835 BT e .sa‘g(\..".g{ ») OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATOR i, B OB ol oy e . $ d b e%;a & % L ’%—?; Hfo? UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION ‘ for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 519 COPY NO. - 6‘, DATE - March 14, 1963 MSRE MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL E. C. Hise ABSTRACT It is psoposed that the MSRE primary circuit, cell, and shielding and containment be so designed as to be adaptable to semi-direct maintenance for certain suitable operations. » The requirements for and features of semi-direct maintenance are given. A tentative procedure for replacement of the special graphite bars by semi-direct means is given. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. The information is not to be abstracted, reprinted or otherwise given public dis- 7 semination without the approval of the ORNL patent branch, Legal and Infor- mation Control Department, g s LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any informotion, apparctus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "‘person acting on behalf of the Commission’ includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. by It is proposed that a semi-direct maintenance system.be.inporporated in the MSRE design as a parallel to the remote system. The dual method would provide the operator a-choice of system to be used depending upon the magnltude and type of .work to be performed and would,provide the safety . factor of a’ spare. ‘Many small cperatlons, such as visual inspections, retightening bolts, replacing heaters, checking auxiliary system leaks, and changing over to spare auxiliary connections of various kinds are well suited to the ssemi- direct system. Several major operations, such-as the removal and replace- ment of the pump motor; the pump rotary. element and the special core graphite bars, appear to be amenable to semi-direct Work. -Other major operations, such as the removal and replacement of the heat exchanger and core vessel, would perhaps be best done by a combination of the methods whereby the dls— connections will be done and the component prepared for lifting by sem1~ direct means and the operation completed by remote means. The general design reguirements to enable semipdirect mbintenance are: A modular seal membrane (Fig. 2) which could be removed either as a unit or in modules,k : A modular lower shield (Fig‘-o 2) which.Could,bewremovgdueithgr'as beams or in modules. ' ‘ a Arrangement of the modular shield with respect to reactor. components to provide maximum accessibility. Arrangement of auxiliary pipingkand\wiring in a few cases to permit lateral movement of a component in a specifie direction within the cell. The additional equipment required would be: A portable work shield (Fig. U4) consisting of horizontal steel or lead slides roller mounted on tracks and motor driven for remote opening and closing. -The slides would have vertical holes for windows, .viewing devices, lights, and tools. The holes would be filled with plugs when not in use. It would cover the opening left by the- removal of one lower shield module. Qnefor‘se?eral«sma11 shield windows~to*fit:€he holes. A suitable periscope Simple tools such as long handled wrenches and hooks. Many of these would be fabricated as mneeded. - . A generalized but entirely feasible procedure for the removal and replace- ment of the special graphite bars is presented to illustrate the semi-direct system. All operations described are with personnel in Zone II and on the cell shield except where marked.with an *. 1. Remove the upper shield beams (probably two ) necessary to uncover the -appropriate seal membrane module. o 2. Cutpthe seal weld and remove the membrane module. 3. Place the portable shield assembly_over“the.modular shield plug to be removed. Open the slides so as to clear the plug. Attach the crane to the plug. . - : ' ' %l -Raise-the,shield:plug and close. the slides. 5. Install windovs and lights in the portable shield. 6. Insert the appropriate tools and, with dlrect vision through the windows or perlscope if necessary, dlsconnect the pump power and instrument leads and the service piping. Remove the rotary element hold down bolts. ‘Withdraw the tools. These can be pulled into plastic bags if necessary. T .Center the:cranetwith special hook:fiXture over the motor 1lift bail : %8, gpen the portable shleld slides, lower the hook fixture through the shield; and close the slides. 9. By dlrect observatlon attach the crane to.the‘llft bail. Raise the rotary element approx1mately 2 1/2 £t to clear. the fixed pump hous1ng The rotary element will still be well below the. bottom of the portable shield. , 10. Using the movable . slide, crane,‘and'dlreCt vision, transport the ‘rotary element to a preplaced hook within the. cell ‘hang up the rotary -element, and dlsengage the crane hook o -*ll. gpen the slldes remove the hook and close the slides 12. Place a shlelded carrler w1th open tqp and bottom through the portable shield over the pump bowl. Insert the graphite removal tool through the carrier and latch it onto a graphite bar. Withdraw the bar into the carrier and ' close the bottom door. = Unlatch the tool, withdraw it from the carrier, and park it in the.cell. Close the top door of the carrier, withdraw the carrier into a plastlc bag, and withdraw the shielded and contained bar from the cell. Repeat for each bar to ‘be removed. Alternatlvelyplt may be more desirable to have one carrler accommodate all five graphite bars. 13, At th1s tlme,'lf it is des1rable, viewing devices can be placed in the core vessel and the upper and lower plenums, etc -examined. 1L4. . Attach each replacement bar in turn to the insertion tool and place in. reactor : 15.. Reassemble the.reactor“andnshield with the reverse of steps'léll above. - . o A recapitulation of the features-of.the:semirdirect System follows: 1. Access to the primary system for a specific operation requires the removal of “two upper shield beams, one membrane module, and one lower shleld.module, and the placement of the portable- shleld wy : c . Y © s . v . . ' L 5 : . ¢ - e “ PO s v s < T ¥ ’ . ¢ - . ki . . . - < €als 2. .The required air flow is that to maintain a down draft through the small openings in and around the portable shield and thereby prevent airborn contamination. 3. Direct vision or optical aids may be used at all times. 4. Multiple "hands" may be used simultaneously. 5. "Feel" is retained by the operater. 6. Access to Zone IT is st T st s .il.ll..l‘..ll”u’. }’Lll‘ - iy - — i ! l % t i ! ! | % 5 ! 1 i | | 1 | i i 1 ! | ] ! e A iy — B ——— e A 5 et A .+ . ettt e B - - e e ———— e e - e — : { ‘ _ | ———— e - 1 : i - | | 4 g i — - e e e s —— e - e g e — cat —— —— —— — et Y - e e ssvnd o - e s b i <83 - gt g N e - ~ - i ; g { e > | & bebdind Lo s i ! ; el i O e S S e — e ———— . ————— ey - HWSKE L0548 2158 L - oee? ~ Upper Sw éir fer A 4 2 JIRAN G5 7/ -.{:_ ’//J"" & » é[.: F—d',éé. -5’/'7 ,3: 57 Yo S« e, i i ¥ P # 3 - 4 A - —y e — e ey Sgcrion ORNL~LR=Dwg. =52301 UNCLASSIF IED WL LRI H ’ ¥ b[fl“fi? e < w, £ i " A (.ll ‘ S 1 ke ) SEenl ' A M;‘"IA/‘I" ¢ f/{f’n‘.(' SHieL o 5:;4‘/'1 Oy j‘-' LAowé A L 4 : ” oAl : SmiEALS ‘ al o £ ¢ <‘A/" & £ \ UNCLASSIFIED Fra 4l EpraRl & SHELL et # 1-3. L. DTIE, AEC M. J. Skinner