r ) Al = e Rl VIAS T Ei J A8 C eY it ORNL-2760 | Metallurgy and Ceramics WELDING OF NICKEL-MOLYBDENUM ALLOYS G. M. Slaughter P. Patriarca | R. E. Clausing | | OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, noer any person octing on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the ocecuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the informotion contained in this report, or thot the use of any informotion, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for domages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this repart. As used in the obove, "person acting on behalf of the Commission® includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such controctor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such controctor prepores, disseminotes, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such controctor. ORNL-2760 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 METALLURGY DIVISION WELDING OF NICKEL-MOLYBDENUM ALLOYS G. M. Slaughter, P. Patriarca, and R. E. Clausing DATE ISSUED pdj(a 1_1_ngE3 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WELDING OF NICKEI~-MOLYBDENUM ALLOYS G. M. Slaughter, P. Patriarca, and R. E. Clausing ABSTRACT | The use of nickel-molybdenum alloys as structural materials for high- temperature fused-salt reactor systems requires that they be readily weldable., The welded Jjoints must also possess adequate mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures. This paper describes the welding studies conducted on a commercial alloy, Hastelloy B, and a developmental alloy (how commercial), INOR-8. Hastelloy B is age hardenable, while INOR-8 is immune to this undesirable condition. The influence of aging temperature and time upon the hardness of Hastelloy B welded joints was determined. The tensile properties of all- weld-metal samples of these alloys, both in the as-welded and welded and aged conditions were also determined. Photomicrographs of welds in both conditions are shown. INTRODUCTION The relatively extreme conditions of corrosion encountered in the petro- leunm, petro—chemicsl, and chemical industries have necessitated the use of structural materials possessing outstanding resistance to corrosion. In order to handle the various corrosive liguids, the structural materials must be capable of being readily fabricable into pressure vessels, heat exchangers, tanks, and other related equipment. Nickel-base alloys contalning molybdenum have been utilized extensively in a large number of these applications, including service in hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, oxidizing salts, 1,2,3,4 alkaline solutions, and many other highly corrosive media. lHastelloz High-Strength, Nlckel -Base, Corrosion-Resistant Alloys Haynes Stellite Company, pp 6 — 13 (September 1, 1951). C G. Chisholm, "Welding and Other Fabrication Methods for Hastelloy Alloys," Welding J. 25, 1179 — 1183 (1946). 3R P. Culbertson, "Weldability of Wrought High-Alloy Materials,” Welding J. 3k, 220 — 230 (1955). - R. P. Culbertson and R, C. Perriton, "The Welding of High-Nickel Alloys for Chemical Plant and Equipment,” 1958 Annual Assembly of Internatlonal Institute of Welding at Vienna (June 1958). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Pressure Vessel Code has recognized the nickel-molybdenum alloys Hastelloy Alloy B and Hastelloy Alloy C as being suitable materials for use in unfired pressure vessels.S’6 The service-temperature limitations are 650 and 1000°F, respectively. In addition, these alloys have been used extensively at higher temperatures for such appli- cations as turbine blades, conveyor chains, and bolting and shafting com.ponents.7 Other nickel-molybdenum alloys have also been frequently utilized for various industrial applications, but these have not yet been Code approved. Nuclear reactor systems utilizing molten fluoride salts as the fluid fuels are very attractive as heat sources for modern steam power plants.8’9 One important requirement of these reactor systems is that the structural materials possess exceptionally good corrosion resistance in the operating- temperature range of 1200 — 1300°F. The nickel-molybdenum alloys adequately meet this requirement, and in addition, their elevated-temperature strengths are comparable to those‘of the conventional high-temperature alloys. The 1500°F stress-rupture properties of a commercially available nickel-molybdenum alloy (Hastelloy Alloy B) are shown in Fig. 1 and are compared with those of type 316 stainless steel and Inconel. This commercially available alloy (Ni—27% Mo~5% Fe) was investigated in detail by the Metallurgy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in order to determine its general suitability for service in the 1200 — 1300°F 10,11 temperature range. Unfortunately, age hardening of this alloy in this 5R. M. Wilson, Jr., and W. F. Burchfield, "Nickel and High-Nickel Alloys for Pressure Vessels," Welding J., 35, 32-s — 40-s (1956). 