s B ’ i N c* ¢ UCN-2383 - {3 " 11.60) DATE: SUBJECT: TO: FROM: MASTER OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Opereted by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY | | . Division of Union Carbide Corporuhon S _ : 0 R N L - CENTRAL FILES NUMBER Ock Ridge, Tennessee 61 - L - 62 External Trensmittel Authorized April 19, 1961 o | - COPYNO. ;g MSRE Preliminary Physics Report | Distribution’ C. W. Nestor, Jr. _summa£x .~ This report is a compilation of the results of reactor physics %fig calculations to date for the currently proposed MSRE core design. ar The core was assumed to consist of a homogeneous mixture of fuel | galt and graphite, with 22.5 per cent of the core volume occupied by fuel; the salt composition was the currently proposed mixture of 70 mole per cent LiF, 23 mole per cent BeF ‘5 mole per cent ZrF), ‘1 mole per cent ThF),, and UF) as required for criticality. The calculated critical mole per cent, assuming 93.5 per cent U-235, is 0.2 mole per cent UF); the associated inventory of U-235 in the circulating system is U4 kilogr 8. Mean core thermal flux is estimated to be 2.9 x 1013 n/em® sec with an associated mean power density of 3. 9 watts/cm3 for 10 megawatts total reactor power. NOTICE ~ This document contains informcflon of a prelimlnury nature and was prepcered primarlly for internal use at the Oak Ridge - Nationa!- Leboratory. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. The information is not to be abstrocted, reprinted or otherwise given public dissemination without the approval of the ORNL patent branch, Legal and Information Control Department. i | ¢ ¢ P i LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an occount of Government sponsored work. Neither the Unned States, nor the Commission, nor eny person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Maokes any warranty or ropreuntafion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, _ completeness, or usefulness of the information ¢ontained in this report, or that the use of any information, opporatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes ony liobilities with respect to the use of, or for dcmagn rosuhmg from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. ' As used in the above, *“person acting on behalf of the Commission® includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of tho Commiuion, or emplayse of such contractor propares, dnsommates, or provides access to, any information pursvant to his omployrnenf or contract with the Commiuuon, ) - . or his employment with such contractor. * ‘ : ' - "‘-\._ - g rt ~ MSRE PRELIMINARY FHYSICS REPORT . C. ‘W. Nestor; Jdre Introduction The purposes of this report are to assemble ‘bhe results of the reactor physics calculaetions which have been done concerning the currently proposed | MSRE core design, and to point out the areas in which further work needs to - . be done. Estimates have been made of the reactor characteristics using the core model and calculation methods discussed in Reactor Model and Calculation Methods; these results are presented in Teble 1 and discussed in Results. Consideration is given to the problems of fission product buildup, fuel salt - and Xe~135 retention by the core graphite, and distortion of the core graphite under irradistion in Long~term Reactor Behavior. It should be emphasized that in some cases these resulte depend upon very scanty experimental data buttressed by many assumptions end thet much more work remains to 'be done in this partice~ u.’l.ar area. o 'Reactor Model and Calculation Methods | For the criticality calculations the rea.ctor was assumed to be a bare right eirculer cylinder 27.7 inches in radius and 63 inches high; e radiel ex~ trapolation distance of 1 inch was added to simlate the effect of the fuel - anmilus and -INOR-8 vessel, and an exiel extrepoletion distance of 3.5 inches . was edded to both ends to similate the fuel selt contained in upper and lower heads of the s el. The IBM-TO% multigroup one-dimensionsl diffusion theory program GNU-II ‘was used for the calculetions with the 31L-group cross section library prepared for use in the thorium reactor evaluation progrem.