R j‘l i.r-r | DR S ORNL-4575, Volume 2 UC 25 Metols, Ceramics, qnd Materlols o i CORROSION IN POLYTHERMAL LOOP SYSTEMS ‘I A SOLID-STATE DIFFUSION 'MECHANISM WITH AND WITHOUT LIQUID FILM EFFECTS R B Evans III J. W Koger " _‘ | J H. DeVan s T e s operaled by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATlON o dorthe .o U S ATOM'C ENERGY COMMISS'ON : TH!S DOCUMENT CONF!RMED As . UNCLASSIFIED - D!VISION OF CLASSIFICA ION BY QO Hikai.~) :*s,qu€ffikw@---~;-¢*:1 ~ ¢ T ROs2 OAK RIDGE NATIONAI. I.ABORATORY fl[STRBUTi&‘é OF THiS BDEUI‘#.ENT lS UM.!FIITEB s - e Rt e s eerie e s i e o L, - Prtnted in the United States of America. Avallable frO‘m " National Technical Information Service ' U.S. Department of Commerce - . . 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151 N Price: Printed Copy $3.00; Microfiche $0.95 This report was prepafed ‘as an account of . Workrsponsored by _the United - States - Government. Nelther the United States: nor -the United- States Atom:c Energy Commission,” nor any “of their employees, nor any of thenr contractors, " subcontractors, or their emp!oyees _makes any warranty, express or implied, or | - | assumes any !egal liability - or responsnbnhtv for. the accuracy, completeness or 1 - usefulness of any mformatuon -apparatus, . product or- process dnsclosed or o 'represents that-its use . would not mfrmge pnvatety owned nghts B 0nr =) ORNL-4575, Volume 2 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 METALS AND CERAMICS DIVISION CORROSION IN POLYTHERMAL LOOP SYSTEMS II. A SOLID-STATE DIFFUSION MECHANISM WITH AND WITHOUT LIQUID FILM EFFECTS R. B. Evans III J. W. Koger J. H. DeVan This report was prepared as an -account of work sponsored by the United States Government, Neither -the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com- pleteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights, JUNE 1971 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee ' - operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the _ U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION , DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED » ‘_" w) o) Py .‘fi\! iii CONTENTS EEES Abstract . . . . . . . . . . } e s e e s e s e e e e s e e e 1 NOmenclature « « « « « « o o s o o s o o o s o o o s v o o o o o o 2 Introduction . . . . + « ¢ ¢« ¢ s ¢« v e 4 e e e . e o 5 Fundamental Concepts « « ¢ « « &« 4 e b e e e e 4 e e 8 Basic Diffusion RelationshiDs . - « « « o o o o s o o o o o o 9 Surface BehaVIOr . v v v v o o+ ¢ o o o o o o o o 12 EqQuilibrium Ratio . « « « « ¢ o 4 o o o o 0 o o 0 a0 . 12 Reaction Rates . « ¢ « ¢ & o o o « s o o o o o o o & 14 Mass Transfer Across Liquid Films . . . . « « « « « « o+ = 16 Combined Reaction Rate-Film Resistances . . « « « . « . . 17 Surface Effects Referred to the Alloy . « . « + + « « & 18 Transient Solutions . . e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 19 Review of the Equations . . . . « « + ¢« ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ o ¢ ¢ o o o & 19 Application to Sodium-Inconel 600 Systems . . . . . . . . . 24 Temperature Profiles and Loop Configurations e e e e e e e e e 26 Reference and Prototype Loops . . « « . .« & .-. « e s e e 26 The Reference LOOp . . « « ¢« ¢ o ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ « o & . . 26 A Prototype LOOD « « « o « s o o o s o o o o o 0 o0 o . 28 Quasi-Steady-State Solution . . . . . . « o 4 o0 o 0o 0. 32 Statement of the Problem and Objectives . « + « « « « + + . . 32 Solution in Terms of the Prototype Loop . .'. e 8 e e e s 36 " Predicted Results for Sodium-Inconel 600 Systems . . . . . . . 43 Discussion of Sodium-Inconel 600 Results . - « « « ¢ o« s o« « o« » « 46 Application to Molten-Salt Systems . . . . R 1o Thermal Convection LOOPS « « + + v « + « « « o « o « « s o o« » 50 Redox Corrosion Equilibria and Systems Selected for - Di.SCU.SSiOn L v » . LI . '.. . . . * . v = . L) &« o @ - . . 54’ 1 Transient FACEOTS + « « « + o « « o o s o o o o o o o o « o+ 55 Quasi-Steady-State Solutions . . . . . . o0 0. oo .o . 59 Discussion of Molten-Salt Results . . .+ « « « ¢ v v o o v v o . 64 SUMMAYY « « « o o o s o s s o o o s s o o o s s & o » » e e e . 69 w) a) “ af N CORROSION IN POLYTHERMAI. LOOP SYSTEMS | II. A SOLID-STATE DIFFUSION MECHANISM WITH AND WITHOUT LIQUID FILM EFFECTS R. B. Evans III J. W. Koger J. H. DeVan ABSTRACT The corrosion resistance of alloys exposed to nonisothermal circulating liquids is an important consideration in the design of reactor systems that employ liquids as eilther coolants or coolant-fuel combinations. Accordingly, several mathematical descriptions have been developed to explain selective transport of corrosion-labile constituents of nickel-base alloys. This report is the second of a series to correlate results of corro- sion behavior observed in polythermal loop systems. The present report specializes to cases in which solid-state diffusion in the alloy, as influenced by coolant characteristics and composition, dominates the corrosion mechanism. Equations are derived for both transient and steady-state cases. ' Since transients, which are induced by liquid films, are negligible, analy31s of steady- state behavior is of greatest 1mportance.‘ Applicability of the derived equations is demonstrated by comparison of predicted values with experimental results for two distinctly different systems. The first involves hot-to-cold- zone transfer of nickel in Inconel 600 pumped loops circulating liquid sodium. Comparisons revealed that actual corrosion is much higher than predicted by the equations; this suggests that the true corrosion reaction overrides a slow solid-state diffu- - .8ion process. The second system considered is transfer of chromium in Hastelloy N loops with molten salt flow induced by‘ .~thermal convection. Three hypothetical examples are considered, namely: (1) chromium corrosion at all points, transfer tb salt only; (2) hot-to-cold-zone chromium transfer; and finally (3) cold-to-hot-zone chromium transfer. While complete data to substantiate the results computed for the above cases are not available, the success of early °Cr tracer experiments (example 1) suggests that the solid-state diffusion mechanism does apply to certain molten-salt systems when the salt con- stituents (and 1mpur1t1es) are subaected to stringent control. ' e OI-'-O 0 O‘N:D%i »—:lbgm o o o exp(7) erf(v) erfc(v) E u; () Ei(uj) Esoln f £(p) ?(w,s) F(w,t) 5lE QR R - Total liquid exposed area of loop alloy, cm®. NOMENCIATURE Subscript denoting alloy; superscript denoting activity. Activity of alloy constituent M, no units. 2 Cross-sectional area of loop tubing, cm?. Internal pgripheral area of loop tubing, em?. Slope of a linear T versus z segment, °K/cm. Subscript denoting cold zone. Integration constant W1th respect tow, i =1, 2, wt. frac. sec. Constant group, 4 Xapar’/Db“ g cm™! sec }/2. Constant group, (Kb/KO)G, g cm™l sec=1/2, - Symbol for dissolved metallic species. Diffusion coefficient of M(s) in alloy, cm®/sec. Preexponential term, D/exp(-E /RT), cm?/sec. Mutuel diffusion coefficient of M(d) in liquid metal cmz/sec. The transcendental number 2.71828.. ., no units. The exponential function 3? T,zeT, no units. The error function of v, é e”" dr, no units. The complementary error function of v, 1 — erf(v), no units. ! oo . First-order exponential function of uj, J (7" /t)dr, no units. uj The "i" exponential function of u, 5 f /3 ( e”/r)dr, no units. _Actlvatlon energy for solld-state diffu51on of M(fi), cal/mole. Energy required to dissolve M in liquid metal, Cal/molé. 'FraCtion of AT;'when A is constant, f = z/L. | ,Location of balance point where j =0 and*gp‘= kT. - ! Laplace transform of F(w,t) f F(w,t)e 57 447 An arbitrary function of w and t. Symbol denoting gram mass. Symbol denoting gas. Gibb's potential or free energy, cal/mole. Film coefficient for mass transfer, cm/sec. Combined solution rate — film coefficient, cm/sec. (w i at ) hl I, (aft iy ) W N - . N b P N”E?‘é? e = B o s S AM(t) “Re S C Sh H H H O a0 J T = I Subscript denoting hot zone. The product kT(h/D)(Dz/pa)(ma/mM), cm™ ! Enthalpy difference, cal[mole. Index 1 at £ = O for function below. An integrated function along extended z coordinate from §i to §j,,cm;' ‘ Index p or 2 at balance point or f = 1 for function above. Mass flux of species M, g cm™? sec"l/2 Atomic or molecular flux of species M, mole cm™? sec‘l/z. Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10716 g cm? sec™! °k~1, Solution rate constant, cm/sec. Solution rate constant, mole cm~2? sec~!. Deposition rate constant, cm/sec. Deposition rate constant, mole cm™2 sec~l. Equilibrium constant, k a/k~a, no units. Activity coefficient ratio, 7M(d)/7M(s)’ units depend on choice of standard states for Preexponential factor KT/exp( Esoln/RT)’ no units. Balance point value of KT, no units. Experimental solubility constant, no units. Subscript denoting liquid. Total loop length, cm. Molecular or atomic weight, g/mole. Symbol denoting metal constituent subaect to corr031on. Mass or weight of M transferred, g. | ' Reynolds number, 2r'V p/n. Schmidt number, u/pfimw, no units Sherwood number for mass transfer, 2hr/'DNw, no units. Symbol or subscript denoting balance point. A transformation variable, (s/D):l/2 cm. Volumetric flow rate in loop, cm cm?/sec. Radial distance measured from the center of the loop tublng, cm. Atomic radius of M(d) in liquid metal, cm. Inside radius of loop tubing, cm. 4 Gas constant used in exponential terms, 1.987 cal mole™! °K 1. Laplace transformation variable, sec~!. Symbol denoting solid solution. Time, sec. N Temperature, °F, °C, or °K. Temperature drop along.a segment of gz, °E, °c, or °K. Dimensionless variable, a/t., no units. The argument W/(4Dt)1/2, no units. Liquid flow velocity, Q/Axs, cm/sec. Distance of linear diffusion, normal to A , of M(s) in alloy, cm. Concentration of M(s) in alloy expressed as weight fraction, no units. | | | Concentration of M(s) in as-received alloy. Surface concentration of M(s) as a function of T along z. Concentration of M(s) in diffusion region as a function of position and time. Alloy concentration of M(s) equivalent to liquid concentration of M(d) at the liquid side of the liquid film. Alloy concentration of M(s) equivalent to equilibrium.liquid concentration at liquid-solid interface. _ | Concentration of M(E) in alloy expressed as afomic fraction, no units. . The concentration difference,'xh,(o,t) - x_, no units. The concentration difference, x* — xa,vno units. . Concentration of M(d) in bulk liquid expressed as weight fraction; it corresponds to y* when transients are discussed, no units. Concentration of_M(g) at metal-film interface, no units. Equilibrium or saturation concentration of M(d) in a unit activity container. | Concentration of M(d) in bulk 1iqfiid exprés#ed as weight . fraction, no units. n - -y LD z = Linear flow coordinate for v or Q, cm. o = The factor (ED)/(2bR), cnm. o = The factor (Ej —2E, ; )/2bR > 1, cm. oat = The factor o’ <1, cm. B(uj) = The factor u exp(u )El(u ), no units. 7 = Activity coefficients, units selected to make o dimensionless. S A = Symbol to denote difference. t = Extended z coordinate = a/u ., CI. L = Viscosity coefficient of the liquid metal, g cm~1 sec™?.. n = The transcendental number 3.1416..., no units. p = Mass or weight density, g/cm?. T = Dummy variable of integration, no units. ¢., = Concentration difference for hot zone, xh,(O t) —-xh,(w,t) no units. W = Concentration‘difference for hot zone when liquid film is present, x¥, —-xh,(w,t) no units. ¢ = ¢* concentration difference for cold zone with and without presence of liquid film, x (w;t) - x_, no units. INTRODUCTION In a previous report;'(nereafter referred to as Report I) atten- tion.was'given to internretations of corrosion behavior,in'systems com- posed‘of'liquid'sodium contained in the nickel-base alloy Inconel 600. Speclfic 1nterest focused on experimental pumped lOOpS that gave definite evidence that nickel and chromium moved from hot to cold regions of the 'loops. Only nickel transfer was considered because little Was known ._about the solubility of chromium in liquid sodium, furthermore, the magor component undergoing corros1on and transfer was nickel Solubillty 1nformation is of major importance because the manner 1n'which solubility 1R. B. Evans III ana_Paui Nelson, Jr., Corrosion in Polythermal Systems, I. Mass Transfer Limited by Surface and Interface Resistances as Compared with Sodjum-Inconel Behavior, ORNL~4575, Vol. 1 (March 1971). increases with temperature governs the steady-state driving force for mass transfer around the loop. The major effort in Report I was to develop a simple system of equatlons that might describe the mass transfer as observed experimentally. The approach in Report I was to assume that the mass-transfer equations would fall into the same patterns as those that describe heat transfer from hot to cold zones under conditions of known external-temperature profiles and rates of fluid flow around the loop. For heat flow, the only resistances involved would be an overall coefficient that would com- prise the thermal conductivity of the walls and a heat-transfer film. An anslogous situation was assumed for mass transfer with the exception that the thermal conductivity term was replaced by a reaction-rate con- - stant that was presumed to be associated with a first-order dissolution reaction. Predictions of corrosion based on the heat-transfer analog showed that transient mass transfer effects decayed after negligibly short times (fractions of an hour). Steady-state corrosion rates calculated from the film coefficient alone were much greater than measured values. It was necessary to invoke the reaction-rate constant to increase the resistances and lower the computed results in order to match experimen- tal results. While this "matching" could be done for results of individ- ual experiments, a consistent set of reaction constants for all results that would lead to a general correlation could not be obtained. One of the prime reasons for the failure of the mechanisms covered in Report I is that the 1dop walls were not pure nickel. Rather, the walls were of an alloy wherein solid-state diffusion effects influenced the overall behavior. These effects were ignored in the equations of Report'I.' The present report is devoted to another mathemetical treatment of an idealized mass-transfer proeess wherein corrosion rates depend directly on the rate at which consituents of alloys diffuse into or out of container walls, as influenced by the condition of wall surfaces exposed to a high-temperature liquid. Specifically, consideration is given to cases for which solid-state diffusion controls mass transfer at all poinfis in a polythermal loop system containing circulating liquids. The container constituents of interest are nickel-base elloys. 