6Hastelloy Corrosion-Resistant Alloys, Haynes Stellite Company (1957). 7Haynes Alloys for High-Temperature Service, Haynes Stellite Company (1950). 8J. A. Lane, H. G. MacPherson, and F. Maslau, Fluid Fuel Reactors, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., pp 567 — 697 (1958). 9W. D. Manly, et al., Metallurgical Problems in Molten Fluoride Systems, Paper 1990 of Second United Nations Intérnational Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (September 1958). lOR. E. Clausing, P. Patriarca, and W. D. Manly, Aging Characteristics of Hastelloy B, ORNL-2314 (July 1957). llC. R. Kennedy and D. A. Douglas, High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy B and Hastelloy W, ORNL-2402 (November 1958), UNCLASSIFIED 5 ORNL-LR-DWG 16917A 10 10 STRESS (psi} 10 10 2 5 102 2 5 10° 2 5 10% TIME FOR FAILURE (br) Fig. 1. Stress-Rupture Properties of Hastelloy Alloy B, Type 316 Stainless Steel, and Inconel at 1500°F. o P P e R S SRR RO S ] T e AR AR IR g R St SR T s TR R R e e e - It - temperature range makes it subject to significant embrittlement, both at room and at elevated temperatures. In addition, the oxidation resistance is marginal and becomes poor at temperatures above 1500°F, Consequently, an extensive program was carried out by the Metallurgy Division to develop a non-age~hardenable,high;strength,nickel—molybdenum alloy which possesses excellent corrosion resistance to the molten salts and g00d oxidation resistance. An alloy, INOR-8 (Ni~17% Mo—7% Cr—hi% Fe), which adequately satisfied these conditions »9 was developed and is now commercially available. The favorable creep properties of INOR-8 as compared with those of Hastelloy Alloy B and Inconel in molten salts at 1300°F are shown in Fig. 2. Recognizing that a study of the weldability of these alloys was needed, the properties of welds in Hastelloy Alloy B and INOR-8 at the temperatures of interest were determined. A commercially available filler metal, Hastelloy Alloy W (Ni—25% Mo—~5% Cr—5% Fe), which age hardens to a lesser extent than Hastelloy Alloy B, was also investigated, since it was used extensively for test-component fabrication during the time interval in which INOR-8 was i under development. MATERTAT, The Hastelloy Alloy B and INOR-8 parent plate used for this study was 1/2 in. thick., Hastelloy Alloy B weld wire, 3/32 in. and 1/8 in. in diameter, was used for the deposition of the test welds of this material. Hastelloy Alloy W weld deposits on Hastelloy Alloy B plate were also made with filler wire of these two sizes. At the time of this investigation, INOR-8 filler wire was not available for the deposition of welds on this material. Consequently, strips of approxi- mately square cross section were sheared from 0.10-in.-thick sheet material. The chemical analyses of these materials are shown in Table I. EQUIPMENT The inert-gas-shielded tungsten-arc process was used throughout the investi- gation for the preparation of all weldments. The 0.252-in.-dia, reduced-section, leHastelloy Corrosion-Resistant Alloys, Haynes Stellite Company, b 89 (1957). e 5 A TR SN GRS PO RB SN o 7 b ke o b o A TR AG ih + UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR- DWG 35052 105 5 HASTE | oy ALLOY g INOR-g 104 INCOng, STRESS (psi) 3 10 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 TIME TO 1% STRAIN AT 1300°F (hr) Fig. 2. Comparison of Creep Properties of Hastelloy Alloy B, INOR-8, and Inconel in Molten Salts at 1300°F. TABLE T CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WROUGHT PLATE AND WELD FILLER WIRE Chemical Composition (Weight Per Cent) Material Ni Mo Fe Cr Mn o1 C P S Vv Co Hastelloy Alloy Bal 26.55 5.05 0.62 0.68 0.61 0.03 0.006 0.013 0.37 0.9k B Plate Hastelloy Alloy Bal 27.10 5.05 0.38 0.85 0.35 0.02 0.001L 0.012 0.28 0.35 B.Filler-Wire: Hastelloy Alloy Bal 24.36 5.20 5.94 