—~ G 3 4Y45kL 03L1L388 2 ORNL-2749 Reactors-Power TID-4500 (14th ed.) SOLUBILITY RELATIONS AMONG RARE-EARTH FLUORIDES IN SELECTED MOLTEN FLUORIDE SOLVENTS DOCUME‘NT COLLECTION g ,, I.IBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone else ATy thns A LT TY TS R LR s L3 " _cm_d__ Ty hbr_c_ry IR Tede Lol OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION o e St e ST Off[cg of Techmcol Servu:es . Deporfmenf of. Commerce_, S Woshlngfon 25 ‘D.C. . _LE(;AL 'N'oflcs = This report was prepared asan occount of Government sponsored ‘work. Neliher fhe Umfed Sfofes, ‘ nor the Commission, nor: any person. uchng on behul! of the Cammlss:on. . - A. Makes any warranty. or represenfohon expressed or lmplled wflh respeci to 1|'le accurucy, . completeness, or usefulness of the.. |nformahon contained. m fl'ns report, B thuf the use ‘of any information, apparafus,, mafhod Jor process dlsclosed |n thls report moy not. lnfrlnge' privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respecf to the use of or for dumages resu[h'ng from 1'|'|e use of any |nformahon, apparatus, methed, of process dusclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person octing on behalf of the Commission"’ |no|ud_fes .un;y em.p'lo)'ree or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee’ or contractor of 1|1e Commission, or employee of such contractor . prepares, diseeminotes, or - provides access to, any information’ pursuanf to his employment or. contract with the Commcssmn, or his employment with such contractor. e i B Troe AN T T it Ty B Bt ewisfins Db WS tTP BTG St ok e ORNL-2749 Reactors-Power TID-4500 (14th ed.) Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 REACTOR CHEMISTRY DIVISION SOLUBILITY RELATIONS AMONG RARE-EARTH FLUORIDES IN SELECTED MOLTEN FLUORIDE SOLYENTS -DATE ISSUED 0CT 131959 OAK RiDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Ook Ridge, Tennessee operated by : UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION s for the [ U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ' MARTIN MAR (R T . C e - . . . - e Y T R A T e T - : . . . + vt . .t : a o ’ . . 4 1 . ' . . CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solubilify of Single Rare-Earth Fluorides ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solubility of Rare-Earth Fluorides as Functions of Composition .......c.uienenmnenincninnns Solubilities of Mixed Rare-Earth Fluorides in Lil:-Ber-UI:4 (62.8-36.4-0.8 Mole %) .......................................................................................................................................... Additional Data Pertinent to a Solid-Solvent Extraction of Rare-Earth Poisons.....cccceuuunnne. Appendix —~ Solubility Data for Cel:3 in Yarious Solvents -------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUBILITY RELATIONS AMONG RARE-EARTH FLUORIDES IN SELECTED MOLTEN FLUORIDE SOLVENTS W. T. Ward R. A. Strehlow W. R. Grimes G. M. Watson ABSTRACT Solubility measurements of rare-earth and yttrium fluorides have been made in various solvents containing zirconium or beryllium fluoride with certain alkali-metal fluorides, and in some cases uranium fluoride, present. Tests have been performed which pertain to the development af a method of removal of rare earth fluoride nuclear poisons from certain mixtures of interest to the Molten Salt Power Reactor Program. The method is shown to be effective in several concentration ranges. INTRODUCTION Rare-earth fission products formed in a reactor fueled with a