[ SRSl VN ] [ A ) | PSS ] A7 ORNL MASTER COPY ORNL=-2780 UC-25 - Metallurgy and Ceramics THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF INOR-8 R. W. Swindeman OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION ‘ for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION . Available from the $1.75 Office of Technical Services Printed in USA. Price Department of Commerce Washington 25, D.C, LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes ony warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for domages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "‘person octing on behalf of the Commission'' includes ony employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. CORNL-2780 Metallurgy and Ceramics TID-4500 (15th ed.) Contract No. W-T4O5-eng-26 METALLURGY DIVISION THE MECHANICAL PROPERTTES OF INOR-8 R. W. Swindeman DATE ISSUED JAN 19 1961 OAK RIDGE NATTIONAL IABORATCRY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNLON CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY CCOMMISSION THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF INOR-8 R. W. Swindeman ABSTRACT Tensile, creep, and relaxation tests were performed on INOR-8, a nickel- base alloy developed for use in the Molten-Salt Reactor. The mechanical properties are summarized and discussed in relation to the composition, microstructure, and environment. The results indicate that the minimum strength properties of INOR-8 are sufficient to permit the use of workable design stresses up to 1300°F, although certain areas are pointed out where additional information is desirable. INTRODUCTION The chemical, metallurgical, and nuclear properties required of a structural material for use in the Molten-Salt Reactor brought about the (ref l) As soon as development of a nickel-base alloy, designated INOR-8. commercial heats of this material became available, mechanical properties studies were initiated by several laboratories. This report summarizes the results obtained by the Mechanical Properties Group of the Metallurgy Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The testing program had two major objectives. The first was to obtain design data for INOR-8 under conditions similar to those in the Molten-Salt Reactor, while the second was to study the effect of various metallurgical factors on the strength and ductility of the alloy. Most of the testing was done on two heats of material, designated SP 16 and SP 19. The program l'I‘. K. Roche, The Influence of Composition Upon the 1500°F Creep-Rupture Strength and Microstructure of Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron-Nickel-Base Alloys, ORNL-2524 (June 2L, 1958). _3_ included tensile, creep, and relaxation tests at temperatures in the range of interest for the Molten-Salt Reactor. The program is supplemented by mechanical properties data obtained by several other groups at the Qak Ridge National Iaboratory, the Haynes-Stellite Company,2 and the Battelle Memorial Institute.3 Because the range of testing techniques and conditions was broad, this report has been separated into sections covering each type of test. Repre- sentative data are shown and the variations discussed. More detailed data are supplied in the Appendix. Where pertinent, the mechanical properties data obtained by other investigators will be discussed. MATERTAT Procurement and Chemistry Five heats of wrought material have been tested. These are SP 16, SP 19, M-1566, 8M-1, and 1327. Two heats, SP 16 and SP 19, were supplied by the Haynes-Stellite Company and were air melted. Two other air-melted heats, M-1566 and 8M-1, were procured from the Westinghouse Electric Company. Heat 1327 is identical to 8M-1, except that it was vacuum-arc remelted. The chemical analyses of these heats are presented in Table I. The composition specified for INOR-8 is also given and a comparison of the analyses reveals that the most significant variation occurs in the carbon content which ranges from 0.02% for SP 16 to 0.1L4% for 8M-1 and 1327. Only SP 19 and M-1566 are within the present carbon specifications. Annealing Response and Microstructure The annealing treatment was chosen to be above the anticipated brazing temperature but below the temperature where excessive grain growth occurs. For most heats this treatment was for 1 hr at 2100°F. Heat SP 16 developed a coarse-grain size under these conditions, however, and the temperature was reduced to 2000°F for most of the test series on this heat. Even this treat- ment produced a relatively coarse-grain size. The variations in the ASTM grain-size numbers and the Rockwell B hardness numbers corresponding to the annealing treatment are shown in Table II. Rod stock of SP 19 exhibits two grain sizes, AST™ 1-3 and 5-7, corresponding to 2Developmental Data on Hastelloy Alloy N, Haynes-Stellite Company, (May, 1959). 3r. @. Carlson, Fatigue Studies of INOR-8, BMI-1354 (June 26, 1959). TABLE I. The Chemical Composition of Five Heats of INOR-8 (Wt %) Element Specification SP 16 SP 19 M-1566 8M-1 1327 Molybdenum 15 - 19 15.82 16.65 16.1 6.2 17.2 Chromium 6 - 8 6.99 T.43 7.9 T.47 7.0 Iron 5 max .85 4.83 k.2 6.1 5.1 Carbon 0.0k - 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.1k 0.1k Manganese 0.8 max 0.3k .48 0.66 0.69 0.73 i Silicon 0.55 max 0.32 0.0k 0.20 0.2 0.19 Tungsten 0.50 max 0.35 - -- -- - . Cobalt 0.2 max 0.51 0.51 - -- -- Titanium/Aluminum 0.50 max o -- 0.08 0.08 0.07 Copper 0.50 max -- 0.02 -- -— - Sulfur 0.01 max -- 0.015 0.004 0.006 0.001 Phosphorus 0.01 max - 0.010 0.002 0.009 0.001 Boron 0.01l max 0.02 - 0.03 == -- - - Nickel Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance TABLE II. The Grain Size and Hardness of Annealed INOR-8 Annealing Carbon Range of Range of Treatment Content ASTM Grain- Rockwell B (°F) (hr) Heat Geometry (Wt %) Size Number Hardness Number 2000 1 SP 16 Sheet 0.02 2 - U 76 - 86 2000 1 SP 16 Rod 0.02 2 - U 80 - 88 2100 1 SP 16 Sheet 0.02 2 - 3 76 - 86 2100 1 SP 16 Rod 0.02 2 -3 76 - 8k 2100 1 SP 19 Sheet 0.06 L -6 86 - 91 2100 1 SP 19-1 Rod 0.06 1 -3 86 - 91 2100 1 SP 19-3 Rod 0.06 5 =7 88 - 100 2100 1 M-1566 Sheet 0.08 5 -7 87 - 93 2100 1 M-1566 Red 0.08 5 -7 87 - 90 2100 1 8M-1 Sheet 0.14 5 - 7 90 - 93 2100 1 1327 Sheet 0.1k 5 -7 89 - 92 - g - two different rods designated SP 19-1 and SP 19-3, respectively. With the exception of SP 19-1 the high carbon heats have the finest grain size and highest hardness numbers. Photomicrographs of the annealed sheet specimens are shown in Figs. 1 through 5. The microstructures reveal an equiaxed grain structure with stringers and clusters of a second phase through the grains and along the grain boundaries. This phase has been identified as a (Ni, Mo)6 C carbide and appears to increase with increasing carbon content. The size, number, and distribution of these carbides vary from heat to heat. TENSILE PROPERTIES Equipment and Procedure Tensile tests were performed in air on sheet and rod material. The sheet specimens were 0.063-in. thick, 0.5-in. wide, with a 3-in. uniform gage length. A detailed description of the specimen design has been pre- sented by Douglas and Manly.5 Rod specimens were of the standard ASTM design for 0.505- or 0.357-in.~diam gage sections. Tests were performed on a Baldwin-Southwark hydraulic testing machine having a 120,000-1b capacity. In all cases the extension rate was 0.05 in. per min. Results Typical Data: A series of tensile curves for INOR-8 rod specimens (SP 16 annealed at 2000°F) is shown in Fig. 6. At elevated temperatures it is evident that yielding takes place quite abruptly and very little work hardening occurs during the initial stages of plastic flow. The stress at the proportional limit and the 0.2% offset yield strength (indicated by the dash on the tensile curve) exhibit very little temperature dependence between 1000 and 1400°F. This type of behavior was observed for all of the heats tested. The tensile strength and elongation are considerably more temperature dependent, as illustrated in Fig. 7. %A. E. IaMarche, Pilot Plant Development of a Nickel-Molybdenum-Base High Temperature Alloy, Report No. 2-98848-190, Materials Manufacturing Department of Westinghouse Electric Company, Blairsville, Penn. (May, 1958). 