- DATE; SUBJECT: TO: FROM: Coe B = OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION uumj;élsmn 0 R N L rosr e s0x x CENTRAL FILES NUMBER OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 ORNL/CF-77/391 August 25, 1977 Decommissioning Study for the ORNL Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Distribution C. D. Cagle and L. P, Pugh ABSTRACT Job descriptions and cost estimates have been pre- pared for two methods of decommissioning the shutdown Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). Dismantling of all process equipment for disposal in a solid-waste storage area is estimated to cost $11,600,000. Transferring all contaminated external equipment to the reactor containment cell followed by filling the cell with concrete for in- place entombment is estimated to cost $4,770,000. Also included are a history of the reactor, a description of the components, and a list of references. This document has been approved for relesse to the public by: Damd (Jw«vm chh.n_r ! mfannauon Officer NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary’ noture ond was prepared primarily for internal use ot the Oak Ridge Notional Laboratory. It is subject to revision or cor- rection ond therefore does not represent.a final report. The in- formation is only for official use ond no release to the public shall be made without the approval of the Law Department of Union Carbide Corporatian, Nuclear Division. e L £T -5 ok CONTENTS ABSTRACT . 1. INTRODUCTION . 2, GENERAL INFORMATION 2,1 General Description 2.2 History | 2.3 Reactor Site and Building . 2.4 Shielded Containment Cells . 2.5 Reactor Primary System . '2.5.1 Reactor Vessel and. Core 2.5.2 Thermal Shield . 2.5.3 Primary System Pump 2,.5.4 Primary System Heat Exchanger 5 2.5. Fuel Pump Overflow Tank 2.5.6 TFuel-Salt and Flush-Salt Drain and Storage Tanks . 2.6 Reactor Secondary System . 2.6.1 Heét Exchanger . 2,6.2 Coolant Circulating Pump . 2.6.3 Radiator . 2.6.4 Secondary System Piping '2.6.5 Coolant Drain Tank . 2.7 Fuel-Pfocessing System . 2.8 TFreeze Flanges . 2.9 ?reeze Valves 2.10 Salt Systems Heaters and Therfial Insulation - 2.10.1 Reactor Furnace | 2.10.2 Fuel-Salt-Pump Furnace . 2.10.3 Coolant-Salt-Pump Heaters and Insulation . 2 .10.4 Fuel- and Flush-Salt-Drain-Tank Heaters and Insulation . ' N .10.5 Fuel-Storage-Tank Heaters and Insulation . 2.10.6 Coolant-Salt-Drain-Tank Heaters and Insulation . 2.10.7 . Heat-Dump Radiator Heaters and Insulation 69 69 69 70 3. 4. 2.10.8 Piping Heaters and Insulation . . . . . 2.10.9 Heat-Exchanger Heaters and Insulation . 2.10.10 Heater and Thermocouple Leads . . . . . 2.11 Sampler-Enricher . . . . . . ¢« ¢ ¢« ¢ v ¢ o o . & 2.12 Nuclear Instrumentation . . . . « . « « « « .« & 2.13 Accessory Systems . . . . ¢ . ¢ ¢ o o 2 o 0 o . 2.13.1 Cover-Gas System . . . . .« « « « « o = 2.13.2 Leak-Detector System . . . . . . . 7'; 2.13.3 Lubricating-0il Systems . . . . . . . 2.13.4 Component-Cooling Systems . . . . . . . 2.13.5 Cooling-Water System . . . . . . . . 2.13.6 0ff-Gas Disposal System . . . . . . . . 2.13.7 Containment Ventilation System . 2.13.8 Liquid-Waste -System . . . . . « . « .+ & 2.14 Vapor Condensing System . . . . . . . . . . .. MSRE PRESENT CONDITIONS . . . « & ¢ « o« « o« o o o o o 3.1 Securing the Process Systems . . . . . . . . . . - 3.2 Post-Operation Examination . . . . « . . . . . . 3.3 Surveillance . . . ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ + « ¢ o e 0 s 4 s e 3.4 Surplus Equipment Removal . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Site Utilization . . . . . ¢« ¢« ¢« & « « & &+ & & 3.6 Current Radiation and Contamination Levels . . . DECOMMISSIONING ALTERNATIVES . . . . . . « « « + « . . 4.1 Removal and Disposal of All Radibactifie Material : the Containment Cell Structure . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Entombment in Place . . . . . ¢ % ¢ ¢ o « o o 4.3 Arguments Favoring Dismantling and Disposal of Radio- active and Contaminated Items . . « « ¢ « « + =« 4.4 Arguments Favoring Entombing the Reactor and Associated Radioactive and Contaminated Items and Materials ReaCtor Cell . I. - L] . . - » [ ] - - * . . - . - * . in the 5. WORK INVOLVED IN DISMANTLING AND DISPOSING OF RADIOACTIVE AND CONTAMINATED ITEMS IN A SOLID-WASTE STORAGE AREA . . . 5.1 Preparatory Work . . . « . o « « &« ¢ o 0 4 o 0 * - . 97 97 98 99 99 99 5.1. s 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2. 5.2, 5.2. 5.2. 5.2. - 5.2. 5.2, O 0 ~N O W o~ W Flushing System for the Reactor Tank and Other Primary System Components Reactor Cell Flooding System . Work Shielding . Transport Shields and Waste Storage Provisions . Disposable Waste Containers Miscellaneous Cutting and Handling Tools . Retrievable Storage Requirements . . . 5.2 Remote bismantling Work Clearing the Cell Around the Reactor . Segmenting and Disposal of the Thermal Shield and the Reactor Vessel . e i e e s e 5.2.2.a Alternative to Segmenting the Reactor Vessel - Drain-Tank Cell Fuel-Processing Cell . Cell Ventilation System O0ff-Gas System . Liquid-Waste Disposal System . Coolant-Salt System Miscellaneous Contaminated Items . 5.2.9.a Component-Cooling Air System . 15.2.9.b Sampler-Enricher 5.2.9.c Treated-Water System WORK INVOLVED IN ENTOMBING ALL RADIOCACTIVE AND CONTAMINATED ITEMS IN THE REACTOR CELL 6.1 Preparatory Work . 6.1.1 Flushing System for the Primary Salt Drain Tanks and the Fuel-Processing Equipment 6.1.2 Air Exhaust System for the Reactor Cell 6.1.3 Tooling . . . . 6.2 Preparing Reactor Cell to Accommodate Contaminated Items from Other Cells and Areas . . . . . . 6.2.1 Clearing Top of Cell and Installing Temporary Ventilatlon Duct . . c e e e ’ 99 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 107 . 107 108 108 110 110 110 111 . 111 111 111 112 112 113 113 113 116 116 116 116 6.2.2 Sealing the Existing 30-In. Cell Ventilation Duct at the Cell Wall 6.2.3 Closure of the Opening Between the Reactor and Drain-Tank Cells . 6.2.4 Enlarging Space in the Reactor Cell 6.3 Transfer of Disposable Items to the Reactor Cell . 6.3.1 Drain-Tank and Fuel-Processing Ceil Components . 6.3.2 Disposal of Existing Reactor Cell Ventilation : Duct and Off-Gas Lines . . . . «. « « .« « .« . 6.3.3 Secondary Decay Volume and Charcoal Traps 6.4 | Filling the Reactor Cell with Concrete . 6.5 Decontamination of Afea. 6.5.1 Drain-Tank Cell 6.5.2 — Fuel-Processing Cell . . . . . . « . ¢« « « « & 6.5.3 Liquid-Waste Storage Cell 6.5.4 Containment Ventilation System . 6.5.5 Special Equipment Room - Coolant Cell Area . 7. REFERENCES . APPENDIX A - JOB LISTING FOR DECOMMISSIONING THE MSRE BY DISMANTLING AND DISPOSAL . APPENDIX B - JOB LISTING FOR DECOMMISSIONING THE MSRE BY ENTOMBMENT . C e e e | . DISTRIBUTION . Page 117 117 117 118 118 119 119 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 123 215 275 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure O 0~ o U~ W - . - . . . - - . . Ny N &1 = = | = = = = = = et N = O W Ny W N+ O * . . . - * - - . * - - - LIST OF FIGURES " ORNL Area Map Plot Plan, Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment.(Bldg. 7503) Front View of Bldg. 7503 . Rear View of Bldg. 7503 During MSRE Construction . Plan at 852-ft Elevation . Plan at 840-ft Elevation . Elevation, Bldg. 7503 Shield Block Arrangement at Top of Reactor Cell Shield Block Arrangement at Top of Drain-Tank Cell . Typical Penetration Assembly - Reactor Cell Fuel System_Process_Flow Sheet . Simplified Design Flow Sheet of the MSRE . Primary and Secondary Salt Systems . Reactor Cell During Assembly of Components . Reactor Vessel . Cross Section - Reactor Vessel and Access Nozzle . Reactor Vessel Hanger Rods . Typical Graphite Block Arrangement . Control Rod and Drive Assembly . Thermal Shield Components Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Motor and Rotor Assembly Showing Flange Bolt Extensions . . . .+ « ¢ ¢ ¢« o 0 v e e v e e e e e e e . Primary Heat Exchanger . . . . . . Primary Heat Exchanger Subassemblies . Fuel Pump Overflow Tank Fuel Drain Tank System Process Flow Sheet Fuel-Salt Drain Tank . Fuel Drain Tank Steam Dome Bayonet Assembly Coolant System Process Flow Sheet Radiator Assembly Radiator Coil and Enclosure Page 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 bt 46 47 48 49 51 53 54 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure vFigure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Fuel-Processing Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplified Fuel-Processing System Diagram . . . Fuel-Processing System Process Flow Sheet . . . Fuel Storage Tank . . . & ¢« ¢ v v ¢ « v o o o & Sodium Fluoride Filled Trap . . « . + + « « « & Freeze Flange and Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . - * Freeze Flange Clamping Frame Showing Assembly and Dis- assembly . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 e e 0 e Freeze Valve in Line 103 . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeze Valve in Lines 107, 108, 109, and 110 . . Freeze Valve in Lines 111 and 112 . . . Freeze Valve in Lines 204 and 206 .. . . . . . Removable Heater for 5-In. Pipe . . . . . . . . Schematic Representation of Fuel-Salt Sampler-Enricher Dry Box - . - . - - . . - . . . - - - . . - * Elevation View of Nuclear Instrument Penetration . Plan View of Nuclear Instrument Penetration . . Schematic Diagram of Leak-Detected Flange Closure Schematic of Air Flow Diagram Containment Ventilation System . o & ¢« 4 4 e 4 4 v e e e e e e e e e e s Liquid-Waste System Process Flow Sheet . . . . . Diagram of Vapor-Condensing System . . . . . . . Reactor Assembly Storage Container Concept . . . 63 64 65 66 67 71 74 76 77 80 86 87 89 109 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 LIST OF TABLES Composition and Properties of INOR-8 . . . . . . . Reactor Vessel and Core Design Data and Dimensions . Radiation Levels Measured in 1977 Using an Ionization Chamber . . . ¢« & ¢ v ¢ o o s « s o o o o s o o = Dismantling -~ Cost Estimate Summary Sheet . . . . . Entombment - Cost Estimate Summary Sheet . . . . . . Page 26 27 95 100 114 e & I‘l"- 11 1. INTRODUCTION Research and development programs dealing with nuclear reactors and their radioactive products have been carried out at ORNL since its beginning in 1943. An increasing number of radioactive and radioactively. contaminated facilities have been shut down due to completion of programs or to being supplanted by more up~to-date facilities. Since these shut- : down facilities contain hazardous amounts of both fixed and removable radioactive materials, they must be kept under constant surveillance and structurally maintained to preclude unauthorized entry by personnel and to ensure against the release of radioactive contaminants to the environ- ment. A portion of the financing and all personnel attention required . for surveillance and maintenance of these facilities must be supplied by on-going programs not related to the original programs which produced the facilities. Although some advantage is gained in delaying final dis- position of such shutdown facilities to await decay of relatively short-— lived nuclides, further delay not only penalizes other programs but also increases the risk of violation of containments due to deterioration or accident. The shutdown facilities include four reactors: the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), shut down in 1969; the Homogeneous Reactor Experiment No. 2 (HRE-2), shut down in 1961; fhe Low-Intensity Testing Reactor (LITR); shut down in 1966; and the Oak Ridge Graphite Reactor (OGR), shut down in 1963. This report considefs the final disposal of the MSRE. The two methods of disposal considered are: (1) removal and burial of all radioactive and contaminated systems components in a solid-waste | disposal area; and (2) entombment of the more radioactive items in con- crete within the existing below-grade concrete-shielded cells. Both approaches assume that the 233U now stored in drain tanks in a shielded cell adjacent to the reactor cell will have been removed prior to begin- ning the decommissioning. - This Feport contains a brief history of the project and sufficiently detailed descriptions of the radioactive and auxiliary systems to expiain 12 the work that will be required to accomplish the decommissioning. More detailed descriptions of the systems and components can be found in the references. - The MSRE was a 10-MW reactor built to investigate the practicality of_the molten-salt concept for central power station applications. The reactor and its accessory components are located in a group of mostly below-grade shielded concrete cells within a mill-type building remote from the main ORNL area. The last charging of fuel salt containing 233y as the fissionable species remains stored in two drain tanks in a cell adjacent to the reactor cell. This salt must be heated to above 300°F annually to recombine radiolytically produced fluorine gas. Due to.the presence of the fuel and the residual radiocactive fission and corrosion products within it and distributed throughout the reactor pri- mary system and fuel-processing system, a filtered ventilation system must be maintained in operation. Additionally, varying degrees of sur- veillance and maintenance efforts must be exercised on a daily, a monthly, and an annual basis to guarantee that the reactor remains environmentally safe. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 General Description The MSRE was a single-region, unclad—graphite—modérated, homogeneous - fuel type reactor with a design heat generation of 10 MW. The cir- culating fuel solution was a mixture of lithium, beryllium, and zirconium fluoride salts containing uranium fluoride as the fuel. The mixture had an euctectoid liquidus point of 840°F and operated normally at 1200°F core outlet temperature. Reactor heat was transferred from the fuel salt to a similar coolant salt and then dissipated to the atmosphere. 2.2 History The MSRE was constructed during the years 1961-1964 in a building originally built for molten-salt reactor experiments for the Aircraft t 0 9 vre ¢« v ¥ it 13 Nuclear Propulsion Program (ANP). The purpose of the‘MSRE was to dem- onstrate that such a reactor could be constructed and maintained without undue difficulty and could be operated safely and reliably. Additional objectives were to provide the first large-scale; long-term, high- temperature tests in a reactor environment of the fuel sélt, graphite moderator,-and high-nickel-base alloy (INOR~-8) construction material. The reactor first reached criticality on June 1, 1965, and concluded operation on December 12, 1969. During this time the reactor accumulated 72,441 MW-hrs using ‘23%U fuel and 33,296 MW;hrs.using 233y fuel for a total of 105,737 MW~hrs which is equivalent to 13,217 equivalent full-power hours at 8.0 MW full power. 2.3 Reactor Site and Building The MSRE 1is located in Melton Valley about one~half mile southeast of .the main ORNL area (Figure 1) near the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Homogeneous Reactor Test (HRT) sites. A plot plan of the reactor building complex is shown in Figure 2. Figures 3 and 4 ére views of the front and rear of the building. The building is constructed of steel framing and.asbestos cement type corrugated siding with a sheet steel interior finish. Essentially all portions of the building below grade are constructed of reinforced concrete. Figure 5 is a plan of the reactor building at grade level, and Figure 6 1s a plan 12 ft below grade showing the shielded cells and adja- cent working areas. Figure 7 is an elevation through the cells. The | west half of the building at grade level is about 42 ft wide,'157 ft long, and 33 ft high. This high-bay or "crane-bay" area houses the reactor cell drain-tank cell, coolant-salt '"penthouse'", and most of the auxiliary cells. It is serviced by two bridge cranes, one equipped with a 30-ton hoist and the other with both a 3-ton and a 10-ton hoist. The east half is 38 ft ‘wide, 157 ft long, about 12 ft high. This section contains the control rooms, maintenance shops, change rooms, and some offices. (As explained in Section 3.5, some of these areas are now in use by groups not related to the MSRE program.) Most of the west half of the below-grade level is occupied by the reactor cell, drain~tank cell, and auxiliary cells. The east half con- tained an office, a maintenance shop, and a chemical_laboratory. 14 ORNL-LR-DWG 4406R2 \T0 ORGDP ¥ 9 mile BURIAL GROUND 5 A =S WHITE WING MELT DA f ~~TOWER SHIELDING o FACILITY 2 ©o ON GATE HILL M R &/" ~ N\ Y (% 4— Y Oo,,, % NEAREST POINT OQOUTSIDE RE- STRICTED AREA N Figure 1. ORNL Area Map 15 £ 32.7T00 £ 32,500 E 32,600 J E 32,800 g E 33,000 1| — MELTON VALLEY DRIVE N N\ N e afpum—— X ey DIESEL T x 1] TANK 1 X E!&m \, | UTILITY \ BUILDING | / - //////// SUPPLY AIR FILTER HOUSE K & 4 TOO - 7 L/ 7 /z DIESEL GENERATOR s:gagg T x ;OUSE 2 REACTOR BUILD - q /A (1 1 MAINTENANCE " CONTROL ROOM -y \ P - X - Y BLOWER \ 4 HOUSE ] 7 / v \ (L n - \ \ P18, 800 % *T \ VENTILATION BLOWERS — | W e Figure 2. (Bldg. 7503) Jras Plot Plan, Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment Figure 3. Front View of Bldg. 7503 9T Figure 4, = k e S = S P ek R A S e T Rear View of Bldg. 7503 During MSRE Construction PHOTO 66396 LT OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE DATA ROOM OFFICE AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM REMOTE MAINT. PRACTICE CELL CHANGE ROOM HOT CHANGE ROOM LIQUID WASTE CELL DECONTAMINATION CELL Figure 5. FUEL PROCESSING CELL Plan at 825-ft Elevation SAMPLER- ENRICHER REMOTE MAINT, CONTROL ROOM 18 ORNL-DWG 64-8726 BUILDING 7509 (OFFICES) 2 INSTRUMENT STORE ROOM | INSTRUMENT : SHOP OFFICE NUCLEAR INSTRUMENT! A= SHAFT | SPECIAL QUIPMENT ROOM REACTOR CELL oo ocogao o o g ORNL DWG. 63-4347 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E FUEL PUMP OFFICE YST BATTERY MAINTENANCE LUBE OIL_SYSTEM ROOM SHOP CHEMICAL %EmeE COOLANT PUMP - LABORATORY UNNEL UBE OIL SYSTEM D = NUCLEAR ~ TO FILTERS }%%LRUMfifT" _ AND STACK CELL VENTILATION UCT AND BLOCK VALVE C : SPECIAL [|TRANS. ROOM*} EQUIP. ROOM = ; EQ. STORAGE I FBEb TO VAPOR ’ : . S G PUM | MAINTENANCE CELL COND SYSTEM i PRATICE CELL DRAIN HEAT TANK ACTOR COOLANT PUMP CELET )| excranceR B - Y{LIQUID WASTE CONTAMINATION|[*]PROCE SSING DRAIN TANK INDUCTION CELL CELL - CELL REGULATOR CELL A FUEL SALT ADDITION STATION FUEL SALT STORAGE TANK FUEL FLUSH TANK FUEL DRAIN TANK NO. 2 ADIATOR FUEL DRAIN TANK NO. 1 THERMAL SHIELD CUCT BLOWERS REACTOR CELL ANNULUS BLOWER *ELEC. SERVICE AREA BELOW HOUSE RADIATOR BLOWERS Figure 6. Plan at 840-ft Elevation ¢ T 20 ORNL DWG. 64-597 CRANE 3 AND 10-TON I cCRANES ~ 2 00 [ r=—= =T CIOLANT SALT PUMP REACTOR CELL ANNULUS SHIELD SHIELD HEAT EXCHANGE LIQUID WASTE CELL DECONTAMINATION CELL DRAIN TANX CELL RADIATOR RADIATOR BYPASS DUCT COOLANT sSaLT DRAIN TANK ACTOR VESSEL YHERMAL SHIELD FUEL FLUSH TANK FUEL DRAIN LINE ORAIN TANK NO. 1 FUEL DRAIN TANK NO. 2 Figure 7. Elevation, Bldg. 7503 21 2.4 Shielded Containment Cells As shown in Figures 5 and 6 the reactor and its accessory components are located in a group of shielded cells rather than in a single contain- ment. This arrangement enhanced accessibility for maintenance and greatly reduced the number of components incurring induced radioactivity due td neutron irradiation. Only those components and structures within the reactor_shield tank were subjected to neutron irradiation and must be partially or totally removed to reduce the radiation level. All other cells will require only decontamination following either the removal or decon- tamination of the items within them. Access to fhe cells is gained by the removal of concrete roof plugs. The reactor cell and the adjacent interconnected fuel-drain-tank cell have an ll-gage stainless steel mem- brane between the two layers of concrete roof plugs as a containment | seal. Access to the cells is gained by cutting an opening in the membrane.. When the cell is to be resealed, a patch is welded over the opening. The top shielding arrangements for the reactor cell and drain-tank cell are shown in Figures 8 and 9. The reactor cell is a cylindrical carbon steel vessel 24 ft in diameter and 33 ft in overall height with a hemispherical bottom and a flat top. The bottom is 1 to 1 1/4 in. thick and the cylindrical portion is 2 in. thick except for the section containing the large penetrations where it is 4 in. thick. The reactor cell vessel is installed within another cylindrical steel tank refefred to as the "shield tank". This outer tank is 30 ft in diameter by 35 1/2 ft high. The flat bottom is 3/4 in. thick and the cylindrical section is 3/8 in. thick. The tank is supported on a reinforced concrete base within an enclosure formed by con- crete soil—retaining walls and the concrete walls of adjacent cells. The reactor céll vessel rests upon a cylindrical steel skirt supported from the bottom of the shield tank. The annulus between the two tanks is filled with magnetite sand and water; the cavity encompassed by the sup- port skirt is filled only with water. | fenetrations into the reactor cell for pipes and conduits were pro- vided by installing a bellows-equipped sleeve between openings in the two vessels (Figure 10). The purpose of the bellows was to accommodate 22 . . ORNL DWG. 64-598 ,/// h ‘/ olo o) 0=00--9- ° [ — /| T T 7| A A | o/ olff / | / | /- ) — 1 . 3 N ~ Y \_} e—— — — — r~ ~ \’,l - S A — = “_fl \_/ P N 7 @, PLAN HOLD-DOWN BOLTS - RREN e A e W A e A e e e e R ..... ----- SUPPORT BEAM ACCESS SHIELDING ‘ PLUGS INSERT SHIELDING IRON CELL WALL SECTION "xX" ANNULUS Figure 8. Shield Block Arrangement at.Tob of Reactor Cell 23 ORNL-IWNG 64-8809 - L 1l L ) A (I( ! | 2 h )N yl i b i i T — >— — — 4 |lrL l] 1 ll !C wx| © S l 1 H"l"'l "X X" X r 1 10 l 1 ol 12 e 34 T = B[yl ! ! I H T 13 ' 14 15 I ol T Tl ; ! NI T 16 17 18 _|]l \ T T 1;| ?[ L Ly TG 1 22 | 23 H 24 H N I | N7 ! 25 ] 26 27 ¥V J PLAN S “CELL ALL SECTION "xX" :Figure 9, Shield Block Arrangement at Top of Drain-Tank Cell 5 SAND ¢ WATER K SEAL WELD CELL SIDE T~ 24' [D REACTOR CONTAINMENT CELL 30' 1D REACTOR TANK Figure 10. Typical Penetration Assembly - Reactor Cell %l 25 dimensional changes due to temperature and pressure. Pipes and conduits pass through stepped shielding plugs which fit into the penetration sleeves. 'Thg pipes and conduits are seal-welded to the two faces of the plugs aqd_aré curved or coffset within the plug to prevent radiation streaming.' The'outer rim of the shield plug is seal-welded to the sleeve. Since the reactor celllatmosphere extended to this seal weld, the sleeves - and shield piugs are contaminated up to that region. 2.5 Reactor Primary System The major components of the reactor primary system are the reactor vessel, the fuel-salt pump, the heat exéhanger, and the interconnecting. pipes and flanges. All of these components are located inside the reactor cell, Figure 11 is the fuel system process flow sheet showing both the primary system itself and the various_subsystems. | Except for the graphite moderator, all the materials of the primary system that were in contact with the fuel salt are Hastelloy-N (INOR-8), a nickel-molybdenum-iron-chromium alloy which is highly resistant to cor- rosion by molten fluoride salts and has high strength at eievated tempera- tures. The properties of this material are lisfied in Table 1. Figfire 12 is a simplified flow diagram of the reactor primary and secondary systems and Figure 13 is a layout of these systems, Figure 14 is a photograph of the reactor cell with the components partially installed. 2.5.1 Reactor Vessel and Core Physical characteristics of the reactor vessel and its contents are listed in Table 2. | | The feactor vessel is 58 in. I.D. and about 94 in. high (Figures 15 and 16). The wall thickness of the cylindrical portion is 9/16 in. except for the top 16 in., which is 1 in. thick. An 8-in.-I.D. half-round welded circumferentially to the tank over the l-in.-thick section served 'as the fuel-salt inlet flow distributor. The salt delivered by the dis- tributor entered the tank through 3/4-in.-diameter holes drilled through 'the l-ifi.—thick section. The salt flow from the flow distfibutor entered the annular space between the vessel and core container and flowed down- ward providing efficient cooling for the core can and reactor vessel walls 26 Table 1. Composition and Properties of INOR-8 Chemical Properties: Ni 66-71% Mo 15-18 Cr _ 6-8 Fe, max 5 C 0.04-0.08 Ti + Al, max 0.50 S, max 0.02 Mn, max 1. Si, max 1.0 Cu, max 0.35 B, max 0.010 W, max 0.50 P, max 0.015 Co, max 0.20 Phggical Properties: Density, 1b/in.3 0.317 Melting point, °F 2470-2555 Thermal conductivity, BTU/hr-ft2(F/ft) 12.7 at 1300°F Modulus of elasticity at ~1300°F, psi - 24.8 x 108 Specific heat, BTU/1b-°F at 1300°F 0.138 Mean coefficient of thermal expansion, 8.0 x 10° 70-1300°F range, in./in.-°F Mechanical Properties: Maximum allowable stress,* psi: at 1000°F - 17,000 | 1100°F 13,000 1200°F 6,000 1300°F 3,500 *ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case 1315. Outlet nozzle, Schedule 40, in., IPS Reactor vessel 0.D., in. I.D., in. Wall thickness, in. Overall height, in. (to centerline of 5-in. nozzle) Head thickness, in. Inlet Cooling annulus I.D., in. Cooling annulus 0.D., in. Graphite core Diameter, in. Number of regular graphite core blocks Number of fractional core blocks Core block size, in. (regular) Core container 1.D., in. 0.D., in. Wall thickness, in. Height, in. 27 "/fl\ . Table 2. Reactor Vessel and Core Design Data and Dimensions Construction material INOR-8 - Inlet nozzle, Schedule 40, in., IPS 5 5 59 1/8 (60 in. max) 58 9/16 100 3/4 1 Constant area distributor 56 58 55 1/4 513 104 2 x 2 x 67 55 1/2 56 1/4 68 el ECIAL EQUIPMENT 1 v916 r.uur ~ T i | | —@TE = TWR gz ECC-— —— COMPONENT COOLING SYSTEM .|—'~ Ewi &a rw---— L - a— SRt ’ - YL im 938 m LEVEL HALL ' - v i N WO+ ey l-(w/cv-{) oN CrOLANT PUMP MOTOR 5 FUEL PUMP MOTOR FROM LINE 508 —— 3 PSIG FUEL PUMP -t CONTAINMENT ENCLOSURE MO.2 L NI el S SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM PN AR _--— F TRANSMITTER ROOM " 10 13 10 SCFu REACTOR ~ 800 SCFM MAX, R COMPONENT ","OLING FUMP DATA Ty 10 ERAIN SHYARTEW FREEZE VALVE 00T IN1-a0-5 AUTO-RESISTANCE NUCLEAR INSTRUMENT PENE TRATI 16 FLANGE PAIRS WITH 4 REMOTE LEAR DETECTORM LINES ON tw TO THERMAL SMIELD L%) —iFan DETECTOR SERVES 2 FLAMGES HEATING LUG THRCUGH CONNECTING -L TURING b —REMCTE ©GAS LINE MSCONNECT _7:45'._5_-‘1: 75-73 CF J Tohe T bt B TN ..._.a...---n-’l . — NORMAL I./I "DRAIN SANK CELL { 70 FUEL DRAIP; ) L_ e ) TANK SYSTEM; - Figure 11. Fuel System Process Flow Sheet TO EMRICHER SANMPLER 28 FUMP DATA REVISIONS SEE DCN 249 SEE DCm 2881 v aL " /@ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT KOOM 524 v5h24 SHIELD iC “FF GAS STSTEM WOR- WASTE COOLANT DRAIN CELL FUTURE FLANGES 33 GAL FF-200 & FF204 —— —ca—— 102%°F 1.3PSI6 oI RECEIVER HEAT EXCHANGER H X o HoceF (t L] 47.3 . . CHARCOAL BFO <« REACTOR CFLL LTEM LT CEACTOR P XFERIVENT FUEL “YRTEM Che RS OFLOW Cerh T hE LT T R OAKX ADOE NATIONAL LABORATORY S Union CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY W OF WNON CUBINE CONPORKRR ’ e YL 4 JOR 433-1.C Cul e | Desa-a-a0ggo STACK el FAN :.-»I--N : FROM === cooant | i ~! SYsTem I b | & l___i!'_—J _____________ === T T T T T T T T T T T T ': | ——-—————————— —————frm— e ———— ———— e e e e y Pt T ] - - ] | ! # eracsnsants .“'i“ r. taeseissianasans .........u---up.............'.......l.......'...............E 2 | ) ™7 4 | ! Pt e e 0300 RBP o T ! ! WATER STEAM . ’ : e '; } MAIN sy F o | BED AuX. ;, ' 1 CHARCOAL | BED I _ I | l t TANK NO. t° | | I LN | e T J OFF-GAS HOLDUP ABSOLUTE FILTERS BLDG. 3 VENTILATION ORNL -DWG 63-11410R FUEL PUNP SAMPLER - P LEGEND : ENRICHER SAMPLER S— FUEL SALT e = —— — ——— : —camms COOLANT SALT REACTOR VESSEL SODIUM FLUORIDE BED "Figure 12. Simplified Design Flow Sheet of the MSRE cevesessenene HELIUM COVER GAS ————— RADIQACTIVE OFF -GAS 6¢ 30 ORNL-DWG 63-1209R l REMOTE MAINTENANCE . ! GONTROL ROOM ! { REACTOR CONTROL M ROOM, M > e —T ,'i N, A ' | ‘ / .“\ mmet J 0o - '"'M"WTT"-‘% . oy - — e rawanw.a ™ ~ " —‘_l 1. REACTOR VESSEL 7. RADIATOR = 2. HEAT EXCHANGER 8. COOLANT DRAIN TANK 3. FUEL PUMP 9. FANS 4. FREEZE FLANGE 10. FUEL DRAIN TANKS 5. THERMAL SHIELD . FLUSH TANK - 6. COOLANT PUMP 12. CONTAINMENT VESSEL 13. FREEZE VALVE Figure 13. Primary and Secondary Salt Systems Figure 14. Reactor Cell During Assembly of Components PHOTO 66372 It QRNL-LR-DWG 6109/ HY 32 FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO CONTROL ROD DRIVES S o 257 ] ,....‘r“&.u \ GRAPHITE SAMPLE ACCESS PORT COOLING AIR LINES ACCESS PORT COOLING JACKETS REACTOR ACCESS PORT FUEL OQUTLET OUTLET STRAINER r CORE CONTROL ROD THIMBLES CENTERING GRID [ em———— A T e o - S o @ - Q2 o = O - 'S AT o S o | . ) . - e (RO Ee———— At AONGORRE NS / AYAYA GRAPHITE-MODERATOR STRINGER TS FUEL INLET REACTOR CORE CAN—" REACTOR VESSEL— ANTI-SWIRL VANES MODERATOR SUPPORT GRID VESSEL DRAIN LINE Reactor Vessel Figure 15. RIS, (MG 1402 Jhe 1 SALY SEAL GRAPHITE SANPLE ACCEAS WORILE (1) N [ & - ; # 3 & 5 ! 3 3 - x - L : ¥ OIN 0 s 2 -2 < mm 2 ) - = “ v i CIRCULATING PUNP ! SALT OUTLET TO [ L] 4 x - - - - T DISTRIBUTOR PHITE AND HIOR-0 SANME ASSEMBLNS (X GRAPHITE STRINGERS 513 FuLL SIZE 104 FRACTIONAL SIZE - £ | d " 3 - [ =z o« VANEY (48) T T .uavu*EEEg REMOVABLE QRAPWITE STRINGERS {3) i wwd . ra e = CONTROL MO0 AND THeeLE (R HANGER no0s (D) RETAINER REACTON vEISEL RESTRICTOR Rine GRIQ SUPPORT PLATES GRAPHITE RING DRAIN LINE MOOD — ORAIN TuBE FiLL ANO DRAIN LINE - Reactor Vessel and Access Nozzle ion Cross Sect Figure 16, 34 by flowing countercurrent to the upflow of heated salt in the core. The top and bottom of the vessel are 58-in.-I.D. flanged and dished heads. The vessel is supported by 12 suspension rods from the top of the thermal shield (to be described later). The suspension rods (Figure 17) are con- nected to support lugs welded to the reactor vessel above the flow dis- tributor. The core can, or shell, is 55 1/2 in. I.D. and 67 15/16 in. high with a wall thickness of 1/4 in. The can is supported by a ring at the top of the can which is bolted to 36 lugs welded to the inside of the reactor vessel wall. The can supports the graphite used as the moderator material for the core. The graphite moderator is formed of 513 blocks, each of which is 2 in. x 2 in. x v67 in. These are stacked in a vertical close-packed array as shown in Figure 18. In addition, there are 104 fractionai-sized blocks at the periphery. Fuel passages were provided by milling a rectangular ver- tical groove down each block face. When assembled, these grooves formed 0.4 in. x 1.2 in. vertical channels through which the fuel salt moved from the bottom to the top of the core. The vertical graphite blocks rest on a lattice of horizontal graphite blocks, about 1 by 1 5/8 in. in cross section, laid in two 1ayérs at right angles to each other. Holes in the lattice blocks accept the l-in.- diameter doweled section at the lower end of each vertical block. The upper horizontal surfaces of both the vertical blocks are tapered to pre- vent salt from being retained on them when the vessel was drained. The lattice blocks rest on a grid of 1/2-in.-thick INOR-8 plates set on edge and varying in height from 1 5/8 in. at the core periphery to about 5 9/16 in. at the center. This support grid is fastened to the bottom of the core can. Each of the vertical blocks is locked to the grid by 5/16- in.-diameter rods which pass through holes in the grid and holes in the doweled sections of the blocks. Forty-eight vertical fins located around the periphery of the reactor vessel below the core support grid prevented spiraling flow of the fuel salt in the region below the core. | At the center of the bottom of the reactor vessel is a 1 1/2-in. Schedule 40 drain line which extends about 2 3/4 in. into the vessel and 35 ORNL DWG 64-8819 AL L 7L L LD Thermal Shield Cover 1-1/4 in. Dia Pin S K A |/ Hanger Rods (12) + -{— | l 1-1/k in. Dia INOR-8 3 " ¢ ~ 24 in, r @F““‘ 1-1/4 in. Dia INOR-8 Pin /LT"! 3/4-in. Thick -~ INOR-8 Support Lug ::i'::ll. to ‘—'{ I-—— 1-3/8 in. T Figure 17. Reactor Vessel Hanger Rods 36 ORNL-LR-DWG 56874R - PLAN VIEW TYPICAL MODERATOR STRINGERS SAMPLE PIECE - NOTE: NOT TO SCALE Figure 18. Typical Graphite Block Arrangement I 37 is covered with a protective hood to prevent debris from entering the pipe. A 1/2-in.