cooling tower pump 20 20 17.2 20 50 TWP-2 Treated water pump | 20 20 15 2l 50 WP Waste Pump 10 10 T+5 T.51 23 50: RCC-2 Reactor cell cooler | 10 ? ? ok ? 3 MB-2 Annulus 10 10 8.8 8126 30 DR-2 He Oz remover 1 27 30 Preheater .6 .6 Dryer .6 .6 Trnsfrmr. Spect. Rm | 25 kva 15 =15 29 30 *x Inst Panel #2 & 3 25 kva 13 31 | 100 AC-2 Inst air compressor | 4O 40 33.4 32 | 100 AC-3 Ser. air compressor | 4O 40 33.4 33.4 133 | 100 FP Fuel Pump 75 L5 38.2 38.2 D CCP-2 Comp. cooling pump | 75 70 58 58 E SF-2 Stack Fan 50 50 41.8 Total | 212.7 ¥Transfer switch from DC No. 3 *¥Transfer from MG No. 4 (250v IC supply) ¥*¥Breakers #1, 3, &, 6, 7, 8, 10, 1k, 15, 18, 19, 22, 25, 28, 30 are spares 3A-15 Approved by /h/6 10 5 After diesel starts and voltage reaches 480v, open Breaker A-1 and with key close Breaker A-5 from DPM-3. Get OK from technician at diesel generator unit before adding load. Start diesel generator No. 4 by Step 2, observing generator volts on DPM-L. When generator No. 4 voltage reaches L480v, open Breaker A-2 and with key close Breaker A-3 from DPM-k. Get OK from technician at diesel generator before adding load. Start diesel generator No. 5 by pushing "start" button on DPM-5, observing generator No. 5 voltage on DPM-5. ©Start switch automatically opens after 10 sec; release to reset. When generator No. 5 voltage on DPM No. 5 reaches 480v, open Breaker 7 and with key close Breaker A-L from DPM-5. Breaker BB load is on line. Get OK from technician at diesel generator before adding load. (See section 3A.3.2.2.) After each diesel starts, check the following items in the diesel house and switch house area. (a) Louvers are open to each unit; (b) No obstructions are in cooling air path to diesels; (¢c) No unusual noises from DG sets; (d) Annunciators on Diesel panels are clear; (e) Fuel oil level in day tank "50%; DIESEL GENERATOR 3 or 4 (f) Lube oil pressure >20 psi (normal is 30-40 psi); (g) Check that diesel generator 3 and L fuel ignitor motor switch is off and fuel ignitor valve is closed; (h) Water temperature <180°F; A Approved by Mfl{{;{/ At 3A-16 10/k4 /65 DIESEL GENERATOR 5 . (1) Lube oil pressure - normal operating range; (j) Water temperature - normal operating range; (k) Fuel pressure - normal operating range; (1) Speed - 1200 rpm; (m) Starting air pressure - 225 psig; (n) Items "e" through "1" should be checked every 30 minutes. ' (o) Keep each generator at 480 volts and 60 cps. After diesel generators 3 and 4 reach speed, check load limit at 5 and diesel generator 5 load limit at 10, NOTE: If diesel 3 or 4 is heavily loaded or starts to decrease in speed, set load 1limit at 10. Reduce to 5 when diesel is shut down. After diesels are started, close the following breakers: (a) Breaker AA on DPM-5, Auxiliary Control Room; (b) Breaker CC on DPM-5, Auxiliary Control Room. Restart the following heaters supplied from DG-5: (c) Heaters FFT-1, FD1-1, FD2-1, H-103 on HCP No. 8; Start the motorized equipment listed on Tables V and VI, using the following guide: With both diesel generators 3 and 4 running, start X equipment with loads listed under column "TVA Load" in Tebles V and VI. If diesel generator 3, 4, or 5 cannot be started or fails during operation, the operator should proceed as outlined in section 9A. . Call a power house operator to operate diesel units until they are shut down. After TVA power has been re-established, the power supply should be returned to normal as described under Section 3A.3.3.1. 3.2.2 Heater System - Emergency Operation - Complete Loss of TVA Power When diesel generator No. 5 is started and switched on to Bus 5 by opening Breaker Z and closing Breaker A-k, the ) 3.2, 3.2, 3A-17 10/4 /65 2 (continued) radiator circuits CR-1 through 4 are automatically energized through Breaker BB. Power is on to the heater control cir- cuits and the radiator induction regulator blower for CR-1 through k. When Breaker AA from the auxiliary control room is closed, the radiator circuits CR-5 through 8 and the in- duction regulator blower for CR-5 through 8 on the same cir- cuit are on. When Breaker CC is closed, heaters on all freeze valves, drain lines, except L-103 are in operation. To turn on heaters FFT-1, FD1-1, FD2-1, the three drain tank lower heaters, push the start buttons. Line 103 heater can be turned on by pushing its start button. 3 Emergency Lighting, 250v DC There is 4 kw of emergency IC lighting located through- out Building 7503. There are twenty-eight 250v DC lights varying from 100w to 300w capacity, distributed as follows: No. Location Watts /bulb 13 8L0-ft level and ESA 100 3 High-Bay Area 300 3 Control Room 200 5 852-ft level, offices and hall 100 1 Service Tunnel 200 1 Vent House 100 1 Switch House 100 1 Diesel House 100 These lights are supplied from the 250v DC panel Breaker 21 on the 8L0-ft level through a switch and an AC operated relay. Loss of AC power to the relay automatically energizes the DC lights. The AC relay is fed from the switch adjacent Lighting Panel H on the north end of the 84O-ft level. e / ' Approved by - 7Sy pme ;i;gs 10 5 3.2.3 (continued) After the emergency AC lights, which are supplied from diesel generator No. 3 come on (see Section 3Al.l), the DC lights should be turned off at the 250v DC distribution panel to lower the load on the 250v battery. 3.3 Special Operations 3.3.1 Return from Diesel to TVA Power Supply As soon as TVA power is restored, start up the 250v IC system by the Startup Procedure, (Section 3A.1.2). Start up equipment from MCC T-1 and T-2 as required. See Table IV for heater induction regulator starter. Parallel diesel generator 3 (or 4) with TVA, and transfer load without interrupting operations as outlined below. NOTE: Never opera‘teé with generator 3 and 4 in parallel with TVA at the same time. Make transfer in switch house as follows: Generator No. 4 items are listed in parenthesges. (a) Breakers A-1 (A-2) opened, green lights indicating on Panel DP-3 (DP-4); (b) Breaker A-5 (A-3) closed, red light indicating on Panel DP-3 (DP-L4). (c) With removable handle, close Al-SS (A2-SS) on DP-3 (DP-4). (d) Set governor speed droop at 50 on DG-3 (DG-4). (e) Adjust "running voltage" (generator) to agree with "incoming voltage" (TVA) on Panel DPS by raising or lowering VAR-3 (&) on DP-3 (4) with regulator transfer switch in automatic position. If on manual, use EFR-3 (4). (f) Adjust generator speed with GS-3 (GS-4) switch until synchroscope pointer is rotating clockwise at 3 to 10 sec per revolution. 10/4/65 Approved b%@%{ )fifl 3A-19 (g) (h) (1) (3) (k) (1) Close Breaker A-1 (A-2) when synchroscope pointer is 5 degrees before "12 o'clock." Red light will come on, and the green light will go off. Turn GS-3 (GS-4) to lower and hold until generator wattmeter on DP-3 (DP-4) drops to a low value. Open A-5 (A-3). Green light will come on and red light will go off. Turn off Al-SS (A2-8S). Operate diesel unloaded for 5 min before stopping. Press diesel stop button, DP-3 (DP-L4), and hold until diesel stops. Go through startup check list. (Section LA.2). Transfer the load from generator 5 to TVA as outlined below. NOTE: Generator 5 cannot be paralleled with TVA. Therefore, during the transfer from generator 5 to TVA, the heaters supplied by generator 5 have to be off for a short time. Also, all induction regulators will be off because their control voltage is supplied from BUS No. 5. (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) (&) (h) Transfer load from Generator 5 to TVA as follows: Open AA and CC, on DPM-5, to partially unlocad diesel. Open A-4 to disconnect diesel from Bus 5. Operate diesel for 5 min. at no load before stopping. Stop Diesel No. 5. Push button on DP-5 or DPM-5. After shutdown of diesel, check that governor has reset. Reset marker should be at white mark. use mirror mounted on manifold. Close Breaker Z to tie Bus 5 to TVA bus. Close Breaker AA and CC on DPM-5 to restore heater voltage. Cleose all induction regulator heater starters (see Table IV) and reset to walking log settings prior to power outage. ' Go through startup Check List (Section LA.2). 10/1/65. Approved b¥f:::§§;2%4$a;(}y;fl 3A-20 3.3.2 Return to Preferred Feeder from Alternate Feeder Without Loss of Power to Bus No. 3 and No. L If load on either Bus No. 3 or No. 4 exceeds 300 kw as indicated on bus wattmeter on DPM-3 and L4, adjust loads by starting up some standby equipment on the least loaded bus and by stopping the duplicated equipment on the more loaded bus. See Table V and VI for rating of duplicate equipment and supply bus. NOTE: The diesels can stand 10% overload for two hours. Start up Diesel No. 3 per Emergency Startup Pro- cedure, Steps,, and Synchronize, parallel, and transfer load from alternate TVA feeder to generator No. 3 in the switch house as follows: (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (£) (g) (h) Breakers S and Al are closed, red lights indicating on DP-3. Breaker A-5 is opened, green light indicating on DP-3. With removable handle, close switch A5-8SS5 on DP-3, Set governor speed droop to 50 on DG-3. _ Adjust "incoming voltage" (generator) to agree with "running voltage" (TVA) by raising or lowering VAR-3 (4) on DP-3 (4), with regulator transfer switch in automatic position. If on manual, use EFR-3 (L4). Adjust generator speed with GS5-3 switch until synchroscope pointer is rotating clockwise at 3 to 10 sec per revolution. With key, close breaker A-5 when synchroscope pointer is 5 degrees before "12 o'clock." Red light will come on and the green light will go off. Turn GS-3 to "raise" and hold until wattmeter TVA-A1l on DP-1 drops to a low value. Set lcad limit on governor to 10 if required. Approved by/%m ;fi}gl 10/4 /65 (i) Open Al; green light will come on, red light will go off. (3) Turn off A5-85 on DP-3. 3.3.2.% Start up Diesel No. 4 per Emergency Startup Pro- cedure, Steps,, and ,3.3.2;5 Synchronize, parallel, and transfer load from alternate TVA feeder to Generator No. 4 in the switch house as follows: () Breakers T and A-2 are closed, red lights indicating on DP-L. (b) Breaker A-3 open, green light indicating on DP-L, (c) With removable handle, close switch A3-SS on DP-L. (d) Set governor speed droop at 50 on DG-L. (e) Adjust "incoming voltage" (Generator) to agree with "running voltage' (TVA) on panel DPS by raising or lowering VAR-3 (4) on DP-3 (4) with regulator transfer switch in automatic position. If on manual use EFR-3 (L). (f) Adjust generator speed with GS-4 switch until synchroscope pointer is rotating clockwise at 3 to lO_sec per revolution. (g) With key, close breaker A-3 when synchroscope pointer is 5 degrees before "12 o'clock.” Red light will come on and the green light will go off. (h) Turn GS-4 to "raise" and hold until wattmeter TVA~-A2 on DP-1 drops to a low value. Set load limit on governor to 10 if required. (i) Open A-2; green light will come on, red light will go off. (j) Turn off A3-SS on DP-L. NOTE: Never operaté with generator 3 and 4 in parallel with TVA at the same time. ey A a b <fi2§?f53é5%5;kflz pproved by =y Afef e\ NOTE : NOTE : 3A-22 1074 /65 Transfer from alternate TVA bus to preferred TVA bus as follows: (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (£) (g) The equipment on the switching from (h) 3.3.3 Weekly Turn the manual-sutomatic selector switch to the manual position, ACR Panel 11. Open switch 229 and close switch 129 from ACR Panel 11 to transfer to preferred feeder. Turn the manual-automatic selector switch to the automatic position ACR Panel 11. . Close the following breakers to restore TVA power to Bus 5: Breaker AA on DPM-5 Breaker CC on DPM-5 Start MG set #1 per section 3A.1.2.1. Transfer load from generator No. 3 to TVA by special operations, Section 3A.3.3.1. Transfer load from generator No. 4 to TVA by special operations, Section 3A.3.3.1. the following buses will be without power during ORNL Circuit 294, alternate, to 234, preferred: TVA Switchgear Bus Switchgear Bus No. 5 TVA MCC-T1 and T2 MCC G5-1 and G5-2 Auxiliary Substation ) Restart all equipment as required having combination starters on thé buses noted in the above note. (See Table IV) Test Loading of Diesel Generators Diesel Generators No. 3 Generator No. 4 items are listed in parentheses. (a) Start up Diesel Generator No. 3 (4) as follows: 1. Follow steps, ( and - of this procedure. Approved by 3A-23 ;; g é 5%% N 10/4 /65 (continued) 2. L. After unit starts, run at half throttle for 15 min by setting governor load limit to 5 (located at diesel). Notify Shift Supervisor before paralleling with TVA. Set load limits on governor to 10 if required. (b) Parallel diesel generator 3 (4) with TVA and transfer load to diesel generator 3 (4) without interrupting operations as outlined below. Transfer must be made in switch house. l. Breaker S(T) and A-1 (A-2) closed, red light indicating on DP-3 (DP-L4). Breaker A-5 (A-3) opened, green light indicating on DP-3 (DP-4). With removable handle, close switch A5-5S (A3-83) on DP-3 (DP-L4). Set governor speed droop at 50 on DG-3 (DG-L4) (located on diesel). Adjust "incoming voltage" (generator) to agree with "running voltage," (TVA) on panel DPS by raising or lowering VAR 3 (4) on DP-3 (4) with regulator transfer switch in automatic position. If on manual use EFR 3 (4). Adjust generator speed with GS-3 (4) switch until synchroscope pointer is rotating clock- wise at 3 to 10 sec per revolution. With key, close breaker A-5 (A-3) when synchro- scope pointer is 5 degrees before "12 o'clock.” Red light will come on and the green light will go off. Turn GS-3 (GS-4) to "raise" and hold until wattmeter TVA-Al (TVA-A2) on DP-1 drops to a low value. Set load limit to 10 if required. Approved by 3A-2k 10/4/65 (continued) 9. Open A-5 (A-3); green light will come on, red light will go off. ) 10. Turn off Al-SS (A2-SS) on DP-3 (DP-4) Operate Diesel Generator 3 (4) under load for 30 minutes, then return to TVA power as follows: (¢) Parallel Diesel Generator 3 (4) with TVA, and transfer load without interrupting operations as outlined below. NOTE: Never operate with Gen. 3 and 4 in parallel with TVA at the same time. Make transfer in switch house as follows: Generator No. L items are listed in parentheses. 1. Breakers A-1 (A-2) opened, green lights indi- cating on Panel DP-3 (DP-4). 2. Breaker A-5 (A-3) closed, red light indicating on Panel DP-3 (DP-4). 3. With removable handle, close Al1-SS (A2-SS) on DP-3 (DP-4). 4. Set turbine governor speed droop at 50 on DG-3 (DG-4). 5. Adjust "running voltage" (generator) to agree with "incoming voltage" (TVA) on Panel DPS by raising or lowering VAR-3 (4) on DP-3 (4) with regulator transfer switch in automatic position. If on manual, use EFR-3 (k). 6. Adjust generator speed with GS-3 (GS-4) switch until synchroscope pointer is rotating clock- wise at 3 to 10 sec per revolution. 7. Close Breaker A-1 (A-2) when synchroscope pointer is 5 degrees before "12 6'clock." Red light will come on, and the green light will go off. 8. Turn GS-3 (GS-4) to lower and hold until gene- rator wattmeter on DP-3 (DP-4) drops to a low value., Approved by % z */flz PN 3A-25 ) 10/k4/65 (continued) 9. 10. i1. 12. Open A-5 (A-3). Green light will come on and red light will go off. Turn off Al-SS (A2-SS). Operate diesel un- loaded for 5 min before stopping. Press diesel stop button, DP-3 (DP-4) and hold until diesel stops. Complete Diesel Startup Check List. (Section La.2) Diesel Generator No. 4 Repeat using values in parentheses. Diesel Generator No. 5 Check that the governor load limit knob is set at 10. Start diesel generator No. 5 as follows: (a) (b) (c) () (e) 1. 2. Check that the starting air supply is normal. Crank the engine by pushing the start button on DPM-5 in Auxiliary Control Room. Check to see that there is oil pressure indi- cated on the lubricating oll pressure gauge. Allow the engine to run for five minutes without changing the control settings. Vary the engine speed by turning the governor synchronizer knob clockwise until the engine runs at approximately full governed speed. This will be when the fregquency meter indicator on the control panel starts to move, Turn the governor switch control handle to vary the engine speed to obtain a 60-cycle reading on the frequency meter. NOTE: The governor speed droop knob will never e used in a single unit application, so the indicator on this knob should remain pointing at "0". The governor synchronizer indicator merely indicates how many turns of the synchronizer knob have been made. , o Approved ’oy{(fivz/é]z&m 3A-26 10/L4 /65 3.3, (continued) (f) The control panel volitmeter must indicate correct generator terminal voltage (480v) with the engine operating at rated speed. To establish the correct voltage reading, turn the adjusting rheostat con- trol knob to left of the voltage regulator. Do not change this setting or the position of the exciter field rheostat after the proper voltage (L80 volts) reading is obtained. (g) Open Breaker 7 and with key close Breaker A-4 to tie Diesel No. 5 to Bus No. 5. (h) Close Breakers AA and CC (DPM-5) to restore power to heater, MCC's ‘G5-1 and G5-2. (i) Close all induction regulator heater starters (see Table IV) and reset to walking log setting. (j) Operate Generator No. 5 under load for 30 min. (k) Transfer back to TVA as follows: 1. Open Breaker AA, CC, and A-L in this order. 2. Close Breaker Z. (1) Repeat Steps (i) and (j) to restart heaters. (m) Stop the engine by pushing the stop push button in and holding it in until the engine has stopped. (n) After shutdown of diesel, check that governor has reset. Reset marker should be at white mark. Use mirror mounted on manifold. After the weekly test loading has been completed - recheck startup list to be sure diesels are ready for emergency start. (see Section LA.2) 4y Test of 13.8 KV Automatic Transfer These tests can be made without interrupting operation. However, a power faillure during the test would require that the switch 229 be closed manually at the pole to put the alternate line in operation. OSwitch 129 should be opened manually and a check be made to insure that there was no fault in the area before closing Switch 229. Bach month P & E Electrical Department will be requested to perform the tests outlined below. The schematic diagram, dc-47278 shows the switch identification. Approved by *Mam ;fi}g? 10 /4 /65 3.3.4,1 Routine Testing Procedure, Automatic Operation (a) Decouple motor operators #129 and 229 from line (b) (c) switches by means of decoupler assembly between mechanism and vertical operating pipe at each pole. To simulate loss of potential on preferred line (Emergency line energized): l. 3. L. p) 6 Open Switch A and B on TD-1 with S5-1 set on automatic. Automatic operation -- preferred line switch opens after time delay, emergency line switch closes. Reclose Switch A, B, on TD-1 Set S-1 to mamual. Open Switch 229. Close Switch 129. Switch S-1 to auto. To simulate loss of potential of preferred line, (Emergency line Not energized): l’ Open Switches A, B, and J on TD-1 and A on TD-2 with S-1 on automatic. Automatic operation -- none. Reclose Switches A, B, J, on TD-1 and A on TD-2. To simulate overlocad through CT's, followed by loss of potential on preferred line: (Emergency line energized). 1. Open switch poles D, E, F, G, H, and I on TD-1 with 5-1 on automatic. Manually close overcurrent relay 50-1, 50-2, or 50-3. Immediately open Switches A and B on TD-1. Automatic operation -- preferred-line switch opens, lockout light remains illuminated. Reclose all switches A through I on TD-1. Approved by(/jzé?éfifék§<2;/fi¢¢fi4 3A-28 L 10/4 /65 (continued) (e) To simulate loss of potential on emergency line after transfer to emergency line: 1. 2. L. 5. Repeat step @4 (b)-1 Open switch poles J on (TD-1) and A on (TD-2) only. Automatic operation -- emergency line switch opens after time delay. Rectose J on TD-1 and A on TD-2. Repeat steps @D(¥)Lclose switeh 129, 6.T. (f) To simulate overcurrent surge through CT's without subsequent potential loss on preferred line: l. 3. Open switch poles D, E, F, G, H, and T on TD-1 with S5-1 on automatic. Manually close overcurrent relay 50-1, 50-2, or 50-3. Automatic operation: no operation - lockout resets after time delay. Close switch D, E, ¥, G, H, and I on TD-1. (g) Recouple motor operators 129 and 229 after comple- tion of the above tests. Approximately every 12 months, P & E Electrical Depart- ment will test the overcurrent relay settings of 50-1, 50-2, and 50-3 and the undervoltage relay settings of 27-1, 27-2, 27-3, and 27-4. These will be set by standard ORNL procedures. When these relays are being tested, the automatic transfer system will be deenergized by opening switch 108 on ACP #11 and opening 250v IC supply breaker (13,8Krtransfer control) in the 250 v IC supply panel (840' level). If possible the test should be made when the reactor is not in operation. NORMAL SHUTDOWN L.,1 Alternating Current Systenm 4.1.1 Shut off load on electrical bus to be shut down — see Process Distribution Drawing D-KK-C-41152. Approved by"’ffi:i;zég?%i?’flbffh 3A-29 10/4/65 - 4.1.1 (continued) . NOTE: If this is a shutdown of MCC No. G-3 or MCC G-4, or Bus No. 3 or L, start up duplicate equipment on bus to be left in operation, see Table V and VI, Section 3A.3.2. Equipment which can be operated from either bus should be transferred to the operating'bus. 4.1.2 Open breaker supplying bus (or buses) being shut down. Tag breakers that are opened on the supply side of equip- mént to be repaired to prevent them from being closed by 7 others during maintenance. | - L.2 Direct Current Systems A shutdown of either the L8v IC systems or 250v DC systems requires that emergency loads supplied from these systems are not required during the shutdown. 4.2,1 UBv System To shut down the 48v system, first open the generator load breaker at the 48v panel outside the battery room. Second, open the battery bank safety switch in the battery room. Then turn off the operating MG set, and open Breakers MCC (G3-9 and MCC G4-9 to isolate the supply system. Either 48v MG set can be shut down for normal maintenance - by using the alternate unit to keep the control circuits in operation. . h.,2.2 250v DC System To shut down the 250v IC system, open the load switches in the 250 v distribution panel outside the battery room; turn off the 250v MG set No. 1 and then open breaker W in the switch house. The 250v battery has a two-hour life at full load, but without any other 250v emergency supply this is just sufficient capacity to shut down the reactor any time the MG No. 1 set is off. Approved by j%Z;é; Ve ?fi}go & ;3 10/4 /65 k.3 Heater System Normal Shutdown Normal shutdown of all heaters can be made at the heater control panels. Manual powerstats on the panels are turned to zero. The heater ammeter should read zero amps. Motor-operated power- stats are turned off by holding the "lower'" push button until the ammeter reads zero and then 10 additional seconds. The induction regulators are turned off by holding "lower" push button until the minimum ammeter reading and then are turned off by pushing the "off" button. Fill line heater H-103 is turned off by turning manual powerstat to zero and then pushing the "off" push button. Induction regulator blowers and control power to the panels should not be turned off on a normal shutdown. Approved by 4 / g?él ’ 10/2 5 3B INSTRUMENT AIR AND SERVICE AIR SYSTEMS The instrument air system supplies clean, dry, compressed air for pneumatic instruments and other special uses. Two Joy compressors ACL and AC2 are used to compress the air, which then passes through an aftercooler and entraimment separator to a common line supplying two parallel receiving tanks. From the receiving tanks, the air passes through one of two parallel drying stations containing Trinity heatless dryers. The dry ailr is distributed through headers to locally mounted filter and reducing stations. Two nitrogen cylinder banks provide emergency gas pressure to headers serving the more important equipment. The service air system supplies air for pneumatic tools, etc. One Joy air compressor and receiver tank are provided. The compressed air without drying is distributed to stations located in various parts of the building. Service air can also be used for emergency cooling of freeze valves normally supplied by component cooling pump No. 3 (see 3D) and can be valved into the instrument air system upstream at the receiver tanks if required. 1 STARTUP l.1l Instrument Air Compressors 1.1.1 Check that the cooling tower water system is in opera- tion and water flow is adequate to each compressor head and after-cooler. 1.1.2 Check the oil level in each air compressor crank case. 1.1.3 Check that the electrical and control power is on to each compressor. 1.1.4 Check the air valving. Open the valves in the com- pressor discharge lines and the supply and discharge lines t0 both receiver tanks. (Both instrument air receiver tanks will be left on-stream.) 1.1.5 Check tfié drain-valves. Open valves in the drain lines from the entraimment separator, receiver tanks, and line filters downstream of the receiver tanks. Close valves in the lines, bypassing the drain line traps. Approved by _ 1.2 3B-2 10/26/65 1.1.6 To start compressors ACL or AC2, set compressor selector switch (on MB12) to the compressor being started, and push start button for the selected compressor. (The standby compressor will start automatically if the instrument air pressure drops below the setpoint.) Instrument Air Dryer 1.3 1.2.1 Close the discharge valve and discharge filter drain valves of both dryers. l.2.2 Open dryer purge valves and humidity indicator bleed valves. 1.2.3 Turn on power to dryers and slowly open valves in air supply lines to dryers. 1.2.4 Adjust purge flows and moisture indicator bleeds to both dryers. 1.2.5 Let dryers operate until desiccant in indicator window turns blue or through one complete cycle. 1.2.6 Close the inlet and filter drain valves of the standby dryer. l.2.7 Slowly open the valve in the discharge line from the dryexr which 1s to be operated. 1.2.8 Check the instrument air header moisture analyzer. It should read <10% of scale. Instrument Air Headers 1.4 1.3.1 Open all header block valves and set all pressure- reducing valves to the proper discharge pressure. At the reducing stations which have duplicate reducing valves, the valves must be closed which isolate the standby- reducing valves. 1.3.2 Open all valves to instruments, and close all spare valves to prevent excessive use of air. Emergency Instrument Air Supply 1.4.1 Check that both banks of 6 nitrogen cylinders are full and. all cylinder: valves are open. 1.4.2 Set PIC 9006-1 at 65 psig, so that nitrogen will be used only on loss of normal instrument air pressure. Approved by 1.5 3B-3 10/26/65 1.4.3 Open the block valve for one bank and close the block valve in the standby bank. Service Alr Compressor 1.5.1 Check the cooling water flow. 1.5.2 Check the 0il level in the crank case. 1.5.3 Check the air valving. . 1.5.4 To start the motor, switch the electro-pneumatic selector switch to the "hand" position. The compressor will load up and will subsequently unlcad and load auto- matically to maintain the set pressure. If usage is small it may be desirable to set the selector switch to "Auto.” The compressor will then start and stop to maintain the desired pressure. 2 NORMAL OPERATION 2.1 Instrument Air Compressors 28 One instrument air compressor is normally in operation with the other in standby. Periodic checks should be made to assure that there is adequate cooling water flow to the com- pressors and aftercoolers, and that the water traps are oper- ating properly. Any abnormal vibration or noise should be investigated. Instrument Air Dryers 2.3 One of the instrument air dryers is normally in operation. The other should be in standby with the power off and valves closed. Periodic checks should be made to see that the purge and dryer bleed flows are adequate, the dryers are cycling, and the air is dry. Instrument Air Distribution 2.4 Periodic checks should be made of the air flow rate and header pressures. The filters will be periodically blown down. Imergency Instrument Air Supply The two six cylinder banks of nitrogen cylinders will be full at all times. ©One bank will be connected to the emergency air headers through PCV 9006, which will be set to open at 65 o Approved by &Q%f 55%%f2;gg&zfim 3B-4 ) v 10/26/65 2.4 (continued) psig. The other will be valved off and in standby. All cylinder valves on both banks will be open. 2.5 Service Air Compressor The service air compressor is not normally in operation unless needed for pneumatic tools or emergency cooling for freeze valves in the coolant cell or fuel processing cell.. When in service, periodic checks should be made as described in 2.1 above. | 3 EMERGENCY OR SPECIAL OPERATIONS 3.1 Loss of Instrument Air Pressure Abnormal air usage or compressor troubles could cause the instrument air pressure to drop. Alarms will occur and the standby compressor will start. If the pressure continues to drop, the critical air headers will be supplied with nitrogen from the emergency nitrogen banks. When the on-stream bank pressure drops to approximately 100 psig, this bank should be isolated and the standby bank put on stream. Cylinders should be replaced as used. Any unnecessary usage should be reduced while operating on emergency supply. When the compressors are put back on stream, normal usage can be resumed. Pipes and valves are provided for cross-tieing the service air compressor with the instrument air compressors upstream of the dryers. 3.2 Loss of Cooling Tower Water to the Compressors Cooling tower water is normally used to cool the compressors and aftercoolers. However, connections are provided for the emergency use of process water. Hand valve 880 must be closed and 872 opened. 4 SHUTDOWN L.l Header Shutdown Shutdown of any header can be accomplished by closing the header supply valve. The equipment affected should be checked prior to shutdown to be sure that a needed air supply is not > Approved by ZF / 2?& 10/2 5 4.1 (continued) terminated. 4.2 Shutdown of Entire Instrument Air System A shutdown of the instrument air system should be made in the following order: 4.2.1 Shut off emergency header block valves if emergency alr is not needed during the down period. * ‘ 4.2.2 Stop air compressors. Open electrical supply breakers if maintenance work is to be performed on the compressors. 4.2.3 Close supply discharge and filter drain valves to air dryers to keep desiccant dry during down period. Allow dryers to operate through one complete drying cycle to remove pressure from both drying columns, and then close dryer purge block valve and indicator bleed valve. Turn off the electrical power to both dryers. Approved bgfigflfigjikg%5;6&4fla\5 3C-1 7/23/65 3C WATER SYSTEM Potable water as supplied to the MSRE from the X-10 water system is used for drinking and sanitary purposes and for fire protection. After passing through a backflow preventer, the water is called process water and is used in the liquid waste system, in the vapor-condensing system, for general clean-up of equipment, as makeup for the cooling tower water system, and for cooling of the charcoal beds. Two 520-gpm centrifugal punmps are provided for circulating cooling tower water, which is cooled by a two-fan induced draft cooling tower. The cooling tower water is used for air compressors, air conditioners, in the chemical plant, for the lube-oil systems, in the charcoal beds, and for condensing steam from the drain tank steam domes. (Process water can also be used for this.) Cooling :tower water is also used in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger to provide cooling for the treated water system. Two 230-gpm centrifugal pumps circulate treated water in a closed loop to cool in- cell components. Makeup water is supplied by condensing building steam in a shell and tube heat exchanger using cooling tower water as the coolant. Treated water is also used to fill the Nuclear Instrument penetration. This water is continucusly recirculated through a closed loop by a 5-gpm pump to maintain uniformity of the water condition throughout the penetration. The water is treated with 2000 ppm of a mixture of 25% potassium tetraborate and 75% potassium nitrite to mini- mize corrosion. Steam condensate is also used to supply water to the feedwater tanks. Thiskuntreated water is used in the drain tank bayonets to remove decay heat from the reactor fuel after the reactor has been drained. 