5D. A. Douglas and W. D. Manly, A Laboratory for the High-Temperature Creep Testing of Metals and Alloys in Controlled Environments, ORNL-2053 (Sept. 18, 1956). \ - " - — ~ \ - - t - “ \Syion e 3 2B BT N - Fig. 1 Heat * - = 5 g * - - - ~ . = \ . S SN - — . - - - - — - P - S —~ A — . r - - - / - i - - - - - - b =~ - . o o . o ST -— “w ~ — - - & e ~ SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Y-27215 et - - - - 2 ~ P, ) T N- 2 ‘f( - ~ T A i - 5 e P ki — L — ey e LI) z - . —— - / ol e G " o2 - r——— C ) = b = a— \- 5 0.03 T N - = i A Yy | - \ @ . - - x s'.‘: & - ! - _oq » — -—‘ L 4' 9 \ : - - - . =~ Etchant: Chrome Regia. 100X. .. . . ¥ . s timn v ¢ ‘ ) by *o 3, 4 . s ¢ N ' V1) R You ' . & <3t i y ' s S . v o J& RN ) R . NN y -« gy . s . i *_' . . (2] [} 3.' W A oY -‘ij \ v - ) » ~ ) '. (&) S « X} ¢ t' 1 '_o.' 3 E \ . . ‘e $ . | . o . ™ Y-8, Iy ' - " «J wl 3 ¢ & 2 . 0.02 ‘ \ 3 . ; .~ ot & e : W . | * . Y A “ard ’ ¥ \ . g L) ’ ’ A ‘ 4 “y ': 1’ \ . v M .’ " | $4 ] a e, AV & Y \ 0.03 ) ) ., v . | ( '_'\".n "4 s ' o Vo S v A pes - \ ) ‘. \ g o ‘ \ \ . . s ’ $ f ) Ll \S T 100X 1 Fig. 2 Heat SP 19 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. '°- -'... ‘:'o"' - .‘. .-. 3" r ...‘.« © o 3‘. I .,.._.‘ . + ain B % - Ay & 2Ly 4,.- . IR AR S TER IS T VA B T T RIS P s e R Y31 5T [ '.3.'.31’1 " & ” &9,! < % N ".',-qfi .;-‘ e -...3~a',‘f’."°' . '?'.“’,"1.' .'_0'; & ety ' A N 5 % ....;.d. -fl: ?&, 'A?'“-:‘”" °..?"‘ o TN ST, 2o SN R b ® sy K- 9 o ROV RGeSV INCHES 0.03 o » N . - > a" ‘ . 4 g - - et 2 < - i@ . o 3 . - - © el Vo tes - 2 .o ' -d - ) .03 g X ] ) . 2 al A i L 2o o9 . ’ o . - A N R R T PPN 2N o - e . -y AR ~ g . - ““ .- & - 5 l‘ - Y- - = . d . Vi g N 2 ST v e - T 8 e :“ L . NeSe b ot - . - . ooy > e ° - . e '3 ’ A O T s ‘he, w” ';"-. . ~ . B e s i PRIt e S oK Lo T y'g o/ R . .5 Kb . o Ry "% \yp W . e ne® - Po T~ J\..'_,_,"'d:",' ot e '.'0 S v n% . - 8 ‘e R e T ?“ "'\-w'r " O3 i b e . : ; . T !’.._.- Y AT T :.. % ¢ ol pat - e & - ? By . . . ‘. Q- g TR s I S L SRR & L T - - - f-,';' wAN 4w g PO A, i Ay vt MBS . T IO?X o 2‘»?& -'-'-'.' ' m : e "'fi "’;".“"g "';:P“"d-.i" vt Fig. 3 Heat M-1566 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. = 10 = . g - . ; '- gy . '.."- o AT 2 ,-"' ar SR G | Gl A% 5 y (%2} -w- X o z 0.02 -b s .4 ;‘.n ‘e ..0(.;{ V;‘;‘A'a' fl%&"‘a % ?&fi'x (TR _ 0.03 > - O e Fig. 4 Heat 8M-1 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. 2 | L% A% v < k) . 3 ) 4 e > T3 o e s SRS Hpt ..w\¢v§ b P - \ N \t\, L 100X. Agua Regia. Etchant: °F . 5 Heat 1327 Amnealed 1 Hr at 2100 Fig UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46327 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 STRESS (psi) _8-[.- 20,000 15,000 10,000 5000 fOOo - IS fEOOoF. 1 ~L3000, \ 4000 & \ SOO op \ 800°F Fig. 6 1Initial Portion of the Tensile Curves for INOR-8 (SP 16 Annealed at 2000°F) Rod Specimens. STRAIN ) -3 TENSILE OR YIELD STRESS (psix 10 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 40206 70 > [> ELONGATION 60 T TENSILE STRENGTH ) A 50 40 30 0.2% YIELD STRENGTH 20 (0] 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 TEMPERATURE (°F) Fig. 7 Tensile Properties of INOR-8 (SP 16) 0.505-in. Rods Annealed 1 hr at 2000°F. 1600 (%) ELONGATION IN 3in. -E-[_ - 14 - Effect of Composition and Grain Size: The tensile properties for sheet specimens of four heats—SP 16, SP 19, M-1566, and 8M-1 (data for SP 19 and 8M-1 are for 0.045-in.-thick sheet and were taken from a test series performed for Inouye6) are presented in Figs. 8, 9, and 10. The data shown in Fig. 8 indicate that the tensile strengths do not vary greatly from heat to heat. Although high-carbon and fine-grained heats are slightly stronger than coarse-grained and low-carbon heats, the tensile strengths for all heats of the sheet specimens fall within a narrow scatterband. Figure 9 shows the variation in the yield strength from heat to heat. Heat 8M-1, high in carbon with a fine-grain size, exhibits the highest yield strength; while SP 16, low in carbon and coarse grained, is the weakest. - Values range from 25,000 psi to 38,000 psi at 1300°F. Tensile elongation data are presented in Fig. 10. The elongation is constant up to 1000°F, but rapidly drops to a minimum value near 1500°F, the highest temperature investigated. The elongation decreases with increasing carbon content and/or decreasing grain size with the exception of M-1566. Heat M-1566 is the least ductile above 1000°F. A summary of these and additional tensile data are given in Tables A-1 and A-2 in the Appendix. Effect of Notches: Tests were performed on notched-rod specimens of SP 19-3 at several temperatures. These specimens had a gage diameter of 0.357 in. and a notch radius of 0.005 in. As in the case of most metals, the effect of the notch is to increase the ultimate tensile strength; but at the lower temperatures, the increase for INOR-8 is only slight. The notched to unnotched strength ratiocs at room temperature, 1000, 1200, and 1500°F are 1.08, 1.07, 1.13, and 1.38, respectively. Data for these tests are presented in Table A-3 of the Appendix. Effect of Aging: A few aging tests were performed on notched specimens of SP 19-~3. The selected treatments were 200 hr at 1200°F, Lo hr at 1650°F, and 4 hr at 1800°F. Data are summarized in Table A-3 of the Appendix. The results do not indicate any significant aging effect, although the notch strength ratios are very close to unity below 1500°F. — H. Tnouye, Met. Ann. Prog. Rep. Sept. 1, 1959, ORNL-2839, p. 195. 140 120 100 ® O TENSILE STRESS (psi x 10 ) () (@] 40 20 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 40207 0.063-in. THICK SHEETS V22 A AN 222870 é% O 5.P. 16 ‘<& ® S.P. 19 A 8 M1 A M1566 4 200 400 600 B0OO 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 TEMPERATURE (°F) Fig. 8 Temperature Dependence of the Ultimate Tensile Strength for INOR-S8. _g-[_ 60 50 D o YIELD STRESS (psi x 10 °) [8Y] o N o 10 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- LR-DWG 40208 0.063-in. THICK SHEET L .y ‘\\\ \\ ‘\ \\ ™~ [~ .\ "'\ S S -~ ) \\ "c-..._ . ™ o~ --...\ T — —— \*\ "'l-"'...__-- —_— 7y / A A -~ AT \\ \ - s ~ \ -—_:‘_;\T_—.; Y Q v O S.P. 16 ® S P 19 A8 M1 A M1566 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Fig. 9 Temperature Dependence of the 0.2% Offset TEMPERATURE (°F) Yield Strength for INOR-8. 1800 - 9"[- ELONGATION IN 2-in. (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 40209 0.063-in. THICK SHEETS ”— ——— —y A — - i I S —_—— O S.P. 16 \A ® S.P 19 A 8MI A M1566 \\‘~ 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 TEMPERATURE (°F) ¥Fig. 10 Temperature Dependence of Tensile Elongation. 1800 _LT_ - 18 - Data are also reported in Table A-3 of the Appendix for smooth rods of coarse-grained SP 19-1 aged 40 hr at 1650°F. No change in the strength properties is evident, but the elongation at 1500°F has increased from 20 to 50%. This improvement appears to be associated with coarsening of the carbides and evidence of this coarsening is presented in the section of the report covering creep. Effect of Carburization: A few tensile tests were performed on smooth- and notched-rod specimens of SP 19-3 which had been carburized in sodium- graphite for LO hr at 1650°F. This treatment resulted in a high-carbon case which penetrated to a depth of about 0.010 in. Data for smooth rods are compared to noncarburized material in Fig. 11. Up to 1200°F carburization results in a slight increase in the yield strength and a decrease in the tensile strength, elongation, and reduction in area. Data for notched specimens parallel this behavior with the notch strength ratio being less than unity when the ratio is in respect to the unnotched-uncarburized specimens. Summary data are reported in Table A-3 of the Appendix. Fracture Characteristics and Microstructure: Metallographic studies were performed on the rod specimens of SP 19-3. This study revealed that the temperature at which the ductility begins to drop corresponds to the tempera- ture at which grain-boundary fracture begins to occur. Below 1000°F, the fracture is predominately transgranular as shown in Fig. 12, while above this temperature the fracture becomes intergranular as indicated by Fig. 13. The effect of carburization on fracture is to change the low-temperature mechanism to one of intergranular fracture. Figures 14 and 15 show the fracture at the surface for carburized and noncarburized specimens tested at room temperature. The intergranular fracture which occurs at room temperature in the carburized zone becomes transgranular in the interior of the specimen where no carburiza- tion occurs. CREEP PROPERTIES Program Creep tests were performed in molten salt and alr between 1100 and 1800°F. Since the maximum temperature for long-time service was not expected to exceed 1300°F, most of the tests were conducted in the 1100 to 1300°F temperature TENSILE AND YIELD STRENGTH (psi) 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 47361 Fig. 11 Effect of Surface Carburization on the Tensile Properties of INOR-8 (SP 19) Rod Specimens. v O A © NON- CARBURIZED Y m A o CARBURIZED WITH 0.040-in. CASE 60 O ‘———___:\ /TENSILE STRENGTH (o,e) | e 50 [m] : \i, I I 40 A [ ] 73 30 ELONGATION \ (0.8) / 3 REDUCTION &\ IN AREA L A \ | " —— 20 A Y SNy f P— Y Y 0.2% OFF SET YIELD “ STRENGTH (V.