tla 5 (CF-56-8-204(Del.) | - UNCLASSIFIED | REAcToRs-powm . 4 || uwitep staTEs ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION | | -FUSED SALT FAST BREEDER A i g 'Reactor Design a.nd Feasibility Study | By L - J.J. Bulmer ', e ~ E. H. Gift -~ o . S R.JLHOW A. M. Jacobs T e E Kofiman LT e e L e -'_j_R.L McVean | ey T RA.Rossi i % . fi“""flfi . - 4 " VoL e . ot Ceau e ot i : -“August 1956 | '_QOak Ridge School of Reactor Technology ‘ f.f"_;Oa.k Ridge, Tennessee L “Technical Information Service Extension, Ok Ridge, Tenn. | L L T TR g © Date Declassified: March 6,405%. . .. . . . f I.EGAL NOTICE = ‘This report was prepared as an sccount of Government spomsored work. Neither the - - United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behal oi the Commission. _ " A. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect tothe - |, C L accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that | - L " the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or : ) e B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use oi, or for damages resulting from_ 1 the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. L) BT \ o o -As used in the above, “person acting on beha.lf of the Commission includes any em- : ployee or contractor of the Commission to the extent that such employee or contractor . ~ prepares, handles or distributes, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his Aemployment or contract with the Commission. . o ' | This report has been reproduced directly irom the best available cOpy. c - - ~ Issuance of this document does not constitute authority for declassification of Ce classified material oi the same or similar content and title by the same au-_ o L thors._ - ; Since nontechnical and nonessentiai prefatory material ha.s been deleted, the . L first page of the report is page 5. : : L Printed in USA Price $i.00. Available irom the Oifice of Tecimical Services, Department of Commerce, Wa.shington 25 D. C AECTechnicaiin!o:maflonlefliceEmmion s . Mlidgc. Tennessee 1 (3 v CF-56-8-204(Del. ) OAK RIDGE SCHOOL OF REACTOR TECHNOLOGY Reactor Design and Feasibility Study "FUSED SALT FAST BREEDER" Prepared by: J+ J. Bulmer, Group Chairman E. H. Gift R. J. Holl A. M. Jacobs S. Jaye E. Koffmaen R. L. McVean R. G. Oehl R. A. Roesi OAK RIDGE NATIONAIL IABORATORY Operated by Union Carbide Nuclear Company O2k Ridge, Tennessee ' August 1956 O e 9 FPREFACE In September, 1955, a group of men experienced in various scientific and engineering filelds embarked on the twelve months of study which culminated in this report. For nine of those months, formal clessroom and student leboratory work occupied their time. At the end of that period, these nine students were presented with a problem in reactor design. They studied it for ten weeks, the final period of the school term. This is & summary report of their effort. It must be reslized that in so short a time, a study of this scope can not be guaranteed complete or free of error. This "thesis" 1s not offered as a polished engineering report, but rather as a record of the work done by the group under the leadership of "the group leader. It is issued for use by those persons competent to assess the uncerteinties inherent in the results obtained in terms of the preciseness of the technical dats and analytical methods employed in the study. In the opinion of the students and faculty of ORSORT, the problem has served the pedagogicel purpose for which it was intended. The faculty Joins the authors in an expression of appreciation for the generous assistance which various members of the QOak Ridge Nationsal Laboratory gave. In particuler, the guldence of the group consultants, A. M. Weinberg, R. A, Charple, and H. G. McPherson, is gratefully acknowledged. Lewis Nelson for The Faculty of ORSORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We wish 'lto.»express our appreciation to 'our group advisors Dr. Alvin Weinberg, Dr.' Robéft Charple and Dr. H.-_G. MacPherson for their constant aid and helpful snggestions towvard the completion of this project. We would especially like to thank Dr. C. J. Barton ,for our fused chloride equilibrium data; Dr. Manly and his group for the fused chloride corrosion tests; Dr. J. A, Lane and Mr. W. G. Stockdale for their sid in our economic evaluation; The _Atomic Power Dévelopnent Agsociates for their muclear culations; The Argonne National Lé.boratory for their UNIVAC codés; New | York University and Nuclear Development Corporation of America for their the UNIVAC operation; and Dr. E, R, Mann and Mr. F, Green fofi' their assistance on the reactor simulator at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory:. In addition we would like to tha:'flff the mAny other members of the Osk Ridge National Laboratory at X-10 and Y~12 who gave freely of their time and valuable suggestions. Lastly, we wish to thank Dr. L. Nelson and the ORSORT faculty for their continuing help and the remaining personnel of the Educational Division for their efforts in the completion of the project. -8~ 0 < TABLE OF CONTENTS E; Preface Acknowledgement F) ] Abstract - Chapter I. Introduction 1.1 Problem ! l.1.1 Purpose +} 1,1.2 Scope 1.2 Evaluation of Fused Salts 1.2.1 Advantages of Fused Salts 1.2.2 Dipadvantages of Fused Salts _ 1.3 Results of Study . | 1.4 Description of System 1.4.1 Core | 1.4.2' Blanket 1.4.3 Control 1.4., Chemical Processing = Chapter 2. Preliminary Reactor Design Considerations - | 2.1 Selection of Core Fuel A 2.1.1 Criteria for Selection . 2.,1.2 Fuel Properties % 2.2 Selection of Blanket Material 2.2.1 Oriteria for Selection ~9- Page No. B TABIE OF CONTEKNTS (CONT.) 2.3 Reactor Coolant System 2.3.1 Internal Cooling 2.3.2 External Cooling 2.4 Materials of Conmstruction 2.4.1 Core System 2.4.2 Blanket System 2.4.3 Reactor Components Chapter 3. Engineering 3.1 Genersal 3.1.1 Engineering Properties of Fused Salt, Sodium Coolant and Blanket Paste 3.2 Reactor Power 3.3 Design of Heat Transport System 3.3.1 Circulating Fuel Heat Exchanger 3.3.2 Circulating Fuel Piping and Pump 3.3.3 Blanket Heat Exchanger 3.3.4 Blanket Heat Removal Parameter Study of Blanket Heat Transfer System 3.3.5 Blanket Piping and Pump 3.3.6 Sodium Piping and Pumps 3.4 Salt Dump System 3.5 Core Vessel and Reflector Heating - 3.6 Moderator Cooling -10- Page No. 34 35 35 36 37 38 38 65 75 t) G T v N f i _TABIE OF CONTENTS (CONT,) 3.7 Once~Thru Boiler 3.8 Auxiliery Cooling System 3.9 Turbo-Generator Chapter 4. BHNuclear Considerations 4.1 Swmary of Study Intentions 4.2 Calculation Methode Based on Diffusién Theory 4.2.1 Bare Core Multigroup Method 4.2.2 Reflector Sevings Estimate L.2.3 UNIVAC Calculations L.3 Cross Sections 4.3.1 Energy Groups 4e3.2 Sources of Data | 4.3.3 Calculation of Capture Cross Sections 4e3.4 Tabnlation of Cross Sections 4Le4 Results of the Parameter Studies belod Preliminary;Analyfiia 4e4e2 Bare Core Tefi Group Parameter'8£udy-. 4.4.3 Reflector Control | 4uhok Effect of a Moderator Section in the | Blanket Reglom = | 4.5 Final Design Chapter 5. Controls | | 5.1 General Considerations 5.2 Delayed Neutrons 83 83 83 oL 91 92 ok ok 96 EE B 5.3 5¢4 5.5 »5.6 TABIE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Tempereture Coefficient of Reactivity Reflector Control Simulator Studiles Startup Procedure Chapter 6. Chemical Processing 6.1 6.2 6.3 Process Flow Sheets 6.1.1 Core Frocessing 6.1.2 Blanket Processing 6.1.3 On-Site Fission-Product Removal Off-GAs System Precipitation of Fission Products Distillation Removal of Fisslon Products Consideration Leading to Process Selection | 6.2.1 Processes Considered 6.2.2 Process Selection 6.2.3 Purex Modifications for Core Processing 6.2.4 Alternate Blanket Process Processing Cycle Times 6.3.1 Gemeral 6.3.2 Effect of Fission-Product and Transuranic Buildup 6.3.3 Economics and Process Cycle Time Selectlion Core FProcessing -12- Page No, 16 122 130 132 132 132 135 136 136 137 138 139 139 150 150 1h2 1%L 14k a1kl 146 - 1h6 3 0 o ) L #h TABIE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Blanket Processing Chapter 7. Shielding 7.1 General Description 7.2 Reactor Shielding Galculaiions 7.2.1 Neutron Shielding 7.2.,2 Gamma Rey Shielding Chapter 8. Economics 8.1 General 8.2 Capital Costs 8.3 Life of Equipment and Anmual Charges Due to capital Costs 8.3.1 Power Cost Due to Capital Cost 8.4 Fuei Inventory Charges ‘8.5 Processing Cost Sumary ) 8.6 Credit for Ereeding 8.7 Operation and Mbintenance ‘8.8 Cost Summary Ghaptef 9. Recommendations for Fufure Work . 9.1 Gemeral | 9.2, Engineerifig N .9.3 Materisals | 944 Chemical Processing 9.5 Reactor Gbntrol 9.6 Economics Appendix A. Engineering Calculetions -13- Page No. 149 153 153 154 15k 15k 158 158 159 160 160 161 162 162 163 163 16% 16 165 166 | 167 167 168 169 TABIE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) A.1 Circulating Fuel Heat Exchafigef ; A.2 Circulating Fuel Piping and Pump % A.3 Blanket Heat Removal Caloculations A./ Blanket Heat Exchanger A.5 Blanket Piping and Pump A,6 Sodium Piping and Punps A.7 Core Vessel and Reflector Heating A.8 Moderator Cooling Calculations A,9 Steam Boiler Caleulations Apperdix B. Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations B,1 Sources of Gammas | B.1l.1 Prompt Fission Gammas B.1.2 QGission Product Gammas During Operation B.1l.3 Capture Gammas B.1.4 Imelastic Scattering Gammeas B.2 Attenuation of Gamma Rays Appendix C. Experimental Tests C.1 Summary of Melting Point Tests C.2 Petrographic Analysis of Salt Mixtures C.3 Summary of Chemical Analysis of U’Gl3 0.4 Corrosion Tests References ~1l- 189 196 196 196 196 197 197 EEE S S 212 ) e o 1 i e . 4 o ABSTRACT An externally cooled, fused salt, fast breeder reactor producing 700 M4 of heat has been désigned utilizing plutonium as the fuel in a mixture of the chlorides of sodium, magnesium, uraniun and plutonium. Depleted uraniwm is used as the fertile material in a blanket of wraniun oxide in sodium. Nuclear calculations have been performed with the aid of the UNIVAC for multi-group, malti-region problems to obtain an optimm muclear design of the system with the chosen fused ssalt. Steam temperature and pressure conditions at the turbine throttle have been maintained such that the incorporation of a conventionzl turbine-generator set into the system design is boasible. An economic anslysis of the system, including estimafiéd chemical pro- | cessing costs has been prepared; The analysis indiecates that the fused salt system of this étudy has an excellent potential for meeting the challenge of economlic nuclear power. | It was not learned until the completion of the study of the severe (n,p) cross section of the chlorine-35 isotope in the range of enmergies of in- terest. This effect was smplified by the large number of chlorime atoms pre- sent per atom of plutonium, The reéult was considered serious enongh to legislate against the reactor. o It was determired, however, that the chlorine~37 isotope hadré high ~ enough threshold for the (n,p) reaction so that it could be tolerated in this reacter. The requirement for the chlorine-37 isotope necessitates an isotope separation which is estimated to add 0.5 mils per kwhr. to the cost of power. The power cost would then be 7.0 mils per kwhr. instead of the 6.5 mils per kwhr. reported. -15- CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 FROBLEM 1.1.1 Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the technical and economic Ifeasibility of a fast breeder-~power reactor, employing a fused salt fuel, based on & reasonable estimate of the progress of the fused salt technology. Fuel bearing fused salts are presently receiving consideration for high temperature applications and in addition have been proposed as a;possible solution to some of the difficult problems of the fast reactor. 1.1.2 Scope A major consideration was an initial decision to devote the group effort to & conceptual design of complete reactor system insteéd of con~- | centrating on parameter studies of the reactor or the heat transfer and power plant at the expense of the other components. This philosofihj necessitated overlooking many small problems that would arise in the detailed design of the reactor andipower plant but provided a perspective for evaluating the techfiical and economic feasibility of the entire reactor éystem'instead of only portions of it. | | N | At the outsel of the study it was determined that a breeding ratio significantly less than one would be ofitained from an interaa11y'éob1ed machine. It was theréfore decided to further restrict the study tb an externaily_cooleq, circulating fuel reactor in whicfl & breeding ratio of at least one was ob- tainable, =16~ t) . {» & 1,2 EVALUATION OF FUSED SALTS 1.2.,1 Advantsges of Fused Salis The fused salts enjoy practically all the advantages of the liquid fueled, homogeneous type reactor. Among the more prominent of these are: 1. 2. 3. be The large negative tempersture coefficient which aids in reactivity control; | The elimination of expensive and difficult'toperform fuel element fabrication procedures; The simplified charging procedure uhich‘provides a means of shim control by concentration charges; The higher permissible fuel burn-up without the attendant mechanicel difficulties experienced with solid fuel elements. In eddition, the fused salts display a superiority over the aqueous homogeneous reactor in these respects. 1. ‘2. Lowsr operating pressure due to the much lower vapor pressure of the fused salts; Higher thermodynamic efficiency due to the operation at higher temperature. 1.2.2 Disadvantages of Fused Salts There ere several disadvantages which are attendant upon the use 1, of fused salts for the application reported upon here. Of these, the most prejudicial 4o the success of the reactor are: The corrosion problem which is so severe that progress in this application awaits development of suiteble resistant materiels; 2. The lerge fuel inventory required because of the externsl | fuel hold-up; | | | | 3. The poor heat transfer properties e:éhfbited' by the fused salts; k. fThe low specific powers obtainsble in the fused salt fast reactor system compared to the equeous homogeneous reactors. 1,3 RESULIS OF STUDY | “ The fingl design is & two rég:i.on rea_ctor with & fused salt core and a uranium oxide powder in sodium blanket. The fuel domponent 13 plutonium with a totael system mass of 1810 kg. The reactor has a total breeding ratio of 1.09 exclusive of chemical processing losses. The reactor produces 700 MW of heat and has & net electricél output of 260 M7. The net thermal efficiency of the system is 37.1 per cent. The steem conditions at the turbine throttle are 1000°F and 2400 psi. The cost of electrical power from this system was calculated to be 6.5 mlils per kwhr. This cost included & chemical processing cost of 0.9 mils per kvhr. based on & core processing cycle of five years a.nd & blanket pfo- cessing cycle of one year. =18~ - 1 0 3 W 9 6 1.4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM The fused galt fast reactor which evolved from this study is an externslly cooled, plutonium fueled, powersbreeder reactor producing 700 megawatts of heat with & net electrical output of 260 megawatts. 