circulating molten fluoride solution may be expected to account for significant neutron loss. Appreciation of this fact has motivated studies of solubilities which would be pertinent to the design and operation of such a reactor. The feasibility of several processes in which rare earths could be extracted from molten fluoride solutions depends substantially on the solubility relations among the rare-earth fluorides. This same information also is of interest with regard to the maintenance of homogeneity of the fuel, since precipitation of a rare-earth fluoride in the fuel circuit of the reactor might interfere with its satis- factory operation. This report presents some of the data obtained on the solubilities of LaF,, CeF,;, SmF,, and YF, in solvents containing sodium fluoride and zirconium fluoride and in others containing beryl- lium fluoride with lithium or sodium fluoride. Two.. specific uranium-containing compositions which -are potentially useful in a molten-fluoride- fueled reactor have been selected. In addition, a sufficient variety of non-uranium-containing solvents have been chosen to assure that the solubility relations among this selection of rare- earth fluorides would be adequately known. This is a continuation of work reported earlier! con- cerning a solvent of composition NaF-ZrF ,-UF, "W. T. Ward e al., Solubility Relations Among Some Fission Product Fluorides in NaF-ZrF4-UF4 (50-46-4 mole %), ORNL-2421 (Jan. 15, 1958). (50-46-4 mole %). The same radiotracer technique was used for the present work. RESULTS Solubility of Single Rare-Earth Fluorides The solubilities of CeF,, LaF,, and SmF; meas- ured in the solvent, LiF-BeF,-UF, (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %), are shown in Fig. 1 along with the cor- responding results from the earlier work. Although the solubility levels of these solutes in the LiF- BeF,-UF , solvent mixture are considerably lower than in the NaF-ZrF ,-UF, composition, they are still adequate to assure that precipitation of the rare-earth fluorides would not be inimical to re- actor operation at probable burnup rates for about four or five years.? A second feature of the data is the closer approximation of the data for the beryllium-containing solvents to a straight line on the plot of log solubility vs T~!, which may be interpreted as implying a lower degree of in- teraction in the solution between solute and solvent cations. This approach to ideality of the solute in the beryllium system would not be ex- pected to affect the feasibility of a solid solvent extraction process, since both the substituting ion [presumably Ce(lll)] and the extracted ions [e.g., Sm(I11)] would behave similarly. For comparison, the solubility of YF,, along with that of CeF, is shown in Fig. 2 for a single NaF-BeF, composition (61-39 mole %). From these results it may be inferred that the same qualitative 2Molten Salt Reactor P}ogram Status Report, ORNL- 2634, p 234 (Nov. 12, 1958). UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 31423R | IN NaF-2rR,-UF, (50-46~4 mole %) l I PROBABLY UNSATURATED SmF. ‘ 3 YFy Sm F3 CeF3 La F3 SOLUBILITY {mole %) IN LiF-BeFp-UF, (62.B-36.4- 0.8 mole %} 9 0+ N 12 13 14 15 16 10,000/ 7 (°K) Fig. 1. Solub‘llity of Some Fission-Product Tri- fluorides In Molten Fluoride Fuels. order of solubilities exists for the rare-earth fluo- rides in these solvents as was observed in the NaF-ZrF ,-UF, (50-46-4 mole %) and LiF-BeF,- UF, (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %) solvents. This