¥) U\ 10 0 o) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 TEMPERATURE (°F) ELONGATION AND REDUCTION IN AREA (%) _6-[_ INCHES ig. 12 Heat SP 19-3 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Tensile tested at room temperature. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. = ol - & 7o e : 1 * 7 Y-30905 - oV - D o t _ L o - - -~ . { ~ > . o i - p - (o > e Lty 5 = - 4 arN So . - - - P - sy L - - o .l R /‘ - = = N 3 - 3 < . — - - - :‘ - » > - ¢ 0 v Do roF e p v e M A A X - - e’y | e POF v ~ - o\ 4 = < f - - P -~ = / | - . . ~ v - - \\.' - Y0 < - - n e N — = L .- \ ) & ad ' Ay - - < . £ o & 2 =) - -~ <« -~ vy P o b o ! B 4 T . e %e NS . \ - } N ~— ~ - ° q . Y v - ’ c - / . - — 4 fo [ ) g A N b 2L o8 b o - - ¥ \ . “\"\\ r e & L= - » \ o~ N -~ 7 ¢ 3 e n e e By BNAS . o om. gy £ .3 <3 > ! Xy 2 / ! ] ’ ¢ ¢ ~ pec Vot " - ~ - e g i P oy ,.m//: / 7 » . < ~ A ‘S ! / —rt .2 - M ia & - v ~ p . - o ) o f\u Y- - / < LN Y be o b O o At 2 p . . =y . ’ o / o . ¢ ‘ . - - | e o {( & LY o Je » tepo® Fig. 13 Heat SP 19-3 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Tensile tested at 1500°F. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. INCHES INCHES . ) 1 1 oy : ~ ~\0 gl | ig. 14 Heat SP 19-3 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100"F. Tensile tested at room temperature. tchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. | no ) | FPig. 15 Heat SP 19-3 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Carburized in Sodium— Graphite for 40 hr at 1650°F. Tensile tested at room temperature. Etchant: 10% Oxalic Acid. 200X. _oh - range. The bulk of the testing was done on heats SP 16 and SP 19, but a few tests were performed on the other three heats for comparative purposes. Equipment and Procedure for Tests in Salt Sheet specimens were tested in molten-salt No. 107; the nominal composition of which, in terms of the mole percentage, is NaF—11.2, KF—41, LiF—45.3, and UFM—E.S. A static system was used, but in some cases the salt was periodically changed. The testing chambers were constructed of Inconel, Hastelloy B, or Hastelloy C and are described together with other equipment in a report written by Douglas and,Manly.7 Extension measurements were obtained from a dial gage which recorded the upward travel of the pull rod on the exterior of the testing chamber. Such a technique lead to scatter and inaccuracies in the strain measure- ments especially for strains less than 0.5%. This point should be considered in evaluating the low-strain creep data reported for molten- salt tests. Results for Tests in Salt Typical Data: Typical creep curves for tests in salt at 1300°F are shown in Fig. 16. These are for SP 16. (Unless otherwise stated, SP 16 has been given a l-hr anneal at 2000°F.) C(reep occurs in the three classical stages: transient, steady, and accelerating. The change in strain rate during the transient period is quite small and similarly, the acceleration in creep before failure is not large. Most tests in salt exhibited this type of curve, although many of the low stress tests on SP 16 at 1500°F and above exhibited a continually decreasing creep rate to rupture. Figure 17 is a comparison of the creep curves for the five heats at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. With the exception of heat M-1566, the curves show fairly good agreement. Heat 8M-1 exhibits the lowest creep rate while heat 1327 is the most ductile. Heat M-1566 exhibits an inflection at the end of transient creep and accelerates immediately to rupture after a short time and small strain. 7D. A. Douglas and W. D. Manly, A Iaboratory for the High-Temperature Creep Testing of Metals and Alloys in Controlled Enviromments, ORNL-2053 (Sept. 18, 1956). CREEP STRAIN (%) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46318 ] 30,000 3 /25,000 psi ——____—_— ’ / / 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 {000 TIME (hr) Fig. 16 Creep Curves for INOR-8 (SP 16) Tested in Molten Salt at 1300°F. _ga_ CREEP STRAIN (%) 10 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46319 / . / ) 7//// ] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 3900 {000 TIME (hr) Fig. 17 Comparison of the Creep Curves for Various Heats of INOR-8 Tested in Molten Salt at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. —98_ - 27 - Summary Data: A digest of the creep data cbtained from tests in molten salt is presented in Table A-4 of the Appendix. Data include the time to specified creep strains for each test conducted. These values were taken from smooth curves as plotted on log-log coordinates. The rupture life and elongation are also reported. Summary data taken from this table are presented in Figs. 18, 19, and 20. Figure 18 is a log-log plot of the stress vs time to 1% creep strain. Scatterbands have been drawn to cover the data corresponding to various temperatures. At 1100, 1200, and 1300°F these bands are nearly parallel, while the slopes at 1650 and 1800°F are apparently different. Air test data indicate a break in the curves above 20,000 psi, near the yield strength, but the data obtained from tests in molten salt exhibit too much scatter to define this break clearly. Figure 19 is a log-log plot of the stress vs the minimum creep rate. The scatterbands exhibit the same characteristics as Fig. 18, except that: (1) the scatterband for 1100°F data is not parallel to that at 1200 and 1300°F, and (2) the data at 1500°F and above show considerably greater stress dependency. Figure 20 1s a log-log plot of the stress vs the rupture life. Scatterbands resemble those for 1% creep at 1100, 1200, and 1300°F, but here again a considerable stress dependency occurs at 1500°F and above. The rupture ductility values recorded for INOR-8 are lowest at 1100°F. The minimum value listed in Table A-4 of the Appendix is 1.7% which corresponds to 12,725 hr at 1100°F. Ductilities are greater at the higher temperatures, but the rupture lives corresponding to these ductilities are short. The maximum value reported is 22% for heat 1327 at 1800°F after 23 hr. Microstructure: Photomicrographs are shown in Figs. 21 through 25 for the various heats of INOR-8 tested in molten salt at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. (The creep curves for this series are shown in Fig. 17.) Fracture occurs by intergranular cracking, but the grain size apparently has not affected the rupture life at this temperature. Heat 1327, for example, exhibits a structure and crack pattern similar to heat M-1566, yet one lasted 1177 hr and the other only 180 hr. Heat SP 16, which is coarse grained as compared to heats 1327 and M-1566, failed after 882 nr, a time between the two extremes. STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46320 40,000 Reqs Q// g [ \ =z &> t 4?5' P> Qz; - é}" ) ‘<2> >> 'Q’j N < '~<~//1 X ™ 1~ 10,000 B> s ’ ~<: P, 8000 b Lo < NN (> >¢. 4000 S s Py \;41@ 1650 °F < e 42-/,/) o S.P 16 G > .2 ® S.PI9 iz i " e 1 />">--._ o A BM-1 ////‘ - fBOO F T 0 1327 2000 AL g - AP {000 10° o' 102 103 0% TIME (hr) Fig. 18 Stress vs Time to 1.0% Creep Strain for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Molten Salt. _88— STRESS, (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46324 40,000 % f £?Z /4 1 ; oH i il el HOO°F [fl‘ 1200°F /rflJ ‘ fl 20,000 %8 Wil ?Z? b o7 b i LA DA flfj 10,000 d [‘4/ /*fjj 1 4310(3:% yle pad o /74 8000 /fiy/ jic; (fljfi[’u 4503 F Jj’fi"' ». 6000 1‘__£nk!7 U4 oA 4000 465;:’/;417 lflflfll _,jrrrfifflfl'm el o 3pe | 2000 Z gr’ffs u_';TJfl' o 4327 LT 106 107° w04 1073 1072 ol CREEP RATE (% /hr) Fig. 19 Stress vs Minimum Creep Rate for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Molten Salt. _68— STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46322 40,000 1 [ L+ 1300°F 1200°F T Sho oo | K| |1 1100 °F | |l [T v | Y o ¢ <‘é/>,~ 'Q//>> q 3 Q/,/ L1 - L~ m_ = AL 20,000 Y 2 p %058 %S o S.P.16 iE > X 2:2 NZz, ® S.P19 = \@x £423 Y M1566 %%2> ‘é/&> <,; A 8 M-I 6 ;>‘ éé o 1327 @,//;-, ) '<< 1500 °F < 1 <¥<'¢22222h 6000 TP Iy G~ . I~ 1P > Q‘“d% ||| 1650°F 4000 NG N 3>._£ F ‘z:??