CRTTTAAY cT T A e} T AR QRML-4837 ,;- Rl T s s S, b . A Oax ¥ AT LR L JBRA i lflfffl M!flfflillifflllfl i 3 445k 00PLELE U 17 “q DEVELOPMENT OF THE VARIABLE.GAP TECUHNIQUE FOR MEASURING THE THERMAL COMDUCTIVITY OF FLUORIDE SALT MIXTURES J.W. Coaks Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5235 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151 Price: Printed Copy $3.00; Microfiche $0.95 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their amployees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ORNI~L4831 UC-80 — Reactor Technology Contract No. W-740S5-eng 26 Reactor Division DEVELOPMENT OF THE VARIABLE-GA? TECHNIQUE FOR MEASURING THE THERMAT, CONDUCTIVITY OF FLUORIDE SATLT MIXTURES J. W. Cooke FEBRUARY 1973 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL TABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 operated oy UNTON CARBIDE CORPORATICN for the U.3. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION v 3 4456 002L5L2 O iii CONTENTS NOMENCLATURE s 2 « & s & 8 4 4 s s a4 s s e s e s e s e e s aeoe s v ABSTRACT + v ¢ v v v v v ¢ o & o o o o o » 1. INTRODUCTION . v & v 6 ¢ o a0 o v v o o o o o o o o o s o o o 3 2. METHODS FOR MEASURING MOLTEN-SATT THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES P o Selected Techniques for Fluids . . . . . . . Transient hot wir€ . . .+ « ¢ ¢ v o v v o« v o o » s o o @ Transient hot foll ¢« ¢ v & 4 ¢ v v v o v v v o v« o o o o & Necked~down sample technigue . . + . « « + + . . Laminar heat f1ow .« + « 4 « o o v o« o o o o v v e e e e e Parallel wall o o o & ¢ o s o o o o o o 5 o o o o o o o N U1 U W W The Variable-Gap Technique . . o o & + o o o o o & o « o \ O, W Ge n@l‘&] deS c T' iptiorl L] L] » - - - . . . . . . . . . - . . 3 I(:j.ealized mOdel L] . . . ® L] . L] . -« L] . . . . . L L] . . -3 Effect of radiaftion v v v v v v 6 v o o o o o o o o o o o 9 Effect of natural convectioln « + 2 o o o o o o o o o o o o & 12 Effect of heat shunting . . . . « « « v ¢ ¢« v « & « « . « . 16 Method of caleulalion .+ ¢ ¢ v v v v v 6 o ¢ o o o o o o o 19 FXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS . ¢ o v v v v v v v e s e v v o o o o o & 22 o Thermal Conductivity Cell o + & o v v v ¢ v v ¢« v o o o o o o« & 22 TUYTIECE ¢ 6 v v 6 v o o e e o o o o o & o o o o o o o v v o o . 30 Hlectrical System o o o ¢ o o 4 o 4 o & o o + a o o o o« & o o 30 Instrumentation .+ . ¢ ¢ v ¢ o ¢ ¢ 4 6 i e e e e o o e s 8 s s e 32 T @ Ej}(PEB IIVEEINT_A.IJ PRO(JED ';S » s o ° . . » . . . . . . - . . . . . . 33 PN Preliminary ProceduresS o o v o v 4 4 o o o s & s o o s o & o s 33 Operating Procedure — Fluld Specimen . . « « + « v « v o « « o « 34 Operating Procedure — Solid Specimen « « ¢« ¢ o ¢« ¢« ¢ o o &« o « o« 3 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ¢ o ¢ o o o ¢ o o o o o o o & o o o o o o « 3 Thermal Resistance CUIrvVES o &+ v ¢ o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o o 35 Thermal Conductivity . . « « v & v v v v o v v o v e « « « « « . ko iv 6. DISCUSSION OF 'THE RESULTS Comparison with Published Values . . . Comparison with Theory . . . . . Uncertainties in the Results . Adequacy of the Experimental Apparatus 7. CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENT'S REFERENCES . APPENDIX A. ADDITIONAT, DETATLS OF THE DESIGN OF THE APPARATUS . APPENDIX B. EXPERMENTAT, DATA APPENDIX C. PRECISION AND ERROR ANALYSTIS X NOMENCTLATURE Specific heat, constant pressure, cal gt (ee)™ diameter of main heater assembly, cm ratio of effective to total heater wire length heat shunting factor Guard heater factor Acceleration due to gravity, cm sec”” Radiant heat-transfer coefficient, W em = (°C)™* Current, amps Thermal conductivity of fpecimen, k_ is that of the metal cylindrical solid, W em~ (°C)7* Mean index of refraction Heat flux, W cm ? Measured heat flux uncorrected for heat shunting, W cm™ Radius of cylindrical solid, cm Temperature, °C; T, = °K Temperature difference between upper and lower plates of the conductivity cell, °C . . . 1 2 Thermal resistance at zero specimen thickness, °C W~ cm Heat~transfer coefficient, W em ™ (°¢)™* voltage, volts Integration variable Specimen or gap thickness, cm Radiative function defined in Eq. (8) Coefficient of linear expansiom, (°C)7* Coefficient of bulk expansion, (°C)7* Emissivity of cylinder surface mean absorption coefficient for radiant heat, cm™* Viscosity, cP Density, g em™° Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W em™ (°K) ™% Optical thickness Electrical resistance, ohms vi Dimensionless Moduli NGF Grashof number, gp®8 Al X3/gc u? N, Prandtl number, Cpp/k T 1A o . NRa Rayleigh number, NGr NPr N Reynolds number, oVD/u Subscripts f film c critical m metal o at specimen thickness = Q S specimen X at specimen thickness = x DEVELOPMENT OF THE VARIABLE~GAP TECHNIQUE FOR MEASURING THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF FLUORIDE SALT MIXTURES J. W. Cooke ABSTRACT The development and evaluation of the wvarigbhle-gap tech- nique for measuring the thermal conductivity of molten fluoride salts 1s described. A series of measurements were made of the conductivities of several substances (Ar, He, H,0, Hg, and liquid and solid heat-transfer salt) over & wide range of conductivities [0.4 x 107 to 100 x 1072 W em™ (°c)™* ] and temperatures (40 to 950°C). The deviations of the results from published values averaged iS%. The study demonstrates the accuracy and outstand- ing versatility of the variable~gap technique. Key words: thermwal conductivity, development, design, measurement, fused salts, high temperature, MSER. 1. INTRODUCTION High-temperature operations in the chemical processing and nuclear industries have created a need for economical, efficient heat-transfer media whose thermal propertieg are superior to those of organic and gaseous coolants. Molten-salt mixtures have good heat-transfer prop- erties compared with organic liquids, and their relative inertness and low vapor pressure give them distinct advantages over 1liquid metals. They are applied in high-temperature fluxes, heat-treatment baths, and electrolytic fuel cells, and as the fuel carrier and coolant for nuclear reactors, such as the Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) experiments.l This report describes an experimental technique for determining a key thermal property of molten salts — thermal conductivity. The study evaluates the method over a broad temperature range using a variety of materials representing a wide range of conductivities. Very few data on the thermal conductivities of molten salts, in varticular, fluoride salts, have been published. Most of the existing measurements for molten fluoride salt mixtures were made by members of the MSBR group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) over 15 years ago.” To extend the scope of the previous measurements, we have developed an ahsolute, variable-gap technique to determine the thermal conductivity of fluoride salt mixtures in ligquid and solid states at temperatures to 1000°C. This technique is particularly well suited to the measurement of the conductivity of low-conducting, semitransparent fluids that must be contained in inert surroundings at elevated temperatures. Most other applicable methods suffer from one or more deficiencies 1f used under these conditidns. The variable-gap technique is examined in detail) and other techniques are discussed briefly. The development of an experimental apparatus is described, and experimental results are presented for the conductivities of several calibrating fluids: Ar, He, heat-transfer salt (HTS), Ha0, and Hg. These fluids represent a very wide range of conductivities [0.4 X 107° to’ 100 X 107° W’cmfl(°C)"1] which were measured over a large temperature range (40 to 950°C). The thermal conductivities of molten flucride salts will be presented in a separate report to be published. 2. METHODS FOR MEASURING MOLTEN-SALT THERMAL, CONDUCTIVITIES Thermal conductivity is one of the most difficult of all thermo- physical properties to determine experimentally. The difficulties primarily are due to the unreliability of temperature measurements, the inadequacy of thermal insulation, and the simultaneous transfer of heat by mechanisms other than conduction. Conductivity can be measured by either steady-state, quasi-steady-state, or transient-state heat flow systems. Experimental determinations using the steady-state methods depend upon the attainmment of suitable boundary conditions that will allow the Taplace equation to be solved for the temperature distribution. The conducltivity is then calculated from the Fourier heat-transfer equation. The transient method requires the solution of the diffusion equation with suitable initial and boundary conditions for the thermal diffusivity co- efficient; the density and heat capacity must be known to calculate the conductivity. The quasi-steady-state methods are based on a solution of *. KNOz -NaNOz ~NaNOg (44-49-7 mole %). the diffusion eguation for unique initial and boundary conditions such that the thermal conductivity can ve directly determined. In addition to conduction, radiation also way be present with trans- parent substances, and the experimental technique must be capable of identifying and separating these two mechanisms. In the case of fluilds, convection may also be present. Thus, only a limited number of experl- mental techniques are available for the determination of the conductivity of fluids. Several techniques found in published investigations are degcribed briefly in the following section, and the technigue used in the present gtudies is described in a later section. selected Technigues for Flulds We will describe briefly each technique and discuss 1its advant a and disadvantages for the measurement of conductivity of molten salts. Transient hot wire In this technigue, the rate of change of ftemperature of a line heat source zltuated in an Infinite medium is used to determine the conduc- tivity of the medium. The line heat source consists of a wire (1 to 5 mils diam) placed axially in a cylinder (2 to 4 cm diam) filled with the specimen. The wire ig heated by a steady current, and its temperature is determined by the change in its electrical resistivity. After an initial transient heating period, the log temperature becomes a linear function of time until natural convection begins to occur. The sleope of this linear function of tewperature wilth time can be related directly to the conductivity of the specimen, Thus, this technique is a gquasi~steady-state technique rather than a transient technique. It is a common technique for determining conductivity of ligquids and has been 5 described in many publications.”