fi GENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY T s T 3 4456 0361518 5 ORNL-2973 UC-81 - Reactors - Power ./X ¢ MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR PROGRAM QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT § FOR PERIODS ENDING ‘ JANUARY 31 AND APRIL 30, 1960 CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON if you wish someone else to see this document, send in name with document and the library will arrange a loan OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Department of Commerce Waoshingion 25, D.C. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Uni nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representaf completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of n, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not privotely owned rights; or B. Assumes any licbilities with respoct o the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparstus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the cbove, “person acting on behalf of the Commission’” includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, 1o the extent that such employ or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such controctor prepores, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNL-2973 UC-81 — Reactors - Power TID-4500 (l5th ed.) Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR PROGRAM A Y QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT For Periods Ending January 31 and April 30, 1960 H. G. MacPherson, Project Cocordinator DATE ISSUED AUG 26 1960 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS LIBRARIES EREE IR 3 Y456 03L1518 ¢ MOLTEN-SALT REACTOR FROGRAM QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT SUMMARY Part 1. Engineering and Component Development 1.1 Component Development and Testing Tests of molten-salt-lubricated hydrodynamic bearings continued in bearing test rigs and in the sump-type centrifugal pump. Operation of the type PKP pump, circulating NaK, with a modified Fulton Sylphon bellows seal, was suspended after 18,834 hr of continuous operation for examina- tion of the lower seal. The seal was found to be worn and was replaced. The MF-type pump has circulated molten salt continuously for more than 25,000 hr without maintenance. The small frozen-lead-sealed centrifugal pump has circulated molten salt continuously at 1200°F for 16,500 hr. Molten salt was circulated at 1200°F in the Remote-Maintenance De- velopment Facility. Following the hot operation the salt was dumped, and all maintenance operations were carried out remotely. A color motion pic- ture with sound, demonstrating the remote removal and replacement of all major components, was completed. Twenty-five forced-circulation corrosion loops have been placed in operation in the MSR corrosion program. Of this number, five INOR-8 loops and five Inconel loops have now been terminated for metallurgical examina- tion; the ten loops had operated an average of 10,250 hr each. A frozen-salt-sealed graphite-to-metal Joint was tested. No leakage past the frozen joint was experienced although molten salt leaked through the porous graphite tube at 18 psi pressure. An in-pile graphite-salt capsule was removed from the MIR after 720 hr. It is awaiting hot-cell examination. A second test continues to op- erate in the MI'R and has accumulated more than 1000 hr of exposure at MIR power. 1.2 Engineering Research The enthalpy of the BULT-14 mixture (LiF-BeF,-UF,-ThF,, 67-18.5-0.5-14 mole %) was determined over the temperature range from 100 to 800°C. TFor the ligquid phase, the heat capacity varied from 0.367 Btu.1b 1. (°F)~! at 1000°F to 0.302 Btu-1b™t.(°F)”* at 1500°F; the heat of fusion was 80.1 Btu/lb. Liquid heat capacities for the BeF,-containing salt mixtures studied to date have been summarized. The thermal conductivity for an INOR-8 rod specimen was experimentally established up to a temperature of 900°F. The results are in reasonable agreement with the thermal conduc- tivities of several related metal alloys. The surface tension of an NakF- BeF, (64-36 mole %) mixture was measured over the range from 600 to 800°C. Comparison with data obtained previously on several LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF,; mix- tures shows the current results to be somewhat higher. TImprovements in the experimental procedure and in the instrumentation have led to in- creased precision in the maximum-bubble-pressure technique for surface- tension determination. Liquid densities for the NaF-BeF, mixture obtained in the course of the surface-tension experiment agree with empirical den- sity estimates to within 7%. Additional data have been obtained for heat transfer to BULT-14 flow- ing within heated Inconel and INOR-8 tubes. Approximately 4500 hr of op- eration have been accumulated under primarily isothermal (1150°F) condi- tions. No systematic variation of the heat-transfer coefficient has been observed during this time. Reanalysis of the data using recent values for the heat capacity led to an improvement in the comparison between the BULT- 14 results and the general heat-transfer correlations, while adversely af- fecting the experimental heat balances. The previously reported discrep- ancy between the heat transfer in the Inconel and INOR-8 tubes has been resolved. Mean values of the heat-transfer modulus for both sets of data nov agree closely; the Inconel-tube data, however, exhibit a greater ex- perimental scatter. Part 2. Materials Studies 2.1 Metallurgy Examinations of nine INOR-8 thermal-convection loops, which operated with fused fluoride mixtures for one year, were completed. Five of the loops showed no attack, and the other four exhibited very light attack in the form of shallow subsurface voids. Seven Inconel thermal-convection loops were also examined, all of which showed attack in the form of inter- granular voids to depths ranging from 4 to 15 mils. Examinations of four Inconel forced-convection loops, which operated for different periods with fluoride salt of the LiF-BeF,-UF, system, re- vealed heavy subsurface-void formation in regions where locp wall temper- atures exceeded 1200°F. Maximum attack ranged to 7 mils after 3000 hr of cperation and to 15 mils after one year of operation. Metallographic examinations were completed on three INOR-8 forced- convection loops which operated with fluoride mixtures for periods of one year or longer; with the exception of one loop, negligible attack was found. In that one loop, hot-leg attack, in the form of surface roughen- ing and surface pitting, was found to a maximum depth of 1-1/2 mils, Ex- amination of the cold-leg regions of this loop revealed the presence of metal crystals, the composition of which was determined to be predominantly nickel, The fuel mixture circulated in the lcop showed appreciable oxide contamination, apparently as a result of H,0 entering the system during operation. Chemical and metallographic examinations were cerried out to investi- gate the thin corrosion film which has appeared in a majority of the long- term INOR-8 corrosion loops. Qualitative chemical analyses indicated the film to be composed primarily of nickel, with smaller amounts of iron, chromium, and molybdenum. Hardness data obtained indicated that the film was approximately twice as hard as the base metal. The 48b Ti—48% Zr—4% Be alloy was used to braze an assembly of graph- ite tubes to an INOR-8 header in order to demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating such an assembly. Alloys in the Au-Ni-Ta and Au-Ni-Mo ternary systems, which are re- sistant to corrosion by molten fluorides and which may be useful in cer- tain applications, are under study for brazing graphite-to-graphite and graphite-to-molybdenum joints. Several alloys that melt at about 1300°C and exhibit excellent flowability have been developed. However, prelimi- nary thermal-cycling and leak tests, coupled with metallographic examina- tions, indicate that these alloys are brittle and tend to crack. Thus alloys with somewhat less flowability but more ductility are being con- sidered for future study. Difficulty has been experienced in brazing low-porosity graphite, in contrast to experience with highly porous grades. More suitable joint de- signs and/or new, stronger bonding alloys are being investigated to over- come this difficulty. Thirty-one different grades of graphite have been tested for their resistance to permeation by molten fluorides in 100-hr screening tests at 1300°F and pressures of 150 psig. Twenty-four of the grades were manu- factured as low permeability; and of these, four grades, B-l1, S-4-1IB, GT- 123-82, and CS-112-S, had less than 0.5% of their bulk volume permeated by molten fluorides in the screening test. It appears that for some grades, significant decreases in molten-fluoride-salt permeation can be accomplished by proper pressure reductions. Moderately-low-permeability grades (R-4 and $S-4) were permeated to the same extent by molten fluoride salts under 150 psig at 1300°F (704°C) in l-hr exposures as they were in 100-hr exposures. Grade AGOT graphite was impregnated with molten bismuth and subse- quently subjected to a standard fuel-permeation test. Results showed that the bismuth pretreatment suppressed the fuel pickup, but the bismuth was not completely retained in the graphite pores during the fuel-permeation test. ,@( Two tests have been conducted to remove from graphite the oxygen con- tamination that causes a portion of the uranium of LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %, fuel 130) to precipitate as UO, when this fuel is exposed to the graphite at 1300°F (704°C) in a vacuum. A 50-hr exposure of grade AGOT graphite to hydrogen preheated to 1300°F (704°) failed to detectably de- crease the oxygen contamination. However, the thermal decompoéition 6f crystals of ammonium bifluoride inside a grade AGOT graphite crucibié ap- parently was successful 1n removing the oxygen contamination. Fuel.lBO has been exposed for 1000 hr to this graphite at 1300°F (704°C) without any uranium precipitation that could be detected by radiography. INOR-8 was carburized to a depth of 14 mils while in direct contact for 3400 hr with grade TSF graphite at 1000 psi in fuel 30 (NaF—ZrF4—UF4, 50-46-4 mole %) at 1300°F (704°C). vi Three nickel-base brazing alloys (Coast Metals No. 52 and 53, and General Electric No. 8l), the 82% Au—-18% Ni alloy, and the pure copper brazing material showed good corrosion resistance to fuel 130 (LiF-BeF,- UF,, 62-37-1 mole %) at 1300°F (704°C) during a 10,000-hr thermal-con- vection loop test of INOR-8 Jjoints. It was noted that the commercial nickel-base alloys were corroded when used with Inconel as the base metal. Results of initial corrosion studies on experimental Au-Ni-Ta alloys have indicated that they have good resistance to both the NaF-ZrF,— and the LiF-BeF,—base fuels. These alloys are being developed to investigate possible graphite-to-graphite and graphite-to-metal joining methods., 2.2 Chemistry and Radiation Effects According to preliminary checks on phase behavior, the substitution or addition of ZrF, in LiF-BeF, fuels containing UF, and ThF, appears to be a feasible route to potential improvements in corrosion behavior and perhaps oxide tolerance while at the same time retaining favorable in- ventories and physical properties, Such quinary fuels can be regarded as ARE NaF-ZrF, fuels modified as follows: Substitute 67 mole % Li7F for all the NaF and substitute BeF, for half of the ZrF, to reduce both the melt- ing point and the ZrF, volatility, giving LiF-ZrF,-BeF, in a mole ratio of 6-1-1; either UF, or ThF, may then be interchanged with ZrF, as de- sired, with only minor alterations of the over-all chemical and physical properties (except density, which increases by 50% for complete inter- change with the heavy elements), Differences, as well as similarities, in the behavior of UF, and ThF,, particularly when in combination with an alkali fluoride such as NaF, have been explored, and some unusual solid solutions have been found. Selective precipitation of oxides continues to appear promising as a means of processing breeder fuels to remove protactinium and uranium from fluoride melts. Unintended precipitation of oxides continues to be a very trouble- some problem; qualitative information in this connection has been obtained by examining quenched samples from high-temperature equilibrations con- taining small amounts of added oxide. The margin of tolerance for oxide vii without precipitation appears to be quite low, and in addition, most sources of oxide contamination during operation and maintenafiée also cause corrosion in direct proportion to the amountuof oxide added. In order to evaluate the applicability of information about dif- fusion rates of Cr® and their role in controlling the rate of corrosion of INOR-8 by fluoride fuels, two anisothermal convection loop tests have been studied under conditions such that the diffusion behavior could be followed. The agreement between calculated and experimental behavior was very satisfactory. Much of a long-standing discrepancy in the behavior of NiF, has been resolved through a redetermination of the free energy of formation of NiF, by means of experiments in which HF corrodes Ni9 under conditions such that the equilibrium constant for the reaction can be measured accurately. Periodic sampling and analysis of the corrosion products found in long- term forced-circulation corrosion test loops has been continued; some of the results are uninterpretable in terms of the expected steady-state be- havior, but most of such unpredicted deviations are sufficiently pronounced to be regarded as reflecting experimental difficulties rather than inherent behavior of the intended systen. In exploring the conditions under which intercalation of graphite by salts can occur, no effect was found with NaCl-FeCl; (70-30 mole %) at 750°C or with NaCl-FeCl; (46-54 mole %) at 200°C for 7-1/2 hr, although pure FeCl; crumbles graphite at 300°C in 2 hr or less. Both high temper- atures and dilution of the intercalatant are presumed to diminish the tend- ency toward reaction. Qut-of-pile studies with fuels containing tracer rare earths in con- tact with graphite have been initiated to provide a background for an in- vestigation of permeated samples which have been irradiated. The use of purified fuels in engineering and corrosion tests has been greater than had been anticipated, so that a stockpile of fuels of current interest no longer exists. 2.3 Fuel Reprocessing Solutions of NO, in liguid anhydrous hydrogen fluoride appear attrac- tive as an alternative to EF-H,0 sclutions for processing MSR fuel salt viii containing little or no thorium. Under proper conditions the NO,-HF so- lutions dissolve UF, along with the LiF and BeF,, and decontamination from rare earths is satisfactory. Hot saturated aqueous ammonium fluoride soluticns have a reascnable solubility for thorium fluoride, but the solubility of LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, salts 1s much lower. No adequate processing method has yet been found for fuel salts containing ThF,. In a single experiment no protactinium was removed from MSR blanket salt by fluorination at 650°C. 1.1 ll2 ) 2.1 PART 1. ENGINEERING AND COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING:cesosrsoceocsossoansss coae Molten-Salt-Lubricated Bearings for Fuel PumpS.eseesee.. con Hydrodynamic Journal BearingS..eeeceseesersscascsascnases Test of Pump Equipped with One Molten-~Salt-Lubricated Journal Bearing...eeseeecesesansescaasssossssasronnossns Self-Welding of INOR—8.................................. Mechanical Seals for PumpS...... e teeseaesererarernsan s .Loop for Study of MF-Pump PerfOormancCe....ceeiverenssccscsncss Frozen-lead Pump Seal...eovenven ceasessesnse I Remote~-Maintenance Development Facllityeeseeieeriooesenneaans Design, Construction, and Operation of Materials Testing LOOPS IIIII 5 & ¢ 5 & 9 & 0 0 & 2 4 b & P b e b s ae b b e ¢ b e s s 20 w0 * 8 8 F ® 5 0 8 88 . 98 Forced-Circulation Corrosion LOOPS..cesvecsosss ceanaas ‘e Mechanical JOIntS.eceetetoseccatssscaconncas et tsssstetanuns Design and Testing of a Frozen-Salt Metal«to-Graphite Joint.......... Cresessuesnas treetssecseernassarasereesens In—Pile LOOPS..-..--.noooocooluotoo.o.cooc-ooooc cccccc o0 a ENGINEERING RESEARCH:+vsecesvcons certaetates e asranseveoanae Physical-Property Measurements.......... tecsseccseanetaanns Enthalpy and Heat Capacity.seesviesraneenicananns cesasene Thermal Conductivity...... ceeceteccctsacaaraeas casesnnas Surface Tension.eeessessesesnnees cesicesassssassacnsanne HeateTransfer StUdlES e eeesssasnssesssossesvsssnssssssssscanss PART 2. MATERIALS STUDIES METATIURGY -« c.. .. Ceheereere et eeetaiastaa et .- Dynamic Corrosion StuUdieS..csvssrssssssssasassnssssraassnse Thermal-Convection LoOpsS...... Ceee st esetesescccaenans .o Inconel Forced=-=Convectlion LOOPS:iseeeetscsns beseerssenas INOR-8 Forced-Convection LOOPS..... crereennan Ceeserreans Graphite Brazing StudieS..ceieerectseecscsannnens ssecssanacs General Corrosion StudieS...eceeeeeercescanes cecsrseveranss Permeation of Graphite by Molten Salts cersseersenes Removal of Oxygen Contamination from Graphite....ccoeevs Compatibility of INOR-8 and Graphite..ceseseeciecrocecnan Corrosion Resistance of Brazing Alloys to Fluoride Fuel..ceeeeeaaans cees iii W w & O 2 2 vw 2.2 CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION EFFECTS........ 