1.4.1 Core The core fuel consists of a homogensous mixture of the chlorides of sodium, magnesium, uranium and plutonium with mole ratios of 3NaCL, 2MgCl, and 0.9Pu(U)613. The urenium in the core fuel is depleted and is present for the purposes of internal breeding. The atom ratio of UZBS/Tu239 at startup is 2 to 1. The core container is a 72.5 inch I, D., nearly spherical vessel tapered at the top and bottom to 24 inches for pipe comnections. The core vessel is fabricated of a % inch thick corrosion resistant nickel-molybdemm alloy. The fuel mixture enters the core at 1050°F and 1350°F, where- upon it is circuleted by means of & constant speed, 3250 horsepower, canned rotor pump through the external loop and tube side of a sodium heat exchanger. Sodium enteré,this core heat exchanger at 900°F at a flow rate of 45.5 x 10° 1bs/hr. and leaves at 10509F<__ 1.4.2 Blagket Separated from the core by & one inch fiplten lead reflector is a stationary blanket of depleted u:anium present as & paste of uraniun oxide powder in sodium under a 100 ps1_pressure.:chated within the.blanketiis 8 stainless steel clad zone of graphite 5.1/8,1nches:thick. The presence of the graphite incresses the neutron moderation and results in a smaller size blanket. | =19- - . ' Blanket cooling is obtained by passing sodium through tubes located | throughout the blanket, Sodiwm is introduced imto the blanket at 1050°F at a flow rate of 7.6 x 10° 1bs/hr end leaves at 1200°F. The blanket sodium, vhich is considerably radioactive, then enters & horizontal sodiur to sodium heat exchanger and heats the inlet sodium from 900°F to 1050"1-‘.' The sodium from the blanket heat exchenger is then manifolded with the sodium from the core heat exchanger and passes to a straight through boiler. At full load conditions, thé feed water enters the boller at 550°F and 2500 psi at a flow . rate of 2.62 x 10° 1bs/hr and produces steem at 1000°F and 2400 psi which passes'to a conventional turbine generator electrical plant. 1.4.3 Control The routine operetion of the reactor will be controlled by the negative temperature coefficient which is sufficient to offset reactivity fluctuations due to expected differences in the reactor mean temperature. Reactor shim required for fuel burn-up will be obtained by variation in the height of the molten lead reflector. Approximately one quarter of ~ one per cent reactivity will be available for shim by the increased height of the lead. When fuel burn-up requires more reactivity than is available ~ from the reflector, compensating changes willl be made in the fuel concentration and the reflector height will be readjusted. ~ In the event of an excursion, provisions will be nade to dump the entire core contents in less than 4 seconds and in addition, to dump;the lead re- flector. Dumping the reflector would provide a change in reactivity of abofit" 1.6 per cent, -20- o A € 1.4.4 Chemical Processing Chemical proeessifig of the core and blanket, other than removal and absorption of fission gases, will take place at a large central processing facility capable of handling the throughput of about 15 power reactors. The chemical process for both the core and blanket will embody the main features of the purex type solvent extraction process, with_different head.énd treat- ments required to make each'material adaptable to the subsequent processing - steps. Core processing will take place on a five year cycle whereas the blanket will be processed bieannually. The plutonium preduct from the chemical process is finally obtained as the chloride which can be recycled to the reactor. 3 P CHAPTER II PRELIMINARY REACTOR DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 SELECTION OF CORE FUEL | _One of'the objectives of this project was ihe toeough investiéation ef alfueed salfi fuel system. Preliminary discussions resulted in the decision that a core and blanket breeding system would be investigated, A fused chloride fuel appeared the most pramising of the fused salt systems. The core fuel eystem studied was @& fused Na Gl Mg 012, UCIB and : _PuGIB salt. The results of preliminary nnclear calculatione gave the fused salt compcsition as 9 mols NeCI 6 mols Mg012, 2 mols UClz and l.mol of PuGl3° The uranium is 0238 2.1.1 Criterias for Selection The principal properties that the core fuel system should possess 1. Low parasitic neutron sbsorption eross section. 2. Low moderating power and inelastic scattering. 3. Liquid below 500°C. Lo Radiozctively stable. 5. Thermally stable. 6. Non-corrosive to the materiels of construction. 7. Low viscosity. 8. Appreciable uranium and plutonium content at temperatures of - the order of 650°C, 9. High thermal conductivity. | -22- - £t . For fast reactors, the choice of salts containing fissionable and non- fissionable elements is 1imited to those in which the non-fissionable elements have a low slowing down power and low cross sections for absorption end inelastic scattering of fast meutrons. In genersl, elements of atemic wveight less than twenty ere unsatisfactory because of their moderating effect. This eliminates many of the common dilvents which contain hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Salts which are suitable nuclearwise are further restricted to'those which are thermodynsmipally and chemically stable. The salts must be stable at the operating tempersture/of the resactor, 675 C. Also the liquidus temperature of the fused sslt m{zturs should be. b;}ow 500°C. This ie desirable so that more ; écmmon and chesper\ ructural msteria s may be used. The higher the temperature of operation, the\pbre exotic are th# materials required. In addition & lower . operating temperafhre tends to ret;fd cuerosion, The further very important 7" requirement is ;fiet the diluents must dissolve the necessary quantities'of. | / uraniwm and plutonium to ensble the system to go criticel. / Based upon the aforementio ed'requirements the halide femily appesred , the most pr ising., Of the halides, - chiorides and fluorides were the initial choices. 3ps bromides snd if ides were eliminated because of their high | / omine /has an avers,ge 6" at 1 mev of 30 mb and ebsorption cross sections. / fodins hss 8 G, of 105 mb &t this ?rergy. Chlorine -and fluorine have osptured cross seétions of 0. 74 5 and 0,2 mb respectively. Originally, it appesred*thatvthere were“available 3 possible fuel systems; - one using chlorides, one fitilizifig fluorioss and & third using'a'mizture‘of-' fluorides and ohlorioss. Ghlorides presented the obvious disadvantage of a higher cspture cross seotion. The flourides were detrimental because of their moderating effect. After a more thorough investigation, the fluorides were 23~ f "’- . ruled ocut because of their prohibitively high inelastic scattering cross sect_;on in the energy range of interest. Preliminery nuclear calculations using fluorides showed the neutron .energy spectrun decidedly lowered. Ultimately the mixed halides system of chioride #nd fluoride was eliminated because of the high melting points of -f.he fluorides. This step was té.ken only after it had been verified that & chloride fused salt system was feasible with respect to the nuclear requirements of our resctor. Once it was determined that the ffised chlorides would be used, great effort was expended in the selection of the pa.rticfilar salts to use. One_ of the most impo;'tant physical properties required was & low melting pd_int for the salt mixture. It was felt that a ternary system would be most sultable. A binary would have t00 high a melting point while a quat_ema.ry presented many unknowns such as formation of compounds; and in general is too difficult to hendle. | | The core fuel system will utilize plutonium which is to be pcrodficed in the blanket. Since there exists very meager information on plutonium fused salts, it was decided that as a fair approximationl, many of the properties | of uraniwm salts would be used. This eppears to be a valid assxmpfion for | . physicals properties since plutonium and uranium salts form = so0lid solufiion. As a preliminary step, possible diluent chlorides were reviéwed.- Keeping the basic requirements in mind and reviewing whatever binary phasé Vd:lagrams | ~were available, the following salts showed promise ZrCI& PLC1, Mgclz,_ NaCl, KC1, and CaCl,. ZrGJuwas rejected since it 1s expensive and might produce the snow problem experienced in otherfused salt systems. PHCl, was 'réjécted | s'ince‘it is very reactive with all known structural materials. From the fofir remaining possibilities, the chlz and NaCl salts were saiected és dilnents.,’ | ,_ e - . | B **»° [\ In addition to possessing many of the requirements,'they had the lowsst liquidus temperature. As for the fissionable salt, the trichloride or tetrachloride were the possibilities. PuCl3 andeCIB were selected because of the thermal instability of the tetrachlorides. Hence the core fused salt system selected is made up of NaCl, Mg012, U'Gl3 and Pu013. As was pointed out earlier, the physical properties of our system were investigated using NaCl, Mg012 and 0013. The PuGl3 is assumed to bé in solid solution with the U013. 2.1.2 Fuel Properties Since the ternary properties of the proposed fuel were completely un- vfinown, extrapolations of the known binary systems (shown in Figs..2¢1, 2.2, 2.3) .....were made, On the basic assumption that the ternary chloride system‘was a sifiple one and containing none of the anomalous behavior of the known fluoride systems, the pictured (Fig. 2.4) ternary diagram was drawn.” To give some indication of the.mélting temperature to be expected in our system, = series of melting point determinations was.undertakan. The data récorded are sumarized below. '(The test procedure is descfibed in the- Appendix C). MgCl, NaGl wl, - Liouidus | Soldus #1 38.6%-57.91% - 3.49% | 435°C - 420°C #2 36.36%-54.548-9.108 - 432% 415% #3 33.33%-50.014-16.66% 505°-44,0°C 405% Sample #3 correspondsflto the composition of the fuel selected. | -25- ORNL~LR~Dwgo ~1812} BINARY PHASE DIAGRAMs HaC]-U013 8§00 700 | 600 500 TEMPERAITURE hoo 300 } 200 }+ 100 + 1 0 20 4o 60 80 100 MOLE % UC1, | Figure 2.1 -6~ N & 900 800 700 TEMPERATURE o C 600 500 - Loo ORNL~LR~Dwg,=181%5 BINARY PHASE DIAGRAM- MgCl,-NaCl \_/ 20 ho 60 MOLE % NaCl Figure 2,2 27 QP BINARY PHASE DTAGRAM~ MgGl,-UC1 800 _} 700 - 600 ~ TEMPERATURE °C NgCl, 20 40 MCIE % UCl, 60 80 100 UC1, Figure 2,3 92ToT="*3MI~YT~TND N ‘\ ORNL=-LR=Dwg+=28127 - ESTIMATED TERNARY PHASE DIAGRANM MQCIE:NaC]-UCl, Figure- 2.4 =20= In conjunction with the'melting point tests, a petrographic analysis was cpnducted of the fuel mixture. On the Easis of this anélysis, neither NaCl, Mg012, nor U013 were detectable in the solidfied fuel. There were two dis- tinguishable phases preseht, one a colorless crystal and the other & brown erystal, which was not as prevalent as the colorless one., The compositions of the phases could not be determined. It was observed that the mixtfire was very hygroscopic and was easily oxidized in air. The remaining physical properties were estimated by analogy to the fluoride systems which have been studied. Densities were calculated by the density correlations of Cohen and Jones (3). Thermal conductivities, heat capacities, and viscosities were estimated directly from fluoride data. «30- n 2,2 SELECTION OF BLANKET MATERIAL A uranium dioxide-liquid sodium paste was selected as one of the pro- mising blanket materials, Althbugh only & limited amount of work has been done on pastes, the prospects for its use are very good. 2.2.,1 Criteria for Selection The importent characteristics of a satisfactory blanket material are: 1. Low cost. 2. High concentration of the fertile fiaterial. 3. Cheaply fabricfited. 4o Low chemical prccessing costs. 5. Good thermai conductivity. 6. Low neutron non-fertile elements. 7. Low melting point. Natural or depleted urgnium were obvious cholces for the fertile materisl. Either material is acceptable, the governing factor being the cost. At the present tima, the coéf'of depléted uranium is conéiderably lesé fhan natural uranium and was dhosen as the fertile material 1n the blankst.r' | Several blankst Bthams were 1nvestigated The more prominent possi- bilities fiere UOQ pellets in>molten sodium, 002 powder in molten sodium, canned sol4d uranium, fused uranium salts and U02 slurries. - | | Uranium dicxide pellete 1n.molten sodium appeared very pramising. U02 is; unreactive with and vary slightly soluble in liquid sodiwm., Cooling could be accomplished by liquid sodium flowing in tubes. It was estimated that approx- ~31~ imately 65% of U0, by volume could be cbtained. This blanket system vas re- Jected because of the high cost of manufacturing the pellets. It was estimated that over 50 millions of pellebs would be required to fill the proposed blanket volume of 100 cubic feet. \ | | A solid uranium canned in stainless steel was investigated. ‘]‘hé ma..jqi' edventages of this system is the high uranium concentration. This material was rejected due to the high costs- of febrication. Typicel costs are sbout $9 per kilogram for machining ura.nimnh and $7 per kilogram of uranium i‘or the addition of the cladding material. | | | o ' Fused uranium selts would have been the logicel choice since fused sslts were being used in the core. This would halve many of the problems confrorting the desim. of the system such as corrosion, chemicel processing, etc. 'ihe only fused salts which would glve a sufficlent concentra.tion of firdnitm in the blenket were UCl, or '(JC:LI+ or a mixture of the two. Ucl3- has too high a melting 3 poiat, wkile UClh proved to be too corrosive. Even the UCL (2) 3" UCllp. mixture was felt to be too coxrrosive for e long life system, Hence this material was eliminated. A W, slurry was rejected due to the lack of knowledge of the properties of the slurry ani the low uranium concentration due to engineering cdn.sidera- tions. The UOE-Na. paste was ultimately selected as the best available bla._nket material. T™hie system has many of the features of the 002 pellet system the omission | of the cost of mamufecturing pellets. Although only & limited emount of work has been done on pastes, the ocutlook is very promising. A an - Né. paste -offers low febrication cost, ease of handling, high concentration of an a.nd good heat tra._nsfer proPei'bigs « Froma ;pefsonal cénmunication with B.M. Abiaham of Argonne Nationsl Leboratory, it was estimated that as much as 80% UO, by volume in «32- " " 1iquid sodium is possible using a centrifugation process. We plan to use a paste composed of 70% volume in the blanket system, The purpose of the liquid sodiwm in the blanket is to improve the heat transfer properties., It is be- lieved that Pu end U metal will be stable with liguid sodium and no reaction occurs between Na and U0,. A major problem was the possibility of Na20 formation and its adverse corfosiva effects. This was solved by the addition of corrosion inhibitors. A disgussion of this can be found in section 2.4.2. \ 2.3 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM | The externally cooled system appears superior f.o the internally cooled sys’ceni for a fused sall fast breeder reactor. In the exberhally cooled system, the fuel mixtui*e is circuleted through a heat exchanger exbezfial to the reactor vessel. The internally cooled system has heat transfer surfaces within the reactor vessel; and heat is transferred from the fuel mixture to a fluid coolant which In turn is cooled in an external heat exchenger. 