_% S ;/ ~ -] ¢ <> s s b /Z,é?‘;;>>~> = P g% "M @} 2000 10 Spul| 1000 10° 10" t0? 103 104 10° TIME (hr) Fig. 20 Stress vs Time to Rupture for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Molten Salt. _OE_ Fig. 21 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X . Rupture in 882 hr. INCHES 0.02 T 00X 1 o ar . v . . , . ” p i X' Lo - \J - . - » - p . Y L \s - ! ) . ‘ \ ! - S . / [ ‘ ; Y y \ . [ \ ' ’ . . ! 4 0.02 . = - ’ I v Y . . > ” ' . . - ¥ & . { 4 i % "l b i 4 S0, Fadt P : ‘ Y . e B ) & ,{ s - / ) ' . Y 3 I ’ \ ¥ \ ~ e / L i \ | - ( hd 0.03 ANy - \ “ ~ ol ~ - 5 - A - by - "y " - l . ¥ \ ! ? ~ . Y - X ) \ ’ P > \ ’ \ i - s 1 “Q e Ly ha x M ' . { f } y-o—q = ' . 1 . 9 —— R w M o k4 ‘J:-' v - l Y A v i ~ 1 Fig. 22 Heat SP 19 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. Rupture in 767 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. Creep tested in molten 6 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. 156 salt at 1300°F and Heat M- Etchant: 23 Fig. Rupture in 180 hr. °0,000 psi. ~ c 100X. Aqua Regia. Fig. 24 Heat GM-1 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Creep tested in molten - salt at 1300°F and 20,000 psi. Rupture in 1115 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. INCHES 0.03 -_5 ot Creep tested in molten 2100°F. Fig. 25 Heat 1327 Annealed 1 Hr at 000 psi. 3 AN a =V, alt at 1300°F an Etchant = -~ 100X. Agua Regia. - 36 - Photomicrographs showing the effect of environment and exposure time on the microstructure are presented in Figs. 26 through 33. These structures are for SP 16 at temperatures of 1100, 1200, 1300, 1500, 1650, and 1800°F. A precipitate forms at all temperatures and becomes coarser and more evident as the temperature and time increase. There does not appear to be evidence of severe corrosion, but surface roughening occurs at nearly all temperatures. Equipment and Procedure for Tests in Air The creep program in ailr consisted of a series of tests on rod and sheet specimens of SP 16 at 1250°F and on sheet specimens of SP 19 at several temperatures. All specimens in these programs were annealed 1 hr at 2100°F. Tests were performed in Arcweld Model C.E. lever arm creep machines. Extensometers were clamped on the gage length of standard 0.063-in.-thick sheet specimens and on the shoulders of the standard 0.505-in.-diam rod specimens. Results for Sheet Specimens in Air Typical Data: Typical creep curves for SP 16 in air at 1250°F are shown in Fig. 34. In contrast to the tests in molten salt, no transient creep occurs. The initial stage is rather one of nil or slowly accelerating creep which in some cases extends as long as 1000 hr. For several tests a period of slightly negative creep was even observed. This nil creep rate, of course, made it impossible to define a minimum creep rate in the usual sense; hence, only plots of the l% creep and rupture data are presented here. Summary Data: Summary-type data taken from Table A-5 of the Appendix are shown in Figs. 35 and 36 and include data reported by the Haynes-Stellite Company for fine-grained SP 16 (ASTM 4-6). Figure 35 is a log-log plot of the stress vs the time to 1% creep strain in which scatterbands have been drawn which cover most of the data. In contrast to the tests in molten salt, the scatterbands at 1500 and 1700°F are roughly parallel to the low- temperature data. Figure 36 is a log-log plot of the stress vs the time to rupture. Here again the scatterbands have been drawn to cover all data, although the data cbtained by the Haynes-Stellite Company indicate greater creep strength at 1300°F and less strength at 1700°F. - N P | .‘. T ) \ fl ! . . ‘ - ~ g— /e a = . f \_’ '1\ et > 1. \ {1\ 7 \ \ \ [ -.\ '( _A\ : : p ; A \‘ ’\, LN 7~ “ x o ‘ \ - \-\'1 ,' r— S—‘ - 5 T — - -~ (&) : L - e ==, ral I — ) 3 I/A~ \. "\ - 2 ’ i 0.02 por ) . S %) AR gy A A < 0.03 Q\ ,\ ;—Hb N - 2 > ~ . A - b O TS T 2 >F ) e B/ R O Y Fig. 26 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1100°F and 30,000 psi. Rupture in 3537 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. 1 w (@s] ! INCHES 0.03 T 100X 1 Creep tested in molten Fige 27 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F, salt at 1100°F and 25,000 psi. Rupture in 12,725 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. _39_ Y-31225 INCHES f = G 7 3 0 . > ’ R 2 — S - ~ ¥ - A Ly L d 0.02 g . Al o = . —~ - ~ . = —wt NI WY T ~ P - - - e IF A~ S _a - o . z s e TN 2/ ) ~ £ ” p W, v .o. f- e = y o e / N s -1 - \ /// \: ,,f—' e “ - - = < Lyt - - - 3 . U | - : .- - . - - & | \ e \ : \ ' ; ‘ o — - = ) = N . \ - o —"y B LT Y = 2 ~A it . .1 r e £ ‘-. \\/” o d < = 0.03 - =0, / ~ - - - '] & ( i ~ i - . - ¢ ) ’ \ a y= L S ) iy { A ~— - - £ . - \ - /s v - o ad - 2 =3 o J “ ~ ‘ — . A d x S 20 = . \ g T L O] ? . \ | N - e %8 —" ., 9 — L \ 7 g ’ = .. / > M ; =) _ Vs ) s - e / . < e s - il fed e e, - B \ K —t - il ~ . PN . » P e . —— 5 A e \ i e e | PV | e ! o5 b A /™ N A e \ " - > ho brmvemee g e ¢ o o ol Fig. 28 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1200°F and 20,000 psi. Rupture in 6685 hr, Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. m LY. £ 3 Fig. 29 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1300°F and 12,000 psi. Rupture in 5007 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. N %, 1 INCHES 0.02 0.03 Fig. 30 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1500°F and 8,000 psi. Rupture in 529 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. - A5 o e B, L Py T Y-31228 \AA\ “e s i wn )~ o = o £ 0.02 0.03 .___ <24 . EN > L O Q Fig. 31 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1500°F and 6,000 psi. Rupture in 3238 hr. Etchant: Agua Regia. 100X. | = Y | Y-31230 INCHES 0.02 > Y > 24" . 3 ~ ~ - . ' - 5> " . > = - 1 L - “:'. ? i . \ "- . e 4 'S " - ALY ~ ~ . N gt b —— e ——— X < 2 yous bot < . TS < Ksviy . 7 k. ‘4'- ; i et = =0, . «fi A A ey 4 a_ \ = 2 « . . = e o i - - \ e Ao ; ‘ By " AL / \ ,?“' 5 " - | <3 4 t "-h/‘/ < s o= | M o : ~ / < f e S v s 5 0.0 / o) . - oh ¢ ¢ - - < ~ o 4 R N /W Py 1 a e TP = \ I - 4 ‘ » I - 8y ) .~ - ~. ¥4 N\ i ’ S - . \ -, 3 \ . - ) k - S~ ¥ — \e - Srow oA S -~ - b e - P— 1 . L, - —— 4 . . \ e I8 (g > ; - e N g \ * ™y - ™~ ML, o J 4 { - """ — -t - i — N ~ | . . A o N - % o A ' wedqw I > /'&,s'. - ¢ s < . o~ —_— | e e, = -~ -‘\ N - \ l/ 3 ¢ 5 \\ o = \ = - - . e ¢ ‘ - ' - \ ) o \ » w L& T S - - > < U . 7\ e 5 = b T ' f < ‘s ' — \ - Y o) P LLAR Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1650°F and 4,000 psi. Rupture in 768 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2000°F. Creep tested in molten salt at 1600°F and 2,000 psi. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. Rupture in 4461 hr. INCHES CREEP STRAIN (%) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46323 25,000 ps; vOOODS" 20 30,000 psi S yd \ ~ \ v Fig. 34 Creep Curves for INOR-8 (8P 16) Tested in Air at 1250°F. e\ l o > / g // / ’ / \2\000 ps! / A 000 psi > / 10’0 / 0] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 TIME (hr) _gn_ STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46324 40,000 ("7\:\.’-1 A< = =l TN JOOrN 1250°F 20,000 “a Krget ;%3 R @/9\/. \‘:5 >\ @ <<,/>> = e o L fib* 1 <fi/—j,l N 1300°F O =N Cess] < '<:‘//_fi>~. \Cz:::> < » Qgfi%,.% "‘<;2 . QES /:/ 3 - \ 10,000 ] \(ga e AL M 3 4500°F M 6000 ADLA S Seass, <> <1 1700°F e \C:g :'5J \C\'C/ M, 4000 A @/ NN N /"’:j> © S.P 46 (2100°F, 1hr) \‘~.} 1250°F