1 STARTUP 1.1 Potable Water System This system is started by opening the main supply valve located north of the 7503 building. l.2 Process Water System l.2.1 Open the malin supply valve. 1.2.2 Put the process water backflow preventer into service and check that it is functioning properly as indicated by little or no leakage from the drain line. Every six months » Approved byzfié?i;Z?/Lffi7’;umflh_, 3C-2 14 . 1.3 7/23/65 1.2.2 (continued) a complete checkout of the backflow preventer should bhe made by Inspection Engineering per ORNL Standard Practice Procedure No. 1k. 1.2.3 Put the liquid waste backflow preventer into service and check that it is functioning properly as indicated by little or no leakage from the drain line. Every six months a complete checkout of the backflow preventer should be made by Inspection.Engineering. 1.2.4 Check that the cooling tower makeup valve is operating properly. Cooling Tower Water Systéem 1.4 1.3.1 Check that the cooling tower basin is full of water and is clean. 1.3.2 Open the supply and discharge valves from both cooling tower pumps. 1.3.3 Start each pump individually and check for leaking - . packing or hot bearings. Leave'ghe pump running. 1.3.4 Start the cooling tower fans. 1.3.5 Adjust all flows and set the temperature controller as indicated on the building log. Treated Water System 1.4.1 Check that the level in both condensate storage tanks, and the surge tank are as indicated in the building log. 1.4.2 Open the supply and discharge valve from both treated wéter pumps . 1.4.3 Start each pump individually and check for leaking packing or hot bearings. Leave one pump running. 1.4.4 Open the valves at the treated watercooler, and adjust all flows as indicated on the building log. NOTE: The design pressure of the thermal shield is 4000 hr. At this time the oil ‘level should be chéckedfland 0il should be added if neces- sary. The filter element and oil should be changed if the .blbwer has operated >2000 hr since the last change, or if an extended run is planned. Inspection and maintenance of the oil system can be made by opening the 12-in. flanged in- spection port on the blower containment tanks. The drive belts should also be examined at this time. 5 NORMAL SHUTDOWN When cooling air is no longer needed, the operatlng blowers can be shut down by pushing the "stop" button on MB No, 3. If maintenance is to be performed on part of the system, valves should‘be closed to isolate that part of the system. Approved byfl“@é«—/mm 3E-1 8-16-65 3E SHIELD AND CONTAINMENT The detailed steps in getting the reactor shield ready for operation and checking containment are covered in the Startup Check List, Section 4E. HoWever, the general plan to be followed, reasons for actions taken, ete., are given below for each area. The maximum credible accident for the MSRE consists of a simultaneous rupture of a molten-salt line or vessel and the presence of the proper amount of water, presumable due to a rupture of one of the ccooling-water lines or the thermal shield. In this case the pressure could rise to 110 psig if it were not for the vapor condensing system, which will limit the rise to 39 psig. The maximum allowable leak rate from the reactor and drain tank cells when they are pressurized to 39 psig is 1% of their volume in 24 hours (180 ft3/day). This is checked at a positive pressure (20 psig) after each time the reactor or drain tank cells have been Opened for maintenance or inspection. Vapor condensing system is tested simul- taneously, but separately, with reactor and drain tank cells. The cells are operated at 12.7 psia, and the leak rate is continuously monitored while the reactor is in operation. Since any line in the cell could rupture during the maximum credible accident, containment must be provided for each. These are checked peri- odically as indicated in the Startup Check list, Section L4E. 1 REACTOR AND DRAIN TANK CELL 1.1 Startup After all maintenance in the cells is finished, install all lower blocks, weld the seal pans in place, check the seal pans with the cells at 2 psig, and alternate top blocks in place. Maximum spacing between blocks is 24 inches. Since the air line block valves close at a cell pressure of 2 psig, careful consideration should be given to the condi-. tion of the reactor and drain tank system before starting the cell pressurization. If there are no leaks in the air lines to the air operated valves, they will not change position during the period that the block valves are closed. Therefore, all vent valves from, and equalizing valves between, the reactor Approved by flxfififiz/t}fiicxaazn4 e = g/ 8"16 "65 and drain tanks should be opened at the time the block wvalves close. The drain tank and reactor systems should be vented to atmospheric pressure before closing the block valves. Jumpers in Circuits 33, 3&, and 35 will prevent the block valves from closing. As an added precaution against unintentional transferring of salt, “the transfer and fill freeze valves should be frozen. Since the component coolant pump will not be in operation, power to the heaters on the freeze valves should be shut off, and the power to the adjacent line heaters should be reduced.so that the freeze valves remain frozen without coolant air. When no pan leaks are visible at 2 psig, install all top blocks and pressurize the cell to 20 psig, hold the cell temper- ature constant, and check the leak rate by observing the cell pressure. (For calculation of leak rate, see Section 3E.l1.Z., Part VIII, MSRE Operating Procedures). The space coolers should be on at this time if possible. If the leak rate is above the specified limit (see Table 3E-1 this section), all block and check valves and rupture disks in the lines connecting the cell atmosphere will need to be tested. It may be necegsary to retest the seal pans. When the leak rate is satisfactory, reduce the pressure in the cells to -2 psig, and again check the leak rate. The pressure should not normally be reduced lower than —2;1/2 psig. An alarm will occur at -3 psig, and the block valve (HCV-565) will close. At -4 psig the component coolant pump will automatically be shut off. (The space coolers and component coolant pump should be in operation). If this leak rate is satisfactory, the pressure will be main- tained at -2 psig, and the cell wili be purged with nitrogen until the oxygen content is less than 5%. The procedure outlined above tests only the contaimment of penetrations directly into the cell atmosphere. It is also nec- essary to test each line which connects with the reactor or drain- ’ Approved byfififififiez/ ‘Ut e o , 3E-3 ~ 8-16-65 tank system and extends outside of contaimment. Also since during an accident any of the service lines entering the re- actor or the drain tank cell could be ruptured, it is nec- essary to provide contaimment for these lines and to periodi- cally check the adequacy of each of these. The general method : of containment is described below. Details of the methods used for checking the containment are given in Section LE. TABLE 3E-1 ALLOWABLE LEAK RATE at . VARIOUS PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES Cell Pressure Cell Temperature Allowable Leak Rate (Ft3/Day) Psig (Psia) Op °r STP* At Cell Pressure and Temperature 39 53.7 285 THS o L3L 180 20 34,7 70 530 222 101 ) > 19.7 70 530 5245 Lh.6 ) -2 12.7 70 530 22 27. 4 -2 12.7 150 610 22 31.6 *The allowable leak rate at standard condition of temperature and pressure is assumed to be directly proportional to the pressure differ- ential. Standard T & P are 32°F and 1L4.7 psia. All cover gas lines which enter the system contain a mini- mum of one soft-seated check valve to prevent backflow. Also, v the supply header pressure is maintained higher than could con- ceilvably be developed in the system. These are tested by gas pressurization. Approved by /figflf%«wflm 3E-L | = Absolute pressures at beginning and end of test (psia). T, & To = Absclute temperatures at beginning and end of test (°R). t = Time duration of test (hrs) _ 3.T20 s (B1 _ Pz Ip = =%~ x 10° {E — 3 Approved by,//%ét?{%/ AN 3E-11 8-16-65 TABIE 3E-2 VCS ALIOWABIE LEAK RATE VARTOUS TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURES X System Allowable Leak Rate Pressure Temperature At System Psig Psia °F °R STP#* Temperature & Pressure 39 53.7 140 600 139 L6 20 34,7 70 530 71 32 P 19.7 T0 530 18 17 -2 12.7 70 530 T 6.7 * The allowable leak rate at standard condition of temperature and pressure is assumed to be directly proportional to the pressure different jal. Standard T & P are 32°F and 14.7 psia. Approved b eet) g 3E-12 8-16-65 3 COOIANT CELL AND COOIANT DRAIN TANK CELL 3.1 Startup 3.2 Preparation for operation consists of installing blccks on the top of the penthouse; closing the doors between the coolant drain tank cell and the west tunnel, between the coolant drain tank cell and the blower house and between the coolant cell and the blower house (These doors should be locked and signs should be installed to prevent entry by personnel during operation.); putting the two coolant cell space coolers in operation; and providing adequate ventilation as described in 3F. Normal Operation 3.3 In normal operation the radiation level in these areas will be too high for personnel entry. The cell temperature should be maintained at 150°F, or less, with the space coolers. Water leaking into the cell will flow by gravity to the sump pump pit and will be automatically pumped to the catch basin. Emergency or Special Operation A leak of salt from the coolant or coolant drain tank systems into the cell would probably be detected by losses in coolant salt inventory. Air samples taken from the ventila- tion duct may show an increase in beryllium concentration. In case of a rupture of a salt line, it would be possible if water were present to develop a slight pressure and release some beryllium to the high bay, blower house, west tunnel or special equipment room. However, since these areas are vented to the containment stack, the amount of atmospheric contami- nation would be small. In case of an accident of this nature, gas masks should be worn until the conditions have been adequately analyzed. Approved by'5$§7 GV VPN 3E-13 | < ' 8-16-65 3.4 Shutdown After the reactor has been shut down for 15 minutes, access to the area is possible before the coolant salt is drained. Adequste health physics and beryllium surveys sould be made before entry. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM The special equipment room may be entered from the coolant drain tank cell or by removing blocks from above. During ocperation at power the radiation level is too high for continued occupancy; however, by entering through the top, short term operations or main- tenance jobs can be done. A health physics survey ié necessary be- fore entry. WEST TUNNEL AND SOUTH ELECTRICAL SERVICE AREA These areas are not accessible during operation of the reactor, but they may be entered when the reactor is drained. Positive per- sonnel barriers and warning signs must be provided before startup. A health physics survey is necessary before entry after shutdown. CHARCOAL BED PIT The shielding blocks on the charcoal bed pit should not be re- moved without administrative approval. Air leakage into this pit is vented to the ventilation stack. An inleakage will be limited by caulking around the blocks. FILTER PIT The ventilation system filters are installed in a pit south of the building. Top shielding is provided by means of concrete blocks, which are caulked to prevent air or rain leaking in. Entry should be necessary only for maintenance and should be done with administrative approval. AUXILIARY CELLS The liguid waste cell, remote-maintenance practice cell, fuel storage cell, decontamination cell, equipment storage cell, and a spare cell are located below the 852 ft level in the high-bay area north of the drain tank cell. The activity levels in these cells are independent of the re- actor operation. Entry should be made only after a health physics survey. SF-1 Approved by ’%@W\ 7/21/65 3F VENTILATION SYSTEM The ventilation system provides ventilation to all areas where radioactive contamination or beryllium dust is likely to occur. The relative pressures are maintained so that the flow of air is from the less hazardous to the more hazardous areas. Dampers are provided in the discharge ducts from each area to enable balancing the flow for the specific operation in progress. Ailr flows from the ducts to a header which feeds three filter banks connected in parallel. Suction to the filter banks is provided by either of two parallel 19,000-cfm stack fans which discharge to a 100-ft high containment stack. 1 STARTUP 1.1 Stack Fans and Filters 1.1.1 Open all inlet and outlet dampers to the three filter banks . 1.1.2 Start stack fan No. 1 by pushing the start button in the control room. 1.1.3 Push the start button for the No. 2 stack fan. (The No. 2 stack fan will start automatically on high pres- sure at the suction of the filters.) 1.1.4 Check that the discharge damper from stack fan No. 1 is open and from No. 2 is closed. 1.2 Ventilation Distribution 1.2.1 Open the damper in the duct that supplies air to the high bay from the inlet air filter house. o 1.2.2 Check that the supply air filters are in good condition. | 1.2.3 OStart steam to the coils in the supply air if heating is required. 1.2.4 Adjust dampers to the various areas to minimize possible spread of contamination and start waste blower. (See Normal Operation and Special Operations.) 2 NORMAT, OPERATTION Normal operation of the ventilation is considered to be when the reactor and drain tank cells are closed and the reactor is in operation. | | | N 3F-2 Approved by,.«flA%//Mm | 7/21/65 2.1 Stack Fans and Filters 2,2 Stack fan No. 1 will normally be in service with No. 2 in standby ready for automatic stértupo._NOTE: Stack fan No, 1 will not start automatically. All three filters should be operated in parallel, Periodic checks should be made of the stack flow, suction pressure, filter pressure drop, and stack:rédiation monitor. Any abnormal vibration or noise should be investigated. Ventilation Distribution The reactor and drain cellé will be sealed and held at a negative pressure (=12.7 psia) using the component coolant pumps. The two‘ block valves in the 30-in. reactor cell ventilation line will be closed. The coolant cell, coolant drain tank cell, spécial equip- ment room, south electric service area, fuel processing cell, and liquid waste cell will normally be closed énd caulked. The de- contamination cell, equipment storage cell, and spare cell may be open or closed depending upon conditions in that cell. The high- bay supply air damper should be open and doors to the high-bay closed. HCV 935A in the discharge ffom the high-bay area should be open. The high-bay area will be maintained at a negative pres- sure of -0,1 to-0.3 in. of water. The dampers in the exhaust lines frbm the coolant cell, coolant drain tank cell, special equipment room, fuel processing cell, and liquid waste cell will be open'to maintain these at a lower pressure than the high bay. The waste blower should be in operation. The dampers to the decontamination cell, equipment storage cell; and spare cell will be adjusted to as- sure a flow of air from the high bay into these cells if they con- tain potentially hazardoué material., Normally the dampers in the exhaust ducts from the transmitter room and north electric service area éhould be closed and the dampers in the duct from the south electric service area should be open, This will cause the air to flow from the 840-ft level to the transmitter room, then to the north electric service area, then to the south electric service area and subsequently to the stack. The dampers in the ducts from the service tunnel and vent house will be adjusted to keep Approved by :;%?fgpt)g%;/ngmp\_ 3F-3 2.3 7/21/65 them at a lower pressure than atmospheric. There are no dampers or valves in the ventilation lines from the off-gas containment boxes or charcoal beds. Periodic checks should be made of the relative pressures and air flows. Due to possible cave-in of the high bay, the vacuum should not exceed —0.3 in. of water. Other areas and equipment are ventilated by separate ventilating fans in the respective locations. They are as follows: 2.3.1 The "Sump Room" is ventilated by means of an exhaust blower. The on-off switch is located at the entrance to the sump on the 852 level. The blower should run con- tinuously and should be checked on before entering sump roonm. 2.3.2 An exhaust fan mounted in the west wall of the MG #1 and #4 room provides ventilation for the motor generator sets. This fan should run at all times. The off-on switch is located at the fan. 2.3.3 The induction regulators of the salt piping heaters are ventilated by blowers which are to run continuously during operations. Groups of four or six induction regulators are each ventilated by a blower in conjunction with a small duct system. The on-off switches for these blowers are located at the respective blowers. There is a total of nine (9) blowers located in the induction regulator area just north of the "Heater Control Panel” on the 840 level. 2.3.4 The battery room is ventilated by an exhaust blower in the east wall. Continuous ventilation in this room is mandatory because of the evolution of hydrogen from the batteries. The on-off switch for this blower is located in Panel H switch #18 on the north wall of the 840 level. 2.3.5 The remote maintenance area is ventilated by a small exhaust blower in the west wall of the room. This blower 3F-L4 Approved bm s 7/21/65 should be operated when needed. The on-off switch is located at the blower. 2.3.6 The main disconnect panel in the motor control center is ventilated by means of an exhaust fan. The fan is located in the south wall of the motor control center room with the off-on switch located in the southwest corner of the room. This fan should be maintained running at all times. 3 OPERATION DURING MAINTENANCE The flow of air should continue to be from the less hazardous to the more hazardous areas as described in 2.1 and 2.2 of this section. Many different damper settings may be required, depending upon the operating conditions. When increasing the air flow from one area, caution should be used not to decrease it below tolerance in another area . 3.1 Several anticipated conditions are described below. Maintenance in the Reactor and/or Drain Tank Cells Before opening either cell a check should be made of the cell air activity, Monitor RE-565. During maintenance, both valves in the cell exhaust line 930 will be open, and the velocity through any opening will be maintained at no less than 100 ft/min. When the openings into the cell are large, the high bay exhaust valve HCV-935A will be closed. With smaller openings, it will be necessary to open HCV-935A to provide necessary ventilation in the high bay and maintain the high-bay pressure at —0.1 to —0.3 in. of water. Maintenance in the Coolant or Coolant Drain Tank Cells Direct maintenance is possible in equipment located in these cells. A check of the radioactivity should be made by the health physicist, and a check of beryllium contamination should be made by the industrial hygienist before entering the cell. The dampers in line 933 and 934 should be opened to provide maximum ventilation. 3F-5 Approved by MW 7/21/65 3.3 Maintenance in Auxiliary Cells, South Electric Service Area, and Special Equipment Room Normally the dampers or valves in the exhaust lines from these areas will be fully opened before opening the area for entrance. A check must be made and approval given by the Health Physics group before anyone enters these areas. b SPECTAL OPERATIONS L.l Failure of Stack Fans h.2 Should fan No. 1 stop due to mechanical or electrical fallure, fan No. 2 controls are designed to start it automatically. The discharge damper from stack fan No. 1 will close and the damper from stack fan No. 2 will open. Should this fail or should No. 2 stack fan fail while running and before No. 1 has been repaired, all personnel will be evacuvated from the high-bay area and other limited access areas until proper ventilation is restored. The areas should be kept closed as much as possible when the ventilation is lost. If both blowers stop, the waste blower will also stop and will have to be restarted after either fan is in operation. Replacement of Exhaust Filters 4.3 Whenever the stack filter pressure drop exceeds L in. of water, the filters will be replaced one bank at a time while the fan continues to operate. The auxiliary cells and other limited access areas will be closed with their shield blocks and doors to assure sufficient exhaust from the high-bay area while re- placing the filters. The inlet and outlet dampers of the bank to be replaced will be closed. The filter will be replaced with filters which have already been subjected to the Laboratory standard DOP smoke test, and the DOP smoke test will be re- peated on the installation. See paragraph L.L. Ixcess Stack Activity If the stack instrumentation indicates excess stack activity, the source of which is not indicated by other radiation de- tectors, a survey of each branch of the duct work and piping 3F-6 Approved by,{‘é iz_’%/m 7/21/65 L. L leading to the fans will be made with portable instruments to locate the source. Gas masks should be worn. Inlets to all areas should be closed to reduce the release of activity out of the stack. Test of the Filters by the DOP Smoke Test The filters will be tested to determine their efficiency for removing particulate matter by the ORNL standard DOP smoke test (see ORNL 3442, "Tests of High Efficiency Filters and Filter Installations at ORNL"). The test will be performed by the Inspection Engineering Department on replacement filters before they are installed in the system and the installation will be observed by Inspection Engineering personnel. The complete filter bank will be tested after each filter change and annually if the filters were not replaced during the pre- ceding twelve months. They will also be tested at any time the efficiency of the filters is suspected to be less than 99.95%. The test on the system will be conducted with a flow of ~20,000 cfm with only one fan operating and the dampers to all filters open. This test will be performed by the Inspection Engineering Department and they will determine the amount of dioctyl phthalate required for the test. The smoke will be introduced into the system at the high-bay area exhaust duct. Samples will be taken from the sample ports in the three filter inlet ducts and the three filter outlet ducts. A photometer analysis will be performed on each filter bank and should indicate a filtering efficiency of =99.95%. 5 SHUTDOWN Depending on conditions at the time of shutdown, it may be necessary to close and caulk some of the auxiliary cells. After this is complete, the waste blower in the remote maintenance cell will be stopped and the stack fans stopped. - Approved by, o7 ] 3G-1 7/26/65 - 3G LEAK-DETECTOR SYSTEM This systefi is a pressurized helium system consisting of eight valve manifolds or headers supplied from a common helium pressure~-reducing station. Each header has from 4 up to 10 leak detector lines which serve in-cell flanges. Each leak detector line monitors from one to . four pairs of ring- joint flanges. A reference tank and sensitive DP cell are connected through appropriate valves to the eight headers so that small leaks from any one header can be - measured. Flange leakage can be tolerated at a rate of 6 cc/min for all inter- - connected flanges (all headers connected). This is equivalent to a 0.66 psi per hour pressure drop (see Sect., 11,3 of the Design Report, Part I), All data calculations and leak rates should be recorded in the leak- detector log. 1 STARTUP As each leak-detector flange or group of flanges are tightened, the leak-detector line monitoring that flange, or group of flanges, should be purged of air and put into service by the following procedure: Note: Leak detector line 420 serves two flanges in line 516 and it is used as an example (numbers in parenthesis), l.l Purging O, From Leak-Detector Headers ‘ Headers containing oxygen should be purged as outlined below before being put into normal service. l1.1.1 Before opening the supply valves to the leak-detector lines, - open the helium supply valves and the valve to the header to be purged. 1.1.2 Pressurize the header to 100 psi and close the valve upstream of 0, contaminated section (V 514C or header supply valve), l.1.3 Vent the header into the containment cell by opening a spare leak-detector line valve (L 430 on header 403 is a spare until the thermal shield water piping is cut and flanged). l.1.4 After venting, close the valve in the spare leak-detector line, Approved by.%/ ’ 6“‘,‘7%&1«_, 3G=2 1.2 lolos l.1.6 1.1.7 7/26/65 To complete the purge, repeat the pressurizing and venting three times, Then pressurize the header and, leaving the header supply valve open, open all leak-deteétor line valves except spares. Open the supply valve to all other leak-detector headers, restoring them to normal service. 1.3 Purge Leak-Detector Lines as follows: l.2.1 l.2.2 1.2,3 l.2.4 1.2.5 1,2,6 1.2.7 Make up all flanges served by the leak-detector, but do not tighten bolts. (On leak-detector line 420, this is two flanges in line 516,) Close all "A" leak-detector valves on the header (420A through 4294)., Isolate all other headers from the pressurizing line (close V 401A and 403A through 408A), Pressurize header being tested to 100 psig, then close header supply valve, (PI 402 reads 100 psig--V 514C, 514D open, and V 402A closed). Open or check open the "B" (maintenance valve) to the flanges being made up (V 420B), Slowly open the "A'" valve to the flanges being made up until the header pressure drops 1 to 5 psi per min. This is equiv- alent to a purge of 100 to 55 cc/min, Open header supply valve to purge line while all flanges are tightened (open V 402A while two flanges in line 516 are tightened). Leak Check Flanges as Follows: 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 Close all "A" leak-detector valves on the header except for line to be checked. (Close V 421A through V 429A, and open V 420A) Isolate all other headerslfrom the leak test DP cell (Close V 401B and 403B through 408B). Set valves to connect header to DP cell, and open equaliz- ing valve (V 400) at DP cell. (Open V 402B) Pressurize header (Open V 402A) Approved byggggzzéégé%%ZhMfiww 3G-3 7/26/65 - 1.3.5 When header pressure is at 100 psig and steady, isolate ’ header (Close V-402A). 1.3.6 Put DP cell in service by closing equalizing valve (V-400). .7 Unless gross leakage is indicated, record PAI 400 at Lo 10-min intervals until leak rate is established. Record at least three 10 to 15 minute checks without equalizing. Acceptable leak rate is 107> cc/sec. which is approximately equivalent to a change in PAI 400 of 7% in 10 min. 1.3.8 If leak rate is not satisfactory, open the DP cell - equalizing valve (V-400) and re-pressurize header (Open V-4024). - 1.3.9 After retorquing flange, test as per 1.3.4 through 1.3.8. 1.3.10 If leak rate is satisfactory, open DP equalizing valve, V-400, and all "A" leak-detector valves on the header ex- cept spares. (Open V-L20A and L422A through 429A and close V-L4214). 1.3.11 Isolate header from DP cell (Close V-402B). 1.3.12 Repressurize header to 100 psig and put in normal opera- tion. (Open V-402A until PI-402 indicates 100 psig.) 1.3.13 Close supply valve and tie all headers together. (Close . V-514D and open V-LO1lA through L4O8A.) 2 NORMAL, OPERATION - During normal operation the DP equalizing valve (V-400) is open. All headers are isolated from the DP cell (V-LO1B through LO8B closed). All headers are tied together (V-LOlA through 4O8A open). A1l "A" and "B" leak-detector-line valves 410 through 489 (except spares) are open. The pressure drop of PIA 514 is an indication of the leak rate of the total leak-detector system. PIA 51k annunciates at 90 and 110 psig. When low annunciation occurs, the system pressure (PIA 51L) should be recorded in the leak detector log and the leak rate calcu- lated. If leak rate is normal (<0.66 psi/hr pressure drop) repres- i surize system (V—SlhD) and record time and pressure. If calculated pressure drop is greater than 0.66 psi/hr, de- termine the location of leak as described in Section 3. Approved by AN 3G-4 7/26/65 3 LOCATION OF LEAKING FLANGES 3.1 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3,6 Pressurize all headers to 100 psig. Open DP equalizing valve and open V 40l1B to connect header 40l to the DP cell. Close all header supply valves (V 401A through 408A). Close V 400 to put DP cell in service on header 401, Record all header pressures, | Determine which header is leaking, based on decrease in header pressures or from DP cell measurements. (DP instrument can be - switched from one header to another.) 3.7 3.8 3.9 3,10 When leaking header has been located, put other headers in normal service, Close off half of the valves on the leaking header, and using DP cell determine which half the leaking flange is on. Determine leaking flange by checking each individual line on the leaking half of the header. Determine leak rate on the leaking flange using the DP cell. The corrective action which will be taken when a leaking flange is located will be an administrative decision, depending on the rate of leakage, and the system into which the leakage occurs, Until a decision is made, open all valves on the header and keep pressurized above 50 psig, 4. SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES qol Reactor Shutdown During a reactor shutdown the leak-detector system will remain in operation as described in Section 2, Leak~-Detector Header Shutdown A header may need to be shut down to repair an item connecting directly to the header, that is, a damaged valve, leaking fitting, etc. To shut down and vent a header, proceed as follows: 4,2,1 With the system at pressure and the header supply valves open, close all valves to the header except the valve needing repairs., e y : Approved p;ZZjfi;;zz;é;//azn\ 3G-5 | . 14 - T/26/65 4,2.2 Close the header supply valve if this will isolate the secfion to be maintained from the helium supply. If a header supply valve needs repairing, close all other header supply valves ("A'" wvalves) and open the "B" valves to L 400 for all headers except the one to be repaired. 4,2,3 Close V 514B and C, Note: If repairs are being made during reactor operation, they should be completed before L 400 pressure drops to the 90 psi alarm point. 4.2.,4 Vent the header to be repaired by opening a spare leak- - detector line into the contained cells, When the header pressure reaches zero, close the spare leak-detector line valve., 4.,2,5 After repairs have been completed, flush the section con- taminated by oxygen by procedure given in 1.1'& 1l.2.0f this 4,3 Shutdown of One Leak-Detector Line section. To shut down one leak-detector line, close valve supplying that line, The leak-detector line will vent as the flanges being monitored are opened. Note: The maintenance personnel should be informed that there is pressure on the flange being disconnected. When the flange joint is reconnected, the lines should be purged and leak checked per 1.1 and 1.2 of this Section. Approved byifi€§;7é<fléfifif¢y 3H-1 | V 10/4/65 3H INSTRUMENTATION Many instruments at the MSRE are the same or similar to those used in other plants and loops. The operation of these is common knowledge of operating personnel and is not described here. This section describes the operation of the more complicated or less commonly used instruments. 'l‘ » _‘,/:; o : Approved by _ ) /‘)/*%‘f://f"fi] 3H1-1 8/k/65 3H INSTRUMENTATTION 1 CONTROLLERS AND INDICATORS There are a number of different types of recorder/indicator con- trollers at the MSRE. The maintenance and adjustment of these is the responsibility of the instrument department. Changing of control action settings will not normally be done by the operations personnel. If it is necessary to make changes these should be noted in the console log and punch listed for the instrument department to check. The following is a brief description of the primary functions, means of adjustment and method of setting the variables. The Foxboro Company Consotrol Stabilog and Hyper-Reset Type as used on the drain tank recorders is used as an example. 