-diameter tube within the drain line opens into the vessel just above the bottom surface to allow complete draihing. The top head of the reactor vessel is equipped with a 10-in.-diameter, 40-in.-tall nozzle. A 5-in. nozzle emerging from the side of the exten- sion is the fuel-salt exit line from the vessel. The 10-in. nozzle served also as an entry port for the three control rods (Figures 15 and 19) and as an access for inserting and removing replaceable core blocks and materials—-testing specimens. 2.5.2 Thermal Shield The primary functions of the thermal shield (Figures 6, 7, and 20) were to reduce the radiation damage to the reactor containment vessel and to cell equipment, to serve as part of the biological shielding, and to provide the support for the reactor vessel which is suspended within it. The shield is a water-cooled, steel ball and water filled container which compietely surrounds the reactor vessel. It is about 10.4 ft 0.D. by 7.8 ft I.D. and 12.5 ft tall. The l4-in.~wide annular space is filied with l-in.-diameter carbon steel balls. The shiéld coolant circulated through the interstitial spaces. The shield walls are made of 1-in.- thick 304 stainless steel plate. Six separate parts make up the thermal shield assembly: the flat >semirectangu1ar base, the main cylindrical section, three removable seg- ments of the cylindrical section, and the removable top cover. The rémofiable segments fill slots in the cylindrical sections through which the reactor fill and drain line and the fuel-salt inlet and outlet lines to.the reactor passed as the reactor vessel was lowered into position. The base and main cylindrical sections have many equipment support struc- tures attached to them. 2.5.3 Primary System Pump From the top of the reactor vessel the fuel flowed directly to the primary system pump bowl through a 13.8 ft length of 5-in, Schedule 40 pipe which enlarges to 6 in. below the pump to adapt to the pump suction nozzle size. The components and appearance of the centrifugal sump-type 38 SOLENOID ACTUATED RELEASE MECHANICAL CLUTCH GEAR AND ARM g SWITCH DRIVE UNIT —— SPACER a LOWER LIMIT L _ SWITCH ’ - -" : ‘ofi\' - < Gfl' OR\\I . , p e : y o ~ 3in. x 2in. ECCENTRIC L REDUCER : COOLANT EXHAUST GUIDE BARS, ——_ 4 AT 90° BEADED POISON ELEMENTS —<] 2in. CONTAINMENT THIMBLE —~| REVERSIBLE DRIVE MOTOR COOLANT TO POISON ELEMENTS ORNL-LR-DWG 67511 COOLANT TO DRIVE ASSEMBLY COOLING GAS INLET COOLING GAS CONTAINER - POSITION INDICATOR SYNCHRO TRANSMITTER FIXED DRIVE SUPPORT AND 3in. CONTAINMENT TUBE %in.0.0.-304 S.S.- FLEXIBLE HOSE CABLE SPRING LOADED ANTIBACKLASH HEAD AND IDLER GEAR o \1 §\ 16 in. RADIUS x 30° BEND - E { Efi Figure 19. Control Rod and Drive Assembly Figure 20. 39 Thermal Shield Components 40 pump and pump bowl are shown in Figures 21 and 22. The pump bowl is about 36 in. in diameter and contains the pump casing, gas stripping manifold, sampler—enricher cage, and off-gas connections. It served as a surge tank for the loop with a cover-gas pressure maintained above the operating salt level. The removable pump and 75-hp motor assembly is about 8 ft tall and consists of all the rotary elements and bearings of the pump. The assembly is mounted on a 2 1/2-in.-thick plate that can move horizontally and ver- tically to accommodate thermal expansion of the system. This was necessary since the reactor position is fixed. The mounting plate is, in turn, supported by two 8-in. horizontal I-beams attached to the cell structure. 2.5.4 Primary System Heat Exchanger From the pump discharge the fuel salt passed directly through a 6.0 ft length of 5-in. Schedule 40 pipe to the primary system heat exchanger (Figures 23 and 24) which is a horizontal, shell and U-tube type, in which the fuel salt circulated through the shell side and the coolant salt through the tubes. It is of all-welded construction and made entirely of INOR-8 except for the brazing material that sealed the tubes to the sheet. The shell is about 16 in. 0.D. by about 8 ft 3 in. long and is 1/2 in. thick including both the cylindrical portion and the heads. The fuel salt entered at the U-bend end through a 5-in. Schedule 40 nozzle and emerged through a 7 in. by 5 in. reducing nozzle at the bottom of the shell at the tube-sheet end and flowed to the reactor inlet through a 17.2 ft length of 5~in. Schedule 40 INOR-8 pipe. The coolant salt entered the top mani- fold at the tube-sheet end and exited from the bottom manifold. Both the inlet and exit nozzles are 5 in. diameter Schedule 40. The heat exchanger contains 159 U-tubes which are 1/2 in. 0.D. with a wall thickness of 0.042 in. The tube sheet is 1 1/2 in. thick. The tubes are spaced and supported by three baffle plates and one barrier plate (near the tube sheet) and in addition are laced with 1/4 in. x 0,017 in. INOR-8 straps to suppress vibrationms. Due to the short lengths of interconnecting pipes and the immov- ability of the reactor vessel, the heat exchanger, like the fuel pump, had to be supported in a manner that allowed horizontal and vertical movement ORNL- LR-DWG-56043-8 SHAFT WATER COUPLING COOLED . MOTOR SHAFT SEAL { See Inset) ———— - —— LEak [ DETECTOR LUBE OIL BREATHER LUBE OIL IN BALL BEARINGS (Face to Face) BEARING HOUSING BALL BEARINGS GAS PURGE IN (Back to Back) SHAFT SEAL (See Inset) LUBE OIL OUT SHIELD COOLANT PASSAGES {in Parallel With Lube Qil) SHIELD PLUG SEAL OIL LEAKAGE ORAIN LEAK DETECTOR GAS PURGE OUT (See Inset) SAMPLER ENRICHER GAS FILLED EXPANSION {Out of Section) SPACE { See Inset) ENON STRIPPER BUBBLE TYPE {Spray Ring) LEVEL INDICATOR SPRAY OPERATING LEVEL To Overfiow Tank Figure 21. Fuel Pump 1% PHOTO 66693 —-— Figure 22. Fuel Pump Motor and Rotor Assembly Showing Flange Bolt Extensions ORNL-LR-OWG 32036 FUEL INLET Vo-in.-OD HEAT EXCHANGER TUBE | CROSS BAFFLES THERMAL-BARRIER PLATE (3% OF DIA) . COOLANT INLET COOLANT-STREAM COOLANT OUTLET SEPARATING BAFFLE FUEL QUTLET Figure 23. Primary Heat Exchanger £y il Figure 24. Primary Heat Exchanger Subassemblies PHOTO 39450 Y 45 to compensate for thermal expansion. Two support saddles welded to the shell supply support from a complex motion-adapting system which, in turn, rests upon an assembly of 8-in. I-beams fixed to the cell structure. 2.5.5 Fuel Pu@p,OVérflow Tank The primary system pump bowl has an overflow pipe and catch tank (Figure 25) which was provided to avoid problems from inadvertent over- filling of the system or unexpected volume expansion. The catch tank is torus-shaped and fits around the pump intake line immediately below the pump bowl. The tank is 30 in. 0.D. x 18 in. I.D. x 27 3/4 in. tall. The wall thickness is 1/2 in. and the annulus between the inner and outer walls is 5 in. wide. The 1 1/2-in. pump bowl overflow pipe extends from the top of the catch tank through the bottom of the pump bowl to 1 1/2 in. above the normal fuel-salt level. The tank is supported from the pump support with a system of movable plates that allow horizontal motion to accommodaté} thermal effects. 2.5.6 Fuel-Salt and Flush-Salt Drain and Storage Tanks The primary system is provided with two fuel-salt drain tanks and a flush-salt drain tank located in a shielded cell adjacent to the reactor B containment vessel. Figure 26 is a process flow sheet for the drain tanks;: and their auxiliary systems. In addition, a fuel storage and reprocessing? tank is located in the fuel-processing cell. It is described in Section. 2.7. Each of the two fuel drain tanks (Figure 27) is 50 in. in diameter and about 86 in. tall, not including the steam dome and has a fuel-salt capacity of about 80 ft3. Each is equipped with thirty-two 1 1/2-in. cooling thimbles. The steam dome which is mounted atop the tank (Figure 28) contains l-in.-diameter cooling fingers extending into each of the thimbles. Water boiling in the inner l-in.-diameter fingers in the thim- bles refioved both residual and fission-product decay heat from fuel salt store& in the tank. The steam was routed to an external condenser and the condensate returned to the fingers in a closed loop. _ The flush-salt drain tank is also located in the drain-tank cell and contained the flush salt used to cleanse the primary system prior to Figure 25. Fuel Pump Overflow Tank PHOTO 70698 9% T0 FUEL STORAGE TANK r_.._JE CELL AR COOLER 1-15 sCra tognos oot N §-40-3 1-40-¢ AIN_TANK CELL ‘ ELECTRICAL SERVICE AREA AN T LO! N0, DRAIN TANK CONDENSER DATA STRUCTURAL MATERIAL JuBE SIDE FLUID SHELL DIAMETER HEAT TRAMSFER AREA SHELL TUBE TO 840 LEVEL MALL ANC DUCT 937 304 §5 WATER 7 | DRAIN TANK DATA [RUCTUR BATERIAL o 381q. h. PSI 130PSI F DESIGN COOLING RATE r oo o q ELECTRICAL SERVICE AREA foot in}-s8 CONTALMMENT I ENCLOSURE WO, @ AR e—_ Figure 26. DRAIN TANK CELL T AUaILIARY CHARCOAL BED b - r -40-89S T G T, VAFUR CONDENING SYSTEM 1 ACCESS FLANGE Fuel Drain Tank éystem Process Flow Sheet FLUSH TANK DATA DRAIN TANK CELL LEGEND —P5IG —r — NORMAL L/M VALVE POSITIONS ART FOR NORMAL * REACTOR OPERATION 15 1 HEATER CNNTROL CIRCUIT T L OAR RIDBE NATIONAL LABORATORY FUEL DRAIN TANK SYSTEM PROCESS FLOW SHEET M.S.R. D-AA-A40882- B QRNL-LR-DWG 61719 INSPECTION, SAMPLER, AND LEVEL PROBE ACCESS ~ : | STEAM QUTLET ‘ STEAM DOME v CONDENSATE RETURN WATER DOWNCOMER INLETS CORRUGATED FLEXIBLE HOSE BAYONET SUPPORT PLATE STEAM RISER BAYONET SUPPORT PLATE STRIP WOUND FLEXIBLE HANGER CABLE HOSE WATER DOWNCOMER GAS PRESSURIZATION AND VENT LINES INSTRUMENT THIMBLE FUEL SALY SYSTEM - FILL AND DRAIN LINE - " SUPPORT RING i .2 g FUEL SALT DRAIN TANK ’ i - BAYONET HEAT EXCHANGER THIMBLES (32) pt TANK FILL LINE & 32 & - . v g »{‘, [ F 2% il ‘{; g 8 0 . 9 a\ ¢ “ Mg ) ¢ 5 / THIMBLE POSITIONING RINGS - ’ FUEL SALT SYSTEM . FILL AND DRAIN LINE TANK FILL LINE v € Figure 27. Fuel-Salt Drain Tank 49 PHOTO 39404 3 A i b i oo S e o LB aa e 1. e L o | e * ey T m_ul_. s — P r Fuel Drain Tank Steam Dome Bayonet Assembly Figure 28. 50 charging it with fuel salt. This tank has the same dimensions as the - . fuel drain tanks except for being 2 in. shorter. Since it has no cooling thimbles, its salt storage capacity is about 2 fe3 greater than that of a fuel drain tank. Each of the three drain tanks is supported by two columns resting on the cell floor. The columns are attached to support skirts welded to tanks just above the upper head circumferential weld. An intermediate supporting arrangement between the columns and skirts allowed the tanks to be weighed by a pneumatically-operated weighing cell. The tare weight of each of the fuel drain tanks is about 7,000 lbs; the fully loaded weight is about 17,000 1bs. The drain connection between the reactor vessel and the drain tanks consists of a 1 1/2-in. Schedule 40 INOR-8 pipe which extends from the bottom of the reactor vessel through the shield wall between the reactor cell and the drain-tank cell where it connects to the l1-in. pipes leading from the tops of the drain tanks. During operation of the reactor, the drain tanks were sealed from it by freeze valves. - 2.6 Reactor Secondary System The reactor secondary system consists of the tube side of the pri- mary heat exchanger, the coolant circulating pump, the salt-to-air radiator, the drain and fill system, and the interconnecting piping. The coolant salt is similar to the fuel salt except that it contains no fissionable materials. Figure 29 is the process flow diagram of the coolant system and its auxiliary systems. 2.6.1 Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger is described in Section 2.5.4. 2.6,2 Coolant Circulating Pump The coolant-salt pump is of the same type and overall size as the fuel-salt pump described in Section 2.5.3. It does not, however, have an overflow tank. The pump is rigidly mounted in its own shielded cell i: which is above the level of the other cells (Figures 7 and 13). . | | 51 ¢ <3 N a7 e TR RO '- L e "\ ARy Cptrey anarry, ' SN e oolllF SIS TENSALNN Sl CERSEAEED ST GRS A S et e AL SAKTER e S o280F COOLANT CELL @ _] { o - FROM LUBE OIL SYSTEM i ] . -40-1 ; -E . . LR QAEVISIONS v e S A SEt DCN 249) ' : ' b [SEE OCN 2889 C . ’ @ @ ecdH-- l { T TO COOLANT SALT SAMPLER 14 -40-1 no.aegcz LINE BLOWER \’ | —= — g — — " - — . T T I AR GRS —J H RADCATOR AT et . _ CR 2 COOLANT PUMP DATA ‘ 7 . . -_— MATERIAL sat ) oD GPM @ 40°F SAARE e = FROM LINE 501 ’ : STRUCTI/RAL MATERIAL INOR -8 56 ' : P 5P . ‘ HEAT_LOAD oMW sps1e ‘ AR FLOW 200,000 CFM@ 9.9"1,0 . 3 . ! - " .- COOLANT SALY FLOW 85%0 GPM e 1 . RADIATOR DATA EQUIPMENT l.... ROOM I SPECIAL "~~~ PUMP ; MEAT TRANSFER SURFACE 706 sg. 1. DESIGN TEMPERATURE 1300°F TRANSMI ' 704 P$IG v -J [oesion pressume 3PS RO OM : PRESSURE_OIFFERENTIAL: _ . 9.9"H, 0 19.8 PS1 REACTOR CELL TS s EEC Pt . COOLANT CELL ‘ - . S ST ——— e g —— - COOLANT DRAIN {ELL }-00- NO.2 QUCT i LINE BLOWER mMo-2 COOLANT CELL A ! St . .- . L — - BLOWER HOUSE LEGEND —PSI1G —-F — NORMAL L/l @ 1S 1 HEATER CONTROL CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE TEMPERRTURE DuUCT | CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL 934 ' 852 LEVEL ! { : . s IR i i, e ! . I GAS COOLANT PUMP NO. 3 l | I_ g t | cce-3 nELIVE FROM LiNE 500 SHIELDED FUEL PROCESSING SYSTEM COOLANTY SALT SYSTEM INSTRUMENT GAS COOLANT PUMP DATA APPLICATION DIAGRAM CONTAINMENT GAS CONTAWMENT VENT. s foR 8 cooLam? TO FUEL SYSTEM - cgc:lunn fRCa2e PROCESSING CELL : 2 DRAIN FREEZE VALVES 7e- TANK - coT ’ MOLTEN SALT REACTOR EXFERIMENT 5:;;1:. : COOLANT SYSTEM ¥ . . , 68 Pa| PROCESS FLOW SHEET WEACT R DIVISION . s ; F) WASTE i i W /"%J . oI R yap ’/”/ ) ln‘.l-ao-s RECEIWVER £ e \ TO OFF GAS WOR-2 ' - . kel /Ium—ji: 13- AUXILIARY . ' F1ARCOAL BED OF ¥ GAS FILTERS NTY 4N 4330 7/ « D-AA-A-4NS8BI- B Figure 29. Coolant System Process Flow Sheet ... - 52 2.6.3 Radiator The radiator coil is an assembly of one-hundred twenty 30-ft-long - "S"-shaped 3/4-in.-0.D. INOR-8 tubes (Figure 30) connected to vertical ) o manifolds which, in turn, are connected to the 9-in.-0.D. inlet and outlet " headers. The 5-in. Schedule 40 inlet line connects to the outlet from the heat exchanger, and the 5~in. Schedule 40 outlet line goes directly to the suction side of the pump. The coil is enclosed in a housing (Figure 31) which is equipped with vertically operated doors which regulated the air flow passing through the coil and thereby the coolant-salt temperature. The total assembly is mounted at the entrance of a double-walled steel duct leading to the 10 ft diameter x 75 ft high steel heat-dump stack. Two 250-hp blowers supplied the 200,000 cfm of air used to remove heat from the coil at the maximum reactor power level of 10 MW. A separate cooling system used two 10-hp, 10,000-cfm blowers to supply air to the annulus around the duct. This was necessary to prevent buckling and damage to adjacent concrete when the coil exhaust air reached temperatures up to 1000°F under low-flow con- ditions. 2.6.4 Secondary System Piping | . Like that of the primary system, the secondary system piping is 5-in. Schedule 40 INOR-8 pipe. The sections of inlet and outlet lines to the heat exchanger which are within the reactor cell are about 36.3 ft and 32.4 ft long, respectively. The lengths and arrangement of the piping both within and outside the reactor cell allowed it to accommodate thermal expansion so that the pump and the radiator could be rigidly mounted. 2.6.5 Coolant Drain Tank The coolant-salt drain tank is located in a shielded cell almost directly below the radiator. The coolant~salt piping has low points on each side of the radiator; a 1 1/2-in. drain line runs from each of these to the drain tank. The drain tank is 40 in. 0.D. and about 78 in. tall with a wall thickness of 3/8 in. in the cylindrical portion. The dished heads are 5/8 in. thick. The tank and all its attachments are made of INOR-S8. 53 PHOTO 70358 W e T .fl!- Radiator Assembly Figure 30. 54 OfRL-LR-DWG 3884182 BLDG. 7503, FIRST FLOOR (ELEV. 852t -Oin) Radiator Coil and Enclosure Figure 31 55 2.7 Fuel-Processing System Other than the reactor primary system and its associated drain tanks, the only other system that contained large quantities of both unir- radiated and irradiated fuel salt at any time is the fuel-processing system. The components of this system which contained fuel salt and/or fission products are located in a below-grade-level concrete-shielded cell just north of the drain-tank cell (Figures 6, 7, and 32). The two purposes of the processing were to clean both new and used fuel salt of oxides and water by sparging with hydrogen fluoride and to recover uranium from used fuel salt by sparging with fluorine. A simplified flow diagram of the system is shown in Figure 33. Figure 34 is a complete flow diagram showing both the main system and its auxiliary systems. The sparging tank, generally called the "fuel storage tank', is the only component of the system that contained fuel salt. A 1/2-in. Schedule . 40 pipe from this tank to the fuel-salt and flush-salt storage tanks | was used to transfer salt to and from the primary system. The tank (Figure 35) is 50 in. 0.D. and 116 in. tall. 1Its cylindrical section is 1/2 in, thick and the dished heads are 3/4 in. thick. All parts are made of INOR-8. It is mounted on a pneumatically-operated weighing cell sup- ported from the cell floor. Other large items in the fuel-processing cell include the NaF-filled impurity trap (Figure 36) used to strip undesirable fluorides from UFg during fluorination and the 42 in. diameter by 84 in. tall caustic scrub- ber tank used for HF neutralization. The remaining items are small com- ponents, piping, heaters, and insulation. 2.8 Freeze Flanges Mechanical-type joints were provided in the 5-in. piping of the fuel~ and coolant-salt system to permit the major components to be disconnected remotely and removed for maintenance or replacement.. The locations of the five flanged joints are shown in Figure 12. As shown in Figure 37, the design of the flange utilized a large diameter face as a heat sink to maintain a barrier of frozen salt to pro- tect the gasket from contact with molten salt. Each flanged connection 56 PHOTO 68576 Fuel-Processing Cell Figure 32. & 57 ORNL—-DWG 63-3123AR SALT 200°F NaF ABSORBERS IN CUBICLE . | SAMPLER i [ o _ _ ‘ i SALT U . CHARGING , S , - HIGH BAY AREA ” » } [ — C — C ( — C — L = ] U FUEL PROCESSING CELL ] H.-HF OR F Fv 22 S— COLD TRAP v Fv 10 | O IQUID SALT TO OR Y ngsre H FROM DRAIN Fv I TANK AND FLUSH TANKS ' ' SR ACTIVATED P SO, " CHARCOAL L TRAP e L WASTE FUEL . SALT | STORAGE. FLUORINE : TANK I TANK DISPOSAL | ; SYSTEM | Y BJ ABSOLUTE | : J FILTER } TO VENT CAUSTIC 750°F SYSTEM , NEUTRALIZER | NaF BED EU LIZE | Figure 33. Simplified Fuel-Processing System Diagram ADSORBER OATA -2 WATER PRESRURE ABSORBER CuBICLE E— 15 PSIG | lfiOPSfi s M i ' ea0 LEvEL -weEST | 1 D) TRANSMITTER LOCATED 1IN INSTRUMENT HIGH BAY A8 g —-—— e m————— - = ——— CAUSTIC SCAUBBER ) c <% no r- 1 :.— F—— Tl e —— — i / /] | i ¥ | | | I I 1 + / by a0-3 N ] CAUSTIC SCRUBBER SODIUM FLUQRIDE TRAP srm L N FLUQRIDE T DA S L — I AREA OUTSIDE 7503 WEST OF OTC ,ve9s-C_ ALARM AY 23 Pate TRAtLER SESVICE Al K\ ’ m AC GQA.! CONTROL CiRCuI |VENT T0 HF TRAP ATMOS. FLUORI TANK N, OR $0, CYLINDERS rT L v 28 | CVv2E9I A . ST T S CEEEE SRR G ‘— — L .24 L. ouC 840 LEVEL V&2BA I e l }-40-mc FuEL STORAGE TANK jo0-ce (FsT) e TBNEC TiONS WASTE SALT TG DUCT %033 150 C.Fm. CELL AIR EXHAUST € OCN M8 DUCT 940 ADSOLUTE FILTER 48Q.FT. SPARE CELL Figure 34. Fuel-ProceSsing System Process | CuBCLE \ \ Flow | 34 < L:c_on TROL PANEL! | - PORTABLE FURNACE FLTER FSP FUEL STORAGE TANK DATA MATERIAL INOR- 0 THIS DRAWING REFLECTS AS BUILT CHANGES pare_{2-17-68 FUEL PROCESSING — Sheet 58 : 40 PSIG HMELIUM 5'-40-5: L ] ORAIN Tamxk CELL PROM LiNE ‘;OLE CONTROL MW DIESEL [TE (CONTROL PANEL] AREA WEST OF FPC v929 FROM CCA-3 IN BOWwER WOusE ~40. 3 ARE NOT COMPLETE. fUBL. LOADING & ATORAMGE SYSTEM INSTRUMENT APPLICATION DIAGR AN CELL I R S e L) ;. . On IDOR NaTIONA. LARCRATRY FUEL PROCESSING SYSTEM PROCESS FLOW SHEET e —HEATERS | 6 in. ||| INSULATION T H - {-in. AIR I | P SPACE I AIR H OUTLET 59 ORNL-DWG 65-2509 SAMPLER LINE SALT. A INLET CAS GAS AND OUTLET < BAFFLE A4 OO v g 9 g |I I :I | | I 1 [ | II ¥ | | ll } I | | | N || I 16 in. b ;| | | N X | | L | H || || |I |I i | I | I I | | | o N\ COOLING AIR STABILIZER e———————— 50 in. > Figure 35. Fuel Storage Tank 60 ORNL- DWG 65-2511 . ;‘. LIFTING FRAME LIFTING BAIL THERMOWELLS QUTLET I ( o o . | l I l l : I | |N . | g : o L Lo ¢ l | ‘ I l p’ - | Iy | | | _ I b , - I l | | | ‘ || l o ] 18 in. | }! | HEATING | | | X PIPE OPEN| I | v | arTop | | | 1 ONLY | | Ls | I | | | | | | | : | | ™ BAFFLE | I ! | | | ) I I i 12in, 20in. JL..C’::Z&I ! Figure 36. Sodium Fluoride Filled Trap - 61 ORNL-LR-DWG 63248R2 % NSRSy T T FLANGE {in. *—1 0.030-in. ' CLAMP—— | \GAP WIDTH [ \\ _ _ ) \:ti:i N 1 \\ L (TYP) 6 N A 5in. N BUFFER /‘ \\ CONNECTION (SHOWN ROTATED) ! MODIFIED R-68 : RING GASKET —] \\ - NN/ \ I inF T / AN FROZEN #%g-in. R SALT SEAL T 1/, O.(G)gg-in.‘ WIDTHS \ ! L~ | 4/2-in.-n (TYP) SLOPE {:4 // \ (TYP) ‘ -—1'/4in.--[ 5-in. SCHED-40 PIPE - - - A - - - - 1 Figure 37. Freeze Flange and Clamp 62 also contains a leak detecting-buffer gas connection to the ring groove area. The semicircular flange clamps are made of spring steel so that they remain in place when forced around the flange with no bolting being required. Figure 38 shows the installed guide arrangement for the clamps and the simple type of tool required for their removal and installation. 2.9 Freeze Valves The flow of molten salt in the drain, fill, and processing systems was controlled by freezing or thawing a short plug of salt in a flattened section of 1 1/2-in. pipe, called a "freeze valve". This method of valving was necessary because no mechanical-type valve had been developed for molten-salt service. These valves were closed (frozen) by a regulated cooling-air flow through a shroud around the flattened section of pipe and opened (thawed) by shutting off the air and applying electrical heat to the valve. All valves, except the reactor drain valve, also contain a volume tank located vertically nearby to always provide enough residual salt in the line to form the salt plug. There are twelve freeie valves in the reactor systems, all of which are fabricated of 1 1/2-in. INOR~8 pipe. Six are installed in 1 1/2-in. lines and six in 1/2-in. lines. One valve, which is in the reactor drain gnd fill line is inside the reactor thermal shield, six are in the drain- ‘tank cell, three are in the fuel-processing cell, and two are in the coolant cell. Figures 39, 40, 41, and 42 show the various arrangements and details of the twelve valves. The locations of the valves with respect to other equipment are shown in the process flow diagrams (Figures 11, 26, 29, and 34). | 2.10 Ssalt Syétems Heaters and Thermal Insulation All salt-cohtaining components and pipes in the MSRE are thermally insulated and equipped with electrical heaters capable of maintaining the salt above the liquidus temperature of 850°F. Because of the diversity of sizes, shapes, orientation, and accessibility of the items to be heated, a variety of both heater types and insulating methods and materials were used. Guide Bars Clamp — 1 Pin Joint ‘ i Representation of 1 Clemp Operator Tool ™\, | Clemp Beam ) = ® ® - | o Putting Both Clemps On ng Lower Clamp Figure 38. Freeze Flange Clamping Frame Showing Assembly | ' and Disassembly ' - ORNL DWG 64-8821 £9 ORNL-DWG. 64-6898 ' THERMOCOUPLES COOLING GAS BELLOWS SHROUD THERMAL N 10 REACTOR INSULATION _ COOLING GAS (D . B __,Egfiaj”" o INLET ’ S s NSy o v o \ > RC—H 7" " . d B %" 0.0. TUBE Q \ , SRR 2 TG ,;.;. Tl == r~=~—*“’ __ S #\%,.f. I%' DRAIN LINE THERMOCOUPLE M XXX '“ / “ SHEATHED .‘ ’ oooe 1 \‘fo,' .2:‘0‘0. \:o n.u LAA0 THERMOCOUPLES Y COOLING GAS THERMOCOUPLE OUTLET l Figure 39. Freeze Valve in Line 103 E %9 T . ’ . ] | ' ’ ! ! L 3 vt - ” . . o i' s . . . 5 ".‘. . - N ORNL-DWG. 64-6899 ‘|§.::/’ /\,x-\-:—-s\\ ' v SN | NOTE ‘ ALL THERMOCOUPLES NOT SHOWN. e e COOLING GAS INLET COOLING GAS OUTLET THERMOCOUPLES Figure 40. Freeze Valve in Lines 107, 108, 109, and 110i G9 NOTE NOT SHOWN. THERMAL ALL THERMOCOUPLES g >l - I ,_—-""‘ _— T eSS W\ --’ =27 / LT —/" \ \} =T U === o § - 11 1t lfll = T Figure 41. i | : COOLING GAS ii HEAT\ INLET \\: i ~ N T o2 b @i COOLING GAS i OUTLET " THERMOCOUPLES—™] 1 4 vl.' ' ' ' -8 ¢, t Freeze Valve in Lines 111 and 112 ORNL-DWG. 64-6900 99 ORNL-OWG. 64-69301 arial i | i | ! R THERMAL N NOTE INSULATION ¥ l; ALL THERMOCOUPLES o NOT SHOWN. I R N ey THERMOCOUPLES e P CERAMIC b ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEATING ELEMENTS tf__- - “----'gflfl - : CERAMIC ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEATING ELEMENT ....... CALROD X il e : HEATER HEATERS SN v LEADS CALROD HEATERS f e —amm e ——— == COOLING AIR COOLING AIR INLET INLET THERMOCOUPLES Figure 42, Freeze Valve in Lines 204 and 206 L9 68 With few exceptions, salt-containing components and piping within the reactor and drain-tank cells are heated with remotely removable heating sys- tems. Consequently, flexible leads and remotely operable disconnects were required for each heater unit. This power feed system, the bulky heater and insulation units along with their respective support structures constitute a very large portion of the total contaminated material within these cells. 2.10.1 Reactor Furnace The inside of the thermal shield which encloses the reactor vessel is insulated to a builtup thickness of 6 in. with ceramic insulation covered with 16-gage 304 stainless steel sheet. The ll-in.-wide annulus between this insulation and the reactor contains electrical resistance-type heaters to form a furnace surrounding the reactor.. The heaters are 126 vertical lengths of 3/8-in.—0;D., 0.035-in.-thick-walled Inconel tubing, each 8 ft 7 1/2 in. to 9 ft 11 in. in length, through which electrical current - was passed. The heater tubing is in the form of 63 U-tubes which are 'arranged in nine removable sections of seven U-tubes each. Each U-tube is contained in a 2-in.-0.D., 0.06 —in.-thick wall 304 stainless steel thimble which is suspended from the top cover of the thermal shield. 2.10.2 Fuel-Salt-Pump Furnace The lower half of the pump bowl, a 3-ft-long section of the pump suction line, and the overflow tank were a;l heated in a common furnace which is 51 1/2 in. 0.D. by 66 in. tall. The heaters are 3/4-in.-diameter straight tubes of 304 stainless steel containing ceramic~positioned resistance heat- ‘ing elements at the lower ends. Five of the heaters are about 8 ft long and nine are 7 ft long. These 3/4-in.-0.D. heaters are contained in 1-in.-0.D. 304 stainless steel tubes. All the heaters were installed in assemblies with lifting bails to simplify replacement. The outer walls and bottom of the furnace are 5-in.-thick ceramic block insulation covered with 20-gage 304 stainless steel sheet. The fur- nace is suspended from the fuel-pump support plates and moved with the pump in response to thermal effects. The heater elements have collars which also rest on the support plate. 1, ‘f'.' + yoor by 69 2.10.3 Coolant-Salt-Pump Heaters and Insulation Heat was applied to the coolant-salt pump bowl by fourteen 6 in. x 8 in. x 5/8 in. thick flat-plate ceramic heater units. Six of the heaters are equally spaced at the bottom of the pump bowl and eight are arranged vertically around the sides. The heaters are mounted in brackets in a 304 stainless steel basket which is hung by fourlhooks from the pump structure. The outside of the heater basket is insulated fiith 4 in. of asbestos- based insulation covered with asbestos finishing cement and glass cloth. 2.10.4 Fuel- and Flush-Salt-Drain-Tank Heaters and Insulation The three drain tanks were heated by cylindrical furnaces made up of insulated tanks with removable lids and removable heater units. The heaters are located within the annuli between the drain tanks and furnace tanks. Each furnace contains seven removable heater units spaced around its respec- tive drain tank. The outsides and bottoms of the furnaces are insulated by two 2-in.- thick layers of asbestos-based insulation enclosed in l6-gage 347 stainless steel. The removable furnace lids contain ceramic fibers as the insulating material. 2.10.5 Fuel-Storage-Tank Heaters and Insulation The fuel storage tank in the fuel-processing cell was heated by four sets of heaters at the bottom, the lower half, the upper half, and the top. Each heater had an installed spare and was not replaceable. The top and side heaters are tubular, and the bottom heater is made up of flat ceramic- plate units. The heaters are enclosed in 6 in. of asbestos-based insulation finished with fiber glass cloth and insulating cement. 2.10.6 Coolant-Salt-Drain-Tank Heaters and Insulation The coolant-salt drain tank was heated on the sides by thirty-two 0.315 in. 0.D. x 74 in. long tubular heating units and on the bottom by sixteen flat ceramic heater plates. 70 The tank is insulated by a 5-in.~thick layer of ceramic-block insu- lation applied over a 20-gage 304L stainless steel shell which séparates- ~ the insulation from the heaters. The insulation is. finished with fiber glass cloth and insulating cement. 2.10.7 Heat-Dump Radiator Heaters and Insulation The radiator coil is mounted in an insulated steel enclosure equipped with large (8 ft tall by 11 ft wide) insulated vertically operated doors - on the inlet and outlet sides of the coil. Heating was provided by 60 tubular heaters mounted vertically 3 1/2 in. apart across both faces of the coil. These range in length from 48 in. to 102 in. The top and bottom of the coil were heated by sixty 18 in. long by 7 1/2 in., wide flat ceramic heater plates attached to steel baffle plates. The inlet and out- let salt headers were heated by a total of forty-~two 4 in. by 12 in. flat ceramic heater plates enclosed with 20-gage 304 stainless steel cans. All the inside surfaces of the enclosure including the doors are covered with’insulating ceramic block or insulating board and protected with a sheath of 1l6-gage stainless steel where air erosion could be a problem. +2.10.8 Piping Heaters and Insulation The heater types and insulating methods for the salt-bearing piping depended primarily upon location and accessibility. All horizontal sections of the fuel-salt and coolant~salt 5-in. pipes within the reactor cell and‘the 1l 1/2-1in. drain lines in the drain-tank cell are equipped with removable combined heater and reflective insulation modules as shown in Figure 43. These contain molded ceramic heater plates arranged to heat the top and sides of the pipe and rest upon permanently installed insu- lated bases. The reflective metal insulation consists of nine layers of 0.006-in.-thick stainless steel and one 0.002-in.-thick layer of pure silver encased in a stainless steel shell. The vertical leg of the fuel- salt pipe jdst below the heat exchanger has permanently installed tubular heaters covered with reflective insulation. ‘The section of the 1 1/2-in. drain line from the bottom of the reactor vessel to the freeze valve manifold in the drain-tank cell e 71 PHOTO 70759A FEMALE DISCONNECT TERMINAL BOX WITH MALE DISCONNECT REMOVABLE LAP JOINT CLOSURE ! ! Ptz it e 0 o \ Bid & Bulfl. 8| [ Figure 43. Removable Heater for 5-In. Pipe 72 was heated by passing an electric current through the line itself. This por- tion is insulated with permanently installed asbestos-based insulation. Most of the 1 1/2-in.-diameter piping in the drain-tank cell was heated and reflective insulated with the removable modular units. The remainder, including the line to the fuel-processing cell, were heated with tubular heaters and insulated with permanently installed asbestos- based insulation. All salt-bearing pipes in the fuel-processing cell were heated with permanently installed tubular heaters and insulated with asbestos. All the coolant-salt-bearing piping in the coolant and radiator enclosures were heated by tubular heaters strapped to the pipes under asbestos-based insulation. 2.10.9 Heat-Exchanger Heaters and Insulation The heat exchanger was heated and insulated with removable modular heating and reflective insulating units of the same type used for the 5-in.- diameter pipes except that they were made to fit the 16-in.-0.D. shell. 2.10.10 Heater and Thermocouple Leads The heater electrical supply leads within the reactor cell and drain- tank cell are 1/2- and 3/8-in.