i-.-'chq—‘: . . L)b\l.'&)d OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MA@TEH QQ ?Y Operated by ' UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY Division of Union Carbide Corporation 0 R N L @ CENTRAL FILES NUMBER Ock Ridge, Tennessee DATE: October 17, 1958 copY NO. S sUBJECT: Survey of Iow Enrichment External Transmittal : Molten-S8alt Reactors : ‘ Authorized TO: Tisted Distrivution Distribution Timited to _ Recipients Indicated FROM: H. ¢. MacPherson A rough survey of the nuclear characteristics of graphite-moderated molten-salt reactors utilizing an initial complement of low enrichment uranium fuel hag heen made. Reactors can be constructed with initial enrichments as low as 1.25% U-235; inltial conversion ratios of as high as 0.8 can be obtained with enrichment of less than 2%. Highly enriched uranium would be added as make-up fuel, and such reactors could probably be operated for burnups as high as 60,000 MWd/ton before buildup of fis- sion products would make replacement of the fuel desirable. A typlcal circulating fuel reactor of this class might contain an initial inventory of 3600 tons of 1.8% enriched uranium, coperated at 640 Mw (thermal), and generate a net of 260 Mv (electrical). The total fuel cycle cost would be approximately 1.3 mills/kwhr, of which 1.0 mill is burnup of enriched U-235. NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature ond was prapared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1t is subject to ravision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report, The informatiog {n not v be 5. ';;.?;.et;:aui = RELEASE APPBUVEH reprinied or ofnerwise ?_;_-jx;c 1 oubhe diseog a-‘fl"?«“ withoot the approval of e . SN st b BY PATE I BflANGH Legal asd Laxwt&en Lasle ol Jlemr? weed Errate for CF 58-10-60 Please make 'l:hé following changes 1n your copy of CF 58-10-60: page 1 (Cover Sheet) Make change in line 10 of abstract | . From: 3600 toms of 1.8% To: 36 tons of 1.8% Page 2 Mske change in next to last line From: 8.5k x 1020 To: 8.54 x 1022 Page 3 Make change in line 18 From: Jl To: St G,%, ST D SURVEY OF I0W ENRICHMENT MOLTEN-SALT REACTORS To survey the field of low enrichment graphite-moderated reactors a number of calculations have been made with the four-factor formula k_,= nepf. The following fuel salt was considered: mole %, UF, 20 11 (F .70 BeF,, 10 This salt has a melting point of about_900?F. It is probably more corrosive than one mole % fuel, but 1s probably satisfactory for use with INOR-8. The atomlc concentrations were as follows at 600 - 65OOF, per L. A. Mann: Ii - 175.7 x 10%° atoms/cc Be ~ 25,12 x 10 atoms/cc U ~ 50.22 x 1020 atoms/cc P - 426.8 x 10°° atoms/cc t The slowing down power of the salt is 0.0228 cm"l, composed of contribution as follows: = Fluorine 0149 I L0051 Be 0028 The concentration of UF) is 2.62 g/ce; that of uranium is 1.98 g/cc. Graphite was assumed to be of density 1.7, with 8.5k x 1070 atoms/cc, and a ‘slowing down -1 power of 0.06%1 ecm ~. The graphite was assumed to have a o, = 0.00L45 barns. -5 In the four-factor formula, n is taken for convenience to be that for U-235, while the thermal utilization factor f is defined as the propor- tion of thermal absorption in U-235. Thus, using cross sections derived from PFig. 2,5,7page 2.20, of ORNL~2500, Part 2, n for U-235 is taken.as 2,47 X_g%g or n = 2.00. Effective thermal fisslon cross sections and absorp- tion cross sections are assumed to be 528 barns and 650 barns, respectively, corresponding to neutron temperatures of GOOOCo The fast fission factor was assumed to be 1.02, since the values calculated for graphite lattices vary from 1.02 to 1.04. This aéSumption is sufficiently