2.3 xii Phase Equilibrium Studies.....ccceveen The System LiF-BeF,=ZrF,evevieceenns The System NabF-Zr¥F,-ThF, The System NaF-ThF,=UF ccccceatecnas Phase Diagrams for Fluoride Systems.... Fission-Product Behavior and Reprocessing Chemistry.... Extraction of Uranium and Protactinium from LiF-BeF,~-ThF, Mixtures........... “eo Chemistry of Corrosion Processes..... ‘o Effect of Oxide on LiF-BeF,-ThF, and LlF-Bng-ThF4- UF,; Mixtures... Radiotracer Studies of the Role of Cr Diffusion as a Controlling Factor in Corrosion by Molten Fluorides.... The Free Energy of Formation of NiF... Anelysis of Corrosion Test LoopsS.... Corrosion Equilibria with Unalloyed 03 SR Melting Points of Chromous Fluoride and Chromic Fluoride...... ceceiecacaanananna . Graphite Compatibility.ceececnceeesans . Intercalation of Graphite....... saeen Permeation of Graphites by Molten Fluoride Fuels.... Radiation Effects... Preparation of Purified Materials....... Purification, Handling, and Service Operations FUEL REPROCESSING. .. NO,-HF Solutions...... Aqueous NHiFeeveaoan.. Protactinium Removal ................... ® & ¥ B 8 B 6 0 8 B 2 b & % e b8 Behavior of a Rare-Earth Fission Product in a Graphite—Molten-Salt System....... 65 65 65 65 66 68 68 68 74 T4 75 79 80 81 82 82 82 83 84 84 86 86 87 87 87 88 PART 1 ENGINEERING AND COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT o 1.1 COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING Molten-Salt-Lubricated Bearings for Fuel Pumps Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings Investigations were continued with Journal bearings operating sub- merged in molten salt 130 (LiF-BeF,-UF,, 62-37-1 mole %). Test 22, re- ported previously,l was completed. Test 18 was repeated, and two addi- tional endurance tests were begun. A summary of the test conditions is presented in Table 1.1.1 (see also Fig. 1.1.1). Test 22 was terminated on schedule after 494 hr. During the latter - part of the test, 170 start-stop cycles were performed. Test 23 was a repeat of test 18, with new parts, with approximately the same results. Impending seizure was evident at loads above 25 lbyr; so the test was terminated. Test 24 was performed to investigate the endurance of the bearing at steady-state operating conditions. After 80 hr of operation the drive motor experienced a sudden power surge, and the test was suspended for examination. Examinaticn revealed that the flow restriction at the dis- charge end of the grooves was not sufficient to prevent the bearing from becoming "starved." Test 25 was a repeat of test 24, with new bearing parts. In this case the bearing grooves had a radius of 1/8 in. compared with the 1/4 in. in test 24. The test was terminated after 497 hr of operation be- - cause of selzure of the bearing. Examination revealed that the flow re- striction at the discharge end of the grooves was not concentric with " the bearing bore and therefore the bearing rubbed against the Journal, causing the seizure. Steps are being taken to ensure concentricity with future bearings. Test of Pump Equipped with One Molten-Salt-Lubricated Journal Bearing Three additional tests were completed on the pump with a molten- salt-lubricated Jjournal bearing, and ancther test is in progress. A summary of these tests is presented in Table 1.1.2. 'MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 3-5. (#8] Table 1.1.1. Summary of Test Conditions for Testing Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings Test Material Groove Speed Operating Radial Opergtlng Start- No. Confipurations* (rpm) Temperature Load Time Stop Bearing Journal (°F) (1be) (hr) Cycles 22 Inconel Inconel Axial; 1200 1200 200 494 170 radius, 1/4 in. 23 INOR-8 INOR-8, Axial; 1200 1500 25 3 1 carburized radius, 1/4 in. 24 INOR-8 INOR-8, Helical; 1200 1200 200 80 1 carburized radius, 1/4 in. 25 INOR-8 INOR-8, Helical; 1200 1200 200 497 1 carburized radius, 1/8 in. *A11l bearings contained three grooves. See Fig. 1l.1l.1 for groove details. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DOWG 38968AR Fig. 1.1.1. Groove Details of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing. The Jjournal bearing in test 3 experienced a seizure after 11 hr of operation, and subsequent examination revealed that foreign material entered the bearing clearance space, resulting in the seizure. In tests 4, 5, and 6, the three-helical-groove bearing configuration mounted with gimbals was utilized. After 1000 hr of operation in test 4, the bearing and Jjournal were fully suitable for further operation. At disassembly, the Journal was damaged in removal from the shaft and there-~ fore cculd not be re-used. The bearing and Jjournal used in test 5 were fully suitable for further use and are under test in test 6. This test has operated for more than 850 hr, to date, and pump rotation has been stopped and started 41 times. Self-Welding of INOR-8 One INOR-8 self-welding experiment was performed at 1500°F, on loose- fitting pins pressing against the sides of the holes, a condition encoun- tered with gimbal-mounted bearings. The test was performed in a bath of salt 107 for 373 hr, under a load of 200 lbp. Examination of the test pieces revealed no evidence of self-welding. Table 1.1.2. Tests of Pumps in Molten Salt 130 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Bearing grooving 3, axial 3, helical 3, axial 3, helical 3, helical 3, helical Bearing mount Rigid Gimbals Rigid Gimbals Gimbals Gimbals Room-temperature 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 radial clearance, in. Temperature of molten 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1100-1350 salt, °F Shaft speed, rpm 1200 1150 1200 1400 1200 800—1400 Salt flow, gpm 50 50 50 100 50 50-260 Estimated radial load 100 100 100 120 100 75—-150 of bearing, 1lbg Operating time, hr 1/3 0 11 1000 105 850 % Number of start-stops 1 1 1 2 100 41 % Reason for termination Seizure Seizure Seizure Schedule Schedule *Test still in progress. Mechanical Seals for Pumps The operation of the modified Fulton Sylphon bellows-mounted seal,2 undergoing test in a PKP type of centrifugal pump circulating NaK, was suspended due to an increase of leakage of oil from the lower seal of the shaft. The total operating time was 18,834 hr at 1200 to 1225°F. The average 0il leakage from the upper and lower seals, respectively, was 0.6 and 0.8 cc/day. Unaccounted~for oil leakage averaged 35 cc/d&y; presum- ably, 1t leaked into the process system. Examination of the pump rotary assembly revealed that (1) the lower seal faces had worn considerably; (2) the upper seal was in good condition; and (3) the impeller was in good condition, but with an etched appearance in the flow passages. The normal drainage passages to the catch basin for oil leakage past the lower seal had become filled with a viscous, greaselike substance. This plugging may well have diverted the unaccounted-for oil leakage downward through the pump-shaft annulus and into the system. The plug material was a mixture of carbon and the oxides of sodium and potassium. The pump rotary assem- bly, with modifications to the shaft lower seal, is being prepared for further test circulation of Nak. Loop for Study of MF-Pump Performance An MF type of centrifugal pump has continued in operation? and has logged more than 25,000 hr of continuous operation. Since the previous report period, the pump has continued operating in a region of cavitation at 2700 rpm, 645 gpm, and 2.5-psig pump-tank cover-gas pressure. Molten salt 30 at 1200°F is being pumped. The average seal-oil leakage collected from the upper and lower seals was 26 and 16 cc/d&y, respectively. An un- accounted-for loss of oil averaging 56 cc/day has been observed. Presum- ably, it leaks into the process system. The pump was stopped nine times: two times for 10 min each to replace brushes in the drive motor; two times for 10 min each to replace brushes in the motor-generator set; three times for 5 min each to replace the air filters in the motor-generator set; and two times for 3 min each during a scheduled power outage. “MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 9. Frozen-Lead Pump Seal The small frozen-lead-sealed pump,3 consisting of a centrifugal pump mounted vertically over a fractional-horsepower motor drive, has operated continuously during this period to accumulate 16,500 hr of continuous op- eration. No seal leakage occurred, and no maintenance was required during this period. The pump circulates molten salt at 1200°F. Remote-Maintenance Development Facility A remote-maintenance facility incorporating a high-temperature (1200°F) mockup of a 20-Mw (thermal) molten-salt-fueled reactor has been constructed (see Fig. 1.1.2). The purpose is to investigate the problems . involved in remotely maintaining a reactor system which cannot be ap- proached for direct maintenance because of radiocactive fission products and induced activity in the reactor components. Tools, techniques, and procedures have been developed for removing and replacing all maJjor com- ponents, including heat exchangers, the primary fuel pump, the reactor core vessel, pipe preheaters, and piping sections. All maintenance oOp- erations are performed by a single operator from a remotely located con- trol center, using closed-circuit television as the only means of viewing (Fig. 1.1.3). Prior to circulating molten salt in the system, techniques and pro- cedures were checked out by repeated performance of the required mainte- nance operations. Numerous modifications were incorporated in the loop, as the need arose, either to improve visibility through the cameras or to facilitate maintenance operations. A specially designed remotely op- erated pneumatic bolt runner and torque tool was developed to loosen and » tighten the bolts on the 3 1/2- and 6-in. freeze flange clamps (see Fig. 1.1.4). After all tools were developed, and when all operations could be performed by the operator, 120 gal of a molten-salt mixture consisting of sodium fluoride, zirconium fluoride, and uranium fluoride was circu- lated through the loop at 1200°F. The run was terminated and the molten 3MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1958, ORNL-2626, p 23. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG-46667-A REMOTE MAINTENANCE DEVELOPMENT FACILITY LEGEND GENERAL MILLS MANIPULATOR OVERHFEAD TRAVELING CRANE -5 TON MOTOR LIFTING SLING TOOL RACK D.C. MOTOR - 30 H.P. CENTRIFUGAL SUMP PUMP RACK FOR HEATER AND THERMOCQUPLE DISCONNECTS ELECTRIC HEATER AND THERMOCQUPLE DISCONNECTS REACTOR VESSEL MOCK-UP . HEATER - INSULATION UNITS FREEZE FLANGE JOINTS FOR 3 ' in. PIPE (Total of 16} . TELEVISION CAMERA WITH AUTO-ZOOM LENS PIPE SUPPORT 14. FREEZE FLANGE JOINTS FOR 6 in. PIPE [ Total of 2) 15. FREEZE FLANGE JOINTS FOR % in PIPE (Total of 2) 16, SUMP TANK LIFTING SLING 17 SUMP TANK 18 AUXILIARY SCREW JACK FOR HEAT EXCHANGER 19. HEAT EXCHANGER MOCK-UP 20 LIFTING SLINGS AND DOLLIES FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS 21. STEREO TELEVISION CAMERAS 22. TRACK FOR TELEVISION CAMERAS 23 FILTER FOR FREEZE FLANGE AIR COOLING SUPPLY 24, BRIDGE FOR MANIPULATOR DOLLY 25 TRACK FOR MANIPULATOR BRIDGE 26, CELL LIGHTS 27 CONTROL ROOM 28 STEREO TELEVISION RECEIVERS 29 PRISMS OF STEREO VIEWER 30 TELEVISION CAMERA AND CAMERA DOLLY CONTROLS 31. MANIPULATOR CONSOLE 32. CONTROL VALVE FOR PNEUMATIC TOOLS 33 OVERHEAD CRANE CONTROLS 34. SOUND AMPLIFIER FOR CELL MICROPHONES Gp=—QPENOORwN -~ Fig. 1.1.2. Remote-Maintenance Development Facility. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 35815 \ Fig. 1.1.3. Closed-Circuit-Television Stereo Viewer. 10 salt returned to the sump tank, as scheduled, after 3 hr of salt circu- lation. Following hot operations, maintenance operatlions were repeated in order to determine the effect of salt contamination on maintenance oper- ations to be performed on the circulating pump for the molten salt, the pump motor, the reactor vessel, the heat exchanger, and the pipe pre- heater. These components were successfully removed, and work is con- tinuing on their replacement. (See Figs. 1.1.5 through 1.1.8.) To remove and replace a component, it must be possible to remotely break and remake pipe connections to leak-tight specifications. The freeze flange developed at the Laboratory is used at 20 locations in this system. Such a joint takes advantage of the ability of the molten salt to form a frozen seal between flange faces (see Fig. 1.1.9). Shooting of the color motion picture, "Remote Maintenance of Molten- Salt Reactors," was completed. Design, Construction, and Operation of Materials Testing Loops Forced=-Circulation Corrosion Loops The operation of long-term forced-circulation corrosion-testing loops was continued. Including this and previous report periods, a total of 25 of these looPS,4 in various configurations and with various fluoride salts, have operated in the MSR corrosion program. O0f this number, five each of INOR-8 and of Inconel have been terminated for examination, after an av- erage of 10,250 hr of operation. Three have been terminated for examina- tion after less than a year of operation. Loops presently operating and those terminated during this period are shown in Table 1.1.3. Eight of the operating loops have exceeded a year, while three more recently operated loops have less than a year of operation at AT conditions. Three INOR-8 loops, 9354-1, MSRP-13, and 9354-4, were terminated during this period. INOR-8 loop 9354-1 was terminated after 14,378 hr when a salt leak occurred in the second heater section. Loop MSRP-13 was “MSR Quar. Prog. Reps. from Jan. 31, 1958, ORNL-2475, through Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890. 12 UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 35816 Fig. 1.1.5. Heat Exchanger After Salt Run. Fig. 1.1.6. Pump After Salt Run. 14 gy 4 Fig. 1.1.7. Reactor Vessel Suspended. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 35378 15 Fig. 1.1.8. Pipe Preheater After Salt Run. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 35817 Fig. 1.1.9. Freeze Flanges on Heat Exchanger After Salt Run, Showing Salt Seal. Table 1.1.3. Molten-Salt Forced-Circulation Corrosion-Loop Operations Summary as of April 30, 1960 > Loop Loop C;fiigzit;gn Hours of Operation Tg;gngilie o ent Designation Material . at Test Conditions PU u omments Fluidx (°F) 9354-3 INOR-8 84 16,586 1200 Resumed operation after pump change 9354-4 INOR-8& 130 15,140 1300 Terminated 5/3/60 for remov- al of final sleeve insert (see ref 5) MSRP-7 INOR-8 133 14,713 1300 Normal operation MSRP-6 INOR-8 134 14,636 1300 Normal operation 9354=1 INOR-8 126 14,378 1300 Terminated 11/27/59 MSRP-10 INOR-8 135 13,879 1300 Normal operation MSRP-11 INOR-8 123 13,607 1300 Normal operation MSRP-12 INOR-8 134 13,075 1300 Normal operation 9377-5 Inconel 134 12,353 1300 Normal operation 9377-6 Inconel 133 9,835 1300 Normal operation MSRP-13 INOR-8 136 8,110 1300 Terminated 3/14/60 MSRP-15 INOR-8 BULT-14 4,493 1400 Contains double-walled in- serts (see ref 6) MSRP-14 INOR-8 BULT-14 4,255 1300 Contains double-walled in- serts MSRP-16 INOR-8 BULT-14 2,081 1500 Began operation 11/4/59; con- tains double-~walled inserts *Composition numbers, components, and mole percentages of components are shown below. Salt No. Composition Mole Per Cent Salt No. Composition Mole Per Cent 84 NaF-LiF-BeF, 27-35-38 134 LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, 62-36.5-1-0.5 123 NaF-BeF,-UF, 53-46=-1 135 NaF-BeF;-Tht,-UF, 53-45.5-1-0.5 126 LiF-BeF,-UF, 53-46-1 136 LiF-BeF,-UF, 70-10-20 130 LiF-BeF,-UF, 62-37-1 BULT-14 LiF-BeF;-Th¥,-UF, 67-18.5-14-.0.5 133 LiF~BeF,~ThF, 71-16-13 terminated after 8110 hr when a pump failure indirectly caused rupture of the cooler coil. ZLoop 9354-4,° which began operation with three double- walled inserts, was terminated on schedule after 15,140 hr of operation. An insert was removed after each 5000 hr of operation for weight-loss determination. The results of the examination of these loops, when com- pleted, will be reported by the Metallurgy section. One new INOR-8 loop, MSRP-16, was placed in operation on Nov. 4, 1959, with salt mixture BULT-14. This loop is equipped with a sampling device for molten salt and incorporates three double-walled inserts in the second heater section.?® The sections will be removed at different operating intervals for weight-loss determination. This loop operates at a high wall temperature of 1500°F and at a 200°F AT. Mechanical Joints A complete report on the development of mechanical joints will be issued soon under the title '"Mechanical-Joint Testing Program for the Molten-Salt Reactor Project." Design and Testing of a Frozen-Salt Metal-to-Graphite Joint During the past quarter, a frozen-salt graphite-to-metal joint was tested in a circulating-salt system. The purpose of this test was to in- dicate the feasibility of a frozen-salt seal between the core and blanket salts of a graphite-moderated molten-salt reactor. The test was conducted with a molten-salt pump and loop coupled to the test piece shown in Fig. 1.1.10. The crucible was machined from a molded block of type S-4 graphite. The frozen-salt seal was formed in the annulus between the outside diameter of the graphite crucible and the inside diameter of an Inconel cylinder which was water-cocoled. The configuration simulates the inlet or outlet header of a molten-salt containment vessel. °MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1958, ORNL-2474, p 32. SMSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 16. 