    RN bz <2 & W= D 1500°F ! ;’ /1/: >\b N NS Cle[ P 1700°F ¢%\9u S t: :/;/A " L ~ i =g fi//‘ L \C/" SN 5 N K’ <—€:/::> Nq © S.P 146 (2100°F, 1hr) 52;/7\,\ ® S.P 19 (2100°F, 4hr) 2 & S.P {6 (2150°F, RAC)* — I x NcER HAYNES STELLITE DATA N K< o~ 100 10! 10% 103 10 TIME (hr) Fig. 36 Stress vs Time to Rupture for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Air. _L.r_(_ - 48 - The creep ductilities for tests in air are low and values range from 2.7% at 1200°F to 14.5% at 1T700°F. Many of the failures in sheet specimens were under the knife edge of the extensometer clamp. Microstructure: Photomicrographs for two SP 16 specimens tested in air at 1250°F are shown in Figs. 37 and 38. Here, after 4562 hr in test at 15,000 psi, there is evidence of a fine precipitate. Results for Rod Specimens in Alr Data for rod specimens of SP 16 tested at 1250°F are given in A-6 of the Appendix. A series of creep curves are shown in Fig. 39, and summary-type data are presented in Fig. 40. The creep curves show a short period of accelerating creep followed by a steady creep rate. Rod specimens are stronger than the sheet at the higher stresses. Effect of Aging and Carburization Several creep tests on specimens aged 50 hr at 1300°F have been performed in molten salt. Heat SP 16 was tested at 1500 and 1800°F and heat 1327 was tested at 1200, 1500, and 1800°F. These data are included in Table A-4 of the Appendix. Data do not indicate any significant aging effects, although there does appear to be an increase in creep rate and loss in rupture life at 1800°F. Several creep tests have been performed on heavily carburized material and these are discussed in another report.8 Typical results are plotted in Fig. 41 for untreated and carburized SP 16, in this instance tested at 20,000 psi in molten salt at 1300°F. A curve for a specimen tested in a carburizing atmosphere is alsc shown. The creep rate for the carburized specimen is nearly half of that for the untreated specimen, while the creep rate of the specimen tested in the carburizing atmosphere is inter- mediate. It should be noted, however, that the early portion of the curves (for strains below 1%) do not reflect the over-all trends which have just been summarized. 8 R. W. Swindeman and D. A. Douglas, "Improvement of the High-Temperature Strength Properties of Reactor Materials after Fabrication,” J. Nuclear Materials 1, 49-57 (1959). - U, - w L)~ - S (] : ) z - e | { - l =i 0.02 / ] .. " .'9:;-:;: 5 / - - e ) <& . P - / ( - v .‘7 < = \ 3 . - $ 0.03 - “ On o~ - o . *\-N.“ . . > - P / . » . kR = L] e o - - ..“ »“ > - - -~ L-O— o = \ | Fig. 37 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Creep tested in air at 1250°F and 30,000 psi. Rupture in 204 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. Y-31579 0.02 - 10,03 Fig. 38 Heat SP 16 Annealed 1 Hr at 2100°F. Creep tested in air at 1250°F and 15,000 psi. Rupture in 4562 hr. Etchant: Aqua Regia. 100X. CREEP STRAIN (%} 3 2 1 0 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 48065 f 25,000 20,000 psi /000 psi v / /. L — " // / // 10,000 psi / / ///// " — | 8,000 psi ] 000 psi / 2000 4000 6000 8000 TIME (hr) 10,000 Fig. 39 Creep Curves for INOR-8 (SP 16) Rods Tested in Air at 1250°F. _Tg- STRESS ( psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 42063 MINIMUM CREEP RATE (% /hr) 1073 1074 1073 1072 1071 40,000 NN W\ r N \\\ N N A YK\ \2\\1\\\ X\\ y }/’ 20,000 EPQ M LT ) NONCS N [RUPTURE S RO | T Paid N\ /{yx\ \\\;\t\ yd N O\ hY ~\ 10,000 Dl C Q S o N O B : \ N ~\ 1% N, N o MCR. 010/ 0'5 /o 6000 L L N UL [e] | l 10 10° 10° 10% 10° TIME (hr) Fig. 40 Creep Properties of INOR-8 (SP 16) Rod Tested in Air at 1250°F. _ag_ CREEP STRAIN (%) _53_ UNGLASSIFIED CRNL-LR-DWG 47362 / /* /I ’A / UNTREATED ///// (IN MOLTEN SALT} & / //fi// * UNTREATED UNCOj;}, d P / vd e {IN MCLTEN b "//,/LVGZZSZ;ZED SALT) P W S 100 200 300 400 500 600 TIME (hr) 700 80O 900 1000 Fig. 41 The Effect of Carburization on the Creep Curve for TNOR-8 (sP 16) at 20,000 psi and 1300°F. 1100 - 54 - RETLAXATION PROPERTIES Equipment and Procedure Relaxation tests were performed on 0.357-in.-diam rod specimens of 9 SP 16, with equipment described by Kennedy and Douglas. The tests were performed in air over a temperature range from 1150 to 1600°F. FExtensions between 0.05 and 0.2% were employed, although most tests were conducted at 0.05 or 0.1%. Both of these strains are in the elastic region. Results Typical data are illustrated in Figs. b2 and 43. These curves show selected data at 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, and 1600°F for extensions of 0.05 and 0.1%. Additional data are provided in Table A-7 of the Appendix. The curves at 1200 and 1300°F reveal an interesting phenomenon which was common in relaxation testing of INOR-8. That is, the stress often exhibits an increase, or at least no decrease, for some time after loading. This "induction period" may be caused by the same phenomenon which produces negative or nil creep during the initial period of creep testing in air. The length of this induction period depends upon the temperature. Near 1200°F it appears to last between 10 and 50 hr, while above 1300°F it is present only for a fraction of an hour. At the end of this period relaxation occurs in the normal manner, with the relaxation rate decreasing with time. DISCUSSION ! For an alloy, whose composition and microstructure are permitted to vary as much as in the case of INOR-8, reasonable variations in the mechanical properties should also be expected. 1In general, the tensile properties con- form to expectations. The creep behavior, on the other hand, is not so easily understood. Variations do occur with changes in composition and micro- structure, but creep-stress and temperature complicate the behavior pattern. 9C. R. Kennedy and D. A. Douglas, Relaxation Characteristics of Inconel at Elevated Temperatures, ORNL-2407 (Jan. 29, 1960). STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-tR-DWG 40203 15,000 = B 9 r_ ""“s 1200°F S]] ¢ il X N, — 1300°F| | N ¢ 10,000 Az -~ N ‘-—-___--. h ~|| \\z\ \ 1500°F [ N N \d> 00T ki \ 600°F "\ N ‘N \ \L\\ 5000 ~C AN \Cg;__ A) q A l\ -y 4 ~L N~ \:#L--.A 0 0.01 0.4 10 100 1000 TIME {hr) Fig. 42 Stress Relaxation Curves for INOR-8 (SP 16) Rods, 0.05% Extension. _gg_ STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 40202 30,000 25,000 —0 i T-- -*\:\1200% Y 20000 [ — 1 g T s S °f —L N | ™ NG ™ }k\\\\ 15,000 N A 1 J) | 1400°F \ 1500°F Y ™ N ’\}\ N\ 10,000 \‘\ 3 RN \\ N\ \ t600°F A \g N N ) ™ \\L\ \\ = 2 NL e ‘4 “fi\m AE30itii %‘01 0.1 1 10 100 Fig. 43 TIME {hr) Stress Relaxation Curves for INOR-8 (SP 16) Rods, 0.1% Extension. 1000 _99_ FHE PR EE PR ..5"(_ At 1100 and 1200°F there are indications that the creep strength improves with increasing carbon and decreasing grain size. At 1300°F, however, heat M-1566, which has an "average" composition, is the weakest while the high-carbon and fine-grained heats are not significantly stronger than gp 16. Above 1300°F further variations arise which cannot be clarified without additional data. It is possible, of course, that 1300°F is a transition temperature above which the coarse-grained SP 16 is stronger than the fine-grained heats. There are at least two additional features of the microstructure which may also have an influence on the creep properties. These are substructure and carbide precipitation. Different substructures developed in 5P 16 for anneals at 2000, 2100, or 2150°F (the treatment used by Haynes- Stellite) might explain why the initial stage of creep in some cases is transient while in other cases it 1is accelerating. Parkerlo has shown some of the effects which substructure can have in this regard. Carbide precipitation could also play a role in creep. The very slight contraction, sometimes observed in SP 16 during the initial period of creep or relaxation tests, might be explained by assuming a volume contraction associated with precipitation. Furthermore, the continually decreasing strain rates in SP 16 for low stresses at 1500°F and above might be explained by the strengthening produced through the precipitation and coarsening of the carbides along the grain boundaries. Unfortunately no coarse-grained, high-carbon heats were tested at these low stresses to check this possibility. Tt should also be remembered that carbon is not the sole compositional variable. The disposition of the boron in SP 16, for example, has not been eastablished but it is possible that this element could have an influence on the behavior of this heat. Attempts have been made to establish a time-temperature correlation for creep and rupture properties of INOR-8. Haynes-Stellite presents larson-Miller plots but a correlation can also be obtained for the Dorn- Shepard.Parameter.ll The activation energy for creep, relaxation, and g, g. Parker, "Modern Concepts of Flow and Fracture," Trans. ASM, Vol. L, 52 (1958). 