X-822 DATE: SUBJECT: TO: FROM: Or L)L CF_5¢ /0 ORNTL, /€558 105 MASTER OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY COPY ’ Operated by &8 07 UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY Division of Union Carbide Corporation 0 R N L = CENTRAL FILES NUMBER Hb8-10-32 Oak Ridge, Tennessee External Transmittel Authorized October 8, 1958 " COPY No. ¢}/¢7 U233 Breeders - Comentary and General Remerks Listed Distribution W. K. Ergen ABSTRACT Breeding 1s expected to became & necessity in about 40 years and in view of the 20 years development time end %0 years service life of breeder reactors, develomment of such reactors at present is timely. In plutonium breeders, the specific pover is inherently low and the doubling time long. This seems to prevent such breeders from furnishing a large fraction of the energy demends of the exganding economy from urenium recoverable at- or about present cost. US33 breeders can be designed to the requirements of low inventory and short doubling time, but the aqueous homogeneous reactor seems to be the only type vhich can adequately meet these requirements. NOTICE PROPERTY OF natars Soument contains information of o preliminary WASTE MANAGEMENT at the Qok Ridge National Laborotory, It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report, DOCUMENT The information 15 not to be abetracted, _ reprinted or otherwise given pubiic digremination . without the approval of the URNL patent oranglh, “BRAHY - Togad and lnfarmation Coatrol Departmant, UCN-15212 @3 2-84) 8"'“"C’,5 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Govarnmen? spansored work. Nsither the United Statwa, nior the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of ths Commission: A, Makes any worranty or fapresantatlan, exprass or implied, with respact to the accuracy, completaness, o ussfulness of the lnformation contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparstus, method,. or process disclosed in this report may not infringa privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to tha use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any Information, apparstus, mathod, or proceas disclosed in this report. As used in the abave, ''parson acting on behaif of the Commission® includes any employos o comtroctor of the Commission to the extent that such aemployse or contrector preparas, handles or distributes, or provides access to, any information pursvant to his employment o centract with the Commission, -Du I. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY The Osk Ridge Natlonal Laboratory has conducted a study regarding breeding on the 2‘11252«-U25 > cycle. Object of the study was, on one hand, the importance of breeding on this cycle and, on the other, a camparison of the various reactor types with respect to thelr sultability as U2 breeders. The study was prompted, in part, by temporary difficulties in the Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor Program. These difficulties made 1t advisable to re- Investigate the velidity of the old reasons which originally made the aqueous homogeneous reactor appear as one of the desirable reactor types, in order to see vhether these reasons still hold. Breeding on the T.112.52--U233 was one of these reasons. During the course of the study, the homogeneous reactor experiment; operated in a far more satisfactory manner than snticipated at the time when the study was originated, and this inereased expectation that the aqueous : homogeneous reactc_)r will be a desirasble reactor t'ype even without U23'3 breeding. This made 1t less important to carry the study to its final form at the present time. On the other hand, enough unexpected phenomenn bre eppearing in the homogeneous reactor experiment to let it seem posatble. that: Inmporbent. past:. rameters for breeding, for instance potsamizng by, corrvsion products, .may. turnk out differently than anticipated. These uncertainties plus the recently de- veloped large uncertainty in the o?.of U233 will be resolved in the nesr future. The final form of the study should be postponed until these uncertainties are resolved. This memo serves the purpose of an interim report. ' The importance of breeding on the Th252-U233 cycle depends primerily on the importance of breeding in géneral, and secondly on the camparison of the U258-Pu239 breeding cycle with the '.11}1252--U25 5 cycle. As to the necessity of breeding in genersl, E. D. Arnold and J. W. Ullmenn have reached conclusions which are reported in ORNL CF-—58--8—.