1.l Types of Control Action Automatic process control functions may be enumerated as follows: 1) On-0ff, 2) Proportional Band (throttling range), 3) Reset Action, and 4) Derivative Action (rate action). One or more of these functions may be combined in a single controller to produce a desired control action, and this action (input to output) may be reversed as required. Whether these functions are accomplished manually or automatically will depend upon the frequency of the process change and the speed and dexterity of the operator. 1.2 Reversal of Control Action Item 1 of Fig. 2 indicates the desired controller output (V port) for a given controller input (El port). As shown, for an increase in element (signal transmitter) pressure there will be a corresponding increase in controller output pressure. As an example, this mode known as "direct" action, is desired in the case of the pressurizer level control. As the level increases it is necessary to increase the pressure applied to the "air to open' letdown valve in order to reduce the sure applied to the "air to open' letdown valve in order to reduce the level. Likewise, the opposite mode (reverse action) is required to decrease the heater on-time when the fuel pressure increases. Approved byéizfiéigkaggrvhkflq 8?5}%2 p) Before describing the control actions, it is necessary to define an "errcr signal' as that change in relation between the pen (Ttem 1, Fig. 1, Input Signal) and the setting index (Ttem 3, Fig. 1). 1.3 ON-OFF This action may be described as a 100% change in output for an incremental error signal either positive or negative. 1.4 Proportional Band Items 2 and 3, Fig. 2, show the proportional band scale and adjustment 1ever; respectively. Proportional action may be defined as the change in controller OUTPUT air pressure proportional to the amplitude of the error signal within the 1limits of the measurement scale range. Figure 3 shows graphically the relation between the INPUT signal and the OUTPUT pressure (valve position, Item 2, Fig. 1), assuming that the setting index is at 50% scale range and the action of the controller is "direct." The intersection of the curves at the output scale midpoint is attributable to the fundamental design of the proportioning mechanisms. The 100% curve requires the pen to move over its entire range to produce a 100% change in output pressure. The 0% curve indicates that an infinitesimal error signal will produce a 100% change in output, i.e., on-off control. A study of the 200% curve indicates that the output pressure will not reach its minimum or maximum even with a 100% change in pen position. Observe the indicated range of the letdown valve. With a proportional band setting of >P00%, the valve would never full close (or open) and with 50% the error signal need be only 1.5 psi (12.5%) to full close (or open) the valve. Figure L4 shows the same relationship with the set point at 25% scale range. Note now, with a proportional band >100%, the valve would never full close even with the maximum negative error signal of 3 psi (25%). Figure T indicates schematically the floating disk action of the controller proportional adjustment. An increasing back pressure on the nozzle, by closing the air gap, is amplified in the relay for 1IN e i N R N Approved bxfffi?‘#Wéfié%géxhflq ' 3H1-3 4 | 8/4/65 for final control element operation, and is also fed back to the pro- portional bellows. A total air gap change of .0006" is sufficient to produce the 3-15 psi change in output pressure. Assuming the con- troller to be in equilibrium with 9 psi set and input pressures with a 100% proportional band setting, the output and proportional " bellows will be at 9 psi. The balance spring will be exerting a force equivalent to the 9 psi in the P bellows. If a sudden pressure increase in M occurs, the nozzle bleed will temporarily be restricted and the output will increase to meet the demand. However, the output pressure will increase along the 100% propor- tional band curve because of the feed back to P which is opposing the action of M about the fulcrum. A decreasing measurement signal will likewise cause a decrease in output. Note that if the pro- portional band setting were 0% any feed back to P would have a very limited effect on the back pressure at the nozzle. The converse is true if the band setting were 500%. Reversal of control action is accomplished by interchanging the signals to the set and measure- ment bellows. The proportional band adjustment is made by moving the level horizontally to the desired point on the scale which‘is graduated from O to 500, indicating the proportional band width in percentage range of the recorder scale, Item 4, Fig. 1. 1.5 Reset Action (+ Proportional Band) Ttems 4 and 5 of Fig. 2 show the reset scale and adjustment screw, respectively. Reset action may be described as a shift of the proportional band position with regards to the original set point and is a function of the elapsed time and amplitude of the error signal. ' Figure 5 indicates graphically a specific action of the reset control. Again using the let down valve as an example, assume that the pfimping rate has siowly increased to such a value as to require the valve to be some 92% open to maintain control and would thus stabilize the measurement pen at 60% of scale when following the Approved Tz 3H1-L4 8/4/65 original set point 50% proportional band curve. The addition of the reset action produces the effect of shifting the proportional band to such an extent that with the new requirement of valve position, the measurement pen will remain in alignment with the set point index. The opposite reset action will occur if the pumping rate were to decrease. The reset action is not a result of the fact that the valve requirement is now 92% open, but is a result of the amplitude of the error signal produced by the pen movement and the time required for this movement, which in turn produces the new valve position. If reset action 1s present during startup, while the measurement pen is at or near 0%, the proportional band will be shifted until it rests entirely above the 50% set point, and there will be no control action until the pen reaches set point. Excessive reset will cause an overshoot of the pen in the opposite direction. Reset action is considered a slow type action of control and will have little or no effect on rapid process oscillations. Figure 8 shows the addition of the reset bellows to the floating disk mechanism along with the reset capacity tank and restrictor valve arrangement. The feed point of the reset network is in parallel with the proportional bellows but its action is in oppo- sition. Assuming that there exists a pressure balance between the four bellows, the action may be described as follows for a specific measurement increase condition; an increase in M pressure will pro- duce an increased output pressure which will follow the preset proportional band range but will be shifted to an even greater output by the RC time controlled increase in pressure in R. The resulting action of a pressure rise in R will produce the same proportional band shift as would a decrease of pressure in the set point bellows S. In some controllers the reset action is not auto- matic, but once a process is stable, the measurement may be brought into alignment with the set point by a mechanical adjustment of the balance spring, shown in Fig. T. The reset action adjustment screw is rotated CW for maximum control effect and CCW for minimum to the desired setting on the [ 1Y .- Approved b@)@ ' . ?b,Hl/éB p) rotating scale which is graduated from .1 to 50, indicating the reset time constant in minutes. With a setting of .1 minutes (re- strictor valve full open), the reset bellows will essentially cancel out the action of the proportional bellows, and the control will be on-off. 1.6 Derivative Action (+ Proportional Band) Ttems 6 and 7 of Fig. 2 show the derivative scale and adjustment screw, respectively. Derivative action may be described as an automatic proportional band range adjustment which temporarily narrows the band and depends upon the rate of change of the error signal. This action may also be considered as maintaining a linear relationship between the first derivative of the error signal and the output signal. Figure 6 shows graphically a transient condition for a specific derivative action. The 200% proportional band setting is chosen to show more clearly the resulting action when considering the letdown valve. If a positive error signal of 5% were to arise as a result of an increase 1n measurement, the valve would only open some 2% along the 200% curve with no derivative action. Introduction of the derivative action produces a fast response narrowing of the proportional band to some temporary range, which in this case will open the valve wide (+ 12 psi output), thus attempting to restore the process to normal by fast letdown before the error signal becomes excesgive. The derivative control is sometimes called "anticipatory control.” A loss of measurement signal will cause a like narrowing of the proportional band in an attempt to close the valve rapidly. The above description concerns only "direct" derivative action which ismost often used with a relatively long process lag, and which allows the use of a wider proportional band for stability and still retains the advantage of narrow band control for sudden process upsets. ''Inverse" derivative has the opposite action in that it automatically widens the throttling band in proportion to the rate Approved by Wwff woy 3H1-6 8/k4/65 of change of the error signal. It is most often used in a short time-constant process in allowing narrow proportional band action for good control and wide band action for stability. The derivative action adjustment screw is rotated CCW for maxi- mum control effect and CW for minimum to the desired setting on the rotating scale which is graduated from .1 to 50, indicating the derivative time constant in minutes. A setting of 50 will introduce such a long time lag into the proportional bellows that the control action will be essentially on-off. Note that the error signals do not achieve the magnitude as depicted graphically in Figs. 5 and 6, but are limited immediately by the reset action sensing the amplitude and elapsed time and de- rivative action sensing the rate of change. 1.7 Foxboro Hyper-Reset Control Adjustment Procedure 1) Adjust the reset time to its maximum value and the deriva- tive time to its minimum value. 2) Set the proportional band at some high value (+ 100%) and then reduce it in successive steps, leaving the pointer at each setting long enough to observe the resulting control. Continue to reduce the proportional hand until cyeling is Jjust perceptible. 3) 1Increase the derivative time until this cycling is removed. Narrow the proportional band slightly, and again increase the de- rivative time until cycling is removed. Repeat until further in- crease of derivative time fails to eliminate the cycling introduced by the narrowing of the proportional band. Maintain this setting of derivative time and widen the proportiocnal band until the cycling is removed. L) Set the reset time to the same value as the derivative time. For controllers with reset only, follow steps (1) and (2) but - leave the proportional band position in a stable and not a cycling condition. Then reduce the reset time in steps, watching the error signal decrease to zero. Too much reset will cause a cycling action, and therefore should be set above this value. e EL ] gy Approved Ly.—57 i ey 3H1-7 Y 8/1/65 1.8 Frequency Response Figure 10 shows graphically the theoretical frequency response of a typical controller., Curve "A" indicates the gain vs frequency of a proportional controller with a proportional band setting of 100%. The gain will be linear with frequency up to about 100 cycles/ min. Curve "B" indicates the theoretical response of a proportional + reset + derivative controller with a proportional band setting of 50%, a reset time of .1 min and a derivative time of .0l min. The actual curve "C'" follows the general slope of the reset and derivative, but changes slope about the intersecting time-constant points and follows the proportional band. The roll-off at high frequencies is a function of the limiting mechanical components of the controller. Curve "A" of Fig. 11 shows the phase angle vs the frequency of a proportional controller. As would be expected, the output lags the input at the higher frequencies due to mechanical limitations. Curve "B" is a typical theoretical phase shift curve with a reset time of .1 min and a derivative time of .0l min. Curve '"C" is a more likely actual phase shift picture in that the change of slope is not as sharply defined. The change in slope at the higher frequencies will finally achieve a 180° phase shift which will induce a positive feedback oscillation in the controller. The response and phase shift curves shown here are, of course, for a controller only. In order to obtain a complete picture of automatic process control action, it is necessary to have the ampli- tude and phase characteristics of the process system, as well as the established response of the controller. 244 Approved byMMM H1-8 Y4 ) . 1o/h/65 e e : % N - = % N \QD o l \N‘ N ( \7 : \ el 15 I 1 ALTO SEAL MAN 6 7 - ] MoogL 54 FoxgoRe FAFcoRDER FIG. 1 DECREASE OUTPUT INCREASE ] of FOXBORD MoDEL 58PS CONTROLLER FlG, 2 L\ CONTROLLER OUTPUT FPRESSURE 15 15 Approved by:YMé"\.... - b . N I A A e F-aures’ represent | ' . i DERIVATIVE N /:ra/:arfw.r.g.l bond l r ‘ JCfllflj_s 3 R s’ ] S 1 ! ! 3H1-9 10/4/65 ] FuuL Open LEr-Downw Vaivg RANGE 2 Fuct Crosep I i - M Te) IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 &o 90 100 MEASUREMENT SCALE RANGE Do 3 6 9 2 5 INPUT SIGNAL PEN PosITION =P3I Fle. 3 T I T T /' t o> T / ,f"/ _7’}/" / ,'/ ’-/...-— — - -~ - ;/‘: — — ,//, j/_//”’-/ /’ . — e — —_ - — - 1 L ! 1 { Jo (X ¥ /2 &o 9¢ /oo FI1G6. 4 Approved by M 3H1-10 10/&/65 IS L 1 T ¥ 1T I 7 e T 6 |~~=------- # o= - : ! 5% so9, E - | / ' : - k] 2 1 l/ 1 A 1 1 A \ i i W S T i o 10 10 50 40 50 ‘o 70 80 %0 100 5 T T T TTTYTTTTTTTTTT T T T 1 +— r‘ — I . —— - —— p— — — — p—— o - - R— — ——— w— — — — — ——- 2 OERIVAT IVE = | \‘CT}ON / . - ] - 200% . B U N TEMPORARY - PROPORTIONAL i BAND RANGE: - . ) 3 TSR D W DEUS UUNN NP W __l.__.A R TR YN U S | Ll ) /0 20 30 4o 5o 60 70 a0 G0 100 FlG. 6 [ 1) L m o o ~ o b R i. ol ool r". . 3HL-11 10/k4/65 gl e Tige 5o 3 MEASUREMENT SeT SrenaL InPuT InPuT DO NOT SCALE POSITIONS OR MOMENT ARMS o —_t b -~ e o S PRUPORTIONAL BAND FULCRUA ADJUSTHMENT No;:}/e ’ et aan TR e A A AP T £ ey .5 P8 gl | SuppLy 3 Y OurePur puand —r AMPLIFING , RELAY Ll_(:l e — A T T T—71T ) Jd 4 S 10 20 350 Reser RESTRIeTOR VALVE ADIUSTMENT SupsLy Qurpur " Reset hie pomnt AMmPULIFING RELAY Y Suepuy V] D ERIVATIVE Carncity Tank MAX. T T T T 56 220 10 5 1 . DeRIVATIVE RESTRICTOR VawLve ADJUBTMENT 3HL-12 spproved by LA wrpres ’ 10/4/65 RESET X DFRIVATIVE Ditie SETIING ~pMUINUTES 7 .5 i Y, 1o T T 1 T . F T: 4 L 27 f | i DERIVATIVE " i Y - ity - 25 - \\ ' \ S ' \ N . \ =~ \ Q o N 3 \\ Z o~ Q |, -~ W 2 ‘ - 1 s - s04¢ x X 4 \ W Q 'Y ' ) (L] 2 2 ~ L0 A 100 i_ < % - 6 -__100 {b ! AN Prop. ban_ Q i 2 ! [ o 0 g 200 | g i < | 2 t - L] [ ~ 1 o Q ' - § | Q C Q 2 360 ! [ | I T B A | 1 e N 1 l ll%lll i [ S ! ! 10 100 CreLéEs PER piNUTE dcps 1000 ConTRoic6ER FrEQuEN:Yr RESPONSE FIG. 10 s 3HL-13 10/14/65 l.\ \ \ I | 1060 i 100 | dcre 1 /o CrelEs PER MINUTE ConrroL LR Frfise SHIFT F1G. 1/ /I ._w . Wy - WT e .L g - > X o ¢ _ 23 "0 N‘ [ I P — — " I"'Hl- y . % n \ “/// _ o W X \ “ ] ._HL i N\ | - € = ! N ] Q \ A = . . | > "t " < e Q ) ! { ] o] | i\ 1 i S V4 2.6 Each scanner has an input receptacle for a reference ther- mocouple..at the "pyrometer panel." The circuitry of the ref- erence thermocouple lead routes from the pyrometer panel to a terminal strip in "scanner panel #." Then the reference thermocouple lead continues to the signal hucking network where the signal is bucked against the analytical thermocouples sig- nal as previously described. The reference thermocouple input can be simulated with an external electronic source and coupled into the scanner system at the pyrometer panel. Table 3H2-4 details the routing of the reference thermo- couple leads within the scanner system. The scanner system has designed within circiutry that permits single input thermocouple signal to be read out on 25 consecu- tive increments of the oscilloscope display. This permits a more accurate examination of an individual thermocouple. Again it should be noted that false alarm will occur if the 100 points of a given scanner are not activated. Signal input can be either four (4) 25 duplicated thermocouple inputs or 100 single thermocouple inputs, or any combination thereof. There are nine duplicated thermocouple input receptacles on the pyrometer panel as listed in table 3H2-5; 3 each to scanners #, B, and C. The thermocouples to be read out on the duplicated scanner are introduced at the pyrometer panel by jumper leads from the "patch panel" as previously described. The leads from the pyrometer panel then proceed to the terminal strips with swing links in "scanner panel #1." The swing links permit the paralleling of duplicated leads at the terminal strips. The leads then continue from the terminal strips of "scan- ner panel #1" to the nine 25-point connector receptacle of "scanner panel #1." Each lead connects to all 25 points of a connector receptacle. an —y, e Approved by yffiZZ/iérhtfn 3H2-13 - 14 8~26-65 Table 3H2-4 REFERENCE THERMOCOUPLES Scanner Scanner Panel #2 Panel #2 Pyrometer Scanner Terminal Terminal Strip Strip Alarm Panel Panel 7#2 Terminal Terminal Terminal . N Receptacle Strip No. No. Discriminator No. No. + Pole ~ Pole 56 TSP2-C 1 2 A o7 TSP2-C 3 4 B 58 T8P2-C 5 6 C 59 TSP2-C T 8 D 60 TsP2-C 9 10 E TABLE “3H2-5 DUPLICATED THERMOCOUPLES Scanner Panel #1 £q poarocaddy L 4 Pyrometer Panel Norme.l Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Duplicate Duplicate Scanner Terminal Strip Terminal Strip Terminal Strip Thermocouple N Thermocouple Designation No. No. With Swing ILengths 25 Point Polarized Receptacle No. No. + Pole =~ Pole Terminal No. Connector Receptacle No. 172 A TSPI-E TSPI-F 101 J-A-5 173 A TSPI-E TSPI-F 102 J-A-6 § 174 A TSPI-E TSPI-F 103 J-A-T 175 B TSPI-C TSPI-D 101 J=-B-5 176 B TSPI-C TSPI-D 102 J-B-6 177 B TSPI-C TSPI-D 103 J-B-7 178 C TSPI-A TSPI-B 101 -J=C-5 179 C TSPI-A TSPI-B 102 J-c-6 180 C TSPI-A TSPI-B 103 J-C-T7 G9-92-8 HT- CHE FEs Approved by %%‘7"% | 3H2-15 Vv 2.7 8-26-65 The connector receptacles are identical to the others pre- viously described so any scanner connector plug-in can be cou- pled into them. Table 3Hz-5 details the circuitry of the dupli- cated thermocouple facility. The radiator temperature control is of crucial importance so scanners D and E are semi-permanently connected to 120 radiator thermocouples. The thermocouple circuitry of scanners D and E is similar to that of scanners A, B, and C except that the 120 thermocou- ples couple directly into the terminal strips on "scanner panel #1" of scanner D and E. Scanners D and E each readout 60 thermocouples, the first 4O of which are duplicated to activate all 100 points of the scanner. The thermocouple leads route from their origin within the radiator section of the project to two terminal strips in "scan- ner panel #1." A parallel lead for each thermocouple also routes to the "patch panel" to provide duplicate readout. The terminal strips are equipped with swing link conductors so that one thermocouple lead can be paralleled into more than one scanner readout circuit within a given terminal strip. When swing lengths are used, sections of the thermocouple log should be corrected to indicate this. The leads continue within the "scanner panel #1" from the terminal strip in sequence to eight 50-point pole segregated connector receptacles which are the same rectangular type that was explained in Section 2.3.2. The leads are pole segregated into four 50-point plus pole and four 50-point negative pole receptacles. Table 3H2-6 details routing of the radiator thermocouple'leads within the scanner system. Scanner mercury switches D and E "located on scanner panel #1" are plugged in at this point and are identical as described in Section 2.3.5. Again it is emphasized that the mercury switch connector plug-ins be paired by even or odd numbers and TABLE 3H2-6 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 sy Thermocouple Scanner Terminal Strip No. Terminal Strip 50 Pt. Connector H Nos. No. + Pole — Pole Terminal No. + Pole —Pole . 9 §)] CR- 1 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 1& 61 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JDS z CR- 3 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 2 & 62 JDL & JD2 JDh & JD5 3 CR- 5 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 3 & 63 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- T D TSPI-G TSPI-H b & 64 - JDL & JD2 JDk & JD5 B I CR- 9 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 5& 65 . JDL & JD2. JDh & JD5 N CR- 11 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 68& 66 JDL & JD2 JD4 & JD5 Q N CR- 13 D TSPI-G TSPI-H T & 67 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JD5 ' CR- 15 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 8 & 68 JDL & JD2 JD4 & JD5 § CR- 17 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 9 & 69 JD1 & JD2 JDh & JDS CR- 19 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 10 & TO JDl & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 21 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 11 & 71 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 23 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 12 & 72 JD1 & JD2 JD 4 & JD5 CR- 25 D TSPI-G TSPT-H 13 & 73 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JDS CR- 27 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 1k & T4 JD1l & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 29 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 15 & 75 JD1l & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 31: D TSPI-G TSPI-H 16 & 76 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JDS CR- 33 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 17T & 77 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & .JDS CR- 35 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 18 & 78 JDL & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 37 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 19 & 79 JDL & JD2 JD4 & JDS CR-39 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 20 & 80 JD1 & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 4l D TSPI-G TSPI-H 21 & 81 JDl & JD2 JD4 & JD5 CR- 43 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 22 & 82 JD1 & JD2 JDh & JD5 CR- L5 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 23 & 83 JD1. & JD2 JD3 & JDk CR- LT D TSPI-G TSPI-H oL & 84 JDl & JD2 JD3 & JDk | CR- 49 D - TSPI-G TSPI-H 25 & 85 JDL & JD2 JD3 & JD4 P CR- 51 D | TSPI-G TSPI-H 26 & 86 JDL & JD2 JD3 & JDk4 R CR- 53 D TSPI-G TSPI-H o7 & 87 JDL & JD2 JD3 & JD4 é\g\ CR- 55 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 28 & 88 JDl & JD2 JD3 & JD4 e CR- 57 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 29 & 89 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDL L TABLE 3H2-6.. (Continued) - Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Thermocouple Scanner Terminal Strip No. Terminal Strip 50 Pt. Connector Nos. No. + Pole - Pole Terminal No. + Pole —Pole CR- 59 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 30 & 90 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDL CR- 61 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 31 & 91 JDL & JD2 JD3 & JDh4 CR- 63 . D. TSPI-G TSPI-H 32 & 92 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDh CR- 65 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 33 & 93 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDh CR- 67 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 34 & 94 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JD4 CR- 69 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 35 & 95 JDL & JD2 JD3 & JD4 CR- 71 D TSPT-G TSPI-H 36 & 96 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDh4 CR- T3 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 37 & 97 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDh CR- T5 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 38 & 98 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JD4 CR- 77 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 39 & 99 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDh CR- T9 D TSPI-G . TSPI-H 40 & 100 JD1 & JD2 JD3 & JDk CR- 81 D TSPI-G TSPI-H b1 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 83 D TSPI-G TSPI-H Lo J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 85 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 43 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 87 D-- TSPI-G TSPI-H LY J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 89 D TSPT-G TSPI-H L5 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 91 D TSPI-G TSPI-H L6 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 93 D TSPI-G TSPI-H L7 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 95 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 48 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 97 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 49 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR- 99 D TSPT-G TSPI-H 50 J-D-1 J-D-3 CR-101 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 51 J-D-2 J-D-U CR-103 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 52 J-D-2 J-D-4 CR-105 D TSPT-G TSPI-H 53 J-D-2 - J-D-4 CR-107 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 54 J-D-2 J-D-k CR-109 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 55 J-D-2 J-D-4 CR-111 D TSPT-G TSPI-H 56 J-D-2 " J-D-k CR-113 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 57 J-D-2 J-D-h CR-115 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 58 J-D-2 " J-D-L CR-11T7 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 59 J-D-2 J-D-4 CR-119 D TSPI-G TSPI-H 60 J-D-2 J-D-4 éqéfifi’”fiq psaocaddy 527 e Wit WI’Z//My\- ¢9-92-3 )T~ "ZHE TABEEf3fiéIE (Continued) Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Thermocouple Scanner Terminal Strip No. Terminal Strip 50 Pt. Connector Nos. No. + Pole — Pole Terminal No. + Pole —Pole CR- 2 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 1 & 61 JE1 & JE2'. JE3 & JE4 CR- L E TSPI-J TSPI-K 2 & 62 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 6 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 3 & 63 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 8 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 4 & 6k JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- 10 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 5 & 65 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- 12 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 6 & 66 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- 14 E TSPI-J TSPI-K T & 67 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- 16 E ESPI-J TSPI-K 8 & 68 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 18 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 9 & 69 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 20 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 10 & T0 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- 22 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 11 & 71 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEk4 CR- 24 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 12 & 72 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 26 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 13 & 73 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 28 E TSPI-J TSPI-X 1k & 7h JEL & JE2 JE3 & JEb CR- 30 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 15 & 75 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 32 E TSPI-J TSPT-K 16 & 76 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEk CR- 34 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 17 & 77 " JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 36 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 18 & 78 JE1L & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 38 E TSPT-J TSPT-K 19 & 79 JEl & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR- Lo E TSPI-J TSPI-K 20 & 80 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4. CR- kL2 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 21 & 81 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- L4 - E TSPI-J TSPI~-K 22 & 82 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEk4 w CR- L6 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 23 & 83 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL PE CR- 48 E TSPI-J TSPI-K - 2k & 84 JEl & JE2 JE3 & JEb R, CR- 50 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 25 & 85 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEk oG CR- 52 E TSPT-J TSPI-K 26 & 86 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEb4 b CR- 54 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 27 & 87 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 56 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 28 & 88 JEL & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR- 58 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 29 & 89 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEkL CR- 60 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 30 & 90 JE1 & JE2 ~JE3 & JE4 TABLE. 3H2-6. (Continued) Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Scanner Panel #1 Thermocouple Scanner Terminal Strip No. Terminal Strip 50 Pt. Connector Nos. No. + Pole — Pole Terminal No. + Pole -~ Pole CR-62 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 31 & 91 JEl & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR-64 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 32 & 92 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR-66 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 33 & 93 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR-68 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 34 & ok JEL & JE2 JE3 & JEb CR-T0 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 35 & 95 JEl & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR-T72 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 36 & 96 JEL & JE2 JE3 & JEk CR-Th E TSPT-J TSPI-K 37 & 97 JEL & JE2 JE3 & JE4 CR-T6 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 38 & 98 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEU CR-78 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 39 & 99 JE1 & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR-80 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 40 & 100 JE1l & JE2 JE3 & JEL CR-82 E TSPI-J TSPI-K b1 J-E-1. "J-E-3 CR-84 E TSPI-J TSPI-K Lo J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-86 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 43 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-88 E TSPI-J TSPI-K Ll J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-90 E TSPI-J TSPI-K L5 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-92 E TSPI-J TSPI-K L6 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-94 £ TSPI-J TSPI-K W1 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-96 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 48 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-98 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 49 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-100 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 50 J-E-1 J-E-3 CR-102 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 51 J-E-2 J-E-14 CR-10k E TSPI-J TSPI-K 52 J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-106 E TSPT-J TSPI-K 53 J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-108 E TSPI-J TSPI-K S5k J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-110 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 55 J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-112 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 56 J-E-2 J-E-L CR-11k4 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 57 J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-116 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 58 J-E-2 J-E-L CR-118 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 59 J-E-2 J-E-4 E TSPI-J TSPI-K 60 J-E-2 J-E-4 CR-120 7 Rq paroaddy ’,t'/’ - Ed ‘P‘;__.o a’ \, / ) 18 Fif L2ty St $9-92-8 6T~ THE _,‘i' 4 » Approved'%y?fi;fi%;éVZé/florh = 3H2:20 e |74 8-26-65 plugged into receptacles that are paired similarly. It is also imperative that polar continuity is maintained. Table 3HZ-T7 describes the connector plug-ins of mercury switches D and E. =) Approved by 37’%214¢y7ufl%\ 3H2 =27 Y 8-26-65 TABLE 3IH2-7 Connector - Conneetor Mercury Plug-In Plug~-In Switeh No. No. No Negative Pole Plus Pole ) P-D-3 P-D-1 D P-D-4 P-D-2 D P-E-3. P-E-1 E P-E-U4 P-E-2 E Approved by -7 | P ; 3H3-1 o 4 | 8/30/65 3H INSTRUMENTATION 3. COMFUTER The operation of the computer for collecting, recording, and pro- cessing reactor data is largely automatic and will require 1ittler- attention, However, there are a few functions that must be perfofmed by the reactor operators on a routine basis to keep the computer system operating properly under normal conditions. In addltion, special operator actlons are required when computer failures occur. ° A large amount of published information is availlable which describes the computer and its operation at all technical levels. The principal documents and their general contents on these subjects are listed below for reference. 1) MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part II, Nuclear and Process Instrumentation, by J. R. Tallackson, ORNL-TM-729. Thils document contains a description of the hardware and the system capability, along with information concerning its use on the MSRE. 2) MSRE Reactor Operators' Computer Manual, by C. D. Martin, et al. This contains all the information normally required by reactor operations personnel to make full use of the computer. Be- cause of its bulk and specific applicability, this document - 1s separated from the rest of the reactor operating manual. Since the signal tabulations and other detailg within the computer are subject to change, an up-to-date copy of this " report 1s kept at the computer console, 3) MSRE Computer System Report, by C. D. Martin, et al, This report 1s a complete description of the application of the computer to the MSRE. It includes engilheering descriptions of the calculatlons as well as computer flow charts and progrem listings, 4) BR-340 System Marnual, supplied by Bunker-Remo Corporation. This L is a highly detailed description of the entire 340 computer system. It is intended for use primarily by the computer programmers and maintenance personnel, - Approved by,¢f; fx: P | 3H3-2 v . - 8/30/65 Sinee there is a separate opervating menual for the computer {Com- puter Manusl, item 2 above), the purpose of this part of the reactor operators! manual is to emphasize those functions that must be performed routihely. 381 342 Tog Forms The routine-logs typéwriter, Typer No. 2, uses & pre- printed form which is completed each shift. The £irst infor- mation 1s typed on this form 15 minutes after the start of a shift and the laet informmiion appears about 15 mirutes before the emd of the shift. A new form must be inserted in this typer shortly after the staxt or shortly before the end of each shift. Detailed ingtruetions for inserting and aligning the Porms are glven in the Computer Mamal. | Calendar Date Although the computer containg an internal deviece for generating elock time, there i1g no proviglon for ealeulating the calendar date. BSilnce the computer makes freguent use of the date in storing date, this information must be mpnuelly entered each day shortly after midnight, Detailed instructions for entering "Dnte" are givem in the Computer Mamual, The calendsr date in the computer is typed automatiesally as part of the routine logs on Typer No. 2. Tt is NOT typed ankomatically by the other 3 typers. Therefore, the procedure for typing the date on each of Typers Na, 1, 3, and 4 must be executed nesr the beginning of each ghift. This procedure 15 detalled in the Computer Menual. Magnetie Tape During normal operation, the computer will store data on ‘the m&gmetid tape on one of the two dpive units; the second unit will be in standby with a full reel of blank tape. When the first reel is filled, the computer will mutomatically switeh to the standby unit and armounce the fect on Typer No. 1. When this occurs, a reactor operator will rewind the completed tape and replace it with enother reel of blank tape. Approved 3.4 K 5533 8/30/65 Geeaslonally 1% will be éeairable to remove a tape before it ig completely filled. On these oecasions; the operator will manually switch to the sgtandby unit before rewinding and removing the "in-use" reel. Detailed procedures for switch- ing tape units and for rewinding and changing tape reels are glven in the Camputer'Manualf‘ The handling and storage of new and completed magnetic tapes is deseribed in 12D of this manual, Computer Failure There sre two areas which will require special attention in the event of & fallure of the computer. Thege are {1) the continued operation of the reagtor system without dats from the N [ computer and {2} the restoration of computer operation. When the computer is out of* serviee, 1t will be necessary to colleet a large amount of data manually in order to main- tain adequate survelllance of the reactor systems. The changes in resctor operation for this condition are desceribed in 6G of thils mehual, Restouration of computer operation will usually require the attention of & programmer (ORNL) and/or a computer maintenence engineer (Bunker-Ramo). Once the computer is again operational, the way in which it is put in service de- pendg on the condition of the reactor system and the duration of the outage. If no power change has occurred during the owtage and the down time is less than 30 minutes, all the com- puter functions will be reactivated. TIf the reactor was in "steafly state with regard to xenon and samarium transients prior to ‘the outage and no power changes occurred, all the com- pfiter funetions will be reactivated even if the down time is greater than 30 minutes, Tf a xenon or samarium transient was in progress prior to an outage of morve than 30 minutes or lif'a power change occurred, only part of the computer functions will be activated. The notable exception in this case is the Approved. 'b,'y‘/f%> b%g 2 1L | H3-4 | Vo 8/3 30/65 the reactivity balance which must be corrected for changes during the outage. The details of restarting the computer under various circumstances are described in the Computer Manual. 3.5 Procedure.for Changes One of the feétures which makes the computer so useful is its flexibiiity, Changes can be made in the form of calcu- lations, thé coné%ants which are used, the form of output, and so on, to meet the changing needs of reactor operations and analysis or to improve the performance of the computer. Changes in such a complex system must be handled carefully, however. It is imperative that proposed changes be reviewed thoroughly before they are made and that changes be properly documented when they are made. To this end the following procedures will be adhered to. Recommendations for changes will normally originate within the MSRE Operations Department, in either the operations group, the analysis group or the computer group. Any recom- mended change will be described by the person originating it on a Change Request Form. Changes originating in the opera- tions group must be approved by the Operations Chief or Assistant Operations Chief. The head of the nuclear.and mechanical analysis group, J. R. Engel, will evaluate and screen recom- mended changes and will coordinate computer changes and reactor operation. All changes must be approved by Engel and by the head of the MSRE Operations Department. The computer group will advise on the amount of effort involved in proposed changes afid will make those changes which have been approved. Requests originating in the operations group will go first to the Operations Chief (or Assistant Operations Chief). If he considers the change desirable, he will forward the request to Engel. Requests originating in the Analysis group will go directly to Engel. After he has evaluated the usefulness and desirability of any requested change from the standpoint Approved by A7 iy se m 3H3-5 " 4 8/30/65 - of operations and analysis, Engel may return a request to the originator with an explanation of why it should not be made. Other requests he will pass on to the computer group for an estimate of the effort required to maké the change. Recom- mendations for changes may be originated in the computer - group. These will generally be of such a nature as to make more efficient use of the computer or to improve the accuracy of a particular calculation. They will submit their recom- mended changes with an estimate of the effort and improvement to Engel. After receiving an estimaté from the computer group, Engel will evaluate the utility and cost of the change. If he decides the change is not worthwhile, he will file the Change Request, the estimate of effort, and pertinent notes and will notify the originator. If he approves the change, it will go to the department head for approval. If he approves the change, it will be sent to the computer group for action. Upon receiving an approved Change Request, the computer group will proceed as follows: 1. Program the recommended change if applicable. If the change involves only altering a constant or similar word > in the computer skip steps 2 and 3. 2. Assemble/compile the program on line and execute through - On~Line Program Development. 3. Completely de-bug the program exercising all program options and check for correct answers. - L, Advise J. R. Engel when the change is ready for inclusion in the system and inform him of the amount of time the computer will have to be off line to incorporate the change. 5. Engel will give the go-ahead to take the computer off line to make the change or he will advise to wait until the next scheduled reactor shut-down or computer routine ! maintenance shut-down to make the change. 6. Make the change when advised by Engel. Approved bygfifigfl%gz;tffizzmx 3H3-6 4 8/30/65 T. Correct the master cop& of the Reactor Operator's Com- puter Manual (on computer.console) to reflect the change. 8. Enter time, date, and nature of the change in the computer log and the reactor log. 9. Enter the change in the master copy of the Computer System Report and list on the running list of changes to the computer system report for periodic publication. 10. Notify operations and the analysis group of the fact that the change has been made in the system. There are certain constants (thermocouple bias corrections) which may vary from time to time requiring changes in the A conversion-equation table code words to reflect the current bias. Certain other constants of similar nature may also need to be changed from time to time. Minor changes of this type will be verbally referred to J. R. Engel (if not originated by him) for approval to make the changes without following the above procedure. The only documentation required is that outlined in steps 7, 8, and 9 above. If there 1s any doubt as to whether a change may be made following the abbreviated procedure, J. R. Engel will decide which procedure is to be used. [ ] Approved by s ;4¢Q3i70/99\ 3H4-1 ~ 9/24/65 3HL ANNUNCIATORS Visible and/or audible annunciators are provided to alert the operator when any of the important parameters are out of the prescribed limits. In general, when a variable deviates from the normal value, an alarm first occurs on the computer and its value is typed on the alarm typewriter. If the variable deviates further from the normal, a con- ventional alarm will occur which will be indicated by a light above the main beoard and an audible signal. If the variable deviates still further, control action will occur. There are fifteen different types or combinations of annunciators at the MSRE., These are outlined in Table 3 HA4-1 and Fig. 3H4-1 and described in the following pages. | Table 3IH4-2 is a list of each annunciator. The cause of the annun- ciation is described, the automatic control actions which are initiated by the condition causing the annunciation are enumerated and suggested remedial actions to be taken by the operator are given. Table 3HL-3 gives similar information for the Electro-system Temperature switches and alarms. It should be emphasized that the suggested operator action does not always apply. Consideration should be given to the condition of the system, what tests are in progress, and other pertinent information. Table 3IHL-L describes the various audible alarms. 4.1 Type I - Annunciations coming Direct to the Control Room These may contain one or more switches in series or parallel which will actuate the system. During normal operation the red and white lights above the main control board will be on dim indicating that the bulbs are good. There will be no audible alarm., When a sustained abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and the associated red and white lights above the main board will be on bright. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off Approved by 2 /4Z%é§;7hw&\\ 3HL-2 h.2 4.3 9/2k/65 the white light and audible signal. The red light will remain on. If the condition clears the red light will go off and the white light will come on.. If the condition reoccurs the lights will come on bright and there will be an audible signal. If the reset button on the console is pushed before the con- dition reoccurs, the white light will go off. Type II - Annunciators coming direct to the Auxiliary Control Boards with no Common Visual Alarm on the Main Control Board. These may contain one or more switches in series or parallel which will actuate the system. During normal operation the white lights above the auxiliary control board will be off and there will be no audible alarm. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the auxiliary control room. Both of the white lights above the auxiliary control board will be flashing. Pushing the acknowledge button on the auxiliary control board will turn off the:'flasher and audible signals. Both white lights will remain on if the abnormal condition is sustained. If the con- dition clears both of the white lights will go off. If the con- dition reoccurs the lights will flash and there will be an audible signal. The lamp test button will turn all lights on to periodi- cally test that they are operable, Type ITT Annunciators Coming Direct. to the Auxiliary Control Board with a Common Visual Alarm on the Main Control Board. These may contain one or more switches in series or parallel which actuate the system on the sampler panel or on the auxiliary control board. Any one of several alarms will annunciate on a common annunciator in the main-control room. During normal operation the white lights above the suxiliary-control board will be off and the red and white lights above the main-control will be on dim indicating that the bulbs are good. There will r be no audible alarm. Approved byzfigéégzz%fi%g;Ofiwfit 3HL4-3 L.h 9/2k /65 When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and in the auxiliary control room. The associated red and white lights above the main board will be on bright and the associated white lights above the auxiliary control board will be flashing. Pushing the acknow- ledge button on the console will turn off the main-control board white light and audible signal. The red light on the main-control board and the audible alarm and flashing lights on the auxiliary control board will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button at the auxiliary control board will turn off the flasher and the audible signal but will leave both white lights on at the auxiliary control room. The associated main- control board lights will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will cilear the main board. If, at any time after the auxiliary control board acknow- ledge button has been pushed, the condition clears and reoccurs or another abnormal condition occurs the lights will flash and there will be an audible signal in both the main control room and the auxiliary control board. When the condition has cleared, the white lights will be off above the auxiliary control board. Tvpe IV Annunciators Coming Direct to the Sampler, Scanner, Vapor Condensing System, or Chemical Processing Panel with a Common Visual Alarm on the Main Control Board. These may contain one or more switches in series or paral- lel which actuate the system on the sampler, scanner, vapor con- densing system, or chemical processing panel. Any one of several alarms will annunciate on a common annunciator in the main control room. During normal operation the red and white lights above the local panel, main control board will be on dim indicating that the bulbs are good. There will be no audi- ble alarm. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and at the local penel. The ?/ ER , 'y Approved by £ 7?-*1.;;9*/;.-/;”\ /31;:? ~ 9/214/65 associated red and white lights above the main board will be on bright and the associated red and white lights above the local panel will be on bright. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the main control board white light and audible signal. The red light on the main control board and the audible alarm and red and white lights on the local panel will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button at the local panel will turn off the white light and the audible sig- nal but will leave the red light on at the local panel. The associated main control board lights will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If, at any time after the sampler, scanner, vapor condensing system, or chemical processing board acknowledge button has been pushed, the condition clears and reoccurs or another ab- normal condition occurs the red and white lights will come on and there will be an audible sighal in both the main control room and at the local panel. After acknowledgment and when the condition has cleared, pushing the reset button on the local panel will clear the white light. The vapor condensing panel differes from the others in that it has a test button which, when pushed, will cause an annunciation in the MCR. 4.5 Type V - VIT Annunciators Coming Through The Auxiliary Control Room Temperature Modules A number of temperature signals are connected to Electro System temperature switches. These are used to initiate annunci- ations or in some cases are in control circuits. The power sup- ply switch should be on at all times as indicated by the amber light at the upper left hand corner. The manuval-~auto switch at the right hand side of the panel should be in the manual posi- tion. Some power supply panels have red lights, the red light will go on when an associated alarm module is actuated. All power supplies have reset buttons. Some not needed for present assignment of modules but would be needed if an alarm module Approved by éffiigzqzéégééé;fiwyfiw\__ 3H4-5 Y 9/2k/65 (Type ET-L200) were added. There are several variations in the way that this alarm system operates. These are described below: With the exception of TS FD-1-19B and TS FD-2-19B which do not alarm, the operation of TX-3001L and TS-AD3-5B and AD3-TB is as follows: Type V During normal operation the power supply amber light is on and the red (alarm) light is off. The red lights on the modules are on dim. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and the associated red and white lights above the main bhoard will be on bright. The red light on the power supply and the red light on the module will be on bright. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light on the main control board will remain on and the lights in the auxiliary control room will not change. If another abnormal condition occurs, the associ- ated module light will come on but there will be no audible or visual alarm in the main control room. When the abnormal con- dition clears, nothing will happen. Pushing the reset on the power supply will turn off the red lights on the module and switch from red to amber on the power supply. The red light on the main board will go off and the white light will be on.. Pushing the reset on the console will clear the main board. Type VI With the exception of TS FD-1-20B and TS FD-2-20B which do not alarm, the operation of TX-3002 1s as follows: During normal operation the module red lights are on dim. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and auxiliary control room. The associated red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright and white lights above the auxiliary control board will be flashing. The red light on the module will be on. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off Approved by 7 7% e‘td/ dduly 3HL-6 -V R 9/2k/65 the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light on the main control board and the audible alarm and flashing lights and module red lights in the auxiliary con- trol room will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button in the auxiliary control room will turn off the flasher and audi- ble signal but will leave the white light above the auxiliary board and red module light on. The associated main control board light will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If another abnormal condition occurs on TX-3002 or if the condition clears and reoccurs, or if an abnormal condition occurs on TX-3002 and an obnormal condition already exists (for that particular FV) on TX-3003 through TX-3010, the associated module light will come on but there will be no audible or visual alarm in the main control room. When the abnormal conditions clear nothing will happen. Pushing the reset on the power supply after the abnormal con- dition has cleared will turn off the red lights on the module and turn off the white light above the auxiliary control board. Type VIT The remaining Klectro System temperature switches are as- sociated with freeze valves. Kach temperature module has 2 lights. A Dbright amber light indicating that the temperature is in alarm and a green light indicating that the temperature is normal. Depending on the requested condition of the valve (frozen or thawed) either light could be on under normal conditions. These temperature switch signals are included in an alarm (and control) circuit and will alarm if the temperature is out- side the limits set for the selected condition of the freeze valve. Operation would be as follows: During normal operation the main control board and auxiliary control board lights would be off and there would be no audible annunciation. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main controcl room and auxiliary control '/‘ . Approved bycjé%;¢55é5”fi¢9fi4n¢&&& SHL-T Ve 9,/2L /65 ’ room. The associated red and white lights above the main con- trol board will be on bright and the white lights above the auxiliary control board will be flashing. To determine the switch module causing the alsrm it will be necessary to con- sider all associated switches (i.e. all on FV-104) and the requested condition of this particular freeze valve. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light on the main control board and the audible alarm and flashing lights in the auxiliary control room will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button in the auxiliary control room will turn off the flasher and audible signal but will il leave both white lights above the auxiliary board on. The module lights will not change. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If another abnormal condition occurs on the same freeze valve there will be no audible or visual alarm in the main control room. If the alarm clears the module lights will change and the white light above the auxiliary control board will go off. Another annunciation will then give an audible and visual alarm in the main control roomn. An alarm on another freeze valve while the initial alarm condition exists will alarm in the normal manner. 4.6 Type VIIT Annunciators Coming Through Rochester Alarm Substation Modules - A number of signals are connected to Rochester substations modules in the auxiliary control room and have common annunci- ators in the main control room. Operation of these are as follows: During normal operation, the module selector switch should be in the operate position. The module light will be on. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm 1in the main control room and‘the associated red and white lights , above the main board will be on bright. The light at the module - Py Approved by./%gy';Ffi<:§;€%7flahn /3E?é8 = 9/2k /65 will go off. DPushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light on the main control board will remain on. If another abnormal condition occurs there will be no visual or audible alarm in the main control room. Switching the module switch to "disable" will turn the module light on dim and will change the lights above the main control board from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. Other Rochester units on the same common annunci- ator can now cause an annunciation. If the abnormal condition clears and the switch is on "disable'" the module light will turn from dim to bright. Switching the module switch to operate prepares the module to cause an annunciation should another abnormal condition occur. h.7 Type IX Annunciators Coming Through Personnel Radiation Monitors to the Main Control Board During normal operation the annunciator lights will be on dim. There will be no audible alarms in the main control room or at the personnel radiation alarm center in the auxiliary con- trol room. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and the associated red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright. There will be an audible alarm at the personnel monitor center in the auxiliary control room and one of the three lights on the personnel monitor module will be on bright. The three lights indicate high level activity, intermediate level activity and trouble with the instrument. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console stops the control room audible alarm and turns off the white light. Pushing the buzzer reset button will stop the instrument audible alarm and change the associated main control board lights from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If the con- dition causing alarm clears and reoccurs nothing will happen. If another condition occurs (another monitor) there will be an 3HL-9 9/2k /65 audible signal in the main control room and the associated red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright. One of the three lights on the associated personnel monitor module will be on bright. When the alarmed condition clears, nothing will happen. Pushing the reset button at the personnel radiation module will clear the bright lights on the module and reduce them to dim. If 2 out of 6 monitrons or 2 out ot U CAM's alarm, the group light on the personnel monitor panel will go on and the plant evacuation sirer will be actuated. 4.8 Type X Annunciation coming from Process Monitor to the Auxiliary Control Board and Subsequently to the Main Control Board. (GM Tubes on Q-1916 Indicators) During normal operation the power light on the unit and the reset light on the reset panel will be on. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible signhal in the main control room and auxiliary control room. The red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright and the white lights above the nuclear panel will be flashing. The reset light will be off and the alarm light on the module will be on. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button on the auxiliary control board will turn off the flasher, and the audible signal at the guxiliary control board. The associated main control board lights will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If the abnormal con- dition returns to normal and thenreoccurs the only indication will be on the dial indicator on the process radiation panel. If another @Q-1916 unit monitoring the same process point exceeds the setpoint there will be nd alarm. Other monitors will alarm in the main control room and the nuclear panel be- cause they are connected to different nuclear panel alarm units. 7 T g / e 4 ‘r . Approved by#-/ T\ en 3H4-10 4.9 9/2k /65 When the condition clears, the only indication will be on the dial indicator on the process radiation panel. Pushing the reset button on this panel will turn on the reset light, turn off the alarm light on the instrument panel and turn off the white light above the nuclear panel. Type XI Annunciation coming from the Process Monitors to the Auxiliary Control Board and Subsequently to the Main Control Board. (Ton Chambers and 202 Electrometer.) During normal operation the power light will be on. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible signal in the main control room and auxiliary control room. The red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright and the white lights above the nuclear panel will be flashing. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button in the auxiliary control room will turn off the flasher, and the audible signal at the auxiliary control board. The associated main control board lights will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. If the condition clears and reoccurs nothing will happen. If another electrometer unit monitoring the same location exceeds the setpoint there will be no alarm. Other monitors will alarm in the main control room and the nuclear panel be- cause they are connected to different nuclear panel alarm units. When the condition clears, nothing will heppen. Pushing the reset button on the process radiation panel will turn off the white light above the nuclear panel and release the pointer. 4.10 Type XITI Diesel Annunciators There will be no annunciation indicating loss of TVA or that the diesels are in operation. When an abnormal condition occurs while operating a diesel, there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and the associated red and white lights above the main board will be on .11 Lt o 2 ;Hh-ll 9/2k/65 bright. A light indicating which diesel has an abnormal con- dition will be actuated on the diesel panels in the auxiliary control room and an annunciator flag will be showing on the diesel panels in the switch house. There will be an audible alarm in the switch house. Pushing the acknowledge button on the conscle will turn off the main control board white light and audible signal. The red light on the main control board will remain on. Actuating the signal reset on the diesel panels in the switch house will turn off the audible alarm in the switch house and the light in the auxiliary control room. The light above the main board will change from red to white. Pushing the reset button on the console after the alarm has been acknow- ledged at the diesel panel or after the abnormal condition has cleared will clear the main board. If the condition clears and reoccurs nothing will happen. If another abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible signal in the main control room and the lights above the main control board will be on bright. The light on the diesel panel in the auxiliary control room will be on. Another annunciator flag will be showing on the diesel panel in the switch house and there will be an audible alarm in the switch house. When the condition has cleared, actuating the drop reset in the switch house will reset the flags. If the condition has not cleared, actuating the drop reset will initiate another annunciation at all locations. Type XITI Annunciation Coming from Computer to the Main Control Board During normal operation the main control board lights will be on dim, indicating that the bulbs are intact and there will be no audible annunciation. When an abnormal condition occurs there will be an audible signal in the main control room and the red and white lights above the main control board will be on bright. The data point or condition which is out of limits Approved by.