™* Tts simplicity, quickness, precision, and accuracy make this tech- nigue useful for most liquids. With molten salts, however, a significant amount of current can be shunted through the szalt itself due to tThe relatively high electrical conductivity of the molten salts at elevated temperatures. Since the degree of current shunting 1s very difficult to predict, molten salt conductivity results obtained by this technique are subject to questions which have not been sufficiently resolved to make it suitable for this application.g Transient hot foil This technique’’® is siailar to the transient hot-wire technique except in two respects: (1) a thin foil is substituted for the fine wire to provide a plane heat source instead of a line source, and (2) the tem- perature is measured with a front-wave-shearing laser interferometer. Because this temperature measuring technique is extremenly sensitive, the heat flux from the foll can be greatly reduced. However, the fluid speci- men must be transparent as well as compatible with the material used in the cell window. The transient hot-foil method is more difficult to apply than the transient hot-wire technique. Tis primary advantage is in the reduction in the molten-salt ionization that results from a lower voltage along the heat source. Consequently, the interface between the heated foill and the molten salt remains polarized and the flow of current into the salt is minimized. In practice, however, other voltage potentials may exist within the cell, and some current will flow into the salt even though the surfaces are polarized. Moreover, operation at elevated temperatures presents formidable problems 1in the design and choice of materials for the cell windows., Diamond is the only transparent material suitavle for use with molten fluoride salts at high temperatures, but its high cost and fabrication difficulties would restrict its use to very small apertures. Neckec-down sample techunique This method® is based on the measurement of the steady-state change in resistance caused by electrical heating of a narrow bridge of the sample mater al which joins two larger bodies of the same material. The theory describling this phenomenon shows that the change in resistance expressed by the voltage drop caused by the heating current does not depend on the detalled shape of the narrow region. A necessary condition, if this is to be true, is that no significant flow of heal occur outside of the boundaries of the sample. For liquids, the narrow bridge 1is N maintained by contalining the liquid in a vessel separated into two parts by o thin wall with a small aperture. The material of the wall must have both a high thermal and a high electrical resistance. The technique is classified as a quasi-steady~-state method. Several uncertainties are associated with the methed, the first of which is the losz of heat by conduction along the thin separating wall. A second major problem arises from the possibility of convection. More- over, with molten salts the possibility of polarization effects also would need to be considered. The important advantages of the technigue are the simplicity of the apparatus, the rapidity with which the measure- ments can be made, and the reduction in the uncertainties in radiation by the small size of the heated region. Taminar heat flow As) The laminar flow method determines the conductivity of a fluid flowing in a circular tube under carefully defined conditions. The wall temperature of the tube 1s maintained uniform while the inlel and outlet temperatures of the fluid are measured. In this method, radiation losses can be neglected and the troublesome measurement of heat flux eliminated. The main problems concern the prediction of velocity and temperature profiles of the fluid at the entrance section of the tube and maintaining a uniform wall temperature., Furthermore, the assumption of constant physical propertiez of the fluid over the temperature range can intro- duce significant error. Most of the published results of this technique differ from the accepted values for thermal conductivity because the hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths were not properly assessed. ” Parallel wall with this method, the steady heat flow through the specimen and the temperature drop 2eross it are measured. ' 1% The specimen is contained between two parallel walls of plane, cylindrical, or spherical geometry. This method is the most commonly used technique for measuring thermal conductivity. Its seimplicity with regard to the analytic model and experimental setup make it most attractive; however, the uncertainties caused by convection, radiation, and stray heat flow at high temperatures can be considerable. Reducing the heat flow uncertainties by decreasing P the specimen thickness and temperature drop can lead to large errors in -+ these two measurements as well as in the heat flow. Thus, although the method is simple, it requires care in application and way be unsuitable for low-thermal conductivity fluids at high temperatures. ? The Variable~Gap Technique The variable-gap technique for measuring conductivity is a signifi- cant improvement over the parallel wall method in that it takes advantage of the fluidity of the specimen. By use of this technique the specimen thickness can be varied continuously during the operation with a minimum disturbance to the specimen composition or to the system temperature dis- tribution. Also by varying the specimen thickness, the undesirable effectis of several factors, including the errors caused by specimen voidg or inhomogeneities, natural convection, radiative heat transfer, corrosion, deposit formation, radial heat flow, thermocouple location, and thermo- couple drift, can be greatly reduced. Since only the change in the speci- men thickness and the change in the temperature across the specimen is measured, the potential errors of these measurements are smaller and Cthe influence of convection, radiation, and heat losses can be detected and minimized. In addition, the apparatus can be used with little or no modi- fication to measure the conductivities of solids and gases as well as liquids. Considering the advantages of the method, it is surprising that - . . 1 only limited use has been made of the variable-gap technique.*®r14” ° General description The experimental apparatus is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Heat from the main heater travels downward through the liquid sample region (labeled '"variable gap™" in the figure) to a heat sink. Heat flow in the upward and radial directions is minimized by appropriately located guard heaters, and the heat flux into the sample is measured by the voltage and current of the dec power to the main heater. The temperature drop across the gap is determined by thermocouples located on the axial center line in the metal surfaces defining the sample region. The sample thickness is varied by moving the assembly containing the main heater and is measured ORNL- DWG 72-10523R ,LIQUID LEVEL SPACE CONTAINER WAL LS /= SN NP e Ty - B\ J : d GUARD HEATERS oj_._ [ooooooooolanooourf%”oT'—@/’f i X QDDOOO)DOOOO()DOO o \\\\\ RN R\ " ;( N \ \\ ~ -\:‘~-MA|N HEATER .. \\‘ “SVARIABLE GAP ~ . ~. . ~ HEAT SINK x = THERMOCOUPLE LOCATIONS Fig. 1. ©Schematic drawing of a variable-gap thermal conductivity cell. by a precision dial indicator. The system femperature level is main- tained by a surrounding zone-controlled furnace. Tdealized model The measured temperature difference can be resolved into the temper- ature drop across the sample gap; the temperature drops in the metal walls defining the test region; the temperature drops in any solid or gaseous films adhering to the metal surfaces; and errors assocciated with thermo- couple calibration, lead-wire inhomogeneities in thermal gradient regions, and instrument malfunctions. Neglecting the error term, we can write Al = AT+ AT+ AT, (1) S m T where subscripts are sample, metal, and surface film, respectlvely. For the sample region, the temperature difference is AT = (a/A) sx /%, (2) where Q/A is the heat flux, Ox 1s the gap width, and k, is the thermal 3 conductivity of the liquid sample. It is assumed that no natural convec- tion exists in the sample region. Similarly, the temperature drop in the confining horizontal metal walls can be written IKQn - (Q/A) AXm/km ’ (3) where Axm g > O these curves have 12 ORNL --DWG 72-140525 L T | — 7 = 1000 °C | Vi | | kmO =] 56 e =05 —t ! % /ir — 7 =0.0034 Wem™!oC™’ | 100 < g (}8 ..... QO o o 540 L) 2 L 32 e e S O 2] Lut o 24 EIJ P WG 16 I i ‘ - . | | 8 /| s ( 0.0005 < ! e T & 10° o — # e I‘ P/ / L 5 L / ra - / rzLfl‘" ....«7 N T A S B N A R I O R AR A H— T 2 / SO NP fi #_t s R BN S S 10-‘ / } _________________________ i } l \ ; ! } } l_, 1073 ) 5 1072 ) 5 107" 2 5 10° AX, SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 7. Percent of heat shunted around specimen vs specimen thick- ness for various specimen conductivities with and without radiative heat transfer at 900°C for G = 0.5. as a function of specimen thickness as it approaches zero or (2) from the effective conductivity as the specimen thnickness approacnes zero. Except for a few spof checks, method (1) was used to reduce the data in this report. The thermal resistance is calculated from the measured o ! . heat flux Q'/A and from the measured temperature difference, where Q' AETV A TD” and ! I = heater current, amps, V = heater voltage, V, D = diameter of upper heater plate, cm, * E = ratio of effective to total heater wire length. The heat flux Q/A ig obtained from the measured heat flux by correcting for the heat shunting. If the guard heating factor G [see Eq. (21)] is greater than about 0.01, a heat shunting factor ¥ is interpolated from the plots of 1L = F vs ax (Figs. 6 and 7) obtained from computer solutions of Eq. (16). From these solutions, the percentage of shunted heat, 1 = F, is found to te very nearly proportional to " Thus, the heat shunting factor for any degree of guard heating is calculated using the results from only one heat shunting factor at G = 0.5: _ = (/0,508 _ _ - (L =7), = (6/0.5)°° (1 =F)y o5 (23) The heat flux is then calculated as §/A = F (Q'/A) and the total thermal resistance is AT/(Q/A), where AT is the previously defined total temper- ature difference across the specimen. The total thermal resistance is then plotted as a function of the specimen thickness for a given specimen temperature. The specimen temper- ature is defined as the average of the upper and lower plate temperature and both the specimen temperature and the measured heat flux are keot nearly constant as the specimen thickness is varied (see Experimental Procedures ). Three methods were used to determine the slope of the resistance curve at M = O. First, visual inspection of the curve gave good results when the data were smooth and the resistance curve was linear. Second, when the curve was not linear, numerical finite-difference techniques were used to obtain the slope at Ax = 0. In the third method the data were fitted to Eg. (9) [or Eg. (10) if k = 0] if adequate information of the optical properties of the specimen were known. *The total wire length between voltage taps includes two 0.875-in.- long lead wires. 22 Meost of the data reported in this study were analyzed by visual in- spection or the third method mentioned above. The data were fitted to Eq. (9) in fhe following way. The fixed resistance, ér_[l._.. ) (Q/A o is found by extrapolating the thermal resistance vs Ax to Ax = O; the plate emissivities are determined by carrying out the experimental pro- cedure with the conductivity cell evacuated; and the index of refraction is taken from the literature, an average n over the range of Infrared- wavelengths. From an estimate of the conductivity by visual inspection of the data for /s < 0.1, the absorptivity, E, can then be found from fitting Eq. (9) to the larger values of Ax. Using these values of the fixed resistance, the plate emissivities, the average index of refraction, and the calculated absorptivity, the thermal conductivity is determined by the best fit of the data over the complete range of Ax. 3. EXPERIMENTAT, APPARATUS The design and construction of the apparatus and auxiliary equipment are discussed here. The description of the thermal conductivity cell itself is sufficiently complete To permit duplication; however, cnly unusual auxiliary equipment is discussed in detail. Additional details and illustrations are given in Appendix A. The complete system can be considered to consist of four parts: the thermal conductivity cell, the furnace, the electrical system, and the instrument network. The connections and relationships betwecn the various components are shown schematically in Fig. 8. Photographs of the apparatus are shown in Figs. O and 10. Thermal Conductivity Cell The thermal conductivity cell is shown in Fig. 11 and in detail in Figs. A-1 and A-2 in Appendix A. The cell is made up of two components: the cylindrical-shaped component; which consists of a sink and the radial QRANL-OWG 72 -10530 COOLING S LA e AR SOTAMETER COOLING WATER CO OO P — HONEYWELL OOOBEO "Jz‘-ulh‘;! O F\L_J,:;—-J 009 yvpe k50 0 ——100—1300 POTENTIOMETER TEST VESSEL = = i AND FURNACE - FACILITY — GAS . CYLINGE -~ LINGER | i 2-PEN CHART RECORDER .I. i HELIUM, ARGON CUNNINGHAM S 8831 ; o o (ONONS] Hg\ ICE BATH CROSSBAR SCANNER 7ONE . o, © O O CONTROL : O O ViDAR — “ @ -6.52242 o] : c o I VACUUM STATION DC DIGITAL VOLTMETER SHUNT\( — KEPCO — R O {COARSE} et ? [ —— KEFCO | &5 FLUKE VARIAC ° © ©) ) (Five) ' o O o REGULATED OC ‘ 0 VOLTAGE SUPPLY AC AC DIGITAL R N AUTOMATIC - VOLTMETER ° FAUS HEATER INPUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONTROL Fig. 8. ©Schematic illustration of the complete system for thermal conductivity measurements. PS Fig. 9. Photograph of the apparatus, front view. PHOTO LLkL8-72 Lt PHOTO Luh7-72 Fig. 10. Photograph of the apparatus, side view. G2 26 . ORNL-DWG 72— 40532R _DIAL INDICATOR VARIABLE GAP ADJUSTMENT VITON O-RING FUSED QUARTZ ROD BELLOWS INSULATION LY A%%?W%y R 7777 7 e y FURNACE \‘— A AT L LiIQUID LEVEL\ | TOP HEATER / RADIAL HEATERS ST /ITSS IS IS, \ NN T 77 777 777 777 7 7 777 72 M A 1N 14 227X , 4 4 A 4 4 MAIN HEATER x THERMOCOUPLES g FURNACE LINING /§ h— | i / | // VARIABLE GAP SINK COOLER L L 7 7 7 777 777 7 77 7 R 7 777 77, AIR SINK HEATER —— y A SNNNNNYV AP P77 7777 T AT T 77 SO NN ANNANNNNNNNNNN\\\AAesrrs Fig. 11. Schematic cross section of the conductivity cell. 27 heaters and contains the salt, and the piston-shaped component, which is mobile in the vertical direction and contains the main heater and the guard heater assemblies. The cylinderical component was machined from three pisces of stain- less steel tyope 304 and welded together ag shown. The lower section, which contains the molten salt, bas holes drilled through the component for cooling air passages, and a sink heater which is a 1/8~in.