2.3.1 Internal Cooling A possible adventage of the internally cooled system is the lower inven- tory of core fuel. However, due to the characteristically low heat transfer property of fused salts, it wes calculated that elmost 50% of the core volume wld be occupied by tubing and coolant in order to facilitate the required cooling. The high percentage of tubing and coolant sffects this reactor system in two ways; First the‘ parasitic capture is greatly increased and secondly, the neutron energy spectrum is decidedly lowered. The above effects result in a reduced breeding ratio in the core. 2.3.2 Externsl Cooling The externslly cooled system was selected for use in the reactor system investigated. The deciding factor in the choice was that a breeding ratio of 1.20 was estimated in the externally cooled system compared to only 0.8 for the internally cooled system. This higher breeding ratio ie obtainable because of sbout 15% greater blanket coverage, less parasitic capture and highér neutron energy spectrum. Another factor in favor of external cooling is the ease of replacement of equipment in case of a heat exchanger failure. ~3hu (B " n O 2., MATERIAIS OF CONSTRUCTION The choice of materlals of construction in most reactor syst;ms is qulite difficult because of the lack of corrosion data in the presence of radiatidn fields. In spite of the lack of technological development, an effort vas made to select the materials of construction for this reactor system. The core vessel will be a nickel-fiolybdenum alloy, which is presently in the development stage. For the other parts of the core s&stem such as the primary heat exchanger and piping, a nickel-molybdenum alloy cladding on stainless steel appears to be satisfactofy. The blanket system will utilize stainless steel throughout. 'As far as the reactor components gp, it can be generslly said that all the components in contact with the fused salt shall be nickel-molybdenum clad or constructed of nickel-moly and all components in contact with sodium are to be constructed of stainless steel. Tests are now in progress at the ORNL Corrosion Laboratory to obtain some datse on the corrosion of the fused salt of this system on nickel and inconel at 1350°FF. 2.4.,1 Core System Since the operating temperature of the fused salt shall be as high as 1350°F, the choice of construction materials was severely limited. A further limitation was imposed by the sbsence of corrosion data of fused chlorides | bfl'structural metals."The.possibilit;es:which existed were inconel, nickel- moly clad on stainless, hastelloy metals, or nickel-molybdenum alloys of the hastelloy type which currently are under development In selecting the best material, much dspendence was placed on the individual chemical and physical préperties_of these possibilities with respect to the =35 fused chloride fuvel, The hastelloy metals were rejected due to the inability to fabricate the material because of brittleness. Inconel was eliminated for the fibst part because of its known diffusion of chromium from the 8lloy in fluoride salts. In addition the corrosion data of inconel in the tampgrature range of intareét is lacking. It is felt that these disadvantages overbalance the high tech- nological development and good physical properties of inconel. | The use of nickel-molybdenum alloy cledding on’staifiless steel sppeaxs very favorable in the fused chloride system. | It is expected that this alloy will not exhibit dissimiler metal mass transfer and will be capable of being welded to stainless steels by use of special equipment, On the basis that this slloy will have the properties as described, it is being recommended for the core system. 204.2 Blarnket sttem - The construction material for all equipment in contact with the sodium such as ig present in the blanket will be stainless steel. Since the blanket is to'be composed of a UO,-Na paste, it was feared that the sodium would become contaminated due to the formatipn of Hazo in the presence of free oxygen. At elevated temperatures, nazo is very corrosive; it reacts with all the common metals, platimm metals, graphite and ceramics. The relative degree of reactivity with the structural materials would be the following, from the most attacked to the least: Mo, W, Fe, Co and Ni. In addition it 1s believed that uazo would be strongly ebsorbed on.most‘metal'surfaees, It 1s possible that since Nay0 is known to act as 2 reducing agent for some metals and an oxidizing agent for others, the presence of some material will reduce Nas0 to Na before it attacks the metal, Such & corrosion inhibitor ~36- 0 o) n ) would solve this dilemma, The two common reactor materials, uranivm and beryllium could possibly serve as the inhibitor. Thermodynamically, each reacts readily with Hazo to form the metallic oxide and free sodiwum. At 500°C the free energy of formation for beryllium and uranium are -6 Kcal per mole and -75 Keal per mole respectively. The rate of these resctions has not been ihvsstigatedsexsspt indirectly in & series of corrosion tests at KAPL5’6, These tests show that both Be and U are corroded many times faster than any of the structural metals tested. The metals included nickel, molybdemm, inconel, monel, 347 siainless steel and 2-8 aluminum. Thus the addition of.either pure urenium or beryllium to the UOZ-Ha paste should offer a high degree of resisfance to the possible corro- | sion by the Ea20 which will be formed during irradiation. | 2.4.3 Reactor Components In general, all cdmponeflts in contact with the fused chloride fuel will be constructed of nickel moly alloy c¢led stainless steel, All reactor camponents in contact with sodium will be constructed of stainless steel. | -37~ CHAPTER 3 ENGIHNEERING 3.1 GENERAL The reactor proper, as shown in Fig. 3.1, is a 120-inch 0.D. svhere consisting of & blanket region and a core, The core is a 733-inch 0.D. sphere with a %-inch wall designed to withstand a differential pressure of 50 psi. The core inlet nozzle on the bottom and the outlet nozzle on the top are _reinforged. The inlet has a series of screens to distribute the flow thru the " core so that a scouring action is achieved. Immediately outside the core shell is a one inch reflector of molten lead in & -}-1nch stainless steel container. The f11ling or draining of the molten lead is accomplished by pressurized helium, | | The first blanket region is 2 3/4 inches thick and is followed by 5 1/8 inches of moderator, another 5 5/16 inches of blanket and finally 8 1nches of graphite reflectqr. The blanket iz a uranium dioxide;sodium‘paste | and the moderator is graphite clad with 1/8 inch of stainless steel, The reflector, blanket and moderator are cooled by molten sodium passing thru 4-inch 0,D. tubing. The core heat output is 600 megawatts, and it is removed by circulating the fuel thru a single pump and external heat exchanger with a minimum of - piping. The cooling circuit is fabricated using all-welded comstruction. The fuel solution is heated to 1350°F as it flows up thru the core and is returned ‘to the core at 1050°F, Any differential expansion will be absorbed in a pivoted expansion joint, The'Blankat heat output is approximately 100 megawatts and it 1s removed by eirculating molten sodium which enters the blanket at 1050°F and leaves ~38- » 0 l « y " ' » 0 . 39 - ORNL LR Dwg. 15226 SUPPORT - | 7 _[ N HANGERS) ' 7= 20 FT. LONG '| “Cq l | % 3 I ' i 5 \bBLK l s ' ‘ 99 _ A . v 'l;——o j : /’ ' C | L7 _ 3~ 1 7 I 791 ' | | 3,500 Tupes S s .50" o}p, g | o | somils WALL’ » . N / ‘ » _ . ' . :-_;1__ - ( ,I ' { ‘ 1S70 TUBES B | | T 7 N - 4 2400, 50" OD. % SO wnls 3 PO 1 27,5006 A / —PIPE ¢ WALL x7.SFT SOuAD \ \+O0FT < AT riTTiNGS ’ ‘.‘ - | SUPPORTs \\ f T T, o ___.—’ v | EXP. 3T, FIGURE 371 | | 2" scaLe ¥ =10" Je" at 1200°F thru tubes imbedded in the blanket as shown in Fig. 3.2. As .the core, the blanket cooling-system‘haS’one punp, one heat exchanger, uelded Piping and a pivoted expansion joint. The combined core and blankst system has three solid leg supports on the blanket, Constant load hangers will carry the remaining load at four lugs provided at tfie upper core elbow, at the core heat exchanger and at each end of the blanket heét exchanger; | The basement floor of the reactor_building,-és shown in Fig, 3.3, will have & series of duhp\tanks for the salt, The reactor floor and the main floor will be constructed of removable. stesl panels, The reactor room and the base- ment room will be below ground_lével and contained in a steel lined concrete structure. The réactor building main floor will have television facilities-éndqa remotely operated erane and will be enclosed in a 60 ft. diameter, one inch thick steel shell. The steel shell is = éafety'measure and will prevent the pollution of the atmosphere by radioactive materials in the event of an accident. The steel shell, which will withstand 50 psi, will have two large airtight hatches for equipment removal. The blanket heat exchanger secondary sodium lines are siamesed with the core heat exchanger sodium lines and the resulting 42 inch O.D., lines are con- nected to the shell side of a once-thru boiler. The U-shaped boiler and the sodium pumps are located in a shielded boiler room between the reactor building and the turbo-generator portion of the plant. -The layout of the turbo-generator and auiiliaries follows the convéntional power plant design with two exceptions: an outdoor turbine floor with & gantry crane and placefiant of the deasrator on the turbine floor because of the élimination of the boiler superstructure. d Q= #fi » t » o EXPANSION JOINT - BLANKET | ’ 1 1 ' 1 ORNL-LR-DWG 15032 COOLING TUBES HEAT EXCHANGER 1570-1/2 in. OD TUBES 7.5 ft LONG, 0.050~in. WALL COOLANT TUBE | | . SUPPORT PLATE-—] MODERATOR: C, REFLECTOR: Pb 1000-HP PUMP 18-in O. D. PIPE Blanket Heat Transfer System, Figure 3.2 #‘ L ' ORNL~LR~-DWG 15166 20 £t Qin.~» 75 ft Oin. __EL 78 ft Oin. EL 7O f¢ DEAERATOR TURBOGENERATOR {! CONTROL ROOM EL 35 ft Qin. 60~-ft O=in. DIA; #-in. WALL SWITCH GEAR HEATERS - BOILER FEEODWATER HEATERS EL Oft vl 8-in. Pipes. e CONDENSATE PUMPS F PUMPS L L) L CIRCULATING LINES 42-in. Pipes Elevation of Plant Figure 3.3 o 13 " reactor buildings and above the boller room, The centralized control room is placed between the turbo-generator and The stack, which is used for the dispersal of reactor off gases after a sufficient hold-up time to reduce the radioactivity, is placed near the reactor building. 3.1.1. Properties of Fused Salt, Sedium Coolent, and Blanket Paste The éngineering properties of the fused Salt, godium coolant and the UOp-Na paste blanket have been estimated by the follbwing methods. The specific heat of the fused chloride salt as & quction of uranium concentration (Fig. 3.4) was estimated using the method deseribed by W. D. Powers™. Correlations vere not avallable for the properties of thermal conductivity or visocity of the fused salts., —— The variation of the_density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and viscosity of sodium? are givefi in Figures 3.5, 3,6, 3.7 end 3.8 respectively, The density of U0, was~taksn as 10.2 gm/bc.and'it'was_assumed that this re- mained constant. The specifie heat4 of UOQIwas taken‘as: = 19,77 +1.092 x 2077 - 4.68 x 10-5 T2 (Gal/mol c) (Figure 3.9 The thermal conductivity5 of UOQ is given in Figure 3. 10. The properties of the paste were then daleulated using a'mixture of 70% 00,5, 30% sodiumiby volune. @ = " Ora* ooz Coo, - Cp = Wy,CPy, + Vo, CPyo, ¥ = V0,550, Ve B vhere: V = Volume fraction (Figure 3.11) (Figure 3.12) (Figure 3.13) W = Weight fraction . -t 3~ 25 20 15 % UCL, in NaCl- MgC1,? EUTECTIC 10 2} 0,19 0.21 0423 0.25. 027 SPECIFIC HEAT, BTU/1b. F % UC]g VS, SPECIFIC HEAT Figure 3.4 0,29 QIINTROD0GNN Q2T Mg~ T~"TNHO 58 56 54, DENSITY (1v/rt3) 52 50 A8 46 400 €00 - - Figure 3.5 800 1000 TEMPERATURE, °F w 1200 DENSITY OF SODIUM VS, 1) TEMPERATURE 1400 1600 62T9T="*3ng=yT~INHO Figure 3,6 SPECIFIC HEAT SOD 0.34 CF SODIUM Vs. ‘ TEMPERATURE 0.33 I >~ 0.32 T SPECIFIC HEAT o (BTU/1b- °F) % 031 E o 0.30 0429 200 D400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 S TEMPERATURE, °F ' 50 4L8 46 - THERMAL ’ CONDUCTIVITY -~ (BTU/hr-£t- OF) " - 42 .40. 38 200 400 Figure 3,7 600 800 TEMPERATURE, °F ¥ 1000 N « THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF SODIUM VS, TEMPERATURE, °F TETQT=*3nq-¥T~TNEO - L*’- VISCOSITY (1bs/hr-rt) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 400 #5 VISCOSITY OF SODIUM VS, TEMPERATURE Figure 3.8 600 800 1000 TEMPERATURE, F 1200 » 1400 ZETYT~"3nq=YT~TNID , f i SPECIFIC HEAT OF U0, VS. TEMPERATURE 0.80 0.75 0.70 SPECIFIC HEAT (BTU/1b- °F) 0.65 0,60 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 | | - TEMPERATURE, °F Figure 3.9 £ETYT="3ng=YT=TNU0 S0 .——-——-—’ o~ Figure 3,10 THEFMAL CONDUCTIVITY (F U02 vs. TEMPERATURE 4 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (BTU/hr-£t-°F ) -.0.('- NETYT="3Ng~yT~TNI0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 TEMPERATURE, °F 600 500 400 PASTE DENSITY (1b/£t3) 300 200 100 0.l 0e2 0.3 Figure 3,11 04 0¢5 VOLUME FRACTION UO:2 0.6 0.7 N 0.8 -‘[s- SETRT="3Mg=T~INYO 0,100 0.095 SPECIFIC HEAT OF PASTE VS. WEIGHT % UO, Figure 3,12 0.090 S SPECIFIC v - HEAT (BTU/1b- °F) 0.085 % L = 0,080 ,c'.; & O 0.075 | _ 0.88 0,90 0,92 0.94 0.96 . WEIGHT % U0y i - ) ; . » " ' ¥ . v & ’ w . (BTU/ hr-ft- °F) THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 53 Figure 3.13 50 40 30 20 10 0.1 0.2 . 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 VOLUME FRACTION U0, 1 )] 0.7 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF UG,~Na PASTE ' VS. UO, VOLUME FRACTION 0.8 -gs- L ET9T="> Inq=gT~TN0 3.2 REACTOR POWER The reserve capacity of an electric power system averages about 10 per cent of the system load, To'mgke such a system relisble, no single unit should exceed 10 per cent of the system capacity. Since most'of the systems in this country are less than BOOOIMW'eapacity, turbo-generator units in excess of 280 M4 have not been built yet, A reactor supplying steam for a single turbo-génsrating unit with a system thermal efficiency of 40 per cent would be sized at 700 M{ of heat, or also 260'MW net electric 6utput because of auxiliary power requirements of 20 MW, A system larger than 700 MW of heat would require more than one circulating fuel heat exchanger. Two fuel heat exchangefs would require manifoiding and other flexibility provisions which would result in a gfeat increase in fuel hold-up. Furthermore, too high a power level would involve such a large initial investment that the risk of construction would not be Qarranted. ~5hm M 4y 3.3 DESIGN OF HEAT TRANSPORT SYSTEM Reference is made to Fig. 3.14 and Fig. 3.15, the Heat Balance Diagram and the Salt, Sodium, Steam, and Condensate Flow Diagram, respectiwvely. The optimm design was approached by careful selection of &eeign points, Single wall tubing was assumed throughout wvhich is in sgreement with the present trend of design. OSmsall leakage of water or steam into the sodium in the boiler is not expected'to cause serious difficulty(lg). Detection may be accomplished by providing a gas collecting chamber and off-take in the sodium return line. Build-up of NaOH in the sodium system should not be difficult to follow and replacement or purification of the sodium can be under- taken as it may eppear necessary. | The influx of large amounts of water or eteem resulting from a major failure would dangerously increase the pressure in the shell; and although this possibility 1s remote, safety valves will be provided. Excessive fluid velocities result in erosion, corrosion, vibration and increased preesure drop. Based on past experiences in the field ) the maximum velocity was taken as J900/S" ft./sec., wh_ereg is the specific gravity of the fluid. | o Fluid-fuel reactors, especie.lly those with external cooling, are part- icularly liable to be shut. down for repair or replacement of equipment (13 ) It is highly des 1_rable, therefore, that gll components be as s:l.mple end as de~ pendatle as ',.pos'si'ble jbut also able to be '_epeedi‘ij reple_eed or remotely main- tained. It is eansiaerea undesireble to install valves in the large lines be- tween the core a0 blanket heat exchangers and the p‘lmps to permit shut-off of possible spare equipment or to regulate flow. These valvee would be large, would operate at high temperatures and would handle corrosive fluids. It is ~55- SE PUMP , AUX, Na 4350% 3x1061b/hr | | 1050°F ’ SALT 34.2 x1081b/hr CORE Na 455 x 106 Ib/hr 800 Mw 900°F 00 riM & PUMP e - PUMP r 1 1200°F 1050°F Na Na 7.61x 10° 1b/hr 7.61 % 10° Ib/hr PUMP PUMP r Heat Balance Diagram. Figure 3.14 ORNL-LR-DWG 14973 " PUMP 550°F Ho0 1000°F HEATERS 280 Mw TURBINE CONDENSEFQD 2.62 x 108 1b/hr ) o \; ORNL-LR-DWG 14985 = e e - - STACK TO ATMOSPHERE CHARCOAL | . BED STACK TO ATMOSPHERE [oo---- ~57- STEAM JET VAC. PUMP - - ——— [ o e o e ——————— ———— e b —————— - DEAERATING HEATER - ——— i ——— - —— - o ————— e H31VM Q334 "HOX3 1VY3H ‘NNIJ Q37000 Yiv W3LSAS XNV VENT WWWWA | | e G : PRESSURE AND SURGE TANK PRESSURE AND SURGE TANK S00IUM 2 " VENT BED | CHARCOAL PRESSURE AND SURGE TANK SALT DUMP TANK BLANKET bump FILL PUMP PRESSURE AND SURGE TANK Salt, Sodium, Steam and Condensate Diagram. T Figure 3.15 ‘more probable that these valves would fail before trouble is experienced at thé héat exchangers or pumps. Since no maintenance can be attempted with radiocactive fluids 1n the re- actor and since it is not expected that any reactor part will-last‘five years without requiring replacement or repair, provisidns will be made to inspect 21l components thoroughly at leaSt'evary two years, i.e., when fefilacing the core heat'exchanger. 