-0.D., copper sheathed, mineral-insulated multiconductor cables having flexible sections between the cable terminus and the heater connector. The flexible length is made with ceramic-beaded nickel alloy wire sheathed in 3/4-in.-0.D. flexible stainless steel hose. The reactor cell contains 79 cables ranging in length from 5 to &15 ft long, and the drain-tank cell contains 88 cables of about the same length range. The flexible power leads terminate at junction boxes or disconnect boxes that are conveniently located throughout the cells. A transition from the flexible leads to the copper-sheathed cables is made at these boxes. The cables then are routed via cable trays to the containment cell penetratiofislfl‘Tfiéfhéater power cable system constitutes a large volume of material dispersed throughout the entire volume of the cells. There are ovér 1,050 thermocouples installed in the MSRE. A prepon- derance of these are installed on the salt-containing components and piping. In all cases, except as noted below, the thermocouples are duplex, I » r Lo owmy 73 mineral-insulated chromel-alumel wires in a 1/8-in.-0.D. Inconel sheath. The thermocouples are attached to lugs on the surface of the pipe and com- ponents by means of a small welded tab. The leads are strapped to the pipe or component and are routed in bundles to exit points from the insu- lation and on to disconnect locations. The number, routing, and manner of attachment of the thermocouples will present problems to be dealt with when considering methods of removal. A few 1/16-in.-0.D. mineral-insulated, Inconel-sheathed singie-conductor leads were used in special power moni- toring and safety temperature measuring thermocouples. These are located only on the réactor outlet nozzle and on the radiator inlet and outlet headers. Transition from the Inconel-sheathed couple leads to multiconductor, mineral-insulated, copper-sheathed cables was made at conveniently located disconnect boxes within the cells. The copper-sheathed cables were routed via cable trays to cell penetration points. ' The total_system including leads; cables, disconnects, support structures, trays, and junction boxes constitutes a large volume of material that is dispersed over the entire cell areas. 2.11 Sampler-Enricher The fuel-salt and coolant-salt pump bowls and the fuel storage tank in the fuel-processing cell are equipped with 1 1/2-in. Schedulé 40 access pipes extending to shielded enclosures above the respective cells (Figure 44). These were used for taking samples of the salts as required for analyses and for adding fuel, or other salt constituents, to the salts during operation. The samples wére taken simply by lowerifig open capsules attached to cables through the access pipes into the salt contained in the }pump bowls and raising them through appropriate containment seals into shielded transfer casks. Enrichment was accomplished by lowering a cap- sule filled with concentrated fuel salt into the fuel pump bowl and allowing the salt to melt out. _ The access pipes are about 14 ft long and have a bellows-sealed expansion joint at about mid-length. The portion of the pipes below the expansion joint is INOR-8 and the portion above it is 304 stainless steel. 1 74 ORNL-DWG 63-5848R 7 ' REMOVAL VALVE AND / 7 SHAFT SEAL // PERISCOPE CAPSULE DRIVE UNIT--KZ /)% LIoHT CASTLE JOINT (SHIELDED WITH DEPLETED URANIUM} LATCH~_| ACCESS PORT - Ohhy v " AREA {C ' (PRIMARY CONTAINMENT} —j SAMPLE CAPSULE ] MANIPULATOR 50 4/ T_AREA 3A (SECONDARY 5 < CONTAINMENT ) ] /¥ SAMPLE TRANSPORT 4 T @ 0 CONTAINER = S LEAD SHIELDING SPRING CLAMP DISCONNECT - ME OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE VALVES TRANSFER TUBE (PRIMARY CONTAINMENT )}~y 1 LATCH STOP — PUMP s?-\er CRITICAL CLOSURES REQUIRING A BUFFERED SEAL Z MIST SHIELD ! 0 ! 2 ‘ CAPSULE GLIDE . FEET Figure 44. Schematic Representation of Fuel-Salt Sampler- Enricher Dry Box 75 The fuel-salt sampler-enricher is a complex mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic system, heavily shielded and contained, and is equipped for remote loading into and unloading the capsules from the sampler mecha- nism and for transferring the capsules between the sampler containment and shielded transport carriers. Since the sampler mechanism was alter- ‘nately exposed to the pump bowl atmosphere and to the sampler containment enclosure as well és to the exposed salt in the capsules, all equipment inside the enclosure is highly contaminated with fission products. The coolant-salt sampler is a far simpler manually-actuated system with appropriate interlocking buffer zones which did not reqfii;e heavy shielding. The fuel storage tank in the fuel-processing cell is equipped with a shielded sampler system similar to that for the fuel pump bowl but less complex. Since it wés used infrequently and was not subject to deposition of daughter products of short-lived fission-product géses, it is far less contaminated than the brimary system sampler-enricher. _2.12 Nuclear Instrumefitation Nuclear instrumentation ionization chambers were accommodated by a single 3-ft-diameter slanted thimble shown in Figures 45 and 46. The lower end of the thimble is welded to the reactor cell containment shell and the upper end is embedded in earth fill and concrete. A bellows-type expansion . joint between these regions accommodates thermal expansion and contraction. The thimble contains four 5-in.-I.D. and six 4;in.-I.D; guide tubes for ionizatibn chambers. These tubes are supported by four bulkheads appropriately spaced aiong the length of the thimble. For shielding and cooling purposes the thimble was kept full of water. The water contained dissolved lithium nitrite and lithium borate which served as a corrosion inhibitor and enhanced the neutron-shielding prop- erties of the water. A dip tube terminating at the bottom of the thimble allowed a small pump to circulate the water to minimize thermal gradients and keep the corrosion inhibitor evenly dispersed. MIDPLANE B30 ft 8 in. ORNL-DWG 64-625R 24 ft' 2in. ‘¢ FLANGE FACE Lt e e e e NEUTRON INSTRUMENT JUNCTION BOX / e a1° 50° - : HIGH BAY AREA 1 WATER-SAND ANNULUS FACE OF INST, SHELL FLANGE EL. 851 ft Bin. FINISHED FLOOR EL. 852 Qin. REMOVABLE CONCRETE SHIELDING EARTH FiLL WATER LEVEL 849 ft Bin. & WATER LEVEL INSTRUMENT CHAMBER GUIDE TUBE (TYPICAL) REACTOR __¢ END OF 48-in. OO SLEEVE THERMAL EL. 84111 12 in. SHIELD ( CONCRETE SHIELDING ELEV, \ 837l 7in, 48-in.0D OUTER SLEEVE ASSEMBLY (WITH EXPANSICN JCINT) P JOINT SECONDARY 4 CONTAINMENT 5 PENETRATION EL. 834ft 5= in. REACTOR VESSEL ¢ EL.830H 3in, SHELL 36% in, ; 35% in.10 o ION CHAMBER (TYPICAL) LY \INSULATION STEEL SHELL 7 - ’ T ——REACTOR CONTAINMENT CELL iFigure 45. Elevation View of Nuclear Instrument Penetratiom | 9L 1 ! b T 4. ® 17 ORNL-DWG 64-984R UPPER END OF NEUTRON INSTRUMENT PENETRATION / : ! REACTOR CELL / ION CHAMBER IN GUIDE TUBE, {TYPICAL) ~— BFy CHAMBER” TUBE NEUTRON INSTRUMENT PENETRATION BFfy " CHAMBER TUBE \ REACTOR VESSEL SOURCE TUBE THERMAL SHIELD Plan View of Nuclear Instrument Penetration Figure 46. *USED ONLY DURING INITIAL CRITICAL TESTS 78 2.13 Accessory Systems In addition to the salt-containing systems, eleven accessory systems required the use of piping or ducts either within the containment cells or connected to them. These were: (1) the cover-gas system; (2) the leak- detector system; (3) two component-cooling systems; (4) the cooling-water system; (5) two lubricating-oil systems; (6) the off-gas disposal system; (7) the containment ventilation system; (8) the liquid-waste system; and (9) the instrument air system. 2.13.1 Cover-Gas System The cover-gas system supplied purified helium for use as an inert gas above the fuel and coolant salts in the pump bowls and drain tanks, as a carrier for removing fission-product gases from the system, as a ‘pressure source for transferring salt frofi one vessel to anbther, as a means of pressure control in the salt systems, and as a cover gas for oil storage tanks in the fuel and coolant-salt pump lubricating systems. In addition, a part of the helium purge through the pump bowls and the fuel- pump overflow tank was introduced through bubbler lines to measure the salt depths. All helium was discharged from the various systems to the off-gas disposal system; none was recycled. Pressure monitoring and flow controi instruments for the fuel-salt- pump cover-gas connections were located within containment enclosures located outside the reactor containment cell with individual 1/4-in.-0.D. stainless steel lines encased with 1/2-in. Schedule 40 pipe penetrating the cell wall and connection to the pump. One line introduced the main purge flow at the labrynth seal on the pump shaft. Two lines entering the top of the pump bowl and terminating at the bottom of the bowl served as salt-level-monitor bubblers. One line entering the top of the bowl was used as the reference pressure tap for the bubbler system. Three similar lines to the overflow tank were used to measure its salt level in the same manner. The coolant-salt pump bowl is also equipped with two bubbler tubes, a reference tube, and a purge supply tube. Helium is also supplied to each of the three tanks in the drain-tank celllby 1/4-in. stainless steel tubes in 1/2-in. stainless steel pipe and 79 . in a similar manner to the fuel-processing system. The gas was used as the cover atmosphere for stored salt and to pressurize the tanks to trans- fer molten salt out of the tanks. The cover-gas system supplies helium for the gas volume in the oil storage tanks in the salt-pump 1ubricéting systems and provides purge gas for the fuel and coolant samplers and the graphite sampling equipment. 2.13.2 Leak-Detector System A leak-detector system using pressurized helium was used to monitor all pipe flanges where leaks could have caused the escape of radioactive materials or could have caused leakage of coolants or lubricants important to operation and safety. Another use of the system was to show when remotely coupled flanges were properly sealed. Figure~47 illustrates the use of the pressurized gas to check the leak-tightness of gasket seals. The helium was supplied from the cover-gas system through 1/4-in.-0.D. stainless steel tubing having a wall thickness of 0.083 in. All important ‘pipe flanges in the reactor and drain-tank cells have one to two lines of the leak-detector system connected to them, depending upon whether they were individually monitored or were a part of a monitored group. Through- out the reactor system and its accessory systems, V100 flanges were gas- monitored. 2.13.3 Lubricating-0il Systems Both the fuel-salt and coolant-salt pump bearing assemblies were lubricated and cooled with forced-flow oil systems. The oil reservoir tanks and the pumps are located in the shielded east tunnel. All oil piping to the pumps is Schedule 40 stainless steel. A 3/4-in. pipe delivered oil to the fuel-pump bearings, and a second 3/4-in. pipe supplied 0il to cool a shield block located between the pump bowl and motor. A 1/2-in. pipe connecting the gas space in the o0il reservoir to the pump bearing assembly equalized the pressure between the two regions. The oil supplied to the bearing and shield block combined to return to the reservoir through a single 1l-in. pipe. The small amount of o0il that leaked downward past the labrynth seal below the bearing was swept by helium from the cover- gas supply into a 1/2-in. line that carried it to a shielded catch tank ORNL IWG 64-8833 . -/ / Vs LEAK DETECTOR ‘ LINE FROM LEAK DETECTOR STATION SEALING SURFACES —— OVAL RING GASKET \ D * SO ASSAN AL aaline SEALING SURFACES LEAK DETECTOR LINE TO NEXT FLANGE OR MAY BE CAPPED OFF FLANGES Figure 47. Schematic Diagram of Leak-Detected Flange Closure 08 .'.a- y! @ 81 in the special equipment room. Because of the low flow rate through this pipe, it is shielded with 1 1/2 in. of lead to reduce radiation damage to the oil. The éoolant salt pumps have the same arrangement of piping from their lubricating oil supply except that the 1/2-in. line to the catch tank is not lead-shielded. 2.13.4 Component—-Cooling Systems The reactor-cell and drain~tank-cell atmosphere gas was circulated through an external cooling system and returned to the cells through a distribution system to cool freeze valves, the upper part of the fuel pump bowl, the control-rod drives, the graphite sampler nozzle, the ipéide and outside of the reactor access nozzle, and the off-gas exhaust line. The external equipment consists of two 75-hp positive;diSplacement blowers sealed in 6-ft~diameter, 8-ft-tall steel containment tanks located in the adjoining special equipment room. The containment tanks are connected by 10-in.~-diameter pipes to a 30-in.~diameter containment ventilation pipe which, in turn, is connected to the reactor cell containment vessel., Supply gas for the blowers was taken from inside the containment tanks. The dis- charge from the blowers passed through a vertical 8-in.-diameter, 9-ft-long, shell-and-tube, water-cooled heat exchanger also located in the special equipment roofi. The gas then flowed to a 6-in.-diameter header in the reaétor cell from which it was distributed to the components to be cooled. The lines to the pump bowl and the off-gas exhaust line are 3-in.-diameter pipe; the line to the reactor drain freeze valve is 1 1/4 in. in diameter; the line to the control-rod drives i1s 1 in. in diameter; and the lines to the reactor access nozile, the graphite samplér nozzle, and the freeze valves in the drain-tank cell are all 3/4 in. in diameter. After cooling the several components, the gas discharged directly back to the cell atmo- sphere and then returned to the blower suction via the cell containment ventilation line. The freeze valves in the coolant and fuel-processing cells were cooled by atmospheric air supplied by a 5-hp positive displacement blower located in the blower house at the southwest cbrner of the reactor building. The supply header from this blower 1s 3-in.-diameter pipe. The distribution lines to the two freeze valves in the coolant cell are l-in.-diameter carbon 82 steel, and those to the three freeze valves .in the fuel-processing cell are 3/4-in.-diameter carbon steel. After passing over the surfaces to be cooled, the air discharged directly to the cell atmosphere was then exhausted through the cell containment ventilation system. 2.13.5 Cooling-Water System The cooling-water system is made up of two parts: the cooling-tower water system and a closed treated-water system cooled by the cooling-tower water. | . | The cooling-tower water system was cooled by a forced-draft cooling tower located southwest of the reactor building. From the cooling-tower basin, water was circulated by either of two 547-gpm pumps to the treated- water heat exchanger, the fuel-salt and coolant-salt pump lubricating-oil reservoirs, the two fuel-drain-tank steam condensers, the coolant cell coolers, the fuel—prdcessing caustic scrubber and hydrogen-fluoride trap cooling coils, the charcoal beds in the off-gas dispersal system, and the steam condenser that supplie& makeup condensate for the treated-water system. It was also used to cool other items not directly related to the reactor system. All the piping in this system is carbon steel. The treated-water system is a closed cooling system filled with steam condensate to which a corrosion inhibitor was added. This system was used to cool equipment in which it was possible for the water to become radio- actively contaminated. The water was circulated by either of two 320-gpm pumps located in the blower house at the sduthwest corner of the reactor building. The water passed through the tubé side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger located in the diesel house to a header from where it was piped to the items to be cooled. The return lines terminate in a common header leading to the pump suction side. A surge tank connected to the system was used for volume control, makeup, and for a&ding the chemical corrosion inhibitor. | Treated water was use& to cool the reactor thermal shield, the fuel- salt and coolant-salt pump motors, the two reactor cell air coolers, the draifi-tank—cell air coolers, the nuclear instrumentatiQfi access thimble, and the component-cooling systems gas heat exchanger and blower lubricating . @ 83 oil system. The in-cell piping for this system is stainless steel ranging from 1 in. to 3 in. depending upon the flow requirements. All water lines penetrating the containment cells contained check valves on thg inlet leg and a pneumatic safety block valve on the exit leg with a rfipture disc relief to the vapor condensing system attached to the trapped volume. The thermal shield cooiant return line contained a degassing system for the removal of radiolytic gases. 2.13.6 O0Off-Gas Disposal System The off-gas disposal system handled three types of gas flow: (1) a continuous ‘discharge of helium and gaseous fission products“from the fuel- salt pump'bowl; (2) intermittent discharges of contaminated helium during s<-transfer operations; and (3) flows of up to 100 cfm of cell atmosphere. The first two of these off-gas flows passed through a complex system of ‘ holdups, filters, and absorbers and were extensively monitored for activit&zr prior to being discharged into the containment ventilation system effluent" upstream of the final filters and stack discharge. The ejected cell gas . was routed, after monitoring, directly to the containment ventilation connection. Helium sweep gas and gaseous fission products were drawn from the fuel pump bowl and overflow tank through 1/2-in. stainless steel pipes which merge and connect to a 4-in. pipe a short distance from the pump. This 4-in. pipe with a serpentine section is routed around the inside surface of the reactor cell with a total length of 68 ft providing a holdup volume of about 6 ft3 and a gas residence time of about one hour. The line con- tinues then as 1/2-in. pipe through the cell wall penetration and then as 1/4-in. stainless steel pipe through the coolant drain-tank cell to a sealed instrument box in the ventilation house. After passing through pressure-control and monitoring systems, the line is joined by the 1/2-in. Schedule 40 line from the fuél-pump seal and continues as 1/4-in. stainless steel pipe to a second holdup volume in the charcoal-trap cell. The charcoal-trap cell is a 10 ft diameter by 22.7 ft deep pit made of reinforced concrete with a 3-ft-thick removable concrete cover. The cell was kept filled with fiater, supplied by the cooling-tower water system, to remove the decay heat from fission products trapped by the charcoal. 84 The second holdup volume consists of éix 19.8-ft lengths of 3-in. pipe arranged as close-packed vertical "U" bends connected in séfies. From the holdup volume, a 1/2-in. stainless steel pipe leads to the main charcoal-trap ménifold., The main charcoal trap consiéts of four parallel charcoal-filter sections each of which is made up of 80 ft of 1 1/2-in. stainless steel pipe, 80 ft of 3;in. stainless steel pipe, and 80 ft of 6-in. stainless steel pipe arranged as compact vertical "U'" bends con- nected in series. The weight of charcoal in each section is 725 1bs. From the charcoal traps, a 1/2-in. stainless steel pipe'connects to a 1 1/2-in. pipe in the ventilation house. This line leads to the containment ventilation system particulate filter enclosure where the gas was filtered and diluted by flows from otfiér areas before being dischgrged to the atmosphere through a 100-ft-tall steel stack by one of two 21,000- scfm fans. _ One-quarter-inch or 1/2-in.-diameter stainless steel off-gas pipes connected to each of the fuel-salt drain tanks, the graphite sampler, the sampler-enricher, the coolant pump bowl and shaft seal, the lubricating- 0oil reservoirs, the coolant-salt drain tank, and the reactor and drain- tank cells allowed these items to be continuously or intermittently purged to the off-gas system. Those items which did not normally contain radio- active gases but could under abnormal conditions were vented, past monitors, directly to the particulate-filter enclosure. The fuel drain tanks and flush-salt tank were normally vented through the auxiliary charcoal trap located in the charcoal-trap cell but could be valved to discharge through the reactor cell holdup volume and thence to the main charcoal traps. The auxiliary charcoal trap consists of two vertical ~19-ft-tall "U" bends, made of 6-in. stainless steel pipe, which are connected in series. The trap contains 530 1bs of charcoal. The discharge from the trap merges with the discharge line from the main charcoal traps ahead of the particulate-filter enclosure. 2.13.7 Containment Ventilation System. In addition to receiving and diluting-the reactor off-gas discharge, as previously discussed, the containment véntilation system provided a continuous flow of air or maintained a negative pressure through all areas 85 where radiocactive or beryllium contamination was likely to occur other than the reactor and drain-tank cells. During maintenance operations, however, this system was used to provide 100 linear feet per minute in- flow through openings in the reactor and drain-tank cells made by removing séctions of the top shields. A system of steel ducts from the stack area draws air from the reac- tor building through the six smaller shielded cells, the electric ser- vice areas, transmitter room, service tunnel, special equipment room, and coolant cell and from the main high-bay area. Air is also exhausted from the ventilation house and charcoal-bed cell by this system. Many'small containment enclosures were either exhausted or maintained at negative pressures by this system. Alr flow through the system is induced by either of two 21,000-cfm centrifugal fans located at the base of the 100-ft-tall steel discharge stack. Before discharge up the stack, the air passes through roughing andfll; high-efficiency filters. ; The connection to the combined reactor and drain-tank cells is a 30-in.-diameter duct leading from the bottom of the southwestern sector of the reactor cell containment vessel. This duct was normally kept closed By two motor-operated butterfly valves installed in series. Negative pressufe. in the sealed cells was maintained by discharging a small portion of the ) recirculating component-cooling-system flow to the off-gas system. Figure 48 is a schematic flow diagram of the containment ventilation system. 2.13.8 Liquid-Waste System Not including the sanitary sewer system, the MSRE building énd its auxiliary structures have three waste water accumulation containers (Figure 49) equipped with appropriate volume and radiation monitors and with discharge pumps which route the waste water either‘to the ORNL radio- active liquid-waste treatment system or to a drainage ditch. Water discharged by steam- or air-operated jet-type ejectors from the reactdr cell, the drain—tank cell, and the auxiliary cells and water from decontamination sinks flowed directly to an ll-ft~diameter, 16-ft- tall, 11,000-gallon stainless steel waste storage tank located in the ORNL IWG 64-8841 I | | || : | : = | | ! | | | a | o ' 7503 BLDG. | FILTER HOUSE | CHANGE ROOM : | |8a0" LEVEL : | € 9 - ‘ | ) - o w | ' * g;g' . | | <0 | HIGH BAY | | i | l ‘ a § + i Y 1o bt b ! ~SAMPLER | | ' * | ' 5 - I | - | COOL ANT | I 1o R & CELL | CHARCOAL._, *' — — AUXILIARY BEDS | LIQUID CELLSREACTOR N. ELEC ORAGE AND FSERV. A STORAGE CELLS CHARCOALj ] ] 1 BED AND OFF GAS . ‘\-BLOWER * 4C0NTAINMEN1 j * Schematic of Air Flow Diagram Containment Ventilation System Figure 48. 98 87 VENTILATION STACK vIoeD L~ FILTER pn{ T o352 ' - 405 — T0 CREEX AlR puct 'L“OH Y ) ' DECONTAMINATION CELL VENT . ! ~ RADIATOR STh™n £ _‘é CATCH BASIN _ [ S UNINN BLOWER nOUSE BLOWER hOUSL RAMP—(356 )——u WES™ *UNNEL——————((357 ) SERVICE koM ——56)—— SERVICE TUNNEL—(359 )>—— SERVIZE TunngL ——(3R0 FRENCH = DRAINS CHAR, BED CELL - s"ct—" COOLANT DRAIN ctLL——354 ) v332p U ——— j--- Ttk ér . CHARCOQAL e I BED CELL I REACTOR CELL . .- DECONTAMINATION' TARK ] fi } 2 T | Fe1— = FROM REACTOR AND \ DRAIN TANK CELL PRV'S D m > S o ol O m ~ - - > ORAERy {355 ) {350 anNg ~ o Sw 7503 " ,UsE 7503 e @ CNOLANT CELL G64—-|—(—|—|—|= * v329 ! VENT HOUSE VALVE —(365 ) ol Is Cvaze causTIC P.T DRAN 2= :):-1 CUMP RAOM - ADDITION FUNNEL WATER , 5 ~-2-40-ss3 ' x # cvi2e :.; ROOM o i £ /, 3-40-% ¥ FROM MAINTENANCE ‘DRAIN TANK IR @29 - - SHOP HOT ORAIN CELL SUMP . 91| 43 2 a0.s vilg Cv33 4-40-§ - 2-40-53 w!'e|'n]mn ' ] A eSS el e e—— a— SUMP PUMP DATA Vi . r s | | FROM HOT SINK N SUMP PUMP A @ cv3zs ' ' 2-40-85 2§-00-133 >’3"°‘3 V326 2-40-55 ] ' ‘ ) 340-3 REMOTE MAINTENANCE PRACTICE CELL 2O @ @ ¢g—1-e0s— — G | PUMP ROOM TANK 33 GAL., }l w50 POV Y 80 CF—y ~=T0 OFF GAS FRLTERS SR PIT PUMP cvazs ] S\ZE InF. 4 11 | SUMP TET VALVES I l___..___._-.,.‘“.f_s;_ma_'.___.q@____._l : | |- | ) o3 ] | ! e ——— e —— . @ " cva2i ' o 2 | e FUEL FROCESSING & CELL SUMP T vy Jov30 | °) o Lt SPARE . . fel | o CELL Somp | : WASTE PUMP DATA 54 _T__ : LIQUD WASTE STORAGE TaNK (] " i CAPACITY 40 _OPM" 3 40-5 w | ! ; HEAD 8o’ AL ’ | o v LB coL EQUIPMENT STORAGE | ' vz CELL SUMP i | ) ; i derry Wl Foeyypem scgyé;: - ' 7 WASTE FILTER ' NORTH OF TARK JET ‘ u? 3oz|fm:.f:§ n:;& : v ’ TRANSMITTER FUEL PROCESSING CEL ! i FUEL PROCESING SYSTEM -A-40887 RO b ¢ CAPACITY 1,0 } e WATER SYSTEM . - S0089 | 2- 40-8s LIQUD MASTE SYSTEM INST APPLICANON OlA. [D-44-8-40308 I 7 . FUEL SYSTEW b-aa-aecenn . | GoD aram TANK SYSTEM -Ad-a—40082 i . e OFF GAS SYSTEM & CONTANMENT VENT j0-aa4-e0843 ' ‘ : LIQUID WASTE CELL '} .O:' ss—‘b NEFERGICE Shananss e = o i AT R OAK RIOSE MATIONAL LABORATORY cv 38 §-40-21 #.‘ s vas —~ . 3 ) . a . npr - LIQUID WASTE SYSTEM I > '\'} o —tet—d m b T s SIS GEEEEES G GENSRSE. G A S . ¥y -—-: PROCESS FLOW SHEET e e— % . 4 ) Bl [#-1T] 1 4 /" LS 2 M.S.R.E. ';_ ! A L — ) . SCALE ¢ NOsE JOB 4330 l ID-M—AMOOOl-! Figure 49. Liquid-Waste System Process Flow Sheet - 88 liquid-waste cell. A 140-gpm pump located in the remote maintenance practice cell is used to dischargé accumulated water from the tank to the ORNL liquid-waste treatment system. A 42 in., diameter by 50 in. tall stainless steel filter tank is also located in the liquid-waste cell. The filter is a 34-in.-deep bed con- sisting of graded sand and gravel. The intended purpose of this filter was to clarify water circulated through a decontamination tank proposed for the decontamination cell. The decontamination tank, however, was never installed due to lack of need. A3 ft by 3 ft by 8 ft deep sump in the below-grade 8 ft by 16 ft by -7 ft high sump room located at the northeast corner of the special equip- ment room (Figure 6) is the lowest point of the MSRE complex and is used to collect normally uncontaminated waste water from all areas of the MSRE complex. These include the radiator air-duct floor, the blower house, blower-house ramp, west tunnel, service room, service tunnel, coolant cell, ventilation house valve pit, and French drains from the building founda- tions and charcoal-trap cell. Water from this sump is discharged by either of two 75-gpm pumps, located in the sump room, to a 2 ft by 3 ft by 6 ft deep concrete catch basin located just west of the charcoal-trap cell. From the catch basin, the water drains through a 150-ft-long, l2-in.-diameter reinforced concrete pipe to a drainage ditch. A 55-gallon stainless steel ‘drum located in the sump room was used to collect drainage from the ventilation stack base and from the filter pit since water from these sources could be contaminated. The drum was equipped with a continuous radiation detector alarm as well as a high liquid level alarm. Each batch of accumulated liquid was sampled prior to being trans- ferred via a 200-gpm pump, also located in the sump room, from the drum to either the liquid-waste storage tank or directly to the catch basin, depehding upon whether the water was contaminated or not. 2.14 Vapor Condensing System As illustrated in Figure 50, the MSRE is equipped with a vapor con- densing system to accommodate overpressurization of the reactor containment cell in the event of a catastrophic accident that caused mixing of hot fuel ORNL-LR-DWG 67162R 40 ft FROM REACTOR BLDG. | -y 2-in-DIA VENT LINE . TO FILTERS AND STACK~_ / SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM | N\ IN REACTOR BLDG. - ELEV. 858 ft e FLOOR ELEV. ' GROUND ELEV. FILL 852 fi 851 ft-6in. J ELEV. 848 fi (= — —{J s \10-in.-DIA RELIEF LINE {0-ft DIA x 54-ft LONG 3900 ft3 BURSTING DISK o —— S [T = 4-in. LINE - - - ELEV. 836 ft C — _ 30-in-DIA REACTOR CELL VENTILATION DUCT - ' I —'J . ELEV. 830 ft STV R S AN Y, < | ~ 10-ft DIA x 23-ft HIGH - > SHALE 1800 f13-1200 113 OF WATER 7 ) ELEV. 824 f1 RS TR - Figure 50. Diagram of Vapor-Condensing System ' 1 v 68 90 salt and the water used in the cell for cooling and shielding. This equipment, consisting primarily of a vertical underground water tank and a shielded horizontal gas storage tank, is located about 60 ft from the southeast corner of the MSRE building. A 12-in.-diameter carbon ‘steel line from the system ties into the 30-in. reactor cell ventilation pipe just upstream from the normally closed butterfly val§es. Rupture discs in the main 12-in. line and the 4-in. bypass- line are designed to rupture at 20 psi and 15 psi, respectively, to cause the system to respond auto- matically to overpressurization of the reaétor cell and to require that the smaller-diameter path be opened first to reduce the dynamic impact on the condensing tank. 3. MSRE PRESENT CONDITIONS From shutdown of the MSRE in 1969 until now, portions of the reactor system have undergone considerable change from the original operating conditions. These changes will not, however, significantly affect the effort required for decommissioning. Beginning at shutdown: (1) all systems were secured or modified for safe standby; (2) a post-operation examination program was initiated; (3) the system was placed under a con- tinuing surveillance program; (4) excess material and equipment removal began; and (5) nonhazardous building space was made available for offices, shops, and laboratories for research and maintenance groups. 3.1 Securing the Process Systems In general, preparing for safe standby involved deactivation of process systefis so as to minimize surveillance and to prevent mishaps due to freezing, fire, or rain in-leakage; securing the primary system to safe- guard the salt solutions, including the 233y fuel; and protecting against radiation and contamination hazards. The salts were all stored in their respective drain tanks; the cooling water systems were drained, and lines penetrating the containment cells were disconnected and blanked at the cell walls; the cbvér—gas system and other service lines were disconnected and blanked at penetrations; process electrical systems were deactivated and circuits locked open; the instrument and service air systems were shut - % 4 ' . . 91 down and temporary gas supplies (nitrogen cylinders) were installed at necessary locations; selected radiation monitors with local indicator alarms were retained and remote alarms installed at the ORNL Waste Moni- toring Center; selected temperature sensors from the stored salt and cell atmosphere were tied into a local recorder-indicator; and the off-gas and containment ventilation systems were retained complete with the radia- tion and flow monitoring of the stack flow with remote alarms to the Waste Monitoring Center added. 