accurate for survey purposes. For the calculation of the resonance escape probability, the reson- ance integral was calculated from, 0.k2 8 S 0. = 3.8 N + 24,7 ¥ o Zs In this formula, T is the scattering cross section in barns per uranium 0 atom within the fuel channel, and 5 is the surface area of the fuel channel M per gram of U-238 in the channel. The first term is the same as the reson- ance integral for an infinite medium of the fuel salt composition. This formula, involving the first power of %-instead of q-% , was used because it is more logically extrapolated to the case of dilution of uranium with fuel salt. For uranium metal this reduces to the familiar dr =9.25 x 24,7 % . In the fuel considered here, “s = k3.5 , and o_ = 18.5 + 2b.7 2 . NO e A series of reactors having tubular fuel channels on a square array 1s considered. The spacing of thése channels was arbitrarily taken as 8§ in. center to center, and the calculations are made for various volume fractions of fuel in thé graphite from 0.05 to 0.25. The following table gives the fuel channel diameter, the value of % » the value of 0. and the value of the resonance escape probability p for the different volume frac- tions. p 18 calculated from p = e-A where A is glven by, Nu . F A= (1 - F)(eng), + F(ES) o0y where N 1is the U-238 atom density in the fuel channel and F is the volume fraction of fuel in the core. Numerically, s o 90.22x 1020 o. Fx 10”3“ 0.0631 (-1-F) + 0.0228 F Table T F D 8/M °r D e .05 2.08 in. . 382 27.95 barns 0.891 1.82 075 2,5k .313% 26.25 0.848 1.7% .10 2.94 271 25,20 | 0.807 1.65 «15 3,60 221 0%.97 0.733 1.495 .20 4.15 .192 23,25 0.653 1.%32 .25 h.65 171 22.73 0.58Lk 1.191 The thermal utilization factor is given by, FeN o f = 281,18. /\ i FeN o +FN o Loy zasalt +(L-mzfy * -5~ where e is the enrichment, g;u is the effective absorption cross section for U-235, and 7 1s the thermal flux disadvantage factor. For this survey, y is assuned to be 2.0, which seems a reasonable value based on ORNL-2500. This simplifying assumption was made to avoid calculating the flux distribution, and probably 1s the roughest approximation made in this survey. Numerically the above equation reduces to, 5.22 F e P =322 F e +0.0037 F + 0.0085 F 7 0.000788 (T =F) An easy computationsl form is, 0.00077 % =1 4 0.0157 + % 5.22 e To calculate the enrichment necessary to achieve a given k__, the following transformations are made, ko = nept 1 . nép F ok, 0.00077 3,00 CEEE - 1) oo The conversion factor is calculated as follows, R - {1 - p)+ p x{proportion of thermal absorptions in U-238) e p x(proportion of thermal absorptions in U-235) From k_, , 8% 1s obtained from B2 = Feo™ 1 e ———— o and M? is taken as, M =T graphite + 12 hite ¥ (proportion of thermal absorptions 1-F grap cceurring in graphite) is an approximate one, but not too . 2 2 . o is taken as 324 em™ and Igraphite is 2950 em . The correction for’Téraphite important numerically. 7Jgraphite From B2 the dimensioms of a mipimum volume cylindrical core were cal- culated using a reflector savings of 2 ft. This is less than used in ORNL-2500, but may still be optimistic because some fuel must be used in the reflector to cool it. Table IT gives the resulis of calculations for six values of the volume fraction of fuel in the core and for two values of k.. The volume of fuel in the core should be evaluated in terms of the external volume for g cireculating fuel reactor, which is about 0.56 cu ft per thermal megawatt, or 360 cu ft for a 260 Mw (electrical) plant. It is evident that one must pay for conversion ratios above 0.8 with enrichments of over 2%. The selection of an economically optimum reactor of this type requires