‘L6.l As to the comparison between Pu? 1. E. D. Arnold and J. W. Ullmann, Use of Raw Materials in an Expanding Nuclear Power Economy, ORNL CF-58-8-16, Aug. L4, 1958, =B and 0255 breeding a few remarks are contained in theé present memo. The desire to compare various reactor types as to their sultability as 0233 breeders resulted in an investigation by A. M. Pexrry, C. A. Preskitt, and E. C. Halbert on the use of gas-cooled, graphlite-moderated reactors for this purpose. This investigation is now being extended to ges- cooled, heavy- water-moderated reactors. E. Guth, 8. Jaye and A. Ssuer spent comsiderable time on the optimizstion of the aqueous homogeneous reactor for U233-breeding purposes (as contrasted to the much dlscussed optimization as to cost per kwh). This part of the | study is not finished and 1s most strongly affected by the above-mentioned uncertainties. | II. THE NECESSITY FOR BREEDING The fuel burmup cost in a straight burner, with present prices, is about 3.mills/k#h. Thus a difference of 10% in breeding ratio amounts to about 0.3 mills/kwh, since & reactor of breeding ratio p could buy fuel smounting to 10% of its burnup for 0.3 mills/kvh and end up with the seme amount of fissionablé material as & reactor of breeding ratio B + 0.l A breeder and a’convertef of reesonably high conversion ratio will not differ in conversion ratlo by more than a small multiple of 10%, and the difference in fuel-burnup cost will thus be smeller then the uncertainty in the esti- meted power cost of a nuclear reactor. Fuel burnup cost on the basis of present prices will thus not offer a strong reason in favor of breeding. Any justification for breeding thus involves an element of planning for the future, a consideration of the time when the fissionable material recoverable alt reasonable cost willl be exhausted and the nuclear-power econamy depends on tapping the energy content of fertile material. The Justificatlion for breeding is then analogous to the Justification - of nuclear-power production in general - muclear-power production is justi- fled with a view to fubure depletion of fossile fuel, rather than with a view to present prices. The long-range planning is needed in the ruclear- pover fileld because of the long development and design time - estimated st 4 20 years - and long life of power plants, estimated at 20 years. Thus, 1f breeding will be necessary 20 + 30 = 50 years hence, it is not too early to proceed with the development now. Otherwise, we will have, 50 years hence, a large installed capacity which still could be used except for the fact that it burns fissionable material which we can no longer afford to burn. If it is the intention to scrap these reactors before they are worn out, they would have to be burdened by larger depreciation costs during ‘their use. Any estimate of future supply and demand of fissionsble material is very uncertain. Estimate of how much fissionable materisl will be svail- abie, and at what price, depends on guesses as to future discoveries of deposits and also on how much fissionable material the U, S. will be able to import from abroad, or will export to other countries. Demand depends not only on the extremely uncertain requirements of the power economy it- self, but to a large extent on the demand for nuclear-powered naval vessels, alreraft, rockets and weapons. Conceivably the latter could even become & source rather than a sink of fissionsble material,as within the time periods considered muclear disarmement and release of stock-piled material could becone g reality On the other hand, scme of ‘the uses of nuclear energy could be extremely wasteful of fissionable material. An exnnmflfi for this 1s the "bomb rocket" intended to propel a large weight into outer space by a large number of "small" nuclear-bomb explosion behind the weight to be 1ifted. The lmpact of fusion on fission reactors is likewise very uncertain. Conceivably, fusion could produce power cheaper than fission and put fission power reacfors out of business, or fusion based on the D-D reaction could be a source of neutrons and hence of flssionable material. On the other hand, large-scale power generation by fusion msy be uneconamical, or unfessible, or dependent on outside supply of tritium end hence on fission reactors with good neutron economy. An accurate prediction of the supply and demand situation with respect To fissionable material is obviously impossible, but 1t is also unnecessary -5~ for the purpose of deciding on the develomment of a breeder reactor. If there is a reasonable probabllity of breeding being attractive during the next 50 years, such develomment would be indicated. In fact, 1t 1s quite likely that applications of muclear energy will be proposed which consume large emounts of fissiomsble materdal. The bomb rocket is an example. If there 1s a prospect of fissicmable materinl beeaming scarce, the decision regarding such proposals may very well depend on the feaslbility of a sult- able breeder. In that case, any effort spent on development of a breeder would pay off in terms of hard information regarding the feasibility of the breeder, and in a firmer basis for the above decision. Even if breeding were of 1little interest for the nesr future in the United States, it may well be important in foreign eountries with less netive supply of