0.40 0.29 0.05 0.004 0.012 0.28 O.7h4 W Filler Wire INOR-8 plate and Bal 16.65 4.83 7.43 0.48 0.04 0.06 0.010 0.015 0.10 0.51 Filler Wire -7 - all-weld-metal tensile specimens shown in Fig. 3 were machined in accordance with the recommendations of the American Welding Society.l3 Testing was performed on a 12,000-1b-maximum hydraulic tensile-testing machine at a strain rate of 0,05 in./min. Aging of hardness, tensile, and metallographic specimens at elevated temperatures was performed in evacuated quartz capsules to eliminate the effect of the atmosphere. The encapsulated specimens were heated in box-type electric~-resistance furnaces. The etchant used in the metallographic examination was chrome regisa (1 part l% chromic acid solution, 3 parts hydrochloric acid, and 10 parts water), Etching was performed at room temperature for times varying from 3 to 5 sec. Hardness measurements were made with a Vickers diamond pyramid indenter with a 10-kg load, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The preparation of the numerous all-weld-metal tensile, hardness, and metallographic specimens used in this investigation required the manual deposition of extensive quantities of weld metal in the grooves of weld test plates. A Jjoint design was selected which would provide a relatively large weld-metal cross section, Parent plates, 1/2 in. thick and 20 in. long, were machined and assembled to permit a square-groove weld with a 5/8-in. width. All-weld-metal 0.252-in.-dila reduced-section tensile specimens were machined from these weld test plates, and hardness and metallographic specimens of adequate size were readily obtalned from the remaining portions of the plate. A sketch showling the welding sequence used in the fabrication of a typical weld-test plate is shown in Fig. 4. A photograph of a typical setup after completion of welding is shown in Fig. 5. The utilization of the large hold-down plates provided restraint and prevented appreciable distortion of the base plate during welding. The welding operators were qualified in accord- ance with approved practices for high-quality a:a.p_pl.ica.tions.llF The data for each 13Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, pp 1125 — 1126 (1942). 1lFOzatl«: Ridge National Laboratory Reactor Materisl Specifications, TID-7017, pp 141 — 1b6l, (October 29, 1953). UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—LR-DWG 35053 21/2 in. 11/4 in. /4 in. /4 in. ’-1-in. GAGE LENGTH - { \ —0.252 *+ 0.005 in. AMERICAN STANDARD COARSE THREAD —CLASS 2 FIT Fig. 3. All-Weld-Metal Tensile Specimen. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—LR~DWG 34798 - 1oNJ2 i BASE PLATE 74 5”8 BASE PLATE 1 ; BACKING STRIP ---, '/ain. — Yin— WELDING CONDITIONS: PASS NUMBER WELDING ‘ FILLER WIRE ' CURRENT (STRINGER TYPE)| PROCESS DIA (in.) (DCSP) { INERT-ARC 3'/32 140 o 2 INERT-ARC %o 140 a 3-12 INERT-ARC A 170 q WELDING SPEED: 2% in. per min (APPROX.) Fig. L. Welding Sequence for Test Plates. N RO e sl B TNTL S A TR M T T R S R T A B R el S S TN A MR S TS ST e - 11 - weld was recorded, evaluated for possible trends or discrepancies, and filed for reference. The welded Jjoints were then dye-penetrant inspected and radiographed to determine the presence of porosity, cracking, or other defects. All the alloys discussed in this report were found to be readily weldable, and no difficulties were encountered. The all-weld-metal tensile, hardness, and metallogrephic specimens were machined from the 20-in.-long weld deposits. All-weld-metal tensile specimens were tested at room temperature and at 1200°F in the as-welded and welded-and-asged conditions. Hardness trav- erses across welded Jjoints were made in order to determine the extent of age hardening occurring in both weld metal and parent plate at various temperatures and time intervals. RESULTS Since the aging behavior of Hastelloy Alloy B and Hastelloy Alloy W welds appeared to be the result of the precipitation of a phase or phases, the effects of aging time and aging temperature on the room-temperature hardness were studied and correlated with the observed microstructures. The mechanical properties of weld metal, before and after aging at 1200°F, were also determined. Welds of the non-age-hardenable alloy, INOR-8, were included in this study for comparative purposes. The nickel—molybdenum binary-phase diagram shown in Fig.