—diam Calrod sheath~type element pressed into grooves wmachined in the lower section. Similar heaters are placed around the cylinder at the level of the salt for the radial guard heaters. Figure 12 shows the location and designaticons of the thermocouples and heaters. Several dimensions of the cylinder component are maintained in close tolerances to insure that the specimen thickness is uniform across the diameter (Fig. A-1). The cylinder is gbout % in. oD x 3.5 in. ID, and 12 in. long. The firnal machining of these surfaces was made after the entire cylinder had bveen dimensionally stabilizea by heat treatment. The mobille piston component containing the main heater assembly is snown in detail in Fig. A-2 in Appendix A. The main heater is con- structed with 10-mil Pt—10% Rh wife, wound, embedded, and buried in a high-density Al,0; insulator. A duplicate heater, the main guard heater, sits above the main heater. Beltween these two heaters ig a 1/16Min. gap contalning three platinum-foll radiation shields. The temperature across this gap is monitored by two thermocouples and balanced with the guard heater to prevent axial heat Joss. A gold foll provides high conteact conductance between the main heater and the bottom of the piston con- tainer. All the electrical wiring, the platinum wire, and the thermo- couples extend through a hollow rod connecting the piston with the upper plate and support. A flexible vellows welded to the piston rod and the upper flange allows mobility of the piston while providing a vacuum tight seal. The vertical movement of the piston is adjusted by a threaded nut whose microthreads are precision machined. The vertical movement of the piston is measured with a dial indicator connected to the vocttom of the piston with a fused quartz rod to minimize the effect of thermal expansion. Several dimensions of the mobile piston component are also 28 ORNL-DWG 72-10531 - 7 ; VA A ) A/ . 7 2 T TS \\\\\\\ NNNNNNN AN D ANNNNNRNAN 77 W, W/ e/l 2 Position of thermocouples and heaters. Fig. 12. 29 maintained in close tolerances (See Fig. A-2). The specifications of these toleranceg insure that the parallelism of the two plate surfaces does not vary by more than 0.005 in. This tolerance was measured In situ by placing a ball bearing in the gap of the specimen, rotating the apparatus in an inclined position, and measuring the variation in the gap setting with The dial indicator. A typical plot of this variation around the edge of the cell is shown in Fig. 13. The maximum edge~to-edge varia- tion of the thickness in this casge of 0.C0017 in. demonstrates excellent conformity to the 0.005-in. tolerance. The test cell described here and in considerably more detaill in Appendix A is the final design (Model III-B) of the conductivity cell. Several modifications were made in the course of the development of this apparatus. The notation, description, and chronological appearance of these modifications are listed in Tavle 1. The locations of the thermocouples used in the conductivity cell are shown in Fig. 12. Initially, the thermocouples were l/l6flin.—OD sheathed Chromel -Alumel thermocouples; later Pt vs Pt—10% Rh thermocouples were used. Thermocouples 1, 2, %, and 6 are arc welded to the bottom of their respective thermal wells To insure that they‘remain fixed during the measurementcs . ORNL-DWG 72-10533 2 } i T N VUSROS SO - SN U - | 2 Pts ] ) - [ ] E » 0O b N - © 2 : = 2 Pts o s 3 3 3 ! -1 -2 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 345 360 ANGLE, ROTATED CLOCKWISE (deg) Fig. 13. Variation in the gap thickness around the circumference of the conductivity cell. 30 Table 1. Cell modifications Model Heater assemblya Cylinder Thermocouples I-A II-A I1-8B III-B Thick one-piece heater core; D = 8.572 cm, E = 0.969 Thinner two-piece heater core with 1/32-in. air gap between main and guard heaters; E = 0.971 " New heater with 1/16-in. air gap with three Pt foil baffles; E = 0.966 Original cylinder 1/16-in.-0D SS-sheathed, Chromel-Alumel grounded Junctions, MgO in- sulation Original cylinder 1/16-in.-0D SS-sheathed, Pt vs Pt-10% Rh un- grounded junctiouns, MgO insulation Wall of the original cylinder was under- cut and grooved to reduce heat flow down the wall; TC 9 added a. . J_ .. (=) > o4 D = diameter of heater assembly and E = ratio of effective-to-total heater wire length, where the total wire length between t he voltage taps includes two 0.875-in.-long lead wires. Furnace The furnace consists of two 6-in.-ID X 8-in.-long individually corn- trolled clamshell heaters of the embedded wire type. The annular space between the heater and the 12.5-in.-0D water-cooled furnace shell was filled with Fiberfrax insulation. This furnace is capable of raising the ambient temperature of the molten salt to 1000°C. Electrical System The heater clectrical system is diagrammed in Fig. 14%. 'The ac supply voltages to the sink, guard, and furnace heaters are regulated with 2 31 FLUKE AC DIGITAL. VOLTMETER | ROTARY Sw VARIAC AUTOMATIC 20-A VARIAC VOLTAGE REGULATOR (COURSE ADJ) I - T [ i | | Q2 2 | | [ 0-10 A l ol | ‘ -t ‘ P (Y Hsvac | 2 1 Pt § 0, | pa l t [ | | 0-150V J ! t 1 v L. J | SR | . << $0.005 W em™®, > +1°C). The above procedure is repeated for each specimen temperature level. Operating Procedure — Solid Specimen If the measurements are made with the specimen in the solid state, the specimen is melted before each gap spacing is selected, and then the gap spacing is fixed by cooling the specimen to the desired temperature. 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The experimental results from this study dewonstrate the successful development of the variable-gap technique for the measurements of molten- salt thermal conductivities. Concurrently with the development of the method, we measured conductivities of several molten fluoride salt mix- tures which will be precented in a subsequent report. _X,. In some cases the radial guard heating was inadequate to reduce the radial AT to < x1°C, and a correction for heat shunting was necessary (Chapter 2). L i The thermal conductivities of five materials were determined over a temperature range from 38 to O46°C for a total of 31 series of measure- ments. Argon, helium, water, HTS,* and mercury were selected to calibrate the apparatus because thelr conductivities are well established and cover a wide vange of values: 0.4 X 107° to 100 x 107° W em ™ (°C)™*. The con- ductivity of HTS is not as well established a value as those of the other substances. However, HTS can be heated to temperatures required to melt the fluoride salt mixtures. WNearly 350 measurements were made of the thermal resistance as a function of specimen thickness to obtain the 31 determinations of conductivity. In addition, another 50 measurements of resistance vs thickness were made with the system evacuated to evaluate the surface emissivities. The original and reduced data are presented in Tables B~1 to B-22 in Appendix B. 'The data were reduced as indicated In the method of cal- culation in Chapter 2. 'The total thermal resistance is plotted as a function of the specimen thickness, and the thermal conductivity is deter- mined from the reciprocal sglope as the specimen thickness approaches zero. Thermal Resgistance Curves Several representative plots of total thermal resistance as a func- tion of specimen thickness are shown in Figs. 16 to 20. At the lower temperature the thermal resistance 1s a linear function, asg shown in Figs. 16 and 17 for mercury at 60.8°C and HTS at 197°C. At the higher temperatures, the influence of infrared radiation on the heat transfer can be seen by the curvature of the resistance curve for HIS and argon at 526°C and helium at 9k6°C (Figs. 18 to 20). The fixed thermal resistance of the conductivity cell, AT ————— a/b /s varies from 5 Tor mercury to 30 for argon. Model changes in the main <2 * TS - I{NOQ "‘NaNOZ “N&NOS (J—l-ll-"l-l-g"' 7 mole %) N 36 ORNL—-DWG 72-10536 0.4 12 {‘10 = e O /M L e S e RN SRR T L NE M y /’f"‘r’afl = 1 _ 1 o L - & SLOPE 0.0932 W cm C g 5 L i N [ ................... l... .(.}2 ./ w = l x S, 4 TS - e — P=e > 0 [VE] I E o2 by L SN I 0] O 0 0.2 0.3 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 16. Total thermal resistance vs specimen thickness of mercury at 60.8°C (Run 2, Apparatus I-A). ORNL~-DWG 72-10537 0.4 120 T | | = 100 fi _ — | Y i /’ NE ! ’f ! so ----— b i— .+ L. "rlf’/ S " = ed 5 " R n/ —_ 4 “_.. —10 ‘, 2 60 - . k= s ger = 0.0047, W emfoC wt Af"’/ | @ ! I 40 /: - § 4" : x /’ | J e i . ..0/ l T 20 et —— : —————— — | 0 | 0 (O 0.2 0.3 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 17. '"Total thermal resistance vs specimen thickness of HTS at 197°C (Run 10, Apparatus I-A). ORNL--DWG 72-- 10538 140 | 120 o s — T | . = | \ : 06 s e o RIS g NE : ‘ :i / / w 80 Fe 4 — S o S —— R i =4 ™ .Z‘i o o /0/ | o 4 . 3 TEQ 9 WITH: €,=0.25; 5 =1.4; K=1{2; Zoan o le®® L - A=00032, W em~i°C—-4;AND . a e AT /lo/a)=22.9°C cm? W [N o] (o] (O] 0.2 0.3 0.4 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 18. Total thermal resistance vs specimen thickness of HTS at 526°C (Run 1, Apparatus II-B). CORNL-DWG 72-10539 320 T i _,4,,.,___1__‘.. ‘ - ’10 - k= S(BPE WO.OOO34'OW cm L Toll S R e T 1 b O P €,=0.29,7=1.0, k=0.00034 W cm™ ' °c™!: AND ATy /(@/A)=29.5 °C cm® W' 200 S N o] THERMAL RESISTANCE (cm2°C W) > O g7] O 40 6] (O 0.2 0.3 c.4 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 19. Total thermal resistance vs specimen thickness of argon at 503°C (Run 1, Apparatus II-B). 28 ORNL-OWG 72-10540 \ A S k=3iope 00037, W cm™! °¢™* e o T IR | —EQ 10 WITH: €,=0.25; 7 =1.0, | 4=0.0037 wem ' °c™", AND { ATy /(Q/4)=22.4 °C cm® W1 | [ [&)] (@] 1 T .= | | B (@) 13 [ ] i . O‘ .- .”‘\ . - THERMAL RESISTANGE (cmS °C W | | | O 04 0.2 0.3 0.4 SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. 20. Total thermal resistance vs specimen thickness of helium at 9h6°C (Run 2, Apparatus I1I-B). heater assembly (Table 1) account for most of the variation in fixed thermal resistance. Model I-A was operated several months at tempera- tures up to 800°C with fluoride salt mixtures during a time between mercury and HI'S calibration runs. The Chromel-Alumel thermocouples of model I-A would be expected to show significant emf drift under these conditions. Thermal resistance as a function of gap spacing with the cell evacuated is shown in Fig. 21 for two temperature levels (200 and 510°C) and two values of heat flux (0.100 and 0.224 W cm ®)., The values of the specimen resistance (i.e., total minus fixed resistance) were used for the evacuated runs. The expected lack of variation of the resistance as a function of the gap spacing can be seen in the figure. A slight change in the emissivity of the plate surfaces will account for the small dif- ference 1In the resistance between the two heat flux values at 20C°C. The total hemispherical emissivity e, calculated from the thermal resis- tance using Eq. (10) in Chapter 2 (assuming equal emissivity for the two plates), varied from O.4 to 0.5. ORNL -DWG 72-10541 2000 T 7(°C) QAMWem?) e o 200 0.224 0.40 o 200 0.100 0.45 a 543 0.090 0.50 1600 [ Bg 2., = g.) o O [ § ' h mh&fi AN AHRARRRNN - P} : 8 | 14 7 7 TIITL; t} =3 g ® , Afiflffiz?zqué%/ {\;&&\ AN % 2 x | 2 A SRS g 2 {2]° /fl §§:\S» & ol =16 7 o L o HTS G \ v /J;IV R BT A o S b AES A o &g&w\»} A He > NN : ~ ~20 R N N 4 A H,0 RS P : ® i ° Mg j | ® HTS (SOLID) _30 1 ‘ | l l 4 ) 3 . -2 - 10 2 5 10 2 5 10 2 5 10 %, SPECIMEN CONDUCTIVITY (Wem™'°c™) Fig. 22. FEstimated standard and maximum error limits in the con-~ ductivity with and without radiative heat transfer over 300 to 900°C range. measurements for Apparatus III-B vs specimen conductivities shnown are experimental deviations from published values. Also Ly Figure 22 shows also the deviations of each of the experimental re- sults from the published values. Several points are outside of the estimated error limits (the conductivity of solid HTS was discussed in the previous section). Data for water and mercury were obtained using