“ The core - was assumed to be a homogeneous mixture of T7.5 volume per cent graphite (density 1,90 gmn/cm®) and 22,5 volume per cent fuel selt, using the currently proposed - ‘mixture® of 70 mole per cent LiF (99.997% Ii7), 23 mole per cent BeFa, 5 mole per cent ZrF4, ‘1 mole per cent ThF4 end ~ 1 mole per cent UFyg. (as required for criticality) The external circuleting system volume was assumed to be Lo fl; which gave a ratio of total circulating system fuel volume to core fuel voltnne . of 3.0.. The temperature and concentration coefficients of reactivity were esti- mated from the output of the crit:l.cality search section o:r the GNU progrem, as : B prev:lously described. _ Two-dimensional t O=group flux calcula.tions vere done using the IBM-7090 program Equipoise-II( to obtain estimates of the power generated in the upper - and lower heads of the vessel and in the fuel annulus surrounding the core. This program was elso used in the estimation of the effects of graphite dis- - tortion on reactivity (see Long~term Reactor Beha.vior) Two-group constants - were obtained from the autpu‘b of the GNU program. o S Results : - - The principal results are tebuleted in Teble 1. Table 1. Reactor Physiee Date for the MSRE Shape Righ‘b circular cylinder mole percent - 70.6 23.2 ,”5 o 1.0 Core size Redius 27.7 inches, height 63 inches, volume 88 fb3 | Fuel volume fraction 225 . External fuel voluze ko #3 Toteal “fuel volume/core fuel volume 3,02 Temperature R - 1200°F . ‘Power : .’ AN 10 mega.watts | 'Gra.phite density o | | | . _1.90_m/cm‘___ © Fuel salt .cempositioq" ‘component - | BeFa R, Tl:le' (Clean critica.l) U, Circuleting system =32 inventory* Mea.n eore thermal flux Pea.k. core thermal flux , .Mea.n core power dens:lty -Pea.k core power density Specific power | Temperature coefficients of reactivity: :E‘uel sa.l'b - graphite' - L §e32 coheehtration coefficien'b, mé < C | 2% “25 Equili’brium Xe 35 Ok/k (see Long-tern Reactor Behavior) Equilibrium Sm ok/k " | Neutron lifetime . - Per cent of fissiong due to themal neutrons | Fraction of power generated in core ' fAdd'ition of 2% poison raises critical mass by ebout 8%. 0.21 (93.5% u235) 45 kg | 29x1013n/cm sec Tob x 10 3n/cm sec 3.9 wa.tts/cm 10 wa.tts/cm 40 kv/kg of U + Th -3x107/°F -6x 1(_)-5/’1?' S 0.25 13 0.7% 3 x '10';.‘ sec 0.96 al «Q,. ¢' 5. T. B. Fowler and Melvin Tobias, Long«-Texrm Rea.ctor Behavior In the currently proposed MSRE core the fuel salt is in contact with the graphite moderstor and some penetration of the graphite by gaseous fission products and by fuel salt will certainly occur., It 1s, however, extremely unclear at this time vhat the amounts of these penetrations will be, since there is no experimental date con¢cerning the behavior of fuel salt, and fission products in contact with the proposed MSRE grephite. In addition, geseous fission products will be stripped from the salt in the pump bowl by & belium sparge vhen the resctor is operating at power. Any calculation degle ing with the effects of fuel and fission product retentlon ls therefore based on assumptions of unknown reliebility and should be regerded only &s an estie- mate of possible behavior. Using a particular set of assumptions concerning fuel selt and fission produet