OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION @ for the | U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL- TM- 379 copYno. - [/ G DATE - October 15, 1962 TEMPERATURE AND REACTIVITY COEFFICIENT AVERAGING IN THE MSRE B. E. Prince and J. R. Engel MAST ABSTRACT Use is made of the concept of 'nuclear average temperature"” to re- late the spatial temperature profiles in fuel and graphite attained during ‘ high power operation of the MSRE to the neutron multiplication constant. Ty Based on two-group perturbation theory, temperature weighting functions . for fuel and graphite are derived, from which the muclear aversge tempera- tures may be calculated. Similarly, importance-averaged temperature co- efficients of reactivity are defined. The values of the coefficients cal- culated for the MSRE were -4.b x 10"2/°F for the fuel and -7.3 x 10=D for the graphite. These values refer to & reactor fueled with salt which does not contain thorium. They were sbout 5% larger than the values obtained from a one-region, homogeneous reactor model, thus reflecting the varia- tion in the fuel volume fraction throughout the reactor and the effect of the control rod thimbles on the flux profiles. r. NOTICE ¢ This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Qak Ridge National Laboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. The information is not to be abstracted, reprinted or otherwise given public dis- semination without the approval of the ORNL patent branch, Legal and infor- mation Control Depariment. LEGAL NOTICE This report wos prepared as an account of Government sponsored work, Neither the United States, ner the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representotion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuraey, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may net infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, *‘parson acting on behalf of the Commission’ includes any employee ot contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminotes, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contracter, INTRODUCTION Prediction of the temperature kinetic behavior and the control rod requirements in operating the MSRE at full power requires knowledge of the reactivity effect of nonuniform temperature differences in fuel and graphite throughout the core. Since detailed studies have recently been made of the core physics characteristics at isothermal (1200°F) conditions,l perturbation theory provides a convenient approach to this problem. Here, the perturbation is the change in fael and graphite temperature profiles from the iscthermal values. In the following section the ahalytical method is presented. Specific calculations for the MSRE are discussed in the final section of this report. ANALYSIS The mathematical problem considered in this section is that of describing the temperature reactivity feedback associated with changes in reactor power by use of average fuel and graphite temperatures rathe: than the complete temperature distributions. The proper averages are derived by considering spatially uniform temperatures which give the same reactivity effect as the actual profiles. The reactivity is given by the following first-order perturbation formula:3 ¥* 8k k [&, oMB] e -~ e o= o T () Te ® , 1] Equation 1 relates a small change in the effective multiplication con- stant k.e to a perturbation 6M in the coefficient matrix of the two-group equations. The formulation of the two-group equations which defines the terms in (1) is: vZ v 2 £l £2 _ , - Dl V ¢l + 2&1 ¢l = ke ¢l = ke ¢2 = 0 (2‘3') D,V Bk T By - Ty Ay = O (20) or, writing (2) in matrix form: M= M- 2= O (3) e where: 2 (-nlv +zm+zal) 0 A = . - Iy =D,V + Bp v Zfl v Zfe F = 0 0 A d = 7 OF 6M = O0A - X * In equation 1, & is the adjoint flux vector, 3 = (8 &) and the bracketed terms represent the scalar products; oM, oM, A [Q*’ o] = l;eactor(fil* ¢2*) av oMy My, A fReactor (¢1* oM, B+ ¢1* oM, Bp ¢2* oMy B + ¢2* M, #,) av (&) * A similar expression holds for [® , PP} with the elements of the F matrix replacing OM. Temperature