fisslonable material. The potentdal need of foreign countries for power is one of the main Justifications for development of miclear-power resctors. An analogous srgument could Justify the development of breeders. It appears that, for a breeder, the doubling time is the more important concept than the breeding ratio. In part this is due to0 the scmewhat philosophical point that breeding ratio is not alweys easy to define. Breed- ing ratio 1s the ratio of the amount of fissionable materdsl avallable at the end of a fuel cycle to the amount of fissionable material at the 'béginning of the cycle. If different parts of the fissiomable materisl have different histories, the "cyele" is a semewhat controversial concepte On the othex hand, the doubling time, thet is the time at which the amount of fissionable materlal has doubled, is clearly defined. More important than the above philosophical point is the fact that the doubling time of the reactor can be compared directly with the doubling time of the demand of the fission-power economy. If the reactor doubling time 1s longer than the doubling time of the demand, then the reactors ecsnnot keep up with demand. A future shortage of the supply of fisgionable material will be reflected back to earlier dates. ' “ba Doubling time has to defined as the time in which the whole fission- able inventory of a resctor is doubled. This inventory'includes fissioneble material contained in the reactor core, the blanket, the reprocessing plant, etc. Reprocessing losses have to be taken into account. In considering the reactor doubling time one should really consider the average over the whole econamy. Since there will be a large number of reactors which will not breed(mobile reactors, for instance),the incentive for short doubling time will be high in those reactors which can be made %o breed., As to the actual mumbers, Arnold and Ullmenn sssume & U. S. nuclesr- power production which at filrst increases very rapidly as the nuclear-power production increases its share of the total power production which, in turn, is increasing. Finelly, the nuclear-power production is assumed to increase with the same doubling time as the total power production, this doubling time being between 5 and 10 years. Assuming that the United States power rroduction can draw on the ores of the U, S. and Canada, the raw material whlch could be recovered at up to twice the present cdst would last until 1590-2000. From this, Arnold and Ullmsnn concluded that breeding will not be necessary for about 30 to 40 years. As has been discussed above, a case can be made for the development of . breeder reactors up to 50 years ashesd of the time when breeding is necessary. Thus the figures of Arnold and Ullmann seem to show that develomment of breeders is quite timely at present. This conclusion is made even stronger 1if considerstion is given to the possibility that the non-power use of flssionable materisl, export of Canadiasn ore to other parts of the world, etes, could advance the date at which breeding will be & nécessity. Since the power economy is expected to have & doubling time of 5 to 10 years, the doubling time of the breeders should be the same, or preferably shorter to make up for non-breeding uses of fissionable materisl. Arnold and Ullmann point out, however, thet other factors are more important than breeding. Among these factors is high thermal efficlency, which means high operating temperature of the reasctor. This deserves -~ underlining. A reactor with high thermal efficilency, which does not breed, uses a relatively small amount of figslonable material, and, though it does not convert sufficient fertile into fissionsble material, it leaves the energy comtent of same fertile material untouched, to be available for fubure users who are ingenious enough to extract it. A low-thermsl-efficiency breeder replaces the fissionable material 1t uses, but it uses a relatively large amount of fissionsble, and hence fertile atoms, and whatever is washed is gone forever. In this respect, high temperature reactors, like the liquid-metal fuel reactor and the molten-salt reactor are more desirable even 1f they are no breeders. Another parsmeter of great importance in an expanding nuclear-power - econamy is, as Arnold and Ullmann point out, a low inventory. ILow inventory is closely comnected with short doubling time, the Importance of which has bemmentioned above. A further drastic example of this will be mentioned below. Arnold and Ullmenn emphasize that there is an enormous supply of urandum, estimated at 100,000,000 tons for the U. S. and Cenada, which could be recovered at up to $100/1b U308' This supply will not be exhausted within a foreseeable future, and even if a breeding program fails to produce enough fisslonable material for the energy requirements s only an increase in power cost,but no catastrophic‘ power shortage,will result. III.. GCOMPARISON OF