3] e i « AP We have also considered the contributions of liquid-film resistances acting simultaneously with the solid-state mechanism to ascertain whether or not a suitable combined mechanismn (our ultimate goal) could be attained. Unfortunately, this approach was unsuccessful. , Three rather impbrtant'assumptions are made in our present deriva- tions. 'First, effects of changes in wall dimensions can be neglected. Second, the rate of diffusion is unaffected-by composition changes in the'diffusion zone of the alloy; in other words, the diffusion coef- ficient is not a function of concentration. Third, the circulating liquid is pre-equilibrated with respect to the amount of dissolved com- ponents so that the concentrations in the liquid do not vary appreciably with position or time. This latter boundary condition is embodied in both the "transient" and "qua51-steady-state" conditions that are covered in this report. It should be mentioned that, although many llqulds have been studied relative to reactor applicatlons, the basic approach in assessing corro- sion properties remains the same. One employs either thermal convection loops or pumped systems to collect the data required. At the time of thie"writing, sOdiumrsystems,'wnich are of interest to the Liquid Metal ' Fast Breeder Reactor,?s3 are under intensive study. We should note a treatment simildr to that to be covered here was initially roughed out in 1957 under'the auspices of the Aircraft'Nuclear‘PrOPulsion (ANP) Project.* The liqulds of interest in thls early effbrt were molten .fluoride salts.”’ The obgectlve of the work leadlng to the present report has been to carry out refinements of the early ANP treatments, and to generalize - the results to permit their application to many systemsnthat ndght " GRNL-2440, Pp- 104-113. 2Argonne National Laboratory, Liquld Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) Program Plan. Volume 1. Overall Plan, WASH-1101 (August 1968) . 3A1kali Metal Coolants (Proceedings of & Symposium, Vienna, 28 November — 2 December, 1966), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1967. “R. B. Evans III ANP Program.Quart Progr Rept Dec. 31 1957 5R. C. Briant and A. M. Weinberg, "Molten Fluorides &s Power Fuels," Nucl. Sci. Eng. 2, 797-803 (1957). operate within the solid-state mechanism under consideration. A short- term and immediate objective is to determine whether a mechanism of this type applies to the migration of nickel in the sodium-Inconel system in high-velocity pumped loops. | - One of the central conclusions of the present study is that the solid-state mechanism clearly does not explain the observed corrosion behavior of the sodium~Inconel 600 system. On the positive side, how- ever, the analytical work that was done is immediately and directly applicable to Hastelloy N-molten salt thermal convection loops, in which this solid-state mechanism clearly does operate. Thus, the present work includes two separate topics: one covering corrosion induced by liquid metals, another covering corrosion induced by constituents in molten- - salt systems - For ease of presentatlon, a rather unorthodox outline has been adopted for this report. First, we discuss basic diffusion relatlonshlps variables, and the type of transients one might encounter. Then we turn to a discussion of liquid mass-transfer films and their effects on the corrosion rates. Next, we derive and present equations for the cumule- tive corrosion at quasi-steady-state (i.e., when the transient effect associated with liquid film resistance hes diminished). The term "quasi“ appears because the predicted corrosion varies with the square root of time. These make up the most important aspect of the report. However, to emphasize the meaning of the analytical results, detailed "example calculations" are given. Separate discussions are'presented for the liquid-metal application and three molten-salt applications. The final section is a summary of the more important features of the equations and their applications. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Tt would be most convenient, from the authors' standpoint, to proceed directly to the task of setting up the diffusion relationships that take liquid phase mass transfer into account, show this to be of little importance, and proceed d1rectly to the qu331-steady-state solu- tion based on the diffusion relationships. This is the conventional (o 3 ] ot “h 4y method of presentation, but one immediately encounters fractional- approach variables introduced by the nature of the alloys and chemistry of the liquids. Accordingly, we shall jump ahead of the film part of- the problem.end start by writing down some of the well-known expressions for solid-state diffusion in order to introduce the ideas behind fractional-approach variables and to enable recognltlon of integrated forms that emerge when film re81stances are encountered Basic Diff'usion Relationships The basic relationships required are the concentration-profile equations that express the weight or mass fraction x(w,t) of an alloy constituent as a. functlon of position across the wall, W) and time, t. We let w = r — r’', where r’ is the inner radius of the 100p tubing. The relationships derive from Fick's second law of diffusion, sometimes called the Fourier'equetion,_and apply to both hot and cold zones of- the system. These relationships are developed elsewhere.®s?7 It is suf- - ficient here to point out just a few importantdfeatures of the equations involving x(w,t). First x(0,t) is aSSfimed to be constant with time.® Only linear diffusion along a s1ngle coordinate, 'w, shall be cons1dered. The direction of w is normal to the llquid exposed surface, Az,‘where .w = 0. The contalner walls are inflnitely thick relative to the effec- tive depth of the profile; thus x(w,t) = x,, the bulk concentration of the constituent, for all times. - 6R. V. Churchill, Modern Operational Mathematics in'Engineering;' 1st ed., pp. 109—112 McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950. | 7H. 8. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed., pp. 58-61, Oxford University Press, New York, 1959. 8The Justiflcation for this assumption will become evident as we '_dlscuss the relationship between the concentration of an element at the " metal surface and its concentration in the corrosion medlum ' 9The reader should not infer that use of w = r — r’ means that a radial flow system is to be employed; we use w as a linear flow coordi- nate, even though the container is a cylindrical tube, because most of the alphabet has been reserved for other notation. ' 10 Two functions evolve from the solution of the Fourier equation; these hold for the hot and cold zones , respectively: ¢ x(0,t) — x(w,t) _h o = erf(v) , (1) AX | X(O,t)- - X, . x(w,t) — x o fE= —(————.——a = erfe(v) , (2) Ax x(0,t) - X - - ‘where v = w/(4Dt)1/2 . - | - (3) Consider now a hypothetical case (somewhat implausible for an actual lbop) in which given points in the hot and cold legs have the same v. A rather imp'orta.nt identity can be demonstrated by adding Egs. (1) and (2), na.mely,: (¢h, + ¢c)'/Ax = 1. This happens because the definitions of the error functions take the form shown below: v 00 _ 2 2 a2 7 . | ?f(v) + erfe(v) [[e | ar + Je T dT:I, 1 (4) 8 As v approaches zero, ¢h’ /Ax approaches un_ity, and as v approaches infinity, o, /Ax spproaches zero. The reverse is true for ¢c/Ax. This means that x(w,») = x(0,t) - X, » x(w,t) = x(w,0) in the hot zone, and x(w,») = x(0,t) , } x(=,t) = x(w,0) -» X, in the cold zone. The necessity of introducing variables like ¢ and parameters like Ax should begin to emerge at this point. From a physical point o;f iriew, the concentration of a constituent in the alloy can never be unity in a "compatible" alloy-liquid system. The purity of the liquid should be high while its ability to dissolve a.‘lldy constituents should be minimal. Thus, values like x(w,») = 1 or 0, and x(0,t) = O or 1, are seldom ) &) 11 encountered in practice. Yet, from a mathematical point of view, the - solution must vanish at all boundaries except one. Stated in the language of partial differential equations, the heat equation must be homogeneous; the same is true for all but one of the boundary condi- tions1%s11 unless an additional equation is involved. The nonhomogeneous conditions usually concern an initial or particular surface condition. For these reasons, fractional-approach variables are employed. The problem at hand requires use of x(w,t) as prescribed for Fick's . first law, the latter being evaluated at the surface to obtain an expres- sion for the flux traver81ng'w = O: Iy - —Dp'aéxéi—’t)= —p, Ax (p/nt)2/2 | (5) If we assign z as the directional flow coordinate of the circulating liquid normal to w, then Ax at each point is a function of z and of tem- perature, and Eq. (5) with x(O t) = xp, takes the form ' Iy = Pe¥, (1 = xT»/xa)(n/:rol/z : (e - The flux JM is pos1tive for the hot zone and negative for the cold zone. ' One of the basic assumptions stated in the Introduction, namely, that the concentration of the circulatlng liquid remains fixed with time, means that the ratio xT/x varies with related tlme-temperature points in a speC1a1 way. This is the reason Eq. (5) has been cast into the form of Eq. (6). Irrespectlve of this, Eq. (6) may be 1ntegrated'w1th respect to time without concern about the XT/X relationship, since x(0,t) and, therefore, XT/xa do not vary with time. One obtains: o | & | N o s A4 = — - '1/2 | AM(t) /AZ_ f Jy at 2p,x,_ (1 xT/xa)(Dt/fi)r . (7) 0 1°R E. Gaskell, Englneering Mathematlcs, 1st. ed., p. 358, ‘Dryden- Press, ‘New York 1958. 11g,s. Carslew and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in ‘Solids, 2nd - ed., pp. 99—101 Oxford Unlvers1ty Press, New York 1959 ' 12 Under the usual sign'convention,‘a positive value of AM/A means that the metal constituent diffuses into the alloy (cold zone); negative values mean outward diffusion (hot zone). We shéll reverse this conven- tion, since we desire & balance of M with respect to the liquid. The solution behavior of most acceptable systems is such that the liquid - gains material in the hot zone and loses material in the cold zone. In other words, X, > Xp in the hot zone; x, < x,, in the cold zone; notice that Egs. (6) and (7) follow the adopted convention automatically. The -~ next mathematical operation involves integration along z, but this requires some knowledge of the manner in which z varies with T and, of greater importance, the mammer in which T varieS'with_x(O,t). The lat- ter is a problem in chemistry to which we now turn. Surface Behavior Equilibrium Ratio A good example is the reaction that gives rise to chromium migra- tion in Inconel 600 loops circulating UF,-bearing molten salts.12,13 The reaction of interest is Cr(s) + 2 UF,(d) = 2 UF3(d) + CrF.(a) . (8) The symbols (s) and (d) are intended to denote the respective states: "solution in the alloy" and "solution in the ligquid." The equilibrium constant is _ [CI‘Fz][UFgng ’ 9 [crl{ur,]? | - () whereby 12R. B. Evans III, ANP Program Quart. Progr. Rept Dec. 31, 1957, ORNI~-2440, pp. 104-113. 13y, R. Grimes, G. M. Watson, J. H. DeVan, and R. B. Evans, "Radio- Tracer Techniques in the Study of Corrosion by Molten Fluorides," pp. 559-574 in Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry, September 6—~17, 1960, Proceedings, Vol. III, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1962. U 1 i oy ) ] [CI‘Fz] L ' —-—-—l— . 5 UF;] (KT) S (%) Brackets are used to denote concentration variables. If the concentra- tions can be related to appropriste activity values, one may write, in terms of the standard free energy change for the reaction above, AG° = —RT £n K. . | - (10) . Values of X~ or KT'may be computed with the aid of information summa- rized by Baes.l% We have assumed that all points along Z are exposed to the same concentration of dissolved species of interest. Thus [Cr] = ~ X adjusts to éompensate for temperature-induced changes in KT' Furthermore, balance points f(p) and f(p’) exist along z and have the property Jyy = 0. These points delineate the boundaries of the hot and cold zones. Clearly, then [Cr] , ~ X, at f(p), and an equation equivalent to Eq. (9a) can be wrltten'W1th KT replaced by K when quasi-steady-state conditions are attained. The ratio in Eg. (7) is xT/xa = Kfi/KT . - (11) Units of the concentrations in this ratio cancel out; those of X, which is factored out to form the Py Xy product, should be weight fraction because jM is a mass flux. - We shall now consider nickel migration in Inconel 600 1odps con- 'talning liquid sodium. Although it is generally accepted that the - nickel reaction is & simple dlssolutlon process, very few rellable data exist on the solubility of nickel in sodium. About the best one can do at this time is to write an equation of the form: Ni(s) = Ni(d) "andflthéfi.assume a reasonable temperature relationship of the form: KT K, exp( Esoln/RT) ‘ . (12) | 14C F. Baes, "The Chemlstry and Thermodynamlcs of Molten-Salt- Reactor Fluoride Solutions," pp. 409433 in Thermodynamics, Vol. I, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1966. Values for KO and ESO 14 1n used in fhe present report are, respectively, 6.79% x 10™% weight fraction and 6.985 keal/mole. With these values Eq. (12), cast in the form of Eq. (9), passes through a set of solubility data reported by Singer.l”’ It is clear that KT=Y/7§, | - (13) wfiere we assume the activity coefficient ¥ to be unity and the mole fraction X of nickel to be unity, since the solubility experiments were conducted in a pure nickel pot.16 1In this case, Y (the saturation value in the pot experiments) is~equivalent to the experimental KT. In a | loop, x = (mM/ma)Y/KT. Thus once again the form of Eq. (11) holds true. - We might point out by way of conclusion that we really don't know what reaction Esoln represents, as