3.3.1 Circulating Fuel Heat Exchanger To reduce external hold-up, small tube sizes are desirable in the heat exchanger., The $-inch 0.D. tube size was selected as a practical minimm. For sizes less than % inch, considerable difficulty would arise in fabrication of the heat exchangers while the possibility of plugging would be greatly increased. The wall thickness of 50 mils was assumed to provide corrosion resistance for two years of useful life. For the secondary heat transfer fluigd, a‘medium was required with good heat transfer properties in order to reduce the external‘holdaup and with high boiling point to permit operation at high temperature and low pressure to re- duce capital_cfisfis. Sodium,-lithiufi, NaK, bismuth, lead and mercury were considered as heat trensfer media, Sodium was selected because of its good heat transfer pro- perties, high boiling point, 1ow.coét,.ava11ab111ty, comparative ease of handling and wide technological experience, The disadvantages of sodiwm arejits violent reaction with water and the catastrophic_corrosion rate of Na,O0. ‘The following considerations were used to set the temperature limits for the fluids entering and leaving the core and heat exchangers. ~58= - " n t) i The coolant temperature is not to be less than the liquidus temperature of the fuel, i.e. 870°F. .Thé temperatufes of the fuel end coolant leaving the'. core and heat exchanger were set by economic, corrosion and engineering.con- siderations, Low fusl outlet temperature would lead to excessive heat ex- changer surface which would adversely affect the fuel inventory and increase | the possibility of‘QQSB transfbr. High fuel outlet temperature would increase the corrosion rate, require higher pumping power and increase the thermal stresses, Low sodium outlet temperature Qould result in excessive thermal stresses and lower thermal cycle effidiencya High sodium outlet temperature would have the same result as low fuel outlet temperature. The fuel outlet temperature was set af 1350°F to ensure reasonable equip- ment life and the maximum temperature differential between fuel and sodium was set at 300°F, which is in agreement with genefal design practices. | The heat exdfianger is a single pass counterflow exchanger approximately 50 inches in dismeter and 20 feet long with 3500 tubes. All tubes will be made from a corrosion resistant nickel-molybdemm alloy (ebout 80% Ni and 20% Mo). The exchanger shell will be constructed of stainless steel with a 4 inch Ni-Mo cledding. | | The,remdfal and replacemenl of the core heét'exchangar requires remote handling which is believed to be entirely feasible. 3.3.2 ;rculating Fuel Piging and Pump The pipe size selected was 24-inch 0.D, with a one-inch wall thickness. To reduce cost, the pipe material will be stainless steel clad on the inside with & corrosion resistant Ni-Mo alloy.' Cladding thickness will be 4 inch to provide & corrosion sllowance for five years life. To allow differential thermal expansion, a pivoted expansion Joint 1s'pfo#ided. == . ‘A single pump arrangement was selected, because two circulating fuel pumps would require two check valves, four shut-off valves and added proiisions fdr flexibility. This wbuld increase the external hold-up and because of valve stem 1eakage probabilities, would lower the system reliability. However, if large, relisb le valves becone availéble; it might be advantageous to have the - added flexibility afforded by‘fiultiple cooling systems. This is a matter for further development. | | 'A canned-rotor.pump was selected instead'of a shaft-seal pump due to the greatly reduced possibility of leakage. The fuel pump will run at constant speed becafiée of its canned-rotor construction. A variable speed pump would be preferable but this also requires further develoyment. ~ 3.3.3 Blanket Heat kxchanger The blanket heat exchanger is a sodium to sodium exchanger constructed of stainless steel and whose mean temperature difference iz 150°F. It has 1570 tubes of 4-inch 0.D, which are 7% feet long with 50-mil walls. It was deemed necessary to have an intermediate loop on the_blanket system due to the activation of the sodium coolant, Thus, in case of a sodium-water reaction, only radioactively cool sodium would be ejected. The choice of sodifim as a secondary blanket coolant was deemed advisable since the core second- ary coolant and the blanket secondéry coolant, could be mixed,.thué necessitating only one boiler and a slight amount of manifolding. For this same reason, the secondary sodium is designed to have a 150°F temperature rise through the heat excfianger (QCOQF to 1050°F), thus matching the core sodium, 3.3.4 Blanket Heat Removal | o o | - The breeding blanket is in the form of two separate spherical anmuli. =8 » 1) » - The first blanket region is 7 om. thick and hes 60 M{ of heat gemerated im 1it. The second region is 13.5 cm. thick with 40 M{ generated in it. The heat flofis by conduction through the paste to the wetted tubes where it is then cerried awvay by convection in liquid sodium, In blenket region 1, there are 940- % inch stainless steel tubes whose centers lie on circles of radii 38.4, 39.1 and 39.9 1n¢hes. Each row contains equal mmbers of tubes which have an effective length of 8 ft. Under these conditions, the maximum possible paste temperature will be 1396°F which is well below the refractory temperature of 18320F, | In blanket region 2, there are 630- 4 inch stainless steel tubes whose centers lie on circles of radii 51.8, 53.5 and 55.3 inches. Each row conteins equal numbers of tubes which have an effective length of 10 ft. The maximum paste temperature in region 2, under these conditions, will be 1468°F, In region 1, the cooling tubes occupy less than 30 per cent of the avail- able volume while in region 2 the tubes occupy less than 15 per cent of the available volume. Parameter Study of Blanket Heat Transfer System For efficlent coolifig ofthe'bianket, we expect to match the cooling tube density to the radial{diétribution of heat generation. It will be assumed that thebasiccooiing tuberlattiée arrangémsnt éan be simulated by conéentric cyiindérs."Tha ggneration rate in a cell will'be- taken as constant and the_flg-Uoz'paéte will be.céfisidered stagnanfi. The pro- perties of Na and ma.uoz' paste are §raphieany presentéd in SjectionB.l.l‘. Taking a heat balance at any radius r where ri (r (ré | GV(r) =-kp Alr) _o T | o r | T «Hl=- where | . To = inside radius of tube 5 5 ™ ; outside radius of tube v(r) =qf(r2 -r )L - r, = radius of cell Alr) = 29r L thus, & T = G 223 -7 or " S T 2 » 0 (T-Tl) G [1-2 II.::A_;_-:t‘z-rl:2 / \ i L2 | J | \ In the steady staté, Q=0V =k & (To - Ty) 2 2 ke T2 ~—T1 r r22 In 2 - r22 -'r12- ' kP ry 2 y (14) basing over-all coefficient on inside tube area , U ok k, A, h k=17 BIU _ hr—££-°F In the Fig. 3.16, the value of U is given as a function of r, where rj {3 treated as a parameter. In all cases, standard tube wall sizes were used. For 1/2" 0.D. tubes with 50 mil wall 7 ReNa - 348,000 PrNa - 0.001&24 hy = 17,350 __ BTU S hr, ft2 OF Ay S _ ,2(.05) - .000303 kb, T 1o x 12 x J45 For :2[_4" 0D tubes with 65 mil wall rReNa = 529,000 FPrp = 00424 h = 14,700 _ BTU hr. £t °F » £ ORNL-LE~Dwg.~16138 1800 Figure 3,16 OVER-ALIL HEAT TRANSFER ~ COEFFICIENT IN PASTE . BLANKET VS. 1600 EQUIVALENT TUBE CELL RADIUS 1,00 1200 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (BTU/hr-ft°F) 1000 800 600 - oo 200 0 , _ _ 2.0 M 6,0 8.0 10.0 EQUIVALENT TUBE CELL RADIUS, (in.) -63- Ay & _ .310(,065) - .00041 kwAw 12 x 12 x .342 For 1" 0D tubes with 85 mil wall Rey, = 720,000 Pry, = 00424 he = 12,000 BTU Na = 1%s —_—t hr. £t OF b & .415(,085) = .000535 KA 12 x 12 x .458 3.3.5 Blanket Piging and Pump The total pressure drop in the blanket is 145 ft, of head. Thié includes the losses throfighthe blanket tubes, four plemum chambers, 10.67 ft. of 18.inch 0.D, pipe, four elbows, one expansion joint, heat exchanger tubes, blanket tube sheets and heat exchanger tube sheets. The blanket sodium pump is a rotary pump with a capacity of 18,700 Gm of sodium ageinst a 145 ft. head. With a2 pump efficlency of 70 per cent, the motor required for the pump is a nominal 1000 hp. The blanket is filled by pumping the UO,-Na paste into the blanket vessel, under a helium pressure of 100 psi., prior to the reactor start-up. The blanket will be completely filled-and any expansion of the paste will be taken up in the blanket expansion tank. To empty the blanket, part of the paste will be forced out, using 100 ps{. helium., Pure sodium will then be used to dilute_and vash out the remainder of the paste. When enough sodium is added, the paste will aésfime the properties of a slurry and will flow'quite easily. . -{61'_- 8 3.3.6 Sodiwm Piping and Pumps The pipe sizes selected are 18-inch 0.D, for the blanket heat ex- changer and 42-inch 0,D, for the main lines to the boiler. The piping materisal | will be stainless steel. Sodium valves located in the lines will be plug~type with freeze seals. Canned-rotor pumps were selected in preference to the electro-magnetic pumps because of their higher efficiency. The total flow is 114,000 Gmm, which requires at least four pumps with 28,500 Gm. and 65 ft. head. Provisions are made to drainland storé ell sodium in the event of a shut- down. A one~foot thick concrete shield surrounds the sodium system including the boiler. The sodium pumps will be shielded so that they can be drained and replaced individually without denger to personnel. “b5= ~ 3.4 SALT DWMP SYSTEM A 821t dump system is provided consisting of two valved drain lines, one for the core and one for the heat exéhangerv and p:lping.- The lines are 12 inches | and 8 inches, respectively, and are sufficient to drein the entire system in four seconds. The dump tanks will have a combined capacity of 10 per cent in excess of the total circulating fuel volume., The tanks will be compartmentalized to keep the fuel suberitical; and cooling provisions will be provided to remove decay heat. Electric heating elements will be included to prevent the fuel from solidifying. The fuel will be removed from the dump tanks by a 5 Gpm., 130 ft. head punp either back to the core or to a contalmer to be shipped for processing. The tanks, piping and pump will be comstructed similarly to the main eir- culating fuel system, i.e., nickel-molybdenum alloy cled stainless steel to provide an allowable corrosion resistance for 10 years of useful 1ife, fi " 3.5 CORE VESSEL AND REFLECTOR HEATING ih this system, as in most reactor systems, the internal generation of heat in the core vessel due to gamma and neutron interactions with thelmetal was found to be appreciable. The energy sources considered for this calculéfion were prompt fiséiohigémmas, decay product gamfias, and neutrons of energies greater than 0,12 Mev, .The inelastic scattering gammas in the fuel and the core vessel were estimated as negligible with respect to the magnitude of the con- sidered sources. These sources gave a gamma spectrum as shown in Fig. 3.17. Using this integral spectrum and assuming it to be unchanged in space we applied the Infiegral Beam Approximation method(IS) (Appendix A~7). The heat generation rate in the core vessel and reflector was calculated as a function of position. The gamma absorption coefficients of the fused salt (Fig. 3.18) and of the nickel-molybdemum alloy (Fig. 3.19) were computed fdr use in this calculation. The gemma heat generation rate as a function of position is shown in Fig. 3.20. The heat generation due to neutron capture, elastic scattering, and in- elastic scattering were caloulated using_the-integral fluxes from the Univac caleculations with the general equation' | | G = Z (E) TF (E) E 5 B (Galculations :ln Appendix A—‘?) where.ETE) = throscOpic cross-section for the specific interaction ¢(E) = The average flux = JQQE,r! d3 jd3r E = Average neutron energy 3§ = The average energy transferred/ interaction. The sources ylelded a total averaged heat generation rate of 9.65 x 1013 Mev/cmB-sec in the core vessel and 1,77 x 1013 Mev/cm’-sec in the lead re- -67-. 1.0 2.0 25 GAMMA SPECTRUM VS. ENERGY 3.0 4.0 5.0 ENERGY, Mev., - - 7.0 4 6€TQT~* 3~ T~TNHD GAMMA ABSCRPTION CCEFFICIENT COF FUSED SALT VS. ENERGY 1.3 n . 1.1 0.9 GAMMA ABSCORPTION - COFFICIENT oML 0,7 -69= 0.5 0.3 ONTGT=*2nq~T-7NI0 0.1 1.0 2.0 3.0 ) - 4.0 _ 5.0 ENERGY, Mev. 0435 0,30 ENERGY ABSORPTION CGEFFIGIENTl /’-0‘; cmo- 0e25 0420 0.15 1.0 /O Figure 3,19 GAMMA ABSCRPTION CCEFFICIENT VS. ENERGY 2.0 3.0 ENERGY, Mev. 40 5.0 n THTT=*2Mq~TT-TII0 ") ORNL~LR~Dwg. =182 GAMMA HEATING RATE IN CORE VESSEL AND REFLECTI(R 1014 HEAT GENERATION FATE3 (Mev/cm’ -sec) 10 10 1.0 2,0 3.0 4s0 DISTANCE, CM. Figure 3.20 -Tle flector. It was found that approximately one third 6f the total heat genersation in the core vessel was due to gemma ;nteractions. Using thesé averaged heat generation rates a maximm temperature rise of 109.3 °F was estimated for the core vessel (Fig. 3.21). Since such a température rise was believed to cause abnormally high thermal stresses, it was decided to coal the lead reflector. This gave a maximum temperature rise in the core vessel of 29,2°F (Fig. 3.22). This was estimated to yield permissible thermal stresses. In all these calculations the core vessel was taken to be 1.3 em. thick; and the leed reflector, 2.5 cm, thick. In order to maintain the 29,2°F tempefature rise in the core shell and to minimize the thermal stresses, it was postulated that both surfaces of the core vessel be maintained at the same temperature of 13509F and that heat be removed from the reflector to accomplish this., It was also postulated that both surfaceé of the reflector are at 1350°F. Using these conditions it was found that 5.2 x 1013 Mbv/me-sec will be removed from the lead reflector. Q = 5.2 x 10'2 Mev/emPsec = 3.80 x 10° BTU/Ar. = 1.11 Mi. | Using a row of blanket cooling tubes we have & sodium flow of 83,500 1lbs/ hr. through 17 1/2-inch OD tubes with 50 mil walls, The heat transfer cal- culations show that this is more than adequate to tfansfer the heat. (Appendix A-7). 