Aversging Starting with the critical, isothermal resactor (ke =1, T = TO), consider the effects on the neutron multiplication constant of changing the fuel and graphite temperatures to Tf(r,z) and. Té(r,z). These effects may be treated as separate perturbations as long as 6k/k produced by each change is small. Consider first the fuel. As the temperature shifts firom v, to Tf(r,z), with the graphite temperature held constant, the reactivity fo chenge is: * ok _ [®, oM(T, ~T,) ] (s) pf = Xk - 5 - * Tpo = Tf(r,z) [, Fb] If the nuclear coefficients comprising the matrix M do not vary rapidly with temperature, OM can be adequately approximated by the first term in an expsnsion about T, , i.e., 6M(Tfo - Tf) - m(Tfo) (T:E‘ - Tfo) (6) Tn equation (6), m is the coefficient matrix: oMy M, , M, T, m(T,,) = (7) ale 8M22 T f f fo Thus: * ok ['1) ’ m(TfO ) (Tf - TfO ) (I’] o - - . (8) Now, consider a second situation in which the fuel temperature is changed * from Tfo to Tf uniformly over the core. The reactivity change is: & oM(T,_ - Tf*) 5] ok = - £\t - Tp &, 8] R m(ry) (T - 7)) @] (o) = - o 9 * we may define the fuel nuclear average temperature Tf as the uwniform temperature which gives rise to the same reactivity change as the actual temperature profile in the core, i.=.; ¢ ) (r.” Yo = |& ) (T, (r,z) Yo | (o) 3, m(Tfo (Tf - T, J = |®, m(TfO e (r,2) - Tfo) | ) * Sirce Tf is independent of position 1t may be factored from the scalar product in the left hand side of (1d): 2t - @, m*(TfO) T, (r,z) @] o) &, m (Tg,) 2] In an analogous fashior, the naclear average temperature for the graphite is defined by: % * (@ y 1 (Tgo) Tg(r,z) ®] T = _ (12) g [, m(T,,) @] with OM, M, , g Tg m(?go) = BMQJ_ aM22 T, Ty 3 or I R 3 0 Temperature Coefficients of Reactivity Importance~-averaged temperature coefficients may be derived which are consistent with the definitions of the nuclear average temperatures. Again consider the fuel region. Let the initial reactivity perturbation correspond to Tf assuming a profile Tfl(r,z) about the initial value Tfo: @, (T, ) (Tg (r,2) - Ty ) 8] = - »* (lh‘) 3, F] Py 1f a second temperature change is now made (Tf a-Tfe), [é*) m(TfO) (Tfe(r‘?z) = Tfo) @] @, F] (15) Ps subtracting, and using the definition (11) of the fuel nuclear average temperature: « . [ mrg) (1p602) - 14 602) g o @ , F&] & VP, * = - e (T, - Ty) * @, M) This leads to the relation defining the fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity: &, n(T,,) @] L0 = (172) * 8T, &, 7] and a similar definition mey be made of the graphite temperature coeffi- cient: 2 (17b) It may be seen from the preceding analysis that the problem of ob=- — taining nuclear average temperstures is reducible to the calculation of the weighting function contained in the scalar product: @, m] = fReactor W (F, my B+ B my B+ By myy )+ B myy 6 = j~ av G(r,z) (18) Reactor G(r,z) = & uwd (19) In the two-group formulation, the explicit form of the m matrix is: a d —a-T_(-Dlv2+le+za.l-vzfl)T=To 'Efl?’("zfa)T=To \ m o= (20) . d d 2 - & e & DY Il o 0/ & where the derivatives are taken with respect to the fuel or graphite temperatures in order to obtain Gf venient for numericel evaluation to rewrite the derivatives in loga- or Gg’ respectively. It is con- rithmic form; e.g., a > a2 aT - Zé2 5(252) where W 1 4z, ) d (4n 29.2) ‘a2 Eée aT aT Thus, carrying out the matrix multiplication implicit in (19): 6(r2) = 80y { (- 2,77 )} (Fast 1eakage) + plZy) { Zr1 ¢1* A= Ty ¢2* ¢1} (Slowing down) + B(Z) { . 8" ¢l} (Resonance Abs.) + a(vzfl) {- v 2, ¢l* ¢1} (Resonance fission) + B(viy,) {- vV I, ¢l* 952}’ (Thermal fission) + B(5,) { z, ¢2* ¢2} (Thermal Abs. ) + p(D,) {¢2* (-D?