~Zr” L.1o ,fijijbf’zf' | N © 3Hk-12 Vv 9/2L /65 will be typed out in red on the "out of limits" typewriter. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off - s the white light and audible signal in the main control room; the red light will remain on. If the alarm condition clears and realarms or if another point goes out of limits, each will be annunciated on the main control board visually and audibly; each out of limits condition will also be typed out in red on Typewriter No. 1. If the alarm condition clears, the data point or condition will be typed out in black on Typewriter No.l. The red light above the main control board will go off and the white light will come on. Pushing the reset button on the console will clear the main board. Type XIV Annunciation Coming from Nuclear Power Panel to the - Auxiliary Control Board and Subsequently to the Main Control Board (Wide-Range Counting Channel to Fast Trip Comparators). During normal operation, the normal light (white or green) will be on bright at the Fast Trip Comparators (Q 2609-1). When an abnormal condition occurs, there will be an audible alarm in the main control room and auxiliary control room. The associated red and white 1lights above the main control board will be on bright and the white lights above the auxiliary : control board will be flashing. The normal light will go off and the Trip and Latch lights will come on at the fast trip - comparator module. Pushing the acknowledge button on the console will turn off the white light and audible signal in the main control room. The red light on the main control board and - the audible alarm and flashing lights in the auxiliary control room will remain on. Pushing the acknowledge button in the auxiliary control room will turn off the flasher and audible signal but will leave the white lights above the auxiliary board on. Pushing the console reset button will clear the main board. When the alarm condition clears the Trip and ILatch lights - will go off and the normal light will come on at the modules; e Approved byfi/v 'fifé??flwflhw 3H4-13 .13 9/24/65 this will also clear the white lights above the auxiliary control board. On the Scram Module only, the lateh light will remain on while the trip light will clear and normal light will come on. The latch light will remain on until the reset button is pushed. If the alarm condition clears, and re- appears or if another alarm condition in the same group occurs, then another audible and visual annunciation will be generated at the auxiliary and'main control boards. Type XIT Annunciation Coming from Computer to the Computer Console During normal operation the computer will be on constantly and perform its programmed functions. It will annunciate on the main board and type out on Typewriter No. 1 any ab- normal reactor condition (See Type XITI alarm). 1In addition, the computer also checks its own internal timer and circuitry every 1/k second. An abnormal condition in the computer per se will be annunciated in the computer room by a flashing red alarm light - push button combination on the computer console and a repeating-gong audible alarm. Pushing the alarm light button combination will silence the audible alarm but leave a steady red alarm 1ight on at the computer console. The computer will not perform any more of its programmed functions until restarted. When the computer malfunction is corrected and restarted the alarm light will clear. (2 LIGHTS ABOVE MCB RED | WHITE ‘2N ) 3 ~ MC8 AUDIBLE SIGNAL © LIGHTS ABOVE SAMPLER,| RED ) (5) |SCANNER, CHEM. PROCESS WHITE ® p — (8) FLASHER | | @ UACK. O LAMP TEST Q ACK SCANNER, SAMPLER, AND CHEMICAL PROCESSING AUX . CONTROL BOARD HTS 'ABOVE ACB PERSONNEL ROCHESTER UNITS O gMH?N'TORS ® I M AD DI INTER. ® ® X {fi I A 81X TRoUBLE &< RpseT DS ATE W[® reser o RESET GROUP LIGHT . ()2 0UT OF 6 MONITRONS i9) 20UTOF 4 CAMS DIESEL ALARMS | 1] DROP SIGNAL -9 - RESET RESET FLAG & COMPUTER 'COMPUTER CONSOLE Iolarm[ g | @ AUDIBLE ALARM = IN DIESEL HOUSE ALARM TYPEWRITER @4 Y LIGHT ON DPM IN ACR RED TYPE-OUT OF LIM.. BLACK TYPE-IN LIM.. V) — i @ RESET ‘8 e I ACKNOWLE DGE CONSOLE ELECTRA MODULE ET 4300 9 T3 r ELECTRA MODULE ET 4200 jeggegegeget jegsgefishe RED RED NUCLE AR POWER PANEL ¢ € TRIP LATCH NORMAL RESET @ L ° TRIP_TEST = Q- 2609-1 MSRE ANNUNCIATORS Fig. 3H4-) ALARM fiTIAMBER- W W I_ZIII { XY BREEN L ELECTRAE1E’O4VIJOE£\’ SUPPLY POWER ON7 @/-RED HIGH I""T Q AMBER / /AMAN ON RESET AUTO ©B ® ELECTRA POWER SUPPLY ET 4101 s MAN. s AUTO. ® POWE ® (ALWAYS ON) O/I: RESET PROCESS MONITORS E LECTROMETER Xie}-POWER (ALWAYs ON) -METER_AND SET PT. RESET / L @ onF RANGE SELECTOR NOTES. LETTERS = SWITCHES NUMBERS = LIGHTS,FLAGS, OR AUDIBLE ALARMS Lgq paroxddy R, G9/L2/6 HT-HHE TARLE 3H L.1 SEQUENCE OF ANNUNCTIATORS 3H4-15 NO ABNORM COND. AENORMAL CONDITION OTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AENORMAL COND. CLEARED . MCB (A) ACT IF ALRM | TYPE DESCRIPTION SWITCH | ACK B PUSH COND AFT CTEARS CLEARS & ACT ON ANOTHER AIRM ACTION ON TO CLEAR ALL No. SETTING LTS. | AN ON AIM COND| CLEARS| BUTICN| ACTION MCB REATARMS i T SAME GROUP* CLEARING INDICATORS T Direct to MCB None ' 1,2,3 2,3 None No 1-93,2,3 1-2 Push A IT Direct to ACB None 7,8,9 None F Clear T—clear—7,8,9 T—clear None I1T To ACB — MCB None 1,2,3,7,8,9 2,3 F 2,7 Yes 7 - clear 1,2, 1,2,3,7',8',9',7 7— clear None IV To Sampler 3,7,8,9 To Scanner , To Chem Processing — MCB| None . 1,2, 3’)4’ 5’6 253 D 2)L" Yes t” 55 l: 25 3, 1,2, 3)}_,_1’51,6r’5 )'L""'5 2 )4'—5 Push C To Vapor Condensing Syste@) »25 v Electra Mod. ET4200 — | Pwr. On 1,2,3,12,14 2,3 None 1,12,14 No None 14! None Pugh G & A ETL4104— MCR H-Man VI Electra Mod. ETL200 — Pwr. On 1,2,3,7,8,9,14 | 2,3 F 2, 7,14 Yes None 1,2,3,7',8',9,1k4", None Push G ET4L101 — MCB H-Man 14,7 VIT FElectra Mod. ETL300 — Pwr. On 10 on 1,2,3,7,8,9,10 | 2,3 F 2,7,10 Yes 7,105 clear— 10! 10 - 11 None (ET4101 or ETL1OL) — MCB H-Man 11 1,2,3,7,8,9,14 VITT Rochester Mod to MCB T in 15 on 1,2,3, 15 off 2,3 None 1, 15 off | No None 15" off None I > Reset - Operate Oper & Push A TX Personnel Mon. to MCB None 1,2,3 2,3 K 2, (16,17, Yes None 1,2,3(16', 17', or None Push J 1&16’17’ or 18) or 18) 18') 19" (16,17,0r 18) X Process Rad, CM or Q1916 - None 21 1,2,3,7,8,9,20, 2,3 F 2,7,20,21 | Yes Dial Change 1,2,3,7',8',9,20',20 |Dial Change| Push L — MCB 21 off of f XT Process Rad, Ton Ch, 202 None 1,2,3,7,8,9 2,3 F 2,7 Yes None None None Push M Elect-NP-MCB XIT Diesel Alarm-DPM(ACR)-MCR Pwr. On 1,2,3,22,23,24 | 2,3 P 2,22 Yes None 1,2,3,22,23,24 None Switch N XIIT Computer —s MCB None 1,2,3,26 red 2,3 None 1,26 red No 1, 26 red -2, |1,2,3,26"' red 1,26 red- Push A 26 black- 1,2, 2,26 black 3, 26 red XTIV Nuclear Power Panel — ACB-MCB 27 1,2,3,7,8,9, 2,3 F 2,7,28,29 | Yes 7,28,29,- clear| 1,2,3,7',8',91,28", 28, 29 27 Push Q (On 28,29 -1,2,3,7,8,9, 29! Scram Module 28, 29 Only) XV Computer (Computer Room) 25,R None R R, Clear Restart Computer 1 ] TABLE 3HA4.2 ANNUNCIATORS b Location E and Annunciates on 3 Annunciator Actuated (for setpoints o Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action¥ Operator Action Zj MCB-1 0 XA L000-1 XA 4029 Sump levels (Common) Note 1 Note 1 Check XA L4029-1 to 8 in ' ACB 3 XA L000-2 XA 4030-31 Instrument Air Note 1 Note 1 Check XA 4030-1 to 11 & ) (Common) XA 4031-1 to 12 on ACB 4 XA 4000-3 XA 4026-27 Cooling water Note 1 Note 1 Check XA L026-1 to 12 & (Common ) XA 4027-1-9 on ACB 3 ‘SQ: XA 400O-k PS k0O or Hi Lo Leak Detector None Repressurize or vent & hunt <}\\ 514 Pressure for leaks XA 4000-5 XA-4019, TVA Electrical power None Note 1 Check XA-4019. Check 3 Feeder, (Common ) and restart electrical Diesel Pnl.. . equipment XA L0O00-6 K 1073A on Containment Air Note 1 Note 1 Check XA L401T7-1 to 5 XA Loi7 (Cormon ) on ACB 2 MCB-2 ' XA L0oo1-1 K-1072A on Misc. Aux. Bd. Note 1 Note 1 Check XA L4016, XA L018 XA 4016, Alarm L018 XA hool-2 PA 9006-1 Lo Ns Pressure None Change banks and replace used Initial cylinders (Instrument Air) : XA L4001-3 PA 9006-2 Lo No Pressure Final None Change banks, replace cylinders (Instrument Air) & prepare to drain XA L40ool1l-L Selected Drain None Check that (1)FV 105 & 106 are tank not ready thawed & FV 104 frozen (if FFT selected, FV 10k thawed & 105, 106frozen) (2) selected DT \O W equalizers are open =R XA Lo01-5 K-1028A Chem process common Note 1 Note 1 Check XA 4051 and XA 4052 i on Chem processing panel EQPL Note 1: See individual Annunciators (Aux. C. R., Sempler, Chem. Plant, Etc.) * Annunciation and control action do not necessarily occur at the same time. TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-2 XA 4001-6 A-Be S1010-Al1 Hi Be in radiator None Evacuate vicinity of monitor - stack when in Consult industrial hygienist operation. Hi local Be during ' shutdown MCB- XA LOO2-1 PaA 960A1 Lo differential None Stop running CCP, start alter- pressure. CCP 1 nate CCP & check PAIC 960A or 2 : ' : XA 4002-2 PS 906B Lo discharge pres- None Check PC 906B in blower house sure CCP 3 ‘ or valve in auxiliary air compressor XA 4002-3 PS 791B and Lo oil pressure Stops CCP Start alternate CCP T95B . CCP 1 or 2 : XA 4002-4 SS CP G-1 Lo coolant pump Stops FP - It & Low - Restart CP, stop radiator or 2 speed Coolant flow scrams blowers & start up per pro- ‘ radiator doors cedures ' XA Loo2-5 PS 9013-2 Lo pressure to Blocks lines to cells Check cell pressure block valves causing start of drain, etc. PSRCA-~1 or 2 Li-Lo R. C. pressure At 12.2 psia closes Check cell pressure & tempera- XA L4002-6 K-98C KC 8iG K-30, K-31 K-32, KB3LG KA8LG HCV 565. At 16.7 psia 2 out of 3 PSS closes Lig. waste Block valves and inst. air to Penetration block valves ture. If Hi pressure, open V-565C; check RCC-1,2 ) A £q pasoaddy e -l S / c9/Llz/6 c-c " HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Annunciates on (for set points see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action TLocation and Annunciator Actuated Number by MCB-U4 XA L0OO3-1 RS-ST Al RS-ST Bl RS-ST C1 XA L00o3-2 TX 3003 XA L4003-3 TS 202-4, B, or C XA L0O3-k PS 510 A-1 or 2 XA L4003-5 ISOT 2-A3 XA L003-6 PS 751Bl & 75281 MCB-5 XA hook-1 TSCOP-1 or 2 XA LOOok-2 K-3504 XA LOook-3 FS-5124A Hi containment air Stack activity Hi radiator annulus temperature Lo radiator outlet temperature Hi To coolant oil tank pressure Lo coolant oil tank level Lo coolant oil pump pressure Hi motor tempera- ture COP 1 or 2 Coolant sampler conmmon Lo cover gas flow to CP None None If lo cell pressure - close 565C & V-569A, determine source & shut down system involved Note 1 Check TX 3003-19 & 20 on ACB-5 2 out of 3 scrams radi- Increase heat to radiator & ator doors & starts coolant drain None coolant system. Close radi- ator doors & stop radiator blowers. A coolant drain may be necessary. If FV-20L4 or 206 do not thaw, turn off CCP 3. Check PIC-510A & ECC-45 & Th Close FSV T53A-1 (Cool- Check 0il tank (0T-2) & oil ant lube oil) Starts alternate pump None None None catch tank (0OCT-2) levels. Pump seal leakage may neces- sitate a drain. Alarm set- point may need changing. Start alternate pump - check & stop defective pump. to tie in fuel lube oll sys- tem (Section 6D) Investigate and consider switching to alternate pump. Check buffer header & glove box pressures. Adjust as necessary. Check supply pressure. & ECC-128 FIC 512 A vaz/%i$7fizdészfiq pasrocaddy Be p‘repa}f‘ea_ G9/Le/6 2k TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) 1A-1B Tevel Iocation and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for setpoints Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-5 XA LOook-4 FS 526C Lo upper gas flow None Check CP pressure. Plugged o from CP line may be opened by in- creasing CP pressure. Shut- : down may be necessary. XA Look-5 - WSCDT-C1 Lo CDT wt. None Check WR-CDT-C. Adjust alarm (adjustable) set point. XA L4OOk-6 PS-511-D1. Hi-Io CDT pressure Hi closes He supply Check PIC-511C. For Hi pres- or D2 (HCV-511A) & opens sure, vent CDT. For Io vent (HCV-SLTA). pressure, add helium. MCB-6 , - XA L005-1 FS-T53A or Lo lube or coolant Prevents starting CP Check lube-oil pumps & adjust T54A oil flow to CP flows. See Section 6D. XA L005-2 PS 508 A-1 Hi-Lo CP pressure: Hi closes supply Check PRC-528, FIC-512A, or A-2 valve FCV-512 A-1 and FI-526C XA LO05-3 1S5-595 C-2 Hi-Lo CP level Hi opens CDT vent & Check all level instruments. or C-3 (Bubblers or float) closes He supply valve. Lo level may indicate salt Lo stop CP leak & necessitate drain XA L0oo5-L PS-594-A1,A2 Hi-Io gas flow %o None Adjust flows & check ECC-T5, 505-A1, A2 CP bubbler T6, & T7, check that lines 598-A1, A2 are not plugged. XA L4005-5 FS-201-A Lo coolant salt Stops FP. 2 out of 2 Restart CP - Stop radiator or B flow Lo flows or one lo flow blowers & start up per & one Lo speed scrams procedures radiator doors - XA L005-6 XpS 201-A Hi reactor power None Check nuclear power. Close at radiator radiator doors if in doubt. MCB-8 XA L0OO6-1 RS-8100- Hi-Io Idinear Power None Change ranges on. selector switch — £q psaroxddy SHE A 2 q9/12/6 -3 " HHE TABLE 3HL4.2 (continued) Tocation and Annunciator Number Actuated by Annunciates on (for set points see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-8 XA Loo6-2 XA 4006-3 TS-100-1 TS-100-A1 TS-100-A2 TS-100-A3 XA Looé-L4 XA hO06-5 XA L0oo6-6 MCB-9 ¥A LOOT-1 XA LOOT-2 XA LooT7-3 SSIFPE-1 or -2 LS 593-C2 or C-3 PS 522 Al or A2, 589A or 592B PS 592-600 FS T02A or TOLA LS-599B or 6008 WO FDL Ch or FD2 Ck Lo FP speed Hi reactor outlet temperature Hi-Io FP level (bubblers) Hi Lo FP pressure Hi, o gas flow to FP & overflow tank bubblers Lo Inbe or coolant 0il flow to FP Hi level in FP overflow tank Hi £111 rate from FD-1 or FD-2 Switches from run, lowers heat & nuc- lear power to <1.5 Mw Rod reverse on 2 out of 3 channels Hi opens FD-1, FD-2, & FFT vents and closes supply valves Control Rod reverse Io stops ¥P Opens FP vent, FDT vents, equal. valves otarts drain None Prevents starting FP Emergency drain Stops He addition & opens vent from FD-1 or FD-2 Insert rods, lower heat load and start up per procedures Insert rods Check Lo-Hi level instruments. Lo level may indicate salt leak & necessitate a drain, or indicate a fuel system temperature decrease Check FP pressure. Determine cause of pressure Adjust flows & check ECC-63-68 Check that lines are not plugged Check lube-o0il pumps & adjust flows. See Section 6D Check P and OFT levels. Section 6D. Stop He addition, vent DT or open equalizing valve if necessary See G % q9/le/6 §?é°fié€ TABLE 3HL4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MGB-9 XA LOOT-4 ws ¥D-1, C5 Lo FD-1, FD-2, or None Check WRFD-1, FD-2 & FFT - Ad- FD-2 C5 or FFT wt. (adjusta- just alarm setpoint FFT C1 ble) XA L0OT-5 FS-516B Lo cover gas Tlow None Check supply pressure, FIC 516 to FP & ECC-129 XA LOOT-6 FS-52LB Lo upper gas flow None Check FP pressure. Plugged from FP line may be opened by in- creasing FP pressure. Shut- down may be necessary MCB-10 XA L0oo8-1 K-149C Safety Circuit Prohibits Operate Mode . »:. .« . =0 x 5y “p o0 jumpered o Ll s T XA Loo8-2 KC-881A Fuel Sampler Note 1 Note 1 Check XA-4035 to 37 - 1 (common) to 4 at SE panels I to 3 XA 4008-3 TS FOP 1 Hi motor tempera- None Tnvestigate and consider or 2 ture. FOP 1 or 2 switching to alternate pump XA L008-4 PS 513A-1 Hi-Lo fuel oil tank None Check PIC 513A & ECC L4k & 73 or A-2 pressure XA 4008-5 IS OTL A-3 1o fuel oil tank Closes FSV-703 (fuel Check oil tank (0T-1) & oil level lube 0il) catch tank (OCT-1) levels. Pump seal leakage may neces- sitate a drain. Alarm set- point may need changing XA 4008-6 PS 701B2 & Lo FOP discharge Starts alternate pump Start alternate - check & stop PS 702 Bl pressure defective pump. Be prepared to tie in coolant lube oil system (Section 6D) £q poasoxddy . - - - !’\J“n - . N & R : . Yerom T f:) 152, e \N\\4¢7¢ G9/L2/6 9~ HHE TABLE 3HL.2 (continued) Tocation and Annunciator Actuated Annunciates on (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-11 XA 4009-1 PS 5T4BL Ii Lo FD-2 pressure Hi closes He supply Check PIC-517A. For Hi pres- or B2 (HCV-5T7L4) & opens sure vent FD-2. For Lo vent (HCV-575) pressure add He XA 4009-2 PS-572 BL Hi Lo FD-1 pressure Hi closes (HCV-572) Check PIC-517A. For Hi pres- or B2 & opens vent (HCV sure vent FD-1. For Lo 573) pressure add He XA L4009-3 PS-576 Bl Hi Lo FFT pressure Hi closes (HCV-S5T76) & Check PIC-517A. For Hi pres- or B2 opens vent (HCV 577) sure vent FFT. For Lo pressure add He ' XA L4009-4 PS 608 B2 Hi Lo FST pressure Hi closes (HCV 530) & Check PIC-530. For Hi pres- or B3 opens vent (HCV 692) sure vent FST. For Lo pres- add He XA L009-5 WS FST-C1 Lo FST Weight None Check WR FST - Adjust alarm (adjustable) set points XA 4009-6 XA L4028 Cover gas system Note 1 Note 1 - Check XA 4028-1 to (common) 10 on ACB 3 MCB-12 XA L0O10-1 RS-7023 Hi activity - Note 1 Note 1 - Check CAM & Monitron personnel modules on NP 5 monitors XA 4010-2 K-1060A Hi activity - pro- Note 1 Note 1 - Check XA 4043 on NP L cess monitors XA L010-3 K-10TLA on Freeze valve tem- Note 1 Note 1 - Check XA L4020 to 22-1 XA Lo20-22 perature. to 4 on ACT 5 to T also (common) TX 3002 through TX 3010 XA L010-4 TX 3001 Freeze Flange Note 1 Note 1 - Check TX 3001 on temperature ACB-5 (common ) c9/le/6 L-2 HHE A ,2g§§£9;¢¢xq pasroxddy o g TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciator Actuated Annunciates on (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MEB-12 XA 4010-5 K 10364 Scanner (common) None Check XA L053-1 to 6 on , Scanner Panel (840 level) XA L010-6 Computer Computef (common) None Note 1. MCB-6 XA 4011-1 KB 139H ¢ >1.5 Mw in Control rod reverse Check Nuclear Panel. Adjust RXS-NCC1 ABB start mode ' flux RXS-NCC2 A8B ' XA Lo11-2 KA 1048A ¢ > 12 Mw common Two out of three chan- Adjust flux - | nels give control ' rod reverse XA L011-3 KB 1048B Period < 10 sec Control rod reverse Adjust control rods ' .if not in Run Mode XA 40o11-L4 KB 161C Load set back Lowers radiator doors, Check radiator outlet tempera- decreases AP set- ture. Check NP(¢ >12 Mw) point and stops one’ Adjust load. ’ ' matn:blower: per pro- _ grammed: sequence. XA L4011-5 KB 11D Load scram Scrams both radiator Check radiator outlet tempera- KB 12D doors. Stops MB-1 ture, CP speed & coolant & MB-3 salt flow XA L011-6 KA 140D Emergency coolant Opens CDT vent and by- Check radiator outlet tempera- KA 141D salt drain pass valve. Closes ture CDT He supply valve. Scrams both radiator doors. Stops MB-1 & MB-2. Thaws FV-20k & 206 £q psaroaddy R e—— o o & ra g . « f 2 o f {.!,» ¥4 A e e P ///"'/".p",""’ ! _,r’:;:“ ) - i co/ie/6 9-g " HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-8 XA-4012-1 KA 18G Emergency fuel salt Opens all vent and by- Reduce power to zero, reduce KA 19G drain pass valves & closes heat load to zero. Check all He supply valves Tro, FP pressure, OFT level, to FD-1, FD-2, FFT. RE-565, RE-528 Thaws FV-103, 105, 106. XA-L0o12-2 K2L8E Control Rod Scram Two out of three safety Lower radiator doors and re- K2oLoR channels scrams all start per procedure. Checks K 250% rods. Opens DT vent for circuit trouble in flux valves. channels, 7 <1l sec, Tro, ¢ >15 kw, ¢ >15 Mw, reset latch on rod scram module XA-4012-3 K 207D T, demand rod set Group insert of control Check TSS-100A1-2, TSS-100A2-2 back rods TSS-100A3-2 XA-Lolo-L K-186E Control Rod Group insert of control Check ¢ >1.5 Mw, T <10 sec reverse rods XA-L4012-5 K-204D T, > 1275°F Two out of three ther- Lower reactor temperature K-205D mocouples gives rod demand setpoint if in temp. K-206D reverse and decrease servo. 1f not, lower flux. reactor temp. demand XA-4012-6 K-241B Reg. Rod @ L.L. Prevents transfer to Lower reg rod limit switch. Run Mode if servo is If servo is on, lower rods is on 2 & 3 MCB- XA-4013-1 K-1054A High temperature None Shut down and drain reactor control rod housing XA-4013-2 TS-0FT-64 Low Temperature None Check TE-OFT-6B, Scanner A, ad- FP OFT Jjust heaters, consider a reactor drain vy N = —J ~ M [exl N A\O TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Anmunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MCB-9 XA-4013-3 Spare XA-4013-4 Spare XA-4013-5 Spare XA-4013-6 Spare MCB-5 | XA-LO1k-1 Spare XA-hOlH—Q Spare - XA-4O14-3 XA-4032 Low air flow, Bat- None "~ Note 1. Check fans, switches XA-hLo1k-k XA-LO1k-5 K-111LkA XA-L401L-6 K-85A ACB-1 XA-4016-1 TS-3100 tery room exhaust ' and power supplies Induction Regula- ' - tor Cooling Air 24v DC power off HP None Check instrument power panel Radiation Monitor #5 Vapor Condensing None Note 1. Check XA-4O5k out Tank Common JB #151 at Vapor Condensing Tank area Low, Pressure Reactor Closes HCV-565. Stops Check to see that HCV—565, cell. Safety CCP-1 & 2 thus initi- V-571, V-569 are closed. Interlocks ating reactor drain Tnerease No to RC (sump bubblers) and possibly add air via 342 & 332. Restart CCP-1 & 2 as soon as possible Hi miscellaneous None Check TR-3100 on MCB-12 - Ad- temperature just heat TRA-3100 c9/Lz/6 OT-2° #HE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location g and Annunciates on 'S Annunciator Actuated (for set points > Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action o o' ACB-1 < XA-L016-2 TS-3400A1 Hi-Lo coolant salt None Check TR-3400 on SP-2 (840 or 2 flow meter tem- level) Adjust heat. perature. TR-3400 XA-L4016-3 P5-5-X10 Lo steam supply None Condensate make-up rate may be pressure too high. Check gage on steam header north of T503. Call Utilities Dept. : XA-L4016-L4 TS-3500A1 Hi-TLo drain line None Check TR-3500 or ACB-2. Ad- ’? or 2 temperature just heat. Prepare to drain N TRA-3500 system before salt freezes. & XA-L4016-5 K 2A Hi-Temp sample None Check to see that computer is surveillance test in operation. Adjust heat if necessary. ACB-2 XA-LO1T7-1 PS-HB-Al or Hi-Io High Bay None Check doors and dampers A2 pressure XA-L01T7-2 PdS-936A Lo auxiliary cell None Check auxiliary cell pressures ventilation duct & adjust dampers Diff. XA-L017-3 PAS-927B Hi filter pit Diff. DNone Check dampers - filter replace- pressure ment may be necessary. XA-L017-4 FS-S1-A Lo ventilation None Check dampers, filters, AP etc. stack flow XA-L017-5 PS-927-A1 Containment air Starts stand-by con- Switeh to alternate stack fan or A2 Duct 927 Vacuum tainment air fan blower. Check blowers, motors, pressure <1.5" (sF-2) and dampers H=0 ¢9/Lz/6 TT-2°* HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Annunciates on (for set points see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action Location and Annunciator Actuated Number by ACB-3 XA-4018-1 TS-705 TS-T07 XA-4018-2 TS-T755 TS-T757 XA-14018-3 PS-9012-1A 1B, 1C- XA-4018-L4 PxS-579, 580,581, 582, 58k, 586 XA-4018-5 PS-918-A1 ACB-4 XA-4019-1 UVR(48v IC) Hi fuel pump oil temperature Hi coolant pump oll temperature Lo Press. sump bub- bler and scanner No supply Hi pressure in PT reference Graphite Sampler blower inlet Hi pressure Lo voltage 48v IC bus None None None None None None Check temperature on logger, check flows, lower power 1if necessary. Check cooling water flow & temp. Possi- bly increase by-pass oil flow. Check temperature on logger, check flows, lower power if necessary. Check cooling water flow & temp. Possi- bly increase by-pass oi flow. ' ‘ ‘ Check N2 supply press. at 840 level. OSwitch to alternate bank. Change out empty bottles Consider draining fuel system (violation of primary con- ment) Check Nz purge Check MG sets. Check for ground. Start alternate MG possibly initiate emergency drain " £q poroxddy -~ - e Lot s A, . Ov‘/f’ \/ 1 ¢9/l2/6 ACTAR: LS TABLE 3H:.2 (continued) Tocation and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-L4 XA-L019-2 MG #2 off 4L8v DC MG-2 or None Check MG sets. Start alternate MG #3 off MG-3 off MG XA-L4019-3 Position Reverse current None Check MG-1 and try to restart. switch on trip breaker open If running, check reverse reverse cur- current trip and reset. If rent break- unsuccessful, shut down MG-4 ‘'er handle (which transfers load to TVA) XA-4019-k UVR MG-k Lo voltage MG-U4 None. However, if Check MG-U4 voltage, frequency, (time voltage continues etc. Make adjustments if delay) to drop, automatic necessary. transfer to TVA will occur XA-4019-5 UVR open on Io voltage at any Would prevent 480v Check operation of MG-1. Check low breaker of the 4 loca- equipment trip, or fuses and breakers at 250v trip voltage tions in left prevent transfer to panel. Check condition of UVR open on column AH feeder 250v batteries. low 13.8 KV feeder con- trol voltage 250v batteries low or breaker "W" open. ACB-5 XA-4020-1 TS-FV-103-1A2 FV-103 Hi & Lo Turns air on or off Check TX-3003-1-6, TX-300L, KA-652C, “temp. for ‘thaw’& as required ECC- 1-6. Adjust air and see TS-FV-103-3A2 freeze 650-660 Table 3H.L4.3-2, 3 (K-659A and a K-660A) XA-4020-2 KA-663C, KB- FV-10L4, Hi, Lo Turns air on or off Check TX-3002-1, TX-3005, 1-6, 663C, KG- temp. for thaw & as required. Per- 19, TX-3006-1-6. Adjust air 665D, (KA- freeze missive to thaw ECC- see Table 3H.4.3-2, 3, 4 670 & K-671) 661-671 T q9/lz/6 £q peaoaddy — I €1-2HHE TABLE 3E4.2 (continued) Location %? and Annunciates on 'S Annunciator Actuated (for set points 2 Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action 3 o’ ACB-5 ;fi XA-4020-3 KA-67LC, FV-105 Hi & Lo Turns air on or off as Check TX-3002-2, TX-3005 T7-12 \ KB-6T7L4C, temperature required. Permis- TX-3006 T7-12, TX-3005-20 \2§q KA-675B, ‘ sive to thaw. See Table 3H.k.3-2, 3, L \ KB-675B, ECC-672-682 . K-6814A% S K-682A | < N XA-L020-L4 KA-685C, FV-106 Hi & Io Turns air on or off as Check TX-3002-3, TX-3005 13-18 $~ KB-685C, temperature required, permissive TX-3006 13-18. See Table - g~ KA-686B, to thaw ECC-683-693 3H.4.3-2, L N KB-686B, ~ KA-692A & K-693A | XA-4020-5 TS-3300 FV End None Check TR-3300. Adjust heat Temperature Hi XA-4021-1 KA-T762C, FV-204 Hi & Lo Turns air on & off, Check TX-3002-10, TX-3003, 7-12 KB-T762C, temperature permissive to thaw. TX-3004, T-12. See Table K-T63B, ECC T60-T7T0 3H.4.3-2, 3 - K-T69A & K~-TTOA XA-4021-2 KA-T7T73C, FV-206. Hi & Lo Turns air on and off, Check TX-3002-10, TX-3003, KB-TT73C, temperature permissive to thaw 13-18, TX-300L4, 13-18 K-TT4B ECC T71-781 See Table 3H.L.3-3 K-T80A and K-T81A XA-4021-3 KA-6963B, FV-107. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off. Check TX 3002-4, TX 3007 1-6 KB-696B, temperature Permissive to thaw TX 3008, 1-6. See Table w KA-698D, ECC 69k4-T0k 3H.4.3-2, 4, 5 -fi;?fi K-TO3A & Iw K-TOLA oK TABLE 3H:4.2 (continued) Location %? and Annunciates on ‘g Anmunciator Actuated (for set points 9 Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action o ACB-5 g XA-4021-1 KA-TOTB, FV-108. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off. Check TX 3002.5, TX 3007 T7-12 KB-T707B, temperature Permissive to thaw TX 3008, T-12. See Table KB-T709D, ECC T705-T715 3H.4.3-2, 4, 5 K-T14A & : K-715A XA-4021-5 Spare <§ XA-Lpo2-1 KA-T18B, FV-109. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off, Check TX 3002-6, TX 3007 13-18 - KB-T718B, temperature permissive to thaw TX 3008, 13-18. See Table X KB-720D, ECC T16-726 3H.4.3-2, b, 5 > K-T725A & K-T726A XA-L4022-2 KA-T29B, FV-110. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off, Check TX 3002-7, TX 3009, 1-6 KB-T29B, temperature permissive to thaw TX 3010, 1-6. BSee Table KB-T731D, ECC T27-T37 3H.4.3-2, 5 K-T36A & K-T3TA XA-4022-3 KA-TLOB, FV-111. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off. Check TX 3002-8, TX 3009, T7-12 KB-T40B, temperature Permissive to thaw TX 3010, T7-12. See Table KB-742D, ECC T738-748 3H.4.3-2, 5 K-TL47A & K-T48A _ XA-Lo22-4 KA-T51B, FVv-112. Hi & Lo Turns air on & off. Check TX 3002-9, TX 3009, 13-18 KB-751B temperature Permissive to thaw TX 3010, 13-18. See Table KB-753D, ECC Th9-T759 3H.k.3-2, 5 K-758A & ACB-3 N XA-4026-1 FS-8LLA. Lo water flow to None Adjust flow, check ECC 56, 58, .. thermal shield & 475 & TE 845, May be neces- VIV sary to drain & cool reactor TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciator Actuated Number by Annunciates on (for set points see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-3 XA-L026-2 FS-8104A XA-L4026-3 FS-812A XA-40o6-k TS~-826 XA-L026-5 K-113 from FS-830A XA-L026-6 K-114 from FS-832A XA-LO26-T FS-836A XA-L026-8 FS-8384A XA-L026-9 FS-8LOA XA-4026-10 PS-829B XA-L4026-11 PS-851R2 K-143 XAfh026-12 PS-882B XA-hooT-1 Fs-851C Lo water flow to DT condenser #1 Lo water flow to DT condenser #2 Hi treated water temperature Lo water flow to FP motor Lo water flow to CP motor Lo water flow to DT space cooler Lo water flow to RC space cooler 1 Lo water flow to RC space cooler 2 Lo T™W pump dis- charge pressure Lo CTW pump dis- charge pressure Lo process water pressure Lo CTW flow to treated water cooler None None None Time delay to stop FP Time delay to'stop CP None None None None (Check Inst. Ap. ECC) Switches DT steam dome condensors from CTW to PW None None - Adjust flow, check ECV-56, 58, Adjust flow Adjust flow Check CTW flow, TIC-858, CT < fans, etec. 17327 Ao & 475 & TE 831-1. May be necessary to stop FP Adjust flow, check TE 833-1, may be necessary to stop CP Adjust flow, check cell tem- perature & pressure & ECC 53 Adjust flow, check cell tem- perature & pressure & ECC 53 Adjust flow, check cell tem- perature & pressure & ECC 53 Start alternate pump. Check flows. Check ECC (TS pressure) Start alternate pump & check flows Check back flow preventer, cur- tail unnecessary water usage so that cooling tower can be kept in operation Adjust flow, start alternate CIW pump ¢9/l2/6 9T-2° HHE = TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-3 XA hooT-2 FS-873A Lo TW flow to com- None Adjust flow, start alternate ponent gas cooler TW pump XA-4027-3 FS-875A Lo TW flow to CCP None Adjust flow, start alternate 1 & 2 oil coclers TW pump XA-L027-4 FS-821A Lo CTW flow to oil None Adjust flow, start alternate supply of fuel oil CTW pump system XA-4027-5 FS-823A Lo CTW flow to oil None Adjust flow, start alternate supply of coolant CTW pump oil system XA-4027-6 LA FWT-1A Lo feed water tank None This may indicate that drain or 2A 1 or 2 level tank steam domes are in service. Check temperatures. If not, add condensate to prescribed level . XA-4027-7 LA ST-A Lo treated water Condensate will be Check condensate tanks levels surge tank level added from conden- and valving : sate tanks. XA-4027-8 PSS-8LLmp Hi H=0 Pressure Re- C(Closes TS cooling Check that FSV 847 is open also actor Thermal water inlet block check rupture discs and reset Shield valve FSV-84L XA-4027-9 IS NP Io nuclear instru- None Physically check level & add ment penetration water through line 848 water level XA-4028-1 P5-500k Lo He storage None Check He traller-valve in tank pressure emergency cylinders XA-4028-2 PS-500B1 Hi-I.o He header None Check PRV 500G or B2 pressure XA-4028-3 F5-500J Hi He flow None Check FIC 500J - Curtail unnecessary usage XA-L028-L PS 500K Lo treated helium None Check FIC 500J - Curtail surge tank pressure unnecessary usage c9/L2/6 mmwééfizéééfibfiqpmwxfiv LT-2 HE TABLE 3Hk.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-3 | XA-4058-5 PS 500 L-1 Hi-Lo regulated None Check PCV-500C (or 605A). or L-2 He pressure Change to alternate regula- : tor. Curtail unnecessary usage XA-4028-6 PS-508A Hi rupture disc dis- None " Excess He leakage through re- charge pressure lief valve may necessitate (Line 508) a shutdown XA-4028-7 PS-506 Hi pressure at Op None Relieve pressure. Replace removal No. 2 rupture disc if necessary (Line 506) XA-4028-8 PS-50T7 Hi pressure at Op None Relieve pressure. Replace “removal No. 1 rupture disc if necessary (Line 507) ' XA-14028-9 K-L46F, Lo He supply pres- Closes all He Sup- Check He surge tank pressure, ‘ K-47F, sure safety ply block valves FIC-500F, He trailer sup- K-L48F channels ply pressure valve in Emergency He cylinders XA-4028-10 K-L4OOB Hi Heater temp. or Turns heater off and Adjust heaters or repair K-40LB open thermocouple prevents restarting thermocouple. Consider K-L408B at He treating heater at He pre- changing helium treating K-412B station heater, dryers, station K- 4168, K=420B or 0o removers XA-4029-1 LS-RC-C Hi level RC sump None Jet to liguid waste tank. IS-RC-D Determine source and leak rate. Prepare for reactor shutdown XA-4029-2 IS-DTC-A Hi Level DIC sump None Jet to liquid waste tank. L5-DIC- Determine source and leak rate. shutdown Prepare for reactor Lg psaocaddy 3 _',/"“ . : o - - - A Pl .