-6(15) was used extensively as a guide in this investigation, as was other available information 16,17 This information was particularly useful in interpreting on this system, the mechanical property, hardness, and microstructural changes occurring as &a result of aging, although the presence of chromium and other elements have been shown to have some influence upon the phase boundaries.l Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, p 1230 (1948). l6F. H. Ellinger, "The Nickel-Molybdenum System,” Trans. Amer. Soc. for Metals, 30; 607 (1942). lTD. W. Stoffel and E. E. Stansbury, A Metallographic and X-Ray Study of Nickel Alloys of 20 — 30 Per Cent Molybdenum, University of Tennessee Thesis (M.S.), (1955). l8T S. Lundy and E. E, Stansbury, A Metallographic and X-Ray Study of Nickel-Bage Alloys of 20 — 25 Per Cent Molybdermum and 3 — 15 Per Cent Chromlum, University of Tennessee Thesis (M.S.), (1957). TEMPERATURE (*F} - 12 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 16923 2498°F. ny 2600 L ae5 | /50 /|62 2400 = Tl 2408°F 2200 2000 045 1800 aty 163 4°F 1600 1544 °F 1400 1200 1000 T4 800 Ni 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MOLYBDENUM (wt. %) Fig. 6. WNickel-Molybdenum Equilibrium Phase Diagram. - 13 - A, Hardness Studies Hastelloy Alloy B - The effect of aging for 200 hr at 1100, 1200, 1300, and 1500°F upon the room-temperature hardness of Hastelloy Alloy B welded Joints is shown in Fig. 7. These hardness traverses across the welded Jjoint indicate that hardening of both the weld metal and parent plate occurs during exposure in the temperature range 1100 — 1500°F, This condition is the most pronounced upon aging at 1300°F, but significant hardening at 1100, 1200, and 1500°F is also evident. Aging at 1300°F appears to cause the area immediately adjacent to the weld fusion line to be particularly susceptible to hardening. Because of the pronounced hardening of the Hastelloy Alloy B welded Joints occurring at 1300°F, this temperature was used to determine the effect of time at the aging temperature. From the hardness profiles shown in Fig. 8, it can be seen that significant weld-metal hardening occurs in times as short as 24 hr. The hardness of the base metal and weld metal increases appreciably with increasing time at temperature until a VHN of 525 is obitained near the fusion line after 500 hr. A VHN of 275 was observed in this area in the as-welded condition. It will be noted that the hardness traverses of the aged specimens in Figs. 7 and 8 reveal a gradual increase in parent-metal hardness as the weld fusion line is approached. This hardness gradient in the specimens aged at 1300°F for 200 and 500 hr occurs over a distance of 0.7 in. or greater, which 1s considerably wider than the conventional heat-affected zone of the weld. This condition is a result of accelerated precipitation as shown in Fig. 9. A similar panorama of the material in the as-welded condition is shown in Fig, 10, | The precipitation gradient is thought to be attributable to the presence of plastic strain in the weldment created by the repeated heating and cooling of the base metal during the welding operation. The restraint provided by the thick hold-down plates was sufficient to inhibit free movement of the base metal, and a readily visible reduction in cross sectional area resulted. Un- published work at ORNL has indicated that wrought Hastelloy Alloy B containing a slight degree of cold work hardens very rapidly at these temperatures, with the amount of hardening occurring during a given time interval varying signifi- cantly with the amount of cold work. - 14 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR—-DWG 35055 500 l [ A@ (AGED 200 hl AT 13,02‘,F e % 400 \\& 5 = NAN ; 4 . AGED 200 hr AT 110\:& \\' 150 LN RS I 450 FUSION LINE VICKERS HARDNESS NUMBER (10 kg LOAD) TONI =] ‘ RN LI 1 t 1 X _ sl e N AGED 200 hr AT 1200°F B AGED 200 hr AT 1500°F N 300 g el at AS WELDED — - o 0 2 3 —_— e - 50 d - o 7 ’ x/'.,, ‘/fi, //‘// K . ",- 3 =—— WELD METAL ——=1{= PARENT METAL 200 - : f ! f T 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 DISTANCE FROM WELD CENTERLINE (in.) Fig. 7. Effect of Aging Temperature on Room-Temperature Hardness of Hastelloy Alloy B Welds. - 15 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—-LR—DWG 35056 550 500 l l ‘ - AGED 500 hr AT 1300°F ] 450 400 P 350 FUSION LINE | AGED 24 hr AT 1300 VICKERS HARDNESS NUMBER (10 kg LLOAD} 250 L4 weLpep | | % /;é%;lww/. > ——— WELD METAL | PARENT METAL | ] 200 0 01 0.2 0.3 04 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 DISTANCE FROM WELD CENTERLINE (in.) Fig. 8. Effect of Aging Time on Room-Temperature Hardness of Hastelloy Alloy B Welds. Weld 0.150-in. 0.300-in. 0.450-in. 0.600-in. Fusion-Line From Fusion-Line From Fusion-Line From Fusion-Line From Fusion-Line . 