_v2 ¢2)} (Thermal Leakage) (21) To evaluate the leakage terms in (21), a further simplification is ob- tained by using the criticality relations for the unperturbed fluxes: - D, 7" o= ~Zp Pt In g (22) -Dlvzpjl: —ZRl¢l—2al¢l+vZfl¢l+vZf2¢2 (23) Incerting the above relations into (21) end regrouping tems results in: a(em) = { (8 () - 80,0 )3y + (B (5 - 80)) 3, - (Bvzg) - 30) ) vig 4" 4 r{(80y) - B05)) voes} 4" 4, { () - 8(5y)) 7y } 8" 4 A (i) - 50p) .0 17 4, o) 10 FEquation (24) represents the form of the weighting functions used in numericel calculations for the MSRE. The evaluation of the coefficients B for fuel and graphite is discussed in the following section. APPLICATION TO THE MSRE: RESULTS Utilizing a calcuwlational model in which the reactor composition was assumed uniform, Nestor obtained values for the fuel and graphite tempera- ture coefficients.u The purpose of the present study was to account for the spatial variations in temperature and composition in a more exact fashion. In this connection, two-group, 19-region calculations of fluxes and adjoint fluxes have recently been made for the MSRE,l using the Equipoise-3A 253 program. These studies refer to fuel salt which con- tains no thorium. The geometric model representing the reactor core configuration is indicdted in Fig. 1. Average compositions of each region in this figure are given in Table 1. The resulting flux distributions, which are the basic data required for calculation of the temperature weighting funetions, are given in Figs. 2 and 3. These figures represent axial and radial traverses, along lines which intersect in the regior J of Fig. 1. The intersection point occurs close to the point R =7 in., Z = 35 in. of the grid of Fig. 1, and corresponds to the position of maximum thermal flux in the reactor. To compute the tempersture weighting functions (Eq. 24), the log- arithmic derivatives o 1 M| |8 +3 0 3 x = D, vZ, I, I For each group must be numerically evaluated. Here, certain simplifying approximetions may be made. It was assumed that the diffusion and slow- ing down parameters D and Zh vary with temperature only through the fuel and graphite densities and not through the microscopic cross sections. Thus, using: 2 o= Zf o+ Zg + EIn ORNL-LR-Dwg 74858 11 Unclassified » 19-Region Core Modei for Equipoise Calcuiation Fig. | Table 2. Nineteen-Region Core Model Used in EQUIPOISE Calculations for MSRE radius Z Composition (in.) (in.) (Volume percent) Region Region inner outer bottom top fuel graphite INOR Represented A 0 29.56 Th.92 T76.04 0 0 100 Vessel top B 29.00 29.56 - 9,14 Th .92 0 0 100 Vessel sides c 0 29.56 -10.26 -9.14 0 0 100 Vessel bottom D 3.00 29,00 67 .47 T4 .92 100 0 0 Upper head E 3.00 28.00 66 .22 67 .47 93.7 3.5 2.8 F 28.00 29.00 0 67 .47 100 0 0 Downconmer G 2.00 28,00 65.53 66.22 al,6 5.4 0 H 3.00 27.75 64 .59 65.53 63.3 36.5 0.2 I 27.75 28.00 0 65.53 0 0 100 Core can J 3.00 27.75 5.50 64 .59 22.5 7.5 0 Core K 2.9 3.00 5.50 .92 0 0 100 Simulated thimbles L 0 2.94 2.00 64 .59 25.6 Th.b 0 Central region M 2.94 27.75 2.00 5.50 22.5 T7.5 0 Core N 0 27.75 0 2.00 23.7 76.3 0 Horizontal stringers 0 0 29.00 -1.41 0 66.9 15.3 17.8 P 0 29.00 -9.14 -1 .41 90.8 0 9.2 Bottom head Q 0 2.94 66.22 Th.92 100 0 0 R 0 2.94 65.53 66.22 89.9 10.1 0 S 0 2.94 64 .59 65453 %3.8 56.2 0 . gl ORNL-LR-Dwg 74859 Unclossified 13 . ORNL-LR-Dwg 74860 fassifi i vhere £, g, and In refer to fuel salt, graphite, and Inor; dp B(D) = 5 3% - Nt L D £ Z%r z:'tr ~ - ’ g 5 P (:tr‘>'+ P Ztr :) * Blp,) + -+ (3.7 (Groups 1, 2) g z%r ztr B(pg) In the above épproximation, the effect of temperature on the Inor density has also been neglected. efficients of fuel and graphite were: Fuel temperature: Bp. ) = 2 8 S o 4 S £ ip l { Blog) = o= o g T dp - 1 s Graphite temperature: B(p ) = — — S p_ 4T 5 8 de 1 Bloy) = == 7= g & .The remaining coefficients were 1 B(vZ,, ) ey B(z,, ) B(p, B(p, The numerical values used for the density co- — — -1.26 x 10“”/°F I - L4,0x 10-6/°F calculated as follows: )+ B(voy ) )+ plo,) For the MSRE fuel, the temperature coefficients of the fuel resonaace cross sections, B(vo&l) and B(Gél)’ are of the order of 10"5/°F, a factor 16 of ten smaller than the fuel density coefficient. In addition, resonance Tissions contribute only sbout 12% of the total fissions in the reactor. Thus 6(Vaf1) and B(Uél) were neglected in the present calculations. For the thermal fission and absorption terms: B(vZ,,) = Blo ) + B(voy,) 2> Z ~ a2 25 B(Z,,) 2:2 [B(ps) + B(o, )] + 2 [B(ps)+ B(cra;)} v 2 [B(pg)+ a(o-azg)} t oy B(G.nln) o In