ML UNGLASSIFIED. .o © oPY X-822 M&m % Y " ‘ EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED - OAK RIDGE NATIONAL L:ABORATORY DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO RECIPIENTS ’D 2 Operated By INDICATED UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY 0 R N L POST OFFICE BOX X | CENTRAL FILES NUMBER OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 59 - 1 - 13 REVISED " DATE: February 24, 1959 copy no. 6/ SUBJECT: Fuel Cycle Costs in a Graphite Moderated Slightly Enriched Fused Salt Reactor TO: Distribution FROM: C. E. Guthrie 7 . Abstract . ooty . ;- A fuel cycle economic study has been made for a e 315 Mw, graphite moderated slightly enriched molten salt fueled resctor, Fuel cycle costs in the order of 3.3 mills/kwh were calculated for the throw-away cycle. Recovery of the uranium and plutonium at the end of the cycle reduces the cycle costs to ~1.6 mills/kwh. Changes in the waste storage and reproc- essing costs have a relatively minor effect on fuel cycle costs. RELEASE APPROVED NOTICE BY PATERI BR G}:’ This document contains information of a preliminary é’z’fi.—é —Q) Somiiin A nature and was prepared primarily for internal use DATE at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. [tis subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. S 1 reprinted or fl!;herW‘so given publi UNGLASSI F I En mthout thc appflava} of the ORNL patent ek, afermation Centrel Departasent. - * * - Foreword This revision incorporates more accurate nuclear calculations and some changes in economic basis. Introduction One potential advantage of a fluld fueled reactor is a low fuel cycle cost, There are two alternate approaches, both unique to the fluid fuel concepts, one might take to realize this potential: (1) continuous reproc- essing, thereby keeping the poisons at a minimum and the conversion (or breeding) ratio at a maximum, or (2) continuous additions of enriched fuel (to make up for burnout and reactivity decrease), thereby attaining very high burnup on the original fuel charge. The latter approach is the one more aggéic&ble to the fused salt (LiF, BeF, UFy) reactor operating on the U235. cycle., Yor fused salt reactors operating on the Th-U cycle either approach can be used since the volatility process could be used to continuously {(or semicontinuocusly) recover the U-235 and U-233. This study has been made to determine the range of fuel cycle costs anticipated for _a graphite modersted fused salt burner reactor operating on the U235~Ua38 cycle. The nuclear calculations and cycle costs for the Th-U23> cycle will be worked out and reported at a later date. Reactor Basls* The resctor considered is graphite moderated with a fluid fuel consist- ing of a molten mixture of lithium~7 fluoride, beryllium fluoride and slightly enriched uranium fluoride. During the reactor cycle highly enriched UF) 1s added to the system to supply burnup and meke up for the reectivity loss due to accumilated fission products. The inventory of Tissile 1sotopes In the reactor and the U-235 additions as a function of time are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The other reactor parameters are: 775 Mw Thermal 315 My Electrical 900 £t3 Fused Salt inventory 80% Load Factor 1.4% Initisl U-235 Enrichment 20% UF), Salt Composition, Mole % 70% LiY% 10% BeF, *A1l reactor data supplied by L. G. Alexander from ORACLE calculations. 315 M /C;(Jfi/t.j;///@&fé?" J/yfif// £firza/e{, Jra/a/;‘lé /Zr/&ra%e/ Dfi?‘m ‘("”UH\ L. .G, A/Qxan/ar 000 O i x i i 2 i A A - i o / Z 3 x4 S 6 7 8 g o /7 Ofera fi‘;f Time ,/6«#: F}}. /. 5;6/'/@ /.sofaye. /nuenfiry Vs. Ofera'ltmj Iime 5000 23¢ 3/ Miwe Fused Salf /ieactsr o Slaohtly Enriched U/, Graphte Toderaled %Q\ l)a‘]:‘as. ;r*om L,G. fi/éxdn}:'r . “fooo v . Q N S 3000 '\“"\G D 2000 Y N W R S /oo0 S V 0 o / 2 3 4 S5 e 7 & 9 /0 /s Opef“«?lrry Time , years @,Z Cumulative Ozsrlda//’//}sn Vs. Opera'fn:zj 7/"/77‘: Economic Basis Two fuel cycle cases have been considered, both of which assume no Li-T recovery. In each case the cycle repeats by the reactor being fueled with fresh salt containing 1.4% enriched U. 1) Throw-away cycle - At the end of the reactor cycle (or lifetime) the regetor salt inventory including fisslionable isotopes would be discarded into on-site waste tanks for permanent storage. A $1,000,000 investment has been assumed at the end of the cycle for a storage facility and provision for permanent monitoring. 