9 _}3’ \.5 'J; ] £ - - . = : - VT e - P = o T » 'f -flfl ""“*.‘3‘#&“’%““ e it - i 3 L] fl q:‘ E:l - PI P oXp, - vl : B ey J i A P . 3 . ) Keprrcn ™ e . L"b L oy - e boan] ‘-;." / ._‘:" e ;e - ¢ g 0 ' a* voar— f ;‘w'—t'.\, : g - / ol ) s - i ¢ 2 ar ' L T} TN kA ! L \ e ™ A oPor e . - g ' % { - & o TS| Badd T Sl | i : | - 9 ~ 'E'}‘finp..fl-'- iy ‘\1 ¥ = Ees oirrie & y \ - =9 [’ < :_ _ Wy M . by ; j § : - = _= ey "f"H *. : { b f o ok o 1 ! “ P e % -y - ' X . \ b el e AN =2 7y g . . X - * . e - ¥ s = & - B T 1 4 B & o w: = 5 r - | sl i ¥ = L - : i = F, ’ v & » \F "". ol L = G - o 5 ’ =t [0 v P s i e . A iy o' H:R t oo™ - i - e & - " . d o Al s 3 o= O v, o 5 BB B S L b % e o > I N oo \ Ly =y i - : " - . .u‘ = . lh A = "} . o i ? iy 'I‘Q oe 3 o ‘ T r b= ¥ o s kel - | . . * | = ’ A Y..# * - J | L — o =0, ¥ | T ' % ._.-1 Pt g = et =3 " . o -pf\i" b . ¥ o Lo 4 il ¥ NG T v g - O o ho i i f \ = el ' \ e L i § \ i, - ! i 3 i - M o L e -4 ‘-:- $ o @ 2 o —f'? o e ¢ 4 P . a (X A F L e £ . f w‘ *5. i = " e % tq'b? £ - )Iu_'.? 5 ‘-"F- v g g b"-“ - W n‘lrfi"’ o g * y > ‘ i g - ' \'r_'_ e e » A A - Y_ Y-27832 Y-27833 Y-27834 Y-27835 Y-27836 VHN 450-485 VHN 430-460 VHN 400-430 VHN 360-395 VHN 320-350 Fig. 9. Composite Showing Increasing Amount of Precipitate in Hastelloy Alloy B Parent Plate as Weld Fusion Line is Approached. Aging treatment — 200 hr at 1300°F. Weld Fusion-Line 0.150-in. From Fusion-line e - 0.300-in. From Fusion-Line 0.450-in, From Fusion-Line 0.600-in. From Fusion-Line R B 3 "]‘ / N W | ‘X f Y-28177 VHN 260-280 Y-28178 VHN 240-255 Flgs 105 in As-Welded Condition. Y-28179 VHN 230-245 1 L gl " = > N | | o ,..,.fl.{-"' =T g ¥ = L‘ e o otk & . - T —— = S At N\~ I3 -. RCAE kit == AT A\’ N " & - - e 5 5 ;-' - - N - 2 el S " T T_ ¥ ':: R g 'j Vo "-: : de- ) P fl v « %9 = \ i o - LN % I 0 N - o f = N Y Z 4\ be 5 SRS 5 - Bl e AN g o o ':.”A\' { e * 3 ‘1:-‘._ - b i -..-"i""'“" ¢ - \'u' __ \ 1 I \ £ h _I*--\"".-r::fi \ ‘ ] - * = -h-' v = .- 1 = 1 \ e A | . J = | ] bt — + I i, a - F -a = =3 \ T Ao _ / - e e =l i \ VL i - = | I | = }\. - - o { /ol & e v { | b, 7k I\t‘ = A\ 7 e ; | [~ i r — 1 e =0 i S ' - i T I Y e 4 r k"‘"—v H [ 3 — Jl" > P - & \ g S al gt J ~Es i ok Sl - 4 - i’. '5‘}-.!"' S h f __,". - _\—Ht . 5o L - ’ | gy = ™ x | - - - I . 1 e 5 L f i i - : g 8 e ~ I e “ f ' ‘/ qr b N — % w - & l': Ty T - e Y-28180 VHN 225-240 Composite Showing Microstructure of Hastelloy Alloy B Weldment No obvious precipitate can be seen. Y-28181 VHN 225-240 200X Etch-Cr. Regia - 18 - Some hardening of the Hastelloy Alloy B parent plate adjacent to the fusion line was also evident in the as-welded condition. This was attributed to cold work rather than to aging during welding, since two non-age-hardenable alloys, INOR-8 and Inconel, also revealed similar hardening characteristics as is shown in Fig. 11, Annealing of a welded joint for 1 hr at 1950°F prior to aging at 1300°F to accomplish stress relief and recrystallization eliminated the hardness gradient in the base metal, as shown in Fig. 12. The lower weld-metal hardness of the annealed-and-aged specimen was attributed partially to weld-metal homog- enization occurring during the annealing operation, as well as to stress relief of the weld deposit. Since the behavior of welds at a typical operating temperature of 1200°F was considered to be of prime importance, the effect of aging time at this temperature upon the weld metal-hardness was determined. The results are in- cluded in Fig. 13. They again indicate that extensive age hardening occurs, although to the lesser degree than that observed at 1300°F, Hastelloy Alloy W ~ The nickel-molybdenum—chromium alloy filler metal Hastelloy Alloy W also ages extensively in the temperature range 1100 — 1500°F, The influence of time at the aging temperature of 1200°F upon the room- temperature hardness of Hastelloy Alloy W weld metal is included in Fig. 13. It is evident that the extent of aging at this temperature is less than that noted for Hastelloy Alloy B. INOR-8 - Aging of INOR-8 weld metal