the above expression, the thermal cross section of the salt was sepa- rated into components; one was U235 and the other was the remaining salt constituents (labeled s). This was done because of the non-l/v behavior of the U235 cross sectlon. Evaluation of the temperature derivatives of the thermal cross sec= tions gives rise to the question of the relationship between the neutron temperature Tn and the fuel and graphite temperatures, Tf and Té. As seen from Table 1, except for the oubter regions of the core, graphite comprises about 75 to 77 per cent of the core volume. TFollowing Nestor's calculations, it was assumed that within these regions the neutron tem- perature was equal to the graphite temperature. These regions comprise the major part of the core volume (Table 1). For those external regions with fuel volume fractions greater than 50% (an arbitrarily chosen di- viding point), the neutron temperatuvre was assumed equal to the bulk temperature; i.e., 17 T ~ v, T +v T g g - n ff where v is the volume fraction. The cross sections were given by To b a2 = c.a.El(To)<'f'_> n with b = 0.5 for y232 and b = 0.%50 for the remaining salt constituents; on this basis the result for B is: Blo ) = = Va2 _ ( 1 %o ar_ a2 O'a‘2 aT O'a‘2 dTn It _ . b Ty Tn aT Thus, for the fuel temperature: . do 8o ) = -——-Gl ET—?‘—Q-= 0 Vo< 0.50 8 a2 f v_b = - X v, > 0.50 T f 0 T = 1200°F o ¥or the graphite temperature: ao 1 a2 b < Blo.,)) = =— === -+ v. < 0.50 a2 0.0 dTé To f g ® = - To 'V'f > 0.50 Based upon the preceding approximations, the results of calculations of the fuel and graphite temperature weighting functions are plotted in Figs. 4 through 6. Figure L4 is a radial plot, and Figs. 5 and 6 are axial plots of the fuel and graphite functions, respectively. In the latter ORNL-LR-Dwg 74861 nclassified 19 ORNL ~LR-Dwg 74862 Unclassified pG!“SSDIDUQ £967Z BMQ-Y1-TNIO figures, the "active core" is the vertical section over which the uniform reactor approximation, sin2 g-(z + zo) may be used to represent the weight function. Temperature coefficients of reactivity consistent with these weighting functions were calculated from Eq. 17. These values are listed in Table 2, along with the coefficients obtained from the uniform reactor model as used for the calculations reported in reference (4). In the latter case, a uni- form fuel volume fraction of 0.225 was used; i.e., that of the largest region in the reactor. Also, the effective radius and height of the re- actor were chosen as closely as possible to correspond to the points where the Equipoise thermal fluxes extrapoclate to gero from the active core. Table 2. MSRE Temperature Coefficients of Reactivity Fuel Gra%hite 10=2/°F 10™2/°F T ———rrvd - r—— Perturbation theory -l 45 -7.27 Homogeneous reactor model -4 .13 -6.92 22 APPLICATION TO THE MSRE -~ DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The relative importance of temperature changes on the reactivity varies from region to region in the reactor due to two effects. One is the change in the nuclear importance, as measured by the adjoint fluxes. The other is the variation in the local infinite multiplicetion constant as the fuel~-graphite-Inor 8 composition varies. The latter effect leads to the discontinuities in the temperature weighting function. For ex- ample, region O of Fig. 1 contains a relatively large volume fraction of Inor 8 (see Table 1). This results in net subecriticality of this region in the absence of the net inleakage of neutrons from the surrounding regions. Thus the reactivity effect of a temperature increment in this region has the opposite sign from that of the surrocundings. It should be understood that the validity of the perturbation caicu- lations in representing the local temperature-reactivity effects depends upon how accurately the original flux distributions and average region compositions represent the nuclear behavior of the reactor. Also, it was necessary to assume a specific relation between the local neutron temperature and the local fuel and graphite temperatures. More exact calculations would account for a continuous change in thermal spectrum as the average fuel volume fraction changes. This would have the effect of "rounding off" the discontinuities in the temperature weighting func- tions., These effects, however should be relstively minor and the re- sults presented herein should be a reasonably good approximation. Nuclear aversge temperabures hsve been calculated from computed MSRE temperature distributions, usirg the weighting functions given in 5 this report and are reported elsewhere. 