}{ 0. A /#’7;’/ ANl Vo co/lz/6 QT-2* HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciator Actuated Annunciates on (for set points pressure trans- mitter room 20 psig Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-3 . XA-4029-3 IS-FRT Hi Level Pump None If radioactive, pump to liquid Room Tank waste storage tank. Other- wise pump to catch basin. XA-4029-4 IS-FSC-A Hi Level FSC Sump None - Jdet to Liquid waste storage tank XA-L4029-5 I.5-PRS-C Hi Ievel PR & Operates jet syphon Check sump pumps 1 & 2. ' CDC sump in CDIC sump Check 60# steam supply ‘ header in filter house XA-L029-6 LS-SC-A Hi Level Euipment None Jet to 1liquid waste storage : storage cell sump tank XA-4029-7 IS-TC-A Hi Level spare cell None Jet to liquid waste storage tank XA-L4029-8 LS-WIC-A Hi Level waste tank None Jet to Liquid waste storage cell sump tank ACB-4 XA-4030-1 PS 9001-1 Lo Instrument air None Check pressure reducing valve pressure - MCB- and usage , 20 psig XA-4030-2 PS 9002-1 Lo instrument air None Switch to alternate PCV if pressure trans- possible mitter room 30 psig XA-4030-3 PS5 9002-3 Lo instrument air None Switch to alternate PCV if pressure trans- possible mitter room 20 psig XA-4030-4 PS 9002-4 Lo instrument air None Switch to alternate PCV if possible ¢9/Lz/6 &fi%fi/fizzéy%jégégg?r £q panoxddy 6T~c " HHE TABLE 3H%.2 (continued) Location %? and Annunciates on " Annunciator Actuated (for set points | 2 Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action 3 o' ACB-L _\“ XA-4030-5 PS 9003-1 Lo instrument air None : Switch to alternate PCV if o pressure mainte- possible :\\ nance control ' _ room 20 psig Hdr _ XA-4030-6 PS 9004-1 Lo instrument air None Switch to alternate PCV if pressure service possible ) room 20 psig Hdr _ P BN XA-4030-7 PS 9005-2 Lo instrument air None Switeh to alternate PCV if N pressure water possible \g room 20 psig Hdr ' X XA-4030-8 PS 9005-1 Lo instrument air None Switch to alternate PCV if %; pressure water possible ™~ room 60 psig (Sup- plier WR, Filter Pit, & Chem. Processing) XA-4030-9 PS 9000-1 Lo instrument air Starts alternate Check air compressors & pressure Main compressor air usage ' Supply 80 psig Har | XA-4030-10 PS5 9013-1 Lo instrument air None, however low Check air compressors & pressure block pressure (<20 psig) emergency nitrogen valve Hdr. causes block valves 80 psig to fail in closed position XA-4030-11 K-302 & AC-1, AC-2 permis- Hi Comp. temperatures, Check AC cooling water, oil | K-307 sive Hi tempera- Lo oil pressure. level S-53 not manual % ture. Lo oil Stops compressor ~F pressure Iy - 8 TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) TLocation and Annunciator Actuated Number by Annunciates on (for set points see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action ACB-4 XA-L4031-1 XA-4031-2 XA-L031-3 XA-L031-k XA-4031-5 XA-4031-6 XA-L4031-7 XA-1031-8 PS PS PS PS PS 9007-3 900T-1 9007-1 9008-1 9009-1 9010-1 9010-2 9011-1 Lo instrument air pressure MCB & Transmitter room <18 psig Lo instrument air pressure, trans- mitter room, 30 psig Hdr Lo instrument air pressure, trans- mitter room & MCR 60 psig Hdr Lo instrument air pressure, MCR & transmitter room, 20 psig Hdr Lo instrument air pressure, Sampler Enricher 30 psig Lo instrument air pressure service room 30 psig Hdr Lo instrument air pressure service room 20 psig Hdr Lo instrument air pressure water room, service room & filter pit - 60 psig None None None None None None None None Check pressure, reducing valve & alr usage. Switch to al- ternate PRV if possible Check pressure, & alr usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & air usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & air usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & ailr usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & air usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & air usage. alternate PRV Check pressure, & air usage. alternate PRV reducing valve Switch to if possible reducing valve Switeh to if possible reducing valve Switch to if possible reducing valve Switch to if possible reducing valve Switch to if possible reducing valve Switch to if possible reducing valve Switch to if possible ¢9/Lz/6 G722 Lq psaoxddy T2-2* HE TABLE 3H4.2 {continued) = Location E and Annunciates on 2 Anmnunciator Actuated (for set points g Number by see Switeh Tab) Control Action Operator Action o [ ACB-L | XA-4031-9 PS-9011-2 Lo instrument air None Check pressure, reducing valve I : pressure water & air usage. OSwitch to jij room. 30 psig alternate PRV if possible 5\; XA-4031~10 PS-9011-3 Lo instrument air None Check pressure, reducing valve “\Q pressure water & air usage. OSwitch to <12 Mw Channel None, however two out Check RSS-NSCl1l-A2 #1 of 3 channels give load set back & rod reverse XA-40ho-2 K-201C ¢ >12 Mw Channel None, however two out Check RSS-NSC2-A2 #2 of 3 channels give load set back & rod reverse XA-40LO-3 K-202C ¢ >12 Mw Channel None, however two out Check RSS-NSC3-A2 #3 of 3 channels give Wl £q pesaroaddy oy c9/lg/6 Gg-g HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) Location and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action MB #11 & NB-1 XA-4OLO-k4 RXS-NCC-1-A3B Period <10 sec Rod reverse if not in Insert control rods Run Mode XA-L4OLO-5 RX5-NCC2-A3B Period <10 sec Rod reverse if not in Insert control rods Run Mode NB-2 XA-4OL1-1 TS-NRR1-Al Hi-temperature None Shut down and drain TS-NRR1-A2 Control Rod #1 reactor XA-Loh1-2 TS-NRR2-A1 Hi-temperature None Shut down and drain TS-NRR2-A2 Control Rod #2 reactor XA-Lolh1-3 TS-NRR3-A1 Hi-temperature None Shut down and drain TS-NRR3-A2 Control Rod #3 reactor XA-4Oh1-4 Spare XA-LOL1-5 Spare £q pasoxddy v < LA Ve i WJ/‘ ¥ ey 69/Llz/6 9g-2 " HHE TABLE 3HL.2 (continued "£q psaoaddy 74/%7/§%Z¢5} Iocation and Annunciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action NB-3 XA-4olho-1 RS-827-A2 Cooling H-0 Hi Closes in-cell cooling Locate & isolate source, open RS-827-B2 Activity water block valves block valves if necessary. RS-827-C2 Initiate a drain XA-Lok2o-2 RS-0T1-B Fuel & coolant salt None Violation of primary contain- R5-0T2-B pump oil supply ment. Reduce power to zero Hi Activity NB-4 XA-LoU3-1 RS-596-A2 FP bubbler He Closes He supply line Reduce power to zero and RS-596-B2 supply to in-cell bubblers and consider draining RS-596-C2 Hi Activity XA-4oh3-2 RS-500D Helium gas supply None Determine source. Consider Hi Activity reducing power to zero and draining reactor XA-40L3-3 RS-55T7-A2 Fuel salt system Closes block valve 1in Determine source and reduce R5-557-B2 offgas Hi main offgas line power if necessary Activity to stack XA-LOk3-)k RS-528-R2 Coolant salt system Reactor Drain & Check RS-528 to drain RS-528-C2 offgas Hi Stop FP Activity XA-L4OL3-5 RS-565-B2 Reactor cell air Reactor Drain. Initiate a drain RS-565-C2 Hi Activity Closes cell evacu- ation block valve ¢9/.1z/6 l2-2' HHE TABLE 3Hk.2 (continued) Location and Annunciator Actuated Number by Annunciates on (for set points Operator Action CHEMICAIL PROCESSING Panel #l XA-4051-1 Spare XA-L4051-2 PS-604C XA-4051-3 PS-608A1 XA-4051-4 PS-608B1 XA-L051-5 PasS-694-A2 XA-L0O51-6 FS 940 CP Panel #o XA-L0O52-1 PS-690B XA-4052-2 (Remote) PS-696-A XA-4052-3 TS HFH TS SOP Ts FLP see Switch Tab) Control Action Helium supply to None Line 111 Lo pressure Helium to top of FST Closes HCV-690 Low Flow FST Hi pressure Opens FST vent valve Closes FST He supply valve Lo pressure Opens HCV-694 Line 690 Offgas low flow Close HCV-692 Fo supply Hi None Pressure HF Supply Hi None pressure HF heater Lo None SOz pre-heater Hi F» pre-heater Hi Check He supply valve and and He supply pressure Check He supply pressure and valves Determine cause of Hi pres- ure. Check HCV-692 Check flow from GSS Turn off Hs supply valve. Check fans, duct flow, and 940 Qamper Check FST and CS pressure. Check for restriction down- stream of PS-690 and that HCV-694 is closed Check temperature of water bath. Turn off steam supply at GSS Check power to HF heater. Check SOz and Fo flow, check for excessive power to heaters ¢9/12/6 il /;é;;ZKq Pasroaddy A #LZwv;t// = Lz Qc-2 " fHE TABLE 3HL.2 (continued) Location and Annuvnciates on Annunciator Actuated (for set points Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action CP Panel #2 XA-L4052-4 PS SFA-C1 Hi pressure instru- None Check to see that V979 is open. PS CP3-B1 ment cubicle Hi Check to see that cubicle pressure absorber blower is on and V-978 is cubicle open XA-4052-5 PS-CS-Al Hi pressure caustic None Check for restriction in line scrubber 628. Check No flow to bubbler XA-4052-6 RS-9LoG Hi activity in fuel- None Check for source of activity RS-CP3-A processing system and prepare for possible RS SFA-A shutdown RS-994 SCANNER PANEL XA-4053-1 TS-5001-A Hi-Lo temperature None Check Scanner A temperature R Scanner A trace XA-L4053-2 TS-5002-A Hi-Lo temperature None Check Scanner B temperature Scanner B trace XA-4053-3 TS-5003-A Hi-Lo temperature None Check Scanner C Scanner C XA-4053-4 TS-5004-A Hi-Io Temperature None Check Scanner D Scanner D Lower load XA-4053-5 TS-5005-A Hi Lo temperature None Check Scanner E Scanner B Lower load XA-4053-6 PS-5000-A N> supply pressure None Switch supply banks and change Lo tc scanner out empty cylinders q9/)z/6 62-2 " HHE TABLE 3H4.2 (continued) TIocation and Annunciates on Annmunciator Actuated (for setpoints Number by see Switch Tab) Control Action Operator Action JUNCTION BOX #151 XA-L40O54-1 LS-VT1-Bl Lo-water level None Prepare to shut down reactor Vapor Condensing and add water Tank. FINAL XA-LO5k-2 LS-VT1-B2 Lo-water level None Punch list for water addition Vapor Condensing during next shutdown Tank. INITTAL XA-LO54-3 IS5-VT1-B3 Hi-water level None Check thermal shield rupture Vapor Condensing disc Tank. INITTAL XA-4osk-L ILS-VT1-B4 Hi-water level None Prepare to shut down and remove Vapor Condensing water Tank. Final XA-Lo5h-5 Spare XA-4054-6 PS-VT1-C Hi pressure None Release excess pressure through Vapor Condensing Tank V-98L. open Do not leave wvalve =™ £q poroxddy A e lze’ 24t 69/ L2/6 0t -cHHE - v [ e 7. s =7, Approved by;zfigaigjfltigékhbflm____,,_ 3H4.3-1 10/4/65 CODE FOR TEMPERATURE SWITCHES, TABLE 3HL.3 The code letters or numbers listed describe the automatic control action and Operator action to be taken when a module alarm condition exists. CONTROL ACTION DESCRIPTION A Air Off B None unless 1A1 or 341 exceeds setpoint at which time interlocks (1) shuts off FP and (2) precludes start mode. C High air and green flashing light on at Freeze Valve switch when valve is in the freeze position. D None E Red flashing light on at freeze valve switch when valve is in thaw position. B Prevents closing of cooling-air control valve thus prevents thaw of freeze valve G Center Heater and red flashing light on at freeze valve switch when valve is in thaw position. Opens ESV-806A -- Water to Steam Dome of FD-1 I Opens ESV-80TA -- Water to Steam Dome of FD-2 OPERATOR ACTION DESCRIPTION 1 Increase hold air (decrease heat as last resort). 2 Check air off (raise shoulder heater as last resort). 3 Lower hold air (increase heat as last resort). Y None 5 Turn on or raise line-heater power. Check adjacent line temperatures. 6 Check other thermocouples of freeze flange. Possibly adjust heat on adjacent heaters. il Check other thermocouples on reactor ne¢k. Possibly adjust coolant air flow. 8 Check Drain Tank temperature, possibly turn off heaters or lower setting. 9 Chéck lube oil cooling water, lube oil flows. Lower reactor power if necessary. 10 Check that MB-2 and MB-4 are on. 11 Increase FP heaters or prepare to shut down reactor. TABLE 3 H.4.3 TEMPERATURE SWITCHES Module Light Kq parcaddy /, s w4 {0 Approximate Control Operator Nuzber TE-To. bescription Above Below Set Point® Action Action Set Set (°F) Point Point TX 3001-1 FF 100-1 Freeze Flange Temperature Red - Hi 975 B 6 -2 FF 100-3 Freeze Flange Temperature - Red. Lo 700 B 6 -3 FF 101-1 Freeze Flange Temperature Red -—- Hi 975 B 6 -4 FF 101-3 Freeze Flange Temperature - Red Lo 700 B 6 -5 FF 102-1 Freeze Flange Temperature Red -—- Hi 1050 B 6 -6 FF 102-3 Freeze Flange Temperature -—- Red Lo 700 B 6 =7 FF 200-1 Freeze Flange Temperature Red -—- Hi 975 B 6 -8 FF 200-3 Freeze Flange Temperature - Red Lo 700 B 6 -9 FF 201-1- Fréeze Flange Temperature Red --- Hi 975 B 6 -10 FF 201=3 = Freeze Flange Temperature -—- Red Lo 700 B 6 -11 R 42 B Reactor Neck Temp. (lower) Red ——— Hi 800 B 7 -12 R 45 B Reactor Neck Temp. (upper) Red - Hi 400 B 17 -13 R-33 Reactor Neck Temp. (lower Red - ‘Hi 300 B 7 -14 R 46 B Reactor Neck Temp. (upper). Red = =--- Hi 40O B 7 "15& 16 FD-1-19B Bayonette Temperature ‘ Red -——— Hi 1300 H 8 17 & 18 FD-2-19B Bayonette Temperature Red - Hi 1300 I 8 -19 -20 ®3ee Switch Tabulatiofi‘for cfirfent“setzpéint. Switches with two temperatures alarm at the high temperature and clear at the low temperature, ’ Vil 7 $9/4/01 g "%'H ¢ TABLE 3 H.4.3 (con't) —- R pasroxddy Module Light’ Approximate Number TE-No. Description Above Below o itpiinga Control Operator ‘ Set Set (°F) Action Action Point Point TX 3002-1 FV 104-5A Freeze valve pot temperature -——- Red Lo 900 F 5 -2 FV 105-5A Freeze valve pot temperature - Red Lo 785 F 5 -3 FV 106-5A Freeze valve pot temperature -——- Red Lo 900 F 5 -4 FV 107-5A Freeze valve pot temperature --- Red Lo 900 F 5 -5 FV 108-54 TFreeze valve pot temperature - Red Lo 900 F 5 -6 FV 109-5A Freeze valve pot temperature - ‘Red Lo 900 T 5 -7 FV 110-5A Freeze valve pot temperature - Red - Lo 900 ' F 5 -8 FV 111-5A TFreeze valve pot temperature - Red Lo 200 F 5 -9 FV 112-5A Freeze valve pot temperature -——- Red Lo 900 F 5 ~-10 FV 204-5A TFreeze valve pot temperature -——- Red "Lo 900 F 5 11 & 12:. FD-1-20B FD-1 Bayonette temperature Amber Green Hi 1300 H 8 13 &-1L FD-2-20B FD-2 Bayonette temperature Amber Green Hi 1300 I 8 =15 705-1B FP lube oil return | Red -—-- Hi 150 B 9 .16 707-1B . FP coolant 0il return Red -— Hi 150 B 9 .17 '755-1B CP lube oil return Red -—— Hi 150 B 9 .18 1757-1B CP coolant oil return Red -—- Hi 150 B -9 19 & 20 OFT-6A Temperature at Bottom of Green Amber D 11 - Overflow tank ol w TX 3003-1 FV 103-1A1 ©Shoulder temperature, outside Yellow Green Hi 960- C 1 o &-2 box, Reactor side gl0 S -3 FV 103-2A1 C(Center temperature in air box Green Yellow Lo 900~ B 2 di(o &t S at equilibrium. bYellow light is alarm condition for freeze valve modules. Take operator action if alarm persists TARLE 3 H.4.3 (con't) £q paacaddy Module Lightb Above Below gfifirggiizge Control Operator Number TE-No. Description Set Set P Action Action . X ; (°F) Point Point TX 3003-5&6 FV 103-3A2 Shoulder temperature,outside Greem Yellow Lo 620 A 3 D Lo o T cbox DT side : -2 . —~ 8/6/65 5.1.4 (continued) jumper is annunciated (MB-10, XA L4008-1) and also will prevent entry into "operate' mode. If system is already in "operate” mode, the insertion of a safety jumper will cause system to go to "off." Other jumpers (block openings) will not give an annunciation when inserted. 5.2 Use of Jumper Board 5.2.1 Although the jumper board is provided for flexibility of operation it must be remembered that the use of Jumpers violates the normal designed operational interlock func- tions. The use of jumpers is under strict administrative control. No jumper should be inserted without the per- mission of the Operations Chief or Operations Department Head. 5.2.2 To determine the condition of the circuits shown schematically on the jumper board observe the white lights located between contacts. The notations at all of the contacts down to a particular lamp give the conditions which must be met for the lamp to be on. If all white lamps in a circuit are on the end condition lamp {(red, green, or amber) will be on to signify the action or condition notation at the bottom of the circuit. OSome circuits give condition when de-energized — e.g. circuits 20 and 21 indicate fill restrict condition when de-ener- gized. The color of indicating lamps is also of signifi- cance. During power operation in RUN mode all RED lights will be OFF, all GREEN lights will be ON, the AMBER lights may be ON or OFF as required. 5.3 Other information displayed on the jumper board involves freeze valves and instrument power circuits. 5.3.1 The freeze valve permissive lights on the lower jumper board C#h) give indication of system conditions which would allow thawing of the particular valve. Note that these lights do not indicate permission to thaw from the stand- point of the valve itself — i.e temperature of pot or Approved by /Zgji&é2é?/rufi?\b 3H5-3 8/6/65 5.3.1 (continued) 5e3. shoulders. For example — a permissive light on Jjumper board for fill valves (FV-104, FV-105, FV-106) requires that all transfer freeze valves be frozen and the AP between tank and the FP be low. For a permissive light on transfer valves requires that all fill valves be frozen, the tank pressure low, and the reactor system be empty of salt. For details on FV permissive lights see block diagram D-HH-B-57331 or circuit diagrams for the individual freeze valves. 2 The IPP (instrument power) lights on the lower board (#4) indicate whether or not power is available to certain circuits in IPP-1, IPP-2, and IPP-4. See Table 3H5.1 for listing of these circuits and what is supplied by them. For details on these and other instrument power circuits see Drawing E-HH-Z-41695. Approved by _- s b “‘J:‘:tf.t./ M'h\,_ T N able 3H5-1 8?6{?%? INSTRUMENT POWER CIRCUITS INDICATED ON JUMPER BOARD #4 Panel No. Fed by Circuilt Equipment On Circuit IPP-1 IPP-2 IPP-4 4L8v oC Y MG- k4 or TVA BUS 4 TVA BUS 3 N 2 o ©O© 31 O Fw oo H W 0 3 v = w Safety Circuits Safety Circuits Safety Circuits Safety Circuits Safety Circuits Safety Circuits, Channel #3 Control Circuits Control Circuits FV-103, FV-104, FV-105, FV-106 FV-107, FV-108, FV-109 FV-110, FV-111, FV-112 FV-20k4, FV-206 AC#1, FORH#L, COPHL AC #2, FOP#2, COP#2 Safety Circuits, Channel #1 Radiator Ioad Control Control Rod Drives Safety Circuits, Channel #2 Approved byfizfgzkéaé;/fiafivt 3H6-1 a4 9/14/65 6 OTHER INSTRUMENTS 6.1 Fql-569-A, Reactor Cell Air Bleed Line Flow Totalizer (Wet Test Meter) This instrument will be used to measure the amount of reactor cell and drain-tank cell in-leakage by bleeding it off to the containment stack. It is connected in parallel with line 565 which connects the component coolant pump discharge to the con- tainment stack inlet. After the reactor and drain-tank cells have been brought to the desired operating pressure, HV-565-C will be closed and flow established through FgI-565-A to main- tain the contaimment cell pressure within proper limits. The instrument is an American Meter Controls, Inc. standard precision,positive displacement, wet test meter with a capacity of 5¢/min. Tnit. Date/Time 6.1.1 Preparing the meter for use: Level the meter by adjusting the leveling screws at the base until the bubble in the spirit level 1s exactly in the center. Fill the meter with distilled water until the water level is slightly above the tip of the pointer in the gage glass. Make sure all connections are tight. After the reactor cell leak rate has been determined, open HV-569-A and HV-569-B and close HV-565-C __ . Throttle HV-569-B until the flow rate through rotameter FI-569 is equal to the Approved bx,422¢523f<fi%;¢£n¢n /ifi?éz 9 5 Init. Date/Time (continued) cell leak rate plus the cell nitro- gen-purge rate. Cell leak rate + cell nitrogen-purge rate = £/m through FI-569. Pass the gas to be measured through the wet test meter until the water is saturated. At normal rates of flow and room temperature, the approximate time required is one hour for a meter in which the water or gas has been changed. Disconnect the tubing leading to the meter so that both inlet and outlet are under atmospheric pressure. Draw off water through the small pet cock at the base of the water line gage until the center of the concave meniscus in the gage glass coincides exactly with the tip of the pointer. Usu- ally this may best be accomplished by viewing the pointer through a magnifying glass from below with the aid of a flashlight, if neces- sary. The image of the pointer will be visible on the underside of the meniscus and the tip of the image should just touch the tip of the pointer when suffi- cient water has been withdrawn. Reconnect the tubing. Place meter in service. Approved by 4£é5;” WK g pirn, 3H6-3 v of14/65 Init. Date/Time For extended runs, the gas enter- ing the meter should pass through a saturator to prevent a change of lig- uid level in the meter during the run. Fill saturator with distilled water. 6.1.2 Reading the instrument: One revolution on the large dial is 1 liter. ©Subdivisions are 0.0l liter. The totalizing dials read 10,000 liters, maximum. AO,-566-A, Reactor Cell Oxygen Analyzer The purpose of this instrument will be to monitor the oxy- gen concentration in the reactor and drain-tank cell atmosphere and to provide a means for calculating the containment cell in-leakage. A bypass flow will bé circulated through the ana- lyzer which is connected in parallel with line 566, the return line from the reactor cell air-bleed line to the component ccoling pump suction. The instrument is a Beckman Instruments, Inc., model F3, oxygen analyzer that continuously measures oxygen concentration in gaseous streams based on the magnetic susceptibility of the gas being analyzed. Two ranges, O to 10% and O to 25% are provided; and the accuracy is claimed to be * 1% of full scale. The general formula for calculating the leak rate is taken from Section 3E 1.2 B(3) of the Operating Procedures: Ty _ 538 Py (Fo - F1) + 12 WFy | Ly = £ (0.5 - Fa) £3/day Y Approved by agf”“?b/\/?tgffiffixfimh 3H6-k i v 9/14/65 Fl and F2 il oxygen analyzer readings at beginning and end of test (fraction of oxygen in containment atmosphere) L_ = Leak rate, ft3/day P, = absolute pressure in containment at beginning of test, psia t = time duration of test, hrs T, = absolute temperature at beginning of test, °r W = evacuated gas rate at FqI-569-4, £t3/hr 6.2.1 Operating Controls The instrument is provided with three operating con- trols: the Range Switch, the Zero Control, and the Span Control. The Range Switch sets the zero point of the scale and the Span Control sets the span point, a reference point at the opposite end of the scale from the zero point. The setting to which the operator must turn the Zero Con- _trol in order to establish a correct zero point (down scale standardization point) depends on several factors, two of the most important of which are the particular response Approved byfiwg s ~ 9/14/65 6.2.1 (continued) characteristics of the individual instrument and the mag- netic susceptibilities of the various background gases in the sample. Similarly, the setting to which the operator must turn the Span Control in order to establish a correct span point (up scale standardization point) depends on several factors, of which the one most subject to change is the pressure in the analysis cell. This pressure can vary because of a change in elther the pressure at which the incoming sample enters the instrument or the pressure against which the outgoing sample is discharged. If both Span and Zero Con- trol adjustments are to be made, the zero adjustment must be made first. 6.2.2 Reference Gases For calibration, the instrument redquires two reference gases -- a zero gas and a span gas -- each of accurately known oxygen content. Zero Gas The terms "zero point” and "zero gas" as applied to the analyzer, are used in a specialized sense. The two terms, which relate to the electronic circuitry, refer to the potential on the suspension. The zero point is a reference point on that end of the readout scale which corresponds t0o a potential of zero on the suspension; the zero gas is a reference gas, the oxy- gen content of which is such that this gas can be used to establish the zero point. Note that the term "zero point” is not synonymous with "zero-percent oxygen point." Although in some instruments these two points coincide, in others they do not. In this instrument, zero voltage on the suspension corresponds to a read- ing at the low endpoint of the scale. The zero gas (nitrogen) used with this instrument has an oxygen content of zero, or very nearly zero. Approved byfli %‘;{Wflflg 3H6-6 2 volts. 2 Reading the Instruments Since the analyzers are presumed to operate in accordance with Faraday's law, the reading is directly proportional to the mass of water passing through the cell per unit time. If C = concentration of water, F = sample flow, and I = current Approved by%{({bfip&. 3H6-25 9/14/65 6.6.2 (continued) or meter reading, the I = KCF, where K incorporates all necessary conversion factors. If F, sample flow, is main- tained constant, the reading is directly proportional to the concentration. This is the normal mode of operation since concentration in ppm H-O may be read directly only when a constant flow is maintained. The range of the meter may be varied by varying the sample flow rate: assume the moisture level 1s constant at 500 ppm with the range set on 0-1000 and a normal flow of 100 cc/min.; the reading would be 50% of full scale. Now assume that the flow is cut to 50 cc/min. The throughput of water would be 1/2 as much and the reading should drop to 25% of full scale. Since the moisture content of the gas did not change, the full scale range would then be four times 500, or 2000 ppm. Thus, the actual full scale range is inversely proportional to the fiow rate: 100 actual flow rate’ actual range = indicated range x where indicated range means the range at 100 cc/min. For example, if the range is set at 1000 an d the flow is set at 10 cc/min., the actual range would be 100 1000 x 0 = 10, 000. Changes in ambient temperature usually affect the reading because of disturbance of the absorbed moisture eguiiibrium. Approved by af'yfiwjflyiigf P b, ‘ 3I-1 v 10/18/65 31 FREEZE VALVE OPERATION Isolation of the salt in the MSRE drain, circulating, and process- ing systems is controlled by freezing a short plug of salt in a flattened section of 1 1/2" pipe called a "freeze valve." A combination of cool- ing air piped to a shroud attached to the flattened section of pipe and electrical heaters adjacent to the freeze valve is used to freeze or thaw the valve. Siphon break pots are provided on one or both sides of the freeze valves to prevent blowing all the salt out of the valve during transfers and drains. The electrical heat is manually controlled for the desired condi- tion. The coolant air is automatically switched between "off," "hold" and "blast" condition by temperature moduler or switches which obtain signals from thermocouples attached to the center or either shoulder of the freeze valve, In the "thaw" condition, all air is turned off. In the hold condition,sufficient air is supplied to the valve to keep it frozen. On FV's 104 and 107 through 112, the amount of air is manu- ally adjusted using HIC's which throttle the cooling air valves. On FV's 103, 105, 106, 20k and 206, temperature indicator controllers are provided which regulate the "hold" cooling air to maintain a constant freeze valve shoulder temperature. The temperature setpoint is manually adjustable. When the temperature controller is in the manual position, it functions like the HIC's on the other freeze valve. 1 DEFINITIONS & CRITERIA 1.1l Deep Frozen When a freeze valve is deep frozen, the cooling air will be turned off and the salt frozen by lowering or turning off the electrical heaters. Fluorine evolution can occur if salt which is in a high radiation field is cooled below L00°F. Therefore FV 10k through 109 will be maintained above this temperature. The upper limit has been arbitrarily set at about 600°F. Freeze valve 103 is emptied completely during a drain and therefore can be cooled to ambient temperature. Freeze valves Approved by ,;fifir”jV,%/QifhbmuMM 31-2 W/ - Teenth 2 10/18/65 1.1 (continued) 110, 111, 112, 204 and. 206 can also be cooled to ambient temperature since they are located in cells having less radiation. l.2 Frozen Freeze valves are considered frozen when the heaters, cooling air and temperature controllers have been adjusted S0 that a frozen plug exists and turning off the cooling air will thaw the valve. Freeze valves 103, 204 and 206 have an additional requirement that they must thaw within 15 minutes if electrical power fails. 1.3 Thawed A freeze valve is considered thawed when all portions of _it are.above the freezing poiht of the salt. 1In general, the heaters will be on and the cooling air off. BASIC OPERATION. AND INTERLOCKS 2vi---Ereeze On each freeze valve, modules 1Al, 1AZ2, 3A1 and 3AZ are in circuits which control the cooling air flow to the valve. If the freeze valve is in the normal thawed condition and the manually operated valve switch is set to freeze, the green light at the switch on the main control board will start flashing. The red light will also be on until the center valve temperature drops to Module 2A1 setpoint (~ 1000°F). Whefi switched to freeze blast air flow will come on and stay on until £he both shoulder temperatures drop to Module 1Al and 3Al setpoints (~ 7509F). At this point Module 1Al and 3A1 open circuits which stops the high air flow but lets the hold air flow to continue. The green light will be on steady. - As each shoulder temperature decreases below 85OOF, its module green light comes on and the amber light goes off. Hold air flow will be automatically regulated to maintain the preset temperature on FV 103, 105, 106, 204 and 204. On other freeze valves, the hold air is adjusted manually. Approved by __ ;?ifi%%%§?17324afi\ 31-3 " 10/18/65 2.1 (continued) If the valve shoulder temperatures continue to decrease to ~ 6500F, either module 1A2 or 3A2 with either 1Al or 3Al1 will stop all air flow, and the amber module light will be on until the temperature increases to above this setpoint. Temperature above ~ BOOOF will actuate the 1AL or 3Al module and turn on the high air to prevent valve melt-out. The green light will start flashing. Either module can actuate the high air mechanism and the air will continue on until both shoulder temperatures decrease to normal conditions. Modules 1Al and 3A1 have ~ 50F hysterisisj;and therefore, if the air flow is adjusted to hold the shoulder temperatures between ~ 650 and 800°F, no alarm or control action should occur. For a control action to be initiated by a freeze valve requires that a combination of 2 modules be in alarm - either 3A1 and 1Al, 3Al and 2AZ2, or 1Al and 2AZ. 2.2 Thaw Operation When the manual operating switch is turned to thaw, all air to the valve is cut off, the red indicating light starts flashing, and the green light is on until both shoulder tem- peratures reach approximately 8OOOF (Modules 1Al and 3A1). When the 2A1 module thermocouple reaches the setpoint (~ 1000°F), the red light at the freeze valve switch will stop flashing and be a steady red. . 2.3 Additional Interlock In addition to the FV control modules, interlocks are provided to prevent thawing when the syphon break (pots) or vertical pipe on either side of the freeze valve are below lOOOOF and when there is excessive AP between the drain tank and the circulating system. 3 OPERATION OF FREEZE VALVES 3.1 Adjustment and Startup A1l freeze valves can be adjusted so that turning the freeze valve switch on the main board is all that is necessary Approved by ffifjfiffigqflw,wzmfim 31-4 Vi 10/18/65 3.1 (continued) 3.2 to change from normel thawed to normal frozen position or from normal frozen to normal thawed position. To accomplish this, the heaters are first adjusted to obtain desired tem- peratures with the freeze valve in the thawed position, The freeze valve control is then switched to the freeze position and the air flow controllers set to control the desired tem- peratures. (For details see L4I.) | Normal Operation of Freeze Valves. During reactor shutdowns, salt transfers or additions may be made. The transfer freeze valves, FV 107 through 112, will be adjusted as described in 3.1. Thawing or freezing will be done using the freeze valve switch. After a transfer and prior to freezing a walve, it will be necessary to adjust differential pressures to assure that salt is in the flat portion of the freeze valve. Detalls of this are covered in other sections of this report. During shutdown periods, FV 103 through 106 and 204 and 206 will be deep frozén, During a startup, F¥ 103, 104, 204 and 206 will be thawed to allow filling the reactor and coolant system. FV 105 through 112 will be deep frozen. During circulation of flush and coolant salt, FV 103; 204 and 206 will be in the normal frozen condition. After the.flush salt is drained, FV 10k will be deep frozen. FV 105 or 106 will be thawed to fill the fuel system with fuel salt. After filling and during all fibfié£ p§éfétions; FV 103, 204 and 206 will be normally frozen, FV 105 and 106 will be thawed, and FV 107 through 112 will be deep frozen. Approved by M@m 37-1 7/27/65 3J LIQUID WASTE SYSTEM The liquid waste system is designed to accumulate and dispose of radicactive aqueous waste material, Facilities are provided for sampling, diluting, neutralizing, and transferring these to the Melton Valley waste handling system. This system is also used for clarifying the shielding water used in the decontamination cell and tank. Waste handling procedures are given in the following sections. 