20 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 45667TA SALT INLET —-Q FILL LINE— SALT QUTLET - e | [ l J’I'l 7 AN [ W HEATER 7, | GRAPHITE TUBE (SLIP FIT) /7 :;@ V] THERMOCOQUPLES /] (TYPICAL) COOLING COLS = ) | / | # O% | AN _ ! /e —in. FROZEN SALT g i6 A SEAL ANNULLS ——__( g ’ e INCONEL o " ’ D A ¥ V! GAS IRl / 0 /INSPECTION PORT CONNECTION—" ERE g f # |1 [ ’ D b ¢ A [ e A A g 2| / a4 # i g # W v L v /| |- gs : N 0 N/ M SALT LEAKAGE N CATCH BASIN \\ \\ R \§§1 \\\\i - N \\“‘ GRAPHITE Y] 5 SN A O N HEATER EJ,E r// LAVA SUPPORT INCHES E?;//THERMOCOUPLE Fig. 1.1.10. Frozen-Salt Metal-to-Graphite Joint. The salt flow entered the top of the test piece through the small, center graphite tube and up the crucible past the seal area to the out- let. The Inconel skirt extending past the seal area serves as a thermal barrier. The test joint was operated under two conditions of differential pressure across the seal. The seal differential pressure, which was con- trolled by pump head and helium backup pressure on the outside of the crucible, was held at 0.5 and 18 psi for the two tests. There was no salt leakage past the seal into the catch basin in either test. However, the salt did extrude through the crucible walls during the second test. A complete report of test conditions is in process.’ The test piece was dismounted after the second test, as shown in Fig. 1.1.11. The upper flange, containing the graphite crucible and Inconel joint, was removed from the pot and cut as shown at 1. The frozen-salt seal annulus formed can be seen at 2. The salt frozen in the thermal-barrier annulus formed by the Inconel skirt can be seen at 3. The upper rim and lower portion of the graphite crucible are shown at 4 and 5, respectively. In-Pile Loops The first graphite-fuel capsule irradiation test, designated ORNL~- MIR-47-1, has been completed. This test was for the purpose of studying fuel and fission-product penetration into graphite under conditions sim- ulating those of a graphite-core molten-salt reactor. The capsules have been shipped back to ORNL and now are awaiting disassembly. The only difficulty experienced in this test, which lasted 720 hr, was the loss of the sodium-tank heaters. Operation continued without interruption. The second test, designated ORNL-MIR-47-2, was inserted in the MIR during the March 28 shutdown and is scheduled to be removed June 20. This test has operated satisfactorily for 1000 hr, to date. ’J. L. Crowley and W. B. McDonald, A Metal to Graphite Joint for a Molten Salt System (to be published). w UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 35567A Fig. 1.1.11. Graphite-to-Metal Joint Dismantled, Showing Frozen-Salt Annuli. 1.2 ENGINEERING RESEARCH Physical-Property Measurements Enthalpy and Heat Capacity Analysis of the previously reported datal on the enthalpy of the BULT- 14 mixture (LiF-BeF,-UF,;-ThF,, 67-18.5-0.5-14 mole %) has been completed. The results can be expressed as follows: 1. For the solid (100-400°C), H, — Hio (cal/g) = —5.0 + 0.185t + (7.8 x 1072)t2 where t is the temperature (°C). 2. For the liquid (500-800°C), H, — Hso (cal/g) = —61.5 + 0.493t — (11.71 x 1077)t? 3. The heat of fusion at 450°C is 44.5 cal/g. The heat capacities in the liquid state of the BeF,-containing salt mixtures studied to date are summarized in Table 1.2.1. Thermal Conductivity A longitudinal-heat-flow comparison-type apparatus has been used to measure the thermal conductivity of an INOR-8 specimen at temperatures up to 1000°F. The essential features of the experimental device are illus- trated in Fig. 1.2.1. The test specimen (a 6-in.-long, l-in.-dia rod) is contained between cylindrical heat meters of Armco iron of like diameter. Thermocouples (located at the axial center line in radial wells) are spaced 1 in. apart along the length of the apparatus. Radial guard heating is provided at discrete intervals by a set of heated plates. An electrical heat source at the top of the upper heat meter and a water sink below the lower meter complete the apparatus. The entire assembly is contained with- in an inert-atmosphere box to ensure against surface oxidation at the higher operating temperatures. A typical longitudinal temperature profile is shown in Fig. 1.2.2; the temperature was observed to vary linearly with distance in both the IMSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 21. Table 1.2.1. Liquid-Phase Heat Capacities of BeF,-Contalning Salts Salt Composition (mole %) Empirical Constants* Mixture LiF NaF BeF, UF, ThF, a b x 1077 1 76 12 12 0.325 3 25 60 15 0,315 123 53 46 0.312 21.74 126 53 46 0.530 —3.80 . 130 62 37 0.488 5.04 133 71 16 13 0.473 —23.80 . 134 62 36.5 0.5 1 0.545 —-8.06 136 70 10 20 0.289 —6.42 Bel.T-15 67 18 15 0.418 —14.00 BULT-14 67 18.5 0.5 14 0.493 —23.42 *Constants appear in the equation c_[cal-g *+(°C)™*] = a + bt, for the temperature t expressed in °C. P UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 43475 MAIN HEATER THERMOCOUPLE 3RMCO IRON HEAT METER WELLS TYPICAL GUARD HEATERS SAMPLE ARMCO IRON HEAT METER COPPER HEAT SINK Fig. 1.2.1. Thermal Conductivity Apparatus. 24 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 49795 750 ‘ L] “ | 700 [ - e '\' \. ™~ | 650 - -——] ____X.\___ I U — ‘ \. : \ W 550 : \ ' - — =) 1‘ 5 \ kagg=9.5 Btu/hr-ft-°F 'fi'_" 500 | —4 \ 498 R : | [I1] : \ L 450 | f e \\ S AN p— 400 - = - \ [ | N 330 | b . — = HEAT METE R-mfms— SPECIMEN —=} HE/JT\-\ ®, | ’ | ’ ‘ METER | e 1 300 ! | 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 19 16 18 AXIAL POSITION (in.) Fig. 1.2.2. Typical Longitudinal Temperature Profile Obtained in Study of Thermal Conductivity of an INOR-8 Specimen. heat-meter and specimen regions. Although thin disks of a low-melting solder were located between the INOR-8 bar and the Armco rods to provide a low-thermal-resistance bond at operating temperatures, the small dis- continuities (~ 5°F) at each end of the specimen show that this was not completely effective, It is probable that the tin solder did not wet the INOR-8 surface. This results in an increased radial heat flow, and a sub- sequent loss in experimental precision. Thus, for the case illustrated in Fig. 1.2.2, a 10% difference exists between the heat flows in the upper and lower heat meters., Since the thermal conductivity of the specimen is based on the heat flux indicated by the heat meters, a *5% variation is introduced into the value for the thermal conductivity of the INOR-8 rod. This is shown in Fig. 1.2.3, which summarizes the results of the measure- ments with INOR-8 in the temperature range of 300 to 900°F. The corre- lating line, which has been included to indicate the trend of the data 25 with temperature, can be represented to within +5% by the equation k[Btushr 1-££71:(°F)71] = 7.2 + 0.0045% for t in °F. These results are compared further in Fig. 1.2.4 with data obtained at the Battelle Memorial Institute?® for Hastelloy B and Inconel, using a comparable longitudinal-heat-flow apparatus. Surface Tension The surface tension of an NaF-BeF, (64-36 mole %) mixture has been determined over the temperature range 600-800°C using the maximum-bubble- 3 The results are given in Fig. 1.2.5 and compared pressure technique. with earlier measurements® with mixtures LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %) and LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %). Improvements in the experimental procedure and in the instrumenta- tion have resulted in an increase in both the precision and the accuracy of these determinations. The original pressure-sensing and -recording arrangement (a differential-pressure cell and strip-chart recorder) was subject to calibration shifts of the order of +3%, Replacement of these units by a precision manometer resulted in an increase in reproducibility of several orders of magnitude. At the same time, the greater sensitivity of the pressure measurement allowed correction for two effects leading to premature bubble collapse, namely, the rate of bubble formation and fluc- tuations in the envirommental pressure. The total error in this deter- mination is now estimated to be of the order of +3%, as compared with *8% for the earlier studies. °H. W. Deem, Battelle Memorial Institute, personal communication. 3W. D. Powers, MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. June 30, 1958, ORNL-2551, p 38. “MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Apr. 30, 1959, ORNL-2723, p 39. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED r ORNL-LR-DWG 45796 - ORNL-LR-DWG 49797 s ® i > 15 I l T i : St =T T 4 S = | WNOR-8 | =" ocx 10 _'—i———.- F z S 10 i t ~ o s e e} o — — . g‘g I 25 +— HASTELLOY B e~ ‘ E @ | | o £ 5 ! z o) | | & 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 < 200 300 400 500 6CO 700 - 80O 900 1000 TEMPERATURE {°F) TEMPERATURE (°F) Fig. 1.2.3. Thermal Conductivity of an INOR-8 Fig. 1.2.4. Comparison of Thermal Conductivities Specimen. of INOR-8, Inconel, and Hastelloy B. 26 To correct for the effect of the depth of immersion of the capillary tube on the bubble pressure, measurements were made at a number of levels (up to 8 mm below the salt surface) for each temperature. it 1s possible to make an estimate of the density of the salt. From these data, Preliminary results are compared in Fig. 1.2.6 with the density estimated from the cor- relation by Cohen and Jones;” the agreement 1s reasonable. Heat-Transfer Studies Operation of the system6 for determining heat-transfer coefficients with the salt mixture BULT-14 (LiF-BeF,-UF;-ThF,;, 67-18.5-0.5-14 mole %) flowing in heated Inconel and INOR-8 tubes was continued. Approximately 4500 hr of primarily isothermal (1150°F) flow have been accumulated. A scheduled shutdown took place after 3750 hr for the purpose of replacing the thermocouples and the oxidized copper power leads on both test sec- tions. On resumption of circulation, the turbine-type flowmeter was Ffound to be Inoperable; and for the succeeding 700-hr period, flow rates were determined by using the flow-rpm characteristic’ of the pump. meter signal was spontaneocusly recovered at 4450 hr. The flow- Subsequent compari- son of the flow rates as indicated by the turbine meter and the punp char- acteristic shows a 3% discrepancy, with the flowmeter giving the higher °S. I. Cohen and T. N. Jones, A Summary of Density Measurements on Molten Fluoride Mixtures and a Correlation for Predicting Densities of Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL-1702 (July 1954). ®MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1958, ORNL-2626, p 46; MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2799, p 39. “MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Apr. 30, 1959, ORNL-2723, p 41. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 49798 250 200 pe—cci . — — o — {62-37-1 mole %) “'fi% — LiF-BeF,~Thk,~UF, - {62-36.5-1-0.5mole %} 100 ' i 500 550 600 850 700 750 800 850 TEMPERATURE (°C) o ) @, SURFACE TENSION (dynes/cm) C 7 @ @ o7 1 c . & [ ] ; L [ J Fig. 1.2.5. (64-36 mole %). Surface Tension of Nch-BeF2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 49799 2.2 T od/ i - EXPERIMENTAL \T\ \ b --..__‘. \ . ESTIMATED —~ FROM CORRELATION \ —OF COHEN AND JONES p. DENSITY (g fem) M (&} ¥ ] 1.8 600 650 700 750 800 850 TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 1.2.6. Density of NaF-BeF, (64-36 mole %). 27 result. Since the pump curve was obtained initially by calibration with reference to the flowmeter (the performance characteristic for the turbine meter having been established independently), a 3% inconsistency exists in the flow rates for all At runs in the MB series. The designations MA and MB have been used to differentiate between the data taken before and after the shutdown, respectively. This flow uncertainty affects directly both the calculated Reynolds modulus and the heat-transfer coefficient. 0.4) Pr are shown in Fig. 1.2.7 for the INOR-8 section and in Fig. 1.2.8 for the The experimental results (as the heat-transfer parameter, NNu/N Inconel section. All the data® have been re-evaluated, using the recently determined values for the heat capacity of the BULT-14 mixture. (See the previous section, "Physical-Property Measurements.") This resulted in an increase in the magnitude of the heat-transfer parameter of about 10%. At the same time, the heat balances (the ratio of the heat gained by the salt in passing through the test section to the electrical energy input) were adversely affected to the extent that all values are now greater than unity (ranging as high as 1.6). A detailed re-examination of the experi- mental instrumentation and a redetermination of the enthalpy of the salt are planned in an effort to obtain an explanation for this situation. The data given in Figs. 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 show a general scatter of the order of *10%. However, the variability of the Inconel-tube data within BMSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 23. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED -LR- ORNL-LR-DWG 49800 » 100 I L [ L_+ } ORNL-LR-DWG 49801 100 — —_— - S @ i S —— T _1 TT ‘,,},i_nl Jn 3 80 [ O A A B . ! ! Ny /N 5 80+ — — ’ 04 : . a ,Nu/ Pr ) D R T - R b ;fl B I ‘ 1 T @ x e ,J - Lol l | L LiF-NoF-KF-(46.5-11.5-42mole %), ; ’ L i ‘ 1 | 0 NoOH, AND NoNOz—-NaNOx—KNOx! % I i , L IR E N A B S O z 40— 3~ KNO3, = %0 — 4} | | }% < (40-7-53 wt %) Pz o i fifl 4 ‘ . [ i FI_ - - ( - A + +- T -+ '|_ — E— - ;‘,-‘ P = ‘ 7 \&La———- LiF - NoF ~ KF (46.5-115-42 < \ \ | ‘ ARE W e mole %), NoOH AND NaNO,,~ T NoF-2rF,~UF, (50-46-4mole %) .5 | | - O // A NoNOz~ KNOz (40-7-53 wi %) <" 20[AND LiF-Befy-URy T T 77 O S, A F —-— NoF-Zrf;-UF, {50-46-4 Sk (62-37-1male %) g S0 mole %} AND LiF - BeF,-UF, z ! 3 / ‘ : (62-37-1 male %) : SN R NN 2 = L] | I B S | 3 4 5 : ' 3X140 5 10 2 5 10 103 > 5 Ny, REYNOLDS MODULUS Re Nge» REYNOLDS MODULUS Fig. 1.2.7. Heat Transfer with BULT-14 (LiF- Fig. 1.2.8. Heat Transfer with BULT-14 (LiF- Ber-UF4-ThF4, 67-18.5-0.5-14 mole %) Flowing Ber-UF4-ThF4, 67-18.5-0.5-14 mole %) Flowing in a Heated INOR-8 Tube. in a Heated Inconel Tube. 28 this scatter band is greater than that observed for the INOR-8 tube. The cause of this increased deviation is not yet understood. Since the salt was drained from the loop during the thermocouple and electrical repair operation, the data have been differentiated as to this aspect (series MA and MB). There does not appear to have been a significant effect, although (for the limited data available) a number of unexpectedly low values of the heat-transfer parameter were calculated, No systematic temporal vari- ation of the heat-transfer coefficient has been observed. For comparison, the heat-transfer characteristics for a number of 9=12 previously studied salts are also given in Figs. 1.2.7 and 1.2.8. The data for both the Inconel and INOR-8 tubes are seen to lie about 25% be- low the general heat-transfer correlationt? 0.4 0.8 Ny, /Np,. = 0.023 N; for normal fluids in turbulent flow within circular tubes under moderate At conditions, as well as below the experimental results for other molten salts. This discrepancy, 1f attributed entirely to the lack of experi- mental data on the thermal conductivity of the BULT-14 salt, would require a decrease in the thermal conductivity by almost a factor of 2 [from the estimated value of 1.3 Bturhr *+ft 1+(°F)71]. The previously observed® difference between the INOR-8 and Inconel data was found to arise from an error in the value of the tube surface area used In the analysis. After correction, the originally low results for the INOR-8 tube agreed closely with the Inconel-tube data. H. W. Hoffman, Turbulent Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes Containing Molten Sodium Hydroxide, ORNL-1370 (Oct. 3, 1952). 10y, W. Hoffman, Molten Salt Heat Transfer, ORNL CF-58-2-40 (Feb. 18, 1958). 11y, W. Hoffman and S. I. Cohen, Fused Salt Heat Transfer — Part III: Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes Containing the Salt Mix- ture NaNO,-NaNO5;-KNO;, ORNL-2433 (Mar. 1, 1960). 123, C. Amos, R. E. MacPherson, and R. L. Senn, Preliminary Report on Fused Salt Mixture No. 130 Heat Transfer Coefficient Test, ORNL CF-58-4-23 (Apr. 2, 1958). 