23 NOMENCLATURE Static multiplication constant Coefficient matrix of absorption plus leaskage terms in diffusion equations Coefficient matrix of neutron production terms in diffusion equations Matrix of nuclear coefficients in diffusion equations for unperturbed reactor Temperature derivative of M matrix Temperature weighting functions of position: Subscripts £ = fuel salt, g = graphite Diffusion coefficient, group Jj = 1,2 Temperature: Subscripts f = fuel salt, g = graphite, o = initial, n = effective thermal neutron temperature Nuclear average temperature Reactor volume element Volume fraction Neutron flux, groups j =1, 2 Neutron flux vector Adjoint flux, groups § = 1, 2 Adjoint flux vector Reactivity Density of fuel salt Density of reactor graphite Macroscopic cross section, groups j = 1, 2; Subscripts a = absorption, f = fission, R = removal Temperature derivative of /In X Number of neutrons per fission gchb 2k REFERENCES MSRP Prog. Rep. August 31, 1962, (ORNL report to be issued). T. B. Fowler and M. L. Tobias, Equipoise-3: A Two-Dimensional, Two=-Group, Neutron Diffusion Code for the IBM-T090 Computer, 0RNI.I"3199’ Feb- 7, 1%2- C. W. Nestor, Jr., Equipoise 3A, ORNL-3199 Addendum, June 6, 1962. MSRP Prog. Rep. August 31, 1961, ORNL-3215, p. 83. J. R. Engel and P. N. Haubenreich, Temperatures in the MSRE Core During Steady State Power Operation, ORNL-TM-37C (in preparation). l-2¢ - * - - - - O o= O\ F i 10. 11l. 12. 13. 14, 16. 25. 26. 27« 28, 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Lo, b3, 4, s, L6, 47, L8, L9, ?wamwsz%wamtflflg Internal Distribution MSRP Director's Office. Rm. 219, Bldg. 9204-1 G. L S. M. c. E. D. N E. S. - * M. Adamson G. Alexander E. Beall Bender E. Bettis S. Bettis S. Billington F. Blankenship G. Bohlmann E. Bolt J. Borkowski A. Brandon . R. Bruce W. Burke Cantor E. Cole A. Conlin . Ho Cook . T. Corbin A. Cristy L. Crowley . L. Culler H. DeVan G. Donnelly Douglas . Dunwoody . Engel Epler Ergen Fergason . Fraas . Frye Gabbard Gallaher Greenstreet . Grimes Grindell Guymon Harley Harrill Haubenreich . Hise Hoffman Holz Howell Jarvis . Jordan o - oM g X g Do G mhEgEQ=E0nimm 25 50 51 52. 53. 55. 6. 57+ 53. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64 . 65. 66. 67. 66. 69. T70. T1. T2. 73 Th. 5. T6. 17 78. 79. 80. 81, 82. 83' 8L, 85. 86. 87. 88. 90. 9. 92. 93. gl ., 95. 96. 8. P. R. R, J. M. T. M. dJ. S. 5. J. W. J. A. W. J. R. B. M. I. R. N. H. G. F. C. E. R. W. B. H. F. C. K. A. J. E. C. R. L. J. C. T. E. W. R. Kasten Kedl Kelley Kelly Kirslis Krewson Lane Leonard Lindauer Lundin Lyon MacPherson Mainensciaein Mann McDonald McDuffie McGlothlan Miller Miller Moore Moyers Northup Osborn P. Patriarca H. R. A, M. W. B. B. E. Jd. L. Payne Perry Pike Prince Redford M. Richardson R. C. T. X. H. W. A. W. J. E. Robertson Roche Savage Savolainen Savolainen D. Scot C. H. J. H. M. Jd. G. M. A. N. P. G. Secoy Shaffer Skinner Slaughter Smith Smith 1. Spiewak J. A. Swartout A. Taboada J. R. R. E. D. B. W. C. Tallackson Thomea Trauger Ulrich 26 Internal Distribution -~ cont'd 99. 100. 10L. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106-107. 108-109. 110. 111-113. 11k, B. c. B. A. Je L. c. S. F. HV. M. c. V. H. —_—— Wegver Wegver Webster Weinberg White Wilson Wodtke Reactor Division Library Central Research Library Document Reference Section Leboratory Records ORNL-RC External 115-116. D. F. Cope, Reactor Division, AEC, ORO 117. H. M. Roth, Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO 118. F. P. Self, Reactor Division, AEC, ORO 119-133. Division of Technical Information Extension, AEC, ORO 13%. J. Wett, AEC, Washington