at 1200°F did not result in an in- crease in hardness as is evident from the curve shown in Fig. 13. Traverses made on joints after aging for 200 hr at 1100, 1200, 1300, and 1500°F and for 1000 hr at 1200°F also revealed no hardening. After 1000 hr at 1200°F the Hastelloy Alloy B has reached a VIHN of hro, the Hastelloy Alloy W has reached a VHN of 360, while the INOR-8 maintains its as-welded VHN of 250, B. Boom—Temperature and Elevated-Temperature Tensile Studies The influence of aging at = typical reactor operating temperature of 1200°F upon the room-temperature mechanical properties of weld metal of the three alloys is shown in Fig. 14, The tensile strengths of the age-hardenable alloys Hastelloy Alloy B and Hastelloy Alloy W increase markedly by aging - 19 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35726 N o o 300 HASTELLOY ALLOY B 250 INOR-8 200 INCONEL T o WELD METAL , PARENT METAL VICKERS HARDNESS NUMBER (10 kg LOAD) o S o 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t.0 DISTANCE FROM WELD CENTERLINE (in.) Fig. 11. Hardness Traverses on Hastelloy Alloy B, INOR-8 and Inconel Welds in As-Welded Condition. VICKERS HARDNESS NUMBER (10 kg LOAD) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 Hastelloy Alloy B Welds. - 20 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35054 AGED 200 hr AT 1300°F AR T N \ \ N b \ ) > wl R \\\\ 3N %E \\\ o N J \7 ANNEALED 1{ hr AT 1950°F AND N _—AS WELDED ¢~ AGED 200 hr AT 1300°F ‘ o /' ‘ ! | = WELD METAL —— === 1 | PARENT METAL 1 0] 04 0.2 0.3 04 05 06 07 0.8 09 1.0 DISTANCE FROM WELD CENTERLINE (in.) Fig. 12. Effect of Annealing upon Aging Characteristics of - 21 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 34770 = 500 1 l l I § HASTELLOY ALLOY B o X Q / T 400 — S / | 3 P HASTELLOY ALLOY W 2 7 [ Ll 2 300 (el = f T INOR-8 a L) x QO S 200 ' 0 200 400 600 800 1000 TIME (hr) Fig. 13. Effect of Aging Time at 1200°F on Room-Temperature Hardness of Hastelloy Alloy B, Hastelloy Alloy W, and INOR-8 Weld Metal. 100 80 60 40 20 ELONGATICON IN {in. (%) 0 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 TENSILE STRENGTH {psi) 60,000 40,000 20,000 Fig. 14. Room-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy Alloy B, Hastelloy Alloy W, and INOR-8 Weld Metal in the As-Welded Condition and after aging at 1200°F. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 34774 DUCTILITY TENSILE STRENGTH : AS -WELDED =1 ] B AGED AT 1200°F | § FOR 200 hr Z AGED AT 1200°F Z FOR 500 hr Z 3/ 7 Z /] o HASTELLOY HASTELLOY INOR-8 ALLOY B ALLOY W - 23 - for 200 hr. Slight additional increases in the strengths are evident after aging for an additional 300 hr. The room-temperature ductilities, however, continue to decrease markedly with increasing time at temperature, with the elongation of Hastelloy Alloy B weld metal being reduced to 3% after aging for 500 hr at 1200°F. The INOR-8 alloy, on the other hand, shows very little change in the tensile strength or the ductility upon aging for extended periods at 1200°F. The tenslile properties of the three alloys at 1200°F are shown in Fig. 15. The tensile strength of the age-hardenable alloys increases with increasing time at temperature, and the ductility decreases. Again the Hastelloy Alloy B exhibits a ductility of 3% after aging for 500 hr. INOR-8, however, exhibits an increase in ductility, probably as a result of some carbide spheroidization or redistribution. C. Metallographic Studies Hastelloy Alloy B - The microstructure of Hastelloy Alloy B weld metal in the as-welded condition exhibits the presence of carbides in the grain bound- aries and between dendrites. Aging at 1200°F produces a very fine Widmanstatten- type precipitate which has tentatively been identified as the beta phase of the nickel-molybdenum binary diagram. This precipitate probably caused the extensive hardening of the material noted in the preceding discussion. A coarser and more general Widm#nstatten type of precipitation in the weld metal was noted upon aging at 1300°F. The extensive hardening of the base metal and weld metal noted upon aging at this temperature is also apparently associated with the beta phase, The hardening noted at 1500°F is due to the precipitation of an angular phase which, according to the nickel—molybdenum phase diagram, may be the gamma phase. A composite of the microstructures occurring from aging at these temperatures is shown at 200 