we did for the fluoride case, Eq. (10). In certain ideal cases, E__, would be nearly equivalent to the heat of soln fusion of nickel (=~ 4 kcal/mole), but in the present case the solubili- ties are so low and the data are so scattered it would seem difficult to attach definite physical significance to this‘variable. Note also that ‘hot-to-cold-zone transfer requires the energy term to be positivé. Ir it is negative, material would tend to move from the cold to the hot Zone. Reaction Rates Consider an alloy with constituent M that tends to undergo a revers-- ible solution reaction governed by a positive solution energy — namely, ky M(s) = M(d) . k, 15R. M. Singer and J. R. Weeks, "On the Solubility of Copper, Nickel, and Iron in Liquid Sodium," pp. 309-318 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Sodium Technology and large Fast Reactor Design, November 7- 9, 1968, ANL-7520, Part I. 16We have written Eq. (13) in terms of a selected standard state for dissolved nickel in the saturated solution with the concentration expressed as ppm (by'weight). A more conventional choice would have been to express Y in terms of mole fraction such that the corresponding activity would be unit¥ at saturation. This choice would have avoided a "split" definition f XK', which appears later. -v , > > ot ¥ 15 As stated earlier the symbols (s) and (d4) dencte the respective states solution in the salloy and solution in the liquid. One may set forth the classical rate expression for the net amount of M that reacts in terms of the molecular or atomic flux as (14) iA JM=k1 *M(s) ~ k2 M(d) The units of k™ must take on those of Iy (mole cm™? ec™l) because By must be dimenS1onless according to establlshed conventions. The units cm® refer to a unit or peripheral ares along z. At equilibrium, J,, = O, and one obtains the correct thermodynamic M _ expression for the equilibrium constant, which is "mid) k* . (15) = - 2 ——, _ 15 a | *M(s) ko Although Egs. (14) and (15) are classical expressions — in a thermo- dynamic sense — for first-order reactions, they seldom appear in this form in corrosion practice. Mass fluxes are most frequently used, and the concentrations and eqnilibfium constants involve weight or mass fractions. Furthermore, the constants usually have velocity units. These conventions fequire the use Of’mass density'tefmSQ Therefore, additional modifications of Egs. (14) and (15) are clearly in order. It is convenient for present purposes to take & ., as the product M of an activity coefficient and the mole fraction. Then ~ jM = mM‘TM_-': [kl%M(E) - kf%(a)} oy, - (1) where x and y represent mole fractions in the solid and liquid, respec- tively. wa if new rate constants are defined such that, = kf?mg)mmf%,'f and X = 2a7M(d)mz/pz ;o () | thenrthe expression for the'mass flux becomes 16 The superscriptiC>appears as & reminder that the liquid concentration that governs the dissolution reaction is the value that exists between the metal and mass transfer film. Assuming the absence of a film, h e, with j, = O (equilibrium); then X+ ¥, and the relationship between Kéxp and Kg'may be readily found. It turns out that iR n e 09) Notice that the units of k, and k, are cm/sec. Mass Transfer Across Liquid Films The accepted and usual approach for explanations of the mass- transfer phenomenon is to invoke the close analogies that exist for various modes of heat and mass tranéfer. In this case we are interested in the mass-transfer analog of heat transfer as it occurs under Newton's law of cooling. In terms of the concentrations in the liquid, one may write, Iy = b=, , N (20) and if‘surface reactions are fast — k, = kl/KT'> h — dy = h(Y — -3}-)91a . (20a,) The interested reader is referred to discussions given by Bird et al.l7 of particular importance is the analogous way in which h's for mass and heat transfer are COm.pu.ted.l8 Many think of h as a representative of a diffusion parameter because a binary diffusion coefficient (for example, Ni(d) in sodium) appears in the correlations concerning b for mass transfer. *"R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewerd, and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, pp. 267, 522, Wiley, New York, 1960. | | 181bid., pp. 636647, 681. " U wl wy 3y 17 Combined Reaction Rate~Film Resistances’ In some instances, a'Cdmplete description of surface effects may require coupling of the effects of both chemical kinetics and liquid film transport such that the associated resistences to flow act in - series. The relationships sought are not new.1® We repeat them here to gain generality and camplefieness. We note that the coupled resis- tance is a most importent aspect of the following presentation regarding corrosion in liquid-metal systems. | Since a large portion of the combined surface effects involve liquid behaviof; we shali develop & rate term that éives the wall- related input to an increment of fluid passing a unit area of wall. ' This term will be altered to conform to solid-state diffusion convention by changing certain liquid concentrations to pseudo-wall concentrations. ‘Three reference concentrations, each referred to the liquid, are involved. These are: Y, fci and y. Consider a unit area in the hot zone. The same jM:passesfboth the resistances associated with the reaction-rate equation, Jy = (kyx = 11235))9,1Z , | (18) and the film equation, i w O T . Jy = by _y)pz o (20) Thus, one may solve for jC>using Eq;3(20),,substitute'this'result in Eq. (18), and, using manipulations allowed by Eq. (19),'obtain: Iy = B(Y = ¥le, , (21) where - 1m =1/ +'1/k2 . (22) 193, Hopenfeld and D. Darley, Dynamic Mass Transfer of Stainless Steel in Sodium under High-Heat-Flux Conditions, NAA-SR=-12447 {July - e, — 18 Surface Effects Referred to the Alloy The next point to consider is the application of Eg. (21) to solve a solid-state diffusion problem. Equation (21) may be altered as follows with Y = KTEO : ' - | = B —y/egde, . (212) The superscript < appears on the X as & reminder that this is a true alloy concentration at the surface. We have also substituted subscript T for subs'cript exp. (experimental) as a r_eminder that kexp = KT varies with temperature. A basic assumption stated in the Introduction permits one to treat y as independent of temperature. If we are at a balance pc_a;i.nt, ,jM #Q,'>c<> = X5, and KT = Kp, where subscript p denotes balance point. Thus, y = Kp':?a, and for all other points along z other than p we -may write 3y = BRy(m /) = 2o, (210) where <& x¥ = xa.Kp/KT . (23) Before writing down the final forms, one will recall that Eqs. (21) through (21b) were set up in terms of positive flow into a salt volume. This is opposite to the direction of flow into the metal, so the sign of Eq. (21b) must be reversed. Then, | dx(0,t) Jy = Doy -TW-— = 'EK(ma;/xpM) -(:vc<> - x*)pz . (21c) The surface condition can be set forth in terms of a derivative ‘where | 7 | | H=Kr(h/D)(%/pa)(_ma/mM) . @ o -} ¥ N 19 The varisble £C>is to be treated in general as x, so we shall drop the superscript & in Eq. (24)' from this point on. It is of some interest to note that, if k, in Eq. (17) had been defined as k,"- M(d)mM/ s Eq. (18) would have involved only weight fractions and the ratio m [mM would not have appeared in Eq. (25). TRANSTENT SOLUTIONS The Introduction stated that the loop operation was to be initiated with the y'corresponding to the quasi-steady state. Quasi-steady'state invokes two conditions: (1) that the bulk concentration of the liquid and, hence, the concentration 6f surface elements, x(0,t), remain fixed with time, and (2) that the effects of the liquid film resistance on mass transfer remain fixed with time. From the results of Report I, we conclude that the bulk concentration of the liquid will have a constant value in some small fraction of an hour. We now wish to examine the point in time that the second transient condition, X — x* £ £(t), will be realized. To find the answer, we must solve a somewhat complicated solid-state diffusion problem. | Review of the Equations A succinct statement of the problem is as follows: First, find a solution, x(w,t), of the Fourier equation, % :"»i]; éf , (26) incorporating Eq. (24) and other appropriate boundary conditions; then manipulate the results to produce an expression like Eg. (7). - Solutions for Eq. (26) with (24) have been given for the hot zones®® using classical techniques, and for the cold zone alone?! using 204, 5. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, | 2nd ed., pp. 70-73, Oxford Unlversity Press, New York 1959 21Ib1d., PP 305-306 20 Laplace transforms. We could start with these results; however, little would be gained and complete familiarity would be lost if this approach were followed. In fact, it is Just about as easy to start from the - beginning, since the flux expressions turn out to be the same (with the exception of different signs) for both zones. Attention may be restricted to one zone; and we shall choose the cold zone. Boundary conditions are x(w,0) = X, x(,t) = x_, x(0,0) = x*; finally, x(0,t) must setisfy Eq. (24). let o(w,t) = x(w,t) — a ’ and M:X*—Xa. We have 2 B ow?® ‘Dot to be solved with the boundary conditions:?? ¢(W,O) = 0 » (a') ¢(oo,t) -0, (b) 6(0,@) = Ax* , (c) and "—(0 t) = H(¢ - AX*) (d) (249-) aW’ ? ’ Notice that nothing is said sbout X at this point. - Figure 1 presents the variables involved for both the simple con- stant potential and the present prbblems. We shall not use the subscript c 22with the variable change indicated, the solution for the concen- tration profile could be written in a form analogous to Eqs. (1) and (2); of course Ax*¥ would replace Ax. Tt turns out that this solution will be bypassed in passing directly to the expression for AM(t)/Az. w) ~F Ly} 21 ORNL~DWG €9-10089 1.0 _ #*" xe=agf (M) —m—m— - — — — 3 . , S - x¥= x (o) ———m————— ——— g ————— oo N _ ., L 2 ' ' = Jwt®) - ax ax* = —_— e = COLD ZONE $. (%, 7) AND 2 0.6 - wu Lt ¢ (w,7) a - g| < z IlE . o : S log————— e m= e Xg= x{w,#)——| o 3 é i g 07+ HOT ZONE P T ALLOY Ax o jM(-) : Ax* @ ) ———— - ———— == g 0'6 — ¢n (W,f) h - =x (o) —— X o — X $o (0 1) S y_____ N _ 0.5 w, DIRECTION OF LINEAR DIFFUSION —» Fig. 1. The Relatlve Positions of Various Concentration Parameters and Variables. These quantities govern the concentration profiles in the tubing walls under transient, then steady-state conditions; they control concentration profiles and the migration rates in the alloy. An individual representation of reaction rate contributions is not shown; thus the difference, Ax* — Ax, relates directly to h or h. for cold zone in the expressions to follow since we have already stated this restr:.ct:l.on ‘ , We now turn to tra.nsformed versions, starting with the notation of Churchill?3 and then converting to that of Carslaw and Jaeger.?* In view of boundary condition (a), the transform of Eq. (26a) is 9%0(w,8) _ 8 5w,s) ~0 =0, o (=6e) - aw D _ : 23R, V. Church:l.ll Modern Operationa.l Mathematics in Engineering , 1st ed., pp. 109-112, McGraw—H:.ll New York, 1950. 24H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids s 2nd. ed., pp. 58-61, Oxford University Press, New York, 1959. 22 where [+ +] - r— ¢(w,s) = f o8 o(w,t’) at’ . 0 The general solution of Eq. (268) is o(w,s) = cie"qW + c2e+qW , where q = (s/D)l/z. To satisfy condition (b), c, must be zero. derivative of the particular solution with respect to w is o (w,s) = --qc:le_':IW . At the surface, 3 (0,s) $(0,s) = c, —qc, - 0 is I Thus the transform of Eq. (24a) evaluated at w ] 3’(0,5) H[®(0,s) — Ax*/s] . This may be rewritten as —qc, = H(e, —~ ax*/s) , whereby ¢, = Hax*/s(q + H) . The inverse of ¢(w,s) = cle"'quill demonstrate that condition (¢) is satisfied. This implies that Ax* - Ax as t » ». In other words, x* » X in view of the associated film condition _(d). Now, since dx(0,t) ) Jy = Do, ——= it is clear that . | | Dp AX*Hq = R T e -} -y Y 23 The stated goal is a form like Eq. (7). In transformed coordinates this will be ' Afi:t) {f 3,(0,%") dt'}- 5ls - (27) Thus . 27) -. Az . Sq(q + H) ( ’ The inverse®® transform of Eq. (27) is M) | op a2} 2B - {1 — exp(-H?Dt) erfe [(IiaDt)l/z:l } . (278) To go back to sign conventions associated with the corrosion medium, we merely reverse signs by redefining Ax* to be e = x, - x* ='xa(1 - KP/KT) . Equation (23) was used to write the last form. - Comparison of the first term of Eq.‘ (27a) — including the new ver- ‘sion of Ax* — with the right side of Eq. (7) reveals that both forms are equivalent. One may recell that Eq. (7) was developed on the basis * of negligible film or surface effects, whereby *O - x*. This actually happens over a period of time, depending on the H value, because exp(—u?) erfe(u) = 0 as u —» 0 (t-0). ""Ciaz"ific'ation is gained by forming the ratio of AM/A (Where His accounted) to AM/A (where H is B neglected) The ratio is ._ AX&}(ID?J) = (21{)( )1/2 {1 - exp(-H’-’Dt) erfe [(HaDt)l/z]} : (28)‘ 257pe inversion formule in this case is ta.bulated as item 15, Appendix V, p. 405, in H. S. Carslaew and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd. ed , Oxford University Press, New York, 1959. e Several somewhat fortuitous distinctions evolve when the results are put forth as a ratio. The results come out in compact form as 1 minus & remainder; the remainder obviously fades out as time increases. This clearly demonstrates that surface effects, relative to diffusive effects, are important only in the initial phases of the loop operation. ' An attractive feature of Eq. (28) is the cancellation of Ax*. This means that specification of the balance point (manifest through Ki) is not required to preparé a plot showing the effects of h or H. The reader will discover in later sections that determination of the balance points is an involved procedure, even under quasi-steady-state conditioms. Furthermore, we have no idea as to where the balance points reside at various times during the transient period. Thus, elimination of Ki con- stitutes an important simplification at this point in the report. Whether M is lost or gained by the alloy makes no différence when the ratio is used. The plots of the ratio versus time are always positive. Application to Sodium-Inconel 600 Systems For demonstrative purposes, we have concocted an illustrative exemple fqr the Inconel-sodium system showing rates and degrees of approach to equilibrium, assuming that the only surface effects of impor- tance are those associated with the liquid film. In other words, we assume that k, - o3 thus h - h. This is assumed because no information exists as to the values of k, and k, for the system. In fact, the values of KT are not above question. Details of the computation of H are given later. We have compared two values of H corresponding to typical maxi- mm and minimum temperatuies for'experiment5=with Inconel 600 loops con- taining sodium, namely, 1089°K (1500°F) and 922°K (1200°F). The example'is presented in Fig. 2. Note that the film coefficient, - h, in this example was assumed to bé the same at all surface points around the loop, while D and'KT in H were assumed to vary according to the local liquid (actuslly wall) temperatures. A comparison of these curves clearly indicates that film coefficients are of greatest impor- tance in the hot zone where solid-state diffusion rates are relatively high. Nevertheless, transient effects associated with the liquid-film )] i3 25 ORNL-DWG 69-10090 1.00 , 0.95 0.20 0.85" 0.80 CONDITIONS (°F) 1200 1500 . [AM (1, 0,1/8M (0,0] - o 075 H _ ah tem®/sec) 7.52x 1077 2.67x10°1 0.70 1 (cm/sec) 4.27x40°2 4.27x10°2 ' : ' (wl frac) $.51x90°% 2,702107® _{_ {emy? 7.89x107 3.98x10% 0.65 ‘ _ i 0.60 — — 055 |- o '_ A — . ] L L | | |- ] i | o 05 10 45 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 EXPOSUR| r ' [EXPOSURE TIME (h 172 Fig. 2. Predicted Transient Behavior in a Sodium-Inconel 600 Loop Operating at Typica.l Forced-Convection Conditions. The transient feature results from the presence of a constant liquid-film resistance that becomes less :unportant as solid-sta.te diffusion resistances incresse with t:lme. : resistance become diminishingly small after sbout 24 hr. Since oper- ‘ating times for pump loops cu_rrently range from 1000 hr to one year, we may neglect ‘such ‘transient effects without significantly affecting the caleulation of the overa.ll transfer of M from one zone to another. 