3.2 Post-Operation Examination The post-operation examination program was for inspection of the pri- mary system and for obtaining material specimens for technical evaluation. The sampler-enricher capsule cage was excised from the fuel pump bowl for examination. This operation required the cutting loose or displacing of auxiliary lines and equipment for access. All the loose items, as well as many of the contaminated tools used fbr the excisions, remain at the pump bowi area or were dropped to the cell floor. A patch was fabricated and installed to.seal the pump opening. | | Specimens were removed from the heat exchanger shell and from the tube bundle. An oval-shaped patch of about 10 in. x 12 in. was cut out near the top center of the shell. Sections of tubing were removed through this opening. The hole through the shell was sealed by remotely welding a patch over the opening. Since this cutting provided communication between the fission-product-laden fuel-salt loop to the coolant-salt loop, the 5-1in. cooiant-salt lines were cut and seal-welded immediately outside the cell wall. All the loose material, heaters, etc., along with many of the . tools used for this job remain in the vicinity of the heat éxchénger. Control-rod poison elements, 7/8-in. graphite sampler holder and specimens, and a 2-in. graphite bar were removed from the reactor core. This job required taking loose and displacing the graphite sampler con- tainment tank, the control-rod drives, control-rod-drive shielding and supports, the control-rod and reactor nozzle cooling air lines and thermo- couple and heater disconnects and supports to gain access to the 10-in. reactor access nozzle flange. The core access plug, containing the graphite sampler flange, its holddown mechanism, and the control-rod thimbles, was 92 removed and suspended alongside the thermal shield. Other items are atop the thermal shield or were dropped to the cell floor. The reactor was sealed by placing a plain 10-in. blind stainiess steel flange on the access nozzle. | _' ' In the drain-tank cell, two freeze valves were removed and heaters, leads, and service lines were again moved for access. The open lines were 'sealed using mechanical plugs. | The post-operation examination was performed in the fall of 1970, approximately one year after shutdown of tfie reactor. The radiation level had decreased tremendously from that encountered during maintenance while the reactor wés still operable. All jobs were performed in the reactor cell using the dry maintenance shield without the need for tool shielding bushings in the access holes. The maximum radiation level above the shield through a 6-in.-diameter hole was 125 mr/hf at the hole 0pefiing at the beginning of the work. The maintenance shield was not required in the drain-tank cell. The work there was performed through a 2 ft x 10 ft lower roof plug opening. | A heavy accumulation of dust (v1/2 in. deep on flat surféces) inside both containment cells was easily handled by flushing the dust to the cell floor using an ordinary water hose. By keeping the work areas wetted, no contaminated dust was allowed to escape the containment cells. At the completion of the post-dperatifin work, the primary system was leak-tested to ensure that the patches were secure. The cell shielding blocks and seal membrane were replaced and the containment ce;ls leak- tested. 3.3 Surveillance After futher instrument modification ;nd final shutdown of auxiliaries, the MSRE was placed under a surveillance pfog:am as described in ORNL-TM- 3253, MSRE Procedures for the Period Betwéen Examination and Ultimate Disposal, dated February 10, 1971. Thislaocument describes the condition of the MSRE and specifies procedures to be followed after the post- operation examinations and before the ultimate disposal of the fissile and radioactive material in the reactor. The fuel salt has been kept frozen in the sealed drain tanks, within the sealed containment cell. Surveillance 93 has been by remote monitoring and daily visits by ORNL personnel, with monthly and annual checks by technical personnel. Remedial actions are prescribed for any abnormal condition. Personnel access is controlled by security fencing around the area as well as specific areas locked to pre- vent unauthorized entry. Procedures and responsibilities for maintenance, modification, and removal of surplus equipment are also specified. 3.4 Surplus Equipment Removal All MSRE equipment except the items required‘for’surveillance of the stored fuel and the fuel removal chemical-processing plant were placed on a published list and made available to other projects. Surplus mechanical supplies were all moved out, and the process computer was transferred to the Tennessee Valley Authority's Bull Run Steam Plant. A large portion of the process instrumentation was removed and used by other ORNL projects. The coolant-salt pump and piping were removed and used by research groups in continuing molten-salt development work. All the remaining noncontaminated process equipment has been declared 'excess in place'" and is available to others through the ORNL Operations Division. The coolant-salt piping and pump was the only surplus equipment removal that has affected the decommissioning study. The pump, pump support plate, and the 5-in. piping outside the reactor cell were removed. Thé radiator, sampler and drain-tank systems, including the coolant salt, remain in place along with all the auxiliary systems. Other items removed, such as process instrumehtation, were primarily from clear areas and have no significant effect on the decommissioning effort. 3.5 Site Utilization Peripheral areas at the site have been and are now being utilized by other Léboratory groups. The office wing (Bldg. 7509) is occupied by a research group; the shop building (Bldg. 7515) is used as an area mainte- nance shop; the reactor building (Bldg. 7503) offices, high bay, and spare experiment cells have been used by research groups; the stores building (Bldg. 7507) is used for equipment storage; and the reactor building change house and sanitary facilities are used by all personnel at the site. 94 3.6 Current Radiation and Contamination Levels Periodic radiation and contamination surveys are conducted within the site area, and all movement of personnel or eduipment into or out of the controlled access areas 1is monifored by the Health Physics Division. No spread of contamination or radiation exposure has occurred since the reactor was shut down. The results of radiation surveys made in January and February of 1977 with an lonization chamber are shown ifi Table 3. Measurements made in the reactor vessel at the top of the graphite with a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) indicate a radiation level of 2,200 R/hr. A measurement made at the top of the access flange with a TLD indicates a radiation level of 264 R/hr. Measurements made at the top of the graphite with bare and lead-covered TLD's indicate that the effective ténth—value layer for radiation in that area is 1.4 in. of lead. Measurements made at a port over the reactor vessel at working level with a Cutie-Pie indicate that the effective tenth-value layer for the radiation beam through that port is also 1.4 in. of iead. Measurements made with | a Cutie-Pie at the top of the opening in the top shield above the reactor vessel indicate that the effective tenth-value layer for the radiation through the opening is also 1.4 in. of lead. 4. DECOMMISSIONING ALTERNATIVES Two alternatives have been considered for decommissioning the MSRE, These are: (1) removal of all radioactive material except the containment cell walls; and (2) entombment, in concrete, of all radioactive materials at the site within the reactor containment cell. For both decommissioning alternatives, it is assumed that the fuel and flush salts have been removed from the drain tanks prior to starting the decommissioning. A study and cost estimate for disposal of the salts have been reported by P. N. Haubenreich afi& R. B. Lindauver in ORNL CF-72-1-1, "Consideration of Possible Methods of Disposal of MSRE Salts", dated January 28, 1972. At present, a total of 4,650 kg of solidified fuel salt is stored in the two fuel drain tanks in the drain-tank cell. Also, 95 Table 3. Radiation Levels Measured in 1977 Using an Ionization Chamber Radiation Level Location (R/hr) Measurements made in the area near fuel pump 1. Seal pan level over fuel pump with shield 6 plug removed 2. Seal pan level at SW corner of hole in shield 1 3. SW corner of the hole in shield even with the 15 bottom edge of shield concrete 4. ~3 ft below bottom of concrete at SW corner 37 of hole in shield 5. SW quadrant of pump bowl 14b 6. Sampler—enricher nozzle 15 7. SE quadrant of pump bowl 45 8. NW corner of hole in shield even with the 19 bottom edge of shield concrete 9, Pump bowl off-gas line (522) 160 10. North quadrant of pump bowl 250 11. Sampler-enricher spool piece 10 Measuremefits made in reactor cell above reactor vessel 1. Bottom of shield plug 39 2. Core access nozzle at vessel 408 3. Bottom of holddown basket 960 4, .Control—rod thimble at 18" below basket 3,060 5. Core outlet nozzle 117 6; Core access flange 282 96 Table 3. (continued) . ) Radiation Level -t Location (R/hr) C. Meaéurements made In reactor vessel l. Top of flange 312 2. ~2 1/2 ft below top of flange : 1,050 3. Top of graphite 1,740 4. 1 ft below top of graphite 510 5.'_2 ft below top of graphite 426 6. 3 ft below top of graphite | 510 7. 4 ft below top of graphite : 540 D. Measurements made in instrument penetration in guide tube No. 2 _ - * 1. At bottom ' 1,400 . 2. 6 in. from bottom _ 775 ;: 3. 12 in. from bottom 310 - 4, 24 in. from bottom 64 o 97 4,290 kg of solidified flush salt is stored in a third tank in the same cell. The fuel salt contains 30.8 kg of 233U and the flush salt 0.49 kg. The cost estimates for both of the decomfiissioning methods studied include the assumption that an operating solid-waste disposal area exists in the immediate vicinity. If the radioactive and contaminate& materials must be packaged for shipment to a disposal site outside the ORNL area, the packaging and shipping costs will be greatly increased, requiring a new methods study and cost estimate. It is also assumed that knowledgeable, experienced personnel will be availablé to supervise and participate in the decommissioning activities. If this is not true, the man-hours expended can increase significantly. due to lack of familiarity with the reactor components and methods of working with them. 4.1 Removal and Disposal of All Radioactive Material Except the Containment Cell Structure The first alternative involves cutting out, packaging, and trans- porting to a solid-waste storage area all contaminated and radioactive materials in the reactor cell, drain-tank cell, fuel-processing cell, and portions of the gaseous-waste disposal system. The cell structures, including the lower tier of shielding blocks over the reactor cell and ~ drain-tank cells, may be left intact for future use. Induced radio- activity in the carbon steel walls of the reactor cell are expected to be very low due to the neutron shielding provided by the thermal shield which completely surrounds the reactor except for the instrumentation thimble. Any areas of the cell wall found to have objectionable levels of induced fadioactivity can be overlaid with fixed shielding after final "decontamination. A summary of work required and a cost estimate for this alternative are given in Section 5. A detailed job listing is given in Appendik A. 4,2 Entombment in Place The second alternative is to entomb, in concrete, all radioactive and contaminated items within the reactor containment cell. The site and the remaining containment cells could then be put to other uses with 98 esséntially no restrictions. This method of decommissioning is far less expensive than dismantling and will provide complete containment indefi- nitely. Entombment of 233y-contaminated méterials in solid;concrete, however, violates the present requirement that such materials be stored in a retrievable manner and will require a special permit as implied by ERDA' Manual Chapter 0511. This method will invqlve a minimal amount of remote cutting. Alli pipes and conduits entering the cell through penetrations will be sevefed inside the cell and cut back about 1 ft. Penetrations will be removed where radioactive contamination is present and the openings sealed and filled with concrete. Some cutting and collapsing of in-cell piping will be necessary to fiermit the emptied drain tanks and the fuel—processing_ équipment to be added before entombing. The cell will then be filled with concrete to the building floor level to prbvide a fiinimum thickness of 14 ft of concrete over the highest part of the reactor vessel. A summary of work required and a cost estimate of this alternative are given in Section 6. A detailed job liéting is given in Appendix B. 4.3 Arguments Favoring Dismantling and Disposal of Radioactive and Contaminated Items 1. The MSRE is remote from populated areas and near a solid-waste storage site so that transport of radioactive items to the storage site can be accomplished with minimal shielding and with little risk to non- involved personnel even in the event of a transport accident. The 233y-contaminated material will be packaged within‘%1,500 drums of 55-gallon capacity (v13,000 ft3) and 31 spécial containers of various sizes (13,000 ft3). 2. Removal of the ?33U-contaminated items to retrievable storage will meet the requirements for disposal of this type material. 3. Emptying the containment cells of all MSRE-related items will release the facility for future usages requiring such cells. 99 4.4 Arguments Favoring Entombing the Reactor and Associated Radiocactive and Contaminated Items and Materials in the Reactor Cell 1. Entombment in concrete is far more economical than dismantling and storage. 2. The transport of radioactive and contaminated items would be avoided. 3. A major portion of the building and cells would be released for other usages. 5. WORK. INVOLVED IN DISMANTLING AND DISPOSING OF RADIOACTIVE AND CONTAMINATED ITEMS IN A SOLID-WASTE STORAGE AREA 5.1 Preparatory Work Preparatory work required for dismantling and disposal in a solid- waste storage area includes: (1) provision of a water flushing system for the reactor primary system, the salt drain tanks, and the fuel-processing equipment; (2) provision of a flooding system for the reactor cell; (3) provision of working shielding, transport shields, and disposable waste containers; and (4) tooling for cutting up the reactor tank and thermal shield and for cutting up and handling of pipes, conduits, etc., located within the containment cells. 5.1.1 Flushing System for the Reactor Tank and Other Primary System Components Although the reactor primary system was flushed out with a nonfuel- bearing molten salt after it was drained of fuel, the systém is known to contain large solidified globules of the flush salt which failed to com- pletely drain to the storage tanks. In order to minimize the release of this contaminated salt into the reactor cell during the dismantling opera- tion, the primary system will be flushed with water and decontaminating solutions prior to segmenting. The contaminated solutions can be dis- charged directly into the existing buillding liquid-waste system and then to the ORNL liquid-waste disposal system. Based upon a cell volume of 200,000 gallons, a flush rate of 5 gpm, and ‘a project time of one year, the liquid waste generated would be about 3,000,000 gallons. NUCLEAR DIVISION DAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 Iy (=120 ] 100 - UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION TABLE 4 DISMANTLING . COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE AND BUILDING ESO CR CRDER NO., A-28844-J1 ACCOUNT CHARGE DATE BASE COST DATE July, 1977 FY-77 ESTIMATE VALIOD UNTIL TYPE OF ESTIMATE e O Ou [] oruen CONSTRUCTED BY XX ueno XX] cPrr [Jussc (] ESCALATION (%) ESTIMATE BASED ON: [T} vERBAL INFORMATION [[] skeTcHes (] MARKED PRINTS (7] preLIM. DESIGN [T} FinaL oEsiGN FUND SOURCE ESTIMATED BY ORIGINALLY EST. DATE P. ENGR, ) EST. NO. [Jexe. ] ceapr C. Kirby* C. D. Cagle . SUBMITTED BY LAST REVISION CATE F. ENGR. [(Joee [] C. Kirby L. P. Pugh Page No. ' CPFF UCC-ND TOTAL PREPARATORY WORK Flushing $ 94,200 Flooding 154,100 Cell Ventilation 47,800 Work Platforms 126,000 SUBTOTAL $ 422,100 TOOLING $3,071,100 SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS S _640,200 REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT $ 419,500 DRAIN-TANK CELL General $ 12,000 North Bay 77,000 Center Bay 30,000 South Bay 84,000 General : 56,000 $ 319,000 UCN-3128E 12y 1.72) *Cost Engineer, UCC-ND ORNL General Engineering. ESO OR ORDER N0, A=2884A-J1 101 TABLE 4. (CONTINUED) - COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET (CONTINUATION SHEET) Page No. CPFF UCC-ND TOTAL FUEL-PROCESSING CELL $ 103,800 VENTILATION HOUSE AREA $ 79,900 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM $ 122,100 COOLANT CELL AREA $ 116,100 SOUTH YARD $ 160,800 |$ 11,100 TREATED WATER SYSTEM $ 40,500 SPARE CELL AREA . $ 52,000 $1,413,700 | $4,144,500 HEALTH PHYSICS REQUIREMENTS 706,300 $2,120,000 | $4,144,500 CPFF INDIRECT @ 35% 743,000 $2,863,000 | $4,144,500 |$ 7,007,500 ENGINEERING 20% | 1,401;500 $ 8,409,000 CONTINGENCY @ 30% | 2,591,000 FY-1977 COST $11,000,000 ADDITIONAL UCC-ND COSTS Solid-Waste Storage S 400,000 Liquid—wasté Disposal (one year) 200,000 $ 600,000 _s___.e_og.gqg___ $11,600 ,000% uven-s1zsr XNOTE: This 1s 1977 costs. (123 1.72) purposes. Use ERDA-ORO Escalatlon Chart to eScalaté for funding TABLE 4. 102 (CONTINUED) COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET (CONTINUATION SHEET) ESO OR ORDER NO. _A-2884A-J1 TOTAL ESTIMATE GUIDE LINES: Labor rates for CPFF contractor $100/day for crafts d or radiation allowance. UCC-ND degign based on operating account UCC-ND fabrication based on operating af G&A on UCC-ND procurement items @ 35%. (Tocling). It was shown under material escalating the Elk River costs which ing b costs @ $183 rcount costs @ This was not cost but the tlude indirect pes not includ Yday including hpplied to the 52,550,000 was B . b 352 indirect $156/day including indirects. indirects. plasma torch arrived at by UCN-8128F (123 1-72) 103 b S Ly . - & | ; A | s . q | , . 13 L ::j f ! ERDA-ORD ! u ESCALATION MULTIPLIERS BY QUARTER {End of Ouarter) s cY.75 -l CY-76 ot cv.7? pofu cv-78 et cv.7e -t cv.80 - cv.81 -t cv82 e cv.e3 -l cviaa —— cv-es — Oats Es1. 20% 1% ™ 10% % % % % % % % 8% Made ft————Fv.7s -l FY.76 ! ol FY.77 —atet FY.78 ol et FY-79 e FY-80 ol FY-51 - FY.82 Iyt FY.83 Jut Fv.84 -l Fv-as————' Quarter — 1 2 a 4 1 2 3 a I 5 1 2 3 4 ] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 a —] 1 2 3 a r 1 2 3 a ’] 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 a - N FY.74 1st Onr LI 1154 1206 1259 1.296 1.334 1372 1410 1452 1488 1524 1561 1597 1629 1661 1693 1725 1759 1.793 1828 1.862 1.900 1937 1974 2011 2052 2092 2132 2172 2216 2269 2303 2346 2393 2440 2487 253 2585 2635 2686 2737 2792. 2846 2901 2956 ndQrr 1084 1136 1187 1239 1.276 1.313 1351 1388 1.429 1465 1501 153 1572 1604 1635 1666 1698 1732 1,766 1800 1.834 1.870 1907 1944 1980 2020 2.059 2099 2139 2181 2224 2267 2310 2356 2402 2449 2495 2545 2505 2645 2685 2749 2.803 2857 2911 Fdar 1087 1118 169 1219 1256 1293 1329 1366 1.407 1441 1477 1512 1547 1578 1609 1.640 1671 1704 1738 1771 1,806 1841 1,877 1813 1949 1888 2027 2066 2105 2147 2189 2231 2273 2318 2364 2409 2455 2504 2553 2602 2651 2704 2757 2410 2.863 «hQr 1050 1900 1150 1200 1235 1.272 1308 1344 1384 1419 1454 1488 1523 1553 1584 1614 1645 1677 1710 1743 1776 1.892 1.847 1883 1918 1956 1995 2033 2071 2113 2154 2196 2237 2282 2326 2371 2416 2464 28513 2561 2609 266t 2713 2766 2818 ' 4 FY.76 . : , st Qu 1.000° 1050 1100 1150 1185 1219 1254 1288 1327 1366 1393 1427 1460 1488 1518 1547 1576 1.607 1.633 1670 1702 173 1770 1804 1.838 1875 1.812 1,848 1885 2025 2064 2104 2144 2187 2230 2273 2316 2362 2408 2454 2501 2551 2601 2651 2701 ! 2nd Q1r 1000 1050 1100 1133 1166 1199 1232 1269 1301 1332 1364 1396 1424 1452 1479 1507 1537 1568 1508 1628 1661 1.693 172 1756 1793 1.828 1863 1899 1937 1975 2013 2050 2091 2132 2173 2214 2258 2303 2347 2391 2433 2487 2535 2584 ! 3rd Qu 1000 1050 1082 1113 1345 1176 121 1241 1272 1302 1.332 1359 1386 1412 1439 1468 1496 1525 1554 1.585 1616 1.647 1678 1712 1745 LIIB 1812 1848 1885 1.921 1.957 1996 2035 2074 2114 2156 2108 2240 2283 2328 2374 2420 2.465 4th Ov 1.000 1030 1060 1080 1420 1354 1182 121y 1240 1260 1284 1.320 1345 1.370 1398 1426 1.453 1480 1510 1539 1568 1598 1.630 1.662 1684 1726 1761 1795 1830 1884 1.907 1939 1876 2013 2053 2084 2133 2174 2298 2261 2305 2.348 ! FY-76 - 0 Qv 1000 1.030 1060 1.090 1123 1151 1179 1207 1.235 1.260 1.284 'j:l,aos 1334 1360 1.387 1414 1440 1.470 1.498 1.527 1555 1567 1.618 1.648 1680 1713 1767 1781 1814 1.850 1887 1923 1.859 1.089 2.008 2077 2116 2158 220t 2243 2.285 2nd Qur 1000 1030 1060 1092 1198 1146 1174 1201 1226 1249 .1.273 1297 1323 1.349 1,375 1401 1429 1457 1485 1513 1543 1574 1603 1634 1666 1700 1.732 1764 1799 +.835 1.870 1.05 1943 1,881 2019 2058 2099 2140 2.181 2.222 | d Gar 1000 1030 1.0661 1087 194 1140 1167 1180 1214 1237 1260 1285 131 1336 1.361 1.388° 1415 1443 1470 1500 520 1558 1.587 1610 1651 1683 1714 1748 1.783 1.517 1.851 1888 1925 1962 1.999 2038 2079 2119 2.159 ) &h Qv . 1.000 1030 1056 1082 1107 1133 1156 1178 ¥9.201 1.228 3248 1273 1287 1371 1348 1374 1.401 1427 1456 1,484 1.513 1541 1572 1603 1.634 1684 1698 1732 1765 1798 1.834 1870 1906 1842 1881 2020 2.059 2.097 | - Sth Chr I{ 1.000 1.025 1.050 1.075 1.100 1.122 1.144 (‘,»1.185 t.188 1.212 1.236 1.259 1.283 1.309 1.3 1.360 1.386 1.413 1.441 1.469 14893 - 1.526 1.556 1.586 1.616 1.643 1.681 1.713 1.745 1.780 1.815 1.850 1.885 1923 1.960 1.998 2.038 2 i - FY.77 A 15 Qv 3 1000 1025 1050 1075 1097 1118 3.140 1161 1484 1207 1.2 1254 1279 1304 1,320 1.354 1381 1408 1.436 1462 ' 1.492 1521 1550 1579 1.610 1.642 1674 4.J06 1740 1774 1808 1842 1879 1946 1.953 1.990 2nd Orr - 1.000 1025 1050 10717 1092 N3 1334 1157 4479 1202 1L.225 1249 1274 1.208 1.323 340 1376 1402 1.420 1457 1485 1514 1543 1574 1605 1635 1.666 1639 1733 1766 1799 1835 1871 1907 1.843 ,- ad Qo v 1000 1025 1046 1066 1.087 1107 1129 LIST 1173 1196 1220 1244 1.268 1.202 1.318 1343 1389 1395 1.423 1451 1479 1507 1.5 1.567 1597, 1627 1660 1,692 1,775 1757 1792 1827 1863 1900 : ) &t Oar . 1.000 1020 1.040 1060 1080 1102 1323 1145 1166 1190 L213 1.236 260 1.285 1310 1336 1350 1388 1415 1.442 1.469 9.499 1528 1557 1587 1619 1650 1,682 1714 1748 1783 1,817 1851 - A . Fv.78 ," ) [ 15t Qu \f 1.000 1.020 1.040 1.060 1.081 1.102 1124 1.145 1.168 1.191 1.213 1,236 1.21 1.286 1.310 1.335 1.362 1.389 1.415 1.442 147 +.499 1.528 1.557 1.538 1.619 1.651 1.682 1.718 1.748 1.783 1.816 N 2nd Gar b 1.000 1020 1040 1061 1.08 1102 1123 1346 1968 1181 1213 1.237 1262 1286 1.310 1336 1383 1.389 1415 1.443 1472 1500 1528 1580 1589 1620 1.650 1684 1716 1743 1782 d Qtr “; 1.000 1.020 1.0a0 1.061 1.081 1.102 1.124 t.146 1.15‘8 1.180 1.214 1.237 1.261 1.285 ’ .‘.311 1.336 1.362 1.388 1.415 1.443 141 1.499 1.529 1.559 1.569 1.81% 1.651 1.684 1.716 1.748 a1 O » 1.000 1020 1.040 1.060 1080 1102 1923 1145 1166 L1800 1213 1.238 1260 ‘1285 1310 1335 1360 1388 1415 1.442 1460 1499 1528 1.557 1567 1619 1650 1.682 1714 - ,‘J : . - FY.-79 1t Qe 1000 1.020 1.040 1060 1.081 1102 1124 1145 1168 1191 1213 1236 281 1286 1311 1335 1,362 1389 1.416 1442 1.471 1.500 1620 1557 1589 1620 1651 1682 Znd Qur 1000 1020 1.040 1061 1.082 1102 1123 1148 1168 1191 1213 1,237 1262 1286 1310 1336 1,363 1389 1415 1443 1472 1500 1520 1559 1.589 1620 1.650 d Ou 1000 1.020 1.040 1061 1081 1102 1124 1148 1168 1980 1214 13237 1.261 1285 1311 1338 1352 1,388 1.416 1.443 1471 1499 152 1559 1589 1619 | ath Qv 1.000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1402 1323 1745 1168 1,190 1113 1235 1260 1.28% 1310 1338 1.351 1388 1.415 1442 1468 1499 1528 1558 1.587 | Exscalation Multipliers by FY - Mid Year i | Fram 20% 12% % 10% % 8% % &% 8% 8% ‘ 8% Mid ¥r £v.75 £Y.76 5 Ev.77 FY.78 FY.79 FY.80 Fy-a1 Fv.82 FY.83 FY-54 FY-85 ' Fv.74 1138 1313 1.408 1.501 1.835 1766 1.907 2.059 2.224 2.402 2595 2.803 : FY.75 1.000 1168 1.750 1.332 1.452 1.568 1693 1.828 1975 2132 2.303 2.48 ) FY-76 1.000 1.076 1.146 1,249 1.349 1,457 1.574 1.700 1.835 1.981 2.140 FY.76A 1.000 1.050 1.144 1.236 1.334 1.441 1.556 1.681 -fi 1.815 1.960 ' FyY-77 1.600 1.092 1.179 1.274 1.376 1.486 1.“)5 v \\ 1.733 1.871 | FY.78 1.000 1.082 1168 1.262 1.263 1.472 % 1.589 1.6 3 Fy-79 1,000 1.082 1.168 1.262 1.363 ‘1472 1.589 i i ' . €OST ENGINEERING 4-30.78 ' - 3 - 1 t -~ 104 The equipment required for flushing will include a pump, mixing tanks for decontaminating solutions, piping, and valves. The system will require shielding. Multiple connections will have to be made into different regions of the primary system to ensure solution circulation in all portions. (The'connections can be made simply by trespanning holes into the: primary system and connecting pipes with clamp-on compression fittings.) 5.1.2 Reactor Cell Flooding System The interconnected reactor and drain-tank cells are capable of being flooded with water if necessary; however, due to differences in elevation it will be best to avoid flooding the drain-tank cell beyond its seal membrane elevation since the water would be in contact with bare concrete. Following flushing of the reactor primary system and the drain tanks, the opening between the cells can be sealed at the drain-tank-cell side to con- fine flooding to the reactor cell. The flooding system will consist of a pump capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm, a strainer, bypass or in-line filter, and necessary piping, valves, and instrumentation. All components containing circulating water will require shielding. The filter will be cleaned periodically by backflushing to the existing liquid-waste disposal system. The concentra- tion of dissolved contaminants can be controlled by continuously or - periodically discharging a portion of the circulating water to the liquid- waste disposal system. 5.1.3 Work Shielding The dismantling work will require the erection of temporary shielding structures around the flushing}and cell-flooding systems and elsewhere on an as-needed basis. These shields should be made of material forms that allow éome diversity of size, shape, and thickness and which can be readily dismantled and the materials reused as required. The estifiated require- ‘ments for the dismantling of the reactor system are two-thousand 6 in. x 6 in. x 12 in. solid concrete blocks, six-hundred 2 in. x 4 in. x 8 in. lead bricks, and one-hundred 1/8 in. x 2 ft x 4 ft lead sheets (21,000 1lbs of lead total). 105 5.1.4 Transport Shields and Waste Storage Provisions Present regulations require that all waste items contaminated with 233y be stored in a retrievable manner. This will apply to all. items removed from the reactor cell, drain-tank cell, and fuel-processing cell. Although it is planned to minimize further contamination by flushing the primary system prior to dismantling it, some external contamination already exists due to past maintenance and post-mortem work. | Because of the large amount involved, special provisions will have to be made for storing the material in the solid-waste storage area. For estimating purposes, it is assumed that the present storage method for such materials will be used. This requires that the waste items be placed in specially designed storage shields or be segmented to fit within’ standard stainless steel 55-gallon drums for storage in 30—in.-diaméter stainless steel lined wells which have a concrete bottom and are capped with removable concrete top plugs. In 1976 dollars the cost per drum was $750. Transport shields for 55-gallon drums must be bottom unloading and have a shielding thickness equivalent to 6 in. of lead. At least three - such shields should be provided to expedite transfer. Special sealable storage casks will be provided for large items that are difficult to segment. These include the reactor assembly, the primary heat exchanger, the fuel-salt pump, and the pump motor. Except for the reéctor assembly, the radiation level_from these items is expected to require only 3 to 4 in. of lead for shielding. The reactor assembly will require 6 to 7 in. of lead. | ' | 5.1.5 Disposable Waste Containers All éolid waste contaminated with 233y will be segmented to fit within 55-gallon steel drums. Approximately 1,500 drums will be required. 5.1.6, Miscellaneous Cutting and Handling Tools A large variety of long-handled tools will be required for unbolting flanges and structures, for severing pipes and conduits, for tearing insulation, and for handling loosened items. For the most part, this type 106 of tooling will consist of equipping standdrd items such as abrasive cutting tools and hydraulically operated shears with long handles so that they can be operated remotely. 5.1.7 Retrievable Storage Requirements The packaging of the 233U-contaminated material from the MSRE will generate a total volume of ~16,000 ft3 of packaged material and will require 0.2 acres of solid-waste storage area for retrievable storage. The major portion of this volume (v13,000 ft3) will be in the form of 55-gallon stainless steel drums (~1,500) without any-attached shielding. The remain- der (03,000 ft3) will be packaged within 31 special containers of various sizes and with various thicknesses of attached shielding material. Current cost for preparatory work ana burial at the solid-waste disposal area averages about $25 per ft3 for retriévable storage. 5.2 Remote Dismantling Work The first stage of the dismantling work will be to flush out the emptied fuel-salt and flush-salt drain tanks and the fuel-cell processing equipment to reduce the radioactivity level in the dfain-tank cell. Piping connections to the flushing system will be made remotely at various loca- tions so that the flushing solutions will reach all portions of salt piping and tanks. Prior to connecting the flushing piping, a gas éupplyAwill be. connected across each freeze valve. The salt in the valve will then be heated to molten by existing heaters. A gas flow will be maintained -through the salt until it has cooled to establish a flow path for water during the flushing operation. After the flushing is complete and the flushing system removed, the drain-tank-cell equipment and the piping and conduits through the penetra- tion between the drain-tank and reactor cells will be removed and the opening sealed to allow flooding of the feactor cell. The advantages of clearing the drain-tank cell first are tfiat this: (1) allows direct access to the reactor cell penetration for sealing; and (2) allows use of the cell ventilation system while it is still operable. After all_othef pipes and conduits:leadihg from the reactor cell have been cut externally and sealed, the cell will be flooded to about 6 in. .f,t- L% 107 below the bottom of the lower roof shield blocks. The top shield blocks will be removed and set aside for possible usage as bridges during dis- mantling operations. The stainless steel seal pan will be cut up and dis- posed of in the solid-waste storage area. The lower shield blocks will then be removed, wrapped in plastic, and disposed of in the solid-waste storage area. The water level in the cell will then be raised to within a foot of the cell liner top and the piping for water circulation installed and shielded. After water circulation has been established, working bridges will be installed and the dismantling of the reactor cell compo- nents will begin. 5.2.1 Clearing the Cell Around the Reactor The initial dismantling activity will be to segment and dispose of all items in the cell that are external to the thermal shield. These include the fuel-salt pump, the heat exchanger, the 5-in.-diameter primary and | secondary piping, electrical heaters, insulation, off-gas piping, thermo- couples, and support structures. The primary heat exchanger, the fuel- salt pump motor, and the pump bowl will be separated from interconnecting structures and placed in specially designed storage casks for disposal in the solid-waste storage area. All other items will be segmented for dis- posal in 55-gallon drums. 5.2.2 Segmenting and Disposal of the Thermal Shield and the Reactor Vessel Since the reactor vessel is supported from the thermal shield 1id, it will hafie to be cut loose and lowered to the bottom of the éhield‘prior to removing the 1id. Following removal and disposal of the reactor vessel heaters and the removable side sections of the thermal shield, a suspension arrangement will be connected to the reactor vessel access flange and then attached to a bridge.across the cell opening to allow the vessel support hangers to be severed. The reactor vessel will then be lowered to the bottom of the thermal.shield and the thermal shield 1lid moved aside to an underwater support frame for segmenting. Following disposal of the thermal shield lid, the reactor vessel and . 