de- crease in solubility with increase in the size of the trivalent solute cation is probably related to an as yet unmeasured trend of the heats of fusion of the trifluorides. " Solubility of Rare-Earth Fluorides as Functions of Composition Figure 3 shows that the presence of UF, in small amounts does not affect the rare-earth solu- bility greatly. The proportion of alkali-metal fluo- ride to BeF, or ZrF ,, however, has a considerable effect. : o Several experiments were performed to determine the solubility of a typical rare-earth fluoride, CeF, in various solvents in each of the systems UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39655 0.8 c6 0.4 0.2 < RARE-EARTH FLUCRIDE IN FILTRATE (mole %) 04 0.08 0.086 0.04 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 10,000/ 7 (°K}) ' Filg. 2. Solubllity (mole %) of YF3 and of CeF, in NaF-Ber (61-39 mole %). NaF-ZrF ,, LiF-BeF,, NaF-BeF,, and LiF-NaF- BeF,. Figures 4 to 6 show the graphically inter- polated solubilities in the selected compositions in the four systems for several temperatures. Data from which these curves were obtained are listed in the Appendix. Figure 7 displays the 600°C isotherm for the solubility of CeF, in the three solvent systems containing beryllium. These curves indicate the magnitude of the solvent interaction, which is apparently less in the LiF-BeF, system than in those containing NaF. The solubilities exhibit minima in each case at compositions near 37 mole % BeF,. These minima appear to occur at slightly higher BeF, concentrations at higher temperatures (Figs. 5 and 6). ' Solubilities of Mixed Rare-Earth Fluo_rides in LiF-Ber-UF4 (62.8-36.4-0.8 Mole %) Rare-earth fluorides form solid solutions with each other. However, they apparently do not form solid solutions with the fuel solvent components. These facts, coupled with the strong temperature dependence of their solubilities, suggest that a solid-solvent extraction might be a feasible method UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- LR-DWG 39656 4 . 2 v ' X o £ o\ E o8 X {0 & 06 @, 5 R T z ‘% m 5 04 ‘% \Y 0.2 SOLVENT COMPOSITION {mole o} © 61.6 LiF, 38.4 BeF,, O UF, ® 60.45 LiF, 38.3 BeF,, .25 UF, - A 61.5LiF, 36.6 BeF,, 1.9 UF, 0.4 | | | 8 9 10 1" 12 13 14 10,000/7 (°K}) Fig. 3. Effect of UF, on Solubllity of CeF; in LIF- Ber (62-38 mole %). Solvent composition calculated from filtrate analyses (average values). for substituting a low-cross-section rare earth (e.g., Ce) for the high-cross-section ones (e.g., Sm). For a thermal reactor the differences in poisoning between Ce and, say, Sm are large. The advantages from the standpoint of neutron economy of such a scheme are, consequently, great. The advantage of this type of extraction for an intermediate- or fast-neutron reactor is con- siderably less. In the consideration of any of the extraction schemes which are based on the substitution of an innocuous rare-earth fluoride for a high-cross-section one, the required data include the solubility behavior of mixed rare-earth fluo- rides. Such information will allow the single-stage equilibrium distribution to be calculated. The solubilities of selected pairs of rare-earth fluorides in LiF-BeF ,-UF , (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %) have been determined, with substantially the same techniques as those reported earlier.! In the earlier work it was shown that the pairs LoFs- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39657 i 10 | 9 ! 8 ! 