'This greatly simplifies the problem, ‘only the quasi-steady-state solution need be consideréd._ The major task is integration of j " along. z. Of course the work required is minimized if one selects a " simple, yet reasonable, temperature profile (variation of T with z). 26 TEMPERATURE PROFILES AND LOOP CONFIGURATIONS Reference and Prototype Loops Our ultimate goal is to develop steady-state solutions for a vari- ety of loops haviné arbitrary temperature profiles along z. For reasons of mathematical tractability, we assume that the tempefature profile may be approximated by several straight4line segménts. The number of seg- ments is of no importance in the finsl analysis. However, for conve- nience the connected segments should be drawn such that the overall profile will exhibit only one maximum and one minimum. A "typical" pump~loop configuration and profile will be considered for practical reasons; this will be called the reference loop. Next we shall consider a very simple profile designed to possess a fair degree of equivalence to the reference loop; this will be called the prototyfie loop. A Simple and symmetrical prototype is desirable to minimize the necessary mathe- matical calisthenics, particularly with regard to the numerical exsmples. The Reference Loop Figure 3 shows a schematic disgram of the reference forCed;con#ection loops used in early ligquid-metal corrosion tesfs. Eachvloop consisted of a pump and cold trap with a heat exchanger between the coid and hot legs (surge tank attached). The inner tube of the heat exchanger contained the hot liquid while the cold liquid traveled through the annulus. Thus the cold liquid was contained between two walls eachrat & slightly dif- ferent temperature. The cold trap was used to remove traces of oxide impurities, mainly Na20; from the sodium. Only & smell portion of the main flow was diverted to the cold trap. The trap design along fiith_this low flow, coupled with return-line heaters, mitigated major tefipérature perturbations in the main flow stream. Furthermore, the trap did not - materially affect the deposition of metal constituents in the cold leg. " The maximum and minimum loop temperatures were 816°C (1500°F) and 649°C (1200°F), respectively, with a flow rate of 2.5 gpm and a typical operating time of 1000 hr. The temperéture profile and dimensional information for the experimental (reference) loop are given in Table 1. ) ) » n 27 | — SURGE TANK ORNL-LR-DWG 15353R ELECTROMAGNETIC PUMP 2 = o ‘1' ¥ ELECTROMAGNETIC L FLOWMETER [} 5 COLD TRAP TO SUMP ™~ TRAP PACKED WITH INCONEL NOTE : DIMENSIONS IN INCHES WIRE MESH Fig. 3. Reference Pung)ed TLoop Used in Corrosion Experments. Most of the acceptable sodium-Inconel 600 results were obtained with . loops as shown a.bove s elthough different conflgurations were sometimes used 28 Teble 1. Geometrical-Temperature Characteristics of Forced-Convection Pump Loops for Liquid-Metal Corrosion Experiments Wall Fraction Cumulative Flow Section Area. of Ares, Fraction, (in.?) A/AT Z(A/A'T) (°F) (°c) Exit Temperature Economizer® 263.9 0.3367 0.3367 1%50° 788 Annulus Hot leg loop> 222.1 0.2832 0.6197 1500 816 Economizer - 108.4 ° 0.1382 - 0.7581 1230 666 Central tube ' _ | : Cold leg loop® 189.7 0.2419 © 1.0000 1200 649 TorAL® 784.1 1.0000 a Shell and loop tubing: 0.75 in. OD X 0.065 in. wall. bEn.tra.nce temperature: 1200°F. ®Central tubing: 0.5 in. OD X 0.020 in. wall. dneludes pump area of 7.05 in.?; see Fig. 3. €potal length: 349 in. Before operation, the loop was flushed with sodium at about 650°C for several hours to remove surface oxides. The‘cold trap was not used durihg this operation. For the actual run, fresh sodium was introduced. After operation, sections of the loop were cut and analyzed by various methods. A Prototype Loop Table 1 illustrates that the temperature profile and geometridal characteriétics of the referencé looP are Quite complicated) especially ~if one wishes to apply a mathematical treatment of the diffusion process using numericel examples. Work of this type reqfiires a more simplified configuration, which we shall call a prototype loop. (We employ the designation "prototype" to suggest that future designs of forced- convection loops incorporate less complicated flow paths and temperature profiles.) As stressed in Report I, we again avoid the overworked word "model," as this might suggest that calculations of the overall corrosion -t 4y b)) 29 rate, AM(t), depend on the flow characteristics of the prototype. Except for transients, which are handled in these reports, the solid- state diffusion mechanism depends only on the wall temperature and the concentration of dissolved alloy constituents. We care nothing about the flow itself or its direction. Our purpose here is to propose a simplified configuration'whereby all the geometrical complexities engineered into early forced-convection loops will be removed; yet the features important to the mechanism under teSt'will be retained. Actually, we are striving for a maximum degree of equivalence between the refErence and prototype loops. The most logical prototype that is easily envisioned is the "tent- shaped” profile over a constant-diameter loop used by Keyes.?® This "tent- shaped" profile appears to display the utility desired, although it is somewhat awkward when applied to other mechanisms, where perhaps a saw- tooth profile might be most appropriate. The idea that a tent-shaped profile composed of two straight-line segments cannot be experimentally obtained has been dispelled by DeVan and Sessions.?27 They used profiles that were tent-shaped but showed some asymmetry In long-term.pump loop experimentS'we shall eventually establish that liquid-film.contributions are not of great importance; thus, the primary consideration is acQuisition.of alloop with an equivalent area. ‘In Table 1 we see that the total area exposed to liquid is 784 in.? or 5050 cm?. If we assume a constant diameter of 0.70 in. all around the ~loop, the total length will be 906 cm, which is not too far removed from the actual value of 886 cm for the reference loop" The average Reynolds number, (N ) weighted according to the fractional areas involved, is 5.06 X lO4 | S , Thus, we inquire as to the (N ) for the prototype loop. Based on ‘5 D , V., p,, and p values of 0.89 em, 3.3 X 10~% cm?/sec, Ni-Na z® T4 T T TR OTT : L ’ 263, 7. Keyes, Ji., Some Calculations of Diffusion-Controlled Thermal Gradient Transfer, CF-57-7-115 (July 1957). 273, H. DeVan and C, E. Sessions, "Mass Transfer of Niobium-Base Alloys in Flowing Nonisothermal Lithium," Nucl. Appl. 3, 102-109 (1967). 30 63.5 cm/sec, 0.772 g/em®, and 1.80 X 10~% g em™! sec™l, respectively, one may compute the h as well as the (Nfie) using - 0.8 0.33 Ny, = 0.023(NRe) Ngo , elong with the variables that make up the dimensionless constants, whose definitions may be found in the Nomenclature. The results ere that h = 4.27 X 10~2 em/sec and (Nhe) = 4.85 x 10% for the prototype. Deteils appear in Appendix A of Report I. The value of (N ) compares favorably with that calculated above for the reference loop Figure 4 compares the temperature profiles for_the prototype and reference loops. o ORNL-DWG 69-1009¢ T I 1 il — 825 1500 |~ A / _ \ ‘ — 800 1450 | / \\ // \ -~ 775 L 1400 - /I & | %J / N\ —{ 750 Eg’ e I’PROTOTYPE \ E % 1350 | / PROFILE \ | & s \ 725 = o / & - / \\ - / / PUMP-LOOP \ ' / PROFILE S\ 1250 |— / | \\'— 675 A\ . \ - 1200 1 | ' ' 650 0 02 04 0.6 0.8 1.0 f, FRACTION OF TOTAL AREA Fig. 4. Comparison of Tempersture Profiles for Pumped Loops. The solid curve approximetes temperatures around the "reference" loop; the dotted curve represents a "tent-shaped" prototype loop. - 2 31 We now wish to calculate the H's of Fig. 2, since these quantities are based on the geometry of the prototype. .We recall that = -lgr(hzfpm)(p‘e/pa)(ma/mM) | .(25) At 816°C | | - (270 x 107¢) (421X igj;)(gm)(g 7) < 5.9 x 10%/en At 649°C . = (3.98 x :105) ; :; : 10_6> (2'67 X 10-”): 7.89 x 107 Jen . 7.52 X 10~17 The density end viscosity of liquid sodium were‘ based on extrapolation of appropria.te hendbook values.2® The equilibrium ratios were estimated from date assembled by Singer and Weeks.2® The diffusion coefficients for nickel were obta.ined from work done by K. .Monma. et 2l.?® The den- sity of the Inconel 600 was é.cquired from a vendor'.s handbook?! and the molecular weight of the ailoy'wa.s compfi’ced from the information presented in Table 2, which is based on data'reported by DeVan.32 The D used Ni-Na in the computa.tion of h was obta.ined from the Stokes-Einstein equa.t:l.on, 28R. R. Miller, “Physica.l Properties of quuid Metals," pp. 42-43 in Liquid Metals Ha.ndbook 2nd ed. > TEV., ed. by R. N. Lyon, NAVEXOS- P-733(Rev.) (June 1952).. 29R. M. Singer and J. R Weeks, "On the Solubility of Copper, Nickel, and Iron in Liquid Sodium," pp. 309—318 in Proceedings of the Inter- national Conference on Sodium Technology and Large Fa.st Reactor Design, - November /-9, 1968, ANL-7520, Part I. 30K. Monma, H. Suto, and H. Oikewa, Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi 28 188 (1964); as cited by J. Askill, A Bibliograpny on Tracer Diffus::.on in Metals: Part III. Self and Impurity D:Lf:f‘usion in Alloys s ORNL~3795 Part III (February 1967), p. 15. , | 317ne Huntington Plant Staff, Hendbook of Huntington Alloys, 4th ed., Bulletin T-7 (Inconel 600), the Internationa.l Nickel Company, Inc. 3 Hunt:.ngton, W. V., Jenuary 1968, | 32J H. DeVa.n,- "Corros:.on of Iron- and Nlckel-Base Alloys in High Temperature Na and NaK," pp. 643-659 in Alkali Metal Coolants (Proceedings - of a Symposium, Vienna, 28 November — 2 December 1966), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1967. 32 " Table 2. Nominal Composition of Inconel 600 cit - Weight Ty Mole™ Atom Constituent ;;agiizn (g/mole) 100 g _ Fraction Ni 0.7635 58.71 1.3000 0.7377 cr 0.1500 52.00 0.2885 0.1637 Fe 0.0700 55.85 0.1253 0.0711 Mn 0.0100 54 .90 0.0182 0.0103 si 0.0050 28,09 0.0178 - 0.0101 c 0.0015 12.00 0.0125 0.0057 ,(a‘)ma = 100/z(col. 4) = 100/1.7623 =~ 56.7. : 1 kT Ni-Na Mye 6:urrNi ’ where r.., =~ 1.24 x 108 cm. Ni - QUAST-STEADY-STATE SOLUTION Statement of the Problem and Objectives We seek a relationship that will permit computation of the amount of M migrating from the hot zone to the cold zone of the loop, assuming, of course, that Eso is endothermic; if not we seek the transfer in 1n - the opposite direction. Diffusion out of and into the container wall is expected to be slow, and, if the liquid is pretreated to eliminate transients associated with buildup of M in the liquid, all that remains is a transient induced by the mass transfer film resistance. We have previously shown that film transients become negligible after a day or less. It follows then that our steadyhstate'conditions- mean that the M concentrations in‘the liquid and the positions of the balance fioints separating the fiot and cold zones are both steady‘(do not vary) with time. The term "quasi” steady state must be employed, how- ever, because the point rates are proportional to t+1/2,'and the gross 4y 2N 33 transfer is proportional to t-1/2, ‘Therefore, both the rates and their time'integrals vary with time. However, in view of the quasi-steady- state features of the problem, the timeé and position integrations may be performed 1ndependently of one another. This constitutes a great simplification of the tasks that lie ahead. Our starting point is Eq. (7) in which the time integration has already been performed for single points along z. The next step 1s integration along z. Since dA_ = 21y’ dz and xi/xa = Ep/KT [Eq. (11)], we may integrate Eq. (7) as | AM'(t)- = le Pg ( - "T> (2nr’ L) (Dt>1/ dz’ (7a) The KT and D are functions of temperature, and z’ is a dummy variable of integration. A differential form of Eg. (72) is .ad? G%Mfla :_.e.