13y, H. McAdams, Heat Transmission, 34 ed., p 219, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954, PART 2 MATERIALS STUDIES 2.1 METALLURGY Dynamic Corrosion Studies Thermal-Convection Loops Test results for 16 thermal-convection loops (nine of INOR-8 and seven of Inconel) which were operated with fluoride mixtures are summarized in Tables 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, These tests mark the completion of all phases of 1 dealing with thermal-convection ex- the molten-fluoride corrosion program periments. As may be seen in Table 2.1.1, the attack in five of the INOR-8 ex- periments, all of which operated for one year, was limited to surface roughening and pitting to a maximum depth of 1/2 mil. Figure 2.1.1 is representative of the attack found in these loops. One loop, 1224, which circulated salt 123 (NeF-IiF-BeF,, 53-46-1 mole %) for 8760 hr at a maximum temperature of 1350°F, showed slightly greater attack, in the form of sur- face pitting to a maximum depth of 1 mil. Three loops, 1216, 1226, and 1244, exhibited attack in the form of shallow subsurface voids. The max- imum depth of attack in loop 1216 was 1-1/2 mils, whereas in 1226 and 1244 the maximum depth of attack was limited to 1/2 mil. No attack, except for light roughening of the surfaces, was found in the cold legs of the loops. Also, examination of the cold regions revealed no deposits or other evi- dence of mass transfer. An extremely thin corrosion film was found on the surfaces of several of these loops. As previoucsly discussed,2 filming has occurred in a ma- Jority of the thermal-convection tests which have operated for more than 3000 hr. Attempts are being made to identify the film, and a discussion of the results obtalned i1s included in the subsequent section, "Analysis of Corrosion Film.," Intergranular and general subsurface voids formed in the hot-leg regions of all seven Inconel loops (Table 2.1.2). The attack ranged from depths of 4 to 7 mils in loops which operated at 1250°F, and from 7-1/2 to 1J. H. DeVan, J. R. DiStefano, and R. S. Crouse, MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1957, ORNL-2431, p 23. °MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2799, p 50. Table 2.1.1. Results of Metallographic Examination of INOR-8 Thermal-Convection Loops (98} FeN Maximum . . . Loop Pziizd Fluid-Metal Salt Metallographic Examination No. (hr) Interface No.* Hot-Leg Appearance Cold-Leg Temperature (°F) & APP Appearance 1224 8760 1350 123 Moderate surface roughening and No attack pitting to 1 mil 1226 8760 1250 131 Moderate surface roughening, irregular Light surface corrosion film varying from 1/2 mil roughening, with to 1 mil thick; there are scattered 1/2-mil corro- voids within this zone sion film 1231 8760 1250 134 Light surface roughening and pitting No attack to < 1/2 mil, corrosion film to < 1/2 mi1 1238 8760 1350 134 Light surface roughening No attack, very shallow corro- sion film present 1244 g760 1250 135 Light surface roughening, moderate No attack voids and pits to < 1 mil 1246 8760 1350 135 Light surface roughening No attack 1233 g760 1250 133 No attack; very shallow corrosion film No attack present 1240 g760 1350 133 Light surface roughening No attack 1216 8760 1350 127 Moderate surface roughening and pitting No attack to < 1/2 mil, light scattered inter- granular voids to < 2 mils ¥Compositions: 123 NaF-BeF,-UF, (53-46-1 mole %) 133 LiF-BeF,-ThF, (71-16-13 mole %) 127 LiF-BeF,-Thr,; (58-35-7 mole %) 134 LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %) 131 LiF-BeF,-UF, (60-36-4 mole %) 135 WNaF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (53-45.5-1-0.5 mole %) Table 2.1.2. Results of Metallographic Examination of Inconel Thermal-Convection Loops Test Maximum Metallographic Examination Loop Period Fluid-Metal Salt No. ‘(3;;) Interface No.* Hob-les Avboarance Cold-Leg Temperature (°F) & SPP Appearance 1225 g760 1250 123 Moderate surface roughening and pitting to Light surface 1 mil; moderate intergranular voids to roughening maximum depth of 7 mils 1236 g760 1250 134 Light surface roughening and pitting to Light surface 1 mil; moderate intergranular voids to roughening and maximum depth of 5 mils pitting to 1 mil 1237 g760 1350 134 Light surface roughening and pitting to Light surface 1 mil; heavy intergranular voids to roughening maximum depth of 12 mils 1245 8760 1250 135 Moderate surface roughening and pitting to Light surface 1 mil; moderate intergranular voids to pits maximum depth of 6 mils 1247 8760 1350 135 Moderate surface roughening; heavy general Light surface voids to maximum depth of 15 mils roughening and pitting to 1/2 mil 1235 7789 1250 133 Light surface roughening and pitting to A few pits to 1l mil; a few intergranular voids to 1 mil maximum depth of 4 mils 1239 8760 1350 133 Moderate surface roughening; moderate Moderate sur- intergranular voids to maximum depth face roughen- of 7-1/2 mils ing and pit- : ting to 1 mil @ *Compositions: 123 NaF-BeF,-UF, (53-46-1 mole %) 134 LiF-BeF,-ThF,;-UF, (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %) 133 LiF-BeF,-ThF,; (71-16-13 mole %) 135 NaF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (53-45.5-1-0.5 mole %) UNCL ASSIFIED, J.18981 Fig. 2.1.1. Specimen Taken from Hot Leg of INOR-8 Thermal-Convection Loop 1231 at Point of Maximum Loop Temperature (1250°F). Loop was operated for one year with salt mixture LiF-BeF ,-ThF ,-UF , (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %). Etchant: 3 parts HCI, 2 parts H,0, 1 part 10% chromic acid. 15 mils in loops which operated at 1350°F. In the cold-leg regions, sur- face roughening and pitting occurred to a maximum depth of 1 mil. No evi- dence of mass-transfer deposits was found in the cold-leg regions. Inconel Forced-Convection Loops The status of Inconel forced-convection loops presently in operation - is discussed in Sec 1.1 of this report. A report discussing the results for four Inconel loops (9377-1, -2, -3, and -4) was recently issued.® The - results are summarized in Table 2.1.3. In general, the attack in all four loops followed the characteristic pattern for Inconel loops in contact with fluoride mixtures at higher tem- peratures; namely, the attack showed a strong dependence on the inside wall 3R. C. Schulze and J. H. DeVan, Examination of Inconel Forced Con- vection Loops 9377-1, 9377-2, 9377-3 and 9377-4, ORNL CF-60-4-54 (Apr. 6, 1960) . 36 Table 2.1.3. Results of Metallographic Examination of Inconel Forced-Convection Loops Test Maxcimum Flow Loop Period Salt Fluid-Metal ew Reynolds Rate Metallographic Examination No. (hr) No.* Interface (°F) Number ( epm) Temperature (°F) Ep 9377-1 3390 126 1300 200 1600 2.0 Intergranular voids to 7 mils -2 3046 130 1300 200 3000 2 Intergranular voids to 8 mils -3 8746 131 1300 200 3400 2.0 Intergranular and general sub- surface voids to 14 mils -4 9574 130 1300 200 2600 1.75 Intergranular and general sub- surface voids to 15 mils *Compositions: 126 LiF-BeF,-UF,; (53-46-1 mole %) 130 LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %) 131 LiF-BeF,-UF, (60-36-4 mole %) tem.perature.4 The attack in all the loops was limited to regions where the loop wall temperature exceeded 1200°F, and the depths of attack at these positions were quite consistent when viewed at similar time periods. As can be seen in Table 2.1.3, the rates of attack found at the 3000-hr time interval and the 2000-hr time interval were consistent within 1 mil, INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loops As discussed in Sec 1.1, eleven INOR-8 forced-convection loops have completed operation for one year or longer with fused fluoride mixtures. Operation of six of these loops has been terminated, and four of the six loops have been examined (Table 2.1.4). Loop 9354-5, which contained spec- imens of graphite in the hot-leg section, was discussed previously.® As noted at that time, examination of this loop revealed no manifestations of corrosive attack beyond the start of a thin surface film. Similar results (Table 2.1.4) were obtained from the recent examina- tions of loops MSRP-8 and -9, which circulated fluoride mixtures for 9633 and 9687 hr, respectively. Both loops appeared unattacked, except for the development of the thin surface layer. The extent of this layer can be seen in Figs. 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, which show the metallographic appearance of the hot-leg sections from the latter loops. (Results of chemical analyses of some of these layers are discussed in the next section.) Considerably greater attack was noted, however, in loop 9354-1, which was terminated after 14,563 hr because of a leak which developed in the second heater leg. This loop encountered operational difficulties at two earlier periods, each of which necessitated suspension of operation and the replacement of loop com.ponents.6 As noted in Table 2.1.4, metallographic examinations of specimens removed from the hot-leg regions revealed general - surface roughening and pitting to a maximum depth of 1—1/2 mils (Fig. 2.1.4)., Attack elsewhere in the loop appeared negligible. In contrast, two specimens removed from the hot legs after 3000 hr (at the time of the first of the component failures) revealed no attack. “W. D. Manly et al., "Metallurgical Problems in Molten Fluoride Sys- tems," Second U.N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958, paper A/Conf 15/P/1990, p 12 (June 1958). °MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2799, p 55. 6MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1958, ORNL-2626, p 56. 38 Table 2.1.4. Results of Metallographic Examination of INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loops Test Maxclmun | Flow Loop Period Salt Fluid-Metal ANT Reynolds Rate Metallographic Examination No. (1r) No . % Interface (°F) Number (eom) (Maximum Attack) Temperature (°F) ep 9354-5 8,950 130 1300 200 3000 2.5 No attack¥* MSRP-8 9,633 124 1300 200 4000 2 No attack¥* MSRP-9 9,687 134 1300 200 2300 1.8 No attack¥** 9354-1 14,563 126 1300 200 2000 2.5 Heavy surface roughening and pit- ting to 1-1/2 mils (nickel de- posits were found in the cooler coil) *Compositions: 124 NaF-BeF,-ThF, (58-35-7 mole %) 126 LiF-BeF,-UF, (53-46-1 mole %) 130 LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %) 134 LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %) **¥Corrosion film found on interior surfaces of the tubing. UNCLASSIFIED T.19073 _ Fig. 2.1.2. Appearance of Specimen Removed from Point of Maximum Salt-Metal Interface Temperature (1300°F) of INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loop MSRP-8. Loop was operated for 9633 hr with salt mixture NaF- BeF ,-ThF, (56-35-7 mole %). Etchant: 3 parts HCI, 2 parts H,0, 1 part 10% chromic acid. UNCL ASSIFIED T.19080 Fig. 2.1.3. Specimen Removed from Point of Maximum Salt-Metal Interface Temperature (1300°F) from INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loop MSRP-9. Loop was operated for 9687 hr with salt mixture LiF-BeF ,-ThF ,-UF , (62-36.5-1-0.5 mole %). Etchant: 3 parts HCI, 2 parts H,0, 1 part 10% chromic acid. 40 UNCL ASSIFIED T.18724 H Fig. 2.1.4. Specimen Removed from INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loop 9354-1 at Point of Maximum Salt-Metal Interface Temperature (1300°F) Showing Maximum Attack Found. Loop operated for 14,563 hr with salt mixture LiF- BeF ,-UF , (53-46-1 mole %). Etchant: 3 parts HCI, 2 parts H,0, 1 part 10% chromic acid. Examinations of the cold-leg regions at the end of this test revealed magnetic metal crystals loosely adherent to the cold-leg wall. This de- posit was obtained for chemical analyses by sectioning the length of tubing over which it appeared into approximately 6-in. segments and then scraping out the deposited material. The lengths of tubing and the quantities and compositions of material removed are listed in Table 2.1.5. The deposit was composed predominantly of nickel and contained only minor amounts of iron and chromium, with the greatest concentration of chromium being found where the material was first precipitated from the salt. Molybdenum, which comprised 17 wt % of the base metal, was present in only insignificant con- centrations. Altogether the weight of the deposit totaled 22 g. The abnormally high rate of attack and mass transport of nickel in this loop necessarily implies that an extremely effective oxidant was made available to the salt circulating in the loop. An indication of the nature of this oxidant was afforded by after-test salt analyses, which indicated 41 Table 2.1.5. Chemical Analysis of Deposit* Length of Weight of Weight % Mo Specimen Tubing Deposit ( ) (in.) (g) Ni Cr Fe ppm 1 11-1/8 1.9000 gd.2 7.33 0.23 7035 2 42-1/8 4 4994 94.3 1.22 1.34 6380 3 18 b 4134 92.5 1.26 1.37 6215 A 32-7/8 4.0994 92.5 1.95 1.39 7850 5 R4-5/8 7.1898 9.3 0.68 0.8l 5690 : ¥Deposit contained small amounts of salt residue. that a relatively large percentage of UF, had been converted to U0, during the test. The production of U0, most probably was affected by H,O con- tamination which entered the loop during one or more of the tubing fail- ures. Reaction of this contaminant with UF, would also produce HF, which is potentially capable of oxidizing nickel as well as other constituents of INOR-8. Analysis of Corrosion Film. — Chemical and metallurgical studies were undertaken to investigate the nature and causes of the thin corrosion films observed in long-term INCR-& corrosion loops, as discussed above. The film appears as a continuous second phase which extends below the exposed sur- faces to a thickness of 1/2 mil or less. No transition or diffusion zone has been evident between the film and the base metal (Figs. 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2,1.3), In thermal-convection loops the film has been observed both in hot- and cold-leg specimens; in forced-convection loops it has been found only along the tubing between the pump exit and the end of the second heater leg. Comparative hardnesses of the film and parent metal of one of the specimens were recently determined by using a Bergman microhardness tester with a 1-g load. The portion of the film examined was approximately 1/3 mil thick and was removed from the point of maximum salt-metal interface temperature of INOR-8 forced-convection loop 9354-5.7 On the basis of the 'MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2799, p 55. 42 1-g load, the film was found to have a DPH (diamond pyramid hardness) of 518, and the DPH for the parent metal was 269. A check of the base metal using the Tukon hardness tester with a 200-g load indicated a DPH of 218. Although the numbers based on the Bergman tester appear to be slightly high, the values obtained demonstrate that the film is approximately twice as hard as the parent metal, as shown in Fig. 2.1.5. Since none of the films have been more than 1/2 mil thick, it has been extremely difficult to determine their chemical composition. However, qualitative analyses of these films were recently carried out with the aid of C. E. Zachary of the Metallographic Group. These analyses were made on material "scrubbed" from the inside surfaces of the tubes with a corundum slurry, the specimens being weighed before and after to determine the amount of material removed. The resulting mixture of slurry and metal, along with an unused sample of the slurry as a blank, was then submitted for spectro- graphic analysis. i Analyses obtained for several different specimens of this surface film are listed in Table 2.1.6. The films were composed primarily of nickel and UNCLASSIFIED T.18104 INCH Fig. 2.1.5. Hordness Measurements Made on Specimen Removed from Point of Maximum Salt-Metal Interface Temperature (1300°F) of INOR-8 Forced-Convection Loop 9354-5. 43 Table 2.1.6. Spectrographic Analyses of Surface Films Loop from Approximate . . Which . Temperature Salt Spectrographic Analysis (wt ) i Location . . Specimen of Specimen Circulated Ni Cr Fe Mo Was Removed (°F) 1226 Cold leg 1078 131 62 4.3 29 4.7 9354-5 End of first 1269 130 80 1.5 14.5 A heater leg 9354-5 End of second 1296 130 70.6% 29, 4% heater leg MSRP-"/ Fnd of second 1300 133 67.9% 32.1% heater leg *These analyses assume Ni + Mo = 100%. contained smaller amounts of chromium, iron, and molybdenum. At present, there is no apparent correlation of the film composition with any of the test loop variables (temperature, time, salt, etc.). Interestingly, how- ever, analyses of the specimen removed from the end of the second heater leg of forced-convection loop 9354-5 showed it to have a composition ap- proximately the same as the B-phase (Ni,Mo) of the Ni-Mo system. Graphite Brazing Studies The development of techniques for brazing graphite to itself and to metals is of continuing interest for molten-salt power reactor systems with a high-breeding-ratio potential., A study of these procedures has been under way during the past year, and the progress has been reported in the last few progress reports.‘g'9 Recent findings are summarized in this re- port. The promising brazing characteristics of the 4&% Ti—-48% Zr—4% Be brazing alloy were discussed in the last report.? In order to demonstrate the general feasibility of brazing assemblies of graphite tubes to metal headers, a demonstration assembly was fabricated with this allgy. An ex- ploded view of the assembly is shown in Fig. 2.1.6. The first step was to braze the CT-158 fine-grained extruded graphite tubing to a molybdenum ring using the Ti-Zr-Be alloy. The molybdenum ring was used as a transition layer between the graphite and the INOR-8 base plate. Because of its low coefficient of thermal expansion and its ability to absorb shearing stresses, the molybdenum acts as a buffer and tends to minimize the possibility of shearing in the graphite by stresses which re- sult from the large difference in thermal expansion between graphite and INOR-8. The final assembly was made by brazing the molybdenum in the graphite- molybdenum subassemblies to the INOR-8 plate with a commercially available alloy, Coast Metals No. 53 (Ni-Cr-B-Si-Fe). The completed assembly is shown in Fig. 2.1.7. 8MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. July 31, 1959, ORNL-2799, p 71-72. MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 33-35, UNCLASSIFIED FINAL Y-32366 ASSEMBLY SUBASSEMBLY GRAPHITE MOLYBDENUM RiNG BRAZING ALLOY i Fig. 2.1.6. Sequence for Assembly of Graphite Tube to INOR-8 Plate. UNCLASSIFIED Y-33370 ONE INCH Fig. 2.1.7. Completed Assembly of Graphite Tube to INOR-8 Plate. 46 The utilization of the Ti-Zr-Be alloy for molten-salt reactor appli- cations has been shown to be severely limited by virtue of its pcor cor- rosion resistance to fluoride salts.? A brazing-alloy development progran was subsequently initiated for the express purpose of obtaining brazing alloys which wet and flow on graphite at reasconable brazing temperatures (< 1300°C) and which are corrosion resistant to the fused salts. The cor- rosion-resistant 82% Au—18% Ni alloyt© was selected as a potential starting material, and it may find use in certain selected applications. Corro- sion-resistant carbide-forming elements such as tantalum or molybdenum were added to promote wetting. Promising ternary compositions were selected through an analysis of the available binary phase diagrams of the Au-Ni-Ta and Au-Ni-Mo systems. To date, 10-g buttons of approximately forty Au-Ni-Ta and thirty Au-Ni-Mo alloys have been arc-cast and evaluated. Figures 2.1.8 and 2.1.9, respec- tively, indicate the compositions of these alloys. The flow behavior, in vacuum, of small fragments of alloys in the Au-~Ni-Mo system on graphite at 1300°C is shown in Fig. 2.1.10. Flowability studies have been conducted with these alloys on both graphite-to-graphite joints and graphite-to-molybdenum joints. The alloy compositions in the two systems which flow well on graphite-to-graphite joints are enclosed by dashed lines in Figs. 2.1.8 and 2.1.9. However, alloys containing lower percentages of carbide-forming elements flow ad- equately on graphite-to~-molybdenum Jjoints and are more ductile than those required for graphite-to-graphite Jjoints. The 35% Au—35% Ni—30% Mo alloy has been investigated in view of its application for Joints of both types. Figure 2.1.11 shows joints contain- ing low-permeability graphite tubes butt-brazed to a l/4—in.—thick molyb- denum plate and to an AGOT graphite plate. The alloy was preplaced around the outside diameter of the graphite tubes before induction brazing. Full penetration of the braze through the Jjoints and subsequent filleting on the inside diameters can be seen, A photomicrograph of a graphite-to-mo- lybdenum joint brazed with this alloy is shown in Fig. 2.1.12. 1%, E. Hoffman et al., An Evaluation of the Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance of High-Temperature Brazing Alloys, ORNL-1934 (October 1956). 47 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 48802 T03Ni2? COMPOSITIONS IN wt 7 EUTECTIC ~1400°C ToNig EUTECTIC ~1360°C | MINIMUM ~950°C Fig. 2.1.8. Compositions of Experimental Au-Ni-Ta Alloys Prepared for Graphite Brazing Studies. Preliminary thermal-cycling and leak-test studies, coupled with me- tallographic examinations, indicate that those alloys which flow best on graphite are brittle and tend to crack, as shown in Fig. 2.1.13. The brittleness of these alloys is also evidenced by their relative ease of crushing as arc-melted buttons. It should be possible, however, to obtain adequate flow on graphite-to-molybdenum joints with alloys of improved ductility by reducing the molybdenum or tantalum contents. This possi- bility is being investigated. 48 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 49803 COMPOSITIONS IN wt % MoNi EUTECTIC ~A4345°C Au Ni MINIMUM ~350°C Fig. 2.1.9. Compositions of Experimental Au-Ni-Mo Alloys Prepared for Graphite Brazing Studies. The porous graphites, such as type AGOT, have greater joint strengths, as evidenced by the mechanical testing of T-joint specimens. Specimens of AGOT graphite fail deep in the parent material, while low-permeability graphite specimens faill at the graphite—braze-metal interface. The deep penetration of brazing alloy into the pores of the AGOT graphite is shown in Fig. 2.1.14; no evidence of this condition has been observed in the low- permeability material. The small-sized pores in this type of graphite re- duce the possibility of a mechanical "keying" action and reduce the braze- graphite contact area. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR—DWG 48425 Mo COMPOSITION IN wt% EUTECTIC ~1315°C e AN AVAYA - TavAVAS AVaYAy, . VAVAVAN WV - < \VAVAVAVAV Ay T MINIMUM ~950°C Fig. 2.1.10. Flow Behavior of Au-Ni-Mo Alloys on Graphite at 1300°C. Remedies for this problem seem to lie in improved joint designs a.nd/or the development of new brazing alloys with stronger bonding characteristics and lower coefficients of thermal expansion. Studies along these lines are being made. 50 UNCLASSIFIED Y-34872 010in/DIV (a) (b) Fig. 2.1.11. (a) Type RLM-24 Graphite Tubing Induction-Brazed to Molybdenum with 35% Au-35% Ni—30% Mo. (b) Type RLM-24 Graphite Tubing Induction-Brazed fo Type AGOT Graphite with 35% Au—35% Ni~30% Mo. UNCL ASSIFIED Y-34987 0.02 Fig. 2.1.12. Photomicrograph of Type RLM-24 Graphite Tubing Induction-Brazed to Molybdenum with 35% Au-35% Ni-30% Mo. 51 UNCL ASSIFIED Y-34988 Fig. 2.1.13. Photomicrograph of Type RLM-24 Graphite Tubing Induction-Brazed to Molybdenum with 35% Au—35% Ni-30% Mo and Thermally Cycled 16 Times from 700°C to Room Temperature. UNCLASSIFIED Y-34989 0.10in./DIV L | | | I | Fig. 2.1.14. Photomacrograph of Type AGOT Graphite-to-Graphite T- Joint. 52 General Corrosion Studies Permeation of Graphite by Molten Salts The use of unclad graphite as a moderator in a molten-salt reactor requires that not more than a small percentage of the graphite pore space be filled with salt. To ensure this condition, a test program*! has been in progress to study the permeation of various potential grades of graphite by molten salt (BULT 14—.5U) at 1300°F and for various times and pressures. Thirty-one grades of graphite have been tested under the conditions described above. All grades were manufactured as low-permeability grades except seven: CCN, CEY-B, R-0013, GT-123, SM-1l, TSF, and AGOT. Results of the screening tests are summarized in Table 2.1.7. There are now four grades, B-1, $S-4-1LB, GT-123-82, and CS-112-S, that meet the permeation specification, under the screening-test conditions, that less than 0.5% of the bulk volume of graphite be filled with salts. These results are from specimens taken from single pieces of graphite that were relatively small. In an attempt to determine the effect of pressure on permeation, 20 grades of graphite that were available at the time this test was assembled were screened at a lower pressure. Three or more specimens of each of the 20 grades were exposed simultaneously for 100 hr to LiF-BeF,-Th¥,-UF, (67- 18.5-14-0.5 mole %, BULT 14—.5U) at 1300°F (704°C) and 95 psig, a potential reactor fluoride-salt pressure. The results of this test are compared in Table 2.1.8 with those obtained from previcus tests in which the pressure was 150 psig. This test suggests that if the reactor pressure were 95 psig, four additional grades, CT-150, CEY-1350, CT-158, and CEY-G, might be brought within the MSRP specification. The grades of graphite that showed the greatest reductions in quantity of salt permeation as a result of the lower pressure have the highest per- centage of small pores comprising their total accessible voids. These graphites also are those that were fabricated as relatively small shapes. Under the assumption that other reactor conditions will not signifi- cantly modify permeation, it appears that for some grades of graphite, lly, H. Cook and D. H. Jansen, A Preliminary Summary of Studies of INOR-8, Inconel, Graphite and Fluoride Systems for the MSRP for the Period May 1, 1958 to Dec. 31, 1958, ORNL CF-59-1-4, p 1—20. Table 2.1.7. Permeation of Various Grades of Graphite by LiF-BeF,- ThF,-UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %, BULT 14-.5U) at 150 psig Test conditions: Temperature: 1300°F (704°C) Exposure period: 100 hr All densities and percentages are averages of three with the exception of those with numerical superscripts, which denote the number of values av- eraged Specimen Dimensions, Graphite Bulk Volume Nominal (in.) Graphite Apparent of Graphite Shape Grade D?2722§ Per?;?ted D;imgger D Length(s) . B-1 1.91 0.0, Rod 0.90% 0.50 ) S-4-LB 1.90l4) g.p(4) Block 0.50 0.75 or-123-82° 1.91(®) 0.36) Rod 0.50% 1.50 cs-112-8 1.89¢%) 0.5¢%) Rod 0.90% | 0.50 RH-1 1.89t6) 0.6 Rod 0.90% 0.50 CEY-1350 1.90 0.7 Pipe 1.24% 0.86% 0.25 CEY-G 1.88 0.9 Pipe 1.25% 0.86° 0.50 S-4-1A 1.89(4) 1.0(4) Block 0.50 0.75 CEY 1.91(6) 1,008 Pipe 1.24° 0.85% 0.50, 0.25 CT-150 1.80 1.8 Pipe 0.53% 0.26% 1.50 R-0009° 1.9240) 1.9¢6) Block 0.50 1.50 ) cEY-82° 1.87 1.9 Pipe 1.25% 0.86% 0.50 - R-4C 1.02013) 2013 ok 0.50 1.50 R-0009 RG® 1.900%) 2.6(6) Block 0.50 1.50 cr-158° 1.76(%) 3.6(4) Pipe 0.40% 0.19% 1.50 186" 1.868) 3.g(6) Bar 0.50 1.50 cen® 1.92 b2 Block 0.50 1.50 CEY-B° 1.79 4.3 Pipe 1.25% 0.86> 0.50 54 Table 2.1.7 (continued) Specimen Dimensions, Graphite Bulk Volume Nominal (in.) Graphite Apparent of Graphite . Shape . Grade D?2722§ Per?;?ted D;imgBer T Length(s) 5-4° 1.85 4.8 Block 0.50 1.50 R-0025° 18703 5 (24) Block 0.50 1.50, 0.50 rim-24S 1.83(8) 5.7(13) Pipe 0.50 1.50, 0.50 ATJ-82 RG® 1.83 6.4 Block 0.50 1.50 r-0013° 1.87(8) 6.64%) Block 0.50 1.50 wiim-g2 181034 g p(24) Block 0.50 1.50, 0.50 Cs-82 RGb 1.80 8.1 Block 0.50 1.50 GT-123 1.79 8.9 Rod 0.50 1.50 ATT-82 1.80 10.8 Block 0.50 1.50 MHALM 1.76 11.4 Block 0.50 1.50 SM-1 1.72 13.9 Block 0.50 1.50 acor® 1.6817) 13,6(27) Bar 0.50 1.50, 0.50 TsFP 1.67 V4.4 Bar 0.50 1.50 a'I'hese are the original dimensions of the graphite as manufactured. bThese were previously reported in MSR Quar. Prog. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 44. cSpecimens for R-0025 were taken from a piece 39 in., in diameter and 11 in. long. dSpecimens for RIM-24 were taken from the walls of a 5-in.-OD, 3-5/8- in,-ID, 26-in.- long pipe. Table 2.1.8, Permeation of Various Grades of Graphite by LiF-BeF,- ThF,-UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %, BULT 14—.5U) at 95 and 150 psig Test conditiocons: Temperature: 1300°F (704°C) ‘ Exposure period: 100 hr | Bulk Volume of Graphite Graphite Grade Permeated (%)a P95:Pl5OC At 95 psig At 150 psigb CT-158 0.04 3.6 O.Ol . CT-150 0.3 1.8 0.2 CEY-13250 0.2 0.7 0.3 CEY-G 0.3 0.9 0.3 CEY-82 1.0 1.9 0.5 CsS-82 RG 5.3 g.1 0.6 CEY-B 3.0 4.3 0.7 GT-123 6.6 g.9 0.7 GT-123-82 O.25 0.3 0.8 MH4IM 8.9 11.4 0.8 R-0013 5.4 6.6 0.8 SM-1 12.2 13.9 0.9 S-4 A 4.8 0.9 ATI-82 10.6 10.8 1.0 ATJ-82 RG 6.3 v 1.0 R-0009 RG 2.6 .5 1.0 - R-4 2.3 2 1.0 186 1 3.8 1.1 ) AGOT 16.1 14.6 1.1 R-0009 2.2 1.8 1.2 a'Each value 1s an average of three or more values. b These data have been reported previously; they are included here for comparison purposes. CThe ratio of the per cent of the bulk volume of the graphite per- meated by BULT 14—.5U at 95 psig to that at 150 psig. 56 salt permeation can be decreased appreciably by proper pressure reductions. However, a specific grade or grades of graphite chosen for a reactor should be thoroughly investigated, since the low-permeability grades are still relatively new. Studies of fluoride permeation of graphite as a function of time have been initiated with AGOT, S-4, and R-4 grades, which were chosen because they are in plentiful supply. A partially completed series of tests indi- cates that a l-hr exposure of these grades to BULT 1l4—.5U at 1300°F (704°C) under a pressure of 150 psig produced the same degree of permeation as did 100-hr exposures under like conditions. Grade R-4 graphite is one in which relatively large, accessible voids were partially filled with carbon to decrease its permeabllity. The graph- ite was impregnated with pitch, and the pitch was thermally converted to amorphous carbon. Metallographic examinations indicated that the original voids were approximately two-thirds filled with carbon. An exploratory test was made to determine the relationship of permeability vs location in this grade of graphite. A standard permeation screening test as described above was made on four specimens from the original surface of the graphite and three specl- mens approximately 1/2 to 1 in. away from this surface. The speclimens were nominally 1/2 in. in diameter and 1-1/2 in. long. The bulk volume of the graphite permeated by BULT 14—.5U averaged 1.4% (0.7 to 2.7%) for specimens that were located at the surface and 3.0% (2.3 to 4.2%) for those not at the surface. More tests would be necessary to fully evaluate the varia- tions in the fluoride-salt permeability of grade R-4. However, these data indicate that for the impregnation technique used the lowest permeability values extend over short distances, 1/2 to 1 in, The average percentage for all seven specimens was 2.1, which compares well with a 1.9 average value in previous tests for six similar specimens from random positicns. Grade AGOT graphite was permeated with molten bismuth as a pretreat- ment to a standard fuel permeation test.*? The purpose of the bismuth permeation was twofold: (1) to determine if the bismuth would occupy the pore spaces in the graphite and exclude fuel from these pores and (2) to 12MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 43. determine if the bismuth which had permeated the graphite pores would be retained within them during reactor temperature and pressure cycles. The latter was important not only in maintaining resistance to salt permeation but also in preventing contact of the bismuth with the nickel-base alloy container, since nickel-base alloys have limited corrosion resistance to bismuth at temperatures as low as 520°F (270°C).13 Results of the standard fuel-permeation test with the bismuth-im- pregnated graphite showed that the bismuth suppressed the permeation by fuel but did not eliminate it. Chemical analyses of six successive 1/16- in.-thick layers machined from the graphite specimen showed a decreasing uranium content as shown in Table 2.1.9. Bismuth was not completely retained in the graphite pores during the fuel-permeation test, and this resulted in some attack of the Inconel con- tainer by the bismuth. Bismuth impregnation will be tested to determine its effectiveness in inhibiting fuel permeation of low-permeability small-pore-diameter graphite, as the graphite becomes available. 131iquid Metals Handbook, p 176, June 1952, Table 2.1.9. Effect of Impregnation with Bismuth in Inhibiting Fuel Permeation of AGOT Graphite Pretreatment conditions: molten bismuth at 1022°F (550°C), 200 hr, 125 psig Fuel-permeation conditions: fuel 130 at 1300°F (704°C), 100 hr, 150 psig Depth of Cut Uranium Analyses (mg of U per g of graphite) (in.) Untreated Graphite Pretreated Graphite 0%—1/16 6.6 2.6 1/16-1/8 7.5 2.6 1/8-3/16 7.2 24 3/16~1 /4 7.6 1.7 1/4—5/16 7.4 L.3 5/16-3/8 7.3 C.9 *Surface of specimen. 58 \/ Removal of Oxygen Contamination from Graphite Work has continued on methods for removing oxygen contamination from graphite as a means of eliminating precipitation of UO, from LiF-BelF,-UF, salt systems. As previously reported,l4 an expensive method of purging graphite of oxygen contaminants has been found. Other methods investigated include the use of preheated hydrogen and the thermal decomposition of am- monium bifluoride, NH,F-.HF. In a single test, flushing an AGOT-grade graphite crucible with pre- heated hydrogen for 50 hr at 1300°F (704°C) prior to charging it with fuel 130 (LiF-BeF,-UF,, 62-37-1 mole %) did not detectably alter the quantity of uranium that is normally precipitated from fuel 130 by contaminants of this graphite. The test system was evacuated for 15 hr at less than 2 u Hg pressure at 1300°F (704°C) prior to the hydrogen flushing operation. The hydrogen (~ 99.5% H,) was passed through a commercial deoxygenation unit and a molisture trap, was heated to 1300°F (704°C), and was then passed through the test system, which was also at 1300°F (704°C). The calculated flow rate of the hydrogen was 2.8 ft3/hr. The charge of fuel 130 for the test was stored in a chamber integral with the test unit. Therefore the system was not opened to the atmosphere during the transfer of frozen fuel to the graphite crucible at 1300°F (704°C). Following the fuel transfer, the test unit was evacuated (< 2 u Hg pressure) and sealed and was then held at temperature for 100 hr. Radiographic examinations were used to detect the quantity of uranium that precipitated. The value of hydrogen as a gettering agent for the contaminants of graphite will be further investigated as a function of temperature and/or time. It is also planned to determine whether a catalyst will make the hydrogen an effective gettering agent. A test has been completed in which oxygen contaminants were partially or completely removed from a crucible of AGOT-grade graphite with a nominal bulk volume of 190 cc by the thermal decomposition of 1 g of NH,F.HF. The graphite crucible containing crystals of NH,F.HF was sealed in a vacuum of 5 in. Hg in an Inconel container. The residual gas in the container 14MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 44. 