1ts contents will be lifted over the side of the thermal shield and lowered to a special support frame for segmenting. When the vessel is in place, a 108 circumferential cut will be made near the vessel base to allow the vessel sides, top, and the attached core shell to bevlifted aside as a unit to .expose the graphite core block assembly. After the graphite has been’ broken out and disposed of, the reactor vessel and core shell will be seg- mented and disposed of in 55-gallon steel drums. The remainder of the thermal shield will then be segmented and transferred to storage. In addition to the segmented pieces of the thermal shield, there are 35 tons of 7/8-in.-diameter carbon steel balls filling the annular space of the cylindrical portion of the shield. These will also be packaged and stored. 5.2.2.a Alternative to Segmenting the Reactor Vessel An attractive alternative to segmenting the reactor vessel is removing it intact into a large, portable, sealed lead cask for indefi- nite above-ground storage in the solid-waste storage area. The cask (Figure 51) would be of simple cylindrical construction with a flat base and top and made with a stainless steel liner. It would be top- loading with the top seal-welded to the body following loading. A small filtered vent would be provided to prevent internal pressuré buildup due to radiolysis of residual moisture. To shield the present radiation level to the acceptable storage level of <200 mr/hr, a 6-in. thickness of lead would be required. The combined weight 6f the cask and the intact reactor vessel would be 60 tons. The cost of the cask and the associated handling equipment would be considerably less than the cost of tooling for and segmenting the vessel. 5.2.3 Drain-Tank Cell The shielding thickness required for storing the emptied and flushed drain tanks cannot be estimated without assuming a higher upper limit for the radiation and prefabricating shields that may be excessively thick. If the4decbntamifiation of the tanks 1s reasonably successful, little or no shielding will be required for transporting the tanks to storage. Because of the massiveness of the tanks and the material and complexity . of theilr construction, remote segmenting for storage would be comparable in expense to segmenting the reactor vessel even though the radiation levels 10 B Keactor VesseL 109 - ApPRox maTE WT - Y REACTOR VESSEL iaoao‘- CONTMINER 108, avn TolAL 120,00 O LiFTiNG EYES /@ | ! . o Sea. Weeo | 2 L——$.570. LINER § - Supsort Ring F?Sroes 75 THK. \—r/ & LeaD A d ‘ AR AR | . DA, L|_|-Top ¢ Borrom 70 - G THK. LEAD 84" DIA. - - Figure 51. Reactor Assembly Storage Container Concept 110 are much lower. If shielding is required for transport and storage, the tanks will be lifted out of their furnaces'qnd moved to a temporary shield where trénSport shields will be built around them. To do this, the tanks will each be surrounded with a stainless steel form into which an annulus of concrete of the required thickness will be poured. The shielded tanks will be disposed of in the solid-waste storage area. All other items in the cell will be segmented for disfiosal in 55-gallon drums. The cell walls will be decontaminated and the top shield blocks reinstalled. 5.2.4 Fuel-Processing Cell The fuel storage tank and other items in the fuel-processing cell will be disposed of using the same techniques outlined for the drain-tank cell. | | 5.2.5 Cell Ventilation System The 30-in.-diameter carbon steel cell ventilation line from the south- west side of the bottom of the reactor cell was used to maintain a negative pressure in the cell during maintenance operations and is contaminated with radioactive particles and fission producté released during these activities. This line, the main 36-in.-diameter duct it joins, the filter pit, and the discharge stack will be decontaminated and left in place. Smaller con- taminated ducts from the auxiliary cells will be cut up and disposed of in the solid-waste storage area. 5.2.6 Off-Gas System Because of the gas holdup volumes in the off-gas line ahead of the charcoal trap, essentially all the residual long-lived fission products in the system will be plated out on the walls of the holdup volume pipes rather than collected in the charcoal trabs. The holdup volume which encircles the inside of the reactor cell will be segmented and disposed of .along with the other contents of the cell, The remainder of the system up to its juncture with the containment ventilation system particulate filter enclosure will be segmented and disposed Af in the solid-waste storage area unless there is a need for retaining the system for future projects using the shielded cells. 111 5.2.7 Liquid-Waste Disposal System The portion of the liquid-waste disposal system contaminated with 233y will be removed, éegmen;ed, and disposed of'up to but not including the waste storage tank in the liquid-waste cell. The storage tank and its con- nections to the ORNL liquid-waste disposal system will be decontaminated to the extent possible and retained for future programs. 5.2.8 Coolant-Salt System The coolant salt was drained from the system to the storage tank in the coolant drain cell when reactor operation was terminated. The salt pump, pump support, and the 5-in. piping outside the reactor cell have been removed for use in a development project; but the radiator, sampler, and drain-tank system (including the coolant salt) remain in place along with all the auxiliary systems. | The system has only trace amounts of radioactive contamination and. beryllium salt contamination. All the system components will be disposed of by burial in the solid-waste storage area. 5.2.9 Miscellaneous Contaminated Items Contamination outside the primary and secondary salt systems is con- fined mainly to the component-cooling system, sampler-enricher, and the treated-water system. 5.2.9.a Component-Cooling Air System The component—cooling air blowers, heat exchanger, filter, enclosures, and piping are located in the special equipment room immediately south of the reactor containment cell. This system is contaminated internally with cell atmospheric contaminants pulled in from the reactor and drain-tank cells. _ The piping, valves, and strainer could be segmented and packaged in 55-gallon drums for storage. The heat exchanger, blowers, and motors will require special containers. The containment enclosures could be decontaminated enough to allow direct burial more economically than segmenting and storing. The radiation level from the components of this systefi will be very low. ¥y it 112 5.2.9.b Sampler-Enricher Radiation readings taken February 25, 1977, at the 1/2-in.-thick quartz periscope window and at the removal valve opening of the pri- mary system sampler-enricher were 150 fir/hr and 1 R/hr, r¢Spective1y. Temporary work shielding will be required after the existing shielding is removed in order to discofinect and éemove the assembly. Secondary containment of the asséfibly is provided by the upper sample transfer box and the lower operational and maintenance valve box. These boxes are joined together with seals at penetrations to’ prevent the 6ontamination due to sampling from entering the lower box. Removal will require opening of thevvalve box in order to disconnect the transfer tube as well as to discofinect the box from a floor flange. Making these disconnections plus severing and sealing a multitude of electrical, pneumatic, cover-gas, and off~gas connections will allow the complete assembly to be removed to a éfiecial storage container. Removal of the fuel~processing-system sampler will be done in a similar manner. 5.2.9.c Treated-Water System The treated-water system is a closed loop syétem that was used to cool components within the cells. Ali the in~cell portions will be removed with the cell equipment. The portions outside the cells are located within a pipe chase along the south face of the reactor cell, in the water room and in the diesel Shed. Contamination within this system consists of activated oxides and chromates induced by exposure to the reactor system. The contamination level is very low; so these components will not require shielding, bnly simple containment with plastic wraps, etc., and may be disposed of by burying in a trench in the disposal area. _‘ | The equipment in the pipe chasefconsists of piping and radiation safety block valves. These may be removed by unbolting existing flanges and by simple cutting procedfires with direct access available for the work. 113 The water room contains two pumps, a surge tank, makeup tank, and all valving, flow monitors, and piping for the distribution of the cooling water. Direct access existgifor the removal of these items. The diesel shed contaifis a heat exchanger and a particle filter. The highest level of contamination within the system is concentrated in the filter. The heat exchaflger and filter are connected to the wafer room piping via underground iines which cross the west yard (v100 ft of 4-in. carbon steel pipe). Direct access exists for removal of the com- ponents in the shed, and there are no obstacles in the way of excavating g the underground pipes. ' i 6. WORK INVOLVED IN ENTOMBING ALL RADIOACTIVE AND CONTAMINATED ITEMS IN THE REACTOR CELL 6.1 Preparatory Work Preparatory work for entombing all radiocactive and contaminated items in the reactor cell in concrete includes: (1) provision of a water flushing system for the fuel and flush-salt drain tanks and the fuel- processing equipment; (2) provision of a 5,000 cfm (minimum) air exhaust duct into the top of the reactor cell; and (3) tooling for cutting pipes and structural materials in the reactor cell and for cutting loose and transferring tanks, pipes, and structural materials from the drain-tank and fuel-processing cells to the reactor cell. 6.1.1 Flushing System for the Primary Salt Drain Tanks and the Fuel- Processing Equipment This.system is the same as that described in Section 5.1.1; however, it will not be necessary to flush out the reactor vessel nor the primary system in the reactor cell. The drain tanks and their associated piping as well as the equipment and piping in the fuel-processing cell are to be flushed to reduce radiation levels and the probability of contamination spread during their being cut out and transferred to the reactor cell for entombment. 114 UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION TABLE 5 o OAk RIDGE, TENNESSEE 237830 ENTOMBMENT . * COST ESTIMATE . SUMMARY SHEET o PROJECT TITLE AND BJ',D,NG - — . ESO QR ORDER NO. ACCOQUNT CHARGE CATE BASE COST DATE ESTIMATE VALID UNT'L A-2884A-J1 July, 1977 FY~77 ' TYPE OF ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTED BY - ESCALATION (3 Tle s [On [J ortuer JE}ucmm B corr Jusse [ __ ESTIMATE BASED ON: [ verBaL inFORMATION [] skevcues 7] mrakgo prInTS ] PReLIM. DEsIGN "1 FINAL DESIGN FUND SOURCE ESTIMATED BY QRIGINALLY EST. DATE p_. ENGR. EST. NO. Jexp ] eopt C. Kirby=* C. D. Cagle SUBMITTED BY LAST REVISION DATE F. ENGR. (] srp ] C. Kirby L. P. Pugh Page No. CPFF UCC-ND TOTAL PREPARATORY WORK | Flushing $ 94,200 Cell Ventilation $§ 35,500 25,600 Work Platforms 60,000 36,600 Miscellaneous Material 6,900 - : ' T SUBTOTAL $§ 95,500 $ 163,300 . TOOLING $ 419,300 oo REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT $ 322,700 - DRAIN-TANK CELL § 273,300 FUEL-PROCESSING CELL $ 53,300 . VENTILATION HOUSE AREA $ 64,000 b SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM $ 93,900 COOLANT CELL AREA S 96,100 SOUTH YARD $ 135,500 $ 11,100 m . ~ UCN-312%E - 1123 t=T2) * o _.‘ ; 4 o TABLE 5. 115 (CONTINUED) COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET (CONTINUATION SHEET) ESO OR ORDER NO, _ A-2884A~J1 Page No. CPFF UCC-ND TOTAL TREATED WATER SYSTEM $ 40,500 SPARE CELL AREA 42;000 $1,216,800 $ 593,700 HEALTH PHYSICS REQUIREMENTS 608,200 $1,825,000 $ 593,700. CPFF INDIRECTS @ 35% 639,000 $2,464,000 $ 593,700 $ 3,057,700 ENGINEERING 20% CONTINGENCY, FY-1977 COST ESTIMATE GUIDE LINES: Labor rates for CPFF contractor $100/day or radiation allowance. UCC-ND design based on operating accou:[ UCC-ND fabrication based on operating G&A on UCC-ND procurement items @ 35%. for crafts d costs @ $183 count costs @ oes not include 35% indirect /day including indirects. $156/day including indirect ‘ 612,300 $ 3,670,000 | 1,100,000 $ 4,770,000%* ucn.1zsr *NOTE:, This is 1977 costs. Use ERDA-ORO Escalation Chart (page 103) to escalate for 123 1.72} funding purposes. 116 6.1.2 Air Exhaust System for the Reactor Cell The existing 30-in.-diameter cell ventilation duct is connected to the cell near the bottom; therefore, it cannot be used to vent the cell while - concrete is being poured into it. Also, before concrete can be poured, it must be severed.and sealed at the point of emergence from the cell structure . and should not be further contaminated by the preparations for entombment. To provide necessary ventilation for particle control, a temporary shielded 30 in. by 30 in. ventilation duct will Be provided to exhaust air from the cell at the top near the south edge. This duct will be tied into the existing 30 in. by 30 in. duct located at the east side of the cell that normally exhausts the high-bay area. The existing particulate filters, blowers, and exhaust stack can be used. 6.1.3 Tooling Required tooling will include remotgiy operated saws, abrasive cutting tools, hydraulic shears, cutting torches, lifting hooks, and tongs to be used in the reactor cell to make space for other items. The same tools will be used for cutting loose and transferring items from the drain-tank and fuel-processing cells to the reactor cell. Most of these tools can be made by adapting standard tools with long handles to allow remote opera- tion. 6.2 Preparing Reactor Cell to Accommodate Contaminated Items from Other Cells and Areas 6.2.1 Clearing Top of Cell and Installing Temporary Ventilation Duct To allow access to all areas of the reactor cell, the upper tier of shielding blocks will be set aside and the entire seal pan cut out in easily'handled sections and temporarily stored for later disposal in the reactor cell. During this work, a negative pressure will be maintained in the cell using the existing 30-in.-diameter ventilation duct. One of the smaller lower shield blocks on the south side will be removed and replaced with a new shielded cover containing the temporary véntilation duct. When ‘the new duct has been installed, shielded, and opened to the ventilation system, the existing duct will be closed. 117 6.2.2 Sealing the Existing 30-In. Cell Ventilation Duct at the Cell Wall The existing cell ventilation duct will be severed and a short section removed in the coolant cell where the duct exits the reactor cell outer tank. The cell side of the opening will be blanked with a flange éontaining a nozzle for pumping the penetration full of grout. The duct opening to the filters will be temporarily sealed as the remainder of the duct will be removed later. The duct penetration extends %8 ft through the sand-filled annulus to the reactér containment tank. The duct is horizontal for about 5 ft and then turns upward at a 31° slope to intersect the hemispherical bottom head of the reactor tank. The open and inside the cell is shielded by a 9—in.;thick carbon steel shadow shield. The grout should be pumped inward until it extrudes from behind the shadow shield (40 ft3). 6.2.3 Closure of the Opening Between the Reactor and Drain-Tank Cells Before concfete can be poured into the reactor cell, fhe opening from there into the drain-tank cell must be cleared of pipes and conduits and sealed. Since later work will further obscure the opening on the reactor cell side, it will be necessary to clear and seal the opéning first. To provide ventilation from the drain-tank cell after sealing the opening, the upper layer of shielding blocks and the seal pan will be ’ removed and a lower shield block replaced with one containing an opening for a ventilation duct as will be done for the reactor cell. This duct will tie in to the temporary duct provided for the reactor cell. When ventilation has been estéblished for both cells, the pipes and conduits passing through the intercell opening will be severed in both cells and drawn into the reactor cell. The opening will then be closed on the reactor cell side with a large prefabricated plug or cap. 6.2.4 Enlarging Space in the Reactor Cell There are two purposes for cufting loose and rearranging items in the reactor cell, One purpose is to remove, on the inside of the cell, short sections of all pipes and conduits that penetrate the cell walls to ensure that all internal systems will be sealed from external communication fol- lowing entombment. Prior to doing the internal cutting, the pipes and 118 .conduits will be cut and capped where theyiemerge externally from the cell. After the cell has been filled with concrete, the caps will be removed to allow backfilling with concrete prior to final sealing. The second purpose is to rearrange some of the existing compénents to provide space for placing other items in the cell for entombment. The major items to be disconnected or cut loose and repositioned are the fuel-salt pump and its associated conduits and piping, the heat - exchanger, the primary and secondary salt piping and heaters, and the vari- ous structures that support these items. ‘ This phase of the work will be relatively slow due both to limited access and the type of work to be done. Since there will Be a dust and particle control problefi during this fiork, only one working opening into the cell will be used. The inflow of air through this opening to the ven- tilation system will prevent the dust and particles from emerging. Additional limited control will be exercised by drenching with water as applicable. The water will collect in the sump at the low point of the ‘containment vessel and will be jetted to thelliquid—waste system. The water ejection system will be the last piping cut loose in the cell. Although preparation of the drain~-tank cell components, fuel-processing cell components, and other items for transfer may be done simultaneously with the space preparation in the reactor cell, no transfer of items to the reactor cell will be done until all cutting and rearranging there is com- plete. 6.3 Transfer of Disposable Items to the Reactor Cell 6.3.1 Drain-Tank and Fuel-Processing Cell Components While the reactor cell is being prepéred to receive them, the emptied and flushed tanks, piping, etc., in the drain-tank cell and the fuel- processing equipment, piping, etc., will be prepared for transfer. Tanks will be transferred as units, Smaller.iéems, such as pipe sections, will be loaded into reusable steel drums or similar containers for tranmsfer. Prior to the transfer, an opening large enough to receive the items to be transferred can be provided through the reactor cell top by first stacking temporary shielding to a height of about 6 ft above floor level w2 "y + l"‘ 119 to form a shielded chimney around the cell top shield blocks to be removed and then removing the shield blocks. The vertical shielding will protect pefsonnel from direct radiation from the cell and allow the access to remain open while transferred items are being positioned in the cell by personnel working through a smaller opening. Between transfers, the top of the chimney will be closed with a light-weight cover. During transfers, the shielded remote maintenance control room will be used by the hoist operator-- other personnel will remain at a safe distance while the items being trans- ferred are unshielded. As an altérnative-to using the shielded chimney as an access to the cell, appropriate shielding blocks can be removed and replaced as required by operating the hoist from the shielded remote maintenance control room. As each tank is put into place in the reactor cell, grout will be pumped into it through a pipe opening or a trespanned hole to prevent floating during the filling of the cell with concrete. 6.3.2 Disposal of Existing Reactor Cell Ventilation Duct and Off-Gas Lines The entire 30-in.-diameter reactor cell ventilation duct between the . reactor cell and the 36-in. main ventilation duct will be cut into sections and disposed of in the reactor cell. To do this, sectioning will begin at the point of emergence from the reactor cell (already sealed from the reac- tor cell) and proceed toward the main duct. This will allow an inward draft of air to be maintained for dust control. Prior to cutting each section, the inner wall will be coated with a sealant to prevent particle: release during subsequent handling. Removal of the duct outside the building will involve excavation. | Sectioning of off-gas lines will also be done while maintainifig an inward draft; however, due to their small size, coating the sections internally will not be required. 6.3.3 Secondary Decay Volume and Charcoal Traps Due to only low-level contamination with long-lived fission products, the secondary decay volume and charcoal traps (all located in the charcoal- trap pit) will be sealed and transferred as intact units to the solid-waste storage area for disposal in trenches. 120 6.4 Filling the Reactor Cell with Concrete The filling of the reactor cell with concrete and grout will be done in stages as the various items to be disposed of there are added. This procedure will reduce the radiation level through openings in the top of the cell as quickly as.possible. One of the first regions to be filled with grout will be.the annulus befiween the reactor vessel and thermal shield to reduce the radiation from the vessel into the cell. When the reactor cell has been filled with concrete up to the bottoms of the lower shield blocks, the temporary ventilation duct will be removed and all the lower shield blocks will be reinstalled. A final grouting in of the blocks fiill be made at the building floor level and the surface finished to building floor specifications. The upper shield beams may be checked for contamination and either retained for other uses or disposed of. 6.5 Decontamination 6f Area 6.5.1 Drain-Tank Cell When the equipment removed from the drain-tank cell is complete, decon- tamination of the interior surfaces and cell penetrations will be done. The cell is stainless steel lined and will aliow strong solutions to be used for cleaning. The solutions can be jetted to the existing liquid-waste system., The transferrable contamination should be low enough to allow unrestricted use of the cell. The upper and lower shield plugs will be cleaned and reinstalled over the cell for future use. 6.5.2 Fuel-Processing Cell After removal of the fuel-processing-cell equipment, the cell will be decontaminated in the same manner as the drain—tank cell except that the cell surfaces are concrete. Chipping may be uséd where solution cleaning is unsuccessful. | The roof plugs will be cleaned and replaced for future use. . 4 T 121 6.5.3 Liquid-Waste Storage Cell The liquid-waste system will be retained for future use. Contamination in the storage tank, filter, pipes, and pump will be flushed out to the Laboratory ILW system to allow the system to remain for future use with restricted entry only into the waste-tank storage cell. 6.5.4 Containment Ventilation Systenm After removal of the reactor cell exhaust duct and decontamination of the stack filter bay, very little, if any, contamination will remain in the ventilation system. Repairs to the duct where the cell exhaust line is removed will be made, and the system will remain ready for use. - 6.5.5 Special Equipment Room - Coolant Cell Area A small amount of contamination exists in the special equipment room as a result of maintenance on the component-cooling air blowers. Care must be used to avoid further contamination during the removal of the cell exhaust duct and the component-cooling air system. A simple mopping of the cell area should remove the existing contamination. 7. REFERENCES 1. R. C. Robertson, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part I--Description of Reactor Design, ORNL-TM-728 (January, 1965). 2. J. R. Tallackson, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part IIA--Nuclear and Process Instrumentation, ORNL-TM-729, Part IIA (February, 1968). 3. R. B. Lindauer, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part VII--Fuel Handling and Processing Plant, ORNL-TM-907, Revised (December, 1967). 4. R. B. Lindauer, "MSRE Fuel Processing System Status', ORNL-CF-69-6-17 (June, 1969). | | 5. R. H, Guymon, MSRE Procedures for the Period Between Examination and Ultimate Dispbsal (Phase 111 of Decommissioning Program), ORNL-TM-3253 (February, 1971). A | 6. P. N. Haubenreich and R. B. Lindauer, "Consideration of Possible Methods of Disposal of MSRE Salts', ORNL-CF-72-1-1 (January, 1972). 123 APPENDIX A JOB LISTING FOR DECOMMISSIONING THE MSRE BY DISMANTLING AND DISPOSAL QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1l ea. | Design and fabricate flushing system unit with ~50 gpm flow and 500 gallons storage of decontamination solution with connections for discharging solution to the ORNL ILW system. Unit to be portable and shielded for use at various areas in the reacfior, drain tank, and fuel processing cell, Design {100 md) $ 18,300 Material $10,000 Fabrication (100 md) i 15,600 6 jobd Connect and flush various sections of the system and - tanks. 6 ea. @ 50 md (300 md) $ 46,800 G&A on materials: 10,000 x 0.35 $ 3,500 UCC-ND Subtotal $13,500 $ 80,700 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - FLUSHING T i - $ 94,200 UCN-1297 ts 7.7 ‘II'! . 1’& f) 1 - . 1 wel QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference MAT'L | LABOR ]|_ Drawing 1 ea. | Design, fabricate and install filtering and demineral- . izing system to control clarity and activity level of the reactor cell and drain tank cell floéd water. The system is to have a minimum flow capacity of 1,000 gpm and be L located within a shielded area with piping connections to the reactor and drain tank cell. B Design (200 md) N *fl_i,_.“'.f_%é_’_f:g?_______fiw.__ Mate-rials $50,000 ) Fabrication & Installation (500 md) i $ 50,000 i G&A on materials: 50,000 x 0.35 $17,500 | $67,500 $ 86,600 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR PREPARATORY WORK - FLOODING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL $154,100 UCN-1297 3 7172 6l QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER!AL LABOR ‘Reference NIT MAT’'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job| Design, fabricate and install a temporary cell ventilation duct from the top of the reactor cell to existing duct work at the east side of the high bay. Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Materials $5,000 Fabrication & Installation (50 md) 5,000 1 job| Design, fabricate and install a temporary cell ventilatioq duct from the top of the drain tank cell to existing duct work at the east side of the high bay. Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Materials $7,500 Fabrication & Installation (75 md) 7,500 G&A on materials: 12,500 x 0.35 $4,400 $16,900 $ 30,900 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ‘ CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - CELL VENTILATION — - | $ 47,800 UCN-1297 —— TrEiamedn e 13 772 . f ' f‘. ' ’ v . . ” ‘o 9C1 QUANTITY UNIT REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTIAL UNIT COSTS MAT L LABOR MATERI AL LABOR" Reference Drawing 1l ea. Design, fabricate and install a work platform to fit the top of the reactor cell. The platform is to have remov- able deck sections for access to all work areas of the cell; contain tool securing devices; and lighting and other visual aids necessary for underwater remote work. Design (100 md) $ 18,300 Materials $10,000 Fabrication & Installation - (200 md) 31,200 1l ea. Design, fabricate and install a work platform to fit the top of the drain tank cell. The platform is to have removable deck sections for access to all areas of the cell; contain tool handling and securing devices; énd lighting and other visual aids necessary for underwater remote work. Design ' ' (100 md) $ 18,300 Materials $10,000 31,200 Fabrication & Installation ‘ (200 md) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR PREPARATORY WORK - WORK PLATFORMS CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL $126,000 UCN-1297 3 7-712) Ll QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL ce UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing G&A on materials: 20,000 x 0.35 ' $ 7,000 $27,000 $ 99,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - WORK PLATFORMS $422,100 UCN-1297 1 87T QUANTITY REH6VAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR | Reference UNIT MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing .l ea.| Pipe cutter, abrasive, for horizontal 5'" INOR-8 pipe. Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication Labor (50 m&) 7,800 Materials $2,500 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 1l ea.| Pipe cutter, abrasive, for vertical 5" INOR-8 pipe. B T Design (50 md) i $ 9,200 Fabrication (SO_Fd) 7,800 Materials $2,500 ,’: Mockup & Development flSO-fid) 500 7,800 © 2 ea.| Pipe cutters, hydraulic, for vertical or horizontal /2" thru 2" carbon séeel, stainless steel and INOR-8 pipe (commercial hydrailic shears). Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication. (30 md) 4,700 Haterial @ $2,500- each $5,000 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR TOOLING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL UCN-1297 3y 7T-12) QUG:ITTITY REMOVAL OF RADIQACTIVE MATERIAL UN‘”. COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea. -Cufters, hydraulic, for miscellaneous 1/4" to 1/2" tubing MI cable, electrical leads, etc. (commercial hydraulic units). Design ' (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 M;terial @ $500 each $1,000 Mockup & Develcpment (50 md) 500 7,800 2 ea.| Snips, manual, for cutting thermocouple leads, electrical leads, etc. ‘ | Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material $ 500 . Mockup & Development (10 md) 100 ‘1,600 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR TOOLING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL 772 ‘Il! 1 ! . .'%,jll',, t, by i ?s"-, 0tl QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR j Drawing 2 ea.| Cutters, torch, acetylene, for cutting horizontal carbon - steel support sfructures. | Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material @ $500 each. $1,000 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 _ 2 ea.| Cutters, torch, acetylene for cutting vertical carbon steel support structures. Design {30 md) $" 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) | 4,700 Material @ $500 each $1,000 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 l ea.| Tool, lifting, for removél of fuel pump motor. Desgign (existing) Fabrication (30 md) $ 4,700 Material § 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING UCN-1297 3y 7-72) TET QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER| AL LABOR “Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Tool, lifting, for removal of fuel pump rotary elemen;. Design (existing) Fabrication (30 md)‘ $ 4,700 Material $ 500 1 ea.| Tool, 1lifting, for handling fuel pump bowl. Design (existing) E-56336 Fabrication (50 md) '$ 7,800 Material $1,000 1 ea.| Tool, 1lifting, for handling fuel heat exchanger. | Design (exist.i_ng) E-56340 Fabrication (75 md) $ 11,700 P;aterial $1,500 1 ea.; Tool, lifting, for removal of drain tank steam domes. Design (existing) D-56339 Fabrication (30 md) § 4,700 Material $ 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING i ) . ; ot s /A 1.,.. o " cel QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL UNIT : MAT'L [ LABOR for removal of fuel drain tanks. Des Fabrication Material 2 ea.| Tool, lift for removal of heater units. Des F. Ma coolers. for removal of thermal shield slides. exist Fabrication ‘ (50 md . NET MATERIAL AND LABOR TOOLING UCHN-1297 s 7100 $ 7,800 FIXED PRICE erence Dr D-56338 E-56345 €eT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT . 1 for removal of fuel stor Fabrica Mater 6 ea.