behavior, efficiency of stripping in the pump bowl and graphite properties, Spiewak6 has celculeted an equilibrium Xe-135 poison fraction (ratio of Xe-135 atoms destroyed by neutron ebsorption to fissions) of .0L84; this represents & reactivity change (6k/k) of 1.3% and thie velue is quoted in Table 1, If all the fuel and Xe=135 were fixed in the core, the associated reactivity would be 4%; there is & relatively wide range of values which may result from epparently equally reasonsble assumptions. Under long=term irradistion it is known that graphite will change its dimensions. Since no irradlation experiments have been done with the proposed MBRE graphite, the situstion with regard to long-term reactivity chenges is T unelear. Using the results of caleulations of graphite distortion by Kinyon, it is estimated that the combined effects of graphite distortion and fission producet buildup will amount to & resctivity decrease of 3.8% in one full power- year's operation. These calculations were based on & single short-term experi- ment on & similar grade of grephite, not exposed to fuel salt; this result should therefore be regarded as only an estimate of possible behavior. REFERENCES ls C. L, Davis, J. M. Bookston, and B. E. Smith, GNU-II - A Maltigroup One- Dimeneionsl Diffusion Program for the IBM-'(O[&- General Motors Report @GR 101 (1957). 2. C. W, Nestor, Jr., Maltigroup Neutron Cross Sectioms, ORNL CF~60=3«35 (March 15, 1960). 3+ W. Re Grimes, Recommended Fuel for MSRE, letter of August 23, 1960, k,' C. W. Nestor, Jr., A Computationsl Survey of Some Graphite-Moderated Molten Salt Reactors, ORNL CF=61-3-08 (Mer h T 15, 1961). uipoise-2: A Two-Dimensional Two-Grou Neutron-Diffusion Code for the IEM=-7090 Computer, ORNL CF-60=-11-07 (Nov. 21, 1900). | 6. I. Splewak; Xenon Transport in MSRE Graphite, letter of Nov. 2, 1960, document MSR-00-20 (1960). 7. B. W. Kinyon, Effects of Graphite Shrinkage in MSRE Core, ORNL CF-60-9-10 (Sept. 2, 1960 ) . gc‘b 1k, 16. 17. 18. 19, 20, 22, MSRP Director's Office, - 9204-1, Rm. 253 G. L. S. L. C. E. D. P A+ S. C. W. E. F. 0. D. R. W R. R. H. We Je WO' G. J. Fe Je D. E. . V. T. - A, ',Jo C. W. Re D. W, A, C. L E. H. P. L W. P, M, G. E. L. E. Se S. F. L. E. Joe L. Je R. W 0. S, LQ‘ A, 'Do C. Ge A H. A, L. L. G. A. P, K. H. B. P, Ademson Alexender Beell Bennett . Bettis Bettis | Billington Blenkenship - Boch ‘ Bolt Borkowski Breazegale Breeding Bruce Burke Campbell Carlsmith Carter Charpie Cheverton Claiborne Cobb Conlin Cook Cristy . Crovley Culler Delene Douglas Epler Ergen Ford Fowler Freas - H. Frye H. R. E. R. R. G. S. C.. W, P. N. H. R. Gebberd Gall ‘Gallgher Gilfillen Grimes Grindell Haxrrill Hise Hoffman Holz Howell Jordan Kasten -‘5'- . Distribution 50, 81, - 52, 3. 5k . R. Ge B, R. M. H. We E. - W C. E. Je R. Je E. C. T. W. L. Je LE V. We I, G, D. R, B. Ko C. W L. C. A. W E. R. F, Kedl Keilholtz Kinyon Knight Luandin MacPherson Manly Mann McDonald ‘MeGlothlen Miller Miller Moore ‘Moyers Nephew Nestor Northup Osborn Parsly - P, Patriarca ‘H. R. Payne A. M. Perry W. B, Pike P. H. Pitkenen - Co A, Preskitt - B. E, " Re E_o Ram.sey Prince M. Richardson R. C. Robertson T. K. Roche T. H« Row H. W. Savege . ¥W. L. Scott 7 Ge Ma Sla-ughter Ps G4 Smith l0l. 102. 103. lm‘ . 105. 106. '. 107-108 ® 109-110 . 111-112. lls-n5o 116. 117. 118, u9“133 ° "R. W. Swindeman A. Tgboads "Je R Tellackeon . M. L. Tobias D. B, Trauger - W. C. Ulrich R. Van Winkle D¢ R, Vondy Do W.'Vrom Marina Tsegeris | ‘D. C. Watkin A. M, Weinberg J. H, Westslk Le V. Wilson C. E. Winters Library, 920%-1 Central Resesrch Library Document Reference Library Laboratory Records ORNL~RC - EXTERNAL D. H. Groelsema, . AEC, Washington F. P. Self, AEC, ORO TISE=AEC - S