59 was pure argon. The test unit was heated from room temperature to 1300°F (704°C). The heatup of the argon plus the thermal decomposition of the NH,F-HF to form NH, and HF raised the pressure of the system to 35 psig. After 22 hr, the system was evacuated to less than 1 u, and a solid charge of fuel 130 was placed in the graphite crucible. The unit had been de- signed so that this could be accomplished with the crucible at 1300°F (704°C) and without opening the system to the atmosphere. The ratio of the bulk volume of graphite to the volume of fuel 130 at 1300°F (704°C) was 27:1. Uranium precipitation was not detected by radiogr@pp;c_examinations after 90- and 1000-hr exposures. Normally, in an untreated graphite—fuel 130 system, the precipitation of uranium occurs in 5 hr or less. The ab- _ | sence of the precipitate in the test suggests that the pretreatment with the NH,F-HF was effective in removing the oxide contaminants. The test is being continued to determine whether tenaciously held oxide contami- nants might eventually cause precipitation. Past data concerning uranium precipitation in graphite—fuel 130 systems indicate that this should not happen. Compatibility of INOR-8 and Graphite The tendency for INOR-8 to carburize when under pressure and in direct contact with graphite was investigated. A modified stress-rupture appa- ratus was used to hold grade TSF graphite in contact with INOR-8& (heat 1665) at 1000 psi in fuel 30 (NaF-ZrF,-UF,, 50-46-4 mole %). The test system was maintained at 1300°F (704°C) for 3400 hr. Metallographic ex- amination (Fig. 2.1.15) indicated that carburization had occurred to a depth of about 14 mils. Two successive sets of millings, each 7 mils thick, taken from the INOR-8 platen at the metal-graphite contact surface analyzed 0.38 and 0.12 wt % carbon, respectively. Nominal carbon content of the INOR-8 is 0.067 wt %. The other side of the platen not in contact with the graphite and the surfaces of the female threads in the platen were examined metallographically; no carburization was detected on them, A test is currently in progress to determine whether the rate of car- burization of INOR-8 is dependent upon the stress on the material. An INCR-8 specimen is being tested in a strongly carburizing medium while being subjected to various stress concentrations, 60 UNCL ASSIFIED 50419 Fig. 2.1.15. Surface of INOR-8 (Heat No. 1665) Platen Which Was Held in Contact with Grade TSF Graphite for 3400 hr at 1000 psi in Fuel 30. 61 Corrosion Resistance of Brazing Alloys to Fluoride Fuel Since a barren-salt-to-fuel-salt heat exchanger may be used in the Molten-Salt Reactor, brazing alloys which could be used in fabricating such equipment have been examined for corrosion resistance to fuel 130 (LiF- BeF,-UF,, 62-37-1 mole %), a potential reactor fuel. Five different brazing materials, three nickel-base alloys, one gold- base alloy, and pure copper, were chosen which had exhibited good resist- ance to fuels 30 and 44 (the NaF-ZrF,—base fuels). The tests were con- ducted by brazing small coupons together to form lap joints of Inconel to Inconel and of INOR-8 to INOR-8. Ten of these Jjoints were suspended in an enlarged section in the hot leg of each of three thermal-convection loops. The loops were operated for 1000, 5000, and 10,000 hr at hot-leg tempera- tures of 1300°F (704°C). The results from the 1000- and 5000-hr tests have been reported previously.l? The 10,000-hr test has been terminated and examined, and the results are listed in Table 2.1.10. All the brazed Jjoints showed good corrosion resistance when used to join INOR-8. However, Inconel Joints brazed with Coast Metals No. 52 and 53 and General Electric No. 8l were attacked. The results from the 1000-, 5000-, and 10,000-hr corrosion tests in- dicate that several brazing materials suitable for joining INOR-8 or In- conel have adequate corrosion resistance to the type of fluoride salt rep- resented by fuel 130. An alloy development program is being conducted by the Welding and Brazing Group in an effort to develop brazing alloys which would be useful in joining graphite to graphite and graphite to metal. As these alloys are developed, they are corrosion-tested to determine their potential use Tor Molten-Salt Reactor applications. Recent work has been done primarily on gold-base alloys containing various amounts of tantalum, nickel, and other minor constituents to provide proper flowability and melting point. The results of corrosion tests on these alloys in different fuel salts are listed in Table 2.1.11. A moderate concentration of tantalum was detected spectrographically on the inside walls of the nickel container from the 60% Au—-30% Ta—10% Ni test. This dissimilar-metal mass transfer was not 15MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 46. 62 Table 2.1.10. Results of Corrosion Tests on Brazing Alloys in LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %, Fuel 130) in a Thermal-Convection ILoop Test conditions: Time: 10,000 hr Temperature: 1300°F (704°C) Metallographic Results Nominal Composition of Brazing Material (wt %) Base Material INOR-8 Inconel Coast Metals No. 52 No attack observed; Diffusion voids to (89 Ni—4 B-5 Si—2 Fe) no porosity 3 mils in depth below surface Coast Metals No. 53 No attack or poros- Severe porosity 15 (81 Ni—-8 Cr— B4 Si-3 Fe) ity mils deep General Electric No. 81 No attack observed Complete attack; (70 Ni—20 cr—10 si) severe porosity through fillet 82 Au—18 Ni No attack No attack Pure copper No attack or dif- No attack; small fusion voids diffusion voids are present in fillet intense enough to be detected on the nickel capsule by metallographic ex- amination. . The relatively large weight gain on the graphite-to-molybdenum T-joint was due to pickup of fuel by the graphite. The two alloys listed last in the table showed good resistance to fuel 30, which was used in this test to simulate the components of a proposed pump-loop test being planned. Table 2.1.11. Test conditions: Time: 100 hr Temperature: 1300°F (704°C) Results of Fuel Corrosion Tests on Newly Developed Brazing Alloys _ Fuel Weight Alloy(gzm5381tlon Test Container TygeegimEESt Used Change Metallographic Results- ’ P as Bath#* (mg) 60 Au—30 Ta—10 Ni Nickel capsule Alloy button 130 -3 Slight, scattered sub- surface voids to 1 mil in depth 62 Au—26 Ta—12 Ni Nickel capsule Graphite-Mo 130 +36 Slight, scattered sub- T-joint surface voids to 2 mils in depth 58 Au—27 Ni-8 Ta- Inconel capsule Alloy button 30 -0.9 No attack observed 3 Mo—2 Cr—-2 Fe 63 Au—29 Ni—-3.5 Mo— Inconel capsule Alloy button 30 N.A. %% No attack observed 2.5 Cr—2 Te ¥130: LiF-BeF,-UF, (62-37-1 mole %) 30: NaF-ZrF,-UF, (50-46-4 mole %) **Not available. 2.2 CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION EFFECTS Phase Equilibrium Studies The System Li¥F-BeF,=-Zrf, For a minimum temperature of 500°C the LiF~BeF,; binary system can serve as a fuel solvent for a combined total of about 15 mole % UF, and ThF,, together or singly, and there are indications that both the oxide tolerance and the corrosivity of fuels are improved by the presence of a relatively high proportion of the gquadrivalent cations. Thus, tc mini- mize uranium inventories and yet retain the advantages of a more "acidic" fuel, the addition of ZrF, is an attractive possibility; optimized fuels in the future may well be chosen from the quinary system LiF-BeF,;-ZrF,- Th¥F,-UF, . In order to estimate whether such quinary mixtures — suitable as re- actor fuels and containing 60 to 75 mole % LiF — are molten at 500°C, preliminary studies of the phase relationships in the system LiF-BeF,- Zr¥, were made. The equilibrium phases present in quenched samples of seven LiF-BeF,~ZrF, mixtures show that at 60 to 75 mole % LiF, at least 15 mole % ZrF, can be contained in liquid solutions of LiF-BeF, at 500°C. The composition sections 3LiF*ZrF,-2LiF*BeF, are not quasi-binary at any temperature interval, because of the occurrences of the primary-phase field of an unidentified phase on these composition sections. This phase is probably a ternary compound of LiF-BeF,-ZrF, containing at least 75 mole % LiF. The compound is uniaxial negative and has such low bire- fringence that only the average refractive index, 1.418, could be meas- ured. At each of the four compositions where it was observed, the opti- cal properties of the ternary compound were identical, from which fact cne may infer that the compound forms little or no solid solution in the ternary system. An x-ray diffraction standard pattern for the compound has been derived. The System NaF-ZrF,-ThF, Renewed attention has been directed to the phase studies in the sys- tem NaF-ZrF,-ThF,, because the system NaF-ZrF,-ThF,-UF, could provide al- ternative converter-breeder reactor fuels and because of possible advan- tages for fuel reprocessing cycles. Current efforts are concerned with 65 the determination of phase relationships in the composition area least studied previously,l that of compositions containing less than 50 mole % NaF. The determination of the refractive indices of the ZrF,-ThF, solid- solution compositions furnishes a definitive method of establishing tie lines in the Zr¥F,-ThF, solid-solution primary-phase area of the system NaF-Zr¥,-ThF,. This information, once obtained, will be used to construct fractionation paths in this primary-phase area. The combination of frac- tionation paths and liquidus isotherms on the diagram will indicate the composition of the liquid and the solid phase in equilibrium for each compesition in the primary-phase area. The experimental determinations of the refractive indices of the ZrF,~ThF, solid-solution series and of the fractionation paths for the Zr¥F,-ThF, solid-solution primary-phase area are in progress. The System NaF-ThF,-UF, The similarity of crystal properties of ThF, and UF, is conducive to similarities in the compounds formed by these substances with other metal fluorides. This is reflected by several similarities in the phase dia- grams for the systems NaF-ThF, and NaF-UF,, but not all the compounds in the two systems occur with identical NaF/XF4 molecular ratios. Each of the equilibrium phases in the system NaF-ThF, takes significant amounts of UF,; into solid solution, and also the solid phases in the system NaF- UF, form sclid solutions by including ThF,. Continuing studies of the phase equilibria in the system NaF-ThF,- UF, provide additional evidence that the two isostructural crystal forms . of the compounds 4NaF-:ThF, and 3NaF'UF, form a continuous solid sclution in spite of the difference in stoichiometry of the end members. Phase . data from some 15 thermal-gradient quenching experiments indicate that the composition of the solid solution is confined to the line B-4NaF:ThF,— B-3NaF-UF,;. On the other hand, at higher temperatures, where the alpha modifications are stable, partial solubility of UF, occurs in Q;éNaF'ThF4, and of the ThF, in &-3NaF:UF,;, so that the alpha-modification solid solu- tions contain constant proportions of NaF, either 80 or 75 mole %. The l1R. E. Thoma (ed.), Phase Diagrams of Nuclear Reactor Materials, ORNL-2548, p 82. 66 - TEMPERATURE (°C) solubility of UF; in Q-4NaF:ThF, is limited to approximately 13 mole %, and the solubility of ThF, in =3NaF-UF, is limited to approximately 4 mole %. In Fig. 2.2.1 are shown the results obtained from thermal-gra- dient quenching experiments on the composition line 4NaFTh¥,-3NaF - UF,. Tt is unusual for isostructural crystal modifications to occur for a pair of MF-X¥, compounds whose molecular ratios, ME‘/)CF;,, are not identical. Considerable evidence exists which indicates that within the system NaF- Th¥,-UF;, there is a similar continuous solid solution between the iso- structural cubic pairs 3NaF:2ThF, and 5NaF-3UF,;, and limited solubility 725 700 - 675 650 625 600 575 525 500 475 4NaF-Thf, 5 10 15 20 UF, (male %) 3NaF-UF, N = om = = a = m m = . COBAPO LNV AND O SO UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 48668A LIQUID NaoF + LIQUID a-4Naf -Th{U)F, + NoF + LIQUID a-4NaF -Th{U)F, + LIQUID a-4NaF - Th(U)F + B,-2NaF -Th(U}f + LIQUID a-4NoF Th(U)f, + B,-2NaF-Th(U)R, a-4NaF Th(U)F, + B-4NaF-Thf — B-3NaF - Ufss + B,-2NaF -Th(U)F, a-4NaF -Th(U)f, + B-4NaF-Thf, — 8-3NoF -Uf,ss + LIQUID B-4NaF -ThE,— 3-3NaF - Ufzss + LIQUID a-3NaF - U(Th)F, + 8- 4NaF Thf,— B-3NaF - Uf,ss + LIQUID a-3NaF -U(Th)F, + LIQUID a-3NaF -U{Th)F, + NaF +LIQUID a-3NaF-U(Th)F, + NaF @-3NaF-U(Th)F, + NoF +3-4NaF-Th —B-3NaF -Ufss B-4NaF Thf; — B-3NaF -Ufss NaF + B-4NoF-Thfy — B8-3NaF URss + B85~ 2NaF -Th(LIF, NGF+,82~2N0F-Th(U)F4 NaF + B,-2NaF -ThU}f + 8-2NaF-U(Thif NaF + B8-4NaF -Thf,— B8-3NaF-Ufss + 8-2NaF-U(Th)f NaF +8-2NaF-U{Th)f, Fig. 2.2.1. System NaF-ThF ;-UF ,; The Section 4NaF.ThF ;-3NaF-UF ,. between the nonisostructural pairs 2NaF+:ThF,-2NaF'UF, and NaF+«2ThF,- NaF +2UF, . Phase Diagrams for Fluoride Systems Detailed descriptions of the phase equilibria in systems of alkali fluorides with zirconium, thorium, and uranium fluorides have recently appeared in an annual report,2 and a comprehensive compllation of dia- grams of such systems, along with others of significance to fluid-fuel reactor development, all of which were investigated at ORNL, has also been issued.l Fission-Product Behavior and Reprocessing Chemistry Extraction of Uranium and Protactinium from LiF-BeF,-ThF, Mixtures The advantages of a molten-salt nuclear reactor as a thermal breeder U232 and could be greatly enhanced by improved processes for recovering protactinium from a blanket salt. A of various oxide pre- cipitation reactions® provides examples of the potential usefulness of oxide precipitants in molten-salt mixtures containing uranium, thorium, rare earths (represented as cerium), and beryllium to selectively remove these elements from solution as oxides. The development of a suitable chemical reprocessing scheme based on these reactions has been pursued with favorable results. In the proposed blanket material, LiF-BeF,-Th¥, (67-18-15 mole %), the problem is to remove trace quantities of U233, produced by the breed- ing process, in the presence of rather large thorium concentrations. The difference in the behavior of uranium and thorium in reacting with calci- um oxide, as illustrated in Fig. 2.2.2, provides the basis for oxide sep- " aration schemes, although calcium oxide is not the preferred additive. The production of y223 by thermal breeding is achieved by the decay of Pa?33, However, Pa??? will also absorb neutrons by a similar reaction to produce U??%, Hence, isolation of Pa??? from the neutron flux field removes an important source of nuclear poisoning. An oxide precipitation “Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, ORNL-2931, p 3-27. ’Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, CRNL-2931, p 84. 68 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 43019 [ THEORETICAL END PQINTS UF4 Tth CBF3 8 | aUBY CHEMICAL ANALYSIS . ® Th BY ACTIVATION ANALYSIS Iy - ®Ce BY RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS \‘ METAL FOUND (wt %) e} 200 400 600 800 {000 1200 CaQ ADDED (meq) Fig. 2.2.2. Reaction of CaO with UF, ThF , and CeF 5 in LiF-NaF (60-40 mole %) at 750°C. scheme for protactinium removal appears to be useful for accomplishing this objective. Since the treatment to recover uranium and protactinium should not cause serious alterations in the composition of the blanket material, the choice of precipitants is probably limited to BeO, ThO,, UO,, or possibly water vapor. The reaction of BeO with trace quantities of UF, dissolved in LiF-BeF,-ThF,; (67-18-15 mole %) is illustrated in Fig. 2.2.3. In three separate experiments, the addition of approximately 30 g of BeQ per kg of melt effectively removed approximately 2000 ppm of dissolved uranium. Roughly comparable results were obtained on using either ThO, or BeO to precipitate uranium from the proposed blanket mixture in the experiments summarized by Fig. 2.2.4. The precipitation of prectactinium from solution in LiF-BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) was examined in a separate series of experiments. Ini- tially, the removal of Pa?’? activity, obtained by the irradiation of thorium, was followed as BeO and Ca0 were added, giving results typified by Fig. 2.2.5. Following each precipitation experiment, the protactinium was successfully redissolved by hydrofluorination in situ. The removal of an estimated 50 ppm of Pa23l, labeled with Pa233, by reaction with BeO is illustrated in Fig. 2.2.6. Similar results, shown in Fig. 2.2.7, were UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ORNL— LR— DWG 46377 ORNL-LR-DWG 4797% 2000 x104) [ ] =) £ = 500 INITIAL WEIGHT OF SOLVENT: 496 g e | & SURFACE AREA OF BeQ: 25.8m2/g L — = o = ® BeQ q = o Ca0 @ J - o] = & b z z — s s = 5 E 1000 = > 2 5 2 b [+ © 2 \ o = = w S \ <00 S 500 t ‘ R o] ° —— 0 | 2 3 4 5 OXIDE PRECIPITANT ADDED (grams) 1S Fig. 2.2.5. Removal of Protactinium (Pa 233y \ < 1 opm from Solution in LiF-BeF ,-ThF , (67-18-15 mole %) [ ] . . N~ by Reaction with BeO and CaO at 650°C. 0 e o—o—-o—o—.—lo 0 5 10 15 20 25 BeC ADDED (grams) Fig. 2.2.3. Extraction of Uranium from LiF- UNCLASSIFIED BeF 2'ThF4 (67']8']5 mOIe %) at 650°Co ORNL-LR—-DWG 47976 (x 104} UNCLASSIFIED 2000 ¢—e. ORNL-LR-DWG 472378 N, . "\ \ ~ 20 o . ® ThO £ 1600 \ ¢ & [= O BeQ o a = 8 15 : . 5 A 5 1200 o} J w 3 \ z = 3 \ S 10 2 z \ S a0 = © 800 v E ® \ > AN : \ £ s o o 400 . \ o \\ 9 Y \v \-0\ o} é . — 0 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 2.5 0 100 200 300 400 5GO BeO ADDED (groms) OXIDE ADDED (millieauivalents) : Y - mieauatents Fig. 2.2.6. Removal of Protactinium (Pa?3! Fig. 2.2.4. Reactions of ThO, and BeO with Labeled with Pa?