| Tool, 1lif and various 1 of s ts of ; (3" to 6"). Des Fabrication Material TOOLING UCN-1297 (3 11 ¢ oL UNIT cosT . MATERIAL MAT'L | LABOR : e tank. for removal . for removal NET MATERIAL AND LABOR T Drawing QRNL el QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL +AB0R Reference UNIT : MaT‘'L | LABOR ‘ Drawing 6 ea.| Tool, lifting and handling, various lengths, for removal of segments of structural components. Design | (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication. (50 md) 7,800 Material $1,000 1 ea.| Tool, lifting, for removal of NaF absorber. _ Design (20 md) $ 3,700. Fabrication (20 md) 3,100 Material e $ 200 1l ea.| Tool, 1lifting, for removal of caustic scrubber. Design (10 md) $ 1,800 Fabrication (20 md) 7,800 Material . . . $ 200 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING UCN-1297 (s 772 GET MATERIAL QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea.| Tool, breaker, for breaking out core éraphite bars. Design (30 md) -$ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material $1,000 Mockup & Development (20 md) 500 3,100 2 ea.| Tool, lifting and handling, for removal of core graphite bars. Design (30 md) ~ 1 $§ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material $1,000 N Mockup & Development (30 md) 1,000 4,700 1 lot} Tools, lifting and handling, for removal of reactor core can and vessel segments, Design (100 md) $ 18,300 Fabrication (100 wmd) 15,600 Material $5,000 ' Mockup & Development (50 md) 1,000 7,800 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING ' UCN-1297 == -—“‘;‘_‘.].‘_"f — 3 7721 9¢T RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL t wrench extensions hammers, etc., des tions (~100 tools). terial lasma rch, for t the reactor tor core can and the thermal shield. e from exist des Estimate made on basis of actual cost plus escalation from 1971 to 1977 @ 70% of similar technique used on the Elk River Reactor dis- mantling. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR MATER!} AL $170,000 170,000 510,000 850,000 850,000 LET MATERIAL QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS UNIT MAT 'L LABOR 1 lot | Miscellaneous visual aids; i.e., lights $10,000 binoculars ris etc. G&A on materials: 0.35(2,602,500 - 2,550,000) $18,400 UCC-ND . o 2,620,900 | $450,200 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ‘ FIXED PRICE TOOLING UCN-1297 3y 772 Reference ORNL $3,071,100 8ET QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIODACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS __' MATERTAL l CaBoR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR | | Drawing i ! : 1l ea.| Container, shielded, for transport and storage of the ! ' i fuel pump rotary element. (~20" ID x 30" tall w/3" Pb ’ | ) i - shielding) o ' " . Design 4L $ 3,700 Fabrication 6,200 Materials: 4,000 lbs Pb L L_S 1,400 i Other 509 _"iy . R D : ] ] | 1l ea. | Container, shielded, for transport and storage of the _ —— - fuel pump bowl. (40" ID x 30" tall w/3" thick Pb i ; | , ; i shielding) ! f | Design * L ! $ 3,700 Fabrication 6,200 | Materials: 9,000 1bs Pb $ 3,200 Other 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS UCN-1297 3y 7-72 6Ll QUANTITY REMOVAL QF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER!AL LABOR Reference UNIT . MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. | Container, shielded, for transport and storage of the fuel pump overflow tank. (32" ID x 36" tall w/3" Pb shielding) Design : (20 md) $ 3,700 - Fabrication . (40 md) 6,200 Materials: 7,700 lbs Pb $ 2,Y700 Other 500 1l ea. | Container, shielded, for transport and storage of primary heat exchanger. (40" x 60" x 100" inside w/3" Pb o%T shielding) Design (30 md) 1% 5,500 | Fabrication (40 md) ] 6,200 Materials: 33,500 lbs Pb ) $}1,700 L Other ' 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL b—— - - SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS UCN-1297 3y 772} QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER1AL LABGR Reference UNIT | maTL T LaBOR Drawing S ea. | Containers, sfiielded, for transport and storage of freeze 40610. flanges w/clamps. (35" x 60" x iO" inside w/3" Pb shielding) Design . ' (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication : (100 md) 15,600 Materiais: S @ 9,000 1bs = 45,000 1lbs Pb $15,800 Other - 5 @ $500 each 2,500 10 ea.| Containers, shielded for transport and storage of multiple removable heater units. (30" x 36" x 120" inside w/2" Pb) Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication: 10 @ 30 md (300 md) 46,800 Materials: 10 @ 15,000 i1bs = 150,000 lbs.Pb $52,500 Other - 10 @ $500 each 5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF ORNL SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS FIXED PRICE UCN-1297 3y 772) 9T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UnIT cosTs MATERTAL LCABOR Reference NIt : MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing 1 ea. | Container, shielded, for transport and storage of Line 100 thermal shield slide. (24" x 30" x 48" w/4" Pb shielding) Design . (30 md) $. 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) | Materials: 14,000 1bs Pb $74,900 Other 500 . 1 ea. Container. shielded, for transport and storage of Line 102 thermal shield slide. (34" x 30" x 72" w/4" Pb shielding) Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) Materials: 19,000 1lbs Pb $ 6,700 - - Other ‘500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF ORNL SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS FIXED PRICE UCN-1297 i 772 T © QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT . MaT'L | LABOR Drawing 1l ea.| Container, shielded, for transport and storage of Line 103 thermal shield slide. (24" x 30" x 140" w/4" Pb shielding) Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication (40 md) 6,200 | Materials: 36,000 lbs Pb 512,600 Other __n"___},OOO 1 ea.| Container, shielded, for transport and storage of the _ off-gas valve box with contents. (48" x 36" x 60" w/2" Pb shielding) Design (20 md) $ 3,700 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Materials: 10,000 lbs Pb | $ 3,500 Other 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS UCN-1297 » 7.1 €71 MATERIAL LABOR Reference QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 3 ea.| Shields, tranmsport, for transporting 55-gallon drums of material, bottom loading and unloading w/6" lead shield- ing. Approximate weight, 16,000 1bs each. Cost: Design, matérial and fabrication based on pre- vious similar items @ $400/1b = $60,000 each. $120,000 1 ea.| Container, shielded, for transport of the charcoal bed valve box w/contents. (30" x 36" x 60" w/2" Pb shielding) . Design : (20 nd) $ 3,700 Fabrication | (30 md) 4,700 Materials: 9,000 1bs Pb $ 3,200 Other 500 2 ea.| Containers, wo/shielding, for tramsport of ébmponent cooling air blower motors (75 hp). Désign (20 md) $ 3,700 Fabrication ' (40 md) 6,200 Materials: 2 @ $500 each $ 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR SPECIAL TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINERS and 30 1b/ft>) 1 job | Decontaminate inside of reactor cell to allow (100 md) $ 10,000 entry. 30 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $3,000 1 job | Remove sump poison-element strainer insert (10 md) $ 1,000 55493 assembly. Retain sump piping. (11 3/8" OD x 2'=-3/4" long) 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 1 ea. | Remove fuel pump auxiliary piping penetration (20 md) $ 2,000 40717 plug. (18" Sch 80 sleeve stainless steel and carbon steel w/8 each 1/2" to 1" pipe penetra~ tions) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT CPFF UCN-1297 3 7-72) 091 QUANTITY REHOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS | MATERIAL LABCR Reterence UNIT : MAT'L | LABOR | Drawing i i : | 2 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. | $§ 200 1 ea. | Remove nuclear instrument tube. (36" OD x 12°' (30 md) . $ 3,000 40715 long, inside cell only) 11 i i 1 job| Remove sampler enricher assembly. (100 md) L $ 10,000 i ! : 3 - 1 jobi Remove sampler enricher penetration plug. (20 md) l 5 2,000 . 1 1l ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 ! | ‘ - : | { 2 ea.| Remove coolant salt anchor sleeve furnaces. (20 md) $ 2,000 | 51670 o | - 41858(200) .2 ea.| Remove coolant salt anchor sleeves. (30 md) | $ 3,000 55498(201) 2 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 2 ea.f| Remove anchor sleeve shielding. (20 md) $ 2,000 55498 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORMNL REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT UCN-1297 (3 7-72) 191 MATERI AL LABOR QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS Reference u MAT'L ] LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Remove 30" duct shadow shield. (20 md) $ 2,000 40749 2 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 6 ea. | Remove cell penetration plugs R thru R, and R,. (180 md) $ 18,000 41863 (1'-10 1/2" oD x 3'-10 1/2" long) 6 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 600 | 6 ea.| Decontaminate cell thimbles. (30 md) $ 3,000 A 1 job | Final decontamination of reactor cell. (50 md)] - L $ 5,000 31 ea.| Decontaminate lower shield plugs. (50 md) $ 5,000 31 ea.| Replace lower shield plugs. (20 md) $ 2,000 15 ea.| Decontaminate top beams. (30 md) $ 3,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT T — UCN-1297 7-72) 8 ) 291 [ ' N ’ . l‘l ‘H". ‘. . QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIQACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL ~ LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 28 ea. | Decontaminate lower shield plug steel crack (20 md) $ 2,000 fillers. 28 ea. | Replace lower shield plug crack fillers. (10 md) $ 1,000 15 ea. | Replace top beams on cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 50 ea. | Decontaminate top beam holddown studs and nuts. (30 md) $ 3,000 50 ea. { Replace top beam holddown studs and nuts. (20 md) $ 2,000 . : ! | - | - t I T S NET MATERIAL AND LABOR | $66 000 $353,500 ' CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL EQUIPMENT T T T T T . ) $419,500 i _ N UCN-1297 (3 772 €91 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER!AL LABOR Reference UNET MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 82 eal Remove steel holddown keys from upper shield (5 md) $ 500 40946 plugs. (10" x 4 1/2" x 3 1/2") Decontaminate beams and store for future use, (50 md) $ 5,000 40933 10 ea] Remove upper shield beams. (24'-7 1/2" x 2'-0" (25 md) $ 2,500 40946 X 3"'6") Remove seal membrane (21'-10"x 21' x 1/8" thick (20 md) _ $ 2,000 40933 stainless steel) section and haul to burial ground. 28 ea.| Remove steel shield plates from between lower (10 wd) $ 1,000 40939 plugs. 8 each, 1'-0" x 5'-6 1/2" x 1" thick 8 each, 1'-0" x 7'- 1 1/8" x 1" thick 8 each, 1'-0" x 5'-8" x 1" thick 2 each, 1'-0" x 1'-3 1/4" x 1" thick 2 each, 1'-0" x 2'-1/4" x 1" thick MNET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - GENERAL UCN-1297 iy 772 , , ., '-"r‘|1 '| . 79T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT_cosTs MATERIAL UNIT . MAT'L | LABOR ) Drawing Decontaminate shleld plates and store for future (10 md) uge. 'NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $ 12,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE DRAIN-TANK. CELL - GENERAL ) $ 12,000 UCN-t297 3 772 GoT QUANTITY ) REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER) AL LABOR Reference UNIT ’ MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job | Flood the cell to bottom of lower plugs. $ 1,000 LUY33 12 ea. ! Remove lower roof plugs from north bay. $ 1,000 40946 9 each, 2' x 4' x 5'-6 1/2" long, 6,100 lbs, MK-4 1 each, 1'-3 1/4" x 4' x 6"'-4 3/4" long, 3,700 1bs, MK-13 1 each, 1'-3 1/4" x 4' x 3'-11 1/2" long, 2,600 1bs, MK-14 1 each, 1'-3 1/4" x 4' x 4'-10 1/2" long, - 2,700 lbs, MK-15 12 ea. | Decontaminate plugs for future use. $ 5,000 1 ea. | Remove north shield plug support beam. (8" 100 40944 x 2'-1 1/2" x 17'-5 1/2" long) 1 ea. | Decontaminate for future use. 200 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL -~ NORTH BAY UCN-1297 3 7-72) 991 S - M) . . . I- r . ' ' . : : ! ! ! ' C. »ey xi‘ r b‘\ ' ’ 'l"' ) > . I".c . J ’ o . A . QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL _UNIT COSTS MATERIAL erence UNIT . MAT'L | LABOR Dr Remove tic valves HCV-544 barr stainless steel drum. Remove valve su rts, HCV-544 and -573. One barrel NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY UCN-1297 3 7.7 L9T QUANTITY REMOVAL® OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR ReTEerence UNIT : MAT'L | LABOR Drawing . _ §1512=13 1 job | Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping, thermo- (200 md) $ 20,000 | 40708-09 couple leads, heater leads, leak detector lines, and instrument air lines above drain tanks. 100 ft pipe, 1/2" to 1" Sch 40 22 each flexible heater lead assemblies _.40878 200 ft air lines, 1/4" and 3/8" ODT 55404, 55405; n100 ft leak detector tubing, 1/4" OD stainless 55406 steel Steam dome jumper lines, 3" and 2" 22 each heater disconnect junction boxes L0878, 55404, 18 each thermcouple junction boxes 55405, 55406, - §5478 T 25 fr, 6" x 6" cable trough _ ! . | 50 ft, 4" x 4" cable trough o . ~500 ft mineral insulated cable from cell wall ‘ ! to junction boxes, 3/8" OD copper sheathed 2,500 ft thermocouple leads from cell wall to 40878 junction boxes, 1/4" OD copper sheathed and 1/8" OD stainless steel sheathed NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY - UCN-1297 772 5 :‘.' “t‘, T ~ 89T QUANTITY - REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT . ‘ MAT'L | LABOR Drawing S0 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $5,000 40%63, 40731, 1 ea. | Remove FDT-1 steam dome asgembly. (20 md) $ 2,000 |40708 , 57490 5 ea.| Remove heaters from Line 106." (5 md) $ 500 MIC-G-116 S ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 500 - 1 ea.! Remove FV-106. (1 1/2" INOR-8) (10 md) $ 1,000 1 éa.| 55-gallon stainless steel drum, § 100 15 ft | Remove Line 106. (1 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8) (10 md) s 1,000 1 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $§ 100 8 ea.| Remove Line 106'heater base insulation units (10 md) $ 1,000 MIC-G-117 (B-106-A thru B-106-G2). NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY UCN-1297 » 7.7 691 QUANTITY RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT heater base rt structure. stainless steel drums. Remove FDT-1 heater units, stainless steel drums. rt from FDT-1. drain tank weigh cells.’ DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY UCN-1297 s 7-72) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR erence Dr $ 2,000 FIXED PRICE 0LT 'QUG:ETY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference e ' - MAT'L | LABOR Drawving 2 ea. |55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 1 job | Remove drain tank furnace. (50 md) $ 5,000 10 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 1,000 1 job | Remove drain tank supports. (20 md) $ 2,000 4 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 400 1 job | Remove transfer line #109. (15 fr, 1/2" Sch (20 md) $ 2,000 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached) 3 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 300 1 job [ Remove transfer line #110 from‘north wall to (40 md) $ 4,000 41512 south side of bay. (%10 ft, 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY UCN-1297 3 772 TLT REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL MATERI AL JUANTITY UN!IT COSTS | LABOR Reference T MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. | 55-gallon stalnless steel drum. $§ 100 1 ea. | Remove FV-109 w/heaters attached. (10 md) $ 1,000 41512 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 1 job | Clean up remaining miscellaneous support clips, (25 md) $ 2,500 lines, cables, etec. 10 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 1,000 1 job | Replace north shield plug support beam. (1 =d)| $ 100 1 job| Replace lower shield plugs in north bay. (10 md) $ 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $12,000 $ 65,000 DRAIN-TANK CELL - NORTH BAY CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL $77,000 uUCH- 1297 13 77D LT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS ] MATERIAL LABOR Reference uNIt : MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 9 ea. | Remove lower shield plugs from center bay. {10 md) $ 1,000 40933 8 each, 2' x 4' x 7'-1 1/2" long, 8,000 1lbs, MK-3 1l each, 1'-6" x 4' x 7'-1 1/2" long, 6,100 lbs, MK-16 1 job | Decontaminate lower plugs. (50 md) $ 5,000 1 job | Install work platform w/vent control panels. (10 md) $ 1,000 41512 2 ea. | Remove pneumatic valves HCV-545 and -575. (10 md) $ 1,000 41513 l ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. 100 2 ea. | Remove valve supports, HCV-545 and -575. (10 md) $ 1,000 41877 l ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. 100 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCN-1297 3y 7.72)- €LT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTIAL UNIT COSTS MATER| AL LABOR Reference uniT : MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job | Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping, thermo- (200 md) $ 20,000 41512-13 couple leads, heater leads, leak detector lines and instrument air lines. 2100 ft pipe, 1/2" to 1" Sch 40 . mzi flexible heater lead assemblies 40878 ~200 ft air lines, 1/4" and 3/8" ODT 2 each steam dome jumper lines ‘ 55404, 55405, 100 ft leak detector tubing, 1/4" OD 55406 A500 ft mineral insulated cable from fiorth bay to junction boxes, 3/8" 0D copper sheathed 2,000 ft mineral insulated thermocouple leads from north bay to junction boxes, 1/4" OD copper sheathed 22 each thermocouple junction boxes 40878 27 each heater disconnects ~20 ft, 4" x 4" cable trough 55478 n10 ft, 6" x 6" cable trough 50 ea; 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL " DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCN-1287 3 77 LT . v' Fe ' I; - ' QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Rererence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing . 40463, 4U471, 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2 steam dome, (20 md) $ 2,000 -(40708 8 ea. | Remove FDT-2 heater units. (30 md) $ 3,000 20 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $2,000 1 ea. | Remove disconnect support ring from FDT-2. (10 md) $ 1,000 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2 furnace lid. (20 md) $ 2,000 51869 2 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2. (20 nd) $ 2,000 40457 2 ea. | Remove FDT—-2 weigh cells. (10 md) $ 1,000 2 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums.‘ $ 200 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . . ‘ CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCN-1297 3 771 GLT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL - LABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2 furnace. (50 md) -$ 5,000 10 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. §1,000 2 ea. | Remove FDT~2 gupports. (20 md) $ 2,000 4 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums, $ 400 5 ea. | Remove heater spacers from Lines 103, 104 and (10 md) $ 1,000 105 heaters. 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 MIC-116 10 ea. | Remove removable heater units from Lines 103, (10 md) $ 1,000 57490 104 and 105. 10 ea. | 55~gallon stainless steel drums. $1,000 2 ea. | Remove FV-104 and -105. (1 1/2" INOR-8) (10 md) $ 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCM-1297 3 172 ® . * . * T 91 r ’., ". 1 ' - v, QUG:;"_;TY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference . MAT'L | LABOR Draving 2 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 n20 ft |Remove uninsulated portion of Line 103 and (30 md) $ 3,000 Lines 104 and 105. (1 1/2"-40 INOR-8) 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 2] ea. | Remove heater base insulation units. (20 md) $ 2,000 MIC-G-117 6 ea. | 55~gallon stainless steel drums. $ 600 1 job | Remove heater base support structure. (40 md) s 4,000 6 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 600 2 ea. | Remove freeze valves FV-108 and -109 w/heaters (12 md) $ 1,200 41512 attached. 2 ea 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY FIXED PRICE UCN-1297 3 T-72) LLT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR "Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR ' Drawing 20 ft |Remove transfer lines 108, 109 and 110. (~20 ft, .(25 md) $ 2,500 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached) 4 ea. |55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 400 20 ft |Remove resistance heated portion of Line 103 (25 md) $ 2,500 w/insulation and TC's attached. (20 ft, 1 1/2"-40 INOR-8 w/3" thick insulation) 4 ea. [55-gallon stainless steel drumg. $ 400 2 ea. |Remove Line 103 welding and brazing platforms. (40 md] $ 4,000 41514 6 ea. [ 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 600 5 ea. | Remove drain line supports; (s~8, S-9, S-10, (25 md $ 2,500 E-41505 S-11 and S-13) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCN-t 297 ] 7.72) ‘ \ .‘o . \ . . 3 t.- L 8IT QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL ‘ UNIT COST UNIT MAT'L LABOR rt cli 10 ea. | stainless steel drums. 9 ea. lace lower shield in center NET MATERIAL AND LABOR DRAIN-TANK CELL - CENTER BAY UCN-1297 3 7721 MATERIAL $14,800 CPFF $90,000 .l v‘f erence Dr E-40933 ORNL L IR 4 . 6L1 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL T cosTe MATERTAL TAmoR Reference UNIT MAT'C | LABOR Drawing 10 ea.| Remove steel shield plates from lower plugs. (10 md) $ 1,000 10 ea.| Decontaminate steel plates. (10 md) $ 1,000 12 ea.| Remove lower roof plugs from south bay. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-40933 7 each, 2' x 4' x 5'-8 1/2" long, 6,200 1bs, MK-5 1 each, 2" x 4' x 5'-8 1/2" long, 6,200 lbs, L MK-8 1 each, 2' x 4' x 5'-8 1/2" long, 6,200 lbs, MK-9 1 each, 2'-0" x 4' x 7'-1 3/4" long, 6,700 lbs, MK-10 1 each, 2'-0" x &' x 3'-11 1/2" long, 4,400 1bs, MK-11 1 each, 2" x 4' x 5'-7 1/2" long, 5,006 1bs, MK-12 12 ea.| Decontaminate lower shield plugs. (50 md) $ 5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY e @ . @ Y L, . LoaAr e Cely o * . W A 08T QUANTITY . REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL T WMATERTAL erence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR D 1 shield E-40944 "ox 2'-1 1/2" x 17'-5_1 2" 1 E~56291 2 ea. | Remove HCV=546 and -577. E-41513 on stainless steel d E-56424 "MET MATERIAL AND LABOR ) FIXED PRICE DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY UCN-1297 3 71 18T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR . Reference UNIT : MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job | Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping,'thermo— (200 md) $ 20.000 . couple leads, heater leads, and ‘instrument fiir . lines. 100 ft pipe, 1/2" to 1 1/2" Sch 40 20 each flexible heater lead assemblies E-40878 300 ft leak detector tubing, 1/4" OD x 0.083" E-40878 wall 14 each leak detector disconnects w/supports E-55405 20 each heater disconnects 10 each thermocouple junction boxes 20 ft, 6" x 6" cable trough 20 ft, 4" x 4" cable trough 500 ft mineral insulated cable from center bay to junction boxes ~2,500 ft thermocouple leads from center bay to junction boxes, 1/4" OD copper sheathed and 1/8" 0D stainless steel sheathed 50 ea. { 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ; CPFF FIXED PRICE . ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY R ® . @ i? ; :.' ' - . :*?“.' f.r; ' "?fi ¢8T1 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL UNIT MAT L LABOR 04, - (6 fr, 1 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 inless steel erence Dr MIC-G-117 E-48758 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY UCHN-1297 3 711 €871 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL CABOR Retference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 20 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $2,000 1 ea. | Remove flush salt tank furnace lid. (20 md) $ 2,000 2 ea. | 55~-gallon stainless steel drums, $ 200 1 ea. | Remove flush salt tank (FFT). (20 md) $ 2,000 2 ea. | Remove flush salt tank weigh cells. (10 md) § 1,000 2 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums, $ 200 1 ea. | Remove flugh salt tank furance. (75 md) $ 7,500 10 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $1,000 1 job| Remove flush salt tank supports. | (10 md) $ 1,000 4 ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 400 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL -~ SOUTH BAY * - UCh-1297 = N 2 7172 N e . . QL 8T Ve =z - i ot Ve » . 1 T o ' . g "II' | - ']‘II‘4 | T . . QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL MATERI AL UNIT 7 from c INOR-8 w/Calrod attached 2 ea. { 55- stainless steel drums. 1 ea. | Remove freeze valve FV-107. (1 1/2" Sch 40 steel drum. tance heater 103 w tion ~n25 fe, 1 1/2" i rts S-6 and S-7. 10 md) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY UCN- 1297 3y 172 FIXED PRICE Drawing E-41506 E-41506 C8T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR - Dr transformer. . $ 1,000 E-56241 teel drum. E~56241 E-~56240 - 10 ea. | 5 stainless steel drums. _ $1,000 ' NET MATERIAL AND LABOR | 14 000 $ 70,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - SOUTH BAY - $84,000 UCN-1297 3 1T 981 REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVEAMATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL [ LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR i Drawing 1 job | Remove lower roof plugs from north and center (20 md) $ 2,000 bays. 1 job ! Dewater the coil to ILW. (20 md) $ 2,000 1 job | Decontaminate inside of cell to allow limited (100 md) $ 10,000 personnel access. 1 job | Erect work platforms for penetration assembly (10 md) i § 1,000 removal from east and south walls. 1 job | Remove lines from penetration XXIV from reactor (20 md) $ 2,000 E-56240 Page 48, cell to DT cell. (1 1/2" INOR-8 draim line, Design Manual 1 1/2" carbon steel air line, 2 each 1/2" stain- less steel off-gas and vent lines) 3 ea.} 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 300 E=41503 1 job| Remove support structures from penetration XXIV. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-40713 . NET MATERIAL AND LABOR _ , » CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - GENERAL UCH-t297 3 7-72) (8T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL erence UNIT MAT 'L ABOR tration XXIV f reactor cell. D-41413 D-40947 Page o Des Manual Remove r. water and leak detector tration shield pl at east wall. 6" diameter stainless steel drums. D-40947 trations A, B D-40947 trations thru south wall. (3/4" thru 3") - (10 md $ 1,000 D-40947 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE DRAIN-TANK CELL - GENERAL UCN-1297 3 712 . ' - . l . . . * A’ -« v ' N, 3 v N 3 . : » ‘ . l', "" . ’ * ' l.‘l" ot ! . oy 1 881 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. | Remove penetration shield plug thru north wall (20 md) $ 2,000 D-40947 to fuel processing cell. (10" diameter) 1 ea. | Decontaminate sleeve to fuel processing cell. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-40947 1 job| Decontaminate entire drain tank cell to lowest (100 md) $ 10,000 practical level. 1 job| Replace all lower shield plugs in drain tamk (20 md) $ 2,000 cell. 1 job| Replace lower shield plug steel shield plates. (10 md) $ 1,000 1 job| Replace all upper shield beams and holddown keys (30 md) $ 3,000 in drain tank cell. 1l ea.| 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 NET MATERIAL ANDLABOR | ¢ 1,800 | § 54,200 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL - GENERAL - - $56,000 UCH-1297 i 772 TOTAL $319,000 68T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL CABOR Reference uniT MAT'L j LABOR Drawing 1 job | Remove fuel process sampler. (60 md) $ 6,000 |Job #10415 4 ea. | Remove sampler instrument panels. (16 md) $ 1,600 [Job #10415 55435 1 ea. | Remove absorber cubicle w/contents. (30 md) $ 3,000 55452 4 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 400 6 ea. | Remove cell roof plugs to storage. (6 each (20 md) $ 2,000 55431 various sizes) 1 ea. { Remove space cooler from roof plug P-6 and (10 md) $ 1,000 dispose. 1 job | Set up work platforms and "'C" zone. (10 md) $ 1,000 1 job| Cut, place into containers, and remove piping, (200 md) $ 20,000 valves, heater and thermocouple leads, dis- connects, junction boxes, etc. "NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UVCN-1297 3 772 Ia * a.'.. v t n 06T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE_MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER) AL LABOR Reference UNIT _ MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 50 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums, $5,000 1 ea. | Remove fuel storage tank. (50" OD x 116" high' (30 md) $ 3,000 40430 w/heaters and insulation) 1 ea. | Remove caustic scrubber. (3'-6".0D x 7'-0" tall (20 md) $ 2,000 55441 w/heaters and insulation) ] 1 job | Remove sodium fluoride trap shielding. (~3' x (10_md) $ 1,000 3" x 4" thick lead) 1l ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. _ $ 100 1 ea. | Remove sodium fluoride ‘trap. (1'-8" diam x (20 md) $ 2,000 55446 1'-10" tall) 1l ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCN-1297 (3 7-12) T6T REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Reference QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1l ea. | Remove salt line filter assembly. (6" pipe x (20 md) $ 2,000 49036 8'-0" long) 35442 1 job | Remove miscellaneous small gas system components. (50 md) $° 5,000 55443 - 55444 (FZ reactor, cold trap, F2 preheater, 302 pre-~ 55445 heater) I i 6 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. 600 1l ea. | Remove HF trap. (30 md) $ 3,000 55443 2 . e, | 55-gallon stainless steel drums, 200 1 ea, | Remove NAF absorber. (30 md) $ 3,000 55447 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. 100 1 job | Remove remaining miscellaneous supports, service (100 md) $ 10,000 lines, electrical trays, etc. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF | FIXED PRICE ORNL FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCN-1297 1y 772 e 'y 6T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LASOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 25 ea. | 55-gallon stainlesa steel drums. $2,500 1 job | Decontaminate interior of cell. (50 md) $ 5,000 1 ea. | Remove salt line penetration assembly to drain (30 md) $ 3,000 tank cell. 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 1 job | Decontaminate salt line penetration sleeve to (10 md) $ 1,000 DT cell. - 1 job | Remove salt addition and transfer lines from east (10 md) $ 1,000 wall. 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 1 job | Decontaminate salt line penetration sleeve (10 md) $ 1,000 through east wall. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL . FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCN-12987 1 772} €61 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIQACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL erence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Dr distillation iment from s . 100 md) 20 ea. |5 allon stainless steel drums. 1 job |Remove filters, iodine tr duct, and from cell. on stainless steel drums. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR 12.200 91,600 CPFF FIXED PRICE $103,800 FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCR-1297 3 770 6T - Reference QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job | Remove ventilation house roof. (20 md) $ 2,000 . B=56252 1 job | Remove all equipment above floor level (off- (100 md) $ 10,000 E-56253 gas sampler instrument panels, piping valves, etc.) 10 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $1,000 1 job { Remove floor grating and dry stacked lead and (100 md) $ 10,000 E-40755 concrete shielding blocks fromroom. (V75 Yda, 2" x 4" x 8" lead brick and 6" x 8" x 12" con- crete blocks) 1 ea. | Remove off-gas valve box with contents. {50 md) $ 5,000 E-40771 E=4UL 1Y 1 ea. | Remove charcoal bed valve box w/contents. (50 =d) $ 5,000 E-41852 E=48783 1 ea. | Remove off-gas particle trap assembly. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-48792 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL VENTILATION HOUSE AREA UCN-1297 {3 7-72) G61 196 - 1 ."' w®L-L ) L6T1-NIN VA4V ASNO0H NOILVIILNIA IN"O 3318d a3axid " d44dd HOBYT ONY TVINILYN L3N *8pual 6ISTY-3 000°€ § (PT 0F) Te98 $819q108qe [BO21eYyD wolj Fujdid sAowdy | qof T (¥TY3 ,9-,T X 40 ,0T "y2®2 7) 6ISTY-3 000°T $ (Pm OT) *37d I8qro8qQE 180238y woijy 88n7d jooa sacmway | *v0 I 000‘t $ (pm 0€) - ‘aBnoy UOTIBTTIUSA 23BUTWERIUCD3AQ | qOf T 000°T § ‘sunip (92318 SSaTuTEIS UOTTEB-GC | "9 OT *punox® TejiIng 03 °°233 ‘saanidniis 3aod 000°c $ (Pu 0F) -dns swa3sds ALIBTIFXNE SNOSUBTT3OSTW [[® dA0wdy | qof T ‘1120 ujeap juefood o031 asvyd> adjd nayj asnoy UoTd £5295-3 000°0T $ (pm 00T) -PIF3IURa moay ‘°033 “5310ddns Burdyd [I¢ SAOWSY | QOf T 25295-3 : 86L0%-3 | 000°S § (pm 0S) - &1quossw 1a7dmee EZ-JJO dAOWRY | ‘I | 00z § "BUNIp [993S HHATUTEI8 UOTTPI-GG | "B JUTNAEI(] dHoavl | ,1vW i LINN 2ouaIayay ¥oav1 51502 1INN IVINALIVH HAIIOVOIAVE 40 TVAOWAYA ALILNVND YINILYN i QUANTITY REMOVAL OF. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job |Drain water from absorber pit. (10 md) $ 1,000 5 ea. | Remove absorbers; 1-A, 1-B, 2-A, 2-B, and 3-A. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-41519 5 ea. | Remove absorber support structure. (30 .md) $ 3,000 E-41519 S5 ea. | 55~gallon stainless steel drums.. 500 1 job | Remove remaining piping and TC leads from (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41519 charcoal absorber pit and penetration from ventilation house. 2 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. 200 1l job | Clean and decontaminate charcoal absorber pit. (20 md) $ 2,000 (v8' OD x 25' deep) 2 ea. | Replace charcoal absorber pit roof plugs. (10' (10 md) $ 1,000 OD x 1'-6" thick) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL VERTILATION HOUSE AREA UCN-1297 3 7.72) ‘q“ L61 i'h l‘“ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT lace ventilation house roof. VENTILATION HOUSE AREA UCN-1297 iy 7.7 UNIT COS5TS MAT L LABOR NET MATERIAL AND LABOR MATERIAL 2,900 CPFF §79,900 erence Draw $ 77,000 FIXED PRICE 861 REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Rererence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 20 ea. | Remove special equipment room roof plugs. (20 md) $ 2,000 E=20417 2 ea. | Segment and remove component cooling air (100 md) $ 10,000 E-55413 - E-25414 enclosures. (5' OD x 10' high carbon steel) E-41472 20 ea. SS-gélion stainless steel drums. $2,000 2 ea. | Remove component cooling air blower motors. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41472 (75 HP electric) i 2 ea. | Remove component cooling air blowers. (10 x (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41472 15 Roots type) 1 job | Segment and remove blower and motor support (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41472 structures. 4 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 400 1 ea. | Remove component cooling alr heat exchanger. (30 md) $ 3,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPECTAL EQUIPMENT ROOM UCN-1297 3 7-72) 66T QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS UNIT COSTS MATERLAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 25 ft | Segment and package cell exhaust line in special (200 md) $ 20,000 E-41026 equipment room. (30" OD x 0.312 wall carbon steel) 10 ea. | 55~gallon stainless steel drums. ‘ $1,000 2 ea. | Remove pump bowl bubbler containment enclosures. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-55423 (24" OD x 36" long flanged heads, stainless steel) 2 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 200 ! E=55412 1 job | Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping, valves, (100 md) 5 10,000 E-55413 E-55414" and instruments (air, water oil, cover gas, etc.). 25 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $2,500 . E=55412 1 job| Remove electrical cables and cable trays. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-55413 E=55414% NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF | FIXED PRICE QRNL - SPECIAL EQUIPMENT RCOM UCN-1297 -1 3 00¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UN;T COSTS WATERTAT LABOR Keference uNIT . MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job | Demolish concrete wall, excavate and remove 30" (200 md) $ 20,000 E-41026 cell exhaust line from special equipment room to service tunnel, 25 ft | Segment and packagé 30" cell exhaust line from (200 md) $ 2,000 E-41026 special equipment room to service tunnel. (30" OD x 0.312 wall carbon steel) 10 ea, | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 1,000 | 1 job | Repair cell walls. (5 yd> concrete) (50 md) $ 5,000 | E-41026 1 job | Clean and decontaminate special equipment room. (50 md) $ 5,000 20 ea. | Replace special equipment room roof plugs. {20 md) $ 2,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $ 7,100 $115,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM '$122,100 UCH-1297 3 7712 T0¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Referénce uNIT o MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing 21 ea. | Remove ceoolant cell penthouse roof plugs. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-40979 (1'-0" x 2'-0" x 18' long) . . . M-1U353-KF-= 1 ea. | Remove coolant salt sampler assembly. . (20 md) $ 2,000 001-E D=40%50 1l ea. | Remove radiator door lifting mechanism. (30 md) $ 3,000 D-40451 D=40452 1 job | Remove coolant pump auxiliary piping. (15 md) $ 1,500 { T D=40%40— 1 job | Remove radiator top insulation. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-40470 , E=40471 | E-40472 E-40473 — E<40746 1 job | Remove radiator doors. '(20 md) “$ 2,000 E-55510 E-41515 1 job| Remove radiator door lifting and coolant pump (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41866 support structures. 1 job| Remove radiator and enclosure asgsembly. (100 md) $ 10,000 E-40470 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL COOLANT CELL AREA YCN-1297 3 11 . ' . '._,; ! : \', o QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT ‘ MAT'L | LABOR Drawing -1 job | Remove radiator suppor.ts and radiator door tracks. (50 md) $ 5,000 E~55516 _ E=40702 1 job | Remove coolant salt drain lines. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41860 ' E-41861 E-41862 1 ea. | Remove coolant salt drain tank. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-40702" 37,500 Tt T T lbs | Remove lead shielding from off-gas pipe chase. (100 md) $ 10,000 E-41893 (44" x 9" OD x 1" ID = 19.2 ft> + 40" lead brick . 2" thick = 26.7 £t°) - I " 44 ft | Segment and remove off-gas lines. (1 each (20 md) $ 2,000 1/4" ODT in 1/2" pipe; 1 each 1/2" pipe in 1" pipe) 1 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drum. $ 100 S ea. | Remove off-gas line supports. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41892 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL COOLANT CELL AREA UCN-1297 (3 7T-72) £0¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL ‘OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL - s ATERTAC —Fanca UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Dr $ 40,000 E~41893 area (water, oil 20 ea. | 55- on stainless steel drums. 1 job | Clean and decontaminate coolant cell area. (100 md) . $ 10,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR 4600 111.500 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL COOLANT CELL AREA $116,100 UCN-1297 3 772 707 QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference uNIT ' - MAT'L | LABOR ' Drawing - 100 ft | Remove lube o1l and water piping from reactor (20 wmd) $ 2,000 E-40735 céll to service tunnel penetration. : . E-55411 100 ft | Remove lube o0il and water piping from special . (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55414 equipment room to service tunnel penetration. 2 ea. | Remove reactor cell exhaust line valves. (30" (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41026 butterfly w/operators) 3 - - D-41026 75 yd~ | Machine excavate w/shoring 30" exhaust line from (100 md) $3,000 $ 10,000 D-41027 : : D-41028 special equipment room to service tunnel (%20’ - ' deep). 2 yd~ | Demolish reinforced concrete service tunnel wall (10 md) $ 1,000 D-41028 at 30" exhaust line penetration. 18 ft Segment and remove.30" exhaust line from special (200 md) $ 20,000 D-41027 equipment room to service tunnel. (30" OD x 0.312 wall carbon steel) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD UCN-1297 (3 7-72} 60¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADICACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference wIT MAT'L | LABOR ' Drawing 8 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $ 800 75 yd3 Machine excavate w/shoring 30" exhaust line from (100 md) $3,000 $ 10,000 D-41028 service tunnel to stack filter (~n20' deep). 3 D-41027 1 yd~ | Demolish reinforced concrete wall of service (5 md) $ 500 D-41028 tunnel at 30" line penetration. _ 50 ft | Segment and remove 30" exhaust line from service (500 md) ; ' $ 50,000 D-41028 tunnel to stack filters. (30" OD x 0.312 wall ! carbon steel) N | | ——— i i 20 ea. | 55-gallon stainless steel drums. $2,000 | { 1 job| Check and remove all contaminated soil from (50 md) $ 5,000 excavated area. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE - ORNL SOUTH YARD s - e e e — —_— UCH-1297 =Tl e i3 7-72) 90¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT . MAT'L | LABOR Drawing . D-41026 1 job | Form and pour concrete at special equipment room D-41028 . wall,'and two walls of service tunnel. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 .Material: 3 ydsg concrete form material $ 500 150 yd3 Backfill excavation from tunnel area (10 md) $1,500 $ 1,000. w/stabilized f1ll to existing grade level. . , - D-41071 1 job | Remove and decontaminate inlet manifold to stack (50 md) 1§ 5,000 D-41072 filter bays. - D-41071 3 ea. | Remove and decontaminate stack filter inlet (20 md) $ 2,000 D=41072 dampers. (24" x 18™) 31 ea. | Remove and decontaminate stack filter pit roof (50 md) $ 5,000 D-41117 plugs. 105 ea. | Remove prefilters, decontaminate frames and (50 md) $ 5,000 D-41075 - replace filter media. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD UCH-1297 3y 7-72) . oA L02 QUANTITY REMOVAL™OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS - MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 6 ea. | Remove final filters, decontaminate frames and (50 md) s 5,000 D-41076 replace filters. D-41117 1 job | Decontgminate interior of filter pit. Flush (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41273 solutions to the Laboratory ILW system thru existing drain lines. (uce- | — 6 ea. | Replace final filters. (30 md) $2,000 ND) [$ 3,000 . D-41076 i (uce- 105 ea. | Replace prefilters. (50 md) $2,000 ND) ;$ 5,000 D-41075 31 ea. | Replace and seal filter pit roof plugs. (30 md) $ 500 $ 3,000 D-41117 3 ea. | Replace filter inlet dampers. (20 md) $ 2,000 D-41071 1 ea. | Replace filter inlet manifold. (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41072 NET MATERIAL AND L ABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD [ o I - UCN-1297 - = s 772 Ilg _',tl_- ' .";‘lQ‘ | .. 80¢ If? Tih ! . t - "-\.l.il- | QUANTITY | REMOVAL OF RADIOCACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER) AL erence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Dr inst fixture D-41071 D-41 exhaust line was Des $ 1,800 (Uc¢-ND) Fab t ‘ : 500 ND) 3,200 -ND) Ingstallation 2,000 G&A on material: 4,500 x 0.35 ° ' 51,600 UCC-ND Subtotals $6,100 $ 5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR |4171 300 149500 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD $160,800 o $11,100 UCN-1297 {3 7-72) 60¢ 0T? QUANTITY | - REMOVAL' OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UMIT cOSTS MATERTAL LABOR “Refeéfence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea. | Remove treated water storage tanks. (10 md) $ 1,000 ) D-41252 2 ea. | Remove treated water pumps (20 hp). (20 md) $ 2,000 D-41252 1 lot | Remove piping, valves, instruments, etc., from (50 md) $ 5,000 D-41252 water room. 1 lot | Remove piping and valves from radiator tunmnel. (30 md) - $ 3,000 D-41252 1 job | Remove thermal shield gas separation system from (30 md) $ 3,000 1 fan house. ) ) N 100 yd3 Machine excavate underground 4" and 6" lines to (20 md) | $ 2,000 diesel shed. l 250 ft | Remove 4'" and 6" lines from water room to diesel (20 md) $ 2,000 D-41254 shed. 1 ea. | Remove treated water filter from diesel shed. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-41254 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TREATED-WATER SYSTEM _ . UCN-1297 3 772 " quanTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL CABOR Keféerence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea. | Remove treated water heat exchangers from diesel (30 md) $ 3,000 - D-41254 shed. n150 ft | Remove piping and valves from diesel shed. (4" (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41254 and 6" carbon steel) 2 ea. | Remove steam dome heat exchangers from west (20 md) $ 2,000 tunnel. 2 ea. | Remove steam dome surge tanks from west tunnel. (20 md) $ 2,000 1 lot | Remove piping and valves from west tunnel. (30 md) $ 3,000 1 job | Decontaminate west tunnel. (30 md) $ 3,000 1 job | Decontaminate water room. (30 md) $ 3,000 "1 job | Decontaminate diesel shed. (10 md) $ 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TREATED-WATER SYSTEM UCN-1297- 3 T-72) T1¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL ST costs MATERTAL uniT ! MAT'L LABOR 3 100 yd Backfill west yard between water room and diesel 1,000 shed to exist ade. Dr erence NET MATERIAL AND LABOR 1.000 19 500 CPFF FIXED PRICE TREATED-WATER SYSTEM - $40,500 UCN-1297 3 T-72) '.g ('.J‘- \ '.,.." . cic¢ QL,ANT,TY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR Reterence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. | Disconnect and remove distillation experiment (25 md) $ 2,300 valve box, 1 job | Remove roof plugs and set up temporary work (50 md) $ 5,000 shielding. ] ~ 1 job kemotely disconnect all lines from distillation (30 md) o $ 3,000 experiment. _ . 1 ea. | Remove distillation experiment assembly to (200 md) $ 20,000 transport-storage shield. ] . ] - 1 job | Remove temporary work shielding. Install (50 md) 1% 5,000 ladders. . _ ‘ 49026 2 ea. | Remove fuel process system charcoal traps. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-55454 1 ea. | Remove fuel process ventilation filters. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55454 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR "CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPARE CELL AREA UCN-1297 (3 7.72) £1¢ QUANTITY REMOVAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER] AL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1l ea. | Remove fuel process soda lime trap. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55454 E-55454 1 lot | Remove miscellaneous piping, supports, etc. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-55456 T 200 Remove dry stacked block from west wall. (25 md) $ 2,500 1l job | Decontaminate cell, (30 md) $__‘_3,000 1 job | Replace roof plugs (10 md) % 1,000 ; | _ — T : | | | i — | | NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' $ 52,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPARE CELL AREA _ $52,000 i _ UCN-1297 3 7-72) -~ . . ‘A e Ve v1Z 215 APPENDIX B JOB LISTING FOR DECOMMISSIONING THE MSRE BY ENTOMBMENT QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL L_-INIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|Design and fabricate flushing system unit with 50 gpm flow and 500 gallons storage of decontamination solution wifh connections for discharging solution to the ORNL ILW system. Unit to be portable and shielded for use at various areas 1in the reactor, drain tank, and fuel processing cell. Design ‘ (100 md) $ 18,300 Material $10,000 Fabrication (100 md) 15,600 6 jobs Connect and flush various sections of the system and tanks. 6 ea., @ 50 md (300 md) $ 46,800 G&A on materials: 10,000 x 0.35 $ 3,500 $13,500 $ 80,700 NET MATERIAL AND L ABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - FLUSHING $ 94,200 UCN-1297 (3 772 ".14'\ IJ' vy - ". .’. P :- 9T¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL oMIT cosTs MATERTAL TABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job| Design, f;bricate and ingtall a temporary cell ventilation duct and shiélded filter box from the top of the reactor cell to existing'duct work at the east side of the high bay. _ De.sifin (70 md) s' 12,800 Materials $10,000 Fabrication & Installation (75 nd) 7.500 1 job| Design, fabricate and install a temporary cell ventilation - duct and shielded filter box from the top of the drain tank cell to existing duct work at the east side of the high bay. Design (70 md) $ 12,800 Materials. $10,500 Fabrication & Installation (75 md) 7.500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $20,000 $ 15,000 CPFAF FEXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - CELL VENTILATION $35,000 $ 25,600 UCN-1297 3 771 LT1¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL Canon Relerence uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|Design, fabricate and install a work platform to fit the top of the reactor cell. The platform is to have remov- able deck sectlons for access to all work areas of the cell; contain tool securing devices; and lighting and other visual ailds necessary for remote work. Design (100 md) $ 18,300 (QRNL) Materials $10,000 Fabrication & Installation (200 md) 20,000 1l ea.| Design, fabricate and install a work platform to fit the top of the drain tank cell. The platform is to have removable deck sections for access to all areas of the } . B T cell; contain tool handling and securing devices; and ! lighting and other visual aids necessary for remote work. Design (100 md) $ 18,300 (QRNL) Materials $10,000 Fabrication & Installation (200 md) 20,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $20,000 $ 40,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL PREPARATORY WORK - WORK PLATFORMS $60,000 $ 36,600 UCN-1297 3 7-72}) 8TC QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL _ : MATERTAL UNIT 1 lot|Contamination control t: Hoses for fl tools and items. for removing wash Qater from cell. Miscellaneous plastic sheeting, blotter paper, etc. G&A on materials: 6,200 x 0.35 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE PREPARATORY WORK — MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL UCN-1297 3 7-72} Dr rence ORNL $ 6,900 6T¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL T LABOR Reference UNIT - MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|Pipe cutter, abrasive, for horizontal 5" INOR-8 pipe. Design (50 md) _ $ 9,200 Fabrication Labor (50 md) 7,800 Materials $ 2,500 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 S 1 ea.| Pipe cutter, abrasive, for vertical 5" INOR-8 pipe. ! Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (50 md) 7,800 Materials { $ 2,500 — - Mockup & Development ] (50 md) i 500 7,800 | 1 ea.| Pipe cutters, hydraulic, for vertical or horizontal 1/2" thru 2" carbon steel, stainless steel and INOR-8 pipe (commercial hydraulic shears). Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material $ 2,500 Mockup & Development (50 mq) 500 7,800 ' NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING UCN-1297 3 71-72) 0ce¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL UNIT COSTS MATERTAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LagoR Drawing 2 ea.|Cutters, hydraulic, for miscellaneous 1/4" to 1/2" tubing, . MI cable, electrical leads, etc. (commercial hydraulic units). Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 T J Material @ $500 each $ 1,000 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 2 ea.| Snips, manual, for cutlting thermocouple leads, electrical leads, etc. Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 i , i Material $ 500 i Mockup & Development ‘ | (10 md) 100 1,600 | NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING - ol ] UCH-1297 3 772 1¢? QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT -OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS © MATERIAL LABOR Reference unIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea.| Cutters, torch, acetylene, for cutting horizontal carbon steel support structures. Design (30 wd) $ 5,500 Fabrication (30 md) 4,700 Material @ $500 each $ i,OOO Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 2 ea.| Cutters, torch, acetylene for cutting vertical carbon steel support structures. _ _ Design (30 md) $ 5,500 Fabrication o (30 md) 4,700 Material @ $500 each ' $ 1,000 Mockup & Development (50 md) 500 7,800 1l ea. Tool; 1ifting, for handling fuel pump motor. Design (existing) Fabrication (30 md) $§ 4,700 Material $ 506 NET MATERIAL AND L ABOR TOOLING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL i o o ¢ce QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL U-NIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR Referenée uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|Tool, lifting, for removal of fuel pump rotary element. Design (existing) Fabrication (30 md) $ 4,700 Material $ 500 1 ea.| Tool, lifting, for handling fuel pump bowl. .Design (existing) E-56336 Fabrication (50 md) $ 7,800 Material $ 1,000 1 ea.| Tool, lifting, for handling fuel heat exchanger. ! Design (existing) | E-56340 Fabrication (75 md) $ 11,700 ! Material $ 1,500 1 ea. Tool, lifting, for removal of drain tank steam domes. Design (existing) D-56339 Fabrication (30 md) $ 4,700 " Material $ 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING UCN-1297 3 712y €z QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL e ATERTAL Treon Reference uNT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|{ Tool, 1lifting, for removal of fuel drain tanks. Design (existing) D-56338 Fabrication (50 md) $ 7,800 Material $ 1,000 2 ea. Tool, 1lifting, for removal of heater units. Design (existing) Fabrication (36 md) $ 4,700 Material _ § 500 1l ea.| Tool, 1lifting, for removal of cell coolers. L Design (existing) Fabrication (20 md) $ 3,100 Material $ 1,000 1 -ea. Tool, lifting, for removal of fuel storage tank. Design (30 ‘md) $ 5,500 Fabrication t50 md) 7,800 Material $ 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR TOOLING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL R %2¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS WATERTAC LABOR Reference UNIT : ' . MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 3 ea.|Tool, lifting and handling, various lengths, for removal - of segments of large piping (3" to 6"). Design ' | (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (25 md) -3,900 Material - 500 3 ea.{Tool, lifting and handling, various lengths, for removal of segments of small piping (1/4" to 2"), Design (SO_md) 1§ 9,200 L Fabrication (25 md) ‘I 3,900 Material 500 i 3 ea. To§1, lifting and handling, various lengths, for removal of segments of structural components. Design (50 md) $ 9,200 Fabrication (25 md) 3,900 Material $ 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING - UCN-1297 3 77 sze 9¢7 QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT-OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL ' UNIT COSTS MATERIAL CABGR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR : Drawing 1 ea. Toocl, 1lifting, for removal of NaF absorber. Design (20 md) $ 3,700 Fabrication . (20 rl‘ld) ' 3,100 Material _ $ 200 1 lot Long.handled hooks, tongs, socket wrench extensions, i chisels, punches, saws, drills, hammers, etc., designed | for general and special applications (~100 tools). Design (300 md) 1§ 55,000 ) Fabrication (300 md) 46,800 Material ) $ 5,000 | | 1 lot Miscéllanéous visual aid's; -1.e., lights, binoculars, .$10,000 periscopes, etc. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR TOOLING CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL A - QUANTITS ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR Reference uNIT , MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 6 ea.| Drums, 55-gallon w/bails and dumping levers, for trans- ferring material from all areas to reactor cell. Design ' (20 md)| $ 3,700 Fabrication - . (30 md) 4,700 Material @ $150- each $ 900 1 lot| Miscellaneous concrete pouring and compacting equipment; $ 5,000 i.e., buckets, vibrators, chutes, etc. 1 | G&A on materials: 44,200 x 0.35 $15,500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $59,700 $359,600 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TOOLING - $419,300 UCN-1297. 3 7-72) L2¢ ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL _LABOR QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERI AL Kererence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 50 ea.| Remove top shield beam holddown nuts and studs. (20 md) $ 2,000 D-40955 (2-1/4" 0D x 4'-0" long) 15 ea., Remove tofi beams to outside storage. (30 md) $ 3,000 D-40951 2 each 2'-0" x 3'-6" x 15'-0" long 2 each 2'-0" x long 2 each 2'-0" x long 2 each 2'-0" x long 7 each 2'-0" x long D=-40972 1 ea.| Remove seal membrane; section and package for (40 md) $ 4,000 D-40973 ‘ D-40974 disposal into cell. (24'-6" 0D x 1/8" thick stainless steel) L 28 ea.| Remove lower roof plugs steel crack fillers. (20 md) $ 2,000 D~40954 1 joH Remove reactor access lower plug and set up dry (10 md) $ 1,000 D-40954 maintenance shield over core vessel. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 3 T-72) ..’ 1, . s v‘* " . 8¢¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Remove core access flange and -source tube plugs (10 md) $ 1,000 E~40954 from thermal shield 1id. 1 job! Pump grout into coré, filling to core access E-40400 flange elevation. Labor (20. md) $ 2,000 Material: 2 yd3 grout 100 E-4U727 1 job| Pump grout through existing penetrations through E-40730 thermal shield 1id filling the annulus between the core vessel énd thermal shield. Labor (30 md) _ $ 3,000 Material: 15 yd3 grout 700 1 jobl Remove roof plugs and set up maintenance shield (10 md) $ 1,000 D-40951 over the primary heat exchanger. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 3 772} 6C¢ MATER!AL LABOR QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS Reference MAT'L LABOR Drawing 1 job| Cut opening and f11ll heat exchanger shell with D-40873 grout. Labor © (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 2 yd3'grout 100 1 job| Cut heat exchanger loose and lower to floor of (50 nd) $ 5,000 D-40873 cell. (4 cuts of 5" INOR-8 pipe and support ‘structures) E=40700— 1 jobl Collapse all support structures and auxiliary (200 md) $ 20,000 E-40704 equipment in the heat exchangér area to the cell floor. 1 jobl Set up maintenance shield over the fuel cir- (10 md) $ '1,00b D-40951 culating pump. 1 job| Remove fuel pump motor and rotary element and (50 md) $ 5,006 F-9700 lower to cell floor. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 7.72) 0e?C ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY GRIT COSTS TMATERIAL CABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job Pump fuel pump bowl full of grout. F-9700 Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: i yd? grout 100 1 jolj Cut fuel pump bowl loose and lower to cell (100 md) $ 10,000 F-9700 floor. 1 jol Connect existing nozzle on fuel pump overflow E-56418 tank and pump full of grout. Labor (30 md) $ 3.000 Material: 1 yd3 grout | 100 - _ E-51604 1 jol Remove fuel pump furnace and lower to floor of (50 md) $ 5,000 E-51606 cell. E-40700 1 joY Collapse all support and auxiliary materials in (300 md) $ 30,000 E-40704 the fuel pump area to the cell floor. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297. 3 7-72) 1ee QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing E-40700 1 jobl Collapse all support and auxiliary equipment at (200 md) $ 20,000 E-40704 area east of thermal shield. E-40700 1 job! Collapse all support and auxiliary equipment at (200 md) $ 20,000 E-40704 area west of thermal shield. 1 job Flush cell walls and thermal shield to bottom of (10 md) ) $ 1,000 cell. 1 jobl Cut and remove section of cell exhaust line in (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41026 coolant cell at cell penetration to reactor cell. __ | Transfer removed section to reactor cell. 1 job| Fabricate and install blanking flange -w/nozzle onto 30" cell exhaust penetration. Labor (30 md) $ 3,000 Material 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORMNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 {3 7-72) ' ' #* ‘l Pl ll “r -’. .. ; 'I' ¢t QUANTITY UNIT ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MAT L LABOR MATERIAL LABOR Keterence . Drawing 1 job Attach hose and pump 30" cell exhaust penetra- tion full of grout. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 35 yd3 grout $ 300 1 job Clear entrance to penetration from reactor cell $ 20,000 to drain tank cell, Remotely install blanking (200 md) fixture at reactor cell opening. 1 job Pour concrete into cell to an elevation of 6 ft above equipment support platform.. Labor (30 md) $ 3,000 Material: 350 yd3 concrete $ 2,000 1l ea. Remove component cooling air heat exchanger E-41472 from gspecial equipment room. Fill shell with grout and transfer to reactor cell, Labor (25 md) $ 2,500 -Material: 1 yd3 grout $ 100 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR REACTOR CELL CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL UCN-1297 3 7.7 £ee QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job| Fabricate and install flafige w/gfout nozzle onto ; E-41472 component cooling air penetration. Pump penetra- | tion full of grout. Labor (30 md) $ ,3;000 Material: 1 yd3 grout 100 Other 500 I E-55428 — 20 ea.| Cut auxiliary lines penetrating south wall of E-56377 cell, pump full of grout and cap off. (water, | air, gas, etc., 1/4" to 3" size) | - Labor (50 md) L _jfi$ 5,000 Material: 2 yd3 grout 100 Other 500 1 joH Pump interior cofipartments of sampler enrichér EJN-10301 full of grout through existing nozzles. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Materials: 2 yd3 grout 100 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 3 7-72) VAXA ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Kelerence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job|Remove sampler-enricher assembly to reactor cell. (50 md) $ 5,000 EJN-10301 1 job|Remove sampler-enricher floor flange and cell (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55479 penetration to reactor cell. 1 jobj Cut auxiliary lines penetrating north wall at the E-41863 north electric service room area and pump lines full of grout and seal ends. Labor ! (100 md) $ 10,000 Material: 5 yd3 grout 300 Other _ 500 1 job| Cut auxiliary lines penetrating the west wall at the west tunnel area and pump lines full of grout and seal ends. Labor (50 md) $. 5,000 Material: 1 yd3 grout 100 Other 500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 iy 7-72) Gee QUANTITY UNIT ENTOMBMENT OF RADIQACTIVE MATERTIAL UNIT COSTS MAT'L LABOR MATERIAL LABOR Relerence Drawing Continue pouring and vibra-packing concrete into cell as other items from drain tank cell and fuel processing cell are moved in. Pour to bottom elevation of lower roof plugs. Labor (300 md) | $ 30,000 $10,000 Material: ~250 yd3 concrete 1 job Cut access door(s) into cell annulus from (500 md) $ 50,000 coolant drain tank cell. Remove magnetite sand from annulus to burial ground. (%400 yd3 sand; hand load and machine convey out of coolant drain cell) 1 joH Core drill through annulus ring at top of cell, $ 6,000 $ 6,000 E-40974 4 places 12" .diameter. Seal openings at coolant drain cell and f111 annulus with concrete. (400 yd3 concrete) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR - REACTOR CELL CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL UCN-1297 {3 7-72) 9¢?¢ QUANTITY o ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL » T MATERIAL LABOR 1 job|Replace all lower roof shield plugs over cell and grout in place. Finish floor smooth to existing high bay elevation. Labor Material: 10 yd3 grout NET MATERIAL AND LABOR | $23.200 | $299,500 CPFF FIXED PRICE $322,700 REACTOR CELL UCN-1297 {3 7.1 Reference E-40951 ORNL LET OUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADTOACTIVE MATERIAL o coors MATERTAL | CABoR I~ Reference unIT MAT'L | LABOR’ ' ! Drawing I . 82 ea.| Remove steel holddown keys from upper shield plugs. (5 md) $ 500 E-40946 E-40933 10 ea.| Remove upper shield plugs. (25 md) $ 2,500 E-40946 10 ea.