a knowledge of the method of chemlcal reprocessing and its cost, and a way of calculating the effect of poisoning by buildup of fission pro- ducts. The latter problem was looked at briefly, using as a basis the calcu- lations of Blomeke and Todd (ORNL-2127), and assuming a buildup of Pu sub infinity as defined in the Brookhaven Ceneva Paper 461. For the very long exposures 1t 1s brobable that the one~group cglculations can not give a good answer becausé of the large buildup of absorbing Pu isotopes. However, it might be possible to operate a reactor such as Case 8 of Table II for as 2 -7~ long as 30 years at 640 Mw (thermal) without a need for the U-235 inventory to increase by more than a factor of two, and with a breéding ratio averaging greater than 50%, without any reprocessing. For purposes of estimating the fuel cycle cost, a life of 10 years without reprocessing was assumed. For this period, the U-235 concentration would probably not have to be increased over its initial value, and the breed- ing ratio should average at least 60%. Applying the formula of ORNL-2500, but using the thermal cycle of the reference design molten-salt reactor (Clb"~5_8-~5-5)‘9 the chemical reprocessifig charges and fuel inventory charges are 0.034 mill/kwhr and 0.14% mill/kvwhr, respectively. Ten-year depreciation and capital charges on the base salt amount to 0.093 mill/kwhrn Burnup of U-235 would be wrl1l.0 mill/kWhr at a conversion ratic of 0.6. Thus, total fuel eycle costs would be approximately 1.3 mills/kvhr. This reactor was based on Case 8 of Table I, using a total fuel volume of 600 ft5 and an inventory of 36 tons of uranium of 1.8% enrichment. The ten-year reprocessing cycle represents a fuel life of approximately 60,000 Mwd/ton. More accurate calculations are needed to confirm the above conelusions. _8- Table IT Vol fraction Percent Vol of fuel Uranium Critical Initial of fuel Enrichment in core in core mass of conversion in core of uranium cu £t kg U-235 Ratio - Case F k,a e Vf Mu M255 -Rc 1 Q.05 1.05 1.30 395 22,100 298 546 2 1.10 1.45 143 8,000 116 492 3 0.075 1.05 1.25 kot 23,900 298 635 L ' 1.10 1.%9 167 9,350 130 600 5 0.10 1.05 1.275 bhs5 ok, 900 318 « 70T 6 1.10 1.46 179 10,000 16 668 7 0.15 1.05 1.525 LY 26,600 405 796 8 1.10 1.80 197 11,000 198 . 780 9 0.20 1.05 2.24 520 29,100 65é 865 10 1.10 . 2.88 206 11,550 332 865 11 0.25 1.05 k.26 575 32,200 1400 .900 12 1.10 7.05 240 13,4%%0 952 .865 l’ e O O=~] WA 11. 12, 13. 1L, 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. 1. 0D, 0%, ok, 5, 26. C. E. F. W. E. D. W. G D. W. Ha H. » G. Jo Se » P. F. @ L- FC Je. oEs a. H. I. -A- A. X. L. . P. R. We H. W A. Je Alexander Barton Bettis Blakely Blankenship Boch Boudreau Breeding Browning Campbell Carr Cathers Charpie Douglas Ergen Falkenberry Fraas Grimes Hoffman Jordan Keilholtz . Kertessz - w‘ . E. Kinyon Iackey Tane larkin, AEC, ORO _9_ Distribution " 28. 29, %0, %1, 32, 35. 25 26. 580' 59 Lo, hl. 42, L3, L, L5, 17, L9, 50. 51. 52. MacPherson MacPherscn Manly Mann Mann McDonald Metz Milford Moesel, AEC, Washingbton. Nessle ' Osborn Roberts Savage A. W. Savolainen M. J. Skinner E. Storto J. A. Swartout A. Taboada R. E: Thoma D. B. Trauger F. C. Vonderlage G. M. Watson A. M. Weinberg G. D. Whitman J. Zasler Iaborstory Records, R.C. H. G. R. E. W. D. E. R. L. A W. B. Ho J. R. P. F. C. G. Ja W. R. J. To H. We L | “p 37 Errata for CF 58-10-60 Please make the following changes in your copy of CF 58-10-60: Page 1 {Cover Sheet) Make change in line 10 of abstract . From: 3600 tons of 1.8% To: 36 tons of 1.8% Page 2 Make change in next to last line From: 8.54 x‘lOEO To: 8.54 x 1022 Pé.‘ge 3 Make change in 1ine 18 From: To: \} z:m\ i AT