%xa;pé’ (1 - ]—I:};) (pm)2/2 B (70) where £ = 2z’ /L. The integrand evaluated at several points around the loop is plotted in Fig. 5;, Notice ‘that Flg. 5 refers to the prototype loop, which is actually an ad hoc device for the present. d1scuss1on. : One could stop here, insofar as the mathematics is concerned, and integrate graphically as was done in the original work.?? The procedure adopted at that time was to assume a balance point, prepare_,a plot of - the integrand as indicated in Fig. 5, and then ascertain the area under ~¢the.hot'zone:portion of . the curve. The~procedfire was repeated for the . cold zone. Unfortunately'it'was,necessary to iterate until the two. | -areas. balaheed.:‘USe of'plots;similar to those in Fig. 6 speeded'the , work; but this approach requlred many trials, and it was tedious and - Vborlng to say the least. The only magor difference ‘between the earlier and present problems ;was/utilizatlon of a sinusoidal temperature proflle inrthe_earller'work. 33R B. Evans III, ANP Program Quart. Progr. Rept Dec. 31, 1957, ORNLF244O, PP. 104—113 | Feb. 28, 1969, ORNL-4396, p. 249. ORNL-DWG €9-2953A IOV T 7T T T A 1 T T 1 | 1080 12 — 1060 _§“ 10 < g , 1040 & S ! —1020 2 ~— . i é l: °r | 1000 & h o 1 p— : = ° 2 X 4r | - S . — 980 4 2L : g 1 . M : ~ 960 | » B > / 5 | ! \\ - 940 1 i 5 f{p) i - f(p) 2 ; , / .. r | L1 | 11 1 1 920 0O O 02 03 04 05 06 O7 08 09 10 f, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Fig. 5. Profile of Cumulative Mass Transfer Contributions Expressed as 8 Ratio Involving Loop Length and Time. The profile applies to the rototype loop operating under quasi-steady-state conditions. Aress ?integrals) corresponding to hot and cold zones are equal; thus, the balence points are properly located. - This same approach was used by Epstein.?* This difference is of con- siderable importance because after ten years it is still quite difficult to achieve a sinusoidal profile in the laboratory. About the most mathe- matically tractable profile seen to date by the authors was that obtained ‘recently by DeVan and Sessions3’ and by Koger and Litman.?6:37 Yet even this profile was slightly skewed. In other words, a series of straight 341, F. Epstein, "Static and Dynemic Corrosion and Mess Transfer. in Liquid Metal Systems," Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp. Ser. 53, 67-81 (1956). 33J. H. DeVan and C. E. Sessions, "Mass Transfer of Niobium-Base Alloys in FlOW1ng Nonisothermal Lithium," Nucl. Appl. 3, 102-109 (1967). 36J. W. Koger and A. P. Litman, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL~4254, p. 224. 373, W. Koger and A. P. L:Ltma.n, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept - % » 35 . ORNL—DWG 89-10092 - TEMPERATURE (°C) . " 850 675 700 725 750 775 800 (x10™%) I [ T T | — 2.8 26 24 2,2 20 SOLUBILITY OF MIGRATING METAL IN CIRCULATING LIQUID (wt frac) . 14 (x10™9) - | i | 7 1 _ I { FTTT] L1 ] | I i SQUARE ROOT OF DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT FOR MIGRATING METAL IN WALL (cm/vSec) o |1 1 | l | : 1200 1250 300 ' 1350 1400 1450 1500 * TEMPERATURE (°F) Fig. 6. Graphical Presentation of Temperature-Dependent Parameters That Control the Idealized Diffusion Process at Quasi-SteadyaState Conditions. | line segments represents the most realistic epproximation,to experimen- tal cases. Of greater importance, straight-line‘profiles are the 'easiest to. integrate* 1n fact, the results using straight-line segments are exact in an analytical sense No serious compromises, such as straight-line approximation of exponential functions over extended ranges, are required. Our problem_divides 1tself into two distinct parts:,'(l) find the " balance points and (2) compute the amount of material entering or leaving either zone. Both parts depend on obtaining the position integral. Our 36 approach will be to carry out the manipulations using the prototype loop; present computations for the prototype loop using numerical examples, hopefully to clarify the overall procedure and nomenclature; and finally, discuss extension to cases like the reference loop. Solution in Terms of the Prototype Loop Equation (7a) is our starting point for the 1ntegrat10ns that'w1ll produce a solution _AM(8)] _ f4x o 2" (D, )1/2 1 _ %}) exp ("'ED az . (7¢) 2t1/2 2RT The reader will recall that the time integration was performed‘earlier. A factor of 1/2 appears on the left side as the symmetry of the tent. profile permits consideration of only half the loop. Also we have | introduced the expression for the diffusion coefficient in the form of (1)).1/2 = (Do)l/é exp (—-—Eg/zmt) . | (30) The equilibrium constant may be written similarly as either Kp = K, exp(?Esoln/Ré> , - (31) or | =1 _ -1 | (Kp)™? = (Ko)~1 exp +Esoln/R?> . | (B;a) Thus Eq. (7c¢) can be divided conveniently into two parts: A[M(t)] = ( )dzr —-— cl exp [_ D soln az’ , (7d) 2£1/2 - 2RT T where C= 4xapar’(flbb)?/2 S (32) .and 37 and ¢’ = CK /K . (33) The next part of the problem is the key'to the whole solution. It concerns the relationship between T end z. In terms of °C (or °F) en obvious relationship is - ?(z) = T, + bz, °c, (34) where z runs from O to 0.5; thus " b—2(T - )/L—ZAT/L. - (34a) This would be an ideal form if the exponential terms in Eq. (7c)'were not present. However, they are indeed present; also they demand values of T expressed in °K. Consider an extension of the segments on the pro- files in Fig. 5 whereby the. distance.g would be zero at absolute zero (=273°C or 0°K). What will happen is not difficult to visualize if one recalle the trivial relationship, AT(°K) = AT(°C), which means that & is valid for both temperature scales. One immediately envisions the possibilities of an extended eoordinate § such that = (L/2a1)(273 + T°C) = b"3(273 + T, + AT) , E = §0'+;Z ) cm., . (35) which in turn simply means that we have adopted the relationship | T= BE, °K, o (358) for the extension. From Eq (35) dé¢ = dz, and the new variable ¢t may be introduced into Egq. (70) with this and following definitions. Let =FTD/2bR_'{" L o L (36) (ED 2E_ 10 // 2bR . - (36a) 38 Then the right side of Eq. (7d) becomes Es £, Cf exp (-a/g) dg’ — ¢’ f exp (—a’ /§’_> de’ £ & or, in abbreviated form, 0112 — ¢ i12<°" /g) . We are now ready for integration. Whether one operates on the unprimed or primed term is of no consequence as long as & or &’ > 1. Thus we choose the former. However, a change of variable is useful at this point. Let u ore) a/t or £ = afu; then at = —(a/u?)au; i 4, Integration in terms of u can be performed by parts with the formula f‘l’dw=!fw—fwd\f. We let Y= exp(-u) and dw = du/u® ; then dy = —exp(—u) du and W= - l/i:. . Also we note that uy - @ as Ej + 0. The result is | -~y | e"'ul uze—u' . I laft)=allE - > + f du'] 12 u u u’ 2 1 3 ' 1 - A —uy A= = a e 2 — f e - d'll’) _ e -— f e - — duf u u Uy u | up | W 2 ) £z w2 o fexp(—cx/g'> dg’ = -f -9—2- exp(—uw’ ) dauw’ . (37) u’ £, ) (37a) | J] 39 Notice, via Egs. (35a) and (36), that u =_ED/2RT in this case. Clearly the integration does not involve position — only temperature. However, 'L does enter the results through the factor 0. The integral term was broken up into two parts, each with infinite limits , to cast the results into a form that brings forth the so-called exponential integrals of the first order. These are tabulated in the literature.?® In our work, velues of the argument are large, end in this cese the tabulations are in the form +u where w . f e ' aT/T . u, Uy The T in this case is the dimensionless dummy varisble of integration T=vw =aft. One can show, using W = a/g"; that ms) - f @ [=t# ](5-) The minus sign is accounted 'for by suitable a.rra.ngement of terms. As suggested by the form of the tabulated values, the final result may be wr:.tten as I \a/§> = §,e uz[l l B(uz)] _§1e ul[l - (u1):| 3. . . '(37b). _ wh:.ch clearly shows the contributlon of the pos ition va.ria.bles Values of B(u ) are plotted on Fig. 7. An accurate interpolation of the values is clea.rly requ:Lred because the results contain the dif- ference 1 - fi(u ), and fi(u ) values are not too far removed from unity :'when u, is la.rge . 38y. Gautschi end W. F. Cehill, "Exponential Integral and Related Functions,"” pp. 228231 and p. 243 in Handbook of Mathematical Functions, ed. by M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NBS publication AMS-55 (June 1964 ). : 40 | . Y - ORNL-DWG 69-10093 , ’i | | | r — o/ 0.960 (— | , . . Blu=vje'l £ (y) FOR vj = a/¢; OR a'/¢ a “ZoR . ’ - Ep-2E,, +_ -0 soln >4 _ 2R __ 0.94s |— | ' — 3 . Q 0.940 |— ] Elyy) = f dr, > 0.935 [— /- | ] 0.930 - i — » I l I ] | 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hj - Fig. 7. Plot of B(u;) for Large Values of us:. The function B(uj) carries contributions of “E;(us); the interval of u; is dictated by values of parameters peculiar to the sodium-Inconel 600 system. Thus far we have outlined a solution for all cases where the reac- tions leading to mass transfer are exothermic, also cases where the reaction is endothermic up to the point where Esoln-= ED/Z. 'At this point the second term in Eq. (7c¢) is simply | | cxuw)_cg —g> - (38) which states that the second term in Eq. (7¢) or (7b) is . a constant. The probability of this happening is quite low in practice, so we shall - pass 1mmedlate1y to the cases where the solution reactlon 1s endothermlc ' § enough to bring about the 1nequa11ty solhl> Eb/2 L , , . (hs) E 41 When - the energy of solution overrides the contribution of the enefgy of activation for diffusion, the second term in Eq. (7c¢c) becomes 4xpr'(K/K)(1tD )1/2 exp[ 2E ln—E)/ZRT dz’. . Note that C’ remains the same. In terms of & coordinates s using the same substitutions, one obtains the following: £, : 4 | " — 'a” 3 ! = i” ’ ‘ ’ 112(0 /§> = fexp <+ ;) dg’ = --f " e:cp(fu ) dw , (39) £ oy ~ where it ma.y be helpful to th:.nk in terms of the: equa.llty Q’ = =0 . | -Integratlon y::.elds ' )l ). which ma.y be rea.rra.nged to coni‘o_rm to tabulated functions as 12 = 51 {A(u ) - 1:| - 52 [k(uz) - 1] , (39b) Where_ o | - L ?‘(fi;i'j - uje;u'jEi(uj') " and e My - Ei(“J) =. f _efld"'/"f. ) fi_'> 0 -0 " The last fimction, E (u ) 1s the exponential 1ntegral, va.lues of 7\(u ) appear in the same ta.bless'8 ‘as those for B(uJ) The presence of 42 uy fUnctions before u, functions should be expected in Eq. (39b) because ui > u, and exponentials with positive arguments appear. A plot of k(uj) egainst uy for large values of the argument appears in Fig. 8. The balance point is located by integrating over the entire loop. One assigns 1 and 2 in Eq. (7d) as the terminal points of the loop. A mass balance requires that this integral be zero if the liquid is essentially pre-equilibrated. Thus, Eq. (74) can be rearranged to yield or 145 1144 . 143 1.42 141 1.08 .07 1.05 on,@) = ¢ L,) | I,,(c) .C’ K Esoln\ me e wlw) ol ORNL-DWG 6§9-10094 i F [ T 1T 1 | | I I Mup=v; ™ Eitep) -] FOR v = a"/£| | ':——————ZE”".-E" >‘ a 207 — vy Ef'(ufi"f "-;dr.rfl - %o 1 | | | | | 1 9 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 7 {8 {9 20 Ui ’ Fig. 8. Plot of A(u:;) for Large Values of u;. _Application of this plot is required when 2E soln exceeds ED. This si% tion is encountered vhen molten-salt systems are discussed in sections to follow. 43 One may back calculate to find T and then successively z, T, § , and finally, u- The AMimay'be evaluated by application of Eq. (7d) using either the limits (1,p) over the cold zone or (p,2) over the hot zone. Details concerning these manipulations appear in the next section. Predicted Results for ScdifimeInconel 600 Systems Two objectives are associsted with this section of the report. First, we hope to attach some physical reality to equations developed in the previous section through presentation'of numerical exemples, thereby demonstrating thet the equations are easy to use in spite of their formidable appearance. Second, we desire to predict corrosion rates under our assumed condition that diffusion controls both in the hot and cold zones and that a predictable balance point does exist, as suggested by the mlcr0probe data shown in Report I. To parallel the procedures for the preceding derivatlons, we may specialize to the case of the prototype for simpllcity'W1thout too much loss in generality. One may start by considering the first and third columns of Table 3. The first computation requlred involves b. One finds, using Bq. (34a): b=l = L/sm =- 906/2 X 167 = 2.71 em/°K . Related eqaations give _‘ B N | £, = (2.715 cm/°K) (922°K) = 2503 em and | ) g = (2.715 em/°k)(1089°K) = 2956 em . z Ccm@fitation.of'u and u, 'requires e knowledge of @ and &'. But these, 1n turn, require parameters associated'W1th the curves of Fig. 6. 44 Table 3. Values Used to Compute Balance Points and Mass Transfer in Prototype Loop ' ' . Ej,' cm Functions of gj §2 = 2956 gn - 28126 gl = 2503 u, = a/gga-) 16.22¢ 17.05 19.165 u’j = o /ggb) 13,000 13.66¢ 13.35, exp(-u,) 8.98, x 1078 3.92, X 1078 4.77, x 1077 -~ exp(-u}) 2.26, X 10=6 1,172, x 1076 2.160 x 10~7 1- B(u.) 5.52 X 1072 5.28 X 1072 4.76 x 10~2 1 - B(d)) .\ 6.73 x 10°2 6.43 X 1072 5.82 x 102 ‘ua[l ~ B(uj)] 1.466 X 1077 5.83 x 1076 5.69 x 1077 | e W1 -p(u;)] 4.509 x 1074 2.120 x 10~ 3.15 x 10~5 (a)a = ED/ZbR = 4.797 X 10~* cm. (b) ’ _ . 2 -41 o = (ED 2E501n)/2bR = 3.842 X 10™% cn. For & and related computations, diffusion parameters for nickel, in an alloy similar to Inconel 600, as reported by Monma et al.39 appear adequate, namely: D, = 3.3 cm®/sec and E, = 70.2 keal/mole. For o/ and related computations, estimates of parameters based on solubility data for nickel in sodium &as reported by Singer and Weeks4° were employed. Pertinent values here are K, = 6.79% X 1077 weight frac- tion and E soln = = 6.985 kecal/mole. Application of all these values &s indicated in the footnotes of Table 3 produces the values shown Thus, 39K. Monma, H. Suto, and H. Oikawa, Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi 28, 188 (1964); as cited by J. Askill, A Bibliography on Tracer lefu51on in Metals: Part IIT. Self and Impurity Diffusion in Alloys ORNL-3795 Part III (February 1967), p. 15. “0R. M. Singer and J. R. Weeks, "On the Solubility of Copper, Nlckel ~and Iron in Liquid Sodium,"” pp. 309-318 in Proceedings of the Internatlonal, Conference on Sodium Technology and large Fast Reactor Design, November /- 9, 1968, ANL-7520, Part I. 45 various values of §j'could be converted to the corresponding u, values. The latter allowed calculation of the exponential functions; they also allowed acquisition of appropriate 1 —-B(u ) values with the aid of enlarged versions of Fig. 7. 