2) U and Pu recovered at end of cycle by solvent extraction - Recovery costs of $150/kg U (representative of current technology and scale of processing) and $50/kg U (large scale technology) have been estimated. The economics were calculated on the following bhasis: Salt cost $1700/ft3 (excluding U value). U value at officisl price schedule. Pu credit $15/gm of Pu-239 and Pu-24l, % use charge was paid on initial loading of U, U-235 added during cycle, and Pu buildup during the cycle, A 5% interest sinking fund was used to pay for either U discard and storage costs or processing costs at the end of the cycle and to take care of increasing use charges. The investment in salt was payed off over the cycle with a 10% return (before taxes). Results The fuel cycle costs, claculated for each case as a function of cycle time, are shown in Fig. 3. A minimum fuel cycle cost of 1.6 mills/kwh is predicted for a reactor cycle of 4.5 years when the U and Pu are recovered at the end of the cycle for $50/kg U. For $159/kg U recovery costs, cycle costs are essentially constant at ~2 mills/kwh for cycles in excess of 5 years, In all cases it pays to recover the U and Pu at the end of the cycle since the minimum throw-away cycle cost is 3.35 mills/kwh. Tgble I shows a breakdown of the costs for the five-year cycle. Errors in the fused salt waste disposal and initial salt costs have little effect on the fuel cycle costs for cycles 5 years or longer. Increasing the waste disposal cost by $1,000,000/cycle and the salt cost by $1000/ft3 would increase the five-year cycle costs by 0.08 mill/kwh and 0.12 mill/kwh respectively. Changing the return on salt investment to 12% and the interest on sinking fund to 6% (instead of 10% and 5%) would decrease P ™ } * le throw awz 2 Ve Yecovery af 5/5‘0/9 u Yx 1% recevery. at Y50/ ¥ | f';;/ (/c:/e Cosf, In///s//éu/4 o At —4 O / 2 3 9 & 6 7 & 9 s0 / C)/c /e. 7;77&, }/64’!‘3 /E/}, J. F;c/ g/c/e Cos? s, gvc/e ime Table I Five-~Year Cycle Cost Breakdown Throwaway Recovery Cycle Cycle $50/kg U $150/kg U Use Charge on Initial U Loading 0.13 Mills/kwh 0.13 Mills/kwh 0.13 Mills/kwh Use Charge on U-235 Added and Pu Buildup 0.29 0.29 0.29 Salt Amortization 0.21 0.21 0.21 Burnup 0.79 0.79 0.79 Fuel Throwaway Cost 1.84 - - Waste Storage for Throwaway 0.08 - - Reprocessing Charges - 0.23 0.69 Total Cycle Costs 3.34 Mills/kwh 1.65 Mills/kwh 2,11 Mills/kwh the cycle cost by 0.01 mill/kwh for the 5-year cycle and by 0.15 mill/kwh for the ll-year cycle, It is interesting to compare these fuel cycle costs, which are for a single reactor with present reprocessing technology, with the fuel cycle costs anticipated for solid fueled reactors at the present tim?. Two such reactors which are typical are the Yankee w}th e 7.1 mills/kwh 1) fuel cost and the Indian Point with a 5.8 mills/kwh(2) fuel cost. These costs will be reduced by the mass production of fuel elements and large scale reproc- essing possible in a large nuclear economy. It will probably take, however, a nuclear economy in the order of 105 Mw, (1980-2000) to reduce solid fueled reactor fuel cycle costs to 1.5 mills/kwh. As far as fuel cycle costs are concerned slightly enriched fused salt reactors appear to be superior at present and competitive in the future to heterogeneous reactors. (l)Schoupp, W. E., Advanced Pressurized Water Systems Proceedings of Atomic Energy Management Conference, March 17-19, 1958, Chicago, Ill., p. 142. (2)3. Fe Fairman, Estimated Costs of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Ibid, p. 357. 10. 12, 13. 1k, 15. 16, l?c 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. ok, 25. o6, 27. 28. 26, 30. 31. 32, W, La E. C. E. R. F, A. We. K. Je K. W, F. D. We Ge R. F. D. We. We. D. A, A, W H. Ce HQ W. G. B, Lt G D. Je Se E, F. L. F, Je C. Bo B. R. Qo H. I. A, L. A. K. K. E. Pe T, R. E, E. We H. W, W. 67. 68. -8- INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Albrecht Alexander Arnold Barton Bettis Blanco Blankenship Boch Boudreau Breeding Bresee Brown Browning Bruce Campbell Carr Cathers Charpie Culler Douglas Eister Ergen Ferguson Frags Gresky Grimes Goeller Guthrie Hoffman Jordan Keilholtz Kinyon 33. 3k, 35. 36. 37. 38, '39. 4O, b1, L2, L3, Wh, 45, 46, Y7, 48, Lg, 50. 51. 52, 53. 5k, 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 6l. 62-63. 64, 65-66. M. BE. LTackey J. A, Lane Rt Bt Lindauer H. G, MacPherson W. D. Manly E. R. Mann L. 4, Mann W. B. McDonald He Jo Metz R, P. Milford G. J. Nessle W. R. Osborn R. M, Pierce J. T, Roberts He W. Savage A, W. Savolainen Mo Jo Skinner E. Storto J. A. Bwartout A. Taboadsa R. E. Thoma D. B. Trauger Je We Ullmann F. C. VonderLage Gq Mo W&tscn A. M, Weinberg G. D, Whitman J. Zasler Laboratory Records~RC Central Research Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION W. J. Larkin, AEC, ORO D, He Groelsema, AEC, Washington