Apparatus I-A, in which Chromel-Alumel thermocouples were used. Since the uncertainty of the temperature measured with the Chromel-Alumel thermocouples is four times of that from Pt vs Pt—10% Rh thermocouples, The error limits for Apparatus I-A are considerably larger than for TII-B, especially at the higher specimen conductivities. Excluding these points, 93% of the data lies within the maximum error limits and 687 within the standard error limits. Adequacy of the kxperimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus proved extremely durable despite its complex design. Model I-A endured 500 hr of operation with a fluoride salt mixture at temperatures ranging from 500 to 800°C and for 850 hr with HTS at temperatures from 200 to 500°C before failure of a thermo- couple required the replacement of the heater assembly. Model II-A suffered a weld failure in the heater assembly after 1000 hr of opera- tion with helium and argon at temperatures from 200 to 950°C and 80C hr with fluoride salt mixtures from 500 to 850°C. Model ITI-B is still in operating condition after nearly 3000 hr with fluoride salt mixtures at temperatures from 500 to 960°C. We previously noted that a duvual quartz-rod dial-indicator system would be able to account for thermal expansion of the cell in meacsuring specimen thicknesses at low conductivity. For such measurements, the upper and lower plate surfaces should be polished to a mirror finish also. The accuracy and precision of the conductivity values could possibly be improved by measuring the heat flux departing from the specimen. This heat flux can be determined by the usuval means of measuring the temper- ature drop along a well-insulated rod of known conductivity. By meas- uring botn the heat flux entering and leaving the specimen, the effect of heat shunting on the determination should be reduced. (. CONCLUSIONS Designed ap it is for specialized thermal conductivity measurements with molten fluoride salt mixtures from 500 to 1000°C, the variable-gap apparatus has demonstrated remarkable versatility. Ixperimental results agree with published results within an average deviation of +5% for a wide variety of specimens (solids, liquids, and gases), specimen conductivities [0.4 x 107° to 100 % 107 W em > (°C)™ ], and temperature levels (4O to 950°C). In addition, the variable-gap apparatus has demonstrated its ability to distinguish and evaluate the internal radiation within small infrared absorbing fluids. Considering the wide range of application and the accuracy of the variable-gap method, it is surprising to find so few references to it in the literature. The experimental measurements of the conductivity of several fluoride salt mixtures made concurrently with the present study will be reported in a later publication. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful for the invaluable assistance of many of his associates who contributed to this investigation. In particular, the suthor wishee to express his appreciation to the following persons; 5. J. Claiborne, Jr., for his vaulable assistance in assembling and operating the apparatus, W. K. Sartory for his patient advice, J. W. Krewson and W. A. Bird for their design of the instrumentation, J. W. Teague for his expediting the fabrication of the apparatus, Roberta Shor and M. R. Sheldon for assistance with the final editing, and Margie Adair and Dolores Eden for thelr typing of the report. 10. 12. L6 REFERENCES E. S. Bettis and W. B. McDonald, "Molten~Salt Reactor Experiment," Nucleonics, 22(1): 6770 (1.964). W. D. Powers, S. I. Conen, and N. D. 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Oleshchuck, "Physical Properties of High Temperature Liguid Heat Transfer Medium," Bull. All-Un. PWR Eng. Tunst., 21: 1 (1952). 25. A. G. Turnbull, "The Thermal Conductivity of Molten Salts,” Australian J. Appl. Sei., 12(3): 324329 (1961). APPENDICIES APPENDIX A ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF DESIGN OF THE APPARATUS Sufficient detail is given in this section of the Appendix that the thermal conductivity cell can be duplicated. Details of the various components are shown in Figs. A-1 and A-2. The discussion of the methods in Chapter 2 and Appendix C suggests that the geometry of the apparatus exerts considerable effect of the accuracy of the conductivity determination. However, in most cases consequences of gross size, corrosion, and high-temperature strength counteract other changes which might improve its accuracy. We concentrsted on minimizing stray heat flow because the heat-transfer model is unidimen- sional. The cylinder containing the specimen is constructed from stainless steel (304) and is illustrated in Fig. A-1. The dimensions of the cylinder were selected to minimize heat shunting around the specimen without sacrificing its structural integrity. The length of the cylinder was chosen to fit a standard furnace, 5 in. ID X 18 in. long, so that the specimen would occupy its center. A uniform air gap, 3/32 in., between the cylinder and the sink provides an even heat flux distribution to the sink. The mobile heat assembly, shown in Fig. A-2, is designed to reduce the upward flow of heat from the specimen area. The most important part of the assembly is the Alz0; heater core machined from a high-purity, high- density Al,; 045 ceramic. The core is fabricated in two pieces and is designed so that a 60-in. length of 0.010-in.-diam Pt—-10% Rh wire could be uniformly wound on each piece forming the main and guard heaters. The grooves con- taining the wires were then filled with Al;0; cement and fired. The sur- face of the main heater was ground flat and smooth. Several dimensions of the mobile heat assembly were closely controlled to insure a uniform specimen thickness. These are shown in Fig. A-2. Other considerations contributing to the design of the apparatus in- clude the ease of assembly and disassembly and the convenience of filling, 52 7.000 DIAM ORNL-DWG 72-10543 SURFACE "x" Yie X 45° CHAMFER TR l} A%\\ -------------- %R 720 1111V ISR ; g 2% 7 2 7 7 Yg TYP. - % 7 2 2 9'Y, 32 fre————— 3203 DIAM [&] oorrvoneee - 132 REF. % GROOVES FOR Y4 in.0D S.S. SHEATH MEATERS ? i I 3.750 DIAM % 8 3.500 D ™ 350 DIAM LB] ---------- "*‘%\ """ 3/32 THICK wy 2 an SURFACE "Y */sq 1/16"‘* D \\ 3375 DI;\M\ MNNN \ NN A | W J NOTES: 1. AFTER WELDING AND PRIOR TO FINISH MACHINING, STRESS RELIEVE BY HEATING IN AN INERT ATMOSPHERE TO 1600~-1650°F FOR (1) HOUR; FOLLOW BY SLOW FURNACE COOLING. DIAMETERS [A],[B] anD [C] TO 8E CONCENTRIC WITHIN 0.002 T.1.R. AND PERPENDICULAR WITH SURFACES X" AND "Y" WITHIN 0.001 T.1.R. SURFACES "X"AND "Y" TO BE PARALLEL WITHIN 0.002 T.I.R. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE (N INCHES "\5/54 DRILL /g COUNTERDRILL 4.000 DIAM [C] GROOVES FOR ‘in. OD S.S. SHEATH HEATERS Detail of the conductivity cell cylinder. ORNL--DWG 72-10541% e e e TG00 diwmn e e ! i =1 %, digm -me- [‘ J_/‘,‘M-M UNF 2A THD NOTES: VT 1 ALL WELDS 1D BE MADE PRIOR TO FINAL MACH 2 USE diam [A] AS CATUM. diam'[8 AND diam €] TO AE CONCENTRIC WITH diam [A& WITHIN 0002 TIR . 3 SURFACE "X" TO 38E PERFENDICULAR WITH diam 4] 2 WITHIN DOCT TIR fi%: 3 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES e 0.990 L. 7 Goas diom [A] %R 78 | E/\ ; ,! ! # g i i b « - ! F /i t wy ] ] b 112%4 _FIBERFRAX 7 INSULATION 37 CounTER DRILL - 01 D‘:’.EP»\ i ¥y, typ 93/6 i t ref i } : 3245 o Yaar e \ 5255 dom \] N o A Y DRI 2 HOLES GOLD FCIL B o2 <~ 5 0.002 Thitx \ }; N 0.100 DEEP x 0.040 WIDE x0.425 £1TCH GROOVES [ S WOUND WITH 0.010 Pr #10 % Rh WiRE INVBECDED AT }7/72;;7 N A0y (FIRED) TYRICAL BOTH SINES Y S0 H 1 ( [ 0 DES) { Homw----% == $.250 digm oo - ...... ! b : 1 | f}u * N l | e B o SO Bl S SO R |I | SURFACE “X" - b2 2,375 £O005 gigm (] -mn 7 - Yhe AIR GAP WITH 2 LAYERS OF 16 0.002 TK PLATINUM FOIL. RADIATION SHIELD - %-%ng diam E—lj R N AN 2 A-2. Detail of movable pis draining, and cleaning the apparatus. and the total heated mass of the apparatus were made as The more important experimental vestigation is listed in Table A-1. ton assembly of the conductivity In addition, the specimen volume 55 small as possivle. equipment used in the present in- Model and serial numbers, capacities, accuracies, and least count are given when known or applicable. 50 Table A-1. List of Pertinent Experimental FEguipment (heading values are given if known) Eguipment Capacity or range Accuracy Least Count Potentiometer L&N 7555 type K-5, 0— 1.6V +(0.001% of reading 2.0 uv 1777362, Leeds & + 2 uv) Northr oY AP 0~ 0.16 V £(0.003% of reading 0.2 uv + 0.02 V) 0— 0.016V +(0.003% of reading 0.02 v + 0.1 uv) Voltage regulator Variac, automatic Output 115 V, +0.25% Model 1581-A adj. £10%, 50 A Null detector Leeds & Northrup 0.07 pV/mm for 0.1 uv 9834 -1 source resistances up to 2000 Q DC digital voltmeter Vidar 521 integrvating 10 wvV to #1000 V +0.01% of 1.0 uv voltmeter in six-decade stages full scale Thermocouples Pt vs Pt—10% Rh +0.2 Chromel-Alumel +0.75 Precision resistor Leeds & Northrup 0.1 Q, 15 A +0.04% Model 4360 DC voltage supply Kepco Model SM 75-8MX Input 105-125 V, Line: <0.01% 60 cps, 9.6 A max; voltage variation output O-/5 V, or 0.002 V, which- 08 A ever greater after stabilizing Dial indicator Federal Model 20 revolutions ocne-nalf of one 0.0001 in. ESBS"R]_ (O.,]. ]._]_’1_ ) diViS W'OH APPENDIX B EXPERIMENTAYL, DATA The uncorrected, raw data, experimental thermocouple emfs, heater current and voltage, and gap-dial indicator readings are given in Tables B-1 through B-11. The reduced experimental results, which in- clude specimen thickness, the average temperature level, temperature drop, heat flux, and total thermal resistance are tabulated in Tables B-12 through B-22. All these data are grouped by specimen and apparatus model nmumbers (Table 1), and appear in chronoclogical order. The guard and shunting factors are determined as indicated in the method of caleculation given in Chapter 2, where the guard factor is specifically defined as (see Fig. 12): Ty — Ty G = . Ty — Tk The heat flux is determined as Q AFEIV TP The data for vacuum runs were reduced in a slightly different way from the other runs. The plate-to-plate temperature drop was determined from the total drop minus the estimated wall temperature drops and was used to calculate the thermal resistance. If the average temperature level varied significantly in the vacuum runs, the calculated thermal resistances were normalized to a mean average temperature by the ratio i‘[ i '3 max T mean where T is in °K. 56 Table B-1. Experimental Data for HzO Using Apparatus I-A Run No. =+ 1-A 1-B 1-C 1-D 1-E 1-F 1-G 1-H Date 9-1-65 9-1-65 9-2-65 9-2-65 9-2-65 9-3-65 9-3-65 9-3-65 Time Begun 2:15 L:07 1:25 2:55 4:25 11:22 12:50 1:50 Dial Zero (in.) 0.05600 0.05600 0.04900 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 C. 00000 0.00000 Dial Reading (in.) 0.25764 0.20802 0.15819 0.05123 0.01976 0.09889 C.0k90% 0.02462 € 1 (mv) 1.250h 1.0008 1.4407 1.3170 1.2540 2.2628 2.0k35 1.9368 TC 2 (mv) 0.5760 0.4728 0.9131 1.0M15% 1.0689 1.4792 1.5936 1.658% TC 3 (mv) 1.3996 1.1438 1.6457 1.5176 1.4246 2.5753 2.341% 2.0241 TC 4 (mv) 1.3948 1.1391 1.6432 1.5165 1.4248 2.5716 2.3hc2 o,22ky TC 6 (wmv) - - — — . _ - - ™€ 5 (mv) 1.3974 1.1473 1.6496 1.5202 1.Lk202 2.5775 2.3370 2.2261 ™C 7 (mv) - - - - - - - 7 8 (i) - - - - - - - C 9 (mv) - - - - - - - TC 1 (final) 1.2503 1.0003 1.4400 1.3204 1.2356 2.2632 2.0420 1.9330 TC 2 (final) 0.5760 G.4720 0.9122 1.0436 1.0523 1.4800 1.5930 1.655% Time Finish 2:20 hi12 1:35 3:10 5:25 11:27 12:55 2114 e (v) 0.0 0.0 0.571 0.571 0.571 0.0 0.0 3.0 (a) 0.0 0.0 - - - 0.0 0.0 0.0 o (v) 8.398 8.98 11.1 1.1 11.1 13.92 13.92 13092 (a) 0.7810 0.7875 0.9474 0.9512 0.9532 1.1356 1.1429 1.1470 Es (V) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - (a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 11.6 RO (v) - - - - ~ - - - (a) 5.0 5.9 5.2 5.3 k.7 6.7 6.2 5.5 HR 2 (v) - ~ - - - (a) 3.5 4.1 5.8 k.5 I 7.15 6.0 5.6 HR 2 (1 J— — o —— — —_ — — (2) 5.5 L.l 5.8 4.5 bk 7.15 6.0 5.6 HF 1 (v) 0.0 C.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.C () 0.C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.C 0.0 HF 2 (v) 0.0 C.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C.0 0.0 0.0 (z) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C.0 0.0 0.0 Table B~1 (Contirued) Run No. -+ 1-I 2-A 2~B 2-C 2-D 3-A 3-8 3-C Tate 9-2~65 9-16-65 4-17-65 9-17-65 9-17-65 9-21-65 9-21-065 3-21-65 Time Begun h:05 3:40 11:52 1:02 3250 2:32 3:40 h.12 Dial Zero (in.) 0.00000 0.00C00 ©.00000 C.0O0CO 0.00C00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00060 Deial Reading (in.) 0.01240 0.14982 0.14485 0.09503 0.04480 0.14730 0.09688 0.06692 w1 (o) 1.8876 2.637L 2.6578 2. 