72 5 it ORNL=LR=Dwg « «18143 WITHOUT COOLIMG IN LEAD REFLECTOR TEMPERATURE VS, DISTANCE THROUGH CORE VESSEL AND LEAD REFLECTOR 120 100 80 TEMPERATURE °F 60 Lo 20 -1 <0 2,0 3.0 L.o DISTANCE, cm, Figure 3.21 73 50 25 | 0 TEMPERATURE o F 25 50 75 WITH COOLING IN THE LEAD REFLECTOR ORNL~LR=Dig.=181kk TEMFERATURE VS. DISTANCE THROUGH CORE VESSEL AND LEAD REFLECTCR 1.0 2,0 DISTANCE, Figure 3,22 “Th- Clhe 4.0 Ll ») 3.6 MODERATCR COOLING The heat generation in the moderafior due to fast neutron moderation is | 3.5 x 1012 nev. which yields a heat generation of 6.15 x 1018 mev, or QC--SGO. ) ' ) SGO. 3,36 x 105 BIU__ in the entire volume, With this heat generation rate, & sodium hr. flow of 1.13 x 10° 1bs. is required to maintain the maximm temperature of the - , graphite at 1325°F, The sodiun flow rate is accomplished in 25 4-inch cooling tubes with 50 mil walls. 3.7 ONCE-THRU BOILER The once-thru bojler is well éfiited to the high temperature reactor plant, since load conditions can be controlled by varying the flow of water. If the reactor follows its load demand well, it can be conirolled directly by the turbine throttle, Thus, operation of the plfint is greatly simplified. However, the once~thru boiler is not yet well developed and‘in this operating very near the burn-out point. This is perhgps one qf the weakest points in the design., It definitely requires further atfidj and possibly another intermediate sodiunm loop to lower the inlet sodium temperature to the boiler. This type of boiler requires very puwre feed water of ieés.than-%-ppm. impurity pnésent. The boilér is in the form of a shell afia tfibe, cqunter current,rone-pass heat exchanger with the 2400 psi stesm on the tube eide. There are 2400 tubes which are $-inch 0,D., 45 ft. long, with a 50 mil wall, The entire boiler will be made of stainless stéel which_is.résiétant to attack b} both hot_sodium and | super heated steam, The tubes ére in e tniangular lattice with a 1,11 inch pitch vhich léaves suffiéientrdom for welding the tubes into the tube sheet. The inside shell diamster is 4.9 f%., and fts wall thickness is ome inch which is sufficient to hold the sodium. The overall shell length is 50 ft. =75 were calculated using the Dittus-Beelter equatibn which includes two 24 ft. plemums., The boiler was made into a U-shape in order to reduce the size of the boiler.roam; o The design vas ecoomplished by breaking the boiler ipto three distinct fégions-a sub-oboled reglon, a boiling region and a superheated regidn. Thié' is bnly an approximation as it 1s'mainly a philosofihical point as to where sub- cooled boiling ends and net boiling begihs. The heat transfer coefficlents (14), and a method of J. A, Lane(16) was used in the bolling region. In calculating heat transfer coefficients, use was made of inlet velocities only. This is clearly an underestimate, and the excess aurfe.e‘e. ghould account for the resistance of the scale to heat transfer. At part-load operation, this boller tends to produce steafi di higher than design temperature. The steam temperature to fhe turbine will be maintained constant by attemferation end veriation of the boiler feed water température. The part-load operating characteristics of the boiler are given in the following table. Teble 301 Boiler Characteristics at Part-Load Operation Fraction of Full Load ¥ 3/4 1400 Steam Outlet Temperature 1080 F 6 1067 F 6 1000 F 6 Water Flow Rate 1.23.x 10~ lbs/hr 1,88 x 10° 2,62 x 10 Sodium Inlet Temperature ~ 1085°F 1082°F 1050°F Sodium Outlet Temperature 1010°F 6 970°F 6 900°%F o Sodium Flow Rate 53.2 x 10° Ibs/hr 53.2 x 10° 53.2 x 1 Over-all Coefficients f - Sub-cooled Region 1000 1160 1275 Length Sub-cooled Region 2,1 £%, - 3,16 455 Iflflgth Boiling Rfigion 4.6 £t, ' 7.5% 9.47 Over-All Coefficients | o I o Superheat Region 560 705 826 Length Superheat Region 38 f£t. 3 304 | ~76= | N " o) 3.8 AUXILIARY COOLING SYSTEM If the electric load 1s dropped to zero, 1t becomes necessary to remove delayed heat from the reactor core and blanket., An auxiliary cooling system 1s provided for this, comsisting of a separate sodium circuit, a sodiwmm-to-air heat exchanger and a pump. 3.9 TURBO-GENERATCR A tendem-compound, triple flow, 3600 rmm. turbo-generator with initial steam conditions of 2400 psig. and 1000 F was selected. Since & straight-thru boiler is being used, there is no reheat. The latter generally is not too desirable for nuclear power plants because of the attendent complicated controls. The feed water cycle will consist of six heaters with the deserator in number three place. The final feed water temperature is 550°F, Three condensate and three boliler feed pumps ere specified to insufe the relisbility of the unit. The thermal efficiency of the cycle is estimated to be 40 per cent. Auxil- lary power requirements are estimated to be seven per cent, -77=- GHAPTER 4 NUCIEAR CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 SOMMARY OF STUDY INTENTIONS | At the onset of the project, tfio codling syfitems for a fused salt reactor were considered, One was an internally cooled system in which the coolant, - lquid sodium, was passéd through the core of the reactor. The other was an externally cooled reactor in vhich the fuel was circulated through a heat ex~ changer enternal to the core. It was felt that the 1arge fuel_inyentory of a»fast reactor would be increased to & prohibitive amount in the circulating fuel system, Howévar, eerly calculations showed, that because of the large amount of parasitic sbsorption, the total inventory of the internally cooled system was about thé same as that of the circulating System. Poorer bianket coverage, more parasitic capture and lower spectrun caused the internally cooled system to have a breeding ratio estimated to be about 0,8 compared to an esti- mate of about 1.2 for the circulating system., The lower spectrum would also increase the fission product pbisoning. For these reasons and since the only advantage attributed to the internally cooled system, lower 1nven£ory, did not exist, 1t was decided to conduct parameter studies solely for mixed chleride fuels in an externally cooled systen, Preiiminary analysis (sec. 4.4.1) indicated that power output per mass of plutonium increased with increased power. A core power of 600 M{ was choéen ag 1t is the upper 1limit imposed by existing electric power distribution systems, Engineering considerations ylelded & minimum external hold-up volume for the removal of 600 Mi. This volume is so large that it remains essentially constant over a wide variation of core sizes. With the external hold-up volume constant a study was carried out on system 7S ¥ o) mess and breeding ratios as a function of composition of the mixed chloride fuel, It was realized very early in the study that, at the concentrations of the plutonium and uranium chlérides involved, the breeding ratio*was higher and the critical mass about the same when U-238 was used as a diluent instead of the other chlorides. The salt of composition 3 Eacl,,2 MQGJQ.and 1 Pu (U) Cl3, which is the highest concentration of Pu () 013 in the mixed chloride commensurate with melting point requirements was, therefore, used in the pare- meter study with variation on the ratio of plutonium to uranium, The analysis was carried out employing a ten group, one dimensional diffusion theory'method (sec. 4.2.1) on the bare core system to find the bare core radius, breeding ratios, and flux energy spectrum, Blanket cross sections were then averaged over this spectrum to obtain an approximation of reflector savings on eritiesl - core radius, rientzz has shown the validity of diffusion theory calculations for fast reactor systems with dimensions greater than 30 em, | Since the blanket material chosen has a low uranium density, an effort was mede to lower the neutron spectrum in the blenket to increase the plutonium production density and decrease the blanket thickness. Position and thickness of = graphite moderator section, placed in the blanket region, were varied to study results on btreeding ratio and concentration and distribution of plut- onfun production as well as the effects reflected back into the core. The Argonne National Lab. RE-7 code fbr ‘the UNIVAG (Sbc. 4+2.3) was used for this study employing 13 energy;graups and 7 spatial regions, V'Refléétor control is possible-forra.high core leskage resctor, such as in theipresent«design._Aubriaf'study.was performed on the effect of changing the level Qf & mdlten.lead refiéctcr adjaaent-to_%he core vesscl., These cal- - culations were then performed mere sccurately employing a 10 energy group, 3 spatial region code on a digital computer. - B rp— be2 CALGULATION METHODS BASED ON DIFFUSION THEORY 4.2.1 Bare Core Multi-Group Method The neutron diffusion equation in a bare reactor for the jth energy - group 1s 1 B%5% 5t ste Ths|giay, .Béi Au gy Jsit ) s, ww{’fg o, wvhere Zf“ Z:t"“‘, Zj 27 iz the maoroscmpic cross section for removal from the jth group by inelastie acattering,--az; is assumed to be the cross section for elastic moderation out of the jth group, F%; is the fraction of the fission spectrum born in the jth group, and P(1 — j) is the fraction of 1nelasti§a11y scattered neutrons in the ith group which are degraded to the Jth groub on an inelastic collision. The calculation of the bare system criticality was therefore reduced to e tabulation of neutron events with an iteration on the geometric buckling; B, until & neutron balance was obtained over all energy groups. The calculation begins with the introduction of one fission neutron distributed over the fission spectrum. In the Pirst (highest energy) group this is the only source of neutrons so that the events in this group can be tabulated, Group 1 then firo— vides the balance of the source for the second group through scattering, hence the events in the second group can be determined., This procedure was continued for each lower emergy group. At the conclusion of thé lowest energy group tabulation of events, the total capture of each element, the mumber of fissions £7 1, in plutonium and uranium, and the mmber of neutrons which leak out of the bare system were found by summation over all energy groups. A new radius was chosen and the calculation repééted until the neutron production and loss were equal. In the calculation just described, st eriticality, the source of neutrons for each energy group multiplied by the average velocity of that group times the average time spent in that group is proportional to the flux of that specific energy group. That is, flau ~ N; V"J.Tf Note that - ' T e . S vhere ;S}ffl=:§%%2r + ¢§£2fl+.‘§:j: *'jgégf s u # | | , / hence ’ ' P ’ a 4.2.2 Reflector Savings Estimate The flfix energy spectrum obtained for the bare core was assumed, for the reflector savings estimate, to be the equilibrium blanket flux energy spee- trum, Averaging blanket paramaters over this spectrum and assuming an infinite blanket the reflector savings was found to be insensitive to the bare core | radius and bare core spectrum over the range of interest. For the study of systen mass, bre;ding.fatids-and flux ensrgy spectrum as a function of the plut- | oniwm to uranium ratio, the reflgctof savings on the bare core‘radius.was assumed to be fi‘constant. - 4e2.3 UNIVAC Calculations In order to obtain a better representation of the effect of the blanket énthe core and to gain information on the desirability of a moderstor section in the blankbt'region,thg Re=7 Argonne National Leboratory code for the UNIVAC was employed, The iteration in this code was performed on the fuel to diluent ratio rather than the core radius. The optimm system core radius from the previous perameter study and seven regions (core, core vessel, lead reflector, first blanket, moderator, second blanket and graphite reflector) were used. Extra lower energy groups were employed because of the lover energy spectrum in the blanket. | The input information, calculation procedures and resirictions of the BE-V code are covéred in reference 23. The results of the problem consisted of the criticel fuel to diluent ratio, the criticality factor, the fiséion source at each space point, the integral of the fission source over each region, the flux at each space point in each energy group, the integral flux over each region in each energy group, and the net leakage out of each region in each energy group. =82« 4.3 CROSS SECTIONS 403.1 Energz GI'O“EQ For the UNIVAC calculations thirteen energy groups were employed. These are presented in Table 4,1, sectlion 4.3.4. The last four groups were combined into one group in the bare ten group paremeter study. Le3.2 Sources of Data A1l total end fission cross sections as well as the (n, gamma) of uvranium-238 and the (n, alpha) of chlerine were obtained from BNL-325. The capture cross section of plutonium was calculated using values of =¢ employed in réfbrence 2. 7The inelastic.scattering cross section of uwranium and plut- onium were obtained through & private commutication with L. Dresner of (RNL, These values were based on the experimental wofk of T, W, Bonner of Rice Imstitute, M. Welt of LASL end R. 0. Allen of LASL. The sources of other imelastic scatter- ing cross sections are references 25, 26, and 27. The spectrum of inelastically scattered neutrons was tsken, for all elements, to be Maxwellisn in form with the temperature of thé distribution give-n by the equation e:J-E- -~ C’, vhere E 1s the initial neutron energy, b fifisfaSSumsd 20,7 Mevl and constant and ¢ was teken aé 0,08 Mev for high energy meutrons and extrapolated to zero ét the threshol&. In reference 28, this form is used and gives good sgreement for incident neutron energies of 1.5,'3 and 14 Mev. | Mossured values of the transport cross section of carbon, iron, lead and uranium~238:wbre obtfiined fram-refbrénce 29. A&ditionfil values for these elements and all transport cross sectio;s‘fq: the other'elements were caleculated using the angular distribution of scatterea neutrons obtained from refbfenee 30, Cap- | -83- ture eross sections for elements other than uranium and piutonium vere cal- culated using the method deseribed in Section 4.3.3. 4e3.3 Calculation of Capture Cross Sections Because of the lack of experimental determination of capture eross sections at the emergies of interest (.001 to 10 Mev), a theoretical, energy dependent equation employing persmsters which can be estimeted with some accuracy was normalized to data by Hughes31 of capture cross ‘sections at 1 Mev, The equation employed is that appearing as equation 4.2b in reference 32, U-:;(E) 2‘”*' 2.0 + 1 1+ | |%? l—'/za' where the functions, I p are g:lve_n by | 1/2 0 s h ; exp (-ipa/h) P 1 (&) /2 (a"'1+ Py exp ( -tpaf) (r ) J ¥ w)d +12 Le1f- L : {—p-% 8 T—% i exp ( -ipr/a ) The penetrabilities I 2-_‘1‘: Ig |2 for,Q equal 0 to 6 were calculated to be 'Il 2 |I°\2 beos_1_ 4 sin _1_ 2+ cos_;_-bsinl 2 y b= ' - b b , b - - I, (3b ~1) cos_l_+3b sin __1.