| Decontaminate upper shield plugs and store for (50 md) N $ 5,000 i i future use. I 1 ea.| Remove seal membrane from cell, section and (20 md) $ 2,000 E-40933 transfer to reactor cell, _ ] L 28 ea.| Remove steel shield plates from between lower (10 md) % 1,000 [ g 40939 T b plugs. . | ! , | 28 ea.| Decontaminate shield plates for future use. (10 md) $ 1,000 E=4U9%33 12 ea.| Remove lower roof plugs from north bay. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-40946 12 ea. Decontaminate plugs for future use. (50 md) $ 5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPEF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3 712 8BET ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL | T conTs QUANTITY “TWMATERIAL LABOR .Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Remove north shield plug support beam. (1 md) - $ 100 E~40944 1 ea.| Decontaminate support beam for futufe use. (2 md) $ 200 1 job Install work platform w/vent control panels. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41512 2 ea.| Remove pneumatic valves and transfer to reactor (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41513 cell. (HCV~544 and -573) 2 ea. Remove valve supports. (6 md) 8 600 E-41877 - E-40708 1 joY Remove all miscellanmeous auxiliary piping, (200 md) $ 20,000 E-40709 - E-40878 — thermocouple loads, heater leads, etc., from E-41512 ‘ E-41513— the north bay area to the reactor cell. E~55404 E-55405 E-55406 ; _ E-404563 1 ea) Remove FDT-1 steam dome assembly to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2.000 E-40708 : E-40731 E=3/749U. 5 eal Remove heaters from line 106 to reactor cell. (5 md) $ 500 MIC-G-116 ) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3 772y 6¢¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL TR oooTe WMATERTAC Casor Reference UNIT ‘ - | mAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.|Remove FV-106 (1-1/2" INOR-8) to reactor cell, (10 md) $ 1,000 w15 ft | Remove line 106 to reactor cell, (1-1/2" INOR-8) (10 md) $ 1,000 8 ea.|Remove line 106 heater base insulation units to (10 md) $ 1,000 MIC~G~117 reactor cell. 1 jobj Remove line 106 heater base support structure to (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55504 reactor cell, 7 ea.| Remove FDT-1 heaters to reactor cell. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-51686 1 ea.| Remove disconnect support ring from FDT-1. (10 md) $ 1,000 1 ea.| Remove FDT-1 furnace 1id to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2.000 E-51686 1 ea.| Remove FDT-1 to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2.000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL .DRAIN-TANK CELL " UCN-1297 3 7-72) o%¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 jobl Emplace FDT-1 in reactor cell and pump tank full of concrete. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 3 yd3 concrete $ 200 1 job Replace steam dome into FDT-1l and fill steam dome with concrete. L Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 1 yd3 concrete 2 ea, Remove. drain tank weigh cells to reactor cell, (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41500 1 joY Segment and remove drain tank furnace to reactor (50 md) $ 5,000 | E-51686 cell, 2 eaJ Remove drain tank supports to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE~ ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 772 % QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR ReTerence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing - .- E<41512 1 job| Remove transfer:'line #109 to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41513 (~15 ft, 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached) . : E=415172 1 job| Remove transfer line #110 from FDI-1 to north (20 md) $ 2,000 E~41513 wall, (~10 ft, 1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached) 1l ea.| Remove FV-109 to reactor cell. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-55509 ! ! 1 jobl Clean up remaining miscellaneous support clips, {25 md) I'§$ 2,500 ! lines, cables, etc., and move to reactor cell. l 1 ea.| Replace north shield plug support beam. (1 md) $ 100 12 ea.| Replace lower shield plugs in north bay. (10 md) $ 1,000 9 ea.| Remove lower shield plugs from center bay. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-40933 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3 72 l“: .-lii'\ i 4o I- r‘t ‘. l" e QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT cosTs MATERI AL LABOR Reference UNIT o MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 9 ea.| Decontaminate lower shield plugs for future use. (50 md) $ 5,000 1 job; Install work platform w/vent control panels. (10 md) : $ 1,000 E-41512 2 ea.| Remove pneumatic valves to reactor cell. (6 md) : $ 600 E-41513 (HCV-545 and -575) 2 ea.| Remove valve supports to reactor cell. (HCV-545 (10 md) _ ' $ 1,000 E-41877 and -575) _ : . : , I E-407087 1 job Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping, thermo- (200 md) i § 20,000 | E-40709 . ‘ T E-40878 " couple leads, heater leads, leak detector lines, E-41512 T T E-41513 7 instrument lines, etc., to reactor cell. I E-55404 i E=J304UD E-55406 E=4U4b3 1 ea.| Remove FDT-2 steam dome to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-40471 E=4U/08 8 ea.| Remove FDT-2 heater units to reactor cell. : (30 md) $ 3,000 E-51686 J NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF - FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL ) R ' . UCN-1297 13 772 £ve QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS © MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1l ea. | Remove disconnect support ring from FDT-2. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-51686 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2 furance 1lid to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-51686 1 ea. | Remove FDT-2 to reactor cell, (20 md) $ 2,000 1 job | Emplace FDT-2 in reactor cell and pump tank full of concrete. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 3 yd3 concrete $ 200 1 job | Replace steam dome into FDT-2 and fill steam o dome with .concrete. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 1 yd3 concrete 2 ea. | Remove FDT-2 weigh cells to reactor cell. (10 md) - $ 1,000 E~41500 1 ea. | Segment and remove FDT-2 furnace to reactor cell. (50 md) $ 5,000 E-51686 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' DRATIN-TANK CELL CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL UCN-1297 13 772 ° e QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS . MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 2 ea. | Remove FDT-2 supports. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41500 5 ea., ; Remove heater spacers from line 103, 104, and (5 md) $ 500 MIC-G-116 105 heaters. 10 ea. { Remove removable heater units from lines 103, (20 md) $ 2,000 MIC-G-116 104, and 105, 2 ea. | Remove FV-104 and -105. (1-1/2“ Sch 40 INOR-8) (10_md) N $ 1,000 E-55509 | - E-41512 220 ft | Remove uninsulated portion of lines 103, 104, (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41513 and 105. (1-1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8) 21 ea. | Remove heater base insulation units. (20 md) $ 2,000 MIC-G-117 1 job | Remove heater base support structure, (40 md) $ 4,000 E-55504 2 ea. | Remove freeze valves FV-108 and -109 w/heaters (12 wd) $ 1,200 E-55509 and insulation attached. ' NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL FIXED.PRICE UCM-1297 3 7-72} S%e QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL ‘ UNIT COSTS MATERI AL erence UNIT : . MAT'L | LABOR Dr A lines 108, 1 10. (1/2" ' E-41513 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod heaters and insulation attached E E-4151 220 ft | Remove 103 w/insulation and thermoc les . : E-41513 1 attached. 1-1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/3" thick insulation | latforms. ] E-41514 ' E 708 E-41505 in center . E-40933 ea.| Remove from south bay. md) E-40946 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR FIXED PRICE |, ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3y 7-72) 9%¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT : MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 12 ea.| Decontaminate lower roof plugs for future use. (50 md) $ 5,000 1 ea. Remove south lower shield plug support beam. (1 md) $ 100 E-40944 1 ea. Decontaminate south support beam. (2 md) $ 200 1 ea. Remove cell cooler w/support. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-56291 E-41512 2 ea. Remove HCV-546 and -577. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41513 I E-4U/708 1 joH Remove miscellaneous auxiliary piping, thermo- (200 md) __i 20,000 | E-40709 E-41512 couple leads, heater leads, instrument lines, etc. } E-41513 3 ea] Remove heaters from line 104. (10 md) $ 1,000 MIC-G-116 . - E=41512 6 ft | Remove line 104, (1-1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8) (10 md) $ 1,000 E~41513 5 eal Remove line 104 heater base insulation units. {10 md) $ 1,000 MIC-G-117 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR DRAIN-TANK CELL CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL UCN-1297 3 7-72} Lyt ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERI AL LABOR Reference UNET MAT'L | LABOR ' Drawing 1 job| Remove line 104 heater base support structure. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55504 7 ea.| Remove FFT heater units. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-51686 1 ea.| Remove FFT fufnace 1id. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-51686 1 ea.| Remove FFT to reactor cell. (20 md) $ 2,000 1 ea. Emplace FFT in reactor cell and pump full of concrete. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 4 yd3 concrete i 200 2 ea. Remove FFT weigh cells. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41500 2 ea. Segment and remove FFT furnace. _ (50 md) $ 5,000 E-51686 2 eaJ Remove FFT supports. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41500 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UVCN-1297 3 712 8%¢ . QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing E=4YS512 ~6 ft | Remove line 107. (1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/Calrod) (20 md) $ 2,000 |- E-41513 heaters and insulation attached) 1 ea.' Remove freeze valve FV-107. (1-1/2" Sch 40 (6 md) S 600 E-55509 INOR-8 w/heaters and insulation attached) E-41512Z 25 ft { Remove drain line 103 w/insulation attached. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41513 (v25 ftr, 1-1/2" Sch 40 INOR-8 w/3" thick insula- tion) _ . 2 ea.{ Remove line 103 supports. i (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41505 ; E-56240 1 ea.| Remove resistance heating transformer. (15 kVA) {10 md) $§ 1,000 ; E-56241 | 1 ea.| Remove transformer support stand. (2' x 2' x 9') (10 md) $ 1,000 E-56241 2 ea.| Remove line 103 welding and brazing platforms (40 md) $ 4,000 E-41514 and stands. (*3' x 3' x 10") NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3y 7.72) 6%¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERTAL | CABOR Reference uniT . MAT'L LABOR 1 DraWiflg I ' [ : 1 job|Clean up remaining miscellaneous support_clips, (25 md)| N $ 2,500 . o lines, cables, etc. i 1 job, Remove lower shield plugs from north and center (20 md) $ 2,000 bay to outside storage. o e b e 1 job| Decontaminate inside of drain tank cell to (100 md) oy +$120,000 ; allow limited personnel access. L L _ - e ._-_' r— e e e~ s 1 jobl Erect work platforms for removal of penetration (10 md) 1% 1,000 1 contents from east and south walls. e ! _ i | - T E-40947 1 jobl Remove lines from penetration XXIV from reactor (20 md) ___T__$__ 2,000 | E-40948 cell to drain tank cell. (1-1/2" INOR-8 line; 1-1/2" carbon steel line; 2 each 1/2" stainless steel lines) R D-40713 1 jobl Remove support structures from penetration XXIV. (10 ma) $ 1,000 D-41505 . ‘ NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL UCN-1297 3 7.72) 05z AN QUANTITY ENTOMBEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT cbsTs MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job| Decontaminate penetration XXIV from reactor cell. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-41505 12 ea.| Remove alr, water and leak detector penetration (60 md) $ 6,000 D-40947 ‘ Page 52 of MSRE "+ shield plugs from east wall. (6" diameter) Design Manual 12 ea.| Decontaminate cell sleeves at east wall. (12 md) $ 1,200 D-40947 327 ea.| Decontaminate cables and lines from penetra- (50 md) - ‘$ 5,000 D-40947 tions A, B, C, D, E, and F thru east wall. . — e s e e (3/4" pipe sleeves) — l — — — i - I ! 327 ea.| Decontaminate 3/4" penetrations thru east wall, (30 md) o $ 3,000 _ D-40947 | e b 12 ea. Cap penetrations thru south wall. (3/4" thru3") (Qmwmd); ; { $ 1,000 D-40947 1 ea.| Remove penetration shield plug thru north wall (20 md) $ 2,000 D-40947 to fuel processing cell. (10" diameter) | 1 ea] Decontaminate sleeve to fuel processing cell. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-40947 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPF¥ FIXED PRICE ORNL . DRAIN-TANK CELL — T T s e UCN-1297 3 773 16¢ ATV ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL ~IniT costs Wi | Tresr | ReFerence INIT ' MAT'L | LaBOR | - l '~ Drawing I : . 1 job|Decontaminate entire drain tank cell to lowest (100 md) | $ 10,000 practical level. 1 job' Replace all lower shield plugs in drain tank (20 md) ) $ 2,000 cell. | ! : | s it et = e e} e e e . ! . i e e e ' | i 1 job| Replace lower shield plug steel shield plates. " (10 md) { e ] . ._$ 1,000 ! —_— — et i -l___ ——— v _i_ . ——r—— ___i e m et o ———————— . 1 job{ Replace all upper shield beams and holddown keys (}_O_md) !_ o o _‘: ‘5_7__3,0_0_0 ; | i e in drain tank cell. i ! ! e e : — ——— e b b s+ — -—-———?-—-_—.——_ ‘ ; i ' ‘ - e . —_— ' i - 1 ‘ i ] . e . l | i | NET MATERIAL AND LABOR | s 400 - $272,900 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL DRAIN-TANK CELL . $273,300 : UCN-12587 -_ 3 7-72) [AYA QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reterence UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.! Remove fuel process sampler assembly to reactor (60 md}| $ 6,000 EJN-10415 cell, 4 ea.l Remove sampler instrument panels to salvage. (16 md) $ 1,600 EJN-10415 S E=S5435—— 1 ea.| Remove absorber cubicle contents to reactor cell. (15 md) ! $ 1,500 | E-55452 i 1 job Remove miscellaneous auxiliary equipment from (10 md) [ ¢§ 1,000 : _— — - ‘- e e g rm e e——— | ; ! cell top area to salvage. jfl ! —— _.L_,H_.;_____ S N T 6 ea.| Remove cell roof plugs to storage. (20 md) J : ; $ 2,000 E-55431 - — —_ i e e m e et s mma e e g e e ! ! ) i - e o _— . T 1 ea. Remove cell ccoler tc burial ground. (10 md) 'S 1,000 ; . RS SO T — | 1 joY Set up work platforms and "C" zone over cell. (10 md) $ 1,000 | | l E=50447 1 jo4 Remove salt piping and miscellaneous auxiliary (150 md) I $ 15,000 E~55450 - ' i E=S5455— plping, valves, heaters, etc., to reactor cell. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL FUEL-PROCESSING CELL -0 T T Ty T T T T UCN-1297 {3 ?-72) €£6T DUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL n .E_N'_T,CQ,S_T_S___,,_.T MATERI AL i LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing SR N S S B SR ! : . 1 ea.| Remove fuel storage tank to reactor cell. Y o '$ 2,000 E-40430 | | - 1| ——— Hgfl_ 1 job| Emplace fuel storage tank into reactor cell and i i ; pump full of concrete. N Labor ] o (20 md) b 1% 2,000 | Material: 5 yd3 concrete ] . 8200 'i______ oy ; I : e - T s 1 jobl Remove sodium fluoride trap shielding to salvage. (10 md)| _ . i__$ 1,000 | E-55446 1 ea.| Remove sodium fluoride trap to reactor cell. (20 md) i ; L $ 2,000 =1 e ; . i , e e — d e e e e e o e e e ! i | i 1 ea.| Remove salt line filter to reactor cell. _(0wd}f 4 1§ 2,000 | E-49036 — - } i __A_= | i 1 job Check remaining material; remove only the con- (30 md) C ”L_§ 3,000 | taminated items to the reactor cell. 1 jobl Remove remaining material to salvage or burial (50 md) $ 5,000 ground (support structures, cables, gas lines, instrument lines, etc.). NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL, FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCN-1297 = 3 7-72) ® @ ®Se QUANTITY UNIT ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL MATERI AL LABOR Reference Drawing | Decontaminate interior of cell to lowest prac- (50 md) tical level. $ 5,000 1l job Replace cell roof plugs, $ 2,000 e o e I | R : _ b e - . e S S S — $ 200 $ 53,100 FUEL-PROCESSING CELL UCN-1297 3 7.72) CPFF }.853,300 | FIXED PRICE Ge? QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL I Lasor : Reference UNIT ' MAT'L | LABOR . . Drawing I l SN SRR R _. i 1 job| Remove ventilation house roof to storage. (200md)| | o $ 2,000 1 iob| Remove all equipment above floor level to sal- (50 md) $ 5,000 vage and burial ground (instrument panels, auxiliary piping, etc.) , | ' v e R - ; e 1 job| Remove floor grating and dry stacked lead and (100 md) 1 $ 10,000 J | R concrete shielding blocks from the room. ! i ; (75 yd3 total material) ; | | ! _— ! R | i , I -1 ea. Remove off-gas valve box w/contents to reactor (50 md) i ! . % 5,000 i' i I | cell. ; | : ; —_ e ————— t - [p—— j T - | ; S — - l | i 1 ea.| Remove charcoal bed valve box w/contents to (50 md) i o $ 5,000 reactor cell. 1 ea.| Remove off-gas particle trap assembly to reactor (30 md) $ 3,000 cell. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR .CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL VENTILATION HOUSE AREA UCN-1297 o T {3 7-72) . . . .d T ‘ . 96¢ QUANTITY ENTOMEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea. Remove off-gas sampler assembly to reactor cell. (30 md) $ 3,000 1 job Remove all off-gas piping from ventilation house (50 md) $ 5,000. to charcoal beds and to coolant cell and move to reactor cell. 1 joY Remove all miscellaneous auxiliary systems, (30 md) -§ 3,000 support structures, etc., to burial ground. -— — —_— i S ——— e ——_—_ e . e T 1 joY Decontaminate ventilation house. (30 md) $ 3,000 | ' i ! | o 1 joh Replace ventilation roof. (20 md) _ ‘$ 2,000 | —fee ! t 2 eal Remove roof plugs from charcoal absorber pit. (10 md) ' § 1,000 ' 1 joY Remove piping from absorber beds; seal ends. (30 md) $ 3,000 5 ea) Remove absorber beds to burial ground. (30 md) $ 3,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ’ CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL VENTILATION HOUSE AREA L VCHN-1297 T-72) LT QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL T T meE ce UNIT MAT'L | LABOR ‘ . Drawing water from pit and remove support struc-— ures to burial ound. Check and decontaminate it as r red. lace absorber pit rcof pl 86¢ NET MATERIAL AND LABOR 64.000 CPFF FIXED PRICE VENTILATION HOUSE AREA $64,000 UCN-1297 3 7-72) o @ @ ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference unIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 jobl Remove special equipment room roof plugs to (20 md) - § 2,000 storage. 2 ea. Remove componefit cooling air enclosures to reac- (25 md) $ 2,500 tor cell, 2 ea. Emplace component cooling air enclosures in reac- ' tor cell and fill with concrete. Labor (25 md) $ 2,500 Material: 15 yd3 concrete $ 600 2 ea. Remove component cooling air blower motors to (20 md) ' $ 2,000 T ot T T T Tyt ! reactor cell. (75 hp) - 2 ea) Remove component cooling air blowers to reactor (20 md) $ 2,000 cell. (10 x 15 Roots type) 2 ea] Remove component cooling air bottom domes (50 md) $ 5,000 w/piping manifolds to reactor cell. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM T UCN-1297 (3 77D 65C QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL ! LABOR Reference uNIT . MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Remove component cooling alr heat exchanger to (20 md) $ 2,000 reactor cell. 25 ft | Segment and remove 30" OD cell exhaust line to (100 md) $ 10,000 reactor cell, 2 ea. Remove pump bowl bubbler contaimnment enclosures (30 nd) $ 3,000 w/contents to reactor cell, 1 jol Remove remaining auxiliary and support material (100 md) $ 10,000 to reactor cell or burial ground as required by survey. 1 joY Demolish concrete wall, excavate, and remove 30" (200 md) $ 20,000 0D duct from special equipment room to service tunnel. 25 ft | Remove cell exhaust line from special equipment (200 md) $ 20,000 room to service tunnel. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ROOM RN~ UCN-1297 3 7-72) .| - 'I.“ ! - 09¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT ir cell wall.' Labor Material: 5 3 concrete Clean and decontaminate special equipment room. 1 Replace special equipment room roof plugs. SPECTAL EQUIPMENT ROOM UCN-1297 3 7-72) UNIT COSTS MAT'L LABOR (50 md) NET MATERIAL AND LABOR MATERI AL $ 900 CPFF $93,900 $ 93,000 FIXED PRICE Drawing 192 QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERTAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing NOTE: [ A1l material except as noted is to be removed to the burial ground. 21 ea.| Remove coolant cell penthouse roof plugs. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-40979 (1'-0" x 2'-0" x 18' long) M-10333- 1 ea.| Remove coolant salt sampler assembly. (20 md) $ 2,000 RF-001-E i . — D=40450 1 ea.| Remove radiator door lifting mechanism. (30 nd) $ 3,000 D-40451 D-40452 1 jobl Remove coolant pump auxiliary piping. (15 md) $ 1,500 D=-40440 1 job| Remove radiator top insulatiom. (30 md) $ 3,000 E-40470 - E-40471 E-40472 E-40473 E-40746 1 jobl Remove radiator doors. ' (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55510 E-4]1515 1 jobf Remove radiator door lifting and coolant pump (30 md) $ 3,000 E-41866 support structures. _ NET MATERIAL AND LABOR ' CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL COOLANT CELL AREA UCN-1297 3 7-72 ¢9¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABCR ) Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 job| Remove radiator and enclosure assembly, (100 md) $-10,000 E-40470 1 job| Remove radiator supports and radiator door . (50 md) $ 5,000 E-55516 tracks. ; } E-4U/0U2 1 job| Remove coolant salt drain lines. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-41860 E-418061 E-41862 - 1 ea.| Remove coolant salt. drain tank. (50 md) i § 5,000 E-40702 A32,500 1bs| Remove lead shielding from off-gas pipe chase. (100 md) 1 $ 10,000 E-41893 (44' x 9" OD x 1" ID = 19,2 ft3 = 13,587 1bs ) and “40' lead brick 2" thick = 26.7 ft3 = 18,872 1bs) 44 ft | Segment and remove off-gas lines to reactor (20 nd) $ 2,000 cell. (1 each 1/4" OD in 1/2" pipe; 1 each 1/2" pipe in 1" pipe) NET MATERIAL. AND LABOR CPFF COOLANT CELL AREA "ORNL FIXED PRICE UCN-1297 (3 7-72) £9¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OE. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL T CosTs MATERTAL LABOR Reference vy MAT'L | LASOR Drawing 5 ea.| Remove off-gas line supports. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-41892 60 ft | Segment and remove reactor cell exhaust line (200 md) $ 20,000 to reactor celi. (30" 0D x 0.312 wall carbon steel) 1 job| Remove miscellaneous auxiliary lines from (100 wd) $ 10,000 E-41893 coolant cell area (water, oill, gas, off-gas, etc.) to reactor cell or burial ground as | required; 1 4obji Clean and decontaminate coclant cell area. (100 md) $ 10,000 1 lot] Miscellaneocus packaging, lifting, and handling $ 4,600 materials. ET ol NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $ 4.600 $ 91,500 CObLANT CELL AREA CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL '$96,100 UCN-1297 » 7-72 %9¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIQOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L { LABOR Drawing NOTE: ; A1l material éxcept as noted is to be removed to the buriah ground. 100 ft | Remove lube oil and water piping from reactor (20 md) $ 2,000 E~40735 cell to service tunnel penetration. E=50411 100 ft | Remove lube 01l and water piping from special (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55414 equipment room to service tunnel penetration. [ i | — oo A j o 2 eal Remove reactor cell exhaust line valves to reac- {30 md) . § 3,000 | D-41026 tor cell. (30" butterfly w/operators) | ; v i i 1 3 - - - - “"_r T T T D-41026 75 yd] Machine excavate w/shoring 30" exhaust line from (100 md) $ 3,000 | $ 10,000 | D-41027 , - T T T D078 T special equipment room to service tunnel (~20' 1 ]l L deep). : 2 yt:lJ Demolish reinforced concrete service tunnel wall (10 md) $ 1,000 | D-41028 ¥ at 30" exhaust line penetration.’ ‘ NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD - — B S d o UCN-1297 -1y T-72) G9¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL ~ UNIT COSTS | MATERiaL ] LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR T Drawing 18 ft | Segment and remove to reactor cell 30" exhaust (125 md)| =, | $ 12,500 _12_—_4_1_0_2_7 line from special equipment room to service o . tunnel. (30" OD x 0.312 wall carbon steel) - \ 75 yd3 Machine excavate w/shoring 30" exhaust line from (100 md)| || $3,000 | $10,000 | D-41028 service tunnel to stack filter (~20' deep). e 3 ToTTTT TN T - T T T BAG1027 1 yd”| Demolish reinforced concrete wall of service _ _ (Smd) 1 &+ | § 500 ;| D-41028 tunnel at 30" line penetration. o I S ~ | | o | 50 ft | Segment and remove to reactor cell 30" exhaust (350 md) L ____j__ 1§ 35,000 D-41028 | | line from service tunnel to stack filters. L ! L _'[_ (30" OD x 0.312 wall carbon steel) . 1 I T - = ! - | 1 job Check and remove all contaminated soil from (50 md) $ 5,000 excavated area. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD . UCN-1297 172 99¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATER) AL LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing ¢ D=%1026 1 job| Form and pour concrete at special equipment room D-41028 wall, and two walls of service tunnel. Labor (20 md) $ 2,000 Material: 3 yd3 concrete form material $ 500 1T 150 yd3 Backfill excavation from tunnel area (10 md) $ 1,500 $ 1,000 ¢+ w/stabilized fill to existing grade level. ' _ T - - T T D=RIOIT T 1 job Remove and decontaminate inlet manifold to stack (50 md) | _ $ 5,000 . D-41072 e filter bays. : P T i i T T B T" """"'fi“"D:&I07r_—_" 3 ea.| Remove and decontaminate stack filter inlet (20 md) T $ 2,000 | D-41072 dampers. (24" x 18") B L o b ‘ i L 31 ea.| Remove and decontaminate stack filter pit roof (50 md) $ 5,000 D-41117 plugs. 105 ea. Remove prefilters, decontaminate frames and (50 md) L $ 5,000 ‘D-41075 replace filter media. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD - T T T T UCN-1297 T TR TR T AemATT T T e 3 112 £97 QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT. OF -RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABOR i Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR " Drawing | i 6 ea.| Remove final filters, decontaminate frames and (50 md) $ 5,000 : D-41076 replace filters. D-41117 1 job; Decontaminate interior of filter pit., Flush (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41273 solutions to the Laboratory ILW system thru _ ] s B existing drain lines. _ 6 ea.] Replace final filters. (30 md) 52,000 (UCC-ND) $ 3,000 | D-41076 . i i R T T —— 105 ea.| Replace prefilters. (50 _md) 52,000 (UCC-ND) $ 3,000 | D-41075 : | " - - .-—.—E_-. e e ——— _i__ 31 ea.| Replace and seal filter pit roof plugs. (30 md) ] - $ 500 | $-3,000 D-41117 | | i — 3 ea.| Replace filter inlet dampers. (20 md) $ 2,000 | D-41071 1 ea.| Replace filter inlet manifold. ‘(30 md) $ 3,000 D~41072 ‘NET MATERIAL AND LABOR . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD UCN-1297 3 172 89¢ QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIQACTIVE MATERTIAL UNIT COS5TS MATERI AL LABOR Reference uNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing . D=41028 1 job| Design, fabricate and install blanking fixture D-41071 . D-41072 where cell exhaust line was removed. - Design {10 md) $ 1,800 (QCC-ND) Fabrication (20 md) $§ 500 . 3,200 (ycC-ND) Installation {20 md) $ 2,000 " G&A on materials: 4,500 x 0.35 $ 1,600 UCC-ND Subtotal $ 6,100 $ 5,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR | s 8,500 $127,000 CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SOUTH YARD ' . ' $135,500 $11,100 UCN-1297 = 3 69¢ ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT COSTS MATERIAL ! LABOR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR | Drawing NOTE: | A1l material is to be removed to the burial ground. 2 ea.| Remove treated water storage tanks. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-41252 2 ea. Remove treated water pumps. (20 hp) (20 md) $ 2.000 D-41252 1 loyg Remove piping, valves, instruments, etc., from (50 md) i $ 5,000 D-41252 water room. . 1 lot Remove piping and valves from radiator tunnel. (30 mwd) $ 3.000 D-41252 ) B o 1 joh Remove thermal shield gas separation system from (30 md) L $ 3,000 fan house. : 3 100 yd] Machine excavate underground 4" and 6" lines to (20, md) $ 2,000 diesel shed. ~250 ft| Remove 4" and 6" lines from water room to diesel (20 md) $ 2,000 D-41254 .shed. NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TREATED-WATER SYSTEM UCH-1297 3 1721 e, -, e A 042 ?" ! ! | . q;'i ! ; QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL CasoR Reference UNIT MAT'L | LABOR Drawing 1 ea.| Remove treated water filter from diesel shed. (10 md) $ 1,000 D-41254 2 ea.| Remove treated water heat exchangers from diesel (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41254 shed. A150 ft | Remove piping and valves from diesel shed. (4" (30 md) $ 3,000 D-41254 and 6" carbon steel) 2 ea.| Remove steam dome heat exchangers from west (20 md) ) A 2,000 | _ tunnel. i ] ' 2 ea.| Remove steam dome surge tanks from west tunnel. (20 md) _ s 2,000 _ JN S | I - 1 lotj Remove piping and valves from west tunnel. (30 md) $ 3,000 | 1 jol Decontaminate west tunmnel. (30 md) $ 3,000 1 joH Decontaminate water room. (30 md) $. 3,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL TREATED-WATER SYSTEM UCN-1297 3 7-72) TL2 QUANTITY MATERI| AL UNIT ENTOMBMENT OF RADIODACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MAT"L LABOR 1 jobl Decontaminate diesel shed. 100 yd7| Backfill west yard between water room and diesel shed to exist ade. NET MATERIAL AND L ABOR $ 1,000 CPFF TREATED-WATER SYSTEM $40,500 UCN-1297 3 1T Reference $ 39,500 FIXED PRICE ¢l . . . " - QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOQACTIVE MATERIAL UNIT COSTS MATERIAL LABDR Reference UNIT MAaT'C | LaBOR Drawing NOTE: | A11 material except as noted is to be removed to the buria} ground. 1 ea.| Disconnect and remove distillation experiment (25 md) $ 2,500 valve box. 1 job Remove roof plugs and set up temporary work (50 nd) $ 5,000 shielding. —— 1 jobl Remotely disconnect all lines from distillation (30_md) ~ $ 3,000 L experiment. - t "1 ea.| Remove distillation experiment assembly te (100 md) L $ 10,000 reactor cell. B i i i 1 joH Remove temporary work shielding. Install (50 md) $ 5,000 ladders. 49026 2 ea. Remove fuel process system charcoal traps. (10 md) $ 1,000 E-55454 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR CPFF FIXED PRICE - ORNL SPARE CELL AREA UCN- 1297 3 7.7 €L2 QUANTITY ENTOMBMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL _ T cosTs MATERTAL ChgoR ReFerence unIT MAT'L | LaBOR Drawing ~ 1 ea.| Remove fuel process ventilation filters. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55454 1 ea.l Remove fuel process soda lime trap. (20 md) $ 2,000 E-55454 ‘ - E-55454 1 lot) Remove miscellaneous piping, supports, etc. (50 md) ' __1.%¢ 5,000 E-55456 ~200 'Remove dry stacked block from west wall. (25 md) o $ 2,500 1 joH Decontaminate cell. (30 md) _ r§ 3,000 1 job Replace roof plugs. L (10 md) A 1% 1,000 NET MATERIAL AND LABOR $ 42,000 . CPFF FIXED PRICE ORNL SPARE CELL AREA $ 42,000 UCN-1297 3 772 vie 5-12.. 13. 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20-24, 25-34. 35. 36-40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45, 46-47. 48.. 49-50. 51. 52, comaw F. T. . & ., ® - - PEHOGORR PO T P. E. A. J. E. B. * UEQWKK“EQUHON?O"H 275 DISTRIBUTION Binford Blumberg Burger Bruce Cagle Cox Culler Dixon Hill King Kirby Kurtz - Large, ERDA-ORO . Lenhard, ERDA-ORO Postma Pugh Ramsey Robinson : Schreiber, ERDA-ORO Seagren Trauger Central Research Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Department Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. ORNL Patent Office ORNL/CF-77/391 e