0748 2.2562 1.9287 1.8153 1.7579 ™ 2 (mv) 1.6953 1.5749 1.5979 1.7152 1.8331 1.0932 1.2068 1.324k T 3 (wv) 2.1651 2.9'784 2.5923 2.7848 2.5576 2.1783 2.0k55 1.9837 TC L (mv) 2.1649 2.9671 2.9810 2.7805 2.5551 2.1728 2.0440 1.9830 6 () - - - - - - - - BC5 (mv) 2.1664 2.97%3 2.9843 27777 2.5598 2.1787 2.0h08 1.9802 T 7 (mv) - - - - - - - - e 8 (mv) - - - - - - - - 9 (mv) - - - - - - - - ™ 1 (Final) 1.8876 2.6411 2.6560 2.47he 2.2592 1.9306 1.81k 1.7565 TC 2 (final) 1.6953 1.5790 1.5966 1.7148 1.837% 1.0951 1.2250 1.3236 Time Finish - 3:51 12:03 1:07 h:05 2:42 3:50 %:18 uro (v) 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (a) - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 m (v) 13.80 13,92 13,92 13.92 13.56 12.00 12.00 12.G0 () 1.1385 1.938 1.938 1.9k9 1.968 1.733 1.739 1.7h2 s (v) - 0.0 0.0 - - 0.0 - ~ (2) 14.8 0.0 0.0 8.7 1%.0 0.0 7.3 10.2 HR 1 (v) - - - - - - (a) 5.3 7.3 7.3 6.7 6.1 6.1 5.9 5.3 HR 2 (v) - - - - - - - - (a) 5.5 7.3 7.3 6.8 5.8 5.9 5.8 5.3 MR 3 (v) - - - - - - - - (a) 5.5 7.3 7.3 6.8 5.8 5.9 5.8 5.3 HF L (v) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 g 2 (v) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. {2) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tabie B-°. Experimental Data for Hg Using Apparatus I-A Run - i-A 1-3B 1-C 1-D 1-E 2-4 2-B 2-C 2-D 2-E Date 9-14-65 g9-14-65 9-14-65 9-14-565 g-14-65 9-15-65 9-15-65 9-15-65 9-15-65 9-15-55 Time Begun 12:55 2:05 3:50 k106 6:05 10:ho 12:10 1:25 2:hy 4:ks Dial Zero (in.) -0.00050 -0.00050 -.00050 -0.00050 -0.00050 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Dial Reacing (in.) 0.19469 0.09462 0.09451 0.04446 0.02237 0.09500 0.04480 0.14975 0.09508 0.0448k oL (mv) 2.5855 2.577k 2.5800 2.5498 2.46hs 2.586% 2.5675 2.6130 2.5707 2.5312 ¢ 2 (mv) 2.2959 2.3658 2.3585 2.3648 2.3048 2.3815 2.3989 2.3620 2.3626 2.3621 ¢ 3 {mv) 3.0665 2.,9982 3.0192 2.9772 2.8796 3.032h 2.9891 3.0881 2.9889 2.9476 T b {uv) 3.0351 2.98Lp 3.0069 2.9658 2.8766 3.0190 2.9827 3.0662 2.977% 2.9423 ¢ 6 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - €5 (mv) 3.0348 2.9830 3.0136 2.9956 2.8535 3.0285 2.9849 3.0652 2.9751 2.9517 ¢ 7 (mv) 1.0832 0.8723 0.8765 -~ - 0.8735 0.8389 0.5820 0.8505 - C 8 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - ¢ 9 {mv) - - - - - - - - - - TC 1 (final) 2.58k1 2.5728 2.5793 2.5438 2.4638 2.5862 2.5657 2.6143 2.5496 2.5291 € 2 (£inal) 2.2941 2.3612 2.3579 2.3639 2.3038 2.3815 2.3971 2.3635 2,344 2.3600 Time Finish 1:12 2:16 3:55 L:k6 6:15 10:50 12:20 1:35 3:35 4250 g (v) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 HM o (v) 16.62 16.60 17.08 17,02 17.06 17.03 17.00 17.00 16.96 16,96 {a) 2.265 2.265 2.926 2.326 2.333 2.330 2.330 2.331 2.317 2.323 S (v) 0.0 - 0.0 - - 0.0 0.0 - (a) 0.0 7.3 0.0 2.2 - 0.0 5.5 0.0 3.7 - R 1 (v) - - - - - - - - - (a) 8.2 7.5 7.6 7.5 - 7.9 7.5 7.8 (.6 7.6 R 2 (v) - - - - - - - - - - {a) 8.0 7.6 7.6 7.5 - 7.9 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.3 MR 3 {v) - - — - - — - - — (a) 8.0 7.6 7.6 7.5 - 1.9 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.3 HE L {v; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 .0 0.0 (=) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. o 0.0 0.0 0.0 HF 2 (v) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.¢ 0.0 0.0 0.0 (a) 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 c.0 0.0 84 Table B=3. Ixperimental Data for HIS Using Appersatus I-A Run No, - 1-A 1-B 1-3 1-D 1-E 1-F 1-G 1-H 1.1 1-J 24 2-B 2-C 2-D Date 7-7-66 T-T-66 7u7-86 7-8-66 7-8-66 T-8-86 7-8-66 7-8-66 7-8-66 7-8-66 7-11-66 7.11-66 7-11-66 7-11-66 Time Begun i2:50 2:45 L3105 8:50 10330 11:30 12:40 1:50 3100 h115 8:50 10120 11:50 1:20 oial Zero (in.) 09.00280 C.0028C 0.00Z80 0.00280 ©0,00280 0.0028¢ 5.00280 c.o028C £.00280 G.0C28C 0.0028C g.0028¢ 5.0028C C.0028C Diel Reeding (in.} 0.158k0 C.12758 0.,082k6 £.05238 0,00271 C.01269 2.03782 CL.OETAG 0.10502 007G C.00752 0,02280 ©0.0303 0.093k0 T 1 (mv) 12.816 12.770 12.683 12,683 12.634 12,627 12.631 © 12.668 12.729 12,596 12,722 12,711 12.653 12,760 ¢ 2 (uv) 12.087 12,16k 12.242 12.352 12.395 12,116 12.359 12.290 i2.216 12.398 12.523 12,470 10 L6 12,287 ¢ 3 {mv} 12.967 12.909 12.809 12.789 12.743 12.739 12.738 12,784 12,857 12713 12.830 12,813 12.806 12.887 C 4 (mv) 12.931 12.879 12.786 12,776 12.729 12,72k 12.726 12,767 12,834 12,895 12.6:€ 12,805 12,790 12.865 ™ 5 (mv) 12.981 12,89k 12,774 12.725 12.68k 12,687 12,666 12,72k 12.82% 12,676 12,768 12,75k 12,748 12,856 0 6 (mv) 1k.184 14,163 1k,129 1k,105 14,09 14,084 1k.07 14,082 1h,10k 14,076 14,137 18,131 15,115 14.128 ¢ 7 (mv) 14.196 - - - _ - - _ - - _ _ _ _ ™ 8 (v) 13.h26 13452 137k 13.545 13.50 13.539 13.523 13500 13482 13.506 13.629 1360k 13,582 13.513 ¢ 9 {(mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TC 1 (final) 12.814 12.769 12.683 12.683 12,53k 12.628 12,631 12,668 i2.729 12.597 12,722 12.711 12,693 ip.761 ¢ 2 (final) 12.085 12.165 12.2k2 12,352 12,394 12.416 12.350 12,287 12,216 12.398 12.523 12,458 15,428 12.290 Time Finish 1:00 2155 4110 9:0¢ 10:42 11:40 12350 2:00 3:10 %120 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30 " (v) 0 O C 9 o o 0 0 C 0 0 g 9 0 {a) 0 0 o 0 G o 0 0 e G 0 o 2 S o {v) §.63 8.3 8.63 8.65 8.73 8.78 g.80 8.8 8,77 8.78 £.87 8.72 8.7z 8.7 (a) 0.8768 0.8768 0.8768 0.8850 0.8949 C.899h 0.9015 9.5033 ¢.8955 ¢.8990 G\ 50k9 08600 ¢.8505 o 5887 S (v) 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o (a) 0 o 0 0 0 c o 0 « o o o M1 (v) b %"'l L3 k.3 4.1 L,1 k. b1 . 4.1 i1 4.1 .o 1.0 (a) b k.0 4.0 4,0 &.0 .0 bod 4.0 bo k.0 5 b0 3.9 3.9 MR 2 {v} 6.3 5.7 4.9 i.3 4.0 k.0 4,0 .6 5.25 4.1 1 b1 .3 5. {a) 6.7 6.0 5.2 k.3 4.3 a3 4.3 k.9 5.5 4.3 4.3 b3 w6 5.5 HR 3 (v} 6.1 5.6 k.9 .2 .0 4.0 4.0 o 5.2 4.0 4.0 1.0 N1 5.0 a) 6.5 6.0 5.2 N L2 a3 b3 51 5.5 4.3 k.2 L3 b 5ok L (v - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - {a 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 75 3,75 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 2 3.7 3.7 HF 2 (v) - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - (a) 3.8 2.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 2.8 2.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.8 2.8 3.8 66 Table B-> (Continued) Run No. - 2-% 2-F 3-A 3-B 3-C 3-D 3-E 3-F 3-C 3-H 3-1 5-J 3-X 3-L Date 7-11-66 7-11-66 T-12-66 7-12-66 T-12-66 7-13-66 7-33-66 7-13-66 -13-66 7-13-66 7-13-66 7-13-66 T-14-66 T-1k-66 Time Begun 2:35 4:05 2:10 3:15 4:05 9:20 10145 11350 1:10 2:15 3120 Li17 8:50 10:25 Dial Zero (in.) 0.00280 0.00280 0.,00645 0.00645 0.00645 0.00645 0.006h5 0.00645 0.00645 0.00645 0.00645 0.0056k45 0.006k45 0.006L5 Dial Reading (in.)} 0.11650 0.1ko027 0.15656 0.14649 0.12648 0.11410 0.09417 0.07L21 0.05L18 0.03422 0.01415 0.02422 0.04443 0.06411 1 {nav) 12.80k 12,826 22.845 22.856 22.824 22.858 22.820 22.807 22.777 22.760 22,712 22.734 22.686 22. 748 iC 2 {mv) 12,244 12.165 22.2L4 22.285 22,307 22.384 22.395 22,433 22.456 22,476 22.503 o2.hogp 22,381 22,40k ¢ 3 {mv) 12.940 12,963 23.019 23.025 22.989 23.020 22.979 22.96] 22.9u4 22.922 22.888 22.906 22.851 22.915 TC 4 (mv) 12.913 12.935 22.985 22.996 22.960 22.993 22.952 22.939 22.9:1 22.889 22.850 22.871 22,816 22,887 C 5 (mv) 12.921 12.948 23,023 23.027 22.990 23.020 22.977 22.96% 22,941 22,921 22.906 22.918 22.852 22.913 ™ 6 (mv) 14.139 1k 1ky 24.329 2L.313 24,299 2k.251 2k 224 2k, 205 2k.196 24,176 2k.154 2k.157 2Lk, 094 24,124 ¢ 7 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 8 (mv) 13,486 13,458 24.099 24,069 2k.o74 24,053 2L.oko 24, 0k4s 2L.053 2k, 056 24.060 24,056 23.947 23.965 ¢ 9 (mv) - -~ - - - - -~ - - - - - - - TC 1 (Final) 12.805 i2.826 22.843 22.856 22.825 22.857 22.819 22.806 22.777 22.758 22,711 22.734 22.684 22.749 C 2 {Final) 12,244 12,185 22.2k7 22.286 22.305 22.383 22.394 22431 22.455 22.476 22.503 22.492 22.380 22.405 Time Finish 2:k5 L:i0 2:20 3:20 4135 9:25 10:50 12:00 1:15 2:25 332 4220 9:00 10:30 B {v) 0 0 o] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o (v) 8.72 §.72 9.62 9.62 9.62 62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.60 9.68 (a) 0.8872 0.8868 0.7946 C.7942 0.7947 0.7946 0.7948 0.7949 0.795k4 0.7959 0.7963 0.7959 0.7955 0.8009 s (v) o o 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 HRO1(v) L0 4.0 4.7 b7 .7 4.6 b6 4.6 4.6 4.0 4.0 .0 4.0 k.0 (a) 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.0 L.o 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 KR 2 (v) 5.6 5.8 3.8 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.2 - 0 i.0 - 1.7 (a) 6.0 6.2 .7 3.5 3.0 .6 2.1 1.5 0.8 0.2 o} 0.5 0.5 1.2 HR 3 (v 5.5 5.8 3.7 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.2 - 0 1.0 - 1.7 {a 5.9 6.2 3.5 3.5 3.0 2.5 2. 1.6 0.8 0.2 0 0.5 C.5 1.2 1 {v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ (a} 3.7 3.7 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 HF 2 (v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (a) 3.8 3.8 6. 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.1 6. 6. 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 09 Takle RB-3 {Centinued) Bun No. + s-M 3% gy iy -A -5 =G L-2 4Y-F b-F S-4 5-B 5-C 9= 5-B Date Teli/E6 T-1h-66 7.1k-G6 T-1i-66 7-15-66 7-15-66 7-15-56 7-15-66 7-15-66 7-18-66 7-1.8-66 7-18-66 T-13-66 7-19-66 Time Begun 11230 1300 2042 4:10 9310 10:50 1240 2:20 3133 12345 2:30 3150 9:20 11:10 Dial Zero {irn.} 0.006k5 ©.00645 ©.00645 0.00645 C.00E4S 0.006k5 (.00645 0.0CEW5 O.0CBM5 o.o5269 C.05269 0.05269 0.05265 0.05269 piel Reading (in.} 0,08k32 .10430 0. 13669 0.03%815 0.038%% 0.01410 0.01188 0.02239 0.03054% 0.26243 0.18253 0.16250 0.1h226 0.12232 ¢ 1 (mv) 22,77 22,778 22,845 22,695 22,5872 22.671 22,691 22,690 22,691 8,3150 5§.2950 8.2555 8.2980 8.2450 e 2 {mr) o, 378 22,335 22,316 22,418 22.385 22,448 22.595 22.457 22,433 7.6h17 7.69C2 7.75821 7.8495 7.8653 3 fav) 22.936 22,97 £3.006 22.861 20,6828 22.83k 22,856 22.85k 22.856 8.458% 8.4351 §.3871 8.4301 8.3772 TC 4 (mv) 22,607 22.916 22.976 oz,828 22.800 22.802 22,828 22.822 22,82k 8.4406 8.4171 8.3732 8.43159 &.3625 ¢ 5 {mv) 22,932 22.951 £3.015 22,858 22.821 22.838 22.866 22.85h 22.853 8.:288 8.3576 8.3381 8.3832 8.3215 ¢ 6 {(uv) 2k, 1k 24,145 24,166 2L.083 2h.013 ah,or7 24,035 24,033 23,027 9.2262 §.2213 9.1300 9.2147 9.2005 ¢ 7 {av) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1< 8 {wv) 23,961 23.929 23,930 23.941 22.9C3 23.925 £3.943 23.925 23.909 8.80u6 8.7530 8.7556 8.8065 8.8067 ™ 9 (uv) - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - ¢ 1 (final) 22.772 22,780 22.843 22,69k 22,673 22,672 22.6%0 22.589 22,690 8.3193 8.2942 8.2551 8.2975 8.2438 ¢ 2 (final) 22,375 22.320 22,317 22,418 22,386 22 . hh7 22,493 22,1455 2z.432 T.6417 7.6882 7. THLO 7.8495 7.8652 Time Finish 11:50 1310 2150 4115 G120 11:00 12:50 2:34 3143 12150 2135 355 9:35 11: H (v} 9 0 o 0 G 0 ) 0 9 0 0 ) 9 ¢ (a} 3] C C G Cc o ¢ 0 ¢ 0 0 ) 0 C B {v) .68 9.68 Q.67 9.6k G.68 9.68 9.68 G.68 9.68 9.59 $.59 9.59 6.5 9,59 {a) c.8008 0.8008 0.7987 0.7683 o.8o22 0.8023 0.8018 .8018 ¢.8018 1.0995 1.1003 1.1016 1.1001 1.1016 B (v} o 0 0 0 ’ 9 0 0 0 0 o 0 (8} ¢ 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 v 0 3 0 0 HR 1 (v) 4.0, 4.0 5. 2.4 2.k 2.4 2.k a.h 2.k 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.5 (a) 3.3 9.3 3.3 2.0 2,0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 W 2 (v) 2.0 2.6 5.3 <. <1.0 G 0 o 1.0 5.6 5.k 5.1 4.9 k.7 (&) 1.7 2.3 3.2 0.3 : ¢ 0 o] 0.5 6.2 §.¢ 5.5 5.k 5.2 HE 3 (v} 2.0 2.6 3.3 <30 <10 ¢ o 0 1.0 5.5 5.3 5.0 b.o a7 {a} 1.7 2.k 3.1 C.k G.3 c a 0.5 6.2 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.2 HE L {v) - - - _ - - - - _ _ - _ - (a) 6.1 6.1 €.1 6.1 5.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2 {v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @) 5.