PLUTONIUM AND U-22 RREEDTNG From a practical viewpoint, the main difference betieen plutonim and yeod breeding lies in the inventory of fisslonsble material. This inventory is much larger for plutonium breeders than for Uo7 breeders. lLarge inventory is connected with low specific power (kw/kg of fissionsble material) and long doubling times. The large inventory is meinly & consequence of basic physical facts: because of the energy dependence of the 7] of Pu239, plutonium breeders have to operate at high neutron energies where the cross sectlons are small and where it takes many plutonium stoms to catch a neutron with sufficient probability before i't escapes or slows down. A -8- contributing cause of the large inventory is the intricate core structure of fast breeders and the resulting large hold-up of flsslonable material external to the reactor. The specific power of the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor is 149 kw/kg of total inventory of fisssionsble materi&l,e or approximately 1 kw/kg of natural uraniun (assuming that essentially all U7 contained in natural uranium could be used in the reactor). The U. S. and Canadian uraniium re- sources recoverable at present prices are, according to Arnold and Ullmann, 020,000 tons, which would allow the production of 550,000 Mw (thermal), or 1.6 x 1016 Btu/year. The time when this would have covered the total energy ¥ input of the United States alone-has, according to Putnam,a passed around 1910, At a given specific power, the energy production can increase only at a rate determined by the doubling time. At 149 kw/kg, the time of 1009 burnup would be 1k years. Hence, with any reasonsble breeding gain, the doubling time of the reactor, and hence of its power production, would be around 100 years. 1In practice the non-breeding uses of fissionable msterial would more than use up the small yearly production of plutoniwm in the:breedefs. - With the above figures, the plutoniwm breeders could supply only s smsall part of the energy requirements of the U. S., and because of thelr long doubling time, they would fall further and further behind the rapidly increasing demand,, The U253 breeders, on the other hand, operate Best in the thermal region where the cross sections are large, and fewer atoms suffice to prevent an adequate mmber of neutrons from esceping. More lmportant, atoms other than fisslonable ones can be used to do a large part of the neutron scattering and 2. Technical Progress Review, Power Reactor Technology 1,No. 3, 57{1958),quoting Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor Plant, APDA 115, Nov. 1956. 3. P. C. Putnam, Energy in the Future, p. 75, Fig. 4-3%, D. Van Nostrand Co., Toronto, New York, London (1953%). *Thus when other power sources were used up and we had to rely on the above uranium resources and the sbove specific pover, we would have to revert to the 1910 standard of totsl energy consumption. Total energy means gll the energy, including the part now derived from fossile fuel for space heating, vehicle propulsion, ete, ..9_ escape prevenbting. Neutron-energy degradation by these "other atoms" does not have to be prevented and is in fact desired. '.fhus, the critical mass and inventory in a 0235 bi'eeder can be made very low, and the specific power very high. (The design parameters of a 300 Mwe aqueous-homogenecus reactor station call for about 4500 thermal kw/kg of fissionable meterisl.’ With this specific power a breeding gain of 8.2% would correspond to 5 years doubling time.) Unless these design data are upset by low Y/ velues resulting from new measurements, or by unexpected changes necessitated by new experdlences with ‘the homogeneous reactor experiment, the power genersted from the available U255 resources could be conslderably higher than with the fast plutonivm breeder, and after conversion to U->° the doubling time would be in line with the doubling time of the muclear-power economy. | The above is not meant to imply that the specific power of ‘the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor 1s the maximm thet can be achleved in a fast plutonium breeder. However, in view of the somewhat fundsmentsal consider- ~ atlions which lead to low specific power in this type of reactor, it is un- 1ikely that the specif:!.