*?) from Solution in LiF-BeF ,- UF, in LiF-Ber-ThF4 (67-18-15 mole %) ot ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) by Reaction with BeO at 650°C. 650°C. 70 Al UNCLASSIFIED : ORNL—LR—DWG 48075 (x 10%) 20 o PRCTACTINIUM IN SOLUTICON {counts/min - g} \..__ 0 1 2 3 4 ThO, ADDED (g) o e Fig. 2.2.7. Removal of Protactinium (Pa 231 Labeled with Pa233) from Solution in LiF-BeF ,- ThF , (67-18-15 mole %) by Reaction with ThO, at 650°C. obtained with ThO, as the precipitant. Such examples demonstrate that realistic quantities of both uranium and protactinium can be precipitated from solution in the proposed blanket melt for a molten-salt breeder re- actor by using oxide reactions. Current studies are directed toward the effect of added oxide on the composition of the blanket material and toward solid-liquid separations following precipitation reactions. Since BeO and ThO, are ceramic mate- rials, they can be processed intc shapes having variable densities and surface areas, and if adherent precipitates of uranium and protactinium form on BeQ or ThO, ceramic bodies, the separation from the ligquid would be facilitated. Preliminary results on the relative reaction rates with BeQ, extruded into 1/16-in.-dia x 1/4-in.-long cylinders having average surface areas of 8.5 m?/g, are shown in Fig. 2.2.8. In another experi- ment, an apparent adherence of UQ, to extruded ceramic bodies of BeO was demonstrated (Fig. 2.2.9) by the disappearance of uranium from molten UNCLASSIFIED UNGCLASSIFIED -LR- ORNL-CR-DWG 46877 2000 QRNL-LR-DWG 48669 1500 , ‘ ] [ 4 TOTAL WEIGHT OF SOLUTION: 2.4kg TOTAL WEIGHT OF BeOQ: 1209 EXTRUDED SHAPE OF BeQ: CYLINDERS 1/16—“1. DIA x 1/4-ifl. LENGTH CONCENTRATION BeO: 4Cg /kg melt SURFACE AREA Be(:8.5 rnzlg SURFACE AREA Be0:8.5m2/q 1500 EXTRUDED BeO: Y%g-in DIA x Y4 in E 1000 2 E 2 g z = 2 < 5 ? § z = g 1000 \ @ = - ¢ =z z \ 3 = 500 2 \ -} 1 4 : : - (3 2 ™ 5 \\‘ z o -} \ 500 \“ \\4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 TIME {hr) . . . . . o) Fig. 2.2.8. Reaction of BeQO with UF, in LiF- o =0 100 150 200 250 BeF ,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) at 650°C. EXTRACTION TIME {min) Fig. 2.2.9. Extraction of UF, in LiF-BeF,-ThF (67-18-15 mole %) by Reaction with Extruded BeO at 650°C. LiF-BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) collected from a solid bed by forcing the liquid phase through a nickel screen, having approximately 900-u openings, into a separate container. The analyses shown in Fig. 2.2.9 were obtained after hydrofluorination of the separated liquid. The effect of an added oxide precipitant is determined by the equi- librium for the reaction of the oxide with the fluoride components. For s example, the equilibrium reaction ZBeO + ThF, = 2BeF, + ThO, influences the conditions which must be maintained to avoid precipita- tion of thorium during the extraction of protactinium and uranium. The relative stability of BeO and ThO, in LiF-NaF (60-40 mole %), as evi- denced by the reaction of calcium oxide with dissolved BeF, and ThF., is shown in Fig. 2.2.10. If BeO is added to ThF, dissolved (8 wt % Th) in this same solvent, an equilibrium which apparently involves both solid 72 T oxides is encountered (Fig. 2.2.11). With more BeF,; present, as in the case of the solvent LiF-BeF, (63-37 mole %), shown in Fig. 2.2.12, no precipitation of ThO; occurs when BeO is added to a solution again con- taining 8 wt % thorium. Further study of this reaction is in progress. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 47977 T & THORIUM : o BERYLLIUM 200 .\Q \ - : : -] ‘ \.—: . ¢ 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 CaQ ADDED (milliequivalents) &) Q (@] 400 ] 100 [ METAL FOUND IN SOLUTION {milliequivalents) Fig. 2.2,10. Reaction of CaO with ThF, and BeF, in LiF-NaF (60-40 mole %) at 750°C. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 47420 12 T T 1 ® URANIUM [ A THORIUM} BY ACTIVATION ANALYSIS UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 47979 10 10 ~ . 53 82 8 T 8 AT § A A -— = 3 A ‘—-—-—-—. % | g A 3 | 3 : 2 6 e——END POINT ThFy4 2 6 o] 4 w ‘ (] =2 \ Z S | 2 =2 | - c 4 M ‘ T 4 ul s | = S & 2 e ’ 2 END T | POINT ENDTSC?'N | U0 2 | 2 0 * 0 ‘ ; .‘-__e 'y Y 0 2 4 (53 8 10 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 Fig. 2.2.1L Reaction of BeQ with ThF4 in LLiF-NaF (60-40 mole %) at 750°C. BeO ADDED (grams) BeO ADDED (meq) Fig. 2.2.12. Reaction of BeO with UF, and ThF , in LiF-BeF, (63-37 mole %) at 600°C. 73 The insolubility of uranium oxide in comparison with thorium oxide was not anticipated from the relative stability of the crystals and hence must depend on as-yet-unelucidated solution behavior, but the fea- sibility of extracting uranium and protactinium from solution in LiF- BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) seems well established for the concentrations of uranium and protactinium to be expected in the proposed blanket of a two-region molten-salt breeder reactor. Of further interest in this con- nection is the experimental observation that protactinium was precipi- tated from sclution in the presence of approximately 1000 to 2000 ppm uranium. This suggests that the precipitated oxide of protactinium is ‘ more steble than UO,. A study of the possible application of this reac- tion to a one-region molten-salt breeder reactor is now in progress, &as are studies to provide further experimental information for exploiting the reactions of BeO and ThO, with uranium and protactinium in & chemi- cal reprocessing scheme. Chemistry of Corrosion Processes Effect of Oxide on LiF-BeF,~ThF, and LiF-BeF,-ThF,~UF, Mixtures The applicability of thermal-gradient quenching techniques for ob- taining information on the effect of oxide in LiF-BeF,-ThF, and LiF-BeF,- ThF,-UF, melts at high temperatures has been explored. Oxide was in- cluded in the equilibrated samples by substituting beryllium oxide for a fraction of the BeF, contained in the mixtures LiF-BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) and LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF,; (67-18-14.5-0.5 mole %). Samples with in- crements of BeQ between 0.006 and 2.9 wt % were annealed in the tempera- ) ture ranges between 450 and 550°C for one week before quenching. Deduc- tions concerning the reactions occurring at the high temperatures were made by noting the phases present in the quenched samples as revealed by petrographic and x-ray diffraction examinations. In LiF-BeF,-ThF, the occurrence of ThO, was found only in samples containing 0.3 wt % or more BeO. However, the samples containing 0.06, 0.03, and 0.006 wt % BeQ gave rise to an unidentified, highly bire- fringent phase (refractive index: high N = 1.70, low N = 1.55), which might well be a thorium oxyfluoride. In none of these samples were traces of unreacted BeO observed. 74 - In the quaternary mixtures, Be0O was added in increments upward from 0.3 wt %. At 0.3 wt % BeO, the only oxide phase encountered was UOp. At 0.8 wt % and upward, both UO, and ThO, were cbserved, mixed but uncom- bined between 450 and 500°C and as a U0,;-ThO, sclid solution at tempera- tures above 500°C. The results of these experiments appear to corrobo- rate the sequential precipitation of ThO, and UO, previously noted by Watson and Shaffer3'* when BeQ is used as =a precipitant in LiF-BeF,; melts, and also indicate that U0,-ThO, solid solutions are readily formed at much lower temperatures in fused-salt media than by solid-state reaction. No quantitative conclusions regarding the solubility of BeO can be made from these quenching experiments, partly because of the possibility that small amounts of BeQ remain dissolved in the glassy portion of the quenched samples without noticeably altering the refractive index of the glass. However, the detection of a distinguishable oxygen-containing phase at concentrations as low as 0.003 wt % BeQO in samples that would have otherwise corresponded to complete liquefaction can be regarded as evidence that the oxide tolerance of the sample was less than 30 ppm. Radiotracer Studies of the Role of Cr® Diffusion as a Controlling Factor in Corrosion by Molten Fluorides A thorough understanding of the solid-state diffusion of chromium in MSRE alloys is an important aspect of corrosion studies. The present state of knowledge in this field has been summarized recently4 and will appear in topical reports. - A large number of the chromium diffusion coefficients available in the literature® were applicable only at temperatures above 900°C. How- ever, extrapolation of this information to temperatures of reactor in- terest (600 to 900°C) could be misleading if the diffusion mechanism “W. R. Grimes, G. M. Watson, et al., Radiotracer Techniques in the Study of Corrosion by Molten Fluoffaégj for presentation at Copenhagen Conference on the Uses of Radioisotopes, September 1960. °R. B. Evans et al., Self-Diffusion of Chromium in Nickel-Based Alloys, ORNL report (in press). 6P, L. Gruzin and G. B. Federov, Doklady Akad. Nauk 5.5.3.R. 105, 264-67 (1955). — 75 were to change within the extrapolated region. Accordingly, self-diffu- sion coefficients of chromium in nickel-base alloys in the temperature range 600 to 900°C were determined both by monitoring the depletion of tracer from melts contalining Cr5lF2 and by successively electropolishing the metal to obtain the concentration profile of the tracer in the alloy. As reported previOusly,7’8 the diffusion coefficients change from 10716 cm?/sec at 600°C to about 10712 at 800°C but can vary from 10716 to 10715 em?/sec at 600°C depending on the annealing history of the Inconel. Low diffusion coefficients are found in samples exhibiting large grain growth. At temperatures above 800°C the diffusion coeffi- cents in Inconel as measured by the different techniques were the same, but at lower temperatures there were discrepancies in such a direction as to suggest the emergence of a grain-boundary-path mechanism. With INOR-8 no such differences were found. Also, the self-diffusion coeffi- cients of chromium in INOR-8 and Inconel appear to be about the same if the higher values found for Inconel at low temperatures are adopted as the basis of comparison. In order to obtain corrosion data directly amenable to analysis, two anisothermal convection loops of INOR-8 were placed in operation under identical conditions with tracer CrF,, but no corrodant, in the melt. The first loop, No. 1248, was operated for 500 hr and then drained and exam- ined to obtain the values for the self-diffusion coefficients of chromium in INOR-8 shown in Fig. 2.2.13. A small difference was noticeable between the values obtained by the various methods used; the coefficients obtained on total specimen counts tended to be low at high temperatures and vice versa. The reason for this trend is not immediately apparent and is pres- ently ascribed to small systematic errors which lie within the over-all experimental precision of #0.4 of a logarithmic cycle as normally encoun- tered in such studies. In order to determine the validity of the self-diffusion coefficients determined in loop 1248 for the prediction of chromium diffusion rates under corrosive conditions, the second loop, No. 1249, was operated under “MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. June 30, 1958, ORNL-2551, p 95. 8MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 55. 76 log,o & (cm2/sec) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46403 TEMPERATURE (°C) ° 850 800 750 700 -1 I I ‘ ‘| ‘ ‘l A COEFFICIENTS BASED ON TOTAL SPECIMEN COUNTS ® COEFFICIENTS BASED ON Cr°' CONCENTRATION — GRADIENT MEASURED BY COUNTING ELECTROLYTE O COEFFICIENTS BASED ON Cr®' CONCENTRATION GRADIENT MEASURED BY COUNTING SPECIMEN o O A\ ® ° . 00 A A \ . SN 8 A \:‘k -13 T~ N A 0 \ A A OBTAINED UNDER NON-CORROSIVE CONDITIONS . © ~- Bv ADDITION OF Cr*Fz TO NGF-ZrF4 -14 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10,000/1 (oyc-1) Fig. 2.2.13. Self-Diffusion Coefficients for Cr3Yin INOR-8; Loop 1248. noncorrosive conditions for 792 hr and then a corrosive agent (Fng) was added without otherwise disturbing the operation. After 264 hr of oper- ation under corrosive conditions, the loop was drained and examined. As expected, the presence of FeF, in the solution caused the chromium con- centration at the surface of the metal toc be reduced to essentially zero. The reaction® cr® + FeF, = CrF, + FeC has an equilibrium quotient of 1.5 x 10% at 600°C and greater at higher °C. M. Blood et al., Activity Coefficients of Ferrous Fluoride and of Nickel Fluoride in Molten Sodium-Fluoride—Zirconium-Fluoride Solu- tions, Paper No. 75, Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, 132nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York (Sept. 813, 1957). temperatures, so that FeF,; is a drastic oxidant for cr® put has little effect on the Ni-Mo matrix of the alloy. In Fig. 2.2.14, the results ob- tained with a specimen from loop 1249 are compared with the results ob- tained with the corresponding specimen from loop 1248, showing that the experimental points agree well with the calculated curves. Figure 2.2.15 shows the concentration profiles in the specimens as calculated from the diffusion coefficients shown in Fig. 2.2.13. Curve 1 gives the expected concentration of tracer for 1056 hr of operation under noncorrosive conditions. Curve 2 represents the expected tracer-concen- tration profile in the specimen from loop 1249, altered from curve 1 by adding FeF, after 792 hr of operation. Curve 3 shows the actual tracer- concentration profile in the same specimen as calculated from the ratio UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—LR—DWG 46402 100 \u\./i"/o ] ‘ | l AW NN o N/ a SPECIMENS WERE LOCATED AT SIMILAR 0 X ¢ TEMPERATURE ZONES IN TRACER LOOPS ‘/Kf 1248 AND 1249 80 SIAN , \ ~ #'= TIME OF SPECIMEN EXPOSURE 1 > & TO LOOP SALT | ~ 70 N N a \\\ a, 4,= TIME AT WHICH CORRODENT WAS ADDED (o] = o P \ LOOP 1249 (TRACER FOLLOWED BY FeF, ADDITION) | = z N . . } <§I \ X f(x)=1/rr_oferfc2‘/07 dy \/r'r;_/erfc BT dy | i \ 2vD VI = Wiy, = 40 [— LOOP 1248—" \ — . ) (CONTAINED NO 5\\\ \\\\\\ 4 DATA POINTS BASED ON @ 30 | — CORROSIVE AGENT = N NV COUNTING ELECTROLYTE — . o DATA NORMALIZED TO { & DATA POINTS BASED ON 20 |- AS LOOP 1249) X 10 f(x)=1/_1r_/‘erfc 4 d(2 o] N . — 4 \)& A 2 A VOt 0 ‘ | | | 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 X { microns below surface) Fig. 2.2.14. Per Cent of Tracer Remaining in Alloy as a Function of Depth Removed from Specimen Surface by Electropolishing. 78 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-I_.R-DWG 46401A 100 — g s {5) 80 4 N\ /1/ (1) Cr™F, ONLY FOR 7 + At \/ {2) Cr™ F, FOR 7, THEN FeF, FOR 60 / At (PREDICTED) | / (1 {4) CALCULATED [Cr°] BASED ON(1) 40 /| \ {5) CALCULATED [Cr®] BASED ON(3) 7B NIRN i (3) SAME AS (2) (ACTUAL) /, - \\'\ Vs 20 / f’/ ~ \ INITIAL SURFACE CHROMIUM CONCENTRATION (%) / b Y ~ / /, \\ {3) i \\ 0 a — 0] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 PENETRATION (microns) Fig. 2.2.15. Various Chromium-Concentration Profiles at 813°C in INOR-8 Loop Specimens. of the activity of the corroded specimen to that of the salt. Disagree- ments at a depth of about 25 p or greater may arise from a lack of pre- cision resulting from the fact that, at these penetrations, only about 25% of the tracer remains. However, in many other specimens the experi- mentally determined tracer concentrations at the greater penetrations were found to be greater than calculated. The deviations are within the experimental uncertainty, but the trend is always in the same direction, which suggests that the effect is real. 1In any case, a relatively minor contribution to the over-all diffusion rates is involved. Curves 4 and 5 of Fig. 2.2.15 represent the total chromium-concentration profile in INOR-8 after 264 hr of selectively leaching the chromium, showing that considerable reliance can be placed on both the diffusion coefficients and the mathematical analyses employed for treating metal diffusion in corrosion tests with thermal-convection loops. The Free Energy of Formation of NiF, Determinations of the free energy of formation of NilF,, based on measurements of the equilibrium constant for the reaction NiF, + Hp = il + 2HF in molten LiF-BeF, as a solvent, and including experiments on saturated solutions in equilibrium with solid NiF,, have given less negative values than those found in the litefature. This resolves much of a long-stand- ing discrepancy previously noted in connection with the empirical corro- sion results in nickel alloys, and also with a marked difference in the solution behavior in fluoride melts of Nitt as compared with Fe'™™ and Cr*tt ions. The details, as discussed in a recent report,lo lead to free energies of formation of -123 and -126 kcal/mole, compared with a liter- ature estimatel! of -128 and -131, at 600 and 500°C, and further suggest that the entropy of fusion of NiF,; is nearer to 10 e.u. than to 5 e.u. Analysis of Corrosion Test Loops Periodic sampling of the melts in the forced-circulation corrosion test loops has continued.'