7 5 \ E s 1 E \\ 800°C . \ = \ 675°C T \ | / \ \ . A \\‘ ] 4550 \ / /. \\ / | \\; /‘ / / /8 2 o 0 10 20 30 40 . 50 60 Zrf, IN SOLVENT (mole 7o) ' Flg.‘ 4. Solubllity of CeFa_ in NuF-ZrF4 Solvents. CeF, and CeF,-SmF, form solid solutions and behave in fairly predictable ways. The equation representing a single equilibrium stage for the extraction of a poison (e.g., SmF,) from the solvent by a solid (e.g., CeF,) is CeF3(ss) + SmFa(d‘) = Ce.FB(d) + SmF3(.'ss') , where (d) indicates that the rare-earth fluoride is dissolved in the solvent, and (ss) that it is in solid solution. With suitable restrictive con- ditions the equilibrium constant for this reaction can be shown to be approximately equal to .a UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39658 " BeF, IN SOLVENT (mole %) . 2.4 H LiF - BeF, SOLVENT | NaF -BeF, SOLVENT 2.2 2.0 700°C 1.8 700°C 1.6 \ / ° ° 52 44 — o — 7 o ® o o g / O o9 / 5 1.2 a 5 z / .2 ® " 8 1.0 // /o 0.8 e . \soo°c ‘\ o A o' / 0.6 / \ / : \«/L 600°C / 0.4 ' A/{A /c/ X D,fi O/ » 02 w0~ 500°C p}x{ ‘ o7 500°C 0 . 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 BeF, IN SOLVENT (mole %) Fig. 5. Comparison of CeF3 Solubllity (mole %) In LIF-BeF2 and In NaF-Ber.' 60 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39659 GREATER THAN 4% mole %o AT 650°C 0.5 0.2 CeF3 IN FILTRATE (mole %) 0.05 0.02 ‘NaF ~LiF 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 8eF, IN SOLVENT (mole To) Fig. 6. Solubility (mole %) of CeF, In NaF-LIF-BeF, Solvents. simple solubility ratio:! NeoF (d) VsmF Seor ceF ,(d) "SmF4(ss) " CeFg4 K: = ; NSmF3(d) NCeFa(.ss) ng F3 where N is the mole fraction of the given species in the specified phase and $° is the mole fraction of the given species_ in a saturated solution in the absence of the other rare-earth fluoride, all at the same temperature. The results of equilibrating CeF3-LaF3-so|ven'r of several different compositions are shown in Fig. 8. For the three relative com- positions of CeF3-LaF used as solutes, the total rare-earth solubility in virtually every case fell between the solubilities of the pure rare-earth fluorides. Figure 9 shows the corresponding re- sults with one mixed composition in the CeF - mixtures UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39660 ® LiF-BeF, - O Lif — NaF -BeF, A NoF-BeF, 2 N\ea p 3 o8 N - / £ r l}"_J \ \‘ ./ /A 3 \ 4 pai H os e, e T \\\ . = \ e A < \ Ne~” o, s A // S oa \ '/ \,_+ A 0.2 . : 20 30 40 50 60 BeF, IN SOLVENT {male %) Fig. 7. Comparison of CeF, Solubility {mole %) in 'LiF-BeF,, In LIF-NaF-BeF,, and in NaF-BeF, at 600°C. ‘ SmF ;-solvent system. These results are con- “sistent with those observed for the NaF-Zer-UFd (50-46-4 mole %) solvent.! Table 1 shows the calculated extraction coefficients along with those based on the experimental results for the CeF .- LaF, system. Although the estimated values are somewhat poorer than in the earlier work, the present data appear' to be entirely adequate for practical purposes. A possibility existed that AIF, might offer some advantage as the solid extractant in view of its lower cost and neutron cross section. Solubility measurements of AIF, in the same LiF-BeF ,-UF, solvent indicated that the solubility increases with the amount of AIF, added. The data presented in Fig. 10 show also that the addition of CeF, de- creases the AIF_ solubility somewhat. The pre- cipitating phase is probably 3LiF-AlF, (ref 3). Figure 11 shows that the solubility of CeF, is somewhat higher in the presence of AlF, than in 3P, P. Fedotieff and K. Timofeeff, Z. anorg. w allgem. Chem. 206, 266 (1932). UNCL ASSIFIED ' UNCLASSIFIED 4 ORNL—-LR- DWG 39664 ORNL—~LR—-DWG 39662 I I { 4 - CALCULATED TOTAL COMPOSITION {mole %) © 1.80 CeFy, NO LaFy 1.82 CeFy, 0.78 LaFy A 185 Cefy, 2.27 LaFy , \ 183 CeFy, 330 LaFz \ ® NO Cefy, 2.20 LoFz ~ > \ » ” o ™ rd v o ™ L~ L~ & 7 - vd / . \\ \ TOTAL RARE-EARTH FLUORIDE IN FILTRATE {mole %) o N A TOTAL RARE-EARTH FLUORIDE IN FILTRATE {(mole %) o N © Ny . 