X and 1000 X in Fig. 16. ‘Hastelloy Alloy W - The microstructure of Hastelloy Alloy W weld metal in the as-welded condition is shown in Fig. 17. Aging at 1200°F produced no precipitate visible under the microscope at 1000 X; however, the presence of a submicroscopic precipitate is postulated in view of the significant hardening and ductility decrease noted after exposure to this temperature for extended periods., Less precipitation than that observed in Hastelloy Alloy B would be - 24 - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—-LR—-DWG 34773 100 DUCTILITY 80 60 40 20 ELONGATION IN 4in. (%) 160,000 TENSILE STRENGTH 140,000 120,000 100, 000 80, 000 AS—-WELDED AGED AT 41200°F FOR 200 hr AGED AT 1200°F | FOR 500 hr TENSILE STRENGTH (psi) 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 =l - HASTELLOY HASTELLOY INOR-8 ALLOY B ALLOY W Fig. 15. Elevated-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy Alloy B, Hastelloy Alloy W, and INOR-8 Weld Metal at 1200°F in the As- Welded Condition and after Aging at 1200°F. 1 1 . r . - E {2 i P : Y "l =t NL 2 4 = u-'\e" ? 4 . j“ ‘ R :I‘ ¥ . X ‘{. '-talt'.- Y 7 ..'.rt- ¢ - ¥ ¥ e ‘e A, L G T - & e ¥ - ' - T L e ‘-"'l'*" f -\;’r e * = .fi = . : f :‘ - ¢, [ Rk 52 < %, fr }’,.h - l'p{_h" oF p L - Nge” el et g s LT RN AL AR ¥ S y ~ ! . ok T B e \ et s ~ E S 5‘,_ L1 # o V. f 2 W & N o _ A iy e e retel At 8 Ko R ¢ B el Vo - e 2, . S E- R Rl w f i - “ - 1."--* A "fi d" :- 'I'_,‘! fl-‘-:-t" flfu‘ 4 ; . ; s .'.'i. ‘.I’. 1 =l “fib. e l’kr e I' . - ; 1;“‘ -fii.‘ .;r K L 3 & h. ' o] ' ) &g ! e 0 R )u m.];wé.-fi‘rfl j . * mfl F & t"_ J- " \ S F r ". e e W Vo by fl& L e "'h"‘ 1 '3:* ¢ L £ ! " _"1 it -OI' “5 “1? !‘: e l‘z' 2 o &8 g 1_.' - fi a * sl‘-fl' | o ‘-__-_ .'.lgd f" L-i A -( ' fy A i A % 'l" - 4, =23 o "§ i f-!' P % ‘fl.. f v o £ b : * ST ,'t"‘ L . ....--»'J: g N =R ‘H r 5 fl w AN q" _d' 2 ! "" 3 j‘ 1 l; a '\ J .- Y & -'.a.p‘-‘-d' L < -\.1#;"_ | s i T ) J T " i TR T, % el s PR TR W A R sl ST RN - YWt N N PO 3 Sy 3 i d d o o £ g - . RSt ) TR e FHE G a0 F - W ‘f\ | VR eATEAS Sl w5 1":\(":'\' % . : S 3 ’_ t. - _: 'y = e Sy - i. " ] ‘.-\'l e, oW s 05t TR ol AN - e Yyans Ca e dr 1R y L AR T - g4 L NN » I O R T N e ) il Y-27646 Y-27648 Y-27847 Y-27658 = - o J\' . Y § % ,.J T+ ' v o 3 i % :- " Y-27647 Y-28223 Y-27655 Y-27657 As Welded 1200 F 1300 F 1500 F Fig. 16. Influence of Aging at Various Temperatures for 200 hr upon the Mierostrueture of Hastelloy B Weld Metal. Y-28738 200 X '58" 1000 X Etch-Cr. Regia e A g F o Y¥-27652 | ¥y, el o Ve 12 200 X l'fl/‘\ \ll * r‘ - o v, 5 s 0 ¥ . o i o M, gy & g 434 0 9 T :'f. 3 H\. ‘ - »12 BV A " . 2w ’ 4 el 4 1 v-27843 2 =4 A~ 1000 X Fig. 17. Etch-Cr. Regia Hastelloy Alloy W Weld Metal As-Welded. - 27 - expected, since the addition of chromium to nickel-molybdenum alloys tends to suppress the formation of the beta phase.19 Less precipitation might also be expected, since the molybdenum content of Hastelloy Alloy W is somewhat lower than that of Hastelloy Alloy B. INOR-8 -~ The microstructure of INOR-8 weld metal in the as-welded condition is shown in Fig. 18. The presence of extensive interdendritic and grain-boundary carbides is evident. Aging at 120C°F for times up to 1000 hr revealed no evidence of a precipitate. CONCLUSIONS Within the limits of this investigation, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The commercially available nickel-molybdenum alloy Hastelloy Alloy B and the nickel-molybdenum—chromium alloy Hastelloy Alloy W are readily weld- able by the inert-gas-shielded tungsten-arc process and exhibit no difficulties with regard to cracking and porosity. The room- and elevated-temperature mechanical properties of weld metal in the as-welded condition are adequate for molten~salt reactor service. 2. Hardness studies indicate that Hastelloy Alloy B weldments (weld metal and parent plate) are subject to significant age hardening during service in the temperature range 1100 — 1500°F, with the greatest hardening noted at 1300°F. The effect of aging at lEOO°F was studied extensively and was found to increase the room- and elevated-temperature tensile strength of weld metal, while severely decreasing the ductility. 