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.z 2.8 2.7 2.8 2,75 2.7 19 Table B-% (Continued) Run No. - 5-F 5-G 5-H 5-1 5.J H-K 5-L 5-M 5-N 6-A 6-F 6-C 6-D 6-F Date 7-19-66 7-19-66 7-19-66 T7-20-66 7-20-56 7-20-65 7-20-66 7-20-66 7-20-66 7-21-66 7-21-66 7-21-66 7-21-56 7-21-66 Time Begun 12537 2:35 3130 8:50 10:10 12:20 12:20 1:35 2:25 9:00 10:10 12:10 1:55 3:00 Diai Zero {in.) 0.05269 0.05269 0.,05269 0.05269 0.05269 0.05269 0.05269 0.05259 0.05269 0.04258 0.4258 0.04258 0.04256 0.04258 Dia: Reading (in.) 0.10241 0.10241 0.08248 0.06258 0.05805 0.05495 0.05269 0.07248 0.092L5 0.1954h4 0.17540 0.15540 0.13518 0.1154%0 ™ 1 {mv) 8.1878 8.1800 8.1360 8.047h 8.0307 8.0424 8.0356 8.0621 8.1019 11.5063 11.4776 11.4570 11.4918 11.4631 ™ 2 (mv) 7.8830 7.8772 7.9015 7.8685 7.8893 7.9127 7.9115 7.8702 7.5388 10.9625 10.9873 11.0294 11.1131 11.1363 ¢ 3 (mv) 8.3199 8.3119 §.0684 8.1776 8.1563 8.1660 8.1600 8.1881 8.2295 11.6280 131.60:7 11.5769 11.6122 11.5832 Co4 (mv) 8.3056 8.2971 8.2530 §.1629 8.1433 8.1532 8.1470 8.1748 §.2i61 11.6076 11.5806 11.5567 11.593% 11.5631 5 {mv) 8.2738 8.2519 8.2286 8.1438 8.1170 8.1262 8.1231 8.1440 8.1768 11.6136 11.5815 11.5466 11.5923 1x.5625 6 (mv) 9.18:1 9.1630 9.1508 9.1049 9.1021 9.1001 29,0990 9.1030 9.1088 13.3060 13.2899 13.2726 13.2809 13.2832 ™ 7 {(mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ¢ 8 (mv) 8.8037 8.7926 8.7932 8.7815 8.7838 8.7835 8.7840 8,774k 8.7688 12.9338 12.9291 12.9368 12.9700 12.98359 € 9 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - ¢ 1 (£inal) 8.1878 8.1800 §.1349 8.0473 8.0307 §.0416 8.0356 6.0657 8.0990 11.5050 12.4778 11.4565 11.4931 11.4606 ¢ 2 (final) 7.8832 7.8772 7.9016 7.8683 7.890% 7.9:21 7.9111 7.8725 7-8356 10.9625 10.9873 11.0280 11.11k2 11.1366 Time Finish 12:45 2:50 3:40 9:00 10:20 11:35 12:30 1145 2140 9:13 10:15 12:20 2:00 3:10 HT {v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {(a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o (v) .59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.59 &.6u45 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 (a) 1.103% 1.1043 1.:056 1.1086 1.1093 1.2091 1.1093 1.1083 1.1072 ¢.9086 0.9092 0.9997 0.9087 0.9093 HS (V) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 1 (v) i.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 (a) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2R 2 (v) by 4.5 b.35 4.1 3.9 3.9 3. b1 L.3 h.2 3.9 3.6 3.4 3.2 {a) 4.9 Lk.g 4.8 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.7 L.y L.l 3.9 3.65 3.4 R 3 {v) 4.5 4.5 %, 35 L.o 3.9 3.9 3.9 4. 4.3 4. 3.9 3.4 3.4 3.2 {a) 5.0 5.0 L7 hh 4.3 b.3 4.3 4.6 L.7 L.3 L.y 3.0 3.65 3.3 i {v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (a) 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.8 3.8 3.6 5.8 3.6 HE 2 (V) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (a) 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.6 c9 Tarvle B-3 7-1 -8 T-F T-E 7-D 7-4 E=J &-H - = . 3 N - Hun No. 0.00672 22,864 0.00672 00072 24,20k 0.00572 4,068 2h.212 e < €72 24,089 .0 0.C0672 24,07k 0.00672 0.08841 24,057 0650 2k k8 G 0.12653 24,042 0.05039 12.9759 0.04525 005535 1i.2101 €0 36 [~ A 0.07 11.17 G.0g54L 11,1813 3 / ) T 2 {mv) i 81 Zerc {in. TC 1 {w ¢ & {mv ate Time Begun o Dial Reading (in.} ¢ 5 (uv) ¢ 7 {mv) 9 {mv) 12510 &g ot nis 24 Time P G o 0. 7898 G 9.58 .78k o (&) (@) OO . . (U] OO ¢ 0 loNng A~ OO D Q 6.2 ’ . € la\) e} 6.2 . DAl Table 4 {Continued) fun No. - 7o 7-K N 7-0 8-a -8 8-C 8- 8-F Date 7-26-66 7-26-65 7-26-66 7-26-56 7-26-66 7-27-66 7-27-66 7-27-66 7-27-66 7-27-66 Time Begun 4:00 5:15 6:10 8:50 10:10 6:50 8:05 9:10 10:05 11345 Dial Zero (in.) 0.00672 0.00672 0.00672 0.00672 0.00572 0.04190 ©.0%190 0.0LIOC 0.04190 0.04190 Dial Reading (in.) 0.03673 0.05632 0.07633 0.1:653 0.13652 0.13125 0.09208 0.05191 0.04222 0.09239 ¢ o1 {mw) 22.888 22.919 22, 22.961 23,025 11.7853 11.725% 11,6649 11.6520 11.7:67 &. i 2 {mv) 22.619 22.609 2. 22.518 22.511i 11.4130 11.4598 11.5151 11.533h 11.4530 ™C 3 (mv) 23.057 23.084 23 23.131 23.185 11.9122 11.8496 11.790r 11.7706 11.8353 ) ™ 4 (mv) 23.022 23.052 23 23.109 23.159 11.6874 11.8264 11,7667 11.7496 11.8159 8. TC 5 (mv) 23.062 23.084 23 23.139 23.209 :11.8941 11.831% 11.7853 11.7593 11.8118 8. ™ 6 (mv) k192 24,295 2k 24.209 24,238 13.5636 13.2189 13.4953 13.479% 13.4629 C 7 (mv) - - - - - - - - - € 8 {mv) 24,054 24.050 2L.035 2k.002 2k . 000 13.1829 13.2026 13.2166 13.2243 13.2089 < 9 (mw) - - - - - - - - - TC : {final) 22.867 22.918 22 22.982 23.025 11.7845 1i.7220 11.6650 11.6501 11.7169 ¢ 2 (f:nal) 22.618 22.508 22.570 22.517 22,514 11.4129 11.3553 11.5159 11.5320 11.4555 Time Finish 4:05 5:20 6:20 8:57 10:20 7:00 8:15 9:20 10:15 11:55 e (v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¢ 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 HM $V) 9.56 9.58 9. 9.58 9-5§ 8.664 8.66v 8.66 8.66 8.66 ‘) 0.7905 0.7902 0. 0.7893 0.7388 0.903 0.9046 0.9060 0.9063 0.9050 s (v) 0 0 0 o] 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 HR 1 (v) 1.1 1.l 1. 1. 1.1 1.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 (a) 0.5 0.5 O 0. 0. 0.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 4R 2 (v) 0 1.1 1.7 2.7 3.5 3.3 2.9 2.h 2.0 2. 2.8 (a) 0 0.7 1.4 2.6 3.k 3.5 3.1 2.5 2.0 2. 3.0 fR 3 {v) 0 .2 1. 2. 3.9 3403 2.9 2.t 2.0 2. 2.6 {a) 0 0.9 1. a. 3.5 3.5 3.1 2.5 2.0 2. 3.0 R e 62 6 6r 6w P S S X HF 2 {v} - - - - - - - - - - fa) 6.3 6.7 6. 6.2 6.8 3.8 3.8 3,8 5.8 3.8 Table B~3 {Continued) Run No. - 9-B 9-C G=D G-F 10-A ic-§ 10-C 10-D 10-E 10-F 10-G 10-H 10-1 10-J tate 1/e8/66 7-28-56 7-28-86 7-28-56 7-28-66 7-28-56 7-28-66 ~25-64 7-29-66 [=29-656 7-29~56 7-26-66 -25-66 8-1°65 Time Begun 2:15 223 L:id €100 T30 9:4i5 10350 11:%40 10:10 1135 12:55 2140 1:0C 12:20 pial Zerc (in.) GL.O5RT7G 0.08270 0.05270 0.035270 C.0527C 0.03270 C.0527C 0.065270 ¢.05270 C.05270 0.0527C 0.05270 C.05270 G.05270 Dial Reading (in.) 0.08116 0.07117 0£.06120 0.05270 0.09268 ©.i2260 0.1k269 0.16275 0.18262 ©.20270 0.08715 0.06170 0.05778 0.06632 ¢ 3 {mv) 2331 3.203% 8,159 83,1546 8.2361 B.2799 §.3103 8,3€3C 8.3861 &.4h0S 8.1994 8.1725 8.15L0 8.1588 ¢ 2 (mv) &.0001 8.0083 8.0013 8.0289 7.9677 T.8961 7.8446 7.8352 7.7750 7.7618 7.94€5 8.0099 8.01CL 7.9845 C 3 (mv) £.36%0 8.3359 8.2877 g.27 8.363¢ 8.4163 g.L507 8.500h 8.5285 8.5798 5.3289 8.3078 8.2800 3.285h ¢ 4 {(mv) 8.3511 8.3198 8,2719 B.26Lgy 8.350h B.3977 8.4296 8.4831 8,507k 8.5610 8.3139 8.2884 5.2651 8.2712 C 5 {mv) 8.3410 8.3002 &.2560 8.2488 8.3172 8.3795 §.4203% §.4620 8.hg72 €.5515 §.2852 8,292k 8.247h 8.2525 ¢ 6 {mv) Q. 304k 9.2848 9.2617 9.2506 $.2600 9.2881 9.2969 9.2006 G.315k4 2.3309 9.26%1 3.2613 9.2526 9.2387 TC 7 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ¢ 8 (o) (B.8u65 B.B437T 8.8383 goaus€ B.83u4 5.8016 .77k 8,776 &.7391 8.7356 9.28k1 8.,82k3 8.835% B.8306 € 9 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ¢ 1 (final} 8.2337 8.20k5 8.1590 8.154%0 8.2367 8.2803 8.3095 £.3635 8.3861 84506 8.1667 §.1726 8.1540 8157k ¢ 2 (final) 8.0006 8.c092 8.0015 8.0285 7.9686 7.8970 7.8446 7.8336 7.71748 7.7618 7.9483 8.0104 8,010k 7.9850 Time Finish 2:20 3:31 beso 6115 7120 9156 11:00 11:45 10115 11:40 1:00 2:55 4105 12:30 B (V) 0 ¢ 9 o 0 o 0 o o o c 0 0 o {=) 0 ¢ C s Q 0 ¢ 0 ¢ X ¢ 0 0 0 ; . 6 .5 G.5 . - - - - - P - P - B %’;g ? 2000 ? igoa g ig‘o 9.56 9.56 9.56 5,36 .56 Q.56 9.56 9.56 g.56 9.56 .56 . . Le 104 1.1012 1.0987 1.0967 1.0963 1.0049 1.0041 1.0625 1.0996 1.1003 1.1011 1.1C10 HS Ev; 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 & ¢ 0 e o 0 o 0 o o o ¢ o o 0 HR 1 (v 1-2 ig 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1,8 1.8 {a) 1. L. 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 .6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 HR 2 {v) - - Lo 3.9 4.3 W7 5.0 5 o3 g &3 P / ; . Y . s ! Je b;). Jelt ').u') - —_ -’_9 -— (a) b7 4.8 bt k.3 b7 5.2 5.5 5.7 8.0 &.25 05 %65 i.35 k.55 HR 3 (v) S - k.0 2.9 5,3 7 5.0 5.1 5.4 5.65 - - 3.9 - (a) 4.7 .6 by 5.3 T 5.2 5.5 5.7 £.0 §.05 Y7 4,65 i.zs 5 4E 1 (v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - () 2.8 2.7 2.7 5.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 .7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 HF 2 (v} - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ {&) 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 D77 2.7 5.7 2.7 <9 Table B-3 {Continuec) Run No. = 10-K 11-4 11-B 11-C 11-D 11-E 11-F 11-G 11-4 11-1 11-J Li-x li-r, 11-M Date 8-1-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-6-66 8-8-66 8-8-66 8-5-66 8-8-66 §-8-66 8-8-66 Time Begun 1:95 8:30 9:21 10:05 11:00 2:00 1:00 2:10 3:15 L:20 5:20 6:20 T:10 8:30 Dial Zero {in.) 0.05270 0.01540 0.01540 0.01540 0.01540 0.015%0 0.001540 0.01540 0.0L540 0.01540 0.015%0 0.01540 0.01540 0.0154%0 Dial Reacing {in.) 0.07648 0.13551 0.13257 0.12956 0.12655 0.12345 0.12050 0.22550 0.11249 0.10250 0.09406 0.06815 0.08230 0.07638 ™ 1 (mv) 8.1972 23.031 23.024 23.022 23.006 23007 22.997 22,992 22.998 22.991 22.988 23.000 23.005 22.996 ¢ 2 (mv) 7.9846 22.546 22.539 22.558 22.555 22.563 22.558 22,567 22.576 22,562 22.602 22.525 22.640 22.638 ¢ 3 (mv) 8.326}4 23,191 23.186 23.181 23,16k 23,162 23.154 23.149 23.153 23.148 23.149 23.159 23,162 23.156 ¢4 (mv) §.3117 23.165 23.153 23.154 23,137 23.137 23.128 23.124 23.129 23.121 23.119 23.129 23,13k 23.130 5 {mv) 8.2909 23.210 23.200 23.203 25.179 23.175 23.165 29,19 23.161 23,154 23.151 23.156 23.160 23.156 Q¢ 6 {rv) 9.252%5 2L.259 2k .256 24,251 2h.24" 24.236 24,233 2L, 228 24,226 2k, 226 24,226 24,228 2,232 2k, 236 ™ 7 {mv) - - - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - - - ™ 8 {mv) 8.8282 24.036 2k, 025 24,020 2k.02% 24,023 2k.021 2k, 02k 24.029 24,033 24,036 24,045 24,055 24,061 € 9 {mv) - - - - - - - - = -~ - - - - ¢ & {final) 8.1975 23.030 23.023 23.021 23.005 23.007 22.996 22.992 23.000 22.99%0 22.98¢9 23.001 23.006 22.993 TC 2 (final) 7.9850 22.546 22,540 22.559 22.55k 22.564 22.558 22.566 22.577 22.593 22.603 22.627 22.6k40 22.635 Time Finish 2:05 8:37 9:27 10:15 R 2:10 1:15 2:15 3:20 4:30 5:25 6:25 7:20 8:40 T (v) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 o} 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m {v) 9.56 9.61 9.61 9.6 9.61 9.6 9.61 9.51 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 ‘a) 1.0997 0.7907 0.7905 0.7904 0.7904 0.7904 0.7904 C. 790k 0.7903 C.7903 0.7903 0.7900 0.7898 0.7898 HS {v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R i (v) 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 a7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 {a) 1.6 1.05 1.09 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.0 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.0 1.05 105 HR 2 (v) 5.2 3.0 3.0 2.8 .7 .5 2.4 2.3 2.2 - 2.0 .8 1.7 1.7 (a) k.65 3.0 2.0 2.7 2.6 2.45 2.35 2.25 2.2 .99 1.7 ENG) 1.45 1.05 HR 3 (v) k.2 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.k 2.2 0.2 - 2.0 1.95 1.8 .5 (a} 4.65 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.55 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.95 1.75 L. 1.5 1.G HF 1 (v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (a) 2.7 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.2 R 6.2 6.2 £.2 F 2 (v) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (a) 2.7 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.7 6.2 6.2 6.0 6.7 6.2 6.2 99 Table B-3 {Continued) Run Fo. - 11-K 11-0 11-P 13- 11=R 11-8 117 11-U 11-% 11- 11-K 11-y 13- 11-AA Date 8-8-65 8-8-66 B-8-66 8-10-68 8-10-66 8-10-66 3-1c-66 8-10-66 8-10-66 BiC-66 8-10-66 8-10-66 §.10-€€ 8-20-66 Time Begun 9: 40 10: 40 11:20 9100 10:15 11510 12:00 12:50 1:35 2:25 3:30 4110 4157 6:40 Dial Zero {in.) 0.01540 0.015%0 0.015%0 0.01540 0.01540 10,0150 0.015k0 0.01540 0.0L54G 0.01540 0.0154%0 0.,61540 0.015%0 Q.015%0 Diel Reeding (in.} 90.07055 ©C.06458 ©,058786 ©0.05435 0.05168 0.04671 0.0k232 €.03826 0.0334k9 0.03072 0.0267%5 0.02270 C.02132 0.01954 ¢ 1 {mv) 22.963 22.970 22.959 23.067 23.068 23.058 23.056 23.052 23.056 23.047 23.027 23.018 23.012 23.027 ¢ 2 {mv) 22.810 2e.627 22.626 22,76k 22,778 22,781 22,789 22.795 22.811 22.810 22,860 22,820 22,816 22,836 ¢ 3 {mv) 23,121 23.13k 23.123 23,222 23.227 23.228 23.219 23.216 23.220 23,213 23.1298 23,164 23,191 23.202 ¢ 4 (mv) 23.103 23,101 23.091 23,197 £23.198 23.190 23.189 23.185 23.189 23.179 23,1613 23,157 23,15 23,165 ¢ 5 (mv) 23.132 23.127 23.122 23.221 23.22k 23.220 23.223 23.222 23.227 23.221 23.212 23.21 23.213 23.22k ¢ & (mv) 2k.230 24,221 ok, 219 2l 277 24,277 24,276 24,276 24,273 2h,272 24,269 24,264 24,260 oh 262 ol p5Y c 7 (mv) - - —- - - - - - - - - - - - ™ 8 (mv) 24,050 2k.okhg 24,046 24, 1h3 24,145 2H.,1%0 24,137 oi,1h) 24.1ka 24,3152 2h.1k9. 24,152 24151 24,16k ¢ ¢ {mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TC 1 (final) 22.962 22,970 22.959 23,067 23.066 23,057 23.086 23.052 23,057 23,045 23.026 23.018 23.0C9 23.026 TC 2 (final) 23.609 ~ 22.626 22.626 22,764 22,777 22,780 22,790 22,796 22,812 22.809 22,800 22.620 22.815 22.836 Tims Finish 9:45 10:45 11:85 3:05 10125 11516 12:1¢ 13100 i:hs 2135 3:35 43197 51C7 6345 m (v) G 0 o 0 0 c o 0 0 ¢ ) o 0 (a) e 0 0 ) 0 C 0 o 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 0 () 9.60 9.50 9.860 9,595 9.595 $:595 9.59 9.585 9.585 9.585 9.585 $.585 $.585 9.585 (a) 0.7899 0.7900 0.7903 0.7881 0.7881 0.7881 07879 0.7878 0.7879 G, 7880 G. 7881 0.7881 0.7881 0.7878 HS {v) 0 ¢ ¢ 0 o} o 0 3 G 0 0 0 ¥ 0 (a} 0 o o) o ¢ 9 ¢ 0 ¢ o G o ) HR L {v) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 i.8 1.8 1.3 1.3 0 o o} O 0 {a) 1.0% 1.05 1,05 1.05 1.05 1,05 1.05% 0.8 c.8 o) o 0 o o) 2 {v) 1.1 1.0 1.0 <1.0 <}.0 <1.0 £.C O o] 0 c ¢ Q 0 8) 0.8 6.5 0.5 043 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 o 0 ) ) o) ) R 3 (v} 1.2 1.0 1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <31.0 0 0 ) o] 0 0 0 (a) 0.9 C.5 0. 