é power can be raised by a large enough factor to setisfy the expanding power economy, and to compete in this respect with thexmal U=~7 breeders. At the very least, it seems considerably simpler to achieve the required specific power with thermal U‘q?’3 breeders. Another important point of comperison for the breeding cycles is the availability of the fertile materials, US2° for the plutoniwm cycle end ‘I'h232 for the 0255 cycle. For the world as a whole, the amount of high grade ore are about the same for uraniuwm and tho:'.h,mz.3 The largest deposits of thorium are, however, in Brazil and Indie, and both countries have at present embargoes against the export of thorium. Whether this is gerious for the time period under considerstion in this Study is debatable. The L, Computed from "Fluid FueX Reactors" (J. A. Iane, H., G. MacPherson and F. Maslan, Editors), Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass., (1958), Table 9-9, p. 508. To the fissionable inventory quoted in the table, 16 kg have been added to allow for holdup in the "Chem Plant", etec. This was done on the basis of orsl commnication from R. B. Korsmeyer. -10- North American continent, Us S. and Camada, have about 200,000°tons of High grade thorium ore, which is a fraction of the high grade uranium-ore supply but still of the same order of magnitude and very substantisl. If all converted into energy this supply would correspond to 17 x.lQl8 Btu which is quite comparable to the whole fossile fuel supply of the U. S. and Canads. It would cover, according to Arnold and Ullmann's figures, the snticipated Ue S. requirement of electrical energy well beyond the year 2000. Congidering the U. S. alone, the known thoriim supply 1ls relatively small, but this is probably largely dve to the lack of interest in finding thoriwum. In sumary of the supply situation there are considerably less thoriim deposits in the U. S. than uranium depositss but 1f thorium were needed, it could be found in sufficlent quantities either by - further exploration or by import from Canada, if not from India or Brazil. As far as price goes the U238 1s obviously cheaper than thorium because it is obtainable from the tailings of U235 production which is needed.fiy. users other than commercial power plants. However, the price of the fertille material makes an insignificant contribution to ‘the cost of power derived from s breeder. | . | | Both recycled thorium end plutoniwm are radiation hazards.. However, there seems to be no significant difference in the handling of the two substances., A strong case can be made for parallel development of the plutonium and U235 breeding cycles. Nelther cycle has been demonstreted +o glve breeder reactors of sufficlently low inventory and doubling time. Gambling on one cycle - with the possibllity that the other cycle would have been the only successful one - would be dangerous to the extent that breeding ls necessary. More important, the optimm development might very well involve & start with a low-inventory, short-doubling-time U235 breeder which would allow, with s limited supply of fissionable material, to produce & substantisl asmount of power and a substantisl yearly inerease in the power production. With the fisslonable material supply increased by these breeders, high inventory plutonium breeders could be put into operation in orxder to tap the U258 supply . 5+ "J. C. Johnson, Resources of Nuclear Fuel for Atomic Power, Second United States International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva Paper A/Conf. 15/P/192. 1l IV. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT REACTOR TYPES FOR U->° BREEDING As mentioned in Section I, Perry, Preskitt and Halbert investigated the use of gas-cooled, graphite-moderated reactors for U235 breeding. The breeding gain fiurned out to be small, if not negativé,‘mainxy because of the dilemms between, on one hand, large C:U ratio and large absorption in graphite, and, on the other hand, & smaller C:U ratio with insufficient moderation and lower 72~values corresponding to higher neutron energies. The inventory was of course large. With respect to breeding, the gas=-cooled, graphite-moderated reactors are not competitive with the aqueous homogeneous reactors. The seme authors are now investigating gas-cooled, Deo-moderated reactors, with some misgivings about the absorptions in the zirconlum-pressure tubes.. Liquid-metal fuel reactors and molten-salt reactors are bound to have large inventories anfi, at best, low breeding galns, and are no good as breeders for this reason. Thelr high-thermnl efficiencies speek, however, in thelr favor, even if conservation of fissionsble and fertile material is made the primary consideration (see Section I). | In view of the uncertainty in the'n -values, 1t is not plamned to extend in the immedlate future the calculations regarding U235 breeders, other than the aqueous homogeneous reactors, beyond the already scheduled computations of the gas-cooled, 320~moderated reactors. 12- 21. 02, 2%, ob, 25 . L, G.. D . E.. c‘. B.' B, R A. L. K‘. K. E.C E.. T + Albrecht Alexander Arnold Blanco Bresee Briggs Brown Bruce Charpie Culler Eister Ergen Ferguson Goeller Gresky Guth ~12- DISTRIBUTION 26, 27 . 28. 29-0 30, 31 32-0 53 355 36 5T+ 3839 L0, ,-1-1—11-2'. ]‘1'3 . hh_sa * Ce. BE. Guthrie J+ P. Hammond S‘o Ja-ye P. R. Kasten J. A. Iane R. B. Lindaver A, M. Perry C. A, Preskitt M. J. Skinner J. W. Ullmann A, M, Weinberg C. E. Winters Iaboratory Records Laboratory Records, ORNL-RC Central Research Iibrary Document Reference Section TISE, AEC