7 Z SmFy ONLY (NO CeF3 PRESENT) N CeFy ONLY (NO SmFy PRESENT) SUM OF SOLUBILITIES WHEN BOTH ARE PRESENT (TOTAL COMPOSITION: 2.83 mole % Cefy, 01 . . - 2.22 mole %o SmFz) 9 10 1 12 13 . 14 0.1 : : . L 10.000 / 7 (°K) 9 10 11 12 13 14 ’ 10,000/7 (°K) - [ 2 = v] Fig. 8. Solubllity of CeFé and of Lc:F3 (Separatel* Fig. 9. Solubility of CoF 5 and of SmF 4 (Separately and Mixed) in LIF-Ber-UF4 (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %). ond Mixed) in LiF-BeF,-UF , (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %). Table 1. Extraction Coefficients for the Process CeF3(ss) + LuF3(d) = CeF3(d) + LaF3(ss) in LiF-BeF ,-UF , (62.8-36.4-0.8 Mole %) - i : 0 0 K* SCeF.”SLaF Temperature (°C) 3 3 - 1.82 Mole % CeF3, ~ 1.85 Mole % CeF3, 1.83 Mole % CeF3,. ' 0.78 Mole % LaF ,** 2.27 Msle % LaF ;** 3.30 Mole % LaF ,** 70 w4 0.97 . 1.55 BRI 600 1.15 1.18 1.82 - 1.38 500 1.09 1.52 2.28 - .68 NCer(d) NLaF3(s's) Koo T ' NL_.an(d) NCeF3(s§) **Total composition in container. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 39663 20 10 4 0 \; \“ ™ . B AN > . Po \\ ~. 3 | 6 & N 3 ] £ . o* * N z 4 . s N\ _g_ \\. > N 2 3 ® FIRST EXPERIMENT: CALCULATED TOTAL Al CONTENT 5 | INSYSTEM=4.1wt% - i 4 SECOND EXPERIMENT: CALCULATED TOTAL Al CONTENT IN SYSTEM =104 wt % O SECOND EXPERIMENT: AFTER ADDING 11.8 wi % CeFy TO SYSTEM 9 10 1 12 13 14 10,000/7 (°K} Fig. 10. Solubility of AIF3 in LIF-BeF,-UF, (62.8- 36.4-0.8 mole %). ' : its absence, probably due to a change in solvent similar to that seen above upon addition of BeF,. As a consequence of this behavior, it is clear that AlIF, cannot be used as a solid extractant for rare earths. Additional .Dcn‘a Pertinent to a Solid-Solvent Extraction of Rare-Earth Poisons In addition to determining the single-stage equi- librium extraction coefficients, it is necessary to know something of the rate of reaction of dis- solved rare earth with solid extractant and to know whether trace amounts of rare earth would be ex- tracted as predicted. A simple isothermal experi- ment was performed at 500°C which used unlabeled LaF; as solid extractant for 0.15 wt % CeF (tracer labeled) dissolved in LiF-BeF, (63-37 mole %). An amount of LaF, equal to about four times the amount necessary to saturate the solu- tion was added. One minute after the addition, the CeF ; content in the liquid phase had dropped to 0.04 wt % and 5 min later (when the second filtrate UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR—DWG 395664 % 1 AN \ g o8 \ \\ o \ \ < N\ N\ 0.6 z LN N\ 0.2 1 ® SOLVENT: LiF - Bef,—~UF,— AIF; (52.5-30.4- 0.7 — {6.4mole %) {CALCULATED TOTAL COMPOSITION EXCLUDING CeFy) . .