__] [Bbcos | = (3v2-1) sin __1._] b b o -84~ 2 (156°=6) boos_1_+ (15b2-1) sin 1 | o b + @51)2-1) cos 1 - (15b2-6) bsin 1 ' b o 2 | - =2 |I° |2 (1-45b2+105b4) cos % + (105b2-10) bsin 1 | b | | | . 2 + ElO%z-lo) beos 1 - (1-45b° +105b%) sin .l] o n b , . b |5 | ? |% |2 (15-420b° +945b%) boos 1 +(1-1056%+ 94564) sin 1 | b b 2 s g A (1-105b+ 945b7) cos 1 - (15-420b° +945b") bsin ;_ b %6 | |I | {[—14— 210b - 4'725b1*+10395b ) cos 1+ (21—1260%#10395b4)bsin 1] 2 b b + B21-E60b2+10395b ) beog 1 - (-1+ 210b2—4725bl’+10395b6)sin %] 2 Note that p/h = 2,2 x 10 on (E/ev)% and pa/M = 3.23 x 10~4 at /3 (E/ev)%, 1f a = 1.47 x 10713 A1/3 cm For nuclei where the level spacing has been exp_eriméntally determined and the relevant energy staf.e of the compound nucleus is not in the contimmm,D (the level spacing) was dbtazine_d as an average of data from reference 33, If the relevant state is in jihe contimnm,then D(7 Mev) was determined from the experimentsl dg.ta po_ints_lin. Fig. 3;5 of reference 32, and the eqfiation DaC exp(-BE'%) was used with C equal to 10° ov (for 1light nuclei) and B evaluated from the 7 Mev‘da.ta. "E, is the excitation energy of the epprop- ‘riate compourd nucleus. | | | The parameter J 2n/h is obtained frcm complex potential well theory and is plott.ed as a function of atomic we:lght in reference 32. The equation for the capture cross section was then nofmalized to Hughes' =85~ ' 2 1 Mev cross section data by solving for l:. | ';‘ and Jn were considered to be energy independent. 4e3.4 .Tabulatién of Cross Sections Table 4.1 lists the énerg’y groups and fission spectrum used in the thirteen group calculations. A1l the cross sections used in these studies ere tabulated in Table 4.2 The spectrum of inelastically scattered neutrons (assumed for all elements to be that of uranium-238) is given in Table 4.3 TABIE 4,1 Egé gy g;ggpg and Figsion Spectrum | Fraction of fission Group Number : Energy Band peutrons born in band 1 oo - 2,23 Mev 0.346 2 2.23 - 1.35 Mev 0.229 3 1,35 ~ 0,498 Mev 0,301 4 0.498 - 0,183 Mev 0.091 5 | 0.183 - 0.067, Mevw 0,025 6 | 0.0674 - 0,0248 Mov 0.006 7 0.0248 -0,00912 Mev 0.002 8 9120- 3350 ev - 9 3350-1230 ev " | - 10 | 1230- 454 ev - 11 454= 300 ev - - I N 300 -5 ev L 13 '5-0"ev ' - -86- TABLE 4.2 Fission Cross Sections (pawms) Group Number &239 U 238 1 2.0 0.55 2 2.0 0.40 3 1,75 .02 4 1.65 - 5 1.8 - 6 2.0 - 7 24 - 8 3.2 - 9 4.0 - 10 7.5 - 11 11 - 12 40 - 13 60 - -8 continued Group Mumber Pu 1 .06 2 .10 3 .13 L .20 5 36 6 .60 7 .89 8 1.3 9 2,2 10 49 11 7.0 12 25 13 45 * Assumed values. Group Number o M O~ W N .18 o27 40 57 «70 .90 1.0 2,0 30 2,0 «0007 .0019 .0045 .0097 022 050 Jq1 .19 .33 3.6 .0003 40004, «0007 0014 .0025 . 00438 .0088 .016 026 042 .16 . 0025 «0059 «015 .038 +061 062 .062 063 017 .037 .085 .21 .51 .76 1.0 2.0 .02 02 «02 .02 .02 .02 .02 02 .02 « 02 04 10 ¥ Inelastic scattering cross section for removal from group. «S8w 1) continued Group Number O 00 N W W N B B b Fu 7.0 6.2 6.3 8.1 11 13 15 17 16 26 32 79 13 120 x 3 Transport Cross-Sectlons® (bams)“ T 6.5 5.9 5.7 7.3 76 9.5 Otr = Otet “H5 Os Group Number V. 0 3 O v &~ WD Fu 055 «055 - «039. +060 082 .091 098 .10 082 I +060 . 065 053 072 .098 11 11 11 c1 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.7 2,1 3.0 2.5 3.5 3.6 4.0 45 12 20 » Table 4.2 Na Mg 1.9 1.3 2.2 2.1 3.9 3.1 4.0 6.8 3.6 6.2 L8 3.8 5.5 3.8 20 3.4 30 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.3 3 2.0 2.2 2.1 2,6 3.2 4ob 5.7 8,0 7.4 10 5 3.8 3.5 3.4 5.5 [ [ E BE B EEE 9 1.3 1.3 2.8 4ol 3e4 365 3.6 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 1Q 2,0 2,8 4.0 405‘ | 4o5 4.6 4ob 4.6 4.6 4e6 4o7 : 4'8 Elastic Scattering Removal Crossesection* (barns) c1 32 31 .13 012 13 o 17 A a9 «20 Na 42 .51 .38 .34 .30 AL 47 1.7 Mg 027 oS .28 .55 51 031 31 28 «28 Fe WU .18 .088 12 .16 .20 .28 026 Fb 095 +096 .051 .058 096 .10 010 ki 0 037 .38 41 .56 242 b2 43 046 46 c .51 63 ol 63 71 oT1 o713 73 013 10 .12 .13 .22 027 ‘ 027 ‘ 039 011 046 073 11 .28 31 .58 .65 .65 .89 - .26 1.1 1.8 12 .29 .07 .16 .065 .065 .091 .026° .11 .18 % _ 0 elamod = 057 3 AU T TABIE 4.3 INELASTIC SCATTERING SPECTRUM To 2 3 4 _5 _6 7 From | | - | 1l 04/, 364 377 <157 .058 — 2 - <197 438 268 073 .02/, 3 - 47388 22 W03 4 - — — ST .300 L126 5 | - - — - 703 «297 1)) L. RESULTS OF THE PARAMETER STUDIES For an externally cocled sjrste;n, the_#;mdmim power which can be re- moved is proporticnal to the volume of the holdeup in the external heat ex- changer. The system mass of plutontum 1s proportiomal to the total of the system. Hence, an increase in the power removed at a given core volm results in en increase in the ratio of power to the system mass of plutonivm, There- fore, the lowest inventory cost ig cbtained with the maximm power out=put. considerations yielded an external hqld.-fu;p volume of 3510 liters for a core power of 600 Mi, which was considered to be the maximm de- girable. Witk this external volwme constant, & preliminary anslysis was pere formed to minimize the mass of plutonium. One ten group, bare core caleulation wvas performed with a wranium to plutonium ratio of wnity in order to obtain a typical core spectrum. This spectrm was uséd to avemgé core parameters for a "one-speed” parameter study ef system mass of pltrbnoimn variation with core gize. The "one~speed” bare core criticalit_y equation is Ly 1] e [ 9% 5 vhere oY a—_gfl a-;dq,__ D= [i/3 S%Pl j_s WR, A nd E Z is the average macroscopic capture Cross sebtion of the diluents other thanuranimn-238. In terms of the bare core mass of pfl.utonimn, 9 core redius, R, this equation ‘becomes | M . w | — NoP | = "8_ .7"'",28 / o 1 ( s dn gu., 0l [ S 0] where' - xé 6;—4‘7(1)4" | - ;(_% )+‘(-):€28_ 6':.-“ (])u- I) | Az is the atomic weight of the zth element f' is the atam fraction of the zth element in the ealt o ’q: is the density of the salt in grems Per cu‘bic centimeter H, is Avagadro's Number times 10'24' | G 'e sre in units of barns | M, is in units of grame R 1s in units of centimeters considering a reflector savings ofAR the core mass becomes = Mc [ R—AR ]3 The system mass of plutonium, Ms’ is thus, for en external volume of V., M . ’ ’ ’ MS - MI c v — ot LT R3 © 3 With an external volume of 3.51'x 106 cc, thesé equations mmerically yield M, = 1,25 x 1048+ 0,232 |R-2R [?, 2.05 x 20" +1,11 x 10° _ | R R This equation is plotted as the predicted results on Fig. 4.1. The reflecter savings, AR, wvas determined from a blanket reflection coefficie_nt which was obteined by averaging blanket parameters ever_ the core flux energy spectrum, The reflection coefficlent was found to be 1nsenait1‘.ve-‘ to core radius. Thus & typical AR of 18 cm was used for all cages. bede? Bare Core Ten Group Peremeter'Studx For the reasons stated in section 4.1 the study was limited to con~ gideration of a salt of composition 3NaCl, 2Mg012, ( 1 ) PuClB, and . ' ' l1+x 92~ 1) ¥/ ( _ x UC1,, where x is the ratio of uranium to plutonium, N(28)/N(49). OCal- ciifiiions were performed for various values of x to obtain bare core eritical mass, core flux energy spectrum, internal breeding ratio, and the met core leakage which was used to obtein the maximum external breeding'ratio. The feflected core critical mass variation with the reflected core radius is plotted as Fig. 4.2. Note that the equation for M, in section 4.4.1 is of the form M = kR + kR where‘kg/kl 1s about 10~7 so that for R less than 100 cm the deviation from linearity should be less than 10 percent. This behavior i1s seen in Fig. 4.2 which is the result of multi-group treatment. The system mass of plutonium obtained from the multi-group calculations is given on Fig. 4.1 together with the prediction of section 4.4.1. It is seen that the shapes of the two curves are similar and £hat the minimums fall at the same reflected core radius, This indicates the validity of the assumption, which was made in the preliminary analysis, that the parameters, when averaged over the core spectrum, were insensitive to a change of core radius, The system mass of plutonium and thé'breeding'rdtios are plotted as a function4of x on Fig. 4.3. Core flux-e#ergy spectrums for x equal to 0 and 1 are given as Fig. 4.42 and x equal to 2 and 3 as Fig. 4.4b. The rapid 1ndre§se of the system mass of plutonium as xrdecreasas frog_z vas considered to far outweigh the advantages gccrued from the higher breeding ratio and the higher- flux.energj spectrum., Thus the.Optimum system was‘¢hosen to ocdur with x equal to 2. 4.h.3 Reflector Control In & reactor with a high core leakage, control can be affected by changing the fraction of the out~-going core leakage which is returned. Using & molten lead reflector 1n vhich the level is varled, the 1argest contribution ' t0o control is due to the creatien of & void surrounding the core., This void results in some of the neuwtroms reflected by the blenket, which ig now separated from the core, to reenter the blenket directly. The change of refleetion co~ efficlent due to the separation of the bla.n.ket fram the core is calculated assuming that the neutrons leave the blanket in e cosine epatial distribution. In terms of the reflection coefficlent with no separation the effective coefficient with & void surrounding the reactor core is given by o te_Be R+t (1 =) where R 1s the core radius ani t 1s the thickness of the void shell., The spproximete values of of , t and R used in the system were oC egual to 0.5, t & 2.5 cm, and R equalto 92 cm. ‘Eor thege values, ocl is equal to 0.493. Since the nev core leakage is epproximately one half the core neutron pro- duction, Ak -~ de £t 2 0,00k k o Atanic Power Deve opuent Associates performed & three region, ten group calculation to determine A4 k/k for the void control. These results give kfk equal to 0.016. bbb Effect of a Molerator Section in the Elanket Reglon | To determine the effect of a graphite moderator section in the blanket region, UNIVAC calculations employing seven spatiel reglons end thirteen energy groups were carried out. For a constant total volume of moderator and blanket, figl]--'- 43 sl variations were mafe on moderator thickness snd position. The core flux energy spectrum with no moderator present in the blanket region was identical with that obtained with the thickest moderator section used, considered at its closest approach to the coré. Therefbré, the only con- siderations in choosing an optimum system were the concentration of plutonium production in the blanket énd the totsl breeding ratio. These two considerations are shown in Figs. 4.5 and 4.6. The effect of a moderator section on the outer blanket flux energy spectrum is shown in Fig, 4.7. The effective capture cross section of uranium-238 in the outer blanket is 1.45 barns with the moderator section present and 0,68 barns when blanket materiel wes substituted for the moderator. Over the range of moderator thicknesses considered (0 to 13em), the total breeding ratio varied only slightly whereas the average concentration of plut- oniun production increased by a factor of about 1,6 with the average concen- tration in the outer blanket increasing by a larger factor. Thus the maximum moderator thickness of thirteen centimeters and the minimum inner blanket thickness of seven centimeters were chosen for the final system because of higher1awerage;concentration'and more uniform spatial distribution of the plut— onium production in the blanket. 4.5 FINAL DESIGN The final aystem, based on the results of the UNICAC calcnlations, con= gists of the seven spatial regions listed in Table 4.4. TABIE 4., BEGION DIMENSIONS AND COMPOSITION Region . Outer boundarz. (em) Composition 1. core 92 3 NaCl, 24gCl,, 0.6 UCl,, 0.3 PuCl,. 4= 2.5 gn/ee 2. core vessel 93.7 a,s,sfumed'to be iron for nuclear calculations 3. lead reflector 96,2 1iquid lead 4. 3inner blanket 103.2 volume fraction UO2 = 0.50 volume fraction Na = 0.42 volume fraction Fe = 0,08 5. moderator 126.2 graphite 6. outer blanket 139.7 volune frection U0, = 0.54 volume frection Na = 0.44 volume fraction Fe g 0.02 7. graphite reflector 160 graphite The detailed neutron balance sheet, normalized to one heutron 'absor‘bed, in plutonium in the core, is given in Table 4.50) of Pu = 2.88 and V of 1°3% 2e5e Q6. i ‘region 1: fission in Pu . capture in Pu . fissions captures captures captures captures region 2: captures fegion 3: captures region 4: fisslions captures | captures captures régiOn 5: captures regiohféz\ rfissions captures captures captures inU., intG. in C1 in Na in Mg in Fe in Fb inU. inU. in Na, 1n-Fe | inC ., 1n‘U. InU. 1n'na in Fe TABIE /.5 NEUTRON BALANCE neutron absorbed *® @ o & & ¢ & ¢ o 0. 793 e o o o 8 o & & o 0.207 ® & o & ¢ o o & o 0.048 ‘0000000000.238 e @ ¢ & o s s o 0.111 e & & o '. ® e o oo 0.005 * & & o & & s 9 0. 011 * o - . * . - * . O.M6 L ® * * * ® . * ® 0.012 C e e e e e .. 0.023 e e e e e e .. 0,437 e e e e .. 0,003 e e e e . 0,04 * *® * * 2 2 o * » . 0‘m2 . | s o o o @ .'. Vo . 0.001 | ¢ & & & * @ o & @ Obm e & o ® @ o & & o 0.005 00000000000014 neutrons produced 2.284 0.120 0.058 I TABIE 4.5 (cont.) " peutrons afigé;fiéafiikij;f‘ neutrons produced region 7¢ | | captures inC . . . . . . + + + o« » « » » 0,001 leskage . ; e o o o s o s s s s e o s o o« 0,055 totals for all regions « . o« o ¢ o o o o o o o 2464 . 2.46) breeding ratio = 1,09 The spatial neutron flux distribution for each of the thirteen energy groups is shown on Figs. 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10, These plots are for a core vegsel thickness of 5.1 cm, and a lead reflector thickness of 5.1 em. These 238 in values were subsequently reduced in ordér to Increase the fast fissions in U ‘the blanket ani to redfibt=the,parasitic captures in the core vessel and refleéfor. Energy spectrums of the coré, inner blanket and outer regiéns are showfi on Fig, 4.11. | | The nfifiber of fissions occuring below lethargy u vs. u 1s ;lbtted as‘Fig. 4.2, The total system mass of plutonium is 1810 kg. This extremelj higfi.vélue 1s primarily due to the low density of the mixed chloride-salt-ahd tdrfhé very iarge external hold-up volume. Because of the low density and the lower thermal conductivity of most low melting salts, this high inventory is an inherent characteristic of fused salt systemé. Thé effect of %he high eitérnallhold;up volume could possibly be improved somewhat by employing a salt with better héat transfer characteristics, m, o ORNL LR Dwg. 15408 SYSTEM MASS OF PLUTONIUM VS, CORE RADIUS Figure 4.1 3400 Bare core 10 group study 3200 Prediction 3000 SYSTEM MASS OF PLUTONIUM ' 2800 . (kg. ) 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 L0 60 80 100 122 CORE RADIUS, cm. =9 -_— 1600 "CRITICAL MASS (kg of Pu,) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 4,00 200 20 CRITICAL MASS OF )9 IN CORE VS. CORE RADIUS ;o Figure 4.2 - 60 80 CORE RADIUS, cm, ~100- A ——— ORNL LR Dwg. 15406 100 120 ‘.". 4 } ORNL LR Dwg.l5407 NUCLEAR CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER STUDY ON A 3NaCl, 2MgCl,, 1 UClB(Pu013) SALT WITH EXTERNAL HOLDUP VOLUME SPECIFIED AT 12} CUBIC FEET 1.6 Figure 4.3 BREEDING RATIOS 3,00 3200 - 1.h 3000 1.2 KG OF 1,9 in SYSTEM : 2800 1.0 2600 0,8 2l00 - 0.6 2200 ; 0.l 2000 0.2 1800 | H0 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 | N(28)/N(L9) -101- Figure 4.4a o ORNL LR Dwg. 15405 CORE FLUX SPECTRUM VS. LETHARGY - 0.2l 6 LETHARGY, U U 1n 10 Mev./E 0.2L 2 L 6 8 10 LETHARGY, U =102~ ® p CORE FLUX SPECTRUM VS. LETHARGY Figure A.4b ! L 6 LETHARGY, U =103~ ORNL LR Dwg. 15403 hhhhh CAPTURE IN BLANKET 28/ ABSORPTION IN 49 PER MILLION CC. /0 % " ORNL LR Dwg. 15410 CAPTURE IN BLANKET URANIUM PER ABSORPTION IN PLUTONIUM FER MILLION CUBIC CENTIMETERS VS. THICKNESS CF MODERATCR SECTION - WITH CONSTANT MODERATCR PLUS BLANKET VOLUME -¥701- 6 8 10 4 THICKNESS OF GRAPHITE MODERATCR SECTION, cm. 2 Figure 4.5 ' ‘ ? y ; 0 . 