1l . Dorn and L. A. Shepard, "What We Need to Know About Creep," Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Special Tech. Pub. No. 165, p. 3 (195h4). - 58 - recrystallization were calculated to be near 83,200 cal/mole—°K. This activation energy has been used to correlate the creep data at all temperatures and stresses. Data for tests in molten salt and air are shown in Fig. Lk, This i1s a plot of the Dorn-Shepard parameter for 1% creep strain against the log of' stress. Most of the creep data for INOR-8 is included in the plot although the various heats are not distinguished from one another. The scatterband has been drawn to include most of the data, but it appears that the data for air tests often fall near the top of the band and data for salt tests lie near the bottom at the low stresses. The data obtained by the Mechanical Testing Group constitute a major portion of the mechanical property data available on TINOR-8. olgnificant contributions have been made by other investigators, however, and their results should be considered in evaluating the over-all strength properties of INOR-8. For example, the Haynes-Stellite Company reports stress-rupture, tensile, impact, and creep data for both cast and wrought Sp 16. Inouye12 has per- formed aging studies on several heats of INOR-8 for temperatures up to 1400°F and times as long as 10,000 hr and the Welding and Brazing Groupl3’lu’15 has studied the weld metal tensile and bending properties of several heats. The cold work and recrystallization characteristics of SP 16 have been reported by Spruielll6 while Carlsonl7 has conducted high-temperature fatigue tests on SP 19. Finally, Cook and Jansenl8 are presently investigating the effect of carburization on the tensile and creep properties of SP 16. Most of the data accumulated on INOR-8 indicate that the strength properties at 1300°F and below are comparable to those of the stainless 12 H. Inouye, Met Ann. Prog. Rep. Sept. 1, 1959, ORNL-2839, p. 195. 13MSR Quar. Prog. Rep., ORNL-2551 (June 30, 1958) p. 71. luMSR Quar. Prog. Rep., ORNL-2723 (April 30, 1959) p. 68. ysr Quar. Prog. Rep., ORNL-2684 (Jan. 31, 1959) p. 90. l6J. Spruiell, Recrystallization of INOR-8, ORNL CF-57-11-119 (Nov. 25, 1957). Y. g, Carlson, Fatigue Studies of INOR-8, BMI-1354 (June 26, 1959). 18W. H. Cock and D. H. Jansen, A Preliminary Summary of Studies of INOR-8, Inconel, Graphite, and Fluoride System for the MSRP for the Period from May 1, 1958, to Dec. 31, 1958, ORNL CF-59-1-4(Jan. 30, 1959). _59_ UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 42060 STRESS (psi) o 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30(xi03) 10 I ] [ 1018 / fi // / 10'7 /i/ 7/ V4 /7 V. Ve // //' 1016 1,/ L./ // 4/ 7/ / o . Sl 7 Iy / ® 4P / L f SALT AIR z MOO°F « . 1014 1200°F & i 1250°F @ v 1300°F o . 1400°F % X 1500F <= - 1650°|§ 0 ' 13 1700° & > 10 1BOCF < = q/ 1012| 3.3 39 4.1 4.3 4.5 LOG STRESS Fig. 44 Dorn-Shepard Parameter for 1% Creep Strain vs Log Stress Including All Heats of TNOR-8 Tested in Molten Salt and Air. - 60 - steels. $Since the creep and tensile properties of the stainless steels, with a few exceptions, vary sharply with annealing treatment an actual numerical comparison between INOR-8 and these alloys is not too significant. Possibly one of the Tairest comparisons which could be made would be for types 316 and 304 stainless steel and INOR-8 rod material in air at 1250°F. The stress to produce & minimum creep rate of 10—5%/hr (usually stated 0.01% in 1000 hr), a criterion on which high-temperature design stresses are often based, is about 5250 psi for type 316 stainless steel, 3200 for type 304k stainless steel,19 and 5350 psi for INOR-8. If the stress to produce 1% creep in 100,000 hr were selected from the salt data, however, the value for INOR-8 would be L4300 psi. This figure is still above the . design stress for type 304 stainless steel. It is possible to be even more conservative by selecting the lower stress for the design criterion - or interest from the scatterbands shown in the summary data curves. Fractions of the minimum observed yield strength and tensile strength could also be obtained in accordance with the Unfired Pressure Vessel Code.go Such data have been plotted in Fig. 45 and compared with design stresses for type 316 stainless steel. Although the tensile and creep ductility do not directly enter into the design of a component intended for long-time service, they can be considered important from a safety viewpoint. The tensile ductility up to 1300°F appears to be satisfactory for wrought, cast, and weld metal, but Cook and.Jansen18 report a figure of only 7.75% for SP 16 carburized at 1600°F and tested at room temperature. In addition, the low-notch strength ratios and low-relaxation rates may suggest poor duetility or notch sensitivity in stress rupture. The poorest creep ductilities occur at 1100°F, but are still above 1% even after more than 12,000 hr of exposure. To determine the maximum effect to be expected, one should study the tensile properties of specimens after creep testing under the worst conditions. l9Digest of Steels for High Temperature Service, Timken Roller Bearing Company, 6th ed., pp. 55, 59 (1957). “Onputes for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels," ASME Boliler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. VIII, ASME, N. Y. (1956). STRESS (psi) UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46316 30,000 ‘ \ , l \ 4, ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH ZELCX)C) A~ l A i S Ty ~— 2, xYIELF&\fiL\‘ 'F ’/ STRENGTH \ 20,000 (0.2 % OFFSET) N DESIGN STFeEss'—"l“"‘L ]~ \ 15,000 | FOR 316 STAINLESS ~ s | STEEL \.\‘\\\‘"T {5 ‘ \e\ _-STRESS FOR 10,000 | | ( RUPTURE IN — STRESS FOR 1% CREEP IN—— 100,000 hr 100,000 hr ! \ | | N A, >000 STRESS FOR 10° % /hr M.C.R. N ] T 0 | | 0 400 800 1200 TEMPERATURE (°F) Fig. 45 Various Criteria for the Determination of the Design Stresses for INOR-8. 1600 .-'[9_ - 62 - There are several other questions which have not been completely answered regarding the mechanical properties of INOR-8. The more important of these are: 1. What are the effects of grain size and annealing treatment on the long-time creep properties? 2. What is the notch strength ratio in stress rupture? 3. How significant is the effect of notches on the fatigue strength? 4. How do the creep properties of weld metal compare with wrought materials? 5. What is the effect of irradiation on the mechanical properties? 6. What is the effect of carburization on the mechanical properties during service? Mechanical property data which answer these questions might eliminate the use of unnecessary safety factors in the design of a reactor. This, in turn, would reduce the material required and thereby decrease over- 311 structural costs. CONCLUSIONS The results of this investigation reveal the range of tensile and creep properties which INOR-8 can be expected to exhibit when the compo- sition and grain size are permitted to vary significantly. For low- temperature applications a fine-grain size produces the best strength properties, although even the weakest of the coarse-grained material is superior to many of the stainless steels. gince most of the long-time creep tests were performed on relatively coarse-grained material, a clear picture of the range in creep strength cannot be presented. The short-time data, however, reveal that at 1100°F the fine-grained material is slightly stronger while at tempera- tures above 1300°F a coarse-grain size is desirable. The long-time creep properties of coarse-grained TNOR-8 are better than many of the stainless steels. - 63 - The only area of concern regarding this alloy is that of ductility. Certaln heats exhibit low values, especially at temperatures above 1300°F for tensile tests and around 1100°F in creep tests. This behavior points toward possible problems should carburization or notches occur in the metal. The effect of these two variables on the stress-rupture and tensile properties is a subject that should be studied further. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of D. A. Douglas, Jr., C. R. Kennedy, J. W. Woods, and C. W. Dollins, all of whom played a part in the programming of tests. The experimental work was conducted by J. T. East, C. K. Thomas, V. G. Lane, F. L. Beeler, C. W. Walker, B. McNabb, Jr., and metallography was performed by H. R. Tinch of the Metallography Group of the Metallurgy Division. APPENDIX TABLE A-1. Tensile Properties of Sheet Specimens of INOR-8 Grain Size Proportional O.E% Offset Tensile Elongation Modulus of Range Temperature Limit Yield Strength Strength in 2 in. Elasticity Heat (ASTM No. ) (°F) (psi) (psi) (psi) (%) (psi x 10-6) M-1566 5 -7 Room 2k ,000 46,900 119,000 48 30.7 M~1566 5 - 7 1000 -- 35,900 105,300 37 - SP 16 2 - k4 1200 19,100 2k , 800 66,800 Lo 27 M-1566 5 -7 1200 -~ 36,400 79,900 17 - SP 16 2 -4 1300 21,000 24,400 57,700 36.5 -- M~-1566 5 -7 1300 -- 37,100 71,800 14.5 - SP 16 2 -4 1500 21,000 25,400 46,900 28 24.5 M-1566 5 -7 1500 -- 34,600 48,200 6.5 - _99_ TABLE A-2. Tensile Properties of Rod Specimens of INOR-8 Grain Size Proportional 0.2% Offset Tensile Reduction Modulus of Range Temperature Limit Yield Strength Strength Elongationa in Area Elasticit Heat (ASTM No.) (°F) (psi) (psi) (psi) (%) (%) (psi x 1079 SP 16 2 - L Room 25,000 40,900 105,900 65.6 57.3 4.7 SP 16 2 - 4 Room 29,000 40,900 106,200 67 58.8 24 .7 SP 16 2 - L Room 2L, 000 40,800 105,500 62 59.3 23.7 SP 19 5 - 7 Room 24,300 45,700 115,800 49 48 33.1 SP 16 2 - 200 26, 500 38,000 105,900 65.6 57.3 32.8 SP 16 2 - U 400 2l ,000 33,300 99,200 63.6 59.8 30.5 SP 16 2 - L 600 -- 30,800 96,900 65 63.1 28.6 SP 16 2 - 4 700 26,500 29,600 93,900 67 64,1 27.8 SP 16 2 - U 800 23,000 29,500 93,800 62.3 6l 26.3 SP 16 2 - 4 900 23,500 27,200 89,100 64 62.6 26.7 SP 16 2 L 1000 25,000 27,000 88,700 64,3 61.8 25 SP 19 5 -7 1000 25,200 31,600 101,100 51 51 2.7 SP 16 2 - L 1100 26, 500 26,500 83,900 62 58.6 25 SP 16 2 - 1200 24,800 25,600 73,900 50.5 52.5 25.2 SP 16 2 -4 1200 23,000 25,800 75,600 54.5 50.4 20 SP 19 5 =7 1200 25,200 30,200 86,700 27.5 29.5 22.7 SP 19 1 -3 1200 15,500 21,900 75,700 L2.5 38 2,7 SP 16 2 -k 1300 23,800 2k, 500 67,000 46.6 Lh .9 24.3 SP 16 2 -k 1400 24,000 25,900 59,900 - -- 20 SP 16 2 - L 1400 2k , 500 25,300 60,800 43.5 41.6 23.5 SP 19 5 -7 1500 25,700 32,900 48,400 9.5 15.5 22,8 SP 19 1 -3 1500 18,000 22,700 48,700 20 20.5 2. aElongation in 3 in. for SP 16 and in 2 in. for SP 19. -99— TABLE A-3. Tensile Properties of Notched, Carburized, and Aged Rod Specimens of INOR-8 (sP 19) Notched® Grain b 0.2% Offset Tensile Elongation Reduction to Size Treatment Temperature Yield Strength Strength in 2 in. in Area Notched (ASTM No.) Geometry: (hr-°F) (°F) (psi) (psi) (%) (%) Strength Retio 5 -7 Notched None Room - 125,100 - 19 1..08 5 -7 Notched None 1000 -- 108,600 - 18 1.07 5 -7 Notched None 1200 - 97,600 - 8 1.13 5 -7 Notched None 1500 -- 66,500 - 8 1.38 5 -7 Smooth Carburized Room 46,500 101,000 20 25.8 - 5 -7 Smcoth Carburized Rocm 45,600 98,100 21.5 19.9 - 5 -7 Smooth Carburized 1000 38,900 99,900 20 15.8 - 57 Smooth Carburized 1000 32,500 87,500 20 20.5 -- 5 =7 Smooth Carburized 1200 34,200 83,400 18.8 20 - 5 -7 Smooth Carburized 1200 33,500 82,500 17.5 20 -- 5 -7 Smooth Carburized 1500 30,000 49,600 3k 29.2 - 5 - 7 Smooth Carburized 1500 31,520 50,700 45 3k.6 - 5 -7 Notched Carburized Reom -- 113,600 -- 10.6 0.97 5 -7 Notched Carburized Room - 107,500 - 7.1 0.93 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1000 -- 90,400 - 11 0.89 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1000 -- 96,200 -— 7.4 0.95 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1200 . 8L, 200 -- 10.9 0.97 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1200 - 82,700 - 7.1 0.95 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1500 - 34,300 -- 7.1 0.72 5 -7 Notched Carburized 1500 -- 74,900 - 7.1 1.54 5 -7 Notched Lo - 1650 Room —~ 127,700 - 15.1 1.1 5 « 7 Notched LO - 1650 1000 -- 103,000 - 19.4 1.02 5 -7 Notched L0 - 1650 1200 - 86,400 - 13.2 0.99 5 -7 Notched 4 ~ 1800 1200 - 96,500 - 16.5 1.1 5 -7 Notched 200 - 1200 1200 - 87,500 -- 12,5 1.01 5 -7 Notched LO - 1650 1500 - 65,100 - 9.3 1.35 TABLE A-3 continued -- Notchedc Grain b 0.2% Cffset Tensile Elongation Reduction to Size a Treatment Temperature Yield Strength Strength in 2 in. in Area Notched (ASTM No.) Geometry (hr-°F) (°F) (psi) (psi) (%) (%) Strength Ratio 5 -7 Notched 4 - 1800 1500 - 70,800 -- 8.5 1.46 5 -7 Notched 200 - 1200 1500 - 62,100 - 8.5 1.29 1 -3 Smooth 4o -~ 1650 Room 37,900 109,200 52 L3 - 1l -3 Smooth 4o - 1650 1000 22,300 88,500 575 51 - 1l -3 Smooth Lo - 1650 1200 22,700 76,800 Lo Lo.1 - 1-~3 Smooth Lo - 1650 1200 21,200 75,200 38.5 38.5 - 1 -3 Smooth Lo - 1650 1500 22,500 51,600 55 L4 .8 -- 1 -3 Smooth Lo - 1650 1500 22,300 50,600 51 50.8 -- aNotched specimens had a 0.005 in. notch radius. Pcarburization treatment was 40 hr at 1650°F in sodium—graphite. cRatio taken with respect to smooth annealed specimens. -99- TABLE A-I. Creep Data for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Molten Salt Time (Hr) to Specified Creep Strain (%) Rupture Rupture Minimum Stress Life Strain Creep Rate (psi) Heat™ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0O.h 0.5 0.75 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 (ar) (%) (%/nr) 1100°F 10,000 SP 19 300 >10,000 -= - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- - 12,000 SP 19 L2 550 5300 1k,500 - - -- - -- - - -- 0.95 x 10-2 12,000 SP 16 6 195 2750 12,500 22,000 -- - - -- - ~— -~ 1.1 x 10-2 15,000 SP 16 35 650 2700 12,000 16,500 >20,000 _— - -- - - -- 2.3 x 1072 20,000 SP 16 5.5 43 390 1,600 3,800 8,600 12,800 >15,000 ~- -- -— -- 5.2 x 1072 25,000 SP 16 20 195 750 1,650 2,550 4,450 7,500 -- - -~ 12,725 1.7 9.7 x 10-2 30,000 SP 16 2 21 8L 330 800 1,900 2,880 -- -- -- 3,537 2.2 2.4 x 10~k 30,000 M-1566 10 70 200 760 1,200 2,150 3,050 4,400 -- -- 5,062 3.2 2.2x 10-4 30,000 1327 .35 2.7 16 120 580 1,900 3,100 6,500 9,200 -- 9,817 3.6 3.15x 1074 1200°F 8,000 SP 19 57 510 2000 5,500 8,400 >10,000 -- -- - -— - — 2,3 x 1072 10,000 SP 19 520 2,600 6100 9,400 13,300 >15,000 - -- -- - - -- 2.8 x 1072 12,000 8P 19 30 0 700 1,750 2,800 > 3,000 - - - - - -- 8.7x 107 12,000 SP 16 1.2 7 30 hes 1,050 2,900 5,800 18,000 -- - .- -~ 8.8 x 102 15,000 SP 16 6.5 75 300 64s 1,080 2,180 3,400 7,500 10,000 -- - - 2.2 x 10-4 20,000 8P 16 20 51 140 245 330 560 760 1,680 2,550 4,300 6,685 9.2 1l.1lx 10-3 25,000 8P 16 6.8 L2 115 185 235 380 510 1,000 1,500 2,400 2,783 7.2 2x 10-3 25,000 M-1566 2 23 5k 90 128 220 320 560 680 -- 712 3.5 2.7 «x 10-3 25,000 M-1566 2 17 43 85 150 240 330 - - - 455 2.41 2.9 x 1073 25,000 8M-1 20 54 110 165 212 310 410 650 1,120 1,800 2,368 8.5 2.5«x 10™3 25,000 1327 8 25 70 138 205 360 500 950 1,310 2,000 3,560 15.7 2.05 x 10-3 25,00 1327 L 2l 50 83 115 175 235 450 640 1,000 2,250 1.9 3.3 x 1073 30,000 SP 16 0.1 15 32 54 T2 104 138 262 -~ - 272 3 9.2 x 1073 30,000 SP 16 2.5 21 37 57 78 140 195 44O 660 1,000 1,014 5.5 L4.05 x 1073 1300°F 8,000 sP 19 10 130 480 8§30 1,300 2,550 3,800 9,400 310,000 -~ - -- 1.95x 1074 10,000 SP 19 8 48 140 280 430 840 1,250 2,950 >4,000 -- - - 5.8 x 10°¢ 12,000 SP 19 6.6 16 Ll 120 205 450 740 1,950 3,400 4,900 9,000 8.5 9.2 «x 10-4 12,000 SP 16 15 47 100 165 245 Lh5 660 1,550 2,450 3,700 5,007 7.3 l.2x 10-3 15,000 SP 16 10 36 67 98 128 215 310 740 1,120 1,750 2,893 10.7 2.k x 10-3 20,000 SP 16 8 21 33 L 54 80 105 215 330 5Lo 882 11.04 9.4 x 1073 20,000 SP 16 3.5 19 36 52 65 100 135 275 L4oo 670 905 6.5 7.3 x 1073 20,000 SP 19 k.h 12.5 33.5 35 L6 h 100 150 200 500 767 10.7 8.8 x 10-3 20,000 M-1566 1 9 2l 33 41 59 Th 122 150 -- 180 5.0 1.7 x 1072 20,000 M-1566 2 11 28 36 4o 60 75 130 167 -- 202 L.5 1.8 x 1072 20,000 8M-1 7 20 36 42 71 118 165 350 520 810 1,115 7.0 6.1 x 10-3 20,000 1327 it 12 22 33 L h 103 225 345 560 1,177 18 1.1 x 1072 25,000 SP 16 1.6 L 6.5 9.5 13 23 40 8 112 165 =213 8.07 2.5 x 107° 30,000 SP 16 1 2.1 3.b4 4.6 5.8 9.1 12.3 25.5 38 59 110 15.3 7.7 x 107 _69_ TABLE A-4 continued--~ Time (Hr)} to Specified Creep Strain (%) Stress Rupture Rupture Minimum Life Strain Creep Rate (psi) Heat® 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 (ar) (%) (%/or) 1400°F 8,000 SP 19 9 b1 100 145 195 340 485 980 1,500 2,700 3,850 8.5 1.6 x 1073 1500°F 8,000 SP 16 1.4k L.y 8.2 12.8 18 32 48 115 175 290 529 13 2.2 x 1072 8,oodPSP 16 0.5 1.7 4.2 7.2 11 25 40 115 185 320 610 10 1.3 x 1072 8,000 1327 1 3.5 7.5 12.5 19 33 45 82 110 150 208 13.4 2.1 x 1072 8,00 1327 1.5 L6 8.8 13.5 18.5 28 36 59 75 96 125 15.5 2.1 x 107° 6,000 SP 16 3 12 27 Ll 62 112 165 L2g 800 1,800 3,238 6.35 1.2 x 10-3 1650°F 3,000 SP 16 3 15 35 60 93 205 480 2,100 3,800 -- 4,785 L.k 5.8 x 104 4,000 SP 16 1 3.2 6 9.6 1k 28 46 175 OO -- 768 3.3 L x 1073 5,000 SP 16 1.5 3.2 4 7 9.2 15.5 23 55 85 150 217 9.3 3.25 x 10-2 1700°F 5,000 SP 16 1 o2 3,2 b6 6 10 1k.5 33 52 155 270 8.2 2.65 x 1072 1800°F 2,000 SP 16 1.6 5.5 16 29 L8 112 215 1,050 2,600 -- L U481 L.6 6.4 x 107K 3,000 SP 16 -- 1.6 3.1 5 7.1 13.2 20.5 e 78 115 135 7.0 3.5 x 10-2 3,000 1327 - -- 1 Loh 1.8 2.9 I 8 1i.5 17.5 43.8 20.3 2.3 x 10-1 3,000P 1327 -- - - -- - - 2,2 3.7 5.2 7.6 23 22,0 5 x 10-1 3,000P8P 16 0.6 1.7 3 4.6 5.k 