| © SOLVENT: Lif -BeF,~UF, (62.8— 36.4- 0.8 mole 7). O" 1 1 1 1 - 9 10 i1 t2 13 14 10.000/7 (°K) ) Fig. 11. Effect of AIF, on Selubility of CeF,. . was taken) it had dropped to the equilibrium value of 0.03 wt %. ' _ To determine whether trace amounts of rare-earth fluorides would behave as predicted, a polythermal experiment was carried out in which solid CeF3 (unlabeled) was added in two increments to LiF- Ber-UF4 (62.8-36.4-0.8 mole %) in which was dissolved 0.0795 wt % SmF3_(fracer labeled). The results of this experiment are shown in Table 2. The really excellent agreement with the calculated amounts of SmF, indicates that trace amounts of rare-earth poisons act in an essentially predictable manner. o . An initial attempt at performing a solid-solvent extraction was made in which LaF, was packed in a horizontal column as the solid extractant for dissolved CeF in LiF-BeF2 (63-37 mole %). The solution was saturated with L_aF3 and then forced Table 2. Removal of Traces of SmF 5 by Addition of CeF; to LiF-BeF,-UF , (62.8-36.4-0.8 Mole %) Total Rare-Earth Rare-Earth Fluoride (wt %) Filtrate in Filtrates Fluoride {wt %) in T ' System (calc.) smpsTaTure a SmF3 ys . . ) C) CeF3 ; CeF3 SmF3 Observed Predicted Before CeF, addition 0 0.0795 749 0.0795 First CeF 5 addition 2.12 0.0778 695 2.1° 0.0750 2.12 0.0780 580 2.1¢ 0.0757 2.12 0.0781 487 0.90 0.0542 0.0471 Second CeF3 addition 10.1 0.0731 736 8.34 0.0662 0.0662 10.2 0.0735 587 2.57 0.0397 0.0300 10.7 0.0757 492 0.96 0.0262 0.0131 %Determined in a separate experiment; disregards effect of small amount of SmF 4 in system, b . . Calculated from relationship NSmF “Unsaturated. by gas pressure through the column. The CeF, concentrations of four successive effluent liquid samples are shown below: Starting material Effluent sample No. 1 . No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Concentration (ppm) 1000 80 50 30 30 3ld) ~ 0 S SmFa 0 CeF NSmFa(ss) NCeF3(ss) N . The drop in CeF, content of successive samples is probably related to a change in flow rate as the column filled with liquid. The thirtyfold reduction in CeF 5 concentration obtained for this experiment indicates that quite large decontamination factors may be ultimately achieved. | Appendix SOLUBILITY DATA FOR C0F3 IN YARIOUS SOLYENTS Table A. 1. Solubilities of CeF 4 in NaF-ZrF, Solvents of Yarious Compositions at Three Temperatures Average Analyzed | 5°"’e'(‘r:j:"‘;)‘f‘“i°" » Molecular Weight (g/mole) | Solubility (mole %) of CeF ,** — o of Solvent Mixture | ArsseC At 675°C At 800°C 42 58 114.6 3.0 8.2 10.3 50 50 1045 212 3.0 44 53 47 100.9 1.64 2.37 3.9 59 41 93.3 0.56 0.62 1.61 63 37 _ 88.4 ‘ 0.26 0.44 .07 80.5 - 19.5 66.4 \ | | ’ 47 *10.5, **Graphically interpolated. Table A. 2, Solubillfy of CeF3 in LiF-Ber Solvents BeF, CeF, BeF, ~ CeF, in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate (mole %)* ' cc) {mole %) (mole %)* cc) I (mole %) 24.4 766 >1.8%* 37.3 720 1.50 ' 722 >1.8%* 643 0.73 681 >1.8%* 556 0.31 623 1.35 ' 467 . . 0.108 600 1.10 40.7 704 . 1.29 28.5 : 733 2.04 627 0.68 648 1.44 - 544 © - 0.286 573 0.67 476 0.128 510 0.207 43.3 723 1.64 32.5 740 1.57 - 612 0.62 666 1.15 508 0.219 586 0.55 . 425 0.082 513 0.232 46.2 717 1.76 34.5 734 2.13 ~ 655 1.00 729 1.79 632 0.79 662 1.00 ' 511 0.27 656 0.92 412 0.094 566 0.34 48.4 726 1.80 556 0.32 615 0.83 476 0.127 ' 501 0.284 474 0.123 407 0.105 *From chemical anclyses of filtrates. **Not saturated. Table A.3. Solubility of CeF3 in NaF-'Ber Solvents B.eF CeF BeF ‘ CeF in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate (mele %)* C) (mole %) (mole %)* C) ‘ (mole %) 23.9 794 >3.3% 38.6 676 0.55 768 >3.3* 596 0.256 744 >3.3* 516 0.155 714 >3.3* 425 0.060 29.7 742 2,71 41.1 749 1.14 684 1.99 668 0.56 613 0.98 , 584 0.258 32.2 748 1.96 503 0.133 | s34 103 423 O 0.062 617 0.51 46.0 738 1.39 35.5 763 1.41 668 0.72 616 0.312 513 0.232 537 0.134 429 0.134 | 463 0.065 52.5 733 1.73 37.5 752 1.24 . - 678 1.21 673 0.62 589 0.64 527 0.116 405 0.175 440 0.054 | *From chemical analyses of filtrates. k **Not saturated. [V L T e Table A. 4. Solubility of CeF3 in LiF-Nch-BeF2 Solvents (LiF-NaF Eutectic, 60-40 Mole %, + BeF, Shown) BeF2 CeFa BeF2 CeF3 in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate in Solvent Temperature in Filtrate (mole %)* °C) (mole %) . (mole %)* C) {mole %) Nonhe 778 >4,5%* 31.5 743 2.41 732 >4.5%* 648 1.04 712 >4,5% 544 " 0.380 671 >4.5%* 449 0.085 4.0 806 >4.5%* 366 0.029 750 >4,5%* 34.9 738 1.47 707 >4,5%* 653 0.65 654 >4.5%* 546 0.207 10.4 790 >4.5%* 453 0.075 748 >4.5%* 357 0.027 692 > 4.5%* 41.4 751 150 669 >4,5%* 640 0.52 12.2 803 > 4.5+ 37 0.192 2 754 5 4.5%4 453 0.085 202 S 4,54 364 0.035 664 >4,5%* 45.2 716 1.29 642 >4.5%* 623 0.57 21.2 796 >4.5%* 522 0.241 762 >4.5%* 440 0.112 716 >4.5% 359 0,054 687 >4.5%* 51.2 736 1.99 652 3.86 641 0.91 613 2.30 542 0.398 22.9 728 > 2.40%* 446 0.176 692 > 2.40%* 358 0.085 666 >2.40** 56.2 727 2.45 658 >2,40** 638 1.26 634 2.04 529 0.50 614 1.73 443 0.249 599 1.28 363 0.142 580 0.88 *From chemical analyses of filtrates. **Not saturated. 11 VPN AW Poobe bbb P B WW W W W W WWWOOWORNRMNMMODNNONNNNN 2 o et — o e o ad ey = CURUN SO 0SNG ROD ZOOPINTOROIN O 0BICORONEES EC-ME-PRO0OEQCYOE-TNEZAC-MZOEPOLSMP>PAMNO>AMOINTND > A0 O . M. Adamson . G. Alexander . A. Arehart . L. Bacarella E. Baker . G. Ball . Berggren . Berry . Bettis . Biggers . Billings Billington . Blankenship . Blizard lumberg . Boch . Bohlmann Bolt - . Borkowski . Bottenfield . Boudreau . Boyd . Bredig . Breeding Bresee . Briggs . Brown . Browning . Bruce Buchanan . Burch . Burchsted . Buxton . Campbell . Carr TOAR>OoXMPEermmN-—MoOoroovmuzzmew Mg ! . |. Cathers . E. Center (K-25) . A, Charpie H. Coobs . L. Culler H. DeVan . B. Emlet (K-25) . K. Ergen INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70, 71. 72, 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91, 92. PIEE-POPUEQOE-A-MAI-EIMEID-ZIONZIOOEPP>IOME->E-MP 0= ORNL-2749 Reactors-Power TID-4500 (14th ed.) . Estabrook . Ferguson . Fraas . Franco-Ferreira Frye, Jr. . Gall . Gresky . Gregg . Grimes Guth S. Harrill W. Hoffman Hollaender O 40T >» 9vmX . S. Householder H. Jordan . W. Keilholtz P. Keim . T. Kelley . Kertesz . Kinyon . Lackey Lane . Livingston . MacPherson . Manly . Mann . Mann . McDonald . McNally Metz . Milford . Miller . Miller . Morgan . Murray (Y-12) . Nelson . Nessle . Osborn ACrINENUD-AProo0rPm=s . Patriarca . M. Perry . Phillips M. Reyling T. Roberts . T. Robinson . W. Savage . W. Savolainen 13 14 93. J. L. Scott 162, 94. H. E. Seagren 163. 95. E. D. Shipley 164. 96. M. J. Skinner 165. 97. A. H. Snell 166. 98. E. Storto 99. J. A. Swartout 167-216. 100. A. Taboada 217. 101. E. H. Taylor 218-219, 102. R. E. Thoma 220. 103. D. B. Trauger 221. 104. F. C. VonderLage 222. 105-159. G. M. Watson 223. 160. A. M. Weinberg 161. M. E. Whatley ! s 5 i EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 224. F. C. Moesel, AEC, Washington 225. Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO n ¥ Sy’ G. D. Whitman G. C. Williams C. E. Winters J. Zasler ORNL - Y-12 Technical Library, Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Department Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. Central Research Library Bi'olog‘y Library Health Physics Library Metallurgy Library _ Reactor Experimental Engineering Library 226-813. Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 (14th ed.) under Reactors-Power category (75 copies - OTYS)