1 JETTING REACTOR CELL AND DRATIN TANK CELL SUMPS Any water which accumulates in the sumps of the reactor or drain tank cells is removed by air jets which discharge to the liguid waste storage tank. These jets are permanently mounted in the drain tank cell. Pumping is started by simultaneously opening the air supply valve and alr operated discharge valves. The operation must be well coordinated because opening either air supply or jet discharge valves prematurely allows air to be blown or sucked into the cells which are normally below atmospheric pressure. The sumps would be jetted as part of the reactor startup procedure if there is any liquid in them and during operations whenever a high gump level is indicated. The procedure requires two technicians. Details are given below: 1.1 To Jet the Reactor Cell Sump to the Waste Tank Init. Date/Time (Transmitter Room) i1.1.1 Record sump level, LIA-RC 1.1.2 Record waste tank level LI-WT (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 1.1.3 Check that waste blower is on. (Water Room) 1.1.4 Open block valve, V-332A. 1.1.5 Adjust PCV-332 to 30 psig. 1.1.6 Open V-332C and blow out any accumu- lated moisture. Close V-332C. -2 7/27/6 Init. Date/Time 1.1.7 Jet sump by simultaneously opening V-332B (water room) and FCV-333A1 and A2 (HS-333A1 in Pos' 4. TB 9). . = The two operators should be in contact by the intercom system and should notify the control room when jetting is started and stopped. 1.1.8 Stop jetting when LIA-RC reads zero or when PI-332 pressure drops or fluctuates, indicating loss of liquid suction. Close V-332B and then immediately close FCV-333A1 & A2 (HS-333A1 in Pos. 2 TB 9). (Transmitter Room) 1.1.9 Record levels LIA-RC , LI-WT 1.2 To Jet Drain Tank Cell Sump to the Waste Tank (Transmitter Room) 1.2.1 Record level of LIA-DIC 1.2.2 Record level of LI-WT (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 1.2.3 Check to be surerwaste blower 1is on. (Water Room) 1.2.4 Open valve V-3324. 1.2.5 Adjust PCV-332 to 30 psig. 1.2.6 Open V-332C and blow out any accumu- lated moisture. Close V-332C. 1.2.7 Jet sump by simultaneously opening FCV-343A1 & A2 (HS-343 Al pos ‘4 TR Panel 9) and V-342 (in water room). The two operators should be in contact with each other on the intercom system, and should notify the control room when jetting is started and stopped. 2 Ve Approved byfl«f Ve Init. 3J-3 T/27/65 Date/Time 1.2.8 When pump is empty, as indicated by zero level on LIA-DTC, or fluctuation in pressure of PI-332 (PCV), stop jetting by closing V-3L2 and immediately close FCV-343A1 and A2 (HS-343 Al Pos. 2). (Transmitter Room) 1.2.9 Close air supply valve, V-332A 1.2.10 Record time and level of LTA-DTC. 1.2.11 Record level of LI-WT 2 SAMPLING REACTOR AND DRAIN TANK CELL SUMPS The reactor and drain tank cell sumps are sampled during Jjetting by bypassing the flow from the jets through a sample bomb attached to lines 334 and 3hbL. Details are given below: NOTE: Protective clothing, rubber gloves, and a face shield shall be worn during the sampling. All sampling operations shall be monitored by In- dustrial Hygiene and Health Physics personnel. (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 2,1 Attach a liquid waste sampling bomb between lines 334 and 34k. 2.2 Open V-334 and 34k, (Transmitter Room) 2.3 Set valves to sample sumps as follows: 2.3.1 To sample Reactor sump, open FCV-333A1 and close FCV-33342 (HS-333A Pos. 1) and open FCV-343A2 (HS-343A1 Pos. 3) and keep it open while jetting reactor cell sump as given in 3J-1.1. Approved pyzgfifjéafigfiééz)zay 3J-4 7/27/6 Tnit. Date/Time 2.3.2 To sample drain tank sump, open FCV=343A1 und ; close FCV-34342 (HS-3L43 A-1)Pos 1 and open FCV-333A42 (HS-333 A-1 Pos 3)and keep it open while jetting Drain Tank cell sump as given in 3J-1.2. (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 2.4 When jetting is complete close V-334 and 3kk, and bomb. valve. 2.5 Cautiously remove sample bomb. Catch drip- pings and put these into the liquid waste ~storage tank. Have Health Physics coverage. 3 JETTING AUXILTIARY CELL SUMPS The sumps in the fuel processing cell, equipment storage cell, liquid waste cell, and spare cell have steam jet pumps for the transfer of liquid to the waste tank. Each of these sumps will be emptied when a high level for that sump is annunciated. All process cell sumps have a common annunciator on the main control board (XA 4000-1) and individual indicator lights in the auxiliary control room (XA 4029) which can be deacti- vated to clear the common alarm. Details of jetting these sumps are given below. (840 Level) 3.1 Open V-311 at the 60-psi steam heagder. 3.2 Record name of cell sump level and liquid waste tank level (see table below). 3.3 Open jet supply valve (see table below). 3.4 When jetting is complete, close jet supply valve. 3.5 Record sump level and liquid waste tank level :,’J e ’ ///, . Approved bxfigfigfi”fi/\g;i}f”fifl\ 3J-5 7/27/65 Cell Level Indicator Jet Supply Valve Fuel Processing LIA-FSC V-321 Equipment Storage LIA-SC V=317 Liquid Waste LIA-WTC V-315 Spare LIA-TC V-319 Y BUILDING SUMP OPERATION The main building sump, with a bottom at the 812-ft level, is accegsible from the pump room located below the Special Eguipment™ Room. The sump serves the building floor drains and French drains. There are two 1-1/2 hp sump pumps which are started and stopped auto- matically by integral float level switches. One starts pumping when the water level reaches 815' 8" and the other 816 ft. elevation. A start switch located at Col. C-9, 852-ft level, must be on to activate both sump pumps. Normally no operator action is reguired. A high sump level will be alarmed, IA-PRS-A, at 818 £t 6 in. elevation. This alarm can indicate pump trouble, pumps off or just insufficient pumping capacity. The sump alarm is connected to the common alarm, XA L000-1, on the main control board with the cell sumps and individual indicator module on XA 4029 in the ACR. A switch activates a high coolant cell sump level alarm and energizes a solenoid valve, ICV 809 to a 1 in. steam jet lo- cated in the coolant drain cell at elevation 818' 6". This jet takes suction from coolant drain cell sump which has a bottom elevation of 817 ft., and is connected to the building sump at the 818 ft. elevation. The float level switch turns off jet when level drops to the 818 foot elevation. The steam supply is through V-309 at the 100 psi steam reducilng station, north of the filter house. The Jjet discharges to the sewer in the west tunnel. No level indicator is provided. Approved by,fgéffizigéééfifl““”\ ) 3ié6 /27 5 PIT PUMP OPERATTION The pit pump, located inlthe pump room, is used to transfer water from the 55-gal. tank in the pump room to the waste tank. The 55-gal. drum receives water from the ventilation stack and filter pit, and may be contaminated. A transfer should be made whenever an alarm occurs on LAPRT (XA 4029). To transfer, open valves V-SD and V-326 in the pump room and close V-325 and V-330. Start the pump from Col. C-9 on the 852-ft level. The pump should be stopped when the transfer is completed. If a large quantity of water accumulates in this tank and a radiation survey indicates no activity, the water can be pumped to the catch basin by closing V-326 and opening V-330. If activity is found in the main building sump, the pit pump can be used to pump from the sump to the waste tank by closing valve V-SD and opening V-325 and V-326. The pit pump can be used to empty the reactor cell annulus or the charcoal bed cell into the catch basin by V-330 and either V-329 (RC annulus) or V-328 (CB cell). If the water is contaminated 1t éan be pumped to the waste tank by opening V-326 and closing V-330. 6 TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE TANK CONTENTS The general procedure for handling the contents of the waste tank will be to circulate and sample contents, dilute if activity is too high (>5 curies/gal.), adjust pH to >T by caustic addition, mix thoroughly, resample, and transfer to Melton Valley Waste Station. | Tnit. Date/Time 6.1 Circulation and Sampling of Waste Tank Contents (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 6.1.1 The following valves should be closed or checked closed. Vv-302 , V-305A ___, V-303B V-305B ____, V-307 6.1.2 The following valves should be opened or checked open. V-300 , V-301 6.1.3 Check waste blower on Approved by4§5¢32flgé%7fl”H7VL 307 7/27/6 Init. Date/Time 6.1.4 Start waste pump . Check waste pump area for radiation. 6.1.5 Throttle V-301 until PI-305 reads 35 psi. NOTE: Operator should wear protective clothing and face shield and have a health physics survey during sampling. | 6.1.6 After circulating the waste tank con- tents for one hour or more, carefully flush 1 liter through the sample line, and take two 200-cc samples at V-305B. Take samples approximately 30 minutes apart. 6.1.7 Submit to the laboratory for total activity (millicuries/cc), pH, and vol of 0.1N NaOH to neutralize 100 cc of sample. 6£.1.8 Put flush back into the waste storage tank via the caustic addition funnel. 6.2 Dilution of Waste Tank Solution If the waste tank sample analysis for total activity is >1.3 millicuries/cc, dilute the con- tents by the following procedure. (Transmitter Room) 6.2.1 Record LI-WT level, ft =V, gal. 6.2.2 Calculate final vol = Va(ft) = V,C, {analysis) 1.3 millicuries/cc Vo = ft. (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 6.2.3 Stop waste pump. Approved byzflgégggzgg%éy@flflml ) 3§é8 1/27/65 Init. Date/Time 6.2.4 Close the following valves: v-300 _ , V=302 ____, V-303B ___ , V-305A , V-305B ____, V-306 6.2.5 Open the following valves: V-306A ., V=307 = , V-301 (840 Ievel, North End) 6.2.6 Open V-819 to start process water addition. 6.2.7 Close V-819 to stop water addition when LI-WT indicates the proper increase in level, (Transmitter Room) 6.2.8 Record LI-WT = ft. (Vo). 6.3 Neutralization of Waste Tank Solution If neutralization is necessary, proceed as follows: 6.3.1 From sample analysis, calculate pounds of NaOH to neutralize contents of waste tank as follows: 3.5 x 107% XY = 1b of NaOH to add. Y = vol of liquid in waste tank, gal. X = vol of 0.1 NaOH to neutralize 100-cc sample. (High Bay) 6.3.2 Dissolve NaQH calculated above in water and add to waste tank through funnel in the high bay (L-339). Wear face masks, rubber gloves, and rubber apron while handling caustic, 6.3.3 Rinse out line 339 with water fol- lowing caustic addition. 6.4 Resampling If neutralization is not necessary circulate and sample waste tank per Section 6.1. Approved by Wm / 3:} é9 T7/27/65 Tnit. Date/Time 6.5 Transfer to Melton Valley Waste System 6.5.1 Call Melton Valley Waste Station (Telephone ) and report activity, pH, and volume to be pumped. 6.5.2 When permission to transfer is ob- tained, set valves as follows: (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) V-300 open V=301 closed V-302 closed V-303B closed V-305A closed V-305B closed V~-307 closed (Transmitter Room) 6.5.3 Record WT level (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 6.5.4 Start the waste pump. 6.5.5 Throttle V-305A to give flow acceptable at Melton Valley Waste Station. PI-305 should not exceed psig. OSee curve in calibration book. 6.5.6 When desired amount has been trans- ferred, stop pump. 6.5.7 Close V-300 and 305A. (Transmitter Room) 6.5.8 Record waste tank level 7 CLARIFICATTION OF DECONTAMINATION TANK OR DECONTAMINATTION CELL LIQUID A waste filter has been provided to clarify the water in the decon- tamination tank (or cell) to improve visibility for inspection or under- water repairs. NOTE: This is a sand and gravel filter and should not be used to filter acid solution. Approved bxfi¢£?fi2%5€%%? re Init. 3J7-10 7/27/65 Date /Time To clarify water in the Decontamination Tank (Decon- tamination Cell valves in parentheses) proceed as follows: (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) f.1 7.2 (High Bay) Check that the waste pump is off. Check valves as follows: 306C (or 306D) closed 3034 (or 304) closed 306D (or 306C) open 30k ( or 303A) open (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 301 closed 300 closed 305A closed 305B closed 302 closed 306A open 307 copen 306B open 303B open Start waste pump. Adjust flow to 30 gpm on FI-306 by opening V-302 and throttling V-307. (Check periodically and keep flow adjusted to 30 gpm.) Record pressures of PI-302 PI-306 Record AP (PI-302 minus PI-306) (<5 psi). Upon completion of filtration or when filter AP 2 5 psi, stop the waste pump. Close the following valves: V-302 _ , V-303B _____, V-306B ____ V-306A , V-307 Approved b)fl&%fi,w 37-11 7/27/65 Init. Date/Time (High Bay) | T.7 Close V-306D , (Vv-306C), v-304 (V-3034) 8 BACKWASH OF THE WASTE FILTER Use process water to backwash filter to waste tank. Proceed as follows: (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 8.1 Close the following valves: V-300 , V-305A , V-305B s V- 306A , V-307 , V-308 8.2 Open V-302 , V=301 (Transmitter Room) 8.3 Record LI-WT. (841 Level, North end) 8.4 Open V-819 very slowly (2 to 5 min) until PI-819 reaches 15 psi. Check AP of PI-306- PI-302 <6 psi = (~ 140 gpm). (Transmitter Room) 8.5 Check rate of level increase on LI-WT (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 8.6 Catch a sample at V-305B every 5 minutes. (Flush sample line before sampling. Add flush to waste tank via the caustic addition funnel in high bay.) (840 Level, North End) 8.7 When sample is clear, or after 15 minutes of flushing, start closing V-819. Take 2 to 5 minutes to close V-819 to allow filter bed to settle slowly. (Remote Maintenance Practice Cell) 8.8 Close V-302 , V-301 Approved by fi\%:k.fl. /w}%e T/27/605 9 GENERAL DECONTAMINATION AND CLEAN UP Periodically the building should be checked for contamination by health physicists and industrial hygienists. When radiocactive contami- nation or beryllium is found, the area should be isclated and marked. A survey should be made to determine source of contamination or beryl- lium. A cleanup should be started as soon as practical. Where water will not demage equipment in the area, plenty of hot water, detergent, scouring powder or soap should be used to scrub the area. Then the area should be rinsed. This procedure should he repeated as necessary until the area is approved by health physics. Caution should be used to prevent spread of the contamination. Contaminated or beryllium containing water should be put into the liquid waste storage tank through the caustic addition funnel in the high bay. Electrical equipment, instruments, and panels containing equipment which cannot be wetted, should be wiped clean with damp sponges and detergent or scouring powder and followed by a damp sponge rinse. Many repetitions of washing and rinsing may be required. Used sponges, etc. should be put into the hot Dempster Dumpster or hot cans provided. Equipment having porous coverings, such as insulation which would absorb moisture should be cleaned, using an approved vacuum cleaner. When possible the air from the vacuum cleaner should be discharged into a ventilation duct. Approved by _ 7 ':-'-‘,;{"’f;\, J:"-/«M/z‘.-fi\\_ 3K-1 9/28/65 3K Be MONITORING SYSTEM The Be Monitoring system consists of four units which take air samples from various areas of the MSRE facility and the Be concentration in the sample is determined. The operation and maintenance of this system is the responsibility of the IH (Industrial Hygiene) Department; however, the operations group will provide assistance as described in the following parts of this procedure. 1 GENERAL BUILDING AIR SAMPLING SYSTEM 1.1 One of the units consists of two alr pumps, only one of which is in operation at any one time, with 15 sample points connected to it. The sample points are located as shown on dwg. D-ZZ4-Z 56399. Each has a paper-type filter which removes the par- ticulate matter from the air sample drawn through it. The filter is removed and analyzed for Be periodically by the IH Department. The MSRE Operations personnel will check the air pumps periodically to assure that one is operating and pulling a vacuum of ~ 1.8" Hg. If the pump has stopped, the standby pump will be started and the IH Department informed of the failure. A low vacuum (<1.8" Hg.) would indicate an open line on the pump suction side or the pump is not operating properly. In this event the operating pump will be stopped, the standby pump started and the IH Department notified. If the trouble can be corrected by personnel available when it is discovered, it will be done. This pump becomes the standby pump when the trouble is corrected. 2 VENTILATION SYSTEM AIR SAMPLING 2.1 The second unit consists of a small air pump with the single sample point. It also uses g paper-type filter to collect the particulate matter and takes the air sample from the main building ventilation duct upstream of the filter pit. It is operated in essentially the same manner as the 15 sample point system. Since there is no standby pump, any trouble developing will be corrected as soon as it is practical. The IH Department ” 0} Approved by ;i;;%éé&’yfiV}%bfifi 3K-2 | v 9/28/65 2.1 (continued) will be notified of any difficulties developing. 3 NSL Be AIR MONITORING UNIT 3.1 The third unit consists of an NSL. Be Air Monitor. This instru- ment collects an air éample from the duct upstream of the venti- lation filter pit and makes an éhalysis for Be concentration once per:fiour automatically. fl.local alarm occurs if the Be concentrétion is >2 ug/m3. fi%erations personnel will check the instrument periodically énd inform the IH Department as soon as possible if an alarfirhas occurred due to a Be level. If the alarm is due to insqfument trouble and the shift instru- ment mechanic cannot correét it, the IH Department will be informed as soon as possibie if it occurs between the hours of 0800 and 1@%0. Otherwgse, it will be put on standby and the IH Department informed at 0800. Operations personnel will check and service the instrument in accordance with the in- structions of the IH Depértment. L COOLANT SYSTEM STACK Be MONITORING UNIT 4.1 The fourth unit is an Atomic Instrument Co. Be Air Monitor which normally monitors the air in the coolant system stack. The instrument is located in the vent house and takes its air sample through a tube connected to the stack. During shutdown operations it can be connected to tubes which take the air sample from the coolant cell. This will be done during maintenance operations which require that the salt containing pipe and equipment be opened. Air samples are taken and analyzed on a continuous basis. A high Be level (>2 ug/m3) or instrument trouble will give an alarm in the CR. If it is due to instrument trouble which the shift instrument mechanic cannot correct or a high Be level, the IH Department will be notified as soon as possible regardless of the time when the alarm occurs. The instrument will be checked and serviced by the operations personnel as instructed by the IH Department. Approved by %/)/ f;//wfn 8/3/65 SECTION k4 AUXTLTARY SYSTEMS STARTUP CHECK LISTS Successful operation of the reactor depends upon all essential equipment and instrumentation functioning properly. Prior to each startup all equipmentlis checked to assure that it is in the proper operating condition, all necessary motors are started, all valve and breaker positions are set and operational tests are made on all esgsential instrumentation. The check lists covering these operations are given in this section. Items are listed by systems rather than chronologically and except where there is interdependence these can be completed in any order. Where possible items are grouped by areas to facilitate completion of the lists. All operations listed must be completed before each reactor start- up unless their deletion is approved by the operations chief. Y W Approved by,ffif‘f{; &g/)/ \gfi//ffi’L / i%% 10/1 YA FELECTRICAL STARTUP CHECK LIST The purpose of this section is to prepare the electrical sysitem for startup, that is; motors are ready to be turned on, diesel ready for remote start and heaters ready to be turned on from hegter control panel. Init. Date/Time 1 ELECTRICAL CHECK LIST (EXCLUDING HEATERS) 1.l Main Control Board Note that breakers are energized as indicated by lights at push buttons. Stack Fan 1 and 2 (SF 1 and 2) Component Coolant Pump 1 and 2 (CCP 1 and 2) HCV 930A (BKR G3-13)% and HCV 930B (BKR G3-1k4)* HCV 935% (T-2-8) Coolant 0il Pumps 1 and 2 (COP 1 .and 2) Radiastor Blowers MBl and MB3 Duct Annulus Blowers MB2 and MBL Radiator Bypass Damper Coolant Pump Fuel Pump Fuel 0il Pumps 1 and 2 (FOP 1 and 2) Treated Water Pumps 1 and 2 (TWP 1 and 2) Cooling Tower Pumps 1 and 2 (CTP 1 and 2) Tower Fans 1 and 2 (TF 1 and 2) Coolant Cell Coolers 1 and 2 (CCC 1 and 2) Reactor Cell Coolers 1 and 2 (RCC 1 and 2) Drain Tank Cell Cooler {DCC 1) Component Coolant Pump No. 3 (CCP 3) Instrument Air Compressor No. 1 and No. 2 (AC 1 and 2) 1.2 Console Control Power Breakers Control Rod Drives 1, 2, and 3 *1f breaker lights are not on, check closed breakers at switch house. S Approved bx£g$§:22;4§z354/}%¢¢9zL LA-2 . 7 5 L.2 1.3 10/14/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) Radiator Door Drive Motor Radiator Door Brake Radiator Door Clutch 13.8 kv Panel (Auxiliary Control Room) 1.4 Note that circuits are energized by lights. Pref. Line Potential Switch 129 Closed and Energized Emergency Line Potential Switch 229 Open and Energized Manual, Auto Switch set to automatic Breaker 108 On and Tagged On TD-1 - Switches A through J closed TD-2 - Switches A, B, D through J closed Lock out Light Off North of Building Motor to Switch 129 connected Motor to Switch 229 connected Diesel Panel (Auxiliary Control Room) 1.5 DPM3 S Closed _ A-l Closed ___ A-5 open DPM4 T Closed ___ A-2 Closed ___ A-3 open DPM5 Z Closed __ AA Closed ___ BB closed_ CC Closed _ A-h Open 48v System (840 ft. level, north) 1.5.1 Check MG No. 2 energized. 1.5.2 Check MG No. 3 energized. 1.5.3 DNumber of MG set running 1.5.4 Check running MG set Generator Switch closed. 1.5.5 Check ground detector lights dim. 1.5.6 Check low dc voltage light dim. In Battery Room: 1.5.7 Check L48v battery switch closed and tagged. Approved bynggzgggfi%fié;qffiaéa4 LA-3 | 1000) 2.1.3 Close and tag P-3 Switch __ Close and tag P-4 Switch Close and tag P-5 Switch _ 2.1.4 Check and Record 0Oil Level in Day Tanks w3, DT Y s, Dr5 Approved by ,J;fi/ “\%//fii;fl% La-6 10/1L/65 Init. Date/Time 2.1.5 Drain sludge and water from Fuel Oil Supply Filters on DT 3 and DT L ’ DI 5 L] Cooling Water 2.3 2.2.1 Check Radiators level of D3 , Dk , D5 . 2.2.2 Check specific gravity for antifreeze. Note: If water is added, add antifreeze. 2.2.3 Close Heater Switch to all three Diesels: Diesel 3 , Diesel L , Diesel 5. 2.2.4 Check Diesel water temperature Gauge >90°F on Diesel 3 , Diesel k4 , Diesel 5 . 2.2.5 Check to see there are no obstructions nath of diesel units outside building. 2.2.6 Check that air inlet louvers south side of building can be opened. (Open these louvers when diesels are running.) Batteries on Diesels No. 3 and No. 4 2.4 2.3.L Turn on battery chargers D3 ;___ and Db . 2.3.2 Check and record electrolyte in Battery D3 _ and D4 . 2.3.3 Check for dead cells in each battery. Local Manusgl-automatic Switch on Diesel 2.5 No. 3 and No. L4 2.4.1 Turn switch to automatic position and tag. D3 D4 Air System on Diesel No. 5 (See Sketch 4A-2.1) { 2.5.1 Open or check open and tagged: V 5-4 and V 5-5 . 2.5.2 Close or check closed starting switch to compressor C 5 . Approved byfi%zm, ] 10/1 5 Init. Date/Time 2+¢5.3 Check PI discharge of air receiver >150 psi. Diesel Units (See Diesel Operation Manual) 2.7 2.6.1 Check crank case oil level D3 |, Dby , D5 . should be full (or above). 2.6.2 Check or fill Fuel Injection Pump. D3 , Dh , D5 2.6.3 Check o0il level in air cleaners. Check D3 __, D+ , D5 . governor oil level D3 ___, D+, D5 . 2.6.4 Set the Diesel Governor settings as follows: Speed droop = O D3 , Db , D5 . Load Limit , Setpoint and Dial indicator approximately as follows. D3=5__, Dk = 5 , D5 = 10 . Synchronizer Indicator at Scribed Mark. D3 , Dk , D5 . Additional Checks for Diesel No. 5 2'8 2.7.1 Check 0il level in oiler of airstarting motor. 2.7T.2 O0il pressure alarm switch should be in the "on" position. 2.7.3 Check that governor has reset. Reset marker should be at white mark. Use minor mounted on mgnifold. Diesel Auxiliasry Panel (Diesel Room) Close or check closed the following breakers: 2.8.1 Bkr. No. 1 Gen. No. 5 Fuel pump and heater. Approved by}zfi?’zigi;é%ynufh La-8 V 2.9 10/14/65 Init. Date/Time 2.8.2 Bkr. No. 2 Gen. No. 4 Fuel pump and heater. 2.8.3 Bkr. No. 3 Gen. No. 3 Fuel pump and heater. 2.8.4 Bkr. No. 6 Gen. No. 5 air compressor. Lighting Panel T Close or check closed the following breakers: 2.9.1 Bkr. No. 7 and No. 9. Cen No. 4 battery charge. 2.9.2 Bkr. No. 11 and No. 13. Gen. No. 3 battery charge. 3 HEATER PRESTARTUP CHECK LIST This section is to be completed to ensure the following objectives: (1) (2) (3) (L) 3.1 that all heater controllers are at the lowest setting before breakers are closed; that all breakers are closed; that induction regulator blowers are on; heaters are ready when required. Procedure for Completing Heater Check List 3.1.1 Check all heater controllers on Heater Control Panels. Circle in Red all heaters (in tables) which have amps indicated on the ammeters. These heaters should be left on during completion of the check list. 3.1.2 Have Shift Supervisor approve list before proceeding. 3.1.3 Set all manual powerstats to zero that are not cireled in red. Circle each heater number as the controller is checked at or set to zero using black pencil. Note: Check with Shift Supervisor /},:f:j ]. '_ - Approved by f;fifii;f/{>駣%§/k¢gy\\ y 2?89 ' 10/1 5 - | - Tnit. Date/Time 3.1.3 (continued) before turning off any heaters (not checked in No. 1) which show current on ammeters. 3.1.4 Check that heater control power and induction regulator motor power is on; . that is, the following breakers are . L. closed: Switch gear Breaker No. Z Switch gear. Breaker BB Safety Switch G 5-1-D (adj. transformer GS-1-D) 3.1.4e4h Heater Panel Breakers G5-1-D3- 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. Heater Panel Breakers G5-1-Di- 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10. NOTE: Circle heater panel breaker numbers which are closed or as they are closed. . Check that all induction regulators and motor operated powerstats are at the lowest setting before closing the heater breakers. Approved by ,/f52??3¥4§23; - The two rods not being tested should be above - 12.5.1 GSet valves as follows: HV-985-A2 open HV-987-A2 open HV-987-A3 closed HV-986-A open 12.5.2 Open HV-986, 987, or 989. Throttle HV-985-A1 and HV-989-A until ZI-987-A indicates approximately 50%. 4 e Z Approved bmfifif?fjgaf/fifwmffl 4H-20 4 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time 12.5.3 Establish communications between TR and Control Room. 12.5.4 TInsert Control Rod and determine control rod reference position. Record rod position when maximum dp 1s obtained. Determine position indications for each rod being inserted and for each being withdrawn. CONTROL ROD POSITION Valve Valves Actual Rod #| Open Closed Should Be|Inserting |Withdrawing|Initial|Date 1 |986-4 |987-A1 |989-A 2 |987-A1 {986-A |[989-A s i 3 1989-A 1986-A |987-Al 12.5.5 Open HV-987-A3. 12.5.6 Close HV-985-A1, 989-A, 986-A, 98T7-A1, and 989-A1. 12.6 After the system is hot and before adding salt check the drop time of each rod. 12.6.1 Raise #1 rod to 50 inches above the rod position where the first lower indi- cator light 1it up. (13.5) 12.6.2 Plug in the rod drop timer and set to zero. 12.6.3 Actuate the rod scram switch. 12.6.4 Repeat with Rod #2 and Rod #3 and record results in table. Approved byizffigzjgéigéffgflflzfl\ LH-21 9/17/65 Rod Drop Time Rod # | Starting Position | Should Not Exceed 1.0 Sec. | Initial | Date Init. Date /Time 12.7 Raise all three rods 12 to 15". 12.8 Push HS5-100-Al and A2 and note the kth v light in ECC-1T74 goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on and rods scram. 12.9 Reset and raise rods. Push HS5-100-Al and A3 and note that Lth light in ECC-174 goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on and rods scram. Reset and raise rods. 12.10 Push HS-100-A2 and A3 and note that Lth light in ECC-174 goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on and rods scram. Regset and raise rods. 12.11 Push trip test switch on RSS-NSC1l-A2 and ‘ RSS-NSC2-A2 and note that 4th light in ECC-1T7hk goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on. 12.12 Push trip test switch on RSS-NSCl1l-A2 and RSS-NSC3-A2 and note that 4th light in ECC- 174 goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on. 12.13 Push trip test switch on RSS-NSC2-A2 and RSS-NSC3-A2 and note that 4th light in ECC-1T74 goes out and first light in ECC-183, 184, and 185 goes on. Approved @xwizéfizgié;%%rk 4H-22 13 FUEL """ B 9/17/65 Tnit. Date/Time PUMP, FUEL PUMP OVERFIOW TANK AND COOLANT PUMP BUBBLER SYSTEMS FLOW ATARM CHECKS 13.1 13.2 13.3 On jumper boards 2, 3, and 4, check that the green lamps are on in circuits 40 _ L1 , 128, and 129 On main panels 6 and 8, check that annunci- ators XA-40O5-4 and XA-L4006-6 are clear. Referring to the following tables, set the fuel-pump selector switch (S8-36, on main panel 8), coolant-pump selector switch (5-39, on main panel 6), fuel-pump level test switch (S-37, on transmitter panel 5), fuel-pump overflow tank level test switch (5-38, on transmitter panel 5) and coolant- pump level test switch (S-40, on trans- mitter panel 6) as indicated, open the indi- cated supply valve and note when the low flow (or high pressure) alarm occurs. Then, while maintaining the test switch position, close the supply valve. After the supply valve has been closed, return the test switch to the "off" position and note the time required for the flow indicator to drop from 35 psi to 20 psi. Also, record the pressure at which the high flow (or low pressure) alarm occurs. *a Approved by :,»”/’////\J m-«r’fK an - . \/ Table 4H-2 FUEL PUMP LEVEL SYSTEM MH-23 9/17/65 Hi & Low Flow Alarm XA-LO06-6 Time (sec.) Selector Test |Supply Switch Hi {Flow Indicator| for FI to Switch | Switch | Valve Set Point lor Alarm | drop from S-36 S-37 |Number|Number|Per Sw Tab|Low|Number|Reading| 35 to 20 PS Position|Position| HV |596-A2 {Low| FI 3 2 596-B PS 1 596-A 596-A1 | Hi £ ; Position|Position| HV |592-A2 Low| FI 2 4 502-B | FS ? 