'. SECRERNGOVER SHEET OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated By UNION CARBIDE NUCL EAR COMPANY ucc POST OFFICE BOX P OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE DATE: December 2, 1957 SUBJECT: DECLASSIFICATION OF MOLTEN SALT REACTORS TO: S. B. Sapirie, OR FROM: C. L. Marshall, AEC D DATA d Data as defined in the Atomic | or the disclosure of its contents rson is prohibited, SECRET COWER SHEET This document contains Restri Energy Act of 1954, Its transm in any manner fo an unauthorix A RY ORPWL]CFE-57-12-29 ORNL CENTRAL FILES NU@ZBI;K l oO(-12-== coPy No. 1 A-CRIL Ese Jo Murphy PROPERTY OF WASTE MANAGEMENT DOCUMENT LIBRARY €-11-95 UCHN-16212 (3 2-84) SYiBOL: ‘ J Jaan ‘ o « et €O oa m‘p. L oenens ot _‘_a | o tal i : r\tcn 5 i any manre arson 13 ofompiteds 5. R. sSapirie, anager December 2, 1957 Cak Ridge Operations Office {THRU) E. J. Bloch, Director, Division of Production 2. L. Marshall, oirector Division cf Classification, ‘Jashington, D. C. TUs Do g T a8, DECLASSIFICATION OF MOLTEN GALT REACTOR This is copy... 1 .. 1 “I..... -o-coq-lt“‘ C:CLM 4. J. Murphy The subject of your memorandum dated Hovember 13, 1957 has been reviewved., We have recently been advised that molten salt work has been digs- continued in the Alrcraft HNuclear Propulsion Program on the grounds that it is not a suitable approach to the solution of the problem of the ANP., In view of this, and because such information would appear to be quite useful to the civilian powexr application program, the work which was described in the attachments to your above referenced memorandum may be carried out as unclassified research within the terms of‘Sgfiegory II of AEC Manual Chapter 3403, The above authorization does not include, nor would it permit, declassification of any aspects of reactor design relating specifically to aircraft application. Great care should be exercised to prevent the release of the fact that this work was discarded from the ANP program as being an impractical, or an unsuccessiul approach. Classification Cangelled ce; B. J. Bloch, PROD. OrChanged To™ Dr. J. P. Howe, HAA By;“qun Dr. A. J. Miller, ORIL ][‘y Dr. W. C. Cooley, ANP, CincinnatiY & rfléfij Date_p¢. o)- 0/ Dr, Hayden Gordon, UCRL, Livermore o Mr., ©., R, Proud, GE, KAPL Dr. R, ¥, Spence, LASL Dr, B, I. Spinrad, AHL H. . Carrcll, ORE. MJ\L\K "“I ;\.{‘JC\! {;,y g DD sinawre "atf-:« "m = coreview of CCRP-detiassifiec oINS WS Juinenzed o L Gk “WW“ ".,Wli.ud“Oh DEMe 0 AUGUSLEZ, atps toe’ -_‘- 3 1'1_- - ’Tod‘;\!df At 'NCLASSIFIED AREAS OF RESEARCIH ' AEC 3403-06 3403-06 Procedures and Authorizations 061 It is expected thatoff-site research sponsored by the AEC may vary from the completely unclassified research, through research in fields ~which are classified but declassifiable, to fields which are classified and non- declassifiable, The same range of possible classification will, of course, exist within AEC-sponsored laboratories, 062 The following categories have been established as guides to proper classifidation and security procedures for off-site as well as on-site projects, In all cases determination of the proper category for,a given: project shall be the responsibility of the cognizant Washington Division Director, Prior to conducting research considered to be in Categories Il and III, the concurrence of the Director of Classification shall be obtained through the cogmzant Di- vision Director, . ~a, Category I, --(Normally, no Q-clearances requlred;‘ no:_--cxclusion .areas, all notebooks and reports unclassified, complculy free éxchange of ideas and data,) This category in ~-which, in the opinion of the cognizant Waohing rector, fall clea rly within the area of unclassified research Fields or topics in this category are set forth in the' "Gy Unclassified Fields of Research' attached as Appe Where, in the opinion of the cognizant Division Di ect is clearly within this category and there is ¢ chance for the development of rcstricted be established as completely unclassifi pointment of a security monit __,,//,’—-Cntegorx 11, -.-(Norrnally. Q ! Monitor or Senior Investigator, no securit ares of program, notebooks and reports unclassified *_ of ideas and data,) This category includes research Amg " which in their early stages will not involve restricted: ta_.\ »u which as the work progresses may approach restricted data, Such research programs can be initiated on an unclassified basis, However, when itbecomes apparentthat restricted data is being ap- proached, it shall be the responsibility of the Security Monitor - * or the Senior Investigator to assure that the proper security = - safeguards (including necessary Q-clearances) are applied, To discharge this responsibility properly, it is essential that the Security Monitor or Senior Investigator keep himself continuously informed of the progress of the work so that he can impose the appropriate security safeguards promptly when it appears that | restricted data may be developed. An example of a project that / may be carried out under this category is that kind of research / - — o, T bt b November 18, 1954 e . AEC 3403-063 UNCLASSIFIED AREAS OF RESEARCH ! directed toward the solution of a specific AEC Project problem, the results of which would not be immediately applicable to the. solution of that problem, No research work may be carried out under this category if it is not covered by either Appendix 3403-05 (""Guide to Unclassified.Fields of Research') or, at least, one of the topics of the Declassification Guide which per- J mit declassification, » I, --(Q-clearance required for all Inv d data classified as restricte | eghired, Exchange of information and d ol _.tcly Qecleared pe{aonuel oply), Included in this category are - i saun PAAgrems of research in which the subject of study is no ated ‘nav AR,"Guide fo Unclassified Fields of Research' (Appendix, 3403-05), However, the probability that non-declassifiable matlon will be developed as a relult of work conducted. stigato g‘_--qhnn it :bceomu nppaunt that information wll_ ;«that is forbidden declassification by the Decla ‘é@ ubfl shall-be. responsib)e lo,r anuring that the, Pl mrfi to Catesorv - . tween apgroprhtely cleared personne e e ,cqh.oty {ncludes all research programs in whic wny., Siom invelved is glassified under the "declauilicqt!on prohi - HM‘MICQ of the Declassification Guide, As a mmimum,,e;l ' e vpxosmms ;ll thc ucurity measures listed above of the !Classification P Sontrac chapter 3415, and ggbor »pmved- AEQ chnilicnuon guidu. aha dc 3 the propex qblflw\(gr Programs within bis project,..: et unituns ¢laspified research projects (g rovided that such vhu. -fto g ~. 4Q}s located in anares of security interest are in acco >+ .~ the provisians of GM+SEC-7 (Serial No, 56).and. local: : ', .menting: visitor contzol procedures) and to obtain in with respect to its procedures, methods and resul ance with established scientific tradition, November 1§, 1954 S e, W A i e s R T