1 10 & ORNL LR Dwg. 15409 . TOTAL BREEDING RATIO VS. THICKNESS OF MODERATCR ~ SECTION WITH CONSTANT MODERATCR PLUS BLANKET TOTAL BREEDING - RATIO 1.10 1,09 10 12 6 8 0o 2 . 4 THICKNESS OF GRAPHITE MCDERATCR SECTION, em. Figure 4.6 =601~ 0.15 0.20 0.15 B N N 0.05 ORNL LR Dwg. 15412 INTEGRAL FLUX VS. LETHARGY B R Y .16 - LETHARGY, U .. Figure 4.7 «106~ 2 L POSITION (. em. ) Ffi@;xre 15-8 - - ORNL . LR Dwg, 15 s ~L0T- = 0% 6 4l LR Dwg. 15 ORNL m ~80T~ L . Figure L.9 " RADIAL Figure 4.10 » £ @ ofim. LR Dwg. 15117 IR ;60'[— INTEGRAL FLUX VS. LETHARGY g.154h 0} 0 L 8 12 16 | LETHARGY, U 'y ORNL LR Dwg. 15411 FRACTION OF FISSIONS EELOW LETHARGY, U, VS. LETHARGY, U. 1.0 0.8 0.6 FRACTIONS O FISSIONS: BELOW U 0.4 0.2 C 2.0 4.0 60 80 . 10.0 R IETHARGY, U, - = Figure 4,12 CHAPTER 5 CONTROLS 5.1 CGENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The control of a fast reactor is no mcrc difficult thac that of & thermal reactor. Even though the prompt neutron lifetime is much shorter in a fast reactor, the delayed neutrons are still the controlling factor. It is the nmumber of delayed neutrons aveileble that determines the ease with thich the reactor is controlled. In & plutonium fusled reactor there is less than one-half the number of delayed neutrons thct'are availskie in a reactor using 238 for fuel. Also; & circulating fuel reactor reduces the effective number of delayed neutrons aveileble for control because- some are born in the loqp outside the core and are lost to the system. Therefore, the main difference between the_control of & fast end thermsl reactor is in the method of control. One method of control is with the use of & neutron absorber. This method is not generally satisfacgory for fast reactors_bccause of the low capture cross sections for neutrons in the high energy spectrum. Ehis.requires that e largc amount of ebsorber material be a relatively short tifie. Also, the conversion ratio ln a fast breeder reactor is lowered. Ancther mcthod of control is fiith the movement of fuel in the reactor. This does not lower the conversion retio but does present the additibnal_pfoblems of heving to remcve fhe heat generated in the qul rod and having to process the rod. This method is not too practicable in e circulatflng fuel reactor. The use of & movable reflector appears to be the most practicable method of controlling & circulating fuel fast breeder resctor. This method has the disadvantcéé of having to move a large mass of reflector material in e short perioa of time. It also lowers the conversion ratio slightly. chever, this method‘cf control was selected for the reactor under consideration in this project. "].12‘ ‘ » 4 N - » 5,2 DELAYED NEUTRONS The control of & fast reactor with only pfampt neutrons available would be extremely difficult because the avefagé lifetime of prompt neutroms im a fast system is of the order of 10"6 seconds._when_delayad neutrons sre avail- able, the average neutron lifetime in the system becomes approximately 10'2 seconds. This Increases greatly:the ability to control the reactor in a safe manner., | The ffaction of delayed neutrons emitted by the fast fission of plutonium- - 239 1s 0.0023 and of uranium-238 is 0.0176. From the nuclear celeculations it was found that 5,7 percent of the total fissions sre from uranium-238 so that the delay fraction, fi?; is 0.0032.. This is the value when the fuel is not being circulated. In considering = circfilating fuel reactor, it is obvious that a part of the delayed neutrons will bé émitted outside the core and therefore lost to the system, The fraction of delayed neutrons that are useful to the circulating fuel reactor under steady state conditions can be calculated frafi the ratio of the average concentration of delayed neutron precursors 1n the core to the concentration of delayed neutron precursQrs in the core when fhe fuel o is stagnant. This_fraction for the 1th delay group can be written as follows:37 ol - e}f';fit )(,_C-Nfa) MY \e e TNy N where )\71 i1s the decay constant, t3 is the time spent in th‘e,core by the cir- culating fuel, and t, is the time spent outside the core by the fusl. The average ¢ was found to be 0,519. Since ome dollar of reactivity = d. (3’ = 0.0017, the reactivity dollar has been deflated mearly fifty percent due to circulation of the fuel. <113~ ., 38 O PeW N 'TABIE 5,1 DELAYED NEUTRONS FROM Pu?3? T} (sec.) N (sec 1) Bi X3 53,7 0.0129 0.00009 0.462 22.9 0.0303 0.00062 0.462 6.11 0.1134 0.00045 0.464 2.1 0.3238 0.00088 0.480 0.40 1.7325 0.00028 0.709 0.15 4.620 0.00002 0.88, TABIE 5,2 o0 DELAYED NEUTRONS FROM UR38 T+ (sec,) N [ B1 A4 1l 53.0 0.0131 0.00014 0.462 2 22,0 0.0315 0,00178 0.462 3 5.3 0.1308 0.00278 0.462 4 2.0 0.3466 0.00718 0.480 5 0.51 1.359 0.00419 0.657 6 0,18 3.851 0.00153 0.861 -114~ The lifetime of promptr» neutrons can be calculated by L-__1 & | '7))2__; = 0.5 x 10 seconds [ $dE vhere Y S e4 dE ad 5. J5; ddE o JedE In the region below prompt critical, the delayed neutrons determine the average meutron lifetime in the system. With circulating fuel’’ L= Z s é i _ + L= 0.018 seconds i At With stagnant fue1> L- Z gi + L = 0,039 seconds i =115~ 5.3 TEMPERATURE COEFFICGIENT OF REACTIVITY Thé change in reactivity_du_e_ to a change in temperature is of impbrtance to the stability and control of the reactor. The largest contribution to this coefficlent of reactivity is from the expansion of the fused salt. The following derivation is for an approximate value due to the change in density .of the salt. , DB*) | - £ - n¥F I~ 5 o | (5.3.1) where DB2 = leakage cross seetion and S = total removal cross section (inciuding leakage) DB* probability of leakage 2 |- £8* = probability of non-leakage K D - > 3. efine S, = ZR - DB (5.3.2) Substituting (5.3.2) in (5.3.1) and rearranging we get £ -t /O | (5.3.3) { 2_,./0-1- B* IfD = L 3% : then ) 35, 5 *eE s ey (0 From preliminary core calculations it was found that 3). Zl; = B2 so that small changes in 3; Zt. in the mmerator of (5.3.4) will not be affected very much if 3 Zrzt +B? in the denominator is assumed to be a constant. (5.3.4) can be rewritten és A= C2 2, | (5.3.5) and 2).. = lgt N)r;_ 6:1'— = NTG_r- (5-3-6) and 5 = No ‘ - (5.3.7) =116~ ¥ Q) Since Hr f. N then N, = CoN | | _ (5.3.8) Substituting (5.3.8) in (5.3.6) 2r~Cy NOT | (5.3.9) Substituting (5.3.7) and (5.3.9) in (5.3.5) where 03 - 0102 4y GT'_' | Reactivity = dk -~ 2 C NdN = Z.ELM . (503011) k C, N = N and N«<}Q so dk | (5.3.12) e 2 dp , From the curve of fused salt density vs. temperature (°F), it was found that d)a s-be? X 10'4 at The average temperature of the fused salt in the core is 1200°F and the average density is | /‘5 = 2.5 g/om3 | Hence i_kg_a‘zd = =3,3x 10"!* dT and the temperaim‘_e coefficient of reactivity due to the expansion of the | fused salt is negative and approximately | - 3.3 x 1074 per: °F The above approximation was verified 'bj‘_a ten gfoup, three region machine caleulation which féund the nsgative temperature_ coefficient of r'eactivity- %o be 2.4 x 107% per °F, Since there is mo experimental data on the ‘density of the fused salt being’ used in this reactor, it was felt that the high 'Ee'riiperahira densities as obtained from theoretical calculations were not relieble, The temperature coefficient «117- of reactivity obtained using the theoretical densities appears to be on the . high slde., Therefore, 3.3 x 10~% per °F wvas taken as en upper limit, The lower 1imit used in simulator studies was 2 x 105 per OF., These values appear to bracket the coefficients used in the design of gimilar reactors. There are several other factors contributing to the coefficient of reactivity. The expansion of the lead in a partially filled reflector due to a rise in’ temperature will give an increase in reactivity. A simple calculatidn was made to determine the magnitude of this effect. It was assumed that the reflector was & cylindrical shell 176 em high, The'dhange in the density of lead due to a temperature changé was found from Figure 5.140 to be - 0.,00065 g/em>/°F Therefore, /o= fi-0.00065 T where T is the change in temperature from T,. If the reflector is ome half full at 1200°F and the temperatufe is increased so the reflector level will reise ome cm, the weight of lead will remain con- stant, so 2 Tr x zkdfl .2.1Tr(‘L/—:+I)J(f7 0-000(95"7) Rearranging, T = jO 0 000 bs~ (4 h+t) = 10,22 g/em’ at 1200F so T & 177°F rise, If the total reactivity of the reflector is 0,016, then the average re- sotivity per cm of height is 0.9 x 1074 per cm, Therefore, a 177°F rise in temperature will raise the reactivity 0.9 x 107*, The temperature coefficient ~ of reactivity due to ths expansion of the lead reflector is then approximately -118~ 10.6 10.4 10.2 Density (g/cn3) 10.0 9.8 9.6 600 800 CEANGE OF DENSITY WITH TEMPERATURE C(F LIQUID IEAD 1000 1200 1400 Temperature (°F) 1600 1800 2000 Fige 5.1 SHTET="3Ad=YT-TNYO 61T~ =6 0.5 x 10 andvis'positive. 'This is considerably smaller than the lowest value of the negative coefficient used for expansion of the fused salt. - The Doppler effbct‘l is another source of varlation of reactivity with température.' The overall effect is to increase resonance cross sections with ~ an ircrease of temperature. Thus, the fissions in Pu?3? will be increased with‘increasing temperature, leading to é positive temperature coefficient of reactivity, This positiva coefficient is in part balanced by the negative reoefficient of reactivity arising from the increased absorption in the Pu239. 023§'1ntrodnces a negative coefficient of reactivity so with the proper balance of the'twb materiaels, the positive éoefficient can be cahcelled cut.' Tt was found in a U235 system that to obtain a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, the ratio of 0238 to U235 nnclei would have to be greater than 1.9. In the reactor being studied, the ratio of U2° to Pu?3? 1s 2.0. Although no calculation was made for the Pu®-? system, it appears that 1f the temperature coefficiénfi»df reactivity due to the Doppler effbdt is still positive, 1t will be small compared to that obtained from the density change in the fused selt. ~1:20- b 4 5.4 REFLECTOR CONTROL The lead reflector will be used primarily'for shiu control‘to ccmpensate for burn-up of the fuel. This will allow the additiun of fuel at fixed intervale rather than continuously ifr concentration control were used. The cperating level of the_lead rerlectcr at the beginning of a burn up period will be at a | point where only 0.0025-of reacti?ity can be added by completely fiiling‘the.;{ reflector. This will ailcw for ebout ten days of operation between edditionejjii of fuel, The dumping of the lead reflectcr can be used for normal ehut dcwns of the reactor. However, the operating temperature of the fused ealt must be . naintained during ghut down either by decay'heat or by the addition of external heat. This is tc prevent the reactor from going critical due to the negative L temperature coefficient of reactivity if the temperature drops. The dumping ‘;ii cf the fused salt will occur only as an emergency screm or when the reactor - requiree maintenance. Dumping cf the lead reflector fcr shut dcwn will reduce o greatly the consequent start up time.: wl2)e 5,5 SDMULATOR STUDIES Simulator studies were run to determine the stability of the system under changing load conditions. The load demand fias varied from full load dofin to 1/6 loed in steps of 1/6. The load was then taken back up to one half load and then to full load, Even though the load changes were msde much faster than they could be changed in actual practide, the system proved to be veiy stable under these conditions. This was becauée of the negative témperature coefficient of reactivity and the large heat capacity of the system. The use of different negativé temperature coefficients of reactivity only changed the time with wvhich the system resporded to the load changes. o Due to & lack of time, no method to hold the steam temperature at its design point when the load was reduced was simulated. However, there are several things that can be done, either wholly or in part, to maintain the steamx temperature. The temperature of the boiler feed water can be reduced by reducing the amofifit of.steam to the boiler feed water heaters or also the steam temperaturé can be reduced by attemperation. The auxiliary cooling system could be used to remove parf of the heat., This design calls for constant speed pfimps but'if variable speed pumps were avalilable they could be-used'to regulate the steam temperature. The temperature of the reactor could be varied by the reflector ghim control but there is a lowér limit to prevent freezing of(the fused salt, The following diagram shows the design temperatures of the various loops - in the system at full load. . 122~ 1, o 1350°F 1050%F 1000°F > CORE ~ FUEL Na —r () ! 1050%F 900°F | 550°F As seen in Fig. 5.2, the reactor power follows the load demand with practically no overshoot with & negative temperature coefficient of reactivity of 3.3 x 16”4. There is no noticable change in the mean fuel temperature as the load demand 1s varied. 5 A negative temperature coefficient of reactivity of 2.0 x 10~ was use& to obtain the results shown in Fig. 5.4. Even with this small coefficient, the reactor is stable but requires more time to reach equilibrium after a load demand change, | . Fig. 5.5 shows the different temperatures obtained in the system whén the loed is varied., This is.with no method of controllihg the steam temperature in the simulator circuit. | | The diegrem used to set up this reactor system on the simuletor is shown in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7. I | -123- °F Temperature - Temperaturs ~ °F 1200 — = Q o 1000 900 1300 Ny 3 b 3 ./;17L. ORNL LR Dwg. 15413 L0 60 g0 100 120 140 160 ' Time - Secs, o - 1.2 1200 1,0 S I, = emjereduoy S QO e~ 1300 ORNL=IR=Dwg » lu.m“_.rm g A o o S - oamgereduo], 1000 Fig,. 160 140 100 60 80 Time - Secs. w0 20 120 1200 °p B 3 Temperature - " o S o 900 1300 5 1 . \]‘ Temperature - °F B 20 40 Y 60 /a6 80 Time -~ secs. 100 120 ORNL LR Dwg. 1541l 140 160 1.2 Fig, 5.4 =9e1- Temperature - Op 700 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 ORNL~LR=Dwg ,=1811s7 TEMPERATURES VS POWER DEMAND =127= Fig. 5.5 -60V 0.123 0,889 1.0M 3 0.889 SODIUM CIRCUIT SIMILATOR DIAGRAM -128- ORNL~LR=Dwg.~18148 7- +(T, T, 0,135 1.0M Fig, 5.6 ) 1 " -+ 100V ~100V 0.320 ORNL=LR=Dwge=18149 +T1 0,222 0. 059 Passive // Networks o REACTOR CIRCUIT 1.0M v - I | >l AN - (Tl—T_Q) ' -11,25V 1.,0M L e - I> (T 1,0M - 0,222 1.0M" ‘Tst. ) =50V 1.0M =L 0.111 STEAM TEMPERATURE CIRCUIT COUFLING CIRCUIT BETWEEN FUSED SALT AND SODIUM CIRCUITS 1,0M 0.600 . - =60V 1.0M e AAAA—] L . +L. - L7 L LOAD DEMAND CIRCUIT SIMULATOR DIAGRAM -129- e - 1.0M Pig. 5.7 5.6 STARTUP FROCEDURE The following procedure is to be used when the core is empty and the re- actor is to be sterted up. k 1. Bring blanket up to operating temperature by adding heat through | the blanket fieét exchanger, | 2, Heat fused salt to operating temperature in dump tanks. | 3. With the lead reflector empty and the source in the blanket;_begin pumping the fused salt into the core, stopping at ifitervals to check criticality. With the source in the blanket, the multipli¢ation constant is not very sensitive to the addition of fuel until the reactor becomes nearly eritical, At this point, more care must be exercised as criticality is approached. The concentration of Pu must be such that when the core is completely filled and at operating temperature, the multiplicetion constant is 0,95. The pumping rate is 5 gpm which is adding reactivity at approximately 0.0001 per seconq. If a positive period is detected while filling the core, the dump valve will be opened automaticaily. It is estimated £hét‘the solenoid will operate in about 30 milliseconds and the core will empty in J seconds. 