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 O o 0 o 0 0 O F 1 (v) - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - (a) 6.2 6.2 .2 6.2 8.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 W2 (vz - - - - - - - - - - - — - - (a} 6.2 €.2 £.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 .2 6.2 6.2 5.2 6.2 6.2 L9 Table 3-- {Continued) Run No. - 11-BB 11-CC 12-A i2-B 12-C 12-D 12-% 12-F =G 12-H 12-I 12-7 i2-X 12-1, Date §-10-66 §-10-65 8-10-66 $-10-66 8-10-66 8-10-66 8-10-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 8-11-66 Time Begun 7:23 8:05 8:55 9:35 10:15 10:50 11:35 8:40 9:56 10:45 11:35 12:25 1:20 2:30 Diai Zero (in.) 0.0154%0 0.015k0 0.01550 0,0153%0 0.01540 0.01540 0.01540 0.01540 0.015450 0.01540 0.01540 0.015k0 0.01540 0.01540 Dial Reading (in.) 0.01742 0.01532 0.02336 0.03125 0.035:1 0.03908 0.0430: 0.04691 0.05095 0.05481 0.05670 0.06u61 0.07063 0.07652 € 1 (mv) 23,014 23.005 23.009 23.021 23.026 23.029 23.043 23,004 23.085 23.085 23.087 23.087 23.087 23.086 ¢ 2 {mv) 22.837 22.829 22.805 22.791 22.785 22.780 22.782 22.822 22.809 22.805 22.803 22.794 22,7791 22,718k ™C 3 {mv) 23.198 23.185 23.188 23.194 23.196 23.198 23.207 21.257 23.251 23.251 23.252 23.250 235.246 23.248 < 4% {mv) 23.157 23.146 23.1:48 23.158 23.162 23.165 23.176 23.225 23.219 23.220 23.220 23.219 23.219 23.219 ™ 5 (mv) 23,222 23.217 23.207 23.20k4 23.203 23.201 23.211 23.259 23.252 23.252 23.251 23.250 23.24g 23.251 ™ 6 (mv) 24,266 24,265 24,261 24,256 24,254 24,254 24,261 24.298 2k.293 24.291 2k.287 24.286 24.279 24.278 ¢ 7 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 8 (mv) 24,159 24.150 24,137 24.128 24,125 2k.123 24,124 24.163 24.149 2k.143 2k.1ho 2k.13h 24.13 2Lk.13p % 9 (mv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 1 (final) 23,014 23.003 23.009 23.021 23.026 23.030 23.043 23.092 23.086 23,087 23.085 23.086 23.087 23.086 ¢ 2 {final) 22.836 22.829 22.805 22.791 22.784 22,780 22.782 22,821 22,809 22.807 22,800 22.795 22,752 22,764 Time Finish T:28 8:10 9: 00 9: 40 10:20 10:55 11:4%0 8:55 10:05 10355 11:45 12130 1:30 2:40 HT (v) 0 o} 0 0 0 0 o} 0 o) 0 0 0 0 0 (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W™ (v) 9.585 9.585 9.585 9.589 9.585 9.585 9.585 9.58 9.585 9.58 9.585 9.58 9.58 9.58 (a) 0.7878 0.7681 0.7881 0.7881 0.7881 0.7581 0.7881 0.7869 0.7871 0.787: 0.7859 0.7869 0.7870 0.7571 a5 (v) 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 (a} 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MR 1 {v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 {a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.C R 2 (v) 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1.0 <1.0 < .0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 .0k01 171.5 9.1k 0.23 0.986 C.261 35.0 1-F 0.C499 172.2 10.2 0.2k 0.681 G.260 39.5 1-G 0.0599 172.5 11.53 0.25 0.977 0.258 b,y 1-H 0.07C0 171.9 12.69 0.27 0.970 0.256 49,6 1-T 0,1001 172.2 15.75 0.22 0.945 0.250 £3.0 1-J 0.2002 172.9 23.24 0.33 0.880 0.231 1.60.6 1- 0.3003 173.0 29.12 0.4 0.80k 0.211 138.0 Suh 0.0000 508.8 11.09 ~0.03 1.600 0.630 17.6 2-B 0.0100 508.8 13.06 c.o2 1.0C0 0.630 20.°7 2-C 0.0200 508.5 14.97 0.05 1.0C0 0.630 23.8 2-D 0.0300 508.0 16.87 0.07 0.998 0.6249 26.8 2-F 0.0401 508.8 18.71 0.08 0.99% 0.628 29.8 2-F 0.0498 509.0 20.75 0.08 0.99k4 0.627 33.1 2-G 0.0598 508.0 22.5% 0.09 0.992 0.625 36.1 2-H 0.07T00 509.0 24.18 0.10 0.959 0.622 28.9 o1 0.0795 509.3 26.68 0.10 0.987 0.62C 4+3.0 2-J 0.0901 508.5 28.02 - 0.10 0.985 0.618 i oK 0.1.000 508.1 30.02 0.10 0.983 0.617 43.7 2-LL 0.199% 509.2 43,92 0.11 0.965 0.605 2.6 2N 0.2999 509.3 58.96 0.08 0.963 0.597 98.8 el 0.0000 506.9 11.56 ~0.01 1.000 0.620 12.3 Table B-16. Reduced Experimental Data for Vacuum Using Apparatus II-B Specimen Thermal Thickness, Temperature, Temperature Guard Shunting Heat Flux, Resistance, g{in Pave Tave Drop, AT E‘agtor s Fa;;to.r , /A At/ (a/a) (em) (°c) (°c) : (Wem?) (°c onf wh) 1-A 02940 87.4 21.59 -0.06 0.95k 0.0102 2116 1-B 0.1972 87.5 o1 .48 -0.07 0.948 0.0101 2105 1-C 0.1002 87.3 21.69 -0.06 0.954 0.0101 2068 %D 0.0488 87.4 21.66 ~0.0h 0.967 0.0103 212k 2-4 0.0450 513.7 25.34 ~0.22 0.894 0.0906 279.7 2-B 0.0986 513.8 25.59 - ~0.22 0.894 0.0506 2824 2-C 0.2000 513.8 25.58 ~0.21 0.894 0 .0906 2820 2-D 0. 3000 5132.7 25.68 ~0.22 .89k 0.0906 2834 3-A 0.0500 359.h4 £9.25 0.33 90.00 0.443 1560 23 0.1500 g59.5 69,73 0.33 50.00 0,443 157.% 3-C 0.1000 859.0 bo.36 ~0.02 98.90 0.173 237.3 3-D 0.2000 859.0 4o 73 ~0.02 98.90 0.173 235 .4 Table B-1T7. 9hL Reduced Experimental Data for HTS Using Appasratus II-B Specimen Thermal. Thickness, Temperature, Temwperature Guard Shunting Heat Flux, Resistance, f;;n X ave Drop, AT Fagtor, Fa;tor, Q/A_ AT/ (Q/A) (cm) (°c) (°c) (W em @) (°C e Wl) 1-A 0.0000 526.3 13.20 <0.01 1.000 0.579 22.8 1-B 0.0099 526.1 15.03 <0.01 1.000 0.580 26.0 1-C 0.0200 526.1 16.81 <0.01 1.000 0.579 29.0 1-b 0.0300 526.0 18.65 <0.01 1.000 0.579 32.2 1-E 0.0400 526.0 19.96 <0.01 1.000 0.576 3.7 1-¥ 0.0500 526.2 21.13 <0.01 1.000 0.576 36.6 1-G 0.0600 526.0 22,4k <0.01 1.000 0.576 38.9 1-H 0.0700 526.5 23.05 <0.01 1.000 0.578 40.2 1-H 0.08C3 526.3 23.92 <0.01 1.000 0.578 41.6 1-J 0.0901 526.3 24.89 <0.01 1.000 0.578 43.1 1-K 0.1002 526.2 25.90 <0.01 1.000 0.578 b3, i-L 0.2000 526.2 37.62 <0.01 1.00C 0.575 65. = 1-M 0.3000 528.4 45.83 <0.01 1.000 0.572 80.0 1-N C.1000 526.1 26.03 <0.01 1.000 0.57h 45,3 1-0 0.0000 526.3 13.33 <0.01 1.000 0.579 23.0 1-p 0.1509 526.3 32.21 <0.01 1.000 0.574 56.0 1-9 0.1245 526.4 29.16 <0.01 1.000 0.578 50.6 1-R 0.1125 526.0 27.6k <0.01 1.000 0.574 48.2 1-S 0.100C 526.0 25 .94 <0.01 1.000 0.578 45.0 1-7 0.0803 5257 23.89 <0.01 1.000 C.578 4.6 1-U 0.1751 525.5 35.86 <0.01 1.009 0.578 62.1 1-v 0.2300 526.4 4.1 <0.01 1.000 0.573 .8 1-W 0.2605 526.6 L3258 <0.01 1.000 09.57 G Table B-18. Reduced Experimental Data for Helium UUsing Apparatus IT-B Srecimen Thernal Thickness, Temperature, Temperature Guard Smunt ing Heat Flux, Resistance, Rur. Jave Tavg Drop, AT Factor, Factor, Q/A AT/(Q/A) Ne- (em) (°c) (°c) G (W e @) (°C cuf W) 1-A 0.000C 518.6 12.36 0.08 1.00C c.619 20.0 1-B 0.0098 518.9 14,23 0.11 0.999 0.617 23.1 1-C 0.0199 518.6 16.53 0.15 0.997 0.617 26.8 1-D 0.0300 518.6 19.c2 0.13 0.996 0.617 3¢.8 1-E C.C397 518.9 21.01 0.08 0.996 0.618 34.0 1-F 0.0500 518.4 23.51 0.07 0.995 0.616 38.2 1-G C.0600 518.5 25.7h C.06 0.994 0.615 4l.9 2-H C.0698 518.6 27.91 C.0k4 0.995 Cc.616 45.3 -I 0.2000 518.3 bs.2o C.10 0.967 0.594 75.1 1-J 0.3000 518.2 55.27 0.12 0.9.9 0.580 G5, 2-A 0.000C aky .6 14.78 0.23 0.998 C.660 2-B 0.01¢C 5.5 16.70 0.22 0.998 0.661 2-C 2.0195 45,6 18.42 0.22 C.G66 0.661 27.9 2-D 0.0295 45 .8 20.12 W17 0.995 0.659 3C.5 2-E 0.0%07 945 .5 21.57 0.18 0.993 0.657 2.8 Z-F 0.0511 ghs 4 22.23 Cc.17 0.691 0.656 5.0 2-G 0.c598 aks.8 24,70 0.17 5.989 0.654 7.6 2-H C.1400 alhs.h 33.40 .19 0.969 C.638 2.5 -T C. 32020 945, 4l 20 0.22 0.94C c.618 71.5 -J 0.0000 Lo 13.6%3 0.20 0.968 C.664 20.5 95 Table B-19. Reduced Experimental Data for Argon Using Apparatus II-B Specimen Thermal Thickness, Temperature, Temperature Guard Shunting Heat Flux, Resistance, iun Pave Iévg Drop, AT Fagtor, Factor, Q/A aT/(Q/8) Mo~ (cm) (°c) (°¢) G ¥ Wem?) (°C en W) 1-A 0.0000 S0k.0 1,84 ~0.07 1.000 0,500 29.7 1-8 0.0200 503.8 Lo.79 0.19 0.970 0.482 8h.6 1-C 0.0400 504.0 57.46 0.2k 0.967 0.479 120.0 1-D 0.0601. 503.9 71.05 0.25 0.933 0.458 155.1 1-E 0.0800 50k4,2 79.56 0.3%0 0.906 O 47 178.0 1-F 0.C100 503.6 28.37 0.17 0.989 0.495 57.3 1-F 0.0300 502.0 50.20 D.22 0.959 0.475 105.7 1-H 0.0500 S50k 7 6440 G.25 0.939 0.462 1354 1-T 0.0700 504.9 72.51 G.29 0.916 0.449 163.7 1-J 0.2003 501.7 AL 08 -0.05 1.029 0.131 260.2 1-¥K 0.3000 50.18 26.66 0.00 1.000 0.127 288.7 2-A 0.0000 859.6 22.9k 0.15 0.999 0.496 46.3 2-B 0.0100 859.4 27.97 0.18 0.988 0.491 57.0 2.0 0.0200 859.3 32.21 0.22 0.973 0.483 66.7 2-D 0.0300 859.6 25.15 0.23 0.962 0.478 13.5 o-F 0.0400 859.8 37.86 0.24 0.956 0.475 79.7 o-F 0.04OL 860.3 39.22 0.25 0.956 0.475 82.6 2-0 0.0500 859.9 h2.21 0.27 0.9k 0.468 90.2 2aH 0.0601 859.6 NN 0.27 0.640 0.466 95 .4 2-T 0.0700 859.7 46.22 0.26 0.937 0.L6k 99.6 2-J 0.080L 859.5 L7.88 0.26 0.935 C.h63 103.4 2-K 0.0901 859.6 49,33 0.25 0.932 0.46) 107.0 2-1 0.1001 859.6 50.89 0.2k4 0.921 0.461 110.4 2.u% 0.0000 859.6 02.09 0.16 0.999 0.496 b5 pay® 0.0101 859.7 20,64 0.23 0.985 0.480 60.7 2-0% o.0201 859.5 35.00 0.27 0.968 0.480 72.9 2% 0.0300 859.3 38.74 0.27 0.955 0.473 81.9 o0 0.0000 859.7 21,4 0.19 0.999 0.455 43,3 -4 0.0000 859.0 22.96 0.20 0.999 0.497 W62 3-8 0.0100 858.8 31.71 0.26 0.983 0.491 6L.6 3~C 0.0200 859.1 37.36 0.29 0.966 0.481 777 2D 0.0300 859.0 L1.56 0.31 0.552 0. 47k 87.7 3B 0.0400 859.2 bl 73 0.32 0.943 0.469 95.4 3~F 0.0500 859.4 Lv.76 0.32 0.936 0.466 102.5 3-G 0.0000 859.0 22.80 0.21 0.9599 0.497 45.9 3-H 0.0100 858.7 31.84 0.26 0.984 0.489 65.1 3-I 0.0601 359.5 50.93 0.30 0.935 0.462 110.2 3-J 0.1200 859.0 58.94 0.29 0.923 0.4sh 1£9.8 aOnly these points used to calculate k for Run 2. 96 Table B-20. Reduced Experimental Data for Vacuum Using Apparatus III-B Specimen ~ Thermal Thickness, Temperature, Temperature Guard Shunting Heat Flux, Resistance, X Tavg Drop, AT Factor, Factor, Q/A AT/ (Q/A) (cm) (°c) (°C) G F (W cm ) (°C cm® W *) 1-A 0.1027 537.3 28.14 0.54 0.787 0.1306 215.5 1-B 0,200k 537.0 27.94 0.56 0.781 0.1296 215.6 1-C 0.3001 536.5 27.93 0.58 0.775 0.1287 217.0 2-A 0.1000 526.7 85.97 0.74 0.740 0.295 291.4 2-B 0.2000 526.4 85.73 0.74 0.740 0.295 290.6 2-C 0.2000 526.2 39.36 0.69 0.755 0.148 265.9 3-A 0.2755 500" 57.50 -0.017 1.010 0.082 701.3 3-B 0.2729 4 79.33 0.247 0.886 0.163 h86.7 3-C 0.2214 78.99 0.247 0.886 0.163 484 .6 3-D 0.2205 78.52 0.247 0.886 0.163 481.7 3-E 0.0680 78.01 0.247 0.886 0.163 478.6 3-F 0.0000 58.17 0.141 0.927 0.171 3k0.2 3-G 0.0208 121.18 0.485 0.805 0.340 356,k 3-H 0.1226 121.25 0.485 0.805 0.333 36k4.1 3-1 0.2705 120.25 0.480 0.805 0.333 361.1 3-J 0.0000 86.26 0.440 0.820 0.346 2ko.3 3-K 0.0189 181.33 0.610 0.766 0.624 290.6 3-L 0.2146 180.77 0.610 0.766 0.624 289.7 3-M 0.0000 132.53 0.610 0.766 0.649 204 .2 3-N 0.0000 132.53 0.620 0.766 0.649 2ck.2 3-0 0.0000 128.24 0.620 0.766 0.649 197.6 3-P 0.2212 75.26 0.630 0.766 0.1Lk2 530.0 3-Q 0.2212 68.94 0.230 0.893 0.142 485.5 3-R 0.2304 60.08 0.120 0.936 0.178 337.5 3-5 0.2311 58.43 0.100 0.9k5 0.18¢ 324.6 3-T 0.2362 #' 38.66 0.110 1.0060 0.090 429.6 L-p 0.1472 200b 319.78 0.95 0.599 0.223 1434.0 4L-B 0.020k 321 .64 0.96 0.59 0.221 1455.3 L-c 0.0000 191.93 1.0 0.579 0.226 8ig.2 L-D 0.1132 157.73 0.98 0.580 0.099 1593.2 L-E 0.0139 158.36 0.98 0.580 0.098 1615.9 L-g 0.0000 90.99 1.01 0.570 0.102 892.1 L-g 0.1082 158.29 0.99 0.575 0.097 1631.8 L-H 0.0055 160.08 0.99 0.573 0.097 1650.53 ®Normalized to 500°C. bNorrmalized to 20C°C. Table B~21. 9T Reduced Experimental Data for Helium Using Apparatus IIT-B Specinen Thermal Thickness, Temperature, Tempersture Gugrd Shunting Heat Flux, Reslistance, gzn Jax:e Tavg Drop, oF Fagtor, Fa;tor, Q/A“q NI/ (Q/A) (em) (°¢) (°C) (W cm™ ) (°¢ en® W) 1-A 0.0050 525.2 -0.65 1.00 0.997 0.200 -3.25 1-R 0.0504 52k .9 1.73 1.00 0.969 0.195 8.87 1-C 0.1001 525,09 3,04 0.67 0.924 0.186 21.18 1-D 0.200k 524 .8 6.70 0.62 0.857 0.172 28,95 1-8 0.3001 52L.8 8.72 0.5 0.806 0.162 53.82 1-F 0.0099 5ok .k ~0.32 1.00 0.992 0.200 -1.60 2-A 0.0100 52705 ~0.97 1.00 0.993 0.200 -85 2~B 0.0150 527k -0.79 1..00 0.992 0.199 -3.97 2-C 0.0200 527.4 -0.28 1.00 0.9%0 0.199 ~1.01 2-D 0.0302 527 .4 0.29 1..00 0.975 0.166 1.48 2~E 0.0500 527.4 1.21 C.75 0.978 0.197 6.65 3-A 0.CouL8 105.4 4.13 L.770 0.991 0.574 7.19 3.3 0.0099 1.05 .4 5.38 1.6 0.986 0.572 9.40 3-C 0.0150 105.6 6.84 1.5 0.981 0.568 12.0k 3-D 0.0200 105.2 7,36 L b 0.975 0.563 13.07 3-E 0.0299 105.5 9.81 1.3 0.961 0.555 17.68 3-F 0.0502 105.1 15.07 1.2 0.930 0.536 28.12 3-G 0.0997 105.6 25.29 0.96 0.875 0.502 50,38 3-H 0.1997 106.7 40.00 0.83 0.760 0. b2 92.80 3-I 0.3001 107.L 50.71 0.77 0.679 (0,383 13&.40 3-d 0.0213 106.6 9.03 1.h 0.973 0.562 16.07 98 Tavle B-22. Reduced Experimental Data for HIS Using Apparatus 171-3 ~ Specimen Thermal Thickness, Temperature, lemperature Guard Shunt ine Jeat Flux, Resistance, 2K T Drop, Al Factor, Factor, G/A AL/ (G/A) (cm) (°c) (°c) G o (0 ) (o0 en Wt 0.0040 c1b.3 11.98 0.12 1.300 0.510 23,5 C.01C0 51h.L 2.97 0.12 0.999 0.510 25.4 0.0150 514 .6 12.67 0.1 0.998 0.509 26,y 0.020C S514.7 14.36 0.15 0.997 0.509 28.2 0.030C 515.2 15.38 0.17 0.995 0.50€ 0.k 0.050C 515.7 16.6C 0.19 £.988 0.502 BRI~ 0.0698 517.1 18.1¢ 0.21 0.980 0.LG9 6.7 0.1000 517.4 18. Ly 0.22 0.969 0.49%3 7.4 0.1500 51.8.0 21.33 0.24 0. 