1In this regard note that both a and o ‘are positive; thus, functions related to the El(u ) values apply here. The operations necessary to complete the first and third columns are straightforward and require no additional comment. " The next and perhaps most importent task is a computetion of the “balance points (the points at which Jy = 0). Since the prototype is under consideration, just one point is needed because symmetry permits treatment of only half the loop. The criterion is to set AM(t) = O in Eq. (7). Thus the appropriate sum of the integral terms must also be zero when the integratlon is carried out over the entire loop. This facet of the solution is discussed around Eq. (40), reference to which clearly 1ndicates the method of approach° namely,'we seek TP or f(p) __through K% The 1atter is given by: K, = Kollz(d/§)/1i2(a' /&) = (6.79 X 1073)(1.46 — 0.0565) X 1073 /(4.509 - 0.315) X 10-4 ~ (6.69 X 10'5)(3 .37 X 1072) = 2,28 x 106 The temperature correspondlng to K_ is 1036°K, thus § ~ (2.715)(1036°) = 2813, and f(p) (of L/2) is O. 683. Computation of the values in the middle column corresponds to & information Finally a value for AM(t) may be.found by use of integral terms for the cold zone (limits: 1,p) and for the hot zone (limits: p,2). Values for both zones were computed and averaged since all the differences ; involved introduced some uncertainties in "hand calculations.” Every- thing required,todcalefil&te AM(t)'appears in Table 3 except_valfies_offc and C’. The latter are evaluated through Egs. (32) and (33). Thus | = (4)(0.763,)(9.111)(0.350 x 2.54)(3.3 x 3.141,)}/2 = 70.9 , and o = (3.37 x 10~2)(70.9) = 2.39 . For the cold zone, using Eg. (7¢) again, 46 mM(t)/261/2 = (70.9)(5.83 ~ 0.569) x 1076 — (2.39)(2.12 — 0.315) x 1074 = (3.73 - 4.31) X 10°% = 5,8 x 1077 g/Sec1/2 . Fer the hot zone, _ | AM(t) [2£1/2 = (70.9)(14.66 — 5.83) x 107° — (2.39)(4.509 — 2.12) x 10™% | = (6.-26 - 5.71) X 107% = 45.5 x 1077 g/sec?/?— The different signs mean that the liquid sodium-loses nickel in the cold zone, but it gains nickel (in principle, an equal amount) in the hot zone. The test period of interest is 1000 hr, 2t1/2 = 3.8 x 10*? secl/z; therefore: | | AM(t = 1000 hr) = (3.8 x 1072)(5.65) = 0.215 g Ni . A very high value of transport could be obtained by assuming that no balance point would exist because all the liquid could be forced through a 100%-efficient nickel trep placed at the coldest point of the loop. In other words, the entire loop would be & hot zone. One obtains (3.8 x 103)(70.9)(14.66 — 0.57) X 10~° I Am/mx(t = 1000 hr) 3.8 g Ni . This value was computed for comparative discussion. DISCUSSION OF SODIUM-INCONEL 600 RESULTS - The manner in which the material has been presented up to this - point almost demands that some comparisons be made between predicted (computed) results for the prototype loop and those for the reference loop. 1In this connection, we digress to note that extension of the mathematics to actual lOops_withvtemperature'profiles as indicated by the solid iine segments in Fig. 4 is relatively simple in principle, but tedious in practlce —-because symmetry is. lost and several straight- line segments (each with 1ts owvn b, O, and @ values) are present. Of » ) 4 47 course, each must be accounted{ Accordingly, a computer program*! was @eveloped to handle all cases where E, 2:2Eséln' There were several reasons whereby use of a program could be justified. As shown in our illustrative calculations, the balance point is difficult to determine precisely by hand; we might add that acquisition of predicted corrosion and deposition profiles is also desired. The program permits an'accuréte prediction of these because the computer can evaluate fiany:"poin " Jy's quite rapidly after locating the balance points [and evaluating AM(t) in passing]. The reader is invitéd.to Inspect Fig. 9, in which computer program results for the actual loop and the profotype are presented together. ‘The 1000-hr AM(t)'s computed from the integral forms are 0.232 g for the actual profile and 0.213 g for the prototype. Recall that the hand calculations based on Table 3 gave a value of 0.215 g for the prototype. The locations of the balance points for each case are also in close agreement. Thus we may conclude that the prototype is an excellent - device for estimating AM, even though the proflles themselves turn out to be somewhat different in appearance. - The point of greatest 1mportance is whether or not the mechanism under discussion here gives a reasonable representatibn of what‘happens in an eggerlmental loop. The answer to the question, as was the case for Report I, is, "No, it does not!" The amount we must account for ranges between 10 to 14 g Ni. The computations produce values consider- ably less then 1 g Ni if one asstmes that a balance point exists and about 4 g if one assumes»thatithe entire loop ects as a hot zone under’ the dominance of the mechanism;pfoPoSed. In regard to the latter; micro- . probe data show that deposition occurs in at least half the loop. - Deposition tendencies are, in fact, so great that a region of nickel deposits appears, and furthermore samples of loop sodium suggést that the- liquid is either supersaturated or contains suspended metal particu- letes all around the circuit. Thus we can forget about the value of “lmhe camputer program-was ‘devised by D. E. Arnurius and V. A. Singletary of the Mathematics Division at ORNL. - The authors acknowledge thls 1mportant contributlon to the present study ~ 0 ORNL-DWG 69-2953 (x107) 12 (AM/LVF) (gem sec2) Z df — 1080 . —1 1060 1040 1020 . 1000 980 960 940 920 fi (Aam/L ’\/l‘_) (g cmit ) - 1080 1060 1040 1020 1000 980 960 | Hp} R S e o e - ——— i — 940 N 920 4 g and base our conclusions on a predicted value renging about 0.242 g. Other shortcomings of thé mechanism described hére stem from the initial aésumptions that AM is not a function of fluid velocity — only of wall temperature — and that AM should be directly proportional to the square root of time. Both assumptions are in opposition to experimehtal behav- ot 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 f, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Fig. 9. Profiles for Cumulative Chromium Corrosion as Computed for the Reference Loop, at Top, and the Prototype Loop Below. ior as described in Report I. At this point we must consider which of the two limiting.casés (treated individually in Report I and in the present report) might be most responsive to alterations td form the basis for an empirical 1.0 WALL TEMPERATURE (°K) WALL TEMPERATURE (°K) U £ & 49 correlation. In other words, if we wefe to concoct a combined mechanism accounting solid-state and liquid-film diffusion effects together, where should we start? Intuitively, we lean toward the idea of going to work on the liquid-film mechanism, simply because it is the faster of the two considered thus far. We are attracted to this point of view because resistances associated with a fast mechanism can always be reduced by addition of a time-variable resistance that acts in series with the liquid film. On the other hand, it would be most difficult to justify ‘decreasing the resistance of the slower mechanism. We should mention here that inclusion of & film resistance in the usu2l manner gives rise to a transient effect, which decays:with time. Although such an effect is fortuitous, the overall result was to reduce further the already low value of material transported. | | Two possibilities for altering the diffusion mechanisms under dis- cussion might seem feasible. The first would involve increasing the ‘value of D.. such that the prédicted results and experimental‘data Ni , would coincide. The factor of increase would have to be about 10°, but this might be tempered by the use of higher solubility values. Never- theless, increases of this msgnitude do not appear reasonable, and one tends to rule out this possibility. | A second possibility for increasing the predicted values would be to invoke solid-state diffusion equations where the point at which w = O moves around the loop. In other words, assume that the walls grow slightly thicker in cold regions and slightly thinner in the hot zones. This would accrue from corrosion reactions that will not "wait for" a 'diffusiOn-contrOlléd procesS' However, the solution x(w,t), even for the case where the w = 0 boundary moves at & constant rate (a simple | case) 42 15 too complex to be effectively spplied to & mathematical treatment of the ma.ss transfer process. 42p solution of this kind is given by E. G. Brush, Sodium Mass - Transfer; XVI. The Selective Corrosion Component of Steel Exposed to Flowing Sodium, GEAP-4832 (March 1965), Appendix II, pp. 105-110. More general forms of this solution appear on pp. 388-389 of H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 1959, along with citations of the original work (in 1955), which also involved diffusion in liquid metals. 50 For both possibilities, a large amount of experimental data would be required to justify the selection of the approach and the evaluation of the parameters required. It would seem that, on the basis of the date available, the best approach is to resort to an empirical treatment. This is the objective of the next repbrt. We may now turn to an applica- tion of the solid-state diffusion mechanisms to molten-salt systems, for ~which the corrosion reactions are well understood and the diffusion mechanism appears to apply — as demonstrated in early experiments. APPLICATION TO MOLTEN-SALT SYSTEMS The results of experiments carried out over the past few years on the temperature gradient migration of metal 1n a molten-salt environment 1nd1cate that the overall rate of movement is controlled by diffusion rates within the metal. Hence, we will apply the equatlons derlved ' earlier to several molten-salt systems to demonstrate the usefulness of the method. . At the beginning of the qperatlon of a molten—salt loop that con- tains UF; as reactant, chromium will be removed from the entlre loqp until the CrF, concentration in the circulating salt reaches equilibrium with the chromium concentration of the wall surface at the coldest . position of the loop. At this time this position is the balance poifit. Then, as the concentration of CrF, in the circulating salt increases even more, this initial balance poiht develops into a growing deposition ares bounded by two balance points. Steady state is attained when the balance points become stationary and the CrF, concentration in the cir- culating salt ceases to vary with time. Our mathematical analyéis is valid for this laSt condition we call the quasi steady state. Quasi steady state can also be obtained by pre-equilibrating the salt before loop operation — that is, adding the amount of CrF; required so that the concentration will be constant. Thermal Convection Loops A schematic diagram of the reference thermal convectlon loop used in molten-salt experiments, particularly the °lCr tracer experiments,- by 4,‘ 51 is shown in Fig. 10. The thermal convection loop differs from the pump loops mentioned in the earlier sections in that flow is achieved by. convection forces resulting'fram‘heating one leg and an adjacent side of the loop while'expoéing the other portions of the loop to embient conditions. The flow velocities in the thermal convection loop are 2 to 10 fpm, depending on the temperature difference and dimensions of the vertical sections. The total tubing léngth'of the loop under dis- cussion is 254.0 cm and the diameter is_l.383 cn. ORNL-LR-DWG 49844 A ¥a-in. SWAGELOK TEE 3-in. SCHED, 10 PIPE %-in. SWAGELOK l ! < SAMPLING POT l ,fi@ P . © = "_T I o _/’ . . ?\le‘ B®- /o ! “lhp ‘ &.L_::’ 1 4s + ] 1 el ? < ? , i 8 i [=—3%-in. SCHED. 10 PIPE —---‘ g |H+—@ o 2=0 | | n : , T ) o % : . i Kl | T 2 W p o e i, . .l‘ . ' _-f’”’_ ‘_:,—" 2 \ “' - “’;:: ':‘-”/A THET e NG H e THERMOCOUPLE %4-in, SWAGELOK (INCONEL) Fig. 10. ‘Thermal-Convection Loop Used in 51Cr Tracer Experiments. Circled numbers and letters denote thermocouple designations and locations. : 52 The maximum temperature of the two actual (reference).thermal con- vection loops in which our calculations are based was 860°C (1580°F) ‘and the minimum 685°C (1265°F). Both loops were constructed of Hastelloy N, whose nominal composition is given in Table_4. As noted in an earlier section, the actual loop temperature profiles were not conducive to a simple analytical expression, so we have proposed a simplified configuration ("tent-shape" profile), which we designate the prototype profile. Figure 11 shows the average temperature profile for the two loops and the profile assumed for the prototype. ' The prototype profile was constructed by drawing straight lines from the minimum tem- - perature at £ = 0 and 1.0 to the maximum temperature at £ = 0.5. This construction provided the same maximum temperature for the actual and prototype loop while allowing some small difference in the areas under the curves. The diffusion coefficient of chromium in Hastelloy N as & function of temperature is given in Fig. 12. These values are based on determina- tions#3s44 of the self-diffusion of chromium in Hastelloy N using the tracer °1Cr in thermal convection loops like those previously mentioned.’ The appropriate Arrhenius relation constants are D, = 6.068 x 107° em?/sec and Ep = 41.48 kcal/mole . 43§. R. Grimes, G. M. Watson, J. H. DeVan, and R. B. Evans, "Radio- Tracer Techniques in the Study of Corrosion by Molten Fluorides," Pp. 559-574 in Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry, September 6—17, 1960, Proceedings, Vol. III, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1962. 44R. B. Evans III, J. H. DeVan, and G. M. Watson, Self-Diffusion of Chromium in Nickel-Base Alloys, ORNL-2982 (January 1961). ) 53 Table 4. M Typical Composition of Hastelloy I\Ta Weight M Mole or Constituent or Mass Atom Fraction (&/mole) Fraction Cr 0.0741 52.00 10.088 Ni 0.7270 58.71 0.765 Mo 0.1500 94.95 0.096 Fe 0.0472 55.85 0.051 c 0.0017 | ®Density of Hastelloy N = 8.878 g/cm’. ORNL-DWG 69-10095 1600 ] I I I 1 LOOP NUMBER o — 860 s 1248 \ 1550 - ° 1249 . ACTUAL 840 | MOLTEIg SéxLT _ : PROFIL _ 1500 | \ \ 820 - | \ . g: S © — 800 ;5 W 4450 \ w 5 \ — 780 & — - g \ g & ya00 | — 760 g & = = —{ 740 F 1350 : T(°F) T(°C) T{°K) : £=0 1265 6850 958.2 © F=0.25 1310 T710.0 9832 \ 720 f=053 {580 8600 1133.2 \ 1300 F=090 410 765.6 10388 7 f=1{00 1265 €850 9582 . | 700 1250 ! I T S R NOU NS 680 0O 04 02 03 04 05 0.6 07 0.8 09 10 f, FRACTION OF WALL AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Fig. 11. Temperature Profiles for Two Experiments with L00ps as Illustrated in Fig. 10. The "average" curve (solid line) drawn through the two sets of data was taken as a reference for all molten-salt examples considered. The dashed line represents the s1.mplif1ed "proto- - type" loop more amensble. to ma.thema.tica.l treatment . o 24 ORNL-LR-DWG 46403 TEMPERATURE (°C) 850 800 70 700 B T A COEFFICIENTS BASED ON TOTAL SPECIMEN COUNTS @ COEFFICIENTS BASED ON Cr3' CONCENTRATION —— GRADIENT MEASURED BY COUNTING ELECTROLYTE O COEFFICIENTS BASED ON Cr®' CONCENTRATION ° GRADIENT MEASURED BY COUNTING SPECIMEN > / ® oe o® 1090 £ {cm?