592-A 592-A1 {51 pS . Position{Position| HV 593-A2 iLow FI 2 5 |593-A1| BS " [593-A 503-A1 cHi Table L4H-3 FUEL PUMP OVERFIOW TANK LEVEI, SYSTEM s i Hi & Low Flow Alarm XA-L4006-6 Time (sec.) i Test |Supply owitch Hi |Flow Indicatorf for FI to Switch [Valve Set Point jor Alarm | drop from S-38 [Number |Number |Per Sw Tab|Low|Number|Reading| 35 to 20 m B Position| HV [|599-A2 Low; FI 2 599-B PSs 599-A 590-A1 Hi PS Position{ HV |[589-A2 Lowl FI h 589-B PS 589-A 589-A1 Hi | PS : Position| HV |600-A2 Low: FI 5 600-B PS ; 600-A 600-A1 JHL - - (./( 4 S A Approved by, A" N s Y1 Y4 COOLANT PUMP LEVEL SYSTEM Table LH-L LH-2k 9/17/65 13.4 Set the fuel pump, fuel pump overflow tank Supply Value HV-596-B HV-592-B HV-593-B HV-599-B HV-589-B HV-600-B HV-598-B HV-594-B HV-595-B 1k and coolant pump bubbler system gas flows as given in the building log. Actual Reading After Setting Log Value FI-596-A FI-592-A FI-593-A FI-599-A FI-589-A FI-500-A FI-598-A FI-594-A FI-595-A FURL PUMP OVERFIOW TANK BUBBLER Hi & Low Flow Alarm XA-L0O5-4 Time (sec) Selector Test Supply Switch Hi |Flow Indicator: for I to Switch | Switch Valve Set Point | or Alarm | drop from S5=-39 S-40 Number|Number |Per Sw Tab| Low| Number! Reading { 35 to 20 PS Position|Position| HV |598-A2 Lowi FI b 2 598-B PS 598-A 598-A1 Hi PS Position |Position] HV |594-A2 Low| FI L i 594-B PS 594-A 594~A1 Hi PS Position {Position Hv 595~A2 Iow| FI 2 5 595-B PS5 595-4A 595-A1 Hi Init. Date/Time SDYSTEM: TLEVEL INDICATION AND INTERIOCK CHECKS NOTE : Enclosure 2 must be open. In order to complete these checks Containment o Approved bygflfi%it%i;%;iigfiflflfifi1 Init. LH-25 9/17/65 Date /Time 14.1 Check that annunciator XA-4O06-5 is clear. 14.2 Check that lights in Circuit 21 on jumper board 2 are burning. 14.3 While observing PI-589-A (Aux Panel 8), slowly close HV-589-C (Containment Enclosure 2) and record PI-589-A and FI-589 when the fol- lowing actions occur: Switch No. Sw Tab Setting Action PI-589-A FI-589 PSS-5890-A2 Turn out light in ) Ckt. 21 PSS-589-A2 Alarm XA~L4006-5 * NOTE: If alarm does not occur, check HV-589C closed NOTE : and slowly open HV-589B to increase pressure on PI-589A. 144 Open HV-589C and note that the alarm and circuit lights clear. The action of PSS-589-A1 is checked during the routine fuel system pressure tests. 14.5 Check that annunciator XA-4007-2 is clear. 1Lh.6 Check that the top light in circuit 19 on Jumper board 2 is burning. 14.7 Close HV-599B (Transmitter Panel 5) 14.8 While observing LI-599-Bl (Auxiliary Panel 8) and LI-599-B2 (Transmitter Panel 5) slowly close HV-599-C and record LI-599-El and LI-599-B2 when the following actions oceur: Swch. No. Sw. Tb. V1 Action LI-599-B1 LI-599-B2 I5-599-B Alarm XA-400T-2 1SS-599-B Turn out top - light in Ckt 19 Approved by - =% Sweh. af vt ey s ,,/i;ij?fi%ffiflt Init. L H-26 9/17/65 Date /Time 14.9 Open HV-599-C and note that the alarm and circuit light clear. 14.20 Check that the top light in circuit 18 on jumper board 2 is burning. 14.11 Close HV-600-B (Transmitter Panel 5). 14.12 While observing LI-600Bl (Auxiliary Panel 8) and LI-600-B2 (Transmitter Panel 5) slowly close HV-600-C and record LI-600-BL and LI-600-B2 when the following actions occur: No. Sw. Tb. V1 Action LI-600-Bl LI-600-B2 1LS-600- B Alarm XA-40OT-2 1SS~600-B Turn out top 15 light in Ckt 18 14.13 Open HV-600-C and note that the alarm and circuit light clear. 1L.14 Set HV-589-B, HV-599-B, and HV-600-B as per building log. (See item 13.4 this procedure. ) FUEL PUMP BUBBLER SYSTEM: TIEVEL, INDICATION AND NOTE : INTERIOCK CHECKS In order to complete these checks Containment IEnclosure 2 must be opemn. 15.1 Check that the lights in circuit 20 on Jjumper board 2 are burning. 15.2 Check that the lights in circuit 129 on Jumper board 2 are burning. 15.3 Check that there is cover gas flow to the fuel pump as indicated by FIC-516-B (Main Panel 9) and Record FIC-516-B 15.4 Check that annunciators XA-LO06-5 and XA-400T7-5 are clear. RN Approved hy45fi:?fii}£§%%7%%aq_ Init. YH-27 9/17/65 15.5 While observing PI-522-A (Sampler Enricher Panel 2), PRC-522-A (Main Panel 8), PI-592-B (Auxiliary Panel 8) and FIC-516-B (Main Panel 8) slowly close HV-592-C (Containment Enclosure 2) and record the data in the following table as the indicated action occurs.: Action Switech No. Sw Tab V1 Record Turn ocut lights in Circuit 20 PSS-592-B2 PI-522-A PI-592-B PRC-522-A - Alarm XA-LOOB-5 PS-522-A2% PI-522-A PI-592-B PRC-522-A PS-592-B¥. 8 PI-522-A PI-592-B PRC-520-A Turn out lights in Circuit 129 PSS-522-A PI-522-A - | PI-592-B PRC-522-A Alarm XA-40OO7-5 FS-516-B PI-522-A N PI-592-B PRC-522-A . FIC-516-B Date /Time *An instrument mechanic may be required to determine that both switches cause the alarm. NOTE: The action of PSS-592-Bl is checked during the routing fuel system pressure test. 15.6 Check that FIC-516-B is indicating zero flow __ and that FCV-516-B2 (on solenoid LS rack) is deenergized A B Approved by -1'4;‘p¢?94yfyq . 14 Init. 4H-28 9/17/65 Date /Time 15.7 ©Slowly open HV-592-C (Containment En- closure 2) until XA-4OOT-5 clears and then close HV-592-C _ . Note that the flow, as indicated by FIC-516-B returns to normal 15.8 While observing PI-522-A (Sampler Enricher Panel 2) and PRC-522-A (Main Panel 8) open HV-592-C just enough to produce a slow pres- sure decrease, and when PS-522-A1 causes XA-4006-5 to alarm record the following: Switch Tabulation value for PS-522-Al s PRC-522-A , PI-522-A 15.9 Open HV-592-C fully . Set HV-592-B per building log (see item 1L.L4 this procedure) . . Check that the annunci- ators and circuit lights clear 15.10 Check that the Normal Fuel Drain Switch (S-T) on console panel III, is in the "off" position. 15.11 Check that the following freeze valves indicate that they are frozen. FV-103 FV-104 FV-105 FV-106 15.12 Set the fuel-pump selector switch (8-36) on main panel 8, to position 2. 15.13 Check that the following circuits on Jjumper panel 1 are as follows: Ckt. 117: Top three (3) white lights burning Ckt. 118: Top three (3) white lights burning Ckt. 119: Top three (3) white lights burning "‘ T Approved by Init. LH-29 9/17/65 Date/Time 15.13 (continued) Circuit 138: Top white light burning (jumper "A" may be inserted if re- gquired) and the second white light out. 15.14% Check that the top white light in circuit 147 on jumper panel 2 is burning (jumper "A" may be inserted if required) and the second white 1light is out. 15.15 Insert Jumper in top jumper of circuit 150 on jumper panel 4 and check that the first white light 1s out. 15.16 Note that annunciator XA-LOO6-4 is in the alarm condition. 15.17 While observing LR-593-C (main panel 8) and LI-596-B (transmitter panel 5), slowly close HV-596-C to allow the fuel pump level indicator to increase very slowly and record IR-593-C, LI-596-B and the switch tabulation valves for the indicated switches as the following actions occur: Action Second white 1light in circuits 138 and 147 comes on and the first white light in circuit 150 comes on. Annunciator XA-L0O06-4 clears Annunciator XA-LO0O6-4 alarms Third white light in circuits 117, 118, and 119 goes out. LR-593-C LI-596-B SW. No. Sw. Tab Val 155-593-C1 L5-593-C3 L5-593-C2 155-593-C2 Approved byfl/ Q%T?/MM 15.18 While observing ILR-593-C (Main panel 8) and LI-596-B (Transmitter panel 5) slowly open HV-596-C to allow the fuel pump level indication to decrease very slowly and record IR-539-C, LI-596-B and the switch tabulation values for the indicated switches as the following actions occur: Action LR-593-C LI-596-B ow. No. Sw. Tab V1 Init, LH-30 9/17/65 Date/Time Third white light in Ckts. 117, 118, & 119 comes on 155-593-C2 Annunciator XA-L0O06~k clears 15-593-C2 Annunciator XA-L0oo6-4 alarms | 1S5-593-C3 First white light in ckt. 150 goes out and the second white light in ckts 138 & 147 goes out. _ 188-593-C1 15.19 Open HV-596-C fully and set HV-596-B per building log (see item 14.4 of this procedure ). 15.20 Set the fuel pump selector switch (S-36) on main panel 8 to position 3. 15.21 Check that the following circuits on jumper panel 1 are as follows: Top thiee (3) white lights burning in circuits 117 _ , 118 ___ , and 119 __ Top white 1light burning _ (jumper "A" may be inserted if required) and the second white light out in circuit 138. P R P At Approved byL A sait Lol Init. LH-31 9/17/65 Date/Time 15.22 Check that the top white light in circuit 147 on jumper panel 2 is burnhing (jumper "A" may be inserted if required) and the second white light is out. 15.23 Check that the top white light in circuit 150 on jumper panel 4 is out (jumper "A" may be inserted if required). 15.24 Note that annunciator XA-4006-k4 is in the alarm condition. 15.25 While observing LI-593-C (transmitter panel 5) and LR-593-C (main panel 8) slowly close HV-593-C to allow the fuel pump bowl level indication to increase very slowly and record LR-593-C, LI-593-C and the switch tabulation values indicated as the following actions occur: S Action IR-593-C LI-593-C SW. No. Tab. Val. Second white light in ckts. 138 & 147 comes on and the first white light in ckt. 150 comes on. ISS5-593-C1 Annunciator XA-4006-L4 clears IS5-593-C3 Annunciator XA-L006-L4 alarms I5-593-C2 Third white light in ckts. 117, 118, & 119 goes out. ISS-593-C2 15.26 While observing ILR-593-C (main panel 8) and LI-593-C (transmitter panel 5) slowly open HV-593-C to allow the fuel pump level indi- cation to decrease very slowly and record LR-593-C, LI-593-C and the switch tabula- tion values for the indicated switches as the following actions occur: Approved by _- o .i;}/;%@&wl Init. LH-32 9/17/65 Date /Time Sw. Tab Action ILR-593-C LI-596-B Sw. No. Val Third white light in ckts. 117, 118, & 119 comes on. L55-593-C2 Annunciator XA-L4006-L clears _ 15-593-C2 Annunciator XA-LOO6-L alarms 15-593-C3 First white light in ckt. 150 goes out and the second white light in ckts 138 & 147 goes out. I185-593-C1 15.27 Open HV-593-C fully and set HV-593-B per building log (see item 1L.L this procedure). 15.28 Remove the "A" jumpers from ckts 138, 14T, and/or 150. 16 COOIANT PUMP BUBBLER SYSTEM: ILEVEL INDICATION AND INTERIOCK CHECKS NOTE: 1In order to complete these checks the coolant cell must be open, 16.1 Set the coolant pump selector switeh (8-39) on main panel 6 to position 2 (B2). 16.2 Check that the lights in circuit 128 on Jumper panel 2 are burning. 16.3 Check that there is cover gas flow to the coolant pump as indicated by FIC-512-A (main panel 5) and record FIC-512-A 16.4 Check that annunciator XA-LOOL-3 is clear. 16.5 While observing FIC-512-A (main panel 5) and PRC-528-A (main panel 6) slowly close HV-594-C to allow the pressure indicated by PRC-528-A to increase very slowly and record F P s Approved Q&;ifiggéaiié;wufls‘_ 16.5 Action Annunciator clears Apnunciator alarms Tnit. Y H-33 9/17/65 Date /Time (continued) PRC-528-A, FIC-512-A and the switch tabu- lation values indicated as the following actions occur: Switceh No. Sw Tab Val Record XA-L4005-2 PS-528-A2 PRC-528-A XA-14005-2 PS-528-A1 PRC-528-A Lights in circuit 128 go out Annunciator alayrms 16.6 16.7 Action Annunciator clears PSS~528-A PRC~528-A XA-4004-3 FS5-512-A FIC-512-A Check that FIC-512~A is indicating zero flow and that FCV-512-A2 (on solenoid rack) is de-energized While observing PRC-528-A (main panel 6) slowly open HV-594-C (coolant cell) to allow the pressure indicated by PRC-528-A to de- crease very slowly and record PRC-528-A, FIC-512-A and the indicated switch tabulation values as the following actions occur: Switch No. Sw Tab Val Record XA-LOo0k-3 PS-512-A FIC-512-A Lights in circuit 128 come on Annunciator clears Annunciator alarms 16.8 PSS-528-A PRC-528-A XA-L0O5-2 PS-528-A1 PRC-528-A XA-4005-2 PS-528-A2 PRC-528-A Note that the cover gas flow to the coolant pump as indicated by FIC-512-A returns to normal (see item 17.3) and open HV-594-C (coolant cell) fully Approved bf)%'{r;'g//fl”\ 16.9 Set HV-594-B per building log (see item 1Lk.4 this procedure). 16.10 Depress the Off Mode button (S-8) on console panel 1. 16.11 Check that the lights on circuit 142 on Jumper panel 3 are off. 16.12 Check that the top white lights in circuits 121 and 126 on jumper panel 3 are burning. 16.13 While observing LR-595-C (main panel 6) and LI-598-C3 (transmitter panel 6) slowly close HV-598-C to allow the level indicated on LR-595-C and LI-598-C3 to increase very slowly and record LR-595-C, LI-598-C3 and the switch tabulation values indicated as the following actions occur: Action Switch No. Sw Tab Value Record Annunciator XA-4005-3 clears IS-595-C2 LR-595-C LI-598-C3 Top light in circuit 142 comes on 1S55-595-C1 LR~595-C LI-598-C3 Annunciator XA-4005-3 alarms LS-595-C3 IR-595-C LI-598-C3 Lights in circuits 121 & 126 go out ISS-595-C2 IR-595-C LI-598-C3 16.14 While observing LR-595-C (main panel) and LI-598-C3 (transmitter panel 6) slowly open HV-598-C (coolant cell) to allow the level indicated on LR-595-C and LI-598-C3 to de- crease very slowly and record LR-595-C and Init. LH-34 9/17/65 Date/Time - w7 2 Approved by’%)%’wfifli Init. LH-35 9/17/65 Date /Time 16.14% (continued) LI-598-C3 and the switch tabulation values as the following actions occur: Action Switch No. Sw Tab Val Record The top lights in ckts. 121 & 126 Annunciator Lights in c¢ircuit Annunciator come on. I55-595-C2 IR-595-C LI-598-C3 XA-4005-3 eclears IS-595-C3 LR-595-C LI-598-C3 142 go out 1SS-595-C1 LR-595-C | LI-598-C3 XA-4005-3 alarms ILS-595-C2 LR-595-C LI-598-C3 16.15 Open HV-598-C (coolant cell) fully and set HV-598-B (transmitter panel 6) per building log . (See item 1k4.k4 this procedure. ) 16.16 Set the coolant-pump selector switeh (S-39) on main panel 6 to position 4. (BL) 16.17 Check that the top white lights in circuits 121 and 126 on jumper panel 3 are burning. 16.18 While observing IR-595-C (main panel 6) and LI-595-C3 (Transmitter panel 6) slowly close HV-595-C to allow the level indicated on LR-595-C and LI-595-C3 to increase very slowly and record LR-595-C, LI-595-C3 and the switch tabulation values indicated as the following actions occur: Approved by - i e #“;“”jfififlfl Action Annunciator XA-4005-3 clears Top light in circuit 142 comes on Annunciator XA-4005-3 alarms Lights in circuits 121 & 126 go out V4 Switech No. Sw Tab Val L5-595-C2 188-595-C1 L5-595-C3 1SS-595-C2 Record LR-595-C _______ LI-595-C3 LR-595-C LI-595-C3 LR-595-C LI-595-C3 LR-595~C LI-595-C3 16.19 While observing LR-595-C (main panel) and LI-595-C3 (transmitter panel 6), slowly open HV-595-C (coolant cell) to allow the level indicated on ILR-595-C and LI-595-C3 to de- crease very slowly and record LR-595-C, LI-595-C3 and the switch tabulation values indicated as the following actions occur: Action The top white lights in circuits 121 & 126 come on Annunciator XA-L005-3 clears Lights in circuit 142 go out Annunciator XA-4005-3 alarms Switeh No. Sw Tab Val L55-595-C2 L5-595-C3 I55-595-C1 L5-595-C2 Record LR-595-C LI-595-C3 LR-595-C LI-595-C3 IR-595>-C ___ LI-595-C3 LR-595-C LI-595-C3 16.20 Open HV-595-C (coolant cell) fully and set HV-595-B (transmitter panel 6) per building log (see item 1L.4 this procedure.) Init. LH-36 9/17/65 Date /Time » LH-37 9/17/65 Tnit. Date/Time 17 If the containment-startup-check-1list tests have been completed, check that the following valves are open and install the flanges on the containment enclosures. Test the containment enclosure per containment-startup-check list. Valve Init. Valve Init. HV-600C HV-5T7T2A HV-599C ___ HV-5TWFA HV-589C HV-5T6A HV-592C HV-516 HV-596C HV-519B HV-593C ___ 18 TDRAIN, FIUSH AND STORAGE TANK PRESSURES Check that the drain tank receiver selector switeh (S-4) is not switched to FST __ and reactor is in prefill mode = . Referring to Table LH-5, one at a time close the listed HV in the helium supply to the tank. Then slowly add pressure through the listed supply HCV by adjusting the PIC and note that the pressure switches listed cause the control action or annunciation listed per Sw. Tab. Record the pressure readings when these occur. Insert jumper and change drain-tank selector switch where indicated. Remove Jjumper and change selector switch to the original posi- tion before starting next test. Also open HV's in the helium supply to the tanks that were initially closed. 19 IOW PRESSURE ALARMS ON DRATIN TANKS, FUEL PUMP AND COQIANT PUMP The Instrument Department should apply pres- sure on the reference side of the transmitters listed in Table LH-6. The low pressure alarms should sccur at an equivalent pressure to that given in the Sw. Tab. As the test is made Fill out Table L4H-6. Approved by _%%ML 4H-138 | 9/17/65 TABLE LH-5 TANK FD-1 FD-2 FPT CDT Close HV 572 -A 57k -A 576 -A 511-B Open HCV 572-A1 5TL-A1 576-A1 511-A1 Adjust PIC 517A 51TA 51T7A 511-B PAdsSS or PSS No. 1000-Al 1000-B1 1000-C1. 511-D1 Sw. Tab. Value Turn out lights in circuit 687 676 665 121, 126 Pressure indicator PR-572-B PR-574-B PR-576-B PR-511-D Pressure reading Insert jumper "A" in circuit 115 115 115 PSS No. 572-B2 5Th-B2 576-B2 Sw. Tab. Value Turn out lights in circuit 720 709 698 Pressure indicator PR-572-B PR-5TL-B PR-576-B Pressure reading Switeh DT selector (S-4) to FST PS No. 572-8B2 57h-B2 576~ B2 511-D1 Sw. Tab. Value Alarm on XA L00g-2 4009-1 4009-3 L4OoL-6 Pressure indicator PR-572-B PR-574-B PR-576-B PR-511-D Pressure reading PSS No. 572-BL 5Th-BL 576-Bl ow. Tab. Value Turn out lights in circuit 115, 117 115, 118 115, 119 Pressure indicator PR-572-B PR-574-B PR-576-B Open HV 572 -4 5L -a 576 - 511-B Remove jumper "A" in circuit 115 115 115 . - - #‘{! Approved bM55;;;;%5§%if%;fiéq¢q LH-39 9/17/65 Init. Date /Time i TABLE LH-6 Pressure PS No. Sw. Tab Val Annunciator Pressure Transmitter Reecorder PT-522-4A 5o2-A1 XA-4006-5 PR-522-A PT-572-B 572-Bl XA-4009-2 PR-572-B PT-574-B 57h-B1 XA-4009-1 PR-5T74-R ; PT-576-B 576-B1 XA-L4009-3 PR-576-B PT-528-A 508-A2 XA-L005-2 PRC-528-A PT-511-D 511-D2 XA-LOOL-6 PR-511-D 20 The Instrument Department has checked that the following rolling diaphragm seals on the trans- mitter vents are properly set and alarm on XA-4018-L and the test lines have been capped. Alarm on Diaphragm Seal Sw. No. Press. Transm. XA-4018-L4 Init. 21 22. PAli- 580 PXM-5T9 PXM-581 PXM-582 PXM-58L PXM-586 PX3-580 PXS-579 PXS-581 PXS-582 PXS-58Lk PXS-586 PT-592-B PT- 5001 PT-589-A PT-572-B PT-574-B PT-576-B Check that all contaimment enclosures opened for the above tests have been closed and have been tested as described in the containment startup check lists. Lower the getting of FIC-516-B and note that FS-516-B annunciates on XA-4OOT7-5 per Sw. Tab. Record FIC-516-B FS-52L4-B should also annunciate on XA-4007-6 per Sw. Tab. Record FI-52L4-B LH-40 Approved by | 9/17/65 | Init. Date/Time 23 Lower setting on FIC-512-A and note that FS-512-A ' anaunciates on XA-4OOL-3 per Sw. Tab. . Record FIC-512-A . FS5-526-C should also annunciate on XA-LOOL-4 per Sw. Tab. . Record FIC-512-A Reset FIC-516-B as found. NOTE: It may be necessary to slowly close HV-512 to get the desired actions. If so, be sure to open it when check is completed. 24 Close HV-500-K and note that PS-500-E annunciates per Sw. Tab. on XA-4028-1. . Record PI-500-Gl _____+ Open HV-500-K. 25 Increase PCV-500-G and note that PS-500-Bz annun- ciates on XA-4028-2, , PS-506 annunciates on XA-4028-7 _ , and PS-507 annunciates on XA-L028-8 as per Sw. Tab. _ . Record PI-500-GzZ __ . Re- duce PCV-500-G and note that annuncilations clear and PS-500-Bl reannunciates per Sw. Tab. on XA-4028-2 Record PI-500-G2 . Bet PCV-500-G as found 26 Close HV-500-E and note that PS-500-K annunciates on XA-4028-4 and PS-509-A annunciates on XA-4035-1 (at S-E panel) per Sw. Tab. . Record PI-500-A. 27 Note that PS-509-B anmunciates on XA-4035-3 (at S-E Panel) per Sw. Tab. . Record PI-500-A ____+ Instell temporary pressure gages and hand valves (per sketch below) on the vents of HV-500-N1, Nz, and N3. (LY LH-41 Approved by / /6 /L7765 - Init. Date/Time LINE S007 Purge out oxygen, then close HV-X1l, X2, and X3, leave HV-500-N1, N2, and N3 open. Open X1 until PI-N1 reads approximately 25 psig. Slowly open temporary HV-X2 and note that PSS5-500-N2 turns out lights on ECC-40 and 41 per Sw. Tab. Record PI-Na _ Close HV-X2 and slowly open HV-X3. Note . that PSS-500-N3 turns out lights in ECC-40 and. L1 per Sw. Tab. . Record PI-N3. . Close HV-X1 and slowly open HV-X1l. Note that PSS-500-N1 turns out lights in ECC-40 and 41 per Sw. Tab. . Record PI-NL . Close HV-L0O-N1, -N2, and -N3 and tag closed. __ 28 Check that there is flow indicated on FIC-516-B and 512-A and check that there is flow through each bubbler. . Record PCV-500-C Increase PCV-500-C and note that PS-500-L2 annunciates on XA-4028-5 per Sw. Tab. Approved by AL L3 LH-42 - A4 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time 28 (continued) NOTE: Record PI-500-M Decrease PCV-500-C and note that PS-500-L1 annunciates on XA-4028-5 per Sw. Tab. . Note that lights are out in ecircuits 40, 41, 115, 116, 126, and 127. Use jumpers as necessary to check this, then remove Jjumpers. Note that flow has stopped on the following: FIC-516-B ___ FI-599-A FIC-512-A ___ FI-589-A FI-596-A FI-600-A FI-592-A FI-598-A FI-593-A _ FI-595-A __ FI-594-A Open HV-519-A and note that PI-519 rises. Close HV-519-A and note that HS-519-A will not open HCV-519-A and B as indicated by the pressure remaining high on PI-519 . Close HS5-519-A. Raise setting on PIC-510-A and PIC-513-A and note that pressure does not increase. Return to settings as found. Raise PCV-500-C to wvalues fofind at start of test. BSet FIC—516-B, 512-4A, and bubblers as found. Increase FIC-500~Jd and note that FS-500-J annun- ciates on XA-4028-3 per Sw. Tab. . Record FIC-LOO-J . PS-508-A annunciation on XA-4028-6 is tested during routine system pressure test. 29 Adjust the pressure controllers on the oil supply tanks and note that the alarms occur per Sw. Tab. and record pressures in table below. ’ Approved by;/cigfizggéé%é?fikfiflnmqy 4H-43 v 9/17/65 - Init. Date/Time TANK PIC PRESSURE SW. TAB. ANNUN. NO. NO. SW. NO. VALUE PRESSURE NO. OT-1 513-4A 513-Az XA-4008 -4 Or-1 513-A 513-Al XA-4008-L4 - OT-2 510-A 510-A2 XA-4003-L g OT-2 510-A 510-Al XA-4003 -k - 30 31 32 Set TIC-PHL-1 and TIC-O5R1-1 (TIC-PH2-1 and TIC-0-R2-1) to turn heat onto preheaters and O, removal units. Adjust setpoint on TS-PHL-Z, TS-0-R1-2, TS-PHZ-Z and TSO-RZ2-2 per Sw. Tab. Lower HIC-915-A to zero, open HCV-565-A and note that there is flow through FqI-569-A Lower the setpoint on RS-565-B and note that lights go out in ECC-18 and ECC-80 annun- ciation occurs at XA-4010-2 , light comes on at monitor panel HCV-565 closes as indicated by light on MB-3 and flow stops through FqIl-569-A While observing temperatures on control rods (R36, 37, 38, 39, 40, or Ll), raise setpoint on HIC-915-A. Valve should not open and temperatures should not change. Raise setpoint of RS-565-B and push reset button. . Valve should open and temperatures change . Reset RS-565-B set- point as found. Open HCV-565-A1. Lower the setpoint on RS-565-C and note that lights go out in ECC-19, annunciation occurs on XA-4010-2 , and light comes on at monitor panel . Raise setpoint on RS-565-C and push reset button. Note that conditions clear. Approved by 33 3k 35 36 BH-4h 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time Lower setpoint on RS-528-B and note that lights in ECC-18 and 147 go out, ___, annunciation occurs on XA-4010-2 ____, and light comes on at monitor panel _ . Raise setpoint to value as found and push reset button. . Note that conditions clear. Repeat with RS-582-C. Check that there is flow indicated on FI-836-4, FI-838-A, FI-8L0-A, FI-830-A, and FI-8LkL-A. Lower setpoint on RS—827-A and note that annunciation occurs on XA-L010-2 ___and light comes on at monitor panel Lower setpoint on RS-827-B and note that flows on FI-836-4, 838-4, 840-A, 830-A, and 84k-A go to zero, and ESV-ST-A closes (physically check). Raise setpoint on RS-827-A and push reset. Note that flows start but annunciator does not clear Lower setpoint on RS-827-C and note that flows stop . Raise setpoint on RS-827-B and note that {lows start but annunciator does not clear Lower setpoint on RS-827-A and note that flows stop _ . Physically check that both FoV-847-A1 and FSV-8LL-A2 are closed . Raise setpoint on RS-827-A and push reset button. Note that flows start but annunciators do not clear. . Railse setpoint on RS-827-C and push reset button. Note that annunciators clear. Check that HS5-557-C is open. Record alarm set- point on RS-557-A . Lower the setpoint on RS-557-A and note that annunciation occurs on y Approved bymyfl 36 37 LH-45 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time (continued) XA-4010-2 , light comes on at monitor panel , and HCV-557-Cl closes as indicated by light on main board and visual observation Visually observe that HCV-510-AZ and HCV-513-A2 do not open when PIC-510-A and PIC-531-A setpoints are lowered. Raise PIC-510 and 513-A setpoint to values as found. Reise RS-55T7-A getpoint to value as found and note that conditions clear. Repeat with RS-557—B, Check that flow is indicated on FI-596, FI-592, FI-593, FI-599, FI-589, and FI-600. Record alarm setpoints on RS-596-A , RS-596-B and RS-596-C . Lower the setpoint on RS-596-A and note that annunciation occurs on XA-4010-2 and light comes on at monitor panel Lower setpoint on RS-596-B and note that flows on FI-596, FI-592, FI-593, FI-599, FI-589, and FI-600 go to zero RS-596-A and push reset. Note that flows start but annunciation does not clear Lower setpoint on RS8-596-C and note that Raise setpoint on flows stop (i.e. pressures increase) Raise setpoint on RS-596-B, push reset and note that flows start but annunciator does not clear Lower setpoint on RS-596-A and note that flows stop. Raise setpoint on RS-596-A and note that flows start but annunciator does not clear Raise setpoint on RS-596-C and note that annuhciators clear. - 2)./ L I AP Approved by,0 and note that there is no change in ECC 150 . In- crease APSP = 100% and note that fourth light in ECC 153 goes out. 5 AMPLER 76.1 Close HV-509-A and PV-509-B Open HV-672 and slowly open PCV-672-A (area 3A purge) and lower the pressure until PS-509-D alarms on XA-4035-3 and XA-40OO8-2 per switch tabulation. Record PI-509-C . Clear XA-LOO8-2 . Also note that PS-683-A alarms on XA-4036-6 and XA-4LO0OB-2 per switch tabulation. Record PI-509-C . Clear XA-L008-2. Slowly open PV-509-B until PS-509-A alaxrms on XA-4035-1 and XA-L0OO8-2 per switch tabulation. Record PV-L09-B . Close HV-672 ___ PCV-672-A , and PV-L09-B . Open HV-509-A . Reset PV-509-B to 40 psig and clear alarms. 7 9 4E-T3 _. ; 9/1.7/65 Init. Date/Time 76.2 Check that the permissive lights in the main control room and at the sampler enricher panel are actuated by the permissive switch on MB-8. Leave on. Check that sampler light works. 76.3 Close capsule access door (HS-651), removal valve (HS-RV), operational valve (HS-OV), and HCV-678. Maintenance valve should be open and cable drive withdrawn. DBuffer pressure should be applied to RV, OV, MV and AD. T76.4 Note that removal valve motor will not operate but that operational valve will operate. 76.5 Close operational valve. Note that main- tenance valve will close. Leave closed. Note that access port will open. Close door. Note that there is a 15 second time delay on HSV-652. 76.6 Insert capsule rod into sampler access tube and open HCV-666. Note that removal valve can be opened. 76.7 With removal valve open, note that access port operational valve, and maintenance valve will not open. 76.8 Close removal valve and note that access port’ will open. Leave open. 76.9 Check that removal valve, operational valve, and maintenance valve will not open. 76.10 Close access port and note that operational and maintenance valves will open. Leave both valves open. 76.11 Check that removal valve, access port and HCV-678 will not open. Cable drive motor will operate. Withdraw cable. . Approved b ¢;%£:; A LH-Th 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time 76.12 Close maintenance valve and note that cable will not operate but ECV-678 will open. Open maintenance valve. HCV-678 should close. 76.13 Close operational valve and note that cable will not operate but HCV-678 will open. Leave cpen. 76.14 Open HCV-675, HSV-660, and HSV-659 and access door. Activate RS-675-A and RS-675-B with a source and note that HCV-678, HCV-679, HSV-660, HSV-569, and access door close and XA-4037-2 and XA-L008-2 annunciate. 76.15 Remove source and note that none of the valves reopened and access door remains closed. 76.16 Open HCV-6T78 and note that operational valve will not open. 76.17 Close maintenance valve and note that it will not open. 76.18 Close HCV-678 and open operational valve and maintenance valve. 76.19 Insert cable 4" and note that neither the operational valve ror the maintenance valve will close. 76.20 Insert cable and note that drive automatically stops and green light comes on. 76.21 Remove cable and note that it automatically stops and red light comes on. 76.22 Close operational valve, open HV-657 and pressurize Area 1C until XA-4037-4 alarms. 76.23 Open HCV-678 to relieve pressure. 76.24 Operate the following and note that indicator lights are functioning properly: HS-RV HCV-679 HS-0V HSV-678 Approved by e W T LH-T75 N 9/11/65 Init. Date/Time 76.24 {continued) HS-MV ECV-677 HCV-666 HCV-667 HCV-675 EOV-678-2 76.25 With manipulator cover on, pressurize area 3A until PS-AR-3A alarms on XA-4037-1 and XA-4008-2 per switch tabulation. Record PR-AR-3A. 76.26 With access door closed, pressurize area 1C until PS-1C-3 alarms on XA—MOBT—l and XA-L4008-2 ver switch tabulation. Record PR-1C-E NOTE: Check with Operations Chief before proceeding. 76.27 Close HV-542 in area 3B, open HSV-6T78-A, HSV-678-Bl, ECV-667-A, and ESV-542-A. Pressur- ize area 1C and note that PSS-542-B and PSS-542-C both operate to close‘ESV—ShawA. Record PR-1C-E NOTE: Check with Operations Chief before proceeding. 76.28 Disconnect line 650 at FE-650-C and slowly back pressurize line 650 until PS-650-C alarms on XA-4035-2 and PS-674-A alarms on XA-4035-4 per switch tabulation. Use a temporary gage and record pressures when above actlons occur. 76.29 Allow leak detector header No. 2 to decrease in pressure until PS-655-B alarme on XA-4035-6 and XA-4008-2 per switch tabulation. Record PI-644-B 76.30 Allow leak detector header No. 1 to decrease in pressure untlil PS-664-B alarms on XA-4035-5 and XA-4008-2 per switch tabulation. Record PI-664-B . 76.31 Make a temporary connection to HSV-659-B in area LA and pressurize area 2B slowly until Approved by iZZEEfié?ié%Z%;zfi&zzfim I 76.31 (continued) PS-659-A alarms on XA-4037-3 and XA-L008-2 per switch tabulation. Use a temporary gage and record pressure when above action occurs LS-FP-Al LS-FP-A2 LS-FST Z5-MBlL-Al 7ZS-MB1-A2 ZS-MB2-Al 7ZS-MB2-A2 ZS-MB3-Al 7S-MB3-A2 ZS-MBA-AL Z3-MBL-A2 LS-0T1-A2 LS-0T1L-A3 LS-0T2-A2 LS-0T2-A3 LS-PRS-A LS-PRS-CL Ls-PRS-C2 ZS-511-A Ls-524-C LS-526-A 75-527-A Z5-533-A 75-536-A ANRRRRRREEEEY a 75-930-A3 Init. YH-T76 9/17/65 Date/Time As various systems are put into service, check that the following position switches actuate the corresponding position indicators per switch tabulation: 7S-841-A 7ZS-84h-A Z5-846-A 78-8L47-AL 7ZS-8L47-A2 XSS-930-A1 X55-930-4A2 Z35-930-A1 75-930-A2 T ZS-930-Ak ZS-930-45 ZS-930-A6 Z8-930-A7 78-930-A3 X88-930-BL XS8-930-B2 Z8-930-B1 7ZS-930-B2 78-930-B3 78-930-B+ 75-930-B5 z8-930-B6 75-930-B7 NERENE 7/4, r’d Approved by et /)1 foi YH-TT ~ 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time 77 (continued) zZs-547-A Z8-930-B8 Z5-557-C X55-935-A1L ZS-565-A X88-935-A2 7Zs-572-A 28-935-A1 Z5-573-A 25-935-A2 ZS-5Th-A 75-935-A3 ZS-575-A 7S-935-Ak Z5-576-A 7Z5-935-A5 ZS-5TT-A __ Z8-935-A6 _ Z5-837-AL __ Z5-935-AT Z8-935-A8 78 SAFETY INSTRUMENTATION Check all safety instrumentation per operating procedure 8D. 79 TEMPERATURE RECORDER ALARMS Check that the instrument department has set the following switches per switch tabulation: TS-3100 TS-3300 TS-3400-AL TS-3400-A2 TS-3500-Al TS-3500-A2 80 STACK MONITORS Check that the stack monitoring group has set the s following switches per switch tabulation: RS-SI-Al RS-SI-A2 (spare) Approved bmh LH-78 9/17/65 Init. Date/Time 80 (continued) RS-SI-BL RS-SI-B2 ____ (spare) RS-SI-CL RS-SI-C2 __ (spare) 81 HELIUM DRYERS Set the following switches at the helium treatment station per switch tabulation: TIC-DR1-1 TS-DR1-2 TIC-DR2-1 TS~-DR2-2 82 FUEL STORAGE TANK Have an instrument mechanic check the settings on the following switches per switch tabulation: PSS-608-Bl PS-608-C1 PSS-608-B2 PS-608-C2 83 COMPONENT COOQOLING SYSTEM Have an instrument mechanic check the settings on the following switches per switch tabulation: PS-T91-A4 PS-795-A 84 THERMAL SHIFLD COOLING WATER Close HV-855-A, open HV-855-B and slowly apply pressure through HV-855-B and note that PS-855 closes FSV-8LkL per switch tabulation . Re- cord PI-855 . Restore valves to proper positions. 85 DRAIN TANK CONDENSER COOLING WATER Slowly close HV-810 and note that FS-810-A alarms on XA-4026-1 per switch tabulation ___ . Record FI-810-A . Slowly close HV-812 and note that FS-812-A alarms on XA-L026-2 per switch tabulation Record FI-812-A . BSet flows per building =~ A 7 &, ' Approved by?zfifjjé;£v¢£:g