3. An increased hardening in the parent metal of Hastelloy Alloy B wveldments adjacent to the weld was attributed to plastic strain in the weldment created during the welding operation. L. The precipitate observed in Hastelloy Alloy B welds and parent plate after aging at 1300°F and below has been tentatively identified as the beta phase of the binary nickel-molybdenum phase diagram, while that at 1500°F has been tentatively identified as the gamma phase. lgF“ H. Ellinger, loc, cit. .'" . :""r,‘-‘\ v L. » - + e '. ! - = . » t .‘-"'-v- ; ‘._-': '._' L‘. 5 F‘é - 1'-;' s b Py 0 e w - { -, . & r 4 Y ¥ - - :._V‘). - i ':'.l ? & "" .« " r- . i -~ o aa { ‘-"' ’i-'- * v r' k‘ - - fl -l- = e ‘\.‘ w v - Bk o 2 4% RSN e e il W8 P ey TN o T 2 f y = ‘.‘r . Y e o g GNE T 8.5 ¢ .‘\;‘fll"‘u 1 - o < - L "~ ,I’ o -'l / _;~\7 ‘-'_ ‘:‘_‘ =1 # 5 3 » b . . ' ot e "-# L . Yy 2 “. e "'/'." 7, sug .4,"' € v S - Al T B T R e i R S "?'— f'_ -l - . = o :“ -h 5 - g ’\r" .'f:_ .." ry . . ‘-... e e *-'. b K o> ¥ ?.. ""H- Vo A o 2 1iE 5 .,‘ \f' -'. ?‘ a ~® (r. ."" - a1 " " i E . '." o, | 1 . Y f" - = A " ) Ji:' ‘-‘.'r.* "'\--1-— S - -:: L LR e e L e Y.26640 i ' - o -. fl fl ’- *{ P - . . . * - e . }_‘_' ' - --.!-. 1‘: B gl o :*—Jt\ 200 X Y-28005 1000 X Fig. 18. Etch-Cr. Regia INOR-8 Weld Metal As-Welded. - 29 - 5. Hastelloy Alloy W weld metal is also subject to age hardening at elevated temperatures, but to a lesser extent at 1200°F than Hastelloy Alloy B. Age hardening raises its room- and elevated-temperature tensile strength and decreases its ductility significantly. The hardening at 1200°F is attributed to a submicroscopic precipitate. 6. A non-age-hardenable nickel-molybdenum—chromium alloy which was developed by the ORNL Metallurgy Division and designated as INOR-8 is readily weldable. The weld metal possesses acceptable mechanical properties at room temperature and at 1200°F, This alloy is now commercially available. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution of T. R. Housley of the Engineering and Mechanical Division, under whose direction the weld-test-plate fabrication was conducted, and of R. G. Shooster of the Welding and Brazing Group, for his general assistance in test-plate fabrication, specimen preparation, and hardness measurements. They also wish to acknowledge the contribution of C. W. Dollins of the Mechanical Testing Group in obtaining the mechanical property data and of L. A. Amburn of the Metallography Section for the metallographic contributions to this investigation. kg, 5. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 6L, - 31 - INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION C. E. Center Biology Library Health Physics Library Central Research Library Metallurgy Library Reactor Experimental Engineering Library Laboratory Records Department . Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. - A. M. Weinberg . L. B, Emlet (K-25) J. J. . Murray (Y-12) Swartout Taylor Shipley Nelson Jordan Keim Livingston Dickison Lind Culler Snell ollaender . Kelley Morgan . Lane . Householder . Harrill B, Winters S. Blllington BE. Seagren Phillips J. Miller A. Charpie . F. Leitten » G. Bohlmann M. J. Skinner J. I. Pederer J. C. Wilson B. S. Borie G. W. Clark H. G. MacPherson F. C. VonderLage A. L. Boch = -'IH.—'O'.JUU.)"U.'I:L—'U-'IIP"U REPPHOYD QD2 H mmbpem L‘flo’JUbU!IICIOQbQ . BE. J. Breeding 66, 67. 68. 69. 70. 71, 72, 3. Th. T5. 6. e 78. 9. 80. 81. 82. 83. 8L, 85 » 86. 87. 88. 89, 90. 91-125, 126. 127. 128. 129, 130. 131. 132. 133. 13k, 135, 136, 137. 138. 139-158. 159 o 160, 161, 162. 163. =2 o e G. J' A. J. E. J. W. Je G. J. E. By e = » Nl el NN o = I | W. R. H. G. Je H. C. H. ORNL-2760 Metallurgy and Ceramics TID-4500 (14th ed.) Whitman Scott . Gilliland Litman Tackett . Kucera, . Miller Smith Frye, Jr. . Manly . Cunningham . Adamson Allen Beaver Bomar « Clausing Coobs DeVan Doney Douglas . Franco-Ferreira mmPflEHUMOOQEWQHU = > « J. Gray . P. Hammond . L. Heestand Hikido R. Hill . BE. Hoffman - Inouye K. Jetter J. McHargue Patriarca L. Picklesimer K. Roche D. Schaffer P. Smith . Taboada C. Thurber C. Waugh L. Yakel M. Slaughter H. Koenig (consultant) Leidheiser (consultant) S. Smith (consultant) A. Wilhelm (consulteant) ORNL - Y~12 Technical Library, Document Reference Section - 32 - EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 164, Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO 165-166. D. E. Baker and Ersel Evans, GE, Hanford 167-168. M. J. Whitman and J. Simmons, Engineering and Development Branch, AEC, Washington 169-65%, Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 (1kth ed.) under Metallurgy and Ceramics category