? There are now four loops in operation, and two have been terminated recently. The oldest loop, MSRP-12, an INOR-8 loop containing LiF-BeF,-ThF,- UF, (62-36.5-1.0-0.5 mole %), continues to operate without sampling in 13 It has now operated order to conserve the supply of salt in the loop. for more than 13,500 hr. Loop 9377-5, an Inconel loop charged with the same salt as MSRP-12, has shown a continuing increase in chromium concentration for almost 12,000 hr and now contains 0.6 wt % Cr*t, which is far in excess of the amount attributable to equilibrium with normal fuel. A further indica- tion of extraneous oxidation is found in the decrease in uranium concen- tration, as though UQO, were being precipitated. Loop MSRP-13, an INOR-8 loop charged with LiF-BeF,-UF, (70-10-20 mole %), operated for 8200 hr before failing because of an inadvertent freezing. As shown in Fig. 2.2.16, the chromium concentration climbed at an increasing rate; although this type of curvature is atypical, the terminal Crtt ion concentration is not exceptionally high for a fuel containing 20 mole % UF,. 10c, M. Blood et al., Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, ORNL-2931, p 39. 111, Brewer et al., The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials: Thermodynamics (ed. by L. L. Quill), pp 65, 110 McGraw- Hill, New York, 1950. 12MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 59. 13MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1959, ORNL-2890, p 61. UNCLASSIFIED . ORNL-LR-DWG 49804 1800 . - R ‘ ; ‘ i ; . LOOP: MSRP-13 i 1500 - MATERIAL: INOR-8 ! SALT: LiF - BeF,~ UF, (70 - 10-20 mole %) CORRCSION MEASURED BY CHROMIUM IN FUEL {ppm} TIME thr) Fig. 2.2,16. Corrosion of INOR-8 by a Fuel Containing 20 mole % UF - Loop MSRP-14, constructed of INOR-8 and charged with LiF-BeF,-ThF,- UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %), has operated for 2300 hr. So far, the Crtt ion concentration has not exceeded 300 ppm and has returned to near this value after a dilution resulting from the addition of fresh melt to re- store the liquid level; a steady-state concentration of Cr** at several hundred ppm is characteristic of normal behavior. Loop MSRP-15, a duplicate of MSRP-14, has operated for 4000 hr with- out any difficulties and currently exhibits a Cr*t concentration of 500 ppm; the approach to the presumed steady-state level was made in less than 500 hr, which is also a characteristic of normal behavior. Loop MSRP-16, another duplicate of MSRP-14, exhibited low Cr**t ion concentrations for 2750 hr before pump failure. Corrosion Equilibria with Unalloyed Cr® In order to better understand the corrosion behavior of Cro, LiF- BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) salt has been circulated over 1800 g of pure chromium metal in an isothermal assembly constructed of Inconel. The plan of the experiment was to determine the concentration of chromium in the fluoride melt without UF, as a function of temperature, and then to add UF, as an oxidizing agent. Two separate attempts, each involving analyses of samples drawn over a period of months, gave unsatisfactory results; the Cr** concentration did not follow a consistent pattern. The first assembly was behaving so erratically after 2230 hr of operation that it was drained for examination. A deposition of chromium metal had taken place at the liquid level in the pump bowl, which was a cold spot in spite of precautions to maintain isothermal conditions. The second experiment is still under surveilllance. Melting Points of Chromous Fluoride and Chromic Fluoride Melting points were determined for both CrF, and CrFs;. Solutions of these compounds result from the corrosion of chromium-containing alloys by fluoride fuels. Both compounds were previously reported to melt near 1000°¢c. 14 Conventional thermal analysis procedures showed pure CrF, to have a melting point of 900 % 10°C. Chromic fluoride required special precautions because it dispropor- tionates into CrF, and volatile CrFs at high temperatures.'? To prevent disproportionation, the samples were sealed in platinum capsules contain- ing a helium atmosphere. Capsules were heated to various temperatures, and the cooled product was checked visually for evidence of melting. Melting was deemed to have occurred in a capsule heated to 1419°C, but not in one heated to 1388°C; therefore the melting point is 1404 = 25°C. Possibly the previously reported low value was depressed due to admixture with CrF, resulting from disproportionation. Graphite Compatibility Intercalation of Graphite Studies were continued relative to the conditions under which inter- calation of graphite does or does not occur. Although certain molten salts can damage graphite by the formation of intercalation compounds, no evidence of such an effect has been found with breeder fuels.!® 17 Also, 141.. Brewer, "The Fusion and Vaporization Data of the Halides," p 201 in The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials: Thermodynamics (ed. by L. L. Quill), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950. l5Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, CRNL-2931, p 186. 16MSR Quar. Prog. Rep. Oct. 31, 1956, ORNL-2890, p 66—67. 17Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, ORNL-2931, p 70. 82 most of the fission products have been either melted as fluorides in graphite crucibles or included as major constituents of fluoride melts in graphite; again no evidence of intercalation has been noticed. It ap- pears likely that reactor fuels melt at too high a temperature to favor the formation of intercalation compounds. For example, it was found that although pure FeCls at 300°C crumbles graphite tubes in about 2 hr to form an intercalated powder, NaCl-FeCl; (70-30 mole %) shows no effect at 750°C. Dilution is also important, since intercalation was not found with NaCl-FeCl; (46-54 mole %) at 200°C for 7-1/2 hr; the maximum concen- tration of cations known to have [intercalating proclivities in the MSRE > L, rfario e T, " / y is expected to be much less than 0.0fibat. %. Permeation of Graphites by Molten Fluoride Fuels Continued tests on the permeation of graphite by LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %) and LiF-BeF,-ThF, (67-18-15 mole %) are summa- rized in Table 2.2.1. Most of the permeating salt in the CEY samples was found, by chemical analyses, to be near the exposed ends, and there was a selective depletion in the uranium concentration relative to other fuel constituents with increasing distance from the ends. Table 2.2.1. Permeation of Graphites Expressed as Weight Gains Temperature: 1300°F Pressure: 60-75 psig Weight Gains (%) Graphite LiF-RBeF,-ThF,, LiF-BeF,~-ThF ,~UF, AGOT 2023 A 3.4-6.0 GT-123 0.2 0.2 MH4TM-85 10.5 10.4 CEY* (RLM-24) 1.0 0.1-0.2 CEY ** 1.0 1.0 *This graphite is in the form of extruded tubing, 1-1/4-in. OD X 7/8-in. ID. *¥¥This graphite is in the form of l/2—in.-OD extruded tubing. 83 Radiation Effects Rehavior of a Rare-Earth Fission Product in a Graphite—Molten-Salt System In a graphite-moderated fused-salt reactor, retention of fission products in the graphite could appreciably reduce the breeding efficiency. The effect of xenon has been evaluated in other reports.18 Rare earths also comprise an important part of the high-cross-section fission prod- ucts. FEuropium has been selected as a typical rare earth, with useful tracer properties and a high cross section, for study in a molten-salt— graphite system. To provide a background for future work with irradiated N specimens, AGOT graphite was treated with LiF-BeF,-UF,-ThF, (67-18.5-0.5- 152,154 g5 described below. 14 mole %), containing a tracer quantity of Eu A group of three AGOT graphite specimens in the form of rods, 0.75- in. diameter and 3-in. length, were exposed to the tagged fuel for 1 hr at 700°C under a helium pressure of 30 psia and under conditions which should have given penetration of at least 15 wt %. Examination of these rods revealed that the degree of impregnation, as evidenced by weight gains, was only about 1%. Although the impregnation was not satisfactory, and there was considerable difference between rods, contact radioauto- graphs were made of the ends of O0.5-in. lengths sectioned from the three rods. Figure 2.2.17 illustrates the variation found along a rod. Visual observation of a sectioned face by sterecmicroscope revealed salt deposits in large random pores or interconnecting faults extending inward from the outer surface of the graphite rod. Other AGOT graphite specimens have been treated with fuel salt con- - taining europium by a different method. A hole 0.3 in. in diameter was drilled 2.5 in. along the axis of a graphite rod 0.9 in. in dlameter and * 3 in. long, and this hole was filled with fuel containing Eu'’2'%5%. The rod was then lowered into a molten-salt bath to a depth of approximately 2.75 in. This operation was carried out in a controlled-atmosphere vac- uum-tight furnace. A thick Lucite window in the top of the furnace con- tainer permitted observation during treatment of the graphite. One AGOT rod was maintained in the molten-salt bath for 24 hr at a temperature of 700°C under a helium pressure of 7.4 psia. Upon recovery 18Reactor Chem. Ann. Prog. Rep. Jan. 31, 1960, ORNL-2931, p 37. 84 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 48552 152,154 Fig. 2.2.17. Radioautographs Showing Variation of Penetration of BULT-14 Salt Containing Eu into AGOT Graphite Rod. of the specimen and removal of the inner plug of salt, no penetration of the graphite by the salt was noted, as might have been anticipated from the fact that the rod was incompletely immersed, and hence no pressure difference was available for pushing the salt into the graphite. The rod was then cut into 0.5-in. sections and a 24-hr contact radioautograph made using Kodak type M x-ray film. No blackening of the film was ob- served. 85 A second graphite rod was treated for 24 hr, as described above, except that the helium pressure was cycled twice between 7.4 and 35 psia during the last 2 hr in an attempt to develop a pressure difference. The attempt was again unsuccessful, and no blackening of the film was produced by a 24-hr contact period. The sections of both rods were then placed in contact with film for six days, and a very slight darkening of the film occurred in the position of the axial hole in each section. Gamma-ray analysis of the very small amount of radioactivity in the graphite sections indicated that the film darkening was due to the uranium and thorium content of the salt rather than Eut32:+34 activity. These limited data indicate that europium re- mains in the salt as expected and does not deposit on graphite surfaces. A third AGOT specimen is being treated under a vacuum of 100 to 200 u at 550°C and then under a helium pressure of 41 psia at 700°C to induce penetration of the graphite walls by tracer-bearing salt. Once permeation of europium activity by this treatment has been accomplished, the arrange- ment will be reversed so that the graphite specimen containing europium will be exposed to clean salt, permitting the leaching or interchange of the europium activity between the tagged and nontagged salt to be followed. Preparation of Purified Materials Purification, Handling, and Service Operations The use of purified fuels has been somewhat greater than had been anticipated, so that a stockpile of fuels of current interest no longer exists, although four batches of beryllium-based fuels were processed re- cently. Several capsules for in-pile testing were filled with a purified fuel containing U%?° and Li”. The large-scale production facility has recently been operated almos?t continuously to treat 950 kg of fluoride melts for use in recovery proc- esses under development by the Chemical Technology Division. 86 2.3 TFUEL REPROCESSING NO,-HF Solutions Further investigation of the dissolution of LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (62- 36.5-1.0-0.5 mole %) in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride containing nitrogen dioxide showed that under proper conditions the UF, 1s dissolved along with the LiF and BeF,. Salt of this composition was contacted several times successively with liquid HF containing 5 mole % NO,, each pass with 7 ml of solvent per gram of original salt. ZEssentially all the LiF and BeF, and 73% of the UF, dissolved in the first two treatments, and the rest of the uranium dissolved in the third. Thorium fluoride was not sol- uble, and rare earths were sufficiently Insoluble that the dissolved salt was decontaminated by a factor greater than 50. A large power reactor would probably use a fuel salt contalning less UF, than in this experiment, probably around 0.3 mole %, and perhaps no ThF,. Such a salt could be dissolved with HF-NO, solutions in two con- tacts. Since UF, is dissolved along with the LiF and BeF,, the section of the fluoride volatility plant used for recovering uranium from the fuel salt could be eliminated. The LiF and BeF, solubilities may be such that the total fuel-salt solubility is lower than for agueous HF solutions, thus requiring a somewhat larger plant for the same processing capacity. Aqueous NH,F In tests with blanket salt, LiF-BeF,-~ThF,;-UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %), some component, probably LiF, interfered with ThF, solubility. A sample of salt was added to 50% NH,F solution at 100°C. After 1 hr all the BeF, and UF, dissolved, the respective concentrations being 13 and 2.15 mg/ml; but only 12 to 15% of the LiF and ThF, dissolved, their respective solu- bilities being 2.2 and 9.3 mg/ml. After one day, during which time the PH decreased considerably due to loss of NH3 from the ammonium fluoride solution, all the solubilities were lower except that of BeF,. Neutrali- zation with NH,OH did not restore the original solubilities. In every case all the BeF, present was in solution, in agreement with its very high solubility in water. The solid phases containing ThF, obtained upon freezing this salt were 3LiF:ThF, solid solution and a little LiF-2ThF,; such compounds generally do not have properties similar to those of the components, LiF and ThF,. In this case the solubility of ThF, in equilib- rium with the compounds is much lower than that in equilibrium with pure ThT,, . No satisfactory process has been found for decontaminating salts con- taining large amounts of Th¥,. The fluoride volatility process is entirely satisfactory for processing these salts if they are used in the blanket of a two-reglon breeder reactor, since decontamination is not required for many years, if ever. However, decontamination would be required if these salts are used for fuel, as they might be in a one-region converter reactor. Protactinium Removal A method for economically removing protactinium from the blanket of a molten-salt breeder reactor at a rate competitive with its decay would be advantageous. A single experiment was made to investigate the possibility that a volatile fluoride might be formed. Natural protactinium (Pa231) was added to LiF-BeF,-ThF,-UF, (67-18.5-14-0.5 mole %) to a concentration of 0.012 wt %, and the salt was fluorinated for 2 hr at 650°C. No meas- urable amount of protactinium was removed from the salt, but the uranium was removed. 88 ORNL-2973 UC-81 — Reactors — Power TID=-4500 (l5th ed.) INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 1. R. G. Affel 48. M. T. Kelley 2. L. G. Alexander 49. F. Kertesz 3. E. S. Bettis 50. B. W. Kinyon 4., D. 8. Billington 51. M. E. Lackey 5. F. F. Blankenship 52. J. A. Lane 6. E. P. Blizard 53. D. A. Lee 7. A. L. Boch 54. R. S. Livingston 8. C. J. Borkowski 55. H. G. MacPherson 9. W. F. Boudreau 56. W. D. Manly 10. G. E. Boyd 57. E. R. Mann 11. M. A. Bredig 58. L. A. Mann 12. E. J. Breeding 59. W. B. McDonald 13. R. B. Briggs 60. H. F. McDuffie 14. W. E. Browning 61l. J. R. McNally 15. D. 0. Campbell 62. H. J. Metz 16, W. H. Carr 63. R. P. Milford 17. G. I. Cathers 64. E. C. Miller 18. C. E. Center (X-25) 65. J. W. Miller 19. R. A. Charpie 66. K. Z. Morgan 20. R. S. Cockreham 67. J. P. Murray (Y-12) 2l. J. H. Coobs 68. M. L. Nelson 22, F. L. Culler 69. G. J. Nessle 23. J. H. DeVan 70. W. R. Osborn 24. D. A. Douglas 71. L. F. Parsly 25. L. B. Emlet (K-25) 72. P. Patriarca 26. W. K. Ergen 73. A. M. Perry 27. J. Y. BEstabrook 74. D. Phillips 28. D. E. Ferguson 75. W. D. Reel 29. A. P. Fraas 76. P. M. Reyling 30. E. A. Franco-Ferreira 77. J. T. Roberts 31. J. H. Frye, dJr. 78. M. T. Robinson 32. W. R. Gall 79. H. W. Savage 33. A. T. Gresky g0. J. L. Scott 34. J. L. Gregg €l. H. E. Seagren 35.37. W. R. Grimes 82. E. D. Shipley 38. E. Guth 3. M. J. Skinner 39. C. S. Harrill 84. G. M. Slaughter 40. M. R. Hill 85. A. H. Snell 41. E. E. Hoffman 86. E. Storto 42. H. W. Hoffman 87. C. D. Susano 43. A. Hollaender 88. J. A. Swartout 44. A. 8. Householder 89. A. Taboada 45. W. H. Jordan 90. E. H. Taylor 46. G. W. Keilholtz 91. R. E. Thoma 47. C. P. Keim 92. D. B. Trauger 93. F. 94. G. 95. A. 6. M. 97. J. 98. G. G 149. 150. 151-727. %0 GQuald=a= 20 Vonderlage Watson Weinberg Whatley White Whitman . Williams D. H. Groelsema, AEC, Washington 100. 101. 102-105. 106-145. 146, 147-148. C. E. Winters J. Zasler ORNL — Y-12 Technical Library, Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Department Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. Central Research Library EXTERNAT, DISTRIBUTION Division of Research and Development, AEC, CRO Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 (15th ed.) under Reactors-Power category (75 copies — OTS)