11.5 17.5 41 T 66 5.6 Lh.3x 10-2 “Heat SP 16 was ASTM grain size No. 2 - 4, SP 19 was 4 - 6, and M-1566, 8M-1, and 1327 were 5 bAged 50 hr at 1300°F. "OL‘ TABLE A-5. Creep Data for INOR-8 Sheet Specimens in Air Time (Hr) to Specified Creep Strain (%) Rupture Stress Life (psi) Heat® 0.1 0.3 O.h 0.5 0.75 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 (hr) 1200°F 30,000 8P 20 g2 104 125 163 196 300 - - 320 1250°F 10,000 SP 1820 3450 4350 5200 >6000 - - -- -- - 10,000 8P 2180 3520 4180 4800 6250 7750 >10,000 - - - 10,000 8P 530 2000 2560 3150 4L650 5900 - -- - - - 12,000 SP 650 1440 1760 2050 2750 3450 6000 8400 12,000 14,395 8.6 12,000 SP 870 1560 1900 2250 3150 4000 - -- - —_— -- 12,000 SP 450 1110 1390 1680 2400 3300 6500 -- - -- - 15,000 SP 245 605 750 880 1190 1520 2850 -- - - -- 15,000 SP 315 650 790 910 1200 1500 2500 3350 4,450 4,562 5.8 15,000 8P 230 430 525 625 8680 1180 2380 3550 5,750 6,980 6.2 20,000 SP 60 145 190 215 300 385 730 1100 1,750 1,786 5.5 20,000 8P 60 262 205 25 335 410 760 1080 1,550 2,177 9.8 20,000 SP 34 80 105 130 195 265 570 900 1,650 2,000 5.9 23,000 8P 27 88 115 138 190 235 400 550 700 783 5.2 23,000 SP 30 103 132 150 220 270 455 630 900 954 5.9 25,000 SP 16 50 64 17 105 130 230 340 550 702 6.0 25,000 SP 15 52 69 82 112 140 240 330 500 509 Sl 25,000 8P 21 57 T2 85 116 145 255 370 590 892 9.6 30,000 SP 1.8 10 1k 17 31 L5 100 145 190 204 6.0 1300°F 20,000 8P 20 34 37.5 b 51 67 130 175 215 229 7.0 25,000 8P 8 18.5 22.5 25.5 32 37 58 6L -- 63 3.0 1500°F 5,000 8P 26 73 97 120 170 210 345 455 -- 508 3.9 8,000 8P 4.8 17 2.5 3L L5 60 112 - - 148 2.8 8,000 SP 8.8 19 23.5 28.5 Lo.5 55 122 190 300 439 10.5 8,000 8P 9.4 20 2L.,5 29 39 Lg 88 125 190 263 8.5 15,000 8P 1.1 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.9 6.2 11 15.5 2l 26.2 5.6 20,000 SP 0.59 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.k 1.77 2.85 -- - 3.4 2.5 1700°F 3,000 8P L 19 26 37.5 L8 61 104 140 190 387 14.5 5,000 SP 1.3 3.7 5.0 6.3 9.4 12.6 25 38 60 90.6 10.4 8,000 SP 0.3k 0.61 0.73 0.83 1.08 1.32 2.2 2.95 4.0 6.3 13.5 15,000 SP -- - -- - 0.11 (.155 0.275 0.35 0.45 0.5 6.1 1800°F 3,000 SP - 2.0 L.o 6.5 .5 2h,s 70.0 120.0 -- 137 3.3 3,000 SP 1.6 4.3 5.9 7.6 2.5 18.5 38.0 54.0 - (s 4.8 %Heat SP 16 was ASTM grain size No. 2 - 3, and SP 19 was L4 - 6, _"EL... TABIE A-6. Creep Data for INOR-8 Rod Specimens in Air Stress Time (Hr) to Specified Creep Strain (%) Rupture Rupgafe life Strain (psi) Heat® 0.1 0,2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 (hr) (%) 1250°F 8,000 8P 16 1550 3450 5300 7100 8800 >10,000 -— -- -- - -- -- 10,000 SP 16 880 1750 2500 3150 3850 5,300 6900 >10,000 -- - - - 12,000 8P 16 430 950 1380 1820 2250 3,250 4250 7,600 10, 300 >14,000 -- - 15,000 8P 16 260 400 530 680 830 1,230 1630 3,050 > 4,000 -- -- -- 20,000 8P 16 115 175 225 270 310 410 515 890 1,280 1,900 3535 15.5 20,000 SP 16 120 185 240 290 330 Yy 550 9l0 1,370 2,200 13828 13.5 25,000 8P 16 70 109 138 160 180 230 275 460 640 980 -~ -- aAS‘I‘M grain size No. 2 - 3. -BL- TABLE A-7. Relaxation Data for INOR-8 (SP 16 Rod Specimen Tested in Air) Tempe rature gii:in éii:;:l Stress after Specified Time (psi) (°F) (%) (psi) 0.01 hr 0.1 hr 1 hr 10 hr 50 hr 100 hr 500 hr 1000 hr 1150 0.05 12,600 13,600 13,100 13,000 12,600 12,300 12,000 11,300 10,400 1175 0.05 9,100 9,400 9,300 9,200 7,700 7,500 - - -- 1200 0.05 12,000 12,400 12,800 12,800 12,300 11,300 - - -- 1300 0.05 11,900 12,300 -- -- -— - - - -- 1300 0.05 11,300 11,100 11,800 12,000 10,200 7,400 6,700 - - 1300 0.05 10,800 11,270 11,400 11,000 -- -- " - - 13002 0.05 10,000 9,400 9,900 10,100 9,400 7,900 8,800 - - 13002 0.05 11,500 11,800 11,000 11,200 9,800 8,500 6,000 4,000 -~ 1350 0.05 10,500 10,600 10,500 10,200 8,500 6,600 5,500 - . 1400 0.05 14,500 9,800 8,300 7,100 L,200 3,100 -- - - 1400 0.05 10,100 -— 9,000 7,200 3,800 -~ - - -- 1400 0.05 8,700 - 8,500 5,500 -- - - - - 1500 0.05 11,000 10,800 10,700 8,100 L,100 2,800 2,300 - - 1500 0.05 10,800 10,100 8,700 6,600 3,300 -- - - - 1600 0.05 8,400 6,900 4,500 4,100 2,500 2,400 - - - 1200 0.075 18,000 -- - 18,100 17,300 16,000 15,000 - " 1175 0.1 19,300 19, 500 19,600 19,700 20,800 20,000 21,400 16,000 - 1175 0.1 26,000 - 27,500 28,300 26,200 23,800 21,400 13,000 -— 1175 0.1 21,900 22,000 21,300 21,000 20,700 17,300 12,800 11,800 - 1200 0.1 21,400 22,200 22,300 22,300 21,900 - —— - - 1200 0.1 22,500 22,700 22,700 23,300 22,500 20,300 - -- - 1200 0.1 22,900 23,300 23,500 23,100 22,100 19,500 17,000 9,000 5,800 1275 0.1 18,800 19,500 20,100 20,300 20,100 18,600 17,200 - - 1300 0.1 21,700 22,300 22,900 20,800 15,800 8,000 5,500 - -- 1350 0.1 22,500 22,300 21,700 18,600 8,900 4,600 -- -- - 1400 0.1 19,700 15,700 14,300 6,200 3,000 - -- -- - 1400 0.1 21,300 - 20,000 14,400 6,800 4,700 4,300 -- -- 1500 0.1 17,400 17,300 12,800 6,600 3,100 1,800 - -- - 1500 0.1 20,300 19,400 16,000 7,400 3,000 - - - - 1500 0.1 23,400 22,500 18,600 6,700 2,500 - -- -- —- 1500 0.1 16,200 16,300 16,500 8,000 3,000 -- - - -- 1600 0.1 20, 300 16,700 6,800 4,500 3,000 2,700 - - - 1300 0.2 30,000 29,700 27,700 20,600 10,200 5,600 - -- -- ®0.063 in. thick sheet specimens. _EL.. MUUOGUEQUTREIQUTUORIQANEPHOE Q> Hmn o o H _75_ INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION . C. E. Center 65. . Biology Library 66. . Health Physics Library 67. . Metallurgy Library 68. . Central Research Library 69. . Reactor Experimental 0. Engineering Library T1-75. . ORNL Y-12 Technical Library 76. Document Reference Section 7. . Iaboratory Records 78. . laboratory Records, RC 79. . B. Emlet (K-25) 80. . P. Murray (Y-12) 81. . M. Adamson, Jr. 82. . BE. Beall 83. J. Beaver 8. Bender 85. L. Benson 86. 0. Betterton, Jr. 87. S. Bettis 88. S. Billington 89. F. Blankenship Q0. L. Boch 9l. G. Bohlmann o2, 5. Borie 93. J. Borkowski ak, E. Boyd 95. B. Briggs 6. R. Bruce o7 . W. Burke a8. V. Cathcart 99. A. Charpie 100. W. Clark 101. E. Clausing 102, G. Cobb 103. S. Cockreham 10k, H. Coobs 105, A. Cristy 106. L. Culler 107. E. Cunningham 108. H. DeVan 109. W. Dollins 110. A H. H . Douglas, Jr. 111. Frye, Jr. 112. . Gabbard 113, ORNL-2780 Metallurgy and Ceramics TID-4500 (15th ed.) . Gall . Gray Grimes Grindell Hammond . Harms . Hill . Hoffman Hollaender S. Householder N. Howell Inouye . Jamison . Jordan Keim Kelly Kennedy Korsmeyer . Iane . Lind ILivingston Lundy MacPherson Manly Mann Martin McCoy, Jr. MeClung MecDonald McElroy McHargue Miller Miller Moore Morgan ikido Nelson . Nestor Northup . Olsen . Parsly, Jr. Patriarca . Phillips M. L. Picklesimer P. M. Reyling H>XDOHGMW g = SRppErEESGrEDs s HXTDTOQumuargdgoyaYdEH U':UL—'PI—EIOZH?‘{‘;UI_:I:IPQUE:EUMStljatdr—HtUmLabUO:gO 'T_IEU!:J-:I-‘E‘.I:_'»'ZEINl:—'OLI.LlL—'w Distribution ORNL-2780 114. R. C. Robertson 139. W. C. Thurber 115. A. W. Savolainen 1h0. J. T. Venard 116. D. Scott 1h1. A. M. Weinberg 117. J. L. Scott 142, J. R. Weir, Jr. 118. H. E. Seagren 143. J. H. Westsik 119. E. D. Shipley 1k, G¢. ¢. Williams 120. 0. Sisman 145. R. P. Williams 121. M. J. Skinner 146, 1. V. Wilson 122. G. M. Slaughter 1L7. ¢. E. Winters 123. ¢. 0. Smith 148. C¢. H. Wodtke 12k, G. P. Smith, Jr. 149, J. W. Woods 125. A. H. Snell 150. H. L. Yakel, Jr. 126. I. Spiewak 151. J. H. Koenig (consultant) 127. J. A. Swartout 152, C. S. Smith (consultant) 128-132. R. W. Swindeman 153. R. Smoluchowski (consultant) 133-137. A. Taboada 15k, H. A. Wilhelm (consultant) 138. E. H. Taylor EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 155. D. E. baker, GE, Hanford 156. N. Cabrera, University of Virginia 157. D. F. Cope, Reactor Div., ORO 158. J. F. Eckel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 159. J. F. Elliott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 160. Ersel Evans, GE, Hanford 161. J. L. Gregg, Cornell University 162. W. D. Jordan, University of Alabama 163. 0. C. Kopp, University of Tennessee 16L. J. Korringa, Ohio State University 165. R. S. Mateer, University of Kentucky 166. I.. Mitchell, Georgia Institute of Technology 167. J. W. Prados, University of Tennessee 168. T. S. Shevlin, Ohio State University 169. J. M. Simmons, DRD, AEC, Washington, D. C. 170. E. E. Stansbury, University of Tennessee 171l. D. K. Stevens, Metallurgy and Materials Branch Division of Research, AEC, Washington, D. C. 172. J. B. Wagner, Yale University 173. Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO 174-728. Given distribution as shown in TID-L500 (15th ed.) under - 76 - Metallurgy and Ceramics category (75 copies - OTS)