9ah 0.480 Lly 0.3000 520.7 29.50 0.30 0.85h 0.432 68.7 0.0500 517.1 16.65 0.19 0,988 0.50 27.C 0.0500 516.4 17.08 0.19 0.988 0.504 <3, 0.0598 516.6 17.45 0.20 0.985 0.50% Sy L7 0.00u41 51k.4 11.92 0.10 1.000 C.512 234 0.0102 51k.3 12.83 0.12 0.G99 C.510 25.2 C.0Ck0 316.2 10.7G 0.37 0.998 0.502 21.5 0.0100 216.6 11.47 0.38 0.uu8 2.501 22.9 0.0250 217.0 12.04 38 0.997 ) 50 2.0 0.0200 217.1 12.55 .38 0.996 0.500 25.1 0.0300 317.4 13.51 29 0.094 0,409 27.1 0.0301 317.8 13.55 .39 0. 99 e 7 2-G 0.0500 318.4 15.45 0.4k S 2-H 0.0699 319.0 17.21 0.180 i5.2 3-A 0.1005 119.4 7.88 0,20+ 25,2 3-B 0.2040 120.9 11.10 0.212 52.2 3-C 0.0540 120.1 6.36 0.225 28.2 3-D 0.0137 120.1 5.13 )02 22.5 2~E 0.1506 121.2 9.25 C.216 Hh.2 99 APPENDIX C PRECISION AND ERROR ANALYSIS The general form of the equation used to determine the thermal con- ductivity in this investigation is Eq. (9), rearranged as ’ - b K = s Q /A _ 105 OTB(.JL&) p (¢-1) X ey > \l ] 4 . 3 Le - where the measured heat flux, G /A, is assumed to be constant during the measurements and the specimen thickness is x = Ax. By taking the total derivative of Bg. (C-1) and rearranging terms, the change in k due to a change in any of the quantitities in Eq. (C-1) is a _ax QYA [ a(’/m)] _ ol/s (_/}I__) dAL TN k X JK Q’/A JKQ F % /\TX FX (C-2) d i _ q'/a ({_\2) ( AL, B ‘3Fo>_ I, [Edn -V d(Y/T)] 2 F n o - . 2 JK 0 Aio bo J Ln T Y/T where quantity enclosed by braces in Eg. (C-1), il quantity enclosed by brackets in Eg. (C~1), and (16/3) v oT® (Y/T)X~ == oo By using certain approximations, Eq. (C-2) can be gimplified to express quantities more readily measured, and 100 (ATs/F) = Q,/A * (k/x) + eh T = gX In the present studies, the heat shunting was usually small so that FX and Fo can be assumed to be unity in the weighting functions. Further- more, the error in Y_ e/T can be evaluated as 2 a(y/r) ( av 1) (d‘ @s_>+ e dy de Y/T Y dT K X Y de € Finally, the total error in the conductivity would be approximately, a(Q’/n) a ar aF gk _dx [(1 + ehrx)/k)}s / - 5X X wi(k/x) + ehr] X L - k b ( Q' /A Al F SEC eh x 2dn 34T T dy E--(EAE DGR e F F k + eh x n T Y dT X O r dk dx e dY de ( (f"+——>+(m -------------- ) - K X Y de e s The magnitude or the error in the conductivity 1s dependent on the specimen thickness. Some of the uncertaintles increase and others decrease with a change in specimen thickness. Therefore,there should be an optimum tnickness that would minimize the errors associated with it. The errors are also dependent on the magnitude of the thermal conductivity, the fixed resistance, and eh_ . T The error in the conductivity measurements now considered refers to . , RN the apparatus model III-B for various values of x, k, eh , and AT/F(Q /A) T observed in the present studies. Using the accuracy limitls listed in Table 2 and the tolerance limits shown in Figs. A-1 and A-2, the error terms appearing in Eg. (C-3) can be determined as follows: Temperature level dT/T = +0.2% (published error for Pt vs Pt—~10% Rh thermocouple) The potentiometer and other temperature measuring errors can be neglected in comparison with the thermocouple error. Temperature differences AAT = (a0/T) dT, or AAT/AT = dT/T = %0.2% (Pt vs Pt—10% Rh thermocouple) Measured heat flux 0/ /A = WEVI/(rDP) = MEV(Vy/Q)/(nD?) a(e'/a) a8 _av _da _2dap 9N = e S + Q' /A E vV Q D W dV/V = dVy /Vy = +(10)(0.01) = +0.1% (maximum error), A/ 1 £0.04%, aD/D it +(0.005 % 100)/3.25 = #0.15, dE/T = +(0.25 X 100)/60 = 0.42% (uncertainty in heater wire length = +0.25 il’l.). Another uncertainty in the heat flux i1s the axial heat loss across the air gap between the maln and guard heaters: kair ePthT (Q/8); = — + ' ) AT -, X 3 = (6.3 + 0.0Bh?) AT and d(Q/A)I = (6.3k .+ O.OBhT) d AT k.. alr air but therefore, a(qQ/a) 6.3K .+ 0.03h , L. axr 1T (+0.209) Q' /A Q'/a Finally, 102 UQ/A) | (so.n28) + (0.20) — (20.04) — (10.30%) Q'/A (6.3x_, . + 0.03n_) N 211 — T (£0.20%) Q' /A Average refractive index dn/n +(0.2 X 100)/1.5 = +13% (estimated from the HTS measurements) 0.0% (n = 1.000 for argon and helium). Radiation function The expression for Y/t 1is quite complex [Eg. (8)]; fortunately, for e =0.5and v < 5, Y/T is very nearly a constant and for 7 > 10 is very nearly equal to 1/r. Thus, the error in Y/t due to an uncertainty in = can be neglected, except in the narrow interval 5 < 7 > 10. Furthermore, the maximum value of the term edY/Yde =1, so that the error in Y/t is primarily due to the uncertainty in the surface emissivity of the upper and lower plates. Surface emissivity de/e = +(0.05 X 100)/0.45 = +11.1% (estimated from the vacuum measurements, see Chapter 5). Specimen thickness Dial indicator: dx/x = £(0.00005)(2.54) X 100/x = *0.013%/x Thermal expansion: Although a fused quartz rod was used to minimize thermal expan- sion effects in the mobile piston assewbly, it was not practical TO make a dual quartz rod dial indicator system. The uncertainty caused by the thermal expansion difference of stainless steel from that of fused quartz is estimated to be dx /x 1 10.5 la L{AT,_/2)] = +0.5 [(20 x 1078)(25)/2] AT £0.013 T_ % or dx/x = +0.013 [(Q'/A)/x + en x1% 103 where coefficient of linear expansion, °C %, Q i = ! - length of cylinder component of the conductivity cell, cm. Heat shunting factor 2 (L—-F) =" «p°® [EBg. (23)] (1 - 7F) 1L -F X = 0.8 (dU/Uz) The dominant resistance in the heat-transfer coefficient, Uy, meas- urement is the air gap (Fig. 1). The major uncertainty in determining this resistance is the emissivity. Therefore, AUz /Us = de/e Thus, aF (L —F ) a(1 — F.) (1 - F.) Xy X f m p X 0.8de/e F F. L -7 F X X X X [de/e = z0.1 % 100/0.4 = +25% (estimated for the air gap)]. Thus dF /¥ — > —— LF = 420 (1 FX)/FX % Summation of errors All the uncertainties now combined in Fq. (C-2) yields dl 1 Q'/A [k + eh x . i %f(%)::iomng(fl‘+—~JLH*_)+(W__NNT ){Ufl-mfl + (#0.2) ~ (x0.}4) Nk X x k + eh x - 6.3k, 4+ 0.03h )T N o ~ (+0.3) +_(( 3 air r) Mjl> (z0.2) + [#20(L "-FX)/FX] Q'/A (continued) k The standard error in the conductivity of x, k, and €hr with Q'/A = 0.5 W em™™, kK + eh x T 104 [+20 (1/}?X ~ 1/FO)} + eh_x T (+0.6) + (m)]}. 2 where the standard error is defined as dk € was calculated as a function = 0.5, and w = [2? (error)2:]1/2 . 20%¢ e Wt In Fig. C-1, the error calculated using Egqs. (C-3) and (C-4) is shown plotted as a function of the specimen thickness for various values of the specimen conductivity. the specimen conductivity. The errov is most sensitive to the magnitude of The primary source of error in the low con- ductivity measurements at small thicknesses is the uncertainty in the specimen thickness; however, at large thicknesses and for transparent ORNL-DWG 72-10545 | i k(W/emeC) -/// ¥ 20 — 0.0005 A | cererrom— P ~-—0.0% T— p — — 0.1 2 | T 46 o — - CONDUCTION ONLY |~ ] * ) = L~ E 12)— ...... __-’4 -|-'-- - 5 | D . Q ‘ ! B 8f— fn - o ! i N | | x x4 [ ! T e T o . \. I- . . e e = A o ST T FB——] e 0 0.05 0.0 045 0.20 X, SPECIMEN THICKNESS (cm) Fig. C~1l. Estimated error in the conductivity measurements for the Apparatus ILI~B vs specimen thickness at an average specimen temperature of 600°C for various specimen conductivities. 1.0, €K = 0) except as noted. n = Radiation assumed (e = 0.5, specimens, the uncertainty in the emissivity and index of refraction cause the principal errors. The uncertainty in the temperature weasure- ments comprises the primary source of errors in the high conductivity measurements . The minimum error from Flg. C-1 occurs in the vicinity of x = 0.05 cm. Consequently, most of the experimental data were taken for specimen thicknesses of Jless than 0.1 em. A plot of the estimated error limits as a function of specimen conductivity for a specimen thickness of 0.05 cm is shown in Fig. 22, Chapter 6, for the maximum and standard error, where (dk /%) = error . / ‘max 2; ( (I>n O 3 Ll =W . e N0 CO—3 Oh = - 2oy ~, 2 oY aagEEqmn Tt oE s T :__?: 3 gMEPEHOGHUES W EH TSIy IS == s > INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION . Alexander . Anderszon . Baes . Beall Bettis . Bird . Bohlmann Briggs Chapman Claiborne, Jr. Cooke . Cottrell Culler DeVan . DiStefano . Ditto ratherly . Elssenberg Engle . Ferguson . Ferris H. . P. Fontana Fraas Fulkerson T DnYWgEMdEd=E "o . Gallaher . Gambill . Grimes Grindell Godbee . Godfrey . Guymon . Haubenreich . Heimdahl . Helms . Hiths (Y-12) Hoffman . Holz . Huntley . Kasten . Keyes, dJr. . Klepper . Kollie . Krakoviak Kress . Krewson 107 117-119. 120. 121-~1b2. 143, HERbtigtfigRdriaronE0EHO S A0 W ORNI~4831. UC-80 — Reactor Technology Lawson . Lloyd . Lore (Y-12) . Lundin . Lyon . MacPherson . MacPherson . MeCoy » McElroy . McHNeese . McWherter D. L. J. A. 5. Meyer C. A. Mills A, J. Miller S. L. Milora W. R. Mixon J. P. Moore R. Moore 5. Moore . Nicholson A, Perry M. W. Rosenthal J. P. Sanders W. K. Sartory Dunlap Scott Myrtleen Sheldon J. D. Sheppard M. J. Skinner I. Spiewak D. A. Sundberg R. E. Thoma D. G. Thomas D. B. Trauger J. L. Wantland A. M. Weinberg J. R. Weir J. C. White G. D. Whitman R. P. Wichner R, K. Williams H. C. Young Central Research Library Y~12 Document Reference Section Lavoratory Records Department Laboratory Records (RC) 14k, 145, 146, 108 EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION R. U. Acton, Division 5322, Sandia Laboratories, P. 0. Box 5800, Albuguerque, NM 87115 J. L. Bates, Hanford Engineering Development Taboratory, I'. O. PBox 1970, Richland, WA 99352 K. H. Bode, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 33 Braunschweig, Germany W. L. Carroll, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC 20234 B. C. Chu, Intern Business Machines Corp., Systems Development Division, Poughkeecpsie, NY 12601 J. G. Cooke, Natioral Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada D. F. Cope, AEC-0OSR G. L. Denman, Air Force Materials Taboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433 C. T. Ewing, U. 8. Naval Regearch Taboratory, Code (130, Washingtorn, DC 20390 D. R. Flynn, Noise Section, National Bureau of Staundards, Washinton, DC 20234 M. J. TLaubitz, National Research Council of Canada, Oltawa, Canada Kermit Laughon, AEC-0SR W. Leindenfrost, Mechanical Engineering Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN 47901 P. E. Liley, TPRC, Purdue University, Tafayette, TN 47901 A. Lunden, Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg S, Sweden Tadashi Makita, Kyotoc Technical University, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, Japan J. Matolich, Jr., Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave., Columbus, OH 43201 E. McLaughlin, Chemical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 M. T,. Minges, Air Force Materials ILaboratory, Wright-Patlierson Air Force Base, OH 45433 MSBR Program Manager, AFC-Washington K. K. Nangia, Heat Transfer Research, Tnc., Alhambra, CA 51800 W. A. Plummer, Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY 80210 J. D. Plunkett, Department of Metallurgy, University of Denver, Denver, CO 80200 H. Poltz, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany R. W. Powell, PRC, Purdue University, Tafayette, IN 47901 M. J. Rice, General Electric R&D Division, P. 0. Box 8, Schenectady, NY 12301 Jd. T. Schreimpt, Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6330, Washington, DC 20390 R. M. Scroggins, AFC-Washington M. Shaw, AEC-Washington R. E. Taylor, TPRC, Purdue University, Latayette, [N 47901 R. P. Tye, Dynatech R/D Coupany, 99 Erie Street, Cambridge, MA 02129 176. 177, 178. 179. 180. 181-183. 184-105. 186-202. 203. 20l -418. 109 J. . 8. Vepart, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada J. T. R. Watson, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland A. B. Wechsler, A. D. Little Corporation, 20 Acron Park, Canmbridge, MA Q2141 G. K. White, C.3.1.R.0., Division of Physics, National Standards Laboratory, Sydney, Australia 2008 Patent Office, AEC, ORO Directorate of Licensing, USAEC, Washington, DC 20545 Directorate of Regulatory Standards, USARC, Washington, DC 20545 Manager, Technical Information Center, AFC Research and Technical Support Division, AEC, ORO Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 under Reactor Technology category (including 25 copies — NTIS)