4. After the core 1s filled, finish filling the fused selt loop and start the fuel circulating punp. Add heat through thé mfiin heat exchanger to keep the fuel at operating temperature. - - 5. Fill lead reflector to ofierating level, stopping at interwvals to check griticality._ | | 6. Add Pu to bring reactor critical, This must be added in small amounts at a point in the loop shead of the heat exchangefto obtain maximum difquiOn In the salt before it enters the core. This dempens out the fluctuations of the multiplication constant whiéhbécur whefi the richer fuel enters the ~130- .. ‘ 1) . core. These fluctuations must not be large enough to put the reactor on a prompt critical period. S | T I:t‘ the meen témperature of the reactor is below the .operating temperature aefter it has gone criticael, continue to add Pu until the reactor reaches the operating tenmerature; Then control the temperature level by reflector shim during the burnup period. CHA 6 _CHEMTCAL PROCESSING 6.1 FPROCESS FLOW SHEETS 6.1.1 Core Processing The core processing flow sheetAz’ 43, 4 is shovn in Fig. 6.1. Both the core and blanket cfiemical treatments employ a Purex-tjpe process as an integral part of their processing-cycles. Since standerd Purex is a relatively well-developed operation, 1t will mot be explained in detail and is shown as a single block on the flow sheet. | _The chemical process for the core is g;van in the following outline: 8. The fused salt is draimed from the core. After ®cooling" at the re- ector site, it is transported to the processing plant. - b. The solidified salt mixture is then aissplved in water using‘heat if required. Proper precautions are employed to maintain subcritical conditions. ¢. Sodium hydroxide is introduced to precipitate the uranium, plutonium, magnesium, and some fission products as hydroxides. After centrifugation, the the filtrate solution of sodium chloride and éome fission~product chlorides is discerded by approved waste-disposal techniques, provided the plutonium con- tent is low enough. | | | d. The precipitate is dissolved in acidie solution'buffered with emmonium iofi. e. Ammonium hydroxide is introduced to a pH of 5-6 to precipitate the uranium, plutonium, and some remaining fission products as hydroxides. After centrifugation, the filtrate solution conteining most of the magnesium is again disdarded, i1f the Pu content is acceptably low, f. The precipitate is dissolved in nitric acid solution. “172- IY) '/33 - - ’fi'flcfof Caes Lwertiosl IFRoOLESS S Frouw) IHEET \//‘0 \/VQ.M Bencroe | Fosen | DumP Jank| Sowd | Drissacveg | Frespr7mroe | (o E | Teer | Tar \ \ i Fr4TRATE o P 1 P77 Na o7AHets | ST A OH U, 1, % ’ HA/O.:? . | \ « SorwE ST % r | Drssocviee |\ | Fecrrzmrog O /350LVER - | | | wero p#, ByerEE N /\/;s/ b »/ O THELS Al it OFO/COPENE \ o \ 2% 2056 —eeT- _@CE_K lZé.‘?iE.‘_’E _ E/’V‘i}; JBECIPITS? 7O 22 B sy % - N ' 5 | /AP L ¥ /3370 | .!.. APeCODUWETS o Table Bl Prompt Fission Gammas v N J 15 a'-finergy (Mev) N(E) ¥'s/fission P o3 - s | 1.0 | L 3.2 1.66 x 16~ | 1.5 .8 4.15 x 10%° 2.3 .85 4ol x 10M2 3.0 15 7.8 x 10 5,0 .2 1.0 x 1000 B.l.2 Fission Product Gammas During Qgeration(s 3) | Table B.2 Fission Product Gsmmas Energy (Mev) | Byt —tesaes) Mg ) do 2.0 x 10%° 8.35 x 1002 .8 1.2x10M 2.5 x 107 1.3 2,0 x 201° | 2.57 x 1002 1.7 3.3 x 10°0 3.2, x 1072 2.2 | 2.1 x 10%° | 1.6 x 102 2.5 9 x10° .6 x 10™° 12 2.8 . 1 x10° | 6 x 1 <196~ 4} i1 s b)) B.,1.,3 Capture Gammas A, Core Vessel The average thermal flux in the core vessel is 2.2 x 1(! ' netzlts en” ~ sec Ceptures = ¢ = vessel 1s assumed to be iron ‘Thermal neutron }(_ N ¥) cross-section = 2,43 barns The energy spectrum of gemmas 183(53 ) s+photons per 100 captures 0=1 Mev. 1-3 3-5 5.7 _T_ — 10 2 22 50 = A > =(CAL1 g {7,8[56(,603) (2.43) < = 0,204 cm'l ' Captures = ¢ = = (2.2 x.loll) ( 10 «204) = 4.5 x 107 captures cm3 - 3ec Number of photons produced. - ‘ 9 - 1-3Mev 110 x4.5x100° & 4.5x 10 Y's 109 . e - sse 3-5Mov 2 2L x 45 x 10 = 12x100 = 5-7Mev 322 x 4S5 x100° = 1.0x100°0 n 100 - TMev 1 50 X 45 x 108 = 2322000 = 100 highest energy ganima ~ 10,2 Mev -Be Isad Reflector: 2 § = 2.3 x 10™ peutrons cn” -gec 197~ Captures = § = Captures = (2.3 x 1012) ( 5.6 x 10-4) 2=10-%/ fir (53) Gamma Spectrum photons/100 captures 7 at 6,73 Mev 93 at 7.38 Mev = = (11,34) (,603) (_'2%6"(7"__2 (_.017) = .56 x 10~ ant = 1.3 x 10° captures 3 cm -3ec Number of FPhotons produceds Assume g11 J's are at 7.38 Mov energy then (' 's = 1.3 x 108 gammas 3 cm =S5ec B.1,), Inelagtic Scattering Gammss 1, Scatterings Core Vessel 13 0g; = 1.7 x 107~ peuts 2 cn - -gec 2.9 x 100> boz : Cclh =-3SecC 221 = 92.9 x 10~ cm™t -1 02 , 24,7 x 10~2 cm Zy from 01 to 02 neutron energy groups neuts ;G;_r = 0,17 barns only. 1) Scattering of 01 grdup neutrons produces a 10 Mev ¥ , 02 group neutron gives a2.2Mev § . Number of gammas: Ky =¢ = - 13 -3y 10 Mev Ny = (1.7 x 10°) (92.9 x 107°) =1.58 x 100° X's cnl -gecg 2.2Mev Ny = (2 ot> -3 . y = (2.9 x10™7) (24.7 x 1077) = 7.16::10“ ¥ s 3 co” -3eC 2. Lesd Reflector ¢-01 = 7 x 10°° peutrons en®-sec ¢gp =1.5x 1013 peutrons cn®-gec 0l %, = 52.4x107 e %2 =160 x107 el Number of J 's: N ;-,in @10 ¥ev Ny = (7 x 10-%) (524 x _1_0"3 ) =3.67x10" _¥1s 3 | em”’-gec (1.5 x 10°2) (16.0 x 1072) ! | 2.4 x 10 ! J.'s -~ 3 . em”-gec @2.2 Mev Nb; =190~ 3. Blanket (First half) ¢01 = 3.2 x 10]'2 neutrons en®-sec = 8,0 x 10-° neutrons cm? " se ¢ zi’l = 39.8 x 1of3 P o2 222 = 32,4 x 10~ e~ Bumber of gammas: 10 Mev Fy = (3.2 x 10%%) (39.8 x 2072 " ‘1{ = 1.27 x 10 's cma-see 2.2 Mev Ny = (8.0 x 1012) (32.4 x 10-3) = 2,6 x 10“ 's 3 cm -gec Blanket (Second half) 11 601 = 1,7 x 10 peutrons clnz-sec 1 & = Le3 x 10 neutrons 02 cmz-s ec Zgl = 39,8 x 102 en™? 0 3 2 5 et 2 e 32.4x 10 Nunber of gammes produced: 1 _3 @10 Mev Ny = (1,7 x1C ) (39.8 x 107°) = 6.8 X 109 a 's 3 cl” =gec @2.2 Mev By = (4,3 x 10™) (32.4 x 107) =1.4x100° ¥ 1g ' cmB-sec -200- — t hl -~ The above sources of gammes will be broken up into four energy groups, 2, 5, 7 end 10 Mev, All gammas of enefgy below 1.5 Mev will be neglected, The location of the source of all gamfias other than fission end fission product gammas will be the outer surface of the lead reflector. Surface ares of source Sy " For core o ITR? = 13r(96.8)> =1,18 x 105 cm2 gammas, accounting for self absorption: = S,A (55) =1 P 2,0 Mev ¥'s: p = .29 o 5.0 Mev J 's: p = ,30 emt 3 3 3 Core Vessel Volume = 751,1 cm”3 Pb Refelctor Vol = 1,4 x 10 cm”; Blanket = 3.4 16 3 x 107 em”, Converting all the volume sources to surface sources the following is obtaified: Table B.3 Sources‘qf Radiation _ , +Fhotons Energy (Mev) @ __em< - sec Source | o 1. Prompt Fission - Core ‘ 240 , 3.1 x 10l3 , 5.0 - 3,3 x10%? 2. Fission Product - Core | 20 1l2zx0t 3. Capture -~ Gore Vessel | 2.0 o 2.9 x 107 5.0 - 7.0 x 107 7.0 b x 107 | 0.0 1.4 x 205 Pb reflector 7.0 . lbx 106 Le Inelastie Scattering ~ - | o 9 Core Vessel 2.0 Le6 x 10 10.0 1,0 x 10%° ~20]1« Tgble B.3 (Cond't) . ~#£Fhotons Source | Energy (Mev ‘ ___ggs:ggg____ Pb Reflector 2.0 o 2.9 x 10° ) 10.0 Le6 x 10° | 2.0 7.8 x 1012 & - Blanket, | 10.0 . 3.7x 1 Table B.,4 Total Gemma Source - ##Photons Ener Mev cm? ~-_sec 2 2.0 1.5 x 1004 ' 5.0 303 X 1012 i . 7.0 6.6 x 107 10.0 - 3.7 x 10 The 7.0 Mev & source will be neglected. - . B.2 Attenuation of Gamma Reys Since the source of gammas is at the outer surface of the reflector there wh) will be attenuation through the blanket, carbon moderator and reflector, and the shield, Blanket sttenuation coefficient: Blanket - 55% U0, by volume ' T 45% Na fi =z;; fflf*’J:z/uflQ Volume of U02 = .55 (3.4 x 106) = 1,93 x’lO6 Q.B f9= 10,3 g - ~202- 4y Weight of UO2 =1.,99 x .'l.O'7 grems Mols of U0, = 7.4 x 10% Volume of Na = 1,5 x 106 cm3 L= .83 e CcC 1:3 % 10° grams A Weight of Na - L Mols of Ka 5.7 x.10 it Total mols in blanket = 12.1 x 10% Mol fraction of UO2 Mol Fraction of Na = 0,39 = 0,61 Taking only U and Na as effective 2 Mev : Mev 10 Mev 2 Na : p/p = 0427 cme/gm p./p = ,0272 cmafan p./,o = ,0218 cm /gm ' 2 2 Ut wp= .03 en/em Wp = 0455 em/Em pjp = 0531 cu/em ‘Ener Mev Na | | u 2,0 0.0363 em 7, 0.5072 em ™t 5.0 | 0,023L em™, 04778 em ™ 10.0 - P 0.0185 em™t, . 0.5576 om - @ 2 Mev EB =£P‘U +762‘_"Na‘ | pp = (0.61) (.5072) + (.39) (.0363) Fy = 0.323 | = (61) (.477) + (.39) (,0231) om0 oF ! w203~ Bg = (.61) (.5576) + (.39) (.0185) = 0.357 For Carbon moderator and reflector oy 2 Mev B o= 043 en’lg - 5 Mev Wpo = 0270 * 10 Mev W= 0195 * P=1.6 g/cc 2 Mev - g = O7L emt 5 Mev B = 043 omt 10 Mev p = 031 em™t z Attenuation Within Reactor Table B.,5 Gamma Attenuation Lengths in Reactor ' Energy Blanket Carbon (Mev) (™) [t(em) | Rt len™) | t(em) | Bt 2 323 20,5 6.62 071 33 | 2.3 ' 10 «357 20.5 7.3 031 33 1.0 Conversion of the isotropic spherical surface source to an infinite plane sources = 96,5 cn | /T _ fi_h l3=(17+8)x12'x2.54cm “ I_ r, | | = 760 cm =204= The infinite plane source which will give the equivalent dose at the out- side of the shield iss S(lnf plane) = z S (sphere) Vo Sa = 96,5 Sy 760 Sa = ,13 Sr Infinite Plane Sources 2 Mev 13 (1.5 x 100%) = 2,0 x 10%3 _J's cm2 - SecC 5Mev 13 (3.3 x 10%°%) =43 x 100 o« 12) 10 Mev 13 (3.7x 10 11 = A.8 x 10 f Attenuation of gammas: -5 e -Z(px) g =s e P A. For 4 inches of steel and 6 feet of ordinary concrete: 10 Mev Blanket - px% = 7.3 Carbon - px = 1,0 Steel (Fe) - px=2.38 Gonerete - b/p = .0229 en/g | P= 2.3 gfee p=.0528 el 6 feet = 182 em ) | plvf- = 9,6 ‘j‘:(p'x) = 7.3 + 1.0 -!?2.1. + 9.6 = 207.3 ¢10 = (4,8 x 1011)6 = 839 x 10° Ehotons cn"-gec 506, -20 03 Blanket = px = 6,2 Carbon - p= = 1.4 Steel =~ pX =2,5 Concrete- px = 12,0 S(pa)= 22,1 bs = (43 x 1011) ( e722°1y ¢5 = 6.0 x 10° phgtons_ Cll =58C 2 Mev Blanket px= 6,62 Garbon pxX= 2,3 Steel px= 3.3 Concrete px= 18,6 | Z(p =)= 30.8 ¢ = (2.0 x 1012) ¢~30-5 2 = 1.l photons (,o.1101116) om“-sec B, For steel shield (top) Using 1,75 feet of steel (5344 em) 0 Moy WP = 0300 en® gn B = 235 em™t | Sfeel: px = (53.4) (.235) = 12,5 Blanket: p%fl.= = 7.3 Carbons pxr | = 1.0 = /f)_r=20.8 ~206~. L “ = 550 photons cmz-sec Steel pxX= 1301 Blanket px= 6.2 Carbon px = 1,4 20,7 ¢5 = 4.3 x 107 72047 = A90 pfiotons cmz-sec The 2 Mev ¢’'s are negligible Dose (Unscattered) A, Steel and Concrete Shield Dose = (5.67 x 10°°) Ex) (/) (0 ) r/br 10 Mev | Dose = (5,67 x 10™°) (10) (0.0162) (8.9 x 10°) x 10° Dose = 6,0 .mr/hr | | 5 Mev | | Dose = (5,67 x 10-5) (5) (.0193) (6 x 10° x 103) Dose = 3.3 mr/hr, | B. Steel Shield 10 Mev | Dose = 6.0 x 550 | 890 Dose = 3,7 mr/hr =207~ 2 Mev Dose = 3.3 x 490 600 Dose = 2,7 mr/hr N Using the build-up factor of water for that of concrete, (For concrete shield) Doge (scattered) = B, (p x) Dose (unscattered) B, (pv) %= 5.0 Dose = 5,0 (6.0 + 3.3) = 46,5 mr/hr For steel shield By (px) ~6 Dose = 6(3.7 + 2.7) Dose = 38,4 mr/hr =208~ -} 0 ™y APPENDIX C EXFERIMENTAL TESTS C.l1 Summary of Melting Point Tests Since there was no afiailable data on the melting points of fhe proposed ternary chloride compositions a series of tests were underfiaken to provide some fragmentery data. ” The tests were run in the standard apparatus. This consisted of a nickel crucible in which the salt was placed, a nickel container (which was provided with openings for a stirrer, thermocouple, and a dry gas atmosphere) into which the crucible was sealed. All operations were done in a dry box, Since there was some doubt that the MgCl, vas anhydrous it wes purified by the addition of some'NHzgl and heated to its melting point, This succeeded in remeving the water of hydration from the Mg012 without the conversion of the M’gGl2 to MgO, This was determined by a peteographic anelysis, The NaCl., was then mixed to the eutectic composition (60% mol NaCl) and 2 melted as a check on the accuracy of the equipment° The melting point was found to be 43700 as compared with LSO G the literature valueo Ueing the above outlined procedure melting points were then determined of three salt mixtures having (1) 38.6% Mg c1,, 57.91% NaCl, 3 3.49% UC1 4 (2) 36.36% Mgclz, 54.5L% Nacl, 9.09% UC1 4 (3) 33, 33% MgCl,, 50,01% NaGl, 16,663 UCL 5 The deta is summarized below as: Melting Point | Sample | nguidus ' Solidus (1) 135°% - 420% (2) - 432°% £15°¢c (3) 505°02 440°C% 405°C -209- C.2 Petrographic Analysis of Salt Mixtures Petrographic enalysis of the salt mixtures were done by Dr. T. N. HMcVay et the Y-12 plant. These;analyses afe given beiowe Sample one: Eutectic of MgCl, -NaGl (40-60 mol %) Main.pnase nelllorystallized One p above 1, 620 and the other below. "There is mioroorystalline material present and this has a general in- dex of refraction below 1.544 (NaCl)., This suggests hydration. X-rays show neither Mgcl or Nacl. Semple twos (36.4% Mgclz, 5445 % HaCl, 9.1% 0013) Sample has colorless phase with brown crystals in it, Brown phase “has p about 1,90. U'Gl3 is higher at about 2,04, All pheses are microcrystalline, Semple oxidizes in air and is hygroscopic. Sample three: (38.6% MgCl,, 57.9% NaCl, 3.5% U013) Sample has brown compound noted above., Very small lath crysteals of a brown phase are present., The sample oxidizes and is hygroscopic. Conclusion: More Data required to properly identify phases. These analyses show that for the-Mgclz-Hacl eutectic neither the Na¢1(nor the MgCl exists as such. This is to be expected since the phase diagrem shows compound formation on each side of the eutectic, The conponnde formed were assumed to be the expected ones since there was no means of making the complete - identification, Both samples containing the eutectic mixture plus U’Gl3 also ehowed'compound formation, This was assumed since none of the original salts were reoognized. The salt mixtures were also checked for the preeence of UQIL. This was not found present as such. o o - =21 0= -l b W C.3 Summary of Chemlical Analysis of UDlB' On a wt.% basis 68.8% of the UGL, showld be U'>, The chemicel analysis 3 of the UCl3 used for our teéta showed the 57.1% of the UCl, was U*B; This 3 indicates that the remainder of the U was in the tetravalent state. C..4 Corrosion Tests A series of 500 hour, see-saw_cépsule tests containing the chloride mixture of 33.33%.Mg012, 50,01% NeCl, and 16.67% 0013 were initiated., The tests are Seing run in capsules of nickel, and of inconel, The results of these tests are not yet available, but are expected by September 1, 1956, As an adjunct of this test the chloride salt mixture will be chemically analyzed as & further check on the exact composition. 211 1. 2. 3. b 5 13, 14. 15, 16. 17, 18. 19. 20, REFERENCES Blankenship, F. F., Barton, G. J., Kertesz, F., and Newton, R, F.; Private Communication. . | Barton, C. J., Private Communication, June 28, 1956, ORNL 1702, Cohen,.S. I., and Jones, T, N., "A Summary of Density Measurements on Molten Floride Mixtures and & Correletion for Predicting Densitles of Floride Mixtures", Untermeyer, .,_"An Engineering Appraisal of. 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