/sec) > b > > b. bfl ce L |~ -173 ] . N A o © a A OBTAINED UNDER NON-CORROSIVE CONDITIONS o o8- BY ADDITION OF Cr*F, TO NaF -ZrF, a L | 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 1000 10.25 10.50 10,000/1 (oic-1) Fig. 12. Diffusion Coefficients of °lCr Obtained from a Tracer Loop Experiment (1248 on Fig. 11). The average curve was the basis for Dy and ED used in all computations relative to molten-salt examples. Redox Corrosion Equilibria and Systems Selected for Discussion ' In our examples we shall consider three different molten-salt systems. Table 5 lists the significant reacting components of the salt and also the alloy constituents sensitive to oxidation by the salt. Also shown are the equilibrium values and constents of the corrosion reactions. The three corrosion reactions have been designated as examples I, II, and III. | In example I the salt was composed of NaF—7 mole % ZrF; with 6720 ppm FeF,. The salt of example II is assumed to be primarily a’ LiF-BeF,-UF;, mixture typical of a fuel salt for a reactor wifih ho’impfiri- ties such as FeF, present. Example III involves the same basic-salt as example I but with HF present instead of uranium or iron fluorides. In molten-salt mixtures HF can be formed by a reaction with water or ®} » 55 Table 5. Equilibrium Constants for Molten-Salt Corrosion Reactions Salt : L coe . - Reacting AH 1 : L Example (ifizef;) Species o | %o (cal/mole) I NeF—47 ZrF cr(s),FeF>(4d) [rellCrr,] 53,7 . =9,470 e T i —— - i s 4 PIBLESAL TorllFers] ’ . 2 - V II LiF-29 BeFr cr(s),UFsi(d) [erR]IURsI® ) gy x 102 443,920 —5 ZrF;~L UF, . - [crl[HF,)? IIT Example II cr(s),HF(g) LorF, K] 7.586 X 1076 41,450 salt | [_Cr][HF]2 other hydrogenous impurities and is usually present to some extent in all fluoride salt mixtures at the start of loop operation. In regard to the ZrF; present in the selts'of exemplesiII end III, certain amounts of ZrF,; were added to LiF-Ber.mixtnres:that contain UF; to prevent precip- itation of UO; through inadvertent contamination of.thelsystem'with oxygen. Transient Factors Certain transient factors that are associated with surface condi- tions, even with a quasi steady state, were discussed earlier for the sodium-~-Inconel pump loop system. We will now perform calculations and ,discuss these transient factors for the molten-salt systems. , The conditions under which the calculations, -both transient and quasi-steady-state cese,'were_made for example I were realized experi- mentally in an actuel,thermal convection loop, designated as loop 1249. In this loop an excess of FeF@xwes added.to the salt g0 that the entire loop acted.as & hot zone. No balance point existed since chromium was removed from the alloy at all positlons. | T For example I, the controlling corrosion reaction is | Cr(s) + Fng(d)-v-Cng(d) + Fe(s) 56 On a mass basis Eq. (21b) becomes Tre Torp [FeF, ] ) o G ) ) (e o Where [crF;] = x and | dler(0,t)] _ h e mch2> ([Fng]) ( _ )_ — 3% (mF ——=) (ler 7,1 — [CrF2] mFe’mFeF are the molecular we:.ghts of the respective species; [ FeF- ] and [Fe] are the concentrations, 6720 ppm and 5%, respect:wely From Eq. (25), w%$®%F%% As in the liquid metal case, H was calculated for the ma.xurmm and mimi- mum loop temperatures, 1133 and 958°K. - 0— y 03( ) 3.045 X 10 )( )(572x1 ) Hyy330g = 3-63 X L 8.90 6.06 X 10~13/ \93.84% X 10-% = 4.83 X 10%/cn . ; = 12 ! H958°K = 3.0 x 10'%/cm . K, was calculated from the equation, log K = 1.73 + 2.07 X 103/r, which i | was obteined from combining experimental equiln.brium quotients of the reactions4’ CrF2(d) + Ha(g) ==cr(s) + 2 HF(g) and FeFp(d) + Ha(g) =Fe(s) + 2 HF(g)' 450, M. Blood et al., Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1960, ORNI~-2931, pp. 39—43._ [—.,,4- T » n 57 in NaF—47 mole % ZrF,. We used. Py(salt) = 3.71 - 8.90 X 10’4'T(°C) = 2.945 g/em® at 1133°K, p, from Table 4, and D from Fig. 12. The liquid film coefflcient, h, is obtained.from 8 cafibination of dimensionless groups, and'wé have calculated it for both turbulent and laminasr flow. : For turbulent flow, N, = 0.023N_ 0:8Ny_ 0:33 yhere N, = dh/D, Sh Re Sc Sh Ne, = DVo/u, Ny = u/pD, and d = 1.383 cm. 1.383h o 1.383(1.422) (2.945) T8 2.62 x 10-2 0.33 4.166 X 10°° ) = 0.023[ _ 2.62 X 10~2 .945(4.166 x 10™7) or h = 3.045 X 10~%. The viscosity, u, was extrapolated from experimen- tal values“S: T, °C 600 700 800 1L, centipoise 7.5 4.6 3.2 - The liquid difquiofi-cCefficientjis calculated from the Stokes- Einstein equation, where 1 kT(°K) Hsalt 61trCr flér(g)-salyle = 11,38 x 10-16(1133) 2.62 X 10~2(6)(3.142)(0.76 x 10~8) Per(d)-salt, [1133°K 4.17 x 10~% cm 2 [sec and the velocity of the sait = 2.8 fpm = 1m422 cm/sec is taken from the loop operating conditions. ." _ ' _ There is always the questlon of whether the flow in a thermal con- vection loop is leminar or turbulent. For the case of laminar flow, a mass transfer equation can be written and h can be calculated. Its value is sufficiently close to the h calculated with the eqnatlon for turbulent flow so that the former h will be used in subsequent calculations. 463, Cantor, ORNL, personal communication. 58 The transient calculation for éxample IT is made somewhat differ- ently because of the pre~equilibration and the presence of balance points. The corrosion resction is Cr(s) + 2 UF,(d)=> 2 UF3(d) + CrFp(d) and | - m KN 3lcr(0,t)] 2 2 - ) -, 2L oler(0,6)] _KpPpMa 1 ([Cr]o—[()r]) h ow | Ké P, ™M, ferl \ D EEEEE 5 _3.53 x 107°¢ G 994) C:l 'Dc .308 x 10-4\ 1133°K 1.26 x 10-¢ 06 x 10-13/ = 3.777 x 10° . Kp and Kl‘) were calculated from the equation log K = 3.02 — 9.6 x 103/7, which was obtained from combining experimental equilibrium quotients47 - of the reactions Ha(g) + CrFa(d) == Cr(s) + 2 HF(g) 1/2 Ha(g) + UF.(d) = UFs(a) + HF(g) in LiP-33 mole % BeF,. Values of these quotients are tabulated later. Also, py(ca1y) = 2.575 — 5.13 X 10"4¢(°C) (ref. 46), p, is from Table 4, m,, W, are the molecular weights of the alloy and salt, respectively, D is from Fig. 12, h is calculated as before and = 2.308 X 1074, d = 1.383 cm, and = 0.0916 exp(4098/T) centipoise (ref. 46). Again the diffusion coefficient in the liquid is calculated from the Stokes-Einstein equation: | “7C. F. Baes, "The Chemistry and Thermodynamics of Molten-Salt- Reactor Fluoride Solutions," pp. 409433 in Thermodynamics, Vol. I, Internstional Atomic Energy Agency, Vienns, 1966. 59 1 1.38 X 10~16(1133) 9 = = 3.21 x 1073, Cr(d)-salt,[1133°K ~ 5, 1072 6(3.1416)(0.76 X 10-8) end the velocifiy of the salt is 1.422 em/sec from loqp opergting data. We calculated H to develop a curve such as Fig. 2 for the molten salts. However, it became quite evident that, because of the high value of H for each example, the transient effect would be'even less than that seen for the liquid metals. Thus, we again show that the transient effects may be neglected and that only the quesi-steady-state solution need be considered. Quesi-Steady-State Solutions Agein, as in the liquid metal case, we are required to find the balance points (in examples II and III) and the amount of material entering or 1eaving.the hot and cold,zones.' The calculations will be made for the actual and prototype loops using the equations derived earlier. The variables affecting the results of these calculations will then be discussed. We will present'comfiuter‘calculatiofis for two of the exemples and will show the details of a "hand" calculation for example II to demonstrate the usefulness of the equations. As filready noted, the conditiqns under which the calculations were made for example I repreéent actual conditions encountered in loop 1249, namely, an excess of FeF, was added to the salt so that the entire loop acted as a hot zone. No balance point existed, and chromium was depleted from all surfaces. 'Figure 13 shows the positional dependence of mass transfer rates in the reference and prototype loops as determined by . . computer calculations."Thé total mass removed in 1000 hr is 0.595 g in the reference lbop, compared_fiith_0.6122 g in the prototype. ' In example II, balance points exist,fand, as in the liquid metal " section, we have tabulated thé values of the various variables and will demonstrate the arithmetic involved for,thé prototype loop. The obvious difference between this moltenysalt calculation and the liquid metal _calculation is the fact that E_, > E /2. This necessitates the use of the Eqs. (39), (392), and (39b). We did not compile a computer program to handle the Esoln'> ED/Z case, so we have used the &pproach 60 ORNL-DOWG 63-9929 xigH b T 1 17 17 1 1 (x1o o T T T T 1 | L — 140 — 140 ° _ . Cro+ FeFy {xs) N Cro+ FeF, (xs) — ' & | & - = & 200 — ” \\ oo o ' 200 "o g W \ - @ s § / \ g 7 ¢ i / \\ 2 e 2 5 Il \ — 1060 o 1060 - < 150 |- / N - L3 L: -——,— i illE l’ - N 1 \ a 32 - X ! \ 10203 X 1020 g / \ z 2 g bk 1.00 — ! \‘ §I§ 1.00 — - M 980 | 980 . ' \ 7/ L~ _ \ y \ 0.50 0.50 0O 04 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 0O 04 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 f, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH £, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Fig. 13. Profiles for Computed Chromium Corrosion of Hastelloy N when High: Fng/Cng Ratios are Present in & Molten-Salt Mixture. Pro- files are based on wall temperatures shown by dashed lines. The salt was NaF—47 mole % ZrF,. Reference loop results are at left; prototype results are at right. - | of itorative balance point calculations. The terms used in these calculations are listed in the first and third colummns of Table 6. The value b is computed with Eq. (34a): = 2AT/L = 2(1133 — 958)/127 = 1.38°K/cm , and £ is computed with Eq. (35a): £ i 958/1.38 = 695 cm , and 7 | £, = 1133/1.38 = 822 cm . Next we calculate u, and u,, which require values of O and o”. For these next calculations, we use the values for the dlffu51on of chromium in Hastelloy N as given in Fig. 12: Dy = 6.068 x 10™° cm?®/sec, ED = 41.48 keal/mole. The values of ¢ and @” are shown in the footnote of Table 6 and are used along with the &€'s to obtain ua and vw”. From the 1atter we acquire the exponentials and thus can obtain the 1 — fi(u ) values from Fig. 1l4. The values of'k(u ) are found in Fig. 8. One is now able to complete the calculations of the last two functions. C, 61 Table 6. Values Used to Compute Balance Points and Mass Transfer in Prototype Loop | tp 1 Funetlons of &5 ¢ . 822.55 £ = 755.44 £, = 695.36 u = a/gg‘?) 9.211 ~10.027 ~10.893 uj = a"/ggb) 10.281 11.1916 12,175 exp(—uj) 1 x 10-% 4.427 X 1072 1.862 x 107° exp(-&—u’j’) 2.912 x 10+4 7.238 x 10%4 11.935 x 10%? 1 - 8(u,) 0.005 0.08418 . 0.078 7\(u") -1 0.1265 -~ 0.1116 - 0.1011 £ e Wl - fi(u )] 7.4445 x 1072 2.810 X 1072 1.0151 x 102 §je 3[7\(11 ) - 1] 0.3032 X 107 6.1022 x 106 1.3604 X 107 (a), - E,/2bR = 8.2321. (®)_, _ 4 ‘o = (2E_, ~ Ep)/2bR = 8.4566. We next calculate the balance point, wfiére Jm = 0 or, more simply, where material is neither removed nor deposited. Since we have delib- erately constructed a symmetrical prototype 1odp, only one point need be calculated. The approach for the'CalCfilatiOn‘of the balance point was discussed earlier, and in this case a form of Eq. (40) was used; nanely, KOIl?_(a/g)/Ilz(a"/fl = 1.047 X 102(7 45 x 1072 - 1.015 X 10-3)/(1 360 X 107 - 0.303 X 107) 6 368 x 1077 The temperature corresponfling to Kp is 1041°K; thus § = 755 and f(p) = 0.233. The values corresponding to the ‘balance p01nt tempera- ture are given in column 2 of Table 6. o - ' | To calculate the total amount. of material transported AAM(t) we use integral terms for the hot and cold zones. Again we averaged the values for both zones because of uncertainties in the "hand calcula- tlons. - Table 6 lists all quantltles needed except values of C and C’. Using Egs. (32) and (33) we find 62 . : : - ORNL—-DWG 69-10096 0927 T 1 | ! 0925 0.923 |- 0.921 |- 0.919 |- S oo |- 0915 |- 0.913 0.9 - 0909 - 0.907 . 1 ‘ 8.5 9.0 95 100 105 1.0 1.5 2.0 Fig. 14. Values of B(u,) over an Intermediate Range of u. Values. This lower projection of F:l.g'j 7 was required by values ofcx/g jthat occur in all molten-salt examples ' _ ¢ = (4)(0.0741)(8.878)(0.6915) (3.1420 x 0.607 x 10~4)1/2 = 2,519 x 10-2 and | = (2.519 x 1072)(6.0815 X 10-10) - 1.532 x 1011 | For the cold zone, using Eq. (7¢); aM(t)/2t1/2 = 2,519 x 1072(2.810 - 1.015) x 103 — 1.532 X 10~11(1.360 — 0.6102) x 107 = —6.96 X 107> g/secl/z\ . 8 o« 63 For the hot zone CAM(t)/26%/2 = 2.519 x 1072(7.444 — 2.81) x 1073 -~ 1.532 x 10711(3.032 — 6.102) X 105 = +6.97 X 107 g/secl/? . The negative sign indicates that the salt loses chromium in the cold (x ;%(AM/{.JT) {gem™ sec'vz) zone {by deposition on meteal) and gains in chromium in the hot zone (by metal dissolution). After 1000 hr 2t1/2 = 3,80 x 10*3 gecl/?, so AM(t=1000 hr) = 3.80 x 107%(6.96 X 107°) = 0.264 g Cr . Figure 15 gives the chromium corrosion profiles for the actual and prototype loops. ORNL~-DWG 69-9931 -6 ) i ) : ) : O T T T T T T T 1 "“020’ T 1 1 1 T | ' ' 1140 - : 0. L — 1140 . ‘ : Cf +UF4 20— : —~ 10 — {100 < - — H00 1.0 — 05 '§ o - : 1 g § 1060 w060 g o 0 ] E ~ ' — + 5 & . ~J l: 10203 1020 - < 1.0. I’ | £ 2 / : sl p) 280 980 -2.0 : Pt o1 040 040 0 Ot 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 O 0f 02 03 04 05 06 OF 0.8 09 {0 /, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH f FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH - Fig. 15. Computed Chromium Corrosion Profiles Resulting from the UF3/UF4 Redox Reaction. The salt is a modified LiF-BeF, mixture con- taining no Fng. Proflles assume wall temperatures given by dashed lines. “In example III a balance point exists, and computer calculations ‘were carried out using the equilibrium constants given in Table 5. It 1is noted that AH is negative, and Fig. 16 shows that the mass transfer occurs in the opposite direction, material is deposited in the hot zone and removed in the cold zone. WALL TEMPERATURE (°K) x10"%) T T T l ' Cro+ 2HF .7 __———"”“\\ /h\ ///’/—\\ & \ 's O F ." hN - + + _ i \ o -} /1 . N et - I, : | \\ s /| LN 5 [ I \‘ _ 3 f ! ! \ - I 1 fip’) \ s f( Is 3 ’/ I L -7 I . : \ 4 | 1] Lt o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 40 1100 1020 980 940 f, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Fig. 16. Hz/HF Redox Reaction Carried out Under Hypothetical Conditions. files are based on wall temperatures given by dashed lines. case, chromium moves from cold to hot region. WALL TEMPERATURE (°K) (x10°€) o _27 (AM/LAT) (g em™! sec™"2) < Jdrf -4 ORNL-DWG 69 - 9930 WALL TEMPERATURE (°K) | | ! i — ceP+2HF | M0 : N 7\ 7 \ /_\ ; \ /\ — A _ 1100 | it + 2 | 4 PN - 7/ b\ — 1060 s SN / Y / ' \ / ' “\ , — ,/ : \—» "] 1020 i \ | \ ' flp") \\ ‘ [ " Flp) | v—f 980 7 | I \ h : : \ R L 040 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f, FRACTION OF WALL AREA AND/OR LOOP LENGTH Computed Chromium Corrosion Profiles Resulting from a Pro- In this The salt considered is a modified LiF-BeF, mixture containing no dissolved uranium or iron. DISCUSSION OF MOLTEN-SALT RESULTS In the past, the mass transfer equation was integrated graphically, and areas under the curves were determined by planimeters. However, by introducing the prototype loop, we can perform a relatively simple exact integration of all the equations as detailed in an earlier sec- tion. A computer was used to generate several of the mass transfer curves, since this allows integration over many smaller segments then is otherwise practical. Table 7 gives the total amount of chromium removed in 1000 hr for each reaction. For examples II and III, whefe balance points exist, AM(t = 1000 hr) also corresponds to the amount of material deposited. Also included is the AM value for example I with balance points and no excess Fels. This calculation is given as an example of what could hap- pen in a coolant circuit where FeFz is the only impurity that would cause corrosion. The balance points would result when only a small amount of FeF; is present; weight losses would result at higher.temper- atures and weight gains at lower temperatures in the system. Areas i : 65 Table 7. Integrated Mass Transfer Flux (AM) for - Molten-Salt Loops After 1000 hr Chromium Transferred, g " Integrated Planimeter Integrated Planimeter Example Reaction Computer on Computer Formula on "Hand" Results Curve by Hand Curve , . Actual Loop I Cr(s) + FeFp(d)(xs) 0.595 0.5904 IT cr(s) + Urs(a) L © 0.263 0.258 S IIT Cr(s) + H:F(g) 0.1684 0.1683 ox(s) + Fng(d) 0.062 : ': Prototype Loop I Cr(s) + FeFo(d)(xs) - 0.6122 -0.6551 I - cr(s) + UF(d) | o 0.264 0.259 11T cr(s) +HR(g) = 0.1751 0.1760 cr(s) +=Fer(d)a" f 0.059 Assuming a balance po:l.nt with AH = +10, 370 cal/mole and K, = 1.0 x 10710, under the plots of AM against distance were also determined with a planimeter, and the results are given in Table 7. - It is first noted that graphical and numerical Aintegration gave values quite close to one another. This is gratifyihg_becduse in the past much dependence had been placed on graphiéal ihtegration -methods, and now we see that the numerical calculations a.gree'quit'e well. Although the agreement is not quite as good as in the liquid metal case, again the AM's are ebout ‘the :same for the actua.i and prototype profiles, so that good estima.tes of AOM may be made using the simple yrototype. The disagreement is proportional to the dlfference in the areas under the temperature prof:.le curves. Also, it makes no differ- - ence in the final result ‘whether the profile is like that of the proto- type or is a sawtooth. In Fig. 15 (example II) , the balance points were f(p) ='0.34 and 0.90 and Tp ‘= 1036°K for the actual loop and 66 f(p) = 0.23 and 0.77 and Tp = 1042°K for the prototype. In Fig. 16 (example III), the balance points were f(p) = 0.43 and 0.71 and Tp = 1083°K for the actual loop and £(p) = 0.36 and 0.64 and TP = 1083°K for the prototype. Again, although the shapes of the profile obviously affect the location of the balance points, the balance points and balance témperatures are quite close in all cases. We also point out that although maximums of weight loés and gain do occur at the maximum temperature point in examples II and IIT, other ‘maximums (ggin or loss) may occur at positions other than that of the minimum temperature. This is illustrated in Fig. 16, where the maximumnweight loss occurred at the intermediate value of 1030°K. The worst possible condition with respect to the total amount of material removed was illustrated in example I, where corrosion occurred on all portions of the loop. A ten- fold difference in the value of AM corresponding to material removal and deposition obtained in the same reaction without excess FeF; is - shown in Table 7 for both the prototype and actual loops. Several "rules" for mass transfer follow from these results. The common areas among the three examples are temperature, flow conditions, and selective chromium removal from the Hastelloy N. Since dissolution is endothermic for examples I and II, the mass transfer is from higher to lower temperatures. More material is removed and deposited in example II, which has the largest energy of solution. ‘In example IIT, where dissolution is exothermic, the mass transfer occurs from low to high temperature. Because temperature enters the mass-transfer func- tion as an exponential term, an increase in the maximum temperature greatly increases AM. For example, an increase of 50°K would about double the AM. Table 8 shows the constants A and B used to calculate egquilibrium constants from log KT = A + B(103/T); also shown is the sign of the energy function for various reduction-oxidation reactions in LiF-BeF,- base fluoride salts. Example I calculations discussed earlier were for an NaF-ZrF,; salt. From the values given in the'table, we will discuss the mass-transfer aspects of the various reactions. | | As mentione@ earlier and shown in the calculations, one of the . requirements that must be met for mass transfer in the direction of & 67 Table 8. Equilibrium Constant Parameters®™ for Reactions with HF and With Salt Constituents and Tmpurities in LiF-BeFp-Base Molten Fluorides A o . 0 Sign Reaction . A" . B K1075°K of Cr(s) + 2HF(g) ==CrFp(d) + Ho(g) -5.12 9.06 2.03 x10® -~ Fe(s) + 2HF(g) == FeFo(d) + Ha(g) -5.20 5.31 1.83 x 100 - Ni(s) + 2HF(g) == NiFp(d) + Hp(g) -8.37 3.60 9.52 x 106 - RUF,(a) + Ha(g) - 2Ur;(d) + 2HF(g) 8.14 -18.66" 6.06 x 10710 BeF(d) + Ha(g) == Be(s) + 2HF(g) 7.21 —21.56 1.43 x 10713 cr(s) + 2UF4(d)== 2UF3(d) + CrFp(d) 3.02 -9.6 1.23 X 107® + cr(s) + BeFa(d) == CrFz(4) + Be(s) 2.09 —12.51 2.84 x 10~10 Cr(s) + FeFp(d) = CrFp(d) + Fe(s) 0.08 +3.94 5.56 X 10° — Cr(s) + NiFa(d) == CrFo(d) + Ni(s) = 3.25 +5.46 2.14 x 108 - Fe(s) + 2UF;(d) == FeFp(d) + 2UF3(d) 2.94 -13.35 3.32 X 10-10 Fe(s) + BeFp(d) = FeFp(d) + Be(s) = 2.01 -16.25 7.77 x 10-14 " Fe(s) + NiFo(d) = FeFa(d) + Ni(s) 3.17 +1.71 8.8 x 10% - Mi(s) + 2uF,(d) = NiFp(d) + 2UFs(d) -0.23 -15.06 5.76 x 10-15 Ni(s) + BeFa2(d) = NiFy(d) + Be(s) =~ -1.16 -17.96 1.35 x 10~18 ®constants of equation log KT = A+ B(103/T). decreasing temperature is arpositive energy of solution.- In this | respect, the reactions,ofmthealloy:constituents_with UF, and BeF, and the reduction of UF, and_Bng by_hydrogen meet this criterion. It is noted that in all these.cases,with the exception of the oxidation of ehromiun by UF,, the calculated talue of K is quite small, so these _reactions would be nnfa#orable and the yields would'be quite small. 1In reference to mass transfer 1n the opposite direction, as favored by the other reactlons, most of the equilibrium constants are quite large. The relative ease of chromium.movement followed by iron and then nickel, is pointed out by the relative values of the equilibrium constants. For example, for reactions with UFs, Kygs0 ox = = 1076, lO'lo,rand 10~15, respec- tively. _Reactions of molybdenum are not included because equilibrium 68 constants are not available. However, because the free energies of formation of molybdenum and nickel.fluorides aré nearly equal, we would ~ expect the equilibrium constants to be about the same. With respect to the UF, corrosion feaction, methods are now being considered to measure the U(III)/U(IV) ratio and thus determine the oxidizing or reducing potential of the UF,-containing molten salt. Additions of beryllium are being used to adjust this potential and con- trol the corrosion rate. Investigations are also under way for the possible application of 2°Nb deposition as the redox indicator.48 We also wish to consider if loop conditions are actually the -same as those under which the equilibrium quotients were determined. Actually we beg the question: can mass transfer occur in & loop in the direction of low to high temperature as is theoretically shown from the FeF, and HF reactions with balance points in LiF-BeF, salts? Recent experimental work#® in salt systems containing UF;, FeF,, and HF show evidence of mass transfer only from high to low temperature. However, nothing is known about the effects of the ccmbihations of the reactants or what effect removal of elements other than chromium fTOm_the_alloy'might have on.the overall process. It would be interesting to speculate what ratio of CrFz; to FeF; would be needed in a UF4¢containing sdlt.to stop the | mass-transfer (and the cbrrosion) process altogéther. A promising future goal would be to carefully isolate the above components and to run the verifying experimental tests in 1oops | In salts proposed for use in a breeder reactor system, ThF, is includ=d. The ThF, will not oxidize chromium, so its presence will not affect the corrosion process. | It must be again emphasized that there is a parallel betwesn the results,ln Report I and here. The mass-transfer equations of Report I were derived as analogs of heat flow equations. Rate equations of this type consist of driving forces and resistances. The resistances in ’ Report I were based on the first-order reaction rate constant and the “8R. E. Thoma,, ORNL, personal communication. 49J. W. Koger and A. P. Litman, MSR Program Semiann. Progr Rept. Feb. 28, 1969, ORNI~4396, pp. 243-253. | | 9 69 film coefficient. The driving forces are differences ‘that are involved in both mechanisms. For example, when solution rate is controlling, the important difference is that between the'equilibrium:corrosion product solute concentrations at the high and low temperatures of the system, while, when diffusion controls, the difference is that between the bulk alloy concentration and the surface alloy concentration of the active alloying element. The results do not depend on the shape of the profile in the mechanism of Réporf I and only sometimes in the mechanism given here. The corrosion product concentration differed with tempera- ture (position) in Report I, while here we assume constant concentration of the corrosion product throughout the loop. This is quite important, because the use of the equilibrium constant allows us to change only one variable with temperature. ' This was not possible in Report I. As we mentioned earlier, liquid Velésities in pump loops are orders of magnitude greater than those in thérmal‘convectionrloops. Throughout this report we have assumed that conclusions about pump loop corrosion behavior are good for thermal convection loops’and XiEE.XEEfiE- Of course, if the process is truly controlled by solid-state diffusion in the alloy, then velocity will not affect the mass transfer. © SUMMARY We have elected to summarize the molten—Salt results since we wish to illustrate several cogent points. 1In this portion of the report our main purpose was to discuss the molten-salt corrosion (mass transfer of chromium) of Hastelloy N in pdlythermal loops for cases where solid- state diffusion controls throughout the system. We have demonstrated the versatility of the methodrby showing three different examples: removal of chromium from all'portions of the loop, hot-to-cold leg ~ transfer, and cold-to-hot leg transfer. ‘Calculations for both transient and quasi-steady-state conditions were based on a mathematical development of the idealized diffusion - process, wherein corrosion rates depefid directly on the rate at which constituents of alloys diffuse into, or out of, container walls as influ- enced by the condition of wall surfaces exposed to a high-temperature 70 liquid. The transient effects (the effects of mass transfer across the liquid films on corrosion) were negligible because of their short dura- tion. The quasi-steady-state condition assumed a pre-equilibration of the salt with CrF»> such that the concentration of CrF; did not change. ‘The balance points and the amount of material entering or leaving the various zones of the loops for the vérious sysfiems were determined for the quasi steady state. The calculation was adaptable for both the prototype "tent-shaped" and actual loop temperature profiles. The results obtained from the prototype, which were quite simple to calcu~ late, agreed very well with the results from the actual profile. Tmpor- tant variables discussed in this treatment with respect to the mass transfer process were the energy of solution of the corrosion reaction, the energy of activation for diffusion, the equilibrium constant of the corrosion reaction, and its temperature dependence. In conclusion, the practical importance of the calculations lies in the fact that, if the proper experimentel data are available, one may determine, before running a loop test, the magnitude and manner in which the mass transfer will occur. One may also predict the“changes expected in a completed experiment if the temperature conditions are | varied with the developed equations. Of perhaps even greater importance is the fact that a priori calculations of this type are required to predict the concentration that will give a pre-equilibration condition at the beginning of an experiment. This is necessary for one td run a systematic well-developed test. ¥ s My nONIRaOEDED DO 71 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Central Research Library ORNL Y-12 Technical Library Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Laboratory Records, ORNL RC ORNL Patent Office Adamson, Jr